#And the fact that the ends of her hair and her skirt have kinda similar shapes haha they're fun shapes! Very enjoyable :D
sysig · 1 year
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Employee(s) 416 (Patreon)
#My art#The Stanley Parable#TSP#I wanted to make colour references for them! They came to mind prepackaged with a colour palette lol#Working within the Stanley Parable palette might've had something to do with that haha limitations breed creativity!#They both turned out so cute <3 That doesn't help me pick between them at all! Haha#Oh and the Sinister figure (Sigure?) turned out cute as well haha ♪ I love that Stan has cute little blushy cheeks ah too cute#It feels mean to pick one to compliment first to ignore the other til later but I have to start with one of them! Lol#416v1's hair turned out so cute and ah it was fun to do! The yellow highlights in complement to her shirt ah! Gotta do that more often#And then adding little Lines™ to her stockings heck yeah - they weren't part of her initial design but I love them#They'd be such a simple stitch for a cute pop of colour I simply had to#And the fact that the ends of her hair and her skirt have kinda similar shapes haha they're fun shapes! Very enjoyable :D#Okay now to 416v2 haha - he's also super cute!! Leaving some of his lines to implication and pseudo-lineless has a fun effect hehe#I also don't draw Stanley with them very often and I didn't in 416v2's original design either but his collar buttons! Cute ♪#Stanley has them it felt appropriate to add some to v2 hehe#I couldn't quite swing the effect I was going for but his legs are kinda meant to transition into his ''main body'' like his skintone#The lines weren't working with me tho :P So this instead! I think it still looks neat :)#Minimal shines for him since he is a shadow but still had to use the colour shines again >:3c Too fun! Haha#They're fun ♪ I'm glad my favourite extant employees all have references now haha
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mirakurutaimu · 1 year
have you ever talked about the origins of your sona/her design inspirations before? ive always really loved her design and i like hearing about how nice character designs come to be
here is the full tale
she started off as a mere picrew years ago
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and then people drew fanart of that design whenever i started streaming (like this retro mimi model @catastrothy made)
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and then at some point i thought "hm wouldn't it be cool if i paid an artist to make her design better" and then i approached noted good local artist @cnmchn and we went back and forth on some stuff and She were born proper
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here is some other behind the scenez
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hair accessories were considered at one point but then we thought of the ミ earrings and i just colored in one of her streaks black lmao
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final design ended up using a combination of outfit elements from our two examples, rip to alt universe skirt spats and kneesocks short braid loose hoodie long shirt ribs mimi (she will be missed) (i should draw that sometime)
anyways thats all. thats da mimi roundup. sure hope read mores function on this site
edit: i forgot to mention design inspirations.
uh. riamu failgirl, kumbhira granblue, we almost stole astolfo's haircut sans hair vents (though I think it was actually edward elric who made me think 'braid'), vampy granblue. as for the tenets of her design i just wanted a cute, colorful, energetic, annoying, smug, punchable little beast to match my vibe. her fashion sense is like the complete opposite of mine tho lmao this little freak dresses in this skimpy summery crop top and short shorts getup and shit meanwhile i'm a jeans-all-year and longsleeves/hoodie at all times kinda bitch. at least she still melts in the heat like i do
anyways i figure i may as well dump some silly canon stuff here too:
she's a being from what she says is 'the hell that froze over' (because it sounds cool), in actuality it's probably something more like a frozen-over planet with some level of aquatic life under the ice.
at a base level, she's kinda like... if a slimegirl was a crab? like, she's not made out of slime it's still Meat Stuff but it's definitely amorphous and should usually be contained within a thick carapace on the exterior (so when fully shelled, lookin like some kinda scary lookin pointy bone demon). she claims to have lost hers or that it hasn't grown in yet or some such (hence she only has the horn covering)
anyways. her inside meat being amorphous = limited shapeshifting ability, so she somehow ended up on Earth and is posing as a humanoid and having a ton of fun eating and smoking and breaking stuff. but she still fuckin' hates the sun and heat
other fun facts:
loves meat, milk, sweet stuff, clothes, sleeping, swimming, video james (bad at them), money
hates spicy stuff, hot weather, working, people as stubborn as she is, waiting
i'm torn on when her birthday should be. officially it's technically 5/21, but 3/3 would be cute...
believes drinking milk will help grow her shell in
has a strong sixth sense due to having similar organic function to ampullae of lorenzini
durable. if you punch her it caves in like some monkey d luffy shit
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toychest321 · 7 months
L.U.V. Dolls - Initial thoughts
(Special thanks to @dollsinvogue for notifying me about these and clarifying their names! And credit to youloveit.com for most of the info I'll be going over)
For anyone not in the know, the creators of Glo Up Girls are releasing a new doll line named L.U.V. (Limitless, Unique, Vibrant) Dolls, coming May 1, 2024
The most notable aspect of this release is the fact that the dolls' outfits were displayed at New York Fashion Week!
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To add onto the line's central high fashion aesthetic, the dolls' boxes (from what we've seen) are made to resemble magazine covers
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Already I'm giving them major props for such a bold choice in marketing!
I also admire how while the brand has a clear theme (with bold prints and ruffles in particular being a running motif throughout designs), most of the characters have styles that speak well to their individual personalities! It makes me want the line to succeed so we can see the second outfits in doll form as well, and speaking of which...
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The first design we have is for the character Harper. I absolutely ADORE both of her looks here, I'm guessing she'll have a very soft and sweet personality between the use of light colors, lace, and puffed sleeves! I'm also detecting some slight 1950s inspo with the a-line silhouettes, sinched waists, polka dots, and large collar! I also really hope the dolls come with the purses shown! Easily an 8/10 design here.
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This character Londynn's designs are probably my second favorite, and another good example of consistent characterization! The hot pink pops without distracting from the bold prints on display, and the use of colors like black, brown, white, and beige tie them all together! I'm also wondering if this character might be an adventuring type between the animal motifs (fur on the first coat and a pale pink zebra print on the second jacket) and knee-high tan boots. While the doll's style doesn't look to be exactly for me, I appreciate the thought put behind it! Also I'm giving a bonus point for giving the doll textured hair as well, 7.5/10.
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In third we have Brooke, and I find I'm somewhat conflicted with these designs? Both of these respective designs are fairly well-executed imo, but I'm not sure they give off the same character. The left honestly kinda reminds me of Karma Nichols but slightly edgier with the sleek material and black accents. The right, meanwhile, gives me girlboss vibes. I will give it that they were able to make a professional look without being too boring (side-eyeing Barbie Style rn), by adding the ruffles at the jacket and pants for a unique silhouette. Maybe the inconsistency in style is for a day-to-night look? Honestly the only thing I'd change are the puffed sleeves on the first designs. Overall I'd say this is a solid 7/10.
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And lastly we have Autumn's looks, and honestly? I kinda hate it. The first look is decent, but sorta comes across as too similar to the first two's outfits between the pale tones and the pink? That second look though is atrocious. The skirt looks like a puffer jacket and doesn't match at all with the pattern, and asymmetrical sleeves have always been a pet peeve of mine. It's a Barbie Extra look, in a bad way. 5.5/10
Despite my negative thoughts towards the end, I have high hopes for this line! With Rainbow High abandoning its High Fashion aesthetic for an uglier child-friendly sparkle rainbow slime vibe, I feel like these dolls could take up the hole it's leaving behind if they play their cards right!
I look forward to what this line has to bring!
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hereforthefunnyguys · 3 months
I wanna hear your Yu-Gi-Oh genderbend ideas so bad. Please tell me please 🥺🙏
okay okay so
I have a lot of half-sketched out designs and i have like none of them on hand one sec
Like in canon, Yugi starts out looking kinda immature both in dress style and also appearance - like, at the beginning of the story, she basically dresses in the normal domino high uniform and doesn't wear any fancy makeup + lets her hair down and all floppy. By the end of the series she has both grown up a little (e.g. a little taller, slightly more muscular, doesn't wear as much baggy clothing, etc.) and also has a much more obviously alternative fashion sense that only gets stronger as an adult. Hot Topic is shooting a new advertisement campaign with her as we speak. Also her hair is both a little longer + fluffs up a lot more since she's taking care of it now.
Atem, by contrast always has so. much. Hair. It literally comes down to her waist. Why, you may ask, did I give her so much hair? Simple i watched dbz and i know that hair length directly correlates to power level
Cut because this got So Long I promise it gets better as it goes on
Speaking of: Atem starts out the series as dressing extremely edgy and more sexual-undertone-y than Yugi because she feels the need to look as confident as possible, kinda like a cobra puffing itself up, plus seem what Yugi would consider "mature", which in her case equals "sexy and dresses in absurd amounts of leather." As the series goes on and she develops her own identity plus more solid evidence she doesn't have to be in Scary Evil Ghost Mode 24/7 she starts dressing more like herself, which is a little more like... practical than yugi? probably similarly feminine, just less goth-y and more regal. Like the princess of the universe has decided to bless your local game shop by showing up in full ballgown regalia.
She has a definite "warrior princess" type aesthetic and personality going on because she had to take the throne when everyone else really really wanted a male heir instead so she took over until she can find a "suitable husband" (spoiler: she never will)
Back to the modern day! Jonouchi and Honda are butch
I will not take arguments on this
Honda's just kinda always been like that and part of why she acts so tough and hard to get to know at first is because she's needed to be to cope with the bullying and ~social expectations~ of all that shit
Jonouchi was a sukeban and used to wear the long skirt + had long hair tied up in a pony-tail + in general just looked more feminine while being a street punk
I have the hc that then becoming more explicitly more masculine is tied to reinventing herself with a different identity, + accepting parts of herself she wasn't able to before + kinda comes with the whole concept of 'butch chivalry' which if i am completely honest she is not good at she is not chivalrous under no circumstances should Joey be your knight
Ryou has a similar thing to Yugi where she dresses fairly tame but it's to cover up for the fact that she fantasizes about dressing what she considers 'cool', which for Yugi was punk type clothing but for Ryou is more gothic lolita clothing. However she is way too shy to try pulling it off lol
Yami Bakura will not be contributing to this fantasy because she has the fashion sense of a racoon crawling out of a goodwill bin. Sad!
I just realized that the whole gag of Ryou being constantly harassed by a crowd of fangirls does come off as much more uncomfortable once the genders are swapped and its instead a nervous teenage girl getting pursued by fifteen overly insistent male admirers doesn't it
Anyways I support Yami Bakura being exactly as weird and creepy as a girl as she was as a guy. Maybe spiders are living in her hair who knows
As the TKB (TQB?) (That makes her sound like some exotic barbecue technique) sauce comes back she starts regaining some fashion sense that is mostly limited to an attempt to appear Big
Trenchcoats galore. So many trenchcoats. Make it stop
Big fan of the invention of pants
Yami Bakura wears skinny jeans for the Edgy Aesthetique but TKB mostly wears either plain shorts or skirts still because literally who the fuck is gonna run and jump and thieve around in skinny jeans??? who???????
