#Aizawa is a Kakashi Clone
justatalkingface · 2 years
Hey! I've been reblogging some of your stuff and throwing my two cents in what I think. So I come here with a simple question...
What're your thoughts on Shota Aizawa?
Because for me, he's no different than the teachers in Aldera when it comes to handling Izuku. He's also a flatout hypocrite by getting onto All Might for favoring Izuku when he does the same with Hitoshi.
And I'm not even mentioning how he uses his trauma to justify his bs teaching ways
...Hahahahaha! So, you have no way of knowing this, but I've basically been preparing for this moment, to make this rant, for the longest time. More than probably any other character in this series, I've thought about Aizawa, tried to put into words what bugged me about him, scoured the internet for opinions to broaden my understanding, to find the right words. Quite a few posts have been yours, actually.
The short answer is that, simply, I hate him. Once I got past his Kakashi Aura from my first impression, I didn't like him, but fandom hype for Dadzawa, as well as the fact that usually comes with horrifying levels of bashing for people like All Might (ironically, perhaps the most unsung hero in the setting, seeing how few people seem to like his character) curdled it deep into loathing. Still, I'm going to be try to be objective as I talk.
The long answer is more complicated, and very, very long, but still overwhelmingly negative. For me, part of it is that Aizawa is easily the winner of the title of being The Favored Mouthpiece. This is a mixed blessing for him, to say the least; on the positive side, this fact has done a lot for his positive reception and total screen time, the the narrative bends over backwards to agree with what he says, time and time again. On the negative... for all that I'm aware that he's just lines on paper, on deeply visceral level I have sympathetic disgust for all the times he's been used like a puppet to parrot one agenda or another, and it muddles the water on who his character actually is. Honestly, it's been going on for so long, and it's still going on, I wonder if I should just... accept these random outbursts as part of his actual characterization.
At a fundamental level, I've had this question burning inside of me for a long time now: does this man even want to be a teacher? No, this is a serious question: he is effectively working two jobs, and managing it terribly (unlike every other UA teacher, who are all heroes for no apparent reason, and especially Present Mic who somehow has three jobs and still is full of energy. Does that man ever sleep?). He seems to hate the daylight. He seems to hate being clean. He seems to hate children. He hates, if not teaching, then teaching people that don't vibe on his level. He hates being on a schedule. He hates following authority. Really the only part of being teacher he does probably like is the actual paycheck.
So, again, why is he a teacher? I know he likes taking someone under his wing, but that use of a singular pronoun was very specific: he wants one person, one that fills whatever bizarre and unknown criteria, to teach (I'm still not sure what made him look at about five minutes of Shinso and say, 'This, this is the child I shall give all my skills, all my knowledge, and even my physics defying combat weapon.' Like, do they have to be his mini-me? Bear the soul of Grumpy Cat? I really don't know), an apprentice, not students plural. From what I gleaned from the Vigilante manga (which I should probably reread at some point), it's that desire, but misunderstood, combined with nostalgia, loneliness (his friends were already at UA) and peer pressure, that motivated him to start teaching at UA.
I don't really need to say it, but those are terrible reasons to become a teacher, and probably help explain why he's so bad at it.
Before I get into that, I want to address one thing: I've seen, online, that Aizawa's role as homeroom teacher is something completely different in Japan than it is for anywhere English speaking. So these various comments and what not say is, in Japan, these home room teachers aren't actually supposed to teach. They're supposed to be... something like councilors, I believe: they stay with the children and help guide them, and so on, and that's why he's a better teacher than we think he is. I've never actually seen anyone counter that argument, just agree, and I've had this response waiting for a long time now: when do you see Aizawa do that?
I know the Final Exam arc is supposed to show us that, yes, Aizawa is perceptive and does notice things about his students, and does care, but that's shit. His inner monologue tells us about Momo and her lack of self confidence. The implication of that, that he's only dealing with this now, means he's been sitting on this for... how long? However long he noticed that, I guess? So, from a time period ranging between the first day of class, and just before they prepared for the test, Aizawa noticed Momo had confidence issues and apparently did nothing until that test, probably because he wanted to be 'efficient' and deal with two things at once. Why do extra work and deal with a student's issues, when you can do it while they struggle to pass their final exams? Wow. A+ job there, teach.
On Shoto... just... just no. Come back to me, someone, anyone, when Aizawa even acknowledges that that mess is made out of red flags: the fact he doesn't use half of his goddamn Quirk until Izuku beats some self reflection into him. The fact he unsubtly hates his father. The fact he doesn't seem to know how to be a normal person. The burn scar on his face when he's heat resistant. Anything. Anything. I don't expect him to look at the kid and magically realized he's abused, but there's enough there that if he's a good teacher, or councilor, or whatever, he should probably be low key probing for information on his situation, see if there's something wrong in the most general of senses, because there's clearly something wrong there.
Literally anything about Izuku or Bakugou, though I'm putting a pin on discussing that mess until later.
See, the problem with saying that Aizawa is supposed to be the class's... councilor or something, instead of a teacher, brings up the fact that he's a shit councilor. Even if it's true (I'm not Japanese, I have no idea), this doesn't make his character better, this just brings up different problems instead.
Alright, so now that that's out of the way... now I need to point out that Aizawa is a Kakashi clone, and that's a good deal of the reason he's so popular; he rode off Naruto nostalgia. Let's list off how many traits he blatantly got from him. It's more than you think!
Aizawa is like Kakashi in that: he's a teacher that doesn't want to teach, his students include the Great Hope of the setting and his 'rival', he's traumatized from a friend dying when he was young, he deals with his heavy PTSD with unhealthy coping mechanisms, he has an eye based power that turns his eyes red, he loses an eye, he takes on an apprentice that reminds him of himself and gives him his signature technique/equipment, his dead best friend is alive, his dead best friend is the enemy, his dead best friend has been heavily experimented on, his dead best friend has warping powers, his friend group consists of people more cheerful than him who respect his skills, his best friend is overwhelmingly cheery in a way that balances with his low key behavior.
...When you list it out like this, it starts to get a little nuts, doesn't it? I wonder, sometimes, how much actual thought went into the character Eraserhead, and how much was Hori just... copying the copy ninja.
Here's the problem with that though, beyond the laziness of it all: Kakashi is a ninja. He is a mercenary, a child soldier, has killed more people than we have names for in all of MHA. He lives in a military village, under a military dictatorship, and is expected to kill. The teaching system he's part of is largely involuntary, though he avoids in in part because he's so good that everyone looks the other way when he ducks out of it. These students are also ten. There is just... just so much there, so much that is utterly alien to how MHA works, that putting a copy in is... flawed, to say the least.
That's why the Bell Test Quirk Apprehension Test is so bad: Hori put that in, as a blatant echo of Kakashi testing Team Seven, without thinking once of the differences in the setting.
He's in a school, and his job is being a teacher. His literal, actual ass job is to teach students (or 'help guide them', either way). This is something he chose to do, of his own volition. Kakashi trying to ditch his potential students is him trying to avoid an unwanted burden and him avoiding poking at this massive issues with teammates and responsible and everyone he knows and loves dying around him. And when he's forced to take some on? He tries his best to teach them, and he does: think about the first Battle of the End. The way Naruto and Sasuke fought each other. Think about how Naruto used to fight. Where did he learn to throw a punch like that? Kakashi. He may show up late, but the man did his work off screen.
Aizawa trying not to teach his students is literally a man too fucking lazy to do his own job. We all know Hori retconned it with 'he just wanted them to get a taste of death' via expulsion (which, apparently in Japanese culture is something that would set them back in their prospects for life) but it's so nonsensical that it's hard to take it seriously that he just... does this. Was planning to do this the first day, because they were excited about being heros, like that deserved a taste of death (They aren't in the military, you ass, they're in high school). Is allowed to do this. That he did this to an entire class for some reason but not Bakugou, when Bakugou exists.
Which means it's time to wade into the mess that is Aizawa and Izuku and Bakugou. Let's start with Bakugou, first, since I already started.
