#Anarchist Texts
anarchywoofwoof · 7 months
anarchism does not preclude leadership. this is vital to understand if any progress is meant to be made. strong communities need strong voices leading the effort to achieve change. the purpose of an anarchist organizational strategy is to prevent such individuals from coalescing power at the top from a position of privilege and to hold them accountable for their actions. you can be an anarchist and still be a leader for progressive change in your local community.
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kat-katharsis · 1 year
The spirit of Technoblade is still living on in Chayanne
... and Gegg for some reason
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aliz5karga · 11 months
Words about Gaza and Palestine
I'm not Palestinian. I have no family there. Yet, I mourn those who died, and I cry with those who lost their loved ones. I've been living those past days on autopilot mode. I'm stuck on my phone, looking to be updated on the situation. I am and will not be impacted by this. But my body, my heart is acting as if – because I realize how awful the situation is. It's called being human. It's called having compassion.
We live in a society that forces us to be selfish. To lack compassion, to be completely desensitized to atrocities happening around the world. To go on with our lives. We're a few realizing that the death toll isn't just a bunch of numbers, but a list of people, who had dreams and hopes, friends and a family.
We're a few realizing the importance of life, and how absolutely devilish politicians are. Every single government in this world has and will only care about power and money. It seems obvious, an equivalent to saying the sky's blue, but nobody really grasps how awful governments, worldwide, are...
The West is funding genocide. Joe Biden is supporting "Israel" in their genocide. The U.S. is sending troops and billions in aid to the Israeli regime – they're literally helping "Israel" to exterminate Gazans and colonize Gaza. At least 2000 Palestinian children have been killed and in total, at least 4000 Palestinians have been murdered by the illegitimate State of "Israel".
We live in a world where it isn't outraging and worth burning everything down to see babies being traumatized by war. Newborns coming into this world and whose first sound is either explosions, pain, fear and/or grief. Parents being forced to bury their kids. Children bidding a farewell to their siblings. Entire families being wiped out of the civil registry. Thousands of people have been murdered, and thousands of others are on death row, held hostages by the genocidal regime of "Israel". Because "Israel" decided to cut off access to electricity, water and fuel, hospitals in Gaza are even more struggling to help the injured. The world cries about 40 fake babies, but has nothing to say about 130 real newborns who will be sentenced to death by "Israel" if the blockade doesn't end immediately.
“130 babies at mortal risk in Gaza's hospitals as Israel continues to bar entry of fuel : Israel's 'insistence' to block fuel deliveries needed for hospital generators may cost lives of 130 premature babies, says Gaza Health Ministry” (Anadolu Ajansı)
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Worse, they're funding it! They're aiding Israel to murder all these people.
It sends shivers to my spine, it makes my heart sink and it boils my blood when I see those videos of bombs further destroying Gaza ; every single time they touch the ground and detonate, they tear the lives out of many people at once, who thought they'd be safe. I wished those deaths were false, that "Pallywood", as so many disgusting, vile “Israeli” assholes think is real, truly existed. That all these people, all these children, were still among us…
Damn it. I don't know what to think or say. I just want to burn everything down. From what I've seen, many people (thankfully) feel the same.
We need to organize ourselves. We need to accept the (ugly) truth : the government doesn't give a damn about any of us. For the State, money is more important than anything, it's worth killing for. We need to accept it and start organizing ourselves and truly fight for justice. Making them know we don't agree doesn't change anything, voting doesn't change anything – we need to stop playing by their rules because it's useless : we're only fighting for a better illusion of a just society.
We can't live with illusions anymore. Be bad, be angry. Organize and fight for the insurrection. 🔥🏴
If Palestinian children can't dream, then we'll prohibit world leaders from sleeping.
Palestine will be Free, from the River to the Sea! We'll fight until the fall of the apartheid regime. 🍉
Here's what you can do to help the Palestinian cause :
Boycott! Preferably, boycotting all companies that funds the Israeli apartheid is good, but you must absolutely boycott...
Isr*eli produce
Donate to the Palestinian Children's Relief Fund (PCRF) if you can. Uplift Palestinian voices and share everywhere, on every single platform you have, what's going on in Palestine, from Gaza to the West Bank. Settlers are committing an ethnic cleansing in the West Bank, and the IOF has shot dead numerous Palestinians in the West Bank. "Israel" has bombed a mosque in the West Bank too.
This isn't a "war", even less a war against terrorism. It's a genocide. We must fight.
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existennialmemes · 11 months
I'll "live, laugh, love" right after we
💥Rally, Rebel, Revolt💥
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shroobles · 4 months
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Genuine question. How does an anarchist state deal with people who want to kill for fun? Do we just let them, because to have rules is to oppose ever single anarchist value, or do we stop them because true anarchism like that would be the death of humanity?
It’s a question that anarchists get a lot. I’ll say first and foremost that, like any other field I personally am not involved in the organisation of, public safety is better left to professionals who understand its machinations (and hence how to deconstruct its inherent hierarchies) better than myself (and no, I don’t mean the police).
I’ll also posit that anarchist society is absolutely not founded on the concept of an absence of rules, just an absence of hierarchical (as opposed to self-) government. I don’t blame you for thinking that; it’s a very common perception of anarchism, especially considering the associations people tend to form with the word anarchism and anarchy in modern lexicon.
It’s true that sometimes, somehow, people end up in a path of life wherein they would do something as heinous as kill for fun, or other various unjust reasons.
I’d first like to posit that such people and situations, whilst sensationalised, are in fact pretty rare.
