#Anthony could become yandere
faux-ecrivain · 9 months
Frightened Ex x Yandere reader
“When Cupid gets it wrong, goodbyes can be messy.” - that private eye who worked for the HPD for thirty years from that one episode of Hawaï Five-O where that girl in a red dress died and the private eye was narrating the story
(Trigger warning: murder, death and amputation are mentioned/implied.)
(Also, you, the reader, are the yandere here)
(Sixteenth Official Post)
(Merry Christmas)
(Happy Holidays)
(name is Anthony)
          When you and Anthony first started dating he thought you were an absolutely wonderful person, he admired you and would go out of his way to please you. Then just 4 years into your relationship, you started to behave… strangely. You were more possessive and would often isolate him from his friends (regardless of gender).     
         Sometimes, you would makes jokes about locking him up and killing all his friends, which made him very uncomfortable. Luckily, after expressing his discomfort, you quit joking like that, but now he was wary around you and he was considering breaking up with you. However, when he expressed this decision to you, you informed him that you wouldn’t let him leave and would make sure he knew his place.
   Anthony’s breath was muffled by his hands, his eyes squeezed shut as he prays that you won’t find him. He doesn’t know why you’re acting like this, treating him like a prisoner and trying to lock him away in your dreary, albeit big, house. He shuffles further into the closet, his knees up and his legs pulled close to his body. Tears fall down his face and he sniffles, what once was a beautiful, loving relationship, was now massacred beyond fixing.
         He listens as you creep through the hallway, he hears your ominous voice call out to him and he fights the urge to run into your arms. Yes, he’s scared, but often when he was scared you would be there to comfort him. Your footsteps grow closer, the floorboards creak and you stop in front of the closet. You taunt him, calling out for him, even though he’s certain you know he’s in there. “Anthony, baby, wheeere are yoou? Are you hiding from me?” Shivers wrack his body the moment he hears a haunting giggle escape your mouth. 
          “That’s not very nice, Anthony. Didn’t your mommy ever teach you manners?” Anthony’s tears fall faster as you bring up his mother, he’s sure you’ve done something to her, probably killed her. You begin moving again, the creaking of the floorboards lessen in volume and he assumes you’ve moved away from the closet. Still, he doesn’t leave and instead waits inside the closet for a matter of minutes. He listens diligently for your footsteps and hopes you won’t come back. 
          After at least 20 minutes have passed he cracks the closet door open, his eyes roam across the expanse of the hallway and his fear lessens once he sees the hall empty. He sneaks out of the closet, quietly closes the door behind him and sneaks in the direction opposite of the way that you went. For a moment, Anthony believes he can escape, he thinks he can make it to the door and run away from you. He thinks he came leave you behind, but he was wrong, so very wrong. 
          His heart stops when you call out to him, your voice smug and haughty. “There you are, baby, trying to escape, again?” He turns around and his body freezes as you approach. His heart beats erratically and he can barely form a single thought in his brain. Then he quickly snaps to when he realizes the distance between you two is slowly closing. He wills his legs to work and, when they do, he rushes off in a random direction. One that will hopefully allow him freedom or a moment’s salvation. 
         You groan when he runs off again, it was getting quite annoying and each time he ran it made you want to immobilize him. You snicker at the thought, but since you have no desire to traumatize him, more than you already have, you decide against such an idea. You stalk after him, taking your time as you knew he was likely lost in the maze of a house you own. Your throat vibrates as you begin to hum, a tune much too joyful for the present time. You hear Anthony crack open the door to the left wing of your house, well it isn’t actually your house, but does that really matter? 
          Anthony closes the heavy mahogany door behind him and wince at the loud slam it releases. He wrings his hands together and begins to walk down the darkened hallway, he’s never seen this part of the house before, it’s all worn down. He exhales and continues walking, his eyes glancing around his surroundings and taking in the strange decorations hanging up. Some of them seem entirely too old for such a modern house, some seem to be straight from the eighteenth century. 
          He doesn’t have time to dwell on your strange interior choices, as he hears the mahogany doors creak open and slam shut. His hearts begins to race, once more, and he knows you’re near. He fears that he might never escape and that you would catch him. He’s so scared, so frightened. He doesn’t know what to do, should he run or should he hide?
(I know everyone voted yes go back to my old style, but I didn’t know how else to write this oneshot. Don’t worry though, I’ll still listen to you guys and will continue writing in my old style, but I might also write this way.)
(Hope you enjoyed and hopefully you guys are excited for the next part!)
(Don’t worry, I’m going to post all three (or two) endings, I just need to know which one you want first.)
(Expect another post around 12:30 this afternoon)
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aphroditelovesu · 3 months
Yan!Husband's Bridgerton men? 🥺
❝ 🐝 — lady l: oh, this is so sweet! I hope you like it and forgive me for any mistakes! ❤️
❝tw: none, pure fluff.
❝🐝pairing: yandere!anthony bridgerton, yandere!benedict bridgerton and yandere!colin bridgerton x female!reader.
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Anthony Bridgerton
Anthony Bridgerton is so in love with you it hurts. He's such a devoted and devoted husband to you that it's sweet, actually. His eyes shine when you are in his presence and everything is forgotten and his attention is focused exclusively on you. Hi sweet and perfect Viscountess.
Your every gesture, every smile, every word you say delights him in a way he never thought possible. He strives to make every moment with you unforgettable, from small acts of kindness to grand gestures of love.
When you wake up in the morning, it's always with a cuddle or a soft kiss, as if he couldn't wait another second to see you. During the day, he finds ways to surprise you and remind you of his love, whether it's with a flower stolen from the garden, a passionate note left in your favorite place, or a whispered conversation at dusk.
At night, when the world seems to calm down, he likes to hold your hand and hear about your day, laughing and sharing stories as if your every word were a precious jewel. The way he looks at you, as if you were the most precious thing in this world, makes you feel loved and safe.
He's not exactly possessive but Anthony can be very jealous of you. You are his wife, his Viscountess and everyone must know that. Anthony will have no problem dealing with whoever made him jealous later on.
Anthony is a husband who goes to great lengths to ensure you feel happy and fulfilled. He is your confidant, your partner and your greatest admirer. With him, every day is a new opportunity to experience a deep and true love, a love that grows stronger over time and that only becomes sweeter with each moment shared.
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Benedict Bridgerton
Benedict Bridgerton can't imagine a time when you aren't in his thoughts. His love for you is so deep and sincere that it has shaped his life in ways he never could have predicted. He became a more caring and dedicated man, always looking for ways to bring a smile to his face.
Benedict puts you above everything and everyone. You are his wife, his family and, most of all, the woman he loves with everything in him. You will always be his priority.
Every brushstroke in his artwork is inspired by you. Benedict often gets lost in daydreams about your smile, your laugh, and the way your eyes sparkle when you are happy. He dedicates each of his creations to you, infusing them with the love and admiration he feels.
Your main goal is your happiness. He is always attentive to your desires and needs, whether preparing a special surprise, organizing a romantic evening or simply listening to you with attention and affection. He wants you to feel loved and valued at every moment, and he does everything to ensure that.
Benedict is not a naturally jealous man, but his deep love for you can awaken a protective feeling. He values ​​your happiness and your relationship so much that, in rare moments, he may feel a pang of jealousy. However, he deals with these feelings in a mature and respectful way. When he realizes that he is becoming jealous, Benedict tries hard not to let it affect your relationship. He prefers to talk openly about what he feels, always seeking to resolve any insecurities with honesty and trust.
Benedict's presence at your side is constant and comforting. He is your confidant, your biggest supporter and your anchor. The love he feels for you is evident in every look, every gesture and every word. He wants to share his life with you, grow together, and face any challenge life may throw at him, always with you in his heart and mind.
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Colin Bridgerton
Colin Bridgerton is the epitome of devotion and protectiveness when it comes to you. His love for you is so intense that he considers it his duty to ensure your safety and happiness at all costs. As your husband, he feels a fervent responsibility to take care of you, and no one dares say anything negative about you in his presence.
He is always by your side, attentive to any sign of discomfort or concern, ready to intervene and offer his unconditional support. Colin doesn't tolerate anyone disrespecting you or making you feel less than special. He is your most ardent defender, and his presence is a shield against any adversity.
Colin makes a point of demonstrating his love and dedication daily. Whether through loving gestures, words of encouragement or simply being there when you need it most, he goes out of his way to show you that you are his priority. His love is protective but never suffocating; he respects your independence and values ​​your opinions, always seeking a balanced and harmonious partnership.
Colin, intensely protective, is not naturally possessive. His love for you is great and deep, but he understands the importance of trust and mutual respect in a healthy relationship. Although he can be overprotective, this does not translate into possessiveness. He is jealous at times but not possessive.
He struggles to balance his need to care for you with understanding your independence and autonomy. Colin values ​​your happiness and wants you to feel free and respected in all your choices and actions. He knows that a strong relationship is based on trust, and he never wants you to feel limited or controlled by him.
When you're together, Colin is completely focused on you, his eyes shining with admiration and affection. He does everything he can to create an environment where you feel safe, loved and valued. His love is a constant source of strength and comfort, and he will never stop caring for you with the full intensity of his feelings.
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yanxidarlings · 1 year
continuation of my previous post (i got caught up in getting out my anthony goldstein headcanons was it obvious). okay so full disclosure, i haven't read the fanfictions lorenzo and mattheo are from (i only read yandere is it obvious) (i see their faceclaims and cannot. exclude), so if i'm not portraying them correctly shout at me. but just for a moment, imagine having the 79-80 liner slytherin boys yandere for their dormmate? (okay there is a loophole i'll write for male readers/darlings if asked).
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maybe they've known the reader/darling since childhood, and the sudden close proximity magnifies the possessive and obsessive tendencies they were developing towards the darling. or, the darling could suddenly get sorted into slytherin and now they have a roommate they did not expect to have. for the second scenario i don't think the darlings personality would matter much - either way, they're all apprehensive about this really cute kid they suddenly are dorming with.
maybe they give the reader a hard time at first (although this is only really likely to happen for a darling in a different house, or a muggleborn darling) but whoo boy if anyone else thinks of teasing the reader, they'll get hell from our dear slytherins here. actually, anyone who the reader pays mind to becomes a target of torment and bullying by draco and his gang. especially potter. please, reader, for potters own sanity and the good of the wizarding world, do not approach, think about or even look in the direction of harry. it ends in an ugly tantrum from draco, prolonged sarcasm from theodore, silence from blaise, aggression from mattheo and teasing from lorenzo. crabbe and goyle won't be carrying your books for you for the next week either.
when they get like this, it'll be the darling that'll have to make it up to them, or risk having it all drag out until one of them gets over it naturally.
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GREGORY GOYLE & VINCENT CRABBE (cast josh herdman, jamie waylett):
they're all horribly possessive and jealous by default, but generally, crabbe and goyle are the easiest to deal with, they both have a soft spot for their darling, and are pretty used to being bossed around, the second choice and having to share. they're also the easiest to appease, putting food on crabbe's plate is enough to make him happy, and paying goyle any mind will go a long way.
they don't need constant attention (draco), validation (draco), and affection (draco), from their darling, and are content just being in their life.
