#ANY OTHER manga who did this would have been dragged out to the streets to be hung but it was a given in gk. it had to happen
dirt-str1der · 4 months
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This whole chapter with knives is still funny because in the finale he at least had pants but he was straight naked here. Like it was swinging , his millionth knife
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spinningwebsandtales · 5 months
Imagine Kafka Taking Care Of You At A Kaiju Cleanup Sight
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Kafka Hibino X FemReader
Rating: T
Warnings: Kaiju gore, blood
Word Count: 1.3k
(A/N:) I have been so dang excited about the Kaiju No. 8 anime! I have read the manga since it came out and when they finally announced it getting an anime adaption, I freaked out. So yesterday was so awesome, I watched it three times! XD So I apologize for the fangirl I'm about to become and hopefully all the other Kaiju No. 8 fangirls can appreciate what I'm about to do! Until next time happy reading! ~Countess
You just knew your bosses hated you. It wasn't unusual for companies like Izumo Tech requesting specialists to go out in the field and oversee the kaiju cleanup crews. Only to make certain that they were receiving the best parts of the kaiju to create weapons, armor, and various forms of gear for the brave men and women who take the battles to the front line. But for some unfortunate reason you were the one being constantly sent out to supervise. It had to be done, even though the majority of the cleaning crews did their jobs right, but you'd be out of a job if you didn't go. This time you were to watch and take note of the Monster Sweep Inc. crew. The best of the business and always making sure they sent nothing but the parts Izumo requests. This wasn't the first time you had overseen this crew and you enjoyed being around them. What you didn't enjoy was dodging spurts of blood, or tripping over entrails, or squishing eyeball pieces under your shoes. The Defense Force always left a mess and it was the brave and iron stomached men and women of the cleaners.
Rubbing at your temples, fighting the oncoming headache, while your driver navigated the destroyed streets of the city. Your bag across your knees and the seatbelt strapped tight. You said a small prayer for the poor white shirt you unwittingly wore today. The car squealed to a stop as you couldn't go any further in the vehicle. Giving you a sorrowful smile, your driver let you out before backing out as fast as he could, leaving you alone in front of a giant bloody kaiju mess. Heaving a large sigh, the tainted coppery tang of kaiju blood filling your nostrils, you got to work.
"Hey Kafka," Masahide called to the dark haired male.
Kafka lifted his face shield wiping sweat from his forehead before heading to Toku's direction. Dread settled in the pit of his stomach, sensing he was being dragged into something else. He just hoped it wasn't entrail duty like the other times. But when Kafka saw you standing at Toku's side everything became clear, but it still didn't mean he was dodging entrail duty just yet.
"(Y/N) just got here. She's being assigned to your side since you're closer to the parts Izumo Tech are looking for."
You gave him a small wave, holding your bag tightly and standing as straight as could be. Making yourself as small as possible seemed like the safer option of keeping clean. You and Kafka knew each other pretty well by now as you had been on several scenes with him and the crew. You had become his charge every time you were on scene and it wasn't unusual for you both to go out for drinks and dinner afterwards. Majority of the time the other guys would join but sometimes you both were alone. So in Kafka's care you always felt safe as he tried his best not to splatter you with any kaiju fluids. Majority of cleaners didn't like you around, thinking that you were only here because the company thought they were doing their jobs wrong when it was the complete opposite. So it wasn't unusual for you to get doused in gore in an act of retaliation.
"Welcome back," Kafka said giving you a warm smile.
"Looks like you guys have your work cut out for you this time," you replied.
He sighed, shoulders sagging in defeat, "They keep upping our finish dates every time a kaiju is dispatched. They're really working us to the bone."
"Well if anyone can do it and handle it it's you guys," you offered him what little encouragement you could.
"Thanks." Kafka walked past you leaving you a little confused as he went to the company van. He tugged a large protective jacket from a bag on the floorboard before setting it on your shoulders. You gratefully slipped your arms inside and zipped it up to your chin. It swallowed you but you wouldn't complain.
"Thank you so much!"
Kafka blushed, "Didn't want your pretty shirt to get messed up."
"I didn't know I was coming out into the field until I came to work," you grumbled. "I would have dressed accordingly. Please continue like I'm not even here."
"I couldn't do that even if I tried," Kafka laughed. "Follow me. Some idle chat would do me some good."
Time passed by quickly as you and Kafka fell into easy chatter and before you both knew it lunch break was called. Majority of the time the smells of the dead kaiju killed your appetite but some form of luck came your way as the wind was right. Blowing the majority of the stench in the opposite direction. But still you couldn't do anything more than nibble on a few veggies you had packed in your bento. Kafka noticed you barely eating, so he dug around in his cooler. Tossing you a can, you caught it, barely.
"Ginger ale," he said at your confused glance. "It'll help settle your stomach. I carry them around just in case I'm on entrail duty. I also have some nausea pills somewhere too." He started to pat around in his pockets.
"No that's okay," you hurriedly grabbed his wrist. "This is more than enough thank you."
Sipping at the cold beverage and testing out a few bites of your lunch. You were able to finish most of it, but didn't push your luck as you had a couple more hours of staying on sight. The bark of the tree you leaned against, bit into your back. But you enjoyed the moment of just being able to take it easy. It was a rare thing to get to enjoy the slow pace of life. Between kaiju attacks, rushing around for work, and the fast pace of just life in general; you didn't find many times like this. Kafka, now finished with his lunch, leaned backwards cushioning his head with his hands. He breathed deep relaxing as the sun danced across his skin.
"Want to grab something later together," Kafka asked. His shoulders shaking as his nerves almost made him redact his question. You carefully slid your hand over, tugging at his sleeve, Kafka removed the hand you wanted from behind his head. You clasped his tightly in your grip, threading your fingers together causing him to stiffen. He knew he was sweaty and it only made his hand sweat worse and he didn't know how you felt about that. But you didn't let go.
"I would like that a lot," you replied. This time resting your head on his shoulder. "Thanks for taking care of me Kafka when I come here."
He gulped, "I enjoy it and want to make sure you're safe."
That had always been the thing. Nobody made you feel as safe as Kafka did. Accidents happened all the time at the sights of kaiju clean up and while it was dangerous for everyone involved. With Kafka you felt like at his side was the safest place that existed. Kafka squeezed your hand, closing his eyes and relishing in the touch of you. He would keep you safe no matter what. As he felt it as his duty as a man and friend. That is just who Kafka is deep down in his core. He squeezed your hand tighter resting his head on top of yours. Taking in the moment with you before you both got back to work. Yeah if you were by his side it was the safest place you could possibly be.
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ship-mista · 2 years
Hey Howdy Mista-Lovers! It's finally time! I present to you...
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Running from November 27th until our best boy's birthday on December 3rd!
This post will cover info, rules, prompts... and more? Check it out!
Also find me on Twitter:
Question One: What is Mista Harem Week?
Short answer: A week dedicated to any and all relationships featuring Mista!
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Long answer: A seven-day creation spree featuring everyone's favorite gunslinger in all types of relationships!
We welcome:
➼ All pairings (But rarepairs are encouraged!)
➼ All types of love (Platonic, romantic, chaotic -- you name it!)
➼ And all types of fanworks!
Question Two: Well, are there any rules?
Short answer: There are!
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Long answer:
Rule 1. The Prompts and Schedule are Optional!
Prompts are for inspiration, not restriction! Feel free to use the prompts, mix-and-match, post out of order, or throw everything out altogether. The world is your oyster!
Rule 2. Tag your ships!
People want to find their OTPs and avoid their NOTPs. Tagging ships is essential.
Rule 3. Use warnings for NSFW content!
I will only reblog sensitive/explicit material if it is censored or cropped. But that doesn't mean "don't make it"! It just means I am limited by platform restrictions.
Rule 5. The Most Important Rule!
Be kind to one another!
Please follow the three laws of fandom:
➼ Don't Like; Don't Read
➼ Your Kink is Not My Kink (And that's okay!)
➼ Ship and Let Ship
(And use tags!)
Now, here's what you've all been waiting for. (Or maybe that's just me!)
The Prompt List!
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November 27
❤️ "Meet & Greet"
How did Mista meet the object of his affection? How did he woo his current flame? (Or was he wooed instead?) Who made the first move?
Meet & Greet is about first meetings, first dates, first kisses. What is the start of something beautiful?
⭐ Mista x Allies
We all know Mista likes his friends. But does he LIKE-like his friends?
What if something canon-compliant where Mista dates his team. Or an AU where Mista's part of a different squad. Maybe an AU where a canon ally is now an enemy?
So many options!
November 28
❤️ "Run & Gun"
How do Mista and his partner run missions? How do they run for groceries?
Run & Gun could be about day-to-day life. Does Mista like to jog? How would he teach someone to shoot?
(Or maybe it's about fighting and shooting each other! Up to you!)
⭐ Mista x Enemies
We all might love Mista... but not everyone does (a shock! I know).
Would Mista befriend his enemies in true JoJo's fashion? Would Mista fall into a star-crossed romance, doomed for tragedy from the start? Would he forgive someone who betrayed him?
November 29
❤️ "Streets & Sheets"
Mista in the streets, still Mista in the sheets.
Streets & Sheets is about the difference between public life and private life.
Does Mista like public displays of affection? Could he keep a relationship a secret?
⭐ Mista x Anyone in Golden Wind
Anyone in Golden Wind canon is fair game, here. Anime, manga, novels, you name it.
(Also, listen... I think Mista could land Giorno's mom. And Giorno's dad. And also Giorno's mysterious gangster hero.)
November 30
❤️ "Wake up & Make-up"
Morning routines! Coffee, cuddling, curtain-fic. Who's the morning person? Who would rather DIE than wake up before noon?
Wake up & Make-up is about domesticity. Or maybe it's about Mista in drag! You know he'd rock a winged eyeliner.
⭐ Mista x Anyone in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Could you imagine if Mista, Hol Horse, and Foo Fighters met? What a wild adventure those three gun-toting hotties would have.
What if Mista were in a different Part? What if he met Joseph in his prime? Chaos.
December 1
❤️ "Short Skirts & T-Shirts"
Pining from afar, jealousy, falling in love with your neighbor... Could Mista keep his love to himself or does he wear his heart on his sleeve?
Or maybe this is the fashion episode. (Does he have a whole zoo of animal-print pants?)
⭐ Mista x Anyone outside of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
I'm thinking... Sherlock Holmes... SpongeBob Squarepants... Lassie. Literally anyone or anything is fair game here. Go wild!!!
December 2
❤️ "Showers & Flowers"
After it rains, life grows.
Showers & Flowers could be about recovering from adversity and trauma. We know Mista's had his fair share of both.
Or maybe it's about who hogs the shower, who brings flowers in apology, who likes the rain?
⭐ Mista x Your OC
This is your chance to ship Mista with your OC. Any OC. I mean it!
A JoJo's OC? Absolutely. Another anime OC? Yes PLEASE! Your D&D character? Live your best life! Your cringy middle-school cat boy OC? I would LITERALLY die for him.
December 3
❤️ "Happy Birthday"
A free day!
I'd honestly love it if everyone shared their favorite piece of someone else's work. Spread the love! Give the gift of Mista to the masses.
⭐ Mista x Your favorite character
Literally any character from anything, as long as they're your favorite. Gush about your favorite character, gush about Mista. Gush about Gushers. Gimme all those gooey feelings.
And that's it! That's all the info I have. Feel free to DM me if you have any questions, any comments, any concerns. Above all, I want this account and this ship week to just express all the love in the world for one Guido Mista.
Have fun! Be positive!
How do you @ship-mista?
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lake-archive · 3 months
Scene 20
AO3 Link
Fandom: Persona 5
Character (main): Anja / Luka (OC)
Scene 19 - Masterlist - Scene 21
This chapter deals with the following topic(s):
If any of this makes you uncomfortable, I advise you to skip this one!
“Yo dude. Can I ask ya something?”
Usually Luka would not look deep into a question like this. After all, the dudes often had something to ask him. May it be favors or just some advice. Or because they were curious about some manga they’ve read. What do they jokingly say? “ It’s like as if you’ve read every manga there is! ” Heh, it was something to at least take some pride in, wasn’t it? He did his research! Plus he needed to study as much material as possible to be able to bring a world to live. Even if it was with solely words. 
Anyways, long story short, Luka had assumed that it was something like that again. What else could it be? “Sure, go on. What’s up?” He asked, calm at that very moment. But things would shift very quickly when hearing the question which followed right after agreeing.
“So… Uh… One of the other dudes said that you’re a chick. Is that true?”
Hearing that question made Luka stare in disbelief for a second. Did his ears hear that properly? Was that— Had he just been asked—
“You mean a chicken?” He tried to counter, hoping that it was just that. A terrible joke with a punchline. Nothing more. Here was hoping and all! But… 
“Huh? No, dude. C’mon, you know what I mean! Chick! Gal! Woman!”
“A… Ah… Really?” Luka let out, his voice crumbling, about to be at the brink of defeat. Hearing that was just… It caused something in him, he could feel it. His heart was racing and he was probably sweating, close to a fever. His head had become dizzy as well, at least a little bit. He had just been asked a question, this question of all things… Did he slip up somewhere? Had he forgotten something? Did one spot them in one of the public restrooms, entering as one but exiting as the other!? So many thoughts of race threw his head upon this question… He didn’t know how to answer except to lie! “N… No. Where did you get that idea from?”
“Ah! One of the guys said something about some Crossdresser running around the streets recently.”
Ah— Again! That word! What in the— “R… Really now?”
“Yeah. And his Sis said she knows who it is. Said you got something to do with it.”
“Eh!? C… C’mon! That—”
“Well, if I look at you closely though… Why do you wear such baggy clothes?” Ah! Hold on that– “And you don’t join us at the bathhouse either. Nor the pool. And when we’re at the beach you’re still covering all of your skin.”
Hearing that put him on the spot. What… Why was he… Hold on what is going on!? Who— “I just like baggy clothes!” Luka countered, though noticing how defensive he got. “And I told ya that I’m not fond of water! And I can’t swim so why bother wearing swimming trunks to begin with?”
“W… Well, yeah but… You always decline the bathhouse.”
“I only got so much time! Mother would get worried!” She would be delighted hearing that actually. But his actions couldn’t back up his words. Luka knows how he gets when having to lie – All the stuttering, the looking around, the sweating… Hell, he wasn’t even processing things at the moment! It was all a mess! His view may as well be blurry right now! Actually, why’s everything spinning? 
“You sure? She told us to drag you along whenever we can. She said so last time we were over.”
“Y… You know how she is! Saying silly things and all!” This is bad! “Uh… Who said it anyways? Probably a misunder—”
Huh!? Wa… Watanabe? “What does he have to do with it?”
“Nothing much really. Just said that his sister is talking more about a crossdresser… She’s even sending pictures of her.” 
Wait a moment… Watanabe… Sister? Hold on a minute! “Uhm… His sister… Is her name… Maki?” Luka decided to ask, though sounding rather hesitant at that point. N… No way. This has to be a—
“Oh, yeah! That’s her name! You know her or something?”
Maki… Maki!? How did Maki, when did— Ah! Wait, when they were over Watanabe’s house! He said that he had a little sister but she usually doesn’t bother… Could it be that the gaze at the time was— But it had been a while. How would she— No no no! This had to be some joke! “Uh… Sort of. I… Met her before. In middle school.”
The guy only raised an eyebrow at that, staying silent before suddenly just letting out an “Uh huh…” It sounded dismissive, cold… Or had that been Luka’s ears? He really wasn’t able to think anymore. Was he imagining things now? Ah it was all racing! He couldn’t even comprehend the situation properly! But if Maki… No, that didn’t mean— 
“I… I gotta go!” It had shot out of his mouth so suddenly yet he couldn’t stay here anymore. Hearing all of this and then that name… How would anyone get the idea!? Ah… Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck! If this comes out then… 
How is this not over!? Why must it haunt them everywhere they go!? Oh please let this be a nightmare…
Scene 19 - Masterlist - Scene 21
0 notes
angry-geese · 3 years
Nanami Kento x Reader
Warnings: sfw. pregnancy mention, death mention, minor injury mention. mild angst. jjk manga spoilers/shibuya arc spoilers
Summary: some pregnancy fluff with nanami
Word Count: 2.2k
jjk masterlist
Greys dot at his temples, and the sides of his beard. There's a permanent line between his eyebrows from scowling. Nanami always kept his face shaved in the past. Nowadays he hardly bothers shaving. You like it when he has a little bit of scruff, and he's often too tired to shave. His cheeks are far more gaunt. He lost a considerable amount of weight he never really gained back. You’ve been trying to get him to eat more. And it's working, but recovery isn't a short process. It was a long road that sometimes it feels like you take one step forward, only to take ten back.
He finds himself questioning if he'd rather wear a glass eye, or an eyepatch.
Nanami hardly sees the point in either. So the answer is neither. He rarely leaves his house, save for the rare times you drag him along to the grocery store, or down the street to the bakery. Even then, he wears his hat low on his head, keeping his eyes on the ground in a feeble attempt to make himself as small as possible.
Shibuya left scars on everyone who had the misfortune of being there, ones that never quite healed right. You were the same person; torn apart and put back together wrong. Age has not been kind to you, your wounds taking longer to heal, an ever-present ache in your bones. Past injuries have never quite healed, only laying dormant, waiting for the weather to sour so they can ache. He guesses he can consider himself lucky. He's alive. That's more than a lot of people can say.
But sometimes he thinks the real lucky ones were those who didn't survive.
Sometimes he thinks he's dead. In the twilight between sleep and his waking moments, he wonders if he actually made it. He wonders if he really survived, or if this is just some last ditch attempt by his brain to make sense of things.
He doesn't understand why you stay. He finds himself wondering why he bothers. Most days he doesn't see a point in continuing. But he doesn't want to leave you alone, reaching out to the empty space where he used to be.
For a long time he struggled to find purpose to all this. He wanted a reason, or at the very least answers. But he never would get them. It's unfair to say there’s an order to the universe. There's no reason why things happen the way they happen, they just do.
In the end he came to terms with it.
He remembers the glint in your eyes. A mischievous look- you were always trying to cause trouble. It's never really left. You were younger than him. Not by much. Two years. You were adamant he recommended you to become a grade one sorcerer. For months you pestered him, hounding him for that recommendation. As a Jujutsu High first-year, you looked up to him. When you got into trouble, you found yourself asking 'what would Nanami do?' And as time went on, you still did.
After months of pestering he eventually caved. You're nothing if not persistent. It was a little alarming at the time, and equally as irritating. But when you were finally a grade one sorcerer, he was there alongside you to celebrate.
At first glance, you two were far from compatible. The two of you couldn't be any more different. He was stoic and stern, and you were a known troublemaker. Your cursed technique worked well with his, and as a result, you went on many jobs together. As time went on you grew close.
And after years of working together, he finally realized he wanted more.
To everyone around you, your feelings were obvious. The two of you were hopeless. Between your stubbornness, and Nanami’s refusal to believe Gojo, neither of you wanted to be the first to confess. It was up to Gojo to help. Neither of you asked for his help, he took it upon himself. Little did he know, Nanami had a confession planned.
Nanami never got to have a proper confession. Gojo would spoil the surprise. Nanami was pissed, but your reaction was worth it. He doesn't think he’s ever seen you that happy.
Slowly things got better. Your more visible wounds healed and scarred. You went back to work. Nanami settled into domestic life better than he thought he would.
The transition wasn't the easiest. Settling down was far from an instantaneous change. He took on work around the house. For a short time you kept a ‘normal’ job. Even when you were younger, such work never suited you. Between the money you had saved up from your years as a sorcerer, and the money you got from odd jobs, you had enough to live comfortably. There was no need to work.
Slowly he started to look forward to getting up in the morning. Having a routine helped. It gave him a sense of normalcy.
He often finds himself unable to sleep. Nanami falls asleep late in the afternoon, and sleeps until either his phone, or a nightmare rouses him.
Today it's neither. He was a light sleeper before. Now even more-so. When he’s next to you, sleep comes to him easier. His arms find the swell of your belly, wrapping around it protectively. Your presence is a reminder that you’re still around, that you're not going anywhere. His shoulder aches. He finds sleep impossible. He’s too sore to move, but too sore to sleep. Even before everything, he found it easy to sleep on his couch, and hard to sleep in bed. You’d constantly pester him that sleeping on the couch wasn't good for his back. But that wouldn't stop you from staying there until you both inevitably fell asleep, and he carried you to bed.
It took you years to convince him to have one. He wanted to settle down and have children, but he couldn't be both a sorcerer and a parent. And neither could you. Shibuya only set things back. The world had to heal first. Things had to get better. The two of you had to heal before others could rely on you.
You weren't actively trying, but if it happened, it happened.
You've long since fallen asleep in the crook of his neck. He hardly left bed all day. Things were getting bad again. Sometimes months would go by where it seemed things were improving, only for them to take a nosedive. He’s still getting better, but recovery isn't a linear process. You didn't have anywhere to go that day, so you stayed right by his side. You took it upon yourself to make him feel better. Or at least bother him until he got out of bed. Much of your morning was spent watching movies on your phone, and stealing blankets from each other.
Retirement was nice. Granted, you retired rather young, but if the rest of your life was spent with him, you’d be content. He’s still the same man you fell in love with all those years ago. Aside from the occasional, safe-ish odd job, you were done with sorcery. Those days were past you.
