#Amazing Benefits of Garlic
hugemilkshake · 2 months
How would your ocs react to y/n proposing to them for marriage?
I. Am. READY!!!
Out of all the questions this was the one I was expecting the least tbh 0-0 but enjoy the milkshake!!
How my OCs would react to being proposed too!
Starfruit Milkshake and Snake Tooth would have very similar reactions, those being that the don’t accept since they are hopelessly in love with each other
Bubbly Milkshake would cry, out of both happiness and fear
Burnt Caramel only has one rule if you’re going to marry him. FOLLOW HIS BELIEF
Rex Cookie is unsure because she’s a dinosaur and is confused about why anyone would marry a dinosaur. But she’ll accept
Sugary Jello is super excited and will be cooking something for you very shortly
Cinnamon Spider might cry because the kinda believed he wouldn’t ever get married
Red Fruit is happy for tax benefits
Blackberry Shade will have a cheeky smile and will gladly accept… but you just have signed and unwritten contract…
Powdered Basil will pick up the proposal ring and be in shock for a while but there is no way of telling if he’ll say yes or no
Shimmering Onion is kinda obvious to it so you’ll have to ask him several times and really emphasize that you are proposing to him. Once he realizes he’ll be super embarrassed
Grilled Tomato is very hyper about this and will tackle hug you
Scorched Garlic might cry out of happiness, he will crack a pun or dad joke though
Bubbling Oil will be very flustered
Wild Basil will say no and run away into the forest with the wolves
Barbecue “Dragon” will be stunned but then will accept and boast about his amazing soon to be spouse
Gran-Berry will jokingly ask if your into milfs-
Minty Snail will pass out from surprise
Dark Apple would love to accept but he just can’t at the moment… maybe if you had proposed later when things weren’t that bad for him he accept…
Pink Mantis will happily accept and will write you love letters like the two of you are teenagers
Emperor Catterpilar will happily accept and then try to give you lots of gifts
Peach Novius will stutter and stumble over her words but she’s really happy
Leaf Sheep Slug won’t give you an answer but the hug you get should tell you that they accept
Adenosine Cookie will say L ratio to you and run away. Marriage means commitment. Marriage means showing you their face. That’s not something they want
Adele Penguin, Blushing Snail and Tabby Cat are not able to get married, but they will be flower girls/ hold the rings (I have never been involved in wedding planning so idk how one works-)
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storiesbyjes2g · 4 months
3.121 Fake
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As I spoke with Dad, I noticed my guests dipping into the kitchen and getting our leftovers out of the fridge, so I excused myself to go make a proper meal, noting I should prepare food before our next party. Finding a dish that satisfied Sophia's lactose intolerance and Dad's vegetarianism proved challenging, so I went to the internet to help me. I found an interesting vegetable stew called Three Sisters that fit the bill, so I made that on the grill, hoping to entice everyone to come outside. I thought about Dub as I chopped veggies and added them into the pot. How was everything going with him and Maia? He should be here with the rest of my friends, but I chose not to invite him and felt very guilty about it. I didn't feel right about leaving him out of our struggles and then pop up out of nowhere with a party invite. Maia should have been about ready to pop by then, so they probably couldn't come anyway. She may have already given birth, and they're dealing with a demanding newborn right now. I could say that was my assumption if he got upset, but I needed to tell him the truth. He trusted me with something, so I needed to do the same.
My stew was looking pretty good and smelled even more amazing. Sauteed onions, peppers, and garlic were one of my favorite smells, but adding the sweetness of butternut squash was enough to make my mouth water. Maira found me as I sprinkled a little cilantro on top.
"Hey! Can you try this and make sure it tastes okay?" I asked.
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"Sure. What is it?"
"It's a vegetarian stew."
She raised the spoon to her nose and sniffed.
"Hmmm...that smells wonderful."
Finally she puts it in her mouth, and her soft moans give me the answer I needed. Maira wasn't exactly Ms. Sunshine, but she didn't seem to be herself. Something about her eyes tipped me off, and I felt as though she were putting on for our benefit.
"So, how've you been?" I asked.
Her eyes widened as if I had alarmed her, but after a moment she relaxed in resignation.
"Uhhhhh... Not great, honestly."
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My initial reaction was to be upset about her not telling me what went on in her life, but then I thought about how I had just beat myself up over doing the same thing to Dub. Maybe the natural response to trauma was to retreat instead of reach out.
"I'm sorry I haven't been there for you," I said.
She snorted.
"Don't apologize for living a great life, Luca," she said, flatly.
But that was the thing. It hadn't been great, but how would she know that? Sophia and I had become masters of fake smiles and carrying on.
"So...what's going on?" I asked.
"Well...to start, my brother died and-"
"There you are," Chi Chi shouted, interrupting Maira and I. "I was wondering where you've been hiding. Your house is amazing! I always wanted to know what the inside of this one looked like. Did you renovate or is this how it looked? ..."
She went on and on and on, hammering me with questions about the house without even taking a breath. Sophia brought the portable speaker outside, placed it on the table, turned it on, and began to dance. It was one of those wedding gifts we never thought we'd use, but actually came in handy. One by one, everyone else joined us outside, and before I knew it, my moment with Maira was gone. I wanted to hold her and express my condolences, but she wiped her tears and put on a smiling face, moving on as if nothing happened. How did she do that? Death was such a big event. Maybe later I'd be able to revisit the subject. Until then, I too plastered on a smile and regaled Chi Chi.
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Eventually the music drew Chi Chi away from me, and I was relieved. I'm surprised my stew was still warm and ate while everyone shook their groove things. Alessia and Sophia seemed to giggle about something, and I was so happy to see them getting along, especially since Less had been scowling and complaining all afternoon. I still felt some kind of way about knowing my friend was suffering while we were all celebrating, but seeing everyone enjoy themselves in our new home made me happy.
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When Sophia had her fill of dancing, or maybe she couldn't hold her secret any longer, she called everyone inside for cake, and I lit the candles for her. She stood in front of it, looking at everyone and smiling; she was so beautiful.
"I appreciate you all being here," she said. "You're our village. If you haven't guessed by now, we're gonna welcome a little one into this village."
Gasps, cheers, and applause erupted around the table, and my heart was so full. I glanced at Mama to see how she reacted because I had previously told her she would be the first to know when we found out, but clearly I did not hold up my end of the bargain, especially when I had a prime opportunity to tell her in the kitchen. I thought maybe she'd want to strangle me, but instead, her eyes were full of tears of joy, and I was relieved. She had two grandchildren loading and was probably in shock.
Sophia continued.
"It means a lot to me personally to have so many friends and loved ones who love and support us, especially on this new road we're going down, so thank you all!"
Everyone applauded again. As she made a wish, we all made a great ruckus as we celebrated her transition into adulthood.
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"Sweet llamas that's a beautiful sim," Chi Chi said. "You are one blessed man, Luca."
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avkizi · 3 months
🌞, 🥥, & 🌧️!
