#Ant/Hiccup and their love of building new things people don’t get
headfullof-ideas · 5 months
I have discovered a trick for writing Ant and Madeline, the way they act with one another, and their friendship in general. And that is to treat them like they are just Hiccup and Ruffnut from HTTYD reincarnated in another life/world.
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thehollowprince · 5 years
"and make that the third Iron Man movie instead of the mess that was IM3" would you mind elaborating on that? I'm honestly not trying to start anything; I just hate Stank and the asshole playing him and love to read others dragging him too (the only Movie I enjoy him in, is Avengers 1, because I almost got to see him die TWICE (and both times he just looks like the rampant diarrhea has returned and he's desperately clenching until he can get to a toilet)).
Okay, so... I'm pretty sure I've talked about this before, if not here than somewhere else, but a few years back, either just before or just after Infinity War, I sat down and thought of ways to actually fix the problems that they (Marvel) caused by kissing RDJ's ass by allowing him in whatever movies he wanted. To do this, we have to whip out the Time Stone and go back...
Picture it! Sicily Summer, 2012! The Avengers hit theaters and became one of the highest grossing openings of all time (or they highest, I don't really follow statistics). While the movies before that had a few hiccups - were trying to get their footing - they did a good job of setting up this shared universe that we now have. The Avengers was the culmination of everything we'd gotten from the previous movies, including the the Tesseract that wove it's way through the stories as well as their individual arcs for the Big Three (Tony, Thor and Steve).
Tony was continuing his research into clean energy via the arc reactor project. We found out what happened to Loki after he fell from the Bifrost and Thor's reaction to seeing his brother again. They showed Steve suffering from PTSD from his crash and him struggling to adjust to the seventy year time difference. Nat and Clint had their roles expanded but in a way that built off of their arcs in Iron Man 2 and Thor, as the spy and the eye-in-the-sky. Even characters like Coulson or Fury fit the narrative they gave us in the previous film. That was why we all cheered when they won the Battle of New York. Not just because the good guys saved the day, but because we saw the culmination of what had been set up before, using the Asgardian knowledge of wormholes and portals combined with Tony's arc reactor project and the Tesseract that the Red Skull had been experimenting with. All of that came together in that big climactic battle with the Chitauri invasion and our heroes putting aside their grudges and misgivings to fight together for the first time. It was amazing!
Sadly, Marvel has not accomplished something like that since.
Don't get me wrong, the MCU, for all its faults since then, has made some good content. The Winter Soldier is, in my opinion, the best movie the franchise has produced. We got Black Panther (a little late, but we still got it). The individual movies weren't the problem, it was their attempt to weave it all together for the next team-up movie where everything went south.
Age of Ultron did the exact opposite of the first Avengers film, in that it completely ignored all the movies of Phase 2 and just made this thing that was a repeat of the Big Three movies that came before it. Ultron was just Project Insight 2.0, but combined with Tony's PTSD and excessive suit building in IM3 with a dash of the mystic by using the weird cave sequence with Thor, that came with no explanation.
And look, Iron Man 3, despite its hodgepodge of badly executed ideas, was a nice conclusion to Tony's arc since we first saw him. If you ignore the specifics of that movie, you get Tony giving up being Iron Man because he realized that he was putting the people he cared about in danger. He trashed all of his suits, finally had the shrapnel in his chest removed so that he could live without the arc reactor, and decided to start a life with the woman he loved. That's how the movie ends. He retires, ready to move on with his life... until he shows up in Age of Ultron, brand new suit despite having trashed them all and just repeats the same character arc he did in his last solo movie. He creates an army of robots (instead of suits) called the Iron Legion as well as working on this Ultron Program, which was him once again trying to protect the world from external threats due to his trauma from going through that wormhole and staring in the vast emptiness of space. And then at the end of the movie, he retires... again.
We could have avoided all of this, and actually set up for the big conflict with Thanos if they had simply made IM3 the Ultron plot, since AoU was so Tony-centric anyway. Get rid of Killian and the badly explained Extremis plot. Get rid of the fake Mandarin (sorry Ben Kingsley) and just have Tony's PTSD and paranoia about another alien invasion be the reason for Ultron's creation. They could have had a line or two about how Tony "upgraded the program", referencing the fact that Ultron was created by Hank Pym in the comics and therefor setting up Ant-Man for the future. They could have taken out the other Avengers, maybe leaving in Bruce and just used Rhodey and the Iron Legion, and the soon-to-be created Vision from the A.I. that was J.A.R.V.I.S. take on Ultron and his army. We could have included the Sokovia subplot and kept the Maximoff Twins as secondary antagonists due to the MCU making their origin story focus so heavily on Tony. Could have kept Ulysses Klau as an old "acquaintance" of Tony's from his arms dealer days, setting up Wakanda and the Black Panther. All of that could have fit so nicely into a third Iron Man movie, with maybe Ultron taking advantage of Tony's arc reactor and maybe kidnapping Pepper (and allowing them to introduce Pepper's suit "Rescue" a lot earlier than Endgame) all of it culminating in the same ending: Tony removing his arc reactor and trashing his suits (maybe keeping one as a momento) and settling down with Pepper.
Boom! Leaves us wide open for Civil War to take place as the second Avengers movie, splitting up the team with the Sokovia Accords and allowing the third Captain America movie to be about Steve Rogers and his squad. We could have gotten bearded cap for a whole movie, not just six minutes and included the whole "other Winter Soldiers" arc and kept it in this movie, just having Civil War be about the fallout from the world's politicians wanting the Avengers on a leash after what happened in Manhattan, D.C., Johannesburg, Sokovia, etc.
The real problem with the version of Civil War that we got was that it was trying to be both a Captain America film and an Avengers movie at the same time. They tried to have the subplot with Bucky and the winter soldier program, but too much of it was also focused on Tony and then the whole subplot with T'Challa and then Wanda and Vision. It was too much. Take out the winter soldier part and you have a solid Avengers movie, a mirror to the first one, where they all came together, this one pulls them apart, just before the big bad of Thanos rolss up into town, when they should be the most united. And then the winter soldier part could be used for the third cap movie, which I'll expand upon later, but it would have fixed a lot of the MCU's problems.
But that's just my two cents.
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underoosweb · 5 years
Salvation Ch.8
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!reader (eventually)
Warning: Angst, Fluff, few curse words
7.1k words
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Tuesday 2:55 am
“Pep, do you think I should have taken her in?”
“Do you think it was a good idea I took her in? I mean I was kidnapped, shot at, almost died multiple times, I’m Iron man. She might get kidnapped, killed. I think it was a mistake taking her in.” a 10-year old Y/N sat on the other side of the wall, clutching her Stitch, tears silently falling down her cheeks, lips quivering.
“I think I should just call Mrs.Garcia and send her to a better family. It was a mistake taking her in thinking I could be a father.”
Pepper and Tony heard a sniffle, Tony froze, he felt his heartbeat pick up. He walked around the wall and saw Y/N sitting there, crying. It broke his heart.
“Bug? What are you doing up?” Tony said while crouching down, he slowly reached his hand out to move her hair out of her face, Y/N saw the hand coming towards her and she backed away. Tony stopped moving, placing his arm down
“Y-y-y-y-you don’t wa-a-a-ant m-e-e-e?” Y/N asked through her tears
“Of course I want your bug, it’s just-”
“I-I-I’m a mistake?” Tony’s eyes widened
“No. No. No. No. Bug no, you aren’t a mistake.” Tony picked the girl up and placed her on his lap.
“Hey, look at me.” Y/N shook her head
“Please.” Y/N sighed, wiping her cheeks and eyes, hiccupping she looked up into her father’s brown eyes
“You. Are. Not. A. Mistake. I-I” Tony sighed, he had no idea how to say what he was feeling to her, he didn’t want to. Pepper sat behind the two and placed a hand on Tony’s shoulder, Tony turned and Pepper smiled at him, mouthing “it’s ok, she will understand.” Tony turned his attention back to the young girl in his lap.
“I’m scared.” Tony saw confusion flash through her y/c eyes
“I’m scared of losing you bug.” Y/N could feel the tears beginning to form in her eyes once again.
“But you send me away… you will lose me.” Tony froze, he didn’t even think about that.
“You’re right. With all this superhero stuff, I worry about your safety, I’m scared of what bad people can do to you, I’m scared I won’t be a great father to you, I’m scared that you’ll lose me.” Tony whispered, Y/N reached out and caressed her father’s cheek, wiping the stray tear that fell down his cheek.
“We will always have each other daddy. I’ll admit after you became Iron man, you weren’t around much and didn’t hang out with me but after you realized, you played with me, taught me about nanotech, taught me how to mess with Jarvis, taught me how to kick Uncle Steve’s butt.” Tony chuckled
“You are a great dad.” Tony smiled, grabbing the little hand that was on his cheek, bringing it to his lips, he placed a kiss on her hand then he placed a kiss on her forehead. Y/N giggled.
“I love you forever and always,” Tony said
“I love you forever and always.” Y/N replied.
Y/N rested her head oh her father's chest and closed her eyes.
Y/N opened her eyes, she was standing in the middle of the battle in Sokovia,
"Y/N!" She turned to the voice calling her name, Steve was running towards her, she furrowed her brows, she wasn't supposed to be here, how did she get here? Everything was in slow motion, she saw Ultron's minions flying over her, destroying everything in their path. Y/N felt an arm wrap around her waist, turning she was met with her Uncle's ocean blue eyes, filled with worry and anger. He was mad. Was he mad at her? Steve moved Y/N behind him, motioning for her to hop on his back, Y/N jumped and Steve took off.
"WHAT IS Y/N DOING HERE?" Steve yelled into his earpiece
"WHAT?!" Y/N could hear her father's voice come through
"She's supposed to be with Happy!" Y/N flinched when she heard Tony's tone.
"Well, she's currently clinging on my back like a koala." Steve slightly turned his head
"Doll, what are you doing here?"
"I-I don't know!" She squealed as an explosion went off next to them, she shut her eyes tight, she wanted to cover her ears but she couldn't, she could hear people screaming, her aunts and uncles yelling to get them to safety.
"What does she mean she doesn't know?!" Tony yelled Y/N flinched.
"I DON'T KNOW. I JUST WOKE UP HERE!" Y/N yelled back
"I see you found my gift for you." Steve stopped and looked up as one of Ultron's minions relayed his message.
