#Adolescence sans mobile
le-journal-catalan · 7 months
La lutte contre les smartphone donnés trop tôt s'accélère
D’après vous pour Steve Jobs, l’inventeur des iPhone n’a jamais offert un écran à ses enfants ?La réponse est ici : https://www.waituntil8th.org/why-waitll y a une raison pour laquelle les hauts dirigeants de la Silicon Valley disent non au smartphone jusqu’à au moins 14 ans pour leurs enfants. En fait, il existe une longue liste de raisons et les parents doivent les connaître. Dans de nombreux…
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toughgirlchallenges · 4 months
Christine Yu - Journalist and Author of “UP TO SPEED: The Groundbreaking Science of Women Athletes”.
Christine Yu is an award-winning journalist whose work focuses on the intersection of sports science and women athletes. Her writing has appeared in Outside, The Washington Post, Time, Runner’s World, and other publications. She’s a lifelong athlete and yoga teacher who loves running, surfing, and skiing. She lives in Brooklyn, New York.
About the book: 
“In the past half-century, women have achieved remarkable progress in the realm of athletics. More women are participating in sports and maintaining an active lifestyle throughout their lives. Whether they're elite athletes striving for excellence or passionate amateurs enjoying their athletic pursuits, women deserve a sports culture that empowers them. 
This culture should offer training programs and equipment specifically designed to support their unique physiologies, along with nutrition and injury prevention guidelines grounded in scientific research and tailored to their individual experiences.
Unfortunately, women have often received guidance based on research that fails to consider their distinct experiences and physical characteristics. Much of what we've accepted as the standard in exercise and sports science is rooted solely in studies conducted on men.
But the landscape is changing for the better. Researchers are now conducting more inclusive studies to close the gender data gap. They're investigating how women can enhance their athletic performance, reduce the risk of injury, and maintain good health.
In 'Up to Speed,' sports and health journalist Christine Yu unravels myths and dissects gender bias in light of real science. She advocates for new approaches that empower female athletes to excel at every life stage, from adolescence through adulthood, encompassing pregnancy, menopause, and beyond. 
Christine delves into the latest research findings and shines a light on the researchers, athletes, and advocates challenging the status quo. They are pioneering innovative solutions to enhance the active and athletic lives of women and girls, ushering in a new era of gender equality in sports science and performance.”
The Tough Girl Podcast is being sponsored throughout January by ZOLEO. #ChallengeWithZOLEO
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Stay connected and safe while doing what you love.
Hit the subscribe button to stay updated on the incredible journeys and stories of tough women. New episodes LIVE every Tuesday and Thursday at 7am UK time.
Show notes
Who is Christine
Being based in New York
Growing up in Connecticut  before moving to San Francisco
Being sporty from a young age and always being active 
Getting into running, strength training and yoga
Working in the non profit sector for 10/15 years before making the switch to journalism
Wanting to write and tell more stories
Taking time off after having her first child
Combing her love for writing with her love for sports, science and health 
Wanting to focus on issues relating to women, women’s health and women’s sports
Being curious and wanting to know more 
The lack of easily accessible information available for women
Wanting to learn how to make her body more resilient
Wanting to improve her health and wanting to move her body in a way that makes her feel good
Wanting to be strong and healthy over the long term
The starting point with research
Knowledge from print magazines….. which wasn’t women specific 
Looking at more specific sports science research 
Dr Stacy Sims: ROAR 
The lack of knowledge for women who want to do strength training 
More women getting into strength training 
New Book: Up to Speed: The Groundbreaking Science of Women Athletes
Where the idea came from and how easy it was to get it published 
Only 6% of sports science (2014-2020) studies focus on issues related to women
Why do we know so much less about women’s physiology?
What are the implication due to the gender data gap?
What you can expect from the book - information on the menstrual cycle, breast health, sporting gear, injury rates and chapters devoted to the life stages of a women’s life
‘Women are Not Small Men: a paradigm shift in the science of nutrition’ - TED Talk 
How to study women with the challenges of women’s menstrual cycle
The blindspots in science 
Leaving women out of the narrative
Hormones related to the menstrual cycle and how they can impact performance 
Noticing the trends when tracking your period
Don’t blame yourself - blame your hormones 
Peri-menopause and menopause where is the science?
Food and nutrition 
Weight and performance 
Relative energy deficiency in sport (RED-S)
How to connect with Christine
Final words of advice for women who want to learn more about the science
Pay attention to your own body, track your cycle and see how your body responds throughout the month
Dr Stacy Sims 
Feisty Menopause 
Be a critical consumer of the media you are consuming  
  Social Media
Instagram: @cyu888 
Substack: christinemyu.substack.com 
Book: Up to Speed: The Groundbreaking Science of Women Athletes
  Check out this episode!
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oenodyssee · 8 months
Le tracteur à pédales
Le tracteur à pédales
Chez Bastien et Émilie Boustareaud / La Ferme viticole / Saint-Rémy-de-Provence / 4 hectares
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Quels liens secrets, quels échos, unissent mes passages d’un domaine à l’autre ? Font-ils sens s’ils m’apparaissent ou relèvent-ils de la coïncidence anecdotique ?
Leur identification n’est peut-être qu’une des conséquences du nomadisme. On se met en route, l’attention aux détails, à leur mémorisation et à leurs interprétations s’accroit. J’y vois une forme de paléoréflexe (de survie) réveillé par les aléas d’un déplacement au grand air. Voyager est un affut de signes.
Cette Tarasque, par exemple, qui me talonne depuis ma traversée du Rhône, cette Tarasque va-t-elle me rattraper ? Me foudroyer ou me noyer ? Toute l’après-midi j’ai tenté de décrypter la trajectoire de ses coups de boutoirs, l’écartement de ses morsures électriques. Difficile, tiens, durant cette fuite à travers le Trébon, de ne pas penser à Léo Seguin, vigneron et chasseur d’éclairs, qui aurait usé des mêmes indices pour foncer vers l’orage.
Tiens, c’est justement depuis Le Mas des Roquets, il y a deux jours, que j’avais appelé Bastien Boustareaud, pour lui proposer d’accueillir Rhapsode. Bastien m’ayant répondu à la vitesse de – ! – c’est, chez lui,  à La Ferme viticole, Chemin Monplaisir, 13210 Saint-Rémy de Provence, que j’ai débarqué il y a quelques heures. En nage mais sec de pluie.
Dans le coin, on métonymise encore Bastien du nom de sa première cuvée, Clandestino (2012), produite avec deux rangs laissés par un ami et d’autres grains grapillonnés ici et là – sans guère d'autorisations.
Il faut dire que ce grand gaillard volubile porte plutôt bien son titre. Tu es à peine arrivé chez lui que tu es déjà dans une  voiture à sillonner les voies parallèles de la contrée, à écouter le récit d’un retour en garrigue (où comment un sommelier du cru passé par une cave chic à Paris et les croisières de luxe en Alaska en vient au vin naturel et aux arbres fruitiers) ; à peine rentré que le voilà éclipsé dans l'une de ses micro parcelles insérée dans les Alpilles  pour un conciliabule avec un ami magnétiseur ;  à peine revenu qu’il t’embarque dans son garage pour te présenter son vélo-tracteur électrique, conçu et fabriqué maison, pour les traitements biodynamiques : en remplacement du pulvérisateur dorsal et en complément du cheval occasionnel.
Maintenant je suis dans le jardin, en performance. Nous sommes sept. Trois voisins qui mériteraient chacun un portrait et l’équipe Boustareaud : Émilie, Bastien, et leurs deux enfants, Baptiste et Lucien. Invité par l’endroit – potager permacultivé, comptoir surmonté d’une treille, hémicycle des grands arbres, proscenium gazonné , pré non fauché en fond de scène, oiseaux et insectes – j’ai proposé, tiens, comme chez les Gavarches de Sommière, une version mobile de Rhapsode.
Où en sommes-nous ?  À la septième lune peut-être, quelques goutes d'Esprit Libre (Nielluccio, Sciaccarello, Cinsault, Aramon et quelques hybrides en macération carbonique) dans le sang, bien accordés, ayant inclus dans notre cercle cette drôle de stèle portant relief d’une divinité manifestement soiffarde – qui m’attirait depuis un moment. Plus tard Bastien dira son adolescence passée à Tahiti et je comprendrai l’origine de ce Dionysos-de-pierre-là. Et me souviendrai aussi, tiens, du livre de Bronislaw Malinowski, précurseur de l’ethnologie contemporaine, qui attendait sur ma table de chevet au Mas des Roquets : les Argonautes du Pacifique occidental.
Et donc ? Donc rien. Juste des marques, des concordances, des entrées et des sorties, juste des rapprochements glanés plus ou moins clandestinement, par pur plaisir, avec mon cheval à pédales. Réjouissons-nous : c’est gratuit.
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dan6085 · 10 months
Here are 20 NGO health programs that have made significant contributions to improving healthcare and public health around the world:
1. Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF): MSF is an international medical humanitarian organization that provides emergency medical assistance to people affected by armed conflicts, epidemics, and natural disasters.
2. Partners in Health (PIH): PIH is a global health organization that provides healthcare to impoverished communities around the world, with a focus on infectious disease treatment and prevention.
3. The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria: The Global Fund is a partnership between governments, civil society, the private sector, and affected communities that mobilizes and invests resources to fight AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria.
4. The Carter Center: The Carter Center works to prevent and resolve conflicts, promote democracy, and advance human rights, with a focus on improving access to healthcare in underserved communities.
5. Save the Children: Save the Children is a global non-profit organization that works to improve the lives of children through education, healthcare, and emergency response.
6. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation: The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is a private foundation that focuses on global health and development, with a particular emphasis on eradicating infectious diseases like polio and malaria.
7. CARE: CARE is a humanitarian organization that works to fight poverty and social injustice, with a focus on women and girls. Its health programs include maternal and child health, reproductive health, and HIV/AIDS prevention.
8. The International Rescue Committee (IRC): The IRC is a humanitarian organization that provides emergency relief and long-term assistance to refugees and other displaced people around the world, with a focus on healthcare, education, and economic development.
9. The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF): UNICEF works to improve the lives of children around the world through education, healthcare, and protection from violence, exploitation, and abuse.
10. The World Health Organization (WHO): The WHO is a specialized agency of the United Nations that works to improve global health by providing technical assistance, setting norms and standards, and coordinating international health programs.
11. The Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI): CHAI works to improve access to healthcare and reduce healthcare costs in low- and middle-income countries, with a focus on HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other infectious diseases.
12. The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF): IPPF works to promote sexual and reproductive health and rights around the world, with a focus on providing family planning services and preventing the spread of sexually transmitted infections.
13. Oxfam: Oxfam is a global organization that works to fight poverty and social injustice, with a focus on healthcare, education, and economic development. Its health programs include water and sanitation, HIV/AIDS prevention, and maternal and child health.
14. The Population Council: The Population Council conducts research and provides technical assistance to improve health and development outcomes, with a focus on reproductive health, HIV/AIDS prevention, and child and adolescent health.
