#And I also assume he's not a mammal...
hedgehog-moss · 2 years
The story of my 3-year-long quest to identify a very rare bird
So I've been trying almost since I moved here to figure out what bird made this strange call that I sometimes heard near my house:
I tried to google "european bird that sounds like a laughing hyena?" and also to imitate the noise over the phone for a friend who once took an online bird course, but she had no idea. (Well, she said "that's a hyena." I said, "but I hear it all the time! Near my house!! Wait I'll do it better." She said, please stop making a hyena noise :(( and I stopped because the cats thought I was losing my mind)
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Eventually I managed to record the actual bird call on my phone, and used a Shazam app for birds—but once again, no luck. The first app I tried just assumed it was being trolled and was like "it's you, isn't it? That's not a bird that's your stupid human laugh, you're making fun of me. I'm not an idiot"
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The second birdsong app was more insecure and apologised a lot for failing to identify my bird. I thought it must be a rare bird! (The only uncommon bird I know of in this region is the vulture but it sounds less like a hyena and more like if elephants were birds.) Every time I heard the call (usually during the day) I opened the window trying to a) get a better recording so my app would finally have an epiphany, and b) see something flying off a tree.
At one point I was cutting brooms in the pasture and heard the call very loudly, as if the bird was just a few metres away, and it wasn't coming from the sky. I googled every possible version of "flightless (?) bird that nests in thorny bushes?" and found nothing, and started wondering if it was actually a mammal. But I couldn't think of any plausible local mammal that would make this sound—definitely not a fox or badger, who say WAOOHHH, and nothing like the polite whistle of marmots. We've got pine martens in the woods and I found a video called "mating pine marten scream bark" and thought oh!! that must be it! ... but then I listened to it and it sounded like yiiiaaaaaeeeeee, like if you stepped on a baby banshee's toe, nothing at all like the heheeheuruurhh of a hyena who just heard a good joke.
Anyway, this morning I was in the pasture and I once again heard the hyena laugh! I was standing by the moose butler tying up the hay net, away from any trees or shrubs and the call came from just behind me. I turned around thinking there was absolutely no way for the mystery bird to hide, it had landed on the ground behind me and this time I was going to see it!
it was HER:
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Absolutely no doubt. I saw Pampy's throat vibrating along with the last echoes of the hyena laugh. All these years I've been saying that llamas are very quiet animals who just make cute little "hum-hum" sounds (I rarely hear adult llamas humming to one another, it's mostly for mother llamas to communicate with their baby and with me) and I had no idea that the shrieking hyena-bird I occasionally heard outside my house was Pampelune! I googled "llama alarm cry" and immediately found youtube videos featuring llamas making this exact sound. There was a stray dog nearby this morning that Pandolf eventually chased away, so maybe Pampy was the first to hear him and sounded the alarm. Maybe she uses this cry to tell Pan to go do his guard dog job, because he left the pasture and ran into the woods when she made the sound (while I was turning round like "aha! you can't run, hyena-bird!")
I wanted to share this discovery! I've had llamas for nearly 4 years and I'm only now finding out that they can laugh like hyenas when the situation calls for it. I feel bad for the poor birdsong app that I've repeatedly gaslighted feeding it a llama call and insisting that it identify this bird for me while it hung its head in shame like "I swear I don't have your bird in my database. I'm so sorry. I'm a bad app."
Llamas are fascinating creatures. Please experience their majestic alarm call again, and be alarmed:
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amphiaria · 1 month
hi. will you write five paragraphs about the vagina button.
okay fine. warning this is going to be me reaching and thinking way deeper about the subject than clamp ever did.
the answer to "chobits why are you like this" is because society is saturated in sex.
I think that the CSA argument is unkind because chii/elda and freya are not children, not really. they also aren't really adults. they're not mammals at all. they don't age. they're machines. they were constructed to fill a role within a nuclear family to which neither of them was especially suited. they were designed to simulate the human experience as closely as any constructed creature in history ever had, which (perhaps inadvertently) included the desire for romantic love. his "daughter" falling desperately in love with him was not something that her creator could have anticipated. these were two brand new beings, the very first of their kind, and they were introduced into a society with power dynamics and taboos that were frankly not suited to the kind of creatures that they are. subsequently the desire for romantic love that freya felt for her creator drove her so insane that she more or less committed suicide over it.
I think the CSA argument is inaccurate because genitalia are not inherently sexual. secondary sexual characteristics are not inherently sexual. sexuality is something that is unavoidably imposed by force upon these characteristics. it is a very common source of trauma for developing children to have gained characteristics that are suddenly perceived by their surrounding society as sexual. do I think that persocoms in general were designed specifically to be fucked safely? it's possible. society is saturated in sex, and people are going to fuck anything that they put their minds to. do I think the chobits, elda and freya, were designed with this purpose in mind? not necessarily. if you were going to design a human woman that is as close to an organic creature as possible, why would you omit these characteristics? why would you assume nefarious intent in their inclusion?
chii/elda enters the story as a complete outsider to the sexual undercurrents of society. she has no conception of the sexually charged nature of undergarments, feels absolutely no shame in nudity or in revealing clothing, is ignorant of what the people in hideki's dirty magazines are doing, doesn't get the innuendo in the natto/batter panels, and is exploited by men manipulating her body over and over again for their own purposes at various points in the story. there is no indication in the text that chii is capable of feeling sexual desire (there is no indication that persocoms do in general). as a general rule, sexuality is something that is outside of her, and imposed upon her.
from a watsonian standpoint, I don't think there is a good argument for why the everloving fuck mihara would ever have put chii/elda's reset button in her vagina. from a doylist standpoint, what I believe clamp is trying to ask is this: in a society that is obsessed with sex, that is unable to stop talking about and thinking about sex, that is unable to stop imposing sexuality upon even objects that are arguably fundamentally incapable of experiencing desire or reciprocating in any way, is a relationship with somebody with whom you cannot consummate this kind of relationship worth it? is romantic love? the story wants to say that it is. it can be read as an asexual narrative - a relationship with chii is worth pursuing even if she is incapable of providing the one thing that society says all relationships must be for. there is nothing broken about her or wrong with her the way that she is. she is not lesser because hideki cannot have sex with her, and that he is written to be a sex-obsessed pervert is intended to make this decision deeper. she does not need to change who she is and he shouldn't try to change her. it fumbles the bag really hard on this. it's not well-written. but I see the bones of it. the message is there even if it's mishandled.
anyway umineko did this better. read umineko as a chaser btw.
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gatoburr0 · 2 months
Assuming Mr Grizz made it back to Earth in your AU can you please tell us if he's even happy with the outcome of what he's done? I only ask cause everyone's basically wild animals now more or less and a lot of the world's population probably died from the extreme transformations. I assume he wanted them to be as civilized as before. Also has Callie and Marie outed (or at least attempted to out) Mr Grizz as the cause of everything after the virus hit?