🌞; what’s one specific scenario or thing from your dr that you get the nervous jitters for?
i have two big ones and I'm saying them both
def the whole sorting ceremony/ritual/whatever you wanna call it + meeting the rest of my house ESPECIALLY the marauders + the valkyries like it's the I am going to know these ppl for the next over 7 years holy shit + i'm so excited feeling yk?? // marauders dr
(bnha/mha dr) two words, school festival. that wole arc is probably one of my all time favs (probably bc it's not actively traumatizing us) and i'm so excited to experience it!!! also the CONCERT THING?? dude I am such a sucker for y/n moments and this is literally my time to shine fr bc ik me n jirou r gonna eat that shit uppppp (adding a read more bc this is long asfff)
(lil bit of bg info) so when I was scripting this arc I was like huh... what part should I do in the concert thing?? and I had the idea to do tech crew and I was chill w/ it bc like ok I can fly thats useful asf and wings would get in the way of dancing anyway, but then I was listening to hero too (don't judge me its motivating asf) n I was like oh yk what there are a LOT of moments in here that would benefit from added harmonies or have unexplained backup singing (an example is around 3:13 in the song but it's everywhere) bc it's supposedly live right??? like idk if its supposed to be just layered vocals or an echo or whatever but I took that shit and RAN and was like yk what I didnt script I could sing crazy well for nothing bitch I'm singing backup now <3 also I absolutely stole that whole outro bc it fits so so well w my backstory how could I not??? anyway tangent over but yeah i'm genuinley soso excited ajdskjskj
🥥; list three specific smells from your dr and explain them.
fun fact I have an amazing sense of smell in my cr but apparently god had to fucking nerf me so I'm congested like 80% of the time
anyway let's go fr (all of this is from my bnha/mha dr bc thet's the only place i've shifted)
this super specific type of cleaner spray for countertops that we use, it kinda smells like very citrus-y but with notes of mango i've never smelled anything like it here, so it's probably not a thing here, but my and hawk's apartment smells like it like 24/7 (it's called zesty sparkle 😭😭)
kei always gets this spicy ass garlic-y chicken when he comes back from a really crazy patrol, and it smells SO GOOD but i risk my life every time i eat that shit on godddd
i use this shea butter/oil stuff for my feathers so they're nice and shiny and clean looking, and it smells literally the best i would eat it by the jar if i could holy shiiiiiiit
🌧️; who will be the first person you talk to in your dr that you’re excited to meet? how will the convo go?
so i scripted that i'll wake up on the morning i go school shopping w/ lily (i scripted that we're childhood friends <3) so i'm really excited to meet and talk to her tbh!!!! //marauders dr
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citrinelavender · 4 months
Vegan Pesto
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(sharing previous food blog posts, new ones are coming soon!) I am so happy to share this recipe with you! If you know me personally, then you know how much I love pesto. My love for pesto began many years ago during my youth days in Athens, Ga. I grew up having an amazing big sister who felt like it was her duty to introduce me and my younger sister to new cultures and experiences. We grew up in the southern regions of Georgia and North Carolina, so it's easy for the only thing to be on our palate is traditional soul foods like fried fish or a chicken biscuit.  Some of my favorite memories growing up was when my sister would take me to a new restaurant and she would tell me to try something new. I was never disappointed when I would try the cuisines from all around the world. It was one sunny summer afternoon when me, my sisters, and my cousin went out for pizza. We were sitting on the rooftop and looking at the menu to please our appetite. My sister suggested we put pesto on our pizza. I was a little skeptical at first because there is one thing I don't mess with and that is pizza. I really LOVE pizza. I trusted her suggested and we ordered the pizza with pesto. I took my first bite and the fresh and glamorous flavor of basil was there. I remember that day so clearly because to me pesto is life changing. Moving forward anytime I saw pesto as an option I would eat it with pasta, my omelette, and sometimes just simply with bread. Traditionally pesto is not vegan because it has parmesan cheese in it. Although I am vegan I am not missing out on anything that I enjoyed prior to my lifestyle change. Everything can be veganized.  This recipe I developed is from me trying all the vegan pestos that have been created and curating the perfect pesto. Basil is packed with many health benefits and it is good for your heart chakra. The rest of the ingredients included in this recipe are healthy too, leaving you with this divine health sauce. Do yourself a favor and make this pesto, its a fun and delicious addition to make your meals extra bright with flavor. 
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Vegan Pesto  Ingredients 1 cup of kale (optional) 1 cup of basil  about 2 tbsp of nutritional yeast 1/4 cup of cashews a handful of pine nuts 2-3 cloves of garlic 1 juice of a lemon 1/2 cup of olive oil salt and pepper
Instructions  1.)add all the ingredients into a food processor. (can use a mortar and pestle or a good blender)  add more basil if you aren't adding in anything like kale or spinach. 2.)the olive oil amount is a give or take so add as much to make your pesto thinner or less to give it more of a rustic texture. 3.)also you can have fun with the spices, I sometimes add a fun spice blend to take the flavor to another level. 4.)once you blended your perfect batch of pesto enjoy it with pasta or add it to one of your favorite breakfast meals.
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vanilla-cigarillos · 1 year
Honey Fermented Garlic
It’s been a running joke in my friend group that I’m probably a vampire (due to long standing dark color patterns in my wardrobe and pale skin) but my love of garlic is one of my biggest defender points to my humanity. 
Honey fermented garlic is one of those beloved folk recipes that are especially amazing to have during cold and flu season. It’s quite a simple recipe that combines two very common kitchen items into a lovely blend of flavors and benefits.
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Why Make Honey Fermented Garlic?
Honey is already well known as a natural home remedy for sore throats and pesky allergies. 
Garlic has a long list of medicinal benefits. Ingesting garlic regularly is able to reduce your chances of getting sick, and beyond that it naturally reduces blood pressure and lowers cholesterol.
By mixing honey and garlic together in this lovely little concoction, you not only make it more digestible through fermentation but you’re also combining two potent natural medicinals into one!
Is It Safe?
Lactobacillus, yeast, and acetic acid bacteria are completely safe!
With lacto-fermentation, it’s nearly impossible to make something that will cause bodily harm upon ingestion, due to the bacteria quickly being able to outcompete pretty much everything else and acidify the mixture to prevent spoilage.
Do not use this remedy, or any remedy containing honey with children under 2 years old. A child at this age contains stomach acid that isn’t fully developed yet, and their stomach acts as a low acid environment.
Peel the garlic, trimming it to remove any discolored parts
Press the garlic clove with the side of a knife to gently bruise it
Optional: Once the garlic is in the jar, add about 2 tablespoons of raw apple cider vinegar to the jar at this point Give the jar a quick shake to coat the garlic cloves with cider vinegar.
Ensures that the surface of the garlic starts acidic, which is a precaution against botulism (not very likely, but if you want to be extra careful here’s a step!)
