#Also yeah these sketches are kinda old but whatever
leonenjoyer69 · 3 days
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The sillies :3 and the both colored and not bc I really really like the sketch for this one :3 my old emo playlist has recently creeped back into my life and ofc Migraine by Tøp hits me with this wonderful idea. Also, fun fact, the physical drawing was originally just supposed to be a concept doodle that I was gonna redraw on a different paper but I uh, got carried away..
Anyways!!! Little info dump below the cut on the relationship between the 3 of them bc @dustmint asked about it and I thought I'd share my response here too, teehee
I do firmly believe that Hyde fights Harry more Aggressively and outright, on board to do whatever it takes to get rid of him (or at least out of control) , while Jekyll took a bit more convincing (mostly once he was done freaking out over the fact that he's a fraction of a person just like Hyde is). He definitely also hates Harry, but in a more subtle, silent way >:3 instead sorta challenging Harry mentally as opposed to physically, like Hyde wishes to. He's generally more observant and tries to strike when he thinks it best, sometimes his emotions get the best of him tho.
So, once they figure out what/who Harry is from his lil journals in the mind scape, Jekyll may or may not have an identity crisis (he definitely does) but once he kinda gets through that he just feels bad for Harry, being locked away in the mind scape so long and dealing with everything there and such. Plus, Harry is seemingly their whole parts (their previously whole parts, at the least), so Jekyll certainly doesn't want him to die or anything. Hyde doesn't really feel too strongly about him right off the bat, more so just annoyed that Harry took control and now he's stuck in the mind scape with Jekyll.
Though!! Things change once Harry kinda shows his resentment towards the two, saying that he wouldn't be letting them out anytime soon, and revealing how he plans to reverse the potion. This immediately sends Hyde into feral dog mode, trying to use literally everything he can to absolutely break Harry and gain control back. Jekyll is still a bit reluctant for a while, but eventually starts siding more with Hyde, plotting how to gain control back or take care of Harry without killing all of them, bc ofc they don't wanna die.
But yeah, between sending out nightmares, forcing the heart palpitations and such by fighting, or just being a general nuisance (most all of which are usually by Hyde) it's not really surprising that the resentment Harry already had towards them grows lmao.
He does eventually find out that those little phantom strings he can still see around his wrists and such can kinda be used to vaguely control/subdue his other halves. Yeah, he threatens them a lot.
Also!!! Jekyll and Hyde start getting along better, but definitely still bicker and shit occasionally (which tends to piss Harry off a bit, since he's been so fed up with their fighting and refusing to be one for so long, it just ticks him off very easily). Jekyll also feels really jealous of Harry bc of how he seems to be able to fix things so easily (and his blooming relationship with Lanyon ofc)
Anyways!! That's all I got for now lmao. Lots of character development for Harry lately. Man, I really need to start doing stuff with Elias again 💀
Oh also here's a colored version where they're not ghostly:
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weaponsdrawn · 1 year
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Fuck it posting art to Tumblr hours
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bigfatbimbo · 4 months
something crazy!! —
my hazbin oc/self insert Eva Jayne
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Oh my god so way back (four years ago) when I used to draw all the time, I had really gotten into Hazbin from the pilot.
And I mean really into hazbin (watching all of ashley’s livestreams, etc.) But I had gotten so obsessed I made an OC who I had recently dig up old sketches of.
I was so kindly peer-pressured by @puffymucher to share her with the world!
Her name is Eva Jayne and she’s an overlord of hell, controlling the entirety of the music industry, who died in the mid 1990s.
You wonder where famous musicians end up when they (let’s be real here) go to hell? Yeah, ask Eva Jayne. She keeps their souls in CD cases until calling upon them for live concerts, idk that’d be cool asf.
To sum up her personality, imagine Chandler Bing but like on steroids. She is a huge smartass and prides herself on her asshole-ness, yknow? She’s very easygoing though, little stress, deals with pressure well. If you didn’t know her as an overlord, you’d imagine she’s just sum huge slacker coasting through life.
But nah, she pulls through. GOD, before we met Mimzy in the show and fanon kinda designed her personality, her and Eva had this whole thing.
Like they were really bitter ex wives who hated eachother but had to put up with eachothers presence because Mimzy is a very popular live singer.
She’s a big girl, so I imagine her being around the same height, maybe a little taller, than Alastor.
Also, for those of you who have been around here a while, remember that like ‘animalistic reader in heat fucking sub Vox senseless’ fic? Yeah I was picturing her the whole time.
I imagine she has like an alliance of sorts with Voxtech for like spotify purposes (well, whatever the Voxtech version of spotify is called.)
But she has kinda a bootycall situationship thing going on with Vox. (Wowie! I wonder where I get my ideas!)
Very complicated relationship to be honest, haven’t worked out the kinks because I just added that part to her more but (actually i have worked out some kinks yknow yknow he calls her mommy WHAT? WHO SAID THAT?)
I could see her ending up working with the hotel however, leading Vox and hers relationship to probably fall apart. Yknow, seeing at she’s practically siding with Alastor, in his eyes.
IDK! if you guys wanna here more about her than send sum asks but if i’m talking to myself right now… oh man 😞 that blows.
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storiesbyjes2g · 27 days
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What is this about you say? Stay tuned!
Thanks to @trumpets0ng and @ladybugsimblr for letting me use your sims' credentials lol. Walker Pearson from Jett Studios (trumpet) was the photographer, and Alex Greene (LB) was the author. He also wrote Bailey Kay's article.
(transcript under the cut)
A well-dressed man walked into the studio, swaggy and confident, with more drip than a coffee pot. His perfectly tailored suit glimmered under the stage lights, looking just as expensive as one would imagine it to be. My initial thought upon seeing this cat with a larger than life personality was, “Oh, great. Here comes another industry brat.” Then, he walked up to my assistant, smiled, extended his hand, and said, “Hi! I’m Orange.” That’s when I knew I’d been completely wrong about him.
I started off slow.
ALEX: How’ve you been? How’s life treating you?
ORANGE: Life is wonderful, thanks for asking.
I’m excited about my baby sister being back on the west coast! She wanted to spread her wings and moved east; that’s where she met and married her guy. But she’s a mom now, and my parents are getting old, so she’s back. I can’t wait to spend time with my nephew and get to know my brother-in-law better.
ALEX: Wow, okay. It’s always nice to have the family close. So where have you been all this time, my man?
He leaned back into the sofa with a huge sigh and a smile.
ORANGE: Where have I been… I’ve been everywhere, man!
ALEX: Oh word?
ORANGE: Yeah, man. I pride myself on not being a prideful person…which is probably the most proud thing I could say.
He laughs at his own joke, wiping fake sweat away from his brow. And all at once, he had me. I was sucked into his energy.
ORANGE: I appreciate everything my parents did for me, but I was never interested in following in their footsteps.
ALEX: Never?
ORANGE: Not really. I was kinda artsy as a kid. I can sing, but I never had a passion for it. Don’t get me wrong…I’m a gregarious kind of guy, so I wanted to be in the public. Just not doing what my parents did.
ALEX: So what did you do?
ORANGE: Whatever I could. I didn’t want it said of me that my life was handed to me, so I moved out, got a crappy apartment, and worked as a barista for a while. People told me I was funny, so I started writing sketches and going to the comedy clubs.
ALEX: And then sim.TV called.
Laughter erupts, startling everyone on set. It’s loud and hearty and sounds like that uncle at the family barbeque.
ORANGE: It didn’t exactly happen that way, but yes…eventually. I honestly don’t know what happened. I’m guessing someone just happened to be at one of my shows and thought I would be a good fit for this new talk show they were planning.
ALEX: What does this mean for you?
ORANGE: Wow… This means… It’s so validating. I’m middle-aged now, and all my peers are off doing so many amazing things. It was really hard to resist the urge to go to my parents and ask for help. But the thing that kept me going was this moment right here. I knew that if I stayed the course, eventually something would happen, and I would have an immense feeling of pride. And I do.
ALEX: That’s so dope. So, tell us about the show.
ORANGE: It’s called “The Pulse,” and it’s all about keeping you entertained and informed about what’s going on in the entertainment world.
ALEX: So you’re keeping your finger on the pulse of the industry.
