#Alan got killed by his best friend and begged him not to take off his mask and Dave
I say that the vigilantes are always dying but tragically only 3 of them actually died were kind of light on actual horrible vigilante deaths. Dorian did also get a horrible vigilante fate in the form of being arrested. Have not read all of Pat yet Ill let everyone know if she gets a horrible vigilante fate.
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freak-accident419 · 7 months
The Little Things
Josh Futturman x GN!Reader
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Summary: Upset that Josh has been overly stressed and traumatized recently, you decide to surprise him with a short getaway, a temporary escape—you were going to take him to see a dinosaur.
WC: 1.8k
Content: fluff, mentions of death, gender neutral reader, short but sweet, kissing, listening to music, quiet yet comfortable company, few curse words
(A/n: this oneshot is heavily inspired by the movie Palm Springs which was brought to my attention from something @rynsfandomsfun reblogged—it was a sweet movie. Also, don’t play the preview of the song attached, but listen from the beginning when it plays in the fic :) )
“Hey. Wake up…”
Your gentle voice and light shaking seemed to do the trick as you sat patiently on the edge of his bed. “Y/n?” Josh grumbles drowsily, gradually waking up as he rubs his eyes with his fingers. “Shit… what time is it…?”
You chuckle amusedly at his demeanor. “Approximately two a.m. But that’s not so important,” you answer, watching him use his arms to lift himself up against his bed frame, now in a sitting position.
He faced you with groggy bewilderment until his eyes suddenly widened once they inevitably trailed over to your lap. “Shit—Y/n, is that the TTD?” Josh gasped. The revelation seemed to have woken him up completely, his shock clashing with your nonchalant smirk. “But that would mean—”
“Yes, I stole it from Tiger and Wolf while they were sleeping. And yeah, I’m aware they’d kill me if they ever found out, but they’ll never know we even left, ’cause lucky for us, now we have a damn time machine,” you grin softly.
“‘Left’? Wait, what—what are we doing?”
You chuckle, admiring the adorably confounded look on his face. You were so thrilled to break the news to him, anticipating his reaction. “I’m gonna take you to see a dinosaur.”
You didn’t mean to get tied into all of this. Well, technically, none of you were meant to. However, Josh was your best friend, and one day, you two hung out in his room as you watched him play and attempt to beat his favorite game Biotic Wars. And you never would’ve guessed the shit you both would go through after that.
As his best friend, you knew him very well and were able to read him even if he was across the room from you. Therefore, you could always sense when he was upset and miserably exhausted. So when those two airheaded dipshits from the future constantly mistreated and belittled him, you couldn’t help but feel resentment towards them and pity towards your best friend. And the moment you saw him covered in his co-workers’ blood after him witnessing his colleagues brutally chop them up to shove inside a possum incinerator, you were just about done with all of this bullshit.
So when the day became night, you snuck into Tiger and Wolf’s weird sewer hideout, stealing their TTD. And then you snuck into Josh’s house, planning to steal him too.
Josh’s face beams as he heard your proposal, and it was probably the first time you’ve seen him genuinely smile ever since he got involved in that savior crap.
“I’m gonna see a dinosaur?” You answered him with a smug nod. “You’re not fucking with me? I’m gonna see a dinosaur? H-holy—holy shit!”
You knew he wanted this before, hell, you were right there when he begged Tiger and Wolf for it back in 1969. And so, because of all the bullshit he undeservingly had to deal with, you wanted to give him a break or reward. You just wanted to see your friend happy again, like how he was before this entire mess.
In life, you had to enjoy the little things—which says a lot about your lives right now, considering that traveling back in time to see a dinosaur could be considered as such. The two of you needed a break, even just for less than a day where you didn’t have to worry about saving the world or killing people.
You take out an index card and found a pen on his desk. “What time is it?” You ask him, taking the cap off of the pen with your teeth.
“Uh, two—uh, two thirty-four,” he answered after glancing at the clock. “Am I—Am I seriously going to see a dinosaur? Are—are we actually going to the jurassic period?”
You scribbled down the time so you’d know when exactly you should get back, just to avoid any complications. “Yes,” your answer was muffled as you laugh softly, taking the cap out of your mouth to place it back over the pen. You shoved the note in your pocket then took Josh’s hand, helping him get up from his bed to stand up in his room. You open the TTD and began to play around with the controls.
“Do you even know how to use that thing?” He asked, looking over all the cryptic symbols and confusing interface, then back at you.
“Uhh, general idea,” you reply, clicking around the device some more until you finally placed your arm around his shoulder. “You ready, Josh?”
He blinked, then nodded eagerly. “Are you serious? Hell, yeah! Holy shit! No way! I’m gonna see an actual, fucking dinosaur!”
You weren’t quite used to the feeling of traveling through time, but at least it got easier every time you did. Bright blue lights and volts surrounded the two of you, feeling a gust of wind blow into your face and whole being, and even heat from the electrical currents. And then, in less than five seconds, you two appeared in a jungle, late at night, in the late jurassic period.
You two sat down on a thick branch of a tallish tree, the soft light of the moon kissing your faces. It was dangerous to be in such a wild and unpredictable time, surrounded by deadly, barbaric creatures, so the tree would be a pretty safe place to watch the dinosaurs from. Except the surrounding area was practically empty, so you just waited for them to emerge.
Your shoulders brushed as you enjoyed the silence between the two of you—which was actually ceased fairly quickly once Josh communicated a thought that had practically gnawed at him for days.
“Hey, I just wanna say I’m, uh… I’m sorry that I dragged you into this, Y/n,” he finally says, looking at you pitifully. He looked really nice in the moonlight, you thought. “Wolf and Tiger, they’re insane, and I—shit, if I never invited you over then none of this would fucking—”
“Hey, hey, shut up, will you?” You snickered, offering a forgiving grin. “You didn’t drag me into this. The both of us never would’ve expected any of this bullshit, okay? Like, genuinely.” Josh nodded, but you still sensed some remaining guilt in him. “Hey. If I was gonna be wrapped into this crazy fucking mess with somebody, I’m glad it was with you. You’re my best friend. My ride or die.”
The corner of his lips curled into a sweet, appreciative smile. “Thanks,” he replied coyly. “And, uh, thanks for this. I know there’s no dinosaurs right now, but… I really appreciate the gesture. Like, Tiger and Wolf, they would’ve—”
“They definitely would’ve killed me, yes,” you laughed softly. “But… you’re worth all the crazy fucking discipline.”
With this lighting, you could never see how his cheeks flushed pink. But you knew he was blushing, from how the corner of his eyes crease and the way his wide smile accentuated his cheeks, revealing his pearly white, perfect teeth. He lets out a quiet giggle, and the two of you continued to watch the horizon of the dark, yet mesmerizing prehistoric view.
You two held each other’s hands, interlocking one another’s fingers warmly, placing the clasped fists between each other. There was some kind of unspoken thing between you two that you never had time to figure out, mainly because of the recent things you’ve been dealing with. But it was still there, that strange, lingering feeling.
And then…
“Holy shit!” Josh gasped abruptly, sitting up, patting onto your shoulder repeatedly, then pointing his finger far out into the distance. “Y/n, look, shit, Y/n, Y/n, Y/n—”
“Wh—” Your breath hitched as you saw it in front of you. “Shit…”
The several long necks and small heads of brontosauruses were in the distance, peeking out of the whole jungle and its trees, walking slowly towards the left in front of the iridescent moon.
It was beautiful. You never expected it to be. Actually, you really didn’t expect anything, you thought it’d be too surreal to even process. But they were exactly like the history books. They were like the CGI graphics in film and games, the images displayed near their exhibits at museums, the small long, plastic figures that come in clear tubes, and hell, a scene from Spielberg’s Jurassic fucking Park.
“They’re beautiful…” Josh sighs in complete awe.
“They really are…” you mutter, still fascinated by it all, watching the family of dinosaurs walk slowly together, letting out low moans and stomps with each heavy step.
Abruptly, you take out your phone from your pocket, as well as some earbuds. You plug it in, help Josh with the left earpiece and put the right one in yours. And then, you clicked onto a song that you had downloaded prior.
The gentle song began to play softly in your ears. The two of you were mesmerized by the beauty and magnificence of these creatures that you never thought you’d ever see. Your head moves down to rest on Josh’s shoulder as you two admired the dinosaurs from afar. The light pressure of you against his shoulder tickled him slightly, which he gulped at, heat rising to his cheeks. Your contact against him felt warm and you felt safe. Even though this was a place where you would most likely get mauled brutally by ‘clever girl’s, you felt nearly invincible with your best friend by your side.
“This is amazing…” he whispered, astonished.
“Yeah,” you sigh, mocking his quiet speech.
A pause.
“You’re amazing…”
You slowly pull away from his shoulder curiously, your eyes leaving the direction of the large, majestic animals. Your eyes look deeply into his, again, the moonlight shining exquisitely on the side of his face, bright enough to reveal some of the hazel tint in his irises. You felt your eyelashes flutter each time you looked from his eyes to his lips. He, too, looked at you intimately and fondly. And then your eyes closed gently once you feel his lips press against yours, hearing the song continue in your ears. The entire moment felt so magical, that you weren’t sure if it was because of the fact that you were in a place where dinosaurs existed or that you were kissing the person you’ve always admired.
You pull away slowly, a silent exchange of eye contact, before kissing him again, with more passion and less hesitance, letting your hands rest behind his neck.
There were no more words between the two of you after. In a good, serene way. Parting from his lips, you rested your head back onto his shoulder, feeling his arm around you from the back and his hand holding your waist. And you two continued to watch the dinosaurs under the stars, holding each other’s hands once more. Enjoying the little things, for now.
You could let this moment go on forever. After all, with the TTD, you had all the time in the world.
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meanstreetspodcasts · 3 years
Diamond in the Rough
“I was sitting in my office shooting paper clips at a King size horse fly. It was a little sadistic but he was bigger than I was. Well, about the time I had him down on his knees begging for mercy, the door opened…” 
There’s nothing in Dick Powell’s early career to suggest he was destined to play hard-boiled private eyes.  Had his bosses at Warner Brothers had their way, he’d have stayed in the song-and-dance roles on which he built his career.  But thanks to a gamble by a director, Powell kicked off a new chapter to his career and the result were some great radio shows, including one of the medium’s best - Richard Diamond, Private Detective.
Powell got his start in Hollywood in the 30s as a singer in Warner Brothers musicals, including 42nd Street, and On the Avenue.  He was frequently cast in the role of a boyish crooner, even as he approached his 40s.  Despite his success, Powell was eager to expand into other roles.  His efforts were resisted by Warner Brothers, who wanted to keep Powell right where he was, even if he thought it was the wrong place to be.  He pursued the lead role in Double Indemnity, but it ultimately went to another actor pegged in “nice guy” roles - Fred MacMurray.
But later in 1944, RKO and director Edward Dmytryk gave Powell the role he’d been waiting for - Raymond Chandler’s Philip Marlowe in Murder, My Sweet, the film adaptation of the Marlowe novel Farewell, My Lovely.  The film was a success, and Powell received rave reviews for his performance.  In a flash, he had shed the crooner image he’d been desperate to shake and he embarked on the next stage of his career.
Powell recreated his role as Marlowe on the June 11, 1945 Lux Radio Theater broadcast of Murder, My Sweet, and he starred as private detective Richard Rogue in Rogue’s Gallery from 1945 to 1946.  While it was a fine series, it failed to stand out from the crowd of hard-boiled private eyes littering the airwaves in the postwar years.  For his next radio effort, Powell wanted to “make something a little bit different of a standard vehicle.”  He recorded an audition show as “the man with the action packed expense account,” Johnny Dollar, but he passed on the series for a show that sprang from the mind of Blake Edwards.  Edwards would later create the outstanding police procedural The Line-Up for radio, develop Peter Gunn for television, and would become a celebrated writer and director of film arguably most famous for the Pink Panther film series with Peter Sellers.
Powell and his producer, Don Sharp, asked Edwards if he had any ideas for a vehicle for Powell.  Edwards said he did (a lie), and went home to write what would become the pilot for Richard Diamond, Private Detective.  In Edwards’ original script, Diamond was a former OSS agent; he would evolve into an ex-cop.  One trait he would retain as the script evolved was that Diamond was as quick with a quip as he was with his fists.  This played to Powell’s natural comedic strengths, and it helped to give the show a unique voice in the sea of detective programs from the era.  Unlike other radio shamuses, Diamond would keep up a friendly relationship with his old colleagues on the force - Lt. Walt Levinson, his former partner; and the oafish Sgt. Otis Ludlum, the long-suffering butt of Diamond’s jokes.  Diamond flirted with every skirt that came through his office door, but he only had eyes for his Park Avenue girlfriend, Helen Asher.  Shows would often close at her apartment, where Diamond would sum up his case and (in a nod to Powell’s old career) Helen might coax him to do a little singing.
Richard Diamond, Private Detective premiered on NBC on April 24, 1949.  Powell was supported by Virginia Gregg as Helen; Ed Begley as Levinson; and Wilms Herbert doing double duty as Sgt. Otis and as Helen’s butler, Francis.  Joseph Kearns, Peggy Webber, Bill Johnstone, Jack Kruschen, and other West Coast actors filled out the cast.  Later in the show’s run, Frances Robinson would take over the role of Helen, and Ted de Corsia, Arthur Q. Bryan (Elmer Fudd), and Alan Reed (Fred Flinstone) would rotate in and out as Levinson.
The show ran without a sponsor for the first year before being picked up by the Rexall Drug Company (“Good health to all from Rexall!”) in June 1950.  In January 1951, the show switched networks and picked up Camel cigarettes as its new sponsor.  The show took its final bow on June 27, 1952 (although repeats popped up in the summer of 1953).  Powell pulled the plug on the show as he entered a third phase of his career as a successful director and producer.
It was in this capacity that Powell brought Richard Diamond to television in 1957 for a four-season run starring David Janssen in the title role, minus the crooning of the radio series.  Janssen would later star as Dr. Richard Kimble on The Fugitive.  The Diamond TV show is perhaps best known today for its character of Diamond’s secretary, Sam, who was only shown from the waist down to show off her legs.  The first actress to furnish Sam’s legs was a young Mary Tyler Moore.
In honor of his anniversary, here are ten of my favorite Richard Diamond radio adventures. Sit back and enjoy some sleuthing and singing with Dick Powell and company in these sensational stories.
"The Lillian Baker Case" - This one is a good showcase for Diamond's girlfriend Helen Asher, who gets to take a rare role in the case of the week. At a department store, Helen witnesses an elderly woman shoplifting. It turns out she's a wealthy eccentric, and later that afternoon she dies - allegedly after leaping from her balcony. (9/3/49)
"The Jerome J. Jerome Case" - Joseph Kearns plays the titular eccentric character - a man who claims to be a millionaire, a genius inventor, and a private detective. He wants to partner with Diamond, but as soon as the gumshoe tries to dismiss him it turns out the kook may have information about an actual murder. (9/17/49)
"The Louis Spence Case" - An unusual, but very exciting, episode finds Diamond racing against time to save his old friend Lt. Walt Levinson. A deranged bomber has escaped from prison, and he's taken the lieutenant hostage. Unless the mayor jumps to his death from city hall within the hour, the bomber will blow the precinct - and Walt - to kingdom come. (3/5/50)
"The Statue of Kali" - It's Richard Diamond's version of The Maltese Falcon (complete with Paul Frees doing his best Sydney Greenstreet). An ivory statue is delivered to Diamond by a dying man, and it's being hunted by nefarious characters from all around the world. (4/5/50)
"The Martha Campbell Kidnap Case" - Diamond is hired to deliver the ransom when a wealthy woman is kidnapped, but both he and the lady's nephew are knocked out, the ransom money is taken, and the kidnap victim is killed. Rick has to use some creativity and theatricality to figure out what happened. (7/26/50)
"The Oklahoma Cowboy Murder Case" - Diamond trades the bright lights of the big city for the clear skies of the plains in this episode that was later adapted as an episode of Peter Gunn. Rick heads west to investigate a suspicious death - a wealthy rancher who expired when he fell from his horse. (9/27/50)
"The Cover-Up Murders" - Rick and Walt partner again when a serial killer stalks the city. Part of his MO is to call the police and boast that he'll kill someone that night at eight o'clock. But what appears to be random madness may have a clear motive, and it's up to Diamond to stop the killings before more bodies drop. (11/22/50)
"Blue Serge Suit" - Jim Backus (later Mr. Howell on Gilligan's Island) is Diamond's new client - a tailor whose supply of blue serge is raided and stolen by intruders. When Diamond's own suit is snatched, he's on the trail of a gang of spies. (2/9/51)
"Lady in Distress" - A beautiful woman hires Diamond, and then she drops dead in his office. With nothing to go on - he didn't even know her name - Rick takes the case and tries to learn what had her so scared and what led to her death. It's a story that was recycled quite a few times. Jeff Regan and Johnny Dollar both solved variations of this script, but the Richard Diamond version is my favorite. (2/23/51)
"The Red Rose" - In another story later reworked as a TV episode of Peter Gunn, Diamond is hired to keep a client alive. The man hired a hit man to do away with himself, but he's had a change of heart. Unfortunately, the hit man is a committed professional and he intends to finish the job. (3/2/51)
Check out this episode!
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thelittlesttimelord · 3 years
The Littlest Timelord: The New Doctor Chapter 8
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TITLE: The Littlest Timelord: The New Doctor Chapter 8 PAIRING: No Pairing RATING: T CHAPTER: 8/? SUMMARY: With the Doctor newly regenerated, he and Elise must now navigate their new relationship. The Doctor is an old man and Elise is a headstrong young woman. She is no longer the scared little girl the Doctor saved all those years ago. Will Clara be able to keep them from killing each other?
“Take a punt,” the Doctor told Clara. He was doing some sort of math on one of his chalkboards while Clara sat down near the console.
“Right,” Clara said.
“Your choice. Wherever, whenever, anywhere in time and space.”
“Well, there is something, someone that I've always wanted to meet. But I know what you'll say.”
“Try me.”
“You'll say he's made up, that there is no such thing.”
“Go on.”
“It's…it's Robin Hood.”
“Robin Hood.”
Clara walked up the steps towards the Doctor. “Yeah. I love that story. I've always loved it, ever since I was little.”
“Robin Hood, the heroic outlaw, who robs from the rich and gives to the poor.”
“He's made up. There's no such thing.”
“Ah, you see?”
The Doctor pulled a book off his bookcase. “Old-fashioned heroes only exist in old-fashioned story books, Clara.” He thumbed through a few of the pages before setting the book back in its place.
“And what about you?”
“Yeah, you. You stop bad things happening every minute of every day. That sounds pretty heroic to me.”
“Just passing the time. Hey, what about Mars?”
“The Ice Warrior Hives.”
“After what happened on that submarine? I don’t think so,” Elise told him. She wanted to forget that adventure. She still had nightmares.
“You said it was my choice,” Clara argued.
“Or the Tumescent Arrows of the Half-Light. Those girls can hold their drink,” the Doctor rambled.
“And fracture fifteen different levels of reality simultaneously. I think I've got a Polaroid somewhere.” The Doctor came down the stairs towards the console with Clara following him.
“Doctor! My choice. Robin Hood. Show me.”
“Very well.” He put in coordinates and set the TARDIS in flight. “Earth. England. Sherwood Forest. 1190AD. Ish. But you'll only be disappointed.”
“You can’t wear a black dress! You’re not going to a funeral!” Clara told Elise. Clara wanted to look the part and dragged Elise along with her. Clara looked through the dresses and pulled out a green one.
“It’s perfect! It’ll go great with your hair.” She shoved the dress into Elise’s arms. “Well go on, get dressed.”
Elise changed into the medieval style dress. It felt wrong not to be in her leather jacket and boots, but she had to admit that she looked rather good.
“Might have to cover that though,” Clara said pointing at the roses winding down Elise’s neck. She’d still yet to understand why she had the tattoo in the first place.
Clara managed to cover it up with some heavy concealer.
The two women stepped out of the TARDIS.
“Might be a little bit much, but what do you reckon, Doctor?” Clara asked. She stopped when she saw him. Robin Hood.
“By all the saints. Are there any more in there?” Robin Hood asked.
The Doctor noticed how Robin’s eyes lingered on Elise and he moved slightly in front of her.
Clara patted the Doctor’s chest in disbelief. “Is that…?” Clara asked.
“No,” the Doctor told her.
“Oh, my God. Oh, my God! It is, isn't it? You found him. You actually found Robin Hood.”
“That is not Robin Hood.”
“Well then, who, sir, is about to relieve you of your magic box?” Robin asked, pulling out his long sword.
Elise nearly rushed forward, but the Doctor pushed her back. He stepped onto the bridge, facing Robin. “Nobody, sir. Not in this universe or the next.”
“Well then, draw your sword and prove your words.”
“I have no sword. I don't need a sword.” The Doctor opened his coat and twirled around to show Robin. “Because I am the Doctor.” Instead, he donned a gauntlet and pulled out a spoon. “And this is my spoon. En garde!”
They started sparring and Clara and Elise watched on in excitement.
The Doctor got the upper hand and hit Robin on the back of the neck with his spoon.
“You're amazing,” Clara praised the Doctor.
Even Elise had to admit the Doctor was rather dashing.
“I've had some experience. Richard the Lionheart. Cyrano de Bergerac. Errol Flynn. He had the most enormous…”
Clara cleared her throat, cutting off the inappropriate comment.
“Takes one to know one.”
Robin lunged forward and sliced a button off the Doctor’s coat. The Doctor held his arms out and Robin got ready to strike the killing blow. The Doctor dodged this attack and spun around so he and Robin were back to back. He bumped Robin and Robin fell into the river below.
“Doctor!” Clara said, rushing to his side.
The Doctor polished his spoon on his coat. “Like I said. My box.”
Robin was nowhere to be seen in the water below. He popped up behind the Doctor and pushed him into the water.
Clara and Robin laughed.
Elise rolled her eyes and waded into the water. She helped the Doctor up and asked, “Are you okay?”
“More of a bruised ego than anything.”
“I’ll fix your coat later.”
Robin led them to a small encampment. “Let me introduce you to my men. This is Will Scarlet. He is a cheeky rogue with a good sword arm and a slippery tongue.”
“My ladies…”
Clara giggled and looked at Elise, who had no reaction.
To this day, the only man to ever make Elise blush was the man in the café after they met Clara the second time.
The Doctor pulled out some of his hair as he bowed and scanned it with his sonic screwdriver.
Will cried out and grabbed at his head. “What do you want with my hair?”
“Well, it's realistic, I'll give you that,” the Doctor told him.
“And this is Friar Tuck. Aptly named for the amount of grub he tucks into,” Robin introduced.
“You skinny blaggard.”
The men around them laughed.
Friar Tuck stepped forward and nearly fell.
The Doctor was on the ground behind him.
“What are you doing?” Tuck asked him.
The Doctor stood up, holding one of his sandals. “This isn't a real sandal.”
“Yes, it is.”
The Doctor sniffed the sandal. “Oh. Yes, it is.”
Robin turned to introduce another one of his men. “This, er, is Alan-a-Dale. He's a master of the lute, whose music brightens up these dark days.”
“Stranger you are welcome here, in Sherwood's bonny glade,” Alan sang. He suddenly cried out as the Doctor stuck him with a needle.
“Sorry, sorry, sorry. Blood analysis. Oh. All those diseases. If you were real, you'd be dead in six months,” the Doctor told him.
“I am real,” Alan insisted.
The last of Robin’s men was huge.
“And this is John Little. Called Little John. He's my loyal companion in many an adventure.”
The large man stepped aside and a smaller man jumped out at them. The men laughed.
“Works every time,” Will said.
“Oh, I cannot believe this. You, you really are Robin Hood and his Merry Men!” Clara giggled.
“Aye! That is an apt description. What say you, lads?” Robin asked.
His men laughed in response. “Stop laughing. Why are you always doing that? Are you all simple or something?”
Elise was beginning to become annoyed as well, while Clara looked to be enjoying herself.
The Doctor picked up a goblet and poured out the liquid before walking up to Robin. “I’m going to need a sample.”
“Of what?” Robin asked.
Clara quickly pulled the Doctor away from them. “What are you doing?”
“Well, they're not holograms, that much is obvious. Could be a theme park from the future. Or we might be inside a miniscope,” the Doctor told her.
“Oh, shut up.”
“A miniscope. Yes, of course. Why not?”
The Doctor ran over to the encampment, leaving Clara and Elise.
Robin walked to them. “Your friend seems not quite of the real world,” Robin observed.
“No. No, he's not really. Not most of the time.” Clara looked at Robin. “Dark days?”
“My lady?”
“You said that these were dark days. What did you mean?”
“King Richard is away on crusade, my lady. His tyrant of a brother rules instead,” Will explained.
“And the Sheriff. Cos there is a sheriff, right?”
“Aye. It is indeed this jackal of the princes who seeks to oppress us forever more,” Alan said.
“Or six months in your case,” the Doctor quipped.
Robin spoke in a soft voice. “It is a shame to dwell on murky thoughts when there is such beauty here,” Robin said.
Elise felt like she was intruding, so she simply squeezed Clara’s hand and joined her father instead. She glanced back at Clara and Robin talking softly with each other and she felt a pang in her hearts.
The Doctor saw the look on Elise’s face and walked over to Robin. “What time is it, Mister Hood?”
“Somewhat after noon.��
“No, no. Time of year? What season?”
“Oh, Dame Autumn has draped her mellow skirts about the forest, Doctor. The time of mists and harvest approaches.”
Elise frowned. That didn’t seem right.
“Yeah, yeah. All very poetic. But it's very green hereabouts, though, isn't it? Like I said, very sunny.”
“So?” Clara asked.
“Have you been to Nottingham?”
“Climate change?”
“It's 1190.”
“You must excuse me. The Sheriff has issued a proclamation and tomorrow there is to be a contest to find the best archer in the land. And the bounty, it's an arrow made of pure gold,” Robin said.
“No! Don't, don't go. It's a trap,” Clara begged him.
“Well, of course it is! But a contest to find the best archer in the land? There is no contest.”
The men laughed.
“Right, that isn't even funny. That was bantering. I am totally against bantering,” the Doctor snapped.
“How can you be so sure he is not the real thing?” Clara asked.
“Because he can't be.”
“When did you stop believing in everything?”
“When did you start believing in impossible heroes?”
“Don't you know? In a way, it's rather sweet.” Clara joined Robin and his men, while Elise stood next to him.
He looked into her green eyes and saw…was it hope? He was going to show her he could be the Doctor again. That he could be the heroic man she knew him to be.
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Kamen Rider Thunderbirds Chapter 3 (Bit 1)
I want to thank @janetm74 for helping me out with some parts of this chapter. (Seriously. Thank you for getting my arse out of some of the plot holes lol) Also, I thank @willow-salix once again for a little correcting :)
Anyway, one with this bit X3
It had been a busy week.  The past seven days  had been almost endless, disasters happening  all at once. Luckily most of the rescues had been small, but that didn't  mean some of the big ones hadn't  started to take their toll. Especially for Scott. 
The field commander of International Rescue was beginning to feel stressed from the countless missions.  He  had to stay in control, making sure that the people they were saving were safe, making sure that his brothers were safe. He swore he was  going to have some greys soon if it continued. 
It was all too much, he needed something to keep himself sane.
The white grand piano was sitting lonely in the corner of the lounge, beckoning for him. 
