#Anti-Drone Companies
chandupalle · 7 months
[284 Pages Report] The global anti-drone market size was valued at USD 1.2 billion in 2022 and is projected to reach USD 5.2 billion by 2028; it is expected to register a CAGR of 26.6% during the forecast period. The rising incidence of critical infrastructure security breaches by unauthorized drones and the surging adoption of aerial remote sensing technologies to safeguard critical infrastructure are among the factors driving the growth of the anti-drone industry.
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nando161mando · 4 months
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CAPTCHAs tech companies exploiting free labor to train AI vision for defense contractors military drones and autonomous weapons
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nqdefenseusa · 23 days
Significance of Anti-Drone Systems in Law Enforcement
We live in an era where technology is developing at lightning speed. The things that seemed impossible just a few years back are a reality today. Take, for example, a drone. Just sometime back, it was a cutting-edge piece of technology available only to elite crowds. Now, they have become as ubiquitous as smartphones. From scientists collecting samples from hazardous places to amateur enthusiasts flying them around as a hobby, they are literally everywhere. While this easy availability has helped us in many ways, it has its own disadvantages. Criminals have started using them to carry out dangerous operations, making it imperative to figure out strategies to tackle unauthorized drones in sensitive areas.  This is where anti-drone systems, an innovative technology to detect and jam drones, enter the fray. These systems are making a significant difference across various sectors of law enforcement.
The Police
For the local police forces, anti-drone systems are serving as a shield against a range of unwanted drone activity. Whether it’s preventing drones from invading privacy during sensitive investigations or ensuring safety in public events like concerts, matches, and political rallies, anti-drone for law enforcement adds an extra layer of security. These gadgets can help the police neutralize these threats efficiently, maintaining security and upholding the necessary privacy.
The Navy
The Navy faces unique challenges with drones, especially since these aerial nuisances have the capability of interfering with maritime operations or gathering intelligence that can be used to cause serious damage. A navy anti-drone systemcan jam the signals, protecting its fleets and ensuring safe operations on the open seas by preventing espionage and interference of ship activities.
Border Control
From drug trafficking to smuggling contraband, numerous issues plague borders. The use of drones to carry out these actions has made it harder for border control agencies to keep track of them. By jamming the communication link between a drone and its operator, these gadgets can help keep the border secure and intercept illegal activities before they can inflict much harm.
Event Security
Large events, such as concerts and matches, attract crowds and, with it, the attention of miscreants with access to drones. From illegally recording them to posing threats to the spectators, they can create hitches, ruining the experience. To keep these spaces safe, drone jammers can be used to intercept illicit drones. This leaves the event organizers and security teams free to focus on ensuring a gala time for the audience without having to worry about drones infringing on their privacy or causing problems.
Critical Infrastructure
Interference in critical infrastructure, such as power plants and transportation networks can hamper the day-to-day lives of the people. A drone radar detectorcan prevent drones from collecting information, posing safety risks, or sabotaging operations. This ensures top-notch security of these assets, helping essential services carry on seamlessly.
As drones become more prevalent, anti-drone systems will keep playing a crucial role in keeping communities and nations safe. If you want to protect your space from this looming threat, get in touch with a reputed anti-drone companysuch as NovoQuad Group today!
Source: https://nqdefenseus.blogspot.com/2024/08/significance-of-anti-drone-systems-in.html
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kropotkindersurprise · 2 months
July 16, 2024 - Ansar Allah attacked the oil tanker Chios Leon with a USV (drone boat) in the Red Sea, because the company that operates and owns the ship docked ships in Israel, ignoring Yemen's anti-genocide blockade. Noone was reported injured.
A report from the US and UK naval authorities who claim to be providing security in the area described this incident as "A Houthi drone which crashed into the [...] side causing some damage and light smoke". [video]
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tofu83 · 5 months
The new cybersuit
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The hacker tried on the new cybersuit and helmet given by his scientist friend. He was told that the suit could help him sneak into the "Enterprise's" database more secretly and escape quickly, making it safer than ever. And it was made of a new material mixed with metal and rubber, which maintained body temperature and was fireproof, waterproof, alkali-proof and bulletproof, ensuring that his body would not be harmed.
Little did he know that his scientist friend had already fallen into cooperating with the Enterprise. This was a trap designed by his friend to show his sincerity to them. After he sneaked into the database, his digital consciousness would be captured by the anti-virus software and rewritten by the company's engineers. Dissatisfaction with the Enterprise will be rewritten into loyalty to the them, and his yearning for freedom would be transformed into support for order. Other hobbies and interests will become beneficial to the enterprise, too.
When his consciousness was transferred back to the chip in his brain, his original personality had been completely overwritten. The freedom fighters died and the corporate warriors were born. He was better called a drone or a robot than a human being now. He would serve as a super soldier of the Enterprise, pulling out all his past companions and converting them.
Without the Enterprise there is no order, without order there is no peace, and without peace no one can live, so the Enterprise will ensure that they remain standing. Do you agree or disagree? The Enterprise welcomes you to challenge their super soldiers and looks forward to your joining. The order and harmony of society need your strength.!
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girlactionfigure · 19 days
🔘Tuesday morning events from Israel  
ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
Blessings for Rosh Chodesh (new Jewish month) of Elul, where the King is in the field (it is said during this month G-d is closer for prayer.)
♦️IDF DRONE STRIKE in TULKARM..  aircraft attacked a squad of armed terrorists who fired on troops.
▪️PROTEST - ANTI-GOVT.. Last night demonstrators broke through barriers near the Prime Minister's house on Gaza Street in Jerusalem and reached the corner of Gaza/Metodela, during the break-in the police used force to prevent it but without success. The police made 7-8 arrests.
▪️PROTEST - ANTI-HISTADRUT..  "A political strike that helps Hamas. You cost billions of shekels at our expense.'' A demonstration this morning in front of the house of the chairman of the Histadrut.
▪️RALLY - PRAYER FOR HOSTAGES.. Prayer rally - thousands participated in an event for the hostages and the soldiers at the Western Wall: "With the power of prayer we will win victory”.
▪️HAMAS SAYS - KILL THEM.. Abu Ubaydah: We tell everyone clearly that after the Nusairat incident (hostage rescue), new instructions were issued to the Mujahideen assigned to guard the prisoners (hostages) regarding their treatment if the occupation army approaches the place of their detention.  (The hostages were killed 2-3 days before the IDF reached them.)
▪️ISRAELI PRESIDENT HERTZOG SAYS.. The president against renewing the dispute on the legal issue: is this what we need now? Don't you dare, leave it to us.
▪️ONE OF THE COMPANIES SELLING COAL TO ISRAEL.. in Columbia was apparently a Hezbollah operation.  Meaning Hezbollah was selling discount Columbian coal to Israeli power stations to launder money and profit to support Hezbollah operations against Israel. (Nziv)
▪️Netanyahu: I insisted on live hostages in the deal, the mediators started at 12 and we have already gone up to 23.  (There are 109 hostages - 23 is the maximum offer?  Or the only ones left alive?)
▪️YESTERDAY’S ATTEMPTED CAR BOMB OF CHILDREN - LIVE FEED.. at Ateret: A camera was installed in the bomb vehicle to provide a live feed of the attack.
⭕ATTEMPTED INFILTRATION BY SEA - ROSH HANIKRA.. reports of an attempted infiltration from the sea near Rosh HaNikra - navy shots at a boat approaching from the direction of Lebanon.