Blatantly, obviously, Bakugou has plot armor in how people react to him, or don't, as the case may be, and one of the worst victims of it is Eraserhead. The fact that Mr. 'Taste of death' and 'Expels entire classes' doesn't at least punt Bakugou into detention, or more likely a 'taste of death' to threaten the other students (because that's how you teach your class of high schoolers! By fear!), after he actively attacks Izuku, is just... mind boggling. The way he constantly refuses to acknowledge which of them is the aggressor, which of them is the first to throw a punch, which one is constantly threatening the other....
The obvious conclusion here is that Aizawa likes Bakugou, for whatever reason, but... I don't think it's true. The thing is if he liked Bakugou, you'd think he'd... spend time with him. Try and train him. Something. But no, by and by large he acts like Bakugou doesn't exist, right until Hori needs someone to compliment him for the readers, or someone to defend him after he does something bad, yet again, and then all of a sudden he's singing his praises. This is where the downsides of being The Favored Mouthpiece comes in: every time he's complimented Bakugou, every time he's said that this mess of a child is going to be a great hero, every time he cries desperately that he, 'Still needs to be Number One!' or whatever the hell that bullshit was? That was Hori. That was always Hori. Aizawa basically isn't allowed to exist near Bakugou without Hori running interference for him.
Izuku, on the other hand, is half the opposite, half Aizawa's own biases coming in. Part of it is Hori needs Izuku to feel stressed to pump up the tension, make cliffhangers, and get Jump selling; Izuku can't have a normal school life, he needs a heart pounding one. In most shonen school settings, this is easy to accomplish because they're generally hell holes that put their students in life and death situations on the regular, and live in hierarchies based off power levels. UA, though? It's a normal, or at least "normal" school, if exceptional, in the "real" world, plus some super powers. There are standards, is the thing; they can't and won't send their students off to maybe die because of they're a secret society or whatever. They have accountability (to some extent) to the general public, in other words.
So where does Izuku's cliffhanger filled school life come from? Well, Tomura and the Tomura-ettes, for one, but for all the other times... Hori turned to his teacher.
Let me say this again, because I want to emphasis this: part of the reason Aizawa exists as he does, is so that Izuku can feel threatened at school by his teacher. Why? Because Izuku's suffering sells.
Meanwhile, though Izuku does get pulled into Bakugou's plot armor sometimes, and suffers for it (more), but as a person and a character, I think Aizawa unironically disliked Izuku from the start. He grows out of it, to some extent, but....
Let's backtrack a second, back to the Quirk Test. Izuku, at this point, is ripped. Even without his Quirk, he was throwing around fridges and working all day and night to prep for UA. He was at the peak of realistic human fitness, instead of whatever increasing soft cap we have for heroes is.
Toru is invisible. Sure, she's in shape, since she passed the exam, but Izuku clearly focused on his body in a way most of the other students aren't, and she has no Quirk that'd help her pass the test (a test that, as many have pointed out, Aizawa would have failed). She's a nice girl, sure, but there's no way she could have out performed Izuku in raw physical ability, even before the ball throw which was one of the best of that category, and far beyond whatever she could have done.
Yet Izuku was the one at the bottom, not Toru. Why? Well, you could blame Hori, and that's technically true, but the thing is, unlike Bakugou, Aizawa acts like he doesn't like Izuku. He blames him for everything, he refuses to do anything as he breaks his bones constantly, he calls him Problem Child, and anyone who thinks that's affectionate, and that Izuku should as such, and that it's a cute little nickname needs to consider that through the lenses of Izuku's low self esteem, much less from a teacher who constantly threatens his students.
Aizawa sabotaged Izuku's scores. He did it because, you're right: he's just like the teachers at Aldera, if more restrained, and for different reasons. Not because Izuku is Quirkless (though he would if Izuku was, because the man honestly is Quirkist), but because he has the wrong Quirk. Because Izuku had the audacity to come to a school to learn about how to use his Quirk, instead of practicing it illegally, or inside his own house where, at that power level, one wrong move could accidently his house. Because he apparently didn't read the files that said Izuku got it a month ago, or didn't care. Or maybe it's just he looked at Izuku, and realized that having him learn to control that was just... too much work?
At the end of the day, which reason he did it doesn't even matter. What matters is he did. The same way he plays constant mind games with his students for shits and giggles, in ways that should undermine their faith in him, the same way he paired a bully with his victim so they could 'work it out', the same way he puts minimal effort into so much of the work he does, and it's why I loathe him as a teacher.
Aizawa is a good hero, but the moment Nezu let him into a school was a mistake.
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garak · 1 month
gojo and aizawa are both obvious kakashi clones but it’s like he was split in half so gojo got the looks and aizawa got the personality. they both got the yaoi gene but gojo got the obkk gene and aizawa got the kkg gene… does anyone understand what im saying here
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fandomtravelers · 8 months
Found family dynamics in shows
Okay I'm a sucker for found family dynamics in shows so I'm going to list all the found family or platonic relationships I know of. In TV shows/series. Just because :) ALSO please add if you know more, because I'm probably missing a whole lot. I JUST WANT MORE.
Here are the ones me and my friends know or have found (some might be father daughter centric and they're all from very random fandoms so excuse that) :
1. Kakashi & Team 7 (Naruto)
2. Anakin & Ahsoka & Obiwan (Clone wars. I know the whole star wars universe too, but I'm focusing on clone wars)
3. Kate Bishop & Clint Barton (Hawkeye)
4. Farah Dowling & Bloom (Fate : Winx)
4. Charming & Emma (Once Upon A Time)
5. Bay Kennish & Daphne Vasquez (Switched at Birth)
6. Cirilla & Geralt (The Witcher)
7. Calliope & Augie (tidelanders)
8. Byakuya & Rukia (Bleach)
9. Sara & Danny (Witchblade)
10. Georgia & Rube (Dead like me)
11. Silco & Jinx, Vander & Vi (Arcane)
12. Andrè & Jane (Painkiller Jane)
13. Jamie & Jonas & Jay (Bionic woman)
14. Dr. Tom & Erica (Being Erica)
15. The pines family (Gravity falls)
16. Tom & Cassie (the inbetween)
17. The Gaang & Team Avatar (Avatar the last Airbender & Legend of korra)
18. Kara & Clark (Supergirl & superman/batman apocalypse)
19. Charlie & Miles matheson (revolution)
20. Arthur & Joan & Auggie & Annie (Covert affairs)
21. Khlyen & Dutch (Killjoys)
22. Guerrero & Ames (Human Target)
23. Adam & Emma (Mutant X)
24. Nolan & Emily "Amanda" (Revenge)
25. Voight & his whole team (Chicago P. D.)
26. Elena & Jeremy (Bitten)
27. Jinggang & Chu hun (double world)
28. Hannibal & Abigail (Hannibal)
29. Dream & Death (The sandman)
30. Jiwoo & Mujin (My name)
31. Buffy & Giles (BTVS)
32. Benedict & his kids (Mysterious Benedict society)
33. The cullen family (twilight)
34. Elijah & Yo Han (the devil's judge)
35. Magnus & Clary (Shadow hunters)
36. Gu xiang & Wen Kexing (Word of honor (Cdrama))
37. Optimus & the human kids (Transformers prime)
38. Mildred & her teachers (Mainly miss hardbroom)
39. Dylan & Lizzie (instinct)
40. Marina & Arturo (A private affair)
41. Moiraine & Lan (Wheel of time)
42. the BAU team (Criminal minds)
43. The SVU team (Law & Order : SVU)
44. Ellie & Joel (TLOU)
45. Barbara & the batfam (Batgirl, batman comics)
46. Carmen & Shadow San (Carmen sandiego)
47. Nile & the rest of the old guard (the old guard)
48. Nick Fury & Maria Hill (secret invasion)
49. Jordan & Garrett (crossing Jordan)
50. America chavez & Doctor strange (Multiverse of Madness)
51. The Eternals (Eternals)
52. Enola & Sherlock (Enola Holmes)
53. NCIS team/family (NCIS)
54. Aizawa & his kids (BNHA)
55. Abigail & Ichabod (Sleepy Hollow)
56. Carol & Kamala (The Marvels)
57. Gojo & his students (JJK)
58. The golden trio (HP)
59. Ryan & Max (The following)
60. ICC team (crossing lines)
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jplupine · 1 year
✍🌕 ~Requests Info~ ✍🌕
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🐾 Rules:
🐺 You must be 18+ to make a request. 🐺 Send me the full character(s) name with a prompt for drabbles/headcanons/thirsts/etc. State whether it should be SFW or NSFW if the prompt doesn't make it clear! In the case of prompts requiring a partner, add in sex/gender/pronouns for a Reader; I might use an OC if this is not specified. 🐺 I will write some darker topics but not all. 🐺 Specifically no scat/piss/vomit fetish, DDLG/CGL, incest, foot fetish, or vore. 🐺 No pro-bigotry, graphic self-harm, suicide, etc. 🐺 Not all requests will be answered, but the ones that spark inspiration will be!
