#Amazing writers
littleststarfighter · 3 months
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'When he finally did fall silent after the first chorus, he looked up to find Steve studying him, his head cocked to the side like an inquisitive spaniel. The image was laughable—the popular simpleton who had probably never heard a great song in his life—but Eddie was charmed, and that sat easier under his ribs than it probably should have.'
I drew this so long ago for chapter 3 of my dearest friend Haley's story ‘What's Missing, Hero, Is You’, It’s so amazing and I was very happy to be involved and I hope you’ll all please check it out. I had so much fun drawing this scene as it’s so cute with Steve being all ‘impress me’ and Eddie does XD It’s a really sweet recovery story and mends my shattered season 4 ending heart.
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gleafer · 4 months
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On my Patreon, I illustrate prompts with quick descriptions for writers and artists to run with!
Here’s The Duel! After the huge success of the bullet catch, Aziraphale gets the stage bug and takes his show on the road, leaving behind a very perturbed, lonely demon.
So he hatches a plot to squash this bug!
You can find what the brilliant writers have come up with here (did I mention I am over the moon that this exists???)
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interstellarl01 · 3 months
Part 2 - My most reread Drarry fics
A few weeks ago, I shared a (non-exhaustive) list of the fics that I've reread the most.
All of them were on the short side, since I usually don't have time to reread longer fics, unfortunately. But while I don't often reread longer fics entirely, there are many that I revisit regularly by dipping into bits and pieces or rereading specific scenes that tug at my heart and stay with me.
Here are some of the long fics I keep coming back to, over and over again, and will probably definitely continue to do so in the future.
Nor All That Glisters by @sweet-s0rr0w (110k)
An amazing fic about the spiral of addiction, love and healing. This fic is intense and heartbreaking at times. It will have you root for Draco while yelling at him at the same time, urging him not to do what you fear he will do. One of my favourite Draco of all time.
That Old black Magic by @bixgirl1 (77k)
An absolutely stunning read. A pure enemies to lovers fic. Forced marriage trope at its best, with explosive, scorching hate sex.
I love revisiting the scene with the tapestry when Harry breaks down. It always hits me right in the feels.
Embers by @shiftylinguini (41k)
The a/b/o fic you need to read ! It has such a unique take on the Alpha/Omega trope, with a vulnerable Alpha Draco and a confident and earnest Omega Harry. It’s very intimate and also INCREDIBLY hot.
Lumos by birdsofshore (41k)
A classic. Does it even need an introduction ?
Dwelling on Dreams by @the-sinking-ship (135k)
This fic is incredible with a Draco so in love with Harry but feeling so unworthy of love. Harry will make you weak in the knees. He is incredibly sexy, powerful, charming and funny. And … he rides a motorbike. What more do I need to say?
Title & Possession by @kbrick (49k)
This one is quite recent but I've already revisited it a few times. I'm a little bit obsessed with the dancing scene in chapter 5. The sexual tension in that scene is 🔥
Away Childish Things (153k) and The Boy Who Only Lived Twice (54k) and Another Mask Behind You (116k) by @letteredlettered
Look, I can't choose between any of those three fics. Lettered has such a unique and compelling style that sucks me right in every single time. I’ve gone back to their fics a ridiculous amount of time over the last years.
dirtynumbangelboy by @magpiefngrl (40k)
A wonderful fake dating fic. This is the first drarry fic I ever bookmarked. I often go back to the piano scene. It gets me every single time.
The last two probably don’t belong to the « long » fics category but I forgot to include them in my previous post, and seeing that I do reread them often; here it is :
Nice things by Aideomai (22k)
Harry is touched starved. Draco is helping. A soft, dreamy, atmospheric, and truly amazing fic.
Blueprints for a Dream by Frayach (24k)
This one is for the angst lovers. Warning: infidelity. Endgame Drarry.
Thank you to the amazing writers of those fics (and to the many other writers that are not on that list that I also adore; I couldn't possibly include you all here. There are too many of you). You are all incredible and have brought me so much joy. So, thank you.
