#Added the screenshot of the tweet for those interested
natashasbitxh · 8 months
I'm still not over the theatre video, what a great week for shaynse enjoyers. Hoping Chanse is on reddit stories since it's been a while so he can look dreamily at Shayne reading.
Also not sure how I feel that Chanse liked a tweet about how shaynse nation keeps winning yesterday?! HE KNOWS
Oh PLS I hope he is, I die for the way he looks at Shayne during reddit stories. And same I'm still thinking abt the theatre vid too, the implications and missing details r on my mind
OKAY SO I wasn't aware of this tweet so thank you so much for informing me, I actually don't have a twitter account (X I guess) so I made an account to go see it and I was like Oh yh I'll just keep this account now...but then I realised I just rlly didn't want to and I deactivated it within 5 mins of making it. Maybe one day.
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pileofmush · 9 months
warning: yes we're talking about taz skylar. yes i am opinionated.
i'm making this as a response to the posts i've seen floating around on my dash that are promoting neutrality, and, most annoyingly, whining about the backlash he's receiving.
you guys had your turn to speak so i guess i'll take mine!
no, this is not directed at any particular blog. yes, i am biased, and i'm not going to pretend that i'm not. and finally no, i’m not posting this to seem virtuous or some shit like that. glad we got that cleared up.
anywho. you guys are annoying me 😭
it's always #freepalestinetillit'sbackwards until your favorite british blorbo is questioned. questioned, rightfully so, mind you.
let's go over the facts:
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this was posted by twitter user knsiara yesterday morning. apparently, people are also getting on taz about who he follows on social media, but that's none of my concern. i'm aware it takes effort to cull and monitor the values of those you follow. i don't hold that against him. moving on.
the real concern is the charity that he was directly promoting. as in, the charity that he's presumably donated to and encouraged his 1.9 million followers to donate to as well, seeing as it was linked right there in his instagram bio.
so! there is a bit of confusion about who the red cross supports. i've done some basic googling, and yeah it's pretty vague, so i do understand the confusion. it seems the red cross provides aid to both sides, which has already put me off (in no circumstance would i provide aid to the country enacting a genocide. because remember, it's less-so a conflict and more-so a genocide.) but that's beside the point. as you'll note in the right-most screenshot up above, it's the fundraising for the british red cross (BRC), in particular, that has raised some eyebrows.
so who does the BRC support, then?
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there we have it. taken right from their site. i've even taken the liberty to highlight it for you: as it stands, the british red cross provides aid to "israel and occupied palestinian territory.”
what does that mean? well, i'm glad you asked. this leads to my next segment...
the assumptions:
does the BRC support palestine? no.
do they support israel? well, you read their words. it's not the clearest statement in the world, but it's to my understanding that the BRC supports israel, as it clearly subscribes to the zionist sentiment that palestinian land belongs to israel. hence, palestinian occupied territory. zionist rhetoric. now, that doesn't sound like an organization that has the people of palestine's best interests in mind, does it?
"but-but that doesn't make taz a zionist!"
oh, brother. he's donating to pro-israel organizations and encouraging his followers to do the same!! let's get serious here.
there is of course the possibility that he didn't research the charity. that he didn't know what he was promoting. and sure! it's possible. everyone's human. we all make mistakes.
but then he went and tweeted that vague as hell tweet implying that he sides with israel…
if it was an honest mistake; if he stood with palestine, he’d say so. morgan davies did, so let’s not pretend it’s a “protecting his job” move… (expanded on towards the end).
now, since i don't follow him, i don't have the timeline of things, such as when he added the BRC to his bio, or when people started asking him about it, but, i mean. the BRC was in his bio, now it's not. he posted the tweet two days ago, and has since deleted it. maybe it's bad timing, but, i'm not inclined to believe it is.
which leads me to my point that i'm highly suspicious of the taz-riders right now...
especially the ones outright complaining about him getting "canceled" and whatnot.
people use the word “cancel” so loosely now. it’s pretty much lost all meaning. choosing not to support taz skyler for his abysmal political opinions does not equate to him getting “canceled.”
dissing him on twitter does not equate to him getting “canceled.” girl no one is taking his netflix check away—he’s got a bag, he’s got a second season, he’s got his loyal stans: he‘ll come back from this. and honestly, throwing the term “cancel” around is ridiculous when we’re talking about matters like palestinian genocide.
yes, taz might have worded his response poorly under stress. but doesn't it still hold implications? what else can we assume if his response to people accusing him of promoting and funding israel is... we have different opinions, and that's okay 🤍
c'mon taz, you can do a little better than that, can't you?
so that's why i'm confused about why others are confused, regarding the backlash. we, the people, have such little control over the shit that’s happening in the world: of course we’ll exercise what little control that we have…
we’ll choose what we consume and who we monetarily support according to our own values.
people wanna talk about "parasocial relationships" and "putting him on a pedestal," but bae, i promise you, it's nothing personal. from me, at the very least. i was never a rider or a hater of taz, personally. but c'mon. he publicly promoted a pro-israel organization, and then made a vague nothing-tweet in response. backlash is warranted.
maybe you should reconsider why you’re so willing to ride for this man you don’t actually know… if we’re gonna bring up parasocial relationships, and all.
that doesn’t mean i support sending him death threats or doxxing him or anything like that, but i mean... if people have opinions, they're gonna talk 😭 getting called out on twitter is not the end of the world.
anywho. give him the benefit of the doubt if you want. but i think he's made his stance quite clear in his actions and inaction.
if you still want to simp over a man who thinks political neutrality toward genocide is acceptable, go ahead and take the watermelon outta your bio. there's no need for performative activism on this site. just admit to yourself that you're only willing to support palestine until it makes you uncomfortable.
