posthumanwanderings · 7 months
guys I’m probably gonna stop with the whole youtube thing or take an extended hiatus after they blew away my average monthly revenue by 75% and hit me with this bullshit in my inbox:
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I think this all started when I read about youtube supposedly overpowering people’s CPU’s if they use an adblocker (which by the way they are very adamant jerks about ads makes perfect sense), so I thought sure I’ll turn it off when I stream so I don’t lose stream connection (which kept happening when I had adblocker on). I (like any youtube creator I think does or should do?) will view back through my streams afterwards for quality control and putting together timestamps and just left ads alone cause my computer has been getting fucked with more often (if anyone else has noticed their CPU’s frying themselves lately cause of the supposed youtube being aggro with RAM please let me know) anyways of course I can’t get a message from a real Youtube worker about any of this, but apparently whatever I did was enough for them to cut my revenue down 75% and not running ads on my videos anymore (which yea I get it they are annoying but it’s what gives me a cut of something) leaving me little motivation to keep up like I usually do. in a copy pasted bot message they said the ‘invalid traffic ban’ has a minimum of 7 days but never said the maximum... it’s been a month so far so idk, but that’s quite some punishment. unless I get a surge of patreon supporters over the next couple months to make the time to do all this stuff worthwhile I’m gonna just focus on getting a better job than my retail slave one which I’ve been meaning to do anyways. of course I’d rather be streaming and making vidmixes 24/7 like I was doing during the COVID shutdown but just not in the cards right now. this is all still weird to me though because all my videos that allow me to are still set to monetized, have nothing in my inbox warning me about copyrights, and thought everything I was doing was in good standing, only things I’ve done abnormal is click OFF my adblocker and reported a channel that kept trying to monetize the PS1 sample on all my PS1 plays... now this happened..... and even though I’m not a huge channel relatively speaking it pains me to see channels that just upload VGM with the same trendy fucking tags get the surplus views which guess none of that counts as invalid traffic and I get the same average views and get fucked with suddenly. so yea, basically FUCK YOUTUBE
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sabrinazahiralll011 · 3 months
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what they say ??? I don't care but i get my point now
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kitty-pelosi · 13 days
all it takes is one bhm porn vid to send your Google Adsense full into “you must be a fatty fat fatty with a failing liver and kidney disease and diabetes who needs compression underwear and ozempic and therapy to cope with your gross fat life” like damn
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Literally obsessed with this yt channel
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darrylhudson86 · 9 months
Google Adsense Approval Made Easy 🤑
🌟 Turn your passion into profit with Google AdSense! 🤑 I've got the ultimate insider scoop on getting your blog approved! 🎉 Buckle up, it's time to unlock the secrets! 🗝️
1️⃣ **Content is King, but Quality is the Emperor! 👑** Google AdSense loves quality content. No shortcuts, folks! Write engaging, valuable, and original posts. 📝 Show Google you're serious about providing top-notch info. 💪
2️⃣ **SEO Game Strong! 🚀** Keywords are your BFFs! Sprinkle them strategically in your content. Google AdSense crawlers will love your blog if it's SEO-friendly. 🕷️ Use tools like KwFinder to find those golden keywords! 🔍
3️⃣ **Speed Matters, A LOT! ⚡** Slow websites are a big no-no. Google hates them, users hate them. Optimize your site speed with tools like @gtmetrix. ⏱️ A faster site = happier users = AdSense approval! 🚄
4️⃣ **Navigation Ninja Moves! 🕵️‍♂️** Make your blog easy to navigate. Clean, simple menus and clear categories. Google wants users to find what they're looking for, and so do you! 🗺️
5️⃣ **Privacy Policy Pop! 🕵️‍♀️** Google AdSense wants to know you're serious about user privacy. Include a clear and comprehensive privacy policy page. It's like a golden ticket! 🎫 Use tools like @termsfeed for an easy generator!
6️⃣ **Engagement Extravaganza! 💬** Encourage comments, likes, and shares. Google AdSense adores blogs that create a community. 🌐 Respond to comments, start discussions. Let your blog be the party everyone wants an invite to! 🎉
7️⃣ **Responsive Design, Baby! 📱** Your blog needs to look good on ALL devices. Google AdSense checks if you're mobile-friendly. Use responsive themes, check your blog on different devices. 📱💻
8️⃣ **Be Patient, Grasshopper! 🧘‍♂️** Rome wasn't built in a day, and AdSense approvals don't happen overnight. It takes time. Keep improving, keep creating, keep being awesome! 🚀
💡 Now you've got the keys to the AdSense kingdom! 🔑 But hey, this is just the beginning. Want more tips and tricks on monetizing your blog? Check out my blogging guide for beginners! 📚💰
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veryconfusedviking · 9 months
Its crazy that you only need 1k subs on youtube to get money.
