#Android 1982
iwonderwh0 · 1 year
Continuing my series of posts about androids in movies
This time I'm watching Android (1982). Thank you @robotrightsactivist for recommendation.
This movie can be easily found on YouTube
Link here
Below are just my thoughts as I watch it in real time, not much analysis here, just pure reaction
The movie just started and our android guy Max is already watching some educational porn, then lying about it to his master (dr Daniel).
Perhaps dorky way of walking is one of those things people often associate with androids, it's not the first time I see it.
It's only 12'th minute and Max is already acting like a creep towards the first woman he just met (Maggie). So far it's hard to imagine Maggie falling for this.
So this gang of three people (one of which is this woman Maggie) decided to crush on Max's and dr Daniel's space ship, as Max basically saved them from dying on their own, and they act so damn entitled. Like why are they so mean to someone who just saved their asses? :(
Maggie and this other dude from the gang are in some toxic as hell relationships. I guess there's not much to choose from in outer space, but uh...
OH, once again, this thing when android is able to flawlessly imitate someone else's voice!!
Our dude is mentally just a kid. Or at least, it's more comfortable to think about him as a kid rather than horny freak.
I'll be honest, without subtitles with this quality of sound it's pretty difficult at times to understand the hell are they saying.
The master wasn't pleased to know Max let some random 3 people get on the ship
I feel sorry for Maggie. She's surrounded only by men, and all of them are fucking freaks, including now dr Daniel.
Like is this some kind of a timeline when women are so rare to meet or why is everyone acting so weird?
Oh, 1 of 3 of them recognised Max as an android.
dr Daniel is a fucking creep who secretly watches woman changing. Gross.
So far Maggie and this other dude(who's not her toxic bf, the other one) are the only two I sympathize with.
I can't get over the fact how those 3 are screaming at the top of their lungs about their plans to kill the two owners of the ship and blow off the place. If there are cameras everywhere, why isn't dr Daniel listening to them at THOSE moments instead of just stalking at how Maggie changes?
Off, sorry Max, you're obsolete, only half an hour into the film ;^(
*Emotional shock*
Damn, our man Max just learned to be passive aggressive:
dr. Daniel: "Why didn't you tell me?"
Max: "Maybe you did a miscalculation in my circuit, sir"
I hope they'll kill dr Daniel after all, the man is nasty
I respect Maggie for staying this calm after hearing the kind of bullshit dr Daniel had in his mind, I'd slap the man, no I'd PUNCH him.
Max, wtf, dude just blew up some space police ship
I think our gal Maggie has a fetish.
Man, this definition of what "date" is is not only homophobic, but just factually wrong.
This scene tho:
Maggie (about female android): it's warm..
Max: her temperature is regulated in much the same way as yours.
Maggie: But...sh- it isn't...
Max: alive?
Max: Yes, she is alive. As you are. Or I am...
Oh, apparently she didn't know Max's an android. Fuck, my bad, apparently she was attracted to just awkwardly goofy dude.
Keller is the only character in this movie who isn't a creep nor an asshole, it seems.
What we do for love is beyond good and evil.
Love the quote ^^
Yes, Kassandra, tell him. Teach mf the meaning of the word "consent"
Rooting for her to kill the old fuck.
Okay, let Max kill him instead, that's also fine
Damn, this final twist made it all worth it.
I wonder if dr Daniel did the same thing Max did at the end, and there was someone else before him as well. I wonder if he deleted that from his memory.
Shit, I didn't expect this ending. I thought that the idea of androids fighting for their rights wasn't really seen as something that could be the right thing in the 80's, I kinda assumed it was always portrayed as this morally grey area with mostly being viewed as something threatening and requiring elimination, but here it's pretty unambiguously good ending (although with some remarks, like Maggie).
If you want to suggest me next move to watch about androids, go ahead.
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vertigoartgore · 5 months
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The Fury (Captain Britain's foe) by British artist Alan Davis (1982).
Heritage Auctions : "Alan Davis Daredevils #10 "The Fury" Poster Pin-Up Original Art (Marvel UK, 1982). This insert poster featured the villain from the Captain Britain story of this issue... "The Sound and the Fury"! Rich colors and gorgeous shadows make this a fine example of Alan Davis' work. The image was also featured as an inset image on the lower left of the issue's cover. Produced in opaque watercolor on illustration board with an image area of 12.25" x 17.5". There is a clear plastic overlay taped over the piece. Signed in the image area and in Excellent condition."
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privt-eye · 4 months
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The Red Reflex - Blade Runner (1982) dir. Ridley Scott
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jeandejard3n · 6 months
Blade Runner 2079
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It uh. It's about time I gave y'all a reference sheet huh?
