#Also yes that's feathers at the tip of their tails
colourstreakgryffin · 3 months
so you know how cats come to you immediately when you say 'pspspspsppspspsps'? yeah, that. but with husk (๑˃̵ ᴗ ˂̵)و
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look at the cute little miao miao with his popcorn ≧﹏≦
Big definitely doing this. Ommgg! That pic is so precious! Husk canonically hates his cat traits but not today, beloved! Anyway. Let’s get going and play around with Husk some more! Sorry, this is a bit short!
Husk- Pootie-Kitty
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It’s so unbelievably cute… the soft purring, the fur ruffling
You respect the fact your boyfriend despises his current sinner’s cat traits and the cat anatomy he has but you can’t help yourself. You know you should and you know you shouldn’t do what he dislikes…
but then again, Husk is also not as mad about being cat-like at your hand as compared to any other person he knows trying to make him behave as the feline he is
“Husky! Husky! Pspspspspspspsp~!” After a few silent painful minutes of absolutely nothing whilst walking through the empty but colourful and magnificent hallways of the Hazbin Hotel, both yours and your boyfriend’s workplace, you decide to use the classic cat call to see if Husk will come out
Himself and his ‘owner’, Alastor had a big fight over being contracted to him and it caused Husk to hide away in pure utter rage and agitation and a pinch of fear over how bad the confrontation ended. Husk hasn’t come out from wherever he is for hours now. It’s already nighttime and you want to bring him to bed. You decided to let him have some time alone but it’s been way too long and it’s becoming concerning
He hasn’t given even a single bit of response to you, despite after you begun tinkling beer bottles, cooing out his name, offering him his favourite, snuggles. Everything that usually has Husk approaching you. He isn’t for it, just making your concern grow even stronger for him
He isn’t listening… so, you’re going to have pull out the big guns!
“Hussskyy~! Pspspspspspspsssppspsps! Come here, baby”
You aren’t sure where he came from or where he was but after a few more seconds, you paused in place in the middle of quite the long hallway in the redemption building and speaking out to literally the air. Husk came padding out from around the corner in a somewhat fast pace, his cute originally sharp thin black pupils of his nice glowing golden yellow eyes is now wide and rounded, his tall tip-fluffed ears drawn back like his big perked-up wings as if curious about what you’re going to do next
Just like a normal cat, Husk’s quickly padding over to you right after hearing the ‘psspspsps’ noises, as if a lightbulb was switched on. His hearing is quite strong, even at his human-technically elderly age, and whilst he could hear your voice from his little hiding spot clear as day
He didn’t want you to see him in his most weakest, vulnerable moment, out of shame, but right after he registered those sly little calls of yours, his cat instincts kicked in and he was walking out into the hallway against his wish. As soon as he stops before you, his conscious is back into control and his pupils shrink to ordinary narrowed thinner state
Even if Husk is annoyed when realising he just went full cat mode, he’s purring. You can hear the purring underneath his breath, he always purrs when you’re around and he purrs happily at seeing you again. His cute striped feather-tufted thin tail flicking a bit faster, almost on the verge of wagging
All of it is physical signs of how much he adores you and how deep in love he is with you. That, even whilst he despises having been courted into acting like a cat, though your intentions aren’t to embarrass him, he is most okay with you doing it
What is that you need to discuss? Is something going on? Is there snuggles involved?
“There you are, love. Is something wrong? I haven’t seen you since 1pm. I’m worried”
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mysumeow · 10 months
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warnings: afab genitalia, gn pronouns. lyney's a switch here.
a/n: i expanded from this idea i had yesterday about lyney deliberately hiding his cat ears and tail. i know theres a more reasonable explanation, maybe lynette and lyney are half siblings or someting idk. but for now, its free real estate. also, the pending drafts i have since may are side eyeing me.
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To render the flirty and chatty magician Lyney speechless is a sight few people get to see.
And there he was, on his back, on the floor, with you straddling his hips, as your attempt at avoiding his fall was futile.
"I didn’t expect you to take me up on my offer," he was referring to, mere seconds ago, when you asked what flavor his chapstick was, and he playfully answered, 'why don’t you try it yourself’ as he licked his lips with a sultry look in his eyes. "My, aren’t you a brave one,"
However, you were more perplexed by something else. To be precise, the cat ears that sprouted from his head.
He noticed your prolonged stare at somewhere else other than his eyes, to which he inquired: "What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?"
"I didn’t know you had cat ears," you observed and helped him stand up.
A shiver ran down his body when your fingers made contact with his sensitive ears. His face grew warmer the longer you stroked them.
He felt himself harden at your attention and, bashfully, tried to divert it somewhere else by changing the conversation.
"Why do you hide them?" you weren’t having any of that. "You look cute,"
"For the sake of the performance, of course. One cat person on stage is interesting enough, but having two of the same makes it less special. That’s how I see it, at least."
Even though you had a different opinion on his take, you didn’t budge on it.
"You appear to be oddly into this aspect of my physique. Had I known sooner, I would’ve shown them to—" he cut himself off before a whine escaped his mouth at the sensation of you stroking his tail with feather-like touches. "S-Stop that, ah—!" you blew air onto his ear, as you pressed your palm on the obvious stiffness concealed under his clothes.
Even though he did want you to go on, he wasn’t used to being on the receiving end of being teased and played with. This was quite new to him.
"If we’re going to do something, we must hurry up, yes? I have a performance in about half an hour."
"I can work with that, seeing as having your cute tail and ears caressed enhances your arousal," you noted with the same teasing tone he usually used on you when the roles were reversed. You kissed his cheek and moved back up again to kiss his ear too. "Ooh, I wonder what would happen if I did this," you sang playfully, and your free hand rubbed the tip of his other ear.
Despite his efforts to cover his sounds and control his squirming, every now and then he would jolt whenever you found a weak spot.
"You sure know how to keep people’s eyes on you," you slipped a finger under the harness on his thigh and pulled it. The harness wasn’t skin-tight, so when you released the material, it didn’t deliver the snapping sound you were looking forward to.
You were having fun, and so was he. Regardless, the need to regain his control grew stronger, and he grabbed your wrist to lead you to sit on his lap.
"And with minimum effort, so do you. I hope you had fun riling me up," he said as he slid his hand under your clothes, gloved fingers coming into contact with your dripping arousal. "My cat-like attributes may place me in a vulnerable state, but I also know your weak spots,"
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fictoculus · 2 months
Hi, how are you? If it's not too much trouble, could I ask for some jealous Tighnari headcanons? please and thank you <33
౨ৎ "is everything alright, dear?"
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send a request!┊masterlist┊taglist applications
FEAT... tighnari
SYNOPSIS... someone hits on you, how will he react?
A/N... hi anon, thanks so much for the request! i'm doing good tyyy, i hope you are too ^^ i sorta got carried away writing this, nd it ended up to be more of "someone hits on you" than jealousy hcs... i hope it's still enjoyable though and i apologise that it isn't reallyyy what you asked for ♡
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♪ your boyfriend, tighnari, watches from afar as you engage in idle chit-chat with your fellow scholars, resisting the burning desire to pull you away from them all and keep you in his little world, in which you are the earth and he is the moon.
♪ he often tells you how his life revolves around you, how he sees you wherever he goes whether you're actually there or not, and it never fails to fluster you. of course, you tell him how yours revolves around him also, calming his anxieties as he relishes in your words.
♪ that being said, the second someone tries hitting on you, he loses it. yes, tighnari is a big softie at heart, but being a forest ranger means he has some level of authority, and he will use this to his advantage when confronting your pursuer. you were his after all, and he was equally yours.
♪ this isn't the first time someone has approached you, looking you up and down with wide eyes and shooting a smile in your direction. of course, you send one back their way, but only to be polite, not to evoke further flirting. this is where tighnari steps in.
♪ the soft tickle of his tail brings a wave of relief as your step back into his touch, your pounding heart settling at the sound of his voice
"is everything alright, dear?"
♪ it's rare that he uses pet names with you, and so you blush slightly as the endearment slips from his lips.
"y'know this guy?"
"well, this language is rather improper. what, are you trying to scare them off?"
♪ he scoffs, taking the liberty to step in front of you and hover a hand above your torso, all while holding firm eye contact with his 'opponent'.
