#And I was totally stuck on Raphael
littleplasticrat · 7 months
Omg I'm so excited I know exactly how I'm going to paint Raphael next month argh he's going to be so princess
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Here's the plan:
1. Finish Gortash painting and post
2. Quick Owlsqueeezer (my durge) art, full Gil Elvgren style
3. If there's still time this month, add a second chapter to the Dammon x Rugan X Tav threesome with a little bit of lineart
4. Begin sketching and gathering references for Raphael
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Well, it was a big piece of work, hah
I took a break from RW and decided to draw something nostalgic
Actually I've been stuck with this idea for two years now and I'm glad I finally found the strength to do something about it. Thanks for inspiration from one good man)
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Long story short
In this AU autobots and deceptions are two unions of different tribes: mudwings, seawings and sandwings for the firsts and icewings, nightwings, rainwings and Pantala tribes for seconds. Skywings doesn’t exist anymore (because we need someone who takes place of predacons).
People are just people or scavenger if you prefer. And instead of whole cosmos it’s just two mainlands.
- Optimus Prime - I kinda like tfp Optimus. So formidable, powerful and mysterious but really gentle at the same time. And mud/sea combo works here in the best way. As the representation of two main tribes union and strong father/brother figure for team members.
I also think he might be an animus (but don’t use his magic often, especially for killing someone)
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- Ultra Magnus - Pure Icewing already will be great for him, but I gave him part of seawing so he could be more like an Optimus. But instead of being softer and warmer, Magnus is more cold and pragmatic version of him. A character who sees other dragons not as close allies and friends but as ordinary soldiers.
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- Ratchet - Yeah, the seawing would fit him better, but i just don’t know how to make the colors work here sooo… he’s a weak-fire mudwing. Like a skywing, but mudwing. Why not. Make sense with his lack of guns in origin. I think he’s design can be better, and maybe I’ll remake it.
I love his arc of recognizing people as equals and especially his interactions with Raphael. I think Ratchet often read him scrolls about history and magical artifacts.
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- Bulkhead - No surprises here - mudwing fit him perfectly. I think that the Wreckers could been a big and strong mudwing troops, and Bulkhead was a bigwings in such a one. He is lost a lot of his siblings during the war, and therefore tries with all his might to protect the new members of his family. I absolutely adore his relationship with Miko and Jackie, so for me he’s one of the cutest character, and I tried to make his forms round and soft.
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- Bumblebee - I know that majority draw him as a hivewing, but in that case the most logical for him will be a night/sandwing. Literally, autobots get their own Sunny)
I think in this version with his lack of a voice he could communicate using sign language or some variation of aquatic.
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- Arcee - Also nothing special - she is a seawing. I originally wanted to give her a helmet but it was too hard to draw. Just like Sunny she was born pretty small and now even younger dragons can be bigger than her. I’m pretty sure she is old enough to have seen Bumblebee when he was a dragonet, so she's literally like an older sister to him.
Actually she really gives me a Queen Glory vibes with her sarcasm and dangerous beauty, so rainwing might fit her as well.
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- Smokescreen - I used to think he was just a cringe, but now I realize he's a pretty interesting and realistic character. Like Ultra Magnus, I wanted to make him look like Optimus, only this time Smoke is more of a younger and much more irresponsible version of him. I think in this version (being part rainwing) he's trying to mimic Optimus's coloring using same red, blue and pale-gray shades.
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- Wheeljack - The scruffy boy! I think in this version he could be Bulkhead's "adopted sibling", so they are really close to each other. And, because he spent most of his life with Bulkhead, it's harder for him to get close to other tribes and dragons.
Painting scales to keep canonical colors is kinda cheating, but for this dude it totally works. He should have a pretty bright appearance with all those scars and bright spots.
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Cliffjumper - Ohoh… this poor guy. I didn't even think of putting him here, but I like his smug face too much. Even making his scales darker than the original, it's still too brightly colored for mudwing. He probably jokes about it a lot, saying that his ancestors were skywings.
I really like his dynamic with Arcee, and it's a shame we haven't seen much of their relationship. I think I need to do something cute about that.
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tyran-the-tyranical · 4 months
I’ve just realised something about one of Raphael’s employees..
Out of the three essential personnel that Raphael has one has always stuck out as odd to me; That being the Archivist.
First off, unlike Nubaldin or Korilla he doesn’t have a name. Even in Raphael’s logbook on his employees he’s just referred to as the Archivist. Secondly, his appearance, he’s a Mephistopheles’s tiefling and while not every tiefling has to have a strict color code they stick to, it’s funny how he’s red and not the associated blue.
Additionally, he’s specifically stated to have had his spine broken (most likely healed afterwards or just broken in places) due to “wandering”, as Raphael puts it in his logbook, he has a tendency to drift , which is obviously an extreme punishment for such a minor problem, yet compared to Nubaldin who let Gortash get away Raphael calls him a little shit and gives him a different job, and yes it’s presumed he was punished for his failure it’s never mentioned explicitly.
“Archivist - naughty boy, supposed to be looking after the collection, but has a tendency to drift. May have to start breaking his neck to give his spine a chance to recover.”
Now you may be wondering where I’m going with all this, and let me give you my big hypothesis; but first let’s look at this mf.
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He has a very distinct look to him, yet still kinda a generic tiefling look; red skin, dark hair, etc. but there’s someone else who looks similar to him and this same person is also described as an Archivist.
“The arch devil Mephistopheles snatched up the crown and squirreled it away in one of his vaults. He is not more than a frigid archivist”
And in the DnD wiki, who else is described as having a generic classic infernal appearance?
“Mephistopheles played up his infernal image as much as possible, intentionally appearing as the classic archetype of a diabolical devil.”
