#And kakashi likes following orders what can i say
brighteuphony · 6 months
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Sakura and Kakashi's relationship has a pretty contentious start.
Tea Country had just gone through a brutal civil war, and Konoha, eager to reestablish friendly relations (and trading routes), sent Kakashi to escort the newly seated Daimyo's advisor across tea country as she relays his will.
Kakashi then proceeds to go through an entire amusement parks worth of emotional rollercoasters when he discovers that Sakura is said counsel.
So not only is his previous student alive and well, she's his client. All his pack instincts are in overdrive and conflicting with the anbu ice in his veins- the one that demands immaculate professionalism. Sakura isn't particularly happy about his appointment, but she's got bigger worries- though they clash multiple times over the course of several weeks as they travel from town to town.
Sometime after Sasori gets buried, (so about a year or so of delicious tension) that's when their romance starts- though it's very tentative and Kakashi is the first to catch mad feelings as he realizes just how much he appreciates this new, changed Sakura (turns out that wasn't just professional admiration lmao). After their first few clashes, they get along very well, and Sakura's claws sharpen his teeth better than anyone else's.
Sakura is dry and funny, pragmatic in a way that the shinobi in him appreciates, carrying herself with confidence and deft that Kakashi finds extremely attractive. All these new feelings war with the guilt of leaving her behind when she was young, for not fighting hard enough- not to mention the complete inappropriateness of crushing so hard on a former student...
That and the fact that he enjoys it when she makes him heel- our mans is having a very hard time.
Once again, thank to everyone for all the kind words and all the support for this AU!! <3 <3
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r--kt · 6 months
Kid Kakashi is getting away from responsibility! does he?
I once saw an opinion that «Kakashi adheres to the rules to avoid responsibility for his actions so that he always has a safety net», and it seems to me that this is a fairly common misconception. so here's the thing...
contents | analysis of Kakashi and Sakumo's motives, a little speculation on the topic. also the text is a bit messy
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Sakumo commits suicide. the parent as a the only support in Kakashi's life has been lost, and Kakashi needs to grow up quickly, become responsible and not make paternal mistakes. a five-to-seven-year-old child must figure out the dilemma of an adult who raised him. not a bad task, huh?
the moral dilemma is as follows: should I recognize a warrior as a soul worthy of life, or as a tool used to save the majority?
a small child, by the way, should take it upon himself. he is this warrior. let me rephrase, it's "should I recognize myself as a soul worthy of life, or as a tool used to save the majority? what way should I recognise my father? what way he recognised himself by committing suicide?"
everything that happened makes Kakashi wonder if he (a shinobi) is worthy of living if he doesn't defend his homeland. a healthy little child would say "yes/idk/idc, let's go play". a child who experiences the suicide of a father deprived of honor and hounded for such humanity due to violation of military regulations chooses to consider himself unworthy. is it a fear of responsibility? let's take a closer look at the accents.
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CH 240. Minato and Obito's conversation.
so Sakumo saves his Shinobi group. he does this because he knows that they will not cope with the mission and will die in vain, without benefiting the village, and, moreover, harming it with the loss of labor. and, obviously, this was done out of humane motives, which is what the emphasis is on. what does Sakumo do as a team captain? Sakumo, who is clearly a skilled strategist and/or warrior, since he's compared in strength/fame to the three Sannins. he's retreating. does he do it just like that, without having a way out and a plan to come back? well, hardly. the dude has to be damn smart, judging by the way he was introduced. but will the embittered, war-weary shinobi figure out all the subtleties of the failure of Sakumo? the question is rhetorical.
let's think (I can't assert this, but it sounds logical) Sakumo wanted to return to the village to develop a new plan with a larger team, but did not have much time, because enemy attacked the land of Fire earlier. the consequence is hundreds, possibly thousands of civilian lives and so on. Sakumo would not be a respected captain if he simply refused the mission out of fear of someone else's death. fear of the meaninglessness of someone else's death? maybe. rather, it was a sense of duty to his team, a sense of the very responsibility for his leadership to these people. these things are not the same.
Sakumo's actions are driven by risk. the mission is a failure, but it was certainly intended as a justified failure. however, there is no point in proving this to others, they will not enter the position, because «you are the captain who gave the wrong order. you're a captain who broke the rules. you are to blame for these deaths.» a bunch of rescued shinobi are nothing against the background of thousands of war dead. and even this bunch thinks you fucked up, Captain.
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Interesting how, from Obito's words, we can find out that there is another opinion about Sakumo, a more positive(?) one. «in the line of duty» — that's how they call it, huh. I also want to note that Minato emphasizes the following idea: Sakumo was vilified and slandered. no one just wanted to figure out if he was this guilty.
so the whole topic was not about to be responsible or not. it's about responsibility as a duty and as a choice. It's about responsibility to a metaphorical face of the country and responsibility to specific people of that country. it's about different approaches to understanding humanity, peace, sacrifice, honour, about rethinking the duty of shinobi and the so-called will of Fire. and, most importantly, Sakumo's story is about the dishonour and disgrace that can come when no one wants to figure out why you acted that way. and no one should have, it's just circumstances. when you mess up, all your comrades stop being your friends and take on the face of a single military structure that doesn't care whether you wanted it better or not. you messed up, you violated the rules, and so many people died because of you, scum.
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Naruto Shippuden. Ending 33.
and with Sakumo's death, it all falls on his child. he's the son of a traitor. of course Kakashi's behavior afterward is a defense mechanism. (which I would like to talk about separately) if he was so afraid of responsibility, then why did he rush up the ranks? he would have sat as a genin and kept his head down. what kind of irresponsibility are we talking about?
Kakashi is not about irresponsibility and the consequences of it, after which he became responsible. he was already like that, in his own way, but it led to the disaster — again. that's the point. It's about fighting disgrace, and about trying to avoid unwanted consequences by one behavior, during which he got even worse.
so, I just seemed to justify Sakumo (can do vice versa) to show the background of Kakashi's behaviour and his attachment to rules. he doesn't just act out of spite and is not protected by the rules (to some extent, but not to the one mentioned at the beginning). he really concluded that in order to prevent civilian casualties, he would sometimes have to sacrifice his loved ones. and it's better not to have these loved ones at all. as events have shown, shinobi has no right to put his interests above, because his task is to protect others. it's selfish and disgraceful. he understood that shinobi is a tool. this is what Kakashi came to after Sakumo's death, because everything pointed to this: the fact that Sakumo was harassed by the same people he saved, and the fact that he was basically slandered by the whole village, and the fact that he himself eventually committed not a simple, not some kind of, but namely a ritual suicide with his own tanto.
so many people can't be wrong, can they? well... another rhetorical question.
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Reasons for submission under the cut
was instrumental in the success of the story - he may not have won against Madara, but he put fear in him and had it not been for hacks, he would have decimated him where no one else could
believes whole-heartedly in his student to the point of dedicating his life to making him a splendid ninja
came from nothing, worked his way up from nothing, and is now considered to be one of the greatest shinobi to have come out of the Hidden Leaf. People know and fear him
made Itachi bail. That man was ready to fight everyone else, but packed it up when Gai came on the scene
kicked Jiraiya in the face and never properly apologized
great salesperson - always has a spare jumpsuit to give to passers-by and hook them on his favorite brand. True influencer and fashion icon
had a bowl cut before it was cool
was a great friend to Kakashi, and was there for him during the highs and lows of his horrifically stressful life. Arguably saved Kakashi's life with his constant support, and the story could not have happened without him. Is considered by Kakashi - one of the most powerful and infamous shinobi in the world - to be his equal and his best friend
loves kids. Supports his own students like he was their father, and equally takes pride in Naruto and protected Sasuke after Sasuke's first run in with Itachi
in the anime, he is shown to be hard on the outside but clearly permissive in that he would sneak Chouji food in the middle of a mission and try to push Naruto into figuring out who Minato was
confident in himself and confident in others - he is everyone's biggest cheerleader and he isn't just talk; he'll work hard with you. When he says he'll do something, nothing will stop him and he will follow his promises even when no one is watching.
hot. Man has pretty privilege
amazing, supportive teacher and friend
he is always trying to be positive in such a dark world and cheer up those around him
he's so good to Lee, Tenten, and Neji, you can just tell how much he cares about those kids
his speech to Lee was super moving. He knew Lee was scared and made sure to be there for him
he was ready and willing to die to defeat Madara in order to save the others
an actual decent upstanding father figure
unbridled whimsy
excellent tits
he is kind-hearted and soft and has a big heart
he always has a watchful eyes over his students. But he can also be stern if needed. He knows how cruel the world can be and wants to make sure his students are properly prepared for the dangers they'll face
he doesn't have prejudices against his students. No hostility towards Naruto who was often the victim of misplaced anger due to the Nine-Tails who was sealed within him. Thus, Iruka came to be one of the only adults Naruto respected in his youth as well as the only person who could control Naruto's behaviour to some degree
due to Iruka's more nurturing, protective and compassionate nature, Naruto views him as a mentor and Iruka in turn, views Naruto as a younger brother
he treats Naruto to ramen whenever Naruto returns from a mission, where Iruka gets to see how he is developing as a ninja
his refusal to allow Naruto to graduate at first was not out of spite, but merely out of caring strictness and a desire for Naruto to work harder and reach his own potential
has a great sense of duty, honour and selflessness as seen when he protected Naruto from an attack, suffering a shuriken wound in his back in order to protect him
he regards the children of the village as the backbone of their village, even being willing to sacrifice his own life to ensure their safety
Iruka to Naruto: "Stop acting like a baby! You want to know what I really think of you?! I think you're one of my most precious students… and… you're like a little brother to me."
he is Naruto's first mentor figure. He deserves more credit and screen time!
he's the only adult with a working brain
one of the few adults who sees Naruto as a human being not a God savior
is the only one who actually apologies to Naruto for treating him badly
one of the reasons Naruto turned out the way he did
he deserves a Reise
a nice father figure
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shanastoryteller · 2 years
Happy Halloween!! I adore so many of your prompts that it's hard to choose, but something Naruto or Untamed?
set in godnonsensical verse
 Asuma doesn’t mean to eavesdrop on Team Seven.
Or, well, he did, but he didn’t mean to eavesdrop on anything worth hearing. He’s passing by when he notices Kakashi standing there with his kids, the chunin exam applications in his hands. Since he hasn’t figured out how to tell his own students that he’s submitted them for the exams without also making it obvious that it’s more as a training exercise than anything else, he figures he’ll see how Kakashi handles it.
It's not like he’s nominating his disaster of a team because he thinks they’ll actually pass.
Asuma settles into a nearby tree and uses a jutsu to enhance his hearing.
“-follow these rules or there will be consequences,” Kakashi says darkly, and Asuma blinks at the unusually serious timber of his voice. It’s just the chunin exams.
“We always follow the rules!” Naruto protests, hands on his hips and cheeks puffed up in a ridiculous pout.
Damn, that’s a pretty mean glare, even towards the demon container. The kid’s a menace, but he’s not evil.
“Do not kill anyone,” Kakashi orders.
Except instead of the demon container or the last Uchiha, kids who could conceivably have power that needs to be kept in check, he’s glaring at the pink haired girl. Sakura Haruno, with the civilian parents and rivalry with Ino.
Maybe Kakashi hasn’t been getting enough sleep? If anything, the girl is going to get herself killed.
“Do not blow anything up,” he continues, and Asuma assumes he’s speaking to Naruto, considering his pranks, but Sasuke scowls and crosses his arms.
Well. He is awfully fond of that katon jutsu.
“Do not inflict any psychological damage,” he finishes, and now he’s looking towards Naruto.
Asuma would bet money that Naruto isn’t smart enough to inflict psychological damage on anyone, unless Kakashi is worried he’s going to annoy them into a mental breakdown. Which, on second thought, he wouldn’t put past the kid.
“Well, what are we allowed to do?” Sakura asks huffily. “Sensei, if you don’t let us do anything then the exam is going to be boring!”
What the hell. Genin have described the chunin exams a lot of ways, usually with very colorful vocabulary, but Asuma has never heard one use the word boring.
He expects Kakashi to jump into a lecture on taking the exams seriously and representing their village. Instead he just says, “Good. Promise me you’ll listen and not cause any trouble.”
“Can we cause trouble when we’re chunin?” asks Sasuke, who is really not the one Asuma expected that question from.
“Kakashi-sensei!” Naruto whines.
All the kids are giving him puppy eyes, even the Uchiha weirdly enough, and Kakashi sighs. “If you listen to all the rules and don’t cause any international incidents, I’ll make sure your first mission as chunin is one where you can be … creative.”
Damn. Does Kakashi really think any of his kids are going to pass? Or is he just promising because he knows they won’t?
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What do you think about Rock Lee? I rewatched his fight with Gaara recently and feel very nostalgic. He was my favorite, but I only know realize that probably a lot of it came from this whole sympathy for the underdog. I wonder what you think of his character and how his story went 😊
Hi Anon.
I apologize for how long this took to reply, hopefully, my answer will satisfy you enough to oversee the time it took.
I'll be honest, I'll analyze Lee solely from the first part of the manga because it's when his character is mostly developed (I might add the second part later on, but for now, I'll focus just on the gënin timeline).
In order to organize the reply and my feed, everything will be put under the cut. Apologies for doing it but I don't want to have to deal with another claim on any of my posts.
Once this has been clarified, let's start analyzing Rock Lee
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Introduction and First Impression
Lee is introduced in chapter 36 (Sakura's depression) -the beginning of the Chünin Exams. His first "interaction" with Team 7 happens when he stops Sasuke from fighting a proctor, and Sasuke notices that Lee's chakra is weird.
After that, he introduces himself to Sakura and asks her out, getting immediately rejected. By that point, we saw that the main point of the chapter is, like the title says, Sakura's depression, a condition that gets immediately fixed after Sasuke praises her.
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From what we can see, Lee knows about Team 7 and each of its members; we aren't told why or how he knows, but we can infer that he looked for information of Kakashi's team when hearing of the prodigious Uchiha, as he mostly focuses on him.
After this moment, Lee seeks a fight against Sasuke likely because both of a sense of jealousy (he got rejected by Sakura not a few pages ago, and Neji was curious about Sasuke's identity); and as a way to prove to himself that he can beat those that are considered prodigies.
The reason why he wanted to fight Sasuke makes little sense, which is why I find it weird that people find Lee's actions as noble (most of it has to do with the fandom's hatred towards Sasuke), sure, they're young and their emotions can get the best of them, but considering his military training, Lee should have known better than to lash out to a boy he just met.
"I want to test the effectiveness of my techniques against the last surviving member of your legendary clan" (x)
The phrase is followed by Lee winking at Sakura, so his reasons to fight Sasuke go beyond testing his techniques. Lee, according to this interaction, knew about Sasuke's identity all along and investigated him in order to gain more information when challenging him.
Another thing we learn from his fight with Sasuke: Lee is willing to break the rules of his master and use a dangerous technique against someone younger than him and with whom he had never interacted previously if it means winning.
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In addition to Lee explaining why Sasuke can't keep up with him despite having the Sharingan (x), we have the panels above: Why is Lee being so adamantly cruel to Sasuke? And no, I'm not talking about his words, he's explaining his technique -I'm talking about the move he is about to perform against him -someone who it has been proven already can't keep up with him. Lee is projecting all the frustration and hatred he has for Neji onto Sasuke, who shares the same "prodigy" status as his teammate.
[And sure, the reader doesn't know about Neji and Lee's dynamic yet -we are presented with that conflict at the end of the exams, yet the observation stands, I'm only providing the information in order to understand why Lee was so adamantly out of line].
He not only is being unfair but also abusive -had Gai not intervened, he would have injured Sasuke for no real reason other than because he wanted to prove a point to himself.
Like I said before: Sasuke couldn't keep up with Lee's speed, it had been proven that Lee was to win the fight even without using the technique he was about to try. His rival was pretty much defeated, yet Lee continued to elevate the level of difficulty of his attacks to make further and further damage:
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1) Sasuke is trembling. Wouldn't that be enough reason to stop?
2) The victory had already been established previously to Lee's performing his ultimate technique. In addition, as I established before, because of its level of damage the move is strictly forbidden, however, Lee tries to use it regardless.
