#Altered Timeline
rwac96 · 4 months
Altered Timeline
What if Jaune and Pyrrha were still partners, but Weiss and Yang were their teammates instead. How is this team dynamic.
Weiss: "That Faunus was a criminal! A wild animal!!"
Pyrrha: *twitching* "Why you spoiled little--!"
Jaune: *getting in-between them* "Guys! Guys!! Stop it! We're a team!"
Weiss: "A mockery of a team with you as our leader, Farm Boy!"
Yang: "Are you still butthurt over that, Daddy's Girl?"
Weiss: *turns to Yang* "HOW DARE YOU?!"
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The Way I Loved You [Part Three]
Fandom: American Actor, RPF, Elvis Movie, Elvis
Pairing:  Elvis Presley x Reader, Austin Butler x Reader
Characters:  Elvis Presley, Austin Butler, Reader, You, Sam Phillips, Marian Keisker, Red West, Vernon Presley, Colonel Tom Parker, Original Characters, Billy Smith, Gene Smith, Judy Spreckles
Word Count: 3563 // Rating: Teen & Up
Summary:  'Cause I'm not ready, To find out you know how to forget me
Tags/ Warnings: My Writing, Halloween Challenge, Writing Challenge, Songfics, Past Relationships, Established Relationships, Songfic, Taylor Swift Song, The Way I Loved You, Set in Memphis, Gigs, Set in the 50s, Mixed Timeline, Austin goes back in time, Romance, Arguing, Angst, Fluff, Moping, Heartache, Trigger Warning the Colonel’s in this, Hints at Gladys’ Illness, Graceland, Touring, Concerts, Movie Star Elvis, Song Fic
Part One // The Way I Loved You // Taylor Swift
Part Two // 7 Summers // Morgan Wallen
Part Three // Forget Me // Lewis Capaldi 
Notes:  This is part of my writing Challenge for Halloween 2022. All fics are based off of songs I love. The aim is to write one fic a day for 15 days straight. I’m doing a similar thing for Christmas but they will all be headcanons [requests welcome for that] Enjoy x  
I didn’t think that there would be a part three to this fic but writing this for Forget Me made me think so so much of it and who doesn’t want a Elvis & Austin fighting over them
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Elvis groaned as he was awoken by the bright light now streaming through the window as the Colonel pushed the curtains open. The older plump man was standing by the window, a cigar hanging out of his mouth as he placed his hands on his hips watching the young boy wince and throw his head underneath a pillow.
‘Now come on my boy,’ the Colonel said, ‘we’ve got places to be.’ ‘Don’t wanna,’ he grumbled into the pillow. He didn’t want to. He didn’t want to do much of anything. He’d been home from touring for the past week. And for that week he’d spent most of it confined to his room, moping. ‘Well we have a contract to fulfil and you’re back on stage tonight,’ the Colonel said grabbing the pillow off of Elvis’ head and launching it to where his feet were at the end of it, under the blanket. ‘Tell 'em I’m sick,’ he said as he pushed himself up so he was sitting up against the headboard, his arms now folded across his chest. The Colonel sighed and placed a hand on the boy's bare shoulder. ‘My boy, heartache can be the most incapacitating illness of all but it, unfortunately, doesn't qualify you to get out of a pre-existing arrangement. Now, I want you washed, dressed and downstairs in ten minutes,’ he offered Elvis a sympathetic smile and then walked out of the room leaving him watching the space where he went, a scowl on his face.
He sat there pouting for a moment before he decided there wasn’t much point in it and made his way to get showered. He turned on the shower and disrobed out of the pyjama pants and boxers he was wearing so he could step under the powerful stream of water. He shivered a little as it hit his skin, a little colder than he anticipated but enough to wake him up.
As he let the warming water fall down his body he let his mind wander. This first week had been his first full week back home in months. He’d been busy touring and out in Hollywood shooting a film. But now back in the confines of Graceland and without the constant distractions celebrity brought with it he found he was missing Y/N more than he had realised. He hadn’t wanted to break up with her. He probably wouldn’t have if the Colonel hadn’t insisted that this was the right move for his career. He needed to promote himself. He needed to appear open to all. The press liked to link him to his co-stars or to other celebrities. The hype that those news stories brought with them was not to be sniffed at but it lost all traction once people knew that it was all false. But that didn’t mean he didn’t love her. It didn’t mean that as he showered he wasn’t wondering where she was or what she was doing.
