#And Shinichi agreeing without hesitation
detshin · 2 years
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So... D-did they go on their dates yet or what...?
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We Don’t Talk About Kudo
Hey, @nurbatart I’m your secret Santa! for your present, I decided to rewrite Heiji and Shinichi’s first meeting, with Kudo Fan Heiji and In-the-know Ran. I hope you like it!
Kudo Shinichi. 
The Modern-Day Holmes. 
The Detective of the East. 
Call him what you want; Heiji knew all the different names for his counterpart. He tracked Kudo all over Japan, through newspapers and TV reports, following his exploits with the dedication of a number one fan. 
Or the dedication of a stalker, as Kazuha liked to comment. 
He scoffed at the idea. To be a stalker, he’d have to physically follow Kudo around. And while he has tried to introduce himself to Kudo before, he always got there a day late, or they end up just missing each other. Besides, he wasn’t being creepy in his research… he was just being thorough. And the police should be thankful for that; otherwise, no one else would have caught on that Kudo Shinichi was missing!
It started with the sudden drop in appearances. Kudo couldn’t go a week without showing up in the news, solving one murder or another, grinning smugly at the cameras like he had a secret no one else knew about. He went from regularly solving murders to dropping off the face of the earth, without a whisper of his existence anywhere to be found! 
And Heiji looked. He looked for Kudo’s parents, but they were aboard, with no sign of having returned to Japan or even knowing their son was missing. He called up neighbors, pretending to be one of Kudo’s classmates, asking when they’d last seen him. He called his school, even, not that he could get anything from the receptionist. 
Was it kidnapping? He felt certain that it wasn’t murder—no corpses matching Kudo’s description had been found during his two months of being missing, but maybe his body hadn’t been found yet? If it was kidnapping, it didn’t seem to be for a ransom; his parents had made any suspicious actions that he knew of, nor moved any large amounts of money from their bank accounts. But why else would someone kidnap him?
Was it to keep Kudo from solving cases?
Heiji was at his wit’s end. There was no other choice; he had to bother Kudo’s woman. 
Mouri Ran, karate champion and daughter of the private detective who’d been making headlines in Kudo’s absence. He was hesitant to approach her at first—she was Kudo’s woman after all, and had a reputation herself as being extremely capable in a fight—but after he observed her everyday actions, he could only come to one conclusion: Mouri Ran knew what happened to Kudo. 
No girlfriend could live her daily life as happily as her while her boyfriend was missing. Mouri Ran went to school, practiced karate, hung out with her friends, and looked after her little brother, all without worry or fret. She didn’t even seem to care that no one had heard from Kudo in two months. That meant one of two things: either Mouri was in contact with Kudo… or she was compliant in what happened to her. 
That meant a confrontation was natural. 
Still, he hadn’t expected her to glare at him like that! It even made him nervous, her glaring at him with her arms wrapped around her little brother. Maybe he deserved a little bit of it—the kid had drunk some alcohol after all, even he knew that was bad for kids—but her defensiveness seemed out of place. Almost like… she was expecting someone to come asking around after Kudo. “I don’t know where Shinichi is.”
“Oh? You seem pretty unworried for someone who’s boyfriend is missing.”
The kid in her arms paled as she laughed. “Boyfriend? Shinichi’s not my boyfriend, he’s my best friend! And why would I be worried? Shinichi goes off on cases all the time; just because he’s taking a while investigating doesn’t mean he’s missing.”
Heiji wanted to ask more questions—what cases was she referring to?---but then a woman came to the agency’s door to ask for help. The old man Mouri agreed and Heiji decided to tag along, only to get kicked out of the apartment while the family got ready. Rude. Pressing his ear to the door, he could only vaguely hear the sounds of an argument going on in the other room, before Mouri-chan’s voice rose above the din. 
“We won’t talk about Shinichi!”
The case allowed Heiji to learn more about the Mouri family. The father was an alcoholic who couldn’t deduct his way out of a paper bag. The kid was adopted and snooped around like a professional snoop. The girl hated his guts. But none of what he learned pointed to where Kudo was, so Heiji resigned himself to solving the case. He had identified the killer, but then–
“No, that’s wrong!”
Leaning against the doorframe was Kudo Shinichi himself. He panted heavily, like he’d just run several kilometers (because Heiji knew Kudo was a soccer player, and obviously could run up the stairs with ease), and his eyes had a glazed appearance to them. His skin shined under the fluorescent lights. He’s sweating, he realized. 
Kudo exchanged a quick word with Mouri-chan, who seemed shocked and, dare he think, horrified to see Kudo there, before pinning Heiji with his full attention. Heiji swallowed. Kudo’s hair and clothes were ruffled, disheveled, like he’d just rolled out of bed or had… A hot rush of blood flushed Heiji’s face. “It’s not the butler. Let me look around, and I’ll prove it to you.”
Heiji was so thrilled by his appearance, he let him.
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tantei-chan-4869 · 3 years
Chapter 1: The Return of the Female High School Detective
"Hnnng..... Ahhhhh!"
Edogawa Conan screamed as her body felt like it was melting. The painful sensation was unbearable as her fist clinched tightly to her chest while she gasped for air. The girl was trying to wait for the antidote to work.
Outside, a small scientist and a knowledgeable professor waited anxiously for the high school detective to finally return to the way she once was before being shrunken into a 7-year-old first grader.
"Kudo-kun?" Haibara knocked on the bathroom door gently. "Are you alright?"
She leaned her ear against the door. No responses was made. The shrunken scientist was about to open the locked door with her spare key until she felt the professor's hand on her small shoulder. Haibara looked up and met with the professor's calm eyes.
"Give her some time." He said. "It'll take some time for the effects to work after all."
Haibara bit her lips. She hesitated a bit before letting go of the doorknob with a sigh. She can only hope for the best. Just as the two of them was about to go back to the living room until the bathroom door clicked open. They turned around to see a beautiful 17 year old girl with waist length straight hair stood before them with a grin. Her school uniform fit snugly around her hourglass figure as she looked herself up and down. At last, she spoke.
"Haibara..... It worked!"
Haibara was indifferent. She secretly breathed a sigh of relief that Shinichi is alright. But she still have to keep the high school detective at a close watch just in case she go back to the 7-year-old first grader again.
"It may look like it's working now. But you don't know if it's permanent after 3 days. I'll have to keep a close watch on you just in case the antidote lost its effectiveness. In those 3 days, make sure you keep watch as well. Let me know if anything felt different or felt off.... " The small scientist trailed off as she made notes on her clipboard. "You may go home for the day, but again, contact me or the hagasei when anything happens."
Suddenly, Haibara turned around and looked at Shinichi very seriously and pointed at her with the tip of her pen.
"Remember, let. Us. Know. If. Anything. Happens. Got it?"
The high school detective scratched the back of her head in embarrassment. "Hai, hai. Of course Haibara. Thanks again for the antidote. I'm just glad to be back again."
The said scientist didn't say anything. She just turned around and walked away as she mumbled to herself. The hagasei only gave Shinichi a kind smile. The detective shook her head. Well, first day back as Shinichi was here and she was not about to miss out on that.
The detective immediately rushed back to the Kudo manor. Subaru (aka Akai) had already moved out of there so the whole place belonged to Shinichi once again. As soon as she got back home, the first thing she did was to take a walk in the Beika park. It had been a while since she had taken a stroll so she decided to go take a breather.
The detective changed into a comfy white turtle neck sweater and a blue skirt before going running out of the door with a scarf and a long coat. She looked around the scenery before her. It was autumn and leaves were already turning red. The air smelled of pumpkin spice and cinnamon. The chirpy detective was so happy that soon she had bumped straight into someone without looking.
Shinichi stumbled backwards. Just as she closed her eyes and was expecting a close contact with the ground until she realized that she didn't fall. The detective peeked out and was soon fascinated by a pair of indigo eyes staring at her. For a minute, she was lost in those orbs.
"Uh, are you okay?" Came the voice of the owner of the indigo eyes. It was cheerful and full of life with a mix of flirtatiousness.
"Ah- I... I'm alright.." she looked away blushing, aware of the arm that was wrapped around her slim waist that broke her from the fall.
"Ah, where are my manners." Said the stranger as he let go of Shinichi. Then, with a wave of his slender fingers, a blue rose appeared before Shinichi's eyes.
"Boku wa Kuroba Kaito. Douzo yoroshiku! (My name is Kuroba Kaito, nice to meet you!)" Kaito said as he took a bow while offering the flower to Shinichi.
The girl blushed pink. "Watashi wa Kudo Shinichi. Tantei desu ne douzo yoroshiku." (I'm Kudo Shinichi, a detective. Nice to meet you too.)
"Tantei eh? So you're that famous-" before Kaito have a chance to finish his sentence, his mouth was immediately covered by a very stressed Shinichi.
"Shush! I'm trying to keep a low profile! Don't be so loud!" Shinichi hushed. " I can't really explain how or why. But please, don't spread the fact that I'm around. I'm supposed..... To be dead."
With that, Shinichi had a very serious expression. Kaito noticed it but decided to keep a poker face. "Ah, I see...." He trailed off. Whatever the reason it may be, it seems like his favorite critic can't tell him why she's been disappearing for some time and suddenly popped out like that. Something told him not to pry.
It's not that Kaito doesn't know where Shinichi had gone to or who she is. In fact, he remembered her clearly as that moment she fired a bullet at his direction at that fateful night a year back. Kaito recalled the adrenaline rush as he tried to make a rather embarrassing escape from the detective's sharp, piercing blue eyes. He couldn't stare into them. No matter how much more exquisite they are than the bluest sapphire. Kaito just couldn't. He was afraid that as soon as he make eye contact, the pair of truth-seeing eyes would drill a hole in his soul and shatter his pokerface of a mask.
"..... Earth to Kuroba-kun, daijoubu desu ka? (Are you okay?)" Shinichi waved her hand in front of Kaito's face with a concerned expression. "You haven't been speaking and you look exhausted-"
Indeed. There were quite some heavy bags under the magician's eyes as the night before he managed to pull another successful heist and pranking a certain blond detective who vowed to catch him while cursing loudly as he was left behind with temporary green hair dye. Kaito chuckled. "Oh nothing. Just feeling the fatigue of the night before. I had a huge exam that came up so I stayed up all night. It's nothing other than the highschooler trouble. Wouldn't you agree, Shin-chan?" He winked and smirked, flustering Shinichi in the process. "Also, please feel free to call me Kaito."
"D-don't call me Shin-chan! Sure we've just met but we're not that close to be calling each other by the nicknames!" Shinichi looked away, blushing and pouting in the same time."So please keep your distance, Kuroba-kun".
Kaito sighed. The high school detective is just as much of a tsundere and snappy as usual. But he's not the type to give up very easily. He only grinned back and got another blue rose out of nowhere. "A beautiful rose for a beautiful lad- achoo!" Kaito's sentence was interrupted by a rather loud sneeze. Shinichi gasped and bowed her head in apology.
"I'm so sorry for keeping you Kuroba-kun!" Shinichi gushed. "It's cold and yet I'm keeping you.... Do you want to.... Perhaps come over to my manor and warm up before going your way?"
Kaito was very much appreciative of the offer as he was only clothed in a dressy shirt and very thin suit pants. The nerve of the magic performance had left him feeling very hot and made him leave the rest of his top by the water fountain nearby. Kaito shuddered, the warmness had left him. "S-sure. Why not. I'd love to see what Tantei-chan's place looks like." He teased while packing up his stuff. In the blink of an eye, Kaito finished. It was so fast that even the detective herself was quite amazed of how fast he's actually managed it.
"Ready?" Kaito asked as he appeared beside Shinichi. Poor Shinichi, she was so baffled that she barely made out what she was saying before the the two was on their way back to the Kudo manor.
While they were walking, the two were both silent, each filled with their own thoughts. It was Kaito who broke the awkward moment.
"So Tantei-chan....." He began. "You've said that you are currently staying low in profile. What do you exactly mean by that? I mean, you were the most famous detective in Tokyo. There were almost no one that haven't heard of the name 'Kudo Shinichi'. So why staying low?"
The said detective froze in her tracks, forming a small battle in her head.
"Should I trust him? I just met him....." A voice ran in her head. But her instinct told her otherwise. After much battling and curious stares from the magician, she sighed and faced him.
"I'll tell you. But you have to promise me that you won't tell anyone else." She said gravely. "I don't usually tell anyone something like this, but because I trust you, I'll tell you."
Kaito only nodded silently, signalling Shinichi to go on. Taking a deep breath, Shinichi begin telling him her tales. Of how she was following the BO members, discovery their illegal trade, being discovered, shrunk and how her life was living as Conan. By the end of the story, Kaito started at her in shock. "Y-you're Meiantei-!? B-but how?"
Now, it was Shinichi's turn to gasp. "W-what did you just say-?" She immediately put up her guard up against Kaito as she took a step backwards. They were in a dark alleyway. No one ever passes this area often this late at night, and even if Shinichi was to scream, no one would be able to hear her. "Did you just call me 'Meitantei'-? Who are you, Kuroba Kaito." She asked again, as there is only one person who ever called her Meiantei. And he happened to be her worst rival and secret crush.
Hearing his whole name being announced and recovering from the shock that Shinichi is Conan, Kaito for a minute stood speechless as he was trying to process the information. Until Shinichi repeated her question again did he realize that he's messed up, big time.
"Shinichi-, I'm sorry.... I-....." Kaito stuttered. Shinichi only glared at him coldly with her azure blue eyes. "I repeat for the last time, don't lie to me. Who. Are. You.?" She narrowed her eyes to a slit as she crossed her arms. Kaito lowered his head. It was his fault that he might never get to confess to Shinichi of his feelings for her. But he had to be honest. So he sighed and looked into her eyes.
"You must've have guessed. Of course, for a brilliant detective like you, I have nowhere to hide. Yes. It is I, the Moonlight Phantom. Kaitou KID." Slowly, a smug begin to form on his face as he put his poker face on. "Looks like we'll have a lot to talk about tonight~" he said seductively as he slowly approached the unguarded detective. She slowly backed away, her heart beating wildly. She was fearful. What does he wanted do to her?
As his steps echoed closer, Shinichi shut her eyes in despair. "Help me..... someone. Anyone. Help me....."
Author's Note:
Cliffhanger! Yay! UwU. Anyways, if you're at this point of the story, you must've had patience to finish the entire chapter. Congratulations! I'm so honored that I'm so entertaining to the point that you're able to bear with me until the end of chapter 1. If you like it like this, I'll continue to write longer chapters for your satisfaction. Please bear with me as the updates may be coming slowly. But I hope you like this chapter! (Psst chapter 2 is on the way UwU)
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❉ 139 Dreams (Shinichi Okazaki) Off Guard
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📑 Table of Contents
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Romance ☁
Word Count: 2,000 ☁
Pairing: Reader x Shinichi ☁
World: NANA ☁
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚: *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: . ☁
You frowned at the beer in your hand, hanging your head. You didn’t understand what was wrong with you lately. When you were writing your first book, the words flowed like water from a faucet, and ideas had been popping into your head left and right. You finished writing that book within only four months and, six months after that, the book was published with a well-known company.