It's true that later on, he tells Sasuke "I was blowing smoke before" regarding the use of the Forbidden Technique. But since Gai interrupted Lee and punished him, it's not that far-fetched to think he isn't telling him the truth as of now. He even thought about it before starting the fight, so he was willing to use the "move" (we learn It was the Lotus technique a few chapters later) but was prevented from doing so.
Chunin Exams and his willingness to sacrifice himself in lieu of others
We see him again during the second stage of the exams jumping through tree branches and training (trying to catch leaves before they touch the ground to see if Sakura would love him), and after that, in Chapter 51 -when he saves Sakura from an attack from Dosu.
There, we learn that he's good enough to notice Dosu's pattern and fighting style (also being able to know when a genjutsu is in place), we also get to know how he got to learn the technique only he was able to study: according to Gai's words, neither Neji nor Tenten were able to master The Lotus (meaning, Gai seemed to have tried to teach it to all of them, only succeding with Lee).
The Lotus Technique consists of:
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One use of the technique brings Lee to the brink of exhaustion, as we see here; Dosu hasn't been defeated despite his best efforts because Kazu used his sound techniques to soften the earth. Lee's speed, while inhumane, can't keep up with sound's speed. Kishimoto is quite great when writing fights, isn't he?
Lee is actually and quite literally in love with Sakura, as Tenten states, had Lee been alone when fighting the Oto-nin, he would have won. He's willing to sacrifice his life in order to save her from the Sound-nin, as she literally means "the world" to him.
The impression of Lee's sacrifice (and Naruto and Sasuke's, who are still unconscious at this point) is so significant for Sakura that she considers all of them her "teachers", and people whom she will and needs to protect. Lee's significance in Sakura's development has increased (and will continue to do so).
Later on, during the preliminaries for the Third Stage of the Chünin Exams, Sasuke shows that he was able to memorize Lee's fighting technique due to his Sharingan and also master his moves -despite not being able to keep up with him only three days prior.
In that sense, Sasuke thinks that he was able to live thanks to Lee and his moves. We are also able to see Lee's appreciation of the matter, and his new perception of Sasuke -it seems that his hostility towards the younger boy has dissipated.
When Tenten gets beaten and tossed aside by Temari, Lee jumps in order to both catch his teammate (showing the bond he shares with her) and to kick Temari for insulting her. It's something I introduced before when he fought Sasuke, but Lee is particularly emotionally driven -he's constantly reacting and giving in to his impulses. It's not until Gai tells him to stop that he does. Furthermore, Gaara calls Temari and says, "how long do you intend to trifle with that homely little prince charming?" and the way Lee looks is absolutely enraged, even if he can't retaliate physically.
Gai's character is so central to Lee that I've decided to make a separate sub-title solely for him.
1) Lee can't use Ninjutsu or Genjutsu. I know that we as fans know this already, but it doesn't hurt to have it written, since is the core of Lee's character. Furthermore, as Gai points out, Lee wasn't able to do anything; he literally had no ability or talent whatsoever -not even at Taijutsu, which Gai taught him.
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2) While it's commendable of Gai to teach Lee and put him on harsh training to allow him to grow in a specific field -we're introduced from the get-go that Gai's methods are questionable. He's pushing Lee to an extreme training and, as we saw during his fight with Sasuke and the time he defended Sakura, Lee often refers (or apologizes) to Gai's figure; meaning, everything he does is to make his sensei proud.
3) In addition to the previous point, he taught Lee The Lotus move (which is a technique that opens the First Inner Gate, Kaimon, or Gate of Opening), a dangerous power that, as he explains, strains the body to such extent that it leaves Lee defenseless against another attack should he fail -as it happens with Gaara.
To counteract that problem, Gai taught him to open more than one Gate (remember, every single one is a forbidden technique) to his student (at this point in time, Lee can open five out of eight Inner Gates), Lee's achievement is so incredible, that even Kakashi calls him a genius.
[The explanation of the different Inner Gates inside the body. The Reverse Lotus (the second technique Lee uses, after not being able to defeat Gaara with the Forward Lotus, which opens the first gate), opens two more gates: Kyumon, which boosts his strength, and Seimon (Gate of Life).]
As we know, Lee loses his fight against Gaara because while his attacks proved to be effective against his ultimate defense, Gaara still possessed the Gourd -which he turned to sand to protect himself.
Lee's use of the Lotus technique, in addition to Gaara's attack (Sabakukyu), put such a toll on his body that he ended up "destroyed" enough to be told that he'll never become a full shinobi.
This is a direct consequence of Gai's teachings that never gets truly explored, as his actions are immediately dropped after Lee recovers.
4) I've mentioned before that Gai's character has such importance on Lee's development that he takes immeasurable risks in order to make him proud (being willing to sacrifice his body and keep fighting), but I haven't explained why:
Gai, unlike any other character before, is the first person who trusts Lee's capacity, who thinks (and tells him) about how great/strong he can become, and that he's a genius in his own way. Without Gai's encouragement (and specific training that I've already talked about) he would have never achieved the title of "Taijutsu specialist" that Gai gives him and everyone else acknowledges.
Regarding Gai's perception of Lee, besides the great lengths he went to ensure Lee's success, we also need to point out that Gai is the only reason why Gaara wasn't able to kill Lee. He was the only one who jumped in to protect him (which is the main reason why Gaara wants to kill him after, as he witnessed an act of love that he can't comprehend). The proctor Hayate, meanwhile, did nothing, as well as the rest of the jönins that jumped before to protect Hinata from Neji. In addition, Gai calls him (and only him), his "lovable, precious protégé!" (x) Furthermore, it's directly stated by Lee himself how important Gai's presence is to him (x, x), Gai not only gave him support, but he also gave him a goal to rely on (have a rival and work hard).
"If, by a one in a trillion chance, it ends in failure... I'll die with you!"
Besides Gai, speaking of Lee without speaking of Neji is also another disservice to his character, since the entire reason why Lee pushes himself to train harder is that he wants to beat Neji.
Sure, the relevance of Neji isn't really as strong as Gai's, but that doesn't mean his presence isn't important when it comes to Lee's development.
We get to see how Lee recognizes Neji's strength, how he craves some sort of recognition from him (although that objective isn't as strong as Naruto's desire for Sasuke to acknowledge him), and how he puts him as a milestone to surpass and, as consequence, reach his goal.
We are even told that Lee's commitment to learning how to open the Inner Gates was a consequence of his desire to win a match against Neji.
Lee's Perseverance
I already introduced this notion, since the whole point of Gai's character is to introduce the idea of "hard work" surpassing natural geniuses, and we find this idea again on CH 93 where Sakura and Ino find him training outside the hospital after his defeat at the hands of Gaara.
He's so driven by his goal, that he overexerts himself and ends up fainting.
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Once Tsunade returns to the village, she tells Lee that he won't be able to return to his Shinobi duties, as the operation she needs to perform in order to fix his spine has a 50% success rate, which incredibly depresses him to the point where his ninja way (hard work), isn't enough to take him off of that state.
It's incredibly sad because Lee's entire dogma has been shattered and he has, again, no control over his body or destiny; as everything relies upon Tsunade. For that reason, he seeks Gai's advice, who finally tells him to get the surgery despite the possible consequences, as losing his dream will hurt far more than dying. Furthermore, Gai promises he'll die alongside Lee should the operation fail, as his ninja way was to make him a "Splendid ninja" (x).
The great lengths Lee's willing to go to (not without the support of a very questionable mentor) in order to achieve his dream, putting in line his own life is very telling of the system's (and those that live by such system) priorities, as it teaches young children that their bodies and life alike are expendable and a sacrifice to be made in order to climb within the military ranks and become "useful" to the village.
[Lee's quality of life has been extremely lowered in lieu of his wounds, that's true, however, those wounds exist because he pushed himself too hard in order to please his commander; someone hypocritical enough to question Kakashi's decision to enroll his team in the Chünin Exams as he deemed them too young and inexperienced to participate, yet saw no issue in teaching forbidden and dangerous techniques to his own student.]
Lee's fight with Kimimaro brings, to me, nothing entirely new about his character other than introducing us to his poor tolerance of alcohol. We get to see how Tsunade succeeded with the surgery and how Lee, despite having spent months depressed and having just been saved by Tsunade's skills (without whom he would've lost his entire shinobi career), is able to "forgive" Gaara, as he's a powerful ally.
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New World (6)
Itachi Uchiha x Reader Fluff
Summary: The world War has met its end and Itachi has returned to his village. He questions whether he should set down his roots here when he meets a stranger. Or rather, a stranger is forced upon him by fate.
Warnings: old men and their rituals
Word Count: @justiceiswater your comment is the reason I got myself to write this chapter quickly.
MASTERLIST in bio, darlings. Tags are open (check bio)
When one thinks about a Bamboo Village, one imagines bamboo being a part of every household in that village. But what we are looking at, or rather, walking through- does not do justice to the name. The entrance of the village is the endless lush bamboo trees with the freshest tone of green; grown up as if to infinity, but never preventing the sunrays from bouncing through the sturdy mesh throughout this little forest. The filtered sun rays are welcomed by your sun-starved skin, bringing a much-needed calmness to your mind as your lips curve into a smile and your eyes close to face the direction of the filtering sun.
Itachi is watching the worry wash away from your face slowly but surely. That little guarded emotion in his chest seems to have eased up a little on seeing you smile at the scenic entrance and the warming sun. And in place of that guarded emotion, another hue of something heavier- but positive- seems to take place. His mind is curious as to what is this new feeling in his chest. But his eyes are stuck on you. Those dark pupils are somewhat lighter in today's sun.
"Welcome to the Bamboo Village! Our humble home," the Chief announces from above his ride and Naruto is the first one to gasp in bewilderment. Where the bamboos end starts an entire village at the edge of a hill made structures entirely out of bamboos- bridges, houses, furniture, you name it. And at the top of the hill sits a lone structure etched in stone- a temple.
The village is lively with the happy cries of children and surprisingly melodious calls of merchants and hawkers in the marketplace. "There's the hot springs!" Naruto points to the farther edge of the village where the caravan can see steam rising by the end of the hill crafted into smoother edges. Before Naruto can break into a dash for it, Kakashi grabs him by the collar. Chief chuckles at the agitated yellow-haired ninja. "You can soak in the hot springs all want. But before that, I would like you to meet our village elders. At the temple. Come. They have been around for about hundred years now-" he continues to talk while directing his ox towards the road that leads to the temple, and the rest follow- "so it is safe to say there is no one wiser than them in our homeland. And they will be able to explain our problem better than us. And then hopefully, Kakashi, you will be able to help us." Kakashi smiles under his mask. "As long as my comrades are safe, we are willing to help in any way we can." He does not look behind him but he- along with the rest of the members- can sense the heat of guilt rising in Fukaboshi and Izo's cheeks. Itachi can make out that they do not want to be here but they cannot say no to the chief's orders after the massive blow he has given to their egos. It does make our village's assassin happy internally.
The road finally ends up to a huge staircase, where the animals are left and the caravan climbs on foot, leading to a courtyard which overlooks the mountains and hills surrounding them and a clean breath of air gently plays around the temple in the centre of it all. Everyone stands at the steps of the temple door. The Chief takes a step to the door to bow in respect, a signal for the two elders chanting hymns inside the temple to get up and be greeted by the guests waiting outside. Fukaboshi and Izo are standing at either end of the group while Kakashi is humble enough to wait at the back and let the young ones be the first to receive the blessings. But that does to stop the Konoha's silver blade from having his eyes and ears out for any movement out of the ordinary. Even though Kozuki seems to have joined him at the back with a suppressed smile that does not seem suspicious at all. Itachi, on the other hand, seems to have an itch because suddenly, you are standing in the very front with Toge taking the place next to you. Naruto standing on your other side and Nami is standing behind Toge, trying to get a good look at the two bowls being picked up by the temple monks with purple and golden beads in one hand. "Wait-" Nami sounds confused- "Kakashi that is a-" "Do not speak unless you are spoken to," Toge tuts from the front, cutting out whatever it is that Nami is about to speak. "But-" Izo shushes Nami, for which the latter takes full offence. One monk takes the string of purple beads in one hand and the other takes a string of golden ones. Both of them start to sing a deep-throated hymn as they step down the stairs. Itachi furrows his brows at the shade of fear setting in Nami's eyes. The monks have stepped down and are now standing in front of the group. The elder of the two dips his fingers in the copper bowl in his hand and takes them out to sprinkle it over you and Toge. "What's wrong?" Itachi whispers, leaning towards Nami. And suddenly as if a thought strikes her as his voice collides with her thoughts, she grabs the back of Toge's jacket and pulls him back, while at the same time using her other free hand to push Itachi forward in Toge's position instead. "WHAT THE-" Toge is hushed by the second monk. While he is trying to make sense of what just happened, the monk takes your left hand and ties the string of purple beads on your wrist. Next, he takes Itachi's right hand and ties the golden beads on his wrist. The bowl is used again to sprinkle the contents on both of you, with the hymn still going. "Can I have one too?" Naruto whispers in the direction of the monks, grinning with all of his teeth.
Kakashi can see from the back the flustered and confused expression of the chief, who seems to want to stop the monks but isn't allowed to do so for fear of stopping something sacred. Unlike him, Fukaboshi and Izo are facepalming themselves discreetly before the former- who is also standing closer to Toge- whispers through his teeth, "You had one job." The elder monk takes the string-wrapped wrists of both of you and puts your hand in Itachi's, chanting something known only to the elders. You stand there with no thoughts behind your eyes, only following what the monks do. Itachi is trying to calculate the base of this ritual. The second monk dips his finger in his bowl and out comes the index painted red, which lands on your palm to draw one single symbol. And with that, the chanting comes to an end.
Toge is breathing furiously, his face red with anger as he glares at Nami with the intent of murder. You curiously look into your palm to make sense of the symbol. The monks bow to the chief and the caravan. "Shinzo-san, these are our guests!" the Chief explains, exasperated. Suddenly a chuckle bursts out of Kozuki that slowly turns into a cackle. Kakashi tilts his head in confusion. "Did we do something wrong?" You and Itachi look at each other with a blank gaze, neither of moving your hands away. A single crow continuously croaks at the edge of the temple roof, as if he too is laughing at something. "What's so funny, Kozuki?" Naruto shouts, "And why won't the monk-sama give me these beads?" he tries to grab one in the second monk's belt. His hand is thwapped away with a smack on his wrist at the speed of lightning, the elder never breaking from that peaceful glow on his face. "Izo!" the chief shouts in anger, "is this your doing as well??!" The old man seems to be at his wit's end. Kozuki is clapping and laughing like a seal by now until her stomach hurts and she moves in front of the group to finally look at your disoriented figure waiting for answers. "Congratulations!" She exclaims with pure joy, her voice reverberating through the temple, "Uchiha Itachi and Y/L/N Y/N, by the powers vested in these old monks by our Gods, you are now officially married!!"
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sneezemonster15 · 2 years
🥴 in the fic naruto says sakura and ino were the prettiest girls in their class and somehow sasuke has the balls to ignore them following him around like puppies. he says hinata is really pretty lol. itachi is apparently the second prettiest after sasuke and he thinks it might be a tie between him and kakashi. gaara, neji, tsunade, tenten, kiba and lee are all apparently pretty to him too. there's this scene where he gets drunk and kisses ino, kiba, sai and lee, no internalised homophobia in sight. sasuke goes on and on about sakura and how he has a deep love for her, longs for her and feels affection for her, though he admits it's not in the way she wants. he even thinks she sees through him lol. but the really weird thing is how sasuke doesn't understand how he feels about naruto in the fic. he can admit he loves sakura in the start of the fic (and he can tell that it's not romantic on his end), but he has to have this big epiphany about loving naruto only at the end lol. and sakura obviously becomes so much more understanding lol. I think they're talented and i did enjoy reading the story, but they said they were writing everyone in character so this stuff bothered me 😞
What has always bothered me about fanfics is how they simply do not get how closetedness functions in a homophobic and heteronormative society. I don't know if the writer is American or from some other western country. But as long as you are claiming to be canon compliant, maybe actually research how homosexuality or coming out of the closet would look in societies where it is not acceptable. Konoha/shinobi world is not only heteronormative, but downright homophobic. I mean, Sakura thinks they are brothers because she doesn't know what else to call it, she is homophobic herself, and she knows Sasuke and Naruto are just way too close for being just friends, she could have told Sai they were very good friends, but one of the problems in this world is also a lack of terminology, resulting from a lack of familiarity and comfort with the topic of homosexuality but which is essentially required in order to assign names to certain feelings and relationships and dynamics that are seen as unconventional or different from the norm. Developing a certain terminology is important in order to understand interpersonal issues that are deeply embedded in the socio political fabric. You need a certain level of comfort with the idea of it to introduce and develop this terminology. I have a few gay friends in my circles and one of them has been in a long term partnership with a much younger man. The younger man is closeted and they live together, but he hasn't come out to his family or close friends. Although his family does stay over and they think their son lives with his Teacher. And they are fine with it. They are deeply conservative people and staunchly heteronormative, which is why he hasn't come out and I am pretty sure they have an idea about his sexuality, even if it is unsaid and full of obfuscation. But they don't wanna take action because being with the Teacher has been good for his career and he is able to send money to them to contribute to their household. There isn't just one reason of course, but invariably, whenever his friends or family come over, they never acknowledge their relationship even though it is so obvious. They call it a teacher student relationship who incidentally also cohabit. There's a lot of denial going in there, but it's understandable in their circumstances.
