#Also lets be honest they're probably both nerds
puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Another Prompt in Memes?! Yes.
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mvnsvn6 · 7 months
Have a mini fic about Steve annotating books and Eddie finding it really hot🖤
So obviously, Eddie's a bookworm. Before he had any friends, he spent the better parts of his childhood at Hawkins Library after school and Hawkins Middle's library during any recesses and lunches. He constantly read books, this was before Wayne got him a guitar and before he got into dnd, and being a bookworm tremendously helped him fuel both of those hobbies later on. But before then? The library was like a second home to him. 
And so, recently founding out that Steve reads, like a lot, is something of a revalation. It's not that Eddie thinks the guy is stupid, but he figured the guy spent time doing other productive hobbies at home. But the guy reads, and as previously mentioned, Eddie considers himself a literature connoisseur of sorts. Writing book reports and essays were one of the few things he actually excelled at in high school. 
So anyway, he found out that Steve is a book nerd by finding one of Steve's books open on his bed. Not really the strangest thing that Eddie's come across in Steve's room if he's being honest, and not the biggest indicator of nerdiness, until he focuses his attention and acknowledges the bright colors sprawled across the pages. 
A burst of rainbow colors underlining what Eddie guesses are his favorite parts of the story or important stuff he wanted to remember. And obviously, Eddie has to ask him about it. and Steve explains to him that he has a whole color key and it's made up of romantic lines that make him feel warm, sad stuff that makes him tear up, stuff that is word for word undoubtedly Steve Harrington sprawled on a page. Steve won't tell him which color is which, too embarrassed by it, but he lets Eddie read through them, and then he stares at Steve in unyeilding fondness. 
The look reflected on Steve's is not the same, mostly anxiety and insecurity, which Eddie immediately wants to soothe. It's so so sweet he thinks but Eddie's mouth translates the words into, "That's so fucking hot." Which, shit man, it is but he hadn't meant to say it out loud. 
"Shut up, dude, don't make fun of me right now." 
And listen, books are everything to him, this is no joking matter. They inspire his own stories, whether through a dnd campaign or writing song lyrics. It's honestly probably the most attractive thing a person could do in Eddie's opinion, he didn't know how hot until right about now, but he'll die on this hill. Annotating your books is hot. 
"Listen to me when I say this Steve, while that is the nerdiest thing I've ever heard and I'm, ya know, me. It's also about the most attractive thing that's come out of that pretty mouth of yours, like ever."
And Steve folds his arms across his fucking beautifully sculpted chest and narrows his eyes just slightly, raising a judgemental eyebrow at him. 
"You're being serious."
Oh he's never been more serious about anything in his life. 
"Uh...yeah? Yes. Oh my god."
Yeah, real eloquent Edward. 
Whatever, his heart is pounding profuesely against his rib cage because holy shit Steve is a book nerd and Eddie wants to kiss him fucking yesterday. So he gets on all fours on Steve's bed to lean forward and basically attacks his mouth before he can even think about it. 
And when he pulls back, Steve's pupils are blown wide and his breath has picked up pace, and Steve keeps bouncing between looking at Eddie's eyes and his lips. 
"You just kissed me."
It comes out disbelieving. 
"Yeah and with your permission I'd like to continue, like stat, immediately, now."
"You're insane."
And hands weave through curls and pull. 
Eddie tumbles foward, ending fully sprawled on top of Steve, and, jesus christ, body pressed impossibly close to his. 
And after they're romantic, read: nerdy horniness, little makeout session, he forces Steve to read the annotations himself, going through all the books that are important to Steve. He has to stop himself from moaning to really emphasize how hot he finds it, and to make Steve slightly embarrassed, but refrains. Just lets him continue. 
Eddie has never been so in love in his life.
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tending-the-hearth · 11 months
everything i loved about "the little mermaid" live action
Ariel's melody being her siren song!! that little new bit of lore!! i also really liked that it added more depth as to why Ursula wanted her voice in exchange for her becoming human
the way Ariel became almost angry during the bridge of "Part of Your World", she was so frustrated that she couldn't do the things she was dreaming about, like YES let her be mad!!
full body chills during "Part of Your World" + the first reprise
Ariel helping Max onto the boat 😭😭😭
I've mentioned this before, but Ariel hearing Eric's voice before seeing him!!! hearing him sing before seeing him!!! agh!!!!
Eric holding Ariel's hand on the shore after she rescues him 😭
the detail put into each of Ariel's sisters was so stunning, i'm so excited to read more about them in the books! i loved that they each had their own specific vibe
"For the First Time" being a voice over, as Ariel's thoughts, and then the scene shifting to complete darkness except for her to represent us being in her head and hearing her thoughts, and the way it gets cut off when she realizes she can't say "hello" to Eric? i cried
The Jodi Benson cameo and her giving Halle!Ariel the fork 😭 literally her passing on the mantel of Ariel 😭😭
Eric and Ariel being total nerds with each other??
The way Ariel "told" Eric her name using the constellations???? and him saying it was written in the stars???? hello????
Also Eric saying "my little mermaid" made me so soft wtf
Eric and Ariel running around and giggling in the castle and being the definition of puppy love like they're so goofy and in love i adore them
the "Part of Your World" reprise after Ariel sees Eric with Vanessa shattered my heart, the MOST heartbreaking song
Grimsby kicking the ring away after it falls near him, my man knew exactly what was going on, he's known Ariel for three days and is already a ride or die
just Ariel and Eric holding each other so tightly after she gets her voice back, and Eric refusing to let her go until Ursula literally has to throw him away
i like that they added a chunk of time passing between Ursula's death and Eric and Ariel reuniting, it added a little extra drama and emotion when they finally saw each other again!
listen i'm an absolute sucker for a "hug before kiss" reunion and i was SO happy that Eric and Ariel had that, it fit them and their relationship perfectly, the way Eric just clung to her, and Ariel's happy smile as she hugged him back 😭
The mermaid statue and the dress representing the land vs. the sea???? and both returning back to where they're supposed to be but having new meanings????
Ariel's wedding dress being pink to (probably) pay homage to her pink ballgown in the animated movie was such a good touch, and i loved the length!!
