#Allen Walker {Response}
I think one bad parenting decision on Cross's part could be letting Allen stay up too late. Like he wants to be the chill caretaker and let Allen enjoy life because of hardships in his past but Allen becomes sleep deprived and his grades srart slipping, so Cross has to talk it out with Allen and correct the behaviour. Perhaps do sports together to tire Allen out by the evening so he'd fall asleep at a reasonable time.
I definitely worked with the headcanon of Allen not being good at sleeping. I feel like Cross would also let him stay up late just because...well I dunno it's Allen. I mean he's a kid but I think Cross views children (specifically his brats) as being able to understand like basic logic. He's not only of those adults that think kids are totally stupid and can't understand what the hell adults are talking about. He's a firm believer of talking to his brats like he does with adults...just using slightly less intricate words. (Canon Cross within the manga gave me these vibes to. He does call Allen a stupid apprentice and whatnot but with the interactions we've seen between those two he doesn't seem to talk to him like he has the logic of a toddler. There's no baby talking or cutting out curse words and whatnot).
Anyways yeah basically totally can see Cross doing that and it would be cool to explore that more especially as Allen gets older and the warm milk and rocking him to sleep shit won't cut it anymore cuz he's too big.
I'd also like to think the first time Cross tries to do sports with him he actually gets worn out first rofl. Lavi even tries to join in (cuz moral support) but within like 10 minutes he's like "fuck this shit you two have fun I'm out".
Maybe the next time they try to play catch and one of them gets fucking hurt lol. Or maybe they cant decide how the fuck to actually play a sport, like rules or what not...or maybe one of them keeps cheating. Lavi's is off in the corner watching these two fail.
Maybe they finally just bore themselves to death watching a documentary and Lavi is actually interested in it...
And then Lavi becomes the problem child in not being able to sleep...
Ahhh so many ideas with this one...I like this suggestion.
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ouroborius · 1 year
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Jumin Han {Response}
Allen Walker {Response}
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Sorey {Response}
Vergil {Response} Nero {Response}
Garry {Response}
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nerdpoe · 21 days
Guardian Angels are actually Guardian Ghosts, and it's sort of mandatory military service.
Vlad managed to dodge his, by way of proving he had no morals and therefore no ability to guard. He doesn't know this yet, but it's a huge mark against him in terms of reputation.
At the moment, this doesn't really apply to or bother him.
When he fully dies, though, and reputation is all he has? It'll be very important.
But going through a Guardianship is important to ghosts for many reasons; it instills a sense of responsibility, gives them a connection to a world they left behind, and helps them increase their powers.
LunchLady? Successful Guardianship.
Walker? Ultra successful Guardianship.
Skulker? Technically successful Guardianship.
Now it's Danny's turn. The Observants held off on assigning him because a ghost needs to legally be an adult in Ghost terms, and Danny's half human.
So, when he graduates High School, a letter appears on his bed.
On top of that letter is a green sticky note that just reads;
"Yes, they're serious. Yes, you have to do this."
The letter outlines his duties and responsibilities to keep his charge alive, and the exception to the rule they're making with him due to his mortality.
He is being assigned this person for four years, instead of that person's lifetime. Long enough to make an impression, short enough to enable Danny to live his life.
Danny's new charge?
Bart fucking Allen.
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positivexcellence · 3 months
‘Walker’: Jared Padalecki on ‘Hot & Heavy’ Cordell and Geri, What’s Next With The Jackal
Finally! You’re back. It’s been forever! And we’re still looking for The Jackal?
Jared Padalecki: Yeah. We had a little five-month time lapse just to allow for all the strike stuff, but it’s still the same storyline. We pick up in the same storyline, for sure, with some time passed. Obviously, Cordell and Geri [Odette Annable] are a little more, um, advanced, than they were. [Laughs] Stella’s [Violet Brinson] back to college, and Augie’s [Kale Culley] back to nearing the end of high school. But The Jackal has reared its ugly head once again, and we got to go figure out what’s going on.
And you’ve been going without Cassie for five months, so it’s you and Trey, which is a pretty cool partnership.
Super cool. Yeah, Cassie was on our FBI task force, and she comes back to let us know what she’s been up to and to kind of say, “Hey, there’s something we might need your help on.” We all love her and miss her and are wondering where she stands. Is she going to stay or go? But Trey and James and Walker have been running amuck in her absence. [Laughs]
And how is her return going to change things? She comes back a little different, too.
She does. She’s had a little different experience and has had a taste of what might be available to her. And she has a different set of expectations. Obviously, she’s welcomed back with open arms from our other characters, but it’s sort of like, “Okay, well, we don’t know where she stands.” We want to be respectful of what she wants and what she needs to do, and we all secretly hope that she’s going to stick around.
And we’ve got a full-blown relationship going on with Geri and Cordi. They’re living together. How’s that going?
Yeah, I think it’s going well. They seem to be hot and heavy, and I’m glad that nothing happened in the five months between the wedding and Episode 401 to kind of sideline that. But that’s not to say that something won’t sideline that within Season 4. [Laughs]
Of course! Because he’s taking on this case, dealing with a serial killer, and I’ve watched enough TV and movies to know that when the good guys take on a serial killer, serial killers tend to target the people their pursuers love most.
You’re too good at this, Damian. [Laughs]
So this is putting a target on a lot of people?
Oh, yeah.
And how will Geri factor into this? Because you can’t just have her hanging out at the house. What is she going to get to do?
Well, good point. She has some stuff of her own going on this season that she needs to care of. And let’s just say that Walker has never been the best about admitting what is going on in his head. Probably something that the astute writers have noticed about [me] and just weaved into Cordell. [Laughs] But we certainly see Geri as sort of a grounding force and guiding light who is trying to figure out things like, “Well, these characters seem to be different, and this person isn’t really responding the way I expected or when I expected.” So we kind of see her as the lighthouse that’s saying, “Hey, you seem to have stuff going on.” Meanwhile, she’s also juggling kind of new responsibilities with Augie and Stella. Stella’s an adult and Augie’s almost an adult, so she’s not overbearing by any means, and she’ll always be “Aunt Geri” to some degree, but she’s taken on a lot and is doing it very well.
We see Stella relying on Liam (Keegan Allen) during all the trauma that she’s dealing with following the home invasion. Will Geri help out with that? Because I feel like Stella definitely at this point needs a mom.
Yes, she does. And Stella has a great arc this season. Let’s just say that many times this season, people accuse Stella of being just like her father. [Laughs] Oh, yeah. Stella is great at keeping secrets as well and keeping struggles to herself. So just like Walker has a tough time reaching out for help, we think Stella may have unfortunately learned that from her dad.
And how is Walker going to handle the fact that his daughter has been counting on Liam with all this stuff that’s been going on and he hasn’t been brought into the loop?
I think he understands more. Unlike prior seasons, I think Walker understands that his daughter’s now an adult, even though he doesn’t like it. It’s new for him. He spent 18 years with his daughter as his child, and now he’s kind of a year or two in to his daughter being an adult and able to make her own decisions. She needs to be responsible, and so I think Walker gives Stella a little leeway, hoping that she’ll remain the kind of stalwart that she’s always been. And then I think he realizes that maybe even though she’s surrounded by friends and family who are there for whatever she needs, that maybe she has a little bit too much Cordell Walker inside of her.
And Augie going into the military? This is a big step for a young man, and as much as a father would want his son to follow in those footsteps, it’s also like, this is a very dangerous line that he wants to get involved with.
For sure. Augie is coming into his own and has some ideas. He’s always been the kid who wanted to grow up a little bit too fast. And frankly, with the passing of his mom and his father being a Texas ranger who’s been abducted and had the house broken into and kind of always been in danger, I think he grew up long before the prospect of turning 18. But he wants to prove that he is an adult in his own right and that he has these ideas about how to secure his future. So Walker is trying to walk that line between, “I know you’ve been through a lot, you’ve been through more than most 70 year olds have been through,” and “Let’s tap the brakes, buddy.” And this is not disrespectful. This is my job as a dad, but I think also Walker finds that, because his profession is in law enforcement, sometimes he can come across a bit more harsh than he intends to.
Understandable, since it’s his kid! I will say, at the beginning of the season, this is probably the happiest we’ve seen Cordi. He’s eating a massive amount of steak. He’s in love again. He has put the ghost of his late wife to rest. The kids are growing up, he’s kind of reclaiming his own life again. Can he have this all, can he be happy?
Oh, Damian, you know TV better than that! Hell no. [Laughs]
He can have a lot sometimes and some a lot of times, but one of the things that [showrunner] Anna Fricke and I talked about from the get-go was trying to make sure that this version of Walker was more similar to life than just a TV version of a [person]. We never sought out to go like, “Well, it’s the end of episode, I roundhouse kicked somebody and now everything’s okay. Let’s all high-five!” This is more like, “Well, what did I miss while trying to get the bad guy? Oh, I missed my daughter’s graduation. Oh, I missed her birthday. I missed this. Oh, I didn’t call back my live-in partner that I was supposed to.”
And so there’s no pure win and there is no pure loss. So I think with Walker, though happy now, his life happens in seasons and not like TV seasons. Walker’s had some hard times and now is an easy time, but life is difficult, and Walker finds that out.
Still, it’s nice to see him getting to enjoy being the hero he is more than usual. Especially with Captain James. This season, the drama is his and Cordi gets to be there for him and support him.
Yeah. That is very true, and it’s great. Yeah, I agree all around. I think Walker is going to find out who he is in good times, which he hasn’t had a whole lot of chance to explore yet. And as with anything, if you haven’t had a lot of experience, you might not be as good at it as you would’ve hoped. We’ve all seen that Walker can be great in times of struggle. He’s had some reps in the gym as far as that arena goes. But let’s see who he is when there’s no bad guy to chase right now — especially when that bad guy might be strengthening themselves in preparation for when the Rangers come after them.
Before you go, was there anything that you’ve gotten to do this season that you just are so excited for people to see?
Big time. We’ve had a lot of fun, fun stuff. There’s something, unfortunately it’s the finale, so I can’t talk about it—I’ll call you privately [Laughs]—but I will say, in the first episode, we have a really fun sequence. We got to do a car-chase sequence in the back of a big rig.