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BLAISE ZABINI (cast louis cordice):
after them, i honestly don't know who's worse. going in alphabetical order, blaise appears to be calm and uncaring when it comes to his darling, but do not be fooled, he's not going to sit back and let his darling get whisked away by the likes of a half blood (sorry mattheo), spolit daddy's boy (apologies draco), spolit mommy's boy (soz enzo) or someone who's one lab accident away from becoming a supervillain (blaise's words not mine theo).
blaise tolerates the rest of the slytherins for now, but if any of them think he'd ever fully agree to sharing with the likes of them, they are wrong. he fantasises about taking his darling away from the world after graduating, and probably has his mother trying to arrange a marriage the moment he decides they're his.
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DRACO MALFOY (cast tom felton):
unlike blaise, draco is not even a little bit subtle about his possesiveness over his darling, he only see's the other slytherins as tools to ensure his darlings safety and happiness at hogwarts, and does not bother to pretend like he isn't planning to kidnap move the reader into malfoy manor the minute they graduate. actually, he couldn't wait that long.
he'll look for any opportunity to have the malfoy family gain custody of his darling. all the more better if his darling comes from a dysfunctional household. but either way, he'll make sure his family is all they have to turn to.
all i know about lorenzo is that he has mommy and daddy issues so i'll have to piggybank off that. he'll present himself as the 'sane' one, if his darling is complaining about the behaviour of the other slytherins, enzo wholeheartedly agree's with them "i don't know what's wrong with all of them - you sure you didn't slip any amortentia into their drinks?" he becomes a safe haven from the possessive obsession his dormmates seem to share for their darling.
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LORENZO BERKSHIRE (fancast louis patridge):
lorenzo acts the most normal, but don't be fooled, he's just as obsessed as the rest of them. enzo is just better at hiding it. he too, frequently thinks about whisking them away, but is much less finite about it; holing his darling up in his house isn't the end goal. he could honestly live with sharing them with his fellow slytherins, but this is all assuming that the reader takes well to his attempts at becoming the 'sane one'.
if enzo isn't able to successfully befriend them, he'll have to settle for being the 'mean one'. teasing and humiliation follows his darling, as does he. it's not severe, but it's probably the push the reader needs to fall into deep depression and anxiety. so please, take the sane bait.
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MATTHEO RIDDLE (fancast benjamin wadsworth):
mattheo doesn't exactly have a family reputation to uphold, blaise, draco, enzo and theo would want to keep up a respectable reputation, whatever that is in pureblood society, but mattheo? the dark lords son? he's entirely unhinged.
if lorenzo is the 'sane one', mattheo is the 'crazy one'.
he doesn't really care what his darling, or others, think of his behaviour. if he wants to spend time with them, he's going to. he'll pull them out of class, drag them away from the other slytherins, just to skip rocks in the black lake with them, or raid the kitchens. he doesn't really bother hiding his yandere tendencies, he'll actively tell his darling not to talk to certain people "because i said so" "stop asking questions", and will refuse to elaborate further. sometimes, there will be disturbing moments of honesty between him and his darling; he'll admit that he's obsessed with them, and threaten to attack people they pay attention to. and he'll tell them that they belong to him.
sometimes it's frightening and sometimes he'll come across as sweet. he is both predictable and unpredictable, which puts his darling at unease around him.
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THEODORE NOTT (fancast lorenzo zurzolo):
theodore uses guilt to garner his darlings sympathy, all the more easier if they are childhood friends. he'll make sure they know about his harsh childhood, and make them feel responsible for his wellbeing. he's the only one to create a sense of dependency not built upon threats. out of all the slytherins, he gets to know his darling the best, he'll use guilt, emotional breakdowns and dark secrets to create a sense of obligation towards him.
theo is the most comforting of the slytherins to be around, he's quiet and the only one who they can spend time with without feeling much pressure. he demands the most of their attention, and is by far the most possessive. whilst i can see the other slytherins finding a way to deal with sharing their darling amonst themselves, if the rest don't back off eventually (stop dreaming theo) (they won't), he's the most inclined to just get rid of them - he can't stand it when his darling is around anyone but him, he wakes early to walk his darling to class just so they won't get caught up in the busy halls, where eyes can wonder and other people can have a chance to interact with his darling.
theodore pairs with them for every project, which leads to some ugly arguments between him and blaise, who only really get's his fill of his darling by sitting next to them in class. and draco, and mattheo and enzo and even goyle who was hoping the reader would help get him a good grade for once.
out of all of them, draco, goyle and blaise are the most patient. they want their darling to love them, not see them as monsters to flinch away from.
theodore, lorenzo and mattheo will take whatever they can get. lorenzo in particular doesn't want his darling to fear him but won't let them get away with trying to escape or disobedience. mattheo doesn't mind being the villain if he must be, but his heart clenches when his darling acts so obviously distrustful of him. theodore is the least patient, and if his darling starts to shy away from him, he snaps. at them, at the rest of the slytherin boys. but he's also easy to keep content, so long as his darling is always by his side.
similarly, blaise just enjoys being in the presence of his darling, and doesn't feel the need to cuddle up to them constantly like draco and enzo do. mattheo is a loose canon, and sometimes is fine being near them, other times he wants skin to skin contact 25/8.
they're hopeless at sharing, and only really get along for the sake of their darling. there are only really two ways this can end; theodore finally snaps and tries to off the rest of them after graduation, or they somehow come to an agreement on sharing, maybe they each get their own day a week
monday for draco, tuesday for blaise, wednesday for theo, thursday for enzo, and friday for mattheo. goyle and crabbe probably aren't taken seriously enough to get given their own day, so then the weekends are spent sharing (fighting).
the only time the boys will work in tandem is when someone attempts to take their darling and their attention, away. best example, darling starts dating someone. which is already pretty improbable, considering they give the reader no alone time whatsoever. but let's just say the darling here is going on a date with cormac mclaggen (get a grip, darling), any grudges they've been holding against each other are off, mclaggen has just signed his death warrant.
mattheo and theodore do most of the dirty work, whilst lorenzo distracts the reader. draco and blaise cover up their tracks, so it seems like whatever they did to mclaggen was an untimely accident. or have it blamed on someone else. goyle and crabbe intimidate anyone who tries to get close to the darling from then on.
they might hate sharing with each other, but they truly despise sharing with an 'outsider'.
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noellawrites · 1 year
Become A Bridgerton - Yandere!Colin Bridgerton x reader
requested by: @ilovechickenwings & anon
summary: Colin does something horrible to you on your eighteenth birthday which forces you to marry him.
warnings: rape, noncon, somnophilia, manipulation, drugging, baby trapping, forced marriage, breeding
author's note: this is really dark so please take care of yourself before and after reading <3
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As you entered the Bridgerton home, you were struck with awe. Even better, today marked a special occasion. Today, you were celebrating your eighteenth birthday with your best friends, Eloise and Penelope. Your parents had allowed you to have a small sleepover to celebrate your age, and of course Viscountess Bridgerton and the elder brothers would be watching over you three.
You walked in through the foyer to the parlor, where most of the family was gathered.
"Oh, (y/n), welcome and happy birthday," the Viscountess said, embracing you in a warm hug.
"Officially marrying age, how exciting?" Benedict teased as he turned away from his easel and looked at you.
"Leave her alone, Ben!" Eloise groaned. Her and Pen stood up from the settee and hugged you as well.
"Do you ladies have any special plans for tonight?" Viscountess Bridgerton asked the three of you.
"I thought we could roam around the gardens and read a bit. Perhaps play pickleball or another yard game," Eloise said.
Behind you, Anthony and Colin entered the parlor. Hyacinth all but jumped into Anthony's arms, and Colin walked right over to you.
"Happy birthday, (y/n), and congratulations," he added, smiling at you and making intense eye-contact. You hadn't seen him since before he had left on his travels, and you had to admit he was now very handsome.
"Congratulations? What for?" you inquired teasingly.
"You are now marrying age, correct? Your mother told mine that you would be entering society next season."
"Oh, well yes, I suppose. I don't feel ready yet at all," you confessed, twisting a lock of your hair.
"If we want to walk in the gardens, we must leave soon," Eloise urged impatiently.
"Oh, right, sorry. I'll see you later, Colin," you added before being pulled away by your best friend.
Even long after, you were left daydreaming about how tight Colin's shirt looked, allowing you to see the outline of his strong chest. You liked the light facial hair he had grown and the new styling of his hair, which suited him much more. You thought about him even while Pen and Eloise were debating about Lady Whistledown, and all throughout your garden walk. What was this feeling blossoming in your chest?
"I'm not ready to be a wife, I feel like I have so much more fun left in my life!" you groaned, stretched out on one of the parlor settees. The Viscountess had allowed you three some time to socialize in the parlor alone after dinner, so you all took the opportunity to get comfortable and talk.
"Being a wife can be fun sometimes," Pen volunteered.
"And how would you know?" Eloise snapped, setting her book aside.
"El!" you scolded.
"There's the marital act, which none of our mothers have explained to us, but it is supposed to feel good. And if you have a nice husband, he might let you enjoy it, too," Pen shrugged. She began to take some of the pins out of her hair, causing red locks to fall around her shoulders.
"The marital act," you shuddered, "those words alone scare me enough."
"Colin, Benedict and Anthony know but they won't tell me. And of course Daphne won't, either. But I assume it has something to do with the process of carrying children," Eloise said.
All of a sudden you heard a loud knock on the closed door. The three of you gasped.
"Bedtime, ladies," Anthony commanded in a stern voice.
"Fine, brother!" Eloise shouted back, rolling her eyes and standing up from the settee she had been laying on.
The Bridgerton house had a quite a few guest rooms. It was one of the reasons you enjoyed staying there, as your home was definitely not as fancy. You made your way to a small guest room the maids had made up for you at the order of the Viscountess.
Taking a deep breath, you shut the door behind you and turned on the oil lamp. You changed into your nightgown and began undoing your hair, twisting the pins and decorative ribbons out of the style. Your mother had done your hair in a special style for your birthday.
A slight knock sounded at your door. Who could it be? Perhaps Penelope needed more sanitary napkins.
"H-hello?" you asked, opening the door slightly. Colin.
"Good evening, (y/n). I was wondering if we could talk? I brought some tea for you."
"This isn't a good time, I'm getting ready for bed," you whispered.
"Just a few minutes?"
"Alright," you agreed. Colin closed the door behind him and sat down on the bed. You sat down next to him, taking the tea saucer from his hands and sipping tentatively.
"You never told me, how was Greece?" you asked, looking up at the man beside you. Although he was only twenty-three, he felt like a grown adult compared to you. Even at eighteen, you still felt like a little girl.
"It was beautiful, (y/n). Maybe I'll bring you there someday. Would you like that?" he asked, eyes trained on you as you took another sip of the tea.
You nodded, wanting to speak but finding yourself unable to. You tried to set down the tea saucer but Colin took your hand and raised it up to your mouth again.
"W-what are you--" you stuttered before he made you take another sip.
"Shh, it's okay my love. Just drift off to sleep," Colin urged. After you finished the tea, he helped you lay comfortably on the bed.
You fought to keep your eyes open, but the last thing you saw was Colin staring at you with a sickly smile.
You awoke to the sound of birds chirping and the sun streaming through the guest room's shades. As you rubbed the sleep from your eyes, you realize there was a sharp pain in your lower region. It was not yet time for your monthly cycle, but perhaps you were early?
The shooting pain was still there as you hobbled to the washroom, hoping a quick urination might relieve the pain.
