#And culture evolved to where it is today with time.
bonefall · 10 months
After doing a tad bit of research (so this might not be completely accurate) surprisingly the first shopping mall introduced into the UK was actually made in 1571 called the Royal Exhchange. It wasn’t like a mall you’d get today obviously, it was open and seemed more akin to a trading hub. The first closed mall , more in line of that we see today, was opened in 1964 called the Bull Ring.
Also, if you decide to keep Rivers kits from RH, you could rename Dawn Smoke to Fluttering Dawn, so their named after Flutter.
OH I should mention the new name scheme for Park cats here because I finally figured it out and have a system I like
So Park cats, which is the cultural group that makes the River Kingdom and Wind Coalition, are born nameless. They're referred to by a physical characteristic. The white-spot, the small-of-ear. Once assigned to a mentor, they earn their first name.
This name is ALWAYS nickname of mentor + possessive + paw (bean).
Arc's Paw, River's Paw.
(In Parkmew it also referred to the mentor's dominant paw. In real cats, their dominant paw is based on sex, but for BB I'm choosing to go with human-handedness because I think lefties are cool and I want to make an ancient phrase for "maverick" that comes from "trained by a left-pawed mentor")
Once they become adults, they would take a new name from an achievement. This was three words at most. River's Ripple, Arc of Park, Drizzle, Public Universal Friend. Accumulating titles was a sign of progression in life.
So one cat's apprentice name could be Hawk's Paw, but a few years later, the same mentor trains Glory's Paw because they have a new title.
This of course becomes the apprentice system we know today, codified into law when the cats all gather to amend the code after the Succession Crisis. In CLAN culture, raising apprentices is said to be very important to preventing nepotism, it solidifies bonds to the chosen Clan instead of just your family.
Historically, the King trains their successor. The prince's first name is the King's Paw.
Riverstar chuckles fondly in his memory of how happy he was to finally have earned his own name through his connection to the river of their new home, and intentionally made it sound like he was an eternal apprentice of the river. The River's Ripple. It was the water that gave him freedom away from his responsibilities, for just a little while.
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prettyprettypaci2 · 25 days
Forget About It! - The Potty Diary Paradox 😵‍💫💦
I'll tell you a secret: there's a difference between being "incontinent" and being "diaper dependent."
Incontinence is a twist of fate, usually brought on by an unwelcome medical condition. There are countless guides published online that promise to take away your bladder control, but the reality is that continence is physiological, not mental. A healthy person can't train themselves to be incontinent any more than they can train themselves to block out the color orange.
Diaper dependence, however, is a mental state. It's your brain's understanding of where it's okay to void. Humans didn't co-evolve with the flush toilet. Even in the 21st century, different cultures have different rules on when and where to make tinkles. For your Little, the goal is to make that: anytime and everywhere.
This can be trained.
So! You've watched your pamper packer romp around the house in just their t-shirt and diaper, crinkling to and fro, and the thought occurred: today is the day. They're just too adorable. I'll never let them wear anything else on their butt again. After the tears, the corrective spanking, and lots of cuddles, they'll come around to the idea. But in order for them to truly accept and embrace their diapers, you'll need to train them to be diaper dependent.
Enter: The Potty Diary 📒
Get your leaky little lamb a cute journal (you can also install a bladder tracking app on their phone). Require your Little to record every single time they make lemonade in their diaper, and approximately how much they think they went. They should try to pee at least once every 30 minutes; no less than once an hour. If they wake up to flood their padding in the middle of the night, that should be recorded, too.
"But Paci," you say. "I'm trying to make my Little forget about their pee-pees! Now they'll be thinking about their bladder more than ever!"
True! And your kiddo will be hyper-aware of how much they're soaking those pampers for a while. But ask any incontinent person who's had to keep a bladder diary for their doctor: it's a lot of work and it's very annoying.
That's why it's going to be such a relief when, after a couple of months, you tell your Little:
No More Potty Diary! 😃
What a relief! They can finally go tinkles without having to record it for you! They can saturate their bedtime diaper and just fall right back asleep! All of the RAM their tiny little brains were devoting to their bladder has been freed up for more important matters. And they'll find, to their amazement (and your amusement), that peeing without thinking has become a reward.
No, they won't lose their ability to hold it if they're concentrating. They won't stop feeling the urge to go. But you just tricked their brains into realizing that it's too much work to think about their bladder. They'll start having little accidents when they're distracted. They won't remember how many times they peed. And the idea of going a day without diapers will start making them very, very nervous.
It's not about losing control. It's about losing your mind 💛
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dostoyevsky-official · 11 months
Grandi has dedicated his career to debunking the myths around Italian food; this is the first time he’s spoken to the foreign press. 
Grandi’s speciality is making bold claims about national staples: that most Italians hadn’t heard of pizza until the 1950s, for example, or that carbonara is an American recipe. Many Italian “classics”, from panettone to tiramisu, are relatively recent inventions, he argues. [...] And his mission is to disrupt the foundations on which we Italians have built our famous, and famously inflexible, culinary culture — a food scene where cappuccini must not be had after midday and tagliatelle must have a width of exactly 7mm.
[...] “It’s all about identity,” Grandi tells me between mouthfuls of osso buco bottoncini. He is a devotee of Eric Hobsbawm, the British Marxist historian who wrote about what he called the invention of tradition. “When a community finds itself deprived of its sense of identity, because of whatever historical shock or fracture with its past, it invents traditions to act as founding myths,” Grandi says.
[...] Panettone is a case in point. Before the 20th century, panettone was a thin, hard flatbread filled with a handful of raisins. It was only eaten by the poor and had no links to Christmas. Panettone as we know it today is an industrial invention.
Parmesan, he says, is remarkably ancient, around a millennium old. But before the 1960s, wheels of parmesan cheese weighed only about 10kg (as opposed to the hefty 40kg wheels we know today) and were encased in a thick black crust. Its texture was fatter and softer than it is nowadays. “Some even say that this cheese, as a sign of quality, had to squeeze out a drop of milk when pressed,” Grandi says. “Its exact modern-day match is Wisconsin parmesan.” He believes that early 20th-century Italian immigrants, probably from the Po’ region north of Parma, started producing it in Wisconsin and, unlike the cheesemakers back in Parma, their recipe never evolved. So while Parmigiano in Italy became over the years a fair-crusted, hard cheese produced in giant wheels, Wisconsin parmesan stayed true to the original.
“Italian cuisine really is more American than it is Italian,” Grandi says squarely.
[...] Today, Italian food is as much a leitmotif for rightwing politicians as beautiful young women and football were in the Berlusconi era.
[P]oliticians understand the power of what Grandi terms “gastronationalism”. Who cares if the traditional food culture they promote is partly based on lies, recipes dreamt up by conglomerates or food imported from America? Few things are more reassuring and agreeable than an old lady making tortellini.
It wasn’t always like this. “The grandparents knew it was a lie,” Grandi tells me, finishing the last of his prosecco. “The philologic concern with ingredient provenance is a very recent phenomenon.” Indeed it’s hard to imagine that people who survived the second world war eating chestnuts, as my grandfather did, would be concerned about using pork jowl instead of pork belly in a pasta recipe. Or as Grandi puts it, “Their ‘tradition’ was trying not to starve.”
[...] As Grandi points out, a tradition is nothing but an innovation that was once successful.
Everything I, an Italian, thought I knew about Italian food is wrong
the most hated man in italy is a historian on a mission to prove that most immemorial italian traditions—like many elsehwere—date from 1860-1960
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hayatheauthor · 2 months
How To Write Vampires With An Original Twist 
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Mythical creatures are an essential part of the fictional scene, but the same creatures have been used so many times that these creatures now often seem redundant and boring in fiction. This is why I've started a new blog series: How To Create Original Mythical Creatures. I'm kicking off this series with vampires!
Join me as we dive into the world of vampires, from their mythical beginnings to their modern-day interpretations, and learn how to write them effectively in your own narratives.
Origins of Vampires
Vampires have a rich and diverse history rooted in ancient folklore and legends. Across various cultures and civilizations, tales of bloodsucking creatures have emerged, each with unique characteristics and behaviors.
One of the earliest known vampire myths comes from ancient Mesopotamia, where stories of blood-drinking demons known as Lilitu or Lamashtu date back to around 3000 BCE. These entities were believed to prey on humans, particularly targeting children and pregnant women.
In ancient Greece, the Lamia was a mythical creature often depicted as a female vampire who lured and devoured children. Similarly, in Roman mythology, the Strix or Strigoi were vampiric entities that fed on blood and flesh.
Moving forward in history, Slavic folklore introduced the concept of the Upyr, a vampire-like creature that rose from the dead to feed on the living. These early depictions of vampires often portrayed them as revenants or undead beings with a thirst for human blood.
Modern-Day Vampires: Where Were They Originated? 
The modern concept of vampires, as we commonly know them today, took shape during the European Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Legends of vampires emerged in Eastern Europe, with notable figures like Vlad the Impaler contributing to the folklore. Vlad's reputation for cruelty and his association with impaling enemies on stakes led to the creation of the vampire archetype, inspiring Bram Stoker's iconic character, Count Dracula.
From ancient Mesopotamia to medieval Europe, vampire lore has evolved and adapted, weaving its way into popular culture and literature. Understanding the origins of vampires provides writers with a rich tapestry of mythology to draw upon when crafting their own bloodsucking creatures.
I wanted to go into more detail regarding the Lamashtu and Lamia since they’re not as well known as their Slavic and European counterparts, but unfortunately, that would deviate from the purpose of this blog. 
The Evolution Of Vampiric Appearances 
Before we proceed with this section, it's crucial to clarify that the mythical creatures and beings discussed in this blog are not direct representations of ancient vampires. Instead, they serve as inspirations for the concept of vampires and share certain attributes with our modern-day depictions, including blood-feeding, pale skin, human-like appearance with some animalistic features, and so on.
Vampiric Creatures In Mythology
In ancient mythology, vampiric entities were not always depicted as the suave, charming figures we see in modern vampire tales. Instead, they often embodied primal fears and monstrous traits.
Lamia: In Greek mythology, Lamia was a terrifying creature depicted as a woman with a serpentine lower body. She was known for her insatiable hunger for children, often depicted as a child-eating monster. Lamia's appearance combined elements of human and serpent, emphasizing her monstrous nature and predatory instincts.
Lamashtu: In Mesopotamian mythology, Lamashtu was a malevolent demon who preyed on pregnant women and newborns. She was depicted with a fearsome appearance, often described as having the head of a lion, the body of a donkey, and bird-like talons. Lamashtu's grotesque features and destructive tendencies reflected ancient beliefs about the dangers of childbirth and infancy.
Lilitu: In Mesopotamian and Jewish folklore, Lilitu or Lilith was often associated with nocturnal demons or spirits. She was depicted as a seductive, winged demoness who preyed on men and newborns. Lilitu's appearance varied across different myths but often included features like wings, long hair, and sometimes talons, emphasizing her otherworldly and dangerous nature.
Strix: In Roman and Greek mythology, the Strix was a bird-like creature or vampiric owl associated with dark omens and death. It was believed to be a shape-shifting creature that could transform into a woman or an owl. The Strix's appearance combined avian and human features, instilling fear and dread in those who encountered it.
Strigoi and Upyr: In Eastern European folklore, Strigoi and Upyr were blood-sucking undead creatures similar to modern-day vampires. Strigoi were believed to be restless spirits or revenants that returned from the dead to torment the living. Upyr, on the other hand, were vampire-like beings with sharp fangs and a penchant for drinking blood. Both creatures were depicted as pale, gaunt, and often with elongated canines, reflecting their predatory and undead nature.
Medieval Depictions: Shift in Appearance
During medieval times, the depiction of blood-sucking mythological creatures underwent a transformation, shifting from monstrous and terrifying to more humanoid and relatable appearances. This change in portrayal can be seen in various aspects of their physical features:
Teeth: Originally depicted with long, sharp fangs or talons for blood-drinking, medieval depictions often featured more subtle fang-like teeth or no visible teeth at all, aligning with the concept of vampires being able to blend in with humans.
Skin: While ancient vampires were often described as monstrous and otherworldly, medieval vampires were portrayed with paler skin to signify their undead nature but without extreme deformities or monstrous features.
Appearance: Medieval vampires were often depicted as more human-like in appearance, with regular clothing and a less monstrous demeanour. This shift allowed for more nuanced storytelling and exploration of themes like temptation, desire, and the struggle between humanity and monstrosity. This is also what birthed the romanticization of vampires. 
Mythological Vampire vs Modern-Day Vampire
Mythological vampires, rooted in ancient folklore and mythology, were often depicted as malevolent spirits or creatures with supernatural powers. These creatures varied widely across different cultures, from the Lamia and Lilitu in Mesopotamian mythology to the Strix in Roman and Greek folklore, and the Upyr in Slavic tales.
These ancient vampires were not always the suave, charismatic beings we see in modern media. Instead, they were often portrayed as terrifying and monstrous, with features that reflected their otherworldly nature. For example, the Lamia was described as a demonic woman with the ability to transform into a serpent, while the Lilitu were associated with storm demons and fertility spirits.
In contrast, modern-day vampires, especially those popularized in literature and film, have undergone significant transformation. They are often depicted as sophisticated and alluring, with a penchant for romance and drama. Authors and filmmakers have humanized vampires, giving them complex personalities, tragic backstories, and even moral dilemmas.
While modern vampires still retain some traditional attributes such as a need for blood and sensitivity to sunlight, their portrayal has evolved to include a wide range of characteristics and abilities. This shift has allowed for more diverse and nuanced storytelling, exploring themes of immortality, love, redemption, and the eternal struggle between good and evil.
Which Option Is Better For Your Novel? 
When deciding which type of vampire to incorporate into your story, consider the tone and themes you wish to explore. Mythological vampires offer a darker and more primal essence, rooted in ancient fears and superstitions. On the other hand, modern-day vampires provide a canvas for exploring human emotions, relationships, and societal issues through a supernatural lens.
Ultimately, the choice between mythological and modern vampires depends on the narrative direction and atmosphere you want to create. Both types offer unique storytelling opportunities, allowing you to craft captivating tales of mystery, romance, horror, or even philosophical introspection.
Research and Resources
Writing about mythical creatures like vampires requires a solid understanding of folklore, mythology, and literary traditions. Here are some resources and research methods to help you delve into the world of vampires and other mythical beings:
Books and Literature
Start by exploring classic works of literature that feature vampires, such as Bram Stoker's "Dracula," Anne Rice's "The Vampire Chronicles," and Stephenie Meyer's "Twilight" series. These novels not only showcase different interpretations of vampires but also delve into the cultural and historical contexts surrounding these creatures.
Mythology and Folklore
Dive into ancient myths and folklore from various cultures to uncover the origins of vampire legends. Look into Mesopotamian, Greek, Roman, Slavic, and other mythologies to discover different vampire-like entities and their characteristics.
Research Journals and Articles
Academic journals and articles can provide valuable insights into the evolution of vampire folklore, the psychological aspects of vampirism, and the cultural impact of vampire mythology. Explore journals in folklore studies, literary analysis, and cultural anthropology for in-depth information.
Online Resources
Utilize online platforms such as mythology databases, folklore websites, and literary forums to gather information and engage in discussions about vampires. Websites like The Vampire Library, Vampire Empire, and Vampire Rave offer a wealth of resources for vampire enthusiasts and writers.
Historical Research
Delve into historical records, archival documents, and historical accounts related to vampire hysteria, vampire burials, and vampire folklore in different regions. Understanding the historical context can add authenticity to your portrayal of vampires.
Interviews and Expert Opinions
Consider reaching out to folklore experts, historians, and scholars specializing in vampire mythology for interviews or consultations. Their insights and expertise can provide valuable perspectives on vampire lore and storytelling.
Creative Exploration
Don't hesitate to let your imagination roam while exploring vampire mythology. Experiment with creating your own vampire mythology, incorporating unique traits, powers, and origin stories for your vampires.
By combining thorough research with creative exploration, you can develop rich and compelling portrayals of vampires in your writing. Remember to stay open to diverse interpretations and adaptations of vampire folklore, allowing room for innovation and originality in your storytelling.
I hope this blog on How To Write Vampires With An Original Twist will help you in your writing journey. Be sure to comment any tips of your own to help your fellow authors prosper, and follow my blog for new blog updates every Monday and Thursday.  
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forthegothicheroine · 5 months
Henchwomen Through the Ages
The "ages" of comics are not hard and fast things, and even comic book historians argue where they begin and end. They're more like moods than time periods, and your standard game of Henchwoman RPG will probably be set in a vague time period that could be anywhere from the thirties to today with an overall Silver Age mood. Still, let's take a look at how the roll of the Henchwoman has evolved, shall we?
Goldie is a gun-toting, cigar-chomping bank robber in victory rolls and a bullet bra. She's not called a henchwoman- she's called "Look out, that broad has a grenade!" She's loyal to the boss despite his dumb penny gimmick, but if he ever finked on her in court, he wouldn't live to see the sunrise. There's no Henchwomen's Union for her to join yet, but she's provided muscle for plenty of mob-backed unions. Goldie can't afford to be soft on heroes since they'd be just as happy to throw her off a roof as to arrest her, but she might be wooed by an appeal to patriotism- she ain't no Nazi rat! Her hobbies include matinee shows, swing dancing, and blasting coppers.
Sylvia is a competitive surfer and was a cocktail waitress until they fired her for slapping too many customers. Thanks to the newly formed Henchwomen's Union, she's treated much better by her current job, which usually involves crashing parties to steal themed jewelry. She and the heroes she fights have an understanding- they'll never be rough with her, and she won't check up on them after putting them in a death trap to see if they've died. On her off hours, she can go dancing in the same outfit she worked in- a silver jumpsuit, gogo boots and a purely decorative motorcycle helmet.
Brawny is a member of the Sisterhood of Wicked Witches, and she fights for a cause- or rather, several causes. These range from the reasonable (Save the whales!) to the less reasonable (A free ray gun for every child!) The Henchwomen's Union is strong enough to get her good pay, so many of her problems are philosophical- is she a good guy or a bad guy, and what do good and bad even mean? Brawny has to be a bit more careful than she would have been ten years ago, since death may well stick- but that also means she might really kill a hero, at least for a while, and that's what matters!
Tenebra prefers to be called a Dark Muse, a member of a vampire circle dedicated to bringing art to life, painted in colors of blood. Her eyeliner is swirly and her gowns are velvet, and she wears them onstage in her sideline darkwave band. Tenebra arranges her crimes in accordance with pre-raphaelite imagery, with victims displayed in heartbreakingly beautiful and mythologically-influenced poses. Her boss may technically be the Queen of the Vampires, and she may have a card with the Henchwomen's Union, but her true loyalty is to art itself.
Ferra is a mercenary with a separate pouch for each type of bullet, and she has a lot of types of bullet. Her stilettos are tall but her hair is taller, and she can strike intimidating poses that would break a normal person's back. The Henchwomen's Union had its own back broken by the bosses, and is now more of informal underground thing, but it still hooks her up with real deal bad guys. She'll kill without a second thought for her boss, but she's only one bad day away from turning her gun on him. It might even happen accidentally, since he and the heroes dress exactly the same. Ferra somehow has a heavy metal soundtrack even when there's no music playing.
Ally got a degree in psychology but until she can afford grad school, she gigs as a henchwoman. Her bosses are sillicon valley dickheads, but the first one to offer her real benefits will have her loyalty for life. Thanks to the resurgence of the Henchwomen's Union, Ally gets to wear big stompy boots instead of high heels, but she still has to wear a big day-glo logo on her leather jacket that might as well be a target sign. Her hobbies include pop culture conventions, smoking weed and credit card fraud.
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turtleybeachin · 1 year
Be Mine (Because I'm Already Yours)
Pairings: Each Brother x Gender Neutral Reader Rating: G Word Count: 3.5k (total, split between 7 brothers) Tagging: Fluff!, valentines day, individual snippets of each brother's thoughts on Valentine's and on You.
Early on in your stay in the Devildom, there was a conversation with him to try to allay your inevitable 'culture shock' that involved sharing some holidays and traditions that were similar between worlds and peoples. The topic of Valentine's Day had come up, a day of showing love (and often with chocolate) to those important to you. Surely, he had said, you would be familiar with that tradition.
And you were, of course, but you had shrugged and twisted your expression into the best smile you could. It wasn't a holiday you really participated in, you replied. And surrounded by strangers in a world that mostly seemed to want you dead, you'd laughed and realized that it would be the same after all:  another standard day where nothing special happened.
Months later, you've forgotten that conversation entirely. Life hadn't evolved quite the way you'd expected in the Devildom, but you're happy here now, surrounded by people you love and who love you dearly in return. You have a home here, and that's everything you could ask for.