When you had gotten the news that your book was on the best-sellers list, you felt absolutely ecstatic. Calls started pouring in, congratulating you on your debut success and your publisher began to push you for book number two, despite the fact that you had no plans of turning it into a series.
At the time, you felt energized and excited, immediately agreeing to the demand, but when you finally got around to sitting down to start writing said book, your mind went as blank as the page. How many times had you set the pen to the paper only to lift it back up again before a single line was written? What happened to that overflow of ideas you once had? Did they just disappear into smoke?
‘Am I just going to be a one-hit-wonder? Is this really where my dream ends?’ You found yourself wondering as your hand clenched the bottle tighter.
Your two close friends had long since stopped chatting, exchanging worried looks as they watched you. Koko reached out, setting her hand atop your own, which snapped you from your thoughts. You sent her a confused look. Was she trying to confess or something?
“Are you okay?” she inquired softly.
You forced a bright smile, sitting up straighter. “Yeah, I’m fine!”
“You were zoning out again,” Lee commended, resting his chin in his hand.
“Was I?” You sheepishly rubbed the back of your head. “Sorry, it’s been a long day. Writer’s stuff, you know.”
Koko hummed, reaching into her purse for a pen. She scribbled a number onto the napkin under her glass before sliding it over to you. You looked at it curiously, raising a brow – it wasn’t a number you recognized.
She giggled, her cheeks turning pink. “Call him. He has a way of knowing just what a person needs! Trust me, Y/N, Shinichi will blow your mind.”
You frowned down at the napkin, running your thumb over the dried ink. ‘Maybe I do need to get laid to clear my mind… Maybe if the experience is as good as she claims, it’ll even inspire something within me for the next book,’
After spending thirty more minutes together, the three of you exited the bar and went your separate ways. As you walked down the street, folding and unfolding the napkin, you decided to just bite the bullet. What did you have to lose? You pulled out your phone and dialed the number, heart racing as it started to ring.
“Hi!” You answered a bit awkwardly. “Is this Shinichi?”
“This is him,”
“My friend gave me your number,” you chewed on your bottom lip, trying to think of the right words.
He chuckled and you faintly heard the flick of a lighter. “Would you like to make an appointment? I’m free tonight and will meet you wherever is convenient.”
“Oh, um, yeah! That’ll work. There’s a motel on Honjo street… do you know it?”
“Yeah, I’m not far from there. I’ll meet you there in twenty.”
“Sure,” The phone went dead and you ended the call, turning around to head in the direction of the motel. Night had long since fallen and the parking lot was nearly empty as you approached the glass door of the office where you found a middle-aged woman sitting behind the desk, drinking from something within a brown paper bag before coughing violently as the liquid went down the wrong pipe.
You forced a smile, pretending like you hadn’t seen the scene. “I’d like a room for two days, please.”
She hiccuped, turning toward the computer – an ancient fossil of a thing that you were surprised even worked. You had to repeat your information several times before she finally got it entered correctly. After confirming the payment, she handed you the key for room 204 and you stepped out into the chilly night. Movement from the left made you glance over, seeing a male stepping out of a taxi. He was thin with spiky, powder blue hair. Multiple piercings glinted under the light of the streetlamp, covering his ears and even one connected to his lip.
The man turned around after paying his fare and smiled, approaching you without hesitation. He was definitely cute but… something about him felt off and you just couldn’t put your finger on it.
“Hi,” you said softly, playing with the key in your hand to calm your nerves. “Shinichi, right? I got us a room.”
He smirked, “You work fast~” And then his hand slid into your own, his fingers calloused and rough. “Lead the way,”
With a nod, you started toward the row of rooms, glancing at him every few seconds. “I hope you’ll forgive me, but I’m not sure how this works.” You slid the key into the lock and entered the room, letting the door shut behind the two of you. “I’ve never done this before…”
Shinichi smiled gently as he sat on the side of the bed, hands behind him to support his weight. “Don’t worry, we can take it as slow as you need. First, tell me your name.”
You took a seat across from him on the other bed. “My name is Y/N,”
“Y/N,” he tested the way your name tasted on his tongue. “A gorgeous name for a gorgeous person.”
You giggled. “You’re quite the charmer, aren’t you.”
“It’s my job to be. Now, what is it you’re looking for, Y/N?”
Your lips parted to answer, but nothing escaped and your shoulders slumped as you frowned. ‘What do I want?’
Sensing your hesitation, Shinichi stood up and gently pushed you back onto the bed, his body hovering over your own as his knee settled between your legs and his lips pressed into the skin beneath your ear. His voice was husky as he spoke, warm breath tickling your skin. “Don’t overthink it. Tell me what’s bothering you, what made you give me a call.”
Your hands gripped at his slim waist, fingers sliding through the loops on his jeans. You’re not sure exactly what came over you, but you didn’t hesitate to spill your guts to this man, telling him every little detail from the moment you started writing to the current pressures from your publisher. Sometime during the story, he had shifted so he straddled your waist, looking down at you with wonder shining in his blue eyes.
“You’re really a best-selling author?” He grinned. “That’s so cool,”
“Yeah… cool.” You smiled back, but it was forced. “It’s looking like it’s just gonna be the one, though.”
“Hmm, I’ve always heard that it’s easiest to write about what you know or what you’ve personally experienced.”
“I’ve heard that before,” you admitted. “But my life hasn’t exactly been exciting or interesting.”
“Even so, you just got to start writing.” Shinichi stood up, pulling you with him before searching the small table between the two beds. He found a small pad of paper and a ballpoint pen and handed them over to you. “Don’t overthink it, just write whatever comes to mind.” He gave you an encouraging smile, tugging you toward the table.
You had very little hope that it would work, but his expression was just so damn cute you couldn’t deny him. Taking a deep breath to clear your mind, you sat down across from him and set the pen to the page.
And you started to write.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚: *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: . ☁
You burst through your apartment door, startling Shinichi who was sat on the floor with his guitar in his lap. “Shin! Guess what!”
He hummed, setting the guitar on the floor beside him as he crossed his legs. “Did you finally get a promotion at work?”
“Even better!” You cried, throwing yourself to the ground across from him. The excitement was so high that you couldn’t even sit still.
Shinichi frowned, leaning back against the couch. “Did you get a boyfriend?”
You rolled your eyes, smacking his knee. “No, you dork. My publisher approved the new book!”
“That’s great!” He smiled brightly, launching himself at you. You squeaked in surprise as the force sent you tumbling backward, his arms tight around your waist as he snuggled his face against your chest. “I knew you could do it, Y/N. I’m proud of you.”
You brought your hand up, fingers lacing through his hair, slightly stiff from the amount of gel he used to make it so spikey. “It’s all because of you, Shin.”
And it was. Since that first fateful meeting two years ago, you had met with him twice a week, soon going to three times a week before finally asking him over to your apartment where he spent several nights at a time. Each meeting, he would encourage you to write whatever came to your mind while he sat and observed you. You grew close to him pretty quickly and, soon, you completed the first draft for your next book.
Together, the two of you read through the draft, making corrections or changes as you saw fit. This book was just as much his as it was yours, and you made sure to tell him so.
“I helped with the ideas, sure, but you’re the one that put in the real work.” He responded, a smile lighting up his face.
“Move in with me,” you told him suddenly, feeling your heart quicken as you realized what you just said. ‘Shit, I said the first thing that popped into my head!’ You knew Shinichi was a prostitute and that he hadn’t stopped seeing his other clients since meeting you. You never figured he would, to be honest, but… you had let yourself get too attached to him and now it hurt knowing he went to see other people, sleeping with them and spending time with them.
He was a young, attractive man, so naturally he would rather be with the clients that actually slept with him rather than picking his brain for ideas for a book. The farthest you had gone with him was a kiss on the cheek.
Silence fell over the apartment and you closed your eyes, wishing you could just disappear. ‘Y/N, you idiot. God, why did I say that?’
Shinichi pushed himself away from you after the words had left your lips. The minutes ticked by in absolute silence, seeming to stretch on forever as you prayed that the ground would just swallow you up whole.
He took an intake of breath, slowly releasing it. “Okay,”
Now that caught you off guard. Your eyes snapped open, locking with his own. Had you misheard him?
With a soft smile, he leaned forward until his forehead was resting against yours. “I would love to live with you, Y/N.” And then his lips found yours and you knew he had developed feelings for you, too.
You nipped at his lip before flipping him over so that you were hovering above him. “You joked about me finding a boyfriend. How could I when you’re the only one I want, Shinichi?” You hoped your feelings could reach him, eyes shining with love. “You don’t have to sell yourself anymore! You can have my money, live in my apartment, eat my food. You never have to worry about making money anym -”
He cut off your words when he grabbed the back of your neck, slamming his lips against yours to silence you. It was obvious he didn’t know how to convey his feelings through words like you could, so he used his body to do the talking for him. And to you, his desires were clear as day.
‘I’m yours now,’
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚: *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: . ☁
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gisachi · 4 years
ShiRan kiss prompts #12
Hi...sorry for the long wait. ^^;; Burnout hitting me like crazy, but I want to deliver new content so here it is, and I hope this is okay! This went waaay above my word count limit but whatever. xD Also I realized only after I finished writing this that I kinda strayed away from the prompt so I’m sorry if this played out differently from what you’re expecting, Anon! 😬✌🏼
12. Sneaking away to a hidden corner to share a secretive kiss. (2,363 words)
Something’s off about Shinichi lately.
Between them, Ran knows herself as the moodier one, so it comes as a surprise when she starts to notice Shinichi acting sourly around her in class. When something bugs him, he usually won’t hesitate to tell her right away, so the fact that he isn’t bringing this one up bothers her a little.
This moodiness has been going on for two weeks. And two weeks ago was the arrival of Sakuraba-kun, a transfer student from London.
Sakuraba-kun’s fairly attractive with his blonde hair and brown eyes, and can speak a little Japanese because his father is one. Girls from their class envy Ran for being assigned by their sensei to assist him with Japanese classes, Ran being his seatmate. So for the past two weeks, she’s often seen around him, making sure he gets his homework done, and Sakuraba-kun cracks jokes once in a while and Ran laughs. A fun lot this classmate is.
“Do you find him attractive?” Shinichi asked her once as they ate lunch.
“He has nice features,” Ran casually replied, not finding the need to add, ‘but he’s not my type’, so as not to thread into the topic of who her real type is, with him.
Sometimes, she sees from her peripherals how the guys in their class whisper something to Shinichi, only for them to snigger and his face to contort into a god-awful frown and curse them away, and then the rest of the day is just him sulking and staring out the window.
Sometimes, before she and Shinichi go up the rooftop for lunch, they bump into Sakuraba-kun and he stalls them for a few minutes, and Shinichi tries to get into the conversation but Sakuraba-kun brushes him off everytime, leaving him peculiarly quiet the remainder of lunch break.
Sometimes, Sakuraba-kun catches up with them on the school gate before starting their walk home, and he goes in between him and her as he walks with them for two blocks before they part ways. Consistently, Shinichi releases a ‘tch’ under his breath whenever Sakuraba-kun places his hands on Ran’s shoulders before bidding her - only her - goodbye.
One time, during their walk home to which Sakuraba-kun wasn’t invited, he openly asked Ran about her relationship with Shinichi, having noticed how they always walked home together. She blushed at the question, unable to meet Shinichi’s eyes as she stammered, “Uh, we-we’re—”
“She’s my best friend. And I’m hers. Anything wrong with that?” Shinichi butted in, face blank but voice dead serious as he walked ahead without looking at their direction.
When he noticed that the two weren’t walking along, he glanced back and saw an amused Sakuraba and a blushing Ran tucking her hair behind her ear.
“Yeah, something like that…” her eyes remained fixated to the ground, Shinichi’s ‘and I’m hers’ replaying in her ear like a broken record.
“Mm. So, just friends?” Sakuraba-kun’s eyes drifted between Ran and Shinichi. He beamed annoyingly and patted Shinichi’s shoulders for the first time.
“That’s nice to know, Kudou-san,” he simpered, winked and walked away.
In those two weeks, that’s the first time Ran heard Shinichi audibly grumble.
The rest of their walk was spent in silence.
The next day was even worse. First period hadn’t even begun and Shinichi’s already as quiet as a rock, which only happened when he’s deep in thought about something. Ran wanted to ask him why, but her attempts always got interrupted by Sakuraba-kun asking for her help in some homework he probably knew the answer to already.
Before she knew it, the day’s already over and as she packed her bag, Shinichi silently drew near her desk.
“Ran, can we talk?”
“Oh, Shinichi. About what?”
“Hey, Ran-san! Are you ready for tomorrow?” the London boy interfered, shouting to her from across the door, “I already asked mom to cook her signature meat pie and I’m sure you’ll love it!”
Flashing him a kind smile, Ran waved him goodbye. “Yes, I’ll see you then, Sakuraba-kun!”
He disappeared out the door, and Ran returned her attention to Shinichi, who witnessed their interaction and was now eyeing her questioningly.
“Sakuraba-kun invited me to his house for tomorrow’s tutoring session,” she began, before he could even ask.
“Okay,” Shinichi nodded his head, averting his gaze to the window. “Okay. I see.”
There was thick silence; she swore she could hear a needle drop.
“I’ll go with you,” he said, and Ran’s eyes widened.
“I, uh... I’m not sure, Shinichi.”
“Sakuraba-kun said to come alone, since his flat isn’t big enough for more than five people, given his parents and brother are there.”
Shinichi perked an eyebrow.
“That guy asked you to come alone?”
She nodded.
“And you agreed?”
“I...don’t find anything wrong with it?”
His nose wrinkled in distate.
“Ran. A transfer student we barely know is inviting you to his house, instructing you to come. Alone. Aren’t you getting a little too comfortable with this?”
He said that with a slightly raised voice, and Ran’s eyes narrowed into crinkled slits. What was he implying? Was he really going to get mad at this?
“What’s with that ridiculous mindset, Shinichi? Sakuraba-kun isn’t up to anything bad. I can confirm that because he showed Sonoko and I his flat last week and-”, she paused midway, biting her lip.
More silence, and she knew right then she wound him up when she saw his jaw visibly clench.
“You went there, and you didn’t tell me?”
“B-Because! You’re going to get upset again,” she gestured vaguely at him, “Like that.”
He threw his head back, pinching the bridge of his nose. “God, you think wrong. I’m feeling worse. The hell are you like that?”
“The hell am I...like…Excuse me?”