"excuse us, my partner and i have places to be"
♪ your not-at-all-secret admirer is left dumbfounded as tighnari takes your hand in his, hastily leading you away from the hustle and bustle. the two of you swerve to the right into a quiet corridor where he takes a moment to check you over.
"are you alright?"
♪ you assure him you're unhurt, both mentally and physically, before thanking him for intervening; planting a loving kiss on the corner of his mouth and another on the tip of his nose.
♪ only when he's fully convinced that you're unscathed do the two of you head for the exit, leaving the leftover errands for tomorrow after the unexpected turn of events.
♪ even after you arrive home, tighnari refuses to let you out of his sight, whining whenever you pull away from him or leave to grab a glass of water (stay hydrated!)
"i'll only be a minute"
"that's what you said earlier, then that idiot came and harassed you!"
"he wasn't harassing me, love. archons, 'this language is rather improper'-"
♪ the plush of a cushion collides with your cheek, interrupting your teasing as tighnari scurries away; whether it was out of fear or playfulness you will never know.
♪ either way, the two of you spend the rest of the evening chasing after each other, starting with 2 plump pillows and ending with empty cases, your hair tangled and covered in fluff and feathers.
♪ it's almost comical how something that was so serious in the moment becomes somewhat of a joke, but that's just the way your relationship works, and as long as he knows you're alright, tighnari thinks it's just fine...
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thanks for reading ♡ want to read more? my requests are OPEN, so please feel free to let me know what you’d like me to write next!
TAGLIST…@maopll . @nyxmainex . @avensuersa apply here
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© FICTOCULUS 2024; please do not steal, translate, or repost my works as your own
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papermonkeyism · 1 year
This post can be found in my devArt, (link), please use that for linking if you need the reference, thank you!
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The funny little griffin-y things colloquially known as wingbeans are flightless, roughly cat-sized, seemingly mammalian creatures with curious nature.
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They resemble bipedal cats with chicken feet, but not quite. They are usually covered in soft, floofy fur, except for their hind legs and pawpads. They have soft snoot covering their mouths, which they will boop into things and people they like. Snoot bumps are their way of saying hello.
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They have big, bright eyes with vertical slit pupils, and their nostrils are hidden beneath the floof of the snoot. They trust their sight and hearing more than their sense of smell.
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They have short arms with three fingers, that are usually held tucked against their chest. The fingers usually have hidden cat claws.
Their wings are small and covered in soft, fluffy feathers, that are used mostly as display and as an additional pair of arms when climbing. The wings have five fingers in a fluff mitten, each having a paw pad, which is where the name wingbean comes from. In a wild type 'bean only the thumb of the wing has a retractable claw, like a cat, to use as climbing grip and for defence.
Their legs are usually hairless from ankle down, and have four toes, three pointing forwards and a small dewclaw pointing backwards. The foot claws are dull, and non-retractable.
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They usually have long floofy tails, though there are short tailed and even bobtailed variations. It is also possible to have a tuft tipped tail.
Wingbeans are omnivorous, and as a species aren't picky about what they eat, though personal preferences vary wildly.
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Wingbeans can have anywhere between 1 and 4 kittens (also called beanies or beanlings) at a time, most often 2. The kittens are born within a soft leathery egg shell, and they hatch usually within few hours after birth. They nurse their young like mammals.
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Mom takes care of the kittens untill they're big enough to fend for themselves, though the offspring often stays nearby even as adults. The 'beans are social creatures who enjoy hanging out with friends, so big family groups (be they actually related or adopted) aren't unusual.
Wingbeans are considered fully grown at one year old, and in the wild their life span tends to be around 20 years, though domesticated 'beans can get a lot older.
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Wild wingbeans come in a wide variety of markings and their colors cover all shades of browns and grays, but some have been bred to display brighter colors and strange markings, including unnatural ones. All coat types and lengths are possible; short haired, long haired, curly coated, maned, etc.
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They have no apparent sexual dimorphism, and gender appears to be an optional feature to them.
Wingbeans are meant to be fun creatures, and to bring joy and fun.
Wingbeans are not meant for making money. They can be created freely, and they may be gifted, but they shall not be sold.
If you want to get rich by making weird little griffin-y things, make your own species.
Can I make my own wingbean?
Yes you can!
Can I make wingbean adoptables?
As long as you don't sell the designs for real life money. Giving them away for free, or trading them for virtual stuff such as virtual petsites' in-game currency, or things like art or poetry is fine.
Can I make wingbean NFTs/sell them for crypto stuff?
Can I commission people to draw my wingbean?
Yes! Also, while wingbeans themselves aren't meant to be bought with money, do pay artists for the work they do. Artists need to eat too.
Can I commission an artist to design me a wingbean?
I'd say that still counts under the commission clause, so yes.
Can I use them in my D&D/TTRPG campaign?
Sounds fun, sure!
What if I want my wingbean to have rainbow colors?
Sure. Maybe your 'bean was bred by a wizard or something. Have fun!
Can my wingbean have raptor claws?
Sounds awesome. Go for it!
Can my wingbean have horns or other fancy details?
Did your 'bean wander in the way just as you were about to cast polymorph, didn't it?
You said they are flightless, but what if I want my wingbean to be able to fly?
Sounds like it was either born with bigger wings, or it can levitate. Either way sounds cool.
Can I make a wingbean of a big cat species?
That might stretch the definition of a wingbean, but if you feel like it's still wingbeany enough, then sure, go for it!
Do they have whiskers?
They can, if you want.
Are wingbean legs scaly like bird feet, or leathery?
Whichever you want. Both are good.
Are there any rare or limited features or markings?
The rarity of those depend entirely on what kinds of 'beans people create. If half the people making wingbeans decide to make theirs blue, then I guess blue isn't a rare color at that point, now is it?
But how will I know if my wingbean is special?
It's special because it's yours. No wingbean belongs behind paywalls.
What would a hairless wingbean look like?
Considerably less fluffy.
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lemonjestercoffee · 1 month
so i said something about alicorns being funky in my last mlp redesign post yeah? well before i get into that-
the beautiful bride and the ugly ass groom
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okay okay jokes aside here's Shining's real sheets and Cadance on her own
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starting off with design choice notes
Shining Armor - his was like- really hard to figure out and i didn't really know what i was doing, but i did like the concept of him having lost a leg in some sorts of battle. one thing i did know what i was doing with tho was his armor, i never really liked the canon armor so i decided to take my own stab at it. decided to make it cover the more important areas better, added gambeson underneath, put a royal crest on it, and gave them a head weapon. yes the metal horns are on all species armor, it's there not only to protect real horns from oncoming attacks but also give all soldiers an emergency weapon if they get disarmed. the tassels would be colored differently depending on rank
Cadance - the only through i really had going into her design was i wanted her to have a cloud and heart motif, but i'm unsure if the way i handled it is the best. her cutiemark is meant to resemble a Mexican sacred heart because deity of love- like come on. i also wanna kinda change the color of the carnation in her hair to stand out more, but white carnations have a different meaning so it's fiiiinee
okay now what we really wanna hear about, what the fuck did i do to the alicorns?
i decided to tamper with their lore quite a bit, as i was inspired to by the Skyscraper Gods Au by Shirecorn. now mine is no were near as drastic as that au, obviously, but it did inspire me to come up with my own quirks for them.
i went more "alicorns are more like the elves of ponies but because they can only be made by some unexplained rare mystical intervention and live for fuck off long, normal ponies see them as demigods of sorts". i've even given them things like groups or locations that they act as patrons of and prioritize above other things, but that stuff gets a little rambley so imma not do that on this post
for the anatomy tho, i can talk. i'll be using Twilight as a visual example because she's the one i've drawn in all stages
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so basically the concept here is pretty similar to the canon, but with some funky add-ons.
first up- when an alicorn ascends, not only do they gain the wings/horn combo and grow an inch, they also gain some other unique anatomy from the other species.
