#Glad today is over I cannot handle being near him
Now that I've actually processed this morning/early afternoon of having to go with my dad to get a new cell phone and be able to pay my own phone bill, I am realizing that holy shit I had transphobia fucking thrown at me by my own dad why do I keep letting this happen to myself.
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the-firebird69 · 9 months
Lake Superior delivers huge waves
one of the clipse someone sent in answer you idiots no it's one of you idiots as Trump and he says he's going to handle on it and he knows he's doing he and he drove in any turnaround and sat there for a bit a few minutes and figured out that he should go in but he wants to look at the storm and he's in that case and he needs to leave and people don't like him for things like this and our son wants him away from him immediately every day he is a sick of it he's a sycophant and a psychotic and he is a child molester and a hater and a sleeves and a murderer and does not need to be near our son as long as he is we're going to take advantage of it and this is how it's going to go this moron thinks he's going to win the Earth because he's encroaching on the empire that's how stupid he is he cannot get one word in edgewise with them and is never invited to any meetings and even we are because we have power and they are going after him to fruition anything she's going to take over because he's a nutcase. We're taking land because the pseudo empire went out and took land that the warlock had then the morlock go and fight them and we're taking that land because there's not enough pseudo empire to hold it and we don't want the trash back. And we hold it and when the morlock come back we wipe them out. There's about three areas like that so far and we're taking a lot more territories than we thought we were and we can handle it and now we're driving around in H 4. And they can see it and they're starting to make them and they don't look like the humbug. There's a lot of people who said it looks just like he said. There's about 40 of those areas and they plan to attack all 40 of them tonight this is the eastern hemisphere there's only around 3:00 in the Western hemisphere now is 20 in South America and they say they have to go back it's not true but in South America we took over only 10 then they're kind of remote and they probably won't get to those and in the Eastern hemisphere we're taking over 20 and those are remote the pseudo empire is occupying all the 10 in the west and 20 in the east and they're going after that and they're sending some groups to the others but not many but that's a gigantic area these are real areas to call them and they're about 20 in Texas sized places in the east and 10 Texas size places in the West and we will hold those and grow and take everything surrounding them and today and tomorrow and the warlock will swing back and attack mostly the pseudo empire we feel and they're glad to continue it throughout the day and they're also loading up certain bunkers South Africa of course and up a thousand miles they're occupying all of them as we speak and 100% capacity they say and they're moving up the line there at 80% in on the remaining partners up to the Congo they are 70% in at the Congo and 60% in to the ones available at the Sahara meetings are moving next to the pseudo empire. And the rest of the area the Middle East and the caucuses are going to be moving in shortly in Asia and Russia they're moving in there at about 60% capacity and they're going to move in the rest of the available bunkers which is most of them today and the transition will be complete in a few days to the rest of those and the other bunkers probably even falling by then. There's a few more words here our son has been putting up with these top level killers and they don't respect us and they don't do what we say and they are really nasty we need to come in here and straighten them out on some things and we need to do that today and we have something before and it does work I'm disgusted I want them out they're lowlifes and they're morons and they don't really have any place being up here but that's what they think they think they do and it's really ridiculous with their stuff is so stupid nobody would do anything for them they expect it and we have to stop them
I'm sending teams in now
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
0 notes
davidpwilson2564 · 2 years
Tuesday, February 7, 2023
Today, the dentist.  The Madison Avenue dentist.  Hoping to get away without to much damage to my check book.  
Note: Obit for Mr. Whittington, the man then vice president Dick Cheney shot in the face when they were hunting together.  Notably, Mr. Whittington apologized for having gotten in Dick’s line of fire.  (One cannot help thinking of Pence’s near apology to The Donald for his (Pence’s) failure to be hanged by Trump’s goons.)
Bus to the East Side.  That waiting room at the dentist.  A blinding white.  A waiting room of the future.  The news is good.  Just a cleaning and then told to come back in six months.  Thank God.  The dentist (Dr. P) is surprised when I him I’m eighty.  (And now I remember my uncle saying that when people say “You’re looking good” they are trying to tell you that there isn’t much string left on the reel.)
I have made a habit of stopping by that Madison Ave deli for a bagel with lox and cream cheese.  This time, unless the cashier made a mistake, it costs me something like eighteen dollars.  Ouch.  
Note: Young Mr. Dudamel will take over the N Y Phil.  Diversity is key here.  He is the first Latin to conduct the Philharmonic.  It is hoped that he will bring some of the same excitement Lennie brought to this group.  He is more photogenic than Jaap.  (Minutiae: Yaap is awfully good. Very intense. Blomsted, at 95 [!] recently conducted, seated [I read] on a piano bench.   I have yet to go to the new hall and hear them..  I gather that tickets are godawful expensive. AB went a concert.  At intermission, he says, he got an eighteen dollar glass of wine)
The president makes a speech. (State of the Union.) It’s all a circus for MTJ...she is seen walking the halls of Congress with a big white balloon. (Security forbids her from bringing it inside, to the meet.)  As things are getting ready to begin young Mr. Santos (how the hell will they ever get rid of him?) is in the middle of things, the center aisle, as Joe makes his entrance. Smirking. Glad-handing. (For now he’s pulled a fast one.)  The camera catches Santos being rebuffed by Romney.  (Telling Santos, one guesses, that he should be at the very back of the room.)  The “kids” are there.  Boebert, MJT (dressed in a white coat with an enormous fur collar, looking like a high-end hooker)...  As Biden speaks (Kevin McCarthy sitting behind him) he is booed, heckled. For the yahoos in attendance heckling the president is de rigueur. He handles it well. .  
Sarah Huckabee Sanders gives a rebuttal of Joe’s speech.Not easy o n the eye.  Daddy’s little girl.  Talks about the “woke Left mob.”  Oh boy.  This is MAGA stuff but I don’t know who in that crowd has any idea what “woke” means. 
Lebron James breaks Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s all-time scoring record.  Much excitement over this.  Kareem present for the breaking of this long standing record.  
to be continued
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riverisdaboi · 2 years
Here we go
Here's the first chapter for anyone who wants to read it.
Chapter 1- The Beginning
Renwick sat in the front of the classroom taking notes as the end of his seminar neared. He knew that soon he would have to go to work, and after that, he would have homework. He could not wait until it was time for bed. It had been a long day, having his first day of classes, and knowing it would not be over for hours, he sighed. His professor, Doug, dismissed the class, but not before announcing there would be a quiz tomorrow. The class let out sounds of indignation. As he stood up and began packing his things, he surveyed the room. There were werewolves, fairies, vampires, humans, shapeshifters, merfolk, hybrids, etc. He finished packing and headed to his last class, keotune history. 
He walked down the hall and searched for his class, glad that most of them were on the first floor. He stopped, turning to look at the class labeled Room 15. He mentally cheered for himself at finding the class with such ease, and before the professor shut the door, signaling that class had started and that anyone else would be late. He walked in a took a seat near the front, but off to the side a bit. The professor, a young woman looking to be in her 40s walked over and shut the door, clearing her throat. 
“Good morning! My name is Marie Raglow, and I will be your planetary history professor. However, please, just call me Marie. Now let's begin by going over the basics of what units we will be studying this semester.” She turned, taking the remote off her desk and turning on the projector, a powerpoint popping up on the screen. The first slide was titled in big bold letters;
The History of Our Planet
Professor Raglow
“First,” She began, clicking a button as the slide changed,” There are some major events leading up to our planets habitation. Those would be the environmental collapse, the creation/exposing of magickal beings, and the finding of a new planet in our solar system, that being our now home planet Keotune.”
Environmental collapse
Creation/exposing of magickal beings
Finding of a new planet in our solar system, keotune
“Second, would the rebuilding of life here on Keotune. This will be a big unit as there is much to cover. However, I will go over the basics today so you know what to expect. There was the excavation and construction of waterways, and the testing to make sure Keotune would be safe for all beings, magickal and not. There was the discovery that, at Keotunes core, there is not only magma but a condensed ball of pure, unending magick, generated and fueled by the planets decomposition process. The nutrients go through the soil all the way to the core, where they are absorbed by the magick. There was the transition and moving from one planet to other. And the construction of homes, schools, and businesses. Pretty recently we have engineered robots that perform certain tasks we living beings cannot, such as constant surveillance of the streets to correct crime and long transportation of goods. Lastly, we have the discovery of an overabundance of eco-friendly materials here on Keotune. There will be a quiz tomorrow. Class dismissed.” She concluded. Renwick stood up, having finished packing his things, and gassed himself up, walking towards his professor. 
“Um, excuse me, Professor Marie? Can I please speak to you about something important?” He asked as the last student filed out of the classroom.  She turned from powering off the projector. 
“Of course, dear, what is it?” She asked kindly. He took a deep breath and began.
“I'm, um, FTM transgender, and was wondering if you could address me as Renwick and use he/him, instead of my deadname?” He paused, nervous. She smiled politely. 
“Absolutely, my dear. And anytime you need anything, or someone messes with you, you just come tell me, and I will handle it, OK? Transphobia will NOT be tolerated at this university.” She said, and he nodded, turning around and leaving the classroom. He entered the hallway, walking down it and exiting the building. He sat down on a bench, taking out his lunch, which consisted of a o-neg blood pouch, a raw turney and cheese sandwhich, and some beef jerky. He was raised Asthiest, but upon discovering the internet and being introduced to other religions, decided he was christian. It was then that he had realized that he would have to find a way to balance his religion with his needs. He had thought about it long and hard, and decided that since e he was being offered blood and wasnt hurting anyone, that he wasnt committing a sin. This was especially true as he wasnt even drinking directly from a human, he was drinking the blood from a pouch. He also found that he could sustain himself with animal meat, which ment he could drink less blood. Not only that, but he could also do the same thing with animal blood. Human blood was just sweeter. He also found that he would get more nutrition when he ate the meat raw. 
Once he finished eating, he threw away his trash and grabbed his things, striding over to the bus stop, and sitting on the bench. While waiting, he put in his earbuds, and opened Spotify. He clicked on his metal playlist, which he titled Metals and Minerals. He started jamming out to Scissorhands as the bus arrived. He stood, stepping forward and hopping on the bus. He walked to the back and sat down as the bus began moving. Eat Spit came on and he looked out the window, heading for his job.
He worked at a bakery called Bake Your Day. He actually kind of liked his job, as he mainly worked in the kitchen and didnt really have to talk to people. His main responsibilities were cleaning the bathrooms and basically the whole store, washing dishes, stocking, taking inventory, taking the goods to the delivery trucks when they arrived, and building the special boxes the deliveries came in. The bus came to a stop and he climbed off, walking down the street to his job. He took out his earbuds as he opened the door, putting them in his bag. As he walked in, his boss greeted him. "Good afternoon Renwick! Please just put your things in the breakroom. Then, the bathrooms could use a cleaning, deary.” Miss Marjorie greeted. His boss was a thin, fairly fit elderly lady who didnt take shit from anyone. He liked her fiery spirit. “Yes ma’am. He replied, heading to the break room. He set his backpack down and took out his hat, as the bakery rules required all staff wear a hat or hair net during their shift. He then walked into the hallway, grabbing an apron and the cleaning materials out the closet and getting to work. 
“Whew!” He exclaimed, plopping down in a chair in the break room, having finished his work. He took out his phone for a minute, checking his feed. He scrolled, realizing he was about to get too absorbed, and decided to put his phone away and get ready to go home. After all, it could get dangerous after the sunset. He grabbed his jacket and put it on, gathering his things and heading down the hall. He walked out the side door and out into the cool, spring air. He made to his apartment, and, while walking, he came to a fork in the road. Since it was getting dark he decided to take the shorter route. He went left, and as he rounded a corner her came to a stop, He heard something. He turned his head to the left and peered into the alleyway. There, he saw a robot officer attacking an angel and a demon. He watched as the robot picked up the two and slammed them on the ground.
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riversquotes · 2 years
Hello again?
So, not sure if anyone is actually interested, but I'm going to post the first chapter here. If it does well, maybe ill continue to post chapters here? idk.
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Chapter 1- The Beginning
Renwick sat in the front of the classroom taking notes as the end of his seminar neared. He knew that soon he would have to go to work, and after that, he would have homework. He could not wait until it was time for bed. It had been a long day, having his first day of classes, and knowing it would not be over for hours, he sighed. His professor, Dong, dismissed the class, but not before announcing there would be a quiz tomorrow. The class let out sounds of indignation. As he stood up and began packing his things, he surveyed the room. There were werewolves, fairies, vampires, humans, shapeshifters, merfolk, hybrids, etc. He finished packing and headed to his last class, keotune history. 
He walked down the hall and searched for his class, glad that most of them were on the first floor. He stopped, turning to look at the class labeled Room 15. He mentally cheered for himself at finding the class with such ease, and before the professor shut the door, signaling that class had started and that anyone else would be late. He walked in a took a seat near the front, but off to the side a bit. The professor, a young woman looking to be in her 40s walked over and shut the door, clearing her throat. 
“Good morning! My name is Marie Raglow, and I will be your planetary history professor. However, please, just call me Marie. Now let's begin by going over the basics of what units we will be studying this semester.” She turned, taking the remote off her desk and turning on the projector, a powerpoint popping up on the screen. The first slide was titled in big bold letters;
The History of Our Planet
Professor Raglow
“First,” She began, clicking a button as the slide changed,” There are some major events leading up to our planets habitation. Those would be the environmental collapse, the creation/exposing of magickal beings, and the finding of a new planet in our solar system, that being our now home planet Keotune.”
Environmental collapse
Creation/exposing of magickal beings
Finding of a new planet in our solar system, keotune
“Second, would the rebuilding of life here on Keotune. This will be a big unit as there is much to cover. However, I will go over the basics today so you know what to expect. There was the excavation and construction of waterways, and the testing to make sure Keotune would be safe for all beings, magickal and not. There was the discovery that, at Keotunes core, there is not only magma but a condensed ball of pure, unending magick, generated and fueled by the planets decomposition process. The nutrients go through the soil all the way to the core, where they are absorbed by the magick. There was the transition and moving from one planet to other. And the construction of homes, schools, and businesses. Pretty recently we have engineered robots that perform certain tasks we living beings cannot, such as constant surveillance of the streets to correct crime and long transportation of goods. Lastly, we have the discovery of an overabundance of eco-friendly materials here on Keotune. There will be a quiz tomorrow. Class dismissed.” She concluded. Renwick stood up, having finished packing his things, and gassed himself up, walking towards his professor. 
“Um, excuse me, Professor Marie? Can I please speak to you about something important?” He asked as the last student filed out of the classroom.  She turned from powering off the projector. 
“Of course, dear, what is it?” She asked kindly. He took a deep breath and began.
“I'm, um, FTM transgender, and was wondering if you could address me as Renwick and use he/him, instead of my deadname?” He paused, nervous. She smiled politely. 
“Absolutely, my dear. And anytime you need anything, or someone messes with you, you just come tell me, and I will handle it, OK? Transphobia will NOT be tolerated at this university.” She said, and he nodded, turning around and leaving the classroom. He entered the hallway, walking down it and exiting the building. He sat down on a bench, taking out his lunch, which consisted of a o-neg blood pouch, a raw turney and cheese sandwhich, and some beef jerky. He was raised Asthiest, but upon discovering the internet and being introduced to other religions, decided he was christian. It was then that he had realized that he would have to find a way to balance his religion with his needs. He had thought about it long and hard, and decided that since e he was being offered blood and wasnt hurting anyone, that he wasnt committing a sin. This was especially true as he wasnt even drinking directly from a human, he was drinking the blood from a pouch. He also found that he could sustain himself with animal meat, which ment he could drink less blood. Not only that, but he could also do the same thing with animal blood. Human blood was just sweeter. He also found that he would get more nutrition when he ate the meat raw. 
Once he finished eating, he threw away his trash and grabbed his things, striding over to the bus stop, and sitting on the bench. While waiting, he put in his earbuds, and opened Spotify. He clicked on his metal playlist, which he titled Metals and Minerals. He started jamming out to Scissorhands as the bus arrived. He stood, stepping forward and hopping on the bus. He walked to the back and sat down as the bus began moving. Eat Spit came on and he looked out the window, heading for his job.
He worked at a bakery called Bake Your Day. He actually kind of liked his job, as he mainly worked in the kitchen and didnt really have to talk to people. His main responsibilities were cleaning the bathrooms and basically the whole store, washing dishes, stocking, taking inventory, taking the goods to the delivery trucks when they arrived, and building the special boxes the deliveries came in. The bus came to a stop and he climbed off, walking down the street to his job. He took out his earbuds as he opened the door, putting them in his bag. As he walked in, his boss greeted him. "Good afternoon Renwick! Please just put your things in the breakroom. Then, the bathrooms could use a cleaning, deary.” Miss Marjorie greeted. His boss was a thin, fairly fit elderly lady who didnt take shit from anyone. He liked her fiery spirit. “Yes ma’am. He replied, heading to the break room. He set his backpack down and took out his hat, as the bakery rules required all staff wear a hat or hair net during their shift. He then walked into the hallway, grabbing an apron and the cleaning materials out the closet and getting to work. 
“Whew!” He exclaimed, plopping down in a chair in the break room, having finished his work. He took out his phone for a minute, checking his feed. He scrolled, realizing he was about to get too absorbed, and decided to put his phone away and get ready to go home. After all, it could get dangerous after the sunset. He grabbed his jacket and put it on, gathering his things and heading down the hall. He walked out the side door and out into the cool, spring air. He made to his apartment, and, while walking, he came to a fork in the road. Since it was getting dark he decided to take the shorter route. He went left, and as he rounded a corner her came to a stop, He heard something. He turned his head to the left and peered into the alleyway. There, he saw a robot officer attacking an angel and a demon. He watched as the robot picked up the two and slammed them on the ground. 
0 notes
genshin-impacted · 4 years
lost & found // Diluc x Reader (3/3)
Word Count: ~6.5k
Notes: Seelie!Reader, GN!Reader, Diluc/Reader, Mondstadt people interaction + Mondstadt Archon Quest, mild violence/fighting description and mentions of blood, Diluc POV briefly, mainly reader!POV
Summary: Oftentimes you find yourself wondering about your life before becoming a seelie, but with Diluc by your side, you don’t let yourself dwell on the long-gone past-- not when Diluc offers you affection and a tenderness that no one else is privy to. 
But on moonless nights, you let yourself wish upon a star.
(And sometimes, in this world ruled by the Gods and their stars, wishes are granted.)
Alternatively: Diluc has never asked you or needed you to change for him to love you.
[Part 2]
(thanks for the love for this fic! here is the final addition)
Diluc breathes out and sees the fog it makes in the frigid air of Dragonspine. The world continues to remind him that he’s lucky to have his Pyro vision, and again he’s inclined to agree that it’s a useful tool indeed. He cannot melt the snow that falls on the peaks of these mountains, but even he must admit that his flames have served him well in this icy winterland-- until it doesn’t. 
His phoenix burns through ruin guards and hunters alike, along with the icy foothold beneath him, and he falls into this cavern with no way up. He thinks it’s ironic that he’s the one that led himself into this predicament and attests it to your influence as his trouble-finding seelie.
Diluc huffs as he dusts off the snow from his shoulders and continues further into the hole he fell into, leaving tracks wherever he can so that you can find him. He knows better than anyone what you can do, and he knows that you cannot find him if he doesn’t leave clues. 
It is neither a surprising nor disappointing revelation to him. Diluc has always known that there is nothing special that binds the two of you together-- and perhaps that is why he cherishes what the two of you have. There is no contract, no string of fate, no hand of god that has put the two of you together or convinced the other to stay. You have chosen to stay with Diluc, and Diluc has chosen to let your presence change his life bit by bit.
Ever since coming back to Mondstadt, he has slowly grown more accustomed to working with other people, though with your appearance, his change has been accelerated. For with every adventure you drag him into, he meets new people, forming different teams. He’s helped Razor handle his broadsword better, and now he visits him ever so often to let him spar to his content. He let his stars be read by Mona, despite his initial hesitance (apparently, you are very into astrology), and can now see the constellations form above him much more clearly. And while he has never seen the need to be closer to his god, Venti sees the both of you more often outside of the tavern, and he sees a glimpse of Barbatos within the wind-weaving bard. 
You are a comforting presence: straightforward, easy to read, and compassionate. And he does not resist, much like everyone else, when you twirl your way into his heart. It is no longer surprising for him to understand that he does not need to be alone on the dark side of dawn when you have chosen to accompany him.
Speaking of choice, Diluc thinks irritably, wringing out the water from his hair. How did he agree to wander around Dragonspine of all places? He must have been caught up in the logistics of the experiment itself as well as your easy agreement. Diluc is admittedly the only person that understands your every nuance (or, well, most of it; some twirls are lost in translation), but even he cannot quite decipher what you want to take from this experiment of Albedo’s. 
When you find him-- which you will, he will ask you, and he thinks you will tell him as best as you can. For someone that cannot speak, you are the most honest individual in his life, which is something he has repeatedly found endearing and refreshing.  
Diluc climbs up the side of a cliff near the camp, only to see Albedo and Sucrose discussing at the edge of it. He briefly wonders if the experiment has ended, but when he does not see your light between the two of them, his breath hitches in the momentary panic he finds all too familiar to when he lost you the first time. 
Albedo spots him before he can speak. “Master Diluc, I’m relieved to find that you’re safe," he says briefly, and Diluc can at least respect how quickly the alchemist gets to the point, because he continues quickly. “Your seelie left to go find you before we could assess the situation.” He sighs as Sucrose frantically hands Diluc a towel to dry himself and a seat. “You gave them quite the scare, disappearing on us like that.” 
“You mean they’re out there on their own right now?” Diluc presses, feeling his hackles raise.
“Yes. We’re going to go out to recount your steps-- undoubtedly, your seelie will be trying to find you--”
Diluc doesn’t need to hear anything else. He holds the towel to Sucrose who nervously puts her hands up, unsure on what to do. “I’ll go find them,” he says. “The experiment is finished now, right?” 
“Do not go." Albedo sighs, and however Diluc thought of him before, it’s evident now that he is, above all else, frustrated with how things have turned out. “It’s my experiment and a miscalculation on my part. You should stay--”
“I’ll be fine--”
“Your vision does not make you impervious to the climates,” Albedo says calmly. He thinks he sees a gleam of cunning in Albedo’s eyes when he glares at the alchemist. “Besides, would your seelie be happy if you got yourself sick going to find them?” And Diluc cannot respond to that. 
“That being said,” Albedo continues, pulling at his gloves. “I predict you will refuse to stay here permanently. As it’s my fault, I’ll provide you with at least a potent heating potion before you go. Please wait; it won’t take long.”
“...Thank you,” Diluc says, taking back his towel much to Sucrose’s relief. When he sees Albedo head off onto his alchemy table, he sighs and settles into his seat. Where could you have gone, he thinks, drying his hair. After leaving the waterfall, he had… climbed the clifftop. Perhaps you lost him there without any way to notice which way he went afterward, which was a mistake on his part. Perhaps he should--
Diluc pauses his train of thought and instinctively turns his head to the left where he sees you floating. And the relief, oh, the relief he feels when he sees you fly toward him makes smiling easy. “There you are. I was about to go look for you since you weren't with Albedo." He swallows, beginning to breathe easy again. "I was worried," he admits, "I--" He stops abruptly when he looks up at you.
You are crying, and he almost does not know what to do. 
He didn’t realize you could cry. Diluc isn’t sure if he can even call them tears-- these globby droplets that disappear when they fall off your body that, when Diluc brushes them away, does not make his gloves wet. 
But he sweeps them away when they come anyways. “Hey,” he says tenderly, as you raise your voice from distress. “It’s okay. I’m fine; I’m here.” He cups your small orb-like body and listens to you as best as he can, sweeping his hand over your head and ears soothingly until your hiccup-like speech slows down to a halt. 
“You found me,” he tells you firmly. “You found me.” He repeats himself until you are warm in his hands and his hair is dry, the towel left forgotten on the ground.
Even when you have long calmed down, he continues to look over his shoulder to watch as you converse with Sucrose. “Did you get what you were looking for?” Diluc asks the alchemist, who hands him the warming potions for any emergencies. 
“Yes. Simply put, your mini seelie does not choose what it finds.” Albedo explains, “However, based on previous observations, they can hone in on things that are… otherworldly. You may be glad to confirm that you are, in fact, not otherworldly. And though this was not my intended result, I also would like to inform you that their attachment to you is out of their own volition…” Albedo watches in barely concealed amusement as Diluc glances over at you again. “Though, I’m sure you already knew this.” He clears his throat. “I would like to offer them future experimentation if they are willing.”
Diluc does his best not to look confused, but his pause gets the better of him. “Why are you asking me?”
Albedo only arches his brow and asks as a matter-of-fact, “Are you not each other’s keeper?” He continues without pause to quickly go over any logistics he has remaining, the details of Dragonspine (lest he fall into a pit again), before going over to talk to you briefly. Diluc wonders what the alchemist talked to you about but he decides to let the questions be asked later.
For now, you twirl up to him, beaming at him more brightly than usual, and he does not have it in him to say anything other than, “Let’s go home.”
.By the time the two of you arrive at the winery, it is dark. You do not hesitate to corral him into getting ready for sleep, and he indulges you by not protesting.
“What did you want to get out of the experiment today?” Diluc asks you, untying his hair and placing it onto his nightstand. Before he can finish his question, you bury yourself into his hair, and he thinks that your tweets and trills sound very much like laughter. He chuckles. “Avoiding the question, are you? How very unlike you,” he teases, and he knows you hear him when he looks into the mirror and sees you peek out from underneath the red and squeak indignantly.
“I’m kidding.” Diluc lifts his hair so you can climb out and face him. “You’re the most straightforward person I know,” he says fondly, and he briefly wonders when he has gotten so honest with himself, letting you know how he feels with the amount of emotion he puts into his words to you.  
Sated, you flip around once before settling into his cupped hands, deep in thought. Diluc doesn’t quite understand how your mannerisms make your emotions so recognizable, but he imagines that if you had hands, they would be under your chin in a thinking pose. 