In that moment something in her snapped. Apart from his spiteful tone, he didn’t even seem to think through the ramifications of his words. She was just trying to be considerate. But the way she saw it, he’s making her feel like it was entirely her responsibility why he felt worse.
“I don’t get it Shinichi,” she clenched her fist, tight. “Why are you so upset with me when it comes to Sakuraba-kun?”
“What? Is it wrong to be worried for my best friend?” he answered with an equally frustrated voice.
“That’s a lie and your smart brain needs to think of a better reason!” Ran screeched, taking him aback.
“Even if he isn’t doing anything to me in school you’re still acting so bitterly and I don’t understand why! And it only happens with Sakuraba-kun! Just admit that you’re being immature hating on another who hasn’t done you wrong!”
“What?! I-”
She saw the strong urge in him to say something but deciding against it the last minute.
It wasn’t her intention to shout but she couldn’t help it. If only he wasn’t this overbearingly flippant. If only he was more careful with the words he said, and wasn’t saying. Isn’t saying.
She waited for him to speak but instead, he ruffled his hair, grabbed his satchel and walked away, not even giving her a second look.
“Forget it. Go if you want to.”
That day, Shinichi and Ran didn’t walk home together.
The last bell rings and people start to dissipate. Shinichi refuses to talk to her the whole day, and Ran internally struggles as to whether she’ll talk to him first and apologize.
For what, though? She cannot even explain what happened yesterday. As far as she knows she didn’t do anything bad, maybe apart from being a little too harsh with her choice of words.
But it’s Shinichi who started it, she thinks. So she decides to hold on for a little longer, ignoring the little pang in her chest.
She really hates it when this happens.
Her phone pings to an email notification from Sakuraba-kun saying he’s waiting for her at the school gate. She blinks at it and closes her phone. At this point she isn’t even sure if she wants to go. But sensei has given her this job of tutoring him, and she must comply.
That makes her think. Sakuraba-kun is nice and all, but does tutoring him come with the obligation of teaching him whenever, wherever he pleases?
She sighs, pushes herself out of the chair, and stares at Shinichi’s back from two seats away. How she wishes Shinichi’s doing this with her so he can at least talk her through it.
But isn’t that what he tried to do yesterday?
“Are you still going?”
Without looking behind him, he addresses her, and she knows it’s for her because they’re the only ones left in the room. Instantly her mind snaps back to her irritation at him.
“Yes.” She replies, purposely hinting annoyance through her voice.
Shinichi exhales sharply, rolls his eyes and stares out the window.
Seeing that there’s no use arguing and Shinichi doesn’t seem to be in any mood to talk, Ran gets her satchel and walks out the classroom. Before she descends the stairs, she hears the sliding door open and his voice reaching out to her.
“Don’t go, damnit!”
Ran stops walking, half turning her head over her shoulder. “Why?”
“Don’t go there alone. Or at least. Study with him in a coffee shop or somewhere.”
“Or just take me with you.”
“I’m asking you, Shinichi. Why?”
He doesn’t speak, letting the silence linger on, shallow footsteps of people echoing from afar.
“Do you like him?” he asks lowly, voice barely above a whisper.
“What? No! What’s with you, Shinichi?!” Ran scowls, this time turning around to face him.
“Have you ever thought that the reason he wants you alone is because he likes you?”
Ran’s lips shut tight, unable to reply. She won’t admit that that does cross her mind a few times, but she isn’t one to care so she sets it aside.
“Have you thought of the repercussions of being alone with a guy who likes you and wants you alone in his house?”
“He isn’t—”
“Have you ever thought that maybe the reason why I’m in a foul mood is because I don’t want that to happen?”
Ran would’ve been blushing if she isn’t so peeved.
“So it’s about what you want now? I’m not gonna go because that’s what Shinichi wants?”
“Then do you want to be alone with him in his room?”
“I’m just going to help him with his homework! You make it sound like I’m wanting to—”
“So you don’t, right?”
“Y-You’re giving me weird thoughts now! Baka Shinichi!”
He drags his feet to her, still not done talking.
“Then, have you ever thought that the reason why I’m in a foul mood is because you’re spending a lot more time with him than you are with me and god, I hate it?”
“B-But I need to because sensei asked m- Huh? Wh—”
“Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, about you, I-” breath short, he stops just before her, eyes never leaving hers. Ran’s face heats up, realizing how close he is now when a minute ago he’s just by the door of the classroom.
Gulping hard, she stands her ground, trying to look unfazed. She takes one step forward, meeting him eye to eye.
“Stop with the questions and answer me first, Shinichi!” she demands, voice laced with authority. “Why? Why do you not want me there? Why hate on him?”
He opens his mouth and closes it again, fists clenching and unclenching.
“And don’t tell me you have the right as my best friend to say all these because Sonoko is my best friend too and she doesn’t get mad when I’m with Sakuraba-kun!”
From the distance Ran sees two of their teachers talking to each other, walking to their direction. They don’t have much time. She doesn’t want their teachers asking them why they’re still around because she doesn’t know how she’ll explain this, and Sakuraba-kun is waiting for her outside.
“Answer me.”
She tries to sound commanding, but his silence exasperates her and she feels the corner of her eyes sting. Screw this. Once the teachers get nearer, she’ll just leave him like that and endure this petty fight for one more day.
“Just- whatever, Shinichi. I’ll-”
“Ugh. You want to know why?”
Not giving her time to reply, he grabs her wrist and pulls her behind the wall by the stairs, pinning her not so gently but not so forcefully either. Ran’s eyes widen, and shortly after uttering the first syllable of his name, she is stopped by his lips clashing with hers, muffling the rest of her sound.
His lips are firm and compelling, enough to paralyze her neck down. It lasts so quickly that Ran doesn’t even have time to close her eyes before he separates.
With eyes still closed and brows furrowed, he rests his forehead against hers and breathes heavily, cheeks as red as the setting sun spilling over their faces.
Her pulse starts to gallop a hundred miles per hour.
“Don’t go.”
Hearing him say that again, more expressively this time, makes her forget how to breathe. And when she does attempt to breathe, he closes in again and captures her lips.
Though the press of his mouth remains commanding, there’s this certain softness in it that makes all the spite in her heart disappear. She suddenly forgets why they’re fighting, overpowered by her need to close her eyes and just...feel.
To feel his hand climb the crook of her neck, resting below her ear. To feel his grip soften around her wrist, holding her like a fragile glass he doesn’t want to break. To feel his chest against hers thunder from his raging heart, dancing in sync with her equally restless one. To feel his silky lips move against her dry ones, kissing her lovingly like he is hers, and she, his.
Has she been misunderstanding him all along?
He opens his eyes slowly, meeting hers. She loses herself at the waterfall of emotions gushing from his eyes, a mixture of affection and frustration and everything else in between.
“That’s why.”
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detectiveran · 5 years
Wait what about a combination of 78 and 79? If it's too much just one of them will do lol (also if it can be shinran that's great)
Ah, thanks for the prompts anon! It’s an AU, hope you like it.
78. “Just because it’s Christmas/New Years doesn’t mean I have to dress up.”
79. “It’s New Years/ Christmas! Of course I need to dress up!”
Ran Mouri was in love with the cocky Shinichi Kudou.
She couldn’t be faulted for it though. Ran had been head over heels for Shinichi Kudou since their freshman year in college. He was a popular guy, being a huge detective and all. On top of that, his cocky exterior gave him a confident aura which attracted everyone around him. He was a part time soccer club member and his athletic build vouched for the matches he had played. At first sight, he was conventionally attractive. Ran had seen him on the day of orientation and had stopped for a few seconds to admire him. After all, he was a household name but then had moved on. While yes, looks were great and all, if his personality wasn’t good, the whole package was a waste. So, she didn’t pay him any extra heed like all her other class mates did.
The thing was, he was even beautiful on the inside as she soon came to find out. When some stalker had started to up his game by leaving voice messages and disturbing pictures to her, she decided to contact the resident detective. She didn’t want to contact the police, knowing that her mother would blow up a gasket if she ever found out that her daughter was being stalked. She preferred for the case to be solved as quietly as possible. And so she talked to him. 
Ran knew that a mere stalker case was nothing compared to the huge murder cases he had solved but she hoped that he would help her out, otherwise she would have to go to the police. But when Kudou-kun looked concerned and wasted no time in asking for her phone to see what the stalker had been sending, Ran let out a sigh of relief, he was going to help her.
She smiled gratefully at him and said her thanks. Kudou-kun didn’t even notice and murmured something along you’re welcome, too busy going through the texts. Ran rolled her eyes. Well, he wasn’t famous for nothing. 
They exchanged contacts, Kudou-kun warning her to walk in well lit places and to always stay on alert and to not hesitate to use her karate if she felt threatened. Ran cocked an eyebrow when he said that. She had never mentioned to him that she practiced karate. When Kudou-kun saw the question in her eyes, he smiled cockily and gave her a long winded explanation on how strong her muscles and build was to not belong to someone who was inclined towards strenuous activities. A little bit of research and observation and he knew that Ran Mouri was a regional karate champion. Ran rolled her eyes and said, “You’re awfully proud about admitting to check up on me.” 
“Ah, yes, well, I do tend to check up on things and people who catch my eye,” he said with a smirk.
Okay, so her heartbeat may have doubled up and she may or may not have been blushing. But it wasn’t her fault! Who did that! And with that face and that tone of voice! Ugh!
She knew she was bright red and mumbled, “Thanks for your concern.” 
She didn’t have to look up from the spot on the ground she was staring at to know that damned smirk hadn’t left his face. The way he said you’re welcome spoke loud and clear.
Ran would have and could have stopped from falling for him then though. So what he was a bit charming and a good guy who checked up on her and was actually interested in talking to her as a peer rather than a client. But slowly, he started to worm himself into her heart. He didn’t stop talking to her after her case was solved and her stalker was behind bars with a few broken ribs courtesy of Ran’s kick. 
He started to sit beside her and sought her out. She started to offer stories and anecdotes about herself. He started to share about his passion. She started to rant about medicine to him without any prompt. Slowly, they opened up themselves to each other. Kudou-kun became Shinichi-kun and Mouri-san became Ran-chan. They started to exchange jokes, having little inside stories that no one but themselves and then the rumors started.
Kudou-kun and Mouri-san were in a relationship. 
Apparently, college wasn’t that big step up when it came to rumors. They denied it, individually and together but when questions about why they weren’t dating other people were asked, Shinichi was frank in answering, “I’m not interested” while Ran fumbled a bit but agreed with what Shinichi said. 
She wasn’t interested but then why had she hesitated to answer? Oh well, the matter was solved and while they were teased about how close they had become in a few months’ time, neither of them paid any attention after they had made their stance clear. 
Well, Ran thought she did but when she woke up one morning on a snowy day and saw Shinichi waiting for her at the university gate with a big smile on his face and Ran’s favorite coffee in one hand, her heart sped up. She had never felt warmth like that and she knew her face reflected the happiness she was feeling. She jogged her way towards him and straightened her hair out when she reached him. Shinichi, though, looked a bit stunned. Ran wondered what was wrong but he quickly shook his head. 
She wondered what had made her so happy. Following that incident thought, she noticed a pattern. Her heart would race whenever Shinichi would be around. For a few weeks, he had taken up to taking Ran with him whenever he had cases to solve. He had called her his side-kick affectionately and Ran promptly kicked him softly. Satou-keiji would tease how Shinichi-kun was bringing his girlfriend around with him everywhere, saying that a murder case wasn’t a date a girl would appreciate. While usually, Ran didn’t stutter when she was teased, for a few weeks now, she would be blushing to her roots, vehemently saying that no, they weren’t like that and what girlfriend. 
Needless to say, both Shinichi-kun and Satou-keiji were onto her. It was just unfortunate Ran broke first. 
When fliers about a year end party were being distributed, Ran was feeling lazy. She didn’t feel like going. Just because it’s Christmas, doesn’t mean I have to dress up. She would rather stay warm in her fleece blanket and sip on hot coffee. She knew that Shinichi-kun avoided parties like this so there was practically no incentive at all. Her best friend wasn’t going, so why should she. She wasn’t that big on other people, a true introvert. 
But when Shinichi said, “Of course, I’m going to the party. C’mon, Ran-chan, you gotta mingle with other people,” Ran reluctantly agreed. 
A shopping trip was in order though. She didn’t have nice enough dresses and she knew Shinichi-kun hailed from a rich family. She wanted to look good for him and she remembered him saying that his favorite color was red. She recruited her best friend, Shinichi-kun himself, to help her shop. After all, wouldn’t it be best if he chose what he liked for her if she was dressing up for him. 
When they entered the shopping mall, Shinichi-kun whining why he had to come with her when she was shopping for clothes, Ran marched in forward to a shop that looked affordable but fashionable. She held the dresses she liked in front of her, quasi modelling and asking for his opinion. This went on for three dresses and when Ran was busy checking herself out in a red knee length dress she had picked, Shinichi cleared his throat behind her.
“Uhm, Ran-chan, why are your dresses red? There isn’t a theme as far as I’m aware,” Shinichi said.
Ran absentmindedly answered, too busy evaluating the dress “Oh? You like red, don’t you? So I thought I should buy something in red.”
When silence met her, Ran furrowed her eyebrows. Had she said something wrong?
She thought about what she had said and... Oh!
Ran was stuck to the spot, afraid of looking at him. She had been planning her dress according to his taste all this time! And she wasn’t even aware of it, not until he straight out asked! She had to salvage this awkward situation and before she could think of anything, she whirled around to face him and chuckled awkwardly, “I mean, it’s Christmas, of course I need to dress up! Red’s the color of Christmas, right? So, yeah, that’s why I was choosing red.” She gathered up her courage to look into his eyes, trying to gauge whether her excuse had worked or not and when she saw his cocked eyebrow, she knew that he didn’t believe him.
She chuckled a bit more, babbling to diffuse the awkward situation, knowing it wasn’t salvageable.
“So you’re dressing according to what I like?” Shinichi asked with a smirk.
Ran knew he was teasing her, enjoying the fact that she was reduced to a bumbling mess. He was used to this, she knew. He was used to girls fawning over him but Ran refused to be turned into one and so she gathered up whatever courage was left and answered back, “So what if I was?” 
Shinichi’s smirk grew bigger and he answered, “Well, I would prefer to have you dressed in nothing, though.”
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balancingdiet · 5 years
Detective Conan & Magic Kaito Characters: Kaito/Shinichi & Ran Words: 1430 ish Required Fic: Tabula Rasa  Extra: (1) (2) (3) (4)
In the midst of cleaning Shinichi’s mailbox, a visitor arrives.
Kaito sighed, flipping the cloth in half before going for the last scrub.