And funny behind-the-scenes fact that no one knows about: During the Longhorns playoff game on New Year’s Day, I was walking around barefoot, my brother and his kids were over, and they were all playing and stupidly, I grabbed a piece of pizza and tried to run back to the couch to watch the game and I kicked my coffee table on accident! So I had a broken toe for the first three episodes and before shooting that sequence and for a couple episodes after, I would have to ice my foot, throw a sock on real fast, shove it into my cowboy boot, and run around park garages and throw myself around. Yeah, so that was fun. [Laughs] We laughed about it afterwards, but it was just hard to get the boot on and off.
They couldn’t shoot around the boot?!
I didn’t want to complain. We’d all been out of work for nine months because of the strike and everything. So I was like, I got it. I’m not going to complain about this. The show finally can go on, and I’m going to go like “Ouch, my toe hurts”? No, thank you! [Laughs]
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poppystheories · 1 month
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The Earl did not know the side affect of Mana's Akuma cursing Allen. and he is not happy about it.
The Earl also confirms that, like, Akuma!Mana did happen, from his perspective. That can't just be memory hijinks by Apocryphos.
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So if Akuma!Mana was real, how does any of this make sense?
The manga version of this scene is short and undetailed, which helps with the mystery. The anime adds a lot of stuff that probably cannot be trusted.
So, while taking another look at it, we gotta ask ourselves some questions.
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Was this Akuma really Mana? This seems like a pretty out of character thing to say, considering Mana's selfless compassion and how disconnected from reality he ended up, but Claire's Akuma said the same thing:
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But. Claire had to be ordered by the Earl to hurt her husband. Akuma!Mana needs no prompting before slashing Allen's face open and cursing him. In fact, the Earl says nothing for the rest of this scene in the manga. He just vanishes the second it becomes clear Allen's Innocence is going to destroy the Akuma.
Still, you can't just call any soul. You have to call a soul you share a deep bond with.
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Which, hey, congrats Allen, I think this means that if this was him, that means Mana, despite everything, did indeed love you. Yay!
So, for a moment let's assume that it is really Mana, and being turned into an Akuma just makes you says that shit.
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Though, I gotta say, the music notes around the Earl are pretty sus. (Ignore, the "Allen Walker" part; I believe that's a mistranslation.)
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I wonder if this is the one and only moment Allen called Mana "father/dad". Considering their history and how Allen felt responsible for Mana's crumbled mental state, I can't imagine he ever said it before, since there was no guarantee Mana understood anything about their relationship at all.
Akuma!Mana asks to be destroyed. This is probably not the last time Mana will ask this of Allen. Chances are, at some point, Mana as the Earl will say the same thing.
But really, how can that Akuma be Mana, when Mana is not dead?
Well, it is probably part of Mana's soul/memories (these two things are pretty interchangable in DGM), I think, that the Earl is excising from the rest. Hence, much later, how the Earl tells Nea that Mana's gone somewhere he can never return from.
And I don't think the Earl means Heaven/Hell/the Spiral. 'Cause Akuma!Mana didn't go to any of those places.
Akuma!Mana is right here. But we'll go over that later.
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reverseflashes · 11 months
I’m trying to write a story or at least a short one. Where Constantine and Raven cross paths with the Rogues. I have a pretty good idea for it but even though I’ve read comics. I still don’t fully understand them I need an idea about there personality and fighting style. I’m hoping that with your help and a few other Rogue fans. I can get a better idea. Cause finding proper information is like finding a needle in a haystack for them. Constantine is literally the easiest out of all of them.😭
I really hope for good information. I want to do right by them.🥺
Anyway my chosen Rogue’s are… Captain Cold, Heatwave, Mirror Master, Weather Wizard, Captain Boomerang and Trickster (Axel Walker).
Basically the ones in comics right now.
P.S. I’m also mad about Owen. He had so much potential.
Every time I checked my inbox and saw this meage on top, I reminded myself to answer it some time the same day. And every time, I forgot. I don't even know where to begin to apologize, nonnie, especially it's been exactly a month since you've sent me this. I hope, if you are still around, and if you see this, you can forgive me. And if you are pissed at me, then you are completely right too I'M SO SORRY I SWEAR
To be honest, I can read every issue every Rogues member has ever appeared in (and for some members, I did lol) and still would not be good at answering questions like this. I'll tag few blogs I know post about the Rogues at the end of my response and tag this properly so that more people will see it and hopefully share their opinions as well. :)
I apologize in advance if this is very scattered, all over the place but I've never been very good at explaining stuff like this so... yeah.
I'm assuming the fight takes between John&Raven and the Rogues.
The Rogues are Flash's villains. And Flash has superspeed; and having superspeed comes with infinite amount of skills and abilities. There is really nothing a speedster can't do. So how does the Rogues, a bunch of non-powered criminals (except for Mark, if we want to go into a bit detail lol) with only their gadgets and costumes keep up with him? How can a speedster like Barry Allen can struggle against the Rogues sometimes?
The answer is that the Rogues have the advantage of planning their heists in advance. Excessive planning, may I add! Rogues don't have to keep up with Flash's whereabouts, because Flash will always go where the Rogues exactly want him. But the Flash doesn't have the advantage of always anticipating the Rogues' next move. There are so many other reasons of course but no need to go into more details. So, in your story, whether the Rogues plans the fight with John and Raven ahead or if it occurs completely spontaneous, I believe the Rogues wouldn't be caught off guard. I mean, they fight speedsters on a weekly basis, so it is hard for them to get intimitated by anyone else.
Now another thing, and I don't know if it's just me or if it is a fandom thing, but I always got the impression that Rogues hate magic. Like I always believed that to be a fact. They don't like it at all. Maybe "superpowers" is what they really don't like but I guess, to them, it's all the same.
Len in The Flash #750
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Rogues don't want to get involved in anything that is above their paygrade. They hate their plans getting out of control and things getting messy and magic IS messy, that is an understatement. So you can use this in the story; they will fight John and Raven if they have to, but they won't care about winning. Of course, they CAN win the fight, but if you use the canon fact that the Rogues never faced John and Raven before in your story, then I assume winning wouldn't be their priority. They'll buy themselves time while putting the capes through their paces (damn right 😎).
You can focus on the Rogues' gadgets as well. In my personal opinion, Mirror Gun is the most powerful and dangerous out of all of them: it can open portals, it can create duplicates, it can fire bolts of light energy, IT CAN HYPNOTIZE AND MIND CONTROL PEOPLE, it can be used to transmute objects into glass, it can be used for dimensional travel, it can trap people inside those mirror dimensions etc... (SOURCES: here and here)
Here is a panel of Sam blinding Wonder Woman with his Mirror Gun. Justice League America #158
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I put this panel especially because Wonder Woman is heavily affiliated with magic.
You can find more info on their gadgets on the internet, and if you'd like, I can look into it and send you some links if I can find anything.
I was gonna mention Hartley and his flute too but I realized that he isn't in the Rogues in your story so I'll skip that.
And lastly, I'd recommend you read New Year's Evil: Rogues, a one-shot where the Rogues are in the land of Zhutan searching for a powerful sun disk of Meshta (the creator god of the Saravistraism- DC’s version of Zoroastrianism) to make their souls eternally free from Neron (DC’s version of Satan). It involves heavy supernatural themes so maybe it helps.
Also, Teen Titans: Cold Case might be a good read. There is a fight between Teen Titans and the Rogues and although magic isn't in the center, Rogues fight against members Cyborg, Red Devil and Wonder Girl (Cassie). (And Vic and Tim actually admit that they couldn't take the Rogues!)
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And most importantly, they fight as a TEAM and a FAMILY. Their diverse skills and abilities complete each other, thanks years of working and planning and fighting together side by side.
Soooo yeah. I'm pretty sure I forgot half the things I was gonna add and forty thousand anecdotes but that's why I'll tag some of the awesome people in the Rogues fandom underneath this so that they can add their own opinions as well. If they want, of course, no pressure! Please feel free to ignore this.
Thank you so very very very much for your message nonnie. And I'm so so so very sorry for taking so long to answer it. I hope I made it up to you a little.
@gorogues @tricksterrune @t-bombs @longitudinalwaveme @belphegor1982 @saltywithsarcasm @smartshipfriday my brain is all over the place rn i can't think of anyone else but if you see this in the search or on your dash pls feel free to reblog it and share your opinions <33
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readerinsertz · 7 months
hellooo, hope you having a nice day! can i request a nsfw with allen walker that have marking kink and sex pollen (allen is the one affected) please? :’> thank you so much! and i also did your survey too!
Rating: Explicit, MDNI 
Warnings: afab!reader, mixed!reader coded, p in v sex, dubious consent cuz of sex pollen, marking, creampie, don't be silly wrap that willy!, unprotected sex, slight hair pulling, finger sucking, praise kink, dirty talk, slight degradation
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“Red thorns, right?” You ask your fellow exorcist, brown eyes raking along the row of plants in front of you. 
“Yeah, and blue flowers,” Allen adds, eyes on his own row of flowers. 
“Tell me again why I’m here?” The question has him stopping and looking over at you. 
“Komui assigned you to this mission,” the white-haired male tells you earnestly. You pause in your search. 
“Yeah, but you and Lavi were the ones who went to Romania, not me. Shouldn't Komui have assigned Lavi instead of me?” It’s a valid point and you watch Allen struggle to think of a counter. The mission itself was information gathering on the plant that had bit Krory- if you could locate where it had grown or by whom, there was a possibility of finding more innocence. 
“I guess he thought your skills suited this mission.” Allen shrugs, rubbing the back of his head with one hand and giving you a small smile, both eyes closed. You hum in lieu of response and turn back to the flowers on the bench. The last few days had been filled with the same motions- wake up, search among the plants in the castle for one that matched the description Kory had given, take a few water and food breaks, grow tired and then give up for the day and head back to bed. You’re beginning to give up hope that you’re going to find a plant that looks even slightly like the description the vampire-exorcist had given you.
“How much longer ‘till we can reasonably call it and head back home?” You ask. You’ve been working for the Black Order for longer than Allen so you’re technically the senior exorcist on the mission but the way your partner acts, so similar to a puppy, has you wanting his acceptance in ending the mission before success.  
“You’re the one with more experience than me, it’s your decision when you want to end the mission,” Allen tells you, stopping in his search once more. Your body comes to a standstill, hands on your hips and lips pursed as you think it through. In your peripheral vision, you can make out Allen walking again, going along his line of plants. 
Although Innocence wasn’t known to be found together, if it managed to interact with living organisms then it may be possible to trace the products back to the source of Innocence. You’re too busy in thought wondering if it’s worth staying a few more days on a chance that you may find another Innocence product or go back to ‘Quarters and get deployed on a mission that’ll almost definitely have some Akumas to get rid of. A tanned finger taps on your plump lips as you weigh up both options, Allen completely out of your vision now. Hearing a sharp curse come from him has you whipping back to see him.