Speaking of back in Ancient Egypt TKB kept up a fairly androgynous image with the help of a lot of rumour-spreading and a lot of chest bandaging (she was cursed with backbreaker boobs. Not for long though as you see pharoah atem my deal with zorc necrophades included breast reduction surgery for the small small price of me sacrificing half of Egypt to the infinite void)
the reason for this was simply that the criminal element in ancient Egypt was probably not going to be intimidated or very impressed by a pompous teenage girl and it would have most likely been detrimental to her survival to come across as openly feminine while out on the streets esp if we consider the fact that she was probably at least as attractive as Ryou is
”I am bakura the angry teenage girl” -bad, makes it sound like I watch fullmetal alchemist and cry over my chemical romance yaoi vs. “I am BAKURA the ADULT MAN and KING OF ALL THIEVES” - makes me sound cool and mature and like a sexy arc villain in one piece
back to the modern day (pt 2)
Seto is interesting to talk about in terms of presenting as masculine vs feminine because on one hand she needs to come across as suitably “one of the men” in order to gain respect in the business world but also she needs to be feminine and ostentatious enough to gain attention as a celebrity + it tends to make businessmen suspicious if you act too much like a man because what if you get the crazy idea you’re on their level hahaha
outside of public presentation I don’t think seto cares that much about what she looks like but that doesn’t matter because her whole life is public presentation anyways
my gender is blue eyes white dragon - seto Kaiba, 1997
marik (malikah????) is a femme lesbian and is soooo. Sooooo. Something about it
something something I was denied personal possessions and a sense of independent self as a child so now I will make myself as constantly fabulous and eye catching as possible while flaunting my wealth in the process
A lot of people interpret her fashion sense as just “sexy bimbo Barbie doll” type stuff but honestly I think for her it’s just as much about appearing elegant and in control as much as it is about being attractive to others
Marik wears so much makeup because she has such a specific image she wants to project so she is practically sweating foundation half the time. Same thing with the absurd amount of foundation garments she wears, e.g. the bodysuits and leggings and push up bras and girdles and shit
i am not a fan of foundation garments b t w they are evil and i dislike them this has been a psa from yours truly
Yami marik is pretty much the manifestation of everything she doesn't want to be, so she has a disheveled appearance, torn up clothing, very "imperfect" look in general
kind of has a dominatrix vibe about her because what is yugioh duel monsters (1996) without vague bondage themes
I have a design idea where she just dresses in the foundation garments marik was wearing under her clothes that have gotten all tattered and dirty just for extra ~symbolism points~
Pegasus dresses in 1980s power suits WITH extra shoulder pads
picturing a leopard print minidress pegasus in my mind its a really good image
TKB is nought but a roguish lesbian fundamentally and the parts of yami bakuras soul that are made of zorc juice are in a constant fight to keep her from getting distracted from the mission by whatever somewhat attractive young woman that catches Bakura's attention
I'm. Running out of text
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There is no point in a genderbend au if you can't be weird about the genders in it btw
i forgor to mention I have five hundred pictures of thee guys made
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mable-stitchpunk · 1 year
Could we get descriptions of the human characters, any original designs, and any differences the animatronics have from canon designs in Home and when any appearances may have changed throughout the story? I wanna draw some events from the books but I'm kinda blind to character descriptions in stories unfortunately.
Sure thing!
Mike stands about average height and is of athletic build. Like, not ripped, but he runs regularly and stays in shape almost getting himself killed all the time. He has sharp, blue eyes and black hair that's usually styled to look a little unkept. He has a mild tanned skin tone.
Jeremy stands slightly shorter than Mike and also has blue eyes, and almost always is seen wearing his glasses. His hair is blond and goes to about his neck. He has a pale skin tone and his features are a bit more softer.
Fritz stands a couple inches taller than Mike and Jeremy. He has brunette hair that's kept short, brown eyes, and usually keeps some stubble on his chin. He has a darker skin tone from Mike- I suppose dark tan is sort of the best way to describe it. Mature but friendly features. Dips from having "worked all night" rings under his eyes to a "slept fine" lack of them, and back and forth.
Natalie looks pretty much exactly like Vanessa. I don't know how that ended up happening, but it did. 👀
Initially, Scott's physical description was kept majorly up to interpretation for the reader, but since then he's sort of turned into a brunette with hazel eyes. He has visible but faded scars on his cheeks and across his body from his accident. He lost his lower right leg and wears a prosthetic, though is usually covered by his pants. He frequently wears cardigans and sweaters, slacks, comfortable and soft clothing. He wears glasses when he works and reads, but doesn't require them elsewise.
When CGHA began, Scott looked especially weary and was taking poor care of himself. Living as a recluse and showing such by usually existing in a bathrobe and staying unkept. By the time of GHIAB, Scott is consistently cleaned up and looks healthier.
Louise stands a little taller than Natalie, usually because she wears heels. She has a soft, heart-shaped face and slender but curvy build. Though initially introduced with brown hair, she dyed it red during Halloween and has kept it that way since. She tends to wear skirts and dresses with matching nails and makeup.
Tabitha is a middle aged woman with short brown hair and is frequently seen with a 'I'm done with this world' look on her face. She has a heart-shaped face that matches Louise's, but not as youthful or full.
Chrissy has wavy or semi-curled blond hair and big blue eyes. If that sounds similar to Susie from Pizzeria Simulator, that was in fact another Natalie-Vanessa situation. XD Though Chrissy's hair is not nearly as curled and is more naturally tussled.
All of Charlie's friends stick pretty close to their graphic novel versions.
Gregory looks the same as in Security Breach and while Cassie hasn't appeared yet (in case you're curious), she will have her cutout design.
Ness is a pale woman with shoulder-length brown hair and blue eyes. She has body proportions very similar to that woman who's been running around in a bunny suit, which is probably a coincidence.
Okay, now with the major humans out of the way, onto the animatronic changes!
Marionette looks a lot like canon Mari. The only difference is that his neck is a little shorter- though later versions of the Puppet shortened the neck anyways. XD
Foxy looks relatively similar to Fnaf 1/Fnaf AR Foxy. The only difference being that as of the middle of CGHA, Foxy was repaired. He no longer has a tear in his chest and now has fabric over his hand, but still has his hook. Foxy has fabric lower legs and feet that he wears during showtime, but he takes them off when he's not on the clock. His shorts have been repaired and during work hours he can be seen wearing a green pirate coat (the pirate coat from Captain Foxy's Dark Ride in Help Wanted).
Security Puppet Charlie looks a little softer than Pizzeria Simulator Security Puppet. Originally she was supposed to just be that same one, but I keep imagining her with a head and face that's a little close to Mari's in shape, though still with the rounder eyes. The cuteification of Charlie.
Baby originally looked like Scrap Baby, but over the course of AFLH she was repaired. Having plates replaced and repainted to look more like a complete version of Scrap Baby. In GHIAB, Baby took down her pigtail wires and changed them into a low ponytail (to regain her own identity) and then began to wear a small hat. The hat is a refurbished Freddy had, covered in red crushed velveteen with an orange band and a feather, and is a gift from Scott.
Ennard originally looked very much like normal Ennard, though a little more put together. His hands resemble the ones from Ennard's Help Wanted cutout picture instead of the knotted wires like in Sister Location. At the end of AFLH, Ennard got shot in his right eye and had to replace it with a yellow one, with his left remaining blue.
As of GHIAB, Ennard was gifted a technician suit styled to look like a clown costume. Because I'm feeling lazy, here's the exact design from the chapter-
"It looked like the coat a ringleader would wear, though green in color and without coattails. Golden colored buttons lined two rows in the front, with a zipper hidden under an edge of fabric between them. The collar was a deeper, emerald color and edged with sequins that matched the buttons. The sleeve's cuffs matches the collar, but with an edge of a white frill lining it.
The pants had one leg green and the other yellow and were made out of a slightly stretchier material, but otherwise looked like normal pants. There were a pair of new work gloves and boots in the bottom. These were relatively simple compared to everything else, just forest green to somewhat match the theme of the rest. There was a velveteen red ribbon in the bottom, likely to be tied in a bow."
Balloon Boy is in the Little Joe body from Sister Location instead of his old BB body due to concept unification.
Springtrap looks a little less deteriorated than he did in Fnaf 3 because of the time difference.
The last notable animatronic change/appearance is Jake.
Jake is the old Sun. So, his body resembles Sunnymoon's except greyed out due to his lack of glow. Jake wears the Stitchwraith's mask, of which a lone blue eye peeks through, and his tattered black coat (which is often equated to a trash bag like material). Underneath his mask, his face is damaged from having parts removed. His pants are tattered and cut short, and his lower leg has been replaced with an endoskeleton one off of the old Stitchwraith body.
...And yes, that does look vaguely similar to Eclipse. XD That was another one of my patented random fnaf predictions, lol.
I hope that covered everyone! If not, drop me a line and I'll add more! ^_^
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mauesartetc · 1 year
Hey maue get to so you again. I want to ask you an Important question. What designs you feel needs a redesign? because there's this character name tinkerbell who while iconic I feel her design doesn't age well. Her design is extremely sexualize like her dress is skimpy, long flowing hair, lascivious lips, long legs and a bust. How would fix her design?
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Honestly? Not sure what's really that sexual about it. She has a short skirt, sure (and the length probably would've been scandalous when the movie came out), but I've seen similar dresses on plenty of women in the summer, and like... it's not a big deal?
I've never been a fan of projecting morals onto body types or pieces of clothing. It's superficial and nonsensical to judge real women for their bodies or taste in fashion, so why judge fictional women for the same? Obviously characters don't have the same agency as real people, though, so there's a discussion to be had about the designer's motivations and thought process in drawing Tink the way he did. But implying she needs to be "fixed" because her outfit's a little revealing-? As if showing some leg is grounds for a redesign? Just kinda smacks of purity culture to me.
"But Maue", I can already hear pearl-clutchers mewling from the box seats, "this is a character in a children's movie! For children! Won't someone please think of the children??!!"
Welp, back in the 2010s, Disney released a series of 3D kids' films starring Tink herself. And wouldn't ya know it...
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Her design barely changed at all. Guess they didn't see it as an issue. (Then again, this is Disney we're talking about, and those people stick to the script when it comes to their brand mascots, but still.)
I'd already aged out of this series' target demographic years before, but from what I can gather, Tink's more of a Barbie-like character in these films. More of a role model for girls instead of just "the jealous chick".
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So it seems these filmmakers prioritized making Tink a more fleshed-out, sympathetic character rather than hand-wringing about her outfit. I guess you could cry to Disney about it if you really wanted to, even though I'm sure countless overprotective moms already have.
I don't even know why you think some of the qualities you listed even apply to Tinkerbell. First of all, her hair isn't "flowing"; it's tied up in a bun. Second, I'm not at all sure what "lascivious lips" means. How can lips be lascivious? Finally, you stated the fact that she has a bust as a negative, but like... literally everyone has a bust, at least if you go by the loose definition of the term. I'd also like to point out that the cultural fetishization of big boobs is utter bullshit that objectifies women who have them, but Tink's are actually pretty small in proportion to the rest of her body. Are we looking at the same picture?