You looked into the bowl after you were finished, a small bit of blood there. You must be starting early, there was no other explanation. Maybe Colin knew something, as he was there with you before you fell asleep. You went to sleep a lot quicker than you'd been meaning to, but perhaps it was because you had a long day.
About six weeks later, you still had not gotten your monthly cycle since before you'd stayed at the Bridgerton's, aside from the small bit of blood from the toilet. You felt fragile and constantly sick. You looked bigger and your breasts felt heavier. You'd never felt anything like this, and you were scared. Did you have the plague? How could you have even gotten it?
After a few weeks of worrying, your parents were able to get a doctor out to your house to check on you.
The doctor, a stern old man, examined you, asked questions and inspected you thoroughly. When he was finished, he took your parents aside.
"You stupid, stupid girl!" your mother yelled from across the room. You looked at her, confused and surprised.
"What are you talking about?" you asked innocently.
"Who did you have sexual relations with?"
"I-I don't know what you're talking about!"
"The marriage act, who did you do it with? Oh my, we must find the boy and ask him to do the honorable thing and marry her. Or else she'll be a soiled spinster!" your father shouted.
"I didn't do the marriage act, I promise! I don't even know what it is, I've never even kissed a boy!"
"If you will not be honest, we must take this into our own hands as soon as possible. You are pregnant, stupid girl," your mother spoke. She yelled back and forth at you with your father, but your brain couldn't comprehend it anymore.
You were confused, having been sick for almost six weeks straight. Six weeks ago was your birthday, when you had fallen asleep by Colin. Could that be the marriage act? You would have to speak with him as soon as possible. How does one get pregnant?
"I need to see Colin," you tell the butler urgently once you arrive at the Bridgerton estate.
The butler nods and escorts you to what you assume is Colin's study, as he is sitting there at a desk, writing in his journal.
The butler leaves and you make a guttural noise, alerting Colin of your presence.
"Oh, hello! It's great to see you again, (y/n). I've been expecting you."
"Y-you have?"
"Yes. I heard the doctor was coming to your home to check up on you. I knew it meant my seed had taken."
"Marry me, my love. We can travel with our baby and eventually settle down. You will have a luxurious life with me, more than with anyone your parents could pick for you. Come on, (y/n). Become a Bridgerton."
"What did you do to me?" you cry, reaching your hand gently down to touch the tiny bump of your stomach.
"The tea I gave you put you to sleep and boosted your fertility. I picked it up at a bazaar in Greece, when I first had the idea to do this. I consummated our marriage, though a bit early. You would be wise to accept my proposal. This is your only chance at a good life, (y/n)," Colin explained with a slight smirk on his face.
You slid to the floor, dress cushioning your fall. You nod through the tears, in disbelief that Colin had taken advantage of you. You didn't even know what he'd done to you. You weren't sure you wanted to know, either.
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yanderes-galore · 5 months
Hello can I request a harem/poly concept for the Carmine brothers from Gears Of War where they share a darling together??
Due to the amount of characters, I'm unsure on the length but I'll try my best :) AU where they're all in the COG at the same time and no one died.
Yandere! Carmine Brothers Sharing Darling
(Anthony, Benjamin, Clayton,)
Pairing: Romantic - Sharing/Harem
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Clingy behavior, Harem, Manipulation, Intimidation, Possessive behavior, Stalking, Kidnapping implied, Dubious relationship.
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Alright, they all certainly have their own behavior
Anthony is enthusiastic and brave, if not a bit reckless and ignorant to violence.
Benjamin is polite, kind-hearted, and wants to help others.
Despite this Benjamin is also reckless when wanting to help, he is just as inexperienced as Anthony.
Clayton is the eldest and a veteran when it comes to Grub Killing. He can come off as intimidating but cares deeply about his brothers and helping them improve... although he has become a bit of a pessimist.
You are most likely part of the COG, either a veteran like Clayton or new like his brothers.
Carmines care deeply about family.
They help each other and would see their darling as very special.
At first you might be seen as a mentor to the younger brothers but a friend to all of them.
That's where things turn dark... you befriend all three of them, only for them to catch feelings for you as a group.
I imagine Benjamin is primarily delusional and clingy.
Anthony is bordering on overprotective/possessive but also affectionate like Benjamin.
Clayton is the most overprotective, a bit possessive, and intimidating.
They deal with their obsessions differently but are aware of them all having feelings for the same person.
Benjamin rambles about you like a childish crush, sharing ideas and fantasies with his brothers.
Anthony is similar but more grounded, agreeing with Benjamin that they can share such fantasies with you but brings up others having a problem with it.
Clayton is the one that plans taking out rivals, having his brothers subtly manipulate you, and protecting you.
They would take turns stalking you/clinging around you so they never have eyes off you.
They may even have group talks where they talk about you, what they love about you, what you did today... it's like having a fan club.
They will quarrel as siblings sometimes, even over you.
But in the end they know how to share.
Clayton often enforces the obsession, making you believe that your closest allies are him and his brothers.
Anthony often brings up plans and activities you could all do together, often wanting to suggest something "cool" for you and his brothers.
Meanwhile Benjamin wants to smother you in affection, never leaving your side.
To keep things clear, they're brothers sharing a partner... nothing else. (Don't make it weird)
They like to see you happy... they like to see each other happy...
What better way to achieve that than promising to share and care for you.
Even if you only want a relationship with one of them... the other two may be delusional enough to think they're included.
All while the one you're dating encourages it.
The good news (?) is they'd care for you, sacrifice everything for you, and be loyal to/protective of you.
The bad news... they will never leave your side, never let anyone near you, and be possessive of you like a pack of wolves....
If you tried to leave, they'd follow.
They'd even work with each other to... take you away.
You can be happy with them!
You just need to... get used to the three of them.
They love you enough to share you with each other...
Anyone else and things may just get messy.
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sea-owl · 1 year
I think I want to know more about the one night stand between Philip and Eloise that turns into yandere Eloise who becomes obsessed with plant daddy and his demon sprouts after one night.
So Eloise's family has a . . . history of becoming obsessed with those they fall in love with. Like they'll kill a man and completely obliterate the body if someone makes their love even slightly uncomfortable.
Some of her siblings have tried to fight it (Anthony, Daphne) some were oblivious to it (Colin, Francesca) and others completely embraced it (Benedict). Eloise doesn't get it. She has never once felt the feelings her siblings described and she has tried dating around to see if she can find it. Eloise began to think she'll never find it.
Then one day she was out with Penelope who brought a very handsome stranger with her. He kind of reminded Eloise of those men of the wood types from the romance novels she in no ways reads. Turns out his name was Phillip. He was a friend of Penelope's from their time at Cambridge University and once upon of time married to Penelope's deceased cousin Marina. To Eloise's surprise Phillip was a botanist.
A few drinks later and Eloise found herself very willingly falling into Phillip's bed.
They get awoken the next morning by a loud crash and a scream. Phillip jumps out of bed. Throwing on a pair of pajama bottoms, he's muttering something about nannies and days off. Eloise puts on his oversized shirt and follows him. Turns out the scream came from a pair of eight year olds and the crash was the piece of furniture they knocked over.
They took notice of Eloise and demanded to know who she was. Awkwardly Phillip and Eloise explained she was a new friend of their dad. It did not take long for Eloise to notice the small family was struggling and needed someone.
Perhaps she could be that someone? Yes, she could be. She could be. Eloise could see herself mixed in with this family.
Unknown to Eloise her own seed of love and obsession started to form.
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thekatebridgerton · 1 year
Looking at Yandere AU:
Kate, Sophie, and Simon are pretty much the only sane people here and the most normal ones like they are like “how the fuck I got stuck in this situation”…
Like, imagine each slowly falling in love with their Yandere spouse and it’s so heartbreaking too because Simon and Sophie are like “they are the only one who showed me love regardless” and Kate is mentally telling herself “this is wrong, this can’t be happening, please”.
Sophie was used to Benedict showering, almost suffocating her, with love so when she gently straddled his hips and kisses him… taking her nightgown up to meet his lovesick hot gaze… she gently cups his face kissed him again. Finally, he snapped and rolled them over and made sure she knew how much he loves her as she had her screaming for him for hours.
Kate didn’t know what came over, she was in her bathrobe and hiding herself from Anthony’s burning gaze as he teases her as he sits back on their bed. The more he teases and made witty remarks at every response she gave, she blinked back tears as her heart screamed for him, so she kissed him and it was the first time he fell silent. She hesitated but slipped off her robe he was all over her and she was calling to him, ONLY him, as he likes it.
Simon gazes down at his and Daphne’s little baby girl, Amelia, as he felt his heart flutter. She was so small, so precious, so adorable, so… much like her mother. He loves his baby girl and as he watches Daphne tend to their baby, Simon accepts that he loves her too. Leaving the nursery, he kissed Daphne, taking her by surprise as he took her more surprise as he asked her “would you have another baby with me” and Daphne immediately pushed him on the bed and that’s all the answer he needs.
So you know I already have a Bridgerton Yandere au. Where things reached the natural conclusion of the spouses becoming worse than the Yanderes who loved them (Especially Kate, I mean, criplling Anthony and imprisoning him, as her possible love slave/hostage forever, just because in her mind, killing him would be showing him too much kindness)
But this Anon does bring up another Yandere universe I've yet to touch, but I will. Trust me I will... What if it was the spouses who were the Yanderes. And the Bridgertons just your normal chaotic mess of a family who don't know what they're getting into. I'm not going to lie, I find this concept very good.
Hmm Maybe this September I'll do a Bridgerton Spouses Yandere au post. I'll break it down in all it's scary romantic obsessive glory. Have some fun villainizing my babies. Specially Phillip and Sophie, who you all think wouldn't hurt a fly...They could be bad, I could make them bad...They just needs a little push.
And that's the tea.
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ironstrangeao3 · 2 years
Some Say, “You Mean the World to Me". They're Wrong. The Universe Means Nothing to Me Compared to You
by 1MARVELlousWriter
He’d been running from Thanos for so long. He could recall the millennia that had passed, the endless spells he learned, the endless things he saw when looking through the timelines. The endless amount of times he watched Anthony Stark (all His, nobody else’s), give him a flirtatious smile, a heated kiss, a longing look… He remembered it all.
But he couldn’t remember who he was, exactly. Was he Stephen Strange, neurosurgeon turned sorcerer? Or the Time Stone, an ancient being bound within crystal? Whoever he was, all he knew was that Anthony Stark was the key. The key to winning, the key to his emotions, his mind, his very being. Unfortunately, he’d died after the events of Siberia, in the middle of his emergency surgery. So Stephen Strange (or was he the Time Stone?) threw himself back in time, to save the only man who mattered to the world, to the Universe. To Stephen.
People thought the world of each other. They said things like "you mean the world to me" or "I love you to the moon and back". They were all wrong. The entire Universe meant nothing to Stephen compared to His Anthony.
And Stephen knew just how to save the man he’d claimed as His.