He patiently waits for an answer, walking around his room and blowing out the lights. When he turns off the last one, you can only look up at him and let out a quiet coo-- an apology. His hands are already comforting you the moment after you answer him. 
“It’s alright,” Diluc says. “I suppose it’s not exactly easy to explain that.” He adds on immediately, “And don’t apologize again. It’s fine.” 
“I think I can understand why without you telling me,” he says, and if his voice is a little raw, he hopes it goes by unnoticed. “It’s hard, isn’t it-- not knowing what you’re supposed to be doing."
Quietly, you float up, and Diluc feels his heart tremble when you press a kiss to his forehead in a mix of an apology, a comforting notion, and an act of love. He lays down in silence with you, and if you make a nest out of his hair, and if he wakes up with you nestled at the crook of his neck, he does not say a word.
There is no need.
“Isn’t it enough?” Lisa asks him as she leans over the library railing. Diluc looks over to her as he puts away the last of the books he has asked to borrow, and he knows what she is asking before she finishes. Still, she tilts her head, her hat staying steady on her head, and repeats, “Isn’t it enough that they’re here with you?”
“Yes,” Diluc says without hesitation. “It is.” 
“Can I ask why you’re still researching about seelies then?” Lisa pauses, putting her hand over her shoulder, and Diluc knows she will arrive at the right answer without him telling her. “If not for you then… for them? You’re looking for answers for your mini seelie?” 
"I try to do what I can," he says, ignoring the way Lisa's eyes gleam all too knowingly. (He always knew there was much more to her at first glance.) "Thanks for the help, I--" He pauses when he catches Lisa smiling behind her fist. "...What is it?" he asks warily. 
"Oh, nothing." Lisa croons, giggling, "I just think it's sweet how the two of you treat each other. Anyone would get jealous of that." She pauses, looking out the window as the sun sets in the west. "It almost seems like a miracle to have the two of you find each other, don't you think? Fate, perhaps? How utterly romantic!"
"You're letting Kaeya influence you too much," Diluc retorts, much to Lisa's amusement.
"Maybe so," she says, sighing, "but even if it was fate, you wouldn't have cherished them any less." She gives Diluc a pointed look even he cannot deny. "Isn't that right, Master Diluc?"
Diluc huffs, walking past her to head down the stairs. "Asking that, I'm sure you already know my answer," he tells her, and he lets his mouth twitch in a semblance of a smile when he hears her complain about his tight-lipped attitude. It blossoms into a full-blown smile when he starts heading back to the winery.
When he comes back, you are waiting for him among the grapevines as the winery is basked in orange light.
He's home.
Diluc sleeps early and wakes up before the crack of dawn and takes you up the clifftop overlooking the winery. He had told you that there was something he wanted to do and left it at that. Not that you minded-- you were happy to follow him, blocking out any sharp rocks so he wouldn’t grab ahold of them as he climbed and scaring off any elemental wisps that came your way. 
When the two of you reach the clifftop, the sky begins to grow brighter as the sun peeks over the horizon. The color change from blue to yellow then orange is truly beautiful, and you are almost mesmerized as Diluc takes a seat down next to you, watching the sunrise. 
“...It’s almost been a year now,” Diluc says, “since we first met.” 
Happy Anniversary? You squeak in confusion, only to whip your body to face him when you realize why you’re here with him at dawn to watch the beautiful scene unfold before you. You squeak rapidly, stumbling over your words that he cannot hear but can understand anyhow. You hadn’t realized-- You were an idiot for not planning anything either, not that you could-- What kind of ore could you go find to bring to him as a present--? 
“Thank you,” Diluc tells you, “for the past year.” In the backdrop of the rising sun, you think he is almost too bright to watch with that gentle smile of his. The thought is only exacerbated when he cups you in his hands as softly as he has always done. “Let’s see what this year has in store for us together.” 
You trill softly, floating in the air to situate yourself on top of his head to watch the ocean shine brighter with the rising sun. 
It is not the New Year for any country nor culture, but you look into the horizon and make a wish that no one can hear. One year has passed, many things have changed, but you find that the one thing that has not is your adoration for Diluc.
"Let's go back home," he tells you, not for the first time, when the sun rises substantially above the horizon. Obediently, you float down into his sights where you twirl playfully in the air in thanks for the view. He chuckles. "No problem," he says, and he leans down just enough to place a quick kiss in between your ears.
(In hindsight, perhaps you should have wished for more kisses in the following year if you thought that was actually something you could wish for.)
Like the beginnings of a new arc, you lead Diluc onto the start of another campaign that lasts longer than normal and ties in with the previous adventures you have had with Diluc.
You find Aether on the shores east of Mondstadt. Diluc can only look at you curiously when Aether reveals his visionless powers and his desire to find his sister, for if there were ever any need for corroborating evidence on your talent or ability, Aether is living proof of it.
With the traveler, you resolve many of the things that neither you nor Diluc could comprehend. The red, crystalline tears are purified, the winds calm down with Dvalin’s defeat, and Venti-- or should you say, Barbatos-- as usual, disappears in a wisp of dandelions to leave the City of Freedom to its autonomy. In the breezes of Mondstadt, you can feel his protective gaze upon the city, and more often than not, you find him wandering in the tavern, looking for a quick drink that Diluc offers ‘reluctantly.’ (You know him better now; Diluc would rather hug Kaeya than admit that he cares for the people in his life more than he shows, and Venti is one of the people he can find a fondness for. You still find yourself abashed to know that you are the only one Diluc can say unashamedly and wholeheartedly that he adores you-- in his own way.)
Aether’s presence in Mondstadt is a breath of fresh air, considering how compassionate he is and how willing he is to help with the common troubles of those in the city. He is led along by Kaeya, tugged onto an impromptu date by Lisa, and given a mask to go undercover with Diluc and help him in ways that you cannot. The tug of jealousy is unfamiliar, but you are more glad than anything that Aether can be his partner during the most dangerous of missions. You tag along as moral support and as a guiding post-- and for that, you find yourself most similar to Paimon, who, for some reason, keeps being compared to emergency food. 
“You’re my companion,” Diluc tells you with finality when you look up at him, barely forming the thought in your head about being his emergency food. “Don’t doubt that.”
Turns out, people can not breathe when you are covering their entire face with your translucent body.   
When the dust settles, you never think of turning Aether down when he asks you if you can sense whether his sister is in Mondstadt. 
You leave with Aether and Paimon with the promise that you return to Diluc at the winery. You guide the two of them to Stormterror’s Lair, a place you have gotten far more acquainted with in the past month, and head up to the cliffside where a ruin guard’s footprints remain next to a dandelion. You can sense something here, though you are unsure of what, and you are about to apologize for finding nothing when Aether looks over to you with wet eyes.
You coo up at him comfortingly as he sighs with a mixture of relief and sadness. “Thank you,” he tells you, holding out his hand. You press against it, and you hope he knows that the best you can do to imitate a comforting hand-hold. “At least now I know for sure she’s here in this world.” He smiles at you. “This gives me a lot of hope that I’ll find her, so… thank you, really.” 
Aether leaves for Liyue in the next few days, and if you had known he would leave so soon you would have done more than held his hand. You wish you could comfort him, reassure him that his sister, too, must be looking for him just as hard as he was. (Even if this was not the truth, you think if you wish hard enough, you could maybe manifest it for him.) You have so many words within you and yet none of them are conveyed, and Aether’s sad smile stays. 
It gets hard sometimes, knowing how little you can do, and how much you could have done before-- and this is one of those moments. It is rare for you to feel melancholy over the things you no longer have, but they come and go like the waves on Falcon Coast. Without a word, Diluc can tell when you are feeling down, holding you when you fall into his hands. 
His kisses come more often now, and he places one between your ears when you are with him during your lower moods. You think your day improves almost immediately when he does so, but it helps tremendously also that Diluc never forgets to reassure you.
“If you want me to help you with anything,” he says, “you only need to ask."
You coo again, twirling once, nudging at his cheek before backing away just enough to look at him. If you had a heart (and you sometimes suspect you do), it would be beating quickly as you wait for him to decipher your actions.
“...Ah,” he says, picking you up again. You think for a moment he looks as embarrassed as you feel, but then he asks, “...Another one?” and places a second kiss onto your head. 
You trill, pleased that you are spoiled by Diluc and even happier that Diluc only joins you in your mirth when he huffs in laughter.
“What an honest seelie,” he says, and you could not be more content with how fond he sounds of you and how, again and again, he continues to be patient with you even when you cannot be patient with yourself.
Sometimes when the moon is high and Diluc is fast asleep, you find yourself at the place you first came to fruition as a seelie. The lake by the Winery and this exact scenery may as well be your birthplace. When you look into the reflection you see your orb-like features, viscous yet watery all at once, emitting light. 
But sometimes, when the only light is coming from the fireflies that glow beside you, you look into the lake and see a familiar face staring back at you. They have your face-- your eyes, your nose, your mouth, and your brows of a time when you were not a seelie. It’s the only time you get to see this image of your past self, reminding you of what you were before. Sometimes, you think you can hear your voice being carried over by the winds of another world, of another time. 
These moments are the only thing you have kept to yourself. 
After all, what’s the point of holding onto something that you no longer have? The man you’ve grown to care for-- grown to love-- is someone who has his eyes set forward toward the future, and you’re going to be there with him no matter what.
Although seelies cannot dream, you dream of carrying over the tray of tankards and washing the dishes in the tavern, of carrying Klee over your shoulders as you lead her to Albedo, of bumping elbows with Kaeya jokingly or placing a blanket over Jean’s shoulders when she falls asleep in her office again.
You dream of lacing your hands with Diluc’s, pressing your lips upon his temple, and hearing his heartbeat against his chest with a steady, grounding rhythm that reminds you you are home.
And sometimes, just dreaming is enough.
(And sometimes, it is not.)
Life goes on. You see more of Mondstadt and begin to know the land like the back of Diluc’s hand. Knights and adventurers alike know you as the little seelie, and whether they think you follow Diluc or Diluc follows you is up to each person’s interpretation. (Regardless, none of them are wrong.)  
You accompany Diluc when he trains Razor in Wolvendom, and you invite Bennett to adventure sometimes with the two of you. (The boy may be unlucky, but you’re a magnet of trouble, so you think you have some things in common. A lot more things explode when he accompanies you but Diluc can handle it.) You make sure Jean gets some rest (“Your seelie is, um… very…” “Stubborn?” “I was going to say determined.”) and follow Lisa around on her expired library book expeditions. (“You think she’s beautiful, don’t you?” Diluc says to you, and you wonder why you babble excuses to him-- You’re more beautiful!-- while he looks at you in amusement.)
You and Diluc spend more time with other people in comparison to before, but you still have quiet moments with just the two of you when the days are slow. You’ve been learning how to move small things even better than before, among other things, but with this skill in particular, you can actually slide the pieces on the chessboard when you play against Diluc, who looks on (fondly) as you do your best to carefully push the pieces with your body. 
You always end up knocking some down, but when you finally get a handle of it, you do it with such concentration that Diluc doesn't have the heart to offer help. He does, however, end up polishing the board so the pieces slide more easily. You notice it’s shinier but he doesn’t let you pay it any mind.
“Don’t worry about it,” he says to you, and you think the words I love you come to mind more often than not recently. 
Thank you, you trill instead, and you ache with a want that pulses ever so often when you want so much more than you have when Diluc reaches out to caress your head.
“Like I said,” Diluc says softly. “Don’t pay it any mind. It’s your move still, you know.”
And you move the pieces. And you pick the grapes in his vineyard. And you find artifacts of crimson for him. And you kiss the scars from the many years he has battled (with or without you). 
He gains another in the next, final battle with you as his seelie.
Diluc has gotten hurt before. It’s inevitable with the number of enemies he faces, the number of times you run into enemy territory, but it has never been a problem for him to stand back up and fight. His fire burns brightly-- shine true is his motto, and Diluc lives those words as though they have been etched onto his soul. 
Much like fire, Diluc is relentless, and you can only follow him as he pushes through enemies, listens to his connections, and finds a den of thieves that have been terrorizing Springvale for months. The two of you should have known that their efficiency was because they were led on by the Fatui, but you fail to notice until they have you surrounded. 
You have every faith in Diluc to come out safe and sound, but it takes only one mistake for you to be reminded that there is a limit to everything. 
The blade slices through so quickly you aren’t sure what happened, but when Diluc pulls his hand back from the cut on his side to have it painted with blood, your heart drops.
“A little out of depth, don’t you think, Darknight Hero?” 
“I’d keep my tongue in my mouth if I were you,” Diluc growls, and you can only tremble in mid-air as your mind races with the things you can do-- only to think of all the things you cannot do. You almost miss what Diluc tells you with the way your hearing fuzzes. “Go back to Mondstadt and tell the Knights where these bandits are,” Diluc says, and you know it’s serious when Diluc thinks about reaching out to the knights. (This is partly true, you would realize later, that despite Diluc’s hesitance on being associated with the knights, he knows you would reach out to Kaeya or Jean if needed-- if not for him but so you would be taken care of.) 
You should have told Jean or Kaeya or Amber or even Lisa where the two of you had gone just in case things go awry. The thought never crossed your mind things could go wrong when you had Diliuc with you.
“You’ll find me again,” Diluc tells you softly when you hesitate, and you wonder how he can lie to you like that when his gloves are too bloodied to even hold you. “I promise.”
How could you ask me to do that? You plead, feeling tears well up again. How could you ask me to leave you?
“It’s okay,” Diluc tells you, and his bare hands are warm. “It’s fine.”
You are ripped out of Diluc’s hands when someone throws an electro grenade in the fire below Diluc’s feet. He’s still standing even after this, but a throwing knife hits him on the shoulder, another grenade to his left. You can do nothing but watch as Diluc is hurt, falling onto the ground. 
If there was ever a moment you wanted something so badly, you would have done anything to get it, it would be right here-- right now. 
You are the last thing he sees.
“You whose strength stems from your devotion, I shall lend you my power.”
You don’t know whose voice you heard or how somehow you have the hands to hold onto the Vision framed with Mondstadt wings in your hands, but you’ve learned not to question the good things in life-- one of them being your life at Diluc’s side.
Your voice is loud, you realize, when you shout at the bandits to leave. And your powers are strong-- strong enough to protect the person that matters most.
The bandits run at the fight sign of trouble, and the Fatui agent is unconscious. (You checked.)
You hold Diluc as he lies on your lap, breathing heavily but still breathing-- thank the archons. You quickly brush his hair away from his face and press on his wound, wincing when he lets out a grunt of pain even unconscious. I won’t let them hurt you, you think, taking one of his hands to brush your lips over his knuckles. (His hands are rough and calloused, but you love them just the same for how gently they held you when you were just a seelie.) If they come back, they’ll have to get through me. 
“Hello, mini seelie.” 
You look up from Diluc just in time to see a hand reach down to softly rustle your hair, much to your dismay. The initial reaction gives way to surprise when you recognize that the voice comes from none other than Kaeya. He grins down at you with his sword by his hip, and you frantically look around to see if the bandits had come back.
How did you--?
“Nice wings you got there,” Kaeya teases you, making you look back and find that oh, when did those get there? “Didn’t even notice them because you were too worried about Diluc, huh?” When you nod, he softens his gaze. “Why don’t you let us take care of things around here, hm?” He glances down at Diluc who has been sleeping soundly in your lap. “Let’s get him back home.” 
When a few knights come with a cart to ambulate Diluc back to Mondstadt instead of the winery (you couldn’t argue with Jean even if you did choose to speak; she’s stubborn when the people she cares about are hurt), you feel the tension leave your body all at once, and for the first time in what feels like an eternity, you actually feel sleepy. 
“I’m glad we arrived right in the nick of time.” You turn to Kaeya who had been working behind the scenes, directing the knights. “You did good work, chasing them out of here so we could catch them easily,” he says, “I-- oof!” 
You tackle Kaeya into a grateful hug, and it takes him a few moments to respond by placing his hands onto your back and giving it a few pats. “There, there,” Kaeya drawls, but you can hear the smile in his voice anyways. “Better not hug too long; Diluc might be jealous that I’m the person you hug first, you know.”
You let go slowly, grinning up at him as though you agree, and you dodge Kaeya before he can mess with your hair again. On the way out of the camp, Jean gives you a smile, Amber waves excitedly at you before rounding up a few more bandits, and your cheeks hurt a little from the way Lisa pinched it. You go find Diluc where he’s being taken back in a horse-drawn cart and hold his hand until you’ve fallen asleep by his side.
(In his sleep, Diluc holds onto you.) 
Diluc wakes up twice. Once, very briefly, when your wings are expansive and when the Vision at your waist shines brightly with power. Before he wakes up the second time, you can already feel the power fade from both you and the Vision. 
You knew that your transformation was temporary; powers do not always last forever, especially since the glow of your Vision seems contingent on the cycles of the moon-- particularly the moon that you were born on. You think that you should feel more disappointed, but you don’t. You get to hold onto Diluc’s hand in yours and wipe away the sweat from his forehead as he sleeps, and you think that if you only get this one chance to do these things, then you will take what you can get. 
You will love Diluc as you are, no matter what form you take. Your transformation wasn’t necessary. Your powers were a bonus, but even if you weren’t granted a miracle, Diluc would have been safe, as a courtesy of Kaeya who had been trailing behind the two of you since you from the start. (Kaeya and Diluc's connections had the same info this time around, so they were bound to intersect at some point.) What you’ve been given was not the power to save Diluc, but the chance to love him in a way you have always dreamed of doing.
When Diluc opens his eyes the second time around, more aware and more awake, you almost don’t know what to do. It’s a momentary panic when you think he doesn’t know who you are, but he only needs to take one look at you before he raises his hand to caress your cheek as he’s always done. 
“It’s okay, I’m here. I’m fine,” he soothes, though his voice is still raspy from disuse. “Don’t cry.” 
I can’t believe you wanted me to leave you behind. How could you tell me that? 
“...Sorry,” he says, and you raise your head from his bed just enough so he can wipe away the tears on your lashes. “It’s funny but even if you don’t talk, I can still understand you.” 
You watch as he slowly takes your hand and presses his palm against yours, lowering his fingers until they’ve interlocked with yours. “My seelie,” he says with all the warmth in the world. You can only nod before you’re wiping away the tears that spring up again. "Even in this form, you'll still lead me, right? Still find me if I get lost?"
You don't know what type of face you're making, but Diluc softens his gaze before shifting slightly in the bed offered to him by the church. "Come here," he whispers, arms outstretched.
You tentatively place your weight onto the bed, arms placed on each of his sides as you gingerly climb into bed with him. When he winces, you put a hand on his chest, alarmed, to stop him from exerting himself.
“I’m fine,” he says immediately, and when he looks at you, he bursts out laughing, only for him to wince again more strongly. “Sorry, your expressions-- they’re exactly how I imagined them.” He chuckles, though you purse your lips at him as you finally settle under the covers next to him. You make a sound of surprise when he leans over just enough to press a kiss onto your forehead. You hear his soft huff of laughter again when you bury your face into his chest out of embarrassment. “Still as easy to read as ever.”
You grab a hold of his shirt with your ears pressed against his sturdy chest. He gently rubs circles on your shoulder as you listen to his heartbeat, which is as steady as you have imagined it to be. It quickens ever-so-slightly, and you look up at Diluc in time to see him gaze down at you tenderly. “You don’t have to speak,” he says, brushing his hand across your cheek. “Nothing has to change at all. But there’s something I want to know.” You raise your hand to caress his hand (and he finds the courage to keep on speaking).
“Do you think you can tell me your name?” Diluc whispers, the most unsure you have ever seen him, and you think you’re so fond of him your heart (not just metaphorical this time) might burst from it.
It takes only a moment for you to decide to scoot yourself up just enough to kiss him on the side of his mouth, and you can't help but grin at the stupefied expression on his face. 
And you say your name. 
How interesting is it that it's the one thing you cannot convey through trills and twirls, cannot show through hugs and kisses? You never thought that your name could have such significance but you watch as Diluc's eyes widen and you think this moment is the gift the gods have given you. 
Diluc takes a moment to taste your name, and he calls out to you for the very first time out of many, many, many times.
Before the sun rises, Diluc wakes up to your bright glow and with your seelie body pressed up against his collarbone. He breathes your name into the quiet infirmary before he closes his eyes to sleep again.
You are found more often than you are lost. For every time Diluc calls your name-- as a seelie or as a human (fairy?)-- your heart soars as high as the anemograms at Brightcrown Mountain. 
As a seelie, your life with Diluc stays the same-- for the most part. No one treats you differently and no one loves you differently from when they knew you as just a seelie. If anything, the biggest change has been in Diluc's life where the stares from his admirers are more muted and the swoons reduced, for how could anyone continue to pine over someone that is so evidently preoccupied with someone else? (Even though they've only seen the person who Diluc holds in high regard once every new moon.)
Every adventure still has the same probability to go awry and Diluc still polishes the chessboard to perfection for you. Though on moonless nights, Diluc can hold you close, and you can hold him closer, saying his name (the second word you ever say) and hoping he can never feel quite as lost as before when you are here with him.
temp taglist
@creation-magician @inlustris-but-obey-me @lumi-ying  @thetwinkims @loveyoutothestars  @ninqat  @winterptilopsis  @nya-vivi  @just-noelle ​ @shr3ik
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beyondspaceandstars · 3 years
Relationship: Din Djarin x Reader Warnings: N/A Summary: [based off the song Renegade by Big Red Machine feat. Taylor Swift] You're a shopkeeper in a remote corner of the galaxy just trying to get by. For some reason, every now and then a certain Mandalorian pops into town. He comes and goes as he pleases until one day you finally get the courage to confront him on his drifter habits. Unexpected confessions spill out. A/N: I haven’t written something for The Mandalorian in a long time but i just had this idea for a while and i wanted to actually try to execute it. Idk if this came out good but i think it’s still sweet. I hope someone enjoys it :)
You never knew when he was coming into town.
It would happen pretty much in the blink of an eye. You’d shut down your store for the day, retire to your home, then he’d be there, in the middle of the village, bright and early. The Mandalorian kept no schedule it seemed but his surprise visits were always welcomed by you. 
He’d make it a point to stop at your store first. He never really bought anything, just browsed the fabric and clothing you had to offer. The Mandalorian seemed to appreciate your craftsmanship, always taking time on his stay to ask about your newer items or what your plans were for your next collection. Your shop was modest but it helped bring in some kind of income which was very valuable as the fate of the galaxy hung in limbo.
You built up some kind of rapport with the masked man but feelings have been shifting within you for a while. You didn’t really understand how it was possible. You had begun falling for a man that never even gave you the courtesy of saying goodbye. But at the same time, the hours you would spend chatting meant everything to you. It felt so good to confide in someone as a life as a solo storekeeper could be quite a lonely one. He also seemed to be no stranger to loneliness as a man roaming the galaxy, taking odd bounty jobs. Nowhere to really call his own. 
A deep, deep part of you wished he would call this village his home. He seemed to enjoy it here, evident by his numerous stops. When he’d come and go from your shop, he was always bringing back new treasures. The woman down the road would be testing a new stew recipe or the jewelry maker at the end of the block had talked him into buying something. Most of the time, he’d just give the items to you, claiming he couldn’t resist the shopkeeper but had no use for the trinkets. The pseudo-gift giving was a little ridiculous to you but it couldn’t help but fuel your burning crush. You always accepted and wore whatever the Mandalorian presented. 
Yes, you two definitely had formed a relationship over time. You didn’t know really what to call it and you two never seemed to want to speak about it but it was no secret that it was there, and you were a bit thankful for it. No matter where he had gone or how long he had left for, you were always there to welcome him back to the village with open arms.
As many times before, the Mandalorian arrived unexpectedly one beautiful, clear morning. He was hovering around your shop, seemingly waiting. His armor shined so loudly in the daylight, it was nearly blinding, but you appreciated how powerful he was. He may show you his soft side in the village but you’d heard plenty about his hunts. If the truth was even half as alarming as the gossip, you were impressed he could have such a gentle side. 
“You’re early,” you called out, pulling your shawl tighter around you as you walked towards the passing bounty hunter. He stopped dead in his tracks upon hearing your voice. 
“It would appear I am,” he said, letting out a breathy laugh. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize the time.”
You came to stop right in front of him. You peered up at his helmeted face. You certainly couldn’t see anything through that insane gear but some part of you still felt him staring into your eyes, deeply. Instinctively, you fiddled with the necklace resting on your lower neck. The charm was a piece of some dark crystal. You didn’t know what it was and you were slightly too nervous to inquire the jewelry maker about it but the Mandalorian standing before you had given it to you the last time he was here. He simply said he thought it would look nicer on you. You didn’t ask anymore.
“It’s alright,” you smiled. “I’m just glad to see you back here in one piece.”
He seemed a bit taken back by that. You worried you had overstepped the boundary between flirting and kindness but then he tilted his head, curiously. “Yeah?”
Oh, you felt yourself blushing a bit. You ducked your head and stepped around him, beginning to work on the lock of your shop. 
“Yeah,” you shrugged and opened the door. The Mandalorian followed closely behind. “I’ve heard your work can be demanding. Lots of opportunities for you to get hurt.”
“Does that worry you?”
You stopped in front of the pile of new fabrics you had just woven. You sighed. “I’ve come to think of us as a little bit more than acquaintances. It’s normal to worry about others.”
You swore you heard him let out a low chuckle at that but he didn’t acknowledge it. Or your statement. You chose to do the same. You walked around to the counter and began prepping the logbooks for the day. The Mandalorian continued to hang around, gaze and hands roaming the new pieces you had set up last night. You were hoping this new collection you were previewing was going to bring in some hefty credits. Maybe allow you to take a holiday.
The Mandalorian broke the tense silence with the most unexpected comment. “I worry about you too, you know.” 
