#American germander
indigrassy · 3 months
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Wood sage
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magnoliamyrrh · 1 year
fun things capitalism/eu imperialism/american imperialism have brought to romania :) aka the victims of capitalism, since were always talking only of the victims of communism:
more people are in extreme poverty today than during communism. more people who are malnutrishioned, poor, and starving. slums, many slums which are expanding especially on the outskirts of cities. poor homeless people setting up communities and cities into the sewers of bucharest to stay warm. still no hot water and heating. education system is actually worse than it was during communism, like from what i see exponentially worse, hospitals are actually worse than they were during communism - to quote a rap song, our hospitals are as dirty as some people's streets. in places like moldova, the collapse of infrastructure leading to even more of a nightmare than during soviet rule. our forests are being cut down while foreign companies dont give a fuck and the lumber mafia threathens and kills people. massive issue with sex trafficking of women and children as well as organ trafficking. massive issue with mass emigration driven by povery and hopelessness which leads to many romanians being mistreated or trafficked. the dumping of chemicals and trash from western europe onto our lands. the destruction of poor villages, communities, and slums to make space for ~modernization. a culture of individualism, selfishness, in which everyone wants to steal from you and use you. massive issue with theft and corruption. a useless corrupt government which is barely a democracy. european union money stolen in mass. self hatred and inferiroty complex in which we think were inferitor to the west which needs to civilize us, gods sake. police brutality, use of police force against civilian protests, and police and government working together to sex traffick miniors. people killing themselves because they are so hopeless and depressed. underfunded social services and a horrible beurocracy which like everything else runs of bribes. bribes and theft everywhere - but worse than the communist mandatory-gift exhange system. the destruction of traditional culture weve kept alive for thousands of years in the span of barely any decades at all. rich germand and foreign ppl moving into poor villages, tearing down old houses, etc. sex tourism. mass tourism ruining regions and turning them into messes. must i go on?
what did america and the west save us from, exactly?
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spooniestrong · 2 years
Why you should avoid kava and 9 other risky dietary supplements
One-third of Americans say they believe supplements have been tested by the Food and Drug Administration for safety, according to a 2022 nationally representative survey by Consumer Reports of 3,070 adults in the United States. But the FDA doesn’t approve or test the safety or effectiveness of any supplement before it enters the U.S. market.
After consulting with a panel of doctors and researchers, Consumer Reports says you should avoid these 10 risky supplements. In general, risk increases the larger the dosage and the longer the supplement is taken. Also beware of illegal or unapproved drug ingredients, such as tianeptine, methylsynephrine and phenibut.
Also called: creosote bush, greasewood, Larrea divaricata, Larrea tridentata, larreastat
Claimed benefits: weight loss; eases inflammation; treats colds, infections, rashes, cancers
Potential harms: kidney problems, liver damage
Also called: coughwort, Farfarae folium leaf, foalswort, Tussilago farfara
Claimed benefits: relieves cough, sore throat, laryngitis, bronchitis, asthma
Potential harms: liver damage, possible carcinogen
Also called: blackwort, bruisewort, slippery root, Symphytum officinale
Claimed benefits: relieves cough, heavy menstrual periods, stomach problems, chest pain; treats cancer
Potential harms: liver damage, cancer
Also called: Teucrium chamaedrys, Teucrium viscidum
Claimed benefits: weight loss; alleviates fever, arthritis, gout, stomach problems
Potential harms: liver damage, hepatitis
Greater celandine
Also called: celandine, Chelidonium majus
Claimed benefits: alleviates stomach ache
Potential harms: liver damage
Also called: ava pepper, kava kava, Piper methysticum
Claimed benefits: eases anxiety, helps sleep
Potential harms: liver damage, exacerbates Parkinson’s disease and depression, impairs driving
Also called: asthma weed, Lobelia inflata, vomit wort, wild tobacco
Claimed benefits: helps respiratory problems, smoking cessation
Potential harms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, rapid heartbeat, confusion, seizures, hypothermia, coma
Pennyroyal oil
Also called: Hedeoma pulegioides, Mentha pulegium
Claimed benefits: improves breathing problems, digestive disorders
Potential harms: liver and kidney failure, nerve damage, convulsions
Usnic acid
Also called: beard moss, tree moss, usnea
Claimed benefits: weight loss, pain relief
Potential harms: liver injury
Also called: Johimbi, Pausinystalia yohimbe, yohimbine, Corynanthe johimbi
Claimed benefits: treats low libido and erectile dysfunction, depression, obesity
Potential harms: raises blood pressure; causes rapid heart rate, headaches, seizures, liver and kidney problems, heart problems, panic attacks
Source: Consumer Reports Inc.
Consumer Reports is an independent, nonprofit organization that works side by side with consumers to create a fairer, safer, and healthier world. CR does not endorse products or services, and does not accept advertising. Read more at ConsumerReports.org.
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dsthingsandstuff · 1 year
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American germander
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the-secret-grimoire · 2 years
Eye- Blossom or Seed
Heart- Bud or Seed
Beak, Bill or Nose- Seed, Bud or Bloom
Tongue or Teeth- Petal or Leaf
Head- Blossom
Tail- Stem
Hair- Dried Herbs or Stringy Parts Of Herbs
Privates, Genitals Or Semen- Seeds Or Sap
Blood- Sap
Guts- Roots or Stalk
Paw, Foot, Leg, Wing or Toe- Leaves
Toad- Sage
Cat- Catmint
Dog- Grasses, Specifically Couchgrass
Frog- Cinquefoil
Eagle- Wild Garlic
Blue Jay- Laurel
Hawk- Hawkweed
Lamb-Wild Lettuce
Nightengale- Hops
Rat- Valerian
Weasel- Rue
Woodpecker- Peony
Some of these names are still in use today
These days, there are many almanacs of magical herbs and herbal grimmoires available online or at bookstores, that list out Witch Herb/Plant names and even details their uses. Just for fun, I will leave you with a list of some of my favorite witchy plant names.
Ass' Ear- Comfrey
Bat's Wing- Holly Leaves
Beard Of Monk- Chicory
Bear's Foot- Lady's Mantle
Bird's Eye- Germander or Speedwell
Blind Eyes- Poppy
Blood From A Head- Lupine
Blood Of Ares- Purslane
Blood Of Hestia- Chamomile
Bloody Fingers- Foxglove
Calf's Snout- Snapdragon
Cat's Foot- Ground Ivy
Crow's Foot- Wood Anemone
Devil's Ear- Jack In The Pulpit
Devil's Plaything- Yarrow
Dew Of The Sea- Rosemary
Dog's Mouth- Snapdragon
Dragon's Teeth- Vervain
Elf Leaf- Lavender
Englishman's Foot- Common Plaintain
Eye Of Newt - Mustard Seeds
Fairy Eggs- Nutmeg
Flower Of Death- Vinca
Goose Tongue- Lemon Balm
Graveyard Dust- Mullein
Hawk's Heart- Wormwood
Juno's Tears- Vervain
Jupiter's Beard- Sempervivums
Lion's Foot- Lady's Mantle
Little Faces- Viola
Man's Bile- Turnip Sap
Mortification Root- Rose Of Sharon
Nose Of Turtle- Turtlehead, Chelone
Nosebleed- Yarrow
Our Lady's Tears- Lily Of The Valley
Old Man's Flannel- Mullein
Ram's Head- Valerian
Scale Of Dragon- Tarragon
Semen Of Ares- White Clover
Semen Of Hermes- Dill
Serpent's Tongue- Dog's Tooth Violet
Sparrow's Tongue- Knotweed
Tree Of Doom- Elder
Unicorn Root- Boneset
Weasel Snout- Yellow Archangel
Wool Of Bat- Moss
Absinthe - wormwood
African ginger - ginger
Aftator pear - avocado
American dittany - basil
Aneton - dill
Bairnwort - daisy
Bee balm - lemon balm
Bird's foot - feunugreek
Blind buff - poppy
Blue eyes - potatos
Blood of Hestia - chamomile
Calf's snout - snapdragon
Chinese parsley - coriander
Chocolate flower - geranium
Devil's dung - asafoetida
Eagle - wild garlic
Elf leaf - lavender
Fairy fingers - foxglove
Gallowsgrass - hemp
Gin plant - juniper
Giver of life - corn
Goat's leaf - honeysuckle
Golden bough - mistletoe
Honey stalks - clove
Kronos' blood - cedar sap
Lamb mint - spearmint
Rabbits - toadflax
Ring-o-bells - bluebells
Scaldhead - blackberry
Semen of Hermes - dill
Titan's blood - wild lettuce
White wood - cinnamon
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444names · 1 year
Names generated from American states, German and Dutch forenames, excluding the letter "J"
Aadalmast Aadel Aadrick Aagne Aaldo Aalinganne Aancise Aanda Aandendrik Aanne Aannesmée Aarich Aarlhele Aarylva Aatte Abeat Abino Abrantuck Acquel Adakoenrah Aderhoma Adrarone Adria Adrich Adrido Adried Adrise Adrizo Alaan Alaarlenz Alber Aldel Alevanna Alfram Alies Allmar Aloenia Aloredy Alrien Alternhold Altert Altrud Amald Ampshina Andenrald Andrichria Angoen Annalmaris Annat Annatherl Annebas Annees Annem Annout Ardiseph Argis Argreer Arichera Arieke Armirga Arneso Arnhein Arolipp Aronnalia Arste Axelten...
