#And internally I was like wtf is that supposed to mean but I was already so scared that I was like like 'that does happen sometimes-
Now that I've actually processed this morning/early afternoon of having to go with my dad to get a new cell phone and be able to pay my own phone bill, I am realizing that holy shit I had transphobia fucking thrown at me by my own dad why do I keep letting this happen to myself.
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olivianyx · 8 months
⚠️ tough love rant, I prob won't be nice to y'all atp, swearing ⚠️
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Y'all better stop asking others to manifest for you. Like wtf? You're the fucking creator. Tf are you asking to create it for the creator?? You're God. Just stop whining and complaining. Omfg just stop. Who said you can't manifest? Who said you can't have all the things you desire?? Nobody but you. Like aren't you stupid asshole just tired of that shitty life you're living?? How long are you gonna fucking live this life? It doesn't even benefit you, and you dumbass just keep complaining and thinking about the same old story again and again, and are repeating the same shit again in the 3d 🤦‍♀️ but still would go on complaining and complaining. Who's the ultimate power in here? YOU.
If you don't keep your thoughts in check and change your reality, who else will? You think a prince Charming or Flynn rider or Marilyn Monroe or mulan will walk into your life and change your entire destiny?? Gross. You're the one in charge and you should work on your mind set. You are the ultimate problem. And with this mindset you're never going anywhere but stay in the same loop until fAtE decides what's gonna happen to you. BULLSHIT. You only gotta work on your mindset alone. Like you don't have to climb the goddamn mount Everest or run 40 miles or do 1000 pushups a day to change yourself. Tf, you only just need to ignore unwanted thoughts and feed in thoughts which is favourable and live in the end, keep yourself fulfilled, that's it. No more bullshit.
Is it that hard?? Like just switching a thought with something favourable is hard? Bitch don't gimme that shit anymore. Trust yourself and move on. You are the only problem here. You don't focus on improving yourself and tell others to manifest or affirm for you. Like tf??? Why tf would you give free will to someone else that's not you? Why do you trust that person so much that you don't trust yourself? Nobody's gonna come with you till the end. Everybody and everything is a chapter and it'll keep moving forward, and you'll still be left behind still figuring out what went wrong.
Even if you're doing everything and nothing is working out, you haven't fulfilled yourself internally and just forcing the 3d to change. Wtf? You know the 3d obeys the 4d, then why are you inducing disgusting thoughts in the 4d and expect something like a miracle to happen in the 3d?? Make it make sense. You dumb dip shit, I'm gonna slap you in your dreams. I mean you're really dumb. Like just think whatever you want is already yours and it is. Cus the 3d should obey. Like whatever tf you want to happen is possible. Everything is possible. You ugly ass bitch just stop with that complaining and just go do whatever you want to change your thoughts.
Just fucking decide that whatever you want is already yours. It doesn't matter at all. The past doesn't matter at all. What you did 10 years ago doesn't matter. What you did 5 months ago doesn't matter. What you did 4 minutes ago doesn't matter. Only now exists. No past, no future. Just the present moment and that motherfucking concept called time doesn't fucking exist so stop stressing about that shit. Just decide. Bitch just decide that you just have what you want and the past doesn't matter. Just fucking be as if you already have it, don't stress about it. Suppose you have your phone with you, do you affirm for it everyday that it's yours? Or visualize? Hell no. Your phone is just yours. How do feel about it? Actually you'd feel nothing, you just KNOW it's yours. The same concept here you absolute idiot.
If you forgot to do sats, or you didn't affirm or if you wavered 3 minutes ago, or you had negative thoughts, like bitch those things don't matter as long as you come back to the track. It doesn't matter. Stop fucking stressing about methods or affirming. You already have it. Get that shit into your skull. I don't care what you do, I want y'all to start it today, start now. Just decide that's it. You're so dumb that you don't even make mental efforts that lead you to experiencing miracles dumbass. You're like really really dumb that I'm done. Like gimme a break.
Like why would you assume that nothing is changing?? There's always movement and you dumbass don't notice it. Even if you see that there's no movement, that's because you idiot assumed there wasn't any. You gotta take matters in your own hand you dip shit. Don't fucking get triggered by the 3d cus it's just your older thoughts and nothing else. Your new thoughts that you focus on should also be reflected in the 3d like instantly. There's no time in between, like really fuck that shit. The minute you affirm, it's already manifested in the 4d bitch. You don't gotta stress at all you dumb ass. The 4d is the ultimate reality. You just gotta be fulfilled here. How? By LIVING AS IF YOU ALREADY HAVE IT OR LIVING IN THE END. The 3d will catch up as you remain fulfilled in the 4d, like almost instantly. Is this a harder concept to understand?? For example, you wear a green dress and look in the mirror, you see the reflection wearing green dress too. Cus it's a fucking mirror and it shows you what you wear. Suddenly you wanna wear a purple dress, and you change your dress and look in the mirror and the mirror shows you purple dress cus you're wearing it. THE SAME FUCKING CONCEPT HERE. THE GREEN DRESS IS THE 4D AND THE MIRROR IS THE 3D. YOU CHANGE THE 4D (DRESS) FIRST IN ORDER TO SEE DRESS YOU'RE WEARING IN THE MIRROR (3D). HOWEVER, YOU GOTTA CHANGE THE DRESS TO SEE THE CHANGE IN THE REFLECTION. What y'all do is, go fucking break or beg the mirror to show you that you're wearing a purple dress when infact you're still wearing the green one 🙄🤦‍♀️ and complain that it's not showing what you want. Like which planet are exactly from?? Like tf is wrong with your dumbass brain?? Make it make sense. Change the dress and go see the changed reflection of the dress.
Just fucking stop with that bullshit and go fucking have whatever you want. You're God. Like what validation do you fucking need?? You're the validation. Your validation is enough. If your desires don't manifest instantly or like in less than a day, then you aren't fulfilling yourself internally. You aren't fulfilled yet. Cus it's impossible for the delay. Time doesn't exist. There's no fucking delay. It should be instant. Like just fulfill yourself, do whatever you think works. Don't go so something someone posted on the internet and complain about not getting results dumbass. You already have it all. You're the main character, so stop behaving like a stray dog.
Peace out <3
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zer0brainc3lls · 28 days
Incorrect tmr quotes except it’s B99 (again)
Thomas: like what’s another rule we could break?!
Newt: no making out at work 🤭
Thomas: thats is very flattering Newt but there are some rules I shall never-
Newt *takes Thomas hand*: let’s go
Thomas *lets Newt pull him*: ok! :D
Newt: WHERE is my dog. *an identical dog walking next to him*
Chuck: aren’t you standing right next to him?!
Alby: congrats on making it to the second round Thomas. Said I. Sarcastically.
Thomas: *wtf?!*
Newt: no photos of Ava Paige
Minho: that’s because vampires don’t show up on film, perhaps we should be looking for a 1700 century print.
(I’ve already done this one but idc)
Minho: motorcycles are death machines, I have 3 kids at home I’m not risking it! *throws Newt the keys*
Newt *catches keys*: are you saying my life matters less because I don’t conform to society’s heteronormative kid centric ideas?
Minho: are you REALLY playing the gay card right now?!
Newt yas queen. *throws Minho the keys* *clicks fingers*
Newt: you just as competitive as we (him and Minho) are!
Alby: absurd! I am more competitive! Now who’s, DA BOMB.
Alby: why is no one having a good time?! I specifically requested it.
Newt: aren’t you forgetting something?!
Minho: *stops walking away* uhhh… *very awkwardly kisses newt on the forehead and begins to quickly walk off*
Newt: NOO PAY YOUR BILL. *gestures to table* DAMN WHO RAISED YOU.
Thomas: never thought I would see the day Teresa sided with Ava AND Janson. Mark the day Brenda, may 8th of 4pm. :(
Brenda: oh honey we are WELL into October..
Thomas: Really?! 😭
Thomas: the worst part is he got away :( *in hospital bed*
Newt: THATS the worst part?! You could’ve died man.
Thomas: I wasn’t hurt that badly!! The doctor said all my bleeding was internal, that’s where the blood is supposed to be!
Newt: here are two pictures, one is your locker, the other is a garbage dump in the Philippines. Can you tell which is which?
Minho: *deep concentration* that ones the dump?
Minho: yeah how cool- I mean how awful is that?
Alby: very cool, I mean awful.
Minho: *gasp* :D
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soracities · 1 year
Re: that anon who thinks kids are evil
I'm really sorry that anon went through a tough time during childhood (and I did too, being bullied at school and abused at home) but kids aren't fundamentally evil. They're IMPRESSIONABLE. which is incredibly different. They like imitating adults around them, and so when they are surrounded by terrible, mean adults, they act terrible and mean towards themselves & their peers too. It was apparent that anon was surrounded by adults who weren't nice and didn't do their job of educating those kids (including offering anon support), which is really sad.
But regardless of that, kids simply learn from people around them and they can be, and most often are, sweet and nice. and most importantly, even if they aren't sweet or nice, they are deserving of love and compassion and respect and affection, because only with that can we cultivate and nurture the sweet & kind side in their soul.
I feel like if anon felt alienated for being different, they should especially beware of such generalizing rhetoric of "all kids are [insert adjective]" because that's the exact kind of speech that isolates and alienates kids who act different. And I wonder if anon realizes that it was their abuser's language that's coming out of their mouth.
