#Always with the counting with you guys huh 😅
chukys-mouthguard · 4 months
What if?
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Genre: fluff
Word count: 3,229 words
Featuring: matt rempe x female reader
Warnings: drunk guy being an asshole at the bar, aggressive/protective Matt
Note: okay, this is the first thing I’ve written in years, please be kind 😅 I just got a thing for this man now idk
feel free to send in some requests or let me know if you want more to this story? Not sure if it will be a one off or a little series
“Okay, how do I look?” You walk down the hall of your apartment, stopping to pose for Matt so he can give you his stamp of approval. He eyes you up and down, as if he is going to deliver some harsh critique. Your outfit is nothing crazy; jeans, a gray long sleeved bodysuit, black heeled boots, and a small cross body bag. With the New York City weather still chilly out, you figured it would keep you warm along with the alcohol you’d be consuming.
“Beautiful as always. But let’s try and keep the collecting of guys' phone numbers to a minimum tonight huh?” You laughed as you playfully smacked Matt’s arm. Making your way to the fridge to grab your High Noon you’d started sipping on before getting dressed. “Don’t tell me you’re jealous Matthew Rempe.” He shot you a cocky smirk as he leaned on the kitchen island next to you. “Me? Jealous? Never. Because I’m the one in your apartment and not them.” You rolled your eyes as you swallowed down the last bit of seltzer before unplugging your phone from the charger nearby. “Okay Mr. Chauffeur, let’s hit the road.”
You loved having Matt in NYC playing with the Rangers. The two of you had been best friends since you were teenagers, though you’d lost touch a bit once you moved to New York. Matt’s stint in Hartford allowed the chance to slowly reconnect, but having him now with the Rangers was even better. The two of you often spent nights at each other's apartments, going out to dinner, and of course you attended every home game you could to see Matt play.
You’d always had a soft spot for Matt. Sure he was a bit intimidating being practically 7 feet tall, his knuckles cut up or bruised half the time, and a black eye never seeming to catch you off guard anymore. But you’d gotten close enough to see the side of him most people don’t experience. Though you never imagined your relationship being anything more than what it was. Friends, and nothing more than that. But you couldn’t deny the way you had paid attention to how he’d grown into a man. He had outgrown his awkward phase, and you now looked at him and saw him as handsome, not cute or adorable like he was when you were growing up.
You constantly find yourself thinking, what if you weren’t just imagining things? When he spends the night and walks into your room wearing just a towel after a shower. The way he hugs you and lingers longer than just a friend would. The way he takes care of you when you’re drunk. Or nights like tonight, where he’s willing to stay up late to be your designated driver when he’s got an early morning skate and a big game tomorrow night.
Just one day, one day you’d love to kiss him and see what happens. Or flirt a little extra and see if he takes the bait. But you also don’t want to lose your best friend in the process, or be turned down and embarrassed for thinking he’d ever feel that way about you.
“So what’s the plan for tonight?” Matt asks as he puts a hand on the back of your seat as he looks over his shoulder, backing out of his parking space. It’s such a cliche action, but boy does he look good doing it, and your heart certainly skipped a beat.
“The typical routine. Start at Tucker’s. Then move on to 1989. Then finish-“ “At Coop’s?” Matt smirked as he looked out at the road. One hand on the wheel with the other resting on his thigh. He was literally in jeans and a hoodie yet somehow he looked just as good as he does in a suit on game day. “Either that means I go out too much, or you’re finally starting to pay attention when I tell you things.” “Definitely not paying attention, it’s you going out too much.” He laughed as you playfully punched his arm, pulling out your phone to text your friends that you were a few minutes away.
“So Cooper’s closes at 2:30, but I honestly don’t think I’ll last that long. Especially because someone has a big game tomorrow! And I wanna be well rested. So let’s plan for like 12:30/1? Is that okay?” You looked at Matt a bit apologetic, knowing he’d have to be up early for morning skate. But he was always adamant about driving you, no matter what time it was.
“Of course, you know I’ll be here no matter the time. I’ll plan to be at Coop’s around 12:45. I’ll come in to get you too, it’s gonna be cold and dark out. I don’t want you walking to find me.” You put a hand to his cheek as you make a joking pouty expression. “Aww, such a gentleman Matty.” He smiled at your touch, almost leaning into your hand as he looked back at you, “Anything for you. Now go on, I know the girls are waiting. Text me if you need anything, and I mean anything y/n. I’m not that far of a drive.” You let out a sigh as you undid your seatbelt, “Honestly Matt, nothing to worry about, I’ll be fine.” You blew him an air kiss as you exited the car, heading into the first bar of the night. Matt sat and watched you show your ID to the man at the door, waiting until he saw you get inside safely to drive away.
As promised, Matt arrived at Cooper's around 12:45. He was thankful that you and your friends chose to end your nights at a bar that wasn’t too crazy, but also not too crowded that he might be recognized. Just to be safe he threw on a hat to shield his face as much as he could, though the bar was so dark he doubted anyone would be able to make out his face in the crowd.
He handed his ID to the bouncer before making his way inside. He texted you a simple “I’m here”, you would know his typical meeting place and where to go. You were in the restroom when Matt texted, quickly replying “bathroom, be right out” before you sighed as you stared blankly at the wall. The line in the girls restroom always 100 times longer than it was for the guys.
Matt didn’t mind waiting, he checked some scores on his phone. Assuming that the line was long since girls love to use the buddy system when going to the bathroom. He scanned the crowd and enjoyed people watching, nodding his head and smiling softly as your friends gave him a wave from across the bar. He checked the time again, before glancing over towards the hallway to find you pushing past a crowd of girls to exit the restrooms. He chuckled to himself as he saw the frustration on your face, knowing you probably waited 20 minutes just to pee. He started to walk towards you but fell back as he noticed a guy stop you in your tracks.
“Can I help you?” You looked at the man a bit confused, you’d recognized him from the crowd of people, but hadn’t interacted with him much. He was out with a group of guys for someone’s birthday. You only knew that because they mentioned it to you and your friends at least 30 times. Definitely trying to help the birthday boy get laid. “I noticed you’d left your friends, I thought maybe my shot at getting to buy you a drink was gone.” You chuckled to yourself, why does this have to happen in front of Matthew?
“Oh, yeah, I’m actually on my way out. So, maybe another time. Sorry.” You try to excuse yourself but he moves with you, cutting you off. “Oh come on, one more drink isn’t gonna hurt anyone. Or if you want we could go somewhere else, just the two of us and get a drink.” He had a cocky grin on his face as you looked at him in disgust. He was clearly drunk, and wasn’t keen on taking no for an answer. You looked at Matt standing just a few feet away, a concerned look on his face as he wasn’t sure what was going on.
“Look, I’m not interested, okay?” He scoffed as he seemed to be a bit insulted by your comment. “Not interested, you and your friends were dancing right up against our group all night. I saw the way you were eyeing all of us guys, I’d say you were interested sweet heart.” You gagged at the smell of alcohol on his breath as he got closer to you. “Yeah news flash buddy, it’s a small fucking bar. My option was dancing right next to people or on the bar.”
As you tried walking past him to get to Matt, you felt a tight grip on your wrist pull you back, “That sounds hot, can you put on a show just for me?” His hands attempted to grab more than just your wrists but before you could react Matt was already stepping in, pulling the guy away from you and pinning him to the wall by the collar of his shirt. “Don’t you dare fucking touch her like that.”
You were a bit taken aback at the way Matt stepped in. Sure he’d protected you from dumb drunk guys before, but never like this. His jaw clenched as his grip tightened on the collar of the man’s shirt. “And what the fuck are you gonna do about it huh? What are you her little brother or something? Ain’t no way you’re banging a bitch like that.” Matt’s grip tightened on his collar as he pushed him harder into the wall, “what did you just call her?!” His voice louder, drawing a bit of attention, thankfully none yet from the bouncer.
“A bitch, and what are you gonna do about it?” The drunk dumbass laughed in Matt’s face and you knew this wouldn’t end well.
Before you could step in, Matt’s fist connected with the guy's jaw, causing him to stumble to the floor. Before pulling himself together and running off to the restroom.
Matt shook his hand as he winced, immediately realizing he fucked up but his anger got the best of him. “Come on, let’s get out of here.” You grabbed his arm and pulled him toward the door. Thank god no one seemed to really notice the altercation that just took place.
The walk to the car was quiet as Matt was still fuming, you simply climbed into the passenger in silence. He gripped the steering wheel tight with his good hand as he peeled out of the parking lot. You sat next to him, studying his face to see when it might be a good time to say something. Blue and purple started to appear across the knuckles on the hand that threw the punch as he let out a large sigh.
“I’m sorry.”
You let out a soft laugh as you rested a hand on his thigh, softly holding his bruised hand, careful not to hurt him. “Sorry for what? You didn’t do anything wrong? You stepped in as I would’ve hoped you would the second that guy put his hands on me. Don’t be sorry for that!” He seemed to relax at your touch, so you kept your hand on his, slowly brushing your thumb over his skin to attempt to calm him down.
The rest of the car ride was quiet, the two of you heading back to Matt’s apartment since he had to be up early for practice. You kept your eyes on him, studying the look on his face, wishing you were in his head to know what the heck he was thinking. He took your hand in his as you two walked through the quiet parking garage, then headed up the elevator.
You knew your way around his place, first going to his room to grab an oversized t-shirt to throw on before heading to the bathroom to take off your makeup. Matt was sweet enough to go out and buy you your own toiletries to keep at his place. Including your makeup remover and even your 4 step skincare routine.
Matt came to join you in the bathroom as you brushed your teeth. He smiled at the sight of you as he leaned against the wall: your hair in a messy bun, his oversized Seattle Thunderbirds t shirt covering you up enough while still giving him a good view of your legs. “What?” You chuckled as you tried not to choke on the tooth paste threatening to fall from your lips. He just shook his head, “Just glad nothing bad happened to you tonight. I’m glad I was there.” He took your hand, his fingers fiddling with yours, “I just kept thinking what if i wasn’t there, I couldn’t handle it if anything would’ve happened.”
You looked at him in the mirror, relief and exhaustion covered his face. “I’m really glad you were there too, but I really hope we don’t end up with a possible scandal on our hands.” You started laughing as you exited the bathroom, Matthew following suit. “New York Rangers rookie Matthew Rempe gets in a bar fight over a girl.” You spoke in a sarcastic newscaster voice as you made your way to the freezer, grabbing a bag of frozen peas to tend to Matt’s fist bearing the proof of his heroic actions at the bar.
Matt chuckled along with you before wincing at the feeling of the cold bag on his hand, “If it happens, so be it, I was ready to knock that son of a bitch out after what he said to you.” You shot him a glare, “Matthew Rempe. Absolutely not, I am not worth you getting in trouble with the team because of a dumb bar fight.” He walked over to you, now the one shooting you a glare. His arms rested on either side of your waist as he gripped the edge of the counter. “Y/n, yes you fucking are.” You shot him a look as he swiftly picked you up and sat you on the island in front of him. A cocky grin coming across his face at how caught off guard you were, gripping his biceps tight as his hands now moved to rest on your thighs. “I’d fight 20 guys at the bar if they put their hands on you and said shit like that guy tonight.” His tone now more serious, his smirk fading as you two stared at one another for what seemed like an hour. The voice in your head screaming at you, this is your what if moment. Take it or leave it, but it may never come again. What if he’s trying to confess his feelings, what if he’s trying to make a move but he’s too scared. What if you just beat him to the punch. What if-
Before your brain could even rationalize a thought or an action, you felt Matt’s lips crash into yours. His hands cupping your face as yours snaked up his neck to grab a handful of his hair. The kiss like fireworks and a weight being lifted off your shoulders all at once. He began to smile into the kiss, before pulling away with a slight laugh.
“Oh yeah, that’s exactly what every girl wants. The guys she’s been dreaming of kissing to pull away laughing!” You rolled your eyes and frowned at him as a look of shock washed over his face. “Been dreaming of kissing huh??? I knew it!” You immediately turned red, covering your face with your hands, though Matt found it extremely cute.
His hands gripping your thighs before lifting you off the counter, “It’s okay, i get it. I’m sure there’s lots of girls out there who dream of kissing me.” “Matt! Shut up!” You laughed as he carried you down the hall into his room, tossing you on the bed while he finally changed out of his jeans and sweatshirt. “Hey, listen
if you’re interested, maybe we could work something out so that you can be the only girl who gets to kiss me from now on. How does that sound?”
You barely heard him, too busy staring as he stood in just his underwear in front of you. Your eyes tracing every detail of him before his laugh interrupted your thoughts. “Damn, one kiss and all of sudden you’re just head over heels huh?” You pull a pillow over your face out of embarrassment as you feel the bed sink beneath his weight. Matthew now hovering above you as he pulls the pillow away from your face.
He brushed some hair from your face as your fingers play with his chain hanging from his neck, “you really want to kiss me and only me from now on?” You blushed as he shook his head laughing at you, “of course you goof! That’s all I’ve wanted for like the last 5 years, probably even longer!” You felt yourself trying to fight a smile, though you were sure your cheeks were bright red, letting Matt know you liked his response.
He laid next to you as you continued to play with his chain, now resting on his chest. His thumb tracing circles on your thigh as you smiled like a dork to yourself, your heart bursting with excitement that all your what ifs had come true.
“So if I agree to this-“ you say up, trying to pull a serious face as you looked down at him. His hands still glued to your thighs, as if he couldn’t get enough of touching you now. “Do I get a cute custom Rempe jean jacket or something to wear to your games? Like I wanna be decked out and I want people to know that I'm the only girl you’re kissing from now on.” Matt rolled his eyes and laughed at your change of tone, as you babbled on and on about your ‘conditions’ should you agree to this. But he loved the thought of you in a Rempe jacket at his games, getting to see afterwards and kiss you like crazy after a big win, to have you be his biggest fan cheering him on every night. Even though you already were, now it would be more special.
Matt cut you off as he pulled you into his lap, his hand pulling your face to his as he kissed you. This time the kiss was soft, as he took his time to really take in the feeling of finally getting to kiss you and be this close to you. “If you be my girlfriend, I’ll get you whatever jacket you want, I’ll get you the best seats at the Garden for my games, you name it. Just make me the happiest guy ever and be my girlfriend!” You laughed at how he begged like a little kid who couldn’t contain their excitement.
“Yes-“ you peppered his face with a hundred kisses, “Matthew Rempe, I would absolutely love to be your girlfriend.”
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zepskies · 11 months
Like idk maybe say Sam didn't listen to Dean and tried making a move on reader? Like ofc he wouldn't ever do that *I don't think* but in this hypothetical scenerio it happens
Hey hun!
Oooof, that's hard. You guys really like this angsty love triangle stuff, huh? 😂 I genuinely think Sam would rather saw off his own hand than hurt Dean that way. But this is like, the only thing I could think of on this one. 😅
See this imagine for context: You are Dean's one exception.
Pairing: Dean W. x Reader, one-sided Sam W. x Reader Word Count: 1,100
Imagine: Sam crosses the line.
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Goddamn witches.
That's the last coherent thought Sam has, before his mind is no longer completely his to control.
Well, it's still his mind. His body. But the careful door in his mind and in his heart, reinforced with steel and chained shut with titanium, combo-coded, locked and loaded, now has broken hinges.
Thoughts he hasn't allowed himself to think for months are pried open, with a sick kind of enjoyment in pain.
You're his brother's girl. Sam can't help but love you. He wants you. And now, he might be able to have you.