⭕US CENTCOM - in the last day the Houthis hit 2 oil tankers, one Saudi and one registered in Panama and managed under a Greek flag.
⭕2 rounds of HEZBOLLAH ROCKETS at northern towns overnight.
⭕JENIN, TULKARM.. Our enemies report that at the same time as the seventh day of IDF activity in Jenin begins, IDF forces are returning, in large numbers, to operate in Tulkarm as well.
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zeejeythedoodler · 30 days
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Atom Calis:
Species: Blue-fronted dancer damselfly.
Age: adult (the oldest of the group)
Likes: being alone, fixing things, old tools, computers, repairing a hivenode and seeing it remain functional for longer than literally two hours (a rare occurrence).
Personality: crass. Kind of a smartass. Likes to play little tricks on people. Constantly tinkering with something. Very anti-naut. Vaguely socialist, though they'd probably argue with that fact.
Additional details:
Works as a freelance FNC* maintenance technician. Though they're technically self employed, they've been contracted by Mycohex so many times that they're practically an employee (without the health benefits, of course).
Atom doesn't remember much of their childhood, on account of they spent it as an unintelligent water-bound nymph in an artificial lake. Once they reached maturity, however, they were claimed as offspring by their father, an original Odonaut, and relocated to the first circle of Cibarium to live with him.**
Atom and their father had a complicated relationship (to put it mildly), so as soon as they had a job that paid well enough, they moved into a crumbling apartment in the third circle.
After the attempted rebellion, Atom's father was arrested for “treasonous activity” and was sentenced to life in prison. He remains there to this day.
*There is technically only one advanced computer in Cibarium, and it works by passing a weak electric current through an advanced network of living mycelium and synthetic cables which functions like a giant brain. The network has been built into the structure of the city itself, and "personal computers" are generally just interfaces involving monitors and other equipment that have been plugged directly into it. These interfaces are called hivenodes.
This Fungal Network Computer (or FNC, as it is commonly called) is the exclusive property of a company known as Mycohex, which is owned by Drone Mellifera (a member of the Senary. More on them later).
**This is a common parenting method for dragonflies and damselflies in the world of Cibarium. The difference in environment makes it difficult to raise nymph children until they've reached maturity, so parents will often release their offspring into artificial “spawn pools” and return to claim them once they've grown up.
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fountainpenguin · 11 days
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Origin of the Pixies
Fairly OddParents ~ (August 2016 - Ongoing)
"Talk of these things should be reserved for fathers and sons. I'm Head Pixie. I'm your aldra mór, but I'm no one's daddy."
Head Pixie backstory longfic
Drama & Angst (I hear there's fluff in here somewhere...)
First-person POV
Dead Dove
After being infected with Wolbachia pipientis - the real-life bacteria that causes insects to reproduce asexually - Fergus Whimsifinado soon finds himself a single father struggling to provide for 500+ genetically-identical offspring he never really wanted in the first place. Suddenly becoming the first member of a brand new species means complex politics to deal with, a Pixie World to build, a shipping company and a therapy business to manage, and a budding interspecies war to survive... ... All on top of raising children.
Not Rated; Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings
Read on FFN | Read on AO3
Chapter Recaps | Gen 2 Pixies Sheet
Cloudlands AU - Detailed warnings & other AU info
More Fairly OddParents 'fics
This work has a largely T tone. Borderline M for themes like 'queen bee' insect people fighting to the death, getting abducted by Cupid's family for study, being forced into a will o' the wisp's harem to ensure milk for newborn Sanderson, and general themes of non-human reproduction, child loss, and war.
Head Pixie-centric longfic with a focus on:
- Growing up with freckles in insect society, where you're typecast as a violent "queen bee" who'll stop at nothing to defend his hive. Set Daddy's fortune aside for wergild; you're gonna need it. - Accidental selkie wife addition (Please don't send her back to Mom; she needs this job) - Local party boy struggles to prioritize fatherhood above raves - Getting abducted by Cupid's hot grumpy mom, who's absolutely willing to push you to your limits if it means she can unravel your biology and show you off to all her friends - Raising little worker bees... I mean, drone pixies who regularly need their faces licked for pheromone exposure or they'll cry - Cloudlands' most eligible rich bachelor rejects hugs because he fears bee-instinct cuddle death attacks; more at 11 - Building a company up from nothing. Gotta start somewhere- Why not with cupcakes? (Maybe cute kids are good for something after all...) - Raising an heir you're biologically programmed to kill... It's fine- Sis is raising the spare - Why did we think adopting a cù sìth that can steal your soul if you lie was a good idea? - The cool girl who founded the human godparenting division is afraid you'll hurt her with your big, scary muscles and she'd rather "just be friends." oh no. - WHAT midlife crisis? Hahaha... Don't read Chapter 37. - The war over godkids from "Balance of Flour" (Season 7); H.P. and his 4 eldest pixies are drafted on the Fairies' side. Huh... That's gonna cause issues with the whole "BFF with the leader of the Anti-Fairies" thing... - Divorce? Child loss?? Raising some anti-fairy kid with Anti-Cosmo? Uh-oh. - His hat is also a pen
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"I'm impolite and I make fun of everyone! I'm immature but I will stay this way forever <3" (x)
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pep-the-artemis · 2 months
There's so many beloved parts of Murder Drones but I don't think enough love is given to the greatest company.
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[image transcript; the logo of the company SCJohnson. The first three letters SCJ in bold red lettering with the arch of the J hanging underneath the S and C. The rest of the word in a bold black. Under the logo reads the slogan "A family company at work for a better world"]
"A family company at work for a better world" is a perfect parody of how real world mega-corporation slogan, it just reads like the end quote from a supervillain monologue. "a family company" being give its own line for emphasis is such a clever detail. The word "world" being placed at the end alludes to the companies sinister plans for world domination. The repetition of the o and n symbol gives of this sensation of forced conformity. The overarching J showing there ambition to envelop the world for there own profit driven desires. The strong red and black giving of this strong intimidating aura. The mismatched font also shows a lack of proper care for attention. The red is also slightly off coloured, almost orange, making it uncomfortable to look at.
The company also produce windex which is such an apt metaphor for how they erase and sanitise things which are less savory and go against there profit margins; it's also telling that they're actively campaigning for climate action while producing windex does so much harm for the environment. There funding or research and development of humanoid robots is also really suspicious especially knowing what this company is mostly known for.
Overall, brilliant and subtle storytelling. If I was going to critique it though, although I called it subtle, more I look at it the more I feel its a bit to on the nose as an anti-capitalist parody.
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credince--writes · 1 year
Blood. (Jitters Remastered)
Chapter 6 of the Jitters Remastered Book
Find it on AO3
Summary: Jitters is a PMC brought onto the support 141 operations, much to the distaste of the 141 group of PMC's. Thrust into her first field experience, she learns the true meaning of life or death.
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The air of the briefing room was stagnant, too warm to be comfortable. Focusing too hard on the cinderblock walls would only reveal the sheen of filth the room was coated in, and Jitters didn’t feel like she had the stomach to be able to put up with it.
“We are an anti-terrorism task force, not a paperwork pickup-” Soap’s voice interrupted the train of thought, her eyes snapping over to glance at the man. The normally calm- save for a snide remark, maybe even a joke this early in the morning- man was tense. Stiff. 
