#ANYWAY. this is probably. something but I'm scared so . the world and i will never know i guess
iz-star · 1 day
My thoughts and guesses / theories about Zayne's upcoming main story branch.
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Like I've said in previous posts, I've been hella busy with work and most of all, exhausted so I haven't been able to come here and scream about the game updates (let alone draw something) but I still want to summarize my reactions from the past few days.
About the main story update, I'm really excited to see what's going to happen! I love the Dawnbreaker references but I have to be honest, I don't really think this is Dawnbreaker, he's still Dr Zayne (they both are part of each other somehow, but you understand what I mean).
Here's why:
At first, I genuinely thought this time we really would get the chance to interact with Dawnbreaker since Zayne is wearing DB's outfit and not a jumpscare outfit like in Snowy Serenity but the more I watched the trailer, the more I realized that this is still Dr Zayne which both makes me feel alleviated (cause if it were to be Dawnbreaker, it would leave us wondering where Dr Zayne is) and scared cause if he gets to suffer/ sacrifice himself in this time line like he did as Foreseer and MoF, I don't know well how I'll handle it.
He's a male lead so I don't think they will kill him off (? but somehow with Zayne one never knows, he's honestly always surprising us. In any case, my wildest theory is that if something happens to Dr Zayne, then we'll continue his branch with Dawnbreaker... idk? Anyway, don't really pay too much attention to this since it's most unlikely that something like this happens.
The impression I got after watching the trailer so many times is that this is actually Dr Zayne in the process of becoming 'Dawnbreaker' (maybe not exactly his other self but the concept) which has been one of his biggest fears; the reason? Because the Xander Sciences experiments, the severe cases of Protocore Syndrome and Metaflux anomalies are probably speeding the process of humanity to get doomed since in Dawnbreaker's world, humans turning into wanderers is something pretty recurrent and the very reason Zayne is a killer and his world is apocalyptic. Dr Zayne knows of this, he knows using protocores in human hearts is dangerous (the very reason he gave up his research in university), he also knows that to be exposed to big quantities of metaflux is what turns humans into Wanderers, he knows it because when he and William fought side by side in Mt Eternal, it was in order to destroy a Protofield that got out of hand and the Metaflux anomalies there were bringing to land more Wanderers. It was until they destroyed the protofield when William started to turn into an Abomination and then, a Wanderer.
In the trailer, Dr Zayne says something like 'We have no choice but to destroy this place" so my guess is that there is another big Metaflux anomaly like in Mt Eternal but this time in a place where there is a lot of ppl and due to being exposed to it, they're turning into Wanderers, something that Zayne as a Doctor can't cure: "Aren't you a Doctor. You should've save me!"
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In fact, this is something he can only cure as Dawnbreaker:
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I'm really interested to know who was the guy who asked Zayne to kill him. My guesses are:
William (and this probably a flashback).
Greyson (most unlikely since the voice didn't mach but goshh could you imagine the angst if it was him??)
So if there is another Metaflux anomaly it means that there's a Protofield that got out of hand and it probably was in either Akso Hospital or Xander Sciences company cause they had a special patient that accoring to what they say in the trailer, had a fragil heart that would've stopped long ago.
If I'm not mistaken (and since I'm currently sleepy and feeling lazy) in the World Underneath anecdotes Carter and Xander Sciences tried to keep some patients alive or to revive them using protocores and keeping him in pods but it didn't work? However, long before these anecdotes were released, we knew that there were already organizations doing research about immortality:
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It seems that 'A special energy field' is necesary in order to reach better conditions to regenerate the human heart. What if this 'special energy field' is something similar to a Protofield? If we remember correctly, in both Rafayel and Xavier's myths MC's heart was necessary for them to live immortal lifes? In Rafayel's case, she seemed to give ppl some kind of energy? But at the same time she couldn't leave their city neither. In Xavier's case, her heart was like an unending source of energy for Philos core and they wanted to feed Philos core with her so they would stop to sending humans and then Philos core would stop crearing wanderers.
In both cases, it seems that MC is the source of energy of a Protofield that both gives it enough quantities of energy to keep it balanced and making ppl within this field to be immortal (like her) without the risk of becoming wanderers. In Rafayel's myth, she was already the source of this field, so there are actually no wanderers in this myth. In Xavier's myth, she wasn't the source of it so they were creating wanderers bc of it.
What if in this case, Xander Sciences discovers that the key to reach immortality lies in creating a Protofield with enough energy to create the needed conditions to regenerate human hearts for indefinite amount of time and that the KEY to achieve this lies in MC's aether core??
What if what Zayne is trying to protect here is MC's heart so they won't use her to reach immortality, EVEN if he knows that this most likely will avoid tons of deaths and will stop the creation of wanderers and ALSO will avoid his future as Dawnbreaker but even so he chooses to save her, just like he did as Foreseer and Master of Fate.
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And lastly, he mentions "When that day comes... When I can't wake up" my only guesses are:
His nightmare of becoming "The Grim Reaper" will become true.
By destroying the Protofield that is creating the anomaly, he also freezes himself?
Maybe he steals part of MC's power or even he takes the creatio protocore he gave to her as Foreseer and uses it on himself so instead of using her as the source of energy for this Protofield, he offers himself as this unending source of energy? (This one is quite wild and seems unlikely to happen but I still wanted to mention it ahaha).
Anyway these are all my thoughts for now. Please take this with a grain of salt, since these are only silly theories and nothing official. We'll have to wait some days more to discover the truth.
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dispotatorulzz · 5 months
In my heart I have a cool tail and ears and cool awesome claws . Alas my physical body fails me
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barcaatthemoon · 11 days
better off alone || barcelona x teen!reader ||
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the team finds out that your foster parents left.
you were dead meat. jona wasn't there to vouch for you anymore. this season was sure to be your last. barcelona was on the verge of being done with you, and you weren't ready to go somewhere else and start over. having someone there to take care of you in a new city would be easier than your current situation, but you felt like you had found a family in your barcelona teammates.
they cared about you more than anybody else had. you had been bounced around foster homes and care facilities your entire life. this family wasn't good by any means, they had left you all alone after all, but your teammates more than made up for it. you had finally started to feel like a real person, and it was going to be yanked away from you in a matter of moments.
"where the hell have you been? you do know that we have a game later today, yes?" alexia grabbed onto your arm and dragged you inside. you stumbled a little trying to keep up with her. you were nearly an hour late for the pre-game training, but arrived just in time for the team meeting and the warm ups.
"sorry i was late, i tried to get here as fast as i could," you told her. it was the truth, and alexia was mad enough about you being late that she wouldn't pry. that was something you liked about dealing with alexia, her anger often clouded her judgement enough to never look too closely at the small details. she was easy to lie to because she'd generally accept the first excuse you threw her way.
"just go to the locker room, i'm going to talk to your parents," alexia told you. you wordlessly walked to the locker room and changed into your practice kit. you took the first open seat you saw, which was next to irene near the middle. everybody else was filing in as well, so you didn't draw too much attention.
"we missed you this morning," irene said calmly as she put her arm around your shoulders. you instinctively curled into her side. she didn't know the specifics of what you went through at home, but she always made sure to take care of you when she could. most of the team knew how close you were, but only alexia had an issue with it. she believed that irene babied you too much and that's why you were so "irresponsible" in alexia's eyes.
"sorry, i didn't have a ride here," you told her. you always told irene more than you'd ever tell alexia or the other captains. marta was torn between being tough on you like what alexia wanted and caring for you like irene did. you liked her well enough, but you didn't really talk with her much. patri, however, she was the one who you truly avoided whenever you were in a troubling situation. she took alexia's words to heart, and the two of you often butted heads.
"where are your parents?" irene asked.
"it's a long story," you mumbled. irene didn't like that answer and was about to press for more when alexia burst through the doors echoing the same question.
"(y/n), where are your parents!" you winced at the sound of alexia's voice and all of the eyes turning towards the two of you. you tried to turn into irene, but she wouldn't let you. with everybody staring at you and your secret on the verge of being put out into the world, you did what you knew how to do and bolted.
nobody made a move to catch you as they assumed you'd run towards hte exit alexia was blocking. that was how you made your escape, going the long way and making it all the way out of the stadium from the back. you ran until your lungs were burning, and then you ran just a bit further knowing that nobody was going to just leave and chase after you until after the game. you may never get another chance to play for barcelona, but you were on the way out anyway.
"you've got a lot of people scared right now. i know that you're probably also very scared right now, but i need you to come back with me please." of all the people you had expected to find you, olga wasn't very far up on the list. you knew alexia had to have asked her to look for you, but olga didn't know you well enough to know about your special spot.
"how did you find me?" you asked her as you stood up. you were a good few inches taller than the woman, always having been tall for your age. you seemed to still be growing, just half an inch shorter than fridolina.
"alexia gave me her phone, which has your phone's location. i don't know what use it is for her, she can't figure out how it works in the first place," olga laughed. you let her lead you back to the car without running away. "so, um, do you want to talk about what happened?"
"i was late for team stuff again, and it's not like they'll renew me. my contract has been up in the air for months now, and after this, i'm done for. maybe i can go somewhere else, but that's getting put in another home. i can't do that again, so i ran off hoping that nobody would find me," you rambled. olga took everything you were saying in, staying silent as she processed it.
"has anything happened at the home you're in now? alexia mentioned your parents a couple times, but not in a while," olga asked you. she looked like she was working through things in your head.
"they're gone, like for good. apparently, taking care of me wasn't worth the check. i've got too many obligations to keep up with," you repeated their words to olga, whose grip tightened on the steering wheel. the two of you ended up catching the last bit of the game, and olga brought you up to sit with alexia's family.
there were a lot of eyes on you, whispering going on around you because you weren't on the field. when the whistle blew for full time, you were brought down to the field. you tried to hide behind everybody around you, but it was no use. your practice kit stuck out in the sea of normal barcelona jerseys. it made it easy for your teammates to come and find you.
"ale, before you say anything to (y/n), we have to talk," olga said. you were grateful for the woman as your captain was led away. the other captains followed them at alexia's request, and you could see them talking to each other from the corner of your eye.
"don't be so scared of her. ale's not as scary as you think," alba said as she squeezed your hand. "just look at how olga bosses her around."
"they're going to fire me," you mumbled. there were tears in your eyes, ones that all of the people around you had been waiting for you to let go. it was obvious that you were terrified, and most of the people not on the team could see you for the scared little girl that you were.
"relax, go get yourself a drink and sit down," eli told you. her tone was gentle, yet commanding. there was no room for you to disobey the woman, so you grabbed the bottle with your name taped on it and sat down on the grass. nobody had approached you yet, even though you knew that your teammates had seen you. they were all waiting for one of your captains to go over there first.
instead of one of them, you got all of them. they stood around you in a circle, waiting patiently for you to acknowledge them. "i guess you know about my foster parents now."
"we do, and that's why we're giving you options. you can't live on your own, not this young. you are a part of this team, one of us, and we take care of our own. it's not permanent, but you will need to pick one of us to stay with for a couple of weeks while we talk to the club," alexia told you. you looked at the women standing before you.
"i don't understand. aren't you still mad at me for being late?" you asked her. alexia shook her head as she knelt in front of you.
"my anger has been misplaced, and i am sorry about that. i've been harsh on you, and i have been shown the error of my ways. for official purposes, you have to stay with one of us, but after that, other arrangements can be made," alexia promised you. you looked between all of them, overwhelmed with the option to choose.
"does this make me eligible for the norway camp?" you asked as you looked at the signatures on your adoption papers.
"what are you talking about? you're spanish," marta said as she ruffled your hair.
"actually, i'm not. they don't really know where i'm from, i just play in barcelona," you told her. marta's eyes widened as she raced out of the room to call alexia. you glanced at caro, who was trying to hold back a smile. "you aren't going to try and stop her?"
"oh please, we both know that you wouldn't play for another country. you're spanish in all the ways that count." she had a point, even if you'd never tell marta. you thought it was kind of funny watching her and alexia come up with more and more propaganda and bribes to keep you in a spanish kit. soon enough, they'd enlist the rest of your spanish teammates to the cause.
"yeah, but look at her. it's funny," you pointed out. the two of you walked out to the car, just in time to catch marta trying to plot something over the phone. you sat in the back of the car as they took you home, glad to finally have a permanent home with people willing to truly look after you. you weren't just a check to marta and caro, which was a welcome change.
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alloftheimaginesblog · 3 months
first love {e.m}
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plot: you were eddie's first love and you never forget your first love.
character: eddie munson x reader
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Everyone knew about you. A day never passed without Eddie mentioning you and your name whether it be a passing "(y/n) loved that" or a more in depth conversation about you or a memory but Eddie always spoke about you. You and Eddie were high school sweethearts. You'd been friends for years and everyone thought that you'd eventually end up together and they were right.
Eddie was your first. First boyfriend, first kiss, first love. You were the same for him and everybody knew it.
The way Eddie spoke about you made everyone smile. He spoke so highly of you, always complimenting you and telling the craziest stories. The two of you were the perfect couple; the 'it' couple as they say. The pair of you together were free, no cares in the world and just happy. God, the two of you were just so damn happy.
"Well, where is she?" Dustin asked with that toothy grin after Eddie had finished telling him a story about the time you and him broke into the school and ended up catching two teachers making out, "You're always talking about her but where is she?"
Eddie's face fell and it was in that moment that Dustin knew he'd fucked up.
Around the room, everyone who knew the truth's eyes widened and stared at Dustin then Eddie then Dustin. Eddie's eyes glazed over face unreadable as Dustin frowned and looked around the room, "What?" He asked, "Did I say something I shouldn't have? I was only asking where (y/n) is, you all look like you've seen a ghost- Oh."
With a horror filled expression, Dustin turned to Eddie and his suspicion was confirmed, "Oh fuck," Dustin whispered, "Eddie, I'm so- fuck, man, I didn't know- I'm so sorry-"
Eddie shook his head, swallowing hard and forcing a quick smile, "It's fine." He stood and cleared his throat, "I just need to get some air."
The room was dead silent until Eddie left and then Steve whacked Dustin on the arm, "Dude!"
"Why did none of you freaking tell me his girlfriend is dead?!" Dustin hissed to Nancy and Steve, "You- You made me look like an idiot! Fuck!"