Words: 4754, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Iron Man (Movies), Doctor Strange (Movies), Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Stephen Strange, Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Friday (Marvel), Special Appearances from Others, The Cloak of Levitation
Relationships: Tony Stark/Stephen Strange, Tony Stark & Stephen Strange, Peter Parker & Stephen Strange, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Tony Stark & Stephen Strange
Additional Tags: Not Avengers: Endgame (Movie) Compliant, Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant, Basically after Civil War things get weird, Slight Yandere Stephen Strange, He's just obsessed, Stephen Strange BECOMES the Time Stone, Sentient Infinity Stones (Marvel), Tony Stark dies (temporarily), Then time reverses, oh yeah, Time Travel Fix-It, Time Travel, Peter Parker is the Best BoyTM, will add more tags later, I Will Go Down With This Ship, There is a Seventh Infinity Stone, all will be revealed, Slight Lore Building in the First Chapter
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/41949504
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Some Say, “You Mean the World to Me". They're Wrong. The Universe Means Nothing to Me Compared to You by 1MARVELlousWriter He’d been running from Thanos for so long. He could recall the millennia that had passed, the endless spells he learned, the endless things he saw when looking through the timelines. The endless amount of times he watched Anthony Stark (all His, nobody else’s), give him a flirtatious smile, a heated kiss, a longing look… He remembered it all. But he couldn’t remember who he was, exactly. Was he Stephen Strange, neurosurgeon turned sorcerer? Or the Time Stone, an ancient being bound within crystal? Whoever he was, all he knew was that Anthony Stark was the key. The key to winning, the key to his emotions, his mind, his very being. Unfortunately, he’d died after the events of Siberia, in the middle of his emergency surgery. So Stephen Strange (or was he the Time Stone?) threw himself back in time, to save the only man who mattered to the world, to the Universe. To Stephen. People thought the world of each other. They said things like "you mean the world to me" or "I love you to the moon and back". Stephen knew better. They were all wrong. The entire Universe meant nothing to him compared to His Anthony. And Stephen knew just how to save the man he’d claimed as His. Words: 2322, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Iron Man (Movies), Doctor Strange (Movies), Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Stephen Strange, Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Friday (Marvel), Special Appearances from Others, The Cloak of Levitation Relationships: Tony Stark/Stephen Strange, Tony Stark & Stephen Strange, Peter Parker & Stephen Strange, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Tony Stark & Stephen Strange Additional Tags: Not Avengers: Endgame (Movie) Compliant, Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant, Basically after Civil War things get weird, Slight Yandere Stephen Strange, He's just obsessed, Stephen Strange BECOMES the Time Stone, Sentient Infinity Stones (Marvel), Tony Stark dies (temporarily), Then time reverses, oh yeah, Time Travel Fix-It, Time Travel, Peter Parker is the Best BoyTM, will add more tags later, I Will Go Down With This Ship, There is a Seventh Infinity Stone, all will be revealed, Slight Lore Building in the First Chapter
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bella-goths-wife · 2 years
Being yandere poly! Kate and Anthony’s pet would include:
Being adored completely
Constant affection and love behind closed doors
They would spoil you beyond words
Want a new dress? Of course, Kate will accompany you to find one that shows off your natural beauty and matches your body type
If you are approached by a suitor they will be quickly shunned and humiliated by them
Of course they can’t be public with their relationship because not only is it polyamory but it also includes two women who are in love- could you imagine the scandal it would cause for that time period
Of course there are suspicious accusations and of course an article written about you three by lady whistledown but they could easily be refused and forgotten because of the Bridgeton names immense power and influence
Now if the darling wouldn’t want to be in a relationship with Kate and Anthony then they would have no other choice but to ruin your reputation
They would create vicious rumours about you that would ruin any chances of you finding a suitable man to marry
This would cause you to come running to them for comfort and help, you hoped that their influence could gain you a more accurate reputation
They tell you that the best bet is for you to become a spinster and for the three of you to continue your relationship behind closed doors to fulfil your emotional and physical needs
You would have no choice after what they had done to your reputation, this would be the only shot you would have at a somewhat normal relationship
So you have a non official wedding where most of the Bridgeton’s attend and celebrate even if they don’t understand it at all
They would view you as their wife and would treat you as such
Again people would question the nature of your relationship but Kate would convince the women that you were simply trying to live through the pair because marriage wasn’t in the cards for you
While Anthony would convince the men that you were deeply attracted to him and were hoping to be the cause of an affair and he kept you around because you were pretty and he liked the thrill of being wanted by another woman
They didn’t care what it did to your reputation or how judgemental eyes would follow you everywhere you went
So you just stopped leaving the house, which delighted Kate and Anthony beyond belief
If you were to fall pregnant they would say you were sick for the later months of your pregnancy and when you give birth they would play it off as Kate and Anthony’s child
It would be cruel of them because at every social event your child would be ripped from your arms and paraded around as it you weren’t their mother
And god forbid that child would call you mama in public
Kate would play it off like over exposure to you and scold your child
Kate would be seen as the insulted mother and you would be seen as a intruding whore
It got to the point that your child wouldn’t call you mother at all and would refer to you as your official title, even in private, because of the scoldings they had gotten
Kate and Anthony see this as another way to manipulate you and your child is just another pawn to bring you closer to them
Overall they are very manipulative yandere’s and it would probably be best not to interact with them in case you feed into their obsessions
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widowsofchaos · 4 years
Poor Little Rich Boy
summary: you find out your boyfriend isn’t all that innocent as he seems.
warnings: yandere behavior, violence, and gore. dub-non con. Ya know the filthy vibes.
Pairing: dark college!Tony Stark x black!reader
a/n: this is my first time writing Tony so be gentle with me <3
do not respost my works!
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“I, Howard Anthony Walter Stark, being of sound, mind, and body do hereby declare that this document is my last will and testament. I bestow my legacy in the hands of my only heir, my son, Anthony Edward Stark. All my assets, finances, and chair as CEO of Stark Industries are now in his hands.”
A dull silent vibration shook in the confinement of Tony’s jean pocket, pulling him out of his sullen trance. Instinctively ignoring the notification, as he listened onto the blurred words of the lawyer reading his late father’s will.
Biting his lip to contain his swirling emotions -- aggravation to just collect his inherited earnings, and head home to you.
With a hazy eye-roll, Tony casually sneaked his palm into his pocket, retrieving the phone. As the family lawyer droned on reading, aged eyes glued onto the paper; Tony peaked at the screen, with the quick analysis of face ID -- his pupils dilated like saucers.
His nostrils flared, inhaling deeply, his chest heaving -- he gotta get home immediately. An iron grip onto the phone, he roughly dug it back into his pocket, his foot tapping against the carpeted flooring. Antsy.
God, please make time go faster.
His fingers itched to snatch the cellular device, internally screaming for another peak at the salacious cheeky messages.
Messages from you -- photos of yourself seated on his bedroom floor, in only a high-waisted thong, and his custom tailored blazer.
The creamy beige against your buttery smooth bronze skin was divine, Tony swears anything you wear is pulled off with elegance. Your brown areolas are slipping out just a tad bit from the flaps, a hint of what’s awaiting for him.
His cock hardened against the denim fabric, Tony salivates whenever you wear his clothing, his scent imprinting onto your flesh - of you in compromising positions, your neatly manicured fingers inside your panties, rubbing your swollen nub. Biting your plump bottom lip.
Another picture with a text, you were sipping from a glass, his best Scotch, with the typed words, “I miss you. I know my favorite boy is blue, come back home so I can take care of you.” Signed with a kissy face emoji, and a red heart.
You were leaning on your elbows, your bouncy ass in the air, legs bent upward with your ankles playfully interlocked in the air.
The glass of ale leaning downward against your teasing lips, and sultry eyes through the reflective mirror -- Tony’s cock twitched, oh he’s gonna eat you up when he gets home.
- It was midnight, the full moon shining bright in the inky indigo sky -- beaming upon the Stark manor. The white fluorescent solar satellite glistening upon the grand bedroom where two lovers lay satiated in bed.
Rubbing random circles by the pads of your fingertips on Tony’s sweaty broad chest, taming the beast into a purring feline.
“I love you.” Tony’s mild slurred speech infiltrated the serene silence, your nose scrunched up in glee. “I love you too.” you murmured in his neck, a lazy grin stretched on your face.
For hours, Tony, and yourself haven’t left the bedroom, stringing release after release -- letting Tony pinch, pull your hair, bruise, slap, and choke your soft flesh-- that’s what he loves about you, trusting him wholeheartedly with your body, and soul.
A lot of tears of euphoria, and fear of abandonment. Reassuring Tony that you would never leave him, breathy hymns of I love yous in his ear.
It’s been a couple of difficult few weeks, Howard Stark has passed at the age of 74. A fatal car crash taking his life, leaving behind his only son. It was only freshly five months ago that Tony lost his mother, Maria. Uterine cancer - multiple tumors.
Maria Stark, the matriarch of the family, was the light of Tony’s life. Maria was a saint, even at death’s door, she had a positive perspective. You can still recall her calling her tumors fruit bowls of pain - her tumors were the size of miniature melons; grew from the size of strawberries.
And when she died -- the already fractured relationship of father and son deteriorated to ash. Howard started becoming colder, more stricter on his son -- his disappointment fueling by the second.
Clayed into a modernized Narcissus -- guising his trauma with bloviating chatter to impress the little people. Boasting his youthful genius with no shame.
Tony may have been born from the finest cloth, a silver-spoon wedged in his mouth -- but he oozes the work ethic of a blue-collar joe.
Under the molden gait of a promising demigod is a fragile boy -- yearning for affection. A neglected child desperate for attention.
Sending nudes to your boyfriend while he’s attending his dead father’s will hearing -- many would deem that as distasteful -- tacky, even. But, you knew Tony’s coping mechanisms.
Frat parties, drinking excessively to the brink of oblivion, and copious amounts of sex.
Tony was raised in a household, where any emotional turmoil expressed to his father was shot down, except with his mother -- he needs a womanly touch.
He never saw his conquests as ladies, only whores to get his rocks off, but once he laid eyes on you -- sweet, and bubbly -- that little rich boy was a goner.
Succumbing to a dazed half-slumber, Tony’s cell phone rings at the bedside table -- you groaned at the intrusion. Flashing on the screen was Happy’s goofy grin, one of Tony’s closest friends. You mumbled a ‘of fucking course’, Tony cheekily chuckled at your frustration.
“Don’t worry, sweetcheeks. This won’t take long.” With the wisp of a lingering kiss on your hairline, Tony begrudgingly detached himself from you--proudly strutting his naked bare firm ass, picking up his boxers from the floor shamelessly displaying his hung cock, and balls.
“Nice ass.” you teased. Tony snorted, “Nice? Toots, it’s the finest ass. And you love it.” He winked at you over his shoulder, you giggled. Tony’s footfalls faded down the hall, his conversation blurring into the distance. You laid back down, sighing as you stared up at the ceiling, quickly getting bored.
Without Tony to entertain you, you had nothing to do. Maybe I could get a head start on my thesis? Your eyes languidly rolled to the corner of your lids, staring at your opened crumbled book-bag mocking you at the corner of the room, Fuck that. You grumbled.
Mindlessly deciding to get dressed, and search for substance. Hours of unadulterated love-making can take out a lot of energy.
Nimble quiet feet tip-toe down the stairs, covered in only Tony’s wrinkled white button-down, brown statuesque legs gracefully head to the kitchen -- but you halt in your tracks. A dim light seeps from the crack out of an office -- Howard’s former office.
Curiosity overwhelms you, biting down your tongue, you check your surroundings, making sure Tony is nowhere in sight. Earlier in the day, the office was locked -- why is it now open?
Open-palm press against the door, a tiny creak of the mahogany makes you cringe internally. Stealthy you walk into the office, nothing seems to be out of place. Maybe Tony was in here? Fidgety fingers skim against the polished wooden desk, at the corner of your eye, a mess of papers sit idly by.
