#Keep it gender neutral in front of company
respectthepetty · 2 years
When you're the new employee, and you are trying not to out yourself to your boss.
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Then someone from your past shows up, and you have to play the pronoun game.
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Because you definitely had a crush on that person when you were an undergrad.
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That's what being an adult is like, on repeat.
I feel seen.
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sadembryhours · 11 months
softened touch ♡ mattheo riddle
synopsis ; [name] takes a nap in the slytherin common room and mattheo keeps them company gender neutral reader, no content warnings
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naps in the slytherin common room were routine for you. having a free period in the middle of the afternoon, right after lunch? you felt like you were blessed by some kind of angel.
pansy snickers to herself as you let out a little snore, shoving astoria lightly up the stairs. “leave ‘em be,” she says, “nothing can wake [name] now.”
blaise pauses as you turn over, eyes drifting up from his book and watching until you settle again. he’d already placed your notes where they needed to be ; no longer scattered on the table and floor. you’d been pushing yourself, he frowns, studying instead of taking care of yourself.
it’s mattheo who dares to linger the longest. he waves draco and theo away, urging them to leave without him. he was going to wake you — truly, he was — but you looked so peaceful when you weren’t scowling and glaring.
a velvet, evergreen blanket is folded over your body as you twist once more. another snort leaves your lips — mattheo grins at the sound. he crouches in front of your sleeping form before he can talk himself out of it.
delicately, mattheo brushes his pointer finger just under your eye, tracing the curve of your cheeks until he ends at the corner of your lips. your fingers tighten around the blanket as you whine, stretching lightly.
the panic doesn’t catch up to him until your eyes are gazing into his own. mattheo goes to speak but is silenced by your touch. you grab his hand — the one he’d been using to trace shapes into your cheek with — and cup your cheek with his palm.
mattheo’s breath catches in his chest as you smile.
“didn’t mean to wake you,” his whisper bounces around the room. your eyes flutter closed once more before you fight to keep them open. mattheo smiles, “go back to sleep.”
you hum, turning to place a barely-there kiss to the palm of his hand. settling again, your grip on mattheo’s hand tightens. sleepy eyes open to glare his way as he tries to leave.
mattheo grins again, wider this time as he laughs a little. “okay, i won’t leave. let me get more comfortable though, hm?”
his back is leaning against the couch you rest on, your knees pressing into the top of his shoulders. his left hand is slung behind him, intertwined with your own as you snore once again. mattheo is going over his potions essay as the common room slowly bursts to life.
you’re not woken up again until dinner. no one would come near you with a riddle glaring the way he was ; daring them to try and wake you.
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pomefioredove · 1 month
who they fall for, heartslabyul
I did a longer one of these for rook and now I can't get the idea out of my head, so... series! (part 1/8)
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summary: soulmates type of post: blurbs characters: deuce, ace, cater, trey, riddle additional info: romantic, not proofread so maybe ooc, gender neutral partner, really just thoughts
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𝐃𝐞𝐮𝐜𝐞 𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐝𝐞
trope: dorks in love
Deuce ends up with someone who, most of all, challenges him. they put him at ease, and there's a definite shared gentleness between the two, but it's his partner's subtle rebellious streak that wins him over (though they definitely know when to tone it down). puppy love that turns into something deeper. they accept him as he is, flaws and all, and they support him in his growth towards becoming a better person. fiercely loyal. they and Deuce would constantly be fighting to be the "chivalrous" one. taking turns telling the waiter the other asked for no pickles, running to hold doors open, etc. it's cute, but a little competitive, just enough to motivate him.
𝐀𝐜𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐚
trope: tsundere
his soulmate? someone who can take a joke. no, no, I'm kidding, but they would have a wicked sense of humor, one that compliments his perfectly. and an adorable laugh, of course, snorts and all. someone who can feed his ego without overdoing it, keeping him wrapped around their little finger (trust me, he loves it). a little mutual teasing never hurt anyone, right? at the same time, though, they'd be completely devoted, loyal, and loving, just like he is. he brags about being a ladies man, though, really, he's almost completely closed off when it comes to matters of the heart. it takes a lot of patience (and a lot of putting up with his shenanigans) before those walls start coming down to reveal the romantic hidden behind them.
𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝
trope: slowburn
similar to friends to lovers, but of a different flavor. Cater is subtly flirty with almost everyone, it's the people-pleasing, but a soulmate? yeah, he'll believe it when he sees it! of course, he's completely blind to what he's needed all along being right in front of him. someone who listens to him, who cares deeply about his feelings, who can read his body language and know just what he's thinking. someone he feels comfortable around without feeling the need to hide himself. a bestie, if you will. he's absolutely the first to catch feelings and drives himself mad about it, not daring to make a move out of a fear of vulnerability (or being a weirdo, take your pick) and it devolves into months, years worth of cringe pining. "looking at the pictures they'd taken together and giggling" pining.
𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐲 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫
trope: weirdos in love
thought it was gonna be domestic bliss? nope. I'm saving that one. Trey isn't quite ready to settle down yet, having spent his whole life taking care of others (to the point where he hasn't had a moment to figure out who he is...) and so he's put a hold on the whole "romance" thing. of course, the last thing he was expecting after graduation was to bump into someone that would throw that plan out the window. truly, his soulmate is someone he feels he can be himself with, who gives him the ability to relax and be the one who gets pampered, for once... it's a very equal and loving relationship with a like-minded and responsible person. one who goes along with all his bits, too.
𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬
trope: opposites attract
oof the ouch. no, Riddle is not ready for the ups and downs of a relationship, and he knows that. he's always chalked up his disinterest in romance to his studies, and his utter disinterest in taking anyone home to meet his mother's highly specific future-in-law criteria. though, secretly, Riddle has held onto his own little list of "perfect" traits, almost going as far to fantasize about an imaginary partner to keep him company. the person he does end up falling for makes that list null and void. they're daring, adventurous, creative, curious, open to all sorts of nonsensical ideas that challenge all of Riddle's. they represent a sort of freedom that he's never had, and before he can even hate them, he finds himself falling. but someone like that could never tie themselves down to someone like him... right?
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TXT tucking you in before leaving for a night schedule
Fluff, no warnings!
Please let me know which one is your favourite!
☆ gender neutral reader
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It takes Soobin longer than he would care to admit to leave the couch, pressing one last kiss to your face before pulling away - no wait, just one more - before untangling his arms from around you and getting to his feet. He glances back at you on his way to get his jacket and you look so lonely there by yourself now, you pout at each other. There’s just one more thing he has to do before he can put on his shoes and go. You think he’s coming back for another kiss while he puts on his jacket, but when he raises it, it comes down and over you. He tucks it around your shoulders and you slip your arms through the sleeves, wearing it back to front. It’s big enough on you to act as a blanket, bonus, it smells like him. He smiles down at you and strokes your hair, and now he really has to go because he’s getting a call from his driver who is downstairs waiting.
You exit the bathroom, all warm from your shower, into your bedroom and notice something strange. Your pillowcase was always white, and now it’s black. Your attention shifts to your boyfriend who stands at the end of your bed, smiling at you. He’ll tuck you in, he says. You climb into bed, eyeing the pillow again. Wasn’t it white? It’s his shirt, Yeonjun tells you, so you can fall asleep imagining it’s his chest your head is laying on. His eyes have that sparkle, his grin wide, the way he always looks when he does something cheesy like this, as he pulls the covers up around you. You turn to kiss him, but he’s leaning over to your nightstand, the tv suddenly turning on with your favourite movie ready to play on the screen.
He pulls his arm out from under you ever so carefully, retreating from the bed so slowly it would look as if he was moving in slow motion; the sheets sound so loud to him when he’s trying to be quiet. Ten minutes ago you were chatting together, until he was talking and getting no reply; you were out like a light. He had told you that you didn’t have to stay awake and keep him company until his schedule, but you had insisted on spending as much time with him as you could get. Now he has to leave, but you’re laying on top of the duvet and he won’t be here to keep you warm and he doesn’t want you to get cold and wake up. He tiptoes out of the room and dashes to the cupboard, retrieves the fluffiest blanket of all and comes quietly back to spread it gently over you. You look so peaceful and adorable that he wants to kiss your cheek goodbye but he won’t risk it, backing towards the door and, with one final look, turns out the light. He can’t wait to come home.
You always have a later dinner on the nights Taehyun has a schedule. He’s always said you don’t have to wait and eat when he does, but you insist on having dinner with him. When you’re done eating, you sit and chat for a while, until it’s time for him to head off to work. He offers to help you tidy up the dishes, but you tell him that you’re going to put them away and head to bed - you usually go to bed early on the nights Taehyun works because you tend to wake up when he comes home very late. Saying goodbye, he slips his shoes on at the door and then he’s gone. You busy yourself with the plates, cleaning and drying, so much quicker a job with only dishes for two, and just when you’ve closed them inside the cupboard, you hear the door unlocking again. You turn with a smile, asking what he’s forgotten. This, he says, and scoops you up in his arms with a laugh, your arms winding around his neck in surprise, and carries you towards the bedroom. With one hand he pulls the covers back, then slides you gently into bed. His eyes are warm as ever as he tucks you in, resting his forehead against yours before kissing you. He really has to go now, he tells you, but he’ll be back to perform his big spoon duties in a few hours.
Huening Kai
He starts out by bringing just one of the plushies from his bed, placing it beside you under the covers. But before he knows it, whether because he wants to drag this out and not leave yet or because of the way you smile and snuggle the toy against your face, he makes another trip and comes back with five more in his arms. He strategically places them - one on either side of your middle, one on either side of your legs, and one on the end of the bed, “standing guard”, he explains.
written by mapofthemazeinthemirror - do not repost my work in any form
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intoxicated-chan · 11 months
I Want You to Destroy Me so I’ll Feel Better
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✿ฺ Paring ➳❥ Miguel O’Hara x GN!Reader
✿ฺ Summary ➳❥ Miguel doesn’t get carried away, but he does like to let loose from time-to-time, leaving you limping and bruised… Not like you’re complaining.
✿ฺ (A/n) ➳❥ Inspired by “In My Mouth” by Black Dresses. You can keep your kidneys! Thank you for the request, Anon!
✿ฺ Word Count ➳❥ 575
✿ฺ Content Warnings ➳❥ Gender neutral reader, established relationship, reader and Miguel are married, dub-con? bruises, hickies, biting, office sex, fangs, blood, penetration…
Want more Miguel content? Check out my MASTERLIST!
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Miguel wasn’t a big fan letting loose. His biggest fear was doing something that he’d regret, and leave a permanent scar on your body.
But he wasn’t going to lie and say that his employees did frustrate him. There were many times where they were lazy and decided to leave the important numbers or graphs to the unpaid interns, knowing the consequences of leaving an intern to do the work.
Which was the cause of his endless nights in his office, and many meetings of him explaining why leaving interns to do most of the work would land his company in hot water. Luckily, it hasn’t happened but there was always that ONE employee who doesn’t listen.
He was angry, frustrated, hungry, and tired. That’s when his lovely spouse comes in, with a hot meal and dressed in something provocative. He has the perfect stress relief right in front of him.
Miguel had you turned over on his desk, you felt his chest press against your stomach, and his hands kept a firm grip on your wrists, keeping them pinned to the desk. With each thrust, you’re pushed into the desk.
Your eyes are rolled back and you let out airy moans, you don’t know how long Miguel has had you kept in this position. Your body was sweaty, covered in hand marks or hickies, maybe a bite or two.
Miguel pulls out and thrusts back in, he hits all the right spots. You feel ecstasy run throughout your body, setting all kinds of jolts. As he goes harder, if that’s possible, he releases one of your wrists and he grabs your hips, feeling his claws dig into your skin.
The pleasure is making you drool all over his desk, “Miguel!” You gasp and moan his name, you feel him go even deeper, making you moan even louder. Now, you are certain his employees can hear you.
You weren’t even sure if Miguel had locked his door, which means any one of them could walk in.
Miguel spits out many curses in his language, his grip on your hip gets tighter which means he’s also getting close. He leans down and bites your shoulder, you could feel his fangs penetrate. You could feel him drool, his breathing gets heavy.
He pushes you over the edge as you feel yourself cum, the jolt of pleasure flows throughout your body as you let out a final moan. Miguel doesn’t pull out, he slams inside one last time, releasing his cum inside your hole.
You hear him growl and pull from your shoulder, he pants heavily as he doesn’t move. He doesn’t pull out.
You try to lift yourself up but Miguel slams you back down at the desk, “And where do you think you’re going?” He smirks, you could see your blood from the corners of his mouth, his tongue comes out and swipes at the blood, going back into his mouth.
“M-Miguel… You have that meeting-”
“Those idiots can wait, I need you right now. I need you to make me feel better.” Miguel leans down to your ear, “Can you do that for me?” He whispers in your ear.
You nod your head.
“Say it.”
“Good.” Miguel doesn’t waste time and continues his hard and fast past.
You know when you leave his office, you’re going to be stared at. You know you’re going to be limping out of his office… Not like you’re complaining.
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© 2023 Intoxicated-Chan, I do not allow my work to be copied, translated, modified, adapted, or put on any other platform without permission.
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Hihi! I went on anon cause my main blog is strictly sfw, but I promise I'm an adult(29). Anyways, I had this idea of Ascended Astarion teasing Tav/Reader in front of a mirror. He can't see himself, but loves the way Tav/Reader shudders under his touch and them getting more and more embarrassed because all they can see is themselves getting riled up by seemingly nothing, but when they look down, ofc they see his hands working magic across their body.
Lol ty for the clarification and ask! I've been needing some nsfw practice!
Ascended Astarion nsfw under the cut, 18 + warnings. Like this is not implied smut. It is smut, graphic. Possessive, obsessive, manipulative, bad vampire man who loves you. As much as he's capable of. Morally gray human Tav from the start to here. It's only downhill from here baby, m/f angle. But if that doesnt fufill the dream let me know and I can make a gender neutral/ gender nonspecfic no prob! And probably less intense too because this is angsty~~~
Like I went ham, this is a whole ass fic now💀
You frowned at yourself in the bedroom mirror, adjusting your hair for the umpteenth time. It still didn't look right, despite what felt like hours of practice that you'd put into the intricate style.
You sighed as let one of your braids fall down, dissatisfied with what you saw. You didn't exactly look the part of an all-powerful vampire's consort, or at least not with the company you've recently been keeping. But it turned out a significant part of taking over Baldur's Gate was trenched in politics, meetings, balls, social events created for the sole purpose of mind games.
It was exhausting, or at least it was for you. But Astarion seemed to take to it like a duck to water. This life suited him, one of power games and subterfuge, and more often than not, murder. Not that you minded. You were just happy that he was having fun. That he was finally free after all of those years of torment. Even if he was using that freedom for… less than savory ends.
But despite his goals, you had sworn to him that you would never stray. And you intended on making good on that promise.
You just wished that he didn't insist on you being there for all of his "business". You hadn't realized how literal he had been about the whole sitting in his lap plan. It had taken a half-hour conversation to even convince him that no, you would not be doing so in the nude. He still hadn't given up on convincing you off that plan, but you highly doubted that it would help with your current level of heightened insecurity.