The witch is dead, but the spell she just hit Sam with remains. He's not dead, so that's a plus.
"Are you okay?" you ask him, slightly breathless. You're the closest to where he's sprawled on the ground, so you go to him. You touch his arm, and he can't help but clamp down on your hand. He looks at you with the thinly veiled eyes of a hunter as he smiles. Because your concern reaches the deepest parts of him.
"I'm fine," he says.
But Dean reads the hunger in his brother's eyes. He's subtle in the way he grasps your shoulder and Sam's (noticeably tighter).
"But what happened? How do you feel?" you ask, trying to take stock of what you're all dealing with here.
"I uh...feel fine, actually," Sam says. He rolls his shoulders. His gaze focuses on you. Dean holds him back from getting off the ground.
"Get the book. See if there's a way to fix this," Dean tells you without taking his eyes off Sam.
Sam tilts his head at Dean, the beginning of an angry frown on his lip as you rush away to find the witch's spell book.
"What's the matter, Dean?" Sam asks. He doesn't bother to lower his voice. (He literally doesn't have a filter anymore.) "Afraid of what might happen when she actually has the chance to choose?"
Dean's lips purse as his eyes darken. "This isn't you. And when you wake up from this, you're either gonna hate yourself for even thinkin' what you're thinkin', or you're gonna have one hell of a headache."
Sam stares back incredulously. He scoffs. "What're you gonna do, kill me?" They both know that's not happening.
But that's also when Dean knocks him the hell out.
When Sam wakes, it's to you stuffing tissues in his bloody nose. He groans a bit. He looks at you and still wants. But when he looks down at himself, he's in the bunker, handcuffed to the war room table.
You look worried for him as you go back to your side of the table with the book. Dean is oddly nowhere in sight. Sam thought he'd be watching you (and Sam) like a hawk.
"Dean'll be back in a sec. He's trying to get ahold of Rowena," you supply. "But how're you feeling? What's the spell doing to you exactly?"
Sam rolls the kinks out of his neck and removes the tissues, even though his entire face radiates with pain. His brother once promised to break his nose, and he did just that.
"Basically? I think it took away my inhibitions," he replies. More like threw them in a blender and put his deepest, headiest desires into overdrive.
You frown. "Like a really bad bender, or a truth serum kind of thing? But why would he punch you out for that?"
Your gears are turning rapidly, weighing out all the options. You always were smart. Sam leans forward slowly. Noting your thread of wariness, his face softens. He doesn't want to scare you...
He sighs. "Listen...there's something I've been wanting to tell you for a while now."
He reaches out a hand. You're looking at him in frozen surprise. His curled fingers brush your cheek. He leans in toward your face.
But you flinch and pull away.
"What the hell are you doing?" you ask.
Sam should've known, but it still hurts him. His jaw clenches. The spell takes away his self-preservation, however.
Just as he might've tried with words to finally confess the depths of his heart, the door creaks open.
The sound of Dean's heavy boots approaching makes him flinch. But Sam looks over with an unrepentant stare.
Dean glances at Rowena, nostrils flaring. "Fix him." He gestures at Sam before he joins you on your side of the table, resting a protective hand on your back.
Rowena shoots him a droll look. "Only because you asked so nicely."
"I don't need fixing!" Sam argues, glaring at Dean. His voice echoes on the bunker's walls. "You're just afraid of what happens if she knows the truth!"
Your eyes widen further. You look from Sam, to your boyfriend. Dean's jaw is clenched tight.
"Okay, what the fuck is going on?!" you ask in earnest. Dean meets your gaze for a moment, his face tense. His reluctant eyes communicate to you things you never knew. Things that clog emotion in your throat. Dean turns back to Sam.
"Don't do this, Sammy. It don't end well for you," Dean says.
"Like hell," Sam retorts.
"Okay, sleep now, dear," Rowena says. And with a wave of her hand and a haze of violet, Sam's world once again blackens.
When he next wakes, he's in his own bed. Not restrained. He indeed has a massive headache, and it's hard to breathe through his still broken nose. He groans and turns, and his brother is there.
When the overwhelming guilt sets in, Sam knows he's himself again, with all the careful walls around his heart put back in place. Rowena must've broken the spell when he was unconscious. Dean can see the truth in Sam's eyes.
"There he is," Dean remarks dryly. "Our giant Jekyll and Hyde."
Sam inhales deeply. "Dean..." I'm sorry doesn't quite cut it.
"She knows," Dean says, after a moment. "Obviously."
Sam nods, swallowing past a lump in his throat. He hesitates to ask the next burning question, because part of him knows the answer.
"It doesn't change anything."
Sam's head turns at the sound of your voice. You stand in the doorway, with your arms crossed despite the disheartened look on your face. Your eyes meet his, steady and sad, but firm.
"I know," Sam says, with a small, self-deprecating smile. "I'm sorry...for all this."
"It's not your fault," you reply. Spell or no spell, the way he feels is not his fault.
You step into the bedroom and go to Sam's bedside, laying a hand on Dean's shoulder. That hand smoothes up his neck, and your fingers briefly thread into his hair. Another silent conversation passes between you and Dean, the way only lovers that close can accomplish.
After a beat, Dean nods and gets up out of his chair. He thumbs at your cheek; it's both an answer to your unspoken request and an endearment. Then he pats Sam's shoulder before he leaves you and Sam alone in the room.
Trust. That's what that is. Dean trusts you, and now that the spell has worn off, he trusts Sam again.
Sam meets your gaze. As awful as he feels, he still loves you. He knows you know by the way your gaze meets his.
All he wants to do is touch you.
To apologize, and to touch you.
He hates himself.
You shake your head. "I love you, Sam. As my friend. My brother."
"I know," he nods. "I'm sorry."
"You don't have to be sorry," you reply. "You just have to respect that."
"'Course, I do," Sam nods again. You would've never known, if not for the damn spell.
You surprise him by taking his hand. Yours is soft and warm and kind.
Always kind...
But never truly his to hold.
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AN: GAH! The Angst. You could bottle it. đŸ˜©
Want to know what that conversation was like between Dean and the reader after she "found out?"
Read It Here: You and Dean talk about Sam's feelings.
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Dean Winchester Imagines
Dean Winchester Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Dean W. Tag List:
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@melancholictearz @nic-kolas @sleepyqueerenergy @wayward-lost-and-never-found @thewritersaddictions @just-levyy @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @deanwanddamons @antisocialcorrupt @lacilou @adoringanakin @theonlymaninthesky @teehxk @midnightmadwoman @brianochka @branj19
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nothomegal · 9 months
Broo please Hear me out.. how would y/n react to pyramid Head/pyra giving them a paper flower??
(i bet pyra saw some survivor make a paper flower and just watched how they made it so he could make one for you cause like there's no actual flowers in silent hill)
Aww that's so sweet! Hope you don't mind if I respond with a lil' fic instead of a messy doodle 😅 I just have so many things to say!
"Little flower"
(Pyramid Head x GN Reader)
Warnings: none, just fluff!
World count: 1.6k
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—"What you're thinking about, big guy?"—
The voice of his human awokened the monster out if his erratic state. By the look on (Y/N)'s face, it seems like they've been trying to get his attention for a little while.
—“Is everything alright?"—
He let out a short metallic clank and nodded ones.
—“Just zoned out I see.”— you chuckle as you lean against his broad shoulder. —“I was daydreaming too, but had to stop when someone began to squeeze me a bit too much."— you add.
Squeeze-? Oh, right. The beast was currently walking through a corridor of the building they've unofficially turned into their home. Only that, Pyra was the one moving. (Y/N) meanwhile was being carried by the monster, their body effortlessly supported and held closely by one massive arm of their lover, whose grip was a bit too tight at that moment.
The two of them were silent most of the walk, just enjoying the presence of the other one. But the quietness was interrupted when (Y/N) softly hummed.
—"Have I ever told you you're very handsome?"— you playfully say as you look at his pyramid shaped helmet.
(Y/N) couldn't hide their grin, not when their lover lowered his head down as if he got flustered. Only when a small giggle escaped them is when Pyra squeezed them against himself, causing them to laugh instead.
—"Alright alright, I get it. No saying pretty things about the big scary Pyramid Head."—
Pyra doesn't react to their comment, at first. But soon a quiet little growl would slip from inside his helmet as he moves it to then gently nuzzle one of the edges against them. (Y/N) giggles again, and responds to the gesture by running one hand along the rough metallic surface of their lover's head.
Pyra's been acting very clingy since he had returned. A few hours prior he had left abrubtly, leaving his little human all confused. Despite being a tag startled, (Y/N) wasn’t too concerned, probably his duty as an executioner and punisher of Silent Hill calling. But imagine their surprise that when as soon as he came back, instead of a usual greeting like nuzzling his helmet against them or licking their cheek, the monster simply yoinked them up and began to walk with them in his arms.
The whole time their walk lasted, (Y/N) couldn't stop thinking about what Pyra could have in mind. They've been his for a long time already and know that things never happen out of the blue with him, there is always some sort a reason for everything he does. Though some could be quite... Silly or small, maybe straight up petty. (like when they were 'too tolerant' with a Creeper, a fucking bug. Jeez they probably were carried and manhandled like a rag-doll for a week-)
They zone back in when Pyra suddenly stops and gently sets them back on their feet. (Y/N) eyes the room curiously, but it seemed to have nothing out of the ordinary or special, just another abandoned room of Silent Hill.
—"So... You want to chill in here for..."—
Their voice quietens when the beast suddenly sticks the sword into the floor and stalks towards one of the few furnitures the room had. (Y/N) observes him in silence, curiosuty slowly morphing in confussion when they witness their lover open and take something from the inside. Huh? Okay... That's something new.
And the silence remains even when the monster turns back and begins to make his way towards them.
The executioner is known for his brutality and determination, never backing away or leaving his victim be, always hunting them down and providing the scariest of the punishments...
This is how everyone viewed him. Viewed it.
(Y/N)? They already seen a side of him that no mortal or creature could ever imagine, but it seems like such side had corners yet to reveal.
When close enough, Pyra reaches for (Y/N)'s hand and brings it towards himself, their palm facing up. Then, he places...
(Y/N)'s breath shakes a little and eyes wide when they see what was placed on their hand.
Flowers. Paper flowers.
The time seemed to freeze and reality fade away. (Y/N) couldn't believe their eyes. Pyra... Pyramid Head himself, just gave them a gift?...
They take in the apparence of said gift. The flowers weren't perfect, more like a bunch of scrunched paper shaped the best it can be into a flower. But even if the result wasn't the most perfect, the effort and care put into these was reflected... Wait, did...
(Y/N) slowly drags their gaze towards the monster, who was standing in front of them completely still.
...Did he made these?
...For them?
The silence was suffocating. (Y/N) remained frozen in place, their eyes now directed again to the flowers but their gaze seemed lost. The beast remained just as still, even his breathing got quieter.
Pyra is known for his steel composure. He never experienced anything like fear or anxiety. If anything, he is the sourse of these. But now? Now he's probably feeling something of this for the first time of his existence. Was that a bad decision? Did he reopened the already scarred wounds by reminding (Y/N) of the real world and the fact that they've been gone for so long? That they will never return to see the real flowers and life without him going absolutelly ballistic about it?
Maybe it is, maybe it was a bad idea... But the attempt was worth it, right?... They always observed the few pictures and paintings of nature with such fond eyes, trying to take in and store that little piece of landscape into their memory. They always showed particular likeness to flowers, sometimes drawing those and commenting which are their favorites. He never really got the point of these though, but (Y/N) liked them so it had to be important.
Only when he witnessed some unfortunate newcomer making some using paper, is when he really started to think about it. And after seeing how (Y/N) perked up when they saw yet another landscape drawing, something just snapped inside of him and he knew he had to take action.
And now, seeing how still his human is, he really began to second guess his decision. They must be dissapointed with the results, he had to try harder and be more careful... But it's so damn hard to fold the paper without breaking it with these damn huge hands of his-.
The sudden sensation of arms wrapping tightly around his waist pulled the monster out of his thoughts. Pyra tilts his helmet down, looking at (Y/N), who's face was hidden in his chest. Their shoulders would shake at times and a muffled huff would come out... Are... Arethey sobbing?
Pyra of course tensed, clearly affected by seeing his lover cry. But when (Y/N) lifted their head and looked up at him...
—"Thank you... Thank you so much...!"—
Yes, there were tears in their eyes... And so the shine of absolute hapiness and gratitude, so pure that it resembled the eyes of an angel, at least to him.
—"I-... It's just-..."— you let out a small chuckle as you struggle to put your thoughts and emotions into words. —"It's just... No one ever did something so... So loving and special for me."—
(Y/N) falls silent again as they snuggle closer to Pyra, most likely realizing that no ammount of words could express just how thankful they were. As they're clinging to their lover like a lifeline, they feel his body slowly relax and then contract just enough for him to wrap his arms around their form, hugging them back.
They stayed like this for a good ammount of minutes, just holding each other while (Y/N) spoke time to time, gifting Pyra with their lovely voice and more gratitude. It's a small thing, yes, but for (Y/N) is huge. Especially because a creature who never even concerned itself with such silly meaningless things like flowers made it, putting its time and effort into the gift for them.
When it became clear that the snuggles wouldn't end anytime soon, (Y/N)'s body is suddenly lifted into the air and swung over a shoulder to then be carried towards the closest wall. Despite being manhandled, (Y/N) couldn't stop smiling and would often giggle as they're transported like a sack of potatos. It's a bit of a contrast with the usual gentleness their partner handles them. But hey, Pyra's allowed to have some fun too!
They're both soon settled down, embracing each other once again. Pyra sitting and leaning against the wall while (Y/N) is cofortably nestled on his lap and against his chest. They observe the paper flowers, fingers carefully tracing along the imperfect petals that they're looking at with such love-filled eyes.
—"They're beautuful, really. You're very talented."—
A small rumbling groan escapes from Pyra's helmet as he tights his grip around them.
—"I'm serious! You're an amazing artist!"— you exclaim. —"Just look! Your hands and strenght have the triple of my size and power yet you still managed to make it look like a flower! Bet If I tried to make one it would end up looking like some cursed paper mess."—
He groans, clearly disagreeing with their statement. (Y/N) simply sighs with a giggle.
—"If you don't believe me then we could try to make some more later."— you cassually comment.
Pyra remains quiet, thinking. Eventually he makes a noise and dips his head in a small nod, agreeing with the suggestion. (Y/N) smiles, their eyes sparkling with excitement and joy, as genuine as from a little kid. 
The monster would definitely smile if he had a face for it. He haven't seen (Y/N) this bright and alive ever since they realized their feelings for each other are mutual.
Looks like his assumptions were right, flowers indeed are important for his human if it made them feel like this.
To be honest...
He kinda likes them too now.
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evolnoomym · 18 days
Secrets and Lies 🌜
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Gilf!Joel Miller, Dilf!Jack Miller x f!reader
Pt.1🌛 | Main Masterlist | Joel Miller Masterlist
Summary: The filthy Adventures continue, but now Jack joins the fun. Together they make your dream of taking them at the same time come true. But what about James?
Rating: 18+ mature content mdni!!!!