“What? What happened?” You ask as you use one hand to jump over the wooden table holding the plants and pull your bow off your back with the other. Two large steps are all you need to get to where Allen is kneeling on the cobblestones, the hand you had braced on the table running along the bow to activate your Innocence whilst your eyes dart around to locate the threat. 
“Errrmmm…” Allen begins. A quick once over of him in between your thorough sweep of the room doesn't alert you to any bleeding or bruising. His left eye hasn't activated either. You relax a little knowing there are no Akuma present but keep scanning the vast hall you’re in. When you’ve done a full 360 and nothing has jumped out, you lower your bow and turn your attention to your colleague. He’s hunched over, his chest expanding quickly as he pants down to the floor. You move to kneel down next to him, a golden hand splaying over his right shoulder but it rapidly retracts when Allen physically flinches. 
“Allen, what’s wrong? What happened?” Your voice is sharper, more authoritative as worry begins creeping in. In your mind, you’re going through a list of anything that could have caused this- flu, attack, poisoning, food poisoning? Yet, nothing sticks. 
“ I … I think I’ve… well, I’ve fucked up,” Allen grits out. Your frown only deepens at his words. Ignoring his previous response, you gently cup his chin and guide his face to yours. A curse of your own falls from your lips as you take him in. Allen’s usually pale cheeks are now rosy, sweat sticking to his white bangs to his forehead. 
“What did you do?” You interrogate, barely holding back the urge to shake him to get the answers out of him. The blacks of his pupils have dilated severely, pushing the silver of his iris to the very edges. What little silver you can see has taken on a purple sheen. 
“I in-inhaled the … the purple one,” Allen bites out in between pants. You’re whirling around immediately, freehand smacking over your mouth and nose in a poor imitation of a mask whilst brown eyes take stock of the purple flower sitting surreptitiously between two bigger plants. You recall Krory’s warning of a purple plant that had been used as a… libido enhancer … that may be present in the plant room. 
As shallowly as possible, you breathe in and drop your hand from Allen’s chin to snake under his right armpit, the other hand grabbing his right wrist and hiking his arm over your shoulder. When he’s stable enough for your liking you stand up, heaving at his weight-  his lean frame hides his muscularage a bit too well- and stumble away from the spot. Holding your breath hinders the process a bit but eventually, you make it far enough that you feel safer in taking a few short gasps to relieve your burning lungs. Allen doesn’t seem to be any better from the distance, slurring his words of thanks. You pause to take a break, muscles screaming as you hold as much of his weight as possible. At the end of the room is a door with a wooden plank for a bolt, your plan is to get him there and dump him outside. The room is spacious enough that you can go to the other side of the room and not hear Allen… get over the pollen… and there’s a route back to the kitchen on your side, you can grab some snacks for him. You’re not too sure how long it’ll take to get out of his system nor how much was in his system to begin with. The bolt probably won’t hold if he uses his arm but you’re hoping that he’ll be too occupied to try and break through the- 
Your train of thought ceases when you feel lips press over the pulse on your throat. You freeze, Allen’s arm sliding along your shoulder as your grip on his wrist loosens. Seizing the opportunity, Allen slides his arm down to wrap around your waist and tugs your front into his chest. 
“Allen…” You warn, palms placed on his front. Even through the thick material of his uniform, you can feel the firm muscles of his pecs. Your eyes flutter shut as Allen presses open-mouthed kisses down the side of your neck, both of his hands gripping onto your hips. A soft moan falls out of your lips as he squeezes the softness of your waist. You’re too weak and allow yourself to revel in this forbidden pleasure for a few seconds. However, the guilt begins to build in you and you force yourself backwards. Allen lets you withdraw to an extent, allowing some distance between your skin and his lips but he’s instinctively pulling you back into his embrace when you try to take a step back. You try your hardest to ignore the bulge pressing against your navel.  “Allen… we can’t,” you tell him, lips brushing against his. You’re unable to flick your eyes up to look at him, swallowing as you wait for him to pull away (taking your heart with him) and profusely apologise. He does neither. 
“Why not? Forgive me if I’m wrong, but I’ve seen your glances when you think I’m not looking.” Your cheeks heat up at the revelation of your bad spying skills. “If you really don’t want this then I can leave and figure it out myself,” you force yourself to peek up at him, seeing his large eyes looking down at you with concern and less hidden lust. “I don’t want to force you but I’d definitely rather get through this with your body than my hand,” Allen tells you, grinding his pelvis into your tummy. 
You blink at him, looking down to see him subtly thrusting his crotch against your uniform. There’s a prominent bulge that his trousers are unable to fully hide. When you don’t say anything, Allen gently cups the side of your head and tilts your face up, his own lips descending down to join with yours. Unconsciously, your hands fist the material of his shirt to ground you; as much as you want this, lusted after the Englishman for so long, it’s not right even if he was in the right frame of mind. 
“Allen, we can’t do this. Not to LenaLee.” Allen pulls back completely, his confusion evident on his face. Your eyes dart across his features, noticing that he looks more coherent than a second ago.
“Why… not to … Lena?” Allen asks. Even though he keeps his distance, you can feel his thumbs brush along the hem of your jacket. 
“Because… She’s your… girlfriend?” You finish off lamely. Allen scoffs and leans back down. In between kisses he tells you, “Lena is dating Johnny.”  You pull away once more to confirm if he was telling the truth. There’s no guilt or sign of mistruth on his face.
“She is?! When? How?” You ask the news new to you. 
“I dunno, a year maybe?” Allen answers distractedly, more interested in pressing kisses along the side of your neck. His hands clutch at your sides and pulls you further into him so he can continue getting some friction on his dick. 
“And she never told me?! She told you but not me!” You exclaim, slightly angry at your supposed “friend”. Allen sighs and pulls away from your neck, calling your name. Your brown eyes flick up as you feel one of his hands cup the back of your head, tilting your face up. With slight annoyance, the male tugs you forward so your forehead bumps softly into his as he bends a little and stares intently into your eyes.
“Look, I would much prefer to fuck you than talk about LenaLee.” The male exorcist rolls his hips into you to emphasise his point. You freeze for a second as you come back from the shock of LenaLee having a boyfriend to the present context- your fellow single exorcist has just inhaled some sex pollen and wants to fuck. 
“Oh, yeah, sorry,” you sheepishly apologise then kick yourself. Could you sound any more awkward? Allen doesn’t seem to mind, lips pulled into a soft smile as he gazes down at you. The soft moment is broken a second later as his hands grip the flesh of your waist and pulls you impossibly closer. You’re close enough to see how the black of his pupil expands until his irises are thin rings. The bit of coherence he displayed earlier seems to disappear as he manoeuvres your lower body to move in sync with his. As he finds pleasure in the grinding, he busies his lips by pressing them kisses along the side of your neck, nipping at the flesh every so often. Gasps and sighs leave your lips as you close your eyes and tilt your head back, giving in to the pleasure. Allen irregularly switches from open mouth kisses to sucking on your neck, laving his tongue over the to-be hickey to softly scraping his teeth over the area when you giggle at the ticklish feeling. 
You stagger back when Allen drops more of his body weight on you. The white-haired male follows you, lips not once detaching from your skin as he pins you to the workbench behind you. Every so often, one of his hands ventures up and cups the curve of your breast, fingers pinching your nipple through the thick material of your jacket. Before you can react or show your pleasure, his hands slide back down to grip your ass, giving it a squeeze before moving his hands elsewhere on your body. His hands never stay still, constantly running up and down your sides and gripping your flesh whilst his lower half continues to hump against your front, moans and grunts dropping from his lips every so often.
The way he teases and touches you has desire flooding your veins. You thread one tanned hand through his white hair and pull his face away from the edge of your collar and to your face. Allen takes the hint and presses his soft lips against yours, one large hand gliding up your spine to hold the back of your head. His mouth swallows up the hum of pleasure you let out when you feel him softly tilt your head to aid him in taking control of the kiss. The chaste kiss you share ends prematurely, the sex pollen cursing through his system urging him to take his pleasure. You feel Allen slip his left hand over your hip and use the grip he has to tug you into his muscular chest, moving your body how and where he wants it. The hand on the back of your head tips your face up to meet his as he dips down to continue kissing you, tongue slipping past your pliant lips. The open mouth kiss quickly becomes messy but it only serves to turn you more on. Between one of his hands cupping your head and the other grabbing your ass, you feel overpowered and pinned in the best possible way- nowhere to run and wherever you turn, Allen is there: his hands, his body, his lips. It is as if you have to take the pleasure he’s giving to you. 
Making out with Allen is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced, being bombarded with sensations from almost everywhere on your body. All he’s done is kiss you and mark your neck and yet your pants are wet. The way his hands roam around your body, grabbing fistfuls of your flesh makes you feel wanted and desired. You barely have time to contemplate if it’s the sex pollen that’s making him act in such a way or something else. Before you can get too distracted though, Allen pulls back. You whine and chase his lips. You’re rewarded with a breathless chuckle from the taller male. His thumbs rub circles into your flank as he stares down at you, panting slightly. 
“God, you’re gorgeous,” Allen coos the praise so nonchalantly. You bite your lip and look away from him, hands clenching the material resting on his clavicle. “Can’t wait to fucking ruin you.” Your cheeks heat up at such vulgar statements coming from the so-called gentleman. Glancing up at him through thick eyelashes, you watch as conflict passes over the pale man’s face. Your frown and open your mouth to ask what was wrong but can’t even make a single word as he squeezes your waist. “Do you want this?” Allen pants out. 
Blinking a few times, you try to fight through the fog that’s beginning to settle over you. Even when he’s the one affected by the pollen, he’s checking in on you, wanting your consent. You nod eagerly. 
“No. Use your words. Tell me you want this,” Allen demands sharply. You keen and bunch his jacket in your fist, feeling slightly overwhelmed. 
“I… I want this. I want you.” The confession is quiet but it is enough to satisfy Allen. He encircles a foot around one of your ankles and slides it away from your other foot. A second later and one of his thighs wedges in between yours, Allen’s large hands guiding you to lower your core down onto the muscle. You moan out loud, head tipping back as Allen hunches over to continue pressing kisses as far down your neck as possible, hooking his pointer finger of his right hand under your high collar and pulling it down to litter more marks on the newly-bared skin. With his encouragement, you begin to grind down on his thigh, Allen flexing his leg randomly to see your eyes roll back into your skull as the pressure on your clit adds to the pleasure building in your core. Your hips buck and feel his noticeable bulge brush the sensitive skin of your inner thigh. A moan falls from your swollen lips at the thought of his dick filling you up. 