You don't have to ask for more, though. That conversation wasn't entirely forgotten, and someone's been quietly working on a plan to surprise you.
The whole point of the day, as he understands it, is reasserting the importance of the people in your life. It's about taking the time and effort to show that you pay attention to their interests and preferences, and making them feel cherished. It's about being proud to call them 'yours' -- your friend, your sibling, your beloved -- and proud to be seen as theirs in return.
He is not one for making a scene, of course. He's not going to sweep you off your feet in a grand display just for a simple little yearly 'holiday'. But as the Avatar of Pride who is meticulous in his appearance and his schedule and his work, he knows that even the smallest deviations will be a screaming neon sign to those paying any attention at all. (And he knows they pay attention quite a bit.)
He is at your door in the morning, as put-together as ever, but with the addition a beautiful blue rose lapel flower that sparkles with gemstones lining each petal. It is delicate, and while it is hardly a loud and bold statement piece, on Lucifer it feels like one. He has a matching rose that he pins to your lapel in the same spot as his. He smiles at you in that soft way that makes you feel special and presses a kiss to your forehead, murmuring a Happy Valentine's Day against your skin.
When he walks with you-- to breakfast, to campus, and even between each of your classes (as he somehow is always waiting outside the classroom door even if his class was on the opposite side of the school)-- his hand is smooth and cool in yours. His hand is bare in yours, his gloves for once missing, because he knows how much you treasure the simple intimacy of actually holding hands.
At lunch time, he collects you before you can grab anything at the cafeteria and loops your arm through his to escort you off-campus for a private meal. Usually he would be working through the afternoon break, trying to get ahead on paperwork or scheduling meetings during a time his brothers were least likely to cause trouble. But for today you were the priority, and when you ask if he'd be busier tomorrow for it, he waves your concern away with a smile. "Perhaps, but there will always be more work no matter what I do, and time spent with you is precious."
You feel eyes on you both throughout the day, and you catch him smirking every time the warm surge of pride and affection bursts through your chest. You assume he can feel it, his sin in you, and it makes you bite down on your grin in return. Everyone sees, and everyone knows:  you are his, and he is yours. And he neither shies away nor denies it. 
Not even when there's an article about it in the school paper the next day.
The Great Mammon ain't afraid of making a scene or lookin' like an idiot. His brothers already call him one, and ain't nobody else dumb enough to say it in his presence, so why be worried about appearances? The way ya WIN Valentine's Day is by making a big show of it, by going over the top. Every other day is for the normal shit, but Valentine's Day is for going all out.
He's acting a little odd that morning (yes, odd even for him), insisting he's gotta get going early and he can't babysit ya for the morning walk so go with his brothers. You figure he's either launching a new scheme or trying to avoid being caught for a current one, and you barely think anything more of it.
The bell rings for your first class and you're sitting between Asmodeus and Belphegor when the door to the classroom BANGS open with enough force to even stir the Avatar of Sloth. In slides one white-haired demon, though he's nearly invisible behind the dozens of shiny heart-shaped balloons and armfuls of flowers he's cradling close. "Important Student Council Business!" he announces as the professor scowls at the interruption.
And Asmodeus is cackling and already has his D.D.D. up to take video while Belphegor grumbles something about being stuck with dinner duty with the idiot in detention, but Mammon is all confident swagger as he blindly but smoothly makes his way over to your desk.
"As yer first man, it's MY responsibility ta make sure ya have a PROPER Valentine's Day!" he announces, his usual bluster coming out full force as he drops all the flowers all over your desk in a beautiful cascade of scents and colors. The balloons, you now see, are tied around heart-shaped boxes of what are probably chocolates, and he looks around in brief uncertainty before lining them up on the sides of his brother's desks to create a wall around you blocking them from your sight. "Yer mine, got it?"
Before you can say anything back, a very familiar rumble of MAMMOOOOOOOONNNNN echoes through the hall, and your darling idiot is yelping and spinning to make a desperate escape. But before he does, he spins back, cheeks burning, and bobs down to press a quick kiss to your cheek. Then he's sprinting away, and you're laughing and your cheeks hurt from your smile and your own blush tingling them. You'll definitely never forget.
And while the class is abuzz and interrupted anyhow, you text the group chat to say how much it means to you to have your first man be so thoughtful and make you feel so loved. It may or may not help lessen his punishment, but if nothing else, you know he'll screenshot that message and never forget it, either.
He knows his brothers would do something public and flashy and cool and act like total normies, and as much as he loves you and wants to do normie things together because you make them fun, this is kind of a lot. Like there's normal normie activities, and then there's the Ultimate Normie Test of Valentine's Day.
But you had said once you didn't care for the day either, so that made him want to make it special for you. You deserved to feel special and loved and have a Big Normie Experience for the day. Well, maybe not too big and too normie. But he had a secret plan!
Since he spent a lot of time doing online learning, it meant he could do a lot of gaming during the time that you (and his brothers) were busy with classes. He'd gotten your account information for a game you were playing together a few months back, when there was a limited-time event and you were super busy with classwork. And now, he could log into your account and grind the quests you hated. Most things you'd do with him, but you refused to play one style of quests, insisting they were just infuriating and stupid and annoying. (You weren't wrong.) As you were at class, he spent hours every day grinding away to earn up the currency required for a cosmetic set you'd been eyeing for a a while.
That evening, he invites you over to his room to game together. He tries to make it special; he bought some fancy normie chocolates off Akuzon and he blackmailed Mammon into stealing a bottle of demonus from Lucifer's collection. He even changes into a t-shirt you two had bought together, knowing you have a matching one which is some Peak Normie Behavior. (He texts you to wear yours too, because otherwise he'd just feel dumb, and you laugh because you'd had the same idea already.)
When you both boot up the game, he clears his throat and peeks at you from beneath his fringe and suggests maybe you should check your cosmetics tab before you two queue up for anything. You're confused but smiling as you do as he asks, only to find the full set of gear you'd wanted in your collection. "You're sure that's the one you wanted, right? You can exchange it within twenty-four hours if--"
"It's perfect," you interrupt him. He'd been confused when you'd first bemoaned the unobtainable gear; most people wanted cool wings and fiery auras, but you'd wanted a set with a reptilian tail and cool icy blues. "Now we match." You look over at him with a tender smile. His avatar has four big wings, has a dark aura, is the coolest of the fiery demon warlord looks. But you like him best exactly as he is in reality.
Perhaps this normie stuff isn't so bad, after all.
Most of what he knows of romance and courtship he learned from books and films. After his initial confusion about what to do for a human for Valentine's day, Asmodeus had recommended some of his favorites for 'research'. (They involved a lot more sex scenes than he thought were necessary, but then, what else would one expect from the Avatar of Lust?) He came away with some basic understandings: flowers, chocolates, declarations of love, and an optional over-the-top display of affection catered to the recipient.
He selected some crystalline blooms that reminded him of your eye color, enchanted to keep eternally blossoming and bright. He paired them with some cute little chocolate truffles that had been made to look like round little kittens curled up to nap and wrapped in a paw-print box. He finished it with a handmade Valentine cut into the shape of a seated cat, decorated with cat stickers, and with a message of 'I Love You Meowy Much'. His cheeks are hot as he puts the finishing touches, feeling a tad absurd, but he hopes you'll love it.
Especially the over-the-top display he's been working on for weeks to get right. He's still not absolutely confident but he's hopeful.
On Valentine's Day, he presents you with his ready-made gifts and lifts your hand to his face to bestow a reverent kiss. He offers his arm for you to loop yours through and watches you as you walk to class together, quietly confirming if you like everything, hoping he doesn't sound as adrift as he feels. You do love it, you insist, and he gives you the blushing smile you know to be genuine. He invites you to join him after school at the Cat's Eye, and you agree.
You're happy enough just to spend the evening together, sipping tea and sharing the truffles and petting cats. But Satan seems restless, looking around like he's seeking a specific cat, and you nearly ask if he has another feline date you're interrupting when a fluffy white cat comes trotting over and weaves between your legs, mewling up at you. You don't notice his grin as you bend to pet your mouthy new friend and find a little note tied to a ribbon around its neck.
'YOU'. Before you could puzzle out what the meaning was behind the one word message, another cat came bounding over with another note, and another after that, until you were laughing helplessly with delight as four cats claimed you as their jungle gym and napping spot in short order. The notes all together spelled a message you could finally understand: 'ARE', 'MY', 'FUTURE'.
When you look up, Satan's face is red but his gaze is focused on you, no shying away from the moment. "I've been coming by daily and training them to come over to me on their own," he explains, and he looks down at the black cat in your lap when your soft look flusters him too much to keep speaking. "I think you must be the Avatar of Love," he says, and it's your turn to feel heat creeping along your neck and tingling your ears, "because you're the first and only person who has managed to numb my fury and replace it with something warmer, something hopeful. I can't imagine ever going back to the person I was before you were part of my life."
And it really says the most that he spends the evening touching your hand and watching you, even surrounded by cats.
Sure sure, going out for a date and a spa day and dinner is nice, but that's the sort of nice thing that can happen any old day. And you deserve to be admired almost as much as he is for Valentine's Day!
Which isn't to say he doesn't hold your hand as he skips beside you to classes, swinging you arm back and forth in big arcs to make you laugh as you're forced to join him. Or that he doesn't give you kisses throughout the day on your cheeks and your nose and the back of your head and with lipstick imprints on notes he forces classmates to pass to you in classes you share. Or that he doesn't tell everyone who offers him a chocolate 'Oh thank you~ I'm watching my figure, but I bet my sweetie valentine would love those!' and gets all his fans to pass you the chocolates instead until you are forced to offload most of them to Beel because you literally can't carry that much. Or that he doesn't give you flowers whose meanings he knows and shares with you about how they represent love or beauty or passion or the purity of a perfect soul (or one he claims means "you have a butt ALMOST as cute as mine~" and you doubt that, but then again, it's just absurd enough to be real in the Devildom, so you don't dispute your Asmo's-Butt-Is-Best-But-Yours-Is-Close Flower and just accept the compliment).
But the real highlight of the day is the post he uploads to Devilgram, a photo collection of the two of you together. Pictures from when you first arrived and through the present day, pictures of you two going out on dates, pictures of you two having self-care sessions, pictures of you that you didn't even know he'd taken while you're watching a movie or doing homework or cooking a meal. They're all flattering, which you realize with some surprise. He always gets your best angles, because these are photos taken by someone who sees you as a work of art.
And beneath the photos he writes a long caption, telling all his lovely sweet followers about his darling human and how he loves them so much he sometimes worries they might take the top spot in his heart! He talks about how everything is more beautiful simply for your presence, how you make perfumes sweeter and foods richer and sheets silkier and laughter more melodic. How whenever you're with him, his selfies are even MORE beautiful than usual, like you bring out the very best in him without him noticing.
You don't even care about the millions of views, the millions of comments of people agreeing and admiring you. They don't matter. Because what overwhelms and charms you is not his magic but his love, when you realize that you are the first and only post on his devilgram that doesn't feature him.
Of all of them, the concept of a special day for romance and showing your love is most confusing to Beelzebub. Why wait for one special day a year to tell people how much you love and admire them? Why wait for one day a year to do nice things for family and friends? He's never needed a reminder or excuse to show his family how much they mean to him.
That's not to say he doesn't appreciate the excuse to go above and beyond! He's going to put on uncomfortable fancy clothes and make an appointment for fancy food at Ristorante Six with you, and he buys all the best most delicious most expensive chocolates to give to you, and he knows flowers are important so he buys some of those, and he's heard cards matter so he buys one of those and writes in it that his family is finally complete now that you're part of it and he presents everything to you with the pleased little smile that always makes your insides all melty.
You can tell he's unsure about the whole production, but you can also tell he's just excited to make you happy, and he does that very well.
He saw in a romance movie that Asmodeus was really obsessed with for a while that Big Public Declarations were good too, so he makes a point of waiting before he digs into his lunch that day at RAD. You're more important than lunch, he declares when his brothers look worried at his hesitation. And he stands and smiles at you and takes both your hands into his, and he tells you how he feels right there surrounded by his brothers and his classmates and his lunch.
"For the first time since our Fall, I feel full when you're around. Your smile is more dazzling than Celestial Light, and whenever I'm the cause of your smiles it feels even better than eating a cheeseburger. There will never be a day or a reason for me to love you any less, and every day my love for you grows even bigger. We all love you more and more, but I think we don't say it because we just assume you know. But you deserve to hear it said, too."
And then his stomach growls and his gaze darts from you to his tray of food and back, and he's giving you a very earnest look, and all you can do is squeeze his hands and laugh as you tug him over to sit down and eat.
He is not about the big scenes and the big fuss. It's not that he doesn't think you're worth it, it's just a lot of effort and honestly for what. You already love each other. It's not like you're both animals and this is some weird courtship ritual he has to win in order to secure your affections and a place as your mate.
But he gets it, that the whole point of the day is to put in the extra effort because you're worth it. So he grabs some of the leftover art supplies he can find in the attic and amuses himself making a glittery, lace-trimmed abomination of a valentine, and he writes a poem he hopes will make you grin in that cute way you do (Human roses are red, Human violets are blue, Human cuddles are perfect, For taking a snooze). And during the night, he slips outside to the garden to steal some safe-for-human flowers from Lucifer's carefully-tended gardens, knowing his brother can't yell about it when it's for you.
He hides everything in his favorite pillowcase in order to smuggle it with him unseen to RAD the next day, and he approaches you right as the morning assembly is due to start to present his bouquet and card. You do grin and laugh, just as he hoped, and he's smirking as he hears his brothers rumble and fuss about him causing a delay.
"You're obviously my Valentine, right?" he asks, and you beam and shrug and roll your eyes, your attempted disinterest as obvious as his denied infatuation. He leans in to press a kiss to your lips, lingering long enough to get Asmo to giggle and catcall you both, before he pulls back and grins. "Meet me in the planetarium after dinner tonight. And tomorrow, we'll go buy the half-priced chocolates together."
You can tell by Lucifer's glare that these flowers were his, and by Leviathan's glower that Belphegor clearly had other obligations for the next day he was now canceling with his plans for you. And you could only laugh to be his partner in minor crime, knowing that him Choosing You over choosing sleep and peace and quiet was the loudest declaration of love there was.
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ctrlsatoru · 7 months
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content: techbro billionare!toji, reader is gojo's little sister, age gap (toji's in his mid 30s, reader in mid 20s) kind of ooc toji, suggestive themes, no smut yet. warnings: 18+ only. suggestive themes. explicit language, references to sexual assault. toji having no sense of decorum. reader is engaged so, cheating? but not really and not yet. minors do not interact. pairing: toji fushiguro x afab gojo!reader word count: 8k a/n: i was listening to diablo by lexie liu and the rest was herstory. started as porn without plot but things escalated. will proofread this later. summary: Toji Fushiguro looks like a problem, and you know better than to let curiosity get the best of you, until boredom strikes.
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There was a time when you speed-walked through this very same building with the drive that only a determined intern could contain. Six days a week, from busy mornings to late nights, you embraced every task they tossed your way, seamlessly transitioning between the demands of different editors.
In the midst of it, one newly appointed creative director saw your efforts and took you under her wing. What began as a professional mentorship soon evolved into an enduring friendship that extended well beyond your time at the magazine.
Utahime Iori, a guiding presence in your life, became one of your favorite people in the world—a friend with whom you shared an unspoken understanding, effortlessly reading each other's thoughts with a single exchange of glances across the room.
Fast-forward five years, and the abrupt, intrusive ring of your phone tucked under the pillow shook you awake. It was Iori on the line, her voice laden with urgency and distress. She was stuck in Kyoto, needing you to do her a solid one. Her father’s condition had worsened overnight, and she wouldn’t be able to make it back to Tokyo for a critical photoshoot.
And so, here you stand, back at the bustling headquarters of the technology and culture magazine where you started your career. Despite your throbbing headache and the relentless fatigue that clings to your tired eyelids, you refuse to let your friend down.
Today's mission: capturing profile photos for an enigmatic tech mogul, a figure so elusive that no magazine has ever managed to secure an interview or collaboration. Probably some Zuckerberg from shein with an amped-up eccentric, incel overlord edge.
Iori had shared the name and a brief overview of the assignment during her desperate call, but the details had slipped through your grasp in the haze of your concern for her.
If you remember correctly, the concept is something corny along the lines of Diablo. 
“Ok,” you breathe after the third scalding gulp of coffee that someone thrust in your hand the second you arrived.
Utahime's assistant, a young girl with striking blue hair and asymmetrical bangs named Miwa, looks up from her phone at you with bright eyes, relieved that you’re finally showing signs of life. 
“Uh, who the fuck is this guy again?” 
You’re momentarily distracted by how cold this place is. A shiver cuts a straight line up your spine. July in Tokyo is no justification for keeping the set at industrial fridge temperature, you think. For some reason, Miwa’s opening and closing her mouth like a fish out of the water. You know Utahime can make any seasoned truck driver sound graceful when she’s under enough pressure, so it can’t be your choice of words.
You fail to notice your surroundings coming to a stop, or the shadow towering over you.
“Toji. Toji Fushiguro.”
That's one way to sober you up.
You’re definitely awake after hearing the deep yet smooth rumble behind you. Everyone within earshot gets ready for what’ll happen next as that oh shit realization settles on your shoulders.
But you’re no longer the eager intern who hid in the bathroom to cry after a rookie mistake. Nothing in your face gives away your heart threatening to crawl out of your ribcage. You turn around bravely and face a soft, dark blue surface. 
No choice left but to look up… and up again, until he’s framed inside the thin silver structure of your glasses.
Your first impression of him is simple: no one this tall should stand at this close of a distance. There should be two, or three meters between you to make up for the lack of an acceptable height.
Toji Fushiguro -the name does stick this time- tilts his head to the side and gives you what might be the most shameless once-over. His eyes feel like a dark green horizontal light scanning you from head to toe. It ends with a quizzical expression on his face. The irk is triggered within the second.
“Who are you?”
That same question pops into your mind.
The hair team probably spent twice the time it took you to get here on LA traffic to arrange his inky black hair in the perfect unbothered way. There’s a healthy glow on the sharp edges of his face that can only be the result of seamless natural makeup, enhancing his ruggedly handsome looks. 
You’re thinking that by too big, Iori meant that he’s massive. Literally. Wide shoulders block the tungsten spotlight behind him, casting a shadow on you and drawing a luminous halo around his silhouette. 
Nothing’s angelic about him. You can tell just by looking. It’s a family gift. You may not have your brother’s electric baby blues, but you have the sight, as he calls it, and the alarms in your head are off.
Miwa shifts her gaze between you like she’s about to shit herself when Choso, the head photographer and a good friend of yours, cuts through the tense atmosphere with admirable ease. He rests a warning hand on your shoulder and takes it upon himself to introduce you. 
"She'll be our director today, stepping in for Utahime."
Toji Fushiguro turns to Choso, his eyes never leaving you, observing. 
“Why? What happened to Utahime?”
"She had an unexpected family emergency and asked her to fill in. She's worked with us before, and she's excellent at what she does. You're in capable hands today."
What a star, Choso. A beacon of diplomacy. The world would be a much more peaceful place and the arms industry would collapse if he got into politics, you’re sure. 
Still under his scrutiny, your expression remained composed. You knew his steely smile would fade soon, and—
“Well, that’s all that matters, isn’t it?” Toji concludes breezily, extending his hand toward you.
You reciprocate. Unlike him, you don’t even look down to see how his palm engulfs yours. You just know it will. He on the other hand lifts both eyebrows at your firm handshake.
“I look forward to working with you, Gojo.”
Two hours in, it occurs to you that it might be the case that everyone on set is under some kind of horny spell.
Him nearly walking through the backdrop five minutes in and laughing it off with a cocky comment and a devilish grin sets the entire set on edge from the get-go.
Apparently there’s something about an overwhelmingly tall, ripped, attractive grown man pouting like an iPad kid when his tiny but scary female assistant comes in between breaks to confiscate his phone. There’s a brutish charm about him that makes people act like Victorian gentlemen glimpsing an ankle for the first time in their lives.
The wardrobe assistants are in a heated discussion about how many hands it would take to wholly grasp his bulging biceps.
You, however, remain the skeptic, observing from the fringes. Though if you took any part in the conversation, you’d point out how fucking thick his neck is. Does he lift weights with that thing? What does he need all that for?
When the makeup artist approaches him for touch-ups, he widens the distance between his feet until his face reaches a comfortable height for her to work away. The behind-the-scenes team gobbles it up like ravenous piranhas, and you expect to see this doing numbers on the magazine’s YouTube channel. 