He’s grown tired of staying still. Sometimes moving helps the aches. He never was the earliest riser before, but now he can hardly stay in bed past seven. Everything hurts. No matter when he goes to sleep, he’s usually up by 7:30, and you can count on him making coffee in the kitchen.
It's hardly past nine. The sun has completely set over the horizon. Stiffness has set into his limbs. He takes great care to not disturb your sleeping form, tucking the blankets back around you.
You nuzzle into the warm spot where he once was, a frown burned into your face. You never liked sleeping without him. Nightmares struck you frequently. Often you'd wake up from a dead sleep in a panic, calling out for him, convinced that this was some sick dream and he died years ago. He’d often wake up to you clinging to his arm, face buried in his shirt.
But he was always there.
You find it easier to fall asleep when it's light out. You don't like falling asleep in the dark. He makes sure to keep a light on in the hall. The power bill you could care less about. Nightmares came to you in the dark. Your logic is that, if there's no dark, you won't have them. To some extent it works.
It's a bit late for dinner, but he finds himself in the kitchen anyway. He wants udon, but the shop you normally go to would be closed at this hour. Their mushroom udon is the best. He’ll try to recreate it.
He sets some water on to boil, along with some frozen gyoza to thaw that you always insist on going to this one specific market in Tokyo for. Chicken and leek, with lots of ginger. Your favorite. You go through so much of the stuff that you have to get it in bulk, and freeze the extras. He thinks you’ll want tea too, so he sets the kettle on to boil.
He doesn't hear you walk in. Between the clanking of pots, and the whistling of the kettle, your soft footsteps go unheard. Nanami’s hearing was never quite the same. But he senses eyes on his back, and turns.
“I didn't mean to wake you, love.” He says.
“You didn't. I was having a hard time staying asleep anyway,” you say, “what’re you making?”
“Mushroom udon and gyoza,” he says, “it’s gonna be kind of a late dinner, but I thought it sounded good.”
“Smells good,” you say.
One of his hands finds your much smaller ones. Your fingers lace with his. His hands are warm, and calloused from years of using his weapon.
“Remind me to get more tea when I head into town tomorrow,” you say, “oh- and rice too. We were getting low the last time I checked. Do you want to go too?”
He nods. He makes a silent note to add those, along with laundry soap to the shopping list.
Before, he hated going into town. Strangers poked and prodded, and asked about his scars. It's gotten better as time goes on. If cravings struck you in the middle of the night, he would be up and ready to bring you something. Craving the mochi only sold by a specific shop in Tokyo? It doesn't matter if he had to take the train all the way to the city, he’d do it. Your arms wrap around his waist from behind. He’s a bit too tall for you to rest your head on his shoulder from behind. You have to stand on the tips of your toes to press a kiss to his cheek. He smells faintly of laundry soap, and shampoo. His stubble brushes against your lips. You always liked when he grew it out.
He pulls you so you stand in front of him, your back against his chest. His hands find the swell of your belly, wrapping around you protectively. Nanami plants a kiss on the top of your head. It's one of the few moments you feel truly normal. You’re no longer sorcerers, but a couple sharing a romantic moment, one building a life together.
He’s hardly allowed any distance between you two. Nanami acts like you’re made out of glass. He’s almost afraid to touch you. God forbid you try to lift something too heavy, or help out with the housework. He’s on you in an instant, trying to get you to rest. He’s a bit overbearing when it comes to things that aren't good for the baby. No alcohol, no caffeine, no overexerting yourself. You didn't miss alcohol all that much, but you really miss coffee. At times his presence can be suffocating. He means well, even if it gets on your nerves.
When the noodles are done, he gathers two bowls- part of a set given to you as a wedding gift. You only brought them out to use when your parents would visit. Much of the time they spent gathering dust. You always talked about using them more, but never got the opportunity to. He figures now is as good a time as ever. You set the table, setting out a few candles. He’d break out a bottle of sake if you could drink, but you just settle for tea.
"Retirement looks good on you," you say.
“It looks good on you too,” he says.
Conversation carries on while you eat. The topic falls onto mundane things that make his heart flutter only when you talk about them. You make plans to go shopping in the morning. You need groceries, and there’s a new shop opening up in town that you want to check out. When you’re done eating, you help him clean up. You clear the table while he gets the dishes.
He’s finally found his place. Not in jujutsu or human society. Not among sorcerers or regular people. His place is beside you.
And each day, he finds himself falling more hopelessly in love.
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gildedmuse · 2 years
Every good fan thinks about what role they or people they know would take in their favorite media. What does Law think about himself and those he knows? How would he say they could fit in with Sora: Warrior of the Sea?
Oh, man, this is almost the perfect question. I say almost because I did request things I could write about in 500 words or less and this? This I could write fucking symphonies about.
[I'll assume this is asking about Canon Law and not, you know, mine and @devilfruitsaladfordinner's extensive Modern AU. Though I will be shamelessly ripping from it whenever I feel the need.]
First off, Law has been reading Sora ever since hewas a kid. Probably as soon as he could read he picked up that manga and never looked back. So he has quite a few OCs (and headcanon - like don't even get Law started on his many, MANY Sora headcanon. His crew, bless their poor souls, learned long ago it was not a conversation they had any hope of winning) and of course many of them were blatant self inserts. And since Law has changed drastically from when he first started reading the manga, so too have his characters.
Sweet, Innocent Lil Law, for instance, would have been Sora's most trusted ally (NOT a side kick!) and the only person Sora could truly trust with his secret identity! Also, since Sora's main enemy is Germa 66 who are techno-geniuses, Law would be able to help Sora by being just as smart as Germa itself! (Never mind that he is studying to be a doctor and Germa is full of engineers, he's smart so he could easily figure it out.
Later, after he tracks down Doflamingo and joins his gang, Law is so full of hate, especially for the marines who came in and murdered his friends, family, everyone he ever knew that originally, when Baby 5 showed up with a copy, he tried to pretend he didn't read such childish propaganda. That's what it was, propaganda for the marines. The more Law thought about it, though, the more he is sure he could make Sora see the truth (if Sora was real, which obviously he isn't; Law isn't some stupid baby). Sora could have never done what the Marines did to his home, his family. There's no way the top marine brass would tell Sora what they were planning - he would never allow it! - and they probably told him some cover up story, And maybe he would refuse to believe it at first. So Law would SHOW him. He would take Sora to see the burned out remains of Flevernce with burnt bodies still in the streets, he'd point to the old navy camo site just outside of the barbed wire fence built to keep people inside, he'd open Sora's eyes to all the horrors committed by his so-called comrades, and unlike every other marine Sora wouldn't just say it had to be done. No, then and there he would promise Law that he, Sora - warrior of the Sea and protector of the North - would make it right. That's the type of hero Sora is. He wouldn't abandon Law or deny what was done, he would help Law. He would help him to destroy the Marines, the government, the entire world. Sora would understand.
(When Corazon takes him and runs, Law only has time to grab a single issue of Sora: Warrior of the Sea. Back home he had what seemed to him like the full collection, but of course it burnt to ash in the fires. Here, he only had the small percentage of money he got when they allowed him to accompany them on a job, but still Law had managed to save up and finally had a whole 26 out of the 753 issues published, and then suddenly he had to go and go now. Law left with only a single issue tucked under his shirt.)
(He must have read Chapter 327: Refugees Or Spies!? Sora Never Abandons Those In Need! nearly two thousand times. It was the only one he had for the two years he spent with Corazon.)
(At first, Law still thinks SORA would understand, unlike some people who insist on dragging Law from hospital to hospital as if being called a plague is helping him. SORA wouldn't be putting Law through this humiliation. Sora would just help Law kill as many Marines as he could before he dies in a few years, a year, half a year, a couple of months, any day now....)
The longer he is with Corazon though, the more he's reading that same issue over and over again, and yet somehow parts start to read a little ditferently. Like he never noticed, before, how Sora always removes his cape when he approaches the refugee boat, so he looks less like one of the Germa high command And he starts thinking about more than how cool it is when Sora does that midflight flip-kick to Electric Blue's chin (though it is still completely awesome). Things like how determined Sora is in this particular issue to help save this small ship of refugees even though they're Germa citizens, even though everyone else is sure they are plants and are only pretending to be escaping to gain access to a marine base so they can report back to Germa 66. Plus there are all these details he never noticed before; how Sora never talks in the Raid suit except to the three children refugees, about the way he stands when he gets angry with his cape flaying about behind him, about his smile.
And Law starts to think maybe, for as much as he would want Sora to help him destroy everything, maybe Sora would refuse. Or not refuse, but he would say there were more important things that took priority, things like getting Law better. Even if Law didn't think it was possible, it wouldn't be the first time Sora did the impossible.
Maybe he would be determined to help Law even when Law was unhelpable. Sora wouldn't give up on him, just like Cora-san refuses to give up on Law.
Cora-san may actually be a little better than Sora. Only because Cora-san isn't a marine.
(In all the chaos on Rubeck, Law ends up losing that beloved, if by then a bit torn up and faded, issue in the snow somewhere. He has never again picked up a copy of Chapter 327: Refugees Or Spies!? Sora Never Abandons Those In Need! He didn't need to, not after he'd read it so many times. He lost Cora-san and that issue on the same island on the same day. He can't get either of them back.)
By the time he gets to the Grand Line, Law is much older and doesn't just read Sora: Warrior of the Sea so he can picture Sora solving all his problems, or solving all of Sora's.
No, by then, sometimes while reading through a chapter, Law thinks about how fun it would be to cause some of those problems.
Not the big ones, of course.at his heart he's still a true Sora fan, he could never hurt Sora - even in his own head! - but he's also a pirate. A sort of natural enemy to the Marines. Though Sora isn't just any old marine, of course. Which doesn't mean he would approve of the mischief that Law - sorry, Dr. Heart Stealer - got up to. But he wouldn't entirely DISAPPROVE either, if you know what I mean.
(Law is totally sure that, given the chance, he could make Sora blush. Not just blush either. The manga shows him flirting plenty, with allies and enemies alike, but it hasn't shown him going through with more than a kiss. No one has proved able to hold his interest that long, apparently. Law is sure Dr. Heart Stealer could hold Sora's interest. Why, he wouldn't be surprised if a whole arc in the manga where Sora leaves the North Blue entirely in the hands of his allies, all because he's compelled to chase down Dr. heart Stealer, even when the notorious pirate enters the Grand Line.)
When he becomes Shichibukai, Law has no interest in working for or even with the Marines. Things would obviously be different if Sora was around. He would have returned to North Blue, of course, that is where he belongs, but then only a year later to hear that Dr. Heart Stealer was made a Shichibukai!? And suddenly Sora has orders to head to Marie Joice himself! After all, who better to work with their new pirate ally.
(Law chuckles to himself, embarrassed at his own fantasy. Honestly, what kind of fool would fall for an ally, especially a temporary one, and shichibukai or not everyone knows a pirate and a marine could never be real allies. Even though he knows it's only his own fantasy Law can't help but laugh at his own navie desires. Oh, And what is this? New arrivals to Punk Hazard? Wait a moment.... 2 years or not Law would recognize that green haired swordsman anywhere, despite having hardly spoken to him well, Zoro-ya is a hard man to forget....)
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chihomichannel · 3 years
i wish you all the happiness in the world
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| pairing: oikawa tooru x short female! reader | summary: In which you loved each other for all this time but timing was never on your side | genre: angst, fluff, suggestive, kinda smut but not really | warnings: MANGA SPOILERS, cursing, alcohol, NOT EDITED ‘cause i’m tired | word count: 6964 words | a/n: hi hi! this is my first haikyuu ff. hope you like it! ヾ(@^∇^@)ノ i have to say though, i’m not really satisfied with this smh. it’s more like a summary of an entire fanfic i’ve thought for oikawa siiigh. this also was kinda rushed by the end ‘cause i wanna post it already jhbksdjna
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You treasure your time back in childhood. Whenever you think back to those days, you would be reminded of the times you spent with Oikawa and Iwaizumi by your side. Still young and ignorant to the world other than your own little bubble, you played around and made memories that even years later, you could still remember what you felt back then. What it felt like to pull on your sister’s hair and the terror that went with it, what it felt like to accidentally injure yourself after you tried copying that one commercial you saw on TV, what it felt like to trip over your own feet as you dived head first to receive a ball for the first time - and with all those times of stupidity and utter fun, Oikawa and Iwaizumi was always there. You don’t even remember the first time you met them. All you knew was that they were already a part of your life for as long as you could remember.
You and Oikawa are next-door neighbors and Iwaizumi lives just right around the corner by the end of the street. For everyday that passed by, you three were always joined at the hips. You can’t even remember a time in your childhood that you weren’t with either of the two. Or maybe it was because it was so long ago that you don’t remember everything now that you’re a bit older.
But a distinct memory of Oikawa forcing both you and Iwaizumi’s pinkies to his as he shouted in promise “Someday, we’ll make it all to nationals!” Nationals. What a fancy word for such young dreamers.
But hence, when you reached the age of kindergarten, your parents made it a mission and a promise to always, always enroll the three of you in the same school. They thought your friendship was cute and special. Even everyone in the neighborhood found your little group endearing. They could never imagine one without the other two or either of the bunch. You would always be three and that would never change. At least that was the ideal reality that everyone imagined for you three.
Though that ideal friendship remained true for years and years. But in your final year of middle school, that was when everything shifted its course.
It was when Oikawa and you were alone in between the two gyms that separated the boy’s volleyball team and the girl’s volleyball team. You were a setter, a genius setter. And during that time, you didn’t know the animosity Oikawa held towards genius volleyball players. So when he told you “You’re a really great setter” And with the small smile accompanied by those fluttering words, a great wave of pride swelled in your chest to hear such a comment from such a great setter, a tinge of pink painted across your cheeks.
You let out a small shy “Thank you” Your eyes stuck on the ground with your hair hiding your reddening cheeks. You didn’t notice the slight quirk in the corners of his smile. Too busy with your head in the clouds, you failed to notice the envy that flashed through his dark chocolate-brown eyes.
While you were busy pining over your new realized feelings, Oikawa was also busy over his conflicting feelings for you. You were his friend, his best friend along with Iwaizumi. So why does he harbor so much jealousy towards you? It was him who got you into volleyball in the first place. It was him who dragged you out of bed every morning for as long as he could remember just to play volleyball. But seeing you do so much better than him, even when he would never face you on the court, he couldn’t help but feel insecure in your presence.
He thinks he could do more, be better and surpass every living genius in the world of volleyball. He wants to be the best. He needs to be much much better. And with the green-eyed monster controlling his need to be the best, without knowing it, he held a resentment against you.
And you, none the wiser of your friend’s bitterness towards you, you found more reasons to be around Oikawa more. More than you already do. Which to be honest did not help calm the growing storm Oikawa harbors in his heart. You always just seem to be everywhere and seeing you always reminds him of what he’s lacking. Feelings of guilt, envy and your sudden overwhelming presence is what drove him to finally snap. To finally pull the trigger and kill whatever’s left of his fondness towards you.
Iwaizumi had told you that Oikawa has been pushing himself much more than normal. Oikawa has been losing his cool and Iwaizumi has explained the pressure, the constant need to be better and the inferiority Oikawa feels towards players like Kageyama and Ushijima. But neither you nor Iwaizumi knew you were one of those Oikawa felt inferior to.
So one late afternoon, the sun has set and the sky is minutes away from dark. Hours after classes were dismissed and the rest of the players had been sent home, you entered the boy’s volleyball gym alongside Iwaizumi to see that Oikawa is still hell-bent on practicing.
You frowned. You could see how exhausted he was but still, he stood on his two feet, determined. Before you could even call out his name, Kageyama caught your attention as he made his way to his senior “Oikawa-san, please teach me how to serve”
As if something inside him snapped in half, Oikawa’s hand flew towards Kageyama only for Iwaizumi to catch his arm in time “Get a grip you moron!” Stunned silence echoed through the gym, only heavy breaths and wide eyes spoke volumes of what just happened. “I’m sorry” Oikawa relaxed and Iwaizumi let him go. But his eyes, he was just as shocked with his actions as much as everyone was.
“Kageyma, I’m sorry but we’re done for the day” Iwaizumi’s spoke and with that, Kageyama walked away, eyeing Oikawa warily as he passed him by.
“Tooru?” Your voice caught his attention. You being there sent him in overload and before he could stop himself, before Iwaizumi had the chance to stop the words that flew out of Oikawa’s mouth, he snapped once again. But this time, there was no stopping it.
“You!” He bellowed, you flinched “I hate you! I hate you and your presence and everything that is you!”
“Huh?” “Wha-? OI!”
“-Why are you always everywhere? Why do you have to be a part of my life? You’re always in my eyes! You’re always there and I am sick of it!” Oikawa huffed, tears brimming on his eyes. You’re already crying.
“You like me don’t you?” 
He knows
“-Well I don’t like it! Stay away from me will you! You overwhelm me!”
He knows
You clenched your hand, shaking.
“-WHY DID YOU HAVE TO BE A SETTER?!” With a frustrated cry, Oikawa dropped to his knees and suddenly, you realize.
‘He hates me’ You thought. You didn’t even dwell as to why when you ran out the gym. You heard Iwaizumi call out your name but you ignored him and ran. You ran and ran until your lungs forced you to stop, tumbling down to your knees as you sobbed in the empty road under the street light.
You can’t understand for the life of you. Had you been mean to him? Have you done something wrong? Or is it because he knows you like him and he doesn’t feel that way towards you. Maybe you made him uncomfortable. His mother doesn’t really help as she always gushes about how you should be her future daughter-in-law. You had overwhelmed him and now he hates you.
It was only the night before Monday did you remember what he last told you.
‘Ah’ you thought as you realized the roots of his new found resentment towards you.
Oikawa has always been ambitious and successful at whatever he sets his mind into. But he was no genius and his skills were practiced, it did not come naturally. You remembered those times he ranted about Ushijima and how unbelievably strong he is. And Kageyama and how he’s younger yet so much better than he is. And then there’s you.
He had never complained about you. Or at least none that you knew about. You should have realized when people started calling you a genius. You should have noticed the change of his demeanor towards you. How he doesn’t smile genuinely anymore. How you weren’t actually friends anymore. 
You didn’t love volleyball and maybe that’s one of the reasons why he hates you. Or maybe that’s the exact reason why. You don’t even love it yet you’re so good at it. No wonder he was frustrated about you. He’s not just envious about your skills, he’s also frustrated to see you obtain something he wants when you’re only half-hearted into the game. It was a reminder that no matter how hard he pushed himself, there would always be some genius that would trample over his hardened efforts.
You couldn’t believe how fast you could go from liking someone to hating them the next.
You avoided him after that incident. You avoided him like the plague. You still talk to Iwaizumi though but not as much as before. You distanced yourself from them and before you knew it, you had graduated.
Over the summer, that was when people noticed the shift in the dynamic of your friendship. The three became two and you’re now only one. You don’t leave your house, not even when Iwaizumi called out your name for an hour because you knew Oikawa would be there.
Oikawa did not make any effort to reconcile with you and it annoyed you to no end. It was always Iwaizumi acting as the mediator but eventually, even he gave up. It was tiring to force two people to reconcile when neither party wanted anything to do with the other.
It doesn’t mean Oikawa didn’t feel guilty. His guilt was one of the reasons why he exploded and it was also guilt that made him ashamed of facing you. You were a precious friend, a childhood friend, a person who’s known him for so long. A person who knows him better than his family and yet he pushed you away. 
And now you won’t come back.
At the opening ceremony in high school, he waited for you. He thought that he would make peace with you. Apologize once and for all. You were already in high school for god’s sake. You had let the whole summer wash away the broken pieces of your friendship with no way of reconciliation. You had wasted a whole summer and Oikawa’s determined to bring everything back to where it was. Even if it meant to pick up all the pieces of the broken fragments of your strained friendship. He would do so. Because you’re precious to him, more than you nor he could understand.
But you never came. And at once, all that courage and determination in him was also washed away.
You went to Karasuno for high school and swore your soul to the gods that exist that you would never ever step foot into a volleyball court ever again. You had decided to quit on volleyball. Sure, you were a genius at it but you didn’t love it. At least not as much as some people you know. But that promise was also thrown away when Sugawara, a classmate, begged you to be their manager.
He was resolute and you were annoyed. And so you rejected his offer. Though that did not stop him from pestering you, begging you down to his knees which is why you found yourself watching a practice match held in the school’s volleyball gym.
‘They’re weak’ You thought. You didn’t really care as you watched the team pathetically lost. You could not stress enough the difference in power between your school and the away team. It was truly and utterly pitiable.
You had heard about the tale of the once powerhouse that is Karasuno and you wondered what happened. You learned that your school had once managed to make it to the nationals so why is the team so weak now? No coach, no manager, just players.
You were already leaving, indifferent to your school’s volleyball team when your ears perked up on an insult, an insult that sent you to overdrive and before you knew it, you were screaming. You screamed at your school’s team. You screamed a vow, a vow to get them to nationals once again. And so beyond your belief, you were on the court once again. Though this time, you were only at the side.
It was in the Interhigh Tournament did you and Oikawa look at each other once again. His eyes were wide while yours was determined, glaring at him as if challenging him. He knew of your abilities and how well you could use that to coach others. He knew you could use that to examine opponents and use that knowledge against them. You were a genius that way. And so seeing you in the opponent’s team as their manager made him nervous. Just because you were a manager doesn’t mean you wouldn’t be able to help the team technically.