It seems to me like you're projecting a lot onto this character just because you find her attractive. If you think she's sexy, that's totally fine. But sexy doesn't equal sexualized. It'd be a different story if she constantly posed in a provocative manner or was purposefully drawn with exaggerated proportions to highlight her feminine assets (like, say, Jessica Rabbit). And even if that were the case, sometimes characters who are sexualized end up doing more in the narrative than looking pretty. Sexualization isn't necessarily a bad thing; it just depends on the character and the story.
But sometimes - Le gasp! - Some characters just enjoy showing off their bodies or flaunting their sexuality, just like some people do in real life. It ain't a crime. Yes, it'd be a problem if all the female characters in a piece of media acted like this, as this would demonstrate that the media's creator sees women as interchangeable rather than individuals. But one character being a little sexual isn't the end of the world, despite what religious extremists may have you believe.
TL;DR: Cope.
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chatonyant · 2 years
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I binged a ton of orca documentaries and ended up shaking this lady out of nowhere
(ideas/ramblings under cut)
I was looking up Orcus after a documentary mentioned that orca are named after him. Funny thing is that the scientific name is "Orcinus orca" and orcinus means "of the kingdom of the dead" according to wiki, which means both parts of the scientific name is related to Orcus.
Orcus himself is a Roman/Etruscan god of the underworld and broken oaths, and wiki says that originally he came from Etruscan religion and the Romans sometimes mixed him up with the gods of the underworld (Hades, Pluto, the broken oaths part came from the Greek daemon Horkos who is (sometimes?) the son of Eris).
Originally when I was thinking of this new oc I was considering doing a redesign of an old oc I had named Erebus, who was this ghost oc? I had some lore for him but I... can't remember too much of it except he suffered a lot? But as I was thinking further about designs it ended up very much different lMAO
I'm going to try and kind of add some details of Erebus into Orcus to kinda connect them some more.
Orca are matrilineal and I was considering this oc to be some sort of god or at least a leading, powerful figure of sorts so considering Erebus was a boy... with the power of "i fucking said so" Orcus is a trans lady :)
I was considering ways to add orca elements into her design and I was also thinking she hasn't medically transitioned. Orcas aren't too sexually dimorphic other than size and the shape of their dorsal fin, so I made Orcus's hair like a curved dorsal fin like female orcas :D
Orca are big and a bit chonky so i made her a big and a bit chonky too! it was so fun to draw, i used a pic of a wrestler as a reference on how to draw a big and muscular body in a way that isn't stereotypically ripped and chiseled.
Clothing wise I,,, couldn't get any spark of inspiration so I ended up going pretty simple with the clothes and predictably giving her a split side skirt dsffguohsdgug influence from drawing hanbok
Lotsa jewelry! because she deserves it
The lack of pupil does come from Erebus (and I'm gonna give her scars, also from erebus) (actually I'm considering reworking Erebus in a way that Erebus grows up and becomes Orcus haha)
Story wise, I'm considering that Orcus isn't a part of a "pod" for one reason or another, so despite the fact that she's sociable and friendly (albeit in an intimidating way), she's also pretty alone and lonely
Taking into consideration of the mythological Orcus, she might be some protector of an underworld who abides by personal rules of honesty. Maybe like Cerberus she's the guard to the entrance of the underworld and makes people play games in order to earn their entrance into the underworld. idk yet its still a work in progress
so she's friendly, loud, excitable, reckless, head-strong, honest, stubborn, sociable, lonely.
I also ended up throwing her into the multiverse story I have, so she's friends with Ki now, who pops in once in while to spar and chat
Ki: hiya Orcus: :D Ki: let's spar Orcus: >>:D
I gave orcus a fan as a weapon but i have no idea what kind of power she wie- wait no
so erebus had control over shadows so I'm thinking Orcus's power appears as dark, inky water. So similar power of shadows that manifests itself in a more watery way– thinking of the whale-people from lout of the count's family if that makes sense to anyone (being able to summon weapons made of water and manipulating the water to be like constructs to use in battle, whether that be a foothold or just straight up armor)(honestly yes orcus is also inspired off of Witiria, she's so cool)
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jamiewintons · 2 years
hii!! I love your writing so much!! 😭💕 I hope you're still doing matchups or else this is awkward lmao
Name/Pronouns: Alicia, she/her
Personality: So friends have always described me as an agent of chaos which surprises me cos I'm always like isn't this just normal?? I've also been told I'm very "all or nothing". I tend to be either super high energy wanting to do anything and everything, super talkative etc, or I'm exhausted and lowkey ghosting everyone cos I was sleeping all day lmao. I like making people laugh and don't mind looking dumb/doing something super dangerous to do so. I can be antagonistic sometimes cos I like riling people up for fun haha, sometimes I feel bad afterwards though so I'll say "I'm joking!!" if I get worried it came off as mean. I'm also pretty good at giving advice, I've been told I'm "wise for my age" but I'm an eternal child in my opinion 😅
Appearance: I'm 5'4", but I have really long legs for my height so its hard to buy trousers 😭. I have wavy/curly dark brown hair that goes down to my mid-back that's blonde at the ends from when I used to bleach my hair. My eyes are hazel, I smile and laugh a lot even in normal conversations so my face is like :D constantly. My style is just... comfort lmao, I want to figure out a cute style but I don't really have one!! I mostly wear A LOT of sweaters cos I'm ALWAYS cold and jeans with converse, I don't really like wearing skirts/dresses that much, I try to still dress cute-ish though with like sweaters with hearts on them or stuff like that. Oh and I always carry my yellow kanken backpack because whenever I carry a purse I set it down and forget it lmao
Likes: anything colorful!! coffee!! spicy food, hanging out with friends, chocolate, memes, cute things, going out at 3am to a 24hour diner
Dislikes: cleaning, doing any kind of boring chore really like laundry etc, routine, appointments, being told I can't do something
Any hobbies/interests: Cooking, sleeping, cuddling, going to try new restaurants/food/recipes, watching tv/movie marathons, learning languages, camping/road trips, video games, drawing
What I'm looking for: I want someone who can match my energy but also is there for me if that makes sense? 😅 In my previous relationships I felt like I always had to take care of them and be a mom/therapist/personal chef, and I felt like I couldnt be vulnerable or say/do stupid things like I wanted to because I always had to fill those roles for them so I'd like a relationship where I can just be myself. I tend to make fun of someone if I like them so ideally someone who can look past that and not get offended. Also someone who's fine with me being really clingy or is just as clingy as I am, if I'm in a relationship I lowkey wanna be around them 24/7 and its kinda problematic 😭. I can't really think of anything I'd avoid just that they're not boring lmao
A random fact about yourself: my favorite sesame street character is Big Bird cos he's yellow and floofy 💛
I pair you with...
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Chris Pitt-Goddard!
If there's someone that is the exact opposite of "boring", that someone is Chris Pitt-Goddard. To me, the two of you sound quite similar with your chaotic, "all-or-nothing" energy, and I think you would make a really fun couple! If you're feeling super energetic, Chris is right there with you, but if you're tired and want to sleep all day, he's happy to just cuddle with you.
Chris definitely wouldn't mind you making fun of him in an affectionate way, in fact, I think he'd find it very attractive. He'd make fun of you right back in a flirty manner, but he's never outright mean (to you at least). He'd also love that you don't mind making a fool of yourself, and he would think that you're hilarious.
If you're clingy, Chris loves that, because he's super clingy too! He'll want to be around you all the time and he'll be glad that you feel the same way. He'll probably want the two of you to be together 24/7 even when it's inconvenient for other people.
The only problem you'll have is figuring out who will do the household chores.
Want to be matched with a Baynton Boy? Check out all of the information here!
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Hi, my name is Kiana! Can I get a match up for Blue Exorcist? (If you struggle to pick one I am polyamorous 👉🏻👈🏻)
She/her, demigirl, demisexual, and demiromantic. I'm practically a demigod :bad elmo fire gif here: (sorry LOL)
I currently have my hair dyed pink with purple towards the roots and dirty blonde roots. I need to bleach and dye again 😭 blue eyes and glow in the dark pale ass skin LOL 5'8" and kinda chubby TwT I have curly mid-back length hair.
I'm a Sagittarius, ISFJ and type 2w3 ennaegram. I'm left handed \o/
I tend to wear a graphic tee, hoodie, and leggings whenever I go out just because of how practical it is but I do enjoy wearing dresses and flowy skirts when I get the chance! I love thigh high socks BUT they hate me because my thighs and calves are too thicc. (Seriously! No one thinks of how thick our calves can be in a lot of brands and it sucks!)
I tend to ramble a lot and I'm sorry this is so long 😭. My favorite color is cyan (00C5FF to be exact). I currently have six cats because we had one then adopted another one... And... It turned out she was pregnant. We love all our fur babies and fur grand babies TwT
I have three tattoos dedicated to cats in my life who have passed and two to two of the cats I currently have. I like playing video games (lately mostly FFXIV, Stardew Valley, Persona 5, and Pokemon). I love food and tend to cook pretty well but I can get exhausted because of chronic pain. 😭
I'm introverted but I can seem extroverted in certain situations, but in truth it's because I survive on very specific/small social interactions. My boyfriend? No problem at all. A stranger? Need to go home and nap afterwards.
I snort when I'm laughing hard and I hate it. My coughs sound fake or painful and no in-between LOL. Anyway I'll leave it at that bc I feel like I've written a small book on myself 😭😔🫠
Hi Kiana! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took so long. The "demigod" joke made me laugh so hard. The Elmo fire gif only made it better. I hope you like your matchup!
In Blue Exorcist, I match you with...
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I think you and Shima would get along really well. You’re actually pretty similar both in personality and your habits.
As inappropriate as it is, he really likes your thick thighs. If they’re something you’re insecure about, he will do his very best to show you that he loves everything about you.
He also loves your laugh! He thinks it’s really contagious and whenever you laugh, he can’t help but join in.
I feel like Shima would enjoy cooking with you, as long as it’s something you prefer doing alone. He likes being able to spend quality time with you and the fact that you end up with something tasty at the end is an added bonus.
Playing video games with Shima is great fun. He can be supportive, he can take the lead, or he can be competitive. Whatever you and the game call for, he can do.
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mermaidhigh · 2 years
welp. it’s the end. there’s a slight glimpse of hope, but i think mermaid high is officially cancelled… designer Stephen Sumner shared the concept designs on insta (in reference to the fact that higher ups had denied and requested a big change to what we know now as the final releases) and boy, oh boy, have we missed out
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searras concept art seems fairly close to the style we already know for her. the frilly pink skirt and knee high socks combo is something we have in her official release, except the fishnets are a different style. okay but… LOOK AT THE DETAIL of the tail on the left! one of my biggest wishes for searra was for her to have real detailed pearls for her look. i wish that was executed in the final release… ugh…
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oceanna stayed fairly similar for the most part. to be honest, though, i much prefer this shade of blue for her design. there’s nothing wrong with the brighter blue they ended up going with! but this specific shade is gorgeous.