Done with feeling out of the loop and not satisfied with what you catch from the set gossip, you take a bathroom break and allow curiosity to get the best of you. You lock the stall door, sit on the lid, and google him.
His name auto-completes after just three letters. You stare at the Toj on the search bar before digging in.
Techbro, self-made, controversial, messy family background. He was the mastermind behind the acclaimed video game, Diablo, which exploded in popularity during the early 2000s. For years, he's faced criticism in several countries for glorifying violence, gang activity and accusations of satanism. You have to chuckle at that. Nonetheless, Diablo hit it off big and he went on to found a videogame and software company under the same name. He's been steadily encroaching on giants like Tencent after repeatedly refusing buyout offers.
Buzzfeed has a trove of ridiculous articles filled with GIFs of him looking scary and hot at the same time, of him looking like the bodyguard of everyone’s dreams, of him taking no shit from the press. Of him looking like a character out of his videogame. You get the idea.
But something else in the personal life section draws your attention.
He’s a Zenin. And not a distant one. He’s Naobito Zenin’s very own nephew. 
According to a twitter thread, he severed ties with his fucked up dynasty of a family when he was younger and paved his own way under his late wife’s last name. The reasons for the fallout are unknown to the public, but theories are abundant in the replies. You bookmark that for later.
You can't help but wonder if your brother knows him.
With all this newfound context, you’re almost disappointed that he showed no offense to your frankly rude introduction. After all, you’re a Gojo, the impulse to antagonize a Zenin runs through your veins. And if it’s not an inherited impulse, Satoru personally taught you how to handle them. One of your favorite early teen memories of your brother is watching him reduce Naoya Zenin to tears.
The handshake felt layered, like a declaration of war tucked behind a steely smile. There’s a glint in his eyes when he catches you looking that contradicts the unbothered, enigmatic persona people are simping for religiously online. It’s there and it’s gone, but you’re fast enough. It tells you that he’s playing nice as a temporary measure. If you have to guess, he’s planning to make his team bring up your misstep up to the magazine higher-ups.
You're torn between concern for Utahime and a deep-seated desire to see him try.
The day unfolds smoothly with minimal intervention on your part. You stay behind the monitor and let the crew do their job. Your role mainly involves offering insights when requested by the wardrobe team and flagging promising shots with Choso.
Seeing him go through different stages of boredom and despite his not-so-wide variety of facial expressions, you note the camera doesn’t hate him. It's a unanimous consensus that, in another life, he could have pursued a career in modeling, or perhaps even acting. When someone inquires about your opinion on the matter, you become the focal point of a few discreet side-eyed glances. Your response is a non-committal hum. 
Your attention is currently fixated on the last sequence of preview shots displayed on the screen, there’s a very specific detail that you just can’t let pass.
“Can we take a quick break? I wanna try something.”
Choso, taken aback by your sudden initiative, responds, “Yeah, of course, take your time.”
Toji’s face drops from the draw of his eyebrows as you approach him.
“Hi,” he says with that off-putting lift of the corners of his mouth that is supposed to be a smile. He’s probably thinking that your stalling is only prolonging what he wants to be over with.
“Hi,” you catch his inquisitive glance at the objects in your hand. “Is it okay with you if I wipe off your scar?”
His eyes snap down at yours as he thinks it over, squinting for a bit. You’re certain he’s about to tell you to fuck off when he nods briskly, opening his palms as if beckoning you closer.
“Go ahead.”
It's a polite, seemingly harmless green light, yet it feels like you're a bird about to peck at grains of rice beneath a box suspended by a stick.
“Can you—”
He reads your hesitation and does the same thing you’ve seen several times today. He opens the distance between his feet, clasping his hands behind his back. You, for some reason, wait until he looks up at the ceiling like people on the makeup chair usually do out of instict, but he stares at you instead.
Taking a Q-tip soaked in micellar water, you start working away the thin but high coverage layer of foundation, careful not to overdo the edges. A few swipes in and the natural rosy hue of scarred tissue appears, a few shades darker than the color of his lips. It’s a slender, vertical ridge that cuts across his lips, about an inch long. A feature too distinct to waste.
You pull back and he takes the brief chance to run his tongue across the scar, pulling a face at the taste he finds.
Unfazed, you wipe away any excess micellar water and—well, his saliva, you assume—with the dry side of the cotton swab. Once you’re done with that you pat away with a disposable puff dipped in translucent power, just to get rid of any unnecessary shine.
“All good? You satisfied?”
“Cause you don’t look satisfied.”
You’re happy with the outcome of your tweaking, yes. The overall shooting? Well, you’re not in love with it, but you don’t have to be. This whole thing has Utahime’s and the magazine’s aesthetic written all over it, harsh contrasts, blunt shadow. 
“This is Utahime’s concept, I’m going with the brief,” You answer, taking a step back to get an overall look and consider any further touch-ups, stopping him when he starts to go up again. “No. Stay right there.”
“What concept would you go for?” he asks, complying pointedly.
“Like I said, I’m going with the brief I was given.”
“But if you were the original director?”
You wouldn't even be assigned to the task. You left the magazine shortly after you finished your internship and never looked back, even though you liked it here and were being given a much nicer offer than you were expecting. The reason for it being that you found out that your brother had been wining and dining members of the home editorial, showing interest in negotiating for the magazine.
It was a no-brainer for you to part ways and find another way. These days, you work with brands and entertainment agencies that allow for more creative freedom, usually sought out for your particular aesthetic. 
“I wouldn’t be so heavy on making the tech oligarch look human.” 
You reply more out of impulse than calculation, the same way you touch a cat’s tail knowing there will be consequences.
“You suggesting I don’t look human?” He flashes a cold grin at you, kind of like a warning. it’s gone as soon as you blink at him.
The novelty has worn off. Most of the crew are busy doing their own thing, discussing lunch and stretching to alleviate the fatigue of a long day. A few lingering glances remain trained on you— Miwa, Choso, his soldier of an assistant. Toji doesn’t wait for your answer.
“So, what do I look like, then?”
Like a shark, you think. Don’t ever grin at me again, creep.
“You’re a curious one, aren’t you?”You tug lightly at the neckline of his shirt, just a pinch of the fabric, barely touching him at all. "Maybe that should be included in the profile."
He hums. “I do get bored easily.”
You conclude the brief interaction and walk away, acknowledging Choso with a nod, all the while ignoring the way Toji’s amused eyes linger on you.
Like you’re just postponing the inevitable. Whatever that might be.
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He finds you later that day, after you’ve wrapped up.
He enters the room with the unspoken confidence of someone who believes he owns not just the studio, but the entire building. Like he's just acquired the magazine and now feels entitled to disrupt your peace with a shitty opening sentence.
“Your work.” 
You look up from your phone and find him in the mirror in front of you. The hair and makeup team packed their stuff a while ago, all the stations are clean and deserted, and only the lights remain on.
 “It’s… interesting. The butterflies, are they alive?”
You look up from your phone and find him in the mirror in front of you. The hair and makeup team packed their stuff a while ago, all the stations are clean and empty, and only the lights remain on.
“Sorry?” You’re unable to hide your annoyance at the unexpected interruption.
“I googled you. Your work. It’s eye-catching, quite… I guess eccentric’s a good way to describe it. Very edgy.”
You’ve heard your fair share of similar comments in the past, but he pouts and frowns with the last two words and irritation pulls at you. You let your hands drop to your lap.
He leans nonchalantly against the door frame, arms crossed, undeterred by your silence and your less-than-friendly attitude.
“I was wondering, are the butterflies real or is it CGI?”
You can’t for the life of you decide if he’s being serious, or decipher his intentions. “Neither. They’re props.”
“They look very realistic.”
“They do,” you agree. “That’s the intention.”
“And the flowers?”
“Those are real. For the most part.”
“I see. So how would you have me?”
“Excuse me?” 
He visibly fights back a smile, and you wonder if this one would’ve reached his eyes, but seeing how you’re going back and forth like you can’t let the other get the last word, you doubt it. You doubt that he’s capable of such a human thing. Smiling warmly. Honestly.
“You said not so heavy on the looking human earlier, so what concept would you go for if we worked together?”
Because he won't leave you alone to discuss dinner plans with Satoru and Suguru, you stand up from your seat and turn around to rest against the floating station. Facing him like this feels a lot safer than speaking to him through the mirror while giving him your back.
He’s dressed in his own clothes, a basic light gray t-shirt several tighter than the soft material the stylist put on him and a pair of dark jeans. His phone is, as usual, attached to his hand, constantly lighting up with notifications.
“I don’t know. It usually takes me a week to get a feel of the concept.”
“I saw the tank pictures,” he replies a bit too quickly as if he didn't care for your answer. You’re certain that you don’t like this man. You don’t like how bluntly he describes your work, or that you immediately know what he’s talking about.
Knowing how things went on that particular set and from the way he looked absolutely done in the most basic environment without having to do much work, that would be a disaster.
“I wouldn’t put you in a tank,” You snort dismissively, and he tilts his head curiously.
A string of visual prompts runs through your mind. You’d submerge half of his face in black tinted water, or have his head resting on a white surface, make blood spill from his eyes. Perhaps you'd drown him in smoke or apply early 2000s mechanical prosthetics to his face and neck. You’d make his skin flush like rubies as if it were burning to the touch. In every single one of them, his scar is left untouched.
“Nothing you’d be comfortable with.” 
“You see, I think we could meet in the middle.” he reasons, very eloquently, like he knows just what to say to negotiate with you. You imagine that this is the same voice he uses with his board members to bend them his way. “Can’t say I’d be down for the body-pilling thing or the full-body suits, but I’m sure we could come up with something that leaves us both satisfied.”
“Are you trying to hire me right now?” You’re genuinely confused. And hungry, and tired, and nursing a lingering hungover.
“No,” he chuckles, like the notion is absurd “but you looked bored on set today, and I think I could live up to your vision, is that the word?”
“Right, uh huh.” you nod, very condescendingly, remembering that you’re no longer filling up for anyone or hold any professional responsibility. This is just some man wasting your time. “So what is this? You got a praising kink or something?” 
He’s unbothered by your dig. “Not that I know of. Can I be honest?” 
You lift your shoulder in a half-hearted gesture. It's not as though he cares about seeking permission anyway. 
He lets his eyes drop to the floor and looks back up at you with a bashful little grin. 
“I’ve just always wanted to fuck a married woman.”
You’re not as surprised as you are relieved that he’s cut to the chase. He’s not the first man to detest you and want you at the same time. Men often blur the lines between disdain and sex. It’s only fun when they don’t get too comfortable or want to only deliver and fold when it’s their turn to take. 
The situation settles on you. The room seems smaller now, and the distant sounds of people outside have all but faded away. He's blocking your only exit, put you in this tight spot intentionally.
There’s a possibility that he’s some exception to the norm, that he can take as much as you suspect he can give, but you’re not going to find out.
“Too honest?” He's devoid of any shame or attempts to sound apologetic. Instead, he's assessing you closely, monitoring you for any reaction.
You know men like him. He has to be used to people eagerly dropping to their knees with just a tilt of his chin. Most of the people you worked with today would do so without hesitation. But Toji Fushiguro, with his insincere smile and unflinching demeanor, harbors far more selfish and hostile motives than bending you over the same chair you were sitting in and making you watch in the spotless mirrors.
 “Should’ve kept my intentions to myself?”
A corner of your lips lifts, and he zeroes in on it.
“Didn’t scare ya, did I? You’re a big girl, you're not gonna run.”
He’s daring you now. Fully predatory, like he’ll do something at the slightest indication. Shark. You picture him stalking his way into this secluded space that only the crew knows about after finishing recording videos for the magazine’s social media accounts, his shadow looming across the narrow corridor. 
Fear and power. That’s his deal. He either wants to witness a furious flush down your neck, your throat bob in trepidation and your hand look for your phone–
“And do what?” You cross your arms, refusing to cower. “MeToo you? Expose Japan’s mysterious self-made billionaire hellboy? Reddit would riot.”
–Or he wants you to bite back.
“I mean, considering the way you were eyefucking me I think I could probably pull the reverse MeToo card on you.” 
Your chin drops, your eyebrows go up, and your head leans back at the accusation. Were you? Eyefucking him? Maybe.
But so was the whole room. 
And nothing’s stopping you from bullshitting. “Someone’s optimistic.”
“Is that it?” he smiles, tantalizing. “Do you always just take on the job of the make-up kids out of the goodness of your heart?”
You're not going to indulge him with an answer to that. It's not uncommon for you to take on various roles and responsibilities during your projects. There was a time at the beginning of your career when you engaged in every aspect of your work, from styling and set design to prop work, editing, and even makeup.
“Right. You go ahead. Tell Instagram that I sexually assaulted you with a cotton swab.”
“It’d be just another Monday for Gojo’s PR mercenaries, right?” he pushes you further, casually dropping the G-word as a last resort.
“Everyone likes to look at pretty things, don’t be cocky, old man.” He starts blinking real fast like he’s never been called old to his own face.  “Earlier, you asked me what you look like.”
The scrunch of his nose indicates that he wants to say something before the subject changes, but ends up only squinting at you. 
“I did ask you that.”
“You look like a problem,” you let your words hang in the air for a moment. “And not the kind I have fun dealing with, no offense.”
Finally, he grins again, tongue coming out to just graze the edge of his canines. Something inside your belly moves as you follow the movement.
“And I’m not married yet, so– you might want to take your intentions somewhere else.”
He nods thoughtfully, then he buries his hands in the pockets of his jeans and lifts his shoulders, taking in a deep breath. The motion reveals a thin line of hard skin under his shirt and just the edge of his underwear. 
Water under the bridge.
“Well, no harm in putting it on the table, right?”
Your phone buzzes. Your car is waiting for you outside. You move like he’s not standing by the doorway and blocking your only way out. 
“Have a pleasant day, Fushiguro. It was nice to meet you.”
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It’s Friday when you see him again at your friend’s birthday party.
He’s lurking his way through the party, nursing a drink with his eyes attached to the screen on his hand until the birthday boy himself hunts him down. Haibara, producer and pitchfork sweetheart whose debut album cover art you worked on earlier in the year.
It’s a funny sight, it would be almost endearing if it weren't for the fact that it's him. The sunshine main character dragging the hunched, brooding giant along with him. Toji looks like he’s trying his best to keep up, half-amused, half-annoyed, nodding as Haibara rambles away. You wonder how the two even fit inside the same room, Haibara being so charming and Toji, a walking threat.
Then you remember Haibara mentioning that he's been working on the soundtrack for a video game.
Your friends’ conversation mingles with the music and flows around you. Someone’s getting married to his ex-husband’s father. Yuki’s about to open her third concept store somewhere in Europe. You can’t be bothered to focus too much on catching up, but you do meet Shoko’s eyes across the room when Mei Mei says something particularly questionable.
You see a hint of longing in her eyes, a shared sense of missing Iori, just as you do. On a brighter note, her father's health is finally starting to improve.
A hand wraps around yours, and another settles on your shoulder. The cold press of a ring on your skin brings you back to the present. You look at your fiancé and get the dreaded feeling that you’re an impostor pretending to know what to do with a man so devastatingly beautiful. 
Hiroki leans over your shoulder. “Car’s here.”
His hand feels hot and clammy on yours as he leads you out of your friend's sight, turning back occasionally to make sure he hasn't lost you in the crowd. He won't stop until you're both outside, standing by the side of the street.
“Call me when you land?”
Of course, he will. Nothing has changed. He’s starting a new project in some small town in the middle of nowhere in Europe in 24 hours. You won’t ask him to stay. Six months will pass, and nothing will change, you’ve both done this before. 
But you stall. He always calls a car with this in mind. You kiss by the sidewalk, he squeezes you in his arms until your bones fight back. You’ve done this before. It’ll happen again, considering how his acting career is taking off overseas. You’ll do it time and time again until–
“You taste like pennies,” he tells you, and you can't help but laugh softly into his mouth. Your finger traces the barely there curve of his thick, straight eyebrows.
“Make sure to take an aspirin.” 
He nods, always sweet and obedient when you’re nagging. You tuck a strand of hair away from his eyes so that people don't fall too hard for him on his flight. His hair has grown longer in recent months, part of his preparation for a role.
Back inside, Yuki makes room for you by moving her legs off the couch. She asks if everything is okay, and you pull her legs onto your lap, rolling your eyes. She knows you too well.
“Don’t gaslight me. Something was off.”
“Do I look like something’s off?”
“No, but you’re a fucking oyster. Hiroki’s not that good with his face for an actor. He kept looking at you like he was afraid you’d disappear.”
Choso chimes in, draping his arm around her shoulders. "They're getting married. I don't want to jump to conclusions, but I think he might like her, and he might enjoy looking at her."
Looking out of the window, your gaze naturally drifts toward a figure seated by Haibara’s covered dock. Earlier, it was adorned with twinkling lights, but now, even in the dark, you can discern a solitary silhouette in the middle of the glittery ocean.
Mei Mei taps her cigarette, fixing her eyes on you from the other side of the couch. 
“Does it have something to do with Toji Fushiguro asking about you, by any chance?”
Your stomach drops. Your group of friends reacts quickly.
“What does Toji want with you?” Yuki asks, face snapping at you. “Is he trying to get to Gojo through you?”
“We worked on a shooting with him a few days ago.” Choso calmly explains before she can come up with any conspiracy. “She was covering for Iori. Made quite the impression on him, I think.”
“Oh, Satoru’s gonna fucking hate that.” Shoko laughs, unexpectedly loud in her inebriated state. “Please, please fuck him. He’ll be so pissed if you fuck him. It’ll be hilarious.”
“No respect or regard for Hiroki.” Choso shakes his head, and it looks like he’s laughing from the way his shoulders move up and down. “Poor bastard.”
“Yeah, well.” Shoko shrugs, not bothering to hide her dislike for your fiancé. 
You shake your head and roll your eyes. “He’s just pissy because I was not— exactly professional. I think the asshole might try to get me blacklisted.”
Choso makes a noise of disagreement. Yuki frowns in concern. “Shit. What did you do?”
“She showed up hungover, asked who the fuck he was when he was standing behind her, and traumatized Miwa.”
“Not Miwa. She's an angel.”
“Whatever you did, he’s asking around…” Mei Mei adds with a sick barely there smile, finger on her chin. You don’t like how well she knows you. She makes you feel like she knows exactly what went down that day.
You wonder how well she knows Toji, and how much he told her. 
What exactly he asked.
“...and let’s just say that he’s not the curious type, so make your assumptions, everyone.”
You tap Yuki’s thigh without thinking twice and push yourself off the couch. A string of accusations about scaring you off follow, and Mei Mei teases you about not meaning to do that.
“Fuck off, I just need some fresh air.”
“But you’re gonna consider it, right? For me? Come on, it’ll cheer Iori up.”
“I’m not gonna fuck some random man just because you think it’d be funny, Shoko.”
And you’re pretty sure Iori would be the first to tell you to stay away from him. Shoko sags against the back of the couch like a puppy you stepped on.
You step out of the house, past the pool, the limestone steps, and stop only to take off your sandals. The sand is cold and yielding, no traces of the warmth of the slow Atami day left, soft grains clinging to the soles of your bare feet.
Haibara’s dock stretches out into the ocean, endless until you reach the far end and leave behind the sound of laughter and music. It’s him, like you suspected, sitting on the edge, his legs hanging over the sea. 
With one elbow resting on his thigh and a phone in hand, his other palm supports his face. You sweep a strand of hair over your shoulder and inhale the salty breeze, opting to linger a while before revealing your presence.
“I think I got it.”
He looks up at you, momentarily caught off guard, allowing you to take a triumphant sip from your glass, the alcohol causing a painful sting inside your cheek. He's still engrossed in the medieval game he was playing from days prior, his commitment minimal, his thumb hovering over the screen.
You leave some distance between you as you take a seat, your glass resting between you. It’s a high drop from here, the water looks as if it could freeze you instantly.
“Hand-held CCTV cameras aimed at your face. Like guns. Point blank.” you finally elaborate, once you’ve found a comfortable position, demonstrating with your hand.
“Sounds fuckin’ uncomfortable.” he remarks, eyeing your demonstrative fingers. You wonder if he’s drunk and how much alcohol it would take to get him there. 
You drop your hand, and he follows the movement. “I warned you.”
“So I don’t get flowers? No butterflies?”
He lifts his gaze from where it had settled on your thighs, and you absentmindedly tap your ring finger against the bare skin out of habit.
“Thought I was pretty.”
You snort in response. Tonight, the moon shines particularly bright, illuminating the dock lounge. It's a serene spot to catch a break from the lively party.
“I changed my mind.”
He sucks on his teeth. “You can’t take a man’s virginity for being called pretty and then take it back.”
“If it helps, you’re still objectively nice to look at.” You say behind your glass. No point in lying, he’s hot. And self-aware. And you’re not blind or ashamed to admit it. 
