#Stop letting tik tok tell you what to think
SO WHAT'S THE REAL DEAL WITH ISRAEL? A history of a nation, a people, and a whole lot of conflict.
There is a LOT of misinformation going around in relations to the history of Israel and Palestine. I’m going to do my best to provide you with a comprehensive overview of this land and what’s going on. 
Is it going to be perfect? No. But it’s going to be a lot better than the crap I came across today of an infograph that was filled with wrong information set to fuel the desire that people seem to have to ‘be on the right side’ of a war. 
This is going to be LONG. But I’m going to try to make it interesting. I hope that at least one person that enjoys history gets something out of this. And please, feel free to ask questions! 
And I do mean questions and not just hate screaming out ‘facts’ that you read once from someone with no sources on a badly photoshopped image of two women talking about how Israel isn’t a real place. 
I’m not here to spread hate. I’m here to give you the facts so that hopefully things can be understood a little better and maybe we can start choosing to help and not simply fuel the fire of hate. 
I’m going to use a lot of Wiki links because I would like to encourage people to go read the articles and do a little wiki deep dive for themselves. It’s fascinating, and hey, you might learn a few random cool things on the way.  I'd also encourage further reading if you are really interested or have questions. Wiki can only get you so far.
I’m also going to avoid talking about religious history in depth and simply stick to the people. 
SO! Let’s get into it! Let's actually LEARN something for once!
We start with 14 tribes in the Bronze age 1175-900 BCE
We get into some sketchy history that dates back to King David. Early records are rough because of all the war and destruction from back then...also that it was 1175-900 BCE and record keeping was often difficult at best when it wasn't being burned down. 
Essentially, the 14 tribes did what everyone did back then (and arguably still do) and they fought. A lot. 
King David (1005 BCE - 968 BCE) is credited as the one who gathered up a group of people that had been fighting with another group of people and kicking the ever loving shit out of these people with slingshots (a standard weapon used by shepherds to fight off thieves and LIONS) and the use of a nice newly created metal called Iron (welcome to the Iron Age!) 
He got mythicised a bit and the whole David vs Goliath became the story. It's where record keeping got a bit off... But there is proof of this man existing. 
After the war, he united the split up tribes and became King of Judah and created the capital of Jerusalem ((hey look! They got their name because they were from Judah. They were the Judes. The Jews. The Jewish People. See how language evolves over time?). 
The next king, one you may have heard of, was King Solomon (968BCE-928BCE). He is credited as being in charge of the building of the first Temple. 
The first temple was an incredibly sacred place and where a lot of the things that defined and made the Jewish culture were kept. 
After he died, there was no clear succession line and the kingdom split into two. The Kingdom of Israel in the north and the Kingdom of Judah in the south.
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Let's head on over to Wiki and see what they have to say about this piece of land. 
"The earliest known reference to "Israel" as a people or tribal confederation is in the Merneptah Stele, an inscription from ancient Egypt that dates to about 1208 BCE, but the people group may be older." 
So yeah, we got Israel mentions that date back to 1208 BCE. Before the splitting of the religions and people. 
But WAIT. What's that strip of land to the west called the Philistine states??? 
It isn't what you think it is. 
The Philistines were a group of people who lived in Canaan during the Iron Age, roughly 1175 BCE. 
They often had tiffs with their neighbors over land and identity, which often left their relations with Jerusalem not the best. 
Now, during this time, many of the settlements throughout what is now Israel was sparsely populated and the original inhabitants (the Canaan people) were dwindling and fading out. It wasn't uncommon during this time to come across completely abandoned settlements and ruins. 
Most of the population was centered around Jerusalem. 
You see, back in the late Bronze age, Egypt called all the shots. Take a look at the map down below. Look at all that Egypt territory! 
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(keep an eye on that purple bit. It’s about to get important). 
Egypt had final authority on all land disputes in this area. They considered the whole area to be a part of their domain. Their records were a little....outdated. They still listed everything as being run by the Canaanites! In fact, it wasn't uncommon for the lingering Canaanites to run to Egypt any time they had issues with the other tribes and demand that it be settled in their courts.  When we start to see mention of Israel in Egyptian records, it is referring to a people (think ethnicity) and NOT a state! And the Egyptians were starting to see them as a problem. 
So what happened to the Canaanites? They got absorbed by the tribes that were taking over the land: Philistines, Phoenicians (Hey, I know that word from middle school history!), and the Israelites. 
In 539 BCE, a little nation called Neo-Assyrian Empire took the northern part of Israel. Then they slowly expanded into the Assyrian Empire. 
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Wait a moment. Zoom in. Enhance. Look at Jerusalem hanging out all alone over there as an unconquered little square surrounded by orange. 
You see, Jerusalem was built as a fortress. A fully walled in city surrounded by unforgiving hill country, and land that worked in their favor. 
And then, Babylon happened. They were having a pretty good run and getting a pretty good reputation as being a HUGE thorn in the side of the rising empires. 
You see that bright purple bit on the other map up there? Yeah, it’s about to get a LOT bigger. 
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(This is a VERY simplified map. Because this is early Neo-Babylon and it absolutely expanded further than this over time. )
They expanded around 911-505 BCE and wiped the Philistine people out. POOF. GONE. These people most likely were killed off and taken as slaves by Babylon and then assimilated into the Babylonian people. 
What's interesting is that the Hebrew Bible (which is a record of the Jewish People, their history, and their story of survival as well as laws) is the primary source of the mention of the Philistines due to the conflict with them. (It’s also mentioned in the Quran.) 
So what happened? 
In-fighting. Lots and lots of in-fighting. But that's over simplifying it. If you are Jewish, you know what I'm talking about (this is why there is a rule about how "A Jew is a Jew is a Jew". Division is what leads to weakening of a people and leads to what happens next). The fracturing of the kingdom and disputes over rulers and laws caused them to divide their loyalties and left them open to bad things. Very bad things. 
Remember Babylon? And how they wiped out the Philistines? 
They didn't exactly avoid Israel on their voyage to wipe out the Philistines. 
720 BCE, The Kingdom of Israel fell to the newly forming Babylonian Empire. 
King Nebuchadnezzar II grew tired of Jewish revolts against the new empire (see the unconquerable city of Jerusalem) and well... 
They attacked Jerusalem. This is called "The Fall of the 1st Temple" in Jewish history (589–586 BCE).
Jerusalem fell and the Jewish People were exiled (taken as slaves) to Babylon. This is recorded history! 
It was during this that the Israelite religion really started to form and come together. 
You see, when the temple was wiped out, it was a blatant attempt to destroy not just a people, but a record of a people and erase them and all mentions of them from the face of the earth (See the Philistine people who pretty much only exist because of a few Jewish records about their disputes). 
But the people retained their stories in exile and really got together and formed the corner stone for the way the world's first Monotheistic religion worked: Judaism. (People of Judah. Get it? It's based on a people from a place!) 
The exile lasted for a long....long time. Exile not just as slaves, but with strict laws that forbid the Jewish people from setting foot in their old land. 
What happened next? King Cyrus! (At this point, Persia existed 550 BCE). 
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I'm not going to get into the history of Persia (though it is FASCINATING and I recommend you look at it if you want to know the history of the middle east.) 
Now good king Cyrus told the Jews that they were all free to go in 538 BCE. So naturally the Jewish people packed up and made a run for Judah. 
This was called "The Return to Zion". 
What does that mean? 
"Zion is a placename in the Hebrew Bible, often used as a synonym for Jerusalem as well as for the Land of Israel as a whole." 
So that’s where that word originated from! 
OH. You know what else is called Zion? Mount Zion. A mountain located to the south... It has SIGNIFICANT biblical meaning, as well as the location of strongholds and other things. Look it up. 
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So, the Jews were allowed to return to Judah, but it still fell under Persian rule. They were just considered a 'Self-governing Jewish Province". 
Some returned. Some stayed. They'd lived in Babylon so long that they figured they had made a home there. I’m also willing to bet that there was reluctance to leave due to 1. The great distance they had to travel (like some sort of…exodus?) and 2. Fear of it being a trick and getting captured again. Hmmmm…. Sounds like a familiar story? 
You may be asking yourself about Egypt right about now. What's this exodus and ten commandment thing and the plagues and all that fun business I heard about in the bible/torah/Quran. (Hi Moses! in Hebrew his name is Moshe. In the Quran it's Musa! But in Muslim, it's a different story and not exactly the familiar one against Pharaoh!) 
Well, I'm not going to get too deeply into the religious stories for a lot of reasons, but a lot of the original Bible (old testament)/Torah was based off of stories told while the Jewish people were in exile in Babylon! They told these stories as a way to keep their faith, traditions, and cultural identities alive while being forced to assimilate. (The story of Noah and the flood mimics a Babylonian flood myth: Gilgamesh Flood! It's a fascinating read). 
But that isn't to say that Judea didn't have complicated and often nasty relations with Egypt. 
But, as the Jewish people slowly started to return to Judah, a more distinctive Jewish identity, culture, and religion started to form. 
And it was at this time that the Second temple was built. 
This is where things are going to start getting complicated. 
Second temple period! (520 BCE-70 CE) 
Because of what happened in Babylon, it became more important than ever to revise how they did things. 
The second temple became a bigger deal and the way the city was run changed. 
Hey look, Persia has a new king! And he's not liking what he's seeing in Judea. These guys are starting to get a little too big for their britches. 
BUT WAIT! Look over there! It's Alexander the Great! And he's conquered Phoenicia and Gaza! 
The Greek Syrian empire is starting to spread out. But there's a small truce with Judea. They’ll protect them from Persia and the Jews can keep doing their thing as long as they aren't a problem. 
However, the Seleucid Empire is starting to push into Judea and take control. The Seleucid empire was a Greek power during the Hellenistic period (312 BCE) founded by the Macedonian Empire...Ruled by Alexander the Great. And they are big into worshiping other gods and forcing people to worship their gods and rulers. This is a big no no for the Jewish people and kingdom of Judea. 
They start to send envoys to Greek trying to get the rulers there to listen to them. It’s not long before their envoys start coming back with bad news….and then stop coming back. 
The Jewish people have seen this before. 
And guess what? Jerusalem has become a problem. They aren't liking all the Hellenistic influence happening in Judea or the fact that the empire is starting to put a stranglehold on them. 
Alright, all my Jewish people? It's time to revolt with the Maccabees! (167-140 BCE) Jerusalem was under siege and the walls are breached! The city is taken and the temple has been captured by the enemy. 
Remember about the hostile countryside I mentioned earlier? 
Time for some Guerrilla warfare! The Maccabees retake the city and spend 8 days fixing up the temple after it was desecrated and all they got is just a little oil that stretches out way longer than it should have lasted (Hanukkah cliff note story version). 
But, there are other powers that are threatening them. Egypt has fallen and the Seleucid Empire is pretty pissed at them. 
We get revolt after revolt. Judea wants the Greeks gone and Rome is the power to do it.
140 BCE - 63 BCE. The Hasmonean dynasty takes control of Judea. They expand outward. 
The Hasmonean dynasty was a ruling dynasty of Judea that is WAY more complicated than I'm willing to get into because I barely understand it. But here it is if anyone wants to take a crack at it. 
Basically, with the Seleucid Empire falling apart, Judea gained autonomy and expanded into neighboring regions (Perea, Samaria, Idumea, Galilee, and Iturea). 
The Roman Republic stepped in at some point and it became a "client state" of Rome. 
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Now, those of you that know your Greek/Roman history know that some big power changes are starting to happen. 
Enter King Herod (37 BCE) (And all the Christians in the room say BOOO.) 
Now SOME of you may be paying attention to the dates. We stopped going down and started going back up. 
All the Christian’s here know what that means. A certain Jewish man has been born, caused problems for the Romans, and then was killed by the Romans for causing problems. 
We now have the birth of Christianity. At this point it’s just seen as a division of Judaism and not a real separate entity. 
We got Julius Caesar and Pompey and Mark Antony and Augustus happening over there in Rome and Judea is doing its best to stay alive and independent. They need protection from the other places that are trying to take them out and they know Rome is the key. So they make deals with one ruler only for that ruler to be killed and replaced by other rulers. It's getting hard for them to keep up. 
6 CE Rome is their ally. 44 CE Rome sends someone to preside over them and Judea is considered a "Minor province." 
Powers are changing hands so fast that no one knows who is in charge anymore. 
The Hasmonean Kingdom eventually falls, but the Jewish desire for independence continues. Only now, they are at war with Rome. 
This whole time period is a cluster of problems and it’s honestly hard to keep up with who was allies and in charge and ruling and expanding and fighting. Just know that Caesar wasn’t the only one getting knifed in the back and by the time a face was stamped on a coin there was a new face in charge. It was rough. 
The important thing to know is that in the year 70 CE, Rome besieged Jerusalem. 
Emperor Titus was done with the Jewish issue. 
They held out as long as they could. And then the walls fell. 
The city was burned and the temple was looted and burned. The majority of the population that wasn't killed in the fighting was outright massacred and the rest were taken as slaves. 
The Jews that managed to make it out of the city ran for the countryside and hillside. Many were hunted down and killed by waiting soldiers. The Jewish population was sold and scattered across the roman empire. 
The loot taken from the temple was paraded through Rome with the slaves. They even made a monument for it! 
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Arch of Titus, which still stands in Rome today. You can see them carrying the holy Menorah through the streets. 
There is plenty of Archeological evidence that supports what happened at the destruction of Jerusalem. 