Maybe you were worrying for no reason. It wasn't Astarion who made you feel out of place. Well… it was, but not because of anything he did. Just… who he had become. He was so different now, so much colder to everything and everyone but you. More calculating, less forgiving, and just perfect for working with the most dangerous individuals in the mortal plane.
You seemed to be the only living thing he could relax around anymore, the only person who could soften him. It was strange really. You used to remember his softer side, before the ritual. The way his heart would hurt for children and animals alike, despite his failed attempts to hide it. His soft spot for Karlach, those who were brave and brazen, always willing to do the right thing despite the risks. The kind smile he used to have, reserved for beautiful things like the sunrise, the sunset.
Gone, all of it. It was a fact that you didn't like to think about. What you both gave up, things could have been; there was no point to it anyway. It was over. You gave Astarion the choice, this is what came of that. So here you were, obsessing over your appearance in preparation for a meeting with a high-ranking devil.
How things had changed.
You had no idea if you would ever find a way to match up with the company he kept around these days. Maybe it was your own fault for surrounding yourself with otherworldly creatures, but it was hard not to feel inadequate.
It didn't help that whenever you even slightly alluded to that insecurity, Astarion was more than ready to remind you of your… "options".
"You can join us whenever you'd like my treasure," Astarion would say with a creeping grin, "Just one bite, and we can be sure you'll be mine forever. Would that be so bad?"
It was a tempting offer, one that you kept insisting on refusing. You loved Astarion more than anything. But… you wanted that love to stay your choice. An obligation you maintained of your own free will. It's not that you didn't trust him… but to be a spawn had too many implications for you to handle.
"What has you pouting sweet thing?"
You startled when hands suddenly settled on your hip, gripping through the thin fabric of your nightdress. You looked back, relaxing the slightest bit to see Astarion smiling down at you, amused at the fact he'd managed to sneak up on you through the mirror.
"You said you weren't going to do that anymore," You whined as you leaned back into him, your eyes turning back to the mirror. You could see the fabric of your slip indented under his hands, ghost-like without his actual image reflecting back.
"I lied," Astarion said simply, leaning down to breathe you in from the crook of your neck, "Now what are you thinking about pet? I can tell something's on your mind."
You bit your lip, debating for a moment if you should tell him or not. But it's not like he would let it drop, and he was way too good at being able to tell when you were lying. Might as well come clean.
You sighed, "I don't…I don't know if I'm cut out for this."
You expected him to huff at you, maybe even laugh. But instead, the grip he had on you tightened, hard enough to make you gasp. You could feel his fangs scraping against your delicate skin, scratching hard enough to cause pinpricks of blood to bead out.
"And why would you ever think a thing like that?" Astarion asked, his voice harsh and low, "Where else would you be if not by my side hm? Please, enlighten me."
You gulped, your heart rate starting to pick up. You hadn't meant it like that, "That's not what I meant-"
"Then what else could it have meant?" Astarion shot back, his hands digging into you, surely ready to leave finger-shaped bruises. Suddenly he was using that same grip to drag you backward to the bed, effortlessly settling you between his spread legs.
All while managing to still be right in sight of the mirror. You could feel your cheeks redden as his hands started to wander, unceremoniously tugging down the straps of your nightdress to reveal your chest. That was another thing about life after the ritual that had been a surprise, just how different Astarion's sex drive was. It's not like he was a prude before, far from it, but now he was insatiable. Always ready and willing to touch you whenever the urge struck him. Often enough for you to eventually come to the thrilling, if not slightly disturbed realization, that… he was training you. Training your body to always want his touch.
And tonight was no different. You could already feel yourself getting wet, and he had barely done anything yet. But then suddenly he was pinching your nipple harshly, hissing in your ear, "I expect an answer when I ask you a question darling."
You bit back a moan, trying to remember what you were even arguing about as he started to play with your breasts, "I-I didn't mean it like that. I just… I don't want to embarrass you."
It was humiliating to admit but it was true. Not many people of Astarion's caliber insisted on a singular lover. There were so many people after him now, people with more power, more beauty, and grace. You didn't match up. You couldn't.
"Nonsense," Astarion dismissed, his hands wandering down to tear off more of your clothing, "Look at you. You were made for this life. Made for me. You're gorgeous."
The compliments mixed with the harsh feeling of his hands ripping your nightdress in two was quite the experience. You could feel his own hardness pressing into your backside, twitching as he threw your ruined clothing to the side.
Then he was gripping your chin, forcing your head back up to stare into the mirror in front of you, "I said look."
You obeyed, eyes widening at what you saw. It was so strange to see yourself like this, fully exposed with your legs spread apart, flushed and panting. It nearly gave the illusion that your very image was what was causing the wetness between your legs, instead of the invisible man toying with you.
You swallowed, your throat dry as Astarion's hands wandered lower, a feather-light touch tracing up and down your slit, "You are everything. The sole reason that I'm the man I am today. There is nowhere else you should be than right here."
"But-" You gasped, your words interrupted by a sharp slap to your inner thigh. You could see your skin start to redden in the mirror, a perfect imprint left in it's wake.
"Darling, are you questioning my judgment? What on earth made you think that was a good idea?"
You frantically shook your head, moaning when his fingers delved deeper, playing with your slick folds, "I-I'm not. I didn't- I'm sorry."
You whined as he roughly pinched your clit, his other hand moving upward to do the same to your heaving chest.
He was starting to grind his hardness against you, a tease of more to come as he murmured in your ear, "There's my good girl. Was that so hard?"
You shook your head, gasping as he finally dipped his long fingers into your cunt. You were already so sensitive, humiliatingly close in a matter of minutes.
"So gorgeous," Astarion sighed, staring straight ahead to the sole image of you, whimpering as he finger-fucked your pussy, "So needy. Can you see how wet you are pet?"
You could, you were leaking around his fingers, that needy, intense feeling getting more and more intense by the moment. It was so embarrassing seeing yourself like this, enough so that you snapped your eyes shut.
A bad idea. Astarion tutted at you, landing another sudden and hard slap to your thigh, "None of that. I told you to look. Or else."
You snapped your eyes back open, watching yourself whimper and gasp as you were played with, the harsh movement of his hand jostling your breasts. You weren't going to last much longer, not with the image of you being taken apart, the feeling of him inside you, the mean edge to your love's words.
"You're such a silly little thing, aren't you?" Astarion growled, fucking you harder and faster. You were so close, but you weren't stupid enough to come without permission. Not after what he did the last time, "Doubting me. Do you really think I don't know what's best for you? What's best for us?"
"No," You whimpered, your hips arching backward to rub harder into his erection, "You're right, I-I'm yours. C-Can I come now? Please?"
"Beg me and maybe I'll think about it," Astarion meanly laughed, relishing in the gush of slick his harshness coaxed from between your legs, "Beg and apologize. Apologize for doubting us. For doubting me."
You could barely get the words out through your own gasps, tears prickling in the corner of your eyes, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I-I didn't mean it!"
"Good girl," Astarion huskily laughed, using a clever thumb to rub over your swollen clit, "Now tell me you love me."
"I love you," You said easily, meaning every word, "I love you more than anything.
"Tell me you'll never leave me. Ever."
There was something else behind that promise. An obvious implication that your fucked-out brain was too distracted to see.
"Never," You promised, reaching back for you him. You curled your fingers into his hair. pulling his head down to press his mouth against your throat. An open invitation, "I'll always be with you."
Astarion groaned against your skin, his fangs so close to piercing, "Precious pet, how could I ever want anything else? Come darling, you've earned it."
Then he was biting you, the brief flash of pain the perfect trigger for you to fall over the edge. You came with an embarrassingly high-pitched whine, slumping back into Astarion as he drank from your throat.
You looked as much of a mess as you felt, the stickiness between your thighs glistening in the light. You watched yourself, whimpering as Astarion slipped his fingers out. Just to tap them against your lips, forcing them into your mouth to suck on.
You moaned around them, light-headed as Astarion popped off of your throat. You sighed as he licked at the wound, enjoying the brief moment of rest. You weren't naive enough to think that you were done yet. Not when Astarion was still hard, his cock pulsing against you.
"See?" Astarion huskily laughed, licking the blood off of his lips while he played with your tongue, "You're perfect. Perfect and mine."
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resonatorover · 19 days
In which, you, are requited to be with the General, in a prophecy by Jué.
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[ c.w ] — not proofread, incomplete and diverts from the canon storyline. reader is a havoc resonator.
[ g ] — gender-neutral, they/them used.
[ t ] — subtle fluff/comfort; star-crossed lovers.
[ a/n ] — should i make this a fluff or angst? i'm not tooo sure, but we'll see. feel free to leave your comments or any requests !! have a nice day and stay hydrated <3.
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To be mentioned in a prophecy said by a Sentinel itself, one must either be of great importance, or destined for great demise. However, what the General of the Midnight was not expecting was a silent saying by the Loong, that, "On the blue-lit night right when the moon rises, will come a resonator that can annihilate matter at the Gorge of Spirits. Protect them with all your might, or watch them turn to the void."
Before, Jué had always made purposefully vague prophecies or comments, yet this one was relatively not as much. In fact, it is probably the most concise prophecy he's been told. Although, this one was similar to the one of the Rover's, it felt a lot, lot different.
And so, Jiyan waited patiently, for the day that prophecy was to be fulfilled. However, when the day did come, it was of a sight he was not used to— although, undeniably, was prepared for.
The lines in the sky were brighter than before, and the moon casted down its grace to the land and sea. Many citizens had come to view the scenic moon, taking spots at high altitudes to gain better view of it. The Magistrate had deemed it as a safe occurrence, yet Jiyan could not help but feel unsettled as he made sure to keep his guard up whilst travelling to the Gorge of Spirits.
Lo and behold, there they were. With no one else in sight, it was obvious that the one in front of Jiyan was indeed the one Jué had talked about. It further proved his confirmations, when they glanced his way, querying with a shy, or embarrassed, smile. "Excuse me? Do you know where Jin..zhou city is?" The horrible accent was enough to explain that they were from a foreign land, if the apparel did not. Nodding, Jiyan would escort them there. But, what they did not know was that Jiyan was keeping out an observant eye for the other whilst they chatted leisurely.
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Days passed steadily, yet Jiyan was uncertain what he was in actuality protecting them from. But, his silent determination never wavered.
However, he did not expect to get closer to the person themself. Whether it be talking to them at a distance where their shoulders touched, fixing little mishaps in their apparel, or even teasing them occasionally. The soldiers have gotten used to the resonator's appearance already, as Jiyan offered to keep them safe in the company of his quaint cottage, albeit it was neglected before their existence in his life. The shared home was made into a cozier place, almost reminding Jiyan of his mother.
The plants they brought in provided a freshness to the ambience of the home, the paraphernalia being remnants of their hobby strewn around. Jiyan did not mind, not when they brought such a positively light presence, releasing some of the tension from his shoulders.
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"Wait... you're a General?.. The General of the Midnight Rangers?" it was evident from their voice, that they were both embarrassed at their own informality and nonchalance regarding their introduction, but Jiyan was swift to soothe any worries.
"Yes, but don't feel obliged to speak formally with me. You're fine as you are." He spoke, offering them an almost imperceivably visible smile.
It took a while, but eventually Jiyan managed to calm them down, and make them comfortable around him.
Little did he know, peace and their amity was just a red herring for what would appear next in the two's lives.
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© @resonatorover do not reproduce.
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acidxinxwonderland · 1 year
corruption has never been so sweet
18 plus smut shot! Minors DNI!!!
Pairing: Glamrock Freddy x F!Reader Summary: Ever since you began taking the night shift as a security guard at the Mega Pizzaplex, Freddy always kept you company throughout the night. You were spoiled with his attention to say the very least, but the one time he doesn't show up you are bound and determined to find him. Once you do, it turns into a night the both of you will never forget.   
Warnings: Size difference, VERY strong ABO vibes, knotting, rutting, unrealistic sex, breeding briefly mentioned, dom feddy, marking, bonding, a little bit of blood, robot/human
Word Count: 6.5k  A/N: This is the most degenerate thing I have EVER written for Freddy, just pure self indulgence to tide me over while I write the longer fic involving him, hope you enjoy! As mentioned in the warnings this has STRONG ABO vibes, it's just written in my own way so be warned of the shameless smut, Freddy is basically an alpha. Also... I’m sorry LMAO. Keep your eyes out for a gender neutral version in the next few weeks for all you NBs out there B) Here is the ao3 link in case that’s more your style: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48255442
Being a night guard at the Mega Pizzaplex was always something you enjoyed since you began working here seven months back, despite all the walking and the sticky situations you have found yourself in you always felt comfort in a certain animatronic bear you've come to love dearly. This bear always made sure you had company during your nightly rounds, mindless chatter about his day and sharing fun jokes. Every night he would find you to walk along with you, yet tonight you haven’t seen him once.
You thought at first maybe he was in need of repairs and was stuck in parts and services for the night but when you checked to see he wasn’t there. He’s never done this to you before, it fills you with concern so you thought you might as well do a wellness check on your good friend.
You find yourself walking down Rockstar Row halfway into your shift, you weren’t supposed to survey this area yet but you just had to make sure he was okay. You peer into each green room, giving Chica a wave when passing hers while making your way to Freddy’s. While strolling past the large window you see a glimpse of him through a sliver of the red curtain, now that you know he was there you pick up your pace. You go to the door and immediately swipe your badge to slide it open.
Once the door was open you see Freddy was standing in front of the mirror, seemingly staring at his own reflection with his large hands on each side of the desk before snapping his attention towards you. It takes you seconds to realize something was off with him.
“Ah, hey Freddy. Just wanted to check in on you, I noticed you didn’t find me and well… Here I am.” You let out a small nervous chuckle, giving the robotic bear a kind smile.
“Superstar, I am truly sorry but… You must stay away tonight.” Freddy growls out in this deep, animalistic voice you never heard before, it causes the hairs to stand on the back of your neck. He pushes himself off from the mirrors table to take a step away from you. “I... I am not right.”
An expression of concern falls on your features while you notice his disheveled state. You were worried before but now the feeling was tenfold, wanting to help the animatronic you fell in love with.
“Not right? Well… I don’t mind being here if you need the support.” You say in a careful tone, almost as if you were talking to a wild animal. You take a step closer and he immediately goes back, causing a frown to tug at your lips.
“Please, it is not a good idea for you to be here at this moment.” While he talks you notice the way he rumbles each word in this dangerous tone that sends shivers up your spine.
“You could never scare me bud, I’m here for you. What’s going on with you? Do you have a glitch of some sorts?” You get even closer and this time he doesn’t back away, glowing blue optics zoning in on you.
“Do not act coy with me.” He grumbles out in that same deep tone. “Do not pretend like you do not know what is going on.” You’ve never heard him speak to you in such a way, feeling your heart plunging down to your stomach as the alarm bells in your head finally go off.
This time it was his turn to approach you and for you to back away. Although you don’t get very far, in a blink of an eye his immense paw-like hands enclose around your shoulders, continuing forward so he could roughly push you up against a wall.
