#Ariel x female reader
redheadspark · 10 months
Is it too early to drop a request for the prompt? This is my first *ever* request, so I don't know how this actually works.
Mine is #8 and #15 with Az.
It's a personal one that is close to my heart. I'd love that kind of energy in my life, and maybe a good fic will help manifest that for me. 😉
I love your work, and I appreciate the effort you put into what you do! Thank you so much.
A/N - Aww this is great! This might be more of a somber piece, but I think it's great! Let me know what you think! I hope you like it!
Summary - Azriel knows a thing or two about grief, and he vows to never leave you in it.
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Warnings - mostly angst with a hint of fluff in the end :)
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The cool air was hitting you along your backside as you were kneeling in front of the small patch of new grass, the clouds above were giving off a shield over your head while you were holding a fresh bouquet of flowers in your hand.  The meadow was cleared out, which is rare for a weekend since it would be filled to the brim with Velaris citizens to enjoy the weather. But that day everyone was in town, shopping for winter solstice that was right around the corner.  You would have been joining them if you could, but not that day.
Not on the anniversary of your mother’s birthday.
Her grave was tucked away at a secluded piece of land, owned by Rhysand and used just for his family.  It was a gift he wished to bestow on you when your mother passed away, making sure it was always well-kept and maintained.  Being the ever-loving cousin that he was, he never wished for you to stress over the gravesite or the funeral, but you did. She was the one woman who raised you since you were an infant on her own, not leaning on others for help and making sure you could survive in the world on your own.  You did, all thanks to her, and her sudden death at the hands of King Hybern and his invasion into Velaris devastated you to your core.
You were a wreck, but your mate stayed at your side.
Even now as you were placing the fresh flowers from Elaine’s personal garden on the grave, you knew he was standing not too far away and giving you the space you needed to both grieve and breathe.  You sensed him, you always have since you two met as teenagers and then became mates 300 years ago.  He knew how to show he was close by without saying a single word, which made you grateful for him as you took in a long breath and looked at the small slab of marble that was in the ground.  Placing the flowers on top of the grave, you hummed.
“All is well here, Mother,” You replied, your voice softly floating in the air as the grass was swaying in the wind, “There’s peace again here in Velaris as we get ready for Winter Solstice.  It was your favorite holiday, as was mine.  It still is, and you should see the house and how we decorated it, plenty of garland and holly from head to toe.  I think Elaine went a bit overboard this year, but I can’t say no to her,”
You chuckled wetly, a few tears were hitting your cheeks as you felt a small sliver of a shadow licking against your arm.  You hummed, knowing who It was as the shadow swirled around your fingers, a silent request to join you.  You nodded once, the shadows flicking away then the soft sound of boots in the grass coming your way from behind.
“We all miss you, Mother,” You continued, the footsteps stopping right behind you as you wiped some tears away briskly, “It’s not the same without you here.  I know I miss you the most, I miss your laugh in the morning during coffee, I miss you telling Rhysand and Cassian to stop bickering with one another like they did when they were kids, and I miss hugging you.  Your embraces were always home to me, and I’ve been missing them so,”
A scarred yet gentle hand was placed on your shoulder then, the faintest of pressure along there as you sighed and more tears fell.  
“Azriel and I have been well.  Your shop is running so well, Mother.  You should see it, we’re almost sold out every day which helps in remodeling our home that you wanted us to have,” Once again you paused, clutching your fingers together a bit more as you were trying to find the right words in what you wanted to say.  Wounds still felt fresh under your skin, past memories of the first year without your mother were flooding back to you and how hard those nights were.  Not having her guidance or words of wisdom, not having her times of counsel when you were at a crossroads.  
He knew of your mother and admired her for not only raising you on her own but also being a support for him, Cassian, and Rhsyand as you were all growing up together.  He spoke to her about courting you, then later asking for your hand in marriage.  His respect for her was massive, to which your mother loved him all the more and approved instantly.
“I know you will love my daughter and treat her as your equal, Azriel.”
“I swear to you, I will,”
Azriel was the backbone you needed to get through that dark time, holding you every night when you were in tears, always sitting at your side when you were lost in thought, during his love to you every chance he could. Azriel knew the guilt you carried in not protecting your mother during the attack in the town square, finding you hunched over her body and screaming into the void as no life was evident in her.  That whole day was etched in tragedy and in pain.  Hearing his voice brought you peace during those rougher nights.
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“Why do you always think you have to do everything on your own?” Azriel asked against your head as you were snuggled against him in bed one summer night, his fingers raking through your hair and your legs intertwined, “I vowed to carry your burdens in dire times, sweetheart.  You gotta let me,”
“I can’t,” You mourned into his shirt as he kissed your cheeks and shook his head.
“You can.  I can no longer stomach seeing you got through this on your own.  Grieving alone will kill you, baby.  I won’t let you do that to yourself, you hear me?” He asked, you looking up at him and seeing his own eyes glistening a bit with tears.  Tears from seeing you in pain, tears from not knowing how else to ease your pain and sorrow, and tears from simply thinking you were slipping away from him.  You were grateful for him, the stubborn Illryian that he was to simply not let you out of his sight.  You knew he also knew pain from his childhood and how true a mother’s love was.  
You gave him the softest smile, and for the first time in a long time, you felt your mating bond hum and flutter in simple love and affection.  It was safe to say your love for one another was simple and yet intense, mixed together in years of friendship and mutual respect.  
“I can’t lose you either,” He stated to you as you held him a bit tighter, “I’ll do whatever it takes to bring that light in your eyes again, the same light I fell in love with when we were young.  But losing you is not an option, not with me. I won’t survive in this world without you by my side,” He traced a few tears away with his scarred thumb, “I hate seeing you like this.  Please..let me help.”
So you let him in, and you felt your heart preparing itself slowly but surely.
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Azriel knelt down next to you, a bundle nestled in his arm showing an infant baby sound asleep and tucked away in a warm cotton blanket.  You grinned at the sight, reaching over to tuck the blanket in a bit more under the chin of your babe, who cooed and snuggled into Azriel some more as the dark thick hair contrasted with the light yellow blanket.  Looking from the babe to Azriel, you saw him smile with a hint of love and pride in those hazel eyes, then finally looking back at the grave in front of you.
“I want you to meet someone, Mother.  This is your granddaughter,” You said softly, your voice no longer having pain but a sense of hope, “She was born in the summer, on the hottest day of the year actually.  Madja said she was born a week early, and almost didn’t make it through the night since she was too tiny.  But I knew, mother.  I knew she was a strong babe and she would bring us joy, and she has.  Her laugh reminds me of bells, she has her father’s eyes and my freckles, but I think she has your smile.  I wish you could have held her, she’s so soft and little but I knew she’s fierce,”
“Like her mother,” Azriel hummed next to you, having you grin again.  Your daughter was a shock for both you and Azriel, you both heard the news that you were with child and beyond happy.  There were talks of you two wanting to have a family, but nothing too serious.  Perhaps it was perfecting timing then, a new life coming into your little world that was still repairing itself and being made new.  Azriel saw a growing seed inside of you as you were moving along in your pregnancy, a new sense of hope that sprouted from the notion of being a mother and having your own baby to love and care for.
The rest of the Inner Circle was excited for the babe, Nesta throwing a baby shower for you when you were 7 months along, High Lady Feyre painting your nursery from top to bottom with stars and hillsides, and even Rhysand gifting you both with handmade furniture to put in the nursery.  Azriel requested Cassian and Elaine to be the godparents, and you knew that your child was going to have the best family to grow up with and to lean on. 
For that, you were thankful.  The same family that vowed to support you will now support your baby.
You and Azriel walked away from the grave and along the worn path in the meadow, you holding your daughter close in your arms as she was sleeping soundly without a care in the world.  Azriel had a hand along your lower back both as a sense of peace and a sense of familiar protection.  Every time you came to this place, you had moments of grief and sadness that came in small flickers of waves.  But it wasn’t all bad now.  Not with the life you had with your mate, with the Inner Circle, and now with your daughter.
Your daughter, who was named after her grandmother: Adeline Rose 
The End
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Hurt and Comfort Promp Session
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domxmarvel · 1 year
My little mermaid
Pairing:Ariel x Female!Reader
Prompt: 3 The lingering question kept me up 2AM, who do you love?
A/N: This might be a one off depending on if you guys want more,I just got really inspired while watching the movie. Also the Reader is the royal librarian and a childhood of prince Eric
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Word had quickly spread around the castle about the new girl,you got to hear all about her before you even made it to the library. You had been the royal librarian for years,most people didn’t understand why you chose this life,especially those who knew you before. But you knew this is what you wanted,you wanted to spend your time learning more about everything around you. The door to the library was slightly ajar which you noticed immediately,slowly opening the door you didn’t see anything there. A few steps in you saw a girl you had never seen before,looking at the globe near the table.
“Hi” You said quietly but it still made her jump “Sorry,I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m Y/N,you must be the new girl” You tried to be as welcoming as possible but she didn’t say a thing,only gesturing to her neck. “You don’t speak?” She nodded,and you thought for a moment “Do you know how to write?” Her face lit up as she smiled and nodded. Leading her to the table,you sat her down,handing her a piece of paper and a quill. “Why don’t we just start with your name” Her handwriting was lovely as she wrote “Ariel,it’s beautiful” She smiled at you again,you felt your heart skip a beat when your eyes met. Dipping the quill she wrote ‘Can I ask you some questions?’ She looked really excited and you just couldn’t say no to her.
She asked several questions and you were in the library for hours answering all of them. Eventually she had asked about the kingdom and the village that was close by.
“Do you want to go see it tomorrow?” She nodded with no hesitation. You stretched out and stood up. “In that case we should get some sleep and head out tomorrow. I’ll walk you back to your room” You noticed her stumbling over her own feet so she held onto you all the way to her room. “Good night Ariel”
Thanks to some convincing Eric had someone take you and Ariel to the nearest village. The only price you had to pay was the teasing from him. “Someone likes the new girl”
“Says the one who’s looking for a mystery woman he only knows the voice of” But it was all in good fun,since you had been friends for years. In fact he was the one who got you your ‘job’ which you suspected was only so you could spend more time together. 
One of the palace workers dropped you off at the nearby village,you helped her down from the carriage and you swore you saw her cheeks turn slightly red. 
"I'll return at sundown to take you back to the castle" You turned around and immediately she was gone,you caught a glimpse of her as she disappeared into the crowd. The blue dress she wore helped you find her,she stood out like a beautiful shining star.
"Ariel" She stopped once you called her name,letting you run over to her. "Don't run off like that" You held her hand  "I don't want to lose you in this crowd" She seemed fascinated by everything she saw,looking around and turning her head as quickly as the wind. You had to admit her fascination was rather cute,she turned to face you and caught you as you were smiling at her,she smiled back. Her attention quickly turned away from you once she heard the music coming from the fountain. Immediately running off in that direction and dragging you behind her. You danced with her until the music stopped,pulling her closer just as the music faded. 
"Y/N!" The sudden call of your name made her let go and step back,letting you turn in the direction of whoever had called you. 
"William" He hugged you,squeezing you tightly,to the point where you were having a hard time breathing. "Will can't breathe" He let go of you,laughing off the awkwardness of the situation.
"Sorry,I just missed you. Ever since you left for the castle I hardly seen you" He pulled you away from Ariel and turned to whisper "who's the pretty girl? You like her or something?"
"What,no it's not-"
"You should see your face. So you do like her"
"Fine,just don't"
"Don't worry I would never" For some reason you doubted that. "You should sing something for her she's guaranteed to fall for you"
"What was that song,butterfly right?" He just wouldn't stop,the music started and he immediately pulled you up on the small stage. And despite your protests you still sung,Ariel's eyes were practically attached to you,sparkling more than all the stars in the night sky. As you sang your eyes never left hers,wishing you could be standing next to her. The music ended and you walked up to her,she clapped her hands and you playfully bowed.
"I have one more,for you" She pointed towards herself "Yes you" You laughed quietly. 
"All I can say is, I was enchanted to meet you
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you
The lingering question kept me up
2 AM, who do you love?
I wonder 'til I'm wide awake
And now I'm pacing back and forth
Wishing you were at my door
I'd open up and you would say, "Hey"
It was enchanting to meet you
All I know is, I was enchanted to meet you"
Your eyes were attached to hers through the whole song,she smiled at you. Her expression was soft,she was looking at you like you were the only person that mattered. "This is me praying that
This was the very first page
Not where the story line ends
My thoughts will echo your name
Until I see you again
These are the words I held back
As I was leaving too soon
I was enchanted to meet you
Please don't be in love with someone else
Please don't have somebody waiting on you
Please don't be in love with someone else
Please don't have somebody waiting on you"
You walked up to her as the song ended,she clapped for you again. "Let's go,there's so much more to do and see before the sunsets"
The town square was soon empty of people as you sat on the fountain,you were exhausted. She was quick for someone who seemed to trip over her own feet,she had pretty much dragged you to every stall. She was fascinated by almost everything,even watching you peel fruit,it was absolutely adorable. Her eyes followed your every move as you peeled and cut up the mangos you bought. 
"This year's mangos are even better than last year's" Her face lit up as she tried a piece. You were interrupted by one of the guards walking up to you,so he could take you back to the castle. 
You walked her back to her room,slowing down your pace to spend even more time with her. 
“I’ll see you in the morning,good night” Before you could turn away,she grabbed your hand,making you stop. “Is something wrong?” She seemed hesitant,but before you could say anything she kissed you. You were in shock to the point where you didn’t realize what was happening until it was over. Her expression quickly switched from happy to sad in seconds and she tried to pull away from you,but you quickly pulled her back. “Do that again” This time you kissed her back properly,your hands around her waist,pulling her closer. When you pulled away she had the biggest smile on her face,you let go of her and she gave you a small wave before walking into her room. 
Ever since she kissed you had been spacing out,your thoughts filled with her and when you'd kiss her again. You were so distracted that you didn't even know where you were going,only snapping out of your thoughts when something fell on your head and then the ground. It was a gold seashell necklace,you quickly looked up but didn't see where it could've possibly come from. You took it back to your room so you wouldn't lose it,putting it in your desk. But when you turned to leave you heard a sound coming from it,like singing. It was lovely and unlike anything you had ever heard. A sudden knock on your door made you drop the necklace back onto the desk,and tore your attention away. Opening your door you saw Ariel smiling at you as she gave you a small wave. 
"Good morning,Is there something you'd like to do today?" You asked but you could see her eyes darting to your room,looking around. She pushed you back gently and walked in,picking up the necklace and turning to you. "That,you wouldn't believe me if I told you it fell out of the sky onto my head" You laughed and so did she. What you didn't expect for her to crush it and a glowing blue orb to float back to her.
"Y/N" You froze at the sound of her voice
"Ariel,you can speak?"
"I have a lot to explain,but you need to tell me where you actually found this necklace"
"I wasn't lying,it fell on my head as I was walking through the garden"
"Y/N,sit down there's a lot I need to tell you" She explained everything from who she really was to how she ended up as a human and giving up her voice. "That's a lot to take in but thank you for telling me”
“So you don’t think I’m lying?”
“Well I just saw you regain your voice from a necklace so you being a mermaid is not as far fetched. Also” Her expression went from relaxed back to anxious before you finished your sentence “I have so many questions,what’s it like underwater? Are there more mermaids?”
“Yes,there are several kingdoms. In fact my sisters rule six of them” You traded questions back and forth,until the sunset. She rested her head on your shoulder as you answered one of her many questions,it was beautiful to see how mesmerized she was about everything. As you explained you felt the weight on your shoulder increase and turned to see her sleeping on your shoulder. Wrapping your arm around her and laying her down so her head was on your lap.
“Good night,my little mermaid”
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gabithefanwriter · 1 year
The Little Mermaid
Ariel (2023) x Female! Mermaid Reader
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You are my World.
This is based off of the 2023 version. I’ll be making more Ariel one shots in the future (more of Halle’s, more of Ariel 1989 and genderbend Ariel?👀). Not my best work.
I haven't seen the 2023 version but Halle as Ariel has me in a chokehold. I'm not sure how many changes from the animation were made in the live action remake, so forgive any inaccuracies. Also, it's kinda rushed. I'm sorry I had an idea and I have no idea where it went. Not my best work. And it isn't edited.
Readers of any background can read this. Skin colour is not specified. Also I'm sorry for the awful changed lyrics.
"Ariel! Wait up!" I cried out after her, swimming until we were at the same speed. "What's going on?"
"I saved the prince! I brought him to the shore! His legs are so fascinating, Y/n! He is also really handsome! There were so many things that he had that I was so confused about! Oh, how I wish I could learn more about it, about him!"
I listened to every word, my own heart breaking even as I had a massive crush on her. It wasn't even a crush - I had fallen in love with her since the start of our journeys. She sang to me, how she wanted to see the world above, how she dreamed of nothing more or less.
I listened to her words, and smiled, even as we both swam out a fair distance from the grotto. She waved goodbye and swam back home and I stayed there, waving like the lunatic I am.
I swam in the grotto even after she left. I understood her, that she wanted to be part of his world, but I wanted her to stay here with me.
I looked up through the small hole at the top between the rocks and slowly twirled.
"Up there they walk,
Up there they run,
Up there they stay all day in the sun.
I wish she could see
That I want to be
Part of Her World."
I turned and looked down, only to gasp when I saw Sebastian gaping at me with wide eyes, and I couldn't help but immediately swim over. "Sebastian, don't-"
"You love Ariel?" He shrieked. I bit my lip and looked down at my f/c tail. "Well...yeah, Sebastian. What's not to love about her? Her desire to learn about others, the way her eyes twinkle when she discovers something, the way she's so easy to talk with? And let's not even get started on her beauty! Her voice - oh, how I wish I had a voice like hers. I could listen to her all day!"
"The king would support it, I'm sure! He loves having you around. He's say he views you as another daughter and already an addition to the family," Sebastian reassured. I frowned and glanced down at the red crab, a sigh slipped past my lips. "I mean - it's not just whether or not King Triton accepts me. It also depends on whether Ariel accepts me, but if I were to be honest, I think she has a type for humans, and I think she might not be into girls."
Sebastian crawled over to climb onto my arm to reach my shoulder, my h/l hair gently brushing over him as I swam to the coral reefs where I remember first meeting Ariel.
"What would she give
If she could live
Out of these waters?
But what would I pay
To hear her say
She loves me back?"
I looked up to see the sun glowing brightly above the surface. Sebastian still clung to my shoulder as I swam until I was certain that if I outstretched my hand, it would break through the surface.
"Betcha on land
They understand
The struggles with unrequited love.
Where women love women,
Although it's not uncommon,
It's improbable!"
I turned to Sebastian as we 'fell' down to the sand slowly, stretching out on the sandy bottom.
"I'm ready to hear what she's learned today,
Hold in my words as I hear her say
How fascinated she is with the upper world!
The way her tail twirled,
Eyes with passion,
Up there she might have more fun!"
I looked back up at the surface, hugging myself and flapping my tail.
"I wish she could see
I just want to be
Part of her world."
I felt Sebastian's heartbroken stare on my back, a sigh escaping past my lips. "I would do anything to have her be with me, Sebastian. I just love her so much."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
I spun around and saw the very mermaid we were talking about. I bit my tongue to suppress a gasp when she stood there, staring at me. "You love me?"
"I love you too."
She swam closer, her hand going from her
I stared at her, from her eyes to her lips, slowly swimming up and kissing her gently. Her arms wrapped around my neck as my hands went to the back of her neck and the other tangling in her hair. "I love you, Ariel."
"I love you too, Y/n." She smiled as we kissed again, pulling me until she was flushed against me.
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ikolaiigh · 1 year
My Love Will Never Die
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𝑻𝑾/𝑾𝑨𝑹𝑵𝑰𝑵𝑮𝑺..Accidental S3lf-harm, near drowning, Sexual Content, stalking, Possessive behavior, Murder, Obsessive behavior, unhealthy behavior, angst with a happy ending, violence, hallucinations, heavy disassociation, self-loathing thoughts, Emotional/Psychological Abuse (not by Ariel btw), s*icidal thoughts, Mental Breakdown, Every chapter when release will have its warning.
𝑷𝑨𝑰𝑹𝑰𝑵𝑮𝑺: Yandere!Ariel x Queen!Reader
𝑺𝑼𝑴𝑴𝑨𝑹𝒀..She saved you, cradled you in her arms, and her soothing voice resonates within you like a haunting melody. When you both reunited again on the shoreline, her presence now consumes your every thought and feeling. Her presence feels essential to your survival, and you're determined to live on, no matter the circumstances...what she had done with you?
𝘈/𝘕: HI HI YET AGAIN!! :))) So uh this is extremely self-indulgent ngl, the lack of Yandere!Ariel is like...illegal and yes this is another series since Under the Sea is almost finished (I will post it dw) so I decided to do this! And in this AU instead of Eric being the prince of the kingdom, it will be the Reader! Btw Ariel here is not specified, so you can interpret her from the 1989 version or the live action! So..I hope you guys enjoy!
-Also! Ariel in this AU is heavily based by this post here! Again her race isn't specified! Neither is the Reader's :) Ariel is the acting "Queen" of Atlantica! both reader and Ariel are in their mid 20's!
𝑷𝑳𝑨𝒀𝑳𝑰𝑺𝑻... Ariel Carinae
"𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 ��𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭." -𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐧
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When a ruler dies, the ones in line for the throne make one last attempt to get to it first. A rather chaotic few days filled with desperation, especially for those involved.
As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the kingdom, you found yourself seeking solace in the confines of your bedroom facing the dressing table's mirror. The weight of the impending crown bore heavily on your mind, its significance not lost on you. In just a few hours, you would officially become queen, but with the throne came the burden of making crucial decisions for the kingdom. The once comforting opulence of the room now felt suffocating and distant, a reminder of the isolation that accompanied the crown.
Sinking into a plush chair at the dressing table, your thoughts drifted back to the vivid memories of Ariel – the love that had blossomed between you, and the enchanting melody that had captured your heart. You couldn't help but recall the day she had saved you, the tender touch of her hand as she sang to you, the way she had held you close in her arms. Those memories now intertwined with the weight of your responsibilities, a bittersweet reminder of the love you had to set aside for the sake of the kingdom.