But how can you help a team that doesn’t want your help in the first place? It was only you and your other fellow first years that were bitter when you lost in the first round. Your seniors seemed to accept that your team just wasn’t good enough. And the frustration sent you to silent tears as you questioned your decision of being involved in volleyball again.
And Oikawa, being the ever jackass that he is, used the opportunity to tease you. An excuse to talk to you. And imagine the delight he felt when you gave him the attention. And so started the rivalry you never imagined you would have with him.
You thought that maybe if he hadn’t chosen to tease you that day, you would’ve quit the volleyball club. And maybe if he hadn’t teased you that day, you would have probably never talked again.
Three years passed and it was your last year at high school. With the addition of promising first years, you faced off against Aoba Johsai in the Spring Interhigh Qualifiers. Karasuno won and would face off Shiratorizawa for the finals. You should be glad, ecstatic even. So why are you sad? Why are you mourning for your childhood friends’ loss? Why won’t you look away from the opponent and celebrate with your team?
But how could you when you could see the two special people in your life fight off the tears that threatened to stream down their eyes. And the night after Karasuno beat Shiratorizawa, you thought ‘Nationals’ 
You were the only one who made it to Nationals. And you weren’t even a player.
The thought of that stupid childhood promise left a bitter taste on your mouth.
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The high of the nationals died down once it was over and you and your fellow third years now focus on studying for the finals and upcoming university entrance exams. It was dismissal time and having no volleyball club activities any more, you head straight home, parting ways with Sugawara at the intersection.
You sighed. The sky is orange with hues of pink, purple and blue painting the sky gradient. You had arrived by your house’s gate when you heard the ruckus of voices. Male voices. So you turn and lo and behold, it was Oikawa, Iwaizumi and number 2 and 3 from what you could remember.
They turn to look at you and their ruckus dies down. You turned your back at them, already opening the gate when Iwaizumi called out your name. You turn your focus back at them “Would you mind tutoring us?”
“Please, she’s bad at math” Oikawa commented. You felt a nerve pop out of your neck “You bitch, you suck at everything but volleyball!”
“Excuse me, I’m in class 6-” “Doesn’t matter”
Iwaizumi could only sigh as Matsukawa and Hanamaki watched in amusement. ‘So you’re the famous childhood friend’ they thought.
You and Oikawa stared down at each other, neither backing down. For added effect, you crossed your arms which earned a snort from the setter “Please?” Iwaizumi pleaded. With a sigh, you looked at your friend “Fine. I’ll just tell mom first”
Why did you accept? You didn’t know. But you knew you didn’t mind being around Oikawa now. Though you don’t really trust him, not anymore.
Your mom was surprised to hear you would be going to Oikawa’s house. It’s been years and she could not hide the glee on her face as she practically pushed you out of the house. With a deep breath, you made your way to his house.
The door opened to his mother who, like your mom, albeit a bit more enthusiastic, was ecstatic beyond relief at the sight of you. She asked you continuously without giving you any chance to reply “Did you finally make up? Are you friends again? You’re talking again? How splendid! Why did you stop talking in the first place? I was so sad. I missed you so dearly. It wasn't the same without you”
She kept on beaming and you only replied in awkward chuckles, not wanting to kill her joy and tell her you still very much held a grudge against her son. But fortunately, she left you to the company of the four boys who sprawled all around the couch, bags thrown at the side with the television on in a music channel. A girl group is performing.
“Aren’t you guys supposed to be studying?”
“Shh, Miho-chan is singing” Oikawa held a finger on his lips. You could only grimace at their focus on the girl group. Maybe you should go now.
But before you could even turn around, Iwaizumi had turned off the TV much to the boys’ protests “Fanboy later you horny scumbags”
“You know I’m here, right?” You say and Iwaizumi sent you an apologetic smile.
“You don’t count as a girl anyway so it doesn’t really matter” You felt your heart drop at Oikawa’s comment. You frowned, dropping your books down on the coffee table with a slam. The three boys jumped, startled. They were sitting down on the floor when you did that.
With a huff, you sat down at the end of the table while Matsukawa and Hanamaki sat beside each other and across from them sat Oikawa and Iwaizumi “So-” You cleared your throat as they looked at you in synchrony “-what is it you need help in?”
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You looked up to the digital clock hanging on the wall. 8:47 pm, it read “Aren’t you guys gonna go home?”
Oikawa is fast asleep on the coffee table, head resting in his arms. Matsukawa has given up on his practice test and Hanamaki sat spaced out. It was only Iwaizumi whose focus is still on his notes. Even you gave up 15 minutes ago, feeling your head ache as the words start swirling incoherently in your mind.
You received a hum of reply, everyone focused on their own little worlds. You sighed, closing your book and tucking in the notes in your bag in a hurry. You stood up, groaning at the ache that has built up on your legs from hours of sitting. The others noticed this and copied your actions, slowly standing up and slinging their bags on their shoulders “You all should rest for the day. Just continue tomorrow”
Iwaizumi did not budge from his position and you walked out of the living room to the front door, Matsukawa and Hanamaki hot on your heels. Once you were outside, you were about to bid them goodbye when Hanamaki beat you to it “Hey, I’ve been thinking. Why didn’t you go to Seijoh?”
Matsukawa hit Hanamaki in the back of his head, earning a hiss from the latter “Sorry, you don’t have to answer that”
“Why? Did they talk about me?” Your smile was sad it could come off as a frown. The two boys looked at you sheepishly and you chuckled, turning away from them as you unlocked your gate “We’ve heard the three of you were close and that something happened. They didn’t really elaborate. You’re a really touchy subject” This made you laugh
“Damn” You turned back around to face them to see that they’re still on the same spot, waiting for your response. But you only gave them half a smile, bid goodbye and entered your house.
The next day, you slept through your alarm. Only waking up when your mother woke you up with a screech. And so you skipped on breakfast, snatching a biscuit from the top of the refrigerator and dashed out of your house. Only to be met with Oikawa getting on his bike, obviously late like you are.
“Shouldn’t you be at morning practice?” “Shouldn’t you know that 3rd years don’t go to practice anymore?” You rolled your eyes.
“Geez, how could I know? I don’t go to your school, dumbass” Oikawa pedaled to match your pace “You sound like Iwa-chan, chibi-chan~”
You held your tongue, though your frown failed to conceal your annoyance. Oikawa gazed at you, pursing his lips as you refused to look at his way “Hop on, chibi-chan. No matter how fast you go, you’ll still be late with those tiny legs of yours”
“Can you shut up?!” “What? Is that your best retort? How lame~” You kicked the wheel of his bike sending him trembling out of balance “Hey!”
You huffed. You did not sign up for so much annoyance so early in the morning. You groaned, head looking up at the sky in exasperation when Oikawa blocked your way “Please, please get hit by a truck” Oikawa looked offended
“Ouch, chibi-chan. Just hop on already, you know I’m right” He gave you a grin which only aggravated you more “No”
“Don’t be so stubborn, little girl” “I am not little” “Your height says otherwise” “I’ll kill you!”
Both of you were locked out of the gate that day.
Your review with the four boys continued everyday after school. As well as your morning walk to the school being bombarded by Oikawa. When he learned what time you go to school, Oikawa made it his mission to walk with you. Always biking at your pace as he ranted on and on much to your dismay. You had begged Iwaizumi to go to school with the two of you since Oikawa doesn’t give any signs of giving up on you. But Iwaizumi only gave you a grunt for a response, mumbling about respecting his sleep.
And came one Friday morning, 2 weeks left of school and 3 days before university entrance examinations. Oikawa is waiting by your gate as always and hopped on at the sight of you “Morning, chi-bi-chan~”
Closing your gate, he waits for you to walk but was pleasantly surprised when you sat on the back of his bike “Huh?”
“Bike” You said and so he did. He began telling a story about Iwaizumi tripping in front of his crush, elaborating on what happened that day. And you, you were uncharacteristically quiet. 
Usually, you’ll banter with him. And so when you called out his name, Oikawa could feel that you were about to say something heavy. So he continued rambling, zoning out your voice and filling the air with his words.
“Tooru” He paused, his heart thundering against his chest. It has been years since he last heard you call him by his name “Yeah?”
“Why are you acting like we’re friends” Oikawa let out a strained smile but you didn’t see
“Damn, that hurts y/n-chan” He said in jest but you could hear the genuine hurt in his voice. Oikawa felt your hand tighten as you clutch on the back of his jacket.
“Tooru-” You leaned your head against his back ‘-it’s weird how this makes me feel happy but hurt’ You thought
“Tooru-” ‘-I’m glad we’re talking again’
Oikawa could feel his heart go erratic, longing for whatever that is on your mind. Voice it out, he thought. Voice it out. But you don’t
“Tooru-” ‘-how come I still like you?’
That night, everyone is staying over at Oikawa’s house except for you. It would be weird considering you’re the only girl and your parents didn’t let you. But here you were, shivering in the cold as you knocked on the window outside Oikawa’s room. He was there because it was him who called you out at 2 in the morning, begging you to come. You shouldn’t have come but you couldn’t really resist him. Not even after all these years. Not even after convincing yourself to move on from him.
You’re whipped and you’re annoyed by it.
‘He’s a jackass’ You think as he holds your hand to support you down ‘He shouted at you. Never apologized, rejected you before you even had a chance to confess. He’s an annoying son of a bitch’
Your heart flutters when you stumble against his chest, Oikawa holding you by the shoulders to steady you “You’re cold” He says, his breath raining down on your hair. His breath was hot and your cheeks turned warm.
You fought the urge to look up at him but when he wrapped a blanket around you, your eyes unconsciously made its way to his face to see he was glowing red despite the darkness of his room.
“The others are in the living room” He says, pulling you down with him on his bed. Shuffling of sheets echoed around the room as Oikawa dived under the blanket. He had his arm under you while his other pulled you to his chest. He kept his arms around you, his chin on your head as you flushed yourself to his chest.
You could feel his heart, beating its way out of his chest. His heart slowly lulling you to sleep. He called out your name. You reluctantly pulled your head away from his chest and looked up at him “Hm?”
Oikawa bite his tongue, mulling over the words in his head. Should he tell you right now? What would your reaction be? He doesn’t want to hurt you again. He doesn’t want to repeat the same mistakes. He doesn’t want this moment to stop. For the world to pause and let him hold you close to him.
He thinks it over - deciding he should tell you soon. But not know. Not when your cheeks are red, your half-lidded eyes glossy as you gazed at him longingly. Oikawa leans in, planting a soft kiss to your forehead that tells you exactly what he feels. You could feel yourself shrink under the affection.
You didn’t notice that you fell asleep. Did not know that his eyes scanned every nook and crevices of your face. How beautiful you looked to him. How you would always be the prettiest in his eyes. How he looked at you so utterly and deeply in love it hurts to know that the time is ticking.
Oikawa brushes the strand of hair on your face, pushing it behind your ears in an agonizingly slow pace. He takes his time feeling your skin, placing his lips on your forehead and falls asleep with your warmth wrapped against his.
After that night, you and Oikawa grew more affectionate with each other. Sure, you still banter. That would never change. But there was a shift in the air and you knew there was something in there. But neither of you admitted anything. Still friends but much more than just that. Nothing was official and no one acknowledged the elephant in the room.
And you were glad it was never official. Because after graduation, Oikawa’s mom threw a party for him. A graduation party. A farewell party.
It seems like night brings out the intimacy that the morning shies away. Oikawa had led you to the playground behind your house. You remembered playing here with Oikawa and Iwaizumi, practicing volleyball as always.
You climbed up the slide and sat down at the top, letting your feet dangle on the edge. Oikawa sat beside you, his long legs dangling down beside yours. You studied the difference and smiled to yourself.
“I’m going to Argentina” He says, refusing to look at you. His hands are pulled into a fist, trembling. You placed your hand on top of his, his shaking stops as he finally looks your way “That’s great” You said, and you mean it.
He smiles at you but it doesn’t reach his eyes. So you held his cheeks, head tilting to the side “It has always been your dream, Tooru. I can’t believe it’s finally happening”
“It’ll be hard” You snort “Of course. It’s Argentina dude. Japan is still miles away from their skills” Your eyes glint at that, giving Oikawa a determined smile “But we’ll beat you, just you wait”
“I’ll win first” And he means it. You laugh, hand dropping from his cheeks “I’ll look forward to it”
Oikawa gazes at you with so much adoration in his eyes. You were the only person who didn’t tell him his plans were stupid. And he loves you for that.
“I love you” he was the first to crack. Your cheeks turn red, expression shy at his intense gaze “I-I love you too” You stutter, a bit overwhelmed.
Oikawa chuckles “You’re cute” His words don't really help to die down the red in your cheeks. In fact, it only worsens it “Shut up” You grumble indignantly and he laughs.
“Hey, will you be my girlfriend?” At this, you looked at him with a sad smile.
“We can’t” Oikawa knew your answer before he even asked. But he didn’t expect the pain would hurt that much.
“Can’t we try?” His voice is painful and it broke your heart to see him so broken “Tooru” He looks at you pleadingly and he speaks
“I think I've been in love with you all this time. But to be honest-” He bitterly chuckles “-I was envious of you more than I liked you"
"And that's why it's a no" you smiled sadly.
"You love volleyball, Tooru. More than anything else. More than you. More than me" The atmosphere was somber. Until a thought passed by your mind and you tittered.
"More than milk bread" The both of you giggled.
"Yeah...more than milk bread"
Neither of you moved. Not even when the sun rose from its sleep and in a few hours, he'll leave.
He'll leave.
And you have to let him go. Even though he's right there beside you. So close yet so far away. He's there and he loves you. But for his dreams. For him.
You let him go.
And then he's gone. On the other side of the world, thousands and millions of miles away from you. And you regret the three years that could've been so much more if the two of you hadn't been so stupid and so prideful.
And just like that, years and years passed. Both Oikawa and Iwaizumi left abroad and only you stayed. Though you did move to Tokyo and worked at a hospital for a few months until the opportunity to work as an assistant manager and physical therapist for MSBY Black Jackals came up. You could only thank the stars for connections. In this field, you only get a chance if someone in it knows you. And luckily for you, you know a ton of them from your years as a manager back in high school. 
It’s 2021 and 8 years have passed and you remained in contact with Oikawa. Though you don’t talk as much as you two now have your own separate lives. He has volleyball and you have your athletes. And of course, during the course of those 8 years, the both of you had dated several people. Some long term, some not so long. And inside those 8 years, you’ve finally convinced yourself you’ve moved on from Oikawa Tooru.
The olympics is this year and along with Iwaizumi, you were pulled in to be a manager and their physical therapist. You had made quite the reputation in the industry. What with your genius mind for volleyball, opponent teams that know you fear your analytical skills and your ability to use that knowledge for the benefit of your team. Really, all professional volleyball teams want you. It just so happens that it was MSBY Black Jackals that called you first.
Oikawa doesn’t know that you and Iwaizumi are part of the Japan team. And so when his team emerged, ready to face old rivals, Oikawa swore his eyes jumped at the sight of you and Iwaizumi.
Your heart swelled with pride, lips outstretched to a big smile. You’re proud of him, so so much.
You could only yelp when Oikawa sprinted towards you and pulled you and Iwaizumi in a tight hug. It’s been such a long time since you saw each other. And a thought passed by your head.
The three of you didn’t make it all in the nationals, but you sure did all go to the olympics.
When Japan lost and Argentina won, you didn’t find it in yourself to be sad. Instead, you were happy. Ecstatic. Euphoric. You’re so proud of everyone, of your teammates and rivals. To have made it this far, they were truly beyond just amazing.
๋࣭     ࣪ ˖        ⋆ ࣪.     ˖ ࣪⭑      ˖ ࣪ ٬     ุ๋ ⸱ ๋࣭     ࣪ ˖        ⋆ ࣪.     ˖ ࣪⭑      ˖ ࣪  ๋࣭
“You could stay with me” Oikawa says nonchalantly as he takes your bag from your hand, the hubbub of the crowd ringing in your ears as you exit the airport “My car’s right here” He tells you as you near a red sports sedan. Unlocking the car, he placed your bag at the backseat as you sat at the passenger's seat.
You’re in Argentina for the weekend for a seminar for sports physical therapists. Just two days, sure nothing could happen for such a short time.
“Nah, just drive me to a hotel” Oikawa gazed at you mischievously
“What? Afraid I’ll do something?” You threw a box of tissue at him “Shut up bitch” He laughed, taking a seat before starting the car “So you are” 
“Please” You scoff.
You ended up staying at his guest room.
His house is in an apartment - a kitchen, a couch, a TV, a fucking gym, and pictures on the wall. His apartment is surprisingly cozy, you noted. 
You dropped your phone on the bed, collapsing in fatigue. Your eyes were about to flutter shut when Oikawa’s voice boomed in the room “You should shower. Ya stinky from the flight” You rolled your eyes.
You reluctantly pushed yourself out of bed, passing by him and snatching the towel from his hands. You noticed he already changed into a shirt and shorts. You could see the outline of his muscles, lining down his chest. His thighs in view, you tried hard not to stare.
But of course, Oikawa being the ever asshole that he is, comments “Take a picture! It’ll last!”
Once shower was over, you fell down beside him on the couch, the television on in the sports channel. It’s Schweiden Adlers against Azuma Pharmacy Green Rockets. You smiled thoughtfully at the sight of Ushijima and Goshiki on TV.
“What time tomorrow is your seminar again?” Oikawa asks, passing you the milk break from the coffee table. You took it “8 in the morning until 5” He hums, bread down his throat.
“Wanna go out after? My practice ends at the same time” You yawn “Sure”
True to his words, he picked you up from the university 30 minutes after five. Oikawa took you everywhere, to the beach, to a restaurant, to a park, even to a club. Which is probably why he’s dragging your drunk ass to his apartment at 1 am.
You slipped from his arms and landed on the floor with a thud “Shit” You heard him curse under his breath as he hurriedly closed the door behind him. You felt arms curl around yours causing you to giggle “That tingles”
“How can you get drunk from 2 glasses of vodka?” He mused but you only giggled at him. Oikawa glanced at the clock, 1:42 am. Sighing, Oikawa put a hand under your knees and back, carrying you bridal style to your room.
“Tooru” You exhaled, your hot breath sticking to his face as he laid you down gently on the bed. Gulping, Oikawa turned away, grabbing the blanket to put it over you. He felt your hand enclose his cheek, forcing his gaze to you.
Your cheeks are red, illuminated by the moon that is the only light source in the room. Your hair is a mess and your breath stinks of vodka. Your eyes are closing, hands collapsing on your side as you exhale, dropping your head on the pillow. Oikawa notes the way your eyelashes squint and the mole in your left eyelid. And suddenly, Oikawa felt like he was eighteen again.
You could feel his breath, hear his heavy breathing and you flutter your eyes open. You shrink under his gaze, lips parting unconsciously and Oikawa fought with all his might not to kiss you right there and then. His eyes are half-lidded, filled with desire, longing, and love.
Love. Suddenly, you’re not so drunk anymore.
“Tooru” You breathed out in a soft voice. As if something in him snapped, his lips zoomed into yours in a passionate heated kiss. You moan, slinging your arms on his nape, pulling him closer to you until he was in between your thighs.
“Tooru” You slipped out when he removed his lips on yours only to kiss you again. You could feel the heat of his skin on yours as you pulled and pulled him closer as humanly possible. 8 years flashed through your eyes and all you could think about was how good it feels to have his lips nipping on your neck.
He moans your name, fingers combing through your hair in a desperate attempt to feel all of you. He’s wanted you for so long he couldn’t think straight when he felt your hands dig under his shirt, the cold of your hands digging into his back. He groans, kissing you again in the lips before letting you slip his shirt off his shoulders.
You hum, pulling away to kiss his collarbone, hands feeling his chest down to his abdomen. You felt him tug your shirt and you giggled into his chest, taking your shirt off only for Oikawa to roam his hands on your back, to your front then to your chest. He pressed a soft peck on the flesh of your breasts that wasn’t covered by your bra and he looked up at you and asked “Are you sure?”
“Yes” You exhaled and that was all it took for Oikawa to push you gently deeper to the bed, enjoying the feeling of his fingers working its way down to your legs. He took off your pants, Oikawa took a deep breath at the sight of your cunt. He goes back up to you, nuzzling his head into your neck and whispers “God, the things you make me feel” He airly chuckles.
You took a hold of his cheeks, kissing his eyes, his nose then his lips “I love you”
“I love you too”
“God, I’m nervous” Oikawa starts, jumping lightly as he holds your hand. You rolled your eyes but a smile plastered on your face. You grin at him and he continues “I’ve been an idiot for a very long time-” He pauses and smiles
“-still am” You snort “-but a tad bit better now that I’m with you” A soft, endeared smile crept onto your lips
“I won’t say that I don’t regret all those years that I could’ve been with you. But we both know that was crucial and all that matters is that now I’m with you” His eyes shone and his lips creased into a smile that reached his ears
“I promise to never leave you,” he pushes the ring into your left ring finger “-not even death can do us apart” You hear your family and friends laugh in the background
“I will bother you every step of the way-” you could not help the roll of your eyes “-and love you for the rest of my life”
“Actually, scratch that. I’ll love you even when I die. I’ll love you in my next life. And the one after that, and the one after that. No matter how many times I reborn-” Oikawa takes your hands to his lips, eyes fluttering shut as he pressed his soft lips on your knuckles
“-I vow to find you and love you. Like I’ve always had and always will”
For all of your life, Oikawa Tooru has been a constant even at times you wish he wasn’t. There was a time you loathed him, a time you missed him, a time you forgot him, and a time you realized you will never stop loving him.