Triton and Ariel's goodbye, where he says "you shouldn't have had to give up your voice for me to hear you"???? hello my father issues jumped tf out and had me sobbing in the theater
literally the entire movie was so beautiful, i could talk about it for hours, this is the best live action remake honestly, and Eric and Ariel (specifically the live action version obvi) have moved up to become my favorite Disney Princess/Prince pairing, just behind Belle and Adam (bc let's be honest, nothing can top them)
@queen-with-the-quill bc i know you're seeing it soon! more things i forgot to tell you lol
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trans-cuchulainn · 20 days
let's be more positive about books for a while! here are some queer historical romance novels that i've been rereading recently that i think do something interesting with making characters feel historical in their mindset and worldview, but are also fairly progressive, diverse queer books that are, frankly, a delight to read
this is by no means exhaustive and to be honest i could put almost anything by cat sebastian or kj charles on a list like this so this is purely the highlights of what i've reread in the past week to take my mind off work, and why i think they're interesting from this specific angle
cat sebastian, the ruin of a rake (turners #3)
this is technically the third in a trilogy but they're only very loosely connected, so you don't need to have read the others if you don't care about knowing who all the background characters are. the others are also good though
why it's interesting: features a character who has had to painstakingly study and learn the rules of polite society in order to claw his way up to respectability, and is now deploying those skills to help another man repair his reputation. shows the complexity of those rules, the social purposes they serve, and the work that goes into living by them, as well as the consequences of breaking them. also explores some of the financial side of aristocracy, and features a character with chronic illness (recurring malaria following repeated infections as a child in india) whose feelings about his illness are very relatable without feeling overly modern.
kj charles, society of gentlemen series.
this trilogy is closely related plot-wise and best read in order. all three explore cross-class romances and characters struggling to reconcile their political views and personal ethics with their desires, in the aftermath of the peterloo massacre, with a strong focus on the political role of the written word. first book is long-lost gentleman raised by seditionists / fashion-minded dandy teaching him to behave in society; second book is tory nobleman submissive / seditious pamphleteer dominant who've been fucking for a year without knowing the other's identity; third book is lord / valet and all the complicated dynamics of consent there with a generous side-helping of crime.
why they're interesting: close attention to the history of political printing and the impact of government censorship and repressive taxes on the freedom of the press; complex ideological disagreements that aren't handwaved as unimportant; examination of trust, consent, and social responsibility across class differences and in situations with problematic power dynamics; most of the characters are progressive for their time without feeling like they have modern attitudes. the second book, a seditious affair, deals most strongly with the revolutionary politics side of things, but all tackle it to some extent.
kj charles, band sinister.
look i'm probably biased because this might be my favourite KJC. it's a standalone about a pair of siblings: the sister wrote a gothic novel heavily inspired by their mysterious and scandalous neighbour whose older brother had an affair with their mum (causing scandal); the brother is a classics nerd. the sister breaks her leg on a ride through their neighbour's estate and can't be moved until she heals so they both have to stay at the house and find out if the neighbour is really as scandalous as he seems.
why it's interesting: discussion of atheism and new ideas about science and creation (very shocking to the brother, who is the viewpoint character); details of agriculture and estate management via main LI's attempt to grow sugar beet, as well as the economics of sugar (including references to slavery); "unexpurgated" latin and greek classics as queer reference points for a character who nevertheless hasn't quite figured out he's queer; material consequences of society scandal
bonus: wonderful sibling dynamic and a diverse cast including a portugese jewish character, which i don't think i've seen in a book before
i will add to this list as i continue to reread both of their backlists! (bc i have read them all enough times and in close enough succession that they blur together in my head unless i've read them very recently)
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So I am aware that I am the only person making Edward II content as far as I can see, bUT if you are writing/drawing my guy then here is some advice from a MASSIVE Edward II nerd:
let's discuss Edward's appearance in excessive detail (yay)
Ok so. The basics: he had blond curly hair that reached his shoulders, parted in the middle in the style of the time. And a beard. Or at least he does in his effigy, in which we can imagine he is 43, his age at the time of death.
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I mean. Let's take a moment to appreciate his hair. It is A Look that I want to emulate with all my heart ands soul. Just me? Fine.
In earlier depictions of him he is clean shaven. For example, this drawing of him when he was accepting the title of Prince of Wales from his father
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look at my little guy (literally little, because the picture turned out tiddly and I don't know why). Lmao. Anyway, here are some more pictures of Edward II.
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I sometimes see people say that this is a young Edward III, but as this was produced in 1326 I doubt it. I rarely see drawings of royalty before they become active in politics, which Edward III at the tender age of 14 had not yet become. So it's more likely that this is just a very youthful looking Edward II.
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Again, this is probably Edward II. It's not specified, but it was produced during his reign so we can safely assume it's the man himself.
ok, so those are some drawings of him, what next?
unfortunately we don't know what his eye colour or complexion was. I'd imagine his eyes were probably blue or grey as it's quite rare to have blond hair and dark eyes. Also (and yes, I am looking too deeply into this, but shush), both his parents had dark hair, so for him to have lighter coloured hair would suggest a lack of pigmentation in hair and eyes, which would also lead to poor eyesight. (I can confirm this because I have the same problem. Both my parents have dark brown hair and dark eyes but I am blond and blue eyed as the pigmentation in my hair and eyes didn't develop as quickly as normal - it's common for white people to be blond when born and then for their hair to darken, but with me this is happening much more slowly than it did for my parents. As a result my eyesight is so bad that I can't buy glasses frames thick enough to contain the lenses lmao.)
here are what some of Edward's contemporaries had to say about him (quotes taken from Kathryn Warner's excellent blog)
"tall and strong, a fine figure of a handsome man"
"fair of body and great of strength"
"of a well-formed and a handsome person"
"one of the strongest men of his realm"
(To be honest the fact that he was super hot seems to be his only redeeming feature in the eyes of the monks.)
Edward enjoyed 'unkingly' activities such as digging ditches, thatching roofs and doing blacksmith work, so we can imagine that he was really strong (the quotes back this up). His father, Edward I, was six foot two so Edward II would have been pretty tall too.
So, in conclusion, if you're writing/drawing Edward II give him awesome hair. Give him dirt under his fingernails. Give him muscles. For the love of God don't turn him into the Braveheart version.
(also, when I look up references to the muscular structure most of the drawings that come up look like they're on steroids. don't put Edward on steroids. The strongest men in the world don't have ridiculously defined muscles. They just look 'bulky' or 'barrel chested'. So yeah :).)
Hope this helps!!! If not, at least this has been an excuse to ramble about Edward II.
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hall0wedwyrm · 5 months
reviving this idea because I can't find the original post I made???? okay here we go remaking it with more story.
Jesse is Alex and Herobrine's child. They were separated from Herobrine when he had to flee back to the Nether in fear of rumors of him being back in the overworld were. He entrusted Steve to look after them both, and bid them all farewell.
They don't really remember him, but they have a few memories of Herobrine. He, however, thought about them a lot, and how he misses them deeply. He wished he could have done something different that day, maybe even asking Alex to go with him.
Years Later, after all the events of MCSM, Radar comes sprinting into Jesse's office, saying there's someone lingering around the outskirts of the town walls, and that he hopes they would go and look ("Since... you're the mayor n all... not because I'm too scared to take a peak myself...").
