#Rainbow Rice Cake
respectthepetty · 2 years
When you're the new employee, and you are trying not to out yourself to your boss.
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Then someone from your past shows up, and you have to play the pronoun game.
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Because you definitely had a crush on that person when you were an undergrad.
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That's what being an adult is like, on repeat.
I feel seen.
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clnclm · 10 months
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heartnosekid · 1 year
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unicorn cheesecake with rice krispie crust | source
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fullcravings · 1 year
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V/GF Vanilla Funfetti Cake
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sew-much-to-do · 1 year
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DIY Bánh Bò Hấp (Vietnamese Steamed Rice Cake)
This banh bo hap recipe creates the most adorable pastel steamed rice cakes that have a stunning honeycomb, spongy texture, and rich coconut flavor. Take one bite into these nostalgic little Vietnamese steamed rice cakes and you’ll be instantly greeted with airy, and chewy coconut goodness.
sew-much-to-do: a visual collection of sewing tutorials/patterns, knitting, diy, crafts, recipes, etc.
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hivernal-stims · 6 months
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chicademartinica · 1 year
The Eighth Sense is going rough and tough on The draft, binge drinking, fat phobia, homophobia, sexism, beauty culture, mental illness and class differences. And Jae Won is not light-skinned. Y’all need a RAINBOW RICE CAKE CLUB !Is it still Hallyu if it’s emptying the clip like that ?!!
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bl-bam-beyond · 2 years
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Well first I can not be happier to be wrong. No homophobia plagued this series.
Wu Seung Hyun (MOON JI YONG) failed at a part of the interview process and sent poor Kim Jong Chan (KWON HYUK) into a tailspin. He was so devastated.
So much so he went to the CEO and ultimately resigned and began his own company with his boyfriend being the first employee.
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None of that handshake...this work environment is going to be Hella friendly. After this the two exchanged I LOVE YOU.
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Also joining JS Communications Planning is Seung Hyun's friends. Bye RAINBOW RICE CAKES. This was excellence.
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A rainbow flag/symbolism in my KBL!
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aliceisathome · 2 years
The New Employee continues to be absolutely delightful - and proper kissing in ep. 3mfollwed by a night together in Ep 4. How very daring - Strongberry must be rubbing off on them. Grown up, working gay men navigating a new relationship and complicated by working together, the status difference and a toxic working environment (the marketing team can just get in the bin). Plus supportive female friends as opposed to femme fatales - most excellent.*
I love the tippy toes kiss. And when Jong Chan said he felt the same way on their date I think Seung Hyeon showed great restraint by not just grabbing him right there and then. Just me screaming 'YES - DO SOMETHING FUNNY!!!' then?
The manwha bits are great as well
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*obviously they have to get together right?
Go Korea!
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aideshou · 5 months
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The cherry blossoms were beautiful but fleeting - how typical! - and the surprise double rainbow tried to outdo the dark gloomy sides of whatever else went wrong today.
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aliidarling · 2 months
yandere!gojo with civilian reader
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GOJO SATORU x fem!reader
— dark content / lil oneshot kinda blurb
summary; gojo is interested in you, a broke college student! aren’t you just the luckiest!… right?
warnings; gojo, no nsfw but gojos creepiness makes up for it, yandere, stalking and creepy gojo.., mentions of blood, cursed spirits, gojo being an asshole, no beta we die like satosugo, this isn’t too dark ngl
this is just a small thing i thought of, it’s very random and definitely not finished LMAO
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let’s say your a civilian in tokyo. you’re halfway done with college and you work half time at the local bakery, always stuffing your face in pastries or books. not one moment of your life is eventful or ‘exciting’— it’s quiet, calm and mostly, peaceful. you wouldn’t have it any other day.
until one day a tall pale man with an odd hair color waltz into your bakery. he has snow-white locks and wears black sunglasses, the lenses completely hiding away his eyes for some reason. you found it odd at first but you’ve learnt over the years to not butt your nose in other peoples lives.
he’s absolutely gorgeous, sadly. tall, a lean build under his light blue blouse, with a cocky smile on his perfect pink lips. he was something straight out of a fairy tale. too bad you would never be the princess in one of those tales, instead the background character you’d walk pass and never think about again.