The question lingered in your mind, gnawing at your heart – was this the price of wearing the crown? Were you now destined to sacrifice your own happiness for the sake of a kingdom that demanded everything, even your own heart? The magnitude of the decision weighed heavily on your shoulders, casting shadows over the once-gleaming path you were meant to tread.
Lost in your inner turmoil, you caught a glimpse of your reflection in the grand mirror across the room. The image of the new queen stared back at you, her eyes revealing vulnerability masked by a composed facade. You wondered if anyone could see the turmoil brewing within, the fear of making the wrong choices, and the longing for a simpler life.
With a heavy sigh, you closed your eyes, leaning against the dressing table seeking a moment of peace. When you opened your eyes again and glanced at the mirror, an unexpected sight greeted you – the reflection of Ariel, her image appearing as if she were gently caressing your shoulders and whispering in your ear. Startled, you quickly whipped your head around to see if anyone was with you in the room, but the space remained empty. Rubbing your eyes in disbelief, you couldn't help but chuckle slightly at the surreal experience. Your mind wanders back to Ariel once again.
You would never forget the fervent kisses, scattered like a trail of fire across your body, etched indelibly into your mind. Ariel's tender embrace, as she passionately expressed her love in ways no one else ever had, remained vivid. Her hands enveloped you with tenderness and curiosity, each movement a promise, while the dance of her tongue, an intoxicating symphony of desire, enveloped you in a sensation that felt as if her longing had consumed your very being, propelling you to uncharted heights, a realm of ecstasy before she gently guided you into the cool embrace of the waters. There, her muscular form, usually untouched by warmth, melded with yours, creating a cocoon of closeness that spoke that she doesn't want to ever let you go.
Every morning, as you reluctantly left Ariel's warmth with the rising sun, her tender touches lingered on your body like an ethereal caress. The memory of her feverish kisses, especially the ones trailing across your neck, sent shivers down your spine even in her absence. But it was her melodious chanting in the sea that beckoned you, a siren's call gently urging you to come back to her embrace. As much as you longed to answer that call, you knew you couldn't succumb to its temptation.
The weight of the crown on your head was heavy, Your mother, the queen, had prepared you for the royal role you were destined to fulfill. Yet, the training seemed lacking when it came to matters of the heart. Complications arose as the people of the kingdom impatiently clamored for your marriage, whispering among themselves, eagerly awaiting the day when their future queen would wed, the people's expectations clawing at your back.
You will learn to love him. You remembered Lashana's soft voice as she held you in her warm embrace as you wailed into her chest, soothing your pain with her reassuring voice. The pressure from courtiers and advisors was suffocating, as they pushed you towards a union with the prince of Glowerhaven, but deep down, you knew your heart belonged to Ariel, and no amount of forced affection could change that truth.
Under the shroud of nightfall, you found yourself standing at the water's edge, the waves gently lapping at your feet. The kingdom had settled down for the night, its citizens and tourists all asleep. With a wistful gaze, you stared out at the vast expanse of water that separated you from Ariel's world. The rhythmic sound of the waves seemed to echo her enchanting songs, a constant reminder of the love you could only embrace in secrecy.
Summoning all your courage, you stepped into the sea, feeling the biting cold on your exposed skin. You clenched your teeth, the chill nipping at your lower lip as you endured it for her. For five years, you had been having these clandestine encounters with Ariel, braving the icy waters just to be with her. Waist-deep in the water, you perched on a rock, waiting with bated breath for her arrival.
As the cold seemed to intensify, you pressed your head against the stone, contemplating how to share the news of the arranged wedding with Ariel. Lost in thought, you suddenly noticed movement in the water – a beautiful teal tail adorned with red scales and golden bracelets. A head emerged as searching for someone, wearing a golden crown that shimmered in the moonlight—it was her.
Your tired eyes lit up with affection as you caught sight of Ariel. A smile tugged at your lips when her gaze met yours, Ariel playfully dove back into the water, her lithe form slicing through the moonlit reflection. The sight of her perfect, asymmetrical face and fiery red hair stirred the unquenchable flame of your love. As she approached, it became evident that she intended to playfully tackle you.
"Wait, Ariel, don't—" you called out, but it was too late. With joyous laughter, she leaped into your arms, and together you both sank into the water. Ariel's arms wrapped around your neck, and you opened your eyes underwater, her image slightly distorted but no less beautiful. Her playful spirit prevailed as she pulled you into an underwater kiss, and you tenderly placed your hand on her cheek, reciprocating the love.
As you both resurfaced, gasping for breath but laughing with delight, your foreheads pressed together in an intimate embrace. The reunion after two weeks apart felt like a moment of pure magic, and the joy of being back in each other's arms overwhelmed you. The gentle lapping of the waves served as a soothing backdrop to the emotions swirling between you.
"I missed you so much, Ariel," you said, your voice filled with genuine longing, as you pulled her close, relishing the feeling of her in your arms again. With your head resting on top of hers, you found solace in the intimacy of the embrace, as if no one else existed at that moment except the two of you.
"I missed you too, my love. Two weeks felt like an eternity without you," Ariel whispered her voice tender and filled with warmth. Nuzzling against your neck, she showered you with soft, wet kisses, expressing the depth of her longing and affection. Each touch of her lips on your skin sent delightful shivers down your spine, and you couldn't help but emit a soft whine, overcome by the overwhelming rush of lust you felt for her.
"I have a surprise for you," she murmured, Ariel's lips moved closer to your ear, and her warm breath tickled your skin, making your heart race even faster. "But I'll show it to you later."
Amidst the euphoria of being reunited, you couldn't help but feel a tinge of urgency, knowing that there was something important you needed to share with Ariel. A shadow lingered in the corner of your mind, a haunting thought that had been plaguing your consciousness for too long. As much as you wanted to savor this romantic moment, you knew that sooner or later, you would have to tell her the truth.
"Ariel," you said softly, your voice tinged with vulnerability, she hummed in response still nestled between your neck, "There's something I need to tell you."
"The court put me in an arranged marriage, and I'm getting married in 3 days," you muttered, your voice trembling, and your grip tightened around Ariel's body. Her face was nestled between your neck, planting wet hot kisses, but at the sound of your words, she froze, and her closed eyes shot open, registering the weight of what you said. After a couple of minutes that felt like an eternity, she relaxed again, brushing it off with a laugh.
"Married? Oh, come on, that's ridiculous," Ariel teased with a forced grin, trying not to believe the gravity of the situation. However, when she noticed the seriousness in your expression and the absence of laughter on your lips, her smile faded, and a flicker of something else appeared in her eyes. She continued, her tone gentle as she gently caressed your cheek, "Well... refuse, it's a simple thing to do."
"I can't refuse," you said softly, looking back at her. Her captivating gaze held you captive, and despite the tears that welled up in your eyes, you couldn't look away. Ariel briskly swam away from your embrace, positioning herself in front of you, maintaining that intense eye contact that made it hard to breathe.
"Of course you can…I will make them-" Ariel mumbled out, her irritation evident, but you could also see her fin tail twitching anxiously. Her blue eyes welled up with tears, a mix of frustration and hurt, you could feel the hurt in her voice.
"Ariel, please," you interrupted, mustering all the strength you could find to face the reality of the situation. Your throat tightened, making it difficult to speak, and tears streamed down your face. "You don't even exist for them…"
"So this is it for us?" Ariel asked incredulously, her eyes searching yours for any glimmer of hope. The weight of her question hung heavy in the air, and a mix of emotions flickered across her face – disbelief, sadness, and a tinge of desperation.
"I don't want it to be…uh…I love you Ariel, but I can't simply pass over this," you said, your voice filled with bitterness and desperation. As you looked at her with teary eyes, your breaths came in huffs, and it became increasingly difficult to breathe. You didn't want any of this; you hated seeing the hurt swimming in her eyes. Knowing she might hate you for this only added to your agony, after all, it was your fault-
"Loving someone means going through everything you can imagine, even death... If you can't do this, you can't love," Ariel said angrily through gritted teeth, her teary eyes locking onto yours. Hurt filled your gaze, and you could feel her words striking your heart like a dagger. Your emotions were overwhelming, and tears streamed down your cheeks as you tried to find the strength to respond.
A heavy silence engulfed the air, interrupted only by your sobs and Ariel's heavy breathing. Without a word, Ariel turned away, diving back into the water, swimming away from you. You could only watch helplessly, tears blurring your vision as she distanced herself. In the place where she stood, a shiny object caught your eye, your trembling hands reached for it, revealing a delicate ring. A pink pearl adorned the center, encircled by elegant purple pearls. Your heart sank as you realized what it was –
It was an engagement ring- She was going to propose to you.
"W-WAIT, COME BACK!" you desperately cried out, clutching the ring to your chest as if it held the key to bringing her back. Your breaths came in ragged gasps, and tears blurred your vision, but you continued to call out her name. When it became evident that she wasn't going to return, you sobbed even harder, feeling your vision blur and your breath hitch. You would do anything to make her stay, to mend the wounds that had torn you apart.
"Don't leave me....."
Don'tleavedon'tleavedon'tleavedon'tleavedon'tleavedon'tleavedon'tleavedon'tleavedon'tleavedon'tleavedon'tleavedon'tleavedon'tleavedon'tleavedon'tleavedon'tleavedon'tleavedon'tleavedon'tleavedon'tleavedon'tleavedon'tleavedon'tleavedon'tleavedon'tleavedon'tleavedon'tleavedon'tleavedon'tleavedon'tleavedon'tleavedon'tleavemeDON'T LEAVE ME-
"Your majesty?" Eric whispered, awkwardness evident in his voice as you whipped your head startled to look at him, you noticed that he was concerned.
As you slowly regained consciousness, you found yourself in an unfamiliar place, disoriented and bewildered. The world around you seemed hazy, and a faint static sound echoed in your ears, further adding to the confusion. Turning your head, you noticed Eric standing by your side, his expression a mix of concern and bewilderment.
"Where am I? What's...?" you mumbled, your voice weak and filled with uncertainty. Your memory seemed to be clouded, and you struggled to make sense of your surroundings.
"You're in the church, about to become queen," Eric whispered gently, trying to offer some clarity amidst the fog of confusion. He furrowed his brow, trying to comprehend why you were asking such a question, unsure if you were joking or genuinely unaware of the significance of the moment.
The hushed murmurs and lingering gazes only amplified the pressure you felt. The air seemed thick with anticipation and tension, and you could almost taste the apprehension that hung in the atmosphere. Each whispered word seemed to swirl together, your head began to throb, the pulsating pain mirroring the internal struggle within you. The dizzying array of thoughts and conflicting emotions left you feeling disoriented and on the verge of being consumed by the noise.
"Are you alright? Should i get the doctors?" Eric asked softly, his face etched with worry as he noticed you had been staring at the scepter for quite some time. You glanced around and noticed the people in the room looking at you with pity, causing a tinge of embarrassment to flush your cheeks.
"N-No there's no need I'm alright," you mumbled, forcing a tired smile as you met Eric's gaze. Yet, deep within, a gnawing sense of unease had taken root. Your eyes then returned to the bishop, who held the scepter before you.
You took a deep breath, closing your eyes for a moment, trying to steady yourself. You reminded yourself of the reason you were here – to make the right choice for yourself and for the kingdom, to follow your heart even in the face of opposition.
As your outstretched hand tremulously reached for the scepter, an eerie chill swept through your bones, sending shivers down your spine. The air seemed to thicken with an intangible unease, and a voice inside your mind whispered doubtfully, questioning the morality of your actions. The gravity of the moment weighed heavily on your conscience, leaving you in a state of peculiar detachment from the reality that once felt so familiar. The allure of power clashed with the pangs of uncertainty, entangling you in a web of conflicting emotions, making you question if this path was truly meant for you.
Amid this disconcerting moment, a thousand unblinking eyes fixated upon you. However, their gazes appeared surreal, mere specters dancing at the fringes of your vision. The momentous occasion should have been filled with grandeur and significance, yet an inexplicable sense of isolation pervaded your being. As the ornate crown was reverently placed upon your head, a resounding applause erupted around you, signifying that you're their new queen. But the jubilation felt distant, drowned in a disconcerting symphony of static that seemed to echo within your mind, your throat tightened, and panic clawed at you, but you forced yourself to maintain the regal smile.
You now stood alone, with no one genuinely on your side.
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𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘀 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗲𝗱 © 2023 𝗩𝘀𝗸𝗸𝗼𝗹𝘆𝗮𝗮. 𝗣𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗱𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗰𝗼𝗽𝘆, 𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘁, 𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗻𝘀𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲, 𝗼𝗿 𝗺𝗼𝗱𝗶𝗳𝘆 𝗺𝘆 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸𝘀 𝗼𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺.
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sleepingdeath-light · 11 months
a taste of heaven ; 18+
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requested by ; jamiewintons (kinktober entry)
word count ; 1302
content ; sexually explicit content, heavily dubious consent (lying about identity to sleep with reader), oral sex (fem receiving), vaginal sex, infidelity (reader figures out she isn’t sleeping with jamie but chooses to continue anyway)
fandom ; you, me & the apocalypse
pairing ; ariel conroy x cis female reader
read also on ; ao3
minors and ageless blogs will be blocked
Ariel had been obsessed with you from the very first moment he’d seen your face; bright features flashing across his doofus brother’s lock screen along with a sickening declaration of ‘love’ and ‘luck’ for the coming day — with the memory of those words alone being enough to make his stomach churn all these months later. But now that he had you in his arms, he could say that it was all worth it — all of the stalking, all of the hacking, all of the studying Jamie’s mannerisms and idiolect, all of those sleepless nights — because you were even better than he hoped you’d be.
You were so far beyond his wildest dreams that he didn’t even know where to begin when you’d first let him into your home (brushing off his well rehearsed excuses of the bank closing early with such ease that he almost felt guilty for taking advantage of your trusting nature). Though he quickly found his footing after recalling a recent conversation he’d observed between you and your oh so perfect boyfriend where you’d expressed a want to be more… creative when he ate you out.
And, luckily for you, Ariel was much more willing to accommodate your request than his more prudish counterpart.
Jamie always took his time with you, so Ariel took great care to do the same: careful and slow as he dragged your sweatpants and underwear down your legs, following the thin lace hem with his lips as he kissed his way from your hips to your knees and then back up again until your pants are completely out of his way and he’s free to comfortably settle between your thighs; tender and deliberate in how he moved your legs to rest comfortably on either side of his head, massaging your waist in soothing circular patterns as he slowly leaned forwards and began to kitten-lick his way along your slit — barely even tasting you and yet still having to physically restrain himself from getting drunk on your scent and flavour; cautious and caring in how his movements escalate, looking up at you from between your thighs with those beautiful brown eyes (that somehow, to you, feel very un-Jamie-like) to watch for any signs of discomfort as he dips his tongue further between your lips — going millimetre by millimetre, so painfully slow, until the very tip of his tongue is able to just barely graze against your dripping entrance and tickle your aching clit; intentional and gentle in how he uses one slender hand to push down on your stomach to encourage you to lay flat against the bed as he remains kneeling before you, silencing your protests with chaste kisses against your inner thighs before refocusing his attention on your centre. He was doing such a good job of mimicking his twin until he wasn’t — until you made that sound and arched your back and something in him snapped and he became outwardly Ariel once again.
And to you it was as if he’d become a completely different person: rougher, louder, more desperate than anything you’d ever known of your Jamie. But, despite your initial shock, you couldn’t even bring yourself to complain or to consider pushing him away. Not when it felt so damn good…
So, instead, you just pulled him closer and gave in to the moment completely: revelling in the way he sloppily shoved two (then three) of those delightfully slender (but oddly more calloused than you recalled them being) fingers inside of your gushing cunt and thrust them straight into your g-spot with such ferocity that it had your legs slamming shut around his head; letting your mind grow delightfully blank and fuzzy as he wrapped his lips around your clit and sucked on the swollen nub, only able to moan and whine and cry out his name like a bitch in heat whilst he worked your body like a well-practised instrument; basking in his attention as he slurred curses and praise against your wet pussy and trembling inner thighs — treating your body like a whore whilst earnestly complimenting everything about you in a way that your foggy mind could only liken to a first time.
‘… more beautiful than I imagined,’
‘You taste so good.’
‘Fuck… do that again,’
‘That’s it, princess.’
Princess? Jamie didn’t call you ‘princess’. He called you things like ‘darling’ and ‘my love’ and ‘sweetheart’, but he had never called you that before. You couldn’t even imagine him saying it at all unless he was trying to be funny, it was just so very unlike him. And yet he had, just now, with his lips still wet with your slick and his fingers buried in your cunt as if it were the most natural thing in the world for him to say.
And then the realisation hit that maybe — well, more than maybe — this wasn’t Jamie. A very Jamie-like person who was very so slightly off: his eyes were still beautiful and easy to lose yourself in, but they weren’t brimming with as much earnest love as they usually did; his hair was already a complete mess without you messing with it, almost as if it had been forced into Jamie’s style and wasn’t quite used to sitting in such a way yet; he was devouring you like a starved man would a royal feast with the ferocity of an animal, so rough you were sure you’d be aching, whilst Jamie was usually nothing short of patient and gentle with you — taking his time no matter how much you begged because he used sex as an emotional outlet rather than just a source of carnal pleasure. This not-Jamie — whoever he was — had done an incredible impression of your boyfriend, uncannily so even, but he was ever so slightly off.
Yet that off-ness had been lost on you long enough for him to sneak into your home and into your bed. Jamie would be destroyed if he found out…
But somehow you didn’t care — you weren’t even scared. Too blinded by the unfamiliar-familiarity of those large, cold, slender hands manhandling you across the bed and spreading your legs to accommodate his slim frame as he hastily unbuckled his belt and freed his straining cock from its confines. Too distracted by the unpleasant emptiness that followed him pulling his fingers out of your cunt, followed by the startling warmth and almost-familiar stretch of his dick taking their place inside of you — pleas for more spilling from your lips in place of any protest as you eagerly wrapped your legs around his waist and urged him to fill you to the brim. Overcome with the need to be fucked and stretched and used until you were spent and dumb, calling out for the man you knew wasn’t with you until those not-quite-familiar lips crashed against yours and every pretty noise you tried to make was swallowed by a hot, wet mouth attached to a greedy, rough man you couldn’t get enough of.
Because as long as he was doing this — groping at your waist and chest with an unmatched roughness, pounding into you with a speed and harshness that had the headboard banging against the bedroom wall, and kissing you so messily that your lips were swollen, wet, and bleeding — you couldn’t care less who he was. Jamie, not Jamie, it wouldn’t matter until it was all over.
Until your orgasm had washed over you and you were left covered in sweat and slick and saliva, filled to leaking with a strange Jamie-like man’s cum, on your shared bed with your partner. Panting and aching and tired and almost feeling guilty for how not guilty about the whole thing you felt. Praying that Jamie — the real Jamie — never finds out.
After all, what he doesn’t know can’t hurt him.
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lipstickmarks · 1 month
beauty is a beast that roars, down on all fours, demanding Mor. 💋🍷🍒🥧
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Pairing: Mor x fem!reader, former Azriel x fem!reader (mentioned)
Summary: "They've both taken lovers over the years..." // Azriel and Mor have both taken lovers over the years but what happens when Mor discovers they both have had you? Your "fling" with Mor that is growing more serious by the day and your history with Ariel becomes the catalyst for Mor finally admitting the truth to Azriel.
Word Count: 4.9K
Warnings: violence (not toward reader or Mor), blood, alcohol, coming out, internalized homophobia?, mentions of death (in the past), nipple play, scissoring, tribbing, food play, teasing, overstimulation, oral (f receiving), fingering, hickeys, biting, fluff, mean Mor lowkey 🤭
Author's note: title has nothing to do with anything except the fact that it always reminds me of Mor and I felt like "she's my cherry pie" was too cheesy | if I missed any tags, pls lmk! I don't know all the fancy terms for this shit nowadays 🫶🏻
It was a stupid, idiotic game suggested by stupid idiotic males. 
Mor was nursing a glass of red wine, sat at a round moonstone table at the river estate. The inner circle’s usual night of reverie at Rita’s culminated in everyone slumping back to the estate half-dead with 90% liquor in their veins. The night started out fun with good food and good-natured ribbing amongst her family but it had devolved into a headache. Truly, a nuisance was building at the back of her head, thumping uncomfortably. The alcohol certainly didn’t help but she wasn’t about to endure a drunk Cassian and Azriel without a buzz going. 
Feyre and Rhys had absconded to their room long ago and Amren had disappeared with no notice and no indication as to where she had gone (typical). Elain and Lucien went on a moonlit walk and Nesta had deemed the night over and stomped up to her room the moment Cassian started quoting a dirty passage from the novel she was currently reading. 
Leaving Mor with Cassian and Azriel and a stupid, idiotic game. 
They had somehow gotten on the topic of lovers and Cassian being Cassian, was eager to pry into everyone’s intimate business.
Mor was planning to call it a night soon anyway. This game didn’t interest her and she’d rather be with you. In your arms, in your bed. You’d known each other loosely for a while ever since you worked as a lounge singer at Rita’s but one night, Mor was one of the only people left in the place after your set. You two got to talking and the chemistry was un-fucking-deniable. Your chance meeting quickly blossomed into a fling.
Except something deeply wounded Mor to call it a fling. It made it sound so… cheap and flimsy. Yes, you were phenomenal in bed. Yes, she could cum just from the mental image of you with your head thrown back and her fingers plunged inside you. But you were also talented and ambitious and witty and matched her tit for tat when it came to her silver tongue. There was still some anxiety she felt when she was with females. It never allowed her to fully relax or lose herself in a moment. But you…
You excited her. 
“Okay, okay. Azriel’s turn. Name the best lover you’ve ever had.” Cassian smirked. 
“I don’t kiss and tell.” Azriel said.
“Come on, Az! I told you mine!” 
Azriel snorted.
“You’re mated. You wouldn’t have said any name except Nesta’s. And if you had, she would have ran down here and kicked you in the balls.” 
“And it would have been a major turn on because everything Nesta does turns me on because Nesta is the best lover I’ve ever had now DISH!” Cassian screamed, pointing his wine glass at Azriel and making the wine spill everywhere.