And as you stand before your creator, in front of your friends and family, promising to love each other till the end of time. The sound of “I do”s and cheers reverberating around the hall, as he kissed you with a tilt of his head. 
You fell in love all over again.
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i suck at ending lines ajhbsnckl. i’ma edit this later when i ain’t tired AND hungry
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jayeray-hq · 3 years
How He Shows You Affection: Sugawara Koushi
Requested by the wonderful @lavenderpup sorry it took so long! I took a hiatus for a while, but I hope you still enjoy it! 😊💖
Post Time Skip/Manga Ending Spoilers!
Warnings: Slightest itty bit of hinted NSFW!
How He Shows You Affection Master List - Character Masterlist
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He Rubs Your Cheeks Together
“Hey, sorry I’m late!” you told the group, as you hurried up to them, “The trains were running behind schedule!”
“Don’t worry,” Kiyoko assured you, a kind smile on her pretty face, “You’re not the last one to arrive.”
“Is Koushi not here yet?” you asked glancing around the group. This was meant to be a reunion of the third years from the Karasuno volleyball team, but considering Kiyoko was engaged to Tanaka, and Asahi was dating Nishinoya, it had turned into more of a second- and third-years thing.
A familiar pair of arms around your waist answered your question as you were tugged into a firm chest, your boyfriend’s face rubbing up affectionately against yours as he asked teasingly, “Are you gossiping about me already, honey?”
Tanaka, who’d been standing surprisingly quietly next to Kiyoko politely holding her hand looked utterly scandalized at the display of public affection. If he was a sixties housewife he definitely would’ve been clutching at his pearls, though Kiyoko just looked amused and fond.
You’d grown used to how affectionate your boyfriend was, even in public and didn’t even blush nowadays, which always made him whine a bit, claiming he missed the good old days where you got flustered and stuttered every time he did it. However, you knew he didn’t actually mind given the smitten look he gave you every time you melted into his hold instead of stiffening up the way you used to.
His favorite move, and the one he almost always used to greet you was wrapping you into a hug from behind and nuzzling his face against yours, rubbing your cheeks together in a sweet affectionate gesture that never failed to make you melt.
You’d been a little self-conscious about it at first, especially since you’d gotten a lot of scandalized looks like Tanaka’s given Japan’s views on public displays of affection. However, the few times someone had actually said something about it, somehow your boyfriend had talked circles around them, and in the end, you’d get away with it, sometimes even getting fond looks instead.
A good example of this was your landlady, who’d glared and sniffed every time she’d seen the two of you when you’d first moved in. One conversation with Sugawara later and she’d changed her tune, claiming the two of you reminded her of her and her husband back in the day. Now you got fond looks, indulgent smiles and even cookies from time to time. She even went so far as to scold others who looked sideways at the two of you.
It was completely and utterly ridiculous, something you’d commiserated on with the other third years more than once. According to Kiyoko, Sugawara just had one of those faces that let him get away with anything. Given that she also had one of those faces you took her word for it, and for the most part let him do as he pleased, though you did try to stop if it looked like someone was genuinely uncomfortable.
“Koushi,” you scolded lightly, “You’re upsetting your kouhai.”
“Eh, he needs to toughen up some,” Sugawara told you, snickering slightly at Tanaka’s expression, though he did let go of you after one last affectionate rub and instead laced his fingers together with yours offering you an affectionate smile, “Especially if he’s going to do a good job taking care of Shimizu.”
“Suga-senpai!” Tanaka protested as Kiyoko giggled into her hand.
“Koushi, you know Shimizu doesn’t need him to take care of her, if anything it’s going to be her taking care of him,” you teased lightly, making your boyfriend and Kiyoko both laugh brightly.
“Your girlfriend is just as bad as you are,” Tanaka informed your boyfriend, though there was a definite smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
“I know,” Sugawara said, clear pride in his voice as he pressed an affectionate smacking kiss to your cheek, “Isn’t she just the best?”
“Really Suga, you shouldn’t tease our kouhai so much,” Daichi intervened, though he also looked incredibly amused by the whole exchange.
“Tanaka makes it too easy,” your boyfriend told him with a shrug, “Besides someone’s got to give him a hard time now that Kiyoko’s given in to him, that and none of the other second years are nearly as fun.”
“Speaking of second years, where are Nishinoya and Asahi?” you asked, chiming in to save Tanaka from Sugawara’s ruthless teasing as you finally realized who was missing from the group.
“We’re here!” A familiar voice called, and you turned just in time to see the rather comical sight of Nishinoya tugging Asahi down the street by his hand, practically dragging the larger man behind him, “Sorry we’re late we got distracted!”
“We can see that,” Sugawara stated dryly, his eyes tracing over their clearly rumpled and hastily put together appearances, “Asahi, just what have you been doing with our precious kouhai?”
The long haired third year immediately began to splutter as Nishinoya laughed loudly, clearly unbothered at the implication. The group of you set off together, headed for dinner, all of you laughing and smiling as your boyfriend teased his newest victim, with Sugawara’s fingers laced affectionately with yours, refusing to lose contact for even a second as you went about your night.
He Tells You He Cares
“Have a good day at school, and say hi to your class for me,” you told your boyfriend as you casually straightened his tie, and pressed a quick kiss to his waiting lips.
“I will,” he assured you with a bright smile as he scooped up his suitcase though he paused in the doorway to turn back and tell you, “I love you!”
“I love you too,” you assured him with a soft smile, watching as he walked out the door with a cheerful bounce in his step.
It was a routine that the two of you completed every morning almost without fail, and even when you couldn’t Sugawara always made it a point to tell you he loved you before he left to go anywhere. Even if you were asleep or he thought you were sleeping he’d still press a tender kiss to your forehead or cheek and whisper how much he loved you before walking out the door.
With so many repetitions and routine you’d think the words would lose their meaning, just a ritual part of your day with no thought or true emotion behind them. However, it simply wasn’t true.
You’d asked your boyfriend before why he insisted on saying it so often, you’d been curious, especially since Japanese culture didn’t put a large emphasis on saying the words out loud the way other cultures did.
As a teacher your boyfriend was incredibly articulate and usually able to express himself incredibly well. When you’d asked though he’d seemed to struggle to find the right words. He had gotten very thoughtful, and told you that it was because he wanted to remind both of you that at the end of the day he loved you no matter what was happening in your lives.
You’d been a bit confused about his reasoning at the time, and a little unhappy as well. You could understand maybe needing to remind you that he loved you, he shouldn’t need to remind himself that he loved you right? It just hadn’t made sense, and your boyfriend wasn’t able to properly explain, just insisted that it was important to him. You certainly hadn’t minded, and so figured there wasn’t any harm in it even if you didn’t understand.
You kept that mindset right up until your first fight as a couple after you’d moved in together. Sugawara had headed for the door to leave for a while to clear his head and let both of you calm down. However, he’d paused in the doorway and looked back to tell you he loved you.
It had taken away all the sting of him leaving for a bit, and reminded you that not only did he love you, you loved him too, and at the end of the day that was what mattered most, not whatever petty thing you’d been arguing about. The reminder was enough to help soothe you into a better frame of mind for when he returned. The two of you had been able to resolve your fight calmly and rationally after that, with apologies and ‘I love you’s on both sides.
His words about it being a reminder had clicked for you then, and from that point on you made it a point to tell him you loved him before you left too, something that never failed to make him beam at you, warm and full of affection.
It helped that you’d both promised that if ever there was a day when you didn’t actually mean the words that you wouldn’t say them at all. However you were rather almost certain that day would never come. You couldn’t imagine someone better suited to you than Sugawara who reminded you each and every how very much he loved you, and how much you loved him too.
He Surprises You
The sound of someone knocking at the front door pulled you away from the mindless scrolling you’d been doing on your phone and prompted you to pull yourself up from the couch, confused about who might be interrupting you on your day off. Your normal suspect would’ve been your boyfriend, but not only did he have a key, he was at school much to your mutual disappointment. However the day off had been unexpected, so he hadn’t been able to take a vacation day in advance and was not so irresponsible that he would call in sick when he wasn’t. He loved the kids too much for that.
It turned out you probably should’ve continued to suspect your boyfriend, as he was the culprit behind the interruption, if not the culprit himself. The delivery guy kindly passed you a bouquet of your favorite flowers, just the sight of them bringing a smile to your face as you signed for them, and then brought them into the kitchen where you could admire them.
The bouquet came with a handwritten note that read…
I hope you’re enjoying your day off! When I get home, let’s go on a date okay?
You smiled a little helplessly at the familiar writing, realizing your boyfriend must’ve stopped by the shop personally to pick something out and leave a note for you to read. Your heart felt close to overflowing with affection for him as you snapped a quick picture of your flowers and sent him a quick text to thank him and that it was a definite yes to date night.
Your boyfriend had always been a thoughtful person, but sometimes it still caught you by surprise just how thoughtful he truly was. Sugawara liked to surprise people, and he’d told you once that sweet surprises were the best kind. Looking at your flowers you couldn’t help but agree with him.
He was always doing things like this for you, sending your favorite flowers, making you a cute lunch, buying something small that had reminded him of you and bringing it home as a gift. It never failed to make you feel soft, especially since it proved that he was always thinking of you. You loved it, though you’d told him more than once he was spoiling you.
Sugawara had just shrugged at the accusation and sent you one of his beaming smiles, the kind that never failed to make your heart flip over in your chest, and told you, you deserved to be spoiled. It made you want to spoil him too, the look on his face always worth it when you took time out of your day to make or buy something for him.
With that in mind you quietly began to plan a surprise or two of your own, your previously rather boring, if productive day brightening as you daydreamed about the things you’d like to do for your sweet boyfriend, coming up with several interesting ideas. Time practically flew by, and before you knew it, it was getting close to the time school was letting out.
Carefully you snagged one of the pretty blooms from the bouquet you’d been sent, and tucked it behind your ear, grabbing your things as you practically danced out the door. Sugawara was right after all, pleasant surprises were the best, and you were going to start by picking him up from school. You couldn’t wait to get started on all your ideas, hoping you could make Sugawara feel just as loved as he always did for you.
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secondhand-trash · 3 years
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A/N: I felt a sudden dash of inspiration at 2am and this is the result lmao
Descrption: Fushiguro Toji was like a cat, came and went as he pleased. It never really provided you with a reason to let him back in each time, yet it had become a habit of yours to leave a window for him in the times he was away. 
Pairing: Fushiguro Toji x reader
Warning: slightly suggestive, if you are reading a toji fic I’m just going to assume you have read the manga, smoking, mentions of drinking, not exactly a happy piece of writing 
Word count: 2620
Cigarettes//Russian Red
Sometimes you just laid there and stared at the ceiling after you woke up, the tender rhythm of your breathing echoing back to you through your eardrums reminding you that you were still alive no matter how much it didn’t felt that way.
They said there’s a weight to your soul, but right now you just felt nothing.
There was a special type of letting yourself go called waking up when the sun was shining bright outside, the blinding shine breaking through your cheap curtains. You had just woken up but you wanted to go back to sleep again, yet the heaviness in your head almost alluring to what having a fever felt like forced your eyes awake. 
You had no choice, or rather, no motivation to do anything but stay put right where you were, on the thin mattress that you took from the previous tenant who lived next door (”What?” you clicked your tongue at the above you man who paused as he slammed your back down on the bed, it was not comfortable and he most definitely felt that one spring stabbing at his knee, “it’s free.”). There was a stain at the corner of your tiny room, probably because the kitchen fan forcefully installed on the wall was not doing its job. The greasiness lingered in the air every time you tried to cook anything, making you sick in the stomach when you buried your face on your pillow that was just a few steps away from your stove. 
You gave up cooking soon entirely, it was not like there was anyone you could eat with anyways.
Fushiguro Toji came and went as he pleased, showing up at your door with a few cans of beer and a pack of cigarette whenever he was in the mood like he did not disappear without a word after the last time you saw him.
You didn’t ask where he had been or where was he before he was here at your place, you knew this was why he always came back to you. 
Just like how you never asked him, or yourself for that matter, whether any of this meant a thing.
“Don’t smoke here,” you said with your arms crossed in front of your chest, your back to the door as he tilted his frame to pass through your doorframe that seemed ridiculously small with him under it, “took me days to get rid of the smell last time.”
Sometimes he came every few days, mostly you would see him waiting under the lamp post at the corner of your block every other week. There was one time when you did not see him for a good few years. You were certain he had died, he had business enough people for it to not be a surprise to anyone. You could not say a word when you came back and saw him crouching in front of your door with an unlit cigarette between his teeth, toying the lighter in his palm. He was staring ahead but not focusing on anything, looking so out of place in the middle of the thin corridor of your apartment building.
It was also the one and only time you had felt the urge to ask him if he was okay, you refrained.
instead, you gave his frame a push with your heel. He did not budge, like you did nothing but gave him a tap on his shoulder and looked up. “You look like shit, Zenin.”
Where have you been? You swallowed the words that were so close to the tip of your tongue back down to your stomach together with the knot at the back of your throat.
He only shook his head as he stood up, taking the cigarette out of his mouth and took a breath that would have been a drag. “No,” you had no idea what had gotten into him, “Fushiguro.”
He did not sleep with you that night, but you did let him smoke in your tiny little flat.
To this day, you still had no idea what made him show up at your door again.
“Hm,” you were not sure if he was really answering you when he slummed down at the foot of your mattress. It was a talent how he acted like he had never left, like this was his spot as he leaned back with one palm holding him up and cracking a can of beer open with another. You always had a fascination with how easy he made it look, one crock of his index finger and you could hear the foam rushing out, “you want one?”
The smashed cans were still laying on the small table at the corner of your room. It was your dining table, writing desk and bedside table all at once, you hoped you did not spill anything on it last night. The half-gone pack of cigarettes was next to your bed, the joints sliding off of each other in the stack it was in. 
There was an ashtray next to it and it was really just a centerpiece when Toji was not here. You had refused to get one for the longest time, but gave in after you realised the only difference it would make was that the burnt out tobacco would be in your kitchen sink or somewhere it should be. The one he had lit up when he finally crawled off of your tired body begrudgingly was roughly put out on the glass, bent into half and somewhat intact.
Shamefully, you did not have nearly as much distaste for his addiction as much as you protested it. You could not deny that it was a picture when he leaned against the only window in your flat, his back to you in all his glory as the spark lit up and cast a warm glow to your ceiling. He sounded calm when he took the first drag, a soft hum following the inhale as white smoke blended into the dark of the Tokyo sky. It was never really quiet out there, and sometimes you would hear the cars running by the highway at a distance or the people with a home they refused to return to shouting down the streets. All with the swirls coming out of his lips, his shoulder easing down slowly with each puff.
Sometimes you wondered if you should be like the girls you saw in films, reaching out for the brooding man looking out their window and ask them to come back to bed sweetly. Perhaps you should act more lovable, like someone that would giggle into their lover’s chest when they did come back with a gruff.
The thought made your skin crawl, and you turned to your side until you could not see his frame before poking your tongue out in disgust.
That was not the way things worked with you two.
You had no idea what time it was but you guessed that it could not be early. The shadow that cut diagonally on the wall had already gotten defined, the sharp black border moving slowly across the oxidized wallpaper. Occasionally, in midst of the silence, you could it each time a train drove in and out of the station. The railway being near your apartment was the only thing good about it, but it also meant that each click on the tracks pounded into your ear like piles driving into your brain.
Tuk. Tuk. Tuk.
The room was starting to feel stuffy and hot, the body next to yours on your crowded mattress did not help at all. Toji usually left first thing in the morning, either that or he would not stay the night at all. You could not remember when was the last time you woke up next to him, but it was almost always followed by a long period of him being out of your sight. The thin blanket felt tiny trying to cover his large frame, the fabric pulled taut with you refusing to give up on it. It was your blanket on your bed in your house, who was he to hog it? 
You felt the temptation to reach out and trace the faded cut slashed down his lips with them parted just slightly, a rare serenity on his face. His lashes were long, that was another thing you had picked up on as you just watched. You could imagine him to be a beautiful man, before the scares and the scrawl and the smell of smoke lingering in his breath.
Fushiguro Toji was like a cat, came and went as he pleased. It never really provided you with a reason to let him back in each time, yet it had become a habit of yours to leave a window for him in the times he was away. Do not ask where he had been, the only thing you would get is your own reflection in his eyes. He was not your cat, never. You doubted that strays could truly adapt to domesticity.
Or rather, you never had the guts to see what would happen if you trap them down.
Instead, you watched, watched as the cat elegantly yawned and stretched its limbs out like the tyrant it was.
The blanket slid off his chest when he moved, showing you the many scars littering all over his skin. Scratches did nothing compared to all the other ones that darted over his frame like badges, you gave up trying to leave a trace anywhere on him a long time ago. One hook of your leg around his waist caught his attention and he yanked you by the arm to place you on his chest, not forgetting to slide his palm down your waist under he was cupping the swell of your hips.
‘Tsk’, you wanted to snicker, ‘skillful.’
“You wanna fuck again?” he quirked one eyebrow up, his tone sounding more like a question than an invite by any means.
“Huh...” the nasal in your voice was apparent as you laid your head on his firm muscles. 
And it was not like you had never wanted to make him stay past the few moments he was with you in the rare hours of daylight you spent together, you were just certain things would get messy whether he did as you asked or not.
Afternoons in bed were lazy, slow, sticky and hard to peel your hands away.
That just wasn’t what this was supposed to be.
“Don’t you have anywhere to be?” you asked, as always.
“I do, actually.” 
You lifted your head to look at him in, “But the horse races are not open today.”
He gave your ass a slap, and you gasped before trying to hit him back.
“Surprise, surprise, I’m working again,” the corner of his lips tugged up into a lazy smirk at your irritation, “someone contacted me, I’m going to see what they are offering today.”
You blinked.
“Are you taking it?” you asked, carefully.
He shrugged, before giving where he smacked down a condescending pat before sliding you off of him. 
“Who knows,” he rolled his arms back, the defined edges of his biceps flexing as he cracked his neck, “depends on how much they are paying me.”
So he would be gone for god knows how long again, lovely. You gave yourself a subtle nod of acknowledgement at how you saw this coming. 
He strode to the side to pick up his clothes that were littered across the floor, and your gaze followed him as he went to your table last.
If he was just a regular man you happened to bring home, you would roll your eyes at him for not at least shoving the beer cans into the trash as he took his shirt from the pile.
You tucked your arm under your pillow as you watched his fingers took one out of the box swiftly, feeling your body sink down the ill-quality mattress.
It was always at this point that the rush to ask him to stay would surface. But you would never try to do that, obviously.
‘When will I see you again?’ you were almost tempted to ask when he had one hand on the doorknob, but you weren’t sure if this was something he could give you an answer to.
So you said what you always say when he was about to disappear from your life again, with a smile as you bury your face deeper into your pillow.
“Try not to die.”
There was a daunting feeling that this was it. 
But again, the thought always plagued you during these blank periods.
Something at the back of your head told you that something went wrong. Maybe he died, you savoured the taste of these words on your tongue as you laid flat on your bed. After all, no one could say it was a surprise if he truly got killed on the job out there. He never really told you too much about what he did for a living. You figured out the gambling part on your own, and the scars on his skin warned you against asking further. 
Your relationship, if there ever was one, relied heavily on neither of you caring about each other enough to want to know more than the way he liked you to take his shirt off for him and the spot behind your ear was sensitive. There was a moment when you wondered if you had, or ever was in love with Fushiguro Toji. Back when he was still Zenin Toji, or when you felt the drop of your heart as he casually told you the change in his family name. 
It would be a travesty if you did.
The pack of cigarettes he forgot to take with him was still laying exactly where he left it, together with the lighter that was tugged into the cap. You had never smoked, one thing that he always made fun of you for. You did not like the smell and could barely imagine what it tasted like. 
You only liked it when you were the one watching him do it.
The tiny stick felt strange on between the pads of your finger, and you awkwardly mimicked the way you had seen him do it all these times. A forceful shove of the window sent a current of wind into your flat, the breeze tickling your cheek as you let your head fell back and took a deep breath.
Like someone waiting for their cat to come home.
Your body hung out of the window with one arm on the frame. The lighter did not work until the third click, and you stared as the end of the cigarette slowly started to glow under the flame.
The pungent smell made you furrow your eyebrows together and you clicked your tongue. The sun was starting to sink in a distance and the white smoke was all the more visible under the bright orange sun. You lifted your hand up to the sun, and tipped it like you would at a toast.
This was for you.
One inhale sent you coughing, and your eyes teared up at the unfamiliar sting at the back of your throat.
“Fucking hell,” you hissed, slamming down on the window frame as you sucked in a deep breath to wash the feeling away.
If he ever showed up again, you thought to yourself as you violently put off the cigarette on the ashtray, you were definitely questioning him what was so good about this.
You did not see him for a long, long time after that.
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hollowedwing · 3 years
Isekai-ed into Hawk's Life
Hawks x gn!winged!Reader
Warnings: ⚠️ Death!(at very beginning, it is an isekai), mentions of death throughout, some angst(??maybe not yet??), slight cursing
(so sorry i just, love, love, the idea of having wings)
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(this is all my art, it is on IG, im just too embarrassed for people who know me irl to potentially find this xD Even though none of them have tumblr 👀 if you somehow recognize it...props to you?)
tbh, I can’t decide if I want this to have more than 1 part. 
Word count: ~1,800
You were on your way home from a long evening at your part time job. Before that you had already taken 2 finals that morning too.