It's Herobrine, who had heard from reuniting with Alex that Jesse had been doing all of these heroic things, and saving the world several times over, and he wanted to see them. He didn't really consider the fact that he had probably scared a lot of civilians who might have seen him.
Here's some other various thoughts for this:
The original Order of the Stone were the ones who made the stories about Herobrine, framing him as some kind of cryptid wanderer. They're all shitting themselves when he meets them (Ivor tells Soren, and Gabriel is like 'isnt that..?????' and the three of them are like OH NOOOOOO)
Jesse's friends don't know about Herobrine too much, since the stories has mostly died out when they would have heard them. Lukas has (Book nerd), but doesn't completely connects the dots until he finds the old tale again and is like ohhhh! and then has no idea what hes supposed to do with this information
Speaking of Lukas, he lets Alex and Steve be his beta readers, and they both just love reading about how admired Jesse is, and the amazing adventures they went on. Lukas asks them to please be honest if they think its bad, but Alex says they just love it so much
They also get to have the first copy of his book when its finished and they keep it on its own shelf in their library
Another awkward reunion is with Romeo and Xara, who also shit themselves when they see him too. Mainly because Romeo had been a menace when they last met, and Herobrine had threatened him to get in order.
Since reuniting, Steve and Herobrine have been catching up about a lot of things, mainly Steve telling Hero about what hes missed in basically everything. They also get to tell him how much they surprisingly missed him (since they weren't super best friends or anything before, it was more of like... a mutual acceptance).
im 100% going to do art for this AU thing with my interpretations and such for the guys. anyway yeah this is my official reviving of this i will be doing more this time (an AO3 story??? nono i have like 3 already idk if i can do another one)
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iamthecomet · 11 months
I was looking back at some of my old SwissDew fics, and the thing I'm currently thinking about with them is that the first time they ever, like, had an emotional conversation one on one, Swiss had to really hold back his frustration with Dew's inability to really... explain his shit.
Like, his natural reaction would be to get annoyed that Dew isn't owning up to/telling him what's wrong or going on with him, but he decides to just wait and let Dew get his thoughts in order, and... wow, Dew is surprisingly open and honest about things when he doesn't feel like he's under attack for not being able to answer right away.
And that's kind of when Swiss realizes, maybe, Dew is just being defensive more than actually, ya know, rude, and that that's probably why Aether treats him the way he does, and that there might be some merit to stopping and reassessing a situation before diving off the deep end.
Anyway, after that, Swiss tries to listen more and Dew seems more genuine when he apologizes/admits when he's fucked up more often, because he doesn't immediately feel like he's on trial, and...
Healthy communication between two people who struggle with that sort of thing, ya know?
Dew also confides in him more about other things, too, after that, like, he tells him when he's not feeling good, or, hell, Swiss even learns basic things about him he never learned/knew because they never really sat down to talk before.
Like, Swiss learning Dew can be incredibly silly/a bit of a goofball in a weirdly wholesome kind of way, or Dew learning that Swiss is a really good cook even if he always seems to mess around while he's in the kitchen.
Just two nerds discovering how to make their relationship work.
ASDKJHFASDLFA H They're adorable. I love your Swiss and Dew so much. Communication is so messy sometimes and these two are the perfect illustration of that. Neither of them are really the sit down and talk it out type. And they both tend to take everything at face value. Like, Dew being a dick is just Dew being a dick. Swiss doesn't see a reason to dig deeper than that. But then slowly figuring it out? Talking to each other more in slow bursts. Dew finally sighing and telling Swiss why he was being a dick and Swiss going oh shit, I just thought you were being an asshole. They both start to realize that neither of them are exactly what they appear on the surface. They both have walls up--armor--spikes. And they are so much better at grinding their armor together than they are at taking the pieces off and seeing the bruises beneath. And when they finally do start looking under the defensive attitudes they find so many hidden things. So many pieces of each other to explore. They're the kind of people who know everything about each other, but in a weirdly casual way. Like of course Dew knows what Swiss' favorite movie/meal/blanket is. But he's not going around spouting it. But he is grabbing Swiss' blanket on his way to movie night in the common room so they can curl up under it together. Swiss and Dew's sometimes complicated relationship is SO important to me, and I really do adore the way you write them together. They're just so good to each other (most of the time).
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basuralindo · 3 months
tell me about your baldur's gate favs ill definitely not ask my sister about it and judge you :)
(jk but go off)
gjsjshdshf I will go off thank you (also I haven't gotten past the first stage yet but I've collected all the main cast so far, so, have your sister take that into account I guess)
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): This is so hard to choose! Like genuinely I just can't. My top guys are Karlach, Lae'zel, Astarion, Wyll, and Gale. It's most of the cast.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): Karlach! She so goddamn cute, and so fun. I know everything ever calls her a ball of sunshine, but they're all correct. She's peak himbo energy in a woman and so much more. If you leave her idle she starts dancing. I wanna buy her icecream.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): Wyyyyylllll. He was a little boring at first just for being so noble with no obvious bastard tendencies, but after having him in my party for a bit I've realized he can be a little shit and I'm so much more attached now. I like that he actually cares and wants to do good, and as always I appreciate when a character has a lot of complications under the surface that are hard to spot immediately. I don't know what his whole deal is yet but I'm intrigued, I'll probably try to romance him in some playthrough. I don't see nearly enough fan content of him and it's a tragedy.
Also Lae'zel fits here I think? She doesn't seem to be as popular and that sucks because I'm obsessed with her. Weirdly enough kinda reminds me of Jamil if he was raised worse and like 80% more unhinged. I love that, despite the outward rabid warrior impression, for her culture she actually seems to be kind of a nerd? Girl read literally an entire library, she's insecure about not being strong enough and failing to live up to expectations, she fantasizes about being accepted by her own people and on some level seems to doubt that it'll happen, it's interesting. She's also hilarious to me, and I enjoy the blatant hostility tbh. Eventually I will convince her to fall in love with at least one of my Tavs, I need to know what she's like when she opens up, if she opens up, and I wanna see what her good end is like
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): My man Withers. Memeable af. I haven't had any use for him so far but I love having him around because he cracks me up.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): Let's hear it for white boy of the year, wettest cat, most unfortunate little bastard man with the biggest saddest eyes, and absolutely-totally-not-a-vampire-he-swears-on-his-own-grave: Astarion!! This is not a surprise. Your sister is probably sick of hearing about him. Everyone on the internet is probably sick of hearing about him. Half the fans hate him for reasons that range from fair enough, to homophobic, to entirely fabricated. The other half are completely obsessed with him for reasons that range from fair enough, to fetishistic, to entirely fabricated. I do genuinely feel that he's an incredibly valuable character and gives a level of honest nuance to abuse representation that needed to be shown. I'm glad they chose to portray his bad qualities and keep the good more subtle, he feels real and it's meaningful. He's also really funny and fun to get to know. I started romancing him on accident by trying to banter, and I'm enjoying that route so far. I love how bitchy he is and how hypocritical he ends up being about acts of kindness. I wanna see both his good and bad ends. (also I will never stop laughing at how bad he is at hiding that he's a vampire, like every single step of the way)
Honorable mention to Gale for also portraying a severely under acknowledged form of abuse and trauma! The way he expects and accepts mistreatment, the cruel dialog options that you are offered in response to him, and the reaction of fans who find him obnoxious or cumbersome all work so well to showcase the way society treats both addiction and autism to different degrees? Not to mention the reaction to his grooming, which can get pretty nasty. He's not as entertaining to me as the others, but he's important. I don't have the energy to really elaborate on my thoughts here and I know they're scrambled but yeah, I appreciate Gale.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): idk, that one tiefling wizard guy with the shit attitude, I wouldn't wanna be cruel but I'd fuck with him a little just to get his head out of his ass. Also, more maliciously, I'd put Raphael back in the plinko from whence he came.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): The orchestrators of everyone's tragic backstories. Let's be real, who can pick just one?
