#this is all a big headcanon i made because of my brain rot over A mONKEY
shintaru · 2 months
Crush | Light Calvary crew
Hummingbird crew, sabbath crew, league of street
m.list ♡ taglist
Owen knight ~
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Would follow you everywhere & knows all your business
will be very jealous if you give anyone else your attention
Very affectionate, loves giving you hugs
Very protective over you, will beat anyone up that he believes will be harmful to you. Ex creeps, random assholes, etc. but you won’t know about it
Sabotages your chances with anyone else but him
Harry shepherd ~
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Always wants to be with you and if he can’t then he’d like to know where you’re at
Would probably beat anyone up who flirted with or showed interest in you especially if he is in a bad mood
Wants you to watch him race so you can see how good he is
Would talk non stop about players he wants to beat in a race. But he will stop eventually to let you talk
Would let you barrow his clothes just so he can laugh because they are too big on you
Noah Austin ~
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Pretty much stalks you until you give her an answer
Will be a little obsessed with you
Will want to race you, either way if you lose or win you’ll never hear the end of it
Will collect random cats and leave them with you
Most likely wouldn’t be over Owen but you somehow also caught her attention
Chris D’ Char ~
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I can see him being the jealous type. Like Owen he will show he’s jealous in front of you, but will wait until you aren’t around to confront the person you gave your attention to.
Would possibly share his food if he didn’t already eat it all & yours too
Will wear your hair clips
Likes going to restaurants with you especially donut shops
Invites you to watch him race
Camilla Nelson ~
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Would spend her free time with you, even though she’s busy and doesn’t have much free time
Probably knows things about you that you’ve never told her but somehow she knows
A little like Shelly when it comes to you being around other women
Would probably like talking about her job with you
Might try to get you into cycling so she could spend more time with you
Get ready for my Owen Knight brain rot fics & headcanons 🌚🌝
I finally made it to part 4 in windbreaker I can’t wait to fully be caught up!!
Dedicated to @catsrkool @rossesnd @cozyunderworld @inosukehana
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spliffymae · 1 year
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kio’s notes - some sfw headcanons inspired by this connie fic i read on wp a while back. it was my first connie fic and the start of this connie brain rot. i wish it was still up 🤧 shit was soooo good!
also inspired by @chrollohearttags rockstar!eren series and @privateparty3 rapper!connie
also check this
⊱ ──────── {.⋅ ✺ ⋅.}──────── ⊰
now let me say this,
connie mfn springer had a golden ear!
he could make a song out of anything, truth be told. his abuela used to tell him he was blessed with “god’s gift.” yeah, he had a voice as soothing and smooth as velvet. but put it over a track with a piano medley and some soft beats, oh baby! the man had a voice that made the greek muses swoon.
musicproducer!connie had a couple of his own songs out on streaming platforms. he mostly used spotify and apple music for his official music, and soundcloud for official music or for quick ideas he wanted his followers to hear. he loved singing, but not as much as he loved to create. producing was where connie truly felt he belonged. he couldn’t count the number of times he’s fallen asleep at his desk, drooling on his piano keys because he pulled an all nighter to finish a song because he got a sound stuck in his head and just needed to bring it to life.
(honorable mentions to the times he hears songs not by him and thinks “i can make this better” and just completely changed the entire vibe of the song)
but musicproducer!connie loved sounds. everything and anything had potential to be a song. whether it be the crunching of the fall leaves under his boot, or the bounce of the basketball he dribbled in his backyard court, or even the sound of his car’s indicator—connie found music in any sound.
if you asked musicproducer!connie what he couldn’t live without, he would describe to you in detail his music setup. his laptop, the hard drive with all his songs, his drum pad, his bass guitar, his red beats headphones, the software he uses…he would go on forever!
musicproducer!connie would be the genius behind his friends’ music as well. they would come to him either with a chopped up idea of what they wanted or sometimes come to him empty handed with nothing but a hope. either way, connie would be sitting in his home studio with his friends, working on a song. he loved helping them, so he looked at it as great bonding time too.
musicproducer!connie was also quite big on social media. he had a following of 700k on instagram and over a million listeners across his streaming services. he also had a twitch, where he would post at least twice a week, one of those times being him making instrumentals from scratch with his viewers watching and helping. he loved to interact with his followers. knowing there were people out there who connected with his music on a deep level made him so happy. hell, the first single he dropped he was kicking his feet at all the supportive feedback he was getting.
musicproducer!connie even did shows here and there! they would be house shows, with maybe 1000 people at least. he would sing some of his hits, but would mainly be the dj, working the booth for his friends. he always and only performed with his friends.
honestly, music was everything to connie and then some. it was his passion. it was what made him who he is. but most of all, it was something he always did with you.
yessir! musicproducer!connie would be telling a lie if he said he became the artist he is today on his own. if it weren’t for you, he probably would’ve quit a long time ago, when his sophomore project didn’t receive as much hype/attention as his debut.
you were always his biggest fan, though. you would use your social media following to promote his work, much to connie’s joy. what he loved more than sharing his music was you sharing it, because in turn you would be showcasing the relationship between you and connie to your hundreds of thousands of followers.
like those times he would be sitting on the floor of his living room, creating a song on his laptop. you would be behind him, sitting between the couch and him with the side of your face pressed against his back. he would be in his own world with his headphones on, you would be busy on your phone, and yet connie felt it was one of the best ways to spend time with you.
your glossy lips would be in a faint pout as you recorded yourself, stretching your arm up and out to show connie’s entire back, this tan freckled skin showcasing the tense of his muscles whenever he would reach for his pen to scribble away notes in his notebook.
you would simply post the video to your snapchat, captioning it “1/2 of us is in their creative bag rn”. you would follow up that snap with another short video, this time it being you leaving small kisses along the expanse of connie’s back. because of your gloss the lip prints were visible and you would smile mischievously.
musicproducer!connie loved you. he loved to have you near him. so when he would go on these red carpet events with his friends, you would be at his side, the two of you dressed beautifully as you smiled for the cameras. connie would make it his mission to have you flustered the whole night, giving you soft neck kisses and whispering both sweet and naughty things in your ear while he held you close. like,
“you look so beautiful tonight, i’m so lucky to have you, mi cielita.”
“i can’t wait to take this off of you, baby.. give you the proper attention you deserve.”
“been missing my lil’ songbird so much.” he would just miss the shell of your ear with his teeth, looking down at you with his eyes droopy with lust. “have you missed me, baby?”
“of course, baby. but the show ain’t even start yet.” you said with a squeal, already feeling the blood rush straight to your cheeks. there was no doubt the cameras caught that. if they somehow didn’t, then they sure must’ve captured the lovestruck look connie gave you whenever his eyes would fall on you.
“i can’t help it, mami. just love having you.” he would mumble, giving you the softest of pecks as to not mess up your lipstick.
musicproducer!connie was in deep when it came to you. and if it wasn’t obvious by the way he showered you with physical affection, then it must be from the way he had you as his producer tag, the five second audio starting with you giggling, then in your best ‘smooth r&b’ voice, saying “issa connie springer production.” connie remembers the first project he used that on—a joint lover’s ep onyankopon wanted him on. til this day, how many years later, every time a song from the ep comes on, your cheeks get hot and body all tingly at the flustered feeling that overwhelms you. it was your first time ever being on a record
musicproducer!connie used you for a lot of his songs, it was mainly on the background vocals of different projects he would do. but he also used you as inspiration. he moonlighted as a songwriter, mainly helping other artists with filler lyrics or strengthening what they already have. it would be rare connie was asked to write a song start to finish, but whenever he did, he found he was thinking back to your relationship. both good and bad times, just thinking of you filled him with enough inspiration to create several masterpieces.
yeah, musicproducer!connie loves you. he has what seems to be an endless amount of ways to express his love to you. but if all else fails, he knows his music will do it’s job every. damn. time.
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Nina The Killer Headcanons
Psycho Barbie’s turn in the spotlight!!!!
I’ve always thought Nina in concept was so fucking cool, like, an obsessed fangirl becoming a copycat killer always scratched a good niche in my brain, so I never hated her like most of the fandom did when I was younger, I just never really interacted with anything about her cause. The fandom hated her, lmao.
Expect canon typical violence/topics beyond this point pookies <3
TGIRL SWAG!!!!!!!!! Nina is trans I’m making it canon right now and you can’t do shit about it
Roughly about 25, two years younger than Jeff
Ann ain’t the only zombie adjacent character in the mansion
Nina actually has zero fucking clue why she keeps coming back every time Jeff murders her, but she’s having fun with it so ig it’s fine right?
Some of the more supernaturally intelligent members of the mansion also have no fucking idea what her deal is. By all accounts she should be dead and rotting a thousand times over
Eyeless Jack has done four vivisections on her and all yielded the same result, human
Except humans don’t bounce back after having their heart cut out????
Seconds after losing organs they just???? Reappear??? Inside her body???? What the fuck????
Out of everyone she’s a massive enigma. No one can figure it out but everyone loves using her as a guinea pig for murder purposes
Ya girl is such a masochist she actually gets disappointed when people don’t like testing new stabbing methods on her
She’s so unapologetically a freak, she’s cringe, but she’s free
Out of everyone in the mansion she’s the easiest to get along with
Sometimes to her detriment, her hyper extroverted personality off puts some of the more quiet and reserved inhabitants
No one truly hates her, you can’t exactly hate someone who doesn’t have a combative bone against you in their body, but not everyone likes to stick around her
It bothers her only a little bit when she’s noticed she’s pushed people away with her intense personality (it bothers her A LOT-)
She loves collecting and gifting trinkets and jewelry to people. The amount of Kandi bracelets she’s made Jeff and Ben, good lord-
The most persistent determined bitch in the world. You would have to nuke her entire existence to get her to stop focusing/going after something
Of course it ends up making her stubborn
Buuuuuuut she’s also an honorary favorite dog of Slenderman
The household often has monthly contests to see who can have the highest body count. You’ll never guess who’s almost always in the top 3
So she’s out on missions a lot. She comes back and gossips talks about what’s happened when she comes back two days later
Surprisingly doesn’t have a sweet tooth? You’d think with how manic she acts she injects sugar and caffeine into her bloodstream, but nope, she doesn’t. She hates fruit candies and can only stomach dark chocolate
Always comes back from hits and supply runs with tons of candy anyways to share with everyone
Is a SLUT for spicy foods
Ann had to cut her tongue off one time because she fucked it up so bad eating stuff that was borderline radioactive with how spicy it was
Everyone is convinced she would eat actual nuclear waste if given the chance just to feel the burn
The biggest foodie in general too. She’s not the best at cooking but everyone loves her pancakes
Ben made a joke one time about her putting crack in the batter. Two weeks later she had to apologize to mansion parents Masky and Hoody about why half the house was suffering withdrawal symptoms. Someone has to monitor her while she cooks now. Bummer.