Outside, Eddie was on the hood of his car, pulling a cigarette out of his pocket along with a lighter to light it up. He looked up to the darkening sky as he took a puff and closed his eyes. He liked to imagine you up there with all the legends, partying and singing away, just waiting until it was his turn to come and then you'd party for all eternity with each other. It had been almost two years since he lost you and there wasn't a moment where he didn't think about you. Every single decision Eddie made, every thought he had... it was all connected to you. Eddie had bought his new van based on what he thought you'd say about it. Eddie wore the outfits you bought him or at least modelled himself in similar items of clothing to ones he knew that you liked. You were gone but you truly lived on in Eddie Munson's day to day life.
It was a few minutes later when Eddie was pressing the cigarette into the grass under his boot that Dustin came out, "Hey, kid," Eddie said, glancing over his shoulder at him, "Come, sit."
Dustin awkwardly sat beside Eddie on the hood of the car, he was shit scared and Eddie could tell, "Dude, I'm so-"
"S'alright," Eddie said with a half smile.
"No, Eddie, seriously, I didn't-"
"Dustin," Eddie's voice was louder but he wasn't angry, he was calm. This was probably the calmest Eddie had ever been now that Dustin was thinking about it, "It's alright."
Dustin nodded and released a long breath allowing his shoulders to sag. He was silent for a few seconds before he said it anyway, "I didn't know... I'm really sorry."
The older boy dug around in his pocket before he pulled out two things; a photo and his lighter. He handed them both to Dustin, "There's my girl." The smile on Eddie's face when he looked at your picture said it all, "That's (y/n) and that lighter was (y/n)'s. She carved our initials into it, see?" Dustin flipped the lighter and sure enough, yours and Eddie's initials were carved onto the black metal, "I carry those everywhere I go... so that she's always with me."
"Can- Can I ask what happened?" Dustin handed the picture and lighter back to Eddie.
Eddie shrugged, "I lost her, that's the long and short of it all. Got hit by a drunk driver one night when we were stopped at a red light. She was gone instantly. I..." Eddie sucked in breath and released it, "Sometimes I wish I'd gone that night too." Dustin didn't speak, he just let Eddie talk, "She hadn't wanted to go out, she wanted to stay in but I wanted more beer. Had I not wanted it-"
"It's not your fault, Eddie."
Eddie nodded, staring down at his photo of you, "Would you believe me if I said it makes it easier if I blame me? No use blaming the other driver, he died that night in hospital. He's dead, can't blame a dead man but I can blame me... and if I blame me, it means that I can be better; I can better myself for her, for (y/n)."
"What was she like?" Eddie spoke about you that much that Dustin already had a pretty good idea of what you were like but he wanted to hear it from Eddie in this heartbreakingly raw moment.
Eddie's face stretched into a wide smile, "Henderson, you would've loved her. She was fiery, didn't take anyone's shit. She was funny, could make friends just like that. She loved D&D, she was the one that coined the name Hellfire Club. She was... She would've done great things. She would've loved you."
The pair smiled at one another before Eddie's eyes returned to the sky, "S'alright, Henderson. You didn't know, don't feel bad about it."
Dustin nodded, realising that was Eddie ending the conversation, "You coming back in?" He jumped from the hood of the car and looked expectantly at the older boy.
"In a minute," Eddie sighed, "just gonna chat to my girl for a minute."
"Say hi to her from me."
"Will do."
Dustin gave him a small smile before walking back inside. Eddie's eyes closed as he looked up, "I wish you could meet them all, pretty eyes, Henderson especially. I think he would've loved you almost as much as I do... Ah well, I better go back in. Don't want them thinking I've gone all soft, eh?" He opened his eyes and looked at your picture once more before pressing a gentle kiss to it, "I love you."
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justwinginglife · 2 months
Hello?! I hope I'm not late to make a request😅
May I request for Hoshina's reaction to making the reader accidentally cry?Reader is sensitive to loud noise like loud voice,thunders etc...and Hoshina has always been careful in raising his voice at her or attentive but he accidentally raised his voice at her because he mistook her as someone else?
Omg hello! Welcome to my page. You are not too late- I would be honored to write this for you.
The Sound Of His Love
Soshiro Hoshina was sweet, he was funny, he was protective, he was charming- but the thing that stood out the most to you was that he was incredibly considerate.
Your entire life people had teased you for scaring easy- whether it was thunderstorms, construction, fireworks, it didn't matter. Someone could close a door a little too loudly and you'd jump. You couldn't help it. Something about volume was overwhelming to you and you found yourself constantly shrinking at how loud the world was.
But not Soshiro Hoshina. He was gentle, he was soothing. And when he learned about your sensitivity to noise, he made every effort to be a safe haven for you. He didn't see you as lesser, he just saw you as someone who needed a little more love and he always had an abundance to give.
He even let you move into his place after your neighbor got a particularly noisy, particularly rowdy new dog. The man was a dream come true.
So now you wanted to do something to surprise him. You'd never been able to visit him at work because of all the shooting drills that were going on and the possibility of the alarm going off any second to signal a kaiju attack, but today you wanted to try. He was always cooking for you and cleaning up after you (even going so far as throwing out his old vacuum and just sweeping the carpet so as to avoid any noise), so this time you decided to make him a lunch to thank him.
You plated it all pretty in your little bento box and even put a sticky note on top with a little love letter on it.
You had already called up Mina the day before, Hoshina- being the thoughtful person that he was- had introduced the two of you in case you couldn't reach him (and he also just wanted to show you off to someone), and she had approved your little surprise visit, saying she'd help anyway she could.
So today you put on your noise cancelling headphones and make the walk over to the base, your lunchbox in tow. You're greeted at the door by Mina and she leads you to his office to sit and wait for him. Then she gets the idea that she should dress you in one of her uniforms so you look like a soldier, "I bet it'll really do something to that boyish brain of his to see you like this", she winks. You blush and let her do what she wants.
Then you just sit in his office chair and wait.
Little do you know, Hoshina is having the worst day. He had to make the long journey out to the First Division today on almost no sleep for a joint mission, he usually gets a kick out of pushing Narumi's buttons but today the Captain was being extra irritating towards him for no apparent reason, and to make matters worse, Narumi got most of the kills causing Hoshina to sulk about why he was even there in the first place. And then, just to add to his already miserable day, his train ride back got delayed, he got soaked waiting in the rain for it to come, and he was starving. By the time he dragged his dripping, aching body back to his office, he just wanted some piece and quiet and of course he opens the door to find some soldier twiddling their thumbs in his chair.
"Soldier!" He booms. "Who told you that you could let yourself into my office?? I want answers, then I want push-up's, then I want your sorry ass out of my damn office!"
With every word he thunders, you flinch, sinking deeper and deeper into his chair until you feel the tears starting to well up. You know he doesn't know that it's you and that he's probably just had a bad day, but you're still shocked to find that your gentle boyfriend can be not so gentle when he's not around you. You slowly swivel the chair in his direction, your shaking hands lifting the hat away from your face, revealing your tear-stained cheeks to him.
He drops to his knees in an instant.
"Baby..." He gasps. "Oh my god baby, you're here."
You give him a small, weak smile, trying to wipe the tears away, embarrassed that they just keep coming. "S-surprise?"
He slaps his forehead- hard. "I-I'm... I'm so so sorry for yelling at you baby. Please don't... please don't cry, I'm sorry." He pulls himself to his feet and envelops you in a warm hug, repeating his apology over and over again in whispers until you've stopped shaking.
"I-it's okay." You say finally.
He shakes his head vehemently. "It's not okay. I never should've raised my voice at you even if I thought you were an officer, I was just having a bad day baby I'm so sorry. It's really not who I am."
You smile again, this time more confidently. "I know that's not who you are baby. I'm sorry you've had a bad day. I made you lunch."
You gesture to the bento box that's been waiting on his desk.
His eyes widen and he starts to look even more ashamed. He falls to his knees again, curling up and laying his head in your lap. "I don't deserve you." He murmurs, stroking the length of your legs.
You start to blush and you're glad he's nuzzled himself against you and can't see your rosy cheeks.
"I can't believe I made you cry. I swore I'd never make you cry." He mumbles against your legs.
You rub a hand over his shoulder. "It's okay baby, really. I know you didn't mean to."
He shakes his head again. "It's not okay and I will never make you cry ever again, please forgive me."
You kiss the top of his head. "Already done baby. Now eat your lunch so this trip was worth it."
He pulls away from you, finally able to smile. "I'll clean the whole box out if it'll make you happy."
He finishes scarfing down the food and you both walk home together, hand in hand.
This relationship of yours may at times be difficult to navigate, but you know he always tries his best and that's enough for you.
Decades down the road, when you're both old and gray, you smile to yourself as you realize he's kept his promise, he never made you cry ever again.
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chaosandmarigolds · 6 months
okay it has been the longest time since I've asked for a request but I freaking LOVE THE WAY YOU WRITE!! So I have a Simon riley request. You can really run off with my idea and write it however you want but Ive had an idea in my head about Simon and the reader adopting because reader or Simon can't have kids and I want to know how he'd handle a kid who's probably been thru some stuff to end up in the foster/adopting system.
ANYWAYS ILYSM keep up your amazing work 😍😍
(no cause I actually screamed omg thank you so much for your kind words they truly mean the world to me <333 )
Adoption! Simon Riley Who had zero doubt on that he wanted children with you, even though he was terrified of failing them he wanted to try
Simon Riley! Who took you to all of the doctors appointments and the testing and the trails and never once mentioned how expensive it is
Simon Riley who was probably the only person a bit more crushed than you when the doctor told you both that it wouldn't be possible to have children of your own.
Simon Riley who let the matter go under the radar for a few months before you walk into the bedroom, tablet to chest
"i'm gonna say something and I need you to be open to it."
He blinks a few times as he sets his book down on his lap, "Should I be scared?"
"No. But..." You hold out the tablet, showing him the adoption application you had half filled out, "I mean there's thousands of kids who-who need a family an-and-"
"Finish it up, why don't ya- lemme get the bank statements, yeah?"
Simon Riley! who would rather go back on deployment than have more people walk through his home while making judgments on if it was 'child friendly'
Simon Riley! Who sat up with you every time you were waiting for an update, watching easy going bake shows on the sofa with the laptop email service open on the coffee table in front of you
Simon Riley! Who was a little bit disgusted when the agent sat you both down with the files of children in need, because he did have half a mind to just take them all
"Now I know you both told me you were looking for a baby, and I understand that however the waitlist for that is incredibly long and ultimately it is the mother's choice in that situation," The agent's eyes go to Simon, almost as if to say 'no mother would ever choose that' and she pushes the file to you, "And I always push for the adoption of some of the older kids. There's no pressure."
Your eyes narrow to the folders in front of you and you gulp down, hands shakily going to the folder in front of you and pulling it to your lap, all the while you could tell Simon was just still a little confused by the statement the agent had made before. However, you humored it, flipping through the photos and the tragic backstories that made your eyes water, until you open one that caught your attention, two children sat in the photoinsteadd of one.
Name: Macey-Ann Adams
Age: 11 years
Name: Taylor Kate Adams
Age: 24 months
"Si..." You didn't tell that your voice was muffled by a bit of tears and you hold the file over to your husband, who looked over the pictures, taking you slight interest. So he lightly takes the file and then looks up at the agent.
"These two?" He speaks as softly as he was able to.
The agent looks at the file and then a frown appears on her face, "Macey, she...she's a troubled girl, on her fourth foster home, and she's jumping schools, I would not recommend her."
with a shuttered breath you breath out, "But...but she's just a kid- can...can we meet her and Taylor?"
Simon Riley did extensive research as soon as he got home, finding the articles from the local newspaper on the two girls who were so severely abused by their father that they wouldn't look the police officer in the eye
Simon Riley who was beginning to think it wouldn't be a good idea until they met the girls at the local park
Simon Riley who saw so much of himself in that little girl it made him almost puke
Simon Riley who got over himself when he saw your beaming face as you held Taylor, helping her get the cherry blossom from the tree
Simon Riley who would be lying if he said he wasn't estatic when you were approved for the adoption
Simon Riley who tried to get to know Macey but the girl was quiet, self suffiecnt, she was him
"You're taking Taylor." Macey mutters as she sits on the swing, watching you with her baby sister
Simon squints against the sun and sits down in the swing beside her, and then he looks to you, a smile on his lips for a moment, "Not jus' her."
To that the eleven year old looks at him, a frown on her face, "What? People want babies. Taylor is a baby."
There was a long silence and Simon looked down at his boots, "You like trampolines?"
Macey blinked, "I do."
"Gonna buy you a trampoline for the backyard when the court says it's all over."
Another pause, "You're taking both of us?"
"Figured you'd wanna stay with your lil' sis."
"I-kinda....thanks, Mister Riley."
"Simon. You can call me Simon, or...whatever you wan, and' we gotta get a move on your sister was wan'n a ice cream."
Simon Riley! Who takes careful care in helping Macey unpack
Simon Riley! Who takes the girls shopping every weekend until he thinks they have everything they need
Simon Riley! Who loves his girls more than anything else in the world
( I hope this is good and honestly this is so cute I may write a more in-depth one shot type of thing. Comments and feedback make my day! annnd yeah! that's it <33
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lazycats-stuff · 8 months
Ok this one is mainly for Alfred but u could add batbros and batdad if u want, anyways i was wondering what would alfred (or any of the fam) do to stop BatToddler reader tantrum? Like i imagine the setting would be grocery shopping and Alfred's only getting healthy food including boring plain cereal and BatToddler is not having it and only wants sugar loaded cereal and starts whining and tearing up right there in the middle of the store, would alfred give in to those tears or find an alternative? I imagine batdad would give in and the brothers might even encourage it giving that they probably eat the same junk food
Oh my God yes! Anon, thank you for sending me this, this sounds so fun. Alfred needs love so this is Alfred centered, but I will put this in batfam since I'm to lazy to create a new page for the masterlist. It's a bit short, but my arm hurts.
Summary: Alfred has to make a deal with his grandson
Warnings: nothing really, (Y/N) crying, but it's short...
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Alfred Pennyworth is a man of many talents. He may look like an ordinary butler to the public, but without him, the Wayne family wouldn't even function. He is the person who makes sure everyone eats, sleeps and somehow functions like a human being. Somewhat.
Some may find it tiring, but Alfred wouldn't have it any other way. He really wouldn't have it any other way at all. Of course, his grandkids so to speak were independent and didn't need anyone looking over them 24/7. That was until (Y/N) came as a baby.