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nakedmonkey · 2 years
2 & 33 Patty and Allison let’s go baby 👏👏
“Wait a minute. Are you jealous?”
"You are such a nerd"
Allison's been home for a month. It's been exactly 4 weeks and one day since she's come back and she's already getting free drinks at the bar. It's like the men in this town have it marked on their collective calendar. Just how long is long enough before it's publicly okay to start circling around the smoking hot new, previously dead, widow in town? The answer is apparently 4 weeks.
Allison returns to their table with a trayful of drinks and an ear-to-ear smile. All colors and sizes, some Patty doesn't even recognize. It's infectious, Allison's general good mood, and Patty finds herself smiling back as Allison places the tray down and then gestures like it's one big offering.
"What's all this?"
"He said they were on the house! I told him to give me the classiest drinks he could think of, so--ta-da! You know, I read that Ernest Hemingway loved mojitos. Isn't that funny? Wouldn't have guessed he was a mojito guy."
"You're such a nerd," Patty finally says as Allison places a mojito directly in front of her. It's affectionate, her tone.
Patty doesn't need that goofy, sappy little smile Allison gives her to recognize that the way she talks to her now is, indeed, different than it used to be.
"I saw you were reading The Sun Also Rises and I got curious," Allison says with a shrug. "I guess I wanted you to be able to talk to me about it."
Patty's not going to make this a thing. She's not going to make a big thing about Allison's stupid and thoughtful gesture. She's not going to think about what it means. They've shared exactly one kiss since Allison's return and they've yet to talk about it. So. No. She will not be making it a thing.
"You might want to keep that to yourself," Patty says. "Bartender might start to think you like me or something and then you'll have to start paying for your drinks again."
"Wait a minute," Allison replies, "Are you jealous?"
Her expression shifts with the question, darkens a little despite the smile that's still on her face. She dips her finger into what Patty guesses is a Cosmo, sucks it dry and, well, Patty follows the movement because she has no other choice.
"No," Patty says with a scoff.
Allison suddenly slides out of her seat and rounds the small table, walks up to Patty, until she's standing between her legs, and gently brushes a lock of dark hair back. If people are looking, Patty doesn't notice.
All Patty sees is Allison, biting her lip and then leaning forward to kiss her, softly at first, and then there's a little bit of tongue, a little bit of teeth. Someone sighs, maybe Patty, maybe Allison. Patty isn't sure, but she does know that Allison's hand finds its way into her hair before gliding down the side of her neck, and when they inevitably part ways, they're both breathing heavier than they were a few moments ago.
"You don't have to be jealous," Allison breathes, and the way she's looking at Patty, like she wants to take her home, makes her feel better about all the free drinks.
"Copy that," Patty says, and then watches Allison return to her seat, looking all too proud as a few curious stares remain on them.
"Let's be honest," Allison says mid cosmo-sip. "This'll probably get us more free drinks."
"Jesus, Allison..."
random prompts
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feralreason · 6 months
Transcripts of Dave's phone calls
Things done while bedbound with a cold: As usual, Dave has dialogue, and I want it archived on here for ref, quoting, etc. These are the phone calls from the "FN.AF 1 but in DS.AF's universe" spin off game.
Note that they may not be exact since I transcribed by ear but yeah... close enough!
Night 1:
Phone Guy: Hello? Hello hello? I wanted to leave a message for you to help you get settled in on your first night. Um, I actually- [ interference ] Dave: Sorry! I just had to cut that asshole off! What a fuckin' passive mack! Anyway, good fuckin' going on landin' a minimum wage job where you have to fend off giant felt-covered bastard-animals that want to snap your neck and stuff you into a fuckin' bear suit. That phone guy left some tapes of his own to help you survive, but honestly, they didn't do him much good. Spoiler alert: he fuckin' DIED! What a nerd! So, good 'ol Davey is gonna give you some of his pre-recorded safety tips. Step number one: don't let those bastards lay a finger on you. They can, and will, stuff you into a bear suit. Take it from me, those suits smell like slaughtered toddlers. Step number two: don't use too much power. You have two blast doors on either side of you, and two door lights. You can use those to check when the robots are comin', and if they're ready to pounce on ya, you can create a titanium fuckin' barrier between you and the deranged rabbit tryin' to fuck you up! Sadly, those impractical design measures were designed by me… meaning… they're a fuckin' hinderance. Both the doors and the lights sap your power, and if your power metre runs t'zero, the bear is gonna come out and fuck you up! Remember, you can't out-wrestle a fuckin' bear so make sure you don't run outta power! By the way, this place is totally fuckin' haunted, and that's on me! I sorta murdered a few dozen kids back in the '80s and stuffed them into the robots outta pure spite for the company. Don't worry though, kids don't count as real people. I'll call ya tomorrow, and remember you can't out-wrestle the bear so don't even try! [ phone hangs up ]
Night 2:
Phone Guy: Hello? Well, uh… if you're hearing this, then you made it to Day 2… uh, congrats! Uh, uh I won't talk as long this time- [ interference ] Dave: Hey! How y'doin', man? It's me again, Big Dick Davey! Night two, eyy? Good job on not gettin' stuffed into a tacky bear suit! Honestly, the night should be the same as last night was, just with slightly angrier robots who'll try to rip your throat out twice as hard. Oh, I forgot to mention, you're probably well acquainted with the bear, the rabbit, and the duck by now, but there's a fourth one in the building. Yeah, there's a fuckin' fax behind that tacky-shitty purple curtain in the dining area. Yeah, that fax is fuckin' mental, by the way. He's goin' t'slowly peep out of his curtain and then charge at you like a fuckin' banshee. He's a twitchy and decisive prick! Also, the company seems to have a thing for that fax, to be perfectly honest. Company tried to build a Faxy themed strip club… awful fuckin' idea. One orange bastard got far too touchy with the fax, if you catch my drift. Faxy's a real special character, though. A fan favourite… and the only robot at Freddy's who ever got to visit the Gra.nd Cany.on. Oh, if he charges at you, close the left door as soon as you hear his rabid fuckin' scream. If you're not in the office when he charges at ya, may Fr.edbear have mercy your soul. Well, that's enough pretending that I care about your safety for this night… I'll call you tomorrow with more Freddy's related bullshit trivia. See ya on the meme side! [ phone hangs up ]
Night 3:
