#Angelica rambles again
roboraindrop · 2 years
Hi I've contracted Loving Jigen disease,,,
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Everyone is sleeping is time to share my biggest secret
I don't understand the autistic wukong headcanon.
Now, i love it, it's a fun headcanon and I'm never against it, i just don't understand it sometimes that's it.
Maybe it's cuz I'm allistic, but i never understood why he gets called autistic, even though yes he shows traits that could be autistic traits but at the same time he's a monkey. It's normal for him to be different and stim, he's a monkey. That's literally how monkey works. Or how animals in general work.
Yeah, he's seen as weird and different but that's cuz he's a monkey like i get it if people want him to act like a human but he can't, he's an animal dude, what do you expect from him.
that's why I don't understand why he gets seen as autistic y'know?? Like he's a monkey.
Now, yeah animal CAN be autistic, it's just that sometimes i see people describing wukong being autistic with things that he does that are just how monkey acts. That's it, really.
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And maybe that's why I always say "that's not autism that's how a monkey acts."
And yeah i shouldn't be the one saying because I'm not autistic, but maybe it's just a mix of me not understanding how he is autistic if you only show me him jumping around and not understanding human social cues, and me liking to be really realistic especially on characters that are animals so my first thought is going to be "that's not autism that's monkey going bananas."
it's just this lmao, i still love the autistic or the ADHD headcanon, love to see it and sometimes i love to contribute on it as much as i can as an allistic, just wanted to share this because my brain has be bothering me about it
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queencolondarkwing · 1 year
AngelicaASMR’s current change
This post only about any info posted as of 7/25/2023 (will update in future if needed).
Ok so I’ve been following the Angelica Asmr shit pretty closely (don’t expect me to comment on gwen gwiz too because that girl is a grifter from the start). And as a mental health worker it REALLY freaks me out for her. I worked in a rehab for awhile. For people quitting drugs, but many of them also had bipolar, ptsd, schizophrenia, and similar diagnosises (some people also had the behavior due to being in crisis as well due to loss, recent homelessness, police brutality, etc.). So I know what psychotic breaks look like. I won’t armchair diagnose anything specific because I am not her medical provider, but while I can’t say she has anything for certain - she has a history of manic episodes in the past.
As someone with ADHD, a history of sexual and religious trauma, and c-ptsd like Angelica, I can honestly see how she fell into this. As someone who is also anti-capitalist, I can see why she thinks finding community would be beneficial (not sure why she would choose the Catholic Church instead of something from less individualistic, Eastern philosophy doesn’t make sense to me personally though...) to finding growth in an online era of isolation following a personal loss in her life. It seems weird how she went from talking about her Jehovahs Witness trauma from her youth...to going full on Orthodox, but I’ll get into details on why mentally this is actually super common in a minute.
I can also see how she would become a SWERF after having done OF, since as a former sex worker myself (camming, porn, fssw) who quit doing it after being raped - I can safely say that I myself am neither pro or anti sex work. I’m pro-decriminalization to keep workers safe, but also do feel a bit sick sometimes that MOST fssw on the streets are marginalized people. It is a complicated issue with nuance that non-sex workers have no business taking a side on. However, she is very hateful recently and anti-sex in general. Which is an issue.
She originally joined OnlyFans during a manic episode. So she HAS a history of mental illness and making major life decisions during mania. 
She went from pro-lgbtq to anti-lgbtq. Deleted her old progressive videos. Claimed to be a victim of MKUltra. Started making up delusions around the Catholic Church being anti-capitalist (Catholics individually can 100% be leftists, but the Church itself is VERY Capitalist). She posted homophobic and transphobic tiktoks where she would yell practically incoherently. Lots of staring. Inability to talk without looking away and laughing (she is normally a skilled actress).  Posting WAY more frequently than ever(she reposted 3 deleted videos last night and deleted them by this morning). She posted a video and lots of shorts and is way more active on Instagram. 
 The worst breakdowns I saw working rehab mostly always cycled through 4 topics: fame/self importance, inconsistent political and religious rambling, and sex. Always. Angelica has shown inconsistent spiritual beliefs (she has been mixing up Catholic, Orthodox, politics, and other religions). She has been focusing on sex in the context of trauma and posted a short of her in a bathtub on youtube again. She has been posting and immediately deleting content that has even positive comments on it.
Some medical signs of possible mania and/or psychosis that she is exhibiting:
Paranoia, trouble talking in a clear way/rambling, withdrawing socially (posting more often/online more but also alienating from her former fans), Confused speech, trailing off/lack of focus in videos, Generally disorganized way of thinking, no sign of restraint in expressing self, racing speech, goal-directed activity (seems to have a new anti-sex work goal), distractable/trails off topic, random giggling at nothing at camera like it is a person she is conversing with...etc. Tbh the amount of red flags I’ve seen are alarming.
I hope she gets support and help. And it is one reason I can’t blame her as hard as I would most, because she seems clearly unwell.  It isn’t an excuse. At all. And I don’t blame people for not supporting her going forward, but I plan to keep an eye on the situation for now and am hoping that somehow she can pull out of this shit, because I’ve seen this shit happen to a LOT of people with hard lives. Hell, I’ve even lashed out in smaller degrees and been delusional during my own ptsd breakdowns too, but when people are as far gone as Angelica is...I don’t usually see them come back again to the same state they were in previously. I’m hoping for the best, as a former fan and as a social worker, but Idk.
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bbinkus11 · 9 months
Okay, @hotcheetohatredwastaken, listen up.
I got your fic!!!!!!!
I know this isn’t what you wanted right now, but I’ll have a chapter for each of the boys. So there will be ten chapters, all centric for the different boys in Hamilton. This one was to get everything straight, to get roles situated, etc.
I hope you like it! 👇
Ganondorf: Director
——— Links
Legend: Alexander Hamilton
Hyrule: Aaron Burr
Twilight: Hercules Mulligan
Sky: John Laurens
Wild: Lafayette
Four: Samuel Seabury/Charles Lee
Time: Phillip Schuyler
Wind: Young Phillip Hamilton/Ensemble
Warriors: George Washington
——— Zeldas
Fable: Peggy Schuyler
Dawn: Ensemble/Background singer
Dusk: Angelica Schuyler
Sun: Eliza Schuyler
Flora: Prop and Stage crew/likes telling people what to do
Dot: Ensemble/Background Singer/stage and prop crew
Lullaby: Down in the pit (ocarina)
Tetra: that one lady that stops the bullet at the near end so Hamilton can recap/ramble/ensemble
Artemis: Down in the pit playing music (violin)
(I apologize for the lack of roles the Zelda’s get, there aren’t many female roles in Hamilton and I don’t have many choices) :(
“Legend, this is a rehearsal, not the actual show. Get your coat on and let’s go.” Hyrule poked Legend before leaving, rolling his eyes playfully.
“‘Rulie, I’m pretty sure Hamilton wouldn’t like it either if his hair looked like a mess in a ballroom.” He shot back, not being rude, but in a sarcastic way.
“I’m gonna have to agree with Legend this time.” Warriors added to their short conversation, poking his hair under his hat.
“No one asked you, Warriors. You’re basically bald!” Wild said as he walked in, still using his French accent.
“Okay everyone, get your stuff and go! Artemis won’t stop playing the same song over and over again. She overthinks too much, I swear…” Flora trailed off at the last part. Otherwise shouting the first part. Everyone practically terrified of Flora and her consequences (and the clipboard she hit everybody with), everyone quickly shuffled out of backstage and into their spots for ‘Helpless’.
Sun’s perspective was… confusing. Lining up her lines with the music, spinning, dancing, and remember to add vibrato! Her thoughts invaded her constantly when she sang, it drove her crazy. “-and my heart went boom-“ The sound affect was spot on, now just keep going to the left, grab Dusk and drag her along with me…
Legend’s perspective was slightly less confusing, coming in slightly after the song starts and walking over to the stairs on the left side, being aware of his surroundings and making sure everything goes smoothly and planned. He stands on the stairs for a bit and oh Dusk is coming, look intrigued, meet Sun and go from there.
The background dancers' skirts spun and the music led them. The piano was on beat with their steps, changing with the notes and turning with the lyrics. Waiting for entrances was the worst part, but the dances were enjoyable and the singing had to be done with ease.
After the long rehearsal, the actors and actresses all met backstage.
“Anyone want to come to the Diner down the street with me and Flora?” Wild simply asked, tugging his boots off to put his blue Crocs on.
“Hell yeah!”
“No Wind, your grandma told me to get you home by nine. Also, it’s way too late for someone your age to go and get caffeine, you know…” Sky kindly objected. He was busy getting his keys, phone, wallet and all of his stuff in check before he left with Sun and Wind. He always manages to forget his things, apparently.
“I’ll go! Dot will too. I will be late though because I have to drop off my violin at home so it doesn’t go out of tune again, in this cold.” Artemis shouts from across the room.
“Me and Wars will go. Maybe Four will if you bug him enough.” Twilight adds. Shaking his muddy boots, he somehow got a kick on one of the wooden posts backstage. Dot was immediately on him, scolding him about not knowing how hard it is to get those up. “Sorry! Sorry!” Was all he could say before being pushed out of the backstage door.
“Welp, guess we’re going that way. Anyone else?” Wild sighed.
“Not me, I'm old and tired.” Time says, walking out the door.
“I’m going home.” Dawn and Dusk almost say in unison.
“I’m gonna go to my friends house, tell Legend to yell at me if anything happens.” Fable says in between several taps of her phone.
“Hyrule and I are coming. Give me a second, the zipper on my bag broke again.” Legend says, his back to Wild.