Oh, great question! He's definitely NOT normal after this, nor can he actually, because the ooze altered his whole body so bad from the constant abuse that he basically became a wild animal himself again, he lost all consciousness on himself and his abilities to talk and act like a civilized being. He's definitely not happy about it, not like he can feel emotions anymore due to his deformities. This definitely affects his health in some way or another.
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And also, not at all. If you mean Callie and Marie after they're oozed, they didn't do anything about it. Their memories got affected and their sense of right and wrong too, so no, nobody knew nor knows for sure that the responsible for all of this is a spacial bear obsessed with the idea of bringing mammals back to earth in which he succeeded. His goal was only to bring them back, regardless of if they would stay as a civilization like they were before or if they began to be consumed by their instincts as completely feral and wild animals.
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tizeline · 7 months
I was actually wondering what the Sep Au Brothers feel about fashion? I read an analysis the other day about Rise Donnie and he seems to have the best fashion sense out of them all (and may or may not have his own fashion line?? Idk but I love that idea)
So I was wondering if it was the same or different for your Donnie? Do the Drax brothers have more of a yokai fashion sense or like- idk, what do they think of human fashion?
I have no idea is that makes sense but words are difficult
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I think I've seen the same post actually, haha! Yeah, I really like the idea of Donnie being into fashion, and I don't see why it would be different for AU Donnie. As for the Drax Bros, I mentioned it in This Post but their outfits are mostly inspired by what Draxum wears, which in universe would be explained by them wanting to be like their father by emulating his sense of style. After the whole Redemption Arc thing and the Draxum family decides to abandon their Evil Plan, the trio might start exploring and developing their own taste in fashion.
Leo I feel like would be quite excited to try out human clothes, considering he already has an interest in human stuff. It might actually end up being a bit of a bonding experience for him and Donnie when they properly become friends, with Donnie helping Leo find the right outfits for him!
Mikey and Raph would proably still mostly stick to yōkai clothes, while they do eventually become, not just more open-minded about humanity, but also curious about it, they'd still wanna stick to what they're familiar with.
Actually, with Raph it might be more of a necessity. It would be really hard to find human clothes that'd fit his size, and also work with his spikes. Yōkai on the other hand are a lot more diverse physically than humans, so the people in the Hidden City who work with designing and creating clothes would take that into consideration. So needless to say it would be easier for Raph to find yōkai clothes that fit him rather than human clothes.
Seasons probably don't effect the Hidden City that much, I'd assume? Cuz it's underground? So the Drax turtles might not have that much experince with seasons. Still, I don't think they'd love winter considering the fact that they're reptiles and as such are more sensitive to cold. (I think Draxum would've made sure they're more resistant to cold than normal turtles, it would be quite inconvinient if they started brumating in the middle of a fight just cuz it was snowing lol, but they're still more susceptible to it than mammals)
I think Mikey would appreciate autumn, when all the leaves turn a vibrant orange. Both because as an artist he'd appreciate the autumn aesthetic and because... y'know, orange. I think all the bros would like summer cuz, again, reptile biology, they'd like the heat.
I'd assume yokai would have their own unique holidays that the Draxum family would celebrate, no idea what those would be, though.
Draxum has definitely informed his sons about how dangerous Big Mama is and how bad it would be if she found out that they were literally created with her favorite champion's stolen DNA. They don't like her and know to avoid her, if any business is being done between their family and Big Mama then Draxum is the one who handles most of the negotiations.
And lastly - episodes like Todd Scouts and Snow Day, and then The Mud Dogs - none of these I have figured anything out for of how they would be handled in the AU sooooo no answer for ya there, sorry!
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wayfayrr · 2 months
How many of the LU boys do you think would believe that platypuses actually exist? Because I feel like if anybody sat them down and told them that they were mammals that laid eggs, had bills, and also poison barbs on their feet, they'd never believe you. Like, sure, they have ran into some weird monsters and all over their lifetimes, but this is supposed to be an animal not created or influenced by Ganon? Nah, they would have to be handed one to believe they actually existed, and even then I still think they'd be skeptical.
Honestly? I don't think any of them would believe that platypus's are real (not without any kind of influence that is)
cause even people in the past didn't believe they were real for the longest time even when they were shown taxidermied versions they assumed it was some sick joke and not a real creature
I think that maybe wind and wild could entertain the idea wind as more of a joke however and wild... wild wants to find one so that he can try what the eggs are like and the milk before you tell them how they don't have nipples and instead sweat milk.
even if they were handed one I think they'd assume it was created using "science" from your world and isn't a real thing that exists ignoring the fact that you haven't really explained what science is capable of - they're just in deep deep deep denial
(I think wind would like phineas and ferb though, although perry might cement that platypus aren't real)
if you told them it was a result of ganon though they wouldn't bat an eye, he's made worse things after all. it's the fact that your world has no need for something like that that it just doesn't make any sense to them (this goes for a lot of poisonous animals I think though)
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passportclown · 8 months
Starscream x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of violence and threats, but nothing actually detailed or described in depth.
You and Starscream, just spending time together in a Forest.
Takes place during Season 2 of TFP
ao3 link
My kofi if you feel like donating!
Brush it Back
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It has been a while since you first ran into Starscream. He's rude and loud. An overall foul individual. You normally wouldn't bother with such a person. Except.. he's also a giant supposedly alien robot.
Obviously, you kept coming back, if only to look at him.
You're pretty sure he was going to kill you the first time, but in a pathetic attempt to protect your life, you complimented him.
He liked it... you think.
He doesn't like you, you assume. Sometimes it seems like he does. But.. then he'll call you some sort of expletive in an alien language. So you're not too sure. But he doesn't kill you, at least.
Currently, you're sat on a large tree root as you watch him pace. He vents his troubles to you. Whenever you meet up, you can barely get a word in.
He doesn't touch you. He thinks you're sticky, squishy, or… something like that?
At times he switches to different languages to better express himself. You have no idea what he's saying, but it doesn't really matter. You feel like a therapy animal or something. Maybe that's what you are to him?
"Are you even listening, human?!" He flares up, his voice growing particularly nasally as he yells. That's another thing about him, he can speak totally ASMR worthy at times. But other times.. he sounds like this.
"Well?" He taps his pede, shaking the ground and causing you to feel slightly intimidated.
"I'm listening, I promise. You just switched to another language.. again.. so I couldn't keep up." You try to sound placating, so he doesn't throw a fit.
It seems to work because he just huffs and looks off to the side.
There's a few minutes of no movement and awkward silence, but then.. he bends down. You're not sure why at first, but then you see his large servo reaching for you. You yelp and quickly back up. "What are you doing?" You exclaim, unsure if you've upset him or not.
"Oh relax, pitiful mammal. Just hold still." He doesn't grab you, he just reaches for your bangs and flips them back with one of his long and sharp claws. When your bangs flop back in your face, he scowls.
