#Aether and Ifrit are mated in my mind
sageofthestarz · 4 months
Some sad kinda fucked Ifrit thoughts because I woke up and they came
Cw; Substance Abuse, Sex as a coping mechanism, and just kinda general sads.
Nothing graphic said but still putting those ^
Big, Strong, oh so stupid Ifrit.
That's what was thought of him. A muscle head who fucked hard, partied hard, and got fucked up without a care.
An easy fuck and go without connections, without having to stick around after sorta thing
That isn't who he was though.
This was all learned behavior because it's what got him the attention he craved, any sense of being useful, cared about even if it was only because his body was useful
He loved and hated every single second of every single hookup, high, and any other thing that got him out of his head
If he wasn't happy he wasn't useful, if he didn't stay the persona they all knew he wouldn't be liked, if she showed just how broken inside he truly was he'd lose everything and everyone he had, no matter how superficial he needed the attention
It didn't matter if it was a vicious cycle of regrets, and horrible sleepless night, bad highs and.. thoughts he shouldn't have. Couldn't have
It was all he had now
His pack was broken.
His pack hated him after he left.
He never bothered to try and reconnect, why would he.
Aether, Mountain, and Dew stayed with the band, Zephyr never spoke to him, Mist was long gone to be with the lake.
He couldn't bother any of them with this.
With him.
He left the pack, he left the band, that was his choice. He left the only people who cared about him and for what? To go and be whatever he was now?
Even when he knew he could possibly rekindle something he didn't. Shoved those feelings down and shoved more substance down his throat.
He didn't deserve it.
Didn't deserve to have that happiness.
That comfort.
Ifrit used to be the most caring, lovable golden retriever there was.
Always following someone's trail, loving on them, and doing every favor he could
His pack loved him
He loved his pack
Now a days he's nothing more then an old dog owned by a family long since grown.
One that's waiting for the first excuse to be put down despite all the love it has left to give.
He thinks it's what he deserves.
A life of misery, and pain without comfort.
He watches his old pack in longing, the only happiness coming from seeing how happy and healthy they are
He'd do anything for them even now
He's so happy to see them thrive and love each other
Even if it also breaks his heart.
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skele-bunny · 2 months
What would happen if Dew never woke up from his coma? What about Calida? :( Will she be okay? I need to knoww!!
You're terrible. /Aff
On DVD. (CW) Aether/Dewdrop/Mountain
CW - Death, light mention of suicidal thoughts, talk of pregnancy from assault, implications of past abuse (#memories warning tag!)
Tags: Heavy Angst/Heavy Comfort, fluff, Step-Dad Aether, Step-Dad Mountain
Characters: Dewdrop, Aether, Mountain, Calida (Kit), Misc Ghouls.
(Divider by @ wrathofrats ! This is a fluff story I prommy)
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The day Dewdrop accepted the proposition, as if he really had a choice, to be the next elemental transition a fate had been sealed. One that he and his mates at the time weren't aware of. One that damned his only kit along with it. Sure, Dewdrop was a runt. But he fought like no other. He fought as he was burned from the inside out. He fought as his body broke in both physical and mind. He fought as tears went down his face and eyes rolled back once it was done.
He knew he had to fight to go back to his newborn kit, just bare of 6 months old. To go back to his mates and pack that loved him and her so very dearly. Zephyr, Aether, and Mountain were nothing but smiling faces in his head as he'd push through screams, the occasional flash of his daughters little hand wrapped around his claw.
So when a knock at the den door came, followed by the news that Dewdrop couldn't fight anymore as Aether held Calida so tightly in his arms—Something in them all broke. Something that could never be fixed. While screams and sobs wracked the three, Aether looked down to see a fourth one had joined, Calida confused just as much as them.
No one knew how to raise a kit, especially now that her mother was gone. Struggling with their own grief and loss, they didn't know how to handle her own loss and care.
There were times Mountain would be in her nursery, holding the sleeping infant while he stifled his sobs and occupied his mind to soothe the kit to avoid the thought of letting his own vines wrap around his airways. He held her so tightly, pushing his nose against her cheek and chest just like he did the day Dewdrop let him hold her for the first time. She smelled and looked just like him... Black bundle of hair on her head, sweet eyes and nose that scrunched with a smile, how her focus would be on the sound of music that they'd play for her.
But within their misery came more anguish in the form of fights. Arguing over Calida's care, frustration, and exhaustion in their eyes. Topics ranging from the other not attempting to help, to even Calida not accepting her bottles. So, so many fights over her. But it was never the kit's fault. Never.
When Ifrit had finally decided to show his face in the sadistic way of trying to pick Calida up from her crib, Aether lost his shit. Shoving the fire ghoul away and standing protectively in front of the pink painted wood.
"Get the fuck away from her." Was all he could manage, fangs bared and snapping his jaw.
"She's my kit."
He scoffed, "Really? There's no claim on her wrist to prove that."
Ifrit and Aether had gotten into each other's face, noses touches and their own growls being passed back and forth. "You know damn well she's mine—"
"Oh, I know. I know all about it. Which proves to me you'll be anything but her father as long as I'm around. As long as Mountain is around. We both fucking know, so unless you want to contest just how you're her father, you're not going anywhere near her."
Ifrit let out another low growl before finally stepping back, smoke escaping his nostrils. "Then she's your fucking problem."
"Gladly, you deadbeat bastard."
That was the last time Ifrit came around after that, dragging Zephyr away in the process. They didn't hold any ill will to their air element packmate, they didn't know what Dewdrop had confessed to Aether and Mountain, all they knew was their bonded mate had severed the pack and chose him. Zephyr would always be welcomed around, no matter the case. Dew loved them, even when Zephyr squealed how they had bonded to the fire ghoul, Dewdrop loved them with everything. So, they did as well.
It was just them three, now. Settled in a much too big den for a much too small family. Aether and Mountain whispering back and forth before agreeing on two things:
Together, they'd raise Calida and claim her as theirs.
Then, they'd do everything in their power keep the last piece of Dewdrop alive.
That they did.
Many nights of trial and error, confiding in Special and Mist for help, figuring out how to take 'shifts' and still manage their daughter, and more importantly snapping their jaws at the clergy higher-ups that became uncomfortably interested in the fire ghoul kit.
But they succeeded. Calida was the best thing in their lives, loving waking up to little hands and teeth over their arms and stomach, the soft babbles and laughter she gave with such rosey cheeks.
When she had turned a year old, Aether had mumbled to himself and wished that Dewdrop could see her birthday. Just that single line reminded him of three DVDs he had burned just a bit after Calida was born. He kept Calida on his lap while the small family had an impromptu movie night, Mountain curled up with them as they watched.
"What are you doing?" The camera was pointed at the floor before raising, Dewdrop's face becoming obvious with a curious look.
"I'm taking a video! You know, memories!" Aether came from behind the phone, laughing. "I read in this baby and me article about this mom who made videos for her son and gave them to him when he turned an adult."
Dew's face softened. "Aww! Okay, okay, fine... What should I do?"
"I'd say just talk to older Calida! Tell her your thoughts, all that jazz."
His gentle laughter followed, the camera following Dew as he placed his newborn on the changing table—then moving to only focus on Dew's head. "Okay, well... Calida, sweetheart, I don't know what you've been eating besides my milk, but you are the stinkiest child I have ever come across. And that's already a low number as is!"
"Oh don't be mean! She's just a baby!"
"I'm not! I'm making sure her future partners know to not give this girl spicy foods because I don't even dare to imagine that smell!"
Aether laughed again. "What a terrible first video." He teased.
"How are you going to show her these?"
"Probably just burn them on a CD. Delta showed me how."
The camera went back into focus on the two as Dewdrop held up his daughter, the water ghoul making plane noises as he carefully swayed her to the camera lense to show off her face. The video ended, and the next one started.
The two ghouls had started both laughing and crying, Calida snuggled between both of them as she silently watched, chewing her hand. They went through hundreds upon hundreds of videos on all three CDs, Calida falling asleep just a bit into the second. For a moment, everything felt okay as they heard Dewdrop's voice, seeing his face, and that beautiful smile they missed with everything in their hearts.
"We have to save these..." Aether mumbled as the final video ended, pausing on Dewdrop's sleeping face as Calida was drooling on his chest.
Through the years, Calida would watch the CDs with her fathers, little tail wagging as when she'd get older she'd sit right in front of the TV.
"Okay, if you could say anything to Calida, what would you?" Mountain asked, in the frame as Dew was pressed to his chest, Aether again behind the phone.
"I'd tell her thatt..." Dew hummed, thinking for a second. "I'd tell her that she's the most loved little girl in the world. That she has her mom and three others that would tear apart the planet for her if she so asked, and that she's also spoiled rotten from her Grandpa Terzo." He giggled. "What about you?"
Mountain answered quickly. "I'd let her know that she is, in fact, spoiled. Have you seen that girls closet? She has more toys and clothes to last her over a decade."
"You're so dramatic!"
"But! I'd also tell her how lucky she is to have a mom like you."
Dewdrop let out a small 'aww', leaning back to let Mountain press his lips close with a smile. Aether turned the camera to himself.
"Why you two are sucking each other's faces off—Calida, you are the prettiest thing I've ever seen. You have so much ahead of you, and I'm honored that I'll get to be a part of your world while you grow up. You're so loved and cared for, and I know I speak for all of us on that."
The water ghoul whined off-screen, a pillow being thrown at Aether in frame. "Just have to out-do us every time, don't you!" He teased.
Even as Calida grew, the new pack once more, and a new Papa had taken over with things changing—The DVDs never did. It never altered, never left. When the day Calida came of age arrived, Mountain and Aether had excused the small family from the common room, being waved off by the others, to sit in the Earth's room.
"There's something me and your father want to show you." Aether smiled, letting Mountain lay down as Calida instinctively laid in his arms.
She had watched with curiosity as a CD labeled 'Big Girl Birthday' was pulled out and slid into the DVD player Mountain had in his room. He double checked the player before quickly joining on the bed, snuggling their daughter together.
The camera was shaky, silent curses being thrown before the phone was propped up to show just Dewdrop in his room. He looked at the screen before smiling as the phone indicated it was recording.
"Hi, Calida! It's me, your mom." Dew exhaled. "It's currently... 3 a.m., and you're a little fussy from gas but I just got you calm and to bed. Uhm... I wanted to make a video by myself, for you. I'm not as good as Aether and Mountain but, hopefully I get it done right!"
He pulled over a piece of paper. "I thought really hard on what I wanted to say, what I wanted to tell you... I'm still going to be scrambled but—Hopefully this helps."