Massive stone collapses from the Temple Mount's walls were discovered laying over the Herodian street that runs along the Western Wall. 
It's theorized that 1.1 Million people, the majority of the Jewish people, were killed during the siege. 
I can't convey enough just how big this event was. 
All Jewish people were forbidden from setting foot in Judea. 
We now come to 73 CE, Christianity is considered its own distinct religion. 
So what happened to the land? 
All the Jews were gone. Banished, enslaved, or dead. So who got the land? 
Well... Firstly, the city of Jerusalem was gone. When Rome wanted something gone, they made it gone. 
There was rubble and not much else. 
Know what else they did? The forest was burned down. The land was razed to a point where even today, it is still struggling to recover. 
Jewish areas around Jerusalem were systematically destroyed one by one. There were still uprisings here and there, but they were quickly put down. 
The Roman emperor Hadrian decided that he'd had enough of revolts and set out to destroy Judea once and for all. And while he did kick it in the teeth, he never succeeded in destroying the people. (They got real good at surviving and real stubborn about not getting eradicated). Small Jewish areas did survive in various outlier areas and small farming places that were otherwise overlooked. But life was certainly not made easy for them.
Judaea was changed to Syria Palaestina. 
Sound familiar? Two empires that were enemies to the Jewish people. Remember when I said the Greek records were really out of date and still listed the Canaanites as in charge of the area? Well… They also still called the area Palestina.   You see, Hadrian got the name "Palaestina" from Herodotus' Histories from nearly 500 years before. But Herodotus only called the strip of land along the coast "Palaistine" after the Philistines. He wasn't referring to all of Judaea. And the reason Herodotus called that strip of coastline "Palaistine" was because the Philistines were Mycenaean Greeks, so he was recognizing a (long since dead) former settlement of Greeks. (When Rome wants you gone, they want you GONE and to suffer).
Rome built a colony on the ruins of Jerusalem, Aelia Capitolina. Eventually, former Judea became a Christian pilgrimage and was settled by Christians. The land became known as Palestine. 
Not what you were expecting, huh? Bet you didn’t think the Christians would get involved in this Jewish vs Muslim issue. 
So 900 BCE to 70 CE, it belonged to the Jewish people (with the brief exception to the period of exile to Babylon). 
Then the Christians took over from Rome when Christianity took over and mass conversions started to sweep the world. 
Eventually, the population became a mixed bag of Romans and migrants from nearby provinces. 
361-363 CE - The Roman Emperor says the Jewish people can return to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple. In fact, he encourages it! He’s excited about it and starts to fund it and gathers up all the leaders, who are confused but cautiously optimistic. 
The Emperor is assassinated before anything gets underway and the Jewish people are banished from the holy land again. 
438 CE - Jews are now allowed to visit the Temple site. Note how it's visit, not live. A few times a year they are let into the city to visit where the Temple once stood so they can pray, then they are forced to leave again. 
Oops! Back up a it! What’s happening over there during all this? It’s the 7th Century and Islam has now become a major religion! Any Jews hanging out in the Arabian Peninsula? Convert or get out. They’re going to keep their eye on what’s been happening with Rome, the Jews, and the Christians in regards to ‘Palestine’. 
After all, Islam is a cousin to Judaism and they do share similarities to the holy sites. 
And there have been MANY wars over the holy sites. Sieges, betrayals, false alliances, and an overall repeated attempt to eradicate and massacre people over the land.
Now, we all know the Roman Empire eventually fell. But the Jewish people? Still banished. They became the Diaspora. Attempting to settle in place after place until they are either massacred, converted, or kicked out. They have no home. Just a place to sit for a bit until the next massacre forces them to flee. 
That's not even getting into the Crusades of the Christians against Islam in Palestine 1095-1291!! 
So... Skipping over a LOT of history and massacres and terrible things....
Oh boy oh boy. I'm going to skip a LOT. Because the crusades are a mess of WTFery and I'm not writing a thesis here (right?). 
But... 1917, enter Britain. Because of course Britain has to get involved at some point. You wouldn't be telling a world history tragedy story without Britain somehow getting involved. 
They take control of Palestine from the Turks. Basically, WWI just ended and the Ottoman Empire lost big time. Their punishment? Britain now rules their land (I’ll get to that in a bit). 
A decree is issued establishing Palestine as a national home for Jewish People, so long as nothing is done to cause prejudice or remove the civil rights or religious rights of the existing people that live there (Non-Jewish communities). 
Many Jewish people interpret this to mean that ALL of Palestine is now a Jewish State. 
1921: Britain changes their mind. All of Palestine east of the Jordan River is closed to Jewish settlement, but not to Arab settlement. 
Oh boy. 
1923: Britain says Arabs can immigrate but NOT Jewish people to Syria and Lebanon. 
What? What are you doing Britain? 
Remember that Western Wall rubble that was found in Jerusalem? The last remains of the Temple? By 1929: Muslims and Jews have been fighting over that wall for ages. Riots break out in Palestine and Jewish people are massacred. 
Annnnnnd that takes us to 1933 when Hitler rises to power. Jewish people everywhere attempt to start to emigrate and flee to what they hope are safe countries. 
1939: British government limits Jewish immigrants to 10,000 a year. Jewish people are trapped and the Holocaust catches up. 
1945-1948: Post Holocaust refugees try to find the only place that they may call home: Palestine. The British government detains them and prevents their entry. 
1946-1948: Things start to get violent in Palestine and British rule is unsure if they want Jews there or not. 
1947: the UN approves the creation of the Jewish State and an Arab State in British ruled Palestine. 
1948: Israel declares independence as a Jewish State and opens up to all Jewish people trying to find a safe place to live after the Holocaust. Essentially, it becomes a refugee state and if you are Jewish in any manner of the word, you are now a citizen and have a country to escape to when the massacres happen. 
A Jewish Exodus from Arab and Muslim lands results as they flee or are expelled. 
Egypt invades and Israel holds fast, expanding its borders as a result. 
Egypt continues to attack and threaten Israel until the Six Day War in 1967 when Israel captured the West Bank
(Pictured here)
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The West Bank is considered the heart of Palestinians. This is known as the Gaza Strip. 
Many Israelis see this area as their ancestral Homeland. Many Israeli settlements are starting to push into this area in a ruthless attempt to take it back. I DO say ruthless because they have been using violence against those living there and farming there. 
There is international law that states that this area is off limits to Israelis. 
"1890: The term "Zionism" is coined by an Austrian Jewish publicist Nathan Birnbaum in his journal "Self Emancipation" and is defined as the National movement for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland and the resumption of Jewish Sovereignty in the Land of Israel. "
Now, the term Zionism has taken on different roles and meanings over the years. I mentioned above what the word means and comes from. But it was later claimed by right wing Israelis who want the Arab nations out of Israel. It was later taken back again to being used as a simple declaration of nationalism for the right for Jews to have a place to call their own. 
It's...complicated. I think Zionism can only really be defined by those who claim they are Zionists. Which ideology they follow may vary and much like any notion of nationalism, there are problems and dangers. 
Is it wrong to be a Zionist? Depends. But the answer is not a straightforward yes or no. 
The Jewish people deserve to exist in a state. But so do the Palestinians. 
Let's talk about Palestine! 
Historically, you got nothing until Judea is destroyed and the people are taken as slaves and killed in 70 CE. 
Then you have a bunch of Christians wandering around it declaring all the historical sites to be theirs. Which, since Christianity comes from Judaism, they happen to share a lot of the same spiritual and historical sites. 
But so does Islam.
There are repeated revolts, wars, disputes, and claims to the area by MANY different factions. 
Many times the Jewish people attempted to retake the area only to be put down again and again. 
In the late 6th Century, Islam was founded. They conquered Palestine in 636. Unlike previous rulers, they allowed Jews and Christians the freedom to practice their religion in peace.... but they had to pay a special tax and be submissive to Muslims. But, they did lift the centuries long ban on Jews being banished from Jerusalem. 
Guess who wasn't a fan of all this? 
Time for Crusades to 'liberate' Jerusalem from the Muslims. 
European Christians campaigned against Muslims to reconquer the 'Holy Land' of Palestine. 
Hey look! The Ottomon Empire (1466 CE) decided to show up! 
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As I mentioned above, the Ottoman Empire had sided with the Germans and lost. They were driven from Palestine and British rule took over. 
Remember how I mentioned that the British government declared Palestine to be a Jewish State in 1916? Well it turns out that just one year earlier, in 1915, it had been declared an Arab State in which the UK agreed to recognize Arab independence. BOTH declarations were seen as giving full control to either the Jewish People or the Arabs. 
Good job Britain. Way to do what you always do and cock it up. 
Here’s the biggest problem with saying that you side fully with Palestine. Internationally recognized terrorists political movement of: Hamas. 
Hamas is an Acronym that translates to 'Islamic Resistance Movement'. 
It's a political military movement that governs parts of the Gaza Strip. 
They have taken charge and governed the Gaza Strip since 2006 and have periodically attacked Israel. They promote Palestinian Nationalism in a strictly Islamic context. 
In fact, they propose that Israel NOT be recognized as a state and that a strictly Palestinian State be formed. 
All the truces they offer to Israel over the years? Incredibly Antisemitic. They have carried out numerous terrorist attacks against the citizens of Israel and continue to 'advocate' for the return of Palestine without Jews. 
They tend to be the 'dominant political force' in Palestine because of their anti-israel stance. They pretend to want a two state solution, but will repeatedly reject talks and demand "From the River to the Sea". Their end goal is to remove ALL of Israel and return the entire region to Palestine, thus making it an Islamic State. 
It’s important to know that this is a radical group that unfortunately has a lot of control and uses its own people to terrorize and hide behind in an effort to bring about fear and hate and death. The actual Palestinian people do not deserve that. 
It’s also important to know that the Israeli people do not all support their own government or leaders who have decided to take up an extremist approach to attempting to eradicate the terrorist movement. 
MANY Israeli and Palestinian people believe in trying to find a negotiation that will benefit both sides and share a land that in a long lengthy way does represent three major religions. 
It is important to know what Charities are supporting. Where the money is going, and who is only furthering violence on both sides. 
It’s also important to know your history. 
When I was little, If you said someone was Jewish, I imagined a white European man. Why is that the common image of a Jewish person? How is it possible to be a colonizer if your people come from that country in the first place? 
So I'm going to ask you a question, and I REALLY want you to think about this. 
If someone owns land and comes from a land, they are forcibly removed from the land for a LONG amount of time, someone else comes in and makes a home of this land and lives there for a long time, and then the first people want that land back.... Do they become colonizers? Are they wrong? Do they not deserve their land back?
If you think the answer is yes, you need to go have a conversation with the Native Americans. 
BUT, as we all know... What do you do about the people that currently own and live on that land that was stolen from the first people? Maybe you didn't do the stealing, but you acquired stolen property and if you give it back then now you have nowhere else to go.... What sort of conversation needs to happen now? How do you solve this problem? 
If you made it to the end, I thank you so much for taking the time to be curious about history and how it impacts current events. If you have questions, please let me know.
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vienssunshine · 8 months
It's Too Much
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pairing: Choso Kamo x fem!reader nsfw: dom!reader, inexperienced!Choso, premature ejaculation word count: 1.5k author's note: this idea took third place in the poll, but I was extra inspired to write this because of a tik tok my friend sent me. description: Choso has been touch-starved for so long, so when you touch him, it can be a lot, maybe even too much for him to handle
Choso has never felt another's body against his own that wasn’t attempting to hurt him. For all 150 years he’s been alive up until he met you, physical contact meant pain. But now, he’s beginning to learn that that isn't completely true.
There are similarities between a touch of pain versus…pleasantness might be the word—he hasn’t sorted it out completely yet—as a feeling lingers after contact. A strike leaves an aching bruise, the afflicted area reminding him of the injury whenever the slightest pressure is applied, but when you place a gentle hand on Choso’s shoulder while speaking to him, it leaves behind something entirely different. 
The best way he can describe the initial feeling is as a warmth, and not just due to the intrinsic heat from where your flesh meets his, but one that swells in his chest and spreads out to the rest of his body. After you leave, your touch doesn’t require a mark on his skin or a painful sting like a bruise needs to be remembered, rather, the outline of where your fingers laid on his shoulder simmers on his skin for the rest of the day. 
You fluster him with your casual touches–placing your hand on his forearm or leaning your head on his shoulder–but it helps him work up the courage to start acting on his own desires to feel you. He appreciates how you let him take his time as he explores the little things, like the feeling of holding your hand, intertwining his roughened fingers with yours. He looks up to your face, making sure what he's doing is okay, and you give him a gentle smile, telling him he's doing great. There is that warmth in his chest again. He realizes he likes the feeling of you praising him—a lot. 
Soon, he starts asking for more: to cup your cheeks, pet your hair. One day, he asks to hold your body against his on the bed, feeling your softness and warmth while working hard to regulate the influx of emotions your proximity inspires. Yet, it gets the better of him and he asks something that’s been on his mind for a while: if he can kiss you.
You accept, of course, and with your lips so soft and sweet, things quickly develop, escalating to the point where you are on top of him, straddling his big legs, and kissing down his bare chest to his waistband. He tries to keep still, but your lips feel so good and his hips betray that, gently thrusting up and into you.
“S-sorry,” Choso says, “I…I can’t control it.”
You look up from his chest. “It’s okay, Choso,” you say as you drag your hands down his abs to his waistband, deepening the pink dusted upon his cheeks, “It seems like you want more.” 