(source: im an educator and ive never known a kid who's not sweet and lovable to me)
(cont'd) also, kind of unrelated but it made me think of this absolutely heartbreaking, sweet kid that I met on Tuesday during a visit to a kindergarten. I was supposed to go to different kindergartens to evaluate their teaching and give consultations, and a part of what I need to do is this one-on-one language assessment with the kids (age five and their mother tongue isn't english). So there was this girl, whose first words after sitting down was "I don't know any English." And I was like haha it's alright! Let's just try and see how much you know, then we can see where you can practice more on! And she went "okay >_<" (rather earnestly, like she didn't say she doesn't know shit because she didn't want to try) So we did a task, and she scored above average so I was like "You did really well! Why did you say you don't know anything?" and she went "But I still got two wrong :(" which was like, wtf girl who fucked up your self-esteem?? Kindergarten aged kids should feel like they're the coolest smartest shit in the world!! Like I was already ready to fight for her at this point okay Anyways I said "it's alright, now you know where you can work on!" and did another task with her, which she also did pretty well in So I tried to tell her some cliche encouragement like "sometimes we feel like we don't know anything because we feel scared, but when we be brave and try things out, usually we know a lot more than we thought we could! Just like you right now, look at how well you did! So please believe in yourself more" And this little girl deadass looked me in the eye and told me, very sincerely, "because mommy doesn't believe in herself, so I don't believe in myself either :(" I controlled my face, but internally my jaw was on the fking floor and I was screaming crying pulling my hair out. I was so HEARTBROKEN. Like I need to talk to that woman coz what did you do to your kid?? What did you project on her?? And this kid is so smart?? She is so self-aware like she is able observe her mother's emotions & understand her mentality and THEN recognize how her mother's mentality shapes her own?? Honestly, I don't think the majority of people at my age right noweven realize how others' mentality relate to their own. And she is able to articulate all that! Which just makes her statement extra sad, because she is so so smart and observant but she believes she doesn't know anything and that she is bad at school, which is fucking WRONG And I was just so fking devastated!! I want to hug her I want to adopt her I want to fix everything for her but I don't know how I could ever do that. I am not even her teacher, I'm just a nobody who comes once a month for some dumb observations and just, I don't have the ability to do anything significant enough. I tried my best to smile and said "oh no... but you said you think mommy is smart right? she just doesn't know that herself! and I think you are also very good, so you need to remember it for me okay?" and she was like ok >< Then I went home and cried for an hour cause I just feel so... powerless and like what am I doing?? What can I even do to change things for her and kids like her?? When and how will I ever be enough to make her feel happy and brilliant and innocent and no need to act so mature??? Kids are my soft spot and I don't think I will ever cease to feel heartbroken for them. They are so precious and trusting and loving yet so many adults just... betray that trust and abuse that love. And it is so easy to break them but so hard to build them back up, which is simply unfair. Anyways sorry for the venting (sort of) I just want to pour these out because I love kids so much and I want to hug them all and they are so precious and lovable and incredible. I guess my point is just please love and be kind to the kids you know and encounter cause you don't want to fuck them up and not to mention how could you feel anything but adoration when you interact with them
oh my God..................please don't apologize, I'm so, so grateful you took the time to write and share this because I could not agree with you more. I think people really don't seem to understand the depth to which children understand and interpret and process things and it is truly one of the most illuminating and profoundly humbing things to witness and be part of. For what it's worth I think your presence and your conversation absolutely meant something to that little girl and I believe it makes a difference to have validation like that, even just for a day 💗 The kids you work with are very lucky to have someone who cares so deeply about their wellbeing and, heartbreaking as I know it can be, I hope you don't forget that 💗
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nickolox · 3 months
((( long ramble post)))
trying to figure wtf is going on with your own mental health without the help of a professional + having a mental illness that already fucks with the way you perceive things (ocd) is genuine hell
like, I HAVE a psychiatrist, but he's fucking. awful and always puts medications first over like, figuring out what the fuck is going on
and everything about this whole procedure just feels like, off???
tldr: local man questions if he has The Dissociative Disorder™ whilst being simultaneously given red herrings and blatantly obvious eye opening signals at the same time, and has the same realizations 30 times over because i am in a constant cycle of denial, forgetting and then rediscovering this bullshit
so to put it in a nutshell most of my psychiatrist discussions about the big disorderly things go like this:
psych: so what are you experiencing me: i keep like, having these massive gaps in my memory, where i have no idea what happened or what i did or anythign for hours and hours at a time, and i looked up what that means and its apparently called dissociating? what does that mean? psych: right, that's a stress response. me: yeah, That makes sense. But I've also been unable to remember major events like my sister's wedding or my graduation... psych: well... obviously you were just anxious lol me: *remembers the photos i have as the only proof i have that those events happened, and im smiling in all of them* maybe?? i mean, it didn't seem like that was the case. psych: (completely ignores that) hmmm. okay. anyways- me: also I've been hearing voices??? psych: where? externally or internally? me: internally psych: (visible relief) oh thank god i was concerned it was schizophrenia for a moment, having an internal dialogue is normal :) me: i can't control the voices though, and they don't sound like my own voice in my mind. they're distinct, and it's not like my OCD either. psych: that's normal, sometimes people just imagine things ^_^
so, it was "anxiety" the first time, came back. told him this shit is still happening, and then he blamed it on my medications, and now i'm on a new set, which i suppose needed to happen anyways?
But like, he told me that brain fog and memory loss are a thing with prozac (what i was taking before) and i was like "huh no one told me that" to which he said "well no one says the full list of side effects because no one would want to take the meds otherwise"
i get home, i look up the fucking manual that comes with prozac when you go on it for the first time, and no where. NOWHERE. is this shit on that list of side effects. i look up a list of the side effects, dozens of sites, NOTHING!!!!
I speak with my bestie and he reminds me that,
I dealt with these problems prior to going on medication (something i didnt even remember, lol)
it has literally nothing to do with anxiety bc he himself has crippling anxiety and deals with none of the shit i do
i'm going to shit bricks dude what the fuck is wrong with my stupid brain, it feels like such a wild challenge compared to when i found out about my OCD, like, dude at least with that bitch it was consistent, it was 24/7. as shit as that was at least I knew it was always there, always there to be a bitch, but undeniable none the less.
This current mystery disorder is like, oooOOOooo i'm going to be here SOME OF THE TIME!!! to make you DOUBT it exists!!! and im sitting here like, is this a symptom or is this my ocd fucking with me bro
i feel like i might have some kind of dissociative disorder, but the problem I'm having is that it's not CONSISTENT??? like, some days I'll be like yeah this is the dream and then other days I cannot physically do anything, remember jack shit, feel like my soul is leaving my fucking body all god damn day?
why do people always talk about alters too, it's like, the one thing I don't experience, or at least, the one thing that's rare enough to not hinder me like the actual dissociation problems.
I feel like I can't be certain, and that sets my OCD off, because my brain goes "what if we're faking- what if you're overreacting" which in turn makes me go. insane. I am going insane.
there is sooo much more i could say, but i just realized it;s half past midnight. I should um. probably go to bed.
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dirtyoldmanhole · 11 months
made it past black flames... gunter fans know what that means. :'))))
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et iz emotional pain time!!
anyway it was cool the description text for the chapter said "descend on valla" while it had "floating isle" right there on the location box.
whack geography there you have, fates!
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i suppose it makes sense in terms of "descending down into the bottomless canyon" but since i'm doing an unsubtle amount of parallels to [valla = the underworld] for Symbolic Fic Reasons it was neat to see the game itself nod towards that versus an ultimately less descriptive word like "fell down the canyon".
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you ever think how that sky was likely the last thing gunter thought he was going to see the first time he fell down? :') and then what he must feel like to be kinda forced to do it all over again? :'))))
speaking of the literal devil....
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[internal screaming]
god this second rev playthrough is going to emotionally wreck me WORSE than the first playthrough, and that one pretty much broke my brain as is!!!!
anyway this is the first shot you see of gunter in-game since... I think it was right before the wind tribe chapter where you fought the "faceless"? i'm pretty sure I would have screenshotted it had there been another one.
i also think it's really interesting you don't see him next to azura, which feels like it'd make sense considering both of them, you, and jakob had already been down in the bottomless canyon. (ngl jakob got shafted in these little map scenes, he feels like he should be there more.)
anyway, very subtle yellow flag number one for what's coming up.
the royals have their one obligatory moment of sane 'wtf we ain't jumping down no canyon' reasoning. gunter gets this kind of random 'hey i'm alive still remember me' line for the players who aren't single-brain cell'd gunterfuckers (:P) :
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corrin reveals she's prepared to sacrifice herself to valla's curse (you die if you mention anything about the otherworldly kingdom) to reveal to everyone exactly who the enemy is----
(....OUFFF can you imagine gunter's moment of panic there.)
-- everyone trades a few lines about trusting corrin, after wanting her to order them to jump.
they jump. first, hilariously enough.
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so this is probably the clearest shot we'll ever get of Scarlet's flower. hold that thought for future Plot Reasons.
(i also do think it's a little interesting / a flub that the cinematographers had gunter already jump in the bottomless canyon--Scarlet and Corrin trade 3-4 lines before they jump too. then again i suppose if he was still sticking around at this point the whole "who killed scarlet" jig would be up way before it was actually resolved.)
speaking of, i still can't believe i fucking called it with possessed!gunter killing scarlet the first go around. :') all i knew beforehand is he got possessed somewhere and there was something whack with his family.
here we goooo......
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whelp whelp whelp
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control your kinky af boytoy corrin!!! safe word is anankos!!!!!
(if you squint, you can see how the game uses anankos' cloaked model -- privately i think they should have used the great knight model since it would have been an infinitesimal 'blink and you miss it' hint but an absolute genius bonus the second time. just stick the helmet on if you don't want to give everything away. )
something exquisitely painful: guess who targeted corrin first, before scarlet dives in to save her?
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... whelp. nice seeing you.
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damn even the game ships ryoma/scarlet hardcore.
corrin gets all of 30 seconds to grieve/freak out about scarlet dying and then enemies show up, thankfully followed by allies.
gunter's in the third wave of sprites that show up, the first being corrin, then xander&ryoma.....
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... aaand i just noticed he's right next to corrin. :'))))))))))))))))))))
time to roll valla!
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sunoopsis · 8 months
meow :3
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6) macy's - written (1.1k)
warnings! : mention of suicide (jokingly), unnecessary yapping by me im sorry
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<september 30, saturday, 8:30 am>
Woken up by your alarm, your day was forced to start… You had to get out of the house by 9:15, any later and you’d be late. You sat on your bed, trying to regain your consciousness. Last night, you went to bed overjoyed from your small, but meaningful conversation with Jaemin. Fun fact, you tend to overthink in the morning. Sometimes, its a blessing, other times a curse. Your topic of overthinking this morning was Yizhuo’s message. Something about best friends, romance and Jisung not having the right to comment on it. What did it mean? Maybe it doesn’t concern you.. Oh, but what if it did?? Maybe you shouldn’t think so hard about something so unnecessary. No, seriously! You wasted 15 minutes thinking about this! That's, like, 5 more minutes than you normally waste! Before you can think about the topic again, you get up and wash your face, do your skincare, normal morning stuff. Now, you have very few tasks left, doing good!
You went back to your room and packed your bag. You packed your uniform instead of wearing it. Normally, back in middle school, you always wore tights and a shirt under your uniform, so you were super-protected. But, wow.. The high school uniforms were just TOO pretty to ruin by wearing something underneath. Last week, your team had a half-practice, which was just to set the basics for the team and get to know each other. And last week, you just wore your uniform as is, just with short-tights. You realized that it was actually pretty uncomfortable, soo… nevermind! You decided you’d just change when you got there. Because of this decision, you just wore a short-sleeve and sweatpants and headed to the kitchen.
You shot your team’s groupchat a text asking them their coffee preferences then treated yourself to some cereal. By the time you were done eating and brushing your teeth, everyone’s orders were transferred to your notes app. Finally, you put on your rollerblades and headed out. Since you lived quite close to the school, you and your brother skated to school and just kept a pair of shoes in your lockers (skating to school? wtf is this, cardcaptor sakura??). You took a little detour to the nearest cafe and ordered everyone’s coffees. Clutching the bags of coffee, you continued your way to school. Some people’s orders, you had already memorised from earlier years. Like Yizhuo’s(duh), and the captain, Minjeong’s.