Fill the jar about 1/2 to 2/3 of the way with garlic, then top it off with honey to within an inch of the lid.
Be sure to leave space at the top, as the mixture will bubble as it ferments and you don’t want it to overflow
Cover the jar with a lid and flip it a few times to distribute the honey. Loosen the lid so gasses can escape during fermentation
Bubbles begin to form in the honey after about 24 - 48 hours. After about 3 to 5 days, the garlic should be well fermented. If you’ve made it in the refrigerator, it will take about 2 - 3 weeks for the fermentation process to complete.
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just-my-type-x · 2 years
Brad and the reader used to be friends with benefits and they stopped doing that for each other's sake and they're at a restaurant with the boys (she is also their best friend) and the waiter is very flirty with her and she is too. Brad gets jealous while at the table and endnit with smut pls
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"Such a busy day today", James highlights when we check the time to see for how long have we been waiting to order.
"It is indeed", Brad sighs and takes his phone out, scrolling on his feed. I chat a little bit with Tristan who's right next to me, exchanging some gossip with Connor.
"Good afternoon and i am very sorry on behalf of the restaurant for the long wait. I'm Jared, your waiter for the service and I'm ready to take your order.", the waiter says, gasping for air almost, after running around the dining area. I look up from the menu and look at him, mouth opening slightly. I blink twice and a smirk appears on my face as Jared is already looking at me. I clear my throat.
"Yeah, hi, can i have... I actually forgot. You go first", i shoo my hand at the boys and bury my face in the menu, slightly embarrassed. All of them finish ordering fast and I'm still indecisive about my lunch.
"Can i make you a suggestion?", Jared offers and i was never more eager than this to hear a man state his opinion.
"I would love that", i throw the menu away from my hands and intertwine my fingers under my chin, eyeing Jared.
"We have this amazing sea food plate with baby octopus, fried squid and shrimp. All cooked in butter and garlic, and oven baked vegetables.", he smirks at me and i agree with what he says. I order a glass of white wine and hand him our menus, since i was the closest to him. He takes them from my hands, making sure to touch my fingers while taking them away.
A sigh escapes from my lips and fall into the chair, trying to catch up with what the boys were saying.
"What did we miss?", Brad asks amused. I look at him with a questioning look on my face. "The hand thing"
"What hand thing?", Con asks
"Oh, you saw that? I thought it wasn't noticeable", my cheeks feel warmer than usual and Brad's face becomes all serious.
"I noticed", he taps with his fingers om the table and Jares comes with our drinks.
"Good.", i look at him and then move my eyes on Jared, who's not shy enough to cover his wink at me. I smirk and take a sip of my wine while he leaves our table.
"Oooooh, someone's getting there", Tristan makes fun of me and shakes me by my shoulders gently. I roll my eyes and tell them that it's actually nothing and it's not like I'm gonna be dating this guy. For what i know, he won't be here if i come back one more time.
We eat and finish our drinks, the boys struggling to get some dessert in their stomachs. Brad calls Jared to bring us the bill. Brad gives me one quick glance before Jared gets to our table. He smiles at me before giving us the bill and all checking the total amd how much we spent on our food. We all reach for our wallets to put the cash in the little notepad, but Brad takes out his credit card.
"Will you be kind enough to change the paying method via credit card? It's on me today", we all look confused at Brad and at each other. I shrug my shoulders looking at James and move my head to watch Brad. His position is stiffer than usual and his voice thicker than usual. He clears his throat when Jared picks up the notepad with the bill. Je comes back and gives Brad the small device to pay.
"We hope you enjoyed your food. Was there anything lacking?", he asks while Brad introduces his pin code. He shifts in his seat.
"Some professionalism at work", Brad whispers under his breath, but James is quick to answer.
"The food was lovely, just perfect, don't worry"
"The service was extraordinary", i add and return the wink he gave me earlier. Jared smiles and takes the bill and the device away, leaving us.
"Dude, he could've heard you", Tris highlights and puts his coat on. I put my jacket on and leave with the boys.
"So? It was a nice advice to help him keep his job", Brad raises his hands in defense, like what he said was nothing.
We roll our eyes and head to the hotel.
I enter my hotel room and ask them if they want to spend some time together since we had barely seen each other lately. Except Brad, all of them go to take a nap.
I change my clothes in something more casual and wait for Brad to show up at my door a few minutes later, dressed just as casual as me, sweatpants and a t-shirt.
"I'm so full", i tap on my bloated belly while lying in bed. He has the same position as me and lifts his t-shirt to show me he's a bit bloated too. I catch a glimpse of his v-line before he puts his shirt back. "It's definitely not the table service at fault", i chuckle and he does too.
"You never know"
"You've been working out", i notice
Surprised, he looks at me. "Yeah. Had to take my mind off some things". I nod when he looks away. "What was so cute about that waiter that got you so involved in today's lunch?", he asks, surprised by his own question. I roll my eyes, but smile.
"He was cute. From head to bottom. And he had manners"
"He had manners because it's his job. Even the place he works in makes him have manners.", Brad shakes his head. "And he looked like Fred from the flinstones, dunno what's cute about that"
A loud laugh escapes from my throat, turning into a long laughter session with him. I wipe a tear from the corner of my eye.
"You're just jealous", i accuse him and his face gets serious
"I don't have a reason to be jealous.", he looks away from me, somewhere in the corner of the room.
"Yes you do, you can't stand that someone else got my attention.", my amusement fades away when Brad's eyes meet mine. There's a certain sadness in his eyes, but before i figure out what's up with him, he cups ny face and brings me into a kiss. The kiss is innocent and sweet, our lips moving in sync amd brushing them over each other's slowly, memorising their shapes.
I pull back only to bring Brad closer to me. He gets on top of me and places his hands on both sides of my neck, deepening the kiss making it more passionate. His tongue licks my bottom lip and I part my lips, greeting his tongue with mine. We moan into each other's mouths and Brad's hips rock on mine slowly, creating friction.
"I missed you like this", i manage to whisper, grabbing a handful of curls into my hand, moving Brad's head lower on me. He starts sucking on my neck, leaving hickeys and kissing on my collar bones. He takes of my tshirt and i take off his.
"I missed you too. I need you like crazy", Brad locks eyes with me a split second before he takes off my sweatpants. He groans at the sight of my set of bra and underwear. I start moving my hands on his chest and abs, feeling the well defined muscles he's developed. I squeeze his length through his pants, making him throw his head back, breathing heavily. "Love, stop. You're making me lose control", he moans and gently grabs my wrist, taking it away. I bite my lip, feeling hot and wet between my legs.
"I wouldn't mind that", i bite my lip again and lay on my back, parting my legs for him. He sucks in a breath and scans my body a few times. He caresses my legs and comes down between my legs, removing my underwear. "It's been a while", my face heats up when he throws them away, the moment becoming more real now.
"I know, but trust me, i still got it the way you like it", Brad smirks before moving his finger from my hole, gathering my wetness, up to my clit. He uses it as a lubricant and starts rubbing my clit slowly, drawing small circles. I buckle my hips up, feeling the need for more.