[Subject to change as I figure more shit out ✌]
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Fandoms/Characters I write for:
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🐾 Bleach:
Grimmjow || Szayel || Kenpachi Zaraki || Sajin Komamura || Shunsui Kyoraku || Kensei Muguruma || Akon || Kisuke Urahara || Renji Abarai || Ggio Vega || Coyote Starrk || Yasutora 'Chad' Sado || Isshin Kurosaki || + a few others. You can ask if the character you're looking for is not here!
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🐾 Dorohedoro:
Kaiman || Aikawa || Kai || Risu/Curse || Noi || Shin
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🐾 Haikyuu!!:
Aone Takanobu || Asahi Azumane || Bokuto Kotaro || Kuroo Tetsuro || Kyotani Kentaro || Yu Nishinoya || Tanaka Ryunosuke || Ushijima Wakatoshi || Iwaizumi Hajime || + a few others. You can ask if the character you're looking for is not here!
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🐾 Naruto:
Gaara || Kakashi Hatake || Madara Uchiha || Obito Uchiha || Kiba Inuzuka || Hidan || Kankuro || Choji Akamichi || Shikamaru Nara || + a few others. You can ask if the character you're looking for is not here!
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🐾 Kimetsu no Yaiba:
Inosuke Hashibira || Genya Shinazugawa || Giyu Tomioka || Tengen Uzui || Sanemi Shinazugawa || Akaza || Hantengu Clones || Gyutaro || Kyogai
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🐾 Misc.
Bolin || Zuko || Ban || Zebra [Toriko] || Bakugo Katsuki || Aizawa Shota || Roronoa Zoro || Raian Kure || Sukuna || Gojo Satoru || Yuuji Itadori || Monsters || Any characters I already have a fic for [you can check my masterlist] || Any of my OCs
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
Vigilante Izuku or feral Naruto
Villain Aizawa or Dog Kakashi
Nice Bakugo or fixated Sasuke
Feral Naru. Both end in biting but only one had actual fangs. (They should both get to go a bit feral though, as a treat. Let Naru and Zuzu bite people 2k23)
Villain Aizawa… he’d still have the scarf and less morals and I could live my dream of getting my head stomped in like that one scene with the dabi clone
Fixated Sasuke. I love me a little psycho with a cause and if that cause is a person all the better.
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ryndicate · 2 years
꘏ Meet the Writer ꘏
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I go by Soryn, or Ryn, whichever you prefer! Likes/asks/comments will come from my main @darlingsanzu only mooties may call my Rynnie ;3
Short summary of me
I'm in my mid 20s, I work full time, and I am one of the most infrequently social person you'll ever meet. Despite that I am a very excitable and soft person and I love chatting about anything, but especially anime :3 My ask box is wide open!<3 also it is physically painful for me to not use some kind of smiley face :) I love them :D I want people to know I'm smiling >:) (painfully addicted to emojis and the use of 'lol' cant help myself)
THings you absolutely must note:
If we chat enough for me to give you my discord, you'll find that very often it takes me several days upwards of weeks to respond. i sweAr im not ignoring you---my social battery is just sad and recharging.
IF YOU SEE ME active on discord ((especially for hours at a time) and I'm not responding to messages, I am definitely gaming with my man. We play games together as quality time, and we're never tired of each other.
Other stuff
Watching: TR s2, KnY (Swordsmith village arc)
Watched: I had to make a list it was too long
Reading: Blue Lock, TokRev, Jujutsu Kaisen, Jigokuraku
Read: was gonna make a list but it wasn't long enough for a link. Csm is the only one I'm caught up with, and AoT and Wotakoi are the only manga I've finished lol. I did read TR but i read it too fast and didnt really retain it.
Manhwa/Webtoon: Under the Oak Tree, Isnelda, Let's play, Lore Olympus, Fly Me to the Moon, Moonrise by the Cliff, Finding Camelia (god i cant wait for next season), The Tainted Half, Lady Devil, My Dear Maid & The Losing Streak and so so many more.
Playing: sons of the forest, stardew (again again but this time with mods), project zomboid (yes again)
My Calendar&lt;3
likes: Michael Kaiser, sugar and sweets!, vampires, purple, cats, old libraries, candles, Genma's senbon, writing, baking, pringles, binge reading/watching, thefatrat, 4am, Kakashi, obsessing with the same song for 3 days straight before looking for a new one—cycle repeat, comfort blankets, painting my nails 5 different colors, high fantasy and angst!
dislikes: Michael Kaiser, hot tea (i need my iceee), being in cars, making themes, loud storms & heavy wind, artificial banana, prunes, vanilla scents, yelling, spiders, jump scares, red/orange/yellow, cheese curds, pretzels, dresses, starwars (oop), sore throats, bright neons, repetitive noises
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Vash, Knives, Wolfewood
Tokyo Revengers
Sanzu, Hanma, Chifuyu, Shinichiro, Imaushi, Mikey, Draken, Rindou, Mitsuya, Takemitchi
Soul Eater 
Stein, Akane, Soul Evans
Jujutsu Kaisen
Gojo, Megumi, Sukuna, Choso, Itadori, Yuuta, Inumaki, Nanami
Gabimaru, Tenza, Chobei, Shion
My Hero Academia 
Touya, Bakugou, Shinso, Izuku, Kirishima, Mirio, Natsuo, Enji,  Aizawa, Iida
Kakashi, Genma, Itachi, Shisui, Jiraiya, Obito, Yamato, Kisame, Hidan
Hunter x Hunter 
Hisoka, Illumi, Ging, Uvogin, Chrollo, Phinks, Neferpitou, Knuckle
Iwaizumi, Oikawa, Hanamaki, Matsukawa, Kita, Suna, Aran, Atsumu, Osamu, Tendou
Chainsaw Man 
Kishibe, Aki, Angel Devil, Yoshida, Denji
Blue Lock 
Kaiser, Oliver, Lorenzo, Ness, Noa, Kunigami, Gagamaru, Reo, Nagi, Rin, Sae, Shidou
Daddy Kurosaki, Daddy Ishida, Gin, Ulquiorra, Renji, Kensei, Shunsui
Black Clover
Yami, Fuegoleon, Zara, Nozel
Attack on Titan 
Zeke, Eren, Reiner, Porco, Jean, Conny
Honorable Mentions
Akaza, Tengen, Hantengu Clones, Kogami, Captain Obi, Thorkell, Alucard, Hector, Nishio, Kaneki
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Since I will probably never going around changing the border colors on my oneshots I will leave this little homage here for colors come and gone
October - December 2022
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December 2022 - February 2023
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rarepears · 2 years
Masterpost [Aug 2022 1/3]
Masterpost [Aug 2022 1/3] | Masterpost [Aug 2022 2/3] | Masterpost [Aug 2022 3/3]
 rarepears recs
female wei wuxian uses her period blood (since it's just blood) to draw talisman but that provokes greater backlash au
mario (super mario) is timoteo's stepfather au
shen yuan and luo binghe are aizawa's adoptive parents au
in which izuku's quirk is to transform into edward the full metal alchemist au
shang qinghua in bungo stray dogs au
Gojo's fun European vacation aka a JJK X KHR crossover au
mobei jun x tywin lannister au
Gollum gets isekai'ed into bnha and endeavor gets transported from bnha into another world au
Aizen (Bleach) Raises Xanxus (KHR)
endeavor founded his agency through the funds made from his secret onlyfans feet account au
lord voldemort's time travel goes wrong and he ends up in tom riddle senior's muggle body instead au
shen jiu is reborn as touya todoroki au
lord voldemort's time travel goes wrong and he ends up in tom riddle senior's muggle body instead au
sung jinwoo uses his shadow summon's great height to bully jinah au
where sung jinwoo gains naruto ninjas as shadow summons because they keep summoning him as the shinigami au
when luo binghe's blood becomes just another spice in shen yuan's daily diet au
bruce wayne x tywin lannister au
a fic about unclogging a toilet but written as a shounen jump story
sung jinah teaches sung jinwoo slang incorrectly on purpose au
ukitake x all might
 liu qingge faked his death in pidw to go on a secret mission au
house targaryen actually tamed their dragons by seducing their dragons and become basically dragon-husband and human-wife au
kenpachi has no sense of direction which leads him to accidentally traveling to solo leveling and sung jinwoo x kenpachi zaraki happens au
luo binghe becomes a vampire so that he can live forever just like shen yuan except now he has issues cooking au
bnha but make it a model au
where ashborn selects team rocket to become the next shadow monarch instead au
pidw AU set in disney descendants' world
the malfoy peacocks wage unofficial war against voldemort au
FMA Armstrong somehow gets dumped into bnha and he looks mightily like all might doesn't he? au
sukuna possess an ironborn and is now calling himself one of the kings of westeros au
shen jiu gets a thirsty onlyfans system so he never goes to cang qiong au
after losing his shinigami powers ichigo kurosaki becomes a kpop idol in order to leave japan and be financially independent au