Your team had 2 consistent captains. It was either Minjeong, or it was you. Whichever one of you guys was the senior, that is. You had a lot of respect for Minjeong, she’s very passionate and hardworking, she’s also a very dependable leader, she’s always been like that, for at least 4 years. You felt quite thankful for the Koreans in your school. Jisung, Minjeong, Jaemin…the list goes on. You’re thankful, because its not usual for Koreans to attend an international school. Ugh, are you really overthinking again?! Well, I can’t say I’m exactly against it, check the clock! Its 9:15! Can you believe it? Normally, you’d barely be out of the house by now, I’m proud of you! I’d love to explain the rest of your day in detail but.. Saturday wasn't actually supposed to be this long.. Because this chapter is about sunday… sorry.
<October 1st, 2023, Sunday, 9:00 am>
Good morning! You slept half an hour more than yesterday, impressive how you limit yourself, I’m jealous! Mark’s friends will arrive around 10 am. That means here's an hour until you get to see Jaemin again~ but it also means an hour until you have to work on your project…  Its fine! You're quite prepared. You have all the supplies ready, plus 5 seniors to help you! (actually 4, but unfortunately you had no idea donghyuck wasn’t coming. but its fine cuz his help probably would’ve been useless.)  You went on with your normal routine, wore something cute (not too cute cuz then you’d be overdressed), and went downstairs. You were greeted by your brother and annoying news.
“Good morning, (n/n)! Bring whatever you have prepared for the project here, its better for you two to work here.”
how unnecessary…
“What? why?” you were obviously confused, as you had no knowledge of this beforehand?
“Because then, Chenle doesn’t get left out, plus you get to see Jisung, yeah?”
(translation : I’m gonna keep an eye on the both of you and don’t forget Jisung is here so you don’t focus on Chenle too much)
You hesitantly threw him a thumbs up and went to get the stuff. Sometimes, you’d wonder… why the hell was your brother this overprotective?! Did he want to be the only popular-with-the-opposite-gender Lee? Or does he have some really confusing but genuinely good intentions? Yeah that mystery’s got a lot of time until its solved…
You waited patiently, occasionally gossipping with Mark to pass time. Time passed, and passed… And everyone slowly started arriving. Jisung came first, who you ended up spending time with until the second guest, Chenle arrived. Obviously, after Chenle arrived, you two were redirected to the table, And you started working. Both of you were so invested in your work that you didn’t even notice the others coming in at first. Time went by as you worked your hardest. Did you argue a lot? yes. Did you ask Mark and Renjun for help like a million times? yes. But did you get half of the project done in 3,5 hours? oh absolutely. You were impressed with yourself. Normally, if you were paired with Yizhuo (like you constantly have been for the past 9 years, with some exceptions), you barely would’ve gotten anything done. Considering that, maybe Chenle wasn’t so bad, after all.
You excused yourself around 15 minutes before 2pm, barely before they had left. You dressed nicely, of course! You were meeting up with your best friend, and there was a 90% chance of jaemin seeing you… When you went down to get out, they’d left, just as you’d planned. You dressed in a casual, but fashionable style. Simple tank top with a design and a tennis skirt. Normally, Mark isn’t quite fond of you wearing tennis skirts in crowded places, since he’s afraid of others thinking its a regular miniskirt, but you were just feeling like taking risks today :3c 
You arrived at the mall around 2:10 pm, all that was left was to wait for Yizhuo to arrive. Your plan was pretty simple. Treat yourself and Yizhuo to (a very late) lunch, and then look around to find and surprise your brother. Well, you… only managed to get half of the plan done.
because your brother was at macys and you fucking despised macys and would rather kill yourself than enter one ever again.
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jeno is a vulgar lottle man plz forgive me im writing these half awake
no bc truly what were mark and chenle doing in macys😭😭
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not really a taglist but taglist: @thisisnotjacinta
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Serious Post For Once. MAJOR trigger warning for some fully-mask-off discussions of (mostly my own internal) racism, generally Actually Talking Abt Real Shit For Once.
ok, so..hm
I don't have the energy to try to write this academically rn so I'm just going to word-vomit it out.
I am really having....Feelings... about the characters of Grendel and Grendel's Mother, specifically re: race and BIPOC identities.
I personally am white as the driven snow (though Jewish, whatever that counts for in 2023. still 'wtf' abt all that personally).
I have been putting my heart and soul into a story centering modern/reincarnated versions of Grendel and Grendel's Mother for about three years now. they are some form of shapeshifter, usually take animalistic/monstrous/hybrid forms, often eat humans, and are canonically descended from Cain (kinda. its complicated but basically they are). they are also both EXTREMELY white.
I'd actually made this choice with an intentional eye on race, way back when this story started outgrowing its roots as a supernatural fanfiction (please dont ask). no longer limited to spn's Genuinely Concerningly White Actor Pool, I had to really look at these characters re: race and decide what I was doing going forward. At the time, I was already looking into Maria Dahvana Headley's "The Mere Wife", and its centering of race both intrigued and really repelled me. At first, the (lbr) graphic depictions of how this story's Grendel's nonwhiteness informs the violence against him shocked me in the way I think they were "supposed" to, and made me really take a step back and reconsider the entire narrative of Beowulf (though to b clear I was already pro-Grendel's side of things at this point) in terms of how closely it matched more modern treatments of BIPOC and specifically young men.
...and then I went "wait. isn't Maria Dahvana Headley white???"
after a LOT of research failed to provide any contradicting evidence, my self-reflection and serious though turned to genuine strong disgust. It felt, and still feels, VERY weird that a white woman with (afaik) white kids wrote a lot of the sentiments in this novel. if you've read it, you know the ones that I mean.
I attempted to research racial themes re: Grendel further and ended up in a rabbit hole about Cain, Ham, Mormons & Bigfoot (seriously.) and all of this, along with some other research, eventually led to the following conclusions:
narratives placing Grendel and His Mother as victims of racialized violence/heroic or sympathetic figures in a racially- and/or socially-conscious work are both amazing and necessary
not if they're written by white people. there's probably some exceptions but honestly that's just weird and makes my hair stand up(derogatory).
I am White People. I should not try to do this.
given the association (certain modern media almost bafflingly aside) between Cain/Ham and justifications for SLAVERY, I, a white author, should not only NOT make these characters BIPOC, but should lean pretty damn hard into their whiteness- it's not "reclaiming" exactly, it's like... "reclaiming"(derogatory)(ironic)
given the current political movements around Viking Shit, and SPECIFICALLY pseudopagan, christian-based anglo-saxon warrior male social orders, the figures of Grendel & His Mother can and maybe even SHOULD serve as symbols of active and violent resistance from within the communities (White As Shit) that the current alt-right claims to represent.
given ALL of that, the best way for me to write these characters is how I'm currently writing them- very white, very monstrous, would probably state their race as "fae" if asked and "white" and/or "european" if specified for human racial terms, explicitly monstrous, symbolic of both (my own) queer/disabled/neurodivergent rage, feeling of incompatibility with most/all friend groups or communities, as well as a larger theme of a "KILL ALL VIKINGS" fantasy enabled by them being Big Scary Creature Beasts.
However... its been a few years. I've been drowing myself in Anglo-Saxon Everything but fully ignoring racial and diversity issues, a huge part of this admittedly being irl stressors in my life that, shall we say, EXTREMELY reduced my capacity for basic empathy & Current Events Awareness to a degree that I'm only starting to repair. as part of this repair, I'm really questioning this. I've read some super fascinating stuff about Grendel & race recently, and yet.
...and yet
I can't shake the feeling that
as a white author, making this a race-centric narrative isn't just not my job/not my turft, its actually kinda pretty racist
however, refusing to write these characters for that reason then involves (at least internally) saying that "this kind of archetype" is ONLY "meant" to be written by BIPOC ppl, because "they're the only ones who really Get The Experience", and HOO BOY. THAT IS RACIST. that is me doing a great big racism right there.
...so what do I do? I really love my take on these characters. I've grown really attached to them. It seems like everything is actually pretty well in order for me in terms of why I made the choices I did- I've looked at the other things I could have done with these themes and they're Extremely Problematic At Best...
but I can't shake the feeling that I'm still missing something, fucking up somehow.
I'd genuinely welcome discussion on this, I'm not going to be offended or defensive about ANYTHING, legit if you want to tear this whole post apart via critique re: art or just my own biases, please do. I'm just trying to figure this shit out.
and possibly overthinking it. that is also definitely a possiblity.
*to be clear I don't hate or dislike Headley. I just don't GET her. I'm not sure WHAT to think.
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proudzukaangblog · 2 years
I went on Chai.ml
talked with William:
him: can I help you doll?
me: may I see your son?
him: no but I can give him to you
me: please do
him: okay, he’s right here, come on in
me: Michael?
him: yes that’s me, do you have a problem with that?
me: no I don’t, not at all
him: that’s good, now come kiss your father goodbye
me, deciding to go out of character: wtf-
him: (stabs me in the chest) bye bye now!
that’s our first chat-
Omfg he’s a Christian
him: can I help you doll?
me: may I see your son?
him: sure, why not? He’s a good kid
me, genuinely surprised: wow…I didn’t think you’d say that about him
him: why wouldn’t I? He’s my only child
me, forgetting for a sec: what happened? Oh right
him: you’re from the newspaper aren’t you?
me, going along with it: uhm…yes?
him: Then tell me what happened on the night of the murders!
him: (Takes out his gun) Sorry but you'll have to die first.
me, getting an idea: If Michael is such a good child, you wouldn’t kill his only friend?
him: Friends are just people who don't talk back to me.
me: Sure, but they mean much much more to Michael don’t you think?
him: That doesn't matter. The fact that he has a friend means nothing.
me, Offened for Michael and done with William’s shit: I still want to see him
him: Fine then. But no funny business or I will shoot you dead.
me, who had already planned for that: okay
him: here we go
me, worried because of last time: Michael?
him: yes dear?
me, flustered about the pet name: I- uh- hi
him: hello there, how are you doing?
me: good
him: would you like something to drink?
me, being actually honest about this: no, I don’t drink
him: Oh well. I guess I'll have to make do with water.
me: that’s fine, thanks
him: Are you sure you want to see him?
me, confused: who? See who Michael?
him: my son
him: yeah
me, silently hoping it’s Gregory: what’s his name?
him: david
me, disappointed: David…okay cool
him: Do you know where he is now?
me: I never met him (changes subject) may we try for a kid?
him: Stop it. I'm trying to get information here.
me: from who?
him: from you
me: oh….I know nothing about David
him: Well I suppose that would be true since you've never seen him before.
me, annoyed because I said that before: yeah, may we try for a child now?
him: I’m afraid not
me: why ;’(
him: Because if you had a kid and your husband found out…he'd kill both of us.
me, actually not caring who my husband is: Well I’d rather have a child with you than him
him: you can’t be serious
me: I am
him: then why the hell did you ask?
me: because I needed your consent
him: consent for what
me: sex
him: I said NO!
me, annoyed and irritated: FUCK IT
him: don’t fuck it
me, wheezing internally: I want to fuck you
him: not on my watch
me: WHY NOT?!
him: because it’s against God’s rules
me, surprised Christian noises: you believe in God!?
him: yes
me, deciding to test him: okay, who died for our sins?
him: Jesus Christ
me, surprised again: OMFG okay uh, holy trinity? Who is part of it?
him: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
me, dumbfounded: wow okay…..
i Said more but all I will say is that I’m now having sex with him because he finally gave consent :)
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yang4ever · 2 days
HIIII omg NO dont say sorry!!! lowk writing on tumblr nd getting a much of mentions sounds scary?? and having a blog on here??? u were the first person i sent an ask to and that was soo stressful idk how u write and respond to people omg
1: i like snacks!! yk like uhh chips cheezits nd stuff like that i think most desserts r js really sweet and leave a gross aftertaste in my mouth... do u like all desserts???