you greet him with your famous smile, your apron covered in flour with your lashes fluttering at him so sweetly he can feel his heart skipping a few beats. he had never seen someone so gorgeous, so pretty and cute. you had the cutest round cheeks with a natural pink tint, perfect hair with perfect eyes and perfect body and perfect everything—
“can i get a mochi filled rice cake with rainbow sprinkles? and a caramel frappe with extra whipped cream and caramel— ooh! and id love some strawberry pudding too, sweetheart.” he giggles.
your slightlyyyy taken off guard by his sugary appetite, but hey, at least he wasn’t an alcoholic or one of those ‘black coffee’ freaks. you smile and type his order in, your tongue sticking out slightly in concentration.
“that will be twenty six dollars and thirty nine cents, sir.” you smile politely, trying your best not to check this absolutely gorgeous stud out.
he grins, fiddling with his wallet. he makes sure to flash the wallet at you subtly, wanting to impress you. you spit the glimpse of something gold glinting in his hands and quickly sneak a side eye, the expensive brand name immediately making you flinch. rich people scare you.
“take the change.” he winks, handing you exactly twenty seven dollars. oh wow. sixty one cents tip. how kind.
“thank you, sir.” you nod in gratitude and stuff the money in the cashier, ringing up his order. your fingers quickly type in his order and print out the receipt, handing it to him. his clean nails and slender fingers catch you off guard as they brush against your fingers, obviously on purpose if you take a small look at the glint of smugness in his blue eyes(if he wasn’t wearing those stupid sunglasses.)
you don’t see him for a little bit after that. he’s completely disappears and you eventually forget about him, forget the fact he even exist. he was just another civilian after all.
but then one day on the way home you’re challenged with a threat to your life. it was a peaceful day so far, only three classes with the entirety of your evening spent in your bakery, cooking and baking and socializing with others as little as possible. you accidentally pricked your finger with a knife at one point which led to a small bandage wrapped around your index fingers, right under your gel-covered nails of your favorite shade.
a cursed spirit near by is strolling past with its jaw open, drooling at the scent of yummy cinnamon rolls and chocolate chips. you smelt so good, like a bakery, so tasty. it smelt something stronger in you as well; a familiar coming that belonged to the strongest. it wants a piece. it wants you.
it doesn’t take long to catch up with you, grabbing you from the back and sending you stumbling. you gasp as your thrown onto the hard concrete before you, blinking stupidly at the lack of people around you. what just happened? you scurry onto your feet, patting down your knees that were slightly bruised now, a frown on your quivering lips. no way a gust of wind had made you collapse so abruptly. it felt like someone had shoved you with full force.
a shaky sigh leaves your lips and you decide to move on with your night. you want to go home, after all. today was going to be movie night with you and your roommate. only ten more minutes till you reached the comforting presence of your apartment, you could do this.
you start walking back in the direction of your destination when you’re met face to face with the most disgusting thing you’ve ever encountered. no way it’s human, not with gouging eyes and melting skin, the distasteful scent of death attached to it. the aura around you became dark immediately, as if the entire street had faded into a dark abyss.
was this really how you were gonna die?
suddenly, the disgusting piece of crap literally explodes on you, covering you in purple blood. you immediately feel your lunch come up your throat, a shocked sob coming out of your throat as your knees buckle. you stumble back in shock, not sure on what the hell happened, before you feel your back collide with a firm chest.
you shriek and turn around quickly, blinking quickly and holding your backpack for dear life, phone to your chest. you’re covered in the purple blood and maybe a little bit of your own vomit, a completely distraught and terrified expression on your face.
and now the cocky bastard from a few days ago stands in front of you with his infamous cocky grin, holding up your keys with his finger, dangling it in front of your face tauntingly.
“you dropped this, honey!” he chirps, humming as he opens your backpack and stuffs your keys inside it obnoxiously, smiling down at you. he zips up your backpack and gives you a little pat on the head, cooing down at you like you were the most adorable little thing he had ever come across. you were. he wanted to grab you and kidnap you, keep you all to himself. his little secret.