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kbrick · 2 years
Peak Drarry: Celebrating Incredible Writers - aibidil
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Peak Drarry is a series of posts celebrating the absolute treasure trove of talented writers in this fandom, and a reminder of how lucky we are to have them here with us. I’m kicking it off with one of my all-time faves, @aibidil​. 
I’m guessing there are very few people involved in the Drarry fandom who haven’t heard of aibidil. Aibidil has been showering us with quality fic since 2017 and has over sixty offerings on AO3. Her works were some of the first I consumed when I fell headfirst into Drarry during covid, and had a lot to do with my desire to write my own. I still distinctly remember being blown away by A Hag, a Hex, a Tale of Redemption, by how aibidil had managed to create such a compelling, funny, and heartfelt fuck-or-die fic, one that stood out from the rest. So, why should you read aibidil’s fic? Here are a few reasons:
They are creative and get you thinking
Sometimes there’s a trope or two thrown into the mix, but even then, the trope is merely a jump-off point into something much bigger. Trope: Ginny and Harry break up and Harry finds solace in and then love with Draco. Aibidil comes along and says, okay, fine, but make the problem Ginny’s unwanted pregnancy, have Harry experience emotional turmoil over that fact (not that Harry-Abandonment-Issues-Should-Be-My-Middle-Name-Potter identifies with an unwanted fetus, no, of course not), have him spend the rest of the story sorting through his complicated feelings, and make the whole thing a testament to reproductive choice (this fic is called (Un)wanted, by the way. It’s incredible). Trope: Malfoy wears a skirt and Harry goes feral. Aibidil’s take? Malfoy wears the skirt because he and Hermione are leading a protest against the gendered, outdated Ministry dress codes (Beards, Booty Shorts, and Binaries).
Abidil’s stories don’t always skew political (although I love when they do), but they always have something to say. In A Hag, a Hex, a Tale of Redemption, Draco must come to terms with what it means to love someone, and how consent plays into that (does a lie negate consent?). Truth and love also play a role in When Times Are Dire, when Harry and Draco must pretend to marry to save the world. But is it pretend when they really are joining their lives and families together?
Beyond the deeper moral and ethical questions present in these stories, aibidil’s fic always manages to be creative and interesting. Abidil comes up with some of the most inventive sorts of magic (you really have to read her latest, Always Already, for one of the most thoughtful depictions of magical time travel I’ve ever read). Her premises can be angsty, like what if Astoria tells Scorpius—on her death bed no less—that he is actually Draco’s child with Harry (when by now and tree by leaf)? They can also be downright silly, like what if Draco can’t stop hiccoughing for days (Upside Down, Holding One’s Breath)? But one thing of which you can be certain: they’re never, ever boring.
They’re a master class in characterization
So, aibidil can dream up interesting, different, thought-provoking storylines, yes. But she also gets it right when it comes to characterization. Her Harry and Draco are always recognizable to me, no matter how evolved and changed they’ve become. There is something essential there, something true to the characters we know and love, that is ever present. And I think that’s because aibidil truly empathizes with and cares about her characters. This knack for getting in a character’s headspace means that aibidil is able to create some of the most fully formed, well rounded and realistically portrayed versions of Harry and Draco I’ve read. Whether it’s Harry in When Times are Dire enjoying the way his children sort of take his love for granted (because Harry wants that for them so badly, wants to be a constant, unquestioned source of support in their lives) or Draco in Always Already shoving down his snark in order to be as inoffensive as possible as a sort of penance for the war, you both recognize and feel for these characters. They’re flawed and imperfect, but they’re trying, and you love them for it.