Your finger stopped abruptly as it scanned your list of sales for the week. When you had offered your care, you had never expected it back. You two technically weren’t on that level, at least not verbally. In other formats of gift-giving and worried looks, it was a different story. 
“You worry about me?” You inquired, brows raised in surprise. 
He gave a very Mandalorian-like shrug, his gaze still fixated on your for-sale items. Something in you was crushed when it looked like you weren’t getting any more from him. Maybe he’d disappear tonight, embarrassed by this exchange. But then by some miracle, he spoke again.
“Of course,” he said it like it was so obvious. “You’re a very kind shopowner living out in this village alone. This galaxy, no matter what corner you hide in, can be dangerous.”
You smiled to yourself. “I’ve done this for many years, Mandalorian. I think I will be alright.”
He hummed in acknwoeldgement. “I’m sure,” he mumbled. “But can you blame me for having concerns?”
This conversation sure was going to a funny place, you thought, but you were along for the ride. If he was going to talk about concerns, you could for sure rattle off yours. He was worried about your safety in this little village while you worried for his health. It cannot be good for a human, assuming he was human under all that gear, to be wandering the galaxy with no rhyme or reason besides the bounties strung about this galaxy. You never thought you’d express these things to him but the Mandalorian appeared to be a talkative one today. And you felt you two were beyond strangers. 
“Well, I’m flattered you think of me,” you admitted. “But I fear it’s you who faces more dangers than me.”
The helmeted man gave a little scoff at that comment. “Nothing I can’t handle.”
Sure, you didn’t doubt that, but that wasn’t what was on your mind. “I’m not talking about bounty hunting. I’m talking about your habit of being a drifter.”
The words didn’t feel very impactful in your brain but when they hit the open shop it was like you had dropped a bomb. The Mandalorian stilled, his gloved hand letting go of one of the scarves you had laying on a table. He began making his way suddenly towards where you still stood behind the counter. You frowned.
“A drifter?”
His eye gaze wasn’t seen but it was sure felt. You shrugged. “I’m not a fool. I know you bounce around from planet to planet throughout this galaxy. Maker knows why you keep coming back here but... I just worry you don’t have a home-,”
“I don’t,” he confirmed. Your heart all about stopped. Well, you didn’t exactly want to be right.
“Oh,” you said, averting your eyes to the wood counter. “And that doesn’t bother you? You must want someone waiting for you. Someone to just spend...moments with.”
“Don’t I have you?”
The question hung in the air between you two like a heavy pendulum. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. He… He thought of you like that? Of this village? But why would he… Oh, but didn’t it make some kind of sense? The reappearing? The coming and going… He waltzed in and tried to get to know everyone. Got to know you.
Your head was a jumbled mess, so much so the only thing you could get out was a soft, “Me?”
The Mandalorian nodded. He wasn’t looking anywhere near you, finding such interest in the wall of your shop. But you noted his stiff stance. Maybe he hadn’t meant to say that… Except he had. And now it was out there. Something in the mysterious bounty hunter made him let out such a grand confession.
“Yes,” he eventually confirmed. “You. This village. I have that. I have this to come back to.”
With thoughts swimming violently, you had to ask, “But why don’t you stay?”
“I have jobs to do.” He almost sounded offended you had asked that. You shook your head.
“N-No, I mean… Get a place for yourself. You’re always sleeping on that ship. Maybe accept the invites to dinners the sweet lady down the path invites you to. Or you and I could…” Your words faded fast, slightly scared of what was going to slip out. But the Mandalorian wasn’t letting it go.
He turned his gaze back to you. “We could what?”
“S-Spend time together or something,” you mumbled. Real smooth, you thought. Just the perfect way to flirt. You expected him to now be so offended, maybe even storm out such a suggestion, but the armored man didn’t move. Instead, he cocked his head, curious.
“You’d want to do that?”
You sighed. “I want you to start a life somewhere. Really start it. Drifting around this galaxy cannot be very promising. You deserve this. You deserve a home, Mando.”
Your brows furrowed. Now it was your turn to be curious. “What?”
“My name is Din,” he explained. “You don’t have to call me Mando.”
If a heart could sing, yours would be a full chorus. He finally told you his name. After collecting jewelry and stories, he had finally opened somewhat to you. That was a good sign, a great sign. 
“Din,” you said, testing the name. It rolled off your lips easily. “We’d love to have you around.” A beat. “I’d love it, especially.” It was a bold declaration but he had given you something, the least you could do was make your intentions more obvious.
“Thank you,” Din said. 
“Of course,” you shrugged. “We all need to find the place where we belong.”
Din let out a bit of a chuckle. You frowned at that.
“You think I belong here?” He asked, amused. 
You didn’t like that he wasn’t taking you seriously but it would be okay. Just gave you more of a reason to show him everything this place had to offer. From the nice shopkeepers to the lovely food. This would be some kind of home for him or at least a place where he’d always be welcomed. Your heart fluttered at the idea of him leaving less, maybe even never leaving. He could train people on fighting or - or… 
You had to stop yourself as your brain was getting beyond reality. You shot the Mandalorian a smile.
“I think you’ve always belonged.”
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elvish-sky · 4 years
Look Back {Thorin x Reader}
A.N: A thousand thanks to @guardianofrivendell , who kinda kickstarted this entire fic with their great idea (everyone go check out their work, it’s incredible!). Quick note on character ages- after the five years later bit Sigrid is 20, Otto is 3, and Kieran of course is relative to your age. I honestly really enjoyed writing this, even the parts where it made me cry (a good emotional outlet. Send me more angsty requests!) so I really hope it’s what you wanted, Anon! 
Requested by Anon on Tumblr: Thanks for answering my ask about angst! No worries if it'll take a while, so long as you're healthy and not stressing out about it, I will wait cuz your writing is soo worth it)I was wondering if I could request an either thorin x reader(f!human) or kili x Reader(f!human) where the reader is dumped by them and she moves on (like ends up with an elf or another dwarf) and lives a happy life, and thorin or kili regrets having left them and tries to get them back but sees that they lost their One cuz of their mistake and regrets it? (Is that too angsty?? I'm so sorry if it is!)
Word Count: 4,576. The longest thing I’ve ever written is an angst fic. Huh. 
Summary: Thorin doesn’t want to push back against the council when they say you cannot be married.
Pairings: Thorin x Reader, OC (I have those now. Huh.) x Reader
Warnings: Angst, Regret, End of Relationship, Sadness, Fluff
Director’s Commentary
Look Back
“It is the will of the council that, since Y/N is not a dwarf, the two of you shall not be married, and cannot be together.” 
Your head jerked up. You had been expecting pushback, but not a flat-out refusal. Turning your head to look at Thorin, you saw him bow his head in defeat.
“Very well. If it is the will of the council.” 
The words hit you in the chest like an arrow. You thought he would fight for you, but no. You weren’t worth it. You rose and left without another word, slipping between the doors as the council watched you go. Balin sighed from his seat midway down the stone table, shaking his head in disappointment at the whole room. 
Arriving at your rooms, the ones right next to Thorin’s that you had been so proud of, you started shoving your belongings into a sack, leaving anything that had been given to you by your former love out. You didn’t want any reminders of him, even to see him ever again. 
Sadly, your wish to not see him didn’t work, as shown very quickly. Barely three minutes after you had entered your rooms, he came bursting through the carved double doors. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N, but I can’t disobey the council.”
You scoffed, grabbing your few tunics and folding them into the bag. 
He continued, “You can stay, we can ask again in a few months, give them more time to warm up to the idea.”
“No. If I’m not worth fighting for now, how do I know I’ll be worth it then?”
You were drawing the string closed on your meager bag of belongings. It was rather sad to think how little you actually owned, versus what had been gifted to you by your former betrothed.
“I’m not going to risk my heart like this, Thorin. I can see that I never actually mattered.”
You cut him off.
“You’ve broken promises before, but I never thought you’d break this one, Thorin Oakenshield.” 
You had been undoing your courting braid as you spoke, and now flung the bead at him. It fell into his hand, and you didn’t even spare a moment for the pain in his eyes as you slammed the door behind you, leaving a king with everything feeling as if he had just lost the one thing that really mattered. 
You arrived at the gates to Erebor to see something rather unexpected. The entire company was gathered there, and you stopped in front of them. They were all gazing at you with unshed tears in their eyes, and looking at them you couldn’t believe how far you all had come from that ragged company running for their lives. It made you sad to think about leaving, when the reminders of what you were giving up were all right there.
“I’m sorry about the council, lass.” Balin was the first to speak. “I tried to sway them, but it just couldn’t be done. I’ll keep trying.” 
You mustered a small smile for the old dwarf. “Thank you, Balin, but you don’t have to keep beating a dead horse. We both know nothing will come of it.” 
Each member of the company stepped forward and said goodbye, hugging you before moving back to the group. Dwalin settled for briefly squeezing you, before stepping back with a muttered, “I’ll miss yeh, lass.” You saw him surreptitiously wipe a tear from his cheek, and giggled a little.
Nori slipped a few coins into your pocket, as well as a set of lock picks. “You never know when they’ll come in handy.” 
Dori was crying as he pressed several bags of tea leaves into your hand. You sniffed them, recognizing the scent of your favorite kind.
Ori was also teary as he quickly wrapped a knitted scarf around your neck. “It gets cold out there,” were his parting words before he retreated to stand next to  Dori.
You let out a small laugh as Gloin handed you an ax. “I already have my sword!”
“Yes, lassie, but everyone knows axes are better.” There were gasps of outrage, but you were glad that the dwarf had lightened the mood, even just a little. Besides, the axe truly was gorgeous. A lovely specimen of dwarven craftsmanship, with a beautifully carved handle. 
“Is that a dragon?” Gloin nodded, and you marveled at the intricacies. 
Bifur approached next, pressing a carving into your hand. You looked at the figure. “That’s me!” He nodded, and you gazed at the detail he had worked in, even the etchings on your sword were visible in the wood. 
Bombur handed you a satchel, and you opened it. You gave the dwarf a big hug as you saw the honey-scones packing it to the brim. “My favorite.” 
“The recipe is in there too.” You couldn”t resist giving him a second hug of thanks.
Bofur came forward after his brother. “I’d sing you something, but I’m not sure I can do it without crying.” You straightened his hat, which had been set askew by your hug, as he stepped back. 
Fili and Kili were last. Fili approached you slowly, but Kili shoved him out of the way and crashed into you. Burying his face in your coat, he whispered, “I really wanted to get to call you Auntie.” 
You choked back tears, wrapping your arms around him as his brother joined the hug. 
“You’ll write to us?” Fili looked as if he was trying not to cry as well, while Kili had given up and had tears visibly streaming down his cheeks. 
“I will.” You broke away with difficulty and gave the group one last look. “Thank you all, so much.” They nodded, and you turned and walked out of the gates, leaving your old love behind. 
Thorin watched from the ramparts high above as you left. He knew he had made the right choice for his kingdom, but it hurt. The expression on your face was slowly killing him, and he knew whatever his doubts had been that you had truly loved him. He had loved you too, but he thought he loved his kingdom more. Nevertheless, he found himself hoping that you would turn around, come back, even though he knew he would have to turn you away. 
You didn’t turn around. 
You didn’t even look back.
*Five Years Later*
You shouldered the door open, arms full of papers. “I’m home!” 
“Mama!” A small shape barreled into you and you barely managed to hold onto the papers, handing them to your husband before scooping the three-year-old up.
“Otto! How was your day?” You pressed a kiss to Otto’s forehead before pecking Kieran on the cheek as you brushed by him into the sitting room. There was a fire going, smoke drifting up the chimney and you stood near it, warming hands chilled by the brisk fall air. 
“Good! Look what I made!” Otto wiggled out of your grasp and trotted over to the table, where after lots of jumping he finally managed to catch hold of something. He placed it in your lap, and you weren’t sure whether to be mad or touched. You settled for shooting a glare at Kieran before oohing and ahhing over the crudely carved figure.
“It’s you, Mommy! Like the one on the table!” 
Examining it closer, you could see something that looked like a sword. It was nowhere near the skill of Bifur’s carving that you still treasured, but it was very sweet nonetheless. 
“Wonderful job, darling.” 
“Are we going to the market today?” Otto looked up at you with pleading eyes.
“Why?” You shot a suspicious glance at Kieran, who assumed a very innocent expression.
“Because Da said that if we went to the market and got ingredients you would make the honey scones!”
“He did, did he?” 
Kieran looked guilty as you frowned at him.
“Don’t worry. Let’s put our boots on and head out!”
Otto jumped with excitement and ran to grab his boots. 
You crossed your arms and glared at your husband. “I cannot believe you let him use a knife.”
“He’s three! He’s old enough. Besides, I was watching him the whole time.”
“That doesn’t make it any better!” You threw your hands up in exasperation before kissing him. 
“But don’t worry, I still love you.”
“I love you too.” Kieran drew you in for a deeper kiss, and you responded enthusiastically.
“Let’s go!!” Your moment was interrupted by Otto, practically bouncing with excitement by the door. You laughed at him and wrapped your scarf, still holding up five years later, around your neck. Linking arms with Kieran, you giggled as Otto tugged on his hat from his perch on his father’s shoulders, and walked out the door. 
The streets of Dale were bustling, people going to the market, or the King’s house just down your street. 
Having been a hero of the Battle of the Five Armies, and one of two members of the company who had seen reason (the other being Bilbo, of course), you had a close friendship with King Bard. When you had marched into Dale after leaving Erebor, eyes still swollen with tears, he and his children had taken care of you, and it was because of him that you had met Kieran. 
Two months after leaving Erebor, you had been helping Bard train recruits for Dale’s army. Most of the men disliked being trained by a girl, but one had taken your advice and training exactly as he would a man’s. He had grown skilled, and after striking up a friendship had asked to court you. You had said yes, even though you weren’t over Thorin, but had quickly fallen head over heels in love. Kieran was perfect. He respected your fighting skills and didn’t mind your closeness to the king. He was sweet, kind, funny, and in his eyes every was perfect until proven otherwise. He always saw the best in people, never the worst. In other words, he was everything Thorin hadn’t been, and more. 
The two of you were married in a ceremony officiated by the King Bard six months after he had asked to court you, a year after leaving Erebor. Fili, Kili, and Balin had attended the ceremony, sneaking away from their royal duties for a day on the pretense of a diplomatic mission. You had kept your promise to write, and although the news of you finding someone else was hard for the two princes, they were happy your heart had started to heal. You had gotten pregnant two months later, news which was received with joy from everyone who heard. Upon reading your letter announcing the news that Fili decided to show him in the middle of a council meeting (later recognized as an extremely bad decision), Kili had let out a whoop of joy, looking guilty when everyone looked at him and promptly throwing the letter into the fire. You had laughed uproariously upon hearing this story from Fili the next time he made it to Dale. The day that Otto was born, your heart healed more. You still remembered the pain you had felt leaving Erebor, of feeling like you did not matter, but it was better now. You had been able to keep in touch with most of the company, all who had been to visit at some point after his birth. You didn’t know if Thorin knew you had moved on or had a child, but you were getting to the point where you could forgive him, just a little, for the past. 
Swinging your hand entwined with Kieran’s, you made your way through the market, stopping at all your favorite stalls to chat and pick out baking ingredients. Noticing Sigrid, Bard’s eldest daughter, picking up honey, you talked while inspecting the jars. 
“Da’s been taking half a jar to put in his tea, lately. I think he’s craving sugar.”
“More than usual?”
You laughed at Kieran’s comment. “Tell him we’re making honey scones tonight. I’ll bring some up later.”
“He’ll appreciate that, although hopefully, Bain doesn’t eat them all first like he did last time!” 
“I wanna eat all the scones with Bain!” Otto was feeling left out from his perch.
“I’m sure he’ll be pleased to have the company.” Sigrid giggled at him, passing a flower up to him before waving goodbye.
“She’s a good kid.” Kieran looked after her fondly.
“We’re not that much older than she is!” You pointed this out as you brushed flower petals out of his hair, Otto looking sad as his work was undone. 
“Now c’mon. We still need to buy more flour, especially if we’re making scones for Bard!” 
You set off again, laughing with your family as you wound through the market. You were in the middle of the artisanal section when a hush fell, the sea of people parting as something made its way through. You kept moving forward, pushing people aside to see what was happening, until you came face to face with Thorin Oakenshield, King Under the Mountain.
“Y/N.” He was the first to acknowledge you, looking as if it pained him to do so.
“Thorin.” There were gasps at your familiarity, but you didn’t care. You promptly turned around, grabbing your husband’s hand and dragging him, a silent Otto clinging to his shoulders, away. 
You didn’t look back this time, either.
“You didn’t tell me she had a child!” 
Thorin was back in Erebor, pacing around his chambers as Balin watched. He had been unable to think properly after seeing you in the market, and Fili and Balin had decided that the best course of action, or at least the one least likely to cause a diplomatic incident, was to reschedule the meeting with Bard and bring him back to the Lonely Mountain.
“You never asked.” Balin had resigned himself to having a hard conversation the minute he saw you in the market, he just didn’t know what exactly that conversation would be like. They had managed to keep the two of you apart for the last five years, but it was bound to happen sometime.
“But...she has a child.” Thorin was devastated. 
He had found out that you had kept in touch with the company six months after you left, coming across Kili reading a letter from you in the library. The fact that Kili was in the library in the first place was suspicious enough, and his doubts had been confirmed when he snuck up behind his nephew and read the letter over his shoulder. 
His gasp of, “She’s courting someone,” had been loud enough to startle half the library. Kili had jumped and tried to hide the parchment, but Thorin had simply crashed down into the chair, head in his hands. 
After taking several deep breaths, all the king said was, “She’s moved on. I have to as well,” before rising and brushing himself off, as if to brush the memories of you away. He had seemed fine, but Fili had heard the muttering coming from his room that night, of loss and grief and mistakes. 
After that, they had been much better at hiding their correspondence. The brothers had only decided to tell him about your life one more time, a year after you left, saying you had been married. He had taken that news well, it seemed, but Kili had heard the broken sobs coming from the king’s chambers late that night. 
“She cannot be happy with that- that man!” Now, Thorin seemed to be taking this news hardest of all.
“She is, lad. We’ve all seen her with them. They’re a family.” Balin was trying to calm him down, but it just wasn’t working.
“But, she’d be happier here. With me!” He was pacing the room now, raking his hands through his hair in greater distress.
“Thorin,” Balin grabbed him, stopping him so that the two were face to face, “you still love her.” 
The king staggered back, falling onto his bed. His head was in his hands again, almost mirroring how he had looked with Kili four years ago. 
The one word was whispered, quieter than Balin had ever heard his king. He left, closing the door and signaling to the guard outside that the king was not to be disturbed.
The next morning, Thorin walked out of his rooms with an air of purpose about him. He was wearing an old cloak, to not be recognized as the king. Fili and Kili still managed to notice the distinct gait of their uncle and stopped him in the halls right near the gate. 
“Where are you going?” Kili looked concerned.
“Balin was right last night. I am still in love with Y/N, so I’m going to bring her back.” 
The identical looks of shock on his nephew’s face would have been hilarious in other circumstances.
“You’re still in love with Y/N?!” 
“Keep up, Kili!” Fili smacked his brother before continuing. 
“Uncle, I hate to say this, but remember how she looked at you yesterday? I don’t think she’ll be happy to see you.” 
Kili nodded at his brother’s words. “Besides, you’re the king. How are you going to convince the council when you failed five years ago?” 
Thorin looked a little surprised at that, as if he hadn’t quite thought that far ahead, but shook it off. “She will be happy to see me this time. I’m going to Dale.”
“Uncle, no!” Kili tried to block his way, but Thorin shoved past him, disappearing quickly.
“Follow him to Dale, I’ll tell Balin and the rest of the company.” Fili brushed his brother off and turned to go back to the royal wing as Kili disappeared after their uncle. 
You were making your way through the twisting streets of Dale, delivering scones to friends as you went. You had stopped at the market to give some to the honey-vendor, who always appreciated them, before turning back the direction you came. You stopped back home to pick up the basket you had made for Bard, walking in on Kieran and Otto stuffing their faces with scones and looking incredibly guilty, before continuing the walk up the hill. You were ushered in by Hakon, as usual (Bard didn’t like keeping servants, he said it made him feel “stuffy,” but a king was afforded certain privileges), and you gave him a grateful smile as he took your heavy scarf to hang up. 
“I have scones!” You entered Bard’s office, plopping the basket on his desk from which he immediately grabbed one. 
You smiled at his praise, laughing as Bain burst through the doorway behind you.
“Did I hear scones?” He quickly dove for the basket, grabbing two.
“One for each hand!” He tried to justify this before shrugging and taking a bite, giving you a thumbs up.  
“I’ve got to go home, make sure Kieran and Otto aren’t in a food coma, but I’m glad you like them!” 
The king and his son nodded at you, waving goodbye as their mouths were still stuffed with a scone.
“And save some for the girls!” You left with that, laughing at their sad faces. 
It was pleasant out, the sort of fall day you looked forward to, so you decided that Kieran and Otto could spare you for a little while, just long enough for you to take a walk on the walls of the city. 
The view of the mountain was gorgeous from here. When you had first left, you had spent hours staring, wondering if you had made a mistake by leaving. Now, you just liked to appreciate the view.
“Want to come back?”     
You jumped, spinning to see Thorin standing behind you. You hadn’t really paused to look at him the day before, but now you noticed he looked different. Not bad, but it didn’t look as if he’d found happiness the way you had.
He stepped forward. “Y/N. I’ve come to ask you to rejoin me in the mountain.”
Your jaw dropped. “What? Do you want me to move in with my family? That seems like a bad idea.”
“No, Y/N,” he took your hand and you were too surprised to remove it from his grasp, “I want you to be my queen.”
You laughed and jerked your hand away. It wasn’t a sound of amusement, no. It sounded empty.
“We saw how well that went last time.” 
“No, Y/N. This time I mean it. Come to Erebor.”
“I’m happy here, Thorin. I have a husband and a child.”
“Your child can come too, and I’m sure I can do much better for you than that man!”
Your cheeks reddened with anger as you balled up your fists, trying to restrain yourself. “I’m happy here, Thorin! I don’t need you to take me to Erebor when I have everything I could possibly want already!”
He looked as if you had physically hit him.
“Y/N, you deserve more than this, though! The council won’t be any trouble this time.”
“And you think you’re the one who can give me what I deserve?” You laughed again, the hollow sound caught by the wind.
“No, dwarf. I have everything I deserve right here and I’m not going to let you ruin it. This is my happiness, and I will be damned if I let you take that away!”
“No. I wasn’t worth fighting for then, I know I won’t be worth it now.”
“But I love you, Y/N.”
“And I loved you, once. But you’re too late.”
He watched as you walked away for the third time, knowing that this was the last.
You didn’t look back.
Kieran knew something was wrong the minute you walked through the door. 
“Otto, say bye-bye to Mama and get ready to go with Sigrid!” He strode over to you and hugged you quickly before pulling away. 
“Sigrid’s going to take Otto for a few hours.” 
“Thank you, Sigrid.” You mustered a smile for her as she tugged her boots back on. 
“Of course! C’mon Otto, Bain’s waiting!” She giggled as the child trotted out of his room, looking squishy and adorable in his winter clothes.
He ran over to you and you bent down and hugged him. 
“I love you, Mama!” 
You kissed his forehead before ushering him to Kieran, who got the same treatment before Otto trotted over to Sigrid and grabbed her hand. 
“Bye Y/N! Bye Kieran!” You lifted a hand in farewell as they left, waiting for the door to close behind them before collapsing into Kieran’s arms.
He immediately started to murmur to you, whispering reassurances in your ear as he guided you to sit next to him. He waited for your sobs to fade before speaking.
“What happened?”
“I went for a- a walk on the walls and I ran into Th- Thorin,” you choked out, voice breaking when you said his name.
You could see Kieran’s face soften in understanding. 
“Did he harm you?”
You shook your head. “He wanted me to marry him. He…” you hesitated as you saw Kieran’s eyes spark with anger, but continued. 
“He said you weren’t good enough for me. I told him you were better than I deserved.”
His eyes lightened again and he pressed a kiss to your cheek. 
“Do you need to talk it out?” That was one of the things you loved about Kieran, he didn’t offer solutions or try to fix all your problems, he just listened. He knew that when you had an issue, you just wanted someone to talk to, not to come up with ideas but just to support you.
You nodded. “I just, I felt so bad for him. And I know I shouldn’t, but he just seems so lonely.”
“Do you want to go back? He’s right, you deserve more than me.” 
Your head snapped up. “No! Kieran, why would you think that? I’m happy here. I have the perfect husband and a wonderful child, and I wouldn’t trade any of that for the world.”
He still looked doubtful. 
“Kieran, he broke my heart five years ago, and yes, I was in love with him then, but you picked up the broken pieces and helped me heal. I’d never leave you.” 
You kissed him on the lips this time, trying to convey just how much he meant to you. “I love you,” you whispered, pulling away. 
“I love you too.” He pulled you back in for another kiss. When you broke apart you lay your head on his chest as he moved to lay down. 
“Let’s take advantage of the extra rest before Otto gets back.”
You laughed at him and felt the rumble of his chest as his breaths deepened, watching him fall asleep. As you faded into unconsciousness, you couldn’t help but think that after all you’d been through, you were so unbelievably lucky to have found Kieran. 
Thorin had never understood what people meant when they called Erebor The Lonely Mountain. Now, walking up to the gates alone, he got it. Something was missing, something that he’d never noticed before but now felt the absence of more keenly than ever. He couldn’t believe that he had failed to win you back. He hadn’t realized just how much he had hurt you five years ago, but the pain in your eyes had made it very clear. 
“I’m sorry, Uncle.” Kili appeared next to him as he walked up to the gates. 
Thorin ignored him, ignored the salutes and waves he got from his subjects as he made a beeline for his rooms, Kili dashing around in his wake to fix the wounded pride of every dwarf he ignored. 
Once Thorin made it to his rooms he locked the door behind him, taking slight delight even through his misery at the thump meaning Kili had crashed into it, before collapsing in his chair. 