sung jinwoo's shadow summons run a onsen as their retirement jobs au
bianchi starts a skillshare class to teach her poison cooking skills au
naruto gains cursed abilities and frees gojo from the prison au
after entering the happily ever after in svsss shen yuan transmigrates into FF7 as angeal au
shen yuan aka shen qingqiu gives birth to a pair of twins which is just team rocket reborn au
team rocket lands in westeros au
where a mission ends up with anakin skywalker and a harem of crossdressing clones au
naruto makes a cockroach summoning contract au
madara uchiha's summoning animal is penguins of madagascar
kakashi and gai friendship in a modern naruto au setting
married couple shen yuan and luo binghe get a vacation home in the imperial capital to get away from sect and demon politics au
gojo satoru on tatooine au
Ichimaru gin transmigrates into sukumo's body and kakashi gets a new (chaotic) dad au
aizen (bleach) x gojo (JJK) au
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alitaimagines · 4 years
ALITA’S big ass masterlist:
fandoms include: hetalia, naruto, my hero, fire force, ouran hshc, daiya, and more. 
since my dumbass changed my URL, my original masterpost went to the shits so here’s everything from 2018 till today. 
*: latina reader, ~: nsfw
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kyoutani kentarou: 
meeting and dating kyoutani
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tanaka ryuunosuke: 
dating tanaka would include
having a meme-y relationship with tanaka
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asahi azumane:
having a meme-y relationship with asahi
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tendou satori: 
relationship headcanons with tendou
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ushijima wakatoshi: 
finding out ushijima’s yandere tendencies 
getting back together with ushijima 
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takeda ittetsu: 
takeda proposing to you 
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bokuto koutaro: 
dating Iwaizumi and bokuto finding out
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iwaizumi hajime: 
dating iwaizumi and bokuto finding out 
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oikawa tooru: 
romance headcanons with oikawa 
yandere oikawa headcanons 
yandere oikawa headcanons part two
calling oikawa out after your night in bed together 
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sugawara koshi: 
suga liking a girl who hates athletes 
pregnancy scare with suga 
suga with an affectionate s/o
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futakuchi kenji: 
kenji pinning after you without you realizing it 
futakuchi dating foreign exchange student
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hinata shouyo: 
hinata pinning after his obsession 
having a meme-y relationship with hinata
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ludwig / germany: 
what happens when he catch Alfred cheating on you. 
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vasch / switzerland: 
becoming friends Lilly much to Vasch’s surprise 
arthur / england: 
arthur coming back from war and spending time with you
pirate england leaving you for war 
going through the era’s with arthur 
dancing with punk! arthur 
what they want/need with 2P! england 
breaking from England and ending up with Romano 
sailing out to sea with pirate England
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francis / france: 
what they want/need with 2P! France 
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lovino / northern italy: 
being pregnant with 2P Italy’s baby
not realizing you’re someone that’s in the mafia
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matthew / canada: 
matthew asking alfred to break up with you 
what they want/need with 2P! Canada
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alfred/ america: 
what they want/need with 2P! America 
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ouran high school host club- 
kyoya ootori: 
slowly falling in love with Kyoya 
yandere kyoya headcanons 
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tamaki suoh: 
dating and falling in love with tamaki 
yandere tamaki headcanons 
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kaoru hitachiin: 
dating kaoru after Haruhi introduces you 
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soul eater: 
soul evans: 
alpha headcanons with Soul 
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death the kid: 
alpha kid headcanons 
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my hero academia: 
kirishima ejirou / red riot:
omegaverse with Kirishima 
being kirishima’s feisty girlfriend and having a love for baking* 
being crimson riot’s adopted daughter and dating Kirishima 
ending up with Kirishima after breaking up with Bakugou
kirishima beating up his s/o’s bullies 
relationship headcanons with kirishima 
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toshinori yagi / all might: 
pregnancy scenario with Toshinori 
getting toshinroi flustered in public
being a vigilante and toshinori pinning after you
climbing toshinori to kiss him
being a new hero and toshinori taking a liking to you
going clothes shopping with toshinori
SFW Alphabet challenge
coming out as bisexual to your dad 
helping toshinori out with his insecurities 
dating toshinori and being a POC 
having to stop being a hero because of your injuries 
being quirkless and being toshi’s daughter
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shigaraki tomura: 
being shiggy’s girlfriend and him meeting your family*
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ojiro masatoshi / tailman: 
getting together with ojiro
relationship headcanons with ojiro
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shoji mezou / tentacole: 
relationship headcanons with shoji
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izuku midoriya / deku:
yandere izuku headcanons 
villian deku trying to keep you from leaving him
falling into a coma and how izuku deals with it 
NSFW Alphabet challenge~
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neijre hado / neijre-chan: 
being neijre’s feisty girlfriend with a love for baking*
a lazy day with neijre 
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tokoyami fumikage / tsukuyomi: 
tokoyami healing your wounds and you realize you like him
tokoyami marveling at the fact that you’re his girlfriend
pregnancy scenario part two
tokoyami getting flustered when you gloat about him
stealing tokoyami’s cape 
dating tokoyami and having a nocturnal animal quirk 
being all cute with tokoyami 
dancing with tokoyami at a school dance 
NSFW Alphabet challenge 
doing scary challenges with tokoyami
showing the class your room and its exactly like tokoyami’s
tokoyami being jealous when you have a new friend 
pregnancy scenario with tokoyami
being childhood friends with tokoyami and dating him
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enji todoroki / endeavor: 
realizing that your enji’s now 
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kaminari denki / chargebolt:
pregnancy scenario with kaminari 
NSFW Alphabet challenge~
moments after the first I love you 
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being dabi’s russian girlfriend 
dabi meeting your family for the first time*
dancing with dabi* 
dabi telling you he loves you while baking 
you tell yandere dabi he’s exactly like his father 
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mirio togata / lemillion :
dancing with mirio* 
breaking up with Bakugou and Mirio being there for you
comforting mirio after the battle with Overhaul 
mirio catching you singing 
yandere mirio and tamaki having a reckless darling
mirio dating someone with a clone making quirk 
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takami keigo / hawks: 
going into labor without hawks being there 
surprising hawks in lingerie 
SFW Alphabet challenge 
NSFW Alphabet challenge~
possessive Hawks!~ 
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bakugou katsuki / king explosion murder / ground zero: 
breaking up with Bakugou and Mirio being there for you
being FwB with Bakugou and it takes a turn 
bakugou’s spotify playlist 
ending up with Kirishima after breaking up with Bakugou
bakugou trying to save himself by using you
falling into a coma and how bakugou deals with it
pregnancy scenario with bakugou
breaking up with bakugou and monoma ending up with you
being in a talent show where bakugou falls in love with you
NSFW Alphabet challenge~
here’s some more bakugou angst! 
bakugou mistakenly thinking that you’re talking badly about him
angst to fluff with bakugou
mafia au! 
