#AoT 126
elmundodeflor · 10 months
“What if we lived together?”
The first time they think about it, Levi has made them laugh. Someone had killed Sawney and Bean, and they have been crying all morning. It felt like nobody understood, how important they actually were to get a figment of truth. So many comrades were put through the worst of risks, just to capture them alive, it made them buzz with rage, too.
“Your face looks stupid.”, Levi tells them, instead. And he’s right. Their eyes are puffy, to the point they can barely open them. He would have made a joke, if it wasn’t because he’s only a bit concerned. “Now are you gonna sit around whining like a baby all day or what?”
Hanji cleans their tears off with the sleeves of their jacket. It’s not a nice image; their nose is red, and the fabric ends up stained with a splotch of wetness and snot. Levi has the immediate urge to turn his head the other way, but then hands them his pocket cravat, anyways.
“If you’re not gonna be of help, just go, okay?”, they say, with their tone tired and their voice rough. They’re in their lab, where they’ve locked themselves after hearing the news. The place’s a mess; like a tornado’s turned it on its axis. There are papers ruffled, thrown upon the floor; books taken out of their shelves, piled up on the desk. To Levi, it doesn’t take long to figure out it was them; their wild, seeking for liberation during breakfast time.
“If you want me to help, then move your ass out to the diner.”, he sits down next to them; his back against the wall. Hanji’s knees are flexed, pulled towards their chest, and they’re crying again besides him. “You’re an ugly crier, you know that, right?”, he speaks once more.
They raise a brow at him. There’s a softness that lies within his words that makes them perk their head up, stare deep into his irises. As if he’d wanted to comfort them in that own, unique way of his. It’s not like he’s completely wrong, either, though. They’ve seen it. Petra cries beautifully, like tears are snowflakes melting on their cheeks. But theirs are snowstorms, somewhat similar to acid rain. They’re not careful, or pretty, or delicate. Their heart’s too emotional, and it burns like fire. After all, they have always been too quick to let their impulses show the worst of them.
Levi sighs.
“You’d look less stupid if you smiled.”, he says. And then, he does something that makes Hanji freeze with shock. He inches up closer, like he’s calculating his moves, and places down his fingers at the corners of their mouth. It’s a gesture that’s too intimate, even for a guy that’s stuck-up like him. Still, it gets the job done. “See?”, he adds, when a genuine, whole-hearted laugh bursts out of Hanji. “There you go.”
“What if we lived together?”
The second time, it’s a late autumn night. They have suggested it, though only vaguely. “There’s so much we could do inside…!”, they’d said, on a frantic whim, earlier on that day. It was a gentle vision to latch onto, if they were honest; to play family like that. They would knit mittens for the kids before winter, and Levi’d keep the place warm— brew them his best tea.
“Would you rather…”, they ask him now. They’re lying in bed; his head on their stomach, their hands on his hair. The wooden cabin they’re staying at is small, yet cozy, with enough room for everybody. “Read people’s minds, or… be able to fly…?”
Levi shrugs. The ODM is pretty similar to flying, he guesses. Still, it’s not like he ever enjoyed getting involved in other people’s business, either way.
“Fly.”, he says, short and sweet. And Hanji hums, content. Maybe, because they knew that that would be his answer.
“Hm.”, they tug at black locks; fingers lost amidst his scalp. They’re staring at the ceiling, dressed in his sweatshirt and pajama pants. For a moment, they can pretend that this is all there ever was, if only. They’d tell bed-time stories to the children, about heroes and monsters. But it’d be just fiction, and there’d be no need to make wishes to the stars. “If you could fly somewhere, then, where would you go?”
Levi thinks about it for a second. He’d heard Armin talk, about the content in his books. Lands of fire, where sand would reach beyond sight. Snowed mountains, where earth seemed covered by frozen white. The ocean; an infinite mass of salt-water that touched past the further horizons.
He had always been curious about that one.
“The beach.”
Hanji closes their eyes. They can frame the picture, even when tirelessly awaken. They have a wide, two-floored house near the shore, with a white fence and a porch. They’re not on the run anymore; Titans nothing but a memory that fades with the foam.