Unicorn- along with the horn, they also receive the ear tip tufts i gave unicorns. these actually have a purpose, they're sensitive to magic energy and allow unicorns to tell where magic is coming from. depending on the unicorn they vary in sensitivity but alicorns are by far the most sensitive Pegasus- along with the wings, the get some of the extra feathers pegasai have on their bodies, namely the ones on their ankles that are used for finer trajectory adjustments in flight. they also receive the sensitivity of their hooves that's used to pick up changes in cloud texture and sense their stability Earth Pony- earth ponies may seem like they don't add shit, but they actually give two very important things. the first thing is a strength boost, as they're stronger than the other two pony species by nature. the other thing is dense as fuck hooves. that sounds kinda lame but they have rock hard hooves that allow for them to dig into dense materials and have a kick with some real bite in it that the others just can't replicate and might tear their own hooves up trying. they also add the visible fluff in the ear canal. but that's just a dust filter and if isn't cleaned properly might actually be more of hindrance
it's worth noting- if you look at Cadance and Twilight side by side- that despite being given extra anatomical traits from the other species they will always look more like the species they were before ascension. this is mostly visible in the ears, tails, and hoof shapes -unicorns have long tails with hair only growing from the underside, basic ears, narrower hooves, and usually have long fetlocks as part of their culture. -pegasai have short tails that are completely covered with hair and have rudder feathers at the base, pinned back feathery ears with restricted movement, and really shallow hooves with no fur around them -earth ponies have medium tails with even hair growth around a third of the way down, basic ears, and slightly taller hooves with varying fetlock sizes.
second up- the only uniquely alicorn physical traits that they really have (aside from height) are their hair and beards. unlike normal pony beards that are made of the same hair as their manes, alicorn beards are made of coat fur and will grow a specific length each year that marks how old they are kinda like tree rings. due to this the alicorns don't try to cut them. the manes are kinda funky cause they start out at the roots as normal hair, but then become more "ethereal" after a few inches or so. they tend to start to become ethereal roughly 10 years after ascension
they do have one more weird trait but it's less noticeable and that's the thing with the patterns. when an alicorn is first ascended they gain an extra pattern on their legs, and that pattern gains a second layer around the time they start to get their ethereal manes. you can see it happening on Twilight's lineup.
there's also a bonus thing here that has nothing to do with alicorns as much as it does unicorns- but i like the idea of Unicorn tails (flesh/bone, not hair) getting longer with age. it's usually not too noticeable because they don't normally live long enough for it to be really noticeable compared to younger unicorns, but alicorns do- so former unicorns can end up with some long ass tails in their 1000's
that's all i really got now- if i added in magic and social stuff this would have been way longer. i'm done with my rambles
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puddleorganism · 10 months
Pondering a new rancher au (yes the giant fucking bird is Jimmy) - rambling/explanation under the cut
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[Image IDs:
ID 1: a digital drawing of Jimmy/SolidarityGaming and TangoTek, in which Jimmy is a massive approximately 20 foot/6 meter tall bird-like creature. He’s standing idly (to show off his design) with a nervous smile on his face. He has a long neck and long legs that make him look like a dinosaur, but he is covered in light golden-brown feathers and has wings. His wings are huge, the primaries/tips sticking out behind his back. They’re modeled after a turkey vulture’s wings. He’s got a grey hooked beak that is mostly covered in feathers. He’s also got long tail feathers that look just short of skimming the ground. His legs are dark grey with huge talons. All over his legs, wing tips, and tail feathers is a dark grey ash. Tango’s sitting cross-legged on his back/shoulders, hunched over and looking at one of those map books you usually have in your car. (Note: the next image is of Tango, so to avoid redundancy I’m going to describe his appearance better there.) /End ID 1
ID 2: a digital drawing of TangoTek, a humanoid with fire for hair and a long, thin tail tipped in fire; like how a lion’s is tipped with fur. He’s standing idly (again, to show off his design) with his hands in his pockets. He’s got light tan skin with freckles on his nose and wrist. He’s got what look to be black scales on his ears - which are long and pointed - cheeks and nose that have glowing orange cracks in them like burning wood. He’s wearing a red handkerchief over his nose and mouth and has red-tinted goggled pushed up on his forehead. He’s wearing an off-white sweater, a worn leather jacket with red accents, grey cargo pants and black boots. He also has a pale gold and brown messenger bag slung over his left (the viewer’s right) shoulder and back behind his arm. He’s also got two scuffed, worn pins on his jacket; a small, round yellow one and a tiny polyamory flag. He’s also covered in ash - even more so than Jimmy - to the point where his boots, sweater, and handkerchief are stained with it, and are almost more grey than their original colors.
ID 3: simple digital sketches of the above characters. From left to right they are: Jimmy laying down with his head bowed, and Tango standing on his tiptoes to lean against Jimmy’s head. Both their eyes are closed and their foreheads are pressed together. The next is of Tango with his goggles on and looking confused at the map book, which is folded in half in his hands. Jimmy is leaning over his shoulder to look at the map as well. Two question marks float by Tango’s head. The last is of Jimmy standing upright, one of his talons held up near his chest. In his talons he’s holding Tango who seems surprised and is kind of doing that thing that cats do when you pick them up under the arms. This sketch is captioned with the word “hold”. There’s also a small bit of wing from a drawing that’s been cropped out in the corner. /End ID 3
/End IDs]
Ok rambling time!
So it’s set in a that was similar to the modern day, but after in a post-apocalyptic world (recent enough that they both would’ve known the world before). Not a zombie apocalypse or anything, though. There may be Foes but probably not.
I’m not exactly sure what the apocalypse that happened actually is yet, but it’s left the world an ash-covered wasteland with few ruins and even fewer survivors (survivors being organisms in general, not just humans). I want the landscape to be kind of surreal and bizarre, but I haven’t decided if that’s because of the apocalypse or not. Maybe it was just Like That lol.
Anyway, one thing you may want to know more about, is why the hell is Jimmy a giant bird? And the answer is: I like giant birds. In all seriousness though, he’s cursed! Don’t know why. He was a normal ass dude. Now he’s a bird.
Tango might also be cursed? Depends on how edgy I end up wanting this to be lol. He might be an undead wraith or something who knows.
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maverickbabes · 1 year
I Know What You Need/Craving You
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I Know What You Need/Craving You
Aged!up!Neteyam Sully x female!navi! Nemiri!oc
Neteyam is 20 and Nemiri is 19
This was requested from anonymous
Warnings: cock-warming kink, daddy kink?, stomach bulge, some swearing, biting, praising, NSFW, a slow build up to the moment, p in v - don't know if that should be a warning lol, Smut Smut SMUT
Summary: After a long, annoyingly and tiring day of work, There's only one thing that can make Neteyam feel better.
skxawng - moron/idiot
'itan (n) - son
yawne (n) - beloved
a/n: A few notes. 1. The Yovo fruit is the purple fruit Grace hands Jake when he takes a test run in his avatar body 2. I also didn't know if I should put it as Neteyam x y/n (reader) or Neteyam and Nemiri so I went with the second option to introduce Nemiri! Enjoy :)
Neteyam huffs in annoyance as he lands his ikran then hops off, petting his banshee's neck. He loves his role as a warrior and hunter. But sometimes it gets tiring and frankly, some of the warriors were skxawngs. He adjusts his bow that rested on his back before giving his ikran one last pet.
"Neteyam my 'itan, What is it?" Neytiri asks as she walks over to her eldest son, engulfing him in a hug. Neteyam immediately wraps his arms around his mother, feeling some of the annoyance melt away. "Nothing mother, just tired after a long day" Neteyam tells her before releasing them from the hug.
Neytiri gives him a warm motherly smile before looking to see Jake walking up to them. "Hi dad" Neteyam says and Jake smiles before grabbing his head and pulling him into his chest. "How was today 'son?" Jake asks as Neteyam looks at his father.
"It was fine. I'm tired so I'm going to go to Nemiri and get some rest. Good night mum and dad" Neteyam tells them before making his way to his hut, anxious to see and feel his mate. While walking back to his hut, Neteyam lets his thoughts wander about Nemiri.
Neteyam looks down at his mate under him, admiring how her golden eyes were glossed over from the overwhelming pleasure both were feeling.
Nemiri runs her hand through her poofy curly hair, taking the last feather out of her hair when she looks up and sees Neteyam enter the hut, He closes the entrance flap of the hut then looks over a Nemiri, feeling himself get hot and aroused just from the sight of her.
He needed to be inside her. Now.
"Ma 'Teyam" Nemiri murmurs as she gets up from their hammock to greet him with a kiss. He places his hands on her hips and gives them a hard squeeze, earning a small gasp from her. He slips his tongue inside her mouth tasting the sweet flavor of a Yovo fruit. He breaks the kiss, letting out a breath as he rests his forehead against Nemiri's.
