#And took good care of him while Dean was busy picking up chicks
kaywinchester · 3 years
Last Resort
anon asked: Hey! I love your work! Do you think you could do a sister!reader fic where Dean, Sam and Cas are away on a long hunt, and the reader (younger, maybe between 11-14) has a panic attack? Since her brothers nor Cas can help, Crowley shows up... Thank you!
Word Count: 1,762
A/N: I know panic attacks can be different for a lot of people, so I kind of just made the panic attack in this story how mine usually are. I also set this before the boys found the bunker since Crowley is still around.  *Also not my gif*
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“Hey, wake up.... Y/N c’mon wake up.” Sam said as he shook your sleeping form. 
You rolled over to your side and blinked your eyes open slowly, adjusting to the light shining in from the hallway.
“M’what?” You mumbled.
“Y/N, Cas called us. Dean and I have to leave to go help him, it’s important.”
“What’s going on?” You wondered, looking over at the clock on the nightstand to see that it was 2:30 in the morning. 
“We’ll call you and explain everything later, but we have to leave. We might be gone for a few days but I wanted to let you know.” Sam said frantically.
“Okay, call me in the morning.” You said, still half asleep and not really understanding what was going on. 
Sam nodded and shut the lights off as he and Dean gathered their things before leaving the motel room. You rolled to your other side and fell back asleep within minutes.
You woke up the next morning and sat up in bed, looking around, you were confused as to why Sam and Dean weren't there. It took you a minute but you remembered Sam waking you up. Just as you were thinking about where the hell they went, your phone rang.
“Hey, how’re you doing?”
“Uh, where are you guys and when are you coming back?” 
“Sorry for leaving in such a rush. Cas called us about some other angels that are going around taking people out. Normally he’d be able to handle this himself but they're moving pretty fast.” Sam explained.
“When will you be back?”
“Not sure, but this one might take a few days. Maybe a week at worst, but we’ll keep you updated.”
“What about food?” You asked, glancing at the small motel kitchen. 
“Dean went on a supply run after you fell asleep last night, the fridge should be stocked. We wouldn’t leave you alone if we thought you couldn't handle it.” Sam said.
“Okay, well, hurry back.” 
“We will. Gotta go, we’ll talk to you later.” “Stay safe, Y/N/N.” You heard Dean say in the background.
It had been 4 days since the boys left and you were bored out of your mind. You had opened snack after snack, watched way too much tv, and even snuck two of Dean’s beers. You knew he would notice and be pissed off but you didn't even care at the time. 
Just when you thought you would be fine by yourself, you weren't. 
The paranoia started to set in, which happened often when the boys would leave on longer hunts and not take you with them. Sometimes, you were able to brush it off and be patient until they got back. Other times like this, it was like a nagging feeling of terrible thoughts that would set off a panic attack.
There was a string of bad thoughts that kept rushing through your head. Wondering if Sam and Dean would be okay, if they were going to make it back safely, or if they were already dead and you just didn’t know it yet. 
These thoughts sent you pacing back and forth around the motel room. You chewed your lip as you imagined Sam and Dean walking through the door with their bags, trying your best to calm yourself down. 
You sat down on the edge of the bed as you felt your breathing picking up, feeling so panicked and uncomfortable, being alone for longer than you were okay with. You wanted to call Sam and Dean to check in but you didn’t want to be a bother. Your brothers knew that you had occasional panic attacks, but they didn’t know the extent of them. It was also a little embarrassing, so you decided to keep it on the low. 
That’s when your phone rang, seeing it was Sam, you answered almost right away.
“Sammy?” You breathed out.
“Hey kiddo. What’s up?” Dean answered instead.
“Uh, hey.... nothing much.... Is Sam there?”
“Yeah, he just fell asleep in the passenger seat. Is everything okay?”
“Everything’s fine, just um.... when will you be back?”
“We just finished up actually. We were able to track down the last string of dickhead angels so were on our way back right now.”
“How long?” You asked a little too eagerly. 
“Should be there in about 4 hours, could be less.... You know how I drive.” Dean let out a chuckle. 
“Ok great, hurry back.” Was all you could think of saying before hanging up the phone. 
Sam stirred in his seat, waking up and turning to Dean to see his phone in his hand. “What are you doing with my phone?”
“Y/N called, she was just asking where we were.”
“Oh. How is she?”
“Good... sounded a little weird though.”
“What do you mean weird?”
“I dunno. She’s probably just getting impatient.”
Sam took a moment to think about how Dean worded that, realizing you might've been having an episode.
“No more stops tonight, let’s get back as soon as possible.”
“She might be panicking a little bit, we’ve been gone for almost a week.”
“She’ll be fine, she just needs to get used to being on her own.” Dean started being insensitive. 
“Dean, I don’t think you know how panic attacks work.”
“She doesn't still have those, does she?”
“Yes, as far as I know she does, and depending on the person, they can get pretty bad.”
Dean didn't say anything after that and continued to drive faster. 
You sat on the floor up against the motel bed and talked to yourself in your head, praying to Cas since your brothers were still a long ways away. You repeated the same message over and over, expecting to see Cas pop up in front of you, but it never happened.
You started to panic even more that you started to repeat your cry for help out loud, not to anyone directly, but in hopes of feeling like someone was listening. 
You weren’t expecting it but someone was listening. 
And that someone was Crowley.
Crowley appeared after minutes of you talking, it scared the shit out of you, making you spring up from where you were sitting. 
“What the hell are you doing here?” You questioned.
“Well, someone is a little uneasy from what I heard.” He glanced back at you.
“Why are you even listening to me?”
“You clearly wanted someone to, and I was in the area.” Crowley said jokingly.
“Sam and Dean aren’t gonna like it when they see that you’re here.” You said as you backed up out of habit.
“Sam and Dean aren’t going to be here for a while now are they love? I might as well give you some sort of company.” He smirked, as he pulled out one of the kitchen chairs to sit down.
“Why are you acting nice?”
“Who said I was acting? The king of hell can’t do little Winchester a favor?”
“Why would you want to though, it’s pretty unlike you.”
“Let’s say I owe you and your brothers one, I can’t always be ruining things can I? That would just be bad for my reputation.” Crowley sassed.
You scoffed at his sarcastic remarks, then realizing that he did a good job of distracting you from how you were feeling.
“Thanks” you gave a small smile, accepting the nice gesture Crowley gave. 
“No need... Well, I guess my work here is done.” Crowley sighed. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have business to attend.” Before you could turn around to hear what Crowley was talking about, he was gone. Moments later, you heard a familiar car engine pull up in front of the motel room. 
Perfect timing.
You drew the curtains to reveal your brothers emerging from the car, with Cas already walking up to the door.
You let out a sigh of relief as you welcomed all three of them inside.
“Hello Y/N.....” Cas paused and looked around with suspicion growing on his face.
“What’s wrong?”
“I had a sense that one from the opposite side was lingering in this vicinity.”
“Okay, I literally understood none of that.”
“There was a demon here at some point. I’m sure of it.”
“Y/N, what’s he rambling about?” Dean asked as he hauled in the last of the things from the impala.
“Uh, I don’t know.” You lied.
Sam could see right through you face and knew something had happened. You didn’t look okay.
“Y/N, was there someone here? Did something try to hurt you?” Sam asked, grabbing Dean’s attention, stopping him from what he was doing.
“Well, Crowley...”
“Crowley!? Was he here?” Dean’s voice boomed.
“Dean, can you please not make a big deal...”
“Big deal!!?”
“Dean, dude seriously chill out. Just tell us what happened, Y/N.” Sam interrupted.
You told the three boys everything that happened. Sam immediately felt bad that he wasn’t there. Dean was worried that his little sister dealt with panic attacks this bad, but he still wasn’t happy that the king of hell just decided to pop in without warning. 
“Y/N/N, why didn’t you tell me over the phone?” Sam asked.
“I didn’t want you to worry. Plus, you were too far anyways.”
“Well next time that happens, you call us, no matter where we are. I promise, you mean more to us than our work, we’d drop everything, even if we were miles away just to get to you.” Sam explained.
“Yeah, what he said.” Dean chimed in.
“Wow, I love how much you care.” You joked.
“You know I love you Y/N/N..... but I’m gonna have to lay down some rules with Crowley, and one of them is no dropping in when I’m not here. I don’t trust that shady punk.”
Sam rolled his eyes and shrugged his arms, motioning for a hug which you gladly accepted.
“Nothing but chick flick moments over here. Get a room.” Dean scoffed.
“Shut up!”
“So, where is Crowley now?” Cas asked innocently.
“Were you even listening the whole time?” Sam asked confused.
“No, there is many things being said over angel radio.” 
“God dammit, Cas.” Dean said as he got up to grab a beer out of the fridge. “Who drank my beers?”
“Wasn’t me...” Sam shrugged. 
You knew you were in big trouble, forgetting about the choices you made earlier. So you slipped out the front door to let Dean cool down, but he had other plans. Sam quietly ratted you out as he motioned to the door that had just shut.
“Y/N! Get back here!” 
Requests are open again!
@jackjackljaqui ​@hunting-the-grievers @susan-is-in-the-house@flirtyonsie @mersuperwholocked-lowlife @justsomedreaming
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Hey, @atomicdetectivehideout I’m happy to be your  @destielsecretsanta2020
Merry Christmas! Please, accept my humble gift for the holiday. It’s a 3k of fluff and stuff (well, when I say fluff, I mean, I really tried!). I sincerely hope you enjoy it. 
Thank you to the most awesomest people to ever awesome @campchitaquamemories and @amyoatmeal for offering to beta this little thing. You guys rock!
Here it is on ao3 if you prefer
Those Things That Couples Do
Come to think of it, it wasn’t such a lame idea. Not lame at all, Dean thought, to the extent he might even have to thank Sam later. Well, maybe not outright thank him, but definitely bake a cherry pie for Eileen (her favorite; the woman sure knew how to enjoy life). It felt nice, lying on the bed with Cas in the semi-darkness, Christmas lights on the dresser and a couple of the apple cider and cinnamon scented candles Cas liked so much (and Dean grumbled about but secretly enjoyed too) being the only source of light. It felt cozy. Safe. They talked in hushed voices so as not to disturb the quiet magic of the bubble they had created in that moment, and dammit, but Dean was grateful to his brother and soon-to-be sister-in-law for this particular chick-flick.
“So, you sure you want this to go on your list as the first item?” Dean nudged Cas gently with an elbow. “Sick of my cooking already? I’m hurt, man,” he added, only half-jokingly.
The idea Eileen pitched to them was to write down three items each to reflect their hopes and plans for the upcoming year. At first, Dean laughed when Sam handed him a blue envelope with four blank craft paper cards to be written on. He had been about to suggest Sam find someone more age-appropriate to participate in that particular brand of cute (Dean could almost see the faces Claire and Kaia would make at the suggestion), but Cas’s quiet ‘It’s a lovely idea’ made him silently accept the package at the last second. This provided Sam with the pleasure of witnessing his older brother biting his tongue and smiling reassuringly at Cas who’d been busy searching Dean’s face for a reaction.
Per the rules Sam had explained to them, they were supposed to write down their plans (which they were encouraged to discuss, because that’s apparently what couples do) and complete a bonus task – individually, this time – describing where they see themselves next year at Christmas. Then, they were to seal their envelope and give it to Sam and Eileen for safekeeping, accepting theirs in exchange. That way next year there would be an additional reason to spend Christmas together and see which things have come to pass.
“Stop fishing for a compliment. You know your cooking is delicious.” Cas turned to look at Dean. “I want to be able to do nice things for you, Dean. Like you do for me. Cooking for people you care about is how you show affection and those small, but meaningful gestures go a long way. I’d love to be able to surprise you with a breakfast pie in bed, or make soup for when you catch a cold, or-“ Dean interrupted him with a chaste and gentle kiss on the lips. “You had me at the breakfast pie, Cas. Cooking and baking: 101 it is.” Cas smiled, reached for Dean’s hand, and pressed a kiss to his knuckles. Laying back on the pillow, he rested Dean’s hand on his belly, gently stroking the fingers. Dean closed his eyes and sighed contentedly.
“What will you put as your first item?” Cas asked a moment later.
“That’s easy,” Dean murmured into Cas’s shoulder. “Beach vacay. Never had the time for that before. What do you think about some sand between our toes? Maybe even skinny-dipping with enough margaritas?”
“You do look extremely hot in those aviators of yours,” Cas replied in a thoughtful voice, as if mulling it over. “And skinny-dipping does sound promising. A beach vacation certainly belongs on that list.”
“Cas, if you want me naked and in sunglasses, that can be arranged anytime, anywhere.”
“I want you in those cut-off shorts of yours, and then I want you out of them,” Cas continued in a low voice, and Dean felt the hairs on his arm stand up under Castiel’s fingertips. “I want to explore your sun-kissed skin and count the freckles on your back. I want you to enjoy yourself in all the ways that appeal to you, so yes. You’re writing that down. I’m taking you to the beach.”
“Just like that?” Dean asked, teasingly. “Pretty goal-oriented, aren’t you?”
Cas glared at him; Christmas lights caught in his dark blue eyes. “I was a Seraph, Dean. Goal-oriented was in the job description.”
“Bossy,” Dean suggestively wiggled his eyebrows.
“You like that.”
Cas turned on his side, facing Dean. They were lying so close now they breathed the same air, noses just shy of touching. Dean took Cas’s hand and laced their fingers, nudging a knee between Cas’s thighs. “What else is on your list?” Dean asked.
Cas didn’t answer right away, and Dean closed his eyes to bask in the warmth of their bodies.
“There’s a small plot of land behind the bunker,” Cas began, “I was wondering whether it’s okay with you and Sam if I make a garden there?” He sounded uncertain, for some unknown reason, and Dean frowned at that. “It wouldn’t be anything fancy, just some flowerbeds with sunflowers or maybe lavender-“
“Cas,” Dean interjected, still frowning, “why would you even ask? You don’t need anyone’s permission to do what you want to do, come on. The bunker belongs to you just as much it does to me or Sammy or Eileen or the rest of our extended family.” He propped himself up on one elbow and gently freed his hand from Castiel’s hold to cup his cheek. “If you want a garden, I’ll help you make one. Or just as happily will mind my own business if it’s something you want to do on your own. Okay?”
“Thank you, Dean,” Cas whispered, earnestly. And it wasn’t about the garden, really. It was about being reassured he belonged, was wanted. Accepted.
“You should definitely add the garden to your list, Cas. And, while we’re on the topic, there was actually something I wanted to ask you about.” Dean cleared his throat, his heart rate quickened. He’d been thinking about this for quite a while, but never seemed to find the right moment to broach the topic. Frankly, he’d never felt brave enough to do so. Why mess up a good thing? But the idea lived in his head rent free, and there was no lying to himself, no tricking his mind out of it. “What would you say about a real garden, though?  With an apple tree, some benches, maybe even a gazebo? Where you can plant all kinds of flowers to appease those honeybees of yours?”
“That- That sounds lovely, Dean,” Cas replied, obviously a little bit at a loss. “What do you have in mind?”
Dean was grateful it was dark in the room because he could feel himself blushing, chest burning as if someone had put a hot iron on it. He took a deep breath that didn’t do much to lessen the anxiety.
“Remember, back in Sioux Falls, Bobby’s old property?” Dean paused, waiting for Castiel to nod in agreement. “So, it’s all still there. It’s a pretty big plot of land, and the house burned down, obviously, but I was thinking,” the words kept jumping one in front of the other, and Dean felt the blush deepen, desperately hoping Cas would understand what he was trying to say. “I ain’t that bad at rebuilding things, and, of course, it’s gonna be quite a lot of work, but who doesn’t like a fixer-upper, right? There’s the salvage yard, too, we can do something with that. I’m sure Bobby wouldn’t mind, and there shouldn’t be any problems with the documents, given who’s the sheriff in town. And that way you and I get to be closer to Claire, and Donna, the whole gang-“
“You and I?” Cas asked quietly, and Dean took a deep breath, grateful for the interjection.
“You and I. And some bees, apparently,” Dean gave Cas a weak smile, searching his eyes.
Green met blue, and for the better part of a minute (eternity, really) Cas just kept looking at him silently. Dean’s heart was hammering in his chest so loudly, he wondered if maybe he just couldn’t hear Cas’s answer because of the pounding in his ears. But Castiel’s lips didn’t move, and Dean felt like he couldn’t breathe, like he needed to get out before he went into a full-blown panic attack. It was too much. Why would Cas want to leave the bunker? It was way safer there. There were other people, hunters, coming and going, Sam and Eileen lived barely an hour away, why would he even consider moving in with Dean, let alone-
Suddenly, Cas was on Dean, left hand on Dean’s pillow for support, right hand cupping Dean’s face. Cas pressed kisses everywhere, holding on to Dean like it was the last thing on Earth worth doing. Cas moved his hand into Dean’s hair, gripping tight, and Dean moaned, capturing Cas’s mouth with his own, deepening the kiss. Dean’s anxiety turned into exhilaration, because that was very clearly a yes, and somewhere at the back of his mind he wondered if maybe he’d just suffered a mild heart attack. In mere seconds, though, his body went pliant under Cas’s weight, the kiss grew even more urgent and heated. Dean’s brain short-circuited, the only thing that registered was the press of Cas’s groin to his own, the sounds Cas was making, the texture of his tongue, the softness of his palms, his smell, his taste, the overwhelming need to be closer, to become one, to forget there ever was an outside world at all. But as Dean slipped his hands under Cas’s T-shirt, Cas groaned and broke the kiss, panting. He pressed his forehead to Dean’s, eyes closed and breathing heavy.
“I believe we’ve gotten carried away,” Cas said, hoarsely. “We still have to finish the lists before Sam leaves for Eileen’s.”
“Screw Sam,” Dean rasped, “I don’t care, just take off your clothes and keep kissing me senseless.”
Cas growled and bit his lip to keep himself from grinding.
“There will be no screwing Sam,” he said in a low voice. “We finish the lists, give Sam the envelope, bid him goodnight,” Cas took a deep breath, his body looming over Dean. “And then we pick up right where we left off.”
“Fuck, Cas,” Dean whined.
“Patience, Dean,” Cas pressed a kiss behind his ear, where he knew Dean was especially sensitive. “All in due time.”
With that, Castiel got up, went to click his bedside lamp on, fluffed his pillow, propped it against the headboard, and took the writing supplies from the nightstand. When he got back on the bed, he made sure to leave a few inches of space between them.
Dean groaned. “Fuck my life,” he muttered, but took a couple of deep breaths, willing his heart rate to friggin’ slow down already.  He sat up and reached to switch on the lamp on his side of the bed. He watched Cas for a moment before clarifying, “Yes to the house, though?”
Cas looked at him, pen pausing in the middle of a sentence. “I love you, Dean. Yes to the house.”
Dean grinned. “So, two down, one to go. Item number three for 2021?”
Castiel chewed on the cap, thoughtfully. “This one is less specific, but I’d like to try things I haven’t tried before. Unusual food, new experiences, all kinds of activities – with you.”
“Cas, I swear, if you hadn’t stopped just now, I’d have given you a thing or two to cross out from that bucket list,” Dean smiled, cockily.
Cas grinned. “I should think so.”
“Just say the word,” Dean winked, “and we can go baptize the library.”
“Noted. Let’s just not traumatize your brother any further.”
“He’ll live.”
Cas sighed, a mix of fondness and exasperation. “We’ll get back to this conversation as soon as we’re finished with the task at hand. What’s your item number three for the list?”
“Well,” Dean sat up straighter to get himself into business mode, “I’d love to spend more time with family. Get to know them better, maybe set up some family traditions? I don’t know if everyone will appreciate the idea, but it would be kinda awesome.” He glanced at the framed photos proudly sitting on his shelf.
“I think it’s a wonderful thing to put on your list,” Castiel reached for his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, “and I don’t have a shadow of a doubt, everyone will be thrilled.”
“They’d better be. Otherwise, they’ll be missing out on the greatest feasts humanity’s ever known.”
“Yes,” Cas agreed easily, “among other things.”
Dean smiled and reached for his own supplies.
For the next five minutes the only sound that filled the room was rustling of paper. Having finished writing, Dean clicked his pen off. “So, what’s with the bonus task? The one where we describe where we see ourselves this time next year?”
Cas bent the card he was writing on in half and slid it into the envelope. “We’re not supposed to discuss it, but, seeing that we will be exchanging our predictions next year, I figure we just address it to each other?”
“Let’s do that,” Dean nodded. “So, no consulting, huh?”
Castiel hummed. “If we were to respect the rules. You know, though, my prediction doesn’t make much of a secret,” he shrugged, smiling. “This time next year, and all the years to come, I see myself watching a Christmas movie with you. I can’t keep up with the plot, really, because mostly I’m watching you watching the movie, watching you smile, listening to you laugh. And I am overwhelmed by how grateful I am for everything that has led me there, in that moment. I’m happy. I’m with you.”
Dean’s throat felt tight and his eyes started prickling with tears somewhere between ‘all the years to come’ and ‘watching you watching the movie’. Cas was looking at him with such adoration, reverence even, blue eyes glistening, pen and paper forgotten.
“Yeah,” Dean said, wrapping Cas in a bear hug. “Yeah.” He hid his face in the crook of Castiel’s neck and felt an awkward kiss being pressed to the side of his head. “You’re such a sap, man,” he breathed a somewhat wet laugh. “You’re such a sap, and I wouldn’t change a single thing about you. I hope you know that.”
“I know,” Cas mumbled, “I know.”
“You should still put all of that in writing. You know, for posterity.”
“I will. Will you write yours?”
Dean withdrew a little to give Cas a kiss on the cheek. “I will. But I’m gonna need you to bear with me, ‘cause for once in my life I would actually like to stick to the rules.” He caught Cas’s eyes, “Is that okay with you?” he asked, with a hint of a mischievous smile.
“Of course, Dean.”
“Good. Good.” Dean grinned. “And Cas? I love you, too.”
Eileen was supposed to pick him up in about an hour, so Sam sat at his desk browsing true crime documentaries on Netflix when Dean burst in his room without knocking.
“Would you appreciate it if I barged into your room like that?” Sam asked flatly, not looking up from the screen.
“We both know that’s an empty threat,” Dean replied without missing a beat. “Not with those delicate sensibilities of yours.”  He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
Sam bristled, “You guys were doing it against the kitchen sink! A man should expect the kitchen to be a safe space!”
“Yes, yes,” Dean nodded vigorously, “he should. But it’s still ill-advised.”
Sam closed the lid of his laptop with a click . “Please, tell me you’ve got the envelope and I can go see my girl and bring home the victory of getting you and Cas to participate?”
“Sure thing, Sammy,” Dean dropped the envelope in question on the desk. “Take good care of that for us,” he winked at his brother mischievously. “Cas has already stashed yours in some dusty old book. And hey,” he added in a more serious voice, “tell Eileen thank you?”
“Wait, really?” Sam started, but Dean was already out in the hall.
“Can’t talk, gotta run, Cas says he wants to try new things, and believe me, Sammy, I am gonna deliver!”
“TMI, jerk!” Sam yelled after him, leaning his chair back on two legs to try and catch sight of his older brother.
“Drive safe, bitch!” Dean yelled back from down the hall.
Sam sighed and picked up the blue envelope titled Dean & Cas: 2021 Edition in Castiel’s neat handwriting. The envelope wasn’t sealed properly, and as soon as Sam turned it over in his hands the contents slipped out onto the desk.
“You’re so whipped, Dean,” Sam muttered under his breath picking up the papers. One of the cards fell onto the floor, and as Sam leaned to pick it up, he recognized Dean’s handwriting. Not his finest hour, he would figure later, but the eyes started skimming the text before the brain could actually approve the action.
Hey, Cas. So, we’re talking this time next year, huh? Let’s see. I’m most probably sitting on the couch with you, and we’re in the middle of binge-watching one of those shows you like or watching a documentary. I can’t really tell, because I’m having trouble focusing on what’s going on on the screen. The reason probably being that I have this ring in my pocket, and I keep thinking I should come up with more fitting words. I keep overanalyzing things, wondering if this is even something you might want. And then, we open the envelope, and I’m giving you this little piece of paper, and you start reading it. And I- I can see you frowning in concentration, and it’s been a year since I wrote this, and I still haven’t found the words, because really there are no words to even begin to describe what we have. So- So I take your hand, I kiss your knuckles, and I slip the ring on your finger, and I hope-
Man, I hope I get to spend the rest of my life with you.
With a dopey smile, Sam slipped the card back into the envelope, sealing it carefully. “So whipped,” he repeated quietly, but proudly. 2021 was going to be one for the books.
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apatheticanvas67482 · 3 years
Even When You Hide
Happy @starrynightdeancas​ celebration day to @firefly124​! I got really busy over the last couple of weeks, so its not as good as I wanted it to be for you, but I hope you like it anyways. (also I had to abandon my sketches and normal art style today due to technical difficulties, so the art is a bit rubbish, sorry, if i get round to finishing the other one in my normal style when i get home to my computers, I will send it your way) BUT ANYWAYS I hope you love it (the fic not the art, hides) and I think Sophie is the dopest for putting this whole thing together.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Castiel
Tropes: Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, First Kiss
Based: Somewhere after 10.03, when Crowley give Cas grace and Dean is cured of Demon-ness, and 10.18, when Cas gets his grace back. I did not mention the Mark of Cain though. 
Song: I See You - Missio
Word count: 2.2K
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I see you when you're down And depressed, just a mess I see you when you cry When you're shy When you want to die I see you when you smile It takes a while At least you're here I see you
It had been 25 minutes since Dean had sent Cas to pick out the paint for his room. He put down all the sheets and lined the sockets and skirting boards with tape and was now sitting at the foot of the bed, tapping his foot to a silent beat.
Dean hadn’t known what to get the angel from the store so there were currently 12 pots of paint, all different colours, sitting on shelves in the garage. He chewed on the inside of his cheek absentmindedly, picturing the scrunch of Cas’ eyebrows and the tilt of Cas’ head as he scowled at the cans.
‘Dean. What does it matter if the room is winter blue or baby blue?’ Dean could almost hear him ask it - the gravel of Cas’ voice rumbled in the back of his mind. Dean shook his head, smiling, and headed to see what the hold-up was.
What he found was a mess.
“Fuck. Shit!” Pots of paint were scattered across the room. Most were broken open, stripes of paint led away from a large metal cabinet that had toppled over onto the Impala and cast the tins in all directions.
Dean ran forward, holding his breath. The cabinet had smashed right through Baby’s windshield, fracture lines spanned what was left leaving chunks of glass suspended in the laminated frame. The bonnet had been completely crushed, practically folded in half, and the corners had torn into the paintwork. Dean would be seething except he couldn’t breathe. He threw his weight behind his shoulder, forcing it under the shelves and straining until black dots danced in his vision.
“Cas!” Dean collapsed, his efforts futile. “Cas! Where the hell are you?!”
And then he heard it – the quick and broken, but quiet sobs of an angel. Dean whirled around o fast his neck cracked and then he crawled, actually crawled on his hands and knees, towards the sound.
Behind the impala, Cas was perched on the balls of his feet with his trench coat pooling around him. Dean had never seen him cry before, not like this. There was a streak of paint that ran from just under his left eye to the corner of his mouth. Where his tear tracks converged with it, the drops turned blue and fell to the ground like grace. Dean watched, transfixed for a moment, before scrambling closer.
“Cas.” Dean’s voice louder than he meant it, startled Cas out of his fugue state. His hands, which had been moving, stilled instantly as he looked back at Dean with wide shiny eyes.
“I don’t want to go, Dean.” The cracks in Cas’ voice tugged at Dean’s soul. He didn’t understand.
Dean shook his head. “What?”
Cas’s eyes only grew larger as the hunter reached out, “Dean, please don’t make me go.” His arm hung in the air, terrified of doing the wrong thing. He knew Cas couldn’t fly anymore but it had never stopped feeling as though their conversations were timed, except Dean couldn’t see the numbers on the clock. He was always waiting for Cas to vanish. “I want to stay.”
Bile rose in the back of Dean’s throat and his hand dropped like dead weight between them as he realised what Cas was saying, what he was thinking. He thought back to months before. ‘You can’t stay.’ He’d said, the same bile rising in his throat as now. He looked at Cas in his human clothes, that goddamn hoodie., and watched as Cas’ heart broke. Watched as the hurt played openly on his features, defences down. And then, he’d looked away. Dean remembers looking anywhere but into his best friend’s eyes, knowing that if he did his resolve would surely crumble. Now, all he wanted was for Cas to look at him, but the angel had gone from a deer in the headlights to refusing to lift his head higher than his shoulders.
“I can fix it, I promise.” Cas’s hands started moving again. His fingers shook as he tried to slot several pieces of broken glass back together. Small cuts littered his palms, bleeding freely as Cas worked.
“Cas. Cas, why-” Dean swallowed around the lump of panic still tuck in his throat, “Why aren’t you healing? Is it the grace? Is it failing?” His hands had found there way between them again. They hovered uselessly over Cas’ own. Cas was shaking his head, but Dean wasn’t sure if it was in answer to his question.
“Cas?” Dean didn’t know what to do, until he did. Taking a shaky breath, he allowed his panic to consume him for one second more before he tabled it.
“Cas,” His voice was gentle but solid, “Cas, stop it. Please,” - Dean stilled Cas’ hands with his own. He turned them palm up and, careful not to catch any of the cuts, unfurled the angel’s trembling fingers with is thumb – “Just stop.”
Cas was still refusing to meet his eyes, but he’d stopped shaking his head. He stared down at the pieces of glass and Dean followed his gaze. He recognised them as the broken remains of a small glass statue of an angel. Sammy had presented the thing to a few years ago after he’d nabbed it from some rogue crossroad demon’s second-hand shop to bully Dean with. ‘A guardian angel to save me from your moping when Cas is away,’ Sam had said, and Dean had shoved it deep down inside Baby’s trunk. That was until they moved into the bunker and Dean had felt some strange compulsion to place the glass angel atop the recently toppled shelves. Cas had been there, tilting his head at him. ‘Present from Sam,’ He’d practically growled before running away.
“Hey,” One of Dean’s hands left Cas’ in favour of poking him gently in the cheek. Cas jerked backwards slightly, finally meeting Dean’s eyes. He was still crying but less so. Dean nodded, “I need you to listen to me. You. Are. Not. Going. Anywhere. Ever. Again.” He waved his free hand at the mess around him. “All this, none of it matters,” Dean moved his other thumb in circles, steeling himself. This moment is what all his years watching chick flicks in secrecy had been preparing him for. “You, Cas, are what matters. To me.”
Dean held his breath for one, two, three seconds. Cas hiccoughed, blinking one, two, three times as the last of his tears fell from his cheeks.
“Why aren’t you healing?” Dean whispered into the space between them, a little afraid of anything louder.
“I didn’t want to waste m…” Cas looked lost, “It.” Dean waited.
“When Metatron took my grace from me, he left me human. Except I’m not human. Jimmy though, Jimmy was human, fragile. Without my powers, I’m,” Cas struggled with his words, he looked away. “I’m a baby in a trench coat.” Fuck. “I am nothing. And I can’t go back to that. I can’t keep steeling my kin’s grace from them, reducing them as I have been reduced. I can’t.” He dropped his head to his chest once more. “But I also don’t want to die.
“Castiel.” Dean swerved back into Cas’ eyeline as he spoke, “You are not nothing,” Cas stared at him, not believing.
“You are not human. You’re not Jimmy. But you’re not your grace either.” Dean was going to make him understand how wrong he’d been sitting in Eve’s diner. “You’re not your vessel and you’re not your powers. When I look at you-” The hunter swallowed, “When I look at you, I just see… you. I see you, Cas.”
He looked down at their hands, feeling dizzy. He couldn’t believe how mushy he was being or how much he didn’t mind. He felt like Colin Firth. “As for the rest of it, we’ll figure it out. We always do. The grace situation… Well,” Dean smiled, small. “We’ll make it up as we go.” Dean lifted Cas’s hands to his lips and pressed a kiss into a single cut. After a moment, grace began to shine beneath the skin and the wounds pulled themselves closed.  Beaming now, he leant back and ran his thumb over the soft new skin, turning their hands so their finger interlocked.
“Dean, I-”
“I made a mistake,” Dean interrupted, “I have made so many mistakes. But, kicking you out like has to be one of the worst. No explanation, no assistance, no nothing. It’s the wrongest I’ve ever been in my life. Gadreel gave me an ultimatum but that’s not an excuse. Doesn’t even come close to justifying what I did. I should’ve told you what was going on. Maybe if I had tried, for even a second, to communicate, we could have avoided a lot of pain. I should’ve – I should’ve done a lot. But I didn’t, and that wasn’t good enough.’
“Dean, it’s okay.”
“No, no it’s not.” Dean broke eye contact then.
“Okay, well” Cas squeezed his hands, “I forgive you then. How’s that?”
Dean huffed out half a laugh. His next words caught in throat as he looked back at Cas. He was so close to him. Dean supposed he always was. Dean’s eyes caught on Cas’ mouth where he had worried at his bottom lip. It was red and sore and wasn’t healing. Before Dean knew what he was doing, he was tipping forward, eye slipping shut. When they met in the middle, he barely felt it. He touched his lips to Cas’ like he had to his hands, his heart pounding against the inside of his ribcage. Dean didn’t realise he hadn’t been breathing until Cas’s lips moved against his own and he gasped for air. He leant against Cas’s forehead breathing far too heavily for such a chaste moment. They sat there just breathing in each other’s air for one, two, three seconds. Then Dean surged forwards, pushing of his feet so he was kneeling up over Cas. He dropped the angel’s hands in favour of holding his head in his own, pressing desperate kiss after desperate kiss to Cas’s mouth. Cas leant backwards under him as they kissed, moulding to fit the curve of his body. His dropped hands had twisted their way into Dean’s flannel, pulling him closer.
As Dean’s lungs screamed for breath, he pulled slowly away. Cas’ head dropped to rest against his sternum and Dean allowed himself to bury his face in his hair. His hands had settled at the base of Cas’ neck and began tracing nonsensical patterns into the skin there.
“C’mon,” He leant back and pulled Cas with him. Leading him by hand past the impala and a few scattered paint cans. He stopped by one - one of the only ones not broken open - and leant down to pick it up. ‘Dusty Cyan’. Perfect. He tucked it under his arm, and flashed Cas a smile.
I'm alone with you You're alone with me What a mess you've made of everything
I'm alone with you You're alone with me And I'm hoping that you will see yourself Like I see you
The next day found them huddled close together leaning over Baby as Dean taught Castiel how to hammer dents out metal without causing more damage and replace a windshield.
“D’you want to know something?” Dean cracked open his beer. Cas hummed from where he was bent over working a dent out of the open bonnet. He was wearing one of Dean’s ratty old Bon Jovi shirts, damp with sweat and motor oil and chewing on his lip distractedly – and distractingly. “Sammy got me that angel to tease me about you.”
Cas looked up then, “About me?”
“Yeah.” The hunter coughed, wondering what had possessed him to open his mouth and start yet another chick flick. Maybe he should be worried about how much of a sap he was becoming. It was Cas’ fault, obviously. “Cuz I always complain when you’re gone.”
Cas turned around and leant back on Baby, his shoulder brushed Dean’s. “You may want to begin coming up with some alternate topics of conversation.”
Dean laughed, “You think so?”
“I have been reliably informed that I’m not going anywhere.” Cas looked at him. “Ever. Again.”
Dean shoved his shoulder, smiling wide when Cas shoved back pressing him back into the Impala’s frame and leaning into his space.