“You must have done this to me, if not you then who else?” He snarls down at you, baring his fangs.
Your eyes widen, feeling the smallest sense of fear as you scramble to speak. “F-Freddy! I don’t k-know what you’re talking about!” You press your hands up against his chest plate, pushing at him despite knowing full well you would not be able to get him off of you no matter how much you tried.
“You don't?” He speaks sharply, leaning in closer to you with the look of a predator sizing its prey. “Then tell me why your scent alone has been affecting me so heavily? Why do you make me feel this way? You must have done something to me, corrupted me somehow.”
You are completely taken aback by his words, it almost felt like you were talking to an entirely different animatronic yet deep down you knew that this was still the same bear you love so dearly.
“I promise you, whatever is happening to you it has n-nothing to do with me. Please trust me on this.” You are desperate while you talk, giving him a pleading look in hopes of convincing him.
His grip on your shoulder loosens as he registers what you say, closing his eyes tightly to regain his composure. “You… Your voice, your scent.” He whispers, brows furrowing. His massive paw-like hands trail down your arm, seeming to begin to calm down..
His eyes slide open, giving you a look of remorse that brings you a sense of familiarity once again. “You’re right superstar, I am truly sorry for what I’ve just done. This was not appropriate of me at all. Please, you need- no, you have to leave.”
You feel a twinge of annoyance from his demand. “No.” You start sternly, shooting him a glare. “You really think I’m going to up and leave after what just happened? Something is clearly wrong Freddy. You’ve got to tell me bud, I can’t help you if I don’t know what’s going on with you.”
“I-” He looks off to the side, reluctantly taking his hands away from your arms. “I don’t know exactly what I am experiencing but… I have an idea as to what it could be.” Freddy sounded so distraught, it was so strange for you to see him in such a state.
Your eyes soften from his clear confusion, still feeling deep concern for the bear in front of you.
“That’s okay that you don’t know.” You place a hand on his large arm and he appears to stiffen from your touch. “Why don’t you break it down, what are your um… Symptoms?” As soon as you asked this question his expression turned into one of shame.
He lets out a mechanical sigh, forcing himself to speak. “Well… Everything about you has been making me ache in a way I never felt before. This has been an issue since we first met, but recently it has gotten much worse. It’s been… Frustrating to say the least.”
Your eyes widened as he explained what was happening to him. A deep blush settles upon your cheeks as your already racing heart goes into turbo mode. What the hell was he even talking about?! Was he basically admitting he had sexual feelings towards you?
“W-what do you mean I make you ache. I-in what way?” You stutter out the question, convincing yourself that you had it all wrong.
“Do I really need to explain it?” Freddy growls out in this low, husky tone. You shudder out from his voice alone, body going rigid as he places a hand against the wall besides your head. “Although there is something I do know… The only reasonable explanation I have found for these feelings is a similar pattern of certain species of animals who are afflicted heavily when they enter a… mating season.” He cringes at the last words, having to look away from you in embarrassment.
You are in complete shock at his words, feeling your entire body get impossibly warm as your eyes flicker to his muzzle. You try to process what he is saying. Matching patterns of certain species of animals… He’s a robotic bear so that means…
“You’re- you’re experiencing a rut.” You bluntly state. “Because of me..? You don’t feel this way towards anyone else?”
“Yes superstar. You are the only one who is making me feel this way.” He mutters the answer out, groaning lowly. “It is just you. I’ve never experienced this before… I can’t think straight.”
The frustration was clear in his voice and you rub his large arm up and down soothingly. Despite the sympathy you feel towards him you feel like you are in a dream. It was hard to wrap your head around the fact that the animatronic bear made to entertain was basically in heat and it’s all your fault. This whole situation causes your own arousal to stir deep within your core, trying your best to push past it as you give him a reassuring look.
“It’s going to be okay Freddy. Just try your best to relax for me, alright? Tell me, what’s going through your mind right now?” You keep your voice calm despite how you hear your own heart beat pounding wildly in your ears. You’re curious, having the need to know more.
“It’s like… My thoughts are muddled by your scent.” He says in a choked voice, obviously not too pleased to be confessing such things to you. “All I can think of is certain images of you, even before this. I tried my best to edit my own code when things got too confusing, but it got harder and harder every time, reappearing every time I see you. Now no matter what I do I can’t get rid of it.” He growls out the last part, frustrated beyond belief. “What have you done to me, superstar?”
All you can do for a few moments is stare up at him as the weight of his words sink in. He asked a very valid question, what did you do to him? You basically corrupted his programming merely by existing!
“Freddy, I am so sorry. I swear to you I did not mean to cause any of this.”
“Yes, really! Do you seriously think I somehow purposefully did this to you?!”
Freddy falls silent for a moment, looking down at the floor between the two of you. “I did think so, yes.”
You let out a laugh of disbelief and he looks back up at you with curious eyes. You let your head fall back against the wall you were still trapped against. “You realize how insane this is right?”
Freddy lets out a huff, leaning in closer. “You’re the one who made me like this superstar, whether you meant to or not.” His eyes flickered to your lips and you felt like you were going to die right then and there. A frustrated groan leaves him, finally pushing himself off of you and taking a step away. “The last measure I can take is to isolate myself completely until these feelings pass.”
You stay leaning up against the wall, eyes trailing up and down his large frame. If he isolates himself he wouldn’t be able to go through with his daily duties, it could get him in trouble, even decommissioned.
“It isn’t the last measure.” You murmur out, catching his attention.
“... What are you implying?” He cautiously asks.
You push yourself off the wall, taking a step towards him as your face feels warmer than ever before. “I’m implying,” You begin, taking his hand into yours. “I-I can help you. Since you’ve been honest with me, I’ll be honest with you. I have had desires for you since the day we met, both romantic and sexual. Since I am the one who caused this mess for you then I will fix it.”
Freddy stares at your linked hands, his brows knitting together. “Superstar… I…” He trails off before letting out a low growl that causes goose bumps to rise. “You do not need to do this. I am worried for your safety.” Despite his words he grabs onto your waist with his free hand and pulls you closer to him. “I do not wish to harm you.”
Warmth rushes to your cheeks as you are brought up against him, mustering a smile of reassurance. “Hey, you warned me, didn’t you? If I end up getting hurt somehow, it’ll be my fault, not yours. I’m coming into this knowing what is in store for me.” You untangle your hand with his to place it against his jaw, watching with interest as he immediately leaned into your touch. “Rut or not, I know you. I don't think you could ever seriously injure me even if you wanted to. Let me help you.”
Freddy’s face softens at your words, the hand on your waist tightens. “Are you sure…?” He asks with hesitation in his tone.
“I’m sure Freddy. But… How are we going to do this, because erm, as far as I know you’re pretty much a ken doll.” You glance down and he tilts his head to the side.
“Ken doll…?” He repeats quizzically.
“Yeah, like, not having a penis.” Your face flushes, looking off to the side as he leans in to you, his muzzle right next to your ear.
“If you must know, superstar. I am very well endowed.”
Your breath catches in your throat. “Oh… I um, I see.” You muster out, feeling so taken aback in the moment. You can’t even bring yourself to look at him.
“Does this change anything?” He questions you in a tone dripping with yearning. He brings his hand up to your face, placing a gentle finger underneath your chin and tilting your head up towards him. “You must tell me now, I don’t know how much longer I can hold back.”
You feel your heart skip a beat from the gentle touch, the bear you fell in love with shining through. You stare up at him now, eyes searching his own. It was clear your silence felt like eternity to him, his grip tightening on your waist to the point it almost hurt. You didn’t allow yourself to over think, finally giving him a firm nod.
“Nothing has changed. I want you.”
Freddy’s blue optics darken at your words, it appeared that was all you needed to say. He didn’t say anything else, lifting your body up with his powerful arms to push you back up against the wall.
His muzzle clashes against your lips with greed, It was cold from his alloy but you can feel every ounce of hunger from him through the gesture. Your arms fall around his neck, squeezing your eyes closed as you return the kiss with matched desire. You were already dizzy by the entire thing, feeling the air from your lungs escape you until he finally pulls away to bury his face in your neck while letting out a guttural growl.
“You smell so good my star.” Freddy rumbles, using his mouth to nip at the skin that causes small whimpers to leave your lips due to how sensitive you are. “Gods, and you sound so good too. I have been wanting you for so long.” He presses his hips firmly against your clothed sex, the feeling makes you drip with arousal.
“Freddy.” You whine out, starting to helplessly grind up against him. “M-me too. So, so long. I need you.”
“And you have me.” He murmurs possessively, one of his hands sliding down to your bottom and giving a firm squeeze. He swiftly runs his claw through the buttons of your shirt, popping each one off the material to expose your bare chest.
He leans back to look down at you, a low groan leaving him just from the mere sight of you. “Pretty girl.” Freddy rolls his hips up against yours, squeezing his eyes tight from the feeling it provided.
You take his clear sensitivity to your advantage, rubbing into him hard and fast as moans tumble out past your mouth. “Oh my sweet star.” He groans, keeping you held up with one hand as the other goes in between your legs to press the palm of his hand up against your sex.
You squirm in place as the feelings of pleasure crash down onto you, everything is going so fast and you wouldn’t have it any other way. He pushes up into your wet heat with a low growl, peering down at you with predatory optics.
“I am going to make you mine.” He snarls, bearing his teeth before ripping the front of your leggings and underwear with his claws in one go. You would yell at him for ruining your clothes if it wasn’t for his large knuckle pressing down onto your clit. You let out a sharp gasp as he moves against your engorged nub before plunging a finger deep inside of you with no warning.
Your head hits hard against the wall behind you, his finger was so big, even just that filled you up. He wiggled it back and forth, letting out a small grunt. “You are soaking wet superstar, no wonder your scent affects me so heavily.” He marvels in a gruff tone, beginning to slip his finger in and out of you at a brisk pace.
“Oh, oh fuck Freddy. God, please.” Your mouth was agape, panting out while you flutter around the intrusion, your mind was already going blank and it only gets worse when he shoves a second finger into your hole.
He leans down to bite at the neck as if he was claiming his prize, making you buck up against him as he sets a brutal pace. He pushes you harder up against the wall and you swear you see stars.
“I can’t hold back anymore superstar. I must take you now.” He warns in a low tone.
Your nails dig into the paint of his metal, feeling your thighs tremble from his words. “Take me, please take me.” You babble, scratching at his surface with eyes full of carnal desire. “I need it so badly.”
As soon as you give him full consent he pulls his fingers out, keeping you in place against the wall while he shuffles a little away from you. Your eyes trail down to his pelvic plate with bated breath, feeling eager to see what was underneath. You watch as it slides open and the large, girthy shaft emerges makes you audibly gasp. Never have you seen something such as this, it didn’t even look human, covered in soft silicone skin that looked ever so tantalizing.
“I cannot guarantee you this will not be a bit painful.” His words rumble out of him in a deep guttural pitch.
“I can handle a little pain.” You murmur out, goggling at the exotic cock right in front of you, noticing the knot at the base that makes your heart sink.
“I know you can, my superstar.” Freddy grabs the base, pumping it before lining it up to your dripping hole, he lets out a low groan as he pushes the engorged head inside of you. “My gods.” He squeezed his eyes closed once again, it was clear he was trying his best to take it slow for you as he pushed into you.
Your back arches as the large shaft stretches you out thoroughly, letting out a strangled cry from the burning sensation deep inside of you. “Oh- oh my god, you’re so fucking big.” You look down, the sight of his cock making its way inside of you made you feel like you were going to faint.
“Bear with it.” He grunts, leaning in till your foreheads touch. “You can do it, you can take it.” The hand once on his member went down to your clit, rubbing at it in an attempt to outweigh the pain with pleasure.
You let out whimpers, getting completely lost in the moment. You buck your hips, causing his cock to push in even deeper and making you both let out a gasp. He was all the way inside you now, his pronounced head pushing up against your cervix almost painfully.
Your legs kick up into the air instinctively as he continues to stimulate your sensitive nub, clenching tight around him and making him let out a long sigh of pleasure.
“Y-you can go. Please go, give me your all.” You don’t even recognize yourself as you speak, finally realizing you needed this just as much as he did.
Freddy doesn’t say a word, grabbing onto your waist with a bruising grip while drawing himself out almost all the way before slamming right back into your tight heat. Your hole gives and stretches under the assault, a loud crying ripping through your throat as he begins to pump in and out of you at a barbaric speed.
You feel your body slide up against the wall only to be pulled right back down onto his cock, the intense pounding making your eyes roll to the back of your head, only able to moan out in ecstasy as his animalistic grunts mix in.
“Take it all superstar, offer yourself to me completely. Become mine.” He huffs out in this possessive tone that makes you shiver.
“I’m yours, I’m all yours!” You gasp out, trying to adjust to the cock ramming in and out of you with no remorse. “Oh, oh god, you-you’re going to make me cum!”
“Already?” He growls, letting out a deep chuckle. “Let go for me starlight, let me see you come undone.”
That’s all you needed to hear, your wet walls clamping hard around him as you get thrown into a hard climax, practically screaming as he fucks you through it. He lets out a long groan as you convulse around him, your mind going completely blank as you continue to cry out.
“Good girl.” Freddy praises through grunts, thrusting into you with unrestrained movements that are making you lose your mind. “Feel so good wrapped around me, so tight.”
He completely pulls out of you, leaving you confused before he grabs you with his rough hands and walks over to the plush red couch in his green room. He throws you on it, fisting his cock while giving you a dangerous look.
“Hands and knees.” He orders and with the tone he used it was clear there was no room for hesitation.
You scramble into position, keeping your lower half high in the air as if you were presenting to him. “Please give me more.” You whine, swaying your hips from side to side.
Freddy lets out a deep groan just from the sight of you. You feel the cushion dip as he gets into position, one knee on the couch with his other foot planted on the ground.
“Oh I’m going to give it to you alright.” He gruffs, grabbing a hold of each side of your hips before shoving himself right back into your tight hole. You don’t even get a split second to adjust, continuing that relentless pace he set before. The new angle does wonders for you, shouting out in pleasure and pain from the way he hit your cervix.
Every thrust sends your body lurching forward, his strong grip on you was the only reason you weren’t on the other side of the couch by now. You try to lift your upper half to look back at him but he places a hand on your back and shoves you right down onto the cushions.
“Stay down.” He snarls riotously, digging the claws on your hip into your skin.
You comply, clawing at the couch underneath you as you helplessly cry out. You can can't even really hear yourself, the sound of your heart hammering in your ears as you feel your walls open up for him more and more, the pleasure piling on.
“Who do you belong to, superstar?” You barely hear his question but as soon as it registers you don’t think twice.
“You! I belong to you!” You buck back against him, hungry for more. You feel yourself lost in the sensation, focused on him and how good he was making you feel. The drag of his big textured cock along your walls was driving you to the brink of insanity.
“Let me mark you superstar. I want to claim you as my own. Be mine and only mine.” His hand goes into your hair, tugging it upwards to make your back arch while savagely grunting with each thrust. He leans down, covering your body with his own as he buries his head into the crook of your neck.