She’s a total junkie but she is responsible about it at least dammit!
Like yeah she gets stoned out of her goddamn mind with Ben every other weekend, but that shit doesn’t leave her or his room
She has to set a good example for Sally!!!!!
The kid fucking adores Nina like a big sister
Nina is always bringing her goodies and toys
In return Sally does her makeup for the day
Does it look like a 5 year old scribbled all over her face? Yes and she doesn’t care!!!! She wears that shit with pride
Helen made fun of it once and he has since learned not to piss off the hyperactive pink glitter mayhem lady who knows how to wield a chainsaw
Oh yeah fuck knives. Nina got tired of knives pretty quick. Ya girl USES A CHAINSAW
It’s totally not the same kind of chainsaw Jeff used when he was a scare actor in college shut up no way
She’s really good with the thing too. It’s so heavy and she totes it around like it weighs nothing
She’s got such a sleeper build it’s insane. She’s 5”2 and 160 pounds of pure whoop ass
She’s just constantly full of energy and needs to be doing something at every second or she thinks she’ll explode
Besides her signature chainsaw covered in stickers and glitter, she’s also pretty handy with handguns, axes, and baseball bats
She’s got a small collection of weapons under her bed
Three guns (all customized with stickers and paint), a large axe (with a heart in the middle of the blade), and two baseball bats (one covered in nails)
Her room is a fucking mess but she knows where anything and everything is
Girl can’t even see her floor and she’s somehow able to find what she needs in there
Bead curtains, a disco ball, leopard print carpet on the ceiling, lava lamps, it looks like scene mixed with the 70’s threw up in there
Not exactly the most fashionable but has the biggest wardrobe and most flashy way of dressing
Like. I don’t even think she owns anything solid. Definitely not solid black
Has given herself many tattoos and piercings
To the point she’s so good at it that the others start coming to her asking for her to do the same to them
Her hair never stays one color for long, but often goes between red and purple
Is best friends/close with: Ben, Kagekao, Jason, LJ, Sally, the Puppeteer, Clockwork, and Jane
Has a tolerable relationship/is neutral about: Masky, Hoody, Liu, Eyeless Jack, Ann, Helen, and Slenderman
Hates no one
Has a… questionable relationship with Jeff
When first starting off he fucking hated her, but she was so goddamn persistent and just kept getting back up despite the multiple times he was certain he’d killed her, to the point she’s grown on him like a parasite
She sees him as her ultimate best friend, her ride or die, and he’s flattered…but he definitely doesn’t feel intensely as she does
Like he obviously doesn’t hate her anymore and actually quite enjoys her company. But she also annoys the shit out of him and he often finds himself needing a break from her constant state of “on”. Girl has no off switch
The two of them are often found lounging together and talking random shit, or sparring
She believes that somehow the first time he killed her, it gave her her weird zombie regeneration abilities
And of course she thinks that’s cool as fuck and nearly worshipped the ground he walks on because of it
The more time has passed the more she’s grown to stop feeling like she needs him to function
She went from making herself Jeff’s biggest fan her whole personality to becoming an actual decent person outside of her unhealthy obsession with him
Surprisingly never had any romantic feelings for the man
Like yeah she was obsessed but not like that
She just thinks he’s waaaaay cooler than other people see him as
Jane and Clockwork are her girl solidarity bffs
Jane was practically the girl’s mentor in how to be girl 101 when Nina was beginning to realize she was trans
Whereas Clockwork was her combat mentor who taught Nina everything she knows about kicking someone’s ass
They went from her cool lesbian moms to her cool lesbian besties
She’s one of the only few who can tolerate LJ’s nonsense
And by nonsense I mean his usual mad hatter ramblings and personality. Nina thinks it’s hilarious and loves that he’s just as down to clown (SORRY) as she is
Her, him, and Sally are the prank trio
The two would do anything to hear that little girl erupt into giggles
Her and Ben bond over scene fashion and old internet stuff
Ben is also her weed dealer. He’s everyone’s weed dealer but she gets special treatment and doesn’t have to pay him shit cause they’re besties
She’s a pretty positive person overall but cannot fucking stand/HATES anyone outside the mansion
She views everyone there like family
The outside world not so much. Bullying has really left her bitter
Hates blackmail but definitely holds grudges!!! It’s hard to get on her bad side though, so no one’s worried about it
Loves breakcore, kpop, jpop, any kind of hyper and electronic music, extra points if it’s pop
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If I have to deal with brain rot about this absolutely awful man, so do y'all! Really looking forward to playing Dead Money so I can torture you with more.
Dean Domino (Fallout: New Vegas, Dead Money DLC) NSFW Headcanons
Is the King of Swing good in bed? Complicated question; he's too selfish to say that he is with any confidence. It depends on the day, frankly. He was a massive slut back in his prime, and he's perfectly well acquainted with how to show you a good time when the two of you are in bed together. Whether or not he cares enough in that moment to bother to make you cum is an entirely different matter. There are days he wants to show off, wants to hear you tell him how good he is, but there are also plenty of days where he'll happily use your body to jerk himself off and won't think for a second about your pleasure beyond what it'll do for him. On days like that, he wants you wet/stretched enough to take him, but that's all he cares about.
I've discussed this with folks a bit in replies on other posts, but I think it's very worth elaborating on: he would be so fun to dominate. He'd be the world's most petulant, bratty sub, and so confident that you wouldn't be able to break him, that he'll stay cool and in control of the situation, no problem. However, he's sorely mistaken. Dean Domino is a brat who was made to be broken. Tie his ass up and beat him a bit. Edge him until he literally cries. He insists he won't beg; prove him wrong. It's the sweetest sight you've ever taken in. I've never met a single character who needs to have his cock slapped like a million times more than him. And honestly, I think if you gave him the full routine and then treated him completely neutrally over the proceeding few days, as if nothing had even happened, he'd beg then, too, desperate to experience what you made him feel again...though not without a lot of petulant bitching first. How dare you act like you can drag him around by his prick, just because you absolutely can if you do it right...?!
Any ongoing relationship with Dean is going to be a constant power struggle. As insecure as he obviously is, he's forever rearing to "put you in your place" in a litany of ways; talking down to you, insulting you flippantly, all the nonsense you see from him when you interact with him in-game. If you don't push back at him (or show him where his place is, per the previous point), he will absolutely walk all over you, including sexually. Maybe that's what you're into. He doesn't really care all that much as long as he's getting whatever he wants out of you.
Biter. Always has been. Used to get a kick outta fucking actors and actresses and just covering them in bite marks and bruises that would be incredibly difficult to cover with makeup, because he likes attention and he's possessive, even of toys he doesn't particularly want to play with anymore.
Almost never takes off those goddamn sunglasses (because, in my mind, he thinks they make him harder to read...plus, he has super light-colored eyes, and once he's traveling the desert, he's constantly blinded by the sun), but one of the rare times you can guarantee he'll remove them is when you're giving him head. He wants to be able to see every detail of you worshiping him with your lips and tongue.
Obviously he's big into degradation, which is clear in the way he speaks to you, about you and others. He can, however, be persuaded to be rather sweet (though still entirely self-aggrandizing) when he's in a good mood. He'll tell you how gorgeous you look...on his cock. What a pretty voice you have...why don't you sing for him some more so he can hear how good he makes you feel? Every compliment also has to basically be a positive comment to himself, as well.
Leg and ass man. He makes some comments about Vera that hint at this, but he's not usually quite so tactful about it. Will openly grope you in public, both to embarrass you a bit and because he doesn't care enough to hold back when he feels like touching you.
Really enjoys a giving you a good cum facial. He finds it just the right mix of disgusting, dominating, and possessive. If he can find a way to force you to keep his cum on your face, he will. Even better if someone else sees you that way.
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macsimagines · 1 year
Because I constantly have brain Mikey brain rot, he’s all I’m ever gonna request 😩😩😩. How do you think that lil menace would go about stalking his S/O?
Also how would Shinichiro do it also because I have not been not been able to stop thinking about your headcanons about him.
(Shinichiro is such a peach right?- Ms.Mac)
TW: NSFW, Non/con Somonopilia, Stalking
Mikey doesn't stalk. He shows up where ever you are and now you too are hanging out.
Look, he doesn't believe in hiding his presence from you. He is Mikey and you're his Wifey. Deal with him exerting his right as your future husband.
You're at your job and he's there for HOURS making all the customers uncomfortable with how loud and demanding he is
But you relent patting his head, telling him to stop being a nuisance and go home.
"But you're my home (Y/N)-chin,"
He leaves but is just staring into the window and waving at you when ever you two make eye contact.
When he can't be with you though, he's so sad that he can't stand the fact that you're not there.
He tried having other underlings watch you but that just made him so incredibly jealous.
"I bet you think you're so lucky watching (Y/N)-chin, bet you can't believe you get to watch a cutie all day."
Opposite. He can't stand being too close to you, you're so pretty and wonderful and if he gets to close he might loose himself and tell you you're soulmates and have to get married right now.
So he can watch from a distance. Or have others do it. He's pretty big in the underground and people owe him favors so he's always got eyes on you.
Other Gang members that want to pay their respects to a seasoned veteran like Shinichiro give him pics they took of you when your not looking.
He's got a wonderful shrine dedicated to you thanks to all those super nice young bloods.
Thanks to his connections and how handy he is. he's actually broken into your place when you're not there and god he could smell your pillows all day...
But then he'd forget to grab your panties and he can't leave those behind!
