#Al-Razi Hospital
vyorei · 10 months
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Ammar Abu Al-Wafa, a 21 year old Palestinian man, has been killed in the West Bank by the IOF, 5 others were injured and 2 are in critical condition
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indizombie · 2 years
Hospitals in Aleppo do not have enough room for new patients in the wake of last week's devastating earthquake, a doctor in the Syrian city said. At the Al-Razi Hospital there are too many beds to fit into the wards. They reach end-to-end through corridors and into the chilly courtyard. "We weren't able to discharge patients from the hospitals even after treating them. The city is damaged and there are no places for them to go," said Dr Nizar Suleiman, the head of orthopaedics. "Huge numbers of patients came in a short period of time. We have a huge shortage in medicines, so it's really worrying. For example, we suffer from a lack of medical equipment to treat fractures. We already suffer from this shortage because of the crisis, and the siege [sanctions] make it worse." More than 4,400 deaths and 7,600 injuries have been reported in north-western Syria since a 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck neighbouring southern Turkey on 6 February, according to the UN.
‘Syria earthquake: Aleppo hospitals overwhelmed by victims’, BBC
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workersolidarity · 2 months
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[ 📹 A mother bids farewell to her son as more bodies of the dead and wounded are brought into a local hospital after the Israeli occupation forces bombed the UN-run Al-Razi School, housing thousands of displaced civilian families, in Camp-2 of the Nuseirat Refugee Camp, in the central Gaza Strip on Tuesday morning. 📈 The current death toll in Gaza now exceeds 38'713 Palestinians killed, while another 89'166 others have been wounded since Oct. 7th, 2023. ]
🇮🇱⚔️🇵🇸 🚀🏘️💥🚑 🚨
On 284th day of the Israeli occupation's ongoing special genocide operation in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) committed a total of 2 new massacres of Palestinian families, resulting in the deaths of no less than 49 Palestinian civilians, mostly women and children, while another 69 others were wounded over the previous 24-hours.
It should be noted that as a result of the constant Israeli bombardment of Gaza's healthcare system, infrastructure, residential and commercial buildings, local paramedic and civil defense crews are unable to recover countless hundreds, even thousands of victims who remain trapped under the rubble, or whose bodies remain strewn across the streets of Gaza.
This leaves the official death toll vastly undercounted as Gaza's healthcare officials are unable to accurately tally those killed and maimed in this genocide, which must be kept in mind when considering the scale of the mass murder.
In the latest news on the war in Gaza for Tuesday, July 16th: Israeli intelligence officials have claimed in an interview with CNN that the leader of Hamas's military wing, the Al-Qassam Brigades' Yahya Sinwar, has come under increasing pressure from senior Hamas officials to sign a hostage exchange and ceasefire deal with the Israeli entity. This even as the Zionist army's genocide in the Gaza Strip continues unabated, leaving hundreds of Palestinians dead and wounded each week.
According to the occupation media, Qatar has also threatened Hamas officials with expulsion and to ban them from their territory if they do not sign an agreement with the Zionist entity.
The Israeli occupation's Intelligence services continue to believe the Al-Qassam Chief is hiding in tunnel systems, built by the resistance movement, under the city of Khan Yunis, in the southern Gaza Strip.
In more news on Tuesday, the Israeli Minister of Settlements and National Projects, the far-right extremist Orit Strock, has threatened to toppel the government if the occupation army withdraws from two "security corridors" in the Gaza Strip; the Netzarim Corridor which runs from the Mediterranean coast to the Israeli border fence through the center of Gaza, dividing the enclave into its two constituent halves, and the Philadelphi Corridor, which runs across the southern border with Egypt, preventing the free flow of humanitarian aid, building materials and other goods.
Strock made the comments during a brief visit to the Karm Abu Salem border crossing, south of the city of Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, where she stated that her Religious Zionism Party has been “pressuring within the government, in the strongest way a party can pressure.”
“We explicitly said that if the IDF leaves the Netzarim Corridor and the Philadelphi Corridor… we will not be in the government, we are dismantling the government,” the extremist Zionist Minister told the Hebrew media.
According to the text of the ceasefire agreement, the two occupied corridors would not be specified as locations where the Israeli occupation forces would be allowed to remain, instead calling for the "withdrawal of Israeli forces eastwards away from densely populated areas along the borders in all areas of the Gaza Strip including Gaza valley (Netzarim axis and Kuwait roundabout)…”
Meanwhile, the Israeli occupation army continued its slaughter of Palestinian civilians, and also continued the destruction of Gaza's infrastructure on Tuesday, bombing and shelling various axis of the enclave, while leaving dozens of casualties in its wake.
In the latest Israeli atrocities, occupation fighter jets bombarded the Siam neighborhood, north of the city of Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip.
Following the raid, the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) reported retrieving the bodies of two Palestinians, Kamel Ahmed Siam and Darwish Sharif Siam, who were transported to the Nasser medical complex in Khan Yunis.
Similarly, civil defense and rescue crews reported the recovery of 4 martyrs after Zionist warplanes bombed a residential apartment belonging to the Salama family in the center of the Al-Maghazi Camp, in the central Gaza Strip. The dead and wounded were quickly transferred to Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in the city of Deir al-Balah.
The crimes of the Zionist entity continued when an occupation drone fired on a gathering of civilians on Al-Nazzaz Street of the Al-Shuja'iyya neighborhood, east of Gaza City, killing one Palestinian and wounding several others.
An occupation air raid also targeted a residential house in the Nuseirat Camp, in the central Gaza Strip, resulting in a number of casualties, while PRCS paramedic crews reported transferring at least 6 dead bodies from the site.
Additionally, Israeli occupation forces launched a bombardment of a house belonging to the Abu Teir family in the town of Abasan Al-Kabira, east of Khan Yunis, in southern Gaza, killing 4 Palestinian civilians and wounding another 3 others, who were taken to the Nasser medical complex in the city.
At dawn on Tuesday, Zionist warplanes bombed the Khirbet al-Adas area of Rafah City, in the southern Gaza Strip, after which, the bodies of 4 murdered civilians were taken to Nasser Hospital in Khan Yunis.
Occupation forces went on to detonate several entire residential blocks west of Rafah, and also fired artillery shells into the town of Al-Qarara, northeast of Khan Yunis.
Another occupation airstrike targeted a civilian house belonging to the Zaqouq family in the Nuseirat Camp, in the central Gaza Strip, with ambulance crews recovering a number of dead and wounded, while another Palestinian was killed and two wounded after Zionist forces bombed a residential apartment on Al-Nafaq Street in the city.
Israeli artillery shelling also hammered the eastern area of the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, southeast of Gaza City, while Zionist military vehicles opened fire on the Al-Mughraqa area, north of the Nuseirat Camp in central Gaza.
The wonton slaughter continued with renewed war crimes after the Israeli occupation army bombed the UNRWA-run Al-Razi School, housing thousands of Palestinian families, in Camp-2 of the Al-Nuseirat Camp, massacreing at least 23 Palestinian civilians, and wounding more than 73 others, who were quickly transferred to Al-Awda Hospital in the camp.
Another massacre occured when Israeli occupation forces bombed the Al-Attar area, which remains crowded with displaced families, killing 17 civilians and wounding at least 26 others, mostly women and children, who were transported to the Nasser medical complex in Khan Yunis.
Meanwhile, Zionist fighter jets bombed a gathering of civilians in the vicinity of the Zayed roundabout in the town of Beit Lahiya, in the northern Gaza Strip, murdering four Palestinians and wounding five others.
According to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine (UNRWA), the Israeli occupation army has targeted five of its schools over the last ten days, while the organization called for the International community to protect all United Nations facilities in the Gaza Strip.
As a result of the Israeli occupation's ongoing war of extermination, the infinitely rising death toll now exceeds 38'713 Palestinians killed in Gaza, including at least 10'000 women and well over 15'000 children, while another 89'166 others have been wounded since the start of the current round of Zionist aggression, beginning with the events of October 7th, 2023.
This brings the total casualty count in the genocide to 127'879, or the equivalent of 5.55% of the entire pre-war population of the Gaza Strip.
July 16th, 2024
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ahaura · 10 months
(Nov. 28)
@QudsNen BREAKING: As part of the ongoing raid in Jenin, the occupying Israeli army is blocking the entrances to the city's three main hospitals: Jenin Public Hospital, Al-Razi and Ibn Sina hospitals. At least one wounded individual has reportedly been arrested as soon as the ambulance transporting him arrived in the entrance to the Jenin Public Hospital, according to witnesses. #WestBank #Israel
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Al-Razi: Islam’s Favorite Heretic
Many centuries ago, in the heart of one of Islam’s great empires, there lived a man who openly questioned the foundations of the Islamic faith. He outraged religious thinkers of his time, he mocked sacred scriptures, rejected religious authority, even denied the prophethood of Muhammad himself.
If he were alive today, he would be condemned as a heretic, maybe even an apostate. He would risk professional ruin, social dishonor and exile, even mob violence. In some countries, his views would lend him a sentence of death.
And yet, in his time, this man lived a long and happy life, greatly respected. What’s more, today he is celebrated all over the Muslim world, his heresies forgotten.
