#Anti-JK Rowling
tinyowlthoughts · 4 months
"I want to be remembered as the Anti-JK-Rowling."
"JK Rowling the billionaire author (which, by the way, billionaires should not exist) who instead of using her wealth and reach to better our world has decided to spend her days on Twitter attacking trans people for having the audacity to exist. Imagine, you are one of the BIGGEST authors the world has ever known, writing books for standing up for what's right, only to turn into the villain you warned about.
"What a slap in the face that is. What an absolute betrayal. People like that - people who think that they are somehow better than others, more human, deserve to be shunned from society, no ifs, ands, or buts, and nothing less than just that. At the end of the day, Rowling has no idea who I am, and that's okay. I'm going to keep on doing what I'm doing, writing for my community who deserves to see themselves in books.
"Our stories matter. Important stories that show all the different facets of our lives. Stories where we get to be the heroes. Stories where we get to be the villains. Stories where our truths are put down on page. Trans and nonbinary authors like Ryka Aoki, Anna Marie Macklemore, Andrew Joseph White. Those authors are telling trans stories in a way that no one has ever done before, putting trans characters front and center where they belong in stories that defy imagination."
TJ Klune Library Journal Day of Dialog 5/9/2024
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shinyruby · 3 months
Also, let’s not act like JKR didn’t know what she was doing when she said that books on trans healthcare weren’t burned in the Holocaust.
She said this on Twitter, and multiple people were telling her she was wrong… and sending her links from THE HOLOCAUST MUSEUM and the Smithsonian… and she called them liars.
Idk about you, but if I was caught spreading misinformation about the Holocaust and was sent reliable sources on the Holocaust proving me wrong… my first instinct wouldn’t be to call these sources liars.
But I have a feeling that miss Joanne cares about not being a Holocaust denier. She cares more about being CALLED one… oh, and being anti-trans.
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scarymovies · 3 months
JK Rowling: What is a wo-
David Tennant:
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We need a new and better witch and wizard franchise. Harry Potter has taken up so much space in the fantasy genre that people cannot seem to fathom any sort of fictional witchcraft that doesn't align with what JK Rowling created.
Sorry, not sorry, but it's old and tired.
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headcanonsandmore · 3 months
I've seen a lot of notifications come through of people liking and reblogging my posts from The Old Fandom (and even a few new followers due to this) and I just need to say...
I haven't participated with that fandom in two years. I don't reblog stuff about it. I don't write stuff about it. I make Doctor Who and Discworld stuff these days; if you're here for stuff about the little wizard boy books, you are following the wrong blog.
Trans rights are human rights.
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hopeymchope · 1 year
Harry Potter-like series reveals a sexfluid character among its protagonists
Do YOU: A) Support trans/LGBTQ rights, BUT ALSO B) Want to be 100% free of any guilt while you enjoy/embrace a story that contains all of the following:
Up-and-coming young wizards/witches attend a magical academy together
Said academy is a castle in England
The students attend the academy for seven years
Classes include magical combat, potions, magical creatures, herbology, and broom-flying
While the students attend those classes, they simultaneously have adventures in and around the school's grounds, encountering dangerous beasts and dark wizards?
If that sounds like something YOU want, I legit recommend you try out Reign of the Seven Spellblades — a light-novel series which became a manga which has now become an anime!
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I first came into this series via the current anime. And as the headline up above states, said anime recently revealed one of heroes in the focal circle of friends has literal sexfluidity. (Like, they're not merely genderfluid. They actually switch their physical sex. ["If only it were that easy," amirite?])
Episode 7 (i.e., the one right after that big twist/reveal I wrote about previously) begins with one of our protagonists, Pete Reston, waking up from a strange dream to reveal that the character-formerly-known-as-"he" is hiding breasts under their shirt. Upon my first viewing, I naturally thought we were learning that Pete was secretly transmasc this whole time, which would've been a cool enough touch. But I've already spoiled that that's NOT where this story goes, so...
Ultimately, Oliver (Pete's roommate and the series' co-lead) notices that Pete's... shaped differently, and Pete is forced to admit that they don't even know what's happening to them. Lucky for Pete, then, that Oliver has read up a LOT on the magical world. He's always there to drop a knowledge bomb. Like this one.
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Not only does Pete then get the full support of his friends (who finally learn all about this in episode 9 and are happy for him/have no problem with it), his class president also steps in to share with him a secret meeting place for people just like himself.
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So yeah; it's been a pretty cool little touch. Plus it feels like they're gently flipping the bird at the creator of Rot7S' obvious inspiration.
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thisismisogynoir · 2 years
Words cannot describe how disappointed I am in American Girl for partnering with Joanne Karen Rowling.
This company was my life force growing up. Dealing with tough things such as puberty and growing up as a girl in a patriarchal world with hardly any representation in the media, American Girl taught me that my voice matters. That women do have stories worth telling and they did contribute to history. American Girl taught me not to be ashamed of being a girl, that I can influence society in a meaningful manner, and many other life lessons as a child like that puberty isn't something to be ashamed of, that friendship with other girls is important, to never rush into things with a boy, how to handle my period, etc., and my sister and I used to play with our dolls and go on the website/apps all the time. We even went to the American Girl Place for our birthdays and Christmas and had a blast every time! And Cecile was my favorite character for being a Black girl who broke the boundaries of her society at the time.
And all of it is thrown out the window by them being a full-blown bloody terf. Fucking disgusting and disappointing, but sadly not surprising. Companies don't give a damn, they never did, they never will.