Scott could  play the piano, although not as well  as Virgil. Heck, he could even play the guitar if he felt  like it. He remembered learning music lessons from her… before she…
Before she...
The field commander promptly sat on the stool, pushing away any negative thoughts and had let them channel through his body and into his fingers. He pressed the keys, playing the good old classics that is Chopin. It had always soothed him whenever he was in this state.
“Feeling stressed, son,” Jeff asked fondly from his desk, the newspaper lowered from his face.
"Yes, dad…" he replied sadly. He could sense sympathy radiating from his father's old bluish grey eyes.
"I know, Scott… It had been a really long week," His father coaxed.
“Guess that comes from the job of saving lives constantly,” sighed Scott as he continued playing the piano.
“Indeed,” agreed the patriarch as he returned to reading the newspaper.
When Scott finished some pieces of Chopin, he closed the piano lid and sat there for a moment. The stress had eased up a little. But it wasn't enough.
What else does he need to lower his stress? Apple pie? No, he had already been full of that. Fishing? Not feeling it. Maybe beat the living heck out of his punching bag…?
Out of frustration, he grabbed his head and laid his elbows on the piano cover. He closed his eyes, wishing that the dreadful feeling would go away. He thought he had heard his father's silent sigh.
"Hey, Scooter? What's up?" A low yet gentle voice had called him from his side a few minutes later. The field commander opened his tired eyes and looked up to the person next to him.
"Hey, Virge…" the field commander croaked, feeling a little relieved for his brother and best friend next to him.
“You don’t look all too well,” the mechanic said worryingly, “You okay?”
“I’ll survive…” Scott lied through his teeth, but he knew that Virgil knew him well.
“Come on, Scott. You’re stressed,” his second brother had never needed to ask, he already knows how Scott feels. The eldest of the Tracy brothers sighed before giving up on the 'brave face'.
"I'm just… not feeling well, okay." he simply said.
"Well, take some time off. Take a beating out of your punching bag or something. Just don't hurt yourself." Virgil suggested.
"You start to sound like a mom." stated the field commander.
"Coming from 'Mr. Overprotective Mother hen.’" teased the mechanic with a smirk.
Scott snorted. Of course his brother would say that. It never gets old, when your little brothers would continuously tease about you being a Mother hen. It's his job as the eldest brother, no questions! He swore to protect them ever since he laid eyes on the moment they were born!
And even if they were annoying at times. This time is one of those, as the terrible two entered the lounge. Talking about...
"So~, how do they do the kick-monsters-in-the-face-till-they-explode thing?" asked Gordon as he wiggled his eyebrows
Alan laughed. "According to the reports; it was seen that they tweak something in their belts and they power up. Then, they fly-kick the living crap out the bad guys. Cool, doesn't it!?"
"Uh huh~. So their belts had something to do with their powers?" Pondered the redhead as he pretended to rub his chin.
"Brains said so." Shrugged the young astronaut.
"Urgh... Alan's talking about those bug-men, again." silently growled Scott.
"Come on Scott, give the kid some slack." Virgil coaxed, rubbing gently his hand on his older brother's shoulder.
Gordon noticed his elder brother's frowning face and he could slightly hear his growl like a disturbed beast. It looked like he was  sneering at Alan. What had his partner-in-crime do to make him so steamed off like that? He thought. When he looked back at his little brother, Alan also seemed eager to find out. With a wicked smile that had formed on his face, the cheeky aquanaut turned to Scott.
"Hey, what's up flyboy? Something's bothering you?" Gordon mockly chanted. Alan joins in, "Careful Gordon, he could lose it if you bother him," The terrible two giggled as Scott scowled at them. This was not helping the situation... at all!
“Can you fellas not-” He was about to say something when Virgil cut him off.
“Scott, just ignore them." The eldest glared at the second brother. "Please, just go out and blow some steam." He begged.
Scott looked back at his two youngest brothers as he got up from the piano stool. Thankfully, the terrible two continued with their own talking. Good. He didn't want to deal with them for now. As he passed them however, he overheard this simple line: “They are so cool that… I wish I was a Kamen Rider!” 
That’s when Scott snapped “Alan! Enough with the Kamen Riders! Even Tin-Tin is getting tired of your obsession with them!”
“I’m not obsessed!” Protested Alan as he crossed his arms and let out his iconic pout.
Meanwhile, Jeff was just staring at his boys from his desk, half-amused, half-exasperated. He let out a long sigh. He was too tired to call out his boys. 
Kids. No matter how old they are, they are still his precious kids. Even when they get old and cranky, he bet that won't stop them from tormenting each other whatever chance they get.
Speaking of his kids, there’s one in particular that he needed to check on. Jeff pressed a button on his desk. The ashtray seemingly glued to the desk lifted to reveal a microphone once again. “This is International Rescue to Thunderbird 5,” Jeff called, his baritone voice echoed his leadership, “Come in, John.”
The painting of John, that was hanging on the wall opposite of the desk along the other paintings of the bothers, was replaced by a screen where the middle child of the Tracy brothers appeared.
"Thunderbird 5 loud and clear, father!" responded John with authority.
"Hello John, how are you doing?" smiled Jeff.
"Quiet up here." his middle child replied, making the head of the Tracy family chuckle. It had been the same old answer every time.
"You don't seem to mind that." Jeff raised a brow.
"As much as I like the silence, sometimes it is killing me." admitted John.
Jeff smiled understandably. Surely it is pretty lonely up there, especially inside a high-tech ‘tincan’ in stationary orbit (as Gordon had once put it). Like the worried father that he is, Jeff had been occasionally calling John to lift away that feeling of loneliness from his middle son. He had been worried about that when he first sent John to Thunderbird 5 to keep track of the distress calls. There's a reason he was limited to monitor for a month till John switched shifts with Alan. It's vice versa with the youngest as well. But surprisingly, compared to Alan, John rarely complained.
Jeff Tracy was about to say something when his other sons suddenly appeared at his desk. "Say, John! Why won't you talk with us if it's too quiet up there?" chirped Virgil.
"It's because I can stay away from you fellas' shenanigans." deadpanned the space monitor.
"Hey, at least we're good at the "entertainment" department!" joked Gordon, making Alan went in an array of giggles as John rolled his eyes.
“By ‘entertainment’, you mean torturing your brothers for your own enjoyment.” sarcastically said John, his lips showed a hint of a smug smirk.
“Boys, I'm the one talking to John here,” called Jeff sternly, but there was a glint of amusement in his voice. The boys apologized.
"When I'm the one talking, you wait till I finish, is that clear?"
"Yes, sir," all of his boys nodded.
But the sudden beeping sounds coming from the monitor broke the atmosphere, "John? What's the situation?"
"Father, I just received an emergency call! A building in New York City has being caught in a huge inferno!" reported John.
"What happened?" Jeff asked. 
"Nobody knows for sure. From what they had reported, the fires just randomly appeared from unknown circumstances!" replied the Space Monitor.
"Alright!" nodded the patriarch, "Tell them we're on our way! Seems we need all hands up front! Thunderbirds are go!"
Virgil, Gordon and Alan nodded and off they went. Meanwhile, Scott had let out a long sigh of frustration. But that's the job. The lives were in danger and he had to go.
As he passed his father's desk, Jeff called out to him. "Once this is over, I'll give you a long, nice time off. Off you go now." And that, Scott went for his beloved Thunderbird.
"I have a really horrid feeling about this mission, Mr. Tracy." A voice strained with dread nearly startled Jeff as he saw a familiar man standing at his desk, with a tray of coffee in his hands. Where in the blazes did he come from?
"What is it, Kyrano?" the ex-astronaut asked worriedly.
The Malaysian servant shook his head ruthfully. "I don't know. There is something about it that makes my skin shiver." 
Kyrano was not wrong, Jeff somehow felt a strange feeling about the mission at hand. That fire happened so randomly and uncalled for. How? And why? Something terrible was waiting on the horizon. He dreads to find out. He could hope that nothing would go wrong.
Only Jeff Tracy could hope...
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jarejunior · 4 years
First one shall be The picture of Dorian Gray compared to the movie adaptation from 2009
-Dorian has golden hair, not dark brown!!!
-Basil and Dorian already knew each other in the book, their meeting wasn't portrayed; They didn't meet at the party;
-Henry begged Basil to introduce him to Dorian, they met while Dorian was at Basils and then they had a little chat in the garden and both of them were fascinated by one another; They didn't meed at the party;
-Basil never showed the painting to anyone but Henry and Dorian, he refused to exhibit it; In the movie the painting was exhibited in front of many people;
-Dorian first saw Sybil in the theater, and he didn't speak to her immediately, she never knew his real name and they only ever saw each other in the theater; He saw her at the club with James;
-He first told Basil of how he was in love with her and then Basil passed it to Henry; in the movie everyone knew of his admiration towards her,
-Dorian and Sybil never slept together, (i thinks) they barely kissed;
-He asked Basil and Henry to attend her show and they did but her performance was awful for the first time and all three of them were disappointed, after the show Dorian told her that and broke off the engagement; in the movie he invited everyone from the party to attend her show but only Henry said he'll go, he then proceeded to take Dorian to some brothel and because of that they missed the whole show, when Sibyl asked where they were they lied, she believed Harry but didn't Dorian, then they had a fight about children because she wanted them and Dorian didn't (right away), that's when they broke off the engagement;
-IT'S JAMES NOT JIM, (Sibyls brother), he never knew who Dorian was and he found him 18 years later by accident; Sibyl wasn't pregnant when she killed herself;
-No one knew of sibyls and dorians relationship other than Basil and Henry; EVERYONE KNEW
-Dorian had his friend who makes picture frames and his assistants move the picture to his childhood room, and they struggled because the picture was extremely heavy; the picture just disappeared;
-He never had any relations with Ms. Radley and her daughter; In the movie he had slept with both of them the same night;
-They did my Basil so wrong c mon...
-(at the end of the book, when he was 38 years old) He stabbed Basil with the knife he forgot to return downstairs; Basil died with his head on the table and he looked almost as like he was sleeping (before his trip to France); In the movie he killed Basil while he was still 20 and he put his body in his suitcase and threw it in the river;
-Dorian made Alan Cambell, his former best friend, dispose Basils body with some chemicals and he burned his things on his own;
-They never recovered Basils body and Alan Cambell killed himself for his ties with the whole situation (Dorian encountered him when he was out to get opium, he became an addict too); in the movie they all knew that Basils was murdered;
-Duchess of Monmouth wasn't Harry's child; Emily was Henry's daughter;
-James heard the nickname his sister called Dorian in the club and he wanted to kill him but then Dorian said that he has the wrong man because the man he's looking for should be about 40 by now and he backed off; some women than shouted on James and said that he should've killed him and then he started stalking him which resulted in his death which was a hunting accident; in the movie Dorian dropped his cigarette case after Jim/James backed off and that way Jim/James knew he was truly Dorian;
-They didn't know who the man is and Dorian asked if he could see the body and he figured out that that was James which he found relieving because he knew someone was following and trying to kill him; James fired a gun at him and Dorian ran to the train track when the train suddenly appeared and killed Jim/James;
-Victor wasn't fired, he left his service because he got married,
-Henry never discovered that Dorian killed Basil; in the movie Henry figured out everything;
-Duchess never nad anything with Dorian, she did like him but nothing ever happened; Movie version of the Duchess aka Emily fell in love with Dorian fast, she slept with him too;
-At the end of the book, Dorian wanted to destroy the painting as it was the only thing that represented everything that he's ever done and he stabbed it but the only thing that happened was him dying; In the movie Henry attacked Dorian and he set the painting on fire and locked Dorian in his childhood room where he proceeded to stab the picture and burn to death;
-When people heard strange sounds they wanted to see what was happening and they rushed to his room where they saw an old mans body lying beneath the portrait of a young man, only by his ring they found out whos body it was; Henry had Dorians a bit burnt-out picture in some hidden part of his house;
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daughterofluthien · 4 years
Fictober - Day 6 / Whumptober - Day 6
Prompt number: 6. “that was impressive” Fandom: Teen Wolf Rating: T Characters/Relationships: Alan Deaton and Scott McCall Word Count: 2865 Warnings/Tags: canon-typical violence, possession A/N: Deaton POV of the end of 3x19 “Letharia Vulpina,” with added episode tag
The plane landed after nightfall, and he knew he was running out of time.
It was ironic, really. The majority of the trip -- including entering a Yakuza base of operations under false pretenses -- had gone nearly as smoothly as he could’ve hoped. He had even managed to carry the sample vial of lichen through customs in his medical bag with very little fuss. 
The first sign of trouble was on the connecting flight out of Sacramento. According to the scheduled arrival time, they were only a half an hour away from their destination when the pilot announced over the intercom that an unexpected thunderstorm had formed, and they would be experiencing some turbulence. 
This turned out to be an understatement. 
When they did finally reach their destination, the pilot informed the passengers that they had not been cleared to land. This was due to the amount of lightning activity in the vicinity of the airport, and Deaton felt a sense of growing dread. The forces of nature often reacted in sympathy to intense foci of supernatural activity, and such events had been known to cause storms in the past. And when the supernatural activity in question was a pitched battle between ancient spirits known to harness electricity--
If the storm dissipated long enough for the plane to land, that might mean it was already too late.
Eventually, there was a sufficient break in the lightning strikes, and the plane landed without any serious incident. All departures had been delayed, however, as weather reports forecasted that the storm would only get worse before it got better. 
The storm was already severe, and Deaton drove back to Beacon Hills faster than was strictly safe in these conditions. 
If they followed the previously established pattern, then the Oni would’ve manifested as soon as the sun fully set, which meant they were already active. Of course, they weren’t technically a danger to anyone except the Nogitsune and its host, but if someone tried to interfere with their task, he knew they would show no mercy.
He also knew that Scott would almost certainly interfere. 
Even through the storm, he could hear the sound of a fight behind the clinic, so he parked in front, mentally running through the steps necessary to prepare an injectable suspension from the lichen. 
Intramuscular injection would be preferable, to get the solution inserted as close to the nervous system as possible, he decided. Keep the spirit from puppeteering its host by manipulating the electrical impulses controlling the musculature and brain. An aqueous vehicle would be best. Include a small amount of ethyl alcohol to break down the lichen, hopefully releasing the toxin into the body at a faster rate--
He entered the clinic and was immediately greeted by the sound of someone in pain. 
His blood ran cold. Apparently, his fears on the plane had not been unfounded after all.
It was only the sounds of pain and not the sounds of fighting, which indicated that the Oni hadn’t yet materialized inside the clinic. That meant that, with a little luck, they still had time. He gripped his medical bag tighter and hurried towards the back room, closing the gate behind him as he did so. From what Scott had told him, the Oni were eventually able to break a mountain ash barrier, but it took energy and time.
Tonight, time would be invaluable.
He turned around to see Scott, rain-soaked and in visible pain, fully impaled with what looked to be an ancient Japanese sword, though it was too dark to make out any further details.  Kira was attempting to pull it out, but in what he assumed was fear of hurting Scott further, she did not use the amount of strength required to cleanly remove it. Scott’s didn’t scream, but his face contorted in pain.
The sword remained firmly lodged in place. 
 Deaton was about to rush forward and assist, when Stiles -- or rather, the Nogitsune -- grabbed Kira by the wrist and threw her into the table with the sort of strength only possessed by supernatural beings. She slumped to the ground, unconscious. 
Dread settling deep in his gut, Deaton stepped back into the shadow of the doorway. Short of breaking the mountain ash barrier and letting the Oni in, the small sample of lichen that he carried in his kit and had traveled over 5,000 miles to find was the only possible hope of subduing the spirit that was inhabiting the teenager. 
And it wasn’t ready. 
Between the items in his kit and the supplies in his office -- mostly consisting of  overflow from the fully stocked exam room, but sufficient for his purposes -- he should be able to synthesize the mixture quickly. But it would still take time.
According to all the information that he could find, Nogitsune gained power and strength by leeching off of pain, fear, and other negative emotions. With the Oni bearing down on its location, Deaton knew the Nogitsune would be desperate for the power to match them. 
It wouldn’t kill Scott until it had devoured every last bit of fear and pain available for the taking. If he worked quickly, he would have time to prepare the solution.
It was a cold comfort. 
When the Nogitsune’s back was turned, he slipped into his office. He caught a glimpse of Scott’s face as he passed and saw the dread that he was feeling mirrored in Scott’s eyes. Deaton thought grimly that if the spirit was in fact looking to maximize horror and fear, terrorizing the young man while wearing the face of his best friend was certainly an effective method of doing it.
He supposed he shouldn’t be surprised. After all, according to the legends, the creature had existed for centuries. Perhaps even a millenia. It was only logical that, in all that time, it had learned to hone its craft.
Once inside his office, Deaton opened his kit on the desk and set to work as quickly as possible. He didn’t close the door, as everything counted on him remaining unnoticed. He didn’t dare do anything that would alert the Nogitsune to his presence before the solution was prepared.
The open door also meant that he could clearly hear the proceedings in the back room.
He emptied the sample jar of lichen into a mortar and pestle, and began to grind it into a fine powder. Or rather, paste, as the lichen was still fresh and held a fair amount of liquid. 
In the other room, the ancient chaos spirit spoke to Scott with a mockery of a best friend’s concern. “You okay?”
“Please don’t. Stop.” Scott’s reply was more accurately breathed rather than spoken, and Deaton’s heart broke. He had, of course, seen the young man terrified on numerous previous occasions -- but this was the first time he had ever heard him beg. 
He tipped the contents of the mortar back into the sample vial, and scraped out every last bit of lichen that he could. He recognized the inherent danger in using all of the material that he had, but this sort of thing had not yet been quantified by science. If he skimped during the first preparation and it wasn’t enough, he likely wouldn’t survive long enough to try again.
In the other room, Scott screamed.
Deaton’s hand tightened around the vial. He didn’t increase the speed at which he was making the solution, because the risk that he would make a noise that could be heard by the Nogitsune was too great. Because any error or misstep could get all three of the teenagers trapped in the adjacent room killed. 
He measured out the proper amount of distilled water in a graduated cylinder. Added it to the vial. Measured a smaller amount of ethyl alcohol.
The Nogitsune’s quiet, measured voice overlapped with the sounds of pain that started and stopped in short bursts. “Does it hurt? Hey, look at me.”
Deaton wanted to tune it out, but he was well aware that would be foolish. For one, it was important to know your enemy. Any details that the being let slip in a moment where it thought it had total control could be important. And second, as a medical practitioner, he had a duty to pay as close attention to any signs of Scott’s physical state as possible, in case the situation became so dire that he needed to intervene immediately.
He wasn’t sure what he would do if that moment came before the solution was prepared.
He added the ethyl alcohol, capped the vial, and shook it vigorously. The ground lichen swirled through the liquid, tinting it a light and cloudy green. 
Outside, the spirit continued it’s monologue. “A Nogitsune feeds off chaos, strife, and pain. This morning, you took it from Isaac, then you took it from Coach. And then from a dying deputy.”
Deaton closed his eyes. Selfishly, he found himself wishing that he had never taught Scott about that side of his abilities. Though, he supposed that the teenager inherently cared so much and so deeply for others, that he would have discovered it on his own, even without Deaton’s interference.
Scott McCall was only seventeen years old, and he had every right to be as selfish and self-centered as boys his age often were. Yet without fail, he always considered the well being of others above his own.
It was part of the reason that he rose to the status of True Alpha less than a year after being bitten.
It also made Deaton worry deeply about him, as Scott refused to worry about himself. 
He selected a needle -- large gauge, so there would be little chance of the particulate in the solution clogging at the entry point. Screwed it onto the tip of the syringe.
The Nogitsune’s voice deepened, finally revealing itself as the demon it truly was. “Now, give it to me.”
There were no longer sounds from Scott.
Deaton knew that if a werewolf took too much pain, their system could eventually be overwhelmed, sending them into shock and damaging them beyond the healing capabilities of the body. This could eventually lead to death. 
He did not know what would happen to the body if that pain was violently consumed by an ancient spirit of chaos. He imagined that it couldn’t be good. 
He was running out of time.
Deaton loaded the syringe.
“You really have to learn, Scott. You really have to learn not to trust a fox.”
He depressed the plunger slightly. Primed the needle.
“Y’know why? ‘Cause they’re tricksters.”
He tapped the syringe, dispersing any air bubbles.
“They’ll fool you.”
“They’ll fool everyone.”
Deaton walked into the exam room and -- in one clean, practiced motion -- injected the contents of the syringe into Stiles’ neck. 
The Nogitsune’s control of its host was instantly severed, and Stiles crumpled to the ground.
Thankfully, Stiles didn’t immediately seize or have a visibly severe reaction. He was immobile on the ground, which was mildly concerning, as the fully human Stiles should not have been harmed by the lichen, but the others needed more immediate medical attention. Kira was still unconscious on the ground, and Scott--
Scott was braced against the exam table. Panting. Face pale. Fully impaled by what Deaton could see now was a wakizashi. He hadn’t spoken since Deaton had entered the room.
Deaton wasn’t sure if, in his current state, he was even capable of it.
Scott’s eyes were wide and panicked, as if he didn’t fully believe that Deaton was really there. Deaton met them with a grave look, because this wasn’t going to be pleasant.
Not for the first time, he wished that supernatural creatures didn’t metabolize anesthetic so quickly.
He braced a hand lightly on the teenager’s torso, careful to not place it too close to the wound, and with the other hand pulled the sword out as quickly and cleanly as he could manage. 
He was glad the sword was straight, rather than curved. He’d rather not cause any additional damage during the removal.
Scott still groaned loudly as the blade was yanked free. Deaton let the offending object clatter to the ground.
Unsurprisingly, the first thing Scott did was to ask after Stiles. 
Deaton wished that he had better news to give him -- while the fox inside of Scott’s best friend was currently incapacitated, he had no idea how to remove it or kill it. “Not yet.” He fixed the body on the floor with a look.
Scott appeared to have only started to process that information, when they were interrupted by a groan, and he looked over, startled. “Oh god, Kira!”
Nearly hidden behind the exam table, Kira had begun to stir. Scott started to bend down to check on her, but Deaton could see that he was in obvious pain, exhaling through gritted teeth. 
He placed a hand gently against Scott’s chest, halting the movement. “I wouldn’t do that just yet, if I were you. Those muscles are still healing, and we wouldn’t want to tear anything further.” He followed Scott’s gaze to the girl on the floor. “I’ve got her, don’t worry.”
After a brief moment, Scott nodded, and Deaton bent down to help. He checked her head for any bleeding or contusions, but she seemed fine. When Kira assured him that the only thing she felt was a little lightheaded, he helped her to a chair. 
If she had been fully human, he would’ve been worried about a concussion, but he suspected that the fox spirit inside her would prevent that sort of thing from happening. While he didn’t know if she had learned to consciously master her healing abilities yet, those sorts of things tended to happen a lot more automatically when the individual was incapacited. 
Kira’s gaze landed on the bloody sword on the ground, before glancing up and over at Scott. “So now what?”
Scott, for his part, was standing stock still, with his hand over the wound in his abdomen. He was staring at Stiles.
Kira persisted. “Scott?”
He shook his head. “I don’t-- I don’t know.”
Deaton gathered a few medical supplies, then returned to Scott, carefully lifting up his shirt to clean the wound and tape a bandage in place. He noted with satisfaction that the torn edges of the puncture had already begun to show signs of healing. While he didn’t look up from his work, he interjected anyways. “Now, the three of you need to get back to your homes and rest. You’ve had a very long night.”
He glanced up at Scott, who could still barely move following his injury, but he only furrowed his brow in confusion. “All three of us? Even Stiles?”
Deaton nodded. “The poison I injected in his system should give Stiles control of his body back, at least for a couple days.”
A little bit of hope returned to Scott’s eyes. “Long enough to buy us some time to fix this. To save him.”
“But what about the Oni?” This was from Kira, and she still sounded terrified. 
Deaton glanced over at her. “Well, they haven’t gotten in here yet. And if I’m right, the wolf lichen has surprised the spirit deeply enough that the Oni will no longer immediately register him as supernatural.” He looked back at Scott, because he knew the young Alpha had the same fears. “He’ll be safe.”
Scott released a breath, and at least a small amount of tension visibly left his body. “Thank you.”
Deaton smiled. “Anytime.”
In the end, after a matching bandage was placed over the exit wound on Scott’s back, it was decided that they would call Sheriff Stilinski to come pick up Stiles, as the older man was likely worried sick. Once Scott was healed enough to move, he and Kira would take the jeep to go back to their own homes. 
While Scott called the Sheriff, and Kira texted her parents to let them know she was okay, Deaton knelt down to check on Stiles, who still had not fully stirred. However, despite the trauma of an entity invading his body and mind, the boy’s pulse was strong, and his pupils were evenly dilated. That was not a guarantee of anything, of course, but all they could do now was wait and see when he woke up.
As he worked, Deaton spoke quietly to the spirit locked inside the teenager’s mind. “You know, I know you can hear me,” he said conversationally, “And I suppose you thought that was impressive, getting them all to jump to your every whim like that. The chaos and fear left in your wake. But you chose the wrong host.” 
He glanced over at Scott, who was still on the phone, tired but determined. “You chose his best friend. And he’s not going to stop until he figures out a way to remove you, permanently. And as for me, well, I’m generally not one to advocate for killing. I prefer to heal.”
Deaton thought about Scott’s screams of pain. The Nogitsune taunting him with the face and voice of his best friend. 
“For you, though? I’m willing to make an exception.”
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dilfdoctordoom · 4 years
your head canons are just perfect. What are some random ones you have for Dinah Lance and Bette
Uhhhh gonna be going off the top of my head here (& under the cut because guess who wrote a load whooo) but
Dinah is trans!!! I liked it Bombshells, I’ve decided its canon across all universes because you know what? It’s amazing
Dinah’s metagene got activated because Alan the JSA accidentally irradiated her throughout her childhood. Barry got lightning, Dinah got a weird family. It’s equality
She adopts Mia!!! Her & Ollie do, since I don’t think that officially happened in comics even though we all know it should have
Hal/Dinah/Ollie is absolutely a thing that I need. They’re in love, there’s nothing you can do to disprove it
Though, like, personal headcanon for Dinah’s relationship is that her & Ollie are in an open relationship, Hal’s their third & Dinah is dating Babs but Ollie is not because. Could you imagine. Oliver Queen. Dating a bat. The thing nightmares are made of, I tell you
When Hal dies, his ring goes to Dinah. I’m sorry, I don’t make the rules, this is just how it is
Ollie & Dinah have a third wedding since their other two were, uh, messy & technically not legal in the new timeline. No supervillains attack & it doesn’t take place in a hospital, so she considers it a win
By the time she dies, she’s in the top five fighters on the planet
Dinah (with the help of Ollie) once attempted to assinate the Guardians of the Universe
She & Zatanna dated
Babs brings up the Ra’s Al Ghul incident whenever she wants to win a dumb fight. Tragically, Zinda & Helena have picked it up too. Will Dinah ever escape her shameful past? Probably not, the Birds refuse to let her live it down
Thanks to her dip in the Lazarus Pit, Dinah’s eyes like... glow in the dark. It’s not very noticeable, but when it’s pitch black, her eyes are a really faint green
She can’t cook. At all. In the Arrowfamily, your options for food are Ollie’s chili (a safety hazard, 50/50 chance you burn to death) or Dinah’s unspeakable, ungodly creations that are probably an insult to the Presence himself. Or you can beg Connor to make you some delicious vegan thing
She’s got a little coffee addiction. It was really bad when she was on tour, a lot better now, but yeah, if you approach this woman before she’s had her first cup, she’ll scream in your face
This woman is bi & there’s nothing you can do about it
Dinah runs Sherwood Florists in Star City & all of the fam help out
Look, not technically a headcanon, but I want to make one thing abundantly clear: while Dinah Laurel Lance will always be a metahuman to me, I like Dinah Drake-Lance to be cursed by a wizard. I just think it’s fun
Okay, again, she’s bi. Like, we all know it, it’s not a secret, no cishet is working her original Flamebird costume
Bette loves glitter but even she knows that’s a little unsafe & never incorperates it into her costume. One day, though, one day...