It would've been sweet, or friendly if he weren't giant and scary at times. Sometimes he's funny, but he's still.. him. And rude.
"Why must these strands defy me.." He mutters to himself. You pretend to not hear it. Because the way he refers to your hair 'defying him' is.. absolutely hilarious.
"I can brush it back, next time." You offer, but his scowl just deepens.
"Don't seek to cater to me like some organic youngling!" He flares up, but then he slackens slightly. "That's not the point, fleshbag." He grumbles, almost a growl.
It makes you wonder if he just wanted to play with your hair. But you don't ask. You just sit and watch as he stands back up and wiped imaginary dust off of himself.
"You better not leave, got that human?" He sneers.
You're not sure if he cares or not. Maybe he's just lonely and desperate. But you nod, and that seems to be good enough for him.
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impybutt · 1 year
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Sezak had never seen a leather jacket before. What cause would someone ever have to wear another's skin? It struck him as alarming, to say the least.
Exposure risk wasn't something he or many others ever considered: His people were designed for efficiency, just like the rest of the spacefaring races. Or, that's what he assumed. It's common knowledge, isn't it?
Genome mapping is just the norm, and entire civilisations have been curated from raw materials, Sezak's included. It's far more energy and resource efficient than terraforming, in any case. That's what it takes to reach the stars: curated efficiency.
No one ever did it just by trial-and-error, did they?
But here was Suri, a Human, wearing the skin of... what did she call it? Some other kind of mammal, he forgot the name. Something absurdly simple. Anyway, apparently this is just normal for Humans!
"But why?" Sezak asked, incredulous. "What's the point?"
"Well, these days thanks to climate control and artificial atmosphere, it's mostly a style thing. But you know, early humans back on earth, why would you just leave a perfectly good skin to rot when you could wear it for protection?"
"Protection from what!? Under what circumstance are you finding an unused skin?? Wait-- is this another religious thing? I've heard that Humans have a lot of those, and they don't always make sense from the outside."
Suri looked confused (or constipated? Human faces are deceptively complex, it takes a long time to learn how to read them), and seemed to be studying Sezak for a moment. Her eyes darted over his synthetic clothing briefly, with its cultural flairs and decorative adornments, all carrying the signature texture of replicated matter.
Then, with sudden clarity, "Oh! Humans weren't curated, mostly we're organic."
Well, that's just absurd.
Sezak muffled his involuntary 'kek-kek' with a quick apology, covering his mandibles.
"Pardon me, that means your entire lineage came from raw evolution. That takes billions of years, I find it very unlikely."
"Yeah," Suri was nonplussed. "The leather is a throwback to when our ancestors had to survive in the wild. We hunted our meat, then used what was left for tools and clothing. It's actually a pretty proud part of our history; Earth was habitable, but definitely not easy."
Now it was Sezak's turn to look constipated, which never happened because his people weren't curated with such a terrible design flaw.
"So humans just bumbled their way into space on their own, like a larva figuring out how to fly? All... clumsy and inelegant, and... Messy? Without any outside help? Without any climate-matching!? Is that why you have those absurd suits!?"
"Yeah, it's also why our bodies just malfunction in weird ways for no obvious reason," Suri looked a little too amused at Sezak's undisguised horror - not that Humans are essentially raw nebula mobilised by a star's age of convenient mutations, but that they exist in such a state of volatility with no apparent qualms about it.
"Oh great wells," Sezak breathed, reeling from his new perspective. "So many of you wear leather. Hold on, is that why Vikram is always visiting the health centre?"
Suri's eyes crinkled, and she bared her teeth -- in a laugh, okay. Sezak recognised the 'kek-kek' noise humans make in thrill, though theirs is a more glottal 'hach-hach'.
"Yes, Vikram has auto-immune issues. Which means that sometimes, his immune system will attack his own body depending on the irritant. Or weather. Or his cortisol levels."
Sezak stared at Suri for a long time, trying to figure out if she was pranking him.
"I think I have a lot of reading to do," he muttered, incredulous.
"Start with the human eye, it's an absolute mess. Do you know how little it takes to detach a human retina?"
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elbiotipo · 5 months
Question: he would the hair in cat ears work for catgirls? do they get the same hair covering the ears as the rest of the head or would it be shorter for the ears only? if a catgirl has long curly hair, is the hair covering the ears also long and curly?
I would have to research that, but given I have a research subject next to me (my cat) cats do seem to have shorter hair in their ears by default, which makes sense because ears are well, ears, and they need to be mobile and clear of obstructions.
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You can see here that this cat (not mine, he went away as I was writing this) has medium-length fur but the hairs covering the ears are rather short. It makes sense it would be the same for catgirls.
Now, does this mean that cat-people hair would be the same as their fur? Do notice that cat fur has a very different length and texture from human hair in that human hair doesn't have that layered thing that makes most mammal fur, individual hairs are also much longer. Furthermore, humans are WEIRD, just plain WEIRD in our hair distribution. No other mammals are like us, there are certainly hairless mammals, for sure, but the human distribution of hair is very much unlike other primates, with our hairy heads, stomach/pubic areas, beard and armpits, while those are usually bald in other primates. There is still considerable debate on the evolution of hairlesness in humans, from endothermic regulation (better sweating) to sexual selection (which might explain the persistance of, well, hair and body hair instead of complete hairlessness). What's interesting is that genes for a full fur (hair, I guess) coat in humans are still there, just disabled into vellus hairs which are a lot less prominent. If you want more on the subject, I warn you, it's a deep dive, but you can start in Wikipedia.
BACK TO CATS THOUGH, something that people often forget is that whiskers are indeed another kind of fur, but not only that, they are active sensory organs that take a big part of brains in many mammals. One we also lack. Humans are strange. But while cats can live without whiskers, it's still something very important to them. So I think that is something we forget about felines and feline characters.
It would also be a real interesting thing if cat-people had different hair, as in the thing in top of our heads (which seems to have evolved to protect our stupid big brains from the sun) similar to cat fur. Perhaps a catgirl would look pretty much human, but from touching the hair, seeing her eyes, perhaps even whiskers, you would see different stuff (assuming a fantasy or such setting). Given our genetics, it's not exactly implausible to have people whose fur just sticks to their hair and tail. It's just, well, I really need to make a post on this sort of stuff one day.
For a VERY fun deep dive into cat coat and eye genetics, I found this site full of deep explanations and charts about cat genetics. Including HYPOTHETICAL cat coats:
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Honestly, don't miss it if you're doing cat-like characters. This is way more fun that just sticking ears and a tail and be done with it. Put the cat in catgirls again, that's what I say.
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whxre-bxby · 2 years
Period Oneshots: Quaritch, Mansk, Wainfleet
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How I think these 3 (big) men would react to you having your period.