as for support of the OPLA, that is, obviously, up to you. i, for one, won't be streaming it on netflix anytime soon. but, there are some actors in the OPLA who do support palestine, such as morgan davies, who publicly shot down the losers trying to angle that palestine is anti lgbtq+ and therefore does not deserve support (as if intersectionality and queer palestinians don't exist, lord) ...so, this is a nuanced convo and i may change my mind when season 2 rolls around if i feel the pros outweigh the cons. or i'll just follow morgan davies into their next project. whichever feels right.
what i won't do, however, is make this site comfortable for the taz-riders lmaoo, because there were a few too many posts advocating for him than i’m comfortable with from my fellow fans of one piece. one piece, of all fandoms, and we’re divided on the morals and ethics of supporting genocide—good lord— nor will i support anyone else on the OPLA cast who has a terrible take on what’s taking place in palestine. repeat after me, there's no such thing as neutrality when it comes to genocide.
free palestine, today. tomorrow, and the next. class dismissed.
posting this on 1/5/24, 7:00 pm EST. as of right now, taz hasn’t come out with a statement addressing the backlash. but hey! opinions can change and i hope he’ll change mine, for what it’s worth.
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lovecolibri · 3 months
Thank you for answering question regarding buck and Chris. It’s truly amazing to see how the discourse shifted within like 2 months. It’s so interesting especially seeing that one TikTok account and just attempting and failing at “proving” how buck is a” fun uncle”. For reference below
Just a few days ago, Ryan discussed how ever since Shannon is gone, buck is there. To quote ““I believe there’s an offer of comfort to Eddie knowing that even though Shannon isn’t there, he has somebody else in his life that he can kind of pass the reins to and say, ‘Hey, I need another perspective. Please help my son out”. HOW is this, a FUN UNCLE.??? To add, ever since temu has been back on our screen, we aren’t even allowed to discuss eddies sexuality or buddie because “it’s not canon”. It just sucks. Like, the whole pride post? And all the occurred… for YEARS we as a fandom have identified with buck and Eddie and viewed them as queer coded/queer and WERE SO HAPPY when we got confirmation. But now, we can’t view Eddie as gay because it’s “disrespectful” and “not canon”. Like huh? If THOSE people were happy about bibuck, they are the biggest hypocrites. Because how can you be happy about bibuck if you never viewed him as bi? (Right? Because it’s not canon). Shouldn’t you have been shocked, angry, or confused? Make it MAKE SENSE!!!!!!! The way they dismiss temus actions and try and rewrite history and make him besties with chim and hen? Like yes, 2x14 chim called him for A FAVOR. then, 3x16 proved that he hadn’t reached back out or talked in over a year (even attempted to make contact) and both chim and hen said they wouldn’t consider their old teammates “friends”. Plus, he was never mentioned again. Also, temu calling him Howie vs chim. Again!!!!!!!! The way they talk about T and honestly i ask myself, “is my tv not showing these scenes”. The way they accuse the cast of being “forced” to like/hang out with Ryan or the “reason” as to why Oliver doesn’t post about BT is due to the buddie shippers???? Like he was POSTING CONTENT about bucktaylor at the PEAK of buddie. What’s stopping him now? Why did he post a screenshot of 7x09 regarding buddie+chris when he easily could have added a SS of chimney+buck+ T or Buck+ravi+T? But didn’t. Nothing for 7x10 besides liking a buddie post… hell, even after 7x04, he never once posted the kiss or their scenes, but simply the basketball scene and then in 7x05 the buddie karaoke. Nor did he post the hospital kiss.
lol. you KNOW some of the people being pissy about that pride post this year were former Buddies who re-tweeted something like it last year 🙄
Also, the cast so, SO clearly LOVES Ryan, and love hanging out with him! They have a great time on set together! They're always goofing off and joking around! It's just a fact that we have seen from videos cast and crew have taken BTS! Please, be so for real right now.
As for Oliver posting things, I would even argue that the ONLY reason he posted tay kay stuff was because the network forcibly shut down bi Buck/Buddie and he was told he HAD to promo that relationship in interviews. Same with L and the thousand and one interviews we got there when the network was trying to force something there, desperately trying to get the GA to like literally ANY woman with Buck so they could swerve from what we all saw building since 2x01. The fact that the show put zero effort into BT 2.0 and Oliver wasn't posting with a gun to his head about it speaks volumes to me about what is planned for s8 🤷🏻‍♀️
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gavinom123 · 1 year
RIGHT HI HELLO i'm going to make a quick post discussing what's been happening over on twitter these past few days, but it's going to be very long as I'm including as much context as possible!
Before the majority of the post begins, for context: IZ-san does not allow any edits of their artwork, including video fancams, meme edits, and even color filters. Nothing of the sort regarding their artwork is permitted. Full guidelines regarding their work can be found here, so please give it a read if you haven't already! I've been seeing more and more people across various socials disrespect their boundaries, and it's only basic manners to respect them.
It started with a peing ask (similar to curiouscat or retrospring for non-en twitter users) regarding Noel's status as a transgender character
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To briefly summarize, it this ask explains that since Noel was Patricia, many people mistake him for a transgender character. It goes on to ask about IZ-san's opinions on trans and LGBT headcanons for their characters, and apologizes if their questions don't make sense as they are using a translator.
They included a translated version of their response in english, so I'll be sharing that below as well.
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To put it simply, none of the characters in Witch's Heart are written as members of the LGBT community. While these headcanons are allowed, they should not pretend that these are official and should not use IZ-san's illustrations to share them.
