#ANON THANK YOU SO MUCH i love overthinking about my faves
sunhated-a · 6 months
Okay I got more questions…. (hope I’m not annoying you in any way. I’m the same guy who asked the nihilists question.)
This is more directed to muzans canon backstory.
So a observation, since one of narcissisms root causes is also being emotionally neglected as a child, i think that muzan was never giving enough emotional attention by his parents or anyone really.
But did he ever think about his past and know that he was abused in someway? Or did he just surpass everything about his times as a human that aren’t useful? Or did he just ignore it since it was a long time ago and he thinks it doesn’t really matter at this point?.. or does he not care about it?
Hello anon, I'm glad to see you back! And please, don't worry about annoying me with questions like these, I adore them. They are a huge reason why I made this blog so feel free to come and ask anything whenever.
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NOW! To answer your question. For canon Muzan? I absolutely think you're onto something there. I don't know about diagnosing him with Narcissism as a personality disorder. NPD is a very complicated and extremely misunderstood disorder that should be approached with empathy and care. However! He does display some of the traits of what we colloquially call narcissism.
I think Muzan deludes himself into thinking that perfection is his own escape from his past. The way it reminds him of weakness, but the way that he forcibly makes his demons dependent on him does indicate a need to be needed, and his demands to be worshiped by them definitely comes across as someone who deeply craves attention, love and respect. To be seen as perfect in their eyes and nothing less. The way that lack of control over a situation or one of his demons will lead him into a rage, to the point that he is exacting and utterly merciless.
It all leads me to believe that he is deeply affected by his human life.
I went back to the extended flashback scene that we were given in the anime recently. And while Muzan did live in lavish conditions (especially for the time) and was surrounded by servants, we never actually saw any of his family members. We never really saw a scene between himself and his mother or father, or his siblings, or much of a relationship between him any anyone really. So it's not too much of a reach to say that he did suffer from emotional neglect, or some sort of abandonment. Which would explain his resentful and hateful feelings towards much of the world.
Now why he seemed to face this abandonment-- if at all-- is still up in the air. Maybe his parents just weren't sure how long he'd be alive for, maybe they didn't want to get attached, maybe they sucked, maybe they're dead. It could be a lot of factors there.
I think that while canon Muzan remembers his past with stunning clarity, he engages with it with the same cold logic he does with everything else. If he has some resentment towards his family, he doesn't seem to show it. Didn't even mention them whenever he narrated his own story.
I, however, think Muzan's past affects him deeply still. He just doesn't show it. Or at the very least, in an outward way. He's far too fixated on his future to really think back on his past, and the person that he once was. Maybe he isn't even aware of how neglect and abandonment has affected him because he shows a lack of introspection throughout the series, especially when it comes to his relationships to others.
But we do see him display a deep fear of abandonment at the end of the manga, which I won't get into detail to avoid specific spoilers, but if you know you know.
But it lends credence to the idea that Muzan never had any substantial relationships.
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onlyjaeyun · 4 months
oh my i was going through your little emojis that were in use and i just remembered that when i was an anon i would use the ♋️🩵. So user reveal that’s me hiii 👋. Still here promise ! Just not much of an anon anymore 😭
Anyways CH 18!!!! AAAASHHHJWJJEKEJENE is what came to mind when i read it. You writing from 12-4am DEDICATION and i aspire. Literally you writing at those hours gave me the motivation to get on my treadmill and do my workout. So thank you for that. I hope your pillow was the coldest most comfortable thing ever that night and forever and that you got enough rest 🥹🥹.
Now speaking about that chapter….
KAKEKEKNEMEMDMDMEI OH MY GOOODNESS 😱😱😱😱😱 literally me the whole time i was with my jaw on the floor clutching my pillow for dear life. The snippet of the fall out. I am seated 🪑 for that. I can’t wait for whenever you decide to drop that.
*sigh* Tsuki my girl fuck CH!Seung. I want her now 😩😩😩. Such a sweet soul and epitome of a girls girl. Love her she a fave love her wish nothing but the best hearts for Tsuki 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼.
The build up to the them getting down and dirty. Sunghoon sir you are BOLD. Everytime this man spoke my jaw would be an inch closer to the ground. Left me speechless in a good way.
The baby pet name drop 😭😭 like CH!YN better than me would have allowed this man do just about anything no questions asked 😊😊😊. The aftercare round of applause for this man 👏👏👏👏. 📣 WE SCREAMED WE CRIED WE CHEERED📣. This man already running laps around the entirely of SK to get the image of her in his shirt out his mind 🏃💨. Got him sweating, huffing and puffing at the thoughts. Like ain’t not way she giving that back to him. Once they get together he going to purposely leave his shit in her room so she can wear it. When she does and he sees her wearing it he going to be whining, moaning, and groaning at her but in reality he thrives of that shit. Loves to see her wear his clothes. Got him all giggly and what not 🤭🤭🤭
Lastly how can i forgot the kiss. That kiss is going to have both of them spiraling 🌀 i just know it. Like they going to brush it off for a bit but every time they see each other they get like heated at the fact that they want to kiss each other again.
thank you so so so so so much for these sweet words baby, they're everything to me like the fact you cuys are so appreciative and supportive really means a lot to me 🥺💗 and honestly i have only recently started writing so fast bc back when i had just started it took me so long but now i just write without overthinking too much, deffo recommend taht since ik a lot of my fellow writers go through the same struggles 😭
im so glad we all love CH!tsuki sm because she's really the cutest and sweetest babe ever and deffo one of my comfort characters in this fic she's SUCH a girls girl and it makes me so happy WE LOVE CH!TSUKI!!!!🥺💗
STOP YOURE SO FUCKING CUTE THANK YOU SM FOR SO MUCH LOVE ON CH.18 YOURE THE BEST THIS MADE ME GIGGLE SM😭😭😭💗 and your brain is so so sexy for the last part because FUCK yeah he would leave his stuff at her place and then get excited to see her in it but she'd pretend like she thought it's one of the other boys' just to see his reaction until he makes sure to fuck her in his clothes and make sure she knows not to fuck with him I LOVE THEM AND YOU SM 🤕🤕💗
ngl i am SO happy you guys loved the kiss as much as i do bc damn i was so sadni couldn't elaborate it further bc you know i would have gone full on romantic mood and had to hold myself back...sOON!!🤕
thank you sm for this baby, glad you decided to reveal yourself i always loved your asks sm 🥺
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particular-one · 1 year
Hi ☺️ can i pls get a match up for twst, genshin and haikyuu?
Hmm...for name, I'll go with 🐰 anon! I'll probably write to you from now using this emoji so be prepared for it hehe
she/her, prefers male results and my mbti is ✨️enfp✨️ (but you probs already guess that LOL)
Hmmm, im a bit shy at first (i got that typical rbf + im super tall so everyone is scared of me at first!) But once i warm up, im really just a big puppy hehe, super affectionate and loving, very caring and of course well mannered. I have a high standard for myself, and while i baby others, im really harsh with myself 😅 i try to get along well with everybody i meet but if i cant then ill just ignore them. If i tease someone then it's out of love hahaha. (Enemies to lovers who 👀 jkjk lol) I'm mature but sometimes a little playful when the mood allows for it but i definitely know when to be serious. Oh man, i really did ramble about myself hahaha, i hope you made it through that 😂
Hobbies: i like anything! My friends always call me up to hang out and i never say no. If theres something i really love though.....eating? Hahaha
In a romantic partner: loyalty!!!!!! I don't want to play guessing games on if they love me or not (omg suffering bc this prob eliminates all my problematic pretty faves LMAO). A little cat and mouse game is okay but at the end of the day, i give my whole heart to my lover so i want to trust that they'll take care of it without hurting me. I'm a biiiiit of an overthinker (read:runner) so someone who can hold it down for me when my ass starts acting up would be ideal. Im always taking care of others so i want someone who can dote on me! (Ummm say you want the princess treatment without saying you want the princess treatment much?? LOL) I'm also a big people pleaser and a pushover so someone who can remind me to not overwork myself, and maybe help put my foot down or stand up for me when im having trouble doing so would be really really....really nice 👉👈
Love languages: I'd like to receive acts of service! And as for giving.....i give all 😭 my leo placements make me treat my lover like royalty! I do want the princess treatment but it's only because I treat my man like a king 😤 (i hope that connotation wasn't overly suggestive, i promise that wasnt my intention hahaha) as for deal breakers: lying and cheating- that is a NO!!!
Thank you for reading this whole thing and thank you for doing this💕❣️
-your brand new 🐰 anon hehe
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hello 🐰 anon!! thanks for being the first matchup request <3 and i look forward to doing more future requests for you! hope you like your matchups! :]
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⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ malleus is used to being the only being that everyone in nrc is scared of, so seeing that you experience the same thing when meeting new people oddly puts him at ease that he isn't alone. though it took a while before the both of you would start conversing because malleus is unsure on how to approach you without scaring you like all the others, he really cherishes your relationship with him. he enjoys conversing with you, especially since your caring and affectionate attitude makes him feel a little less lonely. he also gets flustered when you tease him, unsure how else to respond! as a partner, malleus is very loyal to you. though it majorly stems from the fact that he does not like being left alone, he will sometimes follow you around silently as you do your activities, constantly checking up on you if you're alright. he also likes to impress you so he does his best to cook your favorite food, since you like eating! it's only a good thing he didn't enlist lilia's help for this. when he sees you burdening yourself again with even more work late at night, he stays up with you as company. there are even times where he offers to help you with it - if there was something he could do to help, he would jump on it so that he could see you just a tad bit more relaxed. malleus sometimes brings you out on late night walks when you're getting stressed with your work for some fresh air and relax for a bit with him.
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⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ thoma is the classic golden retriever, and your personality perfectly parallels with his! hence, he really likes spending time with you - at least, with the free time that he has. he's also big on compliments, so expect tons of praise from thoma! he's helped around with a bunch of tasks and activities with you by his side, so he knows exactly how you work, and admires just how hard you work. he wants to be just like that, if he were being honest. when the both of you are working on something together, you're honestly unstoppable - like ... literally. none of you would probably halt on working until you get things done, which just shows how well you work with one another. as a partner, thoma is, as mentioned, exactly like a golden retriever. he would drop anything he's doing to help you out when he can, and he even would go to lengths to make sure you're as happy as possible! he notices just how much you help others and constantly reminds you that you can rely on him (like a rock) if you needed anything. thoma is honestly a really romantic guy and likes to surprise you by pulling out all the stops (via his connections) to create surprises for you, like a quick dinner date that he cooked up! he's at his happiest when he sees you happily eating the food he cooked for you, he's sappy like that. oh! and he also brings you flowers and bought small items that reminded him of you.