I don’t know whether Na’vi women get their period but since they would probably be mammals, I assume so. Either way, I’m going to write this how I imagine it goes for them. Since this fandom decided that they have mating seasons and heat cycles, the period is a 2-3 day period once their mating season is over. Meaning they get it only once a year ( I wish that was me )
Also, choose whether you are human or Na’vi. Doesn’t matter, both go for this one. 
Also, yes I am on my period while writing this. Credit to @jinx14 for the idea. I apologise for any typos, it's almost 2am :)
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Now Miles is a man who, back when he was human, knew everything he needed to know about the woman’s body. Of course, his memories are still with him now, but his old normal life seems more distant to him now that he is focusing on one mission only. 
Either you are on his squad team and are a part of project Phoenix or you work in the lab as a scientist or doctor/nurse. 
Miles knows you as a colleague and has grown unintentionally closer to you in the last month. He found you interesting and liked that you were helpful with missions, polite and knew your place, and loyal to him. Those aspects were very important to him as a person. 
One day he sees you working on something, whether it be working out or filling out lab reports. He notices you look worn out and agitated, which is unlike your usual upbeat mood. 
He comes over to question you and make sure you’re okay. He won’t mind bringing you something if you need it, as long as you ask politely. Asking polietely is one of the least important things on your list if you are fighting cramps, headaches or other pains. It doesn’t help that you may not have slept well. 
You’re too tired to dance around the subject. You know you look tired as shit and you know he can see that, so you just cut down to the chase. 
“I’m on my period, Miles.” you groan out frustrated, stopping your workout or dropping your pen on your lab report. 
He freezes and shuts up. It doesn’t get him embarrassed or anything like that, the answer just takes him by surprise. He was expecting you to say that someone was getting on your nerves or that you had too much to do. 
He had almost forgotten that that happens to women. Then again, your answer had refreshed a few old memories and he understood what you were going through, from the biological view. He knew how it worked and why it happened and for how long etc. 
He didn’t want to make you feel worse so he silently left the room and returned with a hot drink in his hand for you. He will let it slide once. Then, you will have to ask politely again. 
“Do you want company?” he asks, not wanting to get on your nerves. 
You are unable to answer and you nod your head, groaning again before taking the cup into both hands and just holding it for a while. 
He doesn’t start small talk, you both just sit in peaceful silence. He might scan over a few of your reports without understanding them or might take a look at the equipment you were using to workout. 
Miles enjoys your company just as much as you do. And he was ready to help you if you needed anything. He was also happy to be spending time with you. 
He knew you were quiet when it came to personal things so he felt a sense of pride in his chest when you felt comfortable enough to just tell him what’s going on. 
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Mansk: (sorry for the low quality gif)
You would both be outside on a mission. The whole team was out but you were divided into groups to cover more ground. He was focused on his surroundings, eyeing every tree and listening to every noise. 
You were both advancing through the forest pretty quickly and after a while, you started to feel bad. 
Mansk was walking ahead of you when he heard a groan behind him. With quick movements, he swung around and aimed his gun right at you. He relaxed his body and let his ears perk back up when he saw that you were not being attacked. 
“What are you doin’?” he asks, lowering his weapon and slowly walking back to your hunched-over figure. You were leaned against a tree, one hand clutching your stomach and wrapping around your waist tightly. 
Mansk noticed your odd position and started to think about what was happening. He stood next to you, eyes scanning over your body before he looked around again to ensure both of your safety. 
“You good?” he asked, leaning down to try and read my facial expression. 
“Just- give me a moment.” I say, biting my lip. This cramp was almost unbearable and it hit me without a warning. 
He nodded, standing up-right again but in reality, this man had no idea what was going on. His first thoughts were food poisioning or maybe you got sick from the helicopter ride here.
I stood up again, the feeling gone. 
“All good, let’s go.” I say, my normal self back again. Mansk was confused as shit. He stood still, watching you start to walk again. His mind was like a television without signal. After a few moments, you gasped and bent over, clutching your abdomen again. 
While he was still oblivious to your period symptoms, he was more worried and jogged over to you, resting a hand on your back. 
“Do you need-” he started to ask but my moody self interrupted him. 
“Shhhh… I need quiet.” I mumble. He ran out of ideas. He was about to settle on the hypothesis that you had just lost your mind until you mumbled something that made his ears perk up. 
“I’m on my period, it’ll be fine in a sec.” 
Right. Periods. He forgot about those. 
His eyes glanced at your shorts and he was relieved to not see any blood. Mansk had no idea what to do, how to help you or just how to deal with the situation himself. 
“You want water?” he genuinely asked, offering me his bottle. I look up at him, showing clear signs of discomfort and he doubts his question, leaning his ears back. He felt a little stupid for not knowing what to do. Usually in missions, he was the one to have the best ideas on how to do whatever. Now, he felt useless.
“Yes, why not.” I say, grabbing it from him. My answer surprised him. 
“Thank you.” I mumbled, wiping a few drops with the back of my hand from my mouth. He nodded, smiling to himself that he had managed to do something in your favour.
“We can keep going again.” you softly say, straightening your posture and turning around again. 
Mansk isn’t a very talkative person, therefor you both walk in silence most of the way again. But neither of you mind. You are distracted by your discomfort anyway. 
From now on, he will always offer you water.
Water obviously doesn’t help against pain, you were just thirsty from walking, but Mansk doesn’t know that. You weren’t going to tell him either. Looking at him, you saw how he was holding the bottle ready in one hand, so he could give it to you again. It was sweet that he wanted to help, even if he didn’t know how. 
He makes sure to stay close by your side, incase you need to stop again. Mansk is slightly more cautious now because he knows your attention is elsewhere. That is also why he suddenly feels very protective of you. 
When you return to the others he doesn’t spill that you are shedding blood as you speak. If you weren't there and it would be his buddies, he would though. Just to brag about how well he thinks he handled the situation. 
Upon arriving, he pretends as if nothing happened and that it was a normal situation, trying to forget the little panic moment he felt before. 
Mansk also pushes anyone sitting next to you away, so that he can be by your side. 
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Lyle Wainfleet: 
You and Lyle work out regularly together. It started off when you would just run into eachother at the gym room. He started conversation with you and it formed a friendship. Now you meet up and both do your workout together. You help spot him while he helps to ensure that you keep a stable form and stuff. 
Anyway, right now you and him are competing against each other, trying to see who can hold a plak the longest. 
You’re going 2 minutes strong and you were ready to hold it longer. Lyle was keeping his posture obtained too. 
Suddenly you started to feel a light pressure in your lower abdomen. Within seconds, it became more intense and then it struck you like an arrow from hell, causing you to fall flat on the ground. Immediately, you turned to your side, scrunching up and hugging your waist as you experienced discomfort. 
Next to you, Lyle cheered. 
“Ha, told you so. You almost had 3 minutes. I can go for another 3, just watch and-” he started bragging until his gaze landed on you all curled up into a ball. 