Normally, Azriel didn’t partake in such games. He didn’t kiss and tell. He was respectful and likely got a kick out of being so stoic and mysterious. But they had been drinking so heavily for so long. The shadowsinger’s hazel eyes were swimming with mischief.
“Alright. It was fairly recent. About 10 years ago.” Azriel began to loosely describe this female he had a fling with over the winter that he met while shopping for Solstice presents. The smirk on his face deepened as he described their love making. “She had a phenomenal body and I swear, I didn’t think it was possible for my dick to go so deep inside someone. She was a great cook, too. She always baked me a pie afterward. ” Mor was barely listening. She was about to dump her wine into the plant in the corner and winnow to your apartment when something turned her blood to ice.
Your name.
Your name coming from Azriel’s lips.
It happened in less than a span of a heartbeat. Less than the flutter of an eye closing than it took for Mor to sail across the table and connect her fist with Azriel’s jaw. 
She could barely register Azrie’s weight beneath her, Cassian’s cackle that turned into a worried shout was muffled as she began punching Azriel over and over. Mor roared and gripped the lapels of Azriel’s shirt, readying to bash his head into the floor when a force stronger than drunken Mor pulled her away. 
Azriel’s shadows.
Azriel groaned, blood trickling out of his nose mixing with the spilt wine on the floor. He wriggled his nose and winced. Not broken but Mor gotten in a hell of a punch. 
“What the hell, Mor?!” Cassian shouted. 
Mor was held back by Azriel’s shadows, tears streaming down her face. So many emotions were washing over her at once, spawning in the pit of her stomach and trailing to the center of her chest. Jealousy and rage flowed to the top. 
Azriel had been with you. The two of you had made love. Azriel had known your body, tasted you, gazed upon you in your naked form. He’d known the pleasure only you can provide.
And she wanted to fucking kill him for it.
Azriel just stared at Mor while Cassian berated her, screaming some nonsense about how they’re a family and hitting is only okay if they did something to provoke it.
“Cassian.” Azriel’s sharp voice cut in. “Leave us.” 
Cassian complied. Even this drunk, he could tell when his brother truly needed something. He murmured something about going to get ice and a healing tonic and left the two of them alone. 
Azriel stood up and slowly walked to where Mor was restrained by his shadows. Another feeling started to mix in with the others. Shame. She’d hit Azriel. She’d hurt Azriel. She’d hurt her family. And now there was no hiding anymore. 
Azriel leveled his gaze at her and Mor shivered. He’d never looked at her that way. Never as the feared, icy, ruthless Shadowsinger of the Night Court.
“Is there something you need to tell me, Morrigan?” 
Mor insisted on talking in Azriel’s room. This wasn’t a conversation she wanted anyone else to hear and his was the only one she trusted to be thoroughly soundproof. 
She sat on Azriel’s bed, clutching a pillow in her lap while Azriel stood over her. A blush crept onto her cheeks.
“Don’t stand there, Azriel, like I’m a teenager in trouble. Sit.” 
It was his room and his nose and jaw that she’d tried to break but still, he sat.
Mor took several steadying breaths and begged herself not to cry. She wouldn’t be able to get out the words if she cried. But still, her cheeks and eyes warmed as fat tears began to pool in her eyes. One of Azriel’s shadows came up to wipe them away. 
And Azriel’s scarred hand gently placed atop hers.
“Mor…” His voice was tight. He’d only seen her cry on a few occasions: when Rhys was captured by Amarantha, when Rhys returned, when Nyx was born and he and his parents almost died… It wasn’t a sight he enjoyed. 
“I just–” She heaved a sob. “I need a minute, okay?” 
Azriel squeezed her hand. 
“I’ll wait.” 
Azriel had waited. He’d waited 500 years for something to happen between them. Something that would never happen. Something that Mor had communicated in a roundabout, cruel way. Gods, she hated herself for it. But who could blame her for being skittish? For being so scared that she’d kept this part of herself hidden from even her family? 
…Azriel wouldn’t. 
Mor took another breath. And another. And another after Azriel had conjured up a glass of water for her. 
They sat there for close to 20 minutes before she finally spoke. 
“The first fae I ever loved…” Mor sighed. “Was a female named Andromeda.” 
She weaved the tale over an hour and a half, detailing the first flicker of confusing affection she felt for females, twined with the lesser but still present affection for males. The sexual politics of her taking Cassian as her first lover. Andromeda. Their love story that culminated in the loneliest sadness Mor had ever felt. Loving and losing and her heart caving in all while her family was unaware. The lingering fear and panic she felt regarding her father and Beron and Eris. How she’d avoided Azriel by sleeping around with other males. All leading up to you. How the two of you met at Rita’s one late night after you’d finished a set. How she bought you a drink. How she bought you a second drink. How you became quick friends. How your friendship spiraled into something steamy and undeniable. How Azriel saying your name had unlocked a river of white-hot rage buried so deep inside her that she didn’t even feel like herself when she’d launched herself across the table at him. 
Her throat was dry and raspy by the time she was done talking. She’d cried through a lot of it, especially when talking about Andromeda. She braced herself for Azriel’s reaction. 
“I am sorry that you have been hurting, Mor. But I am also hurt that you thought–” Azriel’s head whipped to the side like he’d been phantom-smacked. His tongue darted out to lick his lips. “I am hurt that you thought I would… what? Berate you? Drag you kicking and screaming into the Court of Nightmares and drop you at Kier’s feet? Be so heartbroken that I would resent you?” 
Mor shuddered.
“Don’t you?” 
Azriel sighed.
“Mor, you are… dazzling. Beauty and wits and heart is what you’re made of. It’s no mystery why I fell for you. It’s no mystery why anyone would fall for you. You’re also kind, and caring, and family.” 
Azriel’s hazel eyes burned into hers and she shifted slightly on the bed, unnerved by the intensity of it. 
“You were always going to be one of the most important people in my life. And no, our relationship didn’t fall into place the way I desired it to and yes, it hurts but what I can’t get over is that you didn’t trust me. You didn’t trust any of us.” 
Mor pulled on the end of her dress, just to have something to do with her body aside from sit here in this uncomfortable conversation.
“Um, actually… Feyre knows.” 
Another deep sigh from Azriel. Mor has never felt so small. So unguarded. Her secrecy was the only armor she had and now it was dust in the wind. No going back. 
“Do you hate me?” She whispered.
Azriel scoffed.
“By the Cauldron, Mor, have you been listening to me?” Azriel reached for her hands. “I could never hate you. I don’t care if you like females or males or both or neither. I don’t give a shit about any of it. You are my family. In 500 years, I have never felt safer than I have with all of you.”
She sniffled, tears welling in her eyes once more.
“Of course.” Azriel said, his voice softer than it had been all night. “Look, I’m not saying I’m happy with you for toying with my feelings and this might take a while for me to process the fact that it’s never going to be us but… I love you, Mor. I’m happy when I’m around you and it kills me to know that you haven’t been completely happy around all of us.” 
Mor felt a swell of relief in her chest. She slipped her arms around his neck and hugged Azriel and hugged him and hugged him until she felt like crying again. This time, she let the tears fall until she was sobbing into his chest.
They spent two more hours talking, ironing out their feelings, and crying. Well, mostly Mor cried. Azriel conjured up more water for her and some food as well. It was practically dawn anyway with the dark blue sky conceding to a blushing, orange sunrise. 
“How do you feel now?” Azriel asked over a strawberry flake strudel. He was now sitting at the foot of his bed, his back leaning against one of the four posters as his wings draped lazily on the ground. 
Mor loosed a long sigh and pulled the straw in and out of the plastic coffee cup she had long since drained until Azriel told her to stop because the sound was annoying.
“I feel like… I want to go see my girlfriend.” She was spent. Her emotions had all spilled out of her like nightmare vomit and she was utterly empty. She craved nothing more than to curl up in your warm bed and stroke your soft hair until she fell asleep. 
Azriel barked out a laugh. 
Mor’s brows knit into a line. She kicked at Azriel’s foot but he quickly dodged. 
“What?” She bit.
“That’s a funny word.” Azriel said, smirking as he finished off his breakfast treat.
Mor sat her cup on his nightstand and sat up.
“What do you mean?” Sure, you two didn’t have a label yet. But you were basically girlfriends, right? You spent most nights together, you slept together, went shopping in Velaris together, had lunch dates all the time. At least, she hoped you’d want to be her girlfriend.
Azriel rolled his eyes at her.
“Morrigan. You flew across a ten-foot long table and beat the shit out of me just because one time, a decade ago, I slept with–” 
Mor growled. That same feeling she got when Azriel first said your name last night was building up again. She felt it from her navel all the way up to her chest. A dark, swirling vortex of negative emotions and yet, somewhere within was a bright white light. 
No, not white. 
Mor’s entire world cracked open. Every scar. Every ounce of pain and trauma that she’d collected split open and filled with a shimmering golden liquid that came from the reservoir of your soul and bled into hers. 
Azriel said it the moment Mor realized it. Everything aligned for her in that moment. The seas were bluer, the birds chirped a perfect melody, and everything made sense. It had all been for this. All been for you. Every awful horror, every fitful night of sleep, everything… it was all aligning for Mor to find you.
She scrambled to get up, all the while Azriel was laughing. She couldn’t find her shoes. Where were her godsdamned shoes? 
Mor decided to forgo the accessories and just go straight to you. Barefoot and in love. And although the bond was pulling at her, willing her to find you, she turned back to Azriel. 
“Az? Are we… are we going to be okay?” She was scared to ask, but it was high time to stop being afraid. To stop keeping Azriel–her entire family, really– at an arm’s length. They all loved her and she needed to embrace that, or else she’d never be truly happy.
Azriel leaned his head against his four-poster. 
“Of course we will, Mor. Maybe not today, but we will be.” 
Mor nodded slowly and headed for the door. She looked back one last time at Azriel. At her family. She knows she hurt him and she would have to do some serious groveling to earn his forgiveness. Even though he was a good male and would likely not accept any gifts or excessive sweetness, she would do it anyway. Mor would win back his trust and help heal the scars she inflicted. But the cage she had trapped herself in had suddenly combusted. The world was wide open. And she liked it. And so Mor said, for perhaps the first time in her life, but meaning it fully:
���I love you, Azriel.” 
Rushed knocks were all she could manage. Feeling a mating bond that had yet to be reciprocated was suffocating and intoxicating all at once. She was shaking and bouncing on her feet like she’d had 300 coffees. If you didn’t open the door in three seconds, Mor didn’t know if she could keep herself from knocking it down. 
Mercifully, it swung open. And there you stood.
Her mate. 
Her perfect, beautiful mate. 
You wore a pair of tiny shorts and a very thin, very see-through white tank top underneath a red kimono robe that Mor was almost certain had once been at home in her closet.
Despite dawn just rising up to wish Velaris a good morning, you didn’t seem perturbed at Mor’s early intrusion. You gave her a lazy feline smile.
“Hey, good looking—” 
You never even had a chance. Mor pounced on you like a jungle cat, claiming your mouth with hers and grabbing at whatever skin she could get her hands on. Although surprised, you didn’t waver for even a moment. You slid your hands up through the fae’s hair and walked her backwards into your apartment. 
Mor’s heart sang a golden chorus that blended in with chirping birds and distant water fountains.
Mate. Mate. Mate. 
Happy. Happy. Happy.
You pulled Mor off of you for only a moment, but she chased after your lips, her hands practically pawing at your chest like a needy housecat.
“What’s gotten into you?” You asked, giggling. But the second Mor’s wide eyes looked into yours. You saw it. You felt it. That golden tether tying you to Mor. 
The noise you let out was something between a happy gasp and a squeal. 
You surged up and kissed her again, parting and letting her claim your mouth and claim you. She tugged the kimono down, shoving it off your perfect shoulders. You tried to do the same with her dress but she insisted on wearing those cross-back ones and intricate tit chains and it was so complicated to get off in a rush. 
But eventually you both worked all the offending garments off and onto the floor. Mor lifted you up and carried you to your kitchen table, her mouth never leaving your neck as she did so. 
She laid you out on your back and attacked your neck with kisses, nipping and biting at your jaw, your ear, anywhere she could reach. Her fingers went down to trace the insides of your thighs, drawing a shudder of pleasure from you. 
Her hand dipped even further, her middle finger tracing the outside of your entrance, barely ghosting over your skin, playing in the wetness that was already there. 
“Wait!” You shouted, just before Mor could get her fingers inside of you.
Her brows knit together in concern and her perfect lips formed a pout, but the distress melted when she saw you reach across the kitchen table grabbing at a tin of cherry pie you had made. You pulled it toward you and grabbed a sloppy handful from the middle. You held it out to Mor, your eyes wide from both love and lust. 
“Eat.” You gently nudged the pie up onto her lips. 
Mor watched a stream of cherry juice drip down your hand and wrist. She leaned in and traced it with her tongue, collecting it off your skin. She dragged her tongue down your arm and back up until she took your entire pinky in her mouth, sucking on the digit. Then she did the same with your ring finger and your middle finger and so on. Her teasing was utterly unfair and you pouted as she took her sweet time sucking on your fingers until she finally ate the handful of pie you’d extended out to her. 
A pang of jealousy sang in her chest, remembering that you baked pies for Azriel after every time you did it but the solidification of the bond quickly stamped that out. 
Mor ate every bit of pie you offered her and licked the palm of your hand clean. Her lips were stained red from the cherries and the sweetness rested pleasantly on her tongue. 
“I love you.” She murmured, placing kisses along your bare chest and over your boobs. She wrapped her mouth around a nipple and sucked and nipped at it, drawing precious little “ah!”s and moans from you. 
“Mm… I love you too, Mor.” You said, twining your fingers in her hair, not caring that you were getting pie crumbs all in your lover’s blonde hair. Because she wasn’t just your lover anymore. She was your mate. 
She fixed her attention on your other nipple and her fingers found her way back to your entrance, teasing, grazing. 
Your mate sat up, eye-fucking you as she took in your form. It didn’t make you shy. You were never shy with Mor, or at Rita’s when you were belting out a song. It was one of the things she loved about you. One of the reasons you were perfectly matched to her. The Mother did a good fucking job. 
“How much do you love me?” Mor said in a sing-song tone, dragging her knuckle up your slit. 
“So much.” You gasped. You truly did love Mor. She was confident and carefree and fun. She made you feel like every day only happened so you could experience pleasure. Like mornings were made for strolls in the sun and evenings were made for lovemaking under the moonlight. There was no pain and no turmoil when you were together. There was just you and your mate and the golden love that flowed through you and around you. 
“How good do I fuck you, baby?” She whispered, sliding one finger inside you. 
You gasped and grabbed her wrist. Not to stop her but just to have any sort of contact with you. Mor rectified this immediately by holding one of your hands in her free one and pressing kisses to the back of it. 
“So good, Mor.” You murmured as she lazily dragged her finger in and out of you. It wasn’t enough. You needed more. 
Sensing your needs, knowing exactly what her sweet mate needed, she added another finger and amped up her speed ever so slightly. You moaned your affirmation.
“I know what you like.” She whispered. The minx. You could hear the smirk on her face.  
She pulled you right to the edge and then retracted her fingers faster than you could comprehend. Your eyes shot open and tears quickly filled them, so close to your peak and then denied so quickly. 
Mor shook her head, grinning at you the whole time.
“Sweet girl… you know how this goes. We don’t ever finish that quickly. Besides,” Mor dug her fingers into the pie you had decimated, plucking out a single cherry and holding it up to the light, admiring it like a lost artifact. “You haven’t had breakfast.” 
She dragged the cherry around your lips, painting them red. Your tongue darted out to lick at the tips of her fingers and she placed the cherry on your tongue. You chewed and felt the bond growing stronger, more prominent in your chest with every little bite. The second you swallowed, Mor was on you again, kissing you desperately, licking into your mouth. 
She hiked your leg up and started grinding her wet cunt against yours. The warmth was perfect and you felt your body and soul practically singing with how right it felt, how perfect you two were. 
Mor’s warm, wet pussy was like a dream. You grinded against her, creating more friction and soon you were both shouting, both unable to contain your moans. Mor sped up, bouncing against you and that simply wouldn’t do. You couldn’t let her have all the fun. You broke from the kiss and took her nipple in your mouth, sucking on it as she had done to you. Except, you had a little payback in mind for her edging you. You let go of her nipple with a wet pop and started sucking a love bite onto the skin of her breast, right on top where it would be visible in those low cut dresses she wore. Everyone would know she had a mate. Everyone would know she belonged to you. 
Mor moaned your name in a desperate whisper, increasing her speed. The two of you weren’t going to last long. The pressure was building up and it was already too perfect, too all-consuming. 
Once you were satisfied with the darkening mark on her chest, you latched onto her neck, kissing and sucking. But that wasn’t enough for your mate. She gripped your chin in her hands and kissed you desperately. Like she needed you to breathe. 
That was what sent you over the edge. 
You came and Mor followed soon after. The pleasure flowed through you two freely like the love through the bond. You’d never felt so connected to someone and by the pulsating you felt at the other end, you knew Mor hadn’t either. 
“I love you.” She slurred, pupils blown wide with lust. You swore they almost looked like little hearts. 
You returned the sentiment, murmuring it into her skin as you kissed up her sternum and across her jaw before she finally gripped a fistful of your hair and dragged you up to her lips. 
You sighed in contentment against your mate. But Mor wasn’t done with you yet. 
She sunk to her knees in front of you, eye-level with your glistening wet pussy. 
“So…” she drawled, licking a stripe up your slit, collecting both her and your wetness on her tongue. “When were you gonna tell me you fucked Azriel?” 
At the same moment you uttered “what?” Mor plunged her tongue inside you, swirling around and suckling at your clit. You clawed at the table, wishing you had laid a tablecloth down so you’d have something to grip onto. You were still so, so sensitive but Mor was relentless as she toyed with your bundle of nerves. 
“I know you fucked him…” She mumbled against your hot core. 
You laid your head back in pleasure, unable to form any thoughts. Mor knew you liked a little overstimulation and the mating bond was amplifying it by one hundred.
“Was a long time ago…” You murmured. Utterly pussy-drunk. 
“Don’t care.” Mor said, plunging a finger inside you. “Should’ve told me. I almost broke his nose.” 
Some part of you deep down felt bad for Azriel but that part was trapped beneath an ocean of pleasure and right now, you’re not sure you could even remember what Azriel looked like. 
“Mmm…” You moaned, your clit twitching as Mor sucked on it. She added two fingers, pumping in and out of you faster than she did before. 
Mor brought you to the edge again and you could barely register her lifting you up and carrying you into the bathroom. You were so lost in your own pleasure and the feeling of your mate holding you that no other sensations even mattered. Your body simultaneously roared at you to fall asleep and to hop onto Mor’s lap and grind your pussy against hers over and over again. 
“Sleep, my love.” Mor said. 
You felt her easing the two of you into a hot bath, her keeping you tight against her chest.
“No.” You grumbled petulantly, though your eyes fluttered closed. She did wake you up awfully early and make you cum twice. Mating frenzy or no, you were exhausted. “Need to fuck you.” 
Mor giggled against your ear.
“We’ll have a lifetime of that, baby.” Mor ran her fingers up and down your arm, the sensation calming you and sending tiny tingles of pleasure to your brain. She was most definitely moving you into the river house once the frenzy was over. Or she could move in here with you. Or maybe you two would build a new property. You could design your dream home together. Whatever. Permanent decisions could wait until after your mating ceremony. Because you would be having a mating ceremony. A spectacular, classy, romantic affair. Candles everywhere and her whole family in attendance. All of fucking Velaris. She would marry you in front of anyone anywhere in the world. 
You nodded your affirmation and slumped against your mate as she took to washing you both with your nice smelling soaps. 
When you woke up, Mor would find your vibrator and make you come two more times with it. She loved getting you worked up because once it was her turn, you were relentless. You would pull orgasm after orgasm from her until she was in tears and screaming your name so loud, the cranky neighbors pounded on your door demanding you keep it down. 
“Tell me, mate.” Mor whispered as she shampooed your hair. “What flavor pie did you bake Azriel after he fucked you?” 
You hummed and pinched Mor’s thigh for fixating on silly things and pulling you out of your sleep. You and Azriel had a fling that lasted less than a winter season ten years ago and had only ever been casual friends since. It was nothing compared to what you felt for Mor. How pleasure overtook every cell in your body when you were together, even if all you were doing was sharing a turkey sandwich at a bistro down by the Sidra. 
If you peeked into your skull, it would be filled with images of Mor. Your lover, your best friend, your mate. She was your ending and your beginning. Nothing before or since matters. 
Mor nipped your ear and your moan signaled you liked that a little too much. Even as your eyes fluttered shut, you grabbed her hand and guided it to your center. You wanted her to make you cum one more time, just one more teeny tiny orgasm before you fall asleep. 
Mor massaged your wet, soapy breast with one hand while the other lazily circled your clit. She pressed hot kisses over your neck, occasionally licking and nipping the skin there too. 
“You’re only making cherry from now on.”
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littlefireball · 3 months
Can I request an Ateez fic with Yeosng x female reader where she accidentally runs into yeosang outside and his drink accidentally spills on her so he offers her a shower and some clothes as it's pretty late and he walks in on her getting out the shower and it gets smutty from there?
Dont want to share name so here's my Fave emoji🐈‍⬛
Here you go 😉
ʏꜱ|ᴀᴄᴄɪᴅᴇɴᴛ (ᴍ)
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ʏᴇᴏꜱᴀɴɢ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 2.1ᴋ
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"Why am I here…" You find yourself constantly regretting your decision to come here. The blaring music in the bar is making your ears ache, and the rowdy crowd of dancers and screamers is only adding to your discomfort. If you hadn't given in to your friend's persistent requests, you wouldn't have found yourself in this dreadful place.
Glancing at the time on your phone, you see that it's already three o'clock in the morning. The party shows no signs of slowing down, but you feel like you can't bear another moment of it.
"I can't take this anymore. I'm leaving!" Determined, you push your way through the crowd in search of your friend.
"Hey, Ariel. I gotta go."
"What? But you haven't gotten laid with a guy yet!?"
"What the fuck are you talking about? I'm not a casual person, okay?" you reply, feeling frustrated.