You pick the papers up, fastly flicking through it. Statements declaring Tony as the new CEO of Stark Industries, royalties, and -- mechanic blueprints?
Your chest began heaving, breaths still choppy fuming out of your nose, your left eye twitched from the stressing bile rising. Here in your hands are the blueprints of a familiar vehicle -- Howard Stark’s car. Descriptive details on the full functionality of the car, why are these here?
Warm palms clutch your shoulders, soothingly rubbing, you flinch by the surprise, “You weren’t meant to see those.” A hot breath fan against your ear, you whimper, his voice sounded husky, menacingly.
Not daring to look him in the eye, frozen in your spot as if the soles of your feet grew roots in the flooring, Tony’s grasp on your arms tighten. “The old man was going to take me off the will. I know he was.”
A chaste kiss on your temple, “As if I didn’t take his shit over the years just for nothing. Blaming me for my mother’s death.” He grumbled against your skin, your blood running cold. There was no remorse in his voice, a hint of satisfaction.
This isn’t the Tony you knew.
A beast of his father’s making.
“Tony - I - I won’t tell anyone, I promise--” Tony shushed your stuttering, his rough hands snaking its travel to your waist, slithering his forearms around your torso, ensnaring you.
“I know, baby. I know you wouldn’t. You’re my good girl.” He spoke in your hair, small lingering kisses on your scalp. Tony was rocking your body back and forth, cradling you -- he can sense your fear.
With trepidation, you held his arms, a little shaky. “Tony, let’s just go back to bed.” Your voice was cracking, this isn’t the man you fell in love with, and you wanted to just run away as far as you can.
“You’re scared of me?” Although it was an intended question, its tone came off as a fact. Indeed you were terrified of him.
“No.” You spat too quickly for your liking. Tony gripped your chin, and twisted your head to face him, “I would never hurt you. I love you. Everything I do is for you.” Your breath hitched, his face was morphed into a sad feral puppy.
“I know. I know you do.” You feigned a weak smile, “I just didn’t think --” you stopped yourself before you vomited any other words. “Do what? Kill?” Tony cocked a brow, with a shit-eating grin. “I did it before. For you.” Tears were forming at the brim of his eyes, your doe-eyes widened, you began squirming in his arms. “Tony, what did you do?!” you shrieked, limbs failing.
Tony’s iron-grip didn’t let up, refusing to let you go, “He wasn’t right for you!” Tony bellowed on the top of his lungs, impulsive rage seeping through, fumbling feet colliding.
Both of your bodies falling to the carpeted floor as Tony tried to restrain your wrists, fumbling feet slipping. A miscalculated misstep sent you, and Tony colliding downward.
Tony’s weight pinning you down. Confusion making your head go dizzy, “What do you mean?” You whispered. Tony smashed his lips against yours, his hands cupping your cheeks, “You know what I mean.” His brows furrowed, gently his forehead on yours, his eyes staring into your soul.
Realization hits you like a freight train, flashes of your ex, the cops alerting you of his disappearance, Tony’s lingering shadow always appearing to provide comfort -- “Brock?” a lone tear trickle down your eye, down your temple, and hitting the carpet below. Tony nodded frantically.
Tony’s lips peppered against your face, your cheeks, your forehead, your eye-lids, your nose, your chin; mumbling affection against your tear-stained face.
It’s been three years since Brock vanished, rumors flew around campus from students believing he killed himself in some remote location, you lost him in the first years of university.
You were grief-stricken, but Tony, being the ever-present close friend lend a shoulder -- then soon, it blossomed into much more.
“Now, it's just us. We can start a new dollface.” Tony sniffled, hot tears drip upon your flesh, “We can start our own family” he rasps, “I can be a dad. A better father.” Your eyes widened at his suggestion.
A family? You both were just shy of twenty-one, and already Tony is mapping out your entire futures. You tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but it was futile.
Tony murmured nonono to your bodily request of escape, chasing clumsy blubbering kisses against your chavile. Your body began to be wrecked with sobs, your chest heaving.
“Don’t cry, baby. It’s better this way.” Tony’s brows were furrowed sorrowfully, his tremor low with ache. “You killed Brock, how could you?! I loved him!” Tony gripped your jaw, painfully his fingers kneading,
“Loved him?! He wasn’t right for you! You need me! I need you! No one is going to love you like I do. I loved you the first day I met you.” Harsh fingers rip off the fabric, exposing your breasts to the elements.
“You’re mine! No one can have you! I will kill anyone who tries to take you away!” Tony’s mouth plunged, fangs nibbling on your nipples, his entire mouth suckling your left breasts.
Tony’s left hand pinching your right nipple, twisting and slapping it roughly. You yelped, shutting your eyes closed. Your skin crawled, Tony’s brown eyes peered at you, dissatisfied that you refuse to look at him.
A sloppy pop echoed, “Look at me!” he slapped you, the crack of it pounding in your ears, the heat of the sting scorched throughout your cheek. Your eyes popped open, watery from the hit, Tony has never once laid a hand on you -- until now.
Nose to nose, “We’re gonna be a family--” one of his hands traveled down to tug down his boxers, his hard swollen cock is man-handled in his palm, you struggled to get away, but Tony clutched your wrists in one hand, and pinned it on the carpet.
Tony spit on your cunt, rubbing it within your velvety folds by the base of his veiny cock, earning a hiss out of you. “You’re going to look so hot swollen with our baby.” Your thighs twitched, Tony roughly forced your thigh to wrap around his torso, positioning himself.
“Please - Tony, please don’t”, you cried, Tony shushed you. Lining himself to your hole, with no hesitation, plunged his cock inside your pussy. You screamed, your back arching, “Feels lovely, right? Feels so fucking delicious - you were made for me.” Tony snarled, biting your chin, his tongue trailing your jawline, pistoning his cock inside you.
Dripping slick smears against your thighs, clenching onto his cock, a broken groan slips from Tony’s lips, “Fuck - yes, do that again.” You were blubbering tears down your cheeks, the inevitable pleasure Tony strings out of you is undeniable.
“You’re so tight, and warm.” He growled in your ear, “I can’t wait to have a baby with you. You all swollen, waddling around with bare-feet. You’ll be a great mother - just like mine.” He whispered, biting on your lobe.
You murmured muffled whines in the crock of his neck, bruising is slowly forming on your hips, fucking you like it’s the last time. Shivers run down Tony’s spine, time slows down.
Sweaty skin slapping against skin spurred him on, taking all of you. Your nails scratch at his palm, still bounding you down.
“I love you.” He whimpered, you bite your lip, refusing to sink into the instinct of saying it back. Tony perked his head up from your neck, growling, “Say it back!” he thrusted his pelvis against you, a cattle wail hit you, “Say -” thrust “it-” another thrust “-back!” his smile falters slow, a bruising touch.
He can see you slowly yielding, small pants of electric euphoria, “No!” you bite back.
Wet lips slant against yours. Your entire body jolting from his unforgiving pace, your back burning slightly from the rug beneath you.
Releasing your wrists, his rough hand find it’s way to your back, hiking you up, squeezing your ass in his fingers, bucking your hips; fucking you onto him, your nails dig into his sculpted back -- scratching for him to stop, but it felt too good.
You’ve become dizzy. Your teeth sink into his shoulder, hoping the pain makes him halt his actions, but it makes him harden inside of you.
There’s no space between you, melting into one, the friction, the heat; the tethers of reality blur into nothing.
“Please - say you love me.” Tony pleaded, his weary eyes sinking into yours. A robbery -- a heart-wrenching robbery of your soul, in an instant, you didn’t see a cold-blooded killer, but the mire of a lost boy.
He slowed down his thrusts, leisure movements, his brown orbs are glossy, “Say it, please.” Tony gently kisses you, not feverish, but you can taste the sweet commitment. Like he doesn’t own you, but he worships you.
“I love you.” you mumbled against his swollen lips, his eyes dilated, rubbing his nose against yours, “I love you” maneuvering your hips, squelching can be heard - sticky as honey, as the pace picked up.
Your fingers grip his soft fluffy hair, his balls slapping against your ass, “I love you, Tony.” You sucked on his bottom lip. He whimpered. His cock was coated in your juices, you can feel the swelling of his balls, and his uneven jerking movements -- he was close.
“Cum for me, baby.” Tony’s eyes were shut, he mewled, “Cum inside me, give me a baby, Tony.” The dam breaks. The window bursts open from a gust of wind, the full moon gleamed upon your sweaty sheen bodies, a howl erupts from Tony -- as the wolf within has been unhinged -- primal, feral fueled lust.
Toothy grin, all fangs lunged for your pulse point, devouring you. Squirted juices spray from you, splashing against his toned stomach, not once stopping, riding through the orgasm. Tony’s tongue peaked out, droplets of your cum sprinkling his mouth.
Your vision turns white, an inhuman scream leaves you, Tony collapses onto you.
He’s trembling, frightened, you massage his dome, “My sweet boy.” Tony sobs into your chest, ensnaring himself around your torso. You hugged him, cradling like a baby, as he cried water-falls.
“It’s okay.” You kiss his head, a lingering one, “It’s going to be alright.”
You’re all he has.
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snarkybluechristian · 4 years
Hazbin Hotel: Yandere Alastor x Vaggie Chapter 47
After a long day of therapy with only breaks to use the bathroom or eat and a break before lunch to work out on a cycling machine, Angel finally was allowed to go to bed.
Angel had spent the whole day pretending to watch porn.  Under ordinary circumstances, it would have been considered a good day, but since Angel had spent the whole day thinking, he was relieved to finally get to rest his brain.
Of course, Doctor Red was there to make sure Angel complied to all his rules, including what he had to wear to bed.
Just as before, Angel complied to all the rules.  Once he had brushed his teeth, dressed in his white undershirt and gray boxers, taken a sleeping pill, and used the bathroom a final time, Angel let the gargoyle demon to strap him to his bed, cover him with heavy blankets to keep him warm in the cold room, and pull up a stool next to his bed so that he could brainwash him with a final bedtime story.
Angel felt exhausted and beyond humiliated.  All day and all evening, Doctor Red had been infantilizing him in every way imaginable as a “way to make up for the attention his father never gave him.”
The spider demon had complied the best he could, but the effort it took for him to hold his tongue and keep a straight face while he planned was draining, even with the medicine inside him to keep him calm.
It was Angel could do to keep a straight face while Doctor Red read him his disturbing anti-gay propaganda.
“And the gay witch burned at the stake and all her victims lived happily ever after,” Dr. Red read, before dramatically closing his book.  “The End!”
Angel let out pretend moan of pain to gain the doctor’s sympathy.
“Oh, Anthony, what’s the matter?  Why so blue?” Dr. Red said, gently rubbing his stony fingers through Angel’s hair.  “You won’t be burned at the stake.  You’re going to be straight in no time.  You’ll see.”
Angel merely replied with another fake moan.
“Just have faith, my good boy,” Dr. Red replied just as he looked down at his watch.  “Oh, it’s getting late.  It’s almost 8:30.  It’s time for me to eat dinner with your father and time for you to go to sleep.”
The gargoyle smiled, ruffling Angel’s hair a final time before picking up his stool and carrying it out of the room.
Angel remained still and expertly maintained his catatonic expression.