ORANGE: You get it. I’m so grateful for the opportunity because it’s so perfect for me. I grew up around it. I know all dirty secrets, but I also recognize and respect the beauty in it.
ALEX: So from your interviews, should we expect to get a different perspective of celebrity life?
ORANGE: I hope so. I don’t want to be just another talk show host, asking the same tired questions. One thing I want to do differently is get the audience involved. Everyone watching has their own reasons for being interested in someone, so if there’s something they want to know, I’d like to give them the answers.
ALEX: Okay! I like that. Kinda like, power to the people.
ORANGE: Exactly.
ALEX: So, why Nick?
ORANGE: Why not Nick? He’s the hottest thing smoking right now, and he’s not even working. I’m trying to get on his level! But seriously though, I think we’d vibe well. We’re similar in our values and ways of working, and I don’t think he’s ever done a TV interview before, so I think it’s fitting that he be my first guest.
ALEX: Best of luck to you, man. Thanks for sitting down with us.
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roadkill-raccoons · 1 year
just found out about your peachblood au but can't quite figure out what the story is or what it's about. it looks like some kind of apocalypse AU, but other than that I don't know anything ;-;
By the way, your art is beautiful!
AHH im sorry 😭, im not good at writing down my thoughts into ways that are understandable
I wouldnt say theres much of a story other than the beginning.
This au is heavily inspired by adventure time, a little bit of steven universe, the last of us and some story me and a friend where making but completely forgot about, plus the weird shit that goes on in a my dreams.
Yes its an apocalyptic story, i made it as a massive excuse to draw some weird ass shit when i felt like it.
It mainly starts with Mk traveling alone just trying to live and eventually find peachy (that pink monkey) scrambling around in a peaches box in a old corner store.
Mk and and the monkey travel for a bit before they run into macaque and bai he, where macaque decides to fuck with Mk nearly getting him and peachy killed multiple times.
After they escape macaque they run into a forest that they stay in for a couple weeks, going deeper into the forest where they find monkey kings staff, laid in front of an empty grave for the undead monkey, the six eared macaroni macaque.
Mk did not remember who the monkey king was since he spent most of his life trying to live after tang and pigsy passed, so despite being in a very magical looking place he takes the staff as a form of protection, somehow assuming its just a regular staff that someone lost, he does learn a bit from a comic he found.
Mk and peachy travel for couple months in different cities where each were filled with strange creatures (i have so many failed sketches for these creatures) most of these creature use to be people or animals that were affected by a man made virus that a demon (lbd) took advantage of.
Mk and peachy eventually find boat while running from something and use to it to escape, where they float around in the ocean surviving on backpack food and fish for about a month before washing up on flower fruit mountain, yeah mk somehow slept through sailing through those big ole fiery mountains, peachy didn’t tho.
Once mk woke up he saw the villages at the top of the mountains and wanted to go up the tallest one to ask for help.
He finds monkey kings little hut but not monkey king, since it was empty he fell asleep, where he woke up to wukong poking at him non stop
After that mk spends a month learning who wukong really is and what he did and can do (he learns through the monkey villagers, not wukong hes basically become a lazy dad after being alone for so long) after a few attempts wukong agrees to travel with mk for a while. Peachy didnt totally try to fist fight three baby monkeys
That where the main story ends and rest is just mk and wukong doing whatever. Not much of a story afterwards since then its just kinda open for interpretation, dilly little ideas n shit
Hopefully this is all understandable, im used to describing shit in very strange ways. I actually also keep forgetting about it too :,3
If none of this makes sense you can also go thru the #peachblood au tag
And lastly 🥺🥺thnk you!!!!
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ruthytwoshakes · 1 year
HELLO GUESS WHO MADE ART OF THE SILLIES AGAIN????? i love them so much they’ve infested my brain,,,, I love women, ,,!!!! I’ve been making some sketches over the last couple of week,, some that will be turned into big epic drawings over the next couple of months hehehheh.
thank you @friendlyengie for your epic characters they bring me joy,, 👍👍👍👍👍
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YAYYYYYY !!! OLD PEOPLE !! This one has been sitting in the drafts for a little while,, hhhh. I like to think that the medics have entirely grey hair and just,,, dye it. Uh oh It’s the last hair dye box in all of New Mexico ,, they’re having a cowboy standoff thing or whatever you call it
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cringe fail loser sapphic at it again. ,,,,, , she horrible o love her ,
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woah,, tnnahts a lot of woman. ,,and pupy!!!. Got a little bit obsessed with the acne on Quinn. I have pretty bad acne myself and most people don’t really add it to their characters and stuff,, makes me feel a little sad and ugly. So thank you very much for that!! It makes,me happy 👍👍👍👍👍
when I first saw spy,, I was like. Oh yeah. That’s,, the,,, the, . She friends with orginal spy I think,, . That would be a little silly ,,I think. So that’s my little itty bitty headcannon. They hate each other too but in silly bestie way. B))
Went a little crazy with the weird gay thing,, just a little bit,,,,, just a. Yeah.
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WEIRD GAY THING AGAIN ?????!!!! NO Way bro…,, This is a sketch I plan to turn into a finished drawing!! Also I’m so proud of myself the perspective looks very epic B)) Also I think Quinn is the type to sleep without a shirt on but I don’t know if tumblr would like that if I drewed that so she gets shitty tank top instead. They are having sleepover in demos room if you can’t tell
also that fucking bongu post keeps on coming into my brain at the worst possible times ,, like I’ll be having a really serious conversation and the fucking bongu appears and I fucking lose it
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FINAL SKETCH!!! This is a very rough sketch of a very epic and cool drawing I plan to finish. If anybody has any suggestions I’d love to hear it!, I am struggling with what to shove into the background. Also fuck yeah the golden spiral babey,, putting those 9th grade art class skills into use B))
This’ll be probably the most intricate art piece I’ve ever made,, wish me luck. I think I managed to fit all 18 mercs in there! Hopefully! I’ll double check later lol.
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(Drawings of the mercs by friendlyengie). Me when the women 👁👁
that’s the end of all the drawings!! Thanks very much for looking at them hhh,,,, I did not spend 16 hours on this, you spent 16 hours on this
go follow friendlyengie they make some sick ass drawings,, good food right there babey B)). I hope I was able to kinda characterize them correctly!! I’m not very good at that yet,, but I’m getting better I think!!
Now off to visit your mother. (Study and plan for spring term and clean my room)
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inkrabbit · 2 years
Mayhaps I request Sodo finding out u constantly sketch n draw him for fun n subconsciously n when he confronts u about it u say it’s bc he’s pretty and u love him n he’s confused bc he looks just like the other ghouls but he doesn’t know he’s the first ghoul u ever saw and liked in every kinda way
I stg I actually had this premise jotted down in my notes for Copia. Sodo works a lot better for it tho <333
He had always seen you with a sketchbook in hand, often scribbling down whatever was in front of you. He had seen Swiss post for you several times, in those cliché poses one would see in life study sketches. He thinks he’s seen Aether volunteer a few times, though he always seemed stiff whenever he stood in front of you. Rain’s anxious smell had made him dizzy the one and only time he actually posed for you, and Mountain had stayed still long enough as he lazed on the couch for you to do a quick sketch of him. Even the ghoulettes had giggled as you snapped a quick picture of them to use later.
In the beginning you had asked him a few times to be your model, and he had complied. For a price, of course. Just a little of your blood. It was like a treat. And though he would never admit it, he was flattered whenever you asked, melting against your hands whenever you would help him into the position you wanted for the sketch.
But lately, you hadn’t approached him. Sure, he still saw you here and there, your pencil scratching against the paper as you drew. You had even sat in during their practices a few times, and Papa had been so flustered when you asked him to strike a pose among the others. He wondered just what your sketchbook looked like and how everything was pieced together.
He got his wish when you had left it behind during mass. He knew it was yours by the personalized cover – an old gift from Terzo if he remembered correctly. He picks the little book up, flipping through the pages. He remembers these poses he struck for you. A smile tugs at his lips as he sees the sketch you did when he gave you Baphomet’s signature pose. You had inked it, adding little details in red. He thought it was cute.