Alfred nearly passed out when they got the call. (Y/N)'s mom abandoned him and just signed off her parental rights and Bruce had realized he had a kid. A baby, defenseless little creature who is untouched by the world. Untouched.
That's something that scared him.
But he knew that Bruce and him had to step up when it came to this little child. They really had to step up as caregivers. Of course, another problem was the press, pushing and prodding. Bruce hated it and told them that there were going to be consequences if they think about photographing his son.
If they did go out, (Y/N)'s face was covered by Bruce and or one of the boys who went with Bruce that day. Gotham citizens, the ones not included in the press, loved the little baby and were happy to him in public. Of course, that may sound weird, but the Wayne family is loved in Gotham and everyone just loves every single member.
In fact, the news of a new member, a baby member, broke the internet and Gotham in general.
Even Metropolis wrote about it.
And there was one thing that Bruce promised to himself. He would be present and he would try to balance everything. Batman, Bruce and the CEO of Wayne Enterprises. Alfred and the rest of the boys were more than happy to babysit and (Y/N) was never going to be at fault for love or affection. Never.
And Alfred made sure he is well fed. And also, Alfred made sure it was healthy. His grandson needed to be healthy. Of course, there could some sugar here and there, but not all the time. Sugar from fruits is more than welcome, but sugar like in cereal? Alfred had put a restriction on it.
At least for now. (Y/N) didn't need a sugar boost just yet. Only natural sugars while he is so young. Bruce agreed. They would introduce him to the sugars gradually. Bruce relayed that to his sons and every son agreed.
No processed sugar while he is so young.
3 years have passed since (Y/N) came to live them and life was going great. (Y/N) has started kindergarten and was happy. He loved his brothers a lot and his father, but he loved his grandpa the most. Bruce's working theory was the fact that Alfred cooked the most and often made tasty foods for (Y/N).
None the less, (Y/N) loved the others very much and that was undeniable.
One thing that Alfred loved doing was taking (Y/N) to the store whenever he could. (Y/N) was just in love with the activity. It was fun seeing new things and bright colors. Alfred enjoyed since (Y/N) held the list while shopping and he didn't have to worry about it.
Although there is one single issue. (Y/N) has a sweet tooth. A really big one, especially for a child his age. So Alfred often had to bypass the cereal aisle and aisles that contained candy.
It would not be a pleasant sight. But Jason and the others want cereal and they will lose their minds if they don't get it. So what does Alfred do?
He goes to the aisle, preparing himself mentally.
This could turn into a battle.
Alfred took a right and started looking through the cereal. He looked at some healthy cereal and (Y/N) was reaching for Coco Puffs. Alfred saw it and moved (Y/N) away.
(Y/N) didn't like that.
" Alfred. " (Y/N) whined and Alfred raised his brow.
" Yes, master (Y/N)? " Alfred asked as he put the healthy version inside the cart.
" Coco Puffs. " (Y/N) said pointing at the cereal. Alfred smiled and shook his head.
" I'm afraid that I can't get you that master (Y/N). " Alfred said and he sighed when he saw tears in (Y/N)'s eyes.
He picked his grandson up into his arms from the cart. " Master (Y/N), don't cry. " Alfred said as he rocked him.
" But I want Coco Puffs. " (Y/N) whined and some tears fell down his cheeks.
" Oh darling... " Alfred whispered and kissed his cheek, trying to comfort him.
" How about we make a deal? " Alfred suggested and (Y/N) calmed down a little bit and looked at him in curiosity.
" You will have to eat the vegetables I give you. "
(Y/N) opened his mouth to protest, but stopped himself. Did he like vegetables? No. But he did like his Coco Puffs.
" All of them? " (Y/N) asked quietly.
" Yes. I know you are not a fan of vegetables, but I need you to be healthy. " Alfred said as he kissed his cheek once again.
" And then I'll get my cereal? " (Y/N) asked and Alfred nodded.
" We got a deal. " (Y/N) said and Alfred smile, kissing his cheek again.
" Good. " Alfred says and puts the box into the cart. " You can have one bowl a day. " Alfred said as he put (Y/N) down in the cart's seat for children.
" Cross off cereal master (Y/N) please. " Alfred said and pointed at the word. (Y/N) crossed it off and smiled happily.
" Now, let me see what else I have. " Alfred said and saw what else is on the list.
" We have one more thing left and then we can go home. " Alfred said and patted (Y/N)'s head.
(Y/N) just nodded and kicked his little legs happily. Alfred saw that (Y/N) often glanced at the Coco Puffs and made sure that they were in the cart.
" They won't be going anywhere master (Y/N). "
(Y/N) let out a little humph and smiled none the less.
" I have to make sure. "
Alfred laughed at the response he got as he moved the cart through the aisles. " The box won't walk away anywhere. " Alfred explained as he put the last thing in the cart.
" Cross off this word please. " Alfred said as he pointed at the last word on the list.
(Y/N) nodded and crossed it out. " Good job. " Alfred praised his grandson and made his way to the cash register. This was not so bad like Alfred thought it would be.
And the deal was nice.
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daenysx · 5 months
requesting for one 1k celebration (ik it's late and it's totally okay if you decide not to write it, congratulations on it anyway!!) but rockstar!reader with either fan or bodyguard!james??? idk, take this any way you want, i'm giving you the wheel
i loved this request so much and i tried my best so hopefully you'll enjoy!! thank you for requesting, love u♡ you can send james potter requests if you have one!
bodyguard!james potter x rockstar!reader, you and james can't keep your feelings secret anymore
brave enough
you like the hotel room but it's boring to spend all night in.
the concert was quite satisfying and it went smoothly. you know you're getting more and more popular each day; followed by paparazzi almost everywhere, interviewed by important channels that people talk about on twitter, having fan accounts on instagram. you feel a sense of joy and fear at the same time. it's scary to be famous but you enjoy sharing your songs with people, you like the way their eyes shine when you start singing. most of the time you think it's worth being a bit scared.
this is where your security team joins the picture. you are being protected by a team of bodyguards, they are silent but effective. sometimes you feel too important when you walk into a crowded space with the team covering everywhere but most of the time it doesn't feel normal. it feels so silly to be needing protection unlike a normal person. you should be past that. you should realize your position in this world as a famous rockstar and probably should be grateful to these people who never let anything bad happen to you.
shaking redundant thoughts away, you put on some comfy clothes, a pair of shorts and an oversized shirt. you only take your wallet and your phone before leaving the room, airpods tucked nicely in your pocket just in case. you check how you look on the mirror at the bathroom and the sight is just like you imagined, exhaustedly happy with a crooked smile and tired eyes.
you knock on the door across yours. you are sure james will open it in two seconds. he does that exactly but the sight in front of you makes you look at your shoes shyly without thinking- he's shirtless.
"hey." james says, casually. "something wrong?"
he's always asking that firstly, the head of your security team. he's huge, all muscles and tall, you have seen too many comments on instagram saying how hot he looks. well, he does. he really is good looking, you'd have to be blind to not realize it. he has lovely eyes and a big smile when he tries to be comforting, huge hands and a perfect chest. james potter is someone's dream guy, you are sure of it.
"no." you say, eyes still looking anywhere but him. "nothing, i just- i got bored, thought maybe we could go out. you can put on your shirt- if you want, i can wait."
james takes a step back to let you in. you follow his lead, the room smells like his cologne and hints of aftershave. it's making your legs shaky, you sit on the couch as he takes his shirt from the bed and puts it on.
"you wanna go out?" he asks with a gentle voice. things with him has always been this sweet, not like a regular boss-employee relationship. you know he cares about you, he's like a friend who's always been around, who you can always fall in love with if you ever take that dangerous step.
you nod at his question. he puts on his glasses and looks like himself again. "i wanted some fresh air, and i'm a bit hungry. maybe we can get chicken nuggets from the place in the corner?"
james thinks about it for a moment. it feels weird, like you're asking for his permission to go out but it's far from the truth. you need james's opinion before leaving a secure place because he knows the best. he knows the danger, the press, the paparazzi. if he says you should stay in, you probably should listen. still, you're hoping he'll say yes to going out with you.
"i'm sorry, sweetheart." he says. "i think we should stay at the hotel tonight."
"yeah?" you ask. you can't help but feel a bit upset, you are tired because of your busy schedule but you want to hang out sometimes. you want to be anywhere you want any time without worrying. it would be so nice, to be out with james, just eating and drinking. you could tell him all about your new album. you could tell stupid jokes to him, you could make him smile. now that your voice sounds sad, james flinches just a little bit. he comes to your side with a few short steps.
"i'm really sorry." he says. he kneels in front of you to make an eye contact. "you just had a show and i think it's better if we stay out of sight for now."
you nod, give him a smile to let him know it's okay. "i'll go back to my room then. you should get some rest, you've been working all night long."
you stand up to go but james is quicker. he holds your hand, your fingers go lax in his palm. he is on his feet again, looking at you with a promising pair of eyes.
"do you want to stay here? we can order chicken nuggets and sit in the balcony."
the idea is tempting but you really don't want to waste james's resting time. "it's okay, james. you probably should get some sleep before we leave tomorrow morning."
"sweetheart." he says, his voice is so soft you could crumble under it. "please. would you like to spend some time with me?"
you nod this time, how could you resist his sweet voice? james orders take out as you go sit in the balcony, the night air is chill and you can see a few stars. it's quiet and nice, you close your eyes to the breeze you feel on your skin.
james comes in, wearing a hoodie. he has one in his hand too, he gives you the hoodie, hoping you'll accept. you take it, thanking him silently before wearing it. he sits next to you, comfortable silence fills the air as you wait for food. you look so pretty in the hoodie, james almost doesn't hear the knock on the door. he is quick to leave the balcony, shaking his head as if he's trying to stop thinking something he shouldn't.
he comes back with the food and two huge paper cups of iced tea. you help him settle the paper bags down on the little table, he ordered nuggets and different kinds of sauces he's sure you like. you take a sip from your drink, coldness of it gives a relief to your throat. james does the same, you both start eating silently.
maybe it'd be uncomfortable if it were someone else, just sitting and eating without saying much but this is james you are here with. no matter what the situation is his presence is always comforting and warm. you adore how cool he is, how kind.
"so," you start, breaking the silence. "did you enjoy the show tonight?"
james smiles. "of course i did. you know your way around that stage, you know? i always enjoy seeing you sing."
"thank you, james." you say with a soft voice.
"you are-" he starts, "you really are something else."
you stop drinking for a second to see his eyes. he sounds like he's confessing a big secret but it's not the first time james has complimented you, so you are not sure why his voice comes out like that.
"everything stops when you sing, when you dance on the stage like you always do. i see people's faces, how they admire you, how they follow your every step. my face must look like theirs i believe, just- like your biggest fan."
you give him the loveliest smile you can manage, how dare he says such a beautiful thing? he smiles back, it's full of admiration and pride. he's proud of you, you realize. he's always been around, always been there for you. he's been fierce and brave, faced every little thing that bothered you like the strong man he is. your chest fills with something you can't identify.
"well," you wander around the words. "you're my favorite fan and that puts you in the most special place."
james chuckles, you are losing your mind. you forget everything for a second, who you are and who he is.
"james, i-"
"angel." he says. "it's okay."
he has no right to do that. he has no right to make your heart beat faster and say that it's okay. you feel like you should do something, say something to end this misery. you both stop eating, the wind passes through your hair. james still looks at you with an undeniable affection.
"i'm not trying to mess with your mind, i promise." he says quietly. "but i'm not strong enough to keep everything in me, i just- i'm sorry if i'm making you uncomfortable."
"no, no, of course you're not." you say quickly. "it's just- i don't want to be delusional, james. i don't want to imagine things."
james reaches for your hand. the short distance between you disappears as he leans for your cheek. he gives you the softest kiss, you can't breathe when he does that. he leans back into his chair, your hand still in his hand.
"you're not imagining things." he says. "i don't know if i should be brave enough to tell you something i can't take back."
your fingers move a bit, but james doesn't let go. "you should." you say, firmer than ever. "you should be brave. i believe it's in the job description."
he pulls your hand to himself, makes you stand up and fall back to his lap. your heartbeat goes faster, he holds you gently.
"i'm mad for you." he says, looking deep into your eyes. "i'm willing to take any risk if you want me to. i'd do anything to protect you, and it's not only because i'm your bodyguard."
you settle down on his lap, holding one of his hands and stroking his knuckles. "can i kiss you?" you ask, not too shy but a bit hesitant.
james nods, and he cups your cheek. his thumb rubs your jawline, you cover his lips with yours. the kiss is better than you imagine, he is the only thing in your mind. suddenly, you feel how dangerous he is; you can write hundreds of songs about this kiss, about james. he has the power to invade your mind and he isn't shy about it. he is a fierce kisser, uses his hands and lips in a way that makes you melt.
his tongue meets yours and it's the best thing at that moment. james sucks your bottom lip, he doesn't break the kiss until you pull yourself back. you press small kisses on his cheeks, his sharp jaw is prominent under your mouth. he breathes faster, the tip of his nose rubbing on your cheek.
"what if someone sees us here?" you ask, playfully. his hand around your thigh tightens.
he pushes your hair back. "it's too dark here for anyone to recognize us. do you think i'd put you in that kind of situation?"
his tone matches yours. "i think you'll have to put me in that kind of situation eventually." you say, kissing his lips again. "i'm not worried, james. i like you too much to be worried."
"i'll protect you." he says, so serious and so lovely. "i won't let anybody hurt you."
"i know, baby." you say, and james visibly loves the word baby coming out of your lips.
he can only kiss you more after that. the night is long and it's full of promises, you are both so tired to think. it will be okay, you know that. it should be okay when he kisses you like this, like you are the most precious thing in the world. you kiss him back, trying to be brave enough for his heart. for now, it's good. james will make sure it'll be better.
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lanadelnegan · 1 year
My Past, My Future - Part 1
Negan x Reader x Daryl (love triangle)
Part 2 here
Summary: Daryl is in love with you, but you're in love with Negan.
Warnings: 18+, smut, love triangle, p in v, romantic negan, angst, breeding
Note: this was requested from an anon (Negan saying goodbye to Lucille and confessing his love to y/n.) I decided to spice it up and throw Daryl in there. &lt;3
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"Lucille, baby. If you were here, you'd be so fuckin' disappointed in me.... But hell, if you were still here, things probably never would have made it to this point to begin with... Turned into a fuckin' monster when the world took you from me. Hope wherever the hell you are, you weren't watchin'. Truth is? I couldn't stand seeing anyone fuckin' happy because you took all my happiness with you when you left. But baby... I think I've found happiness again... "
Negan sighs heavily as he traces the wood grain of his beloved bat.