15. The International Medical Corps (IMC): IMC provides emergency medical assistance and long-term healthcare services to people affected by conflict, disaster, and disease outbreaks around the world.
16. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC): The IFRC is a global humanitarian network that provides emergency relief and long-term assistance to people affected by disasters and other crises, with a focus on healthcare and disaster preparedness.
17. PATH: PATH is a global health organization that develops and implements innovative solutions to improve health outcomes, with a focus on reproductive health, maternal and child health, and infectious disease prevention and treatment.
18. The Center for Global Health and Development (CGHD): The CGHD is a research center at Boston University that conducts research and provides technical assistance to improve health outcomes in low- and middle-income countries, with a focus on infectious diseases, health systems strengthening, and health policy.
19. HealthRight International: HealthRight International works to promote the right to health and access to healthcare for vulnerable populations around the world, with a focus on women and children, people living with HIV/AIDS, and refugees and other displaced people.
20. The Gavi Alliance: The Gavi Alliance is a public-private partnership that works to increase access to vaccines in low- and middle-income countries, with a focus on preventing diseases like pneumonia, diarrheal disease, and cervical cancer.
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Comment savoir si vos enfants sont sur Tinder?
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Vos enfants passent beaucoup de temps sur leurs mobiles? Leur comportement subit-il un étrange changement? Vos enfants pourraient être sur Tinder. Vous devez surveiller vos enfants en secret pour vous assurer qu'ils ne franchissent aucune limite avec l'âge.
Tinder est extrêmement populaire auprès des jeunes et surtout des adolescents, avec 10 millions d'utilisateurs quotidiens. Il y a deux communautés, 18 ans et plus, puis il y a les 13 à 17 ans, ce qui pourrait être extrêmement problématique car les enfants sont rapides sur leurs impulsions.
Menaces contre les enfants sur Tinder
Selon une estimation récente, 7% des utilisateurs de Tinder ont entre 13 et 17 ans. Ce sont des chiffres effrayants car les étudiants ne devraient pas devenir intimes à cet âge. Une statistique a révélé qu'environ 1,5 million d'élèves du secondaire ont été maltraités par un partenaire amoureux.
Découvrez ce que font vos enfants sur Tinder. OBTENEZ SPYMASTER PRO
Ces chiffres devraient suffire à vous avertir des dangers de vos adolescents sur Tinder, cela aussi à un si jeune âge. Il y a des dangers évidents pour vos enfants sur ces applications de rencontres. Jetons un bref coup d'œil à ces menaces en ligne : -
1. Distorsion de leur valeur
En plus des médias sociaux, les applications de rencontres sont encore plus brutales pour décider de votre valeur. Ces sites ne font qu'ajouter au concept de relations basées sur l'apparence, ce qui peut nuire considérablement à l'estime de soi de vos enfants pendant longtemps.
Ils doivent également être à un âge émotionnellement mûr pour utiliser ces sites de rencontres comme Tinder. Vous devez avoir une décision calme et informative avec eux au préalable. Ils sont nouveaux dans les relations et peuvent avoir des conséquences négatives à long terme.
2. Prédateurs
Les adolescents espèrent se connecter avec d'autres adolescents sur Tinder, mais les choses ne sont jamais aussi simples. Puisqu'il est si facile de mentir sur son âge sur le site, celui-ci devient un refuge pour les prédateurs sexuels. Ils ont tendance à s'attaquer aux adolescents manipulateurs.
Les prédateurs profitent du fait que les adolescents ne sont pas matures en matière de relations et qu'ils aiment booster les likes qu'ils obtiennent. Le fait que les personnes âgées les aiment leur donne de la joie mais oublie les dangers dans lesquels cela les met.
3. Risque de confidentialité
La vie privée est un risque considérable à l'ère numérique, car nous passons tous beaucoup de temps sur nos mobiles. Être sur les sites de médias sociaux et Tinder ne fait que faciliter la tâche des pirates informatiques pour mettre en danger la vie privée de quelqu'un. Étant donné que les adolescents sont généralement prompts à partager, il s'agit d'une préoccupation plus importante.
Ils sont à un âge où la validation rapide devient une grande priorité pour eux. Les enfants mettent leurs informations personnelles sur Tinder sans trop réfléchir. De plus, les pirates franchissent rapidement le peu de cryptage dont dispose le site et utilisent les informations personnelles selon leur volonté.
4. Risques émotionnels
Les applications de rencontres comme Tinder peuvent mettre les enfants non seulement physiquement en danger lorsqu'ils rencontrent des étrangers, mais leur état émotionnel peut également être à risque. Ils développent encore leurs compétences sociales et interpersonnelles à ce stade de leur vie.
Les adolescents pensent qu'ils peuvent être sur le site pour une connexion rapide et amusante. Mais ils ne sont pas prêts pour les conséquences émotionnelles des résultats de tels incidents. Ces cicatrices émotionnelles peuvent avoir des conséquences à long terme.
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5. Danger étranger
Tinder n'est pas fait pour les amitiés platoniques. Toutes les discussions sont censées mener à une réunion, qui est le point final du site. Il est censé faciliter les rencontres entre étrangers, mais il y a un danger inhérent à ces rencontres pour des raisons évidentes.
Ces raisons évidentes sont quelque chose que les adolescents sont prompts à rejeter. Les criminels, les délinquants sexuels non enregistrés, etc. recherchent de nouvelles façons de nuire aux adolescents, et des sites comme Tinder leur fournissent une plate-forme sécurisée pour le faire.
Comment utiliser une application espion pour surveiller le Tinder de votre enfant?
Tinder est une épée à plusieurs tranchants de nos jours. D'une part, il connecte des personnes qui ne se rencontreraient jamais en ces temps mouvementés et favorise les relations interpersonnelles. D'autre part, il est largement utilisé à mauvais escient pour faciliter le crime par de nombreuses personnes.
Il n'y a pas de meilleure solution que Spymaster Pro
Des exemples comme Danuel Drayton, un tueur en série présumé qui a utilisé Tinder pour commettre des agressions sexuelles et des meurtres, qui a été arrêté en juillet 2018 dans une chambre d'hôtel à Los Angeles. Par conséquent, une aplicativo de espionagem de tinder est une solution pratique pour surveiller de près leurs activités.
Une application d'espionnage peut vous fournir : -
Conversations sur Tinder
Nom du contact
Photos et vidéos partagées
Vos enfants sont-ils sur Tinder ? Pensez-vous qu'ils passent trop de temps sur le site ? Leur comportement a-t-il été bizarre ces derniers temps? Obtenez application pour espionner fiable et fiable pour espionner vos enfants afin d'obtenir des informations sur leurs activités secrètes. De nombreux parents utilisent déjà de telles applications pour assurer la sécurité.
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sarah-stuff · 2 years
Everything About Faye Hadley: Wiki, Net Worth, Bio, Married, Husband and Salary
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Who is Faye Hadley:
Faye Hadley is listed as a licenced psychotherapist, gifted mechanic, mentor, and businesswoman. She is first and foremost her parents' daughter and wife; more on that later. She founded Woman and Machine, a school for young females that offers advanced mechanics classes, and she presently serves as its founder.
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The Early life: She was born on September 25, 1986, as Faye Hadley. American nationality is what Faye Hadley holds due to her American birthplace. She practises Christianity. Her father earned his Ph.D. at MIT. She excelled in school from a young age because of her aptitude for learning. In middle school, she realised that she wanted to work as a mechanic. However, she felt compelled to attend Harvard University after being admitted. In 2010, she graduated from Harvard University with a degree in psychology, and she immediately began working as a therapist. She wasn't content, though. "My mother observed that I was happiest when working on a car-related issue. "Faye, you have nothing to prove to anyone," she said. You only have one life, Hadley says in her memory. "I sobbed. I called my employer after that, gave two weeks' notice, and moved to Portland. Ten years later, Hadley relocated to San Antonio and Canyon Lake, where she established Pistons & Pixie Dust, a mobile repair service that also provides training on fundamental and advanced mechanics for women. "After my first term at Harvard, I experienced a crisis in my early years. After examinations, I was making my way to my apartment when I spotted this Volkswagen GTI with an Alaskan licence plate. I knew I wanted to travel the United States after the owner informed me that he was doing so. I consequently dropped all of my on-campus classes for the following semester and enrolled in as many online courses as I could, which was just enough to get the 12 credits I required to maintain my scholarship.I bought a GTI with the money I had saved, and I embarked on a long road trip," she said. Soon, more details about her early years, parents, siblings, and other things will be added. 2019 saw the celebration of her 33rd birthday. Her age is therefore 33. Married life: Even before she knew she was destined for success, Faye Hadley found her significant other fairly early. On September 25, 2016, her birthday, she was married to Brandon Hadley, her closest friend and confidant. Her close friends and both families were there to witness the event, but we didn't get an invitation. Faye Hadley and her husband's shared love story began long before 2015. On December 25th, 2015, he posted their first Instagram picture together while gushing over her. Since then, they have been dating and have travelled the nation together on his motorcycle. After nearly two years of dating, Brandon asked her to marry him at the beginning of 2016, and she happily accepted. He presently works as a wood artist, and he has a tonne of examples of his work all over Instagram. It's probably safe to assume that she wed a handyman similar to herself. The pair is not currently planning to have children, but we can't completely rule out the possibility. Education: Faye did well in the academics she took at school. Ph.D. of her father She was greatly impacted by MIT during her adolescence. In middle school, she had made the decision that she wanted to be a mechanic. However, she realised she had to go when admitted to Harvard University. Faye experienced her first early-life crisis during her first semester of college. She wasn't sure if going to college was the correct decision. School Local High School College/University Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts Qualification Degree in Psychology Carrier: She began working as a therapist after earning her psychology degree, which she did for a living. She wasn't content with the work she had picked up, though. After that, she relocated to Portland in order to accomplish her objectives. At the end, Hadley performed free labour at a garage. She attended a neighbourhood community college when she was younger and took a few classes there. After that, Hadley started working for a Toyota dealership. She made effective use of her time there. She gained fresh knowledge. She received numerous Toyota certifications. Hadley agreed to work in a different garage after that. The antique automobiles are the garage's specialty. Piston & PixieDust (mobile car repair and education by women and for women) is the name of her own auto repair and education foundation in San Antonio, Texas. Additionally, she conducts numerous popular hands-on courses for women. Just two examples of the topics she covers in her lectures include how to buy and sell an automobile without being taken advantage of. She also discusses the fundamentals of engine design. Faye Hadley TV Shows: Faye Hadley joined the cast of the popular Motor Trend TV programme "All Girls Garage," which first featured all-girl mechanics and automobile enthusiasts, since she is succeeding well in the automotive sector and has excellent expertise and skills. A character in the programme is Faye with Sarah' Bogi' Lateiner, previously Cristy Lee. This programme is intended to inspire women and girls interested in the automotive industry to pursue this line of work. Additionally, they share some auto repair advice and lessons learned and demonstrate how they work with customers to turn their old car into a new one or repair any car. Faye Hadley works not only on "All Girls Garage," but also on the reality programme "Motor MythBusters." Faye collaborates on this programme with Tory Belleci, Bisi Ezerioha, and other celebrities who reveal the reality about common misconceptions in the auto business. In addition to these, she was highlighted in a programme called "Best of Top Gear," which also featured a number of Hot Rod Designers and Reality Show Stars. She amassed thousands of fans on social media and rose to fame on reality TV shows. Physical States: Height 5’8″ (in ft. & in.) 1.72 m (in meters) 172 cm (in centimeters){Approx.