This is the secret history of Abu Bakr Al-Razi - the Physician.
Al-Razi was born in the 9th century, in the city of Rayy, located in what is now Iran. A curious and analytical thinker, al-Razi’s exceptional medical talents quickly won him respect and renown.
He was the first to distinguish between smallpox and measles; and the first to write a medical manual for the home. A practitioner and a teacher, his lectures attracted scores of eager learners.
And he wrote mountains of books -- over 200 -- including the 23-volume Comprehensive Book of Medicine which was studied around the world for centuries, and what was perhaps the very first book on Pediatrics.
A superb and innovative clinician, Razi reasoned into practices that would become standard today, like keeping detailed documentation of characteristics and treatment of hospital patients (a form of today’s case records), and using a control group in an experiment.
Razi also had an intuitive understanding of the role of hygiene and the environment in health. It is said that when it came time to build a new hospital in Baghdad, Razi was asked to choose the location. He had fresh meat hung throughout the city. A few days later, Razi returned to check each location, and decided that the hospital should be placed where the meat had putrefied the least.
Confident in his skills, Razi wasn’t afraid to provoke.
He authored a critique of Greek masters such as Galen at a time where orthodoxy was the rule and such authorities were to be studied with submissive reverence, not challenged.
But al-Razi was not a believer in the untouchability of “authorities” - he was instead, a believer in human reason. Thus, to Razi even giants like Galen could -- and in fact should -- be questioned.
“It grieves me to oppose and criticize the man Galen from whose sea of knowledge I have drawn much,” said Razi. “Indeed, he is the Master and I am the disciple. Although this reverence and appreciation will and should not prevent me from doubting, as I did, what is erroneous in his theories. and if he were alive, he would have congratulated me on what I am doing. I say this because Galen's aim was to seek and find the truth and bring light out of darkness.”
So it’s no surprise Razi found himself frustrated with those who blindly accepted dogma in other realms, especially faith. Fortunately for Razi, in the ninth century, “Islam” as we know it today was still being actively formed.
Only two centuries after the death of the Prophet, it was a time when the hadith -- the source of much of Islamic doctrine -- were still being gathered and recorded.
The Islamic world was humming with change: philosophers clashed with theologians while factions argued over the particulars of religious edicts which would later become unquestionable orthodoxy. Still, there were limitations to these debates - the “fundamentals” of the faith were not to be questioned, which irked al-Razi.
“The followers of revealed religions … reject rational speculation and inquiry about the fundamental doctrines of religion. They restrict and forbid it,” said he. “If these people are asked about the proof of the soundness of their religion, they flare up, get angry and spill the blood of whoever confronts them with this question,” said Razi
Razi may have been protected from the worst of this violence by his great accomplishments and stature, as certainly he himself held views on Islam that were deeply heretical.
For one, he denied the divine nature of the Qur’an, which he called “a work which recounts ancient myths, and which at the same time is full of contradictions and does not contain any useful information or explanation.”
If that wasn’t heretical enough, Razi went so far as to reject the bedrock doctrine of Islam, the “shahada” -- a declaration of faith required in Islam, which states that there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger.
To Razi, God may exist, but Muhammad was not God’s prophet - in fact, he considered all prophets nothing but cheap tricksters and frauds, like street performers or magicians.
Razi believed in his own version of God, one who could be found through reason rather than revelation. To theologians, these beliefs were heinous and horrific, prompting furious rebuttals. Curiously, these rebuttals are the only remaining sources we have of his most sacrilegious views.
While many of Razi’s medical writings are accessible to us, his most directly heretical writings have long vanished. Over the centuries, the loss of this work allowed the religious to claim the physician for themselves. His heresies buried under the sands of time, Razi is today considered among the greatest thinkers in Islam.
In modern day Iran, where freethinkers can be sentenced to death for insulting the prophet, Razi’s birthday is even honored as a professional holiday.
If he was alive today, Razi, who fiercely valued his ability to think freely, who despised deference to authorities in matters of reason and faith, would have been persecuted by the very same people who revere his life and many achievements. … Almost certainly, his insults to the Prophet and the Qur’an would mean the end of his life ...and all his brilliance and potential with it.
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saharaground · 6 months
Healthcare and Ambulance Services in Gopalganj
Gopalganj is one of the central districts of Bangladesh. The district is known for its historical sites, including the residence of the Father of the Nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, in Tungipara, the place is also known for its rich agricultural contributions, particularly in rice cultivation, owing to its fertile lands. But the healthcare system of the place, even if rising, still needs a lot more work. The healthcare infrastructure in Gopalganj may include both government and private healthcare facilities, offering services ranging from basic medical care to more treatments, but they lack advanced medical services and specialised healthcare professionals. The availability of quality healthcare, especially in rural areas, pose challenges. 
Some of the hospitals available in Gopalganj are, 
Sheikh Sayera Khatun Medical College Hospital, Gopalganj
Prof. (Dr.) Obayedullah-Ferdousi FR Foundation Cancer & General Hospital, Research Institute, Gopalganj
Sheikh Fazilatunnesa Mujib Eye Hospital & Training Institute, Gopalganj
Nargis Clinic
50 Bedded Diabetes Hospital, Gopalganj
Gopalganj Specialized Hospital
Bangladesh Diagnostic Center
Anika Diagnostic Center
Cure Home Clinic and Diagnostic Center
Al - Razi Diagnostic Center 
Unique Clinic and Diagnostic Center 
250 Bedded General Hospital, Gopalganj
Gopalganj Central Hospital & Diagnostic Center
Gopalganj Diagnostic and Consultation Center
Modern Diagnostic Center
Digital dIagnostic Center 
Dr. Farid Memorial Hospital
Araf General Hospital and Diagnostic Center 
Cardiac Care Diagnostic Center
Gopalganj General Hospital Masjid
Labiba Clinic
Al - Shefa Homeo Medical 
Kazi Azgar Memorial Hospital & Diagnostic Center 
Mother & Child Welfare Clinic 
Pukhuria Hospital
Despite all these clinics and hospitals most of these hospitals lack the proper equipment and specialised doctors needed to treat a patient thoroughly. They cannot serve patients with critical conditions. Therefore, patients often find it imperative to seek treatment elsewhere for comprehensive care. It is vital to ensure the safety of the patients while transfering to other medical facilities. The doctors or nurses need to ensure that the patient's condition does not further deteriorate, and to ensure that they need to provide an ambulance service, which would keep the patient's condition stable. 
In order to safeguard the health of various patients, emergency healthcare services offer comprehensive ambulance support, including,
Standard or Basic Ambulances
Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Ambulances
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Ambulances
Air Ambulances
Advanced Life Support (ASL) Ambulances 
Ambulances for Transporting Deceased Bodies
Ambulance services play a crucial role in maintaining and stabilising patients' health during transportation. All these different ambulances, Intensive Care Unit (ICU) ambulances, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) ambulances, and Advanced Life Support (ALS) ambulances, serve specific medical needs, ensuring the appropriate level of care during transportation. They have the capability to continuously monitor vital signs such as heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation, they also provide life support, if and when needed. The crew on board are trained and qualified medical personnel, including paramedics and Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs), who are equipped to handle various medical emergencies. Ambulance services aim to provide timely and effective medical care, ensuring that patients receive the necessary medications to stabilise their health en route to medical facilities.
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warningsine · 8 months
Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) says four of its “military advisers” have been killed in an Israeli air strike on a residential building in Syria’s capital, Damascus.
Syrian state media SANA said the attack on Saturday took place in the Mazzeh neighbourhood. It said “Israeli aggression” targeted the building.
A well-informed source told Al Jazeera the target was an IRGC intelligence unit, adding that a senior IRGC intelligence official in Syria and his assistants were in the building.
In a brief statement, the IRGC said an air strike by Israeli fighter jets killed “a number of Syrian forces and four military advisers”. It later identified the people killed as Hojjatollah Omidvar, Ali Aghazadeh, Hossein Mohammadi and Saied Karimi, without sharing their ranks.
Iranian state television called it a “terrorist” attack by Israel, which has yet to comment.
The attack, which is believed to have been carried out with at least four missiles, completely destroyed a four-storey building, according to Iranian state media. At least one person was taken to hospital.
Widening tensions
Saturday’s strike comes amid widening tensions in the region and the Israeli offensive on Gaza that has killed nearly 25,000 people.
Israel has carried out hundreds of strikes on Iran-linked targets inside government-controlled parts of war-torn Syria in recent years.
“Syria is not only a battleground of the power struggle between the regional and the global powers, but also is a ground for the intelligence wars as well,” said Al Jazeera’s Resul Serdar, reporting from Tehran.
“For Iran, Lebanon and particularly for Hezbollah, Syria is a crucial element in the so-called ‘Axis of the Resistance’, so that’s why all their presence in Syria is kept secret,” he added.
Last month, an Israeli air attack on a suburb of Damascus killed Iranian general Sayyed Razi Mousavi, a longtime IRGC adviser in Syria.
Israel rarely acknowledges its actions in Syria, but it has said that it targets bases of Iran-allied groups, such as Lebanon’s Hezbollah, which has sent thousands of fighters to support Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s forces.