As he continues through the pages, he decides to sit down on the pew. There’s no surprise when he sees multiple poses of Swiss and a few of Mountain speckled in here and there. There’s also Aether and he loves how you added on the ghoul’s rings and bracelets. He even sees Copia and Terzo on a couple pages.
But then he gets a little surprise. The next several pages are all of… him? Casually sitting at the tables during lunch, him tuning his guitar, even a really quick one of when he had flipped off Aether during practice. Had you… had you been sketching him all this time without him knowing?
“Oh! Hey, Sodo.” He picks his head up, staring at your face. “I see you found my sketchbook.”
“I didn’t know you drew me.” It comes tumbling from his lips as he gestures to the book. “Like… a lot, too. I thought you just had people pose for you?”
“Catching everyone in their uh… natural habitat makes for better sketches.”
“But… me?”
“Well, yeah.” You give him a smile. “I love drawing you. You’re also pretty, so like… bonus points.”
“I’m not special,” he huffs out. “I’m just a ghoul like the others.”
You walk over to him, taking the sketchbook from his hands and setting it aside. “Aether has a nose ring. You don’t.” Your fingers thread through his long hair and he finds himself leaning into your touch just that little bit. “None of the ghouls have long, soft hair like this.” Your hand moves to his cheek, cupping his face. “No one else has your facial structure or those soft eyes.” His face heats up as you kiss his forehead. “And no one else will ever be my favorite model.”
“I…” His tail flicks wildly behind him. He was actually your favorite? A smile appears on his face again. “And here I was, thinking that Swiss was your favorite.”
“He gives me good poses,” you tell him. “but no one is… natural like you are. You always keep me guessing and you always do something new. You’re different.”
“Now you’re just trying to make me blush.”
“And I can see that it’s working.”
“Shut up!” Still, you two are smiling at each other. His arm is laying across the back of the pew, his head dipping down to lay on top of it as he lets out a soft, thoughtful hum. “So, you think I’m pretty, huh?”
“Very.” He moves a little closer to you, a smile on his face.
“Well, maybe I could show you how pretty I am in other places.”
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stoopystuppy · 1 year
crippling heathers headcanons 😭
this is just mostly the Heathers + V & JD ueueueue some of them may be OOC ueueueue
Artistic side
 ▪︎ McNamara:
- she'd be the type to have a cute cartoony and vibrant artstyle, and if it were the modern days, she'd definitely be an animation kid
- artstyle is very inconsistent, one second she’s doing an anime artstyle then the next she suddenly know how to draw semi-realism 
- uses pen, paper, markers and colored pencils but eventually switched to digital 
- isn’t afraid to try other mediums but she’s super comfortable with digital
- doodle!! doodle!! doodles!!
- vents via art
 ▪︎ Duke:
- she’s defo a painter kind of artist (more comfortable with oil painting), draws whatever she sees; objects, old pictures (she sometimes draw her gfs but hides it from them)
- experiments with different mediums
- she’s the type to say “lol yeah this is just a sketch” to a finished-looking output
- hates her works and probably burns them (the others cry for her but she’s like “lmao”)
 ▪︎ Chandler: 
- isn’t really the artistic type but since she’s surrounded with artists she kinda has those amateur artstyle that doesn’t look messy but has no knowledge in anatomy and such
- draws a lot of clothing designs (likes to draw floral designs)
- her gfs support her and they try to make her designs real and they wear it for her
- she just draws for fun or if she’s bored
 ▪︎ Veronica:
- can’t draw for shite, very messy and shaky hands because of coffee and little to no experience
- the type to draw pp for fun
- but fr, she would attempt to do realism and loves drawing with graphites
- does scenery artworks and portraits
- combines traditional and digital (linework in traditional, colorwork in digital)
 ▪︎ JD:
- the type to draw small edgy stickmen but when he draws seriously its like he's a facking god 
- draws in a monotone color (usually black)
- comfortable with using only charcoal and graphites
- throws his art away (the only thing he and Duke bonds over /j) 
▪︎ Martha:
- loves drawing animals (especially ponies)
- she and McNamara do collabs together
Playing instruments
 ▪︎ Veronica: 
- plays the acoustic and electric guitar, maybe some drums but she likes playing the acoustic guitar more 
- plays the ukulele time to time
- she's also learning to play the bass (being taught by JD) 
- ironically plays the clarinet 
 ▪︎ McNamara: 
- just likes playing the recorder and drums, had lessons for both
- she also plays maracas and harmonica bc she likes annoying her gfs
- is being taught the guitar by Veronica
- loves learning different kind of instruments, although they don’t get used anymore once she finds a new instrument to play (tho if there are similar functions, the skill will go over it)
 ▪︎ Duke:
- was most likely forced to play the violin
- is learning other instruments via her gfs’ and recently fell in love playing the drums
- being taught the drums by both Veronica and McNamara :] 
 ▪︎ Chandler:
- more on vocal but was forced to play the harp or/and piano 
- does duets with Duke <3
- and also the only one that doesn’t have any plans on learning or hoarding other instruments because she’s burnt out with playing the two
▪︎ JD:
- pianist and a self-taught bassist 
- his mom was supportive of him playing the piano and he had piano lessons when she was still around but he stopped learning when she’s gone because he didn’t want to be reminded of her for the longest time
- bought his own bass with his own earned money to distract himself and learned it instead
- good thing for him too because it wasn’t as loud as the piano so his dad doesn’t scold him
- every single time he sees or/and touches a piano, he feels his mom around and would be emotional, he doesn’t have any plan on coming back but gets sentimental when he gets a chance to play it
Texting/Chatting style
 ▪︎ McNamara:
- loves using tone indicators and often uses them in her messages
- she types really fast and would make a lot of typos but fixes them 
- doesn’t care about punctuations and would elongate her words
- loves loves loves using emoticons because she thinks its cute :D especially these ones; ٩(^◡^)۶ , (ᗒᗣᗕ) ՞, (づ ◕‿◕ )づ , (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄) , (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
- loves using (yellow) emojis like; 💛✨🎉👑🧀
- enjoys keyboard smashing and using caps lock because she thinks it shows her excitement on things or shows how upset she is; "DHMJDKWODUQKOSHWJISJSJZ!!!!!!" and "hdjsksjnsnsnkz"
- laughs in either keyboard smash or “hehe”
- ex;
  Mac-a-: Guysssss i splled milk n the bed :((( /srs
  Mac-a-: spilled* on*  sowwy ╥﹏╥ fnkfianmkf /lu
  Chandy: ????
 ▪︎ Veronica:
- uses tone indicator a lot for McNamara, Martha and JD 
- has good punctuation and grammar but does not give a damn about capitalization nor does she put periods at the end of her messages (unlike a certain someone)
- uses "lol" "lmao" and etc in a lower caps
- sends copypasta bc she thinks its funny
- the only time she uses caps lock is when she's screaming or laughing
- ex; 
  -Ronnie: is anyone up for pizza? /genq
  -Ronnie: no? well, that's alright /nm
   -Ronnie: cum
   Chandy: y am i dating u
 ▪︎ Chandler:
-  she isn’t really up to date with tone indicators and one time someone was ranting and she’s just “ok what the hell is a /neg” and then everyone just screamed at her (via chat form) and told her to shut up (only V and M did that) and that JD was venting lmfao
- she later was then taught about tone indicators and uses it sometimes (only with McNamara)
- uses emojis a lot and laughs with emoji; 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣
- T A K E S   H O U R S  TO RESPOND but expects you to respond to her quickly 😭 
- she’s too lazy to type so she either uses auto-correct/predictive text thingy to continue her sentences or she literally just have missing letters in her words and go like “wht u doin??”
- her texts are literally either “r u hre? ive been waitin 4 u🙄😒😪” or “Are You Here? I’ve Been Waiting For You 🙄😒😪” (auto-correct/predictive text)
- followed by that is 3791874218 missed calls from her
- IRONICALLY SENDS THOSE “GOOD MORNING” GIFS FHIWAINFISAF and McNamara’s the only one who hearts it and replies with a “GOOD MORNING!!!”