"Tsk…You'd be kind enough not to stay chaste for yeosang."
"Why are you mentioning him again?"
"Am I wrong? How long have you liked him,how long have you been chasing him? Huh? Didn't he ignore you in the end?"
You've had a crush on yeosang since your freshman year of college, and now you're in your third year, still unable to move on.
"You should forget about him and move on! There are plenty of other great guys out there," Ariel advises.
You roll your eyes and sigh, look very dissatisfied, "I'm not interested in talking with you, fuck you and bye."
"Hey you virgin!" Ariel's loud shout attracts the attention of the surrounding crowd, eliciting some jeers.
"Our friendship is over." You spun around, extended your middle finger behind you, and strode off, leaving her to mock your departure. It bewilders you that this "friend," who neither respects nor enjoys reminiscing with you about the past, will understand the depth of your actions.
"Tsk…fucking bitch!" Reflecting on her past actions intensifies your anger, leading you to curse even more. Your gaze drops, contemplating why you had refrained from slapping her just moments ago.
"Ah!! How foolish of me!! I ought to have punched her!!" Your pace quicken, oblivious to a man approaching with his head also bows. In your distraction, you collide with him, causing the sports drinks he carries to spill all over you.
"Oh no!!" you blurt out, abruptly snap back to reality from your reverie.
"Oh dear…my dress…" Now, your white dress bears orange stains, likely to attract a swarm of ants. Today seems to be a day where misfortunes piled up one after another.
"AH! My apologies…Y/N?" While you sought out paper towels to dab your skirt, a familiar voice reached your ears. Looking up, you are greeted by a known silhouette.
"Yeosang?" It is only then did you recognize the man before you as Yeosang, the object of your longstanding affection. He has just finished a workout session, clad in a black vest that showcased his robust muscles, his body sheathes in a subtle sheen of sweat, prompting an involuntary gulp and your cheeks to warm.
"It's quite late. What brings you here?"
"Ah, it's a bit of a story." You averte your gaze, the recent bitter exchange with Ariel still fresh and mortifying.
"Regardless…um…about your attire…I reckon your home is a fair distance from here, correct?"
"Yeah…perhaps I should hurry home for a shower or just clean up in a restroom."
"Uh…if it wouldn't inconvenience you, my place is nearby. You're welcome to shower there."
"Really?" Oh my, his place? Suddenly, your heart races, thumping so loudly you fear it might burst out of your chest.
"Yes, my home is just around the corner."
"Hmm, yeah, alright." Finding yourself at a loss for words, you stammer out a response. During the walk to his home, he is surprisingly talkative. Opposed to his usual solitude in the gym or library, his chatty demeanor is a revelation.
"The bathroom is over there; here are my hoodie and a towel for you." "Thank you." You close the door and can't help but smell his clothes.
"Oh my god…I can't believe now I'm in his house!!" In an instant, you stifle a burgeoning scream with your hand, your smile twisting wildly as if possessed.
Stripping off your attire, you step inside and activate the shower. The second the warm water cascades over you, your stiff muscles unwind, yet the realization that you are bare and showering in Yeosang's abode, with nothing but a thin door between you two, reignites your apprehension.
"I need to relax." Attempting to soothe your nerves only escalates your agitation. "I'm actually in his house! I'm actually using his shower gel! I'm actually wearing his clothes!!" The sensation of going mad is overwhelming, and the excitement, perhaps combined with the warmth of the water, makes your body feel ablaze and your pulse race.
Yeosang glances at the clock on the wall, noting your absence from the shower for nearly an hour now. His impatience grows, spurred not only by the discomfort of feeling grimy but also by the complexities of your relationship.
"Did I actually suggest she shower? Have I lost my mind?" He gazes down at his body, his restlessness fueled by arousal. Merely imagining you, now naked, soon to be garbed in his hoodie post-shower, is stimulating.
"Damn…I should bathe as well, without delay." Collecting his garments, he approaches the bathroom door and knocks.
"Y/N?" The response is silence. "Y/N?" Silence prevails once more.
Concerned thoughts flurry through his mind. 'Is she alright? What's occurred?' The possibility of you fainting crosses his mind, prompting him to swiftly open the door, only to find you in the midst of your shower.
God, you are breathtaking.
"Yeo…yeosang?" The sound of the door opening jerks you back to the present; you are met with Yeosang's concerned gaze, yet it is tinged with a deeper desire.
"Are you alright? I called out several times but received no answer. I worried something had befallen you.
Reactively, you spin around, concealing your chest, flooded with embarrassment.
"Ah, I'm sorry…I didn't hear you…but…but…you…"
"Look, it's getting late, and I need to shower. I have an early lesson tomorrow."
"Sorry! I'll hurry up and get out soon."
"No need, continue your shower.""What?" He disrobes and joins you, leaving you dumbfounded and shamed. Your grip tightens around the shower head, your body paralyzed.
"How can I proceed if you're holding the shower head?" He moves in closer, his breath warming your back. Too mortified to speak, you simply hand him the shower head. His smirk reveals amusement at your timidness.
"And the body wash as well." Retrieving the shower head, he leans in to grab the shower gel. His chin resting on your shoulder, pressing against your back with his chest, and his finger grazing your arm, igniting a shiver down your spine.
"You like me, aren't you?" he murmurs. Your eyes widen in shock - his directness is unexpected.
"Am I mistaken? Perhaps it's just my imagination."
"No…no" You turn around to meet his lustful gaze, with a smirk on his face. You can't help but admire his beauty. Just standing in front of you is enough to make you faint.
"I…mean." With your lips sealed, anxiety silences your ability to unveil the truth. Your heart's rhythm fiercely tries to override all other sounds.
"Mean what?" Eyes locked, the distance between you dwindles. Breath intermingling, the magnetic pull is undeniable. "I…" It's a simple confession of "I like you," yet it's trapped, unsaid. An invisible barrier seems to perch upon your lips. Taking a deep breath, you gather your bravery, draw him close, and your lips meet his in a fervent kiss.
With escalating passion and desire, Yeosang encircles your waist, returning your kiss with both affection and tenderness. The kiss is a fusion of love's fervor, deep-seated emotions, and the intensity of mutual desire.
Your lips briefly become one, sending ripples of intense feelings through each of you. "How daring of you," he whispers amidst the kiss, igniting a flush of warmth across your cheeks.
He captures your lips once more before offering a loving smile. The exploration of tongues, gentle yet passionate, mimics flames dancing together, igniting a fervor within your hearts.
Drawn even closer, your bodies naturally seek the warmth and synchrony of each other's pulses. He presses you gently against the wall, your bodies tightly conjoined as if becoming one.
His proximity intensifies, his arousal evident as it grazes you, eliciting a mix of pleasure and anticipation. The subtle contact encourages a restless shifting of your thighs, rubbing against his tip without notice.
He hisses and stops the kiss, resting his forehead on yours. "I can't last if you keep doing this." He whispers and leans forward. His hardened length nestled between your wet thighs, teasing your entrance.
"Have you done this before?" You shake your head.
"Tell me if you want this." He cups your face, caressing your cheek, every gentle touch sending the wave of heat through your body. Holding his hand and leaving a peck on it, you whisper "Yes."
He can no longer resist the urge to wrap up your legs on his waist, pinning your hands above your head without breaking the passionate kiss.
"Hm-!!" You close your eyes tightly as the sudden feeling of being penetrated is hard to bear, so weird that it makes you scream.
"It's gonna be okay." He buries his head in the crook of your neck and thrust in and out with a slow pace, not wanting to hurt you. He leaves a trail of kisses on your jaw and neck as if comforting you.
Everything naturally changes into pleasure, driving you to a new height of ecstasy.
"Please, yeosang, I want more, please deeper."
"Good girl, stay still." He withdraws his cock, only the tip remains in your cunt, and pushes in with a great force.
"Oh god!!" You moan out as his tip hits your sweet spot so harsh, making your body squirm and tighten your wall.
"Fuck, you feel so good." Wrapped around by your wet and warm wall, his cock twitches every time when his name leaves your lips. Combined with your beautiful moaning, it's just like an attractive synonym.
"Yeosang ar~ah~" You keep calling out his name as if it is the only thing in your mind. "You really know how to drive me crazy." He speeds up his thrusting, without any gentleness but only raw emotion and lust.
Lowering his head to suck your nipple, his tongue circles around it, licking everywhere he can find. Without breaking the sucking and licking, the movement from his lower body becomes more intense. Each thrust makes you hold your breath, your mouth forming an 'O,' emitting sounds of pleasure.
The scent of shower gel mixed with the smell of sex, along with the sounds of bodies colliding, was highly erotic. He fucks you at an inhuman pace as if he never tired.
"Sang…Sangie…" The intense love-making made your brain overly excited, almost completely losing your ability to speak. A weird feeling appears in your stomach; you can't describe it but just feeling you're heading toward the edge.
"Want to cum?" "Cum…what?" "Don't hold it, release them all." You closed your eyes tightly, moaning loudly as if trying to force out the last breath from your throat.
"Cum on my cock, girl." Along with his words and the intensified thrusts, stimulating your sensitive nerves, you release all with a loud moan.
"Shit, it feels so well!" Your juices wet his thighs, and eventually, they were washed away by the water from the shower head. The warmth and wetness both wrap around his cock, urging him to climax together.
After a few thrust, he comes all with a moaning voice. Both of you panting heavily and he slowly places you down to the ground. Your knees almost give out but luckily he holds you firmly.
"You did so well, love. Let's clean up." He pecks at your forehead and helps you shower.
"What are we now?" You ask him while nesting in his arm, feeling his breath spaying on your skin.
"Boyfriend and girlfriend?" You dare not believe what you heard, just staring at him with surprise and touch.
"You don't want?"
"No! I haven't said that!" You pat his chest then rest your head on his chest.
"So, can you be my girlfriend?" You nod as an idiot and laugh out, hugging him tighter.
"What I just wanted to say, but what I didn't say was…I like you."
"I know and I like you too. If not, I won't ask you to come to my place." You both smile at each other and lean forward into a kiss before falling into a deep sleep together.
This accident caused you to 'lose' your fake friendship, but gain true love.
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fantasyandshit · 8 months
The light and the dark
Other parts here
Pairing: Azriel x Archeron sister reader
Summary: Yn is recovering from her…incident. Az offers his help.
(Hey a/n here. I just want to take a moment to say thank you guys so much for all the support, past accounts I’ve had have had zero contact so this means so much to me and every time I see I’ve gotten a notification from you guys a smile comes to my face. I love y’all so much and I’m glad you enjoy my work. Please comment if you want to be added to the tag list or just want to tell me something, I love them so much! And remember I need ideas so please send me some! Love y’all enjoy reading!❤️❤️)
Pain. That’s the first thing I feel, agonizing pain throughout my body. Next, I feel a weight in my left hand, something bumped yet smooth. I’m on something soft, and there’s a weight on each side of me, starting just at my shoulder blades. What is that what- I shoot up, adrenaline causing me to not struggle with the added weight but my pain increases and I let out a yelp.
“Hey, hey! Calm down, calm down. You’re ok. You need to lay down.” Hands grapple at me and I struggle as I’m forced back into the bed. I let out groans and small screams as pain continues to flare in the unknown appendages-wings- my fucking wings. I have wings. I fucking.have.wings. And they hurt like hell. Ariel’s face comes in to view and I finally calm down.
“Yeah, yeah it’s me. You’re ok. Relax.”
“Hurts.” I whimper, tears coming to my eyes. “Really hurts Az.” That’s the first time Ive called him that and it comes out in a sob.
“I know love. I know. We’re gonna fix it ok. We’re gonna make it better yeah?” I barely register what he called me as I nod my head meekly.
“Hello Yn. I’m madja, I’m a healer. Can you tell me what hurts the most?”
“Wings.” My breath comes out a bit ragged as exhaustion hits me like a brick.
“Shit, some of the wounds reopened, Azriel keep her talking and awake.”
As my eyes flutter I feel two hands on my face, “hey, hey look at me. There she is.” My eyes lock on Ariel’s as shadows dance around me. I look over to his hands, grabbing one in my hand and he tenses as I bring it in front of my face and inspect it.
“Beautiful.” I mumble as my finger traces his scars, “they’re beautiful Az, you’re beautiful.” My eyes flutter again before fire bursts in my wings and I scream loud enough I’m sure the house shook, bucking away and writhing.
“Hold her down shadowsinger.” Az grabs me and holds me as the pain continues.
“No no Az please. It hurts it hurts please. Let me go.”
“Hold her still!”
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” The male looks away, tears of his own surfacing before Rhysand and Feyre appear, immediately understanding the situation and helping Az.
Feyre look to my eyes, “Feyre. Please it hurts. It hurts so bad.”
I watch her heart shatter in her eyes, “I know sis. I know.” Her hand whipped my sweaty face, “it’ll be over soon. I promise, it’ll all get better.”
Finally the pain leaves, now a dull ache as the fae let me go, Feyres hand now going through my hair, I lean into the comfort, eyes fluttering as I relax and finally fall asleep.
“She should be awake by now, it’s been two weeks since she last woke up.”
“Relax Az. She needs time, you forget she hasn’t been an Illyrian more than a month and a half and her wings were severely injured not minutes after she was made one.”
A groan leaves my lips and I speak without opening my eyes, my voice horse from lack of use, “please shut up. You’re so loud.”
“Yn?” I crack my eye open to see Az, his hand holding mine as he faces me, Feyre, Rhysand, Cassian, and a blond femal I do not recognize take different positions around the room.
“Hey Az.” A smile forms on my lips, “you were worried about me. That’s sweet.” I laugh at the blush that forms on his cheeks, Cassian and Rhysand doing the same. “I don’t mean to be rude but who are you?” I turn to the beautiful blond female.
“I’m Morrigan. It’s nice to finally officially meet you. I’ve heard A lot about you.”
“All good things I hope.”
A graceful chuckle leaves her lips, “of course.”
“Where is Nesta and Elain? Are they ok?” The thought rushes to me and I almost sit up but Azriel stops me.
“They’re perfectly fine, Elain is processing and has chosen to do so alone in her room, she didn’t wish to come today, she’s been a few times during your recovery, Nest-“ there’s a tense pause, “Nesta did not wish to visit.” I nod slowly, hurt that the sisters I saved didn’t wish to see me but put it off as them healing mentally. I decide to lighten the mood, taking out minds from the solemn topic.
“Now can someone get me some water, some food, and a wing scratcher. Those exist right? Cause if not you guys will have to play eni meni minie moe to decide who does it for me.” Cassian bellows in laughter, the rest joining as i look at them with raised eyebrows, “I’m serious, these things itch like I’ve bathed them in poison ivy.”
Az squeezes my hand, my attention returning to him as the others arrange for food and water..and figure out how to find a back scratcher. “That’s the ointments love, I’ll help take care of your wings. If you’re ok with that? Wings are precious to our kind, sensitive, sacred.”
“I’d really appreciate that sweetheart.”
Shocks spreads on the males face. “Huh?”
“I said I’d appreciate that. That you’re being a sweetheart.” I try to play it off and he chuckles.
“Ok love, whatever you say.”
“I like that.”
“What?” His brows scrunch as he turns his head a little.
“When you call me love.” Blush creeps up both of our faces as we stare at each other, only broken out my Cassian clearing his throat loudly.
“I have your soup and water. Mor will send in some clothes later for you to bath and change.”
“Thank you, I take the tray from his hands and Az helps me situate myself. “You can go you know. I know you probably have better things to do than baby tend me all day.”
“I’m not baby tending you, I’m helping you recover, and there’s nothing more important to me than helping you.” I look to my soup, praying he doesn’t notice the way my blush deepens further.
“Ok, how do you want to do this? I’m sat on a stool in the bathroom, still finding it hard to walk with the weird weight in my back.
“Could you-could you help me, I can’t undress myself.” For the millionth time today a blush spreads in our faces before he answers softly.
“Yeah, yeah I can do that.” His hands brush my back as he undoes the strings of my tunic, careful of my healing wings before he stands me up, leaning me on his arm as he slides my pants off, then helping peal of my undergarments and supporting me as I step into the warm bath water. I sink down as Azriel grabs the soaps needed. “Ok, I’ll start with your hair. Ok?”
“Ok.” I moan at the feeling of his hand massaging my scalp. Eyes falling shut as he leans my head back, carefully poring water over it and repeating that with conditioner.
“Ok um-wings are very intimate, and sensitive. Yours may be more so because they are so new and still healing. Is it ok if I touch them, I will clean them off and make sure to exfoliate and apply a lotion madja gave me to help with your itching and soreness?”
“Yes, yeah you can-you can do what you need to.”
“Ok. Az helps softly pull my wings out so they are flared seeing as I don’t know how to control the muscles yet. He softly scrubs a soap around them, when he hits a larger membrane at the top a gasp and whine leave me-fuck that feels good. “Are you ok?” He drops his movements.
“Yes I’m fine it feels really good.”
“Ok.” He nods before continuing softer than before.
That’s when it happens, his shadows are dancing around us and as I relax I spot them, tendrils of light twirling with his shadows. We both freeze as we watch, one of the lights dashes to me, rubbing my cheek before going to my ear and whispering to me. “Woah.”
“What, what’s going on.” Azriel is no longer calm
“Relax. It’s ok, they-they say I’m like you but I speak to light rather than dark. These are-these are my lights.” I chuckle, a smile gracing my lips as shadows and light twist in my hair and around me and Az’s bodies.
“Thats amazing love.” Az finishes getting the soap off my wings before helping me out and drying me off, slipping the night gown Mor gave me on and applying lotion to my wings. “We’ll tell Rhys about your powers in the morning. For now, get some rest ok love?”
“Ok.” As he turns to leave I catch his wrist, “please stay.”
After a moment, Azriel nods hesitantly, slipping his boots off and sliding into bed with me, tucking himself behind me. I grab his hands, wrapping them around me as I turn so my face is to his chest, our wings overlapping and enveloping us and themselves before we both drift off to sleep.
There we go! Part four! I hope you enjoy, I tried to make it really sweet and fluffy. I know it’s moving fast but I can’t hold back with Azzy baby ok.
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herstoryheaven · 1 month
Descendants James Hook x Reader: The Pirate And The Mermaid
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Request: Hi, I love your imagines so much that I was wondering if you could do an imagine where Uliana finds out that Hook is dating Ariel's sister and makes him choose the VK group or her by making the reader walk the plank and if hook saves her (which he does) and convinces Uliana that she's nothing like Ariel and is perfect for him. (The other 3 vks already know that they're dating except for Uliana and always help Hook sneak around to see her without Uliana knowing until one day she finds out)
Reader: Female
Word count: 3786
Average reading time: 13 min 45 sec
Category: Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: All events portrayed in my stories are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events is purely coincidental. Any actions or behaviours portrayed by the characters may differ from reality and cannot be connected to any actual person. This work is purely fictional and intended for entertainment purposes only.
James Hook walked around the grounds of Merlin Academy, his dark brown hair messy yet perfectly styled, a confident smirk playing on his lips. But beneath that confident facade, his thoughts were elsewhere, focused on one person in particular.
You, Y/n, the youngest daughter of King Triton, were waiting for him in the secluded corner of the academy gardens. It was a secret place, known only to a few, where the wildflowers bloomed in brilliant colors and the trees provided a perfect cover from prying eyes. This hidden haven had become one of the many places you would meet, a place where the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you in a bliss of stolen moments and whispered promises.
James spotted you before you saw him, your vibrant hair catching the sunlight as you idly plucked petals from a daisy. He paused for a moment, just to admire you, the way the sunlight danced across your features, the serene expression on your face as if you had no care in the world. It made his heart swell with a warmth he had never thought possible for someone like him. You were his light, the beacon that guided him through the dark seas of his life.
With a silent grace, he approached, his footsteps nearly soundless on the soft grass, until he was right behind you.
“Princess.” he whispered in your ear, his voice a velvet caress that sent shivers down your spine.
You jumped slightly, your hand going to your heart as you turned to face him, a smile spreading across your lips. “James, you scared me.” you said, playfully swatting at his arm.
He chuckled, his arms already slipping around your waist, pulling you flush against him. “Can’t help it, love. You’re just too easy to sneak up on.”
Your laughter was like music to his ears as you rested your head on his chest, reveling in the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. “If only everyone could see this side of you. They’d never believe the fearsome Hook has a soft spot.”
He tilted your chin up, his eyes capturing yours, the mischief that usually danced in them now replaced by something much deeper, much more sincere. “That’s because this side of me is only for you, darling.”
Your heart fluttered at his words, a warmth spreading through your chest that made you feel like you were floating. You leaned up, your lips meeting his in a kiss that was both sweet and intense, a reflection of the emotions that swirled between you. His hands tightened on your waist, pulling you even closer as if he could never get enough of you, and for a moment, the world ceased to exist, no prying eyes, no judgment, just the two of you, entwined in your own little world.
But as much as you cherished these moments, you both knew they couldn’t last forever. Merlin Academy was full of eyes and ears, and there were those who would do anything to tear you apart. After all a royal and a villain simply couldn’t be together, that is nkt gow it's supposed to be. The thrill of secrecy was always tinged with the fear of discovery, and yet, it only made your time together all the more precious.
As if sensing the shift in your thoughts, James pulled back slightly, his thumb brushing over your cheek as he gazed down at you with a mix of love and concern. “What’s troubling you, love? You’re too quiet.”
Before you could respond, a soft rustling in the bushes caught your attention. Out of the shadows stepped Morgie, his eyes scanning the area before he spotted the two of you. He was a loyal friend, always looking out for you, even if it meant risking his own neck. With his tousled hair and mischievous grin, Morgie was the perfect accomplice to your secret meetings.
“You two better wrap it up.” Morgie said, his voice low but urgent. “Uliana’s searching for you.”
James groaned, reluctantly releasing you but keeping one arm around your waist as if he couldn’t bear to let you go completely. “Can’t she take a break from being such a buzzkill?”
Morgie shrugged, glancing over his shoulder as if expecting Uliana to appear at any moment. “Not when she’s determined to keep you close, Hook. You know how she is.”
Your smile faded as worry crept into your heart. Uliana had always been a thorn in your side, ever since you first arrived at the academy. She was ruthless, cunning, and had a grudge against your family. It didn’t help that James was her first mate, a role that made your relationship all the more dangerous.