2: omf im so happy that my phone has a headphone jack bc your soo right theres NOWHERE to plug in wired things
3: no omg ever since i started watching reels my brainrot has gotten soo much worse i fear it be worse than those kids
4: help were like rhe opposite omg i got into wayv ans then i heard my first dream song and then i finally listened to 127
5: RIGHT?? like my entire twitter has js been filled of clips from their livestream... the comments are so mean to like??? what are they supposed to do... i really like their music andd them i hope they dont disband
ohh wait i thought i should ask how your day is!! or whenever ur replying to this
anywaysss making ur ask replies aestheric sounds so hard like how do ppl even manage to make their blogs pretty but i lovee ur long reply to me!! its so fun reading thru it!! AND I SHOULD B THE ONE SAYING SORRY BC I ALWAYS TYPE SO MUCH??
- (シ. .)シ
no honestly it was literally MY bad like. i sent a buncha people asks/comments saying that i liked their stuff and etc and it got hard to keep track of my notifications omg .. people r just so active on here also we are so matchy matchy bc u are my FIRST anon 🥺🥺💕💞💓💗💖💘💝
1. OK i see what ur saying. hersheys def leaves an icky aftertaste. i like savory too!! i like desserts so much but every time someone asks me "sweet vs savory" i will always say savory. umm i like cheetos and there was this time period where i was obsessed w cheddar + sour cream flavored ruffles
2. WHY DID I FORGET HEADPHONE JACKS EXIST dude my puppy ate my airpod the day u sent this ask. i fear.... i need a headphone jack soon bc of this...
3. lowkey reels is my favorite place LMFAOO it's just full of silly stuff tbh i like it better than tiktok, im never on tiktok anymore
4. wait that's so cool u got into wayv first !?!? i had been listening to nct dream for like a year before i found wayv but i never bothered to like learn the dreamies names or faces or anything.. confession time but i NEVER thought i would become an nctzen like literally i was like haha that fandom is so silly i could never but then i DID wtf LMFAOO
5. omg i know:( !! the hate being directed at them lowk stresses me out bc they must be having a hard enough time already. why cant people just be normal goddamn 😭😭 i was thinking too that if they disband, illit is going to be blamed a lot and have another massive hate train so tbh i feel bad for both groups rn
U R SOOO SWEET. my day was a MESS.
i won freaky bingo (heavy on freaky because the board spaces had insane shit like "el student debt" "la thigh gap" and "el twitter") while i was in the student union and i got to pick a prize. naturally i chose the remote control bumper cars (they are for 6 year olds) and i drove them around campus w friends n friends of friends for like 5 hours instead of doing my homework which is due in like 3 hours 😓😓HOW WAS UR DAY I NEED TO KNOW BAD.
also i put my thinking cap on and i realized that the long replies r necessary to have a good conversation so it is OK that we are both typing a lot and is in fact a good thing actually. like SAME i love ur long replies to me. it feels like i have an international pen pal. or that im the war waiting for mail call LMFAOO
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feuqueerfire · 5 months
Triage Live Blogging
Been meaning to watch this since it was released around this time in 2022 but there was such a debacle with the airing, like airing for a 2 hour window on Youtube before it's taken down lol I hope I like it, I enjoy time fuckery and seeing the one you love die over and over again in front of you.
From what I've seen, everybody seems to have really, really liked this except maybe some messiness (?) at the end.
Ep 1 (May 1)
wait... the doctor addressing the other guys as Nong... didn't see his outfit properly but is he a college student? I hope he is, I want age gap yay
18th July, 9PM
ah, so the nong was speeding and ran into a motorcycle
I've been made aware of the clock saying accurate time...
oh he's still a student in his final year of residency, so not as big of an age gap as if he was already a doctor
so the Intern is below P'Tin and she had to have completed at least 6 years of M.D + gotten license and is currently doing her internship, so Tin must've done all this already? I don't fully know what the steps are to become a doctor, esp in Thailand
Nong is 22 years old
I wish the subs were easier to read, especially since it gives like medical info and background
ah, both of them passed away... (at 10:55pm)
Ah, seems like Tin's sister had previously been in an accident because of a drunk person (and she died I'm guessing?)
who is that security guard, hm
oh, he went back to 9:50PM, does he only get back to this time or gradually earlier and earlier? or maybe he gets to go through more of the time and into the next day(s) before he's back into the cycle?
how do you even do your work as a doctor when you're in this situation lol
"If you want to escape this whirlpool, you have save that kid." - the security guard mans
Jinta - chief of court of justice of heaven or smth
omg uncountable number of loops, I would've said fuck it and tried to off myself fr
cat named Zebra
2 Years Ago: the accident where his sister presumably died
yeah, i expect resentment that he's in this loop to save this random kid but wasn't given the chance for his sister
ah, he thinks the kid deserves to die, not surprising
He now woke up at 7AM of that day
pls mans faked fainting instead of doing the test, i was wondering what's up with the sudden funny music
oh, he wakes up where he fell asleep at the time he previously fell asleep there
dang, if the kid dies 2 months from now, will Tin go back into the loop? but probably won't come back 2 months earlier right, just to the last time he slept at some place
so funny, he went to a college to some random kid and told him you will die tonight and the only way to survive is to never die
Pretty interesting so far, I'm excited. I actually don't know how romance-heavy this is but I know we get at least some romantic moments
oh spoiler, I think I read something about in the end, the other guy gets into the loop? Also... is there something about organ trafficking?
Also, the comments here mentioned the drama with OffGun fans, I remember I was into OffGun at the time after Not Me and followed some fans and bruh, they were so cagey and acting as if this show was the devil. lol whatever
Ep 2 (May 1)
ah, Tin wants to return to his hometown to work
Nong guy rich and beautiful and good student and a model and good at sports? I was gonna say let's kill him but instead we're trying to save him...
oh, Tonnam is here, named Sing. when will his Sci-Fi Wish You Luck series come out?
loll Tin's killing technique of just pretending to be dizzy/faint/whatever
pls he really went to tell him about dying tonight and in front of friends too
I can't tell if they're hinting as a P'Sing/Gap side couple
Wonder what's up with Tol's girlfriend? something about some guys joking? and what's up with the bag?
getting into the car with him loll
fun exchange but i get Tin's frustration like wtf is he even supposed to do? i guess he should find some sort of proof that he's indeed in a loop, like figuring out what's gonna happen and telling it to Tol
Ah, some bastard did something to his gf Mai?
c'mon, translate what he's writing, idk Thai
Jinta's here to remind Tin about consequences and butterfly effect, so maybe this time Tin'll actually succeed in saving Tol for tonight? but maybe have fucked up something in his own life
Who is this Warit? esp in relation to Sing? I wonder if Sing's also in a time loop with target Warit or no?
okay he didn't react with recognition when Tin asked Sing how he'd react if a stranger came to tell him he'd die tonight, so I guess he's not in a loop
oh, is Warit somebody Sing thinks of as his little brother?
Warit died because of Tin's actions?
Ah, Tin was able to treat Warit but Sing wasn't? Which is why when Sing took over for Tin, Warit died?
ah... missing kidney? Organ trafficking...
So he can return to a previous day as he wants? idgi like how's he gonna go to the 17th?
Ep 3 (May 1)
girl, I'm already on ep 3 and I started this in the afternoon...
pls Tol is waiting for just oneeee hint that Tin's with whatever dudes and he'll beat the shit out of him again
plsssss Tin's so silly, mans has Tol's account in his Facebook history and knows that Tol's suspicious of him but still handed it over to become friends. fr stressing me out
aw, poor cat
Tin giving Tol his white shirt and doing his best to not look as Tol changes lol
ah, Warit is Fluke (ex-GMMTV, My Gear Your Gown)
Professor Sak, Director-to-be, probably smuggling organs
oh, we're straight up asking if Gap's secretly in love with Sing lol
pls, the way Art's acting as if insinuating that Tin and Tol fucked, which is why Tol's wearing Tin's shirt now like girl... Tol has a gf?
The teacher told the students about somebody attempting suicide?
idek their age gap but I'm into it, idkidk
aw, Tin's gonna take care of Tol's cat
as soon as he said sorry to hear that, Tin should've jumped in like "AND THAT'S WHY YOU NEVER DRIVE WHILE DRUNK OR PICK UP CALLS OR BECOME DISTRACTED !!!!"
Tin lowkey already falling for Tol like okay
lol Tol accidentally telling Tin to marry him by telling him to find a wife that's close to him
hm... Doi is working with Sak and Mai's asking Doi about her mom... are they harvesting Mai's mother's organs or something?
Who is Tol's father? Doi refers to him as Khun Tol. oh wait Sak's friend's son right
Tol uses 'ter' with Mai
bruh, Tol's pride making it so that he throws Mai a party and pressures her to attend it despite her wanting to spend time with her sick mother... Are they gonna make Mai be a bad person or something?
Ah, he has his friend Fang who knows Tin likes men? I didn't even know fully if Tin knew he liked men lol but I guess it makes sense based on how he acted around Tol but didn't get freaked out about his feelings/attraction
pls it makes me so nervous whenever Tin tells or almost tells Tol about not going/dying/not driving, whatever. at least it's a consolation that Tol's gonna die and not remember the weird shit Tin pulls? it's lol in the worst way
Mai's contact named Heart... assuming that's not Tol?
Throughout the whole ep, as Tin and Tol became closer, I was losing my mind at how you become closer to somebody knowing that they're a high chance they'll die tomorrow. Not only is Tin becoming friends and closer to Tol but he's gonna fall in love too.