They quietly added onto this after posting their response
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They build onto this the next day, first tweeting in japanese, and then in english. I'm sharing the english screenshots below.
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Again, they are nothing but respectful about the situation. They've chalked it up to cultural differences, but in my opinion it's not even a cultural difference. It's others pushing their interpretations of the characters onto the fucking developer of the game. The characters of Witch's Heart aren't those made by some big company, they're literally IZ-san's OCs that they've been kind enough to share with us. They do build onto the cultural differences interpretation here, again showing nothing but their attempt to understand why people are time and time again horrible to them.
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After this, they received another very very long peing ask, which I'll include the MTL of below.
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Their response isn't translated this time, so I'm including the MTL below.
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They explain their perspective, as well as the japanese perspective on LGBT+ representation-- specifically that many people in Japan consider it disrespectful to include LGBT+ characters in works that are not themed around the subject.
They build onto this in their tweets after answering this question, some of which are screenshotted below. I won't be screenshotting everything as this post is long enough as it is, but if you're interested please go check out the rest!
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After this point, IZ-san hasn't tweeted anything new outside of replies to those offering their support.
To summarize all of this succinctly: you're allowed to have your own personal headcanons! However, they aren't allowed in the official tag (#witchsheart), and should be kept to the non-official-content tags if mentioned (#whnoc + #whnos). Additionally you cannot pretend that your headcanons are canon, and use that argument to harass others over them. You are also not permitted to use official art in sharing these headcanons. Please be respectful of IZ-san's boundaries as they've had to explain this way too many fucking times.
From here on it's just going to be my opinion on everything, so feel free to stop reading from here if that's not something that interests you. In my opinion, main problem here doesn't have anything to do with headcanoning or editing IZ-san's art: it's a simple matter of respect. Witch's Heart is an indie game made by a single person in their attempt to share their characters and their story with people worldwide. Why do people treat it as if it's some big game made by a corporation? Why the fuck are you so entitled to someone else's artwork and characters that you'd go out of your way to disrespect their very clear boundaries? This isn't unique to IZ-san, there have been so many other creators having similar issues. Segawa-san disallowed english translations of their work entirely because so many people were reposting and editing their artwork. Even EN artists are having similar struggles-- just look at Welcome Home and all the fan merch people made against partycoffin's wishes. The commodification of someone else's OCs has got to fucking stop, you can't claim them just because they got popular!! It's not even limited to just gamedevs and content creators-- people feel entitled to doing what they please with even just fanart. Many of my friends and I have had our work reposted without permission, even when "DO NOT REPOST" is written all over it in clearly visible and bold letters. Literally last fucking week I saw a group of like 14-year olds harassing a kr artist because they asked them not to repost their art, and these fucking kids responded by maliciously editing and tracing and reposting it even more. There's a level of basic human decency that isn't being met in fandom overall nowadays, but especially rpgmaker circles and it makes me so fucking sad. It's not that hard to be a decent human being so just fucking stop.
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night-dark-woods · 6 months
I want to start adding text descriptions to stuff i reblog, do you have any advice? is there a guide or something you use, the style of your IDs is very nice.
hey! thats great that you want to start writing IDs. I've reblogged guides before and ill tag this post with the tag they're in (image descriptions) so its easy to browse!
in addition to those other resources, here's some guidelines i personally keep in mind, & what i structure different IDs like.
for text transcripts: source & type of image, author, date if possible. here are some pretend/template IDs:
ID. a twitter screenshot from user @.[username] dated [date] that reads: "[tweet]." End ID.
i put the period after the @ symbol so it doesnt try to tag a nonexistent (or unrelated) user on this site, and a screenreader will just pause there briefly.
ID. a photo of a page from the book [name] by [author]. text reads: [transcript]. End ID.
if the OP cited the author/book/source, you can just do "Transcript: [text]. End transcript."
for actual images:
type of image is really important!
photograph, edited photograph, reaction image, edited reaction image, painting, digital painting, digital drawing, etc. you should always put what kind of image it is.
keep in mind the purpose of the image!
if its an art piece or a photo of one, its good to describe the medium, style, colors, and subject.
if it's a reaction image or other meme, you don't have to describe the surroundings in loving detail. the "point" of the image is enough.
if its a photograph, it might also be an art piece, or from the news, or someone sharing their pet. the amount and kind of detail again depends on the point of the image.
don't make judgements or assumptions!
dont describe things as badly drawn or badly photographed- and on the flip side, dont describe things as cute or beautiful. describe whats in the image, not how it makes you feel. if you love a certain part of how a photograph is framed, or how the light is painted in a piece of art, say that specifically. "beautiful" means nothing! do you mean realistic? vibrantly colored? "cute" means nothing! do you mean in a cartoony style? or that the subject matter is a cat, which many people find cute? be specific!
dont make statements about the gender or race of the people in the photo or art piece, especially if it's real people (like a news photo) unless you know those things as a fact (celebrities, fictional characters, people you know personally, people where it is mentioned in the article the photo is from). you can just describe things like hair length, skin tone, etc. exceptions to this rule imo are stock photos- eg if im captioning my favorite stock photo of all time, cyber woman with corn, i am going to describe it as "a stock photo of a white woman in a futuristic silver and black wraparound visor, wearing a silver bodysuit and cradling an ear of corn near her face and smiling slightly."
here are some example descriptions, all from images i have on my phone.
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ID. a photo of two cats laying head to head on someones outstretched legs, which are under a blanket. one cat is an orange tabby, and the other is a gray and white splotched tabby. End ID.
the point of this image is my cats- im not going to spend time describing the blanket, the couch, the stuff you can see in the background, bc it's not relevant to the image, and adds nothing.