Bamuthcale Barick Basian Belin Berahodo Berridolf Berselmard Berta Bouis Bracco Brentuck Calberien Caldele Calon Casiseph Catrade Cattomanne Chana Cheina Chendriker Chria Chriaad Chrina Classassa Conne Conso Conste Coranne Coredgar Corsus Dakoel Dakolf Dalaf Dandikeva Dannia Daratts Daren Darsephia Delvin Dewalke Dewhansa Diedrio Diena Diken Dinatrin Duarle Dulrank Dusep Edemas Ediana Edria Edrick Einolk Ekertines Elene Elganourt Elhel Eliaste Eliedra Elinus Elmata Elotton Emicorich Emillan Emilliva Emirgerta Emirmarste Emmarno Emmelian Eriena Ermard Ewhard Feletefie Feline Feriand Floth Flout Forizo Fradewiel Framexicar Frandrius Frarte Frassard Fredga Freete Freinole Frelaula Frena Frete Fretto Frissarie Fristert Friëll Garlenekke Gebassan Gelon Georee Geort Germand Germo Gernd Gernorid Gerola Giannia Gianny Gieke Gillippi Ginhelwild Giscas Gobargre Gober Gontuck Gotter Gotth Griesterik Grits Guderber Guise Guissiene Gunoutz Güntz Hamart Harit Harius Hawalenzel Heidavio Heina Heinaalouk Heinin Helahanne Heldretta Helgelmut Helie Hella Hellinrik Hemin Henrantz Hentam Herharied Herno Herriet Hertharis Hiennes Hilby Hilhelsach Hilian Hingrika Hiola Hirgielis Hodegard Hubel Huben Hunouiste Husta Idega Iebke Ilhelmut Iliebas Ilies Ilinhoder Ilivinhar Iminnewyom Imisl Ingottert Inria Ircore Irete Isele Iseph Issouth Ister Istianka Kancisa Karicheid Karomalis Keetert Klaul Koediaard Laurt Lawalk Liampshild Lieda Liegabin Lieke Lieker Likata Linert Lisamundo Lorger Lorris Lorse Lorsul Louelma Loute Ludeltert Ludolas Lutte Luttona Lütomirk Lütoniste Mainekke Maines Maldride Manger Mansanner Manuelving Margaanne Margabert Maric Marida Maried Marisber Marisef Marmarta Maroger Marolaber Marolf Maron Marontuck Marost Martha Maryl Mastam Mathunton Maxelva Maxim Melgand Melgendt Mexast Michael Michar Micharsth Micher Mielie Mietriko Milbea Milby Miliesey Milinus Millauria Millra Milmut Mingene Mirka Miseena Mismic Monik Morkathar Nebkeelie Nelia Nellrieke Niaagmund Niand Nianne Nichand Nichedael Nichrik Niscona Nislaugus Niëllex Ohaleeth Oklaadella Olfonsyl Olian Oltrictin Oreilliena Orena Otanns Ottamarik Ottfria Ottlie Ottscas Pauguisas Paursulrin Peteph Phill Phinhard Pielm Piesl Pievirmona Pimilte Pimon Polla Racquel Radrachris Ramaaf Ramard Ramon Rarolte Rectinebas Recto Retchan Riaad Riebke Rieke Riesef Rinnoratto Riselidie Riuse Robas Robia Robus Roedusta Roelino Rolaf Roldrene Rolger Rolorie Romard Romarstine Romat Romennes Ronat Rudenes Saber Sanke Sanoisipp Seeritz Seesellas Seethold Sellmut Settoffert Shild Shina Sisannert Siste Sothig Sternermat Stianth Svenectob Svete Tennert Terlhenk Thundrit Tiaatya Toffel Tomarbas Tonne Toona Trichan Trieke Trissansga Trudelk Truuk Udeliep Ulaska Urinebhar Urthusella Uwina Veetra Verbertret Vertiani Vetta Virmona Volke Wainza Warcus Werado Wermar Wesse Wielmar Wievetel Wilbran Wilhelipp Wilieke Wilietert Wille Winech Wisastome Wissa Wisthent Woudiebas Woukaren Wouth Wyomend Xelie Yveester Yvethelker
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tinyurbanwilderness · 2 years
Pretty forbs I didn’t plant 💜. #wildmint #indiantobacco #Americangermander #nativeplants #nativeplanttok #nature #midwest #letitgrow #yardhabitat
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deathtek · 2 years
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debunkshy · 7 years
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American Germander (Teucrium canadense)
Pleasant Valley, WI, 7-28-17
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volgdemagischewinx · 3 years
Bloom's parents being toxic and abusive and her straight up lying to them AND NONE OF THEM BEING ITALIAN is just nasty all around. And Stella's remarks "how very American of you-" UGH. Like, there could be so many more fun references to Bloom's nationality if she were Italian like in the original. Also, it just occurred to me.
Why. The fuck. Did they make her a HP nerd?! THERE'S A FANTASY SERIES SET IN VENICE THAT BLOOM WOULD MUCH BETTER LIKE!! It doesn't have fairies, but it is about a teen girl Nina who is an alchemist like her grandfather, and goes on all kinds of crazy and dangerous adventures to help save 6th moon which is a different world I think, or a planet- and it is also extremely magical, MUCH MORE THAN HARRY POTTER ACTUALLY. It's also a kids series, but Bloom IS clinging to her childhood. Vanessa was teasing her in the first episode, but given the illustrations on the book and her drawings (and the book's title) her fixation WAS a bit childish. Which is not a bad thing. She was drawn to fairies because she IS one, and she gravitated towards more juvenile media about them because that type of media didn't treat them like dead folklore. And again, Bloom was 16. That's still just a kid. Some teens cling to childhood longer, that's not a bad thing.
So bloom would 100% be into Nina the Girl of the Sixth Moon and she WOULDN'T be going on assigning Hogwards houses to people.
Sorry I got worked up but damn it I could have written Fate better. I could have! (insert the loki "I could have done it Father! For you, for all of us!" gif 😭😭. I swear to God Netflix needs to fire the Vampire Diaries guy and hire FANS. At least we seem to have read more than 2 books to reference 🙄🙄🙄
Just. Bloom as a Nina stan. My baby. I see it so clearly. God, why couldn't have netflix done it?! I don't care if not many people heard of it, Bloom is SUPPOSED to have peculiar interests! What did they gain from HP? It says nothing about her character, absolutely nothing. Everyone and their mother read/watched HP. It doesn't even tell you if someone likes fantasy, people of all preferences consumed it as a media. But Nina? Now that shows something. And if audience doesn't get it? Show the cover art, or a fanart poster Bloom could have drawn just to show the vibe.