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rootbeergoddess · 2 years
So if you aren’t in the VTuber scene, a popular Vtuber graduated and people are blaming trans people. The reason for it is because Pikamee, the Vtuber, decided to play Hogwarts Legacy.
You know, the game that gives money to a TERF.
Now I’m not saying that Pikamee deserved to be harassed but from what I’ve seen, people are now using this as a means to be hateful and transphobic as fuck.
Then, I saw this.
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Okay, first things first: if a woman is problematic and dangerous, its not sexism to dislike said woman.
Secondly, while Scott was outed as a Trump supporter, he never once declared that he hated trans people and wanted them dead. Yeah, he supported the worst candidate but he’s never gone on a rants about his hatred of trans women.
Third, JK Rowling has said she’ll continue to push anti-trans laws and rhetroic wiht the money she’s making. She still makes money from anything Harry Potter related. I’d also like to say that just because there is a trans character in the game doesn’t really mean anything. It feels they did this solely to make money.
I’m not saying Scott is a perfect creator but this isn’t even remotely similar. 
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TERF Rowling getting pissy cuz PJO did so well as a series and because the person everyone thinks of when they think of Harry Potter is so vocally and fiscally pro-trans that she needs to recast him.
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lazywolfwiccan · 2 years
I'm done, I have uninstalled Lego Harry Potter and cancelled my Hogwarts Legacy pre order, I'm over it, I'm done. Consider this my leave from Ravenclaw and all things Harry Potter,
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thedepressedweasel · 2 years
Helena Bonham Carter is a TERF too, just like J.K. Rowling and the late Robert Coltrane combined. Therefore, she’s cancelled now!
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ayeforscotland · 6 months
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*Stares directly into the camera*
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I haven't purchased a HP item in close to a decade - I use the books I already had as doorstops or to prop a laptop up for meetings nowadays.
There is NO "death of the author" with JK Rowling - she controls and continues to profit from her IP, and uses that money to fund hate groups.
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I want to make this clear: When I trash the HP fandom, I am not trashing people who enjoyed the series when they were younger and grew up with it only to be disgusted later in life by JK Rowling and her antics. I know a few people who were very attached to the series and were saddened to let it go.
The people I'm trashing are the annoying fanatics, who again, act like JKR somehow changed the game in the fantasy genre when she didn't. She's not the first to write about witches and wizards. She's not the first to put witches and wizards in a school setting. She's not the first to write about dragons. Goblins. Or any other fantasy creature.
I'm talking about the people who take it as a personal attack to criticize the books or JKR herself. The ones who act like pointing out the harm she is actively committing against the trans, Jewish, and other marginalized communities are somehow "ruining their childhoods." For fuck's sake, you are not children anymore. Other fantasy media exists. READ SOMETHING ELSE!
I get that there are people who have fond memories attached to the series. And if that's you, those memories belong to you. I have fond memories of The Pirates of the Caribbean series and Johnny Depp's portrayal of Captain Jack Sparrow. The third movie came out right as I was graduating from high school and I saw it in theaters with a friend. This was the very last time we hung out. So, yeah, I have a sweet memory that is attached to Johnny Depp. However, I'm still not going to put one cent towards any future movies with him in them because he is trash and I don't want to support anything he's in.
It's really not that hard.
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shinyruby · 3 months
Hi! Help is block more terf blogs please! The tag “I stand with j k rowling” is full of bots and Ai generated post (I wish I was joking). You can also find them by searching “Rowling” they are hard to miss
Please pass the word if you have any followers! Not only because they are trying to make the terf community seen bigger but also because is a bot and Ai problem
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hopeymchope · 7 months
Wait, hopeymchope, while there IS a lot wrong with the Harry Potter franchise, it is not "fatphobic". That claim's because Harry's fat cousin Dudley was portrayed as a bad person for hurting him and for demanding 97 presents instead of 96. But Dudley isn't portrayed as bad because he's fat, he's portrayed as bad because he's a spoiled brat and a bully (he even physically attacks Harry in book 5 before the Dementors attack). We have to drop this mentality that "it's bigoted to criticize cruelty."
My problem is that the almost all of the overweight characters in the series are *also* all cruel, selfish, bullies, very stupid, etc. There's a pretty damn tight association between fat and being evil. Most of the characters who are described as overweight (typically in gross, off-putting ways) are also shit human beings: Dudley, Uncle Vernon, Vernon's sister, Peter Pettigrew/Wormtail, Crabbe, and Goyle. All awful people. They're already repulsive as human beings. Why do they all need to be described like they're physically repulsive, too? Why are people like these the only ones who are "obese" and have "sausage-like fingers" and "no neck," etc.?
There are, however, two possible exceptions I can think of to the "being overweight is intrinsically associated with being shitty and stupid." First: Hagrid, who is described as being "twice as tall as a normal man and at least five times as wide." That sure sounds like a person who is fat, but he's never described as "fat" or "obese" or having "rolls of flesh" or "sausage-like fingers" or "no neck" or any of the other unpleasant descriptors that Rowling throws at the previous list of characters. Perhaps half-giants are just built different, and being "five times as wide" as a normal man isn't seen as particularly chubby for his lineage?
The second example: Molly Weasley. She's repeatedly described as "plump," but there doesn't seem to be much judgment behind it. Maybe Rowling sees this woman as being overweight in a lesser way? Granted, Molly doesn't have much character outside of "devoted mom" either, but I also wouldn't particularly expect much more out of one of the leads' parents.
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