She goes back to Flamebird around the same time Steph becomes Nightwing which is definitely inspired by @dykegreenlantern‘s death, but, yeah, she works as Flamebird again for a little while
When Kate retires, she suits up as Batwoman. It’s an awkward transition, but she makes it work
Oh, you think Tim has a caffeine addiction? He has nothing on Bette. Bette’s been in beauty paegents, winning tennis tourements, maintaining a 4.0 GPA & running around in a costume. Do you honestly believe she achieved that without caffeine? No. This girl is wired 24/7, there’s nothing that can be done about it
She came out to Bruce first. It would’ve been Kate, but Kate was in the army at the time & they hadn’t talked in years, so. Bruce
Bette’s one of the most forgiving members of the Batfam. Just look at how many of her friends turned into supervillains. She’s, like, yeah, okay, you’re evil now, are we still on for movie night? No? You have an evil scheme planned? Well, cancel it, we’re watching Mean Girls
I know Bette didn’t show up at Zero Hour, but she should have. Exclusively to judge Hank. He’s trying to destroy time but it’s very hard, she’s pulling the ultimate ‘I am disappointed in you and you have brought shame upon this team’ face & they haven’t even been a team in years. It’s not fair how does she even do this the Bats are weird. And then Parallax just. teleports her away. She’s too distracting to Extant, goddamn
I maintain that her & Terra II would’ve eventually become friends. Maybe even enemies to friends to lovers, since Terra II is a lesbian
She isn’t as huge on the whole no-kill thing as Bruce. Like, she’s never killed anyone herself, nor does she plan to (people like the Joker excluded), but she also doesn’t mind if her teammates cross that line
Her fights with Slade are always petty. She took Addie’s side in the divorce, okay, she’s gonna go in for the (emotional) kill when they’re fighting
She makes a lot of quips & is one of the best people at getting Batman to smile. Like, specifically Batman, and not Bruce. She’s seen him crack a grin at one of her puns, she swears
Artemis Crock is her ex girlfriend
Jesse Chambers is still, like, iffy on Bette after she... accused Jesse’s mother of murder. What a fun team up that was
I don’t know how or why it would happen, but Bat-Girl absolutely worked with the original Green Lantern at least once. Got no reasoning behind this, they’re just two of my favourite characters. I don’t think they’d get along (see: anything with Alan in it ever) but... it’d be an interesting team up, that’s for sure
She also knows Jason Blood but instead of being a fun adventure, that was more ‘okay yes I understand that Hank’s gone a little insane, he’s gonna be a future dictator, he’s committed mass murder, etc, but maybe you have some magic to undo all that? Pretty please?’
Her endgame relationship... I honestly change this all the time, but right now I’m on Bettenelli. Strong arguments have been made for Holly Robinson & we cannot ignore the possibility for a Bat/Cat next gen relationship, we simply can’t
Bette Kane deserves to be a doctor, screw what the N52/Rebirth said. Military Bette is gross & we do not support that in this house
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superman86to99 · 4 years
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Superman #83 (November 1993)
Funeral for a Friend: uh, that one Green Lantern supporting character who died when Coast City got blown up (Joe? Gary?). In this issue DC’s superheroes pay tribute to the tragedy of Coast City while also deciding what the hell to do with the giant engine that’s now in its place. Weird early ‘90s Hawkman! Dr. Fate with boobs! Already-slightly-psychotic Hal Jordan! EVERYONE IS HERE.
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(Nice one, Guy.)
Meanwhile, Lex Luthor Jr. is also sneaking around Engine City, supposedly to prevent it from falling into the ocean and killing some of Aquaman’s friends, but in reality he just wants to look into the Cyborg Superman’s computer to see if he can find a recipe for making kryptonite. As the heroes argue about what to do with Engine City (Hal says drop it into the water, screw the fish), some leftover Warworld aliens start attacking them, like the holdout Japanese soldiers who never found out WWII was over.
The attack precipitates the city’s fall into the water and the heroes have to think fast to prevent a fish holocaust. Their solution is for all the Green Lantern-related characters (Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner, Alan Scott, Alan’s daughter Jade) to “detoxify” the debris with their powers before it falls into the ocean. And it works! These guys should totally open a carpet cleaning business.
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As for Lex Jr., he does find the recipe for kryptonite inside the crumbling city, but just as he’s about to write it down (he wasn’t carrying any floppy disks, apparently), Supergirl yanks him out of there to prevent him from burning alive. What an unsupportive girlfriend. Anyway, Superman then takes some of the debris and builds a giant memorial for Coast City’s 6,999,999 anonymous lost souls, and Gary. Sweet Gary. You will be missed.
If the art looks different that’s because this is the first issue inked by Joe Rubinstein, ending Brett Breeding’s classic two and a half year run as Dan Jurgens’ main inker (so classic that it feels a lot longer than that). Breeding will be back for Superman/Doomsday: Hunter/Prey and other stuff, though. As for Rubinstein, Don says: “At  the time, I had trouble with the transition, being soused to Brett Breeding’s finishes over Jurgens’ pencils, but looking at it now, the art looks great. It doesn’t look as smooth or blocky as Breeding’s finishes, but Rubinstein’s hatchier style serves Jurgens pretty well, even if it takes some getting used to.”
At the start of the issue, Superman goes to pick up Batman to take him to Coast City, only to find him wearing a different costume, acting differently, and sounding like a different guy. That’s because that’s not really Bruce Wayne in the suit anymore, but the replacement he got after Bane broke his back. That’s right: freakin’ Psi-Phon and Dreadnaught.
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Superman gives a speech about how superheroes must work together to prevent another tragedy like Coast City from happening, but when Guy asks him if that means he’s going back to the Justice League, he’s like “uh, not yet.” Wisely, he’s gonna wait for Grant Morrison to get there first.
Hal Jordan’s characterization in this issue is interesting. In Green Lantern #47 (which came out the same month), he’s bummed about Coast City but still hopeful and serene, while here he’s already going Parallax on us. Wonder if Dan Jurgens knew more about what DC was planning for Hal than the other comic’s writer.
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There’s a cute scene where Superman is flying by Kansas on his way to Coast City and quickly drops some flowers for Ma Kent. (That, or Flash picked this moment to hit on a random older woman.) 
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Former TV exec/crime boss Morgan Edge has released an autobiography where he trashes the Daily Planet’s Cat Grant for using her sexiness (and, you know, sex) to get dirt on him and send him to jail. He also accuses Cat of being a crappy mother to her son Adam. He kind of has a point there, because what kind of mom would let her kid play with an Atari in the early ‘90s?! The SNES and the Genesis were already out!
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Believe it or not, Morgan Edge’s pervy dad in that screenshot above isn’t the creepiest thing in that scene. Don: “Very spooky how the guy dangling outside of Cat’s apartment goes without mention. An ominous foreshadow of one of the very few missteps of Jurgens’ run.”
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But the most ominous part of the issue is at the end, when Clark Kent accepts Jimmy Olsen’s offer to become roomies, since Clark lost his apartment on account of being dead and all. Don wants you to know that “Jimmy is still in that towel by the way” in the scene below. I hope.
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Shout out to our patrons Aaron, Murray Qualie, Chris “Ace” Hendrix, britneyspearsatemyshorts, Patrick D. Ryall, and a warm welcome to Samuel Doran! Last month our patrons got to read an article about Superman’s bizarre first Elseworlds appearance ever, the Kamandi: At Earth’s End miniseries, and got a veeeeeery early look at this post you’re reading right now (since Don finished his part way before I did mine). Right now I’m preparing this month’s Patreon-only article, which involves Superman wearing pointy ears and Luthor wearing make up. Find out more at https://www.patreon.com/superman86to99
Oh, and in case you missed it, we’ve been posting Don’s new commentary for older issues on the Patreon as free posts (click above and scroll down to see them). EVEN MORE from Don after the jump!
Art-Watch (by @donsparrow​):
Another classic issue, and such a nice wrap-up to the "Death and Return" storyline (as well as being a much-needed check-In on the DC Universe at  large).  We start with the cover, and it’s a very good one, letting the  reader know right away that it’s a big team-up issue.  (It also is a real showcase for 90s costume design, and how weird the JLA lineup was at this point).
The opening splash is a neat image of a rarely seen pairing, Superman and Commissioner Gordon.   Jurgens draws James Gordon a little heavier and more Pa-Kent like than I’m used to seeing him, but it’s still neat to see him interacting with Superman. A page  later, we get another rare pairing—the returned Superman with the imposter Batman, Jean-Paul Valley.  The tension in the interaction between “AzBats” and Superman comes across well in their exchange, as does Superman’s doubts about who he was really speaking to.
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It’s a dreamy looking Superman crossing the country from Metropolis to Coast City, and I daresay that they’re trying to channel Dean Cain a little as he approaches Kansas.
The best panel of the issue though is the two page spread  of all the heroes gathering at the wreckage of Coast City, and there’s so much to love here.  The body language, and facial  expressions speak volumes about each of the characters:  Superman looking swashbuckling and upbeat, Green Lantern brooding like a man barely holding on, Green Arrow all attitude and shadow.  Just a great spread.
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Another cool image is Aquaman showing up late, and emerging very royally in protection of his ocean (undercut masterfully by a legitimately funny couple of lines from Guy Gardner).  Page 14’s Hal Jordan is a great drawing, and this whole storyline seems like a table setter for the "Emerald Twilight" story coming up.
The sequence of a firelit Luthor  at the computer is a good look at his madness, but it does beg the  question of just how little Supergirl seems to take in.  He was JUST talking aloud  about Kryptonite, and she emerges seeming not to hear.  The image of  Supergirl flying Lex away as he struggles against her psychic grab is a  good one, even if her uniform is depicted as a little clingier than I imagine it to really be.
Superman floating above his obelisk with his arm in front of  his face like Dracula is a cool look, even if it is a little dramatic.
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Lastly, the image of Clark turning up the stereo is a good one, even if his hair length is wildly  shorter here than in Coast City (and I usually dislike it when they  mention real world bands, as it comes off trying too hard to be hip).
I  have to love how meta it is to have Superman outright saying that Batman is dressing more “threatening” these days,  on page 2.  I guess he couldn’t come right out and say “you have an  extreme new look, and it’s totally badass! Batman the next generation!”
Last  we saw of Supergirl she was storming out of the party on Lex’s Zeppelin after Lex II was getting all horned up at  the sight of Lois Lane, but it appears here they’ve mostly patched  things up as they fly to Coast City.
More meta-stuff: Jimmy clunkily complimenting Lois on her new hair by saying she “oughta be on TV or something!”.   This whole exchange is very expository, really, “Clark must be pretty mad… though he’s busy worrying about where he’s going to bunk…”  Anything else to get in there, Jimmy?
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The harshness some of the heroes have for Lex Junior seems a little out of place, especially since he’s still known to  most of the heroes as an ally from "Panic in the Sky", and the "Doomsday"  storyline.  Superman’s comment was borderline, but where is all this  anger Flash is showing coming from?
Being  as familiar as we are with these writers, there are certain phrases or ideas that a certain writer will go to way,  way too often.  Byrne had a number of stories where Superman would  “ionize” something with his heat vision, and it occurred to me that  maybe he just liked that word.  I would submit that Dan Jurgens likes the word “atomize”.  It was used by the Cyborg  Superman when talking about Doomsday, and is used a bunch just in this issue.
I find it hilarious that Hawkman appears so prominently in this issue, but doesn’t get any lines.  This issue is an  interesting time capsule—I had almost forgotten about the de-aged  Starheart powered Alan Scott era.
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Speaking of lines, they don’t give Captain Marvel much to do in this issue, but I always like seeing him, even if his only contribution is the odd “Holy Moley!”
Colouring error on page 12, where Hal’s ring has a red centre (maybe the colourist had Alan Scott’s red and green look on the brain?)
A raging Hal standing by Green Arrow is a sad foreshadowing of their confrontation to come in Zero Hour.
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catflowerqueen · 4 years
Hydrotherapy, Now with More Donuts (Supplies Pending)
It was funny, really, how much could change in a year’s time—even when mystical, magical, trauma solving/inducing therapy trains weren’t involved.
           Sure, that first year after leaving the Infinity Train was hectic, full of the general chaos that followed a new life joining the general population of planet Earth. It was only further compounded with the fact that, typically speaking, those new lives didn’t come pre-packaged with twelve to thirteen years of personal history and trauma. Lake’s first year of freedom had been full of various appointments: appointments with school officials trying to gauge her grade level and then sway her into enrolling when they found out just how much she excelled in the STEM areas (she wasn’t quite as good as Tulip and didn’t enjoy it to nearly the same extent, but, hey, it was inevitable that after all those years reflecting her as she studied, Lake would have picked up a thing or two. Including, as a side note, the ability to read texts backwards and upside down, which she thought was actually a way cooler skill). Appointments with various different government officials and agencies to get her an official legal status, identity, and living situation figured out so that she could actually go to school. Appointments with numerous legal teams, all working together to make the previous things possible.
…Seriously, there had been so. Many. Legal teams. It seemed like every little thing had needed its own department to take care of it, and there so many different departments that the variety was almost overwhelming. Why did there even need to be so many? Like, Lake guessed it made sense to separate some things. After all, she remembered the sorts of things she’d overheard Tulip’s parents say when debating whether they needed to look into hiring a divorce attorney or if they should give couples’ counseling one last shot back when their fights had started to get more serious, and she could see how if there weren’t separate departments, then stuff like “inability to make or stick to schedules” and “spending too much time at work instead of with the family” would constantly be set aside in favor of, like, murder trials, which would mean kids like Tulip would be stuck in the limbo of a deteriorating family situation indefinitely… but why did there need to be so many?
 There was even a department for “Tree Law.” It was apparently a very involved and complicated department, even though Lake only knew it existed in the first place because one time when she was complaining about how complicated the legal process was, Jesse told her about the camp he went to the previous summer. It was called “Camp Lawful Laurel,” and was apparently dedicated exclusively to the study of tree law. When she asked him why on earth Jesse would ever go somewhere that sounded so extremely boring, he explained that it was because one of his “friends” from swim team had asked him to. Apparently, the guy’s parents wanted him to do something “educational” over the summer so that he could “improve his CV,” whatever that was, and he figured that the high cost of the camp would be a pretty good way to show off his displeasure at not getting to spend the summer playing video games with his friends instead, and to get some petty revenge on his parents. But he didn’t want to be alone all summer studying with the “boring nerds,” so he’d asked Jesse to sign up, too—mostly because the first three people he’d asked had turned him down. But then the “friend” ultimately decided to go to a way cooler, but equally expensive, camp focusing on marine biology (where they got to hand-feed actual sharks!) and hadn’t bothered to tell Jesse until it was too late and his parents already submitted the non-refundable admissions fee—one that, because of how expensive the camp was, he’d had to help pay for using his own money that he’d been saving up so he could buy a really cool-looking dirt bike. The same dirt bike that he’d taped a picture of on the wall across from his bed, so that it would be the first thing he’d see when he got up in the early, early morning for his dog-walking gig, to remind himself just why he’d consigned himself to the torture that was an early morning wake-up on the weekends, earlier than he even had to get up for school or practice.
 Honestly. If the Infinity Train hadn’t picked him up when it did, Lake had a feeling it would have only been a matter of time before he got forcibly dragged on and then immediately tossed into some sort of “Pillow Car” just so that he could get some adequate sleep for once in his life.
 Anyways, the other appointments she had were with various doctors, mainly to try and address her unique “skin condition” that was previously unknown to the scientific and medical fields, and that had medical professionals even now calling every other day in the hopes of scheduling appointments with her wherein she would be poked and prodded mercilessly as they tried to figure out what, exactly, caused her chrome-like sheen and seemingly metallic feel and weight. It was something which she was no way interested in, and she’d begged off of as soon as she could. Though, to be completely fair to the doctors, it did seem like most of them were simply concerned about the ramifications of her “condition” for her general health and quality of life, rather than for any sort of malicious purpose, or to treat her like some sort of lab experiment. Given the way one of the dermatology specialists had been a little too insistent on brushing off the whole thing as “just a rather extreme allergic reaction to metallic body paint” and asking her whether or not she’d tried to emulate one of those living statue performers you see “on TV prank shows, or when you take a train up to those big cities like Chicago,” putting a special emphasis on the word “train,” she had a pretty strong theory that she wasn’t the first Mirror person that the doctor had seen, and privately wondered why someone like her, who seemed so professional and put together, had ever ended up on the Infinity Train.
 But… Lake guessed that maybe that was kind of the point; that the reason that doctor seemed so put together was because she’d taken a ride on the train. After all, Lake had seen the effect such a trip had on Jesse—how much he’d grown and changed, and how he was taking those lessons seriously. Like, he’d cut his toxic “friends” out of his life so that he could spend more time with her and Nate. He’d told his swim team that he preferred free-style over butterfly, and asked his coach for the chance to see if he could qualify for that, instead. Or if he could at least put him on the roster as a backup free-styler, since school pride was a thing and he did want to give their team the best shot at winning, even if that meant him doing the butterfly. He’d even quit most of the extraneous clubs he’d been a part of, electing to only stay a member of the swim team, the tutoring club (mostly because he actually got paid for his tutoring sessions, and he’d started saving up for that dirt bike again—in addition to the tutoring looking good on whatever this CV thing was that Lake kept hearing about), the wildlife photography club, and the “Eraser Kids” club.
 Though, honestly, that last club had kind of disbanded as an actual “club,” per say, after the president—who was only really in charge by virtue of being the oldest of the four kids total comprising the club (including Jesse and the semi-reluctant Lake)—finally admitted that he and the other non-Jesse or Lake member hadn’t formed the club because they had any real interest in eraser shavings, but because they’d been friends with Jesse since they were toddlers, and had noticed over the years as he’d gotten busier and busier, and they’d thought that the only real way they would be able to effectively guarantee spending time with him these days was to create an actual club with a defined schedule and meeting time that Jesse would be able to adhere to and plan around. After seeing Jesse quit all those other clubs, and hearing him cite his disinterest in their contents as the main reason why he quit them, they’d felt guilty about their ruse and come clean. After some apologizing all around, the three of them became even closer—and the other two kids welcomed Lake into their fold easily. They turned out to be pretty cool to hang out with, even though they still brough up eraser shavings from time to time as an inside joke.
 Of course, the other main reason that Jesse opted to quit all those extra clubs was that he had a new time commitment, one he actually shared with Lake: they both had regularly scheduled appointments with therapists—actual, licensed professional ones who did not also double as types of transportation. She and Jesse had each met with their own therapists bi-weekly at the start, but Jesse’s had tapered off to bi-monthly after about half a year, and her own had switched to once a week by her tenth month of freedom.
 It still surprised her sometimes that it was actually the therapy thing, more than anything else, which was the catalyst for all those other appointments. Lake hated Mace, and she would always hate Mace, but even despite the fact that he, and Sieve, tried so hard to kill her, she thought what she hated the most about him is how perfectly Mace laid out all her thoughts and insecurities about trying to live a life off the train back when Alan Dracula was protecting them all with his horns back in the Wasteland. After all, the high of freedom and adrenaline she’d been riding after giving herself an actual name and meeting Nate wore off pretty quickly when Mr. and Mrs. Cosay arrived at the lakeshore, looking a bit frantic. They’d been worried that Nate, too, had run off somewhere when they’d returned to the house from searching for Jesse—a search which had started anew after Nate swore he’d seen him finally return, only for Jesse to never come back inside (having been picked up by that blasted train yet again)—only to find that their younger son was now also missing. But their worries had given way to elated tears once they reached the trio of children and found both sons safe and relatively sound, immediately enveloping them in hugs and scolding Jesse to “never, ever, ever do something like that again, young man!”
 Lake had taken a few steps back, suddenly feeling extremely nervous and out of place, Mace’s horrible words echoing in her head, and she’d frozen up in fear when Mr. Cosay finally glanced up from his son momentarily and caught sight of her. She froze up when he abruptly let go of his son and headed toward her, determination clear on his tear-stained face, and for a moment she was terrified he was going to attack her, or blame her for his eldest being gone for so long. It was, after all, basically her fault that he got called bac to the Infinity Train. But he didn’t do anything of the sort; instead he embraced her in a hug of her own, whispering his gratitude that she’d helped looked after Jesse while he was on the train—apparently, Nate had shared the stories Jesse told him about her in the brief period he’d returned home the first time. And if they hadn’t entirely believed him before, then actually seeing a person who seemed to be entirely made of metal and could corroborate his and Jesse’s stories was some pretty convincing evidence.
 The thing about believing his stories about the train with the infinite number of cars that acted like something between a therapy tool and a horror show was that, well, it meant that they also had to believe that someone—something—had thought their son needed therapy. That there was something—maybe a lot of somethings—about their son’s life and mental health that they had missed. Something that they weren’t able to help him with—or, at least, that Jesse hadn’t thought they would be able to help him with, since he’d never shared anything like that with them—and that the only person/thing that had noticed and offered any sort of help had likely created even more problems for him. Or, well, no, there was no “likely” about it; The Infinity Train, despite its best intentions, had definitely created more problems for him, given that he’d actually reboarded it in the first place. That wasn’t even mentioning the fact that a lot of those new problems, in turn, were created as a response to someone else whose problems were very much tied to the way the train was supposed to run to begin with.
 The Cosay family decided pretty much immediately that everyone involved needed some actual therapy to work through everything—and that Lake was included in that “everyone.” Of course, in order for Lake to get therapy, she would need to have an actual, legal identity, as well as a place to live, and things just spiraled from there as appointments were made to make other appointments so that Lake could actually have the life on Earth that she so desperately craved, and everyone could try and heal from the trauma.
 It actually ended up being harder to find a good therapist than anything else. For all that Jesse’s parents believed him and Lake about the Infinity Train, it was understandably a bit harder to find a professional who would be able to listen to it all without assuming that the whole thing was just some sort of hallucination or delusion, especially when they were all a bit wary of revealing Lake’s origins or letting any of the doctors she’d needed to go to in order to get all her paperwork straightened out delve too deeply into her physiology or how it worked—especially after that one dermatologist who obviously knew what she was pretty much told them that it would be better to stay quiet about the whole thing due to just how insistent she was about her “paint allergy theory.” But that encounter had also made them realize they weren’t alone in this endeavor: People got on and off the Infinity Train all the time.
 Jesse had. The dermatologist had. Even that one lunch lady Lake briefly saw (and who actually did turn out to be Mrs. Graham—and hadn’t that been an awkward lunch encounter. At least she hadn’t forced Lake or Jesse eat any celery) had. And since the point of the train was to help people heal and resolve their traumas, that meant that even those who gained new traumas on board would still be in a better place mentally afterwards and could go on to heal and lead productive lives in the normal, Earth way, right? So that just meant Lake and the Cosays had to figure out how they did it. And while they hadn’t had the chance to ask the dermatologist, and Mrs. Graham hadn’t even been an option until they’d already figured some things out, there was one other possibility available to them.
 At first Lake was a little reluctant to contact Tulip, but… well, she knew Tulip would help her out. She had before, after all, even after Lake had tried to trap her in the Mirror World forever. Tulip had wanted her to be happy, to have a better life. She’d even apologized that the first car Lake had gotten to see after fleeing the Chrome Car was a boring one! (Which in retrospect, and after coming down from the initial rush of freedom, she could totally agree with. Banks were pretty boring, especially ones run by pencils who didn’t have mouths and, therefore, didn’t offer free lollipops because they had no use for them. She still kept that pen-chain, though, as a memento. …Also, because she was right that it would look totally awsome painted black and used as a bracelet—which, honestly, had been her first thought when she’d swiped it from the pencil people. It hadn’t even occurred to her the danger it possessed as a reflective object until she’d gotten off the train and caught Jesse trying to use one to make awkward small talk with his own reflection one day when the entire family was sitting in yet another boring law office, waiting for yet another lawyer to come and decide her fate. She’d never been more thankful for her awesome fashion sense than in that moment.) But more than that… she knew Tulip could actually help her and Jesse out in terms of finding a good therapist.
 Mr. And Mrs. Olsen… they were good parents. They weren’t the best parents, and there were definitely things they needed to work harder on, but… they did the best they could. Even with the whole divorce thing, and how badly it was handled in the lead-up, everything they did was an effort to protect Tulip and ensure she would be okay. Tulip didn’t know this—or at least, she hadn’t before running away—but those arguments Lake had overheard as she reflected Tulip’s sleeping form from the blank screen of the turned-off television, the ones the Olsen parents had about whether they should try again for couples’ counseling or go straight for the divorce attorneys? They happened because they didn’t know if it would be better for Tulip in the long run to have both of her parents living together, even as they struggled and needed help to get along, or whether it would be best for them to just have a relatively clean break so that Tulip didn’t have to deal with any more fights in the house. That was why they’d actually been able to make a compromise, for once, and agreed to try a period of separation first; it would keep the fights out of the house and away from Tulip while they tried to work things out in a calmer manner, and if they did, ultimately, end up divorcing—which they had—then it would hopefully help Tulip ease into the idea. Which… it hadn’t, really, but that wasn’t all on them.
 They’d tried to help their daughter, to engage with her. To get her interested in a life outside her room. They’d noticed her grades dropping and correctly guessed that it was because she was upset by the recent changes in her life. That’s why they’d come up with the contract, and the promise to send her to Game Design Camp if she brought her grades up. And, yeah, that had fallen through in a spectacular manner, but… they were only human. They were trying their hardest. And Lake knew that they would try just as hard for their daughter once she finally got off the train.
 Which meant that they would have tried to find an actual, licensed therapist for her—especially since they’d already been debating on finding her one after camp ended if she still didn’t seem to be adjusting well. Given what ended up happening, there was no way they didn’t follow through on those plans. Even if Tulip was feeling better and more adjusted now about the divorce, there was no way the train didn’t leave any sort of negative experiences or memories on her, like it did on Jesse. Or on Lake. Or, heck, even on Nate, and he’d never even boarded the thing! And given that Tulip, like Jesse and Lake, had the same sort of concrete evidence of her story being real (the exact same evidence, actually, if in reverse—that being Lake’s existence on Earth and non-existence in the Olsen family mirrors, respectively), they would have shown the exact same concern that the Cosay family had in trying to find a good therapist who wouldn’t immediately claim that the whole thing was just a hallucination.
 After coming to that realization, all (most) of Lake’s fears fell away, and it was pretty easy to contact Tulip for help. She knew all the passwords and usernames for Tulip’s social media accounts, after all, so it was a simple matter of sending her an email from her own address, and then giving her a brief update of what had happened after they separated, where Lake currently was (and that she’d named herself Lake), and then asking Tulip to either send an email to the account Jesse helped Lake set up, or to call Jesse’s phone.