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ID. a photo taken through a rainy window at twilight, with the camera focused on the raindrops on the glass, so the lights in the houses across the street are out of focus. the lights reflect on the wet pavement in a warm yellow glow. End ID.
i took this the other night bc i thought it looked cool how blurry it was- id consider this more of an "art" photo, so im describing the aspects of the framing etc that make it that- i wasnt just trying to show how rainy it was, but to take a photo in an interesting way, so those traits are "worth" describing.
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ID. a photo of an acrylic painting done on a cardboard packing envelope of a city street at sunset, all the building windows reflecting gold. there are purple fluffy clouds in the sky, lit from below with peach and gold. the USPS tracking number barcode is still visible in the gap between houses at the end of the street. the brush strokes are very visible, the perspective is wonky, and the orange underpainting is visible at the edges. End ID.
this is a new ID for something i painted and already posted and i dont feel like getting the old ID. medium, style, and specific details i think are important are included. the perspective being wonky is a bit of a value judgement i wouldn't make about Other people's art, but it's my own and i think its an important detail so!
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ID. an edited catcrumb comic, showing a simple mspaint illustration of a cat happily sorting things into piles with the caption, "sort sort. i love to arbitrarily sort." the cat has been colored in gray and its ears have been colored like homestuck troll horns, and the sorting piles replaced with some classpect symbols. End ID.
this is a good example of a edited image- its important to give (to some degree) a sense of what the original image was, say that its edited, and describe the changes. i dont need to list the classpect symbols i put on there, bc its not relevant to the message of the image- it would do nothing but make the ID longer.
oh- and to cap off the post- here is cyber woman with corn:
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ID. a stock photo of a white woman in a futuristic silver and black wraparound visor, wearing a silver bodysuit and cradling an ear of corn near her face and smiling slightly. End ID.
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beardedmrbean · 9 months
A Black Harvard law professor has been accused of tweeting, then deleting, the word "Karma" in an apparent response to Claudine Gay announcing her resignation as president of the university following accusations of plagiarism and a row over campus antisemitism.
The post was allegedly made on X, formerly Twitter, by Professor Ronald Sullivan Jr., who in 2019 was effectively demoted after serving as part of Harvey Weinstein's defense team when the disgraced film producer was facing sexual assault allegations.
Political commentator Wesley Yang shared what he claimed was a screenshot of Gay's post, adding: "Ronald Sullivan deleted this one word post written in response to former Harvard president Claudine Gay's resignation: 'Karma.'"
Newsweek could not immediately verify the veracity of the screenshot's content or that the tweet was directly related to Gay's resignation.
Newsweek has reached out to Sullivan and Harvard University for comment via email.
Sullivan's decision to represent Weinstein sparked a furious response from some students, after which Harvard decided not to extend his contract as an undergraduate residence faculty dean. According to student-run newspaper The Harvard Crimson, Gay, then dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, was one of those involved in the decision.
Gay announced she was stepping down as Harvard president on January 2, with a letter in which she claimed it was "in the best interests" of the university for her to resign after facing what she described as "personal attacks and threats fueled by racial animus."
It came amid an ongoing row over free speech and bigotry on campuses, which had already claimed the job of Liz Magill, who resigned as president of Pennsylvania University last month following a controversial House committee appearance alongside Gay and Sally Kornbluth, president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Sullivan faced protests on campus after The New York Post first reported he had joined Weinstein's defense team in January 2019, with demonstrators demanding he step down as faculty dean and for a public apology be issued.
Weinstein was later convicted of rape and sexual assault in the New York trial and sentenced to 23 years in prison. He was subsequently sentenced to an additional 16 years in prison by a court in Los Angeles in a separate case.
In response to the controversy, Sullivan sent a 1,200-word email to students at Winthrop, then his undergraduate faculty residence, stressing the importance of representing an "unpopular defendant."
In an interview with The Harvard CrimsonGay branded Sullivan's response to the row as "insufficient," and months later it was announced his position as Winthrop faculty dean would not be renewed.
Within hours of Hamas's October 7 attack on Israel, which resulted in around 1,200 people killed and another 240 taken into Gaza as hostages, 34 Harvard student organizations signed a statement written by the university's Undergraduate Palestine Solidarity Committee stating they "hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence."
The move triggered a furious response from the university's Jewish center Harvard Hillel, which said the statement promoted "hatred and antisemitism."
Appearing before a House committee in December, alongside Magill and Kornbluth, Gay was asked whether "calling for the genocide of Jews violates Harvard code of conduct" by Rep. Elise Stefanik.
She replied "it depends on the context," sparking outrage and calls for her to resign. Speaking to The Harvard Crimson, Gay later apologized for her remarks, and said: "Calls for violence or genocide against the Jewish community, or any religious or ethnic group, are vile, they have no place at Harvard."
In December it was revealed Gay was facing an anonymous complaint of serial plagiarism, with additional allegations published by the Washington Free Beacon in January.
She initially denied any wrongdoing in response, stating: "I stand by the integrity of my scholarship." However, The New York Times reported that a Harvard investigation concluded there were cases of inadequate citation in her dissertation as well as at least two of her articles.
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maplesyrupsainz · 9 months
Charles gf is so messy. People found her twitter and saw she liked some questionable tweets one was racist and the account was a well known neo Nazi who's account is literally "racial consciousness" and then a bunch of tweets in favour of Macrons law which is a French law which would affect the working class, it's the reason for all the riots a few years back so her being in favour is basically the equivalent of a nepo baby telling people if they don't have money they should just get a job.