You dragged your feet, exhausted, as you headed towards the crosswalk. Stopping at the edge as the traffic light turned green, you decided to pull out your phone and decided to watch a speed paint from your favorite artist who recently released a new video.
It just so happened it was a Hawks speed paint 👀
The light turned red and you slipped your phone into your pocket as your started to make your way across the street
little did you know this would be the last time you'd cross the street
A wild driver came barreling down the road, no regards for civilians or traffic lights, probably drunk or high or just someone out for blood.
You stood there like a deer caught in headlights as your life flashes before your eyes
You can barely comprehend what's happening as you felt pain engulf your body and suddenly you were unconscious
Keigo tiredly stumbled into his large apartment, kicking off his shoes and shrugging his jacket off by the door
He wants nothing more than to just flop down and pass out. The HPSC has been giving him hell lately about god knows what.
He let out a long sigh and headed towards the bathroom to do his nightly routine
As he finishes up, he drags his feet towards his bed and flops down face first into the comfort of his pillow and sheets
Keigo falls asleep almost instantly after getting into a comfortable position, worn out from a long day of work
What he wasn't expecting was a loud "thud!" coming from the main room. He jolts up from his bed, feathers ready to attack.
Reader's pov(?)
You groaned as you hit the floor. Your head was spinning and it feels like a truck just hit you
oh wait...
You suddenly became more alert, looking around in a panic, expecting to either be on the road and injured or in a hospital of sorts. What you didn't expect was a wooden floor inside of a random apartment.
You felt around your body for any signs of injury, but all you found were a set of wings on your back- wings?? Hold up. Why did you feel wings what kind of sick joke was this?
Your thoughts were racing as your breathing picked up. What was happening? Didn't you just get hit by a vehicle? Why are there wings in your back? Where are you even?
Feeling around in your pockets, you found your phone and whipped it out, trying for anything. You turned it on, the harsh light of it illuminating your face, you tried to send a text to your best friend, but alas, it wouldn't go through. Actually nothing on your phone seemed to work. You checked your location settings, for some reason it said Musutafu, Japan.
Wasn't....Wasn't that the location that most of Boku no Hero Academia took place?? This can't be right, this has to be a dream right? There's no way that you could have actually ended up here unless...
Then it hit you.
You read your fair share of isekai series back when you were alive in your realm. Mostly manhwas of characters getting reborn into another person's body, but, never actually reincarnating as yourself into another world.
That was the only thing you could think of. You must have been reincarnated into the Boku no Hero Academia world. Except as yourself.
In all honesty, this is not how you thought you'd go out. You didn't know what to expect after death, but this definitely wasn't it. After all, this was a fictional setting, wasn't it?
Well, not anymore because now you're living in it! Smh.
That would also probably explain the wings on your back. This was you now. You have a bird quirk.
Now, all you have to do, is figure out where the heck you are.
Just as you are about to stand up, feathers zip towards you, pinning you to the ground
You hear footsteps begin to come towards you. You don't know if you should be scared for your life considering you've already died once or ecstatic because, you knew for a fact, this could be none other than Hawks' apartment.
The winged hero finally emerges and stares down at you, crossing his arms over his chest.
He says in a low, gravely voice from sleep, "Who are you, and how did you get into my home?" You stare back up at him and nervously chuckle.
"I'm not sure you'd believe me if I told you." You nervously sigh out.
"Try me." He demands, sounding a little more irritated now. You sigh in defeat and start to explain your situation.
"Do...do you know what an isekai is?" You said sheepishly while turning your gaze away from his. He kind of gave you a confused head tilt and just a vibe that said “No”. You sigh again and explain it to the best of your ability. Hawks becomes more and more interested and confused as you talk, but nods a long slowly. 
“So...you were reborn here, but as yourself? Wait- does that mean you died before!?” He asked, disbelief and fear ran through his eyes. You looked at him in bitter amusement.
“Apparently I did. The last thing I remember of my world was getting hit by some truck or car. The dude clearly did not know how to drive. I had the right of way I was pretty sure at least. I mean, the light was red, usually that means pedestrians can cross the street? And plus he was going wayyy over the speed limit,” you begin to ramble on, the reality of actually dying setting into you. Hawks noticed the panic beginning to set into you and released you from his feathers. He crouched down next to you and grabbed your shoulders gently.
"Hey, hey, hey, look at me, you're ok now, right? You're here, and not dying in the middle of the street still. You're here. In Musutafu," he said trying to calm you back to reality. Well, what was your new reality. Your mind was racing. Trying to put together a coherent thought. 
You look up to him, with a panicked look still in your eyes, thoughts started to come out of your mouth as your brain was trying to catch up with the situation. "I'm... I'm in Boku no Hero Academia and, and you’re Keigo... standing... right in front of me..I have wings. I have wings? Jeezus I have fucking wings. And I’m dead in my own world. I don’t know anyone, well, wait, technically, I do know people, just-Oh gods! I’m so sorry, that name slipped out! I- I, I’m really sorry Hawks." Even in your wild state, you noticed Hawks tense up at the sound of being called Keigo by a total stranger, and were able to get out an apology. That was progress? You were slowly coming back to reality.
Hawks froze up a bit at the sound of hearing his real name mentioned. At first he wasn't sure if he believed your tale of the isekai situation, but after this he might have to reconsider it. He opted to shake off that weird feeling for now and focus on different matters. 
" I-I don't know what I'm supposed to do now? I have nowhere to go or to stay. I'm in a whole different freaking universe! My phone doesn't even hardly work here. And I have a pair of wings on my back!" You puffed them out angrily. Hawks glanced behind you and his eyes widened a little. You in fact, did have a set of bird wings. Kind of owl like wings. Not near as big as Hawks', but definitely big enough to fly you around.
Before Hawks could process the words coming out of his mouth, he was already asking you, "Would you maybe like to stay with me? I can help with your quirk too." He glanced away awkwardly. You looked towards him in disbelief.
"Dude, are you sure? We literally just met like 10 minutes ago? I mean, I'm all for it, I have nowhere else to turn to, but if you really really don't want me here, I will politely step out of your life." You so badly wanted to accept his offer on the spot, but being the considerate, mostly sensible human you were, you gave him the option to back out. Hawks shook his head.
"No, no, it's alright. You can crash here. Uh- I mean- stay here! Sorry!" You giggled at his comment.
"Well thank you very much!"
"It's all good. I have a spare bedroom you can occupy for the time being. I'll give you some clothes to sleep in that'll hopefully fit. Accidentally bought a couple things in the wrong size without looking. " (a/n: just...just assume its your size, or oversized, whatever's comfy idk) He jumped up and headed towards his room to grab you the clothes. You still sat on the floor. Still amazed at everything that was occurring.
Hawks walked back into the room and tossed you the clothes. "Hey uh, you know, you can get up now, sorry for holding you down earlier.."
You blushed and scrambled to stand up, "Oh no! It's ok! I understand. This would definitely warrant that kind of action. Some random stranger crashes into your apartment at like 1am. I completely understand. Honest."
He let out a small laugh and wearily brushed his fingers through his hair. The adrenaline of everything finally wearing off. He could feel the tiredness setting into his aching muscles again. “Ah, well, I’m going to head to bed now. The room is down the hall at the very end that you can stay in. I’ll take you out training tomorrow evening if that’s alright?”
You gave a nod of understanding and followed him down the hallway. “Goodnight Hawks,” you sang as he walked into his bedroom. He gave a hum of acknowledgment and closed his door. 
Making it into what was now your room, you changed out of your clothes so fast, eager to rid yourself of the past hours events. 
Not gonna lie, you could not figure out how to properly get your new wings into the shirt, even with the holes and snaps in the back. Your mind was too exhausted to even process this new skill. So you ended up going to bed without the shirt on and just settled for putting the sweatpants on. 
You figured it’d be good to just pass out asap. You were sure if you tried to recount the recent events, you’d spiral into a panicked mess. 
You shut your eyes tightly, willing yourself to sleep, trying to only think of positive outcomes for the future. But to be honest, you didn’t know enough about anything in this realm to think rationally about anything good. 
I prooobably didn’t proofread this as much as I should have
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teawaffles · 3 years
Louis and the Aquaria: Chapter 1
T/N: Takes place after Chapter 11 of the manga (“The Hunting of the Baskervilles, Act 2”).
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Simply put, they refer to water tanks in which aquatic plants and creatures are kept as an indoor pastime.
Although aquarium technology had advanced rapidly in 19th century Britain, aquarists at the time were not as well-equipped as their modern counterparts. Hence, the management of the tanks was not necessarily an easy task.
And here, was someone struggling with that very problem.
At present, more than twenty small water tanks were arranged in the hall of the mansion. And before one of those tanks, that man was standing motionless as he stared fixedly within.
He was a handsome young man. On his right cheek, a painful-looking burn scar peeked out from beneath his blonde hair; but from his simple eyeglasses, and the atmosphere that surrounded him, one got the impression that he was a rather intellectual person.
However, his expression also exuded a deep exhaustion, so great it seemed to ruin his innately clever aura.
The fish swimming before his eyes appeared weak, and its fins were also drooping. From the way it simply drifted in the water, it wouldn’t have been surprising if it flopped onto the bottom of the tank any moment now.
At this point, he had done everything he could.
Now, all that was left, was to pray for a miracle——.
“Please, help him……”
Imbued with sincerity, those words fell from his lips — those of Louis James Moriarty, William’s younger brother by blood.
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
The story began ten days ago.
“Thank you for tending to the garden, Fred. That will be all for today.”
Now that he had completed his gardening duties at the mansion, Fred left for the streets; tonight, he would once again serve as the “Crime Consultant’s” point of contact. After seeing him off, Louis admired the flowers Fred had tended.
“With that, my brothers should be pleased.”
Without thinking, he murmured to himself.
For Louis, who obeyed William’s every word, it seemed what his brother valued fundamentally took precedence over his own opinions.
He looked over each of the flower beds Fred had carefully tended to, then exited the greenhouse — and saw the brother he so revered.
“Is something the matter?”
“Louis, I have a favour to ask…”
“Understood; if it’s a request from you, nii-san.”
Louis replied without hesitation, and William nodded happily.
“Thank you as always, Louis. The wind’ll be cold out here, so let’s talk inside.”
The two of them moved to the sitting room, and sat on opposite sofas with the coffee table between them. William sipped the Darjeeling tea Louis had brewed, and took out a photograph.
The man in the picture looked around thirty years of age, with flaxen hair, a sharp chin, and well-rounded cheeks. But from the distrustful look in his eyes, it was clear even from the photo how difficult it was to approach this man.
“——Who is this?”
“His name is Jack Stapleton. [1] He hails from a distinguished noble family, and hence owns a vast amount of wealth and land. Moreover, he’s also renowned in the field of natural history — it seems he discovered a new species of moth in the past, and presented at scholarly societies about it.” [2]
William went on to describe the man’s illustrious background, but Louis could sense the true intention that lay beneath.
“He’s our next target, isn’t he?”
Although William did not deny that, his expression turned a little troubled.
“Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that he’s a candidate target.”
“A candidate?”
“Yeah. There are suspicions that he may be secretly engaged in human trafficking at his research locations, though we are yet unable to verify them.”
In order to avoid passing judgement upon innocents, whenever they received a request, William and their group would first thoroughly investigate their intended target. At present, it seemed William was in the midst of gathering information on Stapleton via MI6’s intelligence network, in order to decide if he deserved to be condemned.
“So we can’t get ahold of his tail even with MI6’s investigative powers — if he’s indeed guilty, that shows just how adept he is at protecting himself, doesn’t it?”
“Indeed. But I also wish to avoid dragging out the investigation any further; hence, I intend to make direct contact with him and find out the truth. It’s going to incur some trouble and expenses, but I think I have a reliable method of achieving that.”
“And what would that be?”
At Louis’s question, William took the photo in hand, and stared at the man pictured within.
“He’s known to be quite a misanthrope, and scarcely ever meets others in person, so it’ll be difficult to secure even one meeting with him. But as a natural historian, he possesses an unusual interest in flora and fauna. So, we’ll take advantage of his curiosity.”
William placed the photo back on the table, and met Louis’s gaze.
“——Well then, the introductory remarks have gotten quite long. But regarding this ‘method’, I have a favour to ask.”
“Please, tell me everything you need.”
That answer came without hesitation, even though the details had yet to be revealed. William continued in a hopeful voice.
“As for that: in order to attract Stapleton’s interest, I’ve arranged for some fish to be brought in from overseas. In the meantime, I was hoping you could care for them, Louis.”
Hearing that, Louis cocked his head slightly.
“Fish? I thought Stapleton specialised in insects, since you mentioned earlier that he’d discovered a moth.”
“Apparently, he’s a rather fickle character: just as one thinks he’s gotten absorbed in one field, he quickly tires of it and jumps into another one — it seems he has a tendency to do that.”
“So he’s interested in fish now, I see.”
“Particularly freshwater fish from the tropics. Hence, they will be brought into the mansion; until Stapleton takes an interest in the fish, and requests a meeting to either view or get his hands on them, I was hoping you could tend to them.”
After hearing that explanation, Louis finally understood why he’d been approached to do this.
William had his job as a mathematics professor, and Albert was also working at the universal trading company. Because of the nature of their duties, Fred and Moran often had to be out; and in order to maintain the secrecy of their work, outsiders could not be employed at their mansion. As such, Louis — who always remained at the residence — was the only person available to care for the fish throughout the day.
To some extent, it had been a process of elimination. But for Louis, who rarely had the opportunity to join in William’s plans, the fact that this was something only he could do merely served to boost his motivation.
Even as he was secretly pleased to be of use to his brother, a point of concern also came to mind.
“Since these fish are from abroad, I suppose the methods of rearing them have yet to be established.”
“In the event that some fish die, we’ll be able to replace them to an extent. I’ve already asked Herder to develop equipment for the water tanks. And if there is anything else you need, you only have to ask……. That’s all I had to say: do you have any other questions?”
Although this was an important step to determine if Stapleton was complicit in human trafficking, it was also a rather elaborate plan.
Even so, Louis’s response was direct, his tone betraying not a single hint of doubt.
“Not at all. I’ll definitely live up to your expectations.”
Hearing that, William smiled in satisfaction. And seeing that, Louis broke into an elegant smile once again.
That, was how Louis came to try his hand at maintaining aquaria.
[1] Jack Stapleton is a character from the Sherlock Holmes novel The Hound of the Baskervilles (Wikipedia), by Arthur Conan Doyle. He was in fact the culprit behind the case, and the owner of the titular hound.
[2] Scholarly societies are organisations that exist to promote some academic discipline or profession (Wikipedia). One example is the Royal Society (of London), of which Isaac Newton was a member.
Translator’s notes
The story title
The plural of aquarium can be both ‘aquariums’ and ‘aquaria’ (Wikipedia). I chose the latter because I think it just sounds more right, like how medium → media, and bacterium → bacteria.
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animeangst · 3 years
One More Time
𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨: Zeke x Reader
𝘎𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦: Angst Oneshot
𝘞𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: Major Character Death, Manga Spoilers, Graphic Depictions of Violence, starts off with fluff, angst ending, Marlyean!Reader
𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘊𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 3.1k
This for the Reiner and Zeke birthday collab with @saccharine-darling
So this is my first collab!!! Very exciting! It is for my lovely husband's birthday so of course I am going to be dishing out the feels!
I thought it would be interesting to explore a Marlyean!Reader. I see a lot of Paradis focused content and I thought it would be cool to see it from the other side.
This does contain Season 4 spoilers! Manga Spoilers at the end that will be tagged so if you aren't caught up you can read until that part
You woke up in the War Chief's bed like usual. The soft covers shielding your naked body from the cold air in the room. Zeke however was missing. You figured he had gotten up early to work on the plans for the next advancement for Marley.
You were crawling out of bed gripping the covers to your body when you heard a knock at the door. You didn’t say anything hoping the person would just leave. However, Porco opened the door.
“Oh, y/n.” He said unfazed. Your half lidded eyes met his; thankfully the covers were shielding your tired body from Porco’s harsh gaze. The two of you didn’t move a muscle, both filled with an awkwardness neither of you knew how to handle
“What do you need?” You asked quietly, the embarrassment starting to catch up to you.
“Well just tell Zeke I need to talk to him.” Porco replied; with that he left, closing the door behind him. You let out a sigh as you dropped the sheets from your body allowing yourself to get dressed in last night’s clothing.
The walk home from Zeke’s room in the command building was familiar. You have known him practically your whole life, and it was pretty much fate that you ended up together. You have come to know all of the Warriors in the time you have known Zeke. They spend most days together, and when they are not doing great things for Marley you get to spend time with the great heroes as well.
You were grateful to be able to be an Honorary Marlyean due to your relationship with Zeke. He had proposed last year, but with the war going on up until recently there was no time to get married.
Tonight was going to be the Festival! You had been looking forward to this for weeks. You hoped that there would be time other than nights for you and Zeke to be together. You had gotten to your own small apartment that you shared with Zeke, or well when he is not at the command building.
In reality it was just your apartment, nothing fancy. You walked over to your small table, by the window. There was a wilting flower that Zeke had brought to you when he got back from the War effort. You smiled, not only was he a great Warrior, he thought about you while he was gone.
You tidied up the stack of letters, and took the flower from the vase. You took a book from the shelf and placed the flower inside. The book was practically overflowing with press flowers. You were unable to let yourself throw them away. Anything that Zeke sent you was precious.
You got dressed for the day, you fixed your red armband to your left arm and brushed your clothing down. You adorned some of your finer clothing for the festival. You looked at yourself in the mirror as you fixed your hair.
You heard the lock on the front door turnover as you walked out of the room. Your heart swelled as you saw Zeke come inside, he walked over to you enveloping you in a strong hug. He was wearing his normal military uniform, which you expected; he looked great. You smiled up at him, breaking away from the hug. He held out his arm for you to grab.
“Well let’s get going, y/n.” He walked with you, leading you down towards the street. “We have lots to do before tonight.”
Zeke brought you to the festival. The streets are packed with Marleyans and Eldians alike. There were different stalls sporting trinkets and food. It looked magical. You have never seen anything like this before. The excitement bubbled over in you like a little kid. You saw the Warrior candidates run past you, Reiner trailing behind them.
“On babysitting duty, Reiner?” You asked playfully. He gave you a weak smile, his eyes looked tired.
“You could say that.” He mumbled. You could hear the kids calling his name in the distance. “I think I’m needed up there.” He walked away, the candidates flocking around him like little birds.
“That could be you one day.” Zeke whispered into your ear. You chuckled, blushing slightly.
“Let’s worry about getting married first, huh?” You retorted. Zeke gave your hand a squeeze; he led you to a stall selling small glass animals. You were quick to pick up one that looked like a monkey to show your fiance.
“Is that all you think of me, y/n?” Zeke asked dramatically. You chuckled.
“Well you are the greatest beast titan in our history, so… yes!” Zeke sighed, shaking his head. He too looked over the little figurines.
“And you, my dear y/n” He picked up a small figure of a cat. “Are a scared little kitten.”
“Hey I’m not scared!” You interjected. “I have you to protect me.” You looked up at Zeke, he was right. You were a scared kitten, but you had Zeke and that was enough to make you feel better in any situation.
“You know I’ll always be on your side.” Zeke said lovingly pushing a stray hair behind your ear.
“Of course, Zeke. I love you.” You looked up at him. He gave you a gentle kiss, his warm lips on yours. He held you gently as if you were one of the glass figurines, and even the slightest touch could shatter you.
“You know, y/n.” Zeke looked at you, squeezing your hand. “Since the war is over, we can actually get married.” Your heart swelled, he was right. The two of you had practically planned the whole thing in the letters you two sent to each other. Zeke pulled you into a hug, his strong arms enveloping you in his warmth. He smelled slightly of cigarettes and coffee, something you have come to love.
“There are just a few more things I need to attend to. Then I am all yours for the rest of my time.” Zeke said, faltering a bit on his last words. Zeke didn’t have much time left, but that didn’t matter to you. You were always Zeke’s from the beginning. You knew that there was a time limit between you and him, but no matter what you love for him would not expire.
“I’ll always be here. I can wait a little longer.” You laugh looking up into his eyes. He smiles down at you, his hand brushing your cheek.
“You know, I wish I could ask you to marry me all over again.” He placed his forehead on yours. “Your reaction will be burned into my memory forever.
He was right, it was quite the reaction. You couldn’t stop sobbing and Zeke thought he had upset you. When all you could do was nod your head yes and run into his arms, he knew that he made the right decision.
You looked down at your matching rings, very simple silver bands. You could see the tan line on Zeke’s finger from where his ring normally sat. You don’t believe that he has taken it off since he had put it on, same with you. There was always a piece of one with the other.
Zeke walked off from this booth and went on to the second, and the third and the fourth. The two of you walked through the whole festival eating snacks along the way. You were stuffed by the time the sun was setting.
“Today was amazing!” You exclaimed. “I wish we could do this everyday.” You let out a deep sigh.
“Maybe we can.” Zeke said quietly, now in thought. You looked up at him in wonder.
“You really think they would let us?” You asked excitedly. Zeke smiled down at you.
“I think so.” He whispered into your ear, giving you a gentle kiss on your temple. “Come now, let's go get good seats.
The sun was set by the time you walked over towards the stage. There were so many chairs layed out for the show, and you were becoming more and more excited.
“Oh I see the other warriors, let's go sit with them!” You said, starting to walk over.