"I thought she should see what her father has done."
"I see a suit of armor around the world". Y/N flinched as she heard the recording of her father's voice.
"You want to protect the world, but you don't want it to change. How is humanity saved if it's not allowed to...evolve? With these? These puppets? There's only one path to peace: The Avengers' extinction. I had strings, but now I'm free. There are no strings on me, no strings on me. Do you see? The beauty of it, the inevitability. You rise, only to fall. You, Avengers, you are my meteor, my swift and terrible sword and the earth will crack with the weight of your failure. Purge me from your computers, turn my own flesh against me. It means nothing. When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world will be metal." Ultron stated as the ground beneath them shook. Y/N gasped and tightened her grip around Steve
"Uncle Steve...Run." Steve didn't hesitate
"Someone get Y/N to safety."
"I got her." She heard a man's voice was filled with a thick accent reply. Y/N felt a gush of wind flew past her,
"Oh, past you." Steve rolled his eyes, Y/N felt arms wrap around her waist
"What the fu-"
"LANGUAGE!" Steve cut her off
"I got you, printesa." Pietro carried Y/N in his arms
"Would you prefer arms or back?" Y/N looked into his eyes, a beautiful sky blue, silver hair covered his head, stubble covered his chin and cheeks.
"Pretty…" Y/N mumbled, Pietro smirked
"Thank you, you're pretty as well. Arms it is." Y/N blinked, she said that out loud? Y/N felt the blood rush to her cheeks
"HEY, BACK OFF. SHE'S TOO YOUNG." Y/N heard Tony yell
"BACK OFF!" The chorus began as all her aunts and uncles chimed in. Y/N groaned and hid her face into Pietro's chest. Y/N felt his chest vibrate, he was laughing.
"Don't worry," Pietro told Y/N
"Don't worry? You better be worried, I'm about to shoot your ass." Rhodey replied
"Oh god, enough." Y/N groaned out, the coms went silent,
"Hang on." Y/N nodded and wrapped her arms tighter around his neck. Y/N could only see blurs. How fast was he going? Y/N giggled. Pietro looked down at her and smiled. Pietro got to the building full of civilians
"Where are the evacuation ships?"
"About a minute out, get the civilians on those ships."
Pietro set Y/N down, she turned coming face to face with her uncle Clint
"Hey Stitch, wanna give me a hand?" Y/N smiled and nodded, Clint pulled out extra bow and arrows and handed them to Y/N. Y/N covered her uncle and Pietro as they evacuated the civilians.
"I got no strings, so I have fun. I'm not tied up to anyone." Y/N hears Ultron sing, she saw him eye Clint, Y/N shot at Ultron and ran towards her uncle, as shots were fired, Y/N fell to the floor and her world went black.
Y/N was under lockdown ever since Sokovia, she was not allowed to leave the compound unless her dad said so, even then Tony had her stay put. Y/N felt frustrated, pent up, she wanted to get out of the house; so she did. Midnight came around, Y/N looked around the semi-lit bedroom, thankful that her dad had built a new compound that wasn't nearly 100 floors; crawling out of bed she tiptoed her way towards the front and hoped to make it to the yard before F.R.I.D.A.Y could alert her father or any other of her family members. Y/N smiled when she reached the door, she made it outside, finally free to roam around. Y/N felt her phone vibrate.
Puppy: Hey, you up?
Y/N: No.
Puppy: Then why are you replying?
Puppy: Lol, can I come over?
Y/N: Always.
Puppy: Be there in 20
Y/N: I'm outside waiting for you
Peter didn't respond, Y/N rolled her eyes, she looked around, placing her blanket on the floor and laying down. Y/N sat there staring at her phone wondering when her dad would make his way down to yell at her to get back in the compound. Y/N didn't want to be in there, her family was broken again, Steve, Nat, Clint, Wanda, and Vision were missing along with her newfound family member Bucky. Y/N turned her head towards the door, nothing yet. Y/N felt her blanket shift, smiling she turned back to come face to face with the masked boy.
"Spiderman? What are you doing here?"
"I saw you sitting out here alone and wanted to make sure you were ok." Y/N could see his mask shift, he was smiling
"Well, I'm fine. Just stargazing, waiting for my dumb friend to show up."
"Dumb friend huh?"
"Yup. You know sometimes he makes me mad, like about two days ago he messaged me saying he would pass by and visit me so, me being dumb waited up for him till about 4 am and he never showed." SHIT. That was all Peter could think. Peter's eyes widened, he forgot all about that
"But…" Peter stared into her e/c eyes
"I forgave him, from the looks of it he had something important to do, he helped a lot of people that night."  Peter thought back to two days, he remembered he stopped a dinner from being robbed, a bus driver had gotten distracted and crashed causing the bus to hang off the side of the freeway, stopped a couple more robberies, by the time he finished he was exhausted and went home to sleep. Usually, Peter would message Y/N to tell her he was just going to go home and sleep.
"Shouldn't you be out saving the day Spidey?"
"Queens was quiet tonight." Y/N nodded
"Are you going to show me who's under the mask or am I going to keep talking to this strange man?" Peter chuckled and removed his mask. Y/N gasped sarcastically
"Peter?!" Peter smiled and laughed
"Y/N?!" He replied
"YOU'RE SPIDERMAN?!" Peter rolled his eyes
"Yup." Y/N giggled
"Come here." Peter scooted closer to her, Y/N placed her hand under Peter's chin and looked over his face.
"You got some scratches, but you'll survive."
"Will I, doc? Will I?" Peter clutched his suit right over his heart. Y/N laughed and smacked his shoulder
"AH, I'VE BEEN HIT. I'M GOING DOWN. I'M NOT GONNA MAKE IT. TELL...AUNT MAY… I LARB...HER." Peter fell, his head landing on Y/Ns lap
"Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny Parker." Peter looked up at her and smiled
"You love it." Y/N rolled her eyes
"Yeah yeah yeah." Y/N raised her hand, running her fingers through Peter's brown soft curled hair. Peter felt his body relax
"It would be nice if my dad could figure out a way to keep you cool in your suit."
"He probably did, you just haven't figured it out."
"Do you think everything will be ok?"
"Yeah, I do."
"I hope you're right." Y/N smiled,
"Let me adjust." Peter lifted his head, Y/N scooted down and laid down, Peter looked at her for confirmation, Y/N nodded. Peter rested his head on her stomach and wrapped his arms around her waist. Y/N went back to running her fingers through Peters' hair. Y/N felt Peter's breathing become even, then she heard light snores. Y/N smiled as she felt her eyelids become heavy, then she saw darkness. F.R.I.D.A.Y alerted Tony about Y/N sneaking off to the front of the compound, he sighed debating whether or not to get up and yell at his daughter. Tony finally stood, walking to the front door. Tony furrowed his brows, that looked like the kid, what was he doing all the way over here? Tony stood there and watched the scene in front of his unfold. Peter took his mask off, how his daughter studied his face, making sure he wasn't hurt, she does that to Tony, Y/N always worries over her father, telling him not to get hurt, that no matter what she will always be there to patch him up because she loves him. Tony looked back and forth between Y/N and Peter, that's the same look she gets when she looks at him, her family except her smile is different, it's brighter, it was her mother's smile, the same smile she had when she told Tony she was in love with him. Tony turned his attention back to Peter, he looked like a lovesick puppy, the same look when Tony gave him his new suit, the same look he gives his aunt. Tony shook his head and looked down. Tony didn't know how to feel, his daughter and the kid were in love.. with each other. Tony looked back up to see Peter with his head on Y/Ns lap, he was about to head out when he felt arms wrap around his waist.
"You've been down here for a while now." Pepper said resting her face on Tony's shoulder.
"I've been debating."
"To go out there and yell at them for being to close with each other, you know, being a protective dad or just leave them be." Tony saw Y/N lay down and Peter rest his head on her stomach, wrapping his arms around her waist.
"They're cute." Pepper chuckled and smiled
"I don't know how to feel about this… I mean they're too young right?"
"Tony, they're fine. Let them be young and in love." Tony sighed, it's going to be hard for him to pretend he doesn't know anything.
"Come on, let's go back to bed." Pepper pulled away and intertwined their hands, Tony smiled and followed her back to the room.
Y/N stood side by side with her Uncle Steve and Aunt Nat, her dad and Peter were in space and she had no idea what was going on and if they were even alive.
"Uncle Steve?"
"Yes, doll?"
"Do you think they're ok?"
"Knowing your dad, he's too stubborn to die." Y/N laughed
"Don't worry doll, they'll be fine." Y/N nodded and looked up at her uncle, Steve was staring at Bucky, Y/N walked towards the ex-assassin.
"Hi." Bucky flinched
"Hi." He mumbled out
"I'm Y/N."
"James, but you can call me Bucky."
"Uncle Steve used to tell me stories about you, about his best friend who saved his ass multiple times and used to set him up on dates."  Bucky chuckled
"Sounds about right, but he saved me multiple times too."
Sirens went off, Y/N and Bucky looked around
"Steve?" Steve and Y/N turned around, Bucky started to disappear, he turned to dust
"Uncle Steve, what's happening?!" Y/N asked with tears rolling down her face
"He... He snapped." Steve looked into his nieces e/c eyes, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a hug.
"Uncle Steve…" Steve pulled away
"No. No. No. No. No. No." Steve repeated over and over, Y/N smiled
"It's ok." Then she turned into ash.
The scene started to fade to black. Y/N gasped and opened her eyes, she was consumed by darkness, looking around, nothing, emptiness. Y/N stood and walked forward, then the room lit to white, Y/N covered her eyes. It was too bright. She kept walking, her arm still covering her eyes, she bumped into something rock solid and fell. Y/N uncovered her eyes, looking up, she saw Tony.
“Dad?” She asked while standing, Tony didn’t reply, just stared off into the distance.
“Dad?” Y/N waved her hand in front of Tony’s face. He blinked and looked into y/c eyes.
“I regret it,” Tony said
“What?” Y/N ‘s eyebrows furrowed confused
“I regret taking you in. You were a mistake. I never wanted you. You made my life miserable. I was happy when you got dusted. You came back and turned my life to crap. You just stood there and watched me die. You let me die. It’s your fault I died.”