“Mhmm,” Choso whimpers, watching as you tuck your fingertips into his waistband and pull it down, freeing his sensitive erection.
Your hands wrap around his length and his eyes flutter closed in bliss. Being touched there is a new sensation for Choso and it’s stirring up a feeling he hasn’t had much experience with.
He thinks it’s arousal, which is, according to Mahito, what causes humans to “fuck.” But Mahito always spoke about fucking in a negative light, describing it as disgusting, primal thing humans do. That perspective doesn't make sense to Choso anymore because whatever you are igniting in him, if it is that aroused feeling Mahito described, feels so good he thinks he would die if you stopped. 
“Do you like this, Choso?” you ask as you stroke him. Hearing his name fall so sweetly from your lips sends a shiver through Choso’s body. 
“I-I do,” he says, moaning when you pay special attention to his pink tip, stimulating the sensitive area with your fingers in a tight circle. He’s been unconsciously bucking his hips up into your fist, chasing more of this unfamiliar sensation that has pressure to build up in his stomach.
“Then, would you like it if I put it inside of me?” 
He hadn’t considered that as a possibility, already so pleasure-drunk from feeling your palm against him, but there’s no way he can refuse your offer. 
“Yes. Yes—fuck—please do that.”
“Alright, Choso,” you say, getting off of him, “You just sit still, okay?” 
His breathy whine tells you that the last thing he wants to do is sit still. You smile, he looks so cute when he’s desperate.
“Just a little bit longer,” you say, intentionally moving slower than necessary just to see how long the poor curse can hold out.
He watches as you pull down your underwear, and the second you remove it, he grabs you by the wrist and pulls you back on top of him. Then he’s pressing hot, sloppy kisses to your neck, devouring it like a man starved. His passion and intensity make up for his lack of experience, though you note he’s getting the hang of it.
Choso’s barrage of affection is halted by a surprised gasp when you grip his erection and align yourself with it. The hunger in your eyes reminds him of how out of his element he is, but he doesn’t let it scare him, rather, he lets it feed his desire of making you feel as good as he does. 
You hold the tip to your entrance and Choso’s breath hitches when he feels the wetness and warmth of your hole. Slowly, as to not overwhelm, you sink down on him, and he moans—sweet and unbridled—from the way your walls hug him. 
“I’ve—hah—never…felt something like this,” he says, eyes pressed closed, wrinkling the thin black mark running just underneath them. 
Your hands fall onto his built chest as you make it all the way down on him, driving the entirety of his long, slender dick deep within you. His hands fly to your hips when it happens, but then one grabs for your wrist on his chest, circling his fingers around it, needing you to help him through this new sensation. 
“Feels good?” you ask, your voice breathy.
“Feels s’good,” he says, “Too good.” He shifts around underneath you; the pressure he was feeling earlier when you were touching him is becoming inescapable, sweeping through his stomach like a vicious undercurrent. 
“I’m going to start moving now, 'kay?” you say. 
Choso nods but is woefully unprepared for when you begin to lift your hips up and down, pushing his length through your gummy walls. Your movements on top of the information already flooding his senses–your warm skin, rapid heartbeat, fluttering eyes—it's so overwhelming. His head falls back, and even though you’re going at such a slow pace, it feels like your walls are milking him, intent on making the tightness in his core snap.
Choso knows it’s too much for him, but watching your eyes close in pleasure and your fingers dig into the skin on his chest, it makes him want to keep going, to not cum just yet. But with the sight of you naked on top of him and the way your insides are squeezing him, not cumming is a near impossible task. He wants to do a good job for you, to hear you tell him that, but he's sure he won’t last. 
“Fuck, I’m s-ah-sorry,” Choso whines, “I can’t…if you keep moving, I can’t-“ 
“You’re gonna cum already, Choso?” you ask, a wickedness in your voice, “You feel that good?”
You’re teasing him, despite how you find your view beyond erotic: he’s a squirming mess underneath you, with his eyebrows pressed together, face flushed with warmth, and fingers tight around your wrist as he just fights the urge to cum.
“Yes—ngh—you feel s’good, s’good-I’m sorry,”—you feel his cock twitch inside you—“I can’t, I’m sorry, m’gonna-“
He groans, thrusting his hips up into you with a force that requires you to grab onto him to stay put, and empties his load deep inside you, sweet moans interspersed with apologies.
You’d be more disappointed in him for not lasting long, but with this being his first time in a while, you’re willing to forgive—especially after being treated to his endless, pretty noises.
When he comes down, you press a kiss on his cheek, “Too much, Choso?” you ask.
“I’m sorry, you just felt so good,” he says in between pants. His poor body is shaking, his chest is heaving, and a pink flush burns all over his pale skin. 
“It’s okay,” you say, “I enjoyed that.” Only, you wish you had been able to cum, too. Seeing him writhe underneath you has your cunt aching for attention.
He sits up, and you feel his cock move inside you. “Still, I wanted to last for you.”
“Sweet boy,” you say, pushing a few strands of dark hair out of his face, “You did great. I know it’s been a while since you’ve done anything like this.” 
He’s still pouting, but his frown turns into a smile when an idea hits him. He flips you over with ease—sometimes you forget how strong he is—and pulls out of you, keeping your legs open so he can bring his face down to your cunt, wetness mixed with his own cum seeping out of it. 
He presses a kiss to your inner thigh. “Let me make it up to you, I haven’t gotten to feel you on my tongue yet.” 
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yxngbxkkie · 2 months
girl dad 🎀 (b.c)
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i had seen a tik tok with chan and the twins, and how he's a girl dad 🥹 so, i had come up with this idea 🫢 i hope you guys like it 🩷
feedback is greatly appreciated 🥰
You've been sitting in your car for twenty minutes, trying to get yourself to stop crying. One hand covers your mouth, quieting your sobs while the other gently rubs your tiny baby bump. You're fourteen weeks pregnant, and you just found out what you and Chan are having.
Your phone vibrates in your vehicle's cup holder, seeing Chan's name on the screen. You wipe your tears and take a deep breath before answering his call.
“Hey, baby,” you greet him, smiling to yourself.
“Hi, my baby,” Chan's voice makes your heart flutter. “Have you made it to the studio yet? How did the appointment go? I'm sorry I couldn't go with you.”
You giggle and lean back against the seat, turning your head to look out the window. “It's okay, baby. I forgot you had a schedule this morning. It went well. I have another sonogram photo to show you,” you inform him on how it went, leaving out the part where you learned whether your baby’s a girl or a boy.
“That's good. I can't wait to see our bean,” he giggles into the receiver, making you giggle as well. “We're just about to start filming, so I wanted to let you know that you're free to come in. I gave your name to security.”
You turn your vehicle off, feeling yourself calmer after talking to your boyfriend. “Okay, baby. I just pulled in, so I'll be there in a few. I love you,” you smooch.
“I love you so much. As soon as I have a free moment, I'm kissing you,” he mentions, having missed his morning kisses due to both of you being busy.
You're walking towards the building, and you shake your head. “I'm not going to complain,” you laugh, bidding him goodbye.
You slip your phone into your back pocket, giving the guard your name. He lets you in without any trouble, thankfully, and you make your way towards the room they're recording in.
When you finally reach the place Chan and Felix are in, you notice that they've already started recording. You look through the window of the door, seeing your boyfriend sitting cross-legged on the floor with the twins in his lap.
Tears pool in your eyes as you gently rub your belly, thinking of how it'll be when she's born. “Is this what parent life will look like?” You ask no one in particular, taking a quick glance down at your barely noticeable bump.
You chew on your lip as you walk into the room, the squeals of the girls reaching your ears. Chan's eyes meet yours, and he smiles at you fondly.
You wave at him before crossing your arms over your chest. Felix and Chan's manager grabs a chair for you to sit in, knowing that you're pregnant. You thank Skijigi quietly and take a seat.
The recording didn't last much longer, the two boys having a snack with the twins before they headed out. You stay in your seat when Chan walks over to you, greeting you with a kiss.
“Have you been crying?” He asks, noticing the redness around your eyes. His fingertips gently stroke your skin, a frown etching onto his lips.
“I can't get anything past you, can I?” You chuckle, shaking your head. Chan shakes his head as well, looking around to see the staff slowly filtering out. “It's nothing bad, I promise.”
Your hand grabs his, intertwining your fingers together before squeezing his hand. “The baby's okay?” He asks, stroking the back of your hand.
“Yes, absolutely,” you tell him, standing up from your chair. You bring your conjoined hands to your stomach, letting him feel your bump. “She is doing fantastic.”
His head snaps up, a gasp leaving his plump lips. “She? We're having a girl?” Chan whispers, his hands moving to your waist. “Are we really having a baby girl?”
Tears pool in both of your eyes, and you nod your head, confirming. “We're gonna have a little girl,” you cry out, laughing as you do. “You're going to be such a wonderful girl dad.”
Your fingers stroke his cheek, smiling up at him as you wipe his tears. Chan's lip quivers, bringing you into his chest. “I can't believe we're gonna have a girl,” he sniffles, gliding his hands on your lower back. “I hope she looks just like you.”
You pull back enough to look at him, smiling softly. “I hope she has your smile and dimples,” you giggle, leaning on your toes to kiss his lips.
“I can't wait to tell the kids,” he laughs, pressing chaste kisses on your lips. “They were so convinced that we'll have a boy.”
You burst out laughing, combing your fingers through his hair. “Let's go prove them wrong,” you wink, pulling away from him completely. Chan swiftly grabs your hand as the two of you walk out of the room together.
“After we tell them you want to get dinner?” He asks, kissing the back of your conjoined hands.
Your heart flutters in your chest, nodding your head, yes. “I'd love to, baby,” you grin, leaning your head on his arm. “I love you.”
Chan kisses your head and squeezes your hand. “I love you, baby.”
tagging: @strawboorybunny @reddesert-healourblues @spacegirlstuff @moon0fthenight @foxinnie8 @like-a-diamondinthesky @prettymiye0n
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the-rad1o-demon · 4 months
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[Image ID (sorta, basically just the text from it):
Reblog this post in every LEGAL way you can under the Tumblr guidelines with the appropriate tags. TELL AND TAG EVERYONE YOU KNOW, then add the tags to see below... and more if you can think of any complying.
Visit badinternetbills.com if you want to find a way to defeat KOSA. It WILL NOT take much of your time. Reblog with any other information or sources, too-- but make sure to reblog if you can.
Reblog if you support lgbtq+ content.
Reblog if you support questioning queer youth and/or abused youth getting the information they need.
Reblog if you support Ao3 and/or other sites that wholeheartedly preserve talentedly made media.
Reblog if you're going to repost this on other sites than Tumblr and spread the word across Twitter, Tik Tok, Pinterest, or elsewhere, alongside the link to badinternetbills.com.
END image ID]
Hey, everyone. So yeah, this is happening. We're still fighting this battle. And we can't give up now. We can't. We can't stand idly by while one of the most important resources that helped us all wake up, or at least start to question things, is being threatened by the government.
We can't stand idly by when kids, teens, and adults just like us still trapped inside might lose access to the resource that could help them wake up. We can't stand idly by when they might lose access to their non JW friends and family. We CAN'T stand idly by when we can do something to stop this bill from passing.
I am sick and tired of this same old song, where conservative fuckers higher up think they can oppress everyone. I am FUCKING SICK of it.
Please, reblog both this post and the original post linked above what I've written, and do what you can to stop KOSA, please. We are running out of time.
I suggest that if it is within your power to do so, that you do more than simply reblog and assume someone else will do something. DON'T assume that. Please do more than just reblogging if you are able to, because that's not really enough at this point.
Call/email representatives in the House and tell them to oppose KOSA (you may want to list different reasons depending on who you're calling, some House representatives are anti-LGBTQ+, so it may be best to tell them to oppose because it violates people's privacy, safety, and anonymity online). Print posters and put them up where legal if you can.
Sharing all this information to other social media sites (Instagram, Reddit, TikTok, the bird app) to reach more people can really help too. The wider the reach, the better.
Thank you. Now let's fucking rip that bill apart like we rip apart Watchtower magazines and eat it for fucking breakfast. (In a "we're eating it and the politicians who are sponsoring it are looking on in horror" kind of way)
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cuckqueanmeat · 7 months
So many girls on Tik Tok complaining about their boyfriends watching porn or getting off to other girls next to them while they sleep, like it’s not the hottest and most degrading thing ever.
Like imagine you wake up in the middle of the night, it’s dark and all you can hear is him panting behind you and the wet sounds of him stroking his dick. You think maybe he didn’t wanna wake you, but you turn over and he’s got his phone in one hand, his eyes glued to it, while his other beats his dick.
Maybe he’s watching porn of women who look nothing like you, or maybe he’s looking at one of your pretty girl friend’s social media pages. Maybe it’s the one you’re secretly insecure about and envious of, the one you’ve vented about to him. When did he start following her, you wonder?
It’s so humiliating and disrespectful. He’d rather get off to another girl, a prettier girl, than bother waking you up, or even using you in your sleep. You don’t turn him on, you can’t keep him hard.
Maybe you confront him, but instead of him being remorseful or surprised he’s been caught, he yanks you by your hair down to his lap and tells you to suck on his balls and rim his ass while he continues jerking himself off to other women.
Your heart hurts, you wonder when he became so cold hearted and mean, but you don’t resist. You do as he says and service him all while he brainwashes you into loving it. He tells you he deserves to feel good, he deserves to admire other girls when he wants, it’s natural. So what are you upset about? He’s letting you worship him still, so it’s not like he’s completely neglecting you. His dick might be hard because of another girl, but you’re the one getting to suck his balls and service him with your mouth.