“Okay, don’t you dare trick me into thinking you’re hurt just so I can’t break my record.” he chuckled, focusing on his plank again. After you hadn’t moved in a few seconds he glanced back at you. 
He was starting to get worried. 
“Y/N quit playin’.” he said but already, you were able to pick up a hint of worry in his voice.
“Y/N.” he repeated, hoping you would turn around smiling. But you stayed still. Something felt off to him so he decided to stop. He got out of his plank position and knelt beside you. Lyle looked down and noticed your facial expression. You were in fact not messing with him. He felt slightly relieved by that but then again worried for you. 
“You okay?” he asks, slightly shaking your arm. You nod but stay in your position. Lyle is confused now. What are you doing?
Did you get a cramp from the workout? Even the word ‘cramp’ didn’t ring a bell in this soldier's head. 
“I think I just got my period.” you whined. You were dreading it but it had to come eventually. 
Lyle’s eyes went wide. “Oh…” he said, almost sounding like it was a whisper. “Right…” 
“Just give me a moment, I’ll be fine in a few…” you mumbled, keeping your eyes squeezed shut. 
“Yeah, sure. Of course. Take as-as long as you need…” he started rambling. “We are in no hurry, just- yeah take your time. You know, relax.” 
“Lyle.” I warn him. 
“Yep, I’ll be quiet. I’ll just sit here and wait with you until you feel better. Which you will, right? Like, this thing won’t-”
“Lyle!” I snap at him. I was short-tempered at the moment and I couldn’t deal with his long string of words. 
He sat in silence, watching me to make sure I wouldn’t pass out or die. While he did still find himself fascinated with how the female body worked, it scared him to a certain extent. If he would see blood on your leggings, he would definitely freak out.
Once the cramp fades away, you sit up, taking a few deep breaths. Lyle continues to watch you patiently and you smile and apologise for snapping. He isn’t upset. Lyle is an overly friendly angel and just wanted you to feel better. If you had asked him to, that man would have sat next to you for a few hours. Even if you fell asleep, he would not leave your side.
Since you were in a vulnerable state, he was happy he was the one looking out for you. And look out for you he will. He will get you absolutely anything and will make sure you are comfortable. If someone would need to talk to you he would handle it, sending them away. If you would get cold, he would cover you in his jacket or hoodie, etc. Wainfleet was just a big friendly giant to those he cared about.
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silverhart-makes-art · 5 months
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I think this week's Bestiary Posting is pretty fascinating. I especially like the animal being described as having 'mercy', as I feel like many people would consider that a distinctly human trait. I kind of assumed this idea of animals being like machines incapable of emotions was an old idea, but this and other bestiary entries really seem to humanize the animals listed in them more then I expected.
Anyway, I think what the Zomargon actually is, is pretty obvious, but the bit that stood out to me the most was: "it strikes fear into bulls, yet fears the mouse", and my mind immediately went to my dog. He likes to put on a lot of bluster when confronted with larger dogs or animals, but show him a bug and he runs behind the couch and cries until someone comes to save him.
So, it had to be a poodle. There's no other animal it could possibly be. Lively intelligence, scared of mice, works with people, if one of them falls over they have to gather around and make a big drama about it - that's a poodle for sure.
So this description lists a lot of different traits, so I'm just gonna go down them all and explain my thoughts.
"His nose is called a trunk because he uses it to put food in his mouth."
At first I went with an elephant shrew-type nose, but that's not so great for grabbing, but you know what would be? A hand. And what has a hand on the end of it's nose? That's right, a star-nosed mole. So combination trunk/star nose situation.
"The Persians and Indians, carried in wooden towers on their backs..."
So we know it's a big critter, to able to carry people on it's back.
"...lively intelligence and a long memory..."
Gave them a bit of a big skull to accommodate those big brains. I can also confirm that poodles never forget and hold onto to grudges for years.
"...she goes out into a pool, until the water comes up to her udders."
For sure a mammal this time, so good to know.
"If the Zomargon finds a snake, it kills it..."
This explains why my dog's favorite toys are the ones made to look like snakes and why they are the first to get torn to shreds.
"if it falls down, it cannot rise."
For this I was thinking about how this happens to sheep quite often, when they're pregnant or their wool is too heavy, so I gave my Zomargon a broad back and thick woolly fur that can grow out into a big poof-ball (as I doodled in the bottom).
"...it has no joints in its knees."
This one was tricky to figure out. The knee is a joint, so how can a joint not be a joint? I had to sketch up a couple of legs off to the side just to try out some ideas. Ended up going with the middle one, and just adding a big fleshy pad on the back of the foot to support it, since there's no mention of hooves. It looks weird, but I guess they make it work?
"They possess the quality of mercy."
If a creature possesses mercy, it of course must have soft, gentle eyes, so I tried to give them a sweet dog-like expression. This is a beastie made for cuddling.
"...they make their way carefully and peaceably lest their tusks kill any animal in their way."
Just throwing in tusks in at the last second, huh? I honestly almost forgot to include them, they seem like such an afterthought in the description. And if Zomargons don't fight each other, the tusks must be used for something else. I decided to give them something like a Thylacosmilus fang situation, where these big saber teeth are supported by this crazy lower jaw. Seems to be some debate about whether these teeth were used for scavenging carcasses or killing prey. The Zomargon also eats fruits according to the description, so maybe these tusks are in fact just for opening coconuts.
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in your earlier ask you said that yves is pretty much anti child so is he also anti pet? or maybe anti puppy/kitten/baby animal? when you described yves pretty much conditioning reader to dislike kids it reminded me when i got my kitten when she was three weeks old. it was during the lockdown so although i was there 24/7 i was lacking sleep because she refused to sleep on her own and i had to feed her every two hours and when she got older she got hyper and i needed to play with her so she could chill out a little more. i remember as i put her to sleep in my lap for the third time i thought to myself “is this what babies are like? but worse, dirtier and for a longer time?” as much as i love my little fur baby i don’t think i could go through that again so i wonder yves’ thoughts on pets. he gives off those vibes that he hates fur everywhere and can’t stand barking lol. but then again if reader wants a pet im assuming he’ll accommodate somehow.
Pets that need his constant attention like most mammals and noisy animals like the majority of birds are a big no for him.
However, he doesn't mind having reptilians as pets. As long as they're big enough to not lose them. He is indifferent to fishes, but he sees them more as home decor than actual living beings. Something akin to owning lava lamps.
He especially likes snakes. It fits with the aesthetic of his house and they're one of the lowest maintenance pets there is. He would meet all of its physical needs, but other than that, he wouldn't care to spend more time with it than necessary. The snake will be locked up in its enclosure at all times, unless you want to interact with it and he knows that your personality wouldn't lead to trouble. He knows everything there is to know about the snake, yet he sees it as a mere display piece for his living room.