Earlier this month, an attack said to be carried out by Israel killed top Hamas commander Saleh al-Arouri in Lebanon’s capital, Beirut.
Over the past weeks, rockets have been fired from Syria into northern Israel and the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, adding to tensions along the Lebanon-Israel border and attacks on ships in the Red Sea by Yemen’s Iran-aligned Houthi rebels.
Iran on Monday struck Erbil, the capital of Iraq’s semi-autonomous Kurdistan region, with ballistic missiles in what it said was an attack on an Israeli spy headquarters, a claim denied by Iraqi and Iraqi Kurdish officials. At least four people were killed in the attack.
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sharfuddin09 · 2 years
The greatest medical minds of all time would not have been able to accomplish great feats without the support of great institutions. The Muslim world of the Golden Ages, with its vast financial resources and strong political institutions, established some of the first hospitals in history. The impetus to build hospitals came from the need to care for the health of poorer citizens. The wealthy were able to hire private physicians and pay for home treatment, but the poor had no such luxury. To provide for them, caliphs and emirs established large institutions in the great cities of the Muslim world aimed at providing affordable or free healthcare to anyone who would need it.
In the early ninth century, the first hospitals began to appear in Baghdad. As the hospitals grew over time, they began to resemble modern hospitals in size and scope. Hospitals had dozens of doctors and nurses, including specialists and surgeons. They contained outpatient centers, psychiatric wards, surgery centers and maternity wards. Perhaps the biggest difference was that the hospitals of that era were free to those who could not afford it; a far cry from the revenue-fueled hospitals of today. To the patrons of these hospitals, the Prophetic example of compassion was clear. In their eyes, a society based on Islam was expected to care for all its citizens, regardless of wealth, race or even religion.
After first being established in Baghdad, these enlightened institutions of healing spread to the rest of the Muslim world’s major cities throughout the tenth to fourteenth centuries. Hospitals could be found in Cairo, Damascus, Baghdad, Mecca, Medina, and even distant Granada in Iberia. The Ottomans would later carry on this tradition of public hospitals, and it was during their long reign that Europe would begin to catch up, and even surpass, the Muslim world.
The Renaissance saw a move to translate hundreds of Arabic texts into Latin in the great cultural and scientific centers such as Padua and Bologna. Europeans were able to further advance the knowledge of giants such as al-Razi and Ibn Sina, who advanced the knowledge of Galen and Hippocrates. Today’s medical knowledge and institutions come largely from the West, but are based on the earlier Muslim medical tradition, which in turn was based on ancient Greece. The clash of civilizations narrative that is promoted by extremists on both sides of modern conflicts neglects examples of cross-cultural intellectual traditions such as this.
Lost Islamic History, Firas AlKhateeb, pp. 89,90
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dwellordream · 2 years
“...It is a certifiable fact that the Islamic world had good medicine on lockdown in the medieval period. One reason for that was the House of Wisdom, or the Great Library of Baghdad, which was established in the eighth century by the Caliph Harun al-Rashid. We’re not sure exactly whether the House of Wisdom was founded as an active learning institution or just a really nice library that had tonnes of good books, but by the reign of Al-Ma’mun it was a public learning institution. We know that in the House of Wisdom they certainly compiled, copied, and disseminated any medical texts they could get their hands on. And here is the thing – they could get their hands on kinda a lot of stuff, actually, because they were positioned between the Eastern Roman Empire, aka Byzantium, and Asia. They were therefore perfectly placed to amalgamate various medical traditions. They worked with the texts of Galen and Hippocrates, which underpinned medieval European ideas of medicine, but also brought in Persian medical tradition including The Vendidad which is one of the world’s earliest medical texts and covers herbal medicine, surgical medicine, and prayer. They were also able to incorporate Indian Ayurvedic traditions. Not only did they have cutting edge medicine, but they also had a range of really great hospitals that you could rock up to and get cared for in. For Islamic rulers endowing a hospital was a big deal, much like supporting monasteries and nunneries (which served the function of hospitals) was for Christian rulers back in Europe. I mean rulers still do this, at least here in the UK.[3] (Yay. Love 2 be a subject.)
This excellent tradition gave birth to one Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi, or al-Razi, or Rahzes if you need the white people version. He, like most of this blog’s important favs (heeeeey Hildegard) was a polymath and wrote something like 200 hundred manuscripts on various topics from medicine to physics, as you do. More to the point for this discussion, he was one of the first people to advocate for experimental medicine, and because he was an alchemist (calm down, it’s like being a chemist, it’s not about making gold) he came up with chemical alcohol and sulfuric acid, very important medical compounds. He was also one of the first people to use humoral theory to differentiate various sicknesses. One of his most famous works specifically did this with measles and smallpox. As if that wasn’t enough, he was also the first person to notice and write about the pupil’s reaction to light. In other words, he was a big fucking medical deal in the early medieval period and doing really serious work. So, yeah this graph is not incorrect there. The early medieval Islamic world was certainly making strides during that extremely specific time period. But here’s a thing that we would call “problematic”: we are here talking about how Islamic medicine was good at the time but for some reason al-Razi, the physician so good that students came from China to learn from him, doesn’t get a mention.[4] Weirdly, and even more appallingly, it also cuts off right before Ibn Sina, aka Avicenna, aka arguably the other most important medieval medical mind is born (c. 980). Ibn Sina was also, you will be unsurprised to learn, a polymath. He worked on everything from astronomy to theology, alchemy and astronomy. What medieval people really lost their minds over were his works The Book of Healing and The Cannon of Medicine two absolutely core texts of medieval medical science. These texts became the standard medical texts even outside of the Islamic world. In European medieval universities like Salerno, and were such important game changers that they remained pretty much the core medical texts into the seventeenth century. As a result, medieval and early modern people would mention him in pretty much the same breath as Galen or Hippocrates. You couldn’t talk about medicine without talking about all of them, which is why the seventeenth-century picture at the top of this post exists.
So yeah, why would this graph do that? Why would it cut off just before introducing one of the biggest medical thinker of the medieval period, and just totally overlook the other? Well, the answer to that is that it is just straight up racist.
You’ll notice that two of the medieval and early-modern big three – Hippocrates and Galen are introduced on this timeline –  as is Aristotle’s tiresome woman-hating ass, but when al-Razi and Ibn Sina remix that work and break new ground that’s not enough to get a shout out. These are the most influential medical thinkers of a thousand-year period, and we’re just not gonna talk about it, apparently.
There is absolutely no reason to leave these men off the chart. But they aren’t because the textbook author needs you to believe that “Islamic physicians make scientific progress that goes unnoticed elsewhere” is a thing. If no one else was listening then why bother learning the names of two fathers of medicine? Well one, because they are important in and of themselves, but also you should probably include them because that statement is not true. I suppose the author is trying to say that “elsewhere” means “outside of the Middle East”, but as al-Razi’s Chinese student could have told you, that certainly wasn’t the case. So who do they mean is ignoring it? Europeans. They mean Europeans. And they are wrong.
Islamic medicine absolutely got into Europe because, as I will never tire of pointing out, in the early medieval period a whoooole big piece of Europe was Islamic. You know, pretty much the entire Iberian peninsula? Al Adaluz? Where women were partying, date palms were growing, and I can absolutely assure you they had Islamic medicine? Yeah, there.  Or how about in Islamic Sicily, where Muslims ruled comfortably from the ninth century until the Normans showed up in the twelfth? (That’s where the term al arrabiata comes from for spicy Sicilian pasta sauces. They are modified Arabic recipes. There you go, your trivia fact of the day.) People were certainly taking notice of Islamic medicine there, but the graph doesn’t want you to consider that because Islamic people were doing it, so it doesn’t count even when it happens in Europe. Even if you are going to go out of your way to ignore the fact that there were whole-ass Islamic European kingdoms indicates, it’s also not like there was no contact between the Islamic and Christian world and that medical tracts didn’t move back and forth. The barriers between Islamic and Christian kingdoms are in flux during this time. Territory and people moved back and forth more or less constantly, and they took things with them when they went. Especially good stuff like advanced medical techniques. Both men’s books show up all over Europe and have even made it as far as back-water England by the late medieval period. Peterborough Abbey alone was bragging about having ten books of al-Razi’s in the fourteenth century.[5] The fact of the matter is that medieval European people were THIRSTY for Islamic medicine and absolutely took notice of what was going on with it. Sure, a lot of that uptake happened after the stated time period, and more generally in the high to late medieval period, but it isn’t like they didn’t know it was happening. Just because not all Europeans had access to Islamic medicine that doesn’t make it an irrelevancy. Not all Americans have access to medicine now, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. (*sips tea*)
So sure this is all racist and wrong, but why does it matter? It matters because a text book leading with the idea that the Early Medieval period was a time of stagnation and ignorance, before casually mentioning the great advances that Islamic medicine made in this period, is staunchly upholding the idea that white people are and always have been the centre of the world. For the author of this text and – one more time – an entire editorial board to write off a whole time period because Europe wasn’t necessarily at the cutting edge of scientific advancement is ridiculous. It is not only European integration of a concept which makes it worth noting.