“We go where we need to go.” Price shut down the younger man's comment before he even fully finished. 
The air cooled.
“Soap and Ghost will take their team, breach the location…” Price waved his hand over the map, his voice droning and falling into the background as Jitters focused on the lines, the rivers carving through the landscape of the map.
She didn’t know why she was here, she was (happily) asleep when Gaz knocked on her door. Rousting her from her sleep and shooing her into the briefing room where the rest of the men already sat waiting for her.
Odd one out, once more it seemed.
She wasn’t even providing remote support for the mission, and would be left alone of the base for, well, she didn’t know how long she would be alone until they returned. Without anyone- it was a little weird. She’d always had at least one person on the base with her at all times, the shadowy creature joining her for dinner. Keeping her company in the gym and even the occasional sit in inside her office while she worked.
She wouldn’t have that this time.
And she dreaded it.
She was trustworthy- Laswell knew, at least she hoped she knew, that she wasn’t going to turn tail and run the first second she was able.
Maybe she should.
And part of her wanted to be shipped off, at least until they returned, to be with some other team- or at least doing something, somewhere.
Anything to not be left alone in truly empty halls and silence.
Dark corners, and nothing.
To be alone.
“And this is where Jitters will come in.”
Her head turns, lethargic. 
You get them when you're scared,
But you never want to have them with a gun in your hand.
Good thing she didn't have one in her hand right now. Actually, she had a mouse. Fierce clicking is heard amongst a silent background save for the patterns of gunfire far off in the distance.
"How's that going, Jitters?" She heard the crackle of Soap's voice come in over the radio, reaching her hand over to grasp the little plastic encased machine lifitng it to her face pushing down on the button- listening to the little chirping noise the radio made as the replied.
"Lights go out in two minutes." She responded.
"Copy." He responded.
Sitting in a stuffy room with two soldiers left behind to stand guard at the safe house she was in, hearing their boots shift every now and then as they looked around, trying to think of anything other than the probability of an ambush. She had been sent- much to her dismay but under The General's persuasion to the mission's site to provide better support than if fully remote. 
The current job was to 'acquire' an asset- intel that had been placed in a series of barricaded homes and buildings five miles from her current location. The group had not yet established independence from the electricity grid which Jitters was all too happy to of been able to score access to. The plan was to cut all power to the building and send in Ghost & Soap’s teams. It was as simple as these could get, and she trusted that the team would make quick work and they could be on their way back to base as soon as possible.
"Cutting power in 3... 2... 1... Power cut." Jitters spoke into the radio, lifting her thumb from the rubber patch on the side of the radio. She couldn’t help but feel the hair rising on the back of her neck, the feeling that something was going to go wrong.
Her fingers typed mindlessly into the keyboard, as if body separated from mind as she worked. Hands with a mind of their own- solid. They wouldn’t need to be checked on, this was a simple in and out.
She didn’t know why she was even out here.
This was a waste-
But she shouldn’t feel that way- she had men here to guard her- cage her in- she wasn’t really sure. But the thought should be comforting that people were there to protect her.
Should be.
"Copy. Moving out." She heard Ghosts voice this time, followed by a crackle of the radio and then silence.
Sitting back in her chair, she let out a sigh. Trying to dispel the thoughts that lingered in the corners of her mind- she knew thinking of bad things would only manifest them into fruition- even though that shit dosen’t exist. She’d muse to herself.
"So you know the L.T?" She heard the guard from behind her ask, she turned around to shoot him a sly grin and respond. A horrible, sinister creature rears it head in her mind as she hears the words spoken behind her. He spoke confidently, if not a little cautiously approaching the conversation now that she was basically off the hook for the rest of the mission.
She could have fun with this.
"Yea, kind of." She responded, trying ot be nonchallant. Both Gaz and Soap had jokingly warned her that being able to say you lived in close quarters with the Ghost was… Well, saying you lived in close quarters with The Ghost. 
"Is it true what they say? You know, that he isn't-"
That he isn’t human.
How could such a cold blooded killer be something other than a creature of shadow?
“Will you teach me?” The words leave her mouth before they are done processing. She sitting, heartbeat still pounding from the excretion- adrenaline prickling her skin. The ghostly feeling of being pinned down, not being able to fight back. 
Ghost twitches, of all fucking things, blinking, like a glorified statue.
And nods once.
“Go get cleaned up.” Was his only verbal response.
When she got back from her shower, finally settling back down into her own skin nearly and hour later, she found it.
There was dinner freshly cooked, 
A plate set out just for her.
He couldn’t be that bad.
Jitters cut him off. "Yea man, he disappears at night and just appears out of thin fuckin' air. Scare's the piss out of you too, and he just knows- those eyes burrow into the soul. The man knows what you think before you say it." She laughs a little- one thing she couldn't get bored of was fucking with some of the Privates, even though her ranking was 'lower' than theirs.
Well, she wasn't even part of the military technically. Some kind of loophole between the CIA and contractors. A hundred background checks and a vouch from one of her first assignments was how she ended up meeting Gulch, and it rolled downhill from there. So, by that logic and by a general distrust of the computer girl having a gun they usually opted for her to not have as much of a handgun- not that she’d ever need it. Normally she never left the base.
Maybe it was because of the Jitters.
It wasn't like she was ever in combat, so it didn't bug her. 
This mission however was a little close for her liking. 
Turning back to face the computer she watched the timer tick down, the team had seven more minutes before she would turn the power back on to extract data from any electronics found on the premises.
"Jitters, time?" Soap spoke.
"Five." She responded.
She began tapping a pen against the table up until the man behind her groaned, mumbling something under his breath. She faltered and put the pen down and the table, slightly sulking and feeling embarrassment burn on her face. She was supposed to be an adult- not behaving like a child and figeting, jittering around. Internally groaning at herself and trying to shove down the feeling of unease rising in her throat she glanced back at the computer to see the time ticking down from thirty seconds.
"ten seconds." Jitters spoke into the radio.
When the time ran out and the power came back on she was expecting Soap, or at least any of the other present soldiers to radio in to begin data extraction.
The soldier behind her must’ve fest the tension radiating off of her, as she turned their eyes met. The silence thick, waiting for their response.
What would she do if this went wrong?
What was the plan?
The contingency?
She frowned and turned around.
"Jitters?" She heard it on the radio, heart hammering in her ears.
"Yes?" She responded- it was Soap.There was a slight relief, not much, not by any means. His voice was strained, she could tell that much over the crackly radio.
"We have found a data stash, starting connection now."
She spun around to the computer, hands gracing the keyboard, pads of her fingers brushing against the keys. It was quick, it was easy. It was second nature.
It would’ve been exactly the same from her office, on base, with a mug of something warm next to her. Nothing would’ve been different and she didn’t fucking need to be out here.
"Connection established, starting export now." She responded.
It was faster. She’d admit that much. Just a little- not enough fr her to feel like it warranted her being there. One thing she could say in this newfoiund optimism, was that exporting was much faster when she wasn't a country away, that was a plus, yippie. The data she was pulling was being sorted and stashed in the correct locations, fresh intel as it seemed common for impromptu command bases to leave masses of intel on electronics normally left by the unknowing taskforces.
"How's it going down there?" Jitters asked, a slight strain in her throat that she tried to correct. She was sure they wouldn’t be able to tell over the radio- hoped not.