I get the feeling that they aren't totally comfortable with the idea but they are also under certain obligations themselves and they are grateful to the Teacher. But you see, the terminology is missing. There's also a major class difference.
Often in homophobic societies, and I live in one, there is so much taboo, prejudice, obfuscation and lack of information/comfort/familiarity around the idea of same sex relationships, that it's difficult to carry on a dialectic with the proper assignment of terms. Gay or homosexual is not a word anyone will use here. They will use a slang word, which denotes something derogatory. Or if they wanna deny it altogether, they will use some other word for it. Like brother or sister. Or best friend, or room mate, or Teacher. It's such a common phenomenon to reduce, invisibilise and trivialize homosexuality by giving it names that are incongruent with the actual nature of the relationship. It's almost criminal how much this invisibilisation is normalised.
I remember when I was very young, like 12 years old, I was in the car with my mother and her friend. And her friend was crying because her sister was not agreeing to marry. Marrying here invariably means heterosexual, heh, it's just a social reality. Because she had shacked up with her 'best friend', another girl, her college friend. They lived together and she would keep rejecting offers that the parents suggested to her. She was of the perfect age to marry and they were worried her golden age would pass her by and she would become a spinster, of course they blamed her best friend for it. Lol.
Now the thing is, there was a strange tonal quality to the term 'best friend' in her voice. She was weeping and I just couldn't understand why it would be a problem if her sister wanted to stay with her best friend. Lol. I thought it would be so much fun. Hahaha. I was very young. I remember asking my mother about it later and she shushed me telling me it was none of my business and not to talk to anyone about it. And it puzzled me even more.
Make no mistake, language is an inherently important and indispensable part of postulating and hence comprehending socio-politico-cultural issues and concepts, and as a result, navigating interpersonal dynamics and understanding. It's not a coincidence that this manga stresses so much on the importance of 'communication', and Naruto's character is point blank shown to stress on it, it's one of the most important lessons he learns in the course of the manga. You can't understand emotions without verbalising them in your head. Linguistics is an inseparable part of comprehension, whether it's about computing internal or external data, or both in conjunction. And when it comes to storytelling, it becomes one of the most important building blocks of expression and getting the story across to the readers or viewers. Naruto is shown to stress on communication in Boruto as well. And we see throughout the course of the Naruto and Shippuden manga, how Naruto comes to learn about and understand different characters' and especially anti heroes' feelings and resentments directed towards their dystopian world. In the kage arc, he says to Sasuke on the bridge - Sasuke, we will never be able to understand each other by words alone, we can only communicate properly by using our fists. Maybe if we can understand each other, I can change all that hate, like Iruka sensei did for me.
And yet, in the climax of Shippuden, at Sasuke's insistence, it was Naruto's words that finally resulted in Sasuke's resolution, which finally broke through to Sasuke. Because those words showed his understanding. His feelings. His love. For Sasuke.
Kishi is a well read, well informed author. It shows in his work, even the different sources he takes inspiration from, such as Monzaemon Chikamatsu and acclaimed seinen mangas. Stories and characters don't come out of oblivion.
Homosexuality having the status of taboo itself means that there will be a dearth of conversations around it, there will be a lack of normalisation around it. It will carry a weight of malignance around it, something unnatural, something dirty, shameful. There is a lot of shame attached to this topic, which explains the lack of terminology around it, or appropriate wordage around it. Calling them boyfriend or girlfriend is not so acceptable in conservative societies. Or lovers, same sex partners. 'Partners' is something that I have noticed to be more prevalent in current times around me. But it's also evident that it is vague. Purposely so. It's to minimise judgment.
And this is something I see consistently in this manga. There is so much going on throughout, as to what term to assign to this relationship between Naruto and Sasuke. Sakura calls them brothers but she knows they aren't. She is suspicious of Naruto when he says Sasuke is much better looking than Sai and then backpedaling about it. She fake smiles. Also, if she thought they were brotherly, she wouldn't have felt so threatened by Naruto. She tries to create distance between them, all to no avail sure, but she is obviously insecure about her own position in their equation. She doesn't stand anywhere in it, but she does think Naruto comes between her and Sasuke, and their special relationship threatens her intentions towards Sasuke. Similarly, Kakashi thinks it's because they are 'rivals' and tells the same thing to Jiraiya, who compares Naruto and Sasuke with himself and Oro, when Naruto and Sasuke's relationship is not really like theirs in essence. We also know that Kakashi is not the most reliable person when it comes to understanding emotional and interpersonal nuances. Just like Sai isn't, who thinks Naruto loves Sakura. Similarly, Minato tells Naruto that his 'best friend' is about to arrive on the battlefield. People in Konoha give so many names to their relationship and yet, Sasuke insists Naruto define it for him in chapter 698, because he wants to hear it from Naruto.
Naruto himself struggles so much in this regard. It always bothered me why Sasuke was not affected positively when Naruto wondered if Sasuke was like his brother. Sasuke had a brother and then, he almost as good as lost him in a way. He was certainly very fond of Naruto, if he thought of Naruto as brotherly, he should have been pleased, no? Narratively, even if he tried to deny feelings that might potentially weaken him, he is pensive or annoyed or even displeased when Naruto says they are friends or brothers. Never pleased, not even a smile. And he is capable of smiling when it comes to Naruto.
But he never does. He keeps asking Naruto to define the relationship, he isn't happy even when Naruto says they are friends. Which is why Sasuke is PUSHED, albeit with reticence, to ask - You have said that before but what does it exactly mean to you?
This is so nuanced and so understandable. He wants Naruto to assign a term to it. It's significant, it's important. A term that explains their feelings accurately so they both know. They live in a world that doesn't have the terminology to support same sex relationships, they have no frame of reference as to how to talk about it. They struggle with talking about their feelings in the first place. Their communication game is lacking. Their world only taught them how to exchange blows, not words. So a perceptive Sasuke demands a term that rightly defines it. Because 'brotherhood' or 'friendship' is not cutting it. Obviously. Naruto had been calling him a friend all this time.
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Even here, the dissonance. The words Naruto uses feel incommensurate with the term 'friend' no? Like seriously what other friends in this manga act or talk like this for the other? Sasuke is his 'friend' and a bond like that can Never be broken. But we as readers, know from context that bonds of friendship were broken in this manga, what with Oro and Jiraiya or Sakura and Ino (for very frivolous reasons too), and later, with Kakashi and Obito. If there were no nuances to their relationship, I would have gladly ignored it. But then Naruto goes on to say what he would do to Oro (shivers, lol) to protect Sasuke. Like just the lengths he is ready to go to. And it fits with the idea that Naruto's feelings for Sasuke are way more intense than just friends, consistent with how they seem with each other in part one, especially vote one. Naruto dilly dallies between so many terms for Sasuke. A friend. A rival. A comrade. A brother. On the one hand, Sasuke consistently uses very emphatic terms for his feelings for Naruto when he says Naruto is his closest friend or his one and only friend, Naruto's terms for Sasuke are always a lot incommensurate with his actions towards Sasuke. And it invariably creates a dissonance in the reader's mind. Kishi manipulates the reader very successfully. Also, we all know that Kishi uses his kanji for these two characters very carefully, as he has said in his interviews as well. Apart from visuals, this is also written media, language and wordage is indispensable to storytelling.
But AT THE END, Sasuke gets mad, and asks him point blank, as to what exactly it means to him and right on cue, given this is a conclusive chapter and Naruto can't say the same shit he has been saying before this (which DID NOT satisfy Sasuke), that even if Sasuke were ask him to explain it, he doesn't know either.
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He doesn't know. He has been going through the motions for such a long time. We have seen him getting insecure about his sexuality many times. Like Kishi made so many of his scenes layered, just to point it out to the reader. That he is a closeted homosexual, he suffers from comphet and internalised homophobia as a result. This panel, which is towards the very end, explains so much.
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Kishi is not a fool. He is a very clever author. This depicts Naruto's struggle about his sexuality so much. He obviously wants to make sure that his LAST conversation with his father is meaningful and that everything his parents wanted Naruto to be and achieve, Naruto will satisfy. Naruto wants to assure Minato, and he doesn't wanna lie. But he also cannot make himself say it. This boy who always wanted family, finally met them through a stroke of luck (or fate) but his was still a special case. He goes into such detail about everything, everything Kushina asked him to do, all the ninja taboos, but he broke down at that moment, about women. That it should be a woman he must marry is pretty much implied no? More than implied, it's a heteronormative society after all. Kishi is NOT stupid, this was a very smart way of layering his internal turmoil, his struggle with his sexuality because he loves a BOY. Not a woman.
And thing is, all this is very realistic. Very. It has been a persistent element/trope in most coming of age films that I have seen about homosexuality. Except for films like Love, Simon (very surface level and simplistic) or 'Call me by your name' because Elio has very forward thinking parents and he lives in a very affluent and liberal society. He doesn't have the same kind of hangups about his sexuality. But films like Esteros (Brazil), Eternal Summer (China), Beach Rats (America), Giant little ones (Canada), Posledice (Polish), And then we danced (Georgia), The Blonde one (Argentina), Brokeback Mountain (America), Free Fall (German) and more, all of these films are about sexual coming of age drama or sexual awakening and have the same tropes. Comphet. Denial. Internalised homophobia. Emotional turmoil. Dilemma. Burden of societal expectations. Pain. Misery. Confusion. Even rage.
And these are really good films too. Very thoughtfully made.
There are so many complex facets to homosexuality and coming to terms with or even acknowledging it is such a complex and difficult process for young, naturally insecure, and dilemma ridden (moral dilemma included) individuals in a conservative society. Naruto always wanted to be acknowledged and not shunned from society, he didn't want to be ostracized, not after everything he went through, and certainly not to disappoint his parents. In fact, kage arc was very definitive for Naruto. But throughout Shippuden, he has been going through the motions. When Sai seems like he has defected to Oro, Team Kakashi, Yamato specifically, confronts him, and Naruto is like - Who cares what he has to say, Sai is a traitor.
He has strong feelings about Konoha.
But when he hears about Sasuke joining Akatsuki, he is worried. Puzzled, in a quandary. So many people, people he likes and respects, tell him to make the right decision, it being to capture or kill Sasuke. But he cannot do it. He goes through a very terrible time, he is wracked with worry and conflicting emotions and internal struggle. He takes his time to come to terms with all his emotions. And then finally, when he hears that Sakura is out to kill Sasuke (lolol, sorry couldn't help it), something snaps in place inside him and he makes his decision. No matter what, no matter what, Sasuke will not be hurt. Naruto will take care of it. The idea of Sasuke being hurt imminently makes the decision for him and it just clicks to him where his priority lies. He will not kill Sasuke. And if it comes to that, that it's between killing him and protecting Konoha, he will protect Konoha but also, die with him. He is not your typical hero in that sense. He takes the middle path. A hero would typically let go of his personal wishes for the greater good. But Naruto's personal wishes are for Sasuke to live and be happy, no matter what happens. He told Itachi that when the time comes, and if Sasuke attacks Konoha, he will make the right decision. This is his decision. The point is, he will simply not live in a world without Sasuke. He refuses. He will remain a fool and die but not live without Sasuke. He doesn't care about any fucking thing if Sasuke isn't in his life.
Kage arc made him realize that his feelings for Sasuke were bigger than being hokage and Konoha. And so he chose a path where he didn't compromise with the safety of Konoha's people and yet, didn't let Sasuke down. Sasuke must live or he will die.
So by now, Naruto certainly knows that his feelings for Sasuke are not 'normal', even if he didn't say it, but that's the feeling the reader gets. And because we know the context of shinjuu, we know it's supposed to be romantic. The idea of double suicide carries a lot of heft in South East and East Asian literature, classic and popular, whether it be Chikamatsu, the greatest Japanese dramatist who wrote almost exclusively on the subject, and South East Asian stories such as Heer Ranjha, Mirza Sahiba, Sohni Mahiwal, Sassi Punnun, etc. And these stories are part of the popular romance lore, they are extremely popular.
So when Sasuke asks him angrily and insistently (the kanji that Kishi uses here depicts Sasuke to be emphatically triggered), Naruto knows what Sasuke is referring to and he knows he cannot lie about it. But he also cannot say it. He has a lot of responsibilities on his shoulders. But he also cannot lie to Sasuke. Of course, this being shounen, Kishi also had to navigate carefully. But the BIG difference is that Naruto stops lying. Lying probably is not the right term. Misstating. He owes it to Sasuke to tell him the truth. And he tells him, that he doesn't know what to call it, but he knows how it feels. So what he essentially does is that he explains the underlying sentiment to Sasuke by telling him that he hurts when Sasuke does, but that he won't name (explain it) it because he doesn't know it himself. It's such a feeling that Naruto cannot name it. Now, we as readers ALREADY know that he has already used terms like brother, rival and friend. But he deliberately moves away from all of those. Let's not forget that Naruto's most important strength was his talk no jutsu, his ability to connect and put it in words that finally affected the antagonist or anti hero archetypical characters in such a way, that would lead to their resolution. Naruto is different from others in this very sense, to be able to communicate in the right way. But Sasuke was his greatest test in this manga. And he couldn't convince him, he kept misstating the nature of their relationship, but towards the climax of the story, it was important for him to say the right words to Sasuke, especially after Sasuke asked so insistently, so passionately. Because he owes it to Sasuke to tell him the truth. He cannot deny it anymore. Not after all that has happened. So we know from context that it isn't any of those terms or feelings that he used before. But it's something else altogether. What else could it be? Sasuke obviously suspected it. Or else he wouldn't have gotten triggered like this. And with exactly these heavily heartfelt words of Naruto's, when he tells Sasuke that he hurts when he sees Sasuke carry his burden, so much that he just can't leave it alone, and that he would keep fighting for Sasuke, no matter what it takes, Sasuke is finally, finally also led to his resolution, no? He says with such a peaceful expression on his visage - I have lost.
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He finally accepts Naruto's love, he finally lets the love in.
Dialogue is very intricately linked to narrative and visual language, but it's so evident, it doesn't need to be said.
We also cannot ignore the way they speak to each other. Kinda like, in codewords.
When two world class shinobis trade blows, they can read each other's thoughts. So tell me, did you see what's in my heart Sasuke? How I really feel? We are not the same kids who fought here once, you know my heart, and I yours, right Naruto? If you know, then why are you doing it? That's exactly why i am doing it. Don't make me repeat it Sasuke, you already know, don't you? Now that I think about it, you were always stupid. Those feelings, those things you once talked about, now I understand what you meant by them, Naruto.
The point is, by the end of chapter 698, Sasuke knows Naruto loves him. Naruto also knows Sasuke loves him, he had known to a large extent since vote one, but his feelings got solidified as he went along his life journey. This is the resolution of this story, this is also a story about their coming of age. It wouldn't make sense for both of them to be oblivious of each other's feelings at the end of it, it will be a failure of both their painfully developed character arcs and the narrative itself. And 698 highlights how they both come to know about their feelings for each other, after so much that they both went through. Properly this time. Explained in more words that they were ever able to use before. This isn't a topic that they can talk about so freely. They don't have a terminology for it, but they somehow managed. This is what all this narrative development led to. This is how storytelling works.