"Fuck, this feels so good", i moan and Brad replaces his finger with his tongue. The warmth and wetness of his tongue makes my body squirm underneath him. He licks between my folds a few times, collecting my juices on his tongue.
"So sweet for me", he almost whispers and i nod, though he can't see me. I feel his finger at my entrence, teasing me. I grab Brad's hair and bring his face even closer to me, needing more. He chuckles and slowly enters his finger inside me. I moan loudly at the feeling of his finger sliding in and out of me, brushing against my g-spot, making my body shiver. "You're getting so wet, love. Fuck..", Brad raises on his knees and keeps pumping his finger in and out before taking it out, only to add another finger. I gasp and part my legs more as to offer more space, but it's useless. Though Brad loves the view. He keeps brushing them against my sensitive spots, the sound of the wetness turning me on even more. My moans become cries and praises as i feel my high approaching fast. "Tell me how you want to finish", Brad's voice is hot and thick and i can't find myself able to form a coherent answer.
"Just how i like it", the sentence barely comes out when Brad's tongue is already nibbling at my clit, fingers pumping faster inside me. I feel his fingers curl inside, a loud moan leaving my mouth. His tongue lick between my folds one more time before drawing small circles again, building up my orgasm. "Brad, I'm so close", i whisper, my eyes closed, head leaned back and my hand looking for Brad's hair. He intertwines his fingers with mine, holding my hand tight while bringing me over the edge. "Oh, yes yes yes", i moan and a loud groan escapes Brad's throat as he goes faster with both his tongue and his fingers. My body shivers uncontrollably while he rides my high. He pins my hips down, holding me by my sides while he cleans me up with his tongue.
"I craved your pussy for so long", he confesses and comes up to my face, kissing me hungrily, giving me a taste of myself. Out of breath and still recovering from my high, i nod.
"I've been craving you for so long too", i bite my lip.
"How was it?", Brad smirks and kisses my forehead
"Unbelievable. You make me feel so good", i confess
"There's no one who can replace me and that's a fact", we both huckle and i get on top of him.
"I told you you were jealous", i kiss him
"No one flirts with you when I'm there.", he smiles amd brings me closer on his body.
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caroloftheshells · 3 months
easiest & favorite marinade whose benefits i have reaped this very night (this is basically an amalgamation of several online "make your own hoisin sauce" recipes w/some tweaks):
4 or 5 tbsp soy sauce
3 tbsp sunflower butter-- you of blessèd immune systems can use peanut butter instead but i can vouch that this tastes amazing
1 or 2? tbsp molasses
3 tsp rice vinegar
2 tsp sesame oil
about 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
tsp garlic powder or minced garlic or whatever you have
dash of black pepper
this has several acid/heat/sweet/savory meters to play with, so take those measurements with a big "plus or minus" but that's the ratio i did today and it was delicious. i marinated some chicken in this for like 4 hours and turned it into a thick saucy situation with carrots & onions over rice but ymmv (that is: cook the chicken in sort of a rough chop, remove, then cook a diced onion + 2 disc-cut carrots + ginger/garlic/salt&pepper in the same pan, thicken w/flour & broth, re-add chicken & residual marinade, let meld, serve over rice)
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joshualunacreations · 2 years
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Happy Halloween and last day of Filipino American History Month! I made a romance-style cover with a Fil-Am vampire. He loves garlic, holy crosses don't faze him, and he's ready for any kind of thirst. 🧛 👅 In my previous comic and thread, I analyzed the history of vampire lore and depictions, and how the vampire transformed from villain to hero over time. It should come as no surprise that what began as an Orientalist concept has never benefited Asian men. The similarities between Fu Manchu and Dracula reveal how monoracial Asian men are Orientalized as monstrous, repulsive, and a sexual threat to white women. That's why I wanted to take power back and directly subvert such racist imagery with this cover. Bigots who hate Asian men will argue desirability in media is toxic or frivolous. It's not. Media affects real life. Asian men are so dehumanized and vilified that hate crimes against us have been institutionally hidden—with no outcry or correction. On an artistic note, this was one of the most fun pieces I've worked on. Romance novels get a lot of undeserved hate (because women read and write them), but I enjoyed  throwing myself into this world. And the art on old-school covers is amazing, which definitely inspired me. (Please don’t repost or edit my art. Reblogs are always appreciated.) If you enjoy my comics, please pledge to my Patreon or donate to my Paypal. https://twitter.com/Joshua_Luna/status/1134522555744866304 https://patreon.com/joshualuna https://www.paypal.com/paypalme2/JoshuaLunaComics
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A New Adventure🍃
EP 5 🎬
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After an exhilarating life in a city, visiting a province with beautiful scenery is the perfect way to balance your lifestyle. beautiful life in a province means enjoying all the simplicity and peacefulness that rural living can offer. province of Rizal includes the natural beauty of the surroundings like the lush fields, rolling hills, sparkling rivers, and breathtaking scenery. aside from these beautiful sceneries province of Rizal offers a wind farm, The wind farm will generate 54 megawatts of clean energy, enough for 66,000 households isn’t it amazing?. Despite the fact that the trip took a while—we were on the road for about 3 hours—it was worthwhile. Even if you are still on your way to Rizal, the beauty of the surroundings will not disappoint you. There are several municipalities you will pass by on the journey to Rizal that are rich in culture and history.
The wind farms in Rizal can generate up to 54 megawatts of clean energy, enough for 66,000 households. The wind farm attracts visitors around Laguna and not just Laguna but for those people who want the see wind mills that doesn’t have the time to go to Ilocos, providing an opportunity to witness the clean energy industry in action, and offers tours to educate the public on the benefits and practices involved in wind energy production. 
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if you’re looking for something to eat or drink, Santi’s Farmhouse offers cafe grey, cafe grey can offer coffee and non coffee drink, Cafe Grey's food menu is limited to pastries, namely bagels, croissants, muffins, sandwiches, pizza, garlic bread, and banana bread. The café has this patio vibe with background music of french jazz and Bossa Nova where people can take a seat on garden chairs and tables, under the shade of the trees, as they're sipping on the café's bestselling coffee. So it's also great to visit the province every now and then since it's an enjoyable and refreshing escape from the city. It offers a different pace of life, peaceful surroundings, and a chance to connect with nature more often.