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awase yosetsu / welder: 
being FwB with Bakugou and it takes a turn
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kurono hari / chronostasis: 
dancing with Kurono*
kurono catching you singing*
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todoroki shouto / shouto : 
todoroki catching you singing*
you keep denying going out with shouo bc of your dark secret 
you tell yandere todoroki he’s exactly like his father 
falling into a coma and how bakugou deals with it 
soulmate au with Todoroki 
being all mights daughter and dating todoroki and endeavors burns you
pregnancy scenario with todoroki 
being kidnapped and shouto helping save you
dating todoroki/all might daughter and stopping a villain
todoroki finding out enji hurt you on purpose 
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shindo yo / grand:
dancing with Shindo*
falling in love with shindo and being a UA student
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shinsou hitoshi:
dancing with hitoshi*
dating Iida but he slowly pushes you into Shinsou’s arms 
dating Shinsou headcanons 
pregnancy scenario with shinsou
SFW Alphabet challenge 
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tamaki amajiki / suneater: 
dancing with tamaki*
yandere mirio and tamaki having a reckless darling
yandere tamaki with a feisty s/o
SFW Alphabet challenge
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sero hanta / cellophane:
getting married to Sero 
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iida tenya / ingenium:
dating Iida but he slowly pushes you into Shinsou’s arms 
iida taking you out on a date 
getting a haircut and iida not realizing it was you
iida liking you and him blurting it accidentally
relationship headcanons with iida
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aizawa shouta / eraserhead:
aizawa getting jealous and saving you 
reuniting with aizawa
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yamada hizashi / present mic: 
aizawa getting you and hizashi together 
reuniting with hizashi
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chisaki kai / overhaul:
being overhauls badass girlfriend 
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daiya no ace: 
general headcanons: 
being the only girl on the first string boys team 
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hongou masamune: 
being a foreign exchange student and playing for Hokkaido 
playing at Hokkaido and dating Hongou
dating Hongou after breaking up with Furuya
ryousuke kominato: 
breaking up with Ryo and ending up with Harada 
ryou finding you wearing his uniform 
training with ryou 
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narumiya mei: 
pregnancy scenario with narumiya 
celebrating the win against Seidou with Narumiya 
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miyuki kazuya:
finding miyuki cheating on you and going to Ugumori 
pregnancy scenario with miyuki 
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umemiya seiichi 
finding miyuki cheating on your and going to Ugumori
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kuroko no basket: 
akashi seijruo:
being hanamiya’s daughter and dating Akashi’s and Shintaro’s sons. 
yandere akashi headcanons 
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shintaro midorima:
being hanamiya’s daughter and dating Akashi’s and Shintaro’s sons.
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blue exorcist: 
suguro ryuji: 
meeting Bon’s family for the first time 
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rin okumura: 
comforting Rin after a hard time 
vacationing with Rin 
being Rin’s omega and him not being able to save you
being rin’s and yukio’s younger sister
getting married to Rin
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yukio okumura: 
being rin’s and yukio’s younger sister
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shiro fujimoto: 
NSFW Alphabet with Shiro~ 
dating Shiro and taking care of Rin and Yukio
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omegaverse imagine with Alpha Astaroth 
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might gai: 
realizing Gai likes you 
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gaara asking kakashi with your hand in marriage 
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attack on titan: 
reiner braun:
breaking up with Reiner and ending up with Bertholdt 
knowing you can’t date Reiner but you do 
choosing reiner over porco 
moments after the first I love you
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bertholdt hoover: 
breaking up with Reiner and ending up with Bertholdt 
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porco galliard: 
choosing reiner over porco
secretly dating porco 
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erwin smith: 
being Erwin’s s/o and nearly dying on an expedition 
erwin trying to flirt with you (modern au)
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colt grice:
dating jean in revenge towards Colt 
levi ackerman: 
yandere levi kidnapping you 
being humanities strongest soldier and levi liking you
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jean kirschtein 
dating jean in revenge towards Colt 
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eren jaeger: 
dating eren and the two of you comforting a child after an expedition 
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fire force: 
benimaru shinmon: 
NSFW Alphabet with Benimaru~ 
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obi akitaru: 
dating Obi would include 
yandere headcanons with Obi
shinra kusakabe: 
finding out you were being cheating on and shinra being there for you 
moments after the first I love you
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rekka hoshimiya: 
getting together with rekka (modern au)
yuri on ice:
georgi popovich:
dating Georgi after being heartbroken by Leo
moments after the first I love you
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emil nekola: 
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getting back together with Emil
Mob Psycho 100: 
reigen arataka: 
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getting to know Reigen 
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pbjamas · 4 years
....... do i want to know what “and then they break his arm lol” means? (also if you’re up for it i’d love a snippet of a wip, any wip 👀)
Thank you for the opportunity to ramble about my wips!!!!!!!!!!!
okay okay, so, all might runs into de-aged teenager hawks, and everyone is paranoid bc they just learned abt twice’s ability to clone people. and this is obviously hawks, but not quite. so he calls aizawa and is like- help. they end up knocking him out and taking him to UA, but make the mistake of leaving him with class 1a. Now, at this point, the adults have already come to the conclusion that he’s not a clone bc it doesn’t quite fit what they’ve seen of the quirk.
But because 1a is full of idiots and also hawks is a reckless teenager, they need to figure out for sure!! and they know that if you hurt a clone it melts. they explain this to hawks and he KNOWS something weird is up bc the world is not how it should be, so he’s like....... you should break my arm! and they do lol
this is FUNNY though. The arm breaking is COMEDY.
i have about 5 pages written of this one (up to the point where hawks gets knocked out and they’re headed back to UA) but it’s taken a back burner to my other stuff..... the order of things i have to finish first (or at least get a bunch done on):
1. ghost!keigo (this one is taking FOREVER but i really want it to be good so i’m taking my time)
2. Wholesome hawks + jeanist road trip recovery fic to counteract the angst of ghost!keigo
3.  the next chapter of for the fallen bc it’s been uhhhh a while since i updated lol but i’m so pumped to write the next few chapters bc i’m finally getting to the fun stuff (dabi! hawks’s trial! endeavor!)