I will never fucking forgive Netwinx for what they did to the warm, loving, and healthy adopted family from the cartoon. Also Bloom is allergic to lying, she shouldn't be able to lie to her parents even if she wanted to smh
I've bitched about Fate!Bloom being American before but it has been pointed out to me that s4 does imply Gardenia is in the U.S but like anything post-s3 I'm ignoring that. You adapt an Italian cartoon you find some way to honor its roots. At least make one of her parents Italian and let them be a multicultural family or something. Also like you said just the way they went about depicting her nationality just reeked of the "oh so special American" thing in U.S media that I hate
Also agreed Bloom should not have been a HP nerd. Bloom is supposed to be a weird girl clinging her childhood obsession with fairies. Her liking an incredibly popular book series about magic that many adults still read doesn't exactly capture that. Also it's cringy as hell. Idk the books you described but they sound fun and exactly like something she'd like! And bonus for it being set in Venice(let her be Italian damn it!)
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kiyblackmoon · 3 years
Witches Herbal Code
Heart- Bud or Seed
Beak, Bill or Nose- Seed, Bud or Bloom
Tongue or Teeth- Petal or Leaf
Head- Blossom
Tail- Stem
Hair- Dried Herbs or Stringy Parts Of Herbs
Privates, Genitals Or Semen- Seeds Or Sap
Blood- Sap
Guts- Roots or Stalk
Paw, Foot, Leg, Wing or Toe- Leaves
Adder’s Tongue: Dogstooth Violet; Plantain
Ass’s Foot: Coltsfoot
Bat’s Wing : Holly Leaf
Bat’s Wool : Moss
Bear’s Foot: Lady’s Mantle
Bird’s Eye: Germander, Speedwell
Blood: Elder sap or another tree sap
Blood from a Head: Lupine
Blood from a Shoulder: Bear’s Breeches
Blood of a Goose: Mulberry tree’s sap
Blood of a Hamadryas Baboon: Blood of a spotted gecko
Blood of a Snake: Hematite
Blood of an Eye: Tamarisk Gall
Blood of Ares: Purslane
Blood of Hephaistos: Wormwood
Blood of Hestia: Chamomile
Bloody Fingers: Foxglove
Blue Jay: Bay laurel
Bone of an Ibis: Buckthorn
Brains: Cherry tree gum [this phrase usually designates any fruit tree gum]
Bull’s Blood or Seed of Horus: Horehound
Bull’s Foot: Coltsfoot
Bull’s Semen: Eggs of the blister beetle
Calf’s Snout: Snapdragon
Capon’s Tail: Valerian.
Cat: Catnip
Cat’s Foot: Canada Snake Root and/or Ground Ivy
Clot: Great Mullein
Corpse Candles: Mullein
Cuddy’s Lungs: Great Mullein
Crocodile Dung: Ethiopian Earth
Crow Foot: Cranesbill, wild geranium, buttercup
Devil’s Dung: Asafoetida
Dog: Couch grass
Dog’s Mouth: Snapdragon
Dog’s Tongue: Hounds Tongue
Dove’s Foot: Wild Geranium
Dragon’s Blood: Resin of Draco palm
Dragon’s Scales: Bistort leaves
Eagle: Wild Garlic of Fenugreek
Ear of an Ass: Comfrey
Ears of a Goat: St. John’s Wort
Englishman’s Foot: Common Plantain
Eye of Christ: Germander, speedwell
Eye of the Day: Common daisy
Eye of the Star: Horehound
Eyes: Inner part of a blossom; Aster, Daisy, Eyebright
Fat from a Head: Spurge
Fingers: Cinquefoil
Five Fingers: Cinquefoil
Foot: Leaf
Frog: Cinquefoil
Frog’s Foot: Bulbous buttercup
From the Belly: Earth-apple
From the Foot: Houseleek
From the Loins: Chamomile
Goat’s Foot: Ash Weed
God’s Hair: Hart’s Tongue Fern
Gosling Wing: Goosegrass
Graveyard Dust: Mullein
Great Ox-eye: Ox-eye daisy
Guts: The roots and stalk of a plant
Hair: Dried stringy herbs; ripe male fern
Hair of a Hamadryas Baboon: Dill Seed
Hair of Venus: Maidenhair fern
Hare’s Beard: Great mullein
Hawk: Hawkweed
Hawk’s Heart: Wormwood seed or wormwood crown
Head: Flower of a plant
Heart: Walnut; bud, seed, or nut
Hind’s Tongue: Hart’s Tongue Fern
Horse Hoof: Coltsfoot
Horse Tongue: Hart’s Tongue Fern
Jacob’s Staff: Great Mullein
Jupiter’s Staff: Great Mullein
King’s Crown: Black Haw
Kronos’ Blood: Cedar
Lamb: Lettuce
Lamb’s Ears: Betony
Leg: Leaf
Lion’s Hair: Tongue of a Turnip [i.e., the leaves of the taproot]
Lion’s Tooth: Dandelion aka Priest’s Crown
Lion Semen: Human Semen
Man’s Bile: Turnip sap
Nightingale: Hops
Paw: Leaf
Physician’s Bone: Sandstone
Pig’s Tail: Leopard’s Bane
Privates: Seed
Ram’s Head: American Valerian
Rat: Valerian
Red Cockscomb: Amaranth
Seed of Horus: Horehound
Semen of Ammon: Houseleek
Semen of Ares: Clover
Semen of Helios: White Hellebore
Semen of Hephaistos: Fleabane
Semen of Herakles: Mustard-rocket
Semen of Hermes: Dill
Shepherd’s Heart: Shepherd’s Purse
Skin of Man: Fern
Skull: Skullcap Mushroom
Snake: Bistort
Snake’s Ball of Thread: Soapstone
Snake’s Head: Leech
Sparrow’s Tongue: Knotweed
Swine’s Snout: Dandelion leaves
Tail: Stem
Tears of a Hamadryas Baboon: Dill Juice
Teeth: Pine Cones
Titan’s Blood: Wild Lettuce
Toad: Toadflax; Sage
Toe: Leaf
Tongue: Petal
Unicorn’s Horn: False Unicorn Root; True Unicorn Root
Urine: Dandelion
Weasel: Rue
Weasel Snout: Yellow Dead Nettles/Yellow Archangel
White Man’s Foot: Common Plantain
Wing: Leaf
Wolf Claw: Club Moss
Wolf Foot: Bugle Weed
Wolf’s Milk: Euphorbia
Woodpecker: Peony
Worms: Thin Roots
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cedar-glade · 2 years
(Not comprehensive) What to expect for riparian zones in orv confluence.
it’s the best time of year to fen hop here in Ohio but before anyone does that a pilgrimage to a less addressed habitat is necessary and fun, its check on mudflats in western Ohio time;
I just spent a few solid days botanizing some of Ohio’s most classic habitats.
Two mudflat locations: Little Miami meets ORV and Great Miami meets ORV. (though a weirder one is the ancient oxbow flats of the Great Miami. BTW ORV is Ohio River Valley.
 A group of really good friends and I got together and tried to hit the Shawnee lookout giant ragweed thickets(15 foot tall this year with native amaranth mixed in at similar height)  Each year a few people check this spot earlier and than a few later for a tricky plant not seen since 2010 called Orobanche riparia
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which may or may not be state extirpated from TN WV VA and OH. these are only affiliated with confluence zones and specifically Ancient ragweed thicket communities. Normally Ragweed is 7 foot max, and dies every year, falluvium(alluvium displaced by frequent floods), buries these past frost lines and their roots are insulated. and the stems are more supported at the base.
while being a classic rare species, Japanese hops have now made it extremely problematic to spot and so it remains elusive.
while the 3 giant amaranth and 8 species of Persicaria are present with the cockerburl and ragweed along with florida and giant lettuce; It’s also notable that rough barnyard grass and two other river bank giant ragweed thicket rarities are also present. https://explorer.natureserve.org/Taxon/ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.155128/Ripariosida_hermaphrodita  virginia riverbank mallow and ....
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Nabalus crepidineus
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Flood plain woods: wood nettle, greenheaded cone flower, panicled fall phlox, cup plant, Jerusalem artichoke, 2 Persicaria spp., more angry hops, 2 common Rubus spp. (black cap and Alleghany), Monarda serotina, more lettuce, both of Ohio’s jewel weed.
Silt formed Mudflats:
It’s ok though because the disturbance is still frequent in some sections and many rare sedges and rushes exist as well as mud flat species can be seen as preserved. These are very small species that thrive on silt
the map above is for a species that recently got split again after already being split from drummunds’ bull rush. Now called dwarf bull rush and went through a new genera name too. River dwarf bull rush is no longer Hemicarpha micrantha and is now Lipocarpha micrantha.