"Half and half." Soap responded.
"Download almost complete, once this is done, I don't think you'll need to be sniffin' around much more- doubt they had more than one setup." She says.
"We have Tangos on the move, repeat Tangos on move southbound." She heard a soldier say over the radio suddenly, the crackle of the static and then the eerie silence that followed. Hairs sticking straight out as if that fear of everthing going very wrong was a warning and not anxiety.
She could feel her shoulders stiffen, turning to look at the man behind her who was staring at her wide-eyed. They both stayed like that for a moment, before the radio crackled to life with a fury.
"House three full to the brim with these bastards!" She heard someone call through. Gunfire was heard in the background, as well as a yowl of pain in the background of the active chatter.
"Target is no longer here."
There was a target other than the data being extracted?
There was a pang somewhere in her gut. That familiar feeling of being lied too- being kept in the dark.
"Find him!"
A Him. Some target above her clearance.
"House one clear."
She sat there and stared at the radio, not knowing how to react. Were they headed toward them? There were only two fucking men here- how many were coming?
Was she going to die?
She… Didn't want to die.
At least not now.
"…Are they coming here?" She asked, the claws of fear digging into her calves, threatening to anchor her down to the dingy wooden floor beneath her.
"Hope not." The guard said, pushing forward to pop his head outside of the room they’d set up in. "Anything?" He called out to the other soldier stationed with them.
"Nothing yet, I don't see any truck." The man called back over. 
"We will be fine, it's not like this is a landmark or anything." The soldier in the room with you reassured- you weren’t sure what his name was. Almost too scared to turn around and read the little tag on his shoulder. Trying to take his reassurance to heart-
This is fine.
We are fine.
We will be fine.
Jitters glanced to the side, "Should we leave?" It seemed like a smart idea- right when the intel was done downloading that they needed to get up and go. Scurry away and hope no one noticed that the lights were on in a building they weren’t supposed to be on in.
"No, this is a safe house. Emphasis on the safe part. We aren't leaving." The one in the hallway called back in.
She guessed that made sense.
Only the smallest amount though- this wasn’t really a sfaehouse. It was a temporary setup that was declared ‘ok enough’.
"Well. What do we do if someone does come?" She questions.
She needed a plan, something tangible to hold onto to run over in her mind as reassurance. And she wasn’t getting it in this tiny room, anxiously staring at one soldier anxiously staring at another who was anxiously staring out of a broken window.
"You aren't doing anything- we are here to protect you." He sasses back. "Now go back to whatever it is you're doing."
The downloading process suddenly came to a crawl, and she was clenching her hands on the table in front of her. This was going smoothly, why did it have to fuck up now? Her foot began to subconsciously tap, the small house she sat in not comforting her in the slightest.
This used to be someone's home.
Maybe they dreamed of even raising a family here.
"We have a truck inbound." She heard the second guard call out.
"Fuck." The first one said.
Yes, Fuck. She thought to herself. This was exactly what she was afraid of- not being prepared. Not knowing what to do- not having a plan set in place for the theoretically that were more than likely to happen in the first place.
She turned around, sucking some air into her lungs. "We need to go. We need to leave." Trying to get her brain to stop short circuiting, she looked to the guard with baited breath. As if waiting for him to agree- make the sensible decision and go.
The first guard turned around and snapped. "No, you need to stay here. We aren't abandoning our po-"
Blood splattered the wall.
And the floor.
And the ceiling.
The force of the bullet sends the body to the ground almost immediately.
"Get down!" The second guard yells.
That she does, eyes locked onto the basically decapitated figure next to her. She blinked a few times, trying to compose herself, but found her eyes locked on the corpse.
She thought maybe she would scream at the sheer gore in front of her. But nothing escaped her lips save for a exasperating squeak, and a shaky breath.
Her hands began to shake. Gunfire could be heard outside, she could hear the bullets lodging themselves into the building. Yelling, radio chatter of the lone soldier all but screaming a ‘Under Heavy Fire! One KIA!’ into his radio before tucking himself into the corner behind hopefully the most reinforced wall of the house.
She began to jitter.
The computer screen blinked a little box with 'Confirmed' popping up and vanishing over and over. She rushed over, pulled out the laptop and slipped it into a backpack, and tossed it behind her clicking the strap on for extra support.
 Destroying all possible useful elements of the computer setup and her surroundings she took and step back and looked around frantically for a way to escape the supposed safe house.
Tucking the radio into a strap on the backpack she pushed her way through the hallway looking to the second guard perched on the balcony shooting down towards the truck.
"We need to go!" She yelled at him.
He shook his head, ducking down below the cement banister. "You need to get back there! We are staying here and holding our ground!"
She cursed, turning and making her way back to the room. Eyeing the pooling blood of the corpse onto the floor, she hesitantly walked up to the corpse and wiggled the rifle from his grip.
Making some kind of combo of a choking gag sound, the feeling of the warm, sticky blood soaked into his clothes and all over his hands.
She could read his nametag now, the red stained letters ‘SMITH’ slightly askew on it’s velcro patch.
She couldn’t think of this now- not with the sound of active gunfire getting closer and closer. She reached down, the sticky blood smearing against her skin as she pulled the rifle from the dead mans grip.
Then his ammo, and sidearm.
She let out a huff of the added weight to her- whispering curses to the fact that this wasn't near half of the shit she would watch Soap tote around when he's running about in a God Damn field.
Holding the rifle she situated herself up against the wall in the hallway, glancing back and forth between that and the window. Staring at the second guard still returning fire until she heard that horrible 'click click click' sound of his rifle running out of ammo. She stepped forward and called his name, but when he turned to look at her a man charged up the staircase. The guard stood and tried to fight him off but he was quickly shot down.
His blood splatted back against the wall behind him, wedged up into the corner he was trying to take cover behind. Hid body slumped back, eyes wide open as blood pooled out of his mouth and he gurgled something- final breath leaving his lungs and the terror of the situation seeped into her bones.
She was going to die.
They were either going to kill her, or kidnap and torture her.
"Fuck!" She yelled, frantically looking around the room and at the man. She watched as he lifted the rifle toward her and she darted to the side of the wall, watching as bullet holes appeared where her shadow once was on the wall behind her.
Here eyes closed and her entire body shook, trying to collect herself as quickly as possible. She had too- the rifle unfamilar in her hands. Too big- too heavy. She didn’t know how to hold it, hope to God it was ready to shoot.
She just needed to point, and shoot.
Aim, and fire.
She could do this.
She had to do this.
The man walking down the hallway called out in an unfamiliar language. Her arms shook as her finger rubbed against the trigger of the rifle. Suddenly stepping out to make the first move against the attacker- she wouldn't all him to have the advantage. Not like this.
Pulling the trigger the machine responded, sending a jolt against her shoulder. She ignored the pain as it wrenched against her collarbone- that she knew was her own fault. Holding the rifle wrong against her in any way possible was better than having a hole in her.
Blood splattered against the wall. The now corpse slumped against the wall.
She never realized how much blood was in the human body.
She couldn't exactly describe how she felt when she pulled the trigger. It was an action almost isolated- she didn't feel the connection of taking a life. It was just there- and now gone.
She wanted to see- needed to see if the second soldier was dead. He was still breathing- gurgling- when he went down. He very well could be dead and she wouldn’t be able to live with herself if she left him to die.