It’d be wholesome, they think. They could have rooms for each the kids, let them decorate the walls however they pleased. Levi’d nag them about it, for being too messy or unclean. Then they’d brush it off over home-made lunch, sit outside to watch the waves.
“Aye, idiot.”, they whisper. And they can listen; their voice melting off to the sounds of the sea. Like they’re there already; with sun in their hair and sand on their feet. “Tell me something nice.”
Levi keeps quiet, probably a minute or two. He’d never been a man of word, but he can sense it, too. Sasha’d spend the day fishing, bring in weird creatures to cook. Armin’d collect sea-shells on the shore, maybe keep them between the pages of a book. And he’d sweep the floors while humming, sit by the window to breathe in the view.
“You could put your knitting skills to use.”, he complies, finally. Outside, the word sits silent, only the night to guard this conversation. “It’s getting cold as fuck.”
“What if we lived together?”
The third time, they actually speak it. Fearless. Aloud. Like the words have bloomed out of them before they could choke down the feeling.
Maybe, it’s because Levi sleeps, and there’s no chance he can hear their thoughts. Maybe, it’s because it’s danger— thinking like they do. But there’s some sense of safety in talking truths when no one listens.
“It’d be nice, huh?”, they whisper, more to themselves than anybody. They’d dreamed about it, really. Clutched desire to their heart like it was specs of golden. It was the beach, first. But now it didn’t even matter. It could be the mountains of white snow, the endless sandy dessert. Or right here, at the forest. They’d wear the plaid-shirts Levi hated, then he’d take them off, shut them up between kisses and jokes. He’d make them his in the bed they’d share, too; their mornings filled with the smell of pine and burnt log.
“If we run and hide like this… where would that get us?”, he says, barely minutes after. And he’s right again. He always is, Hanji’s sure. They’re a fierce dreamer, indeed. Someone who’d wish hard, with every fragment of their soul. Yet, they also know, they can’t abandon their wild— the raw nature that’s in them to see light in this world.
“Oh…”, they bit their lip, sharp until it stings. Blood burns in their cheeks, has tinted pink the tip of their nose. “You did hear me, after all…”
Levi nods, and takes a look at the hand that hurts. He’s too tired, or too scared to ever dare talk. So, instead, he stares; his eye clung to Hanji’s, with the intensity of a thousand colored fireworks. Truth is, he does want the same as them, after all. The poppy garden, the greenery, a tea-shop. But isn’t it too late to ask now? Isn’t tranquility a price that soldiers like them can’t afford?
“Hanji…”, his voice cracks at the words. A tear’s falling down their face, followed by one and then another. It’s not the ugly cry from the years before, where their sobs would resemble a loud, broken water-pipe. Now, it’s all hushed, quiet; like tear-tracks are stars against the dark of their lashes.
The realization of it doesn’t make him smile, though.
Isn’t it too late now, to confess such a thing? Isn’t love the worst of curses in times of war?
It is.
It is.
It’s too late now.
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wingedwhitelioness · 1 year
New AOT merch including:
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kaoru-nk · 2 years
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A big redraw. [img 1 - redraw, img 2 - the first version from 2019] I had to correct the whole art. 🥴
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squidzillaa · 5 months
Levi DID NOT reject Hange
An explanation and analysis 🦑
First things first, 5 key factors:
1. This scene is from Levi’s pov (another reason why he looks sad and upset, while saying his goal is to kill Zeke.)
2. This chapter parallels to Eren and Mikasa’s “What am I?” scene in chapter 123.
3. Wanting to live with another, is a common trope in AOT. (Isayama’s love language. 😉) 🏠
4. This is one of the most romantic scenes in AOT, I don’t know how this flew over SO many people’s heads?? 😂😂 It’s right in front of your face!
5. Isayama parallels chapter 126 to chapters 52 and 53. (These chapters contain some of the most important interactions between Levi and Hange):
“Right, Levi.?” (Hange knows what Levi meant. 👍🏻)
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“Right… …Levi?” (Does Hange know the answer here? 🤔 Guess… 😏)
Next, in both these chapters, they are being hunted:
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Chapter 52: Hange suggests, “Just for now.”