When people found her account and spread the tweets she deleted the account. It died down until a few months back and even her fanpages spread the screenshots and said how upset they felt about it and she started to block people who shared the screenshot including fanpages. Spent an entire quali session deleting comments calling her racist under her post, blocked people literally today who posted the tweets on tiktok.
The thing is that she could have denied the tweets and said they were fake or even claimed she misunderstood them/was young (16) and is now more mature and knows that mindset is awful and wrong but instead she doubled down and blocked people which kind of proved they were real. There's also screenshots of Antoine (Charles' photographer) in dms with fans saying she can't be racist because she's Mexican and using the tweets to make her out to be a bad person is stupid. Which apart from being a stupid thing to even acknowledge and argue with fans over it is also him admitting those tweets were 100% real.
She's also a chronic silent sponsor girlie. Basically she promotes brands by being seen wearing their stuff and people will obviously post Charles and she'll be next to him so people will ask about her outfits. She doesn't have to legally say it's a payed ad because the laws don't class goods and engagement as official payments. So she can get away with getting sent clothes in exchange for wearing them as promo without all the hassle. It's just a shady loophole that Kelly used to do and only got called out for after her family made those comments towards Lewis.
She also used to be friends with Charlotte and when people posted about it she blocked Charlotte so all her comments, tags and likes on Charlotte's account vanished. There's also multiple instances of her lurking on gossip pages before she and Charles were official and public where she was reacting and responding to gossip about her by correcting info like nationality, age, birthday etc.
Just a bunch of shady weird shit that put people off from day one. The entire thing is actually so interesting and a huge deep dive. There's so many weird ass coincidences and it really puts Leclerc in this weird light and not in a good way. His company is questionably shady.
posting this for anyone else who didnt know about this!!! so crazy lol it would've been so so easy just to apologise & claim she was uneducated and unaware.. do these ppl not have pr reps or what?? blocking ur own fanpages is crazyyyy behaviour
i suppose rich ppl literally do not care about anything 😳
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Every new thing that Ranboo posts onto Chronicle 0 gets me even more invested in it. I really like the way they write those entries, theyfeelreallygripping. Today's entry about Zero's dream is so interesting because it's slightly different from what I expected but is so intriguing. Also, I'm guessing that we will get more of Zero's dreams just based on the fact that it starts with "D1".
I'm genuinely so excited for every new update I can already tell that I will get so invested in this story, and attached to all of the characters. I just can't get over how good Ranboo is at creating their stories to be so captivating. I can't wait to see what's next.
Also, I'm adding screenshots from today's tweets so there's context
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firsttarotreader · 1 year
Thank you for adding those screenshots. That random tweet above the one about him not believing in labels proves my point even further. (I know that’s not what you are pointing out).
“I’m so mad at Pedro Pascal 😳”.
It is beyond clear he would just search his name and like the most random tweets. I’m sure it provided entertainment for him 🤣.
Oh, for sure. 🤣🤣🤣 There are also these ones that I love:
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In this one, he replies “You Queen” like he was interested and thought it was a chick, and then he found out it was actually a guy and wrote a follow-up saying “Kween”. That was the best, as if he was saying “Queen, Kween, I don’t give a shit, get to sucking!” 🤣🤣🤣🤣 An anon pointed that out with these words and I was laughing for days! 🤣🤣🤣
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This one is also a classic! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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amajorsystem · 2 years
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[ID:A screenshot from the talk section of the Martin Scorsese Wikipedia page that reads:
The recent meme on tumblr about a nonexistent ‘73 movie titled ‘Goncharov’ has gotten it added to the tab about his filmography and should be removed Flibety (talk) 15:41, 20 November 2022 (UTC)
Already done Per —Sirdog (talk) 05:26, 21 November 2022 (UTC)
You think it might be worth it to lock the article until the meme dies down a little bit? This kind of vandalism is gonna keep happening. [Anonymous IP] (talk) 06:11, 21 November 2022 (UTC)
The same hoax has been added to Martin Scorsese filmography, Harvey Keitel, Gene Hackman, John Cazale, Al Pacino on stage and screen, Cybil Shepherd, and Robert De Niro filmography. I'm keeping an eye on all of those. It should peter out soon. (A tweet that posts the tumblr, in case anyone is interested.) Schazjmd (talk) 15:47, 21 November 2022 (UTC)
The page was already partially locked, but as far as I can see this is for unrelated reasons - it was locked at the end of October following a spate of vandalism, and I think the meme interest only seems to date to the last week or so, judging by the traffic numbers. Andrew Gray (talk) 18:47, 21 November 2022 (UTC)
Alright guys, this is too far. Editing the Wikipedia article for an already unreality-heavy bit is actively harmful to people with psychosis and derealization. I hate to ruin everyone's fun, but don't fucking do this. Just don't. To quote the Wikipedia editors:
We get it. It’s funny. But people need a place to actually figure out that it’s fake or it stops being funny and starts being mean.
[PT: We get it. It’s funny. But people need a place to actually figure out that it’s fake or it stops being funny and starts being mean. END PT]
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darnellclayton · 2 years
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Interesting tweet by @photomatt. I am thinking that @Tumblr could replace Twitter if they actually embraced Matrix & the Fediverse.
But then there is this:
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Note: I am providing screenshots here just in case Twitter disappears!
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Okay, so Automattic is trying to make Tumblr self sustaining by offering premium features that people would be willing to pay for.
Premium features that Tumblr currently offers are:
Vanity blue check marks
Premium custom themes
Tumblr Blaze (basically paying to promote your post to other Tumblrs)
Pay for ad free browsing
Apparently this is not enough, so what other features could Tumblr offer that users would be willing to pay for‽ Here are a few a few suggestions:
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Actual verification (yes, seriously)
As people flee Twitter, they will look at alternatives & Tumblr will receive a massive amount of traffic (which will drive up the cost of the site). This includes celebrities, businesses, politicians, other government officials, etcetera.