“Objectively nice to look at.” he repeats, like he’s getting a feel of it, or memorizing it for future use. “What about the fiance, then? ‘s he pretty? Enough for flowers and butterflies and shit?”
“I met him working for an editorial. He did get flowers.” 
“Ah, I see. So, does he do that often?”
You let another sip wash down your throat, this time tilting your head to the side to avoid the sting.
He returns to his game, and you trace the profile of his nose while the screen highlights the hollows beneath his eyes and the fine lines around his mouth. If you were a bit more intoxicated, you might be tempted to snatch his phone and toss it into the water, anything to halt the conversation about Hiroki. It would force him to look at you instead.
“Leave you alone at parties.” he adds. 
You've momentarily forgotten the initial question. “He’s my fiance, not my babysitter. I can take care of myself.”
“Never suggested otherwise, did I?” he sniffs, and a part of you, the sensible one, contemplates returning to your friends and disregarding whatever pulled you out here. Leave him be to enjoy his game and stay away from the one brewing between the two of you.
“What about your entourage? Are they comfortable leaving you out of their sight?”
“I can fend for myself too,” he says, eyes set on his phone. He seems to like to add your name at the end of his sentences.
“Can I play for a bit?” you ask, extending your hand. He hesitates, briefly glancing at you as if to confirm you're not taking the piss, down at his phone, and back at you.
His phone is big enough to feel like a console, and there's a very on-brand crack on the left corner that he warns can cut you. It gets him a side eye that he reacts to with a careless shrug. 
You haven’t played any games in years or downloaded any since the younger members of your family grew out of the age where they came as useful, but you recognize this one from ads you’ve seen on Instagram.
It doesn’t take any experience to figure out that you’re supposed to manage some kind of orthogonal kingdom. There’s a castle and a medieval-style village surrounded by a tall wall, with full crops around. You tap around, collect coins here and there, zoom in and zoom out under his close watch. Every time you tap a building without a full green bar, a few options show up, you bite your lip to hold back a smile and hit the red X on the right corner of what looks like a church.
He’s snatching his phone out of your hands before you can pretend to be sorry.
“Fuck you’d do that for?”
You don’t know why, but his annoyance hits you as the most entertaining thing you’ve seen or heard tonight. A grown-ass man next to you sulking because you deleted his little 2D church on his phone. Shoko might think you fucking him would be hilarious, but this, to you, is real comedy. 
“What? You religious or something?” You doubt he is, given his controversies and taunting the satanic-panic crowd. He also happens to look like god left the room the moment he was born.
Toji shakes his head, not as an answer but to reiterate that you’ve pissed him off. A laugh full of mirth bubbles out of you. He’s tapping aggressively, filling up the blank spot with a smaller version of the building, and sucks on his teeth again, disappointed at how pathetic it looks around all his leveled-up properties.
“Did something happen to you as a child, maybe?” You inquire.
“What?” he gruffly responds, offering you an irritated glance. He’s kind of cute like this, frustration looks like a foreign emotion for a man like him.
“Are you diagnosed?”
He does a double-take again.
“Is that offensive to you?” you tease, struggling to contain your amusement at the situation. "Sorry, I know your generation isn't that comfortable discussing mental health."
“See, I might be socially stunted, yeah–” he gruffs after staying quiet for a bit, finally putting his phone inside his back pocket. You lift your eyebrows, eager to see where he’s going with this. “I can agree with that. But you rich kids–”
“Oh, us rich kids?” you gasp softly, not expecting that turn, you bite your lower lip to stop yourself from laughing out loud as he’s not done with his sudden rant. You’re fucking tickled.
He shakes a thick finger in your direction. “–You’re fucking uncomfortable to be around, you know? It makes you think that maybe bullying exists for a reason. They don’t rough the bunch of you nearly enough at those expensive private schools, do they?”
“Dude, I hate to break it to you, but you are a rich kid inside a grown man’s body.” He rolls his green eyes at you until all you see is white, thick eyelashes fluttering.
“Oh, I see. No, I get it. You’re self-made and I’m nepo trash. A spoiled little bitch with a bad attitude who’s never been taught a lesson, is that it?”
Animosity radiates out of him. He flattens his palms on the wood surface behind him and clenches his jaw, shaking his head like he’s not even going to try to reason with you.
“You wanted to hatefuck her but then she ruined your game and made you feel uncomfortable, and now the chase isn’t fun anymore.” 
“Nah, you’ve got it wrong there, sweetheart. I don’t put people in such one-dimensional boxes.”
He scratches the side of his nose before elaborating.
“Spoiled little bitch, yeah. But you’re a hard worker. And stubborn, too. You’ve been paving your own way, working real hard to traumatize daddy back, haven’t you? You run on pure spite, eh?”
“Fuck off.” you scoff, throwing back what’s left of your drink.
“And– get this,” eyes now glazed with a cruel glint, he leans in closer like he's about to share a secret, and peers down at your chest when you do the same “He’s the crowned king of our country’s conservative media, he’s also old as fuck, so that can only mean that he’s a raging homophobe on top of, you know? Violently misogynistic. You and your brother got your therapist's pockets nice and full, paid off a few nice vacations to hawaii, probably bought a big beach house for her.” 
He stops and cocks his head, like realization just landed on him. 
“But you, you’re weaponizing the fuck out of him. Christmas at the Gojos's a fucking nightmare for your poor little fiance, but you have your fun, don’t you?”
Just a few minutes ago, you’d been savoring the signs of irritation in his body language, mind running wild with all the ways you could make him tick, but now you want to punch him in the throat. Just bury your fist right there in that v-shaped Adam's apple of his.
“You’re cold-hearted for that, sweets. You know you are.” he accuses half-heartedly, the wicked glint in his eyes hinting that he's trying to strike a chord. “Tell me, does he prepare his social justice speeches beforehand or does he just sit there next to you, quiet and pretty and eats his dessert?”
“Don’t talk about my family, asshole.” You lick the inside of your cheek, but you know the strung tone of your voice will only egg him on.
“Why not? You’re on the news every day. Everyone talks about you.”
Usually, when it comes to your family, you’ve got thick fucking skin. You’re aware of the stain and privilege of your last name. The advantages you’ve had and people claim you don’t deserve. The fact that you’re the living consequence of your father cheating on Satoru’s mother.
Most of the things they say about your father and his monster of a corporation you can agree with, but you keep your head high and your thoughts to yourself and stick to sharing looks with Suguru when it gets particularly nasty between your brother and your father in family gatherings. 
“He’s been causing quite the stir, hasn’t he? Your brother. If Alzheimer’s doesn’t do it, he might be the one to finally send your old man to the grave.”
But you don’t fuck around when it comes to Satoru. 
You’re propping yourself up on your wrist and lifting your leg when his hand comes to your bare knee, stopping you from attempting to stand up and walk away. His grip is surprisingly gentle, though the tips of his fingers touching the back of your knees do send the message. It’s like he can’t let you forget how much smaller you are in comparison to him.
“Whoa, easy. I’m just playing with you.”
You blink down at him, face set, hoping to deliver the message that you might push him into the water if he fucks around any further.
“I have plenty of family baggage for you to hit me back with, have at it.” he adds, almost kindly.
You remember Naoya Zenin with tears running down his face. If you had to bet on it, you’d say that making Toji Fushiguro cry would single-handedly give you bragging rights over Satoru for the rest of your lives.
He hums when you sit again. “Go on, get as creative as you want.”
“I doubt you even have a family.” you bite “God knows what Zenin lab near Fukushima you escaped from."
“Weak but creative, I’ll give a tick for that. So, what I’m getting here is that you get along with him, then.”
You frown, confused.
“You couldn’t pretend to give a shit when I mentioned the fiancé, but you looked like you would’ve blown my brains if you had a gun on you the second I brought your brother up.”
He sounds suspiciously genuine. You don’t feel like elaborating.
“I know him,” he mentions offhandedly, leaning back. “Flashy cottonhead prick, doesn’t like me very much.” 
“Can’t imagine why, enchanting as you are.”
“Probably gonna like me a lot less after this.” he reasons, more to himself. 
He turns to you before you can dwell on what he means by that. “So, you’re two peas in a pod then? You and him?”
“I don’t see him that often.” you think out loud, your dinner plans fell through after a sudden change in his schedule. “He’s on some getaway in Osaka, performing some corporate sacrificial ritual.”
“And you’re too cool to involve yourself in such bland, boring affairs.”
You’ve had a bad feeling since your father announced he’ll be stepping down from his position. With the board and investors spiraling and Satoru suspiciously playing your father’s game, you see havoc brewing in the future; your father closing his fist around his leashes, children crying, kittens separated from their mothers and blood spilled on the floor.
And you want none of it. 
“I’m an outsider. You don’t need me to explain how it goes, do you?”
He nods at you like he’d tip his drink at you if he had one, deep in thought.
You prop yourself up on your wrist and bring a leg up to rest your feet on the rough wood, inadvertently knocking over your empty glass. You both watch as it tumbles, rolling in a circular path until it meets the edge and drops out of sight, vanishing beneath in the inky water, as if it never existed.
“Water looks nice.” he says.
You hum uncommittedly.
“Wanna take a dip?”
His eyes are already on you when you look up at him. There’s not nearly enough alcohol in you to ignore the distance between you, or the lecherous dip under the friendly, harmless veneer. You wonder what triggered this change so abruptly.
You gaze down at your attire, a deconstructed, stretchy fabric ensemble unsuitable for water activities.
"No, but you can go ahead. I'll watch from here and look the other way if you start to drown."
He dips his head slightly, his frown implying you're a buzzkill. "Come on. You've never gone skinny-dipping?"
“That’s a very lame attempt to get me naked.”
He points at the party with a tilt of his head 
“No one’s gonna see you. I will, but I’ll behave, 'cause you’ve had a rough night” The vague fucker carries on again before you can ask what he means by that. “I didn’t think you’d be this shy.”
“And I don’t think Haibara knows he’s friends with an old man that likes to creep on girls a decade younger.” you retort.
He's momentarily silent, and you believe he's finally relented.
Yet, he hooks a finger beneath a thin strap of your top that slipped down your shoulder at some point, deftly guiding it back into place. His nail barely grazes your skin, causing a shiver to course through you. He grins wolfishly, his eyes locked onto yours, darkness flickering from beneath his lowered lashes, tantalizing.
“Like you’re some innocent little lamb who doesn’t know better? I don’t buy it.” he mocks you, voice dangerously dropping. “Your cover’s blown, sweets. I see you. You’re a lot darker than you look.”
“You think so?”
“Mhm. You’re a little fucked up, ain’t ya? Got some real violent impulses tucked in there.”
That’s rich, coming from him. 
"So perhaps you should tread lightly around me."
“I don’t mind.” he says succinctly like you didn’t just witness the black completely eclipsing the green of his eyes. “Tell you what, you’re more than welcome not to hold back around me. Consider me your safe space. Let it all out, you sure look like you need it.”
“How kind of you.” you croon, he blinks, slow and warm for you, lashes coming to rest on the sinking blue-tinted skin of his under eyes. 
“You wanna go back and do drugs, Toji?”
The sea roars, a particularly violent wave crashing under you. He looks over his shoulder like he’s thinking of it.
“With your friends?” His tone is derogatory at the last word, unaffected, but you have a theory that if you were to put your hand on his chest, the rhythm of his heart would tell a different tale.
Cute. He’s cute. You want to chew him up.
He hit the spot about you not being the lamb, but another thing entirely. The thought makes you want to laugh in his face, but instead, you smile and pop a dimple, swinging your feet and imagining yourself dropping a handful of rice in front of him.
“No. Just you and me.”
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onskepa · 5 months
Ik you already did human reader x sully kids watching stranger things BUT could we get the same thing with another movie? Or serie?
How about fast & furious??
They being amazed how a hooman (which they know is small, ex: reader, spider, norm) can handle such a machine which is also heavier than a na'vi
Na'vi weigh around 250-300 kg and a car weighs 2 tons
Helloooooooooo! So do not add more to vopey, this request will be its own thing. Also, I havent watched all the movies, I stopped after the 5th movie. HOWEVER! I will use tokyo drift since it is my most favorite movie! So enjoy!
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It was a windy day in the vast Omatikaya forest, perfect day and perfect weather for many to fly their ikrans. And the ikrans take full advantage of the winds to master new skills and enjoy the breeze. The sky was fully of ikrans with their riders! 
It is no surprise that many would race against each other. See who is the fastest, and the ikrans would pride themselves at their speeds and their riders humoring their interest. The adrenaline and rush of fun running through their blood. And the sully kids are no different. Well, more specifically lo’ak and jake. Both love riding their ikrans and would race for the fun of it. Each round either wins. 
Neteyam rides his for the simple joy of being in the sky, same with his mother and sisters. However, at night, many stopped to rest. Their ikrans resting back to their mountain and the na’vi gathering to a well deserved meal after a fun day in the skies. However, there was a small genuine question that the sully kids had in their minds all day. 
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“What do humans have that makes them go fast?” Lo’ak asked norm one day at the lab. Him and his siblings were curious to know after discussing more last night. So, being lost in his own work, norm looked at lo’ak in confusion. 
“What are you talking about…?” He asks slowly. Trying to give the kids his full attention. But was also confused by the boy’s wording. 
“We have ikrans and pali’s, but ikrans are faster. So, what is ummm…the same for humans?” Lo’ak re-words his question. Norm finally understood, “oooooh. Can't answer that” he replies flatly. He received a loud collective ‘WHAT!?’ from the kids. Norm sighs a bit annoyingly. “Look, go ask niwin. She knows more about that stuff than I do” he suggests. 
Norm turns to call her out from another room. 
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Using one of the bigger rooms of the lab, Niwin inserted a usb to a computer and brought out some holograms. The sully kids make themselves comfortable with pillows and other cushions as they observe the floating transparent objects being shown. 
“Cars are moving objects that humans have been using for over 200 years. And much like technology, they evolve with time. From cute little honkers” Niwin presents as she shows a 1915 ford car. 
“To today, by today I mean 10 years ago since updates are not frequent. Flying self-driving cars that have no wheels and run on hydro gas” niwin then presents a new sleek car with fancy colors and design. 
The sully kids let out sounds telling they are intrigued. “So, how do humans race with them? It doesn't look like you can get on” Kiri asks. Popping another bubble, Niwin extends the car visuals to see inside. 
“We get in, and seats for the capacity of the usual five. But when you have a big family and where logic does not exist, eeeehhh probably 30 people can fit inside. I seen it happen so don't question it” 
A couple more lessons she taught the kids. Letting her expertise show off and give more insight into what automobiles can do. 
“Starting from the 1950’s to 2050, a hundred years of glorious racing, the empire died. Cars were being designed to be safer, more cautious. Nothing wrong with that but it makes taking risks all the better, and all the more harder. Somewhere in the world, everyone had their own style of racing. Their own skills and culture. Racing is the fuel that gives us the rush, the excitement. And one of my personal favorite styles is drifting” 
Lo’ak was quick to raise his hand. “What is drifting?” he asks. 
“You guys like watching movies?”
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“What is prom? What is with the damages? Why do they all look like adults rather than teens?” Kiri asks question after question. Nothing wrong with that since they seem to be valid questions. 
“And why in an area that is clearly forbidden?” Neteyam adds on. 
They were currently in the scene where the teen idiots race against each other on a construction sight with already built roads. 
“Much like lo’ak, they are attracted to anything forbidden and do the exact opposite of what it's being told. Being blind by choice, am I right lo’ak?” Niwin teases. Lo’ak blushes a bit in embarrassment but he doesn't deny nor confirm. Everyone pretty much knew the answer to her question. 
“Anyhow, the good parts will come soon” 
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And sooner did it come. From an “American” setting to a Japanese setting. And much like Sean in the movie, the sully kids had a massive culture shock when Japan came into view. The language, how people looked, the style of everything. Now the movie has definitely gotten a lot more interesting for the siblings. And Niwin was happy they go to feel what she felt during the first time. 
“Amazing huh? That is how I felt when I saw the movie for the first time. Best feeling ever-”
“Yeah yeah shush” Lo’ak hushed Niwin as he grabbed a handful of popcorn. Niwin gasped at that but didn't say much. Shoving a handful of popcorn down her throat, Niwin watches silently. 
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Showing Sean struggling to fit into a new school, with a new language to learn, and new customs to be aware of. The sully kids can relate to that. Being a place that is unfamiliar to what they know. And oh how they know it deeply well. 
“I am getting some serious deja’blue with this whole…..change” Lo’ak comments. Everyone nodded in agreement. 
“Nothing wrong with change, sometimes it can be a good thing,” Niwin replies. 
Shrugging it off, they watch more until Twinkie shows up in the scene. Offering some stuff to sean until the driving wheel is taken focus. And this only leads to better parts.
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The Song began to play, and there the scene opens to a whole world of race cars. Different colors, different glam. Twinkie was showing Sean a new side of what it is like to race cars. Chilling really. What else is there to see or know about? Apparently a lot more. 
Hoods of the cars are being opened to show how the inside mechanics word, all so shiny and complex looking. Yet very eye-catching. Everything was truly captivating for the kids. 
“So those….those are race cars?” Neteyam asks, never leaving the screen. 
Niwin couldn't help but chuckle at his reaction. 
“Those were the glory days” was all she said. 
People were dancing in the center of the giant gathering. Dancing and enjoying the vibes with an odd choice of music. But it looked fun nonetheless. And kiri was starting to get the feeling of the beat. 
“Would you dance with them?” Tuk asks to kiri. The older sister shook her head. “No, good thing I won't,” Kiri replied.
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Neela came to view, a pretty girl with a quick tongue. Having a little word play with sean, but quickly the scene changed to show an intimidating guy. 
“And here comes the baddie of the story” Lo’ak says a bit loudly, throwing his hands up in a dramatic way. Kiri rolls her eyes as she throws a pillow at him. “And louder skxawng?”. 
The scene was quick from light to seriousness. 
“Guess he just can't stay quiet,” Kiri adds as Sean challenges DK. 
“One of his best quirks, don't be silenced but roar out like a mindless donkey,” Niwin says. 
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 For lo’ak, Sean was someone he saw himself in. Reckless yet won't be held down by others and being told how to behave. To live in the moment, and to live for the thrill. That is something lo’ak can understand. 
The big leader, DK, “Drift King” seemed like an intimidating guy. Reeks of cockyness and too much confidence. Yet is the master of his own craft. So when Sean decides to challenge the drift king, things did not go his way. 
“His smile kind of creeps me out,” Tuk says. 
Sean and DK agreed to do a race. As Han volunteered to lend his car to Sean, everyone was leaning forward to see what would happen next. 
Tiwkie leads Sean to an upper floor to show him where the car is. But as the elevator door opened, in a perfect moment, it showed two cars swerving, tires screeching against the concret. Almost like sliding sideways. The sounds echoing the facility. And much like Sean, the sully kids were locked in focus. No sound coming out of them. 
Who will win, who will lose?
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“I predicted he would lose!” Tuk raised her hand as she claimed her ‘future’. Sean lost in a humiliating way. DK was able to avoid walls, people, and other vehicles effortlessly. While Sean damaged literally everything in his path. And damaging a car that was not his. 
“And this begins what is called the training arc” Niwin comments. 
And true to it, Sean began to learn from Han how to drift while also trying to balance his new life in Japan. The two fishermen who speak as they know something is going on during Sean's drift training. And Neela’s past and her connection with DK. 
“Wait, what is a Yakuza?” Tuk asks when the reveal of Takashi’s relationship to the underground crime syndicate. “A very bad guy. I ain't going over that yakuza stuff. Too long and I dont think your parents would like it if I explained it” Niwin replies. Already on her fifth snack. 
“Do you ever just…..not eat?” Kiri asks, slightly annoyed. 
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From Han’s embezzlement of taking the criminals money, to betrayal and to wrecking so many lives. Takashi held a gun to Han's head, things were getting really serious. Tiwnkie made a distraction for everyone to get out. Han, Sean and neela made it to their cars and drove off. Takashi and his little sidekick follow closely. 
From there, it led to so much chaos. Driving through the streets, doing their best to avoid the citizens, there was a lot of drifting. To not hit any car so far was impressive until the short tempered sidekicked crashed into a couple of cars. No one stayed to see the outcome. Not even takashi. While it looked like he looked back to see the wreck, he didn't stop. His need to get after those who are trying to make him look like a fool. 
From those scenes, the sully kids were cheering for the good guys. Hoping they all would live through. Sadly, not all. 
“NO!!! NO WHY HIM!?” tuk and neteyam screamed in shock to see han crashing and flipping his car. And to explode from the gas leaking. Dread was what the siblings felt. Han was a pretty cool character. And his death would never numb away. Niwin frowns at having to see his death over and over again. But of course the frown goes away knowing what happens in the later movies. 