"Calida, you were born November 3rd of 2017, and ever since then you've made my life perfect. I won't lie to you, you came from a very dark place. But from that dark place, you lit everything up, and that is not a fire pun—Haha... You've given me so many new reasons to live, to love, and find happiness in my life. When I first held you while in the back of the tour bus I hope you'll get to experience, I remember just looking at your chubby face, and although you were covered in blood and so many other things, I knew right then and there that you were love embodied."
"I was so scared of what the future held for us. I was a runt back in the pit, I never expected myself to have a child, and I didn't know how to raise one. We went through so much together, and we still are, with the promise of more in the future. But I knew everything would be okay as long as I had you. That no matter what obstacle, we'd manage to get through."
The lamp on Dewdrop's desk reflected enough to show tears slowly misting his eyes. "Right now, you're the apple of quite a few peoples eyes. There's your Uncle Aether, and Mountain, Auntle Zephyr, Auntle Phil, and Grandpa Terzo... Then me. We love you all so, so much. We all can't wait to watch you grow and see who you become, especially me. I've been fantasizing about when you're older. Getting to show you how to swim, showing you how to play guitar, your first birthday, and everything beautiful this world has to offer for my equally beautiful daughter."
Dew chewed his lip before putting the paper down, wiping his eyes and regaining himself the best he could. It took him a moment before looking at the paper again. "Sorry. Ahem, so that's why I decided to start a little jar. A savings jar, to be specific, so I can buy you your first guitar. I spent hours thinking of when it would be the proper age to get you one, but I'm sure through all the years you'll have plenty to practice with but—permanently own? That's why I decided to give both this video and jar on your eighteenth. You've grown up so much, and I'm happy to know I get to see your face when you watch this and realize."
"I love you, Calida. That will never change. Even if somehow, we're separated, I will always be right there with you. Cheering you on, loving you every second of the day and night, and staying right by your side. Lilith only knows the day I'll have to make a video when you get courted for marriage! Haha, but, yeah... Happy birthday, my sweet girl."
The screen paused on Dewdrop reaching forwards to end the video, and sobs weren't unheard from the small family. Calida leaned towards Aether, being hugged tight from both sides, her shoulders bouncing with each heavy cry. Mountain kissed the side of her head, eyes squeezed shut as he laid his chin between her horns.
Choking on his words, Mountain spoke up. "We never stopped saving for him."
It gave Aether a moment to hug Calida again before slowly slinking away, opening the closet and reaching far into the back. He pulled out a flower vase that had 'Calida's First Guitar Fund!' written in Dewdrop's handwriting. He handed it over carefully, letting his daughter hug it tightly.
Her voice was so soft, looking up with wet eyes. "Can we go see mom...?"
With a few more minutes of hugs and replacing pajamas, the trio found themselves walking outside near the lake to a crevice that now had a headstone next to the entrance of an underwater cave.
Calida kneeled down, hand touching over her mother's name, smiling somewhat. "Hi mom... I got to watch my birthday video today."
Aether and Mountain stood back, hands held tightly as they continued to silently cry.
"Thank you for the birthday gift," She leaned down, kissing the cold stone. "Gonna play every day for you. I promise. I know you're going to tease every mess up I do, but hey! That's part of it, isn't it?"
She continued talking to the grave, Aether and Mountain eventually joining her and sitting peacefully while they rambled about what guitar options there was to choose from, and what they did for her birthday—all to an unseen ghost who couldn't drop his smile.
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alwaysjustmina · 7 months
Whispers of Rain
Chapter 15: I Can Hear You Say My Name
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This is it for this arc - some of you may want to yell at me with how it ended but trust the process and that I know where I am taking this. I hope I didn’t lose anyone on this journey, this arc was one of the hardest things I have ever had to write.
I don’t know if anyone noticed that the chapter titles really tell you about the chapters you are reading, Rain by Sleep Token, really had the best words for this story.
Thank you again to:
@papaslittlesunshine for beta reading this story (if there are any mistakes in this last chapter, it is all my fault! I wanted her to read this along with all of you!)
@midnight-moth for listening to me go on and on about this story
@kamonart for the beautiful artwork
And to all of you dear readers, the comments and the kudos, truly mean the world to me. I am so excited everytime I see someone saying something about something I wrote. It always blows my mind you all like it.
What’s next? Next I am starting to write for Raindrop April, some shorter stories I need to get out and have been putting off while writing Whispers. I will pick back up the next arc in the SITO world sometime mid April, posting at the latest at the beginning of May.
Read below the cut or here on AO3
The car ride to Ifrit’s estate was quiet as both Rain and Aether were lost in their own thoughts. Aether thinking about his baby brother and wondering what he would want to do first when they got topside. He couldn’t wait to show him the world, to rebuild their bond. He was hopeful once Ifrit was taken care of, the memory loss would vanish, that maybe there was a tether there that could be broken by death.
And let’s not fool ourselves, the only way Dew would be safe, the only way they would all be safe is if Ifrit was dead. Dead and not able to reappear in some lower circle of hell. They had an incantation to make sure that didn’t happen.
Rain’s thoughts were plagued by Dew and what he was doing, did he read the letters? What did he think of them? Would they survive this together? He tried to push thoughts of Eidolon to the back of his mind, if this was his last moment he wanted to only think of Dew. He ached for him, he missed how they were. The feeling so strong in the pit of his stomach, the butterflies that still showed up when he looked at him. How his belly still did dips and turns like he was on a roller coaster, did Dew still feel that way when he looked at him? Or did he think Rain had left him to rot here?
How did they end up here? All he wanted was to be Dew’s, to be his mate, his partner, his lover, Dew was his everything. His world started when he first looked at him and Dew looked back, it ended when he saw Ifrit dragging him away and there was nothing he could do to stop it. He would wait forever for Dew, they would go at his pace. He just hoped it wasn’t too late for them.
As they got closer to their destination they went over the plan again. They were going to infiltrate the estate, with the intel they had, they knew Ifrit was onsite today and not a lot of staff would be there. The security scouring the area for Dew and Eidolon. There were only a few guards with him and the regular staff that they were assured would not hinder the two of them. They had also seen the atrocities that Ifrit had plagued upon others.
They would arrive close to lunch when Ifrit took his meal out on the veranda. He had no company coming over today, he hadn’t had much in the way of friends and since the festival his image had dropped in many fellow denizens of the pit. This was another reason he was dangerous, he had nothing to lose with his fall from his lofty heights. Everyone was vying for the top spot left vacated by his forced demotion, which only fell further every day he didn’t have Dew and Eidolon back in his grasp.
The only weapons that they were able to use were their powers, it had something to do with the incantation. Made weapons wouldn’t end him. Rain was still worried about how his water magic would kill Ifrit, but he had made sure he was ready. He could whip the water from his body, douse his flames, and drown him. Aether was only there as a backup, if Rain failed he could step in and make sure Ifrit was taken care of once and for all.
It was eerily quiet as they crept in through the abandoned tunnels under the estate, vermin scurrying away as they made their way to the door that opened up to the basement behind casks of wine. Mildew and must flooded their system with each breath they took, the dankness of the basement permeating their pores.
They crept behind the barrels, making their way up the steps and out through the pantry that opened up into a hall. They saw no one as they moved along, almost as if they were all expecting their arrival.
As they neared the veranda, they could hear the scrape of a fork on a plate, a wine glass being set down. Ifrit was there and they were ready.
But so was Ifrit, “Rainy, woah this took so much longer for you to come than I thought it would. I was beginning to think you didn’t really love our Droplet.”
He didn’t turn around, continuing to eat and drink, his every motion showing he wasn’t worried about the threat that Rain posed. When they rounded the table to stand in front of Ifrit, he finally looked up.
“Oh, Aether, you too? Really? How boring of you.” Laughing he took another sip of the red wine.
“Ifrit, this is your execution, carried out by the injured party, you will not be returning back to this plane after your death. This is your true death, final.” Aether spouted off the speech he was told he had to say. “In the event Rain dies before you, I will finish the job. We will only use our powers, do you understand the terms?”
“Oh even better, a true death duel! Does this mean Rainy can be done too? If I end him, he won’t be able to be with my Droplet.” There was no hint of nervousness in his visage, he was gleeful.
Rain and Aether both knew of this possibility but had signed up nonetheless to take care of Ifrit. With a nod to Ifrit’s question, Aether started the incantation, locking them all in until one side was done. Dead.
Ifrit pushed away from the table, ready to start and end this fight. There was no doubt in his mind that he was stronger than Rain, that he would have Dewdrop in the end. Rain was an ant that he planned to squish. He leered at Rain as they each accessed the other, finding weak spots, ready to pounce.
When Aether was done, Rain was surprised when Ifrit didn’t jump to start his attack. Instead he stood there just looking at Rain with a smirk on his face.
“Did he tell you how much he enjoyed our time together, Rain?”
Rain didn’t answer, instead he started pulling his power up quietly pulling mist to coat the porch floor slowly freezing the ground to make it slick and harder for Ifrit to move. Their bodies coated in rain, the water droplets falling heavier and heavier.
Ifrit threw the first bolt of fire at Rain, which was quickly doused with the water. They found themselves volleying back and forth, one trying to tire the other out. When that didn’t work, Ifrit continued his tirade as Rain started to pull the water from his body. He could see him start to flag as soon as he did it.
Rain stalked closer to Ifrit, his hands shaking as he continued, the face before him starting to sink into his bone structure, the flesh becoming less supple. While Rain didn’t relish the thought of killing someone, he knew this was the only option.
“Did - Did he tell you?” Ifrit cursed his voice, he knew Rain was beginning to get the upper hand and he was losing.
Rain again didn’t answer all his thoughts on his powers, he wouldn’t give Ifrit the benefit of him breaking his concentration.
“He could be pregnant, did you know that? What are you going to do when you have to see me in our child everyday? He will always be partly mine, he will never be just yours, Rainy.”
A child? No, that couldn’t be right, right? Dew would have told him. The image of Dew and Eidolon whispering in the corners and the horrible nightmares Dew had been having. Was it beyond the torture of what Rain thought, was he plagued that he could be carrying Ifrit’s child? Why wouldn’t he tell him? Rain would have supported him?
Ifrit’s plan worked, Rain lost all concentration on the task at hand. He could hear Aether shouting at him, but all he could see was Dew being forced by Ifrit, the image playing over and over in his mind. It allowed Ifrit to regain some of the upper hand, he quickly threw bolt after bolt of fire at Rain, when that didn’t work he sent a wave of fire crashing over all of them. Aether to the side wasn’t affected but Rain was engulfed in the flame. His water magic quickly eliminated the threat to himself, but not before he could smell hair burning on his body.
