#Angie's rambling times
starsofang · 3 months
fwb!johnny who fell for you on accident. it was just sex, and that was a rule you enforced from the beginning. you weren’t ready for a relationship and you wanted careless fun, which you found in johnny.
at first, he was fine with the arrangement. no strings, no attachments, it sounded perfect for a busy man like him. he couldn’t give you the world like most people wanted in a partner. so he settled. and he was fine with it.
until he began to notice you. the beauty marks that scattered your skin. the faint scars you gained from childhood adventures. the way your smile formed crinkles in your eyes.
it started off small before it consumed him whole. he was enraptured with you. it was no longer just sex for him, he wanted to be with you.
when the bottled feelings eventually cracked one night while he laid in bed with you, naked bodies entwined with one another, you became distant. cold. you reminded him of your arrangement, telling him he needed to cut off the feelings for the better, for both of you.
johnny feared losing you, so he agreed. he didn’t have it in him to cut off the sex, knowing that if he did, he’d lose the one person who made him feel alive rather than simply surviving. existing. so he sucked it up and drowned in his own sorrowful, unrequited adoration.
he loved you like a dog, and when you called, he came. where you went, he followed. if you asked him to jump, he’d ask how high. a dog was loyal to the owner of its heart, and johnny was no better than a mutt.
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mysteriousl0ser · 5 months
LETS GO!! Pomni is still pretty screwed up over her first day here, I mean this is all fresh and new to her so like DUH. everyone else here is somewhat or entirely adjusted and kind of just cope with the fact that theyre here I dont think pomni has really processed how long theyve been here?? In the pilot she seems SO bothered by how okay they are with this and willingness to do caines fuckass adventures
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i dont blame her, anywho pomni in her nightmare-induced state starts to abstract, she had to face an abstraction early on in her days here which like have to be pretty truamatizing (duh) and cried out to ANYONE, but where she called for help literally no one helped her “oh well” they though
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Pomni doesn't feel like anybody else cares, shes the only one whos still going through an adjustment phase and freaking the fuck out while everyone else is just going along with the adventure, something she still thinks is kinda pointless and doesn't get why anybody would waste their time here doing when they COULD be looking for a way out, why is she the only one who seems to still be distressed here? To feel lost? At least from her perspective, it seems that way. Unfortunately, these people have already been here for a while.
Pomski then meets someone whos just like her, their whole reality was shattered and they don't belong anywhere, mirroring how pomni feels at the moment, even if she still has some sort of grip now vs when she first got here
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And she finds comfort in that!!! Why is it that this NPC feels more real than the ACTUAL REAL PEOPLE trapped here with her??? Whatever the reason, its something to hold onto. Something to LATCH onto. Hes Real. or at least he feels real, and maybe she feels like she belongs with him because at least he knows the feeling, something shes not really felt w anyone else before
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This comfort and solidarity she has with gumigoo is shortlived however as she gets brutally reminded that he wasnt real. The anchor she had vanished and there's quite literally nobody to catch her fall.
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And i feel like ragatha trying to comfort her the way she did didnt help AT ALL. it was kinda a sore reminder that gumigoo is easily replaceable, and GOD thats so frustrating?? This thing felt so real to her and nobody seems to care that he just vanished!! If they could be so apathetic to this whos to say they wont just treat her demise just the same as she thought they would???
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But then something important happens. They have a funeral for Kaufmo, someone whos been established to be their friend way before Pomni ever came here. And maybe it didn't ever settle in before that kaufmo was a real person! Literally!! And he was real to them. Just like gumigoo though less directly they relate to being in pain and kind of in shock of losing someone who they cared about and who was a real person to care about to them AND LIKE YOU CAN SEE WHERE IT CLICKS IN HER FACIAL EXPRESSION HERE, THE CHANGE IN HER EYES AND THE WAY HER EXPRESSION LOSENS AT THIS IDK IT DRIVES ME CRAZY GOD THE ANIMATORS WENT OFF W THIS EP VS THE PILOT IM IM IM
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anyways anyways They have their funeral service, theres quite literally no reason for anyone to just lie and go along with whatever bs caines got going on, this also quite literally has nothing to do with him. This is kind of their own little way of keeping some sort of human traditions and respect for the human persons that get stuck here because they care. HELL you can even see pomni feel a little guilty here when ragatha says that his funeral was disrupted cause she arrived here
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anyways thats exactly it!! They fucking car!! This whole time pomni thought that they just didnt care and were kind of apathetic or downright patronizing her over all this and mocking her or whatnot, like in her dream sequence. But no, they all talk respectively about their memories and experiences with kaufmo, the things they shared together and the feelings they had. EVERYBODY was grieving. Ragatha who always tried to put on some cheerful and kind of irritating (to pomni at least) everythings fine facade (which also kind of feels less real to her at least i think so but i don't think she figured it to be a coping mechanism) to just straight up start crying and breaking up a bit, even mentioning how this does not ever get any easier and how shes had to deal with this plenty of times before.