This mindset is a difficult one to overcome because, fundamentally, it is a belief system that our society perpetuates in order to justify our current world and our own colonial and imperial apologist mindset. And this is how that very specific narrative is perpetuated. It goes unchallenged in peer reviewed textbooks and is passed on to everyone who reads them as an accepted truth that has been rigorously researched. It is no such thing.”
- Eleanor Janega, “On Medical Milestones, Being Racist, and Textbooks, Part I.”
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oasesofwisdom · 3 years
Al-Razi - The Physician Philosopher The father of pediatrics, immunology and scientific medicine, Abu Bakr Al-Razi (known in the West as "Rhazes") exploited his understanding of ancient Greek philosophy to advance the medicinal sciences by light years, in the early to mid 900s. Al-Razi would be embrewed with controversy for his shift away from the works of Aristotle, towards the works of Plato. He would also be celebrated in his time, as a terrific doctor, earning the positions as the Head Physician of hospitals all across the Abbasid Caliphate.
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cahayaislam · 2 years
The development of science in the time of the Abbasids
Cahaya islam - O intelligent Muslim, the story and history that will be presented in this section is the greatest story in the history of Islamic civilization. The story in question is about the flourishing of science during the Abbasid State which was centered in Baghdad, Iraq.
The peak of the golden age was marked by the growth of science in the 8th century. At that time, Muslim scientists were very productive and became pioneers of the development of science in the world. Subhan Allah.
The popularity of the Abbasid State reached its peak during the caliphate Harun Ar-Rashid and his son Al-Ma'mun. Harun ar-Rashid used the wealth of the state for social purposes, and he established hospitals, medical education institutions, and pharmacy. Imagine at that time there were around 800 doctors. In addition, public baths were also built. The fields of welfare, social, health, education, science and culture, and literature are in a golden age. At this time the Islamic State positioned itself as the strongest and unrivaled state.
Al-A'mun, the successor of Harun Ar-Rashid, was known as the caliph who loved philosophy very much. During his reign, translators of foreign books were encouraged. To translate Greek books, he hired translators from Christian groups and adherents of other religions who were experts. He also founded many schools, one of his most important works is the construction of the Baitul-hikmah, a translation center that functions as a university with a large library. It was during al-Ma'mun's time that Baghdad began to become a center of culture and science.
Let's reflect on how fragrant the image of the world at that time, Muslims were highly respected by associations around the world. At that time, Muslims were synonymous with science. Progress in various fields of science has always been pioneered by Muslims. This is done because the Qur'an and hadith are sources of inspiration and motivation. Will the times of glory and progress be repeated in time? The answer is of course in the minds of the Muslim generation.
During the Abbasid era, it was the golden age for Muslims. At that time Muslims had reached the peak of glory, both in the fields of economy, civilization, and health. In addition, various branches of science have developed, coupled with the many translators of books from foreign languages ​​into Arabic. This phenomenon then gave birth to great scholars who produced new innovations in various scientific disciplines. The Islamic scholars during the Abbasid Daula are as follows:
- field of philosophy
The intellectual figures in the field of philosophy are Abu Nasyar Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Tarhan, known as Al-Farabi, Abu Yusuf bin Isaac, known as Al-Kindi, Ibn Sina, Al-Ghazali, Ibn Rusd, Ibn Bajah, and Ibn Tufal.
- field of medical science
These Islamic scholars in the field of medicine are Jabir bin Hayyan who is known as the father of chemistry, Hunainan bin Ishak who is known as a translator of foreign books, Ibn Sahal, Ae-Razi (expert on measles and smallpox), and Thabit ibn Qurra.
- the field of mathematics
Islamic intellectual figures in the field of mathematics are Muhammad bin Musa al-Khwarizmi (discoverer of the number zero) who with his books Algebra, Mathematical Geometry, Umar bin Farukhan, Banu Musa (the science of measuring surfaces, flat, and round).
- astronomy field
The figures of Islamic scholars in the field of astronomy are Abu Masyar al-Falaky (his books are Isbatul Ulum and Halatul Astrology), Jabir Batany (making binoculars), Bairuny's achievements (his books are Al-Farul Bagiyah'ainil Khaliyah, Istikhrajul Autad and others)
- the field of astronomy
Islamic scholars in this field are al-Farazi (creator of the astro lobe), al-ghattan/al-betagnius, al-farghoni or alfagenius.
- field of interpretation
The figures of Islamic scholars in the field of interpretation are Ibn Jarir At-Tabary, Ibn Atiyah Al-Andalusy, As-Suda, Mupatil Bin Sulaiman, Muhammad bin Isaac and others.
- the field of hadith science
Among them are Imam Bukhari, Muslim Imam, Ibn Majah, Abu David, At-Tirmidhi, and others.
- field of science
The intellectual figures in the field of Kalam are Wasil bin Atha, Abu Hazail Al-Allaf, Ad-Dham, Abu Hasan Al-Asyary, Hujjatul Islam Imam Al-Gazali.
The discussion of the science of monotheism is wider than the previous era
The field of Sufism (the science of getting closer to Allah)
These Islamic scholars in the field of Sufism are al-Qusyairy with his work Ar-risalatul qusyairiyah, Syahabuddin with his work Awariful Ma'arif, Imam al-Ghazali with the work of al-Bashut, al-Wajiz, and others.
- the priests of the fuqaha (science of jurisprudence)
The intellectual figures in this field are Imam Abu Hanifah, Imam Maliki, Imam Syafi'i, and Imam Ahmad bin Hamali.
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vyorei · 10 months
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Raids in Jenin continue, 2 hospitals are being blocked, and 50 armoured vehicles with 4 bulldozers raided other neighbourhoods adjacent to Jenin refugee camp
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wisdomrays · 3 years
TAFAKKUR: Part 376
It is another argument for the Divine authorship of the Qur’an that it refers to certain facts of creation recently established by modern scientific methods. How, except on account of its Divine authorship, is it possible for the Qur’an to be literally true on matters of which people had not the least inkling at the time when it was revealed? For example, if the Qu’ran were not a Divine Revelation, would it have been possible for it to contain such a verse as this: Do not the unbelievers realize that the heavens and the earth were one unit of creation before we split them asunder? (21.20).
Whether the Qur’an really does refer, explicitly or implicitly, to the kinds of facts the sciences deal with, and the relationship between the Qur’an and modern sciences, are matters of considerable controversy among Muslim intellectuals. We should therefore treat the subject at length.
The conflict of science and religion in the West dates back as far as the thirteenth century. Due to the essential character of the corrupted Christianity represented by the Catholic Church, which condemns nature as a veil separating man from God and curses the knowledge of nature, any scientific advances were not seen in the West during the middle ages, which are called dark ages in European history. However, during the same period a magnificent civilization was flourishing in the Muslim East. Muslims, obeying the injunctions of the holy Qur’an, studied both the Book of Divine Revelation, that is, the Qur’an, and the Book of Creation, that is, the universe, and founded the most magnificent civilization of human history. Scholars from all over the old world benefited from the centers of higher learning at Damascus, Bukhara, Baghdad, Cairo, Fez, Qairwan, Zeitona, Cordoba, Sicily, Isathan, Delhi, and other great centres throughout the Muslim world. Historians liken the Muslim world of the Middle Ages, dark for the West but bright for Muslims, to a beehive. Roads were full of students, scientists and scholas travelling from one center of learning to another. Many world-renowned figures such as al-Kindi, al-Khwarizrni, alFarabi, Ibn Sina, al-Mas’udi, lbn al-Haytham, al-Biruni, al-Ghazzali, Nasir al-Din al-Tusi, al-Razi and many others shone like stars in the firmament of the sciences. In his multivolume History of Science, George Sarton divided his work into fifty- year periods, naming each chapter after the most eminent scientist of the period in question. For the years from the middle of eighth century (second century after Hijra) to the twelfth century, each of seven fifty- year periods carries the name of a Muslim scientist. Thus we have ‘the Time of al-Khwarizmi, the Time of al-Biruni’, etc. Within these chapters Sarton lists one hundred important Muslim scientists and their principal works.
John Davenport, a leading scientist, observed:
It must be owned that all the knowledge whether of Physics, Astronomy, Philosophy or Mathematics, which flourished in Europe from the 10th century was originally derived from the Arabian schools, and the Spanish Saracen may be looked upon as the father of European philosophy (Quoted by A. Karim in Islamic Contribution to Science and Civilization).
Bertrand Russell, the famous British philosopher, wrote (Pakistan Quarterly, Vol.A, No.3):
The supremacy of the East was not only military. Science, philosophy, poetry, and the arts, all flourished in the Muhammadan world at a time when Europe was sunk in barbarism. Europeans, with unpardonable insularity, call this period ‘the Dark Ages’: but it was only in Europe that it was dark---indeed only in Christian Europe, for Spain, which was Mohammedan, had a brilliant culture.