4. I’m so close to finishing my first chapter fic EVER, like 4 chapters left!! it’s about kakashi who is my favorite to write bc we have the same sense of humor
5. gotta write a LOT on my Todoroki big bang piece
6. THEN the de-aging fic. and then the hunger games au and then the shig + hawks childhood friends raised by afo, then i gotta figure out where i’m going with my post-raid dabihawks fic THEN shouto + hawks have a conversation about hero names and THEN hawks projecting his trauma onto eri and THEN i wanna do the hawks big bang
my problem is i keep coming up with ideas i want to write. i wish my brain would shut up for like A SECOND to let me work on the stuff i’ve already started
anyway i typed up a lot right here SO i will share part of a wip on a different post and tag you in it :D
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sinqueen69 · 4 years
Fandom & Pairings
 Teen Wolf 
[Switches Stiles & Derek. Top’s Only Jordan, Scott & Peter. I ONLY Genderbend & BP Stiles]
Stiles Stilinski/Derek Hale
Stiles Stilinski/Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski/Jordan Parrish
Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Marvel Universe 
DC Universe 
[Bottom & Genderbend Dick Grayson]
Clark Kent/ Dick Grayson
Conner Kent/Dick Grayson
Slade Wilson/Dick Grayson
Bruce Wayne/Dick Grayson
[Bottom & Genderbend Sam]
Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester
Sam Winchester/Castiel
[Bottom Alec only, No Genderbend]
Alec Lightwood/Magnus Bane
Jace Wayland/Alec Lightwood
Star Wars 
Commander Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi
Clones/Obi-Wan Kenobi
Quinlan/Obi-Wan Kenobi 
Obi-Wan Kenobi/Qui-Gon Jinn
Prodigal Son 
Malcolm Bright/Gil Arroyo
Stranger Things 
Jim Hopper/Steve Harrington 
Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
Pacific Rim 
Herc Hansen/Raleigh Becket 
Yancy Becket/Raleigh Becket
The Boys
Hughie Campbell/Billy Butcher
Hughie Campbell/Homelander
The Witcher 
The Walking Dead 
Rick Grimes/Daryl Dixon
Daryl Dixon/Paul ‘Jesus’ Rovia [+ Rick Grimes]
Rick Grimes/Shane Walsh [One-Sided and Otherwise]
Boku No Hero Academia
Midoriya/ Shouto Todoroki [+ Iida Tenya]
All Might/Aizawa
Present Mic/Aizawa
All Might/ Midoriya 
Tamaki/Kirishima/Fat Gum
Final Fantasy VII 
Cloud Strife/Zack Fair [+Sephiroth]
Iruka/Kakashi + Shikamaru/Asuma [Any Mix Of These Four]
Kuroko No Basuke [Kuroko No Basket, Kuroko No Harem, etc]
Generation of Miracles/Generation of Miracles
Kiyoshi Teppei/Izuki Shun
Kasamatsu Yukio/Kise Ryouta
Kagami Taiga/Kuroko Tetsuya
Murasakibara Atsushi/Himuro Tatsuya
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ame-gakure · 4 years
Why My Hero Academia is Really Just Naruto Fanfiction: A Series
Obviously it’s a joke. But on a much more real note, it’s really not. It’s been a hot minute since I’ve watched Naruto, but as I keep up with My Hero, there were a lot of similarities that I noticed. Feel free to correct me if I get some things wrong. I’ll post more parts as I notice them.
!Spoiler warning for the Kurogiri reveal and a good portion of Naruto Shippuden!
Here it is: Uchiha Obito and Shirakumo Oboro are basically the same person. I mean, their names even start with the same “Ob” sound! But let’s move on.
We begin with the rooftop trio: Aizawa Shouta, Yamada Hizashi, and Shirakumo Oboro. During their second year of UA, the three were at internships and Oboro (at age 17) ended up being killed in a villain attack that resulted in him being crushed by a falling building.
Flash forward 13-ish years or so (when the trio is 30) and we see Oboro make a reappearance as Kurogiri, caretaker and right-hand of Shigaraki and by extension All for One after AfO (a criminal boogeyman largely out of the public eye) revived him. Kurogiri’s been made into a noumu and effectively brainwashed into fighting for the goals of the League of Villains. Now, beyond what we see of the goals of individual villains (Shigaraki, Stain, Dabi, etc.) we don’t know what the League of Villains (and villain society as a whole) hopes to accomplish, but there are some things we can infer and what it essentially boils down to is the villains fight for equality without discrimination and true peace. (If we looked at it a certain way, it’s almost eerily similar to Midoriya’s goals once we get past the whole rivalry with Bakugou and desire to be the #1 Hero. But I digress.) Almost 13 years later, Kurogiri was revealed to be Oboro.
Now let’s talk about Uchiha Obito. The timeline is unclear here, but I believe he was around 14 when he went on the Kannabi Bridge mission with his teammates Nohara Rin (who Obito was in love with) and Hatake Kakashi. As we know, the mission went horribly wrong and resulted in the death of fourteen-year-old Obito. He was crushed to death by falling rocks from a collapsing cave as he pushed Kakashi out of the way, saving him and Rin but sacrificing himself. Shortly thereafter, he was picked up by Zetsu and Uchiha Madara and revived with the use of Hashirama cells (and I have a lot to say about that but that’s for another time). Madara was supposedly long dead, so of course Obito was surprised and terrified when faced with his supposed-to-be-dead megalomaniac ancestor. To aid in Obito’s journey back to health, a Zetsu clone Obito named Guruguru was his companion. If I recall correctly, Obito called himself Guruguru for a time after Rin died by Kakashi’s hand, which was the event that tipped Obito over into villainy. After Rin died, Obito began to listen to Madara’s preachings to the point where one could almost say he was brainwashed into fighting for Madara’s goals and the Infinite Tsukuyomi plan: a world with no pain, equality without discrimination, and true peace.
Obito reappeared around eight years later (at which point Madara was actually dead) and began calling himself Madara when he approached Itachi offering him help in killing the Uchiha clan. After that, Obito disappeared again and began working as the true leader of the Akatsuki behind Pein and Konan to push Madara’s goals and achieve Infinite Tsukuyomi. About 17 years after Obito’s “death” at Kannabi Bridge, Obito (as Tobi/Madara) resurfaced again and was revealed to be Obito, not Tobi or Madara or anyone else.
So let’s recap: Shirakumo Oboro, "killed" at around 17 years old in a villain attack that resulted in him being crushed by a falling building. He was taken in and revived by All for One, a megalomaniac believed to be out of the picture. Oboro was brainwashed by AfO into fighting for true peace and equality and now calls himself Kurogiri. He was discovered to be Shirakumo Oboro almost 13 years later when Hizashi and Shouta were both 30. Obito Uchiha, "killed" at 14 pushing his teammate Kakashi out of danger of a collapsing cave caused by enemy shinobi and crushed by the falling boulders. He was taken in and revived by Madara Uchiha, a megalomaniac believed to be long dead. He was brainwashed by Madara into fighting for true peace, a world free of pain, and equality and called himself Guruguru for a time. He was discovered to be Obito Uchiha almost 16 years later, when Kakashi was 30.
Those are my thoughts on the matter. Like I said, there’s definitely more similarities between Naruto and My Hero than just this one. Until next time, lovelies!✨
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sunnixsunshine · 5 years
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A concept I might not draw again for a while but I'm excited to develop more.
Basically its a Bnha x Naruto crossover wher Naruto and the others attend a more "countryside" academy— Konoha Academy(I know its lame, sue me)— and he's a 3rd year, based around shippuden.
Naruto wears the school uniform incorrectly— using the belt as a headband, wearing his jacket under his uniform blazer(with the collared button down underneath— he's a disaster), he wears boots even though there's some provided uniform shoes that do fit him perfectly and feel better than those boots. Meanwhile, Sasuke and Sakura both wear their's as the rules state.
I'll just touch upon the main four's quirks and a bit of how I see their background.
Naruto's quirk is "life force(chakra) manipulation"— I haven't thought of a better name yet— where he can make his shadow clones(which are vivid and almost solid illusions created with pure life force/chakra), use rasengan, and all the other techniques that require chakra. Naruto strives to be number 1, although he does not idolize All Might(if I do decide to include his influence in this AU), rather he idolizes his father and even Jiraiya(as well as Sarutobi).
Sasuke's quirk is just copying other quirks with his sharingan— which is a quirk varient only seen in the Uchiha family— its like a fusion between Monoma's quirk and Aizawa's. I haven't gone into the other types yet, still thinking of those. Sasuke attended an exclusive program only Konoha Academy has(more on that in a bit) and his first year(age 11) went well until the middle of it when he was struck by a villian(Orochimaru) and was permanently affected by his quirk— ie, the curse mark. It still affects him in his 3rd year of the academy and has forced him to be supervised at all times. Reason being is because the quirk causes him to seek power and not stop until the power is given to him, like going off to Orochimaru(its not the only way but it does cause the person to WANT to go to him). It also amplifies his quirk, which just strengthen whatever qyirk he copies.
Sakura can heal others with her palm, accelerating skin cell growth and the whatnot. Her's is pretty basic but isnt exactly battle ready— and thats actually because shes training to be an on field nurse, something Tsunade has finally convinced the village(just their village/the leaf village) to try out. However, field nurses are expected to be able to defend themselves and help in a fight, so Sakura uses hero tools(more on that later) to aid her. I havent thought of much for Sakura yet, its a bit of a struggle since she isnt too relevant in most arcs— which I wanna change in this AU.