Chapter 126: Hange suggests, “But for now…”
Chapter 52: Levi states, “If we do nothing but run, then all we can do is get caught.” He knows if they stay, they’ll get caught and possibly stabbed.
Chapter 126: Levi questions, “If we keep running and hiding, what will that get us?” He knows the possible consequences of running away, so why does he ask anyway? 🤔😏:
Now, explanation:
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Levi was only “pretending” to be asleep, in order to hear Hange’s dream. If Levi Was meaning to reject Hange, he WOULD NOT have brought it back up and then avoid the question she asked (while blushing) which was, “Oh so you heard me?” He’s not going to admit that he heard her because he is a TSUNDERE and, like Isayama said, is awkward and clumsy when it comes to romance. ;)
Hange blushes, because she confessed her love to him thinking he was asleep. In the Japanese culture, asking someone to live with you is a way of proposing. IFKK. (If you have common sense 😉, you can recognize that her blush alone shows that she meant it romantically.)
The other main ships also include a similar situation of wanting to “live” with their love interest:
(Obvious one) Eren to Mikasa
Falco to Gabi
Annie to Armin
Hitch to Marlow
Ymir to Historia
Jean to Mikasa
Eren even brings this up in an interview ⬇️, straight up telling viewers that Hange’s line was a proposal and confession! (Another big factor: Eren and Hange parallel each other, just like how Mikasa and Levi do. That’s a BIG character plot point that a lot of fans don’t recognize or realize. Which in itself already tells you who the 2 main lovers of the story are. Cue “Call Your Name.” 👥)
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Levi could have interrupted her if he wanted to reject her proposal or could have straight up said “No we can’t”, “I can’t do that.”, “I don’t want that.” But he didn’t because he Wanted to live with her as well, and was probably imagining a life of just the two of them living in the forest. 💭🌲
He knows that Hange is already preparing to pull him around, so after Eren’s Rumbling announcement, that’s when he decides to get up and ask where Zeke is. He sits up because he wants her to come over to him so he can pop the question of “running and hiding.” Especially because he knows that Eren’s announcement will make Hange want to stop Eren asap. Levi needs to hurry and reask her question before they’re out of that forest and have to focus on their plans, rather than their feelings.
He asks where Zeke is to make her think he was asleep the whole time. (Buttt he blows his cover right away when he asks her what running away will achieve for the 2 of them. 😂)
Levi asking where Zeke is was NOT his first thought, because he was awake the WHOLE time. (Stop trying to make everything about Levi in connection to Erwin and his promise, this scene has nothing to do with him. 👾)
In this chapter, they both have a moment of doubt and confusion:
Hange wasn’t sure if she should continue her duties as Commander, because she’s unsure if they can stop Zeke and they’d be on the run for the rest of their lives.
Levi wasn’t sure if killing Zeke was worth it, because Zeke was willing to die.
Levi restates what Hange said, as a question, because he wanted to know if she Had a good enough reason to leave it all behind.
Levi doesn’t go against Hange’s ideas and encourage them often. Levi loves and trusts Hange SO MUCH, that he was willing to give up on his promise to Erwin and his comrade’s, if Hange had given him a good enough reason to stay. But of course he knows Hange can’t stay out of the action and that they have their promises and duties to achieve first. ☹️🤝🏻🌲 (Along with the guilt that would come with it.) To what ifs.. 🥂
In conclusion, Levi and Hange’s “freedom”, are each other. KAWWW 🦅
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(Looking at Their Freedom)
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amour-anguis · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
Yazzzzz thank you for the tag darling!! @sequinhaze
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
7!! a few longer WIPs and a few one shots!!
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
668,490… good LORD i didn’t realize how many words it’d be 💀
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Harry Potter mainly, nowadays mostly Marauders era but i used to write Dramione as well!! I also have a Red White and Royal Blue one shot posted randomly bc duhhh 🫡 and i’m hoping to start writing AOT fic soon bc Eruri is sooooo ndbdhbshsbdh ya know?