“It’s why I put it up there in the first place instead of shoving in the back of some cupboard.” He poked Cas in the ribs. “Because it reminded me of you.”
“Me.” Cas echoed.
“You,” Dean smirked, “Dumbass.”
Cas growled and silenced him with a kiss for the ages. Dean let himself be taken over by the angel, surrendering the kiss to him and just basking in the feeling of Cas pressed up against him. He didn’t need some glass statue, he already had his guardian angel exactly where he wanted him, and he had proved to be far from fragile.
I see you in the dark At the dawn of something new I see you
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Awkward Wounds
Request: Hey! Love your work!😍 I was wondering if you could write some angsty and fluffy dean story? Like reader gets injured on hunt in a private place but doesn't show (coz it's embarassing). She likes dean tho. Sam knows this. While celebrating in a bar, dean goes with some other chick and Sam notices reader's hurt expressions. So they go to motel and Sam helps reader stitch up and check the body parts. Next day at the bunker dean gets surprised why Sam is picking her up everytime she wants to the bathroom or go anywhere. Dean learns the truth and gets jealous and angry on both of them. Super angsty here and then dean picks her up to take her to his room and checks the reader again. Reader is embarassed since it's a private part of her body even though she likes him. Dean convinces her and checks her. He is still angry but after like 10 mins, he says sorry and admits his crush. All the fluff here pleas🥺 I am sorry if this is all confusing, English is not my first language 😅
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader, Sam Winchester x Fem!Reader (platonic).
A/N: I’m sorry it took so long to get this out. I hope you like it.
Word Count: 3018
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It would’ve been funny had it not been for the overwhelming pain Y/N was feeling. She should’ve known nothing ever goes smoothly when a vampire was involved, let alone an entire nest. 
Unfortunately for her, she let her guard down and just as she took a step back to steady herself after the final kill, she tripped, performing a perfect split, landing on something sharp. But fortunately for her, the sharp bastard she landed on, missed where the sun don’t shine by a few inches and got her inner thigh instead. She had had cuts before, but none in such an intimate and sensitive place that it hurt like a bitch.
Y/N was even more lucky that the brothers weren’t around to witness her performance. They were busy making sure the bodies were burned, and no trace of the hunt existed. She limped her way back to the impala after ripping off a piece of her flannel and tying it around the wound, inside her pants, to prevent herself from bleeding out. Her jeans managed to cover it up pretty well.
The boys soon got in after taking care of the bodies, excited that things went smoothly for them.
“Oh man! That was a good one!” Exclaimed Dean getting behind the wheel. “This calls for a drink! What do you say? Hit the bar and celebrate?”
“Hell yeah!” Said Sam grinning. It wasn’t often that he agreed to go to a dingy bar. But he had to admit that this hunt went really well. “You okay with that, Y/N?”
Y/N smiled softly at him and nodded. “Yeah, I’m in.” 
Dean looked at her through the rear view mirror, frowning slightly, “All okay there, sweetheart?” 
Y/N’s breath hitched when she made contact with his green eyes. “Y-yeah, I’m good. Just a little sore.”
“Well, maybe a little whiskey will do you good.” He said winking at her. 
God he was going to be the death of her heart. Y/N had been in love with Dean almost since the beginning. He really was a gem of a man and everything she wanted in her life. And the only one who even knew about it was Sam. Who was currently looking worriedly at her. 
She smiled at him reassuringly, conveying quietly that she was fine and there was nothing to worry about. He seemed to buy it when he turned back around, listening to Dean animatedly talk about something.
Y/N was glad her boys were getting a small bit of happiness in their messed up lives. So she lied about being okay. Not to mention she’d have to explain how she hurt herself there and they’d never let her live this down. She decided sucking it up till she got back to the bunker tomorrow was the best course of action. 
With the way Dean drove, they reached a bar in less than 30 mins. Dean was the first one out, saying he’d meet them inside since he needed to use the bathroom. Sam got out and waited for Y/N to join him. She got out slowly wincing quietly to not raise suspicion. but that was short lived when sam noticed her limping slightly. 
“What’s wrong? Where are you hurt?” He asked rushing to her. 
“I’m fine sam. My legs are sore is all. let’s just go have some fun, please?” She insisted. He reluctantly let it go and resorted to watching her like a hawk. Sam was like a brother to Y/N. The boys were her only best friends and she was so grateful for their existence. But days like today when all she wanted was to get the day over with, Sam could come off as overbearing. 
They made their way into the bar and found a table at the back. Y/N realised with mild dread that the seats are going to be much harder to sit on than the impala. 
Sam noticed her just standing by the table, “Y/N, aren’t you going to sit?”
“hmm?” she said snapping out of her thoughts. “Oh yeah, sorry.” she sat down ever so slowly. Trying not to show just how much her thigh hurt. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” 
“Yeah, I’m fine.” She grinned at him.
Right then to her relief Dean came back with two bottles of beer and a glass of whiskey, just the way she liked it. 
“Here ya go, sweetheart. Drink up. You’ll feel so much better” He grinned at her placing the drinks on the table. 
Y/N grabbed her glass and chugged the whole thing down in one go surprising both the boys. “What?” She questioned quirking an eyebrow. 
“N-Nothing” Dean said. “That was fast.”
“Well, I need another.” she replied flagging down a waiter for more. The drink was really helping her with the pain and damn them if they found it weird.
Three drinks in Y/N was feeling that wonderful buzz that made her pain bearable. She and Sam were engaged in light conversation while Dean was off somewhere. Everything was pleasant until her eyes landed on Dean making out with a girl. 
Y/N’s face fell at that sight and she started tearing up. She had never before reacted so strongly to Dean hooking up with someone. But today, with the drinks coupled with the pain from her wound, she was overwhelmed. 
Sam noticed the sudden change in demeanour and turned around to see what she was looking at and realisation hit him like a truck. He turned his puppy dog eyes on her and was just about to say something encouraging when - 
“Don’t, Sam. We both knew this would happen. I’ve had three glasses and I’m tired. I’m fine.” She said and got out of the chair, forgetting about her pain. But it hit her all at once and her knees buckled and her palms hit the table hard, in an attempt to catch herself. 
Sam was quick on his feet, and caught her before she fell onto the floor. “Okay, that’s it Y/N! Where are you hurt? How bad is it?” He was mad at her now.
“Don’t you dare say it’s nothing!” He whispered harshly trying to lead her to the door before people started noticing them. Luckily Dean had given Sam the keys to the Impala before ditching them. 
“It’s embarrassing okay!” She replied, trying not to yell out in pain. Sam didn’t reply to that, still annoyed with her for not telling them. He got her into the car and drove to the motel they were staying at in tensed silence. 
He brought her inside and sat her down on the bed, the movement making her wince. In the light of the motel, he finally noticed blood on her jeans near her right thigh. He sighed, closing his eyes before asking her to take them off. 
“Sam…I can take care of it.” She said softly, embarrassed and reluctant to let him see her like that. 
“Y/N, it’s just me, okay? You’re bleeding and I need to see how bad it is. So please just take your pants off.”
She was too much in pain physically and emotionally to argue anymore so she complied and took her pants off. Sam sucked in a breath when he noticed the position of the wound and how deep it was. He quietly cleaned and stitched it up, making sure to not cause more pain. 
Once she was cleaned up, he helped her move under the blankets so she could get some much needed sleep. 
“Please don’t tell Dean” She whispered.
“Okay. I won’t.” He replied, wishing the two of them would just talk. “But how did this happen, Y/N?”
“I tripped, did a fantastic split and landed on something sharp, okay?!” She glared at him, daring him to say something.
Sam raised his hands in defence, trying not to show how amused he was, “You’re lucky it wasn't a few inches to the right.”
“Goodnight, Sam” She said curtly and went to sleep.
Nothing more was said between them.
The next day the trio drove back to the bunker and Y/N made her way to the bathroom to take a shower. She wanted to wash away the previous day and lock herself in her room to try and get over Dean. It was working quite well until she got hungry and tried to make her way to the kitchen. But the painkillers weren’t really helping with movement. She managed to get out of bed, but was stuck standing leaning against the wall. Luck was with her, however, as a knock landed on her door. 
“Yeah?” She asked. 
The door opened with Sam coming in, “Hey, I just wanted to check on you. And ask if you wanted lunch.” 
“I’m umm... I can’t walk” Y/N whispered without making eye contact. Sam smiled softly walking towards her. He picked her up bridal style making her wince slightly before settling down. It was much more bearable than walking for sure. 
He brought her into the kitchen and seated her on the chair at the dining table and placed a plate of food in front of her, grabbing one for himself. 
“Where’s Dean?” She asked.
“He ate early. He’s in his room, relaxing I guess.”
“Oh. Okay.”
“Y/N…You have to tell him. I hate seeing you like this.”
“You know I can’t, Sam. He doesn’t feel that way about me.”
“You’d be surprised.”
“I really won’t” She chuckled. 
Sam sighed at that. He was stuck between two stubborn knuckleheads who just couldn’t see what was right under their nose. It was more exhausting than any hunt he’d been on. 
After Y/N finished her food, she attempted to get up only to be stopped by Sam. He made his way to her side and went to pick her up.
“Sam, wait.” She said quickly.
“What? What’s wrong?” He was worried. 
“I should go by myself.” 
“Y/N, you can barely stand, let alone walk!”
“I need to pee.” She mumbled blushing. 
“Oh..” He said wide eyed. “It’s okay, I don’t mind helping.”
He didn’t let her finish, he simply picked her up and took her to the bathroom. He waited outside with the door slightly open incase she needed him. Y/N should find this weird. Sam was her best friend helping her take a wee. It should have been awkward. But instead she was glad he had her to help. Even though she wished it was Dean helping her out, and caring for her, she was so grateful to Sam. When she was done, Sam picked her up again bringing her outside. Just as they walked out, they bumped right into Dean. 
Dean looked at the scene in front of him wide eyed, unsure of how to react. He then settled at glaring fiercely at them. Y/N paled when she met his eyes. Of all the things to happen, this was not on her list at all. She didn’t want him getting the wrong idea, but clearly it was too late. 
“Dean, It’s not what it looks like!” Said Sam desperately trying to defuse the situation. Dean didn’t reply to that. He was radiating anger and his jaw was visibly clenching. He turned around and began walking away. “I was just helping her pee!” Sam added, then flinched at how wrong that sounded.
Dean abruptly stopped and turned around, “Oh! Caz that’s not weird at all! What? Is this some kinky shit you guys came up with? Watch each other pee?” He snapped. “You know what Sam, after everything this is what I get huh? Real nice, man.” He turned around and started to walk away again. Y/N didn’t understand what that meant. All she wanted was for this nightmare to end. She wished she had handled the hunt better. She wished she had the guts to just tell that beautiful moron how she felt.
Sam slowly put Y/N down and after making sure she could balance herself, went after Dean. “Would you just Listen to-” He was interrupted as Dean in a fit of rage slammed Sam against the wall.
“NO! There is nothing left to be said. I get it Sam!. I’m just the fucking third wheel here! Always have been! Just took me a while to notice!”
“Dean!” Y/N called out. He turned his glare at her sharply. Her heart clenched at that. All she wanted was to love him and be loved by him. Not drive him away any further. 
Dean let go of Sam and turned to her, “I’m not going to hurt your boyfriend, Y/N” He snarled at her. “It was always him wasn’t it? Your best friend. I knew you guys were close. You always did choose him over me. I can see now why. Just leave me alone for a while.” 
If Y/N’s heart was broken before, this nearly destroyed it. She never realised that she pushed Dean away in fear of loving him. She unconsciously hung out more with Sam because it was easy. She didn’t have to hide. But standing there, hearing those words come out of his mouth damn near killed her. 
“Dean, we’re not dating, I swear!” Y/N managed to get out before she gasped out in pain as she took a step forward to reach out to him. Right before she collapsed, Dean was by her side in an instant, shocked at her reaction. He looked down and noticed blood seeping into her sweats. Sam rushed forward to help, but Dean snapped at him, “I got her, Sammy!” 
He picked her up and carried her into his room. Y/N was struggling not to cry out in pain. He gently placed her on his mattress and reached out to pull her pants down only to be stopped by her hands. 
“I need to see, Y/N” He said, anger still evident despite the worry in his eyes. 
“Dean, it’s embarrassing okay? It’s too close to my… you know.” She said, turning slightly red. God, the first time he saw her intimately, it had to be like this. Why couldn’t things just work out for once?
“Yeah, maybe this was a bad idea. It should be Sammy here. I wasn’t thinking-” He said visibly upset.
“No! Dean, there is nothing going on between me and Sam.” Said Y/N desperately.
He glared at her, “Yeah you mentioned, and yet you’ll let him help you but not me! Am I really that horrible of a friend to you? I know I’m not a fucking saint like my brother, but I care about you so much, it-” He stopped himself before he could say something he’d regret.
Y/N had tears coming down her cheeks in a mixture of pain and hurt. If she told him just why she has been distant with him, she'd lose him forever. But she hated seeing him like this. She let go of his hands, signalling him that he could take a look. He pulled her sweats down and pushed her injured leg up, spreading her thighs apart. He took in the injury and didn’t say anything as he grabbed supplies from his bathroom.
She could see Dean’s jaw clenching as he worked on her stitches. Nothing was said between them and she didn’t know what to expect. She was embarrassed but a part of her felt all warm and fuzzy that Dean was taking care of her. Once everything was cleaned up, he looked at her. Suddenly all traces of anger were gone. 
“Did you get hurt anywhere else?” He asked softly.
Y/N shook her head at him, confused by his change in behaviour. He helped her pull her pants up, giving her that small bit of relief. He helped her sit up against the headboard and sat down beside her.
“How did you get hurt, sweetheart?” He asked. 
Y/N hesitantly told him what went down after killing the vamp, making him crack a small smile. Y/N didn’t mind this time, if anything it broke the tension between them. Making them chuckle at how ridiculous her injury was. Then Dean got quiet for a bit before talking.
“I’m sorry for the way I behaved. It was uncalled for.” He whispered looking away.
“I’m sorry too, Dean.” Y/N replied. “I didn’t mean to push you away.”
“Why did you?”
“Because loving you was getting to be too much for me. Watching you screw perfect skinny girls one after the other was killing me on the inside.” she said bluntly. She figured it was now or never and whatever happened, happened.
Dean’s head snapped up in shock. He looked at her trying to figure out if this was some cruel joke. When he saw it wasn’t he grabbed her face and kissed her deeply. When they pulled away it was Y/N’s turn to look stunned. 
“Those girls don’t hold a candle to you, honey.” he said softly with a small smile forming on his perfect lips. His thumb brushed her lips, “I love you so much. Always have. I didn’t think you’d ever feel the same. I thought you wanted nothing to do with me. So I looked for a distraction.” He chuckled humourlessly.
“I’m sorry Dean.” 
“I’m sorry too.” He smiled at her. he then groaned.
“What?” Y/N asked.
“Sammy was right! Now I owe him!” Dean said, making Y/N giggle. 
“Yeah, he said I’d be surprised if I told you how I feel.” 
“You do realise how unbearable he’s going to be right?” 
“Well, as long as I got you, we can handle it” Y/N said leaning in to kiss him once more. 
“Never letting you go.” Said Dean wrapping her up in his arms, letting her rest her head against his chest. He pressed a kiss to her head. “Rest sweetheart. I’ll be right here when you wake up.”
“Okay” Y/N mumbled before falling asleep. She was happy for the first time in a long time. 
❅ ❅ ❅
@hobby27 @akshi8278
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janicho88 · 4 years
Come Back Part 3
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Paring- Dean x Reader
Word Count-3810
Summary- After everything you and Dean have been through to get together you deserve some happiness right?
Warnings-Smidge of angst, fluff, some language, maybe just a couple words.  Implied smut
A/N As of right now this is the final part.  There is a chance someday there will be a fourth.  There are a few more pictures in this one, I like to visualize things, was trying to help you see what I was.  Pictures found on google.
Part 1    Part 2 
Three months later
Chaos, mayhem and craziness, that was what surrounded you.  Currently you were hiding in your old room in the bunker trying to get away.  Unfortunately the knock at the door told you that they found you again.  Charlie, Donna, and Jody, all of whom you had renamed in your head, hurried in. They were trying to help get everything ready for the wedding in a few days.  They all had an opinion on how it should be, the problem was, their opinion didn’t match yours.
Chaos, I mean Charlie thought you should do a Star Wars theme. They women could all dress like Princess Leia and the guys Jedi, with the robes and hoods. You think you just about had her talked out of it.  You had told her if that was what she wanted to wear, go right ahead, but she would be the only one. 
Mayhem, oh miss Donna wanted you to learn square dancing.  She was also hoping for big dresses with these crazy bows, and so so many ruffles.  You told her she was more than welcome to have one herself.  At this rate it was going to be more like a costume party than a wedding.  You mentioned to Donna you didn’t think Dean was going to learn square dancing this week for the wedding, but if she wanted to show people that night it was fine.   
Craziness, bless her heart. Jody’s ideas were probably the closest to what you were thinking.  After you lost your parents you spent most of your time at Bobby’s before going off hunting with Dean.  You saw Jody as a mom figure, and she knew the inner girl you kept hidden.  You just didn’t want to make things as grand as she did.  You appreciated everyone’s help, they were just a bit overwhelming when you had them all at once.
You weren’t expecting too many attendees.  Besides the three ladies, Alex and Claire would of course be joining.  Garth and his family would be here, a few other hunters the guys kept in constant contact with also coming.  You expected, but weren’t completely sure Crowely and Rowena would also make an appearance.  Rowena liked you, and the two of you had become friends over the years, even if Dean wasn’t thrilled about it.  Sam was Dean’s best man, Donna your maid of honor.  Since Dean was legally dead, and also wanted for numerous federal crimes a marriage license was out of the question.  Cas was officiating, both you and Dean figured married by an angel would make it legal and binding for the two of you.
Turning your attention back to the three ladies in front of you, you figured it would be wise to see what questions they had this time.
“What are you doing for decorations?”
“Where is the caterer going?”
“Where is your dress”
Jody’s question was the easiest so you started there.  “My dress still needs to be picked up, they finished the last alteration yesterday.”  While hunters don’t often get normal things, one thing you always dreamed about watching chick flicks was a beautiful wedding dress.  When you told Dean you were just going to get a simple dress or wear one you had, he encouraged you to go after your dream one.  He joked about wanting to see you in a big fancy dress in your real wedding pictures, not just your fake ones Sam had made.
As for the decorations, “Dean and I talked, we will move the tables aside in the library and rearrange the chairs for people to sit.  I don’t have any decorations.”  
“What nothing?  No fancy lights or even flowers?” Charlie wanted to know. 
 “No, we figured simpler was easier.”  Charlie just rolled her eyes.
“There aren’t that many of us, we didn’t exactly get a caterer.  There is a restaurant in town we’ve gone to a few times that does party size orders.   We ordered a few dishes to serve 30 that should give us plenty.  Sam or Dean are picking them up the day before the wedding, we just need to reheat it the next day.  Dean joked that we can order pizza later if people are hungry.  Honestly, I don’t care much about any of those things, well other than the dress, but it still isn’t as important as Dean.  End of the day what matters most is actually being together with Dean.  I want to be able to truthfully say he’s my husband.”  
They all chuckled at that.  You still had to humor them with a few more answers before they left you alone.  You had about two minutes to yourself when there was a knock on the door.  Turning your head toward the door you saw Dean walking in.
“How’s it going with your wedding army?”
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“Not funny, they are driving me nuts.  I know I said I didn’t want to go to Vegas before, but is that completely off the table now?”
“Personally, I wouldn’t want to face the wrath of those 3 if they found out we eloped now, but if you really want to Baby is gassed and ready to go.”
“UGGHH, you’re right, we would never hear the end of it now.”
“I’ll talk to them, see if I can get them to calm down.”
“Thank you, Honey, you're the best.”   
After giving you a kiss your fiance left to try and wrangle in your help. Fiance, what a crazy year you two have had. It started with the fight that had you leaving the bunker and Dean.  Followed by the amnesia and being Dean’s fake wife.  They two of you had been together since the memories returned, you had officially moved into his room.  He didn’t say anything else about a wedding after the comment about getting real pictures so you didn’t push.   A month after all of Dean’s memories of you came back  he took you out to dinner then a walk by a nearby lake.  It was by the lake he dropped down on one knee and asked you to be his wife.  With tears in your eyes you had said yes. Dean didn't want to ever lose you again, hunter’s don’t always have the longest lives so he wasn’t going to waste any more time making you his actual wife.
The next month and half had kept you all pretty busy with hunts, you had not had much time to do anything for the wedding.  One of the few things you two finished was picking out your rings while gone on a case. 
 Your lack of completed tasks is why the girls are here now trying to help you.  You appreciated the help because honestly the last couple of weeks you hadn’t had a lot of extra energy.  You were thankful Dean hadn’t noticed that yet though.
Dean talked to your three friends and got them to tone everything down a bit. It made the next few days so much easier for you.  The night before your wedding they took you out for your bachelorette party.  You mentioned to them you didn’t want a hangover the next day so you wanted to avoid the alcohol.  They took you out for dinner, and still ended up with a trip to the bar after.  Things went pretty well though, and it was a fun night with the girls.  You weren’t sure what the guys were doing for Dean, but you knew they were hanging around the bunker.  When you made your way from the garage to your old room, you could still hear them in the library. 
You know those days where everything that can go wrong will?  That was your wedding day.  It was now 11:30 and the wedding was supposed to be starting at 1, if it ever did.  You could not believe the morning you had had.   Dean and Sam had picked up the food yesterday from the reception. Everything was sealed and labeled just how you had ordered it.  The guys brought it home and put it in the fridge.  This morning when you, Jody and Donna were in the kitchen talking about when to reheat everything and what goes where you took it all out of the fridge, good thing. What was supposed to be an alfredo pasta was, well you weren’t really sure.  It was something slimy.  In the container labeled chicken breasts, raw vegetables, at least those were edible. They would work too since Sam forgot to grab anything to make a salad.  Instead of mashed potatoes you got yams.  The cornbread Dean wanted, just cream corn.  
Jody called the restaurant to see if they could fix it and get you the right things.  They were extremely sorry, but could not fix it right now.  Apparently your food got mixed up with another catering they had today for a bigger group.  They were working on fixing that one right now, and it would take a few hours to start on yours.  They told Jody they would be giving you a refund though.  Looks like you’ll be ordering pizza after all. 
Leaving the kitchen after that mess you headed up to the library.  The site that met you had you closing your eyes hoping it was all a nightmare.  The guys little bachelor party the night before  looks like it got out of hand.  For some reason there were books everywhere, the tables and chairs all over and as soon as your shoe hit the library floor it stuck to it.  They apparently spilled a bit of alcohol, you could smell it now.  That had you running for the bathroom.  You carefully made your way back to the library, Sam looking around the corner when he heard your approach.  
“Hey we were going to come clean this up before you woke up.  Guess we overslept.  Don’t worry about this.  It will straighten up in no time.”
“What about the smell Sam?”
“We’ll find something.”
“What happened in here anyways?”
“Cas might have had a bit too much to drink and he was trying to show off some of his powers.  Didn’t go well as you can tell.  Used too much energy and passed out before we could get him to fix it.”
As you were talking you didn’t notice Charlie and Donna coming behind you.  They were going to finish the cake table and chose to bring the cake out now.  Charlie hit the sticky floor and stumbled. She held her balance until she hit an out of place chair and the cake went flying. Now you had another mess and no cake.  At least you had bought Dean a pie, which Donna was carrying.  Never mind it met the same fate as the cake.  What else could go wrong?
You should not have asked.  After trying to help clean up some of the mess, Jody sent you to shower.  She was going to start your hair after.  You two had practiced your updo a few times and she knew exactly how you wanted it.  Problem was today your hair didn’t realize it was supposed to cooperate.  The half up half down with curls you wanted was mostly down, and extremely limp.  Oh well, it was just hair you told yourself.  While looking in the mirror at the flop on your head someone knocked on the door.  It was Sam.
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“What’s up Sam”
“Is anyone here any good with alterations?”
“What kind, to what and why?” You asked with your eyes narrowing in the mirror.
“Slight problem with the tuxes. Um how do you feel about purple?”
‘What’s wrong with the tuxes?  What’s purple that I need to feel something about? Again why?”
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“Cas’ tux apparently came in purple. Now is the first time he’s opened it.  He must have hit the wrong box.  The alterations are for Dean and I.  My tux is a bit too big, and his is too small.  He can’t even get the coat on.”
“Didn’t you get measured for your tuxes? Why didn’t you try them on before?”
“We sent in our measurements and they sent us things to try on and we told them what fit.  Things have been hectic.  We all thought they would be fine.”
You didn’t say anything just stared straight ahead for a minute.  “I guess your Fed suits will have to work.”
You were hoping to do a few pictures outside before people came, that way you weren’t holding up the reception after.  You had figured if everyone here was ready by 11:30 it gave you time for pictures and to get back to your room before anyone else arrived. 
Shortly after 11 Donna and Charlie were helping you into your dress while Jody looked for your shoes. 
“I can’t find them anywhere Y/N do you know what they were in?”
They were in a white box.  They were on the counter, I grabbed the dress and Charlie grabbed my shoes.”
“I didn’t carry anything out of the shop.”  The redhead behind you spoke up.
“Did anyone carry the white box out?”
Silence great, you left without your shoes.  You had white flip flops guess that will have to do.  Donna started to zip the back of your dress with Charlie helping when you heard a ripping noise.
“What is that?”
“OH NO!  Y/N, I am so sorry!” Charlie exclaimed.  Apparently she had ended up standing on the dress while they were pulling the zipper and it was enough to tear the fabric in the back.  They unzipped it, while Jody left to see if there was any thread in the bunker to try and sew it up.  Charlie kept apologizing, but you told her accidents happen, and ushered them both out for a few minutes of quiet for yourself.
There was a knock on the door.
“Who is it?”
“Babe it’s me.  Jody told me about all the problems, are you okay? Can I come in”
“NO!  If the only thing that goes right today is the tradition of not seeing the bride then so be it.  You can open the door a smidge, but don’t peak in.”
“Okay, okay.   How are you holding up.”
 “I’m beginning to think someone cursed us today.  Who did we piss off now?”
“Just a rough morning, we aren’t cursed this time.  I’m sorry about the mess we made in the library.  We got the spills cleaned up.”
“Does it still smell like beer?”
“Eh, maybe some.”
“Okay.  Thank you for getting the rest ready.”
“Sweetheart, I’m sorry this isn’t the day of your dreams.”
“It’s okay, I’ll survive.   At the end of the day the most important thing is I have you by my side.”
“Always, Sweetheart.  We’re in this together.”
As you and Dean were talking you heard the clank of heels coming down the hall. “Is that Jody coming back?” 
“No, it’s Rowena.  Hello Rowena, can I help you?”
“Hello Dean. No, you cannot, I just fancied a word with the bride to be.”
“Dean, be nice.” You whispered out to him
“Fine, I’ll see you out there Sweetheart everything will be fine.”
 As Dean walked away you opened the door and let Rowena in.
“I heard from Samual, it’s been a bit of a rough morning for you? That library smells like a brewery.”
“That’s one way to put it.  Not much is going right, the food is wrong, the cake hit the floor, along with Dean’s pie.  The library was a mess this morning.  They cleaned it, but like you said it still smells.  The guy's tuxes don’t fit, Cas’ is the wrong color, I forgot my shoes and my dress ripped.  My hair has decided this will be the day it does it’s own thing.  This isn’t exactly how I thought this day would go.  I guess I should just be happy we haven’t been called for a hunt yet.”
“Sit here and let Rowena see what she can do Lass.”
You had been sitting in your room for about five minutes when Jody and Donna came back. They took your wedding dress and an old pair of shoes and left again. They must have found some thread, not sure what they are doing with the shoes though.  Five minutes later they returned again, much too quickly to have actually sewn the dress.
“Okay, let’s get you dressed,” Jody said.
“Wait, what about the dress? Did you fix it already?”
“We did not.  Your witchy godmother did.  She fixed your dress, shoes, the tuxes, cleaned up the library a bit.”
“Oh my.”  You were speechless. 
As they were finishing closing your dress there was another knock at the door. Rowena entered a moment later.
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“You look just about perfect deary.  One more little thing.”
Rowena spoke a few words and you could suddenly feel your hair moving around.  She was fixing that too.
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“Rowena, I’m going to cry thank you so much!”
“No tears today, it’s a happy day.  Even if you are marrying that Winchester.”
“Thank you so much.”  You gave her a hug and she went back out to the library.  
You had just enough time to get a few pictures finished before you needed to come back inside.  While Dean was outside getting his pictures with the guys, and ladies, you went to the library.  You could not believe your eyes, Rowena had worked her magic in here also.  It was no longer the library you knew, but a ballroom.  Gone were the bookcases, tables and chairs.  White Chairs were set up for the guests and a beautiful wedding arch where you would say your vows.  
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“This is amazing Rowena, I can’t believe you did all this thank you!”
“You are more than welcome.  Alas I can’t take all the credit in here, your fiance made the arch as a surprise for you.”    
You couldn’t believe Dean had done that.  It was perfect.  The door opened and Jody came in to see where you were, so Dean wouldn’t see you when he came in.   She ushered him to the hall, then helped you up the stairs. When your pictures were done, she went inside and looked for Dean, to keep him out of the way.  Sam came over to talk to you.
“You look stunning, my brother is one lucky guy.  I’m glad you both came to senses.  I’m glad you decided to come back here.”
“I am too.  Mostly I’m thankful we got our Dean back.”  Sam gave you a hug as you both headed back inside.
Soon it was time for the ceremony to start.  You had asked Jody to walk you down the aisle, being the closest thing you had to a parent.  Dean actually had a tear in his eye when you reached him, and he told you how beautiful you looked. You told him how dashing he was.  The ceremony went much quicker than you imagined.  Both you and Dean reciting traditional vows.  When Cas pronounced you husband and wife Dean grabbed you to him in a longer kiss than you thought he would.  After you walked back down the aisle and people were getting up from their seats, Rowena changed the room to a different setting again.
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  The white chairs were now around tables, a buffet line was set up that smelled delicious.  In the corner a beautiful wedding cake, with smaller circles surrounding it on the table.  Upon closer inspection they were mini pies.  You were going to need to hide some of those from Dean so he didn’t get sick.   This was incredible and more than you could imagine, you were going to owe her big for this.
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You and Dean spent the afternoon and even talking with guests, dancing and enjoying the wonderful food Rowena provided.  When it came time to cut the cake, you told Dean if he made a mess it would be a long time before you made him another pie.  He took that warning to heart and did his best not to smear it on your face. You doing the same with the piece of pie you cut him.  Dean picked your first dance song, Aerosmith’s "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing."  He said he wasn’t missing anymore of your life together.   Most of your guests were crashing at the bunker tonight so it was one long party.  At one point you caught up to Sam.
“Think Rowena could have helped us with Dean a few months ago?”
“Probably, wish we had thought to ask her back then.” You nodded your agreement before going to find your new husband. 
You and Dean finally decided to call it a night and head back to your shared room for a little alone time.  There was something you wanted to share with Dean tonight.  Opening the door and turning back to pick you up Dean carried you in and placed you on the bed.  You were staying in the bunker tonight before heading off to your honeymoon.  Dean had actually rented a house on the beach, but far enough away from others you would have some privacy. 
“I missed you in my arms last night wife”
“I missed being held close to you, husband. I like being able to honestly call you that now.”
“I love hearing it.  I like the idea of filling those frames with pictures I actually remember.”
“Dean I have something for you.”
“Yeah, is it under your dress”
“Not in the way you're thinking.”
 Getting off the bed you went to your dresser and pulled out a gift wrapped box.  As you handed it to him, he told you he didn’t get you anything.  You told him he already did, and just open the box. He tore the paper off and when his eyes shot up to you when he removed the lid.  He looked at you and then back to what you had made for him in the box.
“Really… are you?.. Am I?”  With tears in his eyes he could finish his sentences.
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“Yes, we are going to have a baby, you're going to be daddy.”  He grabbed you and pulled you in for a tight hug before he thought better of it and loosened his grip.  Leaning down his lips met yours in a slow sweet kiss.
“How far along are you?”
“Just about 6 weeks I found out this past week. Cas told me and I swore him to secrecy.”
“You know this means no more hunting for you right?”
“Yes, I kind of figured that.”
Dean leaned down to kiss you again.  It didn’t take long till you were working the buttons on his shirt and he was trying to figure out your dress.  You had to break apart to deal with clothes before coming back together and finishing your wedding night wrapped up in one another.  
Tags @flamencodiva​ @deanwanddamons​ @katehuntington​ @winchest09​ @emoryhemsworth​ @waywardbeanie​ @malfoysqueen14​ @talesmaniac89​ @whatareyousearchingfordean​ @superfanficnatural​ 
@fantasydevil2002​ @vicmc624​ @lilballofemotions @sandlee44​                       @multi-fan-lover
112 notes · View notes
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Supernatural Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Destiel, Castiel/Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester/Original Male Character(s), Dean Winchester/Other(s) Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel, Charlie Bradbury, Jo Harvelle, Meg Masters, Sam Winchester Additional Tags: Modern AU, Sex Worker, Sex Worker Dean Winchester, Prostitute Dean Winchester, Anal Sex, Angst, Smut, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Happy Ending, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester, Top Castiel (Supernatural), Bottom Dean Winchester Summary: 
Dean is happy with his life as a hooker. He loves feeling the night air on his face every night, and he is good at his job. One day he meets Castiel, the handsomest man he’s ever seen with the ugliest car in the world, and everything changes.
Hey y’all! I’m finally posting the fic I was talking about! Im really excited for this, so please let me know what you think!