So stop complaining. Learn to love it, accept it.
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zee-rambles · 1 year
Lets. D0. This.
(Please note: Post will be updated as I find more resources and think of more strategies)
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(Please do not re-use gif without permission…unless it’s to save Rise…)
Mutant May
YOU can watch Season 1 and Season 2 of RISE right HERE!
So I’ve seen a a lot of people still wondering if Rise of the TMNT can be saved.
There’s is a lot of hope, especially with the boom of fans joining the fandom after the movie dropped last year, people making more art on tumblr, twitter, tik tok, and so on. But also a a lot of doubt, especially after JJ Conway’s post on twitter.
BUT…I still think there is a chance…a GOOD chance. WITH ORIGINAL CAST AND CREW! Why?
We live in the internet. Information is more then easy to get out now thanks to social media. There is all kinds of ways to get the word out to people. Let’s abuse it. 😎
Fans have brought back shows before.
We need a MAJOR push through social media, more fans, more art, it’s up to us…and I think we can do it!
Fans convinced Netflix to bring Sense8 back for a finale
Fans convinced fox to bring back “Futurama” after it was cancelled in 1999.
Hey Arnold got the jungle movie thirteen years after the show was cancelled
Animaniacs got a 3 season revival 22 years after it stopped airing.
Brooklyn 99 was cancelled in 2018, and the fans convinced NBC to pick up the series.
Arrested Development was canceled after 3 seasons, but AFTER it was cancelled, it grew an audience and they made it come back!
Fans saved the original Star Trek in the 60s with letters.
They did it. Why can’t we?
So what can we do?
1. PETITIONS TO SAVE RISE that we can all sign…
PETITION 1 (The strongest one, but the more petitions signed, the better!)
PETITION 4 (save the content that was cut/we missed)
PETITION 5! (Make an ROTTMNT season 3)
2. Pester Nickelodeon and Netflix on social media (THE BIG ONE Y’ALL, THIS IS THE MOST DIRECT AND IMPORTANT)
Be polite, be non-toxic (don’t be rude or mean, the boys would not want that, and the Nick/Netflix won’t listen), but be LOUD, PASSIONATE, AND ANNOYING! Ask for DVDs of the show/movie, and then BUY THOSE DVDs!
Sample DM/Letter (but try to come up with your own. Too many repeats and they will ignore it)
“Dear Nickelodeon/Netflix/Viacom, I can’t tell you how much Rise means to me, and I really love that you put the show on air. But it was not fair that the show was cancelled before it got the chance to reach the audience it deserved, only because of a few bad reviews and a lack of advertising. The show is great, there’s tons of fans, tons of art, and people, including me, want so much more! Please bring it back! We want the original crew to come, Flying Bark, for the show to get it’s full second season restored, and it’s five season run like it was originally intended. People hated the 2012 TMNT when it came out, but it got it’s chance and now there are people that love it. Why can’t Rise of the TMNT have the same? It’s clear that the creators love their work and there’s a growing fan base for it. Rise just came out at the wrong time, but it deserves it chance to shine.”
The more personal you made the letter, the more you say what Rise means to you, the better.
As for me? I’m sending them a picture of Pizza Pigeon with the #wewantmoreriseoftheTMNT and #saverottmnt
Request movies/seasons on Netflix.
Ask for Rise Season 2, another season, another movie. Just keep asking!
Nickelodeon’s facebook page (Look, I know that facebook is a relic at this point, but the more people go there and PESTER Nickelodeon, the better!)
Rise’s facebook page
Leave good reviews. Share. Leave TONS of comments
Nickelodeon’s instagram
Nickelodeon’s Twitter page (treat carefully, there be Musks out there…only use if you are over 18)
Nickelodeon’s TikTok
Niceklodeon’s letter inbox
Nickelodeon, 1515 Broadway, New York, NY 10036
Rugrats was brought back because fans bombarded Nickelodeon with letters saying they wanted it back. Might as well cover our bases. This one is a BIG DEAL!
Nickelodeon’s Corporate Number
1-212-846-2543 Call them! Annoy them! Ask how we can get their attention! Tell them why you love this show! Why it deserves to come back.
Contact Paramount
Paramounts Request form
Official Fan Page Rise’s Instagram
The more followers the better.
Netflix’s instagram
Netflix’s facebook
Netflix’s Twitter (Treat carefully. There be MUSKs out there…only use if you are over 18)
If anyone has any more, any deeper more direct points of contact, or more ideas, please share!
3. Leave good reviews for Rise anywhere and raise awareness everywhere you can!
One of the key reasons Rise did not do too well because it was unfairly review bombed before people could give it a chance…so get out there on tik tok, IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes, and ESPECIALLY youtube.
Make reviews! Analysis! JOKES! Support other content creators! When the Rise Reanimated video comes out, share it like no tomorrow!
No one paid attention when How to Train Your Dragon came out, but word of mouth and people saying it was good, made it the success it was. Let’s repeat history!
Anytime there is NEW RISE CONTENT on Nickelodeon’s YouTube channel, watch it, share, spread it.
Share this post on social media, across various sites, use the information here to spread awareness about how people can help and what they can do. Be relentless! (Like Leo in Lair Games)
Ask influencers to review, react, and give RISE a chance without placing judgement.
4. Make. ART!
Draw, Write, TWEET, Make MERCH, Sell MERCH, Make Tik Toks, Videos on YouTube, posts on instagram, discord, what pad, demanding more Rise, spreading the word, and just showing how much you love this show! Not only will it attract attention, but it’s also good for all of us. There will be more Rise content either way.
Make sure to @ nickelodeon on ALL of your art! SPAM THEM! ANNOY THEM! DROWN THEM IN LOVE FOR THIS SHOW! Demand DVD’s and Blue rays of the SHOW AND THE MOVIE! It’s not fair that we can’t have access to it!
If you see official Rise MERCH in the while, buy it if you can! Also support as many rise content creators as you can. If you can’t draw? Write! If you can’t create! Like! Share! Comment! Support each other!
Rise April ART Challenge
Keep in mind…there WILL be pushback.
Companies as big as Nickelodeon and Viacom care about their bottom line: $$$…money. BUT pushback, whether they are taking down your videos on Tik Tok, striking artists on twitter, mean that they’re taking NOTICE. So don’t. Give. UP!
One last thing to remember: DO NOT harass fans for enjoying other versions of TMNT
Even though Rise is the first and only TMNT I have ever loved, I don’t believe in shaming other fans for looking forward to, or enjoying other TMNT series. Gatekeeping like that was what stopped Rise from (heh) Rising as high as it should have. All Rise fans are welcome, and all TMNT fans are welcome. Rise deserves to reach more fans, it deserves another season, and it does not need to knock down other TMNT series to do it. Show them your love and your need for more Rise, without making other TMNT fans feel unwelcome.
Share, spread the word, give it your best shot! A village can move MOUNTAINS! SO let’s do it.
So that in the near future…we can MAKE THIS JOKE!
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wintfleur · 9 months
ꔫ clingy lover and sunrises
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°. — pairings ( lando norris x fem! reader )
°. — summary ( what’s better than watching the sunrise with your pretty boyfriend? )
°. — details ( g; fluff. w; kissing. wc; 3k )
˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( this is totally based off this tiktok, I watched it and fell even more in love with lando, didn’t even know that was possible. I’m not fully happy with the ending, i feel like it’s rushed. But I do hope you enjoy it! Cant wait to write more of lando, I have a longer lando fic in the works! I think soon I’ll open my requests )
 You were lying in bed waiting for your boyfriend to get out of the shower and join you in bed, when you saw the TikTok. You were a resident and happily lived on LandoTok or whatever it was called. You loved watching all the edits of your boyfriend the fans would tag you in, the captions were always so creative. It was also hilarious seeing all the replies you would get when you would comment on them, sometimes you would even tag Lando, that's when it really got fun. 
You were doing your daily Tik Tok scroll checking all the edits you were tagged in, liking and commenting on a few that were of you and Lando. You stopped on a TikTok, a smile forming on your sleepy face when you hear his voice. You weren't familiar with the video they were clipping, listening to him say that he sleeps in more and doesn't see the sunset much, makes your eyes widen with an idea. What your boyfriend said was true, he really did sleep in a lot. Wouldn't it be romantic to watch the sunrise with him? You think with a smile. 
You click onto the comments and your smile widens when you see all the comments, most of them being about how good he looks, he did really look good. You giggle when you see a comment saying “I mean can you blame him for being tired, I would be too if y/n was my gf ;)” oh god you loved Lando’s fans. 
“What are you giggling about?” Your boyfriend's teasing tone brought you out of your trance of looking through the comments. You hear the satisfying click of you turning off your phone and you look up just in time to see your boyfriend walking out of the bathroom and jumping into the bed and laying on his stomach next to you. You set your phone on the bedside table and bring your hand to play with his newly blow-dried hair. Lando lets out a hum of appreciation at your touch. 
“Your fans are pretty funny” you whisper as you move to lay on your side, facing him. Lando opens his eyes and breaks out into a smile when the two of you lock eyes. He also moves to lay on his side, he brings one of his hands up to grab yours that was still playing with his hair. You watch as he brings your hand to his lips, placing a soft kiss on your palm before he brings it under his chin, snuggling it. 
“Will you tell me about it tomorrow? I can't keep my eyes open” Lando's sleepy voice makes you want to squeeze him, he's just so adorable. You move your hand that Lando isn't clinging to and move some of his hair from his face. Your eyes looking over your boyfriend's face, watching as his eyes flutter close and his face snuggle closer to his pillow. 
“Yeah, I'll tell you all about it” you tell him with a smile, your mind thinking about your idea for tomorrow. You make a move to sit up, but you halt your movement when you feel Lando pull you back, you look to see him giving you a frown. “Where are you going?” 
“I'm just going to turn off the light” You giggle quietly, sleepy Lando was absolutely adorable. Lando lets out a huff before letting go of you, you get out of bed and walk over to the wall and turn off the light switch, quickly rushing back into bed and getting under the sheets. Turning your head to face Lando when he lets out a chuckle. 
“It's so cute how you still get scared that a monster is going to grab your feet from under the bed” Lando laughs as he scoots closer to you and wraps his arm around your midsection, resting his head next to yours. You look at him, the moonlight peeking through the curtains illuminated his face just enough for you to see him, he was so beautiful. You softly nudge him with your hip before saying “So do you.” 
“Goodnight baby” Lando mumbles and snuggles closer to you after he lets out a tired chuckle from your words, he was so close that you could feel his breath on your neck. You let out a hum and close your eyes, the sound of his soft breaths lulling you to sleep. “Goodnight Lan” 
You were used to waking up early, so you had no problem waking up at 6 am, 25 minutes before the sunrise. Thinking about your plan last night you thought it would be super easy to do, completely forgetting one thing. Your clingy boyfriend. When you woke up the first thing you noticed was the soft breaths of your boyfriend on your neck and the tight grip he had on your waist, your legs intertwined. If you weren't so determined to have a sweet morning with Lando, you would have closed your eyes and went back to sleep, enjoying your boyfriend's touch. 
So, you ignored the voice in your head telling you to stay in bed in Lando's arms, and you carefully and slowly detach yourself from him and get out of bed. You have to stop yourself from leaning down and softly peppering your boyfriend's face in kisses when you see the sleepy pout on his lips. You grab your phone off the bedside table before quietly walking out of your room, surprised that you didn't wake him up. 
You quietly hum to a tune that has been stuck in your head as you walk through your apartment. You turn on the light switch to the kitchen before setting your phone on the counter and walking over to the pantry to pull out some ingredients. You moved across your kitchen quietly, being careful not to make too much sound and wake up Lando, and before you knew it you had two hot mugs in your hands. One hot chocolate for you, and one hot tea for Lando. 
Your sock covered feet softly padded against the hallway of your apartment as you walked slowly, careful not to spill any of the drinks and careful not to drop your phone that was squeezed between your armpit. When you walk into your room your eyes immediately go to your bed, where you see Lando holding onto your pillow, his legs all sprawled out and still asleep. You carefully set the two mugs on your bedside table, along with your phone before sitting at the side of your bed, facing your sleeping boyfriend. 
“Lando love, it's time to wake up” You spoke sweetly as you brought your hand up to his hair, softly playing with his curls, being careful not to get your fingers stuck in his messy hair. You only get a reaction from him a few moments later when he lets out a tired groan and nuzzles his face into your pillow, a muffled no passing through his lips. You can't help but giggle at his cuteness. 
“Lando please, i want to show you something” You continue to play with his hair, your thumb softly caressing his cheekbone, luring him out of his sleepy state. Lando lets out another tired groan as he rolls onto his back, his right hand moving from under the pillow to rest on your bare thigh. You watch as he flutters his eyes open, blinking a few times to get the tired out of his eyes. 
Lando yawns before looking up at you with a small smirk, his morning voice deep “Say please again.” 
“Please get up my love” you sweet talk with a smile, leaning down and peppering his cheek and jaw in soft doting kisses. Lando smiles and closes his eyes, a tired chuckle escaping his lips at the feeling of your lips on his face. He moves his hand that was at his side and his hand that was on your thigh and wraps them around your waist. Pulling you down against him. You let out a surprised giggle at the sudden pull. Your face flush against his neck. 
