#And then Ahsoka's second two were so good as well
golden--flowers · 2 years
Star wars tales of the jedi... ;_;
Oh I didn't know there was a tag limit. Okay last things are they were good episodes and I like how the clone wars animation style has evolved, the painty effect is neat
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hastalavistabyebye · 3 months
I've been thinking about it for quite some time (and it's a good thing my blog is so smol because a lotta people ain't going to like this) but we need to be honest for two seconds. Fox wouldn't be hated for killing Fives.
It's not the simple usual take on how Fox didn't fired right away and tried to calm Fives down first, how he was just doing his job. This is true but it goes deeper even.
The clones were taught how to deal with traitors.
We saw it with Rex when he met Cut Lawquane. He was faced with a deserter and his first reaction wasn't one of peaceful understanding at all, quite the contrary. Of course he let him go and live with his family in the end. (Interesting to note that there were no officer present too) But what's interesting is not the conclusion he made, but his instinctual, learned behavior : deserters = traitors = bad.
And during the Umbara arc, we saw that the clones also learned how to form a firing squad. They knew how to do that. Yes, in the end, again, they ended up letting their siblings live but there also was the aspect that they already doubt Krell's orders AND that this situation was clearly, stupidly unfair and wrong. And they didn't like nor trust the general himself already. So it was an easy order to go against. But then again what is interesting is that they knew how to do that.
The idea of the Vode not knowing or even being able to conceive shooting a brother, even less killing one, is very sweet but sadly not true. They are soldiers first, born and trained. They would not look kindly to traitors and deserters. They would also know how to court martial the formers, even (or maybe especially) if it's other clones.
All of this to say that Fox killing Fives after he tried to kill the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic ? The highest ranking person in the entire Republic ? And he was also armed, dangerous and out of control AND didn't listen to attempts at calming him. In all of those conditions, very little people would bat an eye to Fox taking those actions.
The only people that would hate Fox are the people close to Fives -Rex and Torrent, Cody and some of the 212th too maybe, by proxy, and Anakin. The Jedi would frown at this, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka maybe more than the rest and would be more affected, because they were close to Fives too.
But the rest of the GAR ? Well of course some won't see it with a kind eye because there's always people to tell you they would have done better, but globally they wouldn't mind so much. Because what Fox did was something they had been, in fact, trained for.
And even if there was a GAR/Guard divide, it wouldn't be this event that make everything goes from bad to worse. It might be one more critic on Fox, it might not be taken kindly. But in the end it would be more because it's Fox and they don't-like-Fox, more than the killing a brother part.
Okay this is longer than I thought it would be 😅 but my point still is : the Vode are soldiers first and foremost. They don't act under the same values and morals as us at all. They were trained to kill enemies of the Republic. If those enemies were among the Republic didn't change a thing. If those enemies were fellow clones didn't change a thing, they were trained to kill them too. So Fox only doing his job in that instant also means that a lot of other Clone Commanders would have done the very same as him. Maybe not all of them, sure (it can depend from their generals) (which Fox don't have from what we know). But maybe some of them wouldn't even have tried to resonate with Fives at all.
The point is : the GAR wouldn't have hate Fox for this. If they hated him, killing Fives wasn't the reason, nor even the starting point most likely.
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vadersassistant · 1 year
wo dering if you could do an enemies to lover anakin imagine. kind of like friends to enemies to lovers or something like that and it ends in them making out o whatever you are comfortable with.
Anyways thank youuu
Denial One Shot (Darth Vader x Reader)
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Summary: After venturing into a Sith Temple to try and find an edge on the current war, (Y/N) meets her enemy, Lord Vader, the man who killed her best friend and secret lover. He has been hunting both her and her alias down for months, following her across the galaxy, but little does she know, he has no plans to kill her. Takes place in the temple seen in the Star Wars Rebels season two finale. Reader was previously a Jedi and is in hiding due to order 66.
Warnings: Make out session
A/N: (Y/N) does not know Vader is Anakin, and Vader does not know (Y/N) is the Fugitive he has been searching for. This is once again a mix of suited Vader and nightfall Vader. In which, Vader wears the suit and mask, but he can take it off and looks like the Anakin we know and love.
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The temple was eerie, an odd feeling passing by with each step you took. It was the opposite of the one I grew up in, representing everything I was told to dislike, and yet I was here anyways. I had made up my mind to fight instead of continuing to run from the problem. I wasn’t a rebel, but I wasn’t an imperial either. I was the middle ground, a former Jedi with a new identity, a mask to shield my face so that I could live freely, but the saber still gave it away. I was good, too good to be a civilian having fun with an old relic, even though some still used them publicly. Some, as in him.
The Jedi fell and Lord Vader rose out of thin air. There was no preface, no foreshadowing, he just came, and everyone bowed their heads.
To outsiders he was a military leader trained in combat, who happened to use an imaginary power. To force users, like Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, and I, he was a Sith. We all knew it the second he began hunting us down. He wanted the Jedi dead and made it clear when he began searching for my alias as well. Everyone knew who she was, I was put on every single imperial security watch available, but I evaded it all I could. I forged a new saber, so that they couldn’t track me that way, and told people about how the female jedi on the Holonets from the clone wars died. The only people who truly knew were Obi-Wan and Ahsoka, since they too had done something similar. He was Ben, she was Ashla, and I gained the name Fugitive, a mask being the only way to keep track of my identity.
I couldn’t count how many storm-troopers I had killed by now, just that I did. I was forced to, to keep myself alive, because he wanted me turned in. I was always told to run, to flee from Vader because of what he’s done, but all I wanted was for the man to wind up dead. A lust for revenge had developed ever since I learned what he did to my best friend, Anakin Skywalker.
I don’t even know how he could have killed a warrior like him, but he did and now he’s gone. Slaughtered like any other while trying to save people in the temple, something someone with his character would have done naturally. The worst part is that everyone he was trying to save is dead too, and that he could have escaped with us, had he not done what he did. He had a wife, Senator Amidala, a good friend of mine, who also died that night, although I wasn’t sure if they ended on good terms.
The two had been arguing for a while, he believed she was cheating on him with Obi Wan, although she continued to deny it along with everyone else. I was the only one who he talked to about his problems willingly, even Kenobi would have to go through reading his mind to talk about personal issues. It was only when Anakin died that the truth came out, that being that Anakin was right, and she was seeing Kenobi.
I hadn’t recognized him after that point. I knew he was afraid he would be kicked out of the Jedi order if we found out he was dating another woman. Even further, the fact he knowingly was allowing the affair to happen, but it occurred anyways, and he lost everything with it. That was consequence enough, he didn’t need me to yell at him any further for going that far.
Still, I was angry, because I cared about Anakin.
And also loved him.
I denied it for years, the helpless prodding’s from Ahsoka when the two of us would spend hours upon hours with each other. We carried out the entire war effort, working extremely close together on missions. It was no surprise that I liked him, he had even mentioned subtly what things would be like if he hadn’t met her. It sounded like he regretted it, but I had no clue, due to us being force users.
I now stood in front of the man who took him away, the one that gutted him in the chest like a fish with no care whatsoever. The man that had been hunting me down under both my names since the night of the fall, the one that was known for murdering everyone in his path. I don’t know how he found me, I had a feeling we were being followed, but I didn’t care. We needed the Holocron inside of the temple, and Ahsoka now had it in hand. I could sense their distraught, both behind me looking at the Sith in front of us. They didn’t want to fight him; they were afraid to fight him. I felt differently, looking at his mask through the visors of my own.
“It was foretold that you would be here, our long-awaited meeting has come at last."
“This meeting is over,” Ahsoka said.
“Are you so sure?” the Sith questioned through the modulated voice his mask provided him, as I stepped forward.
“What are you doing?” Obi-Wan asked me, his breath becoming short.
“No," he shook his head. "Don’t do this."
“Leave. Now.”
I looked up at the temple’s ceiling as the walls started to drop down. It was collapsing on itself, since the Holocron had been taken from the Obelisk. There wasn’t much to do, but I knew I didn’t want to pull them into this. I turned around and outstretched a hand.  
Ahsoka screamed as I force pushed both her and Obi-Wan back while the temple’s walls crashed down. I saw her figure fly back just before the drop and felt her gently land. There was a ship, they could leave, I would worry about myself after I killed him.
“We’re finishing this here,” I said. "I know you've been hunting me for the past months."
“You are courageous, unlike your friends,” the Sith mused. “Hateful.”
“You killed my best friend," I pointed out. "I want you to experience that same pain."
“Revenge is not the Jedi way,” he reminded. "Your confidence dilutes your ability to make rational decisions."
“I am no Jedi.”
“Then who are you? Your saber is unlike any I have ever seen, an identity successfully hidden behind a helm.”
“That’s none of your business, why have you been hunting me?” I asked. I felt the pressure of the Dark Side creeping against my mind's barriers, he was trying to invade.
“You would make a wonderful apprentice in the dark side,” Vader said. "You have already abandoned your training as a Jedi."
“I don’t side with murderers.”
“And yet you are one. I have seen your way of fighting Fugitive; you have killed countless of our troops and inquisitors.”
“Your Inquisitorious is an embarrassment, and I will never join you, not after what you did,” I called my saber to my hand, igniting it.
“Then you will die.”
There was this feeling of fear that attempted to wash over me, like he was attempting to throw me off, but I wasn't thinking about it anymore.
I ran full speed at him, force pushing myself up off the ground and into the air to try and put myself on the offensive. My blade met his right over his helmet, as he angled me back and I landed behind him. My automatic response was to try and swing for his legs, a move he evaded but had been surprised by. I knew I needed to be careful with how I played things. He would try and tire me out by just playing the defensive, but I also didn’t get that tired frow much stamina I built up during the war. Vader was also bigger, and stronger, meaning I’d need to use his weight to my advantage. I was quick, less stable, and grounded, and more agile in my movements.
We continued to take shots at each other, as he seemingly began to test me. It was a constant switch from the right to the left, bashing at each other from different angles and walking along with it. It was something Anakin and I always did, and it almost felt familiar. For whatever reason, I could feel myself getting into the rhythm Skywalker and I got into when we would train every day. After a certain point I would always switch my grip and force him to back off, and I did it purely out of muscle memory, shoving the Sith back.
“Your anger focuses you,” he commented. “Join me and I can enhance that power.”
“You killed him, the man I loved, do you truly believe I would ever consider that?”
“He is gone for a reason,” Vader said.
“He was the chosen one!” I shouted, interlocking lightsabers in a pursuit for power over the other. "You know why he lost his life?! Because he was trying to save everyone else, instead of actually caring for himself for once."
I stumbled back immediately, hearing that name leave his mouth,
My eyes widened beneath the visors, letting my guard down for just a moment.
It was all he needed.
I felt his immense force break through my walls and invade my mind, clawing through my memories and thoughts like a file. Not only that, but he immediately took me to the ground. It was quick, as he now straddled me, muscular thighs resting over my lower waist. Both my arms were pinned to either side with by the force, my saber in his hand.
I grunted, struggling under him and thrusting against his cod piece hoping it would make him budge but it barely made a difference. I couldn’t do a thing, as the Sith reached for my mask and pressed down on the sides. I felt it depressurize, as his gloved digits lifted it off my head, and I looked into his mask with my own eyes.
"How do you know my name?" I asked angrily as I fought underneath him to free myself.
There was no way of telling what he truly felt in that moment, holding the helm silently, breathing being the only indication he was still alive. I continued to try and do everything to get out of his grasp, but the Sith only sat there and took me in, his body heat lingering over my own. I felt like a mess, wondering where Ahsoka and Obi-Wan might be right now, realizing why Anakin lost his life to this man. I didn’t know how he knew my name, my real name, the one that no one had called me in months. I was fully pinned down, not giving up until I saw him reach for his own helmet.
"What are you do—"
My throat ran dry, amber eyes piercing through my body like a blade.
It was him, with brown hair that held golden streaks just above his armor.
Hearing his voice sent a shiver down my entire back, as I shuddered underneath him.
“I thought you died—they said Vader killed you—" there were tears welling up in my eyes, looking up at him.
“I am alive."
“Why did you turn?"
“The Jedi council was using us, Obi-Wan lied to me about Padme (Y/N), they were having an affair. But you know that already.”
“Obi Wan told us,” I trailed off.
“I know.”
“Do you plan to kill me?”
“No, that was never my intent," he emphasized lowly.
“So, what will you do?” I questioned.
“After separating myself from the order, I reflected much upon it,” Anakin started. "And came to terms with several of my mistakes."
“What mistakes?”
Still straddling me Anakin leaned down, placing his hands by either sides of my head and lowering himself to my ear.
“I was blindly dating filthy senator, when I had the love of my life right next to me the entire time."
"What do you mean?" I emphasized each word, my abdomen tensing as he got so close to me.
"There wasn't a day that went by that I didn't think of my future and imagine you by my side. I told myself it was our strong bond causing me to think of you constantly, due to the amount of time we spent together, but now, I feel completely different."
"Anakin," my heart was racing, as he continued to whisper into my ear.
"Maker, I missed you so much."
He was just trying to be friendly, that's all this was.
"Now, I know you are not that naive," he let out a deep chuckle, reading my mind.
"Is this your way of coercing me into joining the dark side?" I said softly, trying to play it off.
"There is no need to coerce you (Y/N), your heart is already doing all the work," Anakin told me. "All there is to do is to make up for lost time."
"Continuing to deny it is only stalling the inevitable," he spoke in a playful way. "Your hatred towards the one you believed to be my killer only proves it more."
"I—" I cut myself off, as Anakin moved his head, now right over mine.
"What is it?" he asked me, his golden eyes flicking from my lips up to my eyes in quick fashion.
I gave in, nodding to his silent question and feeling the force lift off my hands.
Anakin pressed his lips to mine as I lifted my head up and met him midway. His robotic hand came down to my waist, the other combing through my hair as he helped hold my head steady. It was delicate and prepared, goosebumps crawling over my skin as his weight pressed me onto the cold temple floors. He was an expert in the way he worked around my mouth, the first time I had ever kissed anyone to begin with.
To think such a sacred place would be ruined due to our own shenanigans.
A Jedi and a Sith, making out in a temple with no care for sentiment.
His lips were chapped yet soft, and the more breaths we took between kissing the more swollen they became. Anakin didn’t seem to care though, continuing to go down on my neck allowing me to breath. He wasn’t going too far, but it was enough for the occasion, leaving marks I that wouldn’t leave for days.
It was madness.
Everything around us screamed in pleasure, the force happily chiming along with the two sides agreeing on something, even if it wasn’t an argument. Anakin had changed, and I couldn’t decide if it was for better or for worse.
If only those two could see me now, making love to the man that we had been running from for months. The copious amounts of rage had turned to attraction in a blink of an eye, rejoicing in his presence as my hand pressed against his tunic and I felt his abdomen underneath the fabric. He was such light and yet the darkness itself, drowning me in it as we sunk into a pool of ecstasy.
The cold stone floors were soon heated, as the temple grew humid and we both simultaneously agreed to take our tops off. It was the definition of multitasking, as I took off his armor and tunic, leaving behind a black pair of pants, and his boots. With the force he slipped my top off, gaining access to my collar bone and gracing it with his mouth. There was a possessive feeling in the air, as he took in my body for the first time with his own eyes as I did to him.
"You are so beautiful, it is intoxicating."
I felt myself smiling, sitting up and wrapping my arms around his neck, the both of us kissing deeply. This was it, holding our breath as we enjoyed one another, but the force was warning the both of us.
The temple shook, I almost forgot it was collapsing.
"We need to escape before we become trapped inside," Anakin said. "My ship is outside."
"And you assume I'm coming?"
"I know you are."
I laughed, acknowledging his foresight. We put on our clothes hurriedly yet thoroughly, as someone trained to handle life or death would. In truth, that was what we stood for, as Jedi and Sith both came together as one, in ways that would be frowned upon.
Except we didn't care.
We weren't denying it any longer.
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Back in business since the recent Ahsoka episode. Hope you all enjoyed!
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awkward-tension-art · 4 months
Bacta and Bandages Chp.2 (Rex x Reader)
oops, I added some angst with your fluff. sorry about that.
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Chapter 1. Chapter 3.
CW: Mentions of clone abuse, bruises, clone mistreatment, Medical procedures, needles, Talk of nightmares, panic attacks, flashbacks, Reader is gender neutral, no use of (Y/N), reader is a doctor, if I miss a tag LMK!
Minors DNI
Ahsoka was your first friend after you spent a few rotations adjusting. 
She was bubbly, spunky and energetic. Despite all of that, she had a heart of gold and was trying her best to be a good Jedi. 
The young togruta was the one to show you around the venator-class ship. She told of the inner workings, the decks, where the barracks are located, the mess hall, even a lounge type area with an endless supply of caf.
It was through her that signaled for the clones to warm-up to you. Rex was still formal and professional, but you’d nod and smile whenever you passed each other in the hall.
Hardcase and Kix were easy-going. The day you arrived and settled, they approached and properly apologized for slamming into you earlier. It was rather sweet. 
In fact, a lot of the clones were kind to you. Some were tense, ‘shinies’ you’ve learned is the term for rookies. Some were more open and genuine. Though, a couple seemed somewhat fearful. As if afraid of offending you. 
Over time you hoped to break these walls. 
Currently, you were treating a clone, Jesse, for a blaster bolt graze from a training incident. Rex was also in the medical bay, arms crossed and staring rather disapprovingly at the poor trooper. Both were mostly silent as you treated him with bacta and bandages.
Simple fix…What antics caused him to shoot his own arm though? By the look on Rex’s face, it must’ve been something ridiculous.
Once you removed his glove, you paused. The wound was on the back of his wrist, it was minor, but the real concern were the bruises that littered his skin. They were the size and shape of fingers, as if someone grabbed Jesse. 
You were trained to recognize instances of abuse. After all, people of any gender would come to your hospital carrying the wounds their loved-ones left. But clones weren’t allowed romantic partners.
So who hurt Jesse?
Your eyes drifted to Captain Rex before looking at your patient, “Jesse, would you like to…have some privacy?” You held his hand, offering him kindness if he chose to accept. 
Something seemed to click for the both of them, “Oh! These?” The trooper you were treating gave you a smile as he motioned to the bruises, “Rough-housing with the boys! We’re brothers after all and things can get…” 
“Rambunctious.” Rex finished his sentence.
You didn’t press, “Well, tell your boys not to be so rough.”
The captain scoffed, “Good luck with that.”
After you stabilized the bandages, you gave Jesse a small smile, “There. Easy treatment.” You slipped your gloves off, “I’ll give you some painkillers to take before you sleep. That way the healing pain doesn’t keep you awake.” 
“It’s alright Doc.” Jesse shook his head, “I’ve been through worse.”
You turned to look at him again. Your concern was evident, but you couldn’t force information out of him if he wasn’t willing to give it, “If you get hurt at all, by anything or anyone, you can come to me.” 
I’m here to help you. 
The trooper nodded with a smirk and stood, correcting his glove and armor again, “Thanks doc.” He gave you a salute before walking out of the medical bay. 
Rex was going to follow but you spoke up first, “Captain Rex?” 
He paused and turned to look at you, “What is it, Doctor?”
Your words had to be careful. One wrong move and you could label yourself as ‘unsafe’ for the clones to go to if they needed help. After a second you spoke calmly, making sure Rex knew you only wanted to be a safe person, “If you, or anyone needs anything, I’m here.”
He gave you a small smirk and a nod before leaving the medical bay. 
Later that night, you were looking over medical reports when the doors opened. Two troopers, ones you haven't met before, were standing in the doorway. They were both clad in their blacks, most likely having been sleeping.
One of them, with a shaved head and a scar on his lip, had his hands on the shoulders of another trooper with the standard military haircut. It looked like the former had led the latter, who was shaking and distressed, to you.
“Doctor?” The leader seemed startled, “I um…I found him…”
“I got you,” You stood from your desk and motioned to a bed, “What are your names?” 
“I’m Denal.” The stable one got the other onto the bed, “This is Vaughn.”
Denal and Vaughn. Got it.
You knelt by Vaughn’s feet, “Hey, Vaughn.” Your voice took a softer, gentler tone. You were clearly dealing with someone in great distress, “What happened?”
“He had some kind of nightmare and just…bolted. I found him in a supply closet.” Denal answered. 
Nightmare. Panic attack? Most likely.
You nodded, keeping at a lower eye level with the panicked soldier, “Vaughn…I’m going to help you ok?”
His brown eyes looked around wildly.
“Does this happen normally?” Your questions were directed at the other trooper now.
He shook his head, “When we have nightmares, usually we can calm each other down. I’ve never seen him this bad though.”
The clones rely on each other for emotional support. Good to know.
If Vaughn wasn’t responding to your words, he wouldn’t be coherent enough to follow directions to calm him down. It seemed like he was caught in some type of flash-back. His mind was in overdrive and he was thrown into this attack.
Something triggered him. The nightmare.
“Denal,” You stood, keeping a hand on your patient's shoulder, “I’d like to use a mild sedative on him, do you think he’d consent to that?” you turned to face him. Perhaps clones weren’t fans of medication. After all, Jesse rejected painkillers earlier…
The coherent trooper nodded, “Yea, if you think that's best.”
Oh, so maybe Jesse wasn’t a fan of meds.
Wordlessly you went to one of the medicine cabinets and prepared the sedatives for him. You’d have to inject them, and in Vaughn’s current state, you weren’t entirely sure if that would end well. 
Once things were prepared, you returned to kneel next to your patient, “Vaughn, I’m going to inject you with this, ok?” Your palm opened revealing the needle, “This will help, if you’ll let me.” 
His eyes were staring directly at you, but they weren't seeing you.
“Denal, can you hold his hand?” 
The other trooper sat next to his fellow soldier and grabbed his arm, “It’s gonna be ok, vod.” 
You didn’t comment as you slipped the needle into Vaughn’s arm. The sedatives were administered and you stood to toss the empty syringe. The medication kicked in fast, because the trooper stopped shaking when you returned to his side. 
“Vaughn?” Your voice was still soft and quiet, “Do you know where you are?”
He looked around, before nodding, “The Resolute.”
You gave him a gentle smile, “Good. How are you feeling?”
“Tired.” He croaked, “What…”
“Nightmare,” Denal answered, “You had a bad nightmare. Geonosis again?”
Vaughn was at the battle of Geonosis? 
You heard the reports and numbers. Half of the Republic's army had been wiped out on that planet. Many Jedi as well. It was a bloodbath.
Your patient nodded slowly, “Yea…” 
“S’ok vod,” the other soldier put an arm around his shoulder and pulled him close. 
You reached and put a comforting hand on his knee, “Do you want to sleep here until you need to be up and awake?” 
The medical bay offered some more privacy. It was quieter and if he woke up again, he wouldn’t need to worry about waking his fellow soldiers. 
To your surprise, he shook his head, “I’d rather be with my brothers.”