Word count: 4.5k
Authors note: Finally we got the long awaited Part 2. I hope y’all enjoy cuz I put a lot of energy into this and yes it’s filthy so don’t look at me. đŸ‘€đŸ€­
Warnings: no y/n, female reader, Moon is not a name necessarily but more a nickname, age-gap, controversial age gap, cheating, infidelity, unethical I guess, Joel doesn’t need blue pills, 2 other male OC’s, Joel=Grandpa Jack=Son James=Grandson, Moon has tits and a vagina, hair pulling, male receiving oral, female receiving oral, use of a butt plug, ass eating, fingering, deep throating, cream pie’s, fluff in between, nipple licking & biting, anal and vaginal penetration, dp, sucking+biting, Moon bites too, dildo use, lotsssssss of lube, ambiguous ending,
If I missed anything please let me know đŸ™đŸ»
Shoutout to @cafekitsune & @saradika-graphics for the dividers and big thank you to @joelmillerisapunk & @jennaispunk for beta reading. <3
Credit for the Gilf!Joel Pic in the Moodboard goes to @iamasaddie 😈
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so if you come across mistakes it might be due to that. đŸ˜…đŸ«¶đŸ»
🌜Songs that are the vibe🌛:
Crush - Ethel Cain
Love Is a Bitch - Two Feet
Guys My Age - Hey Violet
You Don’t Own Me - SAYGRACE, G-Eazy
Moth To A Flame - The Weeknd
BITCH - Allie X
Oh Child - The LION
Let Me Love You - Mario
I’m Yours - Isabel LaRosa
Love Game - Lady Gaga
BABYDOLL - Ari Abdul
Les - Childish Gambino
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After Jack had walked in on you and Joel, not a whole lot changed. In fact it seemed to only have gotten better for you. Who in their right mind would say no to two absolute hunks. Admittedly Joel had caught your eye first, but it was not undeniable that Jack was just as hot. Both are older men, mature, dominating and they know exactly how to treat a woman right. That dumbass of a boyfriend could never compare. James didn’t care about you, he was only focused on his own pleasure, but you know how pathetically he likes to brag about what a wonderful boyfriend he is. Perhaps you are not entitled to complain, you had cheated first, you are not good either but it’s worth it.
Every weekend the Millers have a family dinner, which of course being James girlfriend, you also get to attend those functions.
You are out on the back porch that oversees Joel’s beautiful lush garden, standing right by the railing, sipping on the aperol spritz that Jack had prepared for you. While the bitter sweet liquid easily goes down your throat, you watch James sit on a lounger by the pool, animatedly talking into his phone. Always busy talking to his bro’s.
As you frown into your drink you hear the glass doors slide open behind you. Picking up on their gruff, deep yet calming tone makes you immediately care less about the disappointment of another evening practically being ignored by your boyfriend.
Your frown turns into a smirk when they each come to a stop beside you and you can feel their eyes on the sides of your face.
They are equally accessing you, while you silently continue to sip on your beverage.
It’s funny, you are convinced that even if James would pay attention. Really look at you, he wouldn’t realize how not only his Father but also his Grandfather are undressing his Girlfriend with their eyes.
He is that dumb.
Joel is the one to break the peaceful quiet atmosphere. “Talkin’ to his goddamn buddies again, isn’t he?” A shiver runs up your spine from hearing his deep baritone so clear and close.
You scoff “Isn’t that what always happens, what did we expect, huh?”
Closing your eyes momentarily, you inhale deeply before continuing “But it’s not like I don’t have way better company, right?” You turn to Joel and then to Jack giving them both the smile they love seeing on your face.
“S’ right baby, you are in good hands.” Jack muses.
You look ahead smugly giggling.
“Why don’t you prove it?” It’s a challenge, would they dare to touch you when James is not far away. The flowy short skirt you decided to wear gave them the perfect opportunity and sure enough it didn’t take much longer before you felt two big warm hands slowly sliding down your back.
The sensation made your breath hitch and your mouth went dry, making you throw back the last bit of Aperol Spritz. Those big wandering hands made you feel incredibly flustered, you are pretty sure you must look like a tomato, all flushed. You could easily blame it on the unrelenting heat or the alcohol coursing through your body.
Both hands slipped past your skirt's hem, gently touching the back of your thighs and when they slide back up pulling the hem with them. One hand carefully stuffed the hem into the waistband of the skirt to secure it and you looked down at yourself to make sure the front looked unaffected.
Their hands are groping and kneading your ass cheeks so deliciously, it’s impossible to not get wet from their ministrations. Of course they can tell you struggle to keep your arousal concealed, your clenched thighs, elevated breathing, tense jaw and iron grip on the railing are already enough indication.
Either they had this situation all planned out or they are just truly that good at silently communicating. Without a saying a word, one hand move to pull your thong aside, while the other one sweeps through your moist folds, collecting a decent amount before pulling away.
Said hand which you now figure out belongs to Jack is held right in front of your face. You can smell the sweet-salty musk of your own juices on his fingers.
“Look at that baby, she’s messy, drooling all for us, ain’t she?” Your head turns to Jack, you are met with a questioning head tilt and a big smirk adorning his face. Whenever you look at them you ask yourself how you got so lucky. Jack, just like his Father, is insanely stunning. Fluffy dark brown hair, blue-grey eyes, a strong painted nose, his 3-day beard and those lips you loved feeling on your own.
It’s obvious that they enjoy playing with you.
“Go ahead Moon Love, say it, who does that little cunt belong to, huh?” He nods at you encouragingly.
“S.s..she he belongs to you” you nod stammering through the everlasting throbbing of your core.
“ ‘s a good girl, god job darlin’” Joel’s voice has your head whipping around to him. You can’t help yourself from smiling at his handsome face. Even though he’s 60 years old, you can’t deny how incredible attractive he is. His grey-white slicked back hair, the slight wrinkles around his eyes from smiling and that goddamn mustache have you wake in the knees. He’s a masterpiece.
You feel light headed, like floating, all from being sandwiched between them.
The three of you are swiftly pulled from the cloud y’all had been on by the sound of someone approaching.
Joel quickly slides your thong and skirt back in place, while Jack sucks on his fingers that had just been between your thighs. The obscene slurping noises made it hard to focus on James that suddenly decided he wanted to be part of the conversation.
You meet him halfway up the porch and he immediately slides his arms around your waist, pulling you close to his chest.
“What are we talking about,hm? Did Moon talk y’all’s ears off too about her new plant. Had that on the ride here.” He scoffs but tries to make it appear jokingly, when everyone already knows he is just being a condescending asshole for no reason.
“Nah was all us borin’ the pretty thing with our baseball nonsense, wasn’t it Jack?” Your heart soars at the way Joel perhaps not super subtly comforts you. He despises his Grandson for being such an inconsiderate boy.
When James acts like this, you feel less and less bad about what happens in secret and all the lies you tell him.
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Whenever you leave for Joel’s residence you tell your boyfriend you just want to catch up with your old friends and like the idiot that James is, he assumes you’re going to Sammy’s. You met her when you went to school to become a Kindergarten Teacher, she lives a couple hours away, that fact leaves you with enough time to spend playing with your two favorite Men in the world.
Every week, usually once, sometimes twice when the desperate need to feel their hands on your body takes over you meet up with them. In the beginning Jack was not allowed to participate, no, he could only watch from his seat how his Father defiled that sweet young girl. As much as Joel wanted to share, he struggled letting someone else have a piece of the cake, you were his precious Angel after all.
It felt so good when Joel let him eat you out for the first time and judging the iron grip Jack had on your hips, he seemed to be very excited as well. Unrelentingly lapping at your core until you came on his tongue screaming his name.
The frustrating part was that they never worked on you at the same time, which something you wanted so badly, so Joel offered to get you there.
That’s how you ended up bent over, with your knees planted on his Lazy-Boy, you were facing away from him leaning on the headrest.
“Moon Love, i know ya want to get these slutty holes filled,” he said while dragging his pointer finger down your drooling pussy and circling your puckered asshole “But I gotta prep ya for that first, can’t jus’ take the both of us without any training,hm?”
You know he’s right, they would probably hurt you if the preparation gets skipped, besides who said that couldn’t also bring you pleasure.
“Yes, I’m sorry, you are right Daddy. How will you do it?” You look over your shoulder back at him kneeling between your spread thighs, you really want to know what he had planned.
“Atta girl,” as he rose to his full height he clasped both cheeks roughly giving them a generous squeeze and pulling them apart to get another clear look at your tight hole.
“Jus’ wait a second baby, I’ve got somethin’ for ya,” with that he lets go of you.
The air shifted and you felt another pair of calloused warm hands on your plush behind, just barely grazing you in passing. After rounding you, Jack came to a halt before you and even when kneeling on the Lazy-Boy the crown of your head barely reached his chin.
“What do you think he will do to me?”
You are nervously chewing on your bottom lip and Jack reaches up with two fingers to pull it free. With the same two fingers he cradled your chin and tips your head up. “Don’t worry darling, whatever the old man has planned for you will be enjoyable. Ya know he got that experience he always brags about.” He winks at you before softly placing a kiss on your lips. It might’ve been just a quick peck but you immediately feel put at ease.
As you hear Joel come back down the stairs, Jack leans in to whisper in your ear “I’ll stay right here keep an eye on you Moon Love, hm?” When he pulls away he slightly nudges your head, his cheeky attitude makes you giggle. That’s the sound he loves so much that sweet, soft and melodic laughter fills his heart with pride.
You mouth a silent Thank you up at him.
“Ya two lovebirds havin’ fun without me, huh?” You turn your head back to Joel as he’s sitting down on the stool placed behind you. Yeah you definitely know where Jack gets his cheekiness from.
You give him your best cheeky smile “Nuh uh, we would neverrrr do that Daddy,” as you start persuasively rocking your hips from side to side.
“Tsk,tsk what a naughty little tease we’ve caught ourselves here,” you enjoyed when they almost behaved as if you weren’t right there, bend over between them.
“Anyway, I got a lil gift for our sweet girl,” Joel reached behind himself picking up a small rectangular black box and a bottle of
lube? You start frowning “Why do we need lube?”
“Cuz that sweet ass won’t get wet like your pussy baby, we will need lots of lube to make sure you have a good time.” He nods reassuring and hands you the little black box “Go on open it, show Jack what’s in the box,”
So you turn around holding it up to Jack and shake it to see if there’s any indication through sound but nothing happens.
“Okay, come on baby stop playing around and open it I’m curious,”
You slowly lift the lid off and all you see is what looks like a half-moon shaped topaz diamond surrounded by some black foam.
“A diamond?” You are quite confused, both had gotten you gifts before but this seems different.
Joel laughs darkly while gripping your hips “Ain’t for ya finger Angel,” one of his big hands is placed on your spine urging you to arch your back more. Before you can even think about it any longer you feel something wet and warm flickering over your puckered hole. Joel’s tongue. His beard scratches your cheeks so nicely.
“Fuckkkk, th..that feels so good,ughh” you are unable to hold the moans back.
He alternates between using the flat of his tongue on your neglected core and the pointy end on your asshole trying to wiggle his way in.
“Yes, yes Godddd Daddy, don’t stop,”
The shock of the sudden unknown stimulation has you forgetting all about the black box, but luckily Jack is right there. You don’t even register that he has taken the diamond out of its foam casing, until something cold and smooth touches your cheek. When you look up at him he’s holding onto the moon diamond but now you can see that it’s a lot more than just that.
“Wh..what is that?” You struggle to formulate straight sentences with Joel treating your cunt but mainly your asshole like a 4 star dinner.
It looks like an oval shaped metal egg is attached to the diamond, you’ve never seen anything similar before. Jack chuckles at your surprised face “ ‘s a butt plug, sweetheart, used to stretch little holes like yours.” He starts tracing over your lips with the oval shaped ending “open up baby.” Jacks dirty words combined with Joel’s tongue have your thighs quivering, hands clawing at the top of the headrest, breath coming out in short huffs. You are close to unraveling and Joel can feel it by the way your holes are furiously clenching around his tongue.
You do without further notice, dropping your jaw, rolling your tongue out and letting Jack places the cold metal into your warm waiting mouth. You wrap your lips around the toy, sucking and swirling your tongue all around.
“Yeah, atta girl suck on it before we’ll plug up your little ass” he strokes the hair out of your face and pats your cheek affectionately, glancing down at you with an adoration that is strictly reserved for you.
Yes the three of you are doing something forbidden, something that should feel bad, but its more than just mindless sex, more than a impulsive decision. You love Joel and Jack, you’ve reached a point where you can admit to have fallen not only for your boyfriend’s Dad, but also his Grandfather. Sometimes you wish to never have met James, as his part in this situation is more than inconvenient but it was necessary.
You gasp loudly around the metal in your mouth when you sense Joel’s tongue being replaced by one of his thick digits.
“Hm baby, that ass of yours ‘s the best I ever tasted, a goddamn delicacy,” while he slides the tip of his pointer finger through your slit, collecting your wetness and spreading it all over your asshole. “Look at how wet ya got sweet girl, all from that ass played with,huh?”
You reach a hand up to Jacks holding on to the plug, urging him to pull it out and once he dies you turn your head back to Joel.
He feels like the luckiest man alive when you gaze at his weathered face with your fucked out expression and gorgeous smile.
He grabs the lube bottle and tilts his head up at you “want me to put a finger in that tight hole, stretch it out more, before I push that plug in and send ya home to him.”
Before you even have the chance to respond, Joel has already squeezed a generous amount of lube onto your hole. You jump slightly at the cool gel texture that collides with your hot core. “Okay sweetheart, last chance, ya want that finger in your ass, yes or no?” Only now does it occur to you that he actually wants audible consent for what he’s about to do to you. It reminds you how precious this bond is, James, in comparison, rarely cared enough to ask you. He just took what he wanted.
As you continue to trace Joel’s face with your eyes, you reach a hand behind yourself to cup his scruffy cheek “Yes Daddy, I’d love for you to fuck my ass with your fingers, before you plug me up and send me back to him.”
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On the ride back to the flat you share with James, you reminisce about how the evening continued to unfold. Joel didn’t just fuck your ass with one finger, no, in the end he stretched you till three of his meaty digits fit.
That alongside his eager mouth sucking on your pulsing clit and Jack whispering sweet filth in your ear, had you coming in no time.
When you started to come down from reaching that high, Joel slowly with more lube added pushed the plug into your winking hole. The previous penetration made it incredibly easy and rather pleasant than uncomfortable.
Before Joel called you an Uber, he gave you intensive instructions on how to use the plug the next few days to help make the goal of taking their cocks at the same time somewhat easier.
Of course to prove that you are a good girl for them, you did just as instructed. Spending every free minute bent over in front of the bedroom mirror alternating between using the toy or your fingers.
Now almost a week later you are currently getting ready in the bathroom for the weekly Miller Dinner, putting the finishing touches to your make up and adjusting your hair. The dress you want to wear already laid out, all that’s left to do is insert the plug and off you go.
James is so obvious he doesn’t question at all why you would be so excited for the routinely Dinner, practically buzzing in your seat, giddily singing to the music blaring through the speakers with a big smile plastered across your face. In your dream you’d like to sandwiched between them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all the time. You miss them the second you leave Joel’s house, only in their company you feel so light and free.
You almost run towards the massive entrance door after James had parked his car but stop yourself at the last moment, instead waiting patiently for your boyfriend to put his hand on your lower back and push you towards the house. When the door opens it’s as if all the stress from the outside world falls away, a big weight lifted off your chest.
Again, if James would be more observant he’d notice that the way his Father and Grandfather hug you is longer than appropriate. How their hands glide down your back to squeeze your ass, noses buried in your neck to get a good waft of that sweet bourbon vanilla perfume Jack had bought for you. Speaking of Jack he has the cheekiness to not simply grope your butt, no, he decides to feel for the plug and give it a push. All while James is right there busy taking off his shoes.