Wild looks around, observing Lullaby, Four, and Tetra are already nowhere to be seen. He waited a second, before feeling a breath on his neck.
“Geez, what, Flora? I told you we’re leaving in a minute.”
“Give. Me. Your. Mic.”
“Ohhh, haha, totally didn’t forget about that. It happens, you know? Yeah, haha, I’ll get that for you…” Wild nervously laughed as he dug through his duffel bag, his face growing redder and redder in realization that he couldn’t find it. Flora is going to kill him, do doubt. He continued shoving through piles of who knows what, and almost melted when he felt the thin metal line that felt suspiciously like his mic. He handed her the microphone, still melting.
“Lose this again, and you’ll lose your head.” Flora threatens, before turning her back and stomping to the door that leads to the light and sound booth.
Legend and Hyrule were ready by then. Twilight had been kicked outside. Artemis was going to be late. Warriors was probably still in the mirror. Flora was gonna be out in a minute. Perfect! Let’s go eat dinner with a bunch of music and history geeks.
“Still, I don’t get why you think half notes are better than quarter notes. The shorter the better. It’s what I used to say to Four, heh.” Dot says, closing her laptop to shove an entire handful of fries into her mouth.
“Because! They're half notes! What more needs to be said!” Legend argued from across the table.
“Legend, if you yell one more time, I swear I’m gonna call Fable to come and pick your petty ass up.” Hyrule mumbles so only Legend can hear. They had been arguing about half notes against quarter notes for the last fifteen minutes. And honestly, whole notes are superior, depending on the key signature.
“Okay,” Flora sighed, finally finding a space of silence, “all jokes aside, how do we think it’s going so far?”
“I’m lovin it. My rap part is better than all a’ y’all’s. I basically get to say ‘your mom’ in a history musical. It’s great.” Twilight says, leaning back in the restaurant booth chair.
“I like finding something to do with my voices.” Wild claims. “I can do a French accent, British accent, American accent, Elmo, Dr. Doofenshmirtz, Twilight, Russia-“
“Hey! What is tha’ supposed to mean?” Twilight interrupted, throwing his hands up. Wild just stared for a good three seconds, then continued. “King Julian from Madagascar, Cookie Monster, The dad from—“
“Okay, that’s enough. Anyone else?”
“I’m basically on the 1$ bill.”
“That has nothing to do with the musical itself, Warriors.”
“Yeah but still.”
“Please stop talking.”
An irritated sigh came from Flora. You would probably need to hypnotize them to get them to stay focused.
“I get to shoot Legend at the end!”
“Hyrule! You can't say that out in public!”
At least it was somewhat related to the musical.
Thank you for reading!! I know it’s short, but the others will be much longer (in a good way). I wrote this from trauma of how aggressive the people in charge of the microphones can be, like, they take it seriously.
Chapter two! 👉
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pub-lius · 6 months
Hey there, it's the anon who asked about Maria Reynolds! I realized in hindsight (read: two seconds after I sent the ask lmao) that I got her mixed up with Maria Cosway, and then I realized that I don't know crap about her either. Reading past posts you seem to mostly cover stuff about Hamilton and the people surrounding him, and also Maria Cosway isn't American lol, but I hope you don't mind me at least asking anyway? Sorry for rambling it's cool if you don't answer
hey welcome back! don't worry, you're not the first nor the last person to do that lol. and don't worry! europeans are welcome here, so maria cosway is fair game for asking about. however, apologies for asking questions aren't so i hate you (jk ily <3) now i won't be able to go into as much detail because im not drawing from much of my own personal knowledge, but my internet sources will be linked!
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Source: The Judgment of Korah, Dathan and Abriam by Maria Louisa Catherine Cecilia Hadfield Cosway
Maria Louisa Catherine Cecilia Hadfield Cosway was the first child of two hotel owners in Florence, Italy. As a young girl in a convent, she showed proficient artistic talent in both drawing and music. She was educated by Johann Zoffany and introduced her to other European artists.
She began painting by copying other works when she began to get recognition, allowing her to travel Italy. After her father's passing, she moved to London in 1779 and became well connected. One such connection was with Angelica Kauffman Church (not the same as Angelica Schuyler Church, though she was friends with her two) who was also a female painter.
Maria was introduced to Richard Cosway in London, and they were married in January 1781 for primarily financial reasons. The couple were within the most fashionable circles of the time. In 1786, the Cosways went to Paris where they met Thomas Jefferson. Maria and Jefferson became friends who flirted an excessive amount, and I found a really interesting article on that here.
Unfortunately, her husband was a grade-A asshole who wouldn't sell her works and stunted her artistic growth. I'm an artist, and I can tell you, a few months off can really do a lot of damage to your muscle memory and suddenly everything you put on paper looks like absolute shit, so I feel for her.
Maria had her only daughter, Louisa Paolina Angelica, in May 1790 but her health suffered afterwards. She went to Italy to recoup and returned to London in 1794. In 1796, her daughter tragically died.
Maria coped by turning to religion, Catholicism to be specifically (been there too, she just like me fr). However, on the plus side, she got her prints published by Rudolph Ackermann and made etchings of paintings at the Louvre which had been stolen during the Napoleonic Wars. She actually knew the Bonapartes personally and their patronage allowed her to open a girls' school at Lyons in 1803, which is so badass. She would later open another school for girls in Lodi in 1812.
Her husband died in 1821, and she sold his work at auction. She used some of the profit from these sales to fund her school in Lodi which is so fucking metal. She was actually made a baroness by the Austrian Emperor and Empress after they visited her school. That's also fucking metal.
She lived the rest of her life in Lodi where she died in 1838 near her school. In conclusion, Maria Cosway was more badass than I realized, and I think she's absolutely lovely. RAHHH WOMEN!!!
I hope this has helped. Again, sorry I haven't been able to go as in-depth, but I don't know Maria like that. I'm gonna give you extra sources just because I love you so much. I hope you can find a jumping off point!! European painters are always interesting, especially if they're badass, metal women who kick names and take ass, so I encourage you to do more research!!!
Sources: Maria Cosway- Royal Academy of Arts
Royal Collection Trust- Maria Cosway Collection (this has her art!!)
American Heritage- Thomas Jefferson and Maria Cosway (this was quoted in the post!)
Yale Center for British Art- Maria Cosway Was a Part of England's First Celebrity Art Couple
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book-girl4evaaa · 5 months
Who lives, who dies, who tells your story, Hamilton
Let me tell you what I wish I'd known/ When I was young and dreamed of glory
- awesome reference to other parts of the show
You have no control/ Who lives, who dies, who tells your story?
- sung by the character President Washington, who has had his story told many times over, with no control of it. Basically the embodiment of this quote
President Jefferson/ I'll give him this, his financial system is a work of genius/ I couldn't undo it if I tried/ And I've tried
- this is talking about what Hamilton did, so Im not a fan really
Who lives, who dies, who tells your story?
- we still don't know who tells Hamiltons story
President Madison/ He took our country from bankruptcy to prosperity/ I hate to admit it/ But he doesn't get enough credit for all the credit he gave us
- he isn't talked about much, despite what he did to America
Who lives, who dies, who tells your story
- who does?
Every other founding fathers' story gets told/ Every other founding father gets to grow old
- his story is hardly ever mentioned
And when you're gone, who remembers your name?/ Who keeps your flame?/ Who tells your story?/ Who tells your story?/ Who tells your story?/ I put myself back in the narrative
- that's the question. When you're gone who will keep your memory alive. When you have no control, who will get to choose how you will be remembered?
- and now I'm crying. Despite everything that happened, his wife told the world who he was. She needs her own musical imo
I stop wasting time on tears/ I live another 50 years/ It's not enough (Eliza)
- she had a long life and she used it for good, even though she had massive heartbreak throughout.
I interview every soldier who fought by your side/(She tells our story)
- She made everyone's history known! I love Eliza sm I swear
I try to make sense of your thousands of pages of writings/ You really do write like you're running out of time
- cheeky lil reference here, I see you lin Manuel
I rely on Angelica/ While she's alive, we tell your story/ She is buried in Trinity Church near you/ When I needed her most, she was right on time
- they had their differences, but when they needed eachother they were there.
And I'm still not through/ I ask myself, what would you do if you had more time The Lord, in his kindness/ He gives me what you always wanted/ He gives me more time
- reminder, Eliza lost her husband at 40 and lived for 50 more years. She had a lot of time for memories.
I raise funds in D.C. for the Washington Monument/(She tells my story)/ I speak out against slavery
- I cannot express how much of a girlboss she is
You could have done so much more if you only had time
- Hamilton was always moving, always on the go.
And when my time is up, have I done enough?/ Will they tell your story?
- despite everything, she doesn't know if it was good enough
Oh, can I show you what I'm proudest of?/ (The orphanage)/ I established the first private orphanage in New York City/ (The orphanage)/ I help to raise hundreds of children/ I get to see them growing up/ (The orphanage)
- she is so awesome, I can't
In their eyes I see you, Alexander/ I see you every time
- Hamilton's childhood was difficult, and Eliza setting up the orphanage is a way of fixing a problem that he had to go through.
And when my time is up/Have I done enough?/Will they tell your story?
- they didn't, until recently
Oh, I can't wait to see you again/It's only a matter of time
- *breaks into tears again*
Will they tell your story? (Time)/Who lives, who dies, who tells your story? (Time)/Will they tell your story? (Time)/Who lives, who dies, who tells your story?
- The question we all deal with. Does anything outlive us, really, truly outlive us, beyond tears?
Thank you very much! This has been Bea rambling about a song!