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now mari has such huge changes between her concept work and the final production. i am glad to see the tentacle theme for mari has been consistent throughout the process! the white hair is really cute, and i quite love the outfit of the left. to be honest, i’m glad she has bangs since the prototype doll. i am upset but i also love the final mari so i don’t have a preference
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finly is so cute! it’s interesting to see her blonde without the original face mold they had. i’m kinda glad they were able to do different face molds, though. it allowed the characters looks to be more personal and unique. the hair colours of the prototype remind me of candylicious’s hair from the lol omg line. okok do like the pastel tail, but i quite love the sketch tail on the bottom image more.
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literate-simp · 3 years
BEING BESTIES W/ SOME JJK CHARACTERS; Yuuji, Megumi, Nobara, Gojou and Sukuna.
Notes: Look. I know we all simp terribly for our husbandos/waifus but I just wanted to write a simple hc about what it's like to be their besties
Warning(s): slight cursing. I indulged too much on Sukuna.
Includes: gn! reader, fluff, chaotic energy, mentions of romance (just light)
Itadori Yuji
He's friends with everyone, says hi to strangers and probably would be besties with every old lady he meets so it wasn't hard to be friends with him.
But the second he becomes besties with you, shit's gonna get borderline chaotic.
3AM and y'all can't sleep? McDonald's parking lot with an abandoned shopping car would sound damned fine. You both remember the moment as 'Chicken Nuggies and the Wind' since he t-posed on the moving cart whilst eating nuggies (you both almost scratched a Ferari).
If you weren't a jujutsu sorcerer in training, he'd still try to sneak you in his room to watch some movies. You with the snacks, leaving Yuji in charge of the movie picking (you can't decide to save your life)
Cuddles! Nothing wrong with besties cuddling. He's extremely respectful to your s/o (if you have one) and are probably good friends with them too!
Though the second you come to him crying, they were already being patched up in the hospital. Won't hit a woman, against his morals, but he will make sure she never speaks to you again.
Understanding, chaotic besties! An arm around your shoulder when someone's obviously making you uncomfortable, he's the one barking when he sees someone slip something into your drink.
The friend to help you find your way out of a frat house. Makes sure you're getting touched with your consent and sober. All you need to do is give him a sign that you're alright and he'll give you a thumbs up before leaving.
Definitely the friend you'd open up to (about anything) and not be treated differently after so.
You told him about your problems a few minutes prior. It was quiet, a bit too quiet. And you were worried he might leave you for it.
"Ey, Y/N. Wanna go to McDonald's again? I think they have that burger you like," He blurts, catching you off guard. You raise your eyebrows before smiling gratefully.
"Sounds great, Itadori."
You guys talk about women with butts all the time. Not out of thirst or anything, it would just be a random thought that comes up and one of you would contribute to the other. You once mentioned something about Jennifer Lawrence and he would not stop talkinf about her. It was hilarious how much he was drooling.
You wear his hoodies and he's fine with it. Thinks you look good in them. Sukuna teases you both about your relationship and Yuji slaps his mouth shut before he says anything more.
"You look great in them, Y/N," Itadori grins, rummaging through his closet to find more hoodies.
"Thank you. They're pretty comfy," You mention the fabric and the fluffiness. He listens to you intently before Sukuna pops out from his cheek.
"Ehhh? This is the one you think about everyday--," Itadori has never slapped his cheek so hard before in his life.
Megumi Fushiguro
Honestly, pretty chill dude.
He has a small group of people he trusts, and a smaller one to which he considers to be his good friends.
So to be his best friend, you must've gained a huge amount of respect from him; saved him, maybe even overheard something you shouldn't have and kept quiet about it on your own accord.
You would have a 'you aren't comfortable with it, so I'm not forcing anything' vibe to which he would be relieved to know. Though even so, you are the more hyper one in the platonic relationship.
Outings would consist of trips to libraries or quiet nights on the couch with your legs entangled together with lo-fi music playing in the background.
Not much talking, Megumi likes to keep to himself and you have no problem with the comfortable silence you both bring together.
Though sometimes it gets too quiet so you annoy the hell out of him to get his attention; cheek poking, soft arm punches, slight pushing.
Megumi ignores this, finding your actions a bit cute. If it gets too annoying, he will get up and leave, having you trail behind him, whining like a child wanting candy.
Yuji would join in. Definitely. Nobara too if she was bored enough.
"Megumi~ I want your attention~," You whine, running after the raven-haired man.
"Yeah! Yeah! Pay attention to Y/N!" Yuji supports you. You clap your hands together, only to be hit with a shoe by Megumi.
He would never do anything outside of your comfort zone. If you had an s/o, they both would be neutral with each other.
If you were to get hurt from said s/o, they would leave your house with a bloody knuckle. He wouldn't hit a girl, but he definitely will destroy whatever life she has outside of your relationship with her.
Parties are a no-go for him, unless his friends force him to. He's the designated driver with three other drunk children (Hint; Yuuji, Nobara and you). He wouldn't carry anyone else but you back to your room.
"Jeez, Y/N. You should know how to handle your alcohol," Megumi sighs, laying you on top of your bed gently and pulling the covers up.
"Nngh. Didn't know it was alcohol," You groaned. He smiles, patting your cheek before getting up to leave.
"I'll get you some painkillers in the morning, alright?"
You can wear his sweatshirts if you annoy him about it (he secretly likes how comfortable you are around him). He thinks you look charming in them, Yuji never shuts up about your friendship. It's the few times he's seen Megumi genuinely smile.
Nobara Kugisaki
Radiates bad bitch energy.
It isn't easy in the first stages since she has standards with friends but the second you both find something similar about each other, it's an immediate ride-or-die friendship.
You would need a major backbone, 'I'm too hot for this bs' kinda vibe (it's canon that the reader is a bad bitch, periodt). You would have arguments with her but it's pretty basic stuff like the perfect colour for nailpolish or whether Maki deserves the Earth or the universe (you both agree it's the universe).
Outings consists of shopping malls and popular cafes. You take selfies everytime you see something relatively new.
Talk about anything under the sun -- newest trends, new food to try out, Maki -- but her favourites are hearing you talk about your day. If you weren't a jujutsu sorcerer, she'd visit your apartment, give you a hug and sit on the couch to listen to you blabber away about something that isn't related to curses or death. She needs time to rewind and you never mention how vulnerable she looks when she's tired.
"Uh-huh and what happens next?" Nobara asked, carressing your hair as you lay on her lap.
"He wouldn't stop following us! It was so creepy! No means no right? Like why would you waste your energy following a group of friends who aren't interested?" You ranted on. Nobara simply nods in agreement, smiling at your annoyed face.
She doesn't mind your s/o, probably would just say hi before leaving you two alone. She doesn't have a problem about her friends having a relationship, she does, however, gets pissed that she isn't in one.
If you come to her crying about them, she would slither in some 'fuckin told you they were gonna do it' or 'I told you so'. Though it makes you upset, you know she's gonna trash their house the second you leave the room.
Your (now) ex would suddenly be cancelled beyond belief, you wouldn't know what happened to them.
Despite the bad bitch personality, you are the more patient one.
Parties is a yes. She comes in as a self-confident woman and will leave self-confident and drunk. She's the life of the party and pulls you into conversations to keep you company. Even if you don't contribute much to the conversation, she makes sure you aren't out of her sight. She's not the type to bring a friend to a party and leave them the second after. She cares about you even if her way of showing was a bit too pushy.
You share clothes with her and she'll give you comments about it.
"The shirt doesn't fit. No, no. The other one. Yeah, that one."
"Who cares if people say you aren't supposed to wear skirts? Your ass rocks better in those than mine. Just take them."
Personally likes dressing you up, doesn't like dressing you up for dates though. Still doesn't know why.
Gojou Satoru
God, the willpower you have to even tolerate this man is immense.
It's not hard to be his friend, all you have to do is do something that amuses him and he'll keep teasing you about it.
In this platonic relationship, you're the more calm one. People call you to take care of Gojou constantly, and you're the only one he allows to scold him.
He goes for missions half the time so it's rare to see you both go for outings. The most you've been together outside of Jujustu Tech and work hours was in a bar with Nanami (you both bond over the fact that Gojou is terrible to work with). He got too drunk and started slurring his words.
"Y/N~ stohp flirting with Nanamin and talk to meee," He whines, pinching your cheeks as you sigh.
"We are simply talking about your bad work habits, Satoru," Nanami answers whilst shaking his head, downing another drink before he gets up to leave. "I'll take him home, rest well Y/N."
"Noooo, I want Y/N!"
A needy best friend. Constantly asks for attention. If you ignored him, he would only make the situation slightly more annoying -- similar to Megumi's Y/N, the basic cheek poking and whining.
Your s/o would probably hate him, he's a bit too flirty and likes to hug you in public. People mistake you both for a couple rather than the s/o at hand. Don't be surprised if it's the main reason your relationships don't end well.
If you come to him upset because of them, he wouldn't waste a second to zoom to your shared apartment and 'deal' with the person. Would come back with a smile and some takoyaki. No blood on him since he used his infinity.
Parties are alright with him. He's the cool flirty dude everyone seems to fawn over. Would accompany you for half an hour, only to leave with another chick to a nearby bedroom. You never end up partying with him after opening the God forsaken door and he's never stopped trying to make it up to you.
Other than the traumatic event, he'd a bit of a douche but still tries to look for you in the crowd. He waves once he sees you and flashes a reassuring smile before continuing his talk with the others.
You don't share clothes with him simply because it's Gojou. Who knows when the last time he washed his clothes.
Though he's willing to share. You're just more reluctant, really. Finds it cute when his shirts are slightly bigger than you. If you're built bigger than he is, he would like how tight it looks on your body.
"Starting to think you look better in my clothes than I am. And that's a pretty good compliment." He grins.
Hates the fact you never take his compliments seriously. Says it from the bottom of his heart, he really thinks you're charming.
Ryomen Sukuna
God, was it hard trying to befriend this curse of a man. An asshole, he stuck his feet out to trip you over multiple times before cackling like a damned demon (which he is).
Though you're always genuine with him. You liked having conversations with him and listen to him boast about himself for hours. Guess that's when he saw you as a close acquaintance.
Would never tell you you're his best friend. Never. Not once. Him simply acknowledging you was enough for everyone to know he favored one person.
Being friends with Sukuna meant being friends Yuji. Itadori always apologizes on his behalf and you would always laugh, telling him it's alright. Sukuna gets annoyed by this though.
"Stupid human. Who do you think you are being all mush with this useless vessel of mine?" He sneered the second he could pop out. You shrugged, taking some popcorn to feed him.