Brothers…The clones are brothers…of course…
You nodded in understanding, “Alright…I understand.” carefully, you got to your feet and sat down on his other side, “But if you feel like you need some quiet, you can come here.”
He gave you an exhausted, but grateful smile, “Thanks, doc.” 
The two stood, but before they left, you asked, “Denal, Vaughn, what does vod mean?”
They shared a look with each other before Denal answered, “It’s mando’a. For sibling.”
“Sibling…thank you.” You smiled, “Get some rest, alright?”
Both of the soldiers left you alone again. After straightening the bed, you moved to your desk and picked up your datapad again. 
So the clones know mando’a…
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flyiingsly · 8 months
Pairing : The 501st x reader
Summary : Early mission's briefing and night out at the 79' aren't the best match for you and your fellow troopers, much to Rex's despair.
A/N : Just a (really) short thing that was waiting in my WIPs folder for several months already ... It was inspired by a very early and boring meeting I had one day at work, I was nearly falling asleep on my chair and the only thing I was able to think about to stay awake were our favorite Boys in Blue. It was quiet efficient actually ! Enjoy ❤
It was early in the morning. Well, not so early in fact, but it felt like. You were unusually late to the briefing, not that much, but late enough to arrive after Anakin, who was already here, visibly struggling to stay upright.
You were supposed to leave for a simple recon mission this afternoon with the 501st. Not a dangerous one, only routine on a neutral planet near Coruscant, just to make sure everything was still alright there.
The problem was, last night was not really relaxing. You and the boys had spent most of the night at the 79’ with your General, which wasn’t often, for most of the nights he spent on Coruscant, he stayed with a certain Senator. But not this time. She had been sent on a diplomatic meeting somewhere else in the galaxy, so he gladly joined you at the bar when you asked him. And it was even more funny than usual this way.
But now that you were all here standing in front of General Kenobi, all sleep deprived and some still sobering up, it wasn’t really funny anymore. Of course, it wasn’t your first night off at the 79’, and it was more than worth it, but still, waking up the next morning was always a bit hard. Only Rex and Dogma were good looking, the first because he stayed at the base finishing reports (and yet you tried your best to make him come with you, in vain) and the second because, well, he never seemed to suffer from lack of sleep, strangely (and he left the bar a bit earlier than anyone else, but still, it was far from enough sleep anyway).
It was glorious, Echo and Fives were leaning against each other, trying their best not to fall on the ground, Kix was staring into space, dark circles around his wide opened, completely empty eyes, his third cup of caf in his hand, Anakin was trying to yawn in the most discreet way possible, when Hardcase was, on the contrary, yawning widely, showing all of his teeth to a glaring Dogma. Even Jesse, who was usually doing his best to look as presentable as possible, was a mess, and you weren’t feeling very good neither to be honest. But most of all, Tup was missing, and nobody was able to tell where he was.
Obi-Wan and Rex decided to start the meeting anyway, it was already late enough, you’ll resume it to him when he’ll show up, you thought.
Staying focused was difficult as hell, and Ahsoka couldn’t help but grin at all your sleepy faces. But soon, Fives legs couldn’t take it anymore, and he suddenly collapsed on the ground, dragging a very surprised Echo in his fall. Rex’s eyes widened with embarrassment while Obi-Wan held a smile back. Dogma looked absolutely outraged, but the rest of the company started to laugh uncontrollably at the sight of the two ARCs laying comically on the ground, too tired and stunned to get up.
“ARC Troopers, stand up, immediately !” Rex screamed at them, cheeks turning red.
The poor Captain was so done it showed on his face. He was trying to stay composed, but the expression he wore was so priceless it made the scene even more funny.
You and Anakin helped the two soldiers on their feet, Echo’s arm grabbing your shoulders tightly not to lose his balance again. You were doing your best to contain your laughter, but the lack of sleep and the nervousness due to the multiple cups of caf you ingurgitated right before weren’t helping.
Nobody was able to calm down anyway, and since even Obi-Wan seemed amused by the situation when he turned toward him in search of some support, all that was left for Rex to do was facepalming heavily, probably asking himself was he was doing with his life right now.
The sudden scream coming from one of the nearby technicians working on the company transport ship suddenly made everyone stop laughing, all faces turning toward the origin of the noise.
Then you heard Fives murmured with a mischievous smile on his lips.
“I think someone finally found Tup !”
Rex looked at him with a horrified look on his face.
He didn’t got the chance to have an answer for a technician showed up in the second, asking him to come and see what he had just saw, because, apparently, one of his men was “asleep, snoring and duct-taped to the cockpit’s celling”.
You swear you caught the Captain’s head begin to steam as everyone started to cackle again, hurrying to follow the shocked technician to the said ship. Passing by Fives, who was laughing his ass off, he sent him a frightening death glare.
Needless to say that some troopers received a huge amount of chores to do after that failed briefing.
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More headcanons about Anakin and Ahsoka being menaces to the general public
I feel like both Anakin and Ahsoka react to being sick in similar ways and by reacting in similar ways I mean they do everything in their power to ignore the fact that they’re sick 
Which is funny because they both get annoyed when the other refuses to accept that they’re sick Ahsoka will take any hint that Anakin gives her that his condition is failing and runs with it 
Man could breathe different way and she’s like “Master it sounds like you’re sick maybe you should lay down and let me take over” to which Anakin refuses 
Ahsoka’s just as bad because Anakin tries his best to take care of her without letting her know he’s onto her 
But of course she’s not stupid and can tell when he’s being more of a helicopter sibling than normal and calls him on it 
God forbid they get sick at the same time because they just spend the whole time trying to take care of each other 
And god forbid they get sick at the same time when Obi-Wan is around cause then they just turn into whiny children 
Like no seriously it’s like a switch goes off in their brains that renders them into beings incapable of fixing their blankets 
Obi-Wan obliges because what dad would stop taking care of their kid depending on the age 
Honestly my brain kinda leaned into Ahsoka’s chaotic younger sister energy with this one 
But I love the idea that she will just sneak attack Anakin and Obi-Wan 
Most of her “sneak attacks” go something like this: Anakin walking down the hall minding his business when Ahsoka drops down from the ceiling 
But before she can land on him he sidesteps and grabs her by the collar before she can hit the floor which results in Ahsoka moaning and groaning that she “Almost got him that time” and Anakin grumbles back that the only thing that “almost got her” was a black eye
He does have to admit that her random seak attacks have made her better at climbing 
Sometimes she’ll walk up behind Obi-Wan and try to cover his eyes but most of the time all she gets is his shoulders 
Most of the time it doesn’t even slow the man down he just keeps walking while asking her about her day and how classes are going 
But as she gets older she’s able to mask her presence better and manages to sneak up on the men once or twice  
Obi wan is always willing to admit defeat and congratulates her on her well earned victory 
Anakin blames it on his age and that’s the only time that Ahsoka will ever hear him admit to being “old” (he’s 30) 
It’s an ongoing joke that you shouldn’t separate Ahsoka and Anakin some say you risk a limb if you try others say you’re risking your life what most don’t mention is how you’re risking your sanity 
Because they become the most annoying motherfuckers when they’re apart 
Ahsoka acts like they’ve been separated for 10 years and will tell stories like she’s reminiscing about the good old times but most of the time the people she tells the stories to were present for the events so it goes something like this:
“Hey Rex do you remember when me and Anakin threw someone into that lake those were the days” “Yes I do remember that commander because I was that person and it was a week ago”
In his defense that’s the fifth story she told him in the past hour and he was there for all of them
Anakin’s just as bad but for a different reason because all he does is overthink
Like don’t get me wrong he keeps up the “cool guy” personality before she leaves but the second she’s gone he’ll sprinkle little questions into normal conversations like “Do you think she packed warm enough?” “Do they have enough emergency rations?”  “Did anyone make sure that ship was up to code before they left?”
He made sure she packed for every single weather possible, he packed enough rations for two weeks even tho they were supposed to be gone for two days, and he checked the ship before they left 
Sometimes Anakin or Ahsoka will just walk into each other's room and hang out they don't do much they kinda just sit down and talk 
Sometimes they have a silent but mutual understanding to leave the room and go bother Obi-Wan in his 
I love the idea that Obi-Wan and Anakin are victims of Ahsoka’s undying fascination with human hair she loves when their hair is long and encourages them to grow it out longer so she has more to work with 
She all but falls to her knees when she sees how long Padme’s hair is and she’s the creator of some of Padme’s funkier hairstyles (both Anakin and Padme make a small note to force Ahsoka to do their future kid's hair)
She’s also weirded out by facial hair so every single time Obi-Wan shaves or Anakin tries to grow a beard they’re treated like a different person entirely 
It took them a while to figure out why but once they did they lost their minds laughing (and also made silent vows not to do it again cause it freaked her out)
People often say it’s like Ahsoka and Anakin can read each other's minds without using the force 
Some people find it hard to believe but it’s pretty easy to tell when people are having conversations through their bond and when two people are having a conversation just with looks
It’s not an uncommon sight for them to shoot each other looks after someone says something a little bold and for both of them to be laughing by the end of it 
It’s just as common for them to get into little arguments and finish it in complete and total silence before one of them finally gives in with a huff 
It’s kinda freaky but they don’t seem to notice and everyone around them is too used to it to care
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Reposted because I want to add this drawing - yeah I forgot to add it yesterday 😌
After an awesome discussion with one of my friends here, I finally set how my OC and Plo Koon would be.
Although Plo is a Jedi and cannot have attachments strictly according to Jedi teaching, the brotherhood between him and his troopers and the father-daughter relationship with Ahsoka are all evidence of attachment, and he has done nothing detrimental to them or to the overall situation because of these attachments. He only offers positive emotions, unlike those that are destructive and self-consuming.
So here we go.
Choosing between an army doctor and a medical droid researcher/technician is hard and I went with the latter. In the SW universe, most medical tasks are performed by droids. Technicians and researchers seem to contribute much more than real doctors.
So, during a rescue mission, she met Plo Koon and kept in touch with him. The two discussed and shared various issues/opinions related to life, technology, law and humanities. She wasn't force sensitive.
One day, she was invited to Dorin for a seminar. Dorin was a planet that placed great importance on technological development and the rule of law, and her talents were highly valued. Behind all this, it was Plo Koon who recommended her. On Dorin, she saw Plo without his mask for the first time, meditating with the Sages. He took her around the planet and told her all sorts of strange and interesting things there.
During that unforgettable journey, she learnt that Plo was a Jedi - not only a Jedi, but also a member of the Jedi Council, deeply loved and respected. But soon, her worst fear came true: she was won over by his charm and gentle character, so that she fell more and more in love with him. When she asked him how he felt about her, he had to tell her everything about being a Jedi, their mission, what they protected and how their relationship would evolve. He gave her enough patience and time to think about it and let her make the best decision. They chose not to see each other for the time being until she figured out how to handle this matter, and he would accept any decision she made, and no decision would change his feelings for her. During this time, she was not happy for a single day. She eventually came back to him and told him that after much thought, she still wanted to be with him, even if they had to keep their relationship a secret.
Love wasn't supposed to be selfish, she understood that very well since she worked in the medical field, long hours and with dedication, much like the Jedi did. She wouldn't worry about his missions and his absence, nor would he be jealous of her sacrifice to her work, droids and patients. It turned out that it was much easier for two responsible adults to maintain good communication and balance everything in their lives. Plo also started to strengthen his power, knowledge and ability thanks to the positive aspects brought by such precious attachment.
Their secret marriage was later held on Dorin.
Eventually, the CW broke out and Plo Koon left her as a Jedi General for the battlefield. She temporarily gave up her job in the production, repair, and research of medical droids and handed it over to someone she trusted. She resolutely chose to follow the army, first so she could see him, and second so she could provide aid to the wounded on a voluntary basis - her love for life and clones was no less than his. They were supposed to keep their meetings a secret during their free time in the army, but in fact, the 104th Battalion knew of her existence - Wolffe and the others even saw Plo as their father and she, their mother. They just laughed at this idea.
As the war drew to a close, Plo Koon was thinking of retiring and starting a future with her. The day before he left for Cato Neimoidia, he had given himself over to love, to intimacy, to sex - he had given himself over to that with her before, but not to this extent. Days later, Plo crashed and died under fire from his own soldiers during Order 66 massacre. After learning his death and who shot him down, she was heartbroken by the betrayal and left the army.
She later gave birth to the posthumous child of Plo, a force sensitive human-Kel Dor hybrid daughter with the same hair as hers, Kel dorian sensory organs, human facial features, Kel dorian skin color and pattern. As the child grew older, she was ready to tell her of her father's deeds, but the daughter told her: A blue man appeared in my room yesterday and said he was my father. Is this true?
Of course Plo became a force spirit, always guarding her and their daughter. In the end, her daughter became a Jedi and joined the Rebel Alliance.
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[...] Reportedly there were plans to spool up season 2 as recently as a month ago before the axe came down this past week. Why this happened is obvious, and it’s not from haters crying “woke.” It’s because The Acolyte is a show that reportedly cost an absolutely ridiculous $180 million to make, and it did not get viewership anywhere close to justify that. But to be fair, essentially no show could, much less one that had to deal with the challenge of not having any classic Star Wars characters to rely on. [...] In terms of visual spectacle, what can you even remember from The Acolyte in that category? I certainly can across the sequel trilogy and movies like Rogue One, but here? That’s not where and why the show worked. If you think about the best moments of the series, what were they? The absolutely wild lightsaber fight between The Stranger and a legion of Jedi that he massacres. Something that took a ton of stunt training but was not some massive VFX sequence. Past that, powerful character moments like OSHA and The Stranger in the cave. The contrast with Sol trying to imprison Mae and the realization that his “good intentions” caused all this in the first place. These are the reasons the show worked, because of the performances and occasionally, the stunt work, not sweeping VFX sequences that cost the most out of anything. [...]Renewing The Acolyte is important. It’s not just that we want to see arcs expanded on and concluded like Qimir’s history and Plagueis’ involvement. But The Acolyte is a representation of Disney attempting to let Star Wars exist well outside the Skywalker era, as that has been mined almost to death at this point. Doing a single show and cancelling it signifies they’ll never try something this ambitious again, which is a letdown for fans. And without ambition, their vision of Star Wars is going to wither. It feels like that’s already started with what appears to be every single Disney Star Wars series ending within the next year or two outside of Ahsoka. All other shows are cancelled, limited series or are ending after one more season, and no more have been announced. The Acolyte was not perfect, but first seasons of shows rarely are. Plenty of shows take time to grow into their skin, and you can even see that happening in real time with the second half of the season. Disney is being incredibly short-sighted here and not even attempting to make this work by figuring out a more appropriate budget after absurd overspending on this and other projects. You cannot please the crowd that hates The Acolyte, as they will hate everything that exists in Disney Star Wars short of Andor, so you just have to press forward with an ambitious vision. And it appears they do not have one.
👉 Renew the Acolyte - Sign the petition!
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gffa · 1 year
Hey! What are your favorite Obi-Wan-centric books/comics, if I may ask? Have a nice day and may the force be with you
Hi! I have a bunch that I've enjoyed! Trying to keep this as Obi-Wan-centric as I can, though, honestly, for as much as he appears in a lot of stuff, he's not necessarily always the center of the best stuff for his character. NOVELS - CANON:
Padawan by Kiersten White - This book dethroned all other books for me to take the #2 spot of Lumi's Favorite Star Wars Book Ever! It's charming, it's thoughtful, it's good-natured, it's funny, it had a fun adventure, it gave Obi-Wan some hellion little best friends as a Padawan, and just made me fall in love with the world all over again.
Choose Your Destiny: An Obi-Wan & Anakin Adventure by Cavan Scott - The CYD books (same concept as Choose Your Own Adventure books) can be an acquired taste, but I found so many lovely moments in this book, some genuinely delightful details (MACE WINDU THEATRE NERD) and some great Obi-Wan & Anakin moments. Plus, Bant Eerin recanonization!
Brotherhood by Mike Chen - I have talked at length about the problems with the Anakin parts of this book (basically: if you take it at face value, it's pretty vile towards a Black character), but I have a ton of affection for the Obi-Wan half of this book. The way he moves with his feelings, acknowledges them and lets them pass through him, the way he genuinely cares about the Neimoidians, the way he tries to be thoughtful and you can see how deeply he cares about Anakin, is all really good.
From a Certain Point of View: A New Hope (specifically the first one, not the second one) has three short stories that are stellar for Obi-Wan: "Master and Apprentice" by Claudia Gray (make sure it's the ANH anthology, not the full novel by the same author), "There is Another" by Gary D. Shmidt, and "Time of Death" by Cavan Scott. All have either really lovely insights into Obi-Wan's character during ANH or have him being utterly hilarious.
Revenge of the Sith by Matthew Stover - While not actually perfect, there are some things I don't fully agree with or think the book matched what was on the screen, when this book gets it right, it gets it so right that no other book has ever compared. This utterly elevates what was already my favorite Star Wars movie, and this man can turn a hell of a phrase.
Wild Space by Karen Miller - This is a book that I could pick apart in a lot of ways (it feels like two half-books stitched together rather than one coherent story, it doesn't earn its ending, it doesn't really do justice to the Jedi), but I love it because it's such an utterly dramatic book, everything about the events is larger than life, and has a spar with Obi-Wan and Anakin where he smacks Anakin on the ass, touches his face and tells him he did well and the look on Anakin's face in return almost makes Ahsoka cry because she's so touched, and contains the phrase "wringing wet and blowing hard" about their duel. Like, that's the kind of chaos you're in for and it's AMAZING.
Obi-Wan by Christopher Cantwell - It's only a five issue mini-series but it's a great look at Obi-Wan's character at various points in his life and I had so much to say about it, so I really felt it held up to analysis, and it really brought the feelings.
Obi-Wan & Anakin by Charles Soule - Another five issue mini and it does not get near enough credit for being tremendously well plotted and illustrating a lot of bigger points about Obi-Wan, Anakin, the Jedi, and the Republic, why good people were making the best choices available to them. Also, the single most gorgeous art I have ever seen in a comic.
Any of the Age of Republic comics by Jody Houser - These were a series of oneshots focused on various heroes and villains, and if you're specifically looking for Obi-Wan content, the Obi-Wan one and the Anakin one were FANTASTIC looks at the character.
Clone Wars: Battle Tales by Michael Moreci - Another mini-series and IIRC Obi-Wan was only in some of them, but he got some truly great moments of defending the clones and being an amazing leader in them.
COMICS - LEGENDS: These are so much harder because they're so spread out and often times it's just one or two issues that even have Obi-Wan in them. Ones I do remember enjoying:
The Clone Wars: The Smuggler's Code by Justin Aclin - A short graphic novel where Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka go on a beach vacation and run into a criminal from Obi-Wan's past and the entire story is UTTERLY UNHINGED, it's so hilariously over the top that I hyena laugh ever time I read it.
The Republic series from Dark Horse had a bunch of good Obi-Wan moments in it, if you don't mind paging through a lot of other characters. It's about all the Jedi, so they all get their turns, so I would suggest getting this one from your local library to find the issues you're most interested in!
Honestly, so much of reading SW books and comics is the willingness to pick out small fragments of gold amidst the bigger blargghh, like would I recommend Jedi Apprentice or Jedi Quest as some of my favorites? No, probably not, but that doesn't mean that Jude Watson didn't know how to turn a hell of a phrase and that I won't pull out fantastic quotes from those books! Would I recommend the Titan magazine comics? No, they're charming but the art is wonky a lot and they're too short to really go into much depth. If anyone has any comics recs to include, feel free to add on! The novels were easier to remember, but there have been so many comics that I feel like I'm missing some obvious ones.
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meridiansdominoes · 3 months
I am LOVING "Dominoes" so far! I can't wait for what's next! Also, I have two questions. What inspired you to write "Dominoes" in the first place and gave you the idea for the story? Secondly, out of all the Jedi that could've possibly confronted Krell to arrest him, what made you choose Unduli and Windu? I understand why Anakin wouldn't be a good choice because he would've straight up murdered that sleemo besalisk on the spot. Not that I would blame him. But I know Obi-Wan is a good negotiator and seeing him sass Krell could've been hilarious! And seeing Plo Koon confront him could've been interesting as well with their completely opposite views on clones. Also, Master Plo doesn't strike me as the type to loose his temper easily. I don't know as much about Aayla so I can't really guess for her. But if she loves Bly, seeing her whoop Krell big time could've been interesting as well. Did you choose Unduli and Windu because they're were the most likely to be able to keep their cool dealing with someone like Krell? Or was it something else? Thanks! Keep being amazing!
Hiya! Thanks for the ask! I got the original idea when I was reading clone wars fanfics a while ago and every time travel fic was mostly Jedi! Not that there's anything wrong with that, and also now there's a ton of clone-centric time travel too, but back in the day it was very difficult to find clone time travel that was well executed. Since the clones had always been my favorite characters, I really wanted something like that, and the more I thought about it the more I became interested in how non-force sensitives and people with very little galactic influence would handle a time-travel situation! I decided to write it myself, using Domino squad because that way I could bring back three of my favorite characters and expand on characters who didn't get any screentime!
As for your second question, I actually chose Mace Windu to go after Krell because I decided that he had the highest chance of defeating Krell in a 1 on 1 lightsaber duel! I don't know how good of a fighter Krell actually is against other Jedi--we never get to see him fight another lightsaber user... maybe he's actually terrible and even Ahsoka could beat him, or maybe he's a monster. Regardless of reality, he's huge, and those dual double-bladed are super intimidating, so I decided he's probably pretty tough. With that in mind, I needed someone who was super competent at lightsaber dueling to take him on, so I chose Mace! It also made sense to me that the council would choose someone fairly important to go and arrest one of their own. I chose Luminara to back him up because, as you mentioned, she's good at staying calm under pressure, and I also felt like I had missed an opportunity to include her on Geonosis, so I wanted to make up for that! I also partially chose her because I'm a big fan of clone commander Gree, and I knew I eventually wanted to write a short about it from his perspective, which I did!
Plo Koon and Aayla both would have been interesting choices as well, you make really good points that their relationships with their clones could have really made them fierce opponents for Krell! As for Anakin... I didn't choose him for a very specific reason that you will find out in a few chapters hehe!
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toska-writes · 1 year
Hello! I love your writing and how sweet it is in the clones just being so brotherly and platonic it’s great💖! I do have a request if you up for it! Basically the reader is the forced Padawan of a sith but hasn't connected to the dark side (they do have a red lightsaber tho). They run into Kix and start freaking out thinking he's gonna hurt them but Kix clams them down and asks them if they are alright. The idea of Kix also having some beside manners and comfort just makes me all warm and fuzzy inside❤️
also no pressure have a great day!
I love me a good red lightsaber
Summary: Kix meets a dangerous new friends in the dead of night and wants nothing more to help
Paring: Kix x GN padawan Reader (Yes it’s platonic!)