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give-soup-please · 1 year
Oh-ho-ho It's me, May again, plopping myself down in your inbox like I own the place. Honestly I don't mind if you post them or not, it's ultimately up to you - perhaps you decide to post some, and keep others. Regardless, I'll keep bringing them to you like a crow bringing its favorite person shiny treasures. I am mildly interested to know who you think I am - though there's no need to be embarrassed if you were to get it wrong, I'm anonymous because I'm trying (kind of) to hide after all. Now, to actually get to the few things I've collected in my little notepad about what I wanted to talk about. (Yes, I have a notepad that I jot things down into so that I don't flood your inbox.) 1. I'm sure you already know this, you addressed it in your post, but I do feel like it's important to say it as well: It's okay to feel a bit panicked at first when confronted with a problem. I feel like it's only natural to feel that way, anyways. But the main thing is that it's rather impressive that you can take a step back and acknowledge that there are ways to help alleviate the problem even if you aren't able to solve it. This is something that I struggle with personally as well, and to see someone else who does, who also handles it in a beautiful way, is very motivating and reliving. It makes it feel like it isn't the end of the world even if I was panicking originally. You're doing a wonderful job at slowly pushing yourself towards making healthier choices for you, and I wanted to thank you for putting that out there for others to read, it brings inspiration even if you don't have a direction to go with it. I do wish life could have an immediate answer, though. It would be SO much easier... but of course, "It's not fun if it's easy" 2. Pomegranate honey sounds delicious, I love pomegranates, so I can only imagine pomegranate flavored honey would be amazing, and wildly superior to clove honey. 3. There's going to be more??!??!?!?!?!?!?!? I don't think I can put into words the excitement and joy that knowing that is a potential reality brings me. Perhaps you could imagine the excited sounds of a dog, amplified, mixed with various clapping noises and tapping from me stimming. But really, why in the world are you sorry?! Sorry for what? Coming back and gracing the TSP community with something as beautiful as your writing? Poppycock I say! I absolutely adore it, as you know, and honestly it's like thinking you ran out of your favorite thing and then realizing you have more of it. It brings joy! Another note: I've not been in this fandom nearly as long as you have, but I can agree with the "Welp, the Narrator has simply dragged me back into this thing and I will never escape again" cycle. I've enjoyed it, though, and I've met and discovered so so many lovely people (cough, you cough) so maybe that was his plan all along... the sneaky bastard... improving my mental health... [grumble grumble] 4. Fun fact, I was also the anon that submitted that question asking you if you thought the ocean was a soup, and I wholeheartedly agree: Soup needs to be warm. The only thing about gazpacho I like is saying the word like Puss says it in Puss in Boots. Oh, and I figured I would say, my favorite soup: It's this roasted garlic soup I made once, it was quite good. I can't recall what else was in it... other than roasted garlic... but obviously it was a soup.... Anywho, that's all I have for now. As always, please take care of yourself. Don't push yourself for something that isn't going to benefit you, and even if it has a benefit think of yourself in the long run first (is it really going to be worth it). Do something for you, and drink some water today if you haven't... and drink a little more if you have. ~ Your friend, May
hello again, may.
i'll start out small and see if i can start inching towards the truth over time. i believe you are someone i interact with in the discord DMs on a regular basis. that may not be the case, but you remind me of a good friend that i met under interesting circumstances.
i'm glad it helped. the path to better mental health is a hard one, one of the hardest paths to walk. but every small choice we make in the right direction is monumental.
2. yes, pomegranate honey is freaking delicious, but it is also hard to find. most grocery stores don't have it because it's copyrighted and is only made on one 5000 acre farm, according to the presentation i was at yesterday.
3. yes, there will be more. i'm working on a few pieces now. there will likely be a few more chapters of the human experience, and another... bonus story. which will hopefully be short and not another major undertaking dslkfjslkfjs (i realized at some point that the human experience project starts the narrator off as softer than his canon counterpart, and that i never really went into detail into how our relationship was established before he crossed over. nar will be a bit more mean in this one before he starts softening up, and closer to his canon self in terms of... pettiness. i'm aiming for that to be under ten chapters, because i just finished one 50k project and i don't think i can do it again so soon. as for my apologies, well, that's an interesting thing, isn't it? i want to move on from the narrator for complicated reasons that involve how i handle interpersonal relationships, but he keeps calling me back again and again. i'm still not done with him, and he's not letting me go despite my irritation about the whole thing.
interesting kind of soup there.
you take care of yourself too, ok? get uno reverse card(ed)
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Fullstar Vegetable Chopper - The Ultimate Kitchen Tool
Are you tired of spending hours in the kitchen chopping and dicing vegetables? Look no further than the Fullstar Vegetable Chopper - Spiralizer Vegetable Slicer - Onion Chopper with Container - Pro Food Chopper - Slicer Dicer Cutter - (4 in 1, White). This versatile kitchen tool will revolutionize the way you prepare your meals.
With its 4 interchangeable blades, the Fullstar Vegetable Chopper allows you to effortlessly julienne, chop, and slice vegetables. The built-in chop lid eliminates the need for a knife and cutting board, making it mess-free. The 1.2L collection tray conveniently holds the chopped vegetables until you are ready to cook. It's the perfect kitchen gadget for both men and women.
Constructed with rust-resistant heavy-duty 420 stainless steel, the Fullstar Vegetable Chopper retains its razor sharpness for crisp and smooth cutting and grating. The blades snap in and out with ease, allowing you to cut various vegetables like potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and carrots. Say goodbye to dull knives and hello to precise and efficient chopping.
The Fullstar Vegetable Chopper features a soft grip handle with rubberized TPU for enhanced leverage, while the non-skid base ensures stability during use. You can safely and easily slice, dice, chop, and cut fruits and vegetables in half the time. Plus, it's BPA free and can be fully disassembled for easy cleaning on the top shelf of your dishwasher.
Before using the Fullstar Vegetable Chopper, make sure to read the instruction manual carefully. If you have any questions or issues, the seller provides excellent customer support and will respond to your inquiries within 24 hours. This kitchen tool is designed to make your cooking experience more enjoyable and efficient.
Powerful, compact, and convenient, the Fullstar Vegetable Chopper is a versatile all-in-one kitchen tool. With its 4-cup (1.2L) capacity, you can prepare salads, salsa, onions, garlic, and more with ease. Its space-saving design is perfect for small kitchens, and the catch tray minimizes messes. The clear body allows you to monitor your progress as you cut up carrots, cucumbers, squash, zucchini, and spices like ginger.
But the benefits of the Fullstar Vegetable Chopper don't stop there. This kitchen tool is not only efficient, but it also helps to reduce food waste. With its precise cutting and slicing capabilities, you can ensure that every piece of vegetable is utilized in your meals. No more throwing away unused parts or ending up with unevenly chopped ingredients.
Not only is the Fullstar Vegetable Chopper practical and functional, but it also adds a touch of style to your kitchen. Its sleek design and white color give it a modern and clean look that complements any kitchen decor. It's a statement piece that will impress your guests and make meal preparation a breeze.
Investing in the Fullstar Vegetable Chopper is like having your own personal sous chef. It simplifies the cooking process, allowing you to spend less time in the kitchen and more time enjoying your meals. Whether you're a busy professional, a parent with a hectic schedule, or just someone who loves to cook, this kitchen tool is a game-changer.