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⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ oikawa was rather an unorthodox choice, considering how your personalities, at first glance, might clash. he wouldn't admit it, but oikawa was genuinely scared when he met you for the first time, your consistent rbf and height being plausible factors why. still, he was drawn to how you constantly helped everyone around you, and to his intrigue, he actually found some similarities between the both of you! the both of you get into teasing matches with no clear winner. though he did not get into a relationship with you immediately (read: oikawa was way too stubborn and in denial), he wouldn't trade it for the world. as a partner, oikawa might seem like the type who would flaunt you simply in public, but he praises you a lot in private too. though he has a lot of female fans, rest assured oikawa only has his eyes for you. he's also your biggest defender and would get into arguments with others just to make sure you're alright. he can be pretty straight with you too, so if he sees that you aren't taking care of yourself, he'd be the one to take matters in his own hands and find a way to get you to stop overworking. as ironic as that may be considering he overworks as well, but you also get him to stop constantly overworking so it's a balance! oikawa never forgets to get you your favorite snack - even if it's late after practice.
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leviathans-watching · 2 years
Hi!!! I love your writing so much and your most recent one is so pure 😫 So I have an idea/request that I’ve been hesitant to submit (bc I’m so shy and insecure and overthink lol) but here it goes: what if the demon bros, before they fell to the devildom, they were in the celestial realm and they used to date angel!MC (if dating was allowed in the celestial realm? Idk) and after the fall, they hadn’t seen them until the exchange program, where Angel!MC was one of the exchange students and they’re reunited?
Or this same thing but when they’re reunited, MC falls for another one of the brothers?
I can’t decide if I want angst or fluff 🙃 idk. You can choose this. But please, if you don’t want to or are uncomfortable writing something like this, you don’t have to do it. Either ways, I think your writing is amazing!! 💓
(Could I be 🍀 anon?? Just so you can recognize me in the future?)
@the-goddamn-mermaid asked: Well, I've been reading your headcanons and fanfics for a while and I saw your requests are open, so I thought, ya know... Can't help falling in love by Elvis Presley, right? Maybe you could write about MC being an angel and Lucifer (my fave <3) in the verge of tears bc he can't help falling in love with her (or them. I'm a woman, but do as you please). Pretty please?? 💕
haunted & holy
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includes: lucifer x gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
rated t | wc: 2k | m.list | crossposted on ao3
a/n: okay so this idea intrigued me so so much and i loved writing but i have a feeling some of it will be a little clunky as lucifer's pov gives me trouble sometimes haha. also it was difficult weaving belphie's situation in there but i tried lol. regardless, i hope you enjoy!! thank you for requesting! my inbox is open to chat/leave feedback but reqs are temporarily closed!! haunted & holy is from half alive's creature btw! (and yes, you can be 🍀 anon!!)
also please reblog this here & give it some love on ao3!!
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“We’ll always be together, right?” you asked, clasping his hand softly.
“Of course,” Lucifer replied with ease, flipping your hand over so he could hold it for real. “Nothing in this world could ever take me from you.”
Oh, how those words played in his head when he fell, your tear-stained face the last thing he had seen. Your hand, reaching futilely for him, even as you were pulled back by several other angels.
He still thought of you, though it had been years since anyone dared mention your name. Diavolo and Barbatos, unaware of your existence, and his brothers, who now knew better.
But he didn’t forget you. Couldn’t forget you. You haunted his dreams, your airy laugh echoing in his mind when he awoke, inescapable. Every line of your face was still sharp in his mind, not dulled, like many of the other memories from the Angel Realm.
Once, he had thought time closed all wounds, but now, he knew better.
When Diavolo had put him in charge of picking out exchange students, he couldn’t stop himself from paging through all of the applications from the Angel Realm, looking for your name. It wasn’t there, and Lucifer wasn’t exactly surprised. You never had been big on politics, and who knew if you still missed him the way he did you. It had been hundreds of years.
Despite the very logical and understandable reasons, he couldn’t help but be upset. Did you not remember him? Did your promise of never leaving his side truly mean nothing now that he was no longer graced?
Lucifer felt a headache building behind his eyes and looked at the stack of applications from the Human Realm he still had to go through. The job was a chore, and he wished to be done with it.
Perhaps he had been more hopeful than he was willing to admit.
A gust of wind scattered the papers on his desk and he reached over to grab one, not even bothering to look at the name as he slid it into the stack of other chosen applicants. Whatever. It was a human anyway, not like they were going to last long here no matter who they were.
Sighing, Lucifer set about collecting the rest of the papers and throwing them in the wastebasket. Diavolo would have to live with his choices, and really, the sooner he finished with this he could turn his attention back to internal affairs, more important ones.
Surveying his office one last time to make sure everything was picked up, Lucifer stood. He would take the chosen applications to Diavolo to look over and then wash his hands of it all until Diavolo needed him again.
Lucifer stood next to Diavolo, on his right, as always. Today was the day they’d be welcoming the exchange students in and he had to be in top form, especially since he’d be welcoming Simeon, who, while wasn’t you, was someone he also missed from the Angel Realm, loathe as he was to admit it.
Besides, he thought to himself, perhaps I can ask him for news of you. Not right away, of course, but still…
Performing his duties as Simeon and Luke were welcomed to R.A.D. was painful. The small glimpse of the familiar palace he used to reside in through the portal was enough to send his mind wandering, even is by all appearances he seemed perfectly focused. Diavolo, of course, seemed to see something was off, but Lucifer ignored the probing look he was sent, smiling pleasantly, impersonally, at the angels.
It took no time at all for the angels to be shuttled off to their new residence, though Simeon managed to nod to Lucifer as he was led out, something Lucifer acknowledged with the slightest nod of his own.
“Are you alright?” Diavolo asked when they were alone once more, asides from Barbatos, of course.
“Ah, yes,” Lucifer said calmly, smoothing his tie down. “I apologize.”
Diavolo’s face softened slightly, and Lucifer couldn’t stop the frown that pulled at the corners of his mouth in response. Despite having been born and raised in the underworld, he was still too full of love, too caring of others. While that made him a good person and leader, it didn’t always make him a great demon.
“Is this about Belphegor?” Diavolo pressed, and Lucifer’s spine straightened.
“Of course not,” he said smoothly, watching as Barbatos’ eyebrows climbed up towards his hairline. Maybe he should have lied; it would have stopped the questions. “Shouldn’t we be getting on with it? We don’t have all day.”
Diavolo gave him one more, deep, searching look, but dropped it. It didn’t take long for everyone to be settled back into their places, him included. Shaking off the thoughts and memories of you and of his time as an angel, Lucifer drew his sin around him like armor, forcing his shoulders down.
Solomon seemed to see right through him, his mischievous gaze giving Lucifer a slimy feeling. Thankfully, the sorcerer was able to make himself comfortable quickly, as it was likely this wasn't his first time in the Devildom.
Only one more, Lucifer told himself. Then you can leave.
“I’m going to begin summoning the last exchange student,” Barbatos intoned, beginning the magic. A swirling portal, the same as all of the others, opened up, and you fell through, not quite managing a graceful landing like everyone else.
Lucifer felt frozen, as he looked down at you. It couldn't be! No, seriously. When he had fallen, you were a favored angel. This human in front of him couldn’t be one and the same.
But, as you looked up at him, eyes gleaming, he knew.
Diavolo went through his little speech and Lucifer only barely managed to deliver his lines. His mind was whirling, and he couldn't look away from you. How were you here? Why were you here?
You stared at him right back, steady. Lucifer could barely contain himself. He wanted to sweep you up in his arms, shake you by the shoulders, get to the bottom of things.
It seemed like an eternity, but eventually, he was tasked with taking you back to the House of Lamentation. He waited for you to gather your things, which you did with haste, your fumbling so far removed from the graceful movements from before that he was thrown into another loop of doubt.
Neither of you spoke until you were out of the R.A.D. building and walking down the street.
“Is it really you?” Lucifer asked, staring straight ahead. “Not some- magic, or trickery?”
“It is,” you said, and your voice, so familiar, made his heart beat faster. “I’ve missed you, Lucifer. So much.”
“Prove it to me,” he challenged, his cocky tone only barely covering up the plea in his voice. “If it’s really you, what promise did we make to one another in the grove by the palace?”
You looked up at him, a little half-smile on your face. “We promised to always be together. And I’ve come here to fulfill that promise.”
Lucifer swallowed, elation singing in his bones. “I’ve missed you too. How are you here? How are you human?”
You sighed, looking up at the dark sky. “I was… displeased with the situation around your fall and the Celestial War. I kicked up enough of a fuss that I was stripped of my grace and sent to live with the humans.” There’s obviously more to the story that you’re not saying, but he won’t pry. For now.
“I was trying to get down here, and I think Micheal knew that,” you continued, “which is why he put me in the human realm. Enough of my grace remained that I did not age nor could I die, so I stayed. In limbo, waiting. When I learned about the exchange program I knew I had finally found my way back to you.”
“You’re foolish,” Lucifer said, but there was no heat. “To get yourself stripped of your holiness for me. I was not- am not worth that.”
Your face twists into a scowl. “It wasn’t just about you,” you explained. “Heaven was just no longer the place for me. There were many things I did not agree with that only got worse when you and your brothers were gone.”
“I see,” Lucifer said. He had had no idea.
“But that’s all in the past,” you insisted. “I’m here now, and you’re here now, and we can begin anew. I mean,” you say, shy for the first time since you had appeared, “if that’d be something you were interested in, of course.”
“How could it not be?” Lucifer asked wryly. “A day hasn’t gone by that I haven’t thought of you. MC, you were the love of my life and I hope that you still are. Though this is all a bit unorthodox-”
“-When have we ever been?” you finished for him, grabbing his hand like you had so long ago. And, just like before, Lucifer held it properly, weaving his fingers between his. He felt off-kilter and unsure, but for the first time in a long while, looked forward to the future.
You were humming under your breath, obviously in good spirits even though there was so much still unknown. Lucifer was never one for being fanciful, nor did he ever think that the ‘reunion’ trope was a particularly poignant one, but maybe he was wrong.
“A lot has changed since we last saw one another,” Lucifer said suddenly, the words bursting out of him. As much as he loved you, so much was different. He had another brother, for crying out loud! “I’m not the same man you fell in love with.”
“And I’m not the same person either,” you replied after a moment. “I don’t expect you to be the same, or for us to be the same, but like I said before I’d be interested in pursuing a relationship despite that. I have faith that I’ll love you, no matter which version of yourself you are, and I’d never fault you for growing and changing, especially with all that has happened.” You laughed. “You probably think I’m being naive, and so what if I am? It’s only the first day I’ve been here. We have a whole year before we truly need to worry.”
There you go again, calming him down when he gets ahead of himself.
“I suppose you’re correct,” Lucifer says, seeing the wrought iron gates to the manor. “As always. Ah, prepare yourself for my brothers. We have a lot to explain.”