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onward--upward · 5 months
Sense8 wip I am listening?????
hello my friend!!!! sense8 au is my new baby i am SOO happy to yap about it!! here we go:
essentially the core 911 firefam members (hen chim buck eddie) are the cluster, and their sensate "father" is bobby!! (like angelica, but he doesn't die)
i havent really nailed down the plot yet, but the idea is that theyre all scattered and eventually come together in the centre (LA, where Bobby is!!) Buck is in Peru, Eddie is either in Texas or deployed, i havent decided, and i still have to figure out where I want Hen and Chim to be. but right now im working on the early stuff, where they don't understand what's happening but are dealing with all the sensory runoff from each other.
this is so rambling, im so sorry. i haven't quite figured it all out in my head yet. but here is a snippet!!
Fending off advances from drunk college kids isn’t the hardest job in the world, but it is pretty exhausting, so Buck is barely keeping his eyes open when he turns onto his street, but suddenly there he is: a firefighter, in full gear. In the middle of the road.   Staring at Buck as if he knows him.  Buck slams on the breaks, the Jeep’s tires skidding beneath him as he swerves to a stop in the middle of the deserted street.  “Dude!” He tumbles out of the car, door ajar. “H– hey, are you okay?”  The firefighter just looks at him, eerie. Now that Buck is a little closer, he can see that the man is a little bit older, with a big red “Captain” stamped across his helmet.  “Hey, hey,” Buck says again. “Hey, man –” He rounds the front of the Jeep, hand outstretched, to do what, he isn’t quite sure, and then –  He’s gone.  “What the fuck?” Buck breathes. He spins around in a stumbling circle, hand still outstretched, but the fire captain is absolutely nowhere to be seen.  He stands there for too long, in the middle of this deserted street, but the man doesn’t reappear. Eventually, there’s nothing else left to do: he gets back in the Jeep, and he drives himself home, wondering the whole time if somebody spiked his drink; if he’s just overtired; if maybe he shouldn’t be driving at all.
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meraki-yao · 1 year
RWRB Musical Ramble Part 2: References/Parallels
More on this brain rot because I’m losing my mind over it
I thought of moments and scenes from the movie (because if we’re gonna adapt this into a musical, we’re gonna need to use the movie more than the book just because of the limitation of theatre) that sort of draw parallels to songs and moments from musicals I know:
Their initial feud and quips from the opening scenes remind me of “What is this Feeling” from Wicked, which in the musical, is literally the start of Glinda and Elphaba’s enemies-to-friends arc. Plus this part would be so funny with Henry:
Yes, there's been some confusion
For you see, my room-mate is
Unusually and exceedingly peculiar
And altogether quite impossible to describe
Matthew literally posted this parallel on his Instagram story a few days ago: The get low moment in the movie is so similar to the dance in West Side Story, so imagine an upbeat fun party song where everyone is dancing and suddenly it’s just the two of them staring at each other while their motif plays
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The Red Room/ First Hook Up/ Polo scene fits perfectly with Bad Idea from Waitress, I mean Alex initially calls them a beautiful mistake in the books, and just look at the lyrics:
Heart, keep racing
Let's make mistakes
Let us say, "So what?"
And make worse what was already pretty bad
This secret is safe
No reason to throw it away when there's love to be had
Hold me tight as I tell myself that you might make sense
And make good what has been just so bad
Let's see this through
It's a pretty good bad idea
Me and you
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Plus in the actual show, the reprise is literally just the three couples having very enthusiastic sex, and again, lyrics:
Hearts keep racing
There’s no mistaking
We can’t come back from this
Good, ’cause I want more of what I had
It feels so good to…
Feels so good…
To be bad
To be bad
Take this bad idea and walk this wire
Throw your spark into oil and fire
Chance won’t come every single day
So don’t throw it away
Don’t throw it away
We might burn but we might get saved
I don’t feel much fire at all these days
Feels so good to
Feels so good to be
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The Emails can be done like “Take a Break” from Hamilton, where Angelica and Hamilton, or Alex and Henry are on different, opposite parts of the stage, left and right, or like in Hamilton, Alex working on the campaign on the base stage, while Henry’s on the balcony, taking turns singing their letters/emails out, we could even add the cute signatures from the book every time they finish their own verse, and the chorus could be a harmony sang together about how much they miss each other, plus Hamilton and Angelica are literally in America and London respectively and Take a Break has this line:
And there you are an ocean away
Do you have to live an ocean away?
Thoughts of you subside
Then I get another letter
And I cannot put the notion away
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I thought of the Waterloo Letters paralleling the Reynolds Pamphlet from Hamilton, but on second thought although they’re both about “affairs”, the Firstprince one is a genuinely loving and monogamous relationship unlike the extra-marital sexual affair Hamilton had, and in Hamilton, we see it from other people’s perspective like Jefferson, Maddison, Philip and Angelica, but in RWRB both the book and movie show us the reaction of Henry and Alex, the two people directly involved. Plus in terms of emotions, Reynold Pamphlet feels damning on Hamilton, while the Waterloo Letters feel heart-breaking on Henry and Alex. But the staging of letters flying around and everyone reading it like crazy would translate pretty well
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That’s all I can think of for now but this was really fun!!! I’ll definitely write again when I think of more
Finding GiFs and formatting for this was so exhausting and took me more time and writing the actual post, I'll add the rest later when I figure out where tf the gifs I want are and how to format this properly
Part 1 / Part 3
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spikershoyo · 10 months
Picture day! | No parings! Joel, Tommy, and kid Sarah | Fluff
Warnings and notes: cursing
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Today Joel had gotten up extra early for one soul reason: today was picture day at Sarah's school. He knew his young daughter never said anything about the generic hairstyles he would put her in. Ponytails, low buns, hair loose, and if he had the extra time, top buns.
But he knew that she was tired of them. So he promised his 7 year old daughter (and himself) that he was going to wake up early and do her hair any way she wanted. That made her smile over her bowl of Mac and cheese.
He had called Tommy before putting Sarah to sleep, asking if he could buy those pink and purple butterfly hair clips that Sarah's always talking about. His younger brother agrees, wanting to see his niece happy.
So, on that day Joel goes to Sarah's room and finds her still asleep. It was 6 in the morning, for heavens sake, too early for his little girl. He steps over to the low bed and kneels down, resting an arm on the bed as his other hand goes and rubs Sarah's back.
"Mornin', babygirl. Time to wake up." Joel's voice rings in Sarah's ears, making her groan. "Come on, baby. I gotta do your hair for picture day." At that Sarah slowly rises from her slumber.
She sits up and rubs her eyes, her hair a mess and her movements groggy. "Uncle Tommy is out in the store gettin' you the pins I promised. You go pick out your clothes for today while I shower." Sarah opens her eyes slowly, looking at her father.
She nods and yawns. "Ok, daddy." She sighs as her feet swing over the bed. Joel smiles and kisses her forehead before walking out of the room and stepping into the bathroom. "And don't fall asleep again!" He shouts out before closing the bathroom door.
After his shower he gets dressed and knocks on Sarah's door. "You dressed, babygirl?" "Yup!" He goes in and smiles. Sarah wears a lilac t-shirt with jean overalls on top. Her white sneakers lined up against her closet door.
Joel picks his daughter up and takes her sneakers. Sarah giggles as she holds on to her dad and puts her head on his shoulder. "What do you want for breakfast, baby?" "Waffles!" Joel sighs and sets her down on one of the kitchen tables and looks through the cabinets. "How about pancakes?" "Ok!" She smiles, just happy that she's getting something sweet for breakfast.
"Go brush your teeth while I cook, hun." Sarah nods and slips off the chair before running up the stairs and going to the bathroom. While Joel makes the batter for the pancakes her decides to call Tommy. He dials his brothers number and waits. "Yeah?" "Where the hell are you?"
"Theres traffic, Joel! I can't move if I'm stuck." "I know that, but I don't want you or us to be late. And I promised her these pins." "Shit...I-I know. I won't be long." Joel sighs and then shakes her head. He hangs up and gets to making the pancakes.
By the time Joel is done cooking and serves the pancakes, Tommy still isn't there and it's already 7: 14. Joel is stressed, to say the least. He just decides on brushing Sarah's hair and getting the bobby pins and hair ties out.
"What do you want me to do for your hair, baby?" "Space buns!" Joel purses his lips when he hears those words come out of Sarah's mouth. He's a bit clueless. "What are space buns, honey?" "It's two buns in your hair. I asked Angelica about them and it's like where bunny ears are but instead of bunny ears it's buns." Sarah rambles as she drowns her pancakes in syrup.
Joel nods, knowing what she means now. He takes one of the brushes and drags it gently over Sarah's scalp, dividing her hair in two sections (One of the mothers had shown him how to do it and he will forever be grateful of that woman) and focusing on one section first.
Joel is done with the first bun and doing the second one and he's pretty proud of himself. Sarah is on her second big pancake and is enjoying every bit of it. There will be an occasional 'ow' from her when Joel pulls too hard on her strands but he apologizes quickly.
Now Joel is done with both buns and Tommy still isn't here. He's panicking silently as he watches Sarah eat, not feeling any hunger himself, his coffee being the only thing keeping him sane.
"Daddy, where are myf pifns?" Sarah asks with her mouth half full and a bit of syrup on her cheek. He steps closer and wipes the syrup off of her face. "Don't talk with your mouth full, baby-" "I'm here!"
Tommy barges into his brothers house with a slightly crazy and energetic smile, pins in hand. He comes into the kitchen like a tornado, still fresh faced and with lots of hope in his heart. That's Tommy.