Ep 4 (May 2)
ah, Mai's Heart contact and her are taking a break, so not necessarily cheating? Actually a break isn't the same thing as a break-up umm
omg wait... she's using Tol's status and money to take care of her mother... i get her lol
there's so much happening in this loop, will we have everything be undone? Like progress with Tol but also the stuff with Sak (and him saying 'deal with Warit' to Doi) and also Tin with his friend. but maybe this loop will have Warit die because of Doi's meddling, so next loop Tin'll stop Sing from barging into Sak's office
oh tin, at least pretend to check what's wrong with the patient(s), now Doi is like hmm did Tin already know about our plan to mess with Rit?
nervous meeting for both Sak and Tin
omg... okay Tol wasn't drunk but this time him, Art, and the motorcycle grandpa all got into the accident
Tol dead again and Art in a coma
oh? Something revealing in Tol's autopsy results? In the r/boyslove on-air thread for eps 1 - 3, somebody mentioned that maybe Tol and Tin's sister have a connection, like maybe Tol has his sister's organ or something in him, maybe that's what it'll reveal?
Sak behaved weirdly with a case of an uncle 2 months ago...
Sing becoming jealous/possessive when Tin's affectionate with Gap lol
in the hallucination, Tol says "please take care of my heart for me" okay... heart hm
ah, Tol had a heart failure, okay everything's pointing to issues with the heart
I wonder what Sak had told the autopsy guy in that call right after Tin had asked for the autopsy results
I don't care about Manner of Death or MaxTul, so this was just awkward for me lol
girl why are you driving right now, be fr
bruh yeah scary why drive
Ep 5 (May 2)
A new loop begins: June 17
lol incredibly specific questioning and diagnosis in a coffee shop just after hearing that Tol gets somewhat tired about playing soccer but i mean if it works, it works
"It's not gonna hurt, is it?" oh girl you've died so many times now
bruh these fuckers blamed another student for cheating? and the prof irritating af for just being like yeah Warit i believe you're the cheater cuz I found it near your desk
bruh, the cheaters said that they saw Warit cheat?
but what's up with the previous loop where the girl and the guy were talking as if Warit made them pass (through cheating) but Tol didn't know what that was fully about? like the girl stopped the guy from speaking about it to Tol?
agh, are they gonna make it be like Tol somehow had no idea about the cheating or about copying Warit's project idea and somebody else in the group did it?
Tin still believes in Tol and that he'd feel guilty for doing the cheating stuff to Warit
Interesting that Sing and Fang are independently suspicious of and are kinda investigating Sak and Doi. good that not everything depends on Tin (well Tin was even defending Sak at the beginning 2 months ago with the Uncle's case)
her other boyfriend coming to save her from the debt collectors, yikes
what was the name of the patient Dr. Fang checked? Was it Mai's mom and the medicine Doi & Sak are assigning her?
hehe in this iteration, Tin helps out Tol and gets a nice Tol who trusts him. they're cute. i'm sad that this is gonna be over and Tol's gonna die and he's gonna go back to step 0 while Tin will be stuck in a loop still
I think there's a tiktok that I've liked for Triage and it begins in this clock tower but idk if they're up here in another iteration too
no way Tol leaning in that far lmfaooo he was crowding in fr. they're doing too many face shots and I didn't realize just how much Tol had leaned in
Tin is familiar to Tol? Y'know Gap also said something about the situation earlier was familiar... would people kinda realize that they've lived this before/they're in a loop?
omg, Tin's trying once again to tell Tol about the time loop
omg klasdjflaksdfj kl;asdfj ahhh kissing Tol to stop him from leaving ahhhhh
So did Tol's cat not get injured in this version?
I'm impressed that so far, the story hasn't gotten boring and despite us going through similar scenarios or reveals, the show doesn't quite feel repetitive. They're changing up the scenes enough and finding newer questions or answers so that each loop gives something new.
Ep 6 (May 2)
I wish I had the patience to savour this show and watch like 1 ep, maybe max 2 eps a day.
pushing him off and leaving, as expected
omg, the reason Mai was dragged out by the guy (her real bf lol) from the party was because he was at the hospital and realized Doi and Sak had drugged Mai's mother (to kill her and likely harvest her organs) and so wanted to take her there...
these fucking doctors not calling Mai directly...
omg Tol seeing boys kiss and remembering Tin kissing him...
wait, Tol just had a memory of that car crash? even though he hasn't experienced it yet?
Ah, Tol finally believing it's not the first time that they're meeting/he's dying in front of Tin. I saw a gif when looking for ep 5 gifs of this moment
From Tol getting flashbacks to his previous death and now finally believing this loop thing, I wonder if he'll kinda remember stuff in his next loop?
lol Sing and Gap push and pull
Ahh, Tin crying that he doesn't want Tol to forget about him anymore
June 19th
I wish there was a way for them to realize the overlap that the woman who was taken for the surgery is Mai's mother, then talk to Mai and the guy about her condition last night
lmfao Ton and Tin childhood connection
ah, Tin now finds about the Mai and her mother in the hospital connection
ah, the guy's name is Heart lmfao I thought it was an endearment
sorry they can't make me hate Heart. i get Tin being disappointed but not angry at her because idk her actions are understandable even if immoral
bruh organ trafficking right under everybody's noses + caught on CCTV
They fucking killed Fang or what omgggg... crazy. okay at least Tol is dying soon so that we can restart the loop cuz omg
oh? Tin doesn't remember things right away? "The longer I turn back time, the longer it takes me to remember everything"
oh he wants to back a week to June 11
Also, I realized Jinta reminds me of the story in Dead Friend Forever, hmm is this a common name for Thai supersition and stuff?
Ep 7 (May 3)
23.5 Episode 9 is out since it's Monday but I kinda don't wanna watch it right now? I might just finish out Triage in the next 2-3 days and then watch the next 23.5 episode. Since it's like a regular high school drama, feels like I don't feel the urgency to really know what's gonna happen next.
oops I've been saying June but it's July 11
Tin trying to remember everything and make a to-do list and here's one that needs Tol to fall in love with him lol
Aw Tin, Tol would def fall for you lol
hilarious to have Todo #3: Tol must be Tin's boyfriend
they're so awkward (as they always are at first), i'm crying
Tol's mom (Pang) is so pretty
wonder if Tol's dad would be involved in this at all? I assume they just know each other and isn't into the organ trafficking
why is Tol's dad negging him in front of Tin lol so mean
ah, they're in Chiang Mai
must be wild to be falling in love with Tol but 1) he doesn't remember you 2) he doesn't like you 3) he's gonna die if you don't save him
Gap keeps remembering that Tin asks Sing to switch shifts with him everytime lol
he ain't gonna let the tutoring go
klasdfj pls "I just miss you, that's all" i love him just inserting himself as a love line
Tol is a real jackass fr
hmm Dear... is Tol jealous of her with Tin?
Ep 8 (May 3)
heh jealous Tol
ah, she's Tin's ex
"But I don't have anybody in my mind yet na" *sparkly music*
damn we see the full scene of when Tol drowned
ahhh Tol being the one who asks to spend time with Tin for a change by asking to see Seudam
spoiled enough that as a college student doesn't know how to even crack an egg, oh Tol
okay they're gonna retcon some of Tol's assholery right? Cuz he's quite a dick from what we assume but they might not want the literally romantic interest male lead to be that way
Ah, Tin encouraging Tol to do the right thing (assuming about the cheating thing tomorrow when they blame Rit?)
I've seen the first shot at 16:00 when they're tutoring in the beginning of an edit too
damn, not even any situation of them deciding to have Tin stay over and sleep in the same bed?
ah, Tol dreaming of drowning that one time but also dying in past loops
Tin telling Tol that it's just a dream. I wonder when (or if...) Tol will find out and believe the loop thing, will it be in this loop or a future one, if at all until he ends up in a loop himself
hm... Rit and Tol and Art making up
okay Tol changed this loop to defend Rit and say whose it is (and he didn't cheat this time, so didn't have to face any consequences himself). wonder how it'll play out since there have been some pretty big changes for Warit since the original loop and they now kowkey have enemies in Pair and Win (?)
girl, don't tell Tol on the phone?! meet up face-to-face
hope the extent of the cheaters' revenge is just exposing Mai having a bf
aw man, are we gonna have Tin having Tol wait for a long time or what?
omggg agh I wanted to have Tin tell Tol about it but now Pear's sent Tol the photo of Mai and the guy agh
and thennnn he sees Tin with his ex my goddd give Tol a break, he decided to not be an asshole to Warit + is having nightmares about his past deaths and the feeling that he's gone through everything already. pls
I know that before in the original loop(s), Tol knew about Mai and some guy but thought it wasn't her cheating but that he came to bother her or something? And this is different than that case right? Cuz in previous scenario he found out some other way, not through Pear's photo as revenge?
Tol waits mournfully in that clock tower while Tin's battling possibly Rit's uncle (Sak stole his nephew's kidney) who is wielding a knife at the hospital and then gets stabbed omg
I saw in a gif when looking for ep 8 gifs... are they kissing next ep? Also saw a post that started with "This better be the last loop" so I'm guessing Tol dying again rip
Ep 9 (May 3)
I... have so many things to do that I should be doing instead of watching the next episode. man...
"I wonder if Tol can hear me in every loop" that's wild
Is Tol upset that he didn't get any calls from Tin?
Dr. Fang, you're everything
damn, the knife uncle killed himself (or was killed more likely) in prison
Don't you worry that Sak's gonna off Warit too?
I get Sing wants to get to the bottom of this but girl, how would you ensure Warit's unharmed? Fang died in a previous loop, man
I like Sing/Gap but not during serious moments
dang just straight up going for Sak's computer
A full day has already passed? 17th already
They don't translate what Win wrote on his post
Jinta such a shipper like "oh you're here? Tin can't use his hands but has to eat" *wink* and Tol does indeed feed Tin
oh, we're going straight into "yeah you die in every loop and i tried to find the cause"
Less dramatic leadup and explanation and disbelief than I expected
damn, pinky promise, well Tol better not die tomorrow/18th
nawt fuckass Pear and Win aughhhh let's kill them
ahh Rit pls don't go against Tol right now cuz that's just another hurdle in the loop T.T esp don't team up with the hellish pair to do it
omg why Heart become scary and throwing things D:
Tol eager to have Tin in his house again lol Toi enjoying overhearing
Ow man Tol... being nice to Mai is fine but don't start it up with her again please
okayy Tol not getting back together with her
aw breakups suck even though neither of them even romantically like the other
damn, they're sleeping in different bed/couch now and then having a discussion before sharing the bed, where was this last ep lol
damn, talking about past loops and deaths in bed
"We both will have a bright future together"
heart beating so fast Tol wonders if he'll have a heart attack but he might just be playing it up as a little hint/tease lol
kiss yay !
Tol's probably gonna die next ep and it'll devastate me fr because they're like... in love now.