“Good, I’ve wanted this for a long time now,” Allen confides.
“Pluh-please, Allen, need you in me now,” you moan out. Allen groans against your decalage at your words. You yelp as Allen grabs your forearms and pulls you away from the workbench just enough so he can turn you around and push you down onto the wooden surface, pinning you there with his body. His arms cage you in, chest covering your back. It is as hot as it is comforting. His nimble fingers make quick work of the buttons at the top of your coat, grabbing the loosened material and wrestling it past your shoulders. His desperation prevents him from truly taking it off and so it remains snug around your biceps, restricting movement in your arms. Your black bandeau underneath your jacket is hastily pulled down so he has access to your breasts. Immediately, Allen is pinching the hardened buds and squeezing the fat of your breasts. You’ve succumbed to the floaty feeling a while back, no longer caring about the moans and whines that leave you. They echo off the stone walls back into your ears and make you squirm at how … slutty you sound. Throughout it all, Allen continues to hump your rear, your form perched over the table leaving your ass at the perfect height for him to grind against. You’re impressed at his stamina and self-control. That thought, and all others, leave your mind when you feel Allen slip his hand past the band of your underwear, fingertip gliding over your clit. 
Allen chuckles as you buck your hips into his hand, groaning at how your ass grinds against his aching dick at the action. Teasingly, Allen circles your nub a few times, quietly laughing into your ear as he watches you close your eyes and moan out. You're reaching your peak and your lips drop open to warn-tell-beg Allen but all that comes out is a strangled whine as Allen stops rubbing figures of eight on your clit and instead delves deeper, palm cupping your mound as his fingers slide through the slick clinging between your lower lips.
“Fuckin’ hell, princess, you’re this wet from some kisses and a few bites?” Allen asks, shallowly thrusting his fingers into your cunt. His laugh is airy, an indication that whilst he sounds so cool and level headed, he is still affected by you. Or the sex pollen. Before any doubts can creep in, Allen is praising you.
“Fuck, fuck fuck, so fucking hot underneath me, grinding on my fingers. You want them inside of you? Want me to fill you up?” You’re not sure if Allen is even aware of what he is saying but you nod desperately and arch your back, wiggling your butt to entice him. Allen grabs your bottoms and pulls them down just enough so your dripping wet hole is on display. You register the sound of his palm spanking your ass before the pain. You moan louder. Warm fingertips gently run along your tingling cheek and then onto your hips. They move with such purpose you’re fairly certain that Allen is tracing the marks from his hands gripping you earlier which are beginning to fade into your golden skin. 
The fingers trail back to your core, two sheathing themselves into your pussy. A contented sigh leaves you and it would embarrass you at how complete you feel with his fingers in you but the pleasure has left you one-track minded. Allen is considerate enough to begin thrusting his fingers in and out of your wet hole, fingers curling to brush against the spongy spot that has you digging your fingernails into the wooden bench. The fingers spread, scissoring open your gummy walls before a third finger is added. The stretch is blissful and a part of you wants Allen to keep fingering you forever. The thought is changed when you feel Allen grind his groin in the space where your ass joins your thigh. Even with the few brief feels of it, you know it will fill you up and stretch you out in the most exquisite way possible. You’re not fully sure you can wait any longer for it. The white-haired male seems to agree, mumbling, “you should be stretched out enough.”
A slurping sound, rather than the sound of a zipper, catches your attention. Curiosity influences you to turn and rest the left side of your face on the bench to see over your right shoulder. You get an up close view of Allen licking his fingers and sucking up your slick. Allen pauses when he notices you watching him, sending you a closed eyed smile. He sensually pulls his fingers out of his mouth, bending at his waist to whisper into your ear, “when this is all over, I’m going to feast on you for hours.”
The eagerly awaited sound of a zipper reaches your ears, hips wiggling in excitement. Allen slaps your other cheek once as a reprimand then twice more just to watch how your ass jiggled with the force. One hand pumps his length, breathy moans tumbling out of his kiss-plumped lips at the pleasurable feeling of his grip. The male exorcist holds the base of his dick with one hand and grabs your buttcheek to spread it so he can have a clear view as he slowly sinks his mushroom head into your vagina. You sigh at how his cock fills you up perfectly. He’s long and thick and it seems like an eternity passes before his hips are flush with yours.
“Fuck, feel so good, so tight around my cock. Trying.. Not - fuck - t-to move but you feel so good,” Allen pants out, hips jerking a little to chase the feeling of your snug walls pulsing around his shaft. The male does his best to stay still until you give him the okay but the sex pollen has him focusing on fucking. 
“Wan’ you to move, Allen,” you state, hips also moving in an attempt to entice him into pounding you. Allen needs no more confirmation, pulling back until only the tip of his cock remains inside you and then slamming back into you. You wail, bringing one forearm up to your mouth so you can bite into it and quieten yourself as Allen sets a brutal pace, his hips slamming into yours with a bruising force. There’s something lewd in your state of dress. Your jacket hangs by elbows, trousers suspended mid-thigh from how far your legs are spread. Allen is only slightly more clothed than you, you can feel the harsh fabric of his trouser on the back of his legs. It is a feeling that just adds to the pleasure; the sex pollen forcing him to give in to such carnal desires without any logic or self-control to undress either of you fully. It makes you clench around his length, Allen swearing and jerking further into your cunt at how tight you feel.
Fingers thread through your hair and tug your head up closer to where Allen is, hunched over. 
“Don’t you- fuck- fucking dare to keep quiet. I w-want all those- fuck yeah- those moans echoing off the walls. Sh-show me how a good a slut you can be, gripping my dick so well with your pussy.” You’re so pleasure drunk that you can’t even respond to him with words, just bringing your hand back down on the table to stabilise yourself; Allen’s hard thrusts are forcing your lower body to knock into the bench in front of your hips. The pain adds to the pleasure that’s curling in your navel, your toes curling as you feel yourself drawing closer to your peak. Making sure your left hand can just about support your upper body, your right hand slithers down your stomach to play with your puffy clit. Allen had returned his hand to your hips, dragging you back onto his dick every time he thrust back into your wet hole, appearing to use you as a fuck toy to get to his release. 
You lean your head back onto his shoulder, slinging your left hand over his shoulder and trusting him to hole your weight. His rhythm doesn't even falter with the additional weight which has your cunt tightening in arousal. You furiously rub your clit, you’re not sure if you’ve also inhaled some sex pollen or if this animalistic fucking has reduced you down to pure pleasure without any finesse. It barely matters, not with Allen’s tip bullying your g-spot and causing your stomach to contract and tense from the pleasure. He fucks you like he doesn’t give a shit, refusing to let you wiggle away from the pleasure and stimulation, although the praise that drips from his mouth suggests otherwise. The cord in your belly snaps and you cum, liquid gushing from where you two connect and spraying onto the wooden bench.
The force of your orgasm has you slouching onto Allen, lower body no longer working. It takes a few seconds to realise that Allen hasn’t stopped fucking into you. You shriek from the overstimulation but he doesn’t acknowledge it. Instead, his right arm dips to hook around the back of your right knee hitching it up and propping it onto the slowly forming dark patch on the table top. His chest bends you over, left hand clenching hard on the bench’s surface. More shrieks fall from your mouth as Allen begins ploughing into you, his tip bumping into your cervix. You can feel his balls slap against your clit, a painfully pleasurable sensation that has you arching onto your tiptoes once again trying to run away from what your teammate was giving to you. Unfortunately, there is nowhere to go. 
Allen shoves two fingers of his left hand in between your bitten lips to silence you. He bends over you and continues jack-hammering into your hole, focusing only on his release. The feel of his penis stretching you open, hitting your deepest spot repeatedly has you quickly reaching the edge all over again. You can hear Allan huffing into your ear, the tips of his white hair wet with perspiration and dancing along the uncovered skin of your shoulder. Hearing how affected, how gone he is has your fingers carving along the table, wood scratchings catching under your nails. Your eyes roll back as you climax, brain full short circuiting. A few thrusts later and Allan cums too, hips slowing to a few deep thrusts instead to draw out his orgasm. 
You lay there, panting and legs twitching as you fight to control your breathing. You relax your hands, finally ending the tight-knuckled grip you had on the edge of the workbench and stretching the strain out of your digits.
“Fucking hell, Allen. I don’t think I’ve come that hard in a while,” you admit. “Don’t think I’m gonna for a while either.” It is mostly a joke but before you can say anything else, or even turn to look at the man, Allen is grabbing your hips and snatching you backwards, driving his hard dick even further into you. The tip of his cock bullies your g-spot as Allen’s hips collide into the fat of your ass. Sweat, slick and a mixture of both your cum drips down your thighs, allowing the slapping sound of wet flesh to reverberate around the room. He begins thrusting again, each action seemingly pushing out the air in your lungs as he brings his chest to rest on your back, caging you in once more. 
“Oh darling, I’m not even close to being done with you just yet."
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The Home Chroncles (David "Hesh" Walker)
TW: Intoxication, alcohol, a couple suggestive sentences (if you're not 18 you're too young to be here. Shoo), swearing and otherwise domestic AU fluff
The Home Chronicles Masterlist
Edgar Allen Poe
"You know, home isn't a building, it's 4 walls and a heartbeat!" You heard your (likely intoxicated) boyfriend proudly announce, giving you a lopsided smirk before pressing a kiss against the side of your head.
"Are you sure that's the quote? Fuckin' Edgar Allen Poe over here" you giggled (equally as intoxicated), loving the sentiment nonetheless. The two of you were curled up on the deck, blanket haphazardly thrown across your shoulders, one bottle of alcohol being swapped between you both.
Nights like this brought you joy, made you feel like every nerve was on fire and buzzing; nights like this made the nights spent fighting (both in the field and in your brain) worth every second.
"I mean..." You heard Hesh start, hiccuping and giggling part way through. "You do drive me slowly insane sometimes" you felt his heart rate pick up in the close proximity, your fingers brushing over the fabric covering his chest. "I'm not complaining though" he whispered against your ear, lips slowly finding their way to your pulse point.