} Weight 121 lbs. (in pounds) 55 kg (in kilograms) {Approx.} Eyes Color Brown Hairs Color Black Body Measurements Not Known Body Type Slim & Fit Faye Hadley Net Worth: The majority of Faye Hadley's income comes from her employment as an auto technician. She started the mobile automotive repair and instruction business Pixie & PixieDust. Her monetary value is roughly $65,000. Interesting Facts About Faye Hadley: - In the early 2000s, Jesse, an automobile expert, introduced Faye to the local VW club, where various motor specialists gather. Jesse afterwards served as Faye's mentor. Jesse taught her a lot about engine swaps and motor repairs. - Faye initially works another job for the government testing EPA, coolant, fuel, oil, and other automobile components and items. She leaves and enrols in various classes to gain a solid understanding of automotive and abilities because she enjoys educating and teaching people about it. After that, she opened "Pistons and Pixie Dust," her own garage. - Sarah Bogi was the proprietor of the Phoenix, Arizona-based All Girls Garage. The show's stars include Sarah as well. Rachel De Barros, the previous co-host, took over for Faye. - Faye is a Toyota Specialist and an ASE Certified Master Technician. Social Media Accounts of Faye Hadley: Faye Hadley, who strives to amplify the voices of women worldwide, has 55.7K subscribers on her YouTube channel. She has more than 38.6K followers on Instagram and uses both platforms to instruct her admirers on automotive topics. She also conducts practical daylong instruction seminars at car workshops located all throughout the nation. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MechanicalFaye/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/suprafaye Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@fayehadleyofficial? Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/FayeHadley Read the full article
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funinformatique · 2 years
Quand on est parent, il y a un moment qui est très compliqué, c’est quand vous devez laisser vos enfants aller à l'école ou bien à l'abri de bus le plus proche sans que vous ne puissiez l’accompagner. Cette étape, la plupart du temps, se passe bien forcément. Mais c’est assez normal qu'en tant que parent, on reste inquiet de toute cette situation. Dès lors, on peut chercher des solutions pour se rassurer. L’une des solutions qui peuvent vous apparaître viables, c’est donc de passer par une puce GPS que vous pourriez mettre sur votre enfant pour pouvoir suivre ses monuments si besoin. Mais-est ce vraiment légal ? Et quand bien même c’est légal, est-ce vraiment souhaitable ? Il est impossible de tracer un enfant avec une puce GPS Bon, commençons par une première chose, il est impossible d'implanter une puce GPS sur votre enfant. En effet, pour mettre une puce, vous allez devoir forcément passer par une petite intervention chirurgicale. Or, on parle bien ici de votre enfant. Est-ce que vous avez vraiment envie de lui faire subir cela ? Le plus souvent la réponse est non. Surtout que comme on va le voir dans la suite de l'article, il existe tout un tas d'autres moyens de faire. Vous n'êtes toujours pas convaincu ? Gardez en tête que ce traceur GPS, il va aussi falloir l'enlever à un moment et que pour cela, vous allez de nouveau devoir faire passer votre enfant par la case chirurgie. Enfin, si quand il est enfant cela peut se comprendre et ce ne sera pas trop gênant, quand il va devenir adolescent par contre, la question de la moralité d'une telle pratique va pouvoir commencer à se poser. En effet, est-il moral de localiser son adolescence alors que justement c’est à cette période de la vie qu’il doit commencer à prendre des décisions par lui-même et à développer son sens moral ? Il y a de quoi douter. Est-ce même légal ? Mais alors, est-ce illégal de mettre une puce GPS sur son enfant ? En soi, pas vraiment étant donné que tant qu’il est mineur, c’est la figure parentale qui va faire office de consentement pour l'enfant. Toutefois, comme on vous le disait au passé, si ce n'est pas forcément illégal, est-ce bien moral ? De plus, si l'enfant est en mesure de comprendre ce qu'il se passe, serait-il d'accord pour tout cela. Il y a des chances que non et c’est pour cette raison qu’on vous déconseille fortement de penser à la puce GPS comme un bon moyen de suivre vos enfants, même si vous êtes angoissé par la situation. De plus, comme on vient de vous le dire, il existe tout un tas d’autres alternatives qui vous permettent de faire un suivi pour vous rassurer tout en veillant à être beaucoup moins invasif qu’en implantant directement une puce dans l'organisme de votre enfant ! Utiliser des traceurs GPS En effet, la première technique que nous allons vous conseiller si jamais vous voulez suivre votre enfant, c’est d'utiliser un boîtier GPS. L’idée est simple, ce boitier envoie en continu la position de votre enfant par GPS. Souvent, vous n'avez alors qu'à utiliser une application mobile ou un site web et vous avez en deux clics la position de votre enfant. C’est certes un boitier un peu encombrant, mais il se place bien dans un cartable par exemple. Ainsi, vous pouvez suivre votre enfant sur le chemin de l'école ou du bus et vous assurer que tout va bien pour lui. Vous avez peur qu’il ne se retrouve éloigné de son cartable et que vous ne puissiez plus le suivre ? Sur le net, vous pouvez même trouver des collections de vêtements spécialisées pour accueillir des traceurs GPS. Ici, l’idée est alors très simple, vous allez avoir des vêtements avec des poches que vous pouvez refermer et où vous allez pouvoir mettre directement le traceur GPS de sorte que même si l’enfant est séparé de son cartable, le traceur le suive toujours. Généralement, ces vêtement sont faits pour que ce boitier reste discret et passe inaperçu dans la vie de tous les jours. Sachez en plus que généralement, ces vêtements sont adaptés aux enfants atteints de troubles autistiques.
Ainsi ces vêtements sont réversibles et surtout, ils sont dépourvus de boutons ou de fermeture éclair dans lesquels votre enfant pourrait se blesser lors de l’une de ses crises. C’est donc un très bon choix si votre ensemble souffre de ce problème. Utiliser une application mobile Si votre enfant est jeune, le traceur GPS est la meilleure solution que vous pouvez mettre en place. Mais s'il est plus vieux, il y a une solution beaucoup plus pratique et surtout plus facile à utiliser. En effet, quand ils vont commencer à devenir adolescent, ils vont forcément avoir un téléphone portable et on peut compter sur eux pour qu'il ne le quitte jamais lors de leur journée et parfois même la nuit. Dès lors, au lieu de vous encombrer d’un boîtier GPS que vous allez devoir recharger et que votre adolescent risque d'oublier une fois sur deux, pourquoi ne pas passer directement par son portable pour le suivi GPS ? En effet, il existe aujourd'hui des applications qui sont assez simples. Généralement, leur fonctionnement est le suivant, vous les téléchargez sur les deux téléphones portables que vous allez ensuite relier. Ensuite, vous n'aurez qu’à lancer l'application pour pouvoir connaître la position GPS de votre enfant quand vous le souhaitez. En plus, il y a aussi possibilité de mettre en veille cela pour laisser de la liberté à votre enfant. Une technique encore plus simple via iPhone ! Enfin, si vous avez un iPhone, sachez que de base, vous pouvez activer ce qui s'appelle le partage familial qui vous permet justement de suivre la position GPS du téléphone portable que vous avez lié. Pour cela, voici la marche à suivre : Sur l'iPhone de votre enfant Sur l'iPhone de votre enfant, allez dans Réglages puis cliquez sur son nom en haut. [caption id="attachment_53175" align="aligncenter" width="360"] Compte iPhone Réglages[/caption] Allez dans Partage familial. Appuyez sur Ajouter un membre de la famille. Si votre enfant ne possède pas d’identifiant Apple, appuyez sur Créer un compte pour enfant. Si votre enfant possède déjà un identifiant Apple, touchez Inviter des personnes. Puis choisissez la méthode d'envoie de l’invitation à l’aide d’AirDrop, de Messages ou de Mail. Enfin, revenez en arrière sur Partage familiale et toucher “Partager de position” Sur l'iPhone du parent Sur votre iPhone, vous allez recevoir une invitation. Vous pouvez ensuite répondre directement à partir de l’invitation. Ouvrez l’app Localiser. Enfin, touchez ou cliquez sur le nom d’un membre de votre famille que vous souhaitez suivre ces déplacements. Conclusion Voilà, vous savez désormais que mettre une puce GPS à votre enfant, non seulement éthiquement c’est compliqué, mais ce n’est surtout pas le seul moyen de pouvoir le suivre dans ses déplacements. Que ce soit via le traceur GPS ou bien via une application sur un téléphone portable, vous allez pouvoir désormais le laisser partir seul l'esprit reposé. Vous pourrez ainsi, le laisser vivre sa vie, tout en pouvant à tout moment vérifier que tout va bien.
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Black Phone (2022) en Streaming VF
Regarder le film Regarder Black Phone (2022) en streaming VF (VOSTFR) gratuit en HD Filmdaily | Regarder Black Phone (2022) film complet en français, streaming gratuit sans compte et sans limite de temps.
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Ci-dessous nous vous en dirons plus pour que vous sachiez comment, où il est possible de profiter de ce film et Tout ce que nous savons concernant film Black Phone
Black phone en salle le 22 juin 2022 est réalisé par Scott Derrickson. La durée du film est de 102 minutes.
On y retrouve le casting suivant : Ethan Hawke, Mason Thames, Madeleine McGraw, Jeremy Davies, James Ransone.
Alors c'est quoi l'histoire ?
Finney Shaw, un adolescent de 13 ans, timide mais intelligent, est enlevé par un tueur sadique qui l'enferme dans un sous-sol insonorisé où s'époumoner n'est pas d'une grande utilité. Quand un téléphone accroché au mur, pourtant hors d'usage, se met à sonner, Finney va découvrir qu'il est en contact avec les voix des précédentes victimes de son ravisseur. Ils sont aussi morts que bien résolus à ce que leur triste sort ne devienne pas celui de Finney.
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Black Phone (2022) en streaming
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Black Phone (2022) film complet en Français Gratuit
Black Phone (2022) streaming en français
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alaric101990 · 2 years
5 Golden Rules for Safe Gun Handling You Need to Know!
Gun ownership is a very empowering, entitling and enabling feeling, it makes you feel so much more confident and secure for sure. But the feeling should not only be restricted to your own self or the people you love, it should be extended to all people around you, right? Well, it is only possible if you know the 5 golden safe gun handling rules which ensure there are no mishaps, accidents or irreversible incidents that can scar someone’s life forever. With great power comes greater responsibility as Spiderman taught us and owning a California legal AR-15 is powerful possession.