Others of notable interest in flat: Kyllinga pumila,  Paspalum fluitans,  Myosurus minimus(adventive), Cyperus acuminatus,
both toothleafs are present too. Ammania coccinea(sessile peduncle and least common) and Ammania robusta(most common) for ohio.,
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another classic forbe thats pretty darn common is obi wan conobea usually with carolina geranium not far apart,
green, dentate, davids, prostrate, true spotted, and Phyllanthus caroliniensis along with multiple copper leaves are present.
(plenty of other sedges but I can’t think of all the ones Dan Boone has tried to teach me there.)
Broken bank( sand cut banks):
alleghany monkey flower, blue siphilis lobellia, indian tobacco inflated lobellia, common milkweed, 3 uncommon Rubus spp. all adventive except for one that looks like a glaberous prickily virginia creeper vine Rubus trivialis . We also see both swamp and ciliate margin loose strife, two figworts, and cockerburl again along with 4 native persicaria, 2 native day flower(Commelina spp.), 3 seedbox/ludwigs (Ludwigia spp.), waterspeedwell Veronica catenata ,
mints are well represented: 3 Stachys spp. water hoarhound, american germander, 3 potential Monarda spp. (bubblegun, basal white, and M. serotina), both ciliate and hairy wood mints.
  Classic creeping fabaceae are: Amphicarpaea bracteata and Apios americana.
Gravel point bar:
lance leaf frog fruit, smooth scouring rush, verticilate scouring rush, and rough scouring rush, smooth rush, green bull rush, the brown tall giant one, 3 sided rush, big bluestem? some how?,  button bush, both the common hibiscus, sand bar and black willows, water willow(not a willow), lizard tail(the fruitloop smelling one).
If you want someone who knows more about this habitat than anyone else, Dan Boone is probably the person to ask.
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lady-boa · 5 years
Witchy Translations
Old witchy names for herbs/roots in their modern names.
*Warning: A good chunk of these are poisonous*
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Adders Fork- Adders tongue Adders tongue- Dogstooth Violet Ass's Foot or Bull's Foot - Coltsfoot Bat Flower - Tacca Bat's Wings - Holly Bat's Wool- Moss Bear's Foot- Lady's Mantle Beggar's Buttons -Burdock Beggar's Tick- Cockhold Bird's Eye- Germander Speedwell Bird's Foot- Fenugreek Black Maidenhair- Black Spleenwort Black Sampson- Echinacea Black Snake Root- Black Cohosh Blind Eyes- Poppy Blood- Elder Sap or another tree sap Blood from a Head- Lupine Blood from a Shoulder- Bear's Breeches Blood of Ares- Purslane Blood of Kronos- Cedar Blood of Hephaistos- Wormwood Blood of Hestia- Chamomile Blood of a Goose- Mulberry Tree's Milk Blood of a Titan- Wild Lettuce Blood of an Eye- Tamarisk Gall Blood Leather- Reindeer Moss/Rock Tripe/Caribou Lichen Bloodroot- Tormentil Bloodwort- Yarrow Bloody Butcher- Valerian Bloody Finger- Foxglove Bone of an Ibis- Buckthorn Brains- Congealed Gum from a Cherry Tree Bread and Cheese Tree- Hawthorne. Whitethorn, Hazels Broom- Gorse Bull's Blood or Seed of Horus- Horehound Bull's Foot- Coltsfoot Burning Bush- Fraxinella, White Dittany Butcher's Broom- Irish Tops Buttons- Tansy Calf's Snout- Snapdragon Candelmas Maiden- Snowdrop Capon's Tail- Valerian Cat's Foot- Canada Snake Root and/or Ground Ivy Cheeses- Marsh Mallow Cherry Pie- Heliotrope Chocolate Flower- Wild Geranium Church Steeples- Agrimony Clear-Eye- Clary Sage Click- Goosegrass Clot- Great Mullein Corpse Candles- Mullein Corpse Plant- Indian Pipe Courtesy- Summer Wind Crocodile Dung- Black Earth Crow Corn- Ague Root Crow Foot- Wild Geranium Crowdy Kit- Figwort Crown for a King- Wormwood Cuckoo's Bread- Common Plantain Cucumber Tree- Magnolia Cuddy's Lungs- Great Mullein Dead Man Ash- Mandrake root poppet Death Angel- Agaric Death Flower- Yarrow Devil's Apple- Datura Devils Dung- Asafoetida Devil's Eye- Henbane, Periwinkle Devil's Flower- Bachelor's Buttons Devil's Guts- Dodder Devil's Milk- Celandine Devil's Nettle- Yarrow Devil's Oatmeal- Parsley Devil's Plaything- Yarrow Dew of the Sea- Rosemary Dog Fennel- Anthemis Dog Grass- Agropyrum Dog's Mouth- Snap Dragon Dog`s Tail- Cynosurus Dog's Tongue- Conoglossum Officinale Dog`s Tooth Violet- Erythronium Dove's Foot- Wild Geranium Dragon Wort- Bistort Dragon Bushes- Toadflax Dragon's Blood- Calamus Dragon's Scales- Bistort Leaves Duck's Foot- May Apple Eagle- Wild Garlic Ear of an Ass- Comfrey Ear of a Goat- St. John's Wort Earth Smoke- Fumitory Elf leaf- Lavender, Rosemary Elf's Wort (Elfwort)- Elecampane Enchanter's Plant- Vervain Englishman's Foot- Common Plantain Erba Santa Maria- Spearmint Everlasting Friendship- Goosegrass Eye of the Day- Common Daisy Eye of Newt- Wild Mustard Seed Eye of the Star- Horehound Eye Root- Goldenseal Eyes- Aster, Daisy, Eyebright Fairies Eggs- Molukka Fairie's Finger- Foxglove Fairies Horses- Ragwort Fairy Bells- Sorrel, Wood Fairy Cup- Cowslip Fairy Smoke- Indian Pipe Fat from a Head- Spurge Felon Herb- Mugwort Filwort- Centory or Feverwort Five Fingers- Cinquefoil Flesh and Blood- Tormentil Fox's Clote- Burdock Frog bit- Hydrocharis Frog fruit- Phyla Frog Orchid- Coeloglossum Frog's Foot- Bulbous Buttercup Frog`s Lettuce- Groenlandia From the Belly- Earth-apple From the Foot- Houseleek From the Loins- Chamomile Gazel's Hooves- Quickset, Albespyne Goat's Foot- Ash Weed Goat's Leaf- Honeysuckle God's Hair- Hart's Tongue Fern Golden Star- Avens Gosling Wing- Goosegrass Graveyard Dust- Mullein Great Ox-eye - Ox-eye Daisy Hag's Taper- Great Mullein Hagthorn- Hawthorn Hairs of a Baboon- Dill Seed Hair- Maidenhair Fern Hair of Venus- Maidenhair Fern Hare's Beard- Great Mullein Hare's Foot- Avens Hawk's Heart- Heart of Wormwood Heart- Walnut Heart of Osmund- Royal Fern Herb of Grace- Vervain Hind's Tongue- Hart's Tongue Fern Holy Herb- Yerba Santa Holy Rope- Hemp Agrimony Hook and Arm- Yerba Santa Horse Hoof- Coltsfoot Horse Tongue- Hart's Tongue Fern Hundred Eyes- Periwinkle Indian Dye- Goldenseal Innocence- Bluets Jacob's Staff- Great Mullein Jew's Ear- Fungus on Elder or Elm John's Bread- Carob Joy of the Mountain- Marjoram Jupiter's Foot- Houseleek Jupiter's Staff- Great Mullein