"I need you ma yawne. I need to feel you" He whispers as his tail swishes from side to side. Her eyes widened before she blushed a little as she knew exactly what he needed. "Let me help you" She coos as she grabs his hands and walks over to their hammock.
Neteyam picks Nemiri up and lays her gently on their bed then gets on top of her, untying her loincloth in the process. "Neteyam" She whines as she unties his loincloth and throws it onto the floor next to hers. "Fuck baby" He moans softly as she pumps him in her hand, rubbing the tip with her thumb.
He traces his fingers over her thighs and tummy, ghosting them over her wet core, watching how her tummy tightens instinctively just from the simple touch of his fingers. "I need to be inside you now before I lose my damn mind" He growls as he thrusts himself inside her, bottoming out.
"You feel so good Nete" She whimpers as she tries to grab his braid. "You want to tsaheylu Miri?" He asks as he moves his braid over his shoulder. "Yes. I want to feel you fully" She mumbles grabbing her braid from under her. They lift the ends of their braids in between them, watching the queues connect as it gave both a wave of overwhelming pleasure.
"Oh Neteyam" She moans, immediately closing her eyes from the pleasure coursing through her veins. He looks down and sees an outline of a bulge on her stomach, causing his eyes to roll. He loves the sight of his dick bulging against her stomach, it did something to him.
"Look at me princess. There you go that's it, such a good girl for me" Neteyam praises as he grabs her chin so she can look at him as he teasingly moves his hips, Nemiri instantly arching her back while she feels herself squeeze around him.
He leans down and bites her shoulder, earning a whimper from her. "You take my dick so well, keeping me nice and warm baby girl" Neteyam groans as he balances himself on his forearms. He kisses where he bit her before leaving a trail of love bites and kisses in his wake.
"You fill me up so well daddy" Nemiri murmurs as she looks up at him. "You're just what daddy needs after a long day baby girl. You keep me so warm I never want to leave this pussy" He praises as he lowers himself onto her a little more.
"Here princess, let daddy adjust us" He tells her as he moves onto his side, pulling her closer to him. She wraps her leg around him then closes the space between them, kissing him deeply. "I love keeping you warm, being your little incubator" She mumbles in the kiss as she teasingly moves her hips back and forth.
Neteyam hisses lowly as he breaks the kiss and bites on her neck, earning a pleasurable hiss from her. "No moving remember? You're supposed to keep me all nice and warm princess" Neteyam warns as he grabs her hips and holds her in place.
"That means you be a good girl for daddy and not move" He finishes saying as she lets out a whimper. "I want to move daddy. I can be a good girl and keep you warm just let me feel you" Nemiri whines and Neteyam tsks at her. "Next time baby. Right now I just want to be inside you and feel you. Can you do that for daddy?" He explains and she reluctantly nods.
"That's a good girl"
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t34-mt · 1 year
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qua'tuli and yarey'lu laying down in a sleeping room
beds can just be rugs on the floor with many pillows stuffed with juvenile feathers, stuffed mattresses on the floor, weaved sleeping mats, and so on. beds are generally on the floor, if not they could be a carved large hole in the wall to climb into. large family size hammocks are also appreciated, tho family-sized ones look more like a spider web than a typical hammock, a 1 person hammock is more for daily napping than sleeping through the night. Because yes, I've mentioned it once but maanuls and kyhuines typically nap during the hottest time of the day, and altuyur rotational period is 32 hours. within a day multiple solar eclipses happen because of the other gas giant moon (satmuh moon), while to us that is a crazy thing to witness to them, unless they're a little kid that just opened their eyes they do not freak out about it. It only lasts some minutes (apox 10-15 mins maybe)
But back to the sleeping stuff, beds could also have wooden (or other plant fiber material) "hood" that close off the bed from exterior things. A sort of cozy cocoon that i have yet to figure out how to draw properly. The best example to look at are rolluik bureaus, that have that wood door part that slides down to close it (I've got that type of desk lol!). Then again even those beds are not elevated like a typical European one would, beds stay on the floor unless its a hammock (obviously) or an elevated sleeping hole. Forgive me for the shirt art, but i haven't drawn the sleeping stuff yet , this is what id think the hole beds would look like, this one is more of a style like a large family, id think of the edges being really smoothed out
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when sleeping they lightly curl up on themselves, if they have a kid that is small enough they almost wrap around them, closing the circle with their tail and head. since maanuls have a tuff of feathers at the end of their tail they usually cover their face with it, while kyhuines have a smooth tail end it doesn't stoop them from doing similar thing tho that skinny tail tip doesn't hide anything
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i should one day draw real cave art of maanuls and kyhuines sleeping, i think of it as stylized so much that they become stupidly round balls, which is impossible for the to each in real life
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luimagines · 2 months
HII HOW ARE YOU??? Also can I request a sky x gender neutral reader where they can turn into a very colourful bird! (Indian peafowl AkA a peacock!) but sky isn’t on that the reader can turn into a bird so the rest of the chain is laughing that the reader is trying to court him 🦚💞😊 if you don’t want to do this the you can just look past it! But have a good day/night!
OOHHHH!!! Pretty~ Sure thing!
Content under the cut!
Why did he have to be so pretty? ...But so... so oblivious?
You lamented and walked around the group once more. You had tried saying some lines, dancing to catch his attention, trying to get him to dance with you and even tried a more direct approach (but still subtle) by more time alone with him.
He doesn't seem to get the idea but you're still trying to get the message across without being direct.
Don't ask, it just one of those things.
"You know-" Four sits next to you as you mope beside the fire. "He likes birds."
Cue the not so subtle nudge and wink.
It's not like you've tried to hide your ability. Most of the group knew about it but kept it a secret, leaving it to your desires when you would have wanted anyone new in on the fact.
You could turn into a brightly colored bird with long feathers and a colorful tail that would have enchanted anyone if they so much as looked your way.
You've had to get away from a few trappers because of it but you ruffled your feathers with pride!
Then again- a bird like that isn't much help on the battlefield despite your best intentions. So it's not like you've transformed often.
But you knew you were pretty... and if Sky liked birds.... maybe you catch his attention that way. A smile breaks onto your face and you nod at Four. He shares a similar look to you, but you're going to think about it as you put you plan in motion.
You find a quiet spot just beyond the tree line and wait for Sky to come back from gathering wood. He comes out from the other side- which you weren't expecting- but sits down next to Wild, instantly starting a conversation.
You grin and shift walking out of the bush to strut your stuff.
Sky instantly gasps and nearly jumps to his feet at the sight of you. Wild starts taking pictures but this isn't about him.
You suddenly feel a lot better about your previous attempt now that you have his attention. You unfurl your tail and see how his jaw drops at the sight of you. If a bird could smirk...
You walked back and forth a bit. The others have also looked your way by now with soft smiles on their face. Some hold more awe than others.
You shake your tail with everything you have, causing the feathers to make a rattling sounds against each other. The noise is loud but not disturbing. It less like an instrument and more like the rustling of a tree branch.
"Woah!" Sky grins wider, if that was even possible, and finally gets to his feet.
You're so tempted to preen then and there. Yes! This is what you wanted! Now is only he knew what this meant.
You kept up your display for a while longer, walking around, shaking your feathers every now and then to keep his interest in your form. You see him turn to Wild, not noticing the now amused faces of the rest of the group. "What kind of bird is this, Champion?"
"How should I know?" Wild shrugs.
"Check the slate thingy you have!" Sky stresses.
You tilts your head and saunter up to him. Sky takes a step back but trips and falls back onto the rock he was sitting on earlier. You keep walking towards him and jump, shifting back into your human body as you lap in his lap. "Or you could ask me, handsome."
His jaw drops lower than when he saw you the first time. His hand fly up slightly as if he has no idea what to do with them. Sky starts blushing from his cheeks, up to the tips of his ears and down his neck to his chest. "....O-oh.... hi..."
You smirk. "Hello, yourself."
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skyeslittlecorner · 3 months
Tails for all! - Paradise Lost edition
Other parts: Kings | Gehenna | Tartaros | Hades | Avisos | Nilfheim | Abaddon
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A long, thin, devilish tail. Similar to Satan, but instead of an arrow he has a knife at the end. Concealed in the thickened tip, like a penknife. Precisely, the blade at the end resembles a Roman gladius.