There are no second chances with guns and firearms, so one should never fool around or play with them just to scare someone or have a prank on someone. Firearms should always be accessible to people who are eligible to purchase a gun, having no recorded felony and must be in a stable mental condition. Adolescents and children who are driven by hormones must never have any access to this dangerous killing machine. Unfortunately we have mobile phones that recognize their owners but something so dangerous like guns still operate on the command of the person who pulls the trigger. So what must be done to protect others around us, here are the 5 golden rules of safe gun handling which will not only safeguard the people around you but also save you from dealing with a really traumatic experience in life.  
5 Golden Safe Gun Handling Rules
1.            Always treat your firearm as Loaded, Even If it’s NOT!
Here is the very first golden rule that alone can save a lot of precious lives from being vandalized forever. Never ever take anyone’s word that the firearm is unloaded, always double, triple check yourself. Whenever passing or accepting a gun make sure its muzzle is pointing in a safe direction, away from anyone, like downwards or upwards. You should also be sure that the action is open and it is not loaded. Also do your due diligence and always make sure that your finger is off the trigger.
2.            Always Keep the Muzzle Pointed is a Safe Direction
This rule is another live saver as it encourages everyone to be mindful about the direction the firearm is pointing when not in use. This is also great when someone is passing the gun or you are accepting it from some else. If the firearm is always pointing in a safe direction then it means even if the firearm does get triggered in some way, no one will get hurt. The simple way to do this is to always keep the gun away from something you don’t intend to shoot. Be especially mindful when loading or unloading the firearms. San Diego gun stores can give you a very good demonstration when you buy firearms through them. The safest direction is in the sky, if not possible make sure it never points at a person, property, flammable thing or something expensive.
3.            Always Keep the Guns Unloaded
One should only load a firearm when in use, under the supervision of a trained personnel in case of a trainee, when at a target field or when at the shooting range. Always keep the firearm safe in a gun safe and never ever put the ammunition and gun in the same place. Always be sure to unload your weapon as soon as you are done using it. Make your habit of always opening the action, visually checking the chamber, receiver and the magazine to be absolutely sure there is no sneaky bullet left. Never keep a loaded weapon when performing any action that doesn’t give you full control of your body.
4.            Be sure about the your Target and What is Beyond it
A very important tip to ensure you hit the target and on one else is to identify the target and what is beyond it. If you have even a speck of doubt, I recommend holding the shooting, if there is not a life or death like situation involved. Once you pull the trigger and the bullet leaves the gun there is no calling it back. A very good way is to use all your senses when aiming the target, don’t get too excited or nervous before pulling the trigger as it can cloud your vision and rationality.
5.            Service your Firearms regularly
Your firearms need your love, attention and care in order to perform without any glitch. Guns have a lot of moving parts which can get stuck at a crucial time so make sure to clean them regularly and professionally at good intervals.
Follow these simple gun rules to have a safe firearm experience. We have no right to put anyone’s life in danger due to our own negligence so learn these rules by heart to keep yourself and everyone around you safe.
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hoe-doroki · 4 years
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A part of the ‘A Spare Heart’ series.
pairing: eventual Shouto x Reader later in the series
wc: 2.1k
genre: friendship
warnings: consensual use of Brainwashing and...subspace vibes?
summary: Ever since Shinsou found out what your quirk was, the two of you have been each other’s best friends and confidantes. But when he turns a casual training session into a tease over your supposed crush on someone in your class, that trust might just break.
a/n: It’s helpful, though not necessary, to have read Hollow Victory before this one, or at least its second chapter in order to understand the reader’s quirk. There are also references to an unpublished, upcoming story.
edit: I no longer write x reader but here’s my old masterlist - mobile | desktop
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It was the wilderness of the U.A. campus, the part of the woods where you couldn’t even see the tall buildings, hear the constant explosions from the training grounds. You were walking around aimlessly, doing figure eights through the trees, touching your fingers through some of the low hanging branches, rocking a few steps up on your tip toes and then falling back to rock on your heels. It was drifting, completely meaningless as you focused on the subtle feeling of cutting through the air with every step, how your arms so gently swung in tandem with your legs—all the things you never usually thought about while walking.
“Now raise one foot to walk over the tree root. Okay, walk the same path again.”
Your body went where you were told, your toe lifting just over the gnarly root bursting through the grass, blond on top from where a lawn mower had nicked it. But still, it brought the big tree that was shading you water and security in the ground, no matter how many times its top was shaved off by mechanized blades.
“Walk it exactly ten times.”
Your body continued on the same path, just wide and winding enough not to be dizzying as Shinsou controlled your movements. It was nice to be completely out of control, for someone else to take the mechanisms of your body making all the decisions while your core kept you breathing, your heart beating. It was a shame people feared Shinsou’s quirk, avoiding any question he asked them with suspicious silence. There was nothing more freeing for you than this. And he got to work on the nuances of his quirk.
“You know, I feel I should tell you that I’m the reason Midoriya and them found out about you.”
It took a few seconds for his words to register as something other than a command. They pulled you out of your mindless, almost meditative space. You probably would have given a soft “Hmm?” if you could have, but, of course, you couldn’t speak.
“Technically, Google is what told them about you, but I’m the one who told them they should do it. Even though any idiot should be able to Google something.”
The path he had laid for you had you conveniently facing almost entirely away from him. You couldn’t move your neck or even your eyes, so as you walked, they stayed perfectly forward, in line with your spine and your chest and the heels of your slightly turned out feet. So you couldn’t see his body language or even if he was looking at you.
“So I just wanted to say I’m sorry, I guess. Even though all that I knew I found from the internet, I shouldn’t have told them anything. It wasn’t my business. Keep walking, but you can speak.”
The sudden control over your jaw, tongue, lips didn’t feel any different than the lack of it had felt a moment before. From past experience, you knew that if you’d been fighting the control, you would have just felt a distinct drop in tension from those areas, but you hadn’t been fighting. “Have you been thinking about this since July?”
“I guess so. I thought about it a bit while you were gone over summer break.”
“I wish you would have told me,” you said, also wishing your eyebrows could curl up in sympathy, but your face was fully blank except for your lips. Not that he was probably looking at you anyway.
“Because I’m not mad. Telling them to Google me isn’t exactly a betrayal.”
“I know, so I didn’t feel especially bad but still. It’s better for you to know.”
“I agree. Thanks for telling me.”
“Close your eyes and walk the same path.”
Your eyes shut instantly, but it felt like you’d lost control of your limbs—ridiculous since you weren’t controlling them in the first place. But there was a spilling of your equilibrium, your center of gravity swaying from side to side as your body suddenly forgot the path it had wrought for the last few minutes.
“Freeze!” Shinsou yelled suddenly and your whole body stiffened, just as your lifted right toes tapped something hard on the ground. “Open your eyes.”
Your slightly downward gaze spotted your slightly elevated foot just about to tip over the root cutting through your path. You’d been about to eat shit.
“Put your foot down and stand tall.”
You did, you shoulders rolled back in slightly better posture than you usually took. You’d learned good posture in the ballet classes your parents had put you in as a youth, but, as you were in the middle of your teenage years, you’d taken on the slump that all your peers adopted, the adolescent hunch of lackadaisy. Even though the fellow teenagers you were surrounded by were the most passionate people you’d ever met.
Shinsou stepped into your line of sight, an awkward smile on his face. “I guess that one didn’t work.”
You tried to speak, but his command to freeze must have canceled out his previous command enabling your speech. Then, all at once, you felt the hold on your tongue, the commanded posture release and your shoulders slumped. You were back to yourself again.
“Seems that walking with your eyes closed can’t work when you need your eyes to walk,” you said.
Shinsou shrugged. “It’s good to know. Ready to start again?”
You shook out your limbs a little. Nothing felt too stiff, since even with Shinsou brainwashing you, you would still walk with your normal gait unless he directed otherwise. But still, a little wiggle felt good, and when you were done, you stepped over the root you’d almost tripped over and nodded at him. “Yes.”
At your response, you felt Shinsou take gentle hold over your body again and he told you to walk the same path as before. Your body did, taking up the figure eight around the trees once again. It seemed that since your brain still knew what the path was, it didn’t matter that he’d dropped control of you in between commands. You felt yourself relaxing again, falling easier into the meditative place this practice took you to every time you and Shinsou did it. You heard birds chirping, leaves rustling, and wind whistling. Aside from the path ahead, there was nothing else to think about.
“Go confess your love to Todoroki-san.”
Your relaxation broke in an instant as suddenly all corners of your body flexed and failed against Shinsou’s hold on you. A scream of refute pealed from your mind, but it failed to make it past your lips as that old tension locked your jaw back up again. Your body began walking mechanically toward the 2-A dorms. You had no idea if that’s where Todoroki really was, but it must have been your subconscious’s assumption, as it was the first guess off the top of your head as well. But God, you hoped he was at the gym or the library…anywhere but where your footsteps were taking you.
Suddenly, the connection broke. The remains of your ended scream bled off your lips as a breathy “No!” squeezed out of your tense vocal folds. You spun around toward Shinsou, whose shoulders bounced up and down a couple times in a silent laugh that he was obviously trying to hide on his face. Then he put his hands up in an expression of false apology.
“Hey, you don’t think I’d actually make you do that, would you?”
“I’m not sure,” you growled. “Maybe it’s your idea of a funny joke.”
“No, this is my idea of a funny joke,” Shinsou corrected. “No harm, no foul.”
But as your face grew hot, you could feel the harm. Why had he even thought of that as something to do? Where was the comedy? What was the joke?
“I have every right to use my quirk on you now. Maybe you’ll feel some shame.”
“I’m sure I would feel ashamed,” Shinsou agreed. “But this was just practice, in case I really need to do this some day.”
You squinted at him. “Is that supposed to be a joke too?”
Shinsou seemed to catch onto your bewilderment and his head tilted to the side a crude imitation of sympathy on his face. “What, did you think I didn’t know?”
“What exactly do you think you know?” you asked, knowing exactly what he thought he knew. “I’m not in love with Todoroki-kun.”
“Well, maybe not love, but you certainly like him a lot, yes? C’mon, Y/N-chan, this isn’t news,” he said. “You talk about him…not infrequently.”
“He’s one of my best friends,” you explained, your heart beating quickly. You weren’t sure if it was remnants of the panic Shinsou’s command had sent through your mind latently hitting your bloodstream or what, but the heat in your face was spreading down your neck rapidly. “Of course I talk about him.”
You really didn’t understand Shinsou’s angle here. You probably talked about him with Todoroki as much as you talked about Todoroki to him, and Todoroki had never leveled this kind of accusation on you before. Not that you could imagine him doing so. But still, even if you imbued him with a feeling of truthfulness or if Shinsou brainwashed him the way he’d just done to you, you couldn’t imagine that kind of trash falling out of Todoroki’s mouth.
“You…” Shinsou blinked. “You don’t know. Or you’re in denial?”