Robert Briffault, the renowned historian, acknowledges in his book The Making of Humanity:
It is highly probable that but for the Arabs, modem European civilization would have never assumed that character which has enabled it to transcend all previous phases of evolution. For although there is not a single aspect of human growth in which the decisive influence of Islamic culture is not traceable, nowhere is it so clear and momentous as in the genesis of that power which constitutes the paramount distinctive force of the modern world and the supreme course of its victory- natural sciences and the scientific spirit... What we call sciences arose in Europe as a result of a new spirit of inquiry; of new methods of investigation, of the method of experiment, observation, measurement, of the development of Mathematics in a form unknown to the Greeks. That spirit and those methods were introduced into the European world by the Arabs.
For the first five centuries of its existence, the realm of Islam was the most civilized and progressive portion of the world. Studded with splendid cities, gracious mosques and quiet universities, the Muslim East offered a striking contrast to the Christian West, which was sunk in the night of the Dark Ages (L. Stoddard, The New World of Islam).
This bright civilization progressed until it suffered the terrible disasters which came like huge overlapping waves, from the West and Far East one after the other in the form of the Crusades and Mongol invasion. The disasters lasted centuries until the Muslim government in Baghdad collapsed and the history of Islam entered, from the beginning of the fourteenth century, a new phase with the Ottoman Turks. Islamic civilization was still vigorous and remained far ahead of the Christian West in economic and military fields until the eighteenth century, despite (from the sixteenth century onwards) losing ground to it in the sciences.
Cordoba in the tenth century under Muslim rule was the most civilized city in Europe, the wonder and admiration of the world. Travellers from the north heard with something like fear of the city which contained 70 libraries with hundreds of thousands of volumes, and 900 public baths, yet whenever the rulers of Leon Navarre of Barcelona needed a surgeon, an architect, a dressmaker or a musician, it was to Cordoba that they applied (T. Arnold, The Legacy of Islam, p.9). Muslim literary prestige was so great that in Spain, for example, it was found necessary to translate the Bible and liturgy into Arabic for the use of the Christian community. The account given by Alvaro, the Christian zealot and writer, shows vividly how even the non- Muslim Spaniards were attracted to Arab/Muslim literature:
My fellow-Christians delight in the poems and romances of the Arabs.They study the works of Muhammadan theologians and philosophers, not in order to refute them, but to acquire a correct and elegant Arabic style. Where today can a layman be found who reads the Latin commentaries on holy Scriptures? Who is there that studies the Gospels, the Prophets, the Apostles? Alas, the young Christians who are the most conspicuous for their talents have no knowledge of any literature or language save the Arabic; they read and study with avidity Arabian books; they amass whole libraries of them at a vast cost, and they everywhere sing the praises of the Arabian world (Indiculus Luminosus, translated by Dozy).
If the purpose of education and worth of civilization is to raise the sense of pride, dignity, honour in individuals so that they improve their state and consequently the state of society, Islamic civilization is proven to have been a worthy one. There is ample evidence quoted by various writers showing how Islam has succeeded in doing this to various peoples of various regions, e.g. Isaac Taylor, in his speech delivered at the Church Congress of England about the effects and influence of Islam on people, said:
When Muhammadanism is embraced, paganism, fetishism, infanticide and which craft disappear. Filth is replaced by cleanliness and the new convert acquires personal dignity and self-respect. Immodest dances and promiscuous intercourse of the sewes cease; female chastity is rewarded as a virtue; industry replaces idleness; licence gives place to law; order and sobriety prevail; blood feuds, cruelty to animals and slaves are eradicated. Islam swept away corruption and superstitions. Islam was a revolt against empty polemics.. It gave hope to the slave, brotherhood to mankind, and recognition to the fundamental facts of human nature. The virtues which Islam inculcates are temperance, cleanliness, chastity, justice, fortitude, courage, benevolence, hospitality, veracity and resignation.. Islam preaches a practical brotherhood, the social equality of all Muslims. Slavery is not part of the creed of Islam. Polygamy is a more difficult question. Moses did not prohibit it. It was practised by David and it is not directly forbidden in the New Testament. Muhammad limited the unbounded license of polygamy. It is the exception rather than the rule... In resignation to God’s Will, temperance, chastity, veracity and in brotherhood of believers they (the Muslims) set us a pattern which we should well to follow. Islam has abolished drunkenness, gambling and prostitution, the three curses of the Christian lands. Islam has done more for civilization than Christianity. The conquest of one-third of the earth to his (Muhammad’s) creed was a miracle.
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blognews · 3 years
USA: Wojsko kontynuuje ratowanie dzieci z podziemnych tuneli na całym świecie..
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21/04/2021r/Dodano 26/09/2021r
Ponad 50 000 straumatyzowanych dzieci uratowanych przez wojsko z tuneli pod amerykańskimi miastami
Liczba ta wynosiła obecnie ponad 50 000 straumatyzowanych, niedożywionych i zmarłych dzieci, które zostały wyciągnięte z podziemnych tuneli w całym kraju przez amerykańskie wojsko i piechotę morską od października ubiegłego roku. Operacje zostały zatwierdzone przez prezydenta Trumpa jako głównodowodzący, generał Mark A. Milley i inni generałowie wojskowi Pentagonu Pedophile Task Force.
"Niestety było więcej operacji, aby uratować dzieci", mówi Timothy Charles Holmseth, reporter Task Force
Niedożywione, zamknięte w klatkach i torturowane dzieci zostały uratowane lub znalezione martwe w podziemnych tunelach pod dużymi i małymi miastami USA, w tym pod nowojorskim Central Parkiem. Inny tunel miał biec od budynku Fundacji Clintona do portu w Nowym Jorku.
W Central Parku wiele niemowląt i dzieci uratowanych z tunelu do namiotów medycznych zmarło lub zmarło, zanim dotarły na szczyt i nie zdąły. Niemowlęta i dzieci całe życie spędziły w tunelu, nie mogły być wystawione na działanie światła i potrzebowały respiratorów.
Stosy małych trupów, dzieci urodzonych przez nastolatków, a nawet nastolatków w tunelach, które nigdy nie ujrzały światła dziennego, zdeformowane i straumatyzowane dzieci, nastolatki i nastolatki, które ewidentnie były eksperymentowane i porażane prądem w ramach kontroli umysłu CIA i eksperymentów genetycznych, wykorzystywane seksualnie, zamknięte w klatkach, torturowane i zabijane, aby pobrać ich narządy i Adrenochrom, aby elity piły w satanistycznym kulcie.
Ponad 170 000 zapieczętowanych aktów oskarżenia złożonych w sądach federalnych w całym kraju przeciwko tym elitom było w trakcie serwowania. Większość zawierała oskarżenia o pedofilię. Pod zwierzchnictwem generałów Pentagonu trwało służenie tym aktom oskarżenia i ratowanie straumatyzowanych dzieci. W tunelach w całych Stanach Zjednoczonych toczyła się dosłownie podziemna wojna, w której ginęli zarówno dzielni żołnierze, jak i sprawcy.
Najwyraźniej od miesięcy ta tajna operacja wojskowa USA przeczesuje rozległą sieć podziemnych tuneli w USA oraz w Kanadzie i Meksyku, aby uratować tysiące przerażająco maltretowanych dzieci. Ostatnie operacje koncentrowały się pod głównymi miastami w Nowym Jorku, Kalifornii, na Florydzie, w Teksasie i Waszyngtonie.
W październiku ubiegłego roku niewiarygodne 2 100 dzieci przetrzymywanych w klatkach w podziemnych tunelach w kalifornijskim ośrodku wojskowym China Lake zostało uratowanych przez Navy Seals i US Marines w operacji wojskowej z udziałem około 10 000 żołnierzy.
Ostatnie trzęsienia ziemi zostały spowodowane przez wojsko wysadzające głęboko podziemne bazy wojskowe (DUMBS), więc nie można ich było ponownie użyć. Wojskowe siły specjalne odkrywały o wiele więcej tuneli pod miastami i miasteczkami w całym kraju.
Okrucieństwa wobec dzieci i młodzieży, które miały miejsce w tunelach, były tak przerażające, że jeśli historie zostały ujawnione teraz, oczekiwano, że spowodują zamieszki na ulicach. Informacja została w końcu ujawniona, ale na razie poproszono nas o modlitwę za dzieci i żołnierzy próbujących je uratować.
Misje były relacjonowane przez Timothy'ego Charlesa Holmsetha z Pentagon Pedophile Task Force. Wiadomość, która nie spodziewała się, że zostanie podchwycona przez media głównego nurtu finansowane przez George'a Sorosa i z powodu ich własnych powiązań z pedofilią, została opublikowana przez dowódcę Pentagonu, który był szefem akcji ratunkowej.
https://operationdisclosure1.blogspot.com/2019/10/2100-caged-children-liberated-and-saved.html /politics/2019/10/marines-navy-seals-rescue-2100-caged-children-teens-3144359.html
Podziemna wojna dzieje się teraz Część 2
Masywne maszyny wiertnicze wyjaśnione. Więcej informacji o Podziemnej Wojnie
Dzieje się Teraz Styczeń 2020.
Co to wszystko oznacza?
Masowe aresztowania na powierzchni ziemi planowane na wiosnę 2020 roku?
Wszystkie usuwanie DUMB zaczyna się w USA?
Czy ciemne frakcje powstrzymują DUMB w Chinach, Iranie i Israhell?