He smirks at his brother and bends down to kiss Sarah's forehead. "Mornin', sunshine." Tommy's Texas twang slips through as he greets his niece. "Uncle Tommy!" She beams at seeing her uncle and wiggles a bit in her seat.
Joel pats his brother's back as a silent 'thank you' to which Tommy respond with a nod. Joel shows Sarah the pink and purple butterfly pins and she giggles, knowing already what her father's stare means. "Thank you, Uncle Tommy." "Aw, don't mention it, sunshine." Tommy acts bashful as he puts his hands in his pockets.
Joel chuckles at his brother's antics and pops off a few pins from the carton and puts them in Sarah's hair. After he's done she smiles up at both of them. The two men can feel their hearts melt at the sight of Sarah, all cute and adorable.
"Alright, go get your school bag. We'll be in Uncle Tommy's truck." Joel says as he takes his own bag and keys. Sarah runs up the stairs once again and then zooms out the door, not too far behind Joel and Tommy.
After they pile into Tommy's brick-red truck the engine starts. "Ok, everyone ready?" Tommy asks as he checks Sarah through the rearview mirror. "Yep, we've got-" "WAIT!" Sarah shouts which makes both men panic and turn around.
"You gotta have this." She pouts as she snaps off two pins, one pink and one purple. She puts the pink one into Joel's hair and the purple one onto Tommy's. "Now we are!" She giggles. The brothers look at each other for a second.
"I think purple looks better on me." Joel deadpans. "Oh, shut up, you're just jealous that I'm wearing Sarah's color." Tommy teases before they rush off for picture day.
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urnumber1star · 2 months
Writer Questionare
Thanks @leahnardo-da-veggie for the tag!
How long have you had your writing tumblr/writeblr? a fast and loose estimate is fine!
A bit more than three months I think!
What led you to create it?
I wanted to follow a specific creator. Then I started looking around Tumblr a bit more and realized people shared their writing on here and got excited. 
What’s your favourite thing about the writeblr community?
I feel like everyone is so nice and supportive. At least in my experience so far. And I love that!
What’s one thing you’d like your mutuals to know about you?
I talk a lot. You might already know that. If i'm ever a little too much i'm so sorry. I talk WAY too much sometimes.
Is there anything you’d like to see more of on your dash?
Maybe a bit more different accounts. I love you guys but my dash is kinda all the same people over and over again lmao.
Which wips or writing projects are you noodling about, lately?
Well definitely BRS as it’s my main WIP. But I had a dream about a really old WIP of mine last night so now it’s sort of just stuck in my brain.
How long have you been working on them?
I've been working on BRS for about three months! 
Do you remember what inspired them/what got you started?
Yes I do! I was listening to a song while on my bedroom floor and I got a scene idea and I wrote a story about it. 
How much time, in your best estimation, do you spend thinking about them?
I'm not sure. Maybe three or four hours?
When someone asks the dreaded, “what do you write about,” question, what do you usually say?
I usually just say it depends because that’s honestly it. Everything I write about is never remotely the same. 
Name any characters you created. side characters, protagonists, antagonists, characters who’ve never been written, the first original abomination you ever pulled from your ass; whomever you’d like!
Well the WIP from years ago I think I’ll talk about because I need to. Tari (Protag),  Leon, Fenix, Kay, Angelica, Pocky (My friend named her lol), Taylor, Victor, Lady Athesia, Nightmare Fenix. Fun fact this is the first WIP I ever wrote with an actual plot! :]
Who’s the most unhinged?
Tari. That woman has issues. 
Who comes the most naturally for you to write?
As of BRS it’s Ray. I’m not sure why but he just comes very easily to me.
Do you ever cringe at them?
Definitely. All the time.
How much control do you feel you have over your characters? do they ever “write themselves,” refuse to cooperate, or do things you didn’t expect? to what degree? are some less cooperative than others?
They control the whole story for me. I have absolutely no control over them and it's a pain. But it makes the process more fun!
What makes you want to follow another writeblr account? do you follow ‘em as you see ‘em, or take time scoping out the blog to make sure you align with its content? Do you follow based on wips, or vibes?
I definitely follow based on WIPs and vibes. I take a look at their stuff and if I like it I follow. That’s probably why I follow so many people haha.
What makes you decide against following?
Rude people. If you’re rude to people I wont waste my time following you.
Do you interact with non-mutuals often?
Sometimes. Sometimes we just forget to follow each other lol. Not very often though.
Do your mutuals’ characters occupy space in your noodle?
Yes. Many. Currently @the-ellia-west s Jak is running around my brain at the moment. 
Gently tagging @agirlandherquill, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @illarian-rambling, @mysticstarlightduck + Anyone else!
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atomicfroot · 1 year
(x enjoyer anon) they WILL get along and i think amber (what i call my x) will remind your x of argalia 😭
(for context here's some of the voicelines i did for him)
I’ll teach you how to squeeze out every last drop of value from a person. :)
That’s all? Alright. Now, now, don’t think of running off without paying me.
(he's a fixer /pos)
I initially thought your x would prolly get a bit scared of amber because amber is unpredictable to a degree, and he gets more moody as my au's story goes on,,, but tbh amber will be very nice to your x, and altho amber's curious about your x's personality he won't ask any questions (which is something he never does btw) so i dont think your x would be afraid of him but probably most likely confused
as a gift for listening to this very random ramble have some other voicelines for him that i've done /pos
Stop giving me gifts or trying to spend time with me. It’s fruitless.
It’s better to give this to someone else if you don’t want it to cycle back to you.
Roolaaand~? This isn’t something you’d normally do~
Hey, give them both a break, Angelica. Things got really tough without you, y'know?~ Me? ... Well, I didn't have any time to be sad if I wanted all of us to be in one piece. The world will keep going without waiting for anyone, so I have to pick up the pace. Don't worry, it's been quite a while anyways. What matters is the present.
You know, Argalia, if you still have issues even now which I’m sure you do, we can just all talk it out and compromise; not try to team up with me against Roland and Angelica.
Prey… There’s nowhere to run! NOWHERE TO RUN! Hahaha! HAHAHAHA!
AAAAAAAAA I LOVE AMBER ALREADY!! :DD he sounds so interesting!!! I’d love to know more whenever you wanna share!!
To be honest, X would probably be kind of confused if amber treated him mean at first but he would get over it and be friendly with him anyway!! X is friendly with everybody he comes across which also means that he is quite..dumb when it comes to sensing danger. (Accidental danger magnet) X is known for his dumb luck (He wins the game by his phD in bullshit!!! /j )
Although he can act a bittt clingy with everyone he meets, he’ll try not to annoy amber as much (he would worry if he annoyed him..)
To be honest, X finds fixers so cool (then again he finds everyone so cool LMAO) so X would try and ask what amber does on his jobs!!
X is kinddd of quiet when it comes to details about his past but then you would get a random jumpscare when X says random concerning lore drops in the middle of nowhere like it’s no big deal
“Haha y’know this reminds me of when I was a kid, my parents locked me out of the house when it was curfew and I had to hide from the sweepers the whole night till they would let me back at home in the morning!” * is happily eating ice cream * - X
“ I- WHAT?????” - anybody beside him
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chatxkilluaxnoir · 2 years
Tumblr media
I posted 207 times in 2022
That's 80 more posts than 2021!
53 posts created (26%)
154 posts reblogged (74%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 203 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#tmnt - 60 posts
#tmnt 2012 - 56 posts
#undertale - 46 posts
#teenage mutant ninja turtles - 36 posts
#tmnt 2k12 - 34 posts
#ut - 32 posts
#chat's posts - 29 posts
#chatxkilluaxnoir - 28 posts
#killua noir's rambles - 27 posts
#tmnt 2012 anniversary - 27 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i think it is cute that the oldest and youngest both have blue eyes but in different shades to more fit their personalities and/or aesthetic
This post gets pretty long, so I am putting a "Read More" Cut here:
My Top Posts in 2022:
Chapters: 2/15 Fandom: Gravity Falls Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Angelica Zilver/Aaron Zilver, Dipper Pines & Scarlet Zilver, Dipper Zilver & Scarlet Zilver, Alcor the Dreambender & Scarlet Zilver, Alcor the Dreambender & Reincarnations, Alcor the Dreambender & Aaron Zilver & Angelica Zilver, Dipper Pines & Scarlet Zilver & Aaron Zilver & Angelica Zilver, Dipper Zilver & Scarlet Zilver & Aaron Zilver & Angelica Zilver, Reincarnation/Reincarnation, There are more relationships but since I don't want to spoil the fic, or the reincarnations are in this fic, I won't be tagging them, just yet Characters: Dipper Pines, Dipper Zilver, Alcor, Alcor the Dreambender, Aaron Zilver, Angelica Zilver, r!'s, Reincarnations - Character, OC's, Original Characters, There are more characters in this fic to tag, I.e. those reincarnations and original characters I tagged, but once again I am not tagging them because of spoilers, and because I thought it would be fun for people to guess who was the reincarnation of who, not all reincarnations are revealed in this fic though, so unless there a lot of correct guesses for someone(s), I probably won't confirm anything until later, for reasons..., Gravity Falls Characters Reincarnations, Scarlet Zilver Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Transcendence (Gravity Falls), Non-Graphic Violence, Violence, I think it is both?, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Tell me if you think it is more than implied though, Child Abandonment, Child Neglect, maybe? probably?, Demons, Demon Summoning, Seeing things you shouldn't have, Magic, Magic (Spoiler), Family, Family Feels, Family Drama, Dysfunctional Family, The Zilver Family is a mess, but they didn't always used to be, Kidnapping, Kinda?, The Zilver Family need therapy, But will they ever get it?, probably not, But we can hope., Tags May Change, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Maybe on the last two, i might add more tags as i go on, if some of you think I could/need to add more tags, please just let me know, Some new tags will be added here, or some certain chapters will get their own cw's/tw's, added in the author notes if need be, Not Beta Read, Maybe will be someday who knows Summary:
A Girl of striking red hair and her Saviour of Shadow met in a Forest of Death.