“No.” Zeke interjected, grabbing your hand. “Let’s sit near the back, just the two of us.” He smiled at you, and that you did. You found two open seats near the back of the section. Zeke placing his hand in your lap.
You both waited patiently for the show to start. You saw Willy Tyber take his place up on the stage. You also saw Reiner and Falco leave.
“I wonder, where are they going?” You whispered to Zeke.
“Hmm, I don’t know.” He replied. “I have to go to the bathroom, wait here.” Zeke said. Before you could stop him, Zeke had gotten up and left. You watched the show happening in front of you hearing about the “true history” of Eldia.
You thought it was just a bunch of hogwash, that was until you were knocked from your seat, large pieces of the adjacent building narrowly missing you. All you could do was run for your life. You had no idea what was happening, or what had happened. Your legs carried you without thinking into an ally.
You could hear a titan’s ear piercing roar; it felt as if your eardrums had burst. You covered your ears and peaked around the corner to see who you assumed was Eren Jaeger.
This was all his fault.
All you could hope for was that the Warriors would take care of him. You wondered where they were; you wonder where Reiner and Falco went off too.
You continued up the ally, hoping to get further away from the destruction behind you. You heard an unfamiliar whirring above you. You looked up to see people flying above the buildings. Ropes attaching them and pulling them through the air. You had heard stories from Reiner about this gear, it was from the island of devils.
You could see someone land on the roof above you, a tall man with a goatee and medium length hair. You looked up at him, fear apparent on your face. You figured he would kill you, but instead he did a “shooing” motion urging you to continue running in the direction you were heading. Which you did, your legs working on their own dragging you to somewhere hopefully safe.
Your heart pounded, you heard screams and crashing behind you. Your ears still ringing from the screeching of the titan battle. All you could think of was, Zeke. How you hoped that he was okay, he would save you. Zeke was the strongest man you knew, you held out hope that he would find you.
You rounded a corner, there you saw Zeke’s crumpled titan form. You ran towards it, calling out for him desperately. You could see a man with short black hair, and that fancy gear the other enemies were wearing. The man cut Zeke out of his titan.
“Wake up, Zeke.” You screamed, stumbling as you tried to rush to his aide. The loud clashing of the titans behind you made it impossible for them to hear you. It looked as if they were talking, the man was giving a disapproving glare at Zeke. If you didn’t know any better you would even think that they knew each other.
You finally made it to where you could hear their conversation. The raven haired man hadn’t noticed you, nor had Zeke.
“I hope you like what your plan caused.” The man said to Zeke.
Your plan?
“Well I didn’t account for everything of course.” Zeke replied, the steam of his healing obscuring his face.
“Zeke?” You whimpered out. Both Zeke and the raven haired man whipped their heads around to you. You were standing there gripping at your jacket, which was covered in dirt and blood. You were barely able to stand, your injuries as well as the exhaustion was catching up to you.
“What did he mean by your plan?” You questioned, stumbling in his direction. “He’s lying right? Just like a devil would.”
You stifle a laugh. This had to be a joke; this man, whoever he was, must have manipulated Zeke.
“See, I didn’t account for everything.” Zeke said to the man.
“Who is that?” The man asked disinterestedly. He looked at you like you were a speck of dirt.
“That, Levi, was my fiance.” Zeke sneered, looking at you down his nose.
“Was?” You looked up with pleading eyes. “No matter what, Zeke. I’m on your side.” You tried to climb up to where they were standing. “Please, he’s lying to you.” You slipped, falling back onto the rubble below you.
“Y/n.” Zeke cooed. “It’s alright, everything will be alright.” He came down to meet you, taking your face in his hands. Levi came down with him and let out a ‘tch’ sound.
“Let’s go Furrball.” He commanded. Zeke helped you up, and practically dragged you inside the building.
“Where are you taking me?” You questioned, you were practically shaking in your boots. Everything was happening so fast and there was so much you didn’t understand.
“Hush, y/n.” Zeke whispered, squeezing your shoulder to calm you. “I’ll explain on the airship.” Air ship? Were you being kidnapped?
“No!” You shouted, wiggling out of Zeke’s grasp. If looks could kill, Levi’s death glare would have been the end of you. “What is happening? What about Marley and the other Warriors? They need you Zeke, you need to defeat Eren Jaeger.”
“Move.” Levi commended, Zeke hoisted you up, not acknowledging your questions. He carried you to the roof of the building, you were too exhausted to fight back.
“Please, Zeke.” You whined. “What is happening?”
Zeke placed you down, you could see an airship in the distance following lights placed on the buildings. There were fires everywhere, buildings were destroyed.
“I can’t say everything right here, but if you just come with us I can explain the whole thing.” Zeke said, rubbing your shoulders.
“I can’t!” You scream. “I’ve been a good Marleyan, I can’t just go with them.”
“Y/n, it’s not what you think.” Zeke said lightly, trying to get you to calm down.
“Whatever you are doing, I bet it’s him controlling you.” You pointed at Levi, he looked unamused with your accusation.
“We can’t take her with us.” Levi said sternly. Zeke sighed.
“No, y/n. It’s not like that.” Zeke shook his head. You wiggled out of his grasp, he frowned. You could see the cogs turning in his head, trying to find the right words. “You just don’t know the whole truth. I know you don’t want to hear it, but please know that I love you, y/n”
Zeke pulled you in for a kiss, you could feel all of his emotions through it. His love, his sadness, his anger. He held you, as if he never wanted to let you go. Zeke broke away, leaving you breathless.
“Wait for me, y/n.” He whispered. “I know you’re a good Honorary Marlyean, but you mustn't tell anyone what happened here or about me.” He had crouched down slightly to look into his eyes, you could see he was very serious.
“I won’t, Zeke.” You muttered, it was the only thing you really could say. In reality you have no idea what is going on, but it may be worse if you did. “I’ll wait.” You looked into his eyes, determination shining in yours.
“Good.” Zeke smiled standing up. You could feel Levi’s eyes burning a hole in the back of your head. “I love you.” Zeke said, a small smile tugging at his lips.
“I love you, too.”
Zeke grabbed your hand and kissed the ring on your finger.
“Don’t you dare forget me.” Zeke chuckled.
“Never.” You replied. “You’ll be back, I know it.” With that Levi started to drag Zeke away, the large airship closer now, almost to the building. You saw Levi latch onto the railing with his special gear, and dragged Zeke with him.
You ran back down to the street. Everything seemed to have died down. You looked for anyone you may know to get you out of here.
“Y/n!” You heard behind you. Reiner came up to you, he looked awful. “Come on. Let’s get you out of here.”
He took you, his arm around your shoulders gently coaxing you to walk with him. You looked up, seeing the airship fly away. All you could do was watch as yet again Zeke left once more.
You had waited for a month now. You were starting to think that Zeke was never coming back. The warriors had left for the Island a bit ago, and you hoped that they would send word about him.
You sat in your normal spot by the window, placing your coffee down on the table. You were often here, hoping to see Zeke come home. It was really all you could do.
You were about to take another sip as ripples formed in the smooth dark liquid. You could see dust flying through the air, and there was a slight shake to the ground. You looked around wildly, the only thing that you knew could do this would be a Titan.
You dropped your coffee, the mug shattering on the ground as you ran down to the street. There you could see it, tons of 50 meter titans walking steadily in your direction. You were frozen with fear, there was nothing you could do.
You just hoped that Zeke would be here soon, but he wasn’t. You knew that running away would be fruitless. You were not able to move from the spot on the street out of fear. Others scrambled to get away, pushing you around.
Something inside of you told you to stay, that this was how you would see Zeke again. You couldn’t help but stare up at the titans coming your way. This was the first time you were truly able to see them. The titan shifters looked nothing like these terrifying beasts.
You almost felt bad for the Devils that had been tortured by these monsters for all these years. The stories of them from Reiner fill your mind.
Reiner, I wonder if he’s okay
You closed your eyes, accepting your fate. The ground shaking beneath you. You weren’t scared anymore, you could barely feel your own body. You felt weightless. The last thing you remembered was Zeke, kissing you goodbye for the last time. All you hoped for was to see him, just one more time.
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randomtwistedlife · 3 years
Two Ghosts
Pairing: Reiner Braun x Female Reader
Summary: You are on a recon mission in Marley and run into Reiner. Little angsty. 
Note: I just finished the anime and the manga and there are a lot of feelings and hence, this one shot was born. One huge spoiler regarding Reiner. If you know what I’m talking about, you can read this. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, spoiler ahead. POV shifts between reader and Reiner. 
Based on Two Ghosts by Harry Styles
Feedback is appreciated.
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We're not who we used to be
We're just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me
Trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat
You pulled the hood of your cape onto your head as you weaved across the sea of people. Glancing at the setting sun, you let out a curse. You were late. His letter, which was tightly clutched in your hands, had instructed you to meet him at the specified address tonight as soon as the sun set. Even though he hadn’t written a lot about himself, most likely afraid that the letter would fall into the wrong hands, you knew it was him from his handwriting and the way he wrote the words.
Jean was here. In Marley.
You had arrived in Marley a little over a month ago on a recon mission. The mission was simple — infiltrate Marley, specifically Liberio, because that’s where the Warrior program was, scout the high ranked officials, and understand the socio-political situation. It was the solitude and the feeling of otherness that was hard to deal with. Everyone on this side of the sea hated you. Well, not you specifically, but your kind. You just wanted to talk freely with someone. Though Eren was here as well, he wasn’t an option. He had been here almost as long as you, but visiting him at the hospital would raise too many eyebrows considering Eren’s secret identity was not supposed to have any family. And so you stayed away. But now Jean was here.
Your face hurt from smiling so much. It was hard to remember the last time you had been this happy. You would tell him all the information you had been able to gather till now and then, you would drink and eat and have fun with your friend. Just one night of fun - you deserved that after everything. You had already thought of all the questions you were going to throw at him. You wanted to know how everyone was doing back home — Armin, Mikasa, Connie, Sasha, Commander Hange, and Captain Levi. Thinking about your home and your friends left you with a sense of longing. Closing your eyes, you brushed aside the melancholic feeling. You will reunite soon. Walking a little faster, you looked up to locate the bar you were supposed to meet Jean at and that is when you bumped into him.
Reiner sighed. He had just dropped an enthusiastic Gabi at her home, and all he wanted to do now was get drunk and fall asleep. Sometimes, being around Gabi was tiring for him. The girl was hell-bent on inheriting his Armoured Titan thinking that it was the biggest honour in the world. How could he tell her otherwise? He himself didn’t know what he believed. He did, however, know that he didn’t want his cousin to go through what he did. But how does he explain all the anger, and the sadness, and the guilt that is buried deep inside of him to a 12-year-old when he himself couldn’t make any sense of his feelings?
If he hadn’t been lost in his thoughts and was watching where he was going, he probably would have avoided the collision altogether. When he finally realised what was happening, it was too late. There she was, her face covered behind her cape and walking straight towards him. The moment she crashes into him, Reiner holds her shoulders to help balance her. As he does so, he notices the piece of paper she was holding fall down on the road.
She apologises, so does he. As she walks past him, he bends down to pick up the piece of paper and calls out to her.
“You dropped something.”
She turns, and the world around him fades away.
You have been on enough battlefields to understand what people mean when they say, “Time moved slowly” but this was the first instance you fully understood what “Time stood still” meant. You don’t know how long you have been standing on the street. Jean’s letter left forgotten in his hands. He cannot have that letter; it could compromise the entire operation. But at this moment, you can’t seem to care. You should snatch the letter and run away, but you don’t. You just stand there staring into his hazel eyes.
Long gone is the young boy that you looked up to. His hair is longer and his sharp cheekbones are now slightly covered under his goatee. You had grown up in the last four years, but so had he. His eyes were wide and staring back into your own. You opened your mouth to say some something - anything - but words wouldn’t come out. You could hear a loud thudding - maybe it was your heart or maybe your head, you weren’t sure. Your mind was blank all because he was standing in front of you.
Reiner Braun. The boy you had fallen in love with. The boy who was responsible for the death of your family and friends. The boy - no, man - who could still make your heart flutter.
You had known that there was a high possibility of running into him, but you still volunteered to be a part of the infiltration. Maybe you wanted to run into him. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Move! Speak! Do something! You screamed internally, but you felt frozen to your spot.
“Y/N,” he spoke, his voice shaky.
Your heart skips.
“Y/N,” he calls out to you.
The sound of his voice accelerated the already rampant pounding of your heart, and it felt like it would burst any second.
He took a step towards you. You took a step back.
“No,” your voice soft but firm.
You couldn’t face him after everything he had done.
The one thing Reiner had wanted more than anything in his life was to see you again. Of course, he never expected that to ever come true. Ever since his return from Paradis, he has spent a countless number of nights thinking about how if he ever met you again, he would tell you everything and you would forgive him. He never expected that to happen either, but isn’t that why they are called dreams? Late at night, he could hope to see you again. In his dreams, he could imagine spending a life with you.
And now here you were. Standing right in front of him.
The young girl he had fallen in love with was now a beautiful woman. Not that you weren’t beautiful before. Back when he was pretending to be a soldier of Paradis, he had seen you covered in blood, sweat and grime several times and you were still the most beautiful human to ever grace the planet in his eyes. Your hair, which looked much shorter than the last time he had seen you, was framing your face. Besides the guarded expression that you wore, your eyes were locked with his own.
“No,” you spoke as you stepped away from him.
His throat went dry. His palms moistened and he could hear the crinkle of the piece of paper he was holding as he clenched his hands. Reiner couldn't be certain that this wasn't a dream. His hands were itching to touch you, to feel the smoothness of your skin, and to confirm that you were indeed standing in front of him.
“I —” he spoke again, but stopped. What could he even say? That he was sorry? A simple ‘I’m sorry’ wasn’t enough. He knew he could never atone for all the violence he had ensued; for all the people that were dead because of him. The apology that was stuck in his throat was too little, too late.
You tilted your head slightly, and Reiner saw how your guarded expression slowly changed into something else. Your eyebrows narrowed and your face flushed a deep shade of red.
“Reiner,” you spat out his name.
Although he was expecting it, the venom in your voice startled him. The air between the two of you had shifted, becoming much more tense. His glance flickered from you to his surroundings. He could feel their watchful gaze on the two of you. Everybody in Liberio knew who he was. The people walking by seemed quite interested in what was happening between the Armoured Titan and the woman he was with. Looking back at you, he realised things could go south quickly. Hastily, he reached for your arm, without giving you a chance to fight him, and dragged you to the nearest alley, away from prying eyes.
“Back off, Braun.”
“You shouldn’t be here.”
“And you shouldn’t have been at my home, but things don’t always happen according to plan now, do they?” you retorted.
“I know this doesn’t count for anything, but I’m sorry. If I could go back in time, I would do things differently,” he admitted.
You looked away, breaking off the eye contact, “Well, you can’t.”
The slanting rays of the setting sun shone on your face, making you seem more alluring than ever. He was so screwed. 
His admission caught you off guard. Did he regret doing what he did? Was he genuinely sorry? He did apologise, but how could you trust what he said? You had trusted him once, with your life and your heart, and look what happened.
“Was any of it real?” you asked.
Your eyes were trained on the cat rummaging for scraps in the alley dumpster, but your ears were straining to hear his answer. You couldn’t bring yourself to look at him, specially if he confirmed he had merely used you for his mission.
“Yes. All of it. All of us,” he replied.
You turned your head and risked a peek in his direction.
“I — The mission was to break the wall, blend in, and bring the Founding Titan to Marley. You were never supposed to be a part of it.”
His eyes were focused on you.
“I tried really hard, you know. I tried not to fall in love with you. Annie and Bertolt realised what was happening as well and tried to keep me away from you, but we all know how that worked out,” he chuckled ruefully. “You were fierce when you protected and stood up for your friends. You were sweet and kind and understanding. You had been through so much —” his eyes cast downward “ — and yet you still could love and be kind.”
He looked back up at you. “By the time I realised what you meant to me, it was too late.”
You screwed your eyes shut. No, this couldn’t be happening. Four years. It had taken you four years to heal your heart and here he was breaking down your walls all over again.
“Stop,” you whispered.
“You deserve the truth, (Y/N)” he spoke softly.
You shook your head and opened your eyes. They burned with unshed tears.
“I never meant to hurt you, and I would spend the rest of my life making things right. I loved you.”
All this time you had been telling yourself that the bond you had shared with Reiner was nothing but a lie. He never cared about you. You were simply a means to an end for him. But the words spilling from his mouth were enough to turn your world upside down. You looked up as you felt the heat from his body. You could feel his breath on your face. Were you two standing this close before?
“I love you,” he whispered.
Your heart skipped a beat, your eyes jumping from his lips to his eyes. Reiner leaned in and you let him. You parted your lips and felt him washing over you like a wave of warmth. Your entire body tingled. The kiss started soft and slow with your arms locked with his. He took a step back when the two of you came back for air.
“I’m sorry, I needed to do that —” he started speaking, but you placed your hands behind his neck and pulled him in.
He wrapped his arms around your waist, holding your body close. He pulled you in, claiming your mouth once again, this time hungry and intense, until your knees gave in. His hands were on your hips and he lifted you up as if you weighed nothing. He moved the two of you so your back touched the wall. His body was pressing into yours and you inhale his scent. He still smelled like the boy who won you over years ago.
The two of you come back for air and he presses his forehead against yours.
There were a million thoughts running through your head. Reiner couldn’t know why you were in Marley, he couldn’t know about your friends being in Marley either, and oh shit, you were supposed to meet up with Jean. But right now, none of that mattered to you. All that mattered was that Reiner was here, with you, kissing you.
“I love you too, Reiner.”
If an ex who killed your friends and family tries to walk back into your life, please run far, far away.
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awhilde · 4 years
kaeya as your boyfriend!
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seeing all these hc’s for genshin is making me sob like god damn all these enemies to lovers for childe and lumine is making me simp for him. also i’ll never shut up about kaeya his yoho in the manga reminds me of oikawa and that just throws me into a whole other world of hurt
&& this is potentially the last piece of genshin content that i’ll post in a while bc i don’t just want to write purely abt genshin however !! if someone asks for it who am i to say no?
neways,,, kaeya as ur boyfriend!
the beginning of your relationship would have originated with his confession to you
despite being a huge romantic, kaeya confessed to you with no prior planning, nothing spectacular like a mysterious note leading to a tree caked in snow despite the rest of the world enveloped in a still night
in fact, kaeya hadn’t even come to terms with his true feelings when it occurred, he simply knew that he found you fascinating and of good company. besides, you easily bounced back his roundabout way of talking and your banter provided him good humour
so when the two of you were casually patrolling the streets of the city on the lookout for potential hazards, he’d dropped the bomb mid conversation when you guys were talking about your family
“yeah, i totally get that.” you had said in reply to his advice. “i’m just anxious i guess, on what i should do. after taking so long, is my brother even still alive?” after a shaky inhale, you laughed off the suddenly sombre atmosphere. “sorry, i didn’t mean to bring the mood down. i suppose i just felt a bit alone in this whole situation. its like no one is taking my brother’s disappearance seriously and its being overlooked because of all this dragon business.”
kaeya hadn’t been sure as to what to say for he felt slightly guilty for forgetting the reason why you ended up here as well. he felt an odd pang in his chest at your crestfallen expression, more so at how much you tried to cover it up with a smile.
he’d suddenly turn from walking beside you to standing in front, gauging your expression and successfully halting you in your step
he’d confess with a smile, clearly not expecting a response and solely in hopes of letting you know that he cared for you and you weren’t alone. he wouldn’t be nervous ion think, he knows his worth and would be completely comfortable with only being your friend. he’d let the news comprehend in your mind before turning around, wishing you a goodnight and a slight pun about how the early bird gets the worm
oh boy, kaeya’d would have never expected you to return his feelings but you did anyway, replying in a similar, quiet tone, expressing the emotions that you felt around the ice man and only THEN did he blush. he’d hid the majority of his reddening face behind his palm, looking off the right slightly to try and hide his face from you. the fluistered look on his face sent you out of this world
neways, the night ended in a limbo between awkward, flustered glances and timid silence, and finding the situation hilarious because well,, it just was to you two
the day after that, your relationship was relatively the same
except, kaeya no longer hid his lingering looks at you anymore which made 1). you blush and 2). everyone suspicious
but i mean they called it so,,,
everyone, that is, except paimon who exists only to be the biggest cockblocker you’ve ever met. no like seriously, did almost drowning cause the last sliver of common sense to escape from her?
regardless, paimon was on your ass every. single. time you and kaeya talked whether it be in private or within a group
like that one time when kaeya managed to get you alone in the library, having not had the opportunity to talk to you privately all day
he had stood a little too close to you (bc kaeya is a : dom and towering over you is something he would find pleasure in doing) as you talked. clearly, he wasn’t paying attention to your attempt at small talk instead opting to inch you closer to the wall with a smirk
you’re not completely dense, you knew exactly what he was doing but he was hot so you let it slide, finding the situation kinda addicting to be in
“anyway, amber was telling me something about cleaning up the aftermath of stormterror, something about barricades and the like, are you going to be helping us this time?” you had asked him, eyebrow raised over the book you had clutched to your chest
kaeya smirks and steps closer again, causing you to back away slightly. “and if i don’t?”