He advanced quickly to Ifrit, throwing up waves of water knocking him off of his feet, causing the bolts of laser focused fire to fly erratically in every direction. It didn’t stop Rain from pouncing, the slow pull of water from Ifrit before was nothing to Rain’s furry, he pulled it out in record time, and when before him was a desiccated man, he began to flood his lungs with all the water from around them. Not letting up.
“You are a sick fuck! You will never touch Dewdrop again. Never!” Rain shouted between tears and fury.
“He will never be yours again, do you hear me Ifrit? NEVER!”
He watched in satisfaction as Ifrit struggled for breath, the weight of the water on his flooded lungs cracking all of his ribs. He could feel his lungs expanding and expanding outwards as more water flooded them. Never giving up the relentless pursuit of drowning him in the driest parts of hell. His eyes bulged as he gasped for breath, but he would never find air again. The disbelief present on his face, that Rain had beat him. That he could be beaten.
Ifrit died in front of him. The water that flooded him moments ago fled his body to saturate the ground, finding serenity in being able to give back to the world again. Ifrit’s body slowly started to disintegrate into ash. It vaguely passed Rain’s mind how weird it was that he had flooded him with water only for him to break apart like a fire had engulfed him in the bluest hue of its ember. It wasn’t slow, if he hadn’t been watching he wouldn’t have believed that was what had happened to Ifrit. His eyes peered up at Rain, unfocused, in the glassy glance of death. They were the last thing to break down. His death stare would haunt Rain to think about them later.
Rain collapsed to his knees, he was finally done. Ifrit wouldn’t hurt them anymore. He wouldn’t hurt Dew. Dew could start to heal from Ifrit’s depravity. The tears wouldn’t stop, he felt the joy of it being over, but the weight of what he had to do plagued him. He knew it needed to be done, there was no other option, but the questions of what had happened to Dew, now flooded his mind. Where did they go from here?
Moments fled by incredibly fast as he kneeled in disbelief, surprised he hadn’t heard Aether yet shouting with joy. Why hadn’t he heard Aether yet? Why was it so quiet?
Rain quickly turned around to see Aether slumped on the side, a blackened hole surrounding his heart. The errant fire beams Ifrit shot off had hit him. Rain had never moved so fast, flying to his side trying as if that could slow the inevitable.
“Aether, hang on. We will get you to a healer. Hold on!” He cried, reminiscent of last year when Rain was in a similar position with Aether shouting at him.
Aether grabbed his hands, pulling him closer to whisper in Rain’s ear. “It is too late. Rain, it is ok, please watch over Phantom. Tell him how much I love him. Make sure he gets to safety, please promise me this?”
Rain watched as color drained from Aether’s purple eyes, slowly lightening to a white, his body so very cold as Rain held onto his hands.
“No, don’t give up! You are going back with us!” He cried.
“Promise me Rain, please! Promise me you will get him home!”
Rain shook his head back and forth in disbelief. How could this be happening, they had won this. They couldn’t be in this position, not again. They couldn’t lose anyone.
Aether’s voice was getting lighter as he repeated himself over and over.
“I promise, Aeth, I promise. I am so sorry!” Aether gripped his hand tightly before it grew lax, at peace with the promise that Phantom would be taken care of. He was at peace in death, he would gladly give his life for Phantom to have a chance. He was partially to blame for all of this, if he would have spoken up long ago, maybe Ifrit wouldn’t have gotten this far.
“Thank you, Rain” The last words he spoke before he too started to disintegrate in front of Rain. His body turning to ash, caught in the confines of the incantation. He was gone permanently.
Rain didn’t know how long he sat on that veranda besides the ashes of Aether’s body, sobbing for everything Ifrit had taken from them, before he picked himself up and started back towards Dew and Eidolon. Going home, going home to Dew.
He didn’t just leave the estate, he made sure everyone was out, finding the bedroom where Dew was held along the way. His scent still on the unwashed sheets, intermingled with what he assumed was Eidolon’s or Ifrit’s. The thought of both, either, with Dew made him vomit in the attached bathroom before he closed the door quickly.
There was no one in the house, they had all fled either before the fight or during. Easier for Rain to do what he knew needed to be done.
After he exited the room he left for last, Ifrit’s study, he lit fire to the place. Carrying some documents and a leather bound journal he hoped would give them some insight into what he had done to Eidolon. Aether had been informed Ifrit wrote in it consistently, so he wasn’t leaving it behind.
He watched the fire burn from the car a few miles away on a hillside. Loving that Dew’s elements, both fire and water, had finished this place and the ghoul in the end. The color of the fire against the blood red sky, turned the image in front of him a shade of orange, all the colors of a sunset trying to fight for dominance. Rain found something in the orange, a peace knowing that the ghoul known as Ifrit, his plague on this land was done.
Driving back to the house was a drawn out process, he had contacted Copia and told him where to open the portal and when. He didn’t question Rain when he said he was bringing back Aether’s brother but not Aether. He knew the time for questions was for later, he could hear the tremble in Rain’s voice. He told him not to worry, they would take care of everything and be waiting for them at the allotted time when they came through to the abbey.
It was dark again when he got back, much like when they had left earlier. The house had lights on in almost every window, as if welcoming the warriors back from the war, he thought with a grimace. Only one warrior, and not much of a warrior.
He dreaded having to tell Eidolon and Dew about Aether, knowing his brother would never forgive him and the rage that would follow once he shared that news. He must have sat in the vehicle for at least a half an hour before forcing himself to exit.
He walked slowly to the door, dragging his feet. He just wanted to get them home, to rest, pick up the pieces of his shattered being. He was surprised when he heard the front door creak open and Dew’s head peek out of the frame. Rain didn’t even recognize the sound of Dew’s gasp and his feet on the ground before their bodies crashed together. The exhaustive weight of what just transpired hours before found Rain’s knees buckling. Dew held him as he sank to the ground, clinging to one another in desperation. There were no words, there didn’t need to be any, there was time to talk, time to listen, time to put their life back together. Time.
The only thing that broke them apart was when they heard Eidolon, suddenly standing beside them, asking where Aether was.
Rain’s legs trembled as he rose back up to his feet, pulling Dew along with him. He wasn’t ready to let go yet, knowing everything was about to change again. Their eyes locked, Dew picking up on Rain’s hesitation.
His voice trembled as he spoke the words that would seal any future dealings with Eidolon, “I-I am, I don’t know how to say this, I am, fuck.”
“What, spit it out, it isn’t like you killed him too,” Eidolon responded with a huff, exasperation evident on his face at having to deal with Rain again.
When Rain didn’t meet his eyes and didn’t speak for a moment, Eidolon continued, “You didn’t right? He is still in the car right?”
“AETH,” he shouted, running to the vehicle. When he saw no one inside, he turned back to Rain, fury evident on his face.
“You can’t tell me you are this inept that got my brother killed, that YOU KILLED HIM?”
“The spell, it-,” stumbling over his words, he tried to get it all out, taking another breath he steadied himself and continued, “The spell, if anyone in the circle was hit, it ended them. Ifrit was erratic at the end and one of his bolts hit Aether.”
“I tried, Ei-,” that was all Rain could utter before he felt his head swing back with the force of Eidolon’s fist. He fell to the ground again, flinging Dew from him so he wasn’t caught in his fury. His fists pummeled him again and again, not stopping. He could hear Dew shouting at Eidolon, trying to pull him off of Rain. Rain stopped feeling the fists on his face, assuming Dew had finally been able to put Eidolon off of Rain. When he finally opened his eyes back up, he could see Dew standing with Eidolon to the side, his arms around him, whispering in his ear furtively.
Eidolon broke out of Dew’s grasp and knelt down beside Rain, whispering for only him to hear, “You are so fucking useless, Rain. I can’t believe you still exist. I will find a way to make everyone see how useless you are.”
As they stood there in silence, the portal suddenly appeared to the side of the home. The faint outline of the abbey room visible through the center. He didn’t realize time had flown so fast already.
“That’ll be Copia, we should go before it draws attention,” Rain mumbled, bending to retrieve the satchel he brought back with him from Ifrit’s house. When no one moved his gaze stumbled over them ultimately landing on Dew.
His eyes were red and bloodshot, when did he cry? Of course he cried, one of his closests friends had been killed. He wished not for the first, or surely the last, time that he could remove all the pain Dew had to endure in the last few months.
“Please go, this will be the only thing I ask of you, I want you to be safe. I will bring up the rear to make sure you both get through,” Rain begged quietly.
He watched as Dew nodded and grabbed Eidolon’s hand to walk towards the portal. The swirling purple and black lights glistening like the sun through Dew’s hair, the outline of his body illuminated by the otherworldly light. It was only then that Rain noticed Dew was clutching a small package of letters in his other hand. There was no time to question what they were, but he could only assume they were what he had left Dew with. His mind screamed at him to ask if he read them, what he thought, did he still love him? Eidolon and Dew were through the portal in the blink of an eye.
Dew was home. Finally.
As Rain stumbled into the summoning room, he saw Dew to the side of the room first. His eyes watching as Rain gathered his bearings from the trip. Their friends were all there waiting for them, Copia was there.
He could hear Dew talking quietly with Mountain to the side, as he too looked at Rain with grief. When he moved as if to go to Rain’s side he shook his head, Dew needed him more right now.
He found Copia watching him also, he moved to tell him that he could close the portal, this was everyone, but Copia shook his head.
“Rain, you can’t stay. We already got a summons. You have to go back.” His solemn tone leaving no room for questions from Rain, he knew this was a possibility.
They knew that there were forces at work that didn’t want Rain to go back to the pit and take care of Ifrit, the delay on being able to go was proof of that. They had discussed before going that something like this could happen, they hoped it wouldn’t but were prepared.
“I understand. Can I say goodbye?”
Copia looked to the portal before answering, “You have less than a minute before guards will be sent through. I’m sorry, Rain. We will work on everything we can from this side.”
Before he threw his arms around Copia, he handed him the backpack with the documents and told him to keep it safe. In the hug, he tried to convey everything he could in mere moments. “Please take care of him,” he whispered in his ear before he turned around to stumble across the room to Dew.
He made his way to Dew’s side, to break the news and say goodbye, but he found he couldn’t tell him.  He reached out absentmindedly to caress Dew’s face and when Dew pulled back from the touch, his hand quickly dropped to his side.
“I will move all of hell to be back with you as soon as I can.  I promise.”  He vowed as Dew looked on with confusion.
“What do you mean?  We are here now.”  
“I have to go back, ‘M sorry I don’t have time to explain, Copia will be able to tell you more.”
“Don’t go,”  Dew begged as the tears started to slide down his face again.
