#Adele/Work by Adele
steven-myself · 9 months
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"54" - Adel Bouteldja photographed by Baldovino Barani for FACTORY Fanzine
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amelias-art · 2 months
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we hit LL2 which means NEW FRAMES!! i tried to mimic the lancer art style a bit hehe
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roberrtphilip · 10 months
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Beauty and the Beast (1991) // Enchanted (2007)
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sirazaroff · 5 months
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Coco’s only big spoon
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necrotic-nephilim · 1 month
For the ask game: AU where during Tim's search for Bruce, Ra's agrees to help him on one condition: Tim will sleep with him. (It's probably some kind of scheme on Ra's part.) How their dynamic would change with more overt sexual undertone underlying their interactions...
for the ask game!
UGH i love this type of thing so much. in my heart, this is canon. to me. Ra'sTim my fucked up beloveds you two are so terrible for each other.
so what i think is fun and often misunderstood in fanon is that Tim didn't go to Ra's, Ra's went to Tim. so it's even more fun if Ra's goes to Tim, and has that condition he holds over Tim's head. offering all of Ra's' resources, full access to his computers, someone just genuinely believing Tim and working with him. i think, a lot of it would be a mind game for Ra's. sure he wants to fuck Tim, but more than that, he wants to see Tim's reaction. he expects an immediate no, in the way Tim is so hesitant to work with Ra's in the first place. he's pushing Tim's buttons and basically treating Tim like a rat in a maze. so when Tim says yes, and doesn't seem to hesitate too much. *that's* intriguing. because in a perfect world for Ra's, Tim says yes because of a genuine returned attraction. but Ra's isn't quite sure if that's the reason. it could just be because of Tim's search for Bruce. so Ra's would really push it, see how far he could take the sex. it's simple sex first, but Ra's gets more and more interesting each time. slowly working in kinks just to see where Tim draws the line in the sand, and if Ra's can convince Tim to cross that line.
on Tim's side, i think it's fun if you play with Tim being so deep in the closet he doesn't even realize he's bisexual, yet. so to him, sex with Ra's doesn't *really* count as sex. he knows Ra's is weirdly obsessed with him, and Tim wants to play that to his advantage. he likes the power that obsession gives him, within the League. so, if it takes some sex to satiate Ra's, Tim mentally views it as like, a training session. no worse than those unpleasant endurance trainings Bruce used to make them all do. and i like the accidental catch-22 of it. where at first, the sex does very little for Tim. but the more Ra's gets creative and kinky about it, the more Tim *actually* starts to enjoy it. Tim's bisexual crisis except it's over a centuries-old man showing him the joys of sadomasochism in an agreement that was supposed to be totally normal for Tim bc he just gets himself into these situations.
i think one of the biggest changes would be Tim's sheer amount of power and immunity in the League would be even higher. *everyone* can tell Ra's is fucking Tim, he's not really trying to hide it with the way he looks at Tim and touches him in front of everyone. Tim tries to stay clinical and professional, but you can only look so respected working when Ra's is basically stroking your chest as you work. there are whispers, people keep tellin Ra's not to trust this random son of the Bat, but no one will say it to Tim's face. it'd give Tim more power over Ra's' operation outside of the Bruce search. sure, Tim can't change the nature of the League of Assassins, but he can. tip the scales a bit. pull Ra's back from being lethal in certain situations, convince Ra's not to engage in other places. Tim is careful not to overextend this power so he doesn't lose it, but everyone else sees just how much power Tim has. he even start working on taking people out from under Ra's, when Tim goes nuclear and leaves. like how Tim basically steals Prudence, he steals some other younger Assassins he thinks he can convince to come to his side. because he's with Ra's, he starts to command a level of respect so it's not a difficult thing to do. sure, Tim's just the kid keeping Ra's' bed warm. but also, he's the kid *Ra's* deemed worthy enough to be involved with, so it's a double-edged sword of both disgust and respect held for Tim.
it's so funny to me if Tim starts to catch feelings. Ra's of course has feelings, but Tim has never noticed his feelings for a man before so he's fucking panicking internally. and worse, he's not doing a good job of hiding it. Ra's is perceptive and has centuries of experience on Tim. so he can tell. he sees the look on Tim's face when Ra's does a genuine romantic gesture with no strings attached. and that's when Ra's really leans into it. the sex is one thing, but now it's courting. gifts, pet names, kisses, praise, the whole nine yards. and Tim doesn't outwardly deny any of it because he just... doesn't know what to do with it. he could handle stupidly good sex. but this?? this is new territory. he's constantly reminding himself Ra's isn't a good person. which isn't hard to do but still, Tim's just a little torn internally. also. i think Ra's would at least try to kill Captain Boomerang, if not outright succeed, as a courting present for Tim. and Tim is *horrified*, but then again, in canon, he almost personally killed Boomerang. so maybe. there's something nice about having Boomerang dead, while escaping culpability. Ra's thinks his corruption crusade is working on Tim and is absolutely gloating about it. they even go on a proper date.