Warning: very brief mentions of injury and trauma- don’t worry Kix is there to help
Word count: 1354
Notes: I love when I decide not to write on weekend and then write into the night when I have school in the morning but it is what it is ig. Also I will get to proof read it tomorrow woops
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Kix was the one that was supposed to have the steady hand, the quiet mind. He was suppose to be smart and quick because if he wasn't there was normally terrible consequences.
But why didn't he comm in when he saw a dark silhouette that sunk in with the fog that littered the tree line. Why did Kix just stare?
He squinted his eyes as he came from the medical tent that was currently quiet. The universe just couldn't give him a break could it. A figure was doubled over against what would only make sense as a tree.
Heavy footsteps crunched the thick soil from under Kix boots, a hand came up to his helmet and tried to flick on the flashlight. One knock, two and then it was on.
"Hey?" Kix asked rather than demand. Assuming that it was one of his brothers or even his generals quieted his mind a little bit. Unless of course those clankers were becoming way to life like. "Who's there? Do you need help?"
A medkit along with a blaster hung at his hips, hands were hovering over both.
The figure seemed to snap its head up at the sound, it's breathing was heavy and labored. As Kix stepped closer the person seemed to retreat back- a weapon of their own was clutched slightly in their hands.
"Soka?" Kix's voice was laced with worry. What if it was his young torgruta commander. Could she be hurt?
The ring of Kix's light flashed a halo around the figure that stood in front of him, every detail was still caked in dark but the eyes seared right into him. Angry and scared.
And in an instant the figure fled.
Fled faster than Kix was expecting. He glanced over his shoulder once- nobody needed him now as everything was still under the light of the moons. The early moments before a battle always seemed the eeriest.
Kix ran into the darkness.
Footsteps seemed to reverberate off of every surface that was cloaked in darkness, Kix could barely see a few feet's in front of him. The snapping of branches filled his ears but he could never be certain if it was his own or not.
"Wait wait I won't hurt you I promise!" Kix tried calling into the darkness. "I can help. Are you hurt?"
Dead silence answered to his attempted calls. The air seemed to still as well and the movement stopped.
The visor of his helmet seemed to help in the dark but when there wasn't anything to see it didn't really matter.
For a split second Kix thought that maybe he could have imagined it, that the shadows duped his eyes and all he needed was a little rest.
Air hissed from somewhere in front of him, the familiar sound of a lightsaber ignited before Kix could even think of what to do next.
Red light bled over the landscape, illuminating everything in its path. Kix hands flew to his blasters like a reflex and was pointed with deadly accuracy.
The stories of many siths that Kix normally got from Anakin or Ahsoka replayed throughout his mind- he took a shaky step back.
But he didn't shoot, not right away. Maker if the Kaminoans could see him now Kix could only imagine the disapproving states. Kix has never been a good shot anyways.
The eerie glow casted over the figure in front of him, the lightsaber was held close to their body and shook ever so slightly.
This wasn't a sith, barely around Ahoska's size this was practically a child. A child with a dangerous laser sword that threatened to cut him down where he stood.
Kix let his blaster drop back to his side. A hand slowly came to the side of his bucket and with practiced ease Kix slowly took it up.
Setting both items near his feet he brought his hands back up to his face so the figure could see them perfectly. The look in their eyes however did not change.
What could have possibly gone through Kix’s mind to justify that this was a good idea?
“See? It’s alright.” It sounded as if Kix was trying his best to coax a wild loth cat, or something on a much bigger scale. “I promise see,” He shook his empty hands slightly. “Nothing I can do to hurt you.”
Something sounded a second later, as it caught up with his ears he realized it was the sound of someone crying. The light quaked over the grass as your hands shook a little more.
“I can’t do this.” It was the first time you spoke and Kix almost missed it. The sound could have been lost in the wind.
Kix inched ever so slowly over to where you firmly stood, the instinct to help others have never been blazing this high before.
“If you could just drop you saber a little and away from me I could help.” Kix barley stood 5 feet away from you now. The lighsaber could pierce through him if all you did was flick your wrist.
Your eyes cleared for a moment as if you were coming out of a deep thought. Stumbling a few steps back trying to mask yourself in the shadows once more.
“You can’t, you can’t help, you can’t-“ Kix heard the frantic rambles. “This- I wasn’t suppose to do this.” You spoke a little more clearly this time.
Kix looked at your staggered form, clearly something physical was bothering you and he couldn’t get walk away from it.
“Your hurt.” Kix spoke nice and slowly- his blaster along was his helmet were still resting in the spot that he stood before. “I could take a look if you wanted me too.”
The choice flashed across your eyes and Kix knew that maybe he could get somewhere. “How about I just call a few of my friends and they could help-“
You seemed to remeber the blade in your hands and brought it back up strongly in front of you. “No no no no no more.” You tried to plead with the man in front of you.
Kix nodded and lowered his comm quickly- clearly trust was a rocky road that could barley even be crossed.
He stared at you for a moment taking the sight in, a small looking person who he thought could look the age of Ahsoka stood with a weapon of the sith. The enemy.
Kix would always give help to those in need.
Your own glare returned to this strange man in front of you. The thought of your master being furious that you messed up yet another plan played through your mind.
You could have commed him, could have told the separatist army exactly where their camp was, but you didn’t. A feeling through the force made you stop, a feeling that seemed foreign in your mind.
Was it hope? Or was it the fear that had gotten you this far?
Against better judgment the light of your saber returned to its hilt. The blood red slowly drifted away leaving the two of you in the dark.
Fear racked you now more than ever. Hope was a dangerous game that you constantly played with but the solider in front of you radiated it.
Doubt plagued your mind, what if he did something, anything.
Through the thick paint of darkness you saw a smile spread across the clones face. “There you go.” He praised in a calm voice that barely reached a whisper. “I have some stickers back at the med tent if you want when we’re done.”
He normally got Ahsoka, Fives and Hardcase with that line, clearly it wouldn’t be that easy.
“I promise nothing will happen to you.” Kix took the hint and gave you a little more room. “I won’t let anything happen to you.
You stared once again at him until finally you spoke mimicking his whisper. “I don’t know what a sticker is.”
The smile spread on his face once again, one only you could have seen from the darkness. One that the two of you shared for what seemed like a lifetime.
Taglist: @arctrooper69 @thereforepizza @padawancat97 @pb-jellybeans @floffytofu
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queenie-official · 9 months
Chapter Sixteen: ‘Great big Race’ Bridgerton Au!Anakin
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previous chapter: 15
The royal heart series masterlist
a/n: who’s ready for a race 🏇🏇 honestly took me forever to figure out how i wanted it to go😭 otherwise all these chapters would of been out like yesterday but i couldn’t write 🥲 anyways enjoy huns Xx<3💋💋
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you were honestly glad you’d told Anakin to stay with his family for the day because it took you way longer to finish going over everything then you initially thought. you didn’t even get to eat dinner with everyone. instead eating in your study as you looked over paper after paper. who knew a race would take this much work to put together.
at the very least you’d finally finished for the day, slouching back in your chair to take a much needed moment to yourself. letting your mind run blank before your anxiety took over.
tomorrow was the big day, the entirety of Alderaan would have their eyes on you and Anakin. only it wasn’t just Alderaan, with the unity of the two kingdoms for the events youd now have the additional eyes of Tatooine on you.
thousands of people watching your every move. thankfully the race would keep them occupied but the ball- maybe it wasn’t your best decision in all honestly. not only would you have to do a welcome speech but everyone will be expecting you to address what happened however brief it may be. you can only hope you don’t tear up as it would probably undo all the progress of showing the Ton all was well you’d put in.
if you can get through without crying, then perform the first waltz with Anakin you could call the entire day a success. silently you prayed all the work you were doing for this would pay off and there would be no slip ups.
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to say you slept good that night would be a lie, in all honesty you found the bed felt rather empty without Anakin in it alongside you. the previous night was only the second time he’d shared a bed with you and somehow you’d already grown used to his company. you couldn’t blame him for sleeping in his own room though, not when you were up so late and he’d probably been too occupied with his family to notice.
just when you finally thought you’d be able to rejoin everyone for the day you found yourself isolated once more. Three carriages had been waiting in front of the castle, you’d almost forgotten about that stupid safety protocol rule. but now here you are riding alone. Anakin was in the second carriage behind you, Ahsoka and Obi-wan with him. his parents were riding in the third together, lucky them.
the carriage ride there felt everlasting, bored out of your mind with no one to talk too. it felt like the universe was playing a cruel joke on you, mocking the fact you weren’t truly a part of their family by physically reminding you of the space between you and them. at least when you arrived at the racing grounds you’d be with everyone, then you could pretend like that wasn’t the case.
despite all of the negative thoughts and feelings that plagued your mind there was an overwhelming excitement that tingled throughout your body. Anakin had gone on and on about the races throughout the whole preparation period. he’d explained each rule, and even had his old race horse from Tatooine brought over so he could use it in the race. R2-D2 was the horse's name, you found it an odd one but didn’t want to question him. R2 was a beautiful horse, and looked strong. no wonder Anakin always won.
there was three rounds overall, the fun part was even if you won the first round there was no guarantee you’d participate in the final round. the winner of the first round gets put into the second round alongside a whole new set of people and if they lose that’s it. of course it was also optional if they wanted to participate a second time or not to begin with.
Anakin had said he’d participate in the first round before and won all three a few times, which didn’t surprise you with how passionate he was about the hobby. you both agreed that since he was the king however, he shouldn’t participate till the last round in order to give people of the Ton a chance to win.
looking out the carriage window as the sounds of a crowd began to fill the air, the excitement bubbling even more as you saw the racing grounds come into view. you knew there would be a lot of the Ton here but to see just how many had shown, both warmed you and scared you. you could hear the booming voice of someone announcing your arrival shortly followed by cheers of the Ton.
Braeden had opened your carriage helping you out and onto the ground, you’d actually grown quite fond of him. it was still odd to have someone constantly five paces behind you but you couldn’t deny the convenience, plus after what happened with Valorum it brought you a feeling of safety.
“y/n” Anakin’s voice drew your attention away from your valet, turning to look at him instead. Ahsoka was at his side but seemed to linger behind and stay with Obi-Wan when she’d noticed he was walking over to you, it was a little disheartening but you did your best to push the feeling away.
“are you ready for this?” he asked you, a big goofy smile on his face from how happy he was as he now stood in front of you. you couldn’t help but mirror his expression, he has such a perfect smile. one that always seemed to brighten your own mood, he held out his arm for you to link with yours so you two could walk together.
you didn’t hesitate to link your arm with him, now walking side by side as he gushed about the race and who he thought would win each round. of course confidently bragging about how no one would beat him come the third round. god did you love him, you could listen to him talk for hours about any subject you were sure.
as you guys walked through the back of the stands to go to the special stall designated for the royal family you couldn’t shake that feeling again. like someone was watching you, obviously your people were but this was different.
looking briefly behind you to see if you could spot the source, and sure enough a familiar pair of brown eyes were locked onto you.
you turn back to Anakin refocusing on him but this time you weren’t really listening to what he was saying, your mind was too busy wondering if Ahsoka really disliked you so much. anytime you were in the same place her eyes were on you, tracking your every movement. honestly you felt more judgment from her then you have most people in your life.
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the sound of a gun going off rung in the air to signify the first round of the race had begun, silencing the crowd but only for a moment before everyone began shouting and cheering for the respective player they were rooting for. the track was huge, some points of action would be covered from trees but only briefly.
if you thought the crowd was loud you couldn’t believe how loud Anakin was, somehow his voice managed to boom overtop of everyone’s.
well him and Ashoka’s, though even her shouts where significantly quieter than his. it was almost more amusing then the race, Obi-Wan seemed to be more of a silent enjoyed along with Qui-Gon. both men standing silently and only cheering when the contestant they where routing for managed to surpass the other players. Shmi was silent in general as she watched, that didn’t shock you considering how Anakin said she never really was a fan of the races to begin with.
from what you remembered Anakin also said that both Qui-Gon and Shmi disproved of him participating in the races so you could only imagine what their reactions would be like when he’d leave to go join in the third round.
you flinch back slightly as everyone’s voices raise, the first round coming to an end and the first winner of the day emerging. it was nice to see both kingdoms getting along so well for this but boy did you not take into account just how loud the whole event was going to be.
your ears would be ringing for the rest of the night that’s for sure. shockingly Anakin seemed to have noticed, you truly thought his attention was solely on the race but he always seemed to find a way to surprise you. pulling you to stand in front of him and gently cupping your ears to block out the noise of the crowd as the next round was being set up. it was still loud but definitely more manageable than before, everything muffled just enough for the ringing to stop. it truly was the little things that had you falling helplessly in love with him.
the next round began just the same, another gun shot to the air and off all the players were. the difference this time was Anakin didn’t cheer, looking up to see his face he was definitely watching it. a big smile still plastered on, occasionally puffing his cheeks out when he wanted to cheer. he was holding back for you.
Ahsoka’s cheers still went on, now cheering for both herself and her brother since they were routing for the same player.
you lean back into Anakin, resting your back against his chest and he moves forward slightly. resting his chin on the top of your head, his hands still pressing firm but gentle on your ears.
there it was again, the feeling of eyes on you. you didn’t bother to check this time, already knowing who it most likely belonged too. at this point the only thing you wanted to know was why.
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to say that Anakin’s family was shocked when he left the stands, walking down to go join the third round would be untrue. if anything you were more shocked by their lack of reaction, you didn’t show it though.
he hadn’t told them you knew that for sure, he’d said it himself he wanted it to be a secret. but you suppose they were probably used to this from him.
the crowd was probably the loudest they’d been all day when Anakin joined the lineup on his horse. the previous winner from the second round wasn’t competing this time, probably having seen Anakin’s name on the list and decided to take the win he had not wanting the possibility of losing to the king.
you wanted to cover your own ears to block from the noise as Anakin had been doing before but decided you’d much rather cheer for him and clap. it would only be for a small amount of time after all, Anakin had done a test run of the course when first trying to find where the race would take place.
he’d taken three minutes to complete it and that was without R2, you had a feeling he’d run through this one much faster with his favorite horse.
the cheers were so loud as the gun went off, to your surprise the entire crowd was pretty much rooting for everyone but Anakin. it was all good fun you could tell, still you couldn’t help but laugh.
you, Ahsoka and Obi-Wan being the only people to cheer for him. his mom and dad watching quietly, though to be fair it was already clear who was going to win. Anakin was significantly ahead of the other contestants, his brows were furrowed in focus. occasionally glancing behind to check if anyone was catching up. there was one person who’d somehow managed to get close but just as quickly he managed to go even faster, R2 getting a second wind as he galloped along.
Just like that he’d won. a bright smile on his face as he held up both arms in a cheer of his own as everyone else cheered, screamed actually.
you were elated. this was definitely the most fun you had in a while, you almost wished it could go on longer or happen more often. of course once a year was still better than nothing. the day wasn’t over yet though.
you now had a ball to get changed for.
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Part 17
Tag List: @luvvfromme @gatekeepingirlboss @bimbo-baggins86 @iluvanakinskywalker @bby-imasociopath @curlycarley @burnthecheshirewitch @misscaller06 @sweetcheesecakesblog
alright and that’s three 🤭🤭 next chapter is going to be the ball 😋 it’s going to be out soon but not as fast as the previous three chapters where posted- but don’t worry cuz i promise it will be out today lol💃 anyway hope you all enjoy the cute moments happening between reader and Ani🥰 love you all 💋💋
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imagineyourworld · 2 years
As Long as the Stars Allow
Cassian Andor x Duchess!Reader  Warnings: Talk of death, canon typical violence, sexism, smut (including oral, PiV, and slight choking and orgasm denial, thigh riding), possessiveness (from both Cassian and reader) Summary: I honestly don’t have a summary... It’s kind of an enemies to lovers, friends with benefits, fake bodyguard, soulmates story.
Nothing could ever shake your unwavering loyalty to the Rebellion, or at least that’s what you thought before you met him.  Cassian Andor. Infamous rebel spy, ladies man, fighter to his core, and the one person in the Rebellion you hated almost as much as the Empire itself.  For quite some time now you have wondered how it was possible for you to get along with every single other rebel, and then you met Cassian and all that went out the window.  It wasn’t exactly hate at first sight, in fact the first conversation the two of you had had been good. He was reserved and held back, didn’t tell you anything about his past of his motivation to join the Rebel Alliance, but he was polite, nice, almost flirty. Well, the next time you saw him all that had changed.  Cassian had single-handedly managed to make you question whether taking down the Empire was really worth spending time with him. Until said Empire committed another atrocity that is and you realised that as annoying as Cassian might be, it was worth it. For you, your loved ones, your people, and the entire galaxy.  “Your Grace, Bail Organa requests your presence in his office,” the voice of your trusted lady drew your attention away from your brooding thoughts.  You turned away from the window, the millions of stars outside it, and nodded your thanks to her.  You had expected to be called into someone’s office sooner rather than later, after all you had already spent more time on the starship than you liked. Every second you spent with the rebels, even worse on one of their ships, was a risk. You could gather intel at meetings, read classified reports from the Empire only community leaders had access to, help the Rebellion in many little ways, but actually being with them for an extended period of time might draw the wrong kind of attention and blow your cover of neutrality.  Your lady following behind you, you made your way to Bail’s office, the doors of which opened the second you halted in front of them.  “Please wait here for me, Mira.”  With a small curtsy your lady told you that she understood and you entered the office, the doors closing behind you again.  Bail Organa stood with his back to you, another human male next to him, and an all too familiar Togruta facing both of them and thereby you.  “Y/n, I’m glad you could join us,” Ahsoka said with a smile on her face.  You returned the gesture, focusing all your attention on her so as not to stare daggers at the other man in the room, who out of the corner of your eye you had by now recognised as none other than Cassian Andor.  “The pleasure is all mine. I didn’t know you’d be here,” you told her as you walked across the office to give her a hug.  Despite a ten year age difference you counted Ahsoka to your closest friends, one of the few other women in the Rebellion and someone who had been through more than you could ever imagine.  “You’re more beautiful every time I see you,” Ahsoka told you, looking you over. You knew you looked your best today, your white dress flattering your body shape and your hair styled in the newest fashion with a flower native to your planet braided into it. “Doesn’t she?”  The last words were directed at the two men in the office, forcing you to stand beside Ahsoka and look at them.  “Beautiful like a midnight flower, your Grace,” Bail said with a smooth kiss to your hand.  Cassian, on the other hand, didn’t even acknowledge you. Instead he kept his gaze focused on the holopad on the desk.  “Enough with the pleasantries now. Please, let’s get to business. What is so important that we had to meet here?”  Finally, Cassian looked up, his dark eyes meeting yours in a cold stare. “Why? Did your Grace have somewhere more important to be?”  Out of his mouth the honorific sounded like an insult. It was only due to years of education and dealing with condescending politicians that you managed to ignore him and instead focus on the two people in the room you actually liked.  “I know what you risk by meeting us here, Y/n, but there was nowhere else we deemed safe,” Ahsoka said. “What we’re about to tell you could change everything.”  Her words made you look at the datapad, which displayed a map and a long list of names next to it. It took you a moment to recognise some of them. Bail was on that list, as was his wife Queen Breha and even their daughter, though only just a teenager. Ahsoka, deemed dead by the Empire, wasn’t on it, but you spotted a few other familiar names, friends, other rebels you had only spoken to briefly. Cassian.  You looked up from the list and met his eyes. He knew he was on the list, of course he did, maybe that was the reason he was here now, and though you should have expected him to be on the list, especially with what little you know of his past, it somehow shocked you that the Empire was really after him, that one day he might not return from a mission.  “Cassian here managed to secure this list a couple of weeks ago. It’s names and last known locations of people the Empire knows or thinks might be a danger to it. Spies, rebels, gang members, everyone who for some reason or other isn’t happy with the Empire.”  You looked at Bail as he talked, an unspoken question in your eyes.  He shook his head. “You’re not on that list. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t others on which you might be.”  You nodded. It had always been a risk to work for the Rebellion, you knew that one day the Empire might find out and you would have to face the consequences.  “What’s the plan? Do you want me to hide those people on Kamaanti?”  It was somewhat of a rhetorical question, you knew, and everyone else in the room did as well, that you might have been able to hide a few people on your small planet but not an entire list of enemies to the Empire, at least not without getting yourself on that list as well, and getting people killed in the process.  “You’re invited to the Empire’s annual masquerade ball, right?”  Another rhetorical question. As Duchess of Kamaanti you were invited every year, forced to dance with Imperials, listen to their ideas and how they thought they were the greatest beings to ever walk the galaxy, and in an admittedly clever way kept away from any known rebel sympathisers at the event.  “I am.”  Bail nodded.  You remember, years ago, when he and his family had been invited to the ball as well. That’s where you first met, where you found out that Bail, in his days as a republic senator, had been quite close with your own parents before their untimely death, where he had begun to give you hints of a group of people who weren’t exactly on board with the Empire.  The last couple of years the Organas were still invited, as the royal family of Alderaan they had to be, though be it on paper only. Everyone knew that they weren’t exactly welcome, other than you they had never kept their political opinions exactly quiet.  “And it is still held in the Great Imperial Ballroom on Coruscant?”  You confirmed.  “And do you know what lies beneath the ballroom?”  You turned away from Bail to look at Ahsoka, who had spoken for the first time in a while.  “I don’t,” you admitted after a moment of silence. “But you do, don’t you? You were raised on Coruscant.”  Just like with Cassian, you knew only a little about Ahsoka’s past. You knew that she, like Bail, had known your parents before their death, that she was raised on Coruscant, that she kept many secrets she wouldn’t even tell you.  “What is now known as the Great Imperial Ballroom wasn’t always a ballroom. It used to be a training facility, which is quite useful since both a ballroom and a training room require soft flooring, big spaces, speakers for music. What are now the guest suites used to be dormitories, and underneath the ballroom, where there used to be storage, are now secret offices. Offices where the Empire does things they don’t exactly want the public to know.”  You nodded along with her words. Things they don’t exactly want the public to know, such as writing up lists of enemies of the Empire, basically kill lists.  “And you want me to, what, sneak into the basement and delete the list?”  It wasn’t exactly madness, but almost equally as insane. Sure, you had an invitation to enter the building, a suite reserved for you just a few floors up, but you had no experience with breaking and entering whatsoever. You were an informant, you could help out with sensitive information, hide a few people if necessary, donate a star ship every once in a while, but you couldn’t break into a top secret office, at least not without... help.  Your eyes flitted over to Cassian. That’s why he was here. You were the way in, he was the one to actually do the job.  “Delete the list, see if there are any others, and if so delete them as well,” Bail confirmed your earlier question.  You nodded along, barely registering his words.  Why Cassian? There were dozens of others who could to the job, people you didn’t hate, who didn’t hate you. Why did it have to be him?  “I’m sure you’re wondering what Cassian has to do with all of this,” Bail continued after a moment of silence.  You scoffed. You liked Bail, you really did, but sometimes he, like most other men, underestimated you simply because of your pretty face and your fancy clothes.  “I know exactly why he’s here. I’m the looks, he’s the brain.”  Now it was Cassian’s turn to scoff. He glared at you with fire in his eyes.  “I wouldn’t exactly say that you’re the looks. More like I’m the brain and the looks and you’re just our way in.”  Charming, you thought, rolling your eyes at him.  “Have you really thought this through, Bail?” Ahsoka asked, mirroring your thoughts exactly.  Bail shrugged. “It’s an important mission and we need our best people on it. I’m sure they can cease acting like children for at least a little while.”  Somehow his words struck you. You really were acting like children, weren’t you? Bail was right, this was an important mission and you couldn’t risk it by arguing with Cassian every time he opened his mouth or even just breathed in your direction.  With an audible sigh you reached your hand across the desk, offering it to the spy.  “Truce?”  After a moment of heavy silence, and raised eyebrows from both Ahsoka and Bail, Cassian returned the gesture, enclosing your hand in his.  The warmth of it, even in the slightly cold office, took you by surprise, as did the calluses against your soft skin. And yet his hand somehow fit in yours, not quite like a puzzle piece but it didn’t repulse you as much as you had anticipated.  You squeezed his hand once, giving him your most dazzling smile, before letting go and turning back to Bail.  “So, what’s the cover story? How am I going to get Cassian past security?” 