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Zooble the usually apathetic and kind of asshole who keeps to themselves and gives off i don't care energy and probably gave off the impression that they didn't care about anyone here and just treated the people stuck here as an unfortunate fact and nothing more actually being vulnerable and probably doing the same as ragatha talking about their memories with kaufmo
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Kingers ALWAYS kind of zoned out or not really taking anything seriously and just being there completely lost in space, but here hes grounded, and even earlier in the episode when ragatha needed it most he remained grounded then too (tho pomni didnt see that i just wanted to mention it). Just like the others he grieves and lives in the unfortunate moment
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more of the kinger being grounded when the thought counts
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GANGLE- dude even if its for just a moment she smiles here despite having her tragedy mask and like her whole shtick is being of whatever mood or emotion her mask is allegedly wether she wants to or not, but no here shes more than just that, she smiles for a bit when reminiscing her moments with kaufmo only to go back into crying, and man shes always crying with her tragedy mask but its beyond as far as anyone can tell wether or not its really her or just because of her mask, but here? its really her, no matter what the mask on her face shows!! shes genuinely smiling despite having her comedy mask and shes genuinely crying which is very blatantly obviously different to the usual mask cry etc etc
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heres something about all this, it hits pomni in a way. These people ARE real, and they care. They care about her, they have nothing else but eachother and THATS something to latch onto. Thats something to hold her down, even if they just met pomni
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SPEAKING OF JUST MEETING POMNI she literally expressed how she didnt wanna just LEAVE gumigoo there by himself because she believes no one should just be left there
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the circus peeps just met pomni and just like how she felt a real connection to gumigoo in this digital hell she feels a sort of connection with these people too. Theyre gonna have her back all the same, maybe she wont feel so out of place and alone. BONUS THING!! The literal only times she genuinely smiles is when she feels this real connection to what feels real to her and has a genuine and sincere moment with these people whether it be an npc or a trapped member. Idk it just means something to me how significant both these moments are tipped off with a genuine smile a REAL SMIE!! (id add pictures but tumblr has a 30 image limit) OH ALSO BONUS BONUS THING THE DIFFERENCE IN OUTRO MUSIC IS SO IS SO ITS SO the outro song for the pilot kinda feels so ethereal and out of the moment at least to me it kinda feels like it you're slipping through the cracks and just, existing within yourself as the rest of the world around you kind of shatters into glass or melts into water or something i dont think ANY of that made any sense but its loud and its blaring and its so out of reach in a way, mad disassociation vibes but the outro song for the 2nd ep is a lot quieter yet its right there, at first it starts really small, lonely even. trapped by yourself but as the music gets louder and more instruments join in on the song it kind of has a comforting feel? bittersweet? even? its grounding ina way which is much different from how the first one felt at least to me lmao and the comforting feel kinda only emphasizes what I was talking about earlier- the comfort in having that anchor of reality with having a real moment with these people and making that connection yk? and like as i was saying at first the song starts off with just one instrument, at the start of the episode pomni feels utter alone and out of place even if these people here with here are stuck in the same situation as her, together alone. but as the other instruments join. in it kinda uplifts the song a bit, its not one sole instrument anymore like how in the end pomni feels that connection with everyone else, not so alone anymore idk jackshit about music theory so this is entirely a feelies talk instead of like- music lore? so don't take anything i say as like- idk some professional speak im just a nerd nerding about silly digital fixations ANYWAYS THATS ALL FOR NOW I AVE MORE TO SAY BUT THIS IS LONG ENOUGH LOL if you actually read all the way down this far thank you for listening!!! i really really appreciate it :]
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celestialprincesse · 5 months
part 2 to the ex bf simon one i beg
have we had the part 2 discussion on here yet? I don't think we have but I'm feeling like getting into it today so here goes The lovely and immensely talented @cordeliawhohung phrased how these kinds of asks make writers feel far better than I ever could in one of her posts here
There also...is...a part 2 I know, shocker, right?