He supposed he could go and find out for himself. Her parent's house was mere miles away and he could be there in ten minutes. He could call her right now. But he couldn't. They couldn’t be together right now, he knew that. Maybe someday but not today.
After cleaning himself and running the water through his hair a couple of times he climbed out and wrapped himself in a towel. He shaved, brushed his teeth and then dressed so he could head downstairs and meet the Colonel. He was hanging around by the living room where his Mama, Daddy, and Dodger were sitting around.
‘Ah my boy,’ the Colonel said clapping Elvis on the shoulder, ‘are you ready for the off?’ ‘Yeah,’ Elvis said looking at his family. He could hear the boys in the front yard already waiting for him and his Daddy stood up as he came in. His Mama stayed put. ‘Aren’t you coming Satnin?’ he asked walking into the room and perching on the arm of the chair she was sitting in. He placed his arm around her and she leaned into him. ‘No Booby,’ she said looking up at him, ‘I’m not feeling too well tonight.’ ‘What’s the matter?’ he asked with worry, ‘need us to call a doctor?’ ‘No, no,’ Gladys said. ‘If you need me to stay I will,’ he said. His concern for his mother was real but the hope of getting out of performing tonight was also a key factor. He didn’t feel like doing much of anything. ‘Don’t be silly,’ Vernon said, ‘she’s fine right doll?’ ‘Yeah,’ Gladys said with a tired smile, ‘just all the excitement of having you home this week I think.’ ‘Well I’ll be back as soon as this things over,’ he said. ‘Not a moment too soon,’ she said. Elvis nodded and leaned down placing a kiss on her temple. Then with a sigh, he climbed up off of the chair and headed to the doorway.
‘Let’s get this show on the road then,’ he said heading outside his Daddy and the Colonel close behind him. Though he owned many cars there were only a couple waiting in his driveway and various men loitering by them. Scotty and Bill were by a big van where their instruments were stored whilst Billy, Red, Gene and his girlfriend, Judy, were waiting by his Eldorado.
‘Hey EP,’ Billy said, ‘we didn’t know which car you’d wanna take but I guessed the dorado.’ ‘Any’s fine,’ Elvis said moving around to climb in the passenger side. There was a glance shared between the boys and Vernon. Elvis liked to drive himself whoever else got a seat inside he didn’t care much about. He seemed to pick up on their hesitation and looked around to find everyone hovering. ‘Are y’all gonna git inside or am I going alone?’ Elvis asked his brows raised. ‘Of course ol’ boy,’ the Colonel said as he headed to the van. Vernon smiled at his son and followed the bigger gentlemen so they could sit in the back bench. Scotty and Bill climbed up front. ‘You want me to drive man?’ Red said. Elvis waved his hand in a sort of 'whatever' gesture and turned to look out over the fields of Graceland. Red grabbed the keys out of Billy’s hand and slid in beside his friend starting up the engine as Billy, Gene and Judy slid into the back seat.
Once everyone was inside Red set off down the drive with the van close behind. The screaming and excitement grew by the gate as it opened slowly. Elvis waved and smiled as banners, smiles and arms were thrown out at him. He shook a couple of hands, listening to the babble of teenage girls as it echoed around them. Then it broke away. Red had navigated his way safely and slowly through the mob until they were on the road headed to their gig. The car was quiet. Red had put the radio on but the DJ was the only one speaking for the first ten minutes of the journey.
They could have spoken. They had stuff they needed to run through about tonight’s show. But something was off with Elvis. And they were sure it was girl related. Elvis and his long-term beau had split for months now and until now he had seemed okay. Then he had come back home and he’d gone into one of his moods. One that seemed to be lasting into his performance tonight. It wasn’t a big thing. A little benefit gig with him and a couple of other artists, a favour to Sam Phillips. But it still deserved his attention. The people of Memphis weren’t going to take too kindly to being given a lacklustre performance, not when he’d been out there giving it his all in Hollywood.
‘So,’ Billy said after a beat, ‘have you and the boys figured out what you’re gonna do tonight?’ ‘Go out there, sing a couple of songs, what else is there to it,’ Elvis said sarcastically. ‘I was just wondering,’ Billy mumbled shrinking back into his seat. The conversation picked up a bit from there but Elvis didn’t participate much. He was too heartbroken. He missed her. How many times had they driven to shows around Memphis, hell, Tennessee? Laughin' and joking with the guys. Her quelling his pre-show jitters. Her falling asleep on him on the way back or the two of them taking the car home alone. Parking up somewhere secluded and hosting a little show of their own. Everything was hitting him that bit harder this week. It was the first of everything back home without her.