Dean felt alive tonight. It was a beautiful fall night in Kansas City, Kasas. The breeze was present enough that Dean didn’t feel like he was drowning in his own sweat, but it wasn’t enough to make him cold. Dean was wearing his favorite pair of shorts, – the jean ones that were obscenely short and tight – this little black tight mesh top, and these little black heeled boots. He felt hot, and like he could take the whole world by storm.

Dean was leaning against the building talking to his girls.There were plenty of people working the street, but Dean, Hannah, Jo, and Charlie all stuck together. Dean and Charlie mostly worked regulars, – Charlie the chicks and Dean the gay dudes– while Hannah and Jo picked up most of the stragglers. That wasn’t to say that Dean didn’t leave with a stranger from time to time; he was the only male hooker this side of town.

Dean was chatting with Charlie, trying to look sexy leaning against a building and laughing hysterically at something she had said, and failing miserably, when the ugliest car Dean had ever seen pulled up. Jo sauntered up to the golden continental, exaggerating the swish of her hips, and leaned in the passenger window, wiggling her booty a little bit. Dean could tell the moment Jo got rejected because she dropped the sexy dance and adopted some more practical behaviors, like bending at the knees instead of the waist. She tapped the side of the car and walked back to the group.
“You’re up, Dean-o,” she announced. Dean pushed himself off of the wall he was leaning on and walked over to the car, throwing a wink over his shoulder at his friends.

When Dean walked up to the ugly-ass car, he took up Jo’s original position, resting his forearms on the open window. He looked in and was stunned.
The man sitting in the driver’s seat was absolutely breath-taking. He had this thick, dark hair that was sticking up every which way, and Dean couldn’t wait to get his fingers in it. Even sitting hunched over like the man was, Dean could tell the man was built like a ton of bricks. He had these big, elegant hands that were shakily rubbing up and down his thick thighs. His bright blue eyes kept flicking between Dean and the road in front of him, and he kept liking his plump, chapped lips.

Dean looked a little longer that he normally would have before he spoke. When he finally found the air to form words, he said, “Hey handsome. Looking for some company?” It was a cheesy line and he knew it, but Dean didn’t really care.
The man looked up at him hesitantly, meeting his eyes for a second before nodding. Dean opened the passenger side door and slid in. He buckled up and was busying himself with straightening his clothes, and he heard the man put the car in drive.

“So,” Dean began as the man started driving off, “where to?”

The man cleared his throat and said “My place,” and Dean just about died. Fuck, that man had a voice that was like wiskey and gravel and honey. If this guy got any sexier Dean’s soul might just leave his body and ascend to heaven without preamble.

“Okay,” Dean most definitely did not squeak out, “my name’s Dean, by the way.” 

“Castiel,” the man growls by way of response.

“Castiel, that’s a cool name. Mind if I call you Cas?” Dean asks.

The man nodded and said nothing else. Dean suddenly feels awkward, and starts fidgeting with his hands. Dean never gets that way. If someone gives him a bad vibe then he can talk his way out of it, usually, and he can usually make conversation with everyone else, but this was different. Something about Cas was throwing Dean off his game; he felt like a teenager going on a date. And that was dumb because one, Dean was a professional, and two, he didn’t even know the guy or have any personal connection to him, so pre-date jitters shouldn’t be an issue. And yet, Dean’s mouth was as dry as the Sahara and his hands were sweating like crazy.

The two men sat in silence for the rest of the short drive. Cas pulled into a middle-class neighborhood, and pulled his ugly car into the garage of a much prettier house. Cas shut off the car and closed the garage door before he got out, and Dean took that as his cue to do the same.

Cas walked into the house, Dean on his heels, and they made their way to the kitchen. The house was a lot nicer on the inside than the outside. Every surface held expensive knick knacks and the walls were lined with framed artifacts. Some of the frames help pictures, and some held awards, while a couple had diplomas. There was not a speck of dust in sight, and Dean was very impressed. 

“Would you like something to drink?” Cas asked.

“Sure, man,” Dean responded, wringing his hands. He still felt weirdly on-edge with this man.

“So no offence, man,” Dean began, “but you’re a good-looking guy, and I imagine you don’t have any problem scoring. So why do you need me?” Cas handed him a glass of water.

“Frankly, I don’t think that’s any of your business.” Dean raised his hands in an “I surrender” gesture and drank his water. When they were done, Cas walked off and Dean followed. They walked to what Dean assumed was the master bedroom. Cas stood off to one side and waited expectantly.

“Okay, so I charge $150 an hour, anything fancy or not vanilla needs to be discussed beforehand, and we use Pretty Woman rules; no kissing on the lips. Sound good?” 
Cas nodded at Dean’s terms, and went to get his wallet. He pulled out $150 in cash and handed it to Dean. 
“I assume you want me to bottom?” Dean asked. Again, Cas nodded his head. Cas then started using his nimble fingers to unbutton his shirt.
Dean put the cash in the back pocket of his shorts for the time being, and pulled off his top. He was working on the button of his shorts when he caught a glimpse of Cas. His shirt was discarded and he was working on his belt, but his chest is what Dean focused on. The man had well-sculpted pacts and a firm middle. He didn’t look like one of those ‘roided up, dehydrated male models, but he looked like he was carved from marble. His shoulders were thick and well-defined, and they drew Dean’s attention to the man’s perfectly sculpted neck.