“I’m excited to see them all again,” you said lightly. “And to meet the new one. Satan, was it?”
Lucifer jolts, remembering Belphegor. “About that,” he said, “first we may have to take a trip to the attic.”
“Whatever for?” you ask, but already seem prepared to follow him, no questions asked. Diavolo may be mad, and Lucifer would be in a lot of trouble from a bunch of people, but situations change and he thought he was doing the correct thing, so…
“It’s kind of hard to explain.” Sheepishly, he rubbed the back of his neck. “But when you yell at me I promise I’ll deserve it.”
“Okay,” you declared, dubious. “You’re not exactly filling me with confidence here.”
That made him chuckle a little. You were so different, but still you. And oh, how he had craved your presence.
“I really missed you,” he stated again instead of the hundreds of other things he wanted to say. He thought you knew what he meant regardless. The ‘l-word’. The one he had been too hesitant to say, even back when you were both angels. Surely, it was too soon to say it now, even though he felt it in his heart, whatever of it remained.
“And we’ve established I’ve missed you,” you said, a note of humor in your voice. “But thankfully I don’t have to do that anymore.”
“Thankfully indeed,” Lucifer murmured as he prepared himself for the chaos that would come. The chaos that would be completely and undeniably worth it, because now, he had you by his side once more.
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leviathans-watching - do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
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mindninjax · 2 years
Hi there! I finished reading chapter 8 of To Shape a Home and it was so cute! I’m enjoying the tension that is building between Bakugo and Minnie. This particular paragraph stood out to me as I read the chapter, “You’re honestly asking yourself the same. Based on what you know about “flukes”, it doesn’t seem that way. Katsuki’s been at the right place at the right time all the times you’ve been afraid or nervous or panicking near the trash cans outside of a bar. Not to mention, spilling your guts to him and almost jumping his bones in a cramped cellar.”
These moments have been significant for the development of their relationship and I love that you pointed that out. Because those moments are when reader is her true self, she’s only shown that side of herself to Bakugo. It’s almost like these moments were meant to happen, they were not accidents. She felt as though she had to put up a front with everyone, but with Bakugo, it’s effortless to be herself around him.
Also, how funny is it that Shouta slyly knows that there is something going on between Bakugo and Minnie? It’s like he’s, in a way, giving her his approval if she wanted to pursue something with him. Not that she needs his approval, but he just wants to see her happy. Happy with the farm and happy with her life.
The flirting though?! I was living for that tension and the way Bakugo followed her and asked if she was avoiding him. Awww Bakugo missed us! The way we were going back and forth, I was like, yes we need this attention! We both flustered each other. He was so smooth with it in the end, giving us his address and walked out so cool like damn dude! He left us speechless! I hope we perfect our peach crumble and Bakugo is our taste tester. He would definitely be honest if it sucks or not. I see this happening very very soon.
-🧜🏾‍♀️ anon
🧜🏾‍♀️ Nonnie my darling ! Helloooo💖
Reeee I’m so glad you pointed out that paragraph because you’re correct! Those ARE all the moments where reader was herself and the significance of reader being the one to point out those instances in her inner monologue suggest that she also knows those are the moments when she was truly herself. 🥰🥰
Also please Shouta is one of my fav characters in this fic. He has such presence when he’s mentioned and I feel like his lil background cameos are perfect. His relationship with Reader is one of my faves because he’s a silent guide for her. Not too pushy, not too loud but extremely observant and trusting. He truly is taking care of her the way her Gramps wanted him too and it makes me emotional to think about it bahahah.
Oh my gosh the freaking flirting. Usually I headcanon Katsu as the biggest fucking nerd in the history of nerds who can’t actually flirt because he overthinks everything (which spoiler alert you’ll see more of that in the coming chapters bahaha) but there are some times when he catches people off guard. Where he just relaxes and lets his body do the talking. And with as much as he’s been observing reader he knows exactly how to fluster her. So the smoothness of writing the address on her palm fucking gets me because they do a LOT of communicating with their hands throughout the story. (Hold her hand through the maze, squeezing it to reassure her in the maze, her flipping him off, him using his hand in the shower, his ‘don’t let go of my hand’ during the storm and now finally him writing his address on her palm).
I’m a sucker for physical touch and even bigger sucker for holding hands haha so that popped out a lot in this story lol.
Thank you again for your comments my darling I always always look forward To them. I hope you have a GREAT day! 😘
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franeridart · 4 years
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Anon said: How are you just like "Oh these are just some warm up sketches" and post a full finished piece, while I'm over here sketching a triangle person and calling it a finished piece.
I dunno if this was a legit question asking for a legit answer, but I do happen to have a legit answer so I might as well give it! If I wanted to go into detals with it it’d take me forever though, so allow me to separate it into two points to make it easier
I learnt how to be very fast in putting down my lines and trained myself into not overthinking every single dot I put down. This took about five or six years of drawing daily and a whole life of drawing occasionally before then, because to do so you need to reach a point where you’re drawing something you’ve drawn so many times that by now your hand sort of goes without you needing to think about it much, so it’s not a fast process, but boy is it worth it. Mostly learning how to not overthink it, overthinking it used to be 90% of my time spent on a drawing and dear god did it suck the joy out of everything I drew
I have two very distinctive ways of approaching a drawing, one where I actually put effort in it and the other where I just want to let the squiggles out of my pen, and warm ups are the second one - the lack of effort I’m putting in can have different forms and show in different ways, so a warm up could be a fully colored piece as it could be just a pencil doodle, depending on where and on what exactly I’m being lazy: it could be the type of tool I’m using that allows me to draw without having to line, it could be a very tiny canvas that lets me avoid a ton of details a big canvas would demand. I might be cutting the time I usually put in making sure my anatomy is correct, I might be using a shading technique that takes a tenth of the time my usual one would, I might be using a style that’s just easier and faster to draw, or drawing characters I’ve drawn a trillion times in extremely generic poses and clothes. There’s a lot of things that I can do to make things faster for me! It’s skills you gain as you draw a lot - you learn how to draw things the hard way, and then you realize that along the way you learnt how to do them the easy way too
hope this actually answers your question! If it was a question at all lol if it wasn’t then sorry for rambling, please pretend I didn’t say anything hahaha
Anon said: I love your newest comic!!! So adorable!! I noticed Bakugou's mom does the affectionate hair rustle thing to him in the manga/anime, do you think Bakugou subconsciously does the same to show affection cause of it? I love the way you draw faces and poses, it's so expressive!!
Ahhhhh thank you so much!!! And yeah, it might be! After all we do take a lot from the people we live with even without realizing, and he’s already so similar to his mom!
Anon said: I saw your bakushima comic from October 9th (2019) where Bakugo falls asleep studying and Kirishima sets him down on the table properly and it was so soft my heart is crying
;;;;; !!!!!!!! I’m glad you liked it!! <3<3
Anon said: If it not to much, could I possibly get a Ochamina doodle pls? I just love some sweet lesbeans 👉👈
Awww I’m not taking requests right now, but I’ll keep it in mind for next time I want to doodle and don’t know what!
Anon said: I love your art! I envy you.
Please don’t! There’s a lot of reasons why being me isn’t a lot of fun - if it’s just my skill you envy, then all you gotta do is draw a lot! 
Anon said: i just went through your entire kiribaku tag and omg it was beautiful seeing the progression in your art skills but still keeping the same funny/cute/heartwarming/etc traits you thought up for their dynamic!! i hope that makes sense haha !! love your art keep it up
It does make sense!!! Thank you so much both for looking through the whole tag and for thinking so, it means a lot to me!! ;;; <3<3
Anon said: Hey fran! I hope you're doing well(especially with quarantine and all)!! I really love your anatomy and how fluid and stylistic it can be! It's super fun to look at! I wanted to ask you if you ever did any in depth studies on anatomy? Like muscles and bones. I've heard a lot of artists mention the necessity of studying bones/muscles, i'd really like to know your opinion on the subject
Ahhh god thank you so much!! And... hmm let’s see if I can word this properly and have it make sense - always keeping in mind that this is just my opinion, of course!
If all you want to do is to draw, then all you need to do is to pick up your pencil and draw - it’s really that easy as far as I’m concerned. You don’t need to know anatomy in depth to just draw, everyone has seen a person, everyone knows how a person looks. That is, if all you want to do is to draw for the sake of drawing. If you want to draw an anatomically correct looking human being, though, you do need to know how anatomy works - and the deeper you’ll go into studying it the more correct your people will look. It’s kind how everyone can draw a bicycle, but if you want to draw a realistic bicycle you’re gonna need to look up references for it, you know? It’s all on the level at which you’re interested in drawing, the more technically skilled you want to be the more you’ll have to study
As for my personal experience with this, I hate studying with a passion. Studying puts a damper on my enjoyement of everything, and drawing isn’t excluded from this - you put a book in front of me expecting me to study it and suddenly I never want to pick up a pencil again. This means that I never sat down and studied anatomy in depth and all in one go just to learn how to draw a human being, but it doesn’t mean that I didn’t, slowly and now and again and in bits and pieces, study parts of the body to get a better understanding of it. I know better about the skeleton than I do about muscles, and I still have enough to learn about everything that anyone who’s studied anatomy properly would find a trillion mistakes in everything I draw, but my way of going about drawing has always been and always will be putting my enjoyement of it first and foremost, so I’m not interested in putting myself through a tour-de-force to learn everything there is to know about anatomy just to make my doodles look appealing to someone with a medical degree haha I’m just doing me, and when the mood is right I look up how to properly draw something, but until then I just do it as best as I can with my limited knowledge, being fully aware that what I’m producing is far from accurate but being willing to make that compromise for my own comfort
So that’s my opinion on it lol it all boils down to how important it is for you to know how to properly draw the human body - of course it’s gonna look more professional and better if you’ve studied it, but everyone has their own priorities, you know?
Anon said: Thank you for your hard work, seeing an upload from you is so nice, and the colors are so pretty
Thank you so muuuuccchhhhh!!!! TTATT <3<3<3
Anon said: Opinions on Tokoyami Fumikage 💕
One of my top faves in the whole manga, actually! I have a drawing in the making of him, I should get back to it..........
Thank you!!!!!!!! So pretty much my way of learning this specific skill was being obsessed with elves when I was fifteen and wanting to draw them all the time  and also for whatever reason being convinced that they were not supposed to wear shoes so I just drew a lot of feet with references and tutorials and stuff till I could draw my elves properly. Which isn’t necessarily what you need to do to learn how to draw feet, but, I mean, it worked for me lol
Anon said: I love ur Bnha ships and all but what would u do if some of them didn’t become canon??