"She reminds me of you. So carefree and down-to-earth. If you met her, you'd understand... You'd want me to be happy, right? Hell, I've done enough suffering.. even though I probably deserved it. Anyways.."
Negan brings Lucille to his lips, pressing softly as his eyes squeeze shut.
"What I'm trying to say is.. you taught me how to love, Lucille. I'm forever grateful for that. And you'll always have a part of me. You're my past. But y/n... she's my future."
He tosses the bat into the fire, watching the wood burn bittersweetly as it concludes that chapter of his life.
"Hey, where've you been?" Carol asks, jogging up to Negan as he arrives back at Alexandria.
"Had to take care of something." Negan shrugs. "You seen y/n around?"
"On a run with Daryl.. They should be back soon... Why?" Carol scrunches her brows at Negan and his jaw twitches at the mention of Daryl's name.
Daryl has been there for y/n since the very beginning, which is partly why Negan spared Daryl and let him live. Y/n begged Negan to let Daryl come back to Alexandria after Negan took him to the sanctuary, and he allowed it because even then, he had a soft spot for her.
Negan grunts. "No reason."
You and Daryl have been gone for a few hours now and you managed to find some canned goods on your run, weighing down your backpack. The sun is starting to go down just as you see the gates of Alexandria in the near distance and you grunt, adjusting the heavy bag on your shoulder.
Daryl notices your struggling and doesn't hesitate to grab your bag off your shoulder, throwing it over his.
He's been there by your side since the beginning and saved your lives more times than you can count.. helped you when you needed it. Even during the smallest inconveniences, like right now.
"You don't have to carry that."
"I know." Daryl grunts, adjusting your backpack next to his own on his back.
The rest of your walk is silent as the guilt from the secret you've kept for weeks now eats at you.
You started visiting Negan a couple weeks after he got locked up in Alexandria. The first time you did it was to curse him out.. Tell him how you wish he were dead and how your friends didn't deserve what he did to them.
The second time you visited was out of pure boredom. Carol and Daryl had gone on a run without you, and you snuck in to see him out of curiosity.
The third time was because you found that he intrigued you. The conversations you had with Negan had become like no other conversations you'd ever had. You felt like he was the only person who understood you.
Monthly visits to his cell became weekly visits. And weekly visits turned into daily visits. You'd bring him books to keep him company, sneak him snacks, and eventually, one thing led to another.
And now he's your secret boyfriend. You've been sneaking around with him for weeks now, like teenagers scared to get caught by their parents. And while it's thrilling, your feelings for Negan have grown into something much bigger that you ever expected.
"Daryl.. there's something I need to get off my chest."
If there's anyone who hates Negan, it's Daryl. But he's also the one person you trust the most, and he's going to find out eventually. So you decide it might as well come from you.
"Hm?" Daryl grunts, scuffing his feet in the gravel as he walks.
"Promise it won't make anything... different between us?"
He slows down, looking at you suspiciously. "Nah, ain't promisin' nothin'. But now ya gotta tell me."
You sigh, hoping you're not about to make a terrible decision.
"There's... someone I have feelings for..."
His brows scrunch together as he glances at you. When he doesn't answer, you hesitantly continue.
"I... I think I might even love him."
Daryl looks at you again, a softer look in his eyes this time as you continue on rambling.
"I haven't told anyone else. I don't want anyone getting upset with me... Or... judging me."
"Who is it?" Daryl quickly cuts you off as the Alexandrian gates open for the two of you.
"It's.. um.." You sigh as Negan's name stops on the tip of your tongue.
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"Y/n.. hey, there you are. We need to talk." Negan is already on the other side of gate as you enter. Daryl stops beside you, refusing to leave your side as he glares at Negan.
"Uh, yeah.. let's go talk over there." You say, widening your eyes at Negan, confused that he's talking to you like this in front of Daryl. You've both done a decent job of keeping your interactions with each other private, so this is out of the ordinary.
"No..." Negan cuts you off. "I'm done hiding. I'm gonna talk and you're gonna listen."
"Negan.." You warn him, noticing the death glare that Daryl is giving him.
"I love you, y/n."
Your mouth drops open slightly at his confession. You want to say it back, because... you do love him. But something stops you.
Negan brings his hand up to rest against your cheek. "That's okay, baby. You don't have to say it back right now. I've waited for you for this long, I've got all the time in the world.. I just.. I needed you to know."
He takes you in his arms, hugging you tightly and resting his chin on top of your head.
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"You can't be fuckin' serious." Daryl finally interrupts. "Him?" He asks, looking at you with hurt in his eyes.
You nod, the side of your head pressing into Negan's chest as your arms wrap around his waist. "Daryl... I was gonna tell you sooner. I-"
"Doesn't matter." Daryl grunts, spitting at the ground in front of him. "Whadaya want me to say, y/n? Congrats?" Daryl glares at Negan before angrily walking off.
You glance around, noticing others watching the scene before them. "Negan.. we need to take this somewhere else."
"Okay.. yeah, I know." He drops his head. "I just - I'm so tired of hiding from everyone. I want them to know you're my girl. I fuckin' love you, y/n. More than anything... Why is that so wrong? Why should I have to hide that?"
You search his eyes as a single tear falls from yours. You know you shouldn't want him. You know all of the awful things he's done, but you've grown to know him on such a deeper level over the past few months and you can't help but feel so strongly for him.
If being with him means the rest of the world is against you, then so be it.
You wrap your arms around him and slam your lips to his, kissing him desperately. You're too caught up in the moment to notice the shock on everyone's face around you. You deepen this kiss, savoring the taste of him as your tongues mingle together.
"Negan.. I need you." You say in between breaths as he lifts you up into his arms by your thighs and your legs wrap around his waist.
You can't take your lips off of him as he leads you into your house nearby, not paying attention to the hateful glares around you.
Negan kicks your front door open with you still in his arms and you slam it shut as he presses your back into the living room wall. His lips travel from your lips to your neck as he presses his erection into you. You whine, frustrated at the material separating both of you.
"Negan.. please, I need you.. now."
He carefully lets you down as both of you tear away at each other's clothes until you're naked and he's left in just his black boxers.
He picks you back up, leading you to the couch and sitting down with you straddling his lap. You pull away from his lips long enough to look into his hazel eyes, letting your hands cup his face before running your fingers through his graying hair.
You can't deny that you're head over heels in love with this man, as wrong as it may be. He's changed so much since he was leader of the Saviors, mentally and physically. He's a perfect example that people can change, and you hope that the others and Daryl can finally see that one day too.
"You're so fuckin' beautiful, baby." His cock springs free from the hole in his boxers as he takes your hard nipple into his mouth, sucking lightly.
You hover over him, lining his tip up with your entrance. You slide down slowly, inch by inch until he fills you completely and you feel the tip of him pressing against your cervix. You moan out at the satisfying pain as his fingers dig into your hips.
"That's it, sweetheart. God you feel so fuckin' good." He praises you.
You wrap your arms around his neck to support yourself as you bounce up and down on him and he groans out, looking up at you through his lust-filled eyes. You press your forehead and nose against his own as you continue riding him slow and hard, making sure he hits as deep as possible each time you come down on him.
"I love you too, Negan. So much."
"Yeah? Fuck. Say it again." He says, his breathing unsteady.
"I love you Negan... I'm in love with you."
"Fuck, baby. I'm so fuckin' crazy about you."
You crash your lips to his again as a tear falls from your cheek.
"Baby, don't cry. It's okay, we're gonna figure this out. Fuck everyone else." He wipes your tear away with his thumb as you continue grinding on him softly.
You nod. "I know.. I just.. want them to accept you."
Negan gets up suddenly, laying you down on your back before positioning himself between your legs.
"Only one I need acceptance from is you, darlin'." He says before sliding inside you in one quick motion. He fucks you fast and deep, interchangeably moaning filthy sounds in your ear and sucking at your neck.
After moments of thrusting, he pulls back, settling on his knees as he lifts your leg, placing it on his shoulder. From this new angle, he hits your g-spot perfectly over and over.
"Negan.." You breathe heavily. "I'm -"
"I know baby. Just fuckin' let go."
You come apart at the sound of his words, moaning out his name as your juices rush out of you. Negan looks down between the two of you, watching you soak his cock.
"Goddamn baby, look at that." His voice is low and raspy when he leans over you again. "So fuckin' wet." The sound of his voice right in your ear sends a chill through your body.
"Want you to cum in me.." You breathe out.
"Yeah? You sure, baby?"
You've never let him before, but now that your relationship is public and you've both confessed your feelings to each other, you crave him on a deeper level.
You nod desperately and he kisses you hard, spilling deep inside of you as his hips stop abruptly. He groans into your mouth as his dick pulses over and over and you feel his warm liquid paint your walls.
After a few minutes of snuggling and kissing, he finally pulls out of you and the two of you get dressed.
"Did you mean it?" He asks, pulling his pants up.
"Mean what? That I love you?"
He looks to you, waiting for your answer as you pull your shirt over your head.
Your eyebrows scrunch. "Of course I meant it. Why would I say it if I didn't mean it?"
He shrugs. "Dunno. You coulda been caught up in the moment."
You laugh, walking over to him and sliding your hands around his waist, pulling him in for a long hug. You look up at him to find him grinning down at you.
"Nope... Still love you." You reassure him.
He nods towards the door. "You ready to tell the world that?"
"Fuck this world. It doesn't care about us. Why should we care about it?"
Negan chuckles, kissing your forehead.
Your face grows serious at the thought of Daryl's reaction earlier. "Actually.. I need to find Daryl. Make things right.. He seemed really upset."
Negan nods disappointedly, dropping his head.
"Oh, stop. Don't be like that... You know his opinion is important to me."
"He'll never give us his blessing if that's what you're after, y/n."
"I don't need his blessing, Negan. I just don't want him to hate me. He's been there with me since the beginning. If we want a future together, I need to make things right."
Negan's brows come together as he lets go of you. "If we want a future together? ... So, if he's not okay with us being together, that's it? You're just gonna kick me to the fuckin' curb?"
"Negan.. I didn't say that."
"... but you did." He says.
"Negan, please just.. I didn't mean it like that." You say frustrated, reaching for him again. Your heart drops when he pulls away.
He nods, sliding his hands into his pockets as he waits for your explanation.
"I care about him, too. What he thinks.. matters to me. That doesn't mean I'm going to let it dictate our future. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have worded it that way."
"Okay." He whispers, but the hurt is still clear in his voice.
"Stay here, okay? I want you to sleep here tonight. I'll talk to them.. get them to agree to it. Just give me some time and.. don't leave the house, okay?"
Negan nods as you reach to hold his hands, standing on your tip toes to kiss him. "I love you Negan. This is going to work, I promise."
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Part 2 here
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flowersandbigteeth · 2 years
Big orc with a small mate who is just so small and fragile they just cry sometimes scared they'll hurt them
This is a little on the darker side, but I hope it is a bit of schadenfreude.
General Plot: You meet and befriend an orc who has a penchant for finding tall bridges.
Orc (Orion) x female reader
also, just a note, when I say "small" in this I'm saying as compared to an orc, not any particular body size or shape
Word Count: just under 3k
W: as brief as i could while still getting the message across descriptions of sa and suicide, otherwise sfw soft yandere behavior
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“Damn,” Orion’s friend and coworker Joss whistled, peering across the shitty dive bar they were posted in, “don’t think I’ve seen a prettier sight in my life.” 
Orion’s eyes flickered from his drink to where Joss was looking, a table of women, your heads huddled together as you worked on your answers for the trivia game you were playing. 
“I got it!” you shouted at the guy running the game, “the answer is Oregon!” 
Orion gulped on his drink and it went down like a lump of lead in his stomach. You were the prettiest thing he’d ever seen in his life, your eyes glowing and your cheeks warm from smiling. The women around you were all beautiful in different ways, but his eyes focused on you and he couldn’t look away. You were so small. It almost made his eyes prickle as he considered how you could possibly survive in this world being so delicate. 
As a mercenary Orion knew the darkest dregs of the world. He’d seen pretty, innocent things like you broken and bloody in the snow when his team had arrived too late. It broke his heart every time and looking at you…something in him was moved. 
“Let’s buy the ladies some drinks,” Joss grinned, already turning to the bartender to organize a pitcher of margaritas for your table. 
You glanced up at the waiter as he carried an armful of drinks over to you and your friends. You’d never done trivia before and you didn’t go to bars, but they’d convinced you to get out of the house for once and join them. So far it had been fun, though as the waiter spread the drinks out in front of you and your friends you frowned.
“No thanks,” you said politely, pushing the glass back across the table when he got to you, “don’t drink.” 
The waiter smiled, scooping up the cup before gesturing to the two orcs sitting at the bar. 
“Compliments of the gentlemen,” he explained and the rest of your friends raised their drinks and smiled at the handsome orcs. 
They were obviously military of some kind. You could tell not because they were dressed in fatigues, but because the hair that was traditionally worn longs for orcs was instead cropped close to their heads. 
The larger one seemed to be looking at you and you held up your soda and tipped it at him with a friendly smile, before turning your attention back to the game. For some reason you didn’t want him to think you didn’t appreciate his attempt at a gift, but this was why you didn’t go to bars. Everyone was trying to ply everyone else into sex with alcohol. It just wasn’t your scene anymore. You didn’t do hookups and you didn’t drink, so…what was the point? Trivia, was your best friend's answer. 
“I’ve got the brunette with the curls,” Joss said to Orion as he smirked at your table. 
Your friends were eating up the orcs' attention, casting them wily smiles and flipping their hair. You didn’t blame them. They were good looking, with large, shining tusks and bodies any human body builder would kill for. The larger one had an arm full of tattoos peeking out from the tight black shirt he was wearing. 
For your part, you huddled down into the hoodie you were wearing and took a sip of your soda. It wasn’t like the orcs were flirting with you anyway. They were probably looking at Emily, who had long blonde hair, or Tina, who had dark flawless skin and tight, shining curls.
You didn’t notice Orion’s gaze focusing solely on you. 
“She doesn’t like margaritas?” he asked the bartender, nervously, when he returned with your empty glass. 
“Doesn’t drink,” he murmured, already moving on to his next customer. 