Offer a real verification service that is open to everyone—celebrities, businesses & normal people—but would require:
A real world ID (passport, government ID, drivers license, etcetera).
An annual fee (between $100-$300 depending on the person or organization, government official, etcetera) in order to combat spam impersonation
A video phone call from Tumblr / WordPress staff (Facetime, Telegram, WhatsApp, etcetera) to confirm the person/organization is legit
Forget the checkmark (twitter ruined that) & use something else (maybe dancing emoji’s around the profile picture‽ Make it unique to Tumblr).
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Federation with ActivityPub
I honestly would prefer that this would be a free feature, however the sad fact remains that people could easily be overwhelmed with spammers, trolls, scams, etcetera, outside of Tumblr & not know how to deal with it.
I solo host on Darnell.one & I have encountered spammers, trolls & scammers on Matrix & Mastodon (latter uses ActivityPub).
While I have the patience to deal with the unfettered interwebs attempting to harass me, most people will feel overwhelmed with [email protected] sending them unsolicited messages on the daily.
Making it a premium feature would reduce the chance of spammers using Tumblr to harass the world (resulting in Federation blocks), as well as preventing people from being harassed by the world.
Price should be between $5-$10/month
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Into The Matrix
I am already on Matrix (I am @darnell:shh.darnell.ooo for those interested) & I think integration would be key with one caveat: make it a replacement for messages on Tumblr.
So I could then use @darnell:tumblr.com to securely communicate to other people on Tumblr as well as Matrix users for free.
However, those who pay Tumblr could also use their Matrix/Tumblr messenger to communicate with other people on Facebook Messenger, Signal, Telegram, WhatsApp, etcetera, via bridging, which would appeal to power users.
Another bonus is that paying folks could also create their own mini zoom like video calls, without having to use Zoom (which would appeal to people on Tumblr). I would make it so that paying folks can initiate a call, but anyone else on Tumblr can join for free (in order to increase appeal).
Price range would be between $10-$20/month (as this tech is not cheap!).
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Instead of relying on YouTube, Tumblr should offer this feature for free—with a catch.
People should be able to live broadcast in standard definition for free, but if they want the broadcast in high definition as well as saved then they will have to pay for storage (otherwise the streamed video is deleted after 24 hours).
Premium users could also have the “broadcasted on Tumblr” watermark/label removed, as well as the ability to automatically upload their video elsewhere (VideoPress, Vimeo, YouTube, etcetera).
Price range should be $10/month
Tumblr Prime‽
Tumblr should also offer a combination package on all of the above except verification (for obvious reasons).
Call it Tumblr Prime or Tumblr Pattycakes for all I care, but for around $20/month they should offer:
ActivityPub federation
Matrix Integration for messages (including bridging, video conference calls, etcetera)
Live-streaming services
Of course Auttomattic should look at the economics of these features to see if they are feasible, but I think they can come up with a workable solution that is deemed valuable.
That is all folks!
Those are my suggestions, & if you made it this far after reading this post, congratulations! If you have any suggestions, refutations, or questions feel free to comment below or message me via Tumblr.
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pocketsbigger · 2 years
The most interesting thing that’s come out of this twitter debacle in the past 24 hours, aside from a majority (if not all) of HQ’s staff quitting, is a twitter thread with evidence proving that Elon Musk has literally lied about his credentials, among other things.
They also compiled their findings in a google doc for those who may not use twitter, image descriptions and video captions are also available here. Absolutely fascinating how bro is getting packed up on the site he paid billions for.
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[Image ID: Screenshot of a tweet from November 17th, 2022. Three images of court documents are added. Reads as follows— “Someone has to say it: Elon Musk has lied for 27 years about his credentials. He does not have a BS in Physics, or any technical field. Did not get into a PhD program. Dropped out in 1995 & was illegal. Later, investors quietly arranged a diploma - but not in science.” /.End ID]
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[Image ID: Excerpt from court document Eberhard v. Musk (2009) - San Mateo County Court, CIV 484400. Two sections are highlighted. First highlighted section reads, “Musk has falsely claimed to have a degree in Physics from the University of Pennsylvania that he obtained in 1995, when he in fact has no such degree and the only degree he holds was obtained later than that. Upon information and belief, Musk's only known undergraduate degree is a Bachelor of Science in Economics, obtained from the University of Pennsylvania in May 1997.” Second highlighted section reads, “In various Securities Registration Statements filed for PayPal with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), Musk repeatedly represented himself as having received a B.S. in Physics from the University of Pennsylvania and a B.S. in Economics from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in 1995.” /.End ID]
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mynnthia · 2 years
DISCLAIMER: im not from the SWANA (south/west asia and north africa) region myself, but i saw this thread by little66bird on twitter (link to archived version) that was quite informative regarding SWANA character designs and making sure they don’t come off as orientalist! so i wanted to share for anyone who might be interested (with their permission)
below is the information, copied verbatim from the tweets (some tweets left out for length):
“A thread about what makes the character look Oriental and what doesn’t for anyone who wants to make an swana oc or story!! It will focus on mixing of desi and arab culture and how to differentiate between them!!