“Look, as the person who’s kind of the expert on feelings here, hear me when I say this,” you started, referencing your quirk. “It’s possible for you to intuit a feeling that I’m unaware that I’m feeling. But it’s not likely. If I don’t know that I’m feeling it—as a person pretty goddamn in touch with my emotions—then it’s probably not there.”
Shinsou’s heavy lids were hanging tensely over his eyes. They were as squinted as ever, but there was a pinch to them as he continued to size you up. “Says the girl who had a childhood where kids teased you about being able to make people fall in love with her. The girl who had people run away from her, scared that she would do just that. Might that also be a girl who would be scared to fall in love with someone for real?”
The muscles around your lips tightened. “Sounds like you might be projecting a bit, Shinsou-kun.”
“Or empathizing,” he stated. “I thought that’s what we did for each other.”
If you refuted that line, then this would feel like a real fight. A breakup between friends. And your friendship was not what you were trying to stake this argument on, so you took a breath before you could tell him to eff right off or something similarly stupid, trying to get back a bit of that zen energy you’d felt while he’d been commanding your body to walk in lazy circles.
“Okay. I admit that I wouldn’t want to fall in love here,” you said. “Japan isn’t permanent for me, and I don’t think anyone I’ve met here would be willing to leave. So having anything more serious than a fling would be stupid.”
“So…you want to have a fling with Todoroki-san?”
“No!” you exclaimed. “That would be stupid too!”
“Fine!” Shinsou agreed, hands up. “I didn’t think so. But just…sometimes the things we want are what make us honest,” he said and he must have been thinking about his dream of being a hero. “And sometimes the things we want blind us to the thing next to it.”
You frowned, the profundity Shinsou had tried to create in the statement pissing you off a bit. His words were simple enough obvious even, so it almost felt like an insult for him to say them like they never would have occurred to you.
Still, you were suddenly aware of a light simmering in your body, new and uncomfortable. Unnamable. When warming a pot of water, the water might be boiling for minutes before you noticed the soft popping, the light roiling of the bubbles. But once you heard it, the sound was going to stay in your ears, urging you to action. It was telling you to dump in the noodles, pour the water over a tea bag, lower the temperature on the stove. The bubbling was the indication, but you had to be the impetus. Otherwise, all that potential would take its time bubbling away, disappearing slowly into vapors you’d never see, and, eventually, you’d be left with no water at all.
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newstfionline · 3 years
Saturday, March 13, 2021
Lawmakers consider keeping daylight saving time year-round (Washington Post) After a long, dark winter, our noticeably sunnier evenings are about to turn even brighter. At 2 a.m. Sunday, the clocks will “spring forward” one hour as we return to daylight saving time (DST). The time shift means we lose an hour of sleep, but in exchange we’ll enjoy more evening light for the next eight months — until we “fall back” to standard time again in early November. But what if we advanced the clocks this weekend and never had to turn them back? The idea is gaining some traction after a bipartisan group of U.S. senators this week reintroduced a bill that would eliminate standard time and keep daylight saving time year-round. The Sunshine Protection Act, proposed by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), along with four Republican and three Democratic senators, says we should ditch standard time since we only use it four months of the year, from November to March. “The call to end the antiquated practice of clock changing is gaining momentum throughout the nation,” Rubio said in a statement. The United States experimented with year-round DST during the 1970s energy crisis, from January 1974 to October 1975. The dark winter mornings were not too popular, however, and ever since, we’ve switched the clocks back to standard time during the winter months.
With ‘big one’ coming, quake alert system launches in Oregon (AP) People in Oregon will be better prepared for earthquakes—particularly important in the Pacific Northwest because experts say “the big one” is coming—as an early warning system launched Thursday, the 10th anniversary of a devastating quake and tsunami in Japan. California already has the system, while Washington state will join in May to complete coverage of the West Coast. The ShakeAlert system operated by the U.S. Geological Survey uses seismographic sensors to detect significant earthquakes quickly so alerts reach smartphones and people can seek cover before the shaking starts. “It’s very important that (the three states) are all partners in ShakeAlert, because earthquakes don’t respect geographic boundaries, and we have huge population centers all across the West Coast where earthquake risk is the highest in the contiguous U.S.,” said Gabriel Lotto, ShakeAlert user engagement facilitator for the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network. Earthquakes in the Cascadia subduction zone, which extends from the ocean off Northern California to Canada’s Vancouver Island, have an average magnitude of around 9, making them among the world’s biggest. A quake in that zone has a 37% probability of happening off Oregon in the next 50 years, with a slightly lower chance of one striking near Washington state, according to Chris Goldfinger, an Oregon State University professor and earthquake geologist. When an earthquake is detected, people who have alerts activated on their smartphones will get a message saying, “Earthquake detected! Drop, cover, hold on. Protect yourself.” Mobile apps also carry the alerts.
Rage Spreads in Paraguay as Virus Surges, Exposing Corruption (NYT) For nearly a year, Paraguay was a leader in keeping the pandemic at bay, and despite its persistent troubles, the country remained fairly calm. Not any more. Paraguay’s coronavirus infection rate has soared, becoming one of the worst in the Americas, and its already shaky health system has been stretched to the breaking point. In the last few days, demonstrators by the thousands have filled streets, demanding the ouster of President Mario Abdo Benítez, and in a few instances there have been bloody clashes with the police. For many Paraguayans, corruption and elite entitlement that were once just unpleasant facts of life have become intolerable in the face of the pandemic. There is a shortage of basic drugs that doctors and nurses blame on graft; nonemergency surgery has been suspended because of a shortfall in medical supplies, and there are few vaccines to be had. The crisis has spilled into the streets with a level of rage the county’s leaders have not faced in years. Daily protests started last Friday with medical workers, who were quickly joined by other frustrated people. Most have been peaceful, but in some cases security forces have met the demonstrators with rubber bullets, tear gas and water cannons. “There are so many deaths and it is all the fault of the thieves who run our corrupt institutions,” said Sergio Duarte, who joined a demonstration outside of Congress on Saturday in Asunción, Paraguay’s capital and largest city.
Amid pandemic, ‘an international epidemic’ of childhood pain (AP) By the time his parents rushed him to the hospital, 11-year-old Pablo was barely eating and had stopped drinking entirely. Weakened by months of self-privation, his heart had slowed to a crawl and his kidneys were faltering. Medics injected him with fluids and fed him through a tube—first steps toward stitching together yet another child coming apart amid the tumult of the coronavirus crisis. For doctors who treat them, the pandemic’s impact on the mental health of children is increasingly alarming. The Paris pediatric hospital caring for Pablo has seen a doubling in the number of children and young teenagers requiring treatment after attempted suicides since September. Doctors elsewhere report similar surges, with children—some as young as 8—deliberately running into traffic, overdosing on pills and otherwise self-harming. In Japan, child and adolescent suicides hit record levels in 2020, according to the Education Ministry. Pediatric psychiatrists say they’re also seeing children with coronavirus-related phobias, tics and eating disorders, obsessing about infection, scrubbing their hands raw, covering their bodies with disinfectant gel and terrified of getting sick from food. Also increasingly common, doctors say, are children suffering panic attacks, heart palpitations and other symptoms of mental anguish, as well as chronic addictions to mobile devices and computer screens that have become their sitters, teachers and entertainers during lockdowns, curfews and school closures. “There is no prototype for the child experiencing difficulties,” said Dr. Richard Delorme, who heads the psychiatric unit treating Pablo at the giant Robert Debré pediatric hospital, the busiest in France. “This concerns all of us.”
Everest reopens (NYT) Nepal has reopened to foreign tourists who test negative for the coronavirus and spend one week in quarantine, meaning an often-overcrowded Everest has reopened to climbers. The decision to reopen the peak is proving controversial, with at least one tour company canceling its spring expeditions over safety concerns. Meanwhile, some in Nepal want to see restrictions eased even further, as many of the cooks and porters who typically make a living as support staff for Everest climbs have struggled to feed their families amid the sudden loss of income.
Myanmar junta kills more protesters, adds Suu Kyi accusation (AP) Myanmar’s security forces shot to death at least 10 people protesting the military’s coup Thursday, spurning a U.N. Security Council appeal to stop using lethal force and as an independent U.N. expert cited growing evidence of crimes against humanity. The military also lodged a new allegation against the deposed government leader Aung San Suu Kyi, alleging that in 2017-18 she was illegally given $600,000 and gold bars worth slightly less by a political ally. She and President Win Myint have been detained on less serious allegations and the new accusation was clearly aimed at discrediting Suu Kyi and perhaps charging her with a serious crime.
China legislature endorses reducing public vote in Hong Kong (AP) China’s ceremonial legislature on Thursday endorsed the ruling Communist Party’s move to tighten control over Hong Kong by reducing the role of its public in picking the territory’s leaders. The measure drew condemnation from Britain and the U.S. and accusations it will disenfranchise Hong Kong’s people. It adds to a crackdown against a protest movement in Hong Kong calling for greater democracy. The crackdown has prompted accusations Beijing is eroding the autonomy it promised when the former British colony was returned to China in 1997 and is hurting its status as a global financial center. Beijing’s crackdown on Hong Kong has added to irritants in China’s relations with Washington, Europe and other governments that also include trade, technology and the party’s treatment of ethnic minorities.
Japan to tighten border control against variants (AP) Transportation minister Kazuyoshi Akaba says Japan will tighten border controls and limit the number of entrants to up to 2,000 per day to guard against the more contagious variants of the coronavirus. The health authorities have found the cases of the new variants to have quadrupled over the past month. They said the cases have been found in about half of Japan’s 47 prefectures but need to be closely watched and precautions should be increased. Tokyo and its three neighboring prefectures are under a non-binding state of emergency since Jan. 7. The measure, which was to end on March 7 in those areas, has been extended for two weeks as the infections have not slowed enough.
‘People are starving’: New exodus in Ethiopia’s Tigray area (AP) Skinny, hungry, fleeing threats of violence, thousands of people who have been hiding in rural areas of Ethiopia’s Tigray region have begun arriving in a community that can barely support them—and more are said to be on the way. For months, one great unknown in the Tigray conflict has been the fate of hundreds of thousands of people in vast rural areas beyond the reach of outside aid. With the region largely cut off from the world since November, fears of violence and starvation have grown. Now those people are starting to arrive, many by foot, in the community of Shire, aid workers who are there and who have visited say. Some 5,000 people had arrived between last Wednesday and Sunday, and humanitarian teams are being sent to find those said to be on the way, Oliver Behn, general director for Doctors Without Borders-Holland, told the AP. “They are coming in very bad conditions … very exhausted, dehydrated, skinny,” Behn said after a visit. “It’s becoming a desperate situation very quickly.” The people arriving bring an idea of the deprivation gnawing at the Tigray countryside. Aid workers say some describe surviving by eating leaves—or the seeds they had put aside for planting, in a sign of even worse hunger to come.
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popwasabi · 4 years
The monster of “Shin Gojira” is government incompetence
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I know it doesn’t feel like it but we’re just three months away from March again.