These two then wouldn't meet again for many years later.
(though not for a lacking of trying by one of them)
And when they did finally meet again; a deal, a bet would be made between them.
Perhaps it was a deal better not made.
Too little, too late...
Also, I almost forgot to tag @transcendence-au about this!  New TAU fic hot off the presses!  I also have tumblr versions I posted/am posting too!  I probably won’t tag you those, because I don’t want to bombard you guys with tags.
Other reasons, why I am tagging you guys on this post and the AO3 version, instead of the tumblr version(s) (for now, I might change my mind), is because so far the tumblr version(s) are showing up in the transcendence au tag, while this post isn’t (maybe because it is new, though, the tumblr version is showing is up, and I posted that one later.  Maybe because there is a link?  Or something.  Idk), so you guys (or others) might have a harder time finding this post as-is.
So yeah.
Edit:  This is now showing up in the transcendence au tag, so that is cool.  I guess it just needed more time.  Or maybe me removing and adding back in the transcendence au tag on this post fixed it not showing up.  Either way (or some other reason), I am happy.
Anyways, I am excited to be posting this fic (even if posting fics can be tiring!  ^^’)!
The rest is under the cut (I thought this post got a bit long, so I decided to add a cut).
I decided to just delete the original version of this post, because I can only seem to share Ch1 specifically through this method anyway.  But, this post will at least show I have posted two chapters of this fic already, while the original one (which, most people won’t see anyway, since it will be gone soon), only shows I have posted 1 chapter.
In the original post, I talked about my notes doubling up on Ch1, now that I have posted Ch2, I was able to fix that.
Anyways, the first 2 chapters, i.e. Part 1 and 2 of the Prologue are now posted on AO3.
Will be posting any new chapters after these 2, every one or two weeks...give or take.
I might (real maybe here) post the “official” Ch1 earlier than I said, but I am not if that will be the care or not.
Seriously though, once again happy to start sharing this fic with ya’ll!
Will also be posting the tumblr versions of the first two chapters hopefully soon as well.  =)
Edit 2:  The first and 2nd chapter:  Prologue Pt.1 & Pt.2 are now also posted on tumblr.
12 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
Tumblr media
I am trying to find this post on tumblr.  I know it exists, but I have only been able to see it and not glimpse it.  Anyone know where I can “If I had a nickel” meme post with 2012 Leo, 2012 Karai, and Rise Casey/Cassandra in it?
(also, sorry if this picture is kind of blurry, this was the picture I could get, and it got even blurrier after I edited it).
12 notes - Posted October 2, 2022
Just a Post (Kind of a Rant) about TMNT Fandom(s) and (Certain) Crossovers (also just kind of me talking more generally about TMNT?)
Okay, so this post was inspired by some other posts and reblogs I have seen (and just my own experiences in the TMNT fandom so far, and reading/looking/watching/etc. TMNT crossovers, esp. Rise x 2012 ones, and/or Rise x Whatever Version(s)).  So of those posts I was going to reblog and/or link here, but I literally can’t find them right now, so for now, I am not going to.  I might still link some stuff in this post (might be those specific posts if I can find them again and/or it might be other posts and stuff), I might not, I might /link/reblog them at a later date instead.
Anyways, I am making this post, because I am a huge TMNT fan, and I LOVE both Rise and 2012 (and many other versions as well!  Like IDW and 2003 just to name a couple); they are a couple of my favorites, and I just want to see both versions portrayed well, and to see good crossovers between the 2 (and/or other versions), where both series are respected, and not bashed, mischaracterized(and/or demonized, infantized(?), and/or made fun of/mocked) a lot, nerfed to hell (I am not necessarily against *some* “nerfing, but it has to be used well, in modicum, and/or in a way that makes sense.  I also don’t like it when only one of the series/versions/etc. is nerfed, and not the other.  Not the like either being nerfed, but if they were being both nerfed, I would be *a bit* more okay with it), or/& one and/or one(s) is put on a major pedestal (I do this with series and/or stuff too though, so once again I don’t necessarily have an issue with people doing this, my issue, is when another version is put down while doing this).  And/or etc.
I have genuinely become sick of seeing this.
More under the cut/”Read More”, because this gets LONG, and (maybe even more) rant-y.
I love Rise, I really, really do.  It might have taken me awhile to get into and really love it, as an older fan, who got into it through 2012 and the OG TMNT live action movies, and then got into other TMNT stuff later on, like 03, IDW, 2007, etc. (still getting into stuff like Mirage and 87 and other comics currently), because I found some of the changes--to be kind of weird.  However, I have grown to really like it too, and I have also read and/or watched stuff that actually explained how some of the changes weren’t as major as I thought.  For example, Raph and Leo, are still them at their core (like, I have seen about both of them about this, but the stuff I have seen about Rise Leo and 2012 Leo and/or previous versions were really eye-opening to me; esp. as a major Leo fan), despite the changes.  They are still Raph and Leo.  If that makes sense.  
It is just, as I have seen some other people say (I will try to find these posts and/or whatever and link and/or reblog them) how they would be if one was given the role as the oldest (Raph), and such, had to calm down more, and the other was given a role of a younger sibling (specifically, a middle child) (Leo), and thus, was given the freedom he rarely got to have, and always wanted (for example, 2012 Leo defin. wanted it).  It is still them, just placed in slightly different positions, and we are shown, how they/these characters would/might be like in these new(-ish) roles/positions.  At their core though, they both still share many characteristics of their previous versions, but their new(-ish) roles causes some dynamic changes (Leo and Raph’s dynamic is still great, like most other version, but now there is a slight twist to it), and certain core traits/traits of these characters from previous versions are either more amplified and/or get explored more and/or shown in (sometimes) different ways, more tampered down, or something in-between.  
So yeah; once I realized this and/or was helped to realize this (since I have always really loved Leo and Raph and their dynamic; love Donnie and Mikey too though and their dynamic with each other and Leo and/or Raph), I enjoyed Rise more, and now, like 2012, and some other versions; I also love a lot.  It has also been fun to see new, but also paying homage and/or respect on other characters and relationships/dynamics!  Like, I have always been interested in Leo and Donnie’s’ dynamic, and wish it was explored more, and Rise certainly delivered on that for example!  And so on (might add more to this later).
*Cough cough*; got a little off-topic there kinda.  But the main point I was trying to get at, while I was admittedly somewhat put off at first by all the changes as an older fan (and it didn’t help that Rise came out so quickly after 2012 ended.  That might have caused some of the older fans to be sour towards it; esp. with some of the changes, because it might been a bit “too much/too many changes, too soon”.  So that is one of the reasons that caused Rise to unfortunately not be as well-received as it could have been imo.  Like, I love TMNT a lot; I always want more good TMNT stuff in my life, but I do think it might have been prudent and better for it if Rise released a bit later), and as a major Leo fan and etc., etc., I grew to love it very much too.   And I do understand why Rise fans might have been upset or might still be upset at how some older TMNT fans treated Rise at first and/or still are; esp. with Rise’s uncertain status (here is to hoping for another season and/or movie); however, I do not think that means Rise fans (this is coming from a Rise fan as well, and I don’t mean all Rise fans when I say this ofc) should be doing the kind of stuff (negative stuff) they are doing to the previous versions that they are (esp. 2012 for some reason?).  Like for example, crossover type things/stuff.  
Like seriously; good thing someone like me, who is an older/longtime TMNT fan myself loves Rise so much, and is so not easily turned away from stuff I love and enjoy (I am basically ride or die with stuff I love most of the time), because the way 2012 and previous versions have been treated lately by some Rise fans and/or in the fandom(s) might drive me away from the fandom(s) and/or Rise.  Like I said, that won’t happen; I love Rise, and love so much of the fandom, but at the same time, I am starting to get very much sick of how some of the Rise fandom is treating 2012 and/or previous versions.
Like, it has come the point that even stuff (fics and so on) that say they aren’t bashing 2012 (I am using 2012 here, because it is 2012 a lot) and/or that they love 2012 honestly seem quite bash-y to me anyway.
2012 will seem majorly mischaracterized (esp. Leo and Raph.  But the others too also don’t escape this treatment), and some of the time and/or some of it is sometimes just growing pains; them getting used to writing the character better.  And that is something most people can relate with, so I give more leeway with that.  
Or maybe they just need to refresh their memory on the/a version, or research it more, or finish the version, or etc., and I can understand and give leeway to that; I don’t expect people and/or stuff to be perfect or anything, ofc.  My issue is, if they don’t get better at them, or just get worse, or they seem to be making them (kinda) ;OOC, for bashing reasons.
Or nerfing reasons, or to put Rise on a pedestal, and basically be like:  “Rise is the better family”, “2012 is abusive and/or terrible”, “Rise are more powerful”, “Rise are better fighters and more skilled”, “let’s undersell/downplay 2012 version and it’s main cast, cast of characters, heroes, villains, etc.”, “let’s not undersell/downplay the Rise version and it’s main cast, cast of characters, heroes, villains, etc.  Sometimes lets even oversell/overplay them” (I know this and some other stuff I mentioned are more opinion-based and/or subjective, which I know, and is fine and I get that.  We all have different opinions.  In this case though, I mainly have a problem with it if is overdone, &/or if one side/version so obviously being favored so much over the other), “Rise has no issues, while 2012 does”, “Rise is better”, “2012 is worse”, etc.  Which is just pretty maddening and annoying ngl.  