Oh, I actually don’t care about that at all? I don’t expect most of them to become canon anyway - like, ochadeku sounds reasonable and kamijirou seems to be getting there, but everything else I never even considered it as an actual possibilily. I don’t really ship because I want to see my ships become canon, I just like the potential in what I can make with them? If that makes sense? They’re just fun to think about and I like making fancontent, that’s all there is to it really haha honestly if I had my way no ship would ever be canon ever ha ha ha
Anon said: Slep is for the wek
No actually sleep is for Frans who want a chance at getting up tomorrow morning without an headache for once, so I should do that and go to sleep already lmao
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donaidk · 3 years
This isn't really F1 related but I really hope you don't mind me asking. I saw you mentioning first hand experiences with sexism and how you think about giving up dreams because of fears. As someone who's about to go into university could you tell me what you mean with those experiences. What happened? Ofc if it's triggering for you please just ignore this but thank you for your help if you can talk about it 💝
Hi Anon! Luckily it’s not triggering me in a way that I can’t talk about, just mostly makes me angry and tired mentally. But if it can help someone I will gladly talk about it and show you how it affects me personally. I wanna highlight the word personally because we are all different and what hurts me could be nothing special for someone else. Also, one more important thing, I don’t think that every male human being is the devil and please never think about everybody as someone who wanna hurt you, as most of them are probably normal people. But maybe let’s start from where it all started as I want you to see the whole picture if you’re asking for true help ☺️
Warning: Long, not so happy post mentioning different kinds of sexism around university studies and working somewhere that’s usually filled with mostly males
To start off: I'm not someone to take unhelpful and toxic criticism from anyone. I like to think that I'm aware what I'm capable of and who I truly am, without others trying to tell me how someone should act, speak and think. My family raised me to make my own decisions and navigate life in a way that makes me happy and not others who think they have a say in my life. That's why, most of the time, I did achieve what I set out as a goal for myself. It's never easy and everyone has breakdowns, sometimes more than they should when they tend to overthink situations. However, hitting your goals and getting to live a life which you imagined for yourself never comes easy, but people will never see the behind the scenes struggles you had on the way to your current position. So please, take my experiences with a grain of salt and if you wanna try yourself at something don’t hold back just because someone had bad experiences in the field. (Although, please do not choose it if you know for sure it will only hurt you!)
So the whole story: Back in May last year I imagined the last past months quite differently. I envisioned my family being proud of me for reaching a milestone successfully, meeting new - more mature - people who will finally look at me for who I am inside and not outside and also getting to study something that brought a smile to my face every second of the day when I was thinking about it. I choose my university carefully, knowing full well how none of them will be easy to complete, but at least wanted to enjoy the years I was about to commit to the community there. I had friends and aquintances, from both genders, telling me how much they enjoyed spending their Bachelor and Masters study time here and how it was such a loving community all around. I was ecstatic when I got the text that I got in, and throughout the whole summer I couldn't wait to start my first semester.
Fast forward to September/October right before all hell broke loose. I made quite a few friends, got to be part of a fantastic study group which stayed together even when we changed to online learning and most importantly loved everything I got to study. Yes, there were a few classes which were hard or seemed unnecessary but I still enjoyed them and thought I did quite well compared to how it was such a deep dive after high school. Then I slowly got a taste of a side of everything I knew will be there but hoped will somehow stay away from me. These are the first hand experiences I also mentioned under this Susie post as it was the whole point where I thought back to everything. The list goes like this:
Almost failing a class just because our female teacher thinks all girls sleep around or flirt their way through uni with all the male teachers/tutors, and thinks we have to be punished through making us fail no matter our knowledge of the class. I got given a thesis that i knew word-by-word, which was my fave to learn, and I still was clawing for the second grade in our system. Fair, right?
We have a teacher who's known for letting girls who dress pretty just for his class pass his class easier while he makes it hell for the others (girls, boys are graded for what they actually give in). It's common knowledge and looked at like it's completely normal behaviour.
In one class we have to send in homework and we can get 0-1 point for it, depending on how well it works. If you don't send it in you get -1, and at the end of the semester you have to have at least 0 points all together. But if you can't send it in, you have one more chance to do so in the next 7 days for 0 points no matter if it works or not. This is something every student gets to use and it's not a personal advantage. However, one of the boys in my class probably didn't pay attention and didn't know about it. Why is it important you may ask. Well, because when he heard me ask about it in his opinion I'm 'a bitch who uses her gender to get better grades and pass uni easier than others'.
The same boy has been harrassing two other girls in dms and made fun of them for their tiny mistakes. He also called me a bitch once again right in front of the whole class and our young male tutor (who I have to add I love because he's always helpful and never looks at us different), making the whole situation truly awkward.
Getting told by another student that they would be willing to share notes to me if I wore more feminine clothing and laughing about his comment with his mates.
Family members saying I probably chose what I did because I would have mostly just boys around me and that I should just give up if I feel like this is my only chance at finding a partner. At the age of fucking 19, where I'm sorry, but I had more important things to experience than chasing after boys who were all immature compared to what I was looking for. Same person saying that he thought I wouldn't be one for adult work, as it usually ends with us sleeping around for titles and positions anyways.
I also have to add again that these are of course the extremes, and at the same time I know several fantastic students and teachers who I love with my whole heart from both genders. But every memory gets stained when you get into situations like the ones mentioned above. It also makes me scared about the male-oriented atmosphere I'll have to work in, if the one I have right now, which is deemed a safe environment for all, already showed signs for being dangerous. It's also probably worse online as people get bolder by not having to show their faces or name while making comments and saying shit. But I still don’t want to let this change my mind about something I spent years on building up the plans for. Even if it will be hard I want to show that their stupid opinions won’t break me and will never stop me from achieving the final dream of mine.
Even though we are living in the change, it’s still not fully here and in my opinion won’t be here for quite a bit. But you can take part in it and help it move forward. I do change back and forth between getting my energy from these and letting it break me as I’m a human with feelings and not a robot, but what matters is which side will win in the end. Even if you feel like giving up, just try getting on with the next day. If the bad side can’t stay for long it won’t be the winner.
It’s a lot easier to get through if you have friends who support you, but it’s never gonna be actually easy. Things like this will hurt you, but also make you stronger in my opinion. It’s important that you know who you are and what you are like, and not just take everything that’s thrown at you. People who are trying to hurt you are cowards and deserve no attention. You’re the one living with yourself and the only one who actually knows who are you inside. Never let them change you!
I’m sorry for the late answer, but I wanted to truly think about this and not just give a quick and short answer that means nothing to someone who reads it. I probably went in circles a little bit but hope it makes sense. I also truly hope that you will enjoy university and that situations like these will stay out of your experiences throughout the years. Remember, that these aren’t setbacks, just hurdles that you will be able to jump over either today or tomorrow or another day. Just take everything as it comes and make your decisions only for yourself. Love ya and good luck 🧡
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kyunsies · 3 years
hello hello mädchen <3 i hope you're doing good today and it is lovely where you are
i am slowly feeling better thank you - i'm still have trouble with sleep but i hope that it gets better soon. 😢😢😢 your words. you are super amazing too and so kind. i feel we have very similar tendencies too and it's a really good thing sometimes but can also be a not so good thing. idk if you've tried this but i'm trying to try less hard? not that like i don't want to work hard but it feels like sometimes i cross that line where it's too much and it actually makes it worse? like to let go enough to be able to appreciate my work as opposed to try and kill myself over it? idk i don't know if it will work but i want to try? i've just moved to a new agent/rep that will hopefully be better for my mental health just cause they seem nicer and will stress me out less.
your job sounds really thorough though. do you enjoy it? i 100% agree with you though! i like to buy good quality clothes too, but that's probably because i really don't buy loads either so each piece feels like an investment? what did you get? is it warm where you are? or have you been investing in more wintry stuff? i so so rarely get multiple versions of albums! i always really to but then i wonder if i;m going overboard and if i end up looking at the photobooks? i got the comma and xiesta photobooks last year and now i'm not sure if i wanna sell them on to a monbebe that will appreciate them more? hmm just me overthinking probably? leather platform shoes sound AMAZING. hahah i do the same though if i know i want to spend some money so i usually wait for the following month sometimes even though i know i'm gonna get the thing anyway? haha.
i'm back to heaven as my fave now!! i'm so so so looking forward to mx eng2 but i agree with you. like these careers are so so so short i'm sure they're aware of this and just want to live their career to their full.
ahhhhh 😢😢😢i love you lots and honestly i was so scared my last year of uni too. i don't think older generations get how much harder it is for people our age when we leave uni and stuff to just start a live that is nice and happy and fulfilling. so you're not alone and honestly even now i feel the same way just after i left uni. BUT you know you have the ability and that means you'll always be able to find a way. i was gonna buy five versions of an album today so i am deffo not the most responsible haha XD but thank you and also know that being insecure means that you're human and not an asshole because honestly all the people that were so overconfident that i've ever known (and i don't mean like - putting it on to help them get through stuff or performing but legit thought they were all that) have all been assholes. so it means you have a good heart and you will always find a way. i don't deserve being looked up to honestly but i'm honored you think i am <3 i'll always keep working hard - i wish i could give you a hug in person and let you know that things will be okay! please always feel ok to tell me your troubles and anything as well. am always here for anything you need too <3
love you lots and lots and lots xxxxx 🦢
babe i am finallyyyyyyyyyy answering this now ;___; i'm so sorry i kept u waiting but i wanted to answer this with all of my attention and not when i was busy bc that wouldn't have been fair to u :( so i hope u have been well and thank u so much for being patient !!! also u used my full name ........ what if i loved u with my whole heart <3
have u finally been able to get the rest you need ? i know work can keep our anxieties on high alert, which makes us even more inclined to burn out :( i hope u are able to rest well soon and not worry too much about work in the future ;____; but like i always say i'm really proud of u for pushing thru anything bubbie like u could easily just give up or have a mental block but if there's one thing i know both of us pride ourselves in it's always finding a way to handle stress no matter what the cost it does to our mental heath etc ....... which could be a bad thing but also there's lots to be said about how our work ethic is right ?? also LDSKFJS not trying hard .......... i think u mean like not stressing myself over every little thing right? there's a saying "don't cry over spilled milk" like CHILL it's okay it's just a mistake just clean it up and move on :') i really wish i can learn this mentality in the future ...... i just don't have those types of ppl around me in nursing school bc all of us are always on edge so i think i'm missing ppl like that in my life (besides my family but to an extent they can be classified as type A personalities too skjflfj) but anyways; u said u moved onto a new agency?? i hope that works well for u and they are able to allow u to grow and create things freely <3 good luck !!!