There are moments in aibidil’s fic that leave me breathless because of how well they nail down the essence of a character in just a few words, or a single exchange or situation. For instance, in When Times Are Dire, Draco and Harry take a trip to the zoo and Draco buys Harry an absurdly enormous ice cream sundae after Harry recalls a time his aunt and uncle bought one for Dudley but not him. “Harry found himself at a loss for words,” aibidil writes. “He thought he’d worked through his childhood zoo issues. He’d been here so many times as an adult, without the abuse of the Dursleys. He had so many wonderful memories here, so many trips with his kids. But no one had ever bought Harry an ice cream before [emphasis mine].” The way Draco understands Harry, and the way he helps Harry to understand something about himself in such an everyday sort of scene is beautiful.
In Pure Imagination, Harry and Draco, experiencing depression after the war, are given a potion that allows them to tap into their imaginations completely, the way a child would. They have an excellent time on the potion together, imagining all sorts of things, including taking a trip to a Muggle skate park (together), which they agree to do at a later date. But afterward, Harry retreats and doesn’t go to the skate park (a decision that gives us incredible insight into the Harry of this story, come to think of it). In their joint trip to the counselor’s office later, Draco tells the counselor that imagination is dangerous because it opens people up to disappointment. “It’s smart that I don’t allow myself delusions like thinking I can somehow have a fulfilling career, even given my past,” he says. “It’s smart that I don’t allow myself the delusion of thinking Potter might want to spend time with me when he’s not high on a fucking imagination potion.”
And doesn’t this cut right to the heart of Draco? Whether he’s being cruel the way he was in canon, or being cool and indifferent, the way he is at the beginning of Pure Imagination, he is someone who struggles to believe in his own self-worth, and has found an entire arsenal’s worth of methods to hide this fact, even, sometimes, from himself. 
They’re just so damn funny
And finally, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention one of the absolute best things about aibidil’s stories. Because on top of incredible storylines and beautiful character work, aibidil is fucking hilarious. I don’t think I’ve ever read through anything of hers without laughing out loud. Oftentimes, the humor is situational, like in When Times Are Dire when Harry and Draco tell their children that they’re in a relationship (when they’re actually not) and proceed to have one of the most awkward exchanges of all time with them, which leads to Harry clarifying that they are together ‘sexually’ (He says that. To his children.). Or in Auld Acquaintance, when Harry comes through the floo looking like a teenager and Draco finds himself torn between the ghost of attraction his own teenaged self had for this version of Harry and the fact that to his mature, grandfatherly eye, Harry looks “doughy…like an underbaked infant.” Or in Starve Your Distractions, Feed Your Focus, when a coupled-up Harry and Draco have to work out with a very sexy Neville, who is wearing joggers that leave little to the imagination.
Sometimes, though, the hilarity is in the form of amazing dialogue (her Harry and Draco banter is always top-tier) or of others’ observations of the Drarry dynamic, like when Neville says (in Always Already) this about Harry and Draco’s teasing of one another: “Don't mind them. It's like their little traumatised child-warrior foreplay or something.” Aibidil is always aware of the story she’s telling, and of the Drarry-ness of it all. These are not simple men, and theirs is never a typical, simple relationship, and you know what? That can be funny. As Harry says in When Times are Dire: "Ah yes. I'm a cheap date. All it takes to get me in bed is to almost kill each other, survive a war together, work together over decades, have children who fall in love and get married, get married for political reasons, pretend to be in love for two years to all friends and relatives, become grandparents together, and take a controlled substance to open up enough to tell each other the truth. That's all."
See? Easy.
Finally, I shouldn’t leave out the fact that aibidil’s acronyms are the best of all time (her most recent fic’s C.O.C.K. is my new favorite, but there are oodles of excellent ones).
Recommended For…
Everyone. Listen, if you enjoy laughing, or exciting and original storylines, or fic that makes you think, or fic that reveals the beating hearts of our favorite characters, aibidil’s catalog of work is for you. There is angst in places, there is smut in places, but that’s not really the point of her fic. The point is the journey, the character development, and the ridiculous amount of joy and energy contained in all of these stories. Here are a few you might want to check out, but honestly, you can’t go wrong with anything she’s written.