One day you came home early and he had to hide in your closet while you changed out of your work clothes.
He was so hard watching you strip down into your underwear and pass out on your mattress.
Shin can't help it when you're that gorgeous while you're sound asleep! He tried to be good honest! But he's got his nose stuffed into a pair of your underwear while he fists his cock over your sleeping body.
You're so pretty and perfect, but he can't help but feel like he's missing something....
But then he cums and watches as a few drop fall on your body and face, one particular bit landing perfectly on your lips.
'Oh ya, that's what you needed. A little bit of my love to help you sleep.'
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mamaspeckles · 8 months
Would it be okay to request some velvet x blind!reader headcanons? Can be SFW or NSFW, whatever you’d rather write!
Hello my love I am so sorry for such a long wait! Of course I can do this for you! I am partially blind(I have low vision but I can sorta see) and seeing this request just pulls at my heart strings❣️ I hope you enjoy reading this because I enjoyed making this! PS! I only wrote SFW Headcanons because I got brain rot near the end so no NSFW for this one sorry:( but if you request for NSFW again I will work on it!
Velvet x Blind!Reader SFW
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-when it comes to velvet, she can be quite the aggressive and straightforward- she has always been stubborn and hardheaded, and often at times struggles to comprehend you being blind. Sometimes, she finds it extremely stressful and difficult to find the right words to console you. She feels the need to walk on eggshells with you around in case she says the wrong things.- but as time goes by and she sees your overpowering determination, she grows respect for your will to strive.
-velvet had went from 0 to 100 in a one month- she had become territorial over you and had grown a strong urge to protect you and baby you for your disability.
-once you started dating the pop-star, she made it her number one goal to do everything for you, no matter the circumstances. You want to cook something? Oh, don’t be ridiculous, velvet will kick you out of the kitchen and make you a delicious meal! She doesn’t want her lover accidentally burning themselves or setting the house to ablaze.
-velvet had paid a professional to fix your apartment to make it look nicer for her eyes but also to furnish it for your safety- she had every sharp corner or dangerous object in the apartment changed and basically baby-proofed your home.
-velvet is a show-off, especially because of her career of being a mega-star in Mount Rageon.- but when it comes to her showing you off in front of the flashing lights and fans, that is a big no-go.
-“velvet?” “Yes, babe?” “Are you embarrassed to be with me?” “What makes you say that?” “You never introduced me to your friends or family..”
-velvet’s face dropped at your words; she could start to taste the vulnerability seething off your body and lips. She felt terrible that you felt that way. - she cursed herself in her mind for making you think and feel like you were embarrassing to be with. “No no, babe..I’m not embarrassed! I just wasn’t sure if you even wanted to meet anyone from my side..they can be..overbearing..”
-but she would do anything for her beautiful partner to be happy, and with all the guilt velvet had felt, she made a mutual agreement with her family to have you meet them- when you went with her to her family’s house, you were greeted by veneer, who you had met countless times before, and he was very pleased to see you with velvet at his house.- later that evening, you met velvet’s mother and father. Velvet had described her mother as a old women with dull blue eyes, pale skin, and faded out green hair whilst her father as a old man with dark green hair with dull ice blue eyes.
-I should add that when velvet said her family is overbearing, she meant it as they are too helpful- her parents and even veneer were quick to offer you help and even a tour around the house.- they had trailed you around their house and started describing your surroundings in the most abrupt way possible.
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angstyastro · 1 year
wait im new to mass effect and am romancing thane for hot dilf reasons pls tell me all about vakarios, i only ever see people talk about garrus not thane
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Oh BOY anon you’ve got a big thing coming on my vakarios brain rot Okok SO sit back and lemme just word dump on you on why and how I just really love me vakarios so much:
SO first things first don’t get me wrong I am a huge sucker for thane/Shepard, garrus/Shepard and specifically thane/shepard/garrus because i have personal headcanons etc and my canon is always Shakarios BUT vakarios is my thane/garrus part of all this
I love the idea of garrus/thane realizing they have a lot of parallels to eachother and thane seeing a bit of himself in garrus:
Thane talks about being in battlesleep for 10 years after the death of his wife Irikah where he basically went on a revenge quest and killed everyone involved in her murder. He comes to realize he made a mistake in terms of not staying with Kolyat and ultimately revenge not giving him the fulfillment he needed.
Garrus can be labeled as a man who is going through his own battlesleep after Shepard dies. For 2 years he basically said fuck it and went to omega to “clean up” and seek Justice against the criminals that he couldn’t take down in c-sec. It’s implied that he was devastated after Shepard died no matter if fem/bro shep and then it just snowballs when he’s betrayed by Sidonis. Garrus falls into his own small form of battlesleep given you can’t really talk to him much as Shepard until he tells you about his revenge quest for a loyalty mission.
I like to see the Normandy crew in me2 as a ragtag group of people who come together and become something of a family so they all get to see the ugliest and best sides of eachother and I love the concept thane and garrus would become good friends based off being snipers at first but then relating over the histories they’ve had. Thane is able to relate to Garrus’s seeking of revenge and has a different perspective over it.
Now when you play as Shepard and you go the route of stopping him from killing Sidonis consider that you’re kind of replicating the whole thing that thane went through with Irikah. Irikah stepped in thane’s way to stop him from killing someone and Shepard is doing the same for garrus.
It’s not until after this that Garrus will begin to see things clearer and differently and I love the concept of both thane and garrus realizing they have so much in common. This also can happen if Sidonis is killed. Garrus may be filled with that void of it not really helping him solve anything. He killed him via battlesleep and is barely coming out of it with the help of Shepard and crew.
Another thing is Garrus isn’t a stranger to losing someone close to him because of illness. His mother becoming sick etc has him as one of the only people on the Normandy who would probably know how to care for and make things as relaxing/comfortable for someone going through something similar (thane w his keprals) and like consider them just bonding over this in general.
And last but not least thane and his dry fuckin humor would make him and Garrus really close.
All in all I am a fan of every ship/crackship/rarepair etc because It’s fun to pair characters so i know vakarios isn’t for everyone but hell it makes me happy and lots of possibilities for it so :3 thanks for letting me ramble anon.
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numbr2-pencil · 17 days
Just a Judge Claude Frollo Headcanon Post
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This is strictly about the Walt Disney adaptation of THoND and their own version of Frollo.
1) He's done the nasty.
Frollo thinks he's better than everyone. As he says in Hellfire: "Of my virtue I am justly proud." The concept of virtue or virginity was a big, big, BIG deal in medieval Christian Europe - we all know that.
Buuuuuut here's the thing. We also know that extramarital sex still happened on the regular. We ALSO also know that social norms and rules were a little less stringent for men, than they were for women.
Know what else we know, about Frollo specifically? He literally killed a woman in the prologue and said it was No Big Deal. "I am guiltless. She ran, I pursued." Sounds like classic abuser talk to me.
Frollo strikes me as the kind of man who has engaged in carnal sin, has indulged his lustful desires, one way or another. He is a huge fucking prude pious man, so perhaps it has only happened on a few rare occasions in his long life; most definitely it came with feelings of extreme guilt and confusion, as indoctrinated religious as he is. But I suspect Frollo has made use of a brothel once or twice. I think it's even more likely that he has sexually harassed or assaulted someone in his time - he just believes it somehow doesn't count when it's him doing the deed.
2) Maybe 'Snowball' is a stupid nicname some lowly, smartass guard gave to Frollo's horse one day, before meeting an untimely demise.
The guard didn't survive but, unfortunately for Frollo, the name did.
3) Lead Poisoning Was A Thing.
One of my favourite #history fun facts is that members of the upper classes, nobility and royalty, frequently used pewter chalices, plates, etc., which would slowly leach lead into their bloodstream over time.
Frollo is clearly in decent health/rich enough to keep it that way, and lives to an uncommonly old age. But with his advanced years comes even higher exposure to lead over his lifetime.
Symptoms of lead poisoning include but are not limited to: headaches, fatigue, irritability, difficulty sleeping, and loss of sex drive. Sounds like someone we know!
By the time Frollo meets Esmeralda, his brain is already half-gone. His rages have become more frequent and intense, his nights often sleepless, his libido low or almost non-existent. So when he finally meets her and feels her teasing him, it stirs his desires for the first time in years. His poisoned brain hyperfixates on her. He hallucinates about her, obsesses over her - and finally, he burns half the city to the ground, just to get his hands on her.
And then there's fucking THIS:
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This is not a mentally stable man.
4) Frollo secretly relishes in attending public events like the Festival of Fools.
Ok, hear me out: Frollo is kind of a drama queen at heart and lives to be seen. Especially in any situation where he can show off how much Better™ he is than everybody else.
"I am a public official - I must go!" Oh really?? There isn't like a single other person in government, or the entirety of the Parisian royal court, who could take your place? You just HAVE to be the one to take time out of your busy schedule for this petty peasant festival? Sounds a little sus, babe.
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And also, apparently he's just totally unbothered by the presence of all the Roma at the Feast of Fools? Like we already know he's developed a bit of a fixation on the Roma, beyond period-typical xenophobia - like to the point that he brings in a military captain, because he feels that the presence of the Roma necessitates a freaking military intervention (!?). But - BUT! - apparently it's 100% fine for Romani performers to be at the festival, and he makes absolutely NO effort to have any of them arrested, besides Esmeralda? (Is this maybe some of that good ol' fashion lead poisoned brain rot here?) This is more of a rant, or maybe another point in favour of my lead poisoning theory, but still.
5) Cataracts!! 👁️👄👁️
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Like I said, Frollo has lived to an uncommonly old age. He's just one of the grotesquely wealthy lucky ones, I guess. But with great age comes great eye health problems like CATARACTS! Which, fun fact, will naturally occur in ALL humans as we age. So, yeah, he's got cataracts forming. That's just facts.
I mean how else would he not have fucking noticed Quasimodo on the stage you guys.
6) Not a cat person.
I weirdly feel like this one might be controversial amongst fans, and I'm totally open to folks disagreeing on this point. But like, speaking as a person who has a cat - in my experience, cats usually prefer the company of people who understand and respect their boundaries.
And I just think Frollo is, well, not the best at that.