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googleoglasavanje · 9 months
Kako Google Ads Potiče Uspjeh Malih Poduzeća
Kako Google Ads Potiče Uspjeh Malih Poduzeća
U digitalnom dobu, mala poduzeća se suočavaju s izazovom kako se istaknuti u mnoštvu online konkurencije. Google Ads, kao vodeća platforma za digitalno oglašavanje, nudi ključno rješenje. Ovaj članak istražuje kako Google Ads može pomoći malim poduzećima da ostvare uspjeh u digitalnom tržišnom prostoru.
Razumijevanje Google Ads-a je prvi korak. To je alat koji omogućuje poduzećima da se istaknu na Google tražilici putem plaćenih oglasa. Ovo je posebno korisno za mala poduzeća jer pruža priliku da se natječu s većim igračima, nudeći vidljivost njihovim proizvodima ili uslugama upravo kada potrošači traže povezane pojmove.
Jedna od najvećih prednosti Google Ads-a je njegova sposobnost ciljanog doseganja publike. Možete ciljati korisnike na temelju njihovih pretraživačkih navika, geografske lokacije, i interesa. To znači da su oglasi koje prikazujete iznimno relevantni, što povećava šanse za klikove i konverzije. Takav pristup omogućuje malim poduzećima da usmjeravaju svoje resurse tamo gdje će imati najveći utjecaj.
Fleksibilnost u proračunu je još jedan ključan element Google Ads-a. Za razliku od tradicionalnih oblika oglašavanja, Google Ads vam omogućuje da kontrolirate koliko želite potrošiti. Možete postaviti dnevne ili mjesečne proračune i pauzirati kampanje u bilo kojem trenutku. Ovo omogućava malim poduzećima da ostanu unutar svojih financijskih mogućnosti, dok istovremeno maksimiziraju povrat ulaganja.
Analiza i mjerenje uspjeha vaših Google Ads kampanja su neizmjerno važni. Platforma nudi detaljne analitičke podatke koji vam omogućuju da pratite performanse vaših oglasa u stvarnom vremenu. Možete vidjeti koliko ljudi klikne na vaš oglas, koliko se konverzija dogodilo, te prilagoditi vaše kampanje na temelju tih podataka za bolju učinkovitost.
Konačno, Google Ads igra značajnu ulogu u izgradnji prepoznatljivosti brenda. S prisutnošću na Google tražilici, vaše poduzeće stvara dojam pouzdanosti i profesionalnosti. Ovo ne samo da povećava vidljivost vašeg poduzeća, već i gradi povjerenje kod potencijalnih kupaca.
U zaključku, Google Ads je snažan alat koji malim poduzećima omogućuje da se natječu u digitalnom tržištu. S njegovom sposobnošću ciljanja, fleksibilnošću proračuna, detaljnim analitičkim alatima i doprinosom prepoznatljivosti brenda, Google Ads postaje neizostavan dio digitalne marketinške strategije svakog malog poduzeća. Razmotrite Google Ads kao ključni element vaše strategije za postizanje uspjeha u digitalnom svijetu.
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alsgrid · 10 months
I ordered some cigars online and now adsense keeps showing me the most generic "rich middle aged man" ads. Luxury watches. Sports cars. A dating app aimed at "succesful older gentlemen"(what chance is there that this isn't something awful). Google. Buddy. You have all this data on me. Last week I was buying ramen in bulk. We both know I didn't start a succesful business, age 20 years, get married and divorced and go bald in the span of a week.
Companies all talk about how these algorithms that feed us content are super sophisticated and smart, to the point that people are getting concerned about them(I'm not saying you shouldn't be, but not for that reason). But once in a while, there comes a moment where what they're actually doing finally clicks, and it is so incredibly stupid.
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seoexpertinnewyork1 · 10 months
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Emon Dhar is the top Best SEO expert in New York, with over a decade of experience in the field. He has helped numerous clients achieve top rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs) and is a well-known writer in SEO and digital marketing.