Elvis tried to tune them out. They had started talking about something or nothing, none of it really interested him until he heard Judy say something that caught his attention.
‘That’s what Darla said but Y/N said there wasn’t a chance-’ ‘You’ve seen her?’ Elvis said swivelling around. She looked at him wide-eyed and then at her boyfriend Gene whose expression matched hers. ‘W-w-what?’ Gene stammered. ‘Yes,’ Judy said overriding her boyfriend’s nervousness, ‘we went to Chrissy’s baby shower.’ ‘How was she?’ Elvis asked, hope in his voice. ‘Good,’ Judy said. ‘Oh,’ Elvis said his face falling into a frown. ‘I mean she seemed good,’ Judy said, ‘but I think it was just a front you know for Chrissy…’ ‘Yeah,’ Gene said, ‘can’t ruin someone else’s party.’ ‘You think?’ Elvis said looking at Judy with sad eyes. ‘I’ve not seen her much but Darla said she’s been pretty miserable…always moping about. Ducked out on a couple of parties which really stuck in Darla’s craw and,’ Judy said with a laugh though she stopped as her words must have come together in her head. ‘And?’ Elvis said. He needed to know whatever it was. Good or bad. ‘And apparently, this is all from Peg so god knows if it’s true but she was at the church bakesale and apparently threw the radio across the room when your song came on.' ‘Honey Peg talks a crock of shit,’ Gene said earning a glare from his friend. ‘I thought so too but Rhonda said the same thing. Well apparently it was more of a crying and running out situation but who knows? Apparently, her mom just carried on like nothing was wrong.’
Elvis nodded taking in all the information his friends had relayed to him. There seemed to be a little more discussion about the quality of Peg and her testimony before it devolved into church-based gossip and then into local news. But Elvis wasn’t paying any attention to that.
She was doing about as well as he was. She was miserable. And if she wasn’t miserable she hated him. Though it made him sad to think of the way they used to be Elvis smiled a little. At least if she was flying into rages or bursting into tears she was still thinking of him. Maybe there was still a chance.
They arrived at the venue in enough time for him and the boys to go over a few numbers. As they prepped themselves on stage he waited nervously in the wings trying to quell the nerves he was feeling. He could hear the compere riffing with the crowd trying to lift the lull of setting up for the next act. As he cursed the nervousness he always felt pre-show he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to find Sam Phillips smiling at him with his right-hand woman, Marian, next to him.
‘Hey Elvis,’ Sam said embracing the young man. ‘Heya Sam,’ Elvis said, ‘shouldn’t y’all be sat down? ‘Oh, we were. Just wanted to see you. Nervous?’ ‘A little,’ Elvis shrugged. ‘Oh well you’ll be fine,’ Marian said dusting a spec of dust off of his shirt as she looked up at him adoringly, ‘you always are.’ ‘Sure are,’ Sam said, ‘thanks for being part of this by the way. I know you’re a big name now but it really means a lot.’ ‘It’s no big deal,’ Elvis said a little bashful. ‘We mean it. With all the attention you got us we’ve managed to sign some pretty good new talent,’ Sam said earning himself a dig in the ribs from Marian. ‘Now’s not the time to talk shop,’ Marian said rolling her eyes, ‘but we’re thankful regardless.' ‘You guys are like family,’ Elvis said, ‘I’d do anything for you you know that.’ ‘Speaking of,’ Marian said, ‘your mama not here tonight? I don’t think I saw her in the crowd.’ ‘Not feeling too well,’ Elvis said. ‘Well I hope she’s better soon,’ Marian said with a kind smile. ‘Y/N not feeling too well either? Shame for both of them to miss a night like this,’ Sam said. Elvis’ smile disappeared at the same time Marian elbowed Sam again. ‘Ow,’ Sam grumbled, ‘I was just asking-’ ‘We broke up,’ Elvis said trying to ignore the lump in his throat as he did. ‘I did say but you know what he’s like he never listens to me,’ Marian said rubbing her hand on Elvis’ bicep. ‘Oh yeah,’ Sam said, ‘she’s getting married right? Shame. The pair of you were well suited.’
Before he could reply he was being introduced and the two of them were shooing him onto the stage unknowing they had just dropped a bombshell on him. He stumbled onto the stage and plastered a smile on his face. It was time to get on with the show.