Czy usłyszymy o konfliktach/DUMB na tych obszarach na początku 2020 roku?
Ile miesięcy zajmie próby?
Czy pod koniec 2020 roku na Europę rozciągną się procesy, aresztowania bardzo potężnych kontrolerów świata?
Ilu ludzi ustępuje ze stanowisk władzy?
Godne uwagi rezygnacje, aktualne, ogólnoświatowe, śledzone tutaj od 2017 roku: https://www.resignation.info/
Miłość i światło ogarniają ciemność.
Zwycięstwo Światła!
Torturowane, niedożywione dzieci i zwłoki w dziesiątkach tysięcy znaleziono w wyrafinowanej sieci głębokich podziemnych baz wojskowych (DUMBS), które przebiegały pod USA, Kanadą, Meksykiem, Australią, Azją i całą Europą. Przez ponad rok amerykańskie siły specjalne szkoliły się do misji ratunkowych, które rozpoczęły się 16 października 2019 r. od uratowania ponad 2 100 dzieci i dzieci w klatkach pod obiektem China Lake Navy w Kalifornii.
Dzieci były trzymane w klatkach do eksperymentów na ludziach, grabieży organów, pokrętnej kontroli umysłu, wykorzystywania seksualnego, produkcji Adrenachromu (uważano, że picie krwi straumatyzowanego dziecka zatrzymuje starzenie się i wytwarza "haj") i rytuałów składania ofiar z dzieci na cześć szatana.
Ogromnymi misjami ratowania dzieci na całym świecie kierował prezydent Trump, Pentagon Pedophile Task Force, amerykańskie siły specjalne i marines we współpracy z Interpolem oraz specjalne siły wojskowe różnych krajów. Obejmowały one aresztowania pedofilów i zniszczenie podziemnych tuneli i baz poprzez bomby, które spowodowały drobne trzęsienia ziemi. W niedzielę 6 września zniszczony został ogromny tunel na Filipinach – towarzyszyło mu trzęsienie ziemi.
Niesławny pomocnik pedofila Jeffreya Epsteina, Ghislaine Maxwell, zeznawał w celu uratowania własnego życia, przeciwko globalnym przywódcom rządowym, rodzinie królewskiej i szefom korporacji zaangażowanym w globalną sieć tuneli. Doprowadziło to do aresztowania tysięcy dróg na całym świecie za zdradę, pedofilię, handel dziećmi, pranie brudnych pieniędzy i utrudnianie działania wymiaru sprawiedliwości. Dzieci nadal były ratowane na całym świecie, ponieważ Maxwell zrezygnował z informacji o tym, gdzie były przetrzymywane, maltretowane i rytualnie zabijane.
Wierzono, że co najmniej od końca II wojny światowej DUMBS były finansowane, budowane i prowadzone przez członków iluminatów, Głębokiego Państwa lub Kabała przy użyciu dolarów amerykańskich podatników przekazywanych przez czarny budżet CIA. Chociaż znaleziono głębsze tunele, które były starożytne w pochodzeniu. DUMBS Mapa US DUMBS:
Ponad 50 000 straumatyzowanych lub zmarłych dzieci zostało odzyskanych z podziemnych tuneli biegnących pod amerykańskimi miastami. Australijskie wojsko niedawno odkryło ponad 300 000 torturowanych dzieci w podziemnych tunelach Melbourne i oszacowano, że w ciągu najbliższych kilku tygodni ponad milion dzieci zostanie wyprowadzonych z sieci, która krążyła pod Australią.
Międzynarodowy pierścień handlu dziećmi prowadzony przez Watykan i finansowany przez CIA wydawał się odpowiadać za tysiące dzieci, które zaginęły każdego roku. Dzieci zostały skradzione na zlecenie globalnych i politycznych elit zarówno w USA, jak i Wielkiej Brytanii przez dobrze znane organizacje, w tym niektóre stanowe służby ochronne, a mianowicie w Arizonie i Kalifornii. UniCEF, NATO, wiele organizacji charytatywnych dla dzieci w Afryce i tych e-osób eksponu z Hollywood uważano za porywanie i torturowanie dzieci za pomocą wyrafinowanej sieci tuneli.
Ta sieć porwań dzieci została odkryta po tym, jak tysiące maltretowanych i torturowanych dzieci zostało znalezionych i uratowanych z tuneli biegnących przez Nowy Jork i Los Angeles. Pod przykrywką pierwszej "pandemii" Covid-19 dzieci były leczone na statku szpitalnym USNS Comfort Hospital Ship w porcie w Nowym Jorku i USNS Mercy Hospital Ship u wybrzeży w Kalifornii. ONZ w Nowym Jorku i Century City w Los Angeles, oba pod kontrolą Rady Stosunków Zagranicznych, były znanymi wylęgarnią zdeklarowanych satanistów, którzy praktykowali składanie ofiar z dzieci.
Charlie Ward, zawodowy poszukiwacz złota dla Departamentu Skarbu USA, który był w kilku tunelach, powiedział: "Operacje ratowania dzieci przeniosły się na poważnie w Nevadzie ... niesamowite było to, że wszyscy myśleli, że Las Vegas będzie horrorem horrorów... był horror, ale to był Reno... pod Reno nie mogli uwierzyć w tunele pod ziemią... DUMB... Ten ostatni w Reno, a mówimy tylko 7 dni temu (nagrany 17 maja 2020 r.). Kabał wie, że to spada... więc większość dzieci znalezionych w tunelach pod Reno była martwa... nie tylko martwi ludzie, ale zostali okaleczone... Musieli przejść przez... próbują wykonać testy DNA, aby przywrócić porządek... który kawałek należy do którego innego tułowia. To przerażające".
Special Ops pojechał do Melbourne i znalazł kolejną warstwę pod i tak już ogromnym systemem tuneli. Ten drugi tunel rozpoczął się w Sydney i przebiegał w pierścieniu przypominającym sieć wokół Australii, z dużą centralną linią biegnącą w kierunku Ayers Rock. Pewnej nocy od 9 p.m. do 6 lub 7 a.m. zgłaszano eksplozje, takie jak trzęsienia ziemi, co 2 lub 3 sekundy w Ayers.
Charlie Freak powiedział: "Kiedy amerykańscy marines po raz pierwszy przybyli, udali się do Nowej Zelandii. Przywieźli ze sobą Korpus Inżynieryjny Armii. Dają wskazówki i różne rzeczy, aby pomóc ludziom będącym pod ziemią. Przebywanie w tych głębokich podziemnych bazach ma głęboki wpływ zwłaszcza na mózg... więc zaczynasz widzieć rzeczy ... false/positives false/negatives... które tam są i zaczynasz odrzucać rzeczy, które tam są... więc w tych tunelach jest to bardzo mylące... muszą się upewnić, że nie strzelają do siebie... Możesz tak szybko stracić orientację pod ziemią. Więc kiedy Amerykanie pojechali tam i szkolili Australijczyków, aby mogli to zrobić dla siebie... znaleźli rozległą sieć tuneli, która przebiegała prawie wokół Australii... a potem [Marines] ruszyli dalej... więc Australijczycy to robią... To, co się stało, to pojechali do Melbourne... znaleźli kolejną warstwę pod tym ogromnym systemem tuneli w Australii... zaczęli w Sydney... opisali nam to... pomyśl pajęczak... to sieć... i to było poniżej... ten idzie na całość... WOW... wszystko, co robią, to kopać... BTW dlatego zależność od ropy i gazu... bo to przykrywka dla bycia ciągle pod ziemią... Tak więc ten drugi system tuneli przebiega przez całą drogę w pierścieniu wokół Australii z dużą centralną linią biegnącą w kierunku Ayers Rock. " Ocalała z australijskiego VIP Child Sex Ring ujawnia swoich sprawców:
Raport wojskowy z 3 września na temat oczyszczania sieci tuneli: "Odprawa DUMB w Australii została oszacowana na 15%, a ogromna praca wciąż pozostaje do wykonania. Nowa Zelandia była na poziomie 15%, z nowo odkrytymi tunelami. Niektóre prace zostały wykonane w Papui-Nowej Gwinei. Szacuje się, że Wyspy Brytyjskie zostały oczyszczone w 25%, a Ameryka Południowa w 18%. 87 000 zostało usuniętych z Niemiec. Oczyszczano tunele pod Schwarzwaldem. Merkel przebywa w areszcie domowym. Gitmo jest pełne. Głośne sprawy są zabierane na Grenlandię. Niektórzy są przenoszeni do obozów FEMA. Planowane są budowane nowe obiekty holdingowe".
Jak stwierdził Charlie Ward 18 sierpnia 2020 r.: "Bardzo prosto, jeśli jesteś zaangażowany w pedofilię, wiąże się to z automatycznym wyrokiem śmierci, chyba że współpracujesz z Trumpem. Jeśli współpracujesz z Trumpem, dostaniesz minimum dożywocie. Wychodzisz z kolejki, to wraca do kary śmierci. I jest świadomy każdego z nich. I każdy z nich zostanie aresztowany i będzie im dano wybór".
