theonlinevegan · 1 year
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Why are people so cruel?
Something that changed in me over the last years, is how I look at animals. In The Netherlands, were I grew up, meat is a very important part of our food. ‘Potato, vegetables and some meat’ would be the normal dinner, and at special moments even more meat would be introduced to the table. 
Generally, throughout my life, the way that people look at animals has changed a bit. Dancing bears are less common, zoos care more about their animals and in commercials, activists talk about the life of animals in the bio-industry. What I don’t understand about this, is that it is considered activist to fight for the rights and well-being of animals. In my mind, someone with a heart can’t lock up a pig between 4 bars for her entire life, or raise dogs that will be in pain all their life. And still, this is what we humans do to animals. We consider them to have less feelings and less rights. Something that makes me deeply sad. And something that I have changed my mind upon a lot. By becoming (nearly) vegetarian, by only eating animal products like eggs or butter that are organic and have a high level of animal well-being. But this cruelty that humans show animals, is still very much present.  
Last summer, I went to a special ‘zoo.’ While I loved zoos when I was younger, in recent years I’ve grown to dislike them a bit more every year. Not every zoo. A lot of zoos do great work to preserve animals and treat them kindly, and help people to get more in touch with nature. But too many zoos still treat their animals poorly, don’t give them space of let them have a natural life. 
This zoo was different however. This zoo is located in the Black Forest, Germany. It has animals (bears and wolfs) that were treated badly. For example, the bear Agonis. He was raised in a very small cage and he learned to get attention by sucking his paw. He spent a long time of his life chained on a terrace, so his life was simply used for entertainment. And there were plenty of bears like him. Another bear in this park was raised to dance on a hot surface with a ring through his nose. Always in unbearable pain. 
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This beautiful creature is Agonis. I dared to stop for a while, because he wasn’t paying attention to me, also because I was far off. The fact he didn’t pay attention, proves how well he was taken care off. In the park, he has plenty of space. He can hide, climb and bath. And he lives together with a group of wolves. This has the effect that natural behavior is stimulated. Agonis will never be able to go back to nature, but at least he will live his life in a worthy way. 
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This park tries to show respect for the animals. Something that often bothers me in zoos, is the fact that they sell a lot of meat, without consideration for animal well-being. I don’t understand that. A zoo that pretends to care for animals, can’t sell meat that has been produced with a lot of suffering. But even that ws thought of here, with a lot of vegan options, and the highest standard of animal welfare for the meat-products that they sold. 
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The park is full of signs, that explain the past of the animals that live here. This is for example the sign of Agonis. 
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But the park also inhabits wolfs. This one for example. She was raised in Lithuania and trained as a dog. Obviously, that didn’t work out, because even if wolfs are not dangerous to humans, they become dangerous when they’re kept in a small house. This wolf still wagged her tail when a human came by and tried to get attention. But slowly, she (thanks to the bears) is also becoming more of a wolf. 
This park, called the ‘Alternativer Wolf und Báren Park’ (The Alternative Wolfs and Bears Park) in the Black Forest, made me happy, because of the way these people care for the animals and give them a animal-worthy life. But is also made me sad. Why do people do this to animals? Isn’t it bad enough that we hurt each other so much, in wars and crimes? Why do we still look at animals as less worthy of a happy life? Why do humans always prevail? And why do some people still consider it acceptable to torture an animal for all its life? 
I can’t accept that. And I am happy that this park at least works to make the life of some animals better. And I sincerely hope that throughout my life, more change will come. A world in which animal rights are just as important as human rights. Cause I really don’t understand why humans are often so cruel to animals.
A link to the park: https://www.baer.de/projekte/alternativer-wolf-und-baerenpark-schwarzwald
P/s: Coming from The Netherlands, I got no commercial interests in this park at all. This story could have been about plenty of other parks, however, this one I visited and it impressed me. 
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caavakushi · 2 years
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monriatitans · 2 years
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QUOTE OF THE DAY Saturday, February 11, 2023
"If you want to test cosmetics, why do it on some poor animal who hasn't done anything? They should use prisoners who have been convicted of murder or rape instead. So, rather than seeing if perfume irritates a bunny rabbit's eyes, they should throw it in Charles Manson's eyes and ask him if it hurts." - Ellen DeGeneres, My Point... And I Do Have One
Image made with and shared via the Quotes Creator App! Quote choice inspired by Oxford English Dictionary's Word of the Day: cosmeceutical. Interested in seeing where the quote came from? If so, click here!