Of course they’re not one to one, I believe Mephistopheles’s is usually depicted with much longer hair and white eyes but the likeness is totally there, like the facial hair… 💅
I also just think it’s perfect that he happens to be a Mephistopheles’s tiefling as well, really just driving the point home lol. Our home boy got some real big daddy issues for sure 😭 but also this is just a theory, a game theory lol
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skyeslittlecorner · 6 months
Can I request a Raphael x angel MC please 🥺
The Gabriel x Michelle and Lucifer x Michael were so good 😭😭
I'm stuck with you and your scenarios now 😠
You're welcome, dear~! I see my total eclipse of the brain bring some good after all. I hope I will be able to fulfill this request. Rafael is on the verge of being a character I dare write for, but let's try.
It was all your fault, that you make Raphael feel so special, then forget about it, and after all, you died. Lowly, pathetic human being. How dare you? Do you think he will forgive you for this? Tsk. Not only stupid, but naive, too. You are lucky that you chose to be reincarnated in heaven. Maybe there's still a chance for your pitiful soul.
And *maybe* you will repent if stop teasing him and start to suck.
Even though you were below him, licking his piercing and letting him tug at your hair, you knew who was boss. Poor, unaware angel. Blessing? Being the chosen one? Good joke. Only few strokes and his tip was already covered with whitish ooze. You raised an eyebrow and snickered.
“And who is the pathetic one?” 
He grabbed your hair harder. 
“Shut... up. Do your work.”
“Truly pathetic…” Your tongue stroked his trembling manhood. “Swayed so easily.”
As you opened your lips once more, he thrusted deep inside your mouth. Smiled vindictively as you chocked. He wanted you to lose your breath, to finally be quiet, and obediently end the act of his ascension. As cruelly, as holy. New madness hitted his insides as you murmured with a trickle of saliva ran down your chin.
“Better…” Those full cheeks, clenched throat and murderous intent in your eyes make you both dirty and perfect. Perfect to be used. Clouded with pleasure, he thought that he found his new favorite toy.
All Raphael stans! Let me redirect you to @livelaughlovesubs and her wonderful fics - here you got first and second part. I assume you've already seen it, if not, check it out~ She can write and catch his personality way better than me
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bitethedevil · 1 month
Hello again! I was reading your Raphael and Love post and I just LOVE your thoughts and characterization of him. It's so enthralling. The way he needs to be in control stuck out to me too. But I was curious what your thoughts would be if he were not the most powerful one in a relationship? I ask because I want to write a fic where Raphael gets himself inadvertently entangled in the obsessions of an Elder god, but Im having difficulty characterizing him in my head. You characterize Raphael WONDERFULLY, and I would love your opinion on how he would handle being on the other end of the stick, as it were. How does he handle not being in control? I hope you have a good day~!
Thank you so much <3
I’ve written some fanfiction where he’s paired with someone who is pretty much equal in power to him before. My take on it is that he would still believe that he’s in control/better, even though that might not be the truth, and that would be enough for him.
He’s navigated the Hells where he is very much a small fish, and he’s done it very successfully for a cambion. He knows when to shut his mouth and be smart about things. He also knows when he’s overpowered, but he will still deep down believe that he is better and smarter, and that he is in total control of the situation.
When it comes to losing control and being at the point where he is aware that he is doing so, I think it would freak him tf out. You see it with his nightmare (Raphael’s Diary: Chapter 2). It’s not the tadpoled who scared him in that dream. What scares him is being wrong, losing control, us not needing him anymore and most of all failing. Note the last lines:
“In waking, my courage has firmed. I progress my plans for the tadpoled even now. I am Raphael. I am not easily bested.”
He is stubborn and he is cocky AF, but actually failing and losing control is a big fear of his. Another example where we see it is in the God Gale ending where he’s almost a bit childish sounding with his “You can’t do this” or whatever he says when Gale essentially tells him to go fuck himself. He’s constantly scheming and being careful. He is not used to losing.
(Thank you so much for the ask and best of luck with the fic! <3)
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oozedninjas · 1 year
Submited by:  @macsimagines 
I did like it. Thank you for sending it in! 
I only have Raph ready and about half of Leo but I hope you like this! If not its totally cool! You don’t have to share it or anything if you don’t want to.
Talk about insecure this guy has no control over his feelings whatsoever. You’re his whole world, first and foremost. He thinks you put the damn sun in the sky. But it’s going to be a cold day in hell before he lets you know that.
He doesn’t treat you bad but he doesn’t treat you good. You’re always at arms length and he’s got this funny way of treating you like he doesn’t care about you. In his head the moment you realize he loves you more than life itself is that moment you’re going to walk out on him.
If he doesn’t let it on that you’re better, that you can do better, then you won’t go and he never has to be afraid, right? Wrong. Constant fear and insecurities consume him when he’s with you.
He’s so hot and cold it gives you whiplash. One moment he acts like he could care less if you’re actually with him or not and then the next he’s acting like he’s going to die if you try to go.
“Quit yer whinin’ Y/N. I’ll get to you when I got the time, alright? Get off my back I already got the shell.” and then when he hasn’t heard from you in two days its all; “The hell you got me worryin’ for? Can’t text back? Too good to come an’ see your man is that it? Got sick and tired of the fuckin’ circus?”
Ya this asshole has got some issues. Oh and his worst fear of you leaving for something better or wising up and realizing you deserve something better? He’s never gonna let it happen.
One day you two get into an argument, Raph isn’t exactly in control of his temper but he’s very good about not coming off as too aggressive with you. But then you hit him with that “If you don’t want me, I can just leave Raphael! You don’t have to put up with me and I can go be someone else’s problem!” and WOOF! Out goes any restraint.
“The hell you mean someone else?” at first its a quiet anger. A certain calmness in his tone that sends chills down your spine. He’s standing and you’re just now realizing he’s so much bigger than you as he’s slowly stalking towards you with this numb look on his face that you can’t read and that’s so much more terrifying than if he was just screaming like he usually does.