She couldn’t.
She heard more voices from downstairs, making their way through the house and working upwards. She stared for a moment, peeking her eyes out from her cover to stare at the bloodied corpse that was the second soilder-
She should check his pulse.
She heard the foreign voices beneath her.
She couldn’t.
She’d never forgive herself.
In her mind he was saveable, and alive.
But passing that threshold to grab him was a deathwish.
She inched forward, hearing a voice beneath her climbing up the stairs. When she reached the second soldier, arm stretched out into the dirty floor with a pool of blood beneath him- fingers reaching for her.
She grabbed onto his hand and tugged as hard as she could, his body rolling over and his dull, milky eyes meeting her own.
He was dead.
A bullet exploded near her head in the wall, and her knee jerk reaction caused her to drop the rifle and watch as it clattered to the ground. The man was storming up the stairs now, shouldering his rifle and pulling a knife from his thigh to run at her.
Her body worked faster than her mind, pulling the handgun from her belt and pointing, directly to the mans chest and pulling the trigger three times- sending the now corpse flying backwards down the stairs and rolling violently against the wooden stairs before splattering against the back wall.
She turned quickly, trying to ignore the numb feeling tickling through her fingers, picking up the rifle and running through the hallway back into the room she’d been using as her office. She tried to pry her fingers against the window sil, but they wouldn't budge. Cursing she raised the handgun and up threw it through the window. Cracking a large hole into the glass, using the butt of the rifle and smashing out the window. The glass shattered in clunky, thick shards onto the floor and out onto the ground outside. Lifting herself up through the windowsill and pushing herself out- catching her shoulder against a shard of glass in the process shredding her skin.
Maybe she had underestimated the height of the building-
or her ability to land.
She landed sideways it felt, onto a metal siding roof slanted downwards. And almost in true ragdoll fashion it rolled down and off the roof onto the hard dirt.
Making a gasp for air, she was gagging for any oxygen to reach her lungs- the fall knocking the wind out of her chest. Situating her hands down and in front of herself to push herself up, the dust from the dirt beneath her clinging to her skin and sending up plumes of dust into the dark air. 
She felt stunned, like none of the oxygen she was rapidly heaving into her chest was real. That she was suffocating while actively sucking the air into her lungs. Heartbeat pounding in her ears and adrenaline making everything tunnel in, the pain fizzling into a dull throb.
Getting her feet back under her was harder than expected, leaning up against the wall and getting herself up was a fight, but she won it to a degree. Living was winning in her book, and thats all that mattered. Looking right to left she made her way out left, she just needed to get away from the building, get to a new location- radio the team, and she would be safe.
Flanking in from the left was the truck, tires screaming against the dirt with guns pointed toward her. Scurrying backward she lifted the rifle again and pulled the trigger pointing the rifle at the windows of the truck. A bullet whizzed past her and grazed her leg, a searing hot paint from the open wound it left made her let out an involuntary scream. The passenger side of the windshield had been shot out, and she shot again, again and again until the magazine was empty. The truck came to a rolling top, breaking hard when the driver threw the door open, holding a large blade in his hand.
She pulled the trigger of the rifle again, just to hear the clicking sound of an empty magazine. Yelling and frustrated and throwing the empty rifle at the man quickly approaching- seemingly throwing him off she charged back at him. A surge of adrenaline and the primal fight or flight take over.
it was time to fight.
He quickly overpowered her, sending them both to the ground, rolling around in the dirt. Both of her hands gripped his wrist holding the knife, and his free hand kept moving to the ground to try and push himself up further to slit her throat. She rolled out from under him, letting go of his wrist and causing him to fall forward. She tackled him again, wrestling the knife out of his grip after punching him in the face once and twice again. The knife tumbled to the side- and she snatched it. Holding the handle with both hands she slammed her hands down trying to stab the man through his neck- slit his throat- anything.
He fought back- grabbing her arms and rolling them over once again. Punching her in the face until she heard the crack of her nose and blood began to pour into the back of her throat. Him on top trying to twist the knife downward toward her face. He was yelling and succeeding in his actions. His free hand gripped the whole of her face, trying to dig his fingers into anything he could. Letting out a scream of pain as she felt his nails dig into her flesh. She opened her mouth a bit down on the man's ring finger as hard as she could. The taste of blood filled her mouth, the sound of tearing. He screamed obscenities and she pushed forward, turning the knife and jamming it in his throat.
A gurgling noise replaced his scream, and his weight suddenly all bore down onto her. Blood began to gush out of his mouth onto her face, neck, and upper body. Gagging, she tried to roll him off of her, pulling the knife out resulting in a high pressured splat of blood covering her face and body. Pushing the corpse off of her, she crawled on top of it and lifted the knife again, plunging it down onto his chest.
"Fuck You!" Jitters screamed.
There was blood everywhere. On her face, on her body- seeping into her shirt, on her hands.
Standing up, she could feel the adrenaline still pumping through her veins. She needed to get out of here-
She looked back and forth for the radio she had strapped onto her- somewhere scattered into the grass and dirt. But without a flashlight, she couldn't see anything around her, let alone a little black radio.
Everything felt numb. She couldn't feel the cuts from the glass, the blooming bruises on her side and arms, or the warm blood seeping down her leg and dripping onto her boots.
Was it shock?
Could it of been anything else?
She didn't really know.
Everything around her was buzzing, eyes focused on a moth dancing in the night through the grass and reaching for the light that the headlights cast through the darkness.
What she did know, is that she sat down in the field and stared at the headlights of the truck until she could feel someone shaking her shoulder.
Her eyes glanced up to see the skull mask of Ghost. She didn't respond to his presence, just kept her eyes fixated on the light cast from the headlights. Soon enough, Ghost had crouched down right next to her, staring into the same void she had been looking at for some time.
"Can you hear me?" He asks, his voice lighter than his usual interactions.
"Yea." Jitters responded.
"Are you hurt?" He asks. The question was more of a test, she was obviously hurt but gauging the severity of the shock was the goal- was she aware of her own injuries?
It took her a second, almost to think about it. "No." She responded. She wasn’t hurt- she didn’t hurt. It didn’t make sense to even ask that question- at least not to her.
After their last contact was made, and the unplanned radio silence from the safehouse, both Ghost and Soap decided to come back- either to confirm suspicions of an ambush or to find some explanation for the loss of contact. What they didn't expect to see, however, was Jitters sitting in a field next to a corpse, covered in a surprising amount of blood staring off into the void.
“Johnny.” Ghosts voice had layers to it that Soap wasn’t going to dissect at that moment. But he knew, both of them ditching their vehicle and running in a dead sprint twoard the eerily quiet house that something went wrong. Very wrong.
They spoke without speaking, practiced movements as Ghost broke off the round aroun the back. Soap pushed through the front entrance, clearing the entrance, rounding the corner to find the corpse of a extremist. Climbing the stairs to see the mess of blood and gore littering the hallway, the soilders, the second extremist. The broken window. 
Soap’s blood ran cold as he peeked through the window and looked down into the field below him. Blood smearing against the tin roof that Jitters had rolled off of, and her, sitting with Ghost kneeling in front of her holding onto her shoulders.
And one more corpse.
Bloddier than the rest, if that was possible.
He knew it was possible. Firsthand experience- he just hadn’t expected it.