Leaning your head back, you saw a glimpse of movement in the kitchen behind the sliding glass door. Fighting against the feeling of closing your eyes and focusing on the lips brushing against your throat, you sigh. Focusing in and watching as Logan keeps himself busy by putting away the alcohol he snuck away from the two of you, and filling the fridge with Gatorades for the future hangovers. Stifling a laugh, you gently pressed on Hesh's shoulders.
"Stop, mother goose is in the kitchen. He's going to see" you whined, feeling Hesh shake with laughter against your chest and see Logan laughing to himself in the kitchen at your comment. "We've been spotted, we need to go!" You laughed, going to stand up from the tangle of blankets -- only to catch your foot the wrong way and flop right back down onto your back.
"And that's enough for tonight, soon one of you is going to be falling off the deck and breaking your neck" you tilt your neck backward, trying to get a better look at the younger Walker brother (who was now leaned against the open sliding door, arms crossed over his chest looking amused). "Come on, bed time you two." He stepped beside you, offering a hand to get up which you happily took.
"I'm older than you, I decide when it's time for bed!" Hesh glared at his brother, remaining seated on the deck, cradling the bottle against his hip.
"Thats why your name in my phone is "Grumpy Old Dude" with a heart" you giggled, wandering inside the kitchen.
"My name is what?! Don't just walk away from your responsibilities" Hesh called out after you from the deck, being partially drowned out by Logans surprised laughter.
"Now don't break a hip making your way back inside" you heard Logan tease, as you stumbled your way up the stairs and into your room.
Waking up the next morning, you were surprised by an empty bed.
Did Hesh even make it up here to sleep? You wondered.
Groaning, you stretched out on the bed. Pouting at the pit of nausea growing in your stomach and the distant pounding in your head. Today wasn't going to be fun. After contemplating your drunken life choices, you rolled over to check the time on your phone.
3 new messages
Clicking on the notification, you smiled slightly at the text from Logan telling you breakfast would be ready whenever you were, and 2 messages from a newly named contact.
My Favourite Handsome Human Being ❤️
Good morning beautiful! Riley needed to go out this morning, and you were still in a pretty deep sleep when I got up (and snoring. You do that :D). Logan offered to pick up breakfast for us when you're ready to eat. Gatorade, painkillers and cuddles are down here when you're up. I love you!
New multimedia message downloading...
You rolled your eyes once the picture downloaded. It was a screenshot from his phone with your new contact name:
"Fuckin Edgar Allen Poe 🖤"
Taglist: @bloodonmyhands-1221
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USS Albacore (SS-218), a 311-foot, Gato-class submarine lost 7 November 1944 of the coast of Hokkaido Japan, she was presumed lost on 21 December 1944 and struck from the Naval Vessel Register on 30 March 1945, found 16 February 2023.
The USS Albacore earned 9 battle stars, received 4 Presidential Unit Citations and was responsible for sinking at least 10 ships.
Below is a listing of the ships compliment, their names are written in memorial at the National Memorial Cemetary of the Pacific in Honolulu, Hawaii:
Walter Henry Barber, Jr., Kenneth Ripley Baumer, Henry Forbes Bigelow, Jr., Edward Brown Blackmon, William Walter Bower, Allan Rose Brannam, Herbert Hodge Burch, Nicholas John Cado, John Joseph Carano, Charles Lee Carpenter, James Louis Carpenter, Pasquale Charles Carracino, Stanley Chapman, Douglas Childress, Jr., Frederick Herbert Childs, Jr., Perry Aubrey Collom, Audrey Cecil Crayton, Eugene Cugnin, John Wilber Culbertson, Philip Hugh Davis, Ray Ellis Davis, Fred Wallace Day, Julius Delfonso, James Leroy DeWitt, James Thomas Dunlap, Carl Hillis Eskew, John Francis Fortier, Jr., Gordon Harvey Fullilove, Jr., John Wilfred Gant, John Paul Gennett, William Henry Gibson, John Frederick Gilkeson, Charles Chester Hall, James Kenneth Harrell, Robert Daniel Hill, Allen Don Hudgins, Donald Patrick Hughes, Eugene Edsel Hutchinson, Burton Paul Johnson, Sheridan Patrick Jones, George Kaplafka, Nelson Kelley, Jr., Morris Keith Kincaid, Victor Edward Kinon, Joseph Mike Krizanek, Arthur Star Kruger,Walter Emery Lang, Jr., Jack Allen Little, Kenneth Walter Manful, Patrick Kennyless McKenna, Willie Alexander McNeill, Joseph Norfleet Mercer, Leonard David Moss, Richard Joseph Naudack, Encarnacion Nevarez, Joseph Hayes Northam, Frank Robert Nystrom, Robert James O'Brien, Elmer Harold Peterson, Charles Francis Pieringer, Jr., James Teel Porter, Jerrold Winfred Reed, Jr., Francis Albert Riley, Hugh Raynor Rimmer, A. B. Roberts, James Ernest Rowe, Philip Shoenthal, George Maurice Sisk, Joe Lewis Spratt, Harold William St. Clair, Arthur Lemmie Stanton, Robert Joseph Starace, John Henry Stephenson, Maurice Crooks Strattan, Earl Richard Tanner, William George Tesser, Paul Raymond Tomich, Charles Edward Traynor, Theodore Taylor Walker, Elmer Weisenfluh, James Donald Welch, Richard Albert West, Wesley Joseph Willans, Leslie Allan Wilmott, David Robert Wood
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jaxxsoxxn · 1 month
Boomer flash head cannons, please 🥹🙏
Henlo Butterfly anon <3! I've been lately caught in a slightly diff hyperfixation (ColdWeather/Hail ship my beloved) but I adore Boomer n Flasher always, so! (Also, I am writing more Boomer centric hcs in the back <3)
Since lately I've seen a hop up in Joker x Boomer content, I do think Flash would be less than happy about the clown's lack of understanding of personal space, especially with Digger.
He's not pissy! And if that nasty Jack-in-the-Box-lookalike gets in a few more accidents lately? Well- it must've been the wind.
I know I already talk about both JLA and the Rouges reacting to their relationship, but biggest supporters in both groups - somehow - are Hal and Axel (Green Lantern and The Trickster Jr.)
"But Sahe, Axel in one of the comics tied bombs to puppies! (Dogs technically, i think)" WE DO NOT CARE, I am absolutely making him more uhh imp-like silly guy. HE'S JUST A KID BEING OVERLYPROUD N SILLY TRUST
Hal, with his tendency to get attached to kids with bad decision making skills (cough cough Roy Harper) absolutely joins in with the kids shenanigans, rip Barry and Digger bc they are what connects them - so they are also their main victims
"Mr. Allen, why are you beefing with a child?" Trickster asked, while Barry couldn't help the annoyed twitch of his eyelid. Normally, Axel was his preferred Trickster to deal with - his tricks sometimes not only lighthearted, but also genuinely funny, while James was always too brash to be like that. But not today. "Mr. Walker..." he can't help the little smirk at younger man's grimace. Most twenty-something year olds hated being reminded of their age and their actual adulthood. "...why was there glitter in my shampoo?" Their living was at the moment rather complicated - Rouges, most of them at least, got uprooted by the chaos caused by the Skull-ship, so they ended up with healed JLA for now. As much as Flash could understand some people's distaste for his villains, it didn't mean he'd let them get under Waller and her little neck bombs. (He ignored the painful stab in his chest at the reminder of Boomer's bitter words "like a chipped dog" - that's how he felt and the fact that he was always on the brink of death drove his already stronger than most people's survival instincts insane) Before he got the answer he wanted, or more probable the one he didn't need, Digger's loud "Oh ya cunt!" broke trough the base, followed by an evil chuckle of Hal. As in the very same Hal Jordan that was flying towards the two of them, quickly making a finger that poked him in the ribs, making him let go of Axel with a squeak alike these of chickens or their beloved Gerbil. Soon his lover ran in after the Green menace, while the other two stood on the other side of the shared kitchen. Also with glitter on his- everywhere, really. "Oh, yar fuckin' with me." Digger said, as he pointed at the Flash, just before pointing at Axel. "No fuckin' way ya both did that." All he got back was two most innocent smiles ever, which said more than words. Barry was going to skin Hal.
After Owen and Axel start dating, Digger and speedy are menaces. Hal knows better than to get involved, because his romantic life is already pretty chaotic and the person he's dating at the moment? Bar would laugh to death. (Who is Hal dating? Uhh, whoever u want him to, bc my main ship with him is Booster Gold and lemme tell u - not many agree)
Boomer and Flash often nap together, since they both usually don't catch enough hours of sleep. Wally calls them old men because of it, and tbh, he's right.
Cap, after two months of dating, gets a small lightning tattoo on the middle of his neck from the backside. Barry takes a surprisingly long time to notice. His response is not PG, so let's not get into all that ;)
After a random enemy shoots trough it, scratching it on the side, and Flash suddenly ended the whole fight in 0.5 sec. Rip the poor goons that ended up on the wrong side of this fight.
Boomer and Flash are the couple that plays stupid games to see who cleans up, just to not clean up because they are needed somewhere.
You know the shitty "oh no, I got stuck in the washing machine" trope? Boomer's the most unlucky motherfucker ever, this man's fighting for his life every time. The first time he's so embarrassed that he stays there for an hour in silence, until his lover finally finds him.
Barry makes sure to not laugh because he knew that it would just make the situation worse, so he let it go, but ask Digger to never again be ashamed about needing help, even if it's something slightly suggestive.
"But it's shameful-" "Digi, I love you, but I also had my dick in your mouth two hours or so ago, please just say something."
Clothes sharing doesn't exactly work with them, since while Digger is pretty big all over (;)), he's also the master of not noticing stuff. This man wears anything that gets under his hand and if Flash has his costume down? He might wear it too, without noticing anything.
Barry on the other hand get's way too warm way too quickly. Most clothes Boomer buys are warm, because the difference in the weather from Australia to here hits him every time he visits his home, and that happens often.
This time a lil less headcanons cuz ive been bit busy n i wanna finally post this :'D imma link other hcs later :P
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laf-outloud · 1 year
Walker Episode 3x09 Synopsis: Buffering
The synopsis has been released for season 3, episode 8 of Walker, which is set to air on Thursday, January 19. The episode is titled “Buffering”.
SLOW ROAD TO REDEMPTION – Cordell (Jared Padalecki) and Cassie (Ashley Reyes) intervene in a hostage situation at a server farm, but something Trey (Jeff Pierre) finds indicates something more sinister is at play.  Meanwhile, August (Kale Culley) tries to smooth things over with his grandparents, Liam (Keegan Allen) attempts to step up his responsibility within the family business, and a luncheon awkwardly reunites Cordell with someone from the past.  