He’s got you backed into a wall when he asks again, a little firmer “Y/N, What do you mean ’someone else’?” perfect pronunciation, his distinct accent missing, so there is no confusion in his question because he really needs to hear your answer.
Your mouth feels very dry, you’ve never been afraid with him, never ever would you treat your man like he was some kind of monster, but right now with how he has you caged in his arms and stuck between him and that wall…
“I just- if you don’t want to deal w-with me-!” “Nuh-uh, you’re the one talkin’ about someone else,” he interrupts shaking his head and his voice finally reaching borderline hysterics, “You brought up somebody fuckin’ else so what is it Y/N!? Finally had enough? Think you can up an’ go!? Just like that!?”
His hands slam against the wall on either side of your head, and you can’t help the small scream that leaves you when you hear the cement of it crack under the strength of his palms.
“Gonna be a cold day in hell when someone takes you from me! They better be fuckin’ ready t'die, Y/N! CAUSE I’LL KILL ‘EM!” And Raph will remember the sound of the table crashing against the wall more than he remembers throwing it. The image of the pieces lying jagged and broken will be more vivid than the image of it flying across the room.
When he finally sees the tears pouring out of you his rage breaks, he’s all shaky breaths and numbness in his muscles. He’s just watching you sob and cry on the floor, too shocked to even believe he snapped at you like that. His Y/N.
“M'sorry, I’m so fuckin’ sorry,” he’s going to be repeating like it’s a prayer, nothing but apologies and shaky hands trying to hold you close. Raph would never ever hurt you, but he did just make it clear, you’re not going anywhere. 
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The Ultimate Character Design Tournament
Please remember to vote for characters solely based on their design, rather than which character you are more familiar with or like more!
Characters and propaganda under the cut!
*Horror warning for Ludwig the Accursed / the Holy Blade
Ludwig the Accursed / the Holy Blade | Bloodborne
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"Literally the first time I saw his design I audibly went ‘oh holy shit.’ There’s something perfectly terrifying about the way his face is distorted that’s still a little reminiscent of a human face but kind of horselike and terrifying."
Neuvillette | Genshin Impact
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Wen Kexing | Faraway Wanderers/World of Honor
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look he has some fantastic outfits with such a wide variety and yet they all so perfectly encompass his character? like he's got outfits for pretending to be a spoiled young master and he's got outfits for being an unhinged mass murderer and they all suit him so well. like he just has so many different outfits for so many different occasions and they're all such good outfits. he's got outfits for his housewife era and outfits for skinning someone alive and they're all good and fit his character well
Lan, Aeon of The Hunt | Honkai: Star Rail
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""With no end to hate and no boundaries to war, how much concern do you shoulder? With determined eyes and the arrow drawn, the Reignbow Arbiter needs not turn back hither." — Worlds History as a Mirror, Xianzhou The Aeon known as the Reignbow Arbiter wanders endlessly between worlds to destroy the undead beings that once poisoned their homeworld. The cost of the hunt was never a consideration for Lan. There is often no difference between the salvation they offer and total destruction. (In-game Data Bank)"
Arlecchino | Genshin Impact
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Ballister Boldheart | Nimona
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Toothless | How To Train Your Dragon
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Raphael, Leonardo, Donatello, and Michelangelo | Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2018
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This is the only iteration where they are different species of turtle and it actually affects them as characters. The most obvious and really cool one is that Donnie is a soft shell turtle. He has made tech shells that he wears over his soft shell that have gadgets in them and they're also used as protection. It's a really cool way of showing his character.
Raph is a snapper turtle which are known for being aggressive which goes well with his most famous character attribute of having anger issues.
Leo is a red eared slider and is the only one with natural face markings which makes him stand out which goes with his personality.
Mikey is an ornate box turtle which goes with his interest in art and fancy cuisine. He's also got stickers that he has stuck to his shell which is another sign of his personality.
The fact that they're all different species is just really cool. It makes them stand out more from each other and fits their personalities. It also feeds more into the found family trope that is essential to tmnt.
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angelpuns · 5 months
hi angelpuns, i love your comics
i was wondering because i noticed your raphael and donatello are nonverbal or nonspeaking in the latest comic you have been posting and i was wondering if you had any headcanons for the two
thank you for your comics
Aw thank you <3
Yes, I have a couple that are swimming round up there :3
For Raph I think he's mostly nonspeaking cause its just too loud sometimes :/ he does call out to his brothers sometimes though :)
Donnie is only nonspeaking in this comic because he started off having a Bad Time™ but he's recovered a bit :) I like to think he just can't sometimes :/ Like?? Words getting stuck yknow
( Leo is also like that, though way less frequently than Donnie )
They're all autistic cause I Said So™ :)
I think Donnie also used to have a lot more anxiety, but then a switch flipped at some point and he became the reckless teen we all know and love
Raph was the same way, I think the reason is cause Leo was always MORE anxious and became their impulse control, TOTALLY ON ACCIDENT.
Uhhhhhh yeah :) sorry this is very unorganized and not too thought out but I will def have to share more thoughts some time.
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People Are Strange (ROTTMNT VAMPIRE AU)
A TAD bit inspired off of Lost Boys, so it's got that 80s cliche/grunge to it - also @m0nster-fluffer TOTALLY didn't encourage or inspire me to finally write all this stuff out... Totally not 👀
This is inspired by a Roleplay idea I came up with... But was never able to act out so I'm glad I was able to write some if the stuff down!
BASICALLY... It's just like the brothers and MAYBE April (but I think she'll just be a normal human they let tag along, and maybe she does some of their... Hunting for them) are vampires, usually come out late at parties or do their own thing, riding around on motorcycles, being nuisance to many, and threats to others.