He still was in shock. No, not shock, he was devastated. It had never occurred to him that you would be happy in Dale, wouldn’t want to rule a kingdom. He had thought that he wasn’t in love with you for the better part of five years, and once he realized he still was he hadn’t thought you wouldn’t feel the same. 
A knock sounded at the door. “Please let us in, Uncle.”
Thorin sighed and went to undo the bolts. 
Fili and Kili entered, both looking much more subdued than usual. Fili took in how Thorin’s coat was thrown on the floor, his boots tossed haphazardly in each direction and sighed. 
“What do you need?” Despite knowing how Thorin had hurt you, Kili couldn’t help but feel bad for his uncle. He had never seen Thorin like this. He looked broken. 
“I need to be alone.”
His nephews nodded, actually obeying him for once, and slipped out the door. 
Thorin was again left alone with his thoughts. Somehow, he had realized that you had been his One. That was why he had said out to make things better. But he had failed. He had lost his One, the only person who he could ever love didn’t love him back. 
Thorin buried his head in his hands, letting out a broken sob. For the fourth time in his life, he had failed. He was too late. 
Everything tag <3: @entishramblings @itgetsatadhazy @anjhope1 @boyruins
Thorin tag <3: @lathalea
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angelsfalling16 · 3 years
Sometimes All I Think About Is You
Part of the 20 First Kisses Series
Summary: Baz loses a bet with Dev and Niall and has to wear a uniform skirt for a week, and it makes Simon act so crazy. He can’t handle that much of Baz's legs, and he's determined to prove that Baz is using it as a distraction from whatever he's plotting.
Word Count: 3068
A/N: This was based on this prompt that was sent to @carryonprompts. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it for a few days since I saw it, and I finally got the chance to sit down and write it today. (And of course, it fit perfectly as a 20fk fic :))
The title is from the song "Heat Waves" by Glass Animals
Read it on ao3
There’s a blast of magic, and the doors to the dining hall slam open.
This is a pretty regular occurrence, and everyone is pretty used to it by now, which means that I am one of the few people who look up to see who it is.
Baz walks in through the doors, sneering at Dev and Niall who follow him in. The two of them look like they’re about to burst into laughter at any moment while Baz has a near-murderous look on his face. (It’s an expression I know well.)
I’m not sure why the three of them look like that until my eyes fall down to Baz’s outfit for the day.
“What the hell?” I gasp.
“What did Baz do this time?” Penny asks in a bored tone, not even bothering to look up from
“Look,” I whisper.
She turns, and I use the moment to take in what Baz is wearing. He’s wearing his usual Watford blazer, but rather than his neatly pressed slacks, he has chosen to pair it with the pleated grey skirt that is usually reserved for the girls who choose to wear them.
Somehow, he manages not to look completely ridiculous. I would almost venture to say that he looks good in it. (Of course he does, the bastard. He doesn’t look bad in anything.)
His legs seem to stretch for miles beneath the too-short skirt that barely hits him mid-thigh, and I can’t seem to stop staring at them.
I’ve seen Baz’s legs before, of course. I mean he wears shorts all the time when he’s playing football, but this is different. I’m not supposed to be able to see his legs right now, so it feels wrong in a way. Yet, I can’t seem to look away.
“Hm. Interesting fashion choice,” Penny says, turning back to her breakfast. “I guess there aren’t any rules against the boys wearing skirts since they’re technically still in dress code.”
“Yeah, but it’s weird.”
“I—. I don’t kn-know.” I shrug. I guess it’s just different than what I’m used to. But different isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It was just a shock to see him dressed like that. “I guess it’s not. It’s just surprising.”
My eyes follow Baz around the room as he grabs some food and sits down at his table, snickers following him as he walks. From Dev and Niall. No one else seems to really care how Baz decided to dress today.
I try to pretend not to care either, turning back to my own food, but I can’t stop my gaze from wandering over to Baz.
I can’t keep my eyes off of Baz the rest of the day either, no matter how hard I try. There’s just something about the way he looks in that skirt that has my eyes glued to him, and it takes my full attention to try to figure it out.
Finally, as I stumble through the lesson in our final class of the day, I figure it out.
Baz is plotting something, and he’s wearing the skirt to throw me off his trail. He wants me focused on what he’s wearing instead of whatever it is that he’s planning. It almost worked, too. I haven’t been able to think about much except that skirt.
I mentally shake myself, feeling foolish. I almost let Baz trick me. If he had managed to keep me distracted, he could have gotten away with whatever he wanted.
Now, I absolutely cannot take my eyes off of him. I have to follow him and figure out his nefarious plan.
I follow Baz around for the next several days, and he keeps wearing that skirt, trying to distract me. But I won't let him get away with it. I will figure out what he’s up to and stop him.
Currently, it’s Friday afternoon, and I haven’t stopped watching since the moment he walked into the dining hall for tea. (Without blasting the doors open this time.)
“I know he’s up to something,” I murmur, more to myself than to Penny, but she responds anyway.
“Simon, I mean this in the kindest way possible, but you’re being an idiot.”
“What?” I ask, so shocked that I tear my eyes off of Baz in order to look at her.
“Did you ever stop to consider that maybe he just likes wearing a skirt and that’s why he’s doing it?”
I consider this possibility briefly and silently acknowledge that she has a point, but, “It can’t be that simple. There has to be something more to it.”
“Why?” She asks, sounding exasperated.
“Because it’s Baz. He is always planning something. He’s just trying to distract me,” I explain to her for the third time in just as many days.
She sighs, like she’s giving up on me. “Fine. But consider this: your obsession with Baz’s skirt has nothing to do with the fact that he might be plotting something.”
“What do you mean? What else would it have to do with?”
She shakes her head. “Only you can answer that, and I think it will be better if you figure it out on your own.”
I frown, confused. I don’t have any idea what Penny is on about. The only reason I’m watching Baz so much is to stop his wicked plots.
I look over to his table, but he’s gone. He must have left while I was talking to Penny, which means he’s on his way to football practice and is probably changing into his football shorts at this moment.
There’s a weird pang in my chest, almost like disappointment, but I know that can’t be right. Why would I be disappointed by Baz taking off the skirt?
I wouldn’t. What Penny said is just messing with my head.
I quickly finish my tea and scones and rush out the doors to follow Baz. I can’t let him out of my sight.
I cannot wait until this dare is over. I’m not sure that I can handle another minute of Simon’s watchful gaze following me everywhere I go. It has gotten worse this week, and I swear I’m going to suffocate under the weight of all of his attention.
Everyone else in the school got over me wearing this skirt after the first day – or rather, the first hour, but Simon seems to be getting more interested in it with every second that passes. I don’t understand why he cares so much. It’s just a skirt.
Luckily, there are only a couple more hours left of this ridiculous dare.
Dev and Niall agreed to let me change out of the skirt during football practice only if I immediately put it back on and wore it all the way through dinner and until I went up to my room for the night. (I can’t even begin to imagine what Coach Mac would have said if I had shown up to practice in a skirt.)
I already got enough attention from the skirt the first time I wore it. Everyone’s eyes were on me as I walked around the school in it. No one dared say a word to me about it, though. Probably because they knew that I wouldn’t hesitate to blast them away with just a few words and flick of my wand.
Now, as I head to the library after dinner, I tug at the skirt self-consciously, glad that I only have to wear this until after dinner. I can’t believe that I actually agreed to this bet. Or that I lost. Or that Dev just had this skirt lying around in his wardrobe.
“No questions,” he said as he handed it to me. I raised my eyebrows at him but said nothing.
I had to spell the skirt to fit me, but it wasn’t too far off from my own size. The only thing I didn’t change was the length. Most girls wear their skirts longer, but if I’m going to go through with this dare, I’m keeping the skirt exactly how Dev had it. I won’t lie, I’m curious as to where Dev might have gotten it, but I respect his privacy enough not to bother him about it.
I wish I could say the same for everyone else.
I’d probably be staring at me, too, because it’s so different from what I usually wear at school, but that doesn’t mean that I’m not annoyed. There is one person’s eyes on me that is particularly getting to me.
From the moment I stepped into the dining hall on Monday, Snow’s eyes have tracked my every moment. He was so shocked by my appearance that his mouth fell open, and he stared at me for a full minute before Bunce said something to him.
Ever since then, I have felt him following me, closer than ever before, and he looks like he wants to say something. He hasn’t yet, and I’m unsure what is holding him back. Even though I’ve been doing my best to avoid him, there have been several moments when he could have corned me and said whatever he wanted.
I am relieved he hasn’t, though, because I am simply not in the mood to listen to him make fun of me. Especially since if this weren’t so against the social norm, I might feel inclined to dress like this a little more often.
Simon Snow is the last person I want to hear making fun of me for wearing something that makes me feel more like myself than anything else.
“Would you please stop drooling over Baz’s legs and focus. You were the one who wanted to study today.”
“I’m not drooling!” I say defensively, my voice a little too loud for the library.
“You’re like two minutes away from it. You haven’t stopped staring at his legs all day.”
She gives me this look that leaves absolutely no room for argument, so I press my lips tightly together and turn my attention back to my notes. We have an important exam coming up, but I can’t focus, not with Baz sitting over there dressed like that.
I have to confront him about it. Ask him what he’s plotting.
Finally, I’ve had enough, and when Baz gets up to go in search of a book, it’s the perfect opportunity.
I stand and Penny sighs but doesn’t say anything. This is likely paired with one of her signature eye rolls, but I can’t bring myself to look her in the face right now, so I don’t know for sure.
I watch Baz disappear between the stacks and follow after him.
Maybe I’ll actually be able to get him alone this time. I’ve been trying to talk to him all day, but I didn’t want to make a big scene in front of everyone, and I could never get him alone.
I find him towards the back of the library and realize that I never actually figured out what I would say to him once I finally got the chance to talk to him, and my mind goes blank as my eyes once again fall to the skirt he’s wearing.
“What the hell are you doing?” I blurt.
Well, that probably wasn’t the best thing to say.
Simon’s exclamation startles me, but I go very still in the hopes that he won’t notice. I didn’t even know he was in the library. I thought I would be safe from him here, but sure enough, when I turn around, he’s standing behind me with an intense expression.
“What do you mean?” I sneer, trying to play it cool.
“I know you’re plotting something.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
He takes a step closer to me, and my heart starts racing. My cheeks flush, too, and I’m not really sure why.
Simon’s eyes drop to my skirt as if that’s answer enough, and I’m pretty sure his own cheeks go a little red as stares at me.
That’s interesting, I think.
“You know, Snow, if you wanted to get me alone, all you had to do is say so.” I say it just to see how he’ll react. To test something.
He really is blushing now and stutters out a bunch of sounds that don’t make up any real words.
He doesn’t hit me, though. He doesn’t even deny it. His pale skin just keeps getting redder until it looks like all of the blood in his body might be in his face. It’s kind of cute but also confusing. Why is he reacting like this?
“That’s not—. I mean—. What are you planning?” He says, trying to sound fierce, but in reality, he just sounds nervous. It truly is interesting.
“Nothing. I just like wearing skirts.” I tell him the truth only because I know he won’t believe it.
He growls at me and takes another step forward. I try to back away from him, not trusting what I might do if he gets too close to me, but I bump into a shelf and have been effectively cornered by him.
“You’ve got me where you want me,” I say, a little too breathily. “Now, what?”
He shakes his head, and I’m not sure if it’s at me or himself. He doesn’t say anything, just takes another step forward until we’re mere inches apart.
I glance around us, but we’re all alone. He has me trapped, and I don’t even mind. Even if he were about to kill me, I don’t think I’d stop him. I might kiss him first, but I wouldn’t mind dying with Simon Snow this close to me.
A long moment stretches out between us as we stand like this, practically staring each other down. Then, his eyes move to my mouth then my skirt then back to my face, and I try not to shift under his gaze, try not to care.
But then something shifts in his expression, and he starts to lean in closer until our lips are a breath apart.
Maybe this is what Penny meant earlier.
I wasn’t obsessed about Baz wearing a skirt because I thought he was plotting something. It was because I was attracted to him in it.
Once that thought enters my mind, it’s like everything else seems to click into place.
The skirt isn’t the only thing attracting me to Baz. I’ve felt this way about him before, I just always buried it and threw myself into figuring out what he was plotting.
But it was always so much more than that.
I watch Baz a lot. The way he casts spells, using his magic so effortlessly. The way he pushes his out of his sparkling grey eyes when it comes loose from its slicked back state. The way his hair almost starts to curl when he gets out of the shower. The way he smiles when he thinks no one is watching, like he is truly happy.
The thoughts and realizations keep circling in my mind until I realize that I desperately want to kiss him.
I start to lean forward but stop, wondering if I’m making a mistake. What if Baz doesn’t want this?
Simon hesitates briefly, meeting my eyes, like he’s waiting for me to tell him no or push him away, but I’m not going to stop him. I don’t have that kind of willpower.
I nod at him, and that’s all it takes for him to close the distance between us.
His lips press to mine softly at first then more firmly once he realizes I’m really not going to stop him. I can’t stop the sigh that escapes me as he kisses me like it’s the only thing he wants to do.
I kiss him back slowly, afraid that this is all a dream, but it’s not. It’s so utterly real. Simon Snow is kissing me.
With that thought, I put everything I have into the kiss, tilting my head to deepen it and putting my hands on his hips to deepen the kiss.
It feels weird to feel Simon against my bare leg. I mean, it feels weird to have him this close in general, but also, it feels nice.
He’s so warm, and I didn’t realize that I had been freezing all day with my legs uncovered until Simon’s natural body heat starts to warm me up.
I smile into the kiss as one of his hands finds its way into my hair, tangling there. His other hand slides down my side until he reaches the edge of my shirt and hem of the skirt. He stops there, like he’s found exactly what he was looking for.
Damn, I think, pulling back to catch my breath, if I had known that wearing a skirt would get this reaction from Simon, I might have worn one a lot sooner.
Apparently I say that last bit out loud because Simon agrees. “You should. It looks better on you than anyone else.”
I feel all of the blood in my body rise to my face in a deep blush, and I kiss Simon again in the hopes that he won’t notice how pleased I am by his words.
I have never told anyone how dressing in girl’s clothes really makes me feel, so it makes me feel elated to hear Simon say he likes it.
This isn’t the first time I’ve tried on a skirt, but it’s the first time I’ve worn one in front of other people. Which is why I accepted the bet. And why I intentionally lost. I wanted to try it out. I wanted to see how other people might react while being able to say that I didn’t have a choice if things didn’t go too well.
This week has given me hope, though. It made me feel like I could dress like this more often if I wanted to. And maybe I really will.
I don’t think I would want to dress like a girl all the time or that I want to be a girl, but occasionally dressing like this makes me feel really good. It feels right.
I kiss Simon harder, happy that I can be myself and be allowed to kiss him when I never thought I would be able to do either of those things.
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Peter is supposed to be a genius and the mcu always humiliates Peter in this regard. In far from home, peter shouldn't have been tricked by mysterio so easily, hello! Peter has 250iq! There's no way Beck would do all that mind trick when Peter is so smart. He also cannot think critically in dangerous situations and acts like a fool. NOT my spider man
The thing is, the only reason Peter let himself be tricked that easily is because Peter was grieving. While I think Quentin could never be as smart as Tony or Peter, he definitely knows how to lie and manipulate people psychologically. That’s the essence of his character.
Quentin presents himself as someone incredibly smart and heroic to Peter. Just like someone he knew. The first thing he does is compliment Peter and tell him he did good. Just like someone he knew. Peter’s classmates also mention how ‘Mysterio’ is ‘like Iron Man and Thor rolled into one’. 
Quentin Beck: You handled yourself well out there today. I saw what you did with the tower. We could use someone like you on my world.
Quentin Beck: I like you, Peter. You're a good kid. There's a part of me that wants me to tell you, just... turn around, run away from all this. 
Quentin Beck: Don't ever apologize for being the smartest one in the room. (And who knows if half of the things he says to Peter are things he previously heard Tony say while he was working at SI)
He knew how to manipulate Peter. He leaves little bits and pieces of what Tony is and represents in Peter’s life as constant reminders. He alternated between reminding Peter of Tony’s traumatic death and what Tony was like when he was alive. He repeatedly acted like him to gain Peter’s trust. And Peter loves the warmth and the feeling that comes with it because he misses Tony:
Peter Parker: It's really nice... to have somebody to talk to about, superhero stuff, you know?
He comes to comfort Peter and uses sarcasm specifically to lighten up the mood and it works because Peter is used to this kind of stuff. Peter even calls him ‘Mr. Beck’ even if Quentin told him to call him by his name at the beginning. 
Nick Fury: That thing's going to be here in a few hours. Are we boring you? Quentin Beck: He's not bored, he's just thinking about how you kidnapped him.
Quentin Beck: You guys do have sarcasm on this Earth, right?
He also mentions how sacrifices are important (You see things, you do things... Make choices. People look up to you... Even if you win a battle sometimes, they die) and Peter looks like he wants to cry and avoid the conversation all at once.
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And this part?
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A+ for psychological representation. 
In this part, you can see him look directly at Peter and then repeat the whole heroic snap Tony did in Endgame, you can see Peter react to it too.
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This guy desperately wants to be Tony lmaoo
He makes that dramatic and very traumatic (for Peter) scene where he is ‘sacrificing’ himself for a ‘greater good’:
Quentin Beck: Whatever happens… I’m glad we met. Peter Parker: Beck, what are you doing? Quentin Beck: What I should have done last time. Peter Parker: Beck, don’t do it!
I bet that this is what Peter wanted to say the minute he saw Tony grab the gauntlet and snap. 
And the way he addresses Peter:
Quentin Beck: You’re up, kid. Quentin: You're not a jerk for wanting a normal life, kid. Quentin: What do you think, kid? Quentin: Good luck, kid Quentin: See ya, kid.
It’s even the same dynamic between them:
Tony Stark: Kid, that's the wizard. Get on it. Peter Parker: On it!
Quentin Beck: We can’t let him get near the ferris wheel! Peter Parker: I’m on it!
And then at the end he makes the whole ‘illusion attack’ on Peter. Letting him see Tony’s grave and attacking him with an Iron Man zombie. 
Imagine all the missions Tony and Peter had and the kid is just there watching it happen all over again but with a different person. It’s the trauma that blinds Peter, his emotions, not his intellect. 
NOT my spider man
Then go and watch some other version of Spider-Man, no one is making you watch the current one  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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clefairymuke · 4 years
regrets | chapter five
prev. chapter | next chapter
pairings: levi ackerman x reader / eren jaeger x reader
themes: enemies to lovers, slowburn, angst, fluff, smut
tw: violence / explicit sexual content
word count: 2028
Erwin had made an announcement at breakfast, and it took a few hours to settle into your bones. At first, you were excited -- you all were before the reality of the next few days really set in. Finally, something different, you had thought, knowing your friends shared the sentiment. Now, as you laid out your uniform for the events of tomorrow morning, fear infected your brain. There would be a scouting expedition outside the walls tomorrow.
You had just returned from another stables rendezvous with Eren. Today made a week of meeting him every night. You had one more week of bliss ahead of you, and this had to fuck it all up. You were angry, and afraid, and exhausted. Everyone was fast asleep around you, making you envious. You doubted you would be able to sleep much that night. You dropped into your bed, letting out a soft groan. You loved being a Scout, and you weren't necessarily afraid of titans, either. You were mostly afraid of losing someone. Before every mission, you thought about your friends. Sometimes you felt like you were the only one in the group that wondered if you would all make it back alive.
You tried to distract yourself by thinking about Eren, but it didn't work. He was nothing but excited about tomorrow's expedition. He had talked about it all night while you nodded your head in agreement, not wanting to ruin his mood. You knew you would be riding alongside him and your friends the next day, led by Levi. Having Sasha, Connie, and Jean near you would ease your mind a bit, you hoped. It was hard to be upset that you were on Levi's squad, despite hating him. At least you knew your friends would be well protected.
After what felt like hours of laying there in frightening thought, you finally drifted off to sleep. Instead of terrifying memories in your dreams, you saw your friends being eaten right in front of you. It's safe to say you didn't sleep for long.
You could feel your horse breathing underneath you. His breaths were slow and calm. You wished you could share his collected nature. Your breaths, on the other hand, were shallow and quick. You could feel your heartbeat in your skull; it seemed to block out all the noise around you. You started forward, kicking your heel into your horse's side as your eyes focused on the back of Levi's head. Jean was next to you, then Eren and Mikasa. Connie, Sasha, and Armin were behind. You thought Jean might have said something before he smiled over at you, but you couldn't hear him. As the walls grew further behind you, your heart sunk to your stomach.
You could see red flares shot along the edges of the formation every few minutes. It was morbid, but you couldn't help but be glad that you and your friends were positioned in the middle. You worried for Historia and Ymir, but you knew they wouldn't allow anything to happen to the other if they could help it. They were likely safer with each other than they would be with Erwin himself.
It was unlikely that you and your friends would encounter a titan on this mission until it was time to complete your objective. The goal was to capture an abnormal titan; it was mostly to satisfy Hange's insatiable curiosity, but there was no denying that any information would be valuable to the people of Paradis.
You saw it. A mix of "finally" and anxiety settled into your bones as the black flare shot into the sky, seemingly straight into the sun. It was on the edge of the formation, too far for you to actually lay your eyes on the titan. Then, less than a minute later, another column of black erupted -- closer this time. You winced at the thought of your dead comrades on the edge. Another erupted, even closer to the middle.
"This titan is moving impossibly fast," Jean commented, his voice strained in worry. Levi did not look back, or at the flares.
"Stay focused on the objective," he said flatly, not allowing his eyes to falter even as the flares grew closer.
You could see the titan now, just barely. The top of its head was covered in dull brown hair. It seemed to be a quadriped titan; it ran like an animal, the ground exploding around each step. You tried to ignore the blood and limbs mixed with it. It wasn't easy. It and the black smoke grew so close you couldn't stand it.
"Levi," you called, your voice unwavering despite your stomach being in knots. "What do we do?"
"Focus on your mission."
"Do you see how many people are dead?" you asked, anger filling your chest. "We cannot capture this titan."
"What did you expect to happen? Did you think the abnormal we captured would be The Peaceful Titan? Don't act dense. You are a soldier. Focus on your orders," the ice in his voice fueled the fire in yours.
"So we're to wait around while our comrades die?"
You could see it clearly now. The titan bounded toward the middle. You were nowhere near where you needed to be to successfully capture it. There were no trees, nothing to grab onto. The plan was absolutely meaningless. It was like you were blinded when you saw its horrifying face. You were sure this would be the moment you experienced your friends meeting their end. Connie shot his flare as it edged closer.
"Push forward," Levi stated coldly. "It will chase."
"Our horses can't move that fast," Armin spoke up. "We'll be dead before we reach the forest." You could feel the ground shake. Fellow scouts approached it in waves, five to ten of them fighting to protect Levi Squad at a time, and all of them dying one by one before your eyes.
It happened so quickly you knew you'd be completely unable to recall any of the events unfolding in front of you. Like time skipped, the titan was gripping Jean in its hand, so large it nearly covered him entirely as it lifted him to its open mouth. You weren't sure what happened between witnessing your worst fear and your ODM gear penetrating the titan's shoulder, but you were hurdling toward the titan without any plans.
Your instincts kicked in as you ripped out of its shoulder and connected your gear to its legs instead, slicing the wrist that held Jean on your way down. You went for its ankles in an attempt to render it immobile, but you knew it could continue to drag itself forward with its hands if need be. It fell, unable to catch itself because of the deep slice in its wrist. You watched, almost allowing yourself to smile, as Jean wiggled free and climbed atop Connie's horse. Your celebration was cut short, however, when the titan's knee fell onto your leg, pinning you to the ground.
Everything was blurry for a moment after your head slammed to the ground. It was almost enough to keep you from feeling the excruciating pain in your left leg as the bone snapped. But not quite. You laid there in absolute agony, unsure of what exactly was going on around you. You could feel the heat as the titan healed above you, but you couldn't focus enough to consider what would happen when it healed completely.
One second you were still on the ground, hearing the shouts of your friends as slurred-together, entirely meaningless words. The next, you were in the titan's hand, your body completely enveloped. The pressure on your leg was not doing you any favors. The only coherent thought in your head was that you were absolutely going to die.
In your next conscious moment, you were laid across a pair of arms -- a touch you didn't recognize. Your vision was blurred as you tried to see the face above you, slowly coming into focus. The head was backlit by the sun, like a halo. You felt your lips turn up a bit, woozy and dreamy. Your smile dropped as your eyes focused and the pain set back in.
Levi was holding you. The titan lay dead behind him.
You were getting tired of blurry vision. You awoke in an infirmary bed, your leg elevated in the air by some sort of sling. Your eyes started to flutter closed again, though you fought your hardest. The only thing able to keep you from returning to peaceful and painless sleep was the voice piping up at your side.
"Are you a fucking idiot?"
Levi. Again. You were absolutely exhausted from his seemingly constant presence.
"Sometimes. Why?" you managed to get out of your aching, dry throat. You looked around for water and saw some on the table next to you. You started to sit up and reach for it, but he knocked your hand back to your side with his own and grabbed it quickly. He handed it to you, almost gently. You took it from him, brow furrowed, and lifted it to your mouth.
"Do you realize how completely stupid your stunt out there was? You nearly died," he told you, leaning back in his chair.
"Was I supposed to just let it eat Jean?" you asked him, anger in your voice. "I would've rather died."
"No, you were supposed to let me handle it. You had no orders to attack."
"I didn't need orders. My friend was about to die. You weren't handling it."
"I ended up handling it anyway, didn't I? If you would've stood down in the first place, I could've done it without any injuries on my squad. But, because you had to protect your boyfriend and couldn't trust your commanding officer, I'm left with one of my best soldiers stuck in bed for no fucking reason. Can you see how frustrating that is?"
"He's not my boyfriend," you told him. It felt stupid that that was the first thing that came from your mouth.