“Alright, Anthony,” Dr. Red said as he pulled the blankets more evenly over Angel’s restrained body.  “Your sleeping pill should take effect in an hour.  Sleep tight.  I’ll be back for you in the morning…”
Dr. Red kissed Angel on his forehead.  It felt like he was a toddler getting tucked into bed.
Angel was so surprised he almost lost his composure, but the gargoyle made his way back to the door and turned out the light without missing a beat.
“Goodnight, Anthony,” Dr. Red said softly with his ruby eyes sparkling to reflect the light outside the room.  “I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Goodnight, doctor,” Angel replied as emotionlessly as he could muster.
The good doctor shut the bedroom door, made his way up the stone stairs, and exited the basement.
No sooner had Dr. Red left the basement than did Angel unleash his third pair of arms and vigorously wipe the kiss away.
Angel sighed and laid back on the bed, basking in the irony.  He was rejecting kisses from men.  Maybe he was becoming straight after all.
Angel breathed another deep sigh and settled back under his covers to enjoy a long night of sleep.
He relaxed that way for a few minutes until the air conditioner shut off.
Then Angel heard a familiar voice echoing through the vent, “You call this shit food?!  Why don’t ya let me outta here so I can really give ya something to feast on…Oh, yeah?!  If ya fuckin’ hurt Angel, I’m gonna come after ya after I finish off Sir Pentious tomorrow!”
Angel knew that sassy voice anywhere.
“Cherri!” Angel practically screamed.
In less than a minute, Angel loosened all his straps and ran over to the vent grating.
“Cherri!” Angel called through the vent with a smile of relief.  “Cherri, are you there?!”
“Angie?!” Cherri asked from the other side of the vent.  “Angie, is that you?!”
“Yeah,” Angel said with a sigh of relief.  “Thank God!  I thought they would have sent ya back to Sir Pentious already.”
“That ain’t happenin’ till tomorrow,” Cherri replied.  “I’ve been here since last night.  But never mind me, how are you?!  Are you okay?!  I thought I heard ya screamin’ earlier.  What have they done to ya?”
“They gave me electroshock therapy earlier when I was putting up a fight, but besides that, not too much,” Angel said with a slight chuckle.  “They gave me drugs and made me watch porn after that.  Then, after he strapped me into bed, Doctor Red read me a bizarre homophobic bedtime story.  They’re doing everything they can to turn me straight.
“Holy fuck, Angel,” Cherri replied anxiously.  “How can you be so calm about this?  They’re really tryin’ to mess you up.”
“Blame the anti-anxiety medication Doctor Red made me take,” Angel replied.  “What has been happening with you?  My Dad and brother told me what happened between you guys, Charlie, Alastor, and them, but they wouldn’t tell me what happened after that.”  
“After your Dad dropped off Alastor and Vaggie at his mansion, he drove to Molly’s apartment and forced her out of the car.  She was furious.  The poor thing tried to chase down the car, but your Dad drove like a bat out of hell and lost her pretty easily,” Cherri explained.  “I would have helped, but I was restrained with a straitjacket and your unconscious body…”
“Sorry about that,” Angel interrupted.
“No problem,” Cherri replied before continuing.  “Your family brought me here, removed the straitjacket, and shoved me in this stupid room with its stupid bombproof doors, windows, and walls.  They’ve kept me here all day and have only entered the room to give me plates of food and water bottles at gunpoint.  Apparently, Sir Pentious isn’t going to be ready for me until tomorrow.”
“Goddammit, Cherri,” Angel said with angry tears at the corner of his eyes.  “I’m so sorry.”
“It ain’t your fault, Angie,” Cherri said sarcastically.  “Besides keeping me locked in an empty guest room with only a mattress on the floor and giving me plates of food and water bottles at gunpoint, they’ve been pretty nice to me.  Except for your brother.  He offered me freedom in exchange for certain favors.”
Angel busted out laughing and replied, “My libido-less brother tried to get you to sleep with him?!”
“I swear to God.  I’m being completely serious, Angie,” Cherri said with a chuckle.  “After they tossed me in here, your brother showed up around an hour later wearing heavy cologne and holding a bottle of champagne and asked me if I’d like to spend some time with him in exchange for freedom…”
“And?” Angel asked curiously.
“I threw a smoke bomb in his face,” Cherri said with a proud smirk in her voice.  “That got him out of my hair really quick.”
Angel chuckled out loud and said, “That little shit.  I’m so sorry, Cher.”
“Don’t be, dude,” Cherri said reassuringly.  “This room ain’t all bad.  It has a bathroom with magazines in it.  I got to have a bath and wash my underwear and sock.  Your Dad said this was a guest room they had renovated and hadn’t moved the furniture into yet, but that is bullshit.  What kind of guestroom has bombproof walls, windows, and doors?”
“You’d be surprised with our line of work,” Angel replied.  “But besides that, they’ve been treating you well?”
“Yeah, but never mind about me, Angie,” Cherri said, her tone shifting back to serious.  “What about you?  They’ve been trying to brainwash you all day to turn you straight!  Jesus, man, that is really fucked up!”
“Yep, my therapist Doctor Red is a real piece of work, too,” Angel said.  “God sent him to Hell for for doing this shit to other people and he thinks it was because he failed to convert anyone.  He's gullible as hell though.”
“What do ya mean by that?” Cherri asked.
“Let me put it this way,” Angel explained.  “Doctor Red thinks he can fix me, and I’m just playing him into my hands.”
“I gotcha,” Cherri replied.
“The plan was to have a meal with my father and brother before they went to Alastor’s wedding if I behave for the week,” Angel explained.  “Then, when the end of the week comes, I take the opportunity to bust outta here and run to the wedding to save Vaggie.  That was the plan anyway.  Now, I gotta help you.”
“Aw, you don’t need to worry about me, Angie,” Cherri said.  “I can break out of Edgelord’s place easily.”
“Cherri, I ain’t leaving you with Sir Pentious,” Angel protested.
“Angie, you don’t need to worry about…” Cherri tried to protest back.
Angel quickly cut her off, “Cherri, listen to me!  Sir Pentious is an over-ambitious, incompetent simp, but you and I both know he is still strong enough, smart enough, and dangerous enough to be a threat to you and most other demons.  If Sir Pentious didn’t take you right away, that means he is setting up something special to deal with ya.  You couldn’t take him on alone before and I doubt you’d be able to this time.  I am not letting that happen and that’s final.”
Cherri sighed loudly and said, “I know there’s no changing your mind, ya overprotective nut, but what are we gonna do?  Sir Pentious will be here to take me tomorrow, you’re gonna be tortured in the basement, and I’ll have to fight a legion of your family members alone.  I don’t even have a hope of breaking out of here before then with this fucking bombproof room.  God, I should have just said yes to your brother.  If your Dad thought we were a couple, I would have been allowed to stay.”
A lightbulb went off in Angel’s head.
“That’s it,” Angel said.
“What?” Cherri asked.  “What’s your plan, Angie?”
Angel sighed deeply and said, “I know you ain’t gonna like this, but how about we get married?”
“What?!” Cherri asked incredulously.
“Hear me out,” Angel explained.  “If I pretend that I’m madly in love with ya, Dr. Red and my family will be inclined to keep you around to spend time with me to aid in turning me straight.  Then when I’m finally let outta here to spend time with my family, they’ll let you out, too.  Understand?”
“Yeah, I got it,” Cherri said with a smile in her voice.
“All you gotta do is pretend to like me back,” Angel added.  “Do you think you can do that?”
“Ugh,” Cherri groaned.  “You’re like my older brother.  This is gonna be so weird.”
“Cherri…” Angel pleaded.
“Alright,” Cherri agreed with another groan.  “I ain’t no actor like you are, but I’ll try my best.”
“Just follow my lead, baby girl…” Angel said just as a sudden noise got his attention.
It was the sound of the cellar door opening.
“Shit,” Angel muttered to himself.
“Angie, what’s the matter?” Cherri asked in concern.
“The doc’s back, gotta go!” Angel replied in a rush.
Without waiting for a reply, Angel quickly hopped back into his bed and reshackled himself.  He then made his third pair of arms disappear and shut his eyes.
Thankfully, the doctor reached the bottom of the stairs without taking any notice of any noise.
As soon as Dr. Red walked past his door, Angel tossed and turned as loudly as he could while keeping his eyes shut and began calling Cherri’s name.
“Cherri!” Angel called out while dramatically tossing himself to one side of the bed and then the other.  “Cherri!”
Angel heard Doctor Red opening the door to his room and asking himself, “What in the world is this?”
Angel smiled internally and kept up his performance.
“Cherri!  Cherri!  Cherri!  Cherri!  Cherri!”
Angel kept his eyes shut and continued calling Cherri’s name repeatedly while Doctor Red took notes on his note pad.
“Interesting,” Doctor Red muttered in a pleased tone.
Suddenly, another voice called out from the top of the stairs.
“Hey, doc!” Arackniss’s voice called.  “Have you found your notes yet?  The Don’s waiting for ya!  What’s goin’ on?”
“An interesting development,” Dr. Red said gleefully.  “You must come and see!”
Angel didn’t hear a response over his own cries, but he heard his brother walk down the stone stairs.
“What’s going on?” Arackniss asked.  “What’s Anthony doing?”
“He’s calling a woman’s name in his sleep,” Dr. Red said excitedly.  “Please observe.”
The pair were silent while Angel continued pretending to sleep and call Cherri’s name.
Arackniss scoffed and said, “Oh, he’s calling for his gal pal, Cherri Bomb.”
“Cherri Bomb?” Dr. Red asked.  “Oh, right!  The kingpin who tried to help Anthony and Alastor’s fiancée run away.”
At this point, Angel ceased yelling Cherri’s name and pretended to settle back down so that he could listen to the conversation.
“The very one,” Arackniss replied.  “She’s locked in the guest room on the first floor.  We’re selling her to her rival Sir Pentious tomorrow in exchange for weapons.  Anthony hasn’t seen her since that night, so he’s probably just worried about her.”
“Interesting,” Dr. Red said writing more notes in his notebook.  “Have they known each other long?”
“Anthony’s helped her with her turf wars for about 40 years from what I’ve gathered,” Arackniss said.  “From what I’ve heard, they’re pretty close.”
“Interesting,” Dr. Red said.  “40 years is more than long enough to develop a romantic attraction.  It seems that the treatment is working faster than we thought.  My scientific opinion is that Anthony is developing a longing for this demoness.”
Arackniss snickered under his breath and said, “After only a day of therapy?  There’s no way.  She and Anthony are only friends.”
“Don’t be so sure, Arackniss,” Dr. Red said confidently.  “Perhaps your brother and Cherri were only friends, but I’ve found that often in pursuing homosexual relations a patient might be suppressing desire for a heterosexual partner.  Now that we’re pushing away the homosexual attractions, the suppressed attraction to his female friend.  Oh, this is so exciting.  I must get this demoness involved in the therapy.”
“How do ya plan on doing that?” Arackniss asked.
“Gradually, of course,” Dr. Red replied.  “We mustn’t throw Anthony into it.  We must ease him into the heterosexual relationship like a glove.”
“I still don’t know about your theory but easing Anthony into a heterosexual doesn’t sound like a bad idea,” Arackniss said, making a puffing noise that let Angel know that he was puffing on a cigarette.  “So, what do we do first?”
“First, we must discuss this with your father,” Dr. Red replied.
Arackniss and Dr. Red then shut the door and headed upstairs.  Angel waited until the moment he heard them both shut the door to the basement before he unstrapped himself and dashed back to the vent.