The most thing that people confused with is the headwear please don’t mix desi with arab headwear I didn’t put all types of swana headwear I just put here the ones that people may get confused by them
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There is a lot of types of desi headwear and in general desi headwear are usually very colorful so please be careful Arab headwear aren’t that colorful. You can change some of arab color of headwear in your design but some of them you can’t change or else it will look like a different headwear
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Also Jewelry and accessories can make the design look Oriental and we don’t want that please use references from real life don’t make inspiration from an inspiration just take references from real life
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Speaking of jewelry please don’t give your Muslim oc golden jewelry because men aren’t allowed to wear them They can only wear silver jewelry but even tho they don’t wear anything more then rings and watches
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Also Muslims aren’t allowed to have tattoos some of us put fake ones Also not all Arabs are Muslims In the gulf area there is just Muslims arab so it will not make since to make a Kuwaiti Christian oc Instead make an Egyptian Christian oc or any ether county
Also Bedouin women and amazigh women and ether cultures used to have tattoos and usually people can’t tell the difference between arab Bedouin tattoos and amazigh tattoos Here this may help you with your Bedouin oc if you want to give them tattoos by @siinlayth: [LINK]
Also don’t forget henna it’s something that worth giving your swana oc
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henna on the gulf is much simpler than other places and henna styles may different from place to another!!
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Styles of hijabs differences from place to place it will be so weird to give your oc an Arab hijab when the oc isn’t arab to begin with
Also if you oc from the gulf you can give them abaya since abaya is very popular there you can go crazy with the designs
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If you want to give your oc a veil make sure they are covering their entire body!!
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Also I forgot to include men who cover themselves it’s usually because they feel like it or because they are goofy as fuck these type of people like to do pranks I think it’s because when you cover your face you feel more Confident same thing with women who cover themselves
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Did you know that Muslim women who wear the niqab like Batman because he’s best Representation for Muslim women they can relate to him because we bother wear the same thing I don’t know how to explain it but when you wear the niqab you feel like your Batman
Why do I keep forgetting things yah also this please know the difference between swana clothes they aren’t the same
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Also there is a lot of styles for the shemagh and please draw it like the way it looks like don’t make it look like a mushroom. For those who don’t understand Arabic this pictures Are for Passport Officers they show the styles that you can used for your photo for the job”
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edit (11 sep 2023): added link to archived version of the twitter thread; replaced henna image to be a screenshot of several images
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classifiedinterests · 3 years
making the supernatural fandom more accessible
hey fellow spn fans!! what if we all teamed up to make the spn tumblr experience more accessible?
it sucks that some of the best posts this fandom churns out are completely unreadable to bloggers who use screen readers (or heck, even to people whose wifi sucks so that images never load).
take the amazing scripts that we’re currently so pumped about -- imagine you use a screen reader (if you don’t), and you hear fellow fans going completely feral over content you can’t access. you want to be in on the hype! but you have zero clue why everyone’s screaming about windmills or whatever, because the scripts getting shared are un-captioned screenshots.
...and then there are posts that are just. walls of text! which is really difficult for certain neurodivergent folks to read, such as those with adhd. being aware of that when making original posts (or comments) and adding more paragraph breaks -- and possibly even spicing up the text by bolding important parts, etc. -- is an easy fix for that!
so. here’s my proposal: each one of us commits to whatever level of effort is possible for us (given each person’s unique time, energy, abilities, etc.) in the joint effort to improve accessibility.
Level 1: the ID hunter.
when you go to reblog any spn post that includes images (whether that’s gifs, screenshots, fanart, etc.), check in the notes to see if someone else has added an image description already!
if they have, reblog from them so that the image description spreads further.
"BUT what if someone added the image description before certain commentary was added to the post, and i wanna reblog the post with those extra comments?”
Well, i can’t speak for everyone who creates image descriptions, but i for one don’t care if someone copies & pastes my ID so that they can add it to their own reblog. i don’t care that my blog’s no longer connected to the image description i wrote -- so long as the ID is spread, i’m happy!
Level 2: the copy-paste monster.
when you love another fan’s tags enough to add them to the post -- do so by copy & pasting them, not by screenshotting them!
for your own posts or comments: if you’re sharing, say, a quote from an article or a fanfic or a tweet, do so by copy & pasting the quote instead of taking a screenshot.
if someone else has already shared a screenshot from an article, fanfic, or tweet, and you have a link to the original, do the extra legwork to go to the source, copy and paste, and make an ID.
Level 3: the fandom angel.
If you have the ability, time, and energy to type out image descriptions for spn posts that don’t yet have one, please do it!
If even just a few of us commit to creating even just one ID per day each, that will add up!
And, of course, if you’re making your own post, give it an ID right there in the original posting, if you’re able! I understand that not everyone has the spoons (/time/energy/ability) to do this, and that’s okay. But those who can, please do!
Tumblr now allows you to put alt text on images, so you can do it that way or the old-fashioned way of just including your image description in the text of the post.
Not sure how to write an image description? This post offers some truly comprehensive advice on how to write IDs for various types of content, from photos to fanart to charts to screenshots of text.
By the way, I’ve seen folks ask that you don’t put the ID under a readmore. Keep it easy to access!
Nervous that you’re not gonna write an ID right? First off, practice makes perfect -- you’ll improve with time. I’m pretty sure that an imperfect or incomplete ID is better than no ID at all -- hopefully someone else will come along to reblog with any necessary corrections to whatever ID you write!
Level 4: the man of letters (gn).
You’re going above and beyond what this post advises -- you’re also out there coming up with and implementing other ways to improve accessibility!
Maybe you’re a blogger who uses a screen reader yourself, with more you want to add to this post from your own experience.
Maybe you’ll choose to seek out bloggers who use screen readers themselves -- or who have other accessibility needs -- so you can learn straight from them what their needs are.
Maybe it’s something else! I don’t know, but I do know this post is incomplete -- so please, share your ideas for other ways we can all work together to improve our fandom.