King's Crown- Black Haw
Knight's Milfoil- Yarrow
Kronos' Blood- Cedar King's Crown Black Haw Knight's Milfoil- Yarrow Lad's Love- Southernwood Lady's Glove- Foxglove  Lady's Mantle- Nine Hooks Lady's Meat- May Flower blossom Lady's Slipper- American Valerian Lady's Tresses- Spira Root Lamb's Ears- Betony Lion's Ear- Motherwort Lion's Hairs- Turnip leaves Lion's Tooth- Dandelion aka Priest's Crown Lizard's Tail- Breast Weed Little Dragon- Tarragon Love in Idleness- Pansy Love Leaves- Burdock Love Lies Bleeding- Amaranth or Anemone Love Man- Goosegrass Love Parsley- Lovage Love Root- Orris Root Man's Bile- Turnip Sap Man's Health- Ginseng Maiden's Hair- Maidenhair Fern Maiden's Ruin- Southernwood Master of the Woods- Woodruff May- Black Haw May Lily- Lily of the Valley May Rose- Black Haw Maypops- Passion Flower Mistress of the Night- Tuberose Mother's Heart- Shepheard's Purse Mouse's Ear- Hawk Weed Mouse's Tail- Common Stonecrop Mutton Chops- Goosegrass Newt`s Tail- Saururus Nose Bleed- Yarrow Old-Maid's-Nightcap- Wild Geranium Old Man- Mugwort Old Man's Flannel- Great Mullein Old Man's Pepper- Yarrow Old Woman- Wormwood Oliver- Olive Organ Tea- Pennyroyal Paddock Pipes- Horsetail Pantagruelian- Marijuana Password- Primrose Peter's Staff- Great Mullein Pig's Tail- Leopard's Bane Poor Man's Treacle- Garlic Poor Man- Weatherglass Pimpernel Priest's Crown- Dandelion leaves Pucha-pat- Patchouli Queen of the Meadow- Meadowsweet Queen of the Meadow Root- Gravelroot Queen of the Night- Vanilla Cactus Queen's Delight- Silverleaf Queen's Root- Stilengia Rabbit's Foot- Field Clover Ram's Head- American Valerian Red Cockscomb- Amaranth Ring-o-Bells- Bluebells Robin-Run-in-the-Grass- Goosegrass Scaldhead- Blackberry See Bright- Clary Sage Semen of Ammon- Houseleek Semen of Ares- Clover Semen of Helios- White Hellebore Semen of Herakles- Mustard-rocket Semen of Hermes- Dill Semen of Hephaistos- Fleabane Seed of Horus- Horehound Serpent's Tongue- Adder's Tongue Seven Barks- Hydrangea Seven Year's Love- Yarrow Shameface- Wild Geranium Shepherd's Heart- Shepherd's Purse Silver Bells- Black Haw Skin of a Man- Fern Skull- Skullcap Mushroom Snake's Blood- Hematite Stone Snake's Friend- Indian Paintbrush Snake's Head- Balmony Snake's Milk- Blooming Splurge Snake's Tongue- Adder's Tongue Fern Snake/ Snakeweed- Bistort Snow Drop- Bulbous Violet Soapwort- Comfrey or Daisy Sorcerer's Violet- Periwinkle Sparrow's Tongue- Knotweed Spider Lily- Spiderwort Squirrel's Ear- White Plantain St. John's Herb- Hemp Agrimony (This is not St. John's Wort) St. John's Plant- Mugwort Stag's Horn- Club Moss Star Flower- Borage Star of the Earth- Avens Starweed- Chickweed Sweethearts- Goosegrass Swine's Snout- Dandelion Leaves Tanner's Bark- Common Oak Tarragon- Mugwort Tartar Root- Ginseng Tears of a Baboon- Dill Juice Titan's Blood- Wild Lettuce Thor's Helper- Rowan Thousand Weed- Yarrow Thunder Plant- House Leek Toad- Toadflax Toe Of Frog- Bulbous Buttercup Leaves Tongue of dog- Hound's Tongue Tooth or Teeth- Pinecone(s) Torches- Great Mullein Tree of Heaven- Chinese Sumach Unicorn's Horn- False Unicorn Unicorn Root- Ague Root Wax Dolls- Fumitory Weazel Snout- Yellow Dead Nettles/Yellow Archangel Weed- Ox-Eye Daisy White- Ox-eye Daisy White Man's Foot- Common Plantain White Wood- White Cinnamon Witch Bells- Foxglove Witch Herb- Mugwort Witch's Asprin- White Willow/Willow Bark Witch's Brier- Brier Hips Witch's Hair- Dodder Witch's Thimble- Datura Witchbane- Rowan Wolf Claw- Club Moss Wolf Foot- Bugle Weed Wolf's Hat- Wolfsbane Wolf's Milk- Euphorbia Worms- Gnarled, thin roots of a local tree
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auntwendy23 · 5 years
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Ever seen a spell and saw some weird ingredients in it? Eye of newt? Frog's foot? Lamb's ears? Surely to Goddess they don't mean the real thing!!!! Don't worry, they don't ;-) Here's a list of very old, yet still somewhat common nicknames for herbs.
*Note some of these herbs a considered dangerous. I would not recommend working with some of these herbs and above all else, DO NOT INGEST.
A Bone of an Ibis: Buckthorn
A Titan's Blood: Wild Lettuce
A Lion's Hairs: Tongue of a Turnip (the leaves of the taproot)
A Man's Bile: Turnip Sap
A Pig's Tail: Leopard's Bane
A Hawk's Heart: Heart of Wormwood
Aaron's Rod: Goldenrod, Mullein
Absinthe: Wormwood
Achillea: yarrow
Adders Tongue: Dogstooth Violet
African Ginger: Ginger
Aftator Pear: Avocado
All Heal: Mistletoe, Valerian
American Dittany: Basil
Aneton: Dill
An Eagle: Wild Garlic
Aquifolius - Holly
Archangel - Angelica
Armstrong - Knotweed
Arrowroot - Yarrow
Assear: Comfrey
Ass's Foot or Bull's Foot: Coltsfoot
Ava - Kava Kava
Bad Man's Plaything: Yarrow
Bairnwort - Daisy
Bat's Wings: Holly
Battree - Elder
Bear's Foot: Lady's Mantle
Bee Balm - Lemon Balm
Beer Flower - Hops
Beggar's Buttons - Burdock
Beggarweed - Dodder
Bereza - Birch
Bindweed - Morning Glory
Bird's Eye - Pansy, Germander
Bird's Foot - Feunugreek
Bird's Nest - Carrot
Biscuits - Tomentil
Bitter Greass - Ague Root
Bitter Root - Gentian
Black Cherry - Belladonna
Black Maidenhair: Black Spleenwort
Black Sampson: Echinacea
Black Wort - Comfrey
Blessed Herb - Avens, Pimpernel
Blind Buff - Poppy
Blood: Elder sap or another tree sap
Blood of Hephaistos: Wormwood
Blood from a Head - Lupine
Blue Buttons - Periwinkle
Blue Eyes - Potato
Blood of Ares: Purslane
Blood of a Goose: Mulberry Tree's Milk
Bloodwort: Yarrow
Blood of Hestia: Chamomile
Blood of an Eye: Tamarisk Gall
Blood from a Shoulder: Bear's Breach
Bottle Brush: Horse Tail
Brain Thief: Mandrake
Bread and Cheese Tree - Hawthorne