Unlike the rest of the limbs, the tail is not tied to the rack. It is also suitable for cutting ties in emergencies.
Perfect for stopping stupid devils from lunging into danger or immobilizing them while they heal.
A doctor with a knife is more dangerous than most ordinary devils. He'll cut your tendons or arteries and you won't even notice that he's lying on the ground, bleeding out.
Sensitiveness 3/10. He feels it, but not much. But you will feel a lot. The tip where the knife is hidden is slippery, long and thick. You know exactly where it comes in.
Unlike most devils, apart from sex, you will also be able to play with his white, bony blade. You can polish and sharpen it to hear him purr.
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A rooster's tail, feathers as long as a whole arm and white. It almost looks like he has one angel wing on his back.
Not only are his feathers beautiful, but it is also rumored to have medicinal properties.
Following Buer's idea, he sometimes weaves his feathers into patients' bandages. This is one of the best placebos in the entire hospital.
Yes, they tested whether his feathers cure diseases or not. However, compared to some, he didn't tear out so many of them to be bald.
They are exceptionally soft and shiny, or would be if they weren't regularly covered in blood. And bandages. 
Sensitiveness 5/10. He will be delighted if you take care of him. Of course you don't have to, but if you want… 
Take care of him. Remove the bandages, kiss them and comb feathers with a soft brush. He will be intimidated because no one has ever been so good to him, and he will repay you for this tenderness like no one else has.
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A ghostly tail with a ghostly ponytail. It is not entirely material, just as in the case of Bimet there is an immaterial connection between the tail and the tip. After all, they are both from Tartaros.
The tail itself is white, but the energy surrounding it is red like his tattoos. He also has them along the underside of his tail.
It is covered with short, silky fur.
The animals especially love playing with his tail, and he also loves to play with them.
He was most interested in the healing properties of their tails and tested both his fur and the Morax feathers in various combinations. Unfortunately, they didn't have any.
Sensitiveness 6/10, but he can control himself perfectly. Try to disturb him at work and he doesn't give a fuck.
Just because he doesn't react doesn't mean he was insensitive. He will remind you of this as soon as he finishes doing what he has to do, and you will be punished for being so impatient.
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kicktwine · 4 months
wahhh just went through your ffxiv specbio tags they’re so cool!!! do you perchance have any more hcs for au ra
I HAVENT DONE AU RA YET but I love the lizards…. My best friends lizardguys. I haven’t gotten to endwalker yet and I know there’s a few more auri characters in there so…maybe my ideas will change But
au ra are I think probably the most diverse species out there just based on HOW MANY lizards exist and how BIG the azim steppes/doma/their reach is. I don’t know if I’d divide species traits by xaela/raen or if they all share that diversity, but I’m tempted to say there are fewer raen, most of whom are either in solitude or hanging out in doma, and they kind of remain proud of their celestial lineage, so they on the whole have more often “draconic” traits, while xaela with their many different lifestyles on the steppe on the whole will be more diverse. Like eastern dragons versus every other dragon species
so! between everyone I think their scales are Way More, most of which are very very hard and difficult to scratch or dent but some of which are soft like some reptiles wherein it’s not necessarily a scale, which sheds layers (like turtles shed their scutes), and more like skin, which sheds in flakes (like snakes or geckos). Au ra whose scales are soft like that are generally the same types of au ra who can pop their (also often soft and thick!) tails off at will and regrow them. Most au ra have very tough, muscly scaly tails, anywhere from big thick crocodile tails to thin draconic tails to tails that have ossified spines or clubs at the end (like dinosaurs!). Since they’re so strong, they can be used to emote — hitting them against the ground is a happy sign, while dragging it against things is Not. Also kids tend to grab and pull them a lot, which leads to the common thought of tail pulling being seen as kiddy. It is quite rude to do to an au ra as an adult. Their scales can sometimes spread to cover most of their body, and sometimes be restricted to the forearms, face, tail, and legs. their horns (aside from being basically ears which I think is cool, they must be pretty complex organs on the inside — I think they can shed but only the tips, like goats, and breaking any further is both really hard and very harmful not only to their ears but because they’re full of blood vessels!! Be careful! ) aren’t really used for fighting or anything they are there for hearing and temperature regulation and in defense. Au ra don’t really, like, sweat? They’re warm-blooded, but don’t sweat. So an important thing to keep in mind if you’re going into the desert is that overheating looks different in an au ra vs another race (lethargy, drooling, and unfocused eyes are your main tells). many of their horns point forwards to block their face. so no, sleeping isn’t that hard bc they sleep like loafs, but yes kissing is hard :( that’s not really a thing they do unless someone else wants to they snuggle and rub scales. so says yoshi p
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Protofeathers are basically dinosaur fur - they are NOT feathers. They’re little hollow filaments somewhere between a feather shaft and hair. These ones are pretty stiff. That’s why au ra hair can so easily stick right up like a cockatiel. Some au ra have been noted to have protofeathers on their neck and arms like fur too :0
i have been. Speaking for a long time. uhhhh let’s see they have feets anywhere from plantigrade (clawed, kinda geckoey) to digitigrade (DINO!!!), their claws really need trimming often bc they don’t stop growing, they are not obligate carnivores like hrothgar but like miqote they need more meat than they do veggies, and it’s sometimes very hard for a non- au ra to tell if the big growl they’re doing is happy or not because big growl is how they purr! Like wolves going HHRHRRRRRR (happy). Also im obsessed with their limbal rings im so sad they’re so faded in the graphical update. they gotta glow. Most au ra are also colorblind in some way BUT! They can faintly see infrared
Also in researching lizards i found out that some lizards and frogs have like a third eye that can’t See like images but it CAN detect light and darkness and stuff? It’s called a parietal eye! Garleans… is amphibian (taking notes) /j
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sleepdeprivedlilbean · 4 months
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Siggghhhhh I blame @dreemurr-skelememer for this 😒
close ups and info under the cut
Idk what higher power convinced me from 11pm - 5am to just HAVE to draw Dream and Nightmare as horses from mlp (god dammit I’ve never even watched mlp) but HERE WE ARE
I put waaay to much time into these drawings not to color them so once I line them I’ll do that
Anyway I wasn’t sure how to incorporate Nightmare’s tentacles in this design, buuut here were a couple of things I wanted to do/design choices and why:
I wanted to make them both alicorns with Nightmare having webbed wings (with hints of feathers and trauma)
I decided Nightmare was going to have armor and a royal vibe/aesthetic (like the king he is)
He also has horseshoes with pointed tips and ankle armor and neck armor cause yes.
I wanted to give him even more armor but I thought it would be too much
The cutie marks are their respective apples, but I wanted Nightmare to have, well, a Nightmare Moon thing going on where there was discoloration around the mark (excess of slime in this case)
I did want to incorporate sun and moon elements into the curie marks as well, but I figured I could do it in clothing instead to not overcrowd the cutie mark design and have it lose its meaning.
The slime around Nightmare’s cutie mark is constantly flowing and dripping off of him and if you looked closely his apple may appear purple instead of black through the drips
Ok while I’ve never really watched mlp I don’t live under a rock and I’m aware of how similar Luna and Celestia are to Nightmare and Dream, plus I looked up different designs and species and if you couldn’t tell Nightmare’s HEAVILY Nightmare Moon coded (she also slays btw I love her).
As for ideas about Nightmare’s tentacles I figured maybe he could have a sort of shadow magic maybe??? That acted like his tentacles in a way? Idk I’m workshopping it.
Or he could pull a Rapunzel and have his mane and tail act as his tentacles (which is kinda why his hair looks like that, as I wanted it to look slimy and thick, and for the “tentacles” a bunch of the chords would wrap together to create the tentacle like shape).
Idk mannnn I’m trying but horses and tentacles just don’t really go together juuuust sayin
I actually wasn’t gonna give Dream his cape/shawl thing cause I forgot he had it but I looked at Dream’s ref again and thought it was fitting enough.
Dream’s circlet got turned into a helmet cause I thought it would match Nightmare’s vibe a little more and I wanted to do more than just put it on his head ya know?