Everything in his being was screaming at him to stay, to run away with Dew, to never come back. They’d find them anywhere though, there was no escape.  The best he could do was leave Dew with the people who loved him.  He tried to take in that one last look, memorizing his face, the tilt of his head as he begged, the way his lips puffed out as he cried.  He wished he could see his smile.
“It’ll be ok.”
“It’s not ok, Rain.”  It’ll never be ok again, he sobbed to himself.
His time was up.  
As he drew away from everyone, he looked at all of them one last time, saving Dew for last. He tried to keep him in his vision until the last second, the portal swallowing him from his sight.  He hated that the last thing he would see was Eidolon moving towards Dew to comfort him.  
“You have been summoned back to answer for your crimes against Ifrit Coal and Aether Lucent.”  The sound of the key in the cell door was the last thing he heard before he broke down.  Pain and grief his only companion in his exile.  He was pretty sure that was what he deserved.
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eros-ghoulette · 7 months
Zephyr is in pain and Aether wants to help.
Characters: Aether, Zephyr Word count: 443
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Aether was currently walking back to the ghoul den. He was tired, Omega needed help in the infirmary, and who was he to say no? So he spent his whole day there, mostly doing the paperwork while the other quint was on duty to help his patients. Ifrit came around on lunchtime to bring him a sandwich and then went back out to do whatever he needed to do. All Aether wanted was to lay in his bed and get some sleep, and maybe find Dew to cuddle with.
As he entered the ghoul den, he smelled it immediately; sour and, somehow, herb. He rushed to their common-room. Zephyr was laying on the sofa, their cane laying on the ground next to them. They were laying on their belly, their shirt slipped up a bit, revealing their lower back and small love handles. Their face was buried in their arm and a pillow. Aeth walked over and crouched down besides them, placing one of his clawed hands on their shoulder.
“Where does it hurt?”, he asked, knowing that smell of Zephyr well.
“Everywhere”, came back the quiet answer, and Aethers heart broke at the sound of their voice. He stood back up and reached for the medicine cabinet, only to realize, that they had no painkillers left.
“I’ll get you something”, he told the airghoul and wanted to leave for the infirmary again.
“No”, Zeph mumbled, turning their face to look at his pack mate. Their eyes were red and the cheeks puffy. “Don’t help, Mount gave me the rest. Barely made a difference.” Zephyr’s voice cracked. They looked at the small table and Aether saw their last package of painkillers. 
The quintghoul looked worried and reached to grab the cane. He leaned it against the wall and watched quiet tears falling down Zephyrs cheeks. They turned their face back to the pillow.
“Where are the others?”, Aether asked then.
“Wanted to be alone”, came back. The other one knew why. Zephyr hated to appear weak, and they hated to be pitied. 
“Should I go too?” Aether knew the answer already, but he needed confirmation.
The quintghoul sat down on the ground next to Zephyr, his hands placed on their lower back. He was tired, but Zeph needed help, and quintessence was the best he could offer. Aether closed his eyes and concentrated, his hands began to tingle, a familiar feeling. After a while, his head began to pound. The paperwork had already exhausted his brain, and using his quintessence now, especially that much, took his energy like nothing else. But it was for Zeph and for them, he would do anything. 
I let myself get inspired by @aweisz fanart and hope it's not too bad written. And I hope Felix is doing better today. (Also, my fucking hand hurts today, my back hurts, I got my period, and I'm still ill so every time I cough my brain and lungs feel like they will explode 💀😭. And I can't concentrate, no matter what I do, my mind ends at the ghouls)
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wrathofrats · 7 months
Some questions about the transition
What will happen to rain
Did anyone else help
Was most the only old ghoul who stayed for dew
Did the transition make dew meaner
Do the other ghouls know about it/copia
Did terzo feel bad
Did everyone hear the screams
Does Dew Drop resent aether for what happened
Sorry for the questions
Hi! Don’t be sorry I am so very actively encouraging questions! It helps me as a writer think about these things and also it’s just fun bc I get to share a bunch of my lore ideas!
What will happen to rain?
Good question, it’s not really known. Mist chose not to transition herself even after Terzo asked if she wanted to, and she is still ok. I think it honestly depends on a lot of factors, like I believe mist and rain will one day end up like the old water ghouls, but not anytime soon. Water was a very old ghoul and river and lake themselves were not super stable. Delta transitioned on his own anxiety and dew didn’t want the same to happen to him.
Did anyone else help
Purely transition wise? No. Only quints are allowed to work in the infirmary. Only their magic is allowed to be medical. But not transition wise? I think it was a whole pack thing. The other ghouls in the clergy stopped by to see what they could do for weeks.
Was most the only old ghoul who stayed for dew
Nope! Everyone cares a lot about him, I think mist is the only one who refused to leave though. She didn’t trust the process and genuinely assumed the worst, while everyone else knew he would be ok. But some of his closer pack mates ended up staying for a bit longer. Like ifrit and mountain and earth.
Did the transition make dew meaner
Not at all. I don’t think elements really change core aspects of your character, but maybe more of how you deal with emotions and stuff. So he’s absolutely not meaner, never really was mean. But it makes him a bit more volatile. He’s never been good with his emotions, and the trauma and new element can make him a bit prone to blow up a bit a times, but he’s working on it.
Do the other ghouls know about it/ copia
Absolutely, it’s not a secret. Dew isn’t ashamed of his past self and aether isn’t ashamed of what he did (though there’s complicated feelings on his end, but he’s not ashamed) it’s kinda just common knowledge at this point that dew used to be a water ghoul. I don’t think it’s brought up often though.
Did terzo feel bad
Yes but he doesn’t regret it. He feels worse for delta as he couldn’t stop him, and delta got the worst ending of what could happen, even though omega tried to help him. He feels bad for dew too but dew agreed to the process and he got to keep his ghoul, so he’s happy, though I think his pain sometimes eats at him, wonders if there’s a better solution.
Did everyone hear the screams
Everyone in the infirmary did. They didn’t last long, just the day the actual transition took place. I think ifrit and mist were the ones there for that. But if you’re also asking if everyone knows? Again I don’t think it’s a secret, but it’s not discussed openly. To any ghoul that came after him it’s kind of a “we know this was bad and we aren’t going to ask” situation
Does Dew Drop resent aether for what happened
Not in the slightest. Dew wanted this, and he loves aether. If anyone was going to do it he’s glad it was aether and probably wouldn’t have done it otherwise. In his mind there’s no one to blame but himself, but I also don’t think he regrets it, but he does have complicated feelings.
I hope this helps (:
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autumnblooms · 1 year
So the mountain angst, I have to work on it in little bits and pieces cuz feels 😂
I thought I'd drop some tidbits here cuz I'm brainstorming and you get to be witness to it.
Terzo is dead, or at least presumed dead. After being dragged off stage at their last show, the ghouls have not seen or heard from their beloved Papa. Aether and Mountain have put in inquiry after inquiry with the Clergy, only to be dismissively told that a "paradigm shift was in motion". Omega is beside himself.
The ghouls are back at the Ministry, and the change can be felt with Terzo's absence. Yes, the man was arrogant, sometimes dangerously impulsive, but the abbey had been bright and full of music and warmth under his direction, being the hedonist that he was.
Now, it is cold, and dark. Siblings scurry along the corridors, heads down and shoulders hunched. The ghouls, where once recieved warmly, are now thrown fearful sideways glances, like the siblings know something that the pack doesn't.
It's the transition from fall to winter. The ghoul's elemental powers are lulling, as they tend to wax and wane with the change of the seasons.
They begin waking up to find that members are simply...disappearing over night. First Zephyr, then Ifrit. One day, Omega, their Alpha and protector, is just...gone. Mountain, Dew, and Aether huddle together most days for protection and comfort, feeling the absence of their mates. They have each other, they can keep each other safe.
But the Winter solstice is coming. The longest night.
*slinks away back into my cave*
Mac your mind!! I see exactly where you’re going with this and I am so here for it! The slow build up of dread, and the absolute fear Mountain will have when certain Dew related events occur…just 🤌🏼 And the timeline is perfect too because there’s no Copia really around yet to intervene with anything, it’s just Sister working in the shadows which creates more fear and uncertainty~
Take care while you write love, I can’t wait to read it when you’re finished!!
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ourfatherwhoartinhell · 3 months
Bonded in Blue // [Part II]
Pairing | Sister Emery (OC) x Alpha
Word count | 1247
Warnings | None :)
Tags | Light-hearted, fluff, domestic!Alpha, theres an attempt at humour if you squint
Plot Summary: Emery has never seen Alpha's flame. When he decides to show her, she finds out that it's as beautiful and unique as her mate is. Alpha also explains more about what it means to be mated to a ghoul.
A/N: This is the last part, just a short little fic! Thanks so much for reading!!
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After finishing her chores, the Sister headed to the ghoul den. Ignoring the younger ghouls shouting as she entered. They were currently playing an aggressive game of Twister, where Phantom was looking to go undefeated for 6 weeks. Emery said hi to Rain and Earth as she passed by, heading towards the stairs that lead further down into the den before noticing her friend.
“Hi, Omega. Is Alpha in his room?”
The older ghoul smiled as he turned around. “As far as I know, Ember!”
Ember. That nickname came shortly after her and Alpha became official. ‘Get it? Cause your name is Emery, it sounds like ember cause Alpha’s a– nevermind’. She had just chuckled and decided to let him keep it, secretly finding it cute. It was like her way of being a part of the pack, besides being simply mated to one of them.
Emery thanked Omega and continued down the spiral staircase. 
Alpha liked having his living area in the lower area of the den since it was cooler down there. At first, Emery shuddered at the thought of living in an igloo, but it turned out to be a pretty good fit in the end. It came equipped with its own personal heater who always kept her nice and toasty!
She reached the bottom of the staircase and approached the first door on the left, lightly knocking before making her way inside. She found Alpha laying on the bed, reading the book she picked up for him yesterday.
“Hey!” He said, closing the book and patting beside him as he sat up, leaning against the headboard. “What’s up?”
Emery made the 4 steps over to the bed and decided she hadn’t bothered her mate enough today, intentionally climbing over him and making a fuss. Alpha rolled his eyes and held her waist, stopping her from making it completely over to the other side, and held her to him.
“I haven’t seen you all day, where have you been?”
“I had extra chores today cause Sister Niamh isn’t feeling well, but Aether said she’d be right as rain tomorrow.” Emery said with a yawn as she settled into Alpha’s side, resting her head on his chest. “Not Rain like, Rain. Like– ugh, you know what I mean.”
Alpha just chuckled as she played with her fingers, heating his own as he worked to soothe the achiness she must be feeling after her long day.
“That’s not the only thing on your mind,” he pressed.
Now or never, Emery thought. “Why have I never seen what your flame looks like?”
Alpha paused, not at all what he was expecting her to say. 