I feel if it were a scenario, it'd probably go one (or your whole group, depends on if you want your character to already know the guys or not) of the Roleplayers moves into this small secluded town where all this happens, and somehow gets wrapped up in meeting the four weirdos + April, and then starts discovering the creepy and spooky blah blah ect.
The Hamato Brothers are something no one wants to be around with, cause eventually, you go missing. You get lost. Never to be found, it's kind of difficult when their very... Persuasive.
Basic twist/plot for this whole thing: Everyone in this town but you know the guys are vampires. You and your family have no clue until you find out why the people of this town don't want you to leave, try to keep you trapped in this so called, happy, campy, little peace of heaven off somewhere deep in the woods. You're new meat- new faces. New prey.
The guys had started getting more relentless and more brash toward the townsfolk until you showed up... They can't just give you up that easy.
(And my rant about what I think the guys would be like HEE)
Raphael Raph is one of the more docile of his brothers, he isn't as peer pressuring or over energetic as his other three, usually he's like that big brother 'come on, leave em alone' energy if he can see someone getting stressed over his brothers trying to get them to jump like- twenty feet from the beach pillars. But, as much as he seems like a chill dude, his vampirism is... Different. When he's mad, he isn't afraid to let you know. He can get aggressive and almost animalistic, a LOT of 'accidents' involving people can be from Raphs... Temper-tantrums.
Any vampire powers? Yes! The guy is a total brute, and it's not just for show. He could lift two trucks with both hands with absolute ease if he wanted to.
Leonardo Oh yikes, one of the brothers that a LOT of people tend to be persuaded by. Leo has the tendency to make some of the riskier decisions and ideas of the group, just to see how freaked out they can get new comers, what makes em run away screaming. It makes it more enjoyable for him. He loves- and I mean LOVES a chase once in a while, even if it spreads out into an entire week, he doesn't stop, as long as your in his town, his territory, you can't escape him or his brothers.
Leo's vampirism is one of the MANY faults and reasons the brothers have almost been caught. The guy pushes and tests limits like the little ass he is and waits to see what happens. Raphs killed people, sure, but Leo's killed people, critters, and he tends to leave them on people's doorsteps just to freak them out- especially if they've pissed him off. Or he's... Taken a liking to you.
His actions have gotten him locked up in the Church by the people a few times. And even though he continues to do it, he HATES getting chained up cause he's stuck their for a damn week, and all his brothers do is ridicule, taunt, or scold him. Any vampire powers? Yes! Leo's got some kind of... Trance inducing powers - it isn't like it is in shows or movies. It's a lot more... Subtle than that. It's he can make his point or voice sound more alluding, more conniving, and it almost feels like you can't refuse the guy.
Donatello. The lesser known of the vampire brothers, Donnie is extremely quiet and keeps to himself. And not in a shy way, this guy's seemingly resting bitch-face/death glare looks like he's looking directly through you and into your deepest darkest fears. He probably is.
But once you get to know him - as rare as it is unless he decides you're worth his time, he's still pretty blunt and cold, and he's almost cruel in some way. You can see some dark joy behind his eyes watching you get scared or squirm under his cold arm over your shoulder.
He doesn't seem like it, but he's got that persuasion and slight bloodlust that his twin Leo has. He just more collected about it. He tends to be the one who doesn't cause much of the missing accidents, (he's much more intelligent to clean and hide a crime scene, please, the man isn't a reckless idiot like his brothers.) But the one or two he's done are because someone pissed him off. The someone is his twin. Those two get in nasty- and I don't put it lightly when I say NASTY fights. Ranging from verbal to physical, it's rare that they actually get along so much so that they barely even talk to each other cause it ends in yelling or biting and scratching.
Any vampire powers? Yes! Same as his twin, maybe he dpes it more with that smolder or look he has rather than his voice, but it still gets the job done.
And finally, the youngest of the Hamatos, Mikey. Of course, don't let that fool you. This vampire tends to be the most welcoming of newcomers out if all his brothers, while he's eerily sweet and calm, it does the trick to put people's minds at ease and get them to join their little rag-tag group.
He's usually the one you'd go to if you feel on edge about everything, him and Raph being more docile to newcomers before they decide to pounce.
While he gives on the laid-back persona... Don't get him mad or threaten his brothers. It'd like a whole new creature from the deepest darkest part of your soul is unleashed if you get on this vampires nerves.
And he's fast. They all are. Don't get me wrong, but the stealth this guy has sneaking and sprinting through woods. You're not gonna escape.
Any vampire powers? Yes! Super speed and levitation! The levitation is usually on his part - meaning he's the one floating around a few feet of ground and picking things up of the floor a few feet away from him. But he can pick people up if he decides he's too tired or annoyed to chase.
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obey-me-disaster · 2 years
Masterlist and Rules
Started: 06.10.2022
Last Update: 10.09.2023
Total Works: 81
Requests: open!