“Oh he is so DEAD!” lo’ak screams, getting more and more pissed of at takashi and how far he was willing to go. 
“Sean better kick his ass or something. Han did not deserve to die. Why do the good guys always die” tuk complains, Crossing her arms. Kiri rubs her shoulder to comfort her. “Soon he will get what he deserves”.
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Kiri couldn't be more right. A deal was made, Takashi’s uncle entered the frame again. And all was on the table. Takashi and Sean would race against each other on the mountain that was common to drift on. And to add more stakes, it would be at night. Where vision is more needed It was literally a life or death race. 
Everyone was cheering for sean, lo’ak going at it at the top of his lungs. Hoping to see his favorite character win. To see takashi be humiliated. Everyone outside of the room were wondering what the hell was going on but nobody cared enough. 
The sully gets were getting to amped as the racing scene went on. They felt like they were seeing it first hand. Feeling the adrenaline go through them, the excitement getting a bit carried away. Oh it was thrilling. 
“Come on, come on!! YES!! YES HE WON!!” lo’ak screamed. Releasing happy noises as his tail swishes. Neteyam spun tuk around in happiness. Kiri mostly stood out of the way so as to not get hit, but she was just as happy. 
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The movie ended and the end credits rolled up. It was over. 
“Wow…..that was just……AMAZING!!” Lo’ak shouted. Feeling pumped to ride his ikran and see if he can replicate those same moves. Tuk was trying her best to sing along to the drift song but only mumbled words under her breath.  
“That was amazing, though it kinda seems sad that those racing days are over” Neteyam says. The movie made it look fun, racing at high speeds. 
“Hey, who said it was over?” Niwin asks. The kids stopped to look at her. With a playful smirk and a swing of her keychain, she asks “you guys wanna ride?”
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Aaaaaaaaaand that is it for this one! Had to re-watch the movie to get down some important parts. But I hope you all liked it, until next time! See ya!
Niwin = fast, quickly, rapidly
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thenightling · 5 months
Demisexual and Queer language
There's been some heated "debate" about the word demisexual and if it is necessary.
I admit there are certain words I don't really think are necessary but I sort of like the sound of, like Pansexual.
First, to be clear, Bisexual didn't originally mean "excluding nonbinary and trans." It wasn't a strict attraction to the binary. It wasn't transphobic or nonbinary-phobic. And most self-identified bisexuals, even now, do NOT heed these newly added restrictions.
Bisexual was a third option when, once upon a time, there were only two options.
Late into the 90s (and even now) there are still some gay folk who think bisexuality is a myth and you have to be attracted to one or the other, men or women, but cannot be potentially attracted to all genders / either gender.
For a lot of bisexuals the term means attraction to your own gender and all other genders. And that's what the "bi" actually means. I only like the term pansexual because of its connection to the Greek Pan.
There was even the weird stigma and notion that bisexual meant you were horny for everyone. Into the 2000s you saw this in pop culture even with beloved characters like Jack Harkness in Doctor Who and as recently as the AMC Interview with The Vampire TV show version of Lestat, where bisexual felt like code for "Horny for everything" and even physically abusive and dominating. Odd that the 90s movie depiction of Lestat felt less... negative-stereotype-y.
Anyway, for a lot of older Queer folk "bisexual" was still a new term as recently as the 90s. When David Bowie came out as bisexual in 1972 a reporter mistakenly took that to mean he had the sex organs of a man and a woman. (Source: the 1993 book "Bowie: In his own words.")
Bowie was so stigmatized by America's obsession with him being bisexual that he walked back into the closet until the mid-2000s when he came back out and admitted he had only gone back into the closet because he was sick of American reporters asking him about it. And he admitted it felt like no other country did that, just America.
And when Vincent Price's daughter found out that her father had been bisexual she ran to Roddy McDowall and confronted him by asking "Why didn't you tell me my father was bisexual?" and Roddy responded with "We didn't know the word. How can you deny something when you don't know the word?"
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Based on Roddy McDowall's response about Vincent Price, there are probably a lot of older and historic Queer folk who were actually bisexual but the moment they had any same-sex attraction the title of "homosexual" was pinned to them.
Language evolves for a reason. The acceptance of the idea that someone could be attracted to more than one gender is why we have the word bisexual. Demisexual has always existed, we just didn't have a term for it. Yes, there are a lot of new terms in the LGBTQAI+ spectrum. And change can be scary. This is why a lot of folk have started to positively use the term Queer, to keep things simple while also taking back a word some used to slur-like capacity. The 1963 novel The Man who fell to Earth by Walter Tevis had a line "He walked like a queer." and in the 1970s that line was changed to "He walked like a homosexual." I half-imagine that if Walter Tevis was still alive he would acknowledge the character Nathan Bryce's internalized homophobia (the character whose internal monologue uses the description) or drop the description entirely but it is interesting to note that the original wording would be more accepted today than back in 1963 when it was first published.
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SO WHAT'S THE REAL DEAL WITH ISRAEL? A history of a nation, a people, and a whole lot of conflict.
There is a LOT of misinformation going around in relations to the history of Israel and Palestine. I’m going to do my best to provide you with a comprehensive overview of this land and what’s going on. 
Is it going to be perfect? No. But it’s going to be a lot better than the crap I came across today of an infograph that was filled with wrong information set to fuel the desire that people seem to have to ‘be on the right side’ of a war. 
This is going to be LONG. But I’m going to try to make it interesting. I hope that at least one person that enjoys history gets something out of this. And please, feel free to ask questions! 
And I do mean questions and not just hate screaming out ‘facts’ that you read once from someone with no sources on a badly photoshopped image of two women talking about how Israel isn’t a real place. 
I’m not here to spread hate. I’m here to give you the facts so that hopefully things can be understood a little better and maybe we can start choosing to help and not simply fuel the fire of hate. 
I’m going to use a lot of Wiki links because I would like to encourage people to go read the articles and do a little wiki deep dive for themselves. It’s fascinating, and hey, you might learn a few random cool things on the way.  I'd also encourage further reading if you are really interested or have questions. Wiki can only get you so far.
I’m also going to avoid talking about religious history in depth and simply stick to the people. 
SO! Let’s get into it! Let's actually LEARN something for once!
We start with 14 tribes in the Bronze age 1175-900 BCE
We get into some sketchy history that dates back to King David. Early records are rough because of all the war and destruction from back then...also that it was 1175-900 BCE and record keeping was often difficult at best when it wasn't being burned down. 
Essentially, the 14 tribes did what everyone did back then (and arguably still do) and they fought. A lot. 
King David (1005 BCE - 968 BCE) is credited as the one who gathered up a group of people that had been fighting with another group of people and kicking the ever loving shit out of these people with slingshots (a standard weapon used by shepherds to fight off thieves and LIONS) and the use of a nice newly created metal called Iron (welcome to the Iron Age!) 
He got mythicised a bit and the whole David vs Goliath became the story. It's where record keeping got a bit off... But there is proof of this man existing. 
After the war, he united the split up tribes and became King of Judah and created the capital of Jerusalem ((hey look! They got their name because they were from Judah. They were the Judes. The Jews. The Jewish People. See how language evolves over time?). 
The next king, one you may have heard of, was King Solomon (968BCE-928BCE). He is credited as being in charge of the building of the first Temple. 
The first temple was an incredibly sacred place and where a lot of the things that defined and made the Jewish culture were kept. 
After he died, there was no clear succession line and the kingdom split into two. The Kingdom of Israel in the north and the Kingdom of Judah in the south.
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Let's head on over to Wiki and see what they have to say about this piece of land. 
"The earliest known reference to "Israel" as a people or tribal confederation is in the Merneptah Stele, an inscription from ancient Egypt that dates to about 1208 BCE, but the people group may be older." 
So yeah, we got Israel mentions that date back to 1208 BCE. Before the splitting of the religions and people. 
But WAIT. What's that strip of land to the west called the Philistine states??? 
It isn't what you think it is. 
The Philistines were a group of people who lived in Canaan during the Iron Age, roughly 1175 BCE. 
They often had tiffs with their neighbors over land and identity, which often left their relations with Jerusalem not the best. 
Now, during this time, many of the settlements throughout what is now Israel was sparsely populated and the original inhabitants (the Canaan people) were dwindling and fading out. It wasn't uncommon during this time to come across completely abandoned settlements and ruins. 
Most of the population was centered around Jerusalem. 
You see, back in the late Bronze age, Egypt called all the shots. Take a look at the map down below. Look at all that Egypt territory! 
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(keep an eye on that purple bit. It’s about to get important). 
Egypt had final authority on all land disputes in this area. They considered the whole area to be a part of their domain. Their records were a little....outdated. They still listed everything as being run by the Canaanites! In fact, it wasn't uncommon for the lingering Canaanites to run to Egypt any time they had issues with the other tribes and demand that it be settled in their courts.  When we start to see mention of Israel in Egyptian records, it is referring to a people (think ethnicity) and NOT a state! And the Egyptians were starting to see them as a problem. 
So what happened to the Canaanites? They got absorbed by the tribes that were taking over the land: Philistines, Phoenicians (Hey, I know that word from middle school history!), and the Israelites. 
In 539 BCE, a little nation called Neo-Assyrian Empire took the northern part of Israel. Then they slowly expanded into the Assyrian Empire. 
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Wait a moment. Zoom in. Enhance. Look at Jerusalem hanging out all alone over there as an unconquered little square surrounded by orange. 
You see, Jerusalem was built as a fortress. A fully walled in city surrounded by unforgiving hill country, and land that worked in their favor. 
And then, Babylon happened. They were having a pretty good run and getting a pretty good reputation as being a HUGE thorn in the side of the rising empires. 
You see that bright purple bit on the other map up there? Yeah, it’s about to get a LOT bigger. 
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(This is a VERY simplified map. Because this is early Neo-Babylon and it absolutely expanded further than this over time. )
They expanded around 911-505 BCE and wiped the Philistine people out. POOF. GONE. These people most likely were killed off and taken as slaves by Babylon and then assimilated into the Babylonian people. 
What's interesting is that the Hebrew Bible (which is a record of the Jewish People, their history, and their story of survival as well as laws) is the primary source of the mention of the Philistines due to the conflict with them. (It’s also mentioned in the Quran.) 
So what happened? 
In-fighting. Lots and lots of in-fighting. But that's over simplifying it. If you are Jewish, you know what I'm talking about (this is why there is a rule about how "A Jew is a Jew is a Jew". Division is what leads to weakening of a people and leads to what happens next). The fracturing of the kingdom and disputes over rulers and laws caused them to divide their loyalties and left them open to bad things. Very bad things. 
Remember Babylon? And how they wiped out the Philistines? 
They didn't exactly avoid Israel on their voyage to wipe out the Philistines. 
720 BCE, The Kingdom of Israel fell to the newly forming Babylonian Empire. 
King Nebuchadnezzar II grew tired of Jewish revolts against the new empire (see the unconquerable city of Jerusalem) and well... 
They attacked Jerusalem. This is called "The Fall of the 1st Temple" in Jewish history (589–586 BCE).
Jerusalem fell and the Jewish People were exiled (taken as slaves) to Babylon. This is recorded history! 
It was during this that the Israelite religion really started to form and come together. 
You see, when the temple was wiped out, it was a blatant attempt to destroy not just a people, but a record of a people and erase them and all mentions of them from the face of the earth (See the Philistine people who pretty much only exist because of a few Jewish records about their disputes). 
But the people retained their stories in exile and really got together and formed the corner stone for the way the world's first Monotheistic religion worked: Judaism. (People of Judah. Get it? It's based on a people from a place!) 
The exile lasted for a long....long time. Exile not just as slaves, but with strict laws that forbid the Jewish people from setting foot in their old land. 
What happened next? King Cyrus! (At this point, Persia existed 550 BCE). 
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I'm not going to get into the history of Persia (though it is FASCINATING and I recommend you look at it if you want to know the history of the middle east.) 
Now good king Cyrus told the Jews that they were all free to go in 538 BCE. So naturally the Jewish people packed up and made a run for Judah. 
This was called "The Return to Zion". 
What does that mean? 
"Zion is a placename in the Hebrew Bible, often used as a synonym for Jerusalem as well as for the Land of Israel as a whole." 
So that’s where that word originated from! 
OH. You know what else is called Zion? Mount Zion. A mountain located to the south... It has SIGNIFICANT biblical meaning, as well as the location of strongholds and other things. Look it up. 
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So, the Jews were allowed to return to Judah, but it still fell under Persian rule. They were just considered a 'Self-governing Jewish Province". 
Some returned. Some stayed. They'd lived in Babylon so long that they figured they had made a home there. I’m also willing to bet that there was reluctance to leave due to 1. The great distance they had to travel (like some sort of…exodus?) and 2. Fear of it being a trick and getting captured again. Hmmmm…. Sounds like a familiar story? 
You may be asking yourself about Egypt right about now. What's this exodus and ten commandment thing and the plagues and all that fun business I heard about in the bible/torah/Quran. (Hi Moses! in Hebrew his name is Moshe. In the Quran it's Musa! But in Muslim, it's a different story and not exactly the familiar one against Pharaoh!) 
Well, I'm not going to get too deeply into the religious stories for a lot of reasons, but a lot of the original Bible (old testament)/Torah was based off of stories told while the Jewish people were in exile in Babylon! They told these stories as a way to keep their faith, traditions, and cultural identities alive while being forced to assimilate. (The story of Noah and the flood mimics a Babylonian flood myth: Gilgamesh Flood! It's a fascinating read). 
But that isn't to say that Judea didn't have complicated and often nasty relations with Egypt. 
But, as the Jewish people slowly started to return to Judah, a more distinctive Jewish identity, culture, and religion started to form. 
And it was at this time that the Second temple was built. 
This is where things are going to start getting complicated. 
Second temple period! (520 BCE-70 CE) 
Because of what happened in Babylon, it became more important than ever to revise how they did things. 
The second temple became a bigger deal and the way the city was run changed. 
Hey look, Persia has a new king! And he's not liking what he's seeing in Judea. These guys are starting to get a little too big for their britches. 
BUT WAIT! Look over there! It's Alexander the Great! And he's conquered Phoenicia and Gaza! 
The Greek Syrian empire is starting to spread out. But there's a small truce with Judea. They’ll protect them from Persia and the Jews can keep doing their thing as long as they aren't a problem. 
However, the Seleucid Empire is starting to push into Judea and take control. The Seleucid empire was a Greek power during the Hellenistic period (312 BCE) founded by the Macedonian Empire...Ruled by Alexander the Great. And they are big into worshiping other gods and forcing people to worship their gods and rulers. This is a big no no for the Jewish people and kingdom of Judea. 
They start to send envoys to Greek trying to get the rulers there to listen to them. It’s not long before their envoys start coming back with bad news….and then stop coming back. 
The Jewish people have seen this before. 
And guess what? Jerusalem has become a problem. They aren't liking all the Hellenistic influence happening in Judea or the fact that the empire is starting to put a stranglehold on them. 
Alright, all my Jewish people? It's time to revolt with the Maccabees! (167-140 BCE) Jerusalem was under siege and the walls are breached! The city is taken and the temple has been captured by the enemy. 
Remember about the hostile countryside I mentioned earlier? 
Time for some Guerrilla warfare! The Maccabees retake the city and spend 8 days fixing up the temple after it was desecrated and all they got is just a little oil that stretches out way longer than it should have lasted (Hanukkah cliff note story version). 
But, there are other powers that are threatening them. Egypt has fallen and the Seleucid Empire is pretty pissed at them. 
We get revolt after revolt. Judea wants the Greeks gone and Rome is the power to do it.
140 BCE - 63 BCE. The Hasmonean dynasty takes control of Judea. They expand outward. 
The Hasmonean dynasty was a ruling dynasty of Judea that is WAY more complicated than I'm willing to get into because I barely understand it. But here it is if anyone wants to take a crack at it. 
Basically, with the Seleucid Empire falling apart, Judea gained autonomy and expanded into neighboring regions (Perea, Samaria, Idumea, Galilee, and Iturea). 
The Roman Republic stepped in at some point and it became a "client state" of Rome. 
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Now, those of you that know your Greek/Roman history know that some big power changes are starting to happen. 
Enter King Herod (37 BCE) (And all the Christians in the room say BOOO.) 
Now SOME of you may be paying attention to the dates. We stopped going down and started going back up. 
All the Christian’s here know what that means. A certain Jewish man has been born, caused problems for the Romans, and then was killed by the Romans for causing problems. 
We now have the birth of Christianity. At this point it’s just seen as a division of Judaism and not a real separate entity. 
We got Julius Caesar and Pompey and Mark Antony and Augustus happening over there in Rome and Judea is doing its best to stay alive and independent. They need protection from the other places that are trying to take them out and they know Rome is the key. So they make deals with one ruler only for that ruler to be killed and replaced by other rulers. It's getting hard for them to keep up. 
6 CE Rome is their ally. 44 CE Rome sends someone to preside over them and Judea is considered a "Minor province." 
Powers are changing hands so fast that no one knows who is in charge anymore. 
The Hasmonean Kingdom eventually falls, but the Jewish desire for independence continues. Only now, they are at war with Rome. 
This whole time period is a cluster of problems and it’s honestly hard to keep up with who was allies and in charge and ruling and expanding and fighting. Just know that Caesar wasn’t the only one getting knifed in the back and by the time a face was stamped on a coin there was a new face in charge. It was rough. 
The important thing to know is that in the year 70 CE, Rome besieged Jerusalem. 
Emperor Titus was done with the Jewish issue. 
They held out as long as they could. And then the walls fell. 
The city was burned and the temple was looted and burned. The majority of the population that wasn't killed in the fighting was outright massacred and the rest were taken as slaves. 
The Jews that managed to make it out of the city ran for the countryside and hillside. Many were hunted down and killed by waiting soldiers. The Jewish population was sold and scattered across the roman empire. 
The loot taken from the temple was paraded through Rome with the slaves. They even made a monument for it! 
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Arch of Titus, which still stands in Rome today. You can see them carrying the holy Menorah through the streets. 
There is plenty of Archeological evidence that supports what happened at the destruction of Jerusalem. 
Massive stone collapses from the Temple Mount's walls were discovered laying over the Herodian street that runs along the Western Wall. 
It's theorized that 1.1 Million people, the majority of the Jewish people, were killed during the siege. 
I can't convey enough just how big this event was. 
All Jewish people were forbidden from setting foot in Judea. 
We now come to 73 CE, Christianity is considered its own distinct religion. 
So what happened to the land? 
All the Jews were gone. Banished, enslaved, or dead. So who got the land? 
Well... Firstly, the city of Jerusalem was gone. When Rome wanted something gone, they made it gone. 
There was rubble and not much else. 
Know what else they did? The forest was burned down. The land was razed to a point where even today, it is still struggling to recover. 
Jewish areas around Jerusalem were systematically destroyed one by one. There were still uprisings here and there, but they were quickly put down. 
The Roman emperor Hadrian decided that he'd had enough of revolts and set out to destroy Judea once and for all. And while he did kick it in the teeth, he never succeeded in destroying the people. (They got real good at surviving and real stubborn about not getting eradicated). Small Jewish areas did survive in various outlier areas and small farming places that were otherwise overlooked. But life was certainly not made easy for them.
Judaea was changed to Syria Palaestina. 
Sound familiar? Two empires that were enemies to the Jewish people. Remember when I said the Greek records were really out of date and still listed the Canaanites as in charge of the area? Well… They also still called the area Palestina.   You see, Hadrian got the name "Palaestina" from Herodotus' Histories from nearly 500 years before. But Herodotus only called the strip of land along the coast "Palaistine" after the Philistines. He wasn't referring to all of Judaea. And the reason Herodotus called that strip of coastline "Palaistine" was because the Philistines were Mycenaean Greeks, so he was recognizing a (long since dead) former settlement of Greeks. (When Rome wants you gone, they want you GONE and to suffer).
Rome built a colony on the ruins of Jerusalem, Aelia Capitolina. Eventually, former Judea became a Christian pilgrimage and was settled by Christians. The land became known as Palestine. 
Not what you were expecting, huh? Bet you didn’t think the Christians would get involved in this Jewish vs Muslim issue. 
So 900 BCE to 70 CE, it belonged to the Jewish people (with the brief exception to the period of exile to Babylon). 
Then the Christians took over from Rome when Christianity took over and mass conversions started to sweep the world. 
Eventually, the population became a mixed bag of Romans and migrants from nearby provinces. 
361-363 CE - The Roman Emperor says the Jewish people can return to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple. In fact, he encourages it! He’s excited about it and starts to fund it and gathers up all the leaders, who are confused but cautiously optimistic. 