Without fail, Shinichi would demand Kaito to clean his mailbox whenever his doves—mainly Tamago—did their business on it, but for the first time, Shinichi wasn’t by his side, with arms crossed and observing eyes watching his every movement. It was currently still office hours and Shinichi wasn’t back home, but under the scorching sun and scattered clouds, Kaito decided to take the initiative and clean the mailbox earlier. He could procrastinate and wait to be dragged out later by Shinichi after he knocked off from work (which was usually what Kaito had done), but today he had to go to Jii’s bar to go through the plan for an upcoming heist; there were lots of tricks involved, and Kaito guessed the preparation might also drag overnight.
In fact, Kaito was already late for the meeting, and he shouldn't even bother with this literal shit—
“Excuse me?”
Kaito turned towards the voice.
His eyes widened.
Kaito pressed the cloth hard on the mailbox, almost enough to make a dent.
He fully turned instead, leaving the cloth on the mailbox as his hands swung by his body, looking weightless and free. That was what he always showed to everyone, but to him, more often than not, his hands felt like they were near a fire. Close enough to feel the heat, but not enough to burn.
Just like the night of—
“Ah,” Kaito heaved out a sigh and mustered a smile at Mouri Ran, who was standing before him with a piece of paper in her hand. “Can I help you?”
Ran smiled back.
And seeing that, an ache spread across Kaito’s chest, like a nail being struck against his heart with every beat.
But his face never falter to that pain.
(He wondered if his dad was proud at how he had mastered the poker-face.)
Ran showed him the paper. “I’m wondering if you know where exactly is this address?”
Kaito glimpsed at it (not like he really had to figure out what was written) before pointing at Shinichi’s house. “It’s this one.”
Ran bit her lower lip and glanced at the front door. “Do you know the person who lives here?”
Kaito wished he could laugh at the question. “Yeah, Kudo Shinichi.”
Ran nodded, as if Kaito had passed a test he didn’t know existed. But when her gaze drifted curiously between him and the mailbox, Kaito cleared his throat. “I’m his neighbour, I live there.” He pointed to his house.
“I see.” Ran’s voice was levelled, neither suspicious or kind.
“Anyway, are you looking for him?” Kaito asked, diverting her attention away from him.
Ran looked awkward at first, but she nodded her head in the end.
“He’s out though, most likely returning in the evening.”
“Hm.” Ran caressed the corners of the paper, lips pursed thin and tight. She let out a sigh later before raising her head to show him a smile again.
This time, Kaito had to look away, and he pretended he did so to pick up the cloth from the mailbox.
He could still relive short moments, and worse come to worst, stab himself if he couldn’t; but if he had to see another second of that smile—that smile that reminded him of what he had taken away from this earth—he supposed he might need to die.
He knew his heart well enough to know.
“Anyway, thank you,” Ran said after a short bow, but from Kaito’s sidelong glances, she showed no signs of leaving.
“Is there something wrong?” Kaito asked, his eyes still lowered at the mailbox.
Ran rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly. “... May I ask you to keep my appearance here a secret?”
Kaito finally found the energy to face Ran. He kept silent, hoping it would prompt her to continue.
“I, um... The thing is... we had a fight. And, well, I got angry at him and we haven’t spoken since.” Ran stared at the ground, her eyes and lips drooped simultaneously. “In fact, I haven’t decided what I want to do yet, so... I— I just don’t want him to know I’ve been here. That’s all.”
“Oh.” Kaito stroked his chin. “Did he cheat on you?”
“Ah, no!” Ran shook her head, her face and neck growing red. “We’re not— I mean... I’m... his friend. Just his friend. So it doesn’t matter if he has a girlfriend or what, but um— that’s not the point. Anyway, our fight has nothing to do with cheating.”
While staring at Ran’s frantic mode the entire time, Kaito decided to forgo the entire plan of teases he had prepared in his head. Besides, if he wanted to tease, the target should be Shinichi anyway—
But Kaito had already teased Shinichi before, back then when he came to retrieve the stolen mail from his house. He remembered asking if the mail was Ran’s love letter, and the cold respond from Shinichi’s voice and face was enough for Kaito to know he should never do that again.
And not just for that reason; Kaito supposed he owed Shinichi a favour when Kaito’s panic attack spiralled out of his control that particular night...
But in that case, should he also count the first night when Shinichi saved him from dying? And also how he didn’t send him to the police at his weakest moment? And what about the times when Shinichi did very unnecessary things, like visiting the hospital to see his performance, when Kaito actually brought it up as a joke...?
Shinichi sure had done a lot of things.
Kaito briefly shook his head, brushing away the thoughts and saving them for later.
“You don't have to explain anymore, I’m just throwing random guesses anyway,” Kaito said, in a way it was relevant to the truth. Shinichi never told him, but it was roughly simple to guess what their fight could be about.
(And it was a fight Kaito wished he had the privilege to go through.)
His words and the smile plastered on his face seemed enough to relax Ran and ease her out of her awkwardness and embarrassment. “So, can you keep this a secret?” she asked again.
“Sure, I promise.”
“Thank you.” Ran bowed. She then took a step back, preparing for a turn.
She did.
“Time... doesn’t heal all wounds,” Kaito muttered.
Ran blinked. “I’m sorry?”
“Time doesn’t heal all wounds,” Kaito repeated, his voice stronger this time. “It’s what we do and the choices we make that lessens or distracts the pain.”
Ran gaped, but her eyes did more work of showing her mute surprise. And what followed after the silence was that little, slow understanding that seeped its way into her features.
“About the fight you had with him,” Kaito continued. “You said you haven’t figured out what to do, but I think you do know, and that’s why you came at the wrong timing; because you know what you should do, and you’re hesitant to do it.”
Ran let out a breath that mixed between a sigh and a laugh. “You think I should do it?”
“That’s how you can lessen your pain.”
“... Because time doesn’t heal all wounds.” Ran's eyes flickered to Shinichi’s front door, and Kaito caught her lower lip quivering.
“As for Shinichi,” Kaito began, easily guessing what Ran was thinking. “I think only if he knows you forgive him, then it will lessen his pain.”
“Does he...” Ran swallowed. “Is he in pain all these while?”
“I don't think I can answer for him.”
Ran nodded, seeming to agree. Then, to his mild surprise, she turned and looked into Kaito’s eyes.
“I hope you are okay too,” she said, holding her gaze.
Kaito couldn’t help but laugh, and it wasn’t entirely acting as his usual defence mechanism. “Do I look like I’m not?”
Ran parted her lips, but in the end she retracted her original words after a shake of her head. “Anyway, thank you, your words mean a lot to me.”
Dear Diary, What should I do?
“... It’s nothing.”
“It means something,” Ran affirmed. She then tugged onto her handbag, gave the house one last glance, before looking back at Kaito. “I’ll get going now. Thank you once again.”
With that, Ran turned and left.
Kaito waited, and waited a long while more, until he was sure he was far and safe enough to walk towards the same direction as where Ran had gone, for the train station to reach Jii’s bar.
Aside from planning, he might also need a pint or two tonight.
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CoAi Week 2019: Day 1
Ticking Heartbeats
♡ August 25th - Day 1: Time
Time heals all wounds.
Shinichi tries to remember this as he waits in the airport.
While he agrees with the notion to an extent, it’s not easy in practice— not when those wounds involve broken trust and empty promises.
At first, he thought that it would be difficult with Ran and it was. Heavens above, it was. But they’ve known each other for most of their lives and they’ve only just started dating at the time so they managed to power on through eventually.
No, what blindsided him was trying to build back the trust he once had with Haibara.
The fallout for his carelessness on the school field trip to Kyōtō had almost cost them everything; had even forced Haibara out of hiding. And in the end, it was because of Haibara they’ve managed to survive at all as the blonde used the same fear that used to cripple her once upon a time to fight back with reignited paranoia and vigilance; protecting those they love from an ambush while he fought in the front lines. It brought to light on how much he didn’t really know Haibara as the scientist planned and outwitted their enemies in ways that awed even him.
At the time, it made him wonder if this is who Haibara was before she lost her sister— the one they called Sherry; the Organisation’s top mind and scientist.
It both excites and chills him, knowing how deadly Haibara can really be.
Nonetheless, he’s grateful for having a partner as capable as Haibara especially when the scientist fought so hard to help him return back home to his life. Thinking back, Shinichi realises that it was the first time he ever hugged Haibara and mourns at what came after. With his body regained and his loved ones safe, Shinichi immediately went to Ran without looking back; honestly thinking that the worst was over.
It wasn’t until he woke the next morning to find that Haibara left Beika that he realised how wrong he was.
The only thing he knew at the time was that Haibara had took Jodie-sensei previous offer to be in FBI custody and left with only a goodbye to Agasa-hakase. It stung something fierce and he had pestered those in the know until they gave him the chance to talk to the scientist.
The ensuing fight brought a lot of ugly issues to light; things that he was too oblivious or careless to realise until it was too late.
I’ve already given you the antidote, Kudou-kun, Haibara had murmured, tired and weary. What else would you need me around for?
It left his blood cold when he realised that for all the time they’ve spent together, Haibara had thought that he only kept the scientist around for the antidote. Anger had coursed through him at the thought before crippling shame took over when Shinichi recalled his previous actions and words to the scientist. His continued carelessness with the antidote and disregard for Haibara’s warning and advices had made him grit his teeth in guilty silence.
Things weren’t the same after that, even after he tries to distract himself by settling back into his life again.
The weeks after the Organisation’s downfall were excruciating and it wasn’t only because of all the cleanup they had to do. Haibara didn’t ignore or snap at him whenever he called. The blond was brisk and clipped as ever.
But there was no denying the distance Shinichi suddenly found stretching between himself and his friend. While Haibara entertained his calls, the scientist no longer teased him or confined in him. Their bantering were nonexistent and he remembers missing the sarcasm and sass that used to come easily between them. For weeks, it was nothing but business between them as Haibara no longer spoke to Shinichi unless absolutely necessary. Shinichi has seen Haibara explode in anger, mostly due to his recklessness but in those cold weeks, Shinichi found out that Haibara was astoundingly good at giving the silent treatment without actually being silent.
It drove him mad to the point that he requested (actually begged) to meet Haibara, even just once; even for just a moment because he thought that maybe he had already given the biochemist enough space to at least take the chance to make amends. The fact that Haibara agreed at all was fortunate and Shinichi found himself at the American Embassy in Minato Ward as Akai-san stood guard nearby.
Shinichi hadn’t wasted his time and bowed, apologising to the woman he unintentionally wronged. It must’ve been an odd sight; a teenager bowing to a grade schooler but Shinichi didn’t care. Not if it meant his pride and carelessness would cost him the friend he was just getting to know.
He finally understood that the way he prioritised certain things and people in his life had caused Haibara pain and wondered if an apology for not only endangering their safety and even forcing Haibara out of hiding to protect his friends and family would be enough. It was especially humiliating because he didn’t broke just one but two promises at the time; to not get caught while attending the field trip and to protect the scientist.
Damn it all to hell, Gin had almost killed Haibara because of him.
Thankfully, an apology was all Haibara had been waiting for because the hesitant smile Shinichi received was the first he ever gotten since their victory and the distance between them wasn’t so wide anymore. Eventually, he had to say goodbye to Haibara and watched as Akai-san escorted the scientist back. For safety reason, he wasn’t informed of Haibara’s departure from Japan until days later in a form of an untraceable email with only an address to an apartment nearby Thames Street, London.
There was still a certain tentative caution to Haibara’s actions and words in the following weeks but it got better from that point on and Shinichi was careful not to take his friend for granted anymore.
Haibara became his confidant in anything and everything, and eventually Shinichi earned the right to be hers in return.
It was to the point where Haibara was the first person Shinichi turned to when he and Ran broke up. While he always believed that they’d be inevitable, some part of Shinichi knew that he and Ran wouldn’t last; not after what he went through as Conan. Maybe they could’ve made a happily ever after that would’ve lasted a lifetime but they had built each other up so much in their heads to ever make it work in real life. It was wonderful and beautiful while it lasted; everything he dreamed of since he was a kindergartener. When reality crashed down on him almost a year later, he shakily called up Haibara while it was probably in the middle of the night in London.
Paralyzed and voice stuck in his throat, a heavy silence stretched on before Haibara told him in the softest, kindest tone he had ever heard from the biochemist.
It’s okay to not be okay, Kudou-kun. It’s okay to be human.
Shinichi doesn’t remember much from that day except that he spent hours with his phone pressed to his ear as his body shook with sobs; mourning for the dream that he had to wake up from. It was also the first time that he was lulled to sleep by Haibara’s singing, curled up in his chair inside the library.
Neither of them ever mentioned what happened that day but Shinichi felt the first shift then, and life continued on as he got back to his feet and mended things with Ran. His relationship with Haibara became stronger as time marches on; so much so, that Shinichi can say that he at least earned back that bit of Haibara’s trust before he unknowingly lost it. But time means distance and distance has given him a great deal of perspectives.
Time and distance have also made his heart grow fonder for the scientist.
Weeks turned into months. Fondness shifted into affection as they became better friends; phone calls and emails to long video calls that became as frequent as three times a week.
Months turned into years and affection morphed into love. Impromptu visits to London over the summer (because he’s a Sherlockian; he’d take every chance he can get to go to London. That, and he’s come to really like Haibara’s British accent, okay?) to daily phone calls when he’s back home in Japan.
Just like the passage of time, his fondness for Haibara grew into something that rivals the love he felt for Ran. But different at the same time. It’s not the sort of reckless and passionate love he had with Ran that embodies the beauty of sweet youth. What he feels for Haibara is quiet, thrumming like a heartbeat; constant and reassuring.
Now, almost three years later; a week before his twentieth birthday, Shinichi is in the airport with Agasa-hakase by his side; low key panicking about what he’s going to say as they wait for Haibara to finally come home.
Shinichi doesn’t know how or why but it’s like there’s a ticking; a countdown in his head before a chime goes off and he looks up, zeroing in on the mass of people coming out from the gate. There’s a familiar head of blonde hair; that certain shade of Venetian that he’d recognise anywhere. It’s a bit longer now but still in that elegant perm. Then, he stops and stares when he realises that the one he’s waiting for is that of a young woman and not the eleven year old girl he saw last summer.
Shinichi never pried with what Haibara wanted to do with her own antidote and was even wiling to wait for the woman to grow up again before even thinking about courting her. But right now, standing with his mouth wide opened, Shinichi stares as Haibara glances around before sharp turquoise eyes land on him, softening into something warm and familiar.
There’s no running, no dramatic reunion. They walk towards one another, cutting through the masses with a single minded focus that has people stumbling away to make way for them until they stand face to face. There’s a dopey smile on his face and he’s happy to note that Haibara is also wearing a smile that lights up her beautiful face.
Agasa-hakase welcomes Haibara first; a father welcoming his beloved daughter home as he tucks her into a warm hug and fatherly kiss on the forehead.