my job is just okay !! i won't be doing this in the future but it's nice to know that for a fact i don't think i could work in an office setting like this for the rest of my life HHH but it's okay, i don't mind organizing things for other ppl esp if it will help the company in the long run !!! and about my clothes SLKDFJ i totally agree !!! like we said we don't like our bank account hitting below a certain number so everything i buy is like an "investment" like u said hehe so most of the things i buy for example jeans are over $70 for me but i know i'll probably go a whole year not buying another pair and wearing those most likely everyday lol u know ? it's very warm where i am (most days lol) so i've been buying some light weight clothing !!! i don't like wearing jean shorts or anything like that, my fav material to wear in the summer is linen and cotton so i've been buying a lot of flowy linen pants <3 i got a pair from the store madewell, and bc i was on holiday this week i went to this one swimsuit store called everything but water and they sell pricier swimwear but i get so fed up trying to go to cheaper stores to look for swim tops bc i have bigger boobs hhhh and nothing makes me feel comfortable in my own skin so i don't mind spending money on something i feel comfortable in !! anyways i bought a bathing suit from there and then i think that's it ?? i was going to buy some jo malone perfume but it's so expensive so i didn't ;____;
U ARE BACK ON THE HEAVEN TRAIN WOO HOO <3 lol it is such a good song ....... i told u it's in my top 3 comfort songs <3 and about the eng album !!! yes i totally agree, i think they're aware of how much they're doing and honestly i think they should take advantage at every opportunity that comes their way as long as they feel that have control of the situation :)
and ALL OF THIS LAST MESSAGE MADE ME CRY WHEN I READ THIS :((( i tell my mom about all my anons lololol and she knows about u and ur work and i read this last part to her and she thought it was so sweet of u to say ;_____; it's kinda comforting knowing i am not the only one who has these doubts about the last year of uni :( i don't get much feedback from my family (besides my mom and grandparents) about if they're proud of me or not , i don't think they really get how hard it is for me being a nursing student but i just want to do well at whatever i do :( i want to be able to look at myself and go "hey u know what ur doing and ur doing really well".... i just hope i get there someday ;____; i have so many anxieties and maybe i need to talk to someone about them bc i think they hinder my nursing performance rather than help me but just knowing someone like u cares out there ........ i mean u know me but we have never met and u are so sure about my abilities and i can't tell u how thankful i am for someone like u <3 truly brings tears to me eyes <3 i want to give u a hug too :( thank u for ur kind words always i could cry right now ;_____;
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viewmasterfeeling · 4 years
sorry i haven't seen been active in a bit!! i saw the aesthetic you reblogged and wow!! that's so cool. if you want, can you tell me about your fave character? from cotn or just oc in general? also, what musicals are you listening to rn? anyway, love ya friend!! 🌹 anon
That’s alright!! And yeah, ikr!! @eraseyourbookofstories has great moodboards and i honestly strive to make such aesthetic creations.
(Finch is my fave from COTN, but I’m gonna talk about one of my other OCs.)
Ok, I’m gonna talk about Jello. Jello, my main man. I love him so much you don’t even know. His character design, the fluffy hair, his personality, everything. He’s an alchemist and also a great cook. He loves learning new things, especially related to mathematics and stuff. He spends a lot of time in nature, since it helps him relax and meditate. An avid overthinker, Jello is easily stressed and overburdens himself with tasks. (a lot like me, heh). A flaw of his is that he’s quick to assume things, and forms opinions before knowing the whole story. (like the time when he saw Lemon dancing with a girl after he and Lemon danced.) Despite stressing about the things he has to do, on the outside he remains calm and collected. He’s very calculated in the face of conflict. Another flaw of his, though, is that he bottles up his emotions until they all come bursting out of him. In conclusion, Jello is amazing and everyone should love him.
Musicals, musicals... I haven’t been listening to many lately, but the last few musicals I listened to were Heathers, Carrie, and A Very Potter Musical. (Well, I watched all 3 on youtube). I love Barrett Wilbert Weed as Veronica with my whole heart, as well as the entirety of Heathers. The other two were new to me. Carrie is interesting. I really love the music, but I don’t like the ending. Keaton Whitaker, though... (Carrie in the production I watched), i love her voice so much. AVPM is my perfect type of humor. It had me cackling at every line. Also Darren Criss’s hair >>>>>.
Anywho, thank you for coming to my ted talk, and thanks for asking, friend!!! You’re amazing btw <3 love ya
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pokemagines · 5 years
chrom, alfonse, & hríd + protecting their s/o from a creep
anon asked: “Omg hi!!! I'm so glad I caught you on a time that your ask box is open! Could I request a summoner x Alfonse, Chrom and Hrid (separate) where the reader is getting hit on and gets pretty uncomfy and they save the day? Maybe the reader and the guy aren't in a relationship yet but def have feelings? I saw that you guys did something similar with Gaius and a few other heroes and I love those scenarios! Thank you so much you guys!! Keep up the great work 💗💗💗”
a/n: whoever this is.... know that u legit picked my 3 faves and yes i know i have bad taste but listen... if no one will develop my faves then i will gdi --mod touko
you and hríd were sitting in a small tavern in one of the smaller towns in nifl. it was his favorite spot for a quick bite to eat and a drink, as it was one of the more classy establishments for those types of things.
he did, however, notice how the bartender kept winking and throwing little flirtations your way. obviously, he didn’t know who hríd was, lest he wouldn’t be so obviously flirting with you in front of him. you weren’t officially dating, no, but anyone who knew hríd even a bit knew he was head over heels for you. he just hadn’t found the right place to confess his feelings to you yet.
hríd excuses himself to go ask for another drink for you, and while he’s waiting, the bartender comes over to you, his eyes glimmering as he uses this opportunity to touch your arm, getting a bit too close for comfort. you try and move your arm without seeming rude, but his grip is firm.
  “sorry, darlin’, you’re much too cute to keep my hands off of you...” he smirks at you, and you pray for hríd to come back quickly. “are you single? i don’t work for too much longer and wanted you to come home with me, how does that sound?”
  “heh, no thanks but i’m good.” you force yourself to be polite, despite getting a really bad feeling from him. his smile drops, and his grip on your arm grows ever tighter.
  “oh really? are you sure? i’ll be so much better to you than that g--” before he can finish his sentence, hríd forcefully puts himself between the two of you, feigning innocence and setting your cup on the table in front of him.
  “any reason your hands are on [name]?” he asks, his normally cute voice suddenly turning icy as the winters in nifl. you feel yourself shudder, glad that the lech’s hands are off of you, but also mentally thankful that you’ll never be at the receiving end of hríd’s cold glare.
  “you got a problem with that?” the guy puffs up as big as he can, but hríd is still at least a head taller. “i don’t see that you’re doing any good by them, anyways. leavin’ them all alone like that.” something in hríd snaps, and suddenly, he hoists the man up by his collar, and the people in the bar gasp. you stand up now ready to spring into action if you needed to hold him back (you couldn’t have him ruining his reputation as nifl’s peaceful prince because of you).
  “alright let’s not cause a fuss now!” you say as cheerily as you can, the smaller man still in the prince’s grasp. “hrid, please.” you say, quieter to him, trying to diffuse the situation. “let’s just go.” he looks down at you for a second, then drops the man onto the floor. you apologize to the owner, who looks shocked, before dragging hríd outside.
   “i’m sorry i don’t know what came over me.” is the first thing he says. you shake your head, the winter air stinging your cheeks. you aren’t mad at all, you just didn’t want him going through unnecessary trouble on your behalf.
  “no i’m not mad i just... thank you for coming when you did.” you pull your coat across your chest trying to warm yourself up. “i thought--”
  “i’m sorry i wasn’t there before, i shouldn’t have left you alone.” he looks embarrassed, but when he sees you shivering his gaze softens. he pulls you into his chest, arms wrapping around you trying to warm you up.
  “it’s okay... we got out of there and that’s all that matters... plus, it was kind of cool when you picked that guy up.” you look up at him, the moonlight illuminating your face and giving you an otherwordly glow. it makes him want to hold you like this forever. he’s rendered speechless by your beauty, until he feels you shiver in his arms again. 
  “sorry,” he says with a faint chuckle, “all i can do is keep you cold.”
the two of you walk to the nearest inn, his coat draped across your shoulders after much reassurance from him that he’ll be fine without it. he doesn’t speak much, solely because he can’t get the image of you smiling up at him out of his mind. he tells himself that he has to confess to you soon.
that time comes much sooner than he counted on though, when the innkeeper tells the two of you that the only rooms left have one bed...
usually when the two of you are in crowded places, he’s stuck to you like glue. he’s clingy, yes, but also he just wants to keep you safe. even if you assure him that you’ll be okay by yourself, he insists that he just likes being close to you, (”i am a man, after all”, he admits). 
he has to leave you for a moment, however, when frederick ushers him aside to talk to him about something important, leaving you to wander about through the market by yourself. 
you’re looking at some books in the market, when you feel a hand grab your shoulder gently, squeezing it for a moment too long. thinking it was chrom, you turn around to say something when you’re face to face with a man you’ve never seen before, who seems to be eyeing you intently. you try to move out of his grasp, but he continues to pester you.
“need help lookin’ for something lass?” he says, and this time you recoil out of his touch, bumping into another pair of arms, this time they belong to your husband, who has the tell-tale sign of fury etched across his face. chrom was a hothead, that most people knew, but when someone touched the person he loved most? nothing pissed him off more.
   “no, but i’d advise you to keep your hands off of my spouse.” he says firmly, gripping the hilt of falchion just in case. you put a hand on his exposed bicep, trying to calm him down with your touch. you didn’t want the exalt to get into a fight with a civilian over you.
   “chrom, please, just--” he turns his gaze to you, and he softens instantly, sizing you up to see if you looked upset. when he sees that you look fine, just a little rattled he asks:
   “did he... hurt you?” he says gently, and you flush, glaring the man down. he’s sweating, eyes shifting trying to find any way of escape. 
   “he... he tried to... but nothing happened.” you try to diffuse as best you can with your words, but it seems chrom has already decided what to do. he grits his teeth and calls for frederick. 
   “milord, what do wish me to do with this cretin?” he says, a smile on his face while his eyes betray nothing but coldness.
   “send him to the dungeons for a few days. that’ll teach him to keep his hands to himself.” frederick nods, and apprehends the felon, leaving the two of you alone near the small book stall. 
chrom then asks you if you are okay once more, pulling you into his strong arms as he kisses your forehead gently. he promises to keep you safe from then on, but also advises you to stick up for yourself and make a scene if you feel uncomfortable. above all, he’s just glad you’re safe.
you and alfonse were out buying fabric for anna, who had the“brilliant idea” of making new years robes for the third year in a row. you didn’t mind much, because you got to spend more time with alfonse, and alfonse acquiesced once he saw how excited you were.
you hold his hand and drag him through the streets (alfonse trying not to overthink it too much but he’s a blushing mess because you’re touching him), until you get to the supply shop anna had recommended (which was oddly enough run by someone who looked exactly like her... and had the same name as her...). the other anna somehow manages to convince the two of you to try on some other costumes she had lying around. alfonse went first, shoved into the dressing room by anna after much begging by you to try it on. while he’s changing, she advises you to go ahead and try on your outfit. it’s a simple winter festival outfit, much like the one eirika wore last year, and you quickly get changed.
when you step out of the changing room, anna is nowhere to be found, and the only person in sight is a man who appeared to be shopping, but now that he sees you he flusters. 