Top 3 Fics Over 25,000 Words (by kudos)
Dating for Dads in Denial (25k) - In which one wizard designs and another reluctantly patronises a magical matchmaking service, amidst the chaos of children and parenting.
when by now and tree by leaf (46k) - When Scorpius Malfoy is saying goodbye to his dying mother, he doesn't expect to hear her confess, "Your father slept with another man and became pregnant with you." 
Moldova’s Magical Tea (32k) - Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, and—to everyone’s surprise—Draco Malfoy are opening a magical tea shop to revive wizarding tea culture. Harry, who is unemployed and trying to find his way in post-war society, wants to help his friends with their new business—but that means spending a lot of time around Malfoy. 
Top 3 Fics Under 25,000 Words (by kudos)
Back to You (8k) - The eighth years make Harry and Malfoy go head to head and back to back in a question-and-answer drinking game. The worst that can happen is they end up drunk, right?
The Usual (9k) - Harry finally tries the new magical coffee shop on Diagon Alley. A story in which Draco is Up To Something™ and Harry is going to get to the bottom of it, and to the bottom of that sixteen ounce to-go cup.
Beards, Booty Shorts, and Binaries (9k) - Harry was hoping for a quiet day at the office, but Hermione and Draco are waging a war on discrimination with beards and skirts.
Kbrick’s Picks (in order of obsession)
When Times Are Dire (130k) - Magical Britain is screwed, and it's once again up to Harry to save it. This time, by marrying Draco Malfoy.
Always Already (170k) -  It's 2004: Harry teaches primary school and loves his job and friends; It's 1980: Harry has to fight Voldemort, again; It's 2004: Draco is a trainee Healer and reformed member of society; It's 1980: Draco has to face his father's cruelty; It's 2004: Harry and Draco definitely aren't lonely or depressed or traumatised; It's 1980: Harry and Draco listen to Kate Bush and watch Dallas and drive a 1979 Ford Cortina; It's 2004, it's 1980, it's...
Pure Imagination (15k) - An eighth-year tale of depressed happiness, reluctant imagination, and conflicted hope. And skateboarding.
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eevvvaa · 1 year
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• Dean Winchester
God Only Knows by @minefield-of-a-ninja
The Raven : Part 8 by @roonyxx
Saints Are Sinners Too by @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior
New Record by @kaleldobrev
Beloved Corn Dog by @holylulusworld
• Soldier Boy
Bad Dream by @eclecticqueennerd
A Simple Misunderstanding by @kaleldobrev
• Boaz Priestly
♥︎ any way that you want me ♥︎ by @deanbrainrotwritings
• Jensen Ackles
♥︎ master of puppets ♥︎ by @deanbrainrotwritings
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roseeycreates-blog · 3 months
Any fanfic recommendations? I’m partial to Lin Beifong but I may dabble in some Asami Sato fics lmao
Hello, anon~
I'm so sorry, but the only fic recommendations I can give are from LinZin writers. I really appreciate you asking me for recs though~ I'll link their pages on AO3 below so you can see what you'd like~
Happy reading~ 😊😊😊
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avanatural · 2 years
Hey Hun, Who are some of your favorite writers for Jensen and his characters? What's your favorite Jensen/His Characters stories? 💜💖💜💖💜💖
Hey, love! 👋 What a wonderful ask 💖 There are so many talented writers on here who pour their hearts and souls into their stories 🥰
These are some writers that instantly come to mind: @waynes-multiverse @eevvvaa @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior @myloversgone @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @deanwinchesterswitch @waywardnerd67 @deanwithscissors @libre1rose8 @nerdyfangirl67 @smellingofpoetry @deanwanddamons @roonyxx @awkward-and-indecisive @inlovewithfictionalcharacters666 @spnexploration
And these are some fics that you should definitely check out:
The Challenge by @eevvvaa (Dean x Reader)
On The Beach by @waynes-multiverse (Dean x Reader)
Books? I Love Books! by @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone (Dean x Reader)
Touch Starved by @inlovewithfictionalcharacters666 (Dean x Reader)
Your Body Is A Wonderland by @myloversgone (Dean x Reader)