As usual, when you sit down to eat at the huge maghony dinner table, it doesn’t take 5 minutes before James pulls out his phone to text god knows who. His blatant disrespect used to upset you but his extra distraction now is more than useful now. While he’s talking without a pause about the great weekend he’ll have with his buddies just a couple hours away from Austin on a camping trip. You have already begun to tune him out as you discreetly slide your spandex covered foot up Joel’s shin, all the way up over his thigh until you gently tap at his crotch his bulge more than apparent.
James nagging voice addressing you directly pulls you from the cloud you had just been floating on “Babe you gonna be okay without me?” As if you hadn’t survived many nights without him. “Of course baby, I’ll pay a visit to some old friends.” You respond while winking at Joel and Jack, yes the weekend surely will be fun.
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The first 2 days were spent like all the countless previous weekly hook-up meetings, they lapped at your pussy and ass, eating you for hours till you screamed from overstimulation. You of course got a mouth full of cock whenever you wanted, happily gagging on them. They alternated between fucking you, either Joel was pounding you while Jack watched or the other way around. If they got lucky you offered your pretty mouth for the one watching.
And the current position on Joel’s massive bed isn’t any less enticing, you are propped up on all fours. Joel’s hips flush with yours, one hand tightly gripping your hip while the other holds the clear silicone dildo he slowly inserted at the beginning of the night into your tight ring. Jack is occupying your mouth with his thick length, holding your face in his big hands, persistently hitting the back of your throat, in a rhythm that matches the one Joel uses to push against your G-Spot.
The room smells like sex, sweaty, stuffy and all that can be heard is slapping of skin mixed with the wet noises all three of your used holes make. Accompanied by the deep husky moans of both Jack and Joel. When Joel feels your walls tighten around him, the decision is quickly made to momentarily end the fun. Some silent communication must happen, because Jack suddenly shifts his hips back causing his cock to slip out of your mouth.
“You did so good for us Angel,” he leans down and presses his lips against yours briefly, a welcome distraction as Joel pulls the silicone toy from your ass.
Jack releases your lips “Okay baby, let’s get you in position, hm?” Yes you’ve talked about it, so Joel also shifts away leaving you with an empty feeling in your abdomen. He lays down on his back and you crawl on top of him, lifting up slightly as Joel lines himself up with your entrance. Jack settles up behind you grabbing your hips to help you slide down, “how’s it feel Moon?”
You lean back, resting your head on his shoulder, biting your lip while your own hands
“F..Fee.. Feels sooo good,” you bend forward planting your palms on Joel’s shoulders “, butttt there’s something missing.” all while arching your back as much as you can without risking that Joel’s cock slides out of your core.
“Ah, I know what you need babygirl,” Jack grabs the bottle of lube from the nightstand and starts to squeeze a decent amount out onto his fingers, which then wrap around his length. The slick noise makes a shiver run through your body.
“Relax baby, keep breathing, okay?” His warm moist tip starts to push into your puckered hole, it is so different to the fingers or the dildo, a warm rigid shaft parting your walls. Everything overwhelms your senses, so you seek out Joel’s comfort, nuzzling furter into his neck and instinctively biting him. Not hard enough to draw blood but definitely enough to make him gasp.
“Moon Love, ‘s okay, ya takin’ it so good.” He soothingly rubs your arms with his thumb, drawing tiny circles.
With little to no time you get used to their rhythmic push and pull. Your moans have gotten so loud that surely the whole neighborhood is getting an earful. Even through the hazy arousal clouding your mind it’s not lost on you that Jack is enjoying the tight channel of your butt, it makes him feral. He reaches for your hair carelessly gathering it into a ponytail and pulling you up, it doesn’t hurt, no, the tingling of your scalp turns you on further. That increases when Joel’s lips wrap around your hard nipple and starts biting it.
“U..uh..ughh, soo goo-“ Jack cuts you off
“Yeah feels good having his mouth on those sugar tits,” you only manage a pathetic nod.
Jack let’s go off your hair and Joel stops the assault on your nipple. As you lean back down you give him your best smile, stopping at his pursed lips for a quick kiss. When you open your eyes so close to his gorgeous face all that is on your mind are those 3 words, the ones that have been there since the first moment.
One more peck and you disappear into the safety of his neck again. “I’m so close Daddy,” you hoarsely whisper into his ear. “Ya wanna touch your little clit baby?” You nod. “Nuh, uh Moon, use your words” he knows how hard you try to not let go. “Ple..Pleaseeee, can I touch my clit, please Daddy?” You sound close to crying so Joel decides to show some mercy. “Go ahead, touch that clit, make yourself come.”
You do, with only drawing a couple small circles you fall over the edge, twitching and clenching down hard on both of them. Jack and Joel follow you suit spilling deep inside your holes. The waves of your high are still cursing through you when some commotion forces you to find back to the present moment.
Jack and Joel don’t get to catch their breaths after filling you up. “Wha
What the fuck is going on here?” James furious voice cuts through the blissful quiet. Jack instantly pulls out of you with a hiss letting his cum flow down from your used asshole to your pussy still plugged with Joel’s cock.
James thinks it’s just him walking in on something strange. His Dad and Grandfather going to town on some woman, but when you lift your head and stare straight at him while his father’s cum is dripping out of you he feels sick. “Mo..Moon, wha..what is this?” he almost wants to take a step closer but stops himself.
You don’t have the energy to answer but it’s not needed James puts two and two together. Turning away running down the stairs. Jack stumbles of the bed, grabs his shorts and hurries after James “Wait, Please James listen son..-“ the rest is cut off as they are out of hearing range.
“Fuck,” you mutter closing your eyes and putting your head down “what’s gonna happen now?”
His hands smooth over the plains of your shoulders drawing shapes on your spine. “Don’t know baby, no idea what Jack will do. But i don’t care, as long as ya here I’m happy.”
You begin to place gentle kisses to the spot you bit him earlier “Sounds like a good plan to me,”
“Good, ya gonna be the last woman I’ll love Mooni,” you sit up smacking his chest “Don’t say that Joel,” while scoffing, he’s impossible making you all sappy after fucking you brainless.
“Wait,” you move his head with your hands to face you “, where did you get that Moon Diamond Plug. I’ve been meaning to ask.”
He shrugs his shoulders “Had it specially made for ya baby girl.”
You sigh dreamily “I love you Joel,”
Without missing a beat he replies “I love you too.”
This is what heaven on earth feels like.
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© evolnoomym 2024. Please don’t repost, copy, translate, or feed into any AI. Support your fellow creators by reblogging, commenting, and liking!
Tags: @aurorawritestoescape @joelmillerisapunk @milla-frenchy @the-mandawhor1an @rivnedell @toxicanonymity @ace-turned-confused @strang3lov3 @pedropeach @tonysopranosrobe @moonlitbirdie @joelstummy @joelsdagger @joelslegalwhre @joelsgreys @pedge-page @littlemisspascal @fhatbhabiee @punkshort @macfrog @thundermartini @mrsmando @xdaddysprincessxx @mountainsandmayhem @syd-djarin @msjarvis @umnitsa @clawdee @taeslarityy @axshadows @pedroswife69 @604to647 @merz-8 @yesjazzywazzylove-blog @beardedjoel
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watchtowerindistress · 27 days
the empath and the eldritch horror (1/5) - ben hargreeves x empath!reader
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Summary: Number 8 challenged him. Ben just needed to decide if he liked it or not. Nope, definitely hated it. There was no way in hell he actually liked the little Empath.
Word count: 3.1k
Series masterlist
Warnings: sparrow!ben is a warning in itself, language, violence, mental abuse (y'know Reginald's usual schtick)
Author’s note: I'm merely writing moments in the lives of these characters, since I don't know all the quotes. So the chapters are going to feel like snippets/best moments. I made this series shorter than I expected, but I'm cramming everything together as I wanted. (Set in S3)
I didn't feel like doing a lot of world-building, to be honest. I'm aware this isn't my best work, sorry, my depression makes me tired. I just realized when I wrote that dojo scene that I liked Sparrow!Ben so much because he reminded me of an older version of Damian Wayne. 😅 Please be gentle đŸ€— I've never written for this fandom before. You want to be tagged or untagged, let me know. As always, comments and reblogs are very much appreciated.
“Where the hell is my brother?”
Your determined voice carried to the departing backs of Ben and Fei. Even walking through those corridors in this strange timeline felt utterly surreal. Not to mention, profoundly strange seeing this older version of Ben. After remembering the pictures of when he was still alive.
So, you could only compare this version with the stories Klaus loved to tell. A funny mess. And most of the time a little shit.
Judging by the sarcastic look Ben threw over his shoulder before he fully turned his body, this version of Ben certainly was willing to stir some trouble.
Ben smirked. Fei copied his arrogant demeanor next to him, silently watching this exchange.
“Relax, we just want to have a little chat, and then we’re done with you two.”
Just hearing him talk so unceremoniously about your lives like that simmered something inside you. Like the two of you didn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. Like Luther and you were barely a blip on their radar.
Your face contorted with anger. To infuriate him just a tad, with the way he infuriated you with his callous words, your body barely leaned forward.
“We’re not things you can just dispose of once we served our purpose.”
Ben tilted his head. There was something fascinating about rendering someone like him speechless for a moment. You weren’t foolish enough to think you were getting to him. Your fingertips twirled behind your back to get a grasp on Ben’s emotions, only to sense something akin to a daze tingling under the surface. Not trusting your own empathetic powers what you detected was real.
Barely turning his head, Ben spoke to Fei with a certain voice. “I can handle this one.”
Fei smirked to herself before murmuring, “I’m sure you do,” and leaving Ben on his own.
He laced his fingers behind his back while playfully dancing on the back of his feet. Ben pursed his lips. “Something I can help you with?”
“How about being the responsible one by having a real conversation instead of using people for your benefit by literally abducting them, huh?”
Ben nodded repetitively, like he couldn’t care less about anyone’s feelings. “Right.” He narrowed his eyes in thought. “What’s the name of the big guy again?”
You conjured a patient smile. “Luther. You know, your brother from another timeline?”
Ben crossed his arms, revealing a crooked smile. “As everyone keeps telling me. I wouldn’t call it an abduction,” he exhaled tiredly, shrugging slightly.
“Are we allowed to leave?”
Ben pursed his lips. “I think he’s starting to like it here. And, you know, you seem seconds away from falling for our charms. We do have things to offer that your precious Umbrellas can only dream of.”
Mocking laughter erupted from your chest before Ben joined in. “Right. Wow, someone’s really sold on themselves.”
“I mean, calling it an abduction? Sounds kinda judgmental, don’t you think?”
You clenched your jaw. Remembering Luther’s emotions brought you back to the park, like they were your own. “I felt his desperation ahead of me,” you replied, deciding to remind him.
At the mention, Ben pointed at you, remembering. “So, you’re the emotional one, huh? What’s your number again?”
“I’m not just a number, Hargreeves.” You placed your hands on your hips. “Not surprised that you would deem something like empathy barely a power. I’d like to see you handle an anxiety attack when I’m done with you.”
Ben waved his arms at his sides. His aura was literally shimmering with excitement as he smirked widely. “Oh, don’t threaten me with a good time.”
You rolled your eyes. It seemed like this version of Ben felt drawn to any sort of mischief, the more the better. “And I thought Klaus was the crazy one,” you muttered under your breath. With a normal voice, you inquired, “Where’s Luther?”
“Probably in the kitchen still miserably failing at charming the pants off Sloane.”
A sigh left you when you mutely walked away towards the direction of Fei’s departure. Truth be told, only to get away from Ben faster.
You had already walked away with brisk steps when Ben’s arrogant sing-song voice made you regret all your life choices. “Other way.”
You instantly turned, while grumbling under your breath, “Fucking smart-ass.” You didn’t need to spare him a glance to feel Ben’s arrogant joy coming off of him in waves when he leaned back against the wall, crossing his arms in delight.
“You know where to find me if you want to work on those powers of yours, 
 Number Eight.” Ben chuckled with mirth.
Self-loathing rippled through you just a tad for not letting your power detect Luther’s aura through the mansion to avoid this embarrassing situation altogether. And you blamed yourself for underestimating him. For thinking Ben wouldn’t have interrogated Luther about you.
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“So, this is what you guys are doing in your free time, huh?”
Ben’s eyes remained closed when he performed his tai chi movements in the dojo, not letting himself appear to be ruffled by your presence.
“This tells me everything I need to know about your squadron of Umbrellas. How does it feel wasting your day away, not improving?”
You remained unfazed by his choice of insults. In the end, you were used to Reginald’s mental abuse. Your eyes followed his movements, content with watching his little ritual while leaning with your shoulder against the pillar.
“Depends. What’s it feel like when you’re not being a mascot for a Hargreeves empire?”
Ben scoffed in derision. “You think you can distract me?”
Grateful for his answer, you smiled in pure delight before sitting cross-legged on the middle of the training mat. “Oh, I know I am. Besides, I wanted to take you up on that offer which was made by a helpful Ben.”
He scoffed, shaking his head. “Don’t ever call me that. You’re delusional for thinking I want to help you.”
You dramatically pressed your hand to your chest. “‘Oh, Y/N, I just can’t live with myself if something happened to you. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe, even if that means helping you advance your powers.’”
Forced laughter erupted from Ben’s chest. “Har har, and I thought Sundance was the hilarious one.”
“Klaus.” You reminded him diligently.
Ben rolled his eyes. “Whatever, Empath.”
You were strangely getting used to this Ben and felt truly like you were having a grand ol' time with him. Even if that meant ruffling his feathers. “You want to know what I think?”
“No,” Ben muttered with a gruff voice.
You continued as if you hadn’t heard him, “Someone’s really pretending that they don’t care about anyone or anything. Or, second theory-”
“I’m on the edge of my seat,” Ben interrupted you wryly.
“Maybe you don’t mind a distraction to take your mind off things.”
This time around, Ben turned to face you before he knelt down. Leaning over you until you could feel his warm breath on your skin. “You think you’re so smart, don’t you?”
“I’m the emotional one, remember?” You whispered before you pursed your lips when a thought hit you. “Not to mention, I can feel your curiosity, with a smidge of you itching for a fight.”
Ben snorted. “You’re adorable for thinking you can take me in a fight-”
An angelic smile tugged at your mouth. Your fingers brushed against his bare chest which was revealed underneath the dark robe. Your fingertips tingled before you let your power come to the surface.
The golden shimmer enshrouded Ben’s chest, pulling him backwards. No matter how many times you had done it before, your hands cautiously studied his aura once you heard his heavy breathing.
You still whispered soothingly, “That’s the sensation you get for being close to fainting. That feeling of vertigo tormenting your body and like your head can’t get enough air.”
The caring side of you stroked Ben’s feverish forehead until the dizzying spell lessened and was finally relieved.
You swallowed once you met Ben’s darkened gaze. He stared at you with glittering eyes, like he was truly seeing you for the first time. Ben licked his lips. “I think 
 I might have some use for you after all.”
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“You may not know this, but my power doesn’t work like a medium,” you said, nervously rubbing your thighs to stimulate your senses.
Ben sighed, massaging the bridge of his nose. The Sparrow had changed back into a shirt after the impromptu training session. He leaned forward and warned through clenched teeth. “Do you want to be of help, or not? Get this done, and you and your brother can go back to whatever shithole you stay at.”