The Emperor is assassinated before anything gets underway and the Jewish people are banished from the holy land again. 
438 CE - Jews are now allowed to visit the Temple site. Note how it's visit, not live. A few times a year they are let into the city to visit where the Temple once stood so they can pray, then they are forced to leave again. 
Oops! Back up a it! What’s happening over there during all this? It’s the 7th Century and Islam has now become a major religion! Any Jews hanging out in the Arabian Peninsula? Convert or get out. They’re going to keep their eye on what’s been happening with Rome, the Jews, and the Christians in regards to ‘Palestine’. 
After all, Islam is a cousin to Judaism and they do share similarities to the holy sites. 
And there have been MANY wars over the holy sites. Sieges, betrayals, false alliances, and an overall repeated attempt to eradicate and massacre people over the land.
Now, we all know the Roman Empire eventually fell. But the Jewish people? Still banished. They became the Diaspora. Attempting to settle in place after place until they are either massacred, converted, or kicked out. They have no home. Just a place to sit for a bit until the next massacre forces them to flee. 
That's not even getting into the Crusades of the Christians against Islam in Palestine 1095-1291!! 
So... Skipping over a LOT of history and massacres and terrible things....
Oh boy oh boy. I'm going to skip a LOT. Because the crusades are a mess of WTFery and I'm not writing a thesis here (right?). 
But... 1917, enter Britain. Because of course Britain has to get involved at some point. You wouldn't be telling a world history tragedy story without Britain somehow getting involved. 
They take control of Palestine from the Turks. Basically, WWI just ended and the Ottoman Empire lost big time. Their punishment? Britain now rules their land (I’ll get to that in a bit). 
A decree is issued establishing Palestine as a national home for Jewish People, so long as nothing is done to cause prejudice or remove the civil rights or religious rights of the existing people that live there (Non-Jewish communities). 
Many Jewish people interpret this to mean that ALL of Palestine is now a Jewish State. 
1921: Britain changes their mind. All of Palestine east of the Jordan River is closed to Jewish settlement, but not to Arab settlement. 
Oh boy. 
1923: Britain says Arabs can immigrate but NOT Jewish people to Syria and Lebanon. 
What? What are you doing Britain? 
Remember that Western Wall rubble that was found in Jerusalem? The last remains of the Temple? By 1929: Muslims and Jews have been fighting over that wall for ages. Riots break out in Palestine and Jewish people are massacred. 
Annnnnnd that takes us to 1933 when Hitler rises to power. Jewish people everywhere attempt to start to emigrate and flee to what they hope are safe countries. 
1939: British government limits Jewish immigrants to 10,000 a year. Jewish people are trapped and the Holocaust catches up. 
1945-1948: Post Holocaust refugees try to find the only place that they may call home: Palestine. The British government detains them and prevents their entry. 
1946-1948: Things start to get violent in Palestine and British rule is unsure if they want Jews there or not. 
1947: the UN approves the creation of the Jewish State and an Arab State in British ruled Palestine. 
1948: Israel declares independence as a Jewish State and opens up to all Jewish people trying to find a safe place to live after the Holocaust. Essentially, it becomes a refugee state and if you are Jewish in any manner of the word, you are now a citizen and have a country to escape to when the massacres happen. 
A Jewish Exodus from Arab and Muslim lands results as they flee or are expelled. 
Egypt invades and Israel holds fast, expanding its borders as a result. 
Egypt continues to attack and threaten Israel until the Six Day War in 1967 when Israel captured the West Bank
(Pictured here)
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The West Bank is considered the heart of Palestinians. This is known as the Gaza Strip. 
Many Israelis see this area as their ancestral Homeland. Many Israeli settlements are starting to push into this area in a ruthless attempt to take it back. I DO say ruthless because they have been using violence against those living there and farming there. 
There is international law that states that this area is off limits to Israelis. 
"1890: The term "Zionism" is coined by an Austrian Jewish publicist Nathan Birnbaum in his journal "Self Emancipation" and is defined as the National movement for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland and the resumption of Jewish Sovereignty in the Land of Israel. "
Now, the term Zionism has taken on different roles and meanings over the years. I mentioned above what the word means and comes from. But it was later claimed by right wing Israelis who want the Arab nations out of Israel. It was later taken back again to being used as a simple declaration of nationalism for the right for Jews to have a place to call their own. 
It's...complicated. I think Zionism can only really be defined by those who claim they are Zionists. Which ideology they follow may vary and much like any notion of nationalism, there are problems and dangers. 
Is it wrong to be a Zionist? Depends. But the answer is not a straightforward yes or no. 
The Jewish people deserve to exist in a state. But so do the Palestinians. 
Let's talk about Palestine! 
Historically, you got nothing until Judea is destroyed and the people are taken as slaves and killed in 70 CE. 
Then you have a bunch of Christians wandering around it declaring all the historical sites to be theirs. Which, since Christianity comes from Judaism, they happen to share a lot of the same spiritual and historical sites. 
But so does Islam.
There are repeated revolts, wars, disputes, and claims to the area by MANY different factions. 
Many times the Jewish people attempted to retake the area only to be put down again and again. 
In the late 6th Century, Islam was founded. They conquered Palestine in 636. Unlike previous rulers, they allowed Jews and Christians the freedom to practice their religion in peace.... but they had to pay a special tax and be submissive to Muslims. But, they did lift the centuries long ban on Jews being banished from Jerusalem. 
Guess who wasn't a fan of all this? 
Time for Crusades to 'liberate' Jerusalem from the Muslims. 
European Christians campaigned against Muslims to reconquer the 'Holy Land' of Palestine. 
Hey look! The Ottomon Empire (1466 CE) decided to show up! 
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As I mentioned above, the Ottoman Empire had sided with the Germans and lost. They were driven from Palestine and British rule took over. 
Remember how I mentioned that the British government declared Palestine to be a Jewish State in 1916? Well it turns out that just one year earlier, in 1915, it had been declared an Arab State in which the UK agreed to recognize Arab independence. BOTH declarations were seen as giving full control to either the Jewish People or the Arabs. 
Good job Britain. Way to do what you always do and cock it up. 
Here’s the biggest problem with saying that you side fully with Palestine. Internationally recognized terrorists political movement of: Hamas. 
Hamas is an Acronym that translates to 'Islamic Resistance Movement'. 
It's a political military movement that governs parts of the Gaza Strip. 
They have taken charge and governed the Gaza Strip since 2006 and have periodically attacked Israel. They promote Palestinian Nationalism in a strictly Islamic context. 
In fact, they propose that Israel NOT be recognized as a state and that a strictly Palestinian State be formed. 
All the truces they offer to Israel over the years? Incredibly Antisemitic. They have carried out numerous terrorist attacks against the citizens of Israel and continue to 'advocate' for the return of Palestine without Jews. 
They tend to be the 'dominant political force' in Palestine because of their anti-israel stance. They pretend to want a two state solution, but will repeatedly reject talks and demand "From the River to the Sea". Their end goal is to remove ALL of Israel and return the entire region to Palestine, thus making it an Islamic State. 
It’s important to know that this is a radical group that unfortunately has a lot of control and uses its own people to terrorize and hide behind in an effort to bring about fear and hate and death. The actual Palestinian people do not deserve that. 
It’s also important to know that the Israeli people do not all support their own government or leaders who have decided to take up an extremist approach to attempting to eradicate the terrorist movement. 
MANY Israeli and Palestinian people believe in trying to find a negotiation that will benefit both sides and share a land that in a long lengthy way does represent three major religions. 
It is important to know what Charities are supporting. Where the money is going, and who is only furthering violence on both sides. 
It’s also important to know your history. 
When I was little, If you said someone was Jewish, I imagined a white European man. Why is that the common image of a Jewish person? How is it possible to be a colonizer if your people come from that country in the first place? 
So I'm going to ask you a question, and I REALLY want you to think about this. 
If someone owns land and comes from a land, they are forcibly removed from the land for a LONG amount of time, someone else comes in and makes a home of this land and lives there for a long time, and then the first people want that land back.... Do they become colonizers? Are they wrong? Do they not deserve their land back?
If you think the answer is yes, you need to go have a conversation with the Native Americans. 
BUT, as we all know... What do you do about the people that currently own and live on that land that was stolen from the first people? Maybe you didn't do the stealing, but you acquired stolen property and if you give it back then now you have nowhere else to go.... What sort of conversation needs to happen now? How do you solve this problem? 
If you made it to the end, I thank you so much for taking the time to be curious about history and how it impacts current events. If you have questions, please let me know.
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wrecklwj · 1 year
MXTX Diaspora May 2023 is drawing to a close, so here are some personal reflections
As some of you may know, MXTX Diaspora May was originally started by Frost in 2021 as a means of elevating Chinese diaspora creators in fandom. At the time the event was set up, the climate in fandom was truly a hostile one, with Chinese diaspora creators routinely facing discrimination and marginalization. Adding to that were a slew of vicious hate crimes against Asian diaspora people in real life.
May is AAPI Heritage month in the US, and thus it was chosen as the posting month for the event. In other words, it was a time for us to come together, to heal, and above all, to let our voices be heard.
Since 2021, the scope of MXTX Diaspora May has evolved. Instead of solely focusing on MDZS, we now spotlight fanworks for all of MXTX’s novels. More importantly, MXTX Diaspora May has gone international in welcoming the participation of Chinese diaspora creators from not just the US, but all around the world (like me)!
So, why is MXTX Diaspora May so meaningful to me?
At the time that Frost invited me to be a part of the mod team, I was honestly struggling to find a place in MDZS fandom. I was frequently spoken over, treated as an expendable resource for cultural information, and on the receiving end of comments that contained racist microaggressions (and sometimes, outright aggression). Dealing with these interactions was exhausting, as well as grappling with the constant feeling that I had no real right to be in the English-speaking fandom. I still feel like this, even today — works where I (subconsciously or otherwise) downplay my identity as a member of the Chinese diaspora are always substantially more well-received than works where I do not. In other words, as some commenters (helpfully) pointed out to me, it was exhausting and difficult to get into the stories I told and the viewpoints I presented, especially if they contained too many cultural markers and language code-switches.
Being part of MXTX Diaspora May changed everything for me. Creating and interacting in this space that belonged to us, that was built solely for the purpose of elevating voices like mine — it meant that for once, I could tell the stories I wanted to tell, to the likeminded people I wanted to reach, without needing to downplay, apologize, or make excuses for just how unpalatable they might be.
Personal revelations aside and back to the culture-building aspect — I truly believe that the path to disempowering racist structures in fandom (and by extension, in real life as well) lies in changing the fundamental mindsets and worldviews of people. And to achieve that, we all have to relearn the ways in which we think, feel, and operate. MXTX Diaspora May is built on this very principle — the belief that through giving a platform to marginalized voices and actively encouraging open dialogue and appreciation, we can connect with each other over our shared experiences and gradually influence the perception that others outside our immediate circle have over our culture and language. It is an active, inclusive, and sustainable way of dismantling preconceived notions and habits that allow racism to flourish in fandom.
At the same time, it is also worth acknowledging that there is also a limit to how much power we place in institutions to do the work for us. Sit with the discomfort and the exhaustion, question our preconceived notions, and challenge our hearts  —  and I am optimistic that as things change at the individual level, the associated structures and systems will naturally follow.
So, where should we start?
There are so many ways we can be a part of the movement to dismantle systemic racism against members of the Chinese diaspora in MXTX fandom. One of the most actionable ways would be to boost and consume works by Chinese diaspora creators. And if we’re reading, listening to, or looking at something that doesn’t immediately appeal to us, and especially if we find ourselves struggling to comprehend or relate — ask ourselves honestly if it is a failing on the part of the creator, or just our own unfamiliarity with the context of the work, and/or implicit biases coming into play. Take our time to realize it for what it is, and then decide from there whether to move on, or move ahead.
MXTX is a Chinese writer, and her works are an extension and reflection of her culture and upbringing. It is impossible to separate her identity and belonging from the stories she writes. It’s exactly the same for us Chinese diaspora creators. Wherever we are in the world, however we were raised, and whatever pieces of ourselves that we choose to share in our works — I hope that we will continue to find our peace, our pride, and our homecoming whenever we do.
MXTX Diaspora May collection (2023, 2022, 2021)
Danmei Diaspora Creatives collection (showcases work by Chinese diaspora creators across a myriad of danmei fandoms including MXTX; not affiliated with MXTX Diaspora May)
Directory of MDZS fics and podfics by Chinese diaspora writers that are focused on the modern diaspora experience, compiled by G (not affiliated with MXTX Diaspora May)
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cheeseanonioncrisps · 4 months
I think we as a society really need to get over the idea that 'natural' automatically = 'good'.
And I don't just mean in a 'use actual disinfectant instead of cobwebs and wishful thinking!' kinda way, although that is part of it.
I mean in the way that so many people seem to fucking valorise the neolithic period as some sort of Pure and True Garden of Eden where everything was Perfect and humans got it Right.
Obviously we all know conservatives do it. The whole evolutionary psychology 'pink is for ladies because they evolved to see berries better, while blue is for boys because they evolved to hunt under the sky and we're going to ignore that these trends are less than a century old' thing. Yeah, we all get that that sucks.
But for some reason the Left Wing response is so often to just pull out the Uno Reverse card and be like "well actually the Neolithic era was a socialist utopia because-" which is surely a much less revolutionary argument than people seem to think it is.
Firstly, because it encourages historical revisionism. Like, if everything people learn about the lives of Early Humans ends up getting twisted into some political argument about the Right Way To Live in the modern day, then people are obviously going to be motivated to interpret the facts in a way that supports their own personal values.
To give an example: suppose one day we somehow found incontrovertible evidence that Stone Age autistic people were not actually valued for our ability to sort animal bones or stay awake all night or whatever, but were rather beaten to death with rocks the moment we started showing symptoms.
What would we do with that information? Given that 'autistic people were valued members of society in Stone Age times!' is currently being used as a key argument for our right to exist?
Ignore it? Refuse to believe it? Shrug our shoulders say "well, guess we were wrong" and start beating people to death with rocks as an expression of the wills of our Pure Divine Ancestors?
Which brings me to my second point of: while I don't think stone age societies actually did beat autistic people to death with rocks for no reason, they almost certainly did a fuckload of stuff that we would consider immoral today.
I mean, they definitely didn't vaccinate their kids. If you went back in time and told somebody from the Neolithic era "poke your kid with the Magic Needle and they will be Protected From Disease" they'd probably go for it, but if we're going for natural = good then technically the anti-vaxxers have it right.
There's also a fair amount of evidence for cannibalism. And massacres. And infanticide as a method of birth control. The natural state of humanity is pretty shitty by most modern standards.
And like, I'm not saying that stone age cultures were cruel and inhuman either. They were very human.
The nature of humanity isn't inherently brutal or inherently pure… it's mostly, in fact, the desire to build something for ourselves and our communities that is better than what we have. Medicine. Shelter. Warmth. Clean sources of water. Consistent sources of food.
Humans didn't Get It Right in the stone age, and we sure as hell haven't Got It Right yet. But billions of people didn't spend their whole lives working to make things better for future generations, only for us today to decide that the only way to Get Things Right is to go all the way back to the beginning.
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ms-fandomgirl · 7 months
BBHG: Mapo Tofu (Ch. 2)
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Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
Words: 2,565
Summary: A chance encounter in the Shibuya Train Station leaves you with a sore shoulder and a mysterious bento box. You’re willing to write the incident off and move on, otherwise preoccupied with navigating a new city and a new job, but a bombastic blond, meddling friend, and fate itself seem to have other plans.
Genre: Pro Hero AU, fluff, strangers to lovers, medical setting
Links: Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Masterlist | Cross-posted on Ao3!
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Mapo Tofu - Consisting of tofu set in a spicy red sauce with meat, this originally Chinese dish emigrated to Japan in the 1950s where it evolved into sweeter and more mellow flavors popular among Japanese cuisine.
Pale, golden rays of sunlight filtered through the large, double-paned windows, warming the kitchen in a gentle glow. On the windowsill, six houseplants of different varieties sat, basking in the morning light. Sticking out of the soil, small jewel-toned picks proudly displayed their names: Yuki, Kita, Suga, Tohru, Ren, and Souta. In the living room, eight more plants were grouped around the couch, still asleep in the darkness until the afternoon rays helped them rise.
At the doorway, Ibara Shiozaki stood, wringing hands betraying her otherwise stoic expression. “You’ll need to rotate Souta 45 degrees every two days, otherwise he begins to lean too much towards the sun.” She motioned to the last of the plants on the windowsill, small buds covering the plump, green succulent. “And don’t forget that Tohru needs to be watered last, since you also need to mix in her special plant food, but you can’t give it to Kita, otherwise he’ll die.”
You nodded, attempting to shoo her out of the door for the umpteenth time this morning. “Don’t worry Shiozaki, I’ve got this. I promise that I can handle your babies for a week.”
“Are you sure?” she asked, looking skeptical. “When you first brought your own plants upon move-in, they were in desperate need of attention. For someone with a medical background, I was surprised you didn’t immediately realize that action needed to be taken in order to preserve their life.”
While the words themselves sounded hostile, you simply laughed the comment off, shaking your head. Having Shiozaki as a roommate did nothing to cure the culture shock that came with the big city. Blunt, serious, and downright confusing at times, she had definitely added to the stress at first. However, she did, in fact, save your plants, and there was no way you could afford an apartment as half as nice as this one if you had been living on your own. Therefore, you quickly adjusted to her quirkiness and overall dependability as a roommate.
“My specialty is people, not plants, but I’m an avid learner.” you replied. “That’s where you come in, my incredibly talented, plant-mom teacher.”
Shiozaki scoffed, but a rosy blush crept its way onto her cheeks. She never could take a compliment. “Well, I emailed the instructions to you, just in case. I also–”
“–Left them taped to the fridge,” you finished for her. “Yes, I saw those two weeks ago when you announced that you had this mission. It will be fine, just go. You’re going to be late!”
Shiozaki looked like she wanted to argue more, but closed her mouth when she saw the time, her lips forming a tense line. If there was one thing she possibly valued as much as her plants, it was her punctuality, and right now you had a very good point. If she delayed any further, she would most definitely be late. Giving you a confident nod as you wished for her safe travels, she spun on heel and closed the apartment door, footsteps echoing down the hallway.
You glanced at the time on the microwave, inwardly cursing yourself as you too rushed to get out of the door. It wasn’t until you were at the crosswalk to the station that you realized your hands were too empty. The bento box you had left to dry the night before was still sitting on the rack.
The underground was busy today, although it was considerably louder than yesterday. Normally, the commuting passengers, while many in number, were heard by the sound of their shoes against the worn tile rather than their voices. Early mornings with no coffee and the stress of public transportation rendered them voluntarily mute.
Today, however, everyone had something to say.
Vendors of food stands loudly offered you their freshest pastries, your stomach saying ‘yes’ but your brain and anxiety very much saying ‘no.’ Around you, people clustered in groups, talking about the headlines on the newspapers stacked around the station. The words ‘top heroes’ and ‘tomorrow’ were the only ones to cling to your memory, the others brushed off by your hasty pace. How could anyone think about ‘tomorrow’ when there was still a whole day of ‘today’?
Therefore, it was hardly your fault that you didn’t hear the man at first, brain immediately dismissing his voice as another in the sea of mindless chatter.
“Oi, you there.” A small commotion erupted behind you, the sound of angry huffs increasing in volume as more people were pushed aside. You didn’t turn, anxiously peering down the tracks of the train, as though doing so would make it come faster. “Hey, Bento Box Girl! I’m talking to you.”
You were once again painfully reminded that your own bento box was firmly planted on your kitchen counter. Nonetheless, you did turn, wondering what poor person was being accosted like this so early in the morning. The scent of warm caramel and a familiar cologne crested over you like a wave, so strong you almost stumbled as though physically pushed.
Ah, that poor person was you.
“Me?” You stared at him, too shocked to be polite, not that it mattered. He definitely didn’t seem like the type for pleasantries considering that he had blatantly ignored any pretense of manners with both encounters.
The man in question rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. The white t-shirt he wore stretched tight across his chest at the motion, confirming that the hardness you had felt from your trip the other day was, in fact, all muscle. You were sure the arms which had caught you were similarly structured, but they were currently covered by an oversized letterman, a large, burgundy ‘R’ emblazoned on the front left pocket. Narrowing in on his piercing eyes, more vibrant than the jacket, and sandy hair, you thought that the man looked vaguely familiar, too.
A sudden gust of wind signaled the train’s arrival, breaking your thoughts and stealing your attention away. The stranger didn’t like this, darting in front of you to prevent you from moving toward the opening doors and forcing you to face him again.