Angel reached the vent and said, “Cherri?!”
“Angie?!  What happened?!” Cherri replied concernedly.
“Dr. Red came down to retrieve his notes, so I started crying out your name,” Angel said with a smirk.  “He came in to watch me, called my brother down, and now, they’re going to talk to my Dad to get you integrated into my therapy.”
“Hot damn, Angel Dust,” Cherri Bomb said with a proud scoff.  “How’d you pull it off?”
“Thank my 50 years of acting, sugar tits,” Angel bragged.  “Dr. Red is now convinced that you’re my repressed crush.  My brother ain’t convinced, but it doesn’t matter.  Either way, you ain’t going nowhere.”
“Holy shit,” Cherri said.  “You never cease to amaze me, Angel.  I owe you one.”
“Don’t mention it, Cher,” Angel said.  “Now, we just gotta act our way out of here.”
“Oh, God,” Cherri said in a sudden panic.
“What’s the matter?” Angel asked.
“Do you think they’ll make us have sex while they watch?” Cherri asked.
Angel paused for a moment and said, “Oh, God.  I didn’t think of that.”
Just then, Cherri heard some hands fiddling with the locks outside her door.
“Angie, they’re here, talk to ya later,” Cherri muttered out in a hurry before she zipped back to her mattress and curled up into a fetal position, pretending to be asleep.
Arackniss pushed open the door, and Dr. Red flicked on the lights and entered the room.
“Doc, what are you doing?  You’re gonna wake her up,” Arackniss protested in a whisper.  “We put her in the bombproof room for a reason, you know.”
Dr. Red ignored Arackniss and continued to look around the room and grimace at the conditions.
“Doc,” Arackniss whispered again.
“I heard you the first time, Arackniss,” Dr. Red said.  “I know very well what Miss Cherri Bomb is capable of.  I do not intend to wake her.  I only intend to make observations...”
Dr. Red took a moment to look at Cherri and continued, “Cherri Bomb is a scrawny little thing, but she is pretty.  She looks cold and hungry though.  You must improve these conditions.  A man who falls in love must be comfortable.”
Arackniss sighed out his cigarette smoke and said, “I suppose we can add some blankets in here.”
“That’s not enough, Arackniss,” Dr. Red chided.  “You need to furnish the room, give her proper beauty products, give her books to read, and clothes to change into.  You need to feed her better as well.  Women are delicate creatures, Arackniss.  You need to take care of them.”
“If you’re sure,” Arackniss replied skeptically.
“Of course, I’m sure,” Dr. Red retorted.  “I used to give courting advice, you know.  Now, we must go speak to your father, but for tonight, fetch Miss Cherri Bomb some blankets to put her in a more pleased mood.”
Arackniss grumbled, “Very well.”
“Well, what are you waiting for?” Dr. Red asked.  “Hop to it.”
“Hey,” Arackniss protested.  “Watch your tone, doc.  We’re employing you.”
“And your father told you to do whatever I asked,” Dr. Red quipped.  “Now, go.”
Arackniss silently stewed for a moment before he rolled his eyes and left the room to find the blankets.
While Arackniss was looking for the blankets, Dr. Red sat down on the mattress next to Cherri’s sleeping form.  Cherri felt him sit down next to her, but she managed to maintain her relaxed composure.
That was until Dr. Red started stroking her hip.
Cherri made a yelp of dislike and twitched her leg away.
“Oh, dear,” Dr. Red said apologetically taking his hand away.  “I’m so sorry, love.  I didn’t mean to wake you.  Go back to sleep.”
Cherri turned over to the side of the mattress facing away from the doctor and pretended to try to go back to sleep.
Fortunately, just then, Arackniss entered the room with a stack of blankets and a pillow.
“I’m back,” Arackniss announced.
“Good,” Dr. Red replied taking the pillow out of his hands.  “Now, let’s get her more comfortable.”
Dr. Red gently lifted Cherri’s head and placed a pillow under it while Arackniss covered her body with the blankets.
Once the blankets covered her form, Cherri pretended to relax in her pretend sleep.
As Dr. Red shut out the lights and left the room, he said, “She’s a good one.  I can tell.  Miss Cherri Bomb is extremely sensitive to the touch of a man.”
Arackniss groaned jealously as he left the room and shut and locked the door behind him.
Once she was sure they had gone, Cherri zipped back to the vent to explain what had happened to an anxiously waiting Angel.
The pair shared a few laughs and discussed some more details of their plan before they finally parted for the night and went to sleep.
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year
The Bloody Viscount
— summary: You had fallen in love with Viscount Bridgerton and he had fallen in love with you. The marriage seemed perfect, but then why did Anthony Bridgerton always come home late and bloodstained?
— gender: yandere, dark!au.
— warnings: obsessive and possessive behavior, murder, kidnapping, angst, fluffy, dub-con (?), possibly smut.
— pairing: yandere!anthony bridgerton x female!reader.
— word count: 660.
— chapter 1; chapter 2;
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Anthony Bridgerton was a problem.
You knew that from the beginning and yet you let yourself be involved by him. For his sweet words and passionate touches. Maybe you were a fool, a fool in love with the man who would be more than willing to kidnap you if it meant having you. Your mind screamed no, but your heart... Your heart belonged to him.
Everyone warned you. Your friends and even his family warned you and you didn't care. You didn't care because you were in love with the viscount, so desperate to be loved that you didn't notice what he looked like. How he really was.
Your family was the one who pushed you to it and you assumed you could blame them. Born into a family of low wealth but enough to be part of high society, you were an only child and your parents' only hope of rising in status. When they found out that Viscount Bridgerton was courting you, they jumped in happiness. Here was the chance they so wanted.
They didn't love you, you were sure of that. How could they? How could they love you when they forced you to accept a marriage you didn't even know you wanted. Anthony was an attractive man and he knew how to charm a woman, there was no doubt about that. But you knew about his fame, how libertine he was and it disconcerted you, you didn't want to marry a man with such fame, who would probably cheat on you.
However, that wasn't a choice you could make. Your family needed it, and although they clearly didn't care about you, you did care about them and wanted to get out of that house as soon as possible. So you accepted his advances, you allowed the Viscount to touch you, however scandalous it was, you allowed yourself to fall in love with him, even when your mind begged you not to, and you accepted his marriage proposal.
You condemned yourself for your family. And they didn't even look grateful.
Your marriage looked happy, as far as yours expectations were concerned. You figured he would just want you to be his loyal young wife and bear him children. Although he wanted children with you, Anthony was happy to have you all to himself for a while. He was different than you might think, completely loyal and in love with you. You were happy about that, happy that you were lucky enough to have a loving husband who treated you with respect.
However, everything was different than you might think. Than you expected and you were grateful for it, Anthony was utterly loyal and devoted to you, his eyes seemed to devour you every minute and you were flattered by that. You couldn't keep your hands off each other, and against all your arguments, you were happy. In a happy marriage to the Viscount, so why did something feel wrong?
Perhaps if you were more observant you would notice the truth. Perhaps you would be able to notice the jealous and angry looks when another man approached you, his unnerving possessiveness and the bloodstains that appeared on his clothes when he came home late. Maybe, just maybe, you'd finally realize what you've really gotten yourself into.
But you didn't notice. So much in love with your husband, you didn't realize his true nature, your body ached for his touches and he was more than happy to fulfill your every wish and your heart ached when he was away from you. You were so, so in love that you became blind.
Completely blind to what your beloved Viscount really was. What did he become when he fell in love with you, but you were happy with him, and that was all that mattered, wasn't it?
None of that mattered because, after all, you were his beloved viscountess and he was your knight in shining armor stained with blood.
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— lady l: and that was the prologue of a long fanfic that I'll be writing about our beloved Viscount. (Y/N) here will be more innocent and blind towards Anthony but later on she will change. This prologue was just a preview of what's to come. I hope you enjoyed it and if you want to be tagged, just send a message or put it in the comments! Sorry for any mistakes. ❤️
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yanxidarlings · 11 months
okay so i'm supposed to be writing theo headcanons but I haven't got inspiration for him rn so here's my current hp fixation.
once again a special shout out to chat gpt for being there for me when fanfiction writers weren't. but honestly most of my headcanons for him are my own perceptions of him so yay for originality.
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as i was saying in my last post "this dude cares only for his chosen darling and literally no one else" when i tell you he's a devoted yandere- his darling could ask him to commit the most horrid atrocities, they could be the most selfish unlikable person in hogwarts (only second to him, of course) and he'd still worship the ground they walk on. once he's become obsessed, there's no going back.
zacharias's infatuation with his darling develops so quickly, whether he meets his darling at hogwarts or if he's known them since childhood; there's just something about them when he meets them. it lingers in the back of his mind, what are they doing, who are they talking to, what are they thinking about are they thinking about him. after some self reflection, he comes to a conclusion; they've given him a love potion.
it makes so much sense! his darling is too shy to tell him they want his attention, and so resorted to underhanded methods. it's fine, zach isn't not mad. once he comes to this realisation, he'll begin to insert himself into their life; but obsession or not, he isn't exactly great company, so his presence will be more of an annoyance to his darling than anything.
even if his darling expresses their discomfort or explicitly rejects him, zacharias refuses to accept it. he's convinced that they secretly love him and continues to pursue them relentlessly.
zacharias just always seems to say the wrong things. always seems to pry and cross boundries. but no matter what his darling says, he thinks they're just playing hard to get; a part of him knows they aren't, but he doesn't care about their comfort that much. sure he wants them to be happy but he'd rather they suffer with him than be happy without him.
as a yandere, zach wants to know his darling inside and out, the idea that they aren't sharing their every thought with him drives him insane. he pry's until they detail every moment of their life before meeting him and when he isn't around. as if he leaves them alone after becoming obsessed.
there is no boundry zacharias won't cross, his darling has no privacy whatsoever - but on the bright side, he doesn't force his darling to follow him to the bathroom or skip their classes they don't have with him, he'll put his basic needs on hold if it means staying attached to his darling at the hip.
seriously. if zacharias's darling decides they want to stay awake for 2 days straight, then as exhausted as he is, he's staying up with them. he'll vocalise his discontent, but refuses to sleep if his darling isn't.
he often daydreams about a future where he and the person are together forever, ignoring any signs of their discomfort or fear. these fantasies become increasingly ✨ disturbing ✨ and detached from reality.
ironic as it is, zacharias is a coward when it comes down to it. he won't hurt his rivals; he'll convince his darling to. he relies on the mental instability of his darling to isolate them from their loved ones.
zacharias is overwhelmingly possessive, doesn't matter if his obsession is romantic or platonic, he just can't stand it knowing his darling is close to other people. so he'll sabotage every relationship they have; he'll convince them he's the only one they can trust, the only one truly loyal to them, the only one that understands them.
his yandere tendencies are on display for the whole world to see, which is why, despite being pretty goddamn crazy, he's no where near as threatening as draco or even anthony because everyone knows how obsessed he is with them.
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tiaragqueen · 5 years
Bun Bun: Prologue
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Chapter 1
yandere bts masterlist | main masterlist
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“In the beginning, some people try to appear that everything about them is "in black and white," until later their true colours come out.” - Anthony Liccione
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          “The execution shall begin!”
          It was such a simple sentence; one that most people wouldn’t think twice about. In fact, many of them enjoyed watching the executioner beheaded criminals' heads. It was like a personal amusement for them; something that invoked satisfaction and, possibly, sadistic pleasure. The criminals' expressions varied from one person to another. Some terrified, some wailing, some struggling, and some emotionless.