Lastely, Kakashi harbors two quirks; Lightening blade and Sharingan. He and Obito was subjected to testing— think about the nomus and such because thats exatly it ;)— in their 2nd year. Obito risked his life to let Kakashi escape, and in the midst of things, during the escape that is, somehow Obito's quirk was given to Kakashi(its obvious to us how he got it but not to him or Obito). Obito willingly gave up his quirk to AFO without knowing he did and AFO just gave it away— I dont have a solid reasoning yet, but maybe because its literally AFO but with eyes and its limited. Kakashi was once a hired bounty hunter for the more rouge and dangerous villains other heroes dont want to go after, but then Gai convinced him to quit because the job was changing him. After that, Kakashi was offered a position as a teacher at the academy.
How the academy works:
11-13 year olds are open to apply for a junior program, to get a head start in their hero training— not studies. After that they are guaranteed a spot in the main academy— for example, Hinata and Neji were both accepted into the program and then immediately granted a spot without needing to apply; meanwhile, Naruto was not in the program, but he was taught a lot by Iruka(which is who essentially raised him since he was about 4) and got in after applying and taking the exam(which yes he almost failed).
After a year or two in the program, depending on age(11 is 2 years, while 12 is 1 year), they move up to their 1st year year in the academy where they start their studies and further their training, just more intense. The academy lasts 3 years like a typical Japanese highschool. They have all their general classes of course and then theres their hero classes. The school is mostly comprised of hero students, with field nurse students sprinkled in.
After the 3rd year, all students have the option to sign up for a program that will guarantee them a spot in a real agency as a sidekick— the internship program. Its like an extra 4th year except they arent actually in the school as students anymore. Some are assigned to heroes not affiliated with the school, to which hero assignments are changed at the start of every week(they get new hero partners). And then some are assigned to a teacher's agency. All the students are required to come back to the school to fill out their reports, which are technically graded and only for the purpose of correcting it before official reports are ever made [outside of the program].
Class teams:
Class teams are exactly what the name suggests. In their 1st year, three students are assigned to be a team. Its to teach them about team work very early on. Class teams are only disbanded in their 3rd year at the end of their first semester. The rest of the year students study and partake in feild training on their own. Class teams do get individual teachers that stay well into their 3rd year. Each class is actually very small and so grouping them into teams is easy.
Hero tools:
Hero tools are pretty obvious. In the academy, every student is required to learn how to use a hero tool, even if they dont require one because of their quirk, and any kind is acceptable— the academy's provided tools are kunai and shurinken, but students can design and develop their own hero tool(s) if they so wish— for example, Sakura uses the basic hero tools provided by the school, but then theres Shikamaru who developed his own tool that would help produce more shadows that would help him use his quirk better.
Feel free ask about this I guess.I want to make a comic out of this in the future, when I get my tablet, so I just want to develop this more before I get too ahead in drawing it.
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sparda3g · 5 years
Can you help me? The new popularity poll of My Hero Academia came out and I don't undrestand. I mean what the hell are Iida, Aizawa, Ochaco and Momo are doing in the top 10? Shigaraki and Toga are one thing because the manga focused on them for an entire arc, but these four (Iida, Aizawa, Ochaco and Momo) didn't do anything for a veeery long time! Specialy the Zangetsu Cosplaying Kakashi clone Aizawa!
The voting commenced around late July or early August. Around this time, the effect from Joint Training Arc was still lingering. I’m not going to say that’s the main reason, but based on why Shigaraki and Toga are in the list, who weren’t known to be listed in top 10, and the disappearance of Hawks and Endeavor, I would say it has some effect at the very least.
I know it’s been a while in that time period since the poll opened during Shigaraki’s backstory (assumption). However, you have to take the volume release into consideration. There are fans that only read volumes, not weekly routine with Jump magazine. So the effect from Joint Training Arc isn’t close  from being old news. Also, take the consideration that the three student characters you mentioned aren’t strangers in the poll as they have some staying power. Aizawa is already popular. I do think “hot” sensei trend helped, but he did also receive a backstory (Vigilantes spin-off) not too long ago, so that may have helped as well. Lastly, anime has some effect, hence Jeanist in the last poll.
What drew my attention the most however is the number of votes. Aside from top 3, the rest felt throwaway. Well, Kirishima does have strong followers, so that’s normal. The total amount for Iida is less than 10th place in the last poll. Also, the total is less than their last counterpart. It’s like they are fillers with some “flavor of the month” thrown in (Toga and Shigaraki). I know the top 3 tends to be large in comparison, but by the time we get to 8th place, the number was closing in to 3 digits. Funny, because the top 3 are the only guys that are receiving spotlights class wise, which essentially ate the votes, but that’s just me.
So if anything, while I understand your gripes, the total votes for said characters aren’t so hot. You can argue that they were lucky for the lingering effect and then some. At least Deku got back to second place, though the gap is large, but it’s a progress. Baby steps.
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ryndicate · 1 year
My favorite shows and characters :)
or aka, my fandoms and their babygirls
Trigun Stampede
Vash, Knives, Wolfewood
Tokyo Revengers
Sanzu, Hanma, Chifuyu, Shinichiro, Imaushi, Mikey, Draken, Rindou, Mitsuya, Takemitchi
Soul Eater
Stein, Akane, Soul Evans
Jujutsu Kaisen
Gojo, Megumi, Sukuna, Choso, Itadori, Yuuta, Inumaki, Nanami
Gabimaru, Tenza, Chobei, Shion
My Hero Academia
Touya, Bakugou, Shinso, Izuku, Kirishima, Mirio, Natsuo, Enji,  Aizawa, Iida
Kakashi, Genma, Itachi, Shisui, Jiraiya, Obito, Yamato, Kisame, Hidan
Hunter x Hunter
Hisoka, Illumi, Ging, Uvogin, Chrollo, Phinks, Neferpitou, Knuckle
Iwaizumi, Oikawa, Hanamaki, Matsukawa, Kita, Suna, Aran, Atsumu, Osamu, Tendou
Chainsaw Man
Kishibe, Aki, Angel Devil, Yoshida, Denji
Blue Lock
Kaiser, Oliver, Lorenzo, Ness, Noa, Kunigami, Gagamaru, Reo, Nagi, Rin, Sae, Shidou
Daddy Kurosaki, Daddy Ishida, Gin, Ulquiorra, Renji, Kensei, Shunsui
Black Clover
Yami, Fuegoleon, Zara, Nozel
Attack on Titan
Zeke, Eren, Reiner, Porco, Jean, Conny
Honorable Mentions
Akaza, Tengen, Hantengu Clones, Kogami, Captain Obi, Thorkell, Alucard, Hector, Nishio, Kaneki
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yeet-man · 4 years
One's Rebirth: Spin Off Chapter 2
A/N: CONGRATULATIONS TO FUCKING @red-riot-rat FOR 900 FOLLOWERS! I hope someday I can reach 100. Anyway, enjoy the second and final chapter for the spin off for One's Rebirth! (Unless y'all want another one aigssk)
1 hour after J'me and Kid's interaction.
What does it mean to be a hero? Everyone had their answers to the question. As for J'me, he was slowly losing his answer. It used to be protecting the people he cared about, but the more people got hurt, the more he got mad at the word hero. The word villain didn't help either since those were the people hurting the ones he cared about.
To his knowledge, Kid was still knocked out at the tracks. That didn't matter though, he was a block away from the league's hideout. He already scoped out the area and made sure no one was guarding it from the outside. With that in mind, he pulled out his phone and made one last call.
"Hey Momo, about that run I was on. Change of plans, I'm gonna do something I'll regret. Tell everyone in Class 1-A that I'll miss them and tell Hatsume I'll love her forever...Goodbye."
Momo answered the phone as soon as she heard it and put it on speaker since she was with everyone in the dorms. Once J'me finished speaking, Momo assumed the worst and got someone to go get Aizawa. "J'me, what do you plan on doing? If you're in trouble or something just tell us, we can help."
 "Something I should have done as soon as I got here." With the click of a button the call ended. His eyes started tearing up again as the rain kept pouring on this broken day. In the blink of an eye he was in front of the hideout, it was time to begin.