"He's a pretty good guy. You should cut him some slack," You answered, stuffing some popcorn to your face as well
Will constantly threaten to kill you but you never paid heed. You know you're his only friend. You don't agree with his actions but you find the curse interesting.
Literally the only person who's allowed to tease him. You get away with things most curses would get killed from. You once hand him super hot sauce for his pancakes and he glared at you for the remainder of his time being conscious in Yuji's body. You found the plate broken with a fork stabbed through it.
You aren't allowed to go on outings with Sukuna (obviously) so you both spend your time within Yuji's room. Not allowed to go out since everyone'll freak out seeing Yuji with tattoos resembling the King of Curses.
"Humans are so boring," Sukuna groaned, his head on the bedstand. "All they do is just sit around doing nothing but scroll through their stupid boxes." You smiled at him.
"Not my fault you commit mass genocide for fun. I'd say we're pretty passive."
He would literally never care about your love life. Still has the old man mentality that romance meant sex and that was about it. If they were to meet, the curse would just roll his eyes and turn the other way.
Getting hurt by your s/o results to hurtful teasing and bloodshed. No in-between, no nothing. He wouldn't know how to comfort you properly so he'd send Yuji in his place. Would sit at the back of Yuji's mind getting pissed that he was hugging and rubbing your back gently as if he couldn't have done it himself (literally sent Yuji only to judge him).
Not allowed to go out so parties is also a no-go BUT since this is just a headcanon, let's imagine it's college AU.
College AU Sukuna would love parties -- he throws them, orders his friends to invite hot girls and frat guys. And invites you himself. No one would know you were friends since he never mentions it but will literally choke anyone who looks at you like you're a piece of candy.
Gets way too drunk and probably have railed 3 people to cloud 9 in a matter of 2 hours but still go out just to check up on you. He doesn't necessarily care but he hates having the sick feeling that you were in possible danger somewhere he wouldn't be able to see you.
Stare at you for a good 3 seconds before leaving you alone. You'd never know he was there.
Clothes! His clothes are Yuji's and he barely even keeps his shirts in tact. Does he care whether you wear it or not? No.
Is he pissed? Slightly.
This took me two days, I'm not sure if it sounds canon anymore. Anyways, thank you for reading!
♡︎ literate-simp
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cecily-xyz · 3 years
~If The Main 6 went to a Renaissance Fair~
By “witchy costume” I picture those cool sort of magical-witchy-elf costumes ppl do, yknow what I mean? I’m bad at describing but I’m sure y’all know what I mean.
Would LOVE going into all the little shops, looking at the beautiful handcrafted jewelry, accessories, soaps, do-dads, and definitely would spoil you.
Maybe in the future they’d open their own stall there.
Especially loves watching the acrobats and loves playing all the little games they have set up.
They would just love the atmosphere.
Would love people watching; watching the actors do their little skits, seeing people all in character and such.
If there was an opportunity to- they would certainly dance with you.
Are. You. Kidding. Me.
The renaissance fair is not just a fun thing for him to do.
It’s his home.
Fully decked out pirate costume??? Of course??
Would love it if u dressed up with him 😏 (WOULD IN FACT BUY YOU ONE OF THOSE VERY ECCENTRIC PIRATE HATS)
Just the thought of him being in character and having fun with all the actors and attendees that are also in character- UGH MAKES MY HEART GO 💓
If you go to any of the shows that need a volunteer- he will in fact be volunteering.
Thoroughly enjoys those huge turkey legs and any themed drinks they have.
Probably will break out in song and dance at some point.
I do think she’d be a tad bit nervous and out of her element at first like how she was at the Harvest Festival, but will soon get into the groove of things with you and her friends encouragement.
I really hope she’d go all out for her costume- I think she’d go for the classic regal medieval look that a lot of people go with that’s the big skirt with the fitted bodice and long sleeves with lots of nice jewelry and her hair done all fancy- hell maybe she’d even wear a crown, I hope she would.
Similar to Asra- would absolutely SPOIL you with any trinkets you want.
Would really love the musical performances, she’d just fully immerse herself in the music and absorb it all.
Another thing similar to Asra- I think she’d also love people watching, especially because she’d be kinda shy at first.
Oh my god he’d go all out for his costume.
His costume would honestly not be that different to what he usually wears but it would somehow be more over the top LMAO.
Would absolutely love the joust and would make bets with the others on who would win (would be a just a bit of a sore loser if he lost LMAO)
I think like Julian he’d get really into character.
Would relentlessly try to impress you by winning you prizes from the games they have.
Would try to bring Mercedes and Melchior- I say try because I don’t thiiiink animals are allowed?? But I’m not entirely sure because it’s been awhile since I’ve been to a fair. (He definitely got costumes for them)
Would be very overwhelmed at first.
Also likes to people watch and really enjoys seeing everyone go all out with their costumes and characterization.
Wouldn’t like the sword fights, joust, and the shows that are really interactive with the audience, but would like to watch the acrobats, jugglers, magicians, and musicians.
Maybe with enough coaxing he’d do that one strength game they have where you hit the metal plate with a mallet, he would crush it, and though he’d be bashful, he’d feel a bit of pride at his performance and the praise you give him.
I’m not sure if he’d dress up, maybe he wouldn’t his first time going but would at future ones. But even so I don’t think he’d do something eccentric like the others, just your baseline medieval style costume. (He’d still look rlly good tho 😌)
Though he would be really nervous at first, he would end up really enjoying himself and you would often catch a smile on his face.
~ahem~ I apologize in advance- but let me indulge myself for a moment at the thought of Portia in those ~busty~ medieval costumes.
As she should.
No but I mean the kind what’s like the blouse with the long skirt and corset whereas with Nadias I mean more of the regal-royalty type ones.
Like Julian, this is her happy place and she’d get fully into character.
Would literally be so much fun to go with like omg I wish I could go with her 😩
Honestly she’d fit right in.
Gets so excited about the joust and her and Lucio get VERY competitive about it.
She would also try the strength test and would also absolutely crush it.
Would pull you in to dance with her even if there wasn’t any music playing just because she’s so excited and happy to be there with you.
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sunnyoldbear · 3 years
Luca Headcanons Part 3!
I can’t fucking stop please someone help me
All seamonsters have a lot of fish qualities and different sea monsters take on different fish qualities, even within a family.
While Luca isn’t as equipped to handle the deep as his uncle is, his father does have some traits that would help him out. Luca doesn’t know this, but he can survive deeper pressure than most others can. Like, significantly deeper, but not to the point of the Deep. He’s have to get accustomed to it and he might not have even survived.
His species can also echolocate! He also doesn’t know he can do this even though it’s from his mom’s side. He just thinks he clicks and squeaks when he’s happy, he doesn’t know he can also echolocate. Since, again, he hasn’t been to the Deep, the ability is very diluted and he can’t locate things very far but… he can, if he tries hard enough. He won’t, though, cause he just thinks his clicks and squeaks are just that.
He loses his shit when he finds out about dinosaurs. He loves them.
If you even mention a museum he will practically beg to go and he will be in there from opening to closing and still come back for more. He takes in every bit of information he possibly can
He doesn’t flip people off, he just sticks his tongue out
Cloud watches! He thinks it’s cute :)
Is cold blooded. They found this out when he passed out in the middle of class one day during the winter. Winter months are very hard for him at school because of it, so he treasures the break and stays under a bunch of warm blankets.
Talks with his hands a lot
One day when he was swimming to the surface after seeing his family, a fisherman who wasn’t too approving of sea monsters tossed their harpoon at him. It grazed his arm and it hurt like hell, but he still tried to hide it. Of course, since he was clutching his arm and there was blood between his fingers, the Marcovaldos panicked and healed him tot he best of their ability, but Luca simply smiled, turned to Alberto, and said “look, we match now!” (If you see Alberto standing beside Luca so that their scarred arms touch since they’re on opposite arms, no you didn’t)
He finds out about bubble wands and thinks they’re the coolest thing!
Avoids every kid named “Bruno” at school like the plague because he doesn’t want them to think he hates them
Whenever something cool happens he instinctively turns to tell Alberto and his face drops when he doesn’t see him
Definitely the kid to accidentally say “mom” (and)or “I love you” to a teacher and then stare in horror
Grabs Alberto’s arm, wrist, or hand when they’re doing something together if he’s not grabbed first just so they don’t lose each other. It’s just instinct.
Once sobbed for an hour because he saw a dead frog in a pool
Falls asleep if his hair is played with
Still gets made fun of for smelling like fish but due to being a fish he can’t really bathe so Giulia and her mom just spray him with perfume. It makes him feel better.
Forgives Guido and Ciccio with no hesitation, will never forgive Ercole. In fact, he’s terrified of Ercole.
Technically canon, but he is the biggest mama’s boy. She learns from her mistakes and fixes her relationship with him and he becomes super close to her
Only lets those close to him call him “Bubble” like his grandma does
Loses his mind when he sees fireflies
He keeps his hair pretty short
Refuses to eat fish
Is more of a prey fish
That being said, he develops a few survival markings, such as a spot on one of his fins to look like eyes
For some reason I feel like he’d be like clownfish and be able to swim through anemone without getting zapped
Was never good at making friends. The Branzino kid often tried to befriend him but he was too scared of disappointing his parents since Daniela and Mrs. Branzino don’t get along
Wears a seashell anklet
His grandma taught him to read secretly when he was little
Never stops talking. Never.
In class, he’s always the kid raising his hand, even if he doesn’t know the answers, just because of his eagerness
Calls Alberto all the time, more than he calls his family
Carries Alberto’s drawing with him everywhere. Used to be in his pockets and then transferred to his wallet.
Is definitely more of a writer than an artist! With his vivid imagination he can write for days, and Alberto is more than happy to draw them out for him
Lets his hair grow out a bit towards the end of his final school year. The stress of school means he doesn’t quite care for his appearance
Can’t sit still. When he’s at school he’s always fiddling with something but when he’s in Portorosso he just grabs Alberto’s hand and plays with his fingers
Definitely a teacher’s pet
Gets bullied a lot. You can’t expect the world to just be okay with sea monsters overnight. A lot of the world will never accept him. There are kids that make his life a living hell at school.
As much as he loves school, he aches to be free sometimes
Gets super flustered super fast
Sits at Alberto’s side and talks about anything and everything and Alberto will sketch it
His scales are more like a duck’s water-resistant feathers. Water rolls right off.
Loves taking Nerone for walks
Definitely wears skirts and dresses in secret! He just thinks they’re neat :)
Loves romance movies but will never admit it
Literally bites his tongue to hold back from rambling. Giulia and Alberto constantly have to tell him it’s okay and he can talk all he wants, but he’s bullied so often for talking too much that he still holds back if he catches himself
Similar to a Betta Fish! His kind of sea monster aren’t known for bonding well and tend to fight.
When healthy, his scales are long and gorgeous just like a Betta’s! (Giulia is mesmerized by them)
You know how dolphins get high with puffer fish? It’s not just dolphins.