Yves despises insects, he uses the presence of them as a sign that the environment isn't clean, and he does not appreciate having to think his house is filthy. No matter how much research he does on them and how many results show that insects do not necessarily equal dirty, Yves just could not accept them.
He is not squeamish, though. Yves despises them but he is not afraid of them, he knows how to handle a tarantula gently and keep calm when it decides to crawl under his turtleneck. If you threw a bucket of cockroaches on him he would not scream or flail, he would dodge it gracefully before dusting himself off. If any got onto him, he will just pick them off his clothes as if they're paper stickers. Yves will not beat around the bush and try to find a roll of newspaper or a bug spray, he is squashing that colony of spiders with his bare hands.
The way he could simply grab a handful of mealworms without hesitation makes the world think he loves bugs. He doesn't, not one bit.
You could simply shove him in a vat full of writhing maggots and he would come out as if he took a leisure swim in the pool, combing his hair with his fingers to get rid of any leftovers.
Yves would be annoyed more than horrified, lecturing you that pushing him into ponds of worms is rude while he jerks his head to expel the ones that are stuck in his ears.
Not to say he is inept at taking care of them. Yves can be an excellent caretaker for any and every animal. His research skills are unbelievably godly and he loathes the idea of him being perceived as incompetent in anything.
Yves also has a strangely high tolerance for all things disgusting and vile, he could clean up the most brutal bloody murder scene complete with mutilated bodies, decomposition, faeces, urine, vomit and other bodily fluids without wearing gloves or a gas mask; and still have an appetite to eat lunch immediately after. Vacuuming fur and sifting through the litter box is nothing to him. He just does not find much fulfillment in owning a pet. Hence, a pet becomes a parasite in his life, and he detests all things vermin.
If you wanted a furry companion so badly, he will hit the books and review the patterns in your life again.
Do you really want a pet or are you actually just bored? If it's the latter, he could effectively fill your time and make you forget about your desire for an animal companion. He could also negotiate his way out of this too.
Are you someone who hyper fixate on something or someone, then lose all interest after a few months? Then, he could wait it out. Taking care of your newest breathing toy as he counts down until you finally decide to abandon it and move on to greener pastures.
Are you someone who easily gives up at the first encounter of a problem? Maybe all it takes for you to drop the interest entirely is a meow that's too loud or a nip that's a bit too painful. He's going to train the animal to misbehave around you.
Are you someone who is susceptible to peer pressure? He is going to train your pet to misbehave around your loved ones. Manipulate your friends and family into thinking that you're an abusive or neglectful pet owner. He doesn't have to say a word to you, everyone is doing the pressuring for him.
Maybe you would fold under his dour glare and stern words, he can be quite scary at times. That generally reduces anyone into a shivering, crying mess that will not bring up the things that displeases him. This is usually the second-last resort to anything.
Perhaps you're a fierce animal lover and have a strong portfolio of being a cat or dog owner. You wouldn't give your beloved four legged friends up for the world, you will fight for them till your very last breath. Someone with unbreakable maternal/paternal instincts towards your precious fur babies. Giving them up is not in the equation.
Well, he is not above traumatizing you for life.
When push comes to shove, you might find your trusted non-human companions betraying you by lacerating your extremities to the point of no repair. Puncturing your throat with its sharp canines and claws, leaving you to breathe on a ventilator while Yves takes care of you in the hospital.
Or he could direct the attack to someone else, make you liable for lasting damages and having to put your seemingly rabid pets down. You would also have to live with the guilt of knowing you're mainly responsible for disfiguring that poor child's face, changing his life for the worse, just because you "didn't" train them well.
He warned you not to test him. Yves has been lenient and his patience has reached its limits. He may love you and want the best for you, but he is also very, very selfish.
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devilsrecreation · 1 month
Outlanders at the Pool headcanons
AKA sneaking into the Pridelands and chilling in Lake Matope/Urembo River until they get caught jfhhfhfgf
It was Janja’s idea after hearing Chungu and Cheezi complain that there wasn’t anywhere they could swim, with Tamka and Nduli doing the same. Janja says “f it” and invites all the hyenas, jackals, and crocodiles to go to a lake or river and take a day off while Jasiri’s away (probably making peace treaty with other kingdoms)
Shupavu and Njano come along, but only to sunbathe. They convince Kenge to join them
Mzingo acts as a lookout for the Lion Guard or any other notable Pridelanders (like the Royal family or key leaders like Makuu and Ma Tembo). If he sees any of them nearby, he’ll tell the Outlanders to hide
Cheezi started spinning in the water for no reason, then Chungu started copying him, then Goigoi. Tamka and Nduli think they’ve gone a little coo-coo crazy. Can’t blame them cuz all they see is three mammals going “Wheeeeeeeeeeeee! :D”
Kiburi’s float offers everyone rides. Yes, even Kiburi himself lets Janja ride on him. JUST THIS ONCE. FOR A LITTLE BIT. THEN HE CAN NEVER SPEAK OF THIS AGAIN
Janja rides on Kiburi, Chungu on Tamka, and Cheezi on Nduli. Nne and Tano take turns riding on Neema
Reirei likes swimming on her back…until Janja pushes down on her belly, dunking her underwater. The hyenas think it’s hilarious, Reirei does not
It’s okay though, cuz Dogo does the same thing to Janja
Kenge CAN swim, he’s just prefers not to cuz he’s not very good at it. He eventually joins the rest after Janja assumes he can’t
“Nice try, but lizards can’t swim.” *Kenge swims up to him, growling* “AHHH! LIZARDS CAN SWIM!”
Kenge also has Shupavu and Njano on his back while doing so. They’re acting all smug cuz they get to tease Janja and he can’t do anything about it hfhfgf
Goigoi: Should I bother Kenge?
Janja: Do you wanna die?
(Probably happens at some point hfhfgry)
I feel like either Janja or Shupavu would quote the “you’re all going to hell! Goodbye!” vine while gliding by on Kiburi or Kenge bfhfgfgf
The kids have their own version of chicken fights. Wema and Tunu playfully wrestle on Tamka and Nduli’s backs respectively. It started with Tamka telling Wema how crocs roughhouse in the water, then going “watch this!” and splashing Nduli and Tunu. Nduli retaliates by splashing Tamka back and before they knew it, Wema and Tunu started pawing at each other. It’s even more fun when Dogo and Kijana decide to join in on Neema
Everyone gets into a splashing war where nobody, not even Mzingo is safe. Janja and Kiburi started it
Overall, it’s a very fun and relaxing day with absolutely no interrupt—oh shit is that Vitani’s Lion Guard??? SHIT THEY CAN’T KNOW THEY’RE HERE! EVERYONE GET OUT OF THE WATER! GO GO GO!!!!!