Fluff:💖 Angst: 💔 Smut:❤ Crack:🧡
F-fanfic H-headcanon
The Demon Brothers:
-An apple's stem-(H-💖)
MC scams drunk demons(H-🧡)
The demon brothers switch bodies(H-🧡)
Mc gets followed by a car while driving home(H-💖 with some 💔)
The demon brothers with an MC that accidentally flashes them(H-🧡)
The demon brothers in maid dresses with an MC that likes it a bit too much(H-slight ❤)
Mc with road rage(H-🧡)
MC is a photographer(H-🧡)
Mc disappears without telling anyone(H-🧡 and some 💔)
The brothers playing windtrace(H-🧡)
I do not recognize the bodies in the water(H-💔)
All of the characters x gn!MC adopting a kid(🧡 and just a tiny bit of 💔)
Demon brothers escaping SCP 3008(H-🧡)
MC who is easily scared(by horror movies)(H-💖)
MC who is a fallen angel stuck in the process of becoming a demon(H)
MC who writes cute messages on their body while they sleep(F-💖)
How would they spend their Valentine's Day in the human world(H-💖)
MC with a service dog for anxiety(H-💖)
The demon brothers swap bodies part 2(H-🧡)
MC who is a noob at cooking(H-🧡)
MC running away(and failing) after the demon brothers call them cute(H-🧡💖)
MC stays dead for good(H-💔)
MC who collects plushies(H-💖)
Would they smoke? Have they tried to?(H-🧡)
Demon brothers with a very clingy MC(H-💖)
Obey me brothers trying to seduce MC(H- slight ❤)
MC hides the fact that they are alive(H-💔, just slight 🧡)
Would they like to propose or be proposed to?(H-💖)
MC comes back to life all twisted(H-💔)
Demon brothers x MC that info-dumps about their familiars(H-💖)
Lucifer: - ~Proposing to~(F-💖)(part 1)
Love language and jealousy headcanons(H)
You're the one who should live(F-💔)
Matching rings(F-💖)
Memories of a better time(F-💔/💖)
Memories of falling stars(F-💔/💖)
With an MC that self harms(F-💔)
Mammon: - -Proposing to-(F-💖)(part 2)
C,D,Y for the fluff alphabet
Mammon x MC as friends(H-💖)
Mammon with a race car bed(H-💖)
Mammon with a very clingy MC(H-💖)
With an MC that self harms(F-💔)
Gift from the human world(F-💖)
Runway Drama(F-🧡)
Leviathan: - -Proposing to-(F-💖)(part3)
MC cooks Henry 2.0(F-🧡💔)
Satan: - The 'cat' group chat addopts a cat(H-🧡)
PDA and guilty pleasures headcanons(H)
Stuck in a Christmas book(F-💖)
Asmodeus: ~After a stressful day~(F- 💖, slight ❤)-gn!MC
How to charm a demon(F-slight ❤)-masc!MC
Q,D,I for the fluff alphabet
Beelzebub: - Beel coping with the loss of gn!MC and their kid(F-💔)
Dreamlike Perspective(F-💔)
Belphegor: - PDA headcanons(H)
Lesson 16 Belphie x gn!MC who enjoys being choked(🧡)
Dreamlike Perspective(F-💔)
The Side Characters
MC gets followed by a car while driving home(H-💖 with some 💔)
The side character in maid dresses with an MC that likes it a bit too much(without Luke)(H-slight ❤)
All of the characters x gn!MC adopting a kid(🧡 with just a tiny bit of 💔)
MC who is easily scared(by horror movies)(H-💖)
MC who is a fallen angel stuck in the process of becoming a demon(H)
How would they spend their Valentine's Day in the human world(H-💖)
MC stays dead for good(H-💔)
Would they smoke? Have they tried to?(H-🧡)
Solomon: - C,R,S for the fluff alphabet
The 'cat' group chat addopts a cat(H-🧡)
Simeon: -
Diavolo: - jealousy and guilty pleasures (H)
Barbatos: - Z I for the fluff alphabet
PDA headcanons(H)
Love language and body language headcanons(H)
Jealousy headcanons(H)
Luke: Luke resembles MC's dead younger brother(F-💔)
The new 3
All of the characters x gn!MC adopting a kid(🧡 with just a tiny bit of 💔)
Thirteen: - Christmas movie night(F-💖)
Mephistopheles: - Lost on Devildom Streets(F-💖)
U for the fluff alphabet
Obey me rants/analysis
Belphegor and MC's relationship pre lesson 16.
Brainrot about Beel angst
The more or less canon DILFs dads of Obey Me
The weirdly durable MC
Beelzebub's hobbies that the game refuses to use cause the devs don't know shit
Descend to me, my Morning Star(Lucifer x gn!MC x Solomon):
Part 1
Part 2
NSFW Alphabet(666 followers celebration)
Barbatos(full alphabet)
Mephisto(full alphabet)
Beelzebub(full alphabet)
Simeon(full alphabet)
Solomon(full alphabet)
Mammon(full alphabet)
The gluttonous builder(Beelzebub)
Part 1 and 2
Part 3
Part 4
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dinovia-grant · 5 months
Writer Asks
I was tagged by the dearest of all dearhearts, @cassiopeiasara
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 53, but full disclosure, I haven't yet moved everything I've written to AO3 yet.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 885,181 (but honestly, OBaaT Georg is an outlier, and maybe shouldn't have been counted...)
3. What fandoms do you write for? Currently? Ever? Currently, it's SuperCat and, more recently, Guiding Light/Otalia. Stupid unfinished WIP that has haunted me for 15 years...
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? These are all SuperCat, btw. One Bridge at a Time, At the Pleasure of the Hotel de la Paix, Uncharted (part 11), At Sea, and (the shocker) Steel Blue.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes, as many as I can. I've been known to respond to some years after they were written. Comments are the lifeblood of my writing. One comment at the right time can inspire so much. Sometimes, even the completion of a lingering unfinished story...
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Easily, my tears ricochet (Mirandy). My wife (Lisof9) and I took a vow decades ago (pre-dating, even) that we would always write happy, hopeful endings where the couple is together.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Everything else? See above. That doesn't mean there isn't angst. My wife taught me everything I know about chasing characters up burning trees and then lobbing grenades and feral raccoons at them. She also taught me about cliffhangers.
8. Do you get hate on fic? Once. A long time ago on an ER fic, of all things. I didn't write a word for two years after that.