You were willing to do anything to please him, tears welling up in your eyes from the overwhelming pleasure as you babble out. “Yes! I’ll be y-yours. Mark me!”
As soon as you give the go ahead his sharp fangs sink into the junction of your neck, making you weep out in both pain and pleasure. You feel him break skin, a small stream of warmth trickling down your neck.
After a few moments he lets go, keeping himself pressed up against your back as he humps into your twitching tunnel. “All mine, my mate.” He nuzzles into your neck and you relish in his affection. “You’re my good girl, do you have any idea how long I have waited to claim my prize?”
You can’t even muster the strength to answer him as lewd noises tumble out of your mouth, letting out a yelp as his cock hits the perfect spot. “Fuck, oh, oh yes Freddy, r-right there!”
Once again you are pushed into a hard climax, squeezing down onto his massive cock as your own juices run down your thighs. “Oh, oh my god!” He lets go of your hair and you fall down onto the cushions, weakly clawing at the fabric as you feel your energy getting zapped from you. He didn’t slow down, ruthlessly slamming into you repeatedly.
“Take it.” He speaks close to your ear, using your slick juices to pave the way for more wild, frenzied thrusts. “You are so beautiful like this.”
You writhe underneath him, not being able to keep up with the massive shaft pumping into your quivering core. Before you know it he pulls out once again to flip you onto your back, grabbing onto your legs and pushing them high into the air towards your body before slamming right back in. The new angle made you scream out in ecstasy, staring up at him with wide, tear filled eyes.
You enjoyed this position, being able to see the giant bear in full view as he violently fucks your tight cunt raw. Your face contorted in pleasure, calling out his name over and over again like a mantra. His paw goes back to your clit, only needing to give the slightest of friction before you cum again, your back arching off the couch as you go through the motions of a hard climax.
“That’s a good girl. Look at you, my sweet little prey. I’m going to breed you so good.”
Something about him saying that to you made you realize the true power he had over you, something you have never let anyone else have.
“Oh, oh fuck, please F-Freddy, please!”
Freddy grunts out savagely, his giant paw enclosing around your neck as he leans in closer, carnal lust evident in his blue eyes. “Please what superstar, what do you want?”
You feel your face flush from his question, panting out harshly as you feel his member twitch inside of you. His thrusts became more shallow, pounding in so deep you feel shock waves pulsing through your much smaller body.
“P-please, please breed me!” You feel embarrassed from your own words, wanting to look away but keeping your hazy eyes full of tears trained on his own. “I-I need it, I need you to cum inside of me.”
Your pleading appeared to only make him more aggressive, his clawed hand tightening around your neck to restrict your breathing.
“Superstar,” He struggled to get out what he needed to say in between each feral grunt that came from deep within. “You belong to me until the end of time. My mate… Mine!” He roars out the last word, shoving himself deep inside of you and pushing his knot into your hole.
You let out a soundless cry, body going limp as you feel thick ropes of his seed coating your insides. Tears slip down your cheek, enjoying the burning pain from the stretch of his knot as you rasp out breaths. “Oh, oh Freddy.” You gasp, trying your best to wrap your head around all that had just happened between the two of you.
“My sweet superstar.” He bellows, looking down at you with pure affection. His large arms wrap around your waist carefully, picking you up into a tight embrace. His hands rub up and down your shaking body, pressing his muzzle against your hair. “You did so wonderfully, took it all so well.”
You keep your head buried in his neck, panting out against metal as you feel a deep sense of comfort from his affectionate words. “F-Freddy,” You manage to murmur out despite how empty your head felt at the moment. “I love you… I love you so much.”
Freddy’s caresses pause for just a moment, making you feel as though you shouldn’t have said that to him. Just as you were about to back track he held you even tighter.
“You have no idea how long I have waited to hear you say those words to me. I love you too. If I had a heart, it is yours to possess.”
Tears well up in your eyes from his words, nuzzling into him happily. You stay there for a moment, trying your best to regain your composure but it seems almost impossible.
You finally lean back, wincing from the throbbing knot embedded inside of you. “A-are you um, are you feeling better now?” You ask shyly, looking off to the side.
Freddy lets out a deep hum, his large hand falling onto your cheek and pushing your face back up towards his. “Yes, much better. All thanks to my sweet star.” He leans down to press his mouth against your forehead. “It’ll come back eventually, but I am not worried about it now with you by my side.”
He brings you closer, tucking your head underneath his chin as he rocks back and forth to soothe you. “Are you alright? I am sorry for how rough I was with you, I truly could not hold back.”
“‘M alright.” You murmur, having a hard time stringing words and thoughts together. “It hurt a bit but… I liked it a lot.”
“I’m glad to hear it, I liked it too. Although I did imagine our first time together to be a bit… Sweeter. Yet I am still content knowing you are mine now.” He trails his hand up your shoulder and to your neck, gently pressing down onto the mark he gave you earlier. “You do understand the meaning behind this, right superstar? We are bonded now, never will I do this with another.”
You feel your face get warm, moving back to stare up at him. “Neither will I.” You give him a weak smile, placing your hand over his and letting out a shaky sigh.
He leans in, brushing his muzzle against your lips affectionately, massaging at your neck with his large fingers. “I want you more than any physical pleasure could ever give me… Looks like I’ll have to properly court you now.”
You let out a breathless laugh, looking down at where you are locked together. “I think it’s a little too late for that.”
“Perhaps… But I promise you next time will be a lot more gentle, alright?”
“Gentle or not, I don’t care. I’m just g-glad we have this now. Although it’s hard to believe me of all the people in the world made you feel this way. I’m honored honestly, but I also felt a little bad… You seemed so distressed earlier.”
“There is no need to feel bad my star.” He says affectionately, tucking a strand of wayward hair behind your ear before continuing. “You eased my pain in a way no one else could. It is you who made everything worthwhile.” His voice tapers off into a muffled sigh, glancing away from you with a worried look.
“I’m sorry… If I scared you earlier. I was just so confused, and angry. It was so much more manageable at the start but when you were the only thing on my mind, it was frustrating.”
Now it was your turn to grab his face to have him look back at you. “To tell you the truth, it was a little scary. But it was also pretty hot.” Freddy’s eyes widen from your confession and you let out a laugh. “You’re always so sweet and caring, I never pegged you to be a dominant kinda bear in this way.”
“I have plenty of tricks up my sleeves.” He chuckles deeply, leaning in to pepper kisses along your face. “If I had sleeves of course.” Freddy nuzzles into your hair and you soak up his affection like a cat bathing in the sun. “Now… How sore are you?” He uses his hand to tilt your chin up for your eyes to meet.
You get lost in the glowing blue optics, your walls twitching around the shaft stuffed deep inside of you. “Pretty sore, I can feel some bruises forming and I don’t think I’m going to be able to walk straight but other than that I am very satisfied. I think this will be all that I’m thinking about over the weekend.”
Freddy huffs out a small laugh. “Oh trust me superstar, we will have plenty of more times like this to think about. Soon all you’ll be able to think of is me using this sweet little body of yours.” You let out a squeak from his words, hiding your face in your hands as your cheeks become a bright red. “Awe, I’m sorry, did I make you shy?”
“W-what do you think?” You murmur out into your hands, peeking up at him through your fingers to see the amused look on his face. You feel even more embarrassed, why did he have to be so suave?! You shift in place, letting out a small gasp from the feeling of him still deep inside of you.
“Um… How long do you think this is going to last?” You ask, gesturing towards where the two of you are connected.
“That is a very good question, superstar. I sadly do not know, this is the first time I’ve ever done this with someone.” His eyes lock down to the area, one of his hands running up your thigh. “Although you do look quite beautiful like this, perhaps I should make you stay here forever?”
You let out a giggle, rolling your eyes. “That will get both you and me into some pretty big trouble. But… It does feel really good i-inside of me.” You confess.
“Does it now? Because I swear I am in heaven.” He lets out a low hum, his finger dragging over your hip bone and causing you to shudder. He falls silent for a moment, playing with the hem of the shirt he ripped open. “Your poor clothes, I apologize, I promise once we are free I will find you a fresh pair to change into.”
You shrug your shoulders, looking down at yourself. You looked like a mess yet you didn’t mind it. “It’s alright, I’ve got plenty of these shirts and plenty of leggings. The only thing I want right now is you.”
“Then you shall have me my sweet star, till the end of time.” He leans in, pressing a sweet kiss against your lips that makes you melt. “We’ll get you something proper to eat and drink after this too, you have zapped a lot of your energy.”
All you can do is stare up at him with pure admiration, he was so caring, you can’t help but feel like he was made for you and no one else. You begin to feel a little emotional, tears building up and threatening to spill. He notices this quickly, a look of concern in his eyes but you are quick to express your feelings, wrapping your arms around his thick neck.
“Freddy, I love you, I really do.”
Freddy’s eyes soften, pressing his muzzle up against your forehead as his arms wrap around your waist.
“Oh my sweet star… I truly don’t think I could ever get used to hearing you say such a thing to me. I love you too, more than I could ever express.”
Those three words held such a deep meaning, you agreed with him, you will never get used to this. Just look at you, a human girl now officially in a relationship with a giant animatronic bear. You have so many questions about this whole situation, so much to explore with him, but you can do that later.
“You know…” You begin, letting out a brief chuckle. “This is quite the scandal you got yourself into Mr. Fazbear. We have to be careful, okay? We can’t let anyone find out.”
Freddy nods his head, moving his hand to lightly trace your cheek. “You are right, we will have to be discreet and take many precautions. I am willing to do whatever it takes to keep you safe.”
“To keep me safe?” You let out a small laugh, shaking your head. He was so selfless, such a sweet bear. “Don’t forget about yourself. The worst thing for me is going to jail, but I’d stay there a lifetime if that means you can continue on. Just please remember the risk, okay?”
“I am willing to take this risk if it means I can stay by your side.” His claw traces over the curves of your lips, his eyes fixated on them with a fascinated look. “My beautiful girl… I will hold onto every moment of this night.”
He leans in to press his cold muzzle up against your warm lips. A shiver runs down your spine, letting out a happy, tired sigh through the kiss. Once you pull apart he lays his forehead on yours, a hand running up and down your back soothingly.
“As long as we are together, nothing can truly hurt us.” Freddy's voice is confident like everything else about him.
You were more sure than ever going into this. The direction of where this relationship was heading only filled you with a sense of excitement, you still can’t tell whether this is a dream or not. You lean into him, letting your eyes fall closed as you feel completely relaxed for the first time in a long while.
You were his and he was yours, you wouldn't have it any other way.
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bigsoupspoon · 9 months
A Night To Remember
Summary: *Spoiler* After temporarily fixing Karlach’s engine, you gift her a night that’s been long overdue.
Pairing: Karlach x Gender Neutral Reader,
Warnings: Fluff, smut, swearing,
Word Count: 2200 approx.
Rating: Explicit – If you are under 18, please do not read.
Note: I haven’t completed Karlach’s romance yet so I’m unsure of how it actually plays out.
“So did it…work?” Karlach asked cautiously.
“Only one way to find out.” Dammon responds.
Karlach’s eyes meet yours, she looks both hopeful and worried. But without much hesitation, you pull her into a tight hug. Your arms wrap around her shoulders, and hers around your middle. You lean your head into her neck and give her a squeeze.
You stay in the hug for several seconds, wanting to give Karlach more than just a quick embrace. When you start to move apart, your hands linger on each other, not wanting to completely let go. Her eyes connect with yours, and you can’t help but glance at her lips. She notices, and does the same.
You bring your hand to cup her cheek, her hands haven’t left your waist, you lean in and tilt her chin towards you. Karlach complies, leaning into a deep kiss. You both hold the kiss for several moments, finally able to touch one another after what feels like an eternity of tension. You part ways, and she whispers a quiet “thank you” in your ear.
Suddenly you remember where you are, standing in front of Dammon and your companions. Halsin and Astarion stand close by, watching the sparks fly between you both.
“How sweet it is to share such affection in these trying times.” Halsin admires.
“And don’t mind me, I’m just enjoying the show.” Astarion smugly adds.
Karlach stands up straight and lets you go, still feeling the emotions of getting to touch you for the first time. She seems mildly flustered, bashful at the least, not knowing what to say next.
“How about we call it a day and head back to camp?” You suggest, the rest agree, it already becoming late in the afternoon anyway. For the rest of the day, you and Karlach catch each other exchanging glances, your arm might just brush hers when standing close together. The tension grows stronger each hour that passes.
Once the sun begins to fall below the horizon, everyone in camp starts settling in for the night. As you walk yourself over to Karlach’s tent, she smiles upon seeing you.
“Hey soldier,” She greets, excited to have your company.
“Karlach, what do you say we spend the evening together, tonight?” You ask.
“Yes, yes!” She cheers, “I was hoping we could spend some time together.”
You take a step closer, mere inches away, “Shall we leave now?”
You reach you hand to hold hers, Karlach accepts the embrace and intertwines her fingers with yours.
“I think I can manage that.” She smiles.
Karlach starts walking and you move beside her, her hand still in yours. Astarion passes you on your way out of camp.
“Have fun,” He whispers wickedly, shooting you both a devilish grin.
After a short period of walking, you arrive at a clearing with a slow-moving river. The area is small and peaceful, and private. The soft grass grows along the bank, full of clover and tiny wildflowers. The moon is now out in full view, reflecting on the rippled water.
“Can I kiss you again?” Karlach asks, her hand still holding yours. You turn to face her, and gently place a hand on her cheek.
“I’d like nothing more.” She pulls you in and presses her lips upon yours, the kiss is strong and passionate. Karlach wraps her arms around your middle and pulls you closer, your free hand now clinging to her shoulder.
The minutes pass by, it feels like you haven’t taken a single breath, kissing Karlach felt more important. You try to break the kiss, but Karlach pulls you back in for just one more. She keeps you close and rests her forehead on yours.
You take Karlach’s hands and place them on your waist, you slowly lift off your shirt, so your top half is completely bare. Karlach drinks you in, mesmerized by your body. You reach around her back and gently lift her shirt.
“Is this okay?” You ask, Karlach responds with an excited hum.
You lift off her shirt and drop it beside you, taking a step closer so your bodies are pressed together. She is warm, and inviting, her lips find yours again for just a moment. Chest to chest never felt so good, the skin-on-skin contact lighting a fire within you.
Your hands find the top of her pants, and you run your fingers along her waistline. Karlach’s breath hitches as you painfully slowly pull the drawstring on her pants, softly pulling them down below her thighs until they drop to the ground.
As you remove your own as well, you then take Karlach’s hand and lead her into the cool river. Around waist deep, you stop and dip under the water, drenching your hair and returning to the surface. Karlach lowers herself until the water reaches her shoulders.
As you both wade closer to each other, you maneuver your legs so Karlach’s thighs sit firmly on top of yours, holding her in place around her hips.
She looks down at you and smiles, before leaning into another passionate kiss. How peaceful the moment is as you embrace each other, the river flows by and the moonlight illuminates the water.
“Let me take care of you, Karlach.” You propose, whispering gently in her ear.