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
oh goodness let’s see:
1. Teeth (Marauders Jurassic World AU)
2. Ladder 126 (Marauders 911/911 Lonestar AU)
3. Iron Ambrosia (Kinky Jegulus One Shot)
4. Distractions (RWRB Texting Smutty One Shot)
5. Read For Me (Regulus/Remus Smut One Shot)
5. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
yes yes yes!!! i try my best to respond to all of them 🫶🏻🫶🏻 sometimes with Teeth it’s hard but i absolutely loveeee engaging in the comment section!!
6. what is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
it’s not posted yet but i’m working on the most heart wrenching MCD Jegulus short fic rn (like 3 chaps)… and it’s… well… yeah it hurts real bad.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i mean all my smut ends pretty happily i’d say 🤭 HAHA but none of my full length fics are done yet, if i had to say then probably the Rosekiller centric band AU i’m working on rn
8. do you get hate on fics?
sometimes unfortunately, everyone does. but i love what i write, i enjoy writing it, and i know there are lots of people who love the fics and that’s what matters :)
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
so much. all kinds. as sweet and vanilla or as kinky as i’m feelin, i’ve written it alllll HAHAHA
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
Marauders x Jurassic World for SUREEE that one is a wild ride
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
no thank GOD
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
yep yep yep!!! Teeth was translated into Spanish and Portuguese :)
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
well y’all know a lot of my work was written with my lovely Co-Author Riven!!!!
14. what's your all-time favorite ship?
i simply must pay some respect to the OGs and say wolfstar 🧎🏻‍♀️ jeggy, rosekiller, eruri, you came close <3
15. what's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
y’all reallyyyy don’t wanna know the answer to this 💀
(but Teeth part 1 reads like a completed fic so it’s fineeee pffff)
16. what are your writing strengths?
smut scenes, emotional breakdowns, and dialogue! oh and those single lines that just hit you right in your chest! i have a doc i wrote w just a bunch of lines like that to grab from if i need it
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
area descriptions, i always wanna just rush into the dialogue and what’s happening and i have a hard time actually describing the scene
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
totally love it unless it’s like a LOT. i can translate it easily and even if it’s not a perfect translation it’s fine bc i can usually get the gist of it, but when it’s like a ton of dialogue in a long convo i get annoyed
19. first fandom you wrote for?
Dramione my loves <3
20. favorite fic you've written?
Teeth will always be near and dear to my heart, but also the random Reg/Remus one shot is everything to me and i love them and they love fucking in libraries SO-
tagging: @solmussa @greenvlvetcouch @kaaaaaaarf @odessities @soliloquy-dawn my lovesss 🫶🏻
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warm-starlight · 2 years
I don’t think platonic love is less than romantic love, since some friendship can form stronger bonds than a simple love interest. There’s not denying (at least you’re a hater) than Levi and Hange were really good friends. I love Levi and Hange’s relationship, for me, probably one of the best dynamic AOT has… I don’t think there’s another pair who are partners in crime the way they were. Saying that, I still cannot read the chapter 126 y 127 exchange as platonic lmao. It’s not just the word exchange, but the whole composition of the scene. What Hange said was so freaking straightforward, and if you read their words at 127….is like, Hange thought to leave everything behind, but from 126 we know that’s half true, since they didn’t want to leave Levi behind. Well, sadly Hange and Levi were meant to said goodbye at the end, but they literally discovered a whole new world together, were the last two veteran standing and loved each other very much. There’s no denying in that. i truly think this pair will hurt me all my life haha.
Tbh the only difference between platonic and romantic love is the label people give it imo. 😅
There is of course the physical attraction element sometimes, but since you can have physical relationship with zero romantic feelings attached i don't believe This is what makes a difference.
I think it's all about how you personally feel towards the other person and how you label those feelings.
I agree that offering to leave everything behind and live together just the two of them sounds like wanting to label their relationship as romantic.
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satecikinn · 3 years
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“I lost my dream, in this disaster” - Call Your Name
IFKK was beautiful 😭 Hiroshi Kamiya and Romi Park sounded amazing, MAPPA made their expressions so beautiful. The whole scene was so romantic and tender, it squishes my levihan heart. Here, have some more emotional damage 🥰
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jumpinguptothesky · 3 years
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I'm trying to make a small personal challenge: less than 3 hours for the sketch, the line and the colouring. I did this one in almost 3 hours and few minutes.
