#Anti beauty standards
being-kindrad · 5 months
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Andrea Dworkin's classic Beauty Hurts diagram from Woman Hating (1974), updated for modern procedures, fifty years later.
A first step in the process of liberation (women from their oppression, men from the unfreedom of their fetishism) is the radical redefining of the relationship between women and their bodies. The body must be freed, liberated, quite literally: from paint and girdles and all varieties of crap. Women must stop mutilating their bodies and start living in them. Perhaps the notion of beauty which will then organically emerge will be truly democratic and demonstrate a respect for human life in its infinite, and most honorable, variety. —Andrea Dworkin, Woman Hating (1974)
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uter-us · 8 months
incase anyone missed it: pamela anderson went to pfw without makeup!!!
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"I'm not trying to be the prettiest girl in the room. I feel like its just freedom. Its like a relief."
i love seeing this. such a win !
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redditreceipts · 2 months
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nature is healing
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Plastic surgeons should be stoned in public
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velkabee · 11 months
The narrative that every time you touch or move your face will “prematurely” age your skin is so uniquely evil. It’s said as if rubbing your tired eyes is something unnatural; as if having the expressive range of a corpse throughout your entire life is the norm. Your face is meant to move. It’s meant to go outside and cry and grin and be smushed into your cat’s belly when you hug her. Wrinkles are not a sign that you’ve done something wrong—they’re a sign that you’ve lived just as you were meant to.
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meili-kese-anyaleko · 1 month
are you ugly or have you just internalized white beauty standards?
are you stupid or have you just internalized white intellectualism?
are you lazy or have you just internalized white ideas of productivity?
reframe how you think of yourselves and each other outside of capitalism and colonialism
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roses-edge · 19 days
I can see why some may think women or future generations are hopeless when this was a response I got when I criticized makeup.
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Obviously, I don't think it's hopeless, but what the hell even is this response. Threatening(?) suicide and then implying me criticizing makeup is akin to violent oppression.
I mean, I know she's 16, but I can't even remember being this bad... holy shit 😭😭😭
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athenawasamerf · 18 days
I was in the shower earlier thinking about how much shorter my showers have been since fully embracing radical feminism in my personal life (rather than just believing in it, reading theory, raising awareness, etc). My ‘everything shower’ now means I wash both my hair and my body; no 20 minutes spent shaving, no harsh exfoliants or creams, no scrubbing my skin raw to exfoliate and get it smooth, no unnecessary products. I used to take 60-90 minutes for an ‘everything shower’. Now I take 20 (my hair is long as fuck don’t come for me), and I’m happier and more comfortable in my skin and more confident.
It’s mental health month, consider giving up a beauty ritual for yours <3
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ccryptopic · 10 months
I hate makeup I hate it so much oh my god stop there's about 1 positive to it (self expression) and let's be real the large majority of makeup wearers aren't doing that
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being-kindrad · 5 months
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You don’t owe prettiness to anyone. Not to your boyfriend/spouse/partner, not to your co-workers, especially not to random men on the street. You don’t owe it to your mother, you don’t owe it to your children, you don’t owe it to civilization in general. Prettiness is not a rent you pay for occupying a space marked ‘female’. —Erin McKean
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redditreceipts · 3 months
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Long nails are proof that women's beauty standards have always focused on frailty, rejecting any physical prowess exuded by women. Defining feminity with fragility connotations dissuades women from gaining strength and fighting for themselves. Long hair, Long nails and underweight bodies are all physically uncomfortable- they prevent the wearer from fighting back. Even when women excercise, it is focused on maintaining an aesthetic instead of gaining strength. Men are afraid of what we are capable of so they try their very best to suppress us.
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horsegurlfem · 13 days
I see so many women online talk about how when they were younger they never learned to do makeup because they were "not like the other girls" or they were trying too hard to be different or whatever. I use to have that same mindset. I was in a show one time and I had to wear makeup because that's just how theatre is, and basically I was the only person there who couldn't do eyeliner so I had to get other people to do it for me, and it was embarrassing. I thought to myself I shouldn't have tried so hard to be different, and robbed myself of a skill that Every Girl Needs.
But the thing is, when I was in middle and high school not learning to do makeup, I wasn't avoiding it because I thought I was better than other women, I just didn't want to. I was busy spending my time on interests, instead of makeup and conformity. There's a perception that women who don't or can't do their makeup are childish, and they need to just grow up and learn, but I think this is so harmful. After my show, I could have spent the time learning to do eyeliner, but I didn't because I was still busy with pursuing my interests. This is the central point of The Beauty Myth, that women are now pressured into spending their time making themselves beautiful, which limits them from achieving their full potential by taking up their time that they could have used to pursue their interests. I wasn't trying to push back intentionally back then, though, I was just busy.
I feel so bad for these women who feel an immense shame over spending formative years developing themselves and learning skills rather than learning to do their makeup, to conform. These women who feel the need to spend their time now catching up on makeup tutorials. They're not growing up, or maturing past the point of rejecting femininity, they're finally falling for the propaganda. They're finally giving in. And I wish they could continue to resist. And I was so close to becoming one of them.
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uter-us · 8 months
when I first told my grandma I stopped shaving she literally went "oh dear God" and rambled abt how armpit hair specifically is unhygienic and makes you smell bad
and I brought up how men have armpit hair too and it's not unhygienic and that we all know their armpit hair wouldnt make THEM smell bad
and she was like "oh well I think it's gross on men too"
and like I've been seeing this increasingly often?? like after pointing out the double standard, people (specifically women but I've heard it from one man too in my experience) are like "well I think that its gross for men to" and it like... makes me sad to think about the lengths women will go to for justification
because like the fact is: neither sex's body hair is unhygienic. and the VAST majority of people recognize that for men, and yet shaving our bodies is still pressured for women in a way its simply just not for men... because its not about cleanliness, its about our appearance and beauty. and it's not "feminist" to think EVERYONE should be shaving their bodies ?? I don't understand this take at all. it's very weird
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moidhaterxxx · 5 months
Can we talk about just how insane women being hairless is when you think about it?
In my culture in India as a child many women would undergo awful pain using a flour paste to literally rip the hair out of the skin until the hair just gave up growing. That's how my grandma is hairless.
And now you have awful painful methods like waxing and laser hair removal just to be.... Hairless?! It's giving pedo beauty standards. And yet hair on the head must be long, eyebrows must be thick but smooth like dolphin everywhere else. I literally hate how hair removal is forced on women.
And the bootlickers calling women lazy for not removing it fuck you too.
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hard--headed--woman · 8 months
"flawless makeup" "for a flawless faces" there are no flawless faces!!!! there are no flaws!!! they don't exist ! your face can't have flaws! it's just a face! it's neutral! wake up and ditch the capitalist bullshit, it's all just lies from the sexist beauty industry ! there.are.no.flaws.!
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