Morbid as it was he had been fully prepared to find her corpse, and the words made sense. Ghost sending him in rather than himself.
He didn’t want to find her corpse.
He huffed, not that he wanted to find hers either, but he understood.
They’d gotten close.
In a different way than Soap and he, he knew that. But as he pushed through the back door to hear the tail end of Jitters arguing that she wasn’t hurt, he recognized the signs of shock.
When Soap stepped out from the side of the building, Ghost and Jitters fell into his line of sight. Ghost crouched down next to Jitters sitting in the grass.
"I have a hard time believing that." Ghost spoke. "You're in shock."
Soap came up from behind the two, looking down to be met with a blood-splattered fast, crooked nose and dark red blood dripping from her nostrils into her lap. "Fuck." He said quietly, shooting Ghost a side glance. Ghost glanced back up and him and shook his head, turning his glance back to her. "Let's get you out of here alright?"
All she does is a nod in response.
Behind her, she could hear Soap radioing something in- most likely a chopper for an evac. She looked at Ghost, then down at her hands. "My nose hurts." She comments. By that time Ghost had pulled her leg out to press some gauze against the wound.
"Yea, the adrenaline is wearing off." He says.
"Bird is twenty out." Soap walks up and says to the pair.
"Leg's bad Soap." Ghost states, Soap kneeling down to try and asses some of the damage.
"You've got a bloody pane of glass in your arm." Soap bites out, inspecting her shoulder.
"Fell through the window, landed on the roof. It's just a scratch." She responds. The buzzing around her head began to wear off, replacing with a thick string of pain wrapping itself around her body. Her eyelids became heavy, and the familiar buzz began to return if she kept her eyes shut.
"God damn it." Soap comments, "Hey, look at me. Keep your eyes open."
"She's crashing." Ghost comments calmly. "Thigh isn't bad enough to bleed out, and neither is the arm. Pack up and let's meet evac. Medics'll be on the bird."
Soap looked out to the corpse in the grass, knife jutting out of it, throat roughly slit open and blood pouring out around it. Glancing back to Jitters and Ghost picking her up placing her over his shoulder and walking up to him, taking a glance at the corpse.
"Brutal." Ghost comments.
"Coming from you?" Soap quirks a brow.
"It's brutal when you aren't combat trained, have some Empathy Johnny." Ghost muses, turning his back to him and starting out to the evac point.
"Empathy- what? Fuckin' Hell." He starts marching after him. "We both know that I'm the more sensible chap out of the two of us."
"I doubt that."
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chandupalle · 7 months
Anti-Drone Companies – RTX (US) and Lockheed Martin Corporation (US) are the Key Players
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mariacallous · 2 days
NATO concluded a major anti-drone exercise this week, with Ukraine taking part for the first time as the Western alliance seeks to learn urgently from the rapid development and widespread use of unmanned systems in the war there.
The drills at a Dutch military base, involving more than 20 countries and some 50 companies, tested cutting-edge systems to detect and counter drones and assessed how they work together. The 11-day exercise ended with a demonstration of jamming and hacking drones in a week when their critical role in the Ukraine war was demonstrated once again. On Wednesday, a large Ukrainian drone attack triggered an earthquake-sized blast at a major Russian arsenal. The following day, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Moscow was ramping up drone production tenfold to nearly 1.4 million this year. The proliferation of drones in the war – to destroy targets and survey the battlefield – has prompted NATO to increase its focus on the threat they could pose to the alliance. "NATO takes this threat very, very seriously," said Matt Roper, chief of the Joint Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Centre at the alliance's technology agency. "This is not a domain we can afford to sit back and be passive on," he said at the exercise site, Lieutenant General Best Barracks in the east of The Netherlands. Experts have warned NATO that it needs to catch up quickly on drone warfare. "NATO has too few drones for a high-intensity fight against a peer adversary," a report from the Center for European Policy Analysis think tank declared last September. "It would be severely challenged to effectively integrate those it has in a contested environment."
The drills that wrapped up on Thursday – complete with ice cream for onlookers provided by a radar company – were the fourth annual iteration of the exercise. Claudio Palestini, the co-chair of a NATO working group on unmanned systems, said the exercise had adapted to trends such as the transformation of FPV (first-person view) drones - originally designed for civilian racers – into deadly weapons. "Every year, we see an evolution of the threat with the introduction of new technology," he said. "But also we see a lot of capabilities (to counter drones) that are becoming more mature." In a demonstration on Thursday, two small FPV drones whizzed and whined at high speed through the blue sky to dart around a military all-terrain vehicle before their signal was jammed. Such electronic warfare is widespread in Ukraine. But it is less effective against long-range reconnaissance drones, a technology developer at Ukraine's defense ministry said. The official, giving only his first name of Yaroslav for security reasons, said his team had developed kamikaze drones to destroy such craft – a much cheaper option than firing missiles, which Ukraine had previously done. "You need to run fast," he said of the race to counter the impact of drones. "Technology which you develop is there for three months, maybe six months. After, it's obsolete."
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nqdefenseusa · 2 months
A Complete Guide to Selecting the Right Drone Radar Detector
The use of UAVs across diverse industries is on the rise. No doubt, they prove to be beneficial for various purposes. However, their small size, easy accessibility, and ability to fly at high speeds can also make them a tool for illegal activities. Malicious individuals leverage drone technology to deliver contraband in restricted facilities, cause chaos at public events, carry out illegal surveillance of critical infrastructures, and drop explosive payloads. As a result, the security, safety, and privacy are often compromised. To limit such incidents, leveraging the anti-drone solutions is the need of the hour.
When it comes to anti-drone technology, it mainly compromises a drone detector and a drone jammer. While the detector identifies the illegal drones in the restricted airspace, the jammer helps jam drones and limits communication between the malicious UAVs and their pilots.
In this blog, you will explore how to select the best drone radar detector. Let’s dive in!
What is a Drone Radar Detector?
A drone radar detector is a counter-drone device designed to detect and track malicious UAVs in restricted airspace. The system works by emitting radio frequency signals. When an object is present in the way of the signal, the reflections are captured by the radar antenna and used for identification. The reflected signals are compared to a database for accurate object characterization. As a result, detecting nefarious drones and countering them at the right time becomes easy.
Features to Consider When Choosing the Right Drone Radar Detector
Are you ready to partner with an anti-drone company and invest in a drone detector radar? Then it is crucial to understand the essential features to look for. Read on to explore everything in detail!
Azimuth Angle Coverage
The azimuth angle refers to the horizontal coverage angle of the detection radar. The ideal coverage range is between 0°and 360°. However, for large-angle coverage, opting for multiple radars is an ideal decision.
Pitch Angle Coverage
When evaluating the drone radar detectors, it is easy to overlook this feature. However, radars with narrow pitch angles can result in huge blind zones. Therefore, it is necessary to look for detectors with pitch range varying between 0° to 40°.
Ground Clutter Waves
The clutter waves can affect the effectiveness and accuracy of radar detection. They can give rise to false alarms and create unnecessary chaos. To prevent such a situation, it is vital to invest in drone radar detectors that come with advanced technologies to efficiently filter out the ground clutter waves. With these radars, you can expect precise detection and counter illegal drones in the best possible way.
Fixed/ Mobile Panels
The radars that come with fewer moving parts are usually considered to be ideal. Besides ensuring better performance, these radars can minimize the possibility of wear and damage.