It’s been almost a year now since the beginning of quarantine, when the world had to be shut down due to the escalating nature of COVID-19 and things have…largely only gotten worse.
In the US specifically.
On March 13th we had 2,204 cases of COVID in the United States and a total of 49 deaths.  Today we have 14 MILLION cases across the country and currently 274,000 plus deaths. To put that in perspective we have nearly as many cases of COVID in the US alone as there are people in the cities of Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, and Chicago combined and we’re experiencing a 9/11’s worth of new deaths every day.
This is not even to mention the economic strain the pandemic has put the country under. Lockdowns and quarantines, without supplemental income to bolster those losses have led to closures, massive unemployment, people running deeply behind on their rent, and crushing debt for many if not buried in medical costs from being infected. Common people are trying their best to navigate a year unlike any other and are largely floundering with little to no help in sight.
And all this can be chalked up to one culprit in particular: our government’s incompetence.
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(Remember all that fuss made about “breadlines” in the global south back during grade school?)
From the beginning when this virus first reared its ugly head in 2020, not enough was done to prepare the country for what would come next. Call it hubris or American Exceptionalism, but our government just was not taking it seriously as the President boasted cases would just “disappear” after late February and our leaders largely pretended it either was a) not a big deal or b) would never be a big deal.
Nearly nine months later senate Republicans still think another massive bailout for the nation’s richest coporations is the way to go, all while giving us $1,200 band aid for our troubles.
And make no mistake, the Dems have hardly been guiltless during this crisis themselves.
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(“It’s a biiiiiig club, and you ain’t in it...” ~ George Carlin.)
As we see other countries largely find ways to navigate around COVID and create a safe environment where some normalcy can be maintained it becomes increasingly clear to anyone who isn’t a psychopath that the US has grossly mishandled this threat from the beginning. It’s a slow moving disaster that could’ve largely been avoided if our leaders gave a damn and it feels increasingly like we’re all just going to get the virus at some point because there’s virtually no structural safeguard in place to protect us.
This lamenting of the futility of our government’s response to crises is the central theme of one of my favorite monster movies of all-time; “Shin Gojira” (or “Godzilla Resurgence” for American audiences). Directed by “Neon Genesis Evangelion’s” own Hideaki Anno, “Shin Gojira” tells a similar story of a literal slow-moving disaster in the form of titular atomic fire lizard rising from the Pacific Ocean to decimate Japan once again and how the government poorly responds to it.
For most Americans, Godzilla is something of a joke as a movie character.
He’s Japan’s version of King Kong, a great fire-breathing reptile for thousands of random Japanese to scream “AAAAHHH! GODZILLA!!!” at while a man in a rubber suit knocks down model buildings for two hours. For several decades, he was even a bit of a superhero for children; the good monster who fought bad monsters like King Ghidorah, Gigan, and Hedorah.
The newer American remakes by Legendary Studios have not done much to change this perception. In these films, Godzilla is again depicted as a “titan” for the people doing battle with the bad titans set with people in mo-cap suits duking it out in front of greenscreens that create elaborate cities for the monsters to stampede through.
It is just not that deep to most people and who could blame them? Godzilla is cheap popcorn escapism for most audiences and most of his films see him as such.
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(“Wait you mean to tell me this isn’t serious theater??”)
But Godzilla has a much darker origin, however. 1954’s original “Gojira” isn’t some cheap monster flick; it’s an allegory for the atomic bomb and the terror it brought upon the people of Japan. At the time of its release the Japanese hadn’t really reckoned with what happened in WWII, it was a source of deep shame and horror and it broke the spirits of many back then. After an atomic bomb test accidentally radiated the crew of a Japanese fishing boat in 1954, director Ishiro Honda became inspired to create the King of the Monsters after Japan’s own government largely mishandled the fallout. The film was a huge hit and Japanese audiences were moved by the dark allegorical nature of the story.
With “Shin Gojira” Anno brings Godzilla back to this grimmer tone. He was inspired by the events of 2014’s Fukushima nuclear plant disaster and how the Japanese government once again failed to act in a major crisis. Through his 2016 film, Anno aimed to depict the slow moving nature of a developing disaster quite literally with the character of Godzilla and how a crisis can only get worse and worse if left largely unchecked by those tasked to protect us.
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(Hardly Hideaki Anno’s first forray into movies about crises, of course, but that’ll be for another write-up. Stay tuned...)
Godzilla begins in “Shin Gojira” as a small, destructive, but ultimately killable lifeform as he appears in the waters off Tokyo Bay. His beady, soulless eyes, tadpole like form, oozing putrid toxic blood everywhere through his malformed gills are pretty gross and Anno directly references Fukushima as the beast creates a tidal wave as he makes his way toward land in the opening sequence.
Meanwhile as Godzilla causes horrific damage to the city in this small (comparatively to earlier films) but powerful form, the Japanese Government tries to put an end to it. But as they try to address the escalating nature of the problem, bureaucracy gets in the way at every turn. Through the use of fast cuts and dark humor, Anno creates his own “Dr. Strangelove” set of scenes as Japanese politicians scramble from one board room to another to weigh options in cold math against the very real people who are fleeing for their lives as they debate with one another. Anno, doesn’t go out of his way to depict anyone as explicitly the villain here, but he does make it very apparent that when government officials refuse to accept the reality of a crisis people die. In a scene that is played partially for laughs, that feels all too relevant and frankly on the nose now, the Prime Minister addresses Japan on TV by assuring the people that there is “no way” Godzilla can make landfall and everyone will be safe. Moments later he is interrupted on live TV as Godzilla has in fact made landfall.
(Yea and he’s one ugly motherfucker in this movie too...)
Early in the film though, as Godzilla has done already immense damage in his adolescent form, Japan’s government has a chance to kill the monster once and for all by mobilizing the Japanese Self-Defense Force (JSDF) a move, that if you are not familiar with Japanese politics, is rife with concerning optics. The moment comes where Japan’s government can pull the trigger and kill the threat once and for all but in another, darkly humorous, turn of events decide not to as some nearby citizens who could be caught in the crossfire become a hazard for the JSDF. Godzilla goes back into the sea from there and Japan is left to pick up the pieces.
In the early months of the COVID lockdown, things appeared to slowdown. From about April to June, those states that took the virus seriously at the start saw some plateauing of the daily cases. While hardly a victory, things at least appeared to be going in the right direction. Then inexplicably in July a bunch of states declared premature victory and began reopening back up in certain areas such as gyms, salons, and some restaurants. I wouldn’t say we had the virus on the ropes but we were trending generally in the right direction (though nothing was really being done about loss of employment and cancelling rent and evictions, of course…). So, in a moment when the government could’ve kept trying, mostly at least, to do the right thing they failed to keep going and pull the trigger.
And just like in the movie, COVID (ie: Godzilla) came back stronger and even worse than before.
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(Again, just the ugliest motherfucker...)
After the JSDF failed to kill Godzilla in the opening act, the big guy returns later on in the movie having evolved into his more indestructible final form. Where the JSDF’s weapons may have had an effect before they find their tanks, helicopters, and other military hardware have no effect on Godzilla now. It is too late to stop what is now inevitable. Godzilla walks literally through it all, causing waves of destruction with each step and Japan’s government watches in horror as they lament their failure to stop him when they had the chance.
This failure comes to its ultimate head in the final moment of this sequence when Godzilla revs up his dorsal fins and unleashes his horrifying atomic breath. It’s more powerful than anything he has done previously and absolutely wastes Tokyo in a brilliant display of raw destruction that is honestly one of the best most terrifying sequences in Kaiju filmmaking ever.
Godzilla is best used in cinema when he is a titan-sized walking metaphor for the destruction that happens when governments fail their people. Where the recent American Godzilla depicts him as a force of nature, like a walking hurricane, Ishiro Honda and Hideaki Anno see him more as a vengeful God coming to punish the wicked for their sins or, in the case of the government, their incompetence.
If COVID is a metaphor for anything this year, it is a microcosm for a wide range of problems that go unaddressed for too long by our leaders and only given notice when it’s far too late. Climate Change continues to get worse and worse each year as I am quite literally choking on ash as I type this due to yet another wildfire in the California area. The riots that erupted over the summer and continue to go on in response to the gross militaristic, overfunded, and racist structure of law enforcement in this country are the result of decades of not doing the right thing to curb the problem. The reason we are by far the worst equipped first world country to handle this crisis right now is quite literally due to years of gutting our social safety net, slashing our wages, and privatizing our health insurance.
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Though there is a wide range of Japanese specific politics in the film, “Shin Gojira” is an unfortunately timeless film for people who have suffered from leaders who fail to act in moments like these. It shows what happens when our government drags its feet on transformative legislation and actual measures that can save lives. It criticizes our leaders for choosing to save themselves in the moment, with performative optics, over helping their own people. It argues that the results of bureaucratic red tape and bad politics will always end in disaster for its citizens. And most relevantly it states that governments have a duty to stop a crisis in its infancy before it’s too late.
“Shin Gojira” is a perfect monster film for the year of COVID and distressingly accurate to the way the US has mishandled this crisis from the beginning. Everyday, more and more people suffer and die because our leaders have failed to act in an unprecedented time, whether it’s the usual suspects who think any government social service is “cOmMuNiSm” or the feckless cowards who twiddle their thumbs and shrug each time a conservative tells them “no.”
We are far past the stage where this can be solved the easy way anymore and though there are still many proven ways to help the common people right now, it unfortunately feels like 2020’s Godzilla cannot be stopped…
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Yea, things will totally get better in 2021, guys...
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corydonw · 3 years
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C’est au printemps 1909 que Frank fit la connaissance de Zeb, vieux coureur de plaines qui allait avoir sur lui une influence considérable. Il lui apprit à nager et les rudiments de l’équitation. Il lui enseigna à se servir des armes à feu et à tirer sur des cibles mobiles. Mais cette fréquentation assidue posa bientôt un sérieux problème : le vieil aventurier usait d’un vocabulaire particulièrement malsonnant dont le petit Frank s’empressait d’imiter. Arthur de son côté s’était fait en ville des amis qui déplaisaient souverainement à Alice. Elle prit ces prétextes pour relancer sa campagne sur la nécessité d’envoyer les deux garçons poursuivre leurs études en Angleterre et apprendre les bonnes manières. Mornes souvenirs 1910 : la discipline, les jours gris, la répétition monotone des heures d’études et l’impression d’être enfermé fut intolérable. Après trois années, ils quittèrent l’Angleterre aux premiers jours de la guerre 1914-1918. Son retour dans les écoles d’Helena fut pour Frank un choc : mal à l’aise, gêné par son accent anglais et par sa subite croissance, il chercha refuge dans le silence, et c’est de cette époque que date son caractère taciturne. 
En 1917, alors que les Etats-Unis entraient dans la Grande Guerre, Frank commença à sortir de sa coquille. Arthur était en France avec l’armée Pershing et Frank se retrouva seul avec sa mère à s’occuper des cinq cents têtes de bétail. C’est de ces moments de labeur partagé dans une relative solitude que le raffermissement des liens entre la mère et son fils s’accentueront. Puis en octobre 1917, Frank eut un accident de voiture. Le matériel médical de l’époque ne permit pas de déceler l’importante fêlure de la hanche dont Gary souffrira toute sa vie. 