9. Do you write smut? Yes. I'm kinda known for that. It is sometimes even requested, meaning the prompt is given to me because it requires smut.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Hmm... Not really? Let me explain. One of my SuperCat stories mentions Emily Carlton from The Devil Wears Prada, and one of my Guiding Light stories has a brief cameo from a character on Saving Grace. The only true crossover I've ever written was wacky. It was Star Trek: Voyager and CSI: Miami. Decide for yourself: Wackiness. It's short.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not sure I understand the question. You mean plagiarized.? There was a rash of that happening in the early 2000s, I think, but my readers always let me know.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I'm not sure. Probably.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Oh, absolutely! My wife should be considered my co-writer in everything because I have been known to pick her brain when I'm stuck. I've also co-written in the Guiding Light/Otalia fandom and in the L&O: SVU Casey/Olivia fandom.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship? Oh, lord love a duck. SuperCat is certainly my once-and-future obsession. I've been writing them for over seven years at this point and, at last count, have 10 WIPs in the works for them.
My OTP Prime, though, is B'Elanna/Seven from Star Trek: Voyager because that's how I met my wife.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but probably won’t? Hide Beside Me (Guiding Light/Otalia) has haunted me for 15 years, but remember when I said comments were the lifeblood of writing? Someone commented on it last week which revived my interest in finishing the story. I have a draft for chapter 32 in my WIPs folder right now because of that. I hope I finally get to check that one off my to-do list.
16. What are your writing strengths? Research, capturing character personalities, dialogue, and romance.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Fight scenes and the fact that I'm so slow as a writer.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Actually, I have a plan to write an Astrid/Raphaelle story in French when I feel I'm up to snuff in French again. I can't wait. I love that ship.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Ever? Buck Rogers in the 25th Century. Buck/Wilma, on my handwriting practice pad from school. I was 10. Published in a 'zine? A Star Trek: The Next Generation Worf/Deanna story. Published online? Xena, Warrior Princess.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? Currently, there are two:
Queen of Hearts, (ST:Voy, B/7), because it was a love letter to the woman who is now my amazing wife.
One Bridge at a Time, (Supergirl, SuperCat). I'm proudest of this one because it took me seven years to write, came in at 310+k words, and I finished it. I never gave up on it. It was always in my mind. And now I'm working on a sequel to it. :)
I tag anyone who would like to answer it. Although, I would be interested in reading the answers from @shaych03 and @fewthistle if they'd like to participate.
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chaoticspeedrun · 2 years
How would the Rottmnt turtles realized that they're gay for the male reader
The way I love you
Hey Shadow, uuuughh! I was just so happy writing this request I think it came so fluffy, this is how I want to be loved fr, I hope you like it!
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Pairing: All turtles x Male! Reader (separate)
Summary: Tooth-rotting fluff on how they each realize they are falling for their male best friend.
Type: Drabble for each turtle
Warning: None
He had to be told.
He’d been used to having you around, so it wasn’t easy for him to notice how happy he got whenever you entered the room.
He was protective, so the way he would immediately react to shield you whenever something happened was just natural.
He felt safe with you, so speaking out about things with you was logical, you always made him feel better, feel heard, and made his feelings valid.
It’s no wonder he didn’t realize at first that his relationship with you was different from his relationship with April for example, April was like his big sister, but you were something else entirely. Raph was just happy having you as his best friend, that’s what you were, two bros against the world.
Until he started noticing he’d get a little anxious when you talked fondly about other friends, maybe it was just him being protective, after all, he didn’t know these people.
But you could take care of yourself, he knew this, you had learned from training with him after all.
That was another thing he noticed, the way his heart would speed up whenever you managed to one-up him on the training floor, the wild grin on your face, so proud of what you had achieved, but he chalked his reaction to you as just overexertion.
“You like him,” Dr. Feelings told him point blank one day, Raph didn’t even notice him put on the sweater and glasses, and Raph raised a questioning brow.
“Uh, duh? He’s my best friend, my best dude, I would trust him with my shell.”
Dr. Feelings sent a small shake of his head Raph’s way “Not like that.”
He didn’t elaborate too much on it afterward, but his words stayed on Raph’s head, the eldest of the turtles overanalyzing the words because maybe he knew what they meant, it was just not clicking, it wasn’t connecting totally.
While he was thinking this you walked into the room, a grin on your face as you asked Raph if he wanted to hang out, you were excited to show him a new videogame and while you ranted about it, the cables connected to Raph’s mind.
He hadn’t even considered he might be interested in boys before now, no wonder it took him so long to connect the dots, but seeing you right now, the situation made more sense than anything else.
Oh gosh.
Leo had always had…certain tendencies.
In all fairness, he knew what he liked, and had known for a while, it wasn’t a secret either, it was right there, the closet was made of glass if there even was one.
And Leo was proud of how good he was at reading people, at figuring others out, what made them tick though he’d keep that information stored in until he needed it, act like he was blind to their weak spots, to their thought process, because that way they wouldn’t expect it.
So, realizing he had a huge crush on his best friend, oh boy, it wasn’t immediate, he didn’t actually know where it started, but one day you were just belting out songs for karaoke night and you looked so handsome all excited, singing to the top of your lungs alongside him unabashedly, his own voice stuck to the back of his throat.
Leo ended up coughing out his lungs after the shock of realization hit him mid-song, and you patting his back was just making everything more difficult while he tried to wave you off and say he was fine, rushing to put the next song in so you wouldn’t see the expression on his face.
It shouldn’t have been a surprise, and in retrospect, it really wasn’t, he knew what he liked, he just hadn’t noticed you filled out all his checkmarks.
You didn’t seem to realize, but after that coughing fit the rest of the songs that played through the speakers for you both to sing seemed to all be love songs in some way or the other.
Leo took the chance to study you, to try to figure you out and it was jarring that at the moment he couldn’t, he wasn’t reading you like he usually could, but that was fine, he could figure it out later, right now he just wanted to enjoy the feeling of falling in love with the person who knows him better than anyone and stays.
It started with him noticing he didn’t mind your touch.
There were moments in which he still just didn’t want to be touched at all, but more often than not he wouldn’t mind your touch at all, it was an exception he made in his mind, like when Mikey hugged him.