“I’ve seen Ifrit’s many times when he comes to fix the windows in the library. I was there when you guys helped Dew find his.” She reminisced. “But I’ve never seen yours.”
“You never asked.” In truth, he didn’t really have an answer. “It’s not as much of a big deal as it used to be, but it used to be something sacred.”
Emery kept quiet. If he didn’t want to show her, then she wouldn’t press him to. She didn’t realize that it could be something that personal or intimate, since the other ghouls showcase theirs all the time. But Alpha was a lot older than the other ghouls - maybe things had changed.
“If you wanted to see it my dear, then all you had to do was ask.”
“I don’t want to make you uncomfortable or anything. I didn’t realize it was so personal.”
Alpha chuckled and rested his head in the crook of her neck, kissing the mating bite he put there a year ago. “Star, there is nothing you could do, or say, to make me feel uncomfortable. You’re my mate. That means you’re as much a part of me as I am you. I probably should’ve shown you earlier, but I didn��t think you were interested.”
Alpha began to scent her lightly as she relaxed further into his embrace, a wicked smile growing on his face. “Although, maybe I should show it more often. Remind these ghouls who you belong to, cause I can smell Aether all over you.”
It was Emery’s turn to chuckle as she reached up and affectionately bonked him on the nose. “What did you expect! He came to visit me in the library looking for a book to help Phantom. I couldn’t leave a friend in need!”
Alpha’s chest rumbled as he hummed in response, untangling an arm from around Emery’s waist. He held his hand out in-front of her, turning his closed fist over and opening his fingers to reveal a small, calm flame flickering at the center.
“Alpha.” Her eyes widened, utterly enchanted. “Amare, this is…”
“Not what you expected?”
“It’s blue!” She smiled before reaching out to touch it, quickly catching herself.
“You can touch it, go ahead.” Sister Emery turned her neck to glare at the ghoul. “Yeah, and burn myself so you can laugh at my stupidity. I thought you didn’t want me to hang around Aether anymore.”
“Well I’d rather not smell other ghouls' scents on you.” Alpha tenderly kissed her forehead as she looked at him. “Just trust me.”
Emery looked back at the blue flame expertly controlled in his hand. Taking a breath, she reached out. As her index finger cautiously rolled over the tip of the flame, she exhaled.
“It's… not burning me?” She said in awe, her fingers dancing in it.
“No. And it never will.” Alpha remarked, resting his chin on her head as he watched her play with the little fire he easily wiggled out of her reach. “You’re as much a part of me as I am you. Once I marked you, a part of me stayed behind. It’s how we know who’s been claimed. Apart from the scar of course.” 
Alpha laughed as he made the flame disappear and reappear in his palm, Emery trying to poke it like a game of Whac-A-Mole. “Some ghouls like to leave their mark in more… hidden places. It works a foolproof way for us to tell. You kind of… always smell like me. Well, it’s more like your scent and mine combined, so we smell the same.” 
“Ew,” Emery said jokingly as he rolled his eyes and continued. 
“Even if you’re around other ghouls, their scents don’t really stick.”
“So that's why Omega used to just barge in!” She exclaimed in realization. “He only smelled you!”
It was quite embarrassing for Omega at the beginning. After she was marked and started living with Alpha in the den, Omega would often walk into their nest unannounced. The poor Quintessence ghoul often at the receiving end of Alpha’s wrath as her mate’s emotional control and possessiveness went on the fritz after being newly mated. Emery knew the two ghouls were close, and it wasn’t in their nature to be overly private creatures, so it never really crossed her mind as being anything out of the ordinary.
Alpha silently cringed, the flame returning into his palm. Wrapping his arm around Emery’s waist once again as she leaned back against him, nuzzling her nose into his neck. “Unfortunately.”
“But why is it blue?”
“It never used to be." He shrugged. "It came with age I guess.”
“Or maybeee,” she teased. “It’s because blue fire is the hottest, and so are you.”
“You’re incorrigible,” he snickered before she yelped, trying to escape the ambush of tickles peppering her sides.
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ask-the-clergy-bc · 2 years
How would era 3 ghouls + special react to their s/o being pregnant?
I ended up adding a lot of the era III ghouls, hope you don't mind! XD
Tide is the fourth water Ghoul who was Omega's initial replacement before Aether, and Ivy came after Earth but before Mountain! Trying to get more of the cast in here!
I also wasn't sure if you wanted human or ghoul reader. But I never get an opportunity to write ghoul reader, so I chose for you! :'D
And tags for Pregnancy in the bottom!
Era 3 Ghouls + Special React to Their Ghoul S/O Being Pregnant
Special: Actually, he broke the news to you! IMMEDIATELY! He couldn't hold it in! It was more of a word vomit one day when you complained of feeling out of it. Special's omnipotent powers of just... whatever he is comes with the perks of not being as surprised. You know that but truthfully, you thought he was screwing with you. But cried when he excitedly bounced around. "I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT EITHER!!" You both have to spend some time processing it but DAMN! He was practically vibrating with excitement!!
Omega: He freezes, and it first you think it's because of panic. After all, you both weren't trying or planning... it just happened! You're almost afraid he was upset until he pulled you into the biggest bear hug. Omega nuzzles into your hair and you can feel him trying to hold back tears. Omega has been in the Ministry for so long he thought he would never get his own family. He won't admit he's nervous for the Ministry plotting to use your child (especially if they come out quintessence like him, the most highly sought after element.) But he's fiercely protective of you both!
Alpha: Like Omega, Alpha just stares at you at first. You can practically see the gears in his head turning. Once he finally processes what's happening he lets out the LOUDEST and LONGEST victory cry you've ever heard! You're immediately whisked into his arms as he spins you around, kissing all over your face! And, in true Fire ghoul tradition, Alpha takes you to the mess hall with all of the other ghouls. The fire leader lifts you over his head and shouts "MY MATE IS PREGNANT!!" much to your embarrassment and the cheering of the other ghouls.
Water: Normally your smug partner takes everything in stride... but you weren't expecting him to have such a bad reaction. Water panics. Panics because having kits on Earth is dangerous and he does NOT trust the humans in the ministry. "Are you sure? Are you absolutely sure? OH Babe, please tell me you're sure!" He's worried for a week and it stresses you out so much. Eventually he comes to accept it but he knows he has to earn your trust back. It's a bumpy road but Water isn't going to abandon you or make you feel worse!
Earth: Absolutely has no words. Instead he makes a series of garbled half sounds and energetic hand gestures. Which you thought was cute until he nearly passed out. When he wakes up he tells you he had the weirdest dream you said you were having a kit. Cue the noises starting again when you say it wasn't a dream. Earth just holds you and happy cries and you both have a back and forth of WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME and I AM TELLING YOU NOW! You both laugh and hold each other over it.
Air: It scares you how much you can't read the old ghoul. He is as still as a statue and only stares at you before looking at your stomach. You normally aren't afraid of your mate but... he can be terrifying. You think Air is going to be angry, kick you out, be mean... but he sighs. Still not what you want to hear, and it makes your ears droop and eyes tear up. Air leans down to wipe a tear away. "No, don't. I am quite pleased. I just was not expecting this here." Air pulls you closer, as tenderly as a grump like him can. "Our kit is going to be healthy and wonderful. I promise you." It's not until later that you realize he wasn't upset with you... but he was mentally contemplating how to threaten the humans to stay away from you and the baby!
Ifrit: Excitedly asks you if you're serious. REALLY? YOU'RE REALLY PREGNANT? HE'S GOING TO BE A DADDY??? Laughs hysterically and runs around for a few minutes before dragging you to go tell EVERY GHOUL YOU KNOW! Ifrit is so excited!! He does have moments where they excitement goes from smug assuredness he'll be an amazing parent to crippling doubt. With you there, though- it will be a wonderful transition for you both!
Mist: Your normally quiet and cheerful mate nearly explodes with emotion when you surprise her with the news. You both had been trying for ages to find suitable ghouls to help get you pregnant! The one you chose was respectful and more than happy to help. Plus they were the same tribe as Mist! After a couple of months of trying IT FINALLY TOOK! Mist holds you and silently weeps, thanking Lucifer for His blessing.
ChAir/Stratus: Thinks you are fucking with him at first. Do you know how HARD it is for ghouls to get pregnant on Earth??? He accidentally hurts your feelings by waving you away. "Very funny, you need to think of a better prank." Kicks himself immediately when you start crying. Oh shit, you're SERIOUS!!! He goes back and forth between trying to comfort you and trying to figure out how you're going to have a kit on Earth! It's a rocky start but he starts taking care of you and ASSURING you he loves you and the kit very much.
Tide: He admits he's only not surprised because he had a feeling. His Aether side nagged him for weeks when he felt your Aura change. But he's sure as Hell still excited that you are both having a kit!! Tide kisses all over you and nuzzles into you, excitedly chatting about the nest you are going to make. You can tell he's so relieved to finally be able to talk about it and start planning! Tide already has so many ideas for names and what element your kit is going to be!
Ivy: Your normally stoic drummer blinks before asking if you're serious. He smiles so big when you say yes! Ivy is ecstatic!! It's probably the most you've ever seen him get this hyped since you got together or when he was able to tour! He pulls you into his lap and kisses you. He wants to start planning right away! Ivy asks if you have told anyone else and melts when you say no, you've waited to tell him first! You both plan to tell the rest of the pack after you spend some time cuddling.
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iamthecomet · 1 year
Oh another ghoul thought bouncing around my mind,
The idea of Ifrit deleting Terzos life account and immediately forgetting it, leaning over his papa's lifeless body and placing a kiss on his forehead before getting dragged away to be banished for his crimes. Having to face omega as he helps Imperator avenge his fallen mate. His last words being:
"Omega, I'm sorry, he was gonna banish Dew."
"Then you aren't really sorry, now, are you?"
Sorry for this, but it has been rattling around my brain like a rock in a loose shoe.
OOF RIVER OUCH!? I've thought about exactly this A LOT because of Troubled Sign. And someday I might write it--just for the added pain. I imagine this scene as far less calm. Ifrit absolutely stands over his fallen Papa and apologizes, asks for whatever forgiveness a ghoul can ask from a satanic pope. He's conflicted. He's been conflicted the whole time. But he would do anything for Dew. And Ifrit knows what comes next. But what he doesn't expect is for half of his pack to be standing there when he steps out of the room. And he tries to tell Aether everything--to explain himself, because Aether of all people will understand. Aether would do the same, right? RIGHT? And Omega is dragging Ifrit away and Ifrit is trying to tell Aether everything, pulling against Omega just enough to try to get the words out, but their panicked. Desperate. "I had to. I had to. I'm sorry. He wanted to kill Dew. What else was I supposed to do." And Aether stands between his fallen Papa, and his pack mate, being dragged away to his death, and looks between them, and feels his heart split in two.