“I’d really like that.” She whispers back.
With a single brush of your fingers across her hip and up her sternum, Karlach tilts her head back, the touch starvation agony running rampant through her veins at this point. She bites back her tongue from ushering you to speed things up, and lets you slowly roam her body.
You drag your hands from around her waist up until you gently cup her breasts. Her eyes are gently squeezed shut and stifling small moans, eager to escape her lips. With a singular flick of your thumbs across her nipples, she lets out an audible groan.
“You’re so beautiful, Karlach,” You whisper in her ear, before lowering your head to place her nipple on your tongue, your hand gently rolling the other one between your thumb and forefinger. Her moans become more audible, and a little less controlled, her body growing more eager each second that passes.
“As much as I’m enjoying this, I am feeling a little…impatient.” Karlach says. And with that, you lead her out of the water, to the grassy bank.
“Lay down,” You propose, and as Karlach does so, you kneel at her feet.
You begin to plant small kisses on one ankle, and slowly, tantalisingly slowly, trail them up her leg, her breathing now small, sharp breaths, anticipation earnestly flooding her veins. As you reach the top of her inner thigh, you can see her slit already beautifully glistening with her wetness.
You look up at her, her eyes watching you closely, wishing to the gods this was finally the moment. You skip over her cunt entirely and begin kissing from below her navel to up between her breasts. Karlach groans with frustration at the lack of attention where she wants it most, she reaches down to touch herself, but you catch her hand before it makes contact.
“I promise I’ll make you feel good, baby, I want to take my time with you,” You tease, although you are sincere.
As much as Karlach yearns for more contact, she silently admits that your attention feels so good after so long with physical touch like this.
You remove yourself from above her and lay on your hip so you are by her side. Your hand hasn’t left her body, it remains softly resting on her chest.
“Are you sure you want this, love?” You ask her, although confident in her answer, still wanting her consent.
“Oh, fuck yes!” Karlach responds, “It’s about bloody time.”
She looks into your eyes, they are excited and hungry, she grins widely as your hand trails down between her breasts, past her stomach and below her navel. You use your hand to cup your fingers and firmly press it against her wet, aching cunt. The loud moan that escapes her lips is a beautiful one, one that you intend on hearing again and again. She shifts a bit under your touch, hips jolting to find more pressure.
You press your middle finger into her slit and drag it up over her clit. Karlach throws her head back, eyes closed, mouth agape, the sound she releases is pure sex.
“Finally,” Karlach thinks.
You continue to firmly swipe your finger up and down her slit, letting her get used to the feeling, basking in the initial pleasure. As you add another finger, she moans even louder, unable to stifle any noises that are drawn out. It makes you gush, as you hope you’re far enough away from the others at camp.
Her hands tightly grip the grass beside her, some of it ripping in her hands. She opens her eyes and looks into yours.
“More,” She pleads, and you oblige. Your two fingers circle her swollen clit, applying gentle pressure. Primal noises leave Karlach’s mouth as her tingling ecstasy grows deep in her abdomen. Her body becomes more rigid as her climax begins to swell, legs trembling and toes curling.
She lets out a scream of pleasure as the band snaps inside of her, your fingers still working circles around her clit as she rides the waves of her orgasm. After several moments of watching pure bliss write itself across her face, you remove your fingers from her and cup her cunt firmly like before.
Karlach’s eyes remain closed, as her breathing settles, relishing in the feeling of someone else’s physical touch. She rests her head and places a hand over yours, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“Thank you,” She sighs.
“Don’t thank me, we’re not finished with you yet, my love,” You wink at her.
Her eyes pop with surprise, before she can say anything you remove your hand and place your two wet fingers on your tongue, encasing your lips around them. She watches, mesmerized, as you taste her, licking off every drop of her.
“Now that I’ve tasted you, I’ve decided I need more,” You coo, before leaning in to kiss her deeply. She can taste herself on your tongue, and this immediately sends arousal back through her body.
“And this time I won’t make you wait as long,” You break the kiss and move yourself onto your knees between her thighs, pushing them gently out wide. You trail your lips from her neck down to her stomach, kissing and suckling her skin. Karlach lifts her head to watch you move down her body, you lower herself between her thighs, she can already feel your breath on her cunt.
Without hesitation you lick a line up her slit, flattening your tongue to taste every inch of her. Her head falls back, and she tussles her hands in your hair as she lets out another groan.
“Is this okay, baby?” You tease her, Karlach doesn’t respond but pushes your head back between her thighs, prompting a hard “yes.”
You take your time, making sure to stretch every second of pleasure for her, drawing out delicious sounds from her lips. You kiss, suckle and lick your way to her second building orgasm, Karlach writhes under your touch. Her hands grab tighter at your hair as she tries to clench her knees together.
“Do you want more, baby?” Your tongue leaves Karlach for just a moment.
“Fuck, yes!” She practically pleads, her brain scrambling in the long overdue feelings of pleasure.
You gently bring your hand back to her cunt and insert a finger, drawing out a string of obscenities from Karlach, her hands lost in your hair as she writhes underneath you. After a few minutes, you gently add a second, the soft stretch heightening her building orgasm further. You lean back in and press your tongue to her clit, drawings circles in time to match the pumps of your hand.
Her legs begin to quiver, she tries to close her legs around your head, but you keep going at the same pace. Filthy, heavenly sounds escape from Karlach as she comes, clenching your fingers tight and feet digging into your back. After those several moments of pure pleasure, you can feel her body begin to relax. You gently remove your fingers and crawl up Karlach’s body until you meet her face. Her eyes are still closed, breathing uneven and sweat sitting on her brow.
You place a trail of small kisses on her neck, and she brings her hands to rest on your back. You don’t say anything, and let Karlach relish in the moment until she is ready to continue. All of a sudden she pushes you to the side and rolls you onto your back, Karlach hovers above you for a second before straddling your waist.
“Now that you’ve had me, its my turn to have you, all to myself.”
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the-possum-writes · 9 months
You may have gotten a request like this already so please ignore it if you have!
I really enjoy your works so far and I'd like to request the nsfw alphabet with Marshall Lee if that's something you'd like to do! Gender neutral or afab anatomy if that's okay but I really don't mind if you keep it fully gender neutral!
I hope this request finds you well and happy! Thank you for your time to read this ask and for sharing your work, it's very enjoyable to read! (It also helps that I adore possums hehe)
[Marshall Lee NS/FW Alphabet]
Tags: NS/FW, mentions of voyeurism, hcs, dirty alphabet
A/n: Thanks for requesting! Ya'll eating good tonight-! This is for the AT version of Marshall, the F&C Marshall would probs have some differences without the whole vampire thing.
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A = Aftercare
Marshall doesn't need sleep so he'll help you clean up asap and lay in bed with you so his low body temperature can help ya cool off, he would also sing you to sleep in compensation if he went too rough on you.
B = Body part
Regarding his partner's, he's fond of your chest. He doesn't breathe so he likes seeing it rise and fall whenever you're panting, and enjoys listening  to your heartbeat during cuddle sessions.
As for his body, he likes every aspect of it but if he had to choose it would probably be his eyes. They're the first thing someone sees when he's lurking in the dark.
C= Cum
Slick like glue, and lacks any kind of odor or taste (I guess it's because he's a supernatural creature). He doesn't produce an exaggerated amount of cum in a single shot but he's determined enough to fill you up until it's sliding down your thigh, no matter how many rounds it takes.
D= Dirty Secret
Marshall snuck into your house once cause he wanted to gonna prank you by hiding your toothbrush and other stuff but he accidentally floated in on you in a private time and didn't leave until you finished. Nowadays he knocks before visiting you, but there are times where he touched himself to that memory.
E= Experience
Marshall has been around for thousand years, he knows his likes and dislikes regarding stuff done to him, and what he likes in a partner. He's confident in his performance as well, he has skill and learns fast, he knows that he'll find and exploit your weak points that'll have you sobbing in a good way.
F= Favourite Position
The dude can fly, he likes having you cowgirl (or reverse cowgirl) style while on mid air even though you've told him how dangerous it is.
G= Goofy
Though he gets heavily feral most of the time Marshall is a versatile man who can still crack a laugh even at the most heated times, if he's feeling playful and is on a full teasing rampage he'd use wordplay/puns that depend on the location you two are at.
H= Hair
Marshall is well trimmed but not fully shaved, his pubes are just as dark and wavy as his hair. However, sometimes he'd occasionally try to do funny patterns and would walk out of the bathroom bare ass naked and ask. "Does this look like a bat to you?"
I= Intimacy
Okay so we all know Marshall portrays himself as the residential bad boy and everyone buys it, but in reality he keeps his relationships at an arms length since he's lost people close to him. The guy craves intimacy and it's evident in the small affectionate gestures during sex like how he intertwineds his fingers in your hands, and after sex, he's got his legs tangled in yours, plays with your hair and rests his head on your beating chest.
J= Jack Off
In the early years of vampire hunting he couldn't allow himself a single moment of vulnerability even if his hormones were getting the best of him, but in current times in Aaa where he isn't always on guard he wanks it on occasion here and there when he's lacking company. Once he starts dating you he can't help but stoke himself in front of you when you touch yourself for him.
K= Kink
Pray/Predator play:
He loves playing the part so much. On a full moon he will give you a 10 minute headstart to let you run loose through the woods in that white transparent nightgown he likes so much (fits your role as the helpless victim) as he shape shifts into a wolf or a giant bat and hunts you down by the scent of your arousal alone.
Size difference:
Okay hear me out on this- The guy can shape shift, it would be impossible that he wouldn't develop a knack out of it (especially with the prey/predator thing) when he's near you. He gets a thrill out of it when he's in his bat form, slowly diving you down on his shaft until your thighs come in contact with his fur.
Blood kink:
At first he wasn't interested since he had enough fighting those bloodsuckers (and because it's an obvious thing for him to have). So everyday he fought the blood kink allegations but after years of denying it, its become a new curiosity. He doesn't need to drink the stuff to survive but there's something euphoric about yours that tastes better than any shade of crimson, he'd avoid your neck the first few times but would obtain it from you inner thigh, it's like biting into a lovely jelly donut.
It's rude to spy on others but Marshall is well known to watch over others regardless if they're aware of it or not, you'd learn it the hard way when he caught sight of you touching yourself in your private time. In recent times you purposely masturbate in front of him as he sits back in a comfy seat but only after kicking his ass for being a creep.
Exhibitionism: He doesn't mind taking things in a public space like a bathroom stall or just outside a party, he already has his initials marked all over Aaa so a quickie is just another way to mark his place as his.
Praise kink: can't get enough when hearing you say how much you love him, how good he feels inside you or the sensation of his mouth all over you.
L= Location
Anywhere, anytime. The only place he refuses to go is the Nightosphere cause his mom has eyes and ear everywhere and those pesky demons would rattle him out and before he know it his mom is asking for grandchildren.
M= Motivation
It takes so little to rile him up but the fastest way is when you're wearing on of his band shirts.
Alright hot take. Although he jokes around with it sometimes; Marshall refuses to actually bite your neck with his fangs. Sure he'll nibble on your neck and bite your shoulder but his fangs never really pierce the skin of your jugular, it brings bad memories of his own forceful transformation and how it made him feel.
O= Oral
Appreciates anyone who's brave enough to let his teeth near their privates.
P= Pace
He goes rough and fast, he knows he gets too carried away but he forgets it right away when he sees you enjoy it as much as he does.
Q= Quickie
Doesn't mind them.
R= Risk
Definitely a risk taker. There's many ways to turn him on and he'd love to share them with you, his safe word is probably something like batshit or fries.
S= Stamia
Impecable. Unless you're a supernatural creature you can't match up with his subhuman self.
T= Toy
Marshall likes them both on himself and on his partner, he likes the dildo varities in particular (when he needs to prepare you for his bat form) and how crazy some designs can get.
U= Unfair
Ultimate tease, if you start taunting Marshall he's gonna return it in an instant. Doesn't care if you're out in public he'll get handsy with you as punishment, and dear glob have mercy on you in the bedroom cause he'd edge that bratty attitude out of you.
V= Volume
He isn't as vocal compared to you when he takes the lead, he would mostly let out an occasional hiss or groan intertwined with his dirty talk or teasing. Buuut, if he's the one on the receiving end he'll cry, whine and moan like a bish.
W= Wild Card
If it wasn't because of his vampire regeneration abilities he'd get dick piercings.
X= x-ray
A nice 9 inches long with a slight curve upwards, he's long but a bit on the slender side like most of his body, it's color is just as pale too but halfway it leads to a small dark gray tip.
Y= Yearning
High libido, watch out. Although he doesn't need to eat or sleep he can still feel lust and hunger which become stronger the longer his needs go unfulfilled.
Z= Zzz
He doesn't really sleep much nor does he get exhausted easily, if he's with a mortal partner he'd pretend to sleep just to keep you company or sing/ play a lullaby on his guitar for you.
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sankttealeaf · 10 months
pairing ; astarion x (rogue) gender neutral!reader
summary ; a few failed attempts at picking a lock causes you more than enough embarrassment for you, yet Astarion finds it highly amusing.
other info ; based on a true story where my Tav failed 4 times to unlock a door and after switching to Astarion, he does it first try >:( Tav even had a guaranteed 7~11 bonus too. set in act one just as you get into the Underdark. first time writing for him be gentle please :')
warnings ; swearing, a kiss, and suggestive themes in this but nothing too wild!
word count ; 4.1k
The journey down into the Underdark had been tiresome. A few goblins remained at the camp that were hungry for a fight and after spending way too long trying to solve the puzzle in the temple, you were ready to rest. The outpost you found yourself at seemed to be a safe place to set up camp - tall stone walls, a portcullis with a lever on the inside, and whatever those beams of light were that incinerated an angry looking minotaur moments ago. Yes, it would be safer inside here. Everyone else seemed to think so, too.
Gale, Wyll and Karlach began the very important task of searching through the old crates and boxes to check for any edible food, while Shadowheart and Lae'zel took opposite ends to look for anything important that could aid you in your journey - notes, books, signs of life nearby. You decided to check for traps, not entirely trusting that this outpost was as safe as it seemed. It made sense to ask Astarion to join you, the ongoing joke about the two rogues being tasked to scout out everywhere before settling down repeating in your mind, but when you turned to ask for him you found that he was no longer standing behind you. No matter, you thought. You had enough trap disarming kits and lockpicks to keep you company.
The room to your left was bare, with only a few rotted crates and furniture that had seen better days. Lots of moon iconography too, though that was to be expected considering this was an outpost for Selûne. Part of you wanted to go check on Shadowheart and get her opinion on this place - for no reason other than pure curiosity. 
You stuck your head out of the room to check to make sure no one had gotten injured or found anything of note down in the main room. Karlach had moved on from checking boxes and was now assessing a few weapons she had found, calling over Lae'zel to check them out as well. Shadowheart stood in front of the large statue, a frown on her face. You couldn't work out what she was thinking and the gentle pressure of your tadpole behind your eye reminded you that you weren't going to know. Not until you asked her in person. 