 The ensuing conversations were enlightening. Lake didn’t really feel like telling Tulip everything that had gone on—mostly because she still wasn’t quite sure where exactly she stood with Tulip, like, if she actually wanted to try being her friend and let Tulip get to know her the way Lake already knew Tulip—but Tulip seemed elated that she’d made it off the train. Though, how much of that elation was just the general “I’m glad you’re getting to live your own life now” kind versus “I’m glad that you, specifically, who is a denizen, managed to get off that hell-train” kind was unclear—mostly because Lake wasn’t entirely sure whether Tulip even knew about the restrictions denizens had in regards to the doors. Though, honestly, she probably didn’t—if Lake herself hadn’t known, despite technically being a denizen, then there’s no way Tulip could have. In any case, the elation was good because it meant that Tulip was, indeed, willing to help out in any way she could—which turned out to be a lot.
 Lake’s predictions about the Olsen parents had been spot-on. After Tulip got back and they’d been able to assure themselves of her physical well-being, they swiftly dedicated themselves to trying to ensure her mental well-being. They’d already done loads of research on good child psychologists for the divorce stuff, and they quickly set to work on weeding down the list even more in light of Tulip’s new issues—in addition to doing further research into some doctors they’d skipped over before, now that the whole divorce thing was the least of Tulip’s problems.
 Though, surprisingly, this still involved them trying to contact Megan’s divorce attorney. Apparently, he’d given her a list of good child psychologists to try out when Tulip had first come up during one of their appointments as they were figuring out the issue of custody. They thought that if they contacted him again, then maybe he would be able to help them find one who specialized in runaways, and how they could more easily integrate back into society when they returned home (because even though Tulip hadn’t meant to be gone for so long, that was still five months of life on Earth that she had to catch up with—including a lot of missed school). But, apparently, he’d never answered their emails. When they tried calling instead, his secretary informed them that he’d announced he was going on a sabbatical or something right around the time they’d sent their first email. She hadn’t heard from him since, so he probably hadn’t even seen them in the first place. But she’d had a few suggestions of her own, so it wasn’t a total loss.
 Tulip told her that there had been one option that really caught her parents’ attention, some sort of boarding school called “Eleanor West’s Home for Wayward Children.” It was apparently really good for runaway situations since it was small and offered daily therapy sessions along with schoolwork. They’d thought it might be easier for Tulip to go there, at least through the summer, so that she would be able to catch up with all the schoolwork she missed without worrying about being held back a grade—thus losing even more of a connection with her friends, such as Mikayla. Ultimately, though, they all decided it would be better to look somewhere else. Eleanor West’s school was in a completely different state, for one thing, even farther away than Oshkosh was, and Tulip and her parents were reluctant for her to be that far away when she’d already been gone for so long. Her parents also didn’t like the fact that Tulip wouldn’t be allowed to actually see the school until after she was already enrolled—the proprietor didn’t allow her to sit in on the initial meeting, and she didn’t even let her parents take a real tour of the school. Ms. West claimed it was for the students’ privacy, but how would Tulip know if she would like it there if she didn’t get to see it for herself, or to at least hear some firsthand testimonies from current students? So, they ended up going with just enrolling her in a summer school program and getting her a normal therapist closer to home.
 Well. Normal aside from the fact that said therapist had apparently also boarded the train at some point during their childhood, and then channeled their experience into becoming a child psychologist in the hopes of being able to help other children so that they would never even need the train in the first place. But they were just as good at helping former passengers, too, as Tulip apparently wasn’t the first former passenger to find themselves in that doctor’s care.
 Given that a lot of Jesse’s issues had stemmed from peer pressure, he and his parents thought that maybe Ms. West’s school would be a good place for him to start over, to learn how to make new friends of Lake’s caliber and to get him away from the toxic influences of his current “friends.” The distance, as in the case of the Olsen family, was a bit daunting, but the thought of a new start did appeal to Jesse, so they all took a trip to go check it out. (And, as Jesse later admitted to her privately, he and his parents also thought it might be better for Lake, too, since the population of Ms. West’s school was a lot smaller than the local high school. That meant that Lake could get a tiny taste of the normalcy and stability of life on Earth and being surrounded by humans all day before being thrown in the deep end. “After all, both of us know how bad you are at swimming,” Jesse had told her, a mischievous grin on his face that fell to a slight wince as he tried to playfully jostle her shoulder and forgot, yet again, that she was made of metal and wasn’t easily pushed around.) The whole family went on that particular scouting trip, because even if Lake and Jesse wouldn’t be allowed to sit in on the interview, there was no way the Cosays were going to leave them and Nate home alone for so long. The kids could just hang out in the nearby town for a while and meet up with the adults when they were done with the appointment.
 But, just like Tulip, she and Jesse ended up not going there after all—mainly because Ms. West had caught sight of the kids as she was seeing the older Cosays to the entrance after their meeting, and then seemed a bit too interested in Lake, and had become very insistent, borderline demanding, that she and Jesse enroll in her school. Seriously. It was like some sort of switch had been flipped in her personality. And the lady’s never wavering stare after the initial shock of seeing Lake was both rude, and a little creepy.
 They ended up emailing Tulip again and asking her to see if her therapist had any therapist friends in Arizona with similar experiences. There actually ended up being quite a few to choose from, and Lake was enrolled in Jesse’s school to start attending the next fall.
 So, that was Lake’s first year of freedom—a whirlwind of appointments to figure out her legal identity to go along with the personal one she was still carving out for herself—one which let her leave her past on the train behind so that she could actually live.
 Except… as the next year would show, things weren’t that simple.
 Sure, there were no actual trains involved—be they either magical or mundane—but, as her therapist had warned her during her first session, the train would always be a part of her. She could move on from her experiences, sure, and the passage of time would inevitably dull some of the memories, but it would never fully leave her. Not entirely.
 At first, she was furious about it—after spending so much time trying to get off the train, almost dying due to the flecks and the train’s own unfair coding, after finally, finally getting out and starting to establish her own identity… only to find out that it could never truly be her own, free from the taint of the Infinity Train? To say she took it badly would be a gross understatement. But… well, a lot can change in a year.
 The therapy helped. Like, a lot.
 One of the big things that she and her therapist worked on was how to deal with her emotions and problems in a healthier and more constructive way than she had been up until that point. There had been more than one destructive outburst from Lake during that first year. It would have been one thing if they had just happened after particularly long appointments with the various lawyers trying to determine her fate on where she would stay, or how to get her an actual identity. It wouldn’t have been great by any means, since it was embarrassing to lose her cool like that in front of Jesse—and especially in front of Nate—but it would have been understandable. Thing is, though, she would sometimes have those outbursts after smaller, inconsequential things—like the adult Cosays making her and Jesse turn off the TV by nine o’clock every night, or the teachers not letting her sit in the seats closest to the windows without giving her any reasonable explanations as to why. Or at least… not any explanations that she thought were reasonable. Which, in itself, was actually quite telling about what the core of her issues were. At least, that’s what her therapist thought—and after a few days of stewing in her room after that particular session, she reluctantly conceded the point.
 Due to her experiences as a reflection, and especially with what happened with the flecks on the Train, Lake had a lot of problems trusting others. It was pretty easy for her to understand why she had so many problems with authority: The flecks had left a pretty big impression on her, and given their whole “conform or die” deal, she got why that would extend to teachers, or even the older Cosays. She couldn’t feel safe trusting them because doing so made her feel like she was losing control of her life, even though the reality was that everything they were doing so far was in an attempt to actually give her a life. This was pretty much literal in the case of the attorneys—if she didn’t have documents, an ID, proof of citizenship, etc., then she could have problems with the prime world’s equivalent to flecks (not to mention that she wouldn’t be able to get a job or buy a house or anything when she was older if she didn’t have a paper trail to back things up—she’d spent a lot of time in that bank car, after all, and even though things were slightly different for sentient pencils than they were for humans, she knew enough that stuff like that was expensive, and she wouldn’t be able to take out loans or anything if she didn’t actually have a legal identity). But even for the smaller things… the curfew was in place so that she and Jesse wouldn’t be tired in the mornings, and could actually be functional during the day and get enough sleep to stay healthy. And the thing with the windows was… well, okay, technically that one had been mostly for the other students’ benefit—it turns out that the way many of the classrooms were positioned made it so that they got tons of natural light, and apparently the glare caused by the sun reflecting off of her shiny, metallic body was inadvertently blinding the classmates who sat closest to her and making it hard for them to concentrate on their own work. …In addition to maybe causing some deterioration and problems with their eyes themselves, especially later on in life.
 But revealing that particular incident to her therapist was actually pretty revealing in itself, as it turned out that a lot of her issues weren’t just with authority, and how to manage those necessary relationships in healthy ways, but also somewhat with the concept of empathy itself. Or, maybe not so much “empathy” as “the understanding of the consequences your actions can have on others before you act.” There had been, after all, a lot of things she’d done on the train that she now deeply regretted… but the most important thing that Lake could do—at least, according to her therapist—was to work through those regrets, to analyze and understand them so that she could move on and do better.
 As her therapist had said during their first ever session—and then repeated during that first session a month or so in when Lake really started to get into the hard stuff that she usually tried to keep hidden from everyone—she wasn’t there to judge the morality of Lake’s actions. Not only were there species and cultural differences between the two of them that the therapist would never be able to understand, but much of what Lake had done on the Infinity Train was out of a sense of self-preservation. If she hadn’t acted how she did, she likely would have been killed. And at the time, she wasn’t really in a place where she could have stopped to list the pros and cons of each action, or consider the consequences—and with her upbringing, she didn’t really have the experiences she needed to do so, anyways. After all, before Tulip had helped her escape the Chrome Car, the only people she’d had to worry about affecting were herself and Tulip—and even then, Lake only really had to think about Tulip in terms of making sure she herself knew enough about what was happening with her prime’s life to make sure she was an accurate reflection for her own safety, rather than Tulip’s. Not to mention the fact that Lake was still a teenager, and teenagers weren’t really known for their capabilities to act like completely rational beings. But at the same time… when she’d actually gotten to meet Tulip face-to-face, she hadn’t cared one bit about the fact that her leaving meant that Tulip would be trapped—even as she’d admitted to Tulip how boring it was to be stuck on the reflections’ side of the mirror.
 Yeah, she’d done all that because she wanted to live her own life. But by doing things in the manner she had, she’d actually put herself in far more danger than she probably would have been otherwise. After all, Tulip had been extremely sympathetic once they’d gotten the chance to actually sit down and talk to each other. Even after admitting to Tulip’s face that she wanted to trap her in the Mirror world forever, Tulip had still helped her—and, in fact, was still helping her even now! So maybe if she’d actually stopped to talk to her about her desires after switching sides and opening the door, rather than just immediately running away, the two could have worked out her solution with the multi-tool way earlier, and in a more peaceful manner. Like—sure, the mirror person assigned to One-One might still have called the flecks on her eventually, given that he was even more of a stickler for the rules than his prime was… but it probably would have given Lake a head start, and it may have even made Mace and Sieve be less intent on outright killing her (although she kind of doubted that last part).
 Beyond that… there was also the lizard girl to consider. She was completely innocent in everything going on in Lake’s life, but Lake hadn’t stopped to think for even a moment about the girl’s own struggles, or why her pet’s death would have been enough to get her picked up by the Infinity Train beyond that self-admittedly insincere apology as Lake tried to steal her number. If she’d succeeded… what would have happened to the girl? Would she have been able to get a new number? Or would Lake’s actions have trapped her on the train for the rest of her life? If Lake had stopped to think about it, then maybe she could have tried dipping into the coding skills she’d learned along with Tulip to try and program the machine to give her a number of her own without having to get anyone else involved. Or she could have tried to use the porters to send a message to One-One or someone to try and get help in a calmer manner.
 Sure, One-One hadn’t really been the most helpful when he’d actually shown up, but… in retrospect, it didn’t seem like it was because he didn’t want her to be able to live her own life. He had, after all, been instrumental in helping her escape the Chrome Car. It was more like he just didn’t understand why she wouldn’t be happy to keep living as a denizen and help other passengers while she lived her own life, the way that he and Atticus had done while helping Tulip. Or like how she’d realized that Alan Dracula was doing, and how he wouldn’t be happy the way she was now if the two of them had actually made it off the Infinity Train with Jesse that first time. After all, One-One himself had seemed a lot happier to be in his rightful place as conductor, watching over passengers and trying to help them get home. And from what she’d gathered about the process of making train cars, each one of them was tailor-made down to the smallest detail—including which denizens would be able to fit into that world and find it a comfortable place to live. But even then, One-One didn’t seem to care that denizens could and did move between cars—just look at Terrance, and all the places Randall and The Cat had gone!
 If Lake had just taken the time to talk to him peacefully… well, she still might not have been able to get a legitimate number without resorting to that loophole with Jesse, considering that One-One was still very much bound in some ways to his programming. In hindsight, that paradoxical loop he’d gotten caught in when Jesse returned to the train was very reminiscent of the scene from that one game Tulip liked with the other British-sounding, spherical robot and the infamous lemon rant. The one where the protagonist—on the advice of another robot who had been the villain for the first third of game, but who had to team up with the protagonist in order to defeat the game’s ultimate villain—tried to use logical paradoxes to defeat said British-sounding, spherical robot, and the only reason it didn’t work was because he was too dumb to actually understand them. Or, maybe a better example would be some of those stories she and Jesse had to read for English class last semester—the ones by that Asimov guy who wrote about robots. Specifically, that one story of his called “Liar!” Anyways, the point was that One-One’s issues weren’t anything personal—even as much as it hurt to admit it. And getting back to the original topic… if she had been able to talk things through with him more peacefully from the start, maybe he wouldn’t have started freaking out so much when Jesse came back.
 And… even before One-One or the lizard girl… there was something else she’d done that was probably far worse, whose consequences she definitely could have mitigated had she thought things through: hijacking that one old dude’s escape pod. If she’d taken a moment to just think, then maybe he wouldn’t have been stranded out there on top of the train, without having the benefit of One-One’s videos to know what was going on or how to get home… or even the (relative) safety of waking up on the inside of the train. She had no idea what happened to him; if he’d eventually managed to get inside the train, or if he’d fallen off the top—or been eaten by one of those weird bug creatures that lived outside—and she hadn’t even tried that hard to stop him from fleeing after she pulled him out. Yeah, she’d instinctively reached for him, but… she could have, like, called out or something. Or just… not hijacked in the first place. Not the way she did.
 She could have made a smaller hole in the pod and then asked Alan Dracula to help strap her down as it reversed and went back to maintenance with the guy still safely inside. Or she could have even just ridden the pod with him to his intended car and then slipped inside for its return trip after the orientation video finished and he left the area. There were so many better things she could have done, and there was no way for her to apologize for any of it—either to him personally or to any family he might have left behind—since she didn’t know his name, or where on Earth he came from. But… that was just something she was going to have to learn to live with, and it was part of why she needed the therapy in the first place: Both so she could move on for herself, and so that she could learn to be better so that nothing like that would happen again.
 To help facilitate this, her therapist suggested that she write out apology letters. Even if she never sent any of them out—and, really, the only one she actually could send would be to Tulip or to one of the Cosays—it might help her to work through some of her feelings, and maybe help her consider things that she hadn’t thought of before in regards to the Infinity Train. Putting herself in someone else’s shoes like that could help a lot—like how going into Jesse’s memories helped her to understand him a little more, despite how unconventional and, frankly, invasive that process was in hindsight.
 In any case, the letters did seem to help. Writing to people she’d met on the train, apologizing for the things she’d done that may have hurt them… it helped to take some of the weight of guilt off of her shoulders. Mainly because a lot of the time after writing and re-reading the letters, she could see how absurd some of her adventures had been, and how absurd some of her feelings of guilt were. Like… recently she’d written an apology note to the carrot people whose dance she’d refused to join. She knew it was probably a silly thing to feel sorry about, but, at the time of writing, she’d been in kind of an emotional slump, second-guessing everything she did on the train and trying to figure out what, if anything, she could have done better as she’d travelled through the train, both on her own and with Jesse.
 But after writing the letter, she realized that, yeah, it really was kind of a silly thing to be sorry about. After all, she hadn’t been rude to them or anything in her refusal—she just hadn’t wanted to dance at the time. And it wasn’t even because of her memories of having to copy Tulip’s dancing, either, during that year where her parents had made her take that dumb ballet class in an attempt to help her with her “clumsiness” before they realized the issue was that she needed glasses. She hadn’t even been thinking of Tulip at that point. Instead, she’d been thinking about how pretty the sky in that car was, and how nice it was to hear the dance music in the background as she explored, and how she didn’t want to spoil the atmosphere by being too close to the source of the beautiful music. That’s why she’d even offered the carrot-person who’d invited her inside a little smile as she’d waved him off. She really had been thankful for the offer, after all, even though she ultimately didn’t accept it. And that was okay.
 It had been a bright little moment of calmness on the train. A moment where she’d been happy, and worry-free. And the more she thought back on that moment, and found more moments like that as she continued to write her letters, the easier it got for her to feel more at peace with her situation, and her complicated relationship with the Infinity Train. She still didn’t like it, the way that it just plucked people out of their lives and put them in danger when their problems could just as easily—and far more safely—be solved by seeking help on Earth… but she didn’t really hate it anymore, either. Ultimately, the train was just trying to help. It just… had a very weird way of showing it. But sometimes, maybe that’s what people really needed. If they didn’t have the courage, the ability, or the knowledge to seek out help themselves… then it made sense for someone else to try and step in. That carrot person and Alan Dracula had done it for her, and then he and Lake had helped Jesse—and he’d helped the two of them, too. And there were plenty of other denizens who’d helped along the way, or who’d at least been kind or funny even if they didn’t really help directly.
 Like… Lake could remember this one mirror person she’d actually really liked, when she was little. The mirror person was part of the paramedics, or something, and she’d been really comforting and helpful after that one incident where the reflection of Tulip’s grandfather tried to kidnap her. It had been really weird, and really scary. Apparently, Lake’s last prime before Tulip had been the girl’s grandmother, and, because of how much time they’d had to spend together with all the reflective surfaces in their primes’ house, and how long the two primes had been married she’d had a really close relationship with that other mirror person. Supposedly, at least.
 The grandfather’s reflection hadn’t taken it well at all when Lake’s former prime died and she’d opted for reassignment rather than becoming a fleck or paramedic. Thing is, though, since mirror people often got reassigned to the same general prime families—something about it being easier for them to reflect their primes, since similar mannerisms and body language tended to run in prime families, and, since not everything could be completely reset upon reassignment, the muscle-memory stuff made it easier when their new primes started to find reflective surfaces independently since both prime and reflection would still be kind of uncoordinated in that little kid way.
 Anyways, since her old prime died while Tulip’s mom was pregnant with her—like, only a few days before Tulip’s birthday, actually—it was pretty clear to everyone (even Lake’s own former self, apparently) that Tulip was going to be her reassignment, so the guy had basically just had to bide his time until his prime inevitably got the chance to hold his new granddaughter at the next family reunion. And the second that Lake was in his arms, reflecting Tulip’s own position, and his prime walked away from the mirror he was standing in front of… his reflection tried to take off with her.
 Thankfully he didn’t get very far, since apparently there was another reflective surface nearby where more of Tulip’s family was standing, and one of the primes happened to be facing away from it at such an angle that the mirror person assigned to them could grab her and keep her safe without endangering themselves by breaking character, since the whole place was busy enough that none of the primes realized that someone was being reflected when they shouldn’t have been. But the guy who’d grabbed her managed to escape into the crowd, so one of the flecks got the delightful job of standing in as Tulip’s grandfather’s reflection until they either caught him or an emergency reassignment could take place. As for Lake, she was put into protective custody for a little bit and had her own stand-in until they either figured things out or his prime was far enough away that he wouldn’t be near Tulip in any reflective surfaces, which would have necessitated the two of them to be in close enough proximity that he could have tried again.
 Lake had been really scared, since, well, she’d been a little kid herself, and hadn’t really known what was going on. But the paramedic had stayed with her, and made sure she was all right, and answered her questions about what was going on, and why her prime’s grandfather’s reflection had tried to take her. She’d talked about things like love and loss, and how some mirror people took it hard when the primes of their friends died and their reflections got reassigned elsewhere, forgetting them entirely. Or how even if they opted to become a fleck or paramedic and didn’t lose their memories, the relationship still wasn’t the same since they had even less time to hang out together, since they couldn’t even have those purely physical moments of hanging out together in reflections anymore—which was actually why a lot of flecks and paramedics quit and got reassigned after only a few years of service.
 She was also the one who told Lake exactly what happened to the mirror person who’d tried to kidnap her when it was finally safe for her to return to reflecting Tulip—the guy had been caught and sanded. Thinking back on it… that entire incident was probably a major part of why Lake tried to escape when Tulip made it to the Chrome car. The thought of forgetting everyone she loved, and then getting in trouble—getting killed—just because she wanted to see them again (though, granted, that dude had gone about it entirely in the wrong way—and it actually made Lake wonder if the two of them actually had been as close as he’d claimed, or whether she’d chosen to get reassigned specifically to get away from him, like those cases on TV where people went into witness protection or got new identities so they could get away from their abusive exes or whatever)… being stuck only looking at friends from afar because they couldn’t join her in reflections anymore… having to choose between that pain and an entirely new life on the chance that your prime did something stupid and got themselves killed… it really made her question the whole set up.
 …There was also the fact that she never saw that paramedic again. Not just because she hadn’t actually needed to see one—that would have been one thing, and she probably wouldn’t have been so bothered if it was just that. But… part of that paramedic’s explanation of her kidnapper’s probable motives had included the fact that she could empathize with him a bit. Apparently, she’d already planned on retiring and getting a reassignment before the whole kidnapping attempt, for the exact reason that she could no longer stand seeing her friends being in pain and missing her without her being able to do much to comfort them after her own prime’s passing. She was just waiting on the news that someone from her old prime’s family had gotten pregnant, or that one of their partners had gotten pregnant, so that she could get reassigned as the eventual baby’s reflection. And since it had been years since that incident, it had probably happened by now.
 Anyways—the original point was that through writing letters and having therapy sessions, Lake had slowly come around to acknowledging that not all of her experiences on the train were bad ones, and that she didn’t have to deny them, or the people she’d met, in order to be her own person. Which was a big change from last year.
 And, as has been stated before, but cannot be stated enough… A lot can change in a year.
 But what hadn’t changed much in a year, or in the previous year, for that matter, was how much Lake loved relaxing by the lake that was her namesake.
 That’s actually what she was doing right now—relaxing by the lake as she waited for Jesse to come back from swim practice. Normally he didn’t have them on Sundays, but there was a big competition coming up and his coach wanted the team to be as prepared as they could, since they were facing their biggest rivals. Typically, she would spend times like those hanging out with Nate or playing videogames or something (or catching up on the homework she’d procrastinated on), but today Nate had invited a friend over and they’d decided to monopolize the gaming systems. She’d spent a little time watching them, but then they’d decided to break out the really old PC games and had started playing Shrine Circus Tycoon—reminding Lake of the Lucky Cat Car, and a few other apology letters she probably needed to write.
 Like her most recent one, addressed to Randall.
 Randall had always been… interesting to encounter on the train. He was always really friendly and amicable, but he had some really, really weird priorities. On the one hand, it made it really easy to get his help with things, so long as you could navigate the conversation properly. On the other… because of how fixated he could get on certain things (mainly donut holers, despite seemingly not knowing what donuts actually were beyond their relative shape), it made talking to him and getting things done extremely difficult when you were in a hurry and just wanted some straightforward help. That’s honestly why Lake had gotten so frustrated with him in the Lucky Cat Car. She’d been annoyed about the whole “rigging the game in favor of passengers” thing, sure, but it was the way he’d immediately blown past the unfairness of the situation in favor of his donut holer fixation that made Lake lose her cool and storm off.
 Randall hadn’t deserved her frustration: he was just doing his job as both a denizen and employee of The Cat. And considering some of The Cat’s rules, and the fact that her car had a debtor’s prison on board, there were some pretty major incentives for Randall to stick to the rules The Cat set forth. Also… well, Randall had sort of bent the rules for them already—the fact that he’d whispered when telling them that the games were rigged in Jesse’s favor more than likely meant he wasn’t supposed to be sharing that information, and considering that’s actually what led to Lake and Jesse starting to outright cheat at the games, he probably was more at risk for any other creative punishments The Cat might have thought of if she’d ever caught wind of what they were doing and where they’d gotten their information. Beyond that… well, it had finally gotten through Lake’s head that it wasn’t that the Infinity Train itself had anything against Lake personally; its very design meant that a lot of denizens were perfectly happy being denizens, and helping out passengers, and might not even be able to conceive of doing anything else—like she’d already realized about Alan Dracula and One-One.
 So, yeah, even if she would never be able to apologize to him directly (and, privately, wasn’t entirely sure that Randall would necessarily understand that said apology was for her brief outburst and not, say, because she decided not to buy a donut holer from him), she still figured that she owed him one anyways. Besides—it was good to reminisce about some of the better people and denizens she’d met on the train at times.
 And speaking of people she’d met on the train…
 “Hey, Lake!” she heard call behind her, making her immediately flip onto her back from where she’d been sitting sprawled chest-down, check pressed against her arm and fiddling with a pencil as she tried to think of exactly what to say that could actually keep the aquatic denizen on-topic. She sat up, and, just as she’d thought she would, spied Jesse waving an arm at her as he jogged over.
 “Jesse!” she called, lazily waving back. “Is practice finally over?”
 “Yeah, we got out a little bit earlier than I thought we would,” he said as he flopped down beside her. “I wanted to surprise you at the house, but Nate and his friend said you’d come out here, so…”
 Lake made a sound of assent, turning back to stare out over her namesake.
 “Were you writing apology letters again?” Jesse asked, after a minute or so of staring at the beautiful view afforded by the waters.
 She gave a sheepish grin in response. “Yeah… did the stack of papers give it away?”
 “Well, I mean… more the crumpled-up balls of it, but…” her friend said cheekily, making her shove him in response.
 He winced a bit—though, honestly, he was being a baby about it since she hadn’t even pushed him all that hard—but he was still smiling a little when he asked “Who is it for this time?”
 “Randall,” Lake admitted, looking back over the lake as it rippled just the slightest bit—which was a little odd, considering the lack of breeze. But, then again, there may well have been a slight one that she just couldn’t feel all that well. While her metallic body didn’t mean she lacked a sense of touch, exactly, it did mean it was a bit dulled in comparison to normal human skin.
 “Oh, Randall!” Jesse exclaimed, oblivious to Lake’s musings about the weather. “He was pretty cool!”
 “You think every denizen was cool.”
 “Not all of them!” Jesse protested. “Like… I don’t think Perry was cool!”
 “Yeah, but you totally did for most of the time we spent with him—not to mention you still rave about his trick and loophole about the hands every few days!”
 Jesse blushed. “Well it was a pretty cool loophole… except for the fact Alan Dracula didn’t like it…” he muttered, twiddling his forefingers a bit. Then he cleared his throat. “Anyways… Randall was really cool. Like, he was always down to hang out and take pictures, and he didn’t mind me accidentally falling into him, like, three times, and he always knew exactly what he wanted in life, y’ know?”
 “Yeah, I know,” Lake admitted. “That’s… kind of why I’m writing him this apology letter, actually. It’s just so hard to get into his headspace sometimes!”
 “I know what you mean,” Jesse said, turning to stare over the water. “But, I think it’s okay if you can’t? He seemed pretty nonjudgmental, overall. And, like I said—the falling into him multiple times thing? He was totally cool about it. So, he’d probably understand if your letter wasn’t perfect.”
 “I guess,” Lake sighed, even as she briefly glanced over her recent attempt and then crumpled it up to add to the growing pile of rejects.