And now Dean was really confused. He was just starting to think that maybe Cas’ equipment was lacking, and that was why he needed to buy his pleasure, but then Cas pulled down his pants. He still had his boxer briefs on, but Dean could tell the man was hung.
Dean shook himself out of his trance and continued to undress. He pulled off his boots, then his shorts, and lastly the little g-string he wore. Dean walked over to his shorts and grabbed a condom and a little packet of lube that he always kept in his back pocket.

Dean was always prepared before the night began. He didn’t like to think of himself as a pessimist, but many of the guys he serviced were rough and inconsiderate, and he didn’t want to take chances.

So Dean laid down on the bed and pulled out his plug that had a big plastic jewel at the end of it. He set the plug next to him on the bed, and he lubed his fingers up just a bit. He was pretty stretched out, but he made sure he could comfortably fit four fingers inside himself, just in case. When he was done, he propped himself up on his elbows and saw Cas looking at him. The man’s eyes were dark, and he had a feral edge to his gaze. If Dean wasn’t turned on by Cas’ physique, that look would have had him rock hard. 
Dean didn’t like intimacy in these situations – he just wanted to get a good fuck and move on with his life – so he turned over onto his hands and knees, facing away from Cas. Cas also seemed like he wasn’t in the mood for pleasantries, because he grabbed Dean’s hips without preamble and lined his cock up with Dean’s entrance. Cas pushed in slowly but firmly, and stilled when he bottomed out. 
Even though Dean was used to this, he still always took a moment at this point to catch his breath. It was easier when he was turned on, but he still always tried to center himself.
Without warning, Cas started to slam in and out of Dean at a blinding pace. His hips slapped against Dean’s ass with every thrust, and for all of Dean’s efforts, he couldn’t breathe. Cas changed his angle slightly and he hit Dean’s prostate so hard that Dean cried out. Dean just sat there, panting and shaking after every one of Cas’ thrusts, only to be blown out of the water again and again.

Cas reached up and grabbed Dean by the neck and shoved his face into the bed. Dean’s breaths were stifled with the bedspread, and between that, the pressure on the back of his neck and the brutal pounding he was taking, Dean was just about in subspace. Dean almost never went there, partially through sheer will, but this was just too good.

As impossible as it seemed, Cas kept fucking harder and faster. Dean was limp at this point, just letting Cas do what he wants. He was so close; he could feel heat curling in his gut, and his toes following suit.
“Cas,” he choked out, barely audible over Cas’ grunting, “I’m close.”
In response, Cas picked up the pace yet again. With one adjustment of his hips, he nailed Dean’s prostate and Dean was flying over the edge. He moaned wantonly, spilling onto the comforter underneath him. As soon as the sensation passed, Dean collapsed under Cas’ weight. Cas just let him lay there, panting, and continued to chase his release. 
After several minutes of Dean feeling blissfully full and overstimulated, Cas’ hips lost their rhythm. He jerked, grinded, and then he stilled. Cas fell on top of Dean. The two men laid there, catching their breaths and coming down from their respective highs.

Eventually, Cas got off Dean. Dean heard him walk around, take the condom off, and throw it away. Dean laid there for just a moment longer, before he lifted himself off of the wet spot he had created.

“Bathroom?” he asked horsley. Cas pointed to an adjoining room. Dean went in there and washed himself off. His head still felt foggy, and he was trying to make all his faculties work again, but he couldn’t seem to pull himself together. It wasn’t that he was complaining; he felt fucking great, it was just different than what he was used to.

When Dean was done, he walked back to the bedroom to get dressed. He found Cas had removed the comforter, and was now laying underneath the sheets. Dean dressed quickly, and pulled some small bills out of his boot, where he kept them. Cas looked about as dead as Dean felt, and Dean didn’t see him moving any time soon.