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... Yeah.
But also, in fairness, there was some suspicion/superstition around cats being evil in medieval Europe. So maybe that would have been enough for Frollo to not enjoy the company of cats.
What are your Hunchback/Frollo headcanons?
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quinnsteria · 6 months
Hoy Quarlow/Super Macho Man (MachoQuarlow) Headcanons 1/?
Citing this as part one in the title because I don’t trust myself not to talk about them more. Anyway this is just my insane scribblings about these old men since this ship has been rotting in my brain for months and I need to share them with the world
Anyway. Let’s begin with some background:
Hoy Quarlow is the age he’s said to be in the game: 78 years old
Super Macho Man is lying about his age. He’s not 27 but is instead approaching his early 60’s. He lies about it because, like a lot of typical big stars, he doesn’t want to be seen as older in fear of being discarded and out of the industry’s spotlight.
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Hoy Quarlow and Super Macho Man joined the WVBA (Side Note: in my au it’s called the World Video Boxing Association because it was the first association to both broadcast the fights live, but also to package and sell recordings of the fights to consumers) around the same time. Although they weren’t there at the very-very beginning of the WVBA’s formation (since my au takes place in the current year and the timeline would be messed up), they’re both older so they were there before any of the other current boxers.
Hoy came from another boxing league but joined the WVBA once he realized his old league was very stingy on his paychecks. Because of the money the WVBA produced from both the recording sales and how much money they raked in for allowing the boxers to be as theatric as they wanted.
Although his hard work and determination led him to rising in the ranks, his sales were low. So, he studied what made boxers among him so popular: their personas. So, Hoy decided to also stretch his creative muscles too. He upped the ante and straight up brought a stick into the ring. It became a Hoy Quarlow staple. That, and the fact that he started to ditch the shorts and shirtless look to take on something with more personality.
Super Macho Man came in with that name all while being a scrawny kid. Believe it or not, but for a good while, SMM was considered a Glass Joe figure when he first started. When he got in the groove though and started upping his gains, he quickly rose in the ranks and grew into the name he gave himself.
He originally joined the WVBA because he wanted to be a movie star, anticipating that the sales of the WVBA recordings will get more eyes on him and he’d be recruited on for actual movies and not just fights. However, as he started to fight more, he became happier with the spectacle of being a WVBA boxer and the fame he gained, deciding to make his main goal staying at the top and not so much appearing in movies (although he’ll absolutely take a movie deal when offered).
Hoy and Macho were sorta aggressive to each other at first. Hoy, still riding high from his placement in his past league, looked down on a lot of other boxers. This is a character flaw that, of course, got resolved later in life (we can see this with how he acts with Birdie in the SNES Super Punch-Out!!), but it was definitely a flaw he had in life at one point. He saw Macho as full of himself and not yet having the skill to back it up. He correctly guessed that Macho was doing this for fame and judged him accordingly, seeing it as an unfit reason for joining the WVBA.
Macho saw Hoy as full of himself as well. He thought Hoy needed to get over himself and stop being so “needlessly mean.” Macho knew his pursuit wasn’t noble, but to him, it didn’t matter. He was so full of himself to pre-set his persona with actually being this, well…. a super macho man. He believed he’d grow into the name (which he did). He found it stupid how Hoy was only about a decade older and he was judging Macho this hard. Macho would often tell him straight up that one day, Hoy would be eating his words and watching Macho rise while Hoy himself sank down the ranks. This is only… uh… half true.
Right now, Macho and Hoy and right next to each other in the Special Circuit. Macho is Rank #1, right before Mr. Sandman (The WVBA Champion). Hoy is Rank #2 in the Special Circuit, right before Super Macho Man.
As they both aged, Macho and Hoy started to get along. With Hoy becoming sillier and way more relaxed, he was able to connect with Macho more. With Macho getting more full of himself, Hoy sorta saw himself in him and although he has fun with him, is trying to guide him away from the lonely life that being that high in ranks can bring. There’s all these camera flashes and people will be all over you and asking for deals, but they don’t love you.
OKAY… now that that’s over, I’ll be putting more headcanons under the cut. It’ll be more shippy, but it’ll still work as a “background section” if that makes sense that outlines their life together. I think this post should be in general about their background. Okay… cool.
I think Macho was kinda mixed up about his feelings for Hoy. Their relationship was definitely simmering for years, real rivals to fun friendly rivalry to friends to lovers. Macho never expected to fall for Hoy at all, and when he did, he didn’t know how to feel. He wondered what it’d be like to date another league member. Could he do that? What would the press do? Would the gossip magazines make Hoy look like a cougar… 🤨? Either way, he was nervous.
What also adds to it is that Macho is a pretty famous playboy. If he starts actually dating long-term (which he… actually kinda wants to explore with Hoy), how would that affect his reputation? With all these worries involving insecurities from outsiders, he was definitely indecisive with what he wanted to do. Hoy on the other hand… had different problems.
I fully subscribe to the “Hoy is Dragon Chan’s grandparent” headcanon. Hoy’s wife (aka Dragon Chan’s grandma, was married. They had a daughter who, just like her son, was a very determined kickboxer. She fell in love with Dragon’s father and they soon had a son, Dragon Chan. However, one fateful day, when Dragon was about 10 or so, his parents died in a fatal car accident (or at least that’s what my explanation is right now). Years later, Hoy’s wife died as well. She had a heart attack, although many say it was onset by a broken heart.
Dragon Chan, after getting kicked out of his kickboxing league while trying to live up to his mother’s legacy, joined the WVBA and gave him a place there. Dragon became popular quickly, and his ego became bigger (this is supported by his overconfidence in the ring and in pre fight rounds alongside his “chicken dance taunt” when he KO’s/TKO’s you). Dragon’s behavior only slightly reminds Hoy of his own ego at that age, and Hoy, although still giving advice to his grandson, knows that Dragon needs to discover his own path to humbleness.
Okay back to the tragedy of Hoy’s wife, daughter, and son-in-law. These tragedies caused Hoy to feel as if death followed him and anyone he loves. He blamed himself for all of their deaths, even if he had nothing to do with them. He was afraid to love again and to make another family, although this attitude is usually hidden by his now lighthearted personality.
Of course, this caused Hoy’s love life to become… confused I guess? Hoy was deathly worried of his family hurting even more. He was also worried for Dragon Chan, believing that there’s a chance he’d be mad that Hoy is trying to “replace” his grandma and pretend she never existed. Of course, Dragon doesn’t really care for that. His problem arises with Hoy’s dating choices when he realizes that it’s Super Macho Man of all people that Hoy is dating like huh that jerk grandpa? That loser? Cmon
I’ll probably elaborate on this in another post but the beef between Dragon Chan and Super Macho Man is so special to me. It’s like a family movie where the kid doesn’t like their new step-dad except the kid is a 22 year old grandchild who can actually kick Macho’s ass if he wanted to (and he does)
I think the first person to actually make a move was Super Macho Man. Macho was able to catch Hoy in the locker room after a fight and he asked Hoy if he would like to “hang out” sometime together, outside of WVBA mixers or some other thing, of course.
Hoy found it cute. He sorta laughed softly at it at first before he saw Macho’s dejected face. He realized it was genuinely series and he kinda flushed. Definitely went kinda quiet with an “O…Oh,” before trying to think of what to say next.
He agrees by the way. Though I think in another post I’ll elaborate
Annddddd that’s all I have for now! Thank you for reading and I’m sorry it was so long! These guys have been in my head for a bit now woah
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hi yeah i have a little more i want to add on to the Duel Links AI Characters thing. This kinda blurs the line between Headcanon and Theory tho
A really weird thing that is either brilliant subtext or me just reading in to things too hard is the progression of the AI Duelists. Not like, the release of duel worlds and stuff, or powercreep, or anything like that. I mean theres two real, defined types of AIs in Duel Links.
If you look at a lot of the DM characters... theyre fairly flat. Like yeah I know thats also true of Téa/Anzu and Mai and stuff in the show, but it applies to pretty much the entire starting roster. The most odd yet obvious example of this is, oddly enough, Yami Yugi. My mans got Nothing. Hardly shows up in events, any place he would its usually Yugi(DM) instead, and he had very few gate interactions.
Now, think about that from a lore perspective. Yami Yugi is the whole fuckin' point of this. This is the AI Kaiba set out and tried to make, wanted to fill the gay ass void in his heart see again, and he's so... bland. Uninteresting. Why?
Turns out, its because of that very reason. He was the First, of course hes gonna be worse than the others. As time went on, Kaiba got better at making the AIs. And at first, it really was him making the AIs. Let me explain.
Again, looking at the earlier characters again, something becomes obvious. These characters are bland because theyre almost... missing something. If you look at everything they say, everything they do, something clicks. Its all stuff Kaiba either heard about secondhand, or was physically present for. He made the best approximation he could, on his own, but theyre just that: approximations. Easy best example is the first ever event character, Yami Bakura. A fascinating character in Duel Links lore, simply because he's the first Self Aware AI. A big question that comes out of this is Why, and the answer I believe is rlly cool: hes not Yami Bakura. Not even close. Like yeah obviously hes an AI clone, but thats not even what I mean. Kaiba knows so little about Bakura that he couldnt even make a complete personality. He just put a kinda mischevious personality in a Bakura Costume, gave it an interest in occult and Tabletop RPG games, and told it to do its best.
But this is Seto Fucking Kaiba. He doesnt settle for that. So, he got to work on a new, better system. A System that lets him use [insert bullshit explanation here, I like "uses the collective memories of players"] to truly copy people down to their very souls. And the first few times, it goes well. It really is an exact replica... and maybe, maybe thats an issue.
Pegasus J. Crawford has been dead for years at that point, but his impact on the game and large presence make it almost obvious in hindsight. If it were anyone but Seto Kaiba, this might have been the cue to say "hey maybe this is a little fucked up and I need more control over who gets added."
However, Seto 'As the owner of a major corporation I have to do that everyday' Kaiba dont roll like that, so he just leaves the Soul Printer on to do whatever the fuck it wants, and... yeah. After that point, every other AI, along with the duel worlds, is a result of the soul printer. Maybe he should have at least limited the scope to this dimension and the egyptian afterlife tho.