 There was silence for a while, as both friends tried to think of what to say—Lake on her paper and Jesse aloud—before Jesse coughed into his hand.
 “Maybe trying to say your apology out loud would help?” Jesse suggested awkwardly. “Like… doing that rubber duck thing that you told me Tulip used to do with that ferret-guy on her book covers?”
 Lake raised a brow, and Jesse glanced at her and started rubbing the back of his neck as if to forestall the embarrassed blush that had started to rise there. “It’s just… Sometimes, I like to come out here and imagine that those dark spots in the water are Randall’s eyes. It helps me to practice talking to people and asserting myself since I kind of, uh, don’t really feel comfortable doing that in front of a mirror anymore.”
 Lake didn’t know how to respond to that—with a joke, or sympathy, or a brush off—but before she had the chance to decide, she nearly fainted from shock when she heard a familiar voice say,          “Oh, well you should have mentioned that’s what’s you were trying to do!”
 It took a few moments of stunned silence before their bodies caught up with their brains enough to truly understand the ramifications behind that voice sounding as familiar as it did, and when that finally happened the two of them slowly turned back around to face the lake, and then their necks craned up, and up, and up…
 …Until their eyes finally focused on the form of Randall, in all his watery glory, rising out of the lake before them and towering over the duo with a smile on his face.
  “I did always wonder why you were craning your neck like that—it looked very uncomfortable!” the denizen continued, blithely unaware of the total shock shared by the two teens sitting on his shore. “From now on I’ll try to make it easier for you to see my eyes.”
 “I—what the—?!” Jesse spluttered, unable to form a coherent sentence as he scuttled backwards in complete surprise.
 Lake, meanwhile, was no less surprised, but admirably covered it up by jumping to her feet and giving the coherent, if short, demand of “How?!”
 Randall, completely misinterpreting the demand, answered seriously, but no less cheerfully, “Oh, I know I’m rather tall, but it’s easier than you’d think!” He shrank down fully into the lake before expanding its banks a bit—nearly to the teens’ toes, in fact—so he could pop his face back up to be closer and more level to Lake’s and Jesse’s. “I’m very flexible, you see!”
 Jesse gave a dull sort of nod—his brain still unable to fully comprehend the absurdity of the situation before him, and latching on to what little bits of sense and rationality it could. Lake’s brain, meanwhile, had latched instead onto more familiar territory: anger at the unfairness of life, especially as it pertained to her own wishes and circumstances. “No!” she all but exploded, stomping her foot in childish, petty jealousy. “I mean, how are you even here?! How did you manage to get off the train without a number?!”
 “Oh, well that’s simple!” Randall said, shuffling back and rising up a bit to better get himself in the proper mindset for storytelling. “I couldn’t help but overhear the two of you discussing apology letters, so I suppose that’s a good place to start! See, after you left my booth in the Lucky Cat Car, my buddy Randall told me that I’d been a bit forceful in my donut holer pitch. After mulling it over for a little bit, I realized that Randall right. So, I left my friends Randal and Randall to man the booth while Randall and I went after the two of you—since I had an apology to make and Randall would be able to give a much better pitch, you see, since he has a much better head for business than I do. Well, we finally caught up with you and, wouldn’t you know it! When this passenger here fell into Randall that second time, he must have accidentally swallowed some of him because, there he was, sweating my friend Randall! Randall and I got briefly sidetracked giving Randall a handshake, and then, wouldn’t you know it, by the time I let go I’d ended up by that house of yours, in full view of this beautiful lake.
 “So, I thought to myself, ‘Randall, that would be an excellent place to set up a satellite donut holer distribution center!’ I told Randall my plan, and he was in complete agreement. So, when you got back on the train, Randall decided to hitch a ride back with you to establish a supply line—since, like I said earlier, he has a much better head for business than I do!—while I set up shop here and think up a better pitch, as well as an apology! Honestly, it’s taken a bit more time than I thought it would, but I think I’ve finally got the perfect one!”
 Randall nodded decisively, lightly hitting a watery fist to an equally watery hand and completely missing the incredulity on Jesse and Lake’s faces as he shrunk down again once more to Jesse’s eye level. “As an apology for my earlier forcefulness, as soon as Randall establishes that supply line for donut holers, I’ll offer you the premium pick of the first shipment at half-price! How does that sound?”
 He held out a watery hand towards the human, who—despite still being extremely shocked by this turn of events—took it (was enveloped within its surprising warm depths) with a hesitant “S-sure, Randall, that… that sounds great!”
 Then the two of them looked to the side after hearing the “Clang!” of Lake’s palm meeting her forehead as all of the revelations about Randall she’d been thinking about not even ten minutes previously—like his one-track mind when it came to donut holers, and the fact that one had to keep that in mind if they wanted to get anywhere with him in conversation—came rushing right back to her.
 And along with them came the new realization that, for all that a lot could change in a year… Randall would always remain the same.
 Perplexing, amiable, and obsessed with donut holers.
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beaucastor · 4 years
Hey Fam! It’s Kaisi (Hannah’s mun) back with another beautiful idiot. I introduce to you Beau Castor. 34. Environmental Engineer. Ryan Guzman fc. I am looking for any and all plots for him so please hit me up.  You can find out more below the cut about this handsome shit head. You can find his wanted connection page here. @frostfordstart​
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Full Name: Beauford Jamison Castor
Nickname: Beau
Age: Thirty four
Residency: Born in New Orleans, LA and moved to Frostford when he was 8 years old
Occupation: Environmental Engineer
Loves: Science, the environment, his friends, a good laugh, his family, sports, food. 
Parents: Adopted parents Daniel and Emily Castor
Siblings: younger sister Bellamy Castor (Beau is adopted)
Spouse: n/a
Children: Augustus “Auggie” Castor ( months)
Born in New Orleans, LA to Francesca and Alan Parker.  He was only 6 months old when his parents were killed in a tragic accident. With no close relatives Beau was adopted by his godparents Daniel and Emily Castor. And so Beau became a Castor.
He was loved like he was their own and had they not been completely honest with him he would have never known. He grew up knowing all about his birth parents, who they were, what they were like, but the Castors treated him like he was their own.
Louisiana is still a big part of who he is. The family are big LSU fans, it broke his daddy's heart the day he got into both U of A and LSU and chose U of A.
When he was seven he found out he was going to be a big brother and he couldn’t be more excited.
It was long after Bellamy was born that the Castors picked up and moved to Frostford.
At 8 years old he made friends pretty easily as a charming little kid, despite most of the kids having known each other all their lives.
Stupid smart, he was really fascinated with science. He fucking idiot when it comes to most shit but the kid is fucking brilliant
Loved sports because it was a great way to run off some of his energy.
Got into U of A with some of his best friends. Graduated from there with degree in Environmental Engineering and Computer Science.
Was able to move back to Frostford and take up a job as an Environmental Engineer. Which required him to travel frequently but it was a good place to lay his head
In 2010 the BP oil spill hit and Beau knew better than ever before why he went into the field he did. He spent a lot of time on the recovery projects.
Three years ago, he got a job offer to come work off the Louisiana coast for the restore the gulf efforts. His dream job. It also happened to be about the same time that he was realizing that maybe he felt a hell of lot more than friendship towards long time Lemon Kennedy.
Lemon was engaged though which ultimately complicated things and Beau was ready to take the job and let it go but on her wedding he showed up thinking he'd just be a guest but instead found himself confessing his feelings and begging her not to marry Owen.
She went through with it and Beau left Frostford for the job to lick his wounds.
His new job was a dream come true and despite a broken heart he found a life for himself in the state he was born.
Then a friends with benefits situation resulted in a pregnancy neither of them planned for. She wasn't interested in being a mother and four months after his son was born she signed over her rights leaving Beau with the kid.
That's when Beau knew he was in over his head, he took a job closer to home and backed up his life and moved back to Frostford to be closer to his family to raise his son Auggie.
Wanted Connections
Old High School/Childhood friends: Gimmie all the old friends from childhood and high school.
Science nerd friends: Listen Beau loves science and the environment and I would love to have some nerd friends for him to bond with. 
First love: ya know that high school girlfriend angst.
Old flames: Beau is that guy that is literally friends with all of his ex girlfriends. I also take angst in any forms for him. 
More and existing can be found here. 
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1dffexchange · 6 years
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Great Unexpectations
To: Inm @in-madhouses​
From: E @unofficialxstyles​
Summary: Alana Bosworth thinks Dickens is overrated. That and the fact that there was no such thing as too much coffee.
Niall Horan begs to differ.
A tale of two different people, one coffeeshop and a how things never go the way we expect them to.
There probably was no such thing as too much coffee.
Sure, everyone talked about the effects of overdosing on caffeine-among which was infertility, by the way, but nobody actually cared. Coffee was a nectar of the Gods.
And sometimes, Alana Bosworth did think she was God.
Or at the very least maybe a distant, distant, distant relative of the heavenly being.
Afterall, she was able to (read: nearly) finish a ten thousand word assignment in one sitting a day before the submission deadline. If that was not a testament to her powers then perhaps, drinking a total of no less than six cups of coffee was.
Still, as Alana threw her body against the smooth wooden counter that overlooked a quiet, deserted street, she could not help but to second guess her coffee addiction. She hated to admit it but six cups did seem like a bit much.
So she did what any sane person would do in her shoes-she reached for her phone and punched in some numbers. The person on the other end of the line picked up after three rings, specifically, but what was supposed to be cordial greeting was instead replaced with muffled screaming and a loud thud.
“Henry…Henry I told you…no, no,” the voice at the other end of the line sounded distressed but Alana merely waited it out. “Honey, please. Okay, okay, fine, eat the cake,” There was another muffled scream, random shuffling and then, at long last, a proper, “Hello,”
“Hello to you, too, Kat,” Alana responded brightly, adjusting herself so that she was seated upright once more.
“Alan? Hi,” came the response. Unlike before, Katherine Bosworth-Ferguson sounded a little more excited this time. “How are you? You haven’t called in like two weeks. Mum was getting worried, you know. She keeps thinking you’re passed out drunk in a London pub or something and one of these days she’d be getting a call to let her know that you’re dead,”
Alana cringed.
First of all, pubs were never her thing.
Second of all, she did wish her mother had more faith in her.
“You guys actually give me far less credit than I deserve, Kat. You know I could bust ass if need be,” Alana replied, waving her hand in a dismissive gesture. There came a sound at the other end of the line once more, a little croak that indicated Kat already had a counter argument fully ready to launch but Alana quickly cut her off. There were more pressing matters at hand.
“Hey, listen I know it’s late I was just calling to see if you maybe knew how much coffee is like too much coffee? As in a lethal amount?” Alana questioned.
Three beats of silence passed.
Birds chirped.
Henry dropped his fork on his now empty chocolate cake plate.
“You….called me….to…ask about…coffee,”
“I’m figuring if there’s anyone who’d know about such things, it’d be a nurse and you’re a nurse so,”
“Exactly what time is it there,”
The question prompted Alana to glance at the watch she had on. “A little after 12.....oh,” The redhead sheepishly smiled, even though her older sister could not witness her slight embarrassment. “It’s early there,”
If eyerolls could be heard, she was pretty sure she heard Katherine’s tumble to the back of her head.
“You should be going to sleep,” was all Katherine said.
The screaming resumed.
“Listen, Alana, I would love to catch up but Henry is now covered in chocolate cake and heaven knows what else so I should really go. Henry…Henry no,” Once again, Katherine sounded livid. “But to quickly answer your question, caffeine has side effects so don’t drink too much of it. It does increase memory, though so if you’re into entering the spelling bee or something, coffee is your best bet. Text me…later, or call me at a better time…maybe text before you do…I have to go. Henryyyyyy,”
With that, the line went dead.
Sisters before misters, they always said.
Unless of course one had a sister with a robust three year old keen on destroying everything he touches.
Then maybe it was time to get a mister.
Or maybe not. Those were always a problem, too.
Knowing she’d get nowhere that night with her burning questions about coffee, Alana pursed her lips, threw her phone into her bag and then resumed her position slumped against the counter. She closed her eyes for all of seven seconds.
“Uhm, miss,”
Good things never did last, of course.
Alana opened one eye and was met with a tall, blonde man looking at her with an odd mixture of curiosity, politeness and a hint of irritation.
She opened the other eye and sat up. He pointed at the clock on the wall.
“We’re closed. We actually closed fifteen minutes ago and….you have to go,” his accent was think but his tone, albeit a little understandably impatient, was apologetic.
Alana nodded her head in understanding and stood up, mumbling her own apology. “Didn’t see the time. Life gets like that when you have to finish a damn assignment on three hours of sleep after finishing one the day before. Life sucks and especially so before Christmas break,”
Alana began packing her bag, throwing a stack of notes and her laptop into her carry on before stacking four empty coffee cups neatly and handing it over to the barista. She knew he was the barista because he was a familiar face-he had been making her coffee over the last year with no less enthusiasm than an energizer bunny each time.
He did not prepare her coffee consistently, of course, but he was there often enough to know her coffee order before she even got a word out and to sometimes use his staff discount.
When the weather was extra nice, they’d even engage in small talk.
His name was Niall.
“Tell me about it,” Niall replied cordially. “I’m this close to being dead but you know…extra cash always helps; especially around Christmas. And they say a bachelor’s will get you far in life….They never mentioned the need to get through this phase, first,”
Alana snorted, then nodded in understanding. “Yeah. Bachelor’s? More like Bache’s gonna kill me,”
Niall, much to his credit, had the courtesy to chuckle lightly at what Alana already knew was a failed attempt at a joke. He held the coffee cups in a silent gesture of goodbye.
“I… should go clean up. Goodnight,”
She watched Niall disappear behind the double doors that led to the kitchen before heaving a sigh. The young woman grabbed her coat and began her trek back to her dorm room-just two blocks down from Barney’s Coffee & Cakes.
Replaying the few words that she and Niall had exchanged earlier, the reminder of Christmas approaching made her smile in nostalgia. With the most awaited holiday just two weeks away, despite her excitement of spending it abroad for the first time in her life, she did at times wish she had chosen to spend it with her family. She could already picture Katherine, Joshua and Henry taking a photos with the Christmas tree at her parent’s house, her father in his ugly Christmas sweater insisting everyone taste the turkey he’d already perfected the recipe for and just staying up with her mother on Christmas night, talking about all the things they were thankful for in the last year.
The mental image made her miss her family a little bit more but she comforted herself with the fact that she was about to experience something different, this time with friends she had made over the last year, which made the anxiety dissipate a little.
By the time she had reached her front door and turned the key into the lock, Alana was, once again, affirmed over the decision of staying in London for Christmas instead of heading back to Los Angeles a week early.
That is, until she opened the door to a sight straight out a porn production.
“Holy Jesus,”
The curse that left Alana’s mouth broke the obvious sex laden trance two of her friends were in and they immediately broke apart while having the decency to actually look guilty. She rolled her eyes and threw her hands up in the air, making her way towards the kitchen.
“I thought you weren’t coming home,” It was Soo Young-Soo to everyone else-who spoke first. She got up from her position on the sofa and trotted towards Alana. The latter thanked the heavens Soo still had her t-shirt on.
“And what gave you the idea?” Alana poured herself a glass of water.
“I don’t know. You might have decided that someone at the coffeeshop was worth getting laid with. You spend like…all your time there,” Soo commented, positioning herself next to Alana against the kitchen counter.
“Not all-”
“All,” Zayn, Soo’s boyfriend, volunteered. Upon careful inspection when her attention was turned to him, she noted that he too was still fully clad. “Would it kill you to live a little, Alan?”
“I only go there when I need to complete an assignment,”
“That doesn’t mean being there all the time?” Soo poked Alana’s arm, earning a protest from the latter. “Honestly, Alan….you’re beautiful and you’re funny sometimes. Talk to people. So what if you don’t meet deadlines? Not making it for one assignment wouldn’t kill your grades,”
Alana offered Soo a stare that could rival Medusa’s.
“You forget that I’m here on exchange and my grades do matter because my records are going to be sent back to UCLA and I want to graduate when I get back or my year in London will come to moot,”
“Your year in London is already moot,” Zayn argues. “You came to London a boring bug and you’re leaving London…a boring bug,”
She loved Zayn-adored him, really-but sometimes, he had the emotional quotient of a pig.
In an attempt to defend herself and to prove a point of sorts, Alana crossed the space between them and smacked Zayn squarely on the head. There were times where she hated his truthful and wise moments-even if they were….truthful and wise.
“I’m not boring. I party with you guys,” Alana defended herself.
Zayn chortled.
Soo grunted in apparent disagreement.
Alana looked between them both.
“Look, Alan, there’s nothing wrong with being a homebody and considering game night a party but really, let loose a little,” Zayn advised. “Like Soo said…you’re young and beautiful. And maybe call yourself Lana instead of Alan,”
“What’s wrong with Alan? I like Alan and everyone calls me that,” Alana scrunched her face up. “It’s much more unique than an Alana being called Lana,”
Logic, duh.
“Yeah,” Zayn stifled a yawn. “But being an Alan won’t get you laid as often,”
“You’re very misogynistic you know. You’re lucky I love you or I’d have put a lock on our door a long time ago,”
This time, Soo laughed from where she was in the kitchen and Alana cracked a smile.
Of all the things that had happened in the last year-which really was not much- she was most thankful for having Soo as a roommate and then, by default, meeting and becoming friends with Zayn. Unlike her, they were both students with King’s College and were her first friends. It was Soo who brought her on a ‘Locals Only London’ tour on her first week here and Zayn who invited her to his birthday party-where she met a few other friends she had grown to appreciate.
In turn, it was one of her outer circle of friends who had introduced her to Barney’s-which quickly became her sanctuary. It was less popular than the other coffeeshops in the area because it was a little rundown-with some scratched out tables and rickety chairs-but somehow, Alana thought those very features held true the coffeeshop aesthetics and were ones that made the place all the more cosy.
Plus, Zayn and Soo did occasionally get up to no good in the room so to Barney’s was a quick escape plan.
“Life’s not all about getting laid though is it,” Alana finally replied, sitting herself proper next to Zayn. Soo soon joined her other side. “Anyway, getting laid thoughts aside…are we still doing the Christmas gift exchange thing with Harry and Jen?”
It was the highlight of Alana’s Christmas abroad.
At the mention of this, surprisingly, the previously playful air around them tensed a little and Alana did not miss the look Soo and Zayn shared. Instantly, it sent warning bells ringing in her head. When they had talked about Christmas plans a month ago, it was Soo who suggested they had a small gathering in a nearby bar-just having drinks and hosting a gift exchange. Alana had jumped on the idea, thinking it was a perfect way to celebrate the holiday.
“About that….” Soo broke the silence, biting her lip as if not liking her next words, either. “Zayn’s parents invited us down to Braford for the holidays and we…kinda agreed. It was totally last minute, we didn’t know,”
“Harry and Jen will still be here,” Zayn offered.
Alana felt her heart clench but she quickly gathered herself and smiled. Holidays were family time, too, and she could not be selfish about things like these. Besides, Zayn and Soo had done so much for her-she could not expect them to stay back against their will, too.
“I’m not as close to them but…it’s okay. We’ll manage. You guys go, have fun,” Alana assured them. “Say hi to your siblings for me, Zayn. Would love to meet them someday,”
Zayn ruffled the top of her head.
“Will do, Lana,”
Alana groaned. “It’s Alan,”
Soo hugged them both.
Christmas eve in London was like one of those postcards on a window display one saw whilst walking along the streets heading to the Tower Bridge. It was snowing lightly, bright lights lit up the street and there were muffled noises of celebration going around campus. Alana jammed her hands inside her pockets, soaking in the sights as she headed to Barney’s. It was two hours till Christmas and she did not feel like spending Christmas eve alone so she had decided to head to her favourite hangout instead.
Soo and Zayn had left for Bradford three days before. An unusually teary Soo apologised profusely for pulling out the plug on their holiday plans and it took a firm hearted Zayn to pull her away and multiple assurances from Alana that they’d see each other before Alana went back to the States before Soo would let her go. Alana gave them both their little gifts-a bottle of Soju and pair of concert tickets for Soo and a thrifted leather jacket for Zayn which proclaimed his undying love for Guns and Roses, embroidered at the back-before bidding temporary goodbye.
That Christmas eve, Harry, Jen and her had met up at the pub as planned, sharing a few drinks before doing the exchange. At Harry’s invitation to attend a Christmas eve countdown party afterwards, Alana had decline, using the excuse that she was a little bit tired. In truth, however, Alana had no interest in spending time with people she barely knew.
She was certain she would have listed the benefits of coffee to an unsuspecting stranger and branded herself a weirdo for life and she would very much like her Christmas eve to be pleasant.
Even if Jen did stay true to her teasing promises and gave Alana an ugly sweater for Christmas.
Finally arriving at Barney’s, Alana was unsurprised to find that it was even emptier than it was before. Despite the wooden walls being decorated with proclamations of a “Merry Christmas” and a few miserable Christmas cards, Alana doubted anyone would want to ring in Christmas drinking coffee. The young woman walked up to the counter, ordered herself a latte then sat herself by the usual spot, by the window, as she awaited for her coffee to cool down.
As she stared out the window and watched people heading towards their Christmas plans, Alana could not help but to admit that she’d miss Barney’s as much as she’d miss Soo and Zayn. Barney’s had seen her through late nights, early mornings and days where she just needed to treasure her aloneness. Somehow, the wooden walls has seen her grow over the last year-the unusually quiet girl had taken a leap of faith, going to another country for an entire year, alone, merely to pursue the unknown. It was a walking cliché but hell, it was Christmas eve.
Heaving out a breath, Alana pulled her knees up to her chest and took out the book she had been attempting to read over the last week. One of her classmates, while in conversation about the best literary classics of all times, found herself in genuine disbelief when she realised that Alana had not yet read Great Expectations. Alana had defended herself, letting her classmate know she had attempted it before but just never properly understood it and had given up. She was presented the book a day later by the very same classmate with the promise that she would read it over the Christmas break.
Her second attempt, so far, was a failure. She was at page twenty seven when she closed the book, pushing it across the table in mild frustration.
“Not a fan of Dickens?”
It was Niall.
Alana looked up to find him looking at her in ill-disguised amusement.
“I just don’t think it’s as much a classic as its touted to be. Or maybe I just don’t understand it,”
“You think Great Expectations is sub-par?” Niall had the audacity to look surprised now. He perched his bucket of collected mugs against his hips, eyebrows raised.
Alana made a face, then chuckled.
“Wait here,”
Before Alana could protest or question the semi-stranger before her, Niall disappeared behind the double doors. When he re-emerged, he spoke in hushed tones to the other barista, gesturing towards her. With a firm nod from the other, Niall undid his apron and quickly joined Alana, sitting across from her.
He would have been skiving had it not been for the fact that the only customer was her.
“Care to tell me what this is about?” Alana’s asked. She leaned back in her chair, then folded her arms across her chest.
“I’m here to tell you what you missed out with Dickens,”
Niall’s grin was smug.
“Right…because what I really need on Christmas eve is a lecture about the great Charles Dickens,” Alana mocked, looking pointedly towards the book.
Niall seemed to contemplate his response and in those moments, Alana dared a glance at him. Only then did she fully register that his eyes were a deep blue and that he had a slightly dented chin. His hair, while mostly blonde, had highlights of auburn in them.
Strange how she had seen him throughout the year and only then noticed the most obvious details.
“About that…why are you here on Christmas eve?” Niall’s sudden change in topic caught Alana off guard, causing her to frown. Her response prompted Niall to shoot his arms up in defence and after laughing lightly, added. “I mean, I’m sure you have better Christmas plans than coming here to get drunk on coffee,”
“I don’t get drunk on coffee,”
“Well, with a six cup black coffee record, you might as well have,”
“I’ve had ten once back home,”
“And….where is home?”
The question, although catching Alana off guard, caused her to grin. “Smooth one-if that’s your way of finding out where I live,” Alana pursed her lips, reaching for her coffee. “Home is Los Angeles. Only here for exchange…which officially ends in a week,”
Sometimes, when Alana got nervous, she tended to give more than she cared to admit.
“That’s…pretty far from here. No plans tonight?”
Alana shook her head no, then added. “My grand total of two friends decided to love it up back in his hometown so I’m left with a barely friends Christmas secret Santa thing and Dickens in a coffeeshop,”
Yup, she was definitely nervous.
Instead of appearing sorry for her, however, Niall shrugged.
“Sounds a whole lot better than working on Christmas eve,” his voice was laced with an undertone of sadness and that alone, somehow, made Alana sit up a little bit straighter.
“Well, you have your barista buddy if it counts for anything…and an equally lonely customer,”
As if to proof a point, Alana raised her cup in a quiet toast before sipping her drink.
“Jack’s about to knock off; he has a party to get to…but you’re more than welcomed to stay,” Niall stood up then and jammed his hands into his pockets. “I uh…better go clean up. We close at twelve so don’t make me chase you out…again,”
“Wouldn’t be the first time,” Alana joked.
“Hopefully it wouldn’t be the last, either,”
The laughter that escaped Alana’s lips carried through the now empty space, She chose to sit back and do nothing for a while, watching as mere minutes later, Jack emerged from behind the counter, waving at Niall as he approached the front door. He noticed Alana during these moments and with an enthusiastic “Merry Christmas”, was on his way.
Perhaps, in all of England, her Christmas was the most boring.
In the two hours that followed, Alana alternated between attempting Dickens and checking her phone-though she spent more time doing the second. The group chats she was in were filled with Christmas greetings and updates, the most active being one of her family and her close friends back home. Both groups seemed to be preparing for Christmas in full swing. Her father was roasting the turkey, as usual, and her friends were already calling dibs on what they’d be bringing to the party at Carlos’. Alana felt a pang of sadness wash over her but as quickly as it came, she halted her thoughts by reaching for Dickens, focusing now on Pip and his journey on Christmas eve.
Perhaps, in some greater metaphor of sorts, Dickens on Christmas did seem appropriate.
“Looks like I am going to chase you out,” Niall’s sudden interruption brought her out of her semi-reverie in nineteenth century England.
“Is it twelve already?” Alana looked at the clock to find that they were exactly five minutes away.
“Not yet but I wanna wish you Merry Christmas instead of chasing you out right at midnight. That would be very Fairy Godmother of me,”
“Indeed,” was all Alana said before standing up, packing her bag and then swinging it over her shoulder.
“Did you get anywhere with Dickens?”
“First base, if I’m lucky. But I think it’s more of a cordial friendship at this point,” When the response was met with a puzzled look from Niall, Alana giggled. “We’re at page forty and I am still not impressed,”
Niall did the unthinkable then.
“Come over to my place then…tomorrow…not tonight…because I have to clean up and it’s…not appropriate, anyway,”
Alana blinked.
In slow motion.
“I mean…if you want to. I did a review on Dickens last semester and maybe it’d be easier for you to understand and appreciate it and also….I kinda don’t want to spend Christmas alone,”
As if to confirm her suspicion, Alana asked. “You’re asking me out?”
“No…yes…I mean…we’ve known each other almost the year right so that makes us friends and we’re just…hanging out on Christmas and I have gingerbread cookies and we could talk Dickens or not and you can say no-”
The rest of Niall’s words blurred into the background and in its place was Zayn’s voice telling her she needed to live a little and live a life outside Barney’s that was less calculated. Leaps of faith were never her thing but perhaps, there was no harm in this one-especially since she knew deep down, she had nothing to lose. It was a tiny gathering between friends and if she had to put it in her own words and her own terms, it was kind of like a Christmas study date.