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keeperprinceling · 6 years
Primals and Dragons and Moogles, Oh My
Happens between Coerthas Western Highlands and The Vault and its Aftermath
Yvaine (WoL) x Khit’li (( @menphinasbow​ ))
Reposted as tumblr ate the original
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Talking. Bug. People. Yvaine had been charmed by the Gnath outsiders and immediately wanted to do everything in her power to help them, so of course that meant he was helping them out, too.
The Chocobo Forest had been interesting, the tall trees similar in height to his home but the space between them so open that it felt entirely different. The life of the hunters and trappers that resided there was similar enough to some of the denizens of the Shroud, and with Yvaine’s hand in his while they walked and sorted things out, he had felt almost normal throughout the second stage in their trip - her contact and attention adding greatly to his appreciation of the days and nights spent heading towards the Churning Mists and the dragon that may help them in their bid to save Ishgard.
The fact that the Gnath were planning on summoning a Primal had put a damper on things, but after Ifrit, Titan, Garuda, Leviathan, Ramuh, and Shiva, what was one more faux-deity with the ability to turn any one of them but Yvaine (and Ysayle?) into a brainless slave? At least this time they had a primal on their side –
Until Ravana knocked Ysayle’s flying primal ass right out of the air, completely nixing that plan.
So, once again, it was the pair of them and a handful more allies of the Scions against the primal Ravana and… honestly? Khit’li had had a good time. Or, as much of a good time as could be had when fighting for your life. He felt he had a strong handle on his spells - even the new ones - and he and his fairy were in complete sync as they kept their companions in top condition and evaded the attacks of the primal. Maybe it was his conditioning overall, or maybe it was just feeling on top of the world with how things were going with Yvaine, but he actually smiled during the encounter. Ravana’s personality probably had a lot to do with his impression of the fight, as well: it seemed like he was having a great time testing out his abilities. He wasn’t focused on killing them for a purpose or turning them into mindless slaves, just proving himself against them. There were a few close calls, but, in the end, Ravana was neutralized, and they could continue on their quest.
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…then came the dragons. Ysayle had a history with them and Yvaine was eager to make one, almost beside herself upon meeting with their young - “young” being a completely relative term as some of the children were more than twice their age. They were cute - some of them were complete assholes while somehow managing to stay so - but Yvaine was cuter; the way her eyes lit up when they responded to her, the determined line of her mouth when she set to a task they had given her, the completely charming smile she gave them after a job well done - he had seen these in her before, but somehow now they were even more endearing, even more radiant. He felt like he was on cloud nine every single time she reached for his hand, every time she smiled at him, every time they walked together behind the other three of their group, whether chatting amicably or simply enjoying the sounds of the Forelands together. At night after making camp, they would find ways to sneak off to “gather firewood” or “fetch water” together so they could more easily steal kisses or give up on pretense entirely and make out for a solid half bell, and then…
They’d settle down, slow their breathing to regain composure, and head back to camp.
It wasn’t that he didn’t want to go any further - his body was definitely interested in taking things to the next level -
It wasn’t that he didn’t know how to go any further - part of one of those awkward “male-to-male” conversations with his uncles told him everything he would ever want to know, with enough side-talk about “listening to his partner’s needs” to still make him blush. … especially when thinking about what Yvaine would sound like issuing those cues. Thinking about that was the fastest way to… well to get him – and the couple of times she had hummed into him when he pressed a certain part of her ear? The way she moved against him when his hand hit just the right spot or his mouth found just the right place on her neck? It was enough to make him completely undone and he’d have to quickly focus on anything but her to stop from trying to go farther, because…
… because he was completely irrational but old fears didn’t die quickly.
Ever since he could understand what his place in life was, he was told what his place in life would be. While his sister and cousins would carry on the family traditions, would make proud hunters or trappers or artisans, would make something of themselves and potentially, one day, become matron, he, as a male, had one purpose: to mate. Males were rare - barely one per every ten births - and the birth rate for Miqo’te wasn’t that high to begin with. Males - all males - were needed to mate so that their way of life could continue. Males of his family had the added bonus of their services being offered only in high-profile trades or alliance agreements, their coloring - his coloring - valued as a metaphor of Menphina in the nighttime skies, and so his ‘stock’ was even higher than that. Ever since he had entered puberty he had been pulled aside at Clan Meets by his aunt to be reminded to never go off alone with females of another clan, less he be taken advantage of for free, and when he had started openly flirting for fun - “practicing” for his future - he was reminded ever more forcefully to keep the play act just that - play - as his genetic information was never to be offered without a family-approved price paid beforehand. The act was the highest value that he had. That was it. His entire purpose. And of course the norm was that once he had done what he was contracted for, he was no longer needed and was expected to leave. Irrationally, he equated that with no longer being wanted. Which, all in all, paired thought of that sort of intimacy with anxiety.
Yvaine wasn’t like that. He knew. She would still want him afterwards.
He was worth more than just that act. He knew.
… He knew.
He just… was still working on the believing it part.
Which was utterly ridiculous because Yvaine hadn’t been raised as a Keeper and all this nonsense was just - just nonsense, people of other races didn’t do that. They didn’t have to make trades to mate and then move on to keep their species alive - they mated and stayed together. Yvaine would think of it just like those other races did - an act of intimacy. All the same, it weighed on him, sometimes hidden in his mind up until he breathlessly considered asking her if she wanted to keep going, and then would rear its ugly head and cause him to slow down and back off a bit.
When finally the dragons permitted them passage to Sohm Al, the five of them wound their way through the dangers that guarded the mountain’s peak. They fared well and worked easily through the trial, the only real difficulty being against the dragon Tioman, wherein Khit’li stayed planted too long to cast a spell and ended up being too close to a shockwave and was thrown across the arena and hit his head. He was fine - just dizzy - but when it was over Yvaine stayed close as they exited Sohm Al and entered the Churning Mists.
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The Mists was incredible - off in the distance, ancient structures stood silhouetted against the twilight sky, the landmass floating here just as they did in the Sea of Clouds, but the air felt heavier here, the sky closer, somehow. They found refuge in the mouth of a wide, open cave near an ancient Aetheryte, and made camp in the yawning opening, able to keep watch in either direction as the cave was open to the sky above in its center. Before building a fire the five of them descended into the wide cave to investigate, with Yvaine electing to stay close to Khit’li as they walked around despite his assurances that he was fine and his fairy’s general eye-rolling at pretty much every interaction between the two. The dainty thing excused herself to flit over and join Alphinaud, leaving the pair of Miqo’te to investigate the dead center of the cave.
“Honestly, I’m fine, you can let go,” Khit’li assured her with a smile, “Go check that out, I’ll look over here,” he added, recognizing the twitch in her ears and the movement of her eyes as they pulled towards something he could not see. Warrior of Light stuff, maybe, or maybe something he could have felt if he wasn’t still a little disoriented, despite what he had said. She gave him a look that let him know that she was onto him, but went to check out the disturbance anyway. She glanced back at him until she was right on top of it - he lifted his hands in a shrugging motion to show that he was still fine, and she, smiling, rolled her eyes and bent down to examine her find closer. It would take her a few moments, so he turned to examine the rest of the area; Ysayle and Estinien had taken the outer regions of the cave, so it was up to the two of them to figure out anything in–
Startled, he breathed in, and immediately pulled back and sneezed, a fluffy plant suddenly making his face itch everywhere. He was on the ground - face first on the ground, the bout of dizziness hitting him so completely it knocked him off balance entirely. Great, he thought, picking himself back up onto his hands and knees at least. There was no way she hadn’t heard that.
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It was an aether current, which would be useful to get herself used to flying in this area later. But it was also nothing she hadn’t seen before. Just as she turned back to Khit'li to tell him it was nothing, she heard a loud sneeze, and the moment she looked at him, he was sprawled on the ground somehow. “Honestly, ‘I’m fine,’ you said,” she grumbled, stomping over to help him back up. “And then I let you go for five seconds and here you are on the ground. Can’t even sneeze without falling over.” She sighed and slung his arm over her shoulder. She inspected him closely, not for the first time wishing she had some of his healing knowledge. Having a sick healer didn’t exactly help anyone. “Are you sure you don’t want your fairy to look you over and make sure everything is okay?"
His whole face itched. He closed his eyes and rubbed at it with one had as she chided him and marched over, frustration etched in her tone as much as her steps. A defensive response sluggishly bubbled to the surface of his mind - after all, he had sneezed after falling down, not before, and he felt that was an important distinction - but the moment she bent down close beside him and inserted herself underneath his arm, suddenly it didn’t seem so important anymore. He let the thought go, his nebulous attention instead on her - just her. The shape of her nose, the soft line of her cheeks, the annoyed arc of her brow; even when frustrated by him she was so pretty and made him feel so warm and full and complete. And lightheaded. Her hand held his, her other arm hugging the small of his back as she effortlessly stood, supporting his weight like it was practically nothing. She was strong like that.
She looked him over closely and he returned the favor, a toothy, heady grin spreading across his features and the tip of his tail lashing as he looked down at her, getting ideas that got his heart beating faster and quickening his breathing. By her words she wasn’t thinking the same thing, but maybe he could nudge her in that direction.
“Nah, I’m fine - just got a little dizzy,” he said, his voice pitched lower and smoother than usual, a certain compelling note to his tone. He reached up smoothly and brushed his dark fingers through her soft green tresses, “But maybe I should lie down.” The suggestion ended almost like an invitation.
He was… grinning like he’d seen something amusing, or like he was drunk. Yvaine frowned; how badly had he hit his head exactly? Did he have a concussion? He was using his bedroom voice for some reason, and while she was certainly interested - had been for quite some time, actually, especially when they were so close like this she could feel his breath on her skin - she was still worried. "That’s… actually a good idea,” she agreed, before looking around to find a proper place to set up camp for the night. There, in the middle of the room, was something inexplicably pink and glowing. And fluffy. It looked like a giant dandelion-type plant. Or rather, a chair made out of dandelions? Or fluff balls? “That looks comfortable,” she pointed, tilting her head in slight confusion as to what it actually was and what its purpose was in this room. But if it was soft, that was all that mattered, right?
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She liked his idea. His hand slid out of her hair as she cast about, biding his time until he could see if she’d like another one, and when she pointed to a giant fluffball on a strong looking tree trunk he nodded in agreement, the movement feeling like someone else had done it. His brows furrowed for a moment as he wondered at the idea - someone else was moving his body? …He shook his head, and eventually his body responded, his mind swimming around inside it dreamily. So, nope, it was him. Just… a weird feeling. He stepped forward as Yvaine did and felt simultaneously like he was walking on a cloud and was about to fall, the resulting motion more a wobble than a step, and he reached out for her instinctively.