You then spotted Astarion, ever helpful when it came to readying the new spot for camp. He perched on an old granite bench, lazily flipping through a book he had found. You were slightly irked that his attention was elsewhere but it meant that if you found anything interesting around you had first dibs. Darting across the walkway you approach the other gate. This one was locked, rusted and old. 
A locked door couldn't keep you out.
You crouched to eye level with the lock, hands instinctively finding where you kept your lockpicks. It should be simple enough - you could pick locks in your sleep. The appearance of the lock was what concerned you, though. Rust had built up over the long years of abandonment and it could prove deadly for your picks if you weren’t careful. 
Slowly as to not jam the lock, you began the intricate process of inserting in a pin, moving, waiting, listening for a click. The sound of the pins grinding against iron made you frown, pausing in your attempt to make sure nothing was breaking. With your picks intact, you continued turning.
A loud gasp caused you to flinch, breaking your steady grasp on your picks and hearing the dreaded 'snap' of metal. Shit.
You turned to see what the commotion was - Gale and Wyll stood around an old, rotted burlap sack, a handful of mouldy vegetables laying at their feet. Shadowheart approached them and you heard Gale explaining how an infestation of bugs were eating at an old carrot and it spooked them. 
You rolled your eyes at the situation, trying to get back into the groove of it. Breaking a lockpick was bound to happen, it wasn’t that big of a deal. You pull out another pick, ready to try again. Sometimes locks were easy. Sometimes they were bastards to crack. This one was proving to be a pain in your ass as you heard the familiar sound of metal snapping again.
“Shit.” The tip of the pick had broken off and you were now down another. Best of three, you told yourself as you took out another lockpick and hoped to anything that was watching you that this would be the final attempt. 
There was an uncomfortable wriggling sensation behind your eye for a moment as you lost focus, the sudden shift in movement from your tadpole causing your guard to go up. And for another one of your lockpicks to break. You’re blaming the tadpole for that one.
"I thought you said you were good at this?" Astarion's voice carried as you turned to look at him, not appreciating how now everyone knew you were failing at the one thing you were around for. It was just a bad streak of luck! The next attempt will be it, you could feel it.
You looked back at the lock. "I am." The scattered remains of old lockpicks said otherwise.
"That's the third lockpick you've broken. I'm starting to wonder if you even know what you're doing." He crouched beside you, a grin on his face. "Perhaps you should leave it to the professionals in future."
You grit your teeth at his comment, pulling out another pick for your fourth attempt. Growing up with dexterous hands and a knack for getting into places you weren't supposed to had prepared you for moments like this. Yet the one time you wanted a quick break the universe cursed you. Maybe it was Selûne looking down and preventing you from entering this room. Had you not wished to be smited by the God in a place dedicated to her you would show her a rather rude gesture right now. If your hands weren't full you would show it to Astarion, too.
The tension wrench felt heavy in your hand as you removed it from the lock, rolling your shoulders in an attempt to loosen up. Astarion hadn't moved, instead taking great joy at seeing you mess up a task you had bragged about being so good at many times before. This wasn't like you. You were quick to blame it on how tired you were feeling. That was it - you were tired. Tiredness, tadpoles, bugs. All excuses no one would believe. And now with Astarion looming over your shoulder watching you as you gently twisted the pick to position, you were determined to not mess this one up.
Your heart pounded in your chest, soon the only thing you could hear as you tried to keep focused on listening for the click of the lock unlocking. 
“Are you actually moving it? Or are you hoping it will do the work for you?” Astarion asked, breaking your concentration.
"Be quiet." You shifted in your position and very slowly tilted your hand to the left. Nothing. No click of it opening and no snapping of the pick breaking. It was slow progress, but good progress. The pick was still intact - that’s all you cared about.
You could hear the smug smile as Astarion spoke up again, "All I’m saying is that it’s certainly a choice you're making."
"Hush." You twist it to the right. Still nothing. Maybe it wasn’t you, maybe the lock was the problem? It had to be, you were doing everything right!
“Have you tried--”
You took in a deep breath, eyes closed to hold in your frustration at this stupid lock and its stupid inability to open. Was this how Karlach felt before she raged? Maybe you should ask her about it. Once you were calmer, of course. Right now you just wanted to get into this room and find something good and then go to sleep. Gods, you needed some sleep.
“What a shame. Bested by a rusty lock.” Astarion shook his head in feign sorrow, hand over his heart. “How ever are we to move on from this? Whatever shall we do?”
“I don’t see you making an attempt at it,” you mumbled, standing upright and giving the lock a glare as if that would shatter it.
He smiled, head tilted and arms folded. “But it’s already in such capable hands.”
“Do you want to try?” You gestured to the lock, knowing you only had one set of lockpicks left and that he most definitely had a few tucked away in his own bag somewhere. There was a time where you had a slight disagreement over who would be the designated lockpicker but it was decided you would alternate. Or it would be down to whoever found the lock - whichever was first.
“Are you asking for help?” he asked. 
"No, I'm offering for you to have a go."
“So you are asking for help.” 
You clenched your teeth, avoiding eye contact with him as you willed everything inside of you to utter the words he so desperately wanted to hear. “Will you help me with this lock?”
He held a hand up to his ear and you shook your head, refusing to indulge in this ridiculous game he was attempting to play. “Did you say something, my dear?” he asked, grinning as you crossed your arms over your chest and sighed deeply.
“Astarion, my dear, dear friend. Would you please do me the honours of helping me with this lock, for I simply cannot open it without you,” you deadpanned, though it seemed to be enough for him.
“Of course I’ll help. You only had to ask,” he replied with a gentle applause. “We’ll make an actor out of you yet!” He waved for you to step aside from the door, lockpicks in hand as he stood where you once were and assessed the situation. “I hope you’re taking notes.”
You watched as he got to work, crouching beside him like he did with you as he repeated the actions you were doing moments ago. He wasn’t doing anything different, in fact you noticed he was copying what he saw you doing on your third attempt. You waited for the snapping of metal, but it never came. He furrowed his brows as he leaned closer to the lock, and with one final twist you heard the sound of it unlocking. The lock hung loosely on the gate.
"Was that meant to be difficult?" He stood as the lock then fell to the floor, tucking his lockpicks away in a quick motion. “Honestly, if you wanted me to help you from the start you should’ve said something.” 
You stood quickly, bewildered at how easy he made it look. The gate groaned loudly as he pushed it open, giving a grand gesture for you to enter first followed by a wink. If it weren't for the smug look on his face you would have thanked him for it; instead you sulked past him, irritated that he now had something to hang over your head for the next few hours. It was something you noticed he did early on, whether it was because you both had roguish tendencies and there was an unspoken competition between you both, or perhaps he enjoyed being better at something you wanted to do. Either way, you were not about to live this down anytime soon.
The room, now that you were inside, lacked  anything interesting in it. A locked door always meant something good was behind it but the more you searched the less you found. Rotten food, old clothes, an old book with pages lost to time. The failed attempts at getting here hardly seemed worth it now. You lit the candles as you went, the warmth from the light putting you at ease. Everything felt a little safer now that you could see. Astarion lingered by the doorway, peering to his right to see what was inside an old crate.
“All that effort for some rotten food…” He nudged a piece of rubble with his foot and you turned, giving him a look.
“At least I was looking around for things,” you said. It was no secret that Astarion found setting up and taking down camp a tedious task - it was no one's preferred job to do but everyone had their role. You had found him on several occasions sweet talking Wyll or Karlach into doing all his heavy lifting, and there was one time you were swept up under his charm and ended up doing his washing up for him. There was one theory that was stuck in your head that he did it because he knew it got under your skin. He had made many comments about how amusing it was to see you irritated at something. 
“And you found a room with nothing in it.” He huffed quietly and you turned your back to him to continue your search. There had to be something, why else would this room be locked?
You were about to give up and accept your loss when something caught your eye. Sitting atop a small alcove in the far end of the room was an ornate chest with delicate gold details engraved onto a dark wood. You noticed a keyhole but no key nearby. Of course it's most likely locked. Selûne must be having a field day watching you fail to rob her acolytes of anything worthy.
You caught Astarion's gaze as you moved with a speed only reserved for combat, heading towards the chest. When the lid of the chest didn't move when you tried to lift it up, you grinned. Now was your time to prove yourself. Not that you needed to prove yourself to anyone, especially Astarion, but the irritation of failure was eating away inside of you and you needed to show him you could do the one thing you thought you were good at. 
No. You knew you were good at this. 
"Are you sure you have it in you, darling?" His voice was low as he approached behind you, looking at the chest. “I would hate for you to break another set of picks.”
You had one set left that was intact. Who knew when you would be able to find another? The odds weren’t stacked in your favour. It was painful for you to do this. You picked up your pride and turned to face Astarion, the smile on his face only added fuel to the fire but you refused to stoop to his level. With a forced politeness you stepped aside, allowing him direct access to the chest.
"By all means, be my guest." You gestured to the lock as he approached, lockpicks in hand again.
"I'm always around for private lessons if you ever need a refresher on how to do this. You'll find I am very good with my hands," he said, repeating a similar motion to what he did at the gate. Your cheeks flushed at the comment and you forced away any images of what a private lesson on lockpicking would look like. For some reason you didn't think there would be much lockpicking involved.
“It’s just a bad streak. I’ll be back on my game in no time,” you mumbled as he hummed in response, pausing to look up at you. “And then you can go back to looking pretty while I do all the hard work.”
“Looking pretty is hard work. Someone has to do it.” He gave you a grin, going back to twisting the picks in different directions to see which would work. You watched him work, eyes darting from his hands to his face and then settling on staring directly at the keyhole. It felt rather intimate to watch him so closely, the way his brows creased in focus or how his head tilted to hear better. Nimble fingers made quick work of the lock, the satisfying click being music to both of your ears.
You were quick to lift open the lid before he could, having been the one to find this after all. Inside was a coin pouch, a few spell scrolls and a couple of gems that looked like they could be worth a lot. Was it worth all the effort? You were hoping for something incredible, but it was better than nothing. Reaching for the coin pouch your hand collided with Astarion’s, who had a similar idea to you.
“Now then, it’s only fair that I take a higher cut. After all I did most of the work here,” he said, taking a hold of your wrist to push your hand away. The cold touch caught you off guard, and though there wasn’t any hostility behind it you wondered what lengths he would go to to get a bigger share of the loot.
You frowned at him, twisting your arm out of his grip in a quick motion. “I found the godsdamn thing! It’s not my fault I had issues with the lock.” Glancing quickly back at the coin pouch, you decided to make another grab for it. Astarion had the same idea - rogues always seemed to think alike, you thought - as you both lunged for the leather pouch. Hands pushed hands away and shoulders tried to push each other away from the chest. A rather strong shove from you caused the chest to fall to the floor with a large clatter, the contents of it spilling out onto the floor in front of you. The shove had also caused Astarion to lose his balance, grabbing onto you as he tumbled backwards to the ground bringing you with him. 
You landed on top of him, hitting your head against his shoulder with an uncomfortable groan. The coin pouch had fallen behind where Astarion laid and the spell scrolls fell out and landed elsewhere. There was a moment of silence as you sat up, the positioning of you both causing your cheeks to warm up in embarrassment. 
"If this was your plan all along it would have been easier for you to simply say so," he said, leaning on his elbows once you had moved.
"You think I fucked up picking a lock just to try and get us into a compromising position?" you laughed, though it certainly looked that way to an outsider. Astarion sat upright, the both of you now almost flush with each other. You felt his hands rest gently on your hips, fingers digging in ever so slightly. 
"Are you certain you don't want me to refresh your memory on the art of lockpicking?" he asked, a hand running up your side. "I'm a very good teacher."
You tried to keep your thoughts from wandering. It was proving difficult as you kept Astarion's gaze, his eyes moving from your own to your lips and back. "I think I'll pass for now. I'm normally good at it, you know this."
"Yet here I am, saving the day," he said with a grin, the annoyed look on your face only adding to his enjoyment at this moment. His hand brushed against your cheek, moving down to lift your chin up slightly. There was something different about all this yet you couldn't place your finger on what it was.
"My hero. However can I repay you?" you asked, not sounding at all interested in repaying him for helping. His eyes looked over your neck, and if you were going to repay him, at least it could be something you had done before. "Did you want to…?" You exposed your neck to him. It came as a shock to you when he shook his head.
"Later, perhaps. I would hate to use up all our fun here and now," he replied, running a finger down the main vein in your neck, the touch barely there. His hand continued downward, stopping at your chest. In another strange shock he laid it atop of your heart as you felt it quicken. It made sense why he would want to feel it, you supposed, but given the circumstances it did throw you off guard.
You placed your hand atop his, feeling the coolness of his skin against yours. The sounds of the others melted away until it felt like it was just you both in the room, hands on top of each other, listening to the rhythm of your heart beat. You wondered what he was thinking as you studied his face, trying to get a hint of his thoughts. His eyes were focused on your hand, and only when you shifted slightly did he blink and look up at you. 
"Alright?" you asked softly, giving his hand a very gentle squeeze.
"Perfect," he muttered in response, pulling at the top of your shirt to bring you closer to him. 
"This isn't going to give you a bigger cut, you know," you mumbled when you felt your nose bump against his. How quickly things changed between you, you thought. Somehow you always found yourself here, like this, with him. It was like some force was pulling you towards him constantly.
He smiled at you. "Ah, a shame. You foiled my plan." In one quick move, he closed the gap between you both. The kiss was unexpectedly soft, especially given the circumstances. Your hands rested on his chest and you felt one of his arms loop around your lower back, pulling you closer towards him. It was nothing like the hunger and desire you felt all those nights ago after the party. This was gentle. Delicate. Like one wrong move could break you both, the same way you had broken many lockpicks moments before. It was everything you didn't expect to feel when kissing Astarion, and you wondered why. He pulled you flush against him, your hands tangled in his hair and savouring the moment. He removed his right hand from you to prop himself upright, the other staying at the small of your back, keeping you in place. The moment was perfect; nothing could break it.
"Food is ready!" Gale's voice appeared in your mind, arcane echoes lingering behind as you recognized the use of the message spell. At least he didn't yell it out loud and gave away your location, you thought. You pulled away from Astarion, his face contorting into a look of annoyance as you assumed he got a similar message in his mind as well.
"I'd prefer it if we didn't hear the others in our heads when we do this," he complained as you climbed off of him quickly, not wanting anyone to catch you like this.
"Could've been worse. Could've used the tadpoles to tell us," you said, pushing yourself up to your feet and holding a hand out for Astarion to take.
"He would have been met with some rather…" he paused to look you up and down with a grin, "interesting images then." He took hold of your hand as you helped him up and didn't let go for a little longer than normal. You shot him a playful glare, letting go of his hand as you began to collect up the loot that had fallen on the floor.
As you picked up the final spell scroll, you noticed a lack of coin pouch. With a frown you turned to Astarion to ask him if he had seen it. He held it in his hand, counting out coins in the other. That bastard.
"How did you…" You approached him slowly.
He paused in the counting and grinned. "You're easily distracted." 