Source: Nerds and Beyond
Yes! Cordell and Cassie are working together!
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longitudinalwaveme · 1 year
Flash Video Game Concept: Wally West Edition-“Rogue War”
At long last, here is the Wally West game proposal that I promised in the Barry Allen game proposal post!
  Important Disclaimer: I am not a video game designer or regular video game player and my knowledge of the mechanics of game play is thus fairly limited. This is more of a plot proposal for a video game than anything else. While I will be selecting bosses and creating hypothetical side missions, there won’t be any detailed descriptions of how the playable characters will work. That being said, should someone with a broader understanding of video game mechanics wish to offer suggestions, I will gladly add their ideas to the proposal.
And now...onto the plot!
The main playable character for the game will be an adult Wally West (the third Flash), though Jay Garrick, Jesse Quick, and Bart Allen will be playable in side and/or bonus missions that are separate from the main game.  The game will be set in Keystone City. Linda Park and Hartley Rathaway (the now-reformed Pied Piper) will be major supporting characters; Fred Chyre and Jared Morillo will be Wally’s main support in the KCPD police department. Barry Allen can be either alive or dead, but for the purposes of the game (and because he was the star of the last game), he won’t be active as the Flash here. Jai and Irey West, Wally’s twins, will also be in the game, but they won’t be major players in the story due to how young they are and to how dangerous the current situation is…though that won’t stop them from attempting to slip away from their parents to fight supervillains at least once. There will actually be two sets of antagonists in this game: the Rogues (lead by Captain Cold and consisting of him, Sam Scudder, James Jesse, Heat Wave, and Captain Boomerang, plus the dubiously-trustworthy Top and Golden Glider, who want to lead the group themselves but have no interest in teaming up with Blacksmith in order to do so) and the “New Rogues” (lead by Blacksmith and consisting of her, Axel Walker, Evan McCulloch, Murmur, Girder, and Double Down, plus the Weather Wizard, who’s left Cold’s team). These two teams are responsible for the titular “Rogue War” as they fight over Central City; Wally will have to put a stop to the war before it destroys the city.
The game would open with narration from Wally that explains who he is, his relationship with Linda and his children, and how he became the main Flash. This narration will be full of Wally’s characteristic snark and will lead into a cutscene where Wally is shown watching baseball with Linda (and the twins). He’s bored out of his mind, and as such, he is overjoyed when the game is interrupted by a news report that announces that KCPD headquarters is under attack by the Trickster. The cutscene ends with Wally rushing to the scene…unaware that his daughter is following him. After this, there will be a tutorial/intro level with Axel Walker as the boss. This fight will allow the player to become accustomed to the controls and to Wally’s fighting style; as such, it will be less difficult than subsequent levels (justified in story terms by the fact that Axel is a kid). After the player wears down Axel’s health bar to a certain point, Irey will appear on the scene in an attempt to help her father. Her appearance distracts Wally and allows a crowing Axel to get away…but not before throwing one of his t-bombs into the evidence room at the KCPD. The player, as Wally, will have to use a very high level of super speed and precision in order to rescue Irey and a few police scientists from the explosion.
After this, the story will shift to a cutscene at the Wests’ house, where Wally and Linda are scolding Irey for putting herself in danger (while Jai unhelpfully comments about how his sister is in trouble). Irey runs to her room in tears and Wally follows her. He tells her that he understands that she just wanted to help him, and assures her that he still loves her. While he reiterates the fact that crime fighting can potentially be very dangerous and that she’ll need to wait until she’s a little older before she can become his sidekick, he then cheers her up by telling her a story of a time that he screwed up as Kid Flash. Irey promises that she’ll stay out of trouble from now on, and the two of them hug. After the cutscene ends, the player will be allowed to spend some time investigating the West house and the open-world environment of the twin cities; with the option of speaking with neighbors, flirting with Linda, playing with the twins, stopping petty crimes, carrying people’s groceries, painting fences, and generally doing all of the typical Flash things. The game will not progress until a certain number of goals have been met. This section exists to familiarize the player with the game’s map and to give them more practice in controlling whatever super-speed mechanics that the game will end up utilizing.
The game would then transition to another cutscene. Captain Cold, Captain Boomerang, Weather Wizard, Heat Wave, the Trickster (James Jesse), Golden Glider, the Top, and Mirror Master (Sam Scudder) are all in one of their dilapidated hideouts. Heat Wave, Cold, Mirror Master, and Boomerang are playing cards; James is watching TV; Lisa and Roscoe are kissing in the corner; Weather Wizard is reading Twain but seems to be on edge. After a bit of introductory chatter, a news broadcast comes over the TV, announcing that the Trickster has escaped from his attack on police headquarters. James, who hasn’t been anywhere near police headquarters for over two months, is initially confused, and then becomes outright livid when he sees footage of Axel causing mayhem at police headquarters. “That’s my bag of tricks that punk’s using!” Cold is more concerned with how Axel managed to get ahold of James’ gear. James is usually pretty good at protecting his equipment; no teenager could have gotten ahold of it without help. Before the conversation can continue further, there’s a knock on the door. Len opens the door to find Blacksmith and her team (importantly, Evan is not with them). She proposes that the Rogues ally themselves with her group, whereupon she will lead them to greater heights than they could ever have imagined. Spotting Axel in the group, James is furious and is the first to reject the offer, followed shortly by Cold, who tells Blacksmith in no uncertain terms that he leads the Rogues and that he’s not interested in working with them. He’s heard about her and is sure she’ll only lead them into trouble they don’t need. A fight immediately (and unsurprisingly) breaks out. The player will be allowed to control Sam Scudder (the first Mirror Master) during the ensuing fight. The Rogues, who were caught off-guard and without most of their weapons and costumes, are at a severe disadvantage (though Sam and James have a few of their gadgets, Cold has one of his cold guns, and Roscoe obviously has his innate powers). The fight won’t last for too long (primarily due to the fact that Sam’s controls would differ from the Flash’s and we need to have the time controlling him be relatively short); being put to a very decisive end when Weather Wizard switches sides and manages to zap Roscoe into unconsciousness with a lightning bolt. Cold demands to know what Mark is doing; his question is answered when the Weather Wizard goes over to Blacksmith and the two of them kiss. Blacksmith explains that she has promised to help Weather Wizard become a more capable and competent wielder of the weather wand. All that she requested from him in exchange for this power were some of his teammates’ excess technology. Mark somewhat awkwardly attempts to persuade the other Rogues that Blacksmith’s offer is a good one and that the two of them are in love, but none of them are particularly interested in what he has to say. Sam, sensing that they have to escape and regroup, opens up a mirror portal and yells for the other Rogues to go through it. Cold manages to create an ice wall to cover their escape and all of the Rogues (except Weather Wizard) flee into the Mirror Realm, with Captain Boomerang carrying an unconscious Roscoe as though he’s a sack of potatoes. Unfortunately, before they manage to complete the journey to one of their other safehouses, a second Mirror Master appears (the player will still be controlling Sam at this point). At first, Sam assumes that the second Mirror Master is a mirror duplicate of himself, but that notion is put to the lie when the new Mirror Master starts talking. “Howzitgoan?” Sam demands to know who—or what–the newcomer is, at which point he cheerfully introduces himself as Evan McCulloch, a Scottish mercenary/hitman. He explains that he’s been hired by Blacksmith and that he has orders to ensure that Rogues will be neutralized as a threat—“one way o’ the other”. Sam quickly finds and opens up his emergency escape route—the one he uses when threatened by mirror monsters and other inhabitants of the Mirror Realm—and tells the other Rogues to escape while he deals with “this impostor”. Cold hesitates, arguing that there’s strength in numbers and that they don’t really know what Evan’s capable of, but Sam insists that he won’t have any problems defeating the Scotsman. After all, how could Evan possibly be more skilled with the Mirror Technology than the man who invented it? Cold reluctantly concedes the point and gets the rest of the team out of the Mirror Realm. The player will then control Sam for a brief fight with Evan—a fight that will demonstrate Evan’s almost supernatural capabilities within the Mirror Realm. Everything that Sam is able to do in the Barry Allen game, Evan can do better, and Sam is totally unprepared for his opponent to be able to be more dangerous in the Mirror Realm than he is. Neither the player nor Sam will be able to get more than a few hits in, and, after a certain amount of time, the game will automatically transition to a cutscene, where an injured Sam will go flying out of a mirror and land in a heap in front of the other Rogues. He’s followed by Evan, who steals Sam’s remaining mirror gadgets before disappearing back into the Mirror Realm. “Ta!”  Sam has a broken arm, a bad concussion (obvious from his slurred speech and poor balance), and a few broken ribs, but, being Sam, the injury he’s most concerned about is a nasty cut across his face. When he gets a proper look at his reflection, he all but goes into hysterics. Scudder’s as vain as a peacock, and he’s horrified by what’s happened to his once-handsome face. Lisa is equally upset about the unconscious Roscoe, and Cold is livid. No one messes with his team. “This means war!”
After this cutscene ends, the game will pick up a few days later. Wally and Linda are at the Jay Garrick Park with the twins and are discussing how weird it is that there’s apparently a new Trickster on the scene when Hartley arrives. After exchanging pleasantries (and getting tackle-hugged by an overly-enthusiastic Jai and Irey), Hartley tells Wally and Linda that he’s done some digging and managed to identify the new Trickster as Axel Walker, a teenaged troublemaker who dropped out of high school a few months ago. He says that, since extensive experience with James has taught him that all of James’ tech is heavily guarded by sneezing powder, yo-yos of doom, weaponized rubber chickens, and exploding whoopie cushions, in addition to a complex security system, he is sure that Axel had help from someone with a lot of power and connections to get ahold of the technology—which in turn suggests that the new Trickster is on the payroll of someone who could potentially be very dangerous indeed. Wally asks Hartley if it’s possible that the Rogues gave Axel the tech, but Hartley tells him that it’s not very likely. The Rogues haven’t recruited anyone since the Golden Glider (six years ago), and James would never let another Rogue use his name and weapons. The conversation is interrupted by several alarms going off, and Wally has to rush off in response.