Besides, there was the fact that you were always conscious of his boundaries, asking or warning him before you would even touch him, sometimes he felt like just telling you to go ahead if you wanted instead of asking, but he held back from doing so as he wondered why he would even say that if it was logically just better that you asked beforehand.
He filed that information away in his brain, but sometimes it would pop up when you’d ask to touch him and suddenly your hands were on his forehead checking for fever or taking a hold of his to drag him somewhere or around him hugging him for just a second after a dangerous mission.
Just a bro hug, just a tug on his hand, just a concerned friend, so why, why did Donnie wish those hands lingered on him? Why did he wish for it to not be so friendly?
After much investigation and being hit with a ruler by Dr. Feelings, Donnie who had only had crushes on fictional female characters finally accepted realized he had more than platonic feelings for his best friend.
It’s not like he had never considered boys romantically he just hadn’t expected to be hit with this revelation with one of his closest friends, it was honestly terrifying, because if it had been a stranger he was attracted to or someone less close to him then coming to terms with the crush would have been easier, but because it was you his mind was rushing with various situations in which your relationship could be compromised should you not feel the same.
So, he reveled in your touch for the meantime, sometimes shuddering and your hands would fly away from him while apologies fell from your lips and Donnie would reassure you, telling you he wasn’t uncomfortable, that you could keep going.
And maybe he’d actually tell you now that you didn’t have to ask before touching him, make an exception with you, that would be enough for now.
As in tune with his feelings as he was Mikey didn’t realize as fast as he could have because when you were around his mind would immediately focus on you, your needs, your wants, your feelings, and suddenly everyone else including himself fell to second place.
That in itself could have been a good indicator, but once again, he was focused on you, not him.
But his thoughts felt so frequently on you it was impossible not to realize that when he was preparing a meal or trying a new recipe he would think of your likes and dislikes when it came to food and consider them while cooking, even when you weren’t going to eat there, he’d prepare the food while thinking of you so that the next time you came and he prepared it he could make sure it’d be to your taste.
Donnie complained a couple of times about alternatives Mikey used in a recipe to fit your taste, which is when the situation suddenly came to Mikey’s brain.
He thought a bit about it, but let it be for the most part until he found another indicator of his situation while painting.
He’d wanted to draw his family and thought you would be a good starting point, but while he painted suddenly what he’d drawn wasn’t enough, so he tried again, and added more colors, and details, and your eyes weren’t quite right, so he kept going and going, he just had to get this right.
In the end, the family portrait turned into a portrait of a boy, Mikey kept staring at it, the cogs turning fast in his brain while he kept thinking about how truly handsome he thought you were and boom, it suddenly made sense.
Mikey smiled, just admiring his work while he wondered if handing the painting he had obviously put so much care and love into to you would be too bold of a move.
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faerunsfinestmisfits · 2 months
From the Mun
This blog will be getting a major overhaul next week.
I've been finding it a lot easier for me to keep track of my muses and their interactions and drafts if I do the whole hub blog with sideblogs thing. So, I'll probably be making a sideblog for all my Origins and move all interactions over there, making this mostly a hub/request muse blog.
If you are sick and tired of my silliness with switching my blogs around and don't want to interact anymore I totally get it and no hard feelings. I'm doing this for my own comfort and sanity.
If you want to keep our stuff going I am more than happy to start new interactions in our verses or we can start over our verses, or we can keep threads from here going on their new sideblogs. If you want to wait until I make this transition to reply to anything we have ongoing feel free. I'm going to be making Astarion and Lae'zel their blogs first.
I will be keeping request muses here, which at the moment I only have Mizora and Raphael, and I haven't opened them up for interactions really just yet.
Of course, just like over on my Tavs and Durge hub, I'll make the announcement when everything is switched over and make a blog roll for the new blogs.
Thank you for your continued patience with me, I appreciate all of you who have stuck with me through me rediscovering the ins and outs of Tumblr RP.
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melkyt · 9 months
The most entertaining role swap has to be Gortash snd Astarion.
Gortash being taken by Cazador and Astarion being taken by Raphael. Now would they go the same would Astarion be the one who escapes or would he serve Raph 200 years later? There is less keeping someone with a devil then with a vampire but it comes down to who they are.
We know that Astarion tried to rebel only to be locked in a crypt so he would escape early on, and Raph would not chase him, as the devil did not chase Gortash. So he would be going about his life in Baldur's Gate, using his standing as magistrate and gathering power. I am not sure he would turn to Bane, but eh would turn to a god that would give him power without explicitly pledging his loyalty, though if he did escape the hells through the help of a god, then he would farther their goals just as he would take it as a debt owed i think.
Gortash, on the other hand, would be trapped by magic of being a spawn but just as determined to get away. I do not think he would give up either, biding his time and trying to find any work around to the power Cazador holds over him. He would try to turn to the dead three but Mephistopheles is a much bigger player then Raphael, and no god wants to deal with that based on shit Mephisto often pulls, so they are not about to take the soul from the archdevil. So Gortash is stuck much like Astarion was.
Now comes Durge, Astarion is not much of a planner, he is much more impulsive then Gortash who built his empire, I feel likee Astarion acts and asks questions later.
Durge is a strategist, moving one step at a time, forward towards a goal. We see that unlike Orin he does not act on impulsive kills, carefully taking out those who threaten either gortash' plans or their own. This would be the same with Astarion if he does support one of the dead three. But i think it would be slower, I dont think Astarion would immediately approach Durge until he becomes a target in the way, and the bhaalist goes after him.
I dont know why, but I feel that Astarion would not see or care about the assassin until its too late and end up with a dagger at his throat. He would make several bad decisions, not looking into the future and that lends him in hot water with the cult and thats why Durge corners him but I think Bhaal or the butler would have him hold his hand, it would be easier to have the network inbplace with a familiar face (if Astariong is not a follower of the dead three.)