This was originally posted to Instagram, check it out here; everything posted to Instagram is shared to Tumblr! Watch MonriaTitans on Twitch and YouTube!
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dxa2050 · 3 months
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ardnasl · 3 months
This is so disturbing, please click the take action button and write to the USDA and Costco
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trendingvintageretro · 4 months
The Public Execution of Mary the Elephant and How Evil Mankind Can Stoop
Please do not think this a sensationalist macabre fish for views. I was writing a blog titled the ‘Circus Leaves Town’ about my local football club, Lewes FC. For a relevant image for the blog I happened upon this awful story about Mary the Elephant and just how low people can stoop. I researched the event and won’t go through the gory details and tittle tattle surrounding the incredibly sad…
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bloghrexach · 5 months
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This speaks for itself ... Kristi's cruelty!!
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mrnmrspetjaipur · 7 months
Alleviate Dog Cruelty Problems
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It's difficult for us as devoted pet owners to understand how someone could hurt an innocent animal, yet it does happen frequently. 
Since animals lack the ability to speak for themselves, it is our responsibility as animal lovers to speak up for and defend them. This article will outline strategies for advocating for animals locally and globally, as well as how you may contribute to the prevention of animal abuse.
 How can we encourage the end of animal abuse?
The majority of people who love animals want to help put an end to animal abuse, but many don't know where to begin. You can take the following actions.
Take care of your pets. As a pet owner try to recognize your pet's needs and meet them. Giving your pet happy experiences that truly improve its well-being is more important than merely attending to its basic requirements.
Fostering animals : One satisfying and cost-free way you can contribute to the end of animal abuse is to foster rescues. While the animal looks for its ultimate home, the majority of animal rescues will give foster parents all the food and supplies the animal need.
Modify your way of life : Refusing to patronize businesses that engage in animal abuse is an easy way to show your support for the cause. Try to support vegan companies who don't use animal testing in your transactions, and while you're in stores.
But bear in mind that "vegan" doesn't necessarily equate to cruelty-free; this is especially true when looking through cleaning supplies, cosmetics, and body care items. 
Consider trying out a vegan lifestyle as well. Considering how embedded animal products are in our food culture, switching to a plant-based diet is sometimes the most difficult lifestyle shift for people.
Try making small changes to your diet, such as preparing one vegetarian meal a week, to cut down on the amount of animal products you consume if you are unable or unable to become a vegan.
Purchasing ethically and organically is another choice. Strict ethical criteria are in place at some well-known health food stores, such as Whole Foods, regarding the sourcing of animal products.
Encourage your kids to respect animals. Be an excellent lead by treating animals with respect. Teach kids to be kind and loving toward animals. As they get older, assist them in becoming the next wave of animal champions.
Neuter or spay your animals : It's essential to spay or neuter your dogs to avoid unwanted animals ending up at shelters or becoming the victims of animal abusers. To assist low-income households in affording these operations, the majority of localities provide affordable spay and neuter programs.
In regions where feral cat colonies exist, several communities also provide free trap-neuter-release programs aimed at reducing the number of stray animals. Get in touch with your local humane society or animal control agency to learn about your alternatives if you live in an area where there are a lot of stray cats.  
Educate anyone in the surrounding area about the problem. Make people aware that they have the power to step in when they witness animal abuse or neglect, even torture. Animals have the right to exist pain-free, and if their rights aren't being upheld, it is our duty to intervene.
Let others know when you witness animal abuse: Be careful to notify the relevant authorities as soon as you see animal abuse. Time is particularly utmost in situations of severe maltreatment, thus the more quickly you contact the better the animal's chances.
You might want to think about reporting the event to your local humane organization as well as police enforcement. If at all possible, record the abuse with photos or videos. Photographic and video evidence will bolster the case and assist law enforcement in prosecuting the criminal as thoroughly as possible.
Encourage charity and animal rescue organizations:Supporting the local animal rescuers and organizations is a terrific approach to help put an end to animal abuse. If you are able, please donate; if not, you might want to think about volunteering.