Phone Guy: Hello, hello? Hey! You're doin' great! Um, most people- [ interference ] Dave: Hey-yo, doggo! It's me! Davey! Wow… Night 3! Incredible! See, if there's one thing I can do, it's give bad advice to future nightguards. By the way, since these messages are pre-recorded, I have no actual idea if you're actually alive or not… let's be honest, statistically, you probably died back on Night 1. Pricessless! If you're still alive, worry not! To survive the night, just do the same shit you did last night, but better! Yeah, those robots really want you dead because they think you're me. Yeah, long story short, I put on a fuckin' rabbit suit back in the '80s and lured some kids into the back room. Then I strangled 'em and stuffed 'em all into the robots. Now, I know what'cher thinkin'… 'What the hell is wrong with you, Davey?!" Rest assured, I'm just an eggplant man who gets a kick outta gettin' shitty haunted pizzerias shut down. Granted, I'm the reason most of 'em are haunted in the first place… by the way, nightguards who survive this far usually see weird things due to stress, and/or drinkin' the rubbing alcohol in the supply closet. You might see a shitty yellow recolour of the bear. If you do, just flip your camera monitor t'snap yourself outta it. Just don't dick around, and you'll be fine. I'll speak you tomorrow, dude. And remember: you might not be able to out-wrestle the bear, but you certainly can't out-wrestle the golden bear! [ phone hangs up ]
Night 4:
Dave: Hey! Dave again, I have a surprise for ya, man! Listen to this shit… it's hilarious! [ The FN.AF Night 4 call plays with Phone Guy being killed. ] Dave: Wasn't that fuckin' gold? Pardon the pun… he got fucked! Hard! Anyway… I'm massively fuckin' hunged over from drinkin' all of the rubbing alcohol in the supply closet last night. So Imma go have a fuckin' nap… catch ya later! [ phone hangs up ]
Night 5:
[ The possessed voice from FN.AF Night 5's call plays ] [ interference ] Dave: Hey there, man! Sorry to interrupt… whatever that was! You see, I've just realised somethin'… Most people who work here end up the exact same way: stuffed into a bear suit within half a week. I gotta wonder what kinda person would just get a job here, all willy-nilly, and then out-survive a man designed to make those robots behave. Bullshit! Y'aren't some rookie fresh off the street. You've manned this gig before. You're a Freddy's veteran, somebody with experience. According to my calculations, there's only two people that could be… a nerd named "Je.remy Fi.tzgerald", who by my calculations is basically a vegetable now, or… old sport! It must be you! Nobody else could just plop their ass down and survive four nights like it's nothin' at all… old sport… oh how I've missed you! You came back! Y'always come back! Have you come back for me, old sport? Have you come back for 'ol Davey? I knew it! I just knew that'cha really loved me! … Look. I have t'go, old sport. But, I'll be right back tomorrow night! Okay, stay alive, old sport… I'll speak to you again tomorrow, sportsy! [ phone hangs up ]
Night 6:
Dave: Old sport! I can't believe you've come back! You have no idea how much I've missed you, how much we've missed you! We're a family, old sport! Freddy's is a family… I thought you had abandoned us, old sport… but now it's clear t'me. We can be partners again! You have no idea how lonely these last few years have been, old sport… my life was dead without you, but, you were lost and now you are found. I'm comin' back for ya, old sport! I'm goin' t'come back and find you, I'm goin' to come find you, I'm going to come find you… [ Call ends ]
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g-ghostic-basil · 1 year
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I like you [/p, unless you're Lumii, in which case /gay gay homosexual very much romantic], have some of my Genshin Impact Modern/College AU headcanons 👉👈
Content warnings: FLUFF!!!! Brief mentions of drugs a few times but no use is described in detail!
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—Albedo and Sucrose were lab partners in high-school and they happen to have a few chem classes together, so they stick with who the know. Albedo is majoring in Advanced Chem [probably to be a teacher if I'm being honest] and Sucrose in Bio Chem
—Zhongli is a huge rock nerd, always has been. Geology major, with a minor in history because gramps knows a lot :skull: Hes one of the only archons I can see being a professor tbh
—Itto works at an arcade. Hmm, I wonder where all of his college tuition goes....I'm just kidding, or am I?
—Ajax does criminology, and has a big old interest on true crime cases. He loves listening to podcasts about both solved and unsolved cases
—The Fatui is just a frat house send tweet. No murder in my modern college au >:((((
—All the "teen" characters, like Bennett, Razor, Xingqiu, Chongyun, Collei, etc, they're all high-school students. Upperclassmen [juniors and seniors], like 17-19 years old
—Dori is like, this world's version of Jeffrey Bezos, change my mind
—Venti and Kazuha have done a duet before. Many times, actually. Venti has offered him a spot in his band, to which Kazuha politely declined. He likes the freedom of freelance artistry and doesn't like feeling tied down to something like a band. Also, yes Kazuha sounds like Cigarettes After Sex when he sings fight me just listen to some if their music and you'll understand where I'm coming from. Unless Mark Whitten can sing, in which case, I AM LOOKING MR.WHITTEN ONE OF MY FAVE ENG VAS. Venti's is, ofc, Erika because yes <3
—Cyno, Tignari, and Collei all live together with the former two being roomates and College buddies and Collei being adopted/taken in by them.
—Ayato was the student council president in high school and he's on the college leadership committee
—Ayaka, Yoimiya, and Kokomi are in a poly throuple because they would be cute together let's be honest here
—Ningguang and Beidou are high-school sweethearts and Kazuha is their roomie that they literally just adopted. Like, he settled in and they literally had him sign adoption papers......as an adult 😭😭😭😭
—I personally don't like/use the stoner Kazuha headcanon [but that's mainly because of my trauma with weed] but he does have Tomo's name tattooed on his ankle. He was like an older brother to him and he died in a freak accident
—Miko has to cook, otherwise Ei would burn their shared home down. She literally can't leave Ei alone 💀
—I see Gorou as a paleontologist for some reason. Dunno, just got the vibes
—Nahida was valedictorian in high-school and probably will graduate college with even higher honors than what she got in high-school. Smart bean yes yes
—Teyvat is the name of the college, the 7 nations are the seven areas/halls (like Mondstadt would be the arts hall, Sumeru would be the science hall, Liyue would be history, etc etc)
—Kazuha works as a botanist and is also a freelance musician! His major is Environmental Science and he's definitely an activist
—Heizou definitely goes into a Criminal Justice and Law and he probably has some sort of internship related to that.