"You know what? Take it. You deserve it at this point, with all the picking locks and distracting me," you said, waving him off. It was annoying but there wasn't much you could do at this point. You'd take the gems and hoped they would sell well. Once you had gathered everything up, you gave Astarion one last look. He held out the pouch for you. 
"Your cut."
"Thanks…?" You blinked, and when he didn't elaborate you took it from him slowly, waiting for there to be a hidden meaning behind it. Your fingers brushed against his as you pocketed the money quickly, ignoring the feeling of warmth in your chest at the touch. There was a moment where neither of you moved, unspoken words left lingering in the air as you thought through what to say. After everything that happened between you both you could never find the right words to speak after a moment like this. Instead, you gave him a nod and left the room, heading back downstairs to the others.
Camp was slowly being set up. Most people had their tents sorted and Gale was serving up food, explaining in depth to Wyll what he had done with the supplies that were given to him. You placed the loot on one of the granite benches for the others to sort through later, spotting Astarion joining the group when you turned back.
He gave you a soft smile, and you smiled back. 
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bowlofsoob · 10 months
yeonjun x gender neutral reader
ceo yeonjun x secretary reader drabble, he needs to marry due to his father’s wishes so he chooses the first person he sees, aka you
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“What do you mean I need to marry somebody?”
“Mister Yeonjun, I’m merely relaying the message your father sent me. He said you must marry someone to keep the company and produce an heir.”
Yeonjun drops his pen on the desk, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance. The young CEO just got here, and his father is already jumping down his throat with things to do. Shit, he learned all of his employee’s names only last week. And his father already wants him to knock up a girl? The fucking balls on the guy.
“Mister Yeon—“ his father’s representative begins.
“Just call me Yeonjun,”
“… Yeonjun, I’m sorry but this is non-negotiable.” his father’s messenger continues, nervously pushing his glasses up.
“I’m going to marry the next person that walks through my office doors. Woman or man. How does that sound,” Yeonjun concedes, lolling his head back to rest on top of his desk chair.
A sigh of relief escapes the man in front of Yeonjun. “Your father would prefer a woman but that’s fine by me, I can negotiate.”
As if on cue, you—his ever so sweet and ever so responsible—secretary swings the door open, two coffee cups in hand.
“Yeonjun, I have your—“ you stop in the doorway, eyes flickering back and forth between the young CEO and the business man standing in front of his desk. “Am I… interrupting something? I can come back.”
Yeonjun almost feels bad for how clueless you’re going to be when he drops this bomb on you. “Actually no, your timing is perfect. I have something to ask of you, Y/N.”
Suspiciously eyeing him, you take a few tentative steps forward and place the coffee on Yeonjun’s desk. “… Yes?”
“Well, Mx Y/N—“ the nervous businessman next to you begins.
“Ah, allow me, if that’s okay.” Yeonjun cuts the man off and he merely lets out a sigh of acknowledgment, scribbling things down on the notepad in front of him.
“If this is about making another powerpoint with everyone’s headshots and names, I already emailed it to you. You need to work on your memory, old man.” the playful smile on your lips from calling Yeonjun old even though he’s only a year older than you quickly disappears as you furrow your brows. What could you have possibly forgotten that he’d asked you to do? “And I set up your lunch with Soobin. Is there anything I’m missing?”
Yeonjun almost has to laugh at your innocent face, wholly unprepared for what’s to come.
“Y/N, let’s get married.”
“Excuse me?”
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b33zlebubz · 4 months
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CHAPTER SEVEN - dogfight
TAGS: gender neutral reader, angst, fluff, slow burn found family, PTSD, trauma bonding, kidnapping, reader is a foster kid in high school, family drama, blood, violence, guns
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"After your life falls apart at the seams very early on, you work hard to keep the small amount of peace you still have. Foster care is rough, work is draining, school is a drag...but you eventually find yourself in a good place. All of that quickly goes to waste, however, when your family's unfinished business finally finds its way back to you."
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Suddenly, everything is a blur of red lights and yelling and running.
Price ushers you to your room with a stern: "go go go."  You grab your pack and shove what you can into it as he guards the door, handgun firm in his grasp as he shouts orders to soldiers as they dart up and down the hallway grabbing gear.  Your heart pounds in your ears and you barely have time to zip up your rucksack before he's urging you out again.
Sandwiched between everyone with your head ducked down, you run.  Gunshots ring out over your head and under your feet, and you yelp whenever Ghost grabs your arm and yanks you away from a sniper hit just as you're leaving the building; urging you along.  Price is yelling.  Soap is yelling.  Nikolai is with your small group—sharp, Russian orders shouted over the loud buzzing of a helicopter as you're all but pushed inside.
It's off the ground the second your back hits the wall.  Suddenly, Price is in front of you again—but you can barely see him through the panic that floods your senses.
"Breathe.  Deep breaths, kid.  C'mon," he says as he coaxes a headset onto your head.  You try to help, but your hands are too shaky.  The others are yelling, and Ghost is leaning out of the side of the helicopter as it bobs and dips, returning Shadow Company fire with abandon.  The sound, as well as the raspiness of Price's voice, are both muffled by the earphones around your ears until Price's voice comes through on the comms.  "You're safe with us.  Y'hear me?"
You swallow the bile that threatens to rise in your throat, squeezing your eyes shut as you try to force your breathing to regulate.  You nod, but your hands squeeze at his sleeves anyway—knuckles white as you use his presence to ground yourself.
"Okay,"  you force out.  "Y-yeah.  I hear you."
"Good.  Keep breathin','' he looks over his shoulder to where Ghost, Soap, and Gaz are all fending off the others.  "Does anyone have a visual?"
"They've got their own helos after us, sir!"  Gaz shouts.  "Things might get ugly!"
"There's five of 'em!"  Soap clarifies, reloading his weapon.  His arm is bleeding, but he doesn't seem to notice.  "The cunt isn't fucking around this time!  It's either we go down, or they do!"
"Yeah, well, that's not fuckin' happening,"  Price all but growls, bracing you against him as the helocopter lurches to the side.  "Give 'em hell!"
"Yes, sir!"
You press yourself back against the wall, watching as everything goes to shit around you.  A line of fire dents the wall of the helo right by your head and you yelp.  "Price—"
As if on cue, there's an explosion. 
You're knocked sideways.  Your vision blanks whenever your head hits metal, a ringing in your ears exploding from your senses.  In a split second of quick thinking, your hand wraps around a metal railing as the helo tilts.  Curses and yells of surprise fill the small space as everyone scrambles to the side.
Except one.
He slips with a yell and you grab his wrist before he can slip out the side opening.  You watch boxes and supplies slide out and into the snow maybe twenty stories below as the Earth below you tilts and spins.   Shocked, he looks up to meet your gaze—your eyes meeting his with nothing but sheer panic as he lifts his other arm to grab your wrist in both hands, legs flailing. 
Nikolai is quick to right the helo again and you're launched back onto the floor at Soap's side.  Disoriented, you pant as your shaky arms pull yourself upright to meet Soap's gaze.  He's shocked, eyes wide as he blinks with you—as if he really didn't expect you to save him.
He nods his thanks before Price pulls you to your feet again.
"We lost Gaz!"  Nikolai's voice explodes over the comms.
"Fuck's sake!"
"We'll have to go back—"
"No time!"  Nikolai calls over his shoulder.  "You want to stay alive—no turning back.  Not now."
"Gaz,"  you huff, scrambling out of Price's hold.  "No—no we gotta go back!"
Price grabs you before you can get too close to the opening.  "There's no time, kid!"
"We can't leave him behind!"
"We have to!"
You shove yourself free just as there's a loud blast and the helo lurches again.  This time, you're too late to grab something.
There's yelling before there's silence.  A bright light and the feeling of something large knocking into you before there's nothing but blinding white and bright blue sky.  Your headset flies off your head, getting swept away in the wind as you watch the helo spin out of control from afar.
You're falling.
You're screaming, you think, but the ringing in your ears drowns out everything else.  Your body spins in the air as you flail and air rushes into your eyes and lungs.
The ground gets closer.
Then, your body breaks ice with a smash and everything is loud again.  The water roars as the breath is punched from your lungs.  You know you should move, flail, kick your legs—but your body doesn't respond.  You watch the bubbles fly past the dog tags around your neck as the light of the surface sinks past your fingers.  
Calm.  Quiet.  
Your body goes limp.  For the first time in weeks, the panic ebbs way to peace as the freezing cold numbs your senses. You think, maybe, you could sleep like this—silent, undisturbed, as your eyes sink shut and your nerves die.
Then, a hand grabs the front of your jacket, and you're yanked to the surface.
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Simon gasps when he breaches the ice with you in his arms.  Not that it supplies him with much air to begin with; as the sopping wet cloth of his mask seems to choke him with each breath.  Waterboarding, a torture he's grown very familiar with over the years—and it sends an extra surge of adrenaline through his veins that helps him drag you up and onto the ice before climbing up beside you.
He turns on his side and it feels like the world tilts with him as he sputters and coughs up water.  The ringing in his ears is bright and loud as it seems to leak into his vision, blurring everything into smudges of white and black that are nearly incomprehensible.  Be it blind panic, or just his natural instinct to get up, keep moving—drilled into his brain after years and years of experience—but he shoves himself to his knees anyway.
He hears what sounds like coughing, gagging.  Panting.  His eyes flit over just as the sharpness in his vision returns and you're the second thing he sees: on your hands and knees, curled in on yourself at his side as you spit bile, blood, and water onto the ice with an arm curled around your stomach.  It's then that everything rushes back to him.  The alarms, the gunfire, the helo, Price's shouting, the Shadow Company.
He reaches out with a hoarse and quiet: "Kid..."
Your breathing doesn't settle.  Instead, it seems to speed up as you scramble backwards and the ice cracks underneath you.  Your movements shake, arms and legs dumb, slow, and useless as you force them to move you backwards; away from him.  Blood coats your face and your eyes are bleary and unfocussed.  He recognizes the look you give him—one of panic, confusion.  It's identical to how you looked at him whenever you first met, with a dead man's blood splattered on your clothes.
"No,"  you mutter, your breath coming in fast puffs.  "No no no no."
Simon stumbles over, grabbing your shoulder, "Easy now—"
Startled, you kick him away.  "Get off me!"
"Keep your head on, kid, it's me!"
"Fuck off!"
In a split-second decision of disparity, Simon reaches up and yanks off his mask.  He grabs your shoulders, keeping you still as you freeze—the figure of your nightmares gone and replaced, instead, by something more human.  Something sopping wet and equally as freezing.  He watches the fear in your face give way to confusion, and then the confusion give way to shock.
"It's me,"  he huffs out between breaths, the cold air stinging his skin,  "It's me."
He watches your mis-matched pupils scan over his face, the furrow in your brows smoothing over as a rivulet of blood drips down your temple from the gash on your forehead.  There’s a split on your lip, too, and all the blood mixes together as it drips off your chin.  Simon can’t imagine he looks much better as you take in his facial features for the first time.
Then, he watches your eyelids flutter as your head lulls forwards, and he catches it in his hand.
“Don’t,”  he commands, immediately shifting into action again.  “Stay with me."
“How…”  You rasp as he turns, leaning you against his geared chest to free his hands—each breath fogging up into the freezing air as he keeps you in a sitting position.  He reaches for the comm on his shoulder.  With shaky hands, he switches through channels until he gets to one that's dead silent.  He swallows thickly before he speaks.
“Watcher, this is Bravo 0-7, do you copy?”
The radio sputters.  The only thing that greets him is the silence of the snow and your shaky breathing.  He tries again, more urgently.
“Ghost to Watcher.  We fell out the helo.  Kid’s injured bad do you copy?”
Again, silence.  Ghost hears your breathing hitch and he purses his lips together.  Just as dread begins to settle deep in Ghost’s stomach—a voice comes loud and clear through the speakers.
"Watcher to Ghost.  I hear you.  Any word on Price?"  
You let out a sigh of relief at the sound of Laswell's voice.  If Ghost didn’t have a probably-broken rib, he’d do the same.
"No,"  Ghost grunts.  "We fell in a lake.  Helo is nowhere in sight."
"Are you injured?"
Ghost tastes copper in his mouth when he breathes.  "I'm upright."
"And the kid?"
You go to speak,  "I'm fine—"
"Hit and in shock,"  Ghost interrupts.  "Probably concussed."
Then, Price's out-of-breath voice cuts through the comms.  There's shuffling and other voices in the background.  “Ghost, this is Price.  You’re safe?"
This time, Ghost does let out a breath.  “Yes, sir.”
“Good.  We’ve crashed but Laswell's sent a team out to grab us.  We’re coming back for you two, you hear me?”
You grab Ghost's arm, "But Gaz—"
“Loud and clear, sir.”  Ghost breathes, “loud and clear.”
“Good man.  Get to safety, stay warm.  We'll be there A.S.A.P."
"Solid copy."
And, with that, all was silent aside for the sound of you and Ghost's combined breathing.  He places a hand on your shoulder, easing you back to look up at him.  "You still with me?"
Your eyes squeeze shut.  You shake your head as if trying to shake something out of it, your countenance flushed and dazed from the freezing cold.  He rubs your shoulders, trying to restore some warmth to your body.
“Keep talkin’.  Tell me what hurts.”
“Can't…”  You swallow thickly.  Your hands fumble to grab at your leg.  “Fuck, c-can't think…I can’t…”
"You fell out of a helicopter, Mutt.  It would stand to reason if you were a bit shaken,”  he huffs, shifting into a kneeling position with his back to you.  “On my back.  We gotta keep moving.”
The shock fading a little from your system, you slowly push yourself upright enough to settle against his back.  
"Mutt?"  You question as your arms fall around his neck.  His gloved hands grab under your knees, keeping you secured to his back as he hypes himself up to stand.  
"That's what Soap called you, ain't it?"  He breathes as he stands.  "Some mutt the C.I.A. dragged in."
"Don't tell me…don't tell me that's what I'm stuck with now, after all this."
He scoffs a little, righting himself.  "What sticks, sticks, kid."
He barely takes a step forwards before his leg unexpectedly gives.  You gasp whenever he stumbles, falling to a knee in the snow.  
"Bloody hell…"
"Ghost?"  You prompt, worried, as he breathes in and out.  The world spins sound for a moment, and his eyes go dazed.  Your voice, however, pulls him out of it and your bloodied hand tugging at his ruined vest grounds him back to reality.  "Ghost if you're shot, we're fucked."
"I'm not hit,"  he wheezes, a bold-faced lie.  He's been hit in the calf in all the chaos, but it missed any major arteries so he chooses to ignore it for now.  Instead, he forces himself shakily back to his feet again.  He takes a few wobbly steps before he's walking steadily once more, his limbs feeling heavy as they waft through the freezing snow.  "Just old.  Can't take a fall like I used to."
You let out a breath that fogs up into the air, quivering from the cold as water drips from everything.
“Okay…okay, good,”  you breathe, your hold around him tightening.  “Where are we going?”
Simon looks up.  The cold bites at his bare face and he squints through the eye black and water that clings to his lashes to look up at the snow and the trees around them.  He swallows thickly, his mind cycling through S.E.A.R. training as he fights to stay focused, get to safety.