His teeth are a little sharper than most other sea monsters. Yes, he bares them at Ercole every time they see each other. No, he won’t stop
Definitely the “he ask for no pickles” friend
No one knows what he’s talking about half the time except for Luca, Giulia, and (sometimes) Massimo. They just kinda go with it.
Has his own words for everything. Only Luca and Giulia know what he means.
He’s actually super, duper close to Giulia, but they do fight pretty often. They’re siblings.
Likes to put his hat on Luca
Everyone thinks he’d be a bad flirt/get flustered super easily but the opposite is true! He’s a big flirt! He just knows what to say to make others fluster around him! Even if he’s not into you, if your his age or he’s trying to charm you, he’ll flirt up a storm. Living on your own from such a young age means you need to pick up survival tactics, and charm and streetsmarts were the ones he picked up.
Sometimes he faces small boats he sees just for the fun of it
He also sometimes grabs a rope or a net from Massimo’s boat when they’re fishing and just zooms to land to get them there quicker
Loves playing games with the kids when he’s on lifeguard duty, even if it can get him in trouble with his boss
You better bet he makes fun of those school uniforms. He laughs his ass off. He thinks they’re the funniest things.
If he sees or hears even a hint of danger, he is shoving his loved ones behind him and will protect them with his life.
Prefers to be barefoot
Heals surprisingly fast. Something about them fish genes.
When he’s fifteen he jokingly tells Luca he should become a teacher and then Luca’s eyes get all big and excited and Alberto regrets opening his mouth. But he still supports him every step of the way.
Whenever he hears Luca click or chirp, he calls out for him if he’s a distance away or grabs his hand since he recognizes it as echolocation before Luca does
More of a predator fish
Keeps his hair long and growing
I think he’d probably grow a mustache. Giulia hates it so much which is why he keeps it. Okay, he kept it to annoy her, but then he actually started to like it. But when Luca said he liked it, that solidified it
He’s so strong it’s kinda scary. Definitely stronger than the average fisherman, but was stronger even beforehand.
Sometimes just eats fish live and terrifies those around him
He’s super fast! Since he’s based on a tuna or swordfish, he’s pretty quick
Unlike Luca, he’s warm blooded. So when he heard Luca has to keep really warm during winters, he offers most of his clothes
His father abandoning him may seem cruel, but for his kind of sea monsters, it was what had to happen. Still, Alberto is a child and it shouldn’t happen.
Mainly a night eater
Can see further than most of his fishy friends
Good night vision too!
Was taught to read and write as a kid by his father but it’s not perfect so he asks Massimo to do it
Loves playing cards
Fins are sharper than average
Squishes Luca’s cheeks
Sword fights with Giulia except they’re sticks
Whenever Luca falls asleep on him (often), he just stays still and refuses to move
Scoops Luca up sometimes
Grabs Luca’s face and blows raspberries instead of kissing it. (Can be interpreted as platonic or romantic!! Italians kiss on cheeks as greetings)
Protectively wraps his tail around those he loves
Water clings to him a bit more since his built-for-speed scales are less water repellent
Every year he gets scared Luca won’t return
Paints the Hideout to look like Luca’s dream fish-stars after he’s told about it. The ceiling, anyway. Don’t ask how he did it, no one knows.
Changes his last name to Marcovaldo
Thinks pet fish and aquariums are hilarious and will poke fun at the fish (“haha, losers! No freedom!” “Alberto!” “What?!”)
He and Luca share a bed when Luca comes over!
The Vespa poster hangs in his room on his door
Calls Luca’s nightlights “light fish” as a nod to stars
Has Giulia and Luca’s names tattooed onto him because they’re his best friends
Tried to take Caligola and Machiavelli on walks… yeah that goes as well as you think
Is a fast reader
Isn’t a massive poetry fan but does have a few favorites
Also keeps a few drawings from Alberto in her folders
Also scoops Luca up randomly
Can and will bite you
Wears dresses as much as she does shorts
Ties her hair up when serious
Rubs her nose against her family’s as a sign of love. It’s just something she did as a kid, so sometimes she’ll just rub her nose against Alberto’s and he gets really confused
Is low key a little jealous of her brother and best friend being sea monsters
Is a bit of a builder! She makes a bridge from her room to the treehouse
Rarely starts fights with Alberto, but she’ll sure finish them
Half regrets teaching Alberto to swear
Though she seems pretty calm, she’s gotten into her fair share of fights at school. Mainly punches kids who bully her and/or Luca. Also sexists.
Although this is 1950/60s Italy, I imagine she’d be very accepting of homosexuality and not hide it, even if rumors of her being one start spreading and she gets hurt. She has a strong sense of justice and she doesn’t care about consequences.
She’s the only person allowed to make fun of Alberto. No one else is. She’ll quite literally attack anyone who dares.
Her parents were surprised she didn’t take after them in fishing or painting
Honestly I can see her mentoring the kids for the race every summer! Once she hits 18 and is no longer able to compete, she holds practice sessions and loves seeing the kids have fun
She definitely runs the race when she’s older. She moves to Portorosso since her marine biology career is helped by her sea monster brother and the town’s closeness to water
Teaches the boys to make sandcastles
Holds such strong resentment for Alberto’s father and Daniela. Lorenzo and Luca’s grandmother she’s fine with, but Alberto’s biological father abandoning him pisses her off more than she can put into words, and Daniela manipulating her son and sending him away makes her want to break something.
Her “santa (cheese)!” comments slowly change into “Santa (fish)!” exclamations. Like, “Santa Goby!” for example. 
Is more close to Alberto than he wants to let people know. She can read him like a book. He’s honestly her best friend. She tells him everything, they go to each other after nightmares, they share everything, all the fun cute stuff that Alberto would rather die than admit.
Still has no idea what “Silenzio Bruno” and “Piacere, girolamo trombetta” mean and at this point she’s too afraid to ask
Though she loves the Portorosso kids, she’d rather die than be a mother. Her parents understand, but secretly hope she changes her mind so they can spoil a grandbaby. 
Begs Massimo to coverup his sea monster tattoo, which he does
Also a “he ask no pickles” friend!
Is super patient with Luca and Alberto’s adaption to the human world (though she doesn’t like it when Alberto shoves his feet on her-which he loves to do because it pisses her off)
Secretly saves money up for the boys to get a Vespa
While she isn’t the best cook, her pasta meals are pretty damn good! 
Has the trophy from the Cup in her room next to a picture of the three of them on the Vespa
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sukiglycerin · 4 years
13 minutes || katsuki bakugou.
* pairing: pro-hero (therefore aged up)!katsuki bakugou x fem manager!reader
* genre: pro-hero!au, smut, this is the longest warning section i’ve ever written, mainly pwp, fluff at the end :>
* words: 2,266 of all this fiLTH
* warnings: AGED UP KATSUKI, ugh tumblr deleted my super long tags so now i must redo them, this is very long & filthy, whew let's go, dom!katsuki, sub!reader, semi-public sex, exhibitionism, slight voyeurism, office sex, reader is bent over the desk ofc, master/sir kink, a little pet play (he calls reader pet/kitten), dirty talk, degradation, fingering, breast/nipple play, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, orgasm denial (how contradicting), cunnilingus (f receiving), cum eating (both ends), talks of safeword/colour system but no actual usage, penetrative sex, unprotected sex (pls use protection irl!!), creampie, reader is kinda masochistic, pussy slapping, crying sex (no angst here tho), hair-pulling (m receiving if it matters), implied subspace, aftercare !! the best part !!
* a/n: so tumblr messed up sO much while i tried to post this, so i hope you like this! ty @toishi for sticking with me and all of my ramblings while writing this! (and ofc @dylanxmin for her lovely support!!) this is a VERY spicy thing, and almost had actual plot before i cut it out. if you like this, i may do a fluffier pt 2!! enjoy!
being a pro-hero's manager has its perks. the pay's good, the coworkers are pleasant, and travelling is pretty fun. to you, the best part is that you get to see your boyfriend of three years every day.
you've been dating pro-hero ground zero secretly, and you happen to be his manager. honestly, the latter came first in chronological order, but that doesn't matter anyway.
you first encountered ground zero (or as he was called back then, katsuki bakugou) during your time in the business course at ua. he bumped into you quite ungracefully, cursed at you, pushed past you, then let a startled but apologetic kirishima to apologize. it was fate, in kirishima's words. 
such fate led you to manage ground zero five years ago, after slowly climbing your way up from managing smaller heroes to finally reaching the popular ones. bakugou had been the only popular hero with a manager opening; you learned why soon after being hired.
the spiky haired hero had a short fuse and a tendency to cuss. he was picky, indecent, and often reckless with his public image; the calmest you'd ever seen him was when he blew up villains and screaming "die."
however, things change - things change a lot. five years later, you're here: katsuki mumbling sweet things into the crook of your neck as his hands tease the waistband of your pencil skirt.
"katsuki, we can't- you have a meeting in fift- hng-!"
his lips find yours quickly, effectively quieting you down. you're sitting on katsuki's desk - a polished cherry wood thing that took too many weeks to find - as he towers above you, pinning you to your spot.
katsuki pauses, and pulls back, licking his lips. "sounds like a you problem."
"we really can't, this meeting is really important-" bakugou's fingers nimbly find their way under your skirt, deadly close to your panties. he really isn’t paying attention to you.
"and i'm the star of the show, the number one pro-hero-" if he hears you mutter 'that's midoriya,' he ignores you and continues, "-aren't i the most important one here?" his fingers rub your clothed clit, smirking at your audible gasp.
"k-katsuki, no-" you know he can feel the wet patch growing on your panties; from the way his determined eyes lock on yours, you know he won't be finished until you are too.
"how long do we have now, love?”
"thirteen minutes, but-"
"you're going to cum for me three times in the thirteen minutes we have."
it's not a question; it's a fact. you are going to cum three times in the next fifteen minutes.
“once on my fingers,” he puts a finger up, “once on my tongue,” another finger, “and once on my cock. the only thing you have to worry your pretty head about-“ he leans in close to your ear, voice dropping a couple octaves, “-is keeping quiet enough.”
his fingers push your panties to the side with ease and play teasingly with your wet folds. he circles your clit with his middle finger slowly, dragging out each languid movement with a smirk on his face. you flush at the lewd, wet noises he elicits from your pussy. you know that his fingers are coated in your arousal.
you look down in embarrassment, gripping the edge of the desk, and stare at the cotton material of your pencil skirt.
"slut." the word is spat from katsuki's mouth. his hand holds your chin; his touch barely ghosts your skin, but the command still exudes dominance. he tips his hand up, so you're looking into his intense eyes.
"look at me, slut." the word is emphasized by the plunging of three fingers in your wet core. you whine, unprepared by the sudden intrusion. your legs move uncomfortably against the fabric of your skirt, which restricts you from spreading open your legs wider. you want to clamp down on katsuki's hand, but you know that that won't end well.