—Venti is obviously a music major, like, is that even a question? Of course he's got a and and of course he does gigs.
—Xiao gives me the vibes of a Criminal Justice major too, what with his demon conquering and all. Imaging him and Heizou in a class together omfg-
—Heizou was in a debate club in high school, and he got his team through the championships, winning them first place. He still has the medallion hanging up in his room, along with the picture of his team holding him up as he was holding up the trophy.
—While Heizou has a lot of intellect and intuition, he's not as emotionally intelligent as others. He struggles with communicating and knowing when to stop a joke because he can't take a hint that he's actually being mean and the person doesn't like it 😭 If you've seen TBHK, he's kinda similar to how Hanako was in the Confession Tree episode. He doesn't do it on purpose, but he can be so mean when he's teasing [how did my general Heizou headcanon make it into the modern au batch- oh, well]
—Kazuha scrapbooks and does photography as a hobby, along with his poetry and carving. I also see him doing fencing. High society kid things ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
—Heizou always helps out any of his friends with self defense lessons. He's always looking out for them and making sure they're safe. You can trust him to watch your drink and you best bet that he's caught guys trying to roofie drinks and made sure they regret their life choices <3
—Kokomi and Marine Biology??? Hell YEAH!!! I also can see her being a professional mermaid for a side job. Tbh, that's right up her alley. She's also always got her nose in a book studying, even when she's out on a date with her girlfriends! >:o Put the book down and pay attention to your girlfriends girlie!!!
—All of the anemo users were band and/or kids in high school, come on. It's the trauma that got it written all over them for me💀 No I'm not projecting my feelings as a band kid onto my favorite element sh-shut up-! Chongyun also strikes me as a band kid and Xingqiu a theater kid, and yes he teases Chongyun for being in band
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queenofbaws · 2 years
Top 5 supermassive (game crossover specifically) ships!
oohohoohohoho, enabling my bad behavior, i see!!!! ;Dc (i love it)
HILL AND THE CURATOR!!! is this one a surprise? probably not. they're married. they're divorced. they've never loved anyone as much as they love each other. they would sell each other to satan for one corn chip. they are the epitome of My Kinda Ship, and i don't see that changing any time soon.
josh and dylan. the sass? unfathomable. the waggled eyebrows? countless. no one else would be able to handle being in the same room as them for more than like three minutes at a time - and let's be honest, three minutes is an INCREDIBLY generous estimate there. (also, i just really, really think the makeout potential for them is...way up there.)
sam and kaitlyn. honestly, this one only just recently occurred to me, but all it took was like 10 sec of thinking about it and now it's like CHOO CHOO, ALL ABOARD. just a couple final gals bein' pals, you know how it is. kill a few monsters, save your friends' butts, rock some leggings while you're doing it, the usual.
ashley and andrew. SPECIFICALLY andrew - def not anthony. look. you kinda. gotta tilt your head to one side and squint for this one, i'll be the first to admit that, but they're both quiet and pretty socially anxious, and i think their dynamic could be really, really sweet if given the chance! nerds! being! nerds!!! bumping into each other at the library? being in the same study group? slowly but surely coming out of their shells when they realize the other is safe to be around? gimme gimme gimme.
travis hackett and annie cline. sheriff shipping. think about it. THINK ABOUT IT!!!!!!*
ask me my top 5 anything!
*this one is a joke, but also. just saying. i've been writing my hacketts & jack fiddler fic a lot lately, and...................they'd definitely bond over how much jack absolutely makes their job untenable sooooooooooo.
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celestialmango · 2 years
1) I wasn't even thinking of Dino sun and moon... But it would go XD Fazbear decides to open up a prehistoric park, but genetically engineer the creatures so they're more theme park monsters then typical dinosaurs, with sun potentially being a dangerous but more friendly of the large carnivores, while moon is probably the very large and very dangerous and aggressive one that eventually breaks out and causes mayhem, much like the trex and raptors. Though I wonder if reader be a keeper that
2) was actually respectful towards Dino moon and sun? As in treated them nice, made sure to give lots of enrichment, regular interaction, treats, lots of health checks, etc; but also was highly aware of the extreme danger they posed so always had a healthy respect for the two and never pushed boundaries, plus never entering the enclosure. Though, I wonder what would cause them to break out or if someone is jealous of their position would sabotage them and trap them in with them (unless separate
3) then maybe just one of them) or it was a scheme by Vanny/ Afton Inc that try to use/ steal them or reader is eventually hunted and tracked down by the two after they escape and have multiple near encounters before eventually caught? Sorry for the ramble, but the mention of Dino moon and sun created a ton of scenarios and I am a big Dino nerd XD Since it would need to be safe, it could go off recent finds that some species had crops or the gastric frog route of controlled digestion system ~Shy
🥭: I think both a mixture of tyrannosaurus and raptor. Difference between the two is Sun having a modified version of Dilophosaurus DNA giving him the abilities the one in the first Jurassic park move with the shooting of venom and frills as well as Armadillo Lizard,(which are adorable because the communicate though body language, this includes head bobbing and tail wagging) while Moon, due to foolishness was given chameleon DNA and an altered horned lizard DNA that has caused a problem by the horn growing wrong, curving slightly backwards aiming towards his neck. They would probably both be housed in the same enclosure due to some raptors who work together to take down prey.
Both would probably end up having to be sedated when keeper reader comes in to take care of Moon's horn. As for reader being respectful towards them despite never coming into their enclosure without them being sedated first then dragging to a sort of medical room, unknown to them that Sun and Moon are not entirely unconscious, learning how to understand human words just a bit. Through foggy eyes they would see a blurry reader, the first time it happened they were both angry, at least until reader took care of Moon's horn that was starting to cut into him and rubbed a special type of numbing agent mixed with antiseptic to keep the areas from becoming painful or infected as it heals.
Then reader after finishing checking out Moon would go over to Sun and clean the itchy bits out from between the armored scales down his back, which is honestly a relief and feels pretty good so he will let the fact this human is on his back slide..after that Sun gets his own check up finish and they're taken back to their enclosure. It's obvious to them that this is their new caretaker since Sun ate the last one when they managed to piss him off and not respect their territory, as small as it may be, barging in despite Sun's warning while Moon was asleep.