When Dean was finally dressed and ready to go, he turned to Cas. “You’re a pretty good lay,” he said, “let’s do this again sometime.” With that, Dean threw a wink over his shoulder and sauntered out of the room, scheduling an uber on his way out.
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atc74 · 4 years
Soul to Souls - Two
Warnings: Mentions of death, wolf hunt, Sassy OC, Guilt Ridden!Dean, so many more to come
Summary: Since she was four years old, Annaleigh has seen the same boy in her dreams. For twenty-five years, she grows to love the boy that has now turned into a man. Dean Winchester just lost the only family he has ever known. The guilt drives him to work harder than ever before. He works to forget the pain, until he meets Annaleigh and she turns his world upside down. What she learns changes both of their lives forever, but what will he do when he discovers the truth? Will he accept it or run back to the only life he has ever known?
Pairing: Dean x  OC Annaleigh (evenutally)
Word Count: 1727
Beta’d by: @amanda-teaches, @katehuntington, thank you both for being my guides! Dividers by the amazingly talented @talesmaniac89.
A/N: This was my very first series I ever wrote four years ago in September 2016 and I am so happy and proud to bring this back home.
Soul to Souls Master List
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All in all, it took Dean three days to track and put down the werewolf with Annaleigh’s help. Her research capabilities and knowledge of the area came in handy. He talked to the Sheriff, the Game Warden, even the folks at the local animal shelter. She knew the people here, which was helpful. He had to take her along on a couple interviews with the locals, because they wouldn’t talk to Dean, but they would talk to her. 
Annaleigh brought Dean to her friends’ comic book store, Betsie’s Best Comics. The manager there, Mandi, and her employee told them about their friend and owner Betsie, who was the first body found out by the creek. Mandi wouldn’t look at Dean, but Annaleigh got her to open up.  She told them everything, even how Betsie had left her the store. Mandi was crying, a lot, and Dean found himself growing uncomfortable. Man, Sammy is so much better with the whole emotions thing, Dean thought to himself. Emotions weren’t Dean’s deal and he found himself grateful, more than once, that Annaleigh was with him on this one. 
After they walked out of the comic book store, he looked around the main drag, feeling that familiar grumble in his stomach. “I need food,” Dean grunted, slightly irritated. 
“Here,” she said, grabbing his hand and leading him into yet another store front. This one was different. This one smelled delicious. Dean’s eyes darted around the small shop. He eyed the pastries, donuts, cakes, cookies. And there, in the last case on the left, pie. They had cherry, pumpkin, apple, blueberry, all his personal favorites. But no pecan, story of his life.
“Hey there, Annaleigh! Who’s your super hot friend?” He heard one of the girls behind the counter giggle as she wiped her flour covered hands on a towel. 
“Oh, is Anna here?” Dean heard another voice call out from somewhere, preceding another woman coming from the back. Two blondes stood behind the counter and just stared at him, eyeing him like he was one of the treats in their cases. They must have been sisters, huge matching smiles on their faces, as Annaleigh shut the door behind them. 
“Hi, girls! It has been too long since I have been in here! I forgot how good it smells, and now I want something to eat!” Annaleigh practically shouted. “Oh, and this super hot guy is my friend, Dean Winchester. Dean, please meet Trista and Cora Dozier, owners of this fine establishment, Two Sisters Bakery. Best pastries in town and best pie this side of the Mississippi.”
“You had me at pie. Ladies, it is a pleasure to meet you,” Dean shook each of their hands gently as his eyes wandered back to the display case filled with pie, unconsciously licking his lips. 
“What’s your poison, Dean?” Trista asked with a wink and a smile. 
He smiled wide and sheepishly replied, “Cherry, please. And, apple. Oh, and a slice of blueberry and banana cream to go please. If it’s not too much trouble.”
“Too much trouble? Not at all, pie is what we do!” Cora piped up from behind the counter. “Are you sure you don’t want to try my famous french silk or maybe the pecan? I just took it out of the oven and it should be ready for serving right about now,” she said, drawing it out as she glanced down at her watch.
“Hell yes!” he exclaimed, maybe a little too excited. If you asked Dean, he hadn’t had a good pie in months. He ate a decent slice weekly at least, but not truly good pie, with the perfectly flaky homemade crust. He took the plate she offered with three different flavors. Annaleigh had a slice of the french silk and they sat down at one of the small tables with their delicious treats and coffee.
Annaleigh looked at Dean again with those damn eyes. Her lashes were unbelievably long and curling up as they searched his own emerald ones. With the last fork full of apple pie halfway to his mouth, he stopped, sighed and put the fork down. “What?” he asked her.
She just giggled, like the two sisters staring at them from behind the counter, trying to look busy but failing. “I have heard so much about you from Bobby over the last few years. I feel like I know you. For example, I know you are saving the pecan for last because it is your favorite. I know that you love that damn car more than life itself. I know that you love classic rock and chick flicks...and I know that you blame yourself for Sam.” 
She laid her hand over his on the table, and her eyes welled up with tears but she blinked them back and continued. “Dean,” Annaleigh hesitates, choosing her next words meticulously. She feared he would run, and she worried that she would lose him, before she had the chance to really know him. 
“I-it’s not your fault. Sam made this choice. Y-you could not have stopped him.” She paused to take a breath, a moment to collect her thoughts. 
“I-I don’t wanna talk about it,” Dean whispered, blinking back the burning behind his eyelids, praying the tears would stay at bay. He pulled back in an attempt to untangle his hands from hers.  
“Y-you can’t bring him back. I am sorry for what happened, but you and your brother? You saved the w-world,” she wept in hushed tones, her hands clinging tightly to his, but she pushed through the emotions threatening to drown them both. “Your brother m-made the ultimate sacrifice and saved billions of innocent souls. I know you don’t want to hear it, but I, for one, am grateful. I know how hard this life can be. I lost a brother, too. And more friends than I care to count.” 
She removed her hand from his and Dean immediately missed it, the softness, the warmth, the human connection, that he had been craving. Shaking his head, Dean wiped his face, knowing his emotions had betrayed him and cleared his throat before he spoke, attempting to sound stronger than he felt. His voice was barely audible as he growled. “What am I supposed to do now? You seem to know everything about me, so tell me, Red, what am I supposed to do now?” 
He looked down, trying to avoid her gaze, but not entirely able to. Her eyes were blue, ocean blue, bright and sparkling, and he couldn’t keep away, like a moth to the flame. Instead of answering his questions, she stood, boxing up the remaining slices. “Come on, let’s go back to my place, away from the prying eyes of the Giggle Twins. I will explain it all to you, in time.” 
Twenty minutes later, they rolled down her driveway, and Dean put Baby into park, got out and opened the back door to grab the pie. As he turned to walk toward her house, Annaleigh flung herself against him, one hand on the back of his neck, standing on her tiptoes and slowly pulling him down to her. She leaned in and closed her eyes as she gently pressed up on her toes, inching closer to him than she had been so far. She opened her eyes, lashes fluttering as she gazed upon his face. 
As she pulled back, he could see her face clearly, a small smile tugging at one corner of her mouth. She placed her hand in his, then grabbed the pie and ran off towards her massage studio at the back of her property, laughing maniacally. Dean just stood there, stunned, and shook his head, silently wondering what he had gotten himself into by agreeing to take this hunt. His body tingled from the feel of her pressed against him, as if he could still feel her softness, and smell the lingering chocolate in the air. 
Dean followed after her slowly, not sure what his next move should be or even if there should be a next move. He vaguely remembered arriving three days ago, wanting to get out of this town as fast as possible after the case, but now, he wasn’t so sure.  
By the time he made his way into Annaleigh’s studio, she had changed into a bright blue tank top and leggings. She was standing at the counter, pouring whiskey into two glasses, hips swaying slightly to some country music she had turned on. Dean didn’t recognize the tune, but he wasn’t totally against country music. Bobby was like a father to him, and he had played it enough that Dean had gotten used to it over the years. It wouldn’t be his first choice but then again, this wasn’t his car where he picked the music. Here, he was not the driver, so he kept his mouth shut.
Dean slid off his suit jacket and laid it on the counter behind her. He loosened his tie and walked around the small island until he was standing directly behind Annaleigh. Without thinking, he gently placed his hands on her hips and lowered himself enough so his head rested on her shoulder. With a low chuckle, Dean snaked one hand around her waist and grabbed a glass. He brought it to his lips and took a nice long drink of the warm amber liquid. 
Dean glanced around the studio she had converted on her property and admired what she had done with it. It was petite, but charming, like her. There were a couple of stools around the island, a waiting area of sorts. Wandering the space, he took in the small touches that she had added, while she continued swaying and singing softly in the small kitchenette. In the back corner was a bedroom that she had converted into a massage room. Dean pushed the door open and walked inside. Candles flickered, bathing the room in a soft glow, scented lightly of flowers and fruit; subtle, but comforting.
“Take your clothes off and get on the table face down.” 
Dean jumped a little as he heard her voice behind him. “I didn’t peg you as a Dom, Red. But I have to admit, I kinda like it,” he replied as he turned around and untucked his shirt, a smirk playing on his face.
Did you like it? The nicest thing you can do for a writer is reblog their work and tell them, and others, how much you like it!
Soul to Souls tags: @emoryhemsworth @flamencodiva @iwantthedean @jensengirl83 @deanwanddamons @smol-and-grumpy @waywardbeanie @whatareyousearchingfordean @princessmisery666 @spnbaby-67 @shy-violet-soul @lastcallatrockysbar @winchesterxfamilybusiness @fangirlxwritesx67​ 
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deans-mind-palace · 4 years
You’re a hooker, sweetheart
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Fem!Reader
Summary: You’ve always had a thing for the younger Winchester brother. Ever since you first met Sam and his cute smile, you were head over heels for him. But you were always too afraid of confessing your crush to him. One day he hooks up with a random girl after a hunt, again. That’s when you’re having it! You’re tired of surpressing your feelings and you explode. What will Sam have to say?
Word Count: 1,790
Warnings: Fluff, mentions of smut
Author’s Note: This is based on an anonymous request. Hello there! I would like to request a Sam x F! reader. Hmm, reader is a friend of the Winchesters, going on hunts with them occasionally. After a hunt and Sam obviously hooked up with another girl, reader reveals she gets jealous and her feelings to Sam. Reader immediately regrets spilling the tea and the ending could go however you like! I hope you like it. Remember, guys, likes are silver, feedback is gold!
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(GIF’s not mine.)
With an angry look you observed the scene that presented itself to you. Sam and this girl, this little puppet, flirted shamelessly with each other. Right in front of you. You could puke. Sam leaned casually in the doorway to the house and flirted with the chick you'd met on your case. You had just solved the problem of the cannibal's ghost and you had barely escaped the FBI.
She, Miranda, had actually been just a scared little witness who had noticed that there were strange things going on in the cabin in the woods not far from her house. Unfortunately, that automatically made her the most important person in your case. But she wasn't really interested in any of you guys except Sammy. Her knight in shining armor. Since he had killed the cannibal's ghost in front of her eyes with a rifle for a few minutes, she didn't leave his side and worshipped him non-stop.
Sam laughed at something she had said, and you stared grimly out of the Impala's window as he drove his hand through his dark hair in embarrassment and gave her a beaming smile. Whatever she had said you couldn't understand from a distance, but it couldn't have been that funny! Actually, this smile belonged to you and you alone. It was reserved for you and your jokes. Why did she get it now?
Your fingernails dug into the leather seat of the Impala. Dean shot you an annoyed look from the driver's seat. "Hey! You're scratching the leather!" You rolled your eyes and looked back at Sam and Miranda. "How much longer is he going to stand there?" you hissed and crossed your arms in frustration. "Wow. Calm down, sweetheart. If you keep flashing that glare at him, he's gonna drop dead before he reaches the car," Dean said. However, he too was annoyed and hit the horn. Dean knew about the feelings you had for his younger brother. It didn't take much of an expert to notice your longing looks whenever Sam entered the room. Every time he threw you a little smile, your mood immediately lifted and you shone with the sun. As soon as Sam left the room, your glow went with him. Dean had seen it all before. As I said, you didn't have to be an expert to see your intentions, but the younger Winchester behaved in a very oblivious manner.
As soon as the horn sounded, Sam and Miranda flinched in horror, giving you a little bit of satisfaction. Dean turned down the window of the car. "Jesus, Sammy! I haven't got all night. I want to take a shower and go to my bed! Come on." Sam said something to Miranda and she nodded before he jogged over to the Impala and leaned into the window. "Go ahead. I'll catch up with you later," Sam explained. Dean gave him a dirty smirk.
"So, Sammy has plans tonight, does he? What do you think?" He glanced at the girl in the doorway, checking her out. "I bet she's good with her tongue," Dean announced and winked at Sam, who rolled his eyes. "Shut the fuck up, Dean." Sam replied somewhat biting, whereupon Dean defensively held up his hands and laughed, while Sam threw an apologetic and innocent smile at you. Then he turned away and returned to Miranda. Dean started the car and after you turned around the next street corner you couldn't see them anymore, no matter how much you twisted your neck after them.
Dean and you passed the time getting food and you went through the latest cases, then Dean disappeared to some bar a few minutes walk away and left you alone. You went over to your own motel room and were getting ready for sleep when you heard the door of Sam's and Dean's room slam shut. It was too early for Dean, because he had only just left a few minutes before. You had a bad feeling and as soon as you heard her bell-like laughter mixed with Sam's deep voice, your worst fears came true. For soon the giggle turned into a sigh that unfolded into a groan to the beat of the squeaking bedstead.
"Sam. Oh! Oh, Sam!' you could hear her high-pitched voice echoing through the thin walls. You pressed the cheap pillow over your ears, but that didn't diminish the sound from next door. Soon you gave up and a few minutes later you couldn't take it anymore. It wasn't that you didn't want Sam to be happy. If he wanted to fuck a chick who sighed like a cheap porn actress, then please, let him. But you wanted your fucking sleep. But deep down, you knew that every time she moaned, your heart would break a little bit more.
You pushed the blanket aside and put on your shoes, determined to end it all. It wasn't as if they couldn't have their lovers' tryst in Miranda's bed too. You couldn't care less. Even before you could think about your actions, your fist was already banging on the door. "This is my brother Dean," you heard Sam's clueless voice. You heard Sam stumbling and cursing inside the room as he tore something to the floor while putting on his jeans. It took a few minutes for the chain to be pushed aside and the door to open a crack so that Sam's face just fit through. "Go to any fucking bar, De - Oh, hi, Y/N." Embarrassed, he scratched his head. His hair was damp and he was only wearing jeans. Beads of sweat were running down his face and over his naked torso. Immediately he opened the door wider and looked at you worried. He forgot all about Miranda. "I-I - is everything all right? Is anything wrong?" Normally Sam's concern would have touched you deeply, but not today. "I'd like to go back to sleep tonight." you hissed between clenched teeth and his eyes widened in surprise. Actually, you were mad at yourself. What were you doing here? Why were you so fucking jealous and wishing you were in Miranda's shoes? And why did the sight of Sam's sweaty torso spark such a desire in you? You knew the answer to all those questions, even if you hated to admit it.
"Sammyyyy." She dragged his name out unnecessarily. "Who is this? Come back to bed." You couldn't see her, but her voice alone sent jealousy coursing through your body, but you pull yourself together. "Just a moment. I'll be right there." Sam replied. You snorted. He turned to you again. "How can I help?" he asked nicely. "Oh, it would be nice if your little friend would moan a little less loud." The words came out of your mouth harsher than intended. Sam paled and blushed at the same time. The tone of voice was not at all like your usual quiet manner. You must have been really upset. He cleared his throat embarrassed. "Miranda? I think you'd better go now. I have some unfinished business with Y/N." he shouted. "What? But we-" protests came from across the room, but Sam interrupted them.
"I'll come back tomorrow." he reassured her and you heard someone gathering their things in the background. Just seconds later, Miranda showed up with a slipped bra strap and frizzy hair in the doorway. She gave you a disapproving look before she turned around again and pressed a kiss on Sam's lips. Then she winked at you. "See you tomorrow, Sammy. I miss you already," she said. You suppressed a nausea. "I'm going to puke." you muttered, and Sam, who was standing next to you, raised his eyebrows in confusion. Miranda had already pulled the door shut behind her.
"What the hell's wrong with you?" yelled the normally calm Sam. "I've never seen you like this! Why did you have to go and ruin my night just now? That was not you!" He was checking you out. "Are you possessed?" You rolled your eyes. "Of course I'm not possessed, Sam." "Then tell me what's wrong. I thought you might be jealous." His voice got louder. It annoyed you. "Of course I'm jealous, Sam. You think I enjoy watching you picking up girls one by one?! And wishing I was in their shoes, damn it! I love you, Sam!" His eyes widened in surprise and his mouth was hanging open, but no sound came out. You took a step back in shock. What had you done?! You stumbled backwards out the door and gasped. Finally Sam started to move, but before he could say anything back, you were in your room, slamming the door in his face.
Sam couldn't believe it. You loved him? He never expected that. After all, you were you. Beautiful, intelligent and funny. And him? He was just him. He was a bookworm, a know-it-all and a loser. What did you see in him?
The urge to talk to you and confess his feelings became unbearable. Determined, he walked through the door and knocked on your door. "Go away, Sam," you shouted from the inside. It sounded pressed and he knew you were crying. "Y/N, please let me in. Let's talk about this!" he pleaded. "There's nothing to talk about, Sam." Came out from behind the closed door.
He sat outside your door until Dean dragged him into their room in the middle of the night. Without having to ask, the older brother already knew what had happened. Sam followed him reluctantly.
The next morning, he knocked on your door again while Dean set off to pack the car. But Sam received no answer. Worries were burning in his stomach. After a few minutes there was still no sign of life, so he broke the lock. The door swung open inward, but Sam was greeted by nothing but sheer emptiness. The room was empty and tidy, and had he not known for sure that you had the room to the left of them, he would have thought he had got the room number wrong. But all your things were gone. And you with them. It took him a moment to realize that you'd left overnight. Dean jogged to Sam and looked past him into the abandoned room. "She's gone," Sam muttered incredulously. His hand was still clutching the doorknob. Dean was still carrying their duffle bags over his shoulder. Panic was written all over his face, too.
"Well, you fucked up real bad, Sammy. You better go and find her because she has my baby!"
Tags beneath the cut. Wanna get tagged? Check out my bio or drop an ask.
Sam Winchester tags: ​ @ashthefirefox​ @rintheemolion​
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soupyboysforlife · 4 years
The Little Angel
Summarry: An AU where Dean transfers to Castiel’s school. They quickly fall in love with each other but keep those feelings hidden out of fear that they won’t be reciprocated. Dean winds up in a terrible accident and goes into a comatose state in which Cas cares for him anonymously. 
This fic was inspired by the song Class Clown by Anthony Amorim.
Chapter 1
An attractive boy with black hair sat in the back corner of the semi-crowded class. He was staring out a nearby window. There was a look of disinterest shrouded on his slightly stubbly face. He was the first thing Dean noticed as he walked into the noisy and crowded class. Some students looked his way when he entered the classroom. The teacher cleared his throat to introduce the new student. They quickly silenced, turning to the front to face the pair. Dean was nervous but he smiled at them confidently. He was used to moving around and going to new schools. Dean’s gaze wandered over the other students before returning to the attractive boy who hadn’t bothered looking towards the front. 
“Everyone I’d like you to meet Dean Winchester,” the teacher said, gesturing towards Dean, “Please take a seat.”
Dean sat in the empty seat in front of the boy hoping to strike up a conversation. Before he got the chance some other kids by him started to introduce themselves. Dean introduced himself to them.
Castiel’s morning had been uneventful as usual. He didn’t have any friends in his first-class today. Instead of gossiping about the new kid, he stared out the window listening to the hushed whispers of girls debating about what he would look like. Cas finally glanced at the front of the classroom when Mr. Shurley cleared his throat. By his side was a boy. His eyes were scanning the students. Cas looked back out the window. Sure the boy was cute but Cas had no intention of talking to him. Not at the moment at least.
Mr. Shurley introduced him, “Everyone I’d like you to meet Dean Winchester. Please take a seat.”
The name registered in the back of Cas’s head just in case he needed to know it. Cas only moved when Dean sat down in front of him. He looked at him in surprise. There were a lot of other empty seats in the classroom. He dismissed the thought creeping up in his head. Cas’s heart was beating quickly. 
After Dean was done talking to the other people in front of him he turned around and smiled. 
He was even cuter up close. Cas tried his hardest not to blush, though he was sure some of the heat made it to his cheeks. Dean had beautiful green eyes that were crinkled with his perfect smile. His cheek and jawbones were sharp. There was a light sprinkle of freckles brushing his face. 
“Hi, I’m Dean,” he said, reaching out his hand for a handshake.
“I know. I’m Castiel.” Cas responded as he gingerly shook the other boy’s hand. Sparks. He must have imagined that.
“Castiel, huh?  Weird name” Dean said with a slightly confused look on his face.
“Yeah, like the angel. My family’s religious.” Cas shrugged.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Cas.” Dean said with a wink before turning back to the front of the class as Mr. Shurley began the lesson.
Cas was sure his face was as red as a tomato. He spaced out for the rest of the day, thinking of the green eyes and calloused skin that belonged to the new kid.
And so the crush began.
“Cas’’ a whisper.
That smile.
“Cas.” slightly louder.
Those green eyes.
“Cas!” a yell, this time he was being shaken.
Cas had been lost in his thoughts of Dean Winchester. He finally snapped back to reality. Gabriel, Castiel’s best friend, was shaking his arm.
“Dude, you okay? What’s wrong?” Gabe asked.
“N-nothing.” Cas managed to get out.
“Is it the new kid? Did he hurt you?” Gabe interrogated, this time with a look of concern and rage.
“No! Nothing like that.” Castiel assured him. It had been a couple of weeks since Dean had transferred to their school. He’d started a few weeks after the second semester began. Cas had noticed the air getting warmer. Spring was on its way along, bringing along Promposals and a new set of gossip.
“Well, what the-” Gabriel started, his face quickly changed from confusion to realization, “Ooooh. You like him.”
Cas’s only response was his face turning a light pink. Gabriel and most other students at Heaven’s Gates High had known that the blue-eyed boy was gay for years. His sexuality wasn’t a secret. Luckily, no one seemed to care about it. 
“D’aw, you two would make the cutest couple.” Gabe teased, earning a glare from Cas, “You should ask him to prom.”
Somehow that thought made Castiel’s face impossibly redder. He glanced over to where Dean was sitting with some of the school jocks. He was laughing at a joke one of them made. Dean made eye contact, making Cas look away quickly. Heat radiated from his cheeks as he felt the green eyes staring at him. Instead of looking back he turned to Gabe and leaned his head on the table.
“I can’t. He’s probably straight, even if he wasn’t, he wouldn’t be interested in me.” Cas sighed sadly.
“Don’t beat yourself up, Cas. I’m sure he’d like you if he wasn’t straight. Hell, I would like you if I was gay.” Gabriel stated with complete confidence, making Castiel chuckle.
“Thanks, I think,” Cas answered.
“Anytime,” Gabe reassured him.
That conversation helped Cas get through the rest of the day with a relatively peaceful mindset.
It had been a few weeks since Dean had started at the new high school. He was already pretty popular, though he doubted that he’d be able to maintain the popularity for much longer. That’s how it has been so far in his high school career. This was his, 4th? Maybe 5th high school. Luckily, this was his senior year and he wouldn’t have to worry about school much longer. His plan was to pass high school and carry on the family business. 
Dean’s thoughts made their way back to the group of jocks he was sitting with. Dean was relatively good at football. He had just joined the school's team and was now attempting to bond with some of the players. One of them, Benny, had just made a joke. Dean hadn’t been paying attention to it but he laughed anyway.
He felt the hair on the back of his neck rise. Sensing a pair of eyes watching him, he quickly scanned the lunchroom. He quickly found the source. It was Castiel, the cute boy from his pre-calc class. Dean quickly decided to take a shot at flirting from a distance, but the other boy had already looked away. Dean’s face fell a little. He sat, staring in disappointment for a moment longer, hoping the blue-eyed boy would look at him again. When he didn’t Dean rejoined his teammates’ conversation with an awkward chuckle. 
Lunch was over too quickly but he only had one more class for the day. 
Dean never paid attention in Economics. It had to be the most boring class that he had. Lucky for him it wasn’t hard to distract himself from the seemingly eternal boringness of the class. His eyes dragged across the board at the front of the room. They picked out every small detail, eventually coming to a stop at the date on the edge of the board. Wednesday, February 12th. Two more days before the weekend. He sighed in defeat. The only thing he had to look forward to was pre-calc in the morning. Dean’s mind wandered to the handsome boy who sat behind him. 
A smile crept along Dean’s face as he thought of the details on the boy's face. How he turned pink when they saw each other. 
Dean imagined cornering the smaller boy, trapping him between Dean’s body and the wall. He pictured those perfect blue eyes staring up at him innocently as he leaned down and pressed his lips against the plump, pink ones. Moistening the chapped lips with his tongue. Maybe he’d run his hands along the boy’s hips and back. Kissing the scruff along his jaw and neck. Fingers slowly exploring every nook and cranny of-
Dean shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He took a few deep breaths. His mind searched for other things to think about. 
Dean heard the chair behind him squeak over the monotone script of his teacher. 
“Hey, Dean.” a low voice said behind him with a nudge to his shoulder, “You going to Adam’s party?”
He turned his eyes and head slightly to put a name to the voice. It was Kevin.
“Dunno man, when is it?” Dean responded.
“This weekend. You gotta ride?” 
“Yeah man, text me the address,” Dean said. Maybe he’d be able to pick up a chick or two to take his mind off the blue-eyed boy for a while. Dean’s cell phone pinged with the texted address.
“Thanks.” Dean smiled.
The next day Dean stumbled, tiredly, into his pre-calc class. Usually, he didn’t arrive so early but his Dad had an early meeting and a busted tire, so he and his little brother, Sammy, were dropped off at school early. He yawned and rubbed his eyes. Finally noticing how empty the room was. The only people there were Castiel and Mr. Shurley. Cas was at his desk using his hands as a pillow. While Mr. Shurley graded some papers.
“You’re here early, Mr. Winchester.” the older man commented without looking up from his papers.
“Uh, yeah. My dad had an early meeting and had to borrow my car.” Dean responded with a chuckle.
This time Mr. Shurely looked up from the paper and folded his hands before answering. “I don’t recall asking. Now have a seat. I need to finish grading these.” He gestured towards Dean’s desk before going back to his writing. He made his way to the desk in front of the boy. 
Cas still had his head resting on his hands. Upon closer inspection, Dean realized he was asleep. Cas’s back was rising and falling steadily under the large, blue-grey sweatshirt he was wearing. Dean leaned a little over his desk while putting his bag down to look at Castiel’s face. His usually blue eyes were closed gently. His long lashes reached for the bags resting under them. Dean’s eyes wandered down towards the man's plump, chapped lips. They were slightly parted. A small trickle of drool ran out from between them, getting caught in the light stubble on his jaw before trickling onto the back of his hand. A light snore emitted from the parted lips with every breath.
Dean smiled and let out a small chuckle at the sight. He had to force down the temptation to reach out and wipe away the spittle. Dean’s chair creaked loudly when he sat down making him wince. Castiel immediately sat up. His ocean blue eyes looked dazed from sleep. They stared directly at Dean for a while, not fully registering what was happening. Dean felt his face start to heat up as he tried to hold back a laugh. Cas made a sudden gasp of realization. His eyes cleared and widened as his cheeks began to turn pink. He wiped the drool from his cheek and ran out of the classroom.
Dean sat, unmoved, at his desk. Wondering if that actually happened. He chuckled to himself as he thought of the other boy’s messy bedhead and dazed out, sleepy face. If that wasn’t relatable he wasn’t sure what was. 
Mr. Shurley let out a ‘tsk’ of annoyance as Castiel ran out of the room. Dean stooped down and unzipped the front pocket of his bag, grabbing some cash from it before zipping it back up. He stood and walked out the door. Dean tugged on the bottom of his ridden up T-shirt as he wandered down the hall to the Cafeteria. His eyes quickly scanned the lunchroom in search of some kind of vending machine. He finally spotted one and bought two Gatorades. One was purple, the other light blue. He wandered haphazardly around the halls, looking for Castiel. He gave up after a few minutes and went back to the classroom. It had a few more kids in it then before but it was still pretty empty. Dean looked over towards his desk. He smiled when he saw Castiel sitting in the desk behind his. Cas looked a little more cleaned up. His hair was more controlled and his eyes were more alert. The dribble remains from his nap earlier had been washed away. Upon seeing Dean his face grew red once again as he tried to sink into his seat further to hide from view. Dean chuckled. Damn, this boy was cute. 
Once he reached his desk and sat down he turned around. Castiel had his long sleeves pulled up to his fingertips. He held his hands in front of his eyes in embarrassment.
“Hey, sleeping beauty.” Dean teased, hoping for a reaction out of the other boy, “I got you something.”
He set down the two bottles on Cas’s desk. Cas peeked out from behind his hands curiously before reaching out and taking the purple Gatorade with a muttered thanks. He struggled to open it for a second and Dean hid his smile by taking a sip of his own Gatorade. He smacked his lips loudly and inspected the bottle, wishing they sold something stronger. They sat in silence for the rest of the class.
Stand by for part 2!
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holylulusworld · 5 years
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Summary: Why can’t he stay away from you…
Pairing: Dean x Reader, Lisa Braeden, Sam Winchester
Warnings: angst, mentions of cheating, arguments, language, fluff, a hint of tension, a hint of crack ;)