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orcinus-veterinarius · 5 months
Hi! I’m currently working on a big, detailed Blackfish rebuttal, which means lots of rabbit holes. I recently started rereading John Hargrove’s book (ugh). He talks about how the original Shamu died of pyometra and septicemia, claiming that it was something that, apparently, would almost never happen in the wild. The obvious implication here is that captivity caused these conditions, and/or that such is common with captive orcas. However, obviously septicemia can be caused by a variety of things, wild or not. As for pyometra, he doesn’t provide other examples of captive orcas suffering pyometra, nor have I been able to find other examples described in peer reviewed literature. It seems that that isn’t particularly common in cetaceans period, whether they’re wild or not, but I’m also not a marine mammal veterinarian. Since you’d know better about cetacean medicine, I was wondering if you knew anything more about this.
Ooh, that'll be interesting! I'd love to read it!
You're correct that Shamu is the only reported case of pyometra in a killer whale, wild or captive. The CRC Handbook of Marine Mammal Medicine makes no mention of pyometra in cetaceans, although it does occur in both wild and captive pinnipeds and has been reported in sea otters and sirenians. Pyometra is typically the result of bacteria migrating up the vaginal tract into the uterus, which at certain times is more susceptible to infection due to normal hormonal fluctuations. Theoretically, anything with a uterus can get pyometra, though some species are more commonly affected than others.
I would hedge to bet that pyometra is rare in cetaceans because of their truly unusual reproductive anatomy. Females have a lot of redundant tissue in their vaginal tract, creating "false cervixes" and overall making it a lot more difficult for anything to reach the uterus.
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See all those extra recesses around the cervix?
I did find this case report on a necropsy of a wild short-beaked common dolphin. Pyometra was one of many nasty issues afflicting the poor girl, so it can indeed occur in nature. Since this individual was suffering from co-infections of bacteria and cetacean morbillivirus, she was clearly immunocompromised. It's highly likely Shamu was as well.
Overall, pyometra of cetaceans (including orcas) appears to be quite rare in both the wild and managed care. Shamu was the very first orca intentionally captured for public display, nearly 60 years ago, and only survived six years in captivity before her death at approximately age 10. Virtually nothing was known about killer whale husbandry at the time, so it's not at all unreasonable to assume that poor husbandry, nutrition, and stress negatively impacted her immune function to the point she succumbed to pyometra.
However, it's a weak argument on Hargrove's part to compare the SeaWorld of today (with multiple orcas now in their 30s, 40s, and 50s) to the SeaWorld of the 1960s, and their very first whale at that. Especially using a condition that has not been reported in a captive orca since.
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pochipop · 4 months
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#. synopsis! — speaking isn't the only way to understand, and he's oh so gentle .
#. characters! — mr crawling .
#. warnings! — canon-typical dark content + setting .
#. word count! — 1.7k .
#. alt accounts! — @ddollipop (nsfw) @hhoneypop (moodboards) .
#. others! — navigation & masterlist .
#. a/n! — hi, i posted, please stop bullying me in my inbox :(( - all jokes aside, thank you guys for all the nice messages and compliments! & happy pride to my lgbt followers! funnily enough, don't think i've ever "come out" on this blog, but if it's not obvious, i'm bisexual lol so there's that!
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You found yourself pressed against a cold, damp wall in what you could only assume was a room close to the belly of this labyrinth-like building. Breaths came in shallow, frightened gasps as the lights overhead flickered ominously, like they were trying to warn you of impending danger. . . Danger that you felt sting your chest like needles poking through your skin. The oppressive silence surrounding you was broken only by your intakes of air and the soft, almost imperceptible sound of something —or someone— (or maybe a mixture of the two, in this God-forsaken place) nearby.
Squinting into the gloom, a familiar shape emerged from the dark hallway, slipping into the room with you and pausing in the doorway. You felt relief take hold of you.
Mr Crawling. . .
That, of course, likely wasn’t his real name, but you didn’t speak in the language of clicks, noises, and chirp-like sounds that he did, and he didn’t speak with your tongue either. It was for that reason in particular that you’d bludgeoned his head with a crowbar not long ago, to which he sulked in a corner, bleeding and whining, and you were left to feel terrible for hurting the first entity that had tried to go out of his way to show you true empathy in a way you understood.
Apologizing didn’t even begin to feel like enough. Probably because you were at least ninety percent sure he didn’t understand what you were saying anyway. Helping him with the wound perhaps made it slightly better. . . But also not really, because even now as he skims across the ground to where you are, there’s a sense of guilt that weighs heavy on your heart.
Pale, grey-skinned and moving like any non-human mammal of sorts, his face is mostly obscured by the long, stringy black hair that falls in vine-like, clumped strands all the way to the floor from his hunched position. There’s an unsettling, animalistic grace to the way he approaches, but you don’t flinch this time when he puts the flat of his cold palm against the crown of your head, as if trying to soothe your breathing. All of that initial fear has been replaced by a strange comfort of sorts, and you look up at him, thankful for his presence now more than ever.
He tilts his head, as if listening for something, and you watch him warily with the same crowbar clutched in your fist. A part of you felt bad carrying it around like that with his blood still smeared on it, but here, you knew it was foolish to venture around without a weapon of some sort. Not protecting yourself for the sake of his feelings was, unfortunately, not an option as far as you were concerned, but thankfully he didn’t seem to have any opinion on the matter.
“Mr Crawling,” you whisper softly, reaching out to take his hand into your own.
He seemed to really respond to physical touch, and if language was always going to get in the way, you figured it was best to bridge the gap in another manner. This was the next best thing you could think of.
His head raises, and you suppose he’s trying to meet your gaze, though you can’t see his eyes through the mess of his hair.
“I need to understand you,” you say.
Ironically, that’s a bit of a hopeless endeavor in this sort of environment. It’s not like you have all the time in the world to pick up a new, completely unrelated language to yours while fighting for your life. Still. . . Gesturing had been helpful previously, especially for directions. The hooded figure you ran into first was quick to point around, that severed hand that had guided you for a bit was just as poignant in that area, and the silver-haired entity with a blindfold over his eyes had also tried to communicate with you in that sense as well. So why couldn’t you do it vice-versa?
“Me,” you point to yourself, “you,” you point to him.
He stared blankly for a moment, then seemed to come to an understanding. His had retracted from your head to point at himself, then to you, a clicking noise coming from the back of his throat. You smile. It was a small victory amongst a series of devastating losses, but you were keen on taking it and running with it as far as you could stretch it.
“Okay,” you breathe, talking more to yourself than to him. “Let’s try this then. . .”
Feeling a surge of determination, you touch your stomach and then mime eating.
“Hungry. Eat.”
At this point, you were still too anxious to have an appetite, but you knew you’d need food eventually. You were hoping he’d be able to help you with that somehow. Up until this point, you hadn’t seen any evidence of there being food around here, —no containers, boxes, or wrappings, but he seemed to understand your gestures and mimicked you; sitting back on his knees to rub his stomach through his filthy t-shirt, then nibbling on an imaginary item.