but, in the end, Tim still backstab Ra's. i think Ra's would still try to go for control of WI, but would be convinced Tim would be totally okay with it and offers to share control with Tim. that's how Tim betrays him, he's allowed to handle so much of the paperwork, Ra's has no idea until it all goes through that he actually has no control. it's The betrayal. because Tim will always betray his love for what he thinks is the right thing to do. the infamous scene, where Ra's kicks Tim out of a window would go a lot differently. instead of a dramatic fight, it's deeply wounded betrayal. in canon Ra's always knew Tim was never in his pocket, but in this AU, he was naive enough to fall for it. and he's angry. he's angry at Tim, angry at himself. i think he'd straight up try to kidnap Tim. less "kick Tim out a window" and more "intimately hold a knife to Tim's throat" vibes. they part ways, but there's still. something lingering. the bridge isn't fully burned and Ra's is still going to seek out Tim when he needs help, and Tim will seek out Ra's. they'll never trust each other again. but they also can't seem to stop loving each other. Tim hides it from the Batfamily and Ra's never gives Tim that level of control in the League again but. the "i didn't know who else to got to." moments are inevitable and there are whispers in the villain community about how you better be careful around Red Robin because if you're not, you'll piss off the Demon Head. unspoken, deadly protection while still sort of trying to kill each other.
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weisscoldglare · 1 year
Weiss Dressin’ Down 1
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Thank @texanredrose in inspiring a ludicrously long series to become so much longer and my hand for going along with it. Forewarning that this is the context: Dressin’ Down OG
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wolfgirlfloof · 8 months
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motogpnewbie · 8 days
Tik Tok made me feel things today Pt2
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thoughtsonkm · 19 days
if i may just add to that jungkook tone conversation, it really stood out to me because unlike in jeju and the few america clips they cut back to, where they were sat on separate chairs and talking/joking looking right at the camera - this was so different. I think that’s why it stood out so much, it was a sort of like a whiplash change of pace.
Jungkook speaking so softly and almost like a murmur, looking only at Jimin with his hand on his back (like in their last live together before ms🥲) and Jimin looking at the floor, not the cameras either - it did almost feel like a moment they thought might be cut? If that makes sense, like it was a comment just for them, but the editors decided to keep it in.
Just can’t get over how softly Jungkook said it. Especially in the show when he can be loud and jokey it was just such a sweet moment even though it was only a sentence or two💜💛 (To me Jimin looked a bit down, but as Jungkook has short hair, this will’ve been recorded when the trip is almost over, so perhaps he was sad to leave/reminiscing already and also the realisation that ms was now the next big thing ahead of them 😩🥺)
This is the end Hold your breath and count to ten Feel the Earth move, and then Hear my heart burst again For this is the end I've drowned and dreamt this moment So overdue, I owe them Swept away, I'm stolen
Where you go I go What you see I see I know I'd never be me without the security Of your loving arms keeping me from harm Put your hand in my hand and we'll stand
- Jikook (If we want to be dramatic and emo af about it 😭)
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cadrenebula · 22 days
Prompt #3: Tempest
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The sky ahead was darkening. Adelena frowned as she looked out over the rail at the approaching storm. Not a good sign. She'd seen plenty of storms in her time among the Sirens. This one was coming quickly and from the looks of things... It was coming in hard and violent.
Not what she wanted to deal with on this journey. She had faith in her skills of handling storms on boats but she didn't know these people. They weren't her sisters. There was no way for her to know how much skill these people had with storms. The last thing Adel felt like doing was rescuing people from the rough sea waters in a storm. Not that she couldn't do it, she'd done it before. Just not something she felt like doing today.
However this wasn't the Lady Infernal. This wasn't her sisters or her captain. As much as it itched to help, she was more trying to stay out of the way. Her traveling partner had already gone below deck out of the rain that was beginning to fall. Not Adel though. She'd ride out the storm above deck. Just in case. She didn't want the ship to go down if the storm got as wicked as she thought it might. Not if she could help it.
She'd be right here to help if she needed to. Even if it meant rescuing someone from the ocean.
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wanderer-clarisse · 2 years
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the countless stars of heaven's field
were mirrored in his silver shield.
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997 · 1 year
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follineo · 7 days
the most random doodles from ms paint
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ummmmmmm hello!!!
yesterday I decided to draw some cowboys, and today I finished this canvas in ms paint
I love ms paint so umm hehe :3c I never thought I'd doodle so much beyond my own oc but it was fun!!
(every character belong to @ghost-qwq (Besides Adele and my friend oc Ficus in the bottom right corner))
and now... CLOSE UP!
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and... its all for now
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plutorine · 19 days
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i'm cooking...
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sirazaroff · 4 months
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lumiereandcogsworth · 10 months
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tenerife sea - ed sheeran
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