None of us has to do everything, but most of us can do something. If enough of us take even just small steps, we can create a more accessible fandom. Who’s with me?
If you’re in, please reblog this post so word can spread!
(I’m closing this by tagging some bloggers whom i’m hoping might be interested in helping me spread this around, because i am Not A Big Name in this fandom and can’t do it by myself! Let me know if you want me to un-tag you.)
@sunforgrace​ @castiellesbian​ @plantdadcas​ @jenderstudies​ @youchangedmedean​ @meadowdean​ @winchestersingerautorepair​ @phoebenatural​ @steveyockey​ @bedlund @seraphcastiel​ @marcusantonius @marynatural​ @redwing​ @t4tdeanwinchester​ @spn-brainrot​ @lobotomycas​ @samdyke​ @deanwinchesterforbatman2k21 @themanwhowouldbefruit @4x01​ @thatisahotsoup
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smute · 2 years
not adding this to the og post because i dont wanna start any drama but some people were commenting on that "he put his whole pussy into it" screenshot that it was a common AAVE phrase that's been appropriated into an internet meme.
now dont get me wrong, that is definitely a real problem, especially when such phrases are stripped of their original context and nuance gets lost — point is, im not trying to invalidate those criticisms and im not interested in proving anyone wrong, howeverrrrrr... in this case i have my doubts about it being an original expression rather than a simple variation of "to put one's whole heart (and soul) into something" ...u know occam's razor and all that.
so as a linguist mentally ill person i got curious and. yeah. anyway the oldest instance of the phrase that i could find on google is this tweet from may 9, 2020 about a trader joe's bagel seasoning blend.
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you do get some results from before 2020 but those are either recent comments on older sites, the dates of which google uses to sort the results, or they're talking about literal pussy lmao
anyway i also searched these corpora for the string "whole pussy into"
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and only got 2 results in the NOW corpus
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which led me to this quote on jezebel.com from december 31, 2020
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i did the same thing using the corpus of regional african american language (CORAAL) and i did a google n-gram search both with zero results.
so do with that what you will
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wigglebox · 3 years
Good morning good morning. 
This is like, my third attempt at writing this because Tumblr keeps fucking me over lol. Happy Friday the 13th. 
When the drama in late-June happened I mostly ignored it, choosing instead to focus excitement on the prequel and what it would mean by having Robbie Thompson there and just having new content added to this SCU [SPN cinematic universe lol]. 
However it’s a month and a half later and this New York Times article got me a little miffed. It reads as an attempt to save face, a hollow attempt at PR redemption, and, as usual with PR, gaslighting and tone-deafness up the ass. 
Going to start with this paragraph first:
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This is why I’m so annoyed and frustrated. Either Jarpad is the most tactless and clueless guy when it comes to his own words and statements, in which Jesus Christ why are you having him do press by himself — OR he’s the smartest guy out there which would also make him the biggest asshole. 
[should state now for the record I don’t hate this man, I’m just frustrated and exasperated at this point]
This bullshit “uwu it’s hard to convey tone over social media’ and ‘uwu i just wanted to let people know I wasn’t keeping secrets from them’ attempt to gloss over what happened is, in my opinion, such blatant gaslighting that I couldn’t believe I was actually reading that. 
Let’s take a look at these two tweets [screenshots taken from here]:
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That’s not someone who’s struggling for the right words, that’s someone who got angry and fired off tweets before his brain could catch up and tell him it wasn’t a good idea. And this time it’s not some Delta worker or a random person at a restaurant, it’s his former co-workers. 
Like this tweet to Robbie especially is not someone who is concerned about tone. If anything, he’s thinking exactly about tone because he’s choosing specific words and even hashtagging them:
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And yeah sure he deleted that Robbie tweet but we remembered it, and we also remembered how there wasn’t any public apology for it. 
Speaking of apologies, his apologies after were PR-based and stupid, first telling us not to attack anyone, so basically standing by his words, and then the real PR apology that felt really manufactured. 
Another thing that irritates me is that if he read the damn article he would have seen it was a script commitment. According to him, Jensen told him the next morning that nothing had even been shot yet, when, duh it’s a script commitment. Jarpad should know what those are — he’s the EP for his own fucking show.
Gutted, coward, etc etc — that’s not someone who’s thinking about how to keep things civil — and indeed — if he was trying to do that he would have messaged these people privately before taking to twitter. This was a cry baby hissy fit, nothing less. 
Moving on from that fun trip to Gaslight Land — 
This part of the article also pissed me off:
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Like — does he listen to himself or anything? That’s what you made. You are a white male in a law enforcement position on this show. Sure there are more family elements to it but it’s still a cop show. It’s not a procedural cop show but a cop show nonetheless.
And I dislike the origin story he keeps peddling in these PR interviews about the show. Seeing an article in 2018 of a border guard who questioned himself after seeing children in prison does not lead to a cop show reboot from a pop culture classic. Where’s the connection, other than “cop guy feels bad”. 
It’s just such a tone-deaf thing to say, really, that you weren’t interested in making a tall, white, straight law enforcement character kicking minorities in the face. I haven’t watched it in detail, so IDK if he does ever roundhouse a person of color in the face, but you still made a show about a white man who’s a Texas Ranger. A group, I may add, that’s had some controversial history (like all of law enforcement really but still). 
You could have actually done something with a border crossing guard having a crisis of faith. Maybe make the guard a third-generation Mexican immigrant, or really the son or daughter of any immigrant from Central/South America who’s wrestling with identity or something. Something other than a stale reboot of a pop culture show from back in the day that has nothing to do with the origin story you keep repeating in all these interviews. 
I’m not going to go into every line about the article, those two bits just really stood out to me the most.
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