You were scared.  It was a week later, you were on your way to the masquerade ball, and you were scared as fuck.  This, though undeniably for a good cause, wasn’t what you had signed up for when you agreed to work with the Rebellion. This was espionage, you were used to sitting behind a desk, typing up neat reports to send to the Rebellion via paper, something that left little to no digital evidence the Empire could trace back to you.  “You’re nervous,”  It wasn’t a question, Cassian, sitting beside you in the traditional clothes of your personal guard, was simply stating a fact.  And yet you couldn’t admit it, not to him.  “I’m not.”  You glanced over to your driver, the same woman who piloted your starship whenever you needed to leave the planet, who flew you from useless appointment to useless appointment. You trusted her, at least on the basic level you trusted most, if not all, of your employèes, but you couldn’t risk her overhearing anything.  “You’re quite observant,” you told Cassian in your most regal voice, the one reserved for strangers and people you didn’t like. Or at least people other than Cassian you didn’t like, he somehow brought out a version of yourself you rarely showed, one that at the same time made you feel unlike yourself and more yourself than you were at any other time. Maybe he just agitated you so much that you lost all sense of self.  “I’m your guard, it’s my job,” Cassian replied, the hint of warmth his voice had held earlier gone, replaced by the same professionalism you tried your best to conjure up.  You silently cursed Bail for the idea to have Cassian pose as your guard. Admittedly, it clever since it would explain why the two of you would stick together the entire evening, and it was one of only two ways of getting Cassian inside the building. The other being having him pretend to be your date, your boyfriend or even fiancè, which everyone agreed wouldn’t be believable and likely end in injury or death for one or both of you.  Moments of silence, in which every single way this mission could go wrong, crossed your mind, until finally the shining lights of the ballroom came into sight.  “We’ve arrived, ma’am,” your driver announced.  From the way Cassian almost choked beside you, you could tell that he was trying his best to hold back a scoff. A small smile found its way to your lips, it was quite fun seeing Cassian having to deal with all of this. You were raised from birth to one day inherit your mother’s title of Duchess of Kamaanti, to understand, and even appreciate, the protocol that came with the role, the responsibility. But all of this was new to Cassian, and for the first time in quite some time, the first time since he let it slip how he came to leave Kenari, you felt for him.  “Let’s go, Cassian,” you said in a soft voice, hoping neither he nor your driver would misinterpret it as anything more than it was, a friendly way to encourage Cassian to get out there and face whatever the evening had to offer.  You could hear him take a deep breath before he exited the ship and opened the door for you, allowing you to face the flashing lights and people lined up to watch the guests enter the ballroom.  Cassian followed just a few steps behind you as you made your way up the stairs to the main entrance.  “There are more witnesses than expected,” he whispered into your ear just as you reached the top step, the one spot where you were unlikely to be overheard by either guards or spectators.  His warm breath his your ear and for a moment it made you forget just how cold you were in your beautiful, but quite thin, dress in the Coruscant night air.  “That’s just outside, inside there’ll be way less people.”  You continued to walk up to the Imperial officer in charge of greeting the guests, one you knew you had met at a previous event but couldn’t for the life of you remember the name of.  “Your Grace,” he greeted you with a stiff bow, his expression telling you just how much he despised showing his respect to a woman, especially one so much younger than himself.  “Lieutenant, “ you return, guessing his rank based on the medals gleaming on his chest.  Cassian stood behind you, no doubt noticing every detail about the grand entrance hall and the man in front of you, taking note of every exit, surveillance camera, and blaster in the area.  “And who is that with you?”  Despite your best efforts the lieutenant’s question threw you off guard. You weren’t used to having your actions or the people in your company questioned, at least not openly though of course you knew that people talked behind closed doors, not even at an Imperial event.  “This is my personal guard. I was assured that you were told he was accompanying me.”  Cassian stepped ever so slightly closer to you, something you could only tell by the heat radiating off his body intensifying against your back. You had a feeling that if you played close enough attention you could be able to feel his breath hitting the back of your neck where your hair was pulled up.  “You didn’t bring a guard with you last year, or the year before that.”  It wasn’t a question but you nodded nonetheless, trying to hide the unease that you felt at realising that among hundreds, if not thousands, of guests the Empire paid close enough attention to you for even the lieutenant to notice a change in your company.  “Due to the political climate my head of security thought it wise to have some extra protection.”  You didn’t mention the Rebellion, didn’t say that this ball would be a perfect target and it would only make sense for someone as high ranking as yourself to have personal protection. You didn’t need to, the officer, if he knew what was good for him, would let you pass, opting to admit that the situation with the rebels was getting dangerous rather than risking angering you.  “Of course, your Grace. An extra room in your suite for your guard has been prepared prior to your arrival.”  You nodded, playing the part of snob nobility and not granting him a real answer, as you rushed past him, your skirt flowing behind you as you made your way to where you knew the lifts to be located.  “Room 4215,” the lieutenant called after you.  Only as the lift doors closed behind you did you dare to let out the breath you’ve been holding. All of this, lying, deceiving, pretending to be someone you were not, wasn’t your area of expertise, and for the first time you really came to admire Cassian for managing it all so effortlessly.  “Well, that didn’t go as well as I expected,” you started but before you could say anything else Cassian coughed once, then twice. Your agreed upon singal to tell the other that you were being watched.  You turned to face Cassian, who was standing behind you in the corner, trying to get a good look of your surroundings in the process. And there, in the top right corner, was a small camera, almost invisible to the untrained eye.  Cassian looked at you as you pretended not to notice the camera, to not let the Empire know that you were well aware that you were being watched.  Though this was you in your natural environment, embodying your role as duchess of Kamaanti, you were as tense as he had ever seen you. Granted, he hadn’t spent all that much time with you, but the few times you did see each other you always looked more relaxed.  Thinking of the easy smile, comparing your clenched shoulders to your usual posture, brought back memories of your first meeting, and the time directly after it.  It was hot, hotter even than the usual scorching temperatures of Jakku, and Cassian longed to get back to the slightly cooler Yavin, or even just a shower to wash off all the sand and dirt clinging to his sweaty skin.  He was here to meet an important informant, one he had been told couldn’t risk meeting anywhere other than the middle of nowhere.  Wiping sweat from his brow Cassian first thought that the girl he was seeing, probably a few years younger than he himself, must have been a hallucination. There was no way a girl like that, with glowing skin, shining hair, and a radiant smile.  “Stars above, it’s a long way from home,” you said as you jumped off your speeder.  Those were the words, the signal, that told Cassian you really were the one had was supposed to meet.  “Not as long as a desert day,” he replied, telling you that he was the rebel you were told would be waiting for you.  You walked closer to where Cassian was sitting in the shade of a giant rock, just as he jumped up to meet you.  Up close you were even prettier, despite the sand clinging to your hair and your lips chapped from the dry air, you were a vision.  Cassian wasn’t usually one to be at a loss for words when talking to a pretty woman but there was something about you.  “I’m Y/n,” you introduced yourself.  He repeated your name, trying to get used to the unfamiliar sound. It sounded pretty, sophisticated, like the name out of a fairytale.  “Cassian.”  You sat down in the shade, pulling a water bottle from your backpack and talking a sip before offering it to Cassian.  “What’s a guy like you doing in a place like this?”  He chuckled, a sound that had almost become unfamiliar to his own ears. Laughter was hard to come by in the Rebellion but somehow, sitting on this hot as hell planet with you, it came easy to him.  “I could ask you the same thing, you don’t look like a rebel. Far too pretty,” he was quick to add before you could say anything.  You laughed, a sound he longed for more than a cold shower. How he could feel like this only minutes after meeting you, knowing nothing about you but your name, he didn’t know. Cassian wasn’t a stranger to women, he had a healthy sex life, knew how to make females (and the occasional males) swoon over him, but never had he been so captivated by someone as he was by you.  “I’m not exactly a rebel, just an informant.”  You pulled a stack of papers out of your backpack and handed them to him. Cassian flipped through them, finding names, locations, reports, and an envelope filled with credits among them.  You pocketed your water bottle again before getting up and brushing the sand off your trousers.  “Feel free to buy yourself something pretty, Cassian. We all deserve beauty amidst this darkness.” You made your way back to your speeder, leaving a stunned Cassian behind. “And if you’re ever on Kamaanti, feel free to drop by.”  And with those words you were off, leaving Cassian to wonder who exactly you were.  He didn’t have to wonder long though, once he returned to base Mon Mothma answered the pressing question on his mind.  You weren’t just an informant, you were a duchess, nobility, someone who had the power and the money to change the course of the war and yet sat comfortably in your palace, tossing the Rebellion a bone every now and then, probably just to ease your conscience.  Cassian didn’t usually blame people for not joining the Rebellion, everyone had their reasons to fight or to lay low, but if someone held the power you did, and yet did little to nothing, he couldn’t help the burning anger.  Never mind that you were pretty or funny, inside you were little better than the Empire you didn’t stand up to in favour of your own comfort. 
You exited the refresher wearing your ball gown, your hair and makeup done by the stylists who have left just a couple of minutes ago and your handbag, shoes, and mask waiting for you to complete the look.  Cassian, dressed in a smart suit rather than the uniform he had been wearing earlier, sat in the armchair next to your bed, staring at the datapad in his hand.  “Careful, I heard they bite when you glare at them like that,” you tried to joke to lighten the mood.  His tense shoulders didn’t relax, if anything they clenched up even more as his eyes lifted and he looked you up and down.  “How do I look?”  The superficial part of you couldn’t resist the question. You knew you looked good, and you knew that if Cassian even tried to deny it he would be lying.  But Cassian didn’t deny it, instead he looked you up and down, a sudden heat in his eyes you had never seen there before.  You cast a quick glance to the mirror on the other side of the room. Your skin hadn’t magically turned green, not a hair was out of place. The dark blue dress hugged your upper body, hiding all your insecurities in the process, before flowing out in a long silky skirt with a slit up one leg just long enough to be sexy but not too long as to be indecent for the ball.  “What’s the matter, loth cat got your tongue?,” you joked as you slipped your shoes on. You bent down to fasten the ties but before you could Cassian’s voice finally sounded through the room.  “Let me.”  In one smooth motion he got out of his chair and slid onto the floor in front of you, his warm hand gently holding your ankle while the other busied itself with the fastening.  You couldn’t deny that Cassian looked good in his suit, just like your dress it brought out his best features, though you did think it was a shame that he had gelled his hair back, suddenly realising just how much you had grown to like the casual hairstyle he usually had. But there was something about him kneeling in front of you, wearing this suit, that had heat racing up your leg from where he touched you right to your core. A tingling sensation all too familiar, yet one you had never experience with Cassian Andor of all people.  “Is everything alright?,” Cassian aksed, his voice slightly rough, his accent more pronounced, though you blamed it on him concentrating on securing the overly complicated clips and bows around your ankles.  “Fine,” you choked out, a second too late realising that he had been talking about the upcoming evening, the mission, rather than the fact that having him on his knees in front of you did unmentionable things to you.  Finally, he let go of your leg and got up, though he was now standing a bit too close for comfort, his face only centimeters from your own.  “What do you do if we’re being watched?”  You rolled your eyes. Same old Cassian was back, always testing you, believing you to be incompetent.  “Cough twice.”  He nodded, his dark eyes never leaving yours.  “And what do you do while I extract the files?”  You crossed your arms in front of your chest, managing to put a bit more distance between the two of you in the process.  “Stand guard outside the door.”  He nodded again.  “And-”  You uncrossed your arms again, scoffing as you grabbed the mask from the bed and slipped it over the upper half of your face before tying a bow behind your head to fasten it.  “And if someone comes I’ll pretend to be drunk and that I couldn’t find my way back to my room. I know, Andor. I might not be an infamous spy like yourself but I’m not an idiot either.”  You tried your best not to frown, not wanting to smudge your makeup, and instead settled for glaring at him.  Cassian sighed, putting on his own mask.  “I never said you were an idiot, but you spend all your time worrying about where to find money for more of those pretty dresses you always wear.”  Now that made you see red. Was that what Cassian really thought of you? After everything you did for the Rebellion, everything you sacrificed, did people, did he really believe that all you worried about were your looks?  “Listen here you arrogant bantha shit,” you hissed between your teeth, walking over to Cassian until you were chest to chest, your voice dangerously low. “I worry about money, alright, and yes, sometimes I use that money to buy ‘pretty dresses’ but that’s because it’s what’s expected of me as a duchess. You know why I also worry about money? Because I need that money to pay my employèes so they can feed their families, I need that money to fund schools and universities, to give to those who need it, to buy weapons and supplies for your precious rebellion.” You took a deep breath before continuing, glad that you had managed to stun Andor into silence. “I don’t give a fuck what you think of me, whether you like me or despise me as you so clearly do, but don’t for one second think that I only think about myself. I may not be a rebel in the same way you are but make no mistake, I’m no Imperial either.”  You took a step back, refusing to look at Cassian again as you grabbed your small handbag and looked in the mirror one last time before exiting the room, your head held high and expecting Cassian to follow you like the duchess you were.  The ride down to the ballroom was awkward, filled with an unknown silence and tension, neither of you daring to say anything. But as soon as your arrival was announced and you entered the ballroom all that disappeared and you were in your element. This, even if you hated every single person in the room, was what you were born and raised to do. You may not exactly enjoy it, but you knew what to expect. You knew what people would ask and how they would answer your questions before they even opened their mouths. It wasn’t like it was with Cassian, who never said what you expected him to and would probably rather eat his own shoe than listen to you. Here, with those sharks and piranhas, you could prove your worth to the Rebellion.  “Your Grace, you look stunning,” a young Imperial you didn’t recognise greeted you. He lifted your hand up to place a kiss on the back of it.  “I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure,” you said, at the same time indirectly asking for his name and trying to remind him just how unprofessional it was to just approach a duchess, even as a high ranking officer, without being introduced by a mutual acquaintance.      “Captain Flak Romeis, pleasure to make your acquaintance.”  His blond hair gleamed under the light as he looked you up and down in what you were sure he thought to be an inconspicuous way.  “The pleasure is all mine, captain,” you purred, knowing full well that Cassian, who was standing only a step behind you, held the same title as the slimy Imperial in front of you.  “Duchess, it would be a great honour if you granted me a dance.”  His overly formal words in combination with the way he still looked at you send icy shivers down your spine, a stark contrast to the heat Cassian had ignited in you just hours before.  Speak of the devil, before you could reply to Flak’s request, Cassian’s hand closed around your wrist, tugging ever so slightly in a manner that was no less unprofessional than the Imperial’s behaviour.  You turned around to face him for the first time since your argument, his hand still holding your wrist in a firm grasp.  “I don’t think it would be wise to dance with him, your Grace,” he whispered just loud enough for you to hear, to smell his minty breath and close your eyes to regain your composure.  “And why is that? Surely he doesn’t pose a threat to my safety.”  You blinked up at Cassian, urging him to play the guard, not to blow your cover over a simple dance and some nasty looks.  “Just one dance,” you said, lowering your voice. “And then we can do what we came here for.”  You pulled your hand out of his grasp, placing it on the Imperial’s arm so he could lead you to the dancefloor.  “I hope I didn’t just pull you away from your husband,” he said as you got into position, placing one of your hands in his and the other on his shoulder while his other hand founds its place on your waist.  “Husband?” You couldn’t help but laugh. Both of you were piss poor actors if people believed that Cassian was your husband. “He’s my personal guard. A bit overprotective maybe, it’s the first big event he’s accompanied me to.”  The music began to play and the Imperial took the first steps, leading you into the dance as Cassian watched from the side.  Maybe the playing pretend finally got to him because he felt a wave of protectiveness rise up as he watched Flak’s hand drift lower just a hint, as he pulled you closer, as he made you laugh.  Cassian knew that you were playing a part just as he was, that there was no way you were charmed by an Imperial, especially one as slimy as Captain Flak Romeis. Though you didn’t believe it to be true, as your little speech earlier had shown, Cassian did think highly of you, or at least of your dedication to the Rebellion. He knew what you were risking, that if you were caught it wouldn’t end well for you, that the Empire would make an example out of the unfaithful duchess.  Still watching you float across the dancefloor, Cassian noticed another guard, an actual personal guard, approach him out of the corner of his eye.  “You’re fucking her, aren’t you?”  The question, and the way in which it was asked, managed something only few people ever managed, it made him lose his focus.  Cassian turned to face the other guard, a Twi’lek, dressed in a suit so much like his own.  “Don’t worry, I won’t tell,” he continued. “I’m hooking up with my charge as well, though she’s nowhere near as good looking as yours. She really is something else. Is there any chance you’re willing to share?”  Though Cassian was no stranger to hooking up with women, sometimes women he had only seen as briefly as the guard had seen you, he did believe that everyone was owed respect, regardless of gender or looks, and you especially.  Yes, Cassian himself had difficulties tearing his eyes away from you in that dress, and a fantasy of ripping it off you had crossed his mind, but hearing someone else talk about you like that made him forget your argument earlier, replaced any anger he had towards you with angers towards the guard.  “You either leave right now and never look at her again or I’ll find you on whatever backwater planet you live on and break your jaw so you won’t ever talk about her like that again, understood?”  The guard didn’t even have a chance to reply before you suddenly appeared in front of Cassian, and as he looked to his side the Twi’lek was gone.  A few strands of your hair had fallen out of place and Cassian’s fingers twitched to push them behind your ear.  “May I have another dance before the night is over?,” the Imperial captain asked, calling Cassian’s attention to the fact that he was standing right there beside you.  Like a bucket of ice water it reminded him of why he had to stay away from you, you were a distraction. A beautiful distraction, but a distraction nonetheless.  “We’ll see, Captain Romeis, I tend to retire quite early.”  The statement was a polite a ‘no’ as you could manage and luckily succeeded in driving him away, leaving you and Cassian alone.  “Are you ready to go exploring, your Grace?” 