“That's no-tt true.” Y/N shook her head, tears staining her cheeks.
“Of course it’s true. I died because of you. You didn’t bother to save me. MISTAKE. MISTAKE. You let me die. Your fault. Your fault. Your FAULT.”
“No. No. No. No.” Y/N covered her ears.
“Your fault. Your FAULT. MISTAKE. MISTAKE.”
“Please…. Stop…” Y/N could hear the chants getting louder, she fell to her knees and screamed.
Y/N gasped and shot up, panting, she turned and looked at the clock. 3:20 am. Y/N stood with shaking legs and made her way into the restroom.
“Miss Stark, would you like me to wake Mrs. Stark?”
“No, thank you F.R.I.D.A.Y”  The AI didn’t respond.
Y/N pressed her back against the door, sank to the floor and cried.
Tuesday 5:30 am
Pepper awoke, wrapped a robe around and made her way to Y/N’s room. Pepper opened the door expecting to see Y/N wrapped like a burrito clutching Stitch, but the bed was empty. Y/N stared at the wall, she hears footsteps.
“Sweetie?” Pepper stood in front of the bathroom door
“I just got up, had to pee. I’m gonna shower right now.”
“Alright. I’ll be downstairs making breakfast. Do you want anything in particular ?”
“No, whatever’s good.”
“Alright.” Y/N heard Pepper’s footsteps fade, she sighed, turning the shower on. The hot water hit Y/N’s back, she wanted to cry again but she couldn’t she felt like she cried all her tears out. Y/N finished showering and just stood under the water. Y/N shivered when the water turned cold, sighing she turned the water off, grabbed her towel and made her way to change. Y/N stood in front of the mirror, she looked exhausted. Y/N went through her drawers and picked out jeans, a shirt, and a black sweater.
“Miss Stark, Mrs.Stark says breakfast is ready.”
“Okay, tell her I’ll be right down.”
Y/N changed, grabbed her backpack and made her way downstairs. Pepper and Happy were standing in front of the island, Y/N sat and began to eat, not paying attention to the adults.
6:25 am
“You ready to go little Stark?”
“Yeah.” Y/N stood, grabbing her bag, she kissed Pepper on the cheek
“I’ll see you later.”
“I’ll see you later sweetie.”
Y/N followed Happy to the car. Y/N stared out the window, she could see a sea of greens and browns, she loved living here it was quiet and peaceful.
“You excited or your first day?” Happy asked
“Kind of, more nervous.”
“You got this, you’re a Stark.”  
That may be the problem. She is a Stark. Teachers and students might expect more from her, they might ask about her father, they might pity her.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine.”
“Of course you will be.”
The ride continued in silence, Y/N continued to stare out the window, the scenery changed from beautiful greens and browns, greys and blues, skyscrapers stood tall. Y/N heard cars honking, people yelling, she saw hundreds of people walking the streets trying to make it work, she looked at the clock 7:25 am.
“Am I going to be late?” Y/N asked turning towards Happy
“No, even if you are it’s fine, it’s your first day.” Y/N nodded and went back to staring out the window. Peter walked towards his locker, music blasting in his earphones. Peter sighed, opening his locker pulling out his AP chemistry book, he felt someone tap his shoulder, Peter slightly jumped, pulling his earphones out, turning around to come face to face with Ned.
“Hey Ned,” Peter smiled
“Hey Pete, how’d duty go last night?”
“Stopped a couple robberies, but other than that the night was quiet.”
“Sup losers?” MJ appeared behind Peter, Peter turned to face her.
“Hey MJ,”
“Hey MJ, Peter and I were talking about the trip. RIght, Peter?”
“Yeah, Yeah. What to pack, What sights to see, you know the usual.” MJ furrowed her brows and squinted not believing the two. Peter turned his body towards Ned, he heard students whispering about a new girl. A new girl?
“Apparently there’s a new girl,” MJ stated
“Have you met her yet?” Ned asked
“Nope, haven’t seen her at all. She’s really good at not being seen.” MJ replied
Y/N walked into the office, a middle-aged woman sat in the front desk, she looked up and smiled
“Hello, what can I do for you?”
“Umm, I’m here to get my schedule.”
“Oh, you must be Y/N Stark.” Y/N nodded, the receptionist tumbled through the messy piles of paper on her desk
“Give me one moment.” Y/N nodded
“I know I put it somewhere… where is it? Maybe?... OH here it is.” the receptionist mumbled, pulled out the paper and handed it to Y/N.
“Here you are. The paper includes your locker number, combination, and classes. Did you get your books already?”
“No, they told me to get them today.”
“Oh alright. Well, the library is midway down the hall to the left.”
“Okay, thank you.” Y/N folded the paper, exited the office and walked to the library, keeping her head down, she bumped into someone and fell
“Ow, fuck..”
“Oh my god, I’m sorry. Are you okay?” She heard a frantic voice
“Yeah, I’m alright, sorry I bumped into you.”
“Here let me help.” A hand appeared in front of her face, she grabbed a hold of it and lifted off the ground.
“No problem. You the new girl?” Y/N looked up and met brown eyes
“I’m MJ.” MJ? Peter’s friend? Y/N studied the girl in front of her. MJ was slightly taller than Y/N, thin, her tanned skin glowing, absolutely flawless, heart-faced shape, beautiful dark brown eyes, curly hair falling down to her mid-back, full lips were curved into a smile, wearing black skinny jeans, a plain black shirt, and a green jacket. She was stunning. Y/N wrapped her arms around her middle, and dropped her gaze, she felt insecure, it’s no wonder Peter doesn’t like her, who would choose her over HER. MJ’s smile dropped
“You alright?” Y/N avoided MJ’s gaze
“Yeah, I’m Y/N.”
“NIce to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too. I gotta go to the library.”
“I can show you if you want.”
“No, that’s ok. I know where it’s at.” Y/N lied, she didn’t know if she couldn’t find it she would ask F.R.I.D.A.Y who was programmed into her watch.
“Oh alright,” MJ replied, looking behind the girl
“HEY PETER!” Y/N’s e/c eyes widened, she couldn’t see Peter now, what if he compared her to MJ, she couldn’t face that. Y/N quickly moved around MJ and walked towards the library.
“Who was that?” Peter asked
“New Girl. She’s pretty.” MJ replied
“She left in a hurry.”
“Yeah said she had to go to the library.” Peter nodded, the bell rang
“Let’s go.” MJ and Peter started to walk to their class. Y/N made it into the library when she heard the bell ring. She was late at this point she didn’t care, she already wanted to go home, she felt defeated. Y/N checked out her books and made her way to her locker 203, placing the books she didn’t need in there she pulled out her schedule, AP English. Y/N sighed, she didn’t even want to go anymore, picking her backpack off the floor, asking F.R.I.D.A.Y for directions, she made her way into the classroom.
“You’re late.”
“Sorry, I was grabbing my books.” The teacher finally looked up
“OH, you must be Y/N Stark.” Y/N nodded, she heard the chair’s metal legs scrap the floor. Y/N winced, she turned to met wide light brown eyes, her breath getting caught in her throat. Peter.
“Yes, Peter?” The teacher asked, Peter, slowly tore his gaze away from Y/N
“Is there something you would like to say?”
“N-No,” Peter blushed and sat down
“Well since he made himself known, you can just take a seat next to Peter.” Y/N’s stomach was in knots, she nodded. Y/N sat next to Peter, she never met his gaze, Peter furrowed his brows in confusion and worry. He stared at her, Y/N felt a hole burning on the side of her face.
“Is there something on my face Peter?” Y/N asked turning to face him. Peter blushed
“No, I-I just can’t believe you’re here, is it really you? I have to be dreaming.” Y/N smiled
“It’s really me. Do I appear often in your dreams Peter?”
“Well, you asked if you were dreaming soooo.”
“Oh-um, well, I mean, the thing, the thing is, you see,” Peter fumbled his words, Y/N giggled
“It’s ok Peter, you come out in mine too.” Y/N replied with a blush, Peter blushed back.
“Y/N, Peter. Would you like to share with the class what the two of you are talking about?”
“No,” Y/N replied
“Well, then pay attention.”
Peter and Y/N nodded and chuckled. Occasionally Y/N could feel Peter’s stare on her, Y/N smiled small. Y/N and Peter didn’t pay much attention to the rest of the lesson. Peter’s thoughts were filled with her, why was she here? Why didn’t she tell him? Is it permanent? Y/N is homeschooled, this isn’t going to last long, Peter sighed. Y/N heard Peter let out a sigh, was he not happy she was there? The bell rang, Y/N and Peter stood collecting their things, they exited the classroom.
"How are you doing?" Y/N asked
"Fine," Peter replied, Y/N nodded. The two teens were good at hiding their feelings. Truthfully Peter hasn't been able to sleep a wink, he keeps having nightmares. Him turning to dust. Tony dying. The fear of history repeating itself. Peter knew that Thanos was gone, yet the thought still terrified him. His nightmares were slowly getting worse, he felt guilty for not being able to save him, to help Y/N when she needed him the most. Peter didn't know that Y/N felt the same way, she wasn't able to save her father, she wasn't able to help Peter, she feels useless and worthless, but the two teens kept smiles on their faces. Peter and Y/N walked down the hall
"Let me see your schedule." Y/N pulled the piece of paper out of her bag and hands it, Peter.
"Looks like we have 1st,3rd, lunch, and 6th together."
"So we have basically ever class together?"
"Yeah, if you want I can pick you up after 2nd and walk you to the other classes." Peter turned and met Y/Ns e/c eyes.
"I'd like that." Y/N smiled
"Let me walk you to Photo then." Peter and Y/N walked side by side
"I'll see you later Peter."
"If you want, I can pick you up?" Peter bit the inside of his cheek, Y/N nodded
"I'd like that, thank you, Peter." Peter smiled brightly and Y/N felt her heart skip a beat. Peter turned and ran to his class. Y/N entered the class and sighed.
Lunch. Everyone's favorite period. Y/N walked towards the line, picking up a tray and stood behind the others, she nervously looked around. Everyone was paired off with their friends or their cliques, to Y/N it looked like typical teenage movies, popular kids with the popular kids, goths with goths, the only difference is that everyone was a nerd, well to a certain extent. Y/N reached for what seemed like a cheeseburger and fries, along with an apple and water. Y/N smiled at the lunch lady and thanked her for the food, the lady looked shocked but smiled back at her. Y/N walked towards the back and sat at the empty table, she started munching on her fries, picking up her phone, she skimmed through and noticed a text from Pepper.