If he is a follower, even on the surface level, it is enough, and Bane directs his eye to the elf and bids him to make a deal with threats or promises, whatever works best for getting him to do what they want. Durge is becoming the leader and mastermind of this little endeavor, the grand design, but it is less mutuals with a shared vision and more their gods demanding obedience in their vision. Druge does not mind, but Astarion resists the chains. In the early days, it is a tense relationship that becomes a situationship, gremlins with benefits xd
Then Durge still gets tadpoled, meets Gortash in the aftermath, and a vampire spawn with a cunning eye. Just as defensive and on edge in the first days post nautoloid but with a clear goal of taking down Cazador but not opening up about his situation to durge for a while. He is the kind of man who believes he has to do everything himself, and he will be damned if he is to trust a total stranger to do this for him.
Durge figures there is a revenge plot and a kill in the future, so they bug Gortash about it endlessly xd.
All in all, fun little roleswap au. I would end it an a polyship between gortash/durge/astarion hehehhehehe
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nekoshi13 · 10 months
You know, there's plenty to complain about wasted potential in characters, wasted story lines and the like but my biggest, hugest gripe with this show (beyond the homophobia but that's a different topic) is how much they wasted every archangel that wasn't Lucifer. And even Lucifer got absolutely butchered in season 15!
We met Raphael for so little that I can even think about what could have been done differently with him. Probably seeing more of the civil war in heaven would have helped both Raphael to feel more like an actual character instead of a figure stick placed to be Castiel's antagonist and Cas himself to not look like the asshole the writers tried to make him look like in s6
Gabriel was an amazing character that, like mostly everyone that wasn't Sam and Dean, deserved way more screen time that he got. But even with what we had, bringing him back in s13 to do absolutely nothing more than make Lucifer cry once and then killing him again was an absolute disservice to the archangel that died in the apocalypse facing his brother for the right reasons. He could have stuck around and if they really didn't want to have the power of an archangel on the side of the good guys then keep him depowered and let him process his trauma instead of healing in like 2 seconds
Michael... where do I even begin with Michael? The most powerful archangel, our Dean parallel in the celestial family, the obedient soldier that was still the nicest he could be to his vessels and I don't think he even had half an hour total of screen time. And let's be clear, I am not counting Apocalypse Michael here, this is about our world Michael, OG Michael. For starters we should have seen way more of him than we did. From season 11 onwards there were so many occasions in which the boys could have at least tried to talk to him AND THEY COULD DO IT but they never even tried. I do however love what they did with him and Adam when they finally left the cage, although I would have been the first one cheering them on if they went for revenge I think what they did makes clear just how different and not actually evil was Michael. I hate that even in the season where we know they are out there we barely see him, I would have loved to see more of his conflict about what his father did, seeing him grieve Adam (friendly or romantic, whatever is good for me at this point) and... well, here comes the biggest bad thing they did to him, I would have loved to see him stand up to his father, Michael deserved to do that, he was one of the angels who got most deeply screwed over by Chuck and he deserved to punch him in the face
And while in that topic... Lucifer. Lucifer was the archangel with the best arc, he was a great villain and the fact that the Mark was what made him like is in the first place made him actually sympathetic, when he told Michael he didn't want to fight him, the whole thing with Chuck I'm season 11 and then he realizing he had been played by his father in season 12 and wanting to prove he could do better was great. I loved what looked like a redemption arc for him because besides Michael, he also got incredibly screwed by their father. I hated that he turned on Jack like he did, I wish that whatever confrontation needed to happen at the end of season 13 would have been more out of being scared of AU!Michael and wanting to protect Jack even if he had to do it forcefully. The fact that Nick was somehow alive after his death was strange as fuck and I wish they had explained how exactly after he looked dead in S5 but regardless, the fact that he wanted Lucifer back I think says something about how he interacts with his vessels (when said vessel doesn't drag him back to his cage, I guess, sorry Sam, I love you). But biggest sin against him was how he went right back to Chuck like a dumbass in s15. S12 Lucifer, my beloved, he would never. He deserved to punch Chuck as much as Michael, I wish they had teamed up and punched Chuck together. Bet two archangels fighting god would have charged up Jack faster and would not have been as ridiculous as two humans being beaten up by god and being just mildly hurt at the end, they could still stand...
Anyway, the archangels deserved better, thanks for coming to my tedtalk
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not-poignant · 11 months
Baldur’s Gate 3 - 8/? - Palmarosa - Astarion/Raphael
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Title: Palmarosa Rating: Explicit Pairing: Astarion/Raphael Tags: (Check AO3 for the full list) Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Deals with a devil, Contracted sexual slavery, Bad BDSM etiquette, PTSD, Communication issues, Flashbacks, Trauma recovery and Retraumatisation, Dark and disturbing themes, Blood consumption, Minor character death, Canon typical violence, Dominance/submission, Top Raphael, Bottom Astarion etc.
Summary: (Set post-game / end-game) The love of Astarion’s life has disappeared to go live in the daylight with the druids, and Astarion is stuck in the darkness once more, yearning for sunlight with every fibre of his being, while bitterly reflecting on all the things that were denied to him in the end - love, sunlight, the option to kill thousands of people and become a near-god…
Raphael knows Astarion’s desperate, and comes to him with not one, but two horrid contract offers that Astarion loathes and dreads in equal measure - but the prize at the end of both are too good to turn down, and he’s become too cynical to care about how much of a good idea it is to give his body to a devil for a month or two, because really, comparatively, how bad could it be?
Palmarosa (Baldur’s Gate 3) - Raphael/Astarion - 08 - Gentian and Rogue's Morsel
In which Astarion tries to figure out what's going on, and Raphael chastises him through er, a rather liberal fingering marathon? Totally normal. He then uses a simple healing potion in an also totally normal way. I promise.
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