Wally follows the alarms to Central City’s First National Bank, which Double Down and Girder are attempting to rob. The player will have to fight both of them at once while also protecting civilian hostages and the police from any collateral damage. Girder has super strength and can throw a wide variety of objects at the Flash. His punches cause a lot of damage if they land, and his health bar takes half again as long to deplete when compared to other bosses. Double Down has a greater range with his razor-sharp cards, and he’s more agile than Girder, but he’s much less durable. Once Wally manages to defeat them, he snarks about how they should obviously just give up this whole crime thing, since they’re clearly not very good at it—only for both of them to suddenly disappear through a nearby reflective surface. “Blacksmith sends her regards, sucker!” Needless to say, Wally is perplexed. Girder and Double Down aren’t Rogues, so why would Mirror Master help them to escape? And who’s “Blacksmith”?
The player will next get to control Hartley as he and Linda attempt to uncover evidence as to who Blacksmith is. This section will somewhat resemble the CSI segments from the Barry Allen game. Their search takes them throughout much of Keystone, but the evidence eventually leads them to an upscale penthouse owned by one Amunet Black, an important mover and shaker in the Twin Cities’ financial circles. Hartley comments that, when he was a Rogue, he had heard rumors that the criminal network in Central City was run in part through a prominent corporation; Amunet’s company fits the bill nicely. However, before they can do too much digging in the apartment, Murmur appears and attacks them both. Hartley goes for his flute, but Murmur is close enough to him that he’s able to inject Hartley with a syringe before he can actually use his weapon. Hartley yells for Linda to escape. “Not without you!” “I’m contagious! You have to leave me here! Murmur—it’s his Frenzy Virus!” Linda still doesn’t want to leave, but Hartley insists that he can’t leave the building or he’ll risk infecting the whole city. Linda flees as Murmur pulls out a serrated knife and starts to give chase. Hartley manages to use his flute to freeze Murmur in place and Linda leaves the penthouse. With Murmur’s threat temporarily neutralized, Hartley continues his search for anything that might incriminate Amunet or hint at what her plans for the city might be. His search uncovers a trail of paperwork that leads to a Scottish hitman named Evan McCulloch. Hartley is about to photograph the evidence when the Mirror Master suddenly appears in the penthouse. Hartley naturally assumes that this is Sam, and,  while he does go on the defensive, he also believes that he has a surefire way of getting his former colleague to leave without a physical confrontation. He tells “Sam” that he’s been infected with the Frenzy Virus and that Sam should probably leave if he wants to stay alive. “I appreciate the concern, chief, but ye’ve got the wrong man.” Evan’s been immunized to the Frenzy Virus (a precaution on Blacksmith's part). He takes advantage of Hartley’s surprise to destroy Hartley’s camera, incinerates the paper trail with a laser beam, and tells Hartley that the Flash had better stay out of Blacksmith's affairs if he knows what’s good for him. Then he disappears, taking Murmur’s frozen form with him.
Hartley is able to put two and two together and figure out that the Mirror Master with the Scottish accent is probably the Scottish hitman that was hired by Amunet Black, but before he can continue his investigation (he’s already dying—what worse can be done to him?), the effects of the virus begin to kick in (something that would be reflected in the player’s ability to control the character). He sees Wally arrive on the scene just before he slips into unconsciousness.
After a cutscene showing a worried Wally and Linda standing by Hartley’s hospital bed (this happens a day or so later in story terms and Hartley is obviously quite ill), Wally speeds off to find Jay, who tells the younger Flash that, since the Frenzy Virus stems from Murmur’s own mutated blood, he might be able to create an antidote for Hartley’s condition if he can get a sample of that blood. Wally races across the city and eventually finds Murmur in a building that he recognizes as one of the Rogues’ old safehouses—alongside Girder and Double Down, who are thoroughly destroying the place. A fight predictably breaks out, made more complicated by the fact that Murmur is wielding one of Captain Cold’s guns. Murmur isn’t nearly as talented with the gun as Cold himself would be, but it still presents an added complication for Wally as he attempts to defeat the villains and to keep the battle relatively contained.  Once the player manages to best the villains, Wally will whisk them away to a room without any reflective surfaces in the hopes that this will stymy any mirror escapes. He also manages to get a sample of Murmur’s blood. He calls the police to have them hopefully arrest the trio of criminals before rushing off to Jay’s lab. Jay manages to create an antidote with it in record time (super speed is helpful for more than just combat!). He immunizes Wally with it and Wally zips to the hospital, where he immunizes everyone in the building and also manages to save Hartley’s life. Hartley even regains consciousness, though he’s clearly in no condition to go back into the field. He tells Wally that there’s a new Mirror Master, a Scottish guy named Evan McCulloch, and that he’s on Blacksmith's payroll. Then he passes out again.
Linda and Wally then return home to their twins (relieving Joan Garrick of baby-sitting duty), only for Wally to get a call from Officer Jared Morillo. “Flash? The metahumans you said you defeated appear to have escaped.” An exhausted Wally apologizes to Linda and the kids for having to rush off again before returning to the place where he left the defeated villains. Sure enough, when he arrives, the only sign of the supervillains is a note that reads “Eyeballs are reflective, too! Better luck next time, Flasher!” Morillo and Chyre are puzzled. Sam Scudder always needed an actual mirror to pull off his stunts. Wally informs them of Evan’s existence but admits that that only muddies the waters further. Evan McCulloch hasn’t had access to Scudder’s technology for that long. How could he possibly be using it to pull off feats that Scudder himself can’t? Having reached an apparent dead end, the trio depart in frustration, with Chyre noting that he’s off to visit his old partner, Julie Jackam, and her son Josh, who’s about two years old.
This would dovetail into the next level, which would take place a few days later in story terms. Wally and Linda would be dropping the twins off at school when a news broadcast would report that the Weather Wizard is whipping up a massive storm downtown. Wally promptly dashes off and engages the Weather Wizard in a fight, only to be repeatedly caught off-guard by the villain’s unusual display of competency in the use of the Weather Wand. The mechanics of the battle would effectively be a more difficult version of those used in the Weather Wizard’s boss fight in the Barry Allen game.
Weather Wizard is full of bravado and is boasting about how Blacksmith has provided him with a way to become even more powerful than he is now. Eventually, he creates a tornado and vanishes from the scene while Wally desperately tries to stop the tornado before anyone gets hurt. Once he puts an end to the threat of the tornado, Wally zips off to find the Weather Wizard and catches up with him just as the Weather Wizard rips Josh out of Julie’s arms. Wally demands to know what the Weather Wizard is doing, and Mark replies by telling him that Josh is his son. “After all, he has my eyes.” Josh’s eyes are sparking with electricity, and the Weather Wizard explains that the boy is a metahuman with natural weather-controlling powers. He wants that power for himself…and all he has to do is bring the boy to Blacksmith to be opened up. Julie is in an absolute panic and pulls her gun on the Weather Wizard, telling him that Josh is her son and that Weather Wizard can have him over her dead body. The Weather Wizard laughs her off and is about to depart when he gets a good look at his son. “He does have my eyes….my brother’s eyes.” The storm that’s been raging throughout the city dies down, and Weather Wizard actually lands. He seems to be a bit dazed; staring at his son as though he’s seen a ghost. He doesn’t even react when Julie snatches Josh out of his arms. However, when Fred Chyre moves to arrest him, Wally is blinded by a violent flash of light. By the time Wally’s vision clears, Weather Wizard has disappeared. A frustrated Wally decides to pay a visit to Captain Cold in the hopes of figuring out why the Rogues are working alongside Blacksmith.
Wally finds Captain Cold sitting in a bar with the Golden Glider, nursing a beer. The two of them react to his arrival by launching into action and Wally will have to face both of them in a boss fight. The two siblings compliment one another very well and watch one another’s backs closely. Golden Glider has aerial attacks; slicing and kicking the Flash from above. She also has a lot of weaponized tops and her own weaponized gems that she can use; Captain Cold can lay down traps and slow the Flash’s speed to a comparative crawl. However, Wally eventually manages to defeat them and demands to know why the Rogues are working with Blacksmith. Captain Cold replies by telling Wally that he isn’t in league with Blacksmith and explains that Weather Wizard betrayed the Rogues when he sided with her. He tells Wally that the Rogues are going to defeat Blacksmith personally. “No one steals my turf and hurts my people!” He tells Wally that he should stay out of his way—and to underscore this point, he manages to distract the Flash long enough to freeze him in place and flee with the Golden Glider. Wally escapes the ice and decides that he needs to go home and regroup before he can continue his campaign against the two opposing groups of Rogues. He’s really run himself ragged today!
The scene would then shift to the original Rogues, who are hiding out in the back of Paul Gambi’s tailor shop and generally bemoaning their bad luck. Although the Top has regained consciousness, neither he nor Sam are back to full health, and Sam is in a bit of a sulk over the blows to his pride he received from Evan. Most of their hideouts have been systematically destroyed by Blacksmith’s gang, and they’re running very low on both money and technology. But Captain Cold is determined to come up with some plan to take everything he’s lost to Blacksmith back…with interest. The other Rogues, particularly Sam, are rather skeptical that there’s any way they can regain their old power…at least until James hits upon the idea of calling in the Rainbow Raider to induce some fracturing into the other group. This meets with approval from the rest of the group, and James promptly calls up the Rainbow Raider to request that he help them out. The Rainbow Raider is overjoyed by the prospect of finally being respected in the underworld and eagerly agrees.
The player would then control Linda for more detective work as she returns to Amunet’s apartment in the hopes of finding more evidence to tie the businesswoman to the recent chaos in the city. She finds rather more than she bargains for when she accidentally stumbles upon a meeting of the whole gang sans Girder and Murmur (all in civilian clothes as to reduce suspicion). Murmur is off doing his own thing; the exact details of which will be revealed in a side mission. The player will have to ensure that Linda doesn’t give herself away during this sequence. She manages to stay hidden as she listens to Blacksmith haranguing the Weather Wizard for not having brought his son to her. Weather Wizard protests; arguing that she’s taught him to be powerful enough already. They don’t need Josh! Blacksmith vehemently disagrees. She calls Weather Wizard a moron for ignoring his chance at obtaining innate powers; Weather Wizard responds by questioning Blacksmith’s love for him. He was under the impression that she wanted him to become powerful to improve himself…but now it’s starting to sound as though she’s more interested in him being her weapon. Blacksmith dismisses his claims by telling him to shut up and then orders Evan McCulloch to find Josh and bring him to her—but Evan refuses. “You didnae say anything about hurting a woman and her wean when ye hired me!” Blacksmith is decidedly displeased by her hired gun’s sudden and inconvenient display of a conscience and reminds him of his million-dollar paycheck. Evan stands his ground and refuses again. “What sort of hitman are you?” Evan laughs and disappears into the Mirror Realm. “Call me when ye have a real job for me.”