Pepper: Hi sweetie, how is everything going?
Y/N: Everything is going good, I saw Peter
Pepper: That's good. How's Peter?
Y/N: He said he was fine, how's Morgan doing without me?
Pepper: She misses you, she said you owe her a movie night
Y/N: It's a date
"Y/N!" Y/N lifted her head up and turned to the voice. Peter smiled and waved at her, Y/N smiled and waved back. Peter turned towards Ned and MJ, cocking his head towards Y/N, Peter noticed Y/Ns smile fall, he furrowed his brows. Did she not want him to sit with her? Did she not want anyone to know that he knew her? She is a Stark. Y/Ns smile fell once she saw MJ. Right. MJs friends with Peter. Peter sat in front of Y/N, a blank look was on her face
"Hi!" Y/N heard a cheerful voice, she turned
"Hi!" Y/N replied
"I'm Ned, MJ. What's your name?"
"Y/N Stark." Ned's eyes widened
"OH, SO YOU'RE Y/N. PETER TALKS ABOUT YOU LIKE CRAZY."  Peter's eyes widened, a pink tint covered his cheeks. Peter lightly tapped Ned's leg
"Dude, stop."
"What? You do talk about her a lot." Y/N felt herself getting hot
"He is right. You do talk about her a lot." MJ pipped in
"What about?"
"Oh, like what you guys did, the fact that he snea-"
"WOW THIS BURGER IS GREAT!" Peter interrupted Ned. MJ snickered.
"Peter, it's school food. It's not that great?" MJ replied
"I mean it's getting better… right?" Peter asked
"I guess," Ned replied
"PENIS PARKER!" Peter flinched, MJ rolled her eyes and Ned sighed. Y/N looked at them confused
"What was that?"
"Flash," MJ replied
"Who are you? You should hang out with me instead of Parker here" Flash asked smiling
"I'd appreciate it if you left Peter alone." Y/N looked at Flash
"Penis Parker, you got yourself another hero." Y/N rolled her eyes
"For someone who claims to be part of the popular kids, he really likes to hang out and bother you guys huh?" Y/N asked, Flash rolled his eyes and turned his back to them.
"So that's Flash?"
"Yup." Y/N rolled her eyes
"Are you going on the trip?" Ned asked
"Trip? Oh, the Venice one right?" Y/N asked, Peter felt his heart rate race, he silently hoped she was going
"I am going." Peter smiled, looking down picking at his fries.
Y/N walked towards Happy and hopped into the car
"How was your first day little Stark?"
"Good. Talked to Peter, met his friends."
"How was that?"
"Good." Happy nodded and said nothing else.  Y/N looked out the window, feeling her eyes become heavy, her eyes slowly closed.
"Y/N. Y/N. Little Stark." Y/N slowly opened her eyes, greeted with trees and a lake.
"We're here."
"Thank you, Happy."
"No problem, I'll see you tomorrow."
"See you tomorrow." Y/N waved as Happy drove off. Y/N sighed and made her way to the house
"Y/N!" Morgan came running towards her
"Hey Morgan" Y/N bend down and picked up her little sister
"How was school?"
"Did you see Peter?!" Morgan's eyes lit up as she mentioned the young boy
"Yup, we ate lunch together," Y/N replied, opening the door, she set the backpack down on the couch
"Hi, sweetie. How'd it go?"
"Y/N SAID SHE SAW PETER AND ATE WITH HIM!" Morgan replied. Pepper laughed
"Did she?"
"YES!" Pepper nodded
"I'm making dinner, it should be ready in a bit."
"Ok." Y/N replied, gently setting Morgan down, she picked her backpack up and made her way to her room. Y/N sat at her desk, pulling out her homework. About 30 minutes later, F.R.I.D.A.Y spoke
"Miss Stark, dinner is ready."
"Ok, thank you F.R.I.D.A.Y" Y/N made her way down the stairs and sat at the table. Y/N could hear Pepper and Morgan talking. Y/N became lost in her thoughts. This is weird, it feels weird. She shouldn't be here. She felt out of place. She didn't belong. Her dad should be here, not her. He should be alive, watching Morgan grow up. He had a second chance, he deserves to be here. It should've been her. It should've been her. It should've been her. It should've-
"Y/N?" Y/N looked up
"Are you ok?" Pepper asked
"Yeah, why?"
"You seemed kind of out of it."
"Oh, I was thinking about the chem homework."
"You sure?"
"Yeah." Y/N smiled quickly, she prayed that Pepper wouldn't ask again if she did Y/N would break down.
"Ready for our movie night?" Y/N asked Morgan. Morgan smiled wide, her brown eyes twinkle in the light as she nodded while jumping up and down.
"When you're finished we can go watch whatever you want."
"Okay!" Morgan replied with excitement in her voice. Y/N smiled and went back to eating dinner. They finished, Y/N washed the dishes, while Pepper bathed and changed Morgan. Y/N felt something slice her finger
"Ow, fuck." Y/N murmured
"Fucking knife." Y/N shook her head and finished the dishes,
"F.R.I.D.A.Y, where's the first aid kit?"
"In the first-floor bathroom miss."
"Thank you." Y/N walked to the bathroom, finding the first aid kit. Y/N cleaned the cut and placed the band-aid on her finger.
"Y/N, I'M READY!" Morgan's voice rang through the house
"I'm coming!" Y/N put the first aid kit away, walked up to the stairs. Y/N walked into Morgan's room
"Give me a second to change and I'll be right back. Did you pick a movie?"
"Pick one out while I change."
"Okay!" Morgan ran to her collection as Y/N walked out and to her room, she changed and heard the tone of the Disney movie playing.
"Come on Y/N, It's starting!"
"Coming." Y/N pressed her lips tightly together and walked back to Morgan's room.
Peter looked around the sea of students, he couldn't find her anywhere until he noticed Happy hop into the car. She left without saying goodbye. Peter frowned and sighed. He put his earphones in and made his way back home.
"Hi, Aunt May."
"How was school?"
"Good. Guess what?"
"Y/N goes to my school now."
"Really? That's great!" May smiled at Peter, she would sit there and listen to Peter talk about her for hours.
"I'm going to go do homework and maybe patrol later."
"Alright. You going to be ok?"
"I'm going to be at work, but call me if you need me."
"Alright." May nodded and Peter walked into his room. Peter threw his backpack into the corner and laid on his bed, rubbing his face, he turned and stared at his suit. Peter didn't feel like doing anything anymore, he wanted to give up, he just wanted to lay there and cry. Peter closed his eyes and slipped into darkness.
10:30 p.m
Peter groaned hearing his alarm go off, he rolled over grabbing his phone and turning his alarm off. Still groggy, Peter rose from the bed went to his closet and put on his suit, swinging out into the night.
“Hello, Peter.”
“Hey, Karen. Anything happening tonight?”
“Right now it’s quiet, I will update you if the status changes.”
“Thank you, Karen,”  Peter replied landing on top of an apartment building, he slowly took his mask off and stared off into the distance. Peter turned to be greeted with a painting of Iron Man he could feel tears form in his eyes. It’s been almost a month since his passing, 2 weeks ago was his funeral. Peter fell to feeling his lower half give out and with that, the world turned into a blur, and so did all the sounds. The taste. The smell. Everything was just gone. A single tear raced down Peter’s cheek, and just like that, the floodgates opened. Peter felt his chin tremble as if he was a small child. Peter’s breathing becomes heavier. Peter was gasping for air that simply wasn’t there, his throat burned to form a silent scream. He felt like a part of him was dying inside. Peter ran his fingers through his hair, slightly tugging on his brown curls. Peter reached out with his other hand towards the painting, why did this happen? He coughed letting out a choked sob, Peter heard a ding come from his suit wiping his face and steadying his breathing he put his mask back on.
“What’s up, Karen?” Peter asked his voice hoarsely
“You have a message from sunshine. Are you okay Peter?”
“Yeah, I’m fine thanks for asking, what did Y/N say?”
“She said, “Hey, what are you doing?”
“Tell her I’m out patrolling.”
“She replied, “How’s that going?”
“Quiet Night.”
“What time is it now Karen?”
“Almost midnight. Sunshine has replied, “Do you want to come over?”
“I’ll be there in 30.” Peter made his way back to his apartment, grabbing a change of clothes shoving them into his backpack and heading back out.
“Peter, will you ever tell her how you feel?”
“Wha-t--we're just friends.”
“You talk about her all the time.” Peter blushed under his mask
“I do?”
“You didn’t notice?”
“No, I didn’t.”
“It’s cute, you should really tell her soon.”
Y/N walked out of her room blanket wrapped around her, she couldn’t sleep, more like she didn’t want to sleep. She hoped that Pepper wouldn't hear her walking down the stairs. Y/N opened the front door walking to the edge of the deck, laying her blanket on the deck she sat down her feet hanging off the edge. Y/N looked up to the sky she could actually see the stars, the night was quite nothing but the sound of crickets could be heard. Y/N smiled when she felt the wind as it brushes her cheek and her blanket shift, she turned to her right to see Peter sitting down next to her in his suit.
“Spiderman? What are you doing here?”
“I saw a pretty girl sitting out here all alone wanted to make sure she was alright.” Peter smiled under his mask
“I’m fine, just waiting for a friend. Quiet night?”
“Ahhh, your friend shouldn’t make you wait long especially alone in the dark. Yeah, quiet night.”
“He should be here soon, will you take off your mask or will I continue to talk to a stranger.” Peter smiled and took off his mask, Y/N smiled meeting his chocolate brown eyes. Something was wrong, his eyes were bloodshot, face swollen, he had been crying.
“Are you ok Peter?”
“Yeah, why?”
“You look like you’ve been crying.”
“No, just tired.” Peter looked down, Y/N reached out caressing his cheek
“It’s ok to feel sad and cry, Peter.” Peter felt tears form in his eyes once again
“I… I saw a painting of him.” Y/N’s breathe hitched
“Everywhere I go I see his face, I just miss him Y/N,” Peter said looking up to meet Y/N e/c eyes which were also filled with tears. Peter caressed her cheek
“I miss him too.” She whispered
Y/N pulled her hand away from his cheek, grabbing his hand away from hers. She slowly crawled into his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck, Peter wrapped his arms around her waist he felt hot tears hit his neck, Y/N was shaking, crying silently. Peters tears streamed down his face, the two of them sat there holding each other while they cried. They sat there for what seemed like hours Peter was the first to speak
“What happened to your finger?”