“did you see that? the thing? it exploded— it’s all over me, i can’t— i can’t breathe, it’s so strong, the scent,” you ramble dumbly. you’re too sweet, he thinks. you have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into. you’re freaking out, your breath heavy as you hyperventilate. he gently shushes you, bringing his hand over your sticky hair and gently petting you.
“are you okay? you sound crazy, no offense.” he chuckles lightly, taking your hand in his. he’s very touchy for a man you’ve only met twice.
“let me walk you home, okay? we can’t have anything happening to a sweet little thing like you.” he soothes you. his charming tone and award-winning smile wins you over, sadly. you’re led home by him, trembling still. you don’t even realize the fact he knew your address without asking you for it.
he let you off that night with a simple kiss on the forehead. he came into your life like it was nothing, out of nowhere, seconds after you almost died— only to disappear once again like he never existed. you couldn’t process what was going on, what that disgusting animal was, what happened and how it exploded, and how he was there in the dark alley way.
all those thoughts clouded your brain, distracting you from reality. you couldn’t focus on your work, couldn’t focus at school, you accidentally spilled flour while you baked or tipped over a customers drink. your fingers couldn’t stop trembling whenever you’d look up and you’d see one of those disgusting animals on the ceiling of your bakery. sitting there. waiting.
they were everywhere. you’d go on the street and you’d see almost a dozen of them as you tried to walk home. there were some even clinging onto people, some stalking and others making their moves. you didn’t know what to do. what were these things? why were you the only one who could see them? were you cursed? damned?
meanwhile, satoru was having the time of his life. stalking you from the shadows, coming to your cafe every other day to ask for the same sugarized order, a big silly grin on his face. he made sure to play with your feelings. he thought this was so much fun.
“wait— before you go,” you suddenly spoke up one afternoon, stopping him right when he was about to walk out. a knowing smile tugs at his lips as he turns back to you, leaning against the counter.
“hmmm? what is it?”
you fiddle with your fingers for a moment, glancing anxiously around the shop and noticing how all the disgusting animals had suddenly disappeared. this happened every time he would walk in, the animals would scurry off in fear leaving just the two of you. it eased your worry but made you question as well.
“the other week.” you start hesitantly, leaning closer. “the alley way.. did you.. are you sure you didn’t see anything? there was someone— something!” you plead, a ting of desperation in your voice. of course you were desperate, you thought you were going insane.
“i’m sorry, but i don’t know what you’re talking about.” he coos sweetly, sipping his caramel frappe. the loud slurping fills the silence between the two of you. a few more weeks of this madness surrounding you and you’d have the courage to jump over the counter and pounce on him.
“..okay. have a good way, sir.” you mumble, sulking in defeat.
“satoru.” he corrects.
you blink in surprise. you peek up at him as he casually leaves the store, leaving you standing there in silence. soon enough, the dark animals come back and surround you, staring at you. doing nothing else but gaze.
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aster-pkmn-irl-real · 4 months
café remix themed ask game just dropped baybee!!!!
Eevee Latte: How do you take your coffee?
Lilligant Floral Tea: What's your favorite type of berry?
Nutty Buneary Frappe: How long did it take you to befriend your first Pokemon?
Hot Litwick Cocoa: What's the spookiest ghost story you can think of?
Poppin' Pachirisu Float: How are your swimming skills?
Miltank Mix au Lait: Have you ever been to a farm? What's your favorite farm Pokemon?
Bouncy Brionne Soda: What do you like to do at the beach?
Teddiursa Iced Coffee: What's your favorite thing to do in the winter?
Roasted Furret Latte: What's your favorite thing to do in the summer?
Gratin a la Pumpkaboo: What's something that scares you?
Piquant Pikachu Curry: What's your favorite gigantamax Pokemon?
Glossifleur Combo Plate: Is there anybody in your life who you disliked at first, but are close with now?
Happy Snorlax Loco Moco: How much sleep do you get on average?
Torchic Rice over Omelet: What do you usually eat for breakfast?
Cheesy Whimsicott Meatloaf: How much have you changed over the past 10 years?
Playful Pancham Fried Rice: What was your favorite game as a kid?
Dugtrio Sandwich Trio: If you had to give up all of your belongings but could pick three things to keep, what would they be?
Yummy Yamper Pasta: Lights, camera, action! How are you in front of a camera? Do you like the spotlight or do you prefer to be backstage?