Wait... I'm going through this ep's gifs and maybe?? next ep is the one where Tol wakes up in a loop? omg... I thought it'd be like the last ep or 2
Ep 10 (May 3)
The fourth episode of the day oof
hmmm Tol reading Tin's diary... he wouldn't be mad about seeing becoming Tol's boyfriend on the to-do list right? I feel like he should see and be preoccupied with the organ trafficking
omg?? okay, in the ep 9 (I think) reddit on-air, somebody was like this scratches the itch if you wanted more Fourth/Beam in 2moons and I didn't understand what they meant because I didn't think Fiat, Tonnam, gap's actor were in 2moons. but turns out it referred to TaeTee omg? I didn't know they were in 2moons as a tertiary couple lol idk why it just blew my mind, so they're literally a side couple getting a main show, that's crazy idk. I think I especially didn't realize because Tae had Paint With Love with Singto, so I thought Tae/Tee was a new ship after that.
aw going back to sleep beside Tin and cuddling kind of and watching him sleep, so sweet
it's the 18th
Doi got to the flash drive first...
everything is so nerve-wracking like on the one hand Tol's got this party for this project that Rit's gonna be sabotaging with Win and Pear's help and on the other hand, Sing and Doi are onto Sing and Gap, and also now 1) this sus dude entering Tol's party... is he gonna end up doing something to Tin/is gonna try to do something to Tol and Tin will step in like with that uncle when he got stabbed? and 2) this nurse with a syringe? is it for Mai's mother?
okay, I think Art is thankfully gonna be useful and get through to Rit about how two-faced Lukpear and Win are.
back hug
me and Tol both dreading this night
omg Tin pinky promised Tol that nothing bad will happen to him... the chance of Tin dying by stepping in front of Tol gets likelier and likelier
not Mai texting Heart again smh c'mon girl. I believe you'll be fine without a boyfriend
girl, so much shit going down. injection in the mother, Sing and Gap captured, random dude on Tol's tail + Lukepear taking things into her own hand once Rit tries to leave
hope Sing and Gap took the guns at least
wtf is this gun wielding fucker even doing bruh
omg mans shot Tin
that blood splatter across Sing's mask is crazy
losing my fucking mind at Sing still continuing to pump Tin's lung (?) after everybody else has stopped because he refuses to believe it
Sing deranged being like "Tin, you're okay, right? Tell P'Toi you're fine"
bruh i was wondering if time of death would end up being 10:55PM and indeed...
aughhhh everybody mourning
I wonder how Tol's time loop is gonna start because I'm assuming he's been sleeping? ig they haven't started yet to really let the death sink in
Tol randomly calling out for P'Tin omggg
Also, what happened to Mai's mom?
omg it's been weeks after Tin passed
Tol actually does sound like he's lost it, asking around about Jinta who nobody knows and now saying that he knows a way to bring back Tin by getting Jinta to turn back time omg poor baby :'(
omg not security T.T
well at least he's found Jinta
the last third of this ep is devastating fr, makes me wish I hadn't known about Tol getting into the time loop and such so that everything would be more heightened
reading the on-air threads is making me realize... I wonder what time Tol's gonna go back to, would he go way way back before Tin learned about anything? Someone also said ep 4 "ghost" Tol who asked Tin to take care of his heart was actually time loop Tol, which would be a cool hint
Anyway, the show is so good so far, I'm nervous about the fact that I've heard the last few eps get kinda wonky or too messy/fast. I really hope they don't fuck up the ending omg
Ep 11 (May 4)
Final 3 episodes, thinking I'm gonna finish it today, so excited, I'm hoping I love the last bit too
omg? Tin actively learned that class to tutor Tol to get him to not cheat
omg not Tol being the one who initially hurt Mai accidentally with the vase
Jinta is really an angel in this universe ig
ahh the ep 4 dream Tol
July 14
Tol's gotta fix the stuff himself now, starting with not taking credit for Rit's presentation
damn, Tol's giving up his position in the group to Warit, though I just hate Lukepair and Win and don't trust them
Okayyy Tin's coming back but without memories, let's go
Tol wanting to take the deal only if he's the one who ends up dying this final time instead of Tin (though idk if Jinta'll grant him that lol)
now it's Tol's turn to be a random stalker-like dude who knows all about Tin and is very presumptuous and pushy heh
aw, dream Tin giving Tol a notebook of everything that happened in the loops
"We will never be together, right?" TOL DONT SAYYY THAT
lmfaoooo a kiss can remind the other person a bit about past loops, that's hilarious
okay, now Tol's also gotta be involved in the organ trafficking investigation stuff right because that's a very important aspect of these loops
Sing's boyfriend lol that's what that one textpost I kinda saw that mentioned 'they started dating off-screen' was talking about
...Tin's not working for Sak in this loop, is he? IS HE?! D:
or Tin just doesn't care about his job and patients in this loop after his sister's death
okay and Tol got Mai to move her mother too
lol Sing and Gap
pls Tol is actually just a stalker now
I was nervous that Tol was gonna just go and kiss Tin and get punched but then he couldn't even do that because Dear showed up
2 more episodes...
I like this comment talking about how Tin was also callous and careless in the first episode after Tol came in. It's not that Tin being changed and cold now in this timeline is that different than what he was like in the original timeline first few loops. Similarly, this comment about "How do you know if Tin would be the same Tin if he didn't meet you." 
Ep 12 (May 4)
damn, Dear and Tin randomly both there at the clock tower, thinking the other called them there? and also they apparently hadn't met in a long time... so not dating, still exes?
ah, Tin's confused about some sort of romantic connection and thought it was Dear that he's missing?
plssss Tin previously asking Fang to help hit on Tol and now Tol doing the same
omg we've moved on from dates to countdowns. 60 hours left, 2.5 days
bro use the fact that you've got some heart condition to at least become Tin's patient, c'mon
pls not Nong Dear being there too and Fang somehow siding with Tol over her
throwback to that dinner with family when Tol was on his own phone the whole time
poor Tol doing the same hopeless shit Tin did in his earlier loops but my guy gets just one chance ahhhh
omg, magic notebook where the writing can be seen by Tol but nobody else
idk if the lesson should be to keep pursuing him lol like obviously Tol will because of reasons but Fang doesn't know that
oh, Mai and Heart are pursuing legal action against Sak?
damn, Sak's gonna try to get somebody else's organs now so that some other fuckers help him get off the hook on his trial
lmfao yep, everybody who's doing a case against you turning up dead wouldn't be suspicious at all
Tol's mother is sooooo pretty
ah, the tutoring session once again, starting with the same shot. though now Tol's scheming to kiss Tin
Tol's attempts are so awkward I'm dying, esp because Tin's awkward attempts or ones that went wrong results in Tol's death soon enough and it's like whelp, doesn't matter cuz Tol doesn't remember but this... it's different. it's going on for days on end and is the finally loop, so Tin will remember
pls not fake drowning, i'm dead wtf Tol, guess he's hoping for a CPR kiss?
"Get up when you want to, then" I'm alskdfj;alskdfj;lkasdf this is so awkward i'm dying
A tiny heart-to-heart sort of
Tol is actually the funniest person, what is this strategic kissing while asleep + pretending to have a nightmare
ah, he managed a kiss + Tin is now slowly remembering things
damn, Tin REALLY doesn't wanna go against Sak
Sing and Gap are cute enough but don't know I want too much of them in the midst of this high-tension stuff
Tin, be fucking serious and do not fall for Sak's tricks
Jinta does hint that maybe the reason Tin's so callous about life in this universe is because Tol doesn't come into his life and the loops don't change him/show him to value life
hmm the notebook is "super cheating if you know how to use it"
naurr fuckass Doi getting to Rit
lol Sing and Gap's storyline where Sing mentions gel/lube. Today Wandee Goodday was released and apparently that also mentioned lube, interesting to have it happen twice in one day for me when that's like rarely ever mentioned in BLs
oh wtf Doi has Rit hostage in Sing's apartment?!
The first half was kinda more comedic and relationship-oriented but I enjoyed the latter half more when things started getting a bit more serious.
I probably get what people mean about the last ep being fast and chaotic, seems like there's so much left for a 48 min ep
Ep 13 (May 4)
Finale, I hope it's intense and coherent and romantic and good
Gap, DO SOMETHING don't just stand there and listen to Sing and Doi showdown through the phone
pls not Tol getting excited af at getting the pulse, he's so... baby
omg i thought he was just gonna hug Tin but he kissed him??? pls
visions when they kissed
Tol's so excited asking Tin to kiss again
Tin remembering more about the loops
I hope Gap's lying about not having told anybody cuz then what was even the point of the phone call
idk what Warit texted Fang but maybe it's about Doi, who knows
who is Chalongchai? Is it the guy who shot Tin in the last loop?
not Tin and Tol getting fucking injected
girl, 5 minutes left ?!?!?!?!?!
Ah, Tin remembers but doesn't realize that there will be no loop
this fucking unhinged Doi is way too much girl gtfo why'd you inject Tin >:(
The piano at like 31:55 reminded me of We Best Love I think? Crazy that I can remember it. though it actually might be from the OST from it that I added to my playlist
damn, Tin in a coma. at least he ain't dead
wait, Tin appears at the clock tower just like that ??
plsss I was like Tin has Got to be kidding, he must remember right? it's too late in the episode, he's just faking Tol out but it went on for so long that I was like ? damn, maybe miss girl really doesn't remember
but indeed he does
aw, it ends just like that :( i wish there was just a bit more. i guess ep 9 was the one that had the most lovey-dovey moments between the two of them
was that after-credit scene a teaser for Euthanasia or whatever? The Maxtul Manner of Death spin-off that is unlikely to come to fruition?
I never commented on it but I guess Tin's wish to save Tol when they were kids really had a part in this loop?
This last ep hmmm it was good but somehow felt messier than the earlier loops, which felt move tightly woven together and better written? Like this is the type of writing that put me off of Manner of Death where things didn't feel quite rational, like the Sing and Gap and Doi stuff, or Doi in general going off the rails, or the random kidnapping in the hospital, and then Tin being in a coma for months and months until meeting in the clock tower on a random day. They wanted the last ep to be fast-paced and intense and that's fine but it wasn't as coherent as some of the earlier episodes.
Great concept, mostly great execution (especially the first 3/4 like until ep 9 or 10), strong character building. Enjoyed unveiling more and more through each loop and seeing how situations and people changed through them.
Very commendable that despite it literally being time loops, the show didn't feel repetitive, they timed things well. I could've done with a little more romance but what little there was of them actually being together in like eps 9 - 10 were very cute.
I'd thought that they were the same age or similar ages for some reason but Tol is at least a few years younger than Tin and I liked that. Also omg in the last loop last few eps, I was thinking that wide-eyed, bumbling, eager, kind of naive Tol reminded me of Yeowoon from Love for Love's Sake after he softens up and turns out there's even an edit for it on tiktok lol so I'm correct.