“-and of course I have boardgames and-”
“Okay,” Alana answered at last. “I’m pretty sure we’d get nowhere with Dickens but I do love gingerbread cookies,”
Niall held in his response for a moment after the agreement was forged, unable to belief that his spontaneous idea of asking a fellow lone soul to spend Christmas together would bear fruit.
“Yeah…yeah okay,” Niall finally found his words but unconsciously scratched the back of his neck in sudden shyness. “I’ll go get my phone and then text you my address,”
While Niall went to get his phone, Alana quickly reached for hers and with rapid speed and an equally quick heart rate, ignored the multiple texts she received to send a message to Soo.
“Got asked out on an almost date for Christmas. Merry Christmas to you and Z!!!!!!!!! xxxxxx”
Just as she hit send, Niall emerged once more and handed his phone to her so she could type in her number. A knowing smile formed on her lips, however, when the name space was filled with the name “Karen”.
“Uhmm…my name is actually Alan. Short for Alana. Alana Bosworth,”
Niall looked puzzled. “What do you mean….?”
“I mean….” Alana paused and licked her lips, unable to hold in a laugh that eventually escaped her lips. She held his phone up. “I mean my name is Alana not Karen. You might have misheard me saying Alan…everyone calls me Alan…. and assumed my name was Karen and wrote it down by mistake. You’ve been writing it wrong the whole year,”
It was Niall’s turn to blink twice. In slow motion.
“What do you mean I’ve been writing your name wrong for a year?” Niall turned pale, his eyes reflecting obvious embarrassment. “Why have you never corrected me?”
“Because,” Alana was laughing without inhibitions now and gave herself a few moments to gather herself. “….Because you only asked once and I thought I could correct you the next time I saw you but you never asked for my name again so I’m….Karen,”
Niall ran a hand through his hair, opening his mouth as if to say something before quickly deciding against it. “You mean I’ve mistaken you for a Karen the whole year,”
Alana nodded in mock seriousness, the nudged her new friend. “It’s okay…no big,”
Typing her phone number in then, she gave herself a missed call before handing the phone back to Niall who looked a little less shocked than he was before but still clearly beating himself up over getting someone else’s name wrong for a whole year.
“Relax, Niall. It’s okay, really. At least now you know, right?” Alana assured him. “Text me your address tomorrow and we’ll meet up,”
Niall nodded his head robotically.
“Okay,” Alana was still amused as she backed away and towards the door. “Goodnight, Niall…and Merry Christmas,”
“Good….goodnight, Kar….Alan. See you tomorrow. Merry Christmas,”
Niall blew out a breath of utter shock as he watched Alana leave. When he finally fully recovered, he dialled a number on the phone. The other person picked up almost instantly.
“Hey…yeah buddy…Merry Christmas to you too. Listen, you wouldn’t belief what happened, Zayn….”
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sayofchains88 · 3 years
Chapter Thirteen: The big show finale by OrangeLetters88~
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Second night in captivity Alex hasn't woken, the nurse comes early handing a daily rationing for the rest of day for blood. "He has caught a fever, but there is an event the nurses must attend today so I have to cut this short. If anything goes wrong please use this buzzer to contact me please. I don't want your friend to perish." She responds passionately. She curls the device in Clarence's hands.
"Thank you, I will just watch him it seems." He replies despondently. When she leaves, he sits Alex up lightly tapping his face. He turns his head slightly. "You got drink both of these vials. I will be okay."
Too sick to argue he slowly inhales them both back to back. Clarence sleeps on and off the whole time biding their time.
Day three the nurses are back, a large man calls Alex and Clarence out of the cell. Clarence has to pick Alex up supporting most of his weight to carry him over. They demand both in attention. Alex can't seem to open his eyes yet, he strains to open them on and off.  
"Samuel demands those helped Alan to be helping hands to set up the event in a couple days, might as well put you to work on the set to make sure things go smoothly." He explains.
"Alex still is hurt, there is no way he can even stand on his own let alone work a stupid event!" Clarence argues while trying his best to hold Alex up in his arms.
"Then do your best to revive him. All hands on deck no matter what condition he is in. I don't care what you have to say." He raves in anger almost slapping Clarence, Alex catches the man's hand despite not fully able to see. "Trying to protect him doesn't help you!"
He smacks Alex onto the ground, he no longer moves. The man loads his gun pointing it directly at Alex. Clarence Gets in front of the man trying to defend Alex, he looks back to look right in this man's eyes face to face.
"Please don't...we will do anything you say." Clarence responds defeated.
"Good, no more fuss, but also you get nothing for this scene." He replies giving the gun to the nurse. The nurse escorts them back to the jail cell allowing Clarence him enough time to pick Alex up from the ground.
Much later into the night, all you can hear is crickets. Alex sits up looking ahead. He is wrapped in a tinfoil blanket. "I am more shocked you are sitting up." Clarence states.
"I am worried about my clan, but at least they will be there with Dr. Carol...this time feels like the end." Alex says rubbing his arms.  
"What will happen to vampire kind if Samuel takes it?" Clarence notes. Alex grabs a hold of the bars to lift himself up. He wobbles unsteady. His head droops forward. Clarence walks over to have Alex collapse in his arms. "We'll figure something out."
Alex sits down with his legs crossed staring out around the compound after Clarence helps him sit up. "I can feel the wounds finally closing. It throbs like hell though."
"Is that why you are finally up? You can feel it only now?" Clarence questions. "We need to get out of here soon as possible..."
"My legs always get the most messed up when I go all fours. It can put me out the most, but you are right." Alex says with a heavy sigh.
"You really hurt yourself by not being social for a long time. I just can't imagine it sometimes I wonder how your clan leader didn't force you just learn your surroundings. Now you are forced to come out of this awkward shell you allowed yourself to be in for so long..." Clarence points out. Alex puts his finger up at him.
"Shhh...I hear footsteps..." Alex replies sticking his ear closer. "Keys..."
Alex attempts to stand again. Shaking hard against the bars he manages to lean in. "Edwin! Is that you?"
Joseph shows his face first scaring Alex, he falls backward no longer having able to plant his legs firmly. Clarence gently grabs Alex.
"Love, how did you know it was us?" Joseph curiously asks.
"Seriously, you have the gull to ask me this?" Alex shouts fuming.
"I saw the CCTV, you almost got a bullet from someone who wanted to string you up and beat you. His name is Marty; I came to check on you out of concern. The CCTV is live still so I can't get you out yet, but shit is about to go down soon so hopefully then I can do something." Edwin expresses humbly.
"Why are you guys here?" Clarence asks confused.
"We were employed for temporarily from Samuel, but mainly was doing small stuff for him. Including intruders, I was rather shocked when I realized it was you. You called us for a favor, but I couldn't get a hold of you...now I know why." Edwin replies blushing.
"I am guessing those cell phones down stairs are yours." Joseph responds smiling.
"What is wrong with your legs?" Edwin asks Alex who plops on the ground.
"We were surrounded and shot. I am not sure what else you think? Things went awry fast." Alex says as he folds them trying to balance.
"So that's what happened with Alan? You want to know where he is and why Marty isn't here." Joseph explains.
"Don't tell me he is being tortured?" Clarence replies feeling sick. "No, I am not going through that again Joseph. We need out now!"
"Then we will all end up in the dungeon. You need to be a little more patient Clarence." Joseph insists.
Marty comes upstairs seeing Edwin and Joseph congregating with Alex and Clarence. "I thought you were supposed to be watching CCTV?"
"We got bored. At least we have someone to talk too, anyways Alan coming around to you yet?" Edwin inquires.
"Naw man, he passed out again. We don't know anything from him. He might not know anything it seems." Marty confirms. "His brother doesn't want him dead before the event so I got to chill."
Marty's black shirt stained with blood and sweat. "Anyways I am hitting the showers then probably going to bed. Catch you both later."
They all wait till Marty is out of sight. "Alan is being tortured! We have to get him out!" Alex shouts.
"Shhh, you both are idiots if you think you will get there so easily." Edwin chides them. "They even took his book. It's not like you clowns brought yours either."
"I am not a clan leader and I am also not interested in a book." Clarence challenges. "Everything is literally timing, but my suit is all wrinkled from being here too long."
"Your wrinkled suit can be ironed later. We have more pressing matters Clarence." Alex justifies.
"I am going to kill you Alex, I am sorry my outfit isn't just all black!"
"We need to go for now guys. We will be back soon okay?" Edwin declares grabbing Joseph's hand leaving the room.
"Great...this guy is a real sadist. If we don't play it cool we could be next." Clarence says desperate to get out.
"Are we going to make it out alive this time?" Alex replies discouraged. Another set of footsteps are heard in the distance, but fade out.
Day four an early wakeup call requests their presence to set up a large stadium downstairs. They have chains on arm's length hands and legs. Alex sighs. "At least I am not housed up this time I guess..."
"You are wobbling a little less today at least. It could be worse?" Clarence laughs.
"But were in these ugly get ups they provided."
"Don't remind me Alex..." Clarence mourns looking down at the full dark green mechanic suit. They work the whole day setting up large lights, banners, decorations and tables meant to food to be set up later.
They haul in a large cage with a steel chair inside chains are latched to each end with hand cuffs for the wearer. Many representatives come and go checking the set ups.
"This stadium can hold up to three thousand apparently." Alex announces.  
"Just what is this man up too...?"
Marty comes out with a whip in hand. Once again covered in blood and sweat, Alex and Clarence feel intimidated. A woman in dark brown latex suit comes up next. Her gloves covered in blood tosses them on the ground next to Alex.
"Looks like you both are working hard today. I think everything is all set up though. You can return to the cells now." Marty says happily.
They are left in the cell in what they worked in, no one came the claim their chains. "Again...seriously?" Alex starts to bang the bars. Smashing against them violently with everything he got. "I am not playing this anymore!"
"Alex calm down. What if we are uhhh..." Clarence points. Marty opens the cell to whip Alex, each stroke harder than the last till he is knocked unconscious flat on his face. He slowly progresses near Clarence who backs away. "Dear sir, I was warning him earlier. Please let us off this time. I beg you, I beseech you."
Marty backs off slamming the door locking it. Clarence kneels down to lay Alex properly on the ground. He was cut several times in the face from the leather. They are wearing plain tee shirts under the work suits. He carefully peels the top half of the suit laying him on it.
Tapping his face a couple times, he realizes how badly hit he was hit with the whip. "Alex...how do we plan to even get Alan out if we are stuck like this...?"
Clarence can hear people crowd in not so far from them into the stadium. All the workers start crowding up the stairs including Marty who wants to enjoy the show. Edwin dashes into the prison cell with keys.  
Clarence runs up to Edwin. "You need to get out of here while you can." He proclaims opening the cell door. Clarence sits Alex up so he can position himself so he is able to piggyback Alex. Edwin unlocks the chains allowing them to drop the ground.
"What about Alan? Where is he?"
"He is upstairs. Get to your clan. I saw Alice, Christian and Steel already."
"Thank you Edwin...this means a lot." Clarence replies with tears in his eyes.
"No this is to make us equal. I know if something happened to us you would help us too...I will catch you above."
Clarence darts up the steps going through the crowd fast as he can. He spots Steel in time. The surround system goes off. "WELCOME TO EVENT OF A LIFE TIME! MY NAME IS SAMUEL!" The loud speakers all blasted. You could feel the ground shake to dub step music playing the back.
Clarence holds his ears. Dr. Carol stands the tallest of them all walking into Clarence's view first. "What the hell happened to you two?"
Alice sprints over seeing Alex knocked out with gashes on his face. "Clarence, were you both held captive?"
Christian walks over gathering Alex from his back. "Did he go stir crazy? There is nothing else I can think of here."
"More importantly I sabotaged Samuel's plan silently. He was selling pills activated with blood in them next to the vampire starter itself in it. A vampire taking it would not be affected, but a human taking it may undergo the whole process. " Dr.Carol explains boastful.
"He worked super hard calling hospitals and checking in with places to help make others aware." Alice chimes.
Mars comes from behind Christian with ear plugs in.
Clarence spins Steel around before they embrace. "I never thought I would see you again!" Steel cried.
"Nothing can stop me Steel. You know that. I could never leave you...Steel marry me..."
Steel stops for a moment frozen. Everyone watches her become flustered. "Yes...and never leave me again! I do Clarence! Please never again please! I tossed and turned for three days worried sick..." She hugs more tightly.
Clarence notices Alex's eyes opening from his position. "Alex, hey man. Were free already thanks to Edwin..."
"Where is Alan?" Alex asks weakly.
Alan is pushed on stage first. Almost naked bloody, beaten to the point his face is swollen black and blue, his hair a mess. Deep gashes into his legs to the point he is hardly able to stand let alone walk. He is arranged in the cage sitting on the stage locked in place.
A very beautiful woman is brought into the stage. She is about twenty seven months pregnant. Alex hops off Christians back running to the stage like an animal on all fours. "Alex! What the fuck!"
Samuel looks down viewing Alex get on the stage with no trouble. Dr. Carol chases after Alex, but ends up on the same stage with them all. Clarence face palms. "Well if it isn't the trouble maker. It looks like someone helped you escape the cell."
"It's true...you became a vampire..." Alex says to himself out loud. He laughs in his face. Everyone around them laughs with him. "What's so funny you asshole."
Alex turns when he becomes aware Alan has passed out. "I will get Alan." Dr. Carol states cautiously walking toward him.
"It's funny because you act like some hot shot hero coming up here to help traitors. Just like Elijah..." Samuel explains pacing around Alex in circles. A light spotlight is put on Alex's small group. "I was going to do this later, but seems you want to play into my hands now."
"What are you blabbing about old man?" Alex replies gritting his teeth. Men come from the back holding knives, swords and guns behind Alice, Christian, Mars, Steel, and Clarence. "I see..."
"This is my clan, I decided if I have to embrace being a vampire I would literally make it the best kind, but not without fucking his kindred's up. You see I knew from the beginning who took his place, but last I checked Edwin now has possession of them."
"I don't care for a group of rowdy dolts who don't care for me...Edwin can have them" Alex shouts.
"You been kept as a pet and was afraid to drink blood. What kind of vampire clan leader are you?" Samuel ridicules Alex.
"I assume you picked these thugs off the streets, it's not easy finding people, but also not everyone is destined to be a vampire. Samuel you got this all wrong, but I have also been wrong..."
"I mean anyone can become a vampire, you parade it like some special title, but now anyone can be one." Samuel yells. The screen displaying commercials for his pill on the huge screen in front of them, people getting free samples, but also sold in local shops. "And the world can be whatever they want. My patented vampire pills will revolutionize the world! Vampires will no longer be a minority!"
"You are mad Samuel!" Dr. Carol calls out. "What will this accomplish?"
"It means I am fit to lead the world of vampires. You don't think I didn't think this one out?"
"This makes you a hypocrite!" Clarence screams. "The forgotten war was just you being a religious bitch!"
"I was a different person during the forgotten war. How dare you even bring that up." Samuel growls under his breathe. Alex jumps up to acrobat between the beams kicking Samuel in the back of his head.
"It makes you a bitch Samuel." Alex smiles with his tongue out.
"How dare you!" Samuel yells back from the ground. He smiles back. Alex jumps back down. Samuel's phone rings. "What is going on? The numbers are decreasing? How? Increase free samples then! You need to figure this out right now!"
Dr. Carol starts to laugh hard. "I sent the hospitals guidebooks and police how to handle this, but only in the direct area's for now. You can shove that up your ass Samuel. I sat up all day and night till your festivities to make sure this was handled properly. Not everyone is cut out to be vampire. You would dare turn a child??"
"Looks like I found the traitors that let Clarence and Alex out Samuel..." Joshua replies leading Edwin and Joseph on stage.
"I guess we shouldn't be so shocked..."Samuel mutters. Joshua tosses Christian his tire jack. "Wait!"
"Do you like tricks Samuel? Cause I was built for them..." Colleen replies handing Alex his book.
Joshua comes running out disheveled. Samuel grabs Alex by the throat choking him, his book drops on the ground opening. "You are going to be visiting your dear clan leader."
Alex tries to pull his hands off his neck; he could feel his face flush hot. He could hear the crowd screaming for his death. He is hit with things like paper balls, food. His vision starts to blur as his grip tightens.
Christian slings his tire jack hard as he can at Samuel's hand, he drops Alex. "Who the fuck do you think you are by touching Alex this way, he is a million times better then you and your crew of rejects." Christian argues walking through the crowd of hooligans.
Joshua knifes Christian in the back. The crowd makes a circle around the scene. "And that is what I think of your loyalty."
"CHRISTIAN!" Alice screams. Steel holds her back. "CHRISTIAN PLEASE!"
Joshua keeps stabbing till his eyes are tinted red. Alex looks forward in shock. "You have no way out of this Alex! Not anymore!"
Joshua stands up putting his leg up on Christian who is bleeding out on the ground. Alex slowly puts his hands on the pages of the book. Feeling each page without looking at them, the air starts to feel different.
Alex's hair starts to be pushed back by strong winds. He gets up dropping the book. Steel dashes up toward Christian when she realizes he activated the hardest part of the book. "ALEX CALM DOWN!"
Clarence takes Alice's hand making their way to try to Alex.  
Samuel aghast brings his book out. "Are you trying to kill everyone here over someone getting a scrape?"
Alex no longer is his presence alone bodily. "Talk is cheap from you Samuel. I had enough of this, you hurt my kin. Time for play is over."
Vepar's image doubled over Alex's. "Great duke of the sea, I call forth your swift punishments of this heathen. I seek hell's divine hand!"
"Wait Alex!" Samuel shouts. Alex stands firm as water carries away most of Samuel's men with bullets of water except for Joshua and Samuel himself.
"The sea is a harsh place, even harsher for those who seek to harm others for plain power." Alex explains picking Samuel by the collar making gun fingers against his chest, but decides to aim at Joshua first.
Joshua is hit by the water bullet multiple times before he is on his knees. "How does it feel? To be beaten finally. Sad you became some celebrity fuck boy like this."
"Alex, maybe we can work something out?" Joshua says scared.
"But Christian didn't get a say?"
Vepar's tail goes for Joshua wrapping him tightly, squeezing every ounce of energy out of his body.
"Alex, please snap out of it...Christian is breathing. He is fine." Steel yells. Alex releases Joshua who has long passed out. The book falls to the ground.
Alice darts to stage with quickness, he falls into her arms. "Samuel disappeared..." Clarence mutters under his breathe. Steel gets up beside Alice.
"I can't see anything..." Alex whispers, his eyes are almost solid gray.
"You will be okay Alex...right now you are adjusting. You are not supposed to be tranced this long. You both share different dimensions..." Steel assures him.
"I just wanted to protect my friends Steel because over this whole time they became my family..."
"And you did, they are alright Alex...I hope you never have to use Vepar again like this." Steel whispers.
Alex closes his eyes slowly. "I don't want to die yet Steel..."
"And you won't I promise..."
                                   "Let me tell you a story...
                                                        Once upon a time a little girl thought she could take on the world with just her fairy. One day she met her match was defeated and she was proven she was not strong as she could be, but then she met people who wanted her live and rise meet her ability to rise. It was only her beginning...don't give up Alex...this is only your beginning."
https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/269037735/write/1072684902 Please support my works on wattpad if you like please~
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dinoalexander · 5 years
Your Moment of Zen: The Gourmet Academy’s Semi-Quotable 2019 Quotedown Quotetacular
Ladies and gentlemen and non-binary conforming life forms across seven star systems... the Gourmet Academy’s World Famous Get Down Like a Hound Party ‘til You Puke Semi-Quotable 2019 Quotedown Quotetacular... is ON! === “Time to play everybody’s favorite game show, Fireworks or Gunshots?” -BFG
“Goddamnit. I have to be the adult, don’t I?” -Gordon
“You can copy the format, you can copy the look, but you can’t copy culture!” -UBA
“Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this craziness.” -Kimberly
“Starting a petition to have Barbara Walters do the ball drop next New Years just to hear her say, ‘I’m Barbara Walters and this is 2020.’” -Chelsea
“Hello, Antonio Brown's Shiny Helmet Emporium, how can I help you? What's your pleasure?” -Carl
“Watch me whip out my Shenehneh.” -Gordon
“I feel like I’m watching one of my movies, because this whole damn thing sucks.” -John Cena
“I giggled.” -Michael
“I’m not saying BH90210 is the worst thing in the history of all recorded media, but if somebody had the theory that Luke Perry faked his own death to avoid any and all association with it, I would be willing to entertain that theory.” -Kevin
“Any day the key card works is a win.” -Joe Ovies
“She played a fiddle in an Irish band...” -Ed Sheeran “No she didn’t.” (Click) -Chico
“CBS was callin’, I’m Black Monty Hallin’.” -Wayne Brady
“Richard Quest on CNN!  He's gonna ask the rest of the 500 questions!” -Klaussie
“Work. What is this work bullshit?” -Gordon
“Verizon and Tegna, when the carriage agreement ended.” -MD
“I got my words! I got my friends! I got my words WITH my friends!” -Megan
“Thoughts and prayers to the Love Boat, who had her on so frequently her name probably appeared higher up on the call sheet than Isaac or Doc.” -Kevin
“Another fine product from Assmung.” -Carl
“Remember how I thought Adam Gase was a total piece of crap? I have been proven right. Fuck Adam Gase and the horse that rode in on him.” -Cyndi
“Walls? Where we’re going, we don’t need walls.” -Laura
“I’m a person who wants to be productive trapped inside a person who wants to sleep all day.” -Cortney
“Tommy Chong is a THC-list celebrity.” -JB
“Hey did you know that Francesa met Secretariat?” -Greg
“In a year when Black Panther told a story of a black superhero in a futuristic world struggling with real questions about how to deal with racial oppression, and BlacKkKlansman told a story of racial wounds in America that continue to this day and the need for allies to put themselves on the line, Best Picture went to Green Book, the story of a brilliant black musician as told through the white guy who drove him around. Okay.” -Kristin
“Advice: avoid sugar, Oregon Trail diseases, & women named in Mambo No. 5.” -Austin
“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but so will my poor eating habits and bad decisions.” -Sarah Pribis
“She was prepared to kill a cockroach with a baseball bat.” -me on overzealous providers
“I am the crocodonkey.” -Klauss
“Aaaaaand we just lost Quisla.” -C
“Can Scaramucci last longer than a Scaramucci?” -...I don’t know, somebody.
“I want dysentery! ... wait what?” -Kyle
“My boobs are not real.” -Gordon
“I want to stop this show and take 10% of you outside, right now!" -Chris Harrison
“OMG Parallel Universe me, stop it!” -C
“I figured out who should host the Oscars ... Colin Kaepernick! Dude still needs a job, right? Also, he’s like two or three times the size of Kevin Hart. I bet we could pay him the same amount, so it’s like getting a bargain! Of course, I’ll want a modest consulting fee from the Academy. Problem solved. You’re welcome.” -Clint
“How the hell am I supposed to put this thing together? Are there instructions or am I just supposed to wing it?” -C “Even IKEA gives me instructions in a foreign language and a tiny ass tool.” -Q
"The only place you see Success before Work is in the Dictionary: -Mauro Ranallo NXT Takeover Phoenix
“A bold statement from a guy dressed as a hippo on a talent show.” -Klauss
“If you wanted the chicken fingers that badly, you could have asked for one instead of taking the whole plate of food.” -Gordon
“Time to play “Sexy or Sleepy”?” -C
“... that means ‘Eff you, you, you, and you’.” -Jason “That’s my autobiography right there.” -Gordon
“The magic thing about home is it feels good to leave but it feels better to come back.” -Emily “Home is a bit like that.” -C
“Thoughts and prayers to Ryan Stiles, who has lost his go-to celebrity impression.” -BB
“Hey, the Lord works in mysterious ways, but you don’t have to, USE YOUR TURN SIGNAL, ASSHOLE!” -Q
“What, you think people do coke once?” -Greg
“I can read off a TelePrompTer like a motherfucker.” -Kristen Bell
“‘Thank God we will be able to see more Pat Buchanan on TV’ said no one ever. I mean, for fuck’s sake, the last thing that is needed is another show featuring a panel of bloviating pundits. I get it. It’s cheap and easy to produce. But so is p*rn.” -Kevin, on The McLaughlin Group
“After watching HQ Words you wonder why Anna Roisman hasn't hit the big time yet. After watching HQ After Dark, you can completely understand why.” -Gordon
“If I die tonight, I want two of the Woodpeckers, two of the Football Tar Heels, and two of the Panthers to serve as my pallbearers so they can all let me down one more time.” -C, on Bad Sports Week 2019
“The first time is flattery, the second time is a lie.” -Michael
“I went to the mall with my pops. I saw something driving to there that truly shocked me. Someone had an orange Ford F650 extended cab pick up truck… With duallies… A rolling coal smokestack… And hubcaps with spikes on each of the nuts. And my only thought was… “My God… It must be MICROSCOPIC!” -Brian
“Would’ve expected to see “Employees must wash hands before returning to work”, posted in the restroom, but alright NOLA, still good looking out I guess...” -Casey
“Because....um.....going from a 40 to a 33 waist apparently makes people want to bed you.” -Gordon
“Breaking news: Idiot talks to idiot on a channel watched by idiots.” -Kevin
“Screaming tree maraca!” -Dahlia
“Looks like I fell down on the job.  Metaphorically, because literally would make me Oprah Rich and I'd be full of imported cheese right now.” -Laura
“In another decade or so, somebody is going to make a documentary on Ken Burns documentaries. The TRT will be 152 years.” -Kevin
“May your 2019 be filled with happiness, prosperity, great cocktails,  laughter, and Waffle House when you need it most.” -Rick Wilson
“There are sober people in England... No there’s not!” -Mike the CD
“Oh... oh.... oh....” -Q “IT’S MAGIC!” -C
“And finally, some of y’all still out here begging (I’m mean, pure, unadulterated BEGGING) for attention (I’m talking ANY attention) and validation. Lord Jesus put that sadness away. Just put it away.” - Michael
“I’m thinking of a number. The number is 10. You go first.” -JD
“Also, I would take tasteful pics of me making pizza naked. I'm only 30 and I'm only gonna look like this once.” -Kimberly D
“I have ADD. You wanna ride a bike? I’m gonna drink some water. Rooooooam if you want to... This coffee’s really delicious. I’m a sucker for you.” -Q
“Matthew Judon... Body built by Taco Bell.” -Matthew Judon, professional football player
“YEAH!!!! 1943, BITCH!” -my response to Q’s retelling of the events leading up to the Battle of Midway.
“Depending upon the inflection (Bless your heart) can mean anything from “oh you poor thing” to “would you lend me your brain?, I’m building an idiot”.” -Brian
“Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.” -LiyaZee
“That is a giant banana!” -Chris Ahearn, re: a giant banana “Why thank you!” -JB
“Betty White the Happy Homehooker.” -C
“I'll only have a hamberder if I can have it with covfefe.” -The Governess
“I will never forget when you surprised my ass in Atlantic City. That was the weekend of the Press Your Luck Prime Rib.” -JB “That was my first taste of the juice.” -Chico “And you been on the corner... ever since... looking for a fix.” -JB
“Sounds like a generic dude who owns the Ford dealership in every single city in America.” -BFG’s response to “Who is Tom Steyer?”