“go ahead and find out yourself, pretty boy, see how well that turns out.”
the bored challenge in your voice disappears when he closes the gap between you two, placing a forearm easily above your head and tilting your body in that respective direction, easily caging you in
“caring for me? where did your tsundere act go?” he whispered, breath tickling the hairs framing your face. by now, you were sure it was obvious that you were blushing
your eyes flick to his lips and back to his eye, his own catching the movement and you swore his lips stretched further into that smirk. his face edges closer to yours, a still silence in the form of an inhaled breath tense in the air and just as kaeya’s lips touched your own
the door to the library slams open
kaeya immediately brings his head up and checks behind his shoulder, body still encasing yours but this time in order to protect you
and you can’t see because,, well,, kaeya’s body was obstructing your vision so you turn to look around him but he moves that way too, protecting you from the intruder’s sight
but well, you didn’t need to see the person to know them because their voice was a dead give away
“kaeya!” paimon exclaimed and you hear kaeya’s short huff of exhaustion. “have you seen name? she said she was around here but,,, paimon hasn’t seen her anywhere. why are you looking at paimon like that?”
convinced that she wasn’t a threat, kaeya sighs and leans his forehead against yours. you giggle slightly
paimon finally sees you, at least your figure anyway and gasps. “wait a minute, is that a girl paimon is seeing? kaeya, what are you doing with this girl? unless,,, omg are you cheating on name?”
and without looking at the floating human, kaeya tells her to leave in a firm voice. clearly, he didn’t like any of this bullshit
and paimon gets a little scared before she huffs, telling him that she was totally going to tell you what he was doing
and the door slams after her with extra intended force and with the help of a few icicles
kaeya opens his eyes and gazes longingly at you, frustrated and annoyed at well,, being cockblocked. the moment of intense sexual tension is over and being flustered is well past you know. besides, you kinda wanted to clear up the misunderstanding before paimon spreads some nasty rumour. and sure, kaeya couldn’t care less about his reputation, but you cared about his
so you laugh at his misery and give him a quick peck on the lips before ducking under his arm and exiting the library
kaeya would be a little stunned at your move on him, but he was well aware of your cheeky side. for the rest of the day, he would declare war on you, trying to get you flustered again (bc its funny and cute). he’d do things like cooling his skin when you accidently touch him, standing way too close to you in group discussions and !! breathing down your neck (bc mans has cold breath) and just generally looking at your direction  
you’d fight back bc he’s being ridiculous, winking when you caught him staring, squeezing his hand when he walks past and jokingly avoiding his attempts to get you in private
bc i mean, there was a dragon terrorising the world so romance shouldn’t be your first priority
a shame that kaeya thinks he’s all that and confident in his abilities that he’s like yes i can juggle saving the world and winning over my girlfriend in my sleep wym
when this silly “fight” is over, you finally let kaeya drag you into an alleyway, pressing you up against the wall and kissing you without words
and you smile into the kiss bc frustrated kaeya is so cute
and that’s the relationship, just a mix of pure fluff (bc kaeya really does care for you a lot), stupid banter and sexual tension!!
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bakugou-jpg · 4 years
Stay, please || K. Takami /Hawks
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A/N: This was requested by an anon, for Hawks angst to fluff. I’m not entirely sure if this ks what you wanted but i hope you like it anyway!
Genre: Angst to fluff
Warning: BNHA MANGA SPOILERS, angst.
Words: 7789 words
The job of a pro hero, was something that came with a lot of responsibility. As a pro hero, you had the responsibility of someone else's life in your hands . The responsibility to keep them safe. It was a never ending battle between bad and good with when one villain had finally been defeated and captured a new one was lurking in the corners of the streets.
The training young teens who just decided what to with their lives, which was wanting to make the world a better place and saving people by becoming a hero, was rather cruel in some cases. There was no denying in the fact that learning is best done by practice, but putting 16 year olds into battles between adults they shouldn't have to fight could be..considered inhuman in some cases.
Especially when the 'teen' is a 6 year old boy who had no choice but to give his life to the country to be used as a tool to solve the life long battle between good and evil. He was seen as a 'secret weapon'. One that would make the world a better place. A future set out for him in every possible detail until his very retirement.
It was tiring, so very tiring. A constant cycle of waking up, going to work, overworking, getting home, go to bed. Barely any time for free time. The lack of it made him feel like he was stuck in a simulation, a system that he couldn't run away from.
He felt like he was being suffocated, a tight rope wrapped around his throat with the people he worked for his entire life at the end of it only pulling it tighter and tighter putting more and more responsibility on his shoulders. He was gonna collapse, his vision growing hazy and his knees trembling close to giving up.
The rope around his neck loosened. Hawks was so focused on walking forward towards the pointless direction he was forced to walk towards that.. he hadn't noticed when a soft pair of hands had started fumbling with the rough material. He hadn't noticed when breathing got easier again and he certainly didn't notice when his legs dragged him somewhere else.
Falling in love with you was the easiest thing he had ever done. The moment his eyes met yours he was absolutely swooned by the way they held such a calming warmth in them that he felt his wings puff up. You were incredibly beautiful to him and the red tips of his ears certainly didn't go unnoticed for he felt a cold feeling wash over him when the number one hero sent a glare at him reminding him he was on patrol.
He felt himself so drawn to your presence, always finding ways to sneakily run into you or find a reason to talk to you.
When the cold months creeped around the corner, meaning the sun set earlier in the evening, he did not hesitate for a second to insist he'd bring you home safely. He wouldn't hesitate to playfully tease you about the tiniest things, loving the either flustered or giggling reaction coming from you.
His eyes were glued to the screen of his computer, scanning over all the tiny words that for some reason didn't seem to get through his skull no matter what he did.
He felt like his eyelids were being pulled down by tiny fairies who were trying to lul him into a deep sleep so they'd be able to kill him in his sleep or kidnap him afterwards..atleast, that's the story his grandmother had told him when she was still around when he was younger.
God, how long that had been and how fuzzy the memories were of her. Hawks never saw her often, for the relationship with her and his dad was horrible, but when he did he'd feel nothing but a warm fuzzy feeling he hadn't felt in years. A comfortable feeling he wanted to bask in forever with no worry in the world.
He tore his eyes away from the screen, immediately settling on your form after you had entered his office.
The crimson wings fluffed up just slightly upon seeing the sight of you, a reaction Hawks had no control over. Slowly, he spread them and even in the dim light of his laptop screen you could still clearly see the beautiful red colour they held. Every little detail of each feather, how they slightly shook when he stretched his entire body before folding back into their previous position behind his back.
"Ah, it seems i have died huh? Knew all this paperwork was gonna make my brain melt one day..Though, i thought angels had like eight arms were shaped like a pyramid and had like fifty eyes in total."
A playful smirk danced around his features, but it wasn't hard to take notice of the tiredness his eyes held. How to bags under his eyes would get darker by the day and how his voice sounded heavy laced with drowsiness.
No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't help but snort at his words. Your eyes were still glued onto his wings, mesmerized by the way they looked and never failing to impress you.
"What are you doing here so late, dove? Thought your shift ended two hours ago, did you miss me that much?"
Hawks noticed how your eyebrows scrunched together this time there was no little smile or snort at his comment. Did he cross a line he shouldn't of have crossed? No, you didn't seem mad..you looked worried.
Placing one foot in front of the other hesitantly, you made your way towards Hawks desk eyes scanning over all the littered papers and the opened document on his laptop.
"Could ask you the same question, Mr.hero..I had forgotten my keys so was unable to enter my house. Thought your shift ended three hours ago?"
The tone in your voice was more stern this time and the hero didn't miss the somewhat motherly undertones to it. Even the way the way your hand found its way into his hair, plucking something out of it but even the slightest touch made him coo softly.
Quickly snapping out of his smitten state, Hawks quickly recollected himself and grinned. No matter how hard he tried, he still looked burned out and absolutely exhausted. The small pile of energy drinks in his trash can and the empty coffee cup on his desk only making it more obvious. "Thought it would be fun to just sit here and stare at some words on a screen with no yellow light"
A small moment of silence took over the room. An awkward one at that..had he made an uncomfortable comment once again?
It was hard to let his eyes settle to the dark after having had them glued onto the screen for so many hours. He could very easily make out your silhouette and where your eyes were, but it was a little hard pinpointing the details in your face.
Being so focused on taking in your facial features, he hadn't noticed how your hand had slowly creeped up on him to settle onto his wings. Nobody ever really touched his wings, well technically they did of course just..not like this. Not with such tenderness while running their nails over his skin, like getting your hair played with but so different.
It was hard to keep his composure like that and the very moment your fingers moved he let out a shaky sigh, eyes rolling to the back of his head and his body relaxing under your touch.
"You're so tense, should take better care of yourself Mr.hero.." You whispered, hands trailing from the base of his wings up his shoulders before settling onto his neck and giving it a small squeeze.
Hawks face felt warm. He wasn't sure if you were aware of what you did to him or if this was you trying to tease him in any way. It felt nice, so very nice. To be touched like this, with such gentle movements. He wanted to bask into it forever, for him the only one you'd touch like that and talk to.
Leaning his head back, Hawks peered up into your eyes while resting his head against your stomach. Your hands were now attached to his ears, tracing his ear-shells with your fingers.
"Please.." He whispered so very softly, his voice so desperate.
Eyes widening slightly, the fingers once wrapped around his head slipped away.
Hawks was a very open book, it had been something you noticed right away when you first met him. He wasn't afraid to show his feelings about something or to state his opinion on certain things. His emotions always very clearly present on his face.
Yet, the emotion he currently expressed was hard to place. You weren't sure if it was fear, sadness or desperation. Maybe a mix of all of them but none of them really was the hawks you used to see on a daily basis. Were his emotions getting the best of him at the late hours of the night?
His rather cold hands took ahold of your own the chill spread out through the rest of your body something which made you shiver slightly.
"God Hawks, you certainly are sappy huh?"
A small grin tugged at the edges of his lips, a low chuckle rumbling in his chest. His eyes followed your form as you sat down on his desk, eyes piercing into your own.
"Got me there, dove..Only for you though, baby bird."
With a small smack to the head, his chest felt much lighter when you started reading through the papers scattered around his desk, a pen in your mouth while writing down things here and there. How you'd rest your legs on the arm of his chair telling him to finish his part so the both of you could go home.
That was the first time Hawks started thinking about a future other than what had been set in stone for him ever since he was a kid. What is a selfish thing to do..? To think about a future that only he provided off in the end and hopefully you too, of course? I..think everyone's allowed to be a little selfish sometimes. That longing for something so precious and wonderful is something everyone deserves to have.
To be selfish and keep you to himself, to hold you in the late hours of the night and to be able to feel your skin against his own.
With his wing wrapped around your body, you walked underneath the dimly lit streets.Every time either of you laughed or talked, a small cloud would leave your mouth and disappear into the cold november air.
It was only such a small memory compared to the ones the two of you had made throughout the friendship you had, one that eventually blossomed into something more. Though, to Hawks it was the night he came to the realization that for the first time in his life he felt like..there was a destination, a goal, to where he was walking to.
Loving you was the easiest thing Hawks could ever do. It was like breathing unconsciously, blinking his eyes and how his heart pumped blood through his body. Something so natural and right, something he needed so desperately.
It was funny how he had gone 21 years through out his life without you but now that he had you for barely 2 years for himself, he felt like he couldn't go without you being there for him and having you by his side. He was addicted to your presence, you were like a drug he couldn't get enough of.
You had showed him that the little things mattered, that it was okay to make mistakes and that it was so easy to love something more than yourself.
Coming home, exhausted and beaten up, to be engulfed in the warmest pair of arms instead of his empty bed was the thing he'd look forward to every day. To be peppered in soft kisses and have fingers go through his hair welcoming him home being told that he had been missed. It was a thing that got him through the day, knowing there was someone out there waiting for him.
Although he felt like it, Hawks...would never truly be free.
Even though. You had loosened every rope tied around his body, took his hand and guided him elsewhere, he would always be reminded that those ropes were still there. No matter what, he was still doomed to serve the people he had given almost his whole entire life to.
At times it was a little hard, having to stay away from what he considered home for a couple of days sometimes even weeks, but the two of you managed. The media barely had any information about his personal life. Both the agency and he himself kept it hidden deeply underneath a pile of dirt a ton of feet under the ground.
They knew about your existence, sure, but you were known as one of Endeavour's right hands. The one who followed him around like a puppy everywhere he went, taking care of most of the media problems for him and the one he went to for advice regarding his hero work.
Deep inside, Hawks knew that he wasn't worthy of all this. That he wasn't made to live a life like he was currently living, but he always pushed away those thoughts. Negativity wasn't gonna get him anywhere, it would affect both him and you.
"We need you to play infiltrate the league of villains as a spy. Make them believe you're on their side, gain their trust and leak some unimportant facts we give you here and there. Mr. Takami we need you to do whatever it takes."
League of villains, spy, whatever it takes..?
His whole head was buzzing the entire time during the meeting, where they told him all the important details and went through all of the steps he'd have to take.
Hawks had seen what the league was capable of, hell, the whole entirety of Japan had seen so. Individually he could take most of them on, probably. He'd have to watch out for the one that went by the name of 'Dabi', his feathers didn't exactly mix well with fire. Shigaraki was also sketchy, but aside from that he had received the news that the league seemed to be plotting something.
Not the craziest thing, since they had been quite off the radar for a few months now. And especially with those creatures they called nomus nobody was sure what would happen.
Going home that day felt wrong. Knowing what was to come, a bitter feeling creeping into his mouth while his feet felt like cement blocks heavier with every step he took closer to the door.
"Keigo, welcome home!"
The moment your face appeared from around the corner his heart only felt heavier. The fact you were so very unaware of what was about to happen and did your usual routine of wrapping your arms around him, gently taking off his vizors and headphones before cupping his face and pressing a kiss to his lips.
He couldn't do it
"Tough day at work? You look like you went 3 days without sleep Kei..and for someone who kept me up with his snoring last night that sure is quite something."
Your comment usually would've made him snicker or atleast just crack a grin. You were always able to make him feel be better and make him laugh on his worst days. Always knowing what to say and do, knowing him like the back of your hand.
He felt so numb. All his emotions were flat, he had to do this. He had to, he'd do anything to keep you safe and if that meant letting you go... then so be it.
"(Y/n), we need to talk."
His hands wrapped around your shoulders and softly pushed you off of him before reaching out to your own, giving them a soft squeeze with his thumb drawing a circle over your ring finger.
Hawks always knew he was gonna wrap the prettiest and biggest ring around there. He didn't care if you didn't want something to extravagant or so flashy and scold him for spending so much money. It ate at him that he was able to show you off but he would, he'd let everyone know you were his and he was yours. Didn't care what the agency or your boss thought. Didn't care about the media. None of that, just you. You and him.
He promised himself he'd always keep you safe, no matter what happened your safety came first. He'd do anything and, if that meant letting you go, then..so be it
"I'm sorry, but i don't love you anymore. Its not fair to you if i keep hiding this from you. I think we should end this."
He wanted to grow old with you. So badly. To spend his last moments in your arms and to adopt a dog with you- Hell even, maybe if god would've let him, have actual kids with you.
Seeing you laugh it off at first made his heart crumble. Especially the moment he saw your face slowly change when you started realizing that it wasn't a joke. How your eyes twisted from pure joy, to confusion, to a mix from both confusion and sorrow. A glassy layer of tears welling up in your eyes, head shaking no and your hands letting go of his.
"W-what? What do you mean- I-i don't understand."
Your voice was breaking, like a thin layer of ice on top of a lake in winter. Ice so incredibly thin that it wasn't able to hold the weight of a little robin hopping around on it.
He wanted to pull you into his arms, hush you while whispering comforting words into your ear. Telling you that he didn't mean it, that he loved you more than anything else in this world. But he couldn't. You had to be safe, you'd be in great danger if he continued the relationship you two shared.
"Since when?" You asked softly, eyes fixated onto his chest. You were unable to look him in the eye, unable to show him how you were slowly falling apart. In all honesty, you didn't want him to answer. You didn't want to know when he stopped loving you, for it had only been half a day when he told you he loved you, held you in his arms and kissed your forehead oh so lovingly before leaving for work.
Hawks scrunched his eyebrows together, eyes never leaving your trembling form. "I..I think it was around last month i started having my dou-"
"Last month, Keigo? You wanna fucking tell me that all those night i spend in your arms, that when i brought you to my fucking parents for dinner and when you told me you loved me, all meant nothing to you?!"
There it was. The little robin landing on top of the surface, creating a hole in its path before taking off leaving the ice broken into pieces. The tears flowed freely from your eyes, sleeves desperately trying to wipe them away but failing to do so.
"What did i do wrong? I don't understand..I-is there someone else..?"
"What- No! Never, i could never..i-"
Hawks gritted his teeth and had to dug his hands into the pockets of his jacket or else he would slip and reach out for you. It took ever cell in his body not to wrap you up in his arms and apologize and pepper your face with kisses.
"I'm sorry, (Y/n). I'll go pack my bags."
Trying to move past you only to be pushed back, hands gripping at the sleeves of his jacket and teary eyes piercings through his own. "Kei, what's going on?"
Your voice was so soft, so comforting. It felt so normal to lean into your touch, to close his eyes when you cupped his cheeks and feel just the slightest bit at ease.
The hero could feel a lump of his own form in his throat, one he desperately tried to swallow, and started biting down on his bottom lip. "I-i..I'm so sorry baby bird i-i..i can't tell you." He whispered, barely hearable due to the lump blocking the air in his throat.
The arms wrapping around your trembling form, the hand on the back of your head, the voice softly shushing you and the warm lips pressing a soft lingering kiss to your forehead all made it feel like time stopped. Nor did those things prove that he had fallen out of love, to be exact it only proved how much he adored you.
You didn't notice when he walked past you, into the bedroom. Or when he packed a suitcase and all his stuff, feathers flying through the house here and there to collect some of his stuff.
It was only when he stood next to you again, his warm golden eyes filled with sorrow, that you snapped back to your thoughts.
"I'm sorry, dove."
Leaning down, Hawks pressed his very last kiss onto the corner of your mouth. One that lingered just a little longer than the others, one that held just a little bit more emotion. The one that was going to haunt him forever.
With the front door opening, Hawks took one last look at you. A small smile tugged at the edges of his lips and you could clearly see the tears stinging at the corner of his eyes. Eyes full of both love and sorrow, eyes that you had grown to adore more than anything else in the world for the very last time connected with your own.
"Thank you for everything, (Y/n)."
And with that, the door closed.
There were a few seconds of ear deafening silence before Hawks flinched upon hearing the heart breaking sobs coming from the inside of the apartment. Your whole world was wrecked within not even 15 minutes and the worst part of it all is that you didn't understand why.
Spreading his wings out,  Hawks took one last look back at the apartment. At the place he once considered home. One where he had made his most cherished memories at and a place he had considered his safe place for oh so long.
It didn't matter anymore, what he did was to keep you safe. Something he had sworn to do the moment he first laid his eyes on you, a promise he was going to keep for as long as he lived.
In this case it had meant cutting all ties he had with you, to make you seem like a stranger to both himself and the people he worked with. The thought of you getting hurt by the league just for being involved with him, something that made you the perfect blackmail material, was a thought that haunted him. It was for your safety..
Now that he lost you, Hawks had nothing to lose. Not a home, not a future or..someone he loved. He was back to the very start, rope tied around his throat pulling him forward with no clear destination. Everything was numb. His mind, his body, everything.
A hero who had nothing left to lose was a hero who didn't care if he lived or died. Someone who didn't care for a pathetic title or name, it didn't matter.
With the moon peaking through the cloudy sky, light cascading down the hero's crimson feathers. With a few of his feathers supporting the sports bag, the hero took off leaving behind everything he once had.
There was nobody there to spot him, to freak out over seeing the number 2 hero flying over their heads or take pictures of him. Nighttime was the most peaceful time of the day to fly around for there were no worries just him soaring through the sky.
Hawks had no place to go in all honesty he hadn't thought this plan through entirely. He wasn't even sure if what he did was the best decision to make..maybe there was-..No. This was no time to have second thoughts on it, the damage had already been done.
With wings wrapping around his body, the hero dipped down towards the ground. The feeling of falling was always somewhat comforting. How gravity would pull him down, eyes closed for just a mere moment, while basking in the weightless feeling right before spreading his wings and gently landing on the ground, boots hitting the concrete.
"Took you long enough Mr. hero"
A tall dark figure emerged from within the shadows of the alleyway. There was no denying in the fact that the moment the hero caught sight of them, a chill creeped up his spine.
"Ah, give me a break had some trouble on the way here.." Hawks said with a grin, waving it off. A big sigh left his nose and he cracked his fingers.
"Well then, let's get to business, ha?..."
Hawks eyes narrowed the moment the man standing in front of him stepped into the light. Up close, the scars that littered his body looked even more disgusting. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't curious about how he had gotten them.
This job had to be the most complicated one Hawks had done before. He was a good liar, that certainly hadn't been the problem, but it was the fact he had to gain the league's trust. To convince them he was truly on their side, after all he was the #2 hero of Japan.
Dabi was, supposedly, the messenger and judge. He informed Hawks of all the things Shigaraki told him and demanded Hawks to do to prove himself. At the same time he'd judge Hawks, to see if he really was serious about all this and not a traitor.
The hero was walking on thin ice with every teeny tiny slip up that he could make resulting in the mission taking the worst possible turn. He had to be incredibly careful with what he said and did, continuously being watched by one particular villain that couldn't help but suspect him even after Shigaraki had given him an Ok.