Catatonic by @spnexploration (Dean x Reader)
If The World Was Ending by @roonyxx (Dean x Reader)
Stay On My Side Tonight Series by @waynes-multiverse (Beau x Reader)
When Fantasy Pales by @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior (Beau x Reader)
Learning About The Perks Of Feminism by @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior (Soldier Boy x Reader)
Bad Reputation Series by @waynes-multiverse (Soldier Boy x Reader)
Destroyer Of Worlds by @waywardnerd67 (Soldier Boy x Reader)
Who Ya Gonna Call? by @deanwanddamons (Jensen x Reader)
His Super Power by @myloversgone (Jensen x Reader)
I didn't get even remotely close to mentioning all the beautiful fics that I love, so I just want all of these writers to know I appreciate them and their hard work! 💕 You rock! 👏👏👏
For more amazing fics, you can also have a look at my 300 Follower Celebration masterlist or the aforementioned writers' masterlists 💖
Have a nice day and happy reading!! 🤓🙌
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nami501 · 8 months
You know what my roman empire is?
Is that back when Zar had an account here him and Jude said they got this idea of a little women au and I see the vision and I know they would make an amazing work.
So now everytime I see something about little women I'm reminded of this and I just hope that someday they decide to give it a go
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joyful-enchantress · 1 year
If you get this let’s spread some positivity 🌈
Link the 4 writers with whom you chatted recently and say what makes their fics special ^D
@lokisgoodgirl - where do I even begin? Her Loki stories are amazingly detailed and the unique situations she can put our favorite trickster into, and the different personas she can have him assume, are limitless. What amazes me the most is that, even with all the different situations and personas he assumes, he is always so fully Loki. I can hear his voice and see him so clearly throughout all of her work. And the smut? Don’t even get me started. Absolutely scorching, deliciously filthy, and always leaving me wanting more 🔥🫠
@sarahscribbles - Sarah, my love! Not only is she one of the sweetest people you could ever have the pleasure of getting to know, her writing is just immaculate! The prose, the imagery, and the way she weaves words together to form literal art is nothing short of masterful. I feel like I’m reading beautiful poetry when I read her fics, truly. And she knows exactly how to tug on my heartstrings (in the best way) and fan the fire in my loins 🔥🥵 Her Dom!Loki stuff is some of my favorite stuff I’ve ever read!
@muddyorbsblr - Ally is just outstanding! She has such a big heart and, also a huge master list! I still have so many pieces to work through, but the fics of hers I’ve read are nothing short of amazing! I love that she writes for several other Tom Hiddleston characters besides Loki, for one thing, and every time I read something she wrote I’m amazed at how immersed I become. Her writing just rolls off the page and into my brain like it is my own stream of consciousness and in those moments I AM the character in the fic. I love! 🥰
@youlightmeupfinn - last on this list but definitely not least, my best friend. Taylor is just something else, on another level. I am amazed constantly by the sheer quantity of fics she is able to pump out, and also the number of fandoms she spans (fellow Hiddleston Lovers, be sure to check out her archived/retired master list!). On top of all that, she is so talented. My favorite thing about the way she writes is how she writes the main character’s inner thoughts and inner dialog. It really lets you get inside the character’s head and understand them more fully and I LIVE for it. It has been such a pleasure reading her work, getting to know her, becoming best friends, and even collaborating and editing some of her writing, too! I can’t wait to share what we’ve been working on with the world, an original novel called “Love Me While You Wait” — I love you, Taylor!! 💕🥹
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mochie85 · 11 months
Have you heard of this one?? For some reason when u saw this i kinda thought u wrote it. If u havent heard it thats fine obvi! If u ever run in to it though reblog it like 5 times its very good.
Hi Nonny!!