"patience, kitten." either by intuition or his own frustration, he speaks up gruffly. "all in due time." his thumb starts to knead your aching bud as he thrusts in and out, knuckle deep in your pussy. glancing at the clock, he grows impatient, quickly attempting to unbutton your blouse before ripping off the rest entirely. you'd normally protest - you liked that blouse - but you find yourself falling short of words at the pressure on your pussy. katsuki goes at a more rigorous pace, thrusting fast and deep while his free hand snakes itself under your bra to play with your nipple. the added stimulation has you keening to his touch, suddenly aware of his every touch. he pulls your bra cup down, freeing your breast and bending down to to encapsulate the hardened bud in his mouth. his tongue circles your areola and flicks your nipple; meanwhile, his pace on your pussy hasn't relented. 
soon, you feel the telltale feelings of pleasure bubbling through your body.  you tense against him, gasping out his name and clawing at his back. your knees buckle as your climax washes over you, making your body go limp in his hand. bakugou lets go of your nipple with a popping noise, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. his other hand pulls out, and he outstretches three cum-soaked fingers to you, an unspoken code for "suck." you open your mouth obediently, sucking your salty juices off his slim digits. 
"fuck," he cusses, eyes blown out wide in lust. "so fuckin' obedient for me, hm? such a fuckin' whore for your master."
you let go of the fingers in your mouth and nod. 
his non-wet fingers grip the bottom of your skirt. "off. now." 
"yes, master." you feel his eyes pierce you, watching you unzip your skirt and panties and let them pool around your legs. he holds you steady as you step out of the garments and toss them to the side. 
"sit up." he taps the desk lightly.
"it'll get w-w-" 
"did i stutter?"
"n-no, master."
he hums while you acquaint your bottom with the cold, hard wood of his desk.
"colour system, love?" his voice gets soft and he breaks the hard persona. his eyes are gentle, searching yours for any speck nervousness or hesitancy.
"green for 'i'm good, keep going,' yellow for 'slow down,' and red for 'stop.'"
"and if you can't speak?"
"three taps for red, two for yellow."
"what's your colour right now?"
"green, master."
his face hardens at the title. "always a good pet for me, aren't you?"
you nod. "yessir."
he spares another glance at the clock on the wall. "you're going to be a fucking good slut for master in the next 7 minutes, understand?"
"what was that, pet?"
"better be. spread." his fingers gesture to your legs.
he kneels before you, your drenched core spread out and on display for him at eye-level.
"so wet," he marvels, making your face heat up. like this, you're completely exposed to him; your breasts free from your bra, nipples hard against the cool air, and your pussy glistening under the light of his office.
he licks a long stripe up your folds, testing the waters. by now, the original intensity of your previous orgasm had worn off; despite this, when his tongue met your clit, you found yourself reaching for his hair, gripping it tightly. he groans into your pussy, poking his appendage through your folds and administrating kitten licks up and down your inner lips to slurp up whatever juices were left. the teasing doesn't last for long, however. he starts to suck harshly on your clit, making you buck into his face in overstimulation and surprise. you cry out at his unceasing ministrations, tugging on his hair and your toes curling. the overstimulation is too much; pain mixed with white hot pleasure blinds you. the lips closed against your clit go hard; you're not even sure how katsuki can breathe going at such a pace. the pain starts to blend into pure pleasure. you throw your arm over your mouth in attempt to stifle your noises, eyes shut tight. you feel tears line your eyes as you cum again, katsuki's tongue pressed flat against your pussy. the pleasure is five times more intense now; you cry out, sure anyone standing outside heard, and clutch katsuki's hair as you recover from your orgasm. your pussy convulses violently, and you pant in a similar manner.
"k-katsuki- master- i-" you breathe hard.
"one more for me, okay?" he rasps into your ear. "i know you can take it, kitten. so good for me..." his chin and lips shine with your essence.
you nod, spreading your sore legs further apart.
"colour?" he checks, hands starting to reach for his belt.
he nods and unbuckles, pulling his pants and boxers down to reveal his cock. katsuki leans in, hot breath fanning against you as he peppers kisses on your clavicle.
"you're gonna be a good cocksleeve for master, yeah? gonna be all fuckin' tight and wet for me?"
you whimper a shaky "yes," the head of his cock nudging your folds.
he eases his full length into you, the stretch always being something you always need to get used to. katsuki's not particularly girthy, but for what he lacks in girth he makes up in sheer length. he pushes in gently; it's clear on his face he wants nothing more than to ravage you, but he understands your needs.
"f-fuck," you gasps as he bottoms out. 
"ring ring ring," the tone of katsuki's phone rings through the room.
you lean over the desk, reading the caller id.
"it's horikoshi corp?" you say to katsuki.
"pick it up." there's a mischievous gleam in his eyes, but there's no time to dwell on it before you pick up the call.
"is this the office of ground zero?" a male voice asks through the line.
"yessir-" katsuki starts moving inside you, to which you bite your lip. "h-how can i help you?"
"this is regarding the meeting scheduled for today?"
"y-yes?" you gasp, flinging a hand over your mouth as bakugou starts thrusting into your core roughly.
"i'm terribly sorry to say this, but it appears that our boss has come down with food poisoning from lunch."
"don't- don't worry about it-" your knuckles are white gripping the edge of the desk, and you're slightly bent over it.
katsuki continues to hammer into you, speed increasing quickly.
"could we reschedule to friday, at 1:30pm?"
your mind skims through katsuki's friday schedule. "u-um... y-yes-! that can be arranged..." you're not sure if he can hear the wet slapping noises coming from your end of the line - but the thought of him knowing your dirty deeds with katsuki made you even wetter.
"alright, thank you!" the man sounds relieved. "goodbye."
"bye!" you half slam the phone down on the receiver, chest heaving.
"it's your lucky day, huh, kitten?" katsuki purrs smoothly. 
you nod, pressing yourself onto his desk so you're bent over it for him.
"such a fucking slut," you can hear the pride in his voice. "you like that, yeah? i can feel you clenching all around me. you're my fuckin' cockslut, right?"
your head bobs rapidly up and down. "yes, master- i'm-" you feel the familiar heat start to bubble in the pit of your stomach.
"don't you dare fucking cum yet," he growls in your ear, punctuating his words with a sharp thrust.
he presses you even harder into the desk, your breasts pushed up against the cold wood. 
"my little pain slut, isn't that right?" 
"y-yes-! f-fuck, master-" 
he slaps your clit, making a loud, wet sound resound through the room.
it almost sends you over the edge. almost.
"don't- cum-" katsuki grunts in between thrusts.
you're so close it almost hurts. the pleasure overwhelms you; you shut your eyes tight to distract yourself, but you can only hear the sound of katsuki's heavy breaths and his cock slamming into you.
"katsuki- master- please, i can't-" tears start to form in the corners of your eyes. the pleasure is just too much, beating into you incessantly.
"you can, and you will," he orders, voice firm.
"k-ka- ka-" you blubber, tears dropping from your cheeks. you know you won't be able to hold it much longer; your pussy aches in need of release. "pl- pl, ka-"
"cum." it was the only word you needed to find yourself toppling off the edge, euphoria rippling over you violently.  tears stream down your cheeks, cum gushing from your heat. you're as limp as a doll in katsuki's arms, slumped against his desk. your pussy throbs, contracting violently - somewhere amidst your orgasm, katsuki had finished as well. your cheeks are wet, blouse thrown somewhere on the ground. your breathing is shaky as katsuki picks you up, stroking your hair delicately.
"hey, honey," he kisses your forehead softly.
you mumble incoherently, eyes drooping shut.
"you did so well for me... i didn't hurt you, did i?"
"no, 'suki.... 's good.... i liked it a lot..." you nuzzle into him, his body warmth comforting. katsuki smells of vanilla and caramel, a sweet combination that feels undeniably like home. 
you don't remember many of the next events well; everything blurs into a haze. you feel him gently thumbing your tears away, slipping your skirt and panties on and buttoning up one of his extra dress shirts on you.
the last thing you hear is a gentle "i love you," and before you know it, you're drifting asleep.
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amajikilvr · 4 years
HEY SHAWTY 😏😏!!!! hehe fr hi bby (@⁀ᗢ⁀@) !! Umm ok request time! Can I pretty please request tamaki and shinsou Hc's with a very... positive/sunny fem!reader? Maybe kind of girly/rlly feminine :) I'm not sure if this is specific enough HAHHA UH OF NOT THAT THEN JUST A FEM READER who's really kind and can give it but gets really flustered/embarassed when anything is returned (≧﹏≦っ);; thanks... sorry if this was weird ilysm!
(Sorry I kinda gave u two options, just go w whichever u feel more into writing!!)
headcanon corner - girly and flirty reader
reader type female (she/her + feminine terms used)
characters included tamaki amajiki + hitoshi shinsou
tamaki amajiki
you’re too much for him. in a way he can never get enough of. in fact, he craves it. just one chiming giggle from you makes his cheeks and ears flush warmly, his palms dampen with sweat, and heart patter like heavy rain hitting the sidewalk. you make him feel warm all over.
when tamaki is nervous and needs a method of grounding himself, he’ll sometimes train his stare at your earrings, noting every precious detail of them as he takes careful breaths.
his favorites tend to be the dangly pairs or anything that sparkles and twinkles (like your eyes when you smile at him).
your rings or bracelets end up being something for him to fiddle with whenever he’s holding your hand in public and feeling a bit anxious or restless.
he thinks your frequent jewelry wearing is not only adorable, but also adds to and enhances your alluring beauty. there are times where he’ll simply sift through your jewelry box and ask you about every little piece.
tamaki loves to buy you cute accessories and such. he’ll see something in the store and think “oh, she’d like that.” (she would look nice in that) to himself. next thing he knows, he’s shyly handing you whatever it is.
the sweet taste of your lip gloss and light scent of your perfume are two things tamaki’s brain has begun to associate with his adoration and infatuation for you. seriously, he doesn’t even have to be nipping at your lips or cuddling close for them to have effect; the mere thought is enough to make him perk up like a jittery excited bunny.
and your words. even before dating, you were always singing him praises and giving him all kinds of affection. he didn’t know how to handle it in the slightest and sometimes he still doesn’t...
tamaki’s own flirting surprises you both. usually, it’s by pure accident because if he tries too hard about it, he’ll more than likely flounder under the pressure.
without even thinking, he called you his pretty girl once. he nervously watched for your reaction and was very surprised to see that you looked even more flustered than he felt! you were speechless, doe eyes blinking at him before finally replying with a hesitant fluttering kiss to his cheek.
it was then tamaki discovered that he had significant impact on you as well. in that way. he couldn’t even lie, it made him feel good inside. he still refuses to force any flirtiness out of himself, simply enjoying the moment and letting everything go naturally.
he’s prone to blurting out blunt compliments and unlike you, he barely even gets embarrassed about it now. your reaction is truly the cutest thing to him; watching you go from your bouncy self to adorably ruffled just from his actions alone. it’s actually a real boost to his confidence...
you and tamaki both share a gentle and fragile disposition when it comes to intimacy, hearts racing and faces heating up at the first stroke of tenderness from the other.
hitoshi shinsou
the thing is, hitoshi considers himself to be a fairly composed and confident person. and then there’s you; your shining smile, bubbly laugh, and lovely outfits... he’ll start to wobble a bit, but he will be damned if he lets anyone, especially you, notice.
you took that as a bit of a fun challenge, of course. flirting with him freely and absolutely relishing in how caught off guard he always looked.
that hasn’t changed now that you’re finally together.
the two of you go back and forth; you flash him a winning smile, running a hand through his thick tufts of hair, and he’ll response with a fervent kiss planted on your painted lips as revenge for effortlessly rendering his cheeks a vivid cherry red. that’ll quickly wipe the victorious look off your face...
he always jumps at the chance to watch you model new clothes and is beyond happy to give you an honest opinion for every article shown to him. yes, you two have mini fashion shows. he’s showering you in sweet words, unfairly smooth about it, making you flush with embarrassment each and every time.
you giggling away while twirling around for him, skirt or dress swishing tauntingly at your upper thighs? for hitoshi, nothing beats that.