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#freelencerseo #seobangladesh #seobangladeshservices #seoinbangladeshexpert #seoexpertinbangladesh
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Hey, I just noticed something. So I've been blocking bots by the dozen every day, as I'm sure lots of you are. And normally it's a pretty fast and painless thing, just open their blog to make sure it's a bot, and then block them. Then I realized, there's an ad on the right side. Normally my adblocker is up so I don't notice this, but for whatever reason my plugins didn't start up today and I saw it.
Now this might be conspiracy levels of thinking, but I wonder if this is intentional? The person making the bots must know we all check new followers and block bots regularly (which has almost turned into part of tumblr culture at this point), but if we have to click on the blog to check it and block it, then we count as a view for that ad.
The way ads work with google adsense is the space posting the ads gets paid per thousand impressions (CPM) and if someone clicks an ad they normally earn more (CPC). It's normally not much, the average CPM is around $3 per thousand, but if you're a bot following thousands or 10s of thousands of people per day, and even one thousand of those people click the blog to block it, that bot is making $3 a day. Now, how many bots have you gotten today? That all adds up pretty fast over the hundreds or thousands of new bot accounts out there.
Now, I have no idea how ads work on tumblr. I know you can enable ads to make money from views (I think I have this enabled? Maybe on side blogs? I have adsense from youtube so I think I enabled it since I already have an account. I'm not a big enough blog to get paid either way), but I don't know if that payment goes through tumblr in any way, or if they just enable the html to automatically link your adsense ads if enabled. So I don't know if getting an account banned even stops payment or not. Like, if tumblr is hands off and just enables the html so you can do your thing and earn something, then every view before ban is recorded by google, not tumblr, and that counts towards earnings. So they might not care about being banned, because the money is already earned.
Now, I'm not saying we shouldn't keep blocking, but it does make me wonder if they're playing to our need to keep blocking with that in mind from the start.
I'm going to add here, I could be completely wrong. 99% of my adsense knowledge comes from my youtube channel, which works a little differently. It's possible that the banner ads are only CPC and not based on views, but I don't think that's the case from my experience. And honestly I don't even know where to read up on how non-youtube ads work specifically. But, it's definitely something that I think might be possible. If anyone knows more about this, feel free to add to the conversation. Maybe some big blogs who actually earn anything? Does those even exist on here?
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freetrafficlive · 10 months
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how to properly upload videos on new youtube channel before uploading
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n2qfd · 2 years
#staff why do I have the option to control auto play of gif and video format content but not sponsored posts?
Judging by my options this was a toggle to help us manage data usage and should apply equally across the platform in that regard.
Could you at least pretend you care about the user experience? It's a workable wreck but it's still a wreck. Some of us have been here through more than one president at this point and remained engaged users for all these years through all the platform changes.
Could you at least try and pretend in the mythos of the valued customer? I understand you've got the titanic job of trying to make this nonsense profitable. You've piled ads I cannot control into my content, can I at least choose to keep them muted?
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sabrinazahiralll011 · 3 months
The Ultimate Guide to SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
#### What is SEO?
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It refers to the practice of optimizing your website and its content to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). The primary aim is to increase organic (non-paid) traffic to your site. This involves various strategies and techniques that align with the search engine’s algorithms to ensure your content is deemed relevant and authoritative.
#### Why is SEO Important?
**Increased Visibility:** Higher rankings on SERPs lead to increased visibility, making it easier for potential customers to find your business. 2. **Credibility and Trust:** Users tend to trust websites that appear on the first page of search results more than those that don’t. 3. **Better User Experience:** Good SEO practices improve the overall user experience on your website, which can lead to higher engagement and conversions. 4. **Cost-Effectiveness:** Unlike paid advertising, SEO focuses on organic traffic, which is a cost-effective way to attract potential customers.
Read more : How To Do Affiliate Marketing With No Money ($1000/Month)
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todaynesia · 1 year
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majacks9 · 1 year
Tips to enhance the brand awareness of your brand in market
Growing awareness of your brand is crucial in today’s digital world through SEO technique like using Adsense most profitable keywords and such other ways. If your Sacramento-based business doesn’t do it soon, it will be gone. Today, every company has a specific fund from which it finances PR or promotion on the Internet and similar activities that increase brand recognition. theprbuzz.com/tips-to-enhance-the-brand-awareness-of-your-brand-in-market/
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