 ▪︎ Duke:
- talking to her would literally be like talking to a bot or reading a research paper, bc of that she’s such a dry texter
- girls got proper punctuation, proper grammar and capitalization, EVERYTHING
- often gets annoyed when she sees grammar mistakes and would fix it for the person
- will literally type a whole paragraph scolding you to type better 
- doesn’t laugh in “haha’s”, just uses “lol” in lowercase, uses "lmao" after every offense towards others or herself
- barely text/chat and would rather just vc and send vm instead and then McNamara and Chandler join her and they all just started sending vms (V: w..what?)
- ex; 
  Dandy: Don't forget, we have an assignment due later at 4PM.
  Mac-a-: waIT WHAT??!?!
  Dandy: I hate myself lmao.
  Chandy: dont 😐😘💞
  Dandy: K.
  Dandy: I want to kill someone.
  John Doe: same.
  Pony Martha: You guys are /j right? 😊😊
  Dandy: *seen*
  John Doe: *seen*
  Mac-a-: aRE YALL /J OR /SRS!??!!??!?!?!??!
▪︎ JD:
- types slowly and somehow still makes typos and he doesn't fix them
- he just lets other people interpret what he's typing because he doesn't give a damn about them
- nor does he give a damn about proper punctuation and grammar although he adds a period at the end of his messages
- just uses tone indicators for Martha, Veronica and McNamara
- uses emojis but only the edgy looking ones; 🖤💔🔪🔫⚰🥀
- laughs in “haha’s” and doesn’t use acronyms
- ex;  
   John Doe: wnns sese my hmsrerz.
   Chandy: what
   -Ronnie: sure
   John Doe: *sends pics of his hamsters*
   Chandy: istg ur worse than me
   John Doe: slay.
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wasyago · 7 months
sorry to bother but i have a few questions! curious if you ever used other art programs besides sai and more about art things
- have you ever used sai 2? i think its still being refined
- whats your art program “progression” if you ever used a program before sai exactly, like ex: ibispaint -> fire alpaca -> sai
- are you a many layers artist with a seperate lineart layer and color each individual spots like skin, hair, eyes and etc in different layers? or do you combine the lineart and colors and just paint over it? or maybe you have multiple ways?
- do you use references a lot? or do you “wing” how stuff looks like? (which could honestly show te growth when it looks so right which you do always! your art is amazing?)
i still have so many questions but i dont want to bother by making this ask too long, sorry about that!
ooh this is interesting
i have sai2 downloaded, but i think i got the wrong version (the one that has a time trial thing and stops you from saving the files after a certain period of time). and i kinda just never bothered switching to it amd looking for a normal version? i know sai2 has a lot more options and textures and what not, but i like my old sai1 more for some reason.
for the art program progression, hmmmm. it's pretty much all sai1 i think! i have fire alpaca installed and still use it to make gifs and animations or to import text to sai / manage files / edit minecraft textures / etc, but it was never my main program. i drew some stuff in ibispaint as a kid before i had my computer, but i think back then i also mainly drew on paper, ibis wasn't my "main". never got into photoshop, never used any other programs.
for the layers. i do use them a lot, but like, for testing mostly? for example, when i want to change something in the sketch, i copy the layer and then compare the old and the new versions, deleting the one i don't like. i color and shade on one layer, but when i want to check how it'll look with different colors, i make a new layer and then compare them. when i want to fix something, like redraw the eye or clean up the sketch a bit or see how the character will look in a coat intstead of a vest, i make the new layer on top and just paint over everything. and eventually merge all the layers together and keep adding on top. so, i make a lot of layers, but then i also delete/merge a lot of them.
i used to use a lot of references and put all of them in the backgrounds of my drawings with low opacity to create this effect of busyness but also so i didn't haveto switch tabs constantly. but i stopped doing it for some reason. i do still use references, mostly for things that i don't have much experience drawing or want to be accurate. like armor, muscle structures, certain clothing elements, instruments, background elements, etc. and i wing things like poses, anatomy, expressions, clothing, lighting, composition, whatever else. i also recently find myself looking at a lot of art of other artists for inspiration, but not necessarily as references? like, the specific way that one artist drew hair poking out of the bandana, or the specific way that other artist drew a shadow on the glasses, or the specific way that other other artist drew a tail, its inspiring and i go "huh, i never thought of that" and i try to implement it in my art. well, i guess kind of like references.
i feel like you've answered all your questions in your ask, so this wasn't very helpful, but uhhhh...... yeah! thank you for this ask and thank you for the kind words, it was a lot of fun! and feel free to ask anything else
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weekend-whip · 8 months
Does Cole leave again?
I am assuming this is the same anon that sent the Aftershock Angst ask (which I accidentally deleted, oop-) sooooo here ya go I guess
(also kinda acts a semi-sequel to this in case some extra context is needed)
. . .
Cole inhales, taking in the old-new smell of the monastery one last time before his pending journey as he gathers up his things in his small pack.
It's nothing much—just some spare clothes, emergency supplies to hold him over, a few rations to last until he reaches his next major destination, and a couple newly-sketched maps of the realm gifted to Lloyd from Harleigh and now placed into Cole's hands for the venture to come. A surefire way to make sure he gets to where he's going...and then, to come home again.
He runs his fingers through his bangs, contemplating all the goodbyes he still has left to give. He wasn't sure if he should show his face at the monastery to begin with, thinking it would have been easier to take off without getting everyone's hopes up just yet...but Nya insisted. Just to show the others that yes, he was still alive. And he's never been very good at telling Nya no.
Kai had been ready in the courtyard with a warm hug, along with a few inquisitive sniffs from Riyu and Wyldfyre. Arin immediately dove into a fanboying phase while Zane's eyes literally lit up at the sight of him—and, okay, it was refreshing to be among (most) of the old gang again, and to start getting to know the new faces. It was just sad that it was going to be...well, temporarily temporary.
But, he couldn't rest. Not when they still needed answers on whatever happened to Master Wu, and Cole might have a chance to find them. And not when other members of their family were still out there somewhere. Someone had to keep up a dedicated search between training sessions and knocking around those that sought to cause trouble.
It's just...well, there's other little loose ends that Cole...is terrified to confront given his impending re-departure. ...amongst other things.
Therefore, it's best if he gets going as soon as possible. He can explain everything better when he's back for good, sooooo–
"You're not leaving without talking to him," Lloyd practically grinds the words through his gritted fangs, catching Cole before he can consider a preemptive escape through a back window. He grabs Cole by the collar and drags him single-handedly down towards the bedroom hall. He drops Cole off in front of the door with the Surprise insignia, giving him a glowing green-gold glare all the while.
Cole gulps, so not about to challenge Lloyd when he's like this...but dread sits like a rock in his stomach as he gives the door a shaky knock. There's a long, heavy beat of silence before a melodic yet melancholic voice beckons him to enter. Lloyd only slips away once Cole fully enters the room, though Cole knows he's still lurking not too far from ear's reach.
Regardless, believe it or not, Cole's got scarier things to worry about now.
The door creaks as Cole pushes it open, having to duck a bit to get through the doorway without his ponytail catching the frame. His marigold eyes snap back up to scan the room—spotlessly clean as it always was, with the only disturbance being the body sinking a dent into the bed, facing the window.
Jesse barely glances over his shoulder to acknowledge Cole.
"...Hey, Jess," Cole starts lamely, and they both know it. Cole still keeps trying to speak around the growing lump in his throat. "I...I wanted to–"
"You're leaving again, aren't you?" Jesse cuts to the chase, lacking the patience for Cole to just spit it out. Cole flinches at the abrupt acidity in the other's tone, and at how easy he is to read, but concedes.
"...yeah. I was just finishing up my round of goodbyes...saved the best for last, y'know?"
Jesse laughs with the dryness of a desert, shaking his head.
"Creation's sake; barely back for a day and already taking off again...! Wow, what a surprise. Have fun, then."
Jesse dismisses him with a half-hearted wave; the lump in Cole's throat thickens. Wilting, Cole pushes the door shut behind him, taking a few steps closer to Jesse.
"You don't have anything else to say besides that?"
"...what does it matter what I say? You're still going to leave anyway." Jesse balls his fists in his lap, knuckles turning white. "Just like you always do. On purpose or otherwise."