2012 and other versions (and I am talking about the cast in general for both), have been through and faced so much, and they, like Rise, have both their strengths and weaknesses, and own things they can bring to the table in battle, as people, etc.  But nope, lets just ignore all that, to put Rise on a pedestal and act like they would just stomp all versions in a fight, writing wise, character wise, etc.  When that is just no true (imo).  Don’t get me wrong, Rise is a great series; I want more of it, but other versions are also great.  And I do not like the disrespect of the previous versions going on here, and the specific kind of pedestal-placing Rise is being put on.
Like seriously, do you know hard it has gotten to find good Rise x 2012 and/or Rise x Whatever Version type crossover content?
It has become so hard.
I just have to read/look at/watch/listen to/etc. crossovers and just hope, both versions are treated well and with respect, and  it isn’t a bashing fic, most Mikey-centric 2012 x Rise fics and stuff (if ur a 2012 fan, u will know what I am talking about here), that there is little to no nerfing, that both/all versions get some spotlight and awesome moments, and/or etc.
Like, even some of the supposedly good crossovers that people like, where there are supposedly no bashing, and people are actually loving how 2012 are characterized and think they are “on-point”.
(Which, honestly, just kind of makes me scratch my head, because with some of these crossovers, I just don’t see it.  Like, I have read some really good 2012/2012-centric stuff which actually had characterization that was point; not like some of these fics and/or crossover fics where people say they are.  Heck, even in comparison to some other 2012 x Rise crossovers which I actually love, and either have no or very, very minor problems with, I would say the characterization of the 2012 crew is better in those.  This is all just my opinion though; I know other people have their own personal opinions and interpretations.  And I am not even calling those crossovers, fics, and/or etc., bad; I just personally find some issue with them).  
I am just like, but 2012 is getting pretty mischaracterized (sometimes very mischaracterized) here though (and in turn, so is Rise sometimes.  Because a lot of the time, I see mischaracterization of 2012 and/or another version, Rise also gets mischaracterized too.  Which, as a Rise fan, 2012 fan, general TMNT fan, I ofc don’t like very much.  I love when people are as in-character as they can be), and/or nerfed, and/or I am seeing a “let’s highlight 2012′s issues; even though some of those issues were resolved, because characters develop, or don’t exist really in the first place”, and/or either “barely highlight Rise’s issues, act like they have none, basically show them as having none, or show so much later, that it sometimes kind of feels like, too little, too late” 
(I don’t have an issue with versions working through their issues and stuff and/or teaching other versions stuff, as long as it makes sense, and isn’t being done in unequal, unfair, (very) biased way.  I find this kind of stuff very interesting when done well.  So much potential for stuff.  Or like, imagine, all the versions getting therapy, but like, it is done in an equal way between the versions, if that makes sense, idk), 
and/or “I am kinda getting some vibes that remind of those Mikey-centric crossover stuff (I am not saying all of them, but God is it a lot of them)”, “and/or etc.”
So it just kind of confuses me some.  But at the same time; I can understand (or at least somewhat) understand why people like and/or love them.  And while I say it confuses me; I do think I get why some people may think that, or at least I try to.
Like, the crossovers I am talking about here aren’t those weird Mikey-centric, 2012 fam are abusive and awful, and/or type crossovers here.  Like, as someone who is a fan and loves the 2012 version; I don’t get why people like them, but I do some people do, for whatever reason.  However, at least with stuff like this and/or similar stuff and/or some crossovers bashing on 2012/previous versions, I know more what I am getting into I guess, or I know soon enough?  There are some crossovers that take longer for that to happen; to show their “true colors” so to speak, and crossovers where I almost feel tricked?  That is probably too harsh of a word, but idk a better way to explain it.  Maybe a better way to describe it, is that I don’t know what I am getting into as much??
Like a crossover will literally say no bashing/no 2012 bashing, and/or that they love 2012 (though sometimes when they say these things, their other tags, descriptions, posts, etc., will say a different story imo, but I digress.  Maybe they mean that; heck, they probably do, but from an outside POV, it doesn’t always feel that way), and/or just seems like it will be a good, non-bashing crossover, but then as you go on/get into it more, you realize that nevermind it is, or at least kind of is, and/or the issues are just piling up, so even if I might really want to enjoy it, 
(like there is this one 2012 x Rise crossover fic that so many people seem to be enjoying; people have made so much fanart of it, memes, etc., and it is already really long, and it is looking to be super long; chapter and word wise once done, so I would be fed on a really long, interesting premise, 2012 x Rise crossover fic for a long time.  But the problem is, due to some of the reasons I listed in this post; I just can’t enjoy it.  I really want to; I really do, but I am having so much trouble doing so, and that makes me sad.  And that happens to other crossovers too.  Other ones that have so much promise and potential, and/or say there isn’t any bashing and that they 2012 too (and/or that other version.  So they love both Rise and 2012 and/or that other version)
and/or so many people seem to love it; even 2012 and/or previous versions fans and/or ones that don’t hate 2012 and/or previous versions, so I also really want to enjoy and love it.  Sometimes, maybe even a lot of the time, there is stuff I do really like/love about it, but in the end the stuff that makes it unenjoyable usually gets to be too much (not always though), and I have to stop.  Sometimes it takes longer though to happen, or shorter, or maybe, hopefully it doesn’t happen at all, and it gets genuinely better and even more enjoyable.  But a fair amount of times, that last thing doesn’t end happening to me (at least not for me), and that makes me sad.
I just want more good (great even!) 2012 x Rise crossovers (I love these crossovers so much; when I can actually find an amazing one) and/or Rise x TMNT Version, or maybe even more than 2 versions crossover with Rise; is that too much ask!?
(Here is to hoping that the crossovers and/or 2012 x Rise crossovers that I do actually love, don’t go the way of some current crossovers that I don’t like very much  and/or am starting to dislike, are going.  And/or future crossovers also don’t do the kind of stuff I mentioned I disliked here as well, and are just, great instead, lol.  Seriously though, there are some crossover(s) worry might start to become like I mentioned; esp., as of right now at least, the nerfing issue(s), for example(s).)
See the full post
13 notes - Posted December 19, 2022
𝕰𝖚𝖕𝖍𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖆:  A (Mostly) Canon Compliment then Canon Divergence HxH Killugon Long One-Shot
This is my Hunter x Hunter Killugon gift/gift fic for my Valentine for the @killugonvalentines event!  I know it is just barely 14th (at least for some people), but I am posting it now; just in case I don’t have time later.  My Valentine was @ash1875!  (I seem to be having a bit of trouble tagging my Valentine, so I am not sure if my tag of them will work).  I hope they and anyone else who may read my fic enjoys it!  There is 6k+ words, so a fair amount to read.  
Will probably be posting a AO3 version soon too, if you prefer to read there.  And when I say soon, I mean way sooner than the other fics I have said that for (which I haven’t posted, for the most part, on AO3 yet), because the format of this fic makes it easier to more quickly post on AO3.  Alright, I am done rambling, let’s get to the fic.  There will be a preview of it, then I will put the rest under a “read more” cut.
Killua had just departed with Gon at the World Tree, Alluka in-hand, when he finally let his feelings overflow.  Not on purpose, mind you, and if you were to ask Killua if he was upset about something, he would say he is fine, and that nothing was wrong.  But Killua, despite his tough show and teasing in front of Gon, felt like his soul was torn in two at separating with Gon.  So tears did flow and flow for a good awhile after Gon had left; it was quiet, and Killua kept his face away from Alluka to not show her how actually upset he was that Gon wasn’t there with him anymore (Alluka was perceptive though, and knew something was up.).  
After crying for awhile, standing still in place at the bottom of the world tree, every so often looking up, as if Killua could somehow see Gon all the way at the top of the tree, he finally wiped them away, closed his eyes for awhile, and the re-opened them, his eyes looking like he had never cried at all, and started to turn to walk away.  Sadness, but determination in his eyes.
“Come on, Alluka, it is time to go.”  Killua said to Alluka.
Alluka looked up at Killua, words on her tongue to say about Killua’s unvoiced feelings and the unspoken words she could feel were there besides the words Killua just said.  Alluka felt the words being said applied to more than just what was being said literally.  Alluka truly wanted to say something to Killua, but decided (for now) to keep her mouth shut about it.  Thinking maybe it wasn’t the best time.  She was also patient after all, and she had all the time in the world to ask her Nii-chan about it.  Because Alluka for sure, wouldn’t let all this pass.  She was for sure going to ask about all this.  …To ask about Gon.  She just–wouldn’t right now.
“Ok Nii-chan!  Coming!”  Replied cheerily.  
Alluka then started walking properly with Killua and stopped dragging her feet.
They then walked in silence for awhile until they reached their airship they would travel the world together in.
Once they seated themselves and before they took off, he got a message on his phone from Palm, saying to check out a link in their email which linked to a live feed of something they might be interested in seeing.
So Killua got out his tablet after reading the message, and looked for this email.  He found it, opened it, and clicked on the link.  And to his surprise, he saw Gon…who appeared to be talking to his father.  Killua wondered for a second how this feed was being shown, but then shook his head at that thought.  After that dragonfly Chimera Ant’s powers, and so many things he has seen and experienced; even before he took his first Hunter Exam, someone– or something getting this feed isn’t really a surprise.  He still thought to ask Palm where she got the link though; just for curiosity’s sake.  