“Not with this type of energy in the room.” You widened your eyes at Ben’s glowering ones to make your point. Before long you sat down on Marcus’ bed, with a bored Fei leaning against the door jamb.
Ben’s sister twiddled her manicured fingernails. “Is this a waste of time?”
He clenched his jaw, facing her. “No, it’s not. I know what she can do.”
“Aww, Benny-boo, you believe in me. That’s so cute. Who knew you had a heart?”
Fei smirked, tilting her head. “Not me.”
“You guys are hilarious. Are we done with the ‘band together against Ben today’? I’m doing whatever it takes to locate Marcus here and you two are not helping with the situation.”
You pressed your lips together at Ben’s all too serious demeanor. “Just trying to lighten the mood since your tense atmosphere isn’t helping with the task at hand.”
Ben shared a close-lipped smile, caging your body in on the bed. Despite his threatening air, you remained steadfast and didn’t move an inch.
“Do you mind just doing the thing before I lose my mind and let my tentacles do the talking?”
You narrowed your eyes. Ben needed to work on his lacking social skills, if his only resort were threats. “Say please?”
You could breathe easier again when Ben straightened his body and crossed his arms. “Keep dreaming.”
You exhaled heavily. Half the time he was fun to talk to and other times, he wore you out. “Just give me something of his that holds emotional value,” you mentioned, patiently waiting. The awkward silence confused you to no end. Ben and Fei exchanged glances among each other.
“Why is nothing happening?”
Ben turned to Fei. “Get Sloane.”
His sister tilted her head, challenging him. “Oh, I can just summon my crows.”
The muscles on Ben’s arms tensed before his jaw clenched with his next words. “Fei, take a walk.”
Her shoulder shook with mirth when Fei left with relaxed steps.
Ben’s sarcastic voice pulled you back to him. “I’m guessing giving you one of his leather jackets wouldn’t count, right?”
Your elbows supported you when you settled back. “Wouldn’t get the desired effect. So, let me guess, you guys are just numbers and soldiers?”
Ben shrugged, leaning his hip against the cabinet. “Gets the job done.”
“And you’re content with that?”
“It’s the only thing that matters.”
You didn’t believe him for a second. Or at least, you couldn’t imagine someone being satisfied with being so shallow. “Right. Because being associated to a number is all that matters.”
Ben smirked crookedly. “Oh, there’s nothing better.”
“Right, Number Two,” you added, trying to get to him.
“You trying to flirt with me, Eight?”
You rolled your eyes, retorting, “You wish.”
Ben chuckled, pondering to himself. “Who’d have thought? Maybe I prefer calling you Empath more than Eight. It’s pretty close though.”
You shook your head, feeling your cheeks blush at being more intertwined with that status of Empath than a generic number. “You’re weird.”
The mood of his aura changed to something unfamiliar. At least to someone like Ben. He cleared his throat. “So,
?” You teasingly copied him, putting the side of your head against your shoulder, watching his reaction.
Ben crossed his arms. “What was he like?”
“Our Ben? Why do you want to know?” To you, it seemed strange for someone like him to inquire about his alternate version.
He eyed something outside the window. “Just curious, I guess,” Ben said, still not looking at you.
“Why don’t you ask Klaus or the others? I only met Ben after he was dead.”
“Wait, what?” That finally got a reaction out of Ben when he rapidly turned his head to stare at you with a peculiar gaze.
You sighed, remembering the circumstances of you meeting your siblings for the first time. “Reginald called me ‘the replacement’.”
Maybe this was ultimately his plan to ostracize you from the others by using that term. At least, you had Diego and Luther at your side. Klaus soon joined that tight-knit little circle once you confided in feeling that sensation of an unfamiliar aura wandering the halls of the manor.
Sometimes it still hurt how everything progressed. Your siblings emanating their grief onto you didn’t bother you. It was their apathy, that they didn’t care about you.
“I was taken in after Ben’s death. I could only feel his aura around after he was dead. I can sense who someone is in a way. Feel what kind of a person they are. Ben was always
” You pondered deeply how to describe someone like him. How to condense someone’s life and traits into the essence of someone.
“Kind, intelligent, mostly mischievous.” You smiled fondly, whispering quietly, “I could never replace him even if I tried.”
You didn’t know what it was about your gaze that made the Sparrow avoid it again. With the shaking of your head, you dispelled your thoughts. The new aura close by tickling your fingertips was a fitting distraction.
You glanced towards the open door. “Hey, Sloane.”
Seconds later, said woman poked her head into the room, smiling with a delighted air. “Neat party trick.”
An expectant Ben raised his eyebrows, interrupting any further carefree moments. “Sloane, Marcus’ favorite stuff he liked to touch?”
You felt inclined to add something else before more inquiries could arise. “In other words, yes. Or something that mattered to him.”
“There should be a book in his nightstand.”
That was the only mention Ben needed before he opened the drawer. Ben shook his head with a scoff, inspecting the worn edition. He showed his sisters the found evidence. “Are you kidding me? The Velveteen Rabbit?”
Sloane waved her open palms soothingly. “Remember we just want Marcus back.”
“What a nerd,” he grumbled, carelessly giving you the book.
“Says you? It’s a timeless classic,” you admonished Ben lightly before reaching for the hardcover edition.
Ben smirked. “I rest my case.” He furrowed his brows when a second thought hit him. “And what did you just say to me?”
You chose to ignore Ben’s little angry outburst when Sloane sat next to you on the bed. “Will it be enough for you to build a psychic connection?”
You closed your eyes, trying to hone in on the source. With your fingertips brushing along the spine of the book, your search for the truth was soon answered with the first memory remnants hitting you. Shivers coursed through your body at the sensation of Marcus’ memories filling your mind like they were your own.
There was an abundance of wishful thinking contained into the book, the craving of a different reality when Marcus’ birth mother granted him this first and last gift.
“It should suffice,” you said assuredly. With a calming sigh, you leaned your head back against the pillows. The book was held tightly in your grip.
“Yeah, sure. Have a nap, why don’t you? Something else you need? Maybe some soothing music, a face mask?”
Your eyes remained closed when you murmured, “Ben Hargreeves.” To get the message across, you made a quiet coyote signal. Hoping it would calm his frayed nerves.
A ripple of Ben’s undignified frustration wafted through the air. His only answer was a harrumphing noise.
You stirred your head, biting your lip in confusion. “I can feel a strong enough remnant, but I should be able to sense his location.”
“What are you saying?” Ben inquired tightly.
You chose your next words carefully. “I’m saying, 
 I can’t feel Marcus.”
“What does this mean?” Fei’s strained voice shared Ben’s sentiment. “Are you saying he’s dead? Abducted?”
At last, you opened your eyes. The perplexity of this unsolved mystery still plaguing your mind even after. It was more than nerve-wracking. “I’m saying that I should be able to find him, but I can’t. It’s like he just 
The air crackled with hostility. Anxiously, you swallowed, staring straightforward. You jumped back when Ben’s wrath reached you.
Holding you down with his tentacles, with one of them slinging around your throat. Tightly but menacingly enough to spell out his primal urges. Ben’s body draped over yours. Fury blazed in his darkened eyes. “Now, Umbrella, I’m done with your little mind games.”
Sloane stood behind Ben’s shoulder, raising her voice. “Ben, let go.”
“Not until I find out what her family has done to him.”
With a hoarse voice, you implored darkly, “Listen to your sister before your Cthulu tentacles get the memo about me too.” As a warning, you gripped the surprisingly smooth appendage around your throat.
You cursed your curious mind for even harboring the thought of wanting to know how the tentacle’s skin would feel like.
Ben’s smile grew tighter, the more his eldritch monster’s hold intensified. “Try me, Eight.”
Summoning empathetic energy from within to converse it as a kinetic shield, you blasted him against the cabinet and leaving small splinters of wood on the carpet.
With a grunting noise, Ben’s tentacles drew back into his body. “Alright,” he murmured reluctantly. Ben dragged his body upwards until he was leaning against the furniture for support. He offered a blood-stained smile in reverence before he wiped off the crimson evidence from his lips. “Little minx.”
A dull thud resounded when you dropped the book on the duvet. You stood up and with a quiet voice you told Ben in no uncertain terms, “Don’t ever threaten me again.”
Remembering the company of Ben’s sisters and the result of your outburst, you awkwardly glanced at them before your feet led you towards the open door.
Wordlessly, Fei turned her body to make room. Her gaze roamed over your body with fondness after your display of power. As soon as you left the room, her dry voice remarked, “I’d consider this a success.”
Tagging: @cherryinsalemverse @mellowstatesmanhandsempath @ravenmoore14 @blackmagicwoman @lelaamela
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sprite-writes-fanfic · 6 months
Hey so how do you think the 2003 boys would deal with having a s/o who is like “my sophisticated brain likes *good personality traits of their turtle boyfriend* but then my monkey brain goes nuts for a guy who can throw a heavy axe into a tree” basically complimenting their boyfriend for their personality, but then they feel hot under the collar whenever their boyfriend wields weapons and do martial arts. During fights, tournaments or the sparring, when not joining in, on the slide lines s/o starts fanning themselves sometimes with a fan that seems to have come from nowhere while being like “oooo you’re so good! Keep going sweetie!!”?
Oh hell yeah, can do! Sorry it took so long! 😅
Attracted By Their Fighting
đŸąđŸ’™â€ïž2003 TMNT x Reader💜🧡🐱
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Word Count: 643
CW: Gender-neutral reader, reader loving a good brawl, just general headcanons, written on separate days so it may seem a little more off-flow I suppose? I hope you enjoy either way!
💙 Leo was just doing some training by himself, trying to perfect some moves that he was learning this week, and you sat there watching him, mostly for the first time. It’d probably be a little later into the relationship when he felt comfortable enough for you to watch him. He felt your eyes basically burning holes through him, eyeing him quite intensely.
💙 He looked back and noticed your red cheeks and was rather confused, like
 Huh? Asked if you’re okay, and you shake away from your thoughts going, “Just like watching you practice, keep going baby!” It’ll eventually click with him that you’re attracted to him fighting, and he feels rather flustered by it. Feels oddly motivated by your attraction to his training and honestly shows off more.
💙 Ends up perfecting the move with you cheering him on and looks back at you with a big smile. He ends up inviting you to more of his training and sparring sessions, he doesn’t particularly like you being near any real fights that he’s taking on, it's more of a no-go with him.
❀ When you saw Raph fighting, you felt something strange within you. A little flustered by the way he’s handling these Foot soldiers
 A strange occurrence, but you couldn’t help but hyperfixate on those little grunts that left his lips, the sweat rolling off his skin, and the way his muscles flexed whenever he moved, you were absolutely hypnotized by it all.
❀ You fan yourself when you felt your cheeks burn, and when he approached you, he asked about why you were so red. Does not take long for it to click with him that you were getting all flustered by him fighting and the way he was using his strength on those Foot soldiers.
❀ Will tease the ever loving shit out of you for this, this man is MEAN. He will continue to tease you and hold this over your head about it. Would definitely use it against you too when he wants something, like say you’re denying him because you think it’s funny, not gonna last long when he brings up you know what.
💜 Donnie doesn’t realize for a long time about your attraction to him fighting. He simply just thinks that you’re cheering him on, and that’s all he really wants to be honest. He loves having himself a little cheerleader who’s pushing him forward with words of encouragement.
💜 He will continue to think that it’s just you being super supportive. It’s really up to you if you tell him. He will remain blissfully unaware for a long while
 Until you do tell him.
💜 Oh
 Oh. That’s why you get so excited by his fighting?? You really find it hot?? Oh wow, he did not expect that. But he kinda likes it. Definitely shows off more and always glances back to see if you’re watching anytime he’s fighting, seeing if you’re watching, and you are. You’re watching rather intensely.
🧡 Mikey’s honestly surprised, but he knows somethings up when you’re acting all shy and flustered after a good fight. He’s definitely nosy about it too, he will poke and prod until you tell him what’s up.
🧡 Until you finally get annoyed and tell him, and then he’s all shocked, like woah. Really? You find it hot while he’s fighting?! He’s gonna do it more. Oh he’s so gonna show off more, he even takes on fights his brothers are fighting, (which his brothers are confused as hell for why he’s taking their fights but okay).
🧡 After every fight, he flirts with you going like, ‘Was that hot or what, babe?’ While giving that cheeky ass grin, he’s a little stinker. Overall, a huge ego boost, but please don’t let him overdo it because he WILL definitely overdo it and will most definitely get hurt, man does not know when to stop.
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ddamm · 5 months
Sleep and cuddles – Daryl Dixon headcanons
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(ᔍⁱᶠ ᔃⁿᔈ á”ˆâ±á”›â±á”ˆá”‰ÊłËą ᔈᔉᶠ ⁿᔒᔗ ᔐⁱⁿᔉ - Ëąá”’ á¶œÊłá”‰á”ˆâ±á”—Ëą ⁂)
Warnings: lots of fluff, some insecure/not worthy feelings, mentions of nightmares, (following my friend's @dixons-sunshine design cause I have no idea what I'm doing yet. SORRY KRYS 😅)
Word count: 819 (not counting symbols, emojis or ending A/N)
A/N: HEEEEY! So, huh. This is the first time I ever posted on Tumblr or done smt like this (I'm familiar with writing short fics, fics and one-shots, but not headcanons) so idk what the outcome may be... but I'll try to have fun since this is just a way to pass time and write down some kinda random stuff I had in my head! With that said, let's head on to it!