   “wow didn’t know i would get a show too when i came here,” he chuckles, walking closer to you, “what’s your name, baby?” you resist the urge to swing at this obvious creep, and instead try and puff yourself up, not backing down from his stares.
   “back off, weirdo,” you say, trying to keep your distance, but he doesn’t seem to get the memo, and continues advancing on your, spouting all kinds of degrading comments your way. seconds before you completely knock his lights out, alfonse steps out of the dressing room, looking quite pissed despite his tux and bouquet of flowers clutched in his hands.
   “they said back off,” it’s a bit more high-pitched than he would’ve liked it to sound, and the guy doesn’t back down.
   “what... this dude your boyfriend or something?” he says dismissively, looking him up and down and scoffing at his outfit.
   “yes, and also the prince of askr. i would advise you to not make me repeat myself twice.” you flush at his words, you two weren’t dating but for some reason him claiming you were made your heart beat wildly in your chest. the guy sputters after alfonse mentions that he’s a prince, apologizing profusely before rushing off. he then turns to you, blushing, but also with a resolute look in his eye. 
he tells you that he was changing as fast as he could when he heard the guy start to hit on you, and then he asks if he did anything to you. you assure him that you’re fine, just a little bit shaken up, and he smiles, pulling you into a hug. alfonse is never one to initiate physical affection, so you savor every last minute as he clings to you.
when you pull back, his arms still around your waist, you ask him what he meant by him being your boyfriend. he stutters and turns as red as anna’s hair, before you hear the familiar click of a snapshot tome, effectively ruining the moment as you go to wrestle anna for that picture.
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flying-elliska · 5 years
This is really random and I'm kind of a new follower, but from what I could gather you have such a strong opinion on different topics, which I kind of admire bc I find that so important but can't really apply that to myself oftentimes idk. Is it part of your personality or are you trying to be consciously aware to not just 'consume numbly'? Hope that makes sense. And you're giving such good advice?? But an anon has already stated that correctly. Have a lovely day 🎃✨
hey new follower, welcome to you then, glad to have you around <3 that’s a very beautiful compliment, thank you. idk if you were looking for advice too but here it is because it’s late and i can’t help myself apparently lmao. (with the caveat that I too am a moron frequently like anyone)
i am sort of a chronic overthinker, so maybe it’s natural. that said, i used to think i didn’t really have an opinion for a long time. i found it difficult to express myself. and i looked up to people who i thought did it well for guidance. so i feel you 
i went to a school where we prided ourselves on being able to talk convincingly about things we had zero knowledge about so eh (not that this is a good thing lmao) but i grew past that 
i think i realized at some point i just tend to have opinions that are very long winded because i like looking at different sides of an issue. i think part of that is me being a contrary bitch, i don’t like going for the obvious meaning (maybe it’s residual trauma from being raised by someone who had a quasi cult leader type of approach to parenting lol). we are so easily tempted to disappear into the group, or a relationship.  i feel like knowing your own mind, defining your own self image, seeing past the easy judgments and surface meanings, being able to understand reality on your own terms, is one of the deepest, most urgent forms of freedom. also empathy - which does not automatically mean endorsement - and trying to understand things and people from their own logic. 
we tend to assign error or folly or bad intentions very easily. but it’s often because of the limits of our own understanding. and well, i have a weird brain. i grew up feeling like some sort of alien, often misunderstanding people, social habits, my own mind. so constant overanalysis is to me, the survival strategy that came the most naturally. and so as not to let my brain eat itself, i have gotten pretty good at figuring out what’s relevant and what’s nonsense ( i still could get better at it tbh). but part of me is constantly checking myself so i don’t do something terrible or terribly embarassing. wouldn’t wish that on anyone tbh. i am increasingly learning not to oversimplify myself for public consumption. my mindscape is a jungle, so be it. what’s the shape of yours ?
i also grew up in a lot of different social spheres. i met people from all sorts of social backgrounds, from billionaires who owned private beaches and designed jewllery for fun to people living in trailers without electricity or in the street, from prissy heiresses who believed using the wrong fork was a sin to best friends who had to work since middle school to help their parents. from all sorts of creeds, from wayward soldier priests baptising people in streams to new age ‘shamans’ whose houses smelled of pee, from staunch atheists to adorable nuns living in stone villages in the mountains and wild mama bear witches. from all sorts of politics, from faithful anarchists to political exiles fleeing dictatorships to crypto-royalists and decrepit neo-colonialist conservatives. from all sorts of cultures too.  i think that’s the fave part of my childhood. people are just so interesting. but everyone operates within their own specific world, and you can’t judge people from your own perspective. of course there are things that are universally right or wrong but beyond that, you have to get into the world in which they move, understand its rules. see how it intersects with others. a lot of social interactions are role play. once you get that, you get the codes, you can move in any circle. (also : very rich people can be so unbelievably boring. they buy into their own hype so much, like spoiled babies. nothing to be very impressed about.) People wear façades and play different roles to different people; that’s not always a bad thing, after all parents have to be strong for their kids even when they’re scared. But now you’re an adult (or getting there) don’t let yourself be too mystified
 also : power. dynamics of power are everywhere all the time. if you’re not aware of them, that’s a mark of privilege. ( in the end, who profits ? is this building empowerment for people and communities or is it stripping it away ?) but they’re not totally all consuming either. there’s also always agency, and chaos, and possibility. and compassion.
i think it’s important to accept that it’s okay not to have an opinion on everything. and also that it’s always growing, evolving, deepening. it’s possible you taught yourself, out of survival instinct or habit or something else, not to trust your own heart/brain/intuition/experience. I don't think it's anyone's natural state to just consume numbly. i’m sure you can step beyond that, everybody can. also ; learn how to embrace being destabilized. there is always this one moment between knowing something, learning you don’t really, and then getting a deeper perspective, that is scary, but it’s okay. you can come back to your center. like any sort of growth, really engaging with difference implies discomfort ; bear it, it’s worth it. 
 i think any opinion that is too static is likely to turn into bullshit in the long run. like a good wine, it should gain in complexity with age. also : read up on sociology/anthropology if you haven’t already there’s just so much good stuff in there (and a lot of bullshit too lol) about what it means to be human and cultures and how minds work and symbols and etc etc. and find good news sources because it can be very easy to feel disgusted by the world otherwise. and read as much and as diversely as you can
find things to love about thinking ? for me it’s ; i don’t believe in this binary between mind/body, feelings/reason etc, i think it’s bullshit and they all influence each other. and so does our environment. we learned to think by looking at and interacting with nature. some of our neurons are in our stomach. we’re made of star stuff. we grow by engaging with others. and not to sound like a hippie but that shit is breathtaking bro. we encoded the world with stories and symbols and use them to tell ourselves and each other stories and built community and we’re all the time engaged in this web weaving. so i see and i want to see more and more thinking like this organic, tangible process. 
in the end, what is it important for you to have an opinion about ? i think it’s about passion, and love, and justice, and truth. what do you want to be moved by ? what do you want to honor with your possibilities for learning and knowledge ? where you invest your energy and time, you invest your life.when you have something you are passionate about, it will be much easier to express the subtlety and depth of a meaningful opinion about it. and then you can apply that to other areas of your life. 
personally i want to (i have to) live like a diplomat, as a balancing act, with elegance and the ability to make tough decisions with grace, moving between all the layers of life and bearing gifts from one to the next. and i want to be able to move people, and give them the kind of stories and knowledge that are tools for them to heal and be happy and make the world better. 
 i have my work to do, like everyone else, of sorting through my shadows and making the dream stuff intelligible. in the end it’s all about finding an authentic life. your own inner logic. the bonds that nourish it, and what you want to give. 
and i think once you find that is for you, i think finding your voice, an opinion that is truly yours and not copy pasted from some one else, will be much easier to start weaving. but don’t worry ; it happens in small steps. i bet you’re already on your way. 
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Since you've done all odd numbers.. even numbers?
OH DEAR GOD OKAY THAT’S GREAT!!! Thank you so so much for asking, amazing Anon!!!!! :’D Here we gone, it’s gonna be long again, so it’s below the cut!! Click read more to learn more randomness about me!!! X’D [questions from here]
2.have you ever found a writer who thinks just like you? if so, who?
Not exactly like me, no. That’s the good thing about art; nothing is the same! :D
4.would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
6.how many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?
Not many. I tend to distrust men more with physical harm and I distrust women more with emotional harm. I have… trust issues. I trust my frens and some of my family members and that’s about it. oof. ^__^”
8.who would you like to see in concert?
If I’m gonna be risking sensory overlord… Coldplay!
10.would you ever want to swim with sharks?
HELL TO THE YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDDDDD
12.what was the last thing that made you laugh?
My Dad just brushed Ria our German Shepherd and came in COVERED in fur X’D X’D
14.have any pets?
YES!! Three dogs (Ria the German Shepherd, Granger the whippet, and Maude the mutt/Pomeranian-ish), three chickens (Haymitch, Cinna, and Effie) and two ducks (Peeta and Katniss). Don’t worry, we named the poultry after Hunger Games characters to be ironic, since we have no plans to kill them and they’re spoiled AF. X’D
16.do you have piercings? How many?
I don’t! I wanted some, but… eh we’ll see. XD
18.what are you craving right now?
Intimacy. :’)
20.have you ever been cheated on?
No. And if I ever am it will absolutely destroy me. So yeah, if my future partner is reading this, please just… don’t. Break up with me first, at least.
22.do you believe in true love?
Meh. Maybe, maybe not. I don’t know. I hope it exists though!
24.do you like the snow?
I’ve never seen snow!! I WOULD LOVE TO SEE IT AND JUST FACE-PLANT INTO IT!!!!!!! :’D XD
26.is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
Kinda depends on the circumstances??? but it’s usually it is pretty cute! ^-^
28.go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is!
Six million pounds of space dust settles on the earth every year.
ummmm…. thanks, I hate it? XD
30.what color do you really want to dye your hair?
32.talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces.
I have this one bag that’s been with me since I was 8. It’s basically a glorified sack that creases every bit of clothing you put in it to hell and it has straps and rope ties and it’s navy blue and I love it!! :D X’D
34. what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into?
My own goddamn house. Had to bust a window and everything. X’D
36.what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks.