…To be honest though, the main reason why he didn’t care that much how he was able to see this feed of Gon, was, well, because he was able to see Gon again, so full of life, and so happy talking to his father (though, seeing Gon so happy, without him there, talking to Ging also stung some) in probably the clearest definition he was going to see Gon in awhile.  Be that in-person (of course)..or not.  So to Killua, beggars couldn’t really be choosers; he was happy with what he was able to get.
Killua lost in thought, got shook out of it by Alluka who had come over from somewhere else in the airship with some snacks and drinks for their flight–wherever they were going (not even they knew where.  They were currently traveling over some beautiful crystal-like formations growing on the surface.  But that’s the thing, they were just traveling, with no real destinations in mind, neither of the siblings really knew where they wanted to go, at least not truly.  They both hoped someday they would).
  “AH!  Nii-chan, is that Gon there?  Those tablet things are so cool.  I saw you constantly on one in the car leaving–that place.  What is Gon doing anyway?  ...Oh.  He looks to be on top of the world tree.  Hmmmm..???”, questioned Alluka.
  “Yes, that is Gon.  And yes he is still on top of the world tree.  This video feed appears  live somehow.  Do you want to watch it with me?”, answered Killua.
  “Of course I do!”  Alluka gleefully shouted; clapping her hands.
She scooted over super close to Killua and leaned over to peer at the tabet in Killua’s hands.
Killua leaned in too, getting closer to his sister, and making it easier for both of them to view the screen on the tablet.  (They were lucky Killua could multitask while flying, and that there were some things that can make the flight basically auto).
And for awhile, they just sat there, happily watching tablet, happily watching Gon (and Ging, but who cares about him, when Gon was right there), who was happy too.
At that moment, they felt like they were the only people in the world.
And they were happy.
But if they were happy, if Killua was happy, why did Killua’s heart hurt so much?
 Gon had just finished his talk with Ging and was climbing down the giant tree.  It was now dark, and so the climb down was more dangerous than his climb up, but he had been through worse, nen or no nen.  He could have slept up there until the morning, but—he had his talk Ging, and now he wanted to move on, move forward as quickly as possible.  So even just waiting until morning was too much.  Gon wanted to move forward from Ging (from Killua too?); he just felt like he had to.
Gon had made it down from the tree, and was walking on the streets trying to find a hotel or something to stay the night in (if he had to, he could just sleep somewhere outside though), when he ran into Palm.
  “Ommpphhh!  Nenene, oh, is that you Palm, what you doing out here so late?”
  “Hm, well, I was just out for a walk, it is a beautiful night out and all.”
Gon didn’t really believe Palm’s reasons, but decided not to press it.  She probably had her reasons for lying, if she was.  And she had no reason to lie maliciously to him too.
See the full post
13 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Anyone Know the Name of this YouTube Creator.  They create a lot of Undertale/UTMV AMVs
And also what is going on w/ their channel in general.  Because like, I kind of know the name of some videos, but they don’t seem to be showing up in search at all, and I am pretty sure I am subbed to them, but they aren’t showing up in subscriptions I am pretty sure.  I am thinking something probably happen to their channel, hope they come back, and their videos.  
Saying that, I am still trying to remember this YouTube Creator’s name.  If anyone knows the full name of a YouTuber that made videos like (these aren’t the exact names, but they should be close enough) “Underverse amv Chris Classic” or “Undervese Classic” or something like that Undertale AMV (or something like that) Violent New Breed (this was one of my fav. AMVs.  Had a lot of VIllain Sans Squad animation stuff, esp. from Ep5 Part 1 in it, “Underverse Adam Jensen The Hunter amv” or “Underverse Jensen The Hunter amv” or “Underverse The Hunter AMV” (another fav. of mine) to name some of them.  They did a lot of Undertale, Undertale animations, Underverse, XTale, Glitchtale, Villain Sans Squad, Etc. AMVs, and I really liked them.  
Their YT name was like shark something, Idk, I am not sure it started with a S though, and they had a Sans with Headphones pfp I am pretty sure.  Even if something did happen to their channel (which I hope that isn’t the case, and if it is, I hope it/they come back), I would still love the actual full name of this YouTube creator.  If anyone does know it, please just me in this post.  
God, why do I keep doing this to myself?  Drive myself insane trying to find something/stuff.  *Shakes my head*.
16 notes - Posted January 21, 2022
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honoredsage · 2 years
Birthday week.
As tale as old as time, I jinxed myself once again by saying last week that work was manageable. It was still manageable (here I go again doing it) but boy was it stressing. The irony is that our workload increased a lot when our boss was not present for this week since he was in Korea. We even had to do some extra work this weekend. 
My birthday was on a Friday which luckily coincided with my scheduled WFH. My office mates were kind enough to let me rest for that day. Thank you. 
As for the celebration, there was nothing grand as usual. I didn’t want to be alone though waiting for the clock to strike midnight so I wanted someone to be with me. Luckily, Denise is just within the same area and was kind enough to join me “celebrating” (quotation marks needed) my birthday with a bucket of beer and some food. 
Then to end my birthday, I invited Doms in our house for, as you guessed, beer and some food. It was really fun though since in my 26 years of existence, I really can’t recall if I invited a friend over to our house since it’s always the other way around. So aside from the fact that this was the first time I invited a friend over to our new house, it may also be the first time I invited a friend in the first place. 
On a random note, I was surprised and a little bit sad that mom did not cook fried chicken for my birthday since it has always been a staple for me and I am a hoe for fried chicken. The spaghetti, shrimp, and cake were good though. 
I would like to thank Denise and Doms for accompanying me to start and end my birthday. As what the great Angelica Panganiban said in That Thing Called Tadhana, “Malungkot lang ako pero hindi ako mag-isa ngayon.” Again, as I said last week, sad is too strong of a word but the sentiment is the same. Thanks to you two for listening to my senseless rambling and frustrations in life. Ya’ll are some good ass friends.
Thanks to everyone who greeted. 
It’s another Monday tomorrow and I’m dreading it so much because I already know we have a lot of work to do. 
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So, welcome back to "the stone monkeys headcanons"
For the ones who don't know, this headcanon is specifically made to create a creature just by picking up the "stone monkey" from jttw and giving multiple headcanon for it.
((It's mainly based off of @winterpower98 headcanons!! And mines.))
I've been talking and giving a lot of headcanons in winter asks, you can find them in the "demon headcanon" hashtag. (I'll give the screenshots anyway)
(Yes I'm aware wukong's a demon in jttw.)
Yes expect this as me rambling and wanting to share
Starting with the powers, I've checked and apparently i was right! He (not only had laser eyes since birth) can control and use the elements! (More specifically: water,fire, earth,wood and metal)
But here's the trick! I mentioned before (still in winter asks) how i liked how the gems in Steven universe worked, and how each gem is a different type (like demons in jttw, but it's with stone types lmao) and this will get put into the headcanon,
This will also make the stone monkey able to use one of the elements, depending on what type they are.
so if we have a lapis lazuli, the stone monkeys would be able to use the water element.
If we have a sandstone, the stone monkey would be able to use earth as their element, and so on
i was thinking of giving them levels/rating them over who is the strongest type or who can do what like demons can! (Example: demon monkeys can shapeshift better than pig demons)
And also ranking them of who's the strongest type and giving them a somewhat similar system as the gems on Steven universe.
So! (Yes I'll get to powers with this)
the strongest type is a diamond (yes also in real life.)
So the diamond is usually the leader, able to use water/ice as their element, but depending on where they were born, they change element (like Pokemons and regions)
Basically, they are the king or queen regardless if they are strong or not. They are "born" to be a ruler. (They are still the strongest between stone monkeys, there can't be a strongest type.)
The second strongest type, are the rubies and sapphires.
Usually sapphires are related to ice/water and rubies are related to fire/metal, they work are the generals, the right arm of the diamonds.
the rest it goes on army, workers, the usual social pyramid scheme.
Now that we talked about their society, let's talk about their powers as a whole!
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As said here, stone monkeys can do a lot of things! Such as manipulating said elements to creating weapons out of them!
(I'll talk about my version of wukong in this headcanon in the end.)
Now that this is explained, let's go into depth.
What are actually stone monkeys?
Are they demons? Are they mystical creatures? Are they celestial beings?
I like to think they are a mix of demon monkeys and celestial beings!
they get counted as a demon type...just not very well known since there's literally ONE type of them existing and it's fucking sun wukong.
but! They are made out of stone and magic, without magic they'll die. (And without a vessel that is of course. Imagine it like the player in deltarune, they need to create a vessel to actually exist in the world, or they'll just be magic.)
stone monkeys aren't immortals, they even have a shorter life than demons! But that can depend.
everything is based on magic, if they run out of magic, they'll crack, and eventually break apart and turn into dust (die.)
if they have a STRONG and active magic, they'll stay alive until their vessel cracks or their magic runs out (like battery)
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[Now ignore this but my urge to make stone monkeys genderfluid, like literally they can change whenever, is strong as FUCK.]
((Also I'm taking off the part of them not being able to use their powers for a long time, it all depends on how much they practiced!!))
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[[In winter headcanon, wukong was born as a kid, unlike in the book that he was already an adult!]]
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this is everything i gathered over the asks and personal headcanons for them, but it's general, for wukong? Different thing.
this is based on personal headcanons, if you wanna know winter one, just check her account!
I headcanon him as asexual and aromatic as said already,
His type of stone? Diamond. It would fit for him being the king.
since he's the only type of stone monkey, he of course doesn't know much about himself or spiece.