La vraie vie commença pour Frank lorsque ses forces furent revenues. Maintenant lui aussi connaissait la joie de la chevauchée matinale, l’air vif, la merveilleuse qualité d’un calme qui n’a jamais le poids mort du silence. Le soir donnait à la journée tout son prix, lorsque les cavaliers, hommes de toutes races, yankees, indiens, espagnols, métis, basques, se groupaient autour du foyer allumé en plein air. Les hommes d’abord taciturnes s’animaient peu à peu. Les guitares apparaissaient, quelque sauvage et nostalgique refrain de la prairie se faisait entendre, auquel succédaient les chants de guerre, d’embuscades, d’amour aussi, simples et souvent tragiques. Et Frank songeait qu’il fallait être fou pour accepter de vivre enfermé dans un bureau. Quand les parents Cooper apprit que Frank n’avait pas la moindre intention de retourner au lycée, ce fut un beau scandale ! A dix-neuf ans, il avait déjà deux ans de retard ! et : « Que comptait-il faire dans la vie sans le moindre diplôme ? ». (On ne pouvait se douter à ce moment là qu’il serait déclaré vingt ans plus tard par le fisc comme le citoyen américain le mieux rémunéré de l’année 1939). Mais l’éducation aussi stricte soit-elle, n’a jamais été un remède à la tentation du vagabondage. Inspiré par les peintures emblématiques du Far West comme celles de Charles Russel, Frank doué pour le dessin ambitionnait de devenir artiste peintre.
             Les nombres du mois de mai 2021 : 120 et 60
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more bio shit (i’ll edit this to look more presentable when i have access to a computer, tumblr mobile really sucks :< i apologize if it’s hard to read for the time being)
Sans owns the house that everyone lives in. He’s pretty laidback and lenient about lots of things, so it takes a lot to get him angry. But when he does, he gets pretty fuckin’ scary. In fact, everyone is or has been scared by Sans at one point (which is kinda funny, considering Sans’ biggest fetish is fear). Thankfully he’s only gotten super angry twice. No one likes to talk about it.
Sans is also a space geek — more than a few times has he been caught reading a thick astronomy book “hidden” inside of a little paperback full of jokes and wordplay. If you have a question about the universe, he’ll most likely have an answer at the ready. Suffers from hypersomnia, so he sleeps a lot.
Papyrus is a pure SOUL, and everyone can’t help but love him. He’s super sweet and loves to help everyone out! Unsurprisingly, he’s very good with kids. He’s often given the nick Creampuff and he’s come to not only accept it at this point, but to embrace it. YES he is a creampuff, soft and fluffy with yummy filling inside! What of it?! He’s so full of energy, and would absolutely beat you in a game of DDR.
He is nonbinary, going primarily by he/him pronouns, but any pronouns are perfectly okay with him! Papyrus is also gray-ace, preferring to keep away from any sexual stuff, but is not outright repulsed by it.
At first glance, Red would seem to be your stereotypical “macho man.” He’s big and burly, drinks and smokes, he’s loud and rude — basically a skeletal frat boy. But what most people don’t see from him is his softer side; he’s such a romantic, he will go out of his way to plan the perfect date night for he and his partner/s. He loves to spoil, and will do exactly that. He’ll give little inexpensive gifts every now and then, like your favorite candy he picked up while buying some cigarettes, or maybe a pair of shoes you’ve been looking at during your online window-shopping. He’s better at showing his love through actions than through words, and he tends to stutter when he shows any sort of strong emotion, like anger or nervousness. Despite this, he’s not one to sugarcoat his opinions. Has an affinity for cars and casually watch NASCAR (he’s not a huge fan or anything).
Boss... oof. Boss is Red’s younger brother. He and Red grew up in a very hostile environment. I won’t go into it much on this post, but Red took raised him from a babybones, but once Boss reached adolescence Red fell into a deep, heavy depression and the roles were reversed. He’s strict and a little mean at times, but he’s only doing what he was taught in order to protect himself and others. That being said, his displays of affection start out very rare, as showing affection was considered a sign of weakness. Eventually he’ll open up to hugs, kisses, cuddles, and even *gasp* PDA, but it will take some time before he gets to that point. He has a high LV, the highest of all the skeletons, and it affects him greatly. When Boss feels any sort of strong negative emotion, he’s at risk of his LV taking over his mind and body, putting not only himself but those around him in danger. There’s a special protocol in place to calm him down whenever this occurs.
On a brighter note, he loves to cook and is very good at it. He keeps a small booklet of everyones favorite recipes! His dream is to open a five-star restaurant.
Stretch loves sweets, adores companionship, and taking everything slow and steady. He’s never in a rush, the chill stoner he is. Most of the time you can find him lounging on a sofa or armchair playing cheap games on his phone. He’s the kind of guy who would spend hours browsing a Spencer’s, staying towards the back and giggling at the silly sex toys. Stretch is extremely interested in the concept of body piercing, and though he’d never get any piercings himself, he’d love to become a professional body piercer one day.
He lives off of touch, both giving and receiving; hugs whenever he’s greeting someone, a bit of hand holding while walking together, little head pats or shoulder touching when he’s standing next to you. His primary love language is touch, and it becomes apparent very quickly. He also had an oral fixation, and will usually be seen with a cigarette, a joint, or a lollipop between his teeth.
Blue, it almost seems, is going through a permanent sugar rush. In fact, he’s not really allowed to indulge in sweets because of how even *more* hyperactive they make him. That’s okay though, he’s more into salty and savory foods. He has a habit of working himself to exhaustion, sometimes even having to be nursed back to health by Stretch or Papyrus.
Blue’s a little -shit- /troublemaker/, using those big, bright eyes of his to play innocent, easily deceiving anyone and everyone (unless you’re used to his tactics, then he just gets frustrated). He’s a social butterfly and absolutely hates being alone for long periods of time. He doesn’t do well under pressure and as a result, isn’t good at lying or keeping secrets. He loves sports, but most of the time he’ll just go for a quick run with a buddy.
Slim is a gentle giant, easily towering over all of the other skeletons yet wouldn’t hurt a fly. He’s selectively mute, speaking only once in a blue moon. In fact, if it wasn’t for his extreme height, one would almost forget he existed. He’s been through a lot back home, developing severe general anxiety disorder and perhaps showing signs of C-PTSD? No one but Razz can say for sure, and Razz isn’t going to tell anyone anytime soon. Slim’s jacket is his security blanket, and he rarely takes his hood off, even home. The only times his entire skull is seen is straight out of the shower, or in the morning after he stumbles out of bed. Even during heatwaves, he has to be coaxed into taking it off.
Despite being so withdrawn, Slim craves companionship and tries to join in on group activities to the best of his ability. Like Stretch, he’s very touch-hungry and will help himself to cuddles. He’s pretty primal and dog-like, and uses petplay as a coping tool. He kiiinda has a problem with drooling, apparently it’s happened ever since his fangs got -pulled- knocked out. Even his new gold replacements don’t seem to help any. He doesn’t let it bother him, he just wipes his mouth on his sleeve and moves on. Most skeleton monsters have the ability to purr, and his is the loudest.
Whereas Slim is the tallest, his brother is the shortest of the group. Razz often wears heels to compensate for this, so most of the time he appears just about the same height as Blue (or taller, depending on the pair of shoes he’s wearing), even if he’s three or four inches shorter. He doesn’t let his lack of height get in the way, as he still has the the courage to boss everyone around. He’s very hard to please and can even be pretty argumentative about the littlest things. Despite this, he tries not to push people past their limits and he looks out for those closest to him, even if he has questionable ways of showing his love.
Razz keeps his interests to himself most of the time, so not too much is known about him when compared to the others. What we /do/ know is that he’s interested in fashion, sometimes sketching out a few designs even if he’ll never have the ability to create them — at least, not yet. Maybe someday he’ll pick up tailoring and fashion design as a full-time hobby. The closest he’s ever come to that was designing and creating the collar Slim constantly wears around his neck.
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Happy Birthday Hiroshi Kamiya
Happy birthday to my birthday buddy Hiroshi Kamiya! Technically, our birthdays are both on the 28th, but technically, mine would’ve been the 29th in Japan... oh well, we’re still birthday buddies. While I’m not a huge fan of his singing, I have huge respect for him as an actor. He’s a talented old man who turns 44 this year! Seriously, wow. 44. I might’ve thought he was 54 because of how he looks, but that’s beside the point.
This is going to get a bit long. You can watch his role compilation:
I will choose a few links and songs for the bottom.
Yuzuru Otonashi - Angel Beats
I can hear the darn music through this gif. Here’s the SPOILER SCENE.
Honestly, this anime was so well-acted in both the sub and dub, but the sub will forever have a place in my heart. Not that I have one, this anime didn’t even make me cry.
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Tsurugi Kamiya - Servamp
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Natsume - Natsume Yuujinchou
One of the few shoujo anime to not revolve around romance. I’ve only finished one season, but it’s quite an underrated masterpiece.
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Mephisto Pheles - Blue Exorcist
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Kou Ichinomiya - Arakawa Under the Bridge
This anime is so weird (as expected from Studio Shaft), romantic, and bizarre. It’s about a business man saved by a girl from Venus. She introduces him to his new home after ordering him to be her boyfriend. He meets a kappa, a literal star, and others.
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Koyomi Araragi - Monogatari Series
You know, the plain guy who somehow managed to get a whole harem. Another weird one from Studio Shaft.
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Nozomu Itoshiki - Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
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Zess - Break Blade
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Hiroomi Souma - Wagnaria (Working!!)
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Juli - Brothers Conflict
I watched one episode that ended with a headache because that was too many introductions at once.
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Ranpo Edogawa - Bungou Stray Dogs
The understated, overpowered, and lazy genius that really should get more plot development and screen time than he does currently.
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Kiyoshi Fujino - Prison School
It was so hard to find a PG clip of this anime. I wouldn’t recommend it for actual plot because the plot is has is more of *ahem* plot.
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Izaya Orihara - Durarara
Why does anyone like him again? It’s like when people like Yuno from Mirai Nikki.
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Shinji Matou - Fate
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Yuuta Takemoto - Hachimitsu to Clover
One of his best yet understated roles.
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Gareki - Karneval
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Yuu Setoguchi - Honeyworks
I’ll be including some songs from this series at the bottom.
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Quon Mitsuchi - Towa no Quon
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Balder Hringhorni - Kamigami no Asobi
I vaguely remember this character. Barely. 
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Choromatsu Matsuno - Osomatsu-san
The most level-headed amongst the Matsu brothers which is like saying he’s the tallest dwarf or the smartest football player (yes, that was a Heathers reference. It’s an American musical.)