“I can handle Uliana.” James said, sensing your unease. He tried to reassure you, but you could see the tension in his jaw, the way his hand clenched at his side. “She’s all bark and no bite.”
But you weren’t so sure. “Just… be careful, okay? I don’t want you getting hurt because of me.”
James softened at your concern, brushing a strand of hair from your face with a tenderness that belied his fierce reputation. “Don’t worry about me, princess. I’d walk the plank a thousand times if it meant keeping you safe.”
Your smile was small, but genuine, though the unease in your chest remained. You trusted James, but you knew how dangerous Uliana could be. And you had a feeling she wasn’t going to give up easily.
Just then, the shadows seemed to grow darker, and a chill breeze swept through the garden. From the corner of your eye, you saw the air shimmer as Hades appeared with a dramatic flair. His blue flame-like hair flickered as he greeted the two of you with an amused smirk.
“Well if it isn’t mt favorite lovebirds.” Hades drawled, crossing his arms over his chest. “You two do know how to pick the worst places for a secret date, don’t you?”
“Relax, Hades.” James replied, though there was a note of irritation in his voice. “We were just leaving.”
Hades chuckled, his eyes gleaming with a mischievous light. “Good thing I found you first. Maleficent’s already weaving a little distraction for Uliana, but it won’t last long. You’d better make yourselves scarce before she catches wind of your little affair.”
You glanced at James, who nodded slightly. It was time to go, but the thought of parting from him so soon after you’d just found each other again left a hollow ache in your chest. As if reading your thoughts, James leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead.
“Meet me tonight.” he whispered against your skin, his breath warm and comforting. “At the docks. We’ll steal a few hours together, just you and me.”
You nodded, unable to find your voice as you were overwhelmed by the tenderness in his words, the promise of more time together keeping your spirits afloat.
With Morgie, Hades, and Maleficent covering your tracks, you and James managed to slip away from the garden unnoticed. But as you disappeared into the shadows, you couldn’t shake the feeling that this fragile happiness was standing on the edge of something dangerous. Uliana was relentless, and you knew it was only a matter of time before she made her move.
That night, as the moon cast a silver glow over the academy grounds, you quietly slipped away from your dormitory. The corridors were silent, the shadows long and dark, but you moved with a purpose, your heart racing in anticipation. Every step you took towards the docks felt like a step closer to a dream, one where it was just you and James, away from the prying eyes of the academy.
The docks were deserted, the water gently lapping against the wooden planks. The air was cool, carrying with it the scent of the sea, a reminder of home. You pulled your cloak tighter around yourself as you scanned the area, your breath catching when you saw him.
James stood at the edge of the dock, his back to you, gazing out at the horizon where the sea met the sky. His tall, lean figure was silhouetted against the moonlight, and for a moment, you simply admired him. He seemed to belong here, in this quiet place, where the only sound was the rhythm of the waves and the beating of your heart.
“James.” you called softly, and he turned, his face breaking into a smile as he saw you.
Without a word, he closed the distance between you, wrapping you in his arms the moment you were close enough. You melted into his embrace, the world falling away as you buried your face in his chest, breathing in his familiar scent of salt and leather.
“I missed you.” you whispered, your voice barely audible over the gentle sounds of the sea.
“And I missed you, princess.” he replied, his voice warm and soothing as he held you close. “Every moment we’re apart feels like a lifetime.”
You looked up at him, your eyes locking onto his. “Then let’s make the most of the time we have.”
His expression softened, and he leaned down to capture your lips in a tender kiss. It was slow and sweet, a promise of the love that bound you together despite the dangers that lurked in the shadows. James’ hand gently cupped your cheek, his thumb brushing over your skin as if memorizing every detail, every curve, as if this moment was all that mattered.
When he finally pulled away, he didn’t go far, resting his forehead against yours. “I wish we didn’t have to sneak around like this. I want to be with you all the time, without having to look over my shoulder.”
You sighed, understanding his frustration. “I know, James. But as long as Uliana’s watching us, we have to be careful. I don’t want her to hurt you… or us.”
His jaw clenched at the mention of her name, a flicker of anger crossing his features. “She won’t win, Y/n. I won’t let her come between us.”
“I believe you.” you whispered, wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. “I just wish there was a way to keep her from interfering.”
James was quiet for a moment, then a mischievous glint appeared in his eyes. “There might be a way.”
“What do you mean?” you asked, curious.
He grinned, the roguish smile that always made your heart skip a beat. “I’ve been thinking… if we can keep her distracted, give her something else to focus on, we could buy ourselves more time. Hades and Morgie have already agreed to help.”
Your eyes widened in surprise and excitement. “You really think it could work?”
“With a little help from Maleficent’s magic, we can keep Uliana running in circles.” he said, his tone filled with confidence. “She’ll be so busy dealing with false leads and wild goose chases that she won’t have time to spy on us.”
A thrill of hope surged through you. The thought of being able to spend more time with James, without constantly looking over your shoulder, was too tempting to resist. “That sounds… perfect.”
James leaned in, his lips brushing against your ear as he whispered, “And in the meantime, we’ll keep meeting in secret, just like this. No one will know where or when, only us.”
The idea of these secret meetings, of stolen kisses under the watchfull eye of the night, sent a shiver of excitement through you. You nodded, unable to contain your smile. “I love it. I love you.”
He pulled back slightly, just enough to look into your eyes. “And I love you, darling. More than anything.”
The night passed in a blur of whispered conversations and stolen kisses, the two of you wrapped in each other’s arms as you sat on the edge of the dock, your feet dangling above the water. The moon watched over you, a silent guardian of your secrets, as you shared your hopes, your fears, and your dreams of a future together, one where you could love each other openly, without fear.
Over the following weeks, the plan was set in motion. Morgie and Hades, along with Maleficent’s and her magic, created a series of distractions that kept Uliana busy. They spread rumors, created illusions, and sent her on wild chases that led nowhere. Each time she thought she was closing in on you and James, she found herself frustrated by some new trick or misdirection.
Meanwhile, you and James continued to meet in secret. Sometimes it was the docks, other times the hidden grotto of the academy, or even the deserted beach beyond the forest. Each meeting was a new adventure, filled with the thrill of secrecy and the joy of being together. You cherished these moments, the way his hand fit perfectly in yours, the way he looked at you as if you were the only person in the world.
One evening, after narrowly escaping detection by Uliana, you found yourselves in the old library, tucked away in a forgotten corner surrounded by dusty books and ancient scrolls. The air was thick with the scent of aged parchment, and the flickering candlelight cast a warm glow over the room.
“I think we’re getting better at this.” you teased, leaning against a shelf as James approached, his eyes gleaming with amusement.
He chuckled, brushing a lock of hair away from your face. “Maybe, but I’d still rather we didn’t have to sneak around at all.”
You reached out, taking his hand in yours. “One day, we won’t have to. But for now, I’m just happy to be with you.”
He smiled, his thumb gently caressing the back of your hand. “Me too, love.”
And then he kissed you, slow and deep, the world outside forgotten as you lost yourself in him. Time seemed to stand still in that moment, the only sound the soft rustle of pages as a nearby book caught the breeze from the open window.
You pulled away, breathless and smiling, you couldn’t help but feel that maybe, just maybe, things were finally looking up. You had each other, and with the help of your friends, you were outsmarting Uliana at every turn.
The days turned into weeks, and your secret meetings continued, each one more precious than the last. You cherished every stolen moment, every whispered word, knowing that as long as you had James by your side, you could face whatever challenges lay ahead. And as you stood together, hand in hand, looking out at the moonlit sea, you knew that your love was something worth fighting for, something that could weather any storm.
Throughout these weeks, the tension between James and Uliana only grew, casting a shadow over the secret moments you shared with him. The hidden grotto beneath the academy was your favoriteplace to go with him, a place where you could escape the pressures of the outside world and simply be together. The water there always glistened with an ethereal glow, the gentle sound of the waves lapping against the rocks soothing your troubled hearts.
One evening, after most of the students had retired to their dorms, you and James retreated to the grotto. The air was cool, and the moonlight filtering through the cracks in the stone ceiling bathed the cavern in a soft, silvery light. Your tail, shimmering with iridescent scales, dipped into the water as you leaned against James, his arm wrapped securely around you.
But the peace of the moment was shattered by the sound of footsteps echoing through the grotto. You tensed immediately, recognizing the rhythm and weight of those steps. James’s eyes met yours, a mix of fear and resolve in his gaze as you both realized who it was.
Uliana emerged from the shadows, her lips curled into a malicious smile. The moonlight highlighted the sharp angles of her face, giving her an almost otherworldly appearance. “Well, well, what do we have here?” she sneered, her voice dripping with venom. “James Hook and his little mermaid.”
James instinctively moved in front of you, his hand hovering near the hilt of his sword. “Uliana, this doesn’t concern you. Leave.” he commanded, his voice steady but filled with underlying tension.
But Uliana wasn’t interested in leaving. Her eyes were locked on you, a predatory gleam in them that sent a chill down your spine. “You’re just like your sister, aren’t you?” she hissed. “Always getting in the way, always thinking you can have everything.”
You straightened, refusing to let her intimidate you. “I’m nothing like Ariel.” you replied, your voice firm. “And James isn’t yours to control.”
Uliana’s smile widened, her eyes narrowing with cruel delight. “Is that so? Let’s put that to the test, shall we?” She turned to James, her expression hardening. “You have a choice, Hook. Stay on my crew as my first mate, or keep playing house with the little princess. But you can’t have both.”
The ultimatum hung in the air like a blade, sharp and dangerous. James’s loyalty to his crew had always been a defining part of who he was, but the bond between you had grown stronger with each passing day. The thought of losing him, by being forced apart by Uliana’s twisted games, was unbearable.
“James…” you whispered, your voice trembling as you reached out to him.
He turned to you, his eyes filled with anguish. “I…”
Uliana’s voice cut through the air like a knife. “If you won’t choose, then I will. Either she walks the plank, or you do.” Uliana made a wooden plank appear with her magic, at the edge of the grotto right above the stone cliff and dark restless sea.
A cold dread settled over you as you realized the gravity of what she was asking. James was a pirate, bound by the code of the sea, and to defy it would be to betray everything he had ever known. But to agree to her terms would mean leaving you to a fate you weren’t sure you could survive.
“Do it, Hook.” Uliana taunted, her voice laced with malice. “Show me where your true loyalty lies.”
James’s eyes were filled with desperation as he looked at you. “Princess, I’m so sorry.” he whispered, his voice thick with regret.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you took a deep breath. You knew what you had to do. “James, I trust you.” you said, your voice steady despite the fear gripping your heart. “But if I’m going to walk that plank, I need to do it on my own terms.”
With that, you closed your eyes and concentrated. A tingling sensation spread through your body as you focused on changing your form. Your tail, shimmering with iridescent scales, began to shift. The transformation was always a strange, almost disorienting sensation, but you had done it enough times to control it with precision. Your tail split and morphed, the scales dissapearing and smooth skin taking their place until you were standing on two legs, your mermaid form replaced by your human one.
James’s eyes widened in surprise and admiration as he took in your transformation, but there was no time to dwell on it. You stepped forward, your legs unsteady on the rough stone, but your determination unwavering.
Uliana’s eyes glittered with a twisted pleasure as she watched you approach the plank. “So brave, little princess. Let’s see how brave you are when you’re staring down into the depths.”
James grabbed your hand as you stepped onto the plank, his grip strong but trembling. “I love you, Y/N.” he whispered, his voice filled with pain. “Please, forgive me.”
You squeezed his hand, a silent reassurance that you understood, that you didn’t blame him for the impossible situation he was in. “I love you too, James.” you whispered back, your heart pounding in your chest.
The cold wind whipped through the grotto as you stood on the edge of the plank, the dark water below swirling threathingly. You took a deep breath, preparing yourself for what was to come, when suddenly, James’s hand shot out, grabbing your wrist and pulling you back into his arms.
“No!” Uliana shouted, her eyes wide with rage. “What are you doing?!”
James held you tightly, his grip strong as he faced Uliana. “I’m choosing her, Uliana. I’m choosing love over loyalty.”
Uliana’s face twisted with fury. “You fool! She’s just like her sister, just like Ariel! She’ll ruin you, just like her family ruined mine!”
But James shook his head, his voice calm but firm. “She’s nothing like Ariel. She’s brave, kind, and loyal. And I’d rather face the consequences than lose her.”
For a moment, Uliana looked like she might strike out in anger, but then she seemed to reconsider. She glared at you both before finally turning on her heel and storming out of the grotto, her footsteps echoing in the distance.
The moment she was gone, you collapsed against James, your legs shaking with relief. He held you close, his hand stroking your hair as he whispered soothing words in your ear.
“I’m sorry, darling.” he murmured, his voice filled with regret. “I never wanted to put you through that.”
You looked up at him, your eyes still wet with tears but filled with love. “It’s okay, James. I know you did what you had to. And I love you all the more for it.”
He smiled, the weight of the world lifting from his shoulders as he kissed you deeply, the taste of saltwater and tears mingling with the sweetness of your love.
Meanwhile in the shadows, Morgie, Hades, and Maleficent watched, their expressions a mix of satisfaction and amusement. They had followed Uliana just incase things would get out of hand. However you and James managed yourself just fine. Morgie’s eyes gleamed with a dark, almost predatory interest as he observed the raw emotions playing out before him. Maleficent, ever the queen of darkness, merely watched with a knowing smile, her eyes glinting with a mixture of approval and intrigue. Hades leaned against a wall, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips as he pulled Maleficent into him.
The three of them had always known that love could be a powerful weapon, and tonight, it had proven to be the most powerful of all. As they faded back into the shadows, leaving you and James alone in the grotto, you knew that this was far from over. The battle had only just begun, but as long as you had each other, you were ready to face whatever came next.
Copyright: All stories contained herein are the intellectual property of the author. Unauthorized copying, reproduction, or distribution of these stories, in whole or in part, without explicit written permission from the author, is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action. Respect the creator's rights and creativity. For permissions or inquiries, please contact: [email protected].
Request Guidelines: When submitting a request, please ensure that your request does not contain any explicit sexual content or graphic depictions, and avoid any form of extreme violence or graphic descriptions of violent acts. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a respectful and inclusive environment for all readers. If you're unsure about your request or want to request about someone I haven't written about yet, feel free to ask me anytime.
Requested by: @Superrocker01
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lolahauri · 8 months
✎ Introduction ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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Requests are always open, and you can send as many as you want, as detailed as you want! I just get to them whenever i can/feel like it.
Anon's: 🌹-🕯️-🍁-❤️-
Other Accounts: @lolas-favfics @lolamultifandom @lolahaurisfw
AO3: Here
DNI: MAP, ZOO, Pro-Para, Pro-Ana, TERF, Zionist, Bigots, Minors!!!, Discourse Blogs. ❤️🖤🤍💚
Things I Won't Write:
Sex Crimes of ANY KIND, Super Violent/Xtreme Kinks, Inflation, Feederism, Abuse, Puke, Shit, DDLG, Age Play, Raceplay, Wound Fucking, Gore, Vore, Misgendering, Lesbian x Male, Gay Man x Female, Stepcest etc... no exceptions!
Fluff, Angst, Platonic. (Go to my other fanfic blog for that.)
Things I Will Write:
Genderbent Characters, Mild Yandere, Daddy/Mommy Kink, Cheating, Mild BDSM, CNC, Dubcon, Monsters, Hybrids, Sex Pollen, Legal Age Gap, Power Imbalance (Prof/Student, Boss/Employee), Feet, Armpits, Piss, Breeding, Mild Bloodplay & Knifeplay, Cock Warming, Dry Humping, Voyeur, Public Sex, Orgy, 3somes, Sex Toys, Overstim, Edging, etc... etc... :P
Trans Reader, Chubby/Tall/Short/Curvy/Fat/Buff Reader, Other Specific Characteristics.✔️
*if you aren't sure, just ask!* :)
HC's, One Shots, Multi-Chapter, Drabbles, F/O Imagines.
Canon-friendly, AU's, Canon Divergence, Out of Character.
Ch x Ch / Ch x Reader / Ch x OC / OC x Reader / Poly Ships of any kind.
F/F, M/M, F/M, GN/F, GN/M, Poly Ships of any kind.
Now that that's out of the way, here's the list of fandoms and characters i'm familiar with and will happily take requests on! (you can request other characters from these fandoms, but it might take me longer!)
Adventure Time/Fiona & Cake: PB, Marceline, Marshall Lee, Winter King, Candy Queen, Simon, Ice King, Fiona.
Attack On Titan: Armin, Eren, Mikasa, Sasha, Levi, Hanji, Annie, Historia, Reiner, Erwin, Ymir. 
Avatar: Jake, Neytiri.
Batman Begins Triology: Batman, Catwoman, Bane, Joker, Scarecrow.
Bee & Puppycat: Bee, Deckard, Cass, Toast.
BigBang Theory: Raj, Leonard, Penny, Amy.
Black Dynamite: Honeybee, Black Dynamite.
BNA: Michiru, Shirou.
Bob’s Burgers: Bob, Linda.
Breaking Bad: Jesse, Skylar.
Call of Duty: Konig, Ghost, Mace, Keegan, Krueger, Valeria, Farah.
Creepypasta: Jeff, Jane, Ben, Toby, EJ, LJ, Slenderman, Splendorman, Clockwork, Kate, Masky, Hoodie,
Desperate Housewives: Bree, Gabi, Edie, Lynette, Carlos, John.
Dirty Dancing: Johnny, Baby.
Earth Girls Are Easy: Mac, Zeebo, Wiploc, Valerie.
Elemental: Wade, Ember.
Encanto: Isabela, Bruno, Dolores, Julieta.
FNAF Movie: Vanessa, Mike, William/Steve.
Frozen: Elsa, Anna, Kristoff.
Futurama: Leela, Fry, Amy, Bender.
Gravity Falls: Ford, Stan, Soos, Melody, Giffany, Bill.
Jane The Virgin: Jane, Michael, Petra, Luisa, Rose, Rogelio, Xiomara.
Jurassic Park (1993): Ian Malcolm, Ellie Sattler.
Jujutsu Kaisen: Gojo, Choso, Nanami, Sukuna.
King of the Hill: Hank, Peggy, Luane, Nancy, Dale, Khan, Min, John Redcorn.
Lisa Frankenstein: Lisa, Creature, Taffy.
Little Mermaid (2022): Ariel, Eric.
MHA: Dabi, Hawks, Aizawa.
Moon Knight: Moon System, Layla, Khonshu.
National Treasure: Benjamin, Riley.
Nintendo: Link, Zelda, Peach, Daisy, Rosalina, Luigi, Bowser, Waluigi.
Norbit: Rasputia, Norbit.
Princess & The Frog: Tiana, Lottie, Naveen, Shadow Man.
Ratatouille: Colette, Linguini. 
Regular Show: Mordecai, Margret, Eileen, CJ, Benson.
Resident Evil: Karl Heisenberg, Carlos Oiliveria, Lady Dimitrescu.
Rick and Morty: Rick, Jerry, Beth, Doofus Rick.
Riverdale: FP Jones, Hiram.
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: Kim, Ramona, Gideon, Wallace.
Serial Mom: Chip, Beverly.
Silverado: Slick, Rae, Mal, Paden.
Shallow Hal: Rosemary, Hal.
Shameless: Lip, Fiona, Kev, V.
SheRa (2018): All Adults.
Sherlock (2010): Sherlock, John Watson.
Slashers & DBD: Brahms, Ghostface, Michael Myers, Jason Vorhees, Pyramid Head, The Spirit, Huntress, Trapper, Wraith, Trickster, Pearl, Jennifer Check, Stu Matcher, Billy Loomis, Tiffany Valentine, Patrick Bateman, Thomas Hewitt, Vincent Sinclair, Eric Draven, The Artist, Amanda Young.
Spiderverse: Miguel, Jessica Drew.
Spongebob: Dennis, Man Ray.
Squid Games: Gi-Hun, Sae-Byeok, Ali, Sang Woo.
Steven Universe: Garnet, Amethyst, Peridot, Lapis, Jasper, Blue Diamond, Rose, Greg.
Stranger Things: Robin, Billy Eddie, Chrissy, Hopper.
Supernatural: Sam, Dean, Castiel.
Super Store: Amy, Jonah, Dina, Garrett, Cheyenne.
Tangled: Flynn, Rapunzel, Mother Gothell.
The Batman (2022): Batman, Riddler.
The Breakfast Club: John Bender, Allison Reynolds.
The Nanny: C.C, Fran, Maxwell.
Total Drama Island: S1 Contestants, Chris, Chef, Blainley.
Triple Frontier: Frankie, Santiago.
Turning Red: Ming Lee, Jin Lee.
Twilight: Edward, Carlisle, Alice, Charlie.
WWE: Rhea Ripley, Roman Reigns.
YOU: Beck, Joe, Peach, Love.
Young Sheldon: Mary, Connie.
Abel Morales (A Most Violent Year)
Astarion (Baulder’s Gate 3)
Babbo Natale (Violent Night)
Barbie (Barbie 2023)
Basil Stitt (Lightning Face)
Beverly Goldberg (The Goldbergs)
Bruce (Beyond Therapy)
Charles Ingalls (Little House on the Praire)
Charlie Dompler (Smiling Friends)
Chel (Road to El Dorado)
Dale Kobble (Longlegs)
Dan Conner (Rosanne)
David Levinson (Independence Day)
Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
Doug Remer (Baseketball)
Duke Leto Atreides (Dune)
Fezzik (Princess Bride)
Francine (American Dad)
Fujimoto (Ponyo)
Georgia Miller (Ginny & Georgia)
Jack Harrison (Translyvania 6-5000)
Jackson Rippner (Red Eye)
Jon Arbuckle (Garfield 2024)
John Doe (John Doe Game)
Jonathan Levy (Scenes from a Marriage)
John Wick (John Wick 4)
King Baldwin (Kingdom of Heaven)
Kitten (Breakfast on Pluto)
Laurent LeClaire (In Secret)
Linda Gunderson (Rio)
Llewyn Davis (Inside Lleywn Davis)
Master Chief (Halo)
Mike (5lbs of Pressure)
Moe Doodle (Doodle Bops)
Nani Palekai (Lilo & Stitch)
Nathan Bateman (Ex Machina)
Outcome-3 (The Bourne Legacy)
Orestes (Agora)
Paul Blart (Paul Blart: Mall Cop)
Paul Cable (Last Stand at Saber River)
Peggy Bundy (Married With Children)
Peter Mitchell (3 Men & A Baby)
Poe Dameron (Star Wars)
Prince John (Robin Hood 2010)
Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd (Top Gun: Maverick)
Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)
Shiv (Pu-239)
Stanley Ipkiss (The Mask)
Star-Lord (Gaurdians of the Galaxy)
Tate Langdon (AHS: Murder House)
The Janitor (Willy’s Wonderland)
Thomas Magnum (Magnum, P.I 1980)
William Tell (The Card Counter)
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redheadspark · 1 year
Summary - Azriel missed his wife, and he shows it.