“Only because you asked so nicely” Lando whispers as he kisses the crown of your head, one of his hands moving up to play with your hair. You knew you had to get up, and you knew the longer you snuggled with Lando; the harder it would be to get him up. But his arms were so comfy, he was so warm and smelt nice, you nuzzled your face into his neck for a few moments, closing your eyes and just relishing in the feeling of being so close to your lover. But the smell of your hot chocolate reminds you of your mission, you place a soft kiss on his neck before sitting up, trying to detach yourself from your clingy boyfriend. 
“No, it's too early, come back to bed” your sleepy boyfriend whined as he watched you get off the bed and walk over to the balcony you had in your room, pulling back the long white curtains and unlocking the balcony doors before opening them. The cool breeze of the early air nips at your bare legs and sends a chill down your spine. The smell of the ocean hits your nose, and the sound of the waves fill your room. 
Lando lays on his side and sits up on his elbow, his eyes not leaving yours. The moonlight was still shining, and you looked absolutely beautiful under it. So beautiful that he just wanted to grab you by the waist and pull you back to bed, showing you how much he loves you. But he noticed the determined look in your eyes and was thoroughly curious on why you woke him up so early and why you're so happy, so he stopped himself from doing so. 
You feel Lando's stare on your back, your lower, lower back. You roll your eyes with a smile before turning to face him, you watch as his eyes shoot up to your face, an innocent smile appearing on his lips once he realizes he was caught staring at your ass. You walked over to your bed and sat on the edge, crossing your legs. Lando sat up and leaned back against the headboard when he watched you pick up his favorite mug and hold it out for him. 
“So, are you going to tell me why we're up so early?” Lando asked you with a sweet smile after he took a small sip of the tea. Your mug of hot chocolate warmed your hands and soothed your body as you swallowed it. The cold breeze chills your room faster than you expected. Lando notices goosebumps on your bare legs and uses the hand that wasn't holding his mug, to cover your legs with the blanket. 
“I saw this tik Tok about you last night” You start as you set your mug back on the side table, licking your lips. Lando raises his eyebrow as he takes another sip of his tea, curious on where this was going to go. There was no way he could guess what the tik Tok would be about. 
“You were saying how you sleep in more so you don’t get to watch the sunrise, so I thought that maybe we could watch the sunrise together” You finally confessed your plan, your hands playing with the blanket covering your lower half. It was silent for a few moments, besides the distant sound of the ocean and you watched as a big smile spread on your boyfriend's lips, him setting down his mug too. 
“Fuck you’re so cute” Lando cooed as he stopped leaning against the headboard, sitting up so he could be closer to you. He took your hands that were playing with the blanket and intertwined his fingers with yours, his eyes not leaving yours. You could see a faint blush forming on his face, but Lando couldn't help it. He loved when you planned cute things like this, it made him feel so loved.
 Lando leaned closer to you and softly pecked your lips quickly before saying “I would love to watch the sunrise with you baby.” 
You smiled widely and leaned closer to him, unlacing one of your hands with his and cupping his cheek. Softly caressing his cheek with your thumb before you close your eyes and sealing your lips in a kiss. Lando eagerly kissed you back, his hand that was holding yours moves to hold onto your waist, pulling you closer to him. You took charge of the kiss, finding yourself getting lost in the taste of your boyfriend's lips. 
It took everything in him to pull away from the kiss, breathing heavy against your lips as he whispered, “If you keep kissing me like that, we’re going to miss the sunrise.” 
The bashful smile you give him in response makes him giggle and softly kiss the tip of your nose before saying “c'mon, let's get comfy.” 
After another cold chill came through the open balcony doors, the two of you decided that it would be better to stay in bed and watch, instead of sitting on your balcony. After a few minutes of trying to find the best position and many giggles, you finally found the perfect position. 
“This is nice” Lando spoke quietly as he glanced down at you, before looking back at the changing color sky, the orange slowly peeking through. Lando sat in the middle of the bed while you sat between his legs, leaning your head back against his chest and cuddling one of his arms to your chest. His other arm at his side, his hand absentmindedly caressing the skin of your side, under your (his) shirt. 
“What, being behind me?” You responded in a playful tone. 
“My favorite place to be,” Lando says in a flirty tone, leaving a wet kiss on the side of your forehead. You smile and tilt your head to look up at him, the sunrise rises, and an orange glow appears on his face. He was so pretty; you could stare at him forever. Lando felt your stare and looked down at you, a shy smile appearing when he saw how you looked at him. With so much love. 
“You're supposed to be watching the sunrise, not me baby” Lando teases you playfully, nudging you softly with his leg. He was silently praying that you couldn't feel or hear how fast his heart was beating, it wasn't fair how flustered you could make him. 
“I can't help that I have such a pretty boyfriend,” you replied, copying Lando’s flirty tone from earlier. You could feel his beating heartbeat against your chest, the rhythmic beat was comforting. Your fingers were absentmindedly tracing random patterns on his arm, your focus was on the changing color sky. It was so peaceful; the smell and the sound of the ocean was soothing. And the warmth of being held by Lando made it even better. 
Lando didn't reply, his eyes were on the sky and the ocean. It was a beautiful sight, a sight he definitely would want to see again, preferably with you in his arms again. He didn't think that he would find watching the sunrise so enjoyable, but he was pretty sure the reason why was his pretty girlfriend that was in his arms, and the fact that you planned this. 
“We should do this again” Lando whispered, his hand on your hip rising to caress the skin of your stomach, smirking to himself when he felt the goosebumps appear on your skin from his touch. He loved how reactive you were to his touch, but to be fair he was the same way with your touch. 
“Tomorrow?” You ask him, tilting your head to look up at him, a teasing smile on your lips. You already knew his answer, your boyfriend loved his sleep. And seeing by the way he nervously giggles and bites his lips; you knew you were right. 
“Uhh, maybe the day after?” 
“Okay, the day after” you say between your own laughter, tilting your body a little so you could face him more. Lando’s hold on your midsection tightens and he pulls you closer to his chest. Lando’s attention on the sky quickly changes when he sees the smile on your face, you look so happy. He couldn't look away, he watched as you rested your head on his chest, you were still staring at the now ending sunrise, the light from the sun creating an orange glow on your face. He smiled when he noticed you playing with his bracelets, a habit that you had picked up on the few years you have been together. 
“I love you” Lando whispers in your ear, his tone full of love. You look away from the now blue sky to your boyfriend, locking eyes with the most beautiful eyes you've ever seen. You smile and let go of his wrist, bringing your hand up to cup his cheek. Lando can see the look in your eyes, so he leans down and captures your lips in a soft kiss, you pour all of your love into that kiss, wanting him to feel it all.
 Lando hesitantly pulls away, resting his forehead on yours as you both try to catch your breath from the kiss. You open your eyes and look up at him, your thumb gently touching his bottom lip causes him to open his eyes and look down at you. 
“I love you more” You whisper back, a smile on your lips. Lando breaks out into a smile and wraps both of his arms around your waist and laying back, causing you to lay on top of him. A surprised yelp escapes past your parted lips at the fast movement and Lando can't stop the laughter from spilling from his, when he hears the cute sound. You hide your face in his chest in embarrassment, but when you hear Lando let out a snort you are quick to join him in laughter. 
And in that moment of the two of you cuddling and laughing at each other, you silently thanked that TikTok. Because they created a memory that you would never forget.
°. — taglist ( @iloveyou3000morgan )
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niabang · 1 month
Take it out on me
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Pairings: Yang jeongin × fem reader
Summary: Your boyfriend gets mad at work and you offer a way for him to relieve his stress.
Warnings: smut included MINORS DNI. Mean/hard dom jeongin, sub reader, daddy kink, degradation/ praise (reader receives.), impact play, dumbification? Semi public sex? Overstim, creampie, unprotected sex (please do not do it.) Mentions of other members of skz.
Let me know if there's anything I missed! ♡
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You went to the company with your boyfriend today because you were bored alone at home every day after he left for work, so today you begged him to let you tag along, and surprisingly, he agreed.
You watched as he and the members did a dance routine over and over again, and you were beginning to wonder if they had to go through this every day. No wonder your boyfriend always came home exhausted.
You sat at one corner of the practice room watching them, and your eyes fell on your boyfriend, who was now drenched in sweat and had his sleeves rolled up, exposing his contracting arm muscles.
His hair was wet, and he looked so sexy when he was serious. You subconsciously crossed your legs and tried to distract yourself by watching some tik toks.
"Can you just leave me alone? I'm tired!" You heard your boyfriend's voice echo round the room, and you looked up from your phone to see what all the fuss was about.
"You're not the only one who's tired here. I.N, at least do the dance right so we can move on to the next phase." His colleague Lee know snapped right back at him, and things were not looking so good.
"Hey, hey guys, don't fight. Let's just carry on with the choreo, please." Felix appealed to them, but his request fell on deaf ears.
"Tell him to stop complaining about every single thing I do it's annoying." Jeongin said to Felix.
"If one person looks bad, the whole team looks bad, and I'm just trying to make sure you're on the same page as us, you selfish asshole." Lee know might have just added fuel to the fire with that comment because your boyfriend raised a fist to him but just before he could do anything or you could call out to him a loud voice resonated through the room.
"Everybody stop!" It was bangchan. The leader of the group. You were a little scared because you had never seen him like that before, but it worked because the commotion did, in fact, stop.
"What do you guys think you're doing right now, huh?" He said to Lee know and your boyfriend.
Lee know opened his mouth like he was about to say something, but chan shut him down before he could.
"I don't wanna hear it. Everybody take 5." He said that, and everyone, including him, left the room, but your boyfriend stayed back.
"Baby, are you okay?" You asked, getting up from the corner where you sat.
He didn't answer you and just kept on wiping his face with a towel.
"Jeongin, answer me. Are you okay?" You asked again.
"No, I'm not. I'm tired and frustrated. You saw everything that happened." He had made his way onto one of the couches in the practice room, and just the way he sat was making you horny again.
He was reclined on the couch with his legs spread wide, and he was wearing a pair of shorts so you could see his thighs, and you had never wanted to ride them more than in that moment.
"You can take it out on me." You said before you even realised it.
Your boyfriend's head shot up from the frame of the couch he had rested his head on.
"C'mere." He said as he pulled you onto his lap. You were now straddling him.
"Say that again for me, princess." He said while tucking your hair behind your ear and looking straight into your eyes."
"I- I want you to take your frustration out on me... to relieve to of your stress." You said already getting wet from just sitting on him.
"Oh you dirty slut." He said as he grabbed your neck and pulled you in for a kiss."
"Wait what about the others?" You asked him turning to face the door of the practice room.
"We have 15 minutes." He said and pulled you into the kiss.
Your boyfriend was being completely ruthless with you and took full control of your mouth with his tongue.
You started to grind against him for friction, but he stopped you and lifted you up from his thighs, so you were kneeling and not sitting.
All you could do was moan, and you got even louder when he lifted up the skirt you were wearing and smacked you particularly hard on the ass.
"You like that, huh?" He asked as he broke away from the kiss and landed another hard smack on your bare ass.
"When I speak to you, you answer me." He said as he landed what you think was the hardest one yet.
"Yes, Daddy." You said choking back tears.
"That's my good girl." He said as he wrapped his hand around your throat and pulled you in for a kiss again.
He pulled out his dick from his shorts and began to stroke it. He then put his fingers on your panties to see if you were wet, and you most definitely were so he didn't waste any time moving them to the side and placing you on his dick.
"Ahhh." You whined as he slipped into you. You already knew your boyfriend was big, but for some reason, you felt like he was stretching you out more than usual.
He had his hands on both sides of your hips and began to move you up and down his length.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, and it was almost like you could feel every vein and ridge on his dick.
"Ride me." Your boyfriend commanded, and you groaned from the loss of movement because he had taken his hands off your hips.
Your boyfriend knew you couldn't last for 5 minutes on top but he was a sadistic fucker and loved to see you suffer.
You began to bounce up and down his length, and your boyfriend threw his head back.
"Yeah, just like that, baby keep going." He said in a raspy voice and landed a light smack on your ass.
You felt your legs already starting to give out after a while and as if your boyfriend knew he started thrusting up into you from below and he did so fast while landing hard slaps on your ass.
"Fuck fuck fuck please daddy please." You have no idea what you were begging for because it hurt so good you couldn't think straight.
Your boyfriend turned you over so you were now laying on the chair and he was on top.
"Listen to me princess we can't be too loud okay? Take it quietly like a good girl."
You nodded your head and he pushed his dick back into you and choked you restricting just a bit of your airflow.
He was slamming into your cunt so hard and fast you began to see stars. Your moans were getting louder and you forgot that he had told you to be quiet.
You felt a sting on your left cheek and you realised that he had slapped you for disobeying his instructions.
"I told you to be quiet you whore. Do you want people to hear you getting fucked?" He asked you.
"No, Daddy." You managed to blurt out through tears.
"Good." And as he said that, he parted your lips and spit in your mouth, then gave you another slap.
He continued to slam into you but it was impossible for you to say quiet so he now had a hand over your mouth while he continued the assault on your cunt.
"Who's daddy's little cumslut?." He asked after a while and you were too fucked out to answer so your boyfriend brought you back to your senses with another slap.
"Me daddy it's me." You cried out.
"Okay now you're gonna take my cum like the slut you are." As he said that he pressed further into you and filled you with his seed.
You both stayed in that position for about two minutes till you started hearing voices coming towards the practice room.
"Just in time." Your boyfriend said and pulled out of you.
"Keep it in till we get back home." He said as he tapped your thighs and put his dick back into his pants.