“Hmm, oh I cut it while washing the dishes, didn’t realize the knife.”
“Are you ok?”
“Hurt like a bitch, but I’ll survive.” Y/N looked up at Peter
“I should probably get off now, your legs must be numb by now.”
“Nooo, I like this.” Peter tightened his grip, Y/N giggled
“Peter let go.”
“Let go.” Peter groaned and let go of Y/N, she laid down next to Peter. Y/N patted the spot next to her, Peter smiled and laid down next to her, she opened her arms. Peter laid his head on her chest, wrapping his arms around her waist again, Y/N ran her fingers through his hair
“Hey, Peter?”
“Do you think everything will be ok?”
“I hope so.”
“Me too.”
The two laid in silence, Peter let out a shaky breath, he felt her fingers stop moving, slightly looking up at her, her eyes closed and her breathing even. Peter smiled slightly and closed his eyes, he let the darkness consume him.
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underoos-shield · 7 years
voicemail | peter parker
warning: sad, angst
watch this
peter swung from building to building in an attempt to save the city. it had been months since the vulture raised hell in new york and everything was okay. until the newest villain had rolled around. he hid in the shadows and no one had caught him in a picture that was clear enough to identify. the only thing the city new him for was his power, intense fires.
he had been the cause of the massive house fire on the lower east side earlier that week, killing a mother and her 2 children. he felt so guilty that he couldn’t save them in time, but it was on the other side of manhattan and peter would have never made it on time. he made himself a promise to be prepared for the next fire, even if it was during school or his study dates with his girlfriend. peter was not going to let another family suffer.
she had known about his “secret identity” since homecoming, when peter walked into the gym with tears in his eyes because he had to save the city. times likes these, where the guilt had eaten him up inside because he knew how much she wanted to spend the night with him and all of their friends, made him regret taking on the roll of the hero for queens. her night wasn’t the best, if peter were there it might have been, but she didn’t blame him. He spent weeks making up for it, though.
she tried to call him multiple times throughout the day, but peter was too focus on saving the citizens to be distracted. she was getting worried, seeing buildings crumbling down from her window. her heart raced as she realized it wouldn’t be long until she had to evacuate too.
meanwhile, peter was on the other side of town in a desperate attempt to stop- what he temporarily named him as- blaze. a corner store seemed to make everything worse, burning even hotter with the liquor bottles inside. peter seemed to save everyone in the nearby area when he finally caught his breath in front of a display of tv’s. fire erupts in midtown, just moments after a corner store fire on 8th street...
that’s all he heard before he swung in the direction of her apartment.
his web shooters would surely break at the speed he was going. he lived in midtown. his aunt, may, lived in midtown. she lived in midtown. there were too many people he loved there and he would die before any one of them got hurt. his heart was pounding out of his chest and he was sweating, you could practically see it through his mask. he thought he was going to pass out because of the exhaustion, and now, the heat as he finally swung in front of the building that was currently flaming. her building.
the windows were destroyed, glass littering the sidewalk. a crowd had formed around the building, some crying, some recording and some whispering a prayer or two. without a second thought, he ran into the building. quickly saving some unfortunate citizens from the bottom floors- sometimes throwing them out of windows and then shooting his webs so they don’t hit the sidewalk- he made his way to her floor- the top floor.
firemen carried bodies covered in smoke and debris and he frantically searched for her face. he was partially relieved he didn’t, most of them didn’t move very much. her apartment was at the end of the hall. the door was broken into pieces and he noticed that it smelled like gas.
putting two and two together, peter realized that the fire had started because of a gas leak- one he thought had to be no accident- and ran into the apartment. the chairs, the couches and the tables were in flames, but he couldn’t focus in that moment because all he really wanted to find was her.
and there she was.
laying motionless at the far side of the room. he screamed out her name but she couldn’t hear it. he couldn’t hear it either, because the building was starting to fall apart. he scooped her up, trying not to think the worst, and tried to make his way back to the main hallway. another loud noise filled the room and peter jumped back in time, the top of the building crashed in through her ceiling.
he had no other choice but to jump from the top story window and swing her to a safe place. the last thing he saw from that building was it’s collapse.
peter had gotten her far away from midtown, putting as much space as he could between his home and his present location. his mask was ripped off as he examined her on a rooftop in the city. she still hadn’t moved but peter pushed that to the back of his mind. she lay still on her back as he touched her face, looking for any warmth from her skin. obviously it was from the fire, so peter looks for a pulse.
there wasn’t one.
he began to panic, calling out to his (literally) closest ally, karen, and begging her to find any sign of life. she confirmed there wasn’t any.
peter didn’t stop there though. he tilted her head up and blew air in your mouth, something he learned from health class. thank god he payed attention that day. with clasped hands, he tried his best to do compressions.
in the first 30 seconds, he was sweating. she hadn’t jerked back to life but he wasn’t ready to give up just yet. another minute went by and peter started to scream out her name. at the 2 minute mark, peter was crying a gut-wrenching cry. his compressions slowed down as his head lowered until his forehead was against her chest.
he had never cried so hard in his life. his chest shook with every hiccup and he wondered how she has gotten herself into this situation. “i’m sorry. i’m sorry”, his hands cupped the side of her face as he barely whispered his apologies. “please wake up”. he sniffled and hugged her body to his chest. “please, i don’t want you to go”. he rocked her and played with her hair that was once used to calm both of them down.
he could see the bright red and blue lights from the huge screen in time square through his closed eyelids. there was yelling by him, by the people of new york. it was all too much. he was in too much agony to hear the news anchor praise him for his hard work. spider-man saves the city, again. after another fire erupted, our hero got everyone to safety in a burning building located in midtown.
it cut to a husband, wife and child.
“i just want to thank him. he saved our family”. there’s no doubt that these fires will keep spreading, but thanks to our hero, spider-man can save the city.
hero, he was no hero. he sure didn’t feel like one.
peter let out a scream for help, but they were drowned out by all of the city noise. he reached for his phone. to call he police or aunt may, he wasn’t sure yet, but it wasn’t there. he had left it in his room with a mental note to call y/n when he got back. she’d never get an answer though and he wished he could go back in time and pick up the phone when she called him. he was defeated. he could feel his heart sinking further into his chest.
too much was happening in the moment for him to process. with every sob his chest seemed to cave in more and more. tears were falling from his eyes and littering her scalp. with every desperate breath, he tried to ease his crying. he had lost most of his voice by now, only a few hoarse breaths escaping.
his lips were in her hair and forehead and cheeks and lips. he couldn’t get enough. he could never get enough of her. could, in the past tense. “i love you, i love you”. he was the only one that could hear his whimpers.
he could pick out different sounds but they weren’t processing; police sirens, a helicopter traveling in the direction of the fire, the frantic screaming from the streets. what he wanted to hear was her breathing, laughing, crying... something. anything would’ve have been better than her silence.
he doesn’t come home for a few days. the first day without her spent in his own grief. he didn’t eat or sleep, just absently staring at the what looked like ants from a tall building. he hid his suit in his locker at school- he went there after hours as he was too upset and ashamed to be seen by anyone at the moment- and picked up clothes from a broken into store, not that they were needing the shirt, hoodie and jeans anyway. he happened to glance at a news paper; hero saves queens, again! it took everything inside of him not to rip it to shreds.
almost a week had gone by when he finally dragged his feet into his apartment building. aunt may hadn’t had the best week either, too busy worrying about her nephew she felt was more like her son. her heart rose and sank when he walked through the door. “peter. i’ve been worried sick...”. she wrapped him in a tight hug that peter didn’t return. she sensed something was wrong and took a step back from him. peter got a good look at her; eyes red, bags underneath them. pale and thin and dirty, same as him. “where’s y/n?”. he hadn’t actually heard her name in what felt like years and it made his heart pick up because he somehow thought she was there in that moment. but she wasn’t. she was a cold lifeless body and the depression of it all quickly took him under again
his bottom lip trembled and he hyperventilated. peter’s head dropped and he slowly lowered himself to the ground, sobs taking over him once again. aunt may’s heart hurt at the silent news and the fact that peter’s head was resting against her stomach, like a small, scared child would do for protection from his mother. his arms wrapped around her and he let out a wailing cry, may crouching down to properly hug the grieving boy. silent tears escaped from her as his grip tightened around her back. his throat would be sore again, but it wasn’t the time to think about that.
he didn’t go to school for a while. according to his friends he went mia. they had tried to call him but he wasn’t in a stable place to answer the phone. aunt may had to deliver the news, each one equally heartbroken.
he slept a different way. it was common for him to sleep on his back, but with her not physically with him anymore, he slept on his side with a bundle of blankets under his arm, pretending it was her and he had just been dreaming all along.
peter hadn’t washed anything, especially not his sheets. her scent had faded from them but he refused to let even the slightest trace of her slip past his fingertips. his heart still sank at every memory or joke he thought of. peter could still hear her laugh; a beautiful, angelic sound that would occasionally have a snort or two mixed in. he still felt her in his arms and how their bodies blended so perfectly.
he could still feel her on his lips and smell her shampoo and remember the way she said “i love you”. she was everywhere, a permanent part of him. thinking of her made him feel such sorrow and he lost his appetite, not that aunt may made anything special during his time of coping anyway.
he cried during the night. he had nightmares that couldn’t seem to go away and he’d often wake up sweating. sure, he had nightmares before when he was fighting the bad guys but she was always there to protect him. he was the baby in the relationship. no one was there anymore though. it made peter feel empty, like he was losing too much in too little time. first his parents, then his uncle, his girlfriend, friends.
a few weeks had passed by. he finally had the strength to pick up his phone but groaned when he saw all of the messages. he ignored the texts and listened to voicemails instead. he thought he was ready for them. he wasn’t.
where are you? we had a Spanish quiz- skip. i tried calling again but you didn’t pick up... again- skip. hey, man. It’s Ned. i heard what happened. i miss her too, we all do. it’s okay to take time to yourself. just... call me when you’re ready.