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Warnings - PURE SMUT! 18+ ONLY!
Author's Notes - As the warning state, this is pure smut! Short and fun to write, hope you enjoy ;)
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“A-Az….Az I….mmph,”
“I know, baby.  Just let it happen for me,”
You sighed, and a gutter moan escaped your lips as hands were on your hips, gripping possessively as your thighs were burning and sweat was going on along your skin and from your pores. All you were feeling was the insane pleasure deep within you, coiling up too tight in your abdomen and spewing out to touch the tips of your fingers and toes as your eyes were closed in bliss.  Although you were feeling so tight in your stomach from how close you were to bursting, you were also shaking from how intense it was feeling.  
Rightfully so, since you have been on edge for what felt like hours.
“There you go, sweetheart.  Cauldron, you look fucking divine on top of me like this,”
You opened your eyes, shakily and with lust as you looked down at the being pinned under you, deep inside of you to make you feel so full and snug within your walls.  His wings sprawled out on either side of him, almost dangling off the bed with the sheets already skew on the ground along with some of the throw pillow.  His face was on you, etched with his own pleasure he was feeling and the most alluring smile on his lips.  Hazel eyes were bright and almost fully dilated, his dark hair tossed and messy from your fingers digging in the locks to be grounded, and slight hickies along his neck and collarbone nearly blended into his tan skin.
Azriel looked fucked out of his mind, but he looked too happy because of it.
Of course, you forgot how to get into his position in the first place.  You two were away from each other because of his Spymaster duties and your job in the Inner Circle as Fryer’s right-hand and personal treasurer.  It has been an exhausting few weeks you both were working hard and long hours, barely having time to be together since you two were newly mated two years prior.  It was the sacrifice in having these careers, you and Azriel knew that.  
But still, you missed his company and his touch on the lonelier nights when he was away.  There was no doubt Azriel was as great a lover as he was as your best friend and husband.  Even before you two were married, Azriel knew how to rock your world when you two fell in bed together.  There was always gossip about Illyrians and their wingspans.  You never paid attention to them too much, but of course the gossip of larger wingspans being equivalent to Illryian’s packages.  It made the far blush madly to think about, and you never had that in mind when you got together with Azriel and became mates with him.
Yet the rumors were proven right the first time you two fucked: he was an amazing lover.
The way his fingers would curl inside of you to make you arch off the bed, how his tongue would dive into your folds and inside of you to not just stretch you out but to have you writhe around in bed, he knew just what to do to make you scream out his name as if he was a God and you were worshipping him.  Not to mention when his cock was fully inside of you, perfect in size and girth as if It was designed to be snug along your inner walls.  Divinely made for you, just you, and every time you two had sex, it felt like the first time all over again.
Nothing was ever said outside your bedroom door of course, yet the others in the Inner Circle were just as curious and teasing after you and Azriel returned from your honeymoon.  Especially Cassian, who was winking at you and then elbowing Azriel’s side.
“Hopefully you were tame with your new wife, eh Az?” He teased, making you blush madly and Azriel glare at him.
This was no different, you two clawing at each other as soon as you could when you made it back home to your penthouse in the city.  Azriel wasted no time undressing you and giving you hickey after hickey on your neck as you threw off his leathers and belt that hung low on his hips.  It also all through the night, you were inwardly glad that your penthouse had no neighbors around to hear your vigorous activity.  Yet now it was 3 am, and you both going on round three as there was no sign of slowing down or losing momentum.  
“You still there, sweetheart?” Azriel asked as he was seeing you catch your breath, the pleasure was so close it was on your tongue as you nodded rapidly and hummed, “How close are you, baby?”
“S-s-o close….so c-close Az,” You whimpered, about to reach down to where you two were connected so you could touch your aching clit that was rubbing deliciously against Azriel’s rock-hard cock.  Azriel tutted, taking your hand away to lace your fingers and hold it against your stomach.  You full-on whined, yet he smiled and shook his head.
“That’s my job, remember?” He asked you coolly, his other hand reaching over to hover right in front of your clit, “You’re gonna cum from my touch, right there where you need it, okay?  Not me fucking you, not you rolling those glorious hips that I love, but me simply touching you right there, because I only can, got it?”
You gulped, nodded, and waited on bated breath for him to touch you.  He licked his lips, his thumb was so close, and yet he didn’t move, not just yet.  
Finally, after what seemed to be long seconds that would be torture, he rubbed his calloused thumb along your clit in small circles.  Within seconds, you came and moaned so loud in the bedroom it almost sounded like you were being tortured. 
Azriel was notorious for this, he knew just how to make you undone with his simple touches to longing gazes.  Maybe it was because he knew how to tap in the vulnerability of a person because of his Spymaster duties,  However, those were times of torture, not with you.  With you, he was gentle, never rough or too demanding.  But still, that simple touch along your skin or a simple growl in your ear, you would unravel so fast it was hard to catch up.  
This orgasm was cosmic, you shaking as you were still hovering and trying to ride it out for as long as you could.  But you felt it everywhere, along your skin and under your eyelids as you were gasping for air.  Your bones were feeling like jelly, almost willing your body to collapse on Azriel as he was watching you with utter amazement and awe.
“Fuck,” He growled, sitting up suddenly and making you moan some more as you were so sensitive at this point.  He wrapped you in his arms, kissing you all over as you were simply leaning against him and trying to come back to reality.  
“I will never get enough of you cumming like this,” He said into your hair as you hummed.  You shifted a bit, still feeling his rock-hard cock inside of your sensitive pussy.  As sensitive as you were, you felt his fingers guide along your lower back. He rolled his hips slightly, you moaning hotly as he nodded his head.
“I know, baby.  I got you,” He replied, almost reading your mind as to what you both needed   You’d let him since you trust him with your life and he would care with exceeded expectations.  He pulled out, you whimpering from the loss and also the relief as he moved you on the bed to be on your stomach.  The cool sheets under your bare body were calming, his calloused fingers dancing along your sweaty body to bring you some relief as he then pushed a pillow under your hips.  Gathering some of the juices from your pussy, he lathered his own cock up again as he was on his knees behind you.
“Az..” You mewled as he lifted your ass up a bit, he perched behind you to kiss along your spine and caresses your thighs.  
“Let me fill you up, please baby.  You feel so good around my cock that I need to unload in you, can I please?  It’ll be so good, I promise,” He growled along your spine, you simply nodded your head since you knew it would be so good.  No matter that you were bone tired, you experienced such an amazing orgasm that shook you to your core.  Azriel would never dare to continue unless you were willing to let him, waiting for your permission and consent.  Even in the heat of you two fucking, he always stopped and asked you, made sure you were okay.
You grew to love him all the more.
“I’ll take good care of you,” he soothed against your backside as you felt his cock’s tip right along your entrance.  Within a second, he slid right back into you, both of you moaning and sighing in both lust and relief at the same time.  Azriel braced your hips in a good grip, rolling his back as his wings stretched out behind him and his cock was once again snugging your walls.
“That’s a good girl,” he rumbled, making you cum at least two more times in that very position before he could finally release deep inside of you.  
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lowkeyrobin · 20 days
Charming x female reader where reader is one of Ariel’s sisters and charming asks her to castle coming but she thinks he only asked her bc Ella turned him down so he like assures her he wanted to go with her
ooooo okay ; btw I only write gn / they/them readers so sorry 😔 ; thanks for requesting, hope you enjoy! ; also I couldnt really wrap in anything about being a mermaid at all but I mentioned the many of sisters so 😔🙏 ; and I'm sorry this is lowkey awful uagshhh idk why writers block is so picky w what I can actually write
summary ; you think charming only asked you to go to castlecoming with him because ella rejected him
warnings ; language
disclaimers ; I use christopher bc that's his name in Brandy's Cinderella so.. though I usually just call him charming 💀 looks weird on the list/title without something else there idk
word count ; 410
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Ella had turned Charming down to go to Castlecoming. In her belief, she didn't like the whole fancy parties and royalty thing. In her eyes, Bridget was the only good royalty in the world. Everyone else was stuck up and mean.
You couldn't blame her for thinking that, though.
As one of Ariel's many siblings, you had a good input on how royalty worked, considering you were royalty of the sea, and your sister married into human royalty. Lots of crowns in this family.
But, after being rejected, Charming knew he'd just have to man up. Ella said it herself.
"Go ask Y/n. We all know you wanna go with them"
It was not fine. He didn't know how to ask you, nor did he even have the guts. He asked Ella because he still wanted to go with someone, but he was too nervous to ask you of all people.
You didn't think of yourself as unapproachable. You were nice, and you'd never given him a reason to be nervous around you. Well, maybe his infatuation of you created it.
But, with some careful thinking and meticulous planning of his words, he was on his way to ask you to Castlecoming. Now, you knew Ella rejected him, you were passing by as she said no, so you knew that he'd missed his opportunity to go with her.
That's why you didn't believe him when he asked you.
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He approaches you with a nervous stature, gripping his skateboard in his hand. You sit by the fountain outside, gazing into the water.
He sits beside you, silent for a moment. You send him a little smile, acknowledging his presence. He rests his skateboard against the fountain, sitting criss-cross next to you.
"What's up?" you ask.
"Not much" he shrugs. "I have a question for you"
You tilt your head. "Yeah?"
"Uhm, would you consider going to Castlecoming with me? You're really nice and cool in general, I think we could have fun-"
"Hold up" you cut him off, blinking in confusion. "Ella rejected you, why are you asking me? I'm not gonna be some backup because you got rejected"
"Oh my gosh" his expression quickly turns to one of embarrassment. "You weren't a backup option, I'm sorry. Ella was my backup option, I was just too nervous to ask you in the first place. I'm sorry"
You're both silent for a moment.
"Yeah, I'll go with you"
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layce2015 · 1 year
Supernatural (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
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Point Of No Return
Masterlist pt 1
Masterlist pt 2
Dean packs away his belongings in a box, including his leather jacket, his keys, his gun, and a letter. It had been a couple of days since Dean broke up with (y/n) and turned his back on this mission. He just had about enough of this crap.
He marks the box for Robert Singer after he tapes it shut. Dean walks up to the dresser in front of mirror and pours himself a drink and raising the glass to his lips. "Sending someone a candy-gram?" Sam asked, causing Dean to pause before he could take a sip.
Dean turn to look at him, shocked. "How'd you find me?" He asked. "You're going to kill yourself, right?" Sam asked, trying not to sound bitter. "Is that why you broke (y/n)'s heart and left her behind?" Sam asked, trying to hold back anger. "I'm not going to kill myself." Dean said. "No? So Michael's not about to make you his Muppet?" Sam asked and Dean shakes his head and took a swig of his drink.
"What the hell, man? This is how it ends? You just...walk out?" Sam asked. "Yeah, I guess." Dean muttered, pouring himself another drink. "How could you do that?" Sam asked. "How could I?" Dean asked, slamming the bottle of alcohol back on the dresser as he stares at his brother sharply. "All you've ever done is run away." He spat at his younger brother.
"And I was wrong. Every single time I did!" Sam exclaimed, Dean stares back. "Just...please. Not now. Bobby is working on something." Sam pleads. "Oh, really? What?" Dean asked, moving back over to the bed but Sam doesn't respond.
"You got nothing and you know it." Dean said, he scoffs and takes a sip of his drink. "You know I have to stop you." Sam muttered. Dean sniffs and sets his glass on the box, not finishing it. "Yeah, well, you can try. Just remember: You're not all hopped up on demon blood this time." He said.
"Yeah, I know. But I brought help." Sam said. Dean turns around to find Castiel standing behind him. Before he could react, Castiel touches his fingers to Dean's forehead, knocking him out. 
After returning to Bobby's house, Sam and Bobby were reading through books. Castiel leans against the doorway the leads into the kitchen, watching Dean pace like hawk. "Yeah, no, this is good. Really. You know, eight months of turned pages and screwed pooches but tonight, tonight's when the magic happens." Dean said, sarcastically. "You ain't helpin'." Bobby said. "Yeah, well, why don't you let me get out of your hair, then?" Dean asked, Bobby look up from his book to stare at him.
Suddenly, Ariel appears and she stomps over to Dean and slaps him. "What the hell happened to you? Why did you hurt (y/n)?" She asked him, angrily, while Sam, Cas and Bobby look on in shock. Dean shakes his head slightly at this then turns to face Ariel. "Reality happened. Nuclear's the only option we have left. Michael can ice the devil, save a boatload of people." Dean replied. "But not all of them. We gotta think of something else." Ariel said.
"Yeah, well, that's easy for you to say. But if Lucifer burns this mother down, and I coulda done something about it, guess what? That's on me!" Dean yelled. "So you are just gonna give up and turn on the people who love you?" Ariel said as she gestures to Bobby, Sam and Cas. "To the woman who loves you with all of her heart?" She asked. "What I did to (y/n) was to protect her!" Dean yells at Ariel. 
“You call that protection? She never asked you to protect her, you made that decision for her. You hurt her in a way that’s unforgivable and unfair to her. You think it was out of love but in reality it was selfish.” Ariel said and Dean looks at her offended. “Selfish?” He repeated, angrily. “You left her behind in tears not because you didn’t want her getting hurt. You left her because you didn’t want to risk the pain of losing her. YOU didn’t want to get hurt!” Ariel exclaimed and Dean glares at her. “You didn’t respect her or believe she was capable enough to fight along side us.” Ariel yelled as she steps closer to him. “You don’t know a damn thing!” Dean shouted. 
“I know that you’re being a selfish coward!” Ariel shouted back, her eyes glowing blue as her shadowy wings appeared, spreading out to make herself appear larger and more threatening. Dean, cautiously, steps back as he stares at the angry archangel right in front of him. Sam and Bobby look at the wings in amazement, while Cas steps froward. “Ariel.” He said, warningly. 
Ariel closes her eyes and calms down, her wings disappearing. When she opens her eyes, they're back to her vessel’s normal blue eyes. “And now you’re giving up. I used to respect that you were so resilient…but I can see now that I was wrong.” Ariel spat at him and Dean glares at her then turns his head away from her.
"Well, Ariel's right. You can't give up, son." Bobby said. Dean scoffs, shaking his head as he looks towards the floor. "You're not my father." He said, raising his head to look at Bobby, who stares back at him heartbroken. "And you ain't in my shoes." Dean said.
Bobby looks down, Sam turns to glare at Dean. When Dean looks over at Sam, Sam shakes his head at him. Bobby pulls out a gun out of his desk and sets it on the table. He takes a bullet out of his pocket and looks at it. "What is that?" Dean asked.
"That's the round that I mean to put through my skull." Bobby replied, setting the bullet down on his desk in front of him. "Every morning, I look at it. I think, Maybe today's the day I flip the lights out. But I don't do it. I never do it. You know why? BECAUSE I PROMISED YOU I WOULDN'T GIVE UP!" Bobby yells, angrily. Dean and Bobby stare at each other, no one saying anything. Then suddenly Castiel and Ariel grasp their heads and hunch over in pain. "Guys, you okay?" Sam asked, worried. "No." Castiel and Ariel replied, gasping.
"What's wrong?" Sam asked. "Something's happening." Ariel groans. "Where?" Dean asked. The two angels disappear and caused a gust of wind to throw papers around the room. 
Later, Sam and Dean went into the kitchen and Sam looks over at his older brother. "You know...when (y/n) called me to tell me what you did. She barely could get her words out. I asked where she was and she was able to get that out and Cas got me to her." Sam said and Dean clenches his jaw at this.
"Sam..." he mutters, exasperated. "No, Dean, quit making excuses! I know you thought what you did was right but Ariel’s right, what you did was selfish!" Sam said. “Not you too.” Dean grumbled, looking up at the ceiling tired. “Did you even know what you did? You took away her choices and pick what you think is best for her. That’s controlling and possessive.” Sam said.
“Oh it is?” Dean asked. “Yes it is! (Y/n) is a person not a piece of property. She has needs and as her boyfriend it’s your job to respect them and try to fulfill them.” Sam said. “What, you’re some relationship expert now, huh? No offense but I don’t really want advice from the guy who’s had every relationship with a woman end poorly.” Dean said and Sam glares back at him when another gust of wind blows papers around and Castiel and Ariel appear with a body.
"Help." Cas said and the two angels lay the body down on the cot right as Sam and Dean ran in from the kitchen. They look at the body and freeze when they saw it was Adam.
Bobby wheels himself over to the cot to look at him. "Who is it?" He asked. "That's our brother." Sam replied. "Wait a minute. Your brother? Adam?" Bobby asked, astounded. "Guys, what the hell?" Dean asked, turning to the angels who place two angel blades on the desk. "Angels." Ariel said.
"Angels? Why?" Sam asked. "I know one thing for sure. We need to hide him now." Castiel said, walking over to Adam and placing his hand to his chest. He brands the Enochian symbols on Adam's ribs to hide him from angels. This also cause Adam to wake up from the pain and sit up startled looking around.
"Where am I?" He asked. "It's okay. Just relax, you're safe." Sam assured him. "Who the hell are you?" Adam asked. "You're going to find this a little...a lot crazy, but we're actually your brothers." Dean said and Adam gives him a look of disbelief. "It's the truth. John Winchester was our father, too. See, I'm Sam..." Sam started to say, but Adam talked over him. "Yeah, and I'm sure that's Dean. I know who you are." Adam said then he looks around, as if he was looking for someone.
"Isn't there supposed to be a girl with you?" He asked and Dean turns his head away, upset. "She's not here right now. But...how do you know who we are?" Sam asked after everyone gave Adam a look of astonishment. "They warned me about you." Adam said. "Who did?" Dean asked. "The angels. Now where the hell is Zachariah?!" Adam asked.
After letting Adam clean himself up, they all sat down to figure out what's going on. "So why don't you just tell us everything? Start from the beginning." Dean said. "Well, I was dead and in Heaven. 'Cept it...it uh, kinda looked like my prom and I was making out with this girl, her name was Kristin McGee..." Adam explained, smiling a little. "Yeah, that sounds like heaven. Did you get to third base?" Dean asked. Sam clears his throat, shooting Dean a look. "Just uh, just keep going." Sam said to Adam.
"Well, these...these angels, they popped out of nowhere, and they tell me that I-I'm chosen." Adam said. "For what?" Sam asked. "To save the world." Adam replied. "How you gonna do that?" Dean asked. "Oh, me and some archangel are going to kill the devil." Adam said, nonchalantly.
"What archangel?" Dean asked, confused. "Michael. I'm his uh, sword or vessel or something, I don't know." Adam said and Dean scoffs. "Well, that's insane." He said. "Not necessarily." Ariel said. "How do you mean?" Dean asked, looking over his shoulder at the angel. "It sounds like they're moving on from you, Dean." Ariel said.
"Well that doesn't make sense." Dean said. "He is John Winchester's bloodline, Sam's brother. It's not perfect, but it's possible." Castiel explained. "Well you gotta be kidding me." Dean grumbled. "Why would they do this?" Sam asked. "They're desperate. They wrongly assumed Dean would be brave enough to withstand them." Ariel said as she gives Dean a hard look.
"Alright, you know what? Blow me, Ariel." Dean growled. Castiel stares back, confused, while Ariel looks at him in, shock horror. "Excuse me?!" She exclaims but Sam speaks up, trying to avoid another fight. "Look, no way. After everything that's happened? All that crap about destiny? Suddenly the angels have a Plan B? Does that smell right to anybody?" Sam asked.
"You know this has been a really moving family reunion, but uh, I got a thing, so..." Adam said, standing up. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, no, no, no. Sit down. Just listen, okay? Please." Sam pleaded, stopping him. Adam stares at him and shakes his head then sits back down. "It's unbelievable." He muttered. "Now, Adam...the angels are lying to you. They're full of crap." Sam said. "Yeah, I don't think so." Adam said. 
"Really. Why not?" Sam asked. "Um, 'cause they're angels." Adam replied. "They tell you they were gonna roast half the planet?" Sam asked. "They said the fight might get pretty hairy, but it is the devil, right? So we got to stop him." Adam said.
"Yeah, but there's another way." Sam said. "Great. What is it?" Adam asked. "We're working on the power of love." Dean said and Sam glares at him. "How's that going?" Adam asked. "Mmm. Not good." Dean said, smiling.
"Look, Adam...You don't know me from a hole in the wall, I know. But I'm begging you. Please, just trust me. Give me some time." Sam said. "Give me one good reason." Adam said. Sam thinks for a moment. "Because we're blood." He said and Adam glares at him. "You've got no right to say that to me." He spat, making Sam look at him confused.
"You're still John's boy." Bobby reminded him. "No, John Winchester was some guy who took me to a baseball game once a year. I don't have a dad. So we may be blood, but we are not family. My mom is my family. And if I do my job, I get to see her again. So no offense, but she's the one I give a rat's ass about, not you." Adam explained. "Fair enough. But if you have one good memory of dad, just one, then you'll give us a little more time. Please." Sam pleaded.
That night, Sam enters the kitchen and catches Adam trying to sneak out. "Going somewhere?" Sam asked. Adam stops making a frustrated gesture and turn around to face him. "Out for a...beer." He said, pointing to the door, and Sam claps his hands. "Great. We got beer. Have a seat." Sam said, going to the fridge. "Great." Adam grumbled, walking over to the table and taking a seat.