"We'll finish things up there." He said and left to join the others.
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kitkatscabinet · 8 months
Whumptober - 07: Drugged
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John Mactavish x f! reader
A/N: For @bunnyreaper here's the whump version, sorry it took so long, hope you like it <3
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Soap knows that something’s wrong the moment you call him. You drunk calling him wasn’t exactly out of the norm, in fact, it was weird if you didn’t spam him with texts and tik toks letting him know how much you loved him. 
His team often sledged him jokingly for how whipped he was for you, but it was that adoration and care that let him know within seconds that you weren’t okay. There was no excited shout of his name, no blaring music that you were drunkenly singing along to and none of your friends were yelling at him for interrupting girl's night. 
There’s just silence, a terribly concerning silence only accentuated by the shuffling of clothes and shuddering breaths. He’s on his feet and crashing into the wall on his quest for the keys in three seconds flat. His shoes aren’t even on properly and he’s already in the car when he finally gets a response to his barrage of questions. 
“Johnny?” Your voice is slurred and confused in a way that has his blood freezing. You very rarely got so sloshed you couldn’t function anymore but Soap knew what you were like even then, and this was not it. 
When the phone connects to the car's Bluetooth he’s throwing his phone into the passenger seat and reversing so quickly the tyres screech in protest. He knows where you are, you were always good at updating him if you moved venues but it doesn’t stop him from double-checking. 
He has to ask the question three times before you eventually confirm that you haven’t gone anywhere, his heart rate increasing frantically with each second that passes and he’s not by your side yet. 
“Johnny? Wh’re you? I think somethin’s wrong. Don’t feel so good.” Your whimpers fill the car and Soap starts to drive even faster, blowing through two red lights and a stop sign with little concern over the inevitable tickets and demerits he’ll get. 
“I know baby. Am almost there, just hold on a little longer.” He commanded as firmly and gently as possible. “Ye in the bathroom? Locked the door?” 
Once again it takes a while for you to understand and respond to his question but when you do he allows himself to relax a little. He tries to ascertain where your friend has gone and not for the first time he wants to kill her when you tell him you have no idea where she’s gone. 
“Johnny?” you call for him a few more times as if forgetting you’ve already gotten on the line.
He throws the car into park when he arrives, not bothering with the handbrake and not caring that he’s just stopped in the middle of the road. Cars are honking and people are yelling but he doesn’t give a single fuck, his mind is on a one-track mission. 
He’s even left his phone on the seat in his haste and the door open. Undoubtedly, you’ll yell at him when he relays the details later but he’s willing to cop all of your anger if it means he gets to you in time. 
He runs past the bouncer, outpacing the shouting man and ducking past various security members as he beelines towards the bathroom. Vaguely he recognises that he’s being chased but it doesn’t matter because he makes it to the ladies' bathroom well before they catch up.
It doesn’t even register that the bathroom door isn’t locked like you’d said it was when he bursts into the grimy space because his attention and fury are quickly dragged elsewhere. Namely to the motherfucker that was sticking his hand down your pants as you sobbed and tried to get away with your body’s sluggish movement. 
He’s letting out a furious roar and when the man turns with wide eyes at the commotion behind him Johnny’s fist smacks into his nose with a sickening crack that sends him stumbling backwards bleeding and onto the tile floor. 
It’s only the fact that your legs give out without someone supporting you that stops him from beating the man to death as he grabs you and pulls you against him. 
You’re so out of it that you protest, pushing against his chest as you cry because you don’t recognise him straight away. 
It takes a bit of cajoling and pressing soft kisses into your hairline before you recognise him but when you do you completely devolve into a crying, sobbing mess, collapsing against him even further as you finally allow yourself to feel all of the overwhelming panic you’d been trying to hold off. 
Security’s caught up and the commotion they make as they barge into the bathroom sets you off even further and Soap simply shoots them a heated glare before shouldering past them with you safe in his arms. 
Perhaps miraculously, both the car and his phone are still where he’d left him and Johnny gently deposits you in the passenger seat, clipping your seatbelt in. His heart shatters a little further when you start to beg him not to leave you. 
“M not leaving ye bonnie, just need to get myself strapped in.”
“Promise?” you sound so small and Soap is now certain that once you’re safe and looked after he’d going to hunt down the scumbag that dared lay a finger on you. For now though, 
“I promise love.” When he slips into the driver's seat you’re reaching blearily for his hand immediately and he takes it just as quickly, pulling away and driving far slower than he’d gone to get to you. 
“I promise.” The words are so soft that they’re more for himself than you. They’re an oath that he’ll keep even if it kills him.
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strniohoeee · 7 months
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: While streaming Matt gets a little handsy with the reader, and what happens when fans start to notice, and Y/N feels a type of way🗣️ This is for my request asking for gamer Matt touching the readers thigh while streaming
Warnings⚠️: This is SMUT, but nothing crazy just them going to POUNDTOWNNNN
Song for the imagine: Acquainted- The Weeknd
⚠️This is an 18+ story, so minors do not interact, or do??⚠️
I was sitting on the triplets couch watching a movie with Chris and Nick. Well actually I should say the movie was watching us because Chris and Nick had fallen asleep, and my eyes were slowly closing here and there
I decided to sit up more and check my phone. It was about 5pm and I knew the boys would want something to eat soon, and probably film a vlog and car video. I checked all my socials and got back to my text messages.
I heard Matt cursing from his room, so I figured he was playing one of his games. I looked over to Chris and Nick snuggled together sound asleep, so I decided to head over to his room
I knocked on his door, but I figured he wouldn’t hear me, so I lightly cracked the door waiting for him to tell me to come in. We made eye contact and he smiled and then nodded for me to come in
“Hey” I said as I sat on his bed
“Hey- SHIT NO NO NO” he said smashing buttons on his controller harshly
“What are you playing?” I asked laughing at him
“Fucking Fortnite, but my team sucks” he said
“Nice. Chris and Nick are asleep, so I figured I’d come and bother you, and it’s almost dinner time” I told him
“Ouu we should get McDonald’s so then this way we could film a car video” Matt responded
“I’m down with that” I told him
“The chat wants you to come closer, and hang with us” he said turning back to look at me
“I didn’t know you were streaming” I said to him
“Oh yeah! Had to I was slacking” he said
“I agree I’ve been waiting for more twitch edits of you to pop up” I said joking with him, and he just looked at me and rolled his eyes playfully
I got up and walked towards him, standing next to him watching him play
“The chat says great shot of your chest” he said laughing at me
“You perves” I said stooping down and looking at the camera
“Here sit on my lap” he said scooting back
“Uhhh” I said giving him a side eye
“Not on anything weird just sit” he said sucking his teeth
“I’m going to crush your thighs” I said laughing at him
“Excuse me…im a man” he said holding his chest acting offended
“Fine” I said and sat on his lap, not allowing myself to put my full weight
Matt’s team had lost, so he was waiting for a new game to start, I think he noticed that I wasn’t putting my full weight down, so he started to massage my thigh to let me know I could relax more
I looked over at the chats and started reading some in my head
“Yallll they for sure fuckin”
“The hand on the thigh is CRAZYYY”
I wasn’t sure if Matt saw these comments, but I ignored them. I didn’t want his fans thinking anything crazy was going on between us.
Matt had let me play a couple rounds, and his hands kept rubbing and squeezing my thighs. The chat blowing uppp with all type of crazy comments
Matt had ended the stream, and I had gotten up
“Alright I’m hungry” he said getting up and stretching
“Yeah same” I said. Completely ignoring him just feeling up on my thighs like that’s some normal shit
“Lets go see if Chris and Nick are up” he said walking out his room and I followed
They were up and also talking about being hungry. So we all headed out for some McDonald’s, and spent the rest of the night filming YouTube videos and tik toks
What was bothering me was the fact that Matt had acted like him touching me was nothing, and like it’s an everyday thing that he does. Did he really not see the comments, or was that feeding into his brain
About a day later there were just non stop edits popping up everywhere of Matt touching my thigh. I was starting to panic because I didn’t want people assuming anything. If I’m being honest I really liked Matt, so him rubbing on my thighs didn’t help my case right now
I had been a bit distant with Matt and the triplets for a good 4 days. I honestly couldn’t be around Matt because I was conflicted on what to do. Did he like me? Was it just an action to make me less nervous?? I just didn’t know what it was.
I had received a text from our group chat
Y/N where have you been??
yeah???? You never go more than two days without seeing us
for real!!! Come hang out with us PLEASEEEE
hiii I’m so sorry I’ve been dealing with some personal issues, and I didn’t want it to affect you guys<3, but I’ll be over shortly 😘
I had driven over to the triplets house, and let myself in
“Hey guys” I said coming up from the stairs
“YAYYYY you’re here” Chris said clapping his hands like a child
“Sorry yall! I was just going through it” I said laughing
“Is it about those edits?” Nick asked
“Well….yes and no” I told them
“Listen, don't listen to anyone saying anything bad, or assuming stuff about yall. I think some of those edits are taken out of context” Nick told me
Honestly that’s not why I was over the edits, but I just agreed anyways
“Yeah….i figured I’d chat with Matt” I said to them
“He’s in his room” Chris said. I thanked him and walked over to his room letting myself in
“Hey Y/N” he said giving me a hug
“Hii” I said
“I want to chat with you” I said to him sitting on his bed
“Is this about the edits?” He asked
“Ummm no it’s actually about the actions you did” I told him flat out
“Oh?” He said a little confused
“Listen I’ve been avoiding you because I really like you, and those touches on my thighs were making me spiral. I don’t want to think that those were just friendly touches, and not something more” I told him
“I mean I like you too, and you know I love physical touch, so those touches were both flirtatious and friendly” he said looking at me
“Oh….” Was all I could fucking manage out of my mouth
“I mean if I made you uncomfortable I’m sorry” he said looking concerned
“Oh no no….umm those touches actually made me feel some type of way” I said looking at him
“Yeah?” He said lowly
Next thing I know I reach over and pull Matt in by his shirt to kiss him. This kiss felt like 1,000 fireworks going off in my stomach. I felt like Matt was made for me
We pulled away, and he looked me up and down
“I’ve waited so long to do that” I told him, and he leaned in putting his hand on my thigh as his lips ghosted over mine
“I’ve waited so long for this too” he said finally kissing me again and massaging my thigh
“Fuck Matt you gotta stop rubbing my thigh, or I’m going to do something I shoudnt” I told him sighing
“Who says you shouldn’t do it” he said with a smug expression
“Matt you really want me to act out” I said smiling at him
“Baby you can do whatever you like” he said smirking at me
I smashed my lips into his allowing him to fall back as I straddled him
“Fuck Matt I need you right now” I told him pulling away from the kiss and removing my shirt
“Chris and Nick though” he said also removing his shirt
“Well you wouldn’t be taking off your shirt, and I’ll be quiet I promise baby” I said biting my lip
“Fuck it. I’ll be quiet too” he said leaning up to kiss me
We had been making out, and I was grinding down on Matt’s bulge. He pulled away to moan lightly
“Fuck I don’t know if I can hold out any longer” he said biting his lip and helping me grind down onto him
When he brought my hips back down I let out a bit of a loud moan
“SHHH” he said covering my mouth
“I’m sorry” I said muffled into his hand
Matt helped me out of my pants and my underwear and he slid his down to about knee length
“Fuck Matt” I said as I was grinding on his dick letting my arousal spread all over him
“Oh” he said thronging his head back and rubbing his hands through his hair
“Matt you’re so fucking sexy just kissing you makes me so wet” I said kissing his neck and chest
“Fuck don’t say shit like that or I’ll cum” he said looking into my eyes
“Are you ready baby” I asked him and he nodded, helping me align his dick at my entrance
I slowly slid down onto him my mouth falling slack at the stretch
“Shit oh my god” I said in a low moan as I bottomed out
“Fuck” Matt said as I started to rock my hips
I allowed myself to fall forward having our chests touching as I grinded on his dick. Matt had his hands on my ass helping me grinding on him. The way my pussy was contracting around him singing a shiver down his spine.
I sat up again and allowed myself to bounce on his dick but being careful of how loud I was becoming
“Fuckkkk Matt” I moaned throwing my head back
“Keep bouncing on my cock like that, and I’m going to cum so hard” he said rubbing his hands up my body and squeezing my breasts
I was bouncing on his dick harder and faster. My mouth falling slack as my breathing became heavier and I started to sweat
“Fuck y/n you look so good all hot and fucked out” he said also breathing heavily
“Keep talking I’m going to cum” I said falling forward again and grinding down onto his cock to allow stimulation to my clit
“I’m so close baby” he said kissing my neck and gripping my hips hard
“You’re doing so good for me” he said looking up at me
“I’m gonna cum fuck fuck fuck fuck” I said as I started to grind harder chasing my orgasm
I soon shuddered and came all over Matt’s cock shaking and moaning into his neck to keep quiet. I was seeing flashes of white and completely ecstasy through my body
“I’m gonna cum” Matt said now pounding up into me
“Cum baby cum for me” I said kissing his neck
He shuddered and gripped me harder
“OHHH myyy GODDD” (hehe) he whimpered out a bit loudly as he came into me. Trembling and convulsing
We both came down from our high and I got off of Matt falling next to him.
“That was so fucking hot” he said turning to look at me
“Fuck Matt I love you so much” I said as I went in to kiss him
“I love you too” he said after pulling away, and he began to sit up
Soon after I sat up as well looking for my article of clothes
“Wanna shower with me?” He asked looking back at me
“Yeah that sounds nice” I said getting off his bed and walking to his bathroom with him
We had showered together laughing and trying to be quiet so Chris and Nick wouldn’t hear us. After that I changed back into my clothes and him and I layed in his bed watching tv waiting to stream later on together.