Yvaine caught his waist and pulled him back up, his other arm slung firmly around her shoulders. She was just grateful he wasn’t bigger or she’d have more difficulty dragging him around. “You literally can’t even walk,” she grunted as she made the last push toward the fluffy couch and pushed him onto it so that he fell onto the pink pillow. Taking a deep breath, she cast her eyes around for the fairy, which was nowhere in sight. “I don’t like this, Khit'li,” she said pointedly. “You could have a concussion. Aren’t you supposed to stay awake if you have a concussion?”
She leaned over him and planted one hand on his forehead, not even sure what she was checking for. A fever, maybe? She peered into his eyes, wondering if she could tell what was wrong just by looking at him.
Her eyes enchanted him, the bright green like the sunlight bouncing off of leaves in springtime, the flecks of gold sparkling like fairydust; his head swam as he stared into them, the rest of his vision spinning slowly in a way that was, for some reason, not concerning in the least. They were eyes that had seen so much and yet still retained such hope, eyes that glared at monsters as surely as they softened in moments like this, where it was just the two of them sharing a private moment. A private moment; a lopsided grin pulled at one side of his mouth, his teeth peeking out between his lips as he continued to stare, blinking slowly to take in more of her face. He wanted to kiss her. “I don’t like it either,” he replied to her concern, though there was nothing close to worry in his tone. Gently he put his hand across hers and pulled it from his forehead and down his cheek, pausing when her thumb was near his mouth. His eyes on hers mischievously, he sensuously invited, “Maybe you should get up here and help me stay awake?” and pulled her hand closer to his lips so he could kiss her, sliding his tongue suggestively up the length of her thumb before kissing the palm of her hand.
Her eyes flicked from his forehead to his eyes when he pulled her hand down to his cheek, and her expression softened. He was clearly in need of… comfort. Maybe? She was mildly confused when he… licked? her thumb but it didn’t feel unpleasant exactly, and even she understood what he was insinuating. “You’re impossible,” she rolled her eyes, but grudgingly climbed onto the big puffy couch alongside him. She settled on the surprisingly comfortable chair. “Wow. This is… nice. Like sitting on clouds.”
She snuggled closer to him, suddenly feeling really tired, the comfort of the couch lulling her into a sense of calm. No longer wired on worry, she ran her hand through his hair, slightly lifting the bangs that perpetually clouded his eyes so she could see them both better. Twelve, he was good-looking. Especially when he was giving her those bedroom eyes. And he had had no idea how often she’d wanted…
“So… what did you have in mind for me to… help?” she asked, carefully but teasingly, her finger tracing a line down his ear, along his jaw, and nestled on his neck before settling with palm down on his chest.
He released her hand so she could climb up with him, quickly getting used to the lightheaded dissociation that was going on. It wasn’t bad - it was normal, really; honestly, he didn’t know why he didn’t always feel like this. It was so much easier - what was the fuss about anyway? As she snuggled in next to him he breathed deeply, enjoying how nice it felt to be this close to her, to feel her against him, her attention all his and his all hers… but he wasn’t in a “relaxing” sort of mood. She ran her fingers through her hair, eliciting tingles that ran the length of his legs and tail, and then fluffed his longer bangs, causing his stomach to flip with an anxiety that he immediately dismissed in favor of seeing her better.
The way she looked up at him, he felt like he could do anything.
Her voice thrummed against his shoulder as she settled into him, and it could have been a very comfortable and calming experience but for the tone she had used, the way her finger trailed the edge of his ear and down the length of his jaw… He hummed in mock thought before theatrically replying, matching his pitch to hers as he tilted her face up to meet his and murmuring “I have a few ideas” against her lips. He kissed her, lightly, playfully, teasingly, pulling back after each encounter in an attempt to amp her up, to frustrate her until he was sure he had her full attention, until he wanted more and was reasonably sure she did too. He twisted, wrapped both arms around her and tried to pull her over to straddle his lap, the move a lot clumsier than he had intended due to – well whatever was happening - but once she was there it was like nothing else existed, her weight comfortable and exciting all at once. His arms held her close, one hand pressed against the small of her back, two fingers slipping ‘innocently’ past the belt-hem of her skirt to touch the base of her tail and the other hand slid into her hair, his thumb lightly rubbing the sensitive spot behind her right ear; only then did he deepen the kiss, holding nothing back.
He wanted to go the full way with her, and he wanted to drive her insane before asking her to go there with him. He wanted to give her the best night of her life, one that she’d never forget.
She giggled at his words, kissing him back, holding back a noise of protest every time he pulled back, making her want more. She pressed closer against him so she could easily recapture his mouth, moving on top of him now as he pulled her onto his lap, her thighs on either side of him and her head above his. She jolted slightly at his sudden touch under her skirt, but then grinned in understanding, her own hands slipping under his shirt to explore his bare chest. She let out an involuntary moan as he rubbed her ear - her favorite spot. Her eyes fluttered closed, and she kissed him once again, pressing her entire body against his, resting all her weight on him.
“Twelve, I want you,” she whispered into the curve of his shoulder, right by his ear, and gasped when she realized she’d said her thought out loud. She searched his eyes to see the signs, if he would pull back like he usually did when they got here, or if he would finally let her in.
She pulled out of the kiss and whispered words he craved to hear, the tone in her voice sounding like permission enough to – But then she pulled away, her sharp intake of breath enough to cut through the warm, heady wonders of her, his caution ceasing all motion in his body until he figured out what was wrong. He looked back at her with a heavy, confused expression, brows knitted together but his lips still slightly parted from their kiss, his chest rising and falling beneath her in the opportunity to catch his breath. Just as she searched his eyes, he looked back into hers, seeking the source of her hesitation, reading her signs like following a well worn track. She wasn’t hurt. She wasn’t afraid. She was - ?
He half smiled in his normal, teasing fashion, lips parting to show his right canine, and then leaned forward to kiss her again. She worried about him and how he’d take it but tonight she had no need of that. He kissed down her neck, an easy reach with her in his lap and their height difference, and found a sensitive spot to apply his attention to in an attempt to recapture the mood of before. “Me, too,” he murmured, and pulled back, looking up over his head as he pressed back against the fluff behind him, asking in a lighter - if perhaps a little impatient - tone, “Think this thing reclines?”
His smile relaxed her, and as he kissed her once more, she let her body melt into it. A slight moan escaped as he moved down to her neck and she cupped the back of his head, pulling him closer against her skin. “Oh,” she let out a half gasp, half groan as he found the sensitive spot, her eyes fluttering closed. When he removed contact, she almost protested, but at his question, she laughed.
“Guess we’ll see. But first…” She untangled the knots of his clothes hurriedly, unable to wait any longer now that he’d given the obvious go ahead. Her mind ceased to think, and the only thing that ruled was the desire that she had long hidden and buried, waiting patiently for the right moment, which appeared to have arrived now, here on top of this strange white fluffy dandelion, up high in the sky where the Moogles dwelled.
Fade Out
Welp this may have further consequences XD .-. this was originally just going to be left to being “given” rather than actually written out, but Khit’li’s got issues so he didn’t make it easy and hahahaaaaa only gave in when he fell face first into something akin to catnip. Goodbye, inhibitions, hel~looooo Yvaine♥
So, yeah, we wrote it up XD I mean them “doing it” on the moogle throne before they knew it was the moogle throne has been planned for quite some time ((XD click to see the art! teeheehee)) but we’d only joked it’d’ve been where they had their first time and all that XD
btw: this is why they did all those moogle quests - to pay off a debt to the Chieftain heaped on them. THEY HAD ALL BEEN THERE BUT WERE WANTING TO STAY HIDDEN SO COULD DO NOTHING ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED WHILE IT WAS HAPPENING. The King demanded a new throne, btw, and they had to work it off. … but they got a lot of “fans” in doing so. I mean the original deal got them some fans (”I shipped them before they hooked up, Kupo~”) but then all the other stuff they did just cemented their fame, much to the joy of Yvaine and the chagrin (and later distaste) of Khit’li.   The reason their house is filled with moogles? This. The reason Khit’li will still mostly do anything the moogles ask of him, regardless of how asinine he finds it? This. Or, rather, fear that the moogle will reveal this to friends and acquaintances and anyone that can see or hear them.
That’s right. Blackmail.
Anyway, the end. For now. XD
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The air was hot, even for what I had experienced so far in Thanalan, which was further confusing me as it was twilight.  Weren’t deserts supposed to be cooler at night?  My head still rung from the introduction of my face to the ground, my vision swimming in and out of focus.  There was definitely a concussion up in my brainpan, but I was not likely to get any kind of medical treatment from my captors.
They had other plans.
Fuller wasn’t in the cage with me, but I could see him in another cage nearby.  The cartmaster was nowhere to be seen, and one of the merchants was in the cage with me, hugging his knees, rocking back and forth.  When I touched his shoulder, he flinched, and stared at me.  The look he had was haunting; very little of his iris could be seen, the pupils almost completely swallowing all color out the the sclera, and after staring at me wordlessly for a moment, he looked back into space in front of him.  The only words he was saying were a repeated prayer for Nald to free him, and Thal to find him.
As the night dragged on, I leaned against the side of the cage closest to Fuller and the other merchant.  “What happened?” I whispered to him, when I thought the eyes of the lizard beasts holding us captive were pointed another way.  “Where are we?”
“My guess… Zan’rak,” Fuller said, glumly.  “They killed Oberd and his chocobos.  One of their arrows caught me in the thigh as I tried to run, got taken down.  The merchants didn’t even bother trying to fight back.”  He stared out the bars of the cage, all the fight out of the archer.  “My guess is it’s a matter of time before we’re brought before their primal bastard of a god, now.”
My lessons swam up from the depths of my still fuzzy brain, as I tried to piece together the information Arront had impressed upon me.  A primal is a blight upon the land.  A summoned creature, grown fat on aether, in the image of a beastfolk god.  So long as one exists, it drains the lands of aether to feed its voracious appetite.  Its very essence can infect those brought before it, warping their minds into feeding the creature with their own aether and fervent prayers, becoming little more than thralls in-
“.. oh fuck me.”
It felt like the earth below was opening up to swallow me.  Was this going to be my fate?  Brought before some.. thing… made a slave?  No more free will, just… serving some alien monstrosity for the rest of my days?  Despair gripped my heart and I started to shiver, despite the hot desert air.