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Bonus doodles for your patience 💛 can you tell I'm back into this show can you t e l l -
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eccentricallygothic · 29 days
No but I NEED someone to talk lit with. Because I swear to GOD, I have never watched Bladerunner (I think the 1982 one is more appropriate to what I am saying) and I did not know about the novel until recently but I literally had a dream of a similar world (too dusty for survival) with Tom Welling/August Walker (I think he changed mid dream) like last year or even before that and it kinda had a Guardians of The Galaxy fusion to it but omg how did my brain come up with that with no prior information. WHAT?
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scifipinups · 4 months
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Brie Howard Android (1982)
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shotsandscenes · 2 years
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Blade Runner (1982)
Dir. Ridley Scott
Starring Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer and Sean Young
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cloud3francois · 6 months
Blade Runner: What is the Tannhauser Gate?
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bobbole · 8 months
the incoparable appeal of a corintheus/blade runner au
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iwonderwh0 · 11 months
In a funny way, sometimes making androids in a story more human makes them more unnerving, not less. There was a moment in first Blade runner movie at the begging where Deckard's employer is briefing him about latest cases, and within that conversation he mentions that one of the androids got identified as an android not even upon dying, but THREE HOURS into the autopsy
(ignore the name Holden in the script below, this information was moved from Holden to Bryant in the final movie. Not the point)
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I think about it often. Somehow this piece of information makes it so much more unnerving compared to a hypothetical AU where those androids would be visibly androids, with some entirely different kind of "filling"beneath their skin.
The potential for a AI to control actually flesh somehow brings it from sci-fi into some kind of a body horror in its own.
Don't get me wrong, I like both. But somehow flesh body(insides) is more unnerving for an android than the one made from wires, plastic, metal and stuff like that
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handma1denofvenus · 3 months
So my bf really loves Blade Runner and I was rewatching for like the 100th time with him and I said they should totally make a MUSICAL version? And he said that the Goldbergs already did????? So I watched the episode and honestly not to be rude, but I figured I could MAYBE do better.
So this is it. This is my attempt at:
Blade Runner: The Musical
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I'm a Blade Runner
I was in retirement
Just trying to enjoy my noodles
Then my boy Bryant
Called me into his office to say
I'm un-retirement
I said, "my dude, you delululoodles."
He laughed in my face 
Said, "ill see you soon-oodles"
I'm a Blade Runner
I got in my spaceship
Mumbling, "oh shit, 
here we go again"
Now I'm trying
Not to get killed
Trying to kill some replicants
And this cute one got some implants
Bro was talking about memories
It's psychopathic, honestly
Cuz they're all human
Got me thinking, "am i is a human"
I'm a Blade Runner
I get they had to kill their creator
Because dude was kinda a hater
Even tho he thought he was mad dashing
But why did they have to kill my boy J.F. Sebastian
He was innocent
And he made his own friends
He would've helped them until the end
Cuz he's a true gent
Roy was a bit of a douche for that
I'm kinda glad he stuck that nail through his hand
I'm a Blade Runner
Pris honestly could've lived
If she hadn't bothered to pump out a few flips
I mean what the hell was that
She could've just killed me
and gotten it over with
Instead Roy had to settle
For kissing his dead lover on the lips
Bestie just wasn't thinking
It all started when she put on that crusty ass wig
I'm a Blade Runner
I'm zoomin in my lil spaceship
Trying not to die
This dude crying
After he saved my life
Saying these moments will be lost in time
Like tears in rain
Would I have done the same
What is there to gain
I just came out of retirement
To kill beings that have my same desirements
I'm a Blade Runner
They just want a longer lifespan
They don't want to die
Is that really a crime
Excusing the fact they kill people
Was it really their time?
They run away from me because they're scared
They feel fear
If only I stopped killing long enough to hear
If only I stopped killing long enough to listen
Instead of going around, aggressively kissing em
I'm a Blade Runner
and I'm beginning to regret my decisions
Why did I listen to Bryant?
If I said I wasn't in love with Rachael
then I'd be lying
Now we're running away together
Trying to start a new life
She's just as human as me
More human than I could ever be
She's got all these fake memories
I'm about to give her real ones of WE
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yavin42 · 8 months
procrastinating on adhd medication is crazy. on the one hand i can actually sit down and work on one thing for 8 hours but on the other i have now not spent the 8 hours in question efficiently writing the very basic 10 minute presentation i have to give on blade runner next week but have instead been reading a book about postmodern metanarrative and searching for pdfs of papers on cyberpunk films and media philosophy (which is very interesting but way beyond anything i could ever mention in the presentation i should have been prepping this whole time)
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jeandejard3n · 6 months
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheeps | Ambient Music
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I'm missing the bois so Q&As are very much open! :D
I mean they always are, but especially now lol-- I feel like doing traditional sketches right now, but that may change :>
But yeah, feel free to drop any questions for Android!AU characters, including the human cast, they're all here too.
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eccentricallygothic · 1 month
finished brave new world for one of my classes. excited to start do androids dream of electric sheep
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