It had passed in a blur. He’d been his upbeat usual self. The crowd had lapped it up. His voice was good, his dancing electric but to those who knew him, it was evident his heart wasn’t in it. As soon as he was off stage he was telling the boys to take the others home in the van and taking the keys out of Red’s hands. That was how he had ended up here. Outside Y/N’s parent's house sitting in his car.
He didn’t know what he wanted or what he expected. Did he think that when he pulled up she’d be sitting on her front porch thinking about him? That she’d rush into his arms and they’d be back together again? He knew he was probably being foolish. Selfish even. After all, he’d been the one to end things what right did he have to come back into her life all these months later just to see if she was still heartbroken? And if she was doing okay? If she had moved on or even thought about getting married so what? What control did he have over that?
If he was being honest to himself though. He didn’t know what he wanted more. At least if she was angry and heartbroken she was still his. There would still be a chance. But if she had moved on he couldn’t blame her. It had been a situation of his own making. But that second option was worse. He’d rather all the vitriol and hate than her not knowing he existed.
He was sitting in his car, his eye trained on the house. He could’ve gone up and knocked but given the earful her dad had given him when he rang Graceland the day after they’d split he figured it was probably better to loiter and see if she was home first. That and her bedroom light was out which meant she was probably out. He wondered where. With friends? With family? With him?
Eventually, Elvis was pulled out of his thoughts as the front door opened. As he looked up Y/N stepped out onto the front porch. She was lit only by the porchlight but Elvis could see she still looked radiant. Then as she moved out of the way someone else stepped through the door. A guy. She was laughing at something he had said and he was watching her with a smile. As the door closed behind them he pulled her into him, his hand moving a strand of hair out of her face. Elvis’ heart sank.
She looked up at this man adoringly the way she had used to look at him. Elvis watched as the man leant down and captured her lips with his. He watched them, unable to tear his gaze away until finally, they broke apart. They exchanged some pleasantries and then he was walking off the porch and down the drive, though their hands lingered touching for a moment before he went. He looked back a couple of times as he headed to his car and Y/N watched him go until finally, she slipped back inside, not knowing their goodbye had just been watched.
She hadn’t even been inside a minute before Elvis was grabbing his keys and climbing out of his car. He had parked across the street but he was across the road in no time walking down the sidewalk until he was on her drive heading up it quickly. As his foot hit the first step of the porch he heard a noise behind him and looked to find the man standing at the end of her drive.
‘I wouldn’t do that you know,’ he said. He was leaning against a fence post watching Elvis. ‘Oh yeah?’ Elvis said scrutinising the guy. He was as tall as Elvis, maybe an inch shorter at most, and they were built the same though Elvis was a tiny bit more filled out. He was tanned and he had blonde hair that Elvis doubted would be any different to his if he hadn’t started dying it. ‘She’s not in the mood to talk to you,’ he said simply walking away. Elvis looked between the house and the guy and then with a cuss word under his breath he followed him. The man was perching on the hood of his car now. It was a black Buick, nothing too showy but nevertheless a nice car.
‘How do you know what she is and isn’t? What are you her keeper?’ ‘Fiance,’ he corrected. Ice formed in Elvis’ stomach. It was true. The man continued, ‘I mean that’s why you’re here right?’ ‘How did you even know I was here?’ Elvis said. ‘Well, I figured it could just be a coincidence a car like the one my girl's ex drives was sitting on her street,’ he shrugged, ‘but then again I figure there aren’t too many custom-coloured Eldorados out there.’ ‘Look-’ Elvis said suddenly realising he didn’t know the man’s name. ‘Austin,’ he said gesturing for him to continue. ‘Look Austin,’ he said in a faux sweet tone, ‘I get you wanna warn me off your girl or whatever but I came to speak with her. And if I know her I’d bet she’d want to speak to me herself rather than her guard dog so…’
Elvis started to turn to walk towards the house but Austin spoke capturing his attention as he said, ‘I ain’t gonna stop you but I am gonna ask that you don’t speak to her.’ ‘And why shouldn't I?’ Elvis said. ‘Because she’s happy,’ Austin said simply, ‘or at least she’s seeing she can be. You broke her heart. When I met her she was a wreck. A wreck that was pretending she was okay. And now she’s not. She’s moved on and if you go in there and tell her whatever you’re going to it’ll only mess with her head.’ ‘But maybe I was wrong,’ Elvis said a twinge of sadness flooding him as he listened to the man's words. ‘Maybe,’ Austin said, ‘but maybe you did the right thing.’ ‘What by letting her meet you you mean?’ Elvis said with a scoff. ‘Yeah,’ Austin said, ‘because I never in a million years thought I’d land a girl as sweet, funny and beautiful as her. I mean I know I’m not the most handsome or the richest guy but she loves me. And I love her more than anything. And I plan on spending every single day of my life proving to her just how much I do love her. Just because you were too blind to see what you had doesn’t mean that she deserves to have her heart messed with.’