Cheesy Rowlet Pizza: What's somewhere you'd like to go for a vacation? What would you do there?
Rainbow Oricorio Popcorn: What's your favorite movie? What about your least favorite?
Eiscue Caprese Salad: Did you eat your vegetables as a kid? What about now?
Chikorita Bruschetta: Tell us about a legend/myth from your home region!
Sneasel Burger with Pickles: Do you have a friend you would do anything for, no questions asked? What about a friend who would do anything for you?
Comfey Fruity Sandwich: Have you ever been to the hospital? What was the reason for your last hospital stay?
Fluffy Eevee Pancakes: How tall are you? Do you wish your height was different?
Combee Waffles with Honey: Do you like bug-types? Do you have a favorite bug?
Swablu Shaved Ice: What are your favorite weather patterns?
Burnt Caramel Vulpix Sundae: What's your favorite regional variant Pokemon? Is there a Pokemon that you like the 'regular' form of over it's regional variant?
Decorated Alcremie Cupcakes: How is your room/home decorated?
Ribombee Chocolate Cake: What's something you want or want to do for your next birthday?
Pikachu Fruit Flan: What's something really popular that you're not the biggest fan of?
Scorbunny Berry Sandwich: Do you have a favorite sport? Do you watch any sports on TV or in person?
Sylveon Custard Slice: @ another user you appreciate and tell them why!
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shougojo · 6 months
what do your moots remind you of?
tysm for turning this in nonnie, i was really exited to try this <3 & the fact i thought i had NO MOOTS when i literally have like 33 💀
@wvnrqs — ribbons & bows, old newspapers, pretty swans, tulips, bubbles during a summer day, vintage books
@ode2rin — cats, plushies, desserts, pillow sheets, clouds during a sunset, slice of life vlogs
@yuzurins — chirping birds in pretty meadows, bubble tea, spring mornings, green tea, flowers, plants
@okkalo — golden coins, rainbows, duckies, cardigans, soft breeze at night, lakes, cherries
@noomon — the sun, diaries, simple yet beautiful things, love letters, projectors, mini fireworks
@yoisami — serenity, raindrops falling down a window, youth, modeling posters, strawberries, bunnies
@mikareo — twinkling stars, lattes, romance k dramas, museum of arts, recording studios, eclipse
@rinzsu — instagram posts, cookies, snowman, masquerade balls, photo albums, the beach
@hanrinz — stars, k-pop concerts, snowflakes, headphones, mini skirts, candles on a rainy day
@rosequarzo — japanese folktale, lucky money, headphones, fantasize by ariana grande, toast, waking up at 2am for a snack
@adoregojo — modern universities, polaroids, black & white manga, hairclips, milk tea, bonnets
@riekiss — winter wonderland, snow angels, jewelry, dolphins bumping noses, mini skirts, slowly plucking petals off a flower
@popponn — frogs ofc, matcha, perfectly healthy & straight grass, keroppi, bootcut jeans, chanel soap
@rewh0re — autumn leaves, wooden instruments, music notes, greek & rome mythology, poetry, sacred monuments
@y2kuromi — sand castles, colorful ice cream flavors, perfect pair by beabadoobee, staying up to talk with friends until 1am, pretty seashells, butterflies
@pokkomi — glitter & sparkles, staring at clouds, fantasy genre, cargos, hello kitty, angels
@yunymphs — models, laufey, coquette aesthetic, anything gucci, attractive girls, money
@520cafe — sparrows, cats chasing after yarn strings, thirsty by aespa, picture frames, rice with soy sauce, playlists
@etoiile — lipstick, fashion, staring at the starry night sky, french cookies, milk, daisies
@moonswolfie — coffee, studying with a candlelight during a rainy day, scarves, autumn breeze, biscuits, puppies
@kyoghurts — saturn, friendly aliens, lipstick stains on a white shirt, peach eyes by wave to earth, carp streamers, chalk
@kxttqi — lilies, sunrise & sunsets, lion cubs, melting candles, strawberries, pretty instagram posts
@kaiser1ns — book shelves, j-pop, cheesecake, birthday streamers, lucky money, tigers
@rninies — aventurine, unforgiven by le sserefim, pochacco, mangoes, flip phones, figurine boxes
@iluvies — kaomoji, koi ponds, expensive restaurants, red velvet cake, pottery, bunnies that have their nose scrunched up
@lovedazai — sweet bananas, lily of the valley, bouquet of roses, the smell when you walk into a bakery, prom nights, fairytales