One kick and J'me stepped inside the league of villains' hideout. He slowly pulled down his hoodie, revealing a new monster. And this monster was ready to see death. He looked around and didn't see Charles, guess he'd have to deal with him later. "Tomura Shigaraki, Toga Himko, Jin Bubaigawara, Toya Todoroki, and Oboro Shirakumo. I assume you know who I am since Kid gave y'all the information to attack U.A multiple times. Say goodbye since this will be your last day alive."
The league watched the boy kick down the door and begin talking. Once J'me finished Shigaraki took a couple steps forward while scratching his neck. "Yes, we've heard a lot about you. We know everything about you, we won't be dying today since you're the only one here." With that Shigaraki ran forward, sticking his hand out to activate his decay quirk.
J'me only laughed at the leader's response, such foolishness. "I'll kill all of you with just my Naruto side." At the end of the sports festival, J'me had unlocked Ultra Instinct which gave him access to Dragon Ball things. And with one simple hand sign, four clones appeared behind him. From there the clones went after everyone else, leaving J'me with the leader. He threw his kunai and let it go past Shigaraki, teleporting above it, making a rasengan and putting it through his opponent's back. "Flying Falcon level two."
Shigaraki hit the ground hard, getting the wind knocked out of him. He thought he got his hand on him only to see the boy disappear. He tried to get up but felt something on top of him, it was J'me holding his kunai to the back of Shigaraki's neck.
"Remember when you took Overhaul's arms? Well, how about I take your hands. I'll be sure to end it quickly." Keeping his knee on Shigaraki, he held his kunai and sliced one of his hands completely off. The screams of agony only sounded like music to J'me. Luckily, he wasn't a real monster and stopped the bleeding. He repeated the process and sliced the other hand off before stopping the bleeding. 
Shigaraki could only scream in pain as his hands were cut off, his teammates in trouble with the clones of his enemy. Nothing was going his way, did Kid lie to them? No, that couldn't be the truth, Kid would never lie to them, they were family...right? Normally he would be happy seeing blood on the floor, but knowing it was his only made him angry.
J'me got off Shigaraki, rolled him over and picked him up by the collar of his shirt. "Since you caused my best friend to die and my lover getting injured, I'll be killing you first. Chidori!" The hand that wasn't holding Shigaraki bursted into a ball of lightning, why not kill the leader with Kakashi's move.
"STOP!" A voice echoed through the building making everyone stop and look at the entrance. The person J'me least expected was here, Kid. "The heroes are on their way all of you need to go now." 
"Kurogiri...take everyone and go. I'll stay behind and finish him." Shigaraki was barely able to mutter the words since his voice was strained. 
Kurogiri did as told, it wasn't time to ignore the leader. He grabbed the league members and teleported, leaving J'me, Shigaraki, and Kid behind.
J'me made the chidori disappear and tossed Shigaraki to the side. In an instant two clones were near the leader and the other two held Kid, making sure they couldn't do anything. "If you told the heroes what I'm doing I will kill you as well." His voice was empty. He made a ki blade from his hand and placed it near his neck.
"I didn't. Your class found me knocked out and I told them what happened. You went crazy and tried to go after the league, when I tried to stop you, you knocked me out." Kid smirked as if they really did something to his plans. 
"Don't you dare touch them!" Shigaraki shouted at J'me, trying to get past the clones only to fail. If anyone was going to die it was going to be him, not Kid.
J'me let out a small sigh and snapped his fingers. The two clones that held Shigaraki in place disappeared. "Since you wanna tell heroes in training, I have a surprise for you." He made the ki blade go back into his hand and picked up his kunai. He walked over towards Shigaraki and sliced the villains' neck open. Blood spattered on J'me and he turned around. "Surprise bitch."
Hearing about someone's death was one thing, but seeing someone you cared about die to the hands of someone you called a friend. That destroys a person, Kid was filled with anger and sadness. "WHY, YOU FUCKING MONSTER WHY HIM? WHY THE PERSON I WAS THE CLOSEST TO GOD DAMN IT!" He was able to take care of both clones and ran towards J'me.
"Simple, because he's the leader. He had to pay for ordering Twice to kill Kairo." J'me stood there, now that the leader of the league of villains was gone, he had nothing else to live for. He dropped his kunai and got ready to take his leave as well.
That's what was supposed to happen till Aizawa ran into the room, erasing both of their quirks and tying them up with his rope.
Three lives were destroyed that day. J'me went to prison for taking the life of Tomura Shigaraki. Kid ended up running away from the police and is now on the run for good. And Shigaraki was dead.
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rarepears · 2 years
Masterpost [Aug 2022 2/3]
Masterpost [Aug 2022 1/3] | Masterpost [Aug 2022 2/3] | Masterpost [Aug 2022 3/3]
mdzs cultivators think deadpool is a demon that wei wuxian raised from the burial mounds au
sung jinwoo is reborn as a nara au
overhaul attempts to recruit yumichika into his yakuza group au
somehow a modern day push up bra wanders into pidw au
 the married life of sung jinwoo and wen ruohan au
shino aburame tames the ants of jeju island and the hunters of solo leveling are understandable freaked out au
tsuna (khr) gets dumped into pidw and liu qingge makes him a bai zhan disciple au
luo bingge mistakens aizawa (bnha) to be a nice version of shen qingqiu and kidnaps him au
Toji (jjk) becomes sung jinwoo's stepfather au
Orochimaru and kakashi get dumped into jjk where kakashi is viewed as a gojo bastard and gojo gets a crush on the MILF snake ninja au
mobei jun (svsss) x xanxus (khr) au
aoyama dealing with discrimination in bnha japan for being a foreign au
itachi and kyuubi time travel back in time and now kyuubi is running around in itachi's body while itachi is stuck in his child form au
the avengers assembly to deal with a luo bingge invasion au
star wars but instead of clones it's despicable me minions au
star wars x despicable me crossover au
tomura shigaraki and his battle with insurance policies au
shouto todoroki starts wearing a skirt as his teenage rebellion to shut endeavor up au
deadpool transmigrates into pidw as liu qingge au
in which bakugou also produces and writes music as a hobby and has a hanana montana moment au
luo bingge and luo bingmei get reborn to modern china as blood brothers - let the sibling rivalry commence! au
shen yuan and luo binghe reincarnate as fumikage tokoyami and dark shadow respectively au
luo bingge x edward cullen (twilight) au
sung jinwoo's mother awakens as a s ranked hunter after her coma au
luo binghe redos his life again and again trying to make his shizun love him au
guy fieri reincarnates as bakugou katsuki (bnha) au
sung jinwoo's mother awakens as a s ranked hunter after her coma au
luo binghe has a rival for Shen Qingqiu's attention and love: the half demon half human squirrel girl au
Darth Vadar travels back in time as he's dying & younger Anakin who just found a dying Shmi thinks the dying Darth Vadar is his bio dad au
tywin lannister x sung jinwoo
batman is an angry goose au
gojo satoru has a side hobby of being a drag queen au
kakashi (naruto) raises tom riddle au
kenpachi x shen jiu coparenting yachiru together au
pidw luo bingge's number 248 wife is dora the explorer au
solo leveling beru vs the HOA au
han yoojin (the s classes that i raised) becomes luo binghe and shen yuan's housekeeper au
harry potter meets thomas the tank engine and thinks that thomas is the God of Death au
a crossover of ichigo (bleach) x lucifer (supernatural) au
shang qinghua is a mess when it comes to writing au
toji fushiguro becomes an onlyfans content creator instead of mercenary au
Ashborn (solo leveling) & Hagoromo (naruto) were lovers thus the tailed beasts think Sung Jinwoo is their mother reborn au
shen yuan transmigrates into pidw into luo bingge's harem au
PIDW reborn as cats and Shen Jiu is the lucky cat owner au
despicable me minions in game of thrones au
sqh and sy sleepover au
modern reincarnation of yue qingyuan and his pet cat shen jiu au
naruto wanted a sibling so he caught himself one and also accidentally reveals multiple conspiracies au
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