To save everyone reading this the trouble of going through the rabbit hole...The link above leads to a post about someone asking for help in finding a fic. 😊
It turns out that the fic was written by the amazing @ijuststareatstuffhereok89. It's her "Just Another Baby Story." 💯💖
I remember reading her story and loving it! It was filled with angst and I recall a happy ending (which everyone knows- I'm a sucker for happy endings! 😊)
I can see the similarities between hers and mine, To Have and to Hold. All the tropes are there...an unexpected pregnancy, a commitment-phobic Loki. And her story was published weeks ahead of my first chapter.
(I should note that I had trouble writing my series for a multitude of reasons! I'm surprised I had the energy to carry it for ten chapters?! 😱. It was very angst-filled and to this day I'm not quite sure it's one of my best works.)
To get back to your point...Yes! I agree She is a phenomenal writer. Everyone should go read it right now! As well as her many other works! She is a talented and creative individual whose voice always carries through to her work. I am honored to be grouped with her and mentioned in the same breath. 😘🥰
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black-rose-events · 2 years
Villaintine's Day 2023 Writeblr Award Ceremony
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A Black Rose For The Pretty Writer
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A token of our villainous appreciation!
Awarded to the following users:
@puddleslimewrites for their snippet: Deadly Distraction 🖤
@world-of-fire-and-flight for their snippet: Pair of Dorks
@heroes-villains-side-blog for their snippets: "Welcome to the Team Mr. Henchman. You Start Monday." and Fire & Darkness
Orange Lily
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Orange lilies represent hatred so of course it should go to snippets with a great nemesis dynamic!
Awarded to the following users:
@puddleslimewrites for their snippet: Deadly Distraction 🖤
Iron Villain
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When Villain is dead set on their goal, like really dead set -- it's honestly impressive the writer still makes us root for them somehow.
Awarded to the following users:
@puddleslimewrites for their snippet: Deadly Distraction 🖤 for making us root for Supervillain even though they're implied to be a murderer!
Of One's Own Free Villain
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When the hero does the villainous thing on their own! Outside of their villain's influence! Showcasing that the nemesis bond goes deeper than just regular face-to-face meet-ups.
Awarded to the following users:
@world-of-fire-and-flight for their snippet: Pair of Dorks where SPOILER Hero is the one to initiate the celebration of their nemesis-aversary!
A Hero Makes The Villain
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We all know a hero is absolutely nothing without their villain. Like, literally. They would not be a hero without someone to antagonize them, so pat your villainous selves on the back for keeping heroes in a job! But sometimes, it happens, that a hero does have a tiny minscule influence on the villain.
Awarded to the following users:
@world-of-fire-and-flight for their snippet: Pair of Dorks where Hero's heroically sweet nature makes Villain want to be a better villain and partake in future villainous celebrations! Well, it's just nemesis anniversaries, but no accomplishment is too small!
If Love Doesn't Scare You, No Evil Thing Will
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Loving someone or knowing someone loves you can be terrifying...but also a great motivating force, and heroes and villains are no different. The only question is: how does it change their agenda, if at all? Love is also said to be the most powerful weapon of all, so if that doesn't scare you...no villainous scheme will! (You thought we were going for it, didn't you?)
Awarded to the following users:
@heroes-villains-side-blog for their snippet: "Welcome to the Team, Mr. Henchman. You Start Monday."
Even though Spectre may not admit her feelings for Henchman, she knows they're there...now if only she could embrace them like the Big Red Button That's Actually Green😜
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We all know that found family is a popular trope for a reason (it's just so wholesome!), but what about those found families who are made up of rogues? We're talking master criminals, thieves, grifters, the whole lot. Welcome to Villainville: House of Rogues!
Awarded to the following users:
@heroes-villains-side-blog for their snippet: "Welcome to the Team, Mr. Henchman. You Start Monday."