Okay so my Mum exclusively buys black socks. Just…. black socks that you can’t even tell apart, but I can’t wait till I can buy the most RIDICULOUSLY CUTE HECKING SOCKS ON THE PLANET. I do like wearing socks, I do not sleep with socks on, but I think they’re great!! :D XD
38.do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it!
It’s p small and it has lots of art I can actually appreciate on the walls and it’s got a low ceiling and kind of a comforting, dark-but-still-sunny den kind of vibe. The booths are actually comfortable. A lot of wood and smokey colours. There’s a slate fireplace crackling somewhere. It smells strongly of coffee and vaguely of liquorice. There’s a spot at the back that’s mostly hidden from site, the perfect place to curl up and read a book while picking on a muffin that was reasonably cheap but the size of your whole hand. Closest place to heaven on earth.
40.what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?
Not being able to breathe. Pretty much, ya.
42.think of a person. what song do you associate with them?
Sam aka myriadimagines. And this song, idk why, it just reminds me of her.
44.do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
ASDFGHJKL ACTUALLY THIS THING THAT SAM HERSELF WROTE IS MY FAVE. I read it like a 2 years ago now and it still stuck with me and it’s so beautifully poignant I want to SCREAM. hello yes why are my friends so talented are they even REAL??????????
46.what are some of your worst habits?
I forget to eat and generally forget to take care of myself, I deny myself things I like for absolutely no reason??? I procrastinate everything, I bite my fingernails super low and also the skin around them bc I’m fuckin constantly anxious and can’t sit still, I overthink everything, I stay up way too late… honestly I could keep going, you get the point. XD
48.tell us about your pets!
OKAY SO. Ria is absolutely OBSESSED with her ball, and I mean OBSESSED to the point where she has no idea what to do with herself if you take it away and gets all anxious and whines and paces till you give it back. She constantly sheds and she does this sUpER CuTe thing where she wraps her front paw around your leg while you’re trying to walk and trips you. :))) Granger is either made of metal or a deflated pool toy and there’s no in between. She eats literally anything, including ants nests bc you know they must taste GREAT. She’s super stubborn. She gets smile wrinkles if you rub her neck. Maudie was rescue we got as a really small puppy. We only knew her mum but her dad must have been a Pomeranian bc she looks almost exactly like one. She has this thing where she bites you when you surprise her but really she’s a sweetheart. She’s mostly blind and deaf and has no idea where she is most of the time, I don’t think. XD The chickens are all idiots, the ducks are scared of me but still eat out of my hand when I offer them grapes. Haymitch likes to jump up on my back, Effie likes falling asleep on my lap, and Cinna pecks me a lot and leaves bruises but she lets me stroke her at night when she’s dozing off. :’)
50.are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?
I think they can be funny… in small amounts. :/// Their laughs are pretty infectious, you gotta admit. XD
52.describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.
Wariness and weariness and beauty and a fierce want to be loved.
54.are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?
YEEEEESSSSSSS. An Ouroboros (either sealed or pulling away idk), a blank line of my arm so I can write how many days I’ve been without a relapse bc I need to be held accountable for my actions, a black square with colours bursting out, I also really love blackout tattoos???? I want a bird on my middle finger. :)))) And maybe a smiley face near my collar bone. The quote “what a marvel life is.” I also want the word “promise” on me somewhere, idk where. Maybe a feather somewhere too??? AHHHH SO MANY MY DUDE!!!!!! :DDDDDDDD maybe even a Southern cross but I don’t want to be one of those wankers y’know XD
56.what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?
Star Wars, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Mulan, Into The Spiderverse. Basically just my favourites lmao. XD
58.if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?
Neither, eesh. Maybe the past….?? Maybe…? I guess it’d be pretty funny to grab “I’m a girl!!!” Matt and shake some sense into his thick skull. X’D
60.what are some things you do when you can’t sleep?
Oh boy. Throw a ball at the wall and catch it, try to write, have a panic attack bc I should be sleeping, read, play Pokemon, listen to music, pat my dogs, possibly cry… world’s my oyster. XD
62.who is the last person you told a secret to?
My Mum.
64.what’s your favorite food?
🍕 !!!!!!!! :DDDDDD
66.three songs you were recently obsessed with.
this one - this one - this one 
68. three favourite old songs
this - this - this
70.worst possible time to get horny:
lmao when both my parents are home and I have no time to deal with ittttt… occasions like that are the only times I’m sort of grateful I can’t get a boner and give myself away. XD 
72.do you believe in soulmates?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don’t believe any relationship is “perfect”, though. There’s always gonna be difficulties.
74.who was the last person you cried in front of?
Dad. Oof.
76.is it easier to forgive or forget?
Neither. :))))))) Forget… I guess?? But really. Neither. :)
78.do you have trust issues? 
80.would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
Nopeity nope nope. XD
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denizenhardwick · 6 years
Knights of the Borrowed Dark
Yes, anon, yes! Thank you!
(I talked about the whole series, not just the first book, I hope that’s okay.) (This is also very TEK-heavy, so just avoid the character death question if you haven’t read that yet.)
the character i least understand: The thing is, everyone’s motivations are really well-drawn, to the point that I can at least grasp where they’re coming from. I’m not just cheating because I’m trash for this series (I am trash for this series, but that’s not the point); a large thematic point was that everyone has reasons, and do what they think is right, so we had to understand all the characters for that to work.
interactions i enjoyed the most: I loved them all, this is really hard! Um… I really loved basically all of Grey’s interactions with people, especially Denizen, Vivian, and Greaves. We get so little of his backstory that all his conversations have to be telling, and they are. These dynamics are so subtle and brilliant. We only get hints at his history with Vivian and Greaves, but we see how they interact, and that’s all we really need. And his relationship with Denizen is really sweet and really important.
the character who scares me the most: Dragon scares the crap out of me, dear God. It’s a giant dragon made of iron corpses with stained-glass wings. And it has a lamprey mouth, which is basically the most terrifying thing ever.
the character who is most like me: I relate to Denizen a lot because of his anxiety and tendency to overthink, and all these little things that make me smile (like that story about him being a dinosaur kid and seeing a shooting star, thinking it was a meteor, and just accepting that the apocalypse was coming).
one thing i dislike about my fave character: He’s really insensitive at times and also toes the “asshole” line.
one thing i like about my hated character: Grandfather Croit could hold his own in a battle against Vivian Hardwick, and that makes him a very formidable villain.
a quote or scene that haunts me: The part with Denizen, Grey, and Mercy at Os Reges Point is probably my favorite bit of the entire series, but this section is so poignant:
‘You’ve spent your whole life trying to close yourself off from emotions, trying to distance yourself, steeling yourself for disappointment and pain… and yet when someone needs you you’re there, blood and bone.’
“That’s not…” It was very hard to think when she was standing that close, and not for the first time Denizen wished there were some way you could feel just one thing at a time. “I just did what I had to. That’s it.”
‘No,’ Mercy said. ‘That’s everything. That’s why we’re here. There are no great schemes, just opportunities and those with the will to take them. I didn’t plan any of this, but when I saw a chance to help people, to make things right, I took it. There’s no such thing as neatness, Denizen. It’s only afterwards that people tuck in the loose ends. It’s only afterwards that they make us into stories.’
This series ends up going so deep, and the result is something so beautiful and complex and meaningful that it really does haunt me.
a death that left me indifferent: Um… Matt, I guess? He grew on me a lot over the course of the book, but the first time I read it, I didn’t even realized he’d died until Abigail mentioned it.
a character i wish died but didn’t: No one.
my ship that never sailed: I think Simon and Uriel are the only canon ship at the end, and I’m very happy with that. Denizen and Mercy were cute, but that didn’t so much never sail as it did complexly sink, and I like how that turned out, so I’m not even upset.
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cheolbooluvr · 3 years
"love of my life" I'm crying pls 😭❤️ *clears throat* so, how are you doing? 🤗 I wanted to tell you that I keep rereading your stuff, I don't even know why but when you posted the masterlist for "the class president" I immediately went "I must reread this now" yes, I'm in love with that mini series but so am I with all your works speaking of, the sneak peek of your summer collab? Hello? I am so here for this sjsalkdsajd Can't wait til you post it *-* I also love your results of the milestone prompt game, especially- scratch that, there is no especially lmao I wanted to praise "Once, Twice, Three Times" and "Bullseye" because I love me some good old royalty and forbidden love fic BUT the others are just as great :') "My only sunshine" is so cute, how do I get a cuddly, loving Cheol for myself? 🥺 anyway, I think a pt 2 for Wonwoo's royalty thing would be interesting 👀 and I am so sorry you feel like your writing isn't good enough lately :( I hope you overcome this quickly because your writing is just as amazing as you as a person are so don't overthink it pls :( easier said than done Ik ik, just wanted to say that it's also good to know I'm actually not that unknowing when it comes to fanfic terms lmao 😂 but ngl that could happen to me too that you do photography is amazing, I really admire the work of photographers, hobby or not, it's breathtaking when you look at their incredible works I would love to do it too but I'm too lazy to properly look into it 😭 I'm pretty sure at least half of the other hundred people following your blog would read your books as well <3 and Vincenzo, here we are again "you need to prepare yourself" doesn't sound too good, but I'll keep watching :D oooh Chayoung, yes! kind of a rough path, but she really grew on me by now. The tenants are just adorable and I love how supportive and protective they are of each other 🥺 And I think you're right, they do brighten up the show a lot <3 ahahaha, sleep is a funny topic, I do get sleep just not during normal sleep hours lmao anyway, stay hydrated, safe and healthy and take good care of yourself <333
+ so in case it wasn't obvious the long ask you got about 45min ago or sth, it's from me, le moon anon (though I don't have access to any emojis rn ._.)
hehe 🌙 anon i knew it was you, dw ^-^
me waiting for you to show up in my inbox:
Tumblr media
i'm doing well!! it makes me so warm inside to know you like class president so much 😭 if i recall, that was the first time you messaged me, right?? i am a big fan of enemies to lovers, so that one was a lot of fun to write!
i spent a whole night plotting and doing some work on the summer collab, i already made a banner for it, too! i'm so excited to share it (even tho the due date is a year away LOL). but it's looking to be a whole series which i'm very excited abt as well 😁
the feedback on the milestone game has been so reassuring and i'm glad you like them!! once, twice, three times is a personal fave for sure, along w glow in the dark stars :") but yesss cuddly cheol 🥺 lowkey made myself cry writing it bc i was like I WANT THIS!!?!? *SCREAMS*
your and other's feedback have helped me feel a lot better abt my writing, and i cannot stress enough how grateful i am to read it. i'm just such a perfectionist T^T but i'm slowly getting over that and writing to write and practice so i can get better! but thank you for constantly supporting me, it means the absolute world to me!! <3
also i am learning SO much being a fic writer!! fanlore.org is my new friend hahaha like i knew some tropes but i never realized they had names?? like i’ve said before, i’m not new to writing, i’m not new to tumblr, but i am new to writing for tumblr lol
i’ve been into photography since middle school! i would always carry a camera with me to school lol and post “artsy” [read”: cringey] photos on my instagram ahahah dark times :’) but photography is great, and even if you use your phone, that’s a great place to start ^^
hahaha vincenzo will send you on a path of emotions, so best you know what you’re getting yourself into :P i hope you will come to love chayoung as much as i do bc she’s great, so headstrong and funny and determined :’)
hope you’re getting enough rest (i have a messed up sleep schedule too asjdkadj), staying happy, healthy, and safe, as well, my beloved 🌙 anon! <3
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valeriemperez · 7 years
Hiya! I was wondering if I could request an Iris gifset with the Dany quote "If I look back, I am lost"? I feel like it really sums up how she felt in the premiere.