Elvis thought he’d had the wind knocked out of him. Austin was watching him with pleading eyes. Elvis glanced between him and the house. He could go up there now. Knock on the door and tell her how much he loves her. Hope that she’d pick him. But did he want that? Or did he just want her back because he was upset she’d managed to get over him?
‘I’m not gonna stop you,’ Austin said, ‘just think about it.’
And with that, he turned and got into his car and pulled away leaving Elvis standing on the sidewalk watching as his car disappeared down the end of the street. With one last look at the house, he sighed. And then he headed back to his car and climbed inside. As he looked at the house again he could see her through her bedroom window. She was in pyjamas now, backlit by the low lamplight, and stunningly beautiful. She was just getting ready for bed unknowing that she was being watched.
She seemed okay. Happy. Isn’t that what he wanted?
Elvis sighed. Maybe he liked it better when he thought she was miserable.
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They’re gay, your honor
Arin and his boyfriend Caelitis, who predictably enough belongs to @irascibleshadowscape
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For those who would like a Gen Z/Modern Harry Potter, but still want to rock a cohesive timeline, I have something to offer you.
The following is a set of altered years for a Gen Z/Modern Harry Potter:
Dumbledore born - 1900 (1881)
Dumbledore Breaks From Grindiwald - 1930 (unknown)
WW2 - 1939 (real world event)
Tom Riddle born - 1928 (1926)
Tom to Power - 1972 (1956 - aproximate)
Grand Malfoy born - 1932 (1930)
Grand Potters born - 1936 (unknown)
Lucius Malfoy born - 1974 (1954)
Grand Evans born - 1948 (unknown)
Petunia Dursley born - 1976 (1958)
James & Lily Potter born - 1980 (1960)
Harry Potte born - 2001 (1981)
Harry to School - 2012 (1991)
Please keep in mind that timeframes such as Dumbledore and Grindelwald coming to power (which is shorter) and Tom coming to power (which is longer) are intentionally done in this manner to keep an over all adhesion to certain other parts of the timeline. I also included original years for the alterations as well incase that helps any.
Please remember to do your own research as well, but hopefully this comes in handy.
Disclaimer: This timeline was made by @cryptid-crow-writing (who is a 2001 Gen Z baby) mainly for their own use when writing fanfiction. The timeline is available for any who wish to use it, but is otherwise Crow’s own nonsense and shared in what they hope is a polite, kind, and helpful manner, Either way, hope you have fun.
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maliciouscrow · 4 months
As of 73 Yards, Ruby Sunday has died 3 times within 5 episodes. Girl is gunning for Rory’s record at this rate
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eggo-tistical · 1 month
thinking about post-yotsuba light going about his new life and never outrunning himself.
it starts out relatively innocent: adding extra sugar to his coffee in the mornings and when he realizes it he dumps the lot in the sink.
opening his mouth to say that he’s done in the shower, then closing it right back up.
having a brief conversation with the task force and getting frustrated when they don’t catch onto his point immediately.
seeing a pair of baggy jeans and a white longsleeve tee in the window of a store, walking a little faster on the street.
developing the habit of circling his hand around his other wrist like a phantom handcuff.
checking the weather report almost obsessively, staying inside if it rains.
throwing out the worn chess set in his bedroom when he can’t stand to look at it any longer.
then it gets worse; glancing at his own reflection in the mirror, dark circles underneath his eyes, before always turning off the lights whenever he’s in the bathroom.
visiting bookstores to buy armfuls of shitty ‘who done it?’ mysteries, promising himself to get some reading in before sleeping, but they all end up beneath his bed as he pulls more and more all-nighters.
turning into somewhat of an adrenaline junkie, allowing his family (who are all so proud of him) or misa to rope him into day trips to amusement parks, if only to feel his heartbeat go faster and his palms start to sweat (all natural human reactions).
scrolling on his laptop and encountering this stupidly colorful ad for a dessert cafe that just opened, turning in his chair to ask a ghost if it wants to go.
curling up below the covers in the dark, twisting around absentmindedly to pose a riddle or protest another accusation, and only finding a cold dip in the mattress where L used to lie next to him.
but it’s fine. it’s fine because he’s kira, and this is his new world, and he won. he has won, alone in his room, his life, and living — he is alive, he’s sure of it. and that’s more than his equal can say.