Bride of the Meadow - Meadowsweet
Bride of the Sun: Marigold
Braisewort - Comfrey, Daisy
Bull's Blood or Seed of Horus: Horehound
Burning Bush: White Dittany
Calendula: Marigold
Calf's Snout: Snapdragon
Cankerwort: Dandelion, Ragwort
Candlemas Maiden: Snowdrop
Candlewick Plant: Mullein
Cape Gum: Acacia
Capon's Tail: Valerian
Carpenter's Weed: Yarrow
Catmint: Catnip
Cat's Foot: Canada Snake Root and/or Ground Ivy
Cat's Wort: Catnip
Cheeses: Marsh Mallow
Cherry Pie: Heliotrope
Chewing John: Glangal
China Root: Galangal
Chinese Parsley: Coriander
Chocolate: Carob
Chocolate Flower: Wild Geranium
Christ's Eye: Vervain Sage
Christ's Ladder: Centaury
Christ's Thorn: Holly
Church Steeple: Agrimony
Clear-eye: Clary Sage
Click: Goosegrass
Clot: Great Mullein
Clove Root: Avens
Corpse Plant: Indian Pipe
Couch Grass: Witch's Grass
Cowgrass: Knotweed
Crowdy Kit: Figwort
Crow Corn: Ague Root
Crow's Foot: Cranesbill
Crown for a King: Wormwood
Crown of Thorns: Euphorbia
Cuckoo's Bread: Common Planatin
Cuddy's Lungs: Great Mullein
Cucumber Tree: Magnolia
Cupids Car: Wolf's Bane
Daphne: Bay Laurel
Death Angel: Agaric
Death Flower: Yarrow
Death's Herb: Belladonna
Delight of the Eye: Rowan
Devil' Apple - Datura
Devil's Cherries: Belladonna
Devils Dung: Asafoetida
Devil's' Eye: Henbane, Periwinkle
Devil's Flower: Bachelor's Buttons
Devil's Plaything: Yarrow
Dew of the Sea: Rosemary
Dog's Mouth: Snap Dragon
Dollar: Meadowsweet
Dove's Foot: Wild Geranium
Dragon's Blood: Calamus
Dragon Wort: Bistort
Dumbledore's Delight: Wolf's Bane
Earth Smoke: Fumitory
Elf Leaf: Lavender, Rosemary
Elf's Wort: Elecampane
Enchanter's Plant: Vervain
English Cowslip: Primrose
Englishman's Foot: Common Plantain
Erba Santa Maria: Spearmint
Everlasting Friendship: Goosegrass
Eye Balm: Goldenseal
Eye of Christ: Germander Speedwell
Eye of the Day: Common Daisy
Eye of Newt: Mustard Seed
Eye of the Star: Horehound
Eye Root: Goldenseal
Eyes: Aster, Daisy, Eyebright
Fairies Horses: Ragwort
Fair Lady: Belladonna
Fairy Bells: Sorrell, Wood
Fairy Cup: Cow Slip
Fairy Fingers: Foxglove
Fairy Smoke: Indian Pipe
Fairy Petticoats: Foxglove
Fairy Weed: Foxglove
False Wintergreen: Pipsissewa
Fat from a Head: Spurge
Felon Herb: Mugwort
Field Hops: Yarrow
Five Fingers: Cinquefoil
Flute Plant: Meadow Rue
Folk's Gloves: Foxglove
Fox Bells: Foxglove
Foxtail: Club Moss
French Wheat: Buckwheat
Frog's Foot: Bulbous Buttercup
From the Belly: Earth-apple
From the Foot: Houseleek
From the Loins: Chamomile
Frozen Roses: Wood Rose
Fruit of the Gods: Apple
Fruit of the Underworld: Apple
Gagroot: Lobelia
Gallowsgrass: Hemp
Garden Heliotrope: Valerian
Ghost Flower: Datura
Gillies: Carnation
Gin Plant: Juniper
Giver of Life: Corn
Goat's Foot: Ash Weed
Goat's Leaf: Honeysuckle
Goat's Weed: St John's Wort
God's Hair: Hart's Tongue Fern
Golden Bough: Mistletoe
Golden Star: Avens
Goldes: Marigold
Gosling Wing: Goosegrass
Graveyard Dust: Mullein
Graveeyard Flowers: Plumeria
Ground Apple: Chamomile
Ground Raspberry: Golden Seal
Great Ox-eye: Ox-eye Daisy
Hairs of a Hamadryas Baboon: Dill Seed
Hair of Venus: Maidenhair Fern
Hag's Taper: Great Mullein
Hagthorn: Hawthorn
Happy Major: Burdock
Harebell: Bluebell
Hare's Beard: Great Mullein
Headache: Poppy
Healing Herb: Comfrey
Helmet Flower: Scullcap
Herb of Enchantment: Vervain
Herb of Grace: Rue, Vervain
Hind's Tongue: Hart's Tongue Fern
Holy Herb: Yerba Santa
Holy Rope: Hemp Agrimony
Honey Stalks: Clove
Hook and Arn: Yerba Santa
Horse Tongue: Hart's Tongue Fern
Horse Hoof: Coltsfoot
Horse Violet: Pansy
Hundred Eyes: Periwinkle
Hundred Leaved Grass
Indian Dye: Golden Seal
Indian God Tree: Banyon
Indian Paint: Golden Seal
Indian Root: Trillium
Indian Sage - Bonesset
Indian Tobacco - Lobelia
Innocense: Bluets
Jacob's Ladder - Lily of the Valley
Jacob's Staff: Great Mullein
Jaundice R
Joy of the Mountain: Marjoram
Joy on the Ground: Periwinkle
Jupiter's Staff: Great Mullein
Juno's Tears - Vervain
King's Crown: Black Haw
Knight's Milfoil: Yarrow
Klamath Weed - St Johns Wort
Knight's Milfoil - Yarrow
Knitback - Comfrey
Kronos' Blood: sap of Cedar
Ladder to Heaven - Lily of the Valley
Lady's Glove: Foxglove
Lady's Meat: Hawthorn
Lad's Love: Southernwood
Lamb's Ears: Betony
Lamb Mint: Spearmint
Lion's Herb: Columbine
Lion's Mouth: Foxglove
Lion's Tooth: Dandelion
Little Dragon: Tarragon
Love Fruit: Orange
Love Herbs: Lovage
Love Idol: Pansy
Love in Idleness: Pansy
Love Leaves: Burdock
Love Lies Bleeding: Amaranth/Anemone
Love Man: Goosegrass
Love Parsley: Lovage
Love Root: Orris Root
Mackeral Mint: Spearmint
Maiden's Ruin: Southernwood
Man's Health: Ginseng
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
Herbs and Their Witchy Names
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original graphic by: LorelainW
One of the things you might notice when working with spells is they call for some different ingredients. For example, eye of newt, wool of bat, toe of frog. To some who happen across these spells it can help lend to some of the fear surrounding witches because some of the ingredients may seem a bit bizarre. However, you will often find that seldom will those ingredients be literal. For example, if you see eye of newt in a spell, you are not going go out and get an actual eye from a newt. It actually refers to mustard seed.
The reason we have these names, stems from ancient times when it was not safe to keep spells about. So to protect the craft these names would be used instead. Some of them are just Old English, and some even date back to ancient China. A lot of times, you will find that the name is based on what the herb resembles. You will also find that many witches still use these names to this day. The more you work with magick and spell work the more familiar with these names you will become. I wanted to provide you with a basic list that you can use to work with as you are becoming familiar with working with them. As you find more you can add more to it.