“Time to switch to Channel 7...” -Cyndi, getting ready to launch a Dallas recap style recap
“The only difference I've noticed this year is that now I get told, "OK Boomer", when I complain about holiday creep.” -Trey
“A 21st Century Koan... If a vegan that sold essential oils begin doing CrossFit… Which would they tell you about first?” -Brian
“Sorry I shoved my hair in your face.” -Christina
“You are turning into a Burberry wearing, wine drinking, charcoal mask wearing kinda guy... AND I COULDN’T BE PROUDER!” -Q
“Instead of airing new Love Island episodes, something tells me CBS is better off rerunning “The Mentalist”. -Doug “CBS is better off running Secret Talents of thr Stars.” -Gordon
“How far along are you?” -some guy “Oh, about six burritos and about a dozen cupcakes.” -Kimberly
“Answers and bribes go into the Corona Extra bucket.” -Michael
“Dear God, Please watch over Cole Anthony’s shoes.” -C
“What’s that scent you’re wearing? Oh, a little something I call washing your ass.” -Q
“You ever just wish there was a coffee delivery service? .... I do.” -Kathleen
“I’m just another brother with a game show.” -BFG
“(Unintelligible) ... Thicke of the niiiight.” -Greg’s impersonation of Gilbert Gottfried’s impersonation of Alan Thicke
“Antonio Brown doesn’t need football - ‘They’re going to play by my rules.’ A bold statement from a guy dressed as a hippo on a talent show.” -Klaussie
“You keep your head high and your middle finger higher.” -Alex
“There has to be a more scientific name for the penis. ... Intermittent organ?” —Gordon “That sounds pretentious enough to be scientific.” -C
“Zooey is saved for awkward sexy stories. Jeff Zucker is someone I don't want associated with "sexy stories".” -Dane
“Ryan is as Canadian as it gets. I think he bleeds maple syrup.” -C
“Turns out Gillette doesn’t work well with sensitive skin after all.” -Ben Rejmer
“Are you drinking something funny there, sunshine?” -Statboy
“It's so cold out here on the east coast that Jim Dolan, the brilliant genius that he is, decided to warm the citizens of Manhattan up and turn MSG into a giant dumpster fire.” -Gordon
“Ziggy is my spirit animal.” -C
“It may sound bougie, but.. you look good, you play good. You play good... they PAY good.” -Cam Newton
“We could be flying Pan Am Clippers to Venus. But MTV stopped playing music, legalized weed, and elected Donald Trump.” -C
“I get it. Tom Brady = deflated balls. Alex Guerrero = "inflates them". Hookers like Tom Brady. Damn, Alex Guerrero is better than Viagra.” -Klaussie
“I think I found the pony under the pile of shit." -Kimberly
“Skype sucks ass.” -Gordon
“In this troubled times, I like to put my hand over the  kidney in my heart, stare at the moon of Mars contemplating how the wheel is older than the wall, the great things Frederick Douglas is doing  & just being thankful I have ID to buy cereal, thankful for George Washington Airport victories & I don't have Windmill cancer.” -Trent Capelli...Twitter
“Sugar isn't "worse than cocaine."  You're not killing yourself by ingesting sugars either in foods or in your coffee.  People who are selling you weightloss programs want to tell you that you're killing yourself but there is no scientific evidence that sugar kills humans.   Thank you for attending my TEDtalk.” - Shrub
“I found a love...” -Ed Sheeran “No you didn’t.” (Click) -Chico
“Many of you are wondering about my mental state after the Vols game last night. I assure you last night I slept like a baby. Sleep two hours, wake up and cry, sleep two hours, wake up and cry...” -Brian
“If you paid $7 for a Jack & Coke, you got jacked.” -Klaussie “... and Coked.” -C
“Rich Eisen getting triggered by an f’n commercial for 9-1-1 because it featured a fictional situation in a place where his kid goes to is the most white guy thing ever.” -Greg
“And now that your reagent is all nice and mixed and all the chemicals have gotten to know each other, gently put the reagent cartridge onto the instrument. Gently... GENTLY, YOU IDIOT!” -C, to himself
“... goddamned hula shirt.” -Q
“The person who wrote the article needs to be taken in the back and have their writing license revoked. And then shot. And then never be allowed to touch a keyboard again. And then have their hands chopped off.” -Gordon
“They got Bowzer next to Barbi Benton, the lucky son of a bitch.” -C
“Here's what gets me every time I see the trailer for the Cats movie...these are all successful actors. Like...nobody in this movie actually needs to do this.” -Lana
“I made Chico donate $24 to Extra Life.” -Gordon
“You guys are compact cars like I’m a gay, wasted white girl.” -Q
“HQ is like the divorced dad with a much younger, hippy dippy, girlfriend-- and the kids don't want to visit.” -Amberlee
“Suck down your coffee like you own it!” -Hollie
“DRUM SOLO!!!” -Weird Al
“You know when you’re a podcaster you need a good vocabulary. I did always have one. When I was young I mixed up Jacuzzi and Yakuza. And for a while I was in hot water with the Japanese mafia.” -Brian
“It’s game of thrones, but I’m much less Jon Snow and much more Johnny Mudstorm.” -Gordon
“Skype is being a ho.” -Jason
“It's a less-sensitive Soul Man, in a time we need no such shit.” -Klauss
“I thought you were gonna get a room.” -Chapel Hill Phil “I thought you were gonna mind your business.” -Chico “.... that’s fair.” -CHP
“For those of you who are upset about being single on Valentines Day, remember this... 99% of my socks are single but you don’t see them crying about it!” -Connor
“They are selling CBD oil at Bed Bath and Beyond?! I’m sure that’s quality stuff. Honky, please!” -Christina
“She is twisted. If she swallowed a nail, she’d shit out a corkscrew.” -Q
“Oh Taylor Swift. Patron saint of Pride Month. Thank God for straight white girls.” -Michael
“Apollo’s Chariot: “I’m the biggest baddest hypercoaster on the eastern seaboard.” Intimidator 305: “... Bless your heart.” Fury: “Both of you can hold my sweet tea.”” -C
“I don't know you and I sure as heck don't know your sister.” -Klaussie
“Nothing makes you stronger than having no choice in the matter. You’re strong because you have to be.” -Christina’s dad
“Apparently people have mistaken my professional courtesy with genuine interest.” -Michael
“Jon Bauman, you dingleberry!” -Chico a la James May
“Bad enough it’s Scott but it’s Comic Sans, so that makes it even worse.” -Nick “Gentlemen... start your whacking!” -Cyndi “PHRASING!” -Jay, Chico, JVG
“As Robert Downey Jr. once said...” -Cindy
“Whenever I see a married couple with a joint Facebook page, I never, ever have any thought other than "I wonder which one of 'em cheated."” -Adam
“Why is Dan Orlovsky talking football and why should I take anything Safetyman says seriously?” -Cyndi
“Okay, you're a billionaire and can easily afford top-of-the-line call girls at $5,000 to $10,000 an hour and you go to a sleazy massage parlor where the women smell like lavender and shame (so I've heard).” -Steve
“My floor is occupied with eggs.” -Gordon
“Quis, your thing is making noise. Can you make it... not make noise?” -C
“I’ve been waiting at the phone for 29 years hoping someone can win this cruise!” -Klaussie
“If you wanted the chicken fingers that badly, you could have asked for one instead of taking the whole plate of food. #WelcomeBackToLeague #BowlerCityThievery #CheckingTheCamerasAfterLeague.” -Gordon
“I'm proud to say I only cried five times.  Admittedly, once was during the opening credits...” -Prof. O
“Phone calls in the mor-NING!” -C, describing his job as a radio jingle
“Okay, the shirt I was wearing when Liza gave me a slimy hug...I wanted to keep wearing it but I also loved the way the slime stains looked on it, so I waited six weeks to wash it so the slime stains would be totally set in. I just did laundry and there’s not a slime stain to be found anywhere on this shirt. On the one hand, mildly disappointed, but on the other hand, holy crap, Tide just made a customer for life out of me.” -Adam
"Really, you don't go back to the crazy ex-girlfriend. You leave her in the insane asylum." -Rafael Siegel, former Cash Show host
“Don't slap Charlotte in her boobs, you're just making her ANGRY!” -Brian
“Is it bigger than a Bird Box?” -Adam Nedeff’s take on What’s My Line?/Bird Box
“That song Birthday Sex is depressing when it’s your birthday and you have no sex.” -Red
“Politics politics politics Sean Spicer politics politics politics DWTS politics politics politics shimmy shimmy shimmy politics politics politics *tea sip*” -Kimberly
“We may need to add Brie Larson to the "How big is Batista's dick?" question list.” -Dane
“Chico and I not only know that we;re going to Hell, we requested a nice suite, complete with kitchen, spa and bidet, Aaron is coming also. We should have room in the suite for more if you want to join us.” -Gordon
“If Bill Cosby is telling you to get out, get out.  Else, you'll get a dinner drink with a special surprise.” -Klauss
“Hey, what’s coming out this May?” -Q “(Incoherent slurring)” -C “Really? Who’s in it?” -Q “Ryan Reynolds, I dunno.” -C
“I feel like Neville Longbottom with a remembrall.” -Amberlee
“Comically oversized shit sells. It's America, bigger is better.” -Jessica
“You’ve heard of salt in a wound or lemon juice on a paper cut... but have you heard of Oxi Clean powder on a fingernail you cut too short? Pro tip: avoid that.” -Coby
“I have an idea.” -Q “OH NO!!!! NOT AN IDEA!!!!” -C
“Truck contains political promises.” -actual septic truck
“Uhh... framing?” -C
“It’s very easy to get friends on these apps if you say you’re a hot chick.” -Gordon
“Woodstock 50 cancelled after organizers determined they can’t make it as hilarious as Fyre Fest.” -Adam
“Age and wisdom divorced decades ago. Stupid people get old too.” -Austin
“They put some extra claps in this.” -C, re: CS2019 theme
“I hope she’s dreaming the biggest, bestest dreams... and I hope she never stops.” -Kathleen, on her new little girl.
“You think it’s awkward buying condoms, try returning them!” -Q
“If Mississippi State wins the Outback Bowl, we all get free Bloomin' Onions. If Iowa wins, we all get free Coconut Shrimp. If that's not reason enough to root for Iowa, I don't know what to tell you.” -Matty
“Full hearts, full stomachs, can’t poop.” -Evil Travis
“That's it. Officially referring to my boobs as my "small turkeys".” -LiyaZee
“More phone calls in the mor-NING!” -C, describing his job as a radio jingle
“Tried watching pre-debate coverage, but the phrase "brutal Darwinian logic of winnowing" sent me back to Press Your Luck.” -Heather
“...if we hold up a painting of Hurricane Dorian, will it die?” -Amberlee
“Hey Cindy... you married that.” -C
“Literatively? Okay.” -Gordon
“I plan on going with Chef from South Park's line on that one -- "There's a time and a place for everything, and it's called college."” - Kristin, on “Break Up With Your Girlfriend (Because I’m Bored)”
“Allegiant Stadium. Much like the Raiders... A WORK IN PROGRESS.” -C
“Nobody could sing like Milli Vanilli… But let’s be fair neither could they.” -Brian
“Gar-a-giola, Gar-a-giola, STRIIIIIIKE IT RICH! Gar-a-giola, Gar-a-giola, STRIIIIIIKE IT RICH! Strike! It! Riiiiich! Strike! It! Riiiiich! Gar-a-giola, Gar-a-giola, STRIIIIIIKE IT RICH!” -Nedeff’s lyrics to the love theme from “Strike It Richl by Hal Hidey
“In God we trust, all others must provide research-based, peer-reviewed data.” -Aryn
“Go-gurt™: because fuck spoons and decency.” -Sarah Ann
“Like I said ESPN is to the Patriots what FOX News is to the Republican Party.” -Greg
“That is like walking hepatitis.” -Tim DeLaGhetto
“Will there be any trivia questions on your trivia question show?” -Erskine
“I’m a journalism major, so I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.” -BFG
“That’s Right is the Adam Gase of trivia apps.” -Greg
“And yes, Bill Maher does in fact molest collies, and goats...and sheep...and Chicago Bears. 😜” -JVG
“In the words of my dear uncle Paul, ‘Google it, bitch! I’m not here to educate you!’” -Nikki
“You know what they call the guy who graduates last in medical school?” -Megan “A doctor!” -C
“You can never win an argument with an idiot or an asshole. Idiots don’t know they’re wrong, and assholes won’t even consider the possibility that they could be wrong. You can’t help it if you’re an idiot sometimes, but don’t be an asshole. Just something to think about going into 2019.” -Clint
“No Ganos is good Ganos with Graham Gano.” -Tim
“Enough loonies to fill up the Bank of Montreal.” -Klauss
“In the age of auto correct no less, it makes me shudder when I see the leader of the free world making fifth grade grammar mistakes.” -Q
“You look like who did it and why.” -Mary
“Ow, my check! ... I mean, ow, my neck!” -Big Rick
“This woman on Wheel of Fortune has two grandchildren named Kennedy and Nixon, and I have questions.” -Melanie
“You’re the President of the United States and getting dragged by fucking Burger King. It’s just... wonderful.” -Shannon
“Classy, Like a White House Big Mac.” -Actual team trivia name
“Sex is a mistake 9 out of 10 times.” -Michael
“Who signs the cat?” -Carl
“This feels like an SNL sketch. Where’s Bill Hader?” -Greg
“Yeah! And uh...I played HQ with one of them in a hotel room. Wait, that sounds creepy.” -BFG “More than that.  (No, THAT sounds creepy.) You have played online trivia with one of them.  Surely you ran into or at least saw others in Vegas.” -Klaussie
the subject: The Jeopardy! All-Stars
“Step 1: Go to McDonald's. Step 2: Order a Shamrock Shake. There, now you don't have to read the article.” -Prof. O via Evil Travis. The question: “How to order a Shamrock Shake.”
Lunch lady: “Hey Dino! Get me a grape soda! I’m thirsty!” C, after an insane amount of giggling: “You said it, not me.”
“Some bitch decided she wanted to be a bitch.” -C
AP headline on Twitter: "Tim Tebow struggling in Triple-A; still a work in progress." GSNN: "Funny -- so was 'Million Dollar Mile'."
“The Bosa brothers = MAGA Gronk.  Don't @ me.” -Klauss
“... BASSOON SOLO!!!!!” -Weird Al
Greg: “Crying Game Cereal. A surprise in every box.” (Everyone dies for, like, five minutes) Chico: “... I’m going to HQ.... YOU NEED TO GO TO CHURCH!”
“Aunt Becky has some stupid kids.” -Austin Rogers
“I wanna be 21 again and ruin my life differently... I have new ideas.” -Sarah Pribis
“Mannnn listen!! It's time to just throw the whole R. Kelly away!!” -Bruce
“By the time all is said and done, I will have been awake for 24 hours.” -C “Rookie.” -G
“Instead of airing new LI episodes, something tells me CBS is better off rerunning “The Mentalist”. -Doug
“Well they went over as well as a ham sandwich at a kosher deli.” -Q
“Drop it and get out of here!” -Carl’s boss
“The call is coming from inside the wheelhouse.” -Ullsperger
“I am the Marquis de Asshole.” -Gordon
“Elizabeth Banks’ ass is America’s ass.” -C, with apologies to Paul Rudd, Elizabeth Banks, and Bill Carruthers
“Don't have an iPhone or iPad? Maybe you can beg at the boots of your betters, proletariat scum!” -Megan
“Tom Brady and Bob Kraft shaking hands and whispering into each other’s ear... ‘Hail Hydra’.” -C
Jason (discussing the Masked Singer): “The Hippo was ANTONIOOOOOOOO Brown!” Brian H: So THAT'S how the Madden Curse happened this year.
“Manish Mehta is on 92.3 The Fan right now.  My first thought after hearing him for 5 seconds:  He sounds like Aziz Ansari as The Bookworm on that SNL GSN show parody a few years ago.” -Klaussie
“Look at me, I’m Sandra Bullock.” -Nick
"That's Britain for you. Tea solves everything. You're a bit cold? Tea. Your boyfriend has just left you? Tea. Coordinated terrorist attack on the transport network bringing the city to a grinding halt? TEA DAMMIT!" — LiveJournal user jslayeruk
“Temporary emotions lead to permanent mistakes!” -C
“Tuesday night wasn’t just biscuits. Roy Williams went ahead and got the dirty rice to go with it.” -Adam Lucas after Carolina made State humble, 113-96
“Shaka... when the paywalls fell.” -Kevin
“Barbi Benton... ROLL TIDE!” -Greg
“I love when you ask for recommendations for establishments, services, recipes, products, etc., and people respond with, "Did you Google it?" Like, Thanks, Karen! I hadn't thought to use the easily-accessible, number one search engine in the world before! I'm totally not looking for recommendations based on actual experience from personal friends who will give me honest feedback, so I'm glad you directed me to Google!” -Cindy
SWSNBN: “Can your cover for me while I eat my sandwich?” C: “Go eat your sandwich.” SWSNBN: “I’ve got nothing going on.” C: “You’ve doomed us all. Go eat your sandwich.”
“If life gives you lemons remember: life was very honest about how many people it'd been with.” -Austin
“Two hours after lunch is still after lunch! BOOK SAY SO!” -C
“Remember, two wrongs don’t make a right, three rights make a left, and I’m Kyle Serra, quiz responsibly.” -Kyle
Q: “The answer fell into the pizza!” C: “Well now not only is it correct, it’s delicious.”
“Tom Brady just got the sixth stone. Half the NFL is about to vanish.” -Nikki
“I’m Max Essodus and I’m leaving!” -Klauss
“Chuck Todd is a bowl of Jello with a bad goatee and a shitty hair cut.” - @PhillyLocalGuy
“Leonard Frey! Leonard Frey! Anytime you call, Leonard will take care of you! Winter, Spring and Fall!” -Chico
“I THINK I’M BREAKING EVERY FCC RULE IN THE BOOK!” -Kevin Harlan calling two NFL games at the same time
“Horrible news to report, Baby Yoda has died after Myles Garrett beat the shit out of him with a helmet.” -Barry McCockiner
“The Yankees are like Roman Reigns: they’re good, everybody still hates them, and they always kick out of your finisher shm” -Mike Janela
“My nightmare is being stuck working for a guy that looks like Chris Cillizza” -@ChadShartman
“Mel Gibson/Rothschild casting is most inspired decision since Richard Spencer was chosen to write the screenplay for the new Frederick Douglas parody bio pic.” – Josh Marshall
“Minecraft? HELL NO!” -Amberlee at RewardTheFan on Minecraft RewardTheFan
“109876543210, Happy New Year!” – Kyle @ Trivia Crack
Tony Stark: “Hey, you said one out of fourteen million, we'd win, yeah? Tell me this is it.” Doctor Strange: “If I tell you what happens, it won't happen.”
America, let me just tell you something, do not commit crimes with checks.” –Charles Barkley
“I bet George Halas and Pop Warner are up there now coaching Angels in the Heaven Bowl.” –Cord Hosenbeck
“The director saw Green Book and was inspired to make a bigger disaster of a movie about race.” –From the IMDb Trivia Page for Loqueesha
“Drew Brees and Harry Styles fighting over a Pepsi is Peak 2010s.” -Chico
“The aging app? I didn’t know there was an app that helped Mike Maccagnan make his freaking draft picks!!!” -@DAitken90
“For all the notes and stats FOX gave out, they missed that this was the very first post-season game in history where two wife-beater closers gave up two-run home runs in the 9th.” -Ken Levine
Chico: “Man, Bowzer ruined this!” Mike: “Just like the second half of the show Bowzer ruined this!”
“Amazon Suggestion for David Pecker: Because you considered “Blackmailing the Richest Man Who Ever Lived,” we recommend you “Get an Orange Jumpsuit.” –Stephen Colbert
“When in doubt, choose Helium!” –Megan
“They should make a Mistress Pac-Man. Ghosts chasin’ her around the apartment Pac-Man rents for her, eatin’ all the strawberries and chocolates he sends and whatnot. Then the last level Ms. Pac-Man is after her ass like “Oh HELL no that’s MY round yellow man!!!” –George Wallace
“God is a woman and her name is Hailee Steinfeld” -@dakotalanthimos
“I stopped by the Statue of Liberty today, thinking about freedom, and the ability to go for it all.” –Bill Walton at the Pac-12 Tournament in Las Vegas talking about being at the NY-NY Casino
“today marks LaGuardia Airport’s first positive contribution to America.” –Jack Holmes on the end of the Late 2018-Early 2019 Government Shutdown
“BEAT THAT GHOST DICK!” -Matt Richards
Greg: “What if the Monster on The Masked Singer is Michael Cohen?” Mike: “If it is that will almost guarantee there won’t be a second season of The Masked Singer.”
“Roger Clemens tried to smash Mike Piazza’s head with a baseball bat and was still less of an asshole than Curt Schilling.” -@[email protected]
“I love all the diversity in Star Wars. There’s brown people and someone with a Boston accent” -Dani Fernandez
“I don’t care that Brock Lesnar won Money In The Bank, I want to know if Brett Somers won Money In The (BLANK)” -Mike
“Woodrow Wilson even with a stroke was sharper than Donald Trump is today.” –David Frum
“As far as I’m concerned, that’s America’s ass!” - Scott Lang “That is America’s Ass.” - Steve Rogers “America’s Ass? Are you talking about Tom Villard?” - Mike
“Oh Jesus, it’s Jimmie Walker’s turn!” –Chico
“Where’s the Robert Kraft spa video? I’d rather watch a video of my own funeral.” –Gerard Mulligan
“So, does Jeff Zucker have to completely cause CNN to lose money and get devalued so badly it gets bought out by Comcast for him to replace Vince Russo as “worst Turner Broadcasting hire ever?” -Dane
“I was just researching Mark Russell as a "Whatever happened to...?" He's still alive.” –Matt Jones
“And all of ESPN and FS1’s morning shows are just the worst. People who watch them actually come away dumber for doing so. I don’t understand the appeal of watching idiots on either network yell biased opinions at each other...many of which are lacking context or facts beyond what they see on a caption of a social media post. It’s like going to a comment section and watching arguments.” -Dylan White on the Awful Annoucing Facebook comments section
“Hunter, Kiss my ass.” –Dave Bautista
“The fact that the CEO of twitter can have his account hacked is a blinding indictment of twitter’s security policies. The fact that no one could tell the difference is a blinding indictment of jack himself.” -@ChrisSmith_RSB
“I don’t know anybody who loves or even likes Trey Wingo.” -@SlicedBrett
“A Madea Star Wars” must now be a thing…” –Amberlee
“People are like "the New York Post is bad for that cover, subscribe to the Daily News instead!" as if the Daily News didn't run a screencap of a woman being murdered on it a few years back. They're both pure trash. Neither are better.” -Craig Calcaterra
“Tim Burton’s Dumbo brings out Michael Buffer TWICE to say “Let’s get rrready…for Dumbo!” and I laugh again every time I think about it.” –Ken Jennings
“Who the hell is Dr. Lee Franz?” –Jason H.
“I was in the theater and that moment was revealed and the audience was “OOOOH!” and I just was laughing so hard!” –Ron Burgundy remembering the ending of “The Crying Game”
“Ladies and Gentleman… whatever legitimacy pro wrestling has left literally crawled under the ring.” –Chico critiquing the workrate of Colin Jost
“Can y'all imagine if the Gremlins and Jason Vorhees both attacked at the same time that would be some difficult shit to deal with anyway talk to you later” -George Wallace
“Trump getting impeached over the Ukraine is a little like Scorsese getting the Oscar for The Departed, but hey recognition is recognition.” -John Ross Bowie
“Alex Trebek is a fixture in the American firmament and we're all behind him. What a great man, so kind to my family and so warm to all of us contestants. Send him your love.” -Austin Rogers
“Rather than bore you with my expansive knowledge of British politics, allow me to comment on more pressing matters: drunken Chris Jericho getting his belt stolen” -Mike Tunison (@xmasape)
“Only ESPN would do a feature on Robert Kraft taking former players to Jerusalem — while he awaits trial for soliciting prostitution in a sex trafficking ring.” -@willgcopeland
“Looking forward to the “In Memory of Jim Cornette’s Career” graphic that will be starting Dynamite.” - Trevor Dame
“Tom Steyer sounds like a guy who airs MLK and Columbus Day ads, where you can get a new Mustang or Fusion for up to $6,000 off MSRP” - BFG
“Eh, what’s her name? Her name Barry Lonson. She’s in da, she won Oscar for the movie “Stuck In The Basement”. Also, she’s in the movie “Kink Kong: He Got Love With Her” but how he make sex with her, she’s young, she’s small and he big. I don’t know?” -Yehya reviewing Captain Marvel
“To this day nobody knows who Ann Risley is.” -Chico
“Heartbreaking: there is apparently no video I can find of this moment, where a robot named "Mr. Scraps" delivered a ball to James Doohan (Scotty from Star Trek), who had just arrived in a dry-ice-and-laser-bathed Delorean to throw out the first pitch in "The Biodome". Please enjoy this real quote from the Mariners former VP of marketing: "We named the robot Mr. Scraps, because it looked like a garbage can on wheels. Not exactly what we were expecting, but it served its purpose." [email protected]
MC Cool Cloud: “No union better mess with my family!” Cloud 9 Employee in Training Video: “Oh, MC Cool Cloud, (pats stomach) you’re gonna be the best dad.” Garrett: “I’m sorry, did MC Cool Cloud just impregnate a human?” Mateo: “I think he did.” “I’m in shock, Gene. I just talked to my accountant and I found out this guy made 30 grand and I’m working for minimum scale.” -Marty Cohen on MG-HSH Episode #12 “It would be kind of weird for a person named Tammy to be played by Tim Dunigan.” -Mike
“Chico's brain only has so much memory.  It's either the capital of Botswana, or something you rambled at 3AM while white-girl wasted.   Only one of those nuggets of wisdom is a panty-dropper, and I think we all know which.” -Laura
“So, the audience for SNL seems to be comprised of easily offended Catholics, YouTube “influencers”, and Trump. But Lorne Michaels still thinks he shouldn’t retire? Because if I learned those people watched something I produced, I’d eschew all technology forever and go live in one of those Unabomber log cabins.” -Kevin
“Morning report: The "Fuck Your Feelings" crowd sure gets triggered easily.” -Rick Wilson
“ZIPPERS?!” -Klauss
“We’s considerin’ buddies.” -C
“Automan’s naked and wearing a belt? I don’t get this!” -Klaussie
“You were standing in his crotch!” -Anna
“I am utterly surprised there were no traces of Batman cereal yet Greg's dad made at least 2 appearances.” -Klaussie
“Next time, can you pick a gas station that ISN’T in the middle of nowhere?” -C
“Did Isaac ever deliver cold hard cash direct to your PayPal account? No!” -Greg
“Too many phone calls in the mor-NING!” -C, describing his job as a radio jingle
“Semi-Quotable of the 2010s--Hundreds of quips enter, Adam Nedeff wins because he's funny and he has half of Hollywood under his thumb.” -Klaussie
“You’re not you when you’re thirsty.” -Q, the Double Entendre of the Year
“Nobody ever robbed a convenience store to get sugar money.” -Brandon
“If you're mad at rich peoples kids for getting special acceptance/treatment at college and you aren't mad about all the athletes that get the same thing you're a hypocrite. Ya'll leave Aunt Becky alone.” -Stephanie
“Damn it! I used too much stick.” /Ethan
“And her tights say two cents a dance.” -Kimberly
“Go home, That’s Right. You’re clearly on meth.” -Evil Travis
“I paid $700 for THAT?!” -Klaussie
“Florida is now under a Jim Cantore watch.” -Braden
“Good Brother, but Bad Mother!” -Gordon
“Dude. Even Nike hates Duke!” -D
“For 15 points, Will Smith’s arrogant cousin Hillary appeared in an episode of NBC’s hit sitcom Blossom. Another episode of blossom featured Don Novello playing the role of Father Guido Sarducci, and Father Guido Sarducci also popped up on an episode of Married...With children. Stay with me here. David Faustino’s character Bud Bundy also popped up all the Fox network sitcom Parker Lewis Can’t Lose. In another episode of Parker Lewis Can’t Lose, Parker crosses paths with grown-up Eddie Haskell, who of course,We all remember from Leave It to Beaver. His next-door neighbors, June, Wally, and Beaver Cleaver were all characters in an episode of the Love Boat. Now there is this other episode of the Love Boat where all of Charlie’s Angels are on board. In an episode of Charlie’s Angels, Dan Tanna shows up from Vega$. But that’s not important right now. Remember when I said Parker Lewis had crossed paths with Eddie Haskell? Well Eddie also popped up on an episode of Hi Honey I’m Home. So did Gale Gordon‘s character Mr. Mooney, who you might remember from the Lucy Show. There’s an episode of the Lucy Show where Lucy crosses paths with Private Gomer Pyle, USMC, who, of course originally appeared on the Andy Griffith show, which was a spinoff of Make Room for Daddy. On an episode of Make Room for Daddy, Danny encounters Buddy Sorrell, one of Alan Brady’s writers on The Dick Van Dyke Show. Alan Brady later appeared on Mad About You, where Ursula was the twin sister of Phoebe from Friends, and Phoebe’s friend Chandler Bing showed up on Caroline and the City, where Caroline draws a popular comic strip that is read and enjoyed by Daphne Moon, the caretaker for Dr. Frasier Crane’s disabled father. Dr. Crane used to hang out at a Boston bar called Cheers, where Norm, Cliff, and Carla encounter Drs. Auschlander & Westphall, but on a landmark 1988 broadcast, we learn that Drs. Auschlander & Westphall never existed and that all of the shows I mentioned in this question are logically the figments of the imagination of Tommy Westphall, Who is the only character who demonstrably existed on what beloved medical drama?” -Adam
“Snapchat Catch Phrase!” -Will & Erinn
“#1800235DEAD!” -...damn near everybody
“Charles Stiles, Mystery Diners.” -Charles Stiles, Mystery Diners
“This tea is delicious.” -Kimberly === Here’s to 2019... Come together, just think of tomorrow.