@scopuo — jjk theme song, video games, dvds, tote bags, japanese apartments, thrift stores
@culturity — watching edits at 3am, stargirl, cleared remix by lilithzplug, nokia phone, laces, ramen
@myuroll — my melody, rubber duckies, alice from wonderland, koi fishes, cake rolls, the feeling when when someone gives you a compliment
@noirflms — flower petals, cherry blossoms, coquette clothing, hoodies, pinterest whispers, apocalypse by cigs after sex
@wishmemel — wish me mell, chocolate covered strawberries, the moon, pretty nails, new york at night, mcdonald’s chicken nuggets
@saelique — ocean waves, san-x, doves, kindergarteners (bc ur cute & fun ^^), friends to lovers trope, headphones, staying in bed for 5 more minutes b4 school
@yeritos — pudding, iced coffee, pearl necklaces, mesmerizing color palettes, skipping rocks, mary jane shoes, lamp
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absolutebl · 1 year
Leaving GMMTV aside, what were youre favorite shows this year so far? I'll have more free time coming up and im way behind and out of the loop, so some recs would be appriacted, wise sage. Especially for those shows that didnt get the attention they deserved in your opinion! Thanks a lot!
Top 10 BLs of 2023 So Far
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Our Dating Sim
(Korea) 10/10 Viki
If you haven't watched this, it's a must. I actually handed out a 10/10. I NEVER do that. It's a perfect short form KBL, an office set reunion romance featuring geeks that really suits 8 eps with no fluff and no chaff. Just comforting and yummy. I adored every aspect from the casting to the pristinely simple premise to the quietly smooth execution. Sure it’s low stakes, but that makes it high domesticity and extremely warm and gentle. This is a fuzzy blanket of a story - a cozy BL. It lives in my rewatch pile and you know what’s best about it? Every single episode is in that pile. There’s no skipping with this one, it might be good natured and calmly sweet but it’s tight and the pacing is excellent. Full review here.
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My School President
(Thai) 9/10 YouTube
GMMTV gave us a classic high school set Thai BL with tropes like messy boys singing their feelings that made this one Love Sick for the modern age with all the gentle sweetness and pining ache, but none of the dated damaging tropes or issues. Yes, we’ve seen it all before, but I still ADORED this. And there is a lot to be said for the classics being re-executed perfectly. Who let my BL be this wholesome and funny? This show was fantastic, it’s only flaw was the singing (and that’s my baggage). My favourite GMMTV BL offering to date. And yes, I've watched them ALL.
(you said no GMMTV but I have to include it)
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The Eighth Sense
(Korea) 9/10 Viki
One of the longest BLs Korea has given us and (like Blueming) it feels more atmospheric gay coming of age romance than strictly BL. It’s got a bit of an age gap, country boy/city boy, stellar acting, complex characters, and leads with great chemistry and tension. It’s a bit chewy and sticky and less perfect than most KBLs (do I detect a touch of Taiwan?) This one deployed BL tropes (messy eater, shoulder sleep, protective seme, there’s even some hyung-slinging) but front loaded them with painful backstory and tons angst drives the 2nd half. This isn’t in the KBL bubble, there’s sharp edges and lots of triggers. For a BL the darkness of the content left me feeling unsettled (which is the only reason it didn't get a perfect score) but it does have a glorious ending and that counts for a lot.
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The New Employee
(Korea) 9/10 Viki
So good, SO QUEER, so soft, a near pitch perfect office BL with conflict derived from that setting. Also found family and a lesbian bestie. Sweet & innocent (and out) Seung Hyun scores the office internship of his dreams. On his first day at work he gets into it with his cool reserved (and also v gay) boss. As you do. Frankly? This is what I wanted from this new crop of office set KBLs ALL ALONG. Rainbow rice cakes forever! Directed by queer activist Kim Jho Gwang Soo (Just Friends?) partly set in the same neighbourhood as the To My Star house. Gotta love WATCHA (Semantic Error, Light on Me).