The End
I hope yall enjoyed this one 🫢💋💋 and for the person that requested this I also hope you enjoyed it🫶🏽🫶🏽 love yall and thank yall so much for the support
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Unwrap Me-Colby Brock
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(not my gif)
A/n: I just thought I'd drop this small one. I know Christmas is over, but I got sick over the break and didn't get to finish until today. So Merry Late Christmas to whoever celebrates. I kind of got this idea from an Ariana Grande song. Please relax and enjoy.
I was sitting on the couch scrolling through tik tok when I kept getting videos of girls making outfits out of wrapping paper. I just knew I had to try on Colby. I went to my room to start planning. As I was planning out how I want the outfit to look I got a call from Kat. I picked it up and smiled. " Hey Kat! What's up?" I questioned
" Hey, just wanted to chat." She said 
I nodded while cutting out the pieces for my outfit. " What are you doing?" Kat questioned 
I replied with, " You know that trend going around where everyone is creating outfits out of wrapping paper?" 
She let out a loud laugh while saying, " Don't tell me you're making one for Colby." 
I stayed silent while making the skirt. She stopped laughing. " OMG! Oh my god! You're actually being for real." 
I let out a chuckle. " Yea, I just think Colby's reaction will be amazing." She was just watching me. " Girl when you're done making it please show me." 
I nodded while continuing the skirt I'm still making. 
'time jump'
I was just about when I heard someone enter Kat's room. I glanced up to fins Sam. " Hey Sam!" I shouted 
He glanced up confused until he saw me through the phone. " Hey Y/n/n. What are you working on?" He said, wrapping his arms around Kat. 
I smiled, " Something for Colby, we'll, more for my entertainment." I said laughing at the end
He raised his eyebrows interested in the thing I was making. " Are you almost done?" Kat asked
Right as she asked I finished the very last part of the outfit. I smiled at both of them. " Done." I exclaimed 
" We'll go try it on." Kat said excitedly 
I smiled and nodded. " Be right back." I said rushing to the bathroom. I was carefully putting it on to not rip it. I heard Kat yelling through the phone. " Girl hurry, I want to see." I let out a soft chuckle while double checking that everything was perfect. I smiled, hyping myself up. I opened the door and stated...
" Okay, Are you guys ready?" 
I didn't get to hear Sam's response due to Kat screaming. " I've been ready." I let out a laugh before walking over to the phone. Kat let out a loud gasp while Sam's jaw immediately dropped. "Omg! You look so gorgeous Y/n/n." Kat said hyping me up
I felt my cheeks getting warm. " Thanks Kat." 
" Colby is going to die when he sees you." Kat stated 
I smiled when Sam smirked. " What's that face for?" He let out a chuckle before saying,"Just so you know Colby just showed up at the house."  
I felt myself panic, " What!" I whisper shouted
He just laughed at my reaction. Kat let out a small laugh before calming me down. " Y/n/n don't panic, you look stunning." I glanced at her, " You think so." 
She smiled through the phone. " Now go get your man." 
I chuckled. " Well I'll let you know how it goes." She winked, " You better." Which made me laugh, we hung up and I started hyping myself up. I took  a deep breath before calling him just to make sure he was home. 
" Hey, baby." he said 
" Hi." 
I heard him let out a chuckle. " What's up, I know you're home." 
I let out a small giggle. " I just want to make sure you are home." 
" Why?" he sounded curious 
" You know, I may or may not have a surprise for you." 
" Really!" he said 
I ignored his response to ask, " Where are you in the house?" 
" The living room." he stated 
I smiled to myself. " Stay there." 
Before he could say anything else I hung up. I took one last deep sigh before heading down the stairs. I turned on the song which made Colby laugh. " Babe, what is this?" he asked through deep chuckles 
Which only made me let out giggles. " It's your surprise, silly." I said walking down the rest of the steps. 
" Okay you ready?" I asked feeling nervous 
" Babe, what are you nervous about?" 
I let out a chuckle. " No reason, I'm coming in." 
" We'll hurry up and get your cute butt in here." 
I felt myself blush. I slowly walked in and Colby's eyes widened. I felt butterflies swarming in my stomach along with my heartbeat getting faster just from him watching me. 
Colby's POV
I was really confused when she turned music on but also kind of excited to see what she had planned. 
After I told her to get her cute butt in the room, I was getting pumped up. What I didn't expect was to see her in wrapping paper. My brain froze just watching her. I was speechless, I then listened to the lyrics and smirked. " So you want me to unwrap you?" I saw her blush which was adorable. I got up from the couch and walked over to her. I gently placed my hands on her hips and glanced up and down her body. Seeing her body covered in wrapping paper up closer was even more exciting. 
I leaned my head to her right ear and whispered. " I would love to do the honors of ripping this off you." 
I pulled back to find her staring up at me with so much love. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me down to her lips. Once her lips touched mine I couldn't stop myself from going in deeper. She let out a soft groan from the feeling. I felt my hands exploring her body. I pulled away and picked her up over my shoulder. She let out a slight scream. " Colby!" 
I just chuckled and made my way to the bedroom. " What for the room cause you will be screaming my name to the whole world darling." I said 
Your POV
 I felt myself blush again from his words. I then wrapped my arms around his back so I didn't fall. " Colby..." I mumbled 
He tightened his hold on me and responded with, " Yes princess." 
I let out a nervous giggle. " Um...the paper might have torn when you picked me up." All he did was laugh, " Well it was going to come off anyway." 
The next thing I knew I was softly tossed on his bed with him leaning over me. " I can't wait to rip this off." he whispered 
Okay, I know some of you won't like me for how I ended it, but I rather not write anything with that. I mean feel free to imagine. I know I might be robbing you guys, it's just I don't feel super comfortable writing the whole topic. 
Thank you so much for supporting me through the many years I started writing. 
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stinmybubs · 1 month
Random Convos W/ Katsuki!
AN: Just some random shit I say to my bf irl that I think Bakugou would have the funniest reactions to.
B. Katsuki x AFAB! Reader!
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“Wanna have sex ?” You suddenly ask your hot headed boyfriend. In the middle of a very calm study session by the way.
“What?” He turns to you questioningly, because the whole setting wasn’t even remotely sexual.
“Nvm I joke!” You giggle turning your head away from the stunned boy.
“No, ya’ can’t just ask that then go back to what you were doing!” He grabbed your face and made you look at him.
“I’m pulling down your pants.” You say randomly as you stare into his eyes.
“What the fuck is wrong with you!” He lets goes of you. He should be used to your antics but you always ask these sort of questions at the most random moments it always caught him off guard.
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“KATSSUUUUU~” you whine, kicking your feet on his bed.
“Eh?” He turns around from his desk to look at you.
“Why don’t you love me anymore?” You hug the pillow you were laying on, staring into Katsuki’s eyes.
“What the fuck are ya’ talkin about?” Katsuki’s angry scowl and confused faced almost made you burst into laughters.
“I just want you to love me! CHOOSE MEEEE!! Love me!” You whine, flipping into your back dramatically. Trying your best to keep his attention.
“I do love ya’! And if you wanna keep my love ya’ gonna stop yer’ whinin.” He gets up from his desk, ripping the pillow away from you.
“YOU DONT LOVE ME? WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT KATSUKI!? I’m telling Mina.” You immediately reach for your phone on Katsuki’s bed side table but he smacks your arm with the pillow.
“I just said I still love ya’! Where did this all even come from??” He questioned, gently smacking you with the pillow.
“Nothing! I love you too!” Quickly grabbing your phone to scroll through tik tok. Leaving the blonde boy utterly confused once more.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” He asks, obviously you don’t answer.
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“Katsu my love! You know how that bitch early thought she got me? But in reality she got got, because a bitch got her but she tries to get me but she was already got. So a bitch got got, got, then, got got, get? Yknow what I mean?”
“What the fuck is wrong with you women.”
“DONT BE RUDE! I’m asking you a question!”
“I’m not even gonna fuckin answer whatever dumb shit that just came outta yer’ mouth.”
“Hope you get got one day…”
“I dunno!”
“Oh my god what the fuck is wrong with you!???”
AN: I got lazy with the last part! This was short fun little skit stuff!
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breeloveschris · 4 months
You’ll Never Understand pt 9
Pt 8 Pt 10
Pairing: Chris sturniolo x Reader
Summery: Y/n always been best friends with the triplets.. until one random day in sophomore year Chris despised Y/n, and till this day Y/n still don’t know why. Nick and Matt will never understand why Y/n has never stopped being sweet and caring to Chris as if nothing ever happened.
Warnings: cussing, alcohol, drinking “w/n - wrong name” this one’s kinda short but just trust me
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Y/n’s pov
I turned around seeing a guy who I’ve seen on twitch multiple times but never got the name. I smiled up to him, him being much taller than me. “Hi?” I said with a smirk. “Hi, sorry I don’t really go up to girls they useally come up to me so I’m not good at this” he said with a laugh. Okay.. asshole.
I just laugh and shake my head about to walk away when he grabs my arm. “I’m sorry, I’m Vinnie” he said reaching his hand out. That’s better. I nod and shake his hand softly “Y/n” I said quietly. I cant lie, Vinnie’s very attractive. “I’ve seen you on twitch before” he said with a smile.
“Is that your main social” he asked his smile not leaving his face. “Yeah, I don’t really do YouTube, I do tik tok sometimes but I rarely post” I said letting out a small laugh. “Yeah no I get that, you’re so pretty by the way” he said while pushing my hair out of my face, oh I’m so getting laid tonight.
“Well thank you, you’re not too bad yourself” I said looking up at him with doe eyes. I could feel eyes on me again, I roll my eyes while looking around while Vinnie bends down whispering something in my ear that I don’t catch because I spot Chris staring me down from across the room.
Fuck. He looks angry. Remember Y/n, don’t do shit to make him happy for nothing in return. I roll my eyes at him and look at vinnie with a pout “I’m so sorry I didn’t hear what you said, I zoned out” I said giving him puppy eyes. He smirked and shook his head bending down and whispering.
“this dress looks so good on you but I think it would look so much better off” he whispered while putting his hand on my waist and squeezing my hip. I smirked and looked up at him, “what makes you think you can get me in bed pretty boy” I smirked crossing my arms.
His hand still being pressed on my hip pulls me flush against him making me let out a soft gasp at the sudden movement. I looked up at him with wide eyes. “The way your thighs were tightly shut speaks volumes baby” he said with his hand on my jaw.
I lean up to his ear and whispering “do you wanna dance” he just smirks and grabs my hand walking me to the dance floor. I look straight and see Chris still staring at me this time his jaw is clenched and he was shaking his head. I just smirk at him and lift my free hand up and blew a kiss to him.
Me and vinnie were dancing my back on his front swaying to the music. He put his hand on my hip pressing me further into him. I leaned forward and looked in front of me to see Chris and Matt talking but Chris was looking at me through hooded eyes just watching me with a glare. I leaned back up and turned around facing vinnie getting up to his ear and whispering “let’s go get another drink” yea fuck just getting tipsy.
We walked over to the drinks and I grab another white claw as he grabs whatever drink he grabbed, I wasn’t really paying attention. I was to busy looking at Chris who was now walking over to us cup in hand. I rolled my eyes and faced Vinnie. “Hey wanna go back?” I asked smiling up to him. “Hey! Your Vinnie right?” Chris slightly yells. Vinnie slips his hand around my waist and pulls me into him I guess feeling threatened by Chris. I sigh and open my drink taking a big gulp. Shits about to go down.
Chris stops right in front of us. “Yeah man that’s me, what’s up?” Vinnie asked with a smile. “Oh nothing I was just coming over to tell you I love watching your streams” Chris said with an obvious fake smile. I open my mouth to speak but before anything comes out Chris is already talking. “Who’s this?” Chris asked pointing at me. What is he playing at? He obviously knows who I am.
“Oh this is my girlfriend, W/n” Vinnie said making my face cringe and Chris tightening his grip on his cup. What the fuck. I removed myself from him and looked at him confused as hell. “That’s not my name, I told you my name?” I said with furrowed brows. “You know I was just messing with you baby, let’s go dance” Vinnie said reaching out for me. I look over at chris and before I can even look away everything went south. And fast.
If you wanna be on the TAGLIST go here
Taglist: @stuniolobbg @iloveneilperry @freshloveforthefit @keira324 @nicksmainbitch @junnniiieee07 @sturniolosreads @novasturniolo03 @robins-scoop @jennss23 @hearts4chris @creamoncreamoncream2 @tcvazq @bunbunbl0gs @lacysturniolo @anonlovesyouall l @chrisloyalgf @lilsstvrn @youaremyfiveever @whicked-hazlatwhore @sturniozoey @xxloveralways14 @katie-tibo @gnxosblog
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barcalover86 · 4 months
I am not allowed to love you
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Summary: You are too young for Gavi, but he can't help but fall in love.
Request : I'll request one Gavi fic where he rejected the reader 'cause she was a fan and younger so he didn't wanna get in some scandal, but some months later she starts to work as his maid since his parents decided to not live with him anymore, and he starts to realize she's a good person and not some gold digger as he thought she was, and the moment he realizes it, he has a breakdown and she helps him with it
Ever since you were 15 years old, you started to see Gavi all over tik tok because of his amazing football skills. You first thought that he was another boy overrated by girls who are only looking for hot boys, but then you started to see his soft part.