CRIME FOUND FAMILY! CRIME FOUND FAMILY! CRIME FOUND FAMILY! Not only did Henchman find a villainous family, but Spectre and Codex are building an evil empire that's sure to be the baddest, most close-knit villain group ever😈
In Darkest Day, In Blackest Night...
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This one's for the scenes that have us biting our nails, sitting on the edge of our seats, and when things aren't going in our favorite character's favor. Whether you enjoy stories where the villain wins (or in some cases, corrupt heroes), or not, you've got to admit the ✨suspense✨ is killer.
Awarded to the following users:
@heroes-villains-side-blog for their snippet: Fire & Darkness
Speaking of being on the edge of your seat, this one will leave you guessing and have you questioning everything you know about heroes and villains. Did we witness a corrupt hero, or the tragic fall of someone trying to do what was just for the good of the many? We may never know...
Twist Our Heartstrings
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AHHHH THE FEELS! From plot-twists you didn't see coming to plot-twists you feared would come that still utterly gutted you, there are a lot of things that can tug on your heartstrings when you're really invested in a story.
Awarded to the following users:
@heroes-villains-side-blog for their snippet: Fire & Darkness
Ow my heart🖤 Not only did you have us sitting on the edge of our seats, you made us feel invested in such a way that broke our hearts to watch the fall of our new favorite blorbo.
Last Villain And Testament
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The heroes won. The villain is defeated. And yet...Are they? Are they really defeated? Did the heroes really win? Or were the heroes the villains all along? It may be the final act, but we all know it's never over until the villain laughs manically.
Awarded to the following users:
@heroes-villains-side-blog for their snippet: Fire & Darkness
While we deal with the fallout of an ambiguous ending, there's a certain finality here that leaves us wary of Fire Star and wondering just what the Dark One would say if given the chance to. Maybe there's no true evil or true good here, but there's certainly a dynamic and we're in love!
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gleafer · 3 days
My favorite Reddit sub has turned ONE YEAR OLD TODAY!
If you haven’t yet found your way to the nicest and SAUCIEST fandom fan page in this part of the GOOD OMENSVERSE, now is your cue!
Join us and have fun with amazing writers, wonderful artists, podcasters, voice actors, musicians and HILARIOUS mods and commenters in a supportive community making our goblin lives better every day.
Good Omens After Dark is where thick thighs save lives and Pootie bird reigns supreme.
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raggedytiger · 7 months
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this is so bad but i permanently cropped the file so brutally that i can no longer edit it. whoops! also panels 4-7 were fully coloured but it looks better without for some reason. pomni (penny?) is such an ugly crier. i love my horrible failgirl accountant
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In my bout of insomnia tonight, I am trying to catch up on some fics that I have marked “to read later”.
I am not ignoring any of you. I love you all. I know it’s taking me a while to get around to this and I’ll get through it eventually. I’m so sorry. I haven’t been keeping up.
Please know that it’s OK to send me a message and say hey you missed this!🩵🩵🩵
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eevvvaa · 1 year
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• Dean Winchester
The Raven - Part 6 by @roonyxx
The Raven - Part 7 by @roonyxx
Safe Here - I Hate My Mom by @because-imma-lady-assface
Drunk Words, Sober Thoughts by @deanwritings
All In or All Out? by @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior
Help, I'm Dying by @queen-of-deans-booty
Low Battery by @thirdsaltyhunter
Be My Cherry Pie by @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior
Love Language by @mind-empty-just-fictional-people
• Soldier Boy
Suddenly by @mind-empty-just-fictional-people
Imagine: How Ben reacts to his girlfriend having cramps during her period by @zepskies
• Alec Mcdowell
Heat Cycle by @addictofsupernatural
Taking Care Of Him by @addictofsupernatural
Kiss It Better: A Dark Angel Fic by @crashdevlin
• Jensen Ackles
At Your Mercy by @k-slla
• Beau Arlen
Tap The Badge by @xenaxena
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starlightvld · 8 months
Fan fic life is suffering through a NoTP side pairing in an OTP fic because the writing is that good
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