When it’s his turn, Shinichi raises a hand, smile widening into a grin as suddenly, he knows exactly what he wants to say. “Happy to finally meet you. The name is Kudou Shinichi; detective. Yoroshiku."
Haibara breathes out a laugh, soft and unburden as she reaches out to grasp his hand into her own. “Likewise, Kudou-kun. I'm Miyano Shiho; CSI. Yoroshiku ne."
And before she has the chance to step back, Shinichi tugs Hai— no, Miyano to him and into a hug. Miyano stills in his arms as Shinichi murmurs against Miyano’s temple.
A beat then, Miyano relaxes and hugs back before pulling away a bit to cradle his face. Miyano looks at him for a long moment and he lets her, hoping against hope that all that time they’ve spent together after the fall isn’t wasted and that Miyano knows that he’s not that same boy he used to be.  Finally, he sees Miyano smiling, unrestrained and unapologetic and hopeful. She guides his head down to press a kiss on his cheek then rests their foreheads together.
Hands intertwined, Shinichi smiles and feels the final tendrils of old regrets fade away into nothing.
Time can heal all wounds.
You just have to try and do your part in it. 
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MJS Aftermath - SIX FEET Part 3
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While humble had never been easy for Miho, she had much bowing to do when she eventually went home to face Goto’s family. Though difficult, her apologies were sincere, for she had no desire to hurt them or compound their suffering, even if they did not agree with her point of view. A compromise was struck, and though she would not concede her belief that Goto was still alive, she accepted no accord would be met and did not pursue further attempts to convince them the whole funeral thing was a sham.
She resigned herself to being the most supporting daughter and sister she could be, though Issei seemed unsurprisingly angry at her still.
Shinichi, Seiji’s father, would have liked traditional Shinto customs observed, but the circumstances being what they were, there were several steps concerning the corpse that could simply not be performed as one might with a fully intact body.
Still, Miho returned to the Goto family residence out of Tokyo to help in the preparation of food offerings; her only real contribution that all offerings be made at a reasonably cool temperature, the way Seiji would have been able to eat it. But her resolve did not waver.
As the process proceeded toward the wake, she’d had several follow-up conversations with Liana, who had pledged to use her journalistic sources to investigate what current criminal organisations within Japan would have access to highly restricted flammables, despite knowing her husband would not be impressed if he found her meddling. So far, she had come up empty, though several organised crime groups had certainly been more active of late; Liana did not keep this from Miho or Jazz, the latter who was staying in accommodations nearby to continue offering Miho her support.
On the day of the wake, everyone visibly donned the darkness of their grief, and Miho robotically greeted mourners to accept their condolences.
She wanted to shout out how pointless all their words were, their tears, when Seiji was still alive somewhere – not a pile of bones awaiting further cremation – but she kept it buried behind a stoic, if tired mask.
Priests prayed and prayed and prayed, before mourners were fed, but Miho had no appetite. Under Subaru and Jazz’s watchful eyes, she remained quiet, while those who didn’t know her very well at all whispered about how strong the wife of a police officer had to be, how brave she was.
“This is normal, right?” Subaru whispered to Jazz as the pair observed Miho’s blank expression.
Her eyes were directed at the coffin, but there was nothing to see in her gaze at all.
“Miho’s never normal,” Jazz replied just as quietly. “And you know she’s only doing this for Goto’s family; she still won’t believe he’d dead.”
“I guess, maybe I can’t blame her, after that whole thing with her ex-husband’s faked death and all,” Subaru noted, but he was scowling – after all, this was difficult for him too. “But, how long do you think this will last?”
Jazz tilted her head a little as she considered her best friend, then looked up into Subaru’s face.
“I think you know her well enough now,” she said. “If she believes something, no one will sway her.”
“So, what do we do?” he scowled, as people began to line up to say their final farewells.
“We just be here for her, if she needs us,” Jazz shrugged, drawing in a deep breath and releasing it slowly. “For her, this isn’t nearly over.”
Shinichi first, Haruka then Issei, then it was Miho’s turn to stand before Goto’s coffin and bid farewell to the man she loved more than her own life.
It seemed silence fell, a thick blanket of tense expectation for those who knew how she felt; but when she spoke it was so softly only the closest ears could have overheard.
“I will never let you go,” she whispered, glaring at the coffin intensely. “And when I find you, I’m going to kick your ass for putting me and your family through this.”
That was his send off, and when all had passed and said their goodbye, the immediate family travelled to the crematorium.
It was ironic – Miho even wanted to laugh at the idea a man reduced to bone would be cooked all over again in the name of tradition – but she managed to hold it in.
Instead, she took some time alone before they all returned to the house, staring across the rows of headstones, of mausoleums.
“Not today,” she grated under her breath, jaw clenched as she was struck with an overwhelming pang of loneliness.
“Mrs. Goto,” Kaga said, clearing his throat. “I was going to congratulate you on whatever you said to unsettle Captain Ishigami,” he continued, his voice low. “But there will be more appropriate times for that.”
Miho hadn’t had as much to do with Kaga as she had Goto’s direct superior, but she knew the man was callous, or clumsy, or a mixture of the two – enough to not be offended by his awkward, misplaced dig at Ishigami.
“Tell me, Captain,” Miho said, her voice thick, her watery eyes fixed on the distance. “Do you believe it? What you’ve seen on your surveillance tapes? What you’ve heard, read in reports? Would Seiji be so incompetent as to fall prey to a death and make his wife a widow?”
For a man rarely at a loss for words, Kaga’s lips parted but no sound emerged. Unusually, he seemed to be thinking carefully before speaking.
“Would Lieutenant Goto intentionally put himself at undue risk?” he rephrased, but Miho intercepted his dodge.
“Not what I asked,” she snapped, inching a little closer to him.
“I am sure of what I observed, and am satisfied with the rigor of our forensic investigators,” he answered slowly, and Miho jumped on his hesitation.
“Damnit, Hyogo, you know what I’m asking!” she barked, giving his chest a bit of a shove, and Kaga snatched her wrist.
This caught the attention of Liana, who was standing nearby with a phone pressed to her ear.
“These are questions for Captain Ishigami,” Kaga told her, lowering his head and his tone.
“He was as slippery as you, and it’s suspicious,” Miho hissed.
“You’re grieving,” he asserted, trying to sound accommodating, maybe even sympathetic. “You’re raw and hurting and wanting all this to be a horrible nightmare, but…”
“I DISBELIEVE!” she snarled, shaking herself free, and several others looked over, including Issei.
“Captain Kaga,” Liana began amiably, as she approached to defuse a true blow-up of the situation.
She had since ended her phone call, and gave the pair her entire focus.
“Please, allow me,” she smiled warmly, slipping her hand into Miho’s.
Not quite with his tail between his legs, but certainly without reluctance, Kaga nodded and shifted away from the two women.
“You just saved him a black eye,” Miho hissed, scuffing her toes in the gravel irritably.
“Just a black eye?” Liana smirked cheekily, and this got Miho to smile wickedly.
“Yeah okay, he might have lost a little more; I’m fed up with getting chided for not being morose enough,” she muttered, allowing Liana to turn her away from the gathering at the shrine.
“Well, I just got off the phone with reliable source,” Liana explained quietly, “who said a known terrorist group on Public Safety’s watchlist called Kurai, had recently been planning a serious attack, but now the group is in chaos - something about an internal power struggle.”
“When?” Miho prompted, giving Liana her full attention.
“That’s what caught my attention,” Liana nodded. “According to my source, an attack targeting shinkansen lines was supposed to happen two days after Goto’s supposed death.”
Miho’s brows drew slowly down, but she wasn’t drawing any major conclusions yet, but the wheels were definitely turning. Liana’s acceptance of Miho’s belief in Goto’s survival was warming, a relief.
“No terrorists though,” Miho noted.
Any disruption to the train network would be big news – a case of terrorism, if it had occurred, would have been all over the news
“So their plans were disturbed,” Miho added, thinking aloud.
“I wasn’t able to get much in terms of specifics,” Liana admitted, “but,” she continued quickly, “Kurai is having a bit of a management crisis, which might explain why their plans fell through.”
“Seiji,” Miho exhaled. “This is totally his doing.”
“Entirely possible,” Liana smiled, but quickly her expression fell. “And if that’s the case, his death, could all be a part of the investigation.”
About that idea, Liana did not look at all impressed.
“I’m going to need to speak to your husband again,” Miho growled, and while Liana would defend Ishigami when he was in the right, she had no issue taking him to task when he was wrong.
“We’re staying here overnight,” Liana revealed. “I’ll give you the hotel address.”
 “Spill it,” Miho charged, the moment Liana opened the door of her hotel room.
Stunned, Ishigami blinked at the instant onslaught, but Miho did not even allow him to draw breath.
“He’s not dead, and you’re going to tell me what the fuck is going on or…”
“Stop right there, Mrs. Goto,” Ishigami said, emerging from his stupor.
“I will not stop!” she snapped – in his face, teeth bared and savage. “Whatever this is? Terrorists? All of Japan, the world in peril? Because if it’s not, the bullshit you’re putting me, and Seiji’s family through it outrageous and I…”
“You need to calm down,” he tried to reason, but Liana could see the cracks forming in his demeanour.
“Would you? If I told you Liana was dead, tell me you wouldn’t be in my face demanding answers,” Miho pressed, finally stabbing a finger against his chest, and there Ishigami lost his cool.
“That is enough,” he snapped, and even Liana flinched.
Miho’s lips continued to move, but no sound emerged.
After a few tense seconds, Ishigami adjusted his glasses and exhaled a slow sigh.
“Kurai,” Miho prompted, more tempered in tone. “Seiji infiltrated them, didn’t he?”
Walking to the window, Ishigami sighed again.
“Yes,” Ishigami admitted, softly. “And… his death… is essential to not only the success of the operation, but to his survival because…”
Hanging off his every word, Miho leaned forward; Ishigami turned back to the room and pair of expectant gazes, his own serious.
“There is a mole in Public Safety.”
“Who?” Miho blurted.
“If I knew that, all this would not be necessary,” Ishigami grumbled, fiddling with his glasses again. “The only way to protect him and his contact within Kurai, is to convince everyone in Public Safety he is no longer in play.”
“So… who does know he’s alive?” Liana asked.
“Myself, Chief Namba, and now the two of you, against my better judgement,” he answered wearily. “Though I must say, I am immensely relieved to have brought your suffering to an end.”
“I’d still be livid if I didn’t know you genuinely did this to protect Seiji,” Miho nodded slowly. “But am still pissed off you didn’t think me capable of feigning grief.”
“This is a case of substantial import,” Ishigami insisted. “Telling anyone what you have learned could not only destroy our chances of bringing down Kurai, but lead to catastrophic infrastructure damage and death.”
“I got it,” Miho huffed, running her fingers through her hair in a frustrated manner, before reaffixing her gaze on him.
“Have you had contact with him?” she asked, voice so much smaller. “Is he injured?”
“Not… recently, no,” he admitted, motioning for her to sit.
She complied.
“But his last communication was directly to my private number informing me of his status – unharmed – a brief situational report, and his strong suspicion he and his contact had been compromised by a mole in Public Safety.”
It wasn’t until a cup of tea appeared before her, that Miho realised Liana had snuck away. With a small smile, Miho accepted the offering.
“So, what do you do now?” she frowned, before blowing softly against the rim of her mug.
“Well,” Ishigami began again, moving to also sit. “I will have to inform Chief Namba that you’re now aware of the situation. He will probably wish to speak to you himself.”
  Though he was the Chief of Public Safety, when Miho followed Ishigami into Namba’s office, the broad-shouldered looked decidedly uncomfortable.
“So, where do you want it, Jin?” she dropped, flat and cold and staring daggers.
“Excuse me?” Namba blinked, looking from Miho to his subordinate.
“I believe she means to hit you,” Ishigami translated, and Namba’s brows twitched.
“Hit is the polite translation,” Miho snorted, pointing at him sharply. “I get your need for secrecy, but all this is bullshit – I should have been told.”
“Ah,” he nodded, shifting a little before his fingers knitted together before him.
“No doubt Captain Ishigami has now explained the seriousness of the situation?”
At this, it was Ishigami’s turn to squirm a little.
“I think we both know, Mrs. Goto is not one to let something go once she has sunk her teeth into it,” he said, then wished he’d used different phrasing when Miho bared her teeth.
“You knew marrying a skilled undercover agent could result in time apart,” Namba explained. “And that strict rules of confidentiality would prevent you from knowing the details of his missions.”
This was true, but in Miho’s mind, what they had done to her and the rest of Goto’s family was way beyond that.
“You killed me,” she asserted, tone low and dangerous as she leaned forward across his desk. “You carved out my heart, and you set it beside the heart of his mother, and father and brother…”
“For Lieutenant Goto’s safety,” Namba insisted.
“And that’s the only reason I haven’t crawled over this desk and ripped out your throat,” she growled, at which point, Ishigami did the brave thing and put a restraining hand on her shoulder.
“That is quite enough,” he told her firmly. “We are all sorry for the pain you have experienced, but as I said earlier, the greater good was, is served by the continuing secrecy of Goto’s mission.”
Surprisingly, Miho didn’t throw his hand off. In fact, she straightened and let out a long breath to balance herself before resettling her gaze on Namba.
“So, I suppose you want to get him home,” he then said, a sparkle lighting up his eyes. “And since you no doubt know most of what’s going on - if I’m right about your interrogation abilities – I have an idea of just how you can help do that.”
“Sir?” Ishigami frowned, but Namba held his hand up.
“If it was to become known in Public Safety circles, that you had received a missive from Lieutenant Goto prior to his death, and that you felt it necessary to take action upon that information…”
“That could draw the mole out to ensure what I fictionally know doesn’t reveal their identity,” Miho finished thoughtfully, already nodded.
Ishigami, meanwhile, was not.
“I am very much against this,” he declared. “Involving Mrs. Goto in this investigation is…”
“A brilliant idea,” Miho interrupted.
“Irresponsible,” Ishigami corrected. “A traitor in our midst willing to put the safety of the public and his or her colleagues at risk, in the firing line of the Kurai, is not someone against whom a civilian should be pitted. I should also think Lieutenant Goto would not want his wife put in undue danger.”
“Lieutenant Goto knows better than to tell me what I can and cannot do,” Miho sniffed, then flashed a nasty grin toward Namba. “Flush that son of a bitch in my direction, Chief.”
“Chief Namba,” Ishigami said, as serious as he may have ever been. “I will go on record with my disagreement; Mrs. Goto should not be any further involved in this!”
For a few seconds following the rise of his voice, the two others looked at him a little surprised.