That comforted him a little. At least you weren’t going to be wandering drunk through the streets on your way home, but the idea of you walking home all by yourself bit at him. Orion was feeling things he’d never felt before and he didn’t even know your name. 
He was a mercenary. He wasn’t a kind, warm orc; never had been. He was good at killing. Very, very good at killing and that’s what his life consisted of, death, blood, and lonely cold nights camping out waiting for orders. 
He had his fun with girls he ran into in the odd cities he found himself in. They had a way of finding military men with money, but he’d never had a girlfriend or any sort of real connection. He’d never expected to live long enough for it to matter…but there you were. You weren’t all made up like the other girls, dressed in a bulky hoodie that swallowed you, with your hair brushed away from your face. Yet, you were the most beautiful one sitting there, chewing your lip and wrinkling your brow as you tried to think up answers. 
“Come on,” Joss said to him, throwing back the rest of his beer, “I think the game is ending.” 
The winners were announced (not your team) and you were trying to figure out how to slide past your drunk friends to escape home when the orcs approached your table. 
“Evening ladies,” the shorter one said, flexing his biceps as he scraped his thick fingertips through his short hair to the delight of your friends. 
“Excuse me,” you murmured, wiggling past your starry eyed friends and almost completely ignoring the orcs. 
You bid them all goodnight, but they are busy batting their eyelashes and circling their fingers around the mouths of their glasses. Best leave them to it, you thought as you made your way to the front door, not noticing the taller orc abandoning his friend to follow you out.
Orion didn’t have a plan. He’d never stalked a woman before, but there he was, using his combat skills to make his huge form disappear in the urban environment.  
He got more and more uneasy as you left the nice part of town and turned on to a dark street. A siren blared, startling him for a second as a cop car flew past and he almost lost track of you before he caught sight of you again fidgeting with the loop of keys in your hand and stuffing one into the door of the first floor apartment you lived in. 
Orion frowned, sneaking as quietly as he could up to your side window. Your home was incredibly insecure, he noted. With his strength he could easily pop the rusted bars over your windows out to get to you and your door was a laughable piece of plywood. 
His eyes watered again imagining your pretty face twisted in fear from some unknown attacker. He had to stop for a moment to take a breath and gather himself. Feelings he’d never felt before were bubbling up in his stomach like a witch’s cauldron, but standing outside of your house like a creeper, he had no idea how to approach you. 
He ended up keeping vigil outside of your house all night and woke from a shallow doze when you started moving around inside. Peeking through your window he could see you smoothing your hair dressed only in your panties and a little t-shirt that rode up on your waist. Compared to him, you were just so incredibly small! It still confounded him that you could survive in this awful neighborhood and not be harassed daily. 
Since it was the weekend and you weren’t hung over like your friends, you went about your morning routine and donned your usual hoodie to hit up your favorite coffee shop. An iced latte was the perfect way to start a Saturday. 
In the light of day, Orion hung back as he followed you down the street, waiting a few moments before he entered the coffee shop after you. 
The shop was busy, but there was a loveseat open and after getting your latte you took a seat on one side to drink it. 
“Mind if I sit here?” Orion asked, after he’d gotten his own coffee. 
You smiled up at his looming figure and scooted a bit to the side so there was plenty of room for him. 
“You look familiar,” you mentioned, making light conversation as you sipped your drink. 
The orc gave you a small smile. 
“Name's Orion,” he said, pleased to have a reason to talk to you, “I think I saw you last night at the bar…you were with your friends…but you don’t drink…” 
You giggled. 
“Oh yeah, they dragged me out to that,” you said with a grin, “they think I’m a hopeless homebody because I don’t like to get drunk. I’m (Y/N).” 
He smiled back at you, taking in your pretty twinkling eyes and soft looking skin. He had to hold back his tears as he looked down at you, so little in the seat next to him and tucked cutely in your big hoodie. He wondered what you would look like dressed in his t-shirt and wondered how he could possibly hold you without hurting you with his big hands.  
“That’s not a bad quality to h-” he started to say, but was interrupted by a slightly nasally voice trying to get your attention. 
You winced as you looked up to find one of the last people you wanted to see and part of the reason you didn’t drink hanging over you. Dane, a man you’d met once at a bar was holding a coffee with his other hand stuck in his pocket. 
“(Y/N)!” he said grinning, “Great to see you! I’m surprised I didn’t hear from you after all the fun we had last time…did I put my number in your phone wrong or something?” 
He reached down to snatch your phone out of your hand, as if he were going to check it. 
You winced and shrank back. 
The reason you didn’t drink was the last time you went to a bar you might have had a bit too much and Dane offered to take you home. Though his idea of “take you home” meant assault you while you were too drunk to fight back and then leave you crying on your couch with a text in the morning that said, “had fun last night, can’t wait to do it again.” 
Of course, you hadn’t told anyone as you probably should have. You were too embarrassed and ashamed, so instead you tried to shake the experience away and swore to yourself you’d never drink again. 
To your surprise, however, before Dane could reach your phone, Orion’s hand intercepted his. He could see by looking at you, you were uncomfortable and though he couldn’t possibly have known what happened, he didn’t like the man. 
“Hi,” he said, scooping up Dane’s hand into a tight handshake, “I’m (Y/N)’s boyfriend Orion, I don’t think we’ve met before.” 
Dane sneered and looked Orion up and down. The look on his face said he didn’t take the orc seriously. 
“Boyfriend?” he laughed, “that must be new…(Y/N) and I had a good time just a couple of weeks ago, didn’t we?” 
He turned his attention to you, but your eyes were filling with tears, stressed and embarrassed that he would even say something like that after what he did. You would not describe it as “a good time.” Orion growled and squeezed Dane’s hand until the bones popped, wiping the smile from his face. 
“What the fuck are you doing?! You’re going to break my hand!” Dane howled, causing the whole restaurant to look at the scene he was causing. 
Fire flooded your cheeks and you tried to make an escape, pushing past Orion, but in another surprising move, he dropped Dane’s hand and put his arm around you. In any other circumstance, you would have been a little frightened, but at that moment a warm hug was just what you needed and you leaned into him without thinking. 
“Let’s get out of here, (Y/N),” he said, giving you a gentle smile, before giving Dane a pointed look, “this place is starting to smell like trash.” 
He hustled you out of the building and led you to a small park where there were some cozy benches tucked amongst the trees. Spaced out from your encounter, you let his strength lead you without a fuss. 
He sat you down and you just sat in silence for a few minutes coming back to your senses. Orion had seen enough victims of assault in his line of work to know what the look on your face meant, so he gave you a little space to collect yourself before speaking. 
“You don’t have to tell me what happened if you don’t want to…but I’m a good listener if you do,” he said quietly, brushing a loose hair out of your face. 
You looked so small and helpless in front of him and he focused all of his will into not scooping you up and carrying you off, keeping you locked up so tight no one could ever get to you again. He could snap you like a twig with just a flick of his wrist, no wonder some horrible man thought he could take advantage of you. 
Without meaning to you let out a sob and the whole story came spilling out. It took all of Orion’s mental fortitude not to respond with anger. That wasn’t what you needed right then. Instead, he pulled you into his arms, tucking your head under his chin and rubbed soothing circles on your back while you cried. 
Despite his fear of smooshing you, he managed to squeeze you just gently enough to reassure you without hurting you.
“This wasn’t your fault,” he said, realizing why you didn’t drink, “men can be disgusting. No one should take advantage of someone while they are intoxicated…it’s just sick.” 
After you’d had a good cry, you exchanged numbers and Orion walked you home promising you everything would be okay. Even though you weren’t sure you quite believed him, something about him felt safe so you let yourself feel comforted and spent the rest of the day resting in your pajamas trying to keep your mind off of it. 
That only worked for a day, because the next morning as you were flipping channels you saw a familiar face on the television. It was Orion. He was being interviewed by a news reporter. You hurriedly turned the volume up to hear what he was saying. 
“I saw him climbing the railing,” he said evenly into the microphone the reporter had shoved in his face, “but I was just too late…I couldn’t get to him in time to save him.” 
His face was oddly blank considering the warmth he’d shown you the previous day. The camera centered back on the reporter. 
“Depression has taken yet another victim here on the St. Anne’s bridge. It seems the security cameras on the bridge were not functioning when the event occurred, so there is no video record. Officials are promising to put more cameras and safety measures in place to stop tragedies like this from occurring. If you are experiencing thoughts of harming yourself please call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline. Simply dial 988. Dane Andrews will be remembered as a…” 
You muted the television and blinked as images of the man who assaulted you flashed on screen. Dane is dead. You didn’t want to celebrate someone’s death but for some reason it put you at ease. You’d never accidentally run into him again. He’d never have another opportunity to taunt you. You couldn’t erase what had happened but it felt like you’d gained some closure. You were so focused on that, you didn’t even consider that it was a bit odd Orion was the last person to have seen him before he jumped off of the bridge. 
You hurriedly pulled out your phone and texted him. 
I saw you on the news…want to come over? 
It was only a few minutes before he responded. 
Be there in ten. 
You quickly put on some proper pants and brewed a pot of coffee while you waited for him to knock on the door. When it finally came you found yourself smoothing your hair and glancing in the mirror before answering it. For some reason you wanted to look some kind of way when he saw you. 
You opened the door to the Orion you remembered, not the cold emotionless one on TV. He gave you a big smile and to your surprise he had a bouquet of peonies in his hands. 
“For you,” he said, holding them out to you. 
Despite the somber mood of the morning, you smiled back, letting him inside and hurrying to the kitchen to find a vase for the pretty pink flowers. 
“It’s crazy what happened to Dane,” you said as you poured him a cup of coffee, “I guess even people like him have their own inner demons.” 
“Mmm,” Orion said, noncommittally as he sat at your kitchen table and took a sip, “I hope you feel a bit safer…” 
His eyes followed you as you got a cup and poured yourself some coffee. Of course, he had no intention of telling you, Dane did not kill himself. He had thrown Dane off the bridge after making sure he regretted ever laying a finger on you. He knew just what to do to make it look like the damage had been caused by his body banging on the rocks under the bridge, not Orion’s fists. 
You sighed. 
“You know I feel a little bad for saying this, but I really do feel safer,” you admitted, your gaze meeting his gold irises. 
He smiled. 
“Good,” he said, “you deserve to feel safe. Nothing like that is ever going to happen to you again.” 
Sitting down next to him at the table you fiddled with the handle of your mug. 
“You can’t be sure of that,” you murmured into your coffee, “things happen all the time.” 
He pulled your chin up to look at him, cupping your cheek gently. He knew he would have to be gentle with you always and he looked forward to holding you even closer.  
“While I’m around they won’t happen to you,” he stated.
You had no idea why, but for some reason you believed him. Your cheeks flushed just a little and your heart fluttered. 
“D-do you plan on sticking around?” you asked quietly. 
“I don’t ever plan on leaving you,” he said and you swallowed thickly.  
If it were anyone else those words would have been frightening, but Orion had cast some kind of magic spell on you with his kindness and you only felt safe and seen. 
You raised your much smaller hand to place it on his larger one against your cheek and looked up at him. 
“I think I’d like that,” you said with a small smile. 
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reverseexorcist · 7 months
★ 𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐬 ★
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Wow just realised this entire time my asks have been off woopsie ●_● Should be fixed now.
Anyway, since y'all went feral over this dynamic (and I can't blame you), here's more of Carmilla with her adopted fallen angel child.
I know I said part 2, but I'm honestly considering making this a sort've slice-of-life series seeing as I absolutely love this dyanmic and I'm having some serious brainrot over these two.
Part 1 ↫ Right Here
➲ 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚 Carmine + !Fallen Angel!Reader
➲ Romantic ☐, Platonic ☒
➲ 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 Count; 3,662 Words
➲ Warnings/notes; Female reader, somewhat depressed reader, minor mentions of gore, sleep deprived writing, potential ooc Carmilla, mother mode Carmilla increased
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Getting used to your new life required more effort than you ever thought was ever needed. Getting used to living in hell was a chore in of itself, and quite a tedious one, and getting used to the new family you now found yourself surrounded by only piled on a tad more stress.
Unlike heaven, the land below was almost always swathed in some sort've darkness - There was literally no day night cycle at all and it was fucking with your head. Your poor circadian rhythm was completely thrown all over the place when three in the morning was just as bright at two in the afternoon. Not to mention the smoke ever present in the air. You weren't sure which you hated more between the two.
(Probably the air. You actually liked it when you breathed and didn't hack up a lung.)
It was a lot, especially when you were getting used to your new wingless life.
(Which sucked, by the way. Every time your fight or flight response kicked in, you found yourself straining your back muscles trying to lift off with nothing to support you and it made you want to cry every single time it happened.)
However, all of this was way better than what could've happened had Carmilla not saved your life. Your back still ached and the phantom pain still tortured you at night, the feather-fluff nubs of your old wings only served as a painful reminder. As much as you hated to admit it, often times you'd spend the entire night longing for the newly comforting touch of your adopted mother figure…
Wow. That felt weird to admit. That and a whole lot of other repressed emotions and memories.
You groaned and sighed, clutching your head and threading your fingers through your tussled bedhair. Your back muscles flexed, the sound of rustling feathers muffled by the mattress. The sensation was weird enough to make you 'gwak', roll on to your stomach and faceplant into your pillow. It was more natural that way, anyway - When one has wings it was rather difficult to sleep on your back, afterall, at least after your first growth spurt. You never thought you would miss the feeling, but you fought to find any silver lining in your new life. And in a world that was mostly shades of red, silver was quite a luxury.
Your somewhat depressing quiet time was broken by the gentle tapping of steel carefully approaching your room.
"Mi peque?" You didn't have the energy to jump, already having heard the delicate 'tink' of Carmilla's pointed shoes against the hardword floor of your new home. Her silhouette took up most of the doorway, the faint light spilling in from the hallway making the angelic steel decorating her body glow, much like the warm lull of her crimson eyes. Your head tiltied to the side to stare at her, but otherwise you made no movement.
She blinked once and ducked her head to step into your room. If you were, well, you from about a week ago, you probably would've been shitting bricks at the sight. It was lowkey terrifying, mostly because Carmilla was so much taller than you and had the expression of a constantly pissed off commander or something. However, it didn't scare you - Mostly because your worst nightmare had already come true.
"Can't sleep?" Her voice was soft, something that completely contrasted her outward exterior. It was soothing, though, and you found yourself not caring when she settled herself on the end of your bed.