Chapter 699 gives the reader a hint of what's to come after this resolution. The nightmare. Everything that went wrong. Everything that left the resolution of their character arcs awry. Not meaningless but certainly disparate. Naruto and Sasuke talk to each other like they have talked more about what transpired with them in 698. And both have come to a position where they are going to capitulate to the circumstances.
Because at the end of the day, they are shinobis. The motto of a shinobi is to endure. Shinobi is a well established phenomenon, it's not just meant for shounen or otaku. They are real. Not like Naruto world ninjas, but Naruto obviously takes its inspiration from this phenomenon. The implications of being a shinobi is very well established in the story itself. Kishi made Naruto to deviate from its conventional meaning from the start so he was written as very unlike a ninja, loud, visible and non conformist, at least initially and for the most part, except towards the end. Shinobis/ninjas are supposed to endure. Following are screenshots from an acclaimed Japanese ninja series of films called Shinobi no mono.
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Happiness and pride are not for the ninja. He doesn't live for himself. He lives for others. A collective is more important than the individual. He is born in darkness and he will die in darkness. He is literally a tool. That's what a shinobi is, from a modern ethical understanding, which is valid.
But Kishi couldn't have shown a happy ending for the boys, not with the sequel that essentially required their capitulation to this world to be able to make the new gen happen. The ending has shades of existentialist themes, which are pretty much present throughout what with the cycle of hate and revenge and infinite tsukuyomi, but that the manga ended it on the same note doesn't come as surprising does it?
Kakashi, a loyal, unawakened and complacent slave of the system climbs the rungs of power and becomes the hokage. Suck up to the right people and you will get places. Top administrative power. And he never really changed, he tells Sasuke at the end that it was because of his and Naruto's efforts that he didnt end up in jail and then proceeds to tell him to be good and careful not to regress, but still never acknowledged his mistreatment and insensitivity to Sasuke's feelings and motivations and very valid reasons. Sakura expected Sasuke to apologise and repent when it was she who was clearly in the wrong, who never understood him. She keeps pulling the same shit she always does, neither her nor Kakashi are made to pay consequences for their actions, instead, they get rewarded. Itachi is venerated, his truth is still hidden and Uchiha clan never got justice or even vindication, given they never summoned the kyuubi, its secret still being kept under the shadows.
( *Note - Nobody start with me as to how it was the right thing to do, you do NOT want to get me started there because you don't know what you are talking about. )
And how will any vindication happen when the world they live in doesn't really celebrate individuality? In fact, supresses it. It was funny to me when Bee reprimanded his brother telling him he was not his tool, that he was an individual who couldn't be suppressed but then Darui tried to convince himself that he was Raikage's left hand (or right) and that he wasn't a tool. Heh. Sarutobi is still revered as the ideal leader, when he himself admitted his complicity in Uchiha massacre, Tobirama was glad Uchihas were shown their place, and Oro, the outlier, the one who is objective because his reasons are revolutionary in his own desensitized way, a result of this heartless corrupt system that gives birth to undesirables like him, who collects other undesirables, the wretched, outliers and rejects, and makes his own village, is shown to be under surveillance, but he supported the war effort crucially, deviating from his objectives (even if only because of his interest in Sasuke and not because of the village), so he gets his redemption. So does Kabuto. Neji dies as a slave, something he was determined to fight against, and Hinata got her win, she got rewarded when she didn't work for it even a little bit. But she is rich, from a major clan, an heiress. A princess. The daimyos were shown as entirely privileged, uncaring and blasé about the war, carefree, playing cards or whatever, while the shinobis that were guarding them grumbled but then just accepted their fate, to the way of this world. Because that's what happens, doesn't it? It's very realistic.
Kishi didn't write his world as an ideal world. He essentially wrote it as a dystopian world. And his influences are pretty much based on dystopian ideas themselves, featuring major existentialist themes. Ghost in the shell, Jin-Roh, The Matrix, Berserk. Including introspective films about xenophobia and socio political inequality such as District 9 and Elysium. Same director. The part where seeing Itachi's predicament that greatly affected his own and his entire clan's, Sasuke is moved to think of fundamental questions such as - What is village, what is shinobi, what is the purpose of it all? underlines his existentialist despair. His answer to it did not come out of the blue. Like many fans think. But he was written to give up his goals entirely.
And Naruto. Well Naruto said goodbye to Sasuke. He gave Sasuke his hiatiate back. And this boy, who moved the sky and earth to bring Sasuke back, bid him goodbye with a certain meditative, contemplative stance. But not unhappy. Not his usual chirpy self. Not his usual spirited, chatty and loose tongued self. But introspective, pensive. Like they had reached a decision together. Later on, he married someone like Hinata and took a job that killed his spirit. Don't even think he isn't paying for his loyalty for Konoha, where he had to kill all his individuality and murder his zest for life and adventure, and become another cog of this unforgiving, relentlessly cruel world. Lifeless and eternally tired. A colourless husk of his older self. He couldn't even bother to attend his own hokage ceremony.
Kishi is not an ultra leftist, even though I can see he understands left ideologies, appreciates it quite well, and no wonder, Sasuke was partially inspired by Sanpei Shirato's Sasuke. He wrote Sasuke's character with such nuance and veritable shades, the claim that he is some ultra nationalist is empty. He is also not a fascist. Because if he were, the end of it all would have been shown as a reward. A prosperous haven. The best outcome of all possibilities. Your reward for loyalty. That is always the conclusion of the right wing narrative. Kishi is a realist. He appreciates existentialist themes, Japan can be credited with coming up with a whole library full of existentialist literature, as a result of the aftermath of war and the generational trauma can be seen and felt viscerally in the themes of their stories. Stories about meditation on war and the nature of war, the after effects of war, the human ethos behind them. Existentialism as a theory and way of life itself became quite a thing post war even if the theory itself was introduced before it, because it reflected what the war did to people, how it affected them, what it did to their psyches and thought processes. How certain things/ideas/thoughts/beliefs that carried social and moral value for them were rendered immaterial.
Anyway. Sasuke says - I didn't think you would come to see me off.
Naruto says nothing. This hyperactive goofball of ready words and catchphrases and nicknames just haltingly handed him back his slashed hitaiate.
The ending is - Perhaps this is what makes us ninjas.
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Yes it does. Ceaselessly enduring pain and grief while giving up personal and individual wishes and desires and need for justice and their individuality does make them ninjas.
Continuing the status quo does make them ninjas. Nothing really changed, nothing really mattered. There's a certain melancholic quality to this scene. Which feels different in terms of tone and pacing, doesn't it?
Regardless, it's tragic.
Naruto is different in this scene in chapter 699. I think they have already discussed it by this point. And I think they have already come to some conclusions. What exactly did they talk about, we will never know. And I would give Kishi a lot of my money and a big part of my prized possessions, including my time, to know.
But well.
Now to come to what this ask was about, lol, I have yet to come across a fanfic that does justice to them, their story and narrative. Of course, it would be unrealistic to expect that everyone would get it, but is it unrealistic that at least someone should get it?? If I can see it and others can too, can't writers do something with this? This is such rich material, with so freaking much potential. There are so many possibilities, writers can use these themes creatively. And these are mostly my condensed thoughts, I will probably go in more detail some other day. And honestly, it takes some research, sure. But don't writers put some research in it anyway?
But they go for the easy route. It's okay, that they write what they like, but at least don't call it canon compliant. Most fans don't even understand canon. Give yourself some more credit, there's so much to discover.
At the end of the day, whenever I read some fic, unless it is supposed to be light hearted, it mostly just ends up disappointing me. Especially the ones that are based in canon universe.
This fic shows Naruto as an oblivious idiot when he is more perceptive than most fans think. He understands a lot of things, he is not a doofus, he is much more experienced at the end of the manga, he is aware of some realities and he is only going to learn more. And more. He understands his own emotions. Towards Sasuke as well. Sasuke is also shown as someone who doesn't even understand that he is attracted to Naruto when he has almost always known he was. Why else would he give up his life the way he did in land of waves? Gaara, btw, is perhaps one of the very few people who understand loneliness and being ostracized. Just him, Sasuke and Naruto, more prominently in this manga. He didn't attack Sasuke in kage arc, he could have. He is also perceptive enough to know that Naruto loves Sasuke, he also understands it better than Lee, who is a simplistic character, who thinks bad people's deeds are bad. Gaara understands that loneliness and hatred can drive people to do things they otherwise wouldn't. He resonated with Sasuke. He understood his predicament. and Naruto's. Which is why he said what he said to Naruto in kage arc. I love his character and I wish more people understood him. I swear if I could have broken the screen and picked small Gaara up when his salve got rejected by that child, I would have and I would have run....far.
Ino is portrayed as carefree and confident, sure. But I dont think she would be so fine with Sasuke being gay. She, till the end, was a Sasuke fangirl. There's absolutely no indication that she would have been fine with homosexuality. Nor would have others. Konoha presents a very bleak prospect for Sasuke and Naruto's relationship to be accepted.
I know this is a lot to take. And I know not everyone cares so much. But calling it canon compliant or 'in character' when it certainly is NOT, is taking it too far. Let's try a bit more. No?
Oh and I also didn't care about their intimate scenes. Because Naruto and Sasuke, once they get going, I think it would be like a bloody dam breaking off. It would start slowly, tentatively but then, it would burst out. And it would be unstoppable. I am talking years of repression here. Emotional and sexual. And more importantly, they trust each other all the way. I don't think tsunami would be able to stop them. It would be instinctive and natural, like everything else with them is. They might fumble and break stuff but more than anything else, it would be a desperate need to join together, to meld together, to finally be with each other as they were meant to be. They, who couldn't even touch without the pretext of a spar or a battle, if they finally allowed themselves to touch each other, it will be like a torrential force of emotions that would leave them scorched and they won't be satiated until their need to touch and reassure themselves, that it was finally happening, that they can finally touch each other, that they can HOLD each other, without feeling guilty or tabooed, that they can fuse their bodies with each other, to find not just emotional but physical reassurance, would come alive and transformed. They would run ragged. It would be passionate and tender and emotionally overwhelming, it would break barriers and boundaries, it would be a Godly experience for both. Like finally feeling at home. To be finally able to find that refuge in each other that only they could provide each other, in a world where no one else could even understand. It would be magnificent and insane and gentle and teasing and loving and sweet and painful and violent. All the damn shades. They aren't like you or me. They are different, because they are them. And no one can compare. But I can imagine.
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virtualcarrot · 4 months
[KKIR] Modern AU - Teaching Pains Pt the last
Part 11
“Kakashi!” Iruka’s voice booms somewhere from the hallway. It’s quickly followed by a hasty, “-sensei!” likely as he remembers that they’re at work.
Half-chewed stir stick in hand, Kotetsu turns to stare at Kakashi in unabashed incredulity. “The school year has only just started, come on, man,” he groans.
Then he balls up the waste from his snack, successfully tosses it into the trash can, and settles in against the counter for the wait.
Iruka storms in in a familiar struggle with the door damper. “You better have a good explanation,” he barks, needlessly putting the full weight of his back against it.
The door shuts at its usual snail pace.
Never one to miss a good opening, Kakashi chirps: “Sweetheart!” and basks in the resulting blush.
He never thought he’d be the sort of person who freely dispenses terms of endearments. He didn't know he could yield such power. The best way to bug Gai is to act aloof and disinterested. Tenzō endures Kakashi's whimsy with the resignation expected of a desensitized cat. Meanwhile, affectionate taunting gets Iruka to glare like he's planning a bloody murder.
It's great.
Sure enough, Iruka scowls. The storm gathers anew in his eyes. He pushes away from the door like a man on the warpath.
In perfect, well-practiced timing with his arrival at the desk, Kakashi slides on over a box of chocolates from last Valentine's day.
Iruka sighs the sigh of the long-suffering at the sight. “Just how many of these did you buy, seriously?”
“Eeh, maybe a couple,” Kakashi lies with a dismissive wave of his hand.
Iruka picks the box, turns it around to check the description and then lobs it at Kotetsu when it proves uninspiring.
“Oh, thank you!” Kotetsu sing-songs with badly feigned surprise, as if he hadn’t been lingering around just for that.
Kakashi may or may not have gone on an indiscriminate rampage at the clearance sales right after he and Iruka agreed to a relationship some months ago. He keeps his hoard carefully packed away at his apartment, where it takes a full upper shelf of the utility closet. Iruka’s falter of fond disbelief whenever one item pops up has become quite the guilty pleasure.
“It’s for sharing,” Iruka stresses.
“I know, I know,” Kotetsu replies, popping up a random chocolate on his way out. “Thanks for the treat!”
Then, unable to resist the pull, he shuffles back for a second one.
Iruka watches the ever slowing pace of the door shutting behind him with an expression of pure resentment. The man has the strangest grievances. Kakashi wants to kiss him so, so much.
He barely has time to pull his face into something measurably less heart-eyed before Iruka turns his attention back to him.
“I could’ve sworn we’d restocked the chemistry lab for the new year,” Iruka says in a terrible attempt at levity. The vein at his temple is already pulsing. “Wouldn’t you guess my surprise when I was told you’re already ordering additional materials?”
The fact Admin feels the need to tattle to Iruka is hilarious. Kakashi’s well aware that Iruka also gets a kick out of it, once he finds it in himself to wind down.
He’s not quite there yet, so Kakashi gives a harmless little shrug.
Iruka narrows his eyes. “Wasn’t it the deal, that you tell faculty before any grand experiment? I know you don’t have any pending.”
“Aaah, I knew I was forgetting something…”
“Kakashi…” There’s a warning in his voice. “What if they don’t greenlight your demonstration? What are you even gonna use all that liquid nitrogen for?”
“I mean, if the money’s already spent… More incentive for them to let me do it.”
Iruka's grimace of annoyance says he very much disagrees.
He pinches the bridge of his nose. “That’s reckless even for you, you know we have limited resources.”
Geologists wish their own volcanoes were this predictable.
As if he hasn’t just been waiting for that cue, Kakashi taps his palm with a closed fist. “Ah yes, the budget!”
“Yes, the budget.”
Some of Kakashi’s budding excitement seems to bleed through his composure, because Iruka pulls back a little with a puzzled frown. “Okay, what am I missing…?” he asks slowly.
“Well…” Kakashi trails off, pulling a nondescript folder out of his top drawer. “If we’re speaking of budgets… I heard the school came into some additional funds this year. And--”
Iruka’s frown goes from suspicious to confused, and also mildly vexed that he wasn’t kept in the loop. Kakashi doesn’t give him time to dwell. He opens the folder with a flick of his finger and twirls it around for ease of reading.
The first glance is one of polite curiosity. The second is out of pure stupefaction. Seeing as Iruka’s absently groping the air in search of a chair, Kakashi helpfully nudges one within easier reach.
Iruka drops into it and snatches up the paperwork. His satchel hits the floor.
“That’s… That--” he stutters, leafing through the pages back and forth like he’s looking for a gotcha.
He won’t find any. Tenzō was a bit horrified at the idea of letting grubby teenagers around his workplace, but the bonds of former college roommates prevailed. The paperwork’s solid. The Myōboku observatory has granted a visit.
“All expenses paid for students of low income.”
There's something dizzying about being held in the cross hairs of Iruka's awe-struck look.
“How?” Iruka asks somewhat breathlessly.
“Aaah. I understand Hiruzen-sensei came into some money. He was generous enough to invest it in the school.”
“Money? From what?!”
Kakashi shrugs. “The break in. Insurance.”
As far as he’s concerned, it’s a fair decision: Hiruzen might enjoy being surrounded by prized possessions at his workplace but that doesn’t make it any less of a security risk, and trouble did come knocking because of it. Precisely, it came knocking down right on Iruka, who still gets twinges of discomfort here and there even months later.
Nonetheless, Kakashi expects demurring, or some scandalized yelping, out of affection for the Headmaster. But what little conflict Iruka might feel over it, it barely tugs at the corner of his lips. Clearly, his loyalties go to his students before anything and anyone else.
Kakashi has always admired a strong sense of dedication in a person.
“It took some finagling,” he admits. “I didn’t want to get your hopes up too early.”
Iruka pulls a face, sounding too fond to quite sell the exasperation. “Kakashi, Admin tells me if you so much as breathe in the wrong direction, how did you even…?”