"It's not like I made this decision lightly," Cole protests. "Jay and Pixal are still missing, and we still don't have any clues about Master Wu except the voice we've been hearing...whether or not he's out here still...if there's a chance I can learn something...I've gotta take it. You know how much Wu means to me; you know how much Jay and Pixal mean to everybody...!"
Jesse turns enough to give Cole a sideways, partially disbelieving look.
"...Hmph. None of that seemed to matter or be urgent when you were perfectly fine wiling away the years with an entirely different family. Certainly took you long enough to start worrying about anyone else."
That hits Cole like a punch to the stomach. He suddenly feels sick, too nauseous to even defend himself in the moment. Jesse deflates, still not fully looking at Cole as he absently fiddles with one of his Blue Crystal earrings.
"Must've been nice, to be with somebody actually strong like you...decently artistic like you...good with children like you are...and someone that still has Elemental Powers..."
"J-Jess, it's not like—I wasn't—I didn't—but I couldn't just leave them! They couldn't leave! And I didn't know if you were—or Cam—and it's—you raised her all by yourself when you shouldn't have had to, and—you did amazing—and I—I was the one that–I should've—I...I'm just...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
Jesse half-turns, taking some pity on how desperately repentant Cole sounds. He speaks so rapidly and thick with emotion, like he can't get out all that he wants to say fast enough and starts somewhat slurring his words together, all choked by guilt. It's not enough repentance to make him not want to leave again, but...at least Jesse recognizes that there is a little regret for not making attempts to return sooner.
"...surprisingly, I'm not that upset about it," Jesse confesses. Which...definitely throws Cole for a loop; it's not really a secret that Jesse runs along the jealous type, especially when he was younger. And he obviously isn't happy about the turn of events, but...it's not to the extent Cole had been utterly dreading either. "Not that I really wanna make excuses for you, but...given the circumstances, and how well I know you...I can understand."
Jesse sees Cole's blatant confusion—and somewhat bewildered relief—and responds with a shrug.
"You wake up in a strange land you don't recognize, you find comfort in the first friendly faces you see, and you, being the kind-hearted person you are...couldn't bear to leave them behind, let alone defenseless. And then five years pass, and you don't know if everyone else you ever knew is even still alive...and even just the idea of having lost them all upset you."
Each passing word hits the nail on the head. Cole's body feels heavy, and his palms start getting tremors just thinking about the turmoil he was wracked with each passing year, and had it not been for Geo, then—
Cole gasps, feeling Jesse reach for his quivering hand. Their fingers pitifully mingle together, with Cole standing just a touch too far for them to fully connect. Jesse locks his gaze on their partial connection with a sad smile.
"I know how you get when you're upset...your hands start to shake...and you need something to ground yourself...so I can't blame you for seeking that source of strength where you could. I can't say I wouldn't have done something similar, if I were in your place, I guess."
Cole finally maneuvers himself around the bed, sitting himself beside his husband. He fully links their hands together—it feels like coming home—and presses his face against Jesse's hair, taking comfort in the familiar scent.
"Listen, I ended up in a Land of Lost Things. A place where the stuff that nobody remembers winds up...could you have blamed me for thinking there was no one left to remember me after The Merge, in that case? It's not like...it hasn't happened before...and I'd somehow managed to convince myself that I was better off staying in place than taking a gamble on a fragile hope. I was scared...that the truth was going to something too terrible to handle."
Cole presses a quick kiss into Jesse's hair, heaving a sigh afterwards.
"And, of course, turns out I had little reason to worry at all."
Jesse leans himself against Cole's chest, trying to re-memorize how nice his support feels. How nice having him back is...fleeting though it is.
"You were safe, and you were happy, with people who cared about you...everything I could've hoped for the whole time..." Jesse shrinks, his shoulders hunching and making himself very small. "But it just...wasn't with me and Cam. And now I don't know what this means for us going forward...especially if you're leaving again. And at this point...I'm kinda just numb to it."
Cole feels his heart snap in his chest as he frees his hands to tug Jesse closer, pulling him into an embrace. Jesse slumps bonelessly into it, doing his best to swallow down the sniffles he hadn't realized he'd been holding back.
"...you know, you could always come with me," Cole offers, a thin layer of humor trimming the edge of his words. "Been a while since we've gone traveling with one another. There's definitely some new sights to see, ahaha...?"
"And what?! Drag our eight-year-old daughter into potential unforseen other-worldly perils?! No thank you."
"You cooooould leave her with your sister for a while?"
"...that's an even worse idea." Jesse makes a face, and Cole genuinely laughs for what seems like the first time all day. "...Can't you at least just stay a little bit longer first? A night and a day with you after five years isn't nearly enough."
"I know, I know." Cole coddles Jesse tighter, fully wrapping his arms around him. "But the faster I leave, the faster I get to come back and stay, right? I hate that I have to do this...but, I have to do this."
Jesse frowns, forlornly shaking his head. "What am I supposed to tell Cam when you're gone? You promised her—"
"I will tell her that I'm going off to find the rest of our family, so none of us have to be apart like this ever again," Cole declares. "And I will tell her that I will love her and miss her every second I'm away from her, as I have for the last five years. ...just as I have with you."
A sob breaks free from Jesse, just as he tilts his head up to showcase the glitter and tears speckled upon his cheeks. Their presence makes him laugh hollowly.
"...huh, maybe I'm not as immune as I thought."
Cole bites his lip, always hating to see Jesse cry—especially when he's the cause—
...but, even then, Jesse's still the prettiest person in the room to Cole.
Cole inhales, his breath shuddering, overwhelmed by it all, as he adjusts to fully look at Jesse straight on.
"I know...I have a horrible habit of constantly causing you to worry, of making you think I've died somehow, or convincing you that I don't love you, and that might just be the worst thing about me...but, do you know what is consistently good about me?"
Jesse takes the bait, glancing up to meet his glittering gaze with Cole's. "And what would that be?"
Cole reaches up to Jesse's head in his hands, using his thumbs to flick away the sparkling tears before pulling him in for a kiss. And wordlessly, breathlessly, hopelessly, Jesse melts into it. And eventually, Cole parts just enough to deliver his real point against Jesse's lips.
"Come what may for us, in one way or another...I always come back to you, Jesse Marvell."
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b0und4gl0ry · 3 months
...alrighty I'm home again.
The date went well, (kinda expected since its not our first) and I forgot to mention I watched the other videos you've recorded before I found your account too. Listen, I know you said "no secrets" and all, but are you really being honest, Casey? I don't want to dig too hard... But if it's how you said, why did you say their their name like you were surprised to see them while you tried to sleep? It's definitely faint but you can hear it in the recording. (Also remember to turn off the recording next time unless you want to bloat the hard drive of your laptop with a single video file. you probably don't want to rely on whatever horrific things haunt your sleep to wake you up so you can turn it off.)
Anyways, onto that story;
So, like, a year or so ago. I was sleeping. And suddenly, I had a good old case of sleep paralysis, It was actually pretty common with me, I have it all the time. The normal stuff, hat men, pitch black shadow people, ect.
This event was like the rest of my sleep paralysis experiences, except, no Shadows, voices, or anything. Tried moving to check if I just woke up for no reason. But I couldn't.
Eventually. Something came up to my window. (On the fifth story.) It was pitch black, (which I later found out was a very, very deep shade of red.) It had super long hair, looked kinda like a cats head with droopy ears in kinda a ^ shape, 4 smaller eyes that scanned the room, frantically? And one large eye that was staring directly at me, all with pitch black pupils.
I'll reblog this with a sketch of what it looks like if I can.
It raised up a long, bony arm. And I hear a chattering noise. It points at the door to my room.
But then I realized I could move again.
The creature made another sound, and I noticed the door to my rooms doorknob was rapidly being turned, and then it was getting pounded like a fucking horror movie. The door slowly was being unlocked somehow?? The lock on it was being turned. At this point i glanced at the thing again and it was just looking at the door now with all its eyes. I got up and held the lock and the door closed. After what felt like an hour of banging and something trying to get in, it stopped.
I looked at the window again.
Nothing was there.
I went back to sleep eventually, I didn't have a dream after.
I occasionally see that thing now. One time when I went hiking at night, a few times again when I'm all by myself.
