#Choice poll
faux-ecrivain · 9 months
Frightened Ex x Yandere reader
“When Cupid gets it wrong, goodbyes can be messy.” - that private eye who worked for the HPD for thirty years from that one episode of Hawaï Five-O where that girl in a red dress died and the private eye was narrating the story
(Trigger warning: murder, death and amputation are mentioned/implied.)
(Also, you, the reader, are the yandere here)
(Sixteenth Official Post)
(Merry Christmas)
(Happy Holidays)
(name is Anthony)
          When you and Anthony first started dating he thought you were an absolutely wonderful person, he admired you and would go out of his way to please you. Then just 4 years into your relationship, you started to behave… strangely. You were more possessive and would often isolate him from his friends (regardless of gender).     
         Sometimes, you would makes jokes about locking him up and killing all his friends, which made him very uncomfortable. Luckily, after expressing his discomfort, you quit joking like that, but now he was wary around you and he was considering breaking up with you. However, when he expressed this decision to you, you informed him that you wouldn’t let him leave and would make sure he knew his place.
   Anthony’s breath was muffled by his hands, his eyes squeezed shut as he prays that you won’t find him. He doesn’t know why you’re acting like this, treating him like a prisoner and trying to lock him away in your dreary, albeit big, house. He shuffles further into the closet, his knees up and his legs pulled close to his body. Tears fall down his face and he sniffles, what once was a beautiful, loving relationship, was now massacred beyond fixing.
         He listens as you creep through the hallway, he hears your ominous voice call out to him and he fights the urge to run into your arms. Yes, he’s scared, but often when he was scared you would be there to comfort him. Your footsteps grow closer, the floorboards creak and you stop in front of the closet. You taunt him, calling out for him, even though he’s certain you know he’s in there. “Anthony, baby, wheeere are yoou? Are you hiding from me?” Shivers wrack his body the moment he hears a haunting giggle escape your mouth. 
          “That’s not very nice, Anthony. Didn’t your mommy ever teach you manners?” Anthony’s tears fall faster as you bring up his mother, he’s sure you’ve done something to her, probably killed her. You begin moving again, the creaking of the floorboards lessen in volume and he assumes you’ve moved away from the closet. Still, he doesn’t leave and instead waits inside the closet for a matter of minutes. He listens diligently for your footsteps and hopes you won’t come back. 
          After at least 20 minutes have passed he cracks the closet door open, his eyes roam across the expanse of the hallway and his fear lessens once he sees the hall empty. He sneaks out of the closet, quietly closes the door behind him and sneaks in the direction opposite of the way that you went. For a moment, Anthony believes he can escape, he thinks he can make it to the door and run away from you. He thinks he came leave you behind, but he was wrong, so very wrong. 
          His heart stops when you call out to him, your voice smug and haughty. “There you are, baby, trying to escape, again?” He turns around and his body freezes as you approach. His heart beats erratically and he can barely form a single thought in his brain. Then he quickly snaps to when he realizes the distance between you two is slowly closing. He wills his legs to work and, when they do, he rushes off in a random direction. One that will hopefully allow him freedom or a moment’s salvation. 
         You groan when he runs off again, it was getting quite annoying and each time he ran it made you want to immobilize him. You snicker at the thought, but since you have no desire to traumatize him, more than you already have, you decide against such an idea. You stalk after him, taking your time as you knew he was likely lost in the maze of a house you own. Your throat vibrates as you begin to hum, a tune much too joyful for the present time. You hear Anthony crack open the door to the left wing of your house, well it isn’t actually your house, but does that really matter? 
          Anthony closes the heavy mahogany door behind him and wince at the loud slam it releases. He wrings his hands together and begins to walk down the darkened hallway, he’s never seen this part of the house before, it’s all worn down. He exhales and continues walking, his eyes glancing around his surroundings and taking in the strange decorations hanging up. Some of them seem entirely too old for such a modern house, some seem to be straight from the eighteenth century. 
          He doesn’t have time to dwell on your strange interior choices, as he hears the mahogany doors creak open and slam shut. His hearts begins to race, once more, and he knows you’re near. He fears that he might never escape and that you would catch him. He’s so scared, so frightened. He doesn’t know what to do, should he run or should he hide?
(I know everyone voted yes go back to my old style, but I didn’t know how else to write this oneshot. Don’t worry though, I’ll still listen to you guys and will continue writing in my old style, but I might also write this way.)
(Hope you enjoyed and hopefully you guys are excited for the next part!)
(Don’t worry, I’m going to post all three (or two) endings, I just need to know which one you want first.)
(Expect another post around 12:30 this afternoon)
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thecooler · 4 months
Feel free to specify in the tags :) if the animal is one that needs company assume you'd have multiple
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konotte · 4 months
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tumbler-polls · 10 months
Pick an option at random :)
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absentlyabbie · 7 months
taking my life into my hands to resurrect this godawful hellpoll and let it run for a week this time
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ilyberrymuch · 11 months
you can also put in the tags how old you were, again im nosy lol
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nostalgicfun · 8 months
Feel free to share which is your favorite NOW in the tags, but this particular poll is about which you preferred as a child! ⭐ In a few days we'll do another one with more options!
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smallblueandloud · 1 year
*for the purposes of this poll, "ears pierced" refers to a "standard" lobe piercing, in the middle of the lobe
i'm asking b/c everyone i grew up with who was AFAB got their ears pierced at birth, but i know it's not universal!
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silvermoon424 · 3 months
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I'm picking the treasure stone, what about you?
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thelizardperson · 1 year
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flatterboy · 5 months
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alternis · 2 years
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rebelpeas · 26 days
this is focusing on something SMALL, so i’m leaving out new biomes, bosses, structures, etc. feel free to go into detail in the notes, i’d love to hear all your ideas!
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myreblogssss · 5 months
plz reblog for bigger sample, I'm genuinely curious, sorry there's no middle ground
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fruitquake · 2 months
by this year, i mean so far in 2024. also:
by my definition, audiobooks and other non-print mediums count, as do graphic novels, manga and things like that. but it’s kinda your own choice what you do or do not wanna count
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imperial-agent · 1 year
The one you gravitate towards the first time playing any cRPGs. Included Pillars of Eternity races and Divinity Original Sin ones.
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