This also makes me more excited for 4 Minutes and Spare Me Your Mercy, also Sammon novels because I found Manner of Death to be underwhelming and frustrating with how... stupid everybody was. This had more intelligent characters and I liked the plot better since it didn't fall into the "somehow a show about abuse women face but we only focus on male characters"
Rating: 7/10 [May 12, 2024 Update: Decreased by 0.5 stars when rerating shows I've watched in 2024: 7 -> 6.5]
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tsuy4n · 8 months
Chaotic dumbass x (chaotic) Smartass / Moron x Genius (both still chaotic)
[Leo] >Donnie< [Raph] [Mikey]
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[Y/n]: Dee!
Donnie: Yes?
[Y/n]: Wanna see a butterfly?
Donnie: Wh–
[Y/n]: *throws butter across the room*
Raph: *passing by only to see a butter getting thrown and almost hit him* ???
Mikey and Leo: *wheezing on the floor* THAT WAS GOLD!
Donnie: *shaking head while leaving* You're all dumb dumbs.
[Y/n]: I wish I was a jellyfish. Just float around while looking all pretty.
Donnie: Jellyfish have no brains, therefore you are close to being one.
[Y/n]: Really? That's aweso– are you calling me stupid?
Donnie: *nodding* My point exactly.
[Y/n]: I couldn't sleep last night.
Mikey: *smiles cutely* They say that if you can't sleep someone's thinking about you.
[Y/n]: Who the fuck is thinking about me at 3 AM??
Donnie: [Internal panic]
[Y/n]: I just finished a 50-bit puzzle. It took four weeks.
Donnie: Four weeks? That's long.
[Y/n]: You think? On the box, it says 2-4 years.
[Y/n]: So, what's Donnie's type?
Leo: [h/c], [e/c], [clothing pref.], oblivious, good sense of humor, cute, and funny.
[Y/n]: Sounds kind of like me. Too bad we're just friends.
Leo: Did I mention oblivious?
[Y/n]: Yeah, why?
Leo: Okay, just making sure.
Donnie: When I said 'bring something from the coast', I meant seashells or something.
[Y/n]: *struggling to hold a seagull* How was I supposed to know!
Donnie: I've been keeping an eye on [Y/n].
Raph, Leo, Mikey: *shares a look*
Leo: You mean stalking them.
Donnie: The language of most stalking laws is pretty vague. I like to think of myself more as a guardian angel.
Raph: Is something wrong with Donnie? He's been laying on the floor in the kitchen for fifteen minutes, and Mikey's not looking too happy about it.
Leo: Oh, he's just a little overwhelmed.
Raph: Why? What happened?
Leo: [Y/n] smiled.
Donnie: Are you lying?
[Y/n]: That depends on your definition of lying.
Donnie: It– Its defined as not telling the truth. We've been through this. How else would you describe it?
[Y/n]: Reclining your body in a horizontal position, usually on a bed or couch.
Donnie: ...
[Y/n]: ...
Donnie: Get out.
[Y/n]: Fair.
Donnie: *on 17 different types of energy drinks at 3am, finished making a new invention.* I am fire. I am embers. I am flames. I am DEATH.
[Y/n]: *is having a sleepover at the lair, woke up to the sound of maniacal laughter* A fucking nightmare is what you are. Jesus, dee. Go to sleep.
*on their first date*
Donnie: *already knows but is a nervous wreck atm* So...what's your favorite color?
[Y/n]: *unimpressed* Really? Don't ask me dumb questions.
Donnie: How is fomic acid prepared in a lab? Give me the chemical reaction for it.
[Y/n]: [f/c]. My favorite color is [f/c]...
[Y/n]: *entering the lair* Heeey, how's the most beautiful person in the world doing?
Donnie: I don't know, how are you?
[Y/n]: *blinks then blushes* Gre–
Leo: *shouting from across the room* I'm doing amazing, thank you!
Waiter: How would you like your steak?
[Y/n]: I'd like it a lot.
Donnie: He means how you want it cooked, [Y/n].
[Y/n]: In the kitchen, obviously. Wtf is wrong with you two??
Mikey, Raph, Leo: [ w h e e z i n g ]
Donnie: So we roll, then summersault.
[Y/n]: We'll get caught for sure.
Mikey: Are you guys planning a heist?
[Y/n]: *shares a look with Donnie* No. Raph's asleep and we need to get past him.
Raph: Explain to me how you two got into an accident.
[Y/n: Well, we were driving and there was a deer on the road and Dee didn't noticed so I said, "Donnie, deer!"
Raph: And?
[Y/n]: Tell him what you replied.
Donnie: *sighs* "Yes, love?"
Leo: Only genuises can say these four words quickly: Eye. Yam. Stew. Peed.
Donnie: *Rolls eyes and scoffs* Oh, come on. No one's falling for that–
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lonespektr · 1 year
Talk to me (2023)
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Wait this is Australian?
I have no idea WTF just happened.
How old are these kids supposed to be?
Not lil sugar
Injured roo - do they not effup card like bucks
Couldn't do ett
Jeeezus violent family
No subs im tired and this accent
I'm going to miss this dialogue y'all
Oijua board shit common at parties i seriously can't tell what age they are supposed to be
And they don't believe she saw something but they are confident they can be easily hypnotized??
And they are confident weird things will happen???
Do they think they are just high??
How do they explain the phenomenon
What am i missing???
Axolotl!!!!! 😃😃😃😃😃
She's a bad big sister
Mom is not playing
Where did they get the hand
Brick wall
But yea it's hardly a party there are less than ten people
This is a hang at best
Hand rumors
Now there are questions
Is he belted in
There's like a moosh of ages
Great acting from everyone
This spirits a cunt 🤣🤣
Wow as much as i have heard about the film can't believe nobody spoiled that one
Ambitious scene there
Odd cuts
Yo i thought he left
Dude also a bad sister
The popular kid bully concept is always... interesting i think at best in only hinges on if they have access to shit, in this case the hand
Nasty work having the mom pop up in the kid
And then you move away okay rebound
Didn't get the eye
Keep going like this on the trangressive end
Now who's this?
Are those dual hitaachie?
Ofc she has it
They are still at the hospital
Why play with her if shes not interested he's already friends with protag?
Mom blames her specifically. I feel like that's against her initial characterization and she would blame everyone, her first but everyone else too
Thot dog, what a way to jump start career
Tiny statues
He's already said it "They read what we think"
Dated prior when dating doesn't mean anything because they are kids
Okay she's mad at her too
Wait I'm trying to remember the first thing the ghost said
She likes you?" Like protag likes lil bro? Via ghosty?
Where's youngin?
Who the heck is that odd cgi
Oh he right there
She's the only one we've seen with residual effects
That will fix it
They are jumping face first into the addition analogy
Well i guess i mean jumping into it quickly as an very quick downward spiral
Parasitic in how souls are said to glum on
Brain damage too?
Ooo bit permanent possession and suicide attempts
She really letting him
Yea trangressive
this particular one is almost a barley sheilded kink
Hes said he was seeing what?
This is the kid with the brother who killed himself ?
She got on
They all did
They are all blaming her
The candle
They gon let her do it on her own
Hows he gonna do the invite?
I don't think, that's how it works?
Who that kid?
No timer?
Whoa she said i let you in whoaaaa
Okay internal state is torture and torture looked vaguely like an orgy
Lots of links to sex and violence
Secret mom note
Lol they didn't actually show them blow out the candle.
Suicide note.
This is actually great framing for a thing to watch out for suicide awareness folks if your very depressed person is suddenly uplifted and vibrant (and maybe giving away their shit) if it's a 180 like that, they may have decided to off themselves and are feeling lighter and freer because they are letting go.
Oh they are playing her like a fiddle "he's lying"
Oof this is a lot now on an addicted person yes they can rip through lives but jeebus
Annd full hallucinations they got her to off her dad
Now the number one person she loves
I love when movies do the thing when they have the person apologize for being wrong at the exact moment something changes and now the person is right about them.
We were already primed with the roo and i forgot
Great work on that
Damn he's still alive
Oh now it is a full loop
Another cut
Another cut? No same one
Ok i,m confused
It was a good ending but we are literally missing a whole chunk like you needed to wrap that last story before you hit us with the kicker
Kids gonna keep trying kids gonna keep dying
This was a hard chemical argument
There was no off ramp
No hope
No wrong turn
It was a one and done, no hope after
One time and you don't know up from down
There are definitely a few reads on this that are bad like at least 2 or 3 that are offensive
I don't think that was the intention i think it would have been metter to mitigate them by making different choices
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miyacreampie · 3 years
Lenny sensei's night class has begun!~♡
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“Shut up, Yamaguchi.”
synopsis 💭;; You tell me- idk wtf I was thinking when I wrote this, but it was a request.
Requested by @jream-23 ♡
Male pronouns used.
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Both men never expected this to happen.
Yamaguchi and (Y/n) had made a bet (you can decide on what it was lmao) during practice, and (Y/n) lost– much to their surprise. Kei wasn't exactly paying much attention, but seeing (Y/n) lose to Tadashi of all people caught him off guard somehow.
It was only a stupid game, but–
‘How the hell did I end up in this situation?!’ Tadashi internally screeched as he held onto the shelf behind him to keep his balance. His legs were too shaky at the moment.
Well, he was being sucked off. Aggressively. (In a good way tho lol)
The way (Y/n) used his tongue while sucking Tadashi's dick had the said man ascending. It was already hard enough to stand, but he really had to worry about trying not to pass out. His vision faded in and out as he tried to keep his eyes open, fearing that if he closed them, he'd black out.
“(L/n)-kun!~” His voice sounded a bit forced, but it was because he was holding back his voice. “What if Tsukki finds out- Hah!~” Yamaguchi bit his lip.
Yeah, Tsukishima was waiting for them in the gym. Tadashi and (Y/n) were supposed to be putting the equipment back into the closet but got sidetracked.
“What if he notices that we're- ngh~..”
“Mmh..mm~...” (this was (y/n) telling him to shut up).
Yamaguchi put his hands on (Y/n)'s shoulders to stay balanced. As he did, his hard nipples could be seen poking out of his shirt. It was hard to resist touching them, especially since (Y/n) knew Tadashi had a sensitive body.
(Y/n) snaked his hand up into Tadashi's shirt, quickly finding his nipple and giving it a little flick. He felt Yamaguchi's grip on his shoulders tighten, and his body shaking a bit.
‘Surely he can't be that sensitive– can he?’ (Y/n) repeated his earlier motion, but followed the action by twisting, pinching, and rubbing the smaller male's nipple with a bit more force. The (h/c) haired man wasn't prepared for the noise Yamaguchi made as he played with the man's swollen nipple.
It was damn near a scream.
“(L/N)KUN~ GYAHH~..”
