#And this makes it immensely easier!
I spent ages agonising over how I would navigate my medical health before I became 18 (at which point I could schedule my own appointments. Like, I know that I could still do that as a minor with my parent(s) per.issuon but I thought there would still be restrictions, especially concerning money) but my mum is just gonna give me my medical card tomorrow after I briefly mentioned goodrx (which is only tangentially related??) and told me that everything would be free? What??
Like, I can just schedule anything. I could follow up on that proposed blood test to figure out the extent/cause of my anemia. I could go to the dentist. I could get regular check ups (insane. In the past 8-9 years I've only had two check ups).
I recently had an eye exam and am gonna receive two free glasses (plus a third cheap one my mum + grandpa bought for me), but like. I could get an eye exam regularly? Which is pretty damn good since I kinda fucked up with my left eye and when I was looking through that machine it was definitely blurrier in my left than in my right. Plus, obviously my eyes got worse over these past three years, so it'd be great to stay on top of any further changes.
This shit applies to mental health stuff as well. She specifically mentioned that, which I think is her signaling that she does not want to bein charge of keeping up with that. Damn. I could schedule my own appointments and shit. Wow.
Maybe I can buy medication? Obviously I'd have to talk to a psychiatrist to be prescribed anything, but my mum said she doesn't pay *anything* for prescribed medication. I promised myself not to rock the boat too much until I'm 18, though, since last time when I broached the possibility of me being ND and did that surface level test (used to determine if an in depth test is needed), she took me out of therapy (which I will be back in soon thank god! My intake is on the 3rd of October!).
And my mum has expressed that she doesn't want me on medication (she said it isn't safe for a minor. I wonder if her opinion would change once I become an adult. It must eventually, right? She takes medication herself.) so I'm afraid she might. Take away my access to medical stuff.
But like, if she gives me my card, can she even do anything? If she takes it, would I be able to order a new one or smth? She said that she could order a new one if I lose it. Am I entitled to it? I'll have to look into it more.
The possibility of this massive opportunity suddenly being taken away is why I didn't even consider further pursuing ND evaluation or getting a gender therapist. But like, if she can't do anything, I'll definitely do it. I guess that's a "maybe" thing.
Yooo I could get birth control and stop these blasted periods! Neat.
Even better yet, my siblings can get their cards as well and schedule their own stuff. I requested one of my siblings cards as well and she's willing to give me it. I can't make the appointment myself, as I am a minor (which means I can schedule appointments for them when I'm an adult yayyy), but I can help her make an appointment herself. She really needs to see the dentist.
Man. There's just. So many possibilities. I'm definitely gonna look at "common medical screenings/appointments" or whatever to see what I can get looked at for. Now that I have all this medical power I won't allow myself to deal with something I shouldn't have to!!
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ganondoodle · 14 days
(idk if anyone wants to keep hearing my opinions on totk book stuff but-)
apparently it says that rauru DID have kids, multiple even, which yeah... is kinda necessary for zelda to even be connected to them so much so that sonia can SENSE a blood connection (which, even with all the excuses with magic, is just a little too far for me to suspend my disbelief bc its over, OVER, ten thousand years worth of generations that seperate her from them that one lil touch of the hand can sense that (feels more like an attempt to make you care about them or .. see them as zeldas "better" parents just bc they exchange a few nice words, i never got the feeling they were 'better' parents and its also kinda disrespectful to her actual parents, like sure rhoam wasnt the best but i wouldnt call rauru better just bc he was polite)- i could see maybe the light power of hylia or sth but since its the coolest dude that ever lived rauru now that had it which still doesnt make sense and makes me unreasonably annoyed and she can sense BOTH of their powers in her? nah) the fact theres NOTHING about them in the game itself is just so ... no way they planned any of this
i dont think theres anything they can do or say that wont make be believe they either
are making it up alla 'fix it in post' mentality trying to hastily explain stuff the game never bothers to do to try and appease fans or let it appear as if they thought about it at all
something went really REALLY wrong during development, which kinda seems likely given how the game turned out (im sorry i cannot let go, its not just the writing, the game design too and how little was changed in the map while being so damn expensive, i dont know how people dont feel scammed q_q)
given that they (allegedly) spent the last entire year of development on polish (where??? where????? huh??? like it would make it more understandable (EXCEPT for the price) if there was alot of trouble, which was also bc it got delayed and ... turned out like this, but they dont want to say it, especially given their reputation, with that quote i have heard way too many times 'a delayed game blah blah') i just??