"You know, you pitched this whole dewy-eyed bromance thing, but the truth is, I'm on lockdown, aren't I?" He asked. "Adam, you may not believe it, but dad was trying to protect you. Keeping you from all of this." Sam said, as he walks over to the table, setting two beers in front of him and Adam then taking a seat next across from Adam.
"Yeah well, I guess the monster that ate me didn't get that memo." Adam said. "You remember that?" Sam asked. "Oh yeah." Adam replied. "Still, trust me. The one thing worse than seeing dad once a year was seeing him all year." Sam said.
"Do you know how full of crap you are?" Adam asked and Sam gives him a stunned look. "What?" He asked. "Really. You see, it was me and it was my mom. That's it. She worked the graveyard shift at the hospital. I cooked my own dinners. I put myself to bed. So you can say whatever you want about our dad, but the truth is, I would have taken anything." Adam explained and Sam nods his head a little. 
"Alright?" Adam asked. "Look, if we had known we had a brother..." Sam started to say. "Well, you didn't, so..." Adam spat. "We would have found you." Sam said. Adam scoffs and shakes his head. "Look, I can't change the past. I wish I could. But from here on out..." Sam said. "What? We gonna hop in the family truckster? Pop on down to Wally World?" Adam said, sarcastically, and Sam chuckles, lightly, at this. "Tell you one thing, with an attitude like that, you would have fit right in around here." Sam said.
In the basement, Dean was locked up in the panic room. He paces around, annoyed, when the door opens and Castiel and Ariel walk in. Dean turns around just as Ariel steps aside to reveal (y/n) standing behind her.
Suddenly, Dean felt his heart break as he sees her. Her eyes still looked a bit red and she had her arms folded across her chest, glaring at Dean. "Why don't you guys go help Sam to keep an eye on Adam? Dean and I need to talk." (Y/n) said, her voice sounding hoarse.
"You sure?" Ariel asked her and (y/n) nods and the two angels leave, shutting the door behind them. The duo stare at each other for a moment before Dean decides to try and lighten the mood as the air was thick with tension. "Well, (y/n), not for nothing, but the last person who looked at me like that...I got laid." He said as he points at her glaring face.
(y/n) scoffs at this but Dean could've sworn he heard a bit of amusement and laugh as she did this. Almost like she was hiding her laughter. Dean frowns slightly as (y/n) paces back and forth.
"Look, I know you're pissed..." Dean said and she scoffs again. "Understatement of the freakin' century." (Y/n) said, in harsh sarcasm. "But this..." Dean said, gesturing to the panic room. "Isn't really necessary." He finished. "Well, we got our hands full, Dean...A house full of flight risks from what Sam told me." (y/n) said. "I'm not letting him do it." Dean said. "Who, Adam? No, I'm...I'm not, either. And neither is Sam." (y/n) said. "No, you're not getting me." Dean said, turning away.
"Oh, no, no, I get you perfectly. But I'm not letting you do it, either." (Y/n) said, in a harsh voice. Dean sighs then takes a seat on a table in the room. "That kid's not taking a bullet for me." He said. "Dean..." (y/n) said, exasperated. "I'm serious. I mean, think about how many people we've gotten killed, (y/n). Mom, Dad, your Mom and Dad, Jess, Jo, Ellen. Should I keep going?" Dean asked her. "It's not like we pulled the trigger." (Y/n) argued.
"We might as well have. I'm tired, (y/n). I'm tired of fighting who I'm supposed to be." Dean said. "Well, do you think maybe you could take a half a second and stop trying to sacrifice yourself for a change? Maybe we could actually stick together?" (Y/n) yells at him, angrily. "I don't think so." Dean mutters, sadly. "Why not? Dean, seriously. Tell me. I-I want to know." (y/n) said and Dean sits there, staring at her then turns his head away from her. "Don't you dare shut down on me! Talk to me, please!" (Y/n) pleaded.
"I just...I-I don't believe." Dean said. "In what?" (y/n) asked. Dean looks at (y/n), brokenly. "In Sam." He said. (Y/n) turns her head away, not wanting to hear that. "I mean, I don't. I don't know whether it's gonna be demon blood or some other demon chick or what, but...I do know they're gonna find a way to turn him." Dean said. "So you're saying Sam's not strong enough." (y/n) said, questionably. "He's angry, he's self-righteous. Lucifer's gonna wear him to the prom, (y/n). It's just a matter of time." Dean said.
(Y/n) shakes her head at this. "Don't say that. Not you...of all people. I mean, this is your own brother!" (Y/n) said, tearfully. "I don't want to. But it's the truth. And when Satan takes him over, there's got to be somebody there to fight him, and it ain't gonna be that kid. So, it's got to be me." Dean said.
"Dean, c'mon..." (y/n) said. "Well, what else you want me to say, (y/n)!" Dean shouts at her. “I want you to say you’re not going to leave!” (Y/n) shouted back and Dean stares at her. “The Dean I know would never agree to heaven’s plans. Never agree to be possessed by some dick archangel and fight Sam to the death.” (Y/n) said, getting angry.
Dean stares at her for a moment, then looks down. “I guess that Dean is long gone.” He mutters. (Y/n) looks at him, her eyes watering up a little. “I miss him.” She whispered and Dean nods, continuing to look at the ground.
That night, Adam was laying on the cot, asleep, and Castiel and Ariel watch him closely while Bobby and Sam sit in the living room area. At that point, they hear the basement door open and they turn their heads to see (y/n) coming in. "How's he doing?" Bobby asked and (y/n) shrugs and scoffs.
"How you doing?" Sam asked her and she nods slightly. Castiel and Ariel turn and walk to the basement door, heading downstairs. "I could be better." She sighs and takes a seat next to Sam. "Did he say anything? Like why he's suddenly changing his mind on this?" Sam asked her and she gives him a sympathetic look.
"He did but...I don't think you're gonna like what he said." She said and Sam's face turns serious. "What did he say?" He asked and (y/n) swallows before she goes to say what Dean said.
Meanwhile, Castiel and Ariel make their way down stairs when they heard a crash and the duo go to the panic room door. "Dean?" Cas calls out but no answer then they enter the room. "Dean?" Ariel calls out. "Cas. Ariel." Dean said as he stands by a cabinet with an angel banishing sigil drawn on the inside of it.
He presses his hand to it, sending Castiel and Ariel away  screaming, then Dean escapes.
*(y/n)'s POV*
Sam and I went down to the basement to check on Dean, Castiel and Ariel only to discover the panic room was open and a angel banishing sigil was painted on the locker door. We ran back upstairs to the library, grabbing our jackets.
"Where's Cas and Ariel?" Bobby asked. "Blown to Oz." Sam replied. "Look, we'll get Dean. He couldn't have gone too far. Just watch Adam." I said. "How? You may have noticed, he's got a slight height advantage." Bobby said. "Then cuff him to your chair. I don't know. Just watch him." I said and we leave to look for Dean.
Unfortunately, we were unable to find him, so we return to Bobby's where he told us Adam was gone. "Bobby, what do you mean, Adam is gone?" Sam asked him. "Should I say it in Spanish?" Bobby asked, sarcastically. "He's gone how? What the hell, Bobby?!" I asked, spreading my arms out in frustration. "Watch your tone, girl. He was right in front of me, and he disappeared into thin air." Bobby said.
There was a gust of wind follow by the sound of flapping wings and Castiel and Ariel appear carrying a bloody and battered Dean between them as paper falls down around them. "Because the angels took him." Castiel said.
"Oh God, what the hell happened to him?" I asked as I run to Dean and cup his face. Despite that he broke my heart, I do still care about him. "Us." Ariel replied as she gestures between her and Cas.
"What do you mean, the angels took Adam? You branded his ribs, didn't you?" Bobby asked as he looks over at Cas. "Yes. Adam must have tipped them." Castiel said. "How?" Bobby asked. "I don't know. Maybe in a dream." Castiel said. "Well, where would they have taken him?" Sam asked.
We take Dean back down to the panic room where we handcuffe him to a cot. Sam and I sit down and wait for Dean to wake. When he did, he jerk on the handcuff discovering his situation and turn his head to see us.
"How you feeling?" Sam asked as Dean sits up on the cot. "Word to the wise: don't piss off the nerd angels. So how's it going?" Dean asked. "Adam's gone. The angels have him." Sam said. "Where?" Dean asked.
"The room where they took us." I replied, remembering Zachariah kidnapping me and placing me in that room just because I was looking for Sam. "You sure?" Dean asked. "Cas did a re-con." I said. "And?" Dean asked. "And the place is crawling with mooks...Pretty much a no-shot-in-hell, hail-Mary kind of thing." Sam said. "Ah, so the usual. What are you guys going to do?" Dean asked.
"For starters...we're bringing you with." Sam said, getting up and walking over to Dean. "Excuse me?" Dean asked, confused. "There are too many of them. We can't do it alone. And uh, you're pretty much the only game in town." I said, unlocking Dean's handcuffs and releasing him. I walk back over to Sam and toss the key on the desk. "Isn't that a bad idea?" Dean asked. 
"Cas, Ariel and Bobby think so. We're not so sure." Sam said, nodding between me and him. "Well, they're right. Because either it's a trap to get me there to make me say yes, or it's not a trap and I'm gonna say yes anyway. And I will. I'll do it. Fair warning." Dean said. "No, you won't. When push shoves, you'll make the right call." Sam said. "You know, if tables were turned...I'd let you rot in here. Hell, I have let you rot in here." Dean said.
"Yeah, well...I guess I'm not that smart." Sam said. "I-I don't get it. Guys, why are you doing this?" Dean asked us, confused. "Because...you're still my big brother." Sam replied. Dean stared at him stunned, then looks over at me. "Even though, you can be an ass sometimes, I still care about you." I said, bitterly, as I fold my arms and Dean gives me a look that I could see is full regret then he looks down.
Cas and Ariel palce us outside to what looked like an abandoned warehouse. "Where the hell are we?" Dean asked. "Van Nuys, California." Castiel asked. "Where's the beautiful room?" I asked. "In there." Castiel said as he nods to the warehouse. "The beautiful room is in an abandoned muffler factory in Van Nuys, California?" Dean asked. "Where'd you think it was?" Castiel asked. "I-I don't know. Jupiter? A blade of grass? Not Van Nuys." Dean said. "I thought it was some dining room in Heaven." I said and Ariel chuckles and shakes her head.
"Tell me again why you two don't just grab Adam and shazam the hell out of there." Sam said to Castiel. "Because there are at least five angels in there." Ariel replied. "So? You guys are fast." I said. "They're faster." Castiel said, undoing his tie to take it off and wrap it around his palm. "Ariel and I'll clear them out. You three grab the boy. This is our only chance." He said as he and Ariel turn towards the door of the warehouse.
"Whoa, wait. You two gonna take on five angels?" Dean asked. "Yes." Castiel and Ariel replied. "Isn't that suicide?" Dean asked. "Maybe it is. But then I won't have to watch you fail. I'm sorry, Dean. I don't have the same faith in you that Sam and (y/n) does." Castiel said and a tinge of regret passes over Dean's face. "I used to but....I'm not so sure now." Ariel said as Castiel pulls a box cutter out of his trench-coat pocket.
"What the hell are you gonna do with that?" I asked him and Castiel hands Ariel the box cutter. The two share a look before Cas nods at her and she uses the box cutter to carve an angel-banishing sigil into his chest. Then the two go inside the warehouse.
We waited outside until we heard the sound of angels being banished, which was a pretty good sign that we can go in now. Dean went on in ahead and after a while Sam and I enter the warehouse.
On our way to the box in the center of warehouse, we found saw one slain angel on a floor and an angel blade with blood on it. I pick up the blade and we enter the room, seeing Dean holding Adam up with Zachariah in front of them.
"Dean, please. Did you really think it would be that easy?" Zachariah asked. "Did you?" Dean asked. Sam and I came at Zachariah from behind with our angel blades. But Zachariah knock out blades out of our hands and sent us flying across the room, crashing into a divider.
"Sam! (Y/n)!" Dean yelled. "You know what I've learned from this experience, Dean? Patience." Zachariah said. He waves his hand and Adam falls to the floor, coughing up blood. "Adam?" Dean said, concerned, then he turns to Zachariah. "Let him go, you son of a bitch." Dean growled. 
"I mean, I thought I was downsized for sure. And for us, a firing...pretty damn literal. But I should have trusted the boss man. It's all playing out like he said...You, me, your hemorrhaging brothers." Zachariah said. He turns his fist in our direction, causing Sam to cough up blood like Adam. 
"Sam?" I said, worried, as I place my hands on his shoulders. "You're finally ready, right?" Zachariah asked. Dean looks from Zachariah to Sam and I, then to Adam who was lying on the floor, still coughing up blood. "Okay then..."Zachariah said then his raises his left hand out and, suddenly, it was like his hand was a magnet and I was a piece of metal as I fly towards him and Zachariah grabs my neck.
Then he proceeds to squeeze my neck, making me gasp for air. "No! Let her go! Leave her alone!" Dean yells, fearfully. "You know there's no other choice. There's never been a choice." Zachariah said. "Stop it. Stop it right now!" Dean said, tearfully. "In exchange for what?" Zachariah asked as he squeezes my neck tighter and at this point I was gasping for air while Sam and Adam continue to cough up blood.
"Damn it, Zachariah. Stop it, please. I'll do it." Dean said and Zachariah loosens his grip on my neck and I was able to breath a bit better. "I'm sorry. What was that?" Zachariah asked, holding his right hand up to his ear. "Dean...don't..." I gasped out in a raspy voice.
"Okay, yes. The answer is yes." Dean said. "Dean." Sam said, painful. "Please...don't." I said but Dean continues. "Do you hear me? Call Michael down, you bastard!" Dean exclaimed and Zachariah lowers me down as he continues to stare at Dean, shocked.
"How do I know you're not lying?" Zachariah asked him. "Do I look like I'm lying?" Dean asked. Zachariah stares at him for a moment then tosses me aside and I fall on my side then cough and gasp for air. "(Y/n)..." I hear Sam said as he crawls over to me and gives me a look that asks ​Are you okay? I nod to him as I cough again and Zachariah turns and speaks in Enochian, summoning the archangel Michael. "Zodiredo...noco...aberamage...nazodpesade..." 
Sam and I give Dean, a questioning look while Dean looks at us, brokenly. "He's coming." Zachariah said, smiling. At that moment, Dean then smirks and winks at us and I furrow my brow, in confusion, at him. The room started shaking, causing the chandelier to chime.
"Of course, I have a few conditions." Dean said and Zachariah turn to look at him. "What?" He asked, confused. "The few people whose safety you have to guarantee before I say yes." Dean said. "Sure, fine. Make a list." Zachariah said. "But most of all...Michael can't have me until he disintegrates you." Dean said.
"What did you say?" Zachariah asked. "I said...before Michael gets one piece of this sweet ass...he has to turn you into a piece of charcoal." Dean said and Zachariah laughs. "You really think Michael's gonna go for that?" He asked.
"Who's more important to him now? You...or me?" Dean asked then Zachariah lunges at Dean, grabbing him by the front of his jacket. "You listen to me. You are nothing but a maggot inside a worm's ass. Do you know who I am...after I deliver you to Michael?" He asked. "Expendable." Dean replied, smugly. "Michael's not gonna kill me." Zachariah said, grinning. "Maybe not. But I am." Dean said then he stabs an angel blade, which he must've had hidden in his sleeve, into Zachariah's head through his chin.
Zachariah explodes into a bright light causing Dean to fall to the ground and then Zachariah lays on the ground, dead, with his wings burned onto the floor and wall.
White light and the ear-piercing noise that was getting louder indicated to us that Michael was coming. "Can you walk?" Dean asked Adam, helping him up. "Yeah." Adam replied. "Okay, come on." Dean said, running over to Sam and I. Dean helped us up and guided us to the door.
"Come on, move it!" Dean said to Adam, as we exit the room. The door slams shut behind us, leaving Adam locked inside. "NO! DEAN! HELP! IT WON'T OPEN!" Adam shouts and Dean leaves me and Sam on the ground and attempts to open the door from the outside but he is burned when he touches the knob.
"DEAN, HELP! DEAN!" Adam continued screaming. "Hold on! We'll get you out. Just hold on. Adam! Can you hear me?!" Dean asked but Adam doesn't respond. A bright white light illuminates from inside the room then it fades.
Dean test the doorknob then opens the door to find it an abandoned office. "Adam?" He called out, but he was gone. Dean looks around then looks over at Sam and I, lost for words.
Later, we steal a truck and were driving down a road at night. Dean was driving naturally, while Sam was in the passenger seat and I was stuck sitting in the middle between them. "You think Adam's okay?" Sam asked while I rubbed my neck. "Doubt it. Cas and Ariel either. But we'll get 'em." Dean said.
"So." I said, my voice still sounding a bit hoarse. "'So' what?" Dean asked. "I saw your eyes. You were totally rockin' the yes back there. So, what changed your mind?" I asked. "Honestly? The damnedest thing. I mean, the world's ending. The walls are coming down on us, and I look over to you two and all I can think about is, these stupid son of bitches brought me here. I just didn't want to let either of you down." Dean said and I scoff, lightly. 
"You almost did. But you didn't." Sam said, holding up his index finger. "Who are you calling stupid?" I asked and I see the corner of his lips twitch up. "I owe you guys an apology." Dean said. "No, man. No, you don't." Sam said.
"Just...let me say this. I don't know if it's being a big brother or what, but to me, you've always been this snot-nosed kid that I've had to keep on the straight and narrow. That goes for you as well, princess. I think we all know that that's not either of you anymore. I mean, hell, if you two are grown-up enough to find faith in me...the least I can do is return the favor. So screw destiny, right in the face. I say we take the fight to them, and do it our way." Dean said, firmly.
Sam and I smile confidently at Dean. "Sounds good." Sam said. "I'm always down to kick some ass." I said. Dean glances over at us and smirks.
Later, we made a stop to one of my safehouses, not the one Dean abandoned me at, and decided to rest there. But while the boys were asleep in the spare rooms, I was sitting out on the porch on the swing. I couldn't sleep so I decided to come out here and just look out at the beautiful view in front of me.
Just a large valley of green grass and some hills off in the distance, the inky starry night blankets the sky and the gentle cool breeze blowing through the air. I smile and take a sip of my bottle water when I hear footsteps and the door open.
I look over and see it was Dean. The two of us stare at each, an awkward silence loomed over us. "Hey..." he greets, softly. "Hey.." I said back, my voice sounding back to normal. "How's, uh...How's your neck?" Dean asked me and I rub it. "Well, besides having this handprint shaped mark on my neck for awhile, it's alright." I said and Dean nods.
"Which means I'm probably gonna have to wear a turtle neck sweatshirt to cover it up. And that sucks, I hate turtlenecks, they make my neck look fat." I said and Dean chuckles a bit. I smile alittle before I let out a sigh. Then Dean walks up to me and gestures to the spot on the swing next to me. "Is it okay, if I sit here?" He asked me. I nodded and he takes the spot and both of us sit there in silence for a moment, the awkward silence still looming over us.
"So..." He said.
"So..." I said, awkwardly, and we sit there for a moment then Dean sighs. "(Y/n), I am so, so, sorry for what I did..." he said and I close my eyes, hoping that'll keep any upcoming tears flowing, as I continue to listen to him. "It was a dick thing to do to you but I thought I was doing the right thing. I wanted to protect you and keep you away from the chaos that was going to happen." He said and I nod, slightly.
"But Ariel was right. I was being selfish and I took that choice away from you and I should've talked to you about it. I was being an idiot and a coward." He said and I open my eyes and turn to him. "You said it not me." I said, smiling a little, as he rolls his eyes at this. But he looks over at me and noticed me smiling and he gives a small smile before it fades.
"I-I know you put up alot with me and with everything going on, but I do want to say I am truly sorry about everything. And...if..." he stops and sighs, sounding like he was nervous on to say his next words. "I'd understand if you didn't want to be with me or around me again...so...if you want to leave, you can. I won't stop you." He said and I frown a bit at him as I notice his eyes were filling with tears.
"Dean..." I croaked then I felt tears building up in my eyes. I close them again and take in a deep breath then let it out, slowly, then I open my eyes again. "I'm not abandoning you. Like I said, I'm ready to kick this in the ass and help you boys any way that I can. But...us...I mean..." I said as I gesture between me and him. "What you did really hurt me and I was scared, confused, hurt and angry. I felt like the world had already collapsed." I explained and he nods, slightly, as some tears roll down his cheeks.
"I'm sorry." He whispered, tearfully. "I know you are, Dean. And I do appreciate your apology. But..." I said and I could see the look of fear on his face. "I-I need time to think about us. I think...for now at least...we need a break. So, I'll still be by your side its just...I'm gonna be getting my own room for awhile now." I said and he nods again. "Okay..." he whispered.
*3rd Person POV*
"I'm gonna go to bed." (Y/n) said and Dean nods. "Okay, I'll be in here in a minute." Dean said and (y/n) gives him a look before she nods and heads inside. Now all alone, Dean wipes away the tears then hunches over, places his hands over his head and let's out a heavy, shaky sigh.
"You stupid son of a bitch." He mutters to himself, berating himself. "You really screwed up now." Dean mutters and he runs his hands over his head back and forth. Then he sits up and looks out at nature view he has as fresh tears runs down his face. He wipes them away and huffs out a breath.
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madwomansapologist · 1 year
disney princess worrying about their girlfriends not taking care of themselves
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Masterlist | Rules | Taglist | Library | More Disney | AO3
synopsis: They understand that you think you are doing the right thing. They really do. Turns out that it doesn't make it any less worrying how you simply forget to take care of yourself and focus on taking care of them. That needs to change, and Tiana, Belle and Ariel aren't known for giving up easily.
warnings: waitress!reader x tiana. beast!reader x belle. human!reader x ariel. fluff. hurt/comfort. female!reader.
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• You were one of the first hired, which made you see many of the difficulties that Tiana had to face. From ignorant customers to structural problems, you've seen it all. But not just the problems, you saw Tiana's determination to manage everything. She never gave up, and deep down you knew she never would.
• And although you had never seen someone as determined as her, what really surprised you was how Tiana never treated anyone as inferior. You never saw her yell at anyone, even over the most grotesque mistakes. Even in situations where you would have screamed. Tiana deserved the world.