Theres also an argument that its not that the soul printer wasnt ready, its that he needed a playerbase to steal the brain power off of to run said soul printer, so he whipped up the first few to get started.
...sorry i forgot just how much brain rot this game caused me and ur earlier posts got me going again ;-;
OOOHOHOHOHOO THIS IS SUPERRR SUPER GOOD STUFF and I definitely think this is picking at what's really under the hood here. Transcend Game was all about Kaiba using people's (many of which being CHILDREN'S) brainwaves to create images and experiences, so it really would not be out of his ballpark to get the system running and just leave it to do its thing while he goes off and obsesses over shit like Why Isn't The Atem AI Right. It's Not Perfect. Why Isn't It Perfect.
and now you've got the AIs themselves producing 'brainwaves' and feeding memories into the system, and that's popping More AIs into the world in turn (i.e. Yuto's and Yuya's memories being the catalyst for Shay showing up, etc.) and they're...uh. starting to get self aware!!!! SO THAT'S FUN. It's like an ouroboros feedback loop of fake memories creating fake memories creating copies of what was once someone's memories.
All cuz SOMEBODY wanted to be king of a virtual reality even though he has more money than god and better things he could be doing 🙄
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redraven393 · 2 years
because waiting for S3 is not my style and so I just pour out all the brain rot so it could be everyone else problem.
• To the surprise of no one, Donnie would definitely become a successful businessman or inventor with his Genius Build company.
• He works with both Draxum and Big Mama, with Draxum working to help to try tomake his tech Mystic energy compatible and Big Mama helping him sponsor and promote his product to rich Yokai she knows (to make up for the shit she pulled in Season 2).
• He realized early on that working with his Father’s Exes is a very awkward situation but he will ignore it in the name of the company
• He used his Mystic Hologram/ Ninpo for beta designing, and experimental construction of his new tech, saying that “it saved production budget”
• All of his workers gain free health insurance and are banned from smoking.
• he hires both Human and Yokai, but he only let so few of his human employees know about the existence of Yokai and the Hidden City.
• all Working area must be fully sanitized every end of the day.
• He had met the council of heads once and never want to meet them aver again. (They seem sus about him)
• He didn’t like alcohol, taste them all at least once but never really found anything he didn’t hate. finding them to be disgusting because of its strong flavor, he will reject any drinks in a party or meetings. But he will tolerate an apple cider though.
• Big Mama begged him to be more subtle if he want to shows hostility or malicious intent toward any powerful businessmen that irritate him.
• He settles for blatantly insulting them right in their faces in a language he knows (and made sure) they don’t know.
• So that’s why he asks Leon to teach him any new language his twin manage to learn when he was out traveling.
• Leon is delighted about Donnie’s reasoning. “My respect to you Don”
• He became rich enough to provide the family with cloaking broch. Leon made the most use out of it.
• He have Splinter live with him, cause no matter how rich he became he still love his dear old man.
• He tries to have a consistent sleeping hour all the time, not wanting to ruin his health by overworking.
• He tries to lure Raph's students to be more interested in science “gotta train them since young” he would say.
• He currently manages to get 3 kids in Guns and Rocket ships.
• Raph was okay with it when they asked for books about Rocket ship but is not when they starting to want books about guns and firearm.
• “you’re not giving my students weapons Donnie”
• He is always present in Mikey’s Art exhibition, he would try to buy all of his baby brother’s paintings if Mikey allows it.
• “You know I could just made one for you for free Dee!”
• He goes shopping in the mall with April and Sunita on weekends, sometimes his brothers and Casey might join but it’s mostly just them. He likes to flex all of his fancy Gucci products to April and Sunita.
• Have eyes and ears all over New York and Hidden City.
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So, welcome back to "the stone monkeys headcanons"
For the ones who don't know, this headcanon is specifically made to create a creature just by picking up the "stone monkey" from jttw and giving multiple headcanon for it.
((It's mainly based off of @winterpower98 headcanons!! And mines.))
I've been talking and giving a lot of headcanons in winter asks, you can find them in the "demon headcanon" hashtag. (I'll give the screenshots anyway)
(Yes I'm aware wukong's a demon in jttw.)
Yes expect this as me rambling and wanting to share
Starting with the powers, I've checked and apparently i was right! He (not only had laser eyes since birth) can control and use the elements! (More specifically: water,fire, earth,wood and metal)
But here's the trick! I mentioned before (still in winter asks) how i liked how the gems in Steven universe worked, and how each gem is a different type (like demons in jttw, but it's with stone types lmao) and this will get put into the headcanon,
This will also make the stone monkey able to use one of the elements, depending on what type they are.
so if we have a lapis lazuli, the stone monkeys would be able to use the water element.
If we have a sandstone, the stone monkey would be able to use earth as their element, and so on
i was thinking of giving them levels/rating them over who is the strongest type or who can do what like demons can! (Example: demon monkeys can shapeshift better than pig demons)
And also ranking them of who's the strongest type and giving them a somewhat similar system as the gems on Steven universe.
So! (Yes I'll get to powers with this)
the strongest type is a diamond (yes also in real life.)
So the diamond is usually the leader, able to use water/ice as their element, but depending on where they were born, they change element (like Pokemons and regions)
Basically, they are the king or queen regardless if they are strong or not. They are "born" to be a ruler. (They are still the strongest between stone monkeys, there can't be a strongest type.)
The second strongest type, are the rubies and sapphires.
Usually sapphires are related to ice/water and rubies are related to fire/metal, they work are the generals, the right arm of the diamonds.
the rest it goes on army, workers, the usual social pyramid scheme.
Now that we talked about their society, let's talk about their powers as a whole!
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As said here, stone monkeys can do a lot of things! Such as manipulating said elements to creating weapons out of them!
(I'll talk about my version of wukong in this headcanon in the end.)
Now that this is explained, let's go into depth.
What are actually stone monkeys?
Are they demons? Are they mystical creatures? Are they celestial beings?
I like to think they are a mix of demon monkeys and celestial beings!
they get counted as a demon type...just not very well known since there's literally ONE type of them existing and it's fucking sun wukong.
but! They are made out of stone and magic, without magic they'll die. (And without a vessel that is of course. Imagine it like the player in deltarune, they need to create a vessel to actually exist in the world, or they'll just be magic.)
stone monkeys aren't immortals, they even have a shorter life than demons! But that can depend.
everything is based on magic, if they run out of magic, they'll crack, and eventually break apart and turn into dust (die.)
if they have a STRONG and active magic, they'll stay alive until their vessel cracks or their magic runs out (like battery)
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[Now ignore this but my urge to make stone monkeys genderfluid, like literally they can change whenever, is strong as FUCK.]
((Also I'm taking off the part of them not being able to use their powers for a long time, it all depends on how much they practiced!!))
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[[In winter headcanon, wukong was born as a kid, unlike in the book that he was already an adult!]]
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this is everything i gathered over the asks and personal headcanons for them, but it's general, for wukong? Different thing.
this is based on personal headcanons, if you wanna know winter one, just check her account!
I headcanon him as asexual and aromatic as said already,
His type of stone? Diamond. It would fit for him being the king.
since he's the only type of stone monkey, he of course doesn't know much about himself or spiece.
Dosen't know the language, nor costumes,
He's way more used to human and demon ones!
Pretty eyeliner man.
(Also this isn't mine, but i like it so lmao.)
Trans wukong.
My man had to cut off his penis for his disguise as a woman and now it became a vagina.
Yes that's the headcanon.
Yes I'm handing over (accidental) trans and Asexual/Aromatic wukong.
he's a short ass bro.
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s0ulryo · 2 years
Il Dottore Relationship Headcanons ‧˚♡⋆。˚
[Dottore x Reader] Synopsis: General relationship headcanons with Il Dottore. Tags: Fluff, bit crackish, Dottore brain rot, soft headcanon. Notes: Possibly ooc? My mind is everywhere and nowhere at once. Also not proofread. I did this at 3 in the morning and I can’t feel my brain goodnight everyone.
(Reader is always gn unless specified otherwise.)
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The beginning of your relationship was extremely slow, sometimes you wondered if you were actually in a relationship with the strange man or if you were just a glorified roommate. The two main causes behind this were his job and his inability to process love languages. 
He’s a Fatui Harbinger. None of them are mentally stable or have free time. Plus, we know that he pretty much was ostracized for his whole life; which has probably led to some psychological problems. So when people do things for him, he probably is extremely weary of them – thinking that they are doing stuff in order to use him to their advantage in the future.
“Dottore.” You call out, “I made your favorite.” “Why?” Dottore responds. “Do you need something? You could just ask if you do, there's no need to do such things for a favor.” “Dottore it’s 8:00 pm and it’s the first time you’ve been home in weeks, I missed you.” “Oh…”
He tries to keep you away from his work seeing how dangerous and unappealing it is from the general public’s perspective. He might even try to lie about it at first. (He's a horrible liar at times.)
“Dottore, why are there Fatui agents outside?” Picking at his nails he responds “Fatui Agents? Outside? Never heard of them. In fact, I’ve never been outside Dear.” You roll your eyes “Dottore they called you ‘Lord Harbinger’ I think you know who they are.” “Are you calling me a liar?” He scoffs, clearly offended. “Yes Dottore, I am calling you a liar.” “Rude.”
He told you about his affiliation with the Fatui twenty minutes later – it’s not like it was much of a secret anyways.
I believe he’d open up fairly quickly and be absurdly touch starved. I mean, he did enter a relationship with you, so he has to trust you to some extent. All he wants is a hug, so please just hug him.
He’s also a little shit when he’s annoyed by or at you. If you guys get in a petty argument he probably moves all the stuff you use to the high shelves (if you're shorter than him) or any area you would struggle to reach just so you would have to ask him for help getting the object down. He’s probably hidden the chairs before just to make sure you can’t reach what you need. If you are taller than him he would simply hide the objects you need so you would ask him to look for them with you.  
He’s made inventions as little keepsakes for you. He has things that remind him of you at his office, so he wants you to have things that remind you of him at yours. 
