#And a coke zero
ato-dato · 10 months
bagel. do you want one? or twenty?
Twenty is way too much bagel for one person to handle.
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prettykikimora · 1 year
Covid makes you want white castle. Covid makes you want the disgusting macaroni bites from white castle. Thank god the taste thing has never affected me knock on wood.
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m0rsart · 1 year
everyone been suggesting I eat soup and drink tea and juice I just order hot wings
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dozydawn · 10 months
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Grandmaster Ju Wenjun plays Grandmaster Elisabeth Paehtz in the Women’s Grand Prix, 2019.
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housecow · 3 months
i know i’m gaining because the fat goes to the area around my belly button first and i can feel it 🫣 then, my belly widens out further, and lastly it goes to my upper belly.. i’ve noticed that pattern happen over and over again and it’s so fun to feel the gains!!
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restingdomface · 1 month
Wei Wuxian: *using a Barbie credit card to line up coke*
Jiang Cheng: Your husband literally has centurion, and you’re making coke lines with /that/?
Wei Wuxian: This is his centurion. I put a Barbie skin on it.
Jiang Cheng: *turns to LWJ* You let him put a Barbie skin on a centurion? Why??
Lan Wangji: He’s very pretty.
Wei Wuxian: Yeah. I’m very pretty. I asked him while I was on his di-
Jiang Cheng: *screaming and shoving a hand over his mouth, realizes he doesn’t know where it’s been, takes it back* I hate you both with all my heart, I hope you know that.
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choccy-milky · 3 months
bruh i need to vent about a rude comment i got on my recent chap and also about clora, cuz its something thats been on my mind for a while now. it has spoilers to my most recent chap tho so im putting it below
so in my most recent chap clora gets hit by the killing curse but thanks to seb sacrificing himself for her, it doesn’t work/she survives. and I got a rly rude comment about how that’s super cringe and that clora is a "shoe horning of every possible manifestation of Mary-Sueism I have ever seen." theyre dropping my fic after almost 500k words bc apparently THAT’S where they draw the line and that "just somehow pulling it out the bag and surviving a killing curse from the power of love. In simpler terms, it’s absolutely cringe worthy" and "forgive me if I rolled an eye at the yet again invincible nature of Clora Clemons-the-one-eighth-Veela-extraordinaire"
BUT LIKE LMAO TELL ME U DIDN’T READ/WATCH HARRY POTTER WITHOUT TELLING ME. that’s literally what happens to harry??but its only cringe when it happens to our "mary-sue" clora? like yeah sure love magic might be a bit cringe but IM LITERALLY JUST PULLING FROM THE SOURCE MATERIAL. of all the things to take issue with in my fic and interpretations, theyre taking issue with something that’s canon BAHAHA.
and since im on the topic of clora being mary sue can I just say I hate the misogyny/internalized misogyny that i've seen some people (NOT A LOT, THANKFULLY) treat her with. like i get it, im not pale and blonde and as conventionally pretty as clora is, but even if I was, is that a reason to hate me?? and does being beautiful and well-liked = mary sue? bc as far as I know, mary sue is a chara who is just naturally amazing at everything and doesnt need to try hard and theyre just inexplicably great for no reason (like mc in the base game BAHHAA) if anything the mary sue in MY fic is seb LMAO (but hes a boy so its ok). like clora has worked hard and studied magic all her life due to being a squib and wanting to make up for not being able to DO it. she isnt good at flying, seb is still better at her than duelling, shes really short sighted when it comes to doing/thinking whats best for others and can be a huge idiot.... and like. the only guys that have even shown interest in clora on a real scale have been seb and leander (and then lawley for blackmail purposes, and also bc he hates seb) so its not like literally everyone is falling over themselves for her?? like her interactions with the main cast of boys (ominis, garreth, amit) theyre all indifferent to her LMAO but still, the fact that shes pretty and guys here and there might look at her and go o shes cute! doesnt make her a mary sue SORRy thats just called being attractive idk its just annoying that ppl automatically see a nice kind beautiful female character without any VISIBLE flaws and go SHES TOO PERFECT!! MARY SUE!! WAH IM JEALOUS! and like I get it bc when I was younger I probs would have been annoyed by clora as well due to my own insecurities and internalized misogyny but hey, how about u just realize that’s ur own problem and your own jealousy, and not a real one HAHAH anyway ive since evolved bc I used to be a ‘not like other girls’ type girl back in highschool. trying to be super tomboy-y bc I thought being feminine was cringe and too basic but now ive embraced it and love girly things and dresses and charas like clora who are still strong and showcase their strengths and weaknesses in subtler ways, and I want to smooch her and make out with her. get behind me clora ill protect you🤺🤺🤺
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diet2coke · 1 year
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coquettegirlill · 1 year
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When you're in japan and the vending machine really delivers on your coke zero
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To be so sk1nny that you start to disappear.
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sorrelpaws · 2 years
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rye-kin · 3 months
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Hi Robert Louis Stevenson fans….
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wubbelwubbwubb · 2 years
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Oh my God, you're drinking, aren't you. You're on amphetamines. You are on coke. You are on amphetamines and coke.
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housecow · 2 months
shoutout to the dairy queen worker that gave me regular coke instead of diet . you really knew what i needed ❤️
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foxinys · 1 year
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