• All it took to change the boss/employee relationship to something more complicated was a longer shift, torrential rain, and the lack of an umbrella. That night you spent hours talking, laughing, forgetting about life's problems.
• As her girlfriend, your admiration turned to concern. How did Tiana think it was healthy to work so much? Or how could she stay so calm while being disrespected? How could Tiana move forward and ignore the tiredness in her body?
• You started to intervene. Entitle clients? You deal with it. Problems in the kitchen? You talk to the chefs. Did the distributors let Tiana down? You will spend the night on long calls, writing down protocols, shouting out data that the answering service never wrote down.
• But you weren't the only one paying attention to this relationship. Tiana saw you too, and she understood what you were doing. She saw you sleeping less, taking care of yourself less, paying less attention. Tiana doesn't want you to wear yourself out helping her, she wants you to be happy. And Tiana won't be able to be happy until you are.
• As your boss, Tiana abused this power. She took your restaurant key, denied you entry to the kitchen and started kicking you out whenever you got close to your stopping time. If you wouldn't stop yourself, then Tiana would take care of it.
• When Tiana understood what motivated you, she gave in. She stopped working so much overtime, demanding so much, and only thinking about work. Only then did Tiana realize that in order to take care of you, she would need to take care of herself.
• That made her even more sure about her love for you. What a dream. To fight because your girlfriend care so much about you.
• Your relationship didn't start out easy. Now you can assume that part of it — most, actually— was you fault. You did things you shouldn't. Things that only made it harder for Belle. She had all the right in the world to hate you.
• But after she ran away from you, things changed. Evolved. You saved her, and she saved you. Belle could've let you there on the snow, but she didn't. She showed her true colors to you, and you couldn't help but to get drunk on it.
• Belle is kind. You saw how your mobile talk about her. And you also saw how she treat them, how sweet she can be. Belle is fair. When you treat her badly, she didn't let you go away with it. When you saved her, she saved you. When you changed your behavior and got better as a person, she turned into a friend. And Belle is brave. That one surprised you. She is amazing.
• To let Belle go save her father was the easiest and most difficult choice you ever made. Easiest because you could never act another way, and difficult because of the same reason. You can't make her love you or stay, but you can love her and make sure that she'll be happy. Not as close as what you want, but all you can have.
• So when those vile villagers invaded your house, the last thing you thought was that she would come back to you. A animal. You were just a beast. Not a woman anymore. Not someone that deserved respect, and that could be loved. When that man hurted you, chased you throught your house, the last thing you thought you would see was Belle. But you did.
• She came back to you. She chose to help you. To protect you. She chose you, without even knowing you had the chance of being a woman again, even without knowing if you would stay alive till the end of the life.
• Then you were human again. Someone, not something. Your people, your castle, everything got better. Changed to what it really was. You were human, what means that Belle loves you. That she truly loves you.
• The beginning was difficult, but she helped. She always does that. She cut your hair to your liking, helped you with your bath, helped you learn how to eat as a person again. Belle was perfect. She always is.
• Now better, you chose to be the person she deserves. You gave her your love, a library, a place to grow old. But she deserved so much more than that. Belle deserved to live her dreams, to get things done, to live a life worthy a novel.
• You spend days and nights planning. How could you make her happier? How could you make her glad she came back to you? How could you make it up for the fact that you were you?
• You took her in so many travels. You both traveled the world. From forests to great cities, from beaches to mountains, from old towns to uncovered lands. You did everything so she would have her happy ending.
• Even things you didn't really wanted to do. Height was a problem for you, but you did went up mountains so she could smile to you. You hate from the bottom of your heart hot places with insects drinking your blood, but you pretend not to care. For her, you would do anything.
• Apparently you're not a good actress, because quickly Belle called you out. You tried to lie, to pretend to be even more happy than you actually were, but she didn't fell for it. When she asked you were you wanted to go next, you tried lying again. "Whenever you want to, dear" didn't convinced her. "South America" made Belle roll her eyes. "Germany" ended up with Belle yelling for you to say the true.
• Back at home, you were feeling like shit. How could you fail at something so easy? Not even you as a woman again could make her happy. What would be enough? How can you be enough?
• When you told that to her, for a second you thought Belle would slap you across your face. Not even when Gaston hurted you she got so mad. She yelled at you for what looked like hours. You yelled back at her because... mostly because you like to yell at people.
• Belle told you that if you ever did something you don't want to just because you guess that will make her happy she will burn the library down and never read for you again. That shut you up.
• But that same night, Belle spend hours with you on the bath and ate with a book between you both. Looking at her eyes, you saw how they glowed. How they shone like a million stars. How she was truly happy because of her dear book. Because of you. If that's enought for her... Maybe it is hee happy ending. Maybe you already got to yours.
• Ariel loves humans, but you are for sure her favorite one. No one could ever beat you. Not how adventurous you are, they way you want to be part of the sea just as she wants to be part of earth. Not how kind you were, helping her when she could speak just because you could. Or how patient you were when teaching her about your life. Or how fucking brave you were as you got into your ship and killed a gigantic Ursula to save her and her father.
• So when she overheard a conversation in which you said you're not enough for her... Ariel got so confused. How could you ever think that way about yourself? How dared you speak about yourself like that?
• She didn't said anything because she didn't want to embarrass you or anything like that, if you wanted to talk about that with her you would have done it already, but Ariel started to pay more attention to you. To see if she can understand your fear.
• As a princess, you had so many things to care about. Your people, your country, yourself. Not only that, but you were trying to explore the sea. To learn more about it. You almost don't sleep. You don't have time to do anything. You have time to yourself.
• Then Ariel understood. You think that because you can't be with her all the time that means... Ariel never thought you were so stupid. What are her? A toddler? You think she is a "away from the rest eyes, away from the mind" kind of person? Not even when she was a little mermaid she was like that!
• So to prove to you that you're enough (and she's not a child), Ariel took a adult decision. She started to help you with your work. That way she spend more time with you, and could also make you rest more often. She even asked Sebastian to help her, he's the smartess crustracious she knows.
• You did notice she was up to something, but you thought she just wanted to be more active. You could never imagine Ariel was trying to help you. What don't mean she didn't.
• Looks like Ariel is get her work done without saying anything. But that's just a guess.
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oinkinpigprince · 5 months
Water Nymph!Pim x Reader
According to google Nymphs are female forest creatures. I don’t care much about accurate fantasy though so. :33
Water Nymph Pim x reader
You were exploring deep into the scary woods, which weren’t all that scary if you had a marker. Walking around looking for things to grab you see a small river area.
Walking closer you notice a man in the midst of vines. Hearing you before you saw him he waved at you excitedly, hoping to catch your attention.
Wondering closer you sat on the river bank and asks him who he was, that’s how you met Pim Pimling! Just as you got closer you noticed his strange features, find and scales. Looking below you saw his webbed hands and feet
Pim explained that he was a water nymph. Able to control anything in the river and what it’s connected to. Growing you a Lilly pad
Talking with him for hours time flew by like a breeze. You two shared tales, stories, jokes. It felt like you two met before, ‘maybe in another life’ he told you.
As the sun set you said your goodbyes, promising to meet with him tomorrow. Parting ways you would meet another day.
Pim loved making you beautiful bouquets of water flowers, Lillys upon lotus. Wrapped in algae for you. It was a sopping wet mess of beauty.
Can be very playful too, splashing you gently with water. Often having splash fights, he never lets you get into the river though. It’s too dangerous for a simple human/critter. You’ll get swept away!
Although if you ask him enough he’ll slow down the current so you can swim with him. It’s nice on a hot summer day to just play in the river
Loves teaching you about the nature surrounding you two. Knows everything about plants and animals. Let you hold a baby bird once too.
Really good with animals, you call him Snow White. Even though he doesn’t really know what you mean he laughs along with your jokes. No matter the species, he loves it. Even fish!
Is fascinated by your human culture, he eats up every bit of information excitedly. It’s a bit like Ariel but he’s just too nervous to try and see it. He loves your stories though
The first time you touched his skin, it was, amazing. His skin was soft and cold, you could feel each tiny scale under your finger tips. It was magical! He liked your hands, they were dry and warm
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megamindsecretlair · 1 year
It Started With a Whisper - Chapter 7
Chapter 6 Chapter 8
Pairing: Sam Wilson x Black!Fem!reader / Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+. Minors DNI. You are in charge of your own reading experience. Some sentences are intentional AAVE. Cursing, Angst, mentions of violence, medication for anxiety, guilt. Hurt/Comfort, some fluff. Sorry if I missed some!
Summary: You are the front desk clerk who started a few months ago and you have a major crush on Sam Wilson, the handsome and sweet trauma counselor. You witness some of the battle at the Triskelion and you fear for Sam's safety.
Word Count: 3,022k
A/N: Sam still makes me SICK!!!! He's so adorable. LOL. Likes are always awesome. Please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers! I love hearing your thoughts!
Taglist: @multiversefanfics @chaos-4baby @leahnicole1219
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You didn’t know what you would do without Ariel. For the past two days, she had been by your side. The irony wasn’t lost on you. You needed supervision just like your mom did. You tried to be less needy, less worrisome, or less in general. You were no stranger to putting your needs on hold to make everyone around you feel better. 
“Stop it,” Ariel said. You were folding laundry while sitting on the couch. She had thrown on a trashy movie and you were half paying attention. 
“Hm?” You asked.
“You haven’t taken a proper breath since you spoke to Sam. It’s okay to miss him,” she said.
“I know. I’ve said I missed him,” you said. You didn’t know what she was on about.
She snatched the shirt out of your hands and pinned you with a glare. “You always disappear in your head when you’re feeling some type of way. Then you start piddling,” she told you. 
You opened your mouth to argue but no words came. She was right. You hated being a burden. You were the one who took care of others, not the other way around. Your mom was napping upstairs and despite your protests, your dad had gone off to work anyway. Your siblings were in school so the house was as quiet as it was going to get.
“I can’t help it. I feel useless just sitting here, waiting for news. I can’t ask him to update me every minute of the day just because I’m worried,” you admitted. You had facts to fall back on to combat your growing panic. They were trained soldiers. And you were just a lowly civilian who didn’t even know how to throw a punch. What could you possibly do to contribute? 
“No, but it’s okay to talk to me about it. You’re not alone,” Ariel said. You sighed. Per usual, she was right. Annoyingly so. You put the shirt into the laundry basket and placed it on the floor. You sat back on the couch and folded your arms. This felt so weird but you were determined to “relax”.
You made Ariel tell you about what’s going on in her life. It had been your show for the past few days and that wasn’t fair. She was an incredible friend. An amazing friend with the patience of a saint. 
She told you about the new woman she was seeing and she was hopeful that this one wasn’t crazy. You snorted with laughter. Ariel lived for the drama and that extended to her significant others as well. Male or female, Ariel attracted crazies like bees to flowers. 
Ariel took a call while you focused on the TV. “What?!” 
Ariel snatched the remote from the couch and flipped the channel to the news. There was shaky camera work pointed at…three enormous ships floating in the air. What kind of sci-fi shit was this? Aliens didn’t like the defeat in NY, so now they’re back? 
You prayed that your mom was still asleep. If she woke to this…there would be no calming her down. Your dad was the only one who managed it and it took its toll on him. 
The news was reporting a massive dump of information from SHIELD, a spy group used to protect the world from otherworldly threats. So much for that. They couldn’t even stop those aliens. 
They were reporting more news about Steve being a fugitive but already, they were mining information about his missions and how he was still a hero. Fancy that. The news were reluctant to say they were wrong. Clearly it was because they received false information from Hydra. Clearly. 
The camera was blurry as it tried to catch all of the action. You saw fighter jets flying and shooting at the ships, helicopters, and some kind of…bird thing flying around. 
“Shit! Girl, I think that’s Sam!” Ariel shoved her phone in your face. Some idiot on the internet close to the battle was live-streaming it and providing stupid dude-bro commentary. But, the bird-like thing looked like a man. Like a familiar Black man.
“He can fly now?” 
“Hell if I know!” You fought the urge to pace. You were not a pacer. You will not turn into your mom. Sam wouldn’t be in that thing if he didn’t know what he was doing. He had so much explaining to do when he made it back. And he will make it back. You believed it. 
“Are…we sure Sam is a good guy? Tangling with whatever this is?” Ariel asked softly. It had to be asked. But fire roiled in your chest. Sam was the epitome of good. He would not be part of a racist organization. You didn’t pay too much attention to the Steve exhibit when you went, but you knew Hydra was a splinter from the Nazis. The exhibit smacked of further good ole boy propaganda. 
You believed Steve really did those things. You believed he was a hero. But you also knew that there was more to the story. You were content to let everyone believe in the fantasy. But now that you sort of knew Steve, you wondered if he’d be open to questions. You just wanted them for yourself. You wouldn’t blast it to the internet. 
You watched out for Sam as much as you could but the guns on the ships started to turn. They were going to shoot? Shoot at what? The news was no help. They were too busy drooling over SHIELD private files. And the guerilla journalism of civilians on the street were rife with unconfirmed reporting, guessing, and some outright lying. The racist idiots were praising Hydra. Praising them. 
The guns started to fire on each other. Sam was still somewhere in there. Your throat went dry as you watched. Fires exploded on the ships. The screen cut to the news anchors who shuffled papers, looking solemn. They said it was too graphic to show on screen. 
You watched more from Ariel’s phone but debris started to rain down so people were starting to run for cover. You made a strangled noise in the back of your throat. Ariel idly rubbed your back. She told you that Sam was fine.
You sure as fuck hoped so. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. He wasn’t supposed to get hurt. Help Steve and Natasha, sure. But not like this. Not endangering himself like this. Again, you were helpless watching and waiting. You hated this feeling. You wanted no parts of it. 
Did that mean you’d have to give up Sam? The thought alone made you sick. Physically ill. Your stomach churned and flipped. Your hands shook. In a short amount of time, Sam got under your skin. He consumed your thoughts. You didn’t want to give him up. But you didn’t know if you were strong enough to endure not knowing.
The news flipped back to the battle. The ships had fallen. The three sided building had collapsed. The death toll and casualty rates were starting to roll in. You didn’t want to see Sam’s name on it. You turned the channel and Ariel tried to distract you with more drama about her love life. 
You felt like you were out of your body. It felt wrong, like it fit wrong. You picked at your nails and your leg bounced. It was going to be a long fucking day.
Later in the evening, Ariel had to run out but promised she’d be back. You told her that she didn’t have to but she knew you. Your siblings were sent home due to the events that happened at SHIELD headquarters. The stupid teachers actually showed it on TV. How was that appropriate? They weren’t babies, they were nearly adults, but still. You were an adult and you barely stomached it.
Then again, the teachers turned on 9/11 for you as a kid. It wasn’t a smart decision but after everything that’s happened the past few years, you were worried what would happen to this generation. Would they be desensitized to the violence? It seemed like it was constant now. Was it any better to bury their heads in the sand? 
You didn’t have the time nor energy for philosophical debates at the moment. You got dinner started. Your dad came home and he was relieved that you managed to keep your mom from the news. It wasn’t hard. She passed out all day. On the off chance that she actually took her meds, they usually evened her out. Which meant she was finally ready to sleep. 
You lost yourself in the mundane task of taking care of your family. You listened to your siblings talk about their day, careful to avoid the huge battle. Poor kids. They shouldn’t have to protect their mom like this. It was supposed to be the other way around. 
Your phone rang and you looked at the caller ID. It was a hospital. 
“Hello?” You rushed to answer.
They confirmed your name. “Sam Wilson directed us to contact you. He’s stable and awake,” they said.
“Oh, god,” you said. You told your family that you were leaving. You had no time for thinking, just moving. You shoved on your shoes, grabbed a jacket, and headed out to your car. You texted Ariel that Sam was fine and you were going to see him.
You didn’t care about obeying traffic laws. The streets were a mess. Emergency vehicles were screaming down the street trying to deal with the aftermath of the battle. The dark streets felt like an omen. But you shook the thought. Fuck that. The hospital said he was awake and stable. And he asked for you.
You made it to the hospital. It was insane. There were emergency workers clogging up the place. A new ambulance rolled through every three minutes. The staff were harried as they directed everyone around like drill sergeants. 
You managed to get a nurse at the front desk to notice you. You told him you were there to see Sam. “Relation?” 
“I’m his…” You sighed. What were you to him? Friend seemed too small. Not after the incredible night you spent together. “I’m his girlfriend.” 
The nurse nodded and told you his room number. You took the elevator up and went to his room. The room was dark and you wondered if he fell asleep while you were on your way over.
“Hey gorgeous,” he said. His voice was strained. But he was there. In the flesh. Where you could reach out and hug him. 
You pushed into the room and half closed the door to block out the frantic chaos outside. You fought yourself, hard. You wanted to crush him. You wanted to slap him. You wanted to kiss him until your lips were swollen and numb.
You crossed the room and caressed his head, his cheek. He had darkening bruises on his face and a few nasty cuts. But he was here. You smiled at him and leaned down to hug him. “You bastard,” you said.
He chuckled and then groaned. “Oh, don’t make me laugh. God, I missed you.” His voice was muffled in the crook of your neck. You didn’t want to let him go. 
He must’ve sensed it because he scooted over in bed and patted it. “You’re joking,” you said. That little ass bed was not big enough for your big ass and Sam’s bulk. You folded your arms. You didn’t always want to call attention to your weight, but you were not some dainty flower that could scoot in anywhere you wanted. There were limits.
“Lay down with me. I’m hurtin’,” he said. He gave you puppy dog eyes. “You wouldn’t want to leave me hanging, would you?” 
“You can’t lay it on any thicker?” You asked and giggled.
“I could try if you really want me to,” he said and grinned. It only drew attention to the cuts on his face. 
You sighed and put your purse down on the nearest chair. You climbed into the bed with him and he scooted over to the other side to allow you more room. You still had to throw a leg over him. But he never grunted. He never complained. He just wrapped you in his arms and sighed. It was a deep sigh that communicated a thousand words. 
You breathed him in. He was still him underneath the faintly medicinal scent and cleaning products. You were on his right side, but you still dimly heard his heartbeat pumping away. Keeping him alive and in your arms.
“You scared the hell outta me, Sam,” you said.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry I worried you,” he said. He kissed the top of your forehead. You closed your eyes. You pretended that you were back at his place, in his bed. That he had only left you long enough to get food from the delivery driver and he had slipped back into bed. You could almost picture it in your mind’s eye. The heart monitor was nothing more than his air conditioner. Right.
“I’m just glad you’re safe,” you said.
“Hey, I’m always coming home. Always.”
“You can’t make that promise,” you told him. 
“Yes, I can. If you’ll have me, I promise I’ll always come home to you. Hell or high water,” he said. 
If you’ll have him…that was the million dollar sentence. It took all of your willpower to not be a coward. To stay pressed against him. This was supposed to be casual but there was nothing casual about what you felt for Sam.
From the moment he whispered to you after your first few days at the VA. You had your back turned. In his soft, deep voice, he whispered so he didn’t startle you. It still startled you. You were so nervous, trying not to mess up badly. You had been having a shitty day. You couldn’t get the copier to work and it was spitting out weird ink streaks all over the paper. 
But that whisper. Ever since then, you wondered if your reluctance to go out with him had to do with you knowing on some level that this was bigger than just you two. You didn’t believe in that love at first sight crap. But you knew that he was important. You just didn’t realize how important until you thought he was gone. Ripped away from you forever.
“I’ll hold you to the hell or high water, Sam. Otherwise I’ll have to find you myself,” you said.
He sighed as if he were waiting on your answer. He chuckled and lifted your chin to look into your eyes. You stared into his warm brown eyes. He leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on your lips. Reverent. Like you were precious glass freshly cooled from the furnace. 
“I’ll be here. You won’t get rid of me that easy,” he said. 
“Good. You’re not getting rid of me that easy either,” you said. It may be a stupid decision on your part. You had a chance to end it right here and now. However, there was no other place you’d rather be. Being in his arms was the safest you’ve ever felt. Truly safe. Like nothing and no one could touch you. He wouldn’t let them.
You stayed in his bed for quite a while. No one came to bother you while you were there, talking and getting some clue as to what he’d been up to. He promised to tell the whole sordid affair when you had some privacy. Some things, he wasn’t comfortable sharing where anyone could hear. You understood that. Even though you were dying for answers. 
“How quickly do you think I could make you cum before another nurse checks on us?” Sam asked, after a lull in conversation. You tapped his chest and he grunted, but you got the feeling he faked it.
“Absolutely the fuck not! I’m not having sex with you while you’re lying in a hospital bed!” Did this man ever not have sex on the brain? Maybe he hit his head too badly during the battle. 
“Come on!” He groaned. “I missed tasting you. It wasn’t enough last time.” His voice dropped into a seductive whisper, tickling your ear. Your body instantly reacted to him. 
“No!” You said and giggled. 
He sighed. “You’re no fun.” 
You laughed and shook your head. “Why don’t you hurry and heal and then I can show you exactly how much I’m glad you’re okay,” you said.
Sam looked at you and grinned. “Where the nurse at? I’ve had a full recovery.” 
You snorted with ugly laughter as Sam moved as if he were going to stand up. You pushed him down and he playfully tried to get up again. You moved until you were practically laying on him. He peppered you with kisses. You were still worried about him and you were sure it showed on your face. 
“I’m fine, I promise. Just a little ass whuppin’,” he said.
“Yours or the other guys’?” You asked.
“His! I was winning that fight. ‘Till the damn helicarrier came crashing through the building,” he said. 
You squinted at him and he laughed. “I’m serious,” he said.
“I believe you,” You said in a tone that made it sound like you didn’t believe him. He tickled you until you relented and yelled out that you really believed him. Once settled, you took note of his furrowed brows, sweat, and his heart rate increasing.
“You in pain, baby?” You asked and caressed his head. It was on the tip of his tongue to deny it. You could tell because he smiled. But it was more of a grimace. He nodded. 
You moved to get up but his arms tightened on you. “I don’t want to let you go yet,” he whispered.
You kissed his forehead. “I’m not going anywhere, Sam. It’s you and me,” you said.
This time, he did smile for real. “I like the sound of that.”
You liked the sound of it too.
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Masterlist | Chapter 6 | Chapter 8
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