He’s kind of a big bully as a lover, he’d pick on you and not know when to stop; but if what he had said has hurt your feelings he’d do his best to make it up to you without apologizing. It’s not that he’s not sorry – he is, believe him. He just doesn’t know how to apologize.
I believe his love language is quality time or gift giving. He’s shit with words and doesn’t know how to initiate physical affection (it does get better over time, but it’s still not the best). 
I mainly believe quality time is his main love language because he’s not used to someone that willingly wants to be around him, and he finds the feeling to be addicting. If he’s working on something at home or on the off chance he has free time from work, he wants to be around you.
Overall Dottore is a soft lover who just wants to be affectionate with his lover.
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ofmermaidstories · 2 years
wait can you, like, imagine double dates with something!reader and deku + surrender!reader and bakugou?? they’d be a certified mess— but like in the best way possible. just deku and weeds being extra nice while bakugou and scribbles just annoy each other with snide/joking comments. or like both readers imitating what their s/o’s hero persona??
also like imagine bakugou’s reaction when scribbles and weeds start getting along— he’s totally do the ohmygod she’s a bad influence until he gets used to them being besties (or like good friends idk)?? bad weeds and scribbles teasing both of them together agsjdhdh brain rot !!! I can’t wait till shouto and his y/n join the gang ?? I dunno, what’re some interactions/headcanon’s you have about the y/n’s and their boys? I’ll take an slice anything, really
there’s something so joyous and celebratory about seeing these heroes have normal home lives with normal people— like in the manga/anime we see them suffer and train and train and do very little of anything else. but your in another life fics just give them the softest epilogue and just reading and imagining them makes me so fucking happy
In my original outline for the very last chapter of something (just like this) I had like, a part in there where something!Reader/Scribbles was like, “when am I going to meet this florist of yours eh??”, like, just kind of poking fun at Bakugou, and he was going to reply with something like, “‘m not letting Weeds near you, you’re a shitty influence” but i didn’t like it so i axed it 🥹 Now in my outline they just talk about Deku (boring….)
(Scribbles and Weeds become besties anyways and Scribbles is deliberately like, “you should leave him bestie, you can do so much better, marry a nice farmer with a big farm by the sea who grows you flowers for the shop” and Weeds is just like, “????????? but i…. like my Blasty????????? 🥺 ?????? ????????” while Bakugou, who very clearly heard everything because Scribbles made eye contact while grinning, just has to grind his teeth while Deku starts prattling on whether a farmer/florist duo could turn a profit in a similar operation)
I do see Bakugou getting salty when Scribbles and Weeds become BFFs because it’ll be like… cementing that tether he and Deku have with each other LMAO. I just know Deku is imagining he and Bakugou and Shouto and the Y/Ns like, spending these big noisy Christmases together at his house with all their other friends and whatever kids come along and karaoke and food everywhere and like… tears up at the thought LMAOOOO lsdkfjsldkfjl. ahhh deku… ya nerd. all he wants is absolutely everything. 🥹 anyways, Bakugou’s also actually going to like Shouto’s Y/N a lot more, straight off the bat, because he finds them significantly less annoying (mostly because Y/N is tormenting Shouto and doesn’t even know it LMAO).
I make it sound like Bakugou and Scribbles don’t get along. Scribbles will enjoy teasing him, by the end of something—and he will take it on the chin, no matter how he barks back. The two of them are going to come to understand something very fundamental about each other in that last chapter and it’ll bond them (reluctantly) in a way that doesn’t happen for any other Reader/Hero combo.
(but i’ve promised a hundred happy endings right? so on that note, re: double dates, by the time any of them have the chance to properly do date nights it might as well be a triple date with Shouto and his Y/N—and it will be chaotic and noisy and the first one will absolutely get gate-crashed by their other friends and Bakugou will swear up and down that he’ll never do that ever, ever again—cue to them all a couple of years down the track, at one of their monthly banquet lunches at Deku’s house; it’s noisy, there’s a couple of babies underfoot—food everywhere. A tiny happily ever after, that they get to repeat, over and over again.🌷📖🌾🌊✨)
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lavendermaelk · 3 years
Dating Theodore Nott Headcanons
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Theodore Nott x Fem!Reader Headcanons Author's Note: I have theo brain rot courtesy of the lovely @honeystevie and like half of these ideas came from us gushing about how much we love him over on her page. she also has headcanons for theo so go check that out as well &lt;3
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-Theodore is a pretty private person, he likes to keep to himself for the most part but when he’s with you he will always let you know what’s going on and in turn he will listen to you like every word you speak is of a prophecy that holds the key to eternal peace
-well, you are his eternal peace
-he’s very much a gentle giant when it comes to you but nearly the rest of the school see his quiet, reserved yet stone cold side
-close friends call him Theo but he lets you call him Teddy
-even if it makes him blush every time
-has the cutest pet names for you too
-baby bear, my darling, lovely, pretty girl, sweetheart
-he’s not too big on PDA but always has to be touching you or near you at the very least
-always tries to stay at Hogwarts for Yule but if your parents are nice enough, he spends break at your house
-if you’re a half blood or muggle born, you teach him about things they don’t bring up in muggle studies and you introduce him to the environment so you can both go out without him pulling out his wand or having to ask what a something is
-he’s definitely mesmerised by your laptop and phone
-he’s a little awkward with affection because it never really played a huge part in his life
-but once he gets into the swing of things, he’s all over you when you two are alone
-kisses, hugs, has you lay on him because he likes the warmth and pressure
-absolutely horrible at keeping surprises from you because he likes to be open with you
-does his best to become prefect or head boy so he can have a single dorm that he always wants to share with you
-you wait for him in the common room while he’s doing his rounds, you might fall asleep on the couch but he smiles every time and gives your forehead a little kiss to let you know he’s made it back
-he stays up with you to finished homework, he definitely helps you with potions and you help him when he struggles in your best subject, he always gets you caffeine when he knows it’s gonna be a long night of scribbling on parchment or staring at textbooks and notes to make sense of what was going to be on the test
-he was already pretty good at taking care of himself but with you around he makes sure he’s on top of everything because he doesn’t want you to look bad because his hair was greasy or he didn’t shower in the locker room after quidditch
-he’s super protective of you, most of the school knows not to mess with you or they’d have to face your teddy bear and his friends
-because of course Draco and the gang love you
-Especially Pansy and Daphne. Sure, Astoria hangs out with you guys when she isn’t busy but having just one more girl to offset Draco’s little boy band is so nice
-you go shopping and have girls days with them a lot
-Theo is like a lost puppy without you, even with the boys. Draco would take them to Honeyduke’s for a drink while you and the girls look around the shops for some nice casual clothes and he’d be trying not to pout while he sips on his butterbeer
-if you’re not a Slytherin, he definitely stares at you in the great hall, heart eyes and everything
-Draco and Blaise always make fun of the way he looks at you but he always just points out how single they both are and smirks
-there have definitely been people who’ve wanted to break you two up
-some think you’re a godsend and say that Theo is undeserving of you, and he’d say its true but that he was the most deserving of anyone who’d laid eyes on you
-some think that Theo’s too good for you and he deserves someone better, especially if you’re not a pureblood Slytherin
-but he has a tight hold on you and you grip him just as tight
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shigarakislittlepet · 3 years
im so happy to find a blog with good nsfw content for literally all my faves lol we share the same braincell it seems! how about fluffy nsfw headcanons for Dabi, Shigi, Aizawa and Shinsou and well, Baku but I don't want to overwhelm you even if you don't have a character limit hhh, with a s/o that was completely inexperienced in sex before they got together? They grew more comfortable with the idea of sex over time as they used to be really shy about it but they're scared they'll mess up and disappoint their loves? If possible could you mention what kind of approach each boy would have for the first time with their virgin s/o? I'm just feeling some fluffy dick tonite ya know lol stay safe out there <3
Ohhhh my gosh, this whole thing gave me brain rot lmao, thank you for giving me this power <3<3<3
This also took me literal months to finish because life got crazy, so I’m sorry about that. Hope you enjoy it anyway!
TW: loss of virginity, gentelness, fluffy smut, unprotected sex bc I’m a whore (Y/N is on birth control), and as always all characters are adults especially Y/N
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> You are surprised by how patient he is with you. You were sure he’d have gotten tired of waiting, but he didn’t push. He didn’t make you feel badly about it, and the last thing he would ever want to do to sweet little innocent angel is coerce them into something they weren’t ready for. So, he waits.
> It happened so gradually. Over time, light kissing became making out. After a few months, you got more comfortable and it didn’t feel at all odd to fall into bed with him, cuddling and “swapping spit” as he called it, which always made you giggle like a schoolgirl at his crudeness. His hands would test the waters, but he was always feeling for nervous tremors and flinching, never wanting to go further than you were comfortable. At first, he only rested a hand on you lower back, drawing lazy circles into your waist, his other cradling your face gently, reassuringly. Eventually he could get his hand beneath your shirt, still just at your lower back, but he was content with his progress. Your skin was soft and you said he felt warm, and that was the first time he ever thought of his quirk as “sweet, comforting”, as you described the warmth from his hands.
> After a few months went by, he had progressed to the point of being able to freely roam your body with his hands, the warmth helping you stay calm and anchored to him.
> What continued to surprise you is how easy it felt, once you were ready. You didn’t even see it coming. He asked you, so gently, if he could take your shirt off. You told him he could as long as he promised to keep you warm. He went along slowly, constantly reassuring you, “God Angel, you’re so beautiful. I gotta see more of you, can I? Please?”, “You’re so soft, I need to feel more of your skin, angel, please?” You didn’t even hesitate, you didn’t need to. You felt safer with him than you ever had in your life.
> You realized, once you were both naked together, just how comfortable you were with him. And suddenly you felt like you needed to give him everything he ever wanted, and you knew he would do the same for you.