I’ve also been seeing designs with Dream having his hair braided and I thought it was fitting so while u can’t really see it, Dreams mane consists of a bunch of thick braids and the nape of his neck he just cut his hair cause otherwise his braids would get tangled in his wings so he said be gone lol. (Nightmare’s tail is also partially braided and I like to think he also braids his mane too into one large braid I just didn’t draw it that way :().
Ok I still have more to say but THIS IS LONG ENOUGH NAHSVAGACA
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sky-kiss · 6 months
A/N: Can't sleep. And horrible, horrible, unholy creatures prompted for soft ascended fiend. Please understand, any additional ficlets this week will be horrific and dark to counterbalance this crime.
Also. Using my OC (which I don't do here) to cheat this prompt. In an established universe. HAH.
Ascended Fiend Raphael: You think he chuffs? I think he chuffs.
“He’s making a mess of the place.” 
“Well, we wanted to see what he was capable of?”
Haarlep fixes her with a withering look, lips pressing to a thin line. Their face is naturally expressive; Joi has the distinct pleasure of watching all his thoughts pass across his face without pretense or restraint. The sum of these parts amounts to an unambiguous: you fucking dolt. 
“We knew. The princeling wanted to showboat. And now look.”
The fiend continues its rampage through the arena, tail lashing behind it, wings spread. Its fires burn brighter than ever, hot enough to leave the entirety of the building sweltering. A tinge of iron hangs in the air, married to sulfur and the sickly sweetness of charred flesh. Raphael has been neither subtle nor graceful in his carnage: the room is a mess of gore, devils, and demons alike. 
A bolt of hellfire tears from its right hand, ripping across the arena. The Abishai screams in agony, briefly sputtering before its form gives way. Ash flutters about the arena, and the fiend howls its delight. 
He’s beautiful, she thinks. All the wrath of the Hells made manifest. Raphael lifts his head, scenting the air. Robbed of his toys and the distraction of live prey, it looks for alternate means of entertainment. The creature’s good eyes fix upon them. 
“If the brute comes over here, I’ll sacrifice you,” Haarlep grumbles.
She pats their chest. “I’m well aware.” He’s done it before; he’ll do it again. The incubus intends to outlive them all. “Help me down?” 
Their expression twists with savage delight. “As the lady wishes.” 
Haarlep holds her elbow as she climbs over the arena’s edge. The distance makes her dizzy, forty or fifty down into the pit, necessary for some of the beasts the Archduke houses below. Flight is an option, but it’s easier to fall, whispering the familiar incantation to make herself feather-light. 
The fiend shrieks. Raphael’s voice bleeds into the bestial sound, one note among many; she holds onto this familiarity as it tears across the remaining space, hellfire, and claws. She swallows. 
The claws of its right-hand curl around her waist, pressing just to the point of pain. Some break flesh. Raphael huffs again, sniffing, hot gusts of air ruffling her hair. Joi holds out her hand. 
It kneels. The distance between them remains too great, the size difference too vast. The fiend hauls her nearer, chuffing, nuzzling the center skull against her chest. She trails the tips of her nails across his forehead, ignoring the hiss of pain in her side and the blood staining his jaws. 
“You’ve upset Haarlep, dear one.” One could be forgiven for mistaking the sound it makes for a laugh. If nothing else, her duke preens, wings stretching to their full span. It tries to get nearer, to close what little invisible space exists between them, recognizing its scent on her skin.  It purrs. “They worked very hard to find you all these toys…” 
“...and he’s broken them immediately.” The incubus snaps, voice echoing around them. “Ungrateful little brat.” 
"They're going to be insufferable tonight. You understand this, yes?" The right head’s expression twists in some approximation of glee. Joi shakes her head, cooing to the great beast until it finally sets her down. She kisses its ruined skull, motioning it to follow her towards the holding pens. Perhaps they will find new prey among the wastes; perhaps she’ll indulge its appetites. 
So much potential. So little time.
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arueternity · 1 year
Can I get some Flustered Vessel wanting their S/O so badly 👀👀👀???
Sorry if it took so long! But here's that! I really wanted to write it and make it much longer but didn't want to keep you waiting!
You had started teasing him even before the ritual had started
Vessel was already on the verge of grabbing you to take you somewhere to even just kiss you
He just wanted to grab hold of you and not let go, needing some type of contact with/from you. 
But of course, he had to perform, and perform he did, he made sure to go all out of you knowing you were watching him and only him
After the ritual was where you got to play the most, tease the most, and enjoy the looks the most.
Vessel had just finished packing up his little section of the dressing room when you were allowed in. The staff not knowing who you were caused an even bigger denial in your little meeting between the two of you. You smiled softly at him before opening your arms welcomingly. “Come on, I know you need that hug.” Almost as though your arms were his savior Sleep, he ran into them, picking you up with the hug. He didn’t speak much, throat slightly hurting from singing. Vessel just nuzzled deeper into your neck, breathing in your scent and accepting this is the most he can get for now. Once he pulls away, allowing you to sit your feet back on the ground, he nuzzles your cheek, a soft purr showing the joy of the male. “Can… Can I please have a kiss my love…” He mumbles almost embarrassed. You laugh softly and kiss all over his mask before finally placing a gentle but love-filled kiss on his lips. He relaxes and finally allows himself to reveal his cramped tail, allowing it to sway with content and happiness from the moment.
While he had gotten himself to relax, it also happened to cause something else not to be. 
His craving for touch turned dirty and now he wants revenge for the teasing.
Do you get to cum? No, only the good boy.
From his relaxed position, Vessel looks down at you, eyes staring at you through the mask, pinning you down with their heavy glaze. “But the teasing, you know what you did…” He growls out before grabbing your hand, yanking you to seat on the couch. Vessel straddles your lap, putting most of his weight onto you to prevent you from squirming away, not like you’d want to with a man like this above you. He huffs and pushes his pants down to mid-thigh, eyes still holding contact with yours. In an attempt of more teasing you reach up, almost as soft as a feather, and brush down his delicious v-line. He grunts and pushes his hips forward, bringing his weeping cock closer to your face. “You’ve gotta touch me… I need it so fucking bad.” He whines grabbing your other hand to wrap around his hard-on, “Please!” You laugh softly and slowly start jerking the cock in front of you. Wetting your lips with your tongue, you keep the same teasing look as always and kitten lick the tip. Vessel moans loudly, uncaring of the crew backstage and the possibility of the others hearing his pathetic sounds... You slowly take the tip into your mouth, sucking and licking underneath the head. The male bows over, pushing your head down, cock deeper in your throat. “Fuucckk~ Yes! Suck my cock love suck it good”
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muffintonic · 2 years
Rito “Hair”
Wood duck
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Teba. I rest my case.
...Just kidding! Anyway, this post kind of got away from me, so here’s a table of contents.
I. What IS a feather? II. An argument for Rito feathers III. Hypothetical grooming habits IV. Revali’s braids TLDR
I. What IS a feather?
To begin: the Rito are covered with feathers, we’re all aware of that.
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Now, the real question is what KIND of feathers do they have on their heads and whether they need to preen/comb them in general.
Here are the types of feathers that real life birds have:
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Wing feathers/remiges are asymmetrical, less flexible, and located on the wings for flight. 
Tail feathers/retrices are similar to reminges but have more of a fan shape for steering and are located at the tail. 
Contour feathers cover birds' bodies and have waterproof tips and fluffy bases. These also include flight feathers (remiges/retrices)--coverts are contour feathers that cover the bases of flight feathers.
Semiplumes are mostly hidden beneath other feathers and have a loose, insulating structure.
Down feathers are the innermost layer of feathers and trap body heat with their fluffiness. 
Filoplumes are sensory receptors (like whiskers) that inform wind, air pressure, and feather movements and are usually hidden beneath contour feathers.
Bristles are like eyelashes and are located around the beak.
Feather structures themselves are either pennaceous (stiff and flat with microscopic hooks on the barbules that interlock and proof against wind and water) or plumulaceous (flexible barbs with long barbules that trap air).
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The calamus extends into the central rachis, the rachis has barbs branching out from it, and the barbules have hooks that interlock them with other barbules (the flat surface created by the interlocked barbules is called a vane).
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Basically: calamus = roots, rachis = trunk, barbs = branches, and barbules = leaves. 
How do the barbules stay hooked to each other, you may ask? The answer to that is preening!