Song: ONLY - Leehi
(play b4 you begin reading)
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(cute cloud gif divider from @graphicstorage, in this post)
☜‧₊˚ Daryl wouldn't be the one asking for cuddles. It's more like you felt like it late at night. ‧₊˚
☜‧₊˚ Daryl would look at you questioning why you want cuddles out of nowhere, but he would comply with a small smile nonetheless. ‧₊˚
☜‧₊˚ Daryl would allow you to cuddle his arm if you guys are still with other people. ‧₊˚
☜‧₊˚ The first time he laid down with you in a bed (way long ago), he was paralysed and didn't know what to do when your body moved closer to him seeking comfort and warmth. ‧₊˚
☜‧₊˚ Daryl at first is super shy to even hold you, not to talk about cuddling you. ‧₊˚
☜‧₊˚ Even when you occasionally hugged him out of fear/anxiety after a dangerous situation back then, his body would stiffen, and he would barely move (the poor man being too conflicted in his own mind to mind how you were doing yourself). ‧₊˚
☜‧₊˚ Daryl frequently thought it was wrong for you to hug him or seek comfort from him because of how broken he felt he was. ‧₊˚
☜‧₊˚ As you grow closer, he will begin to feel more comfortable with physical contact with you. ONLY you. ‧₊˚
☜‧₊˚ Don't get him wrong, just because he stands you better than the others, doesn't mean he is gonna behave all sunshine with everyone ‧₊˚ (He is like a little stray animal who has trust issues and doesn't know how to act towards kindness đŸ„șđŸ˜­â€ïžâ€đŸ©č)
☜‧₊˚ Daryl is straightforward and will tell you when he is not in the mood for hugs, cuddles and such. ‧₊˚
☜‧₊˚ That will make you feel a little disappointed, but he would gently kiss the pout out of your face. ‧₊˚ (đŸ€­)
☜‧₊˚ "Maybe next time, peach. Dudn't  wanna spoil yer mood with ma shit." ‧₊˚
☜‧₊˚ He likes couch cuddles. You are more of bed cuddles. ‧₊˚
☜‧₊˚ He "secretly" loves the cuddles with you sitting in his lap and resting your head on his chest. ‧₊˚ (don't tell him I told ya đŸ€«)
☜‧₊˚ He has memorised your cuddling patterns and discovered you have a cuddling setting time. ‧₊˚
☜‧₊˚ It is a rule for Daryl now that he will wrap you with his arm and hold you closer on cold nights or when he feels you're distressed. ‧₊˚
☜‧₊˚ "'S aight peach, 'm here with ya." ‧₊˚ (he would def whisper that in your ear with his raspy voice đŸ€­đŸ˜†đŸ˜†)
☜‧₊˚ Sometimes, cuddle times (anytime from 10 pm to midnight) end up in conversations that worry/tire you (mainly after an event has occurred), which is why Daryl prefers not to talk much and just hold you between his arms. ‧₊˚
☜‧₊˚ Other times, you guys plan things together like what to look for in the next run, things you'd like to do or want him to teach you or just joke and enjoy each other's presence. ‧₊˚
☜‧₊˚ When you are too worried, Daryl passes his hand through your hair and massages your temple. ‧₊˚
☜‧₊˚ He often kisses your head or forehead when you fall asleep first (which is sincerely always lmao). ‧₊˚
☜‧₊˚ Daryl gets grumpy/worried when he wakes up in the morning and you're not by his side, but he masks it well. ‧₊˚ (to the others tho 👀)
☜‧₊˚ On the contrary, if he wakes first and still finds you sleeping, he will watch over you lovingly and maybe place a kiss or two to wake you up. ‧₊˚
☜‧₊˚ You both like to intertwine your hands as you cuddle. Daryl often kisses your knuckles when you do. ‧₊˚
☜‧₊˚ He will big-spoon you to eternity unless he is angry, or distressed. ‧₊˚ (so you might be the one big-spooning lol or maybe just giving him some space)
☜‧₊˚ During difficult times or when you're most agitated/anxious, Daryl reverts into thinking he isn't worth enough to be with you or hold you like he does. ‧₊˚
☜‧₊˚ You never take it on him when he doesn't know how to console you, instead, sometimes you are the one consoling him, because you know he needs it as well. He appreciates it. ‧₊˚
☜‧₊˚ Daryl has had nightmares previously revolving around his past, his family, his brother, and occasionally even you. You are always there to reassure him that you love him, and you are not going anywhere without him with kisses. ‧₊˚
☜‧₊˚ If you ever fight/argue, cuddle time is not interrupted. Daryl would take the coach and you'd take the bed, though in the middle of the night, you (who couldn't fall asleep after the argument and without Daryl by your side) would feel some weight on the bed and next thing is, Daryl's apologising for acting like that, expressing his mind more openly and calmed, and asking you to not stay angry at him for longer. You (or more like me haha) can't stay angry with him for that long, so you'd have gone to meet him for the same thing. ‧₊˚
☜‧₊˚ After a fight comes reconciliation, and with it comes reconciliation cuddles and quality time together. ‧₊˚
☜‧₊˚ He adores hugging you from behind (softly or firmly) whenever you're cooking or doing something. It will surely be accompanied by some cheek and neck kisses. ‧₊˚ (😆😆)
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Alright, that's all I could come up with in the past 2 hours or so (I think...).
I decided to do this basically because... I was feeling sleepy and just felt like having cuddles- đŸ˜¶ And with my not-so-sudden Daryl Dixon rise concerning stuff about him on Tumblr, and discovering a new page of Daryl's content (fic, hdcs and series) I absolutely adored, I said to myself (in my sleepy state ofc) why don't I make one too? I mean, it could be nice and cute to do short (hopefully, cause this ain't short at all 😭) content about the fandoms and more that I like.
And so here we are! 🙂 Lmk in the comments what you think plsss, so I'll know if to make another similar one in the future!
Also, this is kinda an inspiration/mention to a few Daryl-based pages that make some awesome sauce content. Pls check them out cause they are all amazing! @dixons-sunshine @celtic-crossbow @virginsexgod69 @darylsdelts @littlegodzilla @daryl-fucking-dixon @daryl-dixon-daydreams @lazyneonrabbitt
Thanks to y'all cuties for reading, hope to see ya soon~
Take care and God bless!~
𓆩 ♱ đ“†Ș
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synnamonroll666 · 5 months
Can you Josh x black female reader whose feeling a little insecure so they have mirror sex while he tells her especially and in GREAT detail what he likes about her??
Tell Me You're Beautiful
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Pairing: Josh Washington x Black Fem!Reader Description: After a full day of no replies to his texts, Josh went to his girlfriend's house to find her hiding in her room. After learning that insecurities are keeping her in bed and none of the usual compliments working to cheer her up, he decided to show her how he sees her in a different way... Warnings: Angst, Reader Is Very Insecure, Self-Hatred, Smut, Soft Dom!Josh, Mirror Sex, Praise Kink, Unprotected Sex But No Creampie, Third Person POV, Specific Descriptions Of The Reader. (If I Missed Any Tags, Let Me Know.) Word Count: 2k A/N: I'm so sorry this too so long but if any of you follow me, you know I'm indecisive as fuck with editing. 😂 Also, someone requested another black fem!reader on my other blog, about Josh and the reader playing 7 minutes in heaven. They asked if I could make it spicy so I'm going to do that one on this blog instead since this is my smut one. So if that anon is reading this, just know that I did get your request and I am working on it. And to the anon who requested this fic, I hope you enjoy it. I may have went a little more dramatic with it than intended but I tried my best. đŸ˜…đŸ–€ Main MasterList: đŸ–€ Synny's Angels: @lorebite, @koexchange, @yesitsloulou, @mistmoose, @jasonexo, @fortune-fool02, and @raven-the-cryptid. (If you want to be added to the taglist, let me know in the comments! đŸ–€)
She laid curled up in bed, a large hoodie covering her form and a look of sadness pulling down her features. Her phone had been blowing up all day. Friends asked her to go on outings, and her boyfriend, who was concerned by her absence.
It was 3 p.m. when she heard a knock at her bedroom door. Figuring it was only her mother, she gave acceptance to them entering, only to be left dumbfounded when her boyfriend, Josh, came through with a very worried expression on his face.
"Josh, please! I need to be alone right now." She expressed this while pulling the blanket up her chest, subconsciously wanting to hide away from his watchful eyes.
"What's wrong, (Y/N)?" He asked while stepping into the room, despite her protest.
He immediately came to her side, concern evident in his features. He was always one to care—always so quick to throw everything out the window and run to her beck and call. He was always her hero, even if he was the one who needed saving. But that wasn't important now. What really mattered was fixing whatever had her so broken down.
"Please, (Y/N)... Tell me what's wrong." He practically begged, just hoping it was nothing too big that he couldn't fix. Even then, he would go to great lengths to at least make it better.
"It's just..." She choked out, her voice barely above a whisper, as her brown eyes gazed up at him through her tears. He nodded his head while taking her small hands in his own, urging her to continue. And with a deep breath, she finally got what's been killing her inside off her chest. "I can't stand myself..."
Josh could only respond with a quiet "Huh?" not fully understanding what she had meant. She shook her head, not wishing to elaborate but finally finding the words after releasing a subtle sigh.
"I can't even look at myself. I'm not like those girls in the magazines. I'm not special." She admitted it shamefully, wiping her tears away with the sleeve of her hoodie as she did so.
Josh understood these feelings. Despite his confident demeanor, he was just as insecure as most people. Hell, maybe even more. He hated that she felt this gut-wrenching feeling. However, he knew he could remedy this.
"You're wrong." He stated it firmly, his voice now so strong and confident, it caused her to do a double take back in his direction. "You're the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Most guys would give their left nut to be with you."
She scoffed at his comment and rolled her eyes. "You're just saying that..."
Though she appreciated his efforts, it would take more to convince her just how beautiful she really was. Josh knew this and made a vow within his mind that he would do everything in his power to prove it to her—to make her see herself through his eyes.
"Stand up." He then demanded. The command took her by surprise, though she obeyed his order, standing to her full height. It didn't do much, though, as he still towered over her by quite a lot. His height was always something she admired about him. It made her feel safe.
He took her by the arm and pulled her in front of her full-body mirror. Her gaze dropped, reluctant to look at the image reflected before her. She didn't want to see it—the reflection of the girl she, unfortunately, was. Josh shook his head at this.
"Look." he demanded firmly.
A mere minute passed of her not daring to do what she was told before he grabbed her chin and forced her to look up. Though it was a startling gesture, his touch was soft and gentle, as if she were fine glass in his large hands. Her eyes began to tear up as she looked at herself, seeing nothing but flaws before her.
"Tell me what you see." His voice came out a little softer than before, but it was still nothing less than the demand he gave right before.
"Just a girl..." She responded, her voice barely above a whisper.
He shook his head again, slightly frustrated that she didn't understand what he was trying to show her. But he knew this would take more work. He knew what he had to do.
"Take your clothes off."
Her lips fell agape as she looked at his reflection, astonished that he would ask such a thing. Though she really didn't want to see herself naked, she was intrigued. Though the request was rather suggestive, the look in his soft, green orbs told a different story—one that told her that his intentions were not crude.
She pulled her hood back, the coils in her soft hair falling gracefully over her shoulder as she did so. His eyes lit up, and he reached out to tuck a few strands behind her ear to admire her face.
Then she pulled it over her head, revealing her white tank top beneath. His fingers grazed her soft shoulders as she toyed with the hem of her shirt, not knowing if she wanted to do such a thing at this moment.
"Show me," he coaxed her in a soft tone before pressing a soft kiss on her tear-soaked cheek.
With a shaky breath, she pulled her tank top over her head. Her soft breasts bounced slightly as they were freed from the confinement of their fabricated prison, and Josh couldn't help but smirk just a little as he watched. He was still a man, after all.
Then, she found the courage to remove her shorts and panties, throwing them on the floor in a messy pile with her hoodie and tank top. Without skipping a beat, Josh reached up and turned the knob on her lamp, putting her under what felt like a literal spotlight. Her stomach twisted into knots as she folded her arms across her chest, not wanting Josh to see her flaws that were so obvious under the bright light.
But then she felt his hands on her shoulders once more, squeezing ever so slightly. She looked up to see him watching her through the mirror, his eyes glimmering with love. He removed one hand from her shoulder, and soon, the sound of a belt buckle being opened was heard.
She didn't know how she ended up in this situation anymore, but something about it felt pleasant. She was with the man she loved. And though she was in this uncomfortable position, she knew she was in good hands.
Josh entered her from behind, letting out a trembling breath as he pushed every inch into her tight hole. She bit her plump lip, trying hard not to moan like a pornstar already. Though she knew it was something Josh loved.
Once he was inside her fully, he retracted his hips before pushing in again with more force. She almost fell forward—face nearly clashing with the glass before her—but Josh was quick to scoop an arm around her frame, pulling her close to his chest.
He found himself a steady rhythm and watched her reaction through the reflection, enjoying how her lips turned all pouty as she moaned or how her eyes went watery and lidded from the pleasure. That's when he decided to do his work. Of course, fucking her insecurities away wasn't going to work. He needed to do more.
He let his lips graze the shell of her ear and whispered, "Wanna know what I see?"
Her eyes opened at that, not knowing how to respond. She was still half-intoxicated by the arousal she felt to even comprehend exactly what he meant by that. Smirking at her distracted nature, Josh decided to continue anyway.
"I see a beautiful, strong goddess of a woman." He groaned, his breath hitching in his throat, when her soaked pussy squeezed him. It was clear she was enjoying the praise, so he continued on, wanting to show his girl just how amazing she was. "You're so soft—so tight. Everything about you is perfect."
Her cheeks warmed up from this treatment, flustering her mind and clouding it with something new besides pleasure. She wanted to collapse in his embrace—to just let go of all her worry and let him be the one to guide her to the light. Josh's words brought her back to reality for a short moment, only to send her crashing into bliss once more.
"The way your hair smells and feels," he said, burying his face into her soft coils, inhaling deeply to take in her scent.
"Your skin, the perfect shade of chocolate, and how it's just as sweet," he kissed her neck, his tongue swirling around the pulse, earning a heavenly moan from her trembling lips.
His hips faltered for a moment, as her sounds rang through his ears like the song of a goddess, the one he knew she was.
"How your gorgeous brown eyes reflect your warm personality." He grabbed her chin between his thumb and index finger once more to turn her head so he could gaze down into her orbs with a tender look to show his sincerity.
Her dark eyes brightened under the small light as she looked up at him, showing off all the beautiful shades of brown within her iris. They not only show the unique patterns but also her shimmering soul—like an angel in heaven's light.
"I love how they tell me your every want and desire." With that being said, he reached a hand down, two fingers brushing against her clit. The brief and subtle contact was enough to make her eyes roll into the back of her head, and his smile broadened, knowing damn well that he was successful. He pushed her face back to the mirror, holding it there to force her eyes on herself. "Now tell me how beautiful you are."
"I-I'm beautiful..." She murmured through ragged breaths, not realizing her words. It worked like some sort of hypnosis in a way, subconsciously putting the message into her mind through pleasure.
"Louder," he demanded, his fingers finding purchase on her swollen little bud to rub tight circles around it.
"I'm b-beautiful!" She groaned as her body began shaking under his intoxicating touch.
Josh gritted his teeth as his cock throbbed within her, begging for release. He was so close, but he knew she was as well. He wanted his angel to make it to the edge first, with the message of how amazing she was engraved in her mind.
"Louder!" He shouted through his clenched canines, pushing his cock harder and deeper within her with each sloppy thrust.
"I'm beautiful!" She cried out as tears streamed down her face.
And like a wildfire, that intense sensation burning within her core spread throughout her body. He held her close as she rode through her high on his dick, keeping her in his warm embrace as he worked her through it.
When she squeezed his member, he couldn't hold on any longer. He pulled out and released his load onto her ass, nearly cumming a second time from how hot the sight was before him. It was like marking her, in a way—claiming her as his.
As he admired her body while coming down from his high, her eyes remained on herself through that reflection on the now-steamy glass. She wiped her hand over the cool surface to clear her vision of herself, and she continued to stare as her chest rose and fell with each soft breath she took.
"I'm beautiful..." She whispered, now believing that statement as it fell from her lips.
Josh wrapped his arms around her frame after brushing a few stray coils from her face. He pressed a soft kiss on her temple and then rested his head atop hers while gazing into her warm eyes through the mirror.
"You're not just beautiful," He murmured, admiring the goddess in his grasp and all her stunning features. "You're perfect, babe."
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zepskies · 3 months
Hello hun! 😊
Okay, since I'm still on hold up here 🙈, I thought I send you a question.
How do you find a plot for your storys? What get's your inspiration going or what does spark you to make it a WIP?
So interested to hear how it works for you. 😁
Hey there, lovely!! 💜
Aww still waiting on Tracker to come out for you, huh? Almost there, right? 😅
But thank you for this question! The lovely @luci-in-trenchcoats asked me a similar one not too long ago in this ask, so my answer will be similar on some things.