Sorry if this was long winded or unwanted or something. But I think it's an interesting story. I think I'm still here because of that thing. I haven't fully committed to a name for it yet, so I'm open for suggestions. But I'm primarily I'm calling it Lefty because the big eye is on the "left side" of it's face.
- Stace T.
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"Yeah, those "Mae" nightmares are the worst. I just get shocked that I see her and hear her. I don't know why I'm having them…is it my guilt about leaving? Paranoia? I don't know.
"But Mae…she's a good friend from my old hometown. She's done nothing wrong"
"Also, that's a sick ass story. Wild as shit, but cool. I could see a novel about a person dealing with their strange cat demon"
"Nice to see we have similar shit going on. Continue these stories if you want"
"But, what I think is more likely is you had one of those "awake but not" dreams. Where you wake up but you're still dreaming. I have those a bunch"
"Also, I'm glad your date went well. Sorry, it kinda took a seat behind all the spooky shit"
"Also, that's a sick ass story. Wild as shit, but cool. I could see a novel about a person dealing with their strange cat demon"
"Nice to see we have similar shit going on. Continue these stories if you want"
(ooc: I'm not sure how familiar Stace is with the source material this AU is from, which is Night In The Woods, but to anyone who doesn't know too much about it, I highly recommend it! It clears things up about Casey a little...I don't know if that comes off condescending or not. I'm not good with communicating sometimes)
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Free art threads.
Made a couple of these in the past, and I'm actually considering just.. not doing them on this site anymore? I actually think I'd be better off doing free art for people on Toyhou.se instead.
Cue the rant.
So I'm sure some of y'all are familiar with the "Creative Corner" in the forums, yeah? You can share random art you've made, ask people how much they'd pay for your art, that sort of thing. Then, you got the free art threads. They can be titled things like "Drawing ur dragons :33" and "bored, draw humans. bye." and you'll also see the same couple users posting in those threads, but I'm not here to name-drop lol.
The ones who I have a problem with are the ones who don't read anything. Like, at all. You could spend thirty minutes crafting a decent looking thread, filled with information (but not TOO much, just enough to answer most people's questions) and highlight the "rules" part of your thread that has specific steps to follow for free art. Wanna know what the majority of the commentors on your thread are gonna do?
"[Insert dragon image] Pls draw :)" or "[Link to a page with over 60+ dragons] choose whatever one you want.]" and that's about it. There won't be any mention of any steps you wanted them to follow, (The steps are usually very simple, too. As in, let the artist know the bare minimum idea of what you want. I'm talking about expressions here. That's literally all they'd have to do to get some scrumptious free art.) and that feels kinda invalidating, y'know?
I'm not asking the commentors to describe a whole scene for me, I'm just asking them to give me ONE LITTLE IDEA (again, an expression or maybe if they want a bust) and I'll do the rest for them, free of charge. The art that they'd be getting isn't some random disaster of a sketch, nono, it's fully-colored and shaded. It also doesn't look like something that a 5 year old drew. (No shade to people who draw like that, I was stuck like that for years.) Bro, just do a MINIMAL amount of reading and I'll draw your dragon that has an absurd amount of apparel to tje point where it hurts my eyes.
..It doesn't just stop there, either. I've also seen these people never reply to artists who have given them an absolute masterpiece of a drawing, for free. Bro. You serious? I get that some people are inactive, which I'm not bothered by. But the ones who aren't? ...Ehh, I just think you could at least thank the artist before returning to the void with your free art.
The moral of the story is; Do the bare minimum and read what matters in a post, and thank the artists who draw your dragons for free. Especially the ones who could've easily charged you 1kg+ for the work they've done.
If you're socially awkward, then cool. I get that. If you can't afford to pay artists with fictional pixel money, then go ahead and visit the free art threads. I'm not trying to gate-keep them, I literally make these threads. I just don't enjoy having people put zero effort in their requests and then never acknowledge the fact that I drew their dragon for them. Just my thoughts, everyone views things differently and that's okay!
Btw, I mentioned Toyhou.se because I've posted on both before, and while there are SOME similarities in the users' behavior, there's also some notable differences, too.
Common flight rising free art thread comment: [doesnt read text and adds dragon image] thanks if you draw.
Common Toyhou.se free art thread comment: [links a character, goes into a VERY in-depth explanation about how said character acts, very passionate too. Usually reads rules, too.] Thanks if you draw. (gotta stay consistent lol)
Obviously there are some differences in the sites which affect how the users act, I get that. One's a literal dragon collecting game and the other one's focused on writing and drawing characters, it's expected that one would read more than the other.
...But again, free art. Not paid, but free. Someone takes time out of their day to draw your dragon. Just give them a simple "thanks" and go on your merry way. That's all you gotta do. Lets them know their effort was appreciated, and shows that you're a nice person. Win-win.
Please man, just read. Did I mention that these threads usually have a maximum of 100 words? I don't usually type this much. But damn, this just irritated me so much.
Well, that's the end of this rant. Like I said, a few people are obviously going to disagree with some/maybe everything I've said, and that's life. This was a disorganized rant, and that's all it's going to be.
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dejadoodles-101 · 5 months
Hey yall! I’m gonna go ahead and finally introduce myself on here since a lot of you don’t really know who I am. So allow me to introduce myself! 💕
🪷My real name is Rhiannon, but that’s not a very good name so just call me Deja :)) (I have other nicknames too such as Rhi, Rhia, Jade and etc)
🪐I am an Aries ♈️ My bday is March 27 and I’m currently 22 years young but turning 23 soon!
🍄My pronouns are she/her/hers
❤️My sexuality is heterosexual (straight) as of for right now. Having some thoughts about becoming bisexual
🪻Introvert (INFJ-T)
🎨I am an artist. I sketch, digitally draw and paint on canvases sometimes.
🇺🇸 I live somewhere in America.
☘️ I’m also Irish-American.
💜 My favorite color is purple, but I also love blue, green, pink, black, red, gold and silver. And other variants of those colors
🖤I am considered as a goth, emo, and scene person. I’m also an aesthetic kind of person. (I’m into a lot of things lmao)
🧁 I really like sweets~ <3 (and other foods too)
🌴 I love the warm weather
😎 I guess I’m also considered to be cool lol
What I’ll mostly be posting on here is art, memes, fanfics, incorrect quotes and etc. The fandoms I’m in are The Owl House, Amphibia, Helluva Boss, Inside Out, Futurama, Big Hero 6 and etc. Expect a ton of TOH and IO art cuz that’s what I’m really into right now lmao 😂
Here’s a list of other things I’m also into:
•Goth/emo/scene stuff
•Jewelry/crystals/rocks/gems and such
•Dream/weird core
•Witchy stuff
•Rock music as well as pop, heavy metal, punk, dubstep and etc
•Creepy things
•Aesthetic stuff
-Do I do art requests, commissions, trades or whatever? All of those are currently closed. I DO NOT do art commissions because I don’t have access to do any of that. I probably will open art requests at some point as well as trades, but I’m just SUPER busy with art that I still need to get done.
-Am I LGBTQ+ friendly? HELL YEAH 🏳️‍🌈⚧️🏳️‍⚧️ I am an ally and I don’t care if you’re bisexual, pan, lesbian, gay or whatever! Just be yourself and don’t give a shit abt what anyone else says!
-Can minors interact with me? That really depends on the age. I am an adult and still a stranger here so I think I really prefer if ppl around 16+ can talk to me. I’m just kinda uncomfortable with the fact that there are 13-14 year olds on here and I’m like 10 years over those ages. If you are under 16 and wanna be my friend, I guess I’m okay with that but please just remember that I am an adult and just please be careful :) I am a nice person though!
-Other socials? I have 2 Instagram accounts. One of them is MissBigHero6 (my private account; the username will be changing soon tho) and the other is DejaDoodles101 (my art account). I have a DeviantArt (DejaDoodles101). I also have a discord account and that is under the name of Ariezthetic.