Podziemna Wojna Raport część 1, 6 kwietnia 2020r PL
Podziemna Wojna Raport część 2, 6 kwietnia 2020r PL
Podziemna Wojna Raport część 3, 6 kwietnia 2020r PL
Podziemna wojna dzieje się teraz część 2 EN
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princess-grim · 4 years
Charlie's and Jack's first met [SCRIPT, ENG/PL]
Alright! So not so long time ago i did a script how Charlie and Jack first met, i hope you'll enjoy it! English ver: (It was a cloudy day, all of this happened in the mental hospital where Charlie usually works and examines his patients. It's 4:30 PM)
Jack: * He is sitting in some room on a chair in front of a small table, waiting for someone to come to check him *
Charlie: * Knocks on the door * Knock knock!
Jack: ... Who's there ..?
Charlie: * Enters * It's me! Heheh! * Closes the door behind him, sits on the chair in front of Jack *
Charlie: Hmmm .. You must be.. * Checks his name on his list * Ah! Jack! Jack Di-
Jack: AGH !! DO NOT SAY THIS SURNAME !! I HATE IT !!!! STOP IT! STOP IMMEDIATELY !!! * He covered his ears with his hands and closed his eyes *
Charlie: Huh? Well .. All right!
Jack: I just prefer people to call me ONLY Jack ..
Charlie: As you wish. And so! Nice to meet you, Jack! I am Dr. sunshine! I'm here to help you fix your mental illness * smiled *
Charlie: So let's get started .. How are you today?
Jack: Why should I tell you?
Charlie: Uhm ... Well, to make you a diagnosis! You know, I need to know how you feel, without knowing about your well-being, I will not be able to fully diagnose you and cure you of the disease or disorder which causes you the emotions that you feel right now, and emotions often lead to various unpleasant actions such as: murder, violence, aggression etc.
Jack: So you're telling me the sick are to blame, right?
Charlie: Oh no no !! I didn't really mean it! I mean-
Jack: Do you realize that mentally ill people commit crimes and other things for other reasons?
Charlie: Yes I-
Jack: Grrr ... I DO NOT LIKE people to think that mentally ill people are just psychopaths who do nothing and they only kill others because they like it so much 'cause of their mental illnesses .. And how others blame THEM for the murder and violence, and not those who caused that they behave this way ...
Charlie: I-I .. Uhm ..
Jack: LOOK AT THIS WORLD! Almost every breathing creature in this goddamn world is rude, mean, ignorant and self-righteous and people who A LITTLE DIFFERENCE become victims of these Normals assholes for being different ... DAMN, HOW CAN YOU NOT GET MENTALLY SICK?!?!
Charlie: I-I understand .. But unfortunately their mental illnesses or disorders do not justify their actions, w-that's why go to therapies like this t-to heal themselves from mental disorders and diseases so they won't hurt others anymore ..!
Jack: ... So we're the only ones to suffer, yeah ..? And they get away with it ???
Charlie: YES! I HAVE EXPERIENCED THIS MANY TIMES!!! * Stressed out *
Jack: ... Knew it ...
Charlie: Huh ..?
Jack: You seem ... Different from the rest ... You're so strangely ... Positive ... Nice, polite and ... Good for a psychiatrist ..
Jack: The other psychiatrists I met were too serious and without emotion and no sympathy whatsoever .. I've never met someone like you.
Jack: Apparently you are not a normals .. Though I can see that you are trying your best to be one .. Why?
Charlie: I .. I'm no different! I am a normal person, like everyone else! I just want to be polite to others and that's it!
Jack: Mmmm .. A lie. A simple lie .. I don't like when others lie to me .. And the most I do not like when people try to lie to themselves.
Jack: You are different .. You are .. Sensitive and sympathetic .. I don't meet such people like you .. Almost never. And the fact that you yourself admitted that people treated you like garbage ..
Charlie: I'm not different ..
Jack: If you are not different, why are you trying so hard to tell me that you are not instead of ignoring what I am saying? It looks like you are trying to hide something from me ... Don't hide the fact that you know what I mean ... We are similar to each other ...
Jack: Weak .. Sensitive .. Different ... You can't fool me, doctor ..
Charlie: ... Why are you telling me this ...?
Jack: So that you finally understand that this is not the real you. I know what I'm saying .. Believe me * He smiled widely *
Charlie: ... I think time is up regarding my conversation with you. * Rises from the chair * Time for me, I have other patients to check. Goodbye, Jack.
Charlie: * slides the chair behind him, walks to the door, leaves and closes the door behind him * Polish ver: (To był pochmurny dzień, wszystko to działo się w szpitalu psychiatrycznym w którym Charlie zwykle pracuje i
bada swoich pacjentów. Jest godzina 16:30)
Jack: *Siedzi w jakimś pokoju na krześle przed małym stolikiem, czeka aż ktokolwiek przyjdzie go zbadać*
Charlie: *Puka do drzwi* Puk puk!
Jack: ... Kto tam..?
Charlie: *Wchodzi* To ja! Heheh! *Zamyka za sobą drzwi, siada na krześle przed Jackiem*
Charlie: Hmmm.. Ty musisz byyyć.. *Sprawdza na swojej liście jego dane* Ah! Jack! Jack Di-
Jack: AGH!! NIE MÓW TEGO NAZWISKA!! NIECIERPIE GO!!!! PRZESTAŃ! PRZESTAŃ NATYCHMIAST!!! *Zakrył swoje uszy rękoma i zamknął oczy*
Charlie: Huh? Cóż.. No dobrze!
Jack: Wolę po prostu by ludzie nazywali mnie TYLKO Jack..
Charlie: Jak sobie życzysz. A więc! Miło mi cie poznać, Jack! Ja jestem pan sunshine! Jestem tu po to by pomóc ci naprawić twoje problemy psychiczne *uśmiechnął sie*
Charlie: A więc zaczynajmy.. Jak się dziś czujesz?
Jack: Czemu miałbym ci mówić?
Charlie: Uhm... No po to by postawić ci diagnozę! Wiesz, musze wiedzieć jakie jest twoje samopoczucie, bez wiedzy o twoim samopoczuciu nie do końca będę mógł ci postawić diagnozy i cie wyleczyć z choroby lub zaburzenia które powoduje u ciebie emocje które teraz odczuwasz, a emocje często prowadzą do różnych nieprzyjemnych czynów jak: morderstwo, przemoc, agresja itp.
Jack: Czyli mi mówisz że chorzy są winni, tak??
Charlie: Oh nie nie!! Nie do końca to miałem na myśli! Chodzi mi bardziej o to że-
Jack: Zdajesz sobie w sprawę z tego że chorzy psychicznie ludzie popełniają przestępstwa i różne rzeczy z innych powodów???
Charlie: Tak, ja-
Jack: Grrr... NIE LUBIE jak inni uważają że chorzy psychicznie ludzie to tylko psychopaci którzy nic nie robią tylko zabijają innych bo im sie tak podoba z ich chorób psychicznych.. I to jak inni winią ICH za morderstwa i przemoc a nie tych którzy sprawili że tak sie zachowują...
Charlie: J-ja.. Uhm..
Jack: SPÓJRZ NA TEN ŚWIAT! Prawie każda oddychająca istota na tym cholernym świecie jest nieuprzejma, wredna, ignorancka i zadufana w sobie, a ludzie którzy CHOĆ TROCHĘ się różnią, zostają ofiarami tych dupków normalsów za to że są inni... CHOLERA, JAK TU NIE ZOSTAĆ CHORYM PSYCHICZNIE?!?!
Charlie: R-rozumiem.. Ale niestety ich choroby psychiczne lub zaburzenia ich nie usprawiedliwiają do ich czynów, d-dlatego chodzą na terapie takie jak ta b-by wyleczyć się z zaburzeń i chorób psychicznych, dzięki temu nie będą już krzywdzić innych..!
Jack: ... Czyli tylko my mamy cierpieć, tak..? A im uchodzi to na sucho???
Charlie: TAK! DOŚWIADCZYŁEM WIELE RAZY!!! *Zestresował się*
Jack: ... Wiedziałem..
Charlie: Huh..?
Jack: Wydajesz się... Inny od reszty... Jesteś tak dziwnie.. Pozytywny.. Miły, uprzejmy i... Dobry jak na psychiatrę..
Jack: Inni psychiatrzy których poznałem byli zbyt poważni i bez emocji i jakiejkolwiek sympatii.. Nigdy nie poznałem kogoś takiego jak ty.
Jack: Widocznie nie jesteś normalsem.. Choć mogę zauważyć że próbujesz z całych sił nim być.. Dlaczego?
Charlie: Ja.. Nie jestem inny! Jestem normalną osobą, jak każdy! Ja po prostu chcę być uprzejmy do innych i tyle!
Jack: Mmmm.. Kłamstwo. Zwykłe kłamstwo.. Nie lubie jak inni mnie okłamują.. A najbardziej nie lubię jak ludzie próbują okłamywać samych siebie.
Jack: Jesteś inny.. Jesteś.. Wrażliwy i sympatyczny.. Mało spotykam takich ludzi.. Prawie w ogóle. I fakt że sam przyznałeś że ludzie traktowali cie jak śmiecia..
Charlie: Nie jestem inny..