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Whenever the barbules become separated, birds draw the feather through their beaks to rezip the hooks that keep them together. This process also serves to realign feathers to keep them aerodynamic/in proper tracts for insulation and remove keratin sheaths from newly grown feathers (AKA pin feathers). For the places they can’t reach with their beaks, such as their heads/necks, birds will run their talons through their feathers. There’s also social grooming called allopreening where birds--usually mated pairs--will help each other complete this process in the hard-to-reach places (typically restricted to the head/neck areas unless between mates).
Preening additionally removes dust/dirt and parasites while distributing preen oil. Most birds (a rare few have pulviplumes/powder down instead) have this hidden exocrine nipple-ish thing located at the base of their tail feathers called a uropygial/preen gland that produces preen oil. Preen oil is a whiteish, waxy/oily secretion (with every bird’s oil having a distinct smell--yes, birds can smell they have olfactory epithelium lining their caudal nasal concha and that’s one way they find mates/the oil is used for social communication) that birds use to waterproof their feathers, protect against bacteria, keep them flexible, and reduce feather degradation. Birds also spread this oil on their legs and feet to be transferred to the hard-to-reach places during scratching. Yes, I think Rito have the Oil Nipple (they already have the nictitating membrane underneath their eyelids, so why not).
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Birds typically have molt seasons where the feathers that have experienced enough wear and tear that preening isn’t enough to maintain their structure are shed. Molts start with the innermost primary feathers/central tail feathers and move outwards. Bigger birds tend to have partial molts wherein they stagger the regrowth of individual primary and secondary feathers on the wings over the course of multiple years. Regarding molting, I interpreted the Creating a Champion blurb to mean that Rito chicks fully molt every season and the adults only regrow feathers they lose/pull out (kind of like how people regrow hairs that fall out). I guess Rito feathers are a bit more durable than normal bird ones? (Hopefully that means less time spent preening as well--normal birds spend around a few hours each day preening since it involves going through individual feathers.)
*whispers* Also, when feathers first form, they have arteries running through them--these are known as blood feathers. Eventually, as they grow, the blood supply recedes to the shaft's base and they become regular feathers once unfurled from the sheath. Oh, and since filoplumes are under contour feathers, that means Rito CAN feel things with their wings! (At the very least, i’d imagine they could feel if they were touching something because of the pressure sensitivity aspect.)
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II. An argument for Rito feathers
In terms of what the Rito have on their heads, there SEEM to be two feather variations:
1) Feathers that have a defined shape and are the same color as the rest of their main plumage color.
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2) Whatever these finer ones are (located around the back and near their ear holes) that are a different color from their other head feathers.
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What can those finer feathers be, though? The answer was right there all along:
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they’re still part of the same feathers. These feathers are undoubtedly crest feathers, which are semiplumes. Crest feathers are located on the head/neck/upper back, so this is kind of obvious in hindsight. Since semiplumes are plumulaceous, they're soft and pliable due to having a thin yet developed central rachis without any hooks on the barbules.
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You may be wondering “what’s up with the variation in their feathers, then?” at this point. Specifically for their head feathers, it seems like some Rito have semiplumes that can grow long barbs (like Frita), and some don’t (like Kass and Teba). Some are even able to grow them out in places beyond the standard two zones for Rito (like Kaneli and Harth).
Basically, I imagine barb length to be something like our version of whether some people have straight vs curly hair (or can’t grow their hair past a certain point, I guess).
III. Hypothetical grooming habits
So, if the “hair” is just semiplumes and their barbs, what does that mean for Rito grooming habits?
For the record, I take every pun that any of the Rito characters make to be clues about their physiology because otherwise it wouldn’t make sense for them to be making such specific jokes. Revali says “winging it” and “preen yourself,” so therefore the Rito have wings and preen themselves (and also lay eggs according to Kotts’ “unhatched egg” comment, which seems obvious but also isn’t relevant to this post so I won’t get into it here).
Let’s go back to contour feathers for a moment. Since Rito contour feathers ARE watertight (I figure they also don’t have sweat glands just like birds don’t--imagine getting sweat trapped under feathers/creating bacteria and dripping into down? It just doesn’t work),
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it stands to reason that they would need regular maintenance to ensure that the barbules stay properly hooked together to form that seal. AKA, the Rito need to preen like regular birds to keep their feathers healthy.
What would preening look like for the Rito, though?
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Since Rito are a mix of Hylian and bird traits, i’m not entirely sure whether they have the additional cervical vertebrae that birds do that would allow for their necks to be highly flexible for tasks like preening. However, the long length of their necks is very noticeable, so I assume that they do. Either way, they nevertheless would be able to reach at least their wing feathers easily by themselves.
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*whispers* On the subject of bones, I think the Rito have some but not as many pneumatized bones as birds do. Birds have hollow bones so their air sacs can form pockets inside them--they have a unidirectional respiratory system in which the air sacs keep oxygenated air moving through the lungs. This system causes the sternum to be pushed outward during respiration, which means that restraining the sternum causes a bird to suffocate. The Rito do seem to visibly breathe a bit differently from Hylians and definitely have no problem breathing at high elevations (seen in the landing of Vah Medoh and Revali’s DLC cutscene), but they also don’t seem to have room for posterior air sacs in their torsos and wear fitted armor. Their voluminous chests may indicate anterior air sacs (which would mean some hollow bones), though. Either that or it’s just from the massive pectoral muscles that birds require to fly. How much real life logic can be applied to fictional bird people in a world where magic exists, anyway?
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Since their torsos are so long, i’m not sure if they would be able to reach their retrices or, like, the back of their lower leg feathers unless they could contort like birds do when they preen. Similarly, reaching the back of their heads with their feet seems difficult (I can personally at least touch my foot against the side of my head, but then again I neither have stubby Rito legs nor a bendy neck so results may vary). I feel like they must be able to bend enough to reach the places a normal bird would be able to, though, because otherwise why else would they still have feathers in those spots?
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Also, we know they can control their tail feathers/at least lift them closer.
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If the Rito can’t reach certain areas via beak or talons by themselves and don’t have/want someone else to help them out (or maybe just don’t want to use those methods), I think they would use special grooming tools. As far as re-hooking barbules together without a beak goes, I ripped apart the vane on this (peacock) contour feather and tested to see whether I could rezip the barbules.
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I was able to fix the tear by pinching my thumbnail and the flat of my index finger together and dragging up the tear in the direction of the feather’s barbs.
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I created another tear to see if this would work with a uniformly flat object (along the lines of a flat iron), and it didn’t work. This may be due to human error, however--if anyone gets different results, please let me know. Note: the vanes of feathers make a sort of velcro noise when manually torn due to the way the barbules hook to each other.
Since contour feathers seem to require a pinching maneuver similar to how beaks work, I imagine the Rito would need a sort of castanet-like implement with a prong to “comb” their feathers.
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If the tool worked only for rezipping and not really cleaning, the Rito could do what conservators who manage featherworks (art/artifacts with feathers incorporated into them) do and use paintbrushes to dry clean unreachable feathers.
For the more hair-like barbs on their heads, a comb with wide teeth (and maybe rake-like ends) would probably work for imitating talons/another beak in the case of allopreening. The comb’s teeth would need to be wide since the branching nature of the long barbs and the additional direction of the barbules on each side of the barbs might cause snags otherwise.
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*whispers* Speaking of Rito helping each other out: the open roosts, shared kitchen, and way that nobody wants to talk to an outsider like Link before he speaks to the Elder and gets the scoop on/helps with Vah Medoh’s rampage all point to a very collectivistic culture for the Rito (possibly even their feather industry could be run collectively if the feathers are sourced from whatever villagers can spare some feathers). I think this cultural setup lends itself well to allopreening.
In terms of styling their feathers beyond braiding, i’m of the opinion that the Rito don’t really do that since there probably aren’t many styles that would hold their shape without damaging the feathers. I can definitely believe it’s not Maybelline with them considering how birds in real life can naturally grow curly feathers,
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straight feathers,
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whatever this is,
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and anything in between. I don’t think the Rito ever clip their feathers, either.
IV. Revali’s braids
Revali’s braids are definitely the same color as the rest of him and stick out in a rigid way (I think they only turn down a bit at the ends from the weight of his jade bangles), so his semiplumes don’t seem to be able to grow out the barb part--the ends definitely have chunky/defined bits and I imagine they’d look like Teba’s feathers when unbraided.