It’s disarming. Kakashi’s disarmed. That’ll be his excuse for the way he misses the mark of nonchalance when he scratches the visible skin of his cheekbone and replies:
“Oh well, love finds a way, I suppose.”
Iruka goes very still.
The whims of the school architect have shaped the teachers’ lounge like a flipped L. There’s a dead angle out of sight from the door, or at least that's what Kakashi assumes, because that’s where Iruka presses him into in order to snog him.
It must be private enough.
After a while, Kakashi touches their foreheads together.
“Are you really ordering liquid nitrogen or was that just a setup?” Iruka asks in a spine-tingling murmur.
He’s so smart. Kakashi tucks his unmasked nose against the space behind his ear and huffs amusement at the now familiar scent. Practical Iruka and his cheap personal care products. He pushes closer anyway and draws in a deeper breath.
“Kakashi. The nitrogen.”
What a bloodhound.
“Trust me, it will be fun,” Kakashi says, pulling back to let his wiggling eyebrow work its magic. “The explosion is delightfully sudden.”
“You’re really not selling it to me.”
“Are you sure? Because I seem to remember you confessing to some trouble-making as a teen.”
“That was pillow talk, you can’t hold it against me!”
“Seriously?” Anko’s voice asks somewhere from the doorway.
She sounds more baffled than scandalized, which is pretty understandable. There was a time where Kakashi couldn’t even brush Iruka's shoulder in public without triggering a deeply flustered lecture about propriety on the workplace.
Now, Iruka only groans and drops his head to Kakashi’s shoulder.
“The chocolate is over there on the counter,” he grumbles, letting Kakashi’s silent chuckle jostle him.
Kakashi draws a hand across his lower back, just because he can.
But Anko’s puttering at the kitchenette is making it hard to hold onto the spell. Iruka pulls away with a sheepish look. Kakashi kisses it out of his face before adjusting his mask.
“Will Naruto be allowed to go?” Iruka asks softly.
It's not an absurd concern. The kid’s pretty much on probation at the school and stuck doing community service there for the unforeseen future.
Kakashi snorts. “Are you kidding me? That's a lot of organization, Naruto’s conscripted.”
And he won’t be the only one. Kakashi’s already rehearsed multiple taunts to bait Sasuke into helping and once he’s in, it’ll take but a simple hint to get Sakura to follow suit. Not for nothing, but Kakashi is a genius.
Iruka darts a look at what can be glimpsed of Anko. She seems entirely uninterested in them, so he tugs Kakashi’s mask out of the way again.
The kiss that follows is nothing short of toe-curling.
This is dangerous. Iruka’s growing bold. Kakashi can envision a future where he is the most bashful of them both. How embarrassing.
Or maybe they will just grow easy and comfortable and unashamed with each other. Yeah. Kakashi would like that.
It’s with much regret that he catches sight over Iruka’s shoulder of the clock hanging on the opposite wall.
“Don't want to alarm you,” he whispers against Iruka’s mouth, “but your class starts in four minutes.”
Even Iruka’s jolt is endearing. Kakashi lets him go easily and watches him race for his dropped bag.
“Shit!” Iruka hisses, struggling in his rush to pull the strap over his chest. “Don't--I repeat, do not--set anything on fire without checking in beforehand. Alright?”
He moves back in quickly, but eases when it comes to drawing the mask back into place. He pays unusual attention to flattening the top fold with a fingertip over the bridge of Kakashi’s nose.
Then, resolve steeled, he meets Kakashi's eye with electrifying aplomb.
“Love you,” he declares, before leaving Kakashi with a peck to the cheek.
At the counter, Anko snorts. Kakashi barely hears it past the ringing of thunder in his ears. Or maybe it’s his heartbeat, who could say? His feet are rooted in the floor, his mind is feather light.
The door stops its relentless back swing and Iruka’s head pokes back in.
“You’ll need another adult,” he says. “To chaperone.”
“Ah, yes,” Kakashi replies slowly, as if he's only just thought of it, as if he hasn’t prepared a bullet point argumentation as to why, precisely, it should be someone who’s particularly experienced in the management of troublemakers. Someone who’s used to Naruto and feeds stray students takeout and buys toothbrushes by the family pack and stays up late into the night to agonize over lesson plans.
He's currently having trouble gathering the thoughts to voice it all.
He doesn't have to. Iruka grins and punches the air with the hand that isn’t straining against the door.
“Yes! I’m in!”
Kakashi blinks. “I thought this would be harder,” he admits, because he had genuinely expected to fight against hemming and hawing over preferential treatment.
“Are you kidding me? A guided visit of the observatory? That and I get to watch you give a lecture? I’m not missing that, I'll fight Ebisu if I have to.”
“You probably will have to,” Anko seconds without looking up from the slowly dissolving chocolate she dropped into her steaming mug.
Unperturbed, Iruka shrugs--as much as he’s able to while holding back the door. “It’s fine, Kakashi will train me.”
Their eyes meet. Iruka is smiling all the way up to his eyes and Kakashi’s chest aches with affection.
I will, he wants to say. Of course I will. That and more.
Me too.
“You’re going to be late, sensei,” he warns, voice a bit rougher than usual. “What will your students say?”
“That you’re a bad influence.”
Iruka doesn't seem to mind. If anything, his grin sharpens with something deep and understanding.
“Two minutes,” Anko says mercilessly.
Iruka pulls a face at her but it’s good-natured. He finally drops the door, though it takes him one last smile at Kakashi before he does it.
For a moment there, Kakashi understands all the hostility towards the door damper. The slowly shrinking space refuses to fully commit to their separation. He can’t help but stare until the door fully shuts.
“You guys are excruciating,” Anko informs.
Kakashi chuckles. He puts away the observatory file and brings out his crossword. He wonders what he could cook for them this evening. Iruka wants to go over their first impressions of the students on the new school year.
He can't wait.
also on AO3 (with edits and additions)
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tamelee · 1 year
Hi, Tamelee❤, I absolutely adore your art and your analysis.
Do you think Kakashi's choice of words regarding Sakura's feelings towards Sasuke "She's hurting from loving you" is a forshadowing? Is there any chance that both Sasuke and Naruto are fully aware that Naruto's "I hurt whenever you hurt" is a shonen-appropriate version of ILY? And in general,to which extent do you think Naruto is aware about the nature of his feelings for Sasuke post-vote2?
Hi @lilasskickergrimes !! thankyou so much! 💕 I apologize for this being so late. This post went into a different direction at first and then it was sitting in my drafts for a long time >.< sorry!! Hope you're doing well 🥹
Very long post, 🍵
Was Kakashi’s “she’s hurting from loving you” about Sakura to Sasuke basically Kishimoto telling the reader that if hurting because of the other person means they love them, then that is the same for Naruto and Sasuke? Since they hurt for each other, do they then love each other too? I mean, in a way, Kakashi's words can be used as another clue. It came up before and with other characters too (Sai), but I believe with anything- context matters. 
Oh, Sakura was hurting alright, but why was she hurt? 
Why was Sasuke? Or Naruto? 
Kishimoto often uses parallels, but I feel like some don’t realize that a parallel doesn’t mean something is the same thing. That’s why storytellers use alternate timelines or universes to explain a parallel, but it is in the name, right? “Alternate”. They go in the same direction and are similar in nature but never touch. A comparison of sorts. That’s why it always matters why a parallel is linked to the alternate element and why it never touches- thus is different. 
So, Kishimoto has shown what he values in romantic relationships for which he writes before. Like Dan/Tsunade, Minato/Kushina or even in earlier works like ‘Mario’. He always was able to convey a romantic relationship well if he chose to do so and if it was his intention. The same sorta clues are shown in earlier chapters where Naruto projects onto Sakura as she explains why she likes Sasuke and then he says that he understands her (pain) very well. A shonen-appropriate version (in your words) of “I completely understand how you feel Sakura, because if that's what it means, then I like Sasuke too and I feel the same way”. It is enhanced in the way he visualizes his art and message that Sakura is used as a tool (red herring) in order to mislead and yet have enough surface-level ammunition against criticism to make it seem like its otherwise. Unfortunately, those were the circumstances, but we wouldn’t have the story we do now if it weren’t for this.. 
However, Sakura hurting for “loving” Sasuke is not the same as Naruto and Sasuke hurting for the other. Kakashi even literally said that Sakura was hurting because she wanted to save Sasuke and she wanted him by his side.
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Which means, Sakura is hurting because of selfish reasons. (Kishimoto’s words.) It is always about her and her wishes or what she thinks is best for another character without bothering to understand them first. (Note Naruto's expression as well.)
Sakura can’t hurt because of Sasuke.
Sasuke, apart from him and Sakura being teammates, never bothered with her and legitimately during the War couldn’t give a f- whether she lived or died. He didn’t have a personal bond with her, she was just part of team 7 and one he broke off the same way as everyone else excluding Naruto. She was never special nor precious as an individual. He reacted only to her intention of wanting to stab him in the back after she lied and had to knock her annoying ass out twice so she would stop following him because she selfishly thinks for some reason she’s more important to Sasuke, Naruto or even her team and the Shinobi world in general than she really is. But that is part of her character arc. Wanting to be included and then go beyond that so people will look at her back as she is insecure about the contrast between herself and Naruto/Sasuke, not just in terms of ability, but also the strength of their bond as said right before VotE2 where she points out what she lacks compared to Naruto. That she isn’t on equal terms in regard to Sasuke. Where she stops believing in both Naruto and Sasuke which she said she would after the bridge-scene, but then, yet again tries to interfere...
I mean... I have to give it to her, Sakura also does not give up when it comes to this. 
That’s why Sakura fans, the very hardcore ones, that see Sasuke as some price that only belongs to her, blame him for her pain. They favor Sakura and her selfish wish and want Sasuke to repent and live a life full of guilt and regret for all he’s done to her. For all the pain he has caused their favorite character even though that’s totally unbefitting to all that happened. Which is kind of why that scene with Kakashi is mostly criticized because he sounds like an irrational fan. (I don’t believe that’s exactly why that was put there, but alas.) Her pain is her own. And as much as people dislike Kakashi defending her, I understand why Kishimoto put it there, especially amidst all the contrast and especially because it was placed right before VotE2 and it continued with a talk about love/hate with the Hermit. What usually is the ending of a story, is where Naruto and Sasuke’s journey still only begins... really.. considering the entire Shinobi world and what they were supposed to do :/ 
Sakura doesn’t know or understand anything about Sasuke that’s why she also can’t hurt for him. 
She didn’t even try. And when Sakura did pick up on things here and there, she never bothered questioning those words like Naruto did and just went with the general narrative that Sasuke is a mindless criminal or that he’s changed for the worst. Therefore she stopped believing in him, his intentions and abandoned this version of Sasuke she didn’t like. She even had the time during the time-skip to do some research (as she did) as she had access to Tsunade’s notes, yet never, ever, once bothered to learn more about Sasuke to see if she could understand him. She only learned that Itachi is the one he wants to kill which was used as a moment to show that “she was going to do this whole thing with Naruto together” (and then failed multiple times). Like?? 
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And also thought then it was okay to deliver Naruto to Akatsuki knowing he was a target if it meant “getting close to Sasuke-kun”. 
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Tbf, Naruto deliberately kept her in the dark about certain information and didn’t want to wait for her, hence his reactions when he finds out Sakura knows a few details too. Even later when Sakura asks him when Akatsuki started targeting him, he’s not fully honest.
When Sai later says that Naruto is also hurting because of Sakura, (for a different post) there is some truth to that as part of Naruto’s fear is letting people down. 
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That was the pain of the promise. It had nothing to do with Naruto wanting to keep it for her sake.
Sakura reacted very fake while ignoring Naruto completely who was bandaged all over, when she visited him after VotE1 to hear about Sasuke. Not a "hey Naruto how are you doing?" was heard or anything, but guilt tripping him in regards to the promise making even Shikamaru angry because he understood the hell Naruto went through.
Naruto didn’t take that well as you can see throughout the story. Maybe it looked that way at the moment because he’s somewhat of a people pleaser and hides his emotions well and he reacted with that Naruto-confidence, but it certainly did damage to their.... uh, friendship? Camaraderie? But that’s a different pain, yes? It stems from Naruto’s own character which made her treatment towards him worse just like Sakura’s insecurities and fantasies about romance aren’t Sasuke’s fault. At all. But because of it, they do clash, sometimes more subtle than other times.
I guess it was okay to Naruto as long as she could keep up. In times where she did, sorta help. But Sakura didn’t keep up, made her own resolve to get rid off the thing in her life that hurt her because she couldn’t stand seeing it, therefore tried to kill Sasuke and didn’t bother to understand, question or rely again on Naruto because she thought for some reason she was important enough to get through to him. Or rather lie to him as she did with Naruto. She failed what? 4?? 5??? times? Embarrassing. It just hurt her too much to not see that ideal image of Sasuke. That’s not love.
All those misconceptions that she holds hurt her too because it doesn’t reflect that ideal image she has of herself or Sasuke because her fantasy romance doesn’t exist. Not even Jun Esaka, her number one fan, can make it believable. Not even the sequel shows how rewarded Sakura was because even if "she got Sasuke", she never got his heart. She never received that love from him, but she can fake it.
Her ideal Sasuke is the one that stays by her side because otherwise she’d “just be as lonely as Sasuke was after the genocide of his family/clan” 👀 even though she made fun of orphans and then was willing to throw away her own friends and family even after Sasuke defended Naruto, all for this fantasy. She’d be willing to make light of Sasuke’s trauma by not giving a shit about her bonds as long as she would be together with him. It is the Sasuke she hopes that admits thinks of her in his heart as she preached about before VotE2, one she hopes she can be relevant enough to save even though she was never able to reach him. She didn’t go through some character assassination, it was always like this. The contrast was deliberate. Naruto said to her and Kakashi that after Pain’s attack, he understood why his words during VotE1 didn’t reach Sasuke. That’s because Naruto went through growth and development. Sakura never cared to find out and her plea is completely irrelevant and focussed on herself. And watch this!! We have a cover of Chapter 231 “a special power” with Naruto where the side text says:
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“I won’t look away. I won’t give up. I am fighting for you.” 
Which is about Sasuke as this is a Chapter during VotE1.. and then the very next Chapter is Sakura with these words:
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“Straight ahead. I think. I wish. I believe. I am.” 
Naruto faces what's coming but Sakura is stuck in this me-me-me fantasy. Come on!!!! If anyone doesn’t think any of Kishimoto’s author-narration is deliberate either then I dunno man. This is back-to-back contrast. All the other covers around them look different. There is a lot more of this but the point is, Sakura’s always been the same. Her pain is based on lies for which people blame Kishimoto it to be bad writing even though this is just her character. And that’s not me hating on Sakura, that’s just what it is. If anyone’s going to blame something, blame her lack of development, but that’s not always bad writing if it was a choice that Kishimoto made with a purpose... her selfish love was contrasting to Naruto for a reason. I hope the day exist where people can accept at least that. 
It is okay to not like how an author portrayed a character, but don’t blame it on something else when it is a consistent thing, lol. She constantly wants to try and prove herself in a way that would make Naruto and Sasuke (even Tsunade by making fun of her age or her oh-so-dear-friend-Ino that she ditched) less, by putting them down or wanting them to look at her back out of insecurity. She wants to keep up, yet portrays herself as better- ...then fails. Badly. So of course, Sakura is hurt. But no one is to blame but herself and its completely based on her own persistence to be relevant. 
Sasuke and Naruto share a history of similar pain even though they’re very different, opposites even. 
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Before that, Sasuke yells at Naruto that he doesn’t understand what it means to lose bonds with the people who are precious to you. And that is true.
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But Naruto is scared, confused and about to lose Sasuke. As well as losing Sasuke to Orochimaru whom Naruto very much knows that he wants Sasuke’s body only (as he learned during his fight with Kimimaro too). And Sasuke, to Naruto is a precious bond as established in LoW who also just admitted that Naruto is his closest friend! Not only have they shared secret smiles before they even talked to each other, but Sasuke already sacrificed his own goals twice for Naruto and his body moved on its own to protect him and cushion his falls. Sasuke showed his vulnerable self (what he calls a weakness) to Naruto by showing he cared more about him than his own life. Hence them being so awkward with each other after LoW. Next to Iruka it is the first bond he’s ever had and it’s more than just a bond. Of course he fights so f- hard and would not give up even he didn't quite understand what it meant. Sasuke understands what Naruto means here though as his third tomoe awakens at the thought of breaking that bond with Naruto. Because it hurts. 