“You don’t want me in danger, I get it,” Miho told him finally, her expression softening a little. “But Seiji can’t come home until the mole is revealed, and this will work. I doubt Chief Namba has a mind to strip me naked, tie a bow around my neck and shout-out to all potential traitors to come have a poke.”
Both men immediately blushed.
Like, fires of hell heat in their cheeks you could see in pitch black.
“For crying out loud, you’re both grown men,” she huffed. “The point is, I’m not signing up to die, but to be very well guarded bait. Do you have people who are above reproach? Kurosawa, surely,” Miho answered, before they could. “He idolises Seiji. There’s no way he would do anything to put him in danger.”
“Soma and Kaga,” Namba put in, though at the last name, Ishigami’s nose wrinkled.
“I’m not so sure about the last,” he declared.
“Leave him out then… Subaru… call Subaru in. He would never let anything happen to me.”
“He may well have a few things to say in opposition,” Ishigami added.
“Then he can stow it too,” Miho huffed. “Chief Namba, will you set this up?”
With only a few seconds hesitation, Namba nodded his assent, and Miho exhaled.
“I’ll wait for your instructions,” she sighed. “Whatever it is you need me to do, I will, don’t question that for a second.”
“I don’t think anyone would dare,” he noted, and there concluded the meeting.
Dun dun duuuun... the final part!
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hotcocosharing · 6 years
Double Troubles - the reunion. Part 11
Recap or familiarize with what happened click here
Picking up a little further ahead than where it was left off; the cast of Glory Days 20 years later have come back together for a college reunion; with life experiences, maturity (we hope) and are all hoping, for the least to have a good time. Let the magic unfold.
OC Eriko Sato & Midori Katayani
Voltage Canons Yukihisa Maki, Shunichiro Tachibana, Toshiakia, Shinichi Kagari & Rikiya
Part 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11
OC Eriko Sato & Midori Katayani
Voltage Canons Yukihisa Maki, Shunichiro Tachibana, Toshiakia, Shinichi Kagari & Rikiya
Toshiaki’s POV
The suggestion of meeting up for coffee seems like less than a fun opportunity to catch up with an old friend and more like having teeth pulled out without anaesthetic at the dentist when it takes more effort than I had at first initially expected for Eriko to agree to come out to a coffee house in the west of town that over the last few years has held its reputation as being my favourite. Seated across from the woman that I haven’t physically seen in years yet manage to catch a glimpse of every now and again via skype or even get a look into her life by reading in between the lines of emails she on the rare occasion sends, I smirk. Eriko’s become the complete opposite of what at first I thought she’d be capable of – strong willed, ambitious and victorious in her own right.
Sipping leisurely on the coffee in front of me, it’s a routine gesture of fixing my posture and adjusting my tie which gives me the opportunity to think of what it is I should be saying - a carefully selected string of words that never actually comes out the way I’d intended.
"The wife’s staying in tonight. It’s Tachibana’s retirement party and… if you were available or free; I’d like it if you’d accompany me. Pretty please.”
Okay, there was the easy part…. the proposal of suggestion; it was now that I knew more than just a smile was going to be needed to get Eriko to agree. “Ipromise, I won’t force you to interact with anyone you don’t want to and if a young flirty creep comes up, I’ll do my best to not have them try and make a move on you. So what do you say? It’ll be fun… the workaholic finally free of all corporate responsibilities.”
Ok… now came the cliche part. Showing off the greatest boyish grin I could muster. Fingers crossed she agrees.
Midori’s POV
“What do you mean you’re not coming?”
“Yuki, for the thousandth time in the last hour he doesn’t want me there. He’s just being nice. I showed you the letter. Shunichiro has made his mind up about his life and my life and how they aren’t ever going to converge, and I don’t want to put myself through what I already know is going to happen. So just drop it – please.”
By this stage – one would think that a friend would give up on trying to convince me to attend an event I wasn’t [nee – certainly] wasn’t sure about, but Yukihisa? No. My long-time friend turned unexpectant brother figure has made himself comfortable rummaging through my wardrobe; pulling out things left right and centre as ‘maybes’ and ‘no’s for what I could possibly wear. Rolling my eyes, I fold my arms across my chest and attempt to reason with him.
“I don’t have anyone to take care of Sakura.” “That’s bullshit, I already called your mother and she said she was free tonight.” “You called my mother?” “Yes – one, because she adores me and two, because I knew if you were free – you wouldn’t be able to say no.”
Biting my tongue as to not say anything I regret, I pull the gift out I’d semi-panicked over trying to select and with both hands, hold it out, clearing my throat with a small cough and smiling as to not come across as a threat. “Here… just take this and give it to Shun.”
“…you’re going to give it to him yourself.”
Fuck you’re a jerk Maki.
“…..and wear this.”
Before I’ve got time to quarrel again, Yukihisa’s already made up some excuse about needing to get going because the party is starting in a few hours and how it would be rude as Shunichiro’s longest standing and most loyal friend to not be there. Rolling my eyes; I glance down at the dress laying on the bed and call out loudly, “Sakura! Mommy has some things to do tonight so grand-ma’s coming over to baby sit. Make sure your room is clean please!”
I can’t believe I’m being almost guilt into this. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
Eriko Sato’s POV
Unmasked without foundation or concealer to cover my evidential sacrifices under my eyes, I gaze into the mirror, mainly at the man watching by the door frame whom has the fortune to see the most natural side of me for numerous of time. Setting our memories aside, the morning feast has done its wonder and the secret nearly slips through my grin- I miss him. Not sure if I should or what difference it might make but as of this moment, I miss Shinichi Kagari.
Shinichi Kagari’s POV
At this age, going onto mid 40s, one would think my actions should equal to maturity but the string of jealousy and admiration surge through my veins like I’m a hot headed twenty year old. The satisfying smile and praise from Eriko has sent me to cloud nine until she begins getting ready to be out and happilywickedly announces that she’s off to a date.
"With who? The guy who put a ring on you?” As if this would be the perfect morning-after conversation, I bring it up anyway- you never know with Eriko, this could be the last time I see her. “Does he like to share? Because I don’t."
Tone serious and colder than intended, my eyes are narrowed and fixed on her outfits- she looks nothing like a forty-year-old, confidence and youth seem to be in her favor. Lipgloss, lipstick, what are they called? Color on her cherry lips and a ponytail, it couldn’t be any simpler yet I’m still charmed by her stunning perfection.
"Are you jealous?"
Breath stuck in my throat, I couldn’t deny the obvious or the fact that I have absolutely no clue what this is or where we stand. Is there even a we?
"I miss you, Shinichi. Don’t think I should but I do and that’s that.”
Fuck, this is why I don’t need relationship. Unnecessary and overrated complications, unlike the beauty of mathematics- calculable and transparent.
“Lock up when you leave or stay.”
Her signature smirk leaves me hanging, standing alone in her apartment with train of thoughts murdering every single one of my brain cells- dishes, let’s start with dishes. Maybe a bit of chaos would take my eyes off things- why am I doing her housework?! Fuck she messes me up good!
Eriko Sato’s POV
Excitement turns cold at our irregular yearly ritual of exploring cafes around town the moment Toshiaki flashes his best boyish grin that only happens once in a blue moon and in need of something in return. Like the time he begged me to try on fancy dresses so he’d buy the right size for his wife or go hunting for the perfect anniversary gift with him. God, the things I do for this man!
Seated across the homme fatale who has caused me countless heartbreaks as well as a close friend for two decades, never once judge my immaturity or stubbornness. Despite our lack of meeting in person, our occasional emails exchange and Skype calls somehow pull us closer than I have with most people in my life.
The sun streaming across his face brings me slowly back to awareness, taking a moment to clear the fuzzy, warm feeling of seeing that rare but captivating smile from my brain and recognize there must be a reason for the choice of his words
“Does it mean Midori and ass face will be there?” I sigh helplessly, wondering how rude and offended I must have been twelve hours ago. Why do I even bother getting mad at two people who are no longer my concern? “Fine, when have I ever said no to you? Well… Just … that one time.” The words stumble out of my mouth, heavy with hesitation till my eyes meet his and the smiles re-emerge. No what if with this guy, I might have been reckless in my youth but rejecting Toshiaki Kijima is the one decision I don’t regret. He’s forever mine as I’m his, just in a very different kind of way. “There’s few hours left so you better go shopping with me so I’d choose a decent present. Are we absolutely sure that Tachibana is retiring? A leopard can’t change its spots.”
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detshin · 4 years
Is Vermouth really that evil, or is she just kind to Shinichi and Ran? These two are the only ones she remembers fondly and thinks of them as her precious treasures. She stood up for Conan on the bus as Araide, didn't tell Gin anything about Shinichi after Halloween and when she disguised herself as Azusa, she didn't want Ran to look at the corpse. She cares so much about them, but then you remember that she's also a serial killer, a member of BO and tried to kill Haibara.
I remember when Araide asked Jody if Vermouth was really that bad, because she helped many people, when she disguised herself as him. There's so much I want to know about her 😩
She is a very ambiguous character. You seem to love her, but you realize that the best ending for her is if she protects Conan or Ran from BO and gets killed, because if she survives in the end, she will still go to jail, because no matter how grateful Shinichi will be, he will still act as he always does.
Man, I love Vermouth. She's such a complex character. And we know so little about her but still is so great no doubt she's a fan favorite.
The thing with her is that she's undoubtedly evil. She's done so many things that she can't come back from. She's killed god knows how many, and she shows no remorse. She wants to kill Sherry because she's a traitor, but she stopped only because she has a deal with Shinichi. So yeah, she's bad.
But Shinichi and Ran... Those two are different. Ran is like an angel to her, she saved her life without hesitation even when in disguise as a serial killer, she gave her hope that she deserves saving. And Shinichi, again, he saved her too, but in more ways than one. Those words he told her have changed her, for sure. We don't know Vermouth's story with the BO completely, but she clearly wants Shinichi to survive so that he can end it all.
I wanna know more about her, and I'm sure most people think the same.
And about her possible ending, I have to say that I agree with you. It almost sounds like her destiny already. She will die saving someone, because that's what she learned from her angel and silver bullet. A perfect cycle.
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boop-ba-doop · 6 years
It was strange, mused Haibara. Alarming, too. She had been fully prepared to die two years ago, fully prepared to end her own life with the creation she was sure would kill so many more than just one arrogant high school detective. Fully prepared to die from her own creation. She didn't and... she still sometimes had mixed feelings about that. But she had been getting better with time. More and more often she found herself grateful for this second chance, grateful that she had survived. And, as Kudo-kun had said, she could do good like this, contribute to society and make up for what, and who, she had taken away.
She still sometimes found herself wondering when it would all get taken away, when They would find her and kill her, or worse, kill those who had become her loved ones. And wasn't that an incredible thought? She had thought after her sister had died, that she would never care so deeply for anyone else again. She was glad that she was wrong, she couldn't imagine life without the Detective Boys anymore.
It scared her more often than she cared to admit, it terrified her how easily she could be hurt now more than ever. If they were hurt or killed because of her, she would never forgive herself- assuming she would survive herself, anyway. They were a weakness, they could be used, and used effectively, against her and she hated it. Not them, though, never them.
“Ai-chan? Are you okay? You're spacing out!” She blinked, eyes flicking to Ayumi who was stood by her side, concerned, Genta and Mitsuhiko behind her. Warmth spread in her stomach as Haibara realised that she had worried them; it was nice to be cared for.
“Sorry, Yoshida-san. I was just thinking about the homework we have to finish tonight.” Haibara lied with a smile. She had never understood Kudo-kun's problem with lying before. Nowadays, she thought she could. It was an odd feeling in her gut, heavy, despite its necessity. Guilt. They were sweet children, innocent and naive and ignorant of the true horrors of the world, even through everything they had seen by proxy of being friends with her and Kudo-kun. They didn't deserve to be lied to. Kudo-kun agreed, she knew, as they had talked about it one night. Another failed cure, another “I don't blame you, Haibara” that always sounded fake, even if it wasn't. It had also been the night she had first brought up what to do if- when- a permanent cure was found and Edogawa Conan disappeared.
“Don't tell me you haven't thought about it, Kudo-kun,” Haibara said, exasperation lacing her tone. “You've made friends as Conan, primarily the Detective Boys, but plenty of others, too. What are you planning to say when he leaves and Kudo Shinichi returns?”
“That...” he sighed, shaking his head. “... I don't know.” Haibara felt her expressions soften without her permission at his weariness and compensated by making herself look villainous. She was good at that.
“You don't know? Honestly! I thought you were supposed to be smart!” She almost winced, the words coming out harsher than intended. The failure must have affected her more than she had expected if her emotions were this volatile.
“Well, what do you suggest, then?!” Kudo snapped back, defensively.
“Tell them,” Haibara said with no prior input from her brain.
“Tell them?” Kudo repeated incredulously. “Tell them their friend is actually ten years older than them? That there's a super secret, incredibly dangerous international criminal empire going around killing people? Or, wait, should we tell them their other friend's also a decade older and a murderer on top of that?” Haibara flinched violently, eyes narrowing and lips thinning. She could see the exact moment he realised how far he had crossed the line.
“Leave.” Kudo hesitated a second, but pursed his lips, gave a sharp nod and turned on his heel. Haibara waited until the door slammed shut and slid to the floor.
It didn't go well, Haibara recalled, but they had gotten over it, apologised and talked it over like civil people eventually. It only took a month.
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presumenothing · 7 years
superhero confidential [#2]
[ marvel au ]
                                                    << PAGE 2 >>
WE'RE NEARLY THREE HOURS INTO what is proving to be a very enlightening interview when another holographic screen pops up with a muted ping.
Miyano-san barely spares it a glance before standing up and striding around the table to the door. "Your new wings are done, Hattori-kun, I need to do the flight test."
"Huh?" Hattori-san looks up in apparent surprise, even though I'm certain that this moment has been planned all along.
"I'm going to tell the fabrication bots to paint them red and gold if you're not at the lab in fifteen," comes the reply from the hallway.
One exclamation of extreme dismay later, and we're left with the three of us and a suddenly-awkward silence in the room. I take the chance to swap out my voice recorder's batteries – I have the feeling that I'm going to need them, for whatever's coming up next.
When I look back up again, the two remaining Avengers are apparently having a silent but slightly heated discussion by looks and the occasional shrug.
It's Toyama-san who looks away first, while Kudo-san takes a deep breath, as if he's bracing himself for something. "You know who Ran is, right? Mouri Ran."
It's almost a ridiculous question, in this context.
Among most of the younger generation, the first thing that comes to mind about the good Captain's second-in-command is not the utter scandal (at the time, at least) of her having been revealed to be a woman all along, while the dust of WWII was still busy settling down.
Or perhaps it still is, just in a different sense – her story has morphed into a second Mulan of sorts, a fierce fighter who'd taken up arms to stand beside her childhood friend on the other end of a war. Girls grew up wanting to be that brave, to be just like her, never mind the staggeringly complex politics of the situation.
