#And the pronoun game is my favorite game
respectthepetty · 2 years
When you're the new employee, and you are trying not to out yourself to your boss.
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Then someone from your past shows up, and you have to play the pronoun game.
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Because you definitely had a crush on that person when you were an undergrad.
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That's what being an adult is like, on repeat.
I feel seen.
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stealthnoodle · 11 months
I Was a Teenage Exocolonist flew under my radar until a friend recommended it to me, and now I am fully obsessed so here's me passing the recommendation on!
Do you like visual novels? Skill management? Timeloops? Deckbuilding? Gorgeous art? A whole bunch of fantastic queer characters? Staggering numbers of events and endings that respond to a staggering number of choices you make?
Then you should play this game and come scream in my ask box about it! I have said both "uh-oh" and "yesssss" out loud multiple times while watching the consequences of my actions play out. Absolutely delightful. Enjoy a little bit of screenshot propaganda:
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Living my best/worst life
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Exploring in the pink
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Behold my self-insert
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Also, you can have up to four different pets following you around and one of them is THIS cutie
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#spinda#AAAHHHH YES!!! our belovèd spinda. from their café!!! probably one of my favorite minor characters from pmd sky#whom i don't even think was in the original explorers games. i think spinda's café was exclusive to sky. if i'm remembering correct#ly. or maybe that was shaymin village. i know shaymin village was for sure but maybe it was just that and not both of them. either way#have a delicious drink and allow the flower of conversation to bloom! i could quote spinda all day. he had “hopes and dreams” before toby#ever did. THAT'S ALSO like i had no idea what spinda's pronouns were. i kept trying to figure it out because i talked about him quite a lot‚#but no one in game ever talked about him. to mention his pronouns? turns out. there's ONE line of dialogue where the post office fucker in#shaymin village mentions him and calls him a he. i think that's the only time spinda is referred to in the third person with a pronoun#i believe it's when they're talking about like. how you can send gifts or whatever and pick up the characters' responses at spinda's café#which is still a really fucking good feature. of any video game. SEE WHAT I MEAN spinda and their café is just an incredibly good      Thing#it's to the point where my home wifi network is named “Spinda's Café Wi-Fi” because i love it so much. so if you're ever runnin around#and you see a wifi network by that name… it might be me! you never know! or… it could be the real deal. the real spinda's café is somewhere#nearby…! ugh. i wish. i would go there immediately#not even to mention all the other shit about this pokémon that's really good. like that they never walk in straight lines or whatever#their little dance. it's just.  huUGHKLJKAHJVDHJHDAJSVGD i love spinda. a nice pick-me-up after the underwhelmingness that was grumpig#shake it this way… shake it that way… and stir it all around… and it's done!
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yfere · 3 months
not me making the mistake of clicking on too many clove videos on youtube --
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peridots-pixiwolf · 9 months
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in honor of TF2's sweet sixteen and repostober, one Pyro from just about six months ago 👍
@friendlyengie since i heavily referenced off your pyro here! Hope you don't mind me tagging you, your stuff is cool and I'm a big fan of your femfortress designs especially :]
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withspaces · 8 months
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Yeah he’s my favorite
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seafoam-taide · 6 months
so the thing with slay the princess is the shifting mound calls the protagonist a passive player but in essence they are the only one in this little pocket of universe with any agency or ability to act which is in part bc of their role as vessel for the player but also because that is their role. the problem is that the protagonist has no goal. they are an entirely fresh person who does not know any of this? does not have a purpose. they are the long quiet because that is what they were made to be but that isn't an identity that is a role and one that is undefined. and there is the narrator, a fixed, unchanging agent meant to provide this purpose, except the shifting mound has one too, and needs the agency of the protagonist to complete it's purpose. everything depends on the only one in this whole thing that can make the choice to change because the shifting mound calls them passive but it is entirely at their whims and must plead its case in the face of the one person who can do anything about this entire situation and it's nature is reaction, not action, built on impressions molded by the protagonist. everything hinges on them and yet the most they have is echoes of motivation and ideas that are themselves built on the ideas fed to them . and all they know is this recursive loop of information . there is nothing to define the protagonist but the incomplete beings, ideas, that make up their surrounding. the protagonist is made up of the perceptions and thoughts and ideas of the echo that is the narrator and the shifting mound itself and the plan is for this person who's only memories and ideas of existence are of the princess and revolve around the shifting mound's intentions to somehow kill a being that is only what it is perceived? the narrator's origin split a god in half then made it so those two halves would only know each other could only know each other and expected this to result in erasure??? did he not think a practically newly created entire whole person would not be curious and would not grow like a person would.
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misspickman · 1 month
Actually so evil of bg3 to have the emperor be referred to with it/its pronouns only to do the big reveal and make it a him again
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simcardiac-arrested · 6 months
honestly surprised there hasn't been any petty Sliver of Straw stuff pulled by people (as far as I'm aware) with how concerningly unsensical some of the shit that pops up can be
honestly where is the #equality. where's the discourse over how people make her super serious and evil but she bets on lizard fights in canon and probably watches minecraft letsplays. Where's the discourse over her name being sliver of straw and not silver of straw as it obviously should be
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skullbuilt · 6 months
seeking opinions for a thing i'm writing: what are some Elf Pronouns? so far i've got ve/ver and ae/aer
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ladyseidr · 5 months
harper - michael dynamic but it's just
harper: cool so what are your pronouns mike ( realized he could be nb last week ) : . . . he / they harper: [ pulls out an entire box filled with pins ( they have, like, 5 employees ) ] harper: [ pins a he / they pin on mike's coat ] mike: mike: alright
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ajdrawshq · 1 year
playing Q2 n watching Akechi get affectionately suffocated by some guy in a bear costume. this game knows exactly what i want
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just followed someone who posts msm stuff and i decided that since that game was like a very big part of my middle school years that i should peruse the msm tag and oh jesus. oh lord
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altruistic-meme · 2 years
The words open, love, and brother for the Fanfiction wip Game
hello lovely <3 the first two had surprisingly little to pick from, but given that the story is about Erik and Wilhelm i had much more difficultly choosing which "brother" to share with you sdkfshkf
Open: Erik knocked once against the door, waiting until he heard Wilhelm move away before he pulled it open. “C’mon, Wille, give me a hug,” he laughed at the pout Wilhelm gave him. 
Love: “Don’t take too long, loverboy,” he joked, squeezing a hand on Wilhelm’s arm in comfort before looking for the easiest escape route. 
Brother: Erik almost felt giddy. This was absolutely not something he was going to let his brother live down. He was going to bring it up at every function they attended for the rest of time. 
(i am aware 2 of these are more than 1 sentence but shhhh)
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itstheclaud · 2 years
After exhaustively consuming all possible forms of Hollow Knight content, it should come as no surprise to anyone that I have now moved on to consuming Bug Fables content, after binging the entire game in about 4 days.
So probably expect some content about that.
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prismit · 1 month
hey so does anyone else in the world remember this banger video game, or am i just gonna have to contemplate the impact it may have had on me and my identity all on my own
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