          You didn’t judge people's preferences, though. Had you were in their position, you would certainly get the same satisfaction from seeing an evildoer disappear from this world. It wouldn’t change much. Crimes would definitely still exist - it was an intrinsic part of life and essential for laws to stay active because, without crimes, the police force would be useless - but at least it would discourage one person from acting on them.
          But this was different. Someone that you knew, someone that you were more than acquainted with, someone that you used to love, was the convict today. Watching the person, who had been an important figure in your life, being beheaded wasn't the same as watching an ordinary criminal.
          Your palms were clammy underneath the white gloves, and you contemplated the possibility of returning to the castle without anyone noticing. The execution had yet to start, but you were already dreading it more than listening to the court's decision regarding his death penalty. You were supposed to be anticipating this. Heck, you had even promised to your parents that you would attend. For the first time in twenty years, you were about to witness a cruel death with your very own eyes.
          So why were you hesitating now? Did you still have some feelings for him?
          No, you shook your head. Of course not. It was impossible. Ridiculous. Any lingering sentiment that you had for him died the moment you discovered just how malicious he could be. The betrayal and disbelief had stained the rose-colored lens who your naïve self had adopted during earlier years due to the circumstances you were in. Safe and sound. No crime or rumors ever reached your innocent ears, and your parents had made sure that you wouldn’t catch a glimpse of the executions that occurred regularly.
          You had been in the dark for as long as you could remember. And had he didn’t show how terrifying an ordinary person – a gentleman – could be, then you would have lived up your day believing that the world was all rainbows and sunshine. Because why would you be evil, when you could spread kindness instead?
          Well, clearly not anyone shared the same opinion as you. Some people were just determined to achieve something, and you had never expected that you would be the target of that dogged determination. Sure, you were a princess and many envied you, but to be desired to the point of obsession?
          Sometimes, you just wanted to rip the stupid tiara from your head and pretended that you were an average peasant for once. But who were you to get that privilege? No matter how hard you tried, no matter how many times you wished upon the sky or the falling star, you could never be one.
          However, you kept hoping that maybe – in another lifetime, where everything wasn’t so complicated and strict and more manageable – you would be an average peasant that you always dreamed of.
          For now, you just had to deal with him. The one person who had scarred you for life and opened your eyes to the brutal reality. That absolutely anyone was capable of corrupting and be corrupted. Although you weren’t sure if you were ready to see his face again. How could you not? It's been a long time since the last time you saw him.
          Was he okay? Did he get torture in there? Had the reform for even the slightest bit?
          A tall young man, in his early twenties, climbed up the wooden stairway to the platform. Despite the two guards who were trailing close behind, and the townspeople who immediately threw insults at him like there was no tomorrow, his face remained stony. His body was much skinnier, to the point where you could see the bones protruding from the once bulky skin. His hair was dirty, littered with some dust that hung on the dark locks. Yet, his eyes were still cold as always. They reflected the derisive and angered faces of the townspeople like a deceptive mirror that showed their true, rotten selves.
          It was through those eyes too where you learned that not everyone was as kind as they appeared to be. That they only acted cordial either for the sake of gaining your favor or out of courtesy.
          And he had been one of them as well, although he insisted that his kindness was ‘real’. You knew you were fully aware, and you acknowledged it. The sincerity and affection that lit up his hollow irises whenever he saw you was far from fake. You can never be as happy when you meet someone unless you truly like them, especially in a royal world where everyone is pretending to be someone they're not.
          “He looks worse now,” you heard Rosé whispered beside you. She clutched the hem of her black apron, nervous about being in the same area with him although he was standing a good few meters away from her. Her fear was warranted, however, given his infamy in your kingdom.
          You threw her a glum glance, silently agreeing with your personal maid. You had no doubt that he often refused to eat if not the guards having some sort of a personal grudge against him.
          “I won’t eat,” he’d said during your first and last visit to his cell. “I will show you how much you turn me into this way.”
          It was unfair of him to put the blame on you because obviously, you couldn’t control other people’s feelings. But you knew that you had influence to this sudden change too, not that you would admit it out loud. It would only prove his statement - thus feeding his ego - and that was the last thing you wanted to hear from him.
          Jungkook stood with a hunched back in front of you, glassy eyes staring off the distance. What he thought about was a mystery, but you were sure that he didn’t repent on his sins or pondering over his inevitable death. In fact, you could safely say that he enjoyed being a criminal.
          That was just another proof of how messed up he was on the head.
          “Is there any last word, Jeon Jungkook?” the executioner's deep voice boomed.
          A hush fell over the boisterous crowd as they waited for his last answer. The last response that would either strengthen their convictions over his unforgivable actions or convince his innocence, however ridiculous it might sound. Regardless of his sudden decision to show a bit of humanity within him, Jungkook couldn’t miss the blade that glinted menacingly under the sun; the 175 pounds blade that would soon become the end of his life.
          If he had any, that is.
          Your breath hitched the moment his eyes landed on yours. His gaze was heavy, meant to condescend you despite your higher position. Like you were nothing more than a delicate doll to be dressed in pretty dresses and shoes. Somehow, you had a ridiculous hope that maybe he would overlook you within this sea of raging people.
          But of course, nobody can miss their loved ones even in a desert. It’s hard not to.
          A smirk graced his pale features, and you visibly tensed up. Despite his lanky figure and hollow cheekbones, he remained the same attractive boy you had met in the past. “I shall see you soon, Your Highness.”
          It was a promise, one that he would definitely carry out one way or another. How? You didn’t know. He would die within minutes anyway. But Jungkook wasn’t one to go back on his words, regardless of how ludicrous or absurd they might be.
          So, maybe, he believed in another lifetime. Just like you.
          Rosé gently grabbed your forearm in a comforting manner as you both watched the executioner raised the rope that held the weighted blade. There was no hesitation, no reluctance, and no lingering movements when Jungkook bowed down to place his head on the lunette. He was like a dutiful child, ready to face whatever consequences that befall him.
          And without further hesitation either, the executioner released the rope.
          You squeezed your eyes shut, hearing the blade fell with a thud. Rosé whimpered as she hid her face on your side, unable to witness the cruelty of his death as well. Tears leaked from your eyelids and left wet trails along your powdered face. You didn’t know why you were crying when you should be happy that he was dead now.
          Perhaps, deep inside, you still harbored some feelings for him. You just refused to acknowledge them. But it was impossible, right? It had to be.
          After a few minutes, Rosé slowly withdrew from the awkward side hug and you braced yourself to see it in person. Bile rose to your throat as you bit your bottom lip to suppress a sob from escaping.
          Jungkook’s head laid on the ground, facing you. His eyes, although lost their sparks of life, were tender. Like the eyes of a lover who loves their significant other so much they’re willing to give the world for them. His warm gaze, which usually turned ice cold to other people who he felt was bothering you, sent an imaginary stab into your chest.
          Why? After all the immoral actions he’d done, he had the guts to stare at you like this? Like you were his whole world, and he was the little stars that have lights on to your otherwise dark life?
          Why? Why did he still love you after you rejected him repeatedly?
          And most of all, why did his death hurt you so much?
          You gripped the cold steel of your parasol and silently wept against your chest. You might be mourning over his death or the doom that had befallen him the moment he met you. Nobody knew. Nobody could bring themselves to care. All they wanted was for him to perish.
          And granted was their wishes.
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sea-owl · 2 years
Oh I ABSOLUTELY want Yandere!Colin. I am DEPRIVED of Yandere!Colin. But I also yearn for it to be in PlatonicYandere!Eloise universe. Where it's the reason Penelope has no suitors as the Dark!Bridgertonsade sure everyone knew she was one of them and so Off Limits they don't wanna risk losing a hand by asking her to dance
I'm having thoughts from this comment.
I'm imagining a world where soulmates are real and the Bridgertons are all secretly Yanderes. The most valuable things to them are their soulmates and the family is raised that you are to do anything to protect and keep your soulmate. Lie, cheat, kill, frame, anything is on the table. The family that is so big on love that they become quite possessive of those who marry in, even if it is the soulmate of one of their siblings. It's part of the reason Violet is so hell bent on seeing all of her children married.
Colin was the first of the siblings to meet his soulmate.
When he went out ridding on the morning he met her, he was not expecting to be tossed off his horse due to a bonnet flying in his face. Colin found himself in the mud after that, the smell of pomegranate, lotus, and orchids infusing his senses.
Colin found himself hungering for more.
"I'm so sorry," a voice squeaked out.
Pulling the bonnet away from his face Colin looked up at a girl Eloise's age. Auburn red curls framing her soft round cheeks, and brown eyes. She reminded Colin of the stories he heard about greek nature spirits called nymphs. The smell that was coming off the bonnet was also on her.
Now normally the temper Colin hid so well would be raging and he would be thinking of several different ways to pay the girl back, but that isn't what he found himself doing this time.
Colin looked up at the girl and found himself laughing from pure joy. "Well, that wasn't well to do of me." Now standing Colin gently takes her hand and kisses her knuckles. Her face is bright red, reminding Colin of the forbidden fruit Hades used to trap Persephone in the Underworld. Colin found himself wanting to take a bite out of her. "May I know the name of my lovely bonnet assassin?"
"Penelope Featherington!"
Colin quickly hides the scowl on his face at his lovely nymph being interrupted. He has to stop himself from tearing her away from the older woman as well when she starts chastising his nymph.
"Colin! Are you alright?" Violet rushed over too. Though once she was closer her eyes narrowed in suspicion. Colin was still holding this nymph's hand.
"Perfectly fine Mother." Colin smiled.
On the way home Violet dragged Colin into the carriage with her and her two older daughters.
Violet stared down her son. "Colin Bridgerton you are to leave that girl alone-"
Colin smiled at the thought of his little nymph. "Mama, she's. . . my soulmate."
Daphne and Eloise stared at their brother; the whole family always thought they wouldn't start finding soulmates until Daphne was out in society. That's usually how it worked in the past anyway.
Violet's face lit up at the news. "Oh Colin. My lucky boy! We'll have to invite her over for tea!"
Colin looked over at his sisters. "Do you two think you could try befriending her? Propriety and etiquette says I can't," Colin spat the words out like they offended him.
They nod, and Eloise begins to scheme how she can get closer to the Featherington girl.
Once home Violet dragged Colin to Anthony's study, where he and Benedict were already trying to figure out a way to stop Colin from exacting revenge on his poor bonnet assassin.
"Oh boys," Violet practically sang. " Your brother has wonderful news to share."
Anthony and Benedict turned their attention onto their younger brother.
"I met my soulmate."
Benedict's eyes widened. "The Featherington girl from today?"
"My little bonnet assassin." Colin grinned.
Since that day Colin has been using his charm and manipulations to pull Penelope further into his web so tightly that she would never even think to leave him.
His family helped where they could. Eloise befriended his little nymph so they had a reason to bring her over. Anthony used his power as Viscount dig into any potential threats against Colin's claim. After he would give the files to his brother so he could do as he saw fit. If his little nymph was being accosted by some unworthy random man and he was not there Colin had given his siblings full permission to do whatever it took to get him away from her.
Oh yes, Colin planned to keep those strings around his little nymph tight.
Though it did feel like sometimes Penelope would weave those strings into what she wanted.
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