Just then, you caught yourself saving all videos of him with kids or smiling, laughing, and then you realized how beautiful he actually was.
After some days, you discovered his interviews, and you were absolutely in love with his voice and personality.
He was a shy boy who would do everything for what he loves. But then you started to think how would he react if he was your boyfriend.
And just as a joke, you started to imagine him with you.
Type of scenarios when you would go to his games to support him or when you'd be kissing. You even thought about how he was in bad. Sweet or posesive. Let's just say that you thought about him a lot. Way too more than you should have.
Since you were still in school, it was harder to concentrate because your mind was only on Gavi.
Gavi, Gavi, Gavi.
Then people started to notice you, and of course, you started to be asked if some guy caught your eye. And you didn't want to lie, so you told them about the mystery boy.
They only laughed, telling you that he is a celebrity and he has already a thousand of girls.
Well, you didn't really believe them. Yes, he could have a thousand girls per day, but you were sure he didn't. You saw him as a good guy. Or so you hoped he was.
But somehow you knew that you had 0 chances with him.
But if the universe wanted you to fall in love with him, then it won't be in vain.
Now that was 2 years ago, and ever since the day he appeared on your fyp, you couldn't stop thinking about him.
Even yourself, though, that it wouldn't last more than 4-5 months, but you were so wrong because years had passed and you just couldn't ger over him.
People were telling you that you were wasting your teenage years because of some Spanish boy that you could never have. That you won't experience teenage love anymore. They were hard on you.
Even you tried to stop your feelings for him by not watching his games and videos anymore, but Gavi was still on your mind.
Every single day.
You were walking around Barcelona, trying to find a place where you could work at only 17.
Your parents agreed to you moving to another city for college and Barcelona was the perfect one for you.
But they had one condition. You'd have to pay for everything.
You had 4 more months until you finished school and 8 more months until you started college. So you had enough time to earn money, but you knew that you have to move to Barcelona earlier to get known with the city you'll live for at least 4 years.
And while you were trying to look for anything that could help you, you suddenly bumped into Pablo Gavi.
You looked up at him, apologizing, and he smiled politely at you.
You were stunned and could believe that the boy you were dreaming about for years was right in front of you. And he was even more beautiful in real life.
He started to walk away, but you told him to stop. He turned around confused, and you asked him for a picture.
He nodded and you took your phone out of your pocket with shaking hands.
"Calm down, I'm not going anywhere. " he laughed.
You were now really embarrassed and your face got all red.
He moved his head closer to yours, and your ears touched. You felt like you were about to explode because of how happy you were in that moment.
"Thank you so much! I'm a really big fan of you, and I only wish you good luck."
He smiled and thanked you before walking away fast.
After he was gone, you looked at the photo for more than 10 minutes. He was so, so pretty.
You were back home to your parents, and you sadly told them that you found nothing.
"You even tried online?"
"Yes, mama. No one wants a 17 year old girl, and I'm turning 18 in 9 months! It'll be too late."
You were really sad and your parents felt sorry for you. But they couldn't afford college right now. At least not one from Barcelona. They agreed with giving you some money, but it wasn't enough. You still had to work.
After days of searching, your mom finally found something for you and you couldn't be more happier.
The thing was that you had to be a maid for a house in Barcelona, and you had to continue your studies. That meant 6h of traveling with the train every single day.
You knew it wasn't what you wanted, but you dreamt about going to the best college in Barcelona since you were only a kid. And you'll work for it!
You packed your things and in two days you had to move out.
You started to feel really sad, but your family and friends told you that it was alright. You'll see them at school anyway.
You knew it was going to be a hard period of your life, but you were willing to at least give it a try. If you can't take it, then you'll give up work. That simple.
After a 3h drive with the train, you arrived in Barcelona. It was a really hot day and your head started to hurt.
You looked then for a taxi so you could arrive to the house you'd stay for the next weeks and you thanked God it wasn't that far away so you didn't pay that much.
You knocked on the door, waiting for an answer.
A woman opened it, and you felt like you saw her somewhere. At least she was polite and super nice so that meant like you'd have a great time being her maid.
Or at least that's what you thought.
"Hello, y/n! Your mother told me how much you need this job. At first, I didn't agree to it because.. well, you'll be in a house with a 19 year old boy.."
You were shocked. A 19 year old boy?
"So I won't be your maid..?"
"I'm really sorry. I agreed to it because I feel like you are a good person who only wants to concentrate on her studies. My son, the boy you'll have to take care of, is as well a good boy, and he won't make you feel uncomfortable. The thing is that he didn't agree to be taken care of by a 17 year old girl.. you can imagine why. But I'm sure he'll understand later. So please, be patient. That's all I'm asking."
You nodded sadly. Why should you have to take care of a 19 year old boy!? You get that you'll clean the house and all, but do you also have to watch him all the time? Is he a rebel or what?
"Now come on, I'll introduce you to him."
She walks you to the living room. You couldn't lie, the house was really beautiful.
"Y/n, this is Pablo."
You immediately look at the boy.
How the fu-
"Pablo, this is y/n. The maid."
He seemed to recognize you as well, and he only laughed.
"She has to take care of me? She won't even be able to help me get up!" he says and you look at his hurt leg.
You assumed that he had just gotten out of surgery because of his injury from a Spain game.
You then look down embarrassed. He was right about it.
His mother looks at him with a warning look.
After that, she tells you some important things like when you should give Gavi medicine or what he is allowed and not to eat, then she leaves the house.
You walk back to the living room, trying to find the courage to speak with him.
"I didn't know that I'll be your maid. I only found out 20 minutes ago."
He looks at you.
"It's just weird to be taken care of.. my fan, you know?"
You nodded your head, understanding him completely.
"Then I'll pretend I'm not your fan." you say it seriously and he smiles lovely.
"Thank you."
Then he leaves the room with his crutches, leaving you alone.
This is going to be hard.
Part 2?
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seuonji · 9 months
Heyy, how are you? I love your idol!svt x idol!yn series so much! If possible, could you write how svt and yn met for the first time as idols? Tyy
from aya: HI! i’m doing great, hope you are too<3 sorry this released late but it was sent during the time my requests were closed but i like the idea so i kept it for when i was motivated to write reqs<3!! i love first encounter scenarios!! thank you so much for requesting! i went kinda super into detail…i hope that’s okay. ENJOY!!
this is going with the idea that yn is a hybe artist + things they did after the meet up but if you wanna change that let me know<3
彡 idol!svt x idol!yn ; how you two met.
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seungcheol happened to pass by you and he had recognised you from something you went viral for he saw it during one of his social media management sessions. he pointed it out to you and you got embarrassed but you both enjoyed the conversation. you had an indirect second encounter at a restaurant you both were coincidentally at and he secretly paid for your meal but he told you about it when you bumped into each other at the hybe building.
—“hey yn, i saw you at that restaurant!” seungcheol kindly let you know.
“was it you that paid?” you mildly yelled out of being surprised. you thought it was just another idol treatment you were receiving from the workers. he admitted to paying and you playfully scolded him. “i’ll return the favour to you one day,” you said with seriousness. “how about you return the favour by giving me your phone number and meeting me after your practice is done?” he smugly smiled.—
jeonghan, you two became familiar with each other while at a variety show. long story short you beat jeonghan at his own game and he hasn’t recovered since. he was irrevocably impressed. as your groups dispersed after the filming, he stayed back to talk to you about the events that happened that day. the conversation was long and he enjoyed it, he didn’t want it to end. if you were close enough he would’ve invited you to his place but instead, you exchanged phone numbers.
joshua/vernon approached you after your list of most listened to songs spread around on the internet. he was shocked about how similar your taste was and he started to go to you for music recommendations. you and him eventually made a shared playlist and always updated each about everything, even things not relating to music.
jun/soonyoung was looking for people to do tik tok challenges with. he’d never done one with your group so he approached you to do the dance with him. after doing the challenge he made sure to tell you how impressed he was with how quick you were to pick up the choreography. since then he always went to you for tik tok challanges but most of the time he didn't even post them, he just kept them to himself.
wonwoo, you met him through mutual friends. he was walking in the hybe hallway with soonyoung when they passed by you. you and soonyoung were well acquainted so he stopped to greet you. you started a conversation and soonyoung pointed out a few things you and wonwoo had in common like interests in gaming, food, music, etc. you ended up asking for wonwoo’s number and he didn’t hesitate giving it to you! you made a very good first impression to him.
jihoon was involved in the production of your solo project. you two discussed for hours what you wanted the song to present and the vibes of it. in the middle of discussing you two kept on going off topic and talking about your own interests. during that conversation, he told you things he didn't think he'd tell people outside of seventeen about. he grew fond of talking to you. after the song was finished he still kept in touch with you, even asking you out for dinner.
seokmin/seungkwan accidentally walked into the room you were doing a live in— seungkwan was just in his usual embarrassing himself agenda. after you ended your live, he apologised a ton and offered to buy you a drink, platonically of course. after that occurance, you’ve grown to tease him about it whenever you saw him. you both became close overtime and he couldn’t lie, he became super excited to see you during events.
mingyu/chan you bumped into each other at the hybe gym. he stayed for a conversation and you both found a thing or two you had in common. by the end of it, he asked for you phone number and you haven’t stopped texting each other since.
minghao, you did a duo performance with him for a show. he’s not one to fall easily but as he saw you treat staff members, your group members and him with so much kindness, he couldn’t help but want to get to know you better. even after finishing the duo performance, he kept in touch with you, and that's where he slowly developed feelings for you.
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harlowsbby · 2 months
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summary, just messing and playing around with Jack something funnnnn.
It was another boring Tuesday afternoon Jack and You didn’t really do much today you both took the time to clean up around the house and overall enjoyed one another’s company.
It was around five in the afternoon when Jack decided to come and bother you. You were sitting in your shared bedroom catching up on a few missed shows when Jack decided to ask you a very important question.
A question that you didn’t really feel or believe was important but according to him he needed to know that answer to it as soon as possible.
“Babe, if you were to cheat on me how would you do it?” He bluntly asked.
“What? Why are you even asking me this question Jack.” You were no longer interested in your show all of your attention was fully on Jack.
“Because I seen this guy tell his girlfriend the same thing on tik tok so I decided to ask you.” He stated.
“Also because the guys asked their girlfriend and they all said they’d never cheat on them even if they got the chance.” Jack added on.
“So I wanted to see what you’d say.” He bit his lip nervously.
You would never cheat on Jack not in a million years but you’d be a fool if you didn’t use this as an opportunity to mess with him.
You smirked and shrugged your shoulders. “Do you really wanna know?” You teased. “Yes so tell me.” He urged.
“Well since you’re always gone and out and about I’d wait till you’re out of the house and probably at the studio.” You started off and Jack sat up with his arms crossed over his chest.
“Go on.” He stated with his eyes squinted slightly.
“And then I’ll text him and let him know like it’s safe for him to come over.” You said.
“What would you do with him?” Jack asked.
“Well first of all before I can do anything I’d take the little Google camera we have and put it in the bathroom and then turn off the lights so you’d think I was sleeping or something.” You bit the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from laughing.
Jack couldn’t believe what he was hearing it was almost as if you had this already planned out because to him it wasn’t making any sense how quick you were coming up with your little plan.
“I don’t think I’d do anything with him in bedroom because I feel like that’s a bit disrespectful.” He chuckled.
“Oh so you wouldn’t think already having him in the house wasn’t disrespectful enough?!” He huffed.
You rolled your eyes at him. “You wanted to know what I’d do so be quiet and listen.” He huffed but nonetheless sat back and let you finish.
“I’d take him to the couch and you know I’d let him take me to pound town for a few rounds or at least till you texted me letting me know you were on the way back home.” Jack’s jaw was to the floor at this point.
“Wow that’s insane babe.” You giggled and raised your arms in defense.
“What?” You laughed. “You wanted to know what I’d do so I’m just telling you what I would do!” You defended yourself.
“Yeah but it’s just the fact that you didn’t even have to think about anything or any of it? Maybe you’ve already been cheating on me.” You smacked your teeth.
“Jack, as if I’d cheat on you besides you’re the one that’s always away I’m sure you’d have more time to cheat on me.” You stated. He shook his head at you. “No I wouldn’t.” He said.
“Okay so you answer the question if you were to cheat on me how would you do it?” You asked him.
Jack shrugged his shoulders and you watched as a small blush of red and pink creeped up on his cheeks. “Honestly I would.” You grabbed the pillow and smacked him with it.
“You wouldn’t do shit because I’d beat your ass and I’d beat her ass.” You barked back and Jack’s eyes widened.
“What? That isn’t fair how come you got to say what you’d do and I can’t?!” He yelled. “Because I can but you on the other can can’t.”
Jack went to say something but he knew it was best just to shut his mouth. “I swear I can’t deal with you.” He mumbled.
“Hmm you dealt with me yesterday I’m surprised you went all them rounds.” You teased and Jack smirked. “You trying to go a few more right now?” He asked.
“Yeah but only if you’re down to do it on the couch I kinda want my little cheating fantasy to come true.” You laughed as Jack smacked his teeth and removed himself from you.
Jack looked at you sideways before standing up and making his way upstairs it was safe to say he was beyond done with this conversation.
“I’m done I can’t with you.” He stated and made his way downstairs you laughed and followed after him.
You made sure to make it up to him that night and let him know that there was no room for any other man in your life but him.
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