"Ah, yes," he pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers. "There's the boyfriend situation as well."
"What boyfriend situation?"
"Eren came to sit with you last night. He felt inclined to recount certain events in the stables," He said flatly, his grey eyes piercing yours with strange anger.
You were mortified. Your hand clenched around the glass of water so tightly you were sure it would break. You struggled to maintain eye contact, the last thing you wanted being showing weakness to the insufferable man sat beside you.
"He's already aware that I know, and is awaiting punishment. I haven't yet decided what would best suit this situation. I'm sure your fellow soldiers know, as well. I wasn't exactly secretive in my scolding," he smirked, so small you were sure you wouldn't have noticed it it your eyes weren't focused so solely on his expression.
You finally gained the courage to speak as his words sent rage flooding through your veins. "Why does it matter to you?"
"Well, you broke explicit rules, to start with. Secondly, what if you were to fall pregnant? Do you realize how dangerous that could be for yourself? Not to mention that Eren is not entirely safe to be around; we do not know all that there is to know about his titan. He is dangerous."
"He's not dangerous, Levi."
"Perhaps he isn't. But I can assure you that I am. If there's one thing you will learn before you are healed enough to fight again, it's respect. I'm tired of you acting stupid, brat. Grow up a bit."
You huffed, taking a gulp from your glass of water. You refused to look at him.
"I'll be back to monitor your progress. For now, I have to leave. I'm sure your friends would like to discuss your secret meetings with Eren, anyway. I think I saw Jean waiting in the hall."
With that, he rose, took the glass from your hand and set it on the table, turned, and left.
You promptly decided that you were fucked.
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ringmyheart · 4 years
Can I request Vin Jin boyfriend headcanons and some fluff? (You don't have to force yourself)
(This and the other vin jin rq were merged!)
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Honestly the way I see it, it doesn’t matter if you’re a very calm person or outgoing person. No matter what this relationship is gonna end up being considerably chaotic
He ropes you into everything he does. Doesn’t matter if u r a design student or an architecture student or if ur on the opposite side of the school from him, u r practically in his class. Dating him is like signing a contract sealing away ur own life bc he makes it a point to be ALWAYS w u
In class he doesn’t gaf if the teacher has ur seat on the other end of class, he is somehow finding a way to sit next to u against ur will or not. And when the teacher moves u two away from eachother INTENTIONALLY bc of this, he is threatening whoever happened to sit next to u to trade seats w him. He will go as far as to dress up as them to make it look like they’re them to be next to u and he’s so dramatic ab it.... being away from u felt like u were star crossed lovers whom the world was fiercely against
And if UR against this cuz ur tired of getting in trouble in class, or if you reject any of his advances, he’s gonna be really, really, really offended. He will at first sputter and be kinda shy and embarrassed about it, before he goes “fine! Have fun on your own without me, the greatest thing in your fucking life!”
He move seats back and will glare at you periodically every five minutes to pavlov dog you so that every five minutes every day, even when he’s not there, you feel the burning stare of vin jin
If you’re his s/o, he’ll buy you a matching pair of sunglasses so ur the freshest looking couple around Seoul (they’re hideous and thick but he thinks u look fly)
The glasses don’t have nearly as many layers as his does for himself so u can see, and u wonder how he managed to make them just as bulky and if he did it on purpose to sabotage u. Like “did u make my glasses purposefully ugly so no one else will want me?”
U have to dodge a punch after saying anything like that ab his fashion decisions LMAOAO
He’s rlly proud of u two matching. With the glasses and anything in general. He’ll make you wear a jacket matching his, or the same shoes and he will stop people in the hall and be like “wait. Notice anything cool ab us today?? Cooler than normal??”
And when they don’t respond he boasts “that’s right!! Me and my other half r matching. Look at us and weep, losers.” He thinks u two look so good....... if ur enthusiastic ab wearing matching things too he is elated u have to pray that tomorrow he won’t show up w another “if lost return to Vin Jin” “I’m Vin Jin” pair of jackets or anything of the like bc it happens SO OFTEN
And on the topic of sharing when it’s cold he likes to share jackets and blankets w u. Ur desks r moved by eachother by vin jin himself and u two share one blanket over u and shiver bc he just likes it, sharing w u plus he’s slightly warmer. And yes if you guys had indivizual blankets you would be warmer, but u guys have to struggle together he doesn’t care what anyone says (yes even ur protests ur sharing that one blanket wether he has to wrap it around u himself and tear up the one u brought on ur own or what”
He is so blind in love that he cannot tell when u guys suck at stuff. Like if ur in the wrong he doesnt care ur RIGHT and he’s taking that to the grave. He can belittle u and call u out but if someone else says ur in the wrong it’s on sight
Will die protecting ur name even when ur the one who was genuinely wrong
He forces u to make a beat for him to rap to. He loves rapping and wants to enjoy it w u, so ur forcefed YouTube videos of how to beatbox so u can be his bgm and eventually u probably just start to enjoy it to
And u always start a beat and he starts busting out rhymes and it’s SO BAD. It doesn’t matter if ur good at beatboxing if vin Jin is on the track w u it’s gonna sound terrible he brings the quality down immensely but u two just cannot tell
Like after a two session ur like “omg... that was so good. We should go pro?” “Fuck yea we should we’re better than those posers” “we could rlly make it in the industry fr” no u absolutely could not
During the school festival, u sang with him and it was SO bad. Half the crowd is gonna have 2 be hospitalized but u two had FUN up on the stage
Like I said, he has absolute faith in u. All u do is right. If ur driving a car for the first time, he is going to be ur little hype man doesn’t matter if u suck. U hit a curb and he went “YES babe!! Ur killing it cant wait till u hit the road bby” Ur not allowed to touch a car for the next two years now bc he kept cheering u on when u we’re doing CLEARLY wrong things
On a plane u r looking for the bathroom like pensively and u see a handle and look back and r like “is this it???” And vin jin thinking u r all righteous will go “yea babe go for it” and u open it and u depressurizate the cabin immediately
Now both on like 5 no fly lists
He loves to do things with u, like I mentioned earlier, and things he wouldn’t do alone he’ll do w u. Like drawing alone?? Boring. Drawing w Y/N??!!! Who knows what could happen..... so much fun could ensue. Maybe he will draw u cutely. Maybe he will draw u so ugly u will be forced to engage in a fight.
He likes to play just dance w u and compete for the “greats/all star!” Little titles above, and it becomes like a Friday night ritual for u two to turn just dance on and just go at it. But sometimes he’ll get too intense and suddenly he’s actually fighting for the chance to beat u. Will trip u so u lose on purpose
He makes u listen to him sing and rap to u. And u try to leave and he hugs tightly and is like LISTEN IFS FOR U, DONT BE UNGRATEFUL and now u have to listen
He makes u a mixtape of songs he made himself and they are all considerably worse than “remember the times we had”. It’s uploaded on SoundCloud and all the comments r hate and u listen to it a lot bc u know he loves u sm he made u a mixtape ya ur gonna play that but everyone else hates it w a passion
Like the comments r like:
Daniel: well.... it’s definitely a song 😅 I’m glad you love (y/n) so much!
Duke: he’s not making it out the hood 😐
Zach: never let this man in a studio AGAIN
Mary: this should’ve stayed in the CD
(Y/N): love it! 😍
Zoe: kill your producer 💀
Mira: ...
He’s overprotective too
If someone looks at u for more than a second he’ll go “what?? U think she is hot, huh? I’ll kick ur ass fucking perv.... cmon babe let’s go”
Will throw his arm around u and streer u the opposite way of any potentially good looking ppl to keep ur eyes on him
Oh Daniel is coming?? What a coincidence u and vin Jin suddenly have to turn the corner to the other way of ur classroom for some reason
Eli is near?!!! Oh no u just got milk spilt in ur eye!! Oh no now he has to wipe ur eyes and u two have to leave the cafeteria whatever will he do
It’s not that he doesn’t have faith in u, he doesn’t have faith in other men. Like he thinks they r all competition, and doesn’t doubt ur loyalty rather doubts how good he can b for u
WILL beat someone up for u. If someone smokes while ur around suddenly his fists r swinging at them cuz even if u smoke or vape urself no one else can get that stuff in ur lungs but YOU or HIM!!
If ur crossing the street and a car almost hits u, it’s the cars fault and he’s kicking the license plate and cursing it out for almost touching u “stupid fucking piece of metal”
Is the type of boyfriend to call u when he knows ur in an Uber and be like “babe u got ur gun w u right?? Oh don’t forget ur BOMB and ur MACHETE!! Yeah just left the house I killed some ppl nbd haha anyways HRU what’s ur Uber driver like” so the driver of ur car won’t even think ab kidnapping u. He has got ur back even when u do not want it
He doesn’t want u to see his eyes, so he’ll tell you to look away so he can take his glasses off and look at u in full color in all ur glory but he never tells u WHY he’s telling u to look away u think it’s a weird thing of his, or he’s insecure ab his face which is partially true but really he’s taking his glasses off and just looking at u. Adoringly.....
He hates PDA. He loves PDA. Do u see his dilemma
Like he loves PDA but doesn’t want anyone seeing him vulnerable even u.... so he’ll hold ur hand and be like “EWWW WHAT R U DOING GET YR HAND OFF MINE”
If u take the lead THATS best bc he can blame it on u and it’s ur fault he HAS to lock fingers w u cuz u did it to him first and he has an excuse to touch u and v like u started this im just sending u ur own energy back 😤
The type to be just like blind, overwhelmed in love. Always thinks ab u, always wants to be w u, worries ab u a lot and frets over u without showing it.... he hates it and loves it to death. Despises it but wouldn’t give it up for anything in the world
Eats lunch w u in the cafeteria and if u sit w someone else u r the ultimate traitor and he will trash talk u to hide his hurt to Mary the entire lunchtime. Kinda possessive.... wants u to also only think about him
WOULDNT EVER fight u for real. Play fights occur VERY often, like pillow fights, tripping ur foot when u say a joke insulting him, grabbing ur collar but he would sooner die than lay a finger on u
Verbal fights happen a lot and if he ever like LOSES it he may lash out and almost hit u and follow thru. I don’t think he’d be able to catch himself that quickly, and if he ever did he’d regret it for the rest of his life. Literally until the day dies he will take it to his grave
He may not sputter out apologieswill just look at u incredulously and then at his hands because what had he done? What did he just do? To you???????? (Y/n))))?????? His (y/n)??? Light of his life?
Will apologize probably over text or through a note or call, and if u don’t respond he is consumed by regret and tries to find u instantly like runs back to ur place
If u forgive him he feels bad still, because does he deserve it? And he might just isolate himself for a bit bc he can’t face u and if it left a scar he is dead inside. It kills him, literally
I could go on w this but I’ll probably save it for another separate pair of hcs later 😭
If u guys ever break up he will fight for u again and won’t stop till ur back together like flowers in ur locker every day, chocolate give during lunch, etc. He wont ever give up hope that he can win u over again and be w u again. He would keep trying, when he wakes up his first thought is ur name in a cold panic bc he can’t rest easy till ur his again and he will try and show off and poorly serenade u and trash his price and be corny and cheesy to get u back
Will set up a performance w the school to let him rap w a mic during lunch for u and he’s saying bars like “(read in bad rapping voice w inconsistent beat) (y/n), love of my life, uh, without you I’d die, uh. Please won’t you take me back? Yuh, without you ima have a heart attack. (Wha!). (Y/n), love of my life, yeah, without you I’m in strife, yup! Please be mine again, (babe), I can never rest till then.”
If the embarrassment doesn’t make u take him back so he’ll pls stop, and when he stands up on the lunch tables to do a little performance doesn’t do it either, then the odd sincerity of his voice and pain in his look (even tho while rapping he sticks out his lower lip in a weird pout) definitely, hopefully will
U make everything worth it !! Truly the light of his life
I hope these were what u wanted, I just had fun w them and wrote stuff that came off the top of my head when I thought of VJ!! ❤️
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novelconcepts · 4 years
fic: (above) a boring little pub
“See where that takes us,” Dani mutters. “Sure. Yeah. Smooth.”
She’d said it like it wasn’t nerve-racking in the least, like she does this sort of thing every day. Get up at the asscrack of dawn, trying to remember how to make a pot of coffee she personally feels out of her mind even considering putting in her own mug. Coffee makes her crazy, spikes her already-wild anxiety straight through the roof; she hasn’t tried to brew the stuff since she was fifteen and making a last-ditch effort to get on Mom’s good side.
And, still, it was the best idea she had for Operation Fix Things With Jamie. Four days laying awake thinking, four days with her brain half on the kids, half on making Jamie smile the next time she turned up at Bly, and this was the best she could do. A cup of coffee that, to her untrained eye, looked like muddy water more than anything else. 
And she had handed it to Jamie. Just pasted on a smile and thought, Maybe the stars have aligned, and I woke up good at this today. Whether good at the coffee or the talking to Jamie, she wasn’t quite sure--but soon enough, it appeared the answer was “neither”. Terrific. Jamie, still stung from the other night. Jamie, clearly still not ready to leap off a cliff just because Dani reached out a hand. 
Who could blame her? Jamie’s maybe the most patient person Dani has ever met, so long as you’re not shredding her gardens behind her back, but she is still a person. A person who has shown Dani an extremely unexpected willingness to listen, but not so much the desire to be jerked around. Dani gets it. There’s nothing she wants less in the world, than to make Jamie feel like a chew toy to be picked up and discarded again on a whim. 
Hence, the world’s most insulting attempt at coffee.
And the invitation.
Dani does not have what a thinking man might call “a strong history” with dating. Part and parcel of being with the same person since you were ten, she supposes, and even if Edmund wasn't...right, he was still simple in his own way. The bravest she ever had to be with Eddie was in daring him to kiss her, a desperate, futile bid toward understanding all the girls at school who sighed and groaned over boys. Dani didn’t get it then, didn’t get it when Eddie closed his eyes and puckered his lips and gave her the most exaggerated dry kiss a human mouth can produce. Didn't get it, either, as he improved over the years, though she was tactically aware of him doing so. On a strictly data-driven level, she watched him get better at kissing, at smiling without nerves, at leading her by the hand wherever he felt they should go. And never, not once, did she feel it.
But one night in a greenhouse, wine in her blood and guilt on her lips, and she gets it now. She gets all of it. Jamie’s hands in her hair, Jamie’s mouth opening beneath her own--a symphony only they could hear. 
And then she’d gone and ruined it. 
So, now she’s here. Standing awkwardly in a small room in a huge manor, poking through the approximately ten outfits she’s been carting across Europe for half a year. She’d been brave with Jamie in ways she’d never considered with Eddie--brave to take her hand, brave to follow her into the dark, brave to kiss her, brave to ask her out on a...on a..
“Date,” she mutters, holding up a pink blouse and remembering Jamie saying wryly, There we are. She shuts her eyes. “Just a date. Normal person thing to do. Nothing to worry about.”
Jamie’s meant to be back here in--she flips her wrist, winces--less than an hour now. Jamie’s meant to be here to pick her up, like they’re teenagers heading off for a Friday night on the town, and Dani must genuinely be losing her mind. She didn't come here for this. She works with Jamie, works here watching the kids, and if she leaves...if she leaves, who knows what will...
A light rap at the door, so soft, she almost misses it. Hannah, gently smiling. 
“Everything all right up here? Haven’t seen you in quite some time...”
“The kids,” Dani interjects. “Of course. I’m so sorry, I’ll just--”
Hannah raises her palms in a placating gestures, slipping into the room with a nearly unearthly grace. Why, Dani wonders helplessly, can’t I be like Hannah? So elegant and serene and sure of every step? 
“I did not,” Hannah says, taking her by the shoulders and giving her a sisterly little shake, “come up here to scold you. The children are perfectly fine; Owen is running them through the finer elements of...” Her brow creases, some mix of affection and distaste. “Baking chemistry.”
“Oh.” Dani sinks onto the bed, head in her hands. “Of course. So you’re...”
“Here to make certain you aren’t, perhaps, talking yourself out of a nice evening out on the town?” Hannah supplies. She’s too kind to make fun, at least where this level of anxiety is concerned, and Dani is grateful. 
“Not talking myself out, exactly,” she says. “Just trying to decide what to wear. I mean, what does a person wear to a pub in Bly with...with...”
“A perfectly charming young woman whose primary uniform involves denim and potting soil?” Hannah’s voice is just a little too innocent. Dani grins. 
“I just don’t want to embarrass myself.”
“I don’t think,” Hannah says carefully, “there’s much chance of embarrassing yourself so badly, she leaves you alone in that pub. Or fails to return to Bly, perhaps, tomorrow?”
Color floods Dani’s cheeks. Her choice of sweater is suddenly the most interesting thing that has ever happened in this room. 
“The children will be just fine with us here,” Hannah continues, blessedly ignoring the way Dani’s shoulders go rigid with mortification. “Owen’s already planning to stay, and you know how Flora goes on about sleepovers...”
She’s smiling, but Dani thinks there’s a bit of distance behind her eyes that wasn’t there last week. A beautiful, kind woman, Hannah; it’s strange to see her even the least bit detached from the goings-on of the house. 
“You’re sure,” she presses. “I could still tell Jamie--”
“You could both use the night off, I think.” Hannah pats her shoulder lightly. Dani bites her lip. 
“Well, I can definitely make sure I’m back before--”
“Lunch tomorrow?” Hannah interjects. “Yes, I quite agree, that would be perfect timing. Rumor has it Owen’s planning a feast fit for kings and very small children.”
Dani is out of arguments, and she suspects Hannah knows it. Her shoulders slump. “Okay. Okay, good. Glad that’s all...handled. Now...”
“This one, I think.” Hannah pats the light purple, her hand possessed of such surety, Dani is briefly envious. “Brings out your eyes nicely.”
She makes her escape with another smile and a very small wave, and Dani gives herself a minute. Just one minute, sitting on the edge of the bed with her face in her hands, to really process the situation. A date. An actual real date with an actual real person she actually likes. Not just likes, but feels...slightly insane around. Insane in the best way. Stomach in knots, fingertips sweaty for no good reason, ears going hot at the sight of her insane. 
Jamie kissed her back. Jamie kissed her like there was nothing she’d like more in the world. Jamie kissed her, and then let her go the minute she didn’t seem ready for it, and even with the worst coffee in England as a peace offering, accepted the idea of a drink with her. 
Which means...
“The sweater doesn’t matter,” Dani mumbles, feeling very much as though nothing has ever mattered more.
Jamie has never quite done this before, either; she thinks of telling Dani so, thinks of taking a quiet moment before leaving Bly Manor to get ready for a date and come back, sweet Lord, she must be out of her mind, to say, “Hey, no worries, Poppins, this is brand-new territory for the both of us.”
But Dani is busy with the kids, and also sort of looks like she’s going to combust should Jamie stand too near her, so she skulks out to the truck alone instead. The date--it is an actual fucking date, I cannot believe she did this to us, what am I going to do on an actual fucking date with this woman?--is slated for seven in the evening. Jamie’s done working at four-thirty.
She spends about an hour of that in-between time showering, picking out a clean t-shirt--nothing too snappy, don’t want to scare Poppins off again--and jeans and a jacket that ensures she’ll look presentably-cool, and mussing her hair somewhat badly. The rest, she spends pacing. 
You know I live above that pub, right? Told you that already. And Jesus, how Dani had smiled, like she’d been thinking of nothing else for four fucking days. Four days Jamie had spent planning ways to distance herself, to stop feeling all of this flappy butterfly nonsense at the mere sight of the woman, and the first thing--first goddamn thing--Dani did upon her return was ask her on a date. 
To which she had...said yes. She’d said yes, and now off she goes to pick up her actual, real-live human woman date.
It’s one thing, she thinks as she strides up the drive to the door, to take a woman to bed. It’s a very natural, easy thing, in fact, to take a woman to bed. Strip off your clothes, strip off your inhibitions, get used to the notion of never seeing her again once the sun is up. But this? Dani? Jamie’s never been here before. Never wanted something so badly before. 
“Don’t,” she mumbles, pushing the door open, “fuck this up.”
She expects to have to go on a bit of a hunt to track Dani down--maybe to the kitchen, or even (heaven help her) up to her room, but no: Dani is right there. Dani is standing in the foyer in a black skirt and loose-knit sweater, looking for all the world like Jamie just caught her running a trench into the floorboards. 
“Hi,” she says, all deer eyes and suddenly grinning mouth. Her hair is up, so very blonde and perfect, Jamie’s mouth goes a little useless at the sight of it.
“Hey. Uh. Are we meant to be speaking with the chaperones, or...”
Dani shakes her head, looking just a little punch-drunk. “Hannah made it sound like we’d be in trouble if we went back there. Owen’s doing something with chemistry?”
“All the angels couldn’t help those kids and their empty bellies now,” Jamie says, “if Owen is fixated on another goddamn chemistry lesson.”
Dani laughs, and suddenly, it’s like a sheen of ice cracks open and all the warmth she’s come to associate with Dani Clayton comes rushing into the room. Jamie reaches out a hand, slides palm along palm until Dani is fitted neatly against her lifeline. 
“Shall we?”
She doesn’t say, I’ve never done this. Doesn’t tell Dani any of that. It doesn’t seem important, all of a sudden, not with the way Dani squeezes back and follows eagerly into the passenger seat of her truck.
Jamie, looking at her out of the corner of her eye as she prepares to back out, is struck with the wild idea that maybe they don’t have to leave at all to do this. She could just reach across the seat, lay a hand lightly over Dani’s knee, tell her she’s never met anyone like her. Never met anyone who makes her want to tell sad stories and bad jokes and goodnights that are only acceptable because there will be a good morning to follow. 
Date, she reminds herself firmly, though there’s a perfectly nice kitchen, a perfectly nice bedroom, a perfectly nice hidden spot out on the grounds that would do the job just as well. Maybe next time. There are flowers she’s certain Dani can’t go her whole life without seeing. 
But tonight: it’s a pub in the tiny village of Bly, where Jamie has lived for years without ever really caring to get to know its secrets. Now, watching Dani look around like she’s just stepped into Oz, she sort of regrets that. 
“Usually not too busy on a Thursday night,” she says, guiding Dani with a light hand at the small of her back past what she thinks of as the Attention Grabbing section--the tables up near the bar proper, where the denizens of Bly most like to congregate after work--and toward her own preferred spot. It’s in the back, near a near-secret exit that leads straight up to her flat, and Cal is charitable enough to keep most folks away from it unless the place is full-up. Not a bad guy, Cal; he’s about four hundred years old and insists on calling her Janey, but he’s still got the back for long nights serving bad drinks, and he keeps the rent cheaper than dirt. 
“You live here?” Dani sounds like she’s never been more delighted at a prospect. Jamie can’t help but laugh, slinging her jacket over the back of her chair and settling in. 
“Thought about asking for a job when I moved in, but luckily Lord and Lady Wingrave got to me first. Not sure it’d suit me, spending every night with the town layabouts.”
She winks at Cal as he shambles past to let him know this is a joke. He snorts. 
“Like I’d hire you anyway. Too damn short. Couldn't reach the good stuff.”
“Wasn’t aware you carried the good stuff,” she fires back. Dani, watching this exchange with delight, laughs. Cal raises an eyebrow. 
“Your friend’s pretty. Poor sense of character, to be spending her night with a felon, but there’s no accounting for taste.”
The smile on Dani’s lips dies instantly. Jamie swallows a curse. 
“Yes, thank you, Grandfather Drunkard, I hadn’t quite gotten to that part of the tale yet. Round to make up for it, if you please.”
He has the good grace to look slightly ashamed, patting her on the shoulder as he winds back to the bar in search of clean glasses. Jamie leans back with a sigh.
“Well, it was bound to come up eventually, I suppose. Frankly, probably for the best he spilled those beans before I could lose my nerve and put off telling you.”
Dani’s brow is creased, less like someone horrified by a glimpse into Jamie’s storied past, more like a white knight ready to draw a sword in her defense. Jamie finds herself reaching across the table, glancing over her shoulder, and touching the back of her hand with two cautious fingers. 
“Easy, Poppins, Cal’s a good sort. Our sort, even, if there is such a thing.” It’s a bold stroke, a shot in the dark, but given that Jamie’s already had this woman’s tongue in her mouth, she supposes it isn’t so dangerous to assume. Dani raises her eyebrows high enough to make her laugh.
“He’s--I mean he doesn’t--”
“He’s kind, and he knows the value of a closed mouth,” Jamie confirms. “Says things are better than they used to be around here, but there’s no point courting trouble. Anyway, he won’t say a damn thing when we--if we--”
Cal takes pity on her, delivering a pair of beers and a platter of cold chips, “on the house, as penance for fuckin’ up your evening.” Jamie raises her glass in a salute to his retreating back.
“Did he?” Dani asks. Jamie, glass halfway to her lips, pauses.
“Did he what?”
“Fuck up the evening.” Jamie’s not sure she’s ever heard Dani say the word fuck before, and suddenly feels as though it’s the best single syllable ever to cross her lips. 
“Nah. Not unless you’ve, ah, got a problem with felons sharing your table?”
Lifting her own glass, Dani shakes her head. “Not as a rule. I’d like to hear about it, though. If it’s something you’re all right sharing.”
And so Jamie shares. All of it. It isn’t the plan, exactly, but when she gets started, she finds it increasingly difficult to locate a logical place to stop. To explain the prison time, she first has to explain how a young woman finds herself in such a situation; to explain that, she first has to paint a picture of a particular kind of home life. Before she knows what’s happening, she’s leaning across the table and saying names she hasn’t spoken in years. Telling about the coal mine. The other men. The baby. The burn. 
Dani listens to it all, enraptured, never interrupting with so much as a question. She makes small noises, nods encouragement whenever Jamie falters, takes small sips of her drink when Jamie pauses for breath. 