-I am obsessed with a ton of characters such as Emperor Belos and The Collector (TOH), Loona and Verosika Mayday (Helluva Boss), Anxiety and Envy (Inside Out), and many more lmao. Btw I’m a HUGE Belos simp 🤭
-My favorite ships are Lumity, Raeda, Huntlow, Gustholomule, Veesha and Belrin (my OC Erin x Belos, (TOH) Joy x Sadness, Disgust x Anger and Anxiety x Ennui (Inside Out) Millie x Moxxie (Helluva Boss)
-I have a ton of OCs and I can’t wait for you guys to meet them! Both original characters and from shows and movies I watch!
Kinda running low on other things to say abt myself so I’ll probably just stop here for now. I’ll try to add more at some point!
Go ahead and follow me if you’d like! Def need more followers and friends on here cuz I’m such a loner lmao 😅 Also looking forward to meeting you all! 🩷
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kindlyanni · 2 years
A damn long post of asks and replies
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Thank you! I'm glad it's something people want to read again! :3
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You're welcome! I hope you enjoy the comics even though the characters are a bit different from my fanart :'D
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Hell ye! I'd be happy to read and share it when it's out there! :) I'm glad I could provide inspiration!
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Haha thank you! It's been interesting to see so many people share and enjoy my fanart even though they have no idea what they're about :D As a creator it brings me lots of joy.
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Thank you!
Heh, I was thinking here that Dream's kinda mindlesslly fiddling with Hob's shirt collar and when Hob asks if he should remove it Dream takes a second to compose his answer because sure, he wouldn't mind the shirt coming off but he also doesn't want to seem too eager about that.
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I think the flowers are a neat way to show when someone is smitten. I felt like small hearts wouldn't be quite Hob so I drew small flowers instead.
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Oh gosh, thank you very much! I'm glad so many people liked the idea if Dream not wanna undress.
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Haha, thank you! Violet and purple are my favorite colors and I usually pick that when I start an illustration (I always sketch with a colored brush), and my art often ends up being purple. But it's also a very dream-like color (heh) so it fits well for The Sandman fanart :3
I actually struggled a bit with the long comic to make the colors cohesive so I just slapped a layer of purple with a color mode on every page and that sort of did the trick :''D Sometimes all it takes is to play around with the layer blend modes.
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Thank you so much! (p...please don't die, I take no responsibility;;)
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Thank you!
I don't do commisions, unfortunately. Not at the moment, at least.
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Sure! Cat pics are always welcome!
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cat!Dream has very Miette energy tbf!
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Yay, thank you so much!!
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Thank you, I'm glad to hear that! And hey, take your time. Webcomics can be a lot, and when mine's like 1000 pages lmao..... yeah. You don't have to start from the beginning, if you remember approximately where you left, just hop on chapter x from the archive and browse on a little bit. If you made it to Book 2 already, I think the beginning of it is a good place to hop on again. But things come and go in waves, the same is with enjoying webcomics or any media really. Don't feel bad, focus on what brings you joy in this moment.
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Haha, well I'm not gonna stop you ;D I'm glad you're enjoying it!! <3
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Maybe? Maybe not?? who knows.
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When I started Transfusions it was fun to have a vampire who's kinda fresh, still, because vampires are always like 300 years old or whatever in every other media. Plus I'm not a history nerd so I can't be bothered to be historically accurate and have people nag about how I got this and that wrong from period x. Looking back to 1960-1980 is relatively easy lol. And a punk vampire is funny.
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Thank you very much, I'm always glad to hear people finding and enjoying The Witch Door. I've kinda felt like struggling to find it it's audience since it's not BL and I worry if my brain is big enough to write this kind of a story. So comments like these are very reassuring and encouraging! Danke schön! :) (my back is doing better, thought it still gets achy if I sit for too long. Just gotta try to remember to exercise OTL)
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Meeting the Crew
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Request: hi!!! can u please write about getting to meet part of the cast and being obviously a bit nervous and teased by jason? i feel like he'd crack a joke about how was that energy when he asked you out? just so you focus on him being annoying instead of your worries 🥹
Description: Jason introduces you to his Ted Lasso family, leading to an evening of stories and laughter after calming your initial nerves.
Warning: age gap (about 15 years), dirty jokes (mainly talks of balls)
Pairing: Jason Sudeikis x reader
Word Count: 2.1k
A/N: Turns out I actually really loved writing this dynamic between Y/N and Jason! Unintentionally, their banter and chemistry kinda matches my Jason fic from earlier today. Could be read together I suppose, though there's no flow. Maybe a future storyline to be considered? I don't know, would y'all be interested in that? Also! Here is Jason's SNL sketch referenced in this, it's absolutely amazing, totally recommend it (along with his entire episode).
You drew in a deep breath as you attempted to fasten your necklace, irritation filling your mind at your inability to do so. One hand is placed on each of your shoulders as you glance up to meet Jason’s eyes through the mirror. “Need some help there, sweet cheeks?” You giggle, Jason taking the two ends of the chain into his hands, “Sweet cheeks? That’s a new one.” 
He shrugs as he clasps the jewelry around your neck, leaning forward to place a kiss on your cheek, “Just thought I’d try it out, what’d ya think?” He wraps his arms around you as you shrug slightly, leaning back into his embrace, “It's a funny one, not my favorite of nicknames though. Maybe you don’t use it tonight?” You turn back to look at him as he chuckles softly before kissing the side of your head, “Sure, not tonight, honey.” 
You give him a smile in thanks before he unwraps his arms from you, grabbing his watch from your vanity before walking over to the bed and sitting down to tie his sneakers. Looking in the mirror, you center the ‘J’ pendant on the chain secured around your neck. “Are you sure tonight is the night?” 
Jason nods before pausing, looking at you with concerned eyes, feeling his gaze bore into the back of your head causes you to look his way. “Of course I’m sure. Why? D-do you not want to meet them?” You shake your head quickly, walking over to sit next to him, and placing a comforting hand on his knee. “No bubs, of course I want to meet them. I just, what if they don’t like me? Or what if they think I’m just a stupid kid that can’t hold a conversation?” 
Turning to you, Jason holds your face in his hands, “Y/N, they are going to love you. They are going to love you because I love you. They will not think you’re some stupid kid because you’re not. They think, no they know, that I’m a stupid adult and yet they put up with me.” You giggle, squeezing his wrist in thanks before he leans forward to kiss you, then pulling back slightly, “Also, I’d appreciate it if you could not call yourself a child because like yeah, 15-year-age difference, whatever, but let’s not call you that and make me a creep, okay?”
Chuckling, you give him one more kiss before standing up and grabbing your jacket off the back of the vanity chair. “Sure thing, old man.” You hear him mutter a “fucking hell” as he stands up and follows you out of the room. You knew that your age gap was something that bothered him but not enough for you to not get some teasing in. Introducing you to the Ted Lasso crew two years into your relationship may seem delayed, but with Covid lockdowns and both of you nervous about your relationship going public, you hadn’t had the opportunity to meet some of your boyfriend’s favorite people.
Before you knew it, the two of you arrived at the English club, Jason’s arm wrapped around your side as the two of you were greeted with a chorus of hellos. You smiled brightly as you witnessed Jason become the life of the party. You knew he would be, of course, you just hadn’t been lucky enough to witness it yet.
“And this is Y/N, though you all know that, obviously.” Smiling bashfully, you cast your eyes around the room while giving a small wave to everyone, “Hey, y’all. I’m glad we’re finally doing this.” In an instant, your worst fear came true. The entire room burst into laughter, laughter directed towards you. Your smile fell for a millisecond, hoping no one noticed, but Jason did. Of course, Jason did, he was always looking at you, he noticed every single thing about you.
Jason was quickly at your side, his hand on the small of your back, but before he can say anything, Hannah’s voice fills the room, “Jason, she’s bloody perfect for you. Only two words in and she already said ‘y’all’.” The laughter echoes loudly but this time, your giggles join in, Jason chuckling as well as he pulls you into his side and places a quick kiss on your temple.
Quickly enough, a drink was in your hand as you squished into a large booth with the rest of the crew, Jason on one side and Juno on the other. “So Y/N, Jason cannot shut up about you, yet I don’t think I know how you two love birds met.” You look to Jason who wiggles his eyebrows at you over his flight of beer as he sips from it.