This is the requested sequel to: Rapture
 “I just lost the woman I love…”
The words leaving Dean’s lips make Lisa gasp. She always knew there was someone else in his heart and on his mind, but Lisa was too afraid to ask about the other girl.
“What the fuck, Dean? Are you kidding me? Not three years ago you promised to me I’m the one, that you want me, not your brother, hunting or another woman!”
“Lis’, I know what I told you back then. I promised Sam to settle down, stop hunting. I knew she didn’t want to give up hunting, give up this lifestyle or to find a way to get Sammy back.” Dean whispers not daring to look into Lisa’s eyes.
“Did you ever love me, Dean?” Lisa’s eyes are filled with tears as he takes too long to answer. “I don’t know. I thought I do love you, Lis’, I swear… but when I accidently ran into Y/N as she was hunting with Sammy I fell for her again.”
“So, she spread her thighs and you decided to cheat on me, Dean. Classy. A whore wormed her way into your bed, and you fell for her.” Lisa spats and Dean gets up, shaking his head.
“It’s not her fault, it’s mine. She tried anything to stay away. Y/N told me to never contact her again after we met. She was stronger than me. Weeks later I found her with Bobby’s help. I followed her for a while.” Dean’s features soften at the memory. 
“Was this the time you were away for a ‘business trip’?” Lisa’s features harden as she realizes Deans started to cheat on her over a year ago.
Dean nods, glancing at his wedding band. “I was not happy anymore. Maybe I never was. All the time I was away, having a weekend trip with Dennis or was hiking with Scott I was hunting, Lisa.” Lisa’s eyes widen as she takes a deep breath. 
“You won’t leave me for this chick. We have married Dean; you gave me your word. You said I do.” Jaw tense, eyes hard Lisa glares at Dean. “I will ruin you if you leave me. Do you know how the women in our neighborhood will bad-mouth about me? Lisa Braeden fooled by her husband.”
“Lis’ I never wanted to hurt you; I swear but I don’t think I want to stay married to you. Y/N broke up with me, burned all bridges. I must find her. I can’t keep on pretending I want this life with you. I know it’s selfish, cruel and not fair, but I need to leave.” Dean’s hand is shaking as he slides the ring down his finger, placing it onto the table.
“I swear I’ll make your life living hell if you dare to leave me,” Lisa yells now, watching Dean sprint upstairs to pack his things. “Dean Winchester I summon a demon if I have to. I know enough to do so.”
“Lisa, please just let me go. Why keep me here knowing I don’t love you anymore? I know this is the wrong way to call things off, but I can’t keep on pretending.”
Lisa falls silent as Dean walks upstairs not giving her a second glance. When her husband is out of sight she starts smashing things against the wall, yelling, cursing your name.
All the anger released she looks at Dean walking down the stairs. He feels guilty for hurting Lisa, but you can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs. If he wants to win you over, wants to show you his love Dean needs to commit to you once for all.
“I’ll leave you the truck on the money I made. I don’t need anything else but Y/N in my life.”
Lisa watches her husband leaving the house. She glances out of the window as he drives his dusted Impala out of the garage. Lisa doesn’t feel the loss of love, she only thinks about what the neighbors will think about her and Dean…
Dean drives around. Restless. Shaken. Your apartment was empty. You left nothing but a note for him. ‘I wish you happiness with the woman you love, Y/N,’ was written on the piece of paper.
His hands grip the steering wheel tight enough to make Dean hiss in pain. Heart racing a mile in a minute he speeds toward Bobby’s place. It’s the only shelter you ever had so he assumes you will meet up with Sam for hunts there from now on.
Sam refused to answer his brother’s calls since the day he got his soul back thanks to you, not his big brother. Dean was in too deep into his apple pie life, his marriage, and the try to not let his façade crumble.
“Son of a bitch!” Dean curses jumping out of the car as he sees Sam holding you in his arms, stroking your back. Right there, outside of Bobby’s house, Dean throws a tantrum.
He runs toward your position ready to attack his brother to get to you but then his brother let go of you and just now Dean can see the tears stream down your face, your quivering lips and the way you avoid looking at him.
“Dean! What are you doing here? Didn’t you do enough? You are a married man cheating on your wife with the woman who always loved you. Do you know how heartbroken she was every time you left her alone after you had what you came for?” Sam’s voice is hard, just like his eyes.
“Sammy…I…” Dean gasps as you grasp at Sam’s hand, trying to make him stop telling Dean about your feelings and the pain.
“Please, Y/N. I need to talk to you…I.”
“Sam, can you give us five minutes? We can go on that hunt later.” Your eyes are red and puffy and Dean’s heart aches at the sound of your broken voice.
Sam’s glances at you before he enters Bobby’s house, mumbling a warning toward his elder brother. Dean is by your side in a blink, cradling your face to stroke your skin with his thumbs.
“I found you, Y/N.” Dean gasps. “I broke things off with Lisa. I’m going to get divorced. I should’ve never married her.”
Your eyes meet Dean’s as you try to find the right words. “I told you to be happy with the woman you love. Leave and don’t come back to me. I’m not doing this any longer.”
“I followed your wish. I want to become happy with the woman I love. With you. I’m begging you. Choose me. Love me. Please.” Dean’s lips brush over your forehead daring not to touch you too intimacy.
“I never loved her the way I love you. I just wanted to keep my promise to Sammy, and I knew you would never give up hunting for me.” You start shaking as his lips press a soft kiss to your skin.
“Dean, I would’ve followed you to hell and back. Anytime. You just never asked me to do so…” Your voice cracks as you wrap your hand around his left one. Your fingers slide over his only to find something missing. His ring is gone…
“Where’s your ring?”
“I told you I’m going to get divorced. I’m all yours if you want me. I can’t offer you much.” Dean sighs. “I got my car, a few clothes, and a pissed little brother. I gave her all the money I earned over the last years, my truck and stuff. I told her I only need you in my life…”
“Goddammit, Dean! How can a woman resist you if you tell her shit like that?” You groan and he starts smiling. You are using your annoyed tone, teasing him.
“Just don’t resist me then…”
“It’s not that easy - I might have someone else.” You shrug glancing up at Dean. “Maybe he’s willing to share…”
“Share…” Dean chokes out as a wicked grin spreads over your lips.
“Share. Dean, come here.” You call and a German shepherd races toward you. “Good boy, sit.” The dog sits down immediately waiting for your command. “Such a good boy. See. This is a well-behaved Dean. Maybe you can learn a thing or two.”
“From a dog?” Dean asks as you gently pat your dog’s head. “Yeah. My Dean is allowed to sleep in my bed. A privilege you will have to earn first.” Turning on your heels you snap your fingers and Dean, the dog not the man, follows you.
“I can do tricks too,” Dean whines running after you. “I can undress with only one hand. I can park my car blind and I’m a master in…”
Your eyes meet Dean’s as he looks at you, silently begging for a chance. Your eyes narrow, lips pursed you nod. “Fine, let’s start with a simple trick. No other women…”
“That’s an easy one. I only want you…” Your dog is eying Dean suspiciously, silently snarling he tries to get your attention. “Good boy. Don’t bite the other Dean. Maybe I like him.” You chuckle stroking your dog’s fur.
“Only like me?” 
“For more, you will have to prove you are serious about wanting me, not Lisa. I never liked this woman, but I won’t let you play with her heart or mine any longer. Make a decision.” Your eyes meet Dean’s. “Pick me. Love me and don’t leave me again.”
“I choose you, Y/N. Anytime. I’ll follow you to hell and back if needed.”
Clicking your fingers, you chuckle as Dean, the man not the dog, follows you into Bobby’s house. “I hope we don’t have to go that far, Dean.”
“I’m sorry for everything I ever did wrong to you,” Dean whispers as you pat your dogs back. “I want you to call her and apologize for everything you did wrong to her. After that, you have to decide if you want to stay here or go back.”
Dean wants to say something, but you press your index finger to his lips. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep. Talk to her first, then decide. I’m in Bobby’s guest room, come in or leave. Either way…”
Your feet carry you away from Dean as he dials Lisa’s number, clearing his throat…
Half an hour passed as you click your fingers to let your dog sleep onto your bed. Dean took too long and you assume he decided to go back.
“Well, Dean. You’ll have your mommy on your own, I guess.” Your dog purrs as the door opens and Dean steps in.
“No, he won’t. I told her everything. There’s nothing left to say except for I love you; you are my salvation and all I’ll ever need in my life.”
Your eyes meet Dean’s as you let his words sinks in. You can see the tension in his body as he waits for your response.
“Sorry, Dean. You’ll have to sleep on the floor in that case.” Dean is looking at you, eyes wide as your dog whines, leaving the bed.
“Thank god you meant the dog. This is so confusing.” Dean mutters watching the dog lying onto a fluffy blanket.
“I like he was listening to me, takes care of me. My personal Dean – only wanting to be close to me.” 
“I can be your Dean if you want me. Please take me back. I know I messed up for such a long time, but I’ll do anything.”
“We can try to start anew…”
“Hi, my name is Dean Winchester and I’m in love with this special girl.” Dean holds out his hand as you smile, shaking it. His thumb is caressing your skin while you chuckle lightly. “I’m Y/N Y/L/N, nice to meet you, Dean…”
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335 notes · View notes
whence-the-woody · 4 years
Finale commentary under the cut
So I wanted to kind of liveblog as I was watching but held back so these are my remembered reactions/second watch reactions
Bummed there was no song recap but quickly figured itd play at the end
PUPPY. Best part of the ep, lbr, Dean was so cute with him
Theyre really doing a cheesey life montage huh - still not clear whether monsters are a thing in this new world?
I was watching the mins tick by during this first montage like OKAY we get it, cheesey happy home life, move along. There was only 40 mins left of the whole show like get on with it, it went way too long 
We definately needed to restablished that Sam is neat while Dean is messy. Totally necessary to spend time on that. Also didnt Dean get houseproud when they moved into the bunker?? What happened to that?
OMG get on with it
Then becomes apparent that hunting is still a thing. Which if so what was the point of showing then doing fucking laundry and dishes while “Ordinary life” plays - if its not just an ordinary life?
At this point i thought it might go the route of them being listless without hunting as a job but then murder scene so I guess not
This whole pie sequence is stupid and a waste of time, we all know it
Dean being a cold, heartless bitch about everyone being dead. Aces. Not unexpected but still just great. How dare you be so happy about pie fuck you dude. 
Pie is the face is not funny my dudes come the fuck on
I started skipping through during the murder scene. I was bored. Like, I dont care about tension building to the murder of a family we dont fucking know. Ive always skipped these scenes, what is the damn point. Its not scary or interesting. 
Same old FBI bullshit. Nice to see the journal again I guess. But like, this is STILL what we’re doing? In the very last ep? Same old, different day, just like 15 years ago. Really?
Singer and Kripke. Subtle. 
I skipped through the interrogation too. I dont find the scary brother act cool or entertaining 
15 mins in and nothing has happened
Theyre trying so hard to give Dean jokes and nothing is landing, its so cringe just stop
The way the little clown faces pop up - if that supposed to be scary? Really? Its all just so silly rn
Watching it again I realise just how easy this hunt is. The answer is in the journal. They find the exact family. They find the exact barn. The kids are just stood in a cupboard. This is what takes Dean out, really? Its not even a normal hunt, its a way too fucking easy one. 
I do not remember this chick or what ep she was in, maybe theres some parallell or foreshadowing by bringing her back but if there is I dont get it
Bottom line if youre gonna bring people back WHY THE FUCK THIS RANDOM GIRL
I knew so fast he was gonna go out like that. Hanging from a fucking nail
I kept saying out loud not like this, no way, this is so stupid, its so stupid omg
I paused and tried to talk myself into putting aside how stupid and awkward it was for him to be doing this scene hanging off a pole and just try to invest in the emotion of the speech. Which I achieved at times
but why was is so awkward tho?? Just the way hes stood pressed against it is fucking weird. Also 1000% Sam couldve gotten help and he wouldve been FINE. It took so long for them to talk, an ambulance couldve been there before they were done, there was no need for this
Okay the speech did make me cry once I pep talked myself into being invested. The reference to being scared Sam would reject him, the I love you so much, Sam saying dont leave me, the stay with me and tell me its okay - all those moments got me and I did cry. I appreciated the family business line. I liked Jensen telling Jared he always keeps fighting, that was a nice reference. 
BUT there were also those moments that made me scoff, roll my eyes or laugh. The whole “always you and me” bullshit especially. The second I knew he was going to say I’ll be in your heart I yelled at them to no do it, I hate that cheesey move, then literally was like “oh my god, he did it”. It WAS NOT always going to end like this - so much of the last 15 years was proving him wrong about that. This is all just so wrong, it is not good. 
Jensen and Jared did a good job with what they were given in this scene but my god
The audacity of the Cas erasure- always you and me. FUCK YOU. 
I laughed out loud when his last shot was a One Perfect Tear. I was literally like “Oh wow they did that”
It also kinda loses all impact when you see him like 2 mins later
Theyre really doing another montage. Really. Like we get it, hes sad, we didnt need the toast to understand that
Omg Miracle by his side. The best of bois. 
Looking around his room like beer and guns was all dean was. Sure. Aces. 
I choose to believe Bon Jovi was a ref to before Dean went to hell
If Donna is back why isnt anyone else?!?
Oh Jared you look so old bby. Go home. He looks older there then later in the ridiculous make up
Why is that shot made to look like hes leaving the bunker forever?? Like that makes no sense
Bobby greeting him is nice and all BUT IT SHOULDVE BEEN CAS
Also they are 1000% doing the show don’t tell by having Bobby just sit and explain everything. SO FUCKING LAZY
Cas has been out of the empty, helping rebuild heaven. Okay, fine. Even Dean’s reaction to hearing that was fine. BUT YOU ASK WHERE YOUR FUCKING BEST FRIEND IS AND GO SEE HIM. WHO IS THIS VERSION OF DEAN WTF
I know people are upset Cas is back working in heaven but I dont think its anything like before. It sounds like he helped fixed things then got his own heaven. Also he’s God’s Dad, hes not serving God, hes teaching him. I know human Cas done right is what we wanted but I dont hate this for him. BUT WE SHOULD HAVE FUCKING SEEN IT. 
Why is a memory of being a kid with his Dad what Dean is reminiscing on. They have literally reverted him back to s1. There are so many memories dean should be thinking about in fucking heaven
Hes going for a drive
Hes going for a motherfucking drive
In the car he was just in
Hes going to drive around doing nothing until Sam gets there are you fucking kidding me. Not going to see any of his family from the last 15 years, just driving. Absolute horseshit. 
This is the moment where you realise that this episode has changed NOTHING. This is the same ending as the last ep except theyre in heaven not on earth
Okay so they skip over how Sam went from going on a hunt to walking with a toddler. OMG how unsubtle that they have literally just labelled the child Dean in big yellow letters. I couldnt help but laugh, how fucking stupid. 
I did get a bit teary when the music started I’ll be honest. But mostly through the whole montage (ANOTHER ONE) I was saying to myself This is so fucking stupid. omg this is dumb, what the fuck is this, so stupid.
They literally did a montage so long they had to play the song twice. Im just done at this point wow. 
The old man make up is so bad I just laughed. The only pictures being of the 4 of them, reinforcing the Winchester only bullshit, great. Not even pics of this new random family Sam’s got. The painfully cliche Dad moments for Sam, again so bad its funny. Omg the hand on the head of this random kid, this is so ridiculous. Old man sam in his bad wig trying so hard to move like hes old and crying in the impala. Wtf is happening, this is SO STUPID 
I thought theyd cast a more attractive son I’ll be honest. So he has the tattoo - are they a hunting family? Because that would go against both s1 Sam they’ve tried to go back to and the s15 Sam they build up to for all those years
I know they were going for an emotional parallel with that “you can go now” but this random man saying it to Sam in that make up, with the music cue lined up right there - its just funny coz its so dumb im sorry
I cant believe they actually played another different version, I’ll never get over that
Theres alot of things I’ll never get over
Is this bridge supposed to mean something? They shouldve picked a setting that meant something
I know theyre trying so hard to make Dean look happy and peaceful to convince us its a good ending but sis no
I laughed out loud when Dean turned around - WHAT IS THAT OUTFIT SAM?
Really, they have nothing to say? No questions, no convo? They just have cheesey smiles and look over the water? This is so wrapped up in a fucking bow trying to force us to feel good my god
The cut almost immediately to them talking to the camera, still in character getup, was so cringe I yelled and turned it off
And they pan out to literally none of the people we want to see . Great, Good. 
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There was This Girl
Title: There was This Girl
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 4030
Square Filled: Pie
Summary: No matter how much time had passed and how much time had hindered their memory, it was pie that seemed always bring Dean and Y/N back together. Like the saying goes, “some things never change.”
Warnings: Fluff, Explicit Language, Under-aged Drinking, and Mentions of Relationships and Break-ups.
Written for: @spndeanbingo
Disclaimer: Gif Not Mine
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Sonny’s Preschool, 1983
It was Dean’s third day of preschool, and although he’s made a bunch of friends, there were times in the day when he would find himself randomly missing his family. He missed his dad’s voice, the warmth of his mother’s embrace, and playing with his new baby brother, Sammy.
Today, it happened during lunch. He had a nibble of his sandwich, demolished his small pack of Oreos, took a sip of his juice, but that was it. With his stomach swirling with the feelings of missing his dad, mom, and baby brother, he didn’t have an appetite.
Dean’s eyes began to water when suddenly a small voice caught his attention. “Hi,” his classmate, Y/N, beamed, occupying the empty seat beside him. Dean always described her as… bouncy. She opened her Princess lunch box which revealed a container inside. “Are you missing your mommy and daddy again?” She asked. Dean met her large sparkling eyes and nodded in affirmation. She smiled in return. “It’s okay, Dean. They’re going to come back and pick you up after school like they always do. I really like your mom, she’s really nice,” Y/N smiled. “She makes really good cookies.”
“I like my mom too,” Dean mumbled.
“What did your mommy make you for lunch today?” Y/N asked.
“My dad made me my lunch. I got a ham and cheese sammich, Oreos, and juice.”
“Ooh! I love Oreos!” She chirped. “My mommy said because I was a good girl the whole week, I get to have two pieces of cherry pie. Do you wanna have one? It’s really yummy.” Y/N pulled out the container in her lunch box, settling it in front of her. She peeled off the lid and recklessly dropping it back into her tin lunch box, creating a loud crashing sound. The teacher looked up at her with a slight frown, catching his glimpse on her.
“Y/N, please place your things nicely and quietly in your lunch box. That was really loud and it scared some of our friends,” Mr. Gibbons told her.
“Sorry, Mr. Gibbons,” she apologized with a shy voice. When her teacher smiled, Y/N returned the gesture before resuming the task at hand. Without her knowing, Mr. Gibbons continued to watch Y/N’s interaction with Dean, taking mental anecdotes that he will be recording down later so that he could share the precious exchange with both children’s parents.
Y/N pulled out one of the many crumpled napkins from inside her lunch box, pushing Dean’s sandwich out of the way before placing the napkin on the table in front of him, smoothing it out with her tiny hands. She then, as gently as she could, scooped up one of the slices of pie onto Dean’s napkin. “There!” she chirped happily.
“Thank you. Pie is my favorite food!” Dean beamed, looking at his slice of pie with excitement, before focusing back on her.
“Me too!” She gushed, smiling over at him as she pulled out a crumpled napkin, smoothing it out in front of her, and taking the pie from inside her container and placing it on her napkin. She pulled out one fork, and handed it over to you Dean, then searched her lunch box for another one, but frowned when there wasn’t any.
“Y/N, would you like another fork?” Mr. Gibbons asked, his voice kind as usual.
“Yes please!” She replied, eyes sparking again.
Dean was too young at the time to understand his emotions, but there was something in the way that she looked that made him wish he could always be close to her. That they could be best friends forever.
They were best friends all through preschool.
Lawrence Elementary School, 1989
Dean got into an argument with his best friend Castiel (Cass for short) and was currently not on speaking terms, which is why he was sitting alone, eating his packed lunch. He was sitting on a different table, not his usual spot, so when the group that usually sat there approached, they greeted him kindly.
“Hey, Dean,” Y/N called out, sitting beside him.
“Hey, Y/N,” Dean flashed her a small smile, a hint of embarrassment displaying across his features.
“Where’s Cass?” She asked, her friends taking their seat on either sides of the two of them.
“We got into a fight and now we’re not really friends anymore,” he frowned.
“Hey, that’s okay. You can hang out with us if you want,” she smiled, patting his shoulders, making Dean smile. He scanned over her group of friends. He recognized them. There was Meg, Bela, and Donna.
“You betcha!” Donna gave him a thumbs up, before chomping on her powdered doughnut.
“Didn’t your mom say to eat that last?” Meg chided.
“Whatever—” Donna grumbled, setting her doughnut down on the table for later.
“Hey, for doing really good in school, my mom packed me two pieces of pecan pie! You want one?” Y/N asked, wanting nothing more than for Dean to feel better. She understood how he sad he must feel not being with his best friend.
Dean’s eyes widened, definitely wanting a piece. He was not going to pass up pie! He loved pie. She pulled out a napkin from her X-men Lunch box, placing it neatly in front of him before using a fork to scoop up the pie slowly and carefully, setting it on his napkin, leaving the fork with it.
“I’ve got a fork,” Dean grinned, handing her back the fork.
“Oh, okay,” she smiled, taking it from him. He watched her do the same for herself, the sight of her action almost feeling like déjà vu, but he shrugged and enjoyed his new company. For a bunch of girls, he thought they were pretty cool.
Lawrence High School, 1996
It was now Senior Year and as usual, Dean was sitting under the bleachers during his free period with a pack of beer sitting beside him, a couple of the bottles empty.
“Always the bad boy, aren’t you, Winchester?” His thoughts were caught off when he heard a familiar voice. He looked up and rolled his eyes. “Aren’t you a bit young to be drinking alcohol?” Y/N reprimanded.
“Not in Mexico,” he grinned, raising his half empty bottle in the air. This time she rolled her eyes at him.
“Where did you even get the booze?” Y/N asked.
“That’s none of your business. What are you even doing here anyways? Shouldn’t a goody two-shoe like yourself be in the library studying?”
She cleared her throat. “I am not a goody two-shoes.”
“Yeah? Is that why you’re here under the bleachers?” Dean quirked an eyebrow, his eyes boring into her. As he did, he couldn’t help but really look at her. They had been classmates for years, but he’s never really taken the time to pay attention.
She was cute.
“It’s my free period,” she stated simply.
“I know. And you’re usually in the library. I see you in there with what’s his face all the time, noses buried in a book.”
“His name is Michael, if you forgot.”
“Besides, we broke up. That’s why I’m not in the library,” she sighed, taking a seat beside Dean, and snatching the bottle from his hands, tanking the rest of it’s contents in one go. Dean looked at her with a shocked expression. He was definitely not expecting that. “It’s been a while since I had a beer,” she confessed, leaning her head against one of the bleacher beams.
“You drink?” Dean questioned.
“Yeah, but I stopped when Michael and me started dating. He wasn’t into that stuff. Now that I think about it, he was extremely controlling. I don’t even know why I was with him,” she sighed.
“The money?” He teased.
“Tch. Who do you think I am? I don’t care about the money.”
“I was kidding,” Dean admitted.
“You know what I think it was? I think I was so drawn into him because he was the only guy who actually put in an effort to be with me. I turned him down twice before we got together, you know that? And now… he’s dumped me for Miss Teacher’s pet,” she spat, referring to her old friend.
“Weren’t you and Bela best friends in elementary school?” Dean asked, opening a new bottle of beer and handing it to her.
“Yeah, we were. But then middle school happened, and she got her boobs. After that, the rest was history. She became a brown nosing bitch,” she hissed. “Megs chilling with the gothic chicks, and Donna… well, she’s Donna,” Y/N’s frown quickly changed into a smile. “I wish she had free period right now. She’s know exactly how to cheer me up.”
“Hey, I got booze! I’m helping aren’t I?” Dean joked, lightly shoving her with his elbow.
His action made her laugh, and Dean couldn’t help but smile wide. “Yeah, thanks,” she rolled her eyes playfully. “Hey…” Y/N started, rummaging through her bag. “I bought two slices of pie this morning. One was supposed to be for Michael, but since the douche ditch my ass, you want it?” She offered, handing him an individually packed slice of apple pie. “It’s from Breadbury’s,” she added.
“Oh, fuck yeah. I love that place!” Dean happily accepted.
“Me too! And I love the name of the place. It always makes me laugh,” Y/N giggled, taking out her own apple pie, handing Dean a fork at the same time.
“Thanks. The Bradbury’s are a funny bunch. Their daughter is a little weird though,” Dean commented.
“Yeah, she is, but she’s adorable. I used to babysit her when she was younger. She played video games the whole time! Literally, easy money!” she laughed.
“Did you ever sneak Michael in?” Dean’s immature and hormonal mind took over.
“Nah. Every time I asked if he wanted to come over, he’d say it was a bad idea, and that he had to study.”
“Wow, all work and no play makes Mikey a dull guy. If it were me, I would have sneaked in all the time. Babysitting is always the best opportunity for some hot make out sessions,” he wiggled his brow, taking a large bit of pie.
Y/N laughed, throwing her head back. “Right? Being with Michael was a missed opportunity on so many hot and steamy make out sessions.”
“If I was your boyfriend, that’s all we’d do,” he winked.
“Is that so?” Y/N giggled.
“Hell yeah,” he grinned.
“You really are a bad boy, Dean Winchester. I like it.”
Ten Years Later, Sioux Fall, South Dakota
Today of all days, Singer’s Auto Shop was dead. They had a few cars in that they were trying to fix, but other than that, it was quiet. No oil changes, safety checks… dead.
“Hey Bobby, Benny and I are going on our lunch breaks!” Dean called out to his uncle, who was locked in his office upstairs doing paper work.
“You got thirty minutes!” Bobby shouted.
Dean and his buddy since college, Benny, headed out towards the front of the shop and towards Bobby’s house, which was conveniently next door. They planted themselves on the front porch where they usually sat, and as always, Benny’s girlfriend had prepared him something amazing.
“What’d Pam make ya this time?” Dean asked.
“Looks like chicken fried steak,” he whistled, obviously overjoyed with his home-cooked meal.
“Dang, maybe I should find myself an older woman that can cook too,” Dean laughed, pulling out the turkey and cheese sandwich he made himself the night before.
“Or maybe just get yourself a girlfriend, period,” the Southern man chuckled. “C’mon man. It’s time to move on from Lisa. College was a distant chapter in our lives and now it’s time to move on, cowboy.”
“Yeah. Besides, Lisa couldn’t cook for shit. If the next girl that waltz into my life can make a damn good pie, I’ll consider her,” Dean replied, both men laughing.
While the two men ate their lunch, a red buggy car came rolling in, sounding not very pleasant. “That doesn’t sound good,” Benny muttered with his mouth full.
“You keep eating, I’ll handle this one,” Dean popped the last bite of his sandwich into his mouth before getting up, wiping his hands on his oil-stained denim.
“Hi, is this Singer’s Auto Shop?” A girl walked out. She looked a little disheveled. Her hair was up in a high bun, strands of her hair falling out, and her rusty red colored tank top was half tucked into her short high waisted shorts.
“Yeah, what can we do for you?” Dean asked, jogging over to her.
“My car started making this weird sound and then she started smoking,” she told him.
Dean looked at the old car, noting that it seemed vaguely familiar, but then again, he was a mechanic. He’s seen and worked on all sorts of cars – domestic and foreign. “Well, I don’t mean to be rude or anything, but it’s a hunk of junk. You’re better off buying a new car. It would be much cheaper in the long run.”
“I’m a little low in the bank right now, so could you just add some duct tape so I can be on my way?” She snapped, obviously offended by his remark.
“Sure thing, Sweetheart,” he flashed her a forced smile, before gesturing her over to the passenger seat.
She rolled her eyes and plopped herself into the car while Dean jumped into the driver’s seat. He grunted at that minimal space in the car, reaching downwards for the lever to adjust his seat.
“Struggling over there?” She smirked, her voice hinting her amusement.
“Damn, you’re short,” he responded, making her frown at the statement. Dean grinned in triumph, before driving the car to the garage.
She stood beside Dean as he lifted the hood, eyes going wide and jaw practically dropping to the floor. “What the hell is this?” He mumbled, taking in all the duct tape. “You really wasn’t kidding about the duct tape! Let me guess… you ran out and your only option was the shop? That’s why you’re here?”
“Bingo,” she snapped her fingers.
“You don’t just use duct tape to fix cars!” He snapped, glaring at her.
“Like I said, I’m a little low in the bank. Besides, I just started her back up. I haven’t drove this car since college.”
“What were you driving before you brought this girl back to life?” Dean was curious.
“My ex bought me a car. I left it behind when I left him,” he confessed, rolling her eyes.
“Listen lady, you’re better off buying a new car. This little bug is running its last breath, thanks to your lack of TLC.”
“TLC? Really? It’s a car,” she crossed her arms. “Look, I just need to make it as far away from Kansas as I can, you think you can help a girl out?”
“Sweetheart, I’m sorry to tell you, but this is the furthest away you’re going to get.”
“How do you even know that this is as far as I’m going to get? You haven’t even looked at it yet. I’m sure you can’t make any diagnosis without even trying.”
“I don’t even know where to begin! There’s duct tape everywhere! Tell me, how may times had this poor guzzler die out on you while on your expedition to who knows where?” Dean inquired. The woman beside him bit her bottom lip with guilt. “How many?” Dean reiterated.
Y/N sighed. “About six or seven times,” she confessed.
“Six or seven! Sweetheart, you’ve only managed to cross one state and it’s already broken down on you that many times? What’s in Kansas anyway that’s got you running for the hills? Let me guess. Controlling parents, maybe you’re a runaway bride, or maybe you running from trouble?”
She gulped. “We’ve all got our own story, but that doesn’t mean I have to tell a complete stranger about it,” she snapped. “But if you must know, I had a bad break up and I just wanted to start fresh.”
“Alright, alright. Fine. I’ll see what I can do,” Dean assured.
“Thanks. My name is Y/N, by the way.”
“Dean,” he smiled.
While Dean was tinkering away, she sat atop a table littered with items she assumed were tools and car parts. There were a few things on that table that she recognized, meaning, she’s seen them before but had no knowledge on what the hell they were called. Eventually, she got bored of the silence, needing some conversation to stimulate her mind.
“So…” she began, “you grew up around here? Bobby seems to know you really well. He your dad?”
“Nah, Bobby’s my uncle. My brother and I used to come here every summer while we were younger. My dad got me into cars, and he taught me everything I know, but it was bobby that taught me how to rebuild a car from all the scraps in the yard.”
“That’s great, then maybe you can fix mine?” She asked with hope.
“Oh, I’m trying. It took us all summer to build that car, and we didn’t even have the car fully assembled. We just had enough so that the car could run. This… this will be a miracle without me taking the entire thing apart.”