> It happens so slowly, or at least, it feels like it does. His hand slowly grazes down between your bodies until he reaches your core. You gasp, no one but you had ever touched you there, and it feels so foreign and wonderful. And warm. Once you begin bucking onto his fingers, an insatiable grin stretches across his face. He retracts his fingers, bringing them to his lips, and you watch as he sucks them clean. He calls you delicious and rolls on top of you, asks you if you’re ready for him. For the first time, you look down between your bodies and see just how huge and hard he is for you. When he sees your concern he kisses your forehead, then your lips. “I won’t hurt you Angel, I promise.” You nod and smile, and he starts easing into you, stopping every so often when he can tell the stretch is too much. He kisses your cheeks, your shoulders, your lips, whatever he can get his mouth on as he pants and mumbles little praises. “I love you”, “You’re doin’ so well”, “You’re takin’ me sooo well”, “God, you’re so beautiful, you know how beautiful you are Angel?”, “Ahh, you’re so fuckin’ tight and wet for me Angel, you want me that badly?”. The praises and teases help you considerably to keep you relaxed, and fuck, you DO want him. So fucking badly, you need him. When he’s finally seated inside you fully, he waits, clearly using every last bit of his restraint and self control to give you time to adjust. When you finally whine and buck your hips up on him, he loses it. “I hope you’re fuckin’ ready, Angel.”
>You find rather quickly that Dabi’s style is a beautiful mix of “fucking” and “making love”. He fucks you, hard and deep, so much so that it makes you see stars, but while he does it he’s caging you in-between his arms, holding you close while he pistons in and out of you. He looks you in the eyes, watching your reactions, quickly finding what angle makes you convulse and let out those beautiful moans and coos that he’s now desperate to hear.
>When he nears his end, he reaches down between you again to rub sweet circles against your clit, because no way is Dabi cumming first. It’s just not his style.
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> Shigaraki is definitely happy that you’re inexperienced, he’d kill anyone who had ever laid a hand on you before him. You belonged to him.
> It also means that you’re a virgin, which really gets him going because hes a pervert. ((He’s also secretly glad that he’s not the only virgin))
> He is touch starvvveeeeddddddd. We all know this. But at first, he’s so hesitant to touch you, for fear of destroying you.
> You are patient with each other, and together you find out what works and what doesn’t. He got some artist gloves so he could hold your fucking hand without hyperventilating about dusting you. He’s still afraid of you disappearing beneath his fingertips.
> You were never, not even for a second, worried that he would hurt you. You knew that he could, that he had the ability, but you knew that he wouldn’t.
> He wasn’t so sure, he was afraid of rolling over in the night and finding a pile of dust where you used to be. He wakes up from nightmares about it and has to wake you up to hold you while he shakes uncontrollably. He just has to know you’re alive.
> You both get more and more comfortable with physical proximity and contact together, because you both wanted it, you were both just so worried about fucking everything up.
> When the time came where both of you decided you were ready to have sex, you admitted to him that you were afraid of not measuring up to his expectations. All these “what if’s” kept popping up in your mind: “what if he doesn’t find my body attractive enough”, “what if I don’t know how to move right”, “what if I cant please him”, etc. etc. etc.
> He just looks at you kind of taken aback and confused. He was worried about you not being able to see him as sexually attractive because of how he looked, he was just as self-conscious as you. “Darling, you’re the most perfect person in existence, how can you not see that? Look at me! I’m... I... Look like this! How could I ever hope that someone as beautiful as you could ever see me that way?”
>You didn’t immediately know how to respond. You were... heartbroken that he saw himself that way. You couldn’t image him being self-conscious about anything because in your eyes, he was a god. He was perfect and angelic and you told him as much. You looked at him with such adorably big eyes and your voice was full of so much honesty and adoration, he had to have you immediately. He’d never felt desired, he had never felt lovable. He always thought it would be a miracle if anyone would ever be able to even stomach looking at him without cringing away in disgust. But you were so perfect and you loved him so immediately and so much that it knocked him out. He launches himself at you and just kisses you for a while.
> You both fumbled around a bit at first, trying to find what felt best. You both quickly came to the conclusion that you were going to have to practice together. A lot. As much as possible actually, because even in your inexperience, you both felt more amazing than you ever had in your lives. When you were connected like this, panting, kissing, licking, trying your damndest to become one being, it felt like bliss. You never wanted it to stop.
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> Aizawa has an innocence kink. There I fucking said it.
> When it comes to the person he’s with, he’s a shameless flirt, and while he would NEVER cross a line or pressure you, he definitely does his best to get you in the mood whenever he can, much to your naïve frustration.
> At first you genuinely don’t even realize he’s doing it on purpose. The heated looks he gave you that made your knees weak? You didn’t think he was doing that on purpose, it’s just because he’s... tired? And he always looks so gorgeous, so that’s why. He ALWAYS makes your knees weak. Yeah that’s all it is, obviously.
> And when he comes up behind you, hands on your hips gently, and lowly rumbling in your ear. Sometimes it’s just comments about whatever you’re doing, which was bad enough. But sometimes it was mumbled compliments. About your outfit, how good it made your ass look. About how soft your hair was, how good you smelled, the softness of your skin while he gently rubbed his stubble against your neck.
> He was so soft most of the time, cuddling you while watching movies, cooking together, dancing in the kitchen with you at 3 in the morning after he finished grading papers. The shift that happened when he would get flirtatious was dizzying.
> You were nervous though, Aizawa was a bit older than you, and obviously way more experienced that you. One night while you were curled up in bed together, you told him you were nervous about disappointing him when the time finally came. He sat up and turned a light on immediately and pulled you into his lap. He held you and stroked your hair and told you how much you meant to him, how you could never disappoint him, how much he wanted you, and how he was willing to wait however long you needed. He held you until he was sure you felt better about it, and then he held you until he was sure you were asleep. You were the most important person in the world to him, and he wasn’t gonna let you think anything was ever gonna change that.
> When you finally got tired of his teasing and felt like you were ready, you decided to get him back. Before he got home, you put on one of his long shirts as a dress and started getting dinner ready.
> When he walked through the door and saw that you were wearing nothing but one of his black button ups, he had to maintain every ounce of his self control to contain the rush of feral need that suddenly consumed him. Now it was HIS turn to assume you were being innocent. And man did you play it up. “What’s wrong Shota? Are you feeling okay?” And you bat your big beautiful eyes at him. He was going to have a stroke.
> It wasn’t until you bent over and he noticed you weren’t wearing anything under his shirt that he realized it was an invitation. He came up behind you, caging you in against the counter, and growled lowly in your ear, “Do you have any idea what you’re doing to me?” He gently pushed his growing erection against your ass, making you gasp. Score.
> “W-what do you mean?” you looked up at him as innocently as you could. He took your hand and pressed it to the front of his pants. He groaned low in his chest, thankful for any friction. “Don’t play dumb with me, kitten. You know exactly what you’re doing. I think you should take responsibility.” You grinned.
> “Yes Sir,” he jolts at that, and you sink your knees and get to work undoing the fastenings on his hero costume. When his cock springs free, you eagerly give it kitten licks until he’s had enough. He grips you by your hair and gently guides your mouth down onto his cock. He’s big, bigger than you can take, but that doesn’t stop Aizawa from purposefully making you gag on him every so often. He really does get off on how innocent you are, the tears that hang in your eyes from gagging on his cock. He’s gonna cum soon if he’s not careful.
> After he’s had his fun making you suck him off, he pulls you up and carries you off to bed. No way he’s taking your virginity on the floor, he’s too much of a gentleman. And dinner, what dinner? Thank god nothing happened to be on the stove or in the oven.
> He sets you down in bed and kisses you, takes his shirt off of you and finishes ridding himself of his hero costume. He takes pride in getting you ready for him, relishing in your sweet noises and how wet you are for him. A fact that he teases you about. “S-Shotaaa~” you moan and clench down on his fingers. He smirks, “What happened to ‘Sir’, hmm? I liked that, you know...” All you can do is whine up at him in response.
> When you feel like you’re close to cumming, you whine louder and clench down harder and before you can reach your peak, he stops. You whine in frustration before he leans down and rumbles, “Oh no, kitten, the only way you’re cumming is if you cum on my cock.” You gasp and nearly convulse at his filthy words, but you’ve never felt like you needed him more.
> He fucks you gently, at first anyway. For as long as he can. He rolls his hips into you and angles his thrusts expertly, aiming for that spot inside you that’ll make your head spin. And he hits it. Every time. And your head DOES spin. And soon you can feel the pressure build again and you start whining again, “Sh-Shouta, please! I’m s-oh! So close!” He smiles, and decides to take pity on you. He pistons harder, faster, brings a hand to your core to rub circles against your clit and when you cum, you scream his name and he can’t take it anymore. He slams into you, chasing his own high and simultaneously extends yours. You’re seeing stars by the time he cums deep into you. He rolls over, bringing you with him. You lie on top of him and he strokes your hair, and you just hold each other for a while.
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> I wanna say this now, Shinso is Aizawa Jr. I’m so sorry, but its true. They’re both tired, overworked, cat lovers that just wanna come home and cuddle and pass out.
> He knows he’s your first boyfriend. You met at UA and pretty much bonded immediately. Now that you’re both pro-heros working for the same agency? It was only a matter of time before he made a move. And thank whatever higher power exists that you have the same schedule. More time for cuddles.
> HOWEVER! Don’t let the fact that he’s a cuddle-bug fool you. He frequently has to remember that you’re a virgin and you’ve never been in a relationship before, so you have no idea how much he’s affected by you answering your door on a Saturday morning you both had off wearing one of his hoodies that absolutely swallows you. Looking up at him smiling and yawning sleepily, rubbing one of your eyes and groggily asking, “What are you doing here so early? I thought we weren’t going out till tonight?”. He has to breathe deeply to stop himself from jumping you.
> Because much like Aizawa, seeing you so sleepy and soft and small and knowing how innocent and naive you are to all of the things you do that make him need you... is going to make him lose his mind. Quickly.
> Instead of an innocence kink though, this motherfucker has a corruption and a mind break kink. He wants to make it impossible for you to feel pleasure without him, he wants to make you need him desperately, forever. And he wants to do it without the help of his quirk. But that would all come in time, at the moment he has to stop himself from cumming in his pants because you’re bending over on your way to your room so you can change, stooping to pet your cat and his hoodie rode up your ass and he can see your lacy black panties and you were GOING to drive him insane long before he ever got the chance to make you his, he was sure.