She doesn’t ask what Jamie did. This, above all else, strikes Jamie between the eyes. She doesn’t ask if Jamie lied, or cheated, or stole, or bloodied anyone along the way (yes, yes to one and all, and if she did ask, Jamie would tell her; they're old scars, the life of someone she feels she barely knows now, and if she’s ashamed, it’s the shame of a distant dream). She only listens, nods, takes it in.
“I figure,” Jamie says when she’s run out of history to unfold between them, “you showed me yours, yeah? It’s only fair.”
Dani raises her glass. “To not being defined by the sins of the past.”
Jamie chuckles, obediently following suit. “To people being the most goddamn exhausting concept on the planet, and trying anyway.”
They drink. They drink, and Jamie thinks, Maybe that’s it. Maybe I’ve exhausted the conversation topics for one relationship already. Maybe she’ll finish this glass and we’ll head back to the house, and that’ll be that. 
“I’ve never done this before,” Dani tells her. There’s something relaxed about her, something Jamie finds new and deeply interesting. Relaxed is the last word she’d generally used to describe Dani Clayton. 
Jamie gestures for Cal, refills following suit in short order. “Been to a pub?”
“Been on a date with someone I...” Dani hesitates. For a split second, Jamie’s sure she’s about to look at someone Jamie can’t sense over her shoulder. Instead, she shakes her head, smiles ruefully. “Someone I felt things for.”
“Things, huh?” She leans across the table, props her chin on one hand, makes a show of tilting her head. “What sorts of things?”
“I think you know.” Dani is blushing. This is maybe the best night of Jamie’s whole life.
“Think you should tell me anyway.”
Dani swats at her, and they’re both laughing with an ease Jamie can’t wrap her head around. It’s one thing to flirt; Jamie’s good at flirting. Comes easy, comes naturally. She’s good at watching for the little buttons in people, the little signs of what makes them laugh, what makes them squirm. Promised herself a long time ago never to use this power for anything less than leaving a room warmer than she found it. 
But this isn’t flirting. Not the way Jamie’s done it before. This is something entirely new, entirely specific to Dani. It’s in the way Dani watches her, eyes too blue, jaw held taut like she’s trying to keep something dangerous from spilling out. It’s in the way Dani lets her fingers linger when she reaches for a chip, allows Jamie to brush against her in a fashion that looks utterly innocent from the outside and feels anything but. 
Jamie swallows hard, liking the weight of Dani’s gaze more than she’s prepared to admit. Liking the way Dani very slowly, very carefully, moves a hand under the table to press against her knee. 
“Bold, Poppins,” she breathes. Dani smiles, so clearly proud of herself and so clearly terrified that it’s all Jamie can do not to lean all the way across and kiss her. 
Best not. Cal’s a good man, their sort, but there are others in the pub now. People who wouldn't take kindly to a sight like that. And this night is going far too well for Jamie to waste where it’s going on a bar brawl.
Jamie’s flat is nothing like Dani expected. Admittedly, she isn’t sure what to expect when Jamie drains the last of her glass and gives a knowing glance to the exit. A very small part of her thinks this is all going entirely too well--her hand has been under the table, pressed with a confidence she hadn’t known she possessed to Jamie’s knee, for almost fifteen minutes. Even as her thumb traces small circles into the denim, even as Jamie’s eyes go a little darker, her lips parting in a way Dani finds entirely too interesting, she thinks, This isn’t me, is it? She can’t be feeling it, too. No one has ever understood this. 
Even so, here’s Jamie, standing a little too quickly. Her chair scrapes back, her jacket swung over her arm, and she’s reaching out. Dani accepts the hand, lets Jamie pull her to her feet. A good idea. A bad idea. The kind of idea that will get them out of the public eye in short order, either way, and Dani can’t think of anything wiser in this moment. 
There’s a set of stairs just outside the door, leading up to a second door. Thick brown wood, with double locks Jamie works without really looking. She’s staring at Dani even as her hands move, staring from inches away, and Dani suddenly thinks how good it is, that they came out tonight. How good it is to be away from the house, the kids, anyone else in the world. 
“After you,” Jamie says, pushing the door open with a flat hand and gesturing for Dani to enter. Her voice is a little raw, a little huskier than usual. Dani moves past her, arm brushing arm, and just about jumps out of her skin at the contact. 
The space is small, sparsely furnished, with a curtain hung to break up the room. In one far corner, a tiny bathroom. In the closest corner, a tiny kitchen, barely broken from the living space by a change in flooring. 
Jamie, wearing an expression Dani has not yet learned to decipher, says, “This would be it. The castle, as it were.”
Does she sound embarrassed? Dani can't quite tell. She wants to say there’s nothing to be embarrassed about, this place is small and quiet and somehow perfectly Jamie in its easy nature. There are books, though not many, on a small shelf. There are plants, considerably more, lined up like soldiers guarding Jamie from loneliness. 
“It’s a place to lay my head, anyway,” Jamie says, and that is definitely a touch of embarrassment in her voice. Dani shakes her head, moves to join her at the front door, takes her hand. 
“It’s yours,” she says, unable to clarify quite why that is so special. “Thank you. For bringing me here.”
It sounds better in her head than it does ringing between them in a space so silent, Dani imagines she can hear the echo of her own voice. Jamie is just looking at her, the way she’d looked the night Owen’s mother passed, like if Dani were to give the word, she’d make a move that would light them both aflame. 
She’d been too afraid that night. Was carrying far too much. Even the simple act of touching Jamie at all, of running her thumb across Jamie’s hand, had felt like heroism. 
Now, things are different. 
She’s got Jamie by the sleeves, hands gripping Jamie’s t-shirt just above the skin of her biceps, and this is what going over feels like. This is what it feels like, Dani thinks, to just let go. 
Kissing Dani is different here. Back in the greenhouse, Dani had been largely somebody else, Jamie thinks; still Dani, but a version carrying too much on her back. A desperate, hopeful, sorrow-laden Dani who had grabbed at her jacket like it was a life preserver. 
This Dani, sighing and squeezing her arms, feels like freedom. 
Jamie finds herself spinning them both, pressing Dani against the locked door, liking the convulsive way Dani’s hands fist around her shirt sleeves. Liking the way Dani slides one arm around her neck and leans back just a little, just enough to gaze into Jamie’s eyes, and this is almost too much all on its own. No one has ever looked at Jamie while she was trying to kiss them. No one, not even once, has looked at her with such profound affection.
And want. So much want, Dani’s eyes are stormy with it. Jamie’s grinning, but there’s a fist around her heart squeezing so hard, she worries it might burst. 
“All right?” she breathes. Dani could say no. Dani could say no at any time, and Jamie would understand it. Would lean back, comb her fingers through her own hair, offer the bed while she sets up on the couch until the alcohol’s out of both of their systems and the sunrise gives them another chance at it. 
Dani, rather than answering, makes a low sound at the back of her throat and finds Jamie’s mouth with an eager, open kiss that sends Jamie’s pulse through the roof. 
She hasn’t done this before, she’s told Jamie, but she’s coming to it naturally enough. Her lips are soft, parting for Jamie’s tongue, her hips pushing against Jamie’s body in slow, easy motions. When Jamie rakes her nails down her scalp, fingers pulling the scrunchie from her hair, she responds with such a low groan, Jamie has to bury her face in Dani’s neck for a moment to breathe. 
“Sorry,” Dani mumbles. Jamie, shaking her head, laughs against her skin. 
“In no universe, Poppins, are you to be sorry right now. About anything.”
She raises her head, looking for signs that Dani is sorry in a more important way, a way that will say stop, back up, let this go for now. Dani takes her face between trembling hands. Kisses her slowly, sweetly, tongue tracing Jamie’s lower lip like the only thing in the world is to memorize her in tiny, hopeful doses. 
Jamie sighs, one hand buried in blonde hair, the other finding purchase on the sleeve of a too soft, too tearable sweater. She feels too large for her body all of a sudden, too much adrenaline coursing through her system, and every time Dani turns her head just a little, every time she brushes her nose against Jamie’s and makes that tiny, soul-searing little sound under Jamie’s kiss, she thinks she gets a bit closer to plunging off the edge into something she won’t be able to forget about in the morning. 
“You sure?” she asks against Dani’s lips, the words lost when Dani moves an arm around her neck and digs her fingers in hard. She can feel Dani nodding, breathless, and it’s enough. More than enough. Jamie finds she’s walking them backwards, navigating carefully around her small table, her small couch, the shelf upon which she keeps a few precious plants. 
With every step, Dani is kissing her. 
With every step, Dani is tracing shapes into the back of her neck.
With every step, Dani is pushing in close, like if Jamie breaks for even a second, some beautiful, perfect spell will break with her. 
They’re past the curtain now, in the little space where Jamie sleeps and wakes and hasn’t taken anyone since moving in. Dani, forehead pressed against hers, lips swollen, opens her eyes. 
“This is--”
“Not much,” Jamie says. On the one hand, she’s glad they came out tonight, glad she’s getting to hear all the little sounds Dani makes as she’s kissed without worrying about eavesdroppers. On the other, there’s nothing inspiring about her flat, nothing to say Jamie can take care of someone. It’s just walls. Just walls and a couple of plants, and for some reason, Dani is looking around like they’ve walked through a mirror into a land of magic. 
“Anyway,” Jamie says. “We don’t have to--if you don’t want to--”
“Don’t you?” Dani’s heart is in her throat, pounding in her wrists almost painfully hard. Jamie, one arm around her waist, leaning back with flushed cheeks and her bottom lip between her teeth, raises her eyebrows. 
“Want to? God, yes.”
Relief, flooding Dani’s body almost hard enough to knock her over. She grips at Jamie with both hands, the slide of dark t-shirt soft under her fingers, and kisses her again. She feels so good kissing Jamie, so good she forgets how nervous she is about the whole thing. Jamie, her hand strong at the small of her back, her fingers brushing just under the hem of her sweater, leans back again. 
“Just don’t want to pressure you into anything. S’all right if you’re not up for--”
"I’ll tell you,” Dani promises. If Jamie keeps doing that with her hand, if Jamie keeps tracing the base of her spine with small, reckless movements, she thinks she’ll go crazy. “If it’s too much. I’ll tell you.”
She pushes gently against Jamie’s chest, feeling bold and brave and absolutely petrified of her own actions, and Jamie lets herself fold backwards until she’s seated on the edge of a thin, clean bedspread. Dani follows her down, knees on either side of Jamie’s thighs, sitting carefully in her lap. 
“Now what?” Jamie teases, even as she’s sliding both hands up Dani’s sides, firm enough not to tickle as she brackets Dani’s ribs and lets the next ragged breath push against her palms. Dani closes her eyes for a beat, swaying, untethered until Jamie tilts her head and kisses her again. All at once, it’s like being caught at the end of a string. All at once, it’s like being handed serenity. 
She realizes she’s moving her hips, rolling them forward against Jamie’s lap, liking the way Jamie’s hands tighten on her body and begin gently pushing her back and forth. There isn’t enough friction to really accomplish anything this way, but it hardly matters; it’s still so much, so much she feels like she’ll come apart anyway. Something this new, a feeling this big, reaching across the expanse of her, consuming her--she thinks she’ll lose something here tonight. Gain something. Tie the two together and be something different come morning. 
She used to worry about that, with him. Used to worry that if she ever gave in, ever tried that one last thing to feel how she was meant to with him, she’d be different the next day. She’d be someone else. 
This is something else entirely--so much so, she almost can’t breathe around the realization. That she will be different tomorrow, and that she will not be less Dani because of it, but more, somehow. Something more Dani than she’s allowed herself to be in her whole life, because it was chosen here, tonight, with Jamie’s hands on her body and Jamie’s mouth under her own. 
With Dani in her lap, skirt riding up around her thighs, hips moving restlessly, Jamie thinks for a second they’ve hit a wall. A very good wall to hit, she thinks hurriedly. If this is as far as they go tonight, it’s still worlds past anything she really expected from Dani. 
So long as she doesn’t regret it, doesn’t run from me, I could stay here forever. 
Dani, who has been kissing her for what feels like forever, breaks contact and just looks at her. Her hand, soft and cautious and more certain than Jamie expects, presses against Jamie’s breastbone. Pushes again. Jamie shifts backwards, inching up the mattress, pulling Dani with her until she’s flat on her back with Dani looking down. 
“Up to you,” she says. She likes the simple pressure of Dani’s body atop her own, of soft curve fitting all the spaces where Jamie doesn’t usually think of herself as lacking anything at all. Now, though, knowing what it feels like, how the whole of Dani is pressed flush to her, she wonders if she’ll ever feel complete in this bed again. 
“You still--”
“Want?” Jamie’s lips curve. “If you’re asking, there’s something I’m not doing right.”
“I’m sorry,” Dani says, then seems to catch herself. She sighs, smiles, laughs a little in that dizzy, self-conscious way that breaks Jamie’s heart. “This is...as far as I know. This is...”
Jamie nods, understanding. “You trust me?”
Dani is nodding, too, liking the way her body is moving almost of its own accord against Jamie’s. She hadn’t even realized she was doing it, hadn’t even realized she was still rubbing lightly against Jamie even as nerves pound through her system. 
“Tell me,” Jamie says in a low, urgent tone. “If anything changes.”
She rolls, then, a quick flash of movement that makes Dani shriek-giggle. From this new vantage point, back pressed into Jamie’s mattress, head on Jamie’s pillow, she feels suddenly so much more intimate than while straddling Jamie’s lap. Doesn’t make sense, she thinks with a thrill of such powerful lust, all she can do is grab again at Jamie’s shirt and hold on. But this is hers, and I’m here, and she’s...she’s...
“Tell me,” Jamie says again, a quiet command that drags soft nails up Dani’s back. She shivers, nodding, and Jamie takes the lead at last. 
She hadn’t thought, somehow, about this part. Not in so many firmly phrased words. She’d thought about the shape of it, of Dani in her flat, of Dani in her bed, of Dani kissing her, touching her, but somehow, this part slid away every time it tried to rise in her mind. 
The part of the show where clothes go away. The part of the show Jamie has always liked the most, and the least, at the same time. 
Dani is kissing her when she slides both hands beneath the sweater, easing it up, giving Dani ample time to pull away. Dani, instead, sits up just enough to allow the sweater to rise over breasts, shoulders, head. Jamie drops it off the bed, leans back on her knees, smiles. 
“Is there...” Dani isn’t covering herself, exactly, but there’s a sort of nakedness to her expression that has nothing to do with clothes disappearing. “I mean, am I--”
She leaves it unspoken, a bit embarrassed: right? okay? enough? 
“Perfect,” Jamie tells her. “Absolutely gorgeous.” 
She takes the hem of her own shirt in her hand, waits, pleased when Dani sits up and covers that hand with her own searching fingers. She doesn’t want to go anywhere Dani isn’t willing to take her, and she certainly doesn’t want to deprive her of the small moments that make a first time with someone else so electric. When Dani guides the shirt up over her head, it’s like Jamie’s never done this, either--no woman has ever just looked at her, eyes steady and searching, in a moment like this. 
Women are usually the fast, nervous, lights-off-don’t-talk kind of souls in Jamie’s bed. Touch me, kiss me, don’t look, don’t ask questions, don’t act like you want to be here. But Dani is looking at her with lips parted, hands tracing the lines of Jamie’s neck, collarbones, the dip between her breasts. Her fingers are shaking so hard, Jamie covers them with her own, pulls them to her lips. 
“One thing at a time,” she says quietly. “Anything’s too much, we pull back.”
Dani pulls at her, guiding Jamie’s hands back to work the clasp of her bra, to cover her skin with soft, careful strokes. She arches into Jamie’s hand and whimpers, and Jamie thinks there was no way, no way she could have predicted any of this. Not as it is. Not as Dani is letting it be. 
She’d thought, back in the greenhouse, that Jamie’s kiss was enough to drown in. That Jamie’s lips traveling from her mouth to her throat to her ear was enough to drive her wild enough that she’d forget her own name. 
It’s nothing compared to Jamie kissing her now, holding her with gentle hands as she explores every inch of skin she can reach. She is all tongue, all soft bite, all lips on shoulder, on pulse, on everything Dani has never been able to imagine letting someone else even look upon. 
Here, Jamie’s jean-clad legs intertwined with her own bare ones, her skirt rucked high, Dani thinks maybe this is the best it could possibly be. To be in Jamie’s bed, with Jamie’s hand light on her breast and Jamie’s kiss burning hot as she travels lower, as she moves like they’ve got all the time in the world, is maybe the best the world could ever get. 
Every so often, Jamie raises her eyes, and Dani feels something hot and tight clutch in her stomach. Jamie, asking if this is all right. Jamie, sucking a mark into the skin of her belly. Jamie, one hand moving lower so slowly, Dani sort of thinks she’s going to scream. 
She’s trying to go slow, trying to take this as easily as she possibly can, but every inch of Jamie is on fire. Part of her is hyper-aware of the reality of the situation: that Dani is nervous, that Dani is special, that Dani is someone Jamie couldn't bear hurting even on accident. And, more: that Jamie’s scar is out on display, that Jamie’s home is out on display, that Jamie is more visible and vulnerable with shirt off and jeans on and mouth pressed to the smooth arc of Dani’s stomach than she’s been in years. 
When Dani takes her by the wrist, she’s sure they’ve gone far enough--that the heat between her own legs will have to wait, that Dani is going to roll off the bed and scramble back into her sweater and away from--
Her hand, wrapped around Jamie’s, slides beneath her skirt. 
Her fingers, wrapped around Jamie’s, guide her to press against damp underwear. 
Her back arches. Jamie groans. 
“Okay,” she breathes, looking up at Dani’s too-blue eyes. “Okay, getting the picture.”
She didn’t know. Didn’t have the first idea what this would feel like. Didn’t have even the remotest frame of reference, and if she were anywhere else, if she were with anyone else, maybe she’d still be too keyed-up to find out.
But Jamie is sliding back up the bed, hand rubbing soft, testing circles between Dani’s legs, and yes--she thinks she’s starting to understand at last. 
She kisses Jamie hard, without care of how she looks or being even the least bit smooth, her own hand fumbling toward the zipper of Jamie’s jeans. No time like the present, she thinks with a truly unexpected delight, pleased when Jamie spreads her legs and shifts her hips to help her ease between cloth and skin. 
“Right for it,” Jamie pants in surprise, and Dani is too invested to feel embarrassed. Jamie is soft under her hand, wet, hips jerking to match her clumsy movements. She closes her eyes, concentrates on trying to mirror what Jamie’s doing with her own considerably more nimble fingers. Tries to match her in slow, gentle pressure--then a little faster, as Jamie sucks breath through her teeth--and faster yet, when Jamie presses up in a way she doesn’t fully expect. 
She doesn’t even realize she’s losing control until she’s already halfway gone, her hand tripping and fumbling as Jamie uses two fingers and a series of quick, rhythmic motions to set a pace Dani can’t help but follow with her hips. She realizes she’s rolling onto her back, arching, making noises she’s never heard from her own lips, and Jamie rolls to follow, kissing those noises into muffled joy.
Jamie rides out the spasms with her, keeping her hand exactly where it is, slowing to a gentle rest of fingertips against ruined underwear. Dani’s vaguely aware her own hand is still down Jamie’s pants, no longer moving. She exhales. 
“S’all good,” Jamie says, her smile edged with something Dani thinks looks rather smug. “First time. Takes practice.”
It doesn’t surprise her, Dani falling asleep soon after. There were some mumbling sounds about reciprocation, about fairness, about wanting to feel Jamie twitch and groan under her fingers--but Jamie, jeans unzipped, feeling rather good about herself, only pulled her in close. Kissed her slowly. Let her fade into a gentle doze against Jamie’s shoulder. 
Good, Jamie thinks, though her skin is buzzing and there is an ache she hasn’t felt in a long time low in her belly. Rest, Poppins. There’s always tomorrow. 
If pressed, she couldn’t say why she feels such pride, such easy pleasure, watching the way Dani sinks into sleep in her arms. Maybe because Dani hasn’t looked like someone with the benefit of a good night’s sleep since Jamie met her. Maybe simply because Dani feels perfectly safe, perfectly notched against Jamie in this small bed. 
Either way, it feels right, Dani’s warm breath spilling across her bare skin. It feels right, even in this dumpy little flat above the only pub in Bly, though Dani is surely too good for a place like this. 
Maybe not for someone like me, though, Jamie thinks blearily, too pleased and too tired to pile upon that idea the weight of a lifetime not being good enough. Past doesn’t matter, not with Dani. It’s different, with Dani. 
She drifts. Tomorrow, they’ll wake to sunlight streaming through thin curtains, and maybe Dani will be a little embarrassed about everything they’ve done--maybe she’ll want to talk about it, or want to pretend it never happened, and Jamie will figure out how to handle the pain of that then.
She falls asleep thinking this is possible--but somehow knowing it isn’t likely. Isn't Dani. It’s too early to know a thing like that, but all the same, Jamie is pretty certain there will be no mortified scramble for clothes, no pushing her aside as Dani runs for the door, no awkward small talk on the ride back to the house. 
She does not anticipate, upon waking, Dani kissing her cheek. Kissing the corner of her lips. Kissing her neck and murmuring, “Morning...” with a question on the end of the word Jamie can’t help but laugh at before she’s even fully awake. 
“First thing, huh?”
Dani smiles at her, the smile of a woman who selected this very date venue not out of any polite curiosity about a small village pub, but because this particular bed existed above it. “Takes practice, you said.”
Jamie inhales sharply as a hand cups very lightly against the front of jeans that feel entirely irrelevant. “I did. Yeah. I definitely did.”
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spnwriter · 3 years
I was wrong and I’m okay with that.
Summary: The reader is love with Lucifer but is convinced he can’t love her back. 
Warnings: Some smut 
His hands run down my sides. They come to rest on my hips. He’s stopping me from squirming. He knows what I want. He’s teasing me.
 “Patients, little one. You’ll get what you want. Just let daddy touch you for a while.” Lucifer says before his forked tongue licks my ear.
 “Daddy.” I whine.
“Daddy.” I whine.
 “Bad girls don’t get to cum.” He warns.
 I can feel him straining against his jeans. I can feel how big he is. He isn’t even touching me, and I can feel myself dripping on the sheets.
 “You’re so wet, little one.” He teases as he slots himself between my thighs. “Look at you, you’re dripping.”
 He runs a finger through my lips. He circles my clit.
 “Now stay still. Daddy’s gonna have a taste.” He says before he wraps his arm around my thighs.
 I gasp awake. What the fuck was that?
 “Glad you’re awake. You were making some serious happy noises. What were you dreaming about?” Dean teases.
 I flip him off before I catch Lucifer’s eyes. He’s smirking at me. He can’t know what I was dreaming about. It’ impossible. He doesn’t have that power. I feel like I’d know if he did. Cas would have told me ages ago if he could see my dreams. I have too many nightmares for him to not have mentioned it. Maybe he’s smirking at me because I was having a sexy dream. He didn’t know about who. And it’d stay that way. If Dean knew he’d kill me. Sam would tie my up and try to exercise me.
 Where did it come from? Do I actually want Lucifer? NO, surely not. It was just a dream. I have them all the time. I’ve had a couple about the boys, but it didn’t mean anything. Our relationship hasn’t changed because my brain decides to make them the main star of a sex dream. I pushed it to the back of my mind. I’m supposed to be helping Dean.
 Lucifer has been eyeing me all day. It’s like he knew. He kept making that face at me. I’ve caught him looking at me boobs more than once today. He can’t possibly know. Right? I was beginning to doubt myself. He had to know. The way he’s been looking at me with such lust, he has to know. How am I going to get myself out of this one? I don’t even know if I really want him or not. I hope it’s my brain being an asshole. One thing I do know, I have to avoid him at all costs.
 Sam’s been giving me concerned looks all day. He knows somethings up. He can tell I’m anxious about something. He’s my best friend, of course he knows. I don’t know how to bring it up. I know he’ll ask. How does one admit they want to fuck the devil? Wait, I don’t want to fuck the devil. Why did I say that? Maybe I do want him? No, no, no. You cannot think like that. You don’t want him. The only thing that will come from wanting him is heartbreak. He’d never want me back. Not for more than sex. Humans are beneath him. He’s made that clear. I can’t let myself get emotional. Not for him. Granted he has been truly kind to me. He’s healed me when I’m injured. Even if it is just a small cut. He doesn’t do that for the boys. He’ll find me when I’m reading and just sit near me. He’s never said why he does that. He’s more than just Satan to me. That’s the problem. I know it’s more than lust I feel for him. We’ve gotten close over the last couple of months. He won’t admit it but, he’s soft with me. Sam’s worried about it. We’ve had the don’t catch feelings talk. I can’t help I’m in love with the archangel. Which is an awful thing because he will never love me back. He’s never been shown love, he doesn’t know what it is. I can’t blame him for it.
 I need some space. Yes, that’s it, space. Maybe separating myself from him will help. I can’t allow myself to fall deeper. It’ll destroy me. I haven’t told Sam or Dean about my feelings for Lucifer. I think they’d disown me. I’m sure they’d both be upset that I let it get to that point. I have a feeling that Sam knows. I can see it in the way he looks at me with such sadness in his eyes. He doesn’t want me to get hurt. Dean’s clueless as usual. He hasn’t caught on to what’s going on around him. He’s a little naïve when it comes to feelings.
 I decided to go on a solo hunt. The boys were not happy. Sam forbade me from going alone. Dean told me that it was dumb to go alone but didn’t push beyond that. The person or angle that was the most upset was Lucifer. He followed me around while I was packing naming all the things that could go wrong. He begged me not to go alone. He wanted to go with me. Then at least if I got injured, he’d be there to heal me. I told him know a thousand times. He finally accepted me answer but wasn’t happy about it. He walked me to the car.
 “Just be careful, little one.” He whispered before he shut the door.
 Little one. The word echoes in my head. Little one. Where did that come from? He’s never called me anything other than my name. He certainly never called me little one in anything but my dreams. He must know. Don’t get all worked up, Y/N. It’s probably just a term of endearment.  He’s probably just comfortable enough to call me something other than my name now. Relax, Y/N. Don’t get distracted. Hunting alone is dangerous enough.