Your request is beautiful and my gifset is not, but here you go! Totally agree that it perfectly encapsulates her feelings in 4.01.
My prediction for the end of season 4: Bart is gonna appear at the WA home while the team is there and say “this house is bitchin” lol That sounds like something he would say it would be a perfect way to tie in the premiere episode :) My only question is: do you Iris needs to be pregnant for Bart to show up. Like can speedsters travel to a point before their parent’s existed?
YES! I 100% want this to happen. I don’t think Iris needs to be pregnant for Bart to travel, otherwise Eobard wouldn’t have come all the way back to our present when he’s from the 25th century. But I also wonder if the writers won’t want her pregnant, just for the “spoilers!” thing. S4/5 might be too soon.
@coffee-w-iriswa said:
Tati, I just saw the video and it’s really fun and full of life. And I saw you. You’re so beautiful! Bet you had a great time doing it. Can I have your autograph?😆😆 Seriously, thanks for being there and showing your support for our fave, Keiynan, just like what Candice and the other fans are doing. Keep on supporting!!✌️❤️
Aww, thank you so much, love! Yes, the video was adorable and the atmosphere on set really was supportive and loving. Definitely a good experience.
hey do you know of any good anti virus programs ?
Depends on how much you wanna pay, but here is a good list.
@jimothyshalpert said:
Gotta think about how to successfully crop oli/city out in the gifs smh
I’m praying that they give us some tight frames of each couple during their “moments,” so that we can safely enjoy our own ships. Also, WA are gonna have an almost wedding a la Clois in Smallville at the start of the crossover. So I hope we get some mileage out of that.
@notyetbulletproof said:
With that anon. I don’t think it was an SB moment. But I hated that they panned to her. Still haven’t forgiven her so eh. I reconciled it as Caitlin coming back into the fold (🙄) and as her friend, Barry would welcome it. Even though she basically tried to kill them all.
Yeah, if it was meant to show anything, it was that this is Caitlin and she’s genuinely glad things are alright. She’s not secretly working against the team or whatever.
I wish my fellow WA shippers would realize that getting upset and wondering about S*B theories are just validating S*B shippers. Think about it- what would make you more certain of the pairing you ship? Fans getting angry and worried even if their pairing is 100% endgame? Or fans just ignoring you/your dumbass theories and not even acknowledging that you exist? If people really think they’d kill Iris off after everything last season, they’re watching a different show.
Basically. If your ship isn’t  canon and you’re looking for validation, then you are gonna take everything as a sign. I don’t know why anyone gets worked up - we’re in S4 and WA are getting married!
I didn’t take that as a SB moment but I question the editing choice. They show Barry reacting immediately after Iris calls his name and when he turns around and smiles, instead of showing Iris they show Caitlin? Weird editing choice. I didn’t even consider it as Barry smiling at Caitlin as they were all standing close to each other but it’s stupid that they showed Cait before Iris when Iris got the reaction out of him. But as you said, it’s nothing that anyone who isn’t a shipper would notice.
It is an odd editing choice, but I’m not gonna overthink it. They showed Iris several times, he looked right at her, smiled like he was in love all over again, and said “stars are melting.” I’m good, lol.
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bipilots · 7 years
sooo i got these very cool questions on anon but im replying on here to make it look neater and to separate them properly, also because they’re gonna get long,,
What's your favorite scene from Voltron? there are a lot of super cute and aesthetically pleasing shots, but im horrible at remembering specific scenes and the first thing that comes to mind right now is the one where lance is about to be shot into space because the Caste is “haunted” and keith saves him riiiight in time. It was thrilling and i screamed a little, i think. Oh, and i like the one where Lance is literally knocked out cold and wakes up for the two seconds needed to shoot the bad guy because big mood and i love him?? I also really like every scene of them training because i dream about having a wing of my house dedicated to fighting with cool murderous robots too. let me dream. In general, the Castle is my fave setting for anything. 
Why did you start watching it? my tumblr dash started screaming about it approximately two days after the first season came out and i got curious about the mecha setting ((after evangelion if a thing has really big robots im automatically sold)). i made a quick google search and binge watched it all in a night and long story short now i’m here, ta da! i stayed for the giant cats tbh (and because it’s light hearted fun and i like space)
about the ships: i realized that i’m actually pretty simple minded about it, and that the only one i really care about is lance and happiness. sooo,, there’s that. i rest my case. but klance is the love of my life and hance is cute and keith and mothman are a match made in heaven
Favorite character? AHHH well i guess it’s no secret that my absolute favorite is lance. I just find him really interesting, both because of his flaws and the glimpses of his deepest feelings we’ve seen; he has a really outlandish/goofy sense of humor, which appeals to me greatly, and he’s stubborn and outgoing but in a kind of “fake it till you make it” way and that’s exactly what i need in my life. also, because liking the “i joke about things to feel better about shit and i’m really sarcastic and brash but have an actual crisis going on 24/7” character has kinda been my thing since forever. I’m really excited about seeing how he’s gonna grow up and evolve during the series, i think he has a lot of potential. the same can be said about every other character too, honestly. I guess my favorite part about anything is seeing the character development unfold, and this goes for other shows and fics and books as well. I have the annoying habit of taking characters and wanting to dissect them (figuratively, cough) to see what makes them tick, overthinking way too much about little things and quirks they might have. A well thought out plot isn’t enough to engage me if there aren’t complex characters to sustain it, i’m picky. 
Galra Keith or Altean Lance? why must you hurt me so?? i don’t think there’s a real reply to this. well, i mean, galra keith is a little bit canon, but i would be lying if i said that him in purple and with giant fluffy ears wouldn’t appeal to me, for aesthetical reasons,, i guess I’m gonna have to go with altean!Lance? because in that particular au he’s royalty, which suits him (im not smitten, what are you saying) and... no, that’s totally just because i’m smitten. My son looks so good in the altean garments, what can I do. It’s also a very cool take on the whole “everyone is an alien someway but they still meet each other and form a great team because of destiny” thing  
Who do you think would take the first step in Keith and Lance's romantic relationship? I would love to think about their romance as them taking small steps towards each other equally to meet in the middle? In a very slow burn way, classic “enemies (in lance’s head) to friends to lovers” trope that you can pry from my cold dead hands. I think they’re both very cautious when it comes to love, for different reasons. Keith is closed off, a little wary about human contact, even if we see him gradually warming up to the team, but he’s also a driven character and seems to me his focus right now is on saving the universe. Which is good, but it’s already a lot on his plate, without adding the whole “half galra” thing which further complicates the situation. Lance is exactly the opposite, he barrels on through human (and alien) interactions and flirts shamelessly, but I think that’s more of an ingrained reflex than real pursuit of a romantic relationship? From little clues, we can guess that he knows his flirting is almost never taken seriously (and just how sad is that wtf lance, baby) and that’s why he does it, because he knows nothing is really going to come from it. The only way I see them going is at a relaxed, almost frustrating pace in which they discover themselves first and then each other, as teammates, then friends and finally lovers.
In the more immediate sense of the reply I think you were asking, it could go both way: once they’ve done their share of self-discovery, Lance may accidentally blurt out something about how he thinks Keith is good at something (his compliments are not often based on physical appearance as much as they are on practical things/personality traits which is very sweet and awesome) and then his babbling escalates in way over the top justifications until he actually confesses the deepest, fluttery feelings he’s hiding in his chest; or maybe it’s Keith to take the first leap of faith, kissing Lance square on the mouth (maybe after a particularly taxing mission where Lance does a stupid heroic thing like trying to sacrifice himself // I’m a fan of clichés and that’s romantic af besides being something that Lance would totally do) because he’s not much of a talker and he’s tired about circling around it. Mark down my words, there’s lots of super cheesy ways it could be done, and I love them all. These two are just the first that came to mind. 
Favorite lion (overall shape+colour)? My favorite color is red and I like the smaller lions merely because of practical/aesthetic reasons; besides, the way Red leaps right into action to protect her baby (Keith) is adorable and,,,, my fav is still Blue. I don’t know what to say, it doesn’t make sense, it’s what my heart is telling me. But Red is a close second, let’s call it a tie so i feel less bad about it.  
Favourite Coran life stage? teenage emo/you don’t get my feelings you don’t know my life and everything I’ve been through!Coran is my entire life
Favourite planet they've been so far? the Balmera, that’s a really wholesome sentient planet, if i do say so myself. I love it.
Favourite episode out of all seasons? again, i’m calling a tie between the “bonding moment” one for obvious, lame reasons and the space mall because Lance is a dolphin and they literally found a cow and fueled a lot of my headcanons where they can totally buy weird things needed for shameless fanfiction-y purposes  
Haggar or Zarkon? Zarkon is a grimy, wrinkly turtle and I really want to get his backstory but Haggar is a pot of unraveled mysteries and she’s way cooler in my opinion
Is Shiro a dad or a big brother? Shiro tries so hard to be a big brother (even if he likes making dad jokes) but he’s just mostly done with everything and overall bad at adulting,, just give him a piña colada, a raunchy romantic novel, put him on a beach lounger with sunglasses and let him rest
Princess Allura or Paladin Allura? both are good. She’s a fundamental asset to the team either way, by backing them up during the battles, piloting the Castle and being their support system (helped by Coran) with stuff they don’t understand - which is a lot because they’re basically going blind into the whole thing. Paladin Allura is something that I love, and she will absolutely kick ass, but I reserve my judgement for when I see what the team is gonna make of it. It surely is gonna change the dynamic a lot and depending on what role she assumes it could be good or absolutely amazing. I’m just really curious about how they’re gonna go about it. But yeah, both are cool. I’ll get you back on what is my fave once I've seen both the options in action.
ooook,, whew, im done. AHH this surely was something. Thank you for asking??? They were super interesting questions, sorry it took me a little while but I tried to reply to the best of my possibilities and hope that you got the answers you were looking for. ♥
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