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Kishimoto spends 8(!!!!!!!!!!) pages visualizing how much Sasuke is in pain because of this and then some more. I want everyone to know how absolute insane that is. Not panels, PAGES. 
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Then, in order to avoid breaking that bond "on a whim" (okay Sasuke), Sasuke sets a resolve to gain power his own way by sacrificing years of his life to go to a man that only wants him for his body because of the resentment towards his brother, but mainly because he couldn’t kill Naruto. And the only way you can do something like going to Orochimaru willingly, knowing what his intentions are even if you’re afraid... is the Shinobi way, to kill your emotions as much as possible (at least not show them which is different, yay to subtext), but when it came to Naruto... Sasuke couldn’t get rid of his emotions and feelings. The only way to break off that bond, his past completely was by getting rid of all of Naruto. All he had left was Naruto. (Sakura who?) And no matter what he said afterwards, his actions speak louder than words. Throughout the story, despite his front, Sasuke is in a lot of pain. 
Naruto spends majority of part 2, ‘pining for Sasuke’, which hehe yes, but it’s way more than that, right? 
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Naruto fought tooth and nail to hold onto his bond with Sasuke and when he was fed information about Sasuke having changed and him just being a mindless criminal, he fought against that too. He constantly questioned whether things were true and didn’t just blindly trusted the people that told them things as Naruto rightfully already doesn’t trust people that well, but despite his limited view, he trusted Sasuke. He never once abandoned him regardless of anything. No matter what he heard or saw, he knew what he felt and he knew that Sasuke would be able to look in his heart (bumping fists through fighting) where his resolve lied which completely contrasts Sakura’s. Naruto wanted to bear Sasuke’s burden together and if it came to it, die. To not be Jinchuriki or Uchiha, to not be pained with the burdens or see Sasuke hurt by them because of it..
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Pain is a large chunk of that understanding between them that ultimately mutually happens as Sasuke says:
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.. that they’ll now be able to share the pain in each other’s hearts. Among many other things. That not only did they look inside each other’s hearts, they accepted it all. That Sasuke too will open up to Naruto’s pain, that he accepted him fully, including their shared feelings. And with that, hope and dreams. Naruto and Sasuke in this kind of future where they are Ninja and peace is not certain, will most likely stumble upon conflict but then willingly hurt for the other as they share their burdens since they are able to live and work towards a future they both wished for in a way that doesn’t include self-sacrifice or people-pleasing. That was part of the promise of this chapter.... 
Naruto and Sasuke. 
Not Sakura who decided on her own while lying to everyone to bear the Shinobi burden to kill the one she thinks she loves but doesn't believe in and painted as a changed-for-the-worst criminal because it is too painful for her. Then got brushed off with a brotherly forehead-poke. Wtf. Like actually? Lmao. 
"And in general,to which extent do you think Naruto is aware about the nature of his feelings for Sasuke post-vote2?"
Naruto is very aware of his own feelings and it is for sure love. But what else can you say about it with an open-end (699) like that? I'm genuinely not sure but I feel like any more than what we got would've been perfect for a blank period story 🥲
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sarcastic-kai · 1 year
Kakashi Hatake headcannons
I copy and pasted this from my wattpad lol since i havent written in a hot second and I feel bad about it :/
•What he's like in the mornings•
Kakashi isn't a morning person. He hates the feeling of being in a deep, peaceful sleep, then having that ruined by his alarm clock or the sharp, unforgiving rays of the sun.
That being said, he always tries his best to be pleasant for you in the mornings, and he usually doesn't have to try very hard because waking up next to you is always worth waking up.
You run your fingers through your lover's hair, giggling as the motion only seems to make it more fluffy.
"Darling," you whisper. "It's time to wake up, my love."
A soft grunt leaves Kakashi's lips before he shifts defiantly and rolls to face away from you.
Rolling your eyes, you huff with irritation. Every single morning it seems to be the same routine. Kakashi ignores his alarm, you try to wake him up, he ignores you.
A small, mischievous grin snakes up your lips. Now it's time for your favorite part.
You sit up and shift to kneel beside your husband. Still grinning, you bite back your laughter as you snatch up your pillow, raise it above your head, and swing it down onto his with a loud, "HATAKE YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE!"
The pillow makes contact, followed by a muffled "oof!"
Kakashi sits up, glaring at you as you double over in a fit of snickers and giggles.
Grabbing the pillow, he throws it back at you, hitting you square in the face and sending you rolling off the bed in surprise.
You get up, scowling playfully at Kakashi as he smiles sheepishly at you.
"Oops. I guess I used too much strength."
•His favorite date idea•
Kakashi isn't one for over-the-top, grandiose gestures of romance and love. He's more of a laid back, simple outing sort of guy. He's different from a lot of people. While some people are made of  bright bursts of violent vibrance, he is composed of gentle swirls of pastel tones. So while some people may set up an elaborate evening of fancy dining, extravagant entertainment, and romantic candlelit beach walks; Kakashi Hatake prefers to keep it relaxed and fun. His go-to date ideas are either a walk through the village, a stop at Ichiraku, and a movie at his place; or a lazy night in with take out, movies, and lots and lots of cuddles.
You look up from your homework to see your best friend, f/n, standing in your doorway with their arms crossed and a start expression.
"What're you doing?" They ask, and you wonder why they sound so irritated.
You look at your textbook then back to them. "Uh... homework."
They roll their eyes and point to your phone next to you on the desk.
"Well, dummy, it's 8pm and you said you had an outing with Kakashi at 6:40."
"oh shit!" You jump up, knocking your chair back and snatching your phone off the desk. To your dismay, you scroll through your notifications to see multiple texts from your boyfriend, the last one dating to 20 minutes ago. you bite your lip, guilt and anxiety beginning to grow in your gut.
"Fuck," you mumble, running a hand through your hair. "he's been waiting for so long. Oh god, he probably hates me now."
"Actually, I don't."
You look up to see Kakashi standing behind your friend.
You expression drops, staring at him in shock and dismay. "oh my god..." you whisper.
Coming to your senses, you rush to him, nearly tackling him with a hug. "oh my god, Kakashi! I am so so so sor-"
Before you can finish, he plants a solid, loving kiss to your lips, cutting you off effectively.
Pulling away with a grin, he says, "don't worry about it. I cancelled the reservations because I remembered the big test you have coming up, so I let you study for a little longer. I ordered pizza to my place, and I am ready to walk you over there right now."
•When you're sick•
Kakashi is a very gentle, concerned individual. After all he has been through, one of the hardest and more reoccurring lessons he has learned is to cherish those you love, and to take care of them. So when you're sick, he does just that. He spends extra time with you, gives you cuddles, brings you soup, the whole nine yards.
"'Kashi..." your throat is horse and quiet, and you barely manage a whisper. But even that amount of effort sends your throat back into its painful, stinging blaze. You let out a whimper, but it quickly turns into a erratic fit of coughs.
The grey haired shinobi leans closer to you from his chair beside your bed, his brows furrowing with concern.
"Hey... y/n... is there anything I can get you? Maybe some cough drops or some tea?" He puts the back of his hand to your sweat-slicked forehead. "You're burning up. Your fever still hasn't gone down."
You try to say 'thank you captain obvious', but it comes out as a raspy, "thank... obvious", as your voice cuts in and out with the effort it takes to speak.
Kakashi seems to get the message though, and his signature mask crinkles in the way that you have learned to detect as his smiling underneath it.
"You're welcome y/n. I'll get you some tea to help your throat, okay?"
You close your eyes and nod, but just as he gets up to leave, you reach out and grasp his sleeve. He turns to look down at you, curious.
You smile up at him weakly. "Read... to me?'
Kakashi stiffens up, and you can see just a hint of a blush creep up his face and around the tops of his cheeks that arent covered by his mask.
"I- I really don't think you want that."
•What he's like in bed•
Kakashi can be both a very gentle lover or a very rough one, depending on his (or your) mood. But either way, he is very considerate and very giving. He makes sure to make you feel loved and satiated, littering your body with kisses and showering you with praise.
He's open to a lot of things, and will try anything at least once if you ask him to.
He'll usually last about 1-3 rounds, depending on how wound up he is. He's very... needy after being on a long mission, but he always puts your wants before his own.
He's a king of aftercare. He'll draw you both a bath and massage you, peppering you with kisses and whispering sweet nothings into your shampoo sud-covered hair.
You moan against your lovers neck, tightening your grip on his grey locks.
With every shift of his body and roll of his hips, he fills you up, stretching you around his member in the most delicious way imaginable. His thrusts are strong and consistent, hitting your sweet spot every time, driving you to the brink of insanity.
"oh god, 'Kashi," you whimper, moving one arm to wrap around his back and pull him impossibly closer to you. He grunts in response, his hot, labored breaths fanning across your neck and shoulder that he is nestled into.
Without warning he bites your collar, eliciting a sharp gasp and drawled out moan from you as you arch your back, pushing your breasts into his chest.
You can feel him smile against your skin, but you don't pay any attention to that, since all your focus is on your impending release. Kakashi's thrusts increase in speed, only serving to tighten the coil in your lower abdomen. Your entire body is tingling with arousal and lust, and with a few  more thrusts you come undone.
Your entire body tenses up and you cry out in pleasure as your eyes roll to the back of your head and your mind goes blank. Kakashi keeps going, only faltering from his rhythm for a couple thrusts before he finds it again.
You want to tell him to slow down, but nothing comes out of your thoroughly fucked self. Instead, your moans increase in pitch, drawling out into some sort of desperate whine. But if you are whining for more or less, Kakashi can't tell, and you truthfully don't care.
Once your orgasm has finished wrecking your body it winds down, but it is quickly flailed up again by Kakashi's own chase for release. Within seconds your extremely sensitized body is driven to another orgasm, and for a few seconds, you swear you lose consciousness.
Pleasure envelops your entire being, blinding you with its enticing white light. You writhe and scream with bliss, the erotic sensations are like you've ever felt before, they're breath taking.
Once You float down from your high, and your stomach is coated with Kakashi's release, your eyes reluctantly flutter open to gaze up at him.
His grey hair is messy and matted with sweat, falling unusually flat on his gorgeous face.
He grins down at you, before quickly leaning down and kissing you passionately. You smile into the kiss, returning it with a spent effort.
Kakashi pulls away, brushing his knuckles against your face in a loving gesture.
The way he gazes at you, as if you're the most beautiful and precious creature on earth, makes you blush furiously and you cover your face with your arms.
Kakashi chuckles, pulling out of you and running an arm along your side comfortingly.
"Come on, y/n. Let's go get cleaned up."
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twofortea · 1 year
KKSK Week 2023 Submissions
Realizing I didn't do much self-promo on here for my kksk week fics, so they get one big post instead :) Day 1: Sharp Tongues Rating: M
Historic AU | Trapped in a small space | Innocent | “Never cruel or cowardly”
Sakura is 18 and set to be wed. It’s out of her hands, as most things are, but as the only child of her family, and a daughter no less, she’s expected to marry someone of prestigious status in order to secure her family’s future (and fortune). She’s been told for years of what life will be like when she’s finally married. The security, the contentment… What she didn’t anticipate from the process was the complete and utter boredom.
Day 2: What Trembles Underfoot Rating: T
Someone else’s show | Wingman
The Avatar has disappeared, and the Fire Nation is quickly expanding their influence across the lands. Kakashi is one of the generals leading the charge against the Earth Kingdom villages, and the days drag along in weary sequence, until a strange woman with green eyes captures his attention.
Day 3: Like To Get To Know You Rating: T
Modern AU | 3AM | Missed connections | “You have my sword”
You have my sword Considering it was the middle of the night and she had a completely ridiculous classload tomorrow, Sakura knew she should just shut her phone off and go back to bed. Yet for some reason, her fingers were already typing out a response. Who is this? The response was an immediate ping back. You’ve stolen more than one?
Day 4: Say What You Wish Rating: T Fantasy AU | Seduction
How does one get unlimited wishes from a genie? Seduce them of course.
Day 5: Office Hours Rating: E (Fem!Kakashi) Swapped | Booty call vs butt dial | “Oops”
She’s in the middle of teaching when her phone starts buzzing. Generally, Sakura has a self-imposed rule not to look at her phone during class since she expects the same focus from her students, but for some reason, today’s buzz has her fingers itching towards her pocket. She glances up to see if anyone is paying attention to her, but the class seems to either be occupied with the video on the projector screen, or asleep on their desk. This feels like as good a time as any to break her rule. Slinking down slightly in her chair, she pulls out her phone and flips it over. Call from: KH
Day 6: Death and the Maiden Rating: Unrated but not explicit Mythology AU | Morning after | “Not if you were the last person on earth”
“Who’s there?” The pause that follows is stifling, unsettling as it seeps into her bones. The room seems empty except for her… did she only imagine the voice? A hallucination borne from one too many sniffs of the red poppies blooming in the field? Then he steps forward.
Day 7: What You Don't Know (Sure Can Hurt You) Rating: T
Canon Divergence | Pakkun makes a startling discovery | Arranged Marriage | “Why are you in my house?”
“I found it,” the pug interrupted, pausing for a moment before he finished his statement, “in the study.” Kakashi’s next words were more of a snarl than anything, “What the hell were you doing there?” “Isn’t that besides the point?” the pug deflected. “Legally, you’ve been married since the girl turned 16.”
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madara-fate · 8 months
https://www.tumblr.com/madara-fate/738616185450643456/hi-madara-have-you-been-keeping-up-with-boruto?source=share sorry you didn't understand some of my questions. Here you go.
What I mean about Sakura's cicrle is that all her closest friends/relatives are suffering from the plot i.e Naruto is sealed away and presumed dead by everyone due to Omnipotence and Sasuke has been Jubified also "sealed" into a tree to use his chakra.
All we need to know is what will happen to Sakura since she's in the middle of this pandemonium? They haven't been paying attention to her for nearly 4 years it's sickening and disrespectful. Team 7 are in a dilemma but Sakura is in the middle and they don't address the elephant in the room. I'm starting to believe the Byakugou link with Karma will be passed down to Sarada and skip Sakura. Such a big name such as Sakura purposefully ignored...
To be fair, I expected Kakashi to be the Hokage just like Hiruzen. In a 2020 interview Ikemoto was asked why a popular character like Kakashi didn't appear yet and he led on onto something important he will do in the future. We all believed he will resume village leadership because Konoha didn't carve Shikamaru's face in the monument.
I also expect to much of Sakura. Trees in the village, I want the Head medic to start the investigations she should have started in relation to Karma but plot didn't allow her. Konohamaru said they will save Moegi with their allies and Sakura must have entered the battlefield because medics are the first thing to appear after an attack, she's the most important person in Konoha after the Hokage. Should have drawn similarities between her own seal and Karma, the regeneration, the history with the Six Paths, etc. The author really hates her.
Expecting her and Hanabi to have trained Himawari. Sakura trained Sarada too I hope. Hanabi Head of the Hyuga clan soon too.
About Ino, since the cohabitation mission the team with their chakra communication device helmets (used since the 4th War) have been communicating with Shikamaru, Kawaki and some people, monitoring on Amado and tracking infiltrators without her. What I mean is, they're doing what they used to with Ino showing up but without her and her sensing isn't very good (no feats in Naruto but brainwash a bird to find Akatsuki) so Naruto had to replace her with Sage Mode to track Boruto and Kawaki. So they can replace her, they have better people and they (and Ino) have been following Hokage's orders since the start so people say she has been demoted. I believe so too because her replacement and equal working efficiency is evident.
What I mean about Sakura's cicrle is that all her closest friends/relatives are suffering from the plot i.e Naruto is sealed away and presumed dead by everyone due to Omnipotence and Sasuke has been Jubified also "sealed" into a tree to use his chakra.
I see, thanks for clarifying.
All we need to know is what will happen to Sakura since she's in the middle of this pandemonium? They haven't been paying attention to her for nearly 4 years it's sickening and disrespectful. Team 7 are in a dilemma but Sakura is in the middle and they don't address the elephant in the room. I'm starting to believe the Byakugou link with Karma will be passed down to Sarada and skip Sakura. Such a big name such as Sakura purposefully ignored...