 The hunt went okay. I killed the damn thing but not before it took a swipe at me. Fucking werewolves. I’m fine. Just three pretty deep cuts on my stomach. I bandaged them up before I left the motel. I know I’m going to hear an earful when I get home. I figure Lucifer would be the angriest. I was right. He was pissed. He said he knew he shouldn’t have let me go alone. I got hurt and he wasn’t there to heal me. He said it all could have been avoided if I would have listened to him in the first place.
 “Lucifer, that’s enough.” I snap at the angle.
 “Enough? You got hurt.”
 “And I’m fine. I’m a big girl. I can handle myself.”
 “Clearly not. You could have died.”
 “But I didn’t.”
 “I could have lost you.” His voice shakes in a way I’ve never heard before.
 “But you didn’t.”
 “Not the point. You aren’t doing that again, little one.”
 “Wait, a damn minute. You cannot tell me what to do.”
 “Yes, I can. And I will. You clearly can’t make good choices on your own. I won’t lose you because of a stupid decision.”
 “I’m sorry that’s not how that works. You can’t tell me what I can or can’t do. You aren’t my daddy.” I rush out before I could stop myself.
 “But you want me to be.” Lucifer smirks. “You think I don’t know about those dirty dreams, Little one?”
 “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
 “Don’t lie to me. I’ve seen them.”
 “You have?” I question.
 “I can see them all. You don’t do a good job guarding your thoughts.”
 “We aren’t doing this.” I announce.
 “You want me, I want you. What’s stopping us?” he presses.
 He wants me too. He can’t be serious.
 “Morality.” I suggest.
 “What isn’t moral about wanting the devil to have his way with you?” he teases.
 “Lucifer, I’m serious.”
 “So am I, I’m not letting something as trivial as morality stand in the way of what I want.”
 “You’ll never understand morality, Lucifer. I can’t do this.” I say before I try to walk away.
 I can’t allow myself to give in. He won’t catch me if I fall. I’ll shatter into a million pieces. He knew all this time. He knew how I felt and never said anything. Not until he thought I almost died. Not that I did. He’s always been a bit dramatic. He said he doesn’t want to lose me. I don’t want to lose him either, but we can’t be what I want us to be. He doesn’t want me in the same way. I have to keep reminding myself of that. I can’t let myself fall too deep.
 For the next couple of days, Lucifer hasn’t been around. In fact, I haven’t seen him since we got into that little fight. It seems if he can’t have me the way he wants then he doesn’t want me at all. I knew he didn’t want me in the same way.
 “You have to stop saying that.” Lucifer suddenly appears.
 “Saying what?”
 “That I don’t want you the way you want me. You think I enjoy this obsession of mine? You think I enjoy worrying about you when you hunt. Especially alone. I don’t. I hate it. I hate how loving you makes me feel.” He shouts.
 “Loving me?”
 “Yes, Little one. I love you.”
 “I love you too, Lucifer.”
 I stand to run into his arms. Content to let myself fall knowing he isn’t going to let me fall. He wraps his arms around me tightly. I was wrong and I’m okay with that.
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theodora3022 · 4 years
Crown Jewel
(noun): a particularly valuable or prized possession or asset.
Pairing: Francis Scott Fitzgerald X fem! former assassin reader
Summary: Having betrayed the Order of the Clock Tower and fled to Japan, you hid your ability and worked at the ADA as a secretary for protection. Life was not as good, but you knew what Lady Christie would do if she discovered a traitor’s whereabouts. You knew someone would dig up your old dirt sooner or later, but why does it have to be this arrogant, awful man? 
Notes: This is really self-indulgent (to satiate my cravings and daddy issues), so read it at your own risk. I am not comfortable with cheating, so Francis is single in this one and never went bankrupt.(But he is still a family man, his wife Zelda passed away before the events in the show) He is an arrogant bastard in canon so you might find his behaviour offensive but that is just how he is. Excuse my pathetic Canadian English, as I cannot write in British English at all. This fic took me too many hours to write, thankfully it is finally done...
Special thanks to my friends for beta reading this long thing, your encouragement and praises are what kept my fragile sanity intact in the process!
Word count: 4.2k
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Warnings: Mild bimbofication, mild objectification, coercion, implied dub-con(We all know what happens in marriages right?), Yandere themes
She was beautiful, but not like those girls in the magazines.
She was beautiful for the way she thought.
She was beautiful, for the sparkle in her eyes when she talked about something she loved.
She was beautiful, for her ability to make other people smile, even if she was sad.
No, she wasn’t beautiful for something as temporary as her looks.
She was beautiful, deep down to her soul.
-F.Scott Fitzgerald
The entire Fitzgerald Estate is finely, thoughtfully decorated, lavish even. Like photographs right out of a luxurious architecture magazine, with marble floors, persian carpets and high raised ceilings. A manor that sits on the top of a little hill, surrounded by trees and flowerbeds. But no matter how beautiful it may be, no one can never feel quite at home in prison. You thought as you lean back on the living room sofa near the patio, slowly dozing off in the afternoon sunlight with a half-read novel on your lap. Maybe you would go for a swim later, you could use a soak before he returns.
It’s easy to forget how much blood is on your hands in peaceful times like these. Ever since he made you dispose of your count book, you can barely remember how many people you had slaughtered.
Your hands were once covered with callouses from hours of training, but now they are as smooth as the velvet curtains. The glow from the big diamond ring on your ring finger irritates you so very often, but he had warned you not to take it off.
“Lady Fitzgerald? Mrs. Smith is here for your fitting session.” It is one of the maids. Ah, is the tailor here already? You put up a smile for the guest and got up, silently cursing your “husband” in the process. Good thing he is at work most of the time, so you can at least enjoy this glamorous life every once in a while without wanting to bury yourself in a bottomless pit.
Another week, another one of those frivolous social events. But you have no choice but to accompany him to every single one of them. While acting as the leader of the Guild, Francis is also the head of the Fitzgerald cooperation, therefore this high society life has always been the norm for him. You, on the other hand, prefer lurking in the shades. All these shimmering lights, noisy parties, fancy dresses and high heels leave you either dazzled or vulnerable. You feel more like his nice accessory, a Christmas bauble than a wife. However, you know your obligations. Be his arm candy, smile, be obedient and not to speak unless spoken to. The alternative of obeying these absurdities is simply unthinkable. Merely the thought can make you feel chills on this warm summer afternoon.
It’s either this or absolute hell. No, that is not an exaggeration.
As an experienced assassin, you had prepared for death since you first signed up for the position. However, no one can bear the Order’s punishments. You know that too well, having witnessed it first-hand countless times.
At least you can live a carefree life with this option. With infuriating restrictions or not, you are still alive and maintain a certain degree of freedom. You should take this compared to an excruciating death any day. Plus you also get to live in extravagance, you cannot hate that for one bit. This rich man has spoiled you to no end, willing to fulfill even your most absurd requests as long as you are his darling wife. Let it be cars, clothes or jewelries, whatever you wish for, Francis would always make sure you got the finest of them.  Not that is ever possible, but you could...get used to this.
However, you utterly despise this title, Lady Fitzgerald? No matter how much he pampers you or showers you with gifts, it would never make up for the fact that you only signed that marriage license under certain conditions. There are those sleepless nights, while you lay under silk quilts in his embrace in some exquisite mansion, you wish you were back in your humble Yokohama flat alone.
---a few months ago
Almost spilling your morning beverage due to running into one of your coworkers at the door, is surely a bad omen, but at the time you did not give it much thought. “Sorry, (y/n)-san. But there is an emergency.” Kirako Haruno?
Work has only just begun, and to your knowledge, there are no major events scheduled for today. Why is she in such a hurry?
Haruno is as terrified as if she just saw a bear in the middle of the street. Strange, since she is usually calm and collected. 
“What has happened? Are you okay?”
“There are foreigners here, they are demanding an audience with the president. (y/n)-san, you can handle them, right? Please, keep them occupied while I notify the president.” Looks like this is your problem now since you speak better English compared to any other in the ADA.
She said it quickly without any pause. Also walked away before you had a chance to refuse, so Haruno missed how the colours suddenly drained from your visage and your horrid expression. 
Oh, dear. Please do not let the foreigners be them… Although not many members of the Order recognizes you as you always don masks even at meetings, you still feel the world may have ended for you, as you wobble out of the office to the reception area with cold sweat. If Haruno had not hurried off, you would have found some excuse to get away from this troublesome situation. You should have called in sick today...
Are they speaking with American accents? Good gracious, you almost had a heart attack over this. You dealt with the Guild before, back when you were still in the Order when you still viewed Lady Christie as your older sister. She used to take you to negotiations meetings. You know how they are, so it should be a cakewalk to keep them occupied for at least a while. But...what if they identify you and report your whereabouts to the Order?! Would they be willing to do Christie this “favour”? The last time you checked, the two organizations were not on exactly friendly terms. So you should be fine as long as you act accordingly. Besides, the agency would not allow foreigners to harm one of their office clerks, precisely why you applied for a job ADA a year-and-a-half ago.
Get your act together, (y/n). Being this panicked is beneath you, everything will be alright as long as you conceal your fears. 
Finishing on your diplomatic front preparation, you greet them with a professional attitude. “Welcome to the Armed Detective Agency, ladies and gentlemen of the Guild.” You try to talk in the calmest tone possible, without stutters. “Now if you would follow me, I shall prepare you some tea. The President will be ready for you shortly.” Now that you have a chance to observe them up close, you had to dig your nails into your palms, pressuring yourself to maintain composure. Why is the leader of the Guild here?! You had seen him before, there is no way you could mistake that arrogant blonde for anyone else. Even though you are pretty confident he would scarcely recognize you without a mask, that tiny possibility feels like a sharp blade pressing against your throat, ready to strike anytime. 
Fitzgerald was not expecting someone who speaks flawless English to receive them. Not someone this cute, too. And here he thought this is just going to be like any other boring business discussion. But he cannot shake off this feeling of how he had seen your enchanting smile somewhere before. It was not easy to leave even a vague impression on the great Francis Scotts Fitzgerald, you must have been someone important. A business partner? A Government Official? Or perhaps a Socialite? You are someone with a high position, that he can be sure. But why would you Oh how he hates having blurry memories of something. As soon as he returns to the Guild base, Francis needs to look into their Database immediately. 
“Earl Grey, imported from England. Would you like some refreshments as well?” Taking out a can of cream biscuits from your desk drawer, you are glad to see the redhead young girl nodding excitedly. You return a genuine smile to her before bending down to fetch the plate. You were not sure if you were just being oversensitive, but you felt a burning gaze on your back when you turned. Your assassin instincts were almost always accurate, could it be that Fitzgerald had remembered something?
“Is there something wrong, Miss? You are sweating so much.” You do appreciate the ginger girl’s kind words, but could she not say it out loud for her boss to hear? You were planning on keeping your panics to yourself. Moving unnoticeable further away from the Guild leader, you gulped nervously. 
“My apologies. I am not feeling well this morning. Now, here’s your biscuits.”
“Aren’t they called cookies? They are truly delicious, thank you so much, Miss. I’m Lucy by the way.”
“In England, we call them biscuits. Would you like some more, Lucy? I have more if you’ll like it.” Her cheerful nature reminds you of a little sister, how could you say no to her pleading eyes. Unfortunately, this also made you forget how you are trying to remain incognito, and you let your hidden past out unintentionally. 
England? That certainly rings a bell for the bright mind of Francis Fitzgerald. And no, he was not eavesdropping. You are talking to his employee, after all. Francis even forgot to scold Lucy about being a demanding guest on cookies because he was so deep in thought, searching for any clue of who you might be. He was about to recall something when you received the president’s notice about the meeting. “The President is ready now, this way please.”
After they entered the office, you realized how you had accidentally exposed yourself while explaining about biscuits. No, now all you can do is pray Fitzgerald was not listening in to that whimsical tea-time conversation. Your stomach suddenly feels queasy, a sign that maybe you should request to go home early. You surely do not want to face those calculating blue eyes again. Heck, you never trembled this badly, not even before the toughest missions. 
He was planning on asking you some questions after that unsuccessful negotiation, but it would seem like you had taken a sick leave early. 
You seem to be rather nervous around him. Suspicious. 
Yet Francis cannot stop thinking about how you cared for Lucy. That consideration, if his little daughter is still around, she is bound to love you… It could just be professional kindness, but Francis had seen enough people to tell what is a facade or not. Zelda was like this too, in fact, it’s this admirable quality that had drawn him in the first place.
The great Fitzgerald had seen so many beautiful women, but your unparalleled warmth and grace outshine all appearances. 
Wait, Francis had finally cleared the fog now. Aren’t you that girl with Agatha Christie, the head knight of the Order of the Clock Tower? No wonder you speak of England. He was so shocked when Christie introduced you as one of her finest knights. You were so friendly and lighthearted, how can you be that notorious master Assassin? It does not matter whether you had a mask on or not, he remembers those lovely (colour) eyes too well. He had found you to be alluring back then, but at that time he was too busy to concern himself with amorous feelings. Going through the guild files, he found that statement from Christie about how you had defected from the Order and a bounty for your whereabouts.
So, you are hiding from your former Organization? That is unfortunate. Francis had heard a word or two about how the Order is feared for its gruesome torture methods, how they still implement the old ways without mercy. You would rather work as a low-wage secretary then continue being one of their most esteemed Knights, something must have gone terribly wrong. 
This is the perfect wager to let you, a kind, independent strong woman, bend to his will. 
Now that he had thought about it, coming back home to a loving wife once again sounds more than wonderful. Having someone by his side forever, to love, to spoil, to have a family with had always been what he wanted. But fate has been cruel to Francis on this matter and had taken them away way too soon. 
This time, he would make sure to do it right. Francis is determined not to let the tragedy repeat itself.
You were surprised by that clearly expensive gift box on your desk the next day you arrived at work. There is a letter attached to it? Your heart dropped when you saw the Guild's emblem embedded on the wax seal. What could they possibly want from you apart from...that?
“Dear Ms(y/n), Sir Francis S FitzGerald would like you to join him for dinner at (location). Please put on the dress in the box attached and be at (location) at seven p.m sharp.” 
What a condescending letter. Not even a polite invitation, just saying he wants you there? You knew how this Fitzgerald is, that arrogant and greedy type, who would value money above conscience. Well, you still got some savings left, if that could shut him up you would not mind emptying your pockets.
You can never let her find you. Suicide before she did is a possible option, but you decided to save that as the last resort.
That is why you decided to put on that dress and go to meet him at this high-end western restaurant. 
The hem of the dress is too short for your likings, but its sublime texture made you presume it costs a fortune. You cannot even recall when was the last time you had don such fine material. Life as a Knight major feels nothing more than a fever dream when Agatha was still your friend, your dear Commander.
What is Fitzgerlad’s intention of giving you such a scandalous dress? Is this some peculiar way to humiliate you? This is why you are better off acting as the blade, never as the tactician. Mind games were never your forte. 
You are wearing that dress as Francis asked, good. He knew you would look gorgeous in it. It’s such a shame you always covered yourself up. Why wear those cheap, conservative trash when you can wear this?
Someone like you needs to be cherished, to be coddled. You do not belong in the shades or some little office.
“Mr. Fitzgerald. How may I help you today?” God, you feel almost naked in this piece of cloth, but you know you had to grin and bear it as he has the upper hand for now. “If this is about that business permit, I am not the one to make decisions.”
“Why, you are not going to thank me for the dress? You look absolutely breathtaking if you are wondering.” Crap, he is wearing a suit of a matching colour. Has he done this on purpose?
You blush a bit at Francis’s generous compliment, but you did not foreget why you are here.
“Please, do sit. And call me Francis, Miss.” Pulling the chair out for you, Francis smiled politely before signalling the waiters to bring out the appetizers. He is acting way too nice if all he wants is blackmailing you. You were expecting a simple, cold business trade, not...whatever this can be called.
“So, how is Lady Christie doing?” You put down the wine glass, sensing his malicious intent and narrowing your eyes. Of course, he knows, you should have expected this much from the leader of the Guild and an accomplished businessman. Lady Christie must have sent out wanted advertisements, too. 
“If you know this much then you must know I am not a part of the Order anymore.” Just name the price already, then you can both go back to your respective businesses and forget your paths ever crossed.
Clever one, although Francis would expect anything less from someone like you. Not just anyone could be the Knight major of that Order after all. You sighed with frustration, clearly wanting to get this over with. “How much do you need? I still have a decent sum in my bank account.” It would probably be a large price, coming from this greedy man, but you are willing to pay for it as long as he stays silent.
You, trying to bribe him? How adorable. You must have been incredibly oblivious to not notice his intentions. Yes, normally a good check would silence Francis, but can’t you see he is not after your money here?
Instead of taking the pen, Francis shoved his smartphone in front of your face. 
You turn paler when you figure out the contents. It was an email draft, a draft intended for your former Commander. It tells how the Guild is doing her a big favour by returning her astray Knight major to her proper place. Did he type out an email already? You can already feel those cold dungeon bars on your skin. 
“Is money not enough? What exactly do you need?” Calm down, (y/n). If Francis did not send that email, it means negotiation is still possible. Just give him what he needs and be done with it. 
To your shock, the blonde smiled smugly and said: “I want you to join the Guild.”
Join the Guild? “As an assassin?” Of course, he is after your ability. It was what made you a high ranking knight, no wonder he would want that for his organization. 
“Not exactly. You see, I’m looking for a...personal bodyguard.” Hm, Francis is fond of the word “personal” in this context, it makes him feel like you are one of his possessions already.
“If you have any knowledge about my ability at all, you should know I am no good for frontal combat. With your status, fitting individuals would come running.” Is he toying with you? How despicable. Only a dastard would toy with someone’s mind, especially someone desperate.
Carefully taking your hand into his, feeling your soft skin and those light calluses on your fingers, Francis knows he has to do this the blunt way. You are such a fool when it comes to romantic relationships. 
“Be my wife, you don’t need to worry about being discovered ever again. Christie cannot touch you as long as you are by my side. You can have whatever you want, just say the word. ”
This has to be a hallucination. Be his...wife? “Mr. Fitzgerald, have you got hit on the head earlier?” Feeling his forehead with the back of your hand: “You do not seem to have a fever. Are you feeling unwell?” Is he out of his mind? You, his wife? You are a dangerous assassin with a high headcount, not exactly wife material. No one sane wishes to be involved with you romantically, or so you thought.
He was not expecting such an eccentric reaction. Most women would be over the moon with the mere thought of becoming his mistress, not to mention an actual wife. Francis knows you are different, but this is out of his wildest predictions. 
You are even harder to predict than the stock market of New York.
“This is a serious offer, love. Do you take my words as some jester’s joke?” He is not joking? Oh dear, you don’t want to marry this man. He did not even properly court you? And it is not like he is giving you a real choice either.
“What, are you going to refuse? That is fine, surely this email could bring a smile to Christie's face.” “No, please don’t send that email!”The way your pupils shrink suddenly gives him heartaches, but this is the necessary measure to make sure you are compliant. Francis had promised to spoil you, but sadly this is not a matter he can compromise with. He could make it up with gifts and attention later right? This life in exile is not fitting for a lady like you, so why don’t you let him take care of you? Don’t you understand what could happen to you had he not intervened?
That trembling little nod is all Francis needs for confirmation. As he brings your hand to his lips for a gentle kiss, he swore silently to himself how he would never repeat his previous mistakes.
“Now, let us go ring shopping. Pick the biggest diamond one if you like, but make sure to select it out with a matching one.”
----Back to present
After the fitting appointment, you decided to spend the rest of the afternoon with some confectionary practices. You remember well how Francis’s face would lit up like a Christmas tree if he comes home to the smell of your bakings. It disgusts you how much he loves your docile mask, how you are his perfect housewife, his Mrs. Fitzgerald. This bastard do take pleasure in others pain.
Still, you must keep your “husband” happy. Humming your favourite melody in a pink apron, you try to imagine you are just doing this for only your own amusement, in your own house to make this more bearable. 
Baking is one of the many hobbies you picked up after becoming Lady Fitzgerald. You could not work, neither as an assassin nor a secretary, as he is concerned about your “safety”: “Why should my lovely wife trouble herself with those headaches? You should spend your day doing whatever interests you, like painting or knitting! Tell me anytime if you need tutors.” Then Francis gave your head a few pats as if you are some cute puppy? You can never count how many screws he got loose.
What interests you? Well, stabbing Francis in his sleep could hardly count as a suitable hobby. Guess you’ll have to think of other ways to utilize those kitchen knives.  Since he forbids you to train with weapons, you are stuck with those pathetic feminine leisure activities. 
Placing the tray onto the preheated oven rack, you were cleaning up the mess from the process when two strong arms abruptly wrapped around your waist from behind. You knew exactly who it is since you had sensed his presence when he first set a foot into this ridiculously large kitchen. You also had to take deep breaths, reminding yourself why you shouldn’t just aim your fists at Francis’s nose then and there. These past few months with him had raised your resilience to an incredible level, you could tolerate his demanding physical affections without the urge to jump off a cliff now. 
Curling your lips upwards, you push yourself to leave a light peck on the tall blonde man’s left cheek. That is mandatory, you had learned that on the first day here. “You’re home early.” The way you say those words is so sweet, even sweeter than those sugary treats in the oven. Even though you have to be careful, not letting the venom underneath slip out.
This is what Francis S. Fitzgerald longs to come home to, the love of his life after a day of gruelling meetings and other work. Once a renowned assassin, a second-in-command Knight in a Prestigious Royal Order, but now you are just his little housewife. He could never find a shinier trophy to demonstrate his power and influence. The haughty Blonde knows you have not entirely given up on the idea of escaping, still holding a grudge towards him, time will tell whether you accept your place or not. But that does not matter now, right now the Guild leader just wants to watch some brainless tv show on the sofa, with you on his lap to unwind, some Bordeaux would be nice too. He could handle all those business meetings if that means holding you to sleep every night. The sight of your smile makes it all worth it. 
You belong to him now, his most prized possession, the crown jewel of Francis Fitzgerald’s collection.
And you have no say in the matter as long as you wish to stay in the land of the living.
It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving,
But like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living.
-F.Scott Fitzgerald
(Hey! Thank you for reading! Commetns and reblogs would be greately appreciated!)
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ibijau · 3 years
You’re a marked man, brother, part 4 / also on AO3
Lan Xichen confronts the Magpie King as secrets are uncovered
warning for canon typical violence
It was common knowledge in the Heavenly Court a little over a year after Nie Mingjue ascended, a gruesome attack happened upon his home. His father was killed, as well as his father’s disciples from the youngest to the oldest, his father’s wives, his cousins, and every servant except Jin Guangyao, who had luckily been out on an errand. He had only returned in time to find everyone slaughtered, and to bear witness to Nie Mingjue beheading the murderer. Unwilling to risk the last mortal he was close to, Nie Mingjue had immediately brought Jin Guangyao to the Middle Court, where he had stayed until his own ascension some years later.
As for the house where the terrible crime happened, it remained empty for a long time. There was nobody left to inherit the place, and nobody willing to claim it for themselves. Even though every purification ritual was performed, the crime had still happened, it was still the old house of a god, and its reputation wasn’t very good. In the end, just as Nie Mingjue was thinking of asking some of his followers to do something with it, more bad luck struck and the place burned to the ground one night, in an act of arson.
The ruined piece of land was purified again, even more thoroughly than the first time. Then, the first and biggest San-Zun temple was established there, and there were never any troubles again. Still, the arsonist had never been found. And now that he stood in front of that reproduction of Nie Mingjue’s house, Lan Xichen realised that the fire had happened right as Tonglu Mountain opened, that time when the Magpie King rose to the rank of Devastation.
Lan Xichen ignored how his husband, who was still crushing his hand, tried to pull him back toward the woods, and took a step forward.
“Xichen, we cannot go in there,” Jin Guangyao said, his voice trembling. “That place, it can’t be…”
Lan Xichen gazed toward the Unclean Realm in silence, only to see its doors open on their own in invitation. Jin Guangyao only pulled harder, getting desperate in his attempts to make Lan Xichen leave.
They’d never found who the murderer had been, that terrible day, Lan Xichen recalled. Just a young man, a stranger nobody had ever seen before, whose soul was assumed to have been purified alongside the others in the house. But if it had found a way to hide and linger, if it had nursed for centuries the rage of being caught and stopped…
A person like that could very well have become a Devastation, in due time.
And if that were the case…
“I have to go,” Lan Xichen said, pulling his hand free. “I know where he’s keeping Nie Mingjue, and I fear I know what he’ll do to him, given the chance. You four may stay here if you prefer.”
“Xichen, don’t,” Jin Guangyao hissed. “He’ll destroy you!”
Ignoring him again, Lan Xichen rushed forward and went inside. As he passed the heavy doors, he heard footsteps running right behind him. He turned, hoping to see his husband, but Jin Guangyao was further back, trying to convince Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji to turn back while they still could, holding both of them by their sleeves. Instead it was Sangcan, trembling like a leaf and half crying from fear, who was coming in with him. Lan Xichen thought of ordering him away, unsure he could protect him after all, but there was a determination under his tears that dissuaded Lan Xichen from sending him back.
“Be careful,” he just ordered, slowing down so Sangcan could follow more easily. “If it becomes dangerous, just run. This doesn’t concern you.”
“It ends today,” Sangcan replied, struggling to keep up even like this. “It’s been too long anyway, and I knew it’d be dangerous from the start, my lord.”
Lan Xichen didn’t insist, and continued making his way through this copy of Nie Mingjue’s old home.
He couldn’t help being amazed by the quality of that replica, everything exactly the same as it had been the last time he had visited before the tragedy. It was uncanny, actually. That flower pot right there had the same chink it used to have, the one nobody every seemed to have time to repair or replace, and that door over there looked much newer than the rest, since it was installed during Lan Xichen’s last visit. It felt as though at any moment a group of disciples might come laughing and chatting into the courtyard to do their morning exercise, or else the old master Nie would walk by with one of his wives and wave at his visitors.