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Some of us are Human - The Animal Clinic’s Lab and Beneath The Ice Water (Chapter 18)
Author: what_the_hell_is_a_stiles826
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall, Issac Lahey, Lydia Martin, Alan Deaton, Malia Tate/Hale, Rhiannon King, Jordan Parrish and Reader.
Mentioned past characters: Vernon Boyd, Cora Hale, Kira Yukimura and William Barrow.
Summary: Lydia shares her visions with all of her friends at Rhiannon’s party. Y/n grows more suspicious that Stiles is keeping something from her. Secrets are revealed about Blaze’s past and Y/n and Stiles have a disagreement. 
Note: I love Lydia and Y/n in this chapter. I sense an unlikely friendship forming in the near future. 
Warning: Cursing, talk about death, flufffffff. 
Chapter Eighteen - Chapter Nineteen
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“It was that night.” Scott concluded from Lydia explaining her visions. “That night Boyd and Cora got loose from the bank vault.” He said. The group remained silent at the discovery, lounging in Rhiannon’s outdoor chairs and being kept warm by the lit fireplace. Stiles sat with his left arm draped across your shoulders and his right elbow on the arm rest with his hand placed against his mouth.
“Yes.” Lydia confirmed. Parrish reached for her shaking hand. 
“And we were supposed to stop them.” Scott said, lowering his head in shame. You reached forward and placed your chilled hand on his forearm. You remembered how eventful that night was, having nearly been killed himself along side Derek after the two broke into the vault, only to be trapped with two ravenous werewolves that hadn’t seen the full moon in days. “I thought we did.” Scott shook with guilt. No one had any idea that Boyd could’ve actually killed someone that night.
“Holly wasn’t found right away. It camouflaged itself as another animal attack, then the machines failed at the hospital. That’s what actually killed her and what landed her in the papers.” Lydia explained some more. “That’s why we missed it.” She sighed. There was another agonizing pause among the group. 
“What about the fire?” You asked Lydia, still not getting the full story. Her face went pale and cold at your question, having been haunted by the event indefinitely. 
“Blaze was an employee at the Agriculture Mill. The manager, actually. One night he stayed late, performing maintenance on the machines. It was the same night that Kira was kidnapped by William Barrow, the Nogitsune was released into Stiles...” She took a deep breath before continuing. “Plus the power outage that spread across Beacon Hills. It caused something to go wrong with some exposed wires at the factory. Blaze was nearly killed that night in the fire.” Lydia explained. “He doesn’t just blame Boyd.” Lydia sighed, leaning back in her seat. “He blames us all.” She finished. 
“But does he know Boyd is dead?” You asked. 
“It doesn’t matter. Cora could be in danger for just being a part of it.” Issac predicted. “We need to call Derek.” He finished.
“So could Kira.” Scott added. Rhiannon appeared at the back door, plunging through with smiles plastered across her perfect face. 
“Hey guys, I think I finally caught a break from family.” She mentioned, taking a seat on Issac’s lap. He calmly placed his arm across her lap. “What are we talking about?” She asked, ending the conversation rather abruptly. 
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Stiles dropped you off at your apartment after what seemed like a long ride back, you and Rhiannon talking non stop the whole way. Rhiannon hopped out of the Jeep, thanking your boyfriend on the way out and Stiles walked you to the front door, slowly with his hands in his pockets.
“You were quiet the whole way home.” You mentioned. 
“Just, trying to figure out everything that Lydia told us tonight.” He replied, scratching his nose. Deep down he just wanted to talk to Scott about finding another Hunter and he couldn’t do that with you around. 
“I know, me too. Are you sure you don’t want to stay over? We could try to figure it out together?” You asked, tilting your head and running your hand down his chest. He grabbed it, almost too tightly to stop you then scratched his forehead nervously. 
“Uh, no I need to go talk to my Dad or something. Tomorrow, okay?” He kissed the back of your hand he still gripped onto. You scrunched your eyebrows at his dry reaction. 
“Okay.” You simply, harshly stated. You were growing tired of his strange and secretive behavior. You pulled your hand away and turned the handle of your front door. You turned back for a second, wondering if you should ask again. 
“Y/n-” Stiles tried to stop you. But instead, shook your head in annoyance and closed the door behind you before he could finish. He sighed, but he knew having you slightly irritated with him was still better than you finding out the truth. So he left it at that. 
For now. 
Scott returned home that night concerned for all of his friends. He had so many questions. Did Blaze in fact know Boyd is dead? Does he know Cora was there that night as well? Does he know Kira was technically the one to cause the power outage that night and would he go after her too? He flung himself down on his bed and pulled his cellphone from his jeans pocket. It rang. And rang. 
“Derek! Call me, it’s important!” Scott hollered into his phone before hanging up and tossing it onto the floor. He placed each hand on top of his head, stress-fully running his fingers through his black hair. He jolted up and reached for his phone back, scrolling through the address book. He stopped at her name. Kira. He let his thumb hover over the call button for several minutes, but he knew it would probably do no good. No way she had her phone out in the desert. So, he scrolled back up to Issac’s name and called him to come over. 
Scott paced his living room alone, until he heard the front door swing open. It wasn’t Issac, it was Malia. He ran and hugged her, needing some instant comfort. 
“Are you okay?” She asked, a little startled. 
“I think...” Scott tried to catch a breath. “I think I might be having a panic attack.” He said. 
“Since when does an Alpha werewolf get those?” She questioned. “Hey, sit down.” Malia said, grabbing his arm and pulling him to the couch. She placed her hands against his cheeks and he closed his eyes. “Breathe. Okay, we are going to figure this out.” She said.
“Malia, everyone is in danger. Everyone. How am I supposed to protect all of them?” He questioned her. She sighed and hugged him tightly. “You aren’t going to do it alone, okay? That’s how.” She replied. He nodded. “I told Lydia everything.” She admitted. “And she hasn’t sensed Y/n’s death, okay? So maybe this will work out.” Malia told him. Finally Issac entered the living room, a little frantic himself. Scott and Malia sighed, preparing to tell him the whole truth next. 
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“Okay, tell me again why you broke into my room?” Lydia asked you. You paced her bedroom, then looked back to her and noticed that her shoes were on and her purse was hanging from her shoulder. 
“Where were you going?” You asked. She huffed at you. “Come on, your shoes are on, where were you going to go? What’s going on Lydia?” You questioned. 
“Why are you asking me?” She hollered. You sighed and threw your hands down beside you. 
“Because you don’t like me. We aren’t really friends, so I can count on you to tell me the truth.” You crossed your arms, questioning yourself for the first time since arriving at her place. 
“Okay, that makes no sense.” She told you. 
“I know you are all keeping something from me! What is it?” You hollered at her some more. She stared at you for several moments, glaring. 
“And I don’t dislike you.” Is all she said before leaving for her car, which you followed her into. “Seriously?” She harassed you. “Get out of my car, Y/n.” She said. 
“Did it ever occur to you that because Allison was my best friend and she was your best friend, that you and I could actually become best friends?” You asked, buckling your seat belt. 
“No!” She yelled. You sighed. Then she sighed louder before finally pulling out of her driveway. 
Stiles darted inside Scott’s house and rounded the corner to see not only Scott, but Malia and Issac as well. 
“Please tell me we found another Hunter.” Stiles pleaded, placing his hands together in a praying motion. Malia shook her head and Scott turned to Issac who just learned the whole truth.
“Oh yeah, we found a complete stranger that wants to die for our cause. They are ecstatic!” He threw his hands down sarcastically. Stiles threw his head back in a desperate whine. “I’m calling Argent. He can do it.” Issac said. “He’s stronger, he’s been a Hunter longer.” He tried to reason with himself. 
“You really want to ask him this?” Malia asked. 
“He’d do it for her.” Stiles agreed. Scott took a deep, regretful breath. But suddenly, Lydia marched in through the front door. 
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“Guys, we’ve got a problem.” Lydia stated as you pushed your way inside passed her. 
“Y/n?” Stiles stepped forward. You crossed your arms, your cheeks red with anger and disbelief. 
“She wouldn’t take no for an answer!” Lydia tried to explain. 
“You couldn’t of driven her somewhere else? Anywhere else?” Issac harassed.
“Pretended you were just going out to get a milkshake or something?” Stiles added. You stepped forward, glaring at your boyfriend. 
“Okay, what in the actual hell is going on?” You cornered your friends. The room fell silent as you grew angrier. “Hello?” You questioned louder. 
“Okay, Y/n. We know-” Scott began, but Stiles interrupted. 
“No, please. Scott, stop.” Stiles begged. 
“No, you stop!” You hollered at Stiles, who sank into his shoulders. Scott sighed heavily before continuing. 
“We know how to stop Blaze.” He began again. 
“Okay.” You waited for more, blinking your eyes impatiently. 
“Y/n.” Stiles pleaded with you once more. You threw your hand up to silence him and he plopped down on Scott’s couch, biting his fingernails. Scott closed his eyes, uncomfortably put in the middle. He didn’t want you to follow through with the plan either, but as your friend he felt like he had no choice but to tell you now. 
“We have a piece of Theo’s revived soul. Now we need a piece of a Hunter’s tainted one. But in order to get it, the Hunter has to die. For a minute.” He explained. You gulped, taking it all in. 
“Okay, so what do I need to do?” You asked. Stiles jumped up.
“No. Y/n, no. You don’t have to do it.” He told you. “Please, I knew you’d agree. I was trying to protect you.” He claimed. 
“By lying to me!” You hollered. You understood his reasoning, yet were frustrated he’d sacrifice others in order to keep you in the dark. “This isn’t what we do.” You told him. You told everyone. “We all make sacrifices.” You said, looking around to your friends. “I am no different.” You shook with frustration. You headed for the front door. “If no one wants to tell me what to do, I’ll go talk to Deaton myself.” You said before slamming the door behind you. 
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“Stiles, I’m sorry.” Scott turned to Stiles immediately, who stood anxiously behind him fidgeting with his fingers. 
“I gotta go.” He panicked, grabbing his coat from the couch and then chased after you. 
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“Y/n!” Stiles ran after you as you quickly tried to walk home alone. He ran faster, stopping in front of you, desperately trying to get you to listen. “Will you please listen to me?” He begged. 
“Now you want to talk to me about it? Sti, I asked you over and over again if something was wrong and you said nothing!” You crossed  your arms against your chest firmly, shielding yourself from letting him get any closer. 
“I’m sorry, okay! I’m sorry about that, you would’ve done the same thing.” He replied as you tried to force your way through him. He grabbed the top of your arm gently. “Y/f/i, we were trying to figure something else out.” He explained. 
“By putting someone else’s life in danger?” You questioned angrily. He paused and licked his lips in defeat. 
“Yes. Okay, yeah.” He admitted. You shoved your way passed him and he frantically followed. “Because I’ll choose you over them. I’ll choose for you to live and breathe. I’m not going to apologize for that; for choosing love, no-” He paused. “I will choose you over and over again.” He cried. You felt the ache in your chest, knowing what you were going to say next way ahead of time. He let a small breath escape his perfect mouth. You let a tear spill down your cheek and finally spun to face Stiles. You shrugged, still crossing your arms and licked the fallen tear from your lips.
“Maybe that’s the problem.” You told him. The very words cutting so deeply into your soul that you wanted to die right there. Love? Did he just say love? You wanted those things from him. Just not like this. Not by becoming those kind of people. You weren’t that special or that important. 
“What are you saying?” Stiles questioned. He felt like he’d completely lost control. He was incapable of expressing the loss correctly. He felt frozen. Cold. Dead. 
“I’m saying I need you to let me do this. And if that means staying away from me, then I need you to do that too. And if I succeed, if I make it out of this...” You gulped loudly. “You can talk to me then.” You finished. He couldn’t move. He watched you walk away, still frozen by your words.
As you walked home and the farther you got from Stiles, the more you began to regret everything you just said to him. But you couldn’t turn back. Something wasn’t allowing you. Perhaps it was what the Jinn had to show you last. All of your friends, dead. This was why, it was your duty to stop this; to protect them. 
And that’s exactly what you were going to do.
The next morning shown through your bedroom window in your childhood home, burning your eyes with it’s brightness. You pulled your comforter over top of your head and squinted your eyes, remembering your fight with Stiles the night before. The truth was, he’d never let you do what you needed to do to protect everyone. So you had to do it without him.
Meanwhile, Stiles laid awake in his bed like he had nearly all night long. The girl he loved was going to let herself die and there wasn’t anything he could do about it. He never felt so defeated. And then it hit him. Love. He loved her. And he all but told her that last night and she still pushed him away. 
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But back at your house you had finally climbed out of bed, showered and mentally prepared for your sacrifice. First, you needed to talk to Deaton to fully understand what you’d be doing. So, you grabbed your mom’s car keys from the kitchen counter and left your small yellow house to head to the Animal Clinic. When you arrived, you were a little surprised not to see Stiles’ Jeep sitting in the parking lot waiting for you, but proceeded inside anyway. The bell on the front door jingled as you entered. Deaton came around the corner, with a not so thrilled look on his face. 
“Hello, Y/n.” He said to you. You took a breath and followed him to the back, where the action always took place. There was a bathtub in the center of the room, filled with herbs and ice water. The sight was familiarly terrifying. “Remember this technique?” He asked you. You nodded slowly. 
“Of course.” You replied. Scott, Stiles, Allison and Issac had all been through this before and came out of it okay. You sort of felt relieved. 
“It slows your heart rate, that is all we’ve used it for in the past. With you, you will actually need to die for a whole minute before I bring you back. Do you understand that?” Deaton tested you. Again you nodded. “I have never used this technique to this extent before, there is always a risk. A risk you may not come back.” Deaton explained with more detail.
“But it will help us kill Blaze?” You asked. Deaton sighed. 
“It is a stepping stone to get something that could possibly help you to kill Blaze.” He told you. “There is a weapon.” He continued. “A sword, not of this world that can be forged if you succeed in returning from death. While you are under you will be tested. Your soul will be tainted and if you survive it, you will always carry that with you. Forever.” He explained. 
“I understand.” You responded. 
“Are you sure you want to do this alone?” Deaton asked you.
“I’m not alone, I have you.” You replied. He sighed again. “How did you even know I was coming this morning?” You asked. 
“I called him.” Scott appeared in through the door way. “After Stiles called me. He knew you’d come straight here.” He explained. Malia entered from the shadows after her boyfriend, her pain struck face worried you. Malia was never afraid of anything. 
“You aren’t going to do this alone.” Malia told you. Issac came next, hugging you from behind. You melted into him, not realizing how much you needed a friend until his arms touched you. Stiles waited outside, unknowingly to you. He kept his distance but he was there for you, sitting in Lydia’s Toyota where she waited with him. He was sure this would be the hardest thing he’d ever do. 
“Are you ready?” Deaton asked you. You stepped forward, closer to the bathtub. 
“You said I will be tested. Tested how?” You asked. 
“That’s not something I can know.” Deaton said. “I wish I did.” You nodded, slipping off your gray flats and kicking them off to the side. You stripped down to your underwear and plain tank top. But something didn't feel right and you paused. 
“Y/n, do you want us to go get Stiles?” Scott asked. A tear quickly fell down your cheek and into the chilled water below you. 
“He’d never sit through this.” You cried, shaking your head. 
“You are wrong.” Issac said to you. You quickly turned, catching your breath. “He’s outside.” Issac confirmed for you. You took a breath of relief and Deaton took note of your reaction. 
“Issac, go get Stiles please. Bring him inside.” Deaton asked of the tall, frightened blonde. Suddenly all eyes in the room were on Deaton. You swallowed, pushing away tears and kept quiet. Issac took that as your blessing. 
He came back inside with Stiles whose eyes were hooded and puffy. Dark circles rested below them and his hands were shaking. “Stiles I need you to hold her under.” Deaton told Stiles. Lydia uncomfortably joined the rest of her friends while Stiles shook his head rapidly, refusing such a task and looking to the ceiling, instead of at you. “Y/n, it’s not just someone to hold you under.” Deaton turned to you now while you and Stiles finally made painful eye contact.
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“Stiles, I need you to be her emotional tether. Remember those come in handy, even when she dies she will need someone to pull her back. It has to be you.” Stiles fidgeted with his fingers some more as you wept. You turned your head to him in defeat.
“It has to be you.” You told Stiles, agreeing with Deaton and too afraid to pretend otherwise. Who were you kidding, you needed him and he’d just have to deal. He remained silent and walked forward, you wrapped your arms around his neck tightly and eagerly. 
“I can’t believe you are asking me to do this.” Stiles whispered into your ear as he held back more tears. You closed your eyes, your cheek pressed against his.
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“If I don’t make it back, promise me you won’t blame yourself.” You told him. 
“You are going to make it back.” He told you, firmly. You smiled and began to turn, only to be pulled back for a moment longer. He raised your right, charm bracelet covered wrist. “I got you something.” He sniffled. He used his free hand to reach into his coat pocket and pulled out a beautiful, shimmering crystal seashell charm and slowly, trying to steady his shaking hands, attached it to your bracelet. You stared at it, trying not to cry even more. 
 “Stiles-” You started.
“I’ll be here when you wake up. Only a minute from now.” He sniffled some more, wiping his nose with his sleeve. You smiled at him once again, then turned to climb inside the tub while holding his hand behind you. 
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Thanks for reading! This was a fun chapter to write. 
Find out more when Y/n goes under in the next chapter. 
<<Chapter 17, >>Chapter 19 
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maxwellmcl · 8 years
Tomato Parmesan Chicken Wings, and Jana
Dear Jana,
Your kidnapping has negatively affected the sales of Tomato Parmesan chicken wings at the Sparks, Nevada Buffalo Wild Wings location where you used to work. For this reason, and because I pray for your wellness, I hope you will be safely returned to freedom and your job. Once you are let go by your kidnappers, you will get back all the premium serving shifts you had before, even though Katelyn and Mark think those shifts are now theirs permanently. Those two could never dream of slinging chicken wings like you do, much less with that bubbly, sunshine smile that makes all the folks of Sparks, Nevada keep on shucking them bones. Please come back, Jana. I do not believe this was a trick for you to quit this job and work in a dentist’s office, like Juan, the line cook, told me. You and your sweet soul wouldn't do that to me. I hope those crooks who took you never again get to devour a Tomato Parmesan chicken wing. Their sins should never be rewarded with such sweet pleasure, and the good people of Sparks deserve those zesty, cheesy flappers more.
To your swift recovery, 
General Manager
Buffalo Wild Wings 
1560 E. Lincoln Way
Sparks, NV 89434
Alan thought the "Missed Connections" section of Craigslist would be the best place on the internet to post his letter. The chance at promoting the Tomato Parmesan chicken wings wasn't lost on him, either. After reading the letter over just once, he paid the $15 posting fee through his personal PayPal account, reimbursed himself with cash from the slush fund, and posted it to the site with a final click of the mouse.
He leaned back in his chair, put his slip resistant loafers on the desk, laced his fingers behind his graying head, and looked up at the ceiling. Jana's sparkling smile and smooth suggestive selling techniques strutted along his imagination’s dance floor. He thought about how nice it would be if his future daughter was as beautiful as her.
A crash of plates in the dining room jarred him from his repose. He jumped out of the chair and landed on both feet like a cat who's just fallen from a tree.
"Daniel!" he yelled while racing to the scene of broken porcelain scattered on the concrete floor. "Do you have any idea how many baskets of Tomato Parmesan chicken wings we'll have to sell to pay for these plates?"
His face red and swollen, Alan took a breath and began to cry. He slumped back to his office in the back, and Daniel grabbed a broom. 
While sweeping, Daniel imagined the Facebook Messenger text he would send to Jana (he didn’t have her new phone number in Nepal yet) begging her to come back to work to sell Tomato Parmesan chicken wings so all of their lives could continue on in peace. 
Dear Jana,
Alan was always a yeller, but he started crying too, and it's just embarrassing. I dropped a couple plates and after he yelled at everyone around he started crying and went back into his office. I mean, they were just plates, not his newborn child. Everyone is all worked up over selling those Tomato Parmesan wings. They all say no one could sell Tomato Parmesan chicken wings like you, and Alan wants everyone to remember how you did it, but honestly, why should I care? I'm just the busser. I just clean the tables and don't want to hear another thing about those fucking wings. I think it's great that you're off saving the world. I always wanted to join the Peace Corps but I never got around to it and probably never will. I wish you would come back so Alan stops crying. I would hate to see what would happen if anyone dropped a basket of Tomato Parmesan chicken wings on the floor. We might have to close the restaurant for a few days so Alan could calm down. Anyways, we all miss you, and Nepal is lucky to have you. 
Your friend,
 After Daniel swept the plates into the dust pan, he carried it back to the dish pit’s breakage bucket, where broken glasses and plates make their final stop before being thrown into the dumpster.
"No good," said Juan as Daniel walked by. "Why he always so mad? Why he crying?" 
"I don't know. Probably has something to do with Jana leaving and now he won't get his precious Tomato Parmesan wing bonus again."
"Ah, fuck the Tomato Parmesan chicken wings!"
Daniel shrugged and nodded in agreement. He walked to the dish pit to empty the dust pan.
Juan detested the lengthy process of making Tomato Parmesan chicken wings. He dropped the naked wings into the deep fryer for eight minutes. Then he had to cover them in a tomato sauce and bake them for four more minutes. After he pulled them out of the oven, he dropped them in a bowl, shook powdered cheese over the bowl, and plopped them in a basket. Sometimes, at the end of the night, he remembered that one basket he hadn’t shaken cheese over or hadn’t fully coated with sauce. He loved Jana, but he hated those fucking wings.
As Daniel emptied the dust pan, Juan lazily tossed wings in a metal bowl and thought about texting Jana. 
Jana, hola niña. Why you leave me? Why you say to Alan that you were kidnapped and not that you work at dentist office now? Alan always so mad and now he cry, es muy triste. Por favor, you come back and work the weekend maybe? I make you anything you want para comer. Ok, te bañas, niña.
Adios, Juanito
Jana's phone buzzed in the pocket of her brand new scrubs. Tanya, her new co-worker, noticed and told her, "Go on, take a look if you have to," and Jana pulled out her phone. It was a text message from Juan.  She swiped her finger across the screen, read it quickly, and grinned.
She felt relief at never having to roll another napkin around silverware, make another vat of iced tea, or wash her hands after clearing plates of chicken bones off another table. She would never have to welcome another group of strangers to Buffalo Wild Wings and tell them her name and suggest the new Tomato Parmesan chicken wings with a fake smile ever again.
She was free to smile genuinely, and at a dentist’s office, no less, where that sort of thing seems so much more appropriate. Granted, she knew that sending Alan a fake letter from her fake kidnappers wasn't the nicest way to quit, but she didn't think he would ever let her go without a fight, or at least without crying, and now she knew she was right. He would have cried, would have blubbered on and on about Tomato Parmesan chicken wing sales and how he'd never get another "Wild Wing Bone-us" for exceeding sales goals. Maybe his girlfriend would never want to marry him, Jana would have to give him a hug, Alan would say something embarrassing again, like, “I hope my future daughter is as beautiful as you, Jana!” and she wouldn’t find the courage with all that going on to go through with it. She guessed she also didn't have to lie to Daniel about joining the Peace Corps, but she got nervous and it just came out.
While Tanya showed Jana how to enter a new patient’s information in the computer system, Jana thought about that letter she wrote to Alan. 
I haven't been at work this week because I was kidnapped. While walking to my car Friday night, a dark van pulled beside me and two men wearing ski masks snatched me through the sliding door and drove away. I couldn't tell what color the van was or the license plate number. They’re holding me in a room with no windows, but I’m okay. They’re feeding me and I'm not hurt. They said you can't tell my parents or my family or anyone else, because if you do they will kill me. I offered them free Tomato Parmesan chicken wings if they let me go, but they didn't seem interested at all, so don't think you can change their minds with any of those zesty, cheesy delights. I'm sorry I won't ever be able to work for you again at the Sparks, Nevada Buffalo Wild Wings, but Mark and Katelyn are good servers and you can teach them like you taught me how to "sling them chicken wings" and get folks to “shuck them bones”, as you always say. I think my kidnappers are okay guys, and if things get bad I'll just flash my bubbly smile and "suggest" they stop being mean.
Thanks for being the best boss ever, Alan. 
#1 BWW Tomato Parmesan chicken wing salesperson, 2016
Jana's fingers pecked away at the dentist’s office keyboard. A patient came up to the desk and waited for her to look up. Jana stopped typing and returned his gaze. She smiled big and let out an enthusiastic greeting: "Welcome to Pearl World Dental, my name is Jana, may I suggest a blue razz-ma-tazz-berry fluoride treatment to accompany your cleaning today?"
Looking at the patient, Jana noted her own comfort with the greeting. She recognized the cadence of her speech like déjà vu. She didn’t want to think about it. This new job would be different. It’s not important. She took a deep breath and bore a hole through the patient with her stare. She shook off her unexpected, gurgling anxiety and suppressed the dreary memories of selling Tomato Parmesan chicken wings by simply smiling even wider. 
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