that message alone almost moved him to tears. he didn’t expect such support from his friend when he had ditched him for over two weeks, he had an excuse though. a few other voicemails came and he skipped them, not bothering to look at who the caller was.
yo! there’s a party tonight. you should- skip. hey, my friend gave me this number to ask for help on my essay- skip. dude. did you hear? that michelle girl- skip, skip, skip, skip.
hey pete, it’s me. i’m just calling to see where you are. you said you’d be over by now. it’s okay if you’re doing something though, call me back when you get this. okay, bye. his heart tugged at the sound of her voice, the first time he’s heard it in so long.
hey. it’s me again. i hope you’re okay. are you sick? i can bring you something, if you want. i don’t know. maybe you won’t even hear this... “i will”, he whispers with a tears escaping his eye. his back slides down the wall as he listens intently. just call me back, okay?
i might be an annoying girlfriend because i’m calling so much... peter laughed at this, a sad laugh... but a laugh, the first one in weeks. “you’re not, baby. you’re not”. i just turned on the news and saw that guy you were talking about burned another building. i’m being paranoid but... just be stay safe, please. i don’t want to have to patch you up. again. peter bit his lip, keeping in the whimper and suppressing the sad smile. he couldn’t help the tears running past his cheeks, though.
peter. i’m scared. a lot of people are hurt over here and i can smell gas. i don’t know what’s happening. a loud crash stopped her sentence, the building had just caught on fire. there’s a lot of people here, i’m gonna go help them. peter almost dropped his phone at the realization. she sacrificed her life to save others. the crowd in front of the building wasn’t bystanders... they were the people she saved.
his hand covered his mouth to silence a sob. he held his chest in agony through the last message.
peter. there are a few things i want to tell you. i got a lot of people out of here, i didn’t want you in the fire risking your life when i could have helped, i hope you’re proud. He held the phone to his chest. “i am baby, you did so well”.
she took a deep breath and continued. i want to tell you what an amazing boyfriend you are. and not just boyfriend. you’re my best friend, my rock, my heart, my hero. you’re the greatest thing that has ever happened to me, peter. i just want to thank you for that. he’s full on sobbing right now, wishing she was telling him these things in person.
i don’t want you to stress out anymore. i know you’re scared of losing things, but it’s okay to loosen up babe. you’re always so tense, just take a deep breath. relax. and enjoy the moment. she sighs. i wish we had more time.
peter, sunshine. i love you, so much. you’re mine, my spider-man. you’re my world. i love you. i love you.
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kierancfthehunt · 7 years
"It's allowed to hurt." sentence starter. ship of your choice ;)
You know “ship of your choice” means kitty so fINE. It’s going to hurt though, probably.
Kit stared at the high ceiling in the training room. If he focused hard enough, he could see little knife marks left there over the years and years of missed throws. He wondered which of them might have been Livvy’s, if any, and regretted it immediately. The pain was still too fresh.
Livvy had died two weeks ago, but it might as well had been two days. Since that day, the LA institute had not been the same. Julian looked like a walking ghost, an emptiness in his eyes that scared Kit so much he had started to avoid eye contact at all costs; Emma, it seemed, was the only one who could get any emotional reaction from him, even if it was only tears, shed in the dark and privacy of the night. Kit only knew about them because he had to pass Julian’s room on his way to the training room, where he usually went when he couldn’t sleep– which was, unsurprisingly, most nights. Every night for the past two weeks, he had heard Julian’s quiet sobs, tinged with a sound of agony so raw it set Kit’s hairs on edge, and Emma’s hushed words. Sometimes he caught some of the words: “Jules, my Jules. We’ll get through this, my love. I don’t know how, but we’ll get through this. Shhh, you’re okay. You’ll be okay.”
Kit knew better than to stay any longer, and half-jogged the rest of the way.
Dru had barely left her room, and Cristina, who had tried to get her to come out every night and every morning, was starting to get worried. 
“I wanted to ask Mark to help me,” she told Kit distractedly one day, when the two of them and Kieran were sitting at one end of the dining room table during breakfast. She was looking at Mark with such tenderness and concern Kit had stuck his eyes to his eggs and did not move them all the while Cristina talked. “But I can’t– he can’t worry anymore. I thought about calling Helen, too, but what can she do from Idris? They’re not letting her come back anymore, said the funeral was an exception. I just want to help Dru. I just…” and she had trailed off, and had said nothing else during the rest of the breakfast. Kieran had looked at her with something resembling worry, and Kit had looked away from that too.
Tavvy… Tavvy cried. He was eight years old, old enough to understand that his sister was never coming back, but still too young to know what to do with that knowledge, and so he cried every night, woke up screaming, and it was always Emma whom Kit saw go to his room, cradle him against her chest, and rock him and soothe him until he fell asleep. When Kit had asked, Emma had smiled sadly and said that Julian couldn’t bring himself to do it, just shut his eyes more tightly and put his hands against his ears. So Emma went, and calmed the baby herself.
Worst of all was Ty, and that was someone Kit couldn’t have ignored even if he’d wanted to. Like Dru, he barely left his room. The only thing that told them he was still alive was the empty plates of food he left outside his bedroom three times a day, a few minutes after they had been left there.
Kit sometimes stood outside his door, his knuckles hovering over the wood. He always almost knocked. He never did. 
There was something about Ty’s silence, about his quiet pain, that was tearing Kit apart from the inside. He hadn’t seen Ty in two weeks, and it was starting to weigh something down in his chest, and he could feel his heart sink a little deeper every time he saw Ty’s empty chair during meals. 
Tonight, when Kit had gone past Julian’s room, climbed up the silent stairs, and had finally reached the training room with the intention of throwing knives, he had looked at the window, had seen Livvy’s saber lying against the wall, and had dropped to the floor, his body suddenly too heavy for his legs to carry.
So there he was, counting the marks in the ceiling, his mind wandering between Livvy and Ty. He remembered reading Lord of the Flies, back in middle school– there was a set of twins, Sam and Eric. They seemed to do everything together, as a unit, to the point the author (and, he supposed, the characters) had started to refer to them as Samneric. One single person. 
That’s the way he thought of Livvy and Ty: one person, one single unit– one brain in two bodies. He could only imagine the pain Ty must be feeling. He hadn’t lost just a sibling– he’d lost half of himself. Ty, the sweetest, purest person Kit had ever met, had just lost half of himself. Ty, whose smile could stop the tide, who flinched at the thought of killing an ant, whose laugh made everything inside Kit shake, had felt the worst pain a human being could ever feel.
Kit closed his eyes, his thoughts suddenly too much. He bit on his fist to choke down a sob. He could see Livvy’s serious face when she asked him if her and Kit would always be friends, when she had questioned his intentions with her twin. He saw Ty that day in the beach, the day Kit and Livvy had kissed, taking that starfish from the floor, his surprised laugh at the stupid joke Kit had made that shone brighter than moonlight. It hurt so much. It hurt so much.
Right then, his thoughts were interrupted by the training room door opening. He sat up at once, not bothering to wipe the tears from his cheeks. He expected to see Emma, maybe even Cristina– and almost choked when he saw it was Ty standing in the door frame, barefoot, his hair sticking up at odd angles, as if he had pulled on it every day for the past two weeks– which, Kit realized, he probably had.
“I thought you’d be here,” Ty said simply, his voice hoarse from disuse. Kit stared as Ty hovered, his hands moving restlessly at his sides. Kit ached to take them in his, rub them the way he had seen Livvy do when Ty was stressed out. Then he though that would probably make it worse for Ty, and let the idea go. “Can I come in?”
Kit nodded stupidly, unable to say anything else. Ty had huge, nearly-black circles under his eyes, which were red and puffy. His mouth was set in a hard, tight line.
When Ty sat next to Kit on the floor, Kit fought his way through his brain in search for words. He came back empty. He had absolutely no idea what to say to Ty. 
“You don’t have to say anything,” Ty said, his eyes on the floor. His hands had stopped moving a bit, this time drumming on the hard floor. Kit looked at his profile; it was dark, the only light coming from the lamps on the street. There was no moon.
“Ty?” Kit said softly some minutes later. Ty didn’t turn to look at him, but Kit knew he had heard him by the attentive set of his shoulders. He wondered when he’d come to be able to read Ty so well. “Can I, uh. Is there anything I can do?”
Ty started drumming faster, and Kit worried he had upset him. Stupid stupid stupid. He told you you didn’t have to say anything. 
“You were crying, earlier, when I came in,” Ty said, surprising Kit. He hadn’t expected that question. When he didn’t reply, Ty turned to him, still not meeting his eyes; they seemed to be focused somewhere on Kit’s chest.
“I wasn’t–” Kit started to lie, but decided against it. Ty deserved nothing but the truth. “I was thinking of her,” at this, Ty’s breath caught, and his drumming became more intense, but he nodded for Kit to go on. “I was thinking of her, and– and of you.”
Ty nodded again, but said nothing. Kit looked at him, taking in his rumpled pajamas, the tired shadows in his face. He looked beautiful; a broken kind of beautiful. It snapped the last string inside Kit, and he felt the tears behind his eyes start to fall again in steady streams. He hiccuped.
“It just. It hurts so much, it hurts me so much, I can only imagine how much it hurts you. And I can’t think about it, about you hurting ten, a hundred times as much as I hurt, because it just hurts more. I–”
He was cut short by the shock of feeling Ty’s hands on top of his, of finding his gray eyes so close he could see the little flecks of blue in them. He swallowed a sob.
“Kit,” Ty said, lifting a hand to hover close to Kit’s cheek, placing it there after a few seconds. Kit suppressed a shudder. He felt the tips of Ty’s fingers tracing his cheekbone, just touching, feeling. “Kit, it’s allowed to hurt. I just understood myself, I just realized– it’s allowed to hurt.”
Kit felt a new sob building up inside him, and he closed his eyes. He hated to cry, even more in front of people. But Ty, he didn’t care. He couldn’t hide his pain from Ty, maybe because he knew that, more than anyone else, Ty would get it– even if Kit couldn’t begin to understand Ty’s pain. 
“Christopher,” Ty said, his voice breaking. Kit opened his eyes at once– no one had ever called him by that name, except Tessa and Jem when they had first found him. He couldn’t even remember his dad calling him Christopher once. Ty’s hand was still on his face, his fingertips now pressing on his chin. His eyes were wet. “Did you understand what I said?” Kit nodded, stunned. “It’s allowed to hurt.” 