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Masanobu Hojo - Gantz
I’m not putting a gif for this one since Gantz is... Gantz. It was an earlier version of the Hunger Games, Mirai Nikki, and the manga came out a few months earlier than Battle Royale.
Iitetsu Takeda - Haikyuu
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Art - Hamatora
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Penguin - Shirokuma Cafe
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Junichirou Kagami - Denpai Kyoushi
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Shunpei Sanada - Diamond no Ace
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Kouji Minamoto - Digimon
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Akashi Seijuurou - Kuroko no Basuke
Can someone please tell him that basketball is just a game? No need to be a crazy bastard. Seriously, he got a pair of scissors and just went at a guy.
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Saiki Kusou - Saiki
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Tieria Erde - Mobile Suit Gundam 00
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Yato - Noragami
His best character, in my opinion.
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Levi Ackerman - Shingeki no Kyojin
Probably his most popular character. One of the only short guy that girls fangirl over.
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Hikaru Kusakabe - Doukyuusei
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Trafalgar Law - One Piece
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Song Compilation
Song Recommendations
Kurayami Shinjuu Soushisouai
Meikyū Kaidoku Yūgi
Hizamazuke Butadomo Ga
Embarrassment of Adolescence
Confession Rehearsal - Another Story -
Tokyo Summer Session (ft. Various Seiyuu)
Tokyo Winter Session (ft. Various Seiyuu)
Links/Video Recommendation
Check Out Anokoe’s Playlist of Kamiya Stuff!
Check out Raku’s Playlist of Noragami Stuff!
Tongue Twister [Turn on CC]
NHK Documentary (no subtitles)
Attack on Titan Season 3 Interview
Live Voice Acting [Noragami | Meow | Osomatsu]
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spamzineglasgow · 4 years
(REVIEW) Lost Horizon by Nathaniel Farrell
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In this review, Jack Parlett ventures through the avenues, grooves and colliding landscapes, fantasies and libidinal economies of Nathaniel Farrell’s Lost Horizon (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2019).
> Nathaniel Farrell’s long poem Lost Horizon (2019), which takes as its subject the space of the retail utopia, makes me think of a lot of things. Which is to say that its sense of breadth and abundance – packed full of things and images, traversing vast distances across different landscapes – had me grasping for other reference points, for affinities that might suggest ways of reading it. The pile-up of the opening lines, scattered across the page, offers a glimpse into the ways this poem can get you lost:
The fountain full of coins       the smell of pretzels, print, perfume
formaldehyde in fabrics
                                   brass rails down stairwells      rebar in the pillars
           the underground parking structure – Roman alphabet
                                                                                   Arabic numerals –
                                                                                       (Farrell 2019: 1)
> The mall, scented with the churn of Auntie Anne’s pretzels (say) and the potent fragrances of a nearby department store, is rendered throughout the poem as an archaeological surface, as though the poet’s task were one of excavation. Lost Horizon reminds me, in this sense, of an Anselm Kiefer painting; a maximalist collage blending the industrial and the pastoral, foregrounding the dimensionality of objects that appear ‘found’ within the landscape of the work, like the unsettling use of spindly wires and sticks the painter is known for. Farrell, too, is interested in exteriorising the subterranean, the things that glimmer and protrude, like the ‘coins’ emanating from beneath the water of the fountain, like the chemical compounds found in our clothes. His is a multi-storeyed work, finding ancient linguistic systems in car parks, conferring the quotidian spaces of late capitalism with the dignity of the palimpsest.
> But Farrell’s poem does not settle upon one groove. It unfolds in strange and wrong-footing ways. Although this opening passage would seem to suggest a logic of succession, a list of things you might expect to find in a shopping mall, with an associative momentum driven forward by alliteration, the poem’s larger scheme is one of randomness, a yoking together of any number of images and textures. (My personal favourite: ‘Avocado.       TV as diorama or diocese                   catfish farm     trout hatchery.’) (27). This fragmented structure speaks back to the form of the Surrealist catalogue, or to experiments in automatic writing, and renders them in a distinctly American vernacular, like the New York melee of Frank O’Hara’s long 1953  poem Second Avenue or, more recently, Geoffrey G. O’Brien’s 2011 work Metropole (minus the strict iambic rules.)
> Yet where Second Avenue seems to stage a representational gag – in what sense is this poem, characterised by lines like ‘Butter. Lotions. Cries. A glass of ice’ (O’Hara 1995: 149) ‘about’ Second Avenue itself? – the abstraction of Farrell’s purview is already made explicit in his title. Lost Horizon is a work in search of a potentiality that has already been lost, and it goes looking for it in all kinds of places: shopping malls, forests, multiplexes, highways, locales suspended in the poem’s veering between the vitality of the artificial and the natural realm to which it shall one day return. Where a ‘rebarbative’ work like Second Avenue, in Andrea Brady’s words, recoils ‘from sentimentality but also from the reader’ (Brady 2010: 60), Farrell’s poem does the opposite. It homes in upon the way that sentiment might inhere in the spaces and materials of consumption and the faded spectacles of capital. Perhaps this is why, beyond any of the more high-minded comparisons it invites, Lost Horizon makes me think most of all of the town I grew up in.
> It feels a little parochial to compare the scale of Farrell’s Americana with a single town in Buckinghamshire. (He writes in the Acknowledgments that the project ‘emerged from road travel’ and draws upon the imagery of places including ‘St. Louis  and Los Angeles, San Francisco, Detroit, Minneapolis, Cleveland, Kansas City, Pittsburgh, and Fort Wayne’.) Yet shopping malls trade, the poem suggests, in incongruity; they flatten space and time, incorporate the urban, the pastoral and the global, as if the whole world might be incorporated under their ceilings. I realised in navigating this poem that so much of my sense of America, and Americanness as a kind of distant and glamorous imaginary, was mediated through my childhood in Milton Keynes. Milton Keynes was, after all, developed with reference to the layout of American cities.
> The area known as Central Milton Keynes (or ‘CMK’) was conceived in the mid-seventies as part of the recently created ‘new town’ in Buckinghamshire, and was officially opened by Margaret Thatcher in 1979. Although ‘CMK’ is a municipal designation – a name for the central zone of the larger Milton Keynes area – it is predominantly a business and retail district. Laid out on a grid, CMK sits somewhere between the ‘downtown’ area of an American city and the out-of-town shopping mall; an assemblage of shopping centres, office buildings and industrial parks, characterised by its distinctive glass-and-steel buildings and an infamous number of roundabouts. Like many British ‘new towns’, Milton Keynes was created with both pragmatic and idealistic aims in mind. On the one hand, it was an overspill project providing an outlet for London’s rising and congested population. On the other, it was to be a new frontier both socially and architecturally; an automobile haven merging green space with the imposing surfaces of the modern city. Today, it looks both futuristic and dated. Or rather, it looks like what the future was once supposed to look like.
> When I tell people I grew up in and around Milton Keynes, it usually prompts one of two responses. The first, most frequent and predictable, is a kind of apologetic nod, a nod to MK’s associations in the national imaginary as a uniquely naff, soulless place. The other (more generous) reaction is a kind of keen and outsize enthusiasm, prompting a conversation about the town’s architectural significance or its peculiar place in British local history as an experiment of urban planning. (There’s also, sometimes, outright judgment, as when on my first day of university a private schoolboy told me that ‘when I think of Milton Keynes I think of scum.’). My feelings about the place fall somewhere in the middle – I’m defensive of it in the face of snobbery, but I also think that the people who find it an area of intellectual interest probably didn’t grow up there. Until the opening of the recently re-developed Milton Keynes Gallery, which was reported widely in the national press, CMK lacked a culture of its own, and it still remains best known as a cornucopia of brand names and chain restaurants.
> And yet I can’t pretend that some part of me doesn’t kind of love it. Farrell’s work pays attention to the embarrassment one might feel about being from a place like Milton Keynes, or rather the embarrassment in our attachments to such a place. I still desire to rediscover the uniquely artificial pleasures of the shopping mall. Against my better judgments, I find myself beguiled again by CMK’s performance of grandeur, its strange radiance. Or perhaps its that my memories of childhood and adolescence are shot through, like an off-brand Lorde song, with its suburban framework, its constellation of uniquely named places like The Point, a red steel pyramid housing the UK’s first multiplex cinema when it opened in 1985, or the pastoral-sounding Midsummer Place, an extension of the shopping centre built around an oak tree, which people still refer to today as the ‘new bit.’ (It was opened at the start of the millennium and has been bought out by the Intu franchise. The tree is no more.)
> The speaker of Lost Horizon similarly figures the retail landscape as a site of affective and libidinal attachments, less a utopic horizon than a space where experience is packaged and backlit, where material capitalism might dupe us into utopic thinking, where you can hear ‘the beat of an unmoored heart in the duty-free shop’ (Farrell: 70). (The term retail therapy is particularly apt.) This speaker has a mobile erotic attention; reflects on the bulge of a male model, spots ‘a sign for Hooter’s at the Colonial Williamsburg exit / the owl’s eyes made to look like nipples’ (24) and appears to cruise, ‘wait[ing] at the bathrooms; / they smell of feces and orange cleanser / Yankee Candle’ (23). Nature, after all, will make its return, and the most pristine spaces must co-mingle with muck, human and otherwise. An ominous refrain towards the beginning of the poem - ‘A cellphone glows in a back pocket’ (9) - signals the mall’s impending obsolescence, its succumbing to the space of the virtual, and this in turn informs the poem’s ecological fixation, its avalanche of natural elements and catastrophic tableaux. Because this is what happens to shopping malls, eventually, as shown in the work of photojournalist Seph Lawless. Lawless’s portraits of abandoned shopping malls in economically precarious parts of America, malls now overgrown with vegetation, look post-apocalyptic, like a contemporary sci-fi iteration of the way Walter Benjamin conceptualised the Parisian arcades of the nineteenth century; as repositories, in part, for the lost dreams of prosperity.
> The shopping area of Central Milton Keynes is now Grade II-listed by Historic England, and it is renowned for its extensive greenery, its line of trees that populate the grid. (The area as a whole boasts 22 million trees and shrubs.) The integration of the green and sub(urban) landscape is something that makes the centre of Milton Keynes more desirable and sustainable, a nod to the land’s past. But you could look at it another way; not as a symbol of origin, but of man-made transience. Whatever shiny promises the retail utopia makes, it is built, Farrell’s dizzying poem suggests, to one day succumb to an unknowable horizon, where the trees will be ‘all that remain of home’ (3).
Benjamin, Walter. The Arcades Project. (Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press)
Brady, Andrea. 2011. ‘Distraction and Absorption on Second Avenue.’ Frank O’Hara Now: New Essays on the New York Poet (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press). 59-70
Farrell, Nathaniel. 2019. Lost Horizon (Ugly Duckling Presse)
O’Brien, Geoffrey G. 2011. Metropole (Berkeley: University of California Press)
O’Hara, Frank. 1995. Collected Poems (Berkeley: University of California Press)
Lost Horizon is now available via Ugly Duckling Presse.
Text and Image: Jack Parlett
Published: 19/6/20
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