The hallway you were walking through was freezing cold, a stark contrast to the stale air in the ballroom, and something that made you appreciate Cassian’s body heat next to you a tiny bit more.  “I was sure your heels would give us way but now I’m beginning to think it’s your clattering teeth,” Cassian whispered under his breath.  You were about to throw him an annoyed comment about how you dressed for a hot ballroom filled with hundreds of people, not an abandoned hallway that even a droid would catch a cold in, when you felt a sudden warmth around your upper body.  You had been too distracted with trying to come up with a witty comment to notice that Cassian, in an act that was as unlike him as dressing up in bright pink would be, had placed his suit jacket around your shoulders.  “I-,” you started before abruptly shutting your mouth. Cassian had just done a nice thing for you, now wasn’t the time for sarcasm. “Thank you.”  A small grunt was all the reply Cassian gave you. You rolled your eyes at his hot-and-cold behaviour, an act that, as childish as it was, saved your asses.  You coughed once. Twice.  Cassian looked at you out of the corner of his eye, trying to follow your line of sight without being too obvious.  You saw the recognition in his eyes as he spotted the security camera in the corner.  “It’s an IB24, it doesn’t record sound,” he told you, his monotone voice didn’t give you any comfort, but it didn’t give you reason to panic further either.  “Doesn’t mean it’s safe to talk, does it? Whoever watches the footage could still read our lips.” You put your hands in the pockets of Cassian’s jacket, trying to busy yourself so you wouldn’t begin to freak as another thought settled in your head. “They don’t just see two people who aren’t supposed to be here. Cassian, they’ll recognise us, recognise me.”  Your partner scoffed as he reached for the blaster previously hidden by his jacket and shot straight at the camera.  “Listen to you, all concerned about your own kriffing wellbeing.”  You didn’t waste your breath explaining to him that you, being a duchess and not a spy who made a living by staying hidden, were simply more recognisable.  “You’re one to talk, the great spy who doesn’t even see a security camera.”  Cassian, who had already taken a few steps towards the camera to knock it down and destroy the chip inside, turned around and came to stand right in front of you within a few quick strides.  “Listen, mi duquesita, you cannot fuck with me right now. I need to concentrate if this mission is to be successful, and you’re making that damn difficult.”  Though his voice was low, his breath hitting your lips, and his entire being surrounded you in a way that could go south within seconds, you weren’t intimidated.  “Trust me, the last thing I want to do is fuck with you. Or fuck you, for that matter.”  Cassian leaned impossibly closer, one hand reaching up to cup your chin and lift your head so you couldn’t look away from his dark eyes with a dangerous fire burning within.  “Are you sure about that?”  The sheer arrogance in his tone brought you to your senses. How dare he? Who did he think he was, who you were? Did he expect you to fawn over him just because he treated you like an equal for a couple of minutes?  You took a step back, letting Cassian’s hand fall from your chin, breaking the strange hold he had on you even further.  “Let’s just get this over with so we can go upstairs and I go to sleep and dream of being far away from you.  With a chuckle so soft you were sure you must have been imagining it, Cassian finally removed the chip from the camera, stuffing it in the pocket of his trousers before tossing you the broken camera.  “Hold on to that, will you? Can’t leave any more evidence of our visit than absolutely necessary.”  And the rest of your mission really did feel like a visit, like a walk in the park. You found the correct door, Cassian broke in, leaving you standing guard outside, and within a few moments he was back out again, a small smile on his face.  “All done, mi duquesita.”  There was that nickname again. You wouldn’t grant him the satisfaction of admitting that you didn’t know what it meant, by asking for a translation. You spoke three living and two dead languages fluently, so what if you didn’t speak Cassian’s damned language (both metaphorically and in the actual sense)?  “Let’s get out of here.”  You began to walk back the way you had come, glad that for once everything seemed to be going quite well, when you turned around, noticing that Cassian wasn’t following you.  “You coming?”  With a shake of his head he hurried to catch up to you.  “Are you in such a hurry because you can’t wait to dance with Captain whatshisname again?”  There was an unfamiliar venom in his voice, one you could have sworn was unlike anything Cassian had ever directed towards you.  The chance to annoy him further was right there and the words were at the tip of your tongue, but you decided to tell the truth. Partly because Cassian had been a good partner today and you didn’t want to anger him the one time the two of you got along, but mostly because you were simply too exhausted to tell another lie.  “I’ll be glad if I never have to see that guy again,” you admitted, pulling his jacket closer around your body as you tried to stifle a yawn. “I was telling the truth when I said that I just want to sleep.”  From the corner of his eye Cassian looked you up and down before nodding.  “Then let’s take you to bed, your Grace.”  You managed a nod, despite the fact that from his mouth the formal words sounded more like dirty talk than anything else.  The doors to the lift, which you had reached some time during your conversation, opened and you sank against the wall with a relieved sigh.  “I can’t wait to take these kriffing shoes off,” you muttered.  Cassian, from the other side of the lift, smirked at you, one eyebrow raised.  “Foul mouth for a duchess.”  If you only knew, you thought, and you were just about to say it as well, to try and test what it would take to make him lose his cool, what flirting with him would get you, when the doors unexpectedly opened.  The second the gap between the two doors was wider than a centimeter, thereby allowing whoever was outside to actually look inside the lift, Cassian jumped away from the wall until he was face to face with you.  “We have no idea who’s about to enter this lift,” he whispered.  You nodded in response. “Correct.”  “We’re on the ballroom floor, whoever it is knows we didn’t just get on, that we’ve come from downstairs.”  Another nod. There was no need to interrupt him, not when Cassian was clearly trying to come up with a plan to get you out of this situation.  “Do you trust me?,” he asked before quickly correcting himself. “Nevermind, I know that you don’t. But will you play along?”  You barely had the chance to nod before Cassian placed his lips right beneath your ear, kissing you softly.  The gasp you let out was anything but fake. It was a surprise reaction, and one of unexpected pleasure. His lips were soft, a welcome contrast to the rough hairs of his beard, and his hands, that had found their way to your waist, felt good, great even.  As if on autopilot your own hands wandered up his back, settling in his hair, which you finally managed to rough up a bit, bringing it from its combed back style to the wild curls you were used to.  “I do hope I’m not interrupting anything.”  Your eyes flew open at the new voice, too distracted by Cassian’s lips on your hot skin to have noticed another person entering the lift.  Shit, shit, shit, shit. Kriffing shit, ran through your mind. Once again you found yourself on autopilot as you pushed Cassian away from you, ignoring how much you missed his hands, his lips, on your body the second they were gone, as you looked at the other man.  “Grand Moff Tarkin, I am so sorry.”  You cursed yourself, this ball, the entire galaxy, that the person you had to be trapped in a lift with was Tarkin. You would have even preferred Darth Vader himself, at least he would have put you out of your misery instantly.  “Duchess.” Tarkin was too professional to look you up and down in what you presumed to be a dishevelled state, or to really look at Cassian, which you should be thankful for. “I noticed you were arriving from the basement, care to explain why?”  “I-,” Cassian began to explain, but for once he actually shut up when you shot him a pointed look.  “We were heading back up to my suite, must have pushed the wrong button in a hurry,” you were quick to explain. The lie slipped off your tongue easier than expected, especially considering you were lying to one of the most powerful men in the Empire while standing next to a leading member of the Rebellion.  “Yes, I can see that you are in quite a hurry.”  Tarkin’s dry tone didn’t give you any hint as to whether he suspected that something was amiss. Cassian, despite his experience in situations like this, must have been feeling the same way, since his arm once again sneaked around your waist as he pressed a soft kiss to your cheek.  His hand sneaked lower, from your waist to your hip until it rested right on your ass, an act alone that made heat curl in your stomach, but when he gave it a soft squeeze you couldn’t help the small yelp.  Well, as embarrassing as this was in front of Tarkin, at least now you had a better chance of actually selling your story.  As you tried to think of a way to reciprocate Cassian’s action, and coming up short due to his hand still firmly placed on your ass, the lift dinged. Your breath caught in your throat, fearing that even more Imperials would get on, but luck seemed to be on your side as Tarkin, his eyes like ice, looked you straight into the eyes.  “Goodnight, your Grace, sir.”  He left without uttering another word and only once the doors closed behind him did you dare to take a deep breath.  Though he visibly relaxed, Cassian’s hand never left your body. Instead he leaned closer to your, whispering into your ear in a voice that was nothing if not sinful.  “Tell me to stop any time and I will.”  Before you could ask what he was talking about he once again caught your chin between his fingers, turning and lifting your head until he crashed his lips against yours.  If you had thought his kisses felt good against your neck, they were no comparison to having his lips on yours. They were warm, soft, and as your hands once again found their way to his hair and you gave it a single instinctatious tug, they opened for you, allowing you to let your tongue roam freely across his bottom lip and into his mouth, where his own tongue met yours with enthusiasm.  You pressed your body closer to Cassian, needing to feel more, to feel every part of him against every part of you. At the same time his hand left your ass, moving all over your body, leaving trails of hire in its wake, until one hand found its place on your waist, pulling you even closer, and the other began to caress your neck, applying just a tiny hint of pressure.  Your eyes, though firmly closed, rolled back in your head as your hips moved towards his, needing more, more, more.  Suddenly the lift came to a stop, bringing you out of your haze and reminding you that you needed to breathe.  As the doors slid opened Cassian slowly leaned away from you, though nothing more than a sheet of paper would have fit between your bodies even with the newfound distance.  “Wanna finish what we started, pequeña?”  He didn’t have to ask twice. The fact that the man in front of you was Cassian Andor, the person you hated almost as much as the Empire itself, who got on your nerves and never let an opportunity to show you just how inferior he thought you go by, never crossed your mind. Or at least not in the way that it should. Of course you knew that you had just made out with Cassian, but somehow it didn’t bother you as much as it should. Maybe it was because the entire day he had been decent, if not even friendly, towards you, or the fact that there have been heated looks and touches all day that had seemingly only lead to this, or that you were actually beginning to like him when his mouth was occupied with something other than frowning.  “Lead the way, Captain.”  The title simply rolled off your tongue, but as you saw the way Cassian’s shoulders tensed as he exited the lift before you, you noted to use it more often.  As soon as the door to your suite closed behind you, Cassian turned you around, pressing you to the closed door, as his lips found yours again.  The kiss was less heated than that in the lift, more sensual, slower, allowing you to notice all the small details. How soft Cassian’s hair was between your fingers, the scar along the back of his head, the sharp sting as his teeth sank into your bottom lip only for it to be soothed by his tongue. And his hands.  Oh, his hands would surely be the death of you. They roamed all along your body, caressing and squeezing, pushing his jacket, that you still had wrapped around you, to the ground, giving him better access to your neck.  You couldn’t help the moan that escaped you as he kissed from your jaw down your neck all the way to the beginning of your dress.  He leaned back a bit, making your hands fall from his hair, as he just looked at you.  Though a moment before you had been sure that Cassian wanted you as much as you wanted him, doubt suddenly began to creep up.  “What is it?,” you whispered into the dark room, illuminated only by the city lights outside the window.  Cassian shook his head, licked his lips, and shook his head again.  “Nothing.” He stepped closer to you again, placing his hands on your waist, his thumbs slowly stroking your sides. “I just can’t decide whether I want to finally take this dress off of you or fuck you in it.”  The contrast between his soft caresses, his low voice, and his filthy words, made you clench your thighs together. You were insatiable when it came to this man. “Why not do both?” You bit your bottom lip at the possibility, at the thought of simply feeling more of Cassian’s skin against yours. “Or can you only go one round?” Your bold words shocked you, and it wasn’t until you heard Cassian chuckle that you stopped wanting to take them back. From his earlier actions you had presumed that Cassian would prefer a more submissive partner in bed, and you were happy to take that role, but apparently your banter would have a place inside the bedroom as well as out of it.  “You have no idea what I can do, mi duquesita.” His lips found your neck again, gently sucking on the vulnerable skin. “I don’t just plan on fucking you with my cock, I’ll make you come with my tongue first. I’ll have you begging for me.”  You rolled your eyes, playfully this time, as you looked at him with a smirk. You had to admit that Cassian really knew how to build tension but you wouldn’t beg for anyone, anything.  Instead of giving him an answer your hands reached out for his shirt, beginning to unbutton it to grant you access to his skin. Cassian, for once deciding that helping you would be in his best interest, loosened the tie he was wearing around his neck before pulling it over his head.  Finally, you managed to rid him of the bothersome shirt, and get a good look at him. He was well-built, defined but not overly muscular. Scars littered his skin, some large, some small, as well as what seemed to be a rather new bruise. Though you knew that Cassian was in constant danger, that he had probably escaped death more than once, seeing it with your own eyes brought a sense of protectiveness over you you hadn’t experienced before.  You lifted your hands to gently stroke across his shoulders, down his chest, lingering a little longer on each scar. You stepped closer as Cassian watched you carefully, taking note of every slight change of expression.  “Cassian, I... you’re beautiful.”  The words, maybe the truest words you had ever spoken, slipped past your lips. He really was beautiful. Not just because he was handsome, though of course he was, but because his scars told of his struggles, his dedication to the Rebellion, his willingness to risk his life for the good of the galaxy. With soft touches you stroked along every inch of his skin you could reach, hearing his breath stutter as you lips began to follow your fingers. His skin tasted different than his lips, saltier, earthier, but also truer, not altered by anything he ate or drank.  You placed a soft kiss just above his heart, looking up at him from beneath your lashes.  It was that simply action that broke the spell Cassian was under. He bent down until his lips met yours in another kiss, tongues battling for dominance, until he broke the kiss only to fall to his knees in the next instance.  “What are you doi- oh, oh fuck, Cassian,” you exclaimed as it dawned on you.  Cassian, on his knees and his eyes focused solely on his task, took your ankles and gently pushed them to the sides, allowing your legs and thighs to spread further.  “I told you I’d make you come with my tongue,” he said with a smirk before lifting your skirt and diving underneath.  You could barely see him, with most of his upper body hidden beneath your dress, which somehow made it even hotter, leaving you to anticipate his next action, his next touch.  Gently he stroked up your legs, alternating between kissing each of your thighs, sometimes adding a little bite to the mix, until he reached your center.  One hand placed firmly on your waist he took the finger of the other hand to stroke up and down your covered slit.  “Shit, pequeña, you’re soaked.” His finger found your clothed clit and applied gentle pressure, which turned your insides into lava and made your knees buckle. You needed him.  Cassian slipped his finger, still just the one finger, underneath your panties until it rested on your skin, right on your lips. He pressed a soft kiss to the skin just above your panties, not moving his finger.  “Tell me if you want me to stop,” he reminded you, not giving you a chance to reply before he finally, fucking finally, slipped his finger inside you.  The groan he let out at the contact was almost as loud as your own. He moved a bit, trying to get a feel of you, trying to resist to overwhelm you but overcome with desire to feel more of your tight, wet heat at the same time.  ”I’ll buy you a new pair,” he said more to himself than to you, and before you could ask what he was talking about you heard the telltale sound of cloth being ripped apart. Cassian had just torn you underwear from your body.  Slowly, ever so slowly, he moved his finger, and just as he entered your pussy his mouth came into contact with your clit, sucking once, twice, as his finger began to thrust into you.  You had heard talk around the rebels that Cassian had game, that he wasn’t a stranger to taking other rebels to bed or even seducing informants to get what he needs, but you had never really believed any of it. Sure, maybe he had a one night stand every now and then, but so did most people in the Rebellion, you had been so sure that there was no way that Cassian Andor could be as good as the talk suggested.  That was until he brought you to a mindblowing orgasm within an embarrassingly short time.  “Ca- Cass- Fuck,” you stuttered pressing your thighs against his head, trying to draw him closer as waves of pleasure swept over you.  Cassian hummed against your core, taking everything you would give him, still sucking your clit while his hands, though slowing down, massaged your tight walls.  As the last of your orgasm ebbed away, Cassian finally crawled out from underneath your dress, and looked up at you still on his knees, wetness coating his mouth, making his beard seem darker than usual.  “You ready for me to make you beg?”  Despite how quickly he had managed to make you come, and the fact that seeing him like that made you wet all over again, you shook your head.  “In your dreams, Andor.”  He chuckled as he got up, leaning close to you as his mouth found the shell of your ear.  “How did you know what I dream about?,” he whispered, his hand sneaking up your back until you suddenly felt a gush of cold air against your skin.  Cassian had, in one smooth motion, pulled the zipper of your dress down. He looked at you, waited for your slight nod, before pulling at the fabric, making the dress fall off your body until it pooled around your ankles, leaving you in nothing but a bra and shoes.  “Eres mas hermosa que la luz de las estrellas,” Cassian breathed against your lips. His hands found their way to your breasts, squeezing and massaging, and twisting your nipples just right.  “Wait, Cassian, stop,” you gasped as he took one nipple in his mouth through the thin fabric of your bra, sucking in a way that made you see stars. What gave that man the right to be so kriffing good with his mouth?  He immediately let go of you, putting some distance between your bodies, though his hand itched to touch you again, even if just to soothe any harm he might have caused.  “What is it, pequeña? Did I do something wrong?”  He had tried his best to be gentle, to take it slow, not to let his desire overcome him. This was a step in the right direction and he didn’t dare do anything to jeopardize it.  You shook your head, your hand reaching out to take Cassian’s, who let out a relieved breath.  “Nothing’s wrong. It’s just... Don’t you want me to... You know...,” you said, suddenly shier than Cassian had ever seen you as you motioned towards the obvious bulge in his trousers.  Yes, his dick was aching for relief, but he knew that this might be his one chance with you and he wouldn’t blow it by making this all about him and his pleasure.  He shook his head. “Not right now.”  You raised an eyebrow, waited a moment, as if to get him to admit that yes, he did want you to get on your knees for him as he had done for you earlier. But he didn’t say anything.  “Just lay on the bed and let me make you feel good, alright?”  It was a question, nothing like the commands he usually spat out at you, and yet you followed more willingly than you had ever done before.  Sex with Cassian wasn’t like you had imagined it, not that you had imagined it a lot, but when you heard talk around the rebels you couldn’t help but imagine at least a bit. Also whenever you looked at him before he opened his mouth to snap at you, or when you caught him looking at you like he was right now, as if he was seeing you for the first time. Not to mention the instant crush you had developed after actually meeting him for the first time, one that quickly burned out after your second meeting.  You got on the bed, lying down still in your bra and shoes, as Cassian crawled over you, his naked chest meeting your clothed one. You didn’t wait to see what he would do, instead hungry for more, you leaned up, capturing his mouth with yours, returning to the heated kisses from earlier.  He returned the kiss with just as much eagerness, licking into your mouth as his hands once again found their way to your breasts. Your own hands wandered across his back, relishing in the feeling of his skin, feeling every inch of softness, contrasted by rough scars.  Despite his earlier insistence on wanting to focus on you, Cassian couldn’t help himself and began to move his hips, agonisingly slow, against yours, making your still sensitive clit rub against the fabric of his trousers.  Your hands found their way to his ass, using the new leverage to push him further down, to give you more contact where you craved it most.  “Cassian, I need you,” you breathed against his lips, trying your best to hold back the ‘please’ that sat on the tip of your tongue. You wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of begging.  He nodded slightly, moving one of his hands from your breast to rub slow circles onto your clit.  Your entire body felt like fire, like ice, you couldn’t focus on anything but Cassian’s hands on your body, his lips gracing your neck, his erection pressing painfully hard against your core.  Your hands were forced to leave his ass as he sat up on his knees, quickly pulling his trousers and underwear off in one motion, before returning to his position above you, pressing hungry kisses to your lips.  “Are you sure about this?”  Instead of an answer you moved your hips up, giving Cassian delicious friction as his cock met your wet pussy for the first time. The moan he let out was sinful, pornographic, and you could have almost come from the sound alone.  You reached down, feeling his erection in the palm of your hand, giving is a few good strokes before gently placing the tip right at your entrance.  “Show me what you got, Captain,” you told him with a smirk.  Cassian bottomed out in one swift stroke, not giving you the chance for another witty remark, instead making you moan as he filled you just right. It was a stretch, but not an uncomfortable one, as if he was meant to be right there.  You began to move your hips, trying to get Cassian to move as well, to give you more, when he pushed you down with a heavy breath, making you halt your movements.  “Shit, pequeña, give me a moment. I need- need to-,” he groaned as you ignored his request, moving your legs this time, wrapping them around his waist, pushing him impossibly deeper into your heat.  Cassian looked at you with new fire in his eyes. “You wanna play dirty?”  He didn’t give you a chance to respond before he pulled out, leaving only the tip inside of you, and slammed back in with newfound vigour. You didn’t have enough air in your lungs to moan, to even breathe, all you could do was think that you wanted more, needed more, that maybe he’d have you begging for him after all.  He set a rough pace, slamming in and out of you again and again until you were finally able to adjust and move your hips in sync with his. Your hands wandered up to his head, pulling him down in a bruising kiss, biting his lips, licking into his mouth. What had started as sex, as making love almost, had quickly turned into fucking, but by the stars it brought you closer and closer to the edge.  As you felt yourself nearing another orgasm, needing just a little bit more to push you over the edge, you removed one of your hands from Cassian’s hair with the intent of giving some attention to your aching clit.  Cassian, however, quick as a whip, caught both your hands in one of his, pinning them above your head with a shake of his head.  “Not so fast. I told you I’d have you begging.”  You couldn’t think of a reply, could barely even shake your head, with his fast pace, the way his cock hit that spot over and over again.  To hell with your pride.  “Please, please, Cassian, make me come. I need it, Captain, I need you.”  You felt his cock twitch inside of you, grinning as you had seemingly found his weak spot. Nevermind that begging was something you were usually too proud to do, especially with a man in the bedroom, if it brought Cassian that close to the edge you could use it to your advantage. Add to that your newfound knowledge of how much he liked being addressed by his title and you knew you could tease him for the rest of his days.  “You fuck me so good, Captain. Please let me come,” you whispered in his ear.  The hand around your wrists began to shake ever so slightly, telling you just how much you were really affecting him. His other hand finally found its way to your clit, rubbing slow circles that rapidly began to increase in speed. You had him right where you wanted him, and he still thought he was the one in control.  “I knew you’d beg,” he grinned, supposed victory obvious in your voice.  You came. Your vision went white, ecstasy burned through your veins. You couldn’t remember having an orgasm like this ever before.  Cassian continued to fuck you through it, his pace never slowing down as he began to near his own end. He began to stutter just as you calmed down, making him lose control for a moment, just long enough for you to gather all your energy and twist your bodies, making you end up on top of Cassian, who suddenly found himself on his back.  “Wha- what are you doing?”  You grinned down at him as you sat up on your knees, slowly beginning to bounce on his cock.  “You didn’t think I would be the only one to beg, did you, Captain?,” you asked in a sickly sweet voice before leaning down again, pressing your tits against his chest, pushing your hips down at the same time as your lips reached his mouth. “I bet you sound real pretty when you ask me to make you come.”  Cassian could do nothing but thrust his hips up, unable to regain control as you clenched around him, bringing him ever closer to the edge but not close enough.  You continued bouncing, clenching, stroking your clit with one hand while the other was placed firmly above Cassian’s racing heart. You truly were a vision to behold, tits bouncing, face twisted in pleasure, mouth open in a silent scream. Cassian was sure that in that moment he could die a happy man, or almost happy at least, he still needed to come. The thought of releasing inside of you, of marking you where no one else would see it, made him go feral, push his hips up further, faster. And just as he was about to come, you halted your movements.  “You didn’t think it would be that easy, did you?,” you laughed. The hand above his heart wandered along his chest, up his neck where it came to rest. You squeezed gently, not enough to make him lose his breath, just enough to tell him that you could, to remind him that you were now the one in control.�� You began to move again, clenching even tighter around his dick, telling him that you were about to come again while not giving him enough to join you.  “Shit, mi duquesita, you want me to beg? Fine, I’ll beg,” Cassian grunted, no longer caring that you were using his own tactic against him. “Please, I beg of you, let me come, make me come. I’ll do whatever you want.”  The image of Cassian on his knees flashed before your eyes again. You supposed that having him eating you out once more before you’d have to leave in the morning would be enough to grant him an orgasm right now.  Your hand around his neck tightened, as did your walls around his cock. Your bounces became faster again, deeper, as Cassian pushed himself up to meet you halfway. Just as you felt yourself nearing another orgasm a hot rope of cum caught you by surprise, leading you to quickly give way to pleasure again.  Coming together with Cassian was almost poetic, your moans, the wet sound of skin slapping against skin, and heavy breathing filled the air before you finally fell down on top of him, utterly spend.  Your head came to rest on his shoulder, his now softening dick still buried deep inside of you. Cassian’s hand stroked up and down your back, every now and then playfully squeezing your ass.  “That was...,” he began before stopping. There were no words to describe what that was. It was unlike any sex he had ever had.  “Yeah,” you admitted, relaxing even more against him.  You felt your eyes beginning to drop, your breathing to even, and maybe you had fallen asleep for a little while when you suddenly felt yourself moving.  Opening your eyes again you realised that Cassian had carried you over to the bathroom. He put you down, holding you a moment longer to make sure that your feet would carry you, before nodding in the direction of the toilet.  “I’ll leave you to it.”  He closed the door behind him, leaving you alone in the bathroom, alone with your thoughts.  You slept with Cassian Andor. The Cassian Andor, the one you couldn’t stand, who you were pretty sure couldn’t stand you either, and it was good, great even. You let out a sigh as you went about your business in the bathroom, shaking your head as you flushed the toilet and grabbed a clean cloth to at least try to clean the bed enough to sleep in it tonight.  But as you re-entered the room you were caught by surprise once again. Cassian had stripped the bed, leaving nothing but the bare mattress, blankets and pillows. He handed you a bottle of water as you stepped closer.  “I think it might be best if we both sleep in my bed tonight,” he said as you drank almost the entire bottle in one go.  Too tired to argue, to explain why that would be a bad idea, you simply nodded your head, following Cassian to the other room and sitting down on his slightly smaller bed.  “Do you need anything else?”  You shook your head as you sank down onto the bed, burying your head in the soft pillows. You were fast asleep before Cassian could even turn off the lights. 