“What’s your secret?” His eyes bore into yours with unfettered determination, and a chill ran its way down your spine. You tried to side-step him, but he was obnoxiously quick for someone of his build.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you replied, meeting his gaze with all of the strength you could muster. You weren’t a villain, but he was certainly making you feel like one.
He scoffed, as though insulted that you could be this clueless. “The curry. What’s the secret to your curry?”
A second passed. Then two.
‘Was this guy serious?’
“Just-” you began, realizing that he wouldn’t leave you in peace until you gave him an answer, “add something sweet, like honey. Yours was way too spicy. You need the balance of both, otherwise one flavor will overpower everything and it won’t taste as good.”
His brows furrowed, a slight nod being the only confirmation that he heard you. He turned to rummage in his own bag, and you considered the conversation over, trying to step past him onto the train.
His arm shot out, and you were once again blocked. In his hand, he held a small box wrapped in a pale orange cloth. A bento box. Your bento box. You looked back up at the man, who was looking at you with an expectant stare.
“I don’t have yours,” you said, shrugging sheepishly. “This morning was super busy and I didn’t even have time to pack my lunch. In fact, I don’t even think I have any leftovers since Shiozaki–”
He cut off your rambling with a wave of his hand. You thought he would be upset at your admission, seeing as his default reaction seemed to be pissed off, but instead, he simply leaned back, hands finding his pockets.
“You better bring me something good tomorrow, then,” he said, a devastating grin slicing across his face.
It was then that you were reminded how handsome this asshole was. That sense of familiarity wormed its way to the front of your brain again, and you wondered if you knew him from the cover of a magazine or on a billboard advertising the latest fashion. He certainly seemed like the type.
The station announcer called for last minute passengers, and you scurried through the open doors, abruptly cutting off any further conversation. However, it seemed as though he had accomplished what he came for. Instead of boarding the train, you watched as his red letterman turned away from the platform and made its way upstairs, melting into the crowd.
‘Maybe tomorrow wouldn’t be such a bad thing to think about after all.’
* * *
“That man is loaded.” Hina leaned back in the hard plastic chair of the break room, hands coming together to form a peak as she began her analysis. “The jacket you’re describing is from the Fatgum Agency x Gucci merch collab for charity. The only pieces of sidekick merch were the letterman jackets, and they sold out in less than five minutes on pre-order.”
You had been giving Hina a dramatic reenactment of your morning events, and when you had mentioned the flashy jacket that the man wore, she had almost fainted. A few months ago, she had come into work with bags under her eyes and looking utterly defeated. When you had asked her what was wrong, fearing the worst, she had tearfully told you about how hard she had tried to get the Tamaki letterman, and how quickly they had sold out. You consoled her with a lunch out and Suneater plushie, but you knew the defeat stung, especially since she owned every other piece of Suneater merch.
“Maybe he’s in the yakuza,” Hina continued. “Besides having money, he must have had connections to score that jacket as well.”
You set your chopsticks down, thoughtfully chewing your tofu. “I doubt that a member of the yakuza would be buying hero merch, much less chasing after me for a curry recipe. Whoever he is though, the man can cook.”
After yesterday’s curry fiasco, you had been hesitant to try whatever he had prepared for you today. However, your curiosity won out, and you had unwrapped the bento to reveal a beautiful meal of mapo tofu. Like his last dish, this one was tongue-numbingly spicy. However, instead of being overwhelming, the different flavors of spice melded together perfectly to create a multi-dimensional flavor that left you craving more.
“So, you don’t think he’s all that bad now?” Hina questioned, leaning forward with her elbows on the table.
“No, he’s definitely still an asshole.” You shook your head as you corrected her. “It’s just annoying that he’s also handsome, cooks well, smells good, and is apparently loaded.”
Hina snickered into her hand. “I don’t know, sounds like he’s still a catch. Maybe you just need to get earplugs so you can’t hear him when he opens his mouth.”
You could easily imagine the stranger’s rage if he realized you weren’t listening to him, giggling at the thought of his face turning red and veins popping out of his neck until steam began to actually pour from his ears. “I would pay money to see his face if he ever found out, but it would probably be the last thing I ever saw.”
Feeling a looming presence over your shoulder, you stopped the conversation short, turning around in your chair to come face to face with a very unhappy looking Gia. Her hands were on her hips, and she made a show of tapping her foot, as though she had been waiting.
“Ah, there you are,” she said to Hina, completely ignoring your existence. “I should have known that you would have been in the break room.”
You suppressed the urge to roll your eyes but couldn’t keep the sarcasm out of your voice as you responded. “Well, it is our lunch break for five more minutes.”  
As expected, she didn’t offer you any form of acknowledgment. Instead, she rounded the table to stand in front of Hina, brushing away the loose strands of hair that framed her face and were one hundred percent breaking the dress code. “Why did you go ahead and draw up Mr. Mori’s charts? I thought I told you to wait for me.”
Hina was handling the situation better than you were, giving Gia a placating smile. “You were busy with other matters at the time, so I went ahead and helped him since he is under my care.”
“But what if you missed something?” Gia scolded.
“I didn’t,” Hina replied. “I had Dr. Hayashi confirm it.”
You thought Gia might cool down after this statement, but if anything, it seemed to make her even more agitated. She sighed loudly, her voice lowering in tone but increasing in vitriol. “But you could have!”
She shook her shoulders, straightening herself back into a somewhat relaxed position. “Next time, please wait for me. As a senior nurse, it is my duty to make sure that our patients receive the most accurate and relevant care.”
Hina nodded in response, obviously wanting the conversation to be over. Thankfully, her wish was granted. Gia turned on heel and walked out of the break room without another word, head held high as though she had saved the day. When the door closed, you scoffed loudly, rubbing your forehead.
“She could have missed something too!” you exclaimed. “Even though her Diagnosis quirk is ‘made’ for the medical field, it’s only accurate 95% of the time. We’ve studied for years to get here. Surely that means we can fill out a chart and give a basic diagnosis based on the readings without her breathing down our necks.”
Hina agreed, groaning as she sunk down into her chair. “I know, but what can we do? She’s in charge of us for now. I’m just glad we’re still in our rotations so we won’t be stuck with her forever.”
You grumbled out an agreement, still unhappy about the entire situation. Someone definitely needed to take her down a peg or two, but you felt as though you had no right to do so. After all, she was your boss, and despite her general arrogance, her quirk really was perfect for this. All she had to do was touch someone, and she was able to give them a complete diagnosis of the patient with at least 95% accuracy if not more. Your quirk, while still being useful, was nowhere near the level that hers was when it came to helping others and saving lives.
A timer on your phone signaled the end of your break, and you carefully packed up the bento before wrapping it in its pale orange cloth. There wasn’t much left of the mapo tofu, and you made a mental note to cook something special for the stranger in gratitude, despite his attitude. Following Hina out of the door and back into the hospital hallway, you realized that for once, you were excited for the next day to come.
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A/N: Yay! Second chapter is up! Thank you guys so much for the amazing support and kind words. I am so happy you have been enjoying it so far! My schedule might become a bit disrupted during/after Thanksgiving, but I will update you all if things change. Other than that, looking forward to next week's post! It's a long one.
As always, reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated, but please do not repost here or on other platforms. However, fan arts, edits, or anything like that are beyond amazing and totally welcome! If you have a question about it, just ask me.
Tag List: @lavender99, @gold24fish, @bqkuho3, @satorulicious, @cringeycookies, @summrwalkr, @nyxmania
If you would like to be added to the tag list, let me know in the comments! Also, if the tag list DIDN'T work, please let me know as well. I've never done one before, so I'm not sure I did it right.
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yamayuandadu · 6 months
The fabrication of a storm god: Susanoo, Taishakuten (Indra) and their histories
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When I found this ask in my inbox recently, I initially admittedly wanted to only give a short, dismissive response. After all, the similarity between these two is completely superficial. And, truth to be told, it’s more a vague similarity between how they are presented as “storm gods” by questionable online sources than between their actual roles. However, I quickly realized that would not accomplish much. The best way to counter misconceptions is to show reality is more interesting - and in the case of complex figures with long histories, this requires time and effort. The response, like the recent Tamamo no Mae one, kept growing as a result, and evolved into a fully blown unplanned post. Under the cut, you will find a brief examination of the origin of the erroneous notion that Susanoo was ever understood a “storm god”, as well as a summary of his character  character, the main deities linked to him in the Japanese “middle ages”, and finally his fate after the Meiji restoration. In the second half, I deal with the Japanese reception of Indra. While not actually related to Susanoo, he is nonetheless a complex deity worth exploring, even though it feels like he’s not particularly appreciated by hobbyists and his central role in medieval cosmology hardly gets acknowledged.
Victorian confabulations and Meiji mirages: the fabrication of a storm god
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Susanoo vanquishing Yamata no Orochi, as depicted by Yoshitoshi Tsukioka (wikimedia commons)
Contrary to what you might have seen in numerous online sources of dubious quality, Susanoo is not a “storm god” (let alone a “thunder god” more specifically). Nothing to that effect shows up in standard points of reference like Encyclopedia of Shinto, and even Wikipedia despite arbitrarily putting him in the weather god category only musters a single 2000 paper which I’ve never seen cited in subsequent Susanoo research as “evidence” of a weather connection. 
The most recent in depth treatments of Susanoo in English are a section of Bernard Faure’s monograph Rage and Ravage and David Weiss’ The God Susanoo and Korea in Japan’s Cultural Memory: Ancient Myths and Modern Empire. The former at no point makes any claims pertaining to the weather while discussing him. The latter notes the view that Susanoo was a “storm god” enjoyed some popularity in the late nineteenth century because of the influence of the now long abandoned school of “nature mythology”, in which deities are only ever representations of natural phenomena. This theory was originally formulated by Edward Burnett Tylor, who basically admitted no actual Japanese sources ever present him as a “storm god”, but that this character is nonetheless evident in his vibes (obviously not how he phrased it, but his study deserves no more dignified summary). Tylor’s nonsense was subsequently taken up by a certain Edmund Buckle, who randomly connected his forerunner’s oc with Indra because I guess all weather gods are basically interchangeable (there’s an interesting point to be made about how they’re the one group of male deities who are often treated in poor quality scholarship the way goddesses usually are). By 1899, the theory reached Japan, where it caused a prolonged academic debacle. However, it seems supporters of this view, much like in the west, were the followers of the long since abandoned notion of “nature mythology”. Among the theory’s opponents were researchers such as Masaharu Anesaki. As far as I can tell, it’s essentially irrelevant today.
The oldest available information about Susanoo’s actual character comes from the Kojiki and the Nihon Shoki. I don’t think that needs to be discussed here in detail. Even though I often overestimate other people’s familiarity with mythology I think it’s fair to say everyone with just a passing interest in Japan knows at least the basics of the myths about his conflict with his sister Amaterasu, his banishment, and subsequent victory over the serpent Yamata no Orochi. It will suffice to say the oldest recorded mythical image of him is that of an ambivalent deity, a heroic monster slayer on one hand, a transgressor and exile on the other. This polarity remains a core part of him for the rest of his history. The other early sources dealing with Susanoo are various fudoki, regional records. They indicate that in the eighth century he already was connected with diseases. Later on in the Heian period, he also came to be associated with purification. Or to be more precise - he came to be viewed as the archetypal target of purification, in a way. His misdeeds from classical mythology became examples of deeds requiring such ceremonies, performed variously by courtly ritual specialists like the Nakatomi clan, Buddhist clergy, or onmyōdō masters. He also functioned as a jinushi, a “landholder deity” of often ambivalent character tied to a specific location, and an araburugami, a “raging god” defined by causing havoc out of hubris (as opposed to malice).
Gozu Tennō and others: the network of medieval Susanoo Susanoo’s character developed through the Japanese “middle ages” in no small part through associations with other deities, typically caused by his incorporation into Buddhism.
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A composite Susanoo-Gozu Tennō, as depicted by Sadahide Utagawa (Östasiatiska Museet, Stockholm)
The single most important figure he came to be linked with was by far Gozu Tennō, the “Bull-Headed Heavenly King”. While religious and literary texts present him as a deity from India, the guardian of the Jetavana monastery, and he was even furnished with an artificial Sanskrit name, Gomagriva Devaraja, his origin is actually uncertain. It’s possible he was inspired by a misreading of a passage from the travelog of the Chinese monk Faxian (c. 337-442). He visited Jetavana in the early fifth century, and reported that there was a statue of a bull next to the monastery’s door, before moving on to describing the supposed first image of the Buddha, which according to him was made from legendary “ox-head sandalwood” and impervious to fire. Confusion between these two passages might have led to the creation of an ox-headed deity. Other proposals are present in scholarship too, but ultimately the matter remains unclear. What is evident is that Susanoo and Gozu Tennō shared many similarities: the latter also was an archetypal “raging deity”, and he too was linked with pestilence. An argument can be made that he was the disease spirit par excellence in medieval Japan, in fact. When properly worshiped, he was supposed to protect the faithful from illnesses, as expected from a deity of this variety. They also shared an association with foreign lands: Gozu Tennō primarily with India, but also with China and Korea, while Susanoo just with Korea, due to a Nihon Shoki episode where he travels to the kingdom of Silla. Yet another point of connection is that both were simultaneously recognized as manifestations of Yakushi (the “medicine Buddha”). Therefore, it comes as no surprise that at the Gion shrine in Kyoto, and in many other locations across Japan, the two were identified fully.
However, the link was at times conceptualized differently than as interchangeability between the two. For instance, Kaneyoshi Ichijō’s treatise Kuji Kongen (公事根源; “Roots of Court Administration and Ceremonies”) Gozu Tennō is merely an “acolyte” (warawabe, 童部) of Susanoo. Granted, this author eventually came to view them as identical himself, which shows how fluid medieval theology could be.
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A humorous depiction of Susanoo and Kushinadahime serving pieces of Yamata no Orochi prepared like grilled eel (��ta Memorial Museum of Art; reproduced here for educational purposes only)
The identification between Susanoo and Gozu Tennō also extended to their wives, respectively Kushinadahime and Harisaijo (波梨采女), as evident for example in the Shaku Nihongi. The latter was regarded as a daughter of the dragon king Sāgara. Things are made slightly awkward by the Nihon Shoki Sanso, where she is a manifestation of Yamata no Orochi (one of the multiple cases of putting a positive spin on the snake). Susanoo in the guise of Gozu Tennō thus effectively marries his nemesis. The marriage itself is a subject of a number of myths. According to Hoki Naiden (簠簋内伝), an onmyōdō manual, the “heavenly emperor” (Taishakuten, one would presume, based on information I’ll discuss later) de facto played the role of a matchmaker between Harisaijo and Gozu Tennō. When the latter was lamenting that due to his monstrous, yaksha-like form - he had the head of a bull - he will never find love, a bird sent by the celestial ruler informed him that it would be appropriate for him and Sāgara’s daughter to get married. This suggestion then evidently works out just fine, and the couple subsequently have eight children, the Hachiōji (八王子, “eight princes”) over the course of thirty seven years.
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Hyōbi (wikimedia commons)
There are multiple slightly divergent traditions about the identities of the children. The most notable variable is that a goddess named Jadokkeshin (蛇毒気神; also read Dadokuke no kami; “deity of poisonous snake breath”) sometimes appears among them, sometimes is treated as an independent deity serving Gozu Tennō, and sometimes takes the role of his spouse (in at least one case with Harisaijo quite literally relegated to the role of his ex). She is also identified with the astral deity Hyōbi (豹尾, “leopard tail”) and by extension with Ketu.
Another figure who was closely linked with Susanoo in the middle ages was Matarajin. This tradition was associated with Gakuen-ji. In a local legend, Susanoo started to be called Matarajin after being buried underneath it. I won’t dwell much on Matarajin here since I already wrote a lot about him, and will write even more in the near future, so it will suffice to say the two share a connection to diseases. In Matarajin’s case it is the most pronounced in the “ox festival” still held in modern times at Kōryū-ji.
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Shinra Myōjin (wikimedia commons)
Connections between Susanoo and Matarajin’s fellow Tendai old man disease-related deities Sekizan Myōjin and Shinra Myōjin are documented too. Bernard Faure argues that in fact it was Shinra Myōjin who first developed such an association, and it was only transferred to Matarajin as well because of the numerous analogies between them. 
A distinct tradition regarding Susanoo developed in the theology of Ise (“Ryōbu shintō”), which as expected was Amaterasu-centric (but also Dainichi-centric!). He came to be linked with Mara and Devadatta as a representation of “fundamental ignorance”, with the conflict between him and Amaterasy gaining an additional Buddhist dimension. At the same time, in the noh play Dairokuten (第六天), which deals with Jōkei’s pilgrimage to Ise, Susanoo appears to protect this monk from Mara. Evidently, in this context Susanoo and Amaterasu are hardly opposed to each other, seeing as the former de facto intervenes on behalf of the latter. 
While the notion of rivalry between the siblings obviously did not vanish in the middle ages, and in fact new myths about it started to circulate (in one Matarajin assists Susanoo), it can be argued that it was ultimately the new conflict between Amaterasu and Mara that was central to many medieval theologies. While she and Susanoo could be portrayed as antagonistic, there is a case to be made that there were more similarities between medieval ideas about them than there were differences. That was not meant to last, though.
Later developments
The tradition of associating Susanoo with assorted medieval deities first came under criticism in the eighteenth century. Sadakage Amano, an early proponent of kokugaku ("national learning", an early Japanese nationalist ideology) ideas, wrote a treatise dealing with this matter, Gozu Tennō Ben (牛頭天王辨, “Clarification on Gozu Tennō”). Its core premise is that monks and shrine priests alike are deceptively trying to present “foreign” deities as identical with “native” ones. This point was further developed in the nineteenth century by another kokugaku big name, Atsutane Hirata. 
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Hirata's self portrait (wikimedia commons)
He reaffirmed that presenting Susanoo and Gozu Tennō as related deities was a nefarious plot, and blamed Kibi no Makibi for starting it. He argued that Makibi spent too much time in China and as a result forsake a pristinely Japanese way of thinking (whatever that wouldn't entail). As a result, when he heard the legend of ox-head sandalwood, which was believed to grow on the mythical continent Uttarakuru and cure diseases, he turned it into a deity, who he subsequently brought to Japan. Then he identified him with Susanoo to increase his prestige.
Was that the historical truth? Kibi no Makibi was an envoy to China and spent around 20 years on the mainland, that much is undeniable. However, the only connection between him and Gozu Tennō I was able to track down is a local legend pertaining to Mount Hiromine in which he meets this deity in a dream, though.
Ultimately like most of Hirata’s writing, his theory consists virtually entirely of confabulations, mostly motivated by extreme levels of xenophobia. Rather ironic for a movement which originally largely developed among the most hardcore neo-Confucian thinkers in Japan. Granted, that’s hardly the only baffling thing about them. The best way to understand what was going on in the heads of kokugaku proponents is to recall how contemporary marble bust profile pic “the west has fallen” trads or Bible literalist creationists function, and adjust that image for the specifics of the Edo period. 
Still, kokugaku theories, nonsensical as they were, kept developing, and finally gained government support after the Meiji revolution. In 1868, the Council of State proclaimed that shrines can no longer use “inappropriate” names to refer to their deities. Gozu Tennō was the only example brought up directly, in part possibly because with the reestablishment of the power of the emperor and the rise of the imperial cult it was viewed as suspicious that a deity unrelated to the imperial court had the moniker of tennō (written with different signs, though). The edict also contains a blanket ban on any name with the element gongen. As a result of the new policies numerous locations had to be renamed, and for the most part the history of Gozu Tennō came to an end. He and his peers eventually came back into the spotlight in the second half of the twentieth century as subjects of scholarly inquiries, and the field of study of medieval and early modern Japanese religions is now booming, with entire monographs and articles published in multiple languages each year, but that’s another story.
The history of Susanoo obviously did not end in the 1860s, though. What followed was probably the single darkest page in it, an era of intense efforts to make him identical with Dangun, the legendary founder of Korea. The goal was explicitly to justify Japanese colonial control over Korea through faux-spiritual means. Since Japanese colonial domination of Korea is a relatively recent and deeply serious historical issue compared to what I cover most of the time, I feel it would be inappropriate to deal with it in the same article as medieval literature which ultimately lacks much of a tangible impact on the modern world, so I hope you won’t mind I don’t go deeper into the detail here. 
With the matter of Susanoo now settled, let’s move on to Indra. The two were never associated with each other, but the latter developed an equally vibrant network of roles and associated deities around him as Susanoo after being transmitted to Japan.