Imagine effortlessly chopping a variety of vegetables for a delicious stir-fry or creating perfectly sliced onions for a flavorful soup. With the Fullstar Vegetable Chopper, these tasks become quick and easy. You'll be amazed at the time and effort you save, and the consistent results you achieve every time.
The Fullstar Vegetable Chopper is not just for experienced cooks. It's also great for beginners who are just starting to explore the world of cooking. Its user-friendly design and clear instructions make it easy to use, so you can confidently prepare meals like a pro.
But don't just take our word for it. Thousands of satisfied customers have already experienced the convenience and efficiency of the Fullstar Vegetable Chopper. They rave about its durability, sharpness, and versatility. It's no wonder why this kitchen tool has become a must-have in households around the world.
Don't miss out on the Fullstar Vegetable Chopper - the ultimate kitchen tool. Click here to get yours today and start enjoying hassle-free meal preparation! As an Amazon associate, I may earn from qualifying purchases.
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missywritesfor7 · 1 year
🌺 Promise Flower | PJM 🌺
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Synopsis: Jimin is a popular dance student and the best one at his university. Mina is a photography student and has known Jimin since high school. An idea for a photo project finds Mina getting closer to him than she ever has before. She learns how big his heart is, but also learns how closely he guards it. Every time she thinks he'll let her in, he pulls away again. Is it even worth the trouble?
Pairing: college student!Jimin x fem!oc
Warnings: depression, anxiety, panic attacks, alcoholism
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Masterlist
|| Ch. 16: Holiday ||
Being home is refreshing after what turned out to be a bit of a whirlwind of a semester. My parents got me my favorite foods and spend time telling me how much they missed me. I show them some of the photos I’ve taken over the course of the semester, which are mostly of Jimin.
Of course, with Jimin being a bit of a celebrity in our town my parents recognize him in my photos immediately. They begin telling me about how devastated everyone was when they found out about Jimin’s injury.
My mom happens to be friends with Jimin’s mom and mentioned how rough things have been for them. I hate to listen to ‘gossip’ from my mom, but she’s always got the inside scoop on everything that goes on around here. She’s never been wrong as long as I’ve been alive.
Most of what she says I already knew from what Jimin had told me. He wanted to give his extra money from the benefit concert to them to help out. His mom refused, but it seems she also refused help from other people in town who offered to help them financially. It took a community led secret fundraiser and an anonymous envelope of money left at their door to give them the help they need. Knowing how we had to keep the benefit concert for Jimin a secret I can see that this type of thing runs in the family.
Though things aren’t perfect for them, thanks to the community they’re at least a lot better than they could be. I’m starting to think that maybe Jimin’s mom wouldn’t accept the extra money from him because they really are doing ok. I’m sure his mom didn’t tell him about the money they received and that’s why he thinks things aren’t great at home.
“So…” I start knowing I may be about to change the mood in the room, but I have to ask. “Will Ryan be coming for Christmas?”
My parents look at each other uncomfortably and sigh.
“We haven’t heard from him in a while,” my dad says. “We assume he may spend the holiday elsewhere. Who knows.”
Ryan is my brother who’s 5 years older than me and a habitual flake, amongst other things. I rarely speak to him because anytime I do it turns into an argument which results in him once again accusing me of being the favored child. Drama follows him like a shadow and he’s put my parents through a lot over the years. Seems he only calls when he needs something or when he’s once again in jail for some sort of theft, assault, or drunk driving. It would be a very merry Christmas for all of us if he doesn’t show up.
For dinner my mom offered to cook my favorite pasta along with her amazing homemade garlic bread for dinner. Her and my dad both have work in the morning so after dinner they head straight to bed. I planned to meet some of my high school friends for a few drinks so I promise my parents I won’t wake them when I get back home at whatever time it may be.
I meet my friends Dylan, Phoebe, and Cindy at a bar in town shortly after finishing dinner and getting washed up. It’s funny to go out and see a photo of Jimin hanging near the front door. Lots of places have pictures and news articles of him posted up with pride. No matter how humble and modest he is, there’s no denying that he’s the shining star around here.
My friends and I enjoy ourselves catching up and joking around as if not much has changed. The drinks are sitting well and we’re having a great time. I know I’m a lightweight but I’m not even thinking about that as I don’t want to kill the vibe I have going right now.
So much for that though. Turns out someone else wanted to kill the vibe instead.
“I can’t believe every place out here still has pictures of Jimin everywhere,” Cindy says taking a sip of her mojito. “I heard he got hurt, what good is he now?”
“What does that mean?” I ask trying my best to not let my emotions come flying out.
“I mean he can’t dance, he hasn’t done any competitions lately. I know they probably just want the publicity, but there is none if he’s not doing anything.”
“It’s not like he had a career ending injury. Once he’s fully recovered he’ll be dancing again just as before.”
“Mina’s right,” Dylan chimes in. “Injuries happen but it’s not the end of the world. Plus he’s a nice guy, why are you talking about him like that all of the sudden?”
“I’m just saying,” Cindy continues. “I heard he’s back in town and there was a party thrown for him. Did you know the party was invite only? That’s such bullshit!”
I knew that he received a very warm welcome when I dropped him off at home. We hadn’t texted much today which isn’t a big deal since we both were catching up with our families. He did let me know they threw him a party and he was really embarrassed by it, but he was having a good time regardless. The invite only part is news to me, but I can’t say that I’m surprised. It’s no different than it was in high school. There’d be a celebration after another one of his competition wins but primarily for close friends and family of his. This is nothing new, however, Cindy seems to be particularly bothered by it for some reason.
“Are you jealous that you weren’t invited?” Phoebe laughs.
“So what if I am?” Cindy admits taking another sip. “You would think I’d be able to see him easily now when he’s not some big shot anymore. He should be lucky I even want to talk to him when he’s not even worth anything.”
“And why do you want to talk to him so bad?” I ask still trying to use my last sliver of sobriety to keep from throwing my drink at her rude ass.
“I wanted to talk to him after the whole Nikki thing back in school. I can’t believe he was so obsessed with her, he could do so much better with the type of money he was winning at those competitions.”
“You think you’re better?” Dylan asks starting to catch on to her negative vibes. “You just want to talk to him to try getting money out of him, how would you be any better than Nikki?”
“Yeah,” Phoebe says rolling her eyes. “You’re literally admitting to just being a gold digger and you’re wondering why you couldn’t see him?”
“I’m not a gold digger now.” Cindy laughs clearly unaware of how the rest of us are not amused at all. “Like I said, he’s not dancing so he’s nothing now. If I can get to him now when it should be easy then I’ll be set when he gets better and starts winning competitions again. I’ll make it worth his while though.”
“So you’re either a gold digger or a prostitute.” Phoebe says eliciting laughter from Dylan and I.
“You can call me whatever,” Cindy says rolling her eyes. “Just wait and we’ll see who’s laughing.” She finishes off her glass then looks at me like she just got hit with an idea. “Mina you and him go to the same school don’t you? Maybe you could t-“
“No,” I interrupt not wanting to hear anything else she has to say.