This is a nice exercise, I will continue!
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mtkartist58 · 2 years
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platina59 · 3 years
My heart 😭😭
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byallmeans1 · 4 years
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Real events from between ch 115 and ch 126
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hey-dont-touch-that · 4 years
Happy Levihan day!
Today (February 7)is the one year anniversary of ch.126 & the telepathy scene in the anime.
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Why didn’t you both stay?
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Thank you Mappa for animating this.
In conclusion it’s a great day to be a Levihan shipper.
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0rivhan0 · 3 years
Animation attack on titan ch132
It’s not tears it’s just water💔
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makiema · 5 years
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Levi Ackerman | Snk 126.
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nanakorobiyaokii · 5 years
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#126: "PRIDE"
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lizaloveslevihan · 4 years
About Time
“Erwin, come here.” Mike called out. “Look at that.”
Erwin rose from the grass, abruptly ending his conversation with Moblit who also scurried along to follow him. They walked up to Mike who had lifted a finger at the scene that had developed in front of them. He looked and listened closely and couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow in surprise. 
“I was honestly starting to believe it wouldn’t happen.” Mike grunted, crossing his arms. “But it seems you owe me a drink.”
Erwin let out a deep chuckle. He placed his hand -- his only hand, on his friend’s shoulder and smiled. “How long has it been?”
“Almost a decade, really.” Moblit spoke up, his voice tainted with disbelief. “I knew it was going to be Hange-san first. The captain was never good at expressing his feelings.”
“It almost happened,” Erwin argued politely, the grin seemingly permanent on his face. “Remember that sleepover they had?”
“Which one?” Mike deadpanned, his eyes never leaving the scene. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity, after all. “There were hundreds.”
“The one where he was whispering something to her while she slept.” Erwin said. “We couldn’t really listen because it was too faint. But I’m very confident that was a confession.”
Mike shook his head. “This one is much clearer. Even if the idiot’s asleep--”
“He’s waking up!” Moblit exclaimed frantically. This garnered the attention of the others who had quietly been conversing with one another. Nanaba was instantly next to them, peering at the new developments. 
“Please tell me it’s finally happening,” she groaned out. 
“You just missed Hange’s confession,” Mike said, wrapping an arm around her. “Erwin owes me a drink now.”
“I do believe this is the first time I lost a gamble.” Erwin sighed. He wasn’t upset at all though. If anything, he was ready to celebrate with the others. Their decade-long wait was finally over. 
“Everyone, be quiet.” Petra hushed from the far right. She was talking more to Oluo, however, who had been freaking out next to her. 
“If we keep...running and hiding…” everyone inched closer to the pair, “what will that get us…?”
“Holy shit this was better than I thought.” Mike whispered, his lips starting to form the widest grin. 
“...Oh. So you heard me talking to myself…”
At this, everyone started to howl and cheer. 
“It took you long enough!”
“That dragged on for so long!”
“I have the booze!”
“Oluo, what are you doing?!”
Erwin let out a huff of relief. It had been a gruesome and tiring journey to get here. But they finally did it. It had been so difficult to watch, much more difficult than before since their affections grew after the battle of Shiganshina. Although he had a sinking feeling things were going to be more painful for his two friends in the upcoming days, he couldn’t help but feel happy they finally acknowledged their feelings for one another.
“I can’t wait to grill them both when they join us.” Mike laughed, hugging Nanaba tightly at his side. “Oh, Moblit, we should start preparing the list.”
“What list?” Nanaba asked, squeezing Mike tighter, “You mean the list of grievances you guys wrote down every single time it almost happened?”
“It’s a very long list.” Moblit grinned. He then pulled out a couple of folded sheets of paper from his jacket and started flipping through them. “I think the first entry was right after they got back from Shiganshina--”
Nanaba whistled appreciatively. “Damn. I thought it’d be a waste of time, seeing just how much they made us suffer. But it’s a good thing you guys listed it down. We can all take turns interrogating them right?”
“Of course.” Erwin smirked. He glanced back at his two abnormal comrades who started to sleep peacefully next to each other by the fire -- yet another sleepover that went seemingly unplanned. “After all, it’s about time.”
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