⚡ Getting inspiration for stories:
Initially, my imagination always gets sparked by the "What If" question. Here are a few examples:
"What if Soldier Boy could be redeemed?" (Break Me Down - Soldier Boy x Reader)
"What if Dean Winchester had a Latina girlfriend?" (Midnight Espresso - Dean x Plus-sized Latina!Reader)
"What if Dean was a firefighter?" (Smoke Eater - Firefighter!Dean x Reader)
"What if Dean met his soulmate in season 1?" (Never Say Goodbye - Dean x Soulmate!Reader)
"What if Russell Shaw set his sights on his sister's best friend?" (Every Second Counts - Russell Shaw x Reader)
"What if you had a messy past you were running from, just like the new sheriff in town?" (Take Me Home - Beau Arlen x Reader)
You get the idea. 😂
âœđŸœ Developing the plot:
After that, where I draw ideas for the plot depends on the kind of story I'm writing. And for that, I'm a big advocate of:
"Write what you know."
"Write what you can research."
"Write what you're interested in."
"Write what you've never tried to do before (but may secretly want to)."
Again, a couple of examples...
Break Me Down:
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With BMD, I already had a loose concept in Checkerboard, with the reader working surveillance at Supe Affairs. It would paint her and Soldier Boy (Ben) as enemies from the start. "Enemies to lovers" was a trope I had never written before, but I thought it was a fun challenge, besides the obvious one of attempting to "redeem" Soldier Boy lol.
In general, I'm a sucker for the gruff, devil-may-care, rough exterior guy who only becomes soft for his girl. 😂
More practically though, I drew from the source material a bit for the Black Noir twist (the comics), and also from my love of Smallville for some of the superhero plot aspects. I also knew that if the reader was going to eventually give Ben a chance and see the humanity underneath, she would need time to do it. So what better way than with an accidental kidnapping? 😅
And somehow it became this quasi- Beauty & the Beast storyline that developed into Ben and the reader saving one another, in more ways than one. 💚
Smoke Eater:
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With this story, I had several influences that helped me develop the plot. I have a deep and abiding love for cop and medical procedurals like Law & Order, House MD, and Chicago PD, but also for Chicago Fire in particular. (Also my uncle was a firefighter.) That helped me create Firehouse 25 and decide which canon characters I wanted to pull into the narrative.
It was my first ever full AU as well, so I drew a lot from the SPN canon S1-2 storyline to create the overarching murder mystery/the string of arsons. I was also very much impacted from stories my friends had told me of their experiences with sexual harassment, which is unfortunately where the Nick storyline came in.
And I actually drew a lot from my own experience with grief and loss in that story. Specifically in the challenges the reader faces with her family (with Dean's help). I wasn't conscious of it at the time, but after I wrote the initial drafts and started editing each chapter, I realized just where I was drawing from for that storyline. 💙
All that to say, that's a snapshot into my process from ideation to plotting! It's not always easy when you hit those difficult beats in a story, whether it's grief and loss, trauma and PSTD, or just the difficulties of making complex plot lines connect.
But overall, I do my best to have fun. If I'm not having fun, then why am I writing? 😘
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Anyway. 😂 Thank you so much for this question, my friend! @jessjad I'm pretty sure this is way more than you wanted to hear, but I so appreciate you for asking about my writing process! 💗
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slashingdisneypasta · 1 year
love Love LOVEEEE ur work btw. on both horror house and the Toon patrol. but for horror house I have a scenario.
say y/n and jason are dating right, and freddy is always third-wheeling. how would the horror house react to this, and what do they tell y/n and jason to do to him?
Thank youuuu! Seeing this just after getting off work was so lovely ^^
And- oh boy XDD Christ alive Freddy go find your own lovelife. Let Jason be happy.
Here's how I think everyone else responds to being asked for Advice about this Pesky Issue-
Billy Loomis: "Freddy Vs Jason 2; The Date Night. Nice. Call me when it happens again."
Bubba Sawyer: *Whines and shrugs, like ... oh that sucks.* // Sorry, if you thought Bubba was gonna be helpful XD 😅 One thing he learnt growing up with his brothers is to
Stay - the heck - out of shit.
Carrie White: "He does that??... I'm sorry, that's terrible- Jason!?? Put me down!! 😹 It doesn't work like that!! 😰😰 " // For context- Jason picked her up and 'aimed' her at Freddy like some kind of telekinetic weapon 😅
Chucky: ... *starts giggling* "hehehe- oh, that's hilarious. HEY! Freddy! You really do that??? You're a fucken dick!... for not inviting me! Count me in for next time!... hahaha... *Turns back to you. Acts surprised* -Oh, you thought coming to me was a good idea?? Well we all make mistakes."
Jennifer Check: *Sighhhhhh* "I hate to say this but you brought this on yourself Y/N- I told you not to get with any of these fucken low budget losers. Now the only way to fix this is to dump Jason. Freddy's got some kinda territorial bi-erotic claim over the big guy."
Jerry Dandridge: "Sweetheart this would not be problem if you were with me. But... hm, I recommend... ghost peppers, perhaps. Or carolina reapers. If he can handle his spice, you can... *shrug* I dont know, put it somewhere else?... " *Gestures meaningfully to his eyes*
Michael Myers: In general Michael is pretty unhelpful. But... this time he did lean over and flick a salt shaker down. And I think that's pretty indicative of what he thinks Jason should do about Freddy XD Or even you. Just let him hear it XD
Pamela Voorhees: *Sharpening a cleaver, smiling* "Oh don't worry dear's, I'll handle this little problem... "
Patrick Bateman: "Why don't you just tie him up for the duration of your date?" // He immediately left and ignored everyone for hours after that, but for that moment- he was very helpful! ^^ It took him against his will, I promise. You didn't even directly ask him, he just overheard you talking to Michael and it came tumbling out-
Pennywise: "Ooooooh, yes, tie him up!! Tie him up like a hog and give him to me!! Hehehe... Hahaha... HAHAHA- " // *There's suddenly a BANG and you notice a Freddy-Shaped hole in the wall.*
Stu Macher: "... wait. Why do you need him to leave? Huh?? *Looking suggestively at them* Hmmm, you wanna get- *Sticks out tongue against his chin* nasty??"
Tiffany Valentine: "He did the same thing to Chucky and I for a while! Sweetheart, I'll just give you this one hint, because how I got rid of him really wasnt lady like and I shouldn't say it outloud. Ehem... Pli-ers. Huge ones."
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free-boundsoul · 10 months
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Huh, did not realize that it's been two years already. (Does it count? I was inactive for a lot of it😅)
Anyway, to mark the occasion if anyone would like to send in request for some expression practice I'd be so happy!
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(Credit to @abisalli for this challenge, original post is here)
I was thinking of just doing flats for this, and if the requests could be limited to the ones I've done since I came back, I'd appreciate it! (Only because those are ones I have an actual idea for how they look. That would be the Damn fam, Vega, Blake, Kody, the Wolf bois, the Vamp bois, and Guy. -I will include Sam even though I havent drawn him recently but my mental image for him hasn't changed. And if anyone would want, Sweetheart, Freelancer, Lovely and Honey)
As always, no pressure, I just wanted to do something fun to celebrate and to thank you guys for sticking with me! I truly enjoy coming onto this app and seeing how yall are doing, your thoughts and ideas and your creativity. To top it off, you guys are so insanely nice it blows my mind! 💜 so again, thank you!!!
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justaredheadf1fan · 2 years
Austin you gorgeous surprise, what a weekend!
 What up? 😅
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So, we were busy yesterday and ended up quite exhausted, especially me after seeing my team lose by 4-0, plus we had some technical issues with the Wi-Fi so we just preferred to watch the race properly today instead.
It’s lights out and away we go indeed, what a start!! I guess Carlos didn’t like that, but I don’t see that it was George’s fault. I’ve replayed it a few times already since yesterday, but I myself don’t see it.
What the fuck is Stroll doing P3? đŸ€Ł The Aston Martins are definitely on fire, that was truly amazing!! Charles slowly climbing up the ladder, I’m still waiting for the demon inside him to make an appearance at some point and yeet Fraudstappen or something.
So, let me get something straight, as Marina said Kevin was FORCED to pit because the endplate was dangerous and was in no shape (which is true), but now they just waited for Checo’s to just fall off and there’s that? At least they should try to hide it a little maybe? Jesus.
Bottas went off to the gravel and now we see the SC going out. Chills, this always gives me a bad feeling. Charles and Seb stop, decent stop fro Sharl and a good one for Seb.
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We’re watching the replay from the race start and I still can’t see it. It looks like Carlos is trying to go through Costappen’s inside and George while trying to do the same with Lewis he messes up with the brakes and just goes into Carlos unavoidably. I don’t see the punishment there, it was a mistake that led to a race incident like any other. He’s still man enough (obviously) to go and apologize to him anyway, but I don’t see him being at fault.
When did Sharl get to P4!? AND WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED THERE!!???!!?!?!!?!?! OMG ALONSO!!!!!! God that was scary as fuck, the cars are in pieces, Jesus fucking Christ and how the fuck is he still driving!? I mean, look I know Fernando’s personality and his stubbornness is known to everyone, and I get that he 99,99% wanted to keep racing for sure. But it’s negligent on Alpine’s part to send him away to race after that huge crash. I agree with Haas that it was so dangerous and they needed to get a penalty.
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Okay, so now they punish Pierre right away with 5 seconds for something Checo did exactly the same way in another race and he didn’t get punished at all? I guess the Suzuka rant calling the FIA out so brutally has made him a target. That’s nice.
So, Cuntstappen obviously has to make the sardonic comment on radio and even his engineer is telling him that he must think that they’re a tema. Like he gives a fuck, huh? What an asshole, honestly. Yes, they fucked up, unlike 99% of the time, being the best when it comes to pit stops, so he should just shut up and stop whining for once, which he didn’t stop one second during the whole race. I’m sorry, I can’t respect this individual. He deserves no respect whatsoever. Even Spanish commentators, who are super pro Fuckstappen have said that he should’ve just shut up, which says a lot.
So the hunt for Gasly goes on, he was flagged for track limits and then when he has to serve his 5 seconds’ penalty, and he gets another penalty for apparently not serving the 5 seconds correctly. Are you fucking kidding me?
Seb and Lewis battling like old times is sending me. This is simply beautiful. Please Seb, don’t retire. We need you đŸ„Č Absolutely beautiful. I agree with Kevin that a person who truly wants to retire doesn’t drive like that.
And now Kevin is being investigated for ignoring yellow flags. Well 😆
Oh God, Seb no 😭 He won’t make any comments against his team anyway. Unlike someone else. AND FUCKING ALONSO IS P7. This guy. He’s an asshole but he’s fucking tremendous, he’s lost his rear mirror due to Kevin’s tow, omg đŸ€Ł He’s fucking crazy.
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Fraudstappen has gone off track several times now and oh what a surprise, no penalty? What else is new. They’ll penalize Lewis instead of him, right? Not Lewis but Mick. Anywho.
Seb’s and Kevin’s battle was absolutely delightful. This has been the best part of the race, Seb’s amazing moments, super deserved DOTD.
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And all of these alongside the commentary by the splendid friend I’m spending the week with, who’s made me laugh my ass off with her snarky comments. Thank luck I have you @suicide-inthe-trenches 😂
All in all, Austin just gets a few rights and we’re finally going to bed. We’ll be watching Mexico together too, so that’ll be fun đŸ€Ł
In the mean time, peace out!
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walkingstackofbooks · 1 year
DS9 3x10 Fascination thoughts (I'm re-watching, so there may be future spoilers)
"Isn't that the earring you-" "-bought for Mardah?" Huh, I thought Bajoran's earrings were personalised and individual to them, like when Kira recognised Nalas', not something bought by others as gifts.
I say this every time, but I love Sisko and Jake's relationship
"But I'm not going to have any fun." "Oh." XD
Julian's "we've played 70 games" makes me think he's comfortable enough with the chief to not hide things like counting racquetball games <3 although I doubt it was a perfectly round 70
"And you know what all those games have proved to me? That I'm a poor substitute for your wife." "I could've told you that sixty games ago."
Okay so an average person could have done that 70x2=140 calculation in a few seconds, but Julian did 70x2=150 so either he made the mistake on purpose, or he rounded 73/4/5 games down to 70 then doubled the actual number and rounded it up to 150.
His little grin at the end there <3 Idk the "Maybe you can try and convince her to stay" was just a nudge, knowing that Miles would be like definitely not and realise he didn't really resent her being away.
Odo's noticeable slow down as he approached Nerys
Kira's smile at "Actually, I was thinking of joining you this year." - she's SO beautiful, I love her smile to bits
"Well then, we'll see each other later." "I'd like that." He's so awkward but he's trying <3 I didn't like last time suddenly realising he was in love with her, but this time round I am here for it, because she obviously thinks super highly of him, and although he's jealous and doesn't always hide it, he never tries to make her uncomfortable or push her (at this point), even though he's not used to these feelings.
"For you I will make the time, Odo." She does like him a lot. (And her smile again, wow, she's radiant)
Keiko's sigh at "I should never have given you all that candy" - if she had been looking at Lwxana, that would have been a death stare.
"I usually make it a point to drop by Quark's three or four times a day at random intervals, just to let him know that I'm thinking about him." Oh do you, now, Odo?
Ughhhh, Lwxana is So Forward and I don't like it. Odo's so uncomfortable. (I do ship them. Just not right now.)
"What kind of help do you mean?" THat is the correct question to ask. He sounds so nervous and he is so right to.
Lwaxana just being like #icanfixhim 😅
"The office has changed Kai Winn" Has it, Bareil, or is that just wishful thinking?
KIRA'S HAIR. ffffffffff I love her look rn
He's jealous of Jadzia. If she was a guy Kira would have gone "she's just a good friend." But no, perish that thought even be entertained on this throughly straight space station.
KiraDax tradition!!
Miles and Keiko's argument is so Aghhhh. Neither of them are exactly wrong but they're both tired and grouchy and need to give each other some grace or some time.
Kira is SO BEAUTIFUL, her dress is gorgeous but so is SHE
Her catching eyes with Dax who smiles back why can't they BE GIRLFRIENDS
Jake's grin and "wanna go out with me?!" he is such a child. At least in this episode it's mind games and kind of endearing.
Kira is understandably speechless at that
"Because I was hoping that you and I could get to know each other better... A lot better." Oh dear.
I don't like how Lwxana forces Odoout of his comfort zone. I think she would be good for him if she went at his pace with the PDA, and actually asked him about it, rather than assuming he needs to have affection forced upon him. I know I liked her more in DS9 than in TNG, but atm I'm just frustrated with her
Oh it's Quark's trans flag suit!
Yay, Keiko and Miles made up! "You know, I haven't sat here since you've been gone. " "That's so sweet. " I love her smile too :)
Annnnd another argument. of course.
Jealousy is not a good look on you, Miles
Yes, Miles, you are behaving like a child.
Oh fuck you Miles she is TIRED do better than this for goodness' sake you're an adult
"Of course I like her." "Well so do I." I love how simple this argument is and how clearly Jake thinks it solves everything XD
Sisko is so worried and rightly so <3 But clearly has no clue how to handle this curveball
"That's very thoughtful but I have nothing to give you in return." "Being with you is the only present I need." Nah, usually that's a sweet line, but here's it's just downright manipulative
"There's no divorce, no broken homes, nothing but peaceful conjugal bliss." This is a really good illustration of why divorce can be a fucking good thing and rising divorce rates since women have been given more rights and freedoms is not a worrying sign!
"You cancel the party, and then that way we can spend the evening alone together. What do you say?" "Sisko to Bashir." XD I just really like this as a response. Not "something is wrong", but acting on that wrongness immediately
Miles is good at apologies, I'll give him that
I remember the first time I watched this I was convinced Keiko was in her bedroom with someone else having been affected by the weirdness, and everything was going to ramp up even more between the two of them.