The next morning Cassian woke to your soft snores next to him.  Though he had placed his arms around you last night, you had drifted away from him in your sleep, giving him a good view of your face. You looked younger in your sleep, peaceful, less troubled. Looking at your innocent face now Cassian couldn’t understand how he could once have thought you to be an enemy, someone who only gave the Rebellion just enough to get your own gain. Over time, but especially last night, he had come to realise that he had been wrong about you. He now understood that though you didn’t do as much as you maybe could, it was for a good reason, you couldn’t risk gaining unwanted attention, putting everyone you laid your life on the line to protect in danger.  His eyes drifted away from your sleeping face towards the clock on the nightstand, which made his heart race for a whole other reason.  You were late.  Quickly he got dressed, threw the essentials into a duffle bag, and shook your shoulder.  “Wake up, we need to catch the next ship out of here if we’re to deliver the list in time.”  You blinked, lights rapidly attacking your eyes, only to see Cassian, already dressed, standing over you. It took you a moment to remember the events of last night, how you had ended up naked in his bed, but once the memories returned, so did your usual anger at him.  Was he really about to pretend that last night hadn’t happened? Go back to business as usual?  Without another word you threw on your underwear, a pair of comfortable trousers and a simply blouse before taking the bag Cassian offered you and sneaking out of the room together.  You tried your best to act as if the man next to you was nothing more than a guard once again, putting on an act for any Imperials who might be watching.  “Are you leaving us already?,” the same lieutenant who had greeted you last night asked as you were about to exit the building.  You nodded. “There are urgent matters I need to attend to back home. No rest for the wicked and all that.”  He seemed to believe you, to not notice the uncertainty in your voice, and let you pass to hurry to the waiting speeder.  The journey to Yavin 4, the rebel base you had only visited once before, was uneventful. You and Cassian barely shared more than a few words, though admittedly you were always surrounded by either your staff oder Imperial border controls, which did make speaking about last night rather difficult.  Finally at base, having sent all but your most trusted staff ahead to Kamaanti, you turned to face Cassian for what felt like the first time in an eternity.  He looked at you, an expression on his face that you had never seen before. His brows were drawn, his lips pressed into a thin line. If you didn’t know any better you would have said he seemed uncertain, nervous almost.  You opened your mouth to speak, wanting to set the tone for the conversation. On the way over you had planned it all out, you were going to say that though you didn’t regret anything, and though the sex was great, it didn’t change things between you, it couldn’t.  “Captain Andor, Mon Mothma wants to speak to you,” a Togruta woman you didn’t know told him in passing.  Cassian’s eyes scanned your face as if to anticipate your reaction.  “You should go,” you told him, trying your best not to sound disappointed. Right now you were prepared to have this conversation with him, you didn’t know if you’d be as prepared later. “We’ll talk later.”  With a nod and one last look at you over his shoulder Cassian made his way to give the mission report. You’d still be there when he came back, he would only be gone a couple of minutes and it seemed as if you wanted to talk just as much as he did, you wouldn’t run.  But ‘later’ turned into days, weeks.  By the time Cassian returned from the briefing you were long gone, needed for an emergency on Kamaanti, ironically the same excuse you had given the Imperial lieutenant earlier that day.  Cassian couldn’t reach you, he didn’t know how to, the only people in the Rebellion who could actually reach you were Ahsoka Tano and Bail Organa and it wasn’t like Cassian could just go over to either of them and tell them that he needed to talk to you.  It wasn’t until almost two months later that he heard from you again. He had just returned from a mission, rather short and easy compared to what he was used to, when he ran into Ahsoka on the way back to his room.  “Captain Andor, there you are,” she said more to herself than to Cassian, though he still heard her.  “Is something the matter?”  The Togruta shook her head, lekkus moving with it. “No, everything’s fine. The Duchess of Kamaanti was just looking for you earlier.”  The words caught Cassian off guard. By now he had convinced himself that he wouldn’t hear from you again, that he should put what happened between the two of you in the past.  “Where is she?” He knew he sounded impatient, probably shouldn’t talk to Ahsoka like this, but he needed to see you, to finally have that talk he had been waiting for for months.  A small smirk found the way to Ahsoka’s lips at his urgency. “She left, she was only here to drop something off.”  Cassian nodded, forcing down a sigh. Of course you had slipped through his fingers again.  Yet another month went by until he heard from you again.  Cassian was called into a meeting early in the morning, earlier than usual that is, and he was just about to close his eyes for a second, just one second, after yet another sleepless night staring at reports and mission plans, when he heard your name.  “-and Klieml will attend the dinner, during which there is sure to be talk.”  Cassian cursed himself internally for not paying attention that very second. The meeting, though important,  didn’t really concern him, not when he had so many other things to do, and some much needed sleep to catch up on. What had they said? Why would they send Janna Klieml on a mission with you instead of him?  “Because, Captain Andor, this is an important mission and we cannot risk either of you messing it up with that little feud of yours,” Mon Mothma said matter of factly, making Cassian realise that in his sleep deprived state he had actually asked his questions out loud.  Cassian couldn’t do anything except nod. He could argue, try to convince Mon Mothma that  he should be the one to accompany you, later when there were less people around. Though even then he had no idea how to convince her, how to explain to her that he didn’t hate you anymore, probably never hated you but only your title and that it was one you actually did your best to use not only to your own, but the Rebellion’s, advantage.  “As I was saying,” Mon Mothma continued. “The Duchess will hopefully get valuable information during the dinner while Klieml will try to get General Truks’s staff to talk.”  The rest of the meeting went by quickly, Cassian tried his best to pay better attention, to not let your upcoming mission consume his thoughts. But as soon as everyone else left the room he walked straight over to Mon Mothma.  “I think I should be send on this mission instead of Klieml. I accompanied her to the masquerade ball a while back, Imperials have already seen the two of us together, if would be less suspicious than having her show up with a new personal guard.”  Mon Mothma looked him up and down, clearly trying to asses the situation, to find out Cassian’s motivation for asking for this mission.  “Andor,” she finally said. “We both know that the Duchess has a big staff, multiple guards, and that it wouldn’t be suspicious for her to have another guard accompany her, a female guard at that, especially to this dinner. So if you want to convince me to give you this mission you’ll have to give me the real reason you want it.”  Cassian, skilled spy that he was, knew that lying would be pointless. Not only would Mothma be able to see through any lie, it wouldn’t get him what he wanted anyway.  “I need to speak to the Duchess, we have unfinished business. I also know her better than Klieml, we’ve worked together before and had to come up with plans on the spot. Despite our differences we’re a good team.”  He looked her straight in the eyes, not knowing whether he had given her enough to convince her.  “I’m going to give you this mission against my better judgement, but know that if you fail there will be consequences, not just for you, but for the entire Rebellion.” Cassian nodded. He had anticipated that much, after all, what mission was without consequences? But if that meant he’d have the chance to talk to you, even if just to make sure that your relationship hadn’t taken a turn for the worse, he’d take it. 
Cassian came to regret his decision as soon you he laid eyes on you.  He had been waiting in your personal library for you to show up so he could accompany you to the dining room, where you would greet your guest. Finally the door opened and you walked through. It wasn’t your dress that caught his attention, though it was of course stunning, but rather the look in your eyes. “Cassian,” you said, clearly trying not to let any emotions show.   He didn’t know what to do other than to repeat your name in the same astonished voice. He cleared his throat. Once, twice.  “I don’t think right now is a good time to talk,” you finally said after a moment of silence.  “We should talk,” Cassian said at the same time.  You stepped closer to him, closing the door behind you, looking the two of you into a room with nothing else but a thousand books.  Cassian could smell your perfume in the air, the same scent you had worn that fateful night, the same scent that reminded him of your moans, the taste of your skin. He had to get this off his chest now, otherwise he knew he wouldn’t be able to fully concentrate on the mission.  “We have a dinner, a mission, we-,” you stopped talking as Cassian stepped closer, as he placed his hand on your cheek.  He began to stroke the soft skin of your cheek, relishing the touch of your skin against his, longing to place his lips on yours once more.  “We have enough time for one conversation, mi duquesita,” he insisted.  You nodded your head, unable to stop yourself. Deep down you knew, same as Cassian, that you needed to get this out of the way now in order to be able to concentrate during the dinner.  “I wont apologise for what happened on Coruscant, if that’s what you’re looking for,” Cassian stated, making you shake your head.  You hadn’t been looking for an apology, weren’t going to issue one either.  You had spent countless hours thinking of your next encounter with Cassian, planning every single word ahead of time, only to now find yourself speechless in his presence.  “I think that maybe it’s good that it happened, that we did what we did. Maybe it was what we needed in order to release some tension.”  Cassian could only nod along with your words. He had been thinking along the same lines. As soon as he kissed you for the first time all the tension, the hate, that usually floated between the two of you had disappeared. Maybe that was what your relationship was supposed to be like, heated tension building until you could release it in a physical way.  “Maybe we should keep it going,” you suggested, your voice wavering ever so slightly as you spoke again.  Though this was something Cassian himself had thought as well he was somewhat surprised to hear it out of your mouth. He gently stroked along your cheek with the hand that was still holding your face. He knew, as did you, that it would be a good arrangement, it would help you release not only the tension between the two f you that endangered neither your own lives nor the Rebellion, while at the same time giving you an outlet for all the stress said dangerous lives led to.  “Just casual sex?”  You nodded, confirming the deal. “Nothing more. Enemies with benefits, so to say.”  Cassian leaned closer, resting his forehead against yours as your hands found their way to his hips.  “Are we enemies, mi duquesita?”  His low voice and that nickname made you clench your thighs. It brought back memories you really shouldn’t think about right before an important dinner. That’s what was so great about this, you didn’t have to think of Cassian, not the way you would think of a romantic partner, while going about your day to day life, while behind closed doors you could indulge in all the sinful ways he could offer you pleasure.  “We’re not friends.”  A small smirk found its way to Cassian’s lips as he leaned impossibly closer, letting his breath ghost over your own lips.  “No, we’re not friends,” he repeated in a teasing voice that brought a smile to your lips, the first genuine smile all day. “And I don’t think we ever will be.” He pressed a quick kiss to your lips, chaste and almost sweet, but the moment you tried to deepen it he pulled away again.  “We’re something else entirely,” he whispered.  And just as you were about to reply a knock on the door and a quiet voice from the hallway told you that your guest had arrived. 
While a lot could be said about the dinner, it wasn’t boring.  General Willem Trusk had recently been promoted and was now an Imperial officer of great standing, highly trusted by Tarkin, and it was rumoured even by the Emporer himself. He was also surprisingly funny and good looking for a ruthless fascist, which you had known before, this being your fourth meeting and second private dinner with him, but it shocked you every time.  “I must admit, there is never a dull moment with you, Duchess.”  You shook your head as you lifted your wine glass to your slips, trying to hide the small smile on your lips. Sure, he was a terrible person, but he was still a good looking man your age who had just complimented you.  “Please, I think we’re way beyond such formalities. I would like for you to call me by my first name.”  Other than you Trusk didn’t even try to hide his smile. You knew you had him right where you wanted him. It took every bit of self control you had not to glance over to the corner of the room where Cassian stood, once again wearing the uniform of your personal guard.  You knew Cassian would have to leave soon, to mingle with the staff Trusk had brought with him and try to get information out of them, but right now you took comfort in knowing that he was here, and that you had come to an arrangement about your relationship.  “You have been kind enough to invite me for dinner twice now, I think it is about time I repaid the favour, though of course I don’t have a palace as grant as yours. There is however a very nice dinner party for high-ranking Imperial officers soon and it would be an honour if you were to accompany me,” Tusk said, looking you straight in the eye while he spoke as if searching for awe in them. “Usually only spouses are allowed to accompany officers but I’m sure they’d make an exception for the Duchess of Kamaanti.”  The words echoed in Cassian’s brain as he made his way through the servants’ hallway to the kitchen. Another guard, an actual guard this time, had taken his place, and he was now supposed to get any information he could gather out of the General’s own staff. One was a pretty Twi’lek girl, one he would usually flirt with until she gave him what he wanted, but right now, whenever he thought of a pick up line or anything else to say to her, your face kept popping up in his brain.  He finally reached the kitchen, which was almost quiet now that dinner and desert had been served, and it only took him a moment to spot the Twi’lek girl he thought to be his best chance to get information.  Cassian grabbed a piece of bread and some cheese from an abandoned plate before making his way over to her. He casually leaned against the whole, breaking off half of his bread to offer to her.  “You must be hungry.” Not the smoothest way to start a conversation but better than nothing.  But the girl just shook her head. “I was given a good dinner. The Duchess is very generous.”  Cassian just nodded. He had barely managed to keep you out of his head for a few moment and yet there you were again.  “You’re lucky to be working for someone as kind as she is,” the girl continued and it took all of Cassian’s strength not to roll his eyes. Of course he just had to have chosen the one servant who didn’t enjoy gossip.  “Though if all goes to plan of course I will be working for her as well very soon.”  This finally managed to catch Cassian off guard. He tore off another piece of bread, quickly chewing before asking whether she was going to quit her job with the General to come working for you.  The Twi’lek shook her head with a laugh that seemed genuine, almost as if she was laughing about Cassian.  “I meant that surely the will combine their staff once they’re married. I supposed the General will move to Kamaanti to be closer to his wife and-”  Cassian held up a hand, interrupting her before she could say anything else. His brain was working so hard there might as well be steam coming out of his ears. Were you engaged to that Imperial? How could no one have told him? Why didn’t you?  “I had no idea they were that serious,” he finally said, trying his best to swallow the last bit of cheese despite his suddenly very dry throat.  She laughed again and this time the sound was beginning to anger Cassian.  “They’re not. Not yet at least, but the General is going to propose very soon. He needs a wife, all the high ranking officers have one and the Duchess is the perfect candidate. She’s powerful, wealthy, beautiful, and he actually seems to like her, something that cannot be said for all married officers.”  She spoke matter of factly, as if expecting Cassian to already know all of this. If he really were working for you he probably would, but Imperial marriages weren’t her area of expertise.  “Rumour also has it that the General is going to be given some big secret task, so maybe he wants to settle down before that, to have someone to lean on if he is given more responsibility,” she added, and before Cassian could say anything else, try to get any information out of her regarding said task, a young servant boy entered the kitchen, saying that the General was leaving and that you were asking for Cassian. 
Cassian slammed the door shut behind him, making you jump from where you sat at you vanity, applying moisturiser.  You turned around, a deadly look in your eyes.  “You were supposed to be here half an hour ago,” you started. “And don’t slam doors again.”  Cassian couldn’t even look at you, not now that he knew that those same eyes had just looked at an Imperial as your potential husband, that those lips had smiled at him, maybe even kissed him. Rage took over his body, rage that he had worked his entire life to keep under control, and yet you somehow brought it out without saying a single word. Or maybe because you didn’t say a word.  “When were you going to tell me that you’ll marry him?”  The words were out before Cassian could stop himself.  You looked him up and down and Cassian couldn’t tell whether you were thinking of what to say or waiting for him to continue.  “I wasn’t aware that my personal life was any of your business,” you finally said, getting up from your vanity and pulling on the robe that had been hanging over the chair.  Cassian didn’t pay any attention to the soft silk adorning your nearly naked body, nor the thin pyjama that covered very little and even then was almost see through. How could you not see how dangerous a game you were playing?  “This isn’t personal, it’s about the Rebellion. What do you think your husband would do if he found out? Do you think he’d be merciful?”  You scoffed. With slow steps you walked over to Cassian until you were standing right in front of him, your naked feet touching the tips of his shoes, your chests almost pressed together.  “Of course it’s about the Rebellion, what do you think why I’m doing this? I don’t love him, I don’t even like him, but he’s more powerful than I could ever hope to be.” A sad smile crossed your lips. “Can you imagine the information he has? What I could get my hands on as his wife?”  Cassian could. As the General’s wife you would have the highest ranking Imperials over as dinner guests, would be part of the inner circle and gain knowledge you simply cannot right now. The rational part of him knew that it was a good plan, and yet he disliked it.  He lifted his hand, slowly stroking along your cheekbone with his index finger before cupping your face in his hand and leaning his forehead against yours.  “Please, be careful.” He took a deep breath, the words flowing freely from his mouth. “I’ve lost so many friends, good friends, I cannot lose you too.”  You lifted your hand to run it through his hair, a gesture so soft it made Cassian sigh due to the comfort it brought. He didn’t remember the last time someone had touched his as gently as you did, the last time someone made him feel as at home as you did.  “I wasn’t aware that we’re friends,” you whispered, your lips now ghosting over his own. “Just a few hours ago we weren’t, and until a couple of weeks ago we were basically sworn enemies.”  Cassian opened his mouth but before any words could get out you pressed your lips against his, capturing them in a heated kiss.  “You’re right,” he panted as he pressed sloppy kisses down your neck, pushing your dressing gown out of the way to gain access to all the skin your pyjama showed. “We’re not friends.”  The way he said it set your whole body on fire. In the end if didn’t even matter what you called yourself, all that mattered was the way Cassian made you feel with a few whispered words, with his lips and tongue and fingers. And his cock.  You could already feel it pressing against your lower stomach, hard and firm even through the tick material of his trousers.  You hadn’t had the opportunity last time but now you were dying to taste him, to bring him pleasure with just your hands and mouth. You no longer wanted him to beg for you, you wanted own him.  Just as you were about to sneak a hand to the button of his trousers, Cassian began to suck on the soft skin between your neck and shoulder, a place so obvious and visible you would for sure have to cover it tomorrow.  “You’re mine,” Cassian said, his voice loud and clear, as he leaned away to fully look at what you were sure was a hickey that would stand out for days to come.  His words made you clench your thighs together, you were sure that by now you had soaked through not only your underwear but also your thin pyjama shorts.  The way he looked at you only underlined his words. It wasn’t the look of superiority and ownership with which Trusk had regarded you earlier, it was a look that spoke of belonging, of wanting to protect what was yours, of desire.  You didn’t know what to say so you did the only thing that felt right. You unbuttoned his trousers, pulled the zipper down with a loud noise, but your hands didn’t go straight to his cock, which by now you were sure must have been aching. Instead you let your hands roam free under his shirt, feeling his soft skin against yours, running your fingers over every ab and scar before settling one hand on his rapidly beating heart.  Cassian, whose hands had fallen to your waist, looked at you. He didn’t do anything, didn’t say anything, he just looked at you.  Reluctantly you removed your hands from his chest. You leaned up to press a quick kiss to Cassian’s lips before making quick work his the bothersome shirt, ripping it more than unbuttoning.  “Someone’s a little eager,” Cassian finally said.  You looked up at him from beneath your eyelashes, trying your best to look innocent, as if you hadn’t just ripped the clothes from his back.  “Just trying to get a look at what’s mine.” The words had left your lips before you could stop yourself. Only once you saw Cassian’s soft smile did you realise that you were glad you had said it. Maybe the two of you were nothing more than fuck buddies, but right here, right now, Cassian belonged to you.  You finally pushed his shirt out of the way and Cassian did the rest of the work, getting it off and throwing it somewhere, neither of you caring where the bothersome piece of clothing had landed.  You looked at Cassian, at how the soft lights in the room reflected in his eyes, on his skin, making shadows appear darker, casting him in an ethereal light.  You let out a breath you’ve been holding, the air escaping from your lungs ghosting over Cassian’s naked chest, making goose bumps rise up in the process. You fought the smirk threatening to rise to your lips. It was a unique sort of power, knowing that you could make Cassian feel like this by something as simple as breathing. It had you wondering what else you could to do him.  “Take off your clothes,” you whispered into his ear, your voice as seductive as you could make it sound.  Cassian didn’t need to be told twice. He kicked off his shoes and socks before quickly pulling down his trousers and underwear in one swift motion. Within seconds he stood before you, no clothes to hid behind, baring it all to you.  You pressed a quick kiss to his lips. one of your hands finding his cock at the same time and giving it a few strokes. Already you could feel precum at the tip. You wondered whether Cassian was this eager with everyone he slept with or if you really did hold some unique power over him.  His own hands wandered to the bottom of your top, slowly lifting it inch by inch.  “Your turn, mi duquesita.”  But you only shook your head. You had something else in mind, and a favour to repay, he wouldn’t get you naked this easy.  Gently, but firm, you took his hands in yours, removing them from your top and instead leading him over to a gigantic armchair in the corner of the room. This was where you usually curled up with a book, or sometimes with reports late at night when you couldn’t sleep.  Cassian understood without needing to be told. He sat down, his knees just far enough apart to allow you to stand between them. You settled yourself on one of his thighs, leaning forward to trail kisses all over his exposed neck, up to his jaw, where his beard tickled your lips in an almost familiar way. Cassian twisted underneath your touch as one of your hands found his dick again, swirling the leaking precum around the tip and giving it a few strokes just as your lips captured his in a heated kiss. He let out an almost needy moan as your tongues met just as you squeezed his cock, a sound that you knew you would do your best to hear again and again.  Before you knew it you had swung one of your legs over his thigh and involuntary begun to move, rubbing yourself on his leg, giving much needed relief to your aching clit.  You opened your mouth in a breathless pant as Cassian removed one of his hands from your hips, where he had put them to steady you and move you along his thigh at the same time, to sneak it through the bottom of your shorts and panties to your clit. He didn’t circle it like you had expected, instead he gave it a soft squeeze, almost painful but too pleasurable to really notice the ache.  There was nothing to be done to muffle your scream.  “That’s it, let me hear you.”  You continued to move your hands and your hips, your orgasm building quicker and quicker as Cassian caught one of your clothes nipples in his mouth, wetting the material with his tongue before biting down ever so softly, only to soothe it with this tongue once more.  In the end you weren’t sure whether it was his leg beneath your pussy, his fingers on your clit, his mouth on your breasts, or the filthy encouragements he whispered that had you unraveling. There was no holding back the moans as you finished, nor did you want to hold them in, not when you could feel Cassian’s dick twitching with every sound from your mouth, with every bit of wetness leaking through your clothes.  “That’s it, that’s my good girl.” His lips ghosted over yours, barely touching, just taking comfort in sharing this moment, sharing the same air. “I bet Trusk could never make you feel like this.”  And the moment was gone.  You sat up straight, tried your best to look as if Cassian hadn’t just rocked your world, as you looked him in the eyes. There was something of defiance in them, as well as something darker, something buried deep inside, that you couldn’t quite identify.  “Way to ruin the moment, Andor.”  Your hands slipped from his still hard dick and in the next second you got up, suddenly feeling dirty and wanting to be as far away from Cassian as possible.  You walked over to your window, wrapped your arms around yourself, as you looked over the darkness outside. A few lamps were illuminating the park beneath your window, in the distance you could see small lights, probably servants smoking. You refused to look at your reflection, instead straining your eyes to focus on anything else, even if it was something as simple as a tree.  You had been so focused on ignoring Cassian, expecting him to get dressed and leave the room, that it took you by surprise when you felt warm hands on your cold body. It was only when he wrapped his arms around you, one around your waist and one around your shoulders, and pulled you against his chest that you noticed that you had in fact started to shiver in your thin pyjama.  “I didn’t mean to offend you.”  You looked at Cassian’s reflection in the window, only to see that he was already looking at you. His grip tightened as he noticed your gaze, almost as if he was afraid you would pull away from him.  “We should get away from the window,” you finally said after moments of silence. “Someone might see. It isn’t proper.”  You felt Cassian’s chuckle against your back before you heard it. His lips attached themselves to your neck once more, peppering soft kisses along it.  “Nothing about our relationship is proper.”  You didn’t say anything. Didn’t correct that there was no relationship between the two of you. Instead you looked at him, at his soft brown hair that you had run your fingers through, the small scar above his eyebrow that was probably the result of some daring tale, his beard, that had felt so good against your skin. You knew that you had never truly hated Cassian, had only ever reflected his negative feelings towards you back at him, but now you were beginning to wonder if you reflected all feelings back. Ever since you had last seen him you had thought of your relationship, of when it all went wrong after a first meeting that had left you wanting to see the handsome rebel again. You knew that something must have happened between your first and second meeting and that whatever had changed Cassian’s opinion on you had once again shifted.  “Cassian, why don’t you want me to marry Trusk?”  It was a simple question, one that you thought you deserved to know the answer to.  Now it was Cassian who avoided looking at you. He pressed a kiss to your head before resting his forehead against your shoulder, breathing in your scent, grounding himself in the moment.  “I have given so much to the Rebellion,” he whispered into the dark. “And I was glad to give everything I had. I would give my life and do so willingly, but I won’t give you.”  You turned around in his arms, forcing him to lift his head and look at you. One of your hands cupped his cheek, just holding him.  “I am not yours to give, Cassian.”  He leaned into your touch, closed his eyes and nodded slightly.  “I know.” He was silent for a moment and you didn’t know what to say either. After what felt like an eternity he continued. “I know it doesn’t make any sense but when I first met you I thought there might be something there, something we could build on. I found myself wishing that we had met under different circumstances, in a different time. And then I got back and I found out who you were, that you carry a title that stands for everything I have spend most of my life fighting against.”  You didn’t know what to say. You had always suspected that your title was the reason behind Cassian’s changed attitude towards you but hearing it out of his mouth was something else, it twisted something inside you. Did he still feel this way?  “It felt like a future was being ripped from my hands, a future we likely wouldn’t have had to begin with. I thought that you were only helping the Rebellion to ease your conscience, tossing us a bone every once in a while to keep us hooked. And yet I couldn’t help but feel drawn to you. I wanted to hate you, tried to make myself hate you.”  You nodded. You had felt the same way. At first you had hoped to find a friend in Cassian but even after a short conversation you could tell that there was a chance the two of you could become something more. And then he changed, he seemed to despise you, and you tried to mirror his behaviour, his feelings, and yet you mourned for what could have been.  “I realised that I was wrong the night of the ball, and that I had wasted so much time in trying to hate you. Time we could have spent together.”  The look in Cassian’s eyes made your insides melt. He was being honest, vulnerable, putting his heart in your hands.  “We don’t even really know each other. You don’t know my mother’s name, I don’t know your favourite colour. Who’s to say that we would even work?”  Cassian twisted his head, pressing a soft kiss to your wrist. That simple gesture, the way he made your heartbeat quicken, told you that you would burn down the entire galaxy to find a way for your relationship to work. Cassian Andor had a way of turning off the logical part of your brain.  “But I know how you make me feel, how I make you feel. I know that you’re my home, you’re the one thing in the galaxy that means more to me than the Rebellion. I’ve been a fighter my whole life but with you I’ve found peace.”  You stepped impossibly closer to him, removing your hand from his cheek in order to wrap your arms around him as you rested your head on his chest, taking comfort in the steady beating of his heart.  “We agreed to be casual just a few hours ago, Cassian.”  You breathed in his scent, relished in feeling his skin under your hands, your cheek. You’ve heard tales of soulmates, of people bound together by what you parents used to call the Force. They had grown up in a different time, in a time where it was still easy to believe in fairytales and true love, in knights guided by a higher power. You had never hoped to find what they had, the love the two of them shared, had always known that your marriage would be a political one. There was no love under the Empire, only loss.  And yet, maybe that was what this was between you and Cassian, maybe feeling drawn to him, knowing that you could easily love him if only you let yourself, meant that you were soulmates.  “That was before I knew that I could lose you.”  You thought about his words. Yes, you could marry Trusk and be out of Cassian’s reach, but you could also be the one to lose him. He risked his life every day, the scars all over his body told of how often he had only narrowly escaped death. You had seen his name on the Empire’s kill list with your own eyes.  “I can’t promise you forever. I can’t promise not to marry Trusk if it’s what’s best for the Rebellion. But I can promise that I’ll be yours as long as the stars allow.”  You lifted your head from Cassian’s chest to look at him, only to find his eyes already focused on you. He moved a hand to the back of your neck, gently tracing his fingers through your hair.  “As long as the stars allow,” he repeated, whispering the words against your lips, against your neck, as his lips moved down.  And even if the stars, fate, the Force or whatever power controlled the galaxy were to decide that Cassian was ripped from you the very next day, at least you were allowed one perfect night together. 