He seemed to be trying to convince himself more than Kit, but Kit nodded anyway, kept nodding as Ty’s fingers moved on his cheekbone, the bridge of his nose, where they left wet trails from Kit’s tears. Ty’s own eyes were starting to leak, his lashes shining wetly. Kit nodded once more, taking a deep breath.
“It’s allowed to hurt.”
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tryafandom-blog · 4 years
Found a List
The real list is on Slash Films: https://www.slashfilm.com/disney-movies-and-tv-shows-list/ 
Here’s the copy-pasted version:
10 Things I Hate About You
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
101 Dalmatians (1961)
101 Dalmatians (1996)
101 Dalmatians 2: Patch’s London Adventure
102 Dalmatians
(500) Days of Summer
The Absent-Minded Professor
The Adventures of André and Wally B.
Adventures in Babysitting (1987)
Adventures in Babysitting (2016
The Adventures of Bullwhip Griffin
The Adventures of Huck and Finn
The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad
The African Lion
Aladdin and the King of Thieves
Aladdin II: The Return of Jafar
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Alice in Wonderland (1951)
Alice in Wonderland (2010)
Alice Through the Looking Glass
Aliens of the Deep
Alley Cats Strike
Almost Angels
America’s Heart and Soul
An Extremely Goofy Movie
Ant-Man and The Wasp
Apollo: Missions to the Moon
The Apple Dumpling Gang
The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again
The Aristocats
Around the World in 80 Days
Atlantis: Milo’s Return
Atlantis Rising
Atlantis: The Lost Empire
Avalon High
The Avengers
Avengers: Infinity War
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Avengers: Endgame
Babes in Toyland
Baby: Secret of the Lost Legend
Bad Hair Day
Bambi 2
The Band Concert
The Barefoot Executive
The Bears and I
Beauty and the Beast (1991)
Beauty and the Beast (2017)
Beauty and the Beast: Belle’s Magical World
Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas
Beauty and the Briefcase
Bedknobs and Broomsticks
Bedtime Stories
Before the Flood
Benji the Hunted
Beverly Hills Chihuahua
Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2
Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3: Viva La Fiesta
Big Business
The Big Green
Big Hero Six
The Biscuit Eater
Bizarre Dinosaurs
The Black Cauldron
The Black Hole
Black Panther
Blackbeard’s Ghost
Blank Check
The Blue Umbrella
The Boys: The Sherman Brothers Story
The Brave Little Toaster Goes to Mars
The Brave Little Toaster to the Rescue
Breaking Away
Bridge to Terabithia
Brother Bear
Brother Bear 2
Buffalo Dreams
A Bug’s Life
Cadet Kelly
Camp Nowhere
Camp Rock
Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam
Can of Worms
Captain America: Civil War
Captain America: The First Avenger
Captain Marvel
Cars 2
Cars 3
Cars Toon: Air Mater
Cars Toon: Hiccups
Cars Toon: Mater Private Eye
Cars Toon: Mater the Greater
Cars Toon: Monster Truck Mater
Cars Toon: Time Travel Mater
Cars Toons: Heavy Metal Mater
The Castaway Cowboy
The Cat from Outer Space
The Cheetah Girls
The Cheetah Girls 2
The Cheetah Girls: One World
Chef Donald
Chicken Little
Christmas Cupid
The Christmas Star
Christopher Robin
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe
Cinderella (1950)
Cinderella (2015)
Cinderella 2: Dreams Come True
Cinderella 3: A Twist in Time
Cloud 9
College Road Trip
The Color of Friendship
The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes
Confessions of a Shopaholic
Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen
Cool Runnings
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Country Bears
Cow Belles
D2: The Mighty Ducks
D3: The Mighty Ducks
Dan in Real Life
Darby O’Gill and the Little People
Davy Crockett and the River Pirates
Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier
Day and Night
Decorating Disney: Holiday Magic
Den Brother
Descendants 2
Diana: In Her Own Words
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Dick Tracy
Disney’s A Christmas Carol
Disney’s Fairy Tale Weddings
Disney’s Fairy Tale Weddings: Holiday Magic
Disneynature African Cats
Disneynature Bears
Disneynature Born in China
Disneynature Chimpanzee
Disneynature Crimson Wing
Disneynature Expedition China
Disneynature Ghost of the Mountains
Disneynature Growing Up Wild
Disneynature Monkey Kingdom
Disneynature Oceans
Disneynature Penguins
Disneynature Wings of Life
Doctor Dolittle
Doctor Strange
Don’t Look Under the Bed
Donald and Pluto
Double Teamed
Doug’s 1st Movie
DuckTales the Movie: Treasure of the Lost Lamp
Dug’s Special Mission
Dumbo (Live-Action)
Earth Live
Easter Island Unsolved
Eddie’s Million Dollar Cook-Off
Eight Below
Emil and the Detectives
The Emperorer’s New Groove
Empire of Dreams: The Story of the Star Wars Trilogy
Escape to Witch Mountain
The Even Stevens Movie
Expedition Mars: Spirit and Opportunity
Fantasia 2000
Finding Dory
Finding Nemo
The Finest Hours
First Kid
Flight of the Navigator
The Flood
Flowers and Trees
For the Birds
The Fox and the Hound
The Fox and the Hound 2
Frank and Ollie
Frankenweenie (1984)
Frankenweenie (2012)
Freaky Friday (1977)
Freaky Friday (2003)
Freaky Friday (2018)
Free Solo
Full-Court Miracle
Fun and Fancy Free
The Game Plan
Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties
Geek Charming
George and A.J.
George of the Jungle
George of the Jungle 2
Get a Clue
The Ghosts of Buxley Hall
Giants of the Deep Blue
Girl vs Monster
Glory Road
Go Figure
The Gods Must Be Crazy
Going to the Mat
The Good Dinosaur
Good Luck Charlie: It’s Christmas!
A Goofy Movie
Gotta Kick It Up
The Great Mouse Detective
The Greatest Game Ever Played
Greyfriars Bobby
Guardians of the Galaxy
Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2
Halloweentown High
Halloweentown 2: Kalabar’s Revenge
Hannah Montana: The Movie
Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert
Hatching Pete
The Haunted Mansion
The Help
Herbie: Fully Loaded
Herbie Goes Bananas
Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo
Herbie Rides Again
High School Musical
High School Musical 2
High School Musical 3: Senior Year
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Hocus Pocus
Holiday in Handcuffs
Home on the Range
Homeward Bound 2: Lost in San Francisco
Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids
Honey, We Shrank Ourselves
Honey, I Blew Up the Kid
Horse Sense
The Horse Whisperer
How Dogs Got Their Shapes
How to Build a Better Boy
The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996)
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
I Am Number Four
I’ll Be Home for Christmas
Ice Age: A Mammoth Christmas
Ice Age: The Great Egg-scapade
Ice Princess
Incredible: The Story of Dr. Pol
The Incredible Dr. Pol: Blue Ribbon Kids
The Incredible Journey
The Incredibles
The Incredibles 2
Inner Workings
Inside Out
Inspector Gadget
Inspector Gadget 2
Into the Grand Canyon
Into the Okavango
Into the Woods
Invisible Sister
Iron Man
Iron Man 2
Iron Man 3
Iron Man and Hulk: Heroes United
Iron Will
Jack-Jack Attack
James and the Giant Peach
The Jennie Project
John Carter
Johnny Kapahala: Back On Board
Johnny Tsunami
Jonas Brothers: The Concert Experience
The Journey of Natty Gan
Journey to Shark Eden
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Jump In
Jumping Ship
Jungle 2 Jungle
The Jungle Book (1967)
The Jungle Book (2016)
The Jungle Book 2
The Jungle Book: Mowgli’s Story
Jungle Cat
Justin Morgan Had a Horse
The Kid
A Kid in King Arthur’s Court
Kim Possible (2019)
Kim Possible Movie: So the Drama
Kingdom of the Blue Whale
Kronk’s New Groove
La Luna
Lady and the Tramp
Lady and the Tramp 2: Scamp’s Adventure
The Last Song
The Legend of Mordu
LEGO Star Wars: The Yoda Chronicles – Clash of the Skywalkers
LEGO Star Wars: The Yoda Chronicles – Escape from the Jedi Temple
LEGO Star Wars: The Yoda Chronicles – Race for the Holocrons
LEGO Star Wars: The Yoda Chronicles – Raid on Coruscant
Lemonade Mouth
Lend a Paw
Leroy and Stitch
Let It Shine
Life is Ruff
Life Size 2
Life with Mikey
Lilo and Stitch
Lilo and Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch
The Lion King (1994)
The Lion King 1 1/2
The Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride
The Little Mermaid
The Little Mermaid 2: Return to the Sea
The Little Mermaid: Ariel’s Beginning
The Little Whirlwind
The Living Desert
The Lizzie McGuire Movie
The Lone Ranger
Lonesome Ghosts
The Lost Tomb of Alexander the Great
The Love Bug (1969)
Lovestruck: The Musical
Luck of the Irish
Luxo Jr.
Man Among Cheetahs
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
Mars: Inside SpaceX
Mars Needs Moms
Marvel Rising: Secret Warriors
Marvel Studios: Assembling a Universe
Marvel Super Hero Adventures: Frost Fight
Mary Poppins
Mary Poppins Returns
Mater and the Ghostlight
Max Keeble’s Big Move
McFarland, USA
Meet the Deedles
Meet the Robinsons
Melody Time
Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers
Mickey’s House of Villains
Mickey’s Magical Christmas: Snowed in at the House of Mouse
Mickey’s Once Upon a Christmas
Mickey’s Twice Upon a Christmas
The Mighty Ducks
Mighty Joe Young
Mike’s New Car
Million Dollar Arm
The Million Dollar Duck
Miracle at Midnight
Miracle in Lane 2
Miracle Landing on the Hudson
Miracle on 34th Street (1947)
Miracle on 34th Street (1994)
Mission to the Sun
The Mistle Tones
Modern Inventions
Mom’s Got a Date with a Vampire
Monsters, Inc.