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iknowicanbutwhy · 4 months
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"You could recite their lines perfectly for them" yeah? Well they can, too
Continuation of this.
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Prompt 316
De-aged Danny but! He’s been de-aged because a time-traveller didn’t want to kill a kid, like that’s a whole ass teenager, but they also didn’t want the whole Dan timeline to happen. And well, they see that the kid’s parents… Yeah those are some mad scientists. 
Therefor! The solution: de-age the kid and take them somewhere else, where someone can raise them right! It’s perfect! The only issue, something they didn’t know about? Danny is a halfa, which means he has medical issues, ones which now that he’s much, much younger and more fragile? Are very much causing problems. Major ones. 
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lotus-pear · 8 months
do you ever think about the tragic fact that odasaku's dying words to dazai were to become a good man, to be on the side that saves people.....which leads to the creation of the beast universe as dazai, in his grief and denial, finds the book and alters reality with the mentality "then....that means saving you too, right?"
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heroesspirit · 1 year
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HW Link in aus, reblog if u agree
In order from left to right: Linked universe, bonus links, ageless soul, limited hero, hazy horizons, fractured timelines, heroes spirit, linked maze
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rwac96 · 1 month
Altered Timeline
What if Summer survived and was still with Tai? How different will that AU be?
"Remember, Ruby," Summer Rose said to her youngest daughter, Ruby, as she adjusted her hair and cloak. "focus on your studies, be your best self, and no overindulging on sweets."
"Mooom," Ruby whined to her mother, "I'll be fine."
"You and your sister still nearly gave me and your father a heart attack over that Dust Robbery incident," she turns her silver eyes to Yang, "and that fight in the night club."
"They were crooks," Yang defended, ignoring the glare from her father, Taiyang.
"Just," Summer takes a deep breath, giving her girls a stern glance, "both of you: Stay out of trouble. Is that clear?"
"Yes, M'am," the two girls said, as they grabbed their perspective luggage and made their way towards the Bullhead. "Bye, Mom! Bye, Dad!"
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ahappydnp · 2 months
and when they drop another one of these then what
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Another boy!!!!
Arin(He/Him), recently revamped for the better!
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gio-scrabbles · 6 months
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“Shadow the Hedgehog vs the World” Poster Redux
Here is the final render of the poster that started it all over a year ago! This is for an AU I am still working on. I have a summary of the story and the original rough draft of the poster down below ⬇️
The story centers around Shadow the Hedgehog transporting himself to a new yet hostile world,
a world where GUN becomes corrupt,
a world where Black Arm/organic hybrids cause chaos within the umbra of society,
a world where Shadow died,
after Sonic is accidentally taken through a portal. Specifically in a Westopolis that will soon face the Promised Day.
Within the city, he is faced against a disgraced scientist as well as Sonic’s kidnapper named Dr. Kreo along with their hybrid experiments and their acquaintance, Doom’s Eye. In order to return him and Sonic to their own world, he must either follow every whim of the Doctor within the underground of Westopolis, or trek into the world to find the chaos emeralds. It won’t be easy to achieve the latter, however, as he is now a wanted suspect by gun due to stealing something, or rather someone, valuable to them as well as being a Black Arms hybrid, an ultimate lifeform, out in the open.
Will Shadow let humanity defy his destiny once again to save those he value, or will he face against the world to risk his powers and potentially his life in order to keep his newfound identity intact while protecting those in his own way?
Here is the original poster for reference:
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llumimoon · 1 year
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Introducing the Erased AU!!! or as I like to call it: The Mysterious Disappearance of Normally Oak
Hehehehe I actually came up w/ this back in May (with the help of @kaseyskat <3) but it's been modified to be more canon compliant since some recent things got the brain gears turning :]c
The premise is essentially Norm and Dood do some. very silly goofs. aka w/out telling anyone Normal decides to go back to the Doodler's home dimension w/ Dood to keep them company and through some magic shenanigans everyone now has no recollection of Normal or the Doodler apocalypse- everything is a picturesque happy ending... or is it?
Sparrow is the first to realize something's up due to her new art studio being where Normal's bedroom used to be, but the others aren't very far behind. They all have to put the clues they discover together in order to figure out what happened and bring Normal back. Speaking of, I dunno how long a human can last in an eldritch dimension after all...
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maria-tries · 6 months
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