“Seriously?” She says in near disbelief. The others are laughing but I’m looking at her stone faced and ready to fight. “What are you his security or some shit now?”
“No. I’m his girlfriend.”
Everyone stares at me wide eyed taking a moment to register what I just said.
“You?” Cindy asks.
“No way!” Dylan exclaims. “That’s so awesome! I’m happy for you!”
“Me too!” Phoebe says raising her glass. “Cheers to you and Jimin!”
The three of us toast and take a sip but Cindy is still glaring.
“How is he dating you?” Cindy asks with a scowl.
“Is that a problem?” I ask furrowing my brow.
“I’m just wondering. He never dated anyone before, I’m just trying to figure out why he chose you of all people.”
“Are you fucking serious?”
“He’s probably dating her because she’s not a gold digger or a prostitute,” Dylan retorts. “Don’t be mad because it’s not you.”
“I guess he just likes loose girls that come free of charge then?” She huffs.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?!” I say with no sobriety left in me to maintain civility.
“I’m just saying. Don’t act like we all don’t know about how much you and Sid were fucking each other. I never understood why, but I guess if you’re easy you can get anyone.”
“What is your problem?” Phoebe asks. “You know that was all a lie, why the fuck are you attacking Mina just because you’re jealous that she’s dating Jimin? Maybe you could try being happy for someone for once instead of being a bitter bitch with no man and no money.”
“I’m not bitter,” Cindy doubles down. “Just confused.”
“You know what,” I say grabbing my purse. “I didn’t come here to be insulted by someone who can’t do anything unless kneepads are required. I’m going home.” I stand up from the table and storm out leaving Cindy’s jaw on the floor.
I start heading towards my car in the parking lot when I realize I’m actually in no condition to drive myself home right now. I’m drunk and pissed off to the point where walking is hard enough. I lean against my car wondering what I should do at nearly midnight. I can’t call my parents, they’re already in bed and I don’t want to disturb them when I know they have to get up in the morning.
[Me]: Are you still awake?
[Me]: I’m sorry if you aren’t I’m just drunk and pissedddd offfffff and need to talk to someone until I can get drive to go home
[Jimin]: Yeah I’m still awake. Why are you drunk and pissed off? What happened? Where are you??
[Me]: I went for drinks with Dylan phoebe and Cindy
[Me]: Cindy is a fuCKing bitch! i want to rip her BITCHhead off
[Me]: I’m going to walk around to try cooling off or something idkkkkk
I step away from my car and begin walking down the sidewalk to an undetermined location. I can’t stay in the parking lot of the bar because if I see Cindy come out I might strangle her. And I’m definitely not about to drive in this condition. My brother has done more than enough drunk driving in his lifetime for the both of us, I’m not interested in starting a criminal record.
I get about a block away when I remember the park nearby that I used to hangout at when I was younger. I figure I can sit out there in peace and sober up a bit. I wish I had gotten a drink of water first.
I reach the park and let out a sigh of relief to see that no one is there. Teenagers are always here at crazy hours smoking, drinking, and fucking. I’m not in the mood to encounter any of that right now.
I take a seat on one of the swings and sloppily swing my legs around until I get a call from Jimin.
“Hey,” I say answering the phone.
“Mina, where are you?” He says sounding out of breath.
“I went down the street to the park to try to get sober. I didn’t drive don’t worry.”
“That’s good to know, you sound like you’ve had more to drink than you should have.”
“If I didn’t keep drinking I would be in jail for murder,” I chuckle. “You don’t want to date a murderer, do you?”
“Mina,” he giggles. The call disconnects and I hear his voice coming from behind me. “Why would you be a murderer?”
I turn around and like some majestic angel savior he’s coming towards me. He hands me a bottle of water and lightly kisses the top of my head.
“How did you know I was thirsty?” I ask tearing the bottle open and taking a large gulp.
“I know how you are when you drink,” he laughs. “Now what’s this about Cindy and you becoming a murderer?”
“She was talking shit about you.” I take another sip and sigh. “Then I told her we were together and she started talking shit about me too. TO MY FACE!”
“It’s ok,” he says wrapping his arms around me from behind and giving the top of my head another kiss. “Why was she talking shit about us?”
“For some reason she thinks you can do better than me, and she thinks that better is her even though she’s a fucking WHORE!”
“Calm down,” he giggles holding me tighter. “What does she know? You can’t let her get to you.”
“I know. She was just being really bitchy about it and I couldn’t sit there and listen to her talk about you like that.”
“I appreciate you defending my honor,” he chuckles.
“Is this how it’s always going to be?”
“What?” He asks looking down at me.
“I’m going to have to keep dealing with jealous bitches when they find out I’m dating you?”
“No,” he laughs. “I don’t think you’ll have to worry about jealous bitches.”
“But Cindy is a jealous bitch. I should have known dating a celebrity would have it’s dark side.”
“So do you want to stop dating me?”
“No, I can cut a bitch if I need to.”
“Please don’t do that,” he laughs. “Do you want me to take you home?”
“No,” I pout. “I want to stay with you longer.”
“That’s perfectly fine with me.” He begins lightly pushing me on the swing. “It’s a bit cold out here though, do you want to sit in the car and warm up? I don’t want you to get sick.”
“Ok.” He stops the swing and I stand up realizing my legs are a little more wobbly than I remember them being. “But first I want you to do something.”
“What’s that?” He asks holding me by my waist to keep me from stumbling.
“Go down the slide with me.” I look at him with a big childish smile pointing to the slide on the other side of the park.
“What?” He giggles. “Can you even make it to the slide?”
“Well I thought my strong celebrity boyfriend would help me get there. But if not I’ll go myself.”
“Your boyfriend is a celebrity?”
“Well no one threw me a welcome home party,” I tease.
“Jealous?” He laughs.
“You know what I’ll go down the slide by myself.” I start walking towards the slide on wobbly legs as Jimin follows behind me giggling.
We reach the slide and he helps me climb up to the top. He sits down and pulls me into his lap holding me tight around my waist. The air is chilly but his breath on the nape of my neck is enough to warm my entire body.
“We’ll go down once and then I’ll take you home, ok?” He whispers in my ear.
“Deal.” I lean back into his chest to savor his feeling a bit more before he slides us down and takes me home.
However, he doesn’t slide us down right away. He doesn’t move at all. He only holds me tighter as we continue sitting at the top of the slide staring at the moon and stars in the midnight sky.
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fibing-and-vibing · 1 year
The large amount of vitamins/supplements/meds I take in a day lol:
This is my current cocktail of meds etc that I take every day. Maybe they’re superfluous, maybe they’re not, but through a lot of trial and error I’m pretty sure all of these are actually helping me feel quite a bit better. Feel free to ask me any questions about specifics, but please don’t be mean about any of these bc I’m just doing my best lol.