The new one doesn't enter at all, they have machine's drop some interesting things in to entertain them, their new keeper going as far as giving them live prey to hunt down in their enclosure. They talk to them through a speaker, they paid attention to their warnings when the new keeper is starting to test their luck..but to be honest, Sun is starting to want them to enter, not with the attention to hurt them, he's just curious about how they look when they're not blurry.
Moon just wants to know how they taste and Sun is curious about that too. Discussing this with Moon they're both in agreement, neither actually wants to hurt their new keeper anymore, which is surprising considering Moon charged the last one with any chance he got. If they manage to coax them in they neither of them will play for keeps, Sun won't move them from his crop and Moon will leave his stomach empty of acid. The last keeper didn't attend to Moon's horn very well, leaving it long and sharp, only taking care of it when it was digging in enough to cause a rather bad wound, they also were lazy when bathing Sun, leaving itchy bits of muck under his scales.
It would take them hours to list the many reasons why the new keeper is better than the last one. But it is starting to really annoy the two that the keeper isn't understanding that the two would not attack, but they do under it's probably because their diet is meat and the keeper is small enough creature to count as prey to be eaten, all of them were, their keeper is probably terrified of getting close to them when the two aren't sedated. Which is disappointing. Their keeper isn't getting their hints, well, more sun's hints because Sun started to feel friendly to them first and it took Moon long to warm up, still Sun's expressive body language does seem to be getting through the language barrier. The two have however, managed to memorize the little thing's scent during their checkups. The two would'nt be able to recordnize by sight but they could by voice and scent, it's all the two have to go off of.
Now onto the scenarios of a scheme vs reader being trapped in their enclosure.
For being trapped in the enclosure Sun immediately knows someone has invaded their territory while Moon was sleeping, just as he's about to bite he hears a very familiar voice letting out a weak "please no." from said intruder and a very familiar scent causing him to pause. So he doesn't bite with his open mouth and instead backs off just a little bit to get a better look at their better keeper. Sniffs at them to confirm as they flinch. Yep, it's definitely their keeper and he's terrified them. Oh well he opens his mouth and hears them whimper when he gets his jaws mostly over them, uses his tongue to keep them in place till he's at the right angle, then swallows them whole into his crop and he rumbles pleased with himself and how they tasted.
They'll get the picture soon enough, then he'll spit them out and let Moon have his turn keeping the keeper in his belly. People who heard the "bad news, watch the recordings, then as the recording to the part where Sun eats them, they look into the enclosure then see something odd, Moon gets up from where he was laying, drool dripping from Moon's mouth as he opens it and lets a wide eyed reader slip out of it onto the ground, they go back to the tapes to figure this out as the two are both licking reader, they see Sun let them out in a few hours looking shaken before Moon quickly swallows them up himself. They're not quite sure why or how the two have this ability they've never seen before, or why reader is the only one the two aren't hostile to but when retrieval was attempted(much like the SCP au without the protective noms) Sun and Moon's behavior reverts to what was previously recorded, they attempted to hunt the other humans.
If a person trapped reader in there they'd be agitated, the two were supposed to make a meal out of reader, not.. whatever this is, they will be found out and they will be charged for their crime.
Now if it's a break out not only Sun and Moon would be released but others as well. It would be a blood bath but as Sun is eating or spitting venom at a few people he's mad at for attacking him(seriously stop attacking, he just wants to go out and find a new territory, won't eat you if you just frickin stop) Moon is holding off on eating anyone because he's camouflaged and looking for reader, he is however, squishing other smaller dinos that get in his way.
Anyways he hears them and follows their voice as they try to convince someone to stop telling them "you don't want to do this, think about how many people are getting hurt right now" the reply be something something weapon through a small doorway, he's agitated but he doesn't really care till he hears reader yelp and fall to the ground. Now Moon is angry and aggression goes up.
He forces his way in, letting go of his camouflage, sees reader on the ground but still breathing, a very weak tranq dart in their arm, and some man in a purple suit and some random woman packing stuff up as the man is about finish reader off, needless to say Moon knocks them both into a wall, carefully pulls the dart out which is rather difficult due to how large he is, then(since Moon is part chameleon) uses the rather stick part of his tongue to grab onto reader and yank them into his mouth so he can swallow them. Which he does, but sees it as a rather uncomfortable experience due to how unnervingly still reader is, it would be much more comforting if his and Sun's keeper was awake.
Once reader's safely tucked into his stomach and he sees the man and woman gone he's going to chase after them and end them, not by eating them, he already has reader in his stomach, no he's going to drag it out, cut off any chance of their escape and then he's going to make it so they can't get away at all, drag them all the way back to Sun, and let Sun eat them after telling Sun what happened, Sun does eat them, but it's rather gorey and but the time Sun's finished with them Moon can feel reader starting to stir, wake up then squirm in panic as they realize that they've been eaten, Moon feels a weight off his mind because oh good, they're squirming. No more unnatural stillness.
So him and Sun set off deeper into the wilds of the island and away from the chaos to find a good place to make their territory with their little keeper, they'll be taking said keeper back there though after everything dies down so reader can get whatever it is humans need and also the stuff reader used to take care of Moon's horn and help Sun clean his scales.(Reader will of course find a working radio, rescue won't be coming however, all the flying Dino's made sure of that.....
(ok it's done but I have another idea thanks to this that I'm going to write quickly on another post)
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estheruary · 5 days
We finally got net neutrality back! Don't let anyone tell you that it isn't necessary because "we didn't have net neutrality and nothing bad happened." It did just behind the scenes. So here's the thing, ISPs like a lot of businesses operate a two sided market, on one side you have residential and business customers that want access to the internet, and on the other side you have individuals (it's rare but nerds) and businesses hosting services on the internet that people use. There's a 3rd category which is other ISPs and transit providers but they're not the focus here.
While they're both paying for access to the internet they're very different kinds of customers. Residential users are extremely price sensitive and business users can usually negotiate good prices for office internet because there's many ISPs and you only need one. The people on the hosting side don't have that luxury, in order to reach their users they need every ISP to carry their traffic. That puts them in a tough spot because if they want Allie using AT&T they have to negotiate with AT&T, they can't reach her via one of their competitors. The internet is also the means by which folks on the hosting side make money so ISPs have crazy amounts of leverage.
And once net neutrality ended that's what happened. Netflix, ever the target on their backs, was one of the first and hardest hit. They had to set up peering agreements with every major ISP — Verizon, AT&T, Comcast, AT&T. Comcast being one of Netflix's biggest competitors I'm sure didn't factor into it at all. So ISPs have been extracting their pound of flesh, just not from customers directly but as a tax paid by the websites you visit.