The demand for drone radar detectors will continue to increase in the coming years. Are you looking for the best navy anti-drone system or a reliable anti-drone for law enforcement? NovoQuad Group can be the one-stop destination for all your needs.
Source: https://nqdefenseus.blogspot.com/2024/07/a-complete-guide-to-selecting-right.html
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anti-dazai-blog · 3 months
37- Don’t get arrested, get a therapist (and other complaints)
Welcome back to the Anti-Dazai Series!! Fun fact, this is actually one of the last chapters in bsd that has any significant anti-dazai content. After this we get a string of one-off chapters, then a bit of Dazai in the cannibalism arc, and then he gets arrested. I’m running out of material to work with. 
While most of this chapter is showing how the members of the three organizations are reacting to the aftermath of the three-company conflict, Dazai does jump in towards the end to make two confessions—or rather, to boast about two things he’s really proud of doing.
As we have seen previously, Kyoka was arrested and placed on a government drone. Up until now we’ve placed the blame on Kyoka for getting caught and attacking the officer. However, we now get a very vital flashback scene. During Dazai’s interrogation of Kouyou, he tells her his plans for Kyoka—“first we’ll have her arrested…”
Naturally Kouyou objects to this. But Dazai explains that this is the only way for Kyoka to have her entrance exam, and the agency is the only place where she will be safe. Dazai say this needs to happen. There’s no other way. Naturally, he doesn’t explain what the exam will cover [crashing a drone that you’re chained to into another airship], but it’s ok. Surely Kouyou doesn’t need to know that and would be perfectly fine with gambling with Kyoka’s life like this. 
But now to go back to Kyoka. At the time when she was arrested, she was already guaranteed a spot in the agency. In fact, she was already working for them—we see her trying to do her first assigned job a few chapters before. And during that chapter, she stood up to Kouyou to protect Atsushi—should that not have been sufficient to count as passing the entrance exam? She risked her life to protect someone else. 
As far as we see from the entrance exam, you need to risk your life to protect others. There’s a wild difference between Atsushi’s and Kyoka’s though—Atsushi was never in any real danger. They used a fake bomb and the bomber was a member of the agency playing pretend. Kyoka, however, was in a real government drone—chained to the floor, unable to escape, and having no control of her ability—and was expected to crash it into another airship. Kill yourself to prove yourself. An absolutely insane thing to be portrayed in a positive light by an agency full of the most mentally unstable people, trying to test a depressed, traumatized suicidal girl’s survival instincts. And the only way to pass the test is to have none.
Given how Dazai was explaining Kyoka’s arrest and future recruitment to Kouyou, it seems that he was the one primarily responsible for devising her exam. An exam like Atsushi’s would have been just as effective in allowing her to join the agency, yet his plans for her are exponentially harsher than what he came up with for the local man-eating weretiger.
Why the double standard? The most reasonable guess I’ve got is that Kyoka’s mafia background means that she could “handle more,” or needs a more intense test to be properly tested. In Dazai’s opinion, at least. 
Kyoka has been through enough though. It should be the other way around—we go easier on her because she’s already so traumatized. She already tried to die on the train when we first met her. All We’ve ever seen her do is try to die. Her suicide attempts always get a lot closer to succeeding than Dazai’s. The plan should have been to get Kyoka a therapist, not get her arrested. 
But she’s joining Dazai’s organization, so what can you expect?
But now let’s talk about Akutagawa. I’ve already gone over how Dazai manipulates him on the Moby Dick, but let’s talk about how he got there in the first place.
At the end of the chapter, Dazai and Hirotsu meet up to discuss how everything played out. Hirotsu goes over what Dazai instructed him to do—to leak the information about the Moby Dick to Higuchi, who will inevitably tell Akutagawa. 
Although this seems minor, it’s a key component to the manipulation. Rather than Akutagawa finding the information on his own, or sending an anonymous letter to him explaining some details of what will happen, he needs Akuatgawa to consider the idea to infiltrate the Moby Dick to be something that he thought of himself, spur of the moment. 
Surely Dazai didn’t cause him to—Dazai doesn’t even want him there! Dazai doesn’t even know that he knows what the agency is planning! No—instead, Higuchi overheard it from Hirotsu, and as his subordinate she’s being very sneaky and passing that information along to him. Now he can go to the mission Dazai’s subordinate will be going on, and finally prove himself to Dazai! Dazai will probably be so impressed that Akutagawa managed to find out classified agency information that he might even praise him a bit.
Akutagawa had no chance of finding out that Dazai was the cause of the information getting to him because he heard it from someone who heard it from someone. He can’t just ask Hirotsu how he knows this because he’s not supposed to know about it in the first place—Higuchi told it to him confidentially.
Dazai planned it out meticulously to make sure Akutagawa wouldn’t realize Dazai himself brought him onto that airship in the first place. Akutagawa will think that he’s acting on his own free will—or possibly even against Dazai’s will—but it was in accordance to what Dazai planned out for him all along.
Please forget about what I said about the double entry this week, I’ve ran out of notes that I took on the manga chapters, so now that I’ve caught up to the notes I took in advance it’ll take more time for me to read ahead and take notes on the next 5-10 chapters. Back to the original once a week schedule—so next series update will be next week Tuesday!
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seat-safety-switch · 2 years
Drones! While you were sleeping, these remote-controlled novelties have turned into industrial-grade weapons of war. Flying far overhead, well out of range of reprisal or even detection, these model airplanes rain hellfire upon man and beast alike. Only one thing can stop them: poor build quality.
If you pay a lot of attention to the news, stop it. Stop it right now. If you periodically gaze with disdain towards a television in a bar while you’re arguing in the parking lot with your friends out front about whether it’s safe to open the radiator cap yet, you probably saw that some advertising-industry greedheads are up to some shit again. They want to make a bunch of drones with pretty lights hot-glued to them do some advertising. The idea? They’ll hover overhead and tell you about chocolate, or the infinite beauty of life, or a new Kia or something. Terrible in so many ways: chief among them, a terrible waste of parts.
Those folks who think the same as I do are salivating. They see it too. This haze of high-zoot technology, hovering overhead. If a couple of them were to drop out of formation, directly into your bag, it wouldn’t be blamed on sabotage. No, the advertising assholes would just blame it on “computers” or “Microsoft Outlook” or even the abstract concept of an uncaring and absent God. That’s why I decided to make my own anti-drone weapon.
It turns out that “anti-drone weapon” and “malfunctioning crystal radio” are basically the same thing, so all I had to do was fish through the couple of boxes left over from junior high school electronics class. Naturally, I had to beef it up with a couple of Coke-can sized capacitors, and a string of delaminating, fire-hazard-prone LED twinkle lights from a Christmas tree. The idea here is that you point this ridiculous contraption at a drone you wish to capture, and then nobody has good wifi reception for a period of time ranging from 13 milliseconds to forever. In the meantime, though, the plastic toy filled with whirling blades will fall helplessly out of the sky and into your waiting arms. Along with probably two or three dozen others around it. I haven’t really done the calibration yet, and to be honest testing is very boring.
Sure, there’s always the risk of collateral damage. Some folks could get hit by the falling Cuisinarts, and maybe even hurt quite badly. The ad scums wouldn’t be sending these drones to advertise in places that people aren’t currently occupying. That’s why the insurance companies exist, which means we’re only going to get one shot at this before they shut the whole thing down. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be spraypainting this whole contraption flat black, so the cops just think it’s a regular gun for shooting people with.