I wouldn't really consider this as disrespectful. Sakura is not a main character anymore and people are really gonna have to start acknowledging what that means. Let's just wait to see what happens with the Byakugou Seal/Karma plot point before jumping to conclusions about it.
To be fair, I expected Kakashi to be the Hokage just like Hiruzen. In a 2020 interview Ikemoto was asked why a popular character like Kakashi didn't appear yet and he led on onto something important he will do in the future. We all believed he will resume village leadership because Konoha didn't carve Shikamaru's face in the monument.
Yeah but Hiruzen didn't have a Shikamaru figure like Naruto does, he didn't have a right hand man to help him in his daily responsibilities. He had the Council, but that wasn't the same.
I also expect to much of Sakura. Trees in the village, I want the Head medic to start the investigations she should have started in relation to Karma but plot didn't allow her. Konohamaru said they will save Moegi with their allies and Sakura must have entered the battlefield because medics are the first thing to appear after an attack, she's the most important person in Konoha after the Hokage. Should have drawn similarities between her own seal and Karma, the regeneration, the history with the Six Paths, etc. The author really hates her.
Again, Sakura is not a main character, so can we please stop with this whole "the author hates her" stuff. Just because Sakura doesn't appear as much as you want her to appear, doesn't mean that the author hates her. I want to see her more involved on the plot too, but we shouldn't equate her lack of panel time to author hatred.
About Ino, since the cohabitation mission the team with their chakra communication device helmets (used since the 4th War) have been communicating with Shikamaru, Kawaki and some people, monitoring on Amado and tracking infiltrators without her. What I mean is, they're doing what they used to with Ino showing up but without her and her sensing isn't very good (no feats in Naruto but brainwash a bird to find Akatsuki) so Naruto had to replace her with Sage Mode to track Boruto and Kawaki. So they can replace her, they have better people and they (and Ino) have been following Hokage's orders since the start so people say she has been demoted. I believe so too because her replacement and equal working efficiency is evident.
You're downplaying Ino's sensory abilities if you think that she had no feats in the original manga other than mind controlling a bird. I mean, think about all the sensory feats and Yamanaka clan abilities she displayed during the 4th Ninja War, The Last movie and during Boruto. To say that her sensory ability isn't good, just isn't right.
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legendoftheotherside · 3 months
Naruto fic recs pt 1
Yesterday, I found a document file containing a partial fic rec list that I made to share on Tumblr. That was back in 2022—lmao, I forgot about it. So, here are some fics that I liked (the rest will follow when I get time to write down the next list). Hopefully, this will help others find good reads and give authors more love.
Disclaimer: fics below aren't listed in any particular order + I didn't check grammar, I just wrote why I like something XD
Change Fills My Time by 100demons  https://archiveofourown.org/works/687192/chapters/1261512 
M; 73k; Gen; completed
Summary: Thirty year old Kakashi was supposed to have been killed by Pein during the Invasion. Instead, he wakes up in the body of his twenty year old self.
(It gets a lot more complicated.) 
Okay, so this is one of the most brilliant fics with time-traveling Kakashi I’ve ever read and this was probably my third time doing so, if not fourth. 
This fic is completed, has a clear plot, the writing is extremely well-executed in both style and tone, and has lots of twists. Although taking a darker turn than most fics of this kind (think of ao3 tags canon typical violence with a dash of character death), it’s the origin of the sort of famous Watanabe Textiles, and considering all I mentioned above, I wholeheartedly recommend it!
Of The Leaf by Temeritous https://archiveofourown.org/works/4795649/chapters/10975265
T; 41k; Gen; Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence; Complete, part of the series
Summary: [The king is dead; long live the king.]
A month before the Chuunin Exams are set to begin, the Hokage dies of a stroke. Danzo steps up as interim Hokage until the Council can vote in the Fifth, and then Kakashi has to start thinking about more drastic measures. Because what he knows, and what everyone else seems to have forgotten, is that natural causes have nothing to do with shinobi. 
Uff, I did read some fics with Danzo taking over Leaf after Sandaime dies (or he actively kills him himself) but I’ve never read this one. It’s very interestingly written and I wouldn’t have recommended it if I didn’t think so. This fic is part one of the series The Tale of Naruto Uzumaki https://archiveofourown.org/series/493657.
has the second installment: The Water Truce and I’ll just tell you: chef’s kiss!!
Nobody Expects The Shinobi Inquisition by Azremodehar https://archiveofourown.org/works/29282646/chapters/71908998
T; >200k; Gen; ongoing; Dragon age crossover
Summary: In an act of classic Uchiha Melodrama, Uchiha Shisui leaps to his death... only to be thwarted when he wakes up, chained up and in a dungeon, with a splitting pain in his left hand.
I’ve been playing Dragon Age longer than being a fan of Naruto, so color me impressed when I found this fic. The summary itself made me so freakin intrigued.
I love Shisui. He is a very fun character, a sort of blank slate to characterize in their own way for purposes of the plot, though I love that most of the authors use the most popular fanon characterization, putting their own spin on it, and this fic isn't exempt from that. 
In Nobody Expects The Shinobi Inquisition Shisui is kinda op but considering how hyped he was in the canon I can stand behind that. He’s also smart. A lot. I love when the MC is smart and Shisui doesn’t disappoint. He’s also a bit manipulative, but which shinobi isn’t? 
Having Shisui immersed into the main cast of the DA:Inquisition is definitely fun so following him sweeping through the game’s plot—sometimes silently just like true shinobi and sometimes in all the grace of a bull in a china shop just because he finds it fun—is something I wholeheartedly recommend. 
I can’t lie, I love this one so much.
Dance of the Dog God by Tartarun https://archiveofourown.org/works/28989696/chapters/71144721 
G (says that but it’s pretty dark and I would rate it M at least); 234k; Gen; incomplete - actively being published (more chapters on ff.net, but from what I understand the author had been publishing an edited version on ao3 up until mid 2022)
Summary: Kakashi loved Konoha a little less and his father a bit more. What happens next changes the face of history. However, Team 7's destiny years later is still wrapped with the silver-haired man's and an intricate dance begins. 
Dance of the Dog God could easily be considered an excellent psychological thriller. The author may have tagged it for general audiences, however, it’s the use of the Alternate Universe - Dark AO3 tag that should tell you a lot. It’s very, very dark while basically being AU where Kakashi defected, Rin lives, and Obito becomes Team 7's sensei and yet nothing is as it seems to be.
The author is a master at manipulating the reader with crumbs of information while building a greatly detailed world and keeping tensions and suspense high while having a very fast pace. 
It’s honestly one of the best-written fics out there. If you like a sort-of-like-grimdark atmosphere and are not afraid of some psychological horror, give it a shot. 
Time Flies Like An Arrow by Katlou303 https://archiveofourown.org/works/12668358/chapters/28877022 
Not rated (but imo T at the highest); 240k; Gen; complete (has sequel(s))
Summary: Sakura traveled back in time with the intent of changing everything, but something went wrong, and now she's four years old having nightmares about impossible monsters and losing friends she has yet to meet.
Time Flies Like An Arrow is an excellent time-travel fic with Sakura as an MC. Shisui becomes her friend and sort-of mentor, which made me really happy to read. But unlike most of the time-travel fics where the character travels to the past and immerses themselves with their younger counterpart, here the younger Sakura is mainly in charge while the time traveler shows herself through sharing memories. 
Hellbent by LuckySevenhttps://archiveofourown.org/works/25797892/chapters/62662261 
M; 200k; Multi pairing; Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence; ongoing
Summary: Orochimaru makes an adjustment in his sales pitch to Sasuke in the Forest of Death and everything changes as a result.
The Leaf is corrupt, Team Seven is disillusioned and Kakashi suddenly has to figure out how to keep three overpowered Genin safe on the run when the whole world wants to take a bite out of them.
A couple of steps to the side may take the path an entirely new direction, a few words chosen differently and the story may have an entirely new ending, and a small band of underestimated and untethered ninja who choose each other above anything else may shift the whole world on its axis.
Hellbent shoves the nail into the cogs of canon and executes it so beautifully; from well-written characterization to just plain old good writing, this fic has it all.
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mysweetgirl2-love · 2 years
Snapshotted Sheets - Jim Hopper x Reader 
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Going a little out of order for the prompts again, I had a Stranger Things "Halloween" challenge I had to write for and had Hopper put as a prompt that was a little down the line.
So, cutting out the middle man, I just ended up writing him now LMAO
It's short and sweet and I literally adore Hopper, arguably my top comfort character besides Kakashi, sooo... I hope I do him justice in this lil one shot haha!
Also, a heads up, this is set right before the events of season 2! Enjoy :))
Prompt #8: Polaroid
Word Count: 3k
“Guys!” The gruff voice called out among the trees surrounding his quaint cabin tucked within the woods, calling for the rest of his found family that he knew were running laps around the home in a great chase. “Hurry it up! We’re losing daylight!” 
Eleven giggled gleefully in front of you, her awkward steps pounding through the leaves and clearly displaying the lack of balance she had in her mobility. You in close pursuit was surely no help to that fact—but you’d be lying if you didn’t think it made the chase that more entertaining. “El, c’mon! It’ll be quick!”
“You said ‘carve pumpkins’ first!” The kid retorted in a whinier tone, throwing a pointed look over her shoulder in trying to tempt you further. You didn’t fall for it, the burning sensation in your calves and chest telling you that it was too much movement. You were, in fact, getting too old for this. 
“Eleven, we can carve the pumpkins immediately after!” You respond as your distance from the girl only grew with her still running.  A soft groan left your chest while you hoisted yourself to stand straight again, shaking your head as the curly-haired teen leaped around the corner in further escape. “What am I going to do with you…”
“You? Ever thought about how I feel?” You turn back like El had to you, but finding the approaching police chief coming your way instead. “I’ve had to put up with this for a whole ‘nother year than you have.”
“Who’s fault was that?” You countered, your hands lifting from where they had been on your hips to than poignantly cross over your chest. A challenging brow raised in his direction to really send the message you were trying to relay.
In response, the man before you scoffed before his large hand reached up and pressed to smooth down the front of his hair, “Don’t do that to me…”
“Ah, ah, ah~” You tutted up at him, “You made that decision for yourself, Hop. I don’t think you can really complain about taking care of her alone when we were all right here.”
Hopper painfully smiled down at you, his shoulders heaving in a defeated sigh before his head fell back so he now looked up towards the top of the trees. You knew you were being harsh on him, and you knew the stakes were once a lot higher than they now stood. You didn’t stop yourself from taking a step in his direction, reaching gently for the limp hand at his side and delicately taking his wrist—pulling yourself towards his front and bringing his attention away from the sky.
“You have more to say?” He asked in mocking your previous attitude, you rolling your eyes before pulling his wrist over your shoulder in bringing you towards his chest.
“Do you want my hug, or not?” You scoffed with a silly grin, the expression arguably mirrored on the larger man above you.
He didn’t respond, tucking you in and placing your head on his chest. Your ear pressed snuggly against the left half of his upper body, the gentle heartbeat resounding against you in return. Heeding his message that you could only assume he was trying to send your way with pulling you in like this, you carefully brought your arms up and curled them around his waist. Actually following through in hugging the man in front of you.
“Mmm, yeah…” The police chief grunted above you, his face further turning in while his nose pressed up against your scalp, “this is just what I needed.”
Hopper had always been the hard exterior-ed person you knew him to be upon first meeting the officer. He was stubborn, maybe even rude, in order to keep the people he deemed innocent away from whatever-the-hell he was. Cursed? A burden? He wasn’t sure, and from that made it his goal to never let anyone get to know him past the basics. Jim Hopper, Hawkins Chief of Police, and maybe one of the two following questions. ‘Do you know how fast you were driving?’, or ‘Just wondering… what’re you doing later tonight?’
The consistency of his crudeness was his shield, something he could depend upon in the case someone became a little too friendly and risked their everything just by associating themselves in his misfortune. Though, like the policeman himself, you too were just as stubborn as the old man. Weaseling your way into his life, you broke through his long-established barrier and had come this far. Far enough to where his arms were commonly found with you sheltered in their protection, snug and safe, comforted. He needed to comfort someone too, he realized after meeting you. Denying himself that joy did more hurt than save those around him, and after the fiasco that was the disappearance and follow-up reappearance of William Byers, he let himself be more open to the idea of giving him at least that much in his life.
Two people made it past his barrier that following year. You were the second, the first was the run-away science experiment everyone had come to know as Eleven. He had heard a report of a dirty, young child running around the woods and knew it was his job to get to her before anyone else could connect the dots. A few tupper-ware meals and saran-wrapped eggos later, he had successfully found El and promptly whisked her off into the secluded cabin you now also called home.
Being as nosy as you ever were, you noticed Hopper was acting strange around springtime of this last year. Always denying dinners you wanted to invite him too, being antsy about leaving his police radio on whenever he parked outside your job so you two could share sandwiches in the quiet of his Blazer during your lunch breaks, even toned down the drinking—opting for water during the day instead of a beer. But, that was something you never outwardly pointed out to him, knowing that and the lack of pill containers was a terrific sign that you didn’t need to make him feel awkward over.
As good as the changes were, they also were sudden… maybe even a little drastic for a man like himself. Summer came soon after, and the excuse of late shifts couldn’t apply any longer when you now noticed his cruiser leaving the station by 6 p.m. at the latest. One day, during lunch, you finally broke—confronting the chief on his avoidant behavior and why he never had seemingly any time for anyone else. 
The outburst that occurred evidently surprised him, or at least the resentment you clearly had been building up over the past few months. You pointed out his sketchy efforts to avoid making plans, and the unusual lack of night outs in general. You didn’t give him a second to respond as you went on to make guesses on why he would be so weird since everything started turning back to normal (for the most part). Asked if he felt guilt, to which he should know he could talk to you about if he needed someone; maybe he had met someone who was so proud of his efforts and he was scared of introducing you both, to which you also made clear you would love to meet the woman if there was one. Even when as far as accusing him of joining a cult, that particular guess received a hearty chuckle out of the man before he made any effort in calming your frenzied allegations.
Hopper reassured that, as fun as listening to your guessing game about his life was, you hadn’t even come close to the reason why he was so absent. It wasn’t really anything new, you happened to meet him right before Will was ripped into the Upside Down which also happened to be a time where he was more open to involving himself in a life outside of his home. There was no reason to actually have suffered in his crushing loneliness then, he actually had a significant reason to stay home when he did.
Of course he hesitated then to reveal his ‘why’, knowing the danger you already had experienced because of him. He blamed himself for putting you so directly in harms way that fateful week, when everything fell so out of control. He couldn’t anticipate if the worst of it had even ended yet, Eleven’s continued existence making that fear of his a little too real. Then again, you had experienced maybe the worst of what had happened, signed all the same NDA’s the lab’s remaining government officials made you all fill out, even attended some of Will’s check-ups as the ‘cousin’ who had been witness to the horror of last fall. Would there be any more harm in letting you in on his secret than if he let you distance yourself from him because of it. Out of any outcome, the one he’d least want to come true was losing you… thus, he relented.
What he told you quite literally shocked you beyond any news you could’ve expected to hear from him. You must’ve sat speechless in his passenger seat for a few consecutive minutes, much to Hopper’s peaking anxiety. He didn’t recognize that was you processing the information, so he kept tripping over himself to keep explaining himself. Why he took her in, why he didn’t tell anyone, why he was admittedly terrified that you’d learn without him having to tell you and the risks he couldn’t stop putting you in.
You eventually just had to clamp a palm over his mouth, press into his facial hair to keep him from circling the drain anymore than necessary. Another sigh and your shoulders fell with ease at the break of quiet you could find, sorting out the last of your thoughts before the inevitable. Everything wrapped up pretty nicely from there, all things considered. Hopper took you back to his place, much to Eleven’s very excited surprise. She wrapped you in the tightest of hugs with the brightest of smiles decorating her expression, finally seeing another person after months of just… this. The house, and Hopper. 