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It seems very weird at first for him to be outright braiding his feathers directly. However, as we’ve established, semiplumes are very pliable due to their thin rachises and loose barbs. I test braided some peacock feathers, and I was able to successfully braid them even with the feathers being tail feathers with thick rachises and therefore stiffer. Notably, it was easier to braid them towards the ends where the rachises were thinner.
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I actually think that Revali keeps them in braids specifically because: 1) Braids are an inherent part of Rito culture, and he really loves Rito Village (as evidenced by his DLC dialogue/diary). The only Rito who doesn’t have them is Kass since he can’t seem to grow out his feathers near his ear holes/his crest feathers grow too unevenly for braiding, and I think his little pin thing is supposed to be a substitute for that. 2) The braids/ribbons keep his feathers neat and clean when doing archery training (at least that’s what the Zapotec people use ribbon-braids for). 3) He needs his feathers to be kept neat and clean specifically because it’s hard to maintain them by himself (his habit of wearing scarves may also be to protect his neck feathers). There’s been no mention of his family or friends ever, so I assume he has none--every other champion (including Link) has had mentions of one or the other. No allopreening for Revali, sadly.
TLDR: The “hair” is semiplume feathers, some Rito’s head feathers just have longer barb lengths. The Rito likely need to maintain their feathers like regular birds in general. Revali can’t grow out his barbs, but the pliable nature of his semiplumes make them braidable.
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midnight-talescape · 2 years
I’m here (C!Philza x Cat Hybrid Reader)
Kinktober day 11: Wings/Tail play
I’m so fucking sorry (also fun fact I nearly add egg laying in for fun)
Warning: wing play, tail play, biting, swearing, daddy happened once, this is 100 percent ooc, etc, etc you get the point not for kid
Genre: filthy filthy smut
You fidget uncomfortably in your chair. You ears and tail twitching in every direction.
Philza came back holding two cup of tea, noticed you fidgeting in your seat furrowed his brow and ask,
“What’s wrong, mate? You’re fidgeting,”
“Nothing,” you said without looking up,
Hearing this Philza put down the cup and sat next to you, forcing you to look at him.
“Is something bothering you, you can tell me,”
Hesitatingly you looked up and lick your lip before pointing at his wings and whispering,
“Can I straighten out your wing?”
Philza blink confused as fuck,
Giving up, you buried your face in your hand and mumble,
“It’s bothering me! Your wing is so pretty Phil, but you don’t take care of it. I want to preen your feather,”
Hearing your outburst over the pure annoyance over his slightly ruffled wing, Philza cough before saying,
“Thanks for the compliment, mate. But I’m afraid I will have to decline the offer, speaking of which I think I left the kettle on the stove,”
With that Philza quickly walk away, you groan and put your head on the table, missing Philza’s blushing ears under his hair.
From that day on every once in a while you will offer again, hoping maybe be one day he will slip up and allow you to groom his wing, at-last it never happen, until…
“Hey Phil, are you okay?”you ask as you walked into the house of the broken man,
Philza turn around forcing a smile before saying,
“Hey (Y/N), it’s good to see you again! I’m fine don’t worry about me,”
You walked up to him, not believing him for a second.
You pulled him into a hug, wrapping your arm around his back, carefully missing his damaged wing before saying,
“Hey, it’s fine, Phil. I got you, you still have me and everything’s gonna be fine,”
Recovering from his surprised, Philza buried his face into your hair.
“I saw him died, I killed Wilbur with my own hand and now Ghostbur hate me too, I’m a terrible father, (Y/N)…”
You tip toe and nuzzled his neck in affection trying to comfort him,
“Don’t say that Phil, you’re a great father and Ghostbur will forgive you. It wasn’t your fault Friend died, we can go find them again, together,”
After a while Philza calm down and motion for you to let go, which you reluctantly did. Philza let out a chuckle,
“Well that was embarrassing,”
Glad that he seems to have recover slightly, you smiled and said in a deadpan voice,
“Yes, truly. I will hold this forever against you and use it to blackmail you one day for your many fortune,”
“It seems like I have made a great mistake,” suddenly hesitantly Philza scratch his face and asked,
“Speaking of which, are you still willing to preen my wings?”
You widen your eye in surprise. Seeing your eye widened and taking it as a rejection, he quickly continued,
“It’s fine if you no longer want to, my wings are pretty damage and no longer look as pleasing as they use to be,”
You let out a happy purr and clapped your hand before throwing yourself into Philza’s embrace again.
“I will love to! Also if I dare judge you, I will incur Techno’s wrath, who will definitely hunt me down,”
Philza laughed, before leading you to his room. He went to lie down on his bed and spread his wings.
You gently got on to his bed, and when saw his damage left wing, you slow down your breathing and gently brush across the damage wing. After a while you gently begin to straighten out his feathers. Pulling out loose one and straighten crooked feather light and simple, afraid to cause anymore damage.
Sensing your nervousness of hurting him, Philza turn around slightly,
“You can go harder you know, mate. I’m not fragile,”
“I don’t know about that, you’re quite old, old man,” you retorted back before being slightly braver,
Soon once you cleaned out the feather you gently kneaded through the tense knot in his wings.
But what you didn’t noticed was the closer to the base of his wings, the tenser his body get.
Suddenly Philza let out a muffled moan when you get to the sensitive skin at the base of his wing. Both of you froze at the sound.
You quickly clambered off of him before burying your blushing face in your hand.
Philza sat up slightly embarrassed and tried to hide the bulge in his pant,
“I’m sorry, it’s just the base of my wing are rather sensitive, I should have told you,”
“No, no it’s my fault, I should have known,” was your only response as you feel yourself slowly die inside,
After a few awkward silence you looked up and said,
“I-if you want I can help with that,”
Philza choked on his saliva,
You grit your teeth, this is real fucking awkward but you’re here might as well,
“I said I want to fuck you,”
Philza look at you sadly and said,
“You don’t have to do that to make me feel better,”
Slightly angry at the fact that he will assume you will do that just because you feel pity, you pounces on him pushing him onto the bed.
“Don’t be stupid, I fucking love you, you old dingus! Why else will I be here comforting you at 3am?! YOU JUST BLEW UP A FUCKING COUNTRY!!!”
Looking at your face staring him down, your eye watery and your lip tremble showing how you’re not as brave as you seem. 
With a sigh, knowing how he’s not gonna let you go anyway, Philza flipped you, quickly changing you and his position.
He pulled you into a kiss. After a while you guys separated, he caressed your face before asking you seriously,
“Are you sure about this?”
Seeing your nod, he quickly undress both of you and attacking your neck.
Philza suck and nibbled at your neck hungrily, leaving red mark down your body as you let out moan.
His hand traveled down your body to your core, lightly touching it before pumping two fingers in stretching you out. 
Your face flushed as you let out whimpers and moan, suddenly you bite down on Philza’s shoulder when you felt him pull your tail harshly, Sebring a electric shock up your spine.
“Do you like it when I do that? Hurting you, leaving mark on you to show you’re mine?”
“Y-yes… FU-“ you let out a swear when you felt him hit your sweet spot,
Noticing this, Philza grin and quickly inserts 2 more fingers before attacking your sweet spot at the same time.
You felt your clit tightening on his finger and tears stinging your eye,
“Cum for me, kitten,”
With that your eye rolls back as you cum hard on his finger, sob wrecking through your body.
Looking at your sweaty body, trembling from the high, Philza quickly position himself and wrapped your leg around his waist before he thrust inside you.
Your mouth gaped open and tear streams down your face as you felt his member split your body.
“Sl-slower… ha… fuck… daddy, please… uugh…”
Hearing the jumbled of word coming out of your mouth, he grunted and hold one of your leg up allowing him to change his angle and hitting deeper.
You cried, the pleasure too great for you as you dug your finger into the base of his wings.
Letting out a groan he grabbed your tail tightly and bite down on your neck as he slammed into your womb and fucked the living hell out of you.
You were quickly brought to your orgasm a few more time from the tail pulling and the member fucking the brain out of you, before you felt him cumming inside you.
Without pulling out he wiped away your tear and sweat, before gently holding you into his embrace. Holding you to his chest he covered the both of you in his wings both damage and whole.
Just like that you two fell asleep, knowing all will be fine in the end.
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