Ok, this was honestly a mess! Not only was it my second (and first published) time writing smut, I also had no idea where the story was supposed to go and it ended kinda weird. I might one day write a part two to make up for that, we’ll see. 
Thanks to @blue-ties-and-green-eyes for helping with the Spanish! 
Taglist (I’m just gonna tag everyone who liked the Sneak Peak):  @ducktruffles  @fandom-switch @fanofverymanythings @moonlightfoxs-blog  @leonkennedyslefthand @marvelbros-oneshots @starstriker027 @queenbillie1637 @mushyluvr99 @wwesarahjaneroszko @iovesaint @luthienpallanen  @multifandom-loser @gothamincorrect  @lunarisnightmare @spectors-film @brittney22  @beautifulfreaklawyercroissant @hiddlebatchedloki @jessi55555  @noeliaxvpelluz  @skyemaria91121  @theblondeone-029  @juliette151  @chocogato777 @skyewardsherlock221b 
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redskull199987 · 1 year
A good Feeling
Ezra Bridger x fem!Jedi!reader Part II
Word count:2.9k
Warnings: !SPOILERS! for Ahsoka Ep. 7, minor injuries, canon typical violence
Summary:After finally seeing Ezra again, You barely have Time to celebrate, as Thrawn and his goons are still hot on your tail…
A/N: Decided to make this into a series, so here is Part II :)
Part I , Part II (you are here)
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Merely a day had passed, since You and Sabine arrived on Peridea. The sky was still tinted in a cold gray and the landscape looked exactly as uninviting as before. The only thing alive seemed to be the small tribe of hermits that had led you to Ezra.
Speaking of the young Jedi, he had decided that it would be safer to get moving again and so you were back on Tota the Howler, protecting the little flock from the back, while Ezra and Sabine lead them upfront.
You watched from afar, how the two of them talked. Sabine was probably catching Ezra up on what had happened in the last ten years. You were happy to see the two of them talking so freely again.
While the first few hours after your arrival were filled with hugs and small kisses between You and Ezra, you had realized that him and Sabine deserved some time to talk alone too. They had known each other much longer and were like Siblings to each other. 
Your thoughts were interrupted by a strange feeling that spread within you. A feeling of dread and restlessness. You turned around for a second, looking out for something. Anything, that might have caused this feeling.
And then it was gone.
And a new feeling arose. A familiar feeling. The presence of a person. A Person close to you. You let your eyes flutter shut and concentrated on that feeling, pulling it closer and closer, until it felt like you could almost stretch out your hand and touch it. And then, all of a sudden, you heard it loud and clear. Saw it before your inner eye.Felt the fabric of her clothes under your touch. Her smell that you had known so well from combating against her.
It was Ahsoka. She was calling out to you and Sabine.
Immediately, you grabbed the leash of the Howler tighter, making your way towards Ezra and Sabine.
“You felt it too, didn't you?”, You asked, upon reaching the two. Ezra only gave you a confused glance, but Sabine nodded.
“It was Ahsoka.”, she said plainly, “She's alive.”
You couldn't help the grin that spread over your face. Ahsoka was alive and she was on her way to you.
You didn't have time to answer, as the small shuttles of the Noti surrounding you suddenly came to a halt and several of the small hermits pointed towards the hill, located in front of you. You followed their gaze and spotted two small figures standing on top of said hill. Upon seeing the two of them, the feeling of dread you had felt earlier returned.
“They have been following us.”, You said, looking over to Ezra and Sabine.
“Friends of Yours?”, Ezra asked, looking back and forth between Sabine and You.
“No.”, Sabine said coldly and you couldn't agree more with her. You weren't exactly keen on facing Baylan and Shin again, after how your last fight with them ended.
You watched how Ezra slowly turned his shuttle around, directing the flock the other way, away from Baylan and Shin. You followed close behind, but had your eyes still on the two Sith standing on the hill.
“We're having company”, you yelled, as the flock gained speed again. But it was useless. Shin and her group of murderous nomads were close on your heels.
You watched as Sabine grabbed both of her blasters and started shooting at the nomads. You nodded at her and let yourself fall back, as you grabbed your lightsaber to deflect the enemy fire.
While you were busy protecting the Noti shuttles, you saw from the corner of your eye how one of the Nomads was closing his distance towards you.
“You gotta stay real still for me, okay Tota?”,You mumbled to your Howler, as you let the leash fall out of your hands. You continued acting like you didn't notice the nomad sneaking up on you, but when he was about to attack you, you quickly jumped up, aiming your lightsaber at him.
Merely a second later, you landed securely on the back of the howler where the nomad had been sitting just a few seconds ago. But he was now laying on the soft grass behind you, a hole in his chest.
But the moment of victory only lasted a few seconds, as the Blaster fire of the other nomads was directed at you again, after they realized what you had done to their comrade.
“Tota!?”, You yelled out to your Howler. Upon hearing your voice, they immediately ran over to you, ready to be mounted by you again.
“Good Howler.”, You mumbled, as you jumped onto Tota´s back again. You deflected the incoming shots as good as you could, pushing a nomad off of their Howler here and there. But as you saw one of the shuttles malfunction and crashing to the ground, You quickly grabbed Tota´s leash, slowing the Howler down. You quickly jumped to the ground, as you saw the rest of the flock turn around, coming back for the shuttle.
“Are you alright? Is everyone okay?!”, You quickly asked, waving at the Noti. You didn't understand a word they said, but they seemed fine, so you just gave them a thumbs up.
You watched how Ezra directed the rest of the flock back to where you were standing next to the broken shuttle. The nomads were following close behind and started to circle you, as all the shuttles came to a halt.
“Get inside. I'll handle this.”, Ezra said to the Noti and they followed his directions without much hesitation.
You quickly jogged over to him and Sabine, your lightsaber still drawn and resting in the palm of your hand, as the nomads were still very much surrounding you.
But you couldn't help the smile that rose to your face, as you recognized the familiar outlines of Ahsoka´s ship quickly closing in on your position.
“You two alright?”, you questioned, looking up at Ezra and Sabine. Both of them nodded quickly, but upon following Ezra´s gaze, you saw that Shin and what seemed to be the leader of the nomads, were now making their way over to you.
“Who´s that?”, Ezra asked, looking down at you for answers.
“She's like you, but lacks your sense of humor.”, You described Shin for him. Looking back at her, the young Sith apprentice was staring holes in your head, like she wanted to kill you right then and there.
Ezra nodded at your answer,”Lightsaber?”he asked, not taking his eyes off Shin.
“Oh yeah.”, Sabine tuned in. You slightly winced at her annoyed tone, as you remembered the injury she had suffered from an attack by Shin.
“Great.”, Ezra mumbled, clearly understanding the emotions Sabine and You had towards Shin,”We better get ready.”
You watched how the leader of the Nomads lifted his spear into the air, shouting in a language you didn't understand, while Ezra and Sabine made their way out of the shuttle and over to where you were standing already.
“You okay?”, Ezra asked, slightly touching your forearm. You nodded at him, giving him a warm smile, before turning back around.
The nomads were now closing in on you. You calculated that your odds were about even.
“What´s the plan?”, Ezra asked, glazing over to you and Sabine.
“She only pulled out her lightsaber, wanting to hand it to Ezra:”You and Y/n. Do your thing.”
“What thing?”; Ezra asked, about as confused as you.
“Your lightsaber. Take it”, Sabine explained, her eyes still locked on the enemy.
Ezra pursed his lips at that:”You keep it.”
A small smile spread on your lips, upon hearing his words. This was so typical for Ezra. He always did something unexpected.
“I don't need it.”, Ezra explained further,”Besides, you´ve been training.”
“Very funny.”, Sabine mocked, still holding the lightsaber out to him.
Ezra only repeated himself:”No, I´m serious.”
“Take it.”, Sabine persisted, slightly slapping the lightsaber against his chest.
But Ezra refused again:”I gave it to you, it´s yours now.”
“At least take a blaster.”, Sabine groaned, but Ezra only grinned at her:”No, the Force is my ally. That´s all I need.”
“For God´s sake! Are you two finished?!”, You finally butted in, spinning around and cutting straight through a nomad that had been sneaking up on Ezra and Sabine,”Now is not the time for Talking!”
“Sabine started it!”, You heard Ezra yell, as the three of you dispersed into different directions.
You rolled your eyes at him, a small smile pulling at the corner of your lips, as you engaged another enemy that rounded a corner in front of you. It took only a few swings from your lightsaber before he was down. 
You kept moving around the shuttles, looking for the nomads, as you heard Sabine near you,”I did not start it!”, she answered to Ezra´s previous statement.
“You two are like children!”, You exclaimed, as you took a stance back to back with Sabine, fighting off the few Nomads that had surrounded you.
From the corner of your eye, you saw a Nomad that was about to jump Ezra from behind. You quickly stepped forward, reaching out your hand to use the force to send him flying towards the nearest shuttle.
Upon hearing the Nomad crash to the ground, Ezra quickly turned around. As he spotted you, he gave you a soft smile. But you had no time to return it, as You felt a sharp graze your shoulder and you quickly jumped back, raising your lightsaber in defense. 
The Nomad that had attacked you wasted no time and jumped at you, his spear raised over his head in an attempt to stab you. But before you could do anything, the Nomad was thrown against a Noti Shuttle, just like his comrade a few seconds ago. 
Your gaze lingered on his unconscious body for a second, before you looked up and saw Ezra sprinting towards you.
“Are you okay?”, he quickly asked, his gaze directed towards the small cut on your shoulder.
“I´m fine. Thank you, Ezra.”, You smiled and leaned up to quickly press a kiss to his cheek. The boy´s grin only got wider, but your small moment was interrupted, as you saw Shin behind Ezra coming closer.
“Look Out!”, You shouted and pulled Ezra away by his arm, as Shin swung her lightsaber at him.
A hand flew to Ezra's hair, as he grabbed a strand that had been grazed by Shin´s lightsaber.
“Close.”, he mumbled before jumping at her. You watched in awe how he managed to push her off, before also joining into the battle. Right as Ezra dodged one of Shin´s attacks, you stopped in, her lightsaber colliding with yours, as you pushed her back. The look of surprise that she gave you was unforgettable. 
You continued to fight together with Ezra, as You suddenly saw Sabine from the corner of your eye. She had drawn her lightsaber and joined your battle against Shin, swinging at her with full speed. Upon realizing that she now had to fight with three Jedi, two of them with lightsabers, Shin took a step back.
“It´s not looking good for you.”, Ezra stated the obvious. But he was interrupted as you could see several troop carriers closing in on you.
“We need to take her, now!”, Sabine exclaimed. Ezra nodded and was about to attack, but this time, Shin was faster and sent him flying against one of the shuttles.
“Ezra!?”, You yelled, but he wasn't reacting. You hoped that he was just unconscious and turned back around, locking eyes with sabine. the Mandalorian nodded at you and together you stepped forward to attack Shin together. The Sith managed to dodge your attacks, but you were able to slowly push her back, until you realized that Ezra had gotten up again and joined your side once more.
The fight stopped as you realized that Storm Troopers had surrounded you and each and every one of them was pointing their weapon at you three.
“Destroy them.”, Shin finally ordered and you heard the safety of all blasters around you lock off.
“Wait!Wait!Wait!”, Ezra yelled, lifting his hands to the air,”We could…talk. Or we could just…We…Don´t you wanna take us as prisoners? As Prisoners?”, He pointed his hand at Shin like that would help in any way.
But she didn't seem amused at all, her face was not showing any sign of emotion, as she yelled:”Fire!”, towards the troopers.
But they didn't have the chance to do so, as three of them were thrown off their feet and flung across the field. Mere seconds later, a Howler approached your group and from their back, Ahsoka jumped in front of you, her lightsabers drawn, ready to fight.
You, Sabine and Ezra quickly looked at each other, before dispersing into the field again, while Ahsoka took on Shin.
You saw Ahsoka´s ship flying above you, probably steered by Huyang, as you started fighting against the Troopers. It wasn´t particularly hard to take them down, the problem was the number of them. They attacked you from every corner possible.
You were in the middle of a fight against three Troopers that had been shooting on you for a few minutes, while you tried to get closer to them, as they suddenly stopped and started to retreat. Rounding the closest corner, you joined the rest of your team again. Shin was standing in front of Ahsoka, clearly surprised by the sudden order to retreat.
“Surrender your weapon. I can help you.”, Ahsoka ordered calmly. Shin only looked up at her, the fear on her face as clear as day. But instead of following Ahsoka´s orders, Shin turned around and ran off to her Howler.
“Ahsoka.”, Sabine finally said after a few seconds of silence. Ahsoka turned around and smiled at her apprentice.
“I thought you were dead.”, Sabine explained, sadness lacing her voice.
But Ahsoka only smiled, clicking her tongue:”And miss this reunion?”
She  looked over to Ezra, who also had a smile on his face, before the two shared a heartfelt hug. As the two parted, Ahsoka looked up to Ezra and a genuine laugh left her lips. 
After a few seconds, Ezra turned around towards Sabine and You:”Wait, you thought she was dead?”
“Clearly. We were wrong.”, Sabine answered, with a smile on her face. You only grinned, raising your hand to pat her shoulder:”I´m glad, we were.”
The sound of Huyang landing the ship behind the four of you, interrupted your little conversation as you all turned around.
Your gaze wandered over to one of the Noti, that had left their shuttle and waddled over to Ezra. Right behind them was Tota, who upon seeing you, Immediately ran over to you, rubbing the snout against your hand.
“Hey Tota.”, You mumbled and petted the Howler, as you watched Ezra reassure the small hermit;”Hey, it's okay. These are friends. All friends.”
You looked around you, as all of the other Noti now also started to come out of their shuttles, chattering away about God knows what.
Yeah, this feeling was pretty fucking great, you decided. 
“Guys. I´m getting a feeling.”, Ezra finally said,”I think I might be going home after all. "
You smiled at him, patting his shoulder, as the four of you gazed back towards Ahsoka´s ship.
A small squeal left your lips, as you suddenly felt Ezra´s arms wrap around you in a tight hug. You didn't have any time to react before, he pulled you off your feet spinning you around in circles. 
“Ezra!”, You scolded him, your hands resting on his shoulders for support, but You could only hear his beautiful laugh in response, before the two of you toppled to the ground. 
You could hear the laughs of Ahsoka and Sabine behind you, as you finally looked up. You realized that you were laying on top of Ezra. The jedi was of course already looking at you, his hands resting on your hips.
“I saw you fight today.”, he mumbled, only for you to hear,”You were awesome. You´ve really improved.”
“So have you.”, You chuckled, quickly pecking his lips, before slowly setting up again.
You saw a small blush creep up ezra´s neck, as he sat up next to you.
“We should take care of your shoulder”, He said pointing at the small scratch on your shoulder.
“It's just a scratch.”; You tried to dismiss him, but Ezra had already stood up again, holding his hand out to you.
“No excuses.”, he said sternly as he pulled you to your feet.
“Come on.”, You heard Ahsoka say, as she lightly patted Sabine´s shoulder,”Let´s give the lovebirds some time alone.”
You felt the heat rise to your cheeks, as Sabine gave you a smirk, before following Ahsoka towards her ship.
“Shall we?”, Ezra asked after a few seconds of silence. You turned to look at him and saw that he held his hand out towards you.
“Always.”, You smiled before grabbing his hand and letting him lead you to one of the Noti shuttles, to take care of your shoulder. 
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kenobers · 2 months
Gangs of Coruscant | mobster!Obi-Wan Kenobi x fem!Reader
Chapter Two: The Godfather Espresso Blend
← Chapter One
After her run in with Coruscant's most notorious crime lords, reader finds herself working in one of his diners. Obi-Wan makes her feel anything but easy. However, sometimes he's a little less frightening when he's sweaty. tw: Mafia!AU, sweaty Obi-Wan a/n: I actually meant for this and the next part to be the same chapter, but this was so warm and gooey that I figured I'd separate it from when shit starts to get real. Disclaimer: Yes, this is a romanization of the concept of the mafia, but it is also a fictionalization based on the structure of the Jedi Order. No character in this story is based on any real life mobster and no plot point is based on an actual organized crime story. I am aware that most crime lords do not look like Obi-Wan Kenobi nor am I encouraging anyone to actually try and get with a made man (or woman). Please direct all complaints to Marty Scorsese. God Bless.
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Obi-Wan paid well.
Technically it was the Jedi Order that paid well. Legally, it was Dex. But your checks always came hand delivered and signed by Obi-Wan Kenobi. 
It turned out you liked the waitressing job much more than you thought you would. If the diner was a front for mob activity, as you'd originally thought, that was none of your business.
Dex was a good boss. He was a big, burly man with a booming voice, and his bushy mustache covered much of his lower face, but you could always tell he was grinning. You were certain the man had lived every lifetime possible. He had a never ending slew of stories and postcards from every system lined the walls of the diner.
For the most part, the folks who frequented the diner seemed to be alright. The regulars had begun to learn your name - well, except for one elderly gentleman, who had thin hair tied in gold colored plates that reached his shoulders and had managed to call you by every variation and sound-a-like except for your actual name. You didn't hold it against the chap. You just appreciated the effort and the hefty tips. It was nice to have some semblance of community.
At first, being in the diner had felt suffocating. You would be lying if you said Obi-Wan didn’t make you nervous. The man had a kind smile and his eyes made you a little weak in the knees. He was beautiful, he was considerate and, once again, he paid well. 
Still, you couldn’t ignore the fact that he was keeping you here to surveil you. Or that he carried a gun with him. Or that he was an infamous crime lord. Maker knew you were paranoid about doing something to make him suspicious. You knew that’s why he dropped by so often; he was waiting for you to slip up. 
There were some days, however, where you could almost pretend this wasn’t the case. Like when he came in during lunch one afternoon. Instead of the usual tan and white suits, he wore a gray tank top with a Mandolorian band printed across it and a faded pair of green basketball shorts. His auburn hair still looked strategically placed, even when sweat had plastered it across his gleaming forehead. 