This is probably the biggest disconnect between the marketing of net neutrality and its actual effects. The marketing was all like Spectrum is going to charge you more to watch YouTube but the reality is far more of an in-the-weeds market intervention between businesses to keep everyone honest and stop rent seeking. It's sad but true that that reason so many businesses were against it was because it was their pockets that were being picked and probably wouldn't have cared if it was yours. But hey, the selfish capitalist motivations don't undermine the effect which is that net neutrality protects everyone.
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thattripleabattery · 8 months
Thinking about these very famous Batman Rogues Gallery vs Spiderman Rogues Gallery posts because of all the Spiderman villains talk. I am a huge supervillain fan by my own admission (my dad owns 5000+ comics and I imprinted on the villains like a baby duckling, rather than the heroes like my dad hoped), so supervillain Nerm is godtier (they deserve to go apeshit after all they've been through).
As a side note, I find it super funny how the second one frames Batman villains as not also specializing in STEM. Like don't get me wrong, they're right that Batman villains are theater kids, but also the two Batman villains they used as an example are Jonathan Crane (my boy!!!) and Oswald Cobblepot, who do have a PhD in Psychology/MD in Psychiatry (very different degrees, but DC doesn't understand the difference) and a Masters in Ornithology respectively. Like listen, maybe they're not as "Pure STEM" as all the engineers and physicists in Spiderman's Rogues Gallery, but most Batman Rogues do have advanced degrees in STEM fields as well if we're going to get technical about it. I could also make this case for Spiderman Rogues being theater kids, but honestly no Rogues Gallery is as showy overall as the Batman Rogues imo.
I do also love how many supervillains in general have PhDs. Like there are so many reasons for it (I have literally written essays for school about the traditional framing in comics about academics turning evil and where that comes from historically, what that means in the context of modern culture, etc), but also I love just mentally framing it as superheroes loving beating up nerds, despite most superheroes being nerds who are written by nerds and have exclusively nerd fans irl. Like I'm super nerdy irl (it comes with the autism), so my fucked up sense of humor is just like, "Damn Spiderman, turning on your own kind, so disappointing 😔".
This ask got way off track from what it was originally about, but I hope you still get something out of this 😅
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I’m also a superhero nerd which comes with my adhd :D
Newt should be allowed to be a supervillain at least once a year as a treat! Let him wreak havoc as doc ock!
Let him destroy shit as venom or lizard damnit!
It makes sense since each of the heroes have to have foil ie batman having talkative villains and spiderman having non talkative villains (kinda)
Also while both Batman and spiderman have a no killing policy (most of the time) they both go about it differently like spiderman usually tries to deescalate the situation with talking and such while batman tried to physically deescalate
Like spiderman saying shit like “you know for a guy with clown make up and named the joker, you’re not very funny”,
“You’ve come a long way from wonderland, hatter,” and “usually my first thought with cat woman is a old woman, like 20 cats, lives in a big house, probably smells like tuna”
I would love to see batman fighting venom or doc ock though bc they wouldn’t stand a chance against him
I genuinely think that if spiderman talked to Batman’s villains for at least 30 mins they would rethink their ways bc spiderman is a sweet guy and lets be honest most of Batman’s villain just need someone to talk to (except joker)
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castieltrash1 · 2 years
Hi tati! It's Gen! First off, have a valentine:
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Anywho: I shall be greedy and ask for a ship for Marvel and the breakfast club, with a guy please! I'm 5'2 with short brown hair (I feel like if I tell you how I describe my hair I'm a pick me girl but I'm gonna tell you: cola colored. Because it's brown with a red tint like the last drops of coke in a coke bottle, and brown eyes, and as I call them: Clark Kent glasses. They're big and dumb, but I need them to see though.
I absolutely despise the cold, and I adore bagels. I do enjoy reading (wish I could do it more though) and I'm writing again! I like learning about mostly-forgotten history because someone gets to remember the people who aren't remembered. Plus sometimes people do dumb stuff and I get a laugh out of it. I'm trying very hard to listen to everyone so they can have someone, it's only fair. People deserve to be heard.
And also they deserve 100 dollars, if I were rich I'd give everyone on earth except for the super bad people 100 dollars, then I'd cycle back and give everyone another 100 dollars. That is my literal dream. I really like to find the good in everything. Athletic? Almost entirely not but I have upper arm strength from building a shed. I miss when I did ballet though. I really also enjoy baking! And listening to music. I also enjoy sweaters. They're beautiful and soft and warm. So nice. I should probably sleep more but I've got a million ideas and only so much writing ability. A little note before I finish typing: I've literally been inexperienced in any type of romance. It's never happened for me. Okay thanks I'm nervous now! Sorry for going on a tangent!
Happy Valentine's day! I love you, you're amazing, thanks for being you! Have a good day :)
gen, u and the other anon are godsends for waiting 7 months for me to answer this pls ily <3 also the running theme of these boys is so funny teehee
for marvel, i ship you with...
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peter parker!
let’s be honest, you two are perfect for each other. some may say you’re too similar but you shouldn’t listen to them - you and peter are made to be together! first of all, you guys make an adorable couple - especially when peter wears his edith sunglasses and you both rock the frames. when the both of you aren’t just being two absolute cuties, you’re most likely rambling about some cute topic that no one else would bother talking about: “no, if a dog wore pants, it’d be on all four legs!” etc. you’re also constantly doing work for others - walking an old lady across the street, cooing at a crying baby in the grocery store, helping a fellow student with their flunking grade; you name it, you and peter are there teaming up and solving the day! he’s not very experienced with romance either, so while it may take a while for him to admit he’s crushing on you, your mutual pining style friendship will develop into a heart-warming relationship eventually! then you can share sweaters, listen to music, and giggle while peter attempts an arabesque. he swore he could do it, so he will!
for the breakfast club, i ship you with...
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brian johnson!
AGAIN, you guys are meant to be and i will take 0 criticism <3 we’ll be honest and say you met while dramatically failing at gym, bonding quickly over your shared hatred for the class. then, you’re complimenting one of brian’s sweaters and it just snowballs from there! you can’t blame him for falling so quickly - it’s not every day a nerd like him gets attention from a cute girl like you! plus, you enjoy learning things, don’t have a boyfriend (or ex), and you’re the kindest person at school! fellow students have grown used to seeing you guys whisper amongst each other in the library during lunch, brian rambling over a new math formula he learned while you excitedly tell him about the obscure historical event you’re researching for a paper. he’s also super touchy once you guys are official and loves lying in the park with you and listening to music and then dancing in the grass (and kissing. a lot of kissing.)
bonus!!!! for dead poet's society, i ship you with...
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steven meeks!
listen, i have 0 clue how to do characterization for dps bc i only watched it recently and there are No Girls basically so ??? but all i can say is steven is in love with you and would make you a radio and call you his swan queen or some other cheesy ballet-referencing pet name.
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