(Your new bed. Your new bed that you could, for once, comfortably stretch out on.)
"Something like that," You mumbled, practically whispered. Your eyes glowed much like Carmilla's, like a mischevious cat from your spot hidden under your multiple blankets. "It's, mm, weird. Sleeping by myself."
Her eyebrow quirked, a silent invitation to continue if you wanted to. Maybe? Emotions were still hard to read for you.
"Well, because I'm used to sleeping in the barracks with the rest of my platoon. It's apparently really comforting, seeing as I haven't had a good sleep since I got here," You grappled your blankets a little tighter, as if doing so would provide you with some sort've phantom comfort that you secretly longed for.
A breath of silence hung steadily in the air, as if both your minds were churning on what to say next.
"I'm sorry."
You both said at the same time, which seemed just a little cliche. Slinking out from underneath your covers, you couldn't help by eye the demon across from you warily.
"Why're you sorry?"
"Because, I'll admit, I'm a little rusty," She reached up and untied her buns, letting her hair loosen and tumble down her back. "It's been a while since my girls were young like you-" You scoffed, which prompted an amused smirk "And it's not like I know anything about taking care of an angel."
"Well, you're doing better than what they were doing up there," You blankly motioned upwards where the pearly gates shone brightly in the sky like a constant sun. "Plus, I'd say you're dealing with me as gracefully as you can."
"Elaborate?" Carmila carded her fingers through her hair, tilting her head curiously. The mountain on your shoulders threatened to stumble, and by god you were ready to let it fall.
"Well, it's not like any heaven-born has parents. Heaven was always all about equality and shit, and every single child was raised by the community. And yeah, it was all rainbows and crap because everyone was loved mostly equally, but it sucked because I was always just another nestling that someone had to keep an eye on," You brought your knees up to your chest. "That's why, when the lieutenant gave me her offer I didn't refuse, cause I thought 'wow, someone noticed me!' and it was a feeling I chased ever since."
It felt nice to let it all out for once. Not like anyone else around you back then really cared, cause they all went through the same thing.
Beside you, the covers rustled. Carmilla opened her arms wordlessly, minutely enough that if you didn't want to, you could probably brush the motion off as stretching. But, the warmth the she radiated was sorely tempting, and your little serotonin deprived brain was severly touch-starved.
Wow, four days into your new life, and you found yourself snuggling into the arms of one of Hell's overlords. And, sullying the lord's name, by god you loved it.
Not a single word had to be uttered between the two of you, not as long as you didn't want it. That was the silent message that you both clearly understood.
It kind've made you want to cry, if you were being honest with yourself. In a place that had seemingly been perfect, you found your life lacking, and in the burning pits of eternal damnation, you'd found yourself feeling loved for the first time since you could remember. The way Carmilla's hold around you grew tighter, just ever so slightly - A comforting weight draped across your shoulders as you leaned into her warmth. That, along with her mellow breathing, it felt homely and nostalgic.
Tugging your blankets a little tighter around yourself, you didn't even fight the way your eyelids drooped.
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Two weeks.
It felt like a lot longer, but you'd been living in hell for fourteen days, and it already felt like you'd been living here for months.
Well, it certainly didn't help that you never really left the main house. Like, ever. And you, for one, weren't complaining. The burning pits of Hell left much to be desired, and as a little angel who hadn't even had her first adult moult yet, you didn't really fancy going galavanting off around Hell, even if Carmilla was hovering over your shoulder like a helicopter parent.
Still, after the first week where you'd discovered and explored all the places that you were allowed to (the allure of the armory was great, but the potential wrath of an angry demon was greater), there wasn't really anything to do around the house. Sure, it was probably one of the safest places in the eternal firepit, but neither Carmilla nor Clara and Odette were ever really around, and it left you bored out of your mind.
Sprawled out across a rather decadent couch, soaking up the hellfire from outside, you found yourself wishing that something would happen that would hopefully prevent your mind from rotting further. But, if the big man from upstairs was paying attention, he surely must've hated you, because literally nothing was happening.
You sat up, straining your ears.
Nope. Absolutely nothing.
You flopped backwards dramatically, back of your hand against your forehead and all.
Maybe, if you still had your weapon, you could've spent your time training or practicing or something. There was a training room somewhere in the house, and you weren't explicitly banned from using it, and it wasn't exactly a useless way to spend your time.
(At least that way you'd be able to get some reasonable exercise in rather than just moping around all day.)
Maybe that was something you could ask Carmilla later. She wasn't the type to be against learning self defense, however you had no idea if even she deemed yourself too young to learn how to fight. She certainly was not happy when she found out about how you were sent to fight with baby feathers still warming your wings, that was for sure.
At least you had something to talk about when she got home.
"You want to learn how to fight?" As expected, Carmilla didn't seem entirely thrilled at your idea.
"Not necessarily. Just, how to use weapons?" It was more of a question than an answer, but it seemed to ease the tenseness in her shoulders.
"What type of weapons? Swords? Spears? Firearms?" She fixed you with a look. "If you want to get started, the first thing you could do is be a little more specific."
Which was certainly not the answer you were expecting, so you took a few moments to blue screen.
"Well, I wasn't too fond of using spears… Swords don't sound to appealing either…" Your eyes started drifting, and soon you found that your real answer was right in front of you.
"If possible," You wrung your hands nervously, "could I use shoes like you do?"
Honestly, Carmilla's unique fighitng style had piqued your interest ever since your head became clear enough to notice. Having your hands free sounded more appealing than lugging around a heavy blade.
The demoness paused for a moment, completely silent as she studied you with a stern gaze. It wasn't negative or positive, if anything it was most likely calculative. You weren't entirely stupid, even if you were young, and you weren't naive. Carmilla was weighing the pros and cons of teaching you her trade.
"Why? They aren't exactly easy to use," That wasn't a no, at least.
"I don't like melee weapons, not hand-held ones at least," There was more to your answer that Carmilla already knew. Months of cycling through weapons till you landed on one you could somewhat use you realised that you absolutely hated using hand-held weapons.
Carmilla sighed, a small smile appearing on her face.
"Okay, but it's not like I have spare angelic steel laying around. We'll have to wait till I can melt more down," She mused, almost seeming excited about crafting you your own weapon. But her words only confused you more.
"But, we do, don't we?" You furrowed your brows.
"The steel in the armory is meant for prepaid orders-"
"I was talking about my old helmet," You hoped that didn't sound too rude, interupting her. "I mean, the entire thing is is technically angelic. I don't know if it's steel exactly, but I know for a fact it's just as solid!" Now you were the one musing.
Like mother like daughter, almost.
"We could certainly try…" The two of you shared a look.
"Like… Right now?" You prodded almost mischeviously.
Tired as she was, Carmilla couldn't help but falter and smile, your enthusiasm almost contagious.
"Well, we can have a look."
After that it was only a matter of days. Carmilla was far more invested in your new project than you had expected, and even Clara and Odette had briefly joined in, if only to get a sneak peak at the workings behind an exorcists helmet. For the briefest of moments, with all four of you crowded around a table with tidy plans sprawled all over its surface, it almost felt like you were a family. Which, did prompt a stray thought in your head.
After gently pulling the threads of angelic steel from the rivets in the helmet's horns, you couldn't help but bundle them to your chest. They weren't exactly big, nothing compared to the horns of a full fledged exorcist, but they were still something.
So, while your mo-… Carmilla was busy melting down the odd, almost obsidian material of your old helmet in preparation of your new shoes, you were busy tinkering away with your own little side project. Of course, it was hard to explain the various little burns marks littered across your palms that had started appearing, but that didn't deter you one bit.
In fact, during this time, you found yourself shyly approaching the taller of Carmilla's other daughters, Odette.
One thing about her that confused you was the fact that her horns were fake, merely attatched to the band that held her hair up. But right now, that was exactly what you needed.
It was a sweet sight, honestly, at least to Carmilla.
You were huddled against Odette, listening with rapt attention as she explained something to you, finger brushing against what was most likely some sort've plan.
With a smile, Carmilla got back to work.
At the end of it all, you were left with a pair of shoes similar to the overlord's. Pointed and shiny. Sharp and deadly, yet oddly comfortable. The only key difference was the colour - Forged from the scrapped glass of your old helmet, the shoes were jet black inlaid with threads of silver, trailing all the way up the ballet ribbons.
And with your shoes, a matching set of your own horns. Odette seemed proud at the sight of you with small, obsidian horns branching from your head, unable to stand still as you clutched your new weapons to your chest gleefully.
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There was a massive learning curve to your new weapons, but at least you weren't bored around the house anymore. Most of your time over the next month had been dedicated to learning how to move around in your new shoes, building both the strength and balance so you could walk, let alone run. So many bruises had been blemished into your skin, but in the end you were able to walk almost as easily as Carmilla did.
(Of course, the demoness had way more experience under her belt, but you were still doing pretty damn well.)
And during that time, the bond between you, Clara and Odette had only grown. Sure, they were only around as much as their mother, but after donning your horns, it seemed whatever barrier that had been built between you and the sisters had been torn down. Seeing as the two could also walk en pointe like their mother, many a helpful tip had been shared from them which served to get you walking faster.
It was endearing as it was funny to watch.
But, being couped up inside all day everyday was starting to wear you down, which was certainly starting to show with the way your pep had slowed down significantly.
With a heavy heart, Carmilla finally unleashed you on the world outside, accompanied by Clara and Odette.
In reality, you were just tailing behind the sisters on one of their usual deliveries. This way you could stretch your legs and practice on terrain other than the smooth floors of your home, which, while it was more difficult, was learnt within no time.
As dreary as the place looked, there were certainly sights to see around ever different corner. You'd found yourself tempted to wander off every five minutes or so, especially when you passed by a rather bright looking… hotel? The entire vibe seemed friendly and inviting, unlike the rest of Hell, but you really didn't fancy getting lost, so sticking close by Clara and Odette was the most sane option in the moment.
Or, at least that was the plan.
Really, with your head on a swivel trying to grasp every sight and sound (which you regretted not a moment later) you'd lost sight of the sisters and found yourself completely by your lonesome.
Which… Fuck.
That wasn't the most ideal position, especially when you really couldn't do more than walk in your new shoes, but they couldn't have gotten far, right?
You were wrong. Turning either corners of the street yielded no Clara or Odette, which only made your heart sink further into your stomach because you really didn't fancy getting cornered in an alley.
Backtracking, you tried your hardest to think. Perhaps, if you could find your way back to the hotel, someone there could help you? It was wishful thinking, because this was Hell after all, but the aura was so different compared to the rest of the ring of wrath that maybe, just this once, luck would be on your side.
But of course, since this was you, luck was mercilessly right out of your reach. Not a moment later, a rambunctious howl pierced the air and a group - a pack? Of hellhounds started approaching you. Which, y'know, wasn't good, especially with the way their ears were pinned back and grins plastered across their faces.
Oh shit.
You started speed walking away, or your best attempt at it, in what you hoped was the direction of the hotel. Down in the streets without either of your guides, it all seemed like one continuous labarynth of red, LEDs and very questionable stores. And, as it turned out, lots of dead ends that you could easily get cornered in.
With the blood thrumming in your ears, heart pumping in your chest loud enough that it shook your head and just the general sense of 'oh shit I am so fucked', you really didn't pay attention to whatever the hounds were spouting off about. Lots of snapping of teeth and snarls, some crude gestures that made your gut twist anxiously and your feathers rustle nervously.
(You were seriously considering using a shoe as a knife. It wasn't like it was impossible with how sharp they were.)
At least, that was your train of thought. Until a resounding bang pretty much deafended you, echoing a chorus of ringing in your ears as the middlemost hound collapsed, head exploding with the force of the bullet that lodged itself firmly within the back of his disintegrated skull.
With dramatic timing, the others peered over their shoulders, only to be met with the towering, thoroughly pissed off form of Carmilla Carmine.
The barrel of her rifle was tinted with holy silver, but she seemed perfectly happy and prepared to behead them with a well placed kick. Whichever worked, you knew Carmilla prioritised your safety over the method of execution in the end. And in the end, the alley was scattered with various corpses in various states of limb loss, and you were carefully toted away in the arms of Carmilla.
She was furious. Probably. Maybe. You couldn't really tell. her face was completely stoney, and you were still awful when it came to identifying emotions. You assumed most of the anger had been taken out on the unsuspecting assholes that had cornered you. And for some reason, that only made you more anxious.
Not being able to tell what she was thinking was off. Back in Heaven, you could tell when Lute was pissed off, or proud, or indifferent, or whatever other emotion she was feeling at the time because she didn't really give two shits about what the recruits thought of her. And at least that way you could prepare on how to react. If she was angry, you knew to stay out of her way. If she looked indifferent, you knew you had to work harder in training. If she was proud, well, also best to stay out of her way so you didn't ruin her mood.
You whimpered and huddled a little closer. Carmilla clutched you a little tighter.
"Are you alright?" She finally asked once you were close enough to home that is was mostly just her employees around the two of you.
"Please don't be mad at Clara or Odette. It was my fault for getting lost," Was what you went with anyway. Carmilla shushed you gently.
"I'm not mad, I just want to know if you're okay."
Which completely threw you off. But you just went with it.
"M'fine. You got there before they could do anything," Those words seem to put her mind at ease, her shoulders visibly untensing as she exhaled a long sigh.
She hugged you, closer and tighter to her chest as if scared you were about to disappear from her hold. And you could only return the gesture, sinking into her comforting warmth. It made you feel small, almost like a little nestling on her first trip out of the nursery, but you found that you didn't really give two shits in the moment because you felt completely, wholly safe right where you were.
"Mi peque, mi querida, mi corazón," She uttered softly, "never wander from your siblings again."
Despite the firm tone, you could feel the care dripping from her words. You sighed and relaxed.
"Of course, mother."
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Rules + Info,
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It’s my understanding that the reason we don’t advocate for voting (democratic or at all) is because it takes focus away from more important things that actually will make a difference. That being said, do you believe it is a bad thing to choose the lesser evil while still working to eliminate both evils? I know that harm reduction is not a long-term solution but does it cost us anything in the short term? If the net value is even one more person alive than the other choice is it inherently bad? Keeping in mind that the hypothetical person choosing to vote would also be organizing and donating and all the things that I know are so much more important. This is a genuine question and I’m still trying to work out my biases so if I’m missing something obvious then I would probably agree with the message you’re sending across.