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>> Fr: COMGEN Hazen
>> To: First Lord/ilKhan Alaric Ward
>> Sent: 1230 hrs TST, 09/10/3153; Oct 9, 3153)
>> Subject: SLDF After Action Report (09/10/3153 - Oct 9, 3153) for Battle of Coen City
>> Outcome: SLDF Victory
>> Overall Losses/Casualties (Avg): Minimal to Mild (1.73 avg on SLDF Combatant Loss Groupings scale)
>> Defending Forces:
- SLDF Royal Black Watch Regiment (Losses/Casualties: Minimal)
- Jaguar's Shadows Independent Drop Cluster (Losses/Casualties: Minimal)
- Clawtake Trinary (Losses/Casualties: Minimal)
- Clan Blood Spirit touman (Losses/Casualties: Mild [effective Mission Kill due to low personnel numbers])
- Barghest Company (Losses/Casualties: Mild update post-Op. HOSPITALLER: Minimal)
- Fursona's Fusiliers (Losses/Casualties: Mild)
- Task Force Hawk (Losses/Casualties: Minimal)
- Combined Arms Merc Group (Losses/Casualties: Extreme)
- Silver Wing Mercenary Company (Losses/Casualties: Mild)
- Harwood PMC (Losses/Casualties: Moderate)
- 1st Columbian Irregulars (Losses/Casualties: Mild)
- Coldharbour Claymore PMC (Losses/Casualties: Minimal)
- Clan Sea Fox (Losses/Casualties: Minimal)
- 1st Canopian Cuirassiers (Losses/Casualties: Mild)
>> Attacking Forces:
- WoB Superheavy Drone 'Mechs (Losses/Casualties: Total; see separate transmission for engagement details)
- WoB Shadow Divisions (unknown designation; Losses/Casualties: Mission Kill [Note: significant personnel and materiel loss to capture; notables: one (1) modified Omega superheavy BattleMech, captured by CO, Jaguar's Shadow IDC)
- WoB Protectorate Militia (unknown designation; Losses/Casualties: Mission Kill)
- WoB irregular (political) militia (unknown designation; Losses/Casualties: Extreme; addendum: small units still believed to be operating within Coen AO, in disguise - be vigiliant)
[COMGEN note: due to documented evidence of operating outside official WoB endorsement, in addition to lack of Ares Convention compliance [crimes against civilian population during wartime; crimes against humanity] these units are hereby declared dezgra/illegal combatants. Ares Convention protections reduced to bare minimum per Art IV, Subsection 3, Paragraph Six. Regardless, restrain yourselves. There will be NO warcrimes from our side. - Hazen]
>> Notable Citations:
- Point Commander Eirik, CGB, is recommended for:
1) SLDF Bronze Star - by Star Colonel Jehan MacKenzie
- Lieutenant Rudolf Broklaw, CAMG is recommended for:
1) SLDF Silver Star, via CMDR Cia Trayer (recommendation upgraded to Star League Medal of Valor, via COMGEN Melissa Hazen)
- The CA-01 Anti-Mech Elites, CAMG, are recommended for:
1) SLDF Distinguished Unit Citation - via COMGEN Melissa Hazen
- CMDR Robert Harwood, Harwood PMC, is recommended for:
1) SLDF Distinguished Aerospace Cross (with "Valor" device) - via Galaxy Commander Corax McKenna
- Harwood Private Military Company is recommended for:
1) SLDF Distinguished Unit Citation, via COMGEN Melissa Hazen
- Star Colonel Katrina Moon, CSJ, is recommended for:
1) SLDF Silver Star with "Valor" device, via COMGEN Melissa Hazen
- Jaguar's Shadow Independent Drop Cluster, CSJ, is recommended for:
1) SLDF Distinguished Unit Citation, by COMGEN Melissa Hazen
- Star Colonel Jehan MacKenzie, CGB, is recommended for:
1) SLDF Silver Star with "Valor" device, via Star Captain Astrid Tseng
- Clawtake Trinary, CGB, is recommended for:
1) SLDF Distinguished Unit Citation - via COMGEN Melissa Hazen
- Task Force Hawk, SLDF, is recommended for:
1) SLDF Distinguished Unit Citation - via COMGEN Melissa Hazen
- Fursona's Fusiliers are recommended for:
1) SLDF Distinguished Unit Citation, via COMGEN Melissa Hazen
- 1st Columbian Irregulars are recommended for:
1) SLDF Distinguished Unit Citation, via COMGEN Melissa Hazen
- Silver Wing Mercenary Company are recommended for:
1) SLDF Distinguished Unit Citation, via COMGEN Melissa Hazen
- Coldharbour Claymore PMC is recommended for:
1) SLDF Distinguished Unit Citation - via COMGEN Melissa Hazen
- 1st Canopian Cuirassiers are recommended for:
1) SLDF Distinguished Unit Citation, via COMGEN Melissa Hazen
- WO Karrie DeLacey, SLDF Royal Black Watch, is recommended for:
1) SLDF Bronze Star, via COMGEN Melissa Hazen
- MSG Sigrid Guntran, SLDF Royal Black Watch, is recommended for:
1) SLDF Bronze Star, via COMGEN Melissa Hazen
- LT Elenor Von Strauss, Barghest Company, is recommended for:
1) SLDF Medal of Honor - via CMDR Owen McEvedy; Posthumous
2) Order of the Sword - via COMGEN Hazen
3) Remembrance line(s)/Insignia- via COMGEN Hazen
4) Blooding Award (Honorary) - via Khan Hannah Lewis
- Barghest Company is recommended for:
1) SLDF Distinguished Unit Citation - via COMGEN Melissa Hazen
- Agent Hustler One, SLSOC, is recommended for:
1) SLDF Bronze Star - via Galaxy Commander Corax McKenna
- SaKhan Amber Ryder, CBS, is recommended for:
1) Bloodname (established as Bloodname Founder of the Ryder Bloodname by Khan authority - to be confirmed) - via Khan Hannah Lewis
2) Blooding Award - via Khan Hannah Lewis
3) Remembrance Insignia/line(s) - via Khan Hannah Lewis
- Star Captain Xerxes Truscott, CSA, is recommended for:
1) Blooding Award - via Khan Hannah Lewis
2) Remembrance Insignia/line(s) - via Khan Hannah Lewis
- Point Commander Evelyn, CGB, is recommended for:
1) Blooding Award - via Khan Hannah Lewis
2) Remembrance Insignia/line(s) - via Khan Hannah Lewis
3) Bloodname (Ryder) - via Khan Hannah Lewis
>> Notes: At this time, Coen City is 90% secure. WoB irregular political militia units continue to operate under disguise within the city. To this end, I am tasking the remnants of CAMG with securing the city in detail. This will leave them indisposed for further offensive action, but the losses sustained are too great for them to be fully combat effective in open combat. Once the local dropport is secured, fresh personnel and supplies can be made available to them.
TOUCHDOWN's 3rd wave, led by the 2nd Canopian Fusiliers, will be arriving within three days. That should prove to be... Interesting. Given the history of that particular unit.
Once the 3rd wave is on the ground, and the local forts and airbase that been taken, I will rotate the 1st and 2nd wave out of combat for at least several days, to allow rest, repair, and recuperation.
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