If you'd checked my blog, you'd see that not only is there a part 2, but also a whole host of other Simon stuff for you to read! Loads of it!
I personally believe that writers would be far more inclined to continue works if they were appreciated and complimented, as opposed to treated as some form of instant gratification to be churned out with little in the way of feedback and support.
I have 2 full length fics on the go right now, alongside dropping in to respond to the odd request and juggling life and studies and health stuff. If I wanted to update that little drabble, I would've.
I've said it once, and I'll say it again. Writers put in immense amounts of effort to create content for you to enjoy, for free. A little kindness and appreciation for the energy we put in to our work goes a long way. Demanding for more does not. If anything, it just pisses me (and others, I'm sure) off.
We are not Orwellian novel writing machines. (Thank fucking fuck)
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nerd-cat-rambles · 3 months
so, recently, my art skills have been taking off from silly little doodles, and I'm now starting a headshots sketchbook of DR characters! I started this a few months ago, and got back on track a couple weeks ago, so here is my progress!
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I started by drawing Peko back in April, it's messy but I was proud of it.
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Then I continued by drawing Mondus and Celes. Still a bit messy, but I had fun experimenting.
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This drawing was a week ago, I was planning on making an oc but changed it up and now we have an inaccurate genderbend shuichi because why not.
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A bit messy, but I had so much fun drawing some headcanons with miu! (Messy hair, BIG lashes and eye-liner, scars from her accident, yadayada)
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Then I drew rat-ho (rantaro) and I didn't like how it turned out, but I did try some new things which meant that in my eyes I did well. (Backgrounds, perspective, folds/different sleeves, different kind of hair)
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So why not draw smoogie next? She planned everything super well but lost in the end, she probably felt numb. I still like this piece :3
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This is from like... yesterday😭👍 I GOT OVER MYSELF AND DREW KOKICHI AND IT WORKED!!!! I'm super happy with how this turned out, and decided to experiment with the background. I was just doodling things about kokichi but then I decided to draw kaitos jacket because yk.. that scene... with the smoosh. (Sorry for the minor spoilers people)
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Then I doodled Angie during her non stop debates with the sun and flowers etc. Bc... why not. I also dos this with the light of the TV only so... that's fun!
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And now my favourite drawing of my least favourite character lmao. Hiyoko! Her smile looks genuine here imo. I also started to learn how to refine the lines so it didn't look so sketchy, I experimented with backgrounds again (second island) and now I have ny latest wip!
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Not my favourite, but I decided to talent-swap it. I hc this character to love (the genre of talent) and go ALL OUT. She's from sdr2, who do you think it is? Which talent does she have?
Means I'll be drawing shsl (character ultimate) with the other character she swapped with... which will be hard.
I can try and draw characters together in fanart if you request it but I haven't done that before so beware lmao.
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t-posing-ibuki · 23 days
I know everybody and their mom has expressed their distaste of V3's Chapter 3, but I wanna yap about it now.
Korekiyo shouldn't have killed Tenko.
For one, Angie's murder is nearly perfect. The only clues outside of Angie's Lab would have been the sawed beam in the empty rooms, but:
Nobody had any reason to look there for clues.
Nobody would realize its a clue even if they found it.
Nobody would suspect Korekiyo because of it.
Practically speaking, Kiyo could have just killed Angie and gotten away with it during the trial. Killing Tenko wouldn't have helped him win any sooner, and killing her actively left more clues behind to pin Angie's death on him.
Making Kiyo a serial killer didn't justify it, either. He had the choice between risking his own death for the sake of +1 to his body count, OR laying low, escaping as the sole survivor, and returning to the outside world so you can continue to kill.
But I get it. It's a video game; these murders need to be solvable. It has to be that way.
But what if it didn't?
What if Kiyo wasn't the one to kill Angie? What if the two murders happen independently from each other, with two different culprits? What if Angie's killer is executed, but Kiyo gets to live?
Or maybe Kiyo was a victim instead? What if, during the ritual of the Caged Child, Kiyo was killed while the lights were out?
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voidbeau · 12 hours
Okay but actually...
The account termination got me feeling some frustrated way.
I was all content feeling like I was building all my work back up, feeling all satisfied, compiling a little pile of all my art accomplishments in one place
And then suddenly it's all gone again.
Entirely out of my control.
All my shit was here and then it was gone.
I think I'm gonna take a short break probably and see how I feel.