But they might still exist, so what do we do about them? The first step, like in much anarchist praxis, is to shift perceptions and culture. Whilst it’s true that humans love gossip, I would also posit that much of the culture around serial murders and the like exists because media companies exaggerate and glamorise murder in order to grab clicks/interactions/readers. This is most stark, for example, in the cycle of American gun violence.
Familial units would be significantly less isolated as a result of their integration into their communities, meaning the cycles and chains of domestic abuse that often lead to the proliferation of those violent tendencies would be much less common. It’s worth remembering that capitalism’s rise came hand in hand with the breakdown in communities; that it had to in order to succeed.
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But let’s say the revolution has happened, culture has shifted and yet there’s still mass and serial murderers out and about. What do we do about it?
Community self government also means community self defence. On a voluntary basis, that means that communities can set up security measures like communal watches, (extensively trained, cyclically employable and imminently accountable and recallable) guards, and even detainment revolving around the attempted reformation and treatment of those individuals.
Fundamentally, detainment exists as a means to reform individuals, and the workers in those facilities would all receive training and all be fully accountable and recallable to and by their communities. Accountability measures include enforcing transparency and setting up dual power that includes the prisoners themselves, the communities concerned with those facilities, and the staff volunteering in it.
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This approach is contentious, and different anarchists have different opinions on the most effective strategies. A great example of a leading prison abolitionist is Angela Davis, if you’re interested in learning more about systems of justice outside of imprisonment.
Keep sending in your questions! I’ll do my best to answer (as long as you’re asking in good faith!) no (genuine) question is too silly.
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traumatizedjaguar · 4 months
killing is okay in many ways because laws aren’t moral, mercy killing should be legal, killing abusers should be legal.
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krasytoonz · 1 year
I know that barnaby and Wally are just friends in every au you have but their dynamic is so sweet! And I love how you try and make the relationships between them as close to how Clown perceive them to be.
If it’s not too much (and of course you don’t have to answer if it gives off too much spoilers for the royal au), could you elaborate more on barnaby and Wally’s friendship? I know that Wally is very attached to barnaby, but what does barnaby think of Wally? What is his perspective?
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If you were to ask Barnaby what he thinks of the King, he’ll say, “I think He’s nice.”
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Sometimes on Stormy Nights, the King would visit Barnaby and have a sleepover with him! That is mainly because Wally is scared of Thunder (well, at least the Sound of it), and prefers to hear Barnaby’s loud snores instead. And everytime they have a Sleepover, Barnaby gives his pillow to the King, even though Wally never sleeps.
Many would disagree with the Jester and say that the King is “Egotistical and Full of Himself!” (which is true), but Barnaby would always disagree with all of them. “If only you know him personally, you wouldn’t Say That!” Or, “You Misunderstood him. He isn’t as horrible as you say he is!”
The difference between King Wally and Barnaby is that the Jester isn’t as attached to Wally as he is to him, but he still cares about the King nevertheless!
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sombraluna · 11 months
Israelis and Jewish zionists on this website acting like being native to Israel is a great excuse for genocide. Shut the absolute fuck up. Did y'all forget about the rule that comes above all else on the Torah of valuing human life and not needlessly slaughtering it? What do you motherfuckers think genocide is?
You don't GET to commit war crimes and eradicate an entire ethnic group because it happened to you 80 years ago. You get to follow the rules of war just like everyone else and sit down and shut up when people are talking about propaganda being shoved down your throats, especially considering y'all love saying the same things to Americans.
Anyways, raindovemodel on Instagram is a queer activist and model working to house and protect Palestinian citizens who are being displaced and harmed by the violence. They are in the west bank, right now, risking their life to save children and witnessing the violence first hand. They are a very reliable source as to what is happening and I recommend donating to their efforts.
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anarchywoofwoof · 10 months
stop looking to politicians and talking heads to be vanguards of the left. the most prominent leftist revolutionary figures live in your neighborhoods, not on cable television or print news
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midianarchist · 1 month
i have a love-hate relationship with this music man
i literally have to cross the seven seas, defeat god, give the japanese government my life savings, and sell my soul to the devil to get my hands on some albums.
i’m exaggerating. by the seven seas i mean checking the discord server, soulseek, doujinstyle, vk, surugaya, mercari, and yahoo auctions.
it’s so great when you do finally end up finding what you were looking for though! back when i didn’t know about vk i spent a while looking for ヒヨコさまの言う通り by 風葉 and when i finally got it i was so happy.
and contributing myself feels great as well. glad i bought those ねるげ cds to share.
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aliz5karga · 11 months
If you're Israeli and condemn the government's genocide against Gazans...
Being angry isn't enough. Saying you don't agree isn't enough.
Organize with some friends and support the Palestinian struggle ; take part in the Palestinian resistance. Riot, organize a strike. Share everywhere what's going on in Gaza.
Be bad, be angry. 🔥🏴
Risking jail is better than being complicit of a genocide. Losing some friends is better than being complicit of a genocide.
We'll fight until the fall of the apartheid regime. Palestine will be Free, from the River to the Sea! 🍉
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eldritchborn · 3 months
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“&– - While I do disagree with killing when other options are much more readily available before hand, I do not... disapprove of the dethroning of those that use power for abuse and mistreatment.”
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spoopy-sloth · 4 months
I may be depressed, but at least I am dressed very cute and ready to see one of my favorite bands :V
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alilsakurablossom · 4 months
rip Les Amis you would have loved accidental death of an anarchist by Dario Fo and hated that police corruption still remains
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shroobles · 4 months
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you can not vote fascism away and billionaires will not let you vote their money away.
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