“you look good, princess.”
he’s smitten for you. you’re the only thing that can never fail to make his face light up. well, besides certain furry friends, that is.
speaking of, i’ll go ahead and end this by saying hitoshi would probably love to see you in cat ears or something similar...
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albdodaze · 3 years
blooming. y.itadori
‘she’s satoru’s sister’ (chapter two)
warnings: none
context: IN WHICH kami gojo, younger sister of certain powerful jujutsu sorcerer, meets an idiot who makes cold barrier around her heart melt.
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There weren't many things that Kami hated. She probably poured all her hatred onto her parents, whom she felt incredibly sorry for. But there was another thing that Kami hated practically as much as her parents.
"She’s Satoru's sister. From Gojo Family."
Oh, how she hated being seen only as the sister of a famous jujutsu sorcerer and a member of a powerful family.
Kami wasn't powerful, in fact, she had no cursed energy, she couldn't do any cursed technique. The only thing she had in common with her family was that she could see curses, nothing more. She was often referred to as the window of the Gojo family. No one ever wanted to meet her, no one wanted to know anything about her, and when someone actually started talking to her, it was only to find out about Satoru.
Because of this, she was also the scapegoat in the family. Her parents were ashamed of her. In fact, they abhorred her. They couldn't stand the thought that their daughter was nothing compared to her family. Compared to her brother. Therefore, she was excluded from practically everything that went on in her family. Meetings, celebrations, birthdays, nothing. She was always left alone at home, under the care of the babysitter her parents had hired.
When she was younger, she thought it was just the way it was supposed to be, that it was like that in every family. After all, they never hit her, so what was wrong with that? Sometimes they yelled at her, screamed about not being good enough, but they never hit her. So nothing bad happened, right? Right?
The only thing she had in common with her family was her white hair and her rather tall height. And everything else was different. Even her eyes were black. Black. When her family had them blue, heavenly.
As she grew up, she began to understand how different she was from her family. She saw how disappointed they were in her for not being like them. So she began to practice and learn as much as she could. By the age of twelve, she already knew all about cursed weapons, she knew how to use them, how to defend herself. But her parents continued to look down on her. They continued to look at her with the same eyes. With pity and disgust.
The only person who didn't seem to look down on her was her brother. Satoru. And still, Kami hated him with all her heart.
She hated being inferior to him. She hated being compared to him. She hated being in his shadow. She hated all of him.
And yet she continued to stay with him. She stayed with him because of that stupid bond, the fear that no one else would accept her, that no one else would love her. Because no matter how angry, pissed off Kami could be at him, no matter how much she could call him names and tell him how much she hated him, he always stayed by her side and never doubted her.
After all, he was her big brother, how could he doubt in his loving little sister, for whom he would give his life, for whom he would do anything.
Satoru loved—duh—loves Kami with all his heart and considers her the smartest, strongest, and most beautiful woman—not girl, woman—he could ever meet. Satoru is the proudest brother, and he couldn't be prouder of how well his little sister, who holds his whole heart, is doing.
Even though she was over a decade younger than him, Kami was able to talk some sense into him more than once, show him how wrong he was about many things. Kami had taught him everything. It was for her that he tried his best. It was for her that he stayed in his family home as long as possible. It was for her that he befriended Megumi, seeing how well the two of them would get along and not being able to pass up the opportunity to find—probably—a lifelong friend for his sister.
And he found one.
Satoru was able to stay with Kami through the nights while she learned all about jujutsu sorcerers, he would bring her tea whenever she ran out of it, he would make her food when he heard her stomach clamoring for a snack. He would be the one to move her helpless body from her desk chair or the floor to her soft and comfortable bed so her back and neck wouldn't hurt the next morning.
He was the one who brought her breakfast every morning, for which he got up two hours earlier before her alarm clock. And when he was out, he would always send her a simple "have a nice day, don't forget to drink water" in the morning with some stupid meme or gif he found on the internet. It was the only thing Kami always woke up at 6:30am for, a silly and simple text message from her brother.
Let's also not forget the "good night, I love you little sister, sleep well" in the evening. Kami would never admit it, but she has screenshots of every single such message, printed out and tucked away in one of her binders, in case her phone breaks or gets lost.
In the end, Kami snapped. After all, how could she hate her brother, who would do anything to make her the happiest person in the world, who would do anything so that only his sister could have the best life, the one she deserved.
A soft knock on the door of her room snapped her out of her thoughts. She knew very well who it was. After all, he had said himself that as soon as he showed Yuuji around, he would come.
"You alive?" Her brother's familiar voice asked and Kami lifted her head from her pillow, smiling softly.
"How do you feel?"
"Like pulled straight from the grave," she muttered, and Satoru laughed, sitting down on the edge of her bed where she lay. "Itadori's been in his room since yesterday?" She asked, and her brother nodded. "Megumi?"
"He and Yuuji are already on their way to Harajuku where we're supposed to meet the fourth student," he replied, and Kami raised an eyebrow.
"Why didn't you go with them?"
"I was waiting for you," he smiled softly and started to speak before Kami had a chance. "And don't tell me you're not going. The fourth student is a girl, maybe you'll get along. Besides, you need to get out of this room eventually. And I don't mean leaving the room to move to Megumi's room or mine," he said as he noticed his sister opening her mouth to start defending herself. "Come on, I'll buy you a bubble tea on the way, okay?"
Kami glared at him for a good few seconds and finally sighed, which caused a big grin to spread across Satoru's face, which Kami smiled at, too.
With the help of her brother, the white-haired girl got out of bed and put on her feet, covered in black knee-high socks, mary-jane boots—the same colour as her socks—from her school uniform.
She quickly looked at herself in the mirror again, checking if her pleated mid-thigh skirt hadn't rolled up and if her short button down jacket, covering her perfectly white turtleneck, hadn't twisted anywhere. Adjusting her hood pinned to her jacket, she walked out the door that Satoru had opened for her, having previously put her phone in her pocket.
Just as Satoru had promised, they quickly bought her favorite strawberry bubble tea on the way and immediately headed towards the street they were supposed to meet at. As soon as they saw two familiar faces in the distance, Satoru raised his hand.
"Sorry for the wait!" He shouted and headed with Kami towards the two teenagers. "Your uniform made it in time, I see," he added when he saw a perfectly fitting uniform for Yuuji.
"Yeah, it's a perfect fit. Though it's slightly different from Fushiguro's. It has a hood, for one," Yuuji said, taking the red hood his uniform had in his hand.
"That's because the uniforms can be customised upon request," Satoru replied.
"Huh? But I never put in any requests."
"I was the one who put in the custom order. With a little help of our master," Satoru smiled, pointing at his sister, who was shorter than him and too focused on her bubble tea to get anything out of the conversation.
"Whatever, I guess," Yuuji replied.
"Be careful. Gojo-sensei has a tendency to do things like that," Megumi interjected, looking at his classmate out of the corner of her eye. "Most importantly, why are we meeting up in Harajuku?"
"Because it's what she asked for," said Satoru.
"Ahh! Popcorn! I want some!"
After a few minutes, Satoru poked his sister with his elbow and, as she raised her eyes at him, he pointed to something by the entrance to the street, or rather, someone.
There stood a redheaded girl, not too tall, tiring of some middle-aged man, but Kami couldn't hear what was going on through the crowd of people making noise around her. The short-haired girl had a very similar uniform to Kami, though this one had brown moccasins, black tights and a white shirt instead of black mary-jane shoes, knee socks and turtleneck.
"This is kinda embarrassing," Yuuji spoke up with his 2018 glasses on his nose and popcorn in one hand, in the other ice cream. Kami shook her head and closed her eyes, going back to drinking her bubble tea.
"So are you," Megumi heard and she snorted softly making the drink she was drinking fly up her nose.
As Kami tried to get rid of the sticky drink from her nose, the redhead approached them and began leading them to 400 Yen Corner where she could leave her luggage.
As the other freshman girl closed the locker with her things, she turned towards the rest of them and put her hand on her hip.
"Ok, once again," Satoru began and pointed his hand at the girl.
"Kugisaki Nobara. Be happy, boys. I'm the one woman in your group," she said, as if she hadn't noticed Kami standing next to her brother at all.
"And what am I? Guide dog?" Kami said, pulling away from her already almost finished drink. Nobara looked at the girl and her eyes lit up.
"Oh, hey! I didn't notice you. We will be great friends!" she said and returned her gaze to the two boys in her year.
"I'm Itadori Yuuji. I'm from Sendai!"
"Fushiguro Megumi."
"Kami Gojo. Guide dog."
After a few seconds in which Nobara looked like she was thinking hard about something, she finally sighed.
"I always get stuck with unfortunate circumstances," she said and sighed once more.
"She took one look and sighed," muttered Itadori.
"Are we going somewhere from here?" Megumi asked, turning his gaze to Satoru, who only laughed.
"We do have all four of you together. Not to mention, two of you are from the countryside," said Satoru, lifting his head proudly and throwing his arm around his sister's shoulders. "So of course we're going on a tour of Tokyo!"
Nobara and Itadori began shouting "Tokyo!", attaching themselves to Satoru, causing Kami to have to walk over to Megumi, throwing away an empty cup on the way.
"We're definitely not going on any tour," Kami muttered, and Fushiguro-kun nodded softly, knowing Gojo-sensei all too well.
"We love Tokyo!"
"TDL! I want to go to TDL!"
"Idiot! TDL's in Chiba! Let's go to Chinatown, Sensei!"
"Chinatown's in Yokohama!"
"Yokohama's part of Tokyo! Don't you know that? Look at a map!"
Kami, Satoru and Megumi were quietly watching the argument that was going on in front of them when the elder Gojo spoke up.
"I will now announce our destination!"
Nobara and Itadori knelt before Satoru at which Kami shook her head with her eyes closed and Megumi deadpanned at them.
"Roppongi?!" Said Itadori and Nobara at the same time, looking at each other, incredibly pleased with what they heard.
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