Questions like this ignore realities such as: we did not only have 2 choices when this election started, that Biden was worse than any of our candidates except Trump. Besides that, the time for harm reduction has long since passed, in reality there are NO candidates who would reduce harm and framing it as if there are can't be anything but propaganda. Likewise, there is a genocide happening under Biden that was not happening under Trump so even the people who thought their votes were "harm reduction" votes in 2020 were wrong.
I don't know if Trump would've done the same, but I know it doesn't matter because Biden was elected and Biden did it anyway.
Short term, voting for democrats didn't save any lives at all. Short term Biden has quadrupled the amount of disabled and dying people in the world between his handling of COVID-19 and multiple genocides. Short term he's left queer, Black, disabled, and other marginalized communities alone to fight for our own rights against fascist attacks as white men in power have always done.
And he will continue to do so as long as he allowed to stay in power.
Can you really think one life that would be lost under Trump that isn't already at risk under Biden?
The only demographic of people that I see fitting that description would be people who face much fewer intersections of oppression than the rest of us. It's the kind of people who already live relatively safe and comfortable lives that I see being shaken to their core over mere the possibility of becoming actual targets of state oppression.
Gonna go off track a bit here, but stay with me.
....If we look back at history we can see that the majority of Americans have never catered to the safety or well being of the people they marginalized, especially not of their own free will. Example, Americans could have human rights on the ballot tomorrow but we don't. Why?
Our issues are systemic.
Everyone is too worried about "me" and learned to use identity politics to justify it. "Well I'm queer so I deserve to live"
And that may be true, but if you've accepted that belief doesn't that mean you've also made the mistake of believing in it's opposite; that someone else deserves to die?
Yeah. It does.
Which is why we don't have human rights on the ballot. Or roe v Wade for that matter. Our country is still systemically bigoted, patriarchal, racist, and colonial. If our country wanted us to have rights, we'd have them. If the people in power thought we deserved them, we wouldn't have to fight for them. If people in the 50's wanted Black people to have rights they'd have them! Instead newly freed people were met with Jim Crow laws.
And we can look back and say confidently now "well they weren't scared of anything. They were just racist and didn't want Black people around!"
So if there are this many people saying "but what about me, wouldn't you vote blue for queer people?" then it stops being a personal decision "to protect my own well being" and starts to become evidence of a systematically elected choice from Americans to blow up another country to protect American privileges.
So while I'm glad people care about marginalized people enough to use us as virtue signaling police batons during elections, this rhetoric is still just perpetuating the cycle of white supremacist beliefs that we want dismantled.
Americans don't deserve to live more than anyone else does, even if they're gay (or Black or native). When we choose a "lesser evil" based on this idea, this translates into agreeing with white supremacists when they say some lives are worth less than others, namely you're agreeing that American lives are worth more.
And what a lot of "listening and learning" people don't seem to realize when they say "this is the lesser evil" or "think of (marginalized community being weaponized for votes) at the voting booth!" "Vote blue for just one more election!" is the ideas that they are perpetuating long term for a short term win (that isn't even going to effectively help anyone) are much more harmful than anything Trump could've done, especially if Biden is commiting genocide already anyway
So yeah it is inherently bad. Americans have our whole lives to prepare for elections, years to learn about candidates & to do research, 4 years between every election to help get 3rd parties ballot access. Leftists scream about 3rd parties and changes we need to make every year (let alone every election) if we wanna make progress. so how is it that it's only ever 4 months before elections that voting age american adults wanna ask how we could make things better or ask if what we're doing is the best idea?
We are in this position because we brought ourselves here by being apathetic and scared and selfish.
Those values won't save us no matter how many times we lie to ourselves about it.
How many elections in a row exactly do we need to pick the "short term solution" because we're apathetic and scared and selfish before we realize that nobody is going to save us but us?
I'm someone who organized and planned and protested and it was infuriating that there were more people advocating for voting blue than protesting.
I now understand that to mean that there are more people advocating for the problem to continue at it's current rate, than there are trying to solve it.
And no, I genuinely no longer believe that this is a helpful or meaningful political action to take.
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lucy90712 · 21 days
hello 💌,
I was thinking about kenan and reader being apartment neighbors. They have an interaction when reader moves into the building. After some time they ride the elevator together and she has a heavy package that he offers to help her with. She accepts he's offer and they have chitchat until he finally gains the courage to ask her put.
Getting my own apartment has been a goal of mine for the last year, my parents to were willing to let me stay at home until I was ready to move out but I wanted to try and move out as soon as possible to be independent. That is exactly what I've done I got myself a job in a new city and found an apartment of my own there. A lot of my friends and family have called me crazy for doing all this at once but I think it will be good for me to get out there and experience life and meet some new people. 
Seeing as I'm moving to a new city I don't have anyone to help me move in but I didn't have too much stuff so I put it all in my car and drove to my new apartment building. It took a few trips to get all the boxes up to my apartment but eventually I had the last few boxes which I had to put down when I reached my door so I could unlock it and just as I did so someone came out the door of the apartment next to mine. The noise made me jump but then I saw the guy that came out the apartment and all the air in my lungs disappeared. I've never seen such an attractive guy in my life part of that is probably to do with living in a small town but still he was so incredibly hot it made me nervous just being around him. 
"Hey I'm guessing you are just moving in I'm Kenan and as you can probably tell I live next door" Kenan said introducing himself 
"Nice to meet you Kenan I'm y/n forgive me if it's loud while I'm sorting things out I'll try and get things done as quick as I can" I said 
"Don't worry about it if you need any help feel free to knock on my door I'm just going out for a few minutes so I'll be back soon" he said 
"Thank you" I said 
With that he left and headed to the lift leaving me flustered as I fiddled with my keys and the lock on my door which seemed impossible to open in that moment. Eventually I made it inside and dragged the boxes in behind me but then I just flopped on the floor surrounded by all my belongings thinking about Kenan. I knew there would be more cute guys in a bigger city but I didn't think I'd meet one the minute I got to my new apartment.  Not only was Kenan cute but he was nice too he didn't have to stop and introduce himself and offer me help if I need it, not a single guy from my hometown would ever do that all of them live solely in their own world. 
Even though Kenan offered to help I didn't knock on his door even when I struggled putting some things together or reaching the top shelves of my kitchen cabinets. It's not that I was scared of inviting him into my apartment I was worried I'd seem like an idiot. If I knock in his door to help me build something and he does it in a few minutes I'll look like an idiot and I don't want Kenan to think I'm stupid not when he's the first nice and attractive guy I've met here. 
I've been in my apartment for a whole month now which has gone by so fast it's almost crazy. It took a while for me to find a routine but now I have a schedule outside of just my work hours. Everyday when I leave for work I see Kenan sometimes we get the lift at the same time and other times when I get out the lift I see him coming down the stairs. Usually when we just come across each other in passing we smile at one another but say nothing but if we get in the lift together we will say a quick hi but that's it. I'd love to actually talk to him as he's definitely the most attractive guy I've met here or just in my life in general but I'm way too scared to embarrass myself. Not only that but someone like him must have a girlfriend and if he doesn't he's way out of my league anyway. 
Today is Saturday and usually I go out for a walk and get lunch by myself before getting some fresh ingredients to make myself a nice dinner but today I have other plans. When I moved in the place had some furniture like a sofa and some tables but it didn't have a bed frame which it was supposed to have but it didn't. So I've been sleeping with my mattress on the floor until I could get a bed frame which took forever but finally today it is being delivered. I had a call this morning to tell me when it would arrive so now I'm just waiting to get a call to buzz the delivery guys in. 
The call finally came at 4pm so I ran down the stairs as quick as possible only to be told that they wouldn't bring the boxes upstairs for me and nothing I said could convince them to do so. This left me with three heavy boxes to try and drag to my apartment by myself. I tried lifting all of them one by one but I couldn't even get them more than a few inches off the ground as they were so heavy. In that moment all I wanted to do was sit down on the floor and cry but that isn't going to get the boxes to my apartment so I got myself ready and started pushing one box towards the lift. It was hard work and took all of my strength to get it just halfway across the lobby which is where I stopped to have a break for a minute. 
"Are you ok there?" I heard a voice behind me ask and when I turned around I saw Kenan stood not far behind me 
"Yeah I'm fine" I replied trying not to make it obvious his out of breath I am 
"Not to be rude but it doesn't look like you're alright" Kenan said 
"You're right my apartment didn't come with the bed frame it was supposed to so I ordered one and they refused to take the boxes upstairs so here I am pushing them along the floor as I can't lift them" I admitted in defeat 
"God they must've been assholes please let me help you though you're going to hurt yourself if you aren't careful" he said 
"Are you sure?" I asked 
"Of course let me take this one then I'll came back and get the next two" he said
Somehow he lifted the box with ease right into the lift and then to my door like it was nothing. After I unlocked the door and he took the box into my bedroom he went back down for the next two leaving me to open the box in front of me. He was back before I knew it and instead of just leaving he sat down and helped me get everything out of the boxes and started to look through the instructions. I didn't expect him to be willing to help me get the boxes up here let alone stay and help me build it but I guess Kenan is even nicer than I first thought he was.
We worked together me reading the instructions and holding pieces in place as he put the screws in and attached all the pieces together. While we worked we talked to each other properly for the first time. Kenan told me he was 19 just like me and that he plays football at Juventus for a living which took me by surprise as I've never really been into football so I never know who plays for what team. Knowing that he's a footballer should've made me more nervous but the fact that he was so open with me made me feel more comfortable telling him about my life. He listened to every little thing I said when I told him about my life back home and why I moved. We didn't stop talking the entire time we built the bed frame and even when it was done we still sat there talking for a bit longer before grabbing my mattress and putting my room back together. 
After spending the last few hours with Kenan I didn't want him to leave so I wracked my brain for all the things I could do to get him to stay for a bit longer without seeming too weird. Then I thought about making dinner for us both as a thank you for him helping me. 
"Would you like to stay and I can make us some dinner as my way of thanking you for helping me with everything" I said 
"That would be lovely but you don't need to thank me I'm just glad I got here before you hurt yourself" he said 
"Well I'm going to thank you anyway" I said 
As I gathered things from my kitchen something in my brain remembered my dad telling me that footballers have strict diets to follow so I stopped what I was doing to ask Kenan if there was anything he wasn't allowed to have but he insisted that anything I made would be fine. Once I started chopping vegetables Kenan left his position on one of the barstools I have in my kitchen and grabbed one of my knives to help me with cutting everything. Instead of me cooking for him as a thank you it ended up with us cooking together which was actually really nice. While everything was cooking and we had cleaned everything up we had nothing to do other than keep talking and getting to know each other. 
Despite being a footballer Kenan was so down to earth and just normal. He didn't have an attitude or think he was more important than me just because he plays football which is how I've always thought footballers would be. All the boys from my hometown that played football were complete assholes and they didn't even play for well known clubs so I thought proper football players would be worse but Kenan has changed my perspective about that. I'm not someone who feels comfortable talking with people I don't know well but I feel so comfortable around Kenan and I feel like I can talk about myself without fearing he will make fun of me. 
Once dinner was ready we sat down to eat together which is the first time we've stopped talking in hours. Even after dinner Kenan didn't stop being a gentleman as he took my plate and washed up for me. After that it was the time for Kenan to leave as I didn't have any reason to keep him here any longer even if I didn't want him to leave. Neither of us knew what we were supposed to do as he stood by my front door and we just stared at each other. 
"Thanks again for helping me today this experience has been so much more enjoyable as I haven't had to do it alone" I said breaking the silence 
"I'm happy to help and it was nice to get to know you better seeing as we are neighbours" Kenan said 
"So umm sorry if this is too forward but I really like you and actually getting to talk to you today has only reaffirmed my feelings so would you like to go on a date at some point?" he asked 
"I'd love that" I replied 
With that we exchanged phone numbers and he promised to text me when he was free so we could plan a date. Who would've thought that some awful delivery men would land me a date with a guy like Kenan. 
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dyns33 · 5 months
The Fall of House Harkonnen
I'm not sure what to do with Feyd to be honest.
I'm trying to do dark + fluff but I'm not that good at it. So I started with something short, and not really a Feyd x Reader, since they are twins here. Only platonic, fraternal love here. Even if he's over protectitve and possessive.
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It was known throughout all the Imperium that the Harkonnens were cruel beings.
Without pity, without heart.
This seemed even more certain when it came to the young Na Baron, Feyd Rautha Harkonnen, nephew of the Baron and his heir.
True, except with his twin sister.
Or rather dizygotic twin. A strangeness of nature, because if the boy resembled his father and all men born on Giedi Prime, Y/N had taken on the features of their mother and the inhabitants of Lankiveil.
This singularity alone could have been enough to disgust the Baron to the point of making him want to kill the child or leave her with her parents. There was also the fact that she was a girl, being inferior and uninteresting.
It was the older brother who had begged for her to be spared, because even though he wanted to impress his uncle and had no attachment to the rest of his family, he felt a certain sympathy towards his sister.
For this, he had often been punished by Feyd, but it was perhaps also what had saved his life.
Because if Glossus liked Y/N, Feyd adored her more than anything in the world.
As if she were a part of him, a vital, essential part. Extremely possessive, jealous to the point of obsession, he insisted that she be taken with him by the Baron, even though he did not see what to do with her.
“If she doesn’t come, I’m not coming either.”
A refusal was impossible. Vladimir Harkonnen needing a successor, and having clearly seen that only Feyd could be suitable, he couldn't say no.
Marrying her for political advantage was also unthinkable. The Na Baron scared away any suitors who might have been interested, and he would have killed the one their uncle chose for his twin.
There would have been the possibility of letting her choose, because maybe he would have agreed to let her go if she had asked him to. It was rare for him to refuse her something, and in fact people often went through her to communicate with Feyd without taking the risk of being mutilated.
Not right away anyway, because just talking, looking, or thinking about Y/N could be grounds for severe punishment. No one imagined what he would do if someone dared to touch her.
Of course, he was the only one not subject to this ban. The worst rumors ran in the dark corners of the Harkonnens' house, when it was known that the twins shared the same bed.
The Na Baron could have ripped out the tongues of everyone who said such horrors about his sister. They could think what they wanted about him, but not about her.
He also could have just said he didn't want her like that. He had never touched her as he touched his concubines, or any other woman.
Superior to all the others, Y/N did him the honor of letting him put his ear to her chest, rocking him to sleep, a calm and serene sleep. He only slept well with her, listening to her heart, which beat only for him, and thanks to him.