It was about a week or so out from Halloween, the memory of seeing Eleven those few months ago making you smile into the starchy material of Hopper’s flannel that grounded you all more in the realization of how far you three had now come. The cabin in the woods was a great comfort in your every day, to know you had this duo to return to after the easiest, or longest, of days. The love you three could share in, the love you had more than expressed for Eleven… just recently, were you opening up to the idea of disclosing feelings to Hopper. 
Not that you didn’t love him before… there was just a stark difference between a familial love, and a romantic one.
“What’re you thinking about, sweetheart?” Hopper’s voice now rumbled against your ear and over his heartbeat, rough fingers reaching up and tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear.
You flushed at him pointing out the look of concentration you hadn’t realized had been on your face, and you turned further into the man, “Wouldn’t you like to know…”
“Yeah. I wouldn’t have asked otherwise?” He chuckled easily, his mouth pressing against your scalp in a soft kiss. “I always like to know what you’re thinking.”
You laugh lightly at that, knowing that to be a constant truth—the question itself also a continuing enquiry. “Just… remembering how this all started this summer, is all. It’s a happy memory to look back on.”
“Sure is…” He sighed whimsically, and his tone let you know he knew exactly how you felt in that moment. 
“Wha—EW, guys!” You both jumped, then, at the pitch of Eleven’s grimace, you turning out from the police chief and seeing Eleven barreling in your direction. “That’s P.D.A.!”
“Did you teach her that?” Hopper was quick to ask, to which you nervously hummed.
Eleven came to a skidded halt beside you both, breathing heavily as she tried catching her breath. “The light!”
“I know, Kid, that’s what I’ve been saying this whole time!” Hopper claimed, pulling away from you and heading over towards the steps of his porch, a polaroid camera easily sat on their edge. “Now, hurry! Get your costume and I’ll snap some pics of you two!” 
Eleven rushed over next to Hop and ran up a few steps to the porch, heading in the direction of a sheet she had previously hung over the railing when you first all had come outside. Ripping it up from its position, she ran back to your side and thrust the cloth above her head.
“Help me!” 
“Okay, okay… breathe, El!” You remark, a slight correction to her urgency that did nothing but make her scowl. You threw the sheet over her head and let it collapse over her face, chuckling lightly at the interruption to her glare as she pulled the sheet a little further down; two holes cut into sheet that let her see.
“Alright, get in position,” You look up and see Hopper looking clumsily through the camera in his large hands, the object maybe too small for proper usage on his end.
Eleven bounded up and threw her arms in the air, roaring in your direction to which you widened your eyes and snapped into action—playing along with her eagerness and ‘screaming’ at the sight of the spirit before you. You could hear Hopper laughing behind the lens which made your act harder to keep together, but you managed and let Eleven direct you in shots. Wanting to please her with the first evening she was allowed outside, given a freedom to be a kid for once.
The photo shoot lasted for a half hour, or so, before Eleven finally leaned her weight on your hip and let out a weary sigh. “Tired…”
“Well, one would be after all the running around you did this afternoon.” You giggled, reaching down to pinch where you assumed her cheek would be behind the sheet, successfully giving her face a light squeeze before knocking her off with your hip, “C’mon, let’s get dinner going.”
“I’ll second that,” Hopper huffed, letting the camera drop from his face as he watched his approaching girls—a warm smile immediately lightening his expression. “T.V. dinners?”
“What?! No, I bought steak!” You retorted, gawking a little at his suggestion while he too raised his brow in surprise. Your dinner sounding miles better than his suggestion.
“In that case…” He placed his hand between you and Eleven once you both were close enough, lightly directing the kid towards the steps while simultaneously grabbing the fabric from her head. “You hurry up and get cleaned up, I’ll help with dinner. Hurry, okay?”
Eleven frowned in Hopper’s direction, not liking his commanding tone nor that he stole her costume—but regardless sighed through her irritation before heading inside. You laughed softly at her reaction, angling a brow then in Hopper’s direction.
“What was that for?”
“Hang on,” He held the camera up and flipped it around in his hand, “I needed a few more shots.”
“What?” You giggled, the excitement licking at your fingertips and making you buzz as he repositioned to now stand beside you. Eyes never leaving the others, his warm smile turned to a grin, yours widening in response, when the flash went off overhead you both.
“Hey!” You turned up to the polaroid and watched it steadily print whatever shot it just caught. “I don’t think it’s legal to take more pictures without—“
Suddenly, your jaw was gripped in two fingers and your voice fell short. Not expecting that much, you couldn’t seem to find it in you to retort when suddenly your face was angled back and lips pressed into yours. Greedy, loving, excited lips then kissed you to which you didn’t hesitate in replicating their movements. Another flash overhead, Hopper parted from your mouth, leaving you all the more speechless.
You blinked, processing, and your jaw fell slack, “Excuse you?!”
“Yeah—Yes!” He declared, reaching for the important photo printing from the camera and carefully pinching it with the one before in his fingers. “Excuse you is right. Who are you to tell me about the law?”
Your eyes widened at that, your jaw falling farther when you didn’t think it could. “That—I? Hello?”
Hopper laughed outwardly at your shock, bringing you in against him by your shoulder and pressing the bridge of his nose into your head, “You’re adorable~”
“God, you say that again, and you’re more than welcome to enjoy a T.V. dinner while El and I eat steak.” You grumbled, him still happily chuckling.
“As long as you’re at my table, every meal will be five stars.”
“That’s, maybe, the cheesiest thing you could ever say to me.”
Hopper let go of you and started for the steps of his porch again, shrugging softly as he left, “Well, it’s true.”
“Weirdo,” You snorted while following him, the large man pausing at his screen door before looking over his shoulder. He sent you a sly smile, shaking his head whilst your mouth turned up in a smirk. “What now…?”
“Nothing, just…” He carefully pulled his hand up and took yours one more, “Happy-almost-Halloween, sweetheart.”
Hopper’s eyes met yours that watched him in awe, the edges of his cheeks wrinkling into a sweet smile. You returned the gesture, grinning in admiration at your close friend, roommate, and now love, finding all of these conclusions to be the best you could ask for.
“Yeah, Jim… you too.”
Hopper’s face fell to a smile, giving your wrist one more squeeze before ultimately turning back to his door and heading inside. Making sure to pull you close in his steed. It was a beautiful night after that, and the pictures turned out perfect. You wanted to see the one’s of you and Hopper, but he said he misplaced them. You knew that wasn’t true, which only meant one thing. You’d just have to stop in at the station the next day and see them for yourself on his desk… Framed? Maybe. Only the following morning would tell.
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duckymcdoorknob · 2 years
Hi, Ducky! I love you Valentine’s Day event :) may I please order a plain box with white chocolate marbled with milk chocolate (Kakashi and Gai-sensei) in an oval shape with caramel filling? Thank you!
I loved being able to write for Kakashi. I think I managed to capture just how alone this man truly feels.
I tried to keep this in character as much as possible!! I hope it isn’t too OOC.
I found it a lil hard to fit the white chocolate aspect in here, but I hope it’s enough nonetheless
CW UNDER THE CUT: this do have some tickles in it ngl. Spoilers for Naruto’s first arc.
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Kakashi will remember this mission until the day he dies…
The day he returned from the Land of Waves, Kakashi hadn’t been this distraught since… childhood events had happened. His team barely scraped out alive, with two of his three team members in the hospital.
He couldn’t explain why this team of brats was so special to him. When he was with the Anbu, he witnessed deaths of innocent shinobi first hand, so why was this any different?
Well, they’re his team after all.
They were his first team to ever pass the bell test, his first team to truly improve each other without them even knowing. They were his first group of idiots, even more, they’re his kids…
Kakashi needed help. He needed someone to invade his presence, as much as he’d fight it. He needed someone to just exist with him for a while, to remind him that everyone was alright.
He wasn’t expecting that someone to be in his freaking apartment when he returned home.
“Guy? Wh- What are you doing in my apartment?” The silver-haired jonin asked, Genuinely flabbergasted.
“Waiting for you, of course!” The jonin chimed, “Tell me all about it! Did you fight anyone powerful? How are your little ones? Did anyone discover their true power?”
“My… little ones…” Kakashi whispered, hands beginning to shake. “Uh, can- can we talk about the- the mission later?”
“Hey, What’s on your mind, rival?” The taijutsu master asked with a patient smile.
The silver-haired jonin squeezed his eyes shut and released a shaky exhale, bracing himself on the back of the couch.
The latter’s smile dropped as he stood quickly to his feet. This was greatly uncharacteristic of his rival… “Kakashi?”
Kakashi’s iron wall suddenly crumbled.
“I was… powerless to help them.” He admitted, voice strained, “I don’t think I could stand hearing Sakura cry over Sasuke’s dead body again.”
That sentence made the jonin’s blood run cold. “It’s alright, here, take a seat.” Guy gently placed a hand on his back, slowly helping his rival to sit. He followed the jonin’s action, sitting next to the suffering man. “It’s going to be okay, take some breaths.”
Against his proper judgement, knowing he’d likely turn away. Guy took both of Kakashi’s hands in his own. “Kakashi… what happened in the Land of Waves?”
Finally, the copy ninja allowed himself to be vulnerable. His breath hitched as his head hung low, settling itself atop of Guy’s rapidly beating heart. He recounted the details of the mission: Tazuna’s lies, Zabuza, Haku, Naruto and Sasuke’s condition, Sakura feeling helpless. “I failed my team…” he murmured, desperately trying to keep his composure.
Maybe it had something to do with losing so many people, but the thought of this team dying… it was enough to make him want to retire for good. He couldn’t lose anyone else, especially not those kids.
“Kakashi, don’t say that.” Guy dropped his rivals hands, and his arms found their way around the jonin’s slightly shaking figure. “You led your team to defeat two S ranked shinobi. It isn’t your fault that Tazuna lied about the mission’s rank.”
Melting into the gentle hug, the silver-haired male sighed. “Their injuries were so severe, Guy. I-“ his breath quavers as he slowly exhales, “I thought for sure I was going to lose them all.”
“I see.” Guy replied, “What matters is, they’re all here. They’re all still alive, and you didn’t lose a single one of them. Those kids are have come back stronger. And that’s the power of youth!”
Kakashi grinned slightly under his mask, Guy always somehow found the way to utilize his catchphrase in every conversation. “That they have.” He closed his eyes and listened to the gentle beating of his friend’s heart.
Guy absentmindedly brought his hands up to trace circles on his friend’s back. “Everything will be okay, Kakashi.”
The silver-haired jonin’s shoulders slightly heaved up and down, showing the latter that he was gently laughing.
“Oh? What’s this?” Guy teased, not ceasing his movement.
“Mmmhmhmn. Don’t b-be mean.” Kakashi demanded, jumping slightly when his friend’s hands traced down toward his arms.
“After all these years… you’re still-“
“Don’t say it-“
“Alright fine, it seems like you’ll have to say it.” The taijutsu master cooed, sneaking his hands down to the sides of Kakashi’s ribs.
“HNGH- G-Guy. Not n-now.” The male hissed, stumbling over his words.
“This can stop easily; you know what you have to say.” With a little more gusto, the jonin pinched at the bones beneath his fingers.
“C-cmohohon, Guy.” The silver-haired male sputtered, “m’nohohohot sahahaying ihihit.”
“That’s too bad. I was hoping that I wouldn’t have to do this, but you leave me no choice.”
With a sudden, swift movement, Guy’s hands were gently prodding at Kakashi’s mask-covered neck. “I still remember your weak spots, rival.”
“G-Guhuhuhuy. Juhuhust lehehet mehehe wahahallohohow.”
“Wallowing? The Kakashi wallowing in self pity? Unheard of.”
“Yehehes! Ihihihi’m truhuhustihihing yohohou ihihihin my vuhuhulnerahahable mohohomehehent.”
“I’m still not hearing what I need to hear!”
“Ohohokahahay! Ohohokahahay! Ihihim tihihicklish! Plehehehehease! Nohohoho mohohore!”
“Ah how the great Kakashi has fallen.” The gentle assault stopped.
The jonin relaxed once more, for the prior tickling had returned to a reassuring rubbing.
“Hey.” Guy tapped his shoulder.
“Mm?” Kakashi lifted his head.
The taijutsu user smiled patiently, “Your kids are safe.”
“My kids…”
“Are safe.” Guy reassured.
“My kids are safe.” Kakashi repeated. He sighed with relief as he repeated the words like a mantra. “My kids are safe… they’re alive… All of them…?”
“All of them.” The other jonin answered, nodding.
“My team… Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura… all of them… alive. My kids are safe. My kids are-“ the silver-haired male was interrupted by a thumb gently wiping his cheek.
He was crying? When did he…?
“I’m- I’m sorry, Guy. I shouldn’t be-“
“We’re off duty. You should be doing whatever will help you be at peace, Kakashi.” The taijutsu master replied with a sweet smile. “Care for another hug, rival?“
“Sure…” the jonin sighed in content, as he laid his head back on the chest behind him, “Hey, Guy?”
No reply was needed from the other man, who simply patted his friend’s head. As time passed, Kakashi had calmed. Still with the silver-haired male in his arms, Guy returned to recounting his daily tales of praise for his students.
He’d have to harp on Guy about breaking and entering, but Kakashi only had one goal to achieve for the day: to go and visit his kiddos.
❣︎𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑒’𝑠 𝐶ℎ𝑜𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑠 𝐸𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡❣︎
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I've never seen someone hate or dislike Kakashi before, but looking at your Kakashi posts (which I later realized were "anti Kakashi" posts), I feel like these make some people talk shit about Kakashi for no reason and it also gives me the feeling that even though you read the manga you're just blinded as a defender of Sasuke and that you don't understand Kakashi's character at all, almost always the posts are one-sided, making Sasuke look poor or the only one misunderstood and you make Kakashi look like someone bad or that he liked to manipulate people, you even make him look pro Konoha when many times the anime/manga shows Kakashi disobeying the orders of the Hokage...
I'm not saying this to talk shit about your post, but for you to read more objectively, since I love Sasuke and I don't think Kakashi is bad at all (either in writing or as a character)
You know, I'm a little weirded out by this ask, because your blog has no posts, no likes, and follows no one; so you are either using a side-blog to send this as you don't want me to know who you are... or you created this blog with the sole purpose of communicating with me. Both options are equally weird to me.
I've never seen someone hate or dislike Kakashi before, but looking at your Kakashi posts (which I later realized were "anti Kakashi" posts), I feel like these make some people talk shit about Kakashi for no reason
Are you honestly making me the sole responsible for some people not liking Kakashi? Do you really think I hold that much power over people's views? I provide images of manga panels in order to support my arguments, so you can easily access the panels and pages that led me to my reasoning.
and it also gives me the feeling that even though you read the manga you're just blinded as a defender of Sasuke and that you don't understand Kakashi's character at all
If you like Kakashi's character and you think my judgment of him is unfair, you can easily write your own post analyzing him, I'm not obligated to fit your tastes as I do believe I'm fair in judgment, as I not only write what he did wrong but also the reasoning behind his behavior. You can still think that everything he does is redeemable, but that doesn't reflect my personal beliefs.
almost always the posts are one-sided, making Sasuke look poor or the only one misunderstood and you make Kakashi look like someone bad or that he liked to manipulate people
What are you talking about? Have you honestly read all my posts about Kakashi? Can you back up anything you say with some evidence? I never stated Kakashi likes to manipulate people, I specifically said he does it as it's a tool used by the shinobi system that he was taught and he later on naturalized as a genuine way of communication. The fact that he was a victim during his formative years doesn't mean he isn't perpetuating the same system that oppressed him and others. He's just as guilty as those who wronged him in the past.
you even make him look pro-Konoha when many times the anime/manga shows Kakashi disobeying the orders of the Hokage...
The anime isn't canon, If it happened in the anime but not in the manga, then it makes absolutely no difference to me. Anything you say to me that isn't backed up by a manga panel is nothing but mere talk, and I won't take any of it seriously. Show me some evidence for your claims. Also, even if Kakashi did "go against" the Hokage's decision, did he truly go against Konoha's interests or did he argue against his leader somewhat? He was always faithful to the Hokage and Konoha.
I'm not saying this to talk shit about your post, but for you to read more objectively, since I love Sasuke and I don't think Kakashi is bad at all (either in writing or as a character)
I'll reiterate, if you don't agree with my analysis of him you can easily write one of your own, I don't have to cater to your tastes.
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