As Linda carefully undercovers documentation in the shadows, Double Down furiously demands to know why Evan’s paycheck is so much bigger than his, which prompts Axel to demand why he isn’t getting paid at all. As the argument increases in volume and eventually escalates into physical violence, Linda finishes gathering up the necessary evidence and prepares herself for departure…only to run directly into Rainbow Raider, who has been using his emotional-manipulation powers in order to create tensions between the members of Blacksmith’s group since before Linda even arrived. The two of them glare at each other but decide to depart without a confrontation in order to avoid being discovered. As soon as they get out of the penthouse, Rainbow Raider zips off on a rainbow and Linda is picked up by Wally. The couple return to their home at Flash-speed and Linda shows Wally all of the evidence she was able to gather while Blacksmith’s group was arguing amongst itself. Wally congratulates his wife enthusiastically for her accomplishments and says that, with any luck, her discoveries will enable him to get Blacksmith off the street before Captain Cold can launch a counter-assault against her. The two of them then enjoy a celebratory dinner with the kids (during which Wally eats as much food as the player can get him to consume in a two-minute time limit).
Unfortunately for Wally, the wheels of justice turn slowly enough that Captain Cold’s Rogues are able to issue a challenge to Blacksmith’s Rogues. Wally doesn’t find out about this until the fight has already begun and the news begins to report on the damage that’s being caused. Desperate to contain the damage, he rushes to the scene and is faced with what will be by far his biggest challenge of the game: fighting both groups of Rogues at once, while also protecting innocent bystanders and keeping collateral damage to a minimum. (Note that the Rainbow Raider is present and fighting alongside Captain Cold’s team; Sam Scudder and the Top are absent since they’re still too injured to fight.) The player’s most important goal is to protect the civilians; defeating the Rogues is a secondary objective. During the course of the fight, Weather Wizard will defect back to the Rogues and put Girder out of the fight entirely by fusing him to a nearby car via a lighting strike. In a brief pause in the action, he apologizes to Captain Cold and receives a fist to the face for his troubles. Cold doesn’t actually knock him unconscious, though—-Weather Wizard is too valuable an ally to lose. A bit later in the battle, Evan McCulloch turns on Blacksmith as well when he sees Captain Cold go out of his way to herd the battle away from a group of civilians that includes several small children. (The player, as Wally, evacuates them all to safety not long after.) He rather handily defeats Double Down and offers his allegiance to Captain Cold, who accepts with a degree of bemusement. Evan’s defection then prompts a similar defection from Axel (who can read the room and wants to be on the winning team). Blacksmith is predictably furious, and, aware that she’s about to lose, uses her metal-controlling ability in an attempt to collapse a building on everyone. Wally has to use his speed to evacuate anyone in the two blocks surrounding the building before the building can collapse (cue hyper-speed Flash time). Blacksmith makes one last attempt on an exhausted Wally, but she’s stopped by the civilians whom Wally rescued, who gang up on her and manage to knock her unconscious. Thoroughly exhausted from their war and not particularly willing to fight an army of furious civilians, Captain Cold has Evan transport all of the Rogues away from the scene. Blacksmith, Double Down, Girder, and Murmur are left behind and are taken into police custody.
Wally rebuilds the neighborhood that was destroyed during the fighting and promises that he’ll bring in the rest of the Rogues the second they show their faces again. He gets ice cream for all of the children in the area before returning home to Linda, the twins, and Hartley (who’s just been released from the hospital) for a relaxing baseball game and a well-deserved nap.
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idk-wha-ahm-doin · 9 months
Bsd characterization and DAZAI characterization specifically is an eighth layer of hell.
But I liked that what you did with them. I liked Atsushi’s child form being significantly more scared or nervous and when he’s an adult you can see bits and pieces of that nervousness he never outgrew. I like that you blended Kunikida’s “YOU SAID. You were going to take on this responsibility so now I’m going to MAKE. SURE. you follow through” attitude was blended perfectly with his desire to care for both Dazai and Atsushi.
And Dazai, my favorite topics of topics, was well handled. His actions were extremely in line with his character “Yes I’ll do it” to “Actually fuck this someone else do this crap” to “WHAT???? I ACTUALLY HAVE TO FOLLOW THROUGH???” To “I’m gonna commit to this bit so hard you’ll alllllll regret it!” His flip flopping was perfectly handled.
The father son interactions had me smiling as a Dad!Cross Marian and Son! Allen Walker fan. The whole “I’m gonna show you I’m safe by riling you up until you snap at me and then I’ll be very positive when you worry about snapping at me” thing is like….such a major favorite of mine. I love it. And it looks good on Dazai.
I am. Very excitable.
I know right-like the characters are so complex, there are so many aspects to consider that I get confused on how to have someone weird and unpredictable as Dazai react to a situation or problem. Will he snap? Close off? Deal with it with humor and his weirdass ways? Subtly avoid it and push it onto someone else? Like who the hell knows? Not me lol
But I'm relieved it worked out in the end! Some kid fics wipe off the character's entire personality as a child and it's a pet peeve of mine. Even with a super fucked up background, a pure trauma bomb isn't all someone is. What I mean is, the kid and their adult version should be recognizable next to each other, some sparks of resemblance remaining to show they're the same person.
And I SWEAR Kunikida's the type to show his care through violent actions and never words. I love his dynamics with everyone else, especially Suicidal Man and Tiger Boy.
Lol I'm glad you found Dazai's reactions in character, thank you again sm!! And I don't recognize those characters, but their dynamic seems like exactly the type I would die for. Yes. Just yes.
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Walker Predictions
My Walker submission for Walkeverse Hiatus Creations Week 5- B Season promo
Alright we’ve got two trailers and two episode descriptions on our hands so let’s get to it!
Trailer 1
Trailer 2
3x08- "Cry Uncle"
FAMILY FIRST – In the aftermath of the Walker’s dramatic Thanksgiving dinner with Abeline’s (Molly Hagan) traumatic hospitalization, the family rings in the new year with members of the Walker family resolving to make better choices across the board. While Cordell (Jared Padalecki) throws himself into family matters, Cassie (Ashley Reyes) pulls Trey (Jeff Pierre) into a case tracking down an elusive tech mogul. But Cassie gets the sense she’s in hot water with Captain James (Coby Bell).  
3x09- "Buffering"
SLOW ROAD TO REDEMPTION – Cordell (Jared Padalecki) and Cassie (Ashley Reyes) intervene in a hostage situation at a server farm, but something Trey (Jeff Pierre) finds indicates something more sinister is at play.  Meanwhile, August (Kale Culley) tries to smooth things over with his grandparents, Liam (Keegan Allen) attempts to step up his responsibility within the family business, and a luncheon awkwardly reunites Cordell with someone from the past.  
Alright, with all that in mind, here are my thoughts and predictions:
First thing’s first- I don’t believe they’re going to kill off Abby. There’s been no mention of Molly leaving the cast and she’s even been used in the new promo photos, not to mention 1x09 episode description mentions August making things up to his grandparents- plural. Abby will be back on her feet eventually. I’m hoping we get some kind of healing montage after she recovers from the hospital. I’m also hoping to get an appearance from her brother or at the very least a mention of him.
I think things are going to get worse between Stella, Cordell, and August before they get better. There’s a lot of anger and hurt between the three of them (we even have a clip of Stella outright blaming August for everything) and it’s going to take a while to sort out those feelings. We can see Cordell trying to play mediator between them (part of him dedicating himself to family matters I’m sure) but the clip of him driving off in the truck without them makes me think that he’s going to give up on that and force them to sort it out themselves, or maybe even the kids rejecting his help. I don’t think we’ll be seeing a resolution on them for a long while, if we even get one this season.
I also think they might be moving off of the ranch. The place where they’re sitting around the table talking about their problems doesn’t look like the main ranch house or their side house.
I don’t think that James is going to fire Cassie or Cordell but part of me thinks we’ll be getting a partner shakeup of some sort. We know that Cassie and Trey will be working a case in 3x08; maybe that thread will continue. Whatever happens, things are going to be a little unstable at the Ranger HQ for a bit.
Trey’s going to be dealing with imposter syndrome given his unconventional trail to Rangerhood. I, very selfishly, want this to lead to Trey leaving the ranger force and going back into therapy but I highly doubt that will actually happen. I think we’re going to get more casework and have Trey proving himself on and off the field. Whether the other rangers will get a chance to shine is up in the air.
I’m most intrigued by whatever is going on between Liam and Bonham. Liam seems excited to expand the Walker family business with horse therapy and the horse sanctuary but we get a clip of Bonham worrying about Liam affecting his reputation. Is Liam ruffling feathers in the horticulture community while he’s making his dreams come true? Is he acting inappropriately without realizing? This is a very different business environment than what he’s used to so I wouldn’t be surprised if his efforts are upsetting things. I hope we can get some of Bonham supporting his son rather than just trying to sink his dreams but there’s not enough information about this plotline yet to say for sure.
And then, of course, there’s the matter of the Grey Flags. The writers tried to tell us they were gone after 3x06 but casting calls for Grey Flags and Marines tell a different story. We’re either going to be getting a lot more flashbacks or the terrorists are coming back. The actors for Julia Johnson and Sergeant Cooper were also on set before the Christmas break so we’ll likely be seeing them again soon. Perhaps Julia is the awkward meeting from the past in 3x09? What part they all have to play in the story remains to be seen but I’m glad to be seeing some more Big Bad action.
I also hope Kevin Golden returns because Cassie is going to need some support during all this. I also think he may be responsible for keeping the Side Step open so fingers crossed on that.
January 12th will be upon us soon and I cannot wait to see what happens next (and what I was right about!)
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positivexcellence · 1 year
Walker 3x09 “Buffering” description
SLOW ROAD TO REDEMPTION – Cordell (Jared Padalecki) and Cassie (Ashley Reyes) intervene in a hostage situation at a server farm, but something Trey (Jeff Pierre) finds indicates something more sinister is at play. Meanwhile, August (Kale Culley) tries to smooth things over with his grandparents, Liam (Keegan Allen) attempts to step up his responsibility within the family business, and a luncheon awkwardly reunites Cordell with someone from the past. (X)
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concyclic · 2 years
Currently absorbed by an absolute need to bleach my hair white bc I’m officially the same height as Allen Walker and that white haired anime bitch was 100% responsible for the realization that I am in fact a guy.
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