He looks back to you, as if seeking approval. You smile, hoping he understands that to be a sign of good will, then nod your head to drive home the association. Beneath his swath of hair, he smiles too, and you catch a glimpse of his eyes through the curtain of black strands; dark and thoughtful.
“Good,” you murmur, feeling slightly relieved. 
If nothing else, this was progress. You spend a while longer trying to communicate basic needs and warnings: things like yes, no, stop, come, drinking, sleeping, and a thank you in the way of patting his head. You’re not sure he understood the depth of it by any means, but he did seem to enjoy it. . . Like a puppy. The thought made you smile genuinely and absentmindedly, if only for a moment. The clicks and chirps he makes are mostly lost on you, but the noises are comforting nonetheless. This rudimentary bridge of understanding soothes you just a little, and you find yourself feeling very thankful that he’s here in the first place.
He has your face cupped in his hands now, as if he’s inspecting you. . . Or perhaps admiring? That is, until you feel his body tense and all his little sounds abruptly come to a halt. A small growl reverberates from the back of his throat and his wide smile droops into a frown. Suddenly, he’s roughly dragging you along, tugging urgently on your arms, to which you comply and follow along with him, scooting across the floor until you reach a shadowed alcove. You hadn’t even noticed it before, but he seems to know his way around this place like the back of his cold, grey hand.
He covers your mouth for a moment, then shakes his head. You cover your mouth, take your hand away, then shake your head no, just to ensure to him that you’ve understood. He pats your head then crouches in front of you, using his own body as a makeshift shield for yours. His long, spindly arms cage you against the wall. Fear rises inside you once again, though not because of him and his actions. Rather, the faint, rhythmic thuds of footsteps have begun reverberating through the hall just outside, and you recognize the harrowing pattern they click in.
Mr Scarletella.
You encountered him once before and felt every hair on your body stand on end. The way he moved through the halls with a menacing flow that sounded almost eerily melodic, and the strange, unsettling red glow that seemed to exude off him that nearly drew you in like a moth to a flame. The steps echoed off the walls of the building and your heart began to hammer against your ribs. Mr Crawling moved closer as he came into view through the doorway that lacked any actual door to close, his long, black hair tickling your nose ever so softly. Dressed in scarlet and carrying his ever-present umbrella, you decide quite readily that you’ve seen enough, closing your eyes and focusing on the cool feel of Mr Crawling’s skin, on his musky scent (like mildew and a bit of rot, which isn’t necessarily pleasant, but it’s not like he can really help it down here.)
Though you’re no longer watching, the entity dripping in scarlet moves with an unsettling, almost predatory grace, glancing about the corridors as if he’s searching for something. Or someone.
Once again, Mr Crawling presses closer to you. Now, you’re able to feel the way his body trembles with fear, and you realize that he’s just as terrified as you are, though you can’t tell if that fear is for himself, for you, or for both of you at once. And it’s not like you can ask. Still, you open your eyes just long enough to look up at him, Mr Scarletella in your peripheral as you force a smile and touch the crown of Mr Crawling’s head, offering what little comfort you can. He still quivers, but seems to appreciate the gesture, though he doesn’t risk a happy chirp.
The danger passes as the man in scarlet disappears down the hallway, then turns the corner. You let out a silent sigh of relief and Mr Crawling relaxes after several moments of continued tension, finally going limp and releasing you from against the wall. He slumps onto his knees, which seems to be his most comfortable position, and he looks at you clearly through the darkness. In that moment, it feels like you’ve understood one another perfectly. 
“Thank you,” you whisper sincerely, though you know he can’t really understand you.
You’re just hoping the gratitude comes across somehow, but at the risk that it won’t, you touch your chest over top of where your heart’s still beating like a drum, then touch his chest in the same place. It dawns on you that you don’t feel a heartbeat at all, and you almost pull your hand away. . . But something stops you. Something that says even if you’re right and he’s something less (or more) than human, —it doesn’t matter as much as the kindness he’s shown you. So your hand lingers until you softly pull away.
He grabs your cheeks again and holds them delicately.
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Has anyone talked about how all of the main dude side characters are associated with animals? Probably, but has anyone talked about how the animal (fish) associated with the worst of them (David) would also get happily gobbled up by walruses, cats, AND crows (Mick, TCK, Monty)? (Though in the crow's case only if the fish are stranded on land, assuming Monty is an American crow. If he's a different kind of crow then I'm not sure what the behavior would be vis a vis fish.)
I think about this a lot. Like imagine a dinner party with the four of them. It would be so awkward and so filled with fish. Is this how David could gain power? By unionizing the fish eating men who are also fish eating animals? Does David fuck men & if so would The Cat King pull a Crystal & let David posses him in exchange for more fish eating? Or is David the token straight man of this show? How does Jenny, a lesbian who butchers mammals, fit into this fish eating animal-men schema? Are Edwin and Charles outside of the man/animal connection because they are the main characters or because they are ghosts? Why are none of the women animal coded? What kind of fish do each of these fish eating man-animals prefer?
Much to consider.
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starry-blue-echoes · 9 months
Dogtaro + Cat Koichi + Danger Noodle Giorno. Giorno assumes that Koichi and Jotaro are also humans-turned-animals. He is Incorrect.
(Also add in Jotaro in Italy and now you have Passione being wrecked by a trio of very destructive animals and their five/six erstwhile caretakers. And Coco Jumbo, who is just Vibing.)
oh my god that's hysterical tho. Like, Giorno is just Randomly Approached By This Big Fucking Dog Carrying This TINY Grey Cat And They're Both Weirdly Smart And Also Magic Apparently. He at first doesn't think too much about it, but is happy to have this new random companionship.......
and then he turns into a snake. And suddenly he thinks his new buddies are ALSO humans turned animals. He doesn't know why they sought him out, but he figures they probably couldn't deal with the guy who changed them and were trying to get more help
(he is a little upset he can't understand them as a snake, but then he thinks about it for a second and realizes Wait They're Mammals And I'm A Reptile, We Have Completely Different Ways Of Communicating and........ I guess he's not wrong?)
but also this is so funny, this whole adventure we have Giorno acting like "these idiots don't understand all the hints we're trying to drop, can you believe this guys >:/" and meanwhile Jotaro and Koichi are just......... Vibing Almost Entirely Unbothered. Sure Giorno being an animal is a little weird, but they doubt it's permanent and if they really need help they can always call the Foundation later to help them find the User
the Bucci Gang are honestly fascinated by these weird animals Bucciarati managed to find that wouldn't leave him alone. They think they're kinda weird, but they have Stands and they're also super useful in fights so....... they can't really complain. Plus, the big dog is super good at emotional comfort
also, Jotaro 100% carries around all the animals just because he can. Koichi rides on his head, Giorno is wrapped around his neck and he's gently carrying Coco in his mouth :>
also also, Polnareff is in for one HELL of a surprise when they reach him
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