Wake Up:
Multivitamin for eye health
Multivitamin for women’s health
Hair and nail vitamin
Protein shake
Notes: all of these are chewable/gummies, which not only is easier when I first wake up, but also easier for the body to digest and so more effective. My hair falls out a ton so the hair vitamin really helps. And I always wake up hungry but feel sick if I eat, so I go for a pre-made shake every day. They’re expensive but they keep me feeling ok, give me a good amount of nutrients, and require zero energy to prepare.
Mid Morning:
Cod liver oil with A and D vitamins
Odourless garlic
Coenzyme Q10
Notes: I’ve found the cod liver oil to be more effective than just regular vitamin D, maybe it’s because of the omegas or whatever. Also the garlic is lowkey one of the best things I take, it reduces inflammation in my sinuses and everywhere else, and is helpful for circulation which makes everything else better too.
Notes: I’ve had depression and anxiety diagnosed for a long time so been on welbutrin for a while, but it’s a bonus that it’s supposed to help for fibro brain things too. Seasonique is crucial bc I’m pretty sure I have PMDD and my mental health absolutely tanks on my period, so only having one every three months is a lifesaver. And my respiratory system has been bad for a long time and I live in a city with not amazing air quality, so a daily antihistamine helps a lot and I’ve stopped pretending there’s a time of year I won’t need that.
Notes: I’ve had low iron forever, and even though doctors have always told me it’s not low enough to qualify as anemia, I’ve had anemia-like symptoms my entire life, so. However, I didn’t really notice benefits of either iron or probiotics until I started taking them together, and now they’re huge. If I’m ever out and about and forget/wait to take these I immediately realize bc I start feeling faint lol.
Before Bed:
Magnesium bisglycinate
Turmeric collagen with univestin and bromelain
Notes: I’ve had bladder issues for a while which I didn’t even realize was a fibro thing; I’ve always had to pee a million times before bed etc. Cranberry fixes it. The turmeric collagen one is new but I’ve been shocked how much it actually helps with joint pain and mobility. The magnesium I’m not 100 on but my fatigue situation has gotten better so it can’t be hurting at least.
Is it annoying to take so many things throughout the day? Yes, but I just fill up my pill containers on Sunday and then it’s all ready for the rest of the week, so not the worst. Would it be better to get all these nutrients from food? Probably, duh, but we’re living life on hard mode already and I don’t need to make it even harder so pls don’t bring that up lol.
Of course, always look up interactions before you add anything new to your regimen, especially if anything you take is prescription. I’m always on the lookout for new things to try now though tbh, currently thinking about ginger maybe.
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fuckyeahilike · 2 years
Use heat retention to cook without spending money on gas or electricity
If you’re trying to save on gas or electricity, one thing you can do is to use heat  retention to cook your meals. 
The basic idea is that you kick things off by cooking your food in a lided pot for a short amount of time. Then you quickly stick the lided pot inside a box lined with towels or clothes or hay, something that functions as insulation, you cover the pot with some more towels, and leave it there for a few hours. The heat it retained will do the rest of the cooking without the need to actively apply any more heat to it.
It’s a similar principle to a slow cooker/crock pot... only for free. 
These videos explain how, and provide you with a few recipes that you can try to test this method for yourself.
Frugalgreengirl - All About Heat Retention Cooking!
COOKING IN A COOLER?!?  Yep!  Heat retention cooking is an important skill that I think everyone should have.  It can drastically help save on electric or propane, help with disaster preparedness or even just help keep heat out of the house.  Plus it's easy and does not require any special items to buy!  Most everyone has everything they need right now!  Plus it is super eco friendly!
FGG Survival Stew Recipe: 1 Pound dry green lentils 1 Cup Augason Farms Vegetable stew blend 1 Can Diced Tomatoes 2 Tsp. Parsley 1 Teaspoons EACH: Garlic Powder, Coriander and Cumin 1/2 Tsp. Salt (or to taste) 1/4 Tsp. Black Pepper About 10-11 Cups Water (or stock/ broth, if you prefer) Add all ingredients to large heavy pot, cover and bring to a boil. Continue to boil for 2-4 minutes. Place in HRC and leave there for about 1 1/2 (or up to 2) hours. Do not open to stir or check on it, as this will allow valuable heat to be lost. Enjoy!
emmymade - Save $ Cooking in a CARDBOARD BOX | 1909 Fireless Cookery Recipe
This old method of cooking conserves fuel by using insulation to trap in heat which slowly cooks your meal. So, let's build a haybox, cook a meal, and see how it tastes.
Sorted Food - 2 Chefs Test THE WONDERBAG: A Non-Electric Slow Cooker!
Every now and then, we come across a gadget that really catches our eye. Whether it’s a stylish design, a functional purpose, amazing craftsmanship, sustainably made or has life changing benefits. And in today’s episode, we’re reviewing a gadget which ticks all of these boxes... Behold, the WONDERBAG!
This handy gadget has helped to improve the lives of many communities, particularly those in developing countries who spend endless hours collecting firewood and charcoal. We’ve decided to use our platform to raise some money so that more wonderbags can be made for those who really need it.
RoseRed Homestead - Make a Wonder Bag and Bake Bread
Need to bake bread when the power is out?  Here's your answer--a Wonder Bag!  Make a Wonder Bag from pillow cases, an old sheet, or any fabric you wish.  Then use your favorite bread recipe to make  tasty loaves of crustless bread.  You will need an off-grid burner of some kind to boil water for 10 minutes and that is all the power required.  The rest is just wait time.  Be prepared!
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adjkhasdksj · 9 days
 Hitposts provides the latest updates and insights on food, health, and home remedies, catering to health-conscious individuals and those seeking effective home remedies.
Read these amazing articles
What is chia seeds? Health Benefits of Chia Seeds           
Fish oil capsules: Uses, benefits and side-effects
12 food for weight loss
6 Remarkable Health Benefits of Nigella Sativa(kalongi Seeds)
Use Oats for Weight Gain: A Comprehensive Guide
Benefits of Onion Water for Hair
Pumpkin seeds and Health benefits of pumpkin seeds
Neem leaves and potential health benefits of neem leaves
All about funnel seeds
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6 Amazing Benefits Of Eating Garlic (Proven)
Welcome to our video on the benefits of eating garlic! Garlic has been used for centuries not just as a flavorful spice, but also as a powerful natural remedy. In this video, we will explore the incredible health benefits of garlic that can improve your overall well-being. Whether you’re looking to boost your immune system, improve heart health, or enhance bone strength, garlic is a simple addition to your diet with amazing effects. We’ll dive into how the benefits of eating garlic include its role in preventing colds, reducing cholesterol levels, and even lowering the risk of certain cancers. Garlic’s powerful antioxidants help combat oxidative stress, while its anti-inflammatory properties support joint health. If you’ve ever wondered about the health benefits of garlic, this video will show you how consuming garlic daily can detoxify the body and even protect the brain from cognitive decline. Stay tuned as we reveal the best ways to incorporate garlic into your meals and maximize the benefits of eating garlic for optimal health.
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