So to answer the question: yes, I know who Mouri Ran is.
This much is evident, because Kudo-san continues on a surprising turn. "What about the Winter Soldier?"
Now this question, unlike the last, is rather more complicated.
This much is known: somewhere between the events spanning the attack on SHIELD director Yamato Kansuke and the smoking ruins of that same agency in the Sumida River, the Winter Soldier went from an unlikely ghost story to a too-real spectre of death.
Eyewitness reports agree on the salient details: a woman of slender build, metal arm, and long hair. Filling the blanks of history with the SHIELD files gives us the rest: a list of kills confirmed or suspected, stretching back an improbable number of decades.
But that is all we have – facts that sketch the outline of a person, and nothing that fills that gap. We know increasingly more of what the Winter Soldier is, but nothing about who she is.
Not just yet, at least.
I say as much to Kudo-san, who nods, then hesitates for the first time in our time so far. "That was the first time I met the Soldier, yes. But the truth is – "
His voice falters and stops.
"It's alright, Shinichi, I can speak for myself," says a soft voice from the door, and I turn to see Mouri Ran standing there, metal arm and long hair gleaming dully in the low light.
THERE IS NO EASY OR KIND WAY to say this: Mouri Ran, one of the heroes of WWII, has also been the Winter Soldier in the intervening decades since.
None of it was by her will, as both Cap and Widow make certain to emphasise to me several times afterwards.
(There is also no mistaking that the two are acting as something larger than their usual selves, in this matter. They are each the quiet to the other's fire, and it is not at all difficult to see the same people who stared down both the Cabinet and National Diet – and, by all accounts, 117 of the UN's 193 countries – and willed them to blink first.)
At the time of this interview, the wheels of judicial systems both domestic and international have already begun to turn. Japan abolished its statute of limitations on murder in late April of 2010, meaning that cases dating from 1995 and onwards are still up for prosecution, and the possibility of extradition is still not entirely off the table yet.
But any and all trials will be strictly closed to the public, at least until the final verdict is released, and Mouri-san will be accorded all considerations due her status as a prisoner of war under extreme duress.
"I made it a non-negotiable condition of accepting the Accords," Kudo-san explains, in a brusque summary of what must have been an uphill fight against the many parties involved. "If we're going to sign over any part of our rights as enhanced individuals, we also need to recognise what happens when that power and responsibility falls into the wrong hands."
All this comes later, though. What follows is a short transcript of that initial conversation between myself and Mouri Ran, in what will likely be the first of many accounts of her time as the Winter Soldier and beyond.
HH: Thank you for taking the time to speak to me today, Mouri-san.
MR: Just call me Ran, please. I'm sorry if this came as a bit of a nasty surprise, we weren't sure how you would react to the news.
HH: It's – honestly speaking? I'm still trying to process it, but I almost can't believe that I'm actually talking to you in person. You've always been one of my heroes.
MR: [with a slight smile] If it's any consolation, that's a little weird for me to hear as well. Most of the publicity was focused on Shinichi during the war, no one outside of SSR and the Army really knew who the rest of the Howling Commandos were, but then we ended up here and... [she cuts herself off with the wave of one hand] I'm sorry, that's not really what you wanted to talk about, is it?
HH: Well, I think most of us want to know what happened between 1945 and now, but I'd be happy to discuss whatever topic you prefer, Ran-san.
MR: To be frank, I don't really remember all of it – I'm still getting memories back here and there, but most of it's badly scrambled, both in terms of time and place.
TK: Like when you wake up from a long nap and suddenly don't know if it's still the same day, y'know? Except worse.
HH: That must've been very confusing for you, Ran-san.
MR: It was. I had all these notebooks that I wrote things in, I was so afraid of forgetting again. It was really lucky for me that K- I mean, Widow released all those SHIELD files online, otherwise I really would've wondered if I was just going crazy. [turns towards Toyama-san] I don't think I've ever thanked you for that, Kazuha-chan.
TK: That's the first time anyone's ever said that to me! [chuckles] You're definitely welcome, Ran-chan.
MR: Really, I don't know what I would've done without you. All of you. [turns back to me, taking out a piece of paper] It's not entirely complete – my lawyer's instructed me to redact the details until after the trial – but we've been able to piece together the events from then until now. Most of them, at least.
[An annotated version of this document has been reproduced on the following page of this article.]
HH: I'm a reporter, I understand having more questions than answers. I really appreciate you trusting me with this information, Ran-san.
MR: I don't like talking about it, but – [shrugs] Like Shinichi's always saying, there's only one truth, right?
KS: [a little tersely] Yeah.
MR: Shinichi? [reaching for his hand] I thought we'd agreed on this, people are going to find out after the trial and –
KS: – and you want to do it on your own terms, yeah. It's just... [he takes her hand with a sigh] All those years, and I never had a clue.
TK: You were off bein' an ice cube for most of those years, Shinichi-kun, I think you're excused. Don't think even Holmes solved any mysteries while he was dead.
KS: Well, actually –
[All three of them laugh at some apparently shared joke, breaking the tension in the atmosphere.]
MR: You found me in the end, that's what matters. [glances over at me, still smiling] These parts I definitely remember – this tiny scrap of a detective picking fights everywhere, trying to solve every mystery in town. Even though he was sick most of the time. Like having the worst younger brother you've never wanted, I swear.
HH: [laughs] Oh, I can definitely relate to that, I know the type.
MR: Right?
HH: Yeah. To wrap this up, then – is there anything you want to say to the readers?
MR: Just... I'd like to apologise to everyone I've hurt by my actions, both directly or otherwise. I know it won't fix anything, and I understand if you never accept this apology, but – [she bows] I'm very sorry, and I'll do everything in my power to make up for it.
HH: And what would you like to do after this? Anything specific?
MR: Well, there's the trial first, of course. Who knows how long that'll take. After that – I really have no idea, actually. Kazuha-chan's invited me to go crash dojos –
TK: Hey now, I don't crash things, that's Heiji you're thinking of –
MR: – with her anytime, but I've been thinking about travelling a bit with Shinichi and everyone else? See places when they're not halfway being blown up, catch up on the things I've missed.
HH: Wherever the wind takes you, then?
MR: [smiles and nods] Yeah, just like that. I think I've had enough of plans for a while, you know?
                                                    << PAGE 2 >>
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mintchocolateleaves · 7 years
Would you be willing to write something about Ran and Kazuha meeting Aoko and becoming friends with her?
Here’s a oneshot in response before I go out! I hope you enjoy it, I love these girls soooo much!
“Hey,wait up!”
Ransteps forward in a half-run, tries to keep up with her boyfriend, beforefaltering completely. He has this habit of always running away from her to pursue cases, and while she doesn’texactly mind, her mind always grows slightly anxious as she remembers that onetime at tropical land when it had taken months for him to reappear.
Leaningdown, she pulls up her socks – knee length, warm enough to keep her legs warmbecause she’d been completely adamant that she wanted to wear a skirt. They’reblack, a shade darker than the one’s she usually wears with her school uniform.
“Heiji,wait!” Kazuha calls from beside her, frustration lacing her voice. She mutterscurses under her breath, idiot showing up enough that it begets frustration andmoves on to amusement.
“Don’tblame them too much,” Ran says, straightening up and bridging the gap betweenthem with two small steps. She offers a smile, empathising with Kazuha’sfrustration, but also knowing that there’s not much they can do now that theboys are out of sight. “They’ll text us eventually.”
Kazuhaturns to her, sighs. It’s long-winded, the sigh of a girl suffering throughunspoken love confessions, waiting for the right time to let them out. It’salso the sigh of a girl who wants to beat her crush up for abandoning her inthe middle of Tokyo.
Ran patsher on the shoulder, pulls her towards one of the nearest clothing outlets inthe mall and says, “let’s go in here.”
Kazuhafollows after her without much complaint. It’s one of Ran’s favourite stores,somewhere she always drags Kazuha to when the girl visits from Osaka. They’vealways got the most comfortable sweaters and the prettiest skirts.
“Theybetter meet us soon, else I’m gonna punch Heiji when he gets back.” Kazuhadoesn’t say anything more about the boys after that, but she does pull out herphone, keeps it held in her phone for when she eventually receives a text.
“I wasthinking of buying something blue,” Ran says, as they start making their waytowards the woman’s section, readying themselves to search through thedifferent racks for something good, “light blue?”
Kazuhanods her head, “yeah, that’d look real nic-”
Shebreaks off midsentence as a girl bumps straight into them with enough forcethat it sends her toppling backwards onto the floor.
Ran’sthe first one to react, leaning forward to offer a hand, asking, “are youokay?”
There’sa muffled noise, surprise, before the girl looks up to face them. Her hair ismessy, bedhead that Ran supposes just doesn’t brush out no matter what – either that, or it’s extremely windy outside– and she hesitates for a moment before accepting Ran’s hand.
“Aoko’sso sorry,” the girl says, sheepish as she brushes her clothes down. She’swearing a shirt with checkers across it, white and pink against blue trousers.“She should have been looking where she’s going.”
“It’salrigh’,” Kazuha says, taking a step forward, “yer not hurt or anythin’,right?”
The girl– Aoko, if the illeism is anything to go by – shakes her head. “Aoko’s fine,really. She’s sorry, she’s just… looking for someone.”
“It’salright,” Ran repeats, “really. As long as you’re alright as well.”
There’ssomething niggling at the edges of her consciousness, a recognition that shecan’t quite summon to the edge of her tongue, but Ran can’t find it. She wondersif it’s something to do with the many cases Shinichi has solved over the years,whether this girl has lost someone.
Somehowshe doesn’t think that’s it.
“Uh,sorry,” Ran says, just as Aoko moves, readying to go back on her search for whomevershe was searching for, “but have I met you somewhere before?”
Aoko turns,nose scrunching as she tries to think. There’s recognition in her eyes too, she’sobviously thinking the same thing – that they’ve seen another before. Sheshakes her head, “Aoko isn’t sure, but she thinks it’s possible.”
Besidethem, Kazuha looks equal portions of confused and amused.
“Maybeya met her at a karate competition?” Kazuha says, which – it’s possible. Ran’slist of karate competitions are ever rising and it’s a possibility that she’d metAoko during the preliminary rounds, even if they’d just seen each other in apassing moment.
Theother girl shakes her head, “Aoko doesn’t take any martial arts… she isn’t inany clubs actually… well, she’s an honorary member of the KID task force, maybe?”
She saysKID in a way that’s half angry, half ironic. For a moment, her expressionshutters, as if the thought of Kaitou KID is too much for her to handle. Then,a shy smile spreads back across her face.
“Oh!”Ran nods her head, leans forward, “I think it might have been there! Do youattend KID’s heists?”
Ran hasn’tattended any KID heists in over a year, but it’s another possibility. Sonokohad dragged her to them at every opportunity, but since her boyfriend Makotohad come back to Japan, she’d been dragging him to them in Ran’s stead.
(Sonokohad mentioned something about keeping the rivalry between the two alive, butfrankly, Ran has no idea what she means.)
“Aoko goesto a lot of KIDs heists,” the other girl nods her hands, “she wants to be ableto cheer her dad on when he finally catches the thief!”
Ranremembers sitting at heists with Sonoko and talking to various of the KID taskforce members. It’d been difficult not to, seeing as they’d attended so manyheists, due to Sonoko’s uncle, Jirokichi. Only one of them, she recalls, had adaughter around Ran’s age.
“I’msorry if I’m wrong, but… are you Inspector Nakamori’s daughter?”
Aoko’seyes light up, and she nods, a wider smile present on her face now. Ranimagines it’s the same feeling she gets in her stomach when her father isrecognised by the public – pride.
“Yes,”Aoko nods, “Inspector Nakamori is Aoko’s father!”
Honorarytask force member makes more sense now.
“But…Aoko’s afraid she doesn’t know who you are,” Aoko glances away, scratches ather cheek, “sorry.”
Kazuha takesa step forward, glancing at Ran. She says, “wait, isn’t KID the one Conan-kuntried to catch a lot?”
“Ah?”Aoko leans forwards again, “Edogawa Conan? The KID killer?”
Rannods, “yes. Conan was…” She can’t exactly say that he was the shrunken versionof her current boyfriend without getting odd looks, so she goes for a betterexplanation, “…living with us for a while.”
“Oh,”Aoko says, and she clicks her fingers, the realisation snapping into place. “TheMouri family! You’re Mouri Ran, right?”
Rannods, she waves a hand over to Kazuha, who quickly introduces herself.
“How isEdogawa-kun now?” Aoko says, something which causes Ran’s lips to quirk upwards.
“Conan’sall grown up,” Kazuha says, before Ran can say anything more neutral, “or he thinks so anyway, he’staller an’ everythin’, you know?”
Randoesn’t know how to respond to that. As much as Shinichi is back in his ownbody, sometimes he still acts very… Conan-like… without quite realising it. Shethinks it’s going to take more than a few months to retrain himself not to actlike a child.
“Aokounderstands that,” the girl rolls her eyes at that, “Kaito’s consistentlyacting like a child, despite the fact that we’re graduating soon. At leastConan’s still a kid, right? He’s probably more mature than Kaito could ever be.”
Ran…hums an agreement, it’s much better than verbally agreeing because, well… she’snot so sure.
“Speakingof Kaito,” Aoko says, pulling her phone out from her pocket, “Aoko needs to getback to searching for him. But… she also wants to talk more, if that’s alright?Do either of you have LINE?”
“Whodoesn’t?” Kazuha says. Unlocking her own phone, Ran following suit. It doesn’ttake much time at all before they’ve all exchanged details.
“Thanks,”Aoko says, offering them another smile. “Aoko will definitely talk more later, shejust needs to track down a menace!”
Kazuhalets out a small laugh. “So do we.”
“Goodluck,” Ran says, offering a wave as Aoko turns away and rushes back into a mazeof clothes.
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rachello344 · 7 years
For the prompt req: KaiShin: Shinichi (as always) is late/missed some kind of important date. Kaito is all like "It's ok, don't worry". Shinichi is confused because it's In No Way "ok" and asks other people if Kaito got sick of him doing this/stoped caring/etc. insecure!Shinichi
Okay honestly, I love this prompt.  I don’t write much insecurity between them, but this was a really interesting way to go and I actually had a lot of fun doing it.  Thank you so much, as always, for your interest in my writing.  I’m always happy to see your name pop up in my notifications and in my inbox.  ;D  (You’re one of the several that I recognize on sight, you know.)  Anyway, I hope you like it!
“Shinichi,” Kaito insisted, “It’s fine.  Dealing with cases is part and parcel with dating you.  I really don’t mind.”
Shinichi frowned.  “I stood you up tonight.  I didn’t even remember to text you.”  He fidgets, wringing his hands.  “In whose world is that fine?”