I was snapped out of my inner turmoil by the cage starting to move.  Wheels were on the cages themselves, and both of the cages were being carted towards the back of this encampment.  I thrashed about in the cell like a trapped animal, trying everything to break it open, tip it over, anything.  All it earned was a mocking laugh from the two amalj’aa pulling the prison deeper into their complex.
The cages were left in the company of two large amalj’aa, and the other guards retreated.  The two here were arguing, about what, I couldn’t tell.  I could barely make out what they were saying; something about ‘not enough crystals’.  To be fair, in my current state, I wasn’t paying any attention to the exact words.  The merchant in my cage started praying louder, squeezing his eyes shut.  Fuller was trying to make himself part of the bars in the back of his cage, the oher merchant was almost catatonic.
I was simply frozen in abject terror.
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The larger of the two, with the more elaborate headdress, backhanded the other one and pointed towards the entrance of the cave.  I assume he had pulled rank and banished the smaller amalj’aa from the ritual.  Giving us barely a look, he turned to the center of the cave, raising his staff and beginning to chant; a crucible large enough to hold a baby was before him, filled to the brim with angry, red crystals.
The heat in the cave rose to uncomfortable levels.  As the Amalj’aa continued to chant, the crystals started to glow brighter.  Ash filled the air, finding its way into my lungs, stealing more breath from me as I coughed again and again.  Streams of energy flowed from the crystals into a slowly growing ball of fire that hovered in the air before the shaman… the crystals starting to dim, some even starting to fade out of existence, as a palpable form took shape.  Spindly limbs, covered in burnt hide, covering cable-like muscle.  Horns, glowing as bright as the crystals that were now gone from the bowl.  A hideous, baleful glare that looked beyond the shaman that had summoned it, the creature standing barely a head over the amalj’aa, gazing directly at us.
“Ifrit!  Lord of the Inferno, Champion of Sun!”  The shaman turned.  “Forgive us the meager offering, as we call upon your power.  These souls are yours!  May your cleansing flame temper them anew, to serve your glorious will!”
I suspect the words were not for the creature before him, but to instill even more terror into his captives.   It was working.
My eyes were watering from the heat, the ash, and from the fear gripping my heart.  The creature was gazing at us, no words being said, until the light around us faded, as if the thing was drawing from the fires set about the cave themselves.  Its horns blazed with power as it roared towards us all.. An image that will haunt my dreams forever.
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A weight came from that roar.  It carried forward on a harsh, heated wind, blasting over both cages, slamming into me and forcing me off my feet.  The merchant in my cage wailed helplessly, and I could hear Fuller screaming.  As for the other caravan member, he was completely silent, as if he’d accepted his fate.
I fell to my knees, staring at the floor of the cage.  This couldn’t be happening.  It was impossible.  I couldn’t comprehend anything that was happening, as the merchant in my cage ceased his wailing, and began to chant.
“May the fires of Ifrit keep me warm, as my heart swells in his presence.  Praise the Lord of Inferno…”  This had become his new mantra, replacing his pleas for Nald’Thal.
I tilted my head upwards.  The merchant was staring forward at the image of the amalj’aan primal, even as the creature had begun to fade.  Was the ‘meager offering’ the shaman speaking of only enough to keep the thing briefly summoned, enough to do what had been done here?  My mind was racing, even as I heard Fuller repeat nearby,  “Lord of the Inferno, your will shall be done.”
A slight turn of my head, and I saw the other merchant there as well, staring towards where the primal had been, and almost euphoric grin on his face.  “My lord Ifrit!  Let this one serve you until my dying breath!  May your flames cleanse this world!”
What the hell…?  Is this what tempering is?  And why was I not saying the same things as the others?
I was dimly aware of the Amal’jaa shaman stepping to the cage, peering intently at myself and my cage-mate.  Satisfied with the other’s state, I felt his judging eyes on me, and I knew I had to act.  I had but one chance…
“Praise Lord Ifrit!”  I tried to sound as convincing as possible, letting a wide grin cross my face.   It took every ounce of willpower I had to stop my terrified shaking, holding onto it as much as possible.   This seemed to satisfy the shaman.  
Our cages were wheeled out, and then opened.  My every muscle felt cold and numb.  Fuller and the two merchants bowed their heads in reverence to the shaman, and I did the same, to keep up the act.   Our possessions were returned to us, as I suppose they viewed us as no more real threat.
Bound in the service of their nightmare.
It took a week of acting like a thrall before I could finally be unsupervised enough to make my escape, running off into the night.  I left them all behind, keeping little more than my notebook and my spear, running in terror, wanting to put as much distance between myself and Southern Thanalan as possible.  I saw what looked like a settlement, but I avoided it, having no idea who or what it was, even as I saw a few highlander men around it.
How could I know if they were not like Fuller and the others?
I have a few theories as to what may have happened that day.  As I learned more about Eorzea, and my own research, I heard of something called the Echo, a ‘gift of light’ so to speak, that granted some people immunity to the tempering influence of the primals.  Could it have been possible that the circumstances that brought me here granted me that?  Or could it have been due to my unique nature, alien to this world, separate from the ‘life stream’ that E-Sumi-Yan and Arront had schooled me on, that the primals could not hold onto me as easily as they could natives of Hydaelyn?  Was the summoning of Ifrit that day weaker due to the small amount of crystals, and only able to temper three people, and I just lucked out?
I really don’t know.
All I knew, as I collapsed in Camp Drybone, suffering from dehydration and exhaustion, was that I would rather die than go to Southern Thanalan again.
And as I slept in a hospice bed to recover, my brain kept replaying that horrific moment over and over.
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skele-bunny · 2 months
Could you explain your timeline fuckery with Dewdrop? I always get so curious when you mention it
For sure! Also, ik I've said this before but I don't mind Omega & Ifrit, I'm always happy to write them as long as it's not with Dew! Don't take this post as a "I won't ever write them >:(!!" This is just my personal descriptions on their relationships
CW - Medium descriptions of past abuse and SA, cannibalism, death (#Memories warning tag!)
So, my version of Dewdrop is he's much older than realized. He was part of the original pack summoned for Terzo with Alpha, Terra, Aër, and Omega. But he was a runt. The first ever runt in the abbey, as a matter of fact. The very first disappointment.
They were struggling to find a potential replacement, but in the meantime let him play. He was good at what he did, he just wasn't... What they wanted. He'd be retired on and off and on and off again and again. He'd be replaced by Delta, step in for a little, then replaced by Mist. He was always around for their backup.
But nothing was ever right with the ghouls they summoned for Terzo. Never. So many suddenly joining them forcefully removed and retired. It was exhausting. They gave it one last go.
Ifrit, Aether, Mountain, and Zephyr. They also decided to final let Dew take over as they couldn't spare much anymore—too many summons in such short time resulted in a higher chance of an abomination getting through. They were the final hope. And they succeeded, very, very fucking well even as they were transfered over to Copia.
Now, specifically Dew's story.
He loved his pack more than anything in the world. They loved him. Just sometimes... They were rough. They were cruel. One moment he was the light of their lives, praising how beautiful he was, how lucky they were to call Dew theirs.
The next, hands around his gills and screaming nothing but hatred. How he was the cause of their failures, why they never succeeded properly, that he was a momentum of bad luck.
Omega was a main culprit of that. He was so easy to switch on Dew and caused him the worst paranoia. Was he going to scream? Hit? Or was he going to sing to him like he used to? Kiss him and make dinner for just them? Dewdrop never knew.
When Omega was with Terzo, it eased a lot of Dewdrop's turmoil. Except for when Omega would come back to the den sexually frustrated. See, Omega wanted to do a lot of things with Terzo, but the human body wouldn't be able to handle that. But a certain water ghoul who could barely push at Omega's chest was perfect for that frustration. He'd go silent, and just start to accept it.
When Delta took over, it got so much better. Pebble, Mist... They were everything to him. Made him feel not so small anymore. Made him feel safe, made him feel like everything would be okay. He started healing some despite still being dragged away from his original mate from time to time.
Then Ifrit came along.
He was sweet, the total opposite of what Omega was. But they started hanging out, started whispering. His attitude changed. He changed. The moment Dewdrop let Ifrit bond him, he was truly shown how much he changed.
All of that healing he had started to do was gone in an instant. He found comfort in knowing Ifrit wouldn't act out around the others, wouldn't raise his voice or do what he wished right then and there. He'd wait. He hated that Dew would purposely curl up against Aether and Mountain, especially Zephyr.
Ifrit honest to Lucifer loved Zephyr, never raised a hand or voice. They were mates through and through. Dew was just... Something to chew anger out on, he'd come to realize.
There's be times Ifrit would pick Dew up away from the others to seclude them so he could chew, leaving them confused but under the impression that they were just doing what they did.
It was after they were all forced retired, a week before the unknown event Copia would take over that Dewdrop confided in both Aether and Mountain about what was going on after Ifrit had gotten a bit careless and bruises were around his neck. He begged, pleaded for them not to do anything, not to say anything. As much as they hated it, they agreed. But Dewdrop was never alone after that, always having one of them as his little shadow or keeping him tucked close.
He'd be forced to transition, again, just a week after news of a Cardinal taking over and Papa Terzo retired. It was agonizing, pain, being killed twice and revived into something his body rejected. The moment he recovered, he was handed a task directly from Sister and Nihil.
Some of Terzo's previous ghouls were proving issues of... "Things needed to be done." They needed to be taken care of. If Dew could do that, then he'd prove once and for all he was worth something. Worth all that effort. That he wasn't just some runt. He took it.
Terra, Aër, Omega, and Ifrit.
One by one he killed them, bloody, loud, and unforgiving.
It was with Omega something inside of him finally snapped. The very last one. The original that started every ache and pain he experienced. His fear of touch and trust. When he had Omega by just a thread of life, he kissed him while caving his chest in. Holding his heart and devouring it. He blacked out and only came back to, cuddling the corpse and a majority of his organs completely gone.
No one but Dewdrop and Special know he ate Omega. He would've been killed on the spot if found out.
The ghouls of the clergy only think he killed someone of his old pack, but they're unsure of who and the true count—let alone if it's accurate because on paper, it says they all went back to the pit. Zephyr likes to think it's true and that the rumor of death is false. Just something to gossip about. Certainly didn't help the rumors that Dewdrop was vile enough to kill his own.
Aether and Mountain know the truth, but like before, they're lips are sealed. They don't speak about it, don't even think about it unless Dewdrop needs comfort from nightmares.
He heals, in the end, but his paranoia will win sometimes. Sometimes accidentally catching glimpses of Omega in the common room when it's really just Aether; Seeing Aër standing over his bed when it's just Rain coming to cuddle; Ifrit mimicked with Swiss and Mountain; Terra replicated by the Ghoulettes when they'd purr to announce themselves behind him.
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