Animal rescue organizations will also welcome non-monetary donations, such as used toys, blankets and meals for dogs, . One free method you can help and show rescue animals all the affection they deserve is to volunteer at animal care facilities and rescue organizations. Raising awareness of these groups' work may be accomplished even by just endorsing them on social media.
Take a stand: Write letters to state legislators urging them to pursue more severe penalties for those who mistreat animals. Another excellent strategy to get local politicians interested in animal rights concerns is to sign petitions. Call for stronger legislation to protect animals. Less occurrences of animal abuse will result from stricter legislation pertaining to animal care and heavier punishments.
Conclusion: We hope this inspires one to take morally and legally motivated action to end animal abuse. If you see animal mistreatment, report it, lead by example, and teach your kids to speak out for animals with no voice. These little actions can have a big influence on animals that are in need.
Dog Groomers in Kanpur
Dog Groomers in Ghaziabad
Dog Groomers in Pune
Dog Groomers in Mumbai
Source URL: https://www.mrnmrspet.com/blogs/alleviate-dog-cruelty-problems
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jamesliskutin · 9 months
▶️ Watch this reel
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environmentindia · 1 year
From Selfies to Saviors: How Social Media Rescues Animals in Tourism
In today's digital age, where social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, its impact on various aspects of society is truly remarkable. One area where this influence shines brightly is in the world of tourism, especially when it comes to our interactions with our furry and feathered friends. While social media can sometimes be a bit tricky, let's talk about a recent case study by Madelene Blaer (PhD), that explores the heartwarming side of our four-legged companions in the tourism scene, with a special focus on how animal rescue organizations can turn travel enthusiasts into animal-loving heroes, all in the digital age.
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Now, let's not deny that social media can sometimes act like a double-edged sword. It's true that it has, on occasion, unintentionally encouraged practices that aren't great for our animal buddies, like those wildlife selfies or supporting not-so-friendly industry practices. But here's the sunny side of the story, and it's a heartwarming one from our very own India. Our incredible animal rescue organizations, like the wonderful folks at Animal Aid and Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organisations (FIAPO), have put social media to some fantastic use. They've used it as a magic wand to raise awareness and rally support for our animal pals, especially when they're part of the tourism scene.
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Now, what's really cool about this approach is that instead of just watching from the sidelines, travelers are diving right into the action. They're out there, helping to rescue and nurse back to health our injured and unwell street animals. And guess what? They're not keeping these wonderful experiences to themselves. They're sharing their tales of love and compassion with these animals on social media for all to see. By doing this, they're not only lending a hand to the cause but also inspiring others to join in. This case study, which shines a light on organizations that mix animal rights with voluntourism, is like a guidebook for anyone interested. It's meant to get you thinking about the ethics of our animal friends in the tourism world. And guess what? This study isn't just for us. It's meant to help a whole bunch of folks, including other animal rescue teams. They can peek into this treasure trove of knowledge and use it to create magic in their own animal welfare efforts within the tourism sphere.
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So, in a nutshell, this case study is like a bright and beautiful picture of how we can all work together to make tourism a better place for our animal pals. It shows us how we can blend our love for animals with our love for travel, all with a sprinkle of social media magic. It's a reminder that when it comes to our furry and feathered friends, kindness and compassion always win the day.
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caavakushi · 2 years
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brainboxschool · 1 year
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World Animal Welfare Day! Let's remember that animals have the right to live a life free from cruelty and exploitation.
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imvthrone · 1 year
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kaispoems101 · 1 year
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what do think of the earth? - How I view the world (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/956528770-what-do-think-of-the-earth-how-i-view-the-world?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=KAIAWRITER01&wp_originator=WEmlh630kDGO0ErqFC5KCt8%2Ffuh71e0wwQh08YHCbytdcAfwTRMeNK7qcX5KCQi%2BwrhMlDQA0HMH1SUzirh%2FawVsZyHPmYFjTxsCvIZ%2Bwe%2Bvreky9Rp0huo9QkQbF5U%2F These are all As someone who has witnessed bullying firsthand, I know just how damaging its effects can be. In this speech, I express the importance of showing compassion and respect for one another, regardless of differences. I also highlight the underlying factors that may contribute to a person's well-being, such as mental health, economic standing, and more. I hope my words can inspire others to take a stand against bullying and create a more inclusive and supportive world
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lockedin529 · 1 year
https://gofund.me/f69b49c6 https://gofund.me/f69b49c6
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