A Bone of an Ibis: Buckthorn A Titan’s Blood: Wild Lettuce A Lion’s Hairs: Tongue of a Turnip (the leaves of the taproot) A Man’s Bile: Turnip Sap A Pig’s Tail: Leopard’s Bane A Hawk’s Heart: Heart of Wormwood Aaron’s Rod: Goldenrod, Mullein Absinthe: Wormwood Achillea: yarrow Adders Tongue: Dogstooth Violet African Ginger: Ginger Aftator Pear: Avocado All Heal: Mistletoe, Valerian American Dittany: Basil Aneton: Dill An Eagle: Wild Garlic Aquifolius – Holly Archangel – Angelica Armstrong – Knotweed Arrowroot – Yarrow Assear: Comfrey Ass’s Foot or Bull’s Foot: Coltsfoot Ava – Kava Kava Bad Man’s Plaything: Yarrow Bairnwort – Daisy Bat’s Wings: Holly Battree – Elder Bear’s Foot: Lady’s Mantle Bee Balm – Lemon Balm Beer Flower – Hops Beggar’s Buttons – Burdock Beggarweed – Dodder Bereza – Birch Bindweed – Morning Glory Bird’s Eye – Pansy, Germander Bird’s Foot – Feunugreek Bird’s Nest – Carrot Biscuits – Tomentil Bitter Greass – Ague Root Bitter Root – Gentian Black Cherry – Belladonna Black Maidenhair: Black Spleenwort Black Sampson: Echinacea Black Wort – Comfrey Blessed Herb – Avens, Pimpernel Blind Buff – Poppy Blood: Elder sap or another tree sap Blood of Hephaistos: Wormwood Blood from a Head – Lupine Blue Buttons – Periwinkle Blue Eyes – Potato Blood of Ares: Purslane Blood of a Goose: Mulberry Tree’s Milk Bloodwort: Yarrow Blood of Hestia: Chamomile Blood of an Eye: Tamarisk Gall Blood from a Shoulder: Bear’s Breach Bottle Brush: Horse Tail Brain Thief: Mandrake Bread and Cheese Tree – Hawthorne Bride of the Meadow – Meadowsweet Bride of the Sun: Marigold Braisewort – Comfrey, Daisy Bull’s Blood or Seed of Horus: Horehound Burning Bush: White Dittany Calendula: Marigold Calf’s Snout: Snapdragon Cankerwort: Dandelion, Ragwort Candlemas Maiden: Snowdrop Candlewick Plant: Mullein Cape Gum: Acacia Capon’s Tail: Valerian Carpenter’s Weed: Yarrow Catmint: Catnip Cat’s Foot: Canada Snake Root and/or Ground Ivy Cat’s Wort: Catnip Cheeses: Marsh Mallow Cherry Pie: Heliotrope Chewing John: Glangal China Root: Galangal Chinese Parsley: Coriander Chocolate: Carob Chocolate Flower: Wild Geranium Christ’s Eye: Vervain Sage Christ’s Ladder: Centaury Christ’s Thorn: Holly Church Steeple: Agrimony Clear-eye: Clary Sage Click: Goosegrass Clot: Great Mullein Clove Root: Avens Corpse Plant: Indian Pipe Couch Grass: Witch’s Grass Cowgrass: Knotweed Crowdy Kit: Figwort Crow Corn: Ague Root Crow’s Foot: Cranesbill Crown for a King: Wormwood Crown of Thorns: Euphorbia Cuckoo’s Bread: Common Planatin Cuddy’s Lungs: Great Mullein Cucumber Tree: Magnolia Cupids Car: Wolf’s Bane Daphne: Bay Laurel Death Angel: Agaric Death Flower: Yarrow Death’s Herb: Belladonna Delight of the Eye: Rowan Devil’ Apple – Datura Devil’s Cherries: Belladonna Devils Dung: Asafoetida Devil’s’ Eye: Henbane, Periwinkle Devil’s Flower: Bachelor’s Buttons Devil’s Plaything: Yarrow Dew of the Sea: Rosemary Dog’s Mouth: Snap Dragon Dollar: Meadowsweet Dove’s Foot: Wild Geranium Dragon’s Blood: Calamus Dragon Wort: Bistort Dumbledore’s Delight: Wolf’s Bane Earth Smoke: Fumitory Elf Leaf: Lavender, Rosemary Elf’s Wort: Elecampane Enchanter’s Plant: Vervain English Cowslip: Primrose Englishman’s Foot: Common Plantain Erba Santa Maria: Spearmint Everlasting Friendship: Goosegrass Eye Balm: Goldenseal Eye of Christ: Germander Speedwell Eye of the Day: Common Daisy Eye of Newt: Mustard Seed Eye of the Star: Horehound Eye Root: Goldenseal Eyes: Aster, Daisy, Eyebright Fairies Horses: Ragwort Fair Lady: Belladonna Fairy Bells: Sorrell, Wood Fairy Cup: Cow Slip Fairy Fingers: Foxglove Fairy Smoke: Indian Pipe Fairy Petticoats: Foxglove Fairy Weed: Foxglove False Wintergreen: Pipsissewa Fat from a Head: Spurge Felon Herb: Mugwort Field Hops: Yarrow Five Fingers: Cinquefoil Flute Plant: Meadow Rue Folk’s Gloves: Foxglove Fox Bells: Foxglove Foxtail: Club Moss French Wheat: Buckwheat Frog’s Foot: Bulbous Buttercup From the Belly: Earth-apple From the Foot: Houseleek From the Loins: Chamomile Frozen Roses: Wood Rose Fruit of the Gods: Apple Fruit of the Underworld: Apple Gagroot: Lobelia Gallowsgrass: Hemp Garden Heliotrope: Valerian Ghost Flower: Datura Gillies: Carnation Gin Plant: Juniper Giver of Life: Corn Goat’s Foot: Ash Weed Goat’s Leaf: Honeysuckle Goat’s Weed: St John’s Wort God’s Hair: Hart’s Tongue Fern Golden Bough: Mistletoe Golden Star: Avens Goldes: Marigold Gosling Wing: Goosegrass Graveyard Dust: Mullein Graveeyard Flowers: Plumeria Ground Apple: Chamomile Ground Raspberry: Golden Seal Great Ox-eye: Ox-eye Daisy Hairs of a Hamadryas Baboon: Dill Seed Hair of Venus: Maidenhair Fern Hag’s Taper: Great Mullein Hagthorn: Hawthorn Happy Major: Burdock Harebell: Bluebell Hare’s Beard: Great Mullein Headache: Poppy Healing Herb: Comfrey Helmet Flower: Scullcap Herb of Enchantment: Vervain Herb of Grace: Rue, Vervain Hind’s Tongue: Hart’s Tongue Fern Holy Herb: Yerba Santa Holy Rope: Hemp Agrimony Honey Stalks: Clove Hook and Arn: Yerba Santa Horse Tongue: Hart’s Tongue Fern Horse Hoof: Coltsfoot Horse Violet: Pansy Hundred Eyes: Periwinkle Hundred Leaved Grass Indian Dye: Golden Seal Indian God Tree: Banyon Indian Paint: Golden Seal Indian Root: Trillium Indian Sage – Bonesset Indian Tobacco – Lobelia Innocense: Bluets Jacob’s Ladder – Lily of the Valley Jacob’s Staff: Great Mullein Jaundice R Joy of the Mountain: Marjoram Joy on the Ground: Periwinkle Jupiter’s Staff: Great Mullein Juno’s Tears – Vervain King’s Crown: Black Haw Knight’s Milfoil: Yarrow Klamath Weed – St Johns Wort Knight’s Milfoil – Yarrow Knitback – Comfrey Kronos’ Blood: sap of Cedar Ladder to Heaven – Lily of the Valley Lady’s Glove: Foxglove Lady’s Meat: Hawthorn Lad’s Love: Southernwood Lamb’s Ears: Betony Lamb Mint: Spearmint Lion’s Herb: Columbine Lion’s Mouth: Foxglove Lion’s Tooth: Dandelion Little Dragon: Tarragon Love Fruit: Orange Love Herbs: Lovage Love Idol: Pansy Love in Idleness: Pansy Love Leaves: Burdock Love Lies Bleeding: Amaranth/Anemone Love Man: Goosegrass Love Parsley: Lovage Love Root: Orris Root Mackeral Mint: Spearmint Maiden’s Ruin: Southernwood Man’s Health: Ginseng Master of the Woods: Woodruff May: Black Haw May Lily: Lily of the Valley May Rose: Black Haw Mayflower: Hawthorne Maypops: Passion Flower Military Herb: Yarrow Miracle Herb: Comfrey Mistress of the Night: Tuberose Mosquito Plant: Pennyroyal Mutton Chops: Goosegrass Naughty Man’s Cherries: Belladonna Nine Hooks: Lady’s Mantle Nine Joints: Knotweed Nose Bleed: Yarrow Obeah Wood: Ebony Old-Maid’s-Nightcap: Wild Geranium Old Man’s Flannel: Great Mullein Old Man Fennel: Mullein Old Man’s Pepper: Yarrow Old Uncle Henry: Mugwort Old Woman: Wormwood Oliver: Olive Organ Tea: Pennyroyal Paddock Pipes: Horsetail Password: Primrose Pearl Moss: Irish Moss Peter’s Staff: Great Mullein Priest’s Crown: Dandelion leaves Poor Man’s Treacle: Garlic Pucha-Pat: Patchouli Queen of the Night: Vanilla Cactus Queen of the Meadow: Meadowsweet Queen of the Meadow Root: Gravelroot Queen’s Root: Stillengia Quick: Hawthorn Quickbane: Rowan Quick Grass: Witch Grass Rabbits: Toadflax Ram’s