“Obi-Wan!” Dex greeted, shuffling out of the kitchen with a plate of food in each hand. “I take it you’re here for some protein?”
Obi-Wan laughed, “unfortunately not, although I wish I had the time. I’m just here to pick up coffee for Anakin and Ahsoka.” 
“Ah, (yn) will be right on that,” Dex nodded your way and realized you’d been starring. You dropped your head, then glanced up as if it was the first time you’d noticed him. However, you could tell from the amusement on his face that the silly little ruse hadn’t worked. 
Who could blame you for looking? It wasn't like a mobster in Adidas was an every day sight.
He slid down the counter to where you were stationed by the coffee pot and handed you a slip of paper with two orders on it. The first neatly written request for a white mocha with almond milk, complete with a smiley face and a thank you. The second was for a large coffee with a lethal amount of extra espresso shots and a particular amount of vanilla flavoring written in undeniably male handwriting. 
“I figured it might be easier just to have them write it down,” he said. Over the corner of the sticky note, you caught sight of his forearms, each adorned with a brown leather bracelet, and prayed that he couldn’t see your eyes popping out of your head. 
“Thank you,” you managed to whisper, getting to work on the order.
Your hands followed the instructions with ease, but the focus didn’t meet your eyes. They resisted the urge to turn back to the sweaty crime lord, acutely aware that he was studying you.
“I never asked what brought you to Coruscant.” 
You peered up at him like a deer in the headlights. As if you were unsure whether or not he was speaking to you, you glanced behind you - only to realize you were the only one behind the counter. 
“Well,” you started, pausing to add just the right amount of syrup to the first order. “I actually came here to work at the hospital.” 
There was an awkward moment of silence, before Obi-Wan sheepishly went, “Ah.” 
You gave him a small smile. It wasn’t his fault you’d lost the job you’d uprooted yourself for. Still, he looked a little guilty. 
“But,” you continued, moving to the second order. “It hasn’t been bad working here. A fresh start is a fresh start in any package.” 
He hummed thoughtfully and your heart stuttered a little at the musicality. 
“That’s an excellent philosophy. I don’t think I could’ve mustered up the same amount of patience when I was your age.”
Heat rose to your face. You managed to squeak out a little “thanks!” as you whirled around to grab the vanilla syrup, pretending to fumble for it before turning back to him. Maker knows why this conversation was giving you heart palpitations. 
Because his arms are, like, really strong, one voice in your head giggled. Another protested, or it’s just because he’s showing some interest in you. A third one shut them up, it’s because he’s hot, scary and he’s showing interest in you. 
“And what about sign language? How did you end up interpreting of all things?”
You looked up at him, a tad surprised. He wore a soft smile and seemed unnervingly laid back. There was a curious glint in his blue eyes, but it wasn’t prying, like it had been that night in the warehouse. He was genuinely conversing with you. 
“I was a bit of a hypochondriac and thought I was going deaf when I had an ear infection in high school, so I started learning some basic phrases. Then I just found a passion for it. It’s a fascinating language and culture, really.” 
You blinked, realizing you’d said all that while making direct eye contact with him - the longest you’d probably looked him in the eye since meeting him.
He chuckled, capping the lid on Anakin’s espresso death. 
“That’s admirable, my dear,” he said easily, placing both drinks in a carrier and tucking a generous tip into the metal jar. “And very cute.” 
You could’ve melted into a puddle of coffee right then and there.
However, it wasn’t enough to win you over. You couldn’t let your guard down around him.  
“He knows you aren’t trouble, doll,” Dex had assured you after Obi-Wan had dropped off your third paycheck a few days later. “He just has to be vigilant, he’ll do you no harm.” 
You hadn’t realized how tense you had become until Dex spoke. You sighed, “I know, he just….he makes me a little nervous.” 
Dex let out a hard laugh. “You wouldn’t be the first pretty girl to say that about him.” 
You rolled your eyes playfully as you opened the envelope. Two checks fluttered to the freshly cleaned counter. A yellow sticky note was attached to the bottom one. You frowned - what if this was a test. 
Your fingers shook slightly as you picked up the sticky note, turning it over in your hand to read it. 
Meant to drop this off last week, forgive me. 
You’re doing very well. :) 
You traced the smiley face, feeling heat rush to your own face. Then you picked up the second check. 
$1,000 made out to (yn) (ln)
For an excellent first month. 
     X    Obi-Wan Kenobi
Shock didn’t begin to cover how you were feeling. You pressed the sticky note to your racing heart. It was probably just to ensure your silence and cooperation. However, you knew he had no reason to do that. It was more likely...
Well, frankly, it was more likely that this was just an act of appreciation and kindness from a man who had the means to do so.
Those little voices in your head collectively sighed.
Maybe it's okay to fawn over a crime lord sometimes.
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thegreymarveljedi · 9 days
Live to Fight Another Day
OC! Jedi x OC! Clone Commander
This is a story that I initially wrote for a creative writing class in my University last year and it’s something that I’m quite proud of. I tweaked it a little to better fit the Star Wars genre and here it is!
A few notes:
Kenzo is my OC! Clone commander. He works along side Asher as his second in command. He is strong, compassionate, kind hearted and smart. He has a heart of gold and a winning personality. (Think a combo of Rex and Fives. Rex’s professionalism but Fives’ sense of humour and wit.
Lily and Asher are my OC! Jedi. They are force sensitive twins from Naboo, both age 23. They’re good friends with Anakin and Padme as well as Obi-wan and Ahsoka. They both have brown eyes both with brown, kind of curly hair. Lily is a very kind, hardworking independent woman who doesn’t take shit from anyone but has a very soft personality. Asher in the playful one of the two and likes to get into mischief with Anakin and Ahoksa. Though he can be serious when needed.
Finally, Spike, my OC! Clone Captain. He is Lily’s Captain and is a very by the book type captain but with Lily, he is more relaxed and less tense. He knows how to have fun but would rather stick to the books.
Lily and Kenzo have a 10 month old daughter named Amara who, like her mother, is force sensitive. She loves her uncles very much and loves to spontaneously throw objects around the room.
Warnings: FLUFF, lots of soft touches, mentions of a baby, canon-typical violence, mentions of blood, gunshot wounds, the force and visions working how I need them too, happy ending
Words: 3.7k
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Kenzo wished a good morning to the beautiful woman beside him as his arms wrapped around her middle. Lily smiled and returned the good morning wish, holding her husbands face gently in her hands. She cuddled into his chest, bringing her hand to his heart and feeling the strong beat below her fingertips. Kenzo smiled and brought her impossibly closer, kissing her forehead, then her cheeks, then every inch of her face that he could reach.
Lily giggled at the action, playfully smacking her husband’s chest as he laughed at her, finding her side and running his fingers over it. She jumped and yelped, squirming away from Kenzo as he began to tickle her. Lily’s protests for mercy went unnoticed until there were tears running down her cheeks from how hard she laughed. Kenzo finally relented, lifting his hand and wiping away Lily’s tears.
“That was cruel,” Lily said as she curled back into Kenzo, taking in his warmth. Kenzo chuckled at her finding her as cute and beautiful as the day they met.
“I’m sorry my dear but you look so cute when you laugh,” Kenzo replied and Lily just gave him a look that said ‘Really?’ He laughed at his wife before they both settled down again, laying in each other embrace for another few minutes before Lily broke the silence.
“I have a bad feeling about this mission Kenzo. It seems to good to be true that someone just happened to find the ship and send out a distress signal after it had been presumed lost after 6 years,” Lily said, voicing her displeasure about the mission Kenzo was being deployed on this afternoon.
“I know Lily. But you know what protocol says and we are required to check it out. Even if we don’t have a good feeling about, it has to get done,” Kenzo said, taking hold of her hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze.
“Does it have to be you though? Couldn’t they send my brother with someone else? Why does it have to be you?” She pleaded, looking up at him with the doe eyes he fell in love with.
“Because it does my dear. Believe me I would love nothing more than to stay here, curled up in our bed, watching cheesy movies with you while we wait for our daughter to wake up but I can’t. I have a job to do and a very important one at that,” he said and tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear. Lily sighed as she leaned into his touch.
“I understand my love. That doesn’t make it any easier to watch you go.”
“I know. But you know more about responsibility than anyone. You have a responsibility to take care of yourself, you have a responsibility to your job in this fight and you have a responsibility to our daughter. She needs her mother.”
“She needs her father too. She needs us both,” Lily said sternly, not like the way Kenzo was unintentionally putting himself down.
“I’m not saying she doesn’t Cyar’ika, but my responsibility to her is also based on making sure that she has a safe world to live in. That’s why I have to check this out. It could be nothing or it could be something important,” Kenzo said, trying his best to reassure Lily that everything would be okay.
“I just don’t want you to miss out on too much,” Lily said. Their daughter was 10 months old at this point in the war and she was beginning to show signs of wanting to walk as well as small indications that she was force sensitive like her mother.
“I won’t my love. I will be back home within a month,” Kenzo chuckled, finding it very endearing that his wife was concerned about him missing some of their daughter’s milestones.
 “That still seems like a long time.”
“It does. But it will fly by and before you know it, I’ll have you and our little Amara back in my arms and we can watch all the cheesy romance shows you want,” he said and nuzzled Lily’s nose with his own making her giggle.
“That will be a lot of fun. That does make me feel a little more at ease but I still feel a little hesitant to let you go.”
“I know but you’ll have too eventually.”
“That’s unfortunate.”
“It is but I have a job to do. And so do you.”
“No need to keep reminding me,” Lily said with an eyes roll. “This bed is too comfy and I don’t want to get up.”
“Neither do I cyare but soon I will have to.” 
“Five more minutes?”
“Five more minutes. Then we should both get up and get dressed. You still have to do your meditation before Amara wakes up.”
“She can join me. She usually does anyway because it’s fun for her. And other times if she not sitting still, she’s crawling over me while I meditate. It’s quite cute actually.”
“I can imagine it is. Has she shown any more signs yet?”
“She has. She can throw things across the room and she thinks it’s hilarious,” Lily
“She takes after her mother.”
“You cheeky little shit!”
“You love me.”
“That I do my love. I love you so much.”
“I love you too.”
“I will see you again soon my love. I promise I will return to you.”
“Please be safe. I still have a really bad feeling about this and I don’t want anything happening to you.”
“I will be alright My Lily. I have a very good group of men behind me and you know that your brother wouldn’t let anything happen to me either.”
“I know. I trust you and my brother but that doesn’t mean that I don’t worry about both of you when you’re gone.”
“If I could stay here with you I would do so in a heart beat. I would love nothing more than to spend my days with you and our daughter but I have to go.”
“I know. Good luck my dear. We will be here when you come home.”
“I am looking forward to that.”
Kenzo stood from the bed, moving around the room to collect his discarded armour as his beloved wife watched, wishing that he didn’t have to leave her again. The thought was overwhelming and there were so many things that could go wrong.
Kenzo and Lily had met unexpectedly, being thrown into the battlefield together without any prior knowledge that the other would be there. It was a tough situation, the enemy advancing on Lily’s position and reinforcements had yet to arrive. The men were losing energy and no matter how many droids they put down, more and more seemed to come around. Lily was feeling the fatigue and the pain from where she had been shot in the shoulder hadn’t subsided either.
It seemed almost impossible for them to come back from this loss, that was until ships could be heard from above.
There dozens of them. Reinforcements had arrived!
What happened next was a blur of gun fire, the droid army being pushed back as the new battalion of soldiers came to the battlefield. Lily smiled as she fell back against a crate, watching as the soldiers new to the battle took over for her and her fatigued squad. Kenzo had found Lily against that crate, holding her wounded shoulder, fighting to stay awake. He caught her as she fell, holding her close as he looked over her tattered, battle worn body.
He picked her up and called for a med-vac, carrying her away from the battle and allowing his men to take care of what Lily and her men could not.
Lily’s brother, Asher, was there, fighting in his sister’s place as his commander carried her to safety. There was a hint of distress in Asher’s voice as he called to his commander, asking about his sister’s condition. Kenzo informed his general that she was stable, and that he would take her to safety as the med-vac landed a few feet away.
Kenzo slowly lowered Lily onto the cot inside, stepping back and allowing the medics to take over and do their job. As the medics began the process of making Lily comfortable, her eyes slowly opened. She made eye contact with Kenzo who’s lips were moving but she could hear no words. As he turned to leave the ship so that it could retreat to the cruiser in the sky, Lily reached for Kenzo’s hand, holding it and giving it a squeeze. He turned to look at the women he had saved, seeing her gentle smile and feeling a warmth he had never felt before coursing through him.
Soon a breathing mask was placed over Lily’s mouth and nose, her hand falling from Kenzo’s as the Medic gentle pushed Kenzo out, the door to the Med-vac closing and lifting into the air. Kenzo watched as the ship left, looking at his hand that held the warmth of a women for only a few seconds but he could feel a connection form even from that short time. He closed his fist and turned back to the battle field, feeling a surge of power and energy like never before.
That was the first time Kenzo had laid eyes on Lily and from that moment he was smitten for her.
~End Flashback~
These memories swirled in Kenzo’s mind as he and his brothers waited to be dropped in the thick of the field, Asher standing off to the side of the ship and quietly meditating. Kenzo made his way over to his general, clearing his throat a little to get Asher’s attention.
Asher looked up at his commander, pulling off the hood of his cloak to give Kenzo his full attention.
“How are you Kenzo? Lily treating you with respect?” Asher said, giving his friend and brother-in-law a smile. Kenzo returned the sentiment and shook his head, chuckling slightly at Asher’s questions.
“I’m doing well sir. Lily is doing good, though she had a bad feeling about this operation,” Kenzo replied to Asher, watching as his smile disappeared slowly.
“Oh?” He inquired.
“Yeah. She said that she feels like there is something more going on and that she’s worried for how this op will go,” Kenzo explained. Asher’s face contorted into one of worry before he sighed.
“Her visions and feeling are usually never wrong,” Asher mumbled to himself, making Kenzo feel a little on edge. Before he could inquire to his general what was going to happen, Asher grabbed the men’s attention, radioing the other ships in their company.
“Alright. Listen up everyone. This mission is going to be a lot more difficult than we initially thought. General Volous had a vision and she has a bad feeling about what is going to happen so I want everyone on high alert. I will call back to the cruiser to send reinforcements pre-emptively but I want everyone ready. Is that understood?” Asher explained, his voice dripping with a commanding presence. 
There was a chorus of “Yes sir’s!” from all of Asher’s men both on his ship and the others, each soldier taking some extra time to get themselves ready for anything.
~Time Skip~
What was supposed to be a simple recon, stealth infiltration mission turned out to be a full-fledged battle, the droid army ambushing Asher and his men. Lily was right, there was something to good to be true about the operation and it had led them right into a trap. There was gun fire everywhere, soldiers dropping left and right as Asher and Kenzo tried their best to hold the line.
Asher slashed down a few droids as Kenzo shot a few others, both of them working together to defined their other troops as they fell back to their temporary checkpoint. The smell of plasma and metal was thick in the air, smoke coming from the downed droids as well as some of the damaged tanks lined up behind Asher and Kenzo. Asher pushed ahead a little, clearing a path as best he could for his men that were still standing. Kenzo was right behind him, looking down the barrel of his blaster and firing as many shots as he could, trying to keep the droids off of himself and his general.
The fight raged on for what felt like hours, neither side backing down but Asher and his men were slowly beginning to tire. Kenzo had taken a shot to the arm, the shot from one of the droids just grazing his nondominated arm. Asher watched in mild horror as his captain went down to a knee, holding his wounded arm.
“Kenzo!” Asher yelled and made his way back towards his commander, deflecting shots from more droids as he backed up. Kenzo grunted as he pulled his hand away from the wound, staring at the blood that coated his hand.
“I’m alright Asher, just can’t wait for those reinforcements to arrive,” Kenzo tried to joke, addressing is brother-in-law informally, needing a distraction from the pain in his arm. Asher gave him a stern stare, trying to covey that this was no joking matter. Kenzo just returned the look, knowing that his general was just worried about him.
“Reinforcements should be here soon. They’re jamming our comms but last I heard we’ll have backup shortly,” Asher said and Kenzo nodded, standing back up and returning to his battle-ready position, blaster raised even thought his arm was on fire. Asher looked concerned but didn’t say much, knowing that Kenzo wouldn’t back down from a fight. He threw himself back into the fray, Asher right behind him as shots continued to go off, Asher slashing through the enemy lines and they tried to push ahead. It wasn’t until 20 minutes later that the sound of ships in the air caught the attention of Asher and his remaining men, all of them cheering as their reinforcements arrived.
Ships entered the battle field, dropping troops off as they went, firing on the droid army with heavy artillery, breaking open their lines and clearing a path for Asher and the other soldiers present on the field. Asher let out a loud battle cry as he charged towards the now broken front line of the enemy, encouraging his men to follow. They did so without question, the reinforcements that arrived giving the tired men a new found determination. They all charged into battle, gun fire and grenade explosions being heard and seen across the field.
Kenzo was fighting his own group of enemies as his men followed Asher to the front lines. He was staring to get tired though, the blood loss starting to get to him a little as he tried his best to fight off the group that was beginning to surround him. Just when he thought he was going to lose, there was a loud battle cry as the droids that surrounded him were forcefully pushed away. A slashing sound could be heard as Kenzo took a minute to compose himself before looking up and making eye contact with his beloved wife.
Kenzo let out a sigh of relief as Lily gave him a cheeky smile before rushing over to him and giving him a short hug. Kenzo returned it with his good arm, holding Lily tightly before letting go as more droids cornered them. Lily briefly looked down at Kenzo’s injured arm, her eyes going wide before looking back up at her husband. Kenzo gave her a half-hearted shrug as he turned his back to her and took a shot at another droid that was getting too close to them. Lily did the same stepping up a little and slashing at more as they came towards her and Kenzo.
“Just like the first time we meant huh?!” Kenzo said as he backed up towards Lily, his back against hers as they fought against their foes together. They worked in tandem with each other, moving as a unit, a beautiful symphony.
Memories of their first battle together flashed in both their minds, working together like they had many times after their first battle together
The blood, sweat and gunshots had never bothered them. As long as the other was alive. They moved through the battle field together, taking on enemies and saving the other more than once or twice in one battle. At the end of every fight they fought together, they always found the other and hugged, expressing their gratitude to whatever great being was watching over them and keeping them safe.
“Yes it is! Except this time, I’m saving your ass!” Lily said over the sound of gun fire, deflecting shots left and right.
“How’s our little girl?” Kenzo asked as he fired off another shot, hitting his target square in the head, turning and firing a few more shots at more droids who were advancing. Lily sliced through another, kicking her leg out as more continued come.
“She’s doing beautifully, I left her with Padme when I got the call that we were being deployed as your reinforcements!” Lily said and slashed at another droids that was getting too close to Kenzo.
“Good! I can’t wait to go back home to our little girl,” Kenzo replied, hitting another enemy in the head with the tail end of his gun. Lily smiled at Kenzo before turning towards where the main battle was taking place. She could see her troops pushing on the enemy front lines with her brother leading the charge.
“Let’s join up with the others!” Lily called to Kenzo as he took out another few enemies with the ease of a trained soldier. Kenzo turned towards Lily and was about to nod when he noticed a rouge droid attempting to fire at her.
“Ner sarad, Drop!” Kenzo screamed and fired shots in Lily’s direction, hitting his target square in the head. Lily had dropped the second Kenzo told her to, turning to watch as his shots completely exploded the commando’s head. Lily then turned to see Kenzo with a hard look on his face, concentrated yet concerned. Lily breathed a short sigh of relief before standing up, Kenzo coming over to help his wife.
“Never turn your back in a fight my love,” Kenzo said and pulled Lily close to him, connecting his forehead to hers and closing his eyes as they breathed heavily together. Lily smiled cheekily at her husband before thrusting her blade towards his left side, slicing down another concealed enemy that had advanced on their position.
Kenzo quickly turned to watch as the droid fell to the ground, sparks flying from where Lily stabbed it and pulled her blade out. Kenzo turned to look at his wife again, a smile of adoration making its way onto his face as she shook her head.
“You need to learn to take your own advice my dear. That could have been fatal for you,” Lily said and Kenzo laughed, taking his wife’s hand in his.
“Good thing I have a beautiful fighter for a wife to always watch my back,” Kenzo said and Lily smiled some more before they nodded to one another, their combat instincts kicking back in as they joined the rest of their forces on the front lines of the fight.
Blaster fire rang out over the battle field, soldiers fighting against the enemies who wished nothing more than to gain the upper hand. Kenzo and Lily joined the fray, helping their comrades to push the enemy line back. As they continued to fight, harder than most battles before, they final broke through the enemy lines, finding Asher and Lily’s captain, Spike, emersed in the thick of it.
“Asher!” Lily called out as she slashed her way towards her brother. Asher smiled at his sister and gave a salute, deflecting shots as he went.
“Hey sis! Welcome to the party!” Asher yelled over the sound of gun fire. Lily returned it as she herself continued to fight. Lily, Asher, Kenzo and Spike pushed forward, until the enemy line was broken completely, the remaining droids retreating away like cowards.
Slowly but surely the blaster fire ceased, leaving behind the smell of plasma and burnt metal in its wake. Asher, Kenzo, Lily and Spike made their way back to the check point, Helping as many men as they could along their way back. They all smiled at one another as the battle came to the end. Kenzo and Lily linked hands as discreetly as possible, not wanting to put their relationship on full display but still wanting to be close to each other.
“That was something else for sure,” Spike spoke as he helped one of his men up, making sure he could stand before moving on to the next.
“You’re damn right about that Spike,” Lily chuckled as wiped her forehead, looking over to Kenzo whose eyes were bright and a small smile was present on his face.
“Thanks for coming sis, you saved us. Again,” Asher said and Lily smiled giving her brother a light punch to the shoulder.
“Anytime bro. It’s my job after all. And plus, I knew something was going to go wrong so I had the council ready my battalion even before you guys were deployed,” Lily revealed, making Asher laugh out loud.
“Of course you did.”
“I’m always prepared.”
“That you are sis. And I’m grateful for that.”
Asher and Lily gave each other a smile before Lily felt the weight of Kenzo on her left side. She looked over to him to see his face paling a little and his body sagging. Lily panicked for a moment, remembering how he had been shot. The adrenaline of the battle had finally worn off and the blood loss and fatigue had begun to sink in.
“Cyar’ika..” Kenzo said quietly, looking to his wife calmly but tired. She steadied him again herself, holding him up as the evac ships descended to retrieve them.
“We’ll get you patch up and home soon my love. Just stay strong for me okay?”
The battle was over and they made it out alive. Even if Kenzo was injured, he was happy to have survived this fight. They were excited to go home and see their daughter, happy to have lived to fight another day.
I hope you enjoyed this! I can always do more stories with these characters if you did!
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