Dosen't know the language, nor costumes,
He's way more used to human and demon ones!
Pretty eyeliner man.
(Also this isn't mine, but i like it so lmao.)
Trans wukong.
My man had to cut off his penis for his disguise as a woman and now it became a vagina.
Yes that's the headcanon.
Yes I'm handing over (accidental) trans and Asexual/Aromatic wukong.
he's a short ass bro.
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barlowpng · 5 years
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Hogwarts AU!
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yr-obedt-cicero · 2 years
This is slightly related to Hamilton and Laurens but where are you on the Angelica thing? I only got interested in these people last year and I’ve read an embarrassing amount of Hamilton bios and the Laurens one too. But I don’t get almost all the fandom declares there was no affair, Angelica loved her husband and was ride or die for sister, which is pure fantasy. In reality Angelica defended Hamilton after the Reynolds scandal. Robert Troup wrote several letters to friends bitching about them and how much worse it was making Hamilton look, even mentioning he confronted him with no success. Angelica refered to Hamilton as her dearest in a letter with that line in French, conveniently her sister wouldn’t be able to read it. It’s just as obvious as he had a relationship with Laurens, which most people accept. But they flatly reject the Angelica situation. I think it must be because of the play. Sorry for the essay, I loved your Hamilton bipolar post. It seems so obvious to me and it’s hardly mentioned I think because of Founding Father/mental illness stigma.
Ah yes, the famous question.
There will never be any definitive answer to many historical mysteries, especially that of affairs. As history itself, as is, is already a struggle to make a conclusion to. Let alone trying to decipher something that would have been attempted to kept secret and swept under the rug away from the public's eyes, but also historian's. With that in mind, nothing is a solid answer, but rather only a theory or belief we have in mind — and thus unfortunately — Hamilton and wether or not he had an affair with Angelica, will remain unanswered and completely up to our interpretation and opinions.
In my opinion; I do not think Angelica and Hamilton had an affair, nor any real romantic connection at all. I pretty much side with @aswithasunbeam and @runawayforthesummer on this debate.
Firstly, it would have been too risky to have an affair in the first place, especially with how involved and a part of Elizabeth was with their relationship and correspondence. It is evident that Elizabeth not only read, but also shared a part of Hamilton's correspondence with her sister. For example; a letter dated between the 19th to the 20th of June, in 1796, Hamilton implies Elizabeth reads her letters that come in with the opening sentence;
“Dear Angelica
If you knew the power you have to make happy You would lose no opportunity of writing to Betsey & me; for we literally feast on your letters.”
Even more so, Elizabeth sometimes even added postscripts to Hamilton's letters apparently! She would have had to have saw their flirtations with such open access to her husband's letters. As mentioned in a letter from AH to Angelica, dated the 25th of June, 1796;
“Eliza will write by this opportunity or at least I trust add a postscript. Yet She continues lazy at the pen.”
And again, on the 8th of December, in 1794;
“Love to Mr. Church. Betsy will add a line or two. Adieu.”
Though I think Hamilton was self aware of how his teasing would be perceived, but still saw it as mere jest regardless. As then, in 1800, when in a letter dated the 26th of January, Hamilton mentions forwarding a letter he wrote on the 22nd to Angelica. Inside the letter was Hamilton affectionately rambling about Angelica's portrait being across from the table as he dined, with flirtatious undertones. But interestingly, he warns Elizabeth of this message, and claims it be a sort of teasing, and for herself specially to deliver it but not anyone else.
“Deliver the inclosed yourself as it contains a little waggery.”
With Elizabeth having this much access and knowledge of Hamilton's and Angelica's correspondence and relationship, I find it heavily doubtful anything more than playfulness was intended. Unless she was in on the whole thing, and I highly doubt that even for 18th century standards — It would not have been acceptable to have an affair or romantic connections with your sister in-law — But something that was quite common for the time period, would have been men and women playfully flirting with no real romantic intent.
Also a very overlooked detail is the context and emotions of the letters between Hamilton and Angelica. They are, if not always, usually lighthearted flirtations meant as a jest. As mentioned above, Hamilton saw his flirting as “waggery”, nothing more but joking. It doesn't help much when Hamilton and Angelica are even constantly referring to themselves, or signing off letters, as “dear brother” and “sister”.
Even when Hamilton does his playful flirting, he leaves plenty hints of it merely being playful and not anything else.
“If it will give you pleasure, assure yourself that you are as much in my good graces as ever and that you must be a very naughty girl indeed before you can lose the place you have in my affection. I earnestly join Betsey in the favourite wish that we may meet again—And heaven permitting, it shall be so.
Adieu very dear sister in law”
When toying around with innuendos, Hamilton makes sure to bring Elizabeth back into light, and in the letter itself the “dear sister in law” is italicized as if emphasis of where they stand.
Even with the well known ‘a comma after dear’ scenario — that, mind you, has been twisted and turned out of context so much thanks to the Hamilton musical's in the song Non Stop — wasn't as romantic as many make it sound. Despite what the musical paints, in the real situation was; Angelica is away from not only home, but nearly her whole family, and America. Her family is busy with their own matters and loneliness has taken over her. She's depressed and dreadfully homesick, and this should be known as she writes off the letter dated the 2nd of October, 1787;
“I do not write by this packet to either of my sisters, nor to my father. It is too Meloncholy an employment to day, as church is not here to be my consolation: he is gone to New Market. You will please to say to them for me every thing you think that the most tender and affectionate attachment can dictate. Adieu, my dear brother! be persuaded that these sentiments are not weakened when assiged to you and that I am very sincerely your friend.”
The line she writes, in her time of need, that everyone theorizes over is;
“Indeed my dear, Sir if my path was strewed with as many roses, as you have filled your letter with compliments, I should not now lament my absence from America: but even Hope is weary of doing any thing for so assiduous a votary as myself.”
To which comes Hamilton's response on the 6th of December, 1787. Hamilton is rather outrageously flirty, even writing another famous line that is quoted when theorizing the ‘Angelica Church + Alexander Hamilton affair’;
“I seldom write to a lady without fancying the relation of lover and mistress. It has a very inspiring effect. And in your case the dullest materials could not help feeling that propensity.”
To which he then goes in to tell a humourous tale of Kitty Livingston, in the hopes of cheering her up and making her laugh. His intent isn't romantic, but rather to help soothe her depressive mood. And I think that is the so called “waggery” they have, their flirting is lighthearted, playful, and meant to make the other laugh. This is why AH is seemingly displeased about the comma after dear, where his tone changes and he writes;
“You ladies despise the pedantry of punctuation. There was a most critical comma in your last letter. It is my interest that it should have been designed; but I presume it was accidental. Unriddle this if you can. The proof that you do it rightly may be given by the omission or repetition of the same mistake in your next.”
So not only would an affair have been unlikely due to Angelica's time overseas, a romantic relationship also would have been doubtful due to Elizabeth's involvement in their correspondence and that their flirtations were not of serious nature or intent. I think Angelica understood this as well and merely also liked to play around and flirt, as we see in a letter Angelica wrote to Elizabeth from London, dated July 30th, 1794. Where Angelica teases her sister in banter of “sharing” Hamilton, but nonetheless, reminds her she's kidding and assured her not to be jealous;
“I have a letter my dear Eliza from my worthy friend M. de Talleyrand who expresses to me his gratitude for an introduction to you and my Amiable, by my Amiable you know that I mean your Husband, for I love him very much and if you were as generous as the old Romans, you would lend him to me for a little while, but do not be jealous, my dear Eliza, since I am more solicitous to promote his laudable ambition, than any person in the world, and there is no summit of true glory which I do not desire he may attain; provided always that he pleases to give me a little chit-chat,”
I'd also bring up the point; Hamilton was infamous for being a flirt. I think just that both he and Angelica had a love for flirting around playfully and it united them majorly in their close friendship. We know him to flirt with many woman, and it was common for the time period too. There is his whole ordeal with Kitty Livingston just to show it, and other cases that there was gossip of Hamilton even being an adulterer due to him being prone to flirting. But I don't think all the claims of Hamilton being an adulterer, or sleeping with woman as he pleases, is inherently true. They really just drive from Hamilton's flirtatious nature rather than actual evidence of him sleeping around with people, I think Hamilton was rather just too bold with his flirts. There is even a case of Hamilton flirting with Susanna ‘Suki’ Livingston two weeks after offering a confession of a nearly year long extramarital affair, the Reynolds Pamphlet! Dated the 29th of December, 1792;
“Of all delinquencies, those towards the Ladies I think the most inexcusable. And hold myself bound by all the laws of chivalry to make the most ample reparation in any mode you shall prescribe. You will of course recollect that I am a married man!”
Even Troup writes to King of this as well;
“Though not yet in the field of Mars he maintains an unequalled reputation for gallantry - such at least is the opinion entertained of him by the ladies.  When I have more leisure, I will give you the history of Baron & Mrs. Church as published by our Gallant General.”
So overall, no, I don't believe they had an affair. And I think Hamilton's relationship with Laurens is not really comparable to his with Angelica. Angelica's “affection” and relationship with Hamilton was not even romantic, it was teasing, and play flirting. Hamilton and Laurens weren't nearly as lighthearted with their affection and flirts, Hamilton actually many times insisted on how sincere he was with his devotion and love for Laurens. So I don't find them to be comparable in any sense really.
If anything, I find the musical to be leaning more on the belief that Angelica and Hamilton had an affair then not. With the whole fantasy made up storyline of one sided love, it had encouraged impressionable fans and I feel like it's probably the main reason this debate has sparked up in recent years.
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