I'll probably be around for Halloween stuffs tho.
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angieheartss · 27 days
quetzalli x neena?
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n0tangeliccc · 1 year
Seeing Stan all sweaty and out of breath after his concert and pulling him to his dressing room as soon as he walks back stage🤭
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thelastspeecher · 9 months
I am forever moderately amused by the fact that I have a biology degree but somehow wound up with a biologist OC whose specialty is not at all what mine is.
like, don't get me wrong, I love amphibians and reptiles. I used to volunteer for a summer camp where I got to show off amphibians and reptiles to kids and tell them all about the creepy crawly critters.
but my specialty is microorganisms. the macroorganisms I've done the most schooling in are invertebrates, in particular molluscs. which are not the purview of a herpetologist.
but character development just sort of happened and now I have a herpetologist OC.
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spicyavogato · 1 year
SPOTTED YOU IN MY ACTIVITY hi angy hi angy hiiii 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 i hope uni isnt beating you to death
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It's more holding me at gunpoint... But!! But! I'm managing, actually! Not much left! Just gotta hold out till April 21st and my colloquium sometime after and then I'll be a free woman 🫠
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(Continuing from my last Wolfwood post)
Like. Fuck! I relate to him so much and he’s such a good character that it *hurts* to see people take him and turn him into their sexually domineering man of color of the week! And there’s an obvious difference between the people who find him sexy and those who fetishize him, so don’t think that I’m upset at the existence of horny art, I’m not.
But. Fuck! When I came up with a way to draw him I literally gave him my lips! Once I had to redraw a bunch because he was looking too much like my dad and it was weirding me out!!!!! In order to add more details to my fic, I’ve talked to my dad about what he remembers about visiting family in Mexico more than I ever have!!!!! I’m making an effort to work on my Spanish!!!
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starsofang · 3 months
tw: angst
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royal knight!gaz who is assigned as your guard, having to follow you everywhere in the palace or the village in order to keep an eye out and protect you, the heir to the throne
royal knight!gaz who you quickly befriend due to the absurd amount of time he’s forced to spend watching you
royal knight!gaz who instantly becomes your most loyal subject, completely devoting his life to you and his status as knight
royal knight!gaz who somehow ends up bedding you after the discovery of your arranged marriage to the neighboring prince mactavish. friendship turned into fleeting touches in the halls and secret meetings in your private chambers.
royal knight!gaz who worshipped you in the lavish of your sheets when the rest of the palace lay sleeping, teaching you the wonders of intimacy and how you’re meant to be treated during it. he claimed it was to prepare you for prince mactavish but really, it was for his own selfish desires.
royal knight!gaz who you grow a forbidden relationship with, falling in love with one another despite the difference in rank and titles
royal knight!gaz who doesn’t know that you’ve made attempts to reject prince mavtavish’s arranged marriage until you come to him after the two kingdoms fell into war, all because you loved him and not the prince
royal knight!gaz who spends the night holding you in bed, knowing that once the morning came, he’d be taken away as your guard and placed into the war as a soldier
royal knight!gaz who promises to come back to you after the war
royal knight!gaz who never returns home to you once the war has ended after dying on the battlefield, leaving you with only memories of the man you fell in love with
royal!reader who spends the rest of their rule weeping over their lost love, being forced to marry prince simon instead, who they could never love. their heart is devoted to a dead man who they should’ve never loved in the first place.
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akkivee · 9 months
i’ve been listening to metal all day to let professional screamers express my rage for me and finally went ‘vee you’re not that edgy, dull that shit girl’ and put on battle of pride 2023 except you don’t understand, ichiro’s first verse in that song is my favourite stage ichiro verse so now i’m upset all over again LOL 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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celestialprincesse · 4 months
aww you guys talk in your sleep and freak out your partners? that’s adorable
i kick and punch and more than a few times have i woken up to the person i was sleeping with on the floor or the couch
i think i was meant to be single
Vamp I missed you so🥲🫶
Being single is soo much better than having to share the bed with someone else!! I much prefer snuggling w/ my cat than trying to steal back the duvet from stinky boys💕
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kuraikyu · 11 months
Spotting a glimpse of dark poetry with Pikachu face and the speed with how suddenly both unnamed kuros start roasting me while clawing their way out at the same time is feral!
-the whole Shinning: ' honey, I'm home! ' scene is back.
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cottonsocks · 11 months
Finally fulfilling the animation student stereotypes ✌️✌️✌️✌️
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