“Mine,” Kaito replied easily.  “It’s really not a big deal.  I’m not mad, I promise.”
Shinichi let the subject drop.  You should be mad, he thought to himself.  Ran broke up with me for this.  But he doesn’t bring that up.  Instead, he worries.
“Heiji,” Shinichi begins carefully, “when you’re late to dates with Kazuha, how does she typically respond?”
“Fury, mainly,” he said, not looking up from his note book.  “She usually ignores me for at least three days before she finally lets me spoil her rotten, at which point she forgives me.”  He still wasn’t looking up.  “Why?  Late to a date with that magician of yours?”  Heiji shot him a grin.  “I wouldn’t worry.  Just butter him up, take him to that restaurant he always wants to go to, and I’m sure he’ll forgive you.”  He tapped his notebook.  “Now tell the truth, have you made any headway yet, because these alibis are either infuriatingly well crafted or everyone is innocent.”
Shinichi pretended to give his whole focus to the case at hand, but some part of him kept going to the easy smile on Kaito’s face.  Kazuha was furious.  Ran broke up with him.  Why was Kaito fine?  Did he not… care?
Shinichi felt suddenly and deeply cold.
“Hakuba,” Shinichi hesitated.  When Hakuba met his eyes with a curious, but open expression, he pressed on.  “We’re friends, right?”
The curiosity flipped immediately to mild concern.  “I’ve always thought so.”
“And you’re also Kaito’s best friend, right?”
“Aside from Aoko, yes,” he agreed, even warier than before.
Shinichi sighed.  “If he…  If he didn’t…”  He squeezed his eyes shut.  “He never gets mad.  I’ve stood him up twice, and I’m late to almost every date, but he never gets mad.  Do you think he…  Is it possible he doesn’t care?”
Hakuba was silent for too long.  Shinichi finally risked looking at him.  His eyebrows were practically disappearing beneath his bangs, and his mouth was wide with his surprise.
“Kaito’s crazy about you,” he finally said.  “If you’re doubting that, you should really be talking to him, not me.”
Shinichi nodded, biting his lip, and let Hakuba turn the conversation elsewhere.
“Ran,” Shinichi sighed, “I need your help.”
Ran returned his sigh.  “You should have come to me first.”  At his surprised look, she rolled her eyes.  “Kaito told me he thought something was wrong, and Hakuba asked if I’d spoken to you yet.  Besides, you’re not subtle, Shinichi.  You’ve obviously been stewing about something for weeks.”
Shinichi winced.  “Kaito noticed?”
“He said you’d been pulling away, but were also trying not to, whatever that means.”  She rolled her eyes again.  “I swear, you boys are useless.  So, what is it?  What’s wrong?”
Shinichi crumpled at once, slouching into her couch.  “He doesn’t care that I’m always late or–or even when I stood him up.  He never gets mad or upset or–or anything.  He just says it’s fine and that’s that!”
Ran’s brow furrowed.  “Do you… want him to be mad at you?”
“No,” Shinichi rubbed his hands over his face, “I’d hate it if he was mad at me, but at least then I’d know it mattered to him–that… I… matter to him.”
Ran sat beside him, stroking a hand over his hair.  “Oh, Shinichi.”  He leaned until his head was resting on her shoulder.
“You should tell him that, not me.”  Ran rested her cheek against the top of his head.  “To make that easier for you, he does care about you.  He cares about you as much as you care about him.  He’s been worrying about you, because you aren’t talking to him like you usually do.”
Shinichi shook his head.  “I don’t want him to think I don’t trust him.”
A polite knock sounded at the door.  Ran sighs, rising to her feet.  Shinichi dropped forward until his forehead was pressed against his knees.  He was such an idiot.  Kaito had to be holding back his annoyance, and it was going to quickly become resentment, and then Shinichi would be left without the best relationship he’d ever been in.
“Oh, great,” Ran said brightly.  “Perfect timing.  Come in and talk to Shinichi.  Maybe this will be easier in somewhat neutral territory.”
“He’s here?  I’ve been texting him for half an hour,” Kaito’s voice said from behind the couch.  Shinichi flinched.
“His phone died,” Ran explained.  “It’s charging on the end table.  Plans tonight?”
“Nothing in the books, but I was hoping we could get dinner somewhere.”  He laughed, something a little self-deprecating.  “It’s my night to cook, but I, uh, don’t really want to.  And it’s been a while since we’ve been on a proper date anyway.”
“Well, then, I’ll leave you two to talk.”  Ran sounded delighted.  Traitor.  “Feel free to show yourselves out, hm?  I have laundry that needs doing.”
Shinichi sighed, keeping his head down.  Weight settled onto the couch beside him.  “Shinichi,” Kaito asked carefully, “why does Ran think we need to talk?  You…  This is about whatever you’ve been thinking so hard about isn’t it,” he said, voice now laced with worry.  “You aren’t…  This isn’t a talk, is it?  If it is, I’d like to request one last date before you… before we…”
When Shinichi looked up, Kaito looked like he was on the verge of tears.  Shinichi sat up quickly, fumbling for his hand.
“I don’t want to break up with you,” Shinichi insisted.  Kaito looked dubious, but relaxed slightly.  “It’s…  I thought–You’re never upset with me, so I thought you didn’t care about–about us.”
Kaito frowned.  “Of course I care.”  He turned his hand over, so he could lace their fingers together.  “I care a lot, and I hate that you’re not always able to come meet me for dates.”
Shinichi winced, looking down.  That was what he was expecting, but it still hurt.
“That doesn’t mean I blame you,” he continued, squeezing Shinichi’s hand.  “You’re a detective and you love your job.  I don’t expect you to stop that just because we’re together.  I’d be kind of upset if you did, honestly.”  He shrugged.  “If you wanted to, say, leave the case to other detectives when they arrive, I certainly wouldn’t say no, but it’s really not a deal breaker for me, Shinichi.”
Shinichi shook his head.  “It’s not that I don’t believe you, it’s just… I don’t get how you can be so understanding about this.”
Kaito smiled.  “That’s easy.  It’s because you’re always sorry, and because I know you try.  Besides, I lived a double life for long enough.  I know what it’s like, constantly late or absent and hating yourself for it.  So, it’s not a big deal.  We’ll do something next time.”
“Next time, I’ll leave as soon as other detectives arrive,” Shinichi said, ducking his head.  “Or, I’ll try.  I can’t say the case won’t be too dangerous for me to leave easily.”
Kaito beamed.  “That’s all I ask.”  He brushed a kiss over Shinichi’s knuckles.  “Now, you’re going to take me to dinner, and then we’re going to go home and cuddle on the couch.  You’ve been holding out on me, so I demand to watch horrible romance movies all snuggled up together.”
Shinichi laughed.  “That’s fair,” he allowed.  As far as punishments go, it seemed pretty mild.
“And how about this, every time you stand me up, I will find even more ridiculous romances to make you watch with me.”  He winked.  “Incentive to show up, even if you’re late, yeah?”
Shinichi shook his head, still laughing.  “Yeah, that’s fair, too.”  He closed his other hand over both of theirs.  “Thank you, Kaito.  I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but I’m glad for it.”
“Something horrible if Hakuba is to be believed.”  Kaito snickered.  “Now come on, you sap, you owe me dinner and horrible movies.”
Shinichi smiled.  He was sure it looked ridiculous and lovestruck, but he couldn’t help it.  “Yes, dear.”  He swung their hands between them as they stood and started for the door.
He really was the luckiest man alive.
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detectiveran · 5 years
Part 3 of Dark ShinRan AU! Please!!
Alright, so I deleted the sorta sequel I had written because I didn’t like it that much. So, here’s Part 2, hope you like it, anon! Also, it’s a dark!au, so be forewarned of some disturbing imagery.
Shinichi, like every other human had his ups and downs. On a good day, his thoughts were filled with the course work he had to complete, the football practice he had to attend and how to spend more time with Ran. A normal boy with a normal routine. 
Bad days were the problem. On those days, he tended to avoid interaction and would want to stay by Ran’s side even more. She could talk to him, ground him, tame the beast, so to speak.
He understood his nature but that didn’t mean that he wouldn’t try to keep the monster locked in as much as possible for everyone’s sake. He did enjoy killing in that moment but afterwards, the guilt crushed him. Well, if he were actually honest, the guilt nipped at him. Thoughts like the victim being someone’s family or caretaker or a loved one would rush in and he would sympathize with whomever’s loved person he had stolen. After all, he would think, Ran would be devastated if I died too. The sympathy didn’t last long though because he never killed an innocent person. For him, it was more like community service. 
He had a monster inside him and if that monster could help eradicate a wretched soul, who was he to complain? He did help in making the city safer. Sure, it was through unconventional means but didn’t the motivation posters and speakers babble on about embracing oneself and not denying who they actually were to fit into society’s standards? He was just following them.
On that rainy day, the weather matched his mood. The thunder rumbled on and the sky was grey and his thoughts turned darker and darker as the day progressed into the night. He sat still on the sofa, not even daring to move a muscle. He took deep breaths in and tried to calm his mind down.
No, he didn’t need to go out.
No, he wasn’t actually hungry.
No, he will not be stepping one foot out of the door. 
But, oh, wasn’t there a poster of missing girl pasted right around the corner? Shouldn’t he try to help find the girl?
Blood. Blood. Blood. I need blood.
No, missing kids are part of police’s work, not his.
Poor kid. You’re just sitting still while who knows what is happening to that girl.
SHUT UP! He wasn’t putting one single step out of his door and that’s final. Where’s Ran? He needs Ran. 
Ran. Ran. Ran. I need Ran.
Shinichi curled his hands around his thigh and brought them up to his chest, rocking back and forth. Fuck, why was he like this? He knew what he did was wrong but his thoughts would always take control over him. However hard he tried, he couldn’t stop himself. It made him feel like an animal locked in a cage. He had no control over his body. It was him who always whispered thoughts about murder and dead bodies. He felt like an animal. Just stripped down to bare instincts. His thoughts on nothing but his unending desire to kill, kill, kill, just kill. 
Tears pooled in his eyes and he breathed in a choked sob. He didn’t want this. He just wanted to be normal. To not have this itch of watching someone’s blood be spilled. Why couldn’t he be like everyone else? 
He whimpered, letting the grief taking over him. He always, always felt split into two. There was nothing cohesive inside his head, except for Ran. Apparently, both Shinichi and him agreed on loving Ran, which made Shinichi feel even more awful. He was a monster, for god’s sake. Could he really love Ran if he didn’t value human life? Wasn’t that the basic of actually being a human being? Being empathetic to other people’s lives? Was he a human? He surely didn’t feel like he was.
The shrill tone of his phone going off brought him out of his spiraling thoughts and he picked it up with a shaky hand. With blurry vision, he saw Ran’s name flash across the screen and the vice grip around his chest loosened. 
Ran would help him. She would make him feel alright again. 
He blew out a breath before answering it, trying his best to make it sound like he wasn’t breaking down in his parents mansion all alone. “Hey, Ran. What’s up?”
His eyes closed as he heard her voice, “Hey, Shinichi. Where are you right now?”
His eyebrows furrowed when he heard the background noise. Was she out? In this weather? “I’m at home. Why? Where are you?”
“Ugh, I’m stuck at Dad’s client’s house. Apparently, there was an emergency or something because they found some pretty bad evidence of the victim being a child molester,” she spat in disgust. How awful! Taking advantage of a kid’s innocence like that. People like him were the worst.
His voice stuttered as he replied, “Oh? Who’s this victim?”
This is bad, bad, bad. He didn’t want to talk about criminals with Ran right now. Not when he felt like he could rip his heart out just so he could stop feeling this intense pain.
“Hiroka Akigawa,” she spat in disgust. “The family painted him at some sort of messiah but then the daughter was going through some of his stuff because she missed her father and she found this envelope and when she opened it,” she took a deep breath through her clenched teeth to let the words out, “she saw… pictures.” Just the thought of that made her fill with rage.
But Shinichi didn’t hear a single word after Ran had said that name. 
Hiroka Akigawa.
The man he had murdered a few days ago when he had talked to Ran. Shinichi knew what the man was. A child molester. He knew and that’s why he had killed him. Less trash in this already messed up world. 
But more importantly, a liability. A liability to him. His mind raced as he went through every detail of the murder. He was always, always careful but double checking never hurt anyone. That was the reason why he had never been caught. And he planned to keep it that way. If he was to be ever found, they would send him to jail because murder was wrong, however good intentioned those murders might be. And then he wouldn’t be able to see Ran whenever he wanted.
No! Anything but that!
Ran was his only thread to normalcy. He knew for sure that if anything or anyone kept Ran away from him, Shinichi wouldn’t be able to survive. The monster would take over. He knew.
And so, he went over Hiroka Akigawa’s, a child molester’s murder in his head. He had burned the ropes he had tied him with in his fireplace. He had made sure to do the same with the gloves he had worn. He had thrown the knife away after he had made sure to wipe his prints off clean. He wasn’t going to make a newbie mistake of keeping the evidence with him. That’s how you always get caught. 
Slowly, he calmed down once he realized that he wouldn’t be caught in the cross hairs of this child molester’s murder. He has been killing people since he was sixteen. He was a professional after 4 years of doing this and not getting caught, especially with the new and latest technology. It definitely helped to be majoring in Criminology, that’s for sure. 
He zoned into the conversation and caught the tail end of Ran’s rant as she raged on,”… I mean, they are kids, for god’s sake! No one should lose their innocence at that young age!” She let out a huff as she finished. 
Shinichi smirked, finding her comment ironic, as he had lost his innocence when he was six too. And he could understand why she was outraged. He definitely felt stripped of any innocence he had possessed before seeing those photos.
“Very true. It’s messed up that anyone could that,” very ironic coming from a murderer but hey, at least he didn’t sexually assault kids. That was a whole another level of fucked up-ness.
Ran sighed on the other end, exhaustion seeping through, “Sorry, I unloaded on you. It was just awful to see those pictures and I automatically thought of wanting to call you, sooo… I just did,” her voice grew sheepish as she admitted that.
It was unfair how much of a roller coaster she put him on. Hearing those words made his heart soar. Ran needed him as much as he needed her. She wanted him to comfort her. And just like that, he felt as if he could breathe. Shinichi was in control again. 
“You can call me anytime you want,” he said softly.
“Thank you, I love you,” she answered back.
A smile broke through his face and for the god knows how many times he was thankful to have her in his life. “I love you, too.”
“See you later when I reach home?” she asked.
He answered without any hesitation, “Yeah. My place?”
“Okay, see ya. Bye!” 
After he had hung up the phone, he let his limbs relax. Ran would be coming in later. She would make everything better. He would focus on her and would just forget about the wretched feelings curling in his belly. 
Yes, Ran would make everything better. 
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