Hawks was a good person that was too unfortunate to be forced into the situations he was put into. He was too unfortunate for getting attached to one of the villains, realizing that maybe after all some of them weren't that bad. Too unfortunate to have the years of training and manipulation take over his senses when he started to panic.
Hawks was a good person. He didn't mean to kill him. He never wanted to kill a somewhat good person.
He didn't mean to kill twice.
His mind was screaming. He had to keep his cool, had to keep himself together because he didn't have time to think for Dabi was already right on his ass with an intend to end his miserable ass.
Hawks hadn't thought about dying before. Well.. not like this. These last couple of weeks he thought he wouldn't care if he were to die. Its not like it really mattered anymore, after all there was nothing left for him. He was alone, back to living as a living puppet working for a corrupt hero agency.
It didn't matter anymore. None of it did.
He regretted leaving you behind that night. He should've turned around when he heard u cry, should've went back inside to cradle you in his arms. He wanted you back so badly. He didn't care if it was selfish, he wanted to leave everything behind and grow old with you, to hold you in his arms one last time.
Oh how he'd do anything to be able to touch you one last time..to apologize and tell you he loved you.
His wings were gone. The wings he knew you always admired from afar and run your fingers through, ripped out of his body leaving nothing but broken bloody bones sticking out of his back. He'd never be able to fly again, never be able to feel the freedom of being in the sky.
A boot was crushing his neck slowly making him suffocate, the villain looking down on him with an almost psychopathic smile on his way.
"Haha! Poor little Keigo Takami, seems like you've wasted your pathetic little life ,huh? And that calls himself the #2 hero?! Would've expected better from the hero association!"
Hawks felt numb. Without his wings he wasn't even worthy for the hero association, he'd be nothing. All of the sacrifices he made, all if the training didn't matter anymore. He was nothing.
As his sight got fuzzy, Hawks felt himself growing tired. Eyelids growing heavy, breathing slow and his whole entire body was exhausted. Something in him was screaming at him to stay awake but he pushed it away, simply too tired to care for it.
As he started giving in to the slumber, he couldn't help but let his mind wander to the image of you. From the day when he first met you to when the two if you worked together that one night. The day when he first fell your lips on his own and held you in his arms. He never particularly liked his name nor did he hate it, but whenever you called out for him it sounded like a sweet melody he couldn't get enough of.
"Keigo, you should rest"
...maybe he should.
Right before falling unconscious he could feel a faint force ramming into him but it didn't matter anymore, none of it did.
Finally..he could rest
Hospitals always had the most unpleasant smells. It was the mixture of chemicals and people who had been in bed all day that now smelled like sweat. Of course there was also the uncomfortable atmosphere. Most people were there to get tested for something or because they were sick. How such a thing would end were, in some cases, very unclear. Even the interior of hospitals were unsettling, bright white walls that blinded you whenever someone woke up from surgery and the rest of the cold colors they used for the furniture weren't exactly pleasing to the eye either.
He wasn't sure what happened, how he got there and how the battle ended. But when he opened his eyes, Hawks found himself laying on his side. It was very clear from the moment be got used to the darkness around him and the fact his whole body was aching with bandages wrapped all around him that he was in a hospital bed, his eyes following the IV tube to the bag hanging from the stand.
It didn't take a detective for him to notice that his wings were gone, completely. He wasn't sure if there was maybe some sort of bone structure left behind but the chances were incredibly small. It was weird, suddenly missing a big part of his body that he carried with him for 23 years. Like it had never been there.
It was nighttime and the curtains were still open. Perhaps the nurse had forgotten to close them. Its not something that he minded, after all he found comfort in being able to look outside at the very empty parking lot and street. There wasn't a soul out there and judging by how high the moon stood in the sky it was very late at night maybe around 3-4 am.
While pushing himself up to sit, Hawks was met by a horrible throbbing feeling on the inside of his skull. "Ahh, fuck" He hissed while taking his head in his hands, applying a bit of pressure to try and lessen the pain somehow.
His throat was dry, was there a sink? Lifting his head up, the hero took a quick look around the room his eyes still adjusting to the darkness. In all honesty it felt like a weird fever dream, waking up at night in a hospital that now felt very isolated and somewhat peaceful.
Perhaps he really was dead and this was a test god was putting him under to prove himself. Or he was just stuck alone in this world being forced to live forever as a clipped bird. The after life.
His breath was stuck in his throat, golden brown eyes widening. If he really was dead, he'd currently be in heaven, for there was no other way that the person currently sitting on the chair next to him with their head leaning on the bed as they clung onto the side of the pillow he was laying on was something other than an angel.
No, Hawks didn't believe in heaven or hell and he most definitely was aware of the fact he wasn't dead because the throbbing pain in his back and in his head could not of have been something a dead person should be able to experience.
You stirred in your sleep, just slightly. Eyebrows scrunched together lightly as you buried your head into the mattress of the bed, hand gripping the pillow you were clinging onto a little harder. Lips puckered like a fish, light eye bags underneath your eyes and smudged mascara around your eyes. You looked exhausted and Hawks couldn't get enough of the sight before him.
Had you been here the whole time? Judging by all the get well soon cards pricked onto the whiteboard on the wall it had atleast been a good few days. There was a fresh bouquet of red and yellow flowers on the table near the window, a pretty big one at that.
Only then did he notice the crumbled up card laying on top of all the trash in the trash can. He couldn't exactly make out what was inside of the card, but he could very clearly see the logo stamp on top of it which belonged to the hero association he worked for. He immediately smiled at the most possible scenario being that you had seen it and gotten mad at them. After all, you never backed down with expressing your pent up feelings about the people he worked for when you two talked about it.
His mind slowly wandered back to your last encounter with each other, face immediately falling when he heard your cries echo in his head right before he took off that night. Hawks treated you horribly and yet here you were, clinging onto the pillow he once laid on. Maybe you only came so you could yell at him for hurting you, for laughing at him for being pathetic and having lost everything he had.
But you were here. Beside him. He didn't know what god thought he deserved a second chance in life and especially what god allowed him to see you again but god was he thankful.
Slowly laying down back on the bed, wincing slightly when he back made contact with the mattress, Hawks turned on his side so he was facing you. To him, you were the most breathtaking person that walked this earth. From the tip of your nose, to the cheeks he loved to squeeze so much to your parted soft lips.
He loved having you on top of him on the couch, your face squished into his chest as you dozed off into sleep. A moment where he'd turn off the tv and admire you, hand gently massaging your head and a thumb very softly tracing over the details of your face.
His fingers reached out for your face, golden eyes softening when your nose scrunched up a little the moment his thumb traced over it. He really must of have been a saint in his previous life for him to be so lucky to have met you, to have been allowed to love and be loved by you.
You looked so breathtaking like this, so peacful and content as if you hadn't spent days sitting on the same chair ignoring the nurses telling you to go away while worrying your head off. At one point you even pulled out your license, showing you worked for Endeavour and said you had to keep a close call on Hawks to make sure he wouldn't fall 'victim' to another attack.
Hawks shuffled his body a little closer to your head, breath fanning over your face with your face cradled by his hands. Taking one more close look at your face, the man smiled softly before he closed his eyes and leaned in. Lips softly pressed against your forehead, ones that stayed there for a few seconds before he backed up again.
"I'm so sorry, baby bird.."
It was a mere whisper, only loud enough for the both of you to hear. He wasn't even sure if there was someone else in the room, but he couldn't care less. There was a small lump im his throat, one he tried very desperately to swallow but to no success.
It was the moment that your eyes slowly opened, hands reaching out to rub the sleepiness out of them before widening when yours met a pair of golden ones that it disappeared. When your bottom lip trembled and your eyes watered, hand moving to cover your mouth as the tears started falling from your eyes.
Hawks smiled and lifted his hand, just slightly for his arm still hurted. He could absolutely miserable but he wasn't even aware of that. Of how bloodshot his eyes were or how half of his face was wrapped in bandages. Or how the bandages om his back had light crimson stains on them from his wounds still bleeding here and there. It was a horrifying way of seeing the one you cared about.
Even his voice sounded like utter shit. As if the man had been a chainsmoker for the last 30 years.
You didn't care if it hurt him, the damage wouldn't be that bad anyway. The moment you heard what had happened your heart stopped. The last month felt like your world collapsed. The home you shared was quiet and the bed you shared was empty and cold. Kicking your chair back you lunged forward, arms wrapping around his fragile body very careful not to touch the wounds on his back.
"Y-you..fucking a-asshole.."
Hearing things from him from Endeavour was extremely painful but what was more painful was, after he had already been hospitalized, hearing what he had hidden from you and why. The fact he didn't bother to tell you, way too caught up with the thought of you getting hurt.
"..are you stupid? We're a team aren't we!?For fucksake i work for Endeavour, Keigo i can protect myself. L-leaving me like that.. Y-you selfish bastard!"
Hawks groaned slightly at the way you were currently squeezing his body. He didn't hesitate for a second before be wrapped his arms around you and buried his nose into the crook of your neck. He didn't think he'd ever be able to hold you again, to be able to feel you like this and have you so close.
Even though you smelled like hospital and sleep, Hawks could easily pick out the smell of your perfume out of it. It was faint, incredibly faint, but he missed it so much.
He could feel your hot tears falling onto his shoulder and how your teeth chattered, it made his heart ache. All he could do was wrap your legs around his waist while pulling you even closer. He needed to feel you, to feel your arms around him.
"I'm sorry, dove..I'm so sorry for hurting you." He whispered, hands bawling your shirt into a fist. It felt so good to feel your hand going through his hair while your other arm rubbed his upper back, still careful not to touch the wounds on his back.
You wanted to be mad at him, you really did. For the fact be broke your heart and left you crying, for leaving without saying why, underestimating you, fighting in a war without saying a word and getting hurt like this only to leave you worrying for several days by his side day and night.
But you couldn't be mad at him. I mean, you were, but being in his arms like this was something you had been craving for weeks. To feel his warmth envelop you the moment his arms snaked around your waist and to feel him kissing you shoulder several times before nuzzling his face into it.
Furiously wiping your tears from your eyes, sniffling and letting out choked sob. "Don't you ever leave me like that again, i swear i'll-"
"Could never leave you, you're stuck with me now.." Hawks with a smile, slowly backing up from the hug to take a good look at your face. The moment he saw your teary eyes his gaze softened before he brought his hand to your face to wipe them off your cheeks. "..stuck with me for the rest of your life. After all i'm gonna need someone who's gonna take care of me."
The exaggerated sigh leaving his mouth together with the roll of his eyes made you chuckle. He always found ways to joke around and cheer you up but he still knew the right things to say and do to calm you down. "Shut up you birdbrain, god you're the absolute worst." You said with a laugh while his thumb continuing to wipe the tear, and some remains of mascara, underneath your eyes away.
With his hands cupping your cheeks Hawks couldn't help put press his forehead against your own before closing his eyes.
You were there. With him. There was no more hero association that would make his head explode, no more worries or things he had to do. Just you and him. Maybe, just maybe, Hawks would allow himself to be selfish. Selfish enough so he could work on a future where only you and him provided off, to be able to call himself your husband and to grow old with you. To stay by your side the rest of your life no matter what. Everything he ever wanted lied in that future.
"I love you.."
It didn't matter anymore. The ropes were gone and he didn't care what lied ahead because he was holding onto your hand as you guided him. This time he didn't care where he ended up, as long as he had the hand he was holding onto in his he'd be fine. Perfectly fine.
As a hand tangled into his hair, Hawks didn't hesitate a second before he connected his lips with yours. Never before had he needed it so bad, to feel your lips against his own and had he missed it so much. His hands moved to settle on your waist and neck, immediately deepening the kiss and sighing in content when your arms wrapped around his neck.
All those sleepless nights, those moments of doubt and when he couldn't help but think about his regrets moments before he collapsed..To have you here in his arms was the only thing he wanted.
As the two of you parted ways, Hawks was quick to peck your lips as a quick cherry on top. The kiss lingered for quite a moment and the both of you were catching your breath.
"I should probably go get the nurse.." You said under your breath still a little caught off guard by the previous event and what had happened in the last ten minutes. Your eyes were still wet and your nose still runny, but the way your cheeks had heated up made up for it in some type of way.
Pushing yourself off of Hawks to fetch someone who was doing the night shift, you were very quick to be stopped by a hand who clung onto your own. When you looked back at the man, you were met by a pair of pleading golden eyes.
Upon hearing his request your eyes widened for a moment.  It really was pretty late already, so bothering the nurses at this hour was not something you wished to do so especially since it wasn't exactly that important. After all, Hawks would be awake in the morning as well.
He guided you onto the bed with him, hand still in your own, and shuffled backwards so that there was room for you next to him. Your body had given in, simply too tired to protest and with the way the mattress, blanket and arms looked so incredibly warm snd comfortable you really just wanted some sleep.
While being careful not to rip out any of the tubes attached to his body, you laid down next to him and immediately cuddled up against his chest. Face buried in his neck, arm immediately snaking around your waist to hold you closer and a soft pair of lips pressing against your forehead. It was like it had been weeks since you had a good night's sleep and didn't take long before sleep had won its battle against you sending you off to dreamland.
"Goodnight, dove.."
Hawks whispered while running his fingers through your hair, pushing it back so he could press another kiss to your forehead.
Even though Hawks had already been asleep several days, he was exhausted. It had been so long since he was able to sleep comfortably like this, his eyelids were screaming at him.
Hawks didn't know what the future was gonna hold for him. Whether he'd somehow be able to get his wings back or if he'd ever be able to work as a hero again. Everything was incredibly uncertain but right now, on this way too small for two people if not cuddled up hospital bed, everything felt like where it should be.
Just you and him. Nobody else or anything else getting in the way.
With a smile on his face Hawks closed his eyes and allowed himself to be taken over by sleep. Clipped bird or not, no matter what happened Hawks was gonna do anything in his might to keep you happy and that was a promise he was gonna hold onto for as long as he could.
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gio-is-writing · 4 years
Hiiii! May I request Rohan with a sweet and kind caring, goofy, affectionate s/o that is super badass when needed to be and Josuke and Okayasu are all like?!?!?! This doesn’t make sense! Thank you in advance!
REQUEST: Hiiii! May I request Rohan with a sweet and kind caring, goofy, affectionate s/o that is super badass when needed to be and Josuke and Okayasu are all like?!?!?! This doesn’t make sense! Thank you in advance!
i love writing for rohan so much plus we are celebrating that my rohan figure finally arrived!! Hope you like it!!💞
Pairing: Kishibe Rohan x Female Reader (also some platonic duwang gang x reader)
Warnings: a few swear words
Koichi knocked on the mangaka house door waiting for him to open, Rohan had been caing him non stop for him to visit and help him out with a few ideas he had for his manga and of course Koichi, though a little annoyed at the insistence, was happy to help. The silver haired was about to knock again when the door suddenly opened to reveal a young woman holding it.
“Hello, how can I help you?” she said smiling down at him
“Are you here to see Rohan?”
“Come on in!” she opened the door all the way to let him walk past “Would you like something to drink?”
“Oh, a glass of water would be fine”
She closed the door and invited him to join her in the kitchen. Koichi sat in one of the chairs and watched as she moved around to serve him what he asked. He has been to Rohan’s house just a few times before but he had never seen this woman around, he was sure Rohan lived alone!
Just as she placed the glass in front of him another more recognizable voice was heard.
“I’ve seen you met my lovely girlfriend” he smirked in his direction standing beside the young woman with now blushing cheeks “This is (Y/N), (Y/N) this is Koichi”
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you Koichi-kun!” she bowed slightly and he did the same
“Nice to meet you too (Y/N)-san”
“Well” Rohan spoke up again while almost dragging Koichi up the stairs “We’ll be upstairs, don’t interrupt”
After a few hours Koichi left (not before thanking (Y/N) for her hospitality) and they were left alone again. (Y/N) was making dinner when he walked back into the kitchen.
“He is cute” she said after a few minutes
“What do you mean he is cute?” he frowned
“I mean he is tiny cute”
“Meh, I like him”
She placed a plate with food in front of him before turning to serve herself the sitting down to eat as usual. Rohan ate in silence while she glanced at him with a hidden smile.
“It’s nice that you have a friend”
“He is n-“
“You should invite him more often!”
“...I probably should”
— • —
Josuke and Okuyasu had the idea of going to the local arcade after school, summer was almost around the corner and people where walking everywhere. The trio walked past the local market when they heard a loud noise and a hiss.
“Let go of me you crazy bitch!”
On the ground was a greasy looking man holding what seemed to be his bleeding nose with one hand while the other was pinned down to the concrete by a heel and a woman standing over it.
“Next time think twice before trying to grab someone’s else stuff”
That voice sounded too familiar to Koichi, but the person was wearing a summer hat that blocked their face while holding a brown bag filled with groceries. The teenagers stood still and almost in shock as they watched the scene, the woman released his arm and he scurried off quickly. She turned around just in time to meet their eyes.
“Koichi-kun what a coincidence!”
“H-hello (Y/N)-san!” he quickly answered “Need any help?”
“Oh no no, I’ve taken care of it” she giggled while adjusting the bag in her hip
“Looks like it”
“How you been, you haven’t been around the house!”
“I’ve been pretty busy with school and all that”
“I’m sure you are”
Koichi was left a blushing mess in the hands of a caring woman. (Y/N) was really beautiful no one could deny that and her sweet nature was the icing on the cake. A fake cough was heard and Koichi was reminded of his friends standing just a couple of feet away.
“Oh! (Y/N)-san these are Josuke and Okuyasu, my friends” He introduced “Guys this is (Y/N)-san, Rohan-sensei’s girlfriend”
“Hello boys, pleasure to meet you!”
“The pleasure is all ours miss”
Josuke and Okuyasu both bowed to their senior as she showed the brighted smile they had ever seen.
“Who knew an asshole like him could get a girl like you” Josuke thought outloud and was met with a elbow meeting his ribs by his best friend “Sorry...”
“Haha!” she laughed and dismissed him with her hand “he tends to be a little mean, doesn’t he?”
“Well boys, I must get home” she waved turning back to the street “I’ll see you around!”
“Goodbye (Y/N)!” the three boys answered
As she walked away, the teenagers were left wide eyed. Was THAT Rohan’s girlfriend?
“What in the world...” the tallest whispered
“I told you!” Koichi was quick to point out
“Why are these men getting the best girls?!” Okuyasu cried out
— • —
Summer was hitting Morioh like a truck, the sun was harsh and walking home from school was a torture. Josuke and Okuyasu walked along the sidewalk almost panting, Koichi had been snatched away by Yukako so it was just the two of them. (Y/N) was outside the mangaka’s house watering some plants when they walked past noticing their state.
“Hello boys!”
“Where are you heading?” she shut the hose off and approached them with a hand on her hips
“We were on our way to get some drinks...”
“Oh! I made some lemonade not long ago” she remembered “would you like to try it?”
“Sure, we’d love to!” Okuyasu was quick to answer
(Y/N) smiled widely and guided them into the house. Josuke was a little wary of Rohan being there but his attention was back on her when she spoke up.
“This heat is insane, isn’t it?”
“It is haha”
Both teens sat on the table while she moved to fetch the glasses and pour some cool lemonade and a few ice cubes. Turning with a smile she placed both glasses on the table.
“Here you go!”
Josuke and Okuyasu thanked her and gulped down their drinks earning a giggle from her. They finished their glasses in record time and smiled relieved.
“Wow it’s really good!” Okuyasu complimented
“Very refreshing!” followed Josuke
“Thank you!” she sat with a glass of her own “The lemons are from a tree both Rohan and I planted a few months back”
They had a relaxed conversation while still drinking, they felt much more refreshed. It almost felt like they would pass out out there.
“What are you doing in my house?”
That voice, Josuke frowned turning to the door frame where Rohan stood with his arms crossed.
“Rohan!” she greeted “I invited them in to cool down a little”
The green haired scoffed “They can burn for all I know”
“Tch... asshole.”
Okuyasu and (Y/N) shared a look at the sudden tense atmosphere between Josuke and her boyfriend.
“Well (Y/N)-san, I think is time we leave” Okuyasu was quick to say standing up.
“Alright boys, I’ll walk you out”
(Y/N) walked past Rohan glare and was followed by the two boys. She opened the door wide and they walked past her turning around on the little stairs of the deck.
“Thank you so much for the lemonade!”
“I’m glad you liked it, feel free to stop by anytime”
“We doubt your boyfriend would like that” Josuke added still bitter from the interection.
“Meh, he is a big grump” again she smiled widely “plus, this is my house too!”
“Then we’ll take your offer into consideration” he responded relaxing and smiling too
“Good bye (Y/N)-san!” they both said walking along the sidewalk
“See you!”
(Y/N) walked back inside and closed the door under her boyfriend’s annoyed gaze.
“Of all people you had to invite them in”
“Aw come on Rohan” she whined walking up to him “Summer can be really harsh on teenage boys”
“I don’t care about how summer treats them” he scoffed turning his head
“You are a meanie”
She wrapped her arms around his waist in a hug resting her head on his puffed out chest. He looked down and sighed, wrapping his own arms around her.
“And you’re just too good”
“Are you done working?” she asked looking up at him without breaking the hug “Can we watch a movie?”
“Sure” he simply answered
(Y/N) let go of him running to the couch to set everything up. Rohan groaned but was happy to finally be alone with her, no annoying teenagers to interrupt their day. He sat down and she cuddled up to his side, his arm wrapping around her shoulder.
“I love you Rohan”
“I love you too (Y/N)”
He kissed her forehead and turned to the TV
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