Monsters University
Mr. Boogedy
Mr. Holand’s Opus
Mr. Magoo
Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium
Mulan 2
The Muppet Christmas Carol
The Muppet Movie
Muppet Treasure Island
The Muppets (2011)
Muppets Most Wanted
Musical Farmer
My Fake Fiance
My Favorite Martian
My Future Boyfriend
National Treasure
National Treasure: Book of Secrets
Never Been Kissed
Newsies: The Broadway Musical
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Now You See It
The Nutcracker and the Four Realms
The Odd Life of Timothy Green
Olaf’s Frozen Adventure
Old Dogs
Old Yeller
Oliver and Company
Once Upon a Mattress
One Magic Christmas
Operation Dumbo Drop
The Other Me
Oz the Great and Powerful
The Pacifier
The Parent Trap (1961)
The Parent Trap (1998)
Paris to Pittsburgh
Partly Cloudy
Party Central
People Like Us
Pete’s Dragon (1977)
Pete’s Dragon (2016)
Peter Pan
Peter Pan: Return to Neverland
Phantom of the Megaplex
Phineas and Ferb: Mission Marvel
Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension
Piglet’s Big Movie
The Pirate Fairy
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
The Pixar Story
Pixel Perfect
Pizza My Heart
Planes: Fire Rescue
Planet of the Birds
Pluto’s Christmas Tree
Pocahontas 2: Journey to a New World
Pooh’s Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin
Pooh’s Heffalump Movie
The Prince and the Pauper
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
The Princess and the Frog
The Princess Diaries
The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement
Princess Protection Program
The Proof Point
The Proud Family Movie
Queen of Katwe
Race to Witch Mountain
The Radiator Springs 500 1/2
Ralph Breaks the Internet
Read It and Weep
Ready to Run
Real Steel
Recess: All Growed Down
Recess: School’s Out
Recess: Taking the 5th Grade
Red’s Dream
The Reluctant Dragon
Remember the Titans
The Rescuers Down Under
Return from Witch Mountain
Return to Halloweentown
Return to Oz
Richie Rich’s Christmas Wish
Right on Track
Riley’s First Date
A Ring of Endless Light
Rip Girls
Robin Hood
The Rocketeer
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
The Rookie
Rookie of the Year
Roving Mars
Ruby Bridges
Sacred Planet
Saludos Amigos
Sammy, the Way-Out Seal
The Sandlot
Sanjay’s Super Team
Santa Buddies: The Legend of Santa Paws
The Santa Clause
The Santa Clause 2
The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Claus
Santa Paws 2: The Santa Pups
Saving Mr. Banks
Science Fair
The Scream Team
Sea of Hope: America’s Underwater Treasures
The Search for Santa Paws
The Secret of the Magic Gourd
Secret of the Wings
Secrets of Christ’s Tomb: Explorer Special
Secrets of Life
Secrets of the King Cobra
The Shaggy D.A.
The Shaggy Dog (1959)
The Shaggy Dog (2006)
Sharks of Lost Island
Sharpay’s Fabulous Adventure
The Sign of Zorro
The Simpsons Movie
Sister Act
Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit
The Skeleton Dance
Sky High
Sleeping Beauty
Smart House
Snow 2: Brain Freeze
Snow Buddies
Snow Dogs
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Snowball Express
Snowglobe (2007)
Solo: A Star Wars Story
The Sorcerer’s Apprentice
The Sound of Music
Space Buddies
Spooky Buddies
Star Wars: A New Hope
Star Wars: Attack of the Clones
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith
Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008)
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
Steamboat Willie
Stepsister from Planet Weird
Stitch! the Movie
Stonehenge Decoded: Secrets Revealed
The Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men
Straight Talk
Strange Magic
The Strongest Man in the World
Stuck in the Suburbs
The Suite Life Movie
Sultan and the Rock Star
Super Buddies
The Swap
Sweet Home Alabama
Swing Vote
Swiss Family Robinson (1960)
Swiss Family Robinson
The Sword in the Stone
Tall Tale
Tangled: Before Ever After
Tangled Ever After
Tarzan 2
Tarzan and Jane (2002)
Teachers Pet
Teen Beach 2
Teen Beach Movie
Teen Spirit
That Darn Cat (1965)
That Darn Cat (1977)
The Thirteenth Year
Thor: Ragnarok
Thor: The Dark World
The Three Caballeros
Those Calloways
Three Days
Three Little Pigs
Three Men and a Baby
Three Men and a Little Lady
The Three Musketeers
Tiger Cruise
The Tigger Movie
‘Til Dad do us Part
Tini: The New Life of Violetta
Tinker Bell
Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue
Tinker Bell and the Legend of the Neverbeast
Titanic: 20 Years Later with James Cameron
Tom and Huck
Toy Story
Toy Story 2
Toy Story 3
Toy Story Toons: Hawaiian Vacation
Toy Story Toons: Partysaurus Rex
Toy Story Toons: Small Fry
Trail of the Panda
Treasure Buddies
Treasure Island
Treasure of Matecumbe
Treasure Planet
Tree Climbing Lions
Tron Legacy
Tru Confessions
Tuck Everlasting
Turner and Hooch
Twas the Night
Twitches Too
U.S. Secret Service: On the Front Line
The Ugly Daschund
The Ultimate Christmas Present
Under the Sea: A Descendants Short Story
Under the Tuscan Sun
Unidentified Flying Oddball
Up, Up, and Away
The Vanishing Prairie
Waking Sleeping Beauty
Walt and El Grupo
Wendy Wu: Homecoming Warrior
What About Bob?
When In Rome
While You Were Sleeping
Whispers: An Elephant’s Tale
White Fang
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
The Wild
Winged Seduction: Birds of Paradise
Winnie the Pooh
Winnie the Pooh: A Very Merry Pooh Year
Winnie the Pooh: Springtime with Roo
The Wise Little Hen
The Wizards Return: Alex vs Alex
Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie
World’s Greatest Dogs
Wreck-it Ralph
A Wrinkle in Time
You Again
You Lucky Dog
You Wish
The Young Black Stallion
Your Friend the Rat
Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century
Zenon: The Zequel
Zenon: Z3
Zombies (2018)
Television Shows
The 7D
101 Dalmatians
Adventures of the Gummi Bears
Agent Carter
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
American Dragon: Jake Long
Andi Mack
A.N.T. Farm
Ant-Man Shorts
Austin and Ally
Avengers Assemble
The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes
Avengers: Secret Wars (Shorts)
The Avengers: United They Stand
Best Friends Whenever
Big City Greens
Big City Greens (Shorts)
Big Hero 6: The Series
Big Hero 6: The Series (Shorts)
Billy Dilley’s Super Duper Subterranean Summer
The Book of Once Upon a Time
The Book of Pooh
Boy Meets World
Brain Games
Brandy and Mr. Whiskers
Bug Juice: My Adventures at Camp
Chip n Dale: Rescue Rangers
Coop and Cami Ask the World
Coop and Cami Ask the World (Shorts)
Crash and Bernstein
Darkwing Duck
Descendants: Wicked World (Shorts)
Disney’s Fairy Tale Weddings
Disney Junior Music Nursery Rhymes
Doc McStuffins
Dog Whisperer with Caesar Millan
Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER
Dr. Oakley, Yukon Vet
Drain the Oceans
DuckTales (1987)
DuckTales (2017)
DuckTales Shorts
Elena of Avalor (Shorts)
The Emperor’s New School
Even Stevens
Fantastic Four (1994)
Fantastic Four: World’s Greatest Heroes
Fast Layne
Girl Meets World
Goldie and Bear
Good Luck Charlie
Goof Troop
Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted
Gravity Falls
Gravity Falls: Shorts
Great Migrations
Guardians of the Galaxy (2015)
Guardians of the Galaxy (Shorts)
Handy Manny
Henry Hungglemonster
Hostile Planet
I Didn’t Do It
Imagination Movers
The Incredible Dr. Pol
The Incredible Hulk
Iron Man (1994)
Iron Man: Armored Adventures
Jake and the Never Land Pirates
K.C. Undercover
Kickin’ It
Kim Possible
Kingdom of the White Wolf
Kirby Buckets
Lab Rats
Lab Rats: Elite Force
Legend of the Three Caballeros
LEGO Disney Frozen: Northern Lights (Shorts)
LEGO Star Wars: All Stars
LEGO Star Wars: Droid Tales
LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures
LEGO Star Wars: The Resistance Rises
Life Below Zero
Lilo and Stitch
The Lion Guard
Little Einsteins
The Little Mermaid
Liv and Maddie
Lizzie McGuire (2001)
Lost Treasures of the Maya
Marvel Rising: Initiation
Marvel’s Rocket and Groot
Marvel’s Spider-Man (Shorts)
Marvel Super Hero Adventures
Marvel Ultimate Comics
Mech X4
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
Mickey and the Roadster Racers
Mickey Mouse (Shorts)
Mighty Ducks
Mighty Med
Miles from Tomorrowland
Milo Murphy’s Law
Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir
Muppet Babies
Muppet Moments (Shorts)
The Muppets
My Friends Tigger and Pooh
The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
One Strange Rock
Origins: The Journey of Humankind
Out of the Box
Phil of the Future
Phineas and Ferb
PJ Masks
Puppy Dog Pals
Quack Pack
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja
Raven’s Home
The Replacements
Rocky Mountain Animal Rescue
Shake it Up
Sheriff Callie’s Wild West
Silver Surfer (1998)
The Simpsons
Smart Guy
So Weird
Sofia the First
Sonny With a Chance
Soy Luna
Special Agent Oso
Spider-Man (1981)
Spider-Man (1994)
Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends
Spider-Man Unlimited
Spider-Woman (1979)
Star vs the Forces of Evil
Star Wars Blips
Star Wars: Forces of Destiny (Shorts)
Star Wars: Rebels
Star Wars: Rebels (Shorts)
Star Wars: Resistance
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stuck in the Middle
The Suite Life of Zack and Cody
The Suite Life on Deck
Supercar Megabuild
Sydney to the Max
Take Two with Phineas and Ferb (Shorts)
Tangled: The Series
Tangled: Short Cuts (Shorts)
Teachers Pet
That’s So Raven
Timon and Pumbaa
Tron: Uprising
Ultimate Spider-Man
Walk the Prank
Wild Yellowstone
Wizards of Waverly Place
Wolverine and the X-Men
X-Men (1992)
X-Men Evolution
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