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Unintentional Love Story
(Korea) 9/10 iQIYI
A boy who just lost his job due to faked corruption charges accidentally discovers his ex-boss's favorite artist, now a recluse. Evil manager offers him his job back if he can convince the artist to rejoin society. Instead, they fall in love. I found the artist a bit stiff and reserved but Gongchan (maknae of B1A4) is a fucking GIFT - he carried this show (which I do not expect from the idol element). He was luminous with extraordinarily expressive eyes, just drown in the emoting abyss. The external conflict, social tension and pressure is complex and beautifully executed, plus Korea gave us legit side dishes (NOT a love triangle, hally-fucking-luya). I’m not sure on rewatchability, and it didn’t whip me into a verbal frenzy the way some KBLs do, but it still gets a solid 9/10 for those damn eyes alone.
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Destiny Seeker
(Thai) 8/10 grey
A darn near perfect pulp featuring 3 likeable tsundere/sunshine pairings with uncomplicated iterations of enemies to lovers. At least one half of each does a decent amount of pining and there’s good chemistry, classic tropes, and communication rep. It’s fun and full of linguistic jokes. Sublimely cheesy but a good rainy day offering with tons of rewatch potential. Full review here.
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Make a Wish
(Thai) 8/10
PNR (from Sammon - Manner of Death & Triage) about a doctor who can see the dead and strikes a bargain with a wish-granting irreverent tree angel - naturally they fall in love. Stars Fluke Natouch opposite not-Ohm, but who cares bc Fluke has chemistry with everybody. Once again the Thai afterlife is incredibly bureaucratic but I enjoyed the premise and the unfolding of the story (it’s not predictable but v. satisfying and with nice little twist). I like that the doctor is just gay af, fag hag bestie and everything. The cast is excellent but the comedic stylings are too overblown and tonally off. It had sad parts and did make me cry but is ultimately happy with a great sex scene, good smiley kisses, and all the agency.
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All the Liquors
(Korea) 8/10 Viki & Gaga
A pretty classic foodie set KBL that managed to distinguish itself from others in this category by having a particularly satisfying final episode centered around found family. Sunshine sweetie soju rep gets involved with a shy introvert chef who doesn’t drink. This has a somewhat uneven plot and ridiculous central conceit (much in the way of Tasty Florida or Behind Cut), but if you are looking for a restaurant BL with Korea’s signature softness, then this is a great option. FYI I may identify with our baby party boy hedonist more than any other BL lead ever presented.
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Love Mate
(Korea) 8/10 Viki
Features a very much openly gay older uke with commitment issues and a romantic (if arrogant) younger seme with no respect for boundaries (hyung romance). Workplace harassment much? That’s BL for ya. (Also a nonBL Kdrama specialty.) So yeah it’s questionable, but so is my taste. The ultimate premise that someone badly hurt shuts themself off to romance is very similar to Happy Merry Ending or 8th Sense but this version was more about fear than abuse or trauma. For me, this made Love Mate more relatable. However, because the denouement was driven by a late addition faen fatal, the conclusion felt rushed and forced. I can, however, see myself rewatching this one, so it falls into the general rank of 2023′s KBL aka solid high standard and eminently watchable.
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Bed Friend
(Thai YouTube, Gaga, iQIYI)
Office frienamies transition a flaming hot one night stand into a f-buddy relationship that is built on a puppy/cat dynamic (and kinks into it at one point). Our puppy is loyal, smitten, and protective with endlessly longing eyes, while our cat is snarky, prickly, and deeply damaged (ALL THE TRIGGERS). NetJames give lovely high-heat with excellent chemistry and tuned-in performances of surprising depth, unfortunately the story ultimately failed them. Had the show had the strength of its convictions and kept to a tighter, darker, harsher 8 eps it would have been the first high heat to earn a 10/10 from me, but once they fussed with it, it dropped to a solid 8/10. Could have been great but was overworked. Still if high heat is your thing, this one will not let you down. Full review here. (Triggers include: child abuse, attempted rape, family abuse)
(3x! 3x Tumblr ate this post. They HAVE to de bug their new editor. This never happens with the old one. Biggest bug is with the "undo" function, DO something about it!)
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