Huh, Lwxana is arm in arm with Julian too! She gets round XD or he does....
That was the most ridiculous kiss XD How Siddig and Visitor kept straight faces during that scene I have no idea!
Okay, so Sisko is the only sane one here and he's just noticed.
Oh, and Odo is too
Julian's slight self-awareness of "this is very embarrassing" mid-kiss is so amusing to me
Jadzia just stealing the betrothal bracelet like a magpie there
Keiko's entrance :o I'm glad she took the time for herself to just think things over and figure out what she wanted, rather than feeling like she had to accept the apology straight away.
Sisko really just took that punch
JADZIA'S SO GREAT. Taking down Bareil like that was just so much fun to watch, she's wonderful (poor bareil i guess)
Keiko and Miles are so stunned XD I forgot they've missed out on everything else and have literally no clue what the heck is going on here.
Sisko's tact XD "hen Mrs Troi's amorous feelings for ... someone on the station"
"There would have to have been some pre-existing latent attraction." They didn't have to add that in, but they sure did.
"Only on a subconscious level. Best not think about it too much, if you ask me." *Sigh* *sad nod*. Oh, poor boy, he's really going to try hard not think about it isn't he
You KNEW he didn't like you and you STILL kissed him? This is NOT OKAY, Lwxana!
I'm happy Keiko and Miles made up, but it would make so much more sense for Miles to insist on resigning and going to Bajor to be with her. I'm sure he loves her enough to, and the only reason he didn't is because he's a main character - but in universe this makes him a little eh.... and Keiko deserved sooo much better
*Throws racket* "Chief" straight away. Yep, you're definitely not trying to be a wife-substitute, eh, Julian?
So this was a long one! I did enjoy that episode, despite it's weirdness and frustrations... and how achingly heterosexual it is. Hey ho. It's silly and fun and very Star Trek, still
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cocoabubbelle · 2 years
Watching “Scooby Doo, Where Are You?” (1969-1970 CBS) + Thoughts
Episode 14: Go Away Ghost Ship
Voice Acting for side characters is improving.
“Redbeard,” huh? He looks more like a “Gingerbeard” to me.
In all seriousness, was there a trademark on Blackbeard, or was it mostly a color design choice for the animators + writers??
Is this the second or third time a Malt Shop has made an appearance in this series?
Seating arrangements going clockwise: Scooby, Fred, Velma, Daphne, and Shaggy. Me: Friends sitting next to each other â˜ș; Also Me: Frelma and Shaphne crumbs 👀
I know it’s played for harmless laughs, but I can’t help but get annoyed by Scooby always finding ways to swipe Shaggy’s food. Scooby no Swiping!!
Also, why are the malts/shakes/ice cream always pink? Is strawberry the popular flavor in their area.
The butler has a pretty nifty design. I sure hope he’s not the culprit.
Shelma time everybody! Also, do they really think the butler would be dumb enough to let them in when they CLEARLY didn’t change their normal outfits beyond adding some maid/chef hats and aprons? Additional Fraphne underneath the covered cart while Scooby is underneath the cloche.
Yes, they do think he’s dumb enough to fool (pssst
he isn’t.), and they get into the room.
C.L. Magnus, owner of the freighters that keep getting attacked by the Ghost of Redbeard, has a nice, rich voice. I’m immediately suspicious.
Camera angles are telling me to keep my eyes on the butler.
Does a decoy count as a trap?
“Like, the fog is so thick that you can cut it with a knife, hehe!”
Scooby: *proceeds to literally cut the fog with a knife* If he eats the fog cloud, I-
Nope, he uses it as a window.
Shaggy uses too much power on the motor for the boat the Scooby Gang is using and it goes off without them.
Funny Shelma moment as they both try paddling the boat away but neither of them notice they are paddling in opposite directions.
If these weren’t our main characters and heroes, a collision from a ship that size against their tiny boat would have killed everyone.
“Oh! My Hairdo!” Because that’s what the writers think conventionally pretty teen girls think about in a life and death situation đŸ€Ș
Also, correct me if I’m wrong, but this looks like the first time the gang split up without Fred’s instructions (somehow still making it Fred + Daphne + Velma and Shaggy + Scooby.)
Shaggy and Scooby somehow are able to climb along the rotten, splintered looking hull (?) of the pirate ship, find an open window, and squeeze through into an empty room. I call shenanigans.
“Like, let’s hope the others made it [aboard] too.” Oh they did. We just probably won’t see it.
I stand corrected; we cut to the next scene of Fred, Velma, and Daphne SOMEHOW having been able to climb all the way up the hull and onto a deserted deck. SHE. NANI. GANS.
Fraphne with Fred’s hand on Daphne’s shoulder as the three of them look around.
Just when I was wondering if the portrait of Redbeard that Shaggy and Scooby were walking past was going to come to life and scare them, the real Redbeard rips the canvas from behind the wall and scares them.
Oy, swords! Invisible thread??
Oh wow, there are more pirates. This guy means business (and committed to the act).
Ok, did the two of them just get captured? They just fell to the ground sobbing in fear rather than run away.
“For a ghost ship, there sure aren’t many ghosts around.” Don’t push your luck.
“Maybe they’ve gone haunting for a new house.” “Or out with a couple of old ghoul-friends!” Girls. I love you both, but please leave the bad jokes to Shaggy 😅
our jokes weren’t that funny, Freddy.” “I didn’t laugh!”
Upon finding dry ice that somehow creates enough “fog” for Redbeard’s ghost ship: “I think we found ourselves a clue.” Is this the first time we hear the gang saying this phrase???
Redbeard was crafty enough to lure Daphne, Fred, and Velma into a room he didn’t actually go in so he could trap them.
Shaggy is able to get Redbeard to spare his and Scooby’s lives by offering to cook for the crook.
Watching Shaggy and Scooby mix in chains, stove ashes, cobwebs, and soap with seawater to feed the captain makes me partially cringe and partially giggle knowing the Ghost of Redbeard isn’t actually a ghost.
I wonder if it was this episode or one of the more recently previous ones that the writers wrote Shaggy and Scooby to be a lot more naive and quick to assume that the supernatural was real, or if they/Shaggy just think ghosts are more real than werewolves?
That or they are just joking to themselves and are purposely trying to feed the “ghost” something that will make him sick so they can get away. If so, apologies for doubting you, boys.
“Soap!” *offering to add it as an additional ingredient to the stew.* “Soap? I hardly use it myself, but why not?” Bruh. đŸ€š
Redbeard immediately smells something fishy and makes Shaggy and Scooby eat the stew. “B-but we aren’t hungry!” Aha, so they were trying to trick him and make him sick? (Or they don’t like the idea of eating ghost pirate stew since they wouldn’t eat werewolf moonbeams in an earlier episode? (See Episode 11: A Gaggle of Galloping Ghosts))
Somehow the soap in the stew make Shaggy and Scooby spit out enough bubbles to blind Redbeard and escape.
Animation goof: Shaggy’s white sclerae.
I will be impressed if Shaggy’s makeshift paper pirate hats for him and Scoob succeed in helping them blend in the pirate crew, despite the crew having seen them before.
Color me impressed: Shaggy’s actually using the paper hat to make a shadow silhouette. He also demonstrates another voice talent —mimicry— to successfully trick the goons into thinking he’s Redbeard and throw them off their trail.
They goof and accidentally fall overboard, but they manage to fall right on the side where Fred and the girls are captured, so follow the ship from behind to rescue their friends.
“Skull Island.” What, was Cranium Enclave not spooky enough of a name?
“Boy, this mystery’s getting more mysterious by the minute!” Ya don’t say?
Nope, random triangular fin that was following Shaggy and Scooby for no reason other than laughs.
Redbeard leaves three teens in a room with the key right there on the table because how was he supposed to know that Fred inexplicably carries random straws and a chewed wad of gum to macgyver a tool to nab the keys and free themselves? (That or Fred saw the straws and gum in the room they were held in or in this room lying about and thought on his feet and macgyverred a makeshift tool.)
Velma’s solution to pick which random tunnel to take? “Eeny, meenie, miney mo! 😌”
When Shaggy sneaks up behind Velma: “AAAA!!”; When Shaggy snuck up behind Daphne in Episode 3: Hassle in the Castle : â€œđŸ’„!!!! đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«â€
Turns out the paper Shaggy used to make a pirate hat (and continued to wear) was the ship’s manifest listing the schedule of and the cargo carried by the Magnus Freighters. Confirmation that the butler did it contrary to me not wanting to suspect him? Or is Mr. Magnus pulling the strings behind Redbeard for whatever reason?
Fraphne moment (Daphne holding Fred’s arm)
“This creepy cave is creepier than I thought!”
Jack-in-the-Box; pirate style?? Also, I call shenanigans that the security device only has a mini-microphone and speaker, but no hidden camera.
Guessing random passwords somehow works. Also, does liverwurst actually taste that good in order to be one of Shaggy’s favorite foods?
Oh. Maybe there was a hidden camera in that security device after all, and Redbeard opened up the secret passage anyway to trap the Scooby Gang. He’s going to fail in the end, obviously, but this guy is one of the gang’s more intelligent antagonists đŸ€Ą
How lucky that the crate Shaggy and Scoob wind up hiding in also contains Scooby Snacks.
Pffft! They share the treats and both holler out “SCOOBY DOO!” while breaking free.
A sharp Ghost Sword vs Liverwurst.
Boys, if you don’t learn your lesson on not immediately assuming random things to be food/drinks and consuming them on sight

Fred, Daph, and Velma in the same archery class confirmed?
Only cartoon shenanigans can explain how an eggbeater can tickle a grown man wearing what looks like layers of leather pirate clothing.
Tbf, when I was a child, I though Jackhammers were heavy duty pogo sticks. Then again, I was a child. Shaggy is a teenager.
Jackhammer somehow gets Shaggy and Scoob up cavern wall, onto the ceiling and right above Redbeard. When they get off via falling, the jackhammer winds up in the back of Redbeard’s pants without smashing his head or breaking his spine.
Here comes the navy(?) to help arrest the criminals.
Oh. What do you know? I was right to suspect Mr. Magnus. Yay me!!!
“And I thought, like, the butler always did it!”
Kind of funny how ashamed Mr. Magnus and his henchmen look after getting caught.
I knew I remembered Scooby eating a doughnut made of fog!!!
Day 14 of no “And I would have gotten away with it to, if it weren’t for you meddling kids!”
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sothischickshe · 2 years
list 10 songs you really like, each by a different artist, and then tag 10 people to do the same
Tagged by @bourbon-ontherocks (thank youuuuu 😘)
Caroline, no -- the beach boys
Red velvet -- outkast
Blue -- joni Mitchell
Let's go crazy -- prince and the revolution
Centerfield -- John fogerty
Time, as a symptom -- joanna newsom
Master blaster (jammin') -- stevie wonder
A day in the life -- the beatles
Booo! -- sticky ft ms dynamite
Super sharp shooter -- dj zinc
Tagging: @nakedmonkey @aeolianblues @icanthearyoufromhereplease @justalilobsessd @harpersplay @lindybot @riosnecktattoo @riosnosestud @anakin-obiwan @applepiips
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Hi! I’m kinda new to how tumblr and it’s the first time I ask, so if I get something wrong sorry.
This is for the Sagau au. I like to think that magic is present in both worlds: theirs is more flashy and movie-like while ours is more spiritual-like. What would Riddle's/ Neige’s/Silver’s reaction be to a dedicated demonologist? Maybe they worship someone like Lilith/ they are god-spoused to someone.
And maybe Lilith sends them warning signs about the guys/ they are dedicate to their belief and path and prioritise it over their role and friendships.
I like to think they are an anarchist which doesn't mix well with Riddle. Neige would be prob be intimidated or blame our belief on NCR, cus they are villains and all. I really want to see what Silver would do?
If it’s too specific, please tell me 🙏🙏🙏 or just pick something that interests you from this ask 😅
Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, obsession, imprisonment, kidnapping, beheading, death, religion, murder
Riddle Rosehearts/Silver/Neige LeBlanche-Reaction to a dedicated demonologist
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Oh Overseer! Your wisdom and grace is unrivalled by anyone! Oh you are a demonologist

Don’t get me wrong, Riddle is everything but judging as long as a job makes someone happy and well fed but he really didn’t expect that
So you are a big fan of Lilith huh? (“Who the heck is Lilith??!”)
Studies a lot about demonology to understand you and he is all fine and dandy with you liking this as your breadwinning money but

Do you have to be such a fan of anarchy??!
You are literally a ruler so what the heck??!
He is close to a breakdown
The one ruler he had been looking up to his entire life is in truth against anything they stand for
But then again, no one truly knew something about you before you came here so that is also no too weird to him
He still locks himself into his room for a week at least
Trey is screaming because the first years are doing whatever they want
 if you aren’t the ruler he always imagined you to be then he just has to make you into one, right?
And now say bye bye to Night Raven College and hi to the Queendom of roses
He will knock you out and sit you onto that throne
 now about those shackles on your wrists and legs

Oh and if you try to end the monarchy they will just think you are testing them, no way out deary
But at least you have all the gold and diamonds in the world! Oh you want to leave? But Rosehearts said you like it here
 and he would never lie to them just to keep you for himself!
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 what am I supposed to say here?
Ok so you descend (great first step. It’s not like your readers can count two and two together author!)
But ok, Silver was raised all his life to see you as a God, a higher being!
And now you want to tell him about some dark lady back in your world?
Awesome! So you aren't full of prejudice towards darker beings! I mean, you are God but... awesome!
The only thing that he would be conflicted about is all that anarchy thingy....
You see, he is the shield of a monarch
On one hand he wants to fulfill all your wishes but on the other he also holds Malleus dear
Jokes on him Malleus is currently telling Lilia to behead him the second you say you want him gone to his face
Surely you only need to spend more time with the future King and everything will be fine. Right? RIGHT??!
Is busy the entire time to understand what the heck you mean when you tell him facts about some dude called Lucifer and all of that
But hey, sooner or later he is also a walking Wikipedia page about demons so keep it up
Whenever you start with Anarchy again he falls asleep. It's almost as if he is trying to block that part out...
But good luck to the poor soul who called you weird or something along these lines
Seems like Silver can finally test out how easy skin is cut with a sword
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You want to tell me you think this Disney Princess will accept that you are into that kind of stuff
And this leads to him doing something we humans are experts in: denial
But on a more serious note, please give him some head pats. He needs them
Lilith? Who is that? You talked about her yesterday? No you didn't! You DIDN'T! YOU DIDN'T!!!
Why can't you two just run over flower fields and sing songs whilst petting birds instead of talking about what demon is doing whom dirty??’
You are supposed to be perfection! Not some weird freak (oh God! Silver is coming!!!)
So he tries to “correct” you
And with that I mean that he thinks you are just teasing him and instead you want to do flower crowns
No Neige, but keep up that denial
And then you suddenly bring up a new subject. Yay!
It's anarchy. Noooo.....
Neige was already done with the world when you started to swoon over Lilith
But now you also want to see it burn? (They never said that Neige. Don't put weird ideas into their head!)
And for some reason all of this isn't getting better... it's the fault of Night Raven College, right?
So what does a super rich model do when something doesn't go their way? Throw money on it
Ok, actually throw money at a company that will build him a house within a very short amount of time and oh, that house has crowbars in front of its windows and the door is also pretty stable...
Like that you won't be influenced by those people. So please, return to the sweet person you once were!
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