are they just gonna go and do it like they did with kashiwa (kass)? "they uuuh where flying around the whole time ony cool sonau tech maschines, you just dont see or hear from them ooooorrr they were uuuuh out of the country at the time" (sending invitations to other continents to join their glorious kingdom ;) )
(bet they are also gonna say they did all the stuff like ... moving the shrines around (lol?) and lifting the islands up into the sky- which is still weird bc ... didnt they also say they were living in the sky before coming to the surface?? so where?? did they park all their islands on the surface and the mystery kids had the keys so they had to repark them back into the sky after they returned off camera?? xD also why are the islands so different as an environment if they where from the surface? like even the STONE up there is different- and if they were first in the sky then on the surface and the nback in the sky .. why is there not a single yellow tree or grass in the past- you cant really argue that it changed bc they were up there so long bc .. nothing else changed, the suddendly and totally always there sonau buildings are largely in prime condition, only some slightly moldy, and what we see of the glorious past looks barely any different from the present, aside from like ... some standard trees shuffled, no castle yet and that glowy uwu filter DESPITE that stupidly long time frame between it)
#ganondoodles talks#zelda#ganondoodles rants#idk if others feel like that too but i cant shake the feeling there was something that either went horribly wrong during development-#-or the entire thing was neglected the whole time which is why its so .. i hesitate to even call it bare bones#...which is WILD given that its the supposed sequel to their best seeling zela game#like wtf where you doing#i get that the pressure can be immense but imo it wasnt that hard to make a sequel to thats better than totk#like i think it was harder to make totk like it is NOW bc it scraps and throws away so many things you could have easily used-#-as sequel material#its all so weird to me#my tin foil hat theory is still that they saw the success of the mario movie and immediately shifted everything to make more movies#bc it made so much money#and a movie is easier to make than a good game#so totk or botw2 at the time got the short end of the stick#which is why everything feels like .. so ... bare bones .. untested .. unfinished .. non sensical...#like an alpha build that got enough visual polish to look like a full game when its still an alpha build at its core#some main ideas like the abilities implemented and the basic map layers#mechanics functioning but untested on how it feels to play#like the sage controls and arrow fusing and ... contradictory game mechanics that dont work together#like the bulding WORKS but its clunky and underused- everything can be cheated so easily you dont even feel good cheating-#-bc it feels like the teacher just allowed you to mark your test with a green circle and you still got an A (or however USA grades work)#despite not even reading the questions- why attempt to solve a puzzle if you can just skip it#and how they tell you to be creative with it yet creativity gets punished and only efficiency is rewarded#which completely undermines the entire thing#...theres so much more you know i have ranted about it all before#ALSO rauru and sonia seemed like a rather newly wed couple to me- not one that had multiple kids that never appear-#since it only mentions rauru ..... if its only his then ... that doesnt explain anything bc zelda needs both sonia and rauru dna#................do sonau leave eggs to incubate somewhere heavenly or sth#watch out the springs where built to hatch rauru eggs bc they need the gods holy blessing bc they are oh so holy to hatch
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lorillee · 6 days
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in honor of kakashis birthday i thought i might as well finally release my half finished mini concept of "inverse lost tower where baby kakashi comes to hang out with shippuden era team 7. Badly" because obviously baby kakashi seeing his older self have relationships and happiness that baby kks doesnt think he can or deserves to have pisses him off on such a fundamental level hes so filled with rage he barely knows what to do with himself. not to mention that adult kakashis general outward lackadaisical demeanor also makes him angry because how can they have gone through all the same things and yet he still doesnt take anything seriously etc etc u already know all this. regardless the issue more than anything else was that im not much of a writer so i could never get the words to feel right so it'll probably stay unfinished forever, but take these anyways
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gideonisms · 3 months
seeing all the houses downtown with their lights on in different rooms made my chest ache but it's all good 👌
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coffeeworldsasaki · 7 months
One would think that when you're someone that has to constantly do fiber crafts to not have breakdowns and then decided to try to put on sale stuff you make you would be calm, since there's literally nothing to lose in trying and there's fundamentally no change in your life whatsoever but no, when you have anxiety even this literally 0 effort thing is nerve wracking 🙃
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fowlblue · 10 months
I’m so sleepy rn
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kimtaegis · 8 days
What do you mean by "I keep prioritising the less important things"? 😕
e.g. running a blog is significantly less important to my future than writing my stupid thesis right now and doing my jobs 🥲 yet here I am constantly delaying or skipping work to make gifs on time, it’s not good. I just can’t seem to regulate this sense of obligation? I don’t know if it’s the right word for what I mean I’m sorry
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hungee-boy · 2 months
What is the difference between google integrating Romani to their Translate program and Romani linguists and authors publishing glossaries/dictionaries/texts/grammars on (their) Romani (dialect)? I'm asking because I can't articulate them beyond google is a multibillion company that doesn't collaborate with minority language speakers. I'm sorry that they're doing this to Romani people.