Taking that as an invitation for you to share the story, you turn to the table of intrigued eyes, definitely having taken note of Jason’s reaction. “Well, I actually was working at SNL when Jason hosted a couple of years ago, just a PA positioned quite low in the hierarchy. But I was put in charge of handing the objects to Jason during the science room sketch. I know, a weird task, but they forgot to make sure the shelf could fit the solar system model and it didn’t so then they just had to take the shelf out and make someone sit under this table, handing him objects.” 
Brett puts his hand up to stop you, placing his beer back on the table after taking a swig from it, “Wait, sorry, isn’t that the one where the fucking kids just say ‘balls’ a bunch?” You nod as you let out a small chuckle, a smirk growing on Jason’s face as he sees his friends putting the pieces together.
Brendan lets out a cackle, his face turning red as he tries to keep it together, “Are you…are you saying that you met Jason by sitting in front of his balls for five minutes while people kept yelling ‘balls’ over and over?” Your face falls defeatedly as the entire table absolutely loses it, curses flying at both the hilarity of the situation and your reaction. 
Placing your forehead on Jason’s shoulder, you bury your face into his upper arm, red from embarrassment. Jason chuckled deeply, leaning down to kiss the top of your head. You blushed at the action, though no one would be able to discern the rosy cheeks of admiration from the maroon face of embarrassment. You appreciated your boyfriend’s gesture, but you also knew you weren’t going to be let off that easy. Lifting your head up as the laughter dies down, Jason takes a quick swig of his beer before clearing his throat, an act that leaves you wondering what he’s about to say.
“Look at her, all embarrassed and hiding over here. I’ll tell you, that was not her reaction later that night when in the same position but in my dressing room”. The table erupts in laughter again as you shake your head, swatting Jason on the arm as he looks at you with a dangerous glimmer in his eyes. Knowing that he can take it just as much as he can serve it, you decide you’re comfortable enough with the group to let them in on the truth. 
“What absolute bullshit.” The group laughs as some take sips of their drinks, Jason putting an arm around your shoulder as he can tell you’re letting loose. “This man, this grown ass man, was so nervous to do anything. The sketch ended with him running off camera after Kyle, then cutting to commercial. I don’t know if any of you have been to SNL, but it’s like lightning during commercial break, every single cast and crew member is running around like crazy because if even one thing is off, we know we will have the wrath of Lorne Michaels to face, and the stick up his ass is typically his weapon of choice.”
Jason smiles brightly, the group hanging onto every word of your story as they chuckle at your joke, you were fitting right in. He knew you would. “Instead of bolting backstage to get in costume for his next sketch, he ran back to the set to help me get out from under the desk. Mind you, I could have done it myself, but it was sweet. The next thing out of his mouth, not as sweet.”
Everyone at the table whips their heads towards Jason who sticks his hands up in innocence, the one resting on your shoulder being placed in between the wall and your head. “Woah y’all, I don’t like to pull rank but let’s all remember that I am your friend and your boss, okay?” You swat at his chest as you roll your eyes, Jason putting his hands down and using his arm to pull you closer, placing a kiss on your temple as you launch back into the story, so happy to see how comfortable you are with his friends.
“He helps me stand up and then says, and I’m not kidding, ‘thanks for holding onto my balls for me’.” If you thought the table had lost it before, this moment of laughter didn’t even compare, it felt like the pub walls were going to come crashing down around you. Jason’s cheeks pinked, looking down as his friends hurled jokes at him. You knew he wasn’t truly embarrassed or anything, you had told this story before to other friends and family members, but that didn’t stop you from rubbing comforting circles on his thigh with your thumb.
Turning your attention back to the table, you provide his side of the story, “To this day, he absolutely swears the joke was on purpose, that he wanted to make sure my sense of humor was 'up to par',” your hands forming exaggerate quotation marks in the air as you finish your sentence. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Jason’s head pop back up, shaking side to side slightly as he smirks in your direction. “But based on how red his cheeks and the tips of his ears turned as soon as he realized what he said? Definitely not on purpose.” 
The group chuckles, making various comments about how Jason isn’t as smooth as he likes to think he is. You take the opportunity to look at Jason, only to find him already looking in your direction, his eyes filled with a sense of fondness. Placing a hand on his opposite cheek and bringing him closer, you place a kiss on the cheek closest to you, a moment that felt private before hearing some teasing kissing noises in the background. You giggled, burying your face into his neck as he chuckled, tugging you into his side as he placed an anchoring arm around your body. 
“Yeah yeah, all of this is hilarious. I went and found her before the after-party to apologize.” You removed your face from his neck, your body still tucked into his side but now part of the group again. You turn to the others, a small smirk on your face, “Well duh, couldn’t have anyone thinking that old man Jason Sudeikis is making inappropriate comments to young interns.” Many at the table double over in laughter, some wiping tears from their eyes as others raise a glass to that before finishing off their drinks. Looking to Jason, you see him shaking his head in astonishment while his eyes seemed to darken just slightly, knowing you wouldn’t bring up your age gap unless you were okay with the consequences you would later receive in the bedroom.
You relax into his side as the conversation moves on, talking about the scenes they filmed that day (though the topic quickly changed when you informed them that you made Jason take an oath of silence about the season, not wanting any spoilers before you could watch it with everyone else). Playing with your ‘J’ pendant with two of your fingers, you hadn’t noticed Jason withdrawing himself from the conversation until you felt a kiss on the top of your head.
Looking up at him, you smile at the soft way in which he looks at you, a look only reserved for you.
“Hey,” he whispered quietly. 
“Hi,” you respond with the same reverence.
“I’m really glad we did this tonight.” Jason licks his bottom lip quickly as he thought of how you were there with him, how you were his.
“I’m really glad too.” You intertwine your fingers with his free hand, bringing them up to kiss the back of his hand.
“You and me, baby.” Leaning in close to your face, Jason’s air becomes your air before he kisses you softly as though you two aren’t squished in a booth with 15 other people.
“You and me, bubs.”
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quibbs126 · 1 year
would you be interested in doing a sparkling/adventurer fankid?? sounds kinda random, but i have a headcanon with my friend that they're apple cookie's dads! so it'd be fun for her to have a sibling :D
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I’m sorry this took so long, but here you are, this is Apple Cake Cookie
I was originally going to name him Malt Cookie, but I don’t actually remember why? But later on I decided to go with the Apple Cookie connection, and assuming Sparkling Cookie is like, sparkling apple juice (which honestly I can believe, he looks the part), and Adventurer is a biscuit/shortbread, I think apple cake works as a combination. To be honest, I only know what apple cake is because of Duolingo, in which it appears in German
Apple cake:
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So for the longest time, I didn’t know what to do with Malt/Apple Cake (his name was Malt for a long time, it wasn’t until recently around the time I came up with his concept that I changed his name to Apple Cake), hence why I didn’t make him, but on Thursday on my trip back home I finally came up with something. He’s supposed to be a nervous lad, so I wanted to incorporate that into his pose, though maybe I didn’t get it perfect? Ah well. I just gave him a normal, if slightly preppy outfit just because I thought it fit his lifestyle and personality. With his hair, I sort of wanted his bangs to look like the apple slice circle in the reference I had, hence why it goes up the way it does. I also gave him orange highlights at the ends to reference the darker crust. Also because it made him look less like Adventurer and it made his hair better stand with his dough
Now as for him, like I mentioned, he’s pretty nervous. Unlike the rest of his family, he’s not very confident or extroverted, or particularly talented in most things, and in turn it makes him very self conscious, always trying to stay out of the spotlight. Though he does really like sweets, as seen in the sketch. And speaking of sweets, there is one area where he’s surprisingly confident and skilled in. So you know those schoolyard shops where kids take stuff they buy from shops like chips and soda and then sell it at the schoolyard (I don’t actually, I’ve never really seen one of those, but my friend says that back in her old elementary school, this was a thing, and I think something she once partook in)? He’s basically got one of those, where he sells soda and candy, among other sweets. Though it might be bigger than just his schoolyard, I’m thinking it’s somewhere between that and the black market the Black Ravens run in Last Specter (the Layton game). Whatever the case, what he’s running is quite successful and profitable, especially for a kid who can’t be much older than 10. But business is really the one area he’s good at, at least for now
Yeah there isn’t much to say on Apple Cake, but regardless I hope you like him!
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