“Then let’s just hope a miracle does happen,” she threw him a thumbs up, and Dean shook his head. He knew this was going to be impossible to fix in a short amount of time. He’d need at least a week or two to fix up the mess she’d created.
Silence resumed its position, creating a bit of an awkwardness in the room. She was swinging her legs too and fro from her seat on a table, staring at Dean’s back. She couldn’t resist her eyes slowly following the muscle lines of his back, leading down to his perky ass, where she allowed herself to appreciate for a few seconds longer. Her eyes fell further downwards, admiring his jean clad bow legs. There was no way she could deny that Dean was attractive. And she also couldn’t ignore that there was something about him that was somewhat familiar.
Her mind drifted to her past. Once upon a time she knew a Dean back in Lawrence, but there was no way that this guy was him. The Dean she remembered was tall and skinny, however, the years had blurred his face from her memory. She couldn’t remember what he looked like. All she remembered was his name and the things he’s done.
“Hey, are you listening?” Dean asked. She saw his lips moving but she couldn’t seem to get out of her head. Her eyes landed on his face, realizing that his eyes were now her favorite shade of green. He had rough stubble framing his jaw and it made him look rugged, like he could own her in more ways than one. And then the freckles speckling on his cheeks made him look extremely boyish, which made him all the more handsome. There was no doubt that he was an attractive man. “Y/N, hey. Can you hear me? Where’s your head at?” He asked again, snapping his fingers this time, finally breaking her from the “sexy mechanic” induced trance she was imprisoned in.
“Sorry, what?” She batted her eyes.
“I was asking if you could pass me the rag,” he pointed beside her.
“Oh, sorry. I was… uh, I was just lost in my thoughts,” she gave him an embarrassed smile.
“It’s cool. Want to tell me what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?”
Her cheeks went red. She couldn’t exactly tell him that she was checking him out. “Uh, just stuff,” she said, keeping her answer vague.
Dean watched her, his eyes trying to read passed her, and she could sense it. Her heart started to speed up, fearing that if he stared at her any longer, he’d see right through her. She felt the need to advert the attention elsewhere, otherwise she’d confess that she was checking out his ass and those strong bowlegs of his.
“Hey, could you do for a snack?” She piped. “I just remembered, I bought some peach and apple pie on the way. It’s actually sounding really good right about now,” she beamed.
“Uh…” Dean started, not sure what to make of her sudden change of subject and offer. “Yeah, sure. I could never say no to pie,” he smiled.
Y/N’s smile widened as she hopped off the table, bouncing over to the back of her car. She pulled out a woven picnic basket. “Are your coworker’s still around? We can all have some pie together.”
“Uh, yeah. I think Benny is working on a car outside, and Bobby is still up in the office. Let me get them.” She nodded. “Benny! Bobby! Get down here!” He yelled, his deep piercing voice making her jump. “Sorry,” he grinned meekly.
“What are you shoutin’ ‘about now?!” Bobby came storming down the steps from his office, while Benny walked in, dripping with sweat, the cloth in his hand doing nothing to stop the salty beads running down his skin.
“What’s up?” Benny asked.
“Snack break?” she added, Bobby and Benny looking down at her then to Dean.
Bobby’s attention fell back to Y/N and she noticed the way his features softened. “Yeah, okay. A snack wouldn’t hurt.”
Dean and Benny shared a passing glance, the edges of their lips curled upwards. Bobby has always had a soft spot for puppy dog eyes, the same eyes Y/N was currently impaling him with.
“Great! What we got here?” Benny rubbed his oil-stained hands together.
“Well, for starters, everyone needs to go wash their hands,” she ordered, pointing to each of them.
“You got forks don’t you? Why do we need to wash our hands?” Dean frowned, wanting nothing more than to get his taste buds swimming with pie.
“Hands. Wash’em.” She told them sternly, all three men groaning at her command.
Y/N smiled with triumph, following them to the sinks, washing her own hands. “Goody two-shoes,” she heard Dean mumble under his breath.
“I heard that,” she snarled, his shoulder’s going ridged.
When everyone gathered back around the basket, Y/N pulled out some napkins, setting them on the table. “Sorry guys, I don’t have any plates. I was planning on eating them straight out the tin,” she giggled shyly.
“That’s how Dean eats his pie,” Bobby revealed.
“No, I don’t,” Dean defended causing Benny to laugh.
As she was setting the napkins in front of each them, Dean had a flash of nostalgia. This has happened many times before.
“I’ve got peach and apple, choose your poison,” she chuckled at her own joke, which wasn’t all that funny or clever. Bobby and Benny were quick to choose their preference, but as she asked Dean, he stared at her a little longer than was comfortably acceptable. “Dean?”
“What?” He was lost in his thoughts, memories flashing before his eyes. All this time he thought something was familiar about her and now things were falling into place. “Sorry, uh… I’ll take apple.”
After pie and as the sun went down, Dean called it a day and invited Y/N to stay at his place. There was no way she could have rejected his offer considering she didn’t have the money to rent another motel if she wanted her car fixed. That and she had no place to go. With good faith, she said yes. And if anything were to happen to her, Bobby and Benny knew of their arrangements.
When they reached Dean’s apartment, Y/N complimented his place, saying that it was cozy, and definitely the home of a mechanic. She strolled his one-bedroom apartment, scanning the walls, looking at all the hung photos when one caught her eye. Dean stood behind her with anticipation. If she knew who was in that photo, then he was right about who she was.
“This… this is Sam… Sam Winchester… and that’s… you…” She spun around on her heel with wide eyes staring at him.
“Hi Y/N… it’s been a long time,” Dean smiled.
Did you like it? Then PLEASE Reblog and share it! I would also really appreciate some feedback! xx
Say Something Nice Here!
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brown-bi-beautiful · 5 years
Supernatural Series Rewrite
Supernatural Rewrite Masterlist
Dean Winchester x named reader (eventually)
Series Warning: language violence, angst, fluff, sexual content, Gore, molestation, mention of sexual harassment, usual supernatural violence. (If you’re triggered by any of these then please don’t read)
(A/n- I had to give the reader a name, there’s reason behind it but you can change it if you want. I changed some of the plot and some of the scenes but mostly it’s the same. I do not own the supernatural series but there are some things that are completely my imagination, it has nothing to do with the actual mythology or the series)
Dead in the water part 1
Season one. Episode Three.
Dead In The Water (Part 2)
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"can we join you?" Sam asked Andrea as the three of you approached her. she was sitting at the park watching her son as he sat few feets away, colouring something.
"I am here with my son."she replied smiling and Dean looked over to him. "Oh.. mind if I say hi?" Dean asked and walked over to him without waiting for reply.
"tell your friend, this whole Jerry Maguire thing is not gonna work on me." Andrea said as you and Sam sat beside her on the park bench. "I don't think that's what this is about."you said trying not to sound jealous or rude.
"How is it going?" Dean asked the boy an kneeled in front of him but he didn't say anything, just kept colouring like he wasn't even there. "Oh, I used to love these things." Dean said picking up one of the green little army men toys. He starts imitating noises to grab Lucas' attention but it was no use.
"So, crayon is more your thing?" still nothing, he just kept colouring. "That's cool. Chicks dig artists. Hey, these are pretty good." Dean said looking at his drawings. "You mind if I sit and draw with you for a while? I'm not so bad myself." Dean grabbed a crayon and sat on the bench and started drawing. "You know, I'm thinking you can hear me. You just don't want to talk. I don't know exactly what happened to your dad... But I know it was something real bad, I think I know how you feel. When I was your age, I saw something. Maybe you don't think anyone will listen to you or...or believe you. I want you to know that I will."
You watched from the distance as Dean tried to talk with the kid. It automatically brought a smile on your face. Somehow you knew exactly what he was saying to Lucas. At some point you stopped listening to Andrea, you had no idea what she was saying. your whole attention was on the green eyed hunter who was now sitting on a park bench and colouring with a 6 years old. You rolled your eyes when his eyes met yours and he winked at you. You looked back at Andrea and tried not to look back at him.
"Lucas hasn't said a word, not even to me. Not since.... His dad's accident." your attention was on Andrea and you started to listen again as Dean walked up to the three of you.
"Yeah, we heard. Sorry." He said.
"What are the doctors saying?" Sam asked.
"That it's a kind of post-traumatic stress." Andrea said. You could remember similar thing happening to you after your mom passed away. You could relate with Lucas and so could Dean.
"That can't be easy for either of you."
"We moved in with my dad. He helps out a lot, it's just.. when I think about what Lucas went through, what he saw."
"Kids are strong, you will be surprised by what they can deal with." You said breaking your silence.
"Hey Sweetie..." Andrea said when Lucas walked up to you and handed Dean a drawing sheet. "Thanks Lucas." Dean said and you leaned in to look at the drawing and then he walked back again.
"I think we should head back. Thanks for your time."Sam said and you made your way back to the motel.
"I'm gonna go grab some lunch, you guys want something?" Sam asked. "Yeah.....lunch." you answered and he rolled his eyes before separating his away from you two.  It was a bit of awkward silence between you and Dean when you entered the motel room.
"So? You're not gonna call James Dean?" Dean said sitting on one of the beds and you sat on the other.
"it's not even close to 6 yet, don't wanna look too desperate. Besides what's it to you?" You asked putting a hand under your chin and resting it on your knee.
"What? You're my friend right? I mean friends share things right?" He looked like he was trying to convince himself more than he was trying to convince you.  "Yeah, I guess." You said with a smirk and lay down on the bed, not even bothering to take off your boots. "You know what? I think I'm gonna call him once it is done." You lied waiting for Dean's reaction and you could literally feel him getting pissed off. You tried to control your giggle. If you were honest, it was really flattering that it bothered him so much. "Yeah whatever." He mumbled a reply.
"So, I think it's safe to say we can rule out Nessie." you heard Sam as he walked inside the motel room making you sit up with a frown. "What do you mean?" You asked.
"I just drove past the Carlton house. There was an ambulance there. Will Carlton is dead." Sam replied looking at you and then at his brother.
"He drowned?" Dean question with and raised eyebrow. "Yep. In the sink."
"What the hell?" You mumbled but loud enough for them to hear. "So this isn't a creature, we are dealing with something else." you added. "Yeah but what?"Sam asked.
"A water wraith maybe? Some kind of demon? I mean, something that controls water." Said Dean and it hit you in the head.
"Water that comes from the same source. The lake." You said making both the brothers look at you. "Which would explain why it's upping the body count. Lake's draining, it will be dry in a few months. Whatever this thing is, whatever it wants... It's running out of time." you added.
"And if it can get through the pipes, it can get to anyone, almost anywhere, this is gonna happen again soon." Dean said getting up.
"And we know one other thing for sure, it has got something to do with Bill Carlton." You said.
"Yeah it took both his kids." Dean said and continued wearing his shoes.
"And I've been asking around, Lucas' dad, Chris, Bill Carlton's godson." Said Sam.
"Then let's go pay Mr. Carlton a visit." Dean said getting up and you followed him to the car.
The whole ride you spent talking about the possible outcomes of what it could be, and all three of you agreed on one thing, vengeful spirit. You came up with it and you were pretty sure that you are right but you couldn't explain why would a vengeful spirit want to hurt the whole Carlton family.
When you finally pulled up at Carlton house bill Carlton was sitting on the same spot as last time and the three of you walked up to him.
"Mr. Carlton?" you said in a soft voice when you reached him and he looked up at you. "We would like to ask you few questions if you don't mind." said Sam.
"We are from the department of-" Dean started but he was cut off by Bill.
"I don't care who you are with. I've answered enough questions today." Bill said not looking away from the lake.
"your son said he saw something in the lake. What about you? You ever see anything out there?" You asked but he didn't answer so you continued. "Mr. Carlton, Sophie's drowning and Will's death, we think there might be a connection to you, your family."
"My children are gone. It's... It's worse than dying." His voice broke and his eyes filled with tears. None of you could understand how he must have felt at the moment. "Go away... Please." He said and the three of you turned around to leave him alone and walked back to the Impala.
"What do you think?" Sam asked as you approach the car.
"I think the poor guy's been through hell. I also think he is not telling us something." Dean said. While they were busy talking you're glanced at the house carefully.
"What is it?" Sam asked you and you ignored him. "Dean can I look at that drawing Lucas made you." you said not looking away from the house and Dean handed you the paper.
"Huh, maybe Bill's not the only one who know something." you said opening the folded paper, staring back at you was the six year old kid version of Carlton house. Both of them seem to understand what you're talking about.
"We gotta talk to the kid." Dean said getting inside the car, and you and Sam followed. You arrived at the sheriff Devin's house and knocked on the door. Andrea was the one who opened up. She looked a bit confused to see you guys.
"we need to talk to Lucas about the drownings." You blurted out when Dean was about to say something and he gave you a little glare.
"I'm sorry, but I don't think it's a good time."Andrea said.
"Just for a few minutes." Dean pleaded.
"he won't say anything. What good it's gonna do?" She protested.
"Andrea, we think more people might get hurt, we think something's happening out there." Sam said.
"My husband, and the others, They just drowned. That's all." She stuck to her point.
"if that's what you really believe, then we will go. But if you think there's even a possibility that something else can be going on here, please let me talk to your son." Dean said and Andrea look down nodding her head to the direction of her son's room.
"Thanks, come on Alex." Dean said and walked toward his room. "Wait, me? No I can't." You let out a small nervous laugh.
"Yes you. Look we've both been through this." He pulled you to a side. "And besides I don't know how to talk to kids." He said.
"Yes you do. You did great in the park and you love kids remember." You said and he glared at you. "And Dean we'll probably scare him if we gang up on him. Go, you got this." You said and he nodded then you pushed him inside Lucas' room and walked back to Sam and Andrea. Lucas was sitting on the floor and colouring and dean bend down to his height. "You know, I wanted to thank you for the last drawing. But the thing is, I need your help again." He pulled out the drawing Lucas made him before and put it down in front of him.
"How did you know to draw this?" Dean asked and Lucas kept colouring. "did you know something bad was gonna happen? Maybe you could nod yes or no for me." Dean said but there was no reaction from the boy.
"You are scared." He finally stated. "it's ok, I understand see, when I was your age I saw something real bad happen to my mom. And I was scared to. I didn't feel like talking just like you.. but, see, my mum, I know she wanted me to be brave, I think about that every day. And I do my best to be brave, and maybe your dad.. wants you to be brave, too." Dean said and your heart broke for little 4 year old Dean being scared and alone.Lucas finally put down his colours and looked up at is mother, then he picked up another picture and handed it to Dean. "Thanks Lucas." Dean said and got up.
when you got back in the impala, Sam was looking at the picture Lucas drew and Dean was driving. "Andrea said that the kid never drew like that till his dad died." He says over the music.
"there are cases, going through a, traumatic experience would make certain people more sensitive to premonitions, psychic tendencies." Dean explained.
"whatever is there, what if Lucas is tapping into it somehow? It's only a matter of time before somebody else drowns. So if you get a better lead, please." Dean said and you raised your eyebrow at his behaviour.
"Sam can I see the picture." You said and he handed it to you and sat sideways on his seat so he could see both you and Dean. "I think I've seen this somewhere, we have to find this house." you said.
"Oh, well the problem is, there's about thousand yellow two stories in this County alone." Dean said.
"You see this Church? I bet there's less than a thousand of those around here." You sassed back.
"Oh College girl, thinks she is so smart." He said making the two of chuckle.
"Or maybe you are just really slow." You said making Sam laugh harder.
"You know, what you said about mom." Sam said after a pause and you slipped down further into your seat. 'again with the uncomfortable family topic.' you thought but didn't say anything. "You never told me that before." Sam continued.
"It's no big deal." there was a little awkward silence before he broke it. "Oh God, we're not gonna have to hug or anything are we?"  Sam chuckled at his brother and you sigh, happy that the uncomfortable conversation was end.
He pulled up in front of a white Church and all three of you got out of the Impala. You looked at the church and then at the drawing. there was a yellow House across the street similar to the one in the drawing.
"Maybe it's his house." You said pointing at the little boy in the drawing standing beside a small red bicycle.
"Well, there's only one way to find out." Sam said making his way to the house, you and Dean followed him. Sam knocked on the door and an old lady opened up. "We are sorry to bother you, ma'am, but does a little boy live here by any chance. He might wear a blue ball cap, has a red bicycle." Dean asked.
"No, sir." She was not lying but she immediately started to become paranoid. "Not for a very long time." Her voice broke and you gave her a confused look. "Peter's been gone 35 years now." She said and led you inside the house. She stood in front of a picture of a young boy. "The police never...I never had any idea what happened. He just disappeared." You looked around the house and your eyes fell upon the set of tiny green army man. You nudged the boys and nodded at the table where the set was.
"You know... It's... It's worse than dying." Mrs. Sweeney said and a tear visually rolled down her eyes.
"did he disappear from here? I mean, from this house?" Dean asked.
"He was supposed to ride his bike straight home after school and he never showed up." She broke down a little and you stepped forward in order to give her comfort. You were short but she was even shorter than you. You put your hands on her shoulder as to calm her down, not knowing what to say. Your eyes fell on a picture stuck to the mirror behind her and you took it.  You turned it and the back of it said. "Peter Sweeney and Bill Carlton, 1970." You put it inside your pocket before Mrs. Sweeney could notice.
The three of you decided to drive back to the Carlton's house to confront Bill Carlton. "They were childhood friends " Sam said starting at the picture you gave to him.
"Ok, this little boy Peter Sweeney vanishes and this is all connected to Bill Carlton somehow." You said.
"Yeah Bill sure as hell seems to be hiding something."
"And Bill, the people he loves, they are all getting punished."
"So what if Bill did something to Peter?"
"What if Bill killed him?" You wondered out loud.
"Peter's spirit would be furious. It'd want revenge, it's possible." Dean agreed.
"See. I told you it was probably a vengeful spirit." You exclaimed and hit the back of Dean's shoulder. "OW." He exclaimed.
"Oh my god, did I hurt you little girl?" You asked in a monotone.
"Alex, you probably don't know this but for a little creature like yourself, you hit quite hard." He said as he pulled up at the Carlton's house.
"Mr. Carlton." Sam called out as the three of you made your way around the house and toward the lake. "Hey check it out " Dean pointed toward the lake and you saw Bill in a speed boat going further into the lake. You guys ran as quick as you can and made your way to the dock.
"Mr. Carlton, you need to come back." You yelled while waving your hands in the air.
"Come out of the water!"
"Turn the boat around!" Dean yelled but he kept going. Suddenly the boat was flipped in the air by an invisible force and as soon as it hit the water, both the boat and Bill both vanished.
"Call 911." You said and Sam was immediately on his phone. The cops came 10 minutes later and you guys decided to stay there and give your statements.
"Oh You guys are coming with me." Jake stated when you started toward the Impala. You decided not to argue and go with him.
When you entered the precinct Andrea's voice rang in your ear. "Alex? Sam, Dean. I didn't expect to see you here." She stood up and handed something to Lucas.
"So now you are on a first name basis." Jake said before turning to his daughter. "What are you doing here?"
"I brought you dinner."
"I'm sorry sweetheart, I don't really have the time." He told her.
You frowned at the Look on Lucas's face. No one noticed it but he looked a little panicked. "I heard about Bill Carlton. Is it true? Is something going on with the lake?" You heard Andrea ask her father and your attention was back at them.
"Right now we don't know what the truth is but I think it might be better if you and Lucas went home."
Suddenly Lucas started whimpering as he stood up and and started pulling in Dean's hand. "Lucas, hey, what is it?* Dean asked bending down to his height but Lucas kept whimpering. Andrea was by his side in an instant.  "Lucas, it's okay, it's okay. Hey, it's okay." Dean said and the boy calmed down a little.
Andrea lead her son out of the precinct but he kept looking back at Dean. Jake frustrating banged his cap on the door and went inside his office.
Dean was staring at where Andrea and Lucas went. You grabbed his hand and he instantly looked down at you. You give it a gentle squeeze and smiled at him reassuringly. Letting him know that the three of you will solve the case, for Lucas, for the 4 year old Dean.
Dead in the water part 3
@rach5ive @paintballkid711 @hobby27 @colie87 @iilooveereadiingfiics @spnchick1996 @greenarrowhead @for-a-brothers-love
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mattygraygubler · 4 years
our campus: ch 9 (tom holland fic)
summary: tom and reader go to the same college and y/n is tasked with being his tutor, they don’t really get along at first (because i love reader and tom hating each other trope)
warnings: drinking, making out, mentions of sex
word count: 2k
a/n: i had a hard time finishing this one, i wanted it to be longer butttttttttttt here we are, as always texts are bolded
for a list of characters click here
to be added to the tag list send me an ask !
“Wha- What did you just say?” You asked, looking at Tom. He was staring into your eyes. 
“I dare you,” He said and stood up, walking over to you. “To kiss me.” 
“Tom!” You said and took a step back, almost falling because of how drunk you were. “We’re drunk, that’s a terrible idea.” 
“Why?” He asked. “Who cares if we’re drunk?” 
“Tom, no, I can’t be one of your… one of your-” 
“One of my what?” 
“Your hoes, your conquests! I’m not that type of girl anymore, you can’t sleep with me once and forget about me, I’m your tutor, you have to see me, if we sleep together it’ll just be-”
“Whoa.” Tom said and stepped back. “Who said I wanted to sleep with you?” 
“I dared you to kiss me, Y/N, I never said anything else.” 
“It’s you, Tom, you don’t kiss girls without an ulterior motive, you’re like, the definition of a fuckboy.” 
“Whatever, Y/N, I’ll see you later.” He said with a huff, grabbed his stuff and walked out, slamming the door behind him. 
You collapsed on your floor, hugging your knees. The world was spinning, you had drank too much. You debated texting your group chat, but you couldn’t remember where you put your phone. 
* * *
You woke up on your floor. You were too drunk to make it to your bed last night, despite it being two feet away. 
It was Monday, normally you would be in class right now, but the snow storm gave you guys a snow day. You looked outside to see the snow coming down hard. If it continued like this, you could have another snow day tomorrow, too. 
You heard your phone buzzing and found it under your bed. You had a ton of unread messages, and a new group chat that consisted of you, Isabelle, Ally, Emily, Harrison, Cal, and, you guessed it, Tom. Emily was definitely the culprit, she loved making new group chats. 
snow day gang
i decided we needed a gc
I fully support this 
anyway i heard from one of my friends who works for the dean that its almost certain we have a snow day tomorrow too! so what time do you guys wanna start drinking
whenever works for us, but Isabelle is still asleep
jk shes waking up now
im up
who tf let me drink that much damn
anyone heard from Y/N or tom?
tom is in the bed next to me, he came back about 15 minutes after we did and passed out
not sure about Y/N
she drank more than any of us, shes probs still asleep
send tom when he wakes up to check on her
hes awake but he just left
to check on Y/N?
dont tell me hes in a bad mood again
you guys do know hes in this chat right?
whatevs what time are we partying
depends on when Y/N wakes up 
You scrolled through and weren’t surprised that Tom hadn’t answered, or that he was in a bad mood. You turned him down, and he’s definitely not used to girls not wanting to fuck him. You debated ignoring them, but knew if you did that someone would definitely come knocking down your door and you for sure didn’t want that. 
yeah come over at like 7
im going back to bed dont txt
You immediately left the group chat and crawled into bed, your body still exhausted from last night. 
* * * 
Isabelle, Ally, and Cal walked in carrying a few bottles of wine and bags of chips. They made themselves comfortable and Ally searched your bookcase for your poker chips. You waited a while, sitting on the floor in a circle as you shuffled the cards. 
10 minutes later the door opened again and Harrison physically pushed Tom into the room, with Emily following closely behind. 
“Y/N,” Emily said sweetly, “Can I talk to you for a second?” You got up quizzically. She gestured to the bathroom, so you went inside only to find Harrison pushing Tom in after. 
“HEY!” You yelled and banged on the door. It couldn’t be locked from the outside, but they had pushed the couch up against the door so you couldn’t get out. 
“We’ll let you out once you’ve stopped being mad at each other.” Harrison said. 
“We like hanging out all together and we aren’t gonna let you two ruin it with your stubbornness!” Emily added on. You sat on the floor, your back against the door. Tom was sitting on the toilet, head in his hands. 
“Do they have to shout, for god's sake, I’m still hungover.” He mumbled. 
“The least you could’ve done was give us some booze,” You said with a bang on the door. 
“You can drink when you’re done fighting.” Emily called back. They then turned the music up loud, which you were kind of grateful for. The bathroom door was thin and if you did end up talking, you didn’t want them overhearing. 
“We should probably-” 
“You hurt my feelings.” He said and looked at you. That was the last thing you were expecting. 
“What did I do to hurt your feelings?” 
“What you said about me being with so many different girls. We’re friends and I wasn’t trying to sleep with you, and it hurt my feelings that you assumed that.” 
“Well you asked to kiss me, so can you blame me for assuming that?!”
“It was a GAME Y/N! Relax, god, why do you take everything so seriously?” 
“I don’t!” 
“Yes, you do! You’re incapable of fucking around, you can’t even kiss someone without turning it into this big thing! You’re not even my type for fucks sake. You take everything so fucking seriously, it’s exhausting being your friend.” You were both standing now, getting closer to each other with every shout. 
“I do not.” You said. 
“Prove it.” He said and that smirk was back on his lips. 
You did the first thing that came to your mind. You kissed him. To prove it meant nothing to you. 
At first he was shocked with what you were doing, but soon he was wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling your body against his and slipping his tongue into your mouth. You felt his hands on your hip bones, pushing your body against the cold tile wall. 
You made out with him for just a few more seconds before grabbing his shoulders, flipping the two of you so he was against the wall, and pulling away. 
“I told you.” You said with a smile, your face still mere inches from him. “See? Meant nothing.”
You turned and pounded on the door saying “Guys! We figured it out, I promise.” A few seconds later the couch was pulled away and you were leaving the room, Tom following you. 
“So did you guys make up?” Emily asked. 
“What?! No!” Tom said defensively. 
“Idiot, she said make up. Yes, we are no longer feuding.” 
Your friends each sent you a look, saying that they knew exactly what must’ve happened in that bathroom that you were hiding. 
“Let’s play some poker.” You said and sat as far away from Tom as you could as Cal dealt the cards. 
* * *
It was late when your friends were leaving. You did indeed have another snow day, which was really nice. Everyone left but Tom. 
“I figured we should actually talk.” Tom said. “Plus I didn’t give Harrison and Emily any time last night and he was real pissed, so if it’s ok, I wanna give them some space.”
“That’s fine.” You said and pulled your legs underneath you. You were sitting on the corner of the couch, with Tom on your bed. “What did you want to talk about?” 
“That kiss, for starters.” 
“That kiss meant nothing, I was just fucking around like you said. No big deal.” You thought you saw a sad look on his face, but you must’ve been imagining it. 
“Good because if you catch feelings for me, we’re gonna have a problem.” He said in his best ‘tough guy’ voice. You laughed. 
“Relax, Holland, you’re the last person on earth I would ever have feelings for.” 
“Fine.” You were silent for a few minutes. “And I’m sorry.” You said breaking the silence. 
“For what?” 
“For what I said last night. That wasn’t fair to you. What you do with women is none of my business, you’re a good friend and that’s all that matters.” You smiled at him. 
“Thanks. You’re forgiven.” He responded.
“Good, or else it would be really awkward having to spend time together while you were sexiled.” He laughed, which made you smile. You loved his laugh, the way his eyes scrunched together and he shook his head from side to side. 
“Should we watch a movie?” You asked. 
“Sure.” He said and patted the bed next to him. 
“Uhm, I’m gonna put on some PJs.” You said, despite being in comfortable clothes. Maybe you wanted to fuck with him, maybe you wanted to seduce him, maybe you just wanted to change. Maybe all of the above. 
You went to your dresser, your back to the bed and Tom. You pulled your sweatshirt off, tossing it to the side. You unclipped your lace bralette and slid it off your arms slowly. You found a tank top and put it on.
You slipped your sweats off, and you had just a pair of boy shorts on underneath. You turned back and saw Tom staring at you. 
You didn’t acknowledge him, you just climbed onto the bed next to him and grabbed the TV remote so you could watch a movie. 
“God, you’re insufferable, Y/N.” 
“What do you mean?” You said innocently as you scrolled through netflix. 
“You know exactly what I’m talking about.” 
“No I don’t.” 
“That outfit?” 
“What about it? It’s just pajamas. Besides, you said I’m not your type, you really shouldn’t have any problem with it.”
“That doesn’t mean...”
“What?” You asked.  
“I’m still a guy.” He said. 
“Really?” You mocked. 
“Yes, god Y/N, stop being ridiculous.” 
“I really have no idea what you’re talking about.” You said as you picked a chick flick, To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before. 
“Fine, Y/L/N.” He said. He pulled his shirt off quickly and you found yourself staring as he flexed his abs. He pulled his gray sweatpants down so they were sitting low on his hips and he ran his hand through his hair. 
“What?” He said, mocking you now. 
You took a deep breath, sticking out your chest as you did so, trying to get back at him. 
“Are you cold?” He asked genuinely a few moments later. You nodded, it was as if he was reading your mind. “Here,” he said and pulled the comforter from underneath you and then threw it over the two of you. 
“You know,” you said after a few minutes. “I’m still a little chilly.” You scooted closer to Tom, who you weren’t previously touching. You leaned on him, putting your leg in between his and your hand on his chest. You let out a little sigh, and you could tell you were driving him crazy. 
His arm was around you now and you felt it travel down your back, resting on your ass. 
“Can’t keep your hands to yourself, Holland?” You teased. 
“Force of habit.” He muttered, but kept his hand where it was. 
You started to feel the alcohol taking over. He was so warm, and so close… 
You put the thought to the back of your mind and tried to focus on the movie. Before you realized it, you were slowly closing your eyes, leaning onto Tom for warmth. You got closer still, your bodies completely entangled, and he didn’t pull away. 