honestly that pretty much is the biggest difference and also the fact that Romani culture has been bastardized countless fucking times by gadje, even well meaning gadje (looking at gadje online getting into the "trend" of making comic characters "actually Romani" or having Romani OCs without doing more than just watching a handful of Florian's videos as their research (if even that))
also with a closed culture and language the sharing of that culture should only be done by the people in that culture. if a lone Romani linguist wants to write about the dialect they spoke with their family then that's totally fine, that's within their discretion to do so as a Romani person.
but if some gadjo working for Google raises his hand in a meeting going like "um what if we add Romani" without thinking twice about why we wouldn't want gadje knowing Romani, then it's a matter of forced exposure.
like you wouldn't want to just rip the dress off a woman without her consent to teach health class, you don't want to record a culture's language only to then present it to the entirety of Google's international userbase without any thought of the people that would use that information to further oppress Roma
when Florian uploaded a short first highlighting Google's plans to integrate Romani, I said in the comments that I totally saw fauxmani using the botched translations as a way to "pass" as Romani, but honestly I also seeing racists translating hate speech to target us directly, our words being translated without consent, police now having the ability to translate what we say, etc. like more harm will come from this than good because the world is still so antiziganist to this day
and that's why closed cultures should just be fucking respected and left alone. maybe we'd be more eager to share our stories and culture with a world that can fucking understand and respect boundaries, especially when those boundaries are built for our safety
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ballsballsbowls · 11 months
This time last year, I wasn't even sure if I wanted to finally cave and buy an e-reader.
I just got told in the past week or so that basically all of my nearest and dearest are planning to get one by the end of the year (even the one or two that have not traditionally been huge readers) because of how excited I have been about it.
I was so thrilled that I gave them all my first book rec for their new devices.
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troutlawyer · 1 year
I love twin beds because they are easier to manage and tidy as well as not overtaking a bedroom but also because they are nice and small (claustrophile) and can only be comfortably slept in alone or completely squished up against whoever is in there with you which I think serves the extreme dichotomy I live by perfectly
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bloodystray · 10 months
feeling normal
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bluebellhairpin · 1 year
Why do the worst days have to be the ones that I need to get stuff done.
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not-poignant · 2 years
🛠 What tools/programs/apps do you use to write?
And 💲
🛠What tools/programs/apps do you use to write?
I draft my chapters in Microsoft Word, and I do my worldbuilding in Obsidian, and I've done a little bit of mapmaking in Inkarnate.
I'm a huge fan of Obsidian because the basic software is free, and there are a lot of plug-ins and more for it, but also, it's a beautiful way of looking at your world and it suits me. I tried World Anvil before that, but the former was way too clunky and frankly not suited for writers, and Obsidian I can make as organic as I want.
I've also used Draft2Digital for converting projects into epubs for free. Because you can use a D2D account for converting word documents into e-books free of charge without publishing it. But I'll probably use Atticus now because I was an early adopter of that.
💲 Would you ever open commissions?
Firstly, commissions almost never compensate you for the true value of your writing.
And secondly, I learned when working as an artist, that commissions will sometimes (rarely) draw you in contact with the most entitled and frustrating people in the world. And I know in my heart if I ever opened for writing commissions, I'd end up being asked to write things that I don't normally write, for characters or pairings I don't really care for, in ways I don't really feel much about. And I've literally just found a place in my life where people will pay me for the stuff I do want to write about. Why would I stop doing that? Or make it worse? dsalkjfasd
Tbh almost all my commissioners were actually amazing people and some are still good friends today. But you only need 1 or 2 assholes per year to realise that if you just stopped commissions you wouldn't have to interact with those assholes at all. I think writing commissions are actually worse for valuing a creator than art commissions. I've never seen writers charge anything close to a genuinely compensatory amount for the writing, labour and editing that goes into a commission.
And then finally, I don't personally believe in me making a profit off fanfiction, or at least, deliberately seeking to do that. Which is a pretty big one, honestly. Anyone on my Patreon knows I don't even give notifications of fanfiction chapters when they go up - you only find out about those here or in the Discord (or in the account itself if you're subscribed). They're treated as two separate things.
From the fandom meme!
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yeonban · 1 year
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When you're conflicted on how to feel about your beloved's supportive opinions...
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orcelito · 1 year
I'll finally have some free time tomorrow so I'm hoping i can actually get started on the next chapter of ITNL. I have a solid plan & it'll probably be easy to write once I get started with it... but Before That, I gotta get the ball rolling, & that's always the hardest part 😭
Gonna try tho. If I don't get to wolfwood in the next 2 weeks I'm going to scream
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