From Indra to Taishakuten
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A typical Hindu depiction of thousand-eyed Indra (wikimedia commons)
Indra has a long and complex history, so long he is in fact attested a handful of times in bronze age cuneiform already as one of the notoriously mysterious non-Hurrian Mitanni deities (sic), invoked as personal deities of the royal house in a lengthy treaty oath. This makes him one of the very few “bridges” between my two major normally disconnected interests (the “cuneiform world” on one hand, and East Asian religions and art on the other).
The biggest early text corpus dealing with Indra are the Vedas, where he is the single most frequently mentioned deity, with quite literally hundreds of hymns praising him. Naturally, he remained a part of the history of Hinduism later on, and today he is still well known thanks to his role in popular epics like Ramayana. His relevance is not limited to this system of beliefs alone, though. He has a small (negative) role in the Avesta (see here), and he was embraced by various schools of Buddhism across much of Asia. 
In early Buddhism, the prestige of Indra was not particularly great. This obviously reflects the fact that the formative years of Buddhism were also a period of Indra’s relative decline as an actively worshiped god back at home at the expense of deities central in contemporary Hinduism like Vishnu and Shiva. However, he surprisingly regained some of his original prestige thanks to developments which occurred outside of India. This is well documented in East Asia in particular. I’ll only cover his Japanese reception here - therefore, through most of the rest of the article I will use his Japanese name, Taishakuten (帝釈天), accordingly. Buddhism emphasizes not Indra’s warlike side and his battles with asuras, let alone a connection with the weather, but rather his role as a heavenly ruler. He keeps epithets related to his 1000 eyes, but to the best of my knowledge this is not really reflected in Buddhist art, especially not in Japan. Another role retained by him in Buddhism is that of a directional deity, the protector of the east.
Something that’s worth highlighting is that asuras in general just aren’t that big of a deal in Japanese Buddhism. Outside of enumerations of non-human sentient beings, only Rahu and Ketu have a substantial role, and that’s more because they’re astral deities rather than because they’re asuras. Otherwise the entire category is about as opaque as mahoragas (when you look up “mahoraga” online 99% results are a Jujutsu Kaisen character, as it turns out, which speaks volumes about their general obscurity) and the like. Hard to make opposition to them the focus of a major deity when even gandharvas have a bigger role to play.
I can only think of a handful of major references to battles between Taishakuten and asuras in Japanese literature: an offhand comment in Heike Monogatari (courtesy of Kenreimon-in), a passage from the Taiheiki where Jōkei (who you already met earlier in this article) has the privilege to watch the parties involved reenact the conflict for his benefit, and a myth cited by Annen with no source provided, possibly invented by him. The innovation is that Marici (Marishiten) is a major combatant on the side of the devas, something with no parallel in any other source, whether Buddhist or Hindu. Rahu is singled out among the asuras as an enemy of Taishakuten, but that’s hardly unparalleled.
The conventional image of Taishakuten
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A conventional depiction of Taishakuten (wikimedia commons)
For the average Japanese person through much of the country’s history, the most frequent exposure to Taishakuten were standardized oath formulas (kishōmon). These followed a strict hierarchy of deities: Taishakuten, Bonten (Brahma) and the four heavenly kings first, then king Enma, Godo Daishin (Wudao Dashen), Taizan Fukun and other underworld officials (sometimes assisted by astral figures), then kami and representations of Buddhas tied to specific localities (for example the great Buddha of Tōdai-ji), and sometimes various religiously significant historical figures like prince Shotoku or Buddhist patriarchs. Obviously, Taishakuten’s elevated position reflects his role as a heavenly ruler - the “heavenly emperor”, tentei (天帝).
The residence of Taishakuten is the heaven of the thirty three devas (忉利天, Tōriten, a calque from Sanskrit Trāyastriṃśa). It is located on Mount Sumeru, the center of the world according to Buddhist cosmology. Sources from the Heian period indicate the existence of a belief Taishakuten’s heaven is unique in that women could be reborn in it after death without first reincarnating as men. This distinction was otherwise only attributed to the pure land of Maitreya. Note it was not Taishakuten himself who was responsible for guaranteeing that, though, but rather the bodhisattva Fugen, who was particularly popular among Heian court ladies.
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Karai Tenjin (wikimedia commons)
Taishakuiten’s major position in the Buddhist-influenced cosmos is also evident in literary compositions focused on other deities. For example, in the Dōken Shōnin Meidoki (道賢上人冥途記, “Record of Dōken Shōnin’s Experience of the Other World”), a version of the legend of Michizane, his revenge is supported by Taishakuten, who gives him a new name, Nihon Dajō Itoku Ten (日本太政威徳天). This is meant to show his banishment was a religious transgression, and we also learn that the emperor responsible for it, Daigo, fell into hell as a result. However, esoteric Buddhism is  also credited with calming Michizane down - as he explains himself, “bodhisattvas (...) were there, and they enthusiastically propagated the esoteric teachings. Because I liked these teachings very much, one-tenth of my deeply seated enmity from my past was reduced.” This obviously goes against the more common legend where being enshrined pacifies Michizabe entirely. In the Dōken version he announces that the enshrined deity, who he calls Karai Taiki Dokuō (火雷大気毒王; “King of Fire-Thunder and Poisonous Air”), is merely his messenger #3 (#1 and #2 are not mentioned).
The closest thing I can think of to Taishakuten being associated with the weather in Japanese sources occurs in a version of the Michizane legend, too: in another variant, Michizane states it was Taishakuten alone who permitted him to enact his vengeance and entrusted him with commanding 105000 thunder gods (in the Dōken Shōnin Meidoki there are 168000 attendants instead, “poisonous dragons, evil demons, deities of water and fire, thunder and lightning, the director of the wind, the master of the rain, and other poisonous, harmful, and evil deities”) and causing disasters. 
From emperor to heaven to controller of fate
Due to his prominent cosmological role Taishakuten is also described in many sources as a  controller of fate responsible for determining the lifespans of living beings. Sometimes, in this capacity he basically overlaps with king Enma - for example, Shishi Yaloan, a Buddhist encyclopedia from the eleventh century, states that he also possesses a mirror in which he can check on his subjects. A local tradition from Tateyama states that he lives on the Taishaku Peak of Mt. Tate, simultaneously regarded as an entrance to Buddhist hell. However, while Enma and the other kings of hell generally stay there, Taishakuten takes a more proactive role, seeking information about the good and bad deeds of the living. Initially, it was believed that a survey of the whole world was conducted on his behalf by the four heavenly kings, but by the tenth century, a belief that he performs it himself every four months himself developed.
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The famously unconventional depiction of Taishakuten from Shibamata Taishakuten, still distributed today in the form of ofuda (wikimedia commons)
In the Edo period, Taishakuten as a controller of fate developed a connection with deities associated with the tradition of kōshin nights. In this context he became the deity the three worms living in every person’s body report their good and bad deeds to. Temples associated with him, like Shibamata Taishakuten (famous among other things for its unconventional images of the eponymous deity), were historically a popular destination for pilgrimages tied to kōshin celebrations.
While the fate connection ultimately came to the forefront in Japan, it would be unfair to say it entirely superseded the original heavenly role. As a matter of fact, it was the fact that Taishakuten was a “heavenly emperor” (tentei) that made him such a good fit for kōshin.
The elusive "emissary of Taishaku" As early as in the Muromachi period, yet another deity came to be viewed as responsible for Taishakuten's survey of the world in a variant tradition: one of the so-called “ambulatory deities” (遊行神, yugyōjin; “ambulatory” as in “wandering”, not in the medical sense) , Ten’ichi(jin) (天一神; also read Nakagami), literally “the first deity of heaven”. He was regarded as a “vassal” of Taishakuten and the commander of the Twelve Heavenly Generals. Each of his cyclical surveys of the world lasted 44 days (four times five days for each of the main directions and then four times six for the intermediate ones). That was followed by sixteen days during which he reported the vices and virtues he recorded to Taishakuten in heaven, with his own underling Nichiyū(jin) (日遊神; “playing sun deity”) descending to earth instead. During Tenichi’s absence, which started with a day referred to as Ten’ichi tenjō (天一天上), directional taboos pertaining to various astral deities, which normally had to be countered with a practice known as “changing directions” (方違え, katatagae), did not apply.
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Taishaku Shisha (top right) and his peers accompanying Dakiniten (wikimedia commons)
Another interesting thing about Ten’ichi is that he was identified with an elusive deity known simply as Taishaku Shisha (帝釈使者), literally “emissary of Taishaku”. At first glance this doesn’t really sound interesting - after all, Taishaku Shisha’s name sounds exactly like what Ten’ichi does - but completely unexpectedly, the former actually belongs to the entourage of Dakiniten. His attributes make him resemble officials of the underworld, though he is never portrayed as menacing, always as benign, and his duty is to report the good and bad deeds to his superiors, much like Ten’ichi does. He additionally functions as a god of wisdom, which according to Bernard Faure might reflect Dakiniten’s link to the bodhisattva Monju, famous due to an association with this concept.
Curiously, while Taishaku Shisha is at least nominally a member of a group of four “acolytes” of Dakiniten alongside Tennyoshi (天女子; “heavenly maiden”; holds a bow), Shakunyoshi (赤女子; “red maiden”; holds a halberd and a “seduction jewel”, aikei-gyoku, 愛敬玉) and Kokunyoshi (黒女子; “black maiden”; holds a sword and a black jewel), he is sometimes described as de facto separate from them. Perhaps the fact his very name links him with another deity has something to do with that. Also, he is absent from the origin myth of the three maidens, who according to Hoki Naiden flew to Japan from India. According to Bernard Faure, it is possible his roles overlapped in part with Dakiniten’s own emissaries, the tengu Tonyūgyō (頓遊行; brings happiness) and Suyochisō (須臾馳走; brings longevity).
Dakiniten, “demon kings” and Amaterasu: the network of Taishakuten
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Dakiniten (wikimedia commons)
Taishakuten’s connection with Dakiniten goes beyond the figure of Taishaku Shisa. The Mizōukyo (未曽有經) contains a myth according to which a fox once tricked Indra into accepting the animal as his master is recorded. It serves as an explanation for the notably fox-like Dakiniten’s elevated role in the royal ascension rite devised by Shingon priests (it was still performed in the 19th century, emperor Meiji was the first to abstain from it). In folk beliefs Taishakuten was also sometimes assigned the role of the “master of the foxes”, which normally belonged to her instead.
The link to these animals according to Bernard Faure might have reflected a more ambivalent perception of Taishakuten than usually expected. The other possible piece of evidence in favor of this interpretation is a poem which proclaims that he and Tsuno Daishi, the demonic manifestation of Ryōgen, look “like brothers”. The latter is a complex figure, but it will suffice to say here that historically he was sometimes perceived as a “demon king” (魔王, maō). On the other hand, the original holder of this title, the “Demon King of the Sixth Heaven” (in other words, Mara) was said to offer his blood to Taishakuten on “blood-shunning days” (地幅, chi-imbi). In practical terms, this meant a religious prohibition on the drawing of blood, acupuncture and moxibustion on a specific day, different each month. I need to stress here that even though figures such as Dakiniten and the “demon kings” obviously originated in the realm of demonology - respectively as a flesh-eating, vital essence-stealing demon and as the tempter of the Buddha - they eventually developed much more complex and nuanced characters. Therefore, it is not unexpected major deities appear in association with them. In the middle ages, even Amaterasu was frequently linked with them. Funnily enough, in contrast with Susanoo Amaterasu does have a connection to Taishakuten as well. Tenshō Daijin Kuketsu (天照大神口決; “Oral Transmission.Pertaining to the Great Goddess Amaterasu”) from 1328 states that she corresponds to him - but also to Bonten, Shōten (Ganesha), the kushōjin (倶生神; these would take a bit to explain), king Enma and Godō Daijin. Granted, another roughly contemporary treatise, Reikiki, instead proclaims Taishakuten, the “heavenly emperor” (tentei; just like in the later kōshin tradition) the “kami-body” of Toyouke, the outer shrine Ise deity. However, these matters ultimately go beyond the scope of this response. Stay tuned for my article about medieval Amaterasu to find out more!
Ryūichi Abe, Women and the “Heike Nōkyō”: the Dragon Princess, the Jewel and the Buddha
Bernard Faure, The Fluid Pantheon (Gods of Medieval Japan vol. 1)
Idem, Protectors and Predators  (Gods of Medieval Japan vol. 2)
Idem, Rage and Ravage (Gods of Medieval Japan vol. 3)
Gerald Gromer, A Year in Seventeenth-Century Kyoto. Edo-Period Writings on Annual Ceremonies, Festivals, and Customs
Takuya Hino, The Daoist Facet of Kinpusen and Sugawara no Michizane Worship in the Dōken Shōnin Meidoki: A Translation of the Dōken Shōnin Meidoki
Nobumi Iyanaga, Medieval Shintō as a Form of 'Japanese Hinduism': An Attempt at Understanding Early Medieval Shintō
William Lindsey, Religion and the Good Life: Motivation, Myth, and Metaphor in a Tokugawa Female Lifestyle Guide
Fabio Rambelli, Before the First Buddha: Medieval Japanese Cosmogony and the Quest for the Primeval Kami
Hiroo Satō, Wrathful Deities and Saving Deities in: Fabio Rambelli and Mark Teeuwen (eds.), Buddhas and Kami in Japan. Honji Suijaku as a Combinatory Paradigm
Idem, The Emergence of Shinkoku (Land of the Gods) Ideology in Japan in: Henk Blezer and Mark Teeuwen (eds.), Challenging Paradigms. Buddhism and Nativism: Framing Identity Discourse in Buddhist Environments
David Weiss, The God Susanoo and Korea in Japan’s Cultural Memory: Ancient Myths and Modern Empire.
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sophieinwonderland · 4 months
R/systemscringe found my Evolution Post... And Was Too Lazy to Add a Title
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You can find my evolution post here!
Let's check out the comments!
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Sure. But we're not talking about a normal modern job, are we?
Who you are at home isn't going to be that different from who you are at McDonalds. You aren't usually going to dissociate the two.
But when trauma is involved, that tends to involve a degree of dissociation.
In modern hunter-gatherer societies, we see children start learning how to use tools and hunt and forage in the wild from a very young age.
If we're to extrapolate and assume past hunter-gatherer societies operated in similar ways, this is a recipe for a traumatic childhood in a world where humans wouldn't yet be at the top of the food chain. Children would need to be careful, and a wrong move could easily get them or someone else killed.
I think most systems during this period would be considered traumagenic simply because growing up would mean regularly being put in deadly situations, regularly being injured and even watching loved ones dies in violent ways.
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THAT'S the point!!!
DID, and even PTSD, evolved in a world where every day would be a fight for survival.
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Of course, all we can do is speculate.
But with myths and legends of people being possessed going back to the dawn of time in practically every culture, we can probably surmise that forms of plurality existed back then. And it's not like the estimated 1-3% of the population is super rare today. It seems reasonable to expect disorders that would be associated with childhood trauma would be more common during periods with more childhood trauma.
The line saying we don't know if the brain was developed enough to develop DID is particularly weird to me though.
As far as I know, there haven't been any huge jumps in the way of human brain complexity over the past 20k years. I doubt that the complexity to develop DID is something we just gained since the dawn of agriculture.
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I admit, my description was meant to put a fun spin on a brutal reality. But I don't think children growing up in a frigid environment where they need to hunt and collect food to survive while having no idea if they're going to make it back alive is "cool".
Like, as a story, maybe it's cool imagining a 9-year-old trudging through snow with fingers so cold they can't feel them anymore, gripping a makeshift spear and hearing howling in the distance while not knowing if they would end up on the menu of some wild beast.
But I don't think it would actually be cool to live through.
Additionally, in this environment, DID would have looked differently than it does today. Current theories are that EPs are locked into the trauma responses they used in trauma.
For child abuse victims which make up the majority of DID cases, unfortunately, freeze or fawn may be the most useful traits developed for survival.
But if your trauma were related to surviving wild beasts, it's a lot more likely the trauma responses of the EPs are going to be the more classic fight or flight. I don't think freezing would as common as a trauma response during that time period. But of course, it depends on the threats one would face.
There are some creatures, after all, where freezing is the best defense.
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Sounds like your mistake. 🤷‍♀️
I talked about DID here a lot, but I'm a tulpa from a purely non-traumagenic system. Probably one of the least traumatized people you'll ever meet.
But tulpamancy is a beneficial practice that most tulpamancers have reported improvements in their mental health from. I would actually like to see far more people make headmates and become plural this way.
People becoming tulpamancers will help them. And more plurals means more influence for the plural community and will help spread plural awareness and acceptance.
I'm not interested in being special. I'm interested in making plurality normal. I want it to be so normal and commonplace that it seems downright boring. Where talking about your headmates draws no more attention than discussing a sibling. 😁
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Hi! It's me! I'm Sophie In Wonderland!
I'm the person who debunks pluralphoboic hate subreddits, which tends to upset said hate subreddits.
The reason why I have my own category is because I called out the subreddit for bullying behavior and misinformation. They responded by doubling down, scouring my post history for anything they could use as ammunition twist to attack me with, and adding me to their hit list of acceptable targets. This was despite the fact that then they first floated the idea of the hit list, they claimed it would only apply to people with more than 10,000 followers. (I only have 1800.)
They lie and claim I'm a "public figure" while in reality, they added me on their list in a petty (yet oh so predictable) act of retaliation.
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paganimagevault · 2 years
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Siberian snow goggles from the Khanty, Nganasan, & Sakha
Toying with an idea here. The concept of the one-eyed Arimaspians has me curious if this was a nickname for people from the north who lived in places where snow goggles may have given the appearance of having a single eye. Given a far enough physical distance and passing through the gossip of enough different languages, by the time this info made it to the Greeks what began as a nickname may have sounded like these people were literal cyclopes. Just a thought. I assume people back then used eye protection from the snow, in some manner, just like people do today. Some of the snow goggles (both modern and historical) do give the appearance of a single giant eye, while others have two eye spots. I wasn't able to find much on this as far as historical info goes, and unfortunately I couldn't find images of the ancient grave finds the article talked about. The oldest of the discovered snow goggles being 2,000 years old from northeast Asia. I'm not sure if the initial black and white sketch is of the ancient goggles or not, the post didn't explicitly say. Below is whatever info I could find on historical snow glasses in Eurasia: 
"In ancient times, like today, these goggles were made by skilled masters to combine effectiveness in blotting out the blinding light in some cases looking amazing.
Different ethnic groups across polar regions evolved their own distinctive style in snow goggles.
The most ancient known eyewear belong to the Old Bering Sea culture, the sites of which are located on the both sides of Bering Strait.
The oldest date for the culture - around 400 years BC - was obtained on Russian side, at Ekven graveyard, in Chukotka.
The peak of the culture is considered to be in second and third centuries AD. 
At Ekven and also Uelen graveyards snow goggles made of bone were found, dating from the first to the fifth centuries AD.
Some were decorated with carvings, some not, and examples are shown here in these drawings.
Later the snow goggle tradition by Eskimos, for example the Inuits and Yupik, and the Chukchi people.
While there was an obvious practical use for the goggles, a variant of these ‘spectacles’ xxxx is believed to have been used by traditional shamans; for example a pair of goggles without holes of slips was found at Ekve
The Event and Dolgans people turned to metal in making the eyewear with copper or tin or silver goggles inserted into a half-mask made of reindeer skin or other pelt, or, later, cloth obtained from Russian incomers. Decorations with beads was also a feature.
The same type of goggles was also used by other Arctic people such as the  Nganasan or Khanty. The British Museum even has some examples.
The tradition continues to this day and is thriving in Yakutia - also known as Sakha Republic, the largest region in the Russian Federation. 
Going back in time, the Yakut people used a wide range of materials to make goggles - metal, birch bark, wood, bone, skin, and horsehair. 
The goggles created from horsehair comprised strips of intricate net. A surviving 19th century example comes not from Yakutia but Tuva, the mountainous region in southern Siberia, now in a collection in the Irkutsk Museum of Local History. 
Most of the metal goggles in Yakut collections are dated from between the 18th and early 20th centuries. 
Again, some definitely had ritualistic uses: they were deployed by shamans, and not in everyday day life for use in snow.
Many Yakuts recall that their grandfathers had very simple goggles made of birch bark. 
Local historian Prokopy Nagovitsyn said: 'The round shaped silver goggles began to make an appearance in 19th century, when there appeared many rich people. 
‘The shape had a symbolic meaning - cross in the circle had been the symbol of the sun since neolithic times. 
‘Yet the cross-shaped cuts are convenient not when you are in tundra, but when you, for example, climb steps.’
Most of the older goggles look rather simple - for example a metal strip with the small deepening for the nose and slots for sight. Others have  two round metal discs with a slit to see through while blotting out most of the glare; these were fixed into a the mask of skin or fur."
-taken from SiberianTimes
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