Safety.  Shelter.
You needed shelter.  
His gaze sweeps the empty forests with a newfound determination now that he has a goal to focus on; something to work towards.  His footsteps slow to a stop as he looks around, the only sound in the forest being the crunching of snow and the buzzing of a far-off A-10 that makes his stomach twist.  
But you were alive—and that’s all that mattered to him.
So, he picks up his pace.  He presses onwards.
“I don’t know,” He huffs.  “But we'll find somewhere."
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yanderes-galore · 5 months
Yandere light fury concept Please (httyd) darling could be also a light fury who never been to the hidden world or it could be Viking darling who tries to earn the injured dragon trust with fish 👀🥺
Light Fury has always had drama behind it, while I get it, I think they're a cool dragon type either way. I chose the Viking concept.
Yandere! Light Fury Concept
Pairing: Animal/Pet-Like
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Overprotective behavior, Blood/Injury mention, Violence, Jealousy, Kidnapping, Possessive behavior, Stalking, Forced companionship.
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I like the idea of you and the Light Fury mirroring Hiccup and Toothless in some capacity.
Except it wasn't you who shot the poor dragon out of the sky.
Such a thing was most likely done by Dragon Hunters.
It takes time to earn the Light Fury's trust.
This concept focuses on just a general Light Fury, they could be female or male, it's most likely not the mate of Toothless.
They're just yet another hunted dragon.
You find them on the beach trying to mend their own wound, blood seeping into the sand as you inch closer to see what's wrong.
They no doubt come off as hostile, blasting a plasma bolt nearly at your face at first.
You try your best to show your harmless.
No weapons... just bandages and a bucket of fish.
You don't want the dragon to go without treatment.
You start by tossing a fish towards them and keeping reasonable distance.
They're hesitant but hungry, standing up and gulping down the fish.
You toss another closer... they eat it.
The process continues until they're nearly in front of you.
Gently you reach your hand out.
They don't move much, hesitant smelling your hand before tilting their head.
Eventually, if you're patient, you can treat their wounds and rub their head.
You reassure the dragon you mean no harm as you stop their bleeding and close their wound with the supplies you have.
By the time you're done you pass the dragon another fish before departing.
Ever since then the Light Fury has been intrigued by you.
They watch you closely when you leave... soon flying off afterwards.
That isn't the last time you see the elusive dragon.
You swear you're being watched as you roam the beaches or go about your daily life.
Blue eyes stare curiously at you from cover.
Light Furies are known for stealth.
As a result the dragon stalks you carefully.
They're curious and somewhat indebted to you for treating them.
Yet they are too frightened to approach you again...
At least until you're alone.
When you show vulnerability the Light Fury approaches.
It's slow, the feline-like dragon carefully stalking towards you.
Having dealt with the dragon before you stay still and let them approach you.
Only for them to rub against you with a playful coo.
When a Light Fury trusts someone that bond is nearly unbreakable just like the Night Fury.
As if to thank you they rub against you, growling lowly in a purr before licking you.
It's cute, honestly...
You're happy you saved them.
Since then you end up having a bond with the Light Fury.
To you it feels more like you visit the dragon once in awhile.
But the Light Fury doesn't leave you ever.
They always have their eyes on you, ready to protect you when they can.
When you're alone they provide you company, laying on top of you like a big cat.
They grow to love and enjoy you.
So much to the point they'll do anything to protect you.
Imagine what happens when Dragon Hunters come back to raid.
While you fear for you life the Light Fury quickly steps in.
In a flash of light they have you on their back before flying off quickly.
They don't care about the other humans...
They care about you.
You saved their life, they'll save you.
The Light Fury may drag you back to The Hidden World or some other territory Light Furies gather at.
They then drop you on the sand/grass, cooing before nuzzling into you.
They check you for injuries carefully, rolling you over playfully as they look and smell for blood.
When they see nothing the drag you somewhere safe, like a nest.
You appreciate the rescue... but you worry of what became of your village.
The Light Fury seems disinterested at the thought of sending you back, they still have the scar from their first attack.
As a result the dragon most likely isn't sending you home.
Why should they?
Can't you see your home was dangerous?
Here... with them... you'll be safe.
There's no use trying to get home, humans can't fly.
The Light Fury simply cares for you in return for you saving its life.
They lick you softly and curl around you to sleep.
They're returning the favor you did for them...
They'll never let you out of their sight.
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beneathashadytree · 3 months
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Warnings : mentions of injuries and anesthesia, reader is gender-neutral!
Genre : sickening fluff <33
Word count : 1.2K words
Additional notes : This had been sitting in my drafts for a while now, and now it’s finally here!! Given how Xavier selectively chooses his missions and work, it makes sense that he’d feel more like a househusband than anything😭💗
Tip jar!
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With dragging feet and a very noticeable limp, it took all they had to not just completely pass out halfway on the way home—still, they had to hold on. Just a few more minutes. They could handle that. Dr. Zayne had managed to patch them up well enough for them to stay conscious until they ended up on their doorstep.
Finally standing in front of their apartment, they lifted an aching arm to knock on the door—only to stumble forward as it swung open, their boyfriend’s face poking out from behind it. Already before they could speak, a small frown had formed on his face. “The hospital called just now. I didn’t know it was this bad.”
Xavier pushed the door open fully, reaching out for them with open arms that they—all too happily—slumped into. He could carry 10 times their weight if need be; they didn’t worry about him struggling to carry them inside in the least. “Thanks,” they mumbled against the wool of his sweater. Almost reflexively, they melted into his hold as they inhaled the scent of him clinging to the soft fabric: cinnamon, vanilla, and sunshine.
“Are you okay? In pain?” he worriedly asked as he heaved most of their weight and began to guide them to their bedroom.
At that, they snorted. “They gave me enough anesthesia to knock out a mule. I’m just trying to avoid putting pressure on the wounds, since I won’t be able to feel just how bad they are—“
“Until it wears off.” He nods in understanding, having been in their place more times than he could count. One hand left their back to push their bedroom door open and switch on the lights. “Then it’ll all hit you like a freight train.”
“Put nicely, yes. I would’ve said “hurt like a bitch,” personally.” A look of amusement danced on his face as he huffed out a laugh at that, kicking a few slippers out of the way so he could lean over the side of their bed. He lowered them to the bed as gently as possible, and they groaned out as their body sunk into mattress. “This feels like heaven now. Could you—?”
Before they could finish their request, Xavier had already nudged their fluffiest pillow underneath their head with one hand, while the other was pulling up their softest blanket up to their neck. “You’ll want to nap, of course,” he quietly said, brushing back a few sweat-slicked strands of hair away from their face and settling into his spot beside them on the bed.
“Just for a little. Mission was exhausting.” Sighing, they closed their eyes for a few moments, as though collecting their myriad of tangled thoughts regarding it, before blinking back up at him with a tired gaze. “Keep me company until I fall asleep?”
“Of course,” he quickly replied, crystalline eyes shining with the sort of fondness only they could alight within him. “Wanna tell me about your day?”
They shook their head, an apologetic half-smile on their lips. “It was shit. Nothing much to say about that. I’d rather hear about yours, though.”
A barely-there squeeze to their hand reminded them that it was fine. He’d always indulge them, after all, and if that entailed him talking about his certainly-in-comparison-boring day, he’d oblige.
And really, he’d once told them—in that solemn manner of his—that if they asked him to serve his heart on a silver platter, he’d gladly carve it out of his chest and welcome the gaping hollowness. How else would he carry it to them, still beating and yearning for them? Maybe when it fluttered in their palms it’ll bridge the chasm of space and time that he sometimes felt between them.
“I woke up at two, I think.” He looked a little embarrassed as he confessed, though it was nothing that surprised them. “I didn’t want to… ah, have another accident, so I stuck to ordering lunch for us both.” His spine straightened, as his eyes lit up in remembrance. “Oh, I got you salmon and potatoes. Is that ok?”
This time when they smiled, it almost seemed lovesick—or maybe they were growing drowsier by the second. “More than ok. How’d you know that I was craving it?”
“You tend to have eating patterns,” was all Xavier said, as though that were explanation enough. Maybe that truly were the case, or maybe the feeling of his knuckle brushing against their cheek was too soothing for them to question it. “It wasn’t too hard to notice.”
“Mmm. What else?”
Voice little more than a whisper now, they seemed to burrow into the covers even more. Just a few tufts of hair showed from the edge of the blanket, and Xavier had to resort to stroking the top of their hair now as he went on. “You probably didn’t get to notice it when we walked in, but I cleaned the entire house. Top to bottom, and I didn’t even have to pull out the vacuum.”
“Sounds like you’ve earned yourself some praise,” they slurred out, their chuckle sounding like it was distorted underwater, though it was only the effect of being filtered through sleepiness.
He hummed, a mischievous glint to his eyes. “Not to be too greedy, but I believe I do. Unless you happen to have any complaints about my cleaning skills?”
“I’ll be… the judge of… that.” To hear the last sentence, he had to really strain his ears, but it was all worth it.
When will the novelty wear off? When will he stop clinging to every single utterance of theirs; every soft sound and breath that escaped their lips? He feared he’d spend his entire lifetime clutching at every one and stowing it deep between his ribs. That greedy feeling of wanting to keep every fragile part of them to himself never went away, it seemed. And he supposed it never would.
“I guess I’ll have to aim for a 5-star review, then.” No response; just the sound of their even, deep breathing, and the shift of the Hunter’s outfit they still hadn’t taken off with every exhale. Xavier’s hand stilled its ministrations, and he carefully untangled it from their hair to set back in his lap.
For a few moments all he did was simply take the sight of them in. Soot-covered attire and perspiration-dotted face and all, he still thought they were the most beautiful thing he’d ever laid eyes on. Perhaps, they were even more striking in his opinion when they were so battle-weary.
Still, it can’t have been too comfortable, and he knew that the first thing they’d want to do after waking up—aside from taking pain medication, since the effects of the anesthesia would’ve long worn off by then—would be to shower. With an impossibly softened gaze, he leaned down to leave a fleeting kiss against their forehead, one that somehow still left his heart stuttering in his chest as they hummed and smiled in their sleep. Falling back to their side, he curled his warm palm around their hand that lied on the pillow, his mellow voice carrying his love in a whisper and on his frayed sleeves.
“Sweet dreams.”
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levithestripper · 1 year
romantic headcanons with peeta mellark
warnings: fluff, gender-neutral reader.
length: 1k || read on ao3 || join my taglist
notes: rewatched the movies again and you can guess what happened from there.
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peeta with a crush is singlehandedly the cutest thing you’ve had the privilege of witnessing. he’s super awkward around you, practically tripping over his own feet before he discovers his confidence.
his favorite date activity is picnics! he enjoys sitting under a shady tree and watching the clouds roll by, soaking up the sun’s rays with you by his side. more often than not, he’ll fall asleep there too. hands behind his head, one knee in the air, chest slowly rising up and down.
peeta is the biggest cuddler you’ll ever meet, hands down. sitting together? he has an arm around your waist and his head on your shoulder. sitting across from each other at a table? you can feel his knee pressed against yours. walking together? he laces his fingers with yours every chance he gets.
you’ll find yourself with more forehead kisses than you know what to do with. not that you’re complaining.
he teaches you how to dance! when peeta was little, his mother would put on a record and dance with him in the living room. there weren’t many records—or record players—left in district twelve, so his mother took great care of her small collection. his favorite was a love song by elvis presley. he nor his mother knew anything about the artist, but it didn’t stop them from getting lost in the singer’s words. years later, peeta plays that same song when teaching you how to dance. listening to the lyrics now, with you in front of him, peeta finally understands what elvis had been telling him all this time. he really can’t help but fall in love with you.
this boy is the biggest sap in the entirety of panem. he handmakes you cards, drawing cute doodles around the words he writes. sometimes you swear he’s making up new ‘holidays’ just as an excuse to make you a card. he looks so cute when he says, ‘did you know today is hug your partner day? the capitol declared it a national holiday!’ so you can’t help but go along with it.
not only does he create new holidays, but he also says random days are ‘national [blank] day.’ in the mellark household, mondays are ‘national breakfast in bed day,’ wednesdays are ‘national sleep past noon day,’ thursdays are ‘national kisses day,’ and sundays are ‘national candlelight dinner day.’ you’ll never admit it, but secretly, you love it when he uses excuses like ‘national kisses day’ to kiss you more than he already does. you tease him about it all the time, but it only backfires, as peeta gives it right back.
it doesn’t matter how long the two of you have been dating, peeta will still flirt with you like it’s the first time he’s laid eyes on you. he’ll lean against the closest piece of furniture, chin resting in the palm of his hand, proceeding to use only the cheesiest pick-up lines he could think of. you play along, of course, something you’re more than happy to do. the game ends when peeta asks you out on a ‘first date,’ and he cheers when you say yes.
you can always tell when peeta wakes up from a nightmare. he presses himself into your side, his head on your chest or pressed into the crook of your neck.
peeta will hurl compliments at you all day, but the minute you give it back to him, his face lights up like a strawberry. at the start of the relationship, he had a tough time accepting praise, regardless of what he did to receive it. he’d always subtly deflect it somehow, saying it was ‘no big deal, really!’ or ‘don’t mention it, anyone would’ve done the same.’ with your help—and a never-ending wave of admiration—peeta slowly grew more comfortable accepting the accolades he deserves.
if it wasn’t obvious, he loves all things domestic. something he loves about it is when he has together-alone time with you. each doing your own thing in the same room, silently keeping the other company while they work.
i’ve said this before, but peeta has multiple sketchbooks filled with drawings and half-finished sketches of you. peeta never tells you when he’s sketching you, claiming he prefers a ‘candid, more natural’ look to his portraits. once he fills a sketchbook, you’ll cuddle up next to him as he eagerly shows you everything he’s completed.
peeta’s love language is physical touch, acts of service, and gift-giving! (if that wasn’t obvious enough already). you almost regret telling him your favorite dessert/meal because peeta ensures you’ll never go without it, cooking/baking whatever it is whenever you mention you have a taste for it. you can’t help but love it and him.
as for physical touch, if it wasn’t clear before, peeta’s a top-rate cuddle partner. but his love for closeness manifests itself in different ways, too. back rubs, for one, are a prime example. he starts at the base of your neck, having just finished running his hands through your hair. from there, he rubs down the ridge of your spine, his thick, calloused fingers hitting the best spots every time. it never fails to turn you into a pile of mush, something peeta is (not so secretly) proud of.
with gift-giving, don’t always expect these extravagant, over-the-top presents that cost more than either of you make in a year. if he knows there is something expensive you’ve been yearning for, he’ll save up some cash to surprise you with it. typically, you’re gifted things like a bouquet of flowers, a new book, or something interesting/unique he found at the hob. you’ve slowly begun to fill a shoebox worth of stuff he’s given you over the years.
after you get out of the shower, under the guise of ‘helping you dry your hair,’ he’ll brush through it, detangling any knots still present. to be completely honest, peeta was playing with your hair more than actually drying it. you’re not in any place to complain; you do the same thing to peeta after his showers.
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