> He had brought you coffee and suggested you just stay in all day since you both had such a late night. Watching movies and stuff. You know, normal stuff. He told himself he wasn’t going to try and make a move. Right? Right.
> But when you emerged from your room 45 minutes later, showered and changed, your hair still damp and a droplet of water drifting down your neck and landing in the dip of your collar bones, all he could think of was licking it up. How good your hair must smell, how your skin was still probably warm form the water... He was staring, and you pretended not to notice.
> You were nervous about not measuring up to his expectations. You’d seen the women he usually went out with, and how comfortable they were with their bodies and their sexuality. How beautiful they were. As far as you were concerned, you were nothing like them.
> He could see the gears turning in your head and the downturn of your mouth, and he asked you what was wrong. He motioned for you to come sit with him, and it wasn’t five seconds before he pulled you into his lap. After some coaxing, you let him know what you were worried about. He assured you that the reason he was so happy with you is because you weren’t anything like the women he had dated before. Because, not only were you far more beautiful than they were, they had also been conceited and cold, only dating him because he was an up and coming pro-hero that could get them into events so they could dump him for the first bigger hero they’d meet. He liked that you were soft and warm and he could trust you, that you had always trusted him, even despite his quirk.
> You talked for awhile, and as the morning sun drifted higher into the sky, you decided it was time to door dash some food. While he ordered it, you excused yourself the restroom. You needed to think. The heaviness of the conversation still weighed on you, and you’d never felt closer to him than you did now. It was time, you were sure. You wanted to give him everything he’d been waiting so patiently for, he deserved it. And so did you damnit, no more of this scaredy-cat bullshit! You gave yourself your best war face in the mirror before you exited the bathroom and going back to the living room where Shinsou was reclined on your couch. Head tilted back, resting on the pillow behind him.
> He was so beautiful. Lavender hair a wild mess, eyes closed and lashes fluttering softly. You wanted to kiss his neck suddenly, and unlike when urges like this usually happened, you didn’t shove the thought away. You quickly straddled him and, before he had the chance to question you, you began kissing up and down his neck softly. “K-kitty...” he groaned beneath you, gripping your waist, his hips jerking up against yours.
> After a while of your explorative kissing, he growled impatiently and flipped you over easily, pressing you into the couch. He kissed you like he might die if he didn’t, deep and slow and desperate. When he finally broke for air and looked at you, he felt his heart and his dick jump. Your flushed face and your eyes that were looking up at him through your eyelashes heavily, your mouth hanging open gasping and your kiss bitten lips, your brows softly cinched at the effort it took for you to remember you needed to breathe.
> He asks you if you’re sure you were ready, and when you nod dazedly up at him he doesn’t need any more convincing.
> He takes his time, he’s slow and methodical. He wants your first time to be an enjoyable experience. Something you can look back on fondly and remember how much he loved you, how good it felt, how comfortable you were. He wanted it to be better than his first time, drunk after a hero convention, with some woman who didn’t remember his name in the morning and never called him back. He pushed the thought away. He focused on you, on how perfect you were.
> When he finally thrusts into you, you think you want to feel like this forever. You tell him so, and beams with pride, pushing your pleasure further. Kissing your neck and praising you. Telling you how perfect you are, telling you all the things you do that drive him crazy, telling you that he’s never going to let you go, that you’re his forever and he’s yours.
> You cum together, and you think that everything in the world must have always been this beautiful. You spend the rest of the day cuddling, eating, and making love.
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> No thoughts in this mans head. None. At least when it comes to romance. When you first start dating, you had to make the first move cause his oblivious ass just thought you were challenging him. You had to explain to him that what you were actually doing was called “flirting”.
> So when it comes to your first time, you know you’re gonna have to make the first move there too. He fears rejection, so he avoids the things he really wants the most. Which in this case is you whining on his dick.
> But he also knows you’re a virgin and he doesn’t wanna scare you, so he leaves it be. Trusting his fist to get the job done when he really needs to let off some steam. Either by punching shit or jerking off.
> One day, you do catch him jerking off, and you immediately start to (stupidly) think that you’re not enough for him, that he might leave you for someone who can give him what he needs. You don’t think he notices you having a mini panic attack in the hallway so you sneak back to the kitchen to catch your breath and think. Why HAD you waited this long? What were you waiting FOR? You guessed you had just been worried about not knowing what to do, about him getting impatient and annoyed with you for your lack of experience.
> Making your final decision, you square your shoulders and march yourself back to your shared room. You confidently open the door to find him ... waiting for you?
> “Tch, took you long enough. You done freakin’ out now?” He grumbles from his spot on the bed. You nod meekly and he opens his arms for you, an invitation you gratefully accept. He pets your head and continues grumbling, “ just as bad as shitty-hair, nobody ever knocks anymore. You shouldn’t be surprised when you just try to walk in like that...”
> He keeps petting your head until eventually you hit him with it. “‘Tsuki, I wanna... uhm...” you look up at him with pleading eyes hoping his quirk somehow suddenly allows him to read your mind.
> It doesn’t. “ You wanna what? C’mon, spit it out.” No thoughts, remember?
> You huff and blush and finally squeak out, “Wanna make you feel good, ‘Tsuki...”
> His brain stops working momentarily. When he catches back up, he smirks. “Seriously? It just took you gettin’ jealous over my left hand for you to be ready?”, he teased. You stick out your tongue and he grabs your jaw, looks you dead in the eyes when he says, “I have something much more important for that cute little mouth to do.”
> Your eyes go wide at his suggestion, even though it really doesn’t surprise you. When Katsuki wants something he wants to go all out, no half-assing it. You nod nervously and he laughs at your apprehension, allowing you to shift down his body until you were face to face with his fly. You undid the button and zipper with shaky hands, and gently guide his dick out of his jeans.
> Beautiful is the first word to come to your mind. Beautiful and massive, just like the rest of him. He was easily over six feet tall, and built too so it really shouldn’t have surprised you, but it did. For a moment all you can do is look up at him from your place below him, your big strong hero. You melt a little and you notice him smirking down at you again, “What ‘ya lookin’ at, princess?”. He gently strokes your cheek while you admire him, “You.” you reply dazedly. His smirk widens to a bear malicious grin, “Me? How come?”. A feeling you’re not totally familiar with, but you’re pretty sure is called submission, fills you suddenly and you feel warm and content. “You’re perfect,” you bat your eyelashes and bite your lip as you gently start to stroke your hand up and down his length.
>He controls his breathing, because he really can’t handle you looking so cute with his cock that close to your pretty little face. “‘Tch, and? What’s got you so worked up about it?” You giggle and nuzzle your face into the base of his cock and look up at him innocently. “I’m just glad I’m yours,” you smile and lick him from base to tip before gently taking him into your mouth. You’d read enough smut online to at least have some idea how to do this.
> He almost cums when you say that you’re glad to be his. His, he grins. He doesn’t get to think about that for too long though because your warm, wet tongue is sliding up his shaft and then your pretty little mouth engulfs him and he thinks he might hyperventilate if you keep looking up at him like that. He’d almost say it wasn’t fair, but then you start moving and he thinks that he could actually die happily from the warm bliss that fills him while he watches you try to take more and more of him down your throat.
> This is much more fun than you thought it would be, especially because Katsuki keeps letting out those little sighs and groans, you’re pretty sure he doesn’t even realize he’s doing it. You hollow out your cheeks and suck a bit harder before taking a deep breath and relaxing your throat as much as possible. You lower yourself down as far as you can, pushing past the ring of muscle in the back of your throat before moving down further. You feel him lay his hand gently, encouragingly, on the back of your head. You’re surprised when you find your nose nestled in the light blonde fuzz at the base of him and you stick your tongue out to lap at the underside.
> He jolts when you begin your descent. You’re not really gonna try to deep-throat him, are you? He watches you, mesmerized. No ones ever even tried, always saying he was way too big. It felt way too good. He laid a hand on the back of your head to ground himself, quickly realizing he had to control himself so that he didn’t clench his fist in your hair or shove you down all the way and hold you there. When you reached your goal, he sighed. Your throat felt perfect wrapped around him, just like he knew it would. When he felt your tongue sneak out of your mouth and lick, he thanked whatever creator there was that your tongue was long enough to reach his anchor. when you start to move your head up and down, he can only take it for so long before he’s thrusting up into your mouth. When you gag on him, that’s it, he has to pull you off him before he grips your head and suffocates you on his cock.
> He’s nearly at the point of begging, but thankfully, mercifully, you seem to get the idea. You wipe your mouth and lie back on the bed, giggling at his abruptness and he growls in response. He kisses you, and praises you, telling you how good you are, how much he needs to be inside you as he undresses you. You’re surprised at how automatically your legs open for him, and you tell him how much you need him inside of you as well. You feel so empty all of a sudden. Until one of his thick fingers finds your molten core and gathers some of your slick before sinking into you and you gasp.
> He continues to kiss and praise you as he works you with his fingers. You whine and moan and beg, it’s like music to his ears. When he thinks you’re ready, he lines himself up with your entrance, sliding up and down, grinding against your clit briefly before continuing. “I wanna hear you beg for it, princess.” and fuck, did you beg. A beautiful litany of filthy fucking words fell from your mouth, and he couldn’t take it anymore. He sinks into you fully in one thrust, gripping your open legs for stability.
> At first you can’t speak, you can’t make any noise at all. You feel so unbelievably full, and you look up at him and his eyes are clenched shut and his jaw is set. He’s holding himself back. He’s trying to be gentle with you because it’s your first time. He really is very sweet when he wants to be. You raise a shaky hand to his face and he leans into it. He met your eyes and you watch as his control falters when he sees you bent in half like this. You smile, “Katsuki, please”, is all you can say. It seems to open the flood gates. For all his self control, he pounds into you mercilessly and it fills you with the most intense feeling of ecstasy. “F-fuck ‘Tsuki, you feel s-so fucking good,” you moan and gasp brokenly.
> He cums hard. Grunting, growling, and near snarling the whole way through. You’re seeing stars, even though you haven’t cum. It had felt so fucking amazing, and you’re more than content with that. Katsuki is definitely not however, and is intent on eating you out until you beg for mercy. He always takes such good care of you.
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