Head: American Valerian Red Cockscomb: Amaranth Ring-o-bells: Bluebells Robin-run-in-the-grass: Goosegrass Run by the ground: Pennyroyal Sacred Bark: Cascara Sagrada Sacred Herb: Yerba Santa Sacred Mother: Corn Sacred Mushroom: Agaric Sailor’s Tobacco: Mugwort Scaldhead: Blackberry See Bright: Clary Sage Seed of Horus: Horehound Semen of Ammon: Houseleek Semen of Ares: Clover Semen of Helios: White Hellebore Semen of Herakles: Mustard-rocket Semen of Hermes: Dill Semen of Hephaistos: Fleabane Seven Year’s Love: Yarrow Shameface: Wild Geranium Shepherd’s Heart: Shepherd’s Purse Silver Bells: Black Haw Silver Dollar: Honesty Snake’s Grass: Yarrow Soapwort: Comfrey or Daisy Soldier’s Tea: Horehound Sorcerer’s Berry: Belladonna Sorcerer’s Herb: Datura Sorcerer’s Violet: Periwinkle Sparrow’s Tongue: Knotweed St. John’s Herb: Hemp Agrimony St. John’s Plant: Mugwort Star Flower: Borage Star of the Earth: Avens Starweed: Chickweed Storm Hat: Wolf’s Bane Summer’s Bride: Marigold Sweethearts: Goosegrass Swine’s Snout: Dandelion Leaves Tanner’s Bark: Toadflax Tarragon: Mugwort Tartar Root: Ginseng Tears of a Hamadryas Baboon: Dill Juice Thousand Weed: Yarrow Thunder Plant: House Leek Tongue of Dog: Houndstongue Torches: Great Mullein Unicorn Root: Ague Root Wax Dolls: Fumitory Weazel Snout: Yellow Archangel White: Ox-eye Daisy White Man’s Foot: Common Plantain White Wood: White Cinnamon Witch’s Asprin: White Willow Bark Witch’s Brier: Brier Hips Weasel Snout: Yellow Archangel Wolf Claw: Club Moss Wolf Foot: Bugle Weed Wolf’s Milk: Euphorbia
Have a magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
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thehappiestpumpkin · 6 years
Ye Olde Ingredients
A Bone of an Ibis;  Buckthorn Adders Tongue: Dogstooth Violet A Titan's Blood: Wild Lettuce A Lion's Hairs: Tongue of a Turnip (the leaves of the taproot) A Man's Bile: Turnip Sap A Pig's Tail: Leopard's Bane A Hawk's Heart: Heart of Wormwood                                     An Eagle: Wild Garlic Ass's Foot or Bull's Foot: Coltsfoot Blood: Elder sap or another tree sap Blood of Hephaistos: Wormwood Burning Bush: White Dittany Bread and Cheese Tree: Hawthorne Blood from a Head: Lupine Bird's Eye:   Germander Speedwell Blood of Ares: Purslane Blood of a Goose: Mulberry Tree's Milk Bloodwort: Yarrow Blood of Hestia: Chamomile Blood of an Eye: Tamarisk Gall Blood from a Shoulder: Bear's Breach Bat's Wings: Holly Black Sampson: Echinacea Bull's Blood or Seed of Horus: Horehound Bear's Foot: Lady's Mantle Calf's Snout: Snapdragon                                     Cat's Foot: Canada Snake Root and/or Ground Ivy Candelmas Maiden: Snowdrop Capon's Tail: Valerian Christ's Ladder: Centaury Cheeses: Marsh Mallow Chocolate Flower: Wild Geranium Christ's Eye: Vervain Sage Clear-eye:Clary Sage Click: Goosegrass Cucumber Tree: Magnolia Clot: Great Mullein Corpse Plant: Indian Pipe Crowdy Kit: Figwort Cuddy's Lungs: Great Mullein Crow Foot: Cranesbill Cuckoo's Bread: Common Plantain  Crow's Foot: Wild Geranium Devils Dung: Asafoetida Dragon's Blood: Calamus Dog's Mouth: Snap Dragon                                     Daphne: Laurel/Bay Devil's Plaything: Yarrow Dove's Foot: Wild Geranium Dew of the Sea: Rosemary Dragon Wort: Bistort Earth Smoke: Fumitory Eye of Christ: Germander Speedwell Elf's Wort: Elecampane Enchanter's Plant: Vervain Englishman's Foot: Common Plantain Erba Santa Maria: Spearmint Everlasting Friendship: Goosegrass                                     Eye of the Day: Common Daisy Eye of the Star: Horehound Eye Root: Goldenseal Eyes: Aster, Daisy, Eyebright                                     Frog's Foot: Bulbous Buttercup From the Loins: Chamomile Fat from a Head: Spurge Fairy Smoke: Indian Pipe                                     Felon Herb: Mugwort From the Belly: Earth-apple From the Foot: Houseleek Five Fingers: Cinquefoil Fox's  Clote: Burdock Graveyard Dust: Mullein Goat's Foot: Ash Weed God's Hair: Hart's Tongue Fern Golden Star: Avens                                     Gosling Wing: Goosegrass Graveyard Dust: Mullein Great Ox-eye: Ox-eye Daisy Hairs of a Hamadryas Baboon: Dill Seed Hair of Venus: Maidenhair Fern Hag's Taper: Great Mullein Hagthorn: Hawthorn Hare's Beard: Great Mullein                                     Herb of Grace: Vervain Hind's Tongue: Hart's Tongue Fern Holy Herb: Yerba Santa Holy Rope: Hemp Agrimony Hook and Arn: Yerba Santa Horse Tongue: Hart's Tongue Fern Horse Hoof: Coltsfoot Hundred Eyes: Periwinkle Innocense:  Bluets Jacob's Staff: Great Mullein Joy of the Mountain: Marjoram Jupiter's Staff: Great Mullein King's Crown: Black Haw Knight's Milfoil: Yarrow Kronos' Blood: sap of Cedar Lady's Glove: Foxglove Lion's Tooth: Dandelion                                     Lad's Love: Southernwood Lamb's Ears: Betony Little Dragon: Tarragon Love in Idleness: Pansy Love Leaves:  Burdock Love Lies Bleeding: Amaranth/Anemone Love Man: Goosegrass Love Parsley: Lovage Love Root: Orris Root                                     Man's Health: Ginseng Maiden's Ruin: Southernwood Master of the Woods: Woodruff May: Black Haw May Lily:   Lily of the Valley May Rose: Black Haw Maypops: Passion Flower Mistress of the Night: Tuberose Mutton Chops:  Goosegrass Nose Bleed: Yarrow Old-Maid's-Nightcap: Wild Geranium Old Man's Flannel: Great Mullein Old Man's Pepper: Yarrow Oliver: Olive Password: Primrose Pucha-pat: Patchouli Peter's Staff: Great Mullein Priest's Crown: Dandelion leaves Poor Man's Treacle: Garlic Queen of the Night: Vanilla Cactus Queen of the Meadow: Meadowsweet                                     Queen of the Meadow Root: Gravelroot Ram's Head: American Valerian Red Cockscomb: Amaranth Ring-o-bells: Bluebells                                     Robin-run-in-the-grass: Goosegrass Semen of Helios: White Hellebore Semen of Herakles: Mustard-rocket Semen of Hermes: Dill Semen of Hephaistos: Fleabane Semen of Ammon: Houseleek Semen of Ares: Clover Seed of Horus: Horehound Sparrow's Tongue: Knotweed Soapwort: Comfrey or Daisy Shepherd's Heart: Shepherd's Purse Swine's Snout: Dandelion leaves Shameface: Wild Geranium See Bright: Clary Sage Scaldhead: Blackberry Seven Year's Love: Yarrow Silver Bells: Black Haw Sorcerer's Violet: Periwinkle St. John's Herb: Hemp Agrimony St. John's Plant: Mugwort Star Flower: Borage Star of the Earth: Avens Starweed: Chickweed Sweethearts: Goosegrass Tarragon:  Mugwort Tartar Root: Ginseng Thousand Weed: Yarrow Thunder Plant: House Leek Tanner's Bark: Toadflax Torches: Great Mullein Tongue of dog: Houndstongue Tears of a Hamadryas Baboon: Dill Juice Unicorn Root: Ague Root Unicorn's  Horn: False Unicorn Unicorn Horn: True Unicorn Root Wax Dolls: Fumitory Weazel Snout: Yellow Archangel White:  Ox-eye Daisy White Wood: White Cinnamon Witch's Asprin: White Willow Bark Witch's Brier: Brier Hips Weasel Snout: Yellow Archangel Wolf Foot: Bugle Weed Wolf Claw: Club Moss Wolf's Milk: Euphorbia Weed: Ox-Eye Daisy                                     White Man's Foot: Common Plantain 
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