It used to be such a lively place, and to see so empty and silent was heartbreaking. Lan Xichen did his best to ignore his growing uneasiness, and walked on toward his destination. Sangcan and him crossed the front courtyard, then the central one, heading toward the back of the house where the family’s private rooms would be. He took a left turn just before the bedroom of the master of the house, and reached one of the side rooms, one that might or might not have been in use by some relative of Nie Mingjue at the time of the disaster. In spite of how well he remembered every other detail about this, that one eluded him. It didn’t matter. 
The only thing of importance about that room, Lan Xichen thought as he opened the door, was that the man who’d slaughtered the Nie household was caught and killed there.
The room, like everything else in the house, was perfectly recreated. There were some beautiful fans displayed on the walls, all exquisitely painted, as well as a fortune’s worth of books and scrolls. It looked every bit the bedroom of a rich, beloved young master spoiled by his family. Lan Xichen felt a wave of nostalgia hit him, though it was quickly overridden by dread when his eyes fell upon the bed. 
Sitting on the floor with his back to that bed, beaten, and exhausted, was Nie Mingjue. He had been tied with golden ropes, and a piece of fabric had been pushed inside his mouth to silence him, yet he tried to shout when he saw Lan Xichen in the doorway, his eyes jumping from his old friend to a silhouette standing menacingly at his side.
The person in question was a young man who couldn’t be more than twenty, if he was even that old. He wasn’t short as such, but among cultivators or gods where men grew tall, he certainly would have appeared quite small. His face was handsome, his features delicate and round, though there was a certain sharpness at the corner of his jaw, and his eyes were cold. He was dressed all in black, with a cloak thrown upon his shoulder made of hundreds of black iridescent feathers, and in his hand…
In his hand was Baxia.
Lan Xichen could only stare, unable to wrap his head around this.
Nie Mingjue’s sabre was no ordinary weapon. It had, to some degree, a mind of its own, capable of turning against its owner should he stray from the right path. Lan Xichen would never have dared to touch it, and Jin Guangyao feared it, since however dear he was to its owner, Baxia itself had a dislike of him. It should have been impossible for anyone but Nie Mingjue to handle it, and yet that young man seemed to be having no problems, not even bothered by the weight of such a large blade.
“It took you long enough,” the young man said in a flat voice, his emotionless eyes falling on Lan Xichen for a moment, before searching around. “And you’re alone? Don’t tell me that crossing Xinglu Ridge was too hard for your companions? Say, Sangcan…”
Poor Sangcan jumped and whimpered in fear, hiding behind Lan Xichen, which caused the young man to smirk cruelly.
“Couldn’t you at least do this properly? I’m disappointed, Sangcan.”
Trembling and crying, Sangcan sprung from behind Lan Xichen and dropped on his knees before the Magpie King.
“My lord, please! I just wanted this to be over!”
“And it’ll be over indeed,” the Magpie King coldly retorted, slapping Sangcan in the face and sending him flying to the side of the room. Lan Xichen gasped and reached for his sword, only for Baxia to be turned toward him. “That would be unwise, Zewu-Jun.”
“Let Nie Mingjue go,” Lan Xichen ordered. “And free Sangcan from his contract. Neither deserve to be treated this way.”
The Magpie King tilted his head, his expression unchanging as he raised his free hand. A fan appeared into it, one that must have been quite stunning once, but was now stained with blood.
“What do you know of who deserves what, Zewu-Jun? What do you know of justice? You’re nothing but a… ah, but here comes company.”
There were footsteps coming their way. Lan Xichen counted three people, two of which were immensely familiar to him. In spite of the situation, he relaxed a little, glad that Jin Guangyao had overcome his terror of this place for the sake of Nie Mingjue. He couldn't help a faint smile when his husband came near him, and just by having him present, he felt stronger than when he was alone.
“I know who you are,” Lan Xichen told the Magpie King, and though the ghost king’s face was half hidden behind his bloody fan, there was curiosity in his eyes. “You are the man who slaughtered the Nie family, centuries ago.”
That curiosity disappeared, replaced by boredom.
“Not quite,” the Magpie King stated, lowering Baxia and using it as a crutch to carelessly lean on. Next to him, Nie Mingjue struggled against his restraints, furious to see his sabre so disrespected. Yet Baxia itself allowed it, showing no resistance to the Magpie King, no trace of rage.
“Let Mingjue go,” Lan Xichen insisted, trying again to unsheathe Shuoyue.
This time, what stopped him was Jin Guangyao desperately grasping his wrist.
“Xichen, you shouldn’t…”
“I should,” Lan Xichen cut him, freeing himself and revealing his sword, which he pointed at the Magpie King. “Come on, tell us then! Why did you do all this?”
The Magpie only continued leaning on Baxia in silence, his lips slightly pinched. He threw Lan Xichen a bored look, then directed his attention behind the martial god, his expression remaining entirely unimpressed.
“Oh,” said Wei Wuxian.
It took all of Lan Xichen’s control not to turn and glance at his brother-in-law, especially when the Magpie King took a sharp breath at that exclamation.
“It’s not about Nie Mingjue,” Wei Wuxian said. “Well, it is, but it’s not. Fine, let me take a guess, let me… something happened to you, didn’t it?”
The Magpie King didn’t react, save to start lazily fanning himself. Wei Wuxian started pacing, entering and leaving Lan Xichen’s field of vision as he resumed speaking.
“Let me see, let me just see… That curse you use on people, the one sealing their secrets, the reason you know it is because someone used it on you. Before you died, I’d think, or shortly after? No, it had to be before, it’d take better that way. Then, what you’re hiding… you used to have a brother,” Wei Wuxian guessed. “And… ah! Yes, of course, you had a lover as well. And you were murdered…”
He stopped his pacing, and looked at the Magpie King who looked back with nothing but mild curiosity on his face.
“I’m missing something,” Wei Wuxian guessed.
“If it were that easy, I’d be free already,” the Magpie King retorted with an affected yawn. “Come on, Wei-xiong. You’re smarter than that.”
Wei Wuxian resumed his pacing, muttering to himself. Lan Xichen hesitated to use whatever was going on between Wei Wuxian and the Magpie King to rush forward and try to grab Nie Mingjue, but he dared not go anywhere near Baxia, not when it appeared to have changed sides.
Besides, he was curious about this business. For a ghost as powerful as the Magpie King, a curse should have been easy to avoid or break. Certainly it would have attached itself to him a good deal deeper if it had been cast while he was still alive and thus more vulnerable, but he was a ghost king, a Devastation. The only people who should have been able to do lasting damage to the Magpie King were another Devastation, or perhaps a god. If Wei Wuxian had been brought there to help, it was unlikely to be the first. But if it was the second, and with the way the Magpie King had once gone to such length to ruin certain corrupt gods…
“Xichen, you should attack him,” Jin Guangyao whispered, barely more than a breath against his ear. “He’s not paying attention to you. Kill him, and then we can all go home and forget all about this.”
As low as his voice was, the Magpie King still heard him and shot him a venomous glare. It was by far the most intense expression he'd graced them with so far, and at the same time, Baxia’s rage flashed through the room, startling all of them. Nie Mingjue in particular seemed shocked. Knowing him, he had to have been trying to get his sabre back under control the entire time, so to see it react to another person’s emotions must have been particularly unsettling.
"Xichen, please!" Jin Guangyao hissed, hiding behind his husband. 
At a normal time, Lan Xichen would never have ignored his husband's distress. But this was not a normal time, and there were too many odd things he couldn't ignore. 
"Why did you call this place the Unclean Realm?" he asked the Magpie King, that particular detail bothering him the most even though it was such a small thing. 
Now that Jin Guangyao was no longer in his field of view, the ghost king's expression turned bored again. 
"It's just what it used to be called." 
Lan Xichen lowered his sword, his hands trembling. He looked again at the Devastation's face, youthful and handsome but definitely unfamiliar, and yet… 
"Have we met before?" 
The Magpie King nearly fell face first to the floor, so surprised by that question that he'd leaned too hard on Baxia. He quickly straightened himself and resumed his previous position. Although he refused to answer, there was now something like hope in his cold eyes as he observed Lan Xichen. 
Wei Wuxian snapped his fingers. "Yes, that's it! You have met him before, Zewu-Jun!" he announced. "And it's linked to his curse, or else he'd say something, right?" 
The Magpie King pinched his lips, while Wei Wuxian grinned triumphantly. 
"Then I think it's like this. Long ago, this man we call the Magpie King was mortal. He lived in Qinghe, in this house. He had a brother, and a lover, one to whom he was linked by fate… and I'm guessing it's not the only good thing fate had in store for him. You used to be a lucky person, old friend, weren't you?" Wei Wuxian mused. "Enough to make someone envious perhaps. So envious that someone found a way to trade their fate for yours, hm? And then to cover their tracks they had you killed, and cursed you so you would never be able to reveal the truth about that exchange of fates, and so only you and them could know how things used to be."
Although the Magpie King was still unable to answer, his expression turned pleading. 
Lan Xichen felt his blood turn to ice, his grip on Shuoyue loosening to such a degree he nearly dropped his sword. When he glanced at Nie Mingjue, he saw on his old friend a horrified expression that had to match his own. If Wei Wuxian was right, they both used to know the Magpie king.
"I'm still missing something," Wei Wuxian said, clicking his tongue in annoyance. "But what… your name? It's got to be your name. Something in "Sang", right?"
Before Wei Wuxian could start guessing at that name, Lan Xichen felt his sword be torn from his hand and saw Jin Guangyao try to stab Wei Wuxian through the heart. If not for Lan Wangji's fast reflexes allowing him to parry the strike, the ghost king would have been pierced through. 
"Feeling threatened, Lianfang-Zun?" Wei Wuxian taunted with a sharp laugh. "I wasn't sure yet which of the three of you it was, actually. I'll admit I'm glad it's you, because my bet was on Zewu-Jun, and that would have made things quite awkward for me."
"My husband might be kind enough to listen to your ramblings," Jin Guangyao retorted, "but I won't be so easily charmed. I don't know what sort of a game Huaisang and you are playing, but I will stop you before you can cause anymore harm!" 
Wei Wuxian started cackling, and glanced at his husband who nodded. 
"Nie Huaisang," Lan Wangji said.
The Magpie King gasped like a drowning man coming to the surface, clinging to Baxia as if he might fall without its support. 
"That's me," he said. "I'm Nie Huaisang. And you," he added, glaring at Jin Guangyao, "are going to regret what you did to me."
Realising his mistake, Jin Guangyao dropped Shuoyue and jumped to hide again behind Lan Xichen who allowed it, partly out of habit, partly because the shock was too great. 
The instant Lan Wangji had said out loud the Magpie King's name, forgotten memories flooded Lan Xichen's mind, changing everything he thought he remembered of his life as a mortal. Back then, whenever he'd visited Qinghe, he would spend time with Nie Mingjue certainly, but there was also his little brother tagging along, an odd boy who'd soon started growing into a charming young man for whom Lan Xichen fell hard. Both Lan Xichen and Nie Mingjue had loved Nie Huaisang, both of them had wanted to take him to the Heavenly Court after ascending, and yet neither of them had mourned him when he died, because they couldn't remember he even existed when that happened. 
"Xichen, husband, don't listen to them!" Jin Guangyao pleaded. "You know me better than that!" 
"Do I?" Lan Xichen asked, pinching his nose to fight off the first signs of a headache. "You… you were there too, weren't you? You used to be a servant for the Nie, but Mingjue was pushing for you to learn cultivation. Mingjue and A-Sang as well, yet you did this to him."
"I meant no harm!" Jin Guangyao cried out. "How could I have known things would go this way? But it was unfair! I worked so hard for everything, and he…" he gesture furiously at nie Huaisang. "What had he done to deserve all his luck? What was he doing with all his luck, except laze around and paint his stupid fans! He was offered a chance to ascend and he refused!” Jin Guangyao shouted. “Everything anyone could have wanted, and he refused! Was I really supposed to let him continue to waste whatever good fortune he’d been granted, while I slaved away only to have my every effort looked down upon?”
"But da-ge never looked down on you," Nie Huaisang coldly said, still leaning on Baxia. "He promoted you, complimented you. If you'd only kept working diligently, soon enough he would have taken you to the Middle Court. You would not have ascended, not with a fate like yours, but…" 
"Who said I wanted to be a god?" Jin Guangyao snapped. "You think I would have done this if I had guessed you were fated to ascend? All I wanted was to be lucky, to be recognised by my family, and live the same pampered life you had! Do you know how hard things were for me before I exchanged our fates?”
“I’m not going to cry for you,” Nie Huaisang said.
“Of course not. Why would you? You’ve never known a day of hardship in your life!” Jin Guangyao cried. “You’re nothing but a pampered little brat, you…”
Suddenly Nie Huaisang stood straighter.
“I haven’t known hardship?” he snarled with a vicious laugh, raising the hand which held his blood covered fan. 
Coming from the very floor, golden ropes like the ones on Nie Mingjue wrapped themselves around the other three gods present, tying them up tightly and robbing them of their strength. Only Wei Wuxian was left free, but he made no movement to help the others, only checking at Lan Wangji to make sure his restraints were not too uncomfortable.
“You know well how far from easy my last year alive was, Meng Yao,” Nie Huaisang spat, pointing his fan at Jin Guangyao. “You were there when my father was wounded in a Night Hunt, when his health declined, when rumours started spreading that I wasn’t his son! You were there, and you’d suddenly become his favourite, while I was treated as a stranger by my own father who’d lost his mind so badly he couldn’t recognise me anymore! And weren’t you there that night as well, when his sabre broke and his mind fractured?”
“It wasn’t my fault! How could I have known this would happen? Members of your family always go mad, don’t they?”
“But they don’t usually find a soulless sabre and slaughter their entire household with it,” Nie Huaisang said darkly. “You were there with us, Meng Yao. How foolish I was, trying to save you, just as I was trying to save others. Do you remember how this room looked that night, covered in the blood of my mother, of the younger disciples?”
Nie Huaisang ragefully waved his fan at the walls around them, and the room changed. It became darker, as if it were the middle of the night rather than early morning, and all over the floor were the shadowy shapes of mangled bodies, several belonging to mere children. The shadow of a tall, square man stood by the bed, nearly exactly above Nie Mingjue, while a frail young man with several deep gashes over his body sprung forward to stab him through the heart with an ornate dagger. The tall man collapsed, falling into the exact position Nie Mingjue was kept in.
“You made me kill my father,” Nie Huaisang said, watching the scene unfold with a face devoid of expression. “He would have gotten out and continued slaughtering more innocents otherwise. He kept saying he was going to purify the world after purifying this house. I couldn’t let him, and I wasn’t strong enough to stop him any other way. You made me kill my father, Meng Yao,” Nie Huaisang hissed, staring at the wounded shadow of his former self. “And then you made my brother kill me.”
He waved his fan again, and a new character entered the scene presented to them: Nie Mingjue.
That shadow of the past, a young Jin Guangyao right behind him, went straight to the young Nie Huaisang who fell on his knees. The words exchanged couldn’t be heard through the illusion, but it was clear Nie Huaisang was pleading as he weakly pulled on his brother’s robes, begging either for help or for forgiveness. He got neither. In a fit of cold rage, Nie Mingjue lifted Baxia and brought it down on his desperate brother.
The illusion lifted just as Baxia’s blade was about to make contact, the current Nie Huaisang quickly waving his fan again to remove all traces of the past, as if unable to bear witness to his own death.
On the floor Nie Mingjue was crying and screaming through the fabric gagging him, but Nie Huaisang ignored him, all his attention on Jin Guangyao as he raised Baxia.
“Now, I could just show you what it feels like to have your head chopped off,” Nie Huaisang mused, admiring Baxia’s sharp edge. “I won’t say I haven’t fantasised about it… but since we’re all here together, I think it might be more fun to offer you a different option, should you be willing to take it. One where you wouldn’t die, Meng Yao. Does that interest you?”
“Huaisang, I’m sorry,” Jin Guangyao cried. “I couldn’t have known, I couldn’t have imagined, I never meant…”
“I’ll take that as a yes,” Nie Huaisang cut him. “Here is my offer: if I let you live, you will descend from godhood, live as a mortal, and take on a fate worse than the one that ought to have been yours.”
Jin Guangyao fell to his knees. “Worse than my original fate? How could I bear with it when already that one was…”
He trailed off, remembering suddenly that however awful his fate had been, he had managed to escape it while condemning Nie Huaisang to suffer it in his stead. Realising he would find no sympathy there, Jin Guangyao turned to Lan Xichen.
“Xichen, don’t let him hurt me!” he begged. “I’m your husband, won’t you protect me? No matter how it came to be, weren’t we happy all this time? Haven’t I done everything I could to be a good husband, to care for you, to support you? Has there ever been a moment I wasn’t on your side? Even when your brother decided to marry a Devastation, didn’t I immediately come up with ways to help so this wouldn’t cause trouble? Don’t let that Magpie King harm me, Xichen!”
Nie Huaisang threw them both a disgusted look, while Wei Wuxian laughed.
“Lianfang-Zun, don’t pretend to be so good,” he said. “Of course you wanted to help deal with our marriage. The scandal was going to affect you too, right? And since you probably were already so scared that someone might discover you weren’t supposed to be in the Heavenly Court at all, you couldn’t risk people poking too much into the Lan's private business.”
“Was it all a plot to unmask me then?” Jin Guangyao asked. “That stupid marriage…”
Wei Wuxian laughed again, and hugged Lan Wangji who, in spite of being tied up, leaned into his husband’s touch.
“On my part, it was all sincere,” Wei Wuxian said. “But now I’m wondering if Nie-xiong hasn’t been scheming for a long while, hm? He was around when I first met Lan Zhan after all.”
Nie Huaisang shrugged, looking at best annoyed by Jin Guangyao’s begging and Wei Wuxian’s display of affection.
“You and Lan Wangji were tied by fate, so nothing I could have done would change that,” Nie Huaisang said. “But this makes me think… so, Meng Yao, you think it would be too cruel to send you back to your own fate? Then I have another option. One you will like, I believe, since it will leave you unharmed.”
“I’m listening,” Jin Guangyao said.
Nie Huaisang closed his fan in a sharp gesture and from a corner of the room came Sangcan, carrying a dagger in his open hands. Lan Xichen felt cold sweat run down his back as he recognised the weapon from the memory they had been shown earlier.
It was the one Nie Huaisang had used to kill his own father.
Sangcan, after throwing an apologetic look to Lan Xichen, dropped it in front of Jin Guangyao whose restraints withdrew, leaving him free to move once more. Sangcan then turned to his master for further instructions, but Nie Huaisang paid him no mind, and so the ghost simply remained next to Lan Xichen.
“Here is my second offer,” Nie Huaisang announced. “If you refuse it, I’ll kill you.”
“I’m listening,” Jin Guangyao repeated.
“Use this dagger to kill Lan Xichen and Nie Mingjue,” Nie Huaisang ordered. “If you do so, I will take the blame, and you will be free to do as you please. Go back to the Heavenly Court or return to life as a mortal, I don’t care as long as you kill them first.”
“Now wait a minute!” Wei Wuxian exclaimed. “I’m not sure that’s quite fair on those two. What have they done to deserve this?”
Nie Huaisang reopened his fan to hide a cruel smile.
“What has anyone ever done to deserve their fate, Wei-xiong? It would please me to see this happen, I am in a position of power in my own demand, so why shouldn’t I ask for something that amuses me?”
Wei Wuxian threw him a sharp look, while Lan Wangji struggled against the golden ropes restraining him.
“If they are killed, we will demand justice,” Lan Wangji threatened.
Nie Huaisang shrugged. He put down Baxia again, leaning against it as if eager to admire the show to come.
“Lan-xiong, with your brother dead, you won’t remain in the Heavenly Court,” he explained, as if Lan Wangji were nothing but an unruly child. “Nobody will listen to the voice of one mortal clamouring for justice. I’d know. I’ve made it my business to offer an alternative to those who gods won’t listen to. You’ll have to rely on your husband then… and however powerful he might be, he’s not stupid enough to make an enemy of me.”
Wei Wuxian gritted his teeth, but didn’t deny it. Lan Xichen, watching him, thought that his brother-in-law just didn’t have the power and experience to take on the Magpie King. Not yet, anyway. Considering what he’d seen of Wei Wuxian in those last few days, Lan Xichen had no doubt the Yiling Patriarch could very well surpass the Magpie King in a century or two.
Not that it mattered, he thought, because Jin Guangyao wasn’t going to turn on centuries of friendship and intimacy just to save his own skin. He wasn’t that sort of a person. Lan Xichen refused to believe his husband could be like that, no matter what else he had done in the past.
He also couldn’t believe that Nie Huaisang could want them dead. Not when Lan Xichen could now remember the sweet and mischievous boy he once loved, the one who adored his brother long before Nie Mingjue ascended, the one who called it a good luck charm whenever he kissed Lan Xichen.
“Hurry up and decide, Meng Yao,” Nie Huaisang ordered, impatiently fanning himself. “Their life for yours, you’re making a great deal. You know as well as I do that they’re not worth much. Look at them, such powerful martial gods they’re supposed to be, and yet even someone like you tricked them so well. They disgust me,” Nie Huaisang spat. “One little curse, and they quite happily forgot everything about me, didn’t they? Well, I know I was never what they wanted. If not for fate forcing them to have me at their side, they’d never have looked twice my way. I wonder if they weren’t happier with you?” he mused, pausing his fan for a moment to throw Lan Xichen a hateful look. “They must have been, or else they’d surely have noticed something. How pathetic. So go on, Meng Yao. Kill them, and we shall both be freed from fate today.”
“A-Sang, you’re wrong!” Lan Xichen exclaimed. “I didn’t…”
Next to him, Meng Yao jumped to his feet, dagger in hand and turned to strike his husband, but Sangcan put himself in front of Lan Xichen with a desperate cry and took the blow for him. All of them stared at that dagger, burrowed to the hilt into Sangcan’s chest. The ghost himself might have been the more surprised of them all, and he raised a hand to touch the weapon. Before he could do so, Jin Guangyao pulled out the dagger. Sangcan immediately collapsed at Lan Xichen’s feet, like a puppet whose strings had been cut.
“A-Yao, why?” Lan Xichen gasped, looking at his husband for a trace of shame or remorse, only to find Jin Guangyao staring at him with open hatred.
“I never asked to be a god,” he spat. “And I never asked to have you as my husband either, nor Nie Mingjue as my brother. I just wanted to be rich and comfortable! Maybe for Huaisang this would have been good luck, but for me it has been nothing but centuries of misery!”
Lan Xichen stared at the man who had shared his life for so long, too numb to do anything but cry as Jin Guangyao raised his dagger to strike again.
Behind him, the Magpie King laughed.
“So many lives ruined, and you couldn’t even be happy,” Nie Huaisang said while quickly lifting Baxia above himself, and with one sharp gesture he sent Jin Guangyao’s head rolling.
For a few seconds, Jin Guangyao’s body remained standing in front of Lan Xichen. His head, which had fallen to the side, watched as if in horror. Then, slowly, Jin Guangyao’s body crumbled to the floor next to Sangcan’s.
Lan Xichen, sprayed with blood, continued crying while looking down at his husband, too exhausted to feel anything about what had happened. He barely even noticed when the golden ropes that had kept him in place withdrew and his strength returned to him.
“Wei-xiong, I will impose on you one last time and ask that you take all those people away from my home,” Nie Huaisang ordered in a bored voice. “I’ll only keep Meng Yao’s corpse as decoration, the others don’t interest me.”
Lan Xichen tore his eyes from his late husband’s remains to look at Nie Huaisang, this man he had never quite forgotten and who he had searched for centuries, even without knowing who he was. He still didn’t know who he was. Although the face and voice were the same, there was nothing left of the sweet boy in his memories.
“Are you going to plead for another chance?” Nie Huaisang taunted when he noticed Lan Xichen’s eyes on himself. “Are you going to say it is fate? Say it, I dare you! Fate disgusts me. I didn’t do this to have you and da-ge back. Being fooled so thoroughly for so long… just looking at the two of you, I want to puke.”
If he’d had the strength, Lan Xichen would have objected that he wasn’t fooled, that he’d never fully forgotten his A-Sang. He suspected that the same was true of Nie Mingjue, always giving fans to Jin Guangyao, always craving a warmth that Jin Guangyao failed to offer. Jin Guangyao had exchanged their fates and tried to erase Nie Huaisang’s existence from their lives, but he had missed certain details which came up as expectations he couldn’t fulfil.
He could almost pity Jin Guangyao. It really must have been a torture for him to live like this, always fearing they would figure out the truth if he didn’t play his role to perfection.
Lan Xichen, suddenly, wondered if perhaps Nie Mingjue too had remembered an A-Sang, if he too had looked for a boy whose face and relation to him he couldn’t recall. Maybe it had been a mistake from the start for Lan Xichen not to speak about the friend he thought he’d lost.
They would talk about it now.
They would talk about many things, but not in that house, and certainly not in front of the Magpie King.
Lan Xichen hobbled to Nie Mingjue, and helped him up. His wounds weren’t so severe after all, but he was shaking badly and seemed unable to look at his brother. Even when the Magpie King handed Baxia back to him, Nie Mingjue turned away, his hands trembling as he received his weapon still stained with the blood of Jin Guangyao.
As they left the room, Lan Xichen couldn’t resist looking back one last time. He saw the Magpie King kick the lifeless corpse of Jin Guangyao, before stepping over it to check on Sangcan’s body and waving his fan over it. The body immediately disappeared without a trace, which did not surprise Lan Xichen. What could Sangcan have been, except a tool for the Magpie King to give what hints he could without Jin Guangyao’s notice so Wei Wuxian could unravel the mystery of his curse. The only question, then, was why Sangcan had been made to protect Lan Xichen.
A question that would likely never be answered, or so Lan Xichen hoped.
From what he had seen and heard so far of the Magpie King, the reason could only have been a cruel one.
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