Jack: Skoro nie jesteś inny to dlaczego tak bardzo próbujesz mi wmówić że nie jesteś zamiast zignorować to co teraz mówię? Wygląda to jakbyś próbował coś przede mną ukryć... Nie ukrywaj tego że nie wiesz o co mi chodzi... Jesteśmy podobni do siebie...
Jack: Słabi.. Wrażliwi.. Inni... Nie oszukasz mnie, doktorze..
Charlie: ... Dlaczego mi to mówisz..?
Jack: Abyś w końcu zrozumiał że to nie jesteś prawdziwy ty. Wiem co mówię.. Uwierz mi *Uśmiechnął się szeroko*
Charlie: ... Myślę że czas się skończył co do mojej rozmowy z tobą. *Wstaje z krzesła* Czas na mnie, mam innych pacjentów do zbadania. Dowidzenia, Jack.
Charlie: *Zasuwa za sobą krzesło, podchodzi do drzwi, wychodzi i zamyka za sobą drzwi*
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radekjphoto · 3 years
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It’s my dialogue with @kawanasojowym about borderline and mental health in Poland.
- Dobra, to może zacznę, bo coś mnie zastanawia odkąd robiliśmy zdjęcie. Wydaje mi się, że najpopularniejsze zdanie na ten temat samookaleczania jest takie, że to wołanie o pomoc, ja przed zdjęciem założyłem cicho przyjemność, więc chyba poleciałem w masochizm, natomiast kiedy już się spotkaliśmy, to powiedziałaś, że czuje się... spokój. Jak to w sumie z tym jest?
- O Jezu, trudne pytanie... W sensie ja mam zdiagnozowane zaburzenie osobowości typu borderline i u mnie to dawało po prostu upust emocji. Gdy napięcie emocjonalne jest bardzo duże, to w ramach cięcia się automatycznie spada. U mnie szał emocji był nie do zniesienia i to właśnie bardzo pomagało. Cięcie się jest też wołaniem o pomoc, chociaż są oczywiście ludzie, którzy robią to dla zyskania atencji, niestety. Aczkolwiek kiedy ja zaczęłam, to robiłam to na udzie, żeby nikt nie widział. I z tego co wiem jest to też dla niektórych przeniesienie bólu psychicznego w fizyczny i daje spokój, bo cięcie się daje... niesamowitą ulgę.
- Okeej, teraz chyba rozumiem. A skoro już przywołałaś temat swojego zdiagnozowania borderline, to w sumie z jakimi reakcjami ludzi się spotkałaś. Tzn raczej wiedzą o co chodzi?
-Różnie, czasem muszę wytłumaczyć mniej więcej na czym to polega. Często wysyłam filmiki z yt na temat borderline. Jak wspomnę czasem, iż 'mam bordera' to wiele osób rozumie dlaczego aż tak mocno reaguje na rzeczy. Na szczęście wiedza psychologiczna wśród młodzieży wzrasta i problemy psychiczne przestają być tematem tabu i przy okazji znajomi mogą się uczyć czym jest to zaburzenie osobowości patrząc na moje zachowania i reakcje. I to jest okey. Mogą też dowiedzieć się jak pomagać innym, którzy też mają podobne problemy.
- Dobra, a dotknęły cię, albo kogoś kogo znasz jakieś negatywne reakcje?
- Nooo... główną negatywną reakcją był mój toksyczny związek z ***, który mówił, że wyolbrzymiam wszystko i wymyślam problemy psychiczne, zupełnie tego nie rozumiał. Natomiast negatywne reakcje były głównie u osób, gdy coś stało się w naszej relacji i ja bardzo mocno na to reagowałam. Natomiast w większości spotykam się raczej ze zrozumieniem. Chociaż mam koleżankę, którą bardzo szykanują w pracy za to, że jest chora, nadwrażliwa. Nabijają się czasem, że płacze kiedyś ktoś coś powie i nadinterpretuje to wszystko, ale no nie da się nie nadinterpretować, gdy odczuwasz wszystko kilkunastokrotnie bardziej.
- Yhym, to w sumie ostatnie pytanie ode mnie. Jak to wygląda z otrzymywaniem pomocy w Polsce? Łatwo jest otrzymać leczenie czy to raczej problematyczne? - Jeśli chodzi o psychiatrę i terapię z NFZ to jest strasznie trudno, są bardzo duże kolejki. Aktualnie mam skierowanie na terapię z NFZ i będę starała się w Krakowie na studiach, bo prywatnie nie będzie mnie na to stać, bo ogólnie dbanie o swoje zdrowie psychiczne jest bardzo drogie. Terapia, żeby miała sens to przynajmniej raz w tygodniu, to już przynajmniej 100 zł tygodniowo, plus psychiatra, leki itd. w zależności od osoby. Prywatnie jest się łatwo zapisać jeśli jest się już dorosłym, bo jako nastolatka, miałam poważne problemy, żeby się z rodzicami umówić, bo były duże kolejki, do psychiatry dla dorosłych są dużo mniejsze. I wizyta u psychiatry to jest koszt około 150-200 zł i żeby utrzymywać się na lekach to trzeba mieć tak raz w miesiącu, plus koszty leków. Jeśli chodzi o szpitale z NFZ to jest ciężko. Mam wrażenie, że wiele osób tam nie rozumie, jest tam stara wiedza psychologiczna. A nawet dostać się to nie jest łatwa sprawa. Mnie przyjęli, bo byłam po próbie, natomiast ze skierowaniem jest ciężko... I wiele szpitali psychiatrycznych to jest po prostu ćpanie ludzi, tak żeby nie byli sobie w stanie nic zrobić.
- Aż przypominają się wszystkie straszne historie o psychiatrykach
- Taaa...
- Dobra, a tak na obecną chwilę to u ciebie wszystko dobrze? Czy też "stabilnie"?
- Jest dobrze i stabilnie.
- O, miło słyszeć, to może jeśli nie masz sama nic do dodania to skończymy tym optymistycznym akcentem?
- Chyba tak, idę spać, bo jutro praca.
- Dobrze dzięki wielkie w takim razie i dobranoc.
- Dobranoc
- Ok, I will start, because something is bothering me since we took this photo. It is said that self- mutilation is a call for help, before taking the photo I assumed that this is pleasure , so I was thinking more about masochism, but when we already met you said me that you feel... relief. So how does it work?
- Oh, Jeez, hard question... I mean, I was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and for me it was just a way to vent my emotions. If the emotional stress is enormous it drops when you’re cutting yourself. For me emotional frenzy was unbearable and this helped me a lot. Cutting is also a call for help but there are people who do it for pure attention, unfortunately. Although when I have started I was doing this on my thigh, so nobody can see it. And as far as I know for some people this is way to ‘translate’ psychical pain into physical one and brings calm, because cutting yourself brings... extraordinary relief.
- Okaaay, I guess I understand. And by the way you already mentioned your diagnose (borderline), so how exactly people react? I mean, do they know what is it?
- It depends. Sometimes I need to explain how does it work. Often I send YT videos about borderline. If I mention that “I’ve got border” most people understand why I’m overreacting sometimes. Luckily more and more young people have some psychological knowledge and a taboo of mental diseases is already breaking. And at the same time my mates may pick up something about this disorder by observing me and I find it okay, they can learn how help people with similar problems.
- Okay, and have you (or someone you know) ever met with negative reactions? - Well... main negative reaction was my toxic relationship with *** who have been saying I had exaggerated everything and made up psychical problems. He didn’t understand it at all. Meanwhile negative reaction were from people, when something happened in our relation and I had been overreacting. But most of the time I meet with sympathy however, I have a friend who is being mocked in her job because she is hypersensitive, they laugh at her because she cries when somebody says something and she overinterprets everything but you cannot don’t overinterpret when everything hits you much harder.
- Okay, last question from me. Is it hard to receive help in Poland? Is there an easy access to therapy or maybe it’s more complicated.
- When comes to psychiatry and therapy from NFZ (National Health Fund) it’s rough. There are very long queues. Currently I’ve got a referral to a therapist from NFZ and I’ll be trying in Cracov , because I won’t be able to afford private health care. Generally taking care about your mental health is very expensive. You need one therapy session at least one a week and costs at least 100PLN weekly + psychiatrist + medicines etc. It depends on person. By private health care it’s easier to sign up if you’re an adult. As a teen I have a serious problems to sign up because of long queues, to the psychiatrist for an adult they are much shorter. Visiting a psychiatrist costs 150-200 PLN, and you need it once per month (for prescriptions)+ medicines costs. When it comes to hospital from NFZ, again it’s rough. I think many people there don’t understand us, they use old fashioned psychological knowledge and even getting there is not a piece of cake. I got there only because of my suicide attempt. But even with referral it’s tough... And many mental hospitals only drug people so they cannot hurt themselves.
- It’s like all of those scary stories about cuckoo’s nests.
- Yeaaaah...
- And how is it going now? Do you feel good right know or stably at least.
- Everything is okay and stably.
- Nice, good to hear. If you don’t have anything to add we will end with this optimistic accent.
- I think so. I’ll go to sleep because I have a job tomorrow.
- Okay, so thank you very much and good night.
- Good night
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