He should’ve pulled away. 
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writtingsofspn · 5 years
A Bit protective
Request: The 14ish reader who is Sams daughter is hurt so Dean and Sam take care of her
Warnings: As the cap would say “language” and a hurt reader,
A/N: So I wrote this then realized it may not have completely been what the requester wanted so if this is the case please feel free to tell me and I’ll write something new for you. Hope you like it tho!!
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“How about a nine-letter word for symbolize?”
You took some time to count out the letters on your fingers before answering “represent” in between bites of cereal.
Your dad just nodded, the same small proud smile on his face that he always got whenever you did the crossword puzzle together.
“A high-pitched cry that starts with s?”
“Scream?” You asked
Your dad just shook his head “seven letters, ends with an H”
“Oh, screech”
He scribbled the word down in ink, the only man you knew who could and would do a crossword puzzle in pen. You know he knew the answers to all of these, they weren’t exactly hard clues, but as your uncle Dean explained he liked to think of it as something the two of you did together. Something that wasn’t supernatural related that is. So you did the crossword puzzle with him nearly every morning, something you didn’t necessarily dislike.
Speak of the devil your uncle walked into the kitchen just as your dad was about to ask you another question, ignoring the situation at hand as he set the laptop he was carrying down on the table in front of the two of you. “I think I found us a case”
Your dad eyed you nervously but didn’t say anything as he leaned forward to read the article. Hunting when it came to you was a very conditional thing, there was a list of rules that probably spanned six feet in length had they been written down about when you could and couldn’t hunt. Not on a school night, not if grades aren’t where they needed to be, not if you’re sick, not if you were in the demographic of people being killed, etc.
You understood why your dad was being protective, you’d been on enough hunts to know they’re a serious thing that can go wrong very easily and very quickly, but you still couldn’t help but feel frustrated by the amount of persuasion it took to get you on a case.
“group of middle-aged men and women found all mauled to death by what look like animal marks. All of them teachers at a local high school. All of them found within a three day time period within their own homes, their hearts all missing” Uncle Dean explained, looking mostly at Sam as it had yet to be decided weather or not you were tagging along on this one.
“Werewolves?” You asked, leaning forward to look at the article as well
“Bingo” Your uncle nodded “if I had to guess angry parents or even kids”
“Sweet, let’s go” You tried to rush, hoping to skip over the trial and just be able to push yourself into the car with no conversation.
“The deaths are surrounding a high school you’re not going” Your dad grunted as he stood up, sending your uncle a glare that screamed ‘back me up’.
“nothings happened in a high school” You tried to reason “the only victims are middle-aged people who happened to work there”
“Which means the kids at this high school could be the werewolves. The answer is no.”
You bit the inside of your cheek in frustration. You were on a three-day weekend from school there is no way you were just going to sit around the bunker that entire time. With a deep breath you pulled out your biggest puppy dog eyes and pouted slightly “uncle Dean”
Your uncle sighed, running a hand through his hair before glaring at your dad “you really expect me to say no to that”
“I do”
“but…she could be of some help” You could see the hesitation on your uncles face as he admitted it. Fighting off a grin from your own face as you turned your gaze to your father who stayed silent. “she’s a high schooler, she could get information more easily than we could posing as FBI agents”
“You want to send my daughter into a high school attended by werewolves?” Your father asked in disbelief. The conversation evolving before your eyes as if the two had forgotten you were in the room.
“they’re not going to attack her during a school day in front of all the other students. And as long as she stays by our side outside of school” At these words he looked in your direction, making sure you knew what was coming before continuing “she’ll be safe.”
You could have squealed at the sight of your dads face. He was actually considering it, this would be the first time you were allowed to do something on your own on a hunt.
“Not to mention” Your uncle continued “it may just be a parent of a kid”
Your dad let out an exasperated sigh, finally looking in your direction giving you a chance to use your puppy dog eyes on him. “fine”
Without any hesitation you jumped into the air and wrapped your arms around your dad, him chuckling before doing the same. “you’re way too excited about this”
“nonsense” You laughed before letting go of him and giving your uncle a hug in thanks before heading out of the room, you had some packing to do.
You’ve never been so excited to go to school before.
You’d practiced your story with your dad all morning in lieu of a crossword puzzle. He recently received a job offer at a law firm nearby so you moved from Idaho in the middle of the semester. It wasn’t a hard story to remember by any means but you could tell he was nervous and you were walking on thin ice so you humored him, even changing your outfit three times after he vetoed it.
He drove you to school in your uncles car, dressed for his meeting with the principle, going over even more rules as he drove. If you find one of them don’t engage, flee any dangerous situations, blah blah blah, you’d honestly stopped listening ten minutes ago, simply giving him a head nod every once in a while.
The building he pulled up to was small, significantly smaller than your current school, one story, looked as though it housed a max of eight classrooms.
“I signed you up for all of the advanced courses they offered” Your dad explained, looking through the paperwork he had to fill out to get you in “but it’s a small school, hopefully that means you can get information easily and get out”
You nodded, reaching for the door handle, eager to get started when you were stopped by a hand on your shoulder. “Y/N I’m serious” Your dad was all but pleading at this point, forcing you to turn around and actually pay attention, looking him in the eye as he spoke “be careful and trust your instincts. If its too much there’s no shame in telling me that”
“I know dad” You assured him with a small, sincere smile “I’ve got this”
He forced a smile back at you before getting out of the car and walking you into the building.
You were placed into advanced English and math, those being the only advanced courses they offered, and remedial science and history with an art extracurricular. Not too bad a schedule.
The classes roughly aligned with what you were learning at your usual school but given that you weren’t staying you didn’t put too much effort into paying attention, focusing more on talking to as many people as you could. This you were remarkably good at, it paid to be the new girl in this situation, everyone was curious about you and eager to talk, you were fresh meat.
So even though schools was by no means bad you were still eager to leave, practically running out of school up to your dad and uncle who parked out front. Your dad eagerly engulfing you into a hug, relieved to see you were, well, still alive.
“Did you find anything out?” Your uncle asked cutting right to business.
“Not yet” You shook your head, running a frustrated hand through your hair “the teachers who were killed weren’t liked by the students but none of them seemed necessarily happy that they were dead.”
“but it went ok?” Your dad asked “you can not go tomorrow if you want”
“No it went fine” You assured him with a small laugh “it was kind of fun I met a lot of people”
“Alright just try not to draw unnecessary attention to yourself” He warned as you and your uncle shared an eyeroll that was not missed by him.
“I think its too late for that Sammy” Your uncle said with a smile. The two of you followed his gaze to a kid you recognized from your math class, looking in your direction with a smirk on his face completely ignoring the conversation his friends were having around him.
“He’s probably just looking at the car” You brushed it off, hesitating as you saw your dad cross his arms and clench his jaw, maybe he was looking at you.
“just go talk to him” Your uncle pushed, enjoying the look on your dad face as he ushered you back across the street.
“I can’t believe your pimping out my daughter for information” Sam growled, watching as you walked up to the kid with a huge ass grin on his face, immediately bringing you in for a hug, a girl he knew for less than a day.
“’Pimping out’…really Sammy”
Sam looked over at Dean, hating the smirk on his face before heading back into the car mumbling that he couldn’t watch you interact with that kid anymore. Dean laughed, taking one last glance at you before following his brother into the impala.
“You know she gets that from my side” Dean smirked, pointing over at you as you laughed at whatever the kid said, placing your arm sweetly on his. He had to admit you were good at flirting.
“We are the same side” Sam shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose and doing anything to avoid watching you.
“You know you’re too protective of her” Dean couldn’t help but laugh “don’t pimp out my daughter, don’t use my daughter to pick up chicks”
Sam just glared at his brother, relieved to see you on your way back to the car, practically skipping.
“So how’d it go” Your uncle practically sang as you got into the backseat, urging the heat not to rush to cheeks.
“Good I think.” You said as you shut the door behind you “he said a group of them meet up every night at this place in the woods to smoke”
“So no useful information” Your father jumped in making your eyes roll.
“Well he said he must have some good stuff cause they always black out and wake up covered in random bruises”
“Sounds like they’re it” Your uncle agreed, starting the car.
“Do you know where and when”
“Of course” You winked making your uncle laugh.
“Anything else?” Your dad mumbled, not sharing in the same mood as your uncle and you.
“Yeah actually” You said as you pulled a piece of paper out of your pocket “reason number 432 I should get my own cell phone”
Your dad took the paper from you, unfolding it to see a phone number written in blue pen “reason number 432 you should not get your own cell phone”
Your dad held your gun out inches from your fingers “when was the last time you practiced”
“Literally yesterday” You sighed “Uncle Dean took me”
Your dad looked to his brother for confirmation, only giving you the gun after he nodded in response. You checked the clip, making sure it was packed with silver bullets.
“When were you supposed to meet them?” Your uncle asked you.
“Around ten” You answered, checking your phone “its elven now so things should be underway”
“Alright I’ll go in first” Your dad started to devise a plan before you cut him off.
“Shouldn’t I go in first?” The two men stared at you in silence, waiting for you to explain further “in case they are just getting high”
“Absolutely not” Your father brushed you aside without any thought, immediately jumping back into his original plan “Y/N follows me in and Dean you bring up the rear”
“Dad I’ll be careful, I’ll stay hidden we just don’t want to spook them if they are just kids”
“Y/N it is too dangerous you are not experienced enough to go in first end of story”
“Fuck this” You mumbled under your breath before marching up to the house without them, opening the door and walking in before either of them could stop you.
You immediately crouched behind a corner and ducked your head in, careful not to let anyone know you were inside. After clearing the area in front of you you got ready to move, grabbing the corner to steady yourself when you heard a growling from down the hallway. You turned your head, seeing nothing but a large figure and glowing eyes. Without any hesitation you fired at it, relieved to see it drop to the ground.
The door to the house immediately busted open to reveal your father looking very pissed behind it. You started to stand up straight, bracing yourself for an on slot of “Who do you think you are” and “what do you think you were doing” when out of nowhere you were hit in the side and tossed to the ground. You yelled loudly in surprise, you could hear growling and the tearing of clothing but didn’t register any feeling immediate, screaming in fear until you heard a gunshot and a large mass slump on top of you.
You looked down at your torso and could see nothing but blood, you were absolutely drenched in it and your first reaction was to freak out. Your eyes went wide, and your arms started to claw at the ground to pull you away from it.
“Y/N, Y/N!” You could hear your fathers voice, trying to catch your attention. You turned your head to look at him, his eyes as wide as yours just making you panic further. “Y/N are you ok?”
For the first time you stopped to think, staring down at the thing on top of you, you honestly weren’t sure you were ok. You knew you were struggling to breathe but you attributed it to panic. But the more you thought about it the more a pain in your torso began to register.
“my-my my stomach” You stuttered out, your hands reaching towards the area. Your hands were shaking, that had never happened before.
Your dad leaned down towards the area, carefully picking the werewolf off of you as he tried to distinguish between your blood and its.
He immediately swore under his breath, just loud enough for you to hear, as he picked the thing off of you.
He ignored you completely, yelling out Dean’s name before leaning down and putting his arms underneath you. “Y/N this is going to hurt”
You fought all inclinations to scream as he picked you up, tears prickling your eyes as you clenched your hands.
“I know sweetie I’m sorry” Your dad started apologizing, his voice shaking heavily as he did so.
“Dad am I going to die?” You asked him as you leaned your head against his chest, the cold air biting as you were carried outside.
“Not on my watch” You could feel that even he didn’t believe his own words, undercutting them by immediately yelling “Dean hurry the fuck up” back at the house.
Dean came running out of the house, freezing at the sight of you with wide eyes.
“Dean!” Your dad yelled again, snapping your uncle out of his trance as he unlocked the doors.
Your dad laid you carefully into the backseat and got in behind you, laying your head on his lap and taking off his shirt and pressing it onto your wound making you groan loudly.
You watched your dads expression as the impala pulled away from the house, you could see him silently will your uncle to drive faster.
“Daddy” You called out to him, using a name you hadn’t called him since you were a kid. Sam took notice of this, staring down at you with drawn brows. “Daddy I’m scared”
You could see his lip quiver at your words, he was trying to stay strong for you but the façade was quickly fading. “I know sweetheart” He silently tapped Dean’s shoulder, begging him to go faster. “I know”
You could feel your eyes getting heavier as you struggled to stay awake.
Sam watched as your eyes started to close, keeping a hand on your wrist to monitor your pulse just in case as he slowly started to break down. He fought to keep his breath steady but every time he looked at you he was sent spiraling again.
“Dean what if Cas doesn’t come?”
“Cas will come” Dean grunted as he weaved in and out of cars, ignoring the angry honks he got in response.
“But what if he doesn’t”
“We both know Cas is very protective of Y/N” Dean sighed “he’ll drop anything to come”
Sam only nodded and tried to tell himself that Dean was right, tried to tell himself that you were going to be ok, but every minute it got significantly harder. He could feel the lump in his throat threaten to burst as tears welled in his eyes. He blinked to try and get rid of them but that only caused them to spill over and run down his cheeks. “Dean I can’t lose her”
The pain in his brother’s voice killed Dean as he pushed the petal down even further. “You’re not going to Sammy”
Dean was right, Cas showed up immediate, not asking any questions before he pressed two fingers to your forehead and doing all that he could do. Sam just feared that it wasn’t enough.
It had taken too long to get to the bunker, your pulse was slow and weak by the time they had pulled up, you had lost way too much blood as well and Sam was covered in it. They immediately laid you in your own bed, figuring it would be the most comfortable place for you until you woke up.
For the longest time Sam had refused to change, refused to shower, refused to leave your side at any time. Only doing so when Dean promised to sit there and yell if anything changed.
Dean made him a sandwich everyday, knocking on your door before walking in to replace the plate that had food from the meal before, always practically untouched. “Sam you need to eat”
“No I need my daughter to be ok” Sam growled in response.
“How are you supposed to protect her if you’re starving” Dean tried to persuade him.
“I couldn’t protect her in the first place” Sam all but whispered “doesn’t change anything”
Dean furrowed his brow and set the plate down, sitting down beside his brother with his back resting on the wall. “Sam you know this isn’t your fault right”
Sam just grunted and stared at you, begging you to wake up.
“Sam you couldn’t have known-“
“My gut told me not to let her come on the hunt” Sam interrupted him, putting his face in his hands “I knew it was a bad idea, but I let her come anyway it’s my fault”
“But you didn’t know” His brother objected “it was a feeling, the same feeling you get every time she comes on a hunt”
Sam paused, his lip trembling “I distracted her…She was fine until I started to yell at her…She-she could have seen it coming if I hadn’t”
“Don’t do this to yourself Sammy” His brother all but begged “it’s not anyone’s fault, what happened happened and no amount of self-pity is going to change that”
Sam sniffed and wiped at his eyes, doing his best to swallow the lump in his throat “really? You’re giving me a lesson on self loathing?”
Dean chuckled softly in response. “If I get you a drink will you eat that sandwich now”
Sam paused for a moment before nodding. “Yeah. Thanks Dean”
Dean just smiled in response and pushed himself off of the ground, pausing as Sam spoke again. “Dean…Do you think she’s going to be ok?” He asked, almost afraid of the answer.
Dean looked back at you, watching your chest rise and fall with each breath “She’s a fighter that kid of yours” He said with a chuckle “I really think she will”
Sam nodded and looked at you as well “god I hope so”
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 5 years
The Girl Next Door (Part 3) - Bonfires
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Summary: Sam gets a new nurse to help out Dean during the day and the boys learn some news about the reader’s past...
The Girl Next Door Masterlist
Pairing: Neighbor/Mechanic!Dean x baker!reader
Word Count: 3,000ish
Warnings: language, medical emergency
A/N: Parts of this series are told from two different POV’s. Dean’s POV are written from limited third person. Reader’s POV are second person (like a typical reader insert). Enjoy!…
Dean’s POV
“Uncle Dean,” asked Avy at breakfast, swinging her legs under the kitchen table, Sam munching on some eggs at the other end. “Do I have to go back to school?”
“What? You love school. You’re a nerd like your daddy,” said Dean, pecking her cheek. “A very nice nurse is going to come and stay with your daddy for a few hours while I take you to school and go to work for a little while. Then we’ll come pick you up together. Besides, you only got like two days left this year. Don’t you want to see your friends?”
“Are you sure daddy will be okay?” she asked.
“Sweetie,” said Dean, crouching down next to her chair. “I wouldn’t leave your daddy home unless I knew he was in good hands. The nurse will take care of him for us while we’re both gone, hm?”
“Okay,” she said.
“Go pack up your backpack for me, sweetie,” said Dean. She took off, Sam scowling from the other end of the table. “Don’t be grumps. I bet it’ll be some hot chick.”
“Yeah, right,” mumbled Sam. “Maybe I can go hang out with Y/N, watch her bake at least.”
“Hey, you get TV back real soon and before you know it, you’re going to know the names of all those desperate housewives,” said Dean.
“Kill me,” groaned Sam. The doorbell rang and he groaned again, Dean flicking his arm as he hauled him to his feet. Dean let him walk himself, his legs pretty steady again thankfully. Dean held out an arm just in case though as Sam opened the door.
“Hi! I’m Eileen. You must be Sam,” she said, holding out a hand.
“What gave it away?” said Sam with a chuckle.
“My friend said you’d be tall and handsome,” she said. Sam turned and gave Dean a shit eating grin that Dean rolled his eyes at but made his heart extremely happy. “Which must make you Dean.”
“Nice to meet you. So I got everything in the kitchen as far as his medicine goes and notes and everything and-”
“Alright. Let’s have Sam sit down and us three can chat quick before you gotta scoot out of here,” she said.
Ten minutes later Dean was chuckling as he and Avy climbed into Baby.
“Uncle Dean, what’s so funny?” she asked from the backseat.
“Your daddy’s got a crush on his nurse, Avy,” said Dean. “I guarantee it.”
“She’s from Ireland too! Isn’t that cool?” said Sam, still going on and on about Eileen when Dean came home from work around lunchtime. Dean hadn’t heard Sam go off about a girl like that apart from Jess back in the day. “Oh and she met Y/N in college. They were roommates. Y/N was going to be a doctor, can you believe that?”
“Yeah, I can. She runs her own successful business out of her kitchen so I can believe it,” said Dean. “Was Eileen going for that too?”
“Yeah, they both were. There was this bad pile up that came in one night during their first rotation in med school last year, like sixteen cars, over forty people. It was horrible apparently. Y/N dropped the next day, just left school completely. Eileen didn’t hear from her until a few months ago when she moved to town apparently,” said Sam. “Eileen decided she didn’t want to work in a hospital either after that.”
“Y/N must have too,” said Dean.
“Yeah. Plus Y/N’s got good cookies,” said Sam. Dean rested his head against his elbow, listening to Sam talk about his four and a half hours he spent with Eileen, a smile spreading onto his face. “What? I realize I’m a bald freak. You don’t need to laugh.”
“You like this girl,” said Dean, Sam shrugging. “Sammy.”
“I like her,” said Sam. “But she’s my nurse.”
“So? She’s cute, she looks like she’s into you too. I don’t think she checks out all her brain trauma patient’s asses on her way out either,” said Dean.
“Alright. Speaking of girls,” said Sam, cocking his head. “You and Y/N are getting a bit flirty flirt over there.”
“I have a date with her on Saturday,” said Dean as he shrugged.
“That’s great, Dean,” said Sam. “You excited?”
“Scared,” said Dean, Sam resting his head on the cushion, giving Dean puppy dog eyes. “I like this girl, Sam. I mean, I like her and I don’t know a whole lot about her even. She feels nice is all.”
“That other stuff is detail,” said Sam.
“I’m not good at relationships,” said Dean, picking it a stray thread on a pillow.
“Dean,” said Sam, forcing Dean’s gaze back on him. “Give it a chance. Not every relationship ends badly.”
“Mine do,” mumbled Dean.
“You used to have hook ups from bars when you were feeling down and the girls you did actually like and have relationships with, they didn’t care about you the same way. Y/N actually takes care of you, or at least reminds you to take care of yourself. I know that another human being caring for you is a foreign concept to you but let her do it and you do it back and that’s called being in a relationship,” said Sam.
“I haven’t even been on a date with her yet,” said Dean.
“I know. I’m just saying, don’t go in with a negative attitude,” said Sam. Dean held up his hands, earning an eye roll. “I mean it.”
“I got it, Sammy. I’ll be on my best behavior.”
The Next Evening: Reader’s POV
Summer was in full effect on the early June night. After standing in front of a pair of hot ovens all day, you were thankful for the slight chill in the air as you settled onto the front porch with a book. Avy gave you a wave as she ran around the yard, Dean scooping her up and throwing her over his shoulder. They headed into the backyard, your gaze going back to your story.
“Y/N,” you heard beside you. You jumped up like a rocket, Dean jumping down your front steps, laughing when you groaned. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to spook you. I didn’t realize you were that invested in your book there.”
“Oh, it’s fine. What’s up?” you asked. He shook his head, waving you off. You cocked your own back, Dean waving again. “Oh come on, you interrupted me after all, Winchester.”
“Enjoy your story, Y/N,” he said, heading back across the yard.
“Dean,” you said, leaning against the railing as you hopped to your feet, getting a shrug from him as he walked backwards. He had his hands in his pockets, biting his bottom lip as you caught a slight pink to his cheeks.
“Avy finished up first grade today. We’re having a little backyard bonfire with smores to celebrate. Figured no one ever makes you a treat if you wanted to join us,” he said. “If you want to hang out that is.”
“Who am I to turn down free food?” you said, Dean returning your smile. “I’ll be right over.”
You headed inside and grabbed a flannel, tucking your book away on the coffee table for another time. After locking up the house, you popped out the backdoor, walking across the shadowy yard to theirs, Dean getting a fire going while Sam popped a marshmallow in his mouth from a lawn chair nearby.
“Hey, Y/N,” he said with his mouth full, Avy doing the same and mimicking her father for a moment.
“Hey guys. I heard you finished first grade today, Avy,” you said, Dean smiling as he lit a match.
“Yeah. I only went back for like two days,” she said, swinging her legs when she plopped down in a lawn chair. “I missed the last two weeks.”
“Fall will be here before you know it and you’ll be begging to be outside playing again,” said Sam, ruffling her hair. “But now we got all the time in the world to hang out.”
“Don’t you have to work?” she asked.
“Sammy’s not going back to work for a while, kiddo. You guys got the whole summer to spend with me,” said Dean, backing away from the fire when it finally caught. “Now we got something going.”
“Y/N,” said Sam when Dean started to roast a few marshmallows, nodding to one of the empty chairs. You took a seat and threw on your flannel, Dean whistling while he showed Avy how to cook a few herself. “Thanks for mentioning Eileen to Dean the other day. She’s great. Eases his mind too.”
“It’s no problem. She was texting me earlier, yelling at me for not telling her how cute you are,” you teased.
“Seriously,” said Sam. You shrugged with a smile. “Like, legitimately?”
“Maybe. You gotta find out yourself, Sam,” you said, laughing to yourself.
“Girls,” he mumbled, gaze going back to the fire. You got a nudge in the ribs from him, Sam smiling as he fixed the beanie on his head.
“Y/N. How you want yours done? Extra crispy or…” Dean trailed off, his eyes going wide. You turned left and saw Sam get an unfocused look in his eye, hands on his head as he squeezed his lids shut.
“Guys,” he said, taking a deep breath.
“Avy, go sit on the back porch,” said Dean as he ditched the marshmallows in the fire and the bag in the grass. “Now.”
Your hands were on Sam, helping him to sit on the ground and safely away from the fire. Avy slowly went past and to the porch, frowning over at the three of you.
“What are-“ started Dean, watching you lay Sam down.
“Dean. Listen. Do these things in this order. Get me his anti-seizure medicine asap. Whatever the emergency one is. Put out the fire and call for an ambulance. Tell them your brother is having a seizure and he had brain surgery not long ago. Tell them his doctor’s names for them to contact. The light in the fire probably triggered it if I had to guess. Get Avy in the house so she doesn’t see him. Go,” you blurted out. You know you spoke probably far too quickly for him to get all of it, Dean staring for a long second.
He took off quickly after that though, Sam wincing at you as he tried to look around from where you’d lay him down on his side, facing away from everything.
“Relax, Sam,” you said rubbing his arm. “Relax for me.”
“Here,” said Dean about fifteen seconds later, a bottle being chucked over to you from the porch. Sam tensed up though and you made sure his arm was under his head. The backyard got dark after a moment as Dean dumped water on the fire, Sam pretty much through it by the time Dean flicked on the porch light.
“There you go, Sam. You’re okay,” you said, Sam taking a few deep breaths when he stopped shaking. “You’re okay.”
“What,” mumbled.
“You had a little seizure, just a few seconds. You’re alright. An ambulance will be here real soon and we’ll get you taken care of,” you said as you rubbed his arm. “We’ll get you off the ground in just a second.”
“Avy,” he said as he tried to move, tilting his head around for her.
“She’s fine and in the house. She didn’t see anything,” you said, Dean nodding as he took a step off the porch, pulling his phone away from his ear.
“Good,” he breathed out, looking a little better. “Can I sit up?”
“Give it a minute,” you said, Dean wandering over cautiously. “Dean, you stay with Sam, okay? I’ll go wait out front with Avy.”
“What if it happens again?” he asked.
“What did the doctor’s tell you to do if it happened?” you said. Dean took a deep breath and nodded.
“This,” he said after a moment. “I got him.”
“Good. You two keep each other company, okay? I’ll watch Avy.”
“There he is Avy,” you said, holding her up on your hip as she held onto you, Sam and Dean coming around the back of the house about fifteen minutes later with the paramedics.
“Is this really necessary?” asked Sam from the stretcher, rolling his eye while they wheeled him to the driveway.
“Yes,” said everyone, Sam holding up his hands.
“Alright, we’ll meet you at the hospital,” said Dean, grabbing Avy from you while they packed up Sam. “You want to ride with us, Y/N?”
“Oh,” you said, rubbing the back of your head. “I don’t...I don’t think I should go.”
“Oh. Okay,” said Dean, giving you a half-smile. “Thank you for helping tonight.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you said with a nod. “We’ll take a raincheck on the smores.”
“Yeah, sounds good,” said Dean. He headed for his car and to put Avy inside, your eyes screwing shut.
“Wait,” you said, Dean spinning around with her. “She doesn’t need to spend half the night awake in a hospital,” you said quietly. “I can watch her if you guys are comfortable with that.”
“Avy, you want to have a sleepover with Y/N?” asked Sam from the back of the ambulance.
“Okay,” she said, Dean setting her down.
“Call me if you guys need anything,” he said. You nodded, Avy grabbing your hand. “You be good for Y/N, sweetie.”
“Can we still have smores?” she asked, looking up at you.
“Sure thing, sweetie. I’ll even teach you how to make them in the microwave,” you said, giving Dean a nod. “Go take care of Sam. I got this one.”
“Thanks, Y/N.”
“Sorry,” you heard Dean whisper, something warm being thrown over top of you. You cracked open an eye, Dean giving you a smile. You’d passed out on Sam’s couch after you put Avy to bed eventually. “They sent us home. Sammy’s all good. Like you said, little seizure. No fires in the backyard for him though for a while. Go on back to sleep.”
“I should go home,” you yawned, sitting up and rubbing your eyes, Dean moving some hair out of your face for you. “Sorry, about before. I don’t really like hospitals. I doubt Avy wanted to spend another night in one.”
“No need to apologize, that was a better idea anyways. I don’t like ‘em all that much either,” said Dean, your eyes heavy again. “Thank you for watching, Avy. Sammy won’t mind I said you could stay though. It’s too dark out for you to go walking home alone.”
“I live next door,” you giggled, scratching your head with a smile.
“Can I walk you then?” he asked quietly. You were too tired to argue and nodded, Dean pulling you to your feet, catching you when you almost tripped. “I don’t need two of you to be brain trauma patients around here now.”
“Flirt,” you said, lazily tossing on your shoes before you were out the front porch with him, Dean rubbing his bare arms in the cool night air. He stayed close as he walked you across the yards and to your front door, wearing a sleepy smile of his own when you looked at him. “Thank you for walking me home, Dean. You’re a gentleman.”
“Eh, you don’t got to thank people for doing what they’re supposed to,” he said. You leaned back against the door, Dean tilting his head as he leaned against one of the porch posts. “I shouldn’t have done the fire. I was stupid. I should have known.”
“It wasn’t an ordinary trigger, the flickering light. It was a small seizure. Sam’ll be okay,” you said. “There was no way you could have known. Don’t beat yourself up over it.”
“Doc said he’s not allowed any TV, any excessive reading for another two weeks now until his checkup...he’s going nuts,” said Dean. He pressed his palms to his face, taking a deep breath as he pulled them away. “He wants to force his head better faster and…”
“He and Avy are always free to come over during the day. I’ll be busy baking but it’s something at least,” you said. “I don’t mind the company.”
“Maybe I’ll mention it to Eileen in the morning,” he said, turning to go. “Thank you for taking charge tonight. I froze up.”
“No you didn’t. I was just quicker,” you said.
“You used to work in a hospital, didn’t you,” he said. You swallowed, knowing Eileen must have told them.
“Yeah,” you said quietly. “In a different life.”
“Y/N?” he said, stopping when he got to the bottom of your steps, glancing up at you. “The Winchesters haven’t had an easy few weeks. This is our problem. It’s not yours. If I’m overstepping…”
“You guys are my friends,” you said. “I like helping when I can. Really.”
“Good,” said Dean.
“Dean?” you said, turning to head inside, looking over your shoulder at him. “Thank you for walking me home.”
“S’no trouble at all,” he said, catching a smile in the dim light. “Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Goodnight, Dean.”
A/N: Read Part 4 here!
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