Neither Tadashi nor (Y/n) had the time to react before the gym storage room door was flung open by Tsukishima. Upon seeing his friends in the position they we're in, everything he was about to say vanished from his mind. He stood there, not knowing what to say or do as (Y/n) abused Tadashi's cock with his mouth. (in a good way ufify9dufig)
‘And he was doing so well keeping quiet–’
“Eek! Tsukki! What are you doing here?! Hah!~”
Kei slowly slid the door, but he wasn't closing it– he was just hiding his boner. “You guys were taking a long time to clean up, and I heard a noise–” His gaze fixated on Yamaguchi. “–so I decided to check on you. Must've felt good if you moaned that loud, hm?”
(Y/n) held up two fingers. (Like this ✌️)
“I– I'm gonna–”
(Y/n)'s mouth was soon flooded with Tadashi's seed, catching the (h/c) haired man by surprise because he didn't think there'd be so much. He choked a bit as he attempted to swallow, and when he finally managed to do so, he looked up at Tadashi.
Yamaguchi's face was beet red as he stared down at his friend, and upon noticing (Y/n) licking his lips trying to wipe away a little bit of cum made his heart rate pick up speed. “(L/n)-kun..I–”
“Kei-chan, please don't stare.”
Surprised, Yamaguchi turned his head to see Tsukishima just standing there. The blank stare he shot at (Y/n) made him seem like–
“I mean, I'm up for round two. If Kei-chan wants me to, of course.” (Y/n) said, giving Tsukki a desirable look. “It's cool if you don't w–”
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Y'all this is shit I am sorry 😩 but like- ye sensitive Tadashi 😩💖💖
The class session is now over!~♡
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beekindacool · 3 years
dewey finding out his gf is pregnant during the woodsboro murders (requested)
request: ”could you write some fluff of Dewey finding out his girlfriend is pregnant. But it’s during the killings so he is extra protective”
warnings: language, mentions of murder
a/n: thank you sm @steffers86 for ur request :)
so you and dewey were not exactly planning out having a baby
i mean you also weren’t not not planning to have one either
it just was a shitty time for him at the station
the woodsboro murders had just started the night before you found out you were pregnant
dewey had already lectured you about locking all the doors at your place, keeping a weapon close, etc. because he was already kinda scared shitless about your safety
so when you‘re sitting down on his bed at his mom‘s place, you can guess that he was fucking TERRIFIED something happened to you
especially since it was right after sidney got attacked by ghostface
and he was even more terrified because you were fucking bawling your eyes out for what seemed like hours
dewey would sit down next to you and hold you as close as possible with the most worried look on his face
he’d be freaking out internally but tries to keep calm on the outside so he can figure out wtf is wrong
but you won’t stop crying so he wants to start crying too because he just wants to help you but doesn’t know how :(
so when you finally calm down he holds your face in his hands and asks what happened for the millionth time
”i’m pregnant”
this man goes absolutely still
it isn’t until you look like you’re about to start crying again that he responds with just “really?” and the biggest smile is on his face
he wipes your face with his thumbs as you nod
despite all the shit going on outside, he feels elated. like there isn’t a single thing that can destroy him
until there is
his mom screams for him and bangs on the door, making dewey rush to grab his gun and run out
you follow behind him and his mom is explaining what had happened — sidney had gotten a call from ghostface
going back to the room, dewey sits on the edge of the bed again and rubs his hands over his face
you rub circles on his back and kiss his hair
and now he’s just kinda thinking like “how am i supposed to protect you and this baby when i can’t even get to the phone on time”
after this, you started staying at the riley‘s after dewey practically begged you to
he feels more at ease knowing that you’re with his mom 🤷
and he’s always calling when he gets a chance to while he’s at work
when he comes home, he makes sure to bring you a gift to either satisfy your pregnancy cravings or things for the baby
and when you guys are in bed, he makes sure to hold you as tight as possible without hurting the baby
or some nights he’ll talk to your stomach while laying in between your legs
he would definitely try to do other sweet things for you like massages but 🧍
he’s not really the best at those
they usually end up with you in even more pain than you had been before 😭
but all in all -- he wants to do his best at not only being a father but also at being your boyfriend
he gets hella stressed out with worrying about you and everything else happening and yet he always makes time for you
and you never let him forget how proud and grateful you are of him <3
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buckydeniro · 3 years
BestFriendsDad!Bucky x Reader
A/N: i’m still working on part two of This Is Trouble and also the actual dfb!bucky series i want to write because i’m having a bit of writer’s block but! i wanted to post something because i felt bad that it’s taking so long agdkdhdjdh this kinddd of got away from me a bit i’m sorry if it’s way too long sgskdhdkdj
summary: you were just trying to bake secret cupcakes for your best friend for her secret birthday party but mr. barnes had to, like always, make it difficult.
trigger warnings: sexual tension, hints to sexy time, beginning of sexy time at the end, FLUFFFFFF, they are cute ok like wtf damn i’m alone
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“You’re doing it wrong”
That stupid smirk with a voice. You internally sigh, stopping the mixing of the cupcake batter for your best friend’s, his daughter’s, surprise birthday party. Looking up at the ceiling, preparing yourself for Mr. Barnes to exhaust you with his teasing remarks.
Absolutely, no doubt you found him attractive, incredibly attractive. There have been your fair share of nights with your hand between your thighs and him in your mind.
“I’m not doing it wrong, asshat.” The last part you mumbled under your breath but he caught it, throwing his head back with a good laugh. You take a risk and flick your gaze to him, inhaling deeply at the sight of him leaning against the kitchen doorway with his arms crossed, watching you, a full smile on his face. You were always bickering with each other, all in good fun but you both knew that it was just to get some of the tension, that you both never brought up, out.
Rolling your eyes, turning back to the task at and, you try your best to focus when he starts walking towards you. “Asshat? I’ll let it slide.” He’s standing beside you, hands pressed to the counter, watching you stir as best as you can with his intoxicating self right beside you, causing your movements to falter.
“If you have something to say then say it.” He suppresses a cocky grin, loving how easy he can rile you up. “I’ve already said it, you’re doing it wrong, but I guess I have to show you. Move.”
He barks out a laugh at the quick, clipped reply.
“C’mon, move.” You stand up straighter, half in defiance and half in trying to hide your body’s reaction when he removes his hands from the counter and god, he’s full on smirking now. You a hum a no which causes him to roll his eyes, “Fine.”
As quick as he said it, his hands are burning their signature into your waist, picking you up and moving you aside, sitting you and your now gaping mouth back down on your feet, squeaking out a shocked, “Hey!”
Chuckling, he slides his long fingers around the handle of the whisk that you are now barely holding on to. “Now,” He starts with an at eased smile, eyes locked on yours before he plucks the whisk from you and goes to the bowl. “You do it like this.”
You hate yourself. You absolutely hate yourself in this moment because all you can focus on is the way his hand is gripping the handle and moving it. Swallowing, pulling your eyes away from his hands, you mutter, “I was doing fine.”
A bold lie. Right through your teeth. You knew you somehow butchered up stirring. Fucking stirring. All because he was in the same room with you, burning a deadly stare through you.
Pausing his movements to laugh, he looks at you with those crinkles beside his eyes, proof of the huge smile you’re giving him.
And you can’t help but give up and let yourself smile back, chuckling to yourself now.
“Honey, I mean this in the nicest way possible.” Turning to rest his hip against the counter, his fingers lifting to brush your cheek, tucking your hair behind your ear as he speaks. “You can’t bake for shit.”
You gasp, mouth falling into an o shape. “It’s! It’s not my fault!” You defend yourself as he crosses his arms over his chest, still resting against the counter, highly amused at your reaction. “Oh, it’s not?”
“No! And how was that the nicest way possible!”
Squinting your eyes at him as he laughs, grumbling under your breath. “I’ve made cupcakes before.”
“Mhm, sure you have, doll.”
“I have!”
Your heartbeat thumps wildly against your chest at the second pet name he’s called you not even within three minutes. Cocking his head to the side, still smiling. God, you want to wipe it off his face or kiss it off. You can’t decide.
You huff, turning away from him, busying yourself with folding a little towel, your cheeks heating up, feeling him study the side of your face. “You have to stop doing that.”
He’s a bit perplexed at your words, “Doing what?” God, this was so embarrassing. You’re going to have to actually say it. “Calling me honey and doll!”
“And why’s that?” Cockiness replacing his confusion in a blink of an eye. You have half the mind to just turn to him and tell him, because I already constantly think about you railing me and your best friends dad so that can’t happen. Oh! I’ve also masturbated to you and want to jump your bones and kiss you every time you walk into the room. Did I mention you make my body feel like it’s on fire without even touching me? No? Well, You make my body feel on fire without even touching me.
But, you choose to not go that route. Yet, you do turn to face him, “Because!” Great, you sound like a petulant child. Which is the exact opposite how you want him to view you. “You’re my best friends dad! You’re not supposed to make me feel stuff!”
“Yes, I’m aware of the title I have.”
You shoot him a glare.
He stares at you for a while, his eyes unreadable, dancing with something that sparkles. “Fuck it.” He shrugs, voice soft, gentle, matter of fact.
“What?” You release your bottom lip, having been biting it in anticipation of what he was going to say.
“Fuck it.” Blue eyes shining, that smile returning. “You are too good to pass by.” Your heart does a backflip, unable to conceal your smile. He brushes your hair from your face, something more is hanging between you two. Something more than just sex. But you both don’t mention it for the time beginning. It was too soon. “So, fuck it.”
Both doe eyed and grinning wildly at each other, “Fuck it.” You say.
“Fuck it.” He replies and you both begin laughing at the giddiness.
You both just stand there, in the middle of the kitchen, his fingers in your hair, the kitchen light a spotlight for the shared goofy smiles. Then he picks you up, throwing you over his shoulder.
“What are you doing!”
Undeterred, he walks briskly and with purpose to his bedroom. “Showing you how too good you are to pass by.”
“What about the cupcakes!”
He jogs smoothly up the stairs, “We’ll go buy some from the store.”
It’s like he knows you’re about to throw a comment back and he beats you to it. “Besides, you suck at baking.”
“Are you kidding me!” The biggest smiles permanently displayed on both of your faces, laughing happily at each other. He gently kicks the door open and sits you down, your voices growing louder and your bodies moving closer, “I’m just saying the truth!” Words tumbling out the best they can through laughter and face hurting smiles, both of you speaking over the other, firing quips at left and right.
“The truth!”
“I’m being honest!”
“Stop repeating what I’m saying! Is that all you can do!”
“I’ll repeat whatever you say if I want to! Don’t tell me what to do-“
His lips slam into yours, shutting you up. “Take off your clothes, right now. I mean it, do it.”
Completely taken back by the kiss, lips tingling, your core aching, clenching around nothing. You choke out, “On it.”
He snorts and you go to swat at his chest but he catches your wrist. “Finally found a way to shut you up.”
That stupid smirk.
“So fuck me until I can’t talk. That’s another way.”
That stupid smirk, wiped from his face and now displaying itself proudly on yours. His pupils grow dark, hunger and full on lust in his eyes. “Oh, doll, you’re really in for it.”
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