The few times he was alone with her, Glossus Rabban begged her to convince Feyd to be reasonable. It was quite hilarious that such a request was made by the one they called the Beast.
Probably it wasn't really him asking, even if you could see worry in his eyes, the eyes of an older brother.
He never left her, and at the same time Feyd was totally submissive to his twin. It was painful for him when she wanted something that went against what he deemed necessary.
This could have been a means of control. But threatening the young woman would have caused more problems than getting favors. She was untouchable no matter what.
For a time, there had also been the fear that she would use this advantage to torn her brother as she pleased. But if the rest of the family was cruel, Y/N seemed to be the heart of it, the only little beating heart, still a bit human.
It happened that she suffocated a little under her brother's protective love, but she had gotten used to it, perfectly understanding how it worked and knowing that he needed that to feel good.
Feyd didn't know how to be good, but he was doing his best. However, that didn't stop her from teasing him.
“Suppose I meet a charming, kind young nobleman who treats me well…”
“Why do you want to torture me like this, my sister ?” he sighed, snuggling against her. "It's been a long day. Lots of annoyances, stupid people. Don't make me think about these atrocities."
“Me, happily married, is that an atrocity ?”
“But what if I asked you to find me someone ?” Y/N said with a smile, rubbing his back tenderly.
"If there was someone who deserved you, then I would accept. But that's not the case. So you will stay with me, I will become emperor, and you will rule by my side."
"It's not very conventional. And bad for the future of our house."
"The witches will do what is necessary for this. I will take the hand of one of the Emperor's daughters to ensure my power, I will give her a son, then I will not see her again. Maybe I will even kill her, since she will no longer be useful."
"You're so mean. Would you be happy if people talked about me like that ?"
“I will kill anyone who dares.” he grunted, while purring under her hands.
When the Emperor ordered Arakkis to be given to the Atreides, Piter suggested an alliance, before moving on to assassination.
Not that he wanted the Atreides to live, but it was obvious that their deaths were even more desired by the Emperor because of their popularity, who would later seek to attack the Harkonnens because of their wealth.
"The Duke should have had a daughter, who would have married the Na Baron. Since he had a son, it would be possible for us to propose a marriage between him and…"
“Finish this sentence and lose your tongue.” Feyd hissed, never taking his eyes off him, his blade dancing between his fingers, ready to strike.
"I appreciate this proposal, but as you can see, this idea is not a good one. My dear nephew is right to oppose it. The Atreides do not deserve to be linked to any member of our family, nor to have any power over my Dune. We will take it back from them, then we will deal with the Emperor."
Politics had no interest for Y/N. She heard nothing of the plans of the Baron, the Bene Gesserit, or the Imperium. It didn't matter to her in the slightest.
She was only happy with her brother, and it was the same for him. An inseparable pair.
So there was a moment of hesitation when their uncle decided to entrust Arrakis to Feyd. An immense honor, which he had been waiting for for a long time, in addition to which would allow him to further secure his future as ruler of the galaxy.
But Dune was dangerous, so it was obvious that it wasn't a good idea for Y/N to accompany him.
None of them liked the idea, but for once the Na Baron couldn't deny that he shared his uncle's worries. No one would be stupid enough to hurt his sister if she was on Giedi Prime, but she was a target on Arrakis.
"I'll be back soon. Or you'll join me when we've eliminated the Fremen rebels."
"… I have a bad feeling. Stay."
"My sister. My sweet sister." he whispered, kissing her cheek. "You have nothing to fear. You know I am a well trained warrior."
"I don't doubt your abilities. I doubt that these savages are as honorable as you. Can you promise to come back to me ?"
“I have never broken my word, much less the word I give you. We will not be separated, Y/N.”
News of the Baron's death came first.
Then the commander announced to her with a small voice that Glossus had also succumbed.
He was silent for a moment, giving her time to process what he had just said, but Y/N already knew he wasn’t finished.
As she had predicted, young Paul Atreides had not fought by the rules. He should have lost, according to witnesses, but he played dirty, and he stabbed the Na Baron instead of accepting his defeat.
While demanding the hand of the emperor's daughter, he had ordered that a message be sent to the last of the Harkonnens, the only heiress. If she were smarter than the rest of her family, she would be willing to bow to him.
“What should I answer ?”
“Leave me.” Y/N only said without looking at him.
"But he's waiting for an answer… They're going…"
“Leave me.”
"Sorry, Baroness. Call me when you have made a decision."
There was no decision. No word. No Harkonnen bowed their head to an Atreides.
Refusing to be separated, and since he won't come back like he promised, Y/N decided to join her twin where he was. Even though he refused to admit it since they were children, he had never liked being alone in the dark, waiting for her to sneak in his room.
Her planet, her people, their fate didn't matter to her. In this moment, as cruel as the rest of her family, her heart was only for Feyd, and it had no reason to beat anymore.
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allaboutnayeli · 5 months
stupid lil headcanons about mapi
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author notes: i'm pushing out more of these dumb posts than fics but i swear fics are coming 🙏🏾 just let my mind work it's magic y'all. anyways stupid headcanons about mapi that hold no value, enjoy!
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➜ mapi probably asks ingrid to talk to the waitress when she receives the wrong order. it's not really that she's scared to say something, it's just mapi doesn't want to say anything herself
➜ she probably sends ingrid stupid memes in spanish about the most irrelevant things that ingrid is always like "wtf? where did you get these from?" (she got them from twitter)
➜ doesn't care for tiktok that much but sometimes someone sends her an edit off of that app and she giggles
➜ this woman be low-key confused when the barca coach talks about the team's game plan. afterwards she always asks alexia to explain to her in simple terms
➜ we all know she had that emo phase. during that phase she still listened to a lot of spanish music (she couldn't get with the actual emo music) and used tumblr like it was god sent
➜ mapi be giggling and kicking her legs while stalking ingrid's instagram during international break. she has like a thousand photos of ingrid in her gallery, but the instagram posts just hit different
➜ double texts everything. never writes in paragraphs and she probably have many typos in her texts because she be typing at the speed of light
➜ mapi's favorite type of kisses are cheek kisses because she finds them really cute
➜ if the word clingy had a picture in the dictionary, mapi would be the photo. this woman is attached to ingrid so bad and just likes hanging off of her. half of the time she just annoys ingrid but refuses to move away when her when ingrid tells her off
➜ clumsy at the worse moments. could be holding a plate full of food and mapi is going to slip on thin air
➜ likes piggy back rides especially from ingrid
➜ mapi is the biggest cryer when it comes to movies. it could be the happiest movie ever but let one sad thing happen and she's bawling
➜ begs ingrid to do her hair in silly lil hairstyles and always talks cute selfies after
➜ a cuddle bug. not just with ingrid but also her cat
➜ mapi shall not be trusted with knives or any sharp objects, she always end up cutting herself. ingrid has to comfort her afterwards
➜ is so annoying to play against in a fifa game. she will do anything in her power to make you lose (pushing, saying the most out of pocket stuff, screaming at the top of her lungs, anything to her opponent to lose the game)
➜ dyes her hair when stressed (but don't tell anybody that)
➜ either a fun drunk or a sad drunk. depends on the day and if ingrid is around
➜ she randomly flexes in front of ingrid to try to impress her (ingrid doesn't give a fuck but gives many compliments)
➜ speaking of impressing ingrid, this woman will stop a car with her bare hands just to have ingrid give her a compliment. what can be said? #girlfriendvalidationisthebest
➜ 100% is a pouter, a whiner, a "but babeee:("
➜ the type to get a tattoo for her girlfriend and not even tell anyone until someone just notices
➜ mapi is surprisedly flexible, don't ask how she figured that out
➜ follows ingrid around like a lost puppy. she just loves her girl so bad
➜ her favorite season is summer and her favorite thing to do during summer is to go to the beach. for one, she loves to be in the water and for two, she gets to see ingrid in a bikini. a win is a win
➜ says the most random shit that pops up in her mind like "do you think dinosaurs are related to chickens? and if they are related to chickens then when someone eats chicken, are they eating dinosaur meat?" and ingrid would just be like "please just eat your food"
➜ not the best dancer in the world but no body can tell her that
➜ mapi sometimes just gets baby fever and pesters ingrid before forgetting about it then she sees a baby & the process happens all over again
➜ overall mapi is just so silly 😝
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© thinkingaboutjaedyn
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artofket · 1 year
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Miguel O'Hara is acting odd when you go to speak with him about the nature of the Web of Life and Destiny and having a future despite his past.
This is my first time publishing a fic here so I hope y'all like it :) leave me some critiques and comments!
GN reader, SFW, minor acts of aggression, so much angst
"Mr. O'Hara?"
You walked cautiously into his office as if on tightrope, ready to leave as quickly as possible if necessary.
"What is it?" 
The room was unusually dark, orange glow from the screens high up the only indicator of his existence. He muttered something to Lyla and she appeared in front of you, materializing from your watch. She whispered to you conspiratorially. 
"He's in a mood again, y/n."
"I heard that." He echoed.
"I'll leave you two to it." She winked and fizzled out of vision.
You stood for a moment, watching the arch of his back sway as he worked. Should you wait?
"You can come up here…" You complied and shot some web to the platform, landing quietly behind him. "I'm still in the middle of something but I need a break anyways." 
He shifted to face you. His eyes had darker than usual lines under them. 
You had visited him alone a few times before, and each time he treated you much friendlier than expected. Whenever you were in a group meeting, he was always brash and sometimes aggressive. Much unlike now. He was quiet and patient for you. Maybe it was like that for some of the others when they met him privately. You hadn't asked around. But you were still curious.
"I was wondering if you had time to talk for a bit?" 
"Sure." He folded his arms and leaned back.
"Well… I've been thinking about the multiple dimensions and canon."
"You wouldn't be the only one. What about it?"
"If we have to follow our stories out in our own worlds, what does that mean for here? I'm sure it wasn't planned out that we'd all meet."
He stayed silent.
"So do those same rules apply here?"
His eyes flicked back to you.
"What do you- of course they still apply."
"So it's just canon for all of us to be in your dimension?"
"Probably not originally. But the Great Web was spun that way."
"Just like it was spun to punish you?"
He looked at you incredulously. 
"You don't know what I did."
"I know enough that it isn't fair that you're trying to clean this all up by yourself."
"I'm not doing this alone."
"Then stop acting like it." You said it so quick you let out a gasp as if it got past against your will. Which it kind of had. You never spoke to him like that. You met his gaze with wide eyes.
"Okay then." He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Tell me, y/n, what do you want me to act like? You want me to be ignorant to the possibilities of all our dimensions' destruction?"
"No, I…"
"Cause I've already seen worlds ripped apart, children… children screaming, people dying. I can't let it keep happening." His tone raised and hitched painfully.
You took in a breath.
"And what happens once you fix it? Are you just going to wait patiently for the next accident and not make a new life for yourself?"
"I already found a life for myself and it didn't work. I don't deserve another chance." He turned away from you and gripped the desk so hard you swore the metal creaked.
"And who decides that?" You took a step towards him.
His shoulders hunched, head dipped, quivering with frustration.
He moved so fast you had blinked and found claws hovering at your eye line. You looked at his face, not even scared enough to have flinched, and saw red staring back at you. Words hung from your parted lips. He had almost attacked you. So why had he stopped?
He huffed and swung his arm back at the desk. He slumped in defeat, keeping his claws stuck in the metal.
"You should leave." 
But you didn't. For the same reason he hadn't hurt you. Instead, you lowered a hand to his broad shoulder. 
"We still have choices to make. No matter what the web says." Your breath shook at the end. He didn't move. You stood in silence for a while. With no response, and having made your point, you decided to leave. Before your hand could pull away, he grabbed your wrist. 
"How? Why are you like this? Even after seeing the darkest sides of humanity… you still show kindness. What's wrong with you?" He looked up only enough for you to see his eyes were back to an orange hue. You met his gaze steadily.
"If I don't, who will?" You sadly chuckled. "Afterall, it's all part of being a spider-person, y'know? Staying strong, getting back up when no one else can…"
You couldn't know how much he wanted to say sorry. There's no way he'd be able to put into words how deep his regret had changed him. So he deflected.
"You called me Miguel this time, y/n." He reluctantly let go of your wrist.
"Oh. Oh! I uh… didn't overstep any formalities… I'm sor-"
"It's okay. You can call me Miguel." He stood and pulled his fingers from the desk and tried to brush the shredded metal off. That was unsuccessful, so he just tilted his hips to cover it from your sight. "I'll uh, have to tell Lyla to get someone to fix that…" He stared at you, feeling like a fool. 
"I wish I could help you with that." You rubbed your arm, pulling at the suit.
"You already have helped." He caught himself when you stared back. "I mean with the other stuff. You are helpful. I'm mumbling." He rubbed the back of his hair and let out a sigh. "I'm so so sorry…" 
"I know." 
Words hung in the air and the bizarre nature of your visit shook your inhibitions.
"So you uh, talk with everyone else in private this way?" You chuckled.
His eyes grew wide.
"What way?" Before you could say anything. "No of course I do, yeah…" 
"Did I say no? I don't think I said no…"
"You did."
"Well I don't let just anyone get away with the stuff you pulled, that's for sure." He smirked and instantly regretted it.
"I mean. Ugh. Just don't mention that to anyone. I'm not going soft."
"Oh of course not…"
You looked at the floor smiling in thought. He hadn't really given you the answers you wanted after all. 
"Why did you ask about what I'd do after all this is done?" That threw you off.
"Well uh someone's got to ask you… make sure you have someone to look forward to."
"Someone?" Your face flushed.
"Something! I meant something!" He raised an eyebrow. 
"Well I'm open to suggestions then, I suppose. Who… I mean, what, should I look forward to?" He teased.
"It could be someone you look forward to spending time with. Or just any kind of thing at all really." You backed up towards the edge of the platform. You were digging your grave with each word. "Uh, I should go now…" 
"I look forward to talking with you again then, y/n… hopefully with less of me making a fool of myself." You squeaked at his tone and facial expression. 
"Yeah, uh, of course!" He was teasing but also… was he flirting with you, or was he just so hot that it made everything he said with a smile sound flirty? You couldn't manage an answer, so you quickly turned and fled from that awkward interaction. He watched as you ran from the room.
"